Catheter ablation of repetitive ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease – our experience 257 IzvIrnI znanstvenI članek idzdrav vestn | julij – avgust 2017 | letnik 86 Department of Cardiology, Division of internal medicine, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana Korespondenca/ Correspondence: Matjaž Šinkovec, e: Ključne besede: prekatna tahikardija; koronarna bolezen; ishemična kardiomiopatija; radiofrekvenčna ablacija; katetrska ablacija; klinični izid Key words: ventricular tachycardia; coronary artery disease; ischaemic cardiomyopathy; radiofrequency ablation; catheter ablation; clinical outcome Citirajte kot/Cite as: zdrav vestn. 2016; 85:257–65. Prispelo: 4. 8. 2015 sprejeto: 16. 1. 2017 srce in ožiljeIzvirni znanstveni članek Catheter ablation of repetitive ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease – our experience Katetrska ablacija ponavljajoče se prekatne tahikardije pri bolnikih z ishemično boleznijo srca – naše izkušnje Matjaž Šinkovec, Bor antolič, luka klemen, andrej Pernat Abstract Background: Ventricular tachycardia (VT) poses a significant risk for sudden death and heart fail- ure exacerbation in patients with ischemic heart disease. Catheter-based radiofrequency ablation is the last treatment option for patients with frequent VT recurrences despite antiarrhythmic drugs. The aim was to present our retrospective catheter ablation data in this group of patients. Patients and methods: The majority of 34 patients, who underwent percutaneous endocardial radiofrequency catheter ablation, were male, median age 67.5 years, who presented with electrical storm, had underlying cardiomyopathy after remote inferior wall myocardial infarction and preced- ing myocardial revascularization procedure, and had been implanted with cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). Two ablation methods were used: linear ablation and/or scar homogenization. Acute ablation success (non-inducibility of any VT) was achieved in 59 % of procedures. VT could not be inter- rupted in 2 (6 %) patients. Pericardial tamponade that needed surgical intervention occurred in one procedure (2 %), and was related to inadvertent perforation of the right ventricular apex with a di- agnostic catheter. Seven (20 %) patients died and additional 3 were lost from the median of 31 (6–151, rank) months of follow-up. No late VT recurrences were demonstrated in 20 (59 %) patients, and rare in 4 (12 %). Overall, the ablation procedure was successful in 71 % of patients. Conclusion: Catheter ablation gave very good long-term clinical result in about two-thirds of our patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy and frequent VT recurrences. Catheter ablation, preferably with scar homogenization approach, should be considered early to reduce the number of VT epi- sodes and ICD discharges. Izvleček Izhodišča: Pri bolnikih z ishemično boleznijo srca je prekatna tahikardija (VT) pomemben dejavnik tveganja za nenadno smrt ali poslabšanje srčnega popuščanja. Katetrska radiofrekvenčna ablacija je zadnja možnost za bolnike s pogostimi napadi VT, pri katerih zdravljenje z antiaritmiki ni učin- kovito. Namen prispevka je predstaviti naše retrospektivne rezultate katetrske ablacije VT pri teh bolnikih. Pacienti in metode: Večina od 34 bolnikov, pri katerih smo opravili perkutano endokardno radiofre- kvenčno katetrsko ablacijo, so bili moški mediane starosti 67,5 let, ki so imeli ob sprejemu električni vihar in kardiomiopatijo po starem spodnjestenskem srčnem infarktu. Večina je že imela opravljen revaskularizaciski poseg in vsajen kardioverter defibrilator (ICD). Ablacijo smo opravili na dva nači- na – z linijskimi ablacijami in/ali s homogenizacijo brazgotine. Akutni ablacijski uspeh (neizzivnost katere koli VT) smo dosegli pri 59 % posegov. Pri 2 (6 %) bolnikih nam z ablacijo ni uspelo prekiniti VT. Tamponada, ki je zahtevala kirurško intervencijo, je nastala pri enem posegu (2 %) in je bila pov- 258 zdrav vestn | julij – avgust 2017 | letnik 86 srCe In ožIlje zročena z diagnostičnim katetrom v desnem ventriklu. V 31 (6–151) mesecih spremljanja (mediana in rang) je umrlo 7 bolnikov (20 %) in 3 (9 %) se niso več oglasili v ambulanti. Pri 20 (59 %) bolnikih nismo beležili poznih recidivov VT, pri 4 (12 %) pa redke. Ablacijski poseg je bil torej uspešen pri 71 % naših bolnikov. Zaključki: Pri dveh tretjinah naših bolnikov z ishemično kardiomiopatijo in pogostimi napadi VT smo dosegli s katetrsko ablacijo zelo dober dolgoročen klinični rezultat. Zato s posegom ne smemo odlašati, saj le na tak način lahko učinkovito preprečimo ponovne napade VT in proženje ICD. Pred- nost ima metoda homogenizacije brazgotine. 1. Introduction Ventricular tachyarrhythmias (VA) pose a significant risk for sudden death and heart failure exacerbation in pati- ents with ischemic heart disease (IHD). One-third of deaths after myocardial infarction (MI) is caused by VA. Survi- val of these patients improved conside- rably after introduction of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs)  (1). However, ICD shocks are painful, cause anxiety, depression, and more visits to emergency department–all resulting in a low quality of life. Almost one-fourth of patients experienced an ICD dischar- ge after 5 years of follow-up in the AL- TITUDE registry. In addition, frequent ICD discharges may in itself increase mortality  (2). Beta-blocking drugs and amiodarone reduced the incidence of ventricular tachycardia (VT) in some patients, however amiodarone is toxic and was withdrawn in almost one-quar- ter of patients (3). Catheter-based radiofrequency (RF) ablation is currently treatment of choice for patients with structural heart disease and frequent VT  (4,5). In addition, the new generation of 3-D electro-anatomi- cal mapping systems have substantially improved ablation results  (5,6). These systems enable accurate heart chamber anatomical reconstruction, reproduci- ble delineation of normal myocardium from the scar, based on electrogram am- plitude, accurate determination of VT activation sequence, as well as reliable navigation and positioning of ablation/ mapping and diagnostic catheters, redu- cing the need for fluoroscopy (Figure 1). With successful ablation procedure there are less ICD discharges, less hospitaliza- tions, better quality of life, and possibly improved survival (6,7). The aim was to present our retrospec- tive catheter VT ablation results in pati- ents with IHD. 2. Patients and methods From a cohort of patients treated at our institution from January 2000 to December 2014 for recurrent sympto- matic VA or frequent ICD shocks despite amiodarone and beta-blocking drug tre- atment, patients with IHD were selected in whom a catheter RF ablation proce- dure was performed. In addition to left ventricular thrombus, acute triggers for VA, such as ischemia, heart failure not caused by VT, infection, electrolyte or acid-base imbalance, and stroke, had to be excluded before the procedure. The- refore, coronary angiogram and echo- cardiogram were performed in all. The SPECT scan, gadolinium-enhanced MR scan, and CT were performed if feasible. A 12-lead ECG of clinical VT was acqui- red if available. All patients or relatives provided an informed consent before the procedure. Ablation procedure was usually per- formed in the conscious-sedated pati- Catheter ablation of repetitive ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease – our experience 259 IzvIrnI znanstvenI članek ents (fentanyl, midazolam or propofol), anticoagulated with unfractionated he- parin – activated coagulation time 300– 400 s –, and with invasively monitored arterial pressure. The 3-D electro-anato- mical mapping system (CARTO, Biosen- se-Webster), irrigated-tip RF ablation catheter–with retrograde or trans-septal approach – and fixed or steerable long sheaths were used. The ablation strate- gy evolved over time. At the beginning, a »linear ablation« approach was used. Linear lesions were performed between the low-voltage areas and to the mitral annulus, or around and across low-vol- tage areas, particularly near the VT exit sites. Later on, a »scar homogenization or scar de-channelling« approach was im- plemented (Figure 1). A dense voltage- -mapping during sinus rhythm for sub- strate characterization was performed and RF ablation of all local electrograms (EGs) within the low-voltage area, whi- ch characterize a viable myocardium within the scar, was done. The VT in- duction attempt with programmed sti- mulation was performed only at the end of the procedure to assess the treatment result. Low-voltage area was defined for EGs less than 1.5 mV. The pace-mapping was performed at low-voltage areas to define VT exit sites and conducting channels according to QRS morphology and stimulus-to-QRS time. Sustained or non-sustained clinical VT is frequently induced at this point. The entrainment mapping was quickly done to define slow-conducting zone in patients with haemodynamically stable VT. RF appli- cations (35–50W, 17–30 mL/min) were targeting all sharp fragmented EGs at sites with long pace-to-QRS time (> 50 ms) or diastolic EGs during VT. The ablation endpoint was disappearance of all local EGs in the low-voltage area with loss of capture at 10 mA, 2 ms, providing a good catheter-tissue contact  (8). The Table 1: Clinical characteristics and catheter ablation results in our patients with ischemic heart disease and recurrent ventricular tachycardia. Patients (n) 34 age (median, range) 67.5 years (53–84) Men (n) 31 (91 %) electrical storm* 23 (68 %) slow vt** 16 (47 %) MI in the past 30 (88 %) -infero-posterolateral scar 24 (80 %) lveF < 45 % 27 (79 %) ICD 23 (68 %) Myocardial revascularization in the past 25 (73 %) arterial hypertension 23 (68 %) Chronic kidney disease II-Iv*** 8 (24 %) atrial fibrillation/flutter 7 (21 %) Peripheral vascular disease 5 (15 %) Diabetes (n) 4 (12 %) Ablation procedure results (n) 44 - success 19 (59 %) - partial success 8 (25 %) - failure 5 (16 %) - not tested 12 (28 %) DAP (µGym2) median (range) 667 (155–5182) Fluoroscopy (min) x ± sD (range) 21 ± 14 (8–68) Procedure time**** (min) x ± sD (range) 240 ± 52 (165–345) tamponade 1 (2 %) Follow-up results (median, range) 31 months (6–151) - no vt recurrence 20 (59 %) - rare late vt recurrences 4 (12 %) - death up-to 6 months 5 and 1 + - all deaths 7 and 3 + *≥ 3 separate episodes of ventricular tachyarrhythmia in 24 h, each requiring termination by ICD or other intervention; ** ≤ 140/min; ***glomerular filtration rate: 15–89 mL/min/1.73 m2; ****from punction to catheter withdrawal;+ absent after the last regular ICD visit; MI – myocardial infarction, LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction, ICD – implantable cardioverter defibrillator, DAP – dose area product, AAD – antiarrhythmic drugs 260 zdrav vestn | julij – avgust 2017 | letnik 86 srCe In ožIlje Figure 1: the »scar homogenization« or »scar de-channelling« ablation approach. radiofrequency catheter ablation lesions are tagged with dark red points on the red background of the low-voltage area. normal-voltage area is shown in purple. this approach seems more successful than former linear ablation approach. a sharp late local electrogram – an ablation target–is marked by an arrow. It represents muscle tissue within the scar that is activated late, after the Qrs complex seen above. final step was programmed stimulation from the right ventricle and from the border of the ablated low-voltage area. A protocol 600/350/300/300 ms was used for VT induction. An acute success was defined as non-inducibility of any VT, partial success as non-inducibility of cli- nical VT, and acute failure as inducibility of clinical VT. The long-term success was defined as no VT recurrence during the follow-up. A success with rare recurrences was defined as > 75 % reduction in VT re- currences over the same period of time– with or without antiarrhythmic medica- tions, and other results were considered non-successful. The term electrical storm was defined as ≥ 3 separate episodes of VA in 24 h, each requiring termination by ICD or other intervention. Slow VT was defined at frequency < 140/min. The VT recurrence was defined as any VT of ≥ 30 s duration or VT with ICD in- terrogation (anti-tachycardia pacing or discharge). Descriptive statistics was used for data presentation. 3. Results From 317 consecutive patients (202 male, 64 %), structural heart disease was identified in 100 patients (31 %), 82 male (82 %). Out of these, the most prevalent underlying pathology was CAD (53 pa- tients (53 %), 45 male (85 %)) followed by other cardiomyopathies (dilated–18, arrhythmogenic right ventricular–9, su- spected myocarditis–6, congenital–5, hypertensive–4, valvular–4, and hyper- trophic–1) (Figure 2). Catheter ablation for sustained mo- nomorphic VT was performed in 34/53 patients (64 %) with CAD due to amioda- rone and beta-blocking drug treatment Catheter ablation of repetitive ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease – our experience 261 IzvIrnI znanstvenI članek Figure 2: Patients with structural heart disease (n = 100, male 82) from our cohort of patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is the most prevalent (53 %), followed by dilative cardiomyopathy (DCM) and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (aCM). among others are patients with suspected myocarditis, congenital disease, hypertensive cardiomyopathy, valvular cardiomyopathy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. failure or amiodarone withdrawal due to toxicity (Table 1). Significant comorbi- dities were present in majority of them (Table 1). Myocardial revascularizati- on procedures were performed in 25/34 (73 %) patients–surgery in 15 (60 %) and percutaneous intervention in additional 10 patients (40 %). Electrical storm and slow VT were the most frequent initial presentations. ICD was implanted befo- re the first ablation procedure in 23/34 patients (68 %) and in additional 8 after- wards. Therefore, 91 % of patients were treated with ICDs during the follow-up. The majority of VT ablation procedures were performed over the last years (Fi- gure 3). Scar-related re-entry due to remo- te myocardial infarction was the most frequent mechanism of VT seen in 30/34 patients (88 %). Scar was located in the infero-posterolateral area of the left ven- tricle in majority (24/30 patients, 80 %). Recurrent VA triggered by Purkinje-re- lated or outflow-tract premature ventri- cular complex-related VA was suspected in 4/34 patients (11 %). The 3-D electro-anatomical mapping system (CARTO) was used in 39/44 (89 %) of procedures. »Scar homogeni- zation« approach was used in 27/44 pro- cedures (61 %), »linear ablation« appro- ach in 13/44 (30 %), and focal ablation in 4/44 (9 %) procedures. In all, only endo- cardial RF ablation was performed. Acute success was tested at the end of the procedure in 32/44 procedures and the result was successful in 19/32 procedures (59 %), partially success- ful in 8/32 (25 %), and procedure failed in 5/32 (16 %). Testing was not perfor- med in other 12 procedures because of hemodynamic instability and frequent electrical cardioversions/defibrillations during the procedure. There were no procedure-related deaths. A pericardial tamponade that needed surgical inter- vention occurred in one procedure (2 %). It was related to diagnostic catheter per- foration at the right ventricular apex in a patient on dual antiplatelet therapy. Data for minor vascular access complications or transient heart failure exacerbation were incomplete, but definitely below 10 %. In 2/34 patients (6 %) incessant VT could not be terminated acutely (one pa- tient died during the initial hospitalizati- on and another after 2 months of follow- -up, both due to uncontrollable slow VT with progression to heart failure). Median (rank) follow-up time was 31 months (6–151). Seven patients died and 3 did not come to regular out-pati- ent visits after 4, 11 and 82 months. Five patients died during 6 months of follow- -up (2 during initial hospitalization–one due to uncontrollable slow VT menti- oned before, another in terminal heart failure; others after 1, 2, and 3 months, IHD Legend: DCM ACM other 262 zdrav vestn | julij – avgust 2017 | letnik 86 srCe In ožIlje respectively). Other two patients died after 9, and 112 months of follow-up. No VT recurrences were documented after at least 6 months of follow-up in 20/34 patients (59 %, 1 with 3 procedures and 3 with 2 procedures) and rare VT episodes were documented in additional 4 (12 %; 22, 24, 36 and 48 months after ablation). Ten patients are without antiarrhythmic drugs, 6 on amiodarone and ranolazine, 6 on amiodarone, and 2 are on ranolazi- ne alone. The majority of VT recurrences (75 %) were documented up-to 6 months after ablation procedure (Figure. 4). 4. Discussion Our patients with IHD, in whom we performed endocardial RF catheter ablation for frequent VTs and ICD di- scharges, were typically male in their sixties, with ICM after remote inferior wall MI, after myocardial revasculari- zation procedure, and with implanted ICD. Two-thirds of them presented with electrical storm. This report represents a single-centre retrospective clinical expe- rience. The scar homogenization ablation approach that we adopted recently is promising. However, a prospective ran- domized study is needed to provide the proof of scar homogenization superiori- ty over the linear ablation approach. Ne- vertheless, the success rate (clinical be- nefit in 71 % of patients) and safety (one major complication in the series only) are acceptable and comparable to repor- ted data from the world’s leading centres (Table 2)  (6,9-14). In another 13 studies with mean follow-up of 12 months or more, 50–88 % of patients were free of any VT, with 30–100 % continuing on previously ineffective antiarrhythmic medications (5). The efficacy of VT abla- tion was also emphasized in a recent on- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Figure 3: number of ventricular tachycardia (vt) catheter ablation procedures per year in patients with ischemic heart disease (UCC ljubljana). numbers have been increasing over the last few years. Catheter ablation of repetitive ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease – our experience 263 IzvIrnI znanstvenI članek -treatment analysis of the VTACH study in a similar group of patients as ours (7). VT ablation clearly prolonged time to recurrence of VA episodes and markedly decreased VA burden. In another recent report in patients with ICM, VT-free su- rvival at 1-year follow-up was 57 % (15); almost identical result to ours. The catheter ablation of VT is one of the most demanding interventional procedures in cardiology with additio- nal safety risks for severely compromi- sed patients. The prevalence of our VT ablation procedure complications are within the reported range. Procedure- -related shock/death was reported in 0–3 %, stroke in 0–2.7 %, and perforati- on/tamponade in 0–2.7 %. Non-fatal mi- nor complications occurred in 5–10 % of patients, including transient heart failure exacerbation, increase in mitral regurgi- tation, conduction block, and vascular access complications. Mortality during different follow-up periods ranged from 0 to 32 % (5). After antiarrhythmic drug treatment failure, catheter-based irrigated-tip RF ablation remains the only reasonable treatment option. The use of novel 3-D electro-anatomical mapping systems are mandatory–for substrate characteriza- tion, VT activation mapping, catheter navigation, and contact-force measure- ments during ablation,–for a successful scar homogenization, which seems to be the most successful ablation approach. A novel high-density mapping technology is a particularly promising advancement in this regard. Non-inducibility of all VTs at the end of ablation procedure may be a good indicator for long-term ablation success, on top of the complete scar ho- mogenization. Likewise, non-inducibi- lity of all VTs was an independent pre- dictor of VT recurrence in a recent study from Leipzig (15). However, this finding 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Figure 4: number of patients with the first vt recurrence according to the month after ablation procedure. early recurrences are possibly associated with ablation procedure failure and late-ones are due to disease progression. 264 zdrav vestn | julij – avgust 2017 | letnik 86 srCe In ožIlje was not confirmed by others, since the inducibility of VT at the time of cathe- ter ablation had no impact on long-term freedom from VA (16). This may be the consequence of different study designs with different ablation and stimulation protocols and needs further clarification. 5. Conclusion Catheter ablation, performed in an experienced centre, should be consi- dered early to reduce episodes of re- current VT and ICD shocks in patients with IHD, even when multiple and he- modynamically intolerable VTs are pre- sent, like during the electrical storm. Two-thirds of these patient are doing well long-term after the ablation pro- cedure. Approaches to guiding ablation are now well defined. A 3-D electro-ana- tomical mapping system is mandatory for substrate characterization and scar homogenization, which seems to be the most successful ablation strategy. Even in patients with multiple co-morbidities, procedure mortality and morbidity are acceptable. Our clinical experience is in compliance with the published recom- mendations (5). 6. Acknowledgement The catheter ablation strategy at our centre evolved over years with the growing experience, expertise, and knowledge in the field of clinical elec- trophysiology. For that, we have to express a deep gratitude to our teacher Prof. Peter Rakovec. However, of the ut- most importance was a creative team- -work that bloomed in the last few ye- Table 2: the comparing results of catheter vt ablation in patients with IHD from the world’s leading centres. Study No of pts EF (%) Substrate Targeted VT Mapping Acute success Follow- up (months) Follow- up success Follow- up Mortality Morady F, 1993* (9) 15 27 ± 8 ICM stable vt 73 % 9 ± 3 80 % - Della Bella P, 2002* (10) 124 - ICM stable vt 73 % 41.5** 75 % 12 % kautzner j, 2003* (11) 28 28 ± 9 ICM all vt/ substrate 85 % 10 ± 6 78 % - volkmeer M, 2006* (12) 47 30 ± 8 ICM Clinical and slow vt/ substrate 95 % 25 ± 13 75 % - Carbucicchio C, 2008* (13) 95 36 ± 11 ICM (75 %) electrical storm vt/ substrate 89 % 22 ± 13 66 % 16 % stevenson WG, 2008*** (6) 231 25** ICM Clinical and slow vt/ substrate 49 % 6** 53 % 18 % tanner H, 2009*** (14) 63 30 ± 13 ICM all vt/ substrate 81 % 12 ± 3 51 % 9 % Šinkovec M, 2015* 34 35** ICM all / electrical storm vt/ substrate 59 % 31** (> 6 months) 71 % 29 % (15 % up to 6 months) * singlecenter study; ** median; *** multicenter study; VT – ventricular tachycardia, CAD – coronary artery disease, EF – left ventricular ejection fraction, ICM – ischaemic cardiomyopathy Catheter ablation of repetitive ventricular tachycardia in patients with ischemic heart disease – our experience 265 IzvIrnI znanstvenI članek ars. 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