povzetki/abstracts jezika na področju raziskovalne in pedagoške dejavnosti Univerze v Ljubljani ne odziva dovolj sistematično in ažurno. Prispevek najprej povzema relevantna teoretična izhodišča in nadalje nekaj ključnih izsledkov empirične raziskave o obsegu in razlogih za rabo slovenščine in drugih jezikov pri pedagoškem in znanstveno-raziskoval-nem delu visokošolskih učiteljev Univerze v Ljubljani. Ključne besede-, jezikovna politika, jezik, visoko šolstvo, raziskovalna dejavnost, pedagoška dejavnost Language situation in research and educational activities at the University of Ljubljana In the field of Slovenian scientific language, regarding the language of lectures and publishing, the view on the use of language and consequently on the position of languages is defining. Language policy does not respond sufficiently and systematically to the undefined and disorderly intertwined use of Slovenian and English language and also to the growing and more frequent use of English in the field of research and educational activities at the University of Ljubljana. The paper summarises firstly some relevant theoretical frameworks and further some of the key findings of the empirical research on the extent and reasons for professors at the University of Ljubljana to use the Slovenian language and other language(s) in their pedagogical, scientific and research work. Key words-, language policy, language, higher education, research activity, educational activity. Valerija Vendramin Kazalniki ospoljenih neenakosti: omejitve spolno občutljivih kazalnikov v kontekstu kompleksnosti vzgoje in izobraževanja Avtorica se osredotoča na problematiko kazalnikov, še posebej spolno občutljivih kazalnikov na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Izhajajoč iz epi-stemoloških podlag feministične teorije problematizira nekatere splošno razumljene značilnosti kazalnikov, kot so univerzalnost, linearnost, mednarodna primerljivost ... Ob pogledu na nekatere mednarodne kazalnike, predvsem za polje vzgoje in izobraževanja, kot so bili razviti zlasti pri Združenih narodih in Unescu avtorica tudi pokaže različnost prioritet in pomanjkljivosti zajema družbene realnosti. Pokaže se, da je kazalnik lahko »lažno optimističen« in da enostavne kategorije, ki so posledica konceptualnega manka, še zdaleč ne morejo zajeti vseh vidikov družbene realnosti. Sistemska diskriminacija ni samo del preučevanega področja, pač pa tudi instrumentov, s katerimi preučujemo, merimo in evalviramo. Gre torej za prispevek k razumevanju omejitev kazalnikov in njihovemu branju, ne pa za argumente proti uporabi kazalnikov, še posebej v procesu informiranja javnih politik. Ključne besede: enakost med spoloma, spolno občutljivi kazalniki, merjenja neenakosti, stopnja vpisa, dosežki Indicators of gender inequalities: the limitations of gender-sensitive indicators in the context of educational complexities The author focuses on the problems of indicators, especially gender-sensitive indicators in education. She establishes her research on the epis-temological bases of feminist theory and problematizes some generally understood characteristics of indicators, such as universality, linearity, international comparability... Taking into account some international indicators, especially for education, as developed by United Nations and Unesco, she demonstrates different priorities and deficiencies in capturing social reality. It is shown that an indicator can be "falsely optimistic" and that simple categories such as a lack of the consequence of a lack of concept cannot capture all the aspects of social reality. Systemic discrimination is not only part of the researched area, but also part of the instruments, with the help of which we research, measure and evaluate. This is, in short, a contribution towards understanding the limitations of indicators and their reading; it is not about arguments against the use of indicators, especially in the process of informing public policy. Key words: gender equality, gender-sensitive indicators, measures of inequality, enrolment rate, achievements. Taja Kramberger Nacionalsocialistična koncepcija znanosti in morilska govorica {langage meurtrier) V prvem delu članek prikazuje značilnosti nacionalsocialistične koncepcije znanosti z oporo v ideologiji völkisch in navaja nekatere njene regresivne družbene učinke, kot so okrepitev antiintelektualizma, degradacija temeljnih znanosti in intelektualnega dela, diktatura mediokritete itn. V drugem delu pa članek razgrinja dispozitiv Nazi-Deutsch, se pravi nacistične govorice/diskurza in oriše mehanizme njenega/njegovega delovanja. Diskurz tretjega rajha, po Jean-Pierru Fayu imenovan tudi langage meurtrier, je redukcija kompleksnih jezikovnih funkcij na zgolj eno - ritu-alno-zaklinjalsko. Kot tak je spodbujal nemišljenje (nemišljeno) in spontano intuituvne, torej povsem ideološke aktivnosti ljudi. Kot invazivna povzetki/abstracts oblika kamuflažno-propagandistične retorike pa je diskurz tretjega rajha meril na zelo natančne in morilske učinke v realnosti, katerih konkretna manifestacija je bil genocid, zato ga nekateri avtorji imenujejo tudi geno-cidna govorica. Ključne besede-, nacionalsocializem, univerza, znanost, deregulacija akademskega sveta, morilska govorica (langage meurtrier), antiintelektuali-zem National Socialist Conception of Science and murderous language (langage meurtrier) This article in its first part exposes some of the characteristic features of National Socialist conception of science sunk in its völkisch ideology, and names some of its regressive social consequences, such as affirmation of aggressive anti-intellectualism, degradation of basic scientific research and intellectual work, dictatorship of mediocrity etc. Whereas in its second part, the article shows the dispositive of Nazi-Deutsch, that is a Nazi language/discourse, and delineates mechanisms of its agency. Discourse of the Third Reich, which Jean-Pierre Faye named langage meurtrier (;murderous or killing language), is a reduction of complex and varied usages of speech to one single one - a ritually-incantatory one. As such this language stimulated unthinking (unthought) and spontaneously intuitive, thus completely ideological activities of people. Though as an invasive form of rhetoric camouflage and propaganda discourse of the Third Reich had a very precise and murderous effects in reality, the ultimate manifestation of these effects was in genocide, which is why some of authors also name it a genocide language. Key words-. National Socialism, university, science, deregulation of academic world, murderous (killing) language {langage meurtrier), anti-intellectualism.