HOCEURFICn .î.A uredil /edited by nnron uEiusreK Zbirka / Series OPERA INSTITUTI ARCHAEOLOGICI SLOVENIAE 8 Uredniki zbirke / Editors of the series Jana Horvat, Andrej Pleterski, Anton Velušček hri?\/iidirii eneolitsko kolišče na ljubljanskem barju OlEVAV CA an eneolithic pile dwelling in the ljubljansko barje Uredil / Edited by Anton Velušček Recenzenta /Reviewed by Ivan Turk in / and Peter Turk Prevod/ Translation Rachel Novšak Jezikovni pregled / Language advisors Zvonka Leder Mancini (slovenščina / Slovenian), Maja Sužnik (angleščina / English) Oblikovanje / Graphic art and design Milojka Žalik Huzjan Risbe / Illustrations Tamara Korošec Lavrič Karte/Maps Mateja Belak Priprava slikovnega gradiva / Preparation of illustrations Mateja Belak in / and Drago Valoh Izdal in založil/Published by Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC / Institute of Archaeology at ZRC SAZU in association with ZRC Publishing Zanj/Represented by Oto Luthar in / and Jana Horvat Glavni urednik/Editor-in-Chief Vojislav Likar Tisk/Printed by Collegium graphicum, d.o.o., Ljubljana 2004 Izid knjige je podprlo / Published with the support of Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije / The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia Fotografija na ovitku / Cover photo Pogled na Hočevarico / View on Hočevarica (Foto / Photo Matija Turk) CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 903.4(497.4-19)"636" HOČEVARICA : eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju = an eneolitic pile dwelling in the Ljubljansko barje / Anton Velušček ... [et al.] ; uredil, edited by Anton Velušček ; [prevod Rachel Novšak ; risbe Tamara Korošec Lavrič ; karte Mateja Belak]. - Ljubljana : Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU = Institute of archaeology, 2004. - (Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae ; 8) ISBN 961-6500-28-7 1. Velušček, Anton 128990208 © 2004, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Založba ZRC Vse pravice pridržane. Noben del te izdaje ne sme biti reproduciran, shranjen ali prepisan v kateri koli obliki oz. na kateri koli način, bodisi elektronsko, mehansko, s fotokopiranjem, snemanjem ali kako drugače, brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov avtorskih pravic (copyrighta). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission by the publisher. HOCEVARICA ENEOLirSKO KOLIŠČE NA LJUBLJANSKEM BARJU AN ENEOLITHIC PILE DWELLING IN THE LJUBLJANSKO BARJE Anton Velušček Katarina Čufar Borut Toškan Marijan Govedič Franc Janžekovič Marjeta Jeraj Janez Dirjec Bernd Kromer Petra Leben-Seljak Vesna Malez Nicoletta Martinelli Zoran Milic Ana Mladenovič Jernej Pavšič Dragomir Skaberne Žiga Šmit Uredil / Edited by Anton Velušček ZALOŽBA Z R C LJUBLJANA 2004 VSEBINA Spremna beseda in zahvala.............. 1 Uvod (Anton Velušček)............ 2 Geografski oris osrednje Slovenije s podatki o neolitskih-eneolitskih arheoloških najdiščih (Anton Velušček)........................................................................................................................... 2.1 Geografski oris....................................................................................................................... 2.2 Neolitska-eneolitska arheološka najdišča v osrednji Sloveniji........................................... . 13 . 13 . 22 Hočevarica: terenske raziskave, predstavitev najdb in naravoslovne analize.......................................................33 3.1 Terenske raziskave, stratigrafija in najdbe (Anton Velušček)........................................................................33 Paleobotanične raziskave na kolišču Hočevarica (Marjeta Jeraj).................................................................56 Opredelitev materiala ogrličnega obročka s Hočevarice (Dragomir Skaberne & Ana Mladenovič)........65 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Preiskava eneolitskih metalurških sledov s Hočevarice z metodo PIXE (Žiga Šmit). Analiza sestave dveh sekir iz Ljubljanice pri Hočevarici (Zoran Milič)...................... Antropološka analiza zob z najdišča Hočevarica (Petra Leben-Seljak)....................... Hočevarica - analiza ostankov makrofavne (Borut Toškan & Janez Dirjec).............. Ribe na arheološkem najdišču Hočevarica (Marijan Govedič) .................................... Morski skat na Ljubljanskem barju (Jernej Pavšič & Janez Dirjec)............................. 3.10 Ptiči (Aves) na eneolitskem kolišču Hočevarica (Franc Janžekovič & Vesna Malez).., Hočevarica: keramične najdbe (Anton Velušček) 4.1 Katalog keramičnih najdb iz sonde............... 4.2 Tipologija keramičnega gradiva...................... Hočevarica: ovrednotenje podatkov (Anton Velušček)............................................................... 5.1 Analiza stratigrafske razporeditve najdb.............................................................................. 5.2 Sorodne naselbine na Ljubljanskem barju........................................................................... 5.3 Hočevarica in horizont keramike z brazdastim vrezom (HKBV) v osrednji Sloveniji in sosednjih pokrajinah ............................................................................................................. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 Hočevarica in začetki uporabe bakra v Sloveniji (Anton Velušček) 8 Zaključek (Anton Velušček)................................................................ 9 Seznam literature (uredil Anton Velušček)........................................ 10 Naslovi avtorjev.................................................................................... Hočevarica: absolutno datiranje........................................................................................................................ 6.1 Dendrokronologija in dendrokronološke raziskave v Sloveniji (Katarina Čufar & Anton Velušček) Dendrokronološke raziskave na koliščarski naselbini Hočevarica (Katarina Čufar & Anton Velušček)......................................................................................................... Radiokarbonsko datiranje kronologij širin branik s Hočevarice (Katarina Čufar & Bernd Kromer) Telekonekcija kronologij z naselbin Hočevarica in Palu di Livenza, Italija (Katarina Čufar & Nicoletta Martinelli) ...................................................................................... Interpretacija rezultatov absolutnega datiranja Hočevarice in absolutno datiranje horizonta keramike z brazdastim vrezom (HKBV) v Sloveniji (Anton Velušček)..................................... ..69 ..72 .. 75 .. 76 133 152 155 ... 169 .... 169 ... 184 .. 213 .. 213 .. 218 .. 231 ..263 ..263 .. 274 .. 281 ..286 ..290 .. 297 ..307 .. 315 .. 327 3 4 5 6 CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgments........ 1 Introduction (Anton Velušček), 2 Geographic description of central Slovenia including data regarding Neolithic-Eneolithic archaeological sites (Anton Velušček)....................................................................................... 2.1 Geographic description...................................................................................................... 2.2 Neolithic-Eneolithic archaeological sites in central Slovenia......................................... Hočevarica: field research, a presentation of the material finds and the scientific analyses.............. 3.1 Field research, stratigraphy and the material finds (Anton Velušček).......................................... 3.2 Paleobotanical analyses of the Hočevarica pile dwelling (Marjeta Jeraj)..................................... 3.3 Determination of necklace ringlets material from Hočevarica (Dragomir Skaberne & Ana Mladenovič)....................................................................................... 3.4 Investigation of copper metallurgy at Hočevarica using the PIXE method (Žiga Šmit)............. 3.5 Analysis of the composition of two axes from the Ljubljanica near Hočevarica (Zoran Milic) 3.6 Anthropological analysis of teeth from the Hočevarica site (Petra Leben-Seljak)...................... 3.7 Hočevarica - an analysis of macrofauna remains (Borut Toškan & Janez Dirjec) ..................... 3.8 Fishes from the archaeological site at Hočevarica (Marijan Govedič)......................................... 3.9 Sea ray in the Ljubljansko barje (Jernej Pavšič & Janez Dirjec)................................................... Hočevarica: pottery (Anton Velušček).................. 4.1 Catalogue of the pottery from the trench..... 4.2 Typology of pottery remains........................... 7 Hočevarica and the onset of copper use in Slovenia (Anton Velušček) 8 Conclusion (Anton Velušček)...................... 9 Literature (edited by Anton Velušček)........ 10 Authors' addresses..., . 13 . 13 . 22 .33 .33 .56 Hočevarica: data evaluation (Anton Velušček) ................................................................................ 5.1 Analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of finds.................................................................... 5.2 Related settlements in the Ljubljansko barje............................................................................ 5.3 Hočevarica and the pottery with furrowed incisions horizon (HKBV) in central Slovenia and neighboring regions............................................................................................................. Hočevarica: absolute dating............................................................................................................................... 6.1 Dendrochronology and dendrochronological investigations in Slovenia (Katarina Čufar & Anton Velušček)......................................................................................................... 6.2 Dendrochronological research of the Hočevarica pile dwelling settlement (Katarina Čufar & Anton Velušček)......................................................................................................... 6.3 Radiocarbon dating of tree-ring chronologies from Hočevarica (Katarina Čufar & Bernd Kromer) 6.4 Teleconnection of chronologies from Hočevarica and Palu di Livenza, Italy (Katarina Čufar & Nicoletta Martinelli)..................................................................................... 6.5 Interpretation of the results of absolute dating at Hočevarica and of the horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions (HKBV) in Slovenia (Anton Velušček)............................................... ...65 ...69 ...72 ...75 ... 76 . 133 . 152 . 155 . 169 .169 . 184 . 213 . 213 . 218 . 231 .263 .263 . 274 . 281 .286 .290 . 297 . 307 . 315 . 327 3 4 5 6 SPREMNA BESEDA IN ZAHVALA PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Leta 1995 je ekipa Inštituta za arheologijo Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU v sodelovanju z Dendro-kronološkim laboratorijem iz Oddelka za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete, ki ga vodi Katarina Čufar, pričela z intenzivnim raziskovanjem Ljubljanskega barja. V okviru teh raziskav smo v letu 1998, po več kot desetletni prekinitvi, na Ljubljanskem barju ponovno zastavili manjšo sondo, tokrat na območju kolišča Hoče-varica. Pri sondiranju smo se poskušali držati v Švici, Nemčiji in Franciji že preizkušene, toda na Ljubljanskem barju še nikoli uporabljene izkopavalne metodologije. Rezultati niso izostali. V sondi, ki je obsegala vsega 8 m2, smo pridobili tolikšno količino ustreznih podatkov, da smo lahko s pomočjo sodelavcev in kolegov sestavili skupino kar 16 raziskovalcev iz Slovenije in tujine. Nekateri med njimi so v arheologiji že zelo uveljavljeni in cenjeni strokovnjaki. Drugim, čeprav so že priznani strokovnjaki na svojih področjih, pa sodelovanje v monografiji predstavlja prvo srečanje z arheološko vedo. Na neki način sem se tudi sam pri sondiranju na Hočevarici šele kalil, čeprav je bilo to sondiranje del moje doktorske disertacije, ki sem jo uspešno obranil leta 2001. Danes, po vsega dobrih petih letih, bi se marsičesa zagotovo lotil drugače. Kljub temu, da so v monografiji nekatere pomanjkljivosti, morda včasih ne povsem izpeljane interpretacije, me ob pisanju teh vrstic preveva prijeten občutek in osebno zadovoljstvo, da smo vsi skupaj zmogli in za strokovno javnost napisali znanstveno delo, ki zagotovo presega po službeni dolžnosti obvezno zaključno poročilo o posegu na arheološkem najdišču. Čeprav pričujoča monografja predstavlja zaključek projekta, pa je to hkrati tudi dober imperativ za nadaljevanje intenzivnih raziskav na Ljubljanskem barju. Menim, da smo s skupnimi močmi postavili soliden temelj. In ravno zato se na tem mestu najprej zahvaljujem sodelavcu Janezu, ki je v raziskavah na Hočevarici vseskozi zelo tvorno sodeloval, ter vsem ostalim soavtorjem: Ani, Berndu, Borutu, Dragomirju, Francu, Jerneju, Katarini, Marjeti, Marijanu, Nicoletti, Petri, Vesni, Zoranu in Žigi. Brez njihovega velikodušnega sodelovanja bi bilo to delo gotovo zelo pomanjkljivo. Hvala! In 1995 a team from the Institute of Archaeology of the Scientific Research Center at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in collaboration with the Dendro-chronological Laboratory from the Department of Wood Science and Technology at the Biotechnical Faculty, directed by Katarina Čufar, initiated intensive investigations on the Ljubljansko barje. These investigations incorporated the re-establishment of a small trench on the Ljubljansko barje in 1998, after an interruption of more than a decade, this time in the region of the Hočevarica pile dwelling. The goal during the sample trenching was to sustain the excavation methods already tested in Switzerland, Germany and France, and yet still novel to the Ljubljansko barje. The results were promising. The sample trench, comprising a total of 8 m2, proffered such a quantity of applicable data to substantiate the composition of a team of 16 investigators from Slovenia and abroad; some of whom are already well established and esteemed professionals in the field of archaeology. And yet for some, although well recognized professionals in their own fields, collaboration in this monograph embodied their first encounter with the field of archaeology. I, myself, somewhat evolved during the sample trenching at Hočevarica, despite that it comprised a segment of my doctoral dissertation, which I successfully defended in 2001. Today, a good five years later, I would certainly approach a number of matters quite differently. Regardless of the select insufficiencies in the monograph, and perhaps interpretations not entirely complete, in writing these lines I am truly moved and filled with a sense of personal satisfaction that together we succeeded in writing a scientific work for the professional public. After all, it certainly exceeds the official and obligatory final report regarding our intervention at the archaeological site. Although this monograph represents the finale of the project, it also solicits the imperative for continuation of intensive investigations on the Ljubljansko barje. I believe that our joined forces have established a solid foundation. It follows that I would hereby like to extend my gratitude to my colleague Janez, who was a Prav tako se zahvaljujem sodelavki Mateji Belak, ki je za tisk pripravila tabele, slike, priloge in zemljevide. Posebna zahvala gre tudi naši risarki Tamari Korošec Lavrič, ki je narisala večino risb, nekatere na predlogo Dragutina Valoha, ki je skupaj z Lucijo Lavrenčič poskrbel za računalniško skeniranje slikovnega gradiva. Tudi onadva sta sodelavca na Inštitutu za arheologijo. Posebej se zahvaljujejm vsem fotografom in ostalim risarkam. Zahvaljujem se tudi Janezu Dularju, Ivanu Turku in Petru Turku, ki so besedilo strokovno pregledali, ter Karmen Gradišek, ki je pomagala pri urejanju. Še prav posebno pa se zahvaljujem nekdanjemu in zdajšnjemu vodstvu Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, ki vseskozi velikodušno podpira raziskave na Ljubljanskem barju. Hvala tudi mentorici Bibi Teržan, izredni članici Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, ki je pred leti prevzela mentorstvo nad mojim podiplomskim študijem ter mi tako omogočila, da sem z raziskavami na Ljubljanskem barju pravzaprav sploh lahko začel. Nenazadnje se zahvaljujem tudi študentom, ki so sodelovali pri sondiranju na Hočevarici, ter tudi lastnikom parcel na Ljubljanskem barju in za Ljubljansko barje na neki način odgovornim osebam, med katerimi bi posebej izpostavil g. Janeza Drašlerja, kmetijskega svetovalca z Vrhnike, ki nam je že velikokrat velikodušno priskočil na pomoč. In končno, a nič manj od srca, zahvala tudi Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti ter še posebej Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, ki sta nam s temeljnim raziskovalnim projektom »Arheološke in dendrokronološke raziskave na Ljubljanskem barju« raziskave dejansko omogočila. Urednik in odgovorni nosilec projekta Anton Velušček V Ljubljani, 2. februar 2004 source of creative contributions throughout the investigations at Hočevarica, as well as to all co-authors: Ana, Bernd, Borut, Dragomir, Franc, Jernej, Katarina, Marjeta, Marijan, Nicoletta, Petra, Vesna, Zoran and Žiga. Without their generous contributions this monograph would surely be inordinately inadequate. Thank you! I am also grateful to my colleague Mateja Belak, who prepared the tables, figures, appendixes and maps for publication. I owe a special thank you to Tamara Korošec Lavrič, who drew the majority of drawings, some of them on the recommendation of Dragutin Va-loh, who together with Lucija Lavrenčič (both of whom are also colleagues at the Institute of Archaeology) attended to all computer-scanned illustrational materials. I am also much obliged to all the photographers and other drawers. Many thanks to Janez Dular, Ivan Turk and Peter Turk, who adeptly reviewed the text and to Karmen Gradišek for her editorial assistance. I am filled with gratitude to the former and current directorships of the Institute of archaeology at the SRC SASA, who generously supported the investigations on the Ljubljansko barje throughout. I would also like to extend my appreciation to my mentor Biba Teržan, an associate member of the Slovenian Academy for Arts and Sciences, who assumed mentorship over my post graduate studies some years ago and thus enabled the very onset of my research on the Ljubljansko barje. I am thankful to the students that collaborated in the trench excavations at Hočevarica, and to the owner of the land plot on the Ljubljansko barje as well as to those individuals in some way responsible for the Ljubljansko barje, among them Mr. Janez Drašler in particular, the agricultural adviser from Vrhnika who already many times kindly jumped to our assistance. Last but not least, I owe my gratitude to the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and especially the Ministry of Education, Science and Sportk of the Republic of Slovenia, which with the primary research project of »Archaeological and Dendrochronological Investigations on the Ljubljansko barje< rendered our investigations possible. Editor and Project Leader Anton Velušček Ljubljana, 02. 02. 2004 1 UVOD 1 INTRODUCTION ANTON VELUŠČEK Leta 1992 je A. Šemrov iz Narodnega muzeja Slovenije pri potapljanju v Ljubljanici odkril zelo zanimivo arheološko najdišče - koliščarsko poselitveno točko, ki leži ob izlivu Hočevarice v Ljubljanico, in sicer na Ljubljanskem barju med Blatno Brezovico in Verdom.1 Šest let pozneje smo sodelavci Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU na najdišču zastavili manjšo sondo. Na podlagi nekaj fragmentov keramike iz jarka smo pričakovali, da gre za naselbino, ki jo lahko uvrstimo v horizonta Ljubljansko barje III in IV po H. Parzingerju (1984), se pravi v srednjeeneolitsko obdobje oziroma okvirno v drugo polovico 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. Pri sondiranju pa smo odkrili nekoliko starejše najdbe, ki spreminjajo kulturno podobo Ljubljanskega barja v prazgodovini, saj se je pojavila keramika z brazdastim vrezom. Dotlej je na Ljubljanskem barju še nismo poznali.2 Paralele zanjo so na Gradcu pri Mirni na Dolenjskem (glej Dular et al. 1991). Pregled inventarja z osred-njeslovenskih najdišč je pokazal, da se podobna keramika pojavlja tudi drugod, in kar je še pomembnejše, da jo lahko povežemo z iskalci bakrove rude ter metalurgi. V osrednji Sloveniji so eneolitske raziskave, kljub več kot stoletni tradiciji proučevanja koliščarskih naselbin na Ljubljanskem barju, šele na začetni stopnji in predstavljajo izziv za bodoče generacije raziskovalcev.3 Za to obdobje uporabljamo več izrazov. V literaturi se poleg termina eneolitik uporablja tudi termin ku-prolitik,4 ki je bil priljubljen predvsem pri Ložarju, enako velja za dobo bakra (npr. Ložar 1941a, 179; 1942, 1 Monografija je nekoliko predelana in s prispevki drugih avtorjev dopolnjena doktorska disertacija A. Veluščka z naslovom »Srednja bakrena doba v osrednji Sloveniji«, ki je bila maja 2001 uspešno obranjena na Univerzi v Ljubljani. 2 Keramiko z brazdastim vrezom dejansko poznamo s t. i. »vuče-dolskih« Dežmanovih kolišč pri Igu in še z nekaterih drugih naselbin na Ljubljanskem barju (glej npr. Korošec, Korošec 1969). Ker je kronološko precej mlajša, je v študiji ne obravnavamo (za kronološko uvrstitev Dežmanovih kolišč glej Parzinger 1984; radiokarbonske datacije pri: Durman, Obelič 1989; Forenbaher 1993; Velušček, Čufar, Levanič 2000; Velušček, Čufar 2002; 2003). 3 Preglede zgodovine raziskav eneolitskega obdobja v osrednji Sloveniji dobimo pri: Korošec 1973, Leben 1979; Budja 1983; Harej 1986; Velušček 1999b. 4 Kuprolitik je sinonim za eneolitik. In 1992, diving in the Ljubljanica A. Šemrov from the National Museum of Slovenia discovered a truly important archaeological site - a pile dwelling settlement point situated at the influx of the Hočevarica ditch into the Ljubljanica, on the Ljubljansko barje (the Ljubljana Moor) between Blatna Brezovica and Verd.1 Circumstances dictated that six years later a team of colleagues from the Institute of Archaeology at the SRC S ASA (Scientific Research Center at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) carried out a small-scale excavation at the site. Select pottery fragments from the trench are indicative of the site being a settlement, which can be attributed to the Ljubljansko barje III and IV horizons according to Parzinger (1984), that is the Middle Eneolithic or approximately the second half of the 4th millennium B.C. The excavation also disclosed somewhat older finds of pottery with furrowed incisions, which now alter the cultural portrait of the Ljubljansko barje in prehistory. Such pottery had not yet been known from the Ljubljansko barje.2 We promptly realized that parallels for such pottery existed at Gradec pri Mirni in the Dolenjska region (check Dular et al. 1991). A review of the inventory from central Slovenian sites demonstrated that similar pottery was known also elsewhere, and even more importantly, that such pottery could be associated with the search for copper ore and with metallurgy. Despite the more than century long tradition of researching pile dwelling settlements in the Ljubljansko barje, Eneolithic investigations in central Slovenia are only at their initial phase and as such they present a challenge for the future generations of researchers.3 1 The monograph is somewhat remade and is now a supplemented version, including contributions from other authors, of A. Velušček's doctoral thesis, »The Middle Copper Age in central Slovenia«, which was successfully defended in May 2001 at the University of Ljubljana. 2 Pottery with furrowed incisions is actually known from the so-called »Vučedol culture Dežman's pile dwellings near Ig« as well as from a few other settlements on the Ljubljansko barje (check e.g. Korošec, Korošec 1969). This pottery, being much younger, is not considered in this contribution (check Parzinger 1984 for the chronological position of Dežman's pile dwellings; and for radiocarbon dates check: Durman, Obelic 1989; Forenbaher 1993; Velušček, Čufar, Levanič 2000; Velušček, Čufar 2002; 2003). 3 Reviews of the history of investigations on the Eneolithic in 93). Pojavljajo se tudi termini prehodno obdobje ali prehodni čas in pogosto tudi bakrena doba. Označujejo isti kronološki okvir, ki zajema obdobje med mlajšo kameno in bronasto dobo (prim. Gabrovec 1987a, 388 ss; Budja 1993a, 183 s; Parzinger 1993). Čeprav se zdi kronološki okvir eneolitika v Sloveniji povsem jasen, se že več kot 20 let zavedamo, da ni tako.5 Kompleksnost problema, ki se je pojavil z definiranjem alpskega faciesa lengyelske kulture (Korošec 1958) in lasinjske kulture (Dimitrijevic 1961; 1979b), je pred leti predstavil M. Budja (Budja 1983). V analizi povojnih neolitskih in eneolitskih raziskav se je osredotočil predvsem na kritiko takrat veljavnih interpretativ-nih modelov o dogajanju v neolitiku in eneolitiku v takratni severozahodni Jugoslaviji. V prispevku je jasno pokazal na nezmožnost domače prazgodovinske arheološke stroke, da bi za naš prostor izdelala srednjeevropsko primerljiv periodizacijski sistem za neolitsko in eneolit-sko obdobje. Tako je za osrednjo Slovenijo predlagal novo kronološko zaporedje naselbin: Resnikov prekop, Kev-derc (del najdb), Maharski prekop; to zaporedje je v glavnem sprejeto in še danes veljavno ter vsebinsko primerljivo s srednjeevropskimi kronološkimi shemami. H. Parzinger (1984) je s tipološko analizo keramike z najdišč na Ljubljanskem barju prišel do podobnih zaključkov. V študiji je obdelal najdbe z eneolitskih in zgodnjebronastodobnih naselbin in jih razdelil na 7 horizontov. Ti obsegajo časovni razpon, primerljiv z obdobjem začetka eneolitika v Karpatski kotlini do konca zgodnje bronaste dobe, ki ga opredeljuje horizont pra-menaste keramike. Kot najstarejšo naselbino na Ljubljanskem barju je označil Resnikov prekop, ga razdelil na dva horizonta ter predvideval, da obstaja še tretji, ki naj bi bil paralelen s starejšim horizontom na Mahars-kem prekopu. Maharski prekop je razdelil na dva horizonta, ki sta vzporedna s celotnim razvojem badenske kulture v srednjem Podonavju. Sledijo horizonti najdišč iz okolice Iga, ki so po kronološkem vrstnem redu vzporedni z vučedolsko, vinkovško kulturo ter s horizontom pramenaste keramike. H. Parzinger je na podlagi teh analiz ugotovil, da so bile nekatere naselbine dalj časa poseljene, tako npr. Resnikov in Maharski prekop. Na nekaterih drugih mestih pa je predvideval prekinitve v poselitvi, kot npr. v Notranjih Goricah. Kronološko je pomembno, da je predvideval kontinuiteto v poselitvi Ljubljanskega barja ter našel primerljivost razvoja v kulturah v Karpatskem bazenu, manj pa z mediteranskim svetom. Pravilno zaporedje kultur oziroma horizontov v Parzingerjevi kronološki shemi so kmalu potrdila raziskovanja na višinskih naselbinah na Dolenjskem (Dular et Many expressions exist for this period. In addition to the term »Eneolithic«, the term »cuprolithic«4 - referring to the Copper Age - is also known in literature, especially in contributions by Ložar (e.g. Ložar 1941a, 179; 1942, 93). Terms also exist for the transitional period or time, and frequently also for the »Copper Age«. Important is that these terms refer to the same chronological time frame of the period between the Late Stone Age and the Bronze Age (cf. Gabrovec 1987a, 388 pp; Budja 1993a, 183 p; Parzinger 1993). The chronological time frame for the Eneolithic period in Slovenia perhaps seems perfectly clear, however we have been for more than 20 years aware that this is not so.5 M. Budja (Budja 1983) already presented the complexity of the issue regarding the definitions of the Alpine Facies of the Lengyel culture (Korošec 1958) and the Lasinja culture (Dimitrijevic 1961; 1979b). In the analysis of postwar Neolithic and Eneolithic investigations, he focused on the critique of the then accepted interpretative models on the occurrences during the Neolithic and Eneolithic in the northwest of the former Yugoslavia. In his contribution he clearly demonstrates the incompetence of the local prehistory archaeological profession to create a periodization system for the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods in our region, which would be comparable with that for central Europe. Consequently, he proposed a new chronological sequence of settlements for central Slovenia: Resnikov prekop, Kevderc (a part of the finds), Maharski prekop. Comparable with the central European chronological schemes, this sequence is validated still today. H. Parzinger (1984) developed similar conclusions on the basis of typological analyses of the pottery from sites in the Ljubljansko barje. His study comprised the examination of the material finds from Eneolithic and Bronze Age settlements which he classified into seven horizons. These horizons extend over a time span that is comparable with the beginning of the Eneolithic in the Carpathian basin through to the end of the Early Bronze Age, which is determined by the horizon of Litzen pottery. He designated Resnikov prekop as the oldest settlement in the Ljubljansko barje and divided it into two horizons; he also anticipated a third horizon, which would correspond with the oldest horizon at Maharski prekop. He divided Maharski prekop into two horizons, both of which are parallel with the entire development of the Baden culture in the central Danube region. Horizons from settlements around Ig follow; these horizons are concurrent with the Vučedol and Vin-kovci cultures as well as with the horizon of Litzen pot- Ker razpravljamo o starejši keramiki z brazdastim vrezom, poudarjamo predvsem problematiko, ki je povezana z zgodnejšim razdelkom eneolitika. central Slovenia are in: Korošec 1973; Leben 1979; Budja 1983; Harej 1986; Velušček 1999b. 4 Cuprolithic is a synonym for Eneolithic. 5 Since older pottery with furrowed incisions is under discussion, the emphasis primarily concerns the issue corresponding to the division of the earlier Eneolithic. al. 1991; 1995). Stratigrafija Gradca pri Mirni je pokazala, da so na višinskih naselbinah ugotovljive faze, ki so časovno vzporedne z Resnikovim prekopom in t. i. »boleraško stopnjo badenske kulture« na Maharskem prekopu. Vendar so te raziskave tudi opozorile na nekoliko drugačen razvoj poselitve višinskih naselbin, ki se razlikuje od razvoja poselitve na Ljubljanskem barju. Na Gradcu pri Mirni je bila namreč odkrita stratigrafska faza z najdbami, katero se uvršča med horizonta Resni-kov prekop - b (Ljubljansko barje II) in Maharski prekop - a (Ljubljansko barje III) (Dular et al. 1991, 89). Postalo je jasno, da v koliščarski dobi Ljubljansko barje vendarle ni bilo kontinuirano poseljeno, kot smo domnevali. Kasneje je H. Parzinger posredno sam opozoril na nekatere pomanjkljivosti kronološkega sistema za Ljubljansko barje (1993, 17). Pri vključevanju horizonta Ljubljansko barje I (Resnikov prekop - a), ki ga je še leta 1984 primerjal s stopnjama Lengyel III na zahodu Madžarske in Sopot-Lengyel III na severozahodu Hrvaške, v kronološko shemo jugovzhodnoevropskega in maloazijskega neolitika ter eneolitika, je prišel do zaključka, da je najstarejša faza na Resnikovem prekopu globoko neolitska, saj njen začetek postavlja v horizont 6. Rezultat tega je dejstvo, da za območje osrednje Slovenije še vedno, kljub navezi z uveljavljenimi kronološkimi sistemi, nimamo definirane skupine najdb, stopnje ali kulture, ki bi vsaj formalno predstavljala ločnico med neolitikom in eneolitikom. V tej zmešnjavi nekateri avtorji posamezne najdbe označujejo kot neolitske, drugi pa te iste najdbe kot eneolitske. Ker se s tem dotikamo problematike, ki presega okvir monografije o Hočevarici, naj opozorimo, da se pri pisanju poskušamo izogibati tema terminoma. Kjer pa to ni izvedljivo, ju zapišemo, kadar govorimo na splošno o obdobju, ki sledi srednji kameni dobi in predhodi bronasti dobi, v takšnem primeru uporabljamo termina neolitik-eneolitik oziroma neolitik ali eneolitik, ko je termin neolitik ali eneolitik edina informacija, ki opredeljuje starost najdišča, najdbe, naselbine ali grobišča, največkrat pa takrat, ko iz sobesedila ni mogoče razbrati, o katerem časovnem obdobju teče beseda. Vsak termin, s katerim se označuje neko obdobje, bi moral imeti tudi svoje kulturno zgodovinsko ozadje. Tako je v slovenski literaturi zaslediti povezovanje eneolitskega obdobja s pojavom prvih bakrenih predmetov. Sprva so to bile zelo splošne hipoteze, ki so temeljile na skromnih in ne preveč izpovednih najdbah oziroma kontekstih (Ložar 1941a; 1943; Teržan 1987, 171 s). V zadnjem času se je vedenje o prvem pojavu bakrenih predmetov v Sloveniji močno spremenilo. Z novimi raziskavami smo pridobili veliko kvalitetnih podatkov, tako da že danes eneolitsko poselitev lahko pojasnimo s pojavom bakra, tery. On the basis of these analyses, H. Parzinger established that select settlements were inhabited for a longer period of time, such as at Resnikov prekop and Maharski prekop. He also anticipated a discontinuation of settlement at certain other settlements, such as at Notranje Gorice. From a chronological perspective, it is significant that he foresaw settlement continuity in the Ljubljansko barje and that he found comparability in the development of cultures in the Carpathian basin, less so in the Mediterranean world. The correctness of the sequence of cultures, or horizons in Parzinger's chronological scheme was soon confirmed by investigations of upland settlements in the Dolenjska region (Dular et al. 1991; 1995). The stratigraphy at Gradec pri Mirni demonstrated the presence of phases chronologically corresponding to Resnikov prekop, or the »Boleraz phase of the Baden culture« at Maharski prekop, at upland settlements. Nevertheless, these investigations also cautioned as to the somewhat different settlement development at upland settlements, diverse from the settlement development in the Ljubljansko barje. At Gradec pri Mirni, for instance, a stratigraphic phase with material finds attributed between the horizons Resnikov prekop - b (Ljubljansko barje II) and Maharski prekop - a (Ljubljansko barje III) was discovered (Dular et al. 1991, 89). It became clear that the Ljubljansko barje was not, as was initially presumed, continuously settled during the pile dwelling period. Later, H. Parzinger indirectly pointed out select faults in the chronological system of the Ljubljansko barje (1993, 17). In the process of incorporating the Ljubljansko barje I (Resnikov prekop - a) horizon, which in 1984 he still equated with the levels Lengyel III in western Hungary and Sopot-Lengyel III in northwestern Croatia, into the chronological scheme for the Neolithic and Eneolithic of southeastern Europe and Asia Minor, he came to the conclusion that the earliest phase at Resnikov prekop lay deep in the Neolithic; he sets its beginnings in horizon 6. The result is the fact that for the region of central Slovenia, despite the tie with other valid chronological systems, there is still no definitive group of finds, level or culture that would at least formally represent the dividing line between the Neolithic and Eneolithic. And amidst this muddle some authors designate individual finds as Neolithic while other authors designate the very same finds as Eneolithic. Thus toying with an issue that certainly exceeds the framework of a monograph on Hočevarica, this contribution aims to avoid the topic of terminology. Wherever this is not possible the terms are written: when referring generally to the period that follows the Middle Stone Age and precedes the Bronze Age, in such an instance the term Neolithic-Eneolithic or Neolithic or Eneolithic is used, when the term »Neolithic« or »Eneolithic« is the sole piece of information that classi- z iskanjem surovinskih virov6 in metalurgijo bakra. Ne smemo namreč prezreti, da se v Sloveniji prvi bakreni predmeti pojavijo že na začetku eneolitskega obdobja, se pravi v obdobju, ki je paralelno z epilengyelskim obdobjem v Avstriji, in da so vse kasnejše eneolitske faze tesno povezane prav z bakrom in dejavnostmi, ki iz tega izhajajo (Durman 1983; Velušček, Greif 1998). Delo »Hočevarica - eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju« temelji na proučevanju naselbinske keramike, manjšina najdb pa izvira iz slabo poznanih jamskih nek-ropol.7 Za izhodišče služijo keramične najdbe ter vertikalna stratigrafija Hočevarice na Ljubljanskem barju. V študiji so zajete tudi ostale arheološke najdbe in primerjalna analiza s sosednjimi najdišči. Tako na podlagi primerjav definiramo horizont keramike z brazdastim vrezom (HKBV). Pišemo tudi o metalurgiji, pravzaprav o začetkih metalurgije bakra v osrednji Sloveniji, in o prvih iskalcih bakrove rude. Predstavljamo rezultate pale-obotaničnih, arheozooloških in drugih naravoslovnih raziskav. Zelo pomemben, morda celo najpomembnejši rezultat za prazgodovinsko arheologijo jugovzhodnoalp-skega prostora, je absolutno datiranje Hočevarice in horizonta keramike z brazdastim vrezom. S pomočjo dendrokronoloških raziskav in z radiokarbonskim dati-ranjem smo pridobili razmeroma natančno datacijo predvsem za Hočevarico, zgolj okvirno pa za celoten horizont. Kot temeljni relativno kronološki okvir nam je služila nekoliko prilagojena kronološka shema, ki jo je za zahodno Panonijo izdelal N. Kalicz (Kalicz 1991). Skratka, v monografiji izrazito interdisciplinarno predstavljamo Hočevarico z Ljubljanskega barja in njen čas v osrednji Sloveniji. fies the age of a site, find, settlement or cemetery, and mostly when it is not possible to discern from the literature which chronological period is being alluded to.6 Each term that designates a period should also have its own cultural-historical background. Hence, the Eneo-lithic period in Slovenian literature is linked with the appearance of the first copper finds. Initially these were merely general hypotheses, founded upon only a few not particularly illuminating finds or contexts (Ložar 1941a; 1943; Teržan 1987, 171 p). Recent times have brought about great changes in the general stance of knowledge regarding the first appearance of copper objects in Slovenia. New research has disclosed much new data that now allows for added clarification of Eneolithic settlement with the appearance of copper, the search for raw materials6 and copper metallurgy. That the first copper objects appearing in Slovenia date to the beginning of the Eneolithic period, that is the period concurrent with the Epi-Lengyel period in Austria, should not be overlooked. Furthermore, all later Eneolithic phases are closely linked with »copper« itself and all activity thereof (Durman 1983; Velušček, Greif 1998). This contribution, Hočevarica - an Eneolithic pile dwelling in the Ljubljansko barje is based upon the research of settlement pottery finds, while a selection of the material finds originate from very poorly known cave necropolises.7 The pottery finds and the vertical stratigraphy from Hočevarica in the Ljubljansko barje serve as the starting point. The remaining archaeological finds are also incorporated in the study, as well as a comparative analysis with neighboring sites. It is on the basis of comparison that the horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions (HKBV) is defined. The field of metallurgy or rather the beginnings of copper metallurgy in this region is touched upon, as well as the first seekers of copper ore. The results from paleobotanical, archaeozoolo-gical and other scientific investigations are also presented. Of particular significance for prehistoric archaeology in the southeastern Alpine region, perhaps even the most important result is the absolute dating of Hoče-varica and the horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions (HKBV). Dendrochronological investigations and radiocarbon datings also aided in assessing a relatively precise dating for Hočevarica in particular, and more generally for the entire horizon. A somewhat adapted chronological scheme, originally created by N. Kalicz for western Pannonia (Kalicz 1991), served us as the fundamental relative chronological frame. In short, this monograph is an exceptionally interdisciplinary representation of Hočevarica settlement in the Ljubljansko barje, as well as its time period in central Slovenia. 6 That is, copper and copper ore. 7 Koblarska jama, perhaps Lukenjska jama, etc. 2 GEOGRAFSKI ORIS OSREDNJE SLOVENIJE S PODATKI O NEOLITSKIH-ENEOLITSKIH ARHEOLOŠKIH NAJDIŠČIH 2 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF CENTRAL SLOVENIA INCLUDING DATA REGARDING NEOLITHIC-ENEOLITHIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ANTON VELUŠČEK 2.1 GEOGRAFSKI ORIS 2.1 GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Ljubljansko barje je sestavni del osrednje Slovenije. To je območje, kjer se stikata alpski in dinarski svet in ki je hkrati tudi središčni del geografsko zelo raznolike dežele, v kateri se prepletajo štiri pomembne reliefne evropske enote: Alpe, Dinarsko gorstvo, Panonska in Jadranska kotlina in tudi dve podnebji: celinsko ter sredozemsko (Kladnik 1996, 123 ss). 2.1.1 RAZVOJ POKRAJINE V OSREDNJI SLOVENIJI Razvoj hidrografske mreže sega daleč v preteklost. V zgornjem terciaru se je v osrednji Sloveniji iz morja dvignilo dinarsko-alpsko kopno. Ker se je severni del širše Panonske kotline dvigoval, južni pa ugrezal, se je nekdanji neposredni odtok voda proti vzhodu preusmeril proti jugovzhodu. Reke so se močno vrezovale in prestavljale svoja povirja navzgor, kar je povečevalo njihov strmec in erozivno moč. Tako ima večina naših rek povirja v goratem svetu, od koder skozi predalpski in gričevnat svet prehajajo v ravninski (Kolbezen 1998, 7). V terciaru so zaradi ugrezanja nekaterih območij nastale lokalne udorine. V pleistocenu so vanje reke nanesle ogromno gradiva in ustvarile obsežna ravninska območja. Lep primer je Ljubljansko polje (Žlebnik 1971). V pleistocenu je zgornjo Savsko dolino prekrival Bohinjski ledenik. V najmlajšem stadiju, ob koncu wurmske poledenitve,1 je segal do Radovljice (sl. 2.1). Ko je ledenik zastal, je prišlo do zasipanja, ob umiku pa The Ljubljansko barje is a comprising component of central Slovenia. This is a region where the Alpine and Dinaric worlds meet and which at the same time marks the central part of a geographically variegated landscape. Four important European relief units intertwine here -the Alps, the Dinaric Alps, the Pannonian basin, and the Adriatic basin, as well as two climates - the Continental and the Mediterranean (Kladnik 1996, 123 pp). 2.1.1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LANDSCAPE IN CENTRAL SLOVENIA The development of the hydrographic network reaches far into the past. During the Upper Tertiary the Dinaric-Alpine land raised up from the sea in central Slovenia. As the northern part of the wider Pannonian basin was rising and the southern part was sinking, the formerly direct outflow of water to the east was diverted southeastwards. Rivers cut through and redirected their upper river basins upwards, thus increasing their incline and erosive power. The upper currents of most rivers in Slovenia are high in the mountains, from where they flow through the sub-Alpine and hilly worlds into the plains (Kolbezen 1998, 7). Local hollows were formed during the Tertiary due to the sinking of certain areas. Rivers then deposited large amounts of material in these hollows during the Pleistocene and also formed extensive plains. The Ljubljansko polje (field or plain) is a good example (Zlebnik 1971). The Bohinj glacier covered the upper Sava valley during the Pleistocene. It reached all to Radovljica ((fig. 2.1) in the latest stadium at the end of the Würm Gla- SI. 2.1: Razprostranjenost ledenikov v tretjem würmskem stadialu (po Lenardic, Pohar 1995). Fig. 2.1: Extent of glaciers during the Würm III stadium (according to Lenardic, Pohar 1995). do erozije (Šifrer 1969, 205). Tako so se ustvarile številne terase. V holocenu je na teh terasah nastala za kmetijstvo ugodna prst. Podobno prst najdemo tudi v južnem delu Savske ravni predvsem na Ljubljanskem polju in na Kamniškobistriški ravni. Pelodnih diagramov za območje osrednje Slovenije, iz katerih bi lahko razbrali podatke o vegetaciji 4. tisočletja pr. Kr., je malo. Uporaben je pelodni diagram z Ledine na Jelovici (1120 m), ki kaže vegetacijo od konca kasnega glaciala do danes (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981; Culiberg, Šercelj 1996, 691, sl. 20.4). Diagram je radiokarbonsko datiran. V 4. tisočletje pr. Kr. spada del odseka med globinama 640 in 460 cm.2 Prevladoval naj bi jelovo-bukov gozd, v katerem je včasih prišlo do prevlade smreke (sl. 2.2). cial.1 Once the glacier halted, the valley was filled up with fluvial alluvium and then erosion came on when the glacier retreated (Šifrer 1969, 205). This is how numerous terraces were formed. During the Holocene, these terraces then produced good soil for agricultural purposes. Similar soil can be found in the southern part of the Savska ravan, particularly in the Ljubljansko polje and the Kamniškobistriška ravan. There are few pollen diagrams for the region of central Slovenia which proffer data concerning vegetation during the 4th millennium B.C. The pollen diagram for Ledina upon Jelovica (1120 m), which indicates the presence of vegetation from the end of the late Glacial through to today, is of some use (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981; Culiberg, Šercelj 1996, 691, fig. 20.4). The diagram is also radiocarbon dated. A portion of the segment between the depths of 640 and 460 cm is attributed to the 4th millennium B.C.2 A fir-beech tree forest probably predominated, with the occasional pine tree (fig. 2.2). The Ljubljansko barje lies southwest of the Ljubljansko polje. The theory is that the area of the Ljubljansko barje was during the 4th millennium B.C. predominated by a mixed oak forest, which developed as a deg- 2 Radiokarbonska datacija vzorca iz globine 640 cm: 6960 + 90 let BP (Z-577) (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). Radiokarbonska datacija vzorca iz globine 460 cm: 4020 + 80 let BP (Z-576) (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). III'd Würm Stadial (Lenardic, Pohar 1995, fig. 1). Radiocarbon dates for the sample from the depth of 640 cm: 6960 ± 90 yrs BP (Z-577) (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). Radiocarbon dates for the sample from the depth of 460 cm: 4020 ± 80 yrs BP (Z-576) (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). SI. 2.2: Ledina na Jelovici. Pelod-ni diagram izbranih drevesnih vrst in NAP (po Culiberg, Šer-celj, Zupančič 1981). Fig. 2.2: Ledina na Jelovici. Pollen diagram of selected tree species and NAP (according to Cu-liberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). Jugozahodno od Ljubljanskega polja leži Ljubljansko barje. Domneva je, da je v 4. tisočletju pr. Kr. v okolici Ljubljanskega barja dominiral kvercetalni (hrastov mešani) gozd, ki se je razvil kot degradacijska stopnja bu-kovo-jelovega gozda (Abieti-Fagetum). Abieti-Fagetum, nekdaj klimaksni gozd, je namreč zaradi človekovega delovanja prešel na nižjo razvojno stopnjo (Culiberg, Šercelj 1991; 1996; Gardner 1999a; Jeraj 2000; 2002). Palinološki profil Hočevarice (glejpoglavje 3.2), ki prikazuje razvoj vegetacije krajšega časovnega obdobja radative level of the fir-beech tree forest (Abieti-Fage-tum). Abieti-Fagetum, which was formerly a climax forest, changed to a lower developmental level due to human activity (Culiberg, Šercelj 1991; 1996; Gardner 1999a; Jeraj 2000; 2002). The palynological profile of Hočevarica (check chapter 3.2), which shows the development of vegetation through a shorter time period in the 4th millennium B.C., indicates a secondary, zoogenic and anthropogenic vegetation. The high values of hazel (Corylus) allow v 4. tisočletju, kaže na sekundarno, zoogeno in antropo-geno vegetacijo. Iz visokih vrednosti leske {Corylus) se da sklepati na precej skrčen, odprt gozd. Visoke vrednosti jelše (Alnus) kažejo na močvirnato, vodnato pokrajino. Iz diagrama je razvidna tudi izrazita krivulja žit (Cerea-lia), ki dokazuje poljedelstvo, kar je potrjeno tudi z žitnimi zrni iz kulturne plasti. Na razmeroma ugodne klimatske pogoje pa opozarja velika količina grozdnih pešk. the inference that the forest was strongly reduced and open. High values of alder (Alnus) indicate a marshy, watery landscape. The grain (Cerealia) curve is also distinctive in the diagram, thus attesting to the presence of agriculture. Cereal grains in the cultural layer further confirm this. The presence of grape pits is also indicative of the relatively favorable climatic conditions. 2.1.2 GEOGRAFSKE ZNAČILNOSTI OSREDNJE SLOVENIJE Površje se danes deli na več pokrajin oziroma naravnih geografskih enot (Perko, Kladnik 1998): Ljubljansko barje na jugozahodu, proti zahodu se širi Cerkljansko, Škofjeloško, Polhograjsko in Rovtarsko hribovje, na severu je Savska ravan, proti vzhodu se razprostira Posavsko hribovje, ki ga na jugu zapira Dolenjsko podolje (sl. 2.3). Ljubljansko barje (289 m) je eno najjužnejših visokih barij v Evropi in tvori skrajni južni del Ljubljanske kotline. Na severu in severovzhodu sega do Ljubljanskih vrat med Golovcem (Mazovnik, 450 m), Gradom (376 m) in Šišenskim hribom (429 m), na severozahodu in zahodu do jugovzhodnega dela Polhograjskega hribovja, na jugu do dinarskih planot, iznad katerih se dvigata Krim (1107 m) in Mokrec (1059 m), na jugovzhodu pa se dviga Šmarska suha dolina. Dolgo je dobrih 20 km in široko približno 10 km. Značilno je obsežno naplavlje-no dno z osamelci, visokimi od približno 5 do približno 100 m, ki so manj ugreznjeni deli dna Ljubljanskega barja (Lovrenčak, Orožen Adamič 1998, 380). Barje predstavlja široko tektonsko udorino, ki se pojavlja na stiku dveh tektonskih enot. Nastalo je pred približno dvema milijonoma let. Hitrost ugrezanja je bila razmeroma velika. Ta proces se z do 25 mm/leto še nadaljuje (Černe, Lovrenčak 1996, 87 s). Udorino so zapolnjevali površinski vodotoki s prodom in občasne oje-zeritve z glinenim materialom. Profil vrtine pri Črni vasi kaže, da ležita nad triasnim, močno zdrobljenim dolomitom pesek in prod. Nad prodom je plast karbonatne gline z rastlinskimi ostanki. Sledi več prodnatih plasti, ki se med seboj ločijo s plastmi mineralogenih in orga-nogenih glin. V zgornjem delu profila se pojavi več kot 15 m debela plast gline - polžarice,3 ki je včasih prepredena s plastmi peska. V njej dobimo bogato favno polžev in školjk. Nad polžarico sledijo plasti, bogate z rastlinskimi ostanki. Sledijo rjava glina, šotno blato, šota in končno humus (Pavšič 1989, 6 ss). Plast polžarice oziroma jezerske krede dokazuje, da je od kasnega glaciala do koliščarske dobe tu obstajalo razmeroma globoko jezero (Šercelj 1966, 431, 443; 2.1.2 GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF CENTRAL SLOVENIA The surface of the earth today is divided into a number of landscapes or natural geographical units (Perko, Kladnik 1998): the Ljubljansko barje to the southwest, westwards extend the Cerkljansko, Škofjeloško, Polhograjsko and Rovtarsko hribovje, the Savska ravan lies in the north, and the Posavsko hribovje extends eastwards and closes in the Dolenjsko podolje (tract of lowland surrounded by hills in the Dolenjska region) in the south (fig. 2.3). The Ljubljansko barje (289 m) is one of the southernmost moors in Europe and it forms the far southern segment of the Ljubljana basin. To the north and northeast it reaches to the »Ljubljanska vrata« between Golovec (Mazovnik, 450 m), Grad (376 m) and the Šišenski hrib (429 m). Northwest and west it extends to the southeastern part of the Polhograjsko hribovje. Southwards it reaches to the Dinaric plateaus above which rise Krim (1107 m) and Mokrec (1059 m). And southeastwards the Šmarska suha dolina rises above it. It is a good 20 km long and approximately 10 km wide. The extensively deposited ground is characteristic with its isolated hills that are anywhere from 5 to 100 m high and which are the least sunken parts of the bottom of the Ljubljansko barje (Lovrenčak, Orožen Adamič 1998, 380). The Ljubljansko barje is a wide tectonic depression, which is at the juncture of two tectonic units. It formed approximately two million years ago. Its rate of sinking was relatively fast. The process continues at a rate of up to 25 mm/year (Černe, Lovrenčak 1996, 87 p). Surface water currents filled the depression with gravel and the occasional lake filled it with clay material. The profile of the borehole from Črna vas shows that a strongly crushed dolomite sand and gravel lie above the Triassic. Several gravel layers follow, all of which are separated from each other by layers of mineralogic and organoge-netic clays. Lying in the upper part of the profile is a clay layer of snail-clay soil,3 more than 15 m thick, which is sometimes interwoven with layers of sand. A large selection of fauna, snails and shells are comprised within. Above the loamy chalk are layers rich with vegetal 3 Regarding snail-clay soil, or »Seekreide«, check R. Tancik (1965, 58 pp), as well as A. Grimšičar and V. Ocepek (1967, 279 pp). prim. Šifrer 1983, 7 ss), ki je v koliščarski dobi naglo plahnelo. V tedaj že plitvem jezeru se je odložil organski detritus (gyttja) (Šercelj 1966, 443 ). Pred osuševalnimi deli v 19. stoletju je bilo barje težko prehodno močvirje (Melik 1927), danes pa je večinoma osušeno in prepredeno z drenažnimi jarki. Tu prevladujejo travniki, njivskih površin je le 15 %. Glavna vodna žila je kraška Ljubljanica, ki teče v smeri od jugozahoda proti severovzhodu. Po osušitvi holocenskega jezera je reka večkrat spreminjala strugo (Puc 1984, 12). Zadnjo večjo spremembo naj bi doživela z regulacijami v rimski dobi (Vuga 1982, 23).4 V antiki sta se ob Ljubljanici razvili urbani naselbini Nauportus (Horvat 1990) in Emona (Šašel 1968). Ostali pomemb- Sl. 2.3: Geografske enote v osrednji Sloveniji: 1. Ljubljansko barje, 2. Cerkljansko, Škofjeloško, Polhograjsko in Rovtarsko hribovje, 3. Savska ravan, 4. Posavsko hribovje in 5. Dolenjsko podolje (po Perko, Kladnik 1998). Fig. 2.3: Geographical units in central Slovenia: 1. Ljubljansko barje, 2. Cerkljansko, Škofjeloško, Polhograjsko and Rovtarsko hribovje, 3. Savska ravan, 4. Posavsko hribovje and 5. Dolenjsko podolje (according to Perko, Kladnik 1998). remains, and then brown clay, muddy peat, peat and finally humus (Pavšič 1989, 6 pp). The layer of snail-clay soil, or sea-chalk from the lake, is evidence of the presence of a relatively deep lake from the Late Glacial through to the pile dwelling period (Šercelj 1966, 431, 443; cf. Šifrer 1983, 7 pp), when it rapidly subsided. Organic detritus (gyttja) was then deposited in the by-then shallow lake (Šercelj 1966, 443). Prior to the drainage efforts in the 19th century, the Ljubljansko barje was more of a difficult to traverse swamp (Melik 1927); while today it is for the most part dried up and intertwined with drainage canals. Grassland predominates; fields of soil constitute only approximately 15 %. The main influx of water is from the karstic Ljubljanica river, which flows from the southwest and heads northeastwards. Following the drying up of the Holocene lake, the river altered its course a number of times (Puc 1984, 12). The last great change supposedly occurred during the amelioration efforts in the Roman period (Vuga 1982, 23).4 The two urban settlements of Nauportus (Horvat 1990) and Emona (Šašel 1968) developed along the Ljubljanica in antiquity. The other significant influxes of water are of a torrential character and they pour out into V novejšem času je A. Gaspari (1998) ponovno aktualiziral problematiko regulacij Ljubljanice v arheoloških dobah, kjer je kot vprašljivo in malo verjetno označil predvsem rimsko-dobno regulacijo Ljubljanice. 4 More recently, A. Gaspari (1998) reinitiated the issue concerning amelioration of the Ljubljanica during the archaeological eras; primarily he questioned the regulation of the Ljubljanica during the Roman period and determined it highly unlikely. ni vodotoki imajo hudourniški značaj in se izlivajo v Ljubljanico, predvsem Iška prinaša na Barje velike količine proda. Cerkljansko, Škofjeloško, Polhograjsko in Rovtar-sko hribovje je hribovita pokrajina, ki leži v zahodnem delu slovenskega predalpskega sveta. Na severozahodu meji na Julijske Alpe, na severovzhodu na Savsko ravan, na jugu pa prehaja v dinarski svet. Povprečna nadmorska višina pokrajine je 645,5 m, s povprečnim naklonom ozemlja 18,7 ° in najvišjo točko na Poreznu (1630 m). Glavne poti potekajo v smeri vzhod zahod po dolinah hudourniških rek in potokov: Poljanska in Selška Sora, Gradaščica in Horjulščica. Med Staro in Novo Oselico so v rimski dobi postavili obrambno zaporo, ki naj bi varovala cesto iz Poljanske doline do Cerknega, od koder drži vzdolž Idrijce pot v dolino Soče (Šašel 1971, 82). Potek te ceste se domneva po dolini Poljanske Sore, pri Hotavljah naj bi se povzpela na Staro Ose-lico ter nadaljevala po grebenu do doline Cerknice (Brank 1977, 268). Okoli 25 % pokrajine prekrivajo dolomiti. Za ta območja so značilne velike strmine s povprečnim naklonom 23 Tu so reke izdolble ozke doline in soteske: med Staro Loko in Praprotnim, med Železniki in Zalim Logom, med Hotavljami in Trebijo. Manj kot 20 % površja je pokrito z apnenci. Zanje so značilni kraški pojavi, ki pa so redki, saj se plasti apnenca marsikje menjavajo s plastmi drugih kamnin. Najbolj kraška pokrajina je Ledinska planota zahodno od Žirov z vrtačami in manjšimi ponikalnicami. Ostalo površje prekrivajo različne neprepustne kamnine. Vulkanske kamnine se pojavljajo v Šmohorskem hribovju med Selcami in dolino Besnice. Zaradi kislosti tal so ta območja nadpovprečno porasla z gozdovi. Kjer so permokarbonski temnosi-vi glinovci in peščenjaki, ki so zelo nestabilne kamnine, so tla podvržena pogostemu plazenju: med Cerknim in Sovodnjem (Gabrovec 1998). V rdečih permskih peščenjakih, imenovanih tudi grodenske plasti, ki se raztezajo od Žirovskega vrha proti zahodu in mimo Sovodenj do Cerknega, v dolini Ločnice, pri Sveti Katarini in pri Svetem Ožboltu so nahajališča urana in nahajališča bakrove rude (Drovenik, Ple-ničar, Drovenik 1980, 37 ss). Z bakrovo rudo je posebno bogato rudišče pod Škofjem nad Cerknim, ki so ga med 2. svetovno vojno kratko obdobje izkoriščali Italijani (Jelenc 1953, 18). Pokrajina je bogata tudi z železovo rudo (glej Drovenik, Pleničar, Drovenik 1980, Metalogenetska karta SR Slovenije). Iz bližine rudišč je znanih več železno-dobnih posamičnih najdb in domnevno halštatskih višinskih naselbin (glej Arheološka najdišča Slovenije 1975, 169 ss), kar morda kaže, da so rudo izkoriščali že v železni dobi. V kolikšnem obsegu naj bi se to dogajalo, ni znano. Pelodni diagram z Ledine na Jelovici (sl. 2.2) nedvoumno kaže na močnejši človekov vpliv na okolje šele pred približno 1000 leti. Takrat upadeta vrednosti the Ljubljanica; in particular, the Iška river brings large amounts of gravel to the Ljubljansko barje. The Cerkljansko, Škofjeloško, Polhograjsko and Rovtarsko hribovje present a hilly landscape that lies in the western part of the Slovene sub-Alpine world. This landscape borders with the Julian Alps to the northwest, the Savska ravan to the northeast, and to the south it proceeds into the Dinaric world. The average height above sea level measures 645.5 m, and the average incline of the land measures 18.7 the highest point is atop Porezen (1630 m). The main routes of communication run from east to west through the valleys of torrential rivers and streams: the Poljanska and Selška Sora, the Gradaščica and the Horjulščica. A defense barricade was built between Stara Oselica and Nova Oselica during the Roman period; it was supposed to protect the road from the Poljanska dolina to Cerkno, from where it followed alongside the Idrijca river into the Soča valley (Šašel 1971, 82). The course of this road it presumed to run through the valley of the Poljanska Sora river, at Hotav-lje to turn and rise up to Stara Oselica and continue along the ridge to the Cerknica valley (Brank 1977, 268). Dolomite covers approximately 25 % of the land. Steep slopes are characteristic for this region; the average incline is 23 Rivers carved out steep valleys and ravines through these parts: between Stara Loka and Praprot, between Železniki and Zali Log, between Ho-tavlje and Trebija. Less than 20 % of the surface is covered with limestone. Karst features are otherwise characteristic here, although they are rare due to the fact that these layers interplay with layers of other rocks. West of Žiri, the Ledinska planota (plateau), with its sinkholes and small underground streams, is the most characteristically karstic landscape. The rest of the landscape is covered with various impermeable rocks. Volcanic rocks are in the Šmohorsko hribovje between Selca and the Besnica valley. Due to the acidity of the soil, this region is overgrown with more than the average amount of forests. Wherever there are Permian-Carboniferous dark gray claystones and sandstones, which are very unstable rocks, the ground is prone to frequent landslides: between Cerkno and Sovodenj (Gabrovec 1998). Uranium deposits and copper ore deposits are situated in the red Permian sandstones, also called Groden layers, which extend from Žirovski Vrh westwards, past Sovodenj and all to Cerkno, in the Ločnica valley, near Sveta Katarina and near Sveti Ožbolt (Drovenik, Pleničar, Drovenik 1980, 37 pp). A particularly rich copper ore deposits lie beneath Škofje above Cerkno; the Italians exploited it for a brief period during WW II (Jelenc 1953, 18). The land is also rich with iron ore (check Drovenik, Pleničar, Drovenik 1980, Metallogenetic map of the Republic of Slovenia). Numerous Iron Age individual chance finds and presumably Hallstatt upland settle- peloda jelke in kasneje tudi bukve, naraste pa vrednost peloda smreke in zelišč. Razlog za te spremembe je iskati v srednjeveški kolonizaciji pokrajine in v železarstvu (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). Od konca srednjega veka do 19. stoletja je bilo tu železarstvo pomembna gospodarska panoga. Ker je ta zahtevala veliko bukovega oglja, je prišlo do začasnega propada jelovo-bukove-ga gozda. S prenehanjem te dejavnosti se je začel gozd obnavljati, kar se vidi v zgornjem delu diagrama z Ledine (Leskovec 1989, 170 ss). Hribovita pokrajina je znana tudi po kamninah, ki so primerne za izdelavo žrmelj. V obilici jih najdemo na žirovsko-škofjeloškem ozemlju. Analize so namreč pokazale, da kamnina, iz katere so Emonci izdelovali žrm-lje, izvira od tu (Horvat, Župančič 1987, 105 ss). Podnebje je zmerno celinsko, s povprečno letno višino padavin med 1536 mm v Brišah pri Polhovem Gradcu in 2096 mm na Bukovem pod Kojco. Padavinski režim je submediteranski, z glavnim padavinskim viškom jeseni in drugotnim na prehodu pomladi v poletje. Temperaturno izstopa termalni pas na prisojnih pobočjih med 600 in 800 m nadmorske višine s povprečno letno temperaturo 8,3 °C, kar je za stopinjo več kot v 200 m nižjih Žireh v dolini. Višja povprečna letna temperatura je posledica zimskega in jutranjega toplotnega obrata v dolinah. Zaradi takih podnebnih razmer so v toplem pasu nastala razmeroma velika naselja. Ugodnih površin za kmetijstvo je razmeroma malo. Pokrajino večji del prekriva gozd, predvsem bukov, ki prekriva kar pet šestin ozemlja (Gabrovec 1998). Savska ravan leži v zgornjem porečju Save in obsega skoraj celotno dno Ljubljanske kotline. Na severu jo obdajajo Karavanke in Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, na severozahodu Julijske Alpe, na zahodu Škofjeloško in Polhograjsko hribovje, na vzhodu Posavsko hribovje, na jugu pa prehaja v Ljubljansko barje. Povprečna nadmorska višina znaša 393,5 m, s povprečnim naklonom ozemlja 4,3 To je osrednji del velike udorine, kamor so reke v pleistocenu čez terciarne usedline nanesle ogromno gradiva. Zato so se terciarne kamnine na površju ohranile le na obrobju, na primer pri Škofji Loki, Tržiču in Kamniku. V ledenih dobah so sem segali ledeniki. Največji je bil Bohinjski ledenik, ki je zapolnjeval ves Blejski kot in velik del ravnine na levem bregu Save med Žirovnico in Begunjami, proti jugovzhodu pa je segal južno od Radovljice, skoraj do Brezij in Kamne Gorice. Ledeni-ške vode so nasule prod ponekod tudi do 100 m na debelo. Vanj so reke vrezale globoke, ponekod prav kan-jonske doline: Kokra pri Kranju. Skoraj štiri petine površja prekrivajo karbonatni prod, grušč, til, konglomerat, breča in tilit. Precej manj je gline, melja, glinavca, meljevca, laporja ter kremeno-vega peščenjaka in konglomerata (Pak 1998, 84 ss). Reliefno razgibana pokrajina je značilna predvsem za severni del ravni, kjer so Sava in pritoki vrezali široke ments are known from the vicinity of the iron ore deposits (checkArheološka najdišča Slovenije 1975, 169 pp); perhaps this is an indication that the ore was mined already during the Iron Age. However, to what extent is not yet known. The pollen diagrams from Ledina upon Jelovica (Fig. 2.2.) indubitably demonstrate an increase in the effects of human activity on the environment, although only about 1000 years ago. The values of fir tree pollen decline at that point, and somewhat later also of beech tree pollen; however, the values of pine tree and herb pollens increase. The explanation for these changes lies in the medieval colonization of the landscape and in the development of ironworks (Culiberg, Šercelj, Zupančič 1981). Ironworks manifested an important branch of the economy from the end of the Middle Ages to the 19th century. And as it required enormous amounts of beech tree coal, a temporary decline in the fir and beech tree forest ensued. The forest began to regenerate once this line of work was ceased; this is visible in the upper part of the diagram from Ledina (Leskovec 1989, 170 pp). The hilly landscape is also well known for its rocks, suitable for making querns. Ample examples were found in the territory of Žiri and Škofja Loka. Analyses have demonstrated that the rocks used by the Emonians to make querns originate from these parts (Horvat, Župančič 1987, 105 pp). A moderate continental climate predominates here; the average annual measure of rainfall is between 1536 mm at Briše near Polhov Gradec and 2096 mm at Bukovo beneath Kojca. The rainfall regime is sub-Mediterranean, with the rainfall climax in the autumn and again at the transition from spring to summer. The average annual temperature in the thermal zone on the sunny slopes between the above sea level heights of 600 and 800 m is exceptional in measuring 8.3 °C, which is a whole degree higher than that at Žiri 200 m lower, in the valley. A higher average annual temperature is the result of the winter and morning warmth inversion in the valleys. The development of relatively large settlements in the warmer zone is due to such climatic conditions. There are relatively few favorable agricultural surfaces. The landscape is largely covered by a predominantly beech tree forest,which covers five sixths of the territory (Gabrovec 1998). The Savska ravan is situated in the upper basin of the Sava river and it extends almost throughout the entire Ljubljana basin. The Karavanke mountains and the Kamniške and Savinjske Alps enclose it at the north, the Julian Alps in the northwest, the Škofjeloško and Polhograjsko hribovje in the west and the Posavsko hribovje in the east. In the south it proceeds into the Ljubljansko barje. The average height above sea level measures 393.5 m, and the average incline is 4.3 This is the central part of a large hollow, where enormous amounts of alluvium were deposited over the Tertiary deposits by rivers in the Pleistocene. Conse- terase. Pri Radovljici so ledeniki pustili sledi v nekaj metrov visokih slemenih, ki so ostanki čelnih in robnih morenskih nasipov. Na Bledu je zastalo ledeniško jezero (Pak 1996, 3). V južnem delu pokrajine se je z nasi-pavanjem Save in pritokov ustvarilo 60 km2 veliko Ljubljansko polje. Trdo sprijet konglomerat je v glavnem prekrit z nizko prodno nasipino. Od ostalega dela ravni ga ločujejo Šmarna gora (669 m), Grmada (676 m), Rašica (M. vrh, 489 m; Vrh S. Kosca, 641 m; Debeli vrh, 595 m) in Soteški hrib (405 m) med Nadgorico in Podgorico. Sava je osrednja vodna žila pokrajine. Ima pet večjih pritokov: Tržiška Bistrica, Kokra, Kamniška Bistrica, Sora in Ljubljanica. Za večino je značilno, da imajo visoko vodo spomladi, ko se tali sneg in začne spomladansko deževje, ter v jeseni. Padavin je dovolj čez vse leto, zato ima ravan zmerno vlažno celinsko podnebje. V zgornjem delu ravni se uveljavlja alpsko podnebje, ki se krajevno spreminja glede na lego in na nadmorsko višino. V spodnjem in osrednjem delu so poletja toplejša in zime milejše. Na podnebje pomembno vpliva tudi lega med gorami. Visokogorsko in hribovito obrobje zmanjšuje vetrovnost in pospešuje toplotni obrat. Pozimi se na dnu Ljubljanske kotline nabere in zadržuje hladen zrak. Zato je tu bolj hladno in megleno kot na višjem obrobju. V severnem delu pokrajine, na Ljubljanskem polju in na Kamniškobistriški ravni, prekriva mlajše prodne terase in morene za kmetijstvo ugodna, 20 do 30 cm globoka rendzina. Na starejših prodnih terasah so nastale evtrične rjave prsti, ki so globlje od rendzine in vsebujejo manj karbonatov. Pokrivajo dele Kranjskega in Sorškega polja, ponekod pa so tudi na Kamniškobistriški ravni. Kjer so manj kakovostne, se na njih ponekod pojavlja antropogeni, večinoma smrekov gozd. Gozd prekriva dobro tretjino ravni, kar je največ od vseh ravninskih pokrajin v Sloveniji (Pak 1998, 88). Posavsko hribovje obsega osrednji in najizrazitejši del Posavskih gub med alpskim visokogorjem na severu in dinarskim krasom na jugu. Gube sestavljajo antiklinale ter sinklinale, ki se v reliefu kažejo kot vrsta podolžnih slemen in vmesnih podolij, ki se v vzporedni-ški smeri vlečejo od Polhograjskega in Škofjeloškega hribovja proti vzhodu na Hrvaško. Pokrajina obsega širok pas hribovitega sveta na obeh straneh reke Save med Ljubljanskim poljem in Sevniško kotlinico. Na severu omejujejo hribovje Kam-niško-Savinjske Alpe, Savinjska ravan, Ložniško in Hu-dinjsko ter Voglajnsko in Zgornjesotelsko gričevje, na jugu Dolenjsko podolje, Raduljsko hribovje ter Krško, Senovsko in Bizeljsko gričevje. Na zahodu sega do Savske ravni in Ljubljanskega barja, na vzhodu do Srednje-sotelskega gričevja (Hrvatin 1998, 178 s). V bakreni, še bolj pa v železni in rimski dobi, so dala poseben pečat pokrajini razmeroma bogata rudišča bakrove, železove in svinčeve rude (Drovenik, Pleničar, quently, Tertiary rocks on the surface are only preserved along the edges, for instance at Škofja Loka, Tržič and Kamnik. The glaciers reached all to here during the Ice Ages. The Bohinj glacier was the largest: it filled the entire area of Bled and a large part of the plain along the left bank of the Sava between Žirovnica and Begunje, southeastwards it extended south of Radovljica, almost to Brezje and Kamna Gorica. The glacial waters deposited gravel even up to 100 m thick. Rivers cut deeply through the Savska ravan - sometimes even deep canyons: Kokra near Kranj. Almost four fifths of the surface is covered with carbonate gravel, rubble, till, conglomerates, breccia and tillite. The remainder consists of clay, silt, siltstone, marl as well as quartz sandstone and conglomerate (Pak 1998, 84 pp). The uneven terrain is especially characteristic of the northern part of the plain, where the Sava and its tributaries incised wide terraces. Near Radovljica the glaciers left traces in ridges measuring a few meters high; these are the remains of frontal and marginal morainic deposits. A glacial lake remains at Bled (Pak 1996, 3). Southwards, the 60 km2 large Ljubljansko polje is the result of alluvium deposits by the Sava river and its tributaries. The tough agglutination is chiefly covered with a low gravel deposit. It is separated from the rest of the plain by Šmarna gora (669 m), Grmada (676 m), Rašica (M. vrh, 489 m; Vrh S. Kosca, 641 m; Debeli vrh, 595 m) and Soteški hrib (405 m) between Nadgorica and Podgorica. The Sava is the central waterway in the landscape. It has five important tributaries: the Tržiška Bistrica, the Kokra, the Kamniška Bistrica, the Sora and the Ljubljanica. Characteristic for the majority is a high level of water in the spring, when the snow melts and the spring rainfall begins, and in the autumn. There is plenty of rainfall throughout the entire year. Consequently, the plain has a moderately humid continental climate. An Alpine climate reins in the upper part of the plain, locally changing depending upon the positioning and height above sea level. Summers are warmer and winters are milder in the lower and central parts of the plain. The positioning among the mountains is also a significant influence on the climate. The high mountains and the hilly edges decrease the wind factor and increase the inversion of warmth. Cold air builds up and gets retained in the Ljubljana basin during the winter. Consequently, fog gathers and the temperature is lower here than along the higher edges of the basin. An agriculturally favorable 20 to 30 cm deep Rendzina soil (USA: Rendoll) layer covers the younger gravel terrace and moraine in the northern part of the landscape, the Ljubljansko polje and the Kamniškobis-triška ravan. Eutric brown soils (USA: Ustoll or Xeroll), deeper than the Rendzina soil and containing less carbonate minerals, formed on the older gravel terraces. They cover parts of the Kranjsko polje and the Sorško Drovenik 1980, 19 ss). Rude so v karbonskih in perm-skih kamninah.5 Ker so te kamnine neprepustne, so tu nastale tesne grape in globoke doline. Najdemo jih med Dolom pri Ljubljani in naseljem Sava, v večjem delu porečij Radomlje, Sevnične Rečice in Sopote ter v po-virjih Orehovice, Kotredeščice, Trboveljščice in Bolske. Mezozojske pretežno karbonatne kamnine pokrivajo slabo polovico pokrajine. Na njih se je izoblikovalo fluvio-kraško in kraško površje. Iz teh kamnin so najvišja slemena in vrhovi. Terciarne usedline pa so zapolnile dno Tuhinjske doline in Moravško-Trboveljsko podolje, pogoste so v vzhodnem delu pokrajine. Na strmejših pobočjih s terciarno kamninsko podlago se zelo pogosto prožijo usadi. V razširjenih delih dolinskega dna ob Savi se je v kvartarju karbonatni prod odložil v akumulacijskih terasah (Hrvatin 1998, 179 s). Prevladuje zmerno celinsko podnebje s povprečno letno temperaturo med 8 in 10 °C. Količina padavin se giblje med 1200 in 1300 mm. Najbolj deževen mesec je junij. Površje Posavskega hribovja je močno razčlenjeno s številnimi dolinami in grapami ter je težko prehodno. Ravnega sveta je malo, prevladujejo nakloni med 12 in 30 Večina hribovja leži v višinskem pasu med 300 in 600 m in le posamezni vrhovi segajo več kot 1000 m visoko. Gozd prekriva skoraj dve tretjini ozemlja. Njivskih površin je malo. Največ rodovitnega njivskega sveta je v osrednjem delu Moravško-Trboveljskega podolja in na prisojnih terasah. Dolenjsko podolje leži na stiku panonskega, alpskega in dinarskega sveta. Vleče se v 45 km dolgem in od 3 do 12 km širokem pasu od Ljubljanskega barja in Turjaške pokrajine na zahodu do Raduljskega hribovja in Novomeške pokrajine na vzhodu. Na severu se dviga v Posavsko hribovje, na jugu pa v planotasto Suho krajino. Pokrajina je del dinarskega sveta z značilnim fluvi-okraškim in kraškim reliefom s povprečno nadmorsko višino 320 m. Večina pokrajine ima zmernocelinsko vlažno podnebje. Proti vzhodu se krepijo panonski podnebni vplivi. Pomembne so tudi razlike med višje ležečimi prevetrenimi kraji ter tistimi v kotanjah in dnu dolin, kjer se pojavlja toplotni obrat in z njim pogosteje slana in megla. Prevladujejo poletne konvekcijske padavine, proti zahodu pa so vse izrazitejše jesenske frontalne padavine. Zaradi velikega deleža prepustnega kraškega sveta v sušnem obdobju marsikje občutijo pomanjkanje vode (Topole 1998, 460 ss). Osrednjo Slovenijo torej označuje strm, hribovit svet. Glavne prometne poti potekajo po dolinah vzdolž polje, as well as sections of the Kamniškobistriška ravan. Anthropogenic, chiefly pine tree forests cover select areas of the lesser quality soil. Forest covers approximately one third of the plain, which is the most of all the plains throughout Slovenia (Pak 1998, 88). The Posavsko hribovje comprises the central and most pronounced part of the Posavsko folds between the high Alpine mountains in the north and the Dinaric karst in the south. Anticlines and synclines constitute the folds; in relief they look like a series of oblong ridges with intermediary valleys that run parallel from the Polhograjsko and Škofjeloško hribovje eastwards to Croatia. The landscape comprises a wide, hilly zone along both sides of the Sava river between the Ljubljansko polje and the Sevnica basin. Setting the northern limit are the Kamniške and Savinjske Alps, the Savinjska ravan, and the Ložnica, Hudinja, Voglajna and Zgornjesotelsko gričevje. To the south are the Dolenjsko podolje, the Radu-ljsko hribovje, and the Krško, Senovsko and Bizeljsko hribovje. Westwards the Posavsko hribovje reaches to the Savska ravan and the Ljubljansko barje, and eastwards to the Srednjesotelsko gričevje (Hrvatin 1998, 178 p). During the Copper Age, and even more so during the Iron Age and the Roman period, a rich selection of copper, iron and lead ore deposits bore a special seal for the area (Drovenik, Pleničar, Drovenik 1980, 19 pp). Ores are in Carboniferous and Permian rocks.5 As these rocks are impermeable, mountain gorges and deep ravines were formed, such as between Dol pri Ljubljani and the village Sava, in the greater part of the Radomlje, the Sevnična Rečica and the Sopota, river basin, as well as in the upper basins of the Orehovica, the Kotredešči-ca, the Trboveljščica and the Bolska rivers. Mesozoic, predominantly carbonate rocks cover almost half of the landscape. A fluvial-karstic and karst surface formed upon them. These rocks form the highest ridges and peaks. Tertiary deposits filled the floor of the Tuhinjska dolina and the Moravško-Trboveljsko podolje; they are frequent in the eastern part of the landscape. Landslides are often triggered upon the steeper slopes with a Tertiary rock foundation. During the Quaternary period, carbonate gravel was deposited in accumulative terraces in the wider parts of the valley floor along the Sava (Hrvatin 1998, 179 p). A moderate continental climate predominates, the average annual temperature being between 8 and 10 °C. The amount of rainfall varies between 1200 and 1300 mm; the most rain falls in June. The surface of the Posavsko hribovje is extremely divided by numerous valleys and ravines and is thus difficult to traverse. There is little level ground; most inclines are between 12 and 30 Most of the hills are situated in the higher zone 5 Skrilavi glinavci ter kremenovi peščenjaki in konglomerati pokrivajo tretjino ozemlja in sestavljajo jedro antiklinal (Hrvatin 1998, 179). 5 Slate claystone pits, quartz sandstones and conglomerates cover one third of the territory and they compose the core of the anticline (Hrvatin 1998, 179). rek predvsem Save, Ljubljanice in obeh Sor ter z jugovzhoda čez Dolenjsko podolje. Območje ima malo sveta, ki je izrazito ugoden za poljedelstvo. Še največ ga najdemo na ravninskem Ljubljanskem polju. Ne smemo namreč pozabiti, da je v koliščarski dobi Ljubljansko barje najbrž prekrivalo po površini razmeroma veliko, toda plitvo jezero. Nasprotno pa je območje precej bogato z bakrovo rudo, ki jo najdemo predvsem v Posavskem ter Cerkljansko-Škofjeloškem hribovju. Na območju prevladuje zmerno celinsko podnebje z okoli 1200-1500 mm padavin/leto in s povprečno letno temperaturo okoli 9 °C. between 300 and 600 m, and only select peaks reach above 1000 m. Forest covers almost two thirds of the territory. There are few fields. The larger segment of fertile fields lies in the central part of the Moravsko-Trboveljsko podolje and upon the sunny terraces. The Dolenjsko podolje lies at the junction of the Pannonian, Alpin and Dinaric worlds. It runs 45 km long and from 3 to 12 km wide all the way from the Ljubljansko barje and the Turjak landscape at the west, to the Raduljsko hribovje and the Novo mesto landscape in the east. It rises into the Posavsko hribovje in the north and in the south it spreads into the Suha Krajina plateau. The landscape is part of the Dinaric world with its characteristic fluvial-karstic and karst relief, and its average height above sea level of 320 m. A moderate continental climate predominates in the major part of the landscape. The Pannonian climatic influences increase towards the east. Other important differences are those between the more elevated and windy places and those down in the basins at the foot of the valleys, where warm inversions occur, and consequently frost and fog are more frequent. Summer rains are predominant, while towards the west the autumn frontal rains are more distinctive. Many places suffer from water shortages in the dry season due to the large amount of permeable karst land (Topole 1998, 460 pp). Central Slovenia thus comprises a steep, hilly world. The main traffic routes run through the valleys alongside rivers, primarily the Sava, the Ljubljanica and both Sora rivers, as well as from the southeast across the Dolenjsko podolje. There is little cultivatable land in this region; the largest section lies in the plain of the Ljubljansko polje. After all, let us not forget that a large and shallow lake probably covered the Ljubljansko barje area during the pile dwelling period. Contrarily, the region is relatively rich with copper ore deposits, most of which can be found in the Posavsko and Cerkljansko-Skofjelos-ko hribovje. A moderate continental climate is predominant in the region, with an average of approximately 1200-1500 mm rainfall/year and an average annual temperature of approximately 9 °C. 2.2 NEOLITSKA-ENEOLITSKA ARHEOLOŠKA NAJDIŠČA V OSREDNJI SLOVENIJI 2.2 NEOLITHIC-ENEOLITHIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN CENTRAL SLOVENIA 2.2.1 LJUBLJANSKO BARJE 2.2.1 THE LJUBLJANSKO BARJE Neolitske-eneolitske naselbinske najdbe na Ljubljanskem barju poznamo z barja, osamelcev, Iškega vr-šaja in s trdinskega sveta v okolici barja. Danes je znanih več kot 30 neolitskih-eneolitskih naselbinskih lokacij na mokrih tleh. Velika večina med njimi je kataloško predstavljena v magistrski nalogi A. Veluščka (Velušček SI. 2.4: Ljubljansko barje. Označene so samo bolje poznane koliščarske naselbine. Fig. 2.4: Ljubljansko barje. Only the better known pile dwelling settlements are marked. Neolithic-Eneolithic settlement finds from the Ljubljansko barje are primarily known from the Ljubljansko barje itself, the isolated hills, the Iška low, wide fluvial deposit and the solid land surrounding the Ljubljansko barje. More than 30 Neolithic-Eneolithic settlement locations upon wet ground are known today. The large majority among them is presented in the catalogue of A. Velušček's master's thesis (Velušček 1997b). Most were discovered in the vicinity of Ig and near Blatna Brezovica, and also near Prevalje, around Plešivica, in Ljubljana, at the foot of Kamnik pod Krimom and near Bistra (check fig. 2.4). 1997b). Največ je bilo odkritih v okolici Iga in pri Blatni Brezovici, po številu sledijo naselbine pri Prevaljah, okoli Plešivice, v Ljubljani, pod Kamnikom pod Krimom in pri Bistri (glej sl. 2.4). 2.2.2 CERKLJANSKO, ŠKOFJELOŠKO, POLHOGRAJSKO IN ROVTARSKO HRIBOVJE O neolitski in eneolitski poselitvi pokrajine je na voljo zelo malo podatkov (sl. 2.5). Najpomembnejši najdišči sta jama Kevderc in Lubniška jama, ki sta v Škofjeloškem hribovju. Jami se odpirata na višini 810 m na južnem pobočju kopastega Lubnika (1025 m). Vhoda sta okoli 100 m nad strugo potočka, ki je v srednjem pliocenu izdolbel jamske prostore. Raziskave so pokazale, da sta bili jami ob nastanku v geomorfološki zvezi (Kiauta, Leben 1960, 174). Leta 1958, 1959 in 1962 so v jamah, in tudi nad jamo Kevderc, potekala izkopavanja, ki so potrdila eneolitsko jamsko poselitev (prim. Leben 1958-1959, 295; 1959, 83 ss; 1962, 53 s; 1963, 213 ss; 1973, 19 ss; Korošec 1959, 17 s). Jama Kevderc V prvi dvoranici so naleteli na enotno kulturno plast s prazgodovinskimi ostanki in kuriščem. Prevladuje keramika, ki je ornamentirana z vrezi in vbodi ter belo inkrustirana. Oblikovno gre za vrče, sklede in pečatnik. Številna so tudi kamnita in koščena ter rožena orodja (Leben 1963, 216 ss). Lubniška jama V jami so sondirali leta 1959 ter sistematično izkopavali leta 1962. Tudi tu so naleteli na enotno kulturno plast s podobnimi najdbami kot v Kevdercu (Leben 1963, 223 ss). Posamične najdbe Z obrobja Trebije, severovzhodno od glavnega cestnega križišča, poznamo kamnito kladivasto sekiro.6 Leta 1980 so jo našli pri kopanju temeljev za vikend.7 Iz Stare Oselice poznamo kamnito puščično ost s stranskima zajedama, ki je bila najdena približno 40 m stran od hiše Stara Oselica 18, kjer je ležala v globini od 15 do 20 cm.8 V muzeju v Škofji Loki hranijo kamnito kladivasto sekiro iz Sovodenj.9 Na Taboru južno od Vrzdenca so 2.2.2 CERKLJANSKO, ŠKOFJELOŠKO, POLHOGRAJSKO AND ROVTARSKO HRIBOVJE Very little data regarding Neolithic and Eneolithic settlement throughout the landscape is available (^ig. 2.5). The most important sites are the Kevderc cave and the Lubnik cave, both situated in the Škofjeloško hribovje. The two caves open at an above sea level height of 810 m, on the southern slope of the cumulous Lub-nik (1025 m). The entrances are both situated approximately 100 m above the riverbed that carved out these two caves in the middle of the Pliocene. Investigations have shown that the two caves were originally linked in terms of geomorphology (Kiauta, Leben 1960, 174). Excavations were carried out in the two caves, as well as above the Kevderc cave, in the years 1958, 1959 and 1962; these investigations confirmed settlement within the cave during the Eneolithic period (cf. Leben 19581959, 295; 1959, 83 pp; 1962, 53 p; 1963, 213 pp; 1973, 19 pp; Korošec 1959, 17 p). The Kevderc cave A unified cultural layer with prehistoric remains and an open hearth were discovered in the first, small hall. Pottery remains are predominant; they display incised and stitched ornamentation, as well as white encrustation. The forms comprise of pitchers, dishes and a seal. There are also numerous tools made of stone, bone and horn (Leben 1963, 216 pp). The Lubnik cave Sample trenches were dug in this cave in 1959, and systematic excavations followed in 1962. A unified cultural layer was discovered here as well; the material finds were similar to those found at Kevderc (Leben 1963, 223 pp). Chance finds A stone hammer-form axe is known from the edge of Trebija, northeast of the main road crossing.6 The axe was found in 1980 while digging the foundations for a cottage.7 A stone arrowhead with two side indentations is known from Stara Oselica; lying at a depth of 15 to 20 cm underground, it was found approximately 40 m away from the house at Stara Oselica 18.8 The museum in Škofja Loka also preserves a stone hammer-form axe from So-vodenj.9 In addition to the metal finds from later periods 6 Širina = 7 cm; dolžina = 12 cm; š. luknje = 2,5 cm. 7 Osnovne podatke o najdbi, mestu in okoliščinah najdbe nam je posredoval najditelj V. Oblak iz Škofje Loke, za kar se mu najlepše zahvaljujemo. Sekiro namerava objaviti najditelj, ki jo tudi hrani. 8 Podatke nam je posredoval D. Breščak, ki bo najdbo tudi objavil. Za izkazano prijaznost se mu najlepše zahvaljujemo. 9 Podatke o sekiri nam je posredovala Z. Šubic, za kar se ji najlepše zahvaljujemo. 6 Width = 7 cm; length = 12 cm; w. of hole = 2.5 cm. 7 We would like to extend our gratitude to V. Oblak from Škofja Loka, who mediated the basic information concerning the find, its location and circumstances. The finder, who preserves the axe, also intends to publish it. 8 We are grateful to D. Breščak for kindly mediating the information regarding this find. 9 We thank Z. Šubic for mediating the information regarding this axe. poleg kovinskih najdb iz mlajših obdobij našli tudi zglajeno sekiro iz serpentina (Mullner 1892, 79). Na skrajnem južnem robu pokrajine pri Lesnem brdu nad Ljubljanskim barjem sta bili najdeni še dve sekiri iz serpentina (Rutar 1899, 166). discovered at Tabor, just south of Vrzdenec, there was also a burnished axe made of serpentine (Mullner 1892, 79). Two axes made of serpentine were also found at the far southern edge of the landscape near Lesno brdo above the Ljubljansko barje (Rutar 1899, 166). 2.2.3 SAVSKA RAVAN 2.2.3 SAVSKA RAVAN Savska ravan ima pomembno prometno vlogo, kar se odraža tudi v številu arheoloških najdišč iz neolitika ali eneolitika in kasnejših obdobij (sl. 2.5).10 Na tem območju prevladujejo naselbine na naravno zavarovanih dominantnih vzpetinah. Poznamo tudi naselbine, ki so visoko nad sotesko reke ali nekdanjim rečnim rokavom. Pred kratkim je bila odkrita domnevno nezavarovana nižinska naselbina pri Dragomlju (Turk 1999, 26 s). Na dominantnih vzpetinah ležijo: Malijevo gradišče pri Golniku Naselbina je na manjšem hribu, kjer so vidne terase in umeten nasip. Leta 1969 je na gradišču ekipa arheologov s Filozofske fakultete iz Ljubljane zastavila 5 sond ter odkrila najdbe alpskega faciesa lengyelske kulture, prazgodovinske najdbe nedoločene starosti in tri žgane rimske grobove (Bregant 1968-1969, 179; glej še Dular 2001, 91, sl. 2). Gradišče na Štuclju Gradišče je na 20 m visoki labornati pečini nad vasjo Pivka pri Naklem. Teren prepadno pada proti severu in severozahodu. Proti vzhodu pa je raven oziroma se rahlo spušča. Iz te dostopne strani sta branila dohod na gradišče obrambni jarek in nasip v obliki polkroga. Leta 1935 je najdišče raziskoval R. Ložar (Žontar 1939, 12 s), v šestdesetih letih pa A. Valič (Valič 1968, 485 ss). Raziskave so potrdile prazgodovinsko poselitev ter poznoantično obrambno utrdbo. Redke prazgodovinske najdbe: kremenova puščična ost, odbitek, strgalo in keramika imajo najbližje analogije na Drulovki (Valič 1968, 488, t. 6: 1,2,6; 8: 3,5). Mali grad Najdišče je na grajskem griču v Kamniku. Leta 1950 je na Malem gradu sondiral S. Jesse. V manjši sondi je našel srednjeveško keramiko iz 13. in 14. stoletja. Od leta 1978 dalje tu potekajo raziskave ZVNKD Kranj pod vodstvom M. Sagadina (Sagadin 1996; glej še Dular 2001, 91, t. 4). Prazgodovinske najdbe so bile odkrite na obrobju ravnice pod malograjsko kapelo. V enotni prazgodovin- The Savska ravan plays an important trafficking role; this is also reflected in the number of archaeological sites dating to the Neolithic and Eneolithic, as well as to later periods (fig. 2.5).10 Settlements that are naturally well protected and situated upon dominant elevations predominate in this region. There are also settlements that are situated high above a ravine or a former branch of a river. Just recently a supposedly unprotected lowland settlement was discovered near Dragomelj (Turk 1999, 26 p). Settlements situated upon dominant elevations: Malijevo gradišče near Golnik This fortified settlement lies upon a hill with still visible terraces and a man-made rampart. A team of archaeologists from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, established five trenches over the site in 1969. Material finds attributed to the Alpine Facies of the Lengyel culture, prehistoric finds of undeterminable age and three Roman cremation graves were discovered (Bregant 1968-1969, 179; check also Dular 2001, 91, fig. 2). Gradišče na Štuclju Gradišče is situated upon a 20 m high cliff above the village of Pivka near Naklo. The terrain falls in a precipice towards the north and northwest. Eastwards the terrain is level, with only a slight decline. A semi-circular rampart and defense ditch protected the entryway to the fortification along this more easily accessible side. R. Ložar investigated the site in 1935 (Žontar 1939, 12 p), and A. Valič continued in the 1960s (Valič 1968, 485 pp). Investigations confirmed prehistoric settlement as well as the presence of a Late Roman defense fortification. The rare prehistoric finds include: a flint arrowhead, a flint, a scraper and pottery, with closest analogies at Drulovka (Valič 1968, 488, Pl. 6: 1,2,6; 8: 3,5). Mali grad The site is situated upon the castle hill in Kamnik. S. Jesse excavated sample trenches in 1950. Medieval pottery dating to the 13th and 14th centuries was found in the smaller trench. M. Sagadin from the Institute for the Pres- 10 O poteku rimskih cest preko Savske ravni glej Šašel 1972, 139 ss; 1975a, 63 ss. 10 Regarding the routes of Roman roads across the Savska ravan, check Šašel 1972, 139 pp; 1975a, 63 pp. ski plasti prevladujejo najdbe iz neolitika ali eneolitika, nekaj fragmentov pa bi bilo lahko tudi iz bronaste oziroma starejše in mlajše železne dobe. Posebno zanimiva najdba iz te plasti je latenski udarni nož (Sagadin 1996, 110 ss). Za neolitsko-eneolitsko keramiko so značilne rdeče barvane sklede na nogi, fragmenti piriformnih amfor in zajemalka s tulastim držajem. Ob ornamentalnih značilnostih alpskega faciesa lengyelske kulture se kot ornament na nekaterih fragmentih pojavlja tudi brazdasti vrez. Poleg keramike so bili najdeni tudi poškodovana jezičasta sekira, retuširane kline in odbitki (Sagadin 1996, 110 ss). Kriški grad Prazgodovinska naselbina je na pravokotni terasi,11 ki obvladuje ravninsko območje med Križem, Duplico in Mengšem, severovzhodno od vasi Križ. Tu je v 16. stoletju postavljen grad, ki je bil med 2. sv. vojno požgan. Arheološko najdišče je leta 1998 odkril M. Brem-šak. Na severovzhodnem robu terase je očistil usek kolovozne poti ter našel prazgodovinsko rdeče barvano keramiko, zajemalke s tulastim držajem in silekse (Želez-nikar 1999, 55, foto: 11,12; Velušček 1999a, 23). Homški hrib Osamelec Homški hrib (394 m) obvladuje ravnino med Kamniško Bistrico in Pšato. Leta 1998 so na vzhodnem ravninskem delu vrha M. Bremšak, T. Cevc in F. Stele izkopali nekaj manjših sond in naleteli na fragmente keramike in kamnito orodje iz neolitika ali eneolitika ter fragmente žarnogrobiščne keramike (Cevc 1998, 9 ss; Velušček 1999a, 23; Železnikar 1999, 55 s, foto: 9,10,15; Dular 2001, 91, sl. 4). Že pred mnogimi leti je pod Marijino cerkvijo J. Kastelic našel fragment domnevno halštatske keramike (Gabrovec 1965, 101). Šumberk Iz Šumberka izvira sekira iz serpentina, ki jo je leta 1893 F. Ogrinc podaril Narodnemu muzeju v Ljubljani (Mullner 1893, 79; Gabrovec 1965, 91, t. 13: 13). Pri lomljenju kamenja v kamnolomu Šumberk pa so 1953. v ilovnatem udoru med skalami našli kremenovo strgalo, dva kosa žrmelj in živalske zobe (Gabrovec 1965, 92). ervation of Cultural Heritage, Regional Office in Kranj has been conducting excavations here since 1978 (Sagadin 1996; check also Dular 2001, 91, Pl. 4). Prehistoric finds were discovered along the edge of the field just below the small castle chapel. Material finds from the Neolithic or Eneolithic predominate in the unified prehistoric layer, while some fragments could also be attributed to the Bronze or even Early or Late Iron Ages. Particularly noteworthy from this layer is the La Tene striking knife (Sagadin 1996, 110 pp). Red-slip footed bowls are characteristic for Neolith-ic-Eneolithic pottery, as well as fragments of pyriform amphorae and ladles with socketed handles. Among the ornamental characteristics of the Alpine Facies of the Lengyel culture is also the ornamentation of select fragments with furrowed incisions. In addition to the pottery finds were also a damaged flanged axe and retouched flints (Sagadin 1996, 110 pp). Kriški grad The prehistoric settlement is situated upon a rectangular terrace,11 which dominates over the lower plain between Križ, Duplica and Mengeš, just northeast of the village Križ. A castle was built here in the 16th century, although it was then burned during WW II. M. Bremšak discovered the archaeological site in 1998. While clearing the rut in a cart track along the northeastern edge of the terrace he happened upon prehistoric red-slip pottery, a ladle with a socketed handle and silexes (Železnikar 1999, 55, photo: 11,12; Velušček 1999a, 23). Homški hrib The isolated hill of Homški hrib (394 m) dominates over the plain between the Kamniška Bistrica and the Pšata rivers. In 1998, M. Bremšak, T. Cevc and F. Stele excavated a few sample trenches atop, along the eastern, level section. They discovered a few fragments of pottery and stone tools dating to the Neolithic or Eneolithic, as well as fragments of Urnfield cemetery pottery (Cevc 1998, 9 pp; Velušček 1999a, 23; Železnikar 1999, 55 p, photo: 9,10,15; Dular 2001, 91, fig. 4). Already many years ago, J. Kastelic found a fragment of supposedly Hallstatt pottery at the foot of the Church of St. Mary (Gabrovec 1965, 101). Naselbina nad Spodnjim Dobenim Prazgodovinska naselbina je na lepo izoblikovani terasi elipsaste oblike. Terasa je dolga približno 75 m, široka približno 40 m in leži nad Sp. Dobenim zahodno od vrha, imenovanega Gradišče, na nadmorski višini 469 m. Na severovzhodni in severni strani se terasa zaključi v prepadnih strminah. Dostop z jugozahoda je lažji, a še vedno strm. Ta stran je bila dodatno zavarovana z Šumberk An axe made of serpentine originates from Šum-berk; F. Ogrinc donated it to the National Museum in Ljubljana in 1893 (Mullner 1893, 79; Gabrovec 1965, 91, Pl. 13:13). While quarrying stone at the Šumberk quarry in 1953, a flint scraper was found in a clay hollow between the rocks, as well as two fragments of a quern and animal teeth (Grabrovec 1965, 92). 11 Terasa obsega pribl. 100 x 75 m in se razprostira na višini 407 m. 11 The extent of the terrace is approximately 100 x 75 m at an elevation of 407 m above sea level. obrambnim nasipom, kar je lepo vidno v rahlo napetem terenu. Na severozahodnem robu terase je približno 1 x 1 m velika odprtina, ki se nadaljuje v plitvo brezno. Naselbinske ostanke nad Sp. Dobenim je leta 1998 odkril M. Bremšak. Na jugozahodnem robu terase je izkopal manjšo sondo in našel nekaj fragmentov prazgodovinske keramike ter ploskovno retuširano puščično ost. Najdbe trenutno hrani Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU (Velušček 1999a, 23). Visoko nad sotesko reke ali nekdanjim rečnim rokavom so: Gradišče v Bodeščah Gradišče je približno 15 m visok in 75 m dolg skalnat hrbet, ki se dviguje ob bodeški cerkvi Sv. Lenarta. Na južni strani ga omejujejo prepadne stene, ki se končajo v strugi Save Bohinjke. Leta 1979 je na Gradišču raziskovala ekipa PZE za arheologijo FF in IzA SAZU. Na polici vrh Gradišča so zastavili manjšo sondo, v kateri so našli nekaj odbitkov in kamnito puščično ost, ki so jo časovno opredelili v eneolitik (Knific, Pleterski 1981, 197 s). Gradišca v Radovljici Najdišče leži na trapezasto oblikovani ravni terasi, ki je naravno zavarovana na zahodni strani z radovljiškim, na vzhodni pa s predtrškim Dolom. Leta 1996 so bili na Gradišci pri ogledu gradbenih jam najdeni prazgodovinska keramika, fragmenti žrmelj in retuširane kline (Horvat 1998, 99 s). Leta 1997 in 1998 je na najdišču ekipa ZVNKD Kranj opravila zaščitno izkopavanje in odkrila tloris domnevno neolitske hiše (Felc 1997, 14; Meterc 1999, 143). Drulovka pri Kranju Prazgodovinska naselbina leži na ledini Špik na ravni terasi, ki jo na eni strani obdaja soteska Save, na drugi pa nekdanji slepi rokav Save (Korošec 1956a; 1960; Knific 1970, 141; Josipovič 1988, 192 ss). Leta 1955 in 1956 je na terasi izkopaval J. Korošec. Naletel je predvsem na keramične in kamnite najdbe alpskega faciesa lengyelske kulture ter na keramiko z brazdastim vrezom. Korošec je naselbino datiral v pozni neolitik, prehodno in zgodnjo bronasto dobo (Korošec 1960, 41 ss). Leta 1987 so na Drulovki pri zemeljskih delih našli retuširana kamnita orodja in puščične osti. Sledilo je zaščitno izkopavanje, ki sta ga vodili T. Bregant in P. Korošec. V treh sondah skupne površine 34 m2 sta naleteli na naselbinske ostanke iz obdobja kulture žarnih grobišč (Josipovič 1988, 192 ss, sl. 9). Settlement above Spodnje Dobeno The prehistoric settlement is positioned upon a nicely shaped ellipsoidal terrace. The terrace is about 75 m long and 40 m wide; it is situated above Spodnje Dobeno, just west of the top, which is named Gradišče and has an above sea level elevation of 469 m. The terrace concludes with steep precipices along the northeastern and northern sides. Access from the southeastern side is easier, albeit steep. This side was additionally fortified with a defense rampart; it is still slightly discernible in the relief of the terrain. There is an opening of1 X 1 m at the northwestern edge of the terrace, which continues into a shallow precipice. M. Bremšak discovered the settlement remains above Spodnje Dobeno in 1998. He excavated a small trench along the southwestern edge of the terrace and found prehistoric pottery as well as a flatly retouched arrowhead. The Institute of Archaeology at the SRC SASA currently preserves the finds (Velušček 1999a, 23). Settlements situated high above ravines or former branches of rivers: Gradišče in Bodešče Gradišče is a rocky ledge, approximately 15 m high and 75 m long, which rises up from behind the St Lenart church in Bodešče. Steep precipices that fall to the riverbed of the Sava Bohinjka delimit it along its southern side. A team of archaeologists from the Faculty of Arts and the Institute of Archaeology at the SASA investigated Gradišče in 1979. A few flints and a stone arrowhead, which was attributed to the Eneolithic were found in a small sample trench atop Gradišče. (Knific, Pleterski 1981, 197 p). Gradišca in Radovljica The site is positioned upon a trapezoid, level terrace that is naturally protected along its western side with the Radovljica hollow and along its eastern side with the Predtrg hollow. In 1996, prehistoric pottery, quern fragments and retouched flints were discovered at Gradišca during review of a construction ditch (Horvat 1998, 99 p). A team from the Kranj Institute for the Preservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage carried out rescue excavations in 1997 and 1998 and disclosed the ground plan of a supposedly Neolithic house (Felc 1997, 14; Meterc 1999, 143). Drulovka near Kranj This prehistoric settlement lies upon the Špik field on a level terrace that is enclosed along one side by the Sava ravine and along the other side by the former, deadend branch of the Sava (Korošec 1956a; 1960; Knific 1970, 141; Josipovič 1988, 192 pp). Nižinska naselbina: Dragomelj Prazgodovinska naselbina je na prodnati ravnici vzhodno od vasi Dragomelj. Gre za nižinsko najdišče, v katerem so zastopani naselbinski ostanki iz različnih obdobij: iz neolitika ali eneolitika, iz pozne bronaste dobe in pozne antike ali zgodnjega srednjega veka (Turk 1999; 2002). Od najstarejše naselbine so se ohranili sledovi hiše, zamejene z delno ohranjenimi luknjami za kole. Izredno številni so bili ostanki prostoročno izdelanih keramičnih posod - loncev, skled, vrčev, zajemalk, in kamnitega orodja - kremenih strgal, klin, puščičnih osti in J. Korošec excavated the site in 1955 and 1956. He happened upon mainly pottery and stone finds of the Alpine Facies of the Lengyel culture, as well as pottery with furrowed incisions. Korošec dated the settlement to the Late Neolithic, the transitional period and the Early Bronze Age (Korošec 1960, 41 pp). During construction efforts in 1987, retouched stone tools and arrowheads surfaced. Rescue excavations led by T. Bregant and P. Korošec followed. Three trenches with a combined surface of 34 m2 revealed settlement remains dating to the Urnfield Cemetery period (Josi-povič 1988, 192 pp, fig. 9). Lowland settlements: si. 2.5: Arheološka najdišča iz neolitske oziroma eneolitske dobe v osrednji Sloveniji, brez Ljubljanskega barja. Fig. 2.5: Neolithic or Eneolithic archaeological sites, except the Ljubljansko barje, in central Slovenia. Dragomelj The prehistoric settlement is positioned upon a gravel plain, east of the village Dragomelj. This is a lowland site bearing settlement remains from various periods: the Neolithic or Eneolithic, the Late Bronze Age and the Late Roman period or Early Middle Ages (Turk 1999; 2002). Traces of houses, delimited with partly preserved postholes, were preserved from the oldest settlement. There 1 - Gorička 2 - Bled a - Na sedlu b - Rečica c - Zasip 3 - Gradišče v Bodeščah 4 - Gradišča v Radovljici 5 - Molijevo gradišče 6 - Zalog pri Goričah 7 - Gradišče na Štuciju 8 - Luže 9 - Drulovka lO-Žobnico 11 - Kevderc in Lubniška jama 12 - Stara Oselica 13 - Trebijo 14-Sovodnje 15 - Tabor pri Vrzdencu 16 - Lesno brdo 17 - Stolnik pri Stranjah 18-Mali grad 19- Kratna 20 - Kriški grad 21 - Šmarca 22 - Homški hrib 23 - Količevo 24 - Naselbina nad Sp. Dobenim 25 - Šumberk 26 - Trzin 27- Dragomelj 28 - Zgornja Zodobrova 29-Vrh Sv. Miklavža 30 - Gradišče nad Dešnom 31 - Sv. Jurij 32 - Hrastje pri Vačah 33 - Zagorje ob Savi 34 - Lakonca 35 - Ajdovska jama pod Resevno 36 - Rifnik 37 - Št. Jonž nad Štorami 38 - Breze 39-Žusem 40 - Sv. Vid pri Planini 41 - Stara njiva pri Podvrhu 42 - Gradišče pri Hohovici 43 - Sela pri Sv. Pavlu 44 - Sv. Ano nad Vrhpečjo 20 km sekir (Železnikar 1999, 54, foto: 5-8). Oblike in ornament na keramiki povezuje najdišče z Resnikovim prekopom in Drulovko. Predpostavlja se tudi, da gre za prvo izmed mnogih nezavarovanih nižinskih naselbin, ki naj bi spremenile poselitveno sliko neolitika-eneolitika na Savski ravni (Turk 1999, 26 s; 2002, 79 ss).12 Posamične najdbe Poleg neolitskih-eneolitskih naselbin so z območja Savske ravni znane tudi posamične najdbe. Tako je bila v Zalogu pri Goričah najdena kamnita kladivasta sekira (Valič 1970, 185, sl. 1). V Blejskem kotu sta bili najdeni kamniti sekiri Na sedlu (Petru 1960-1961, 223) in v Rečici (Petru 1960-1961, 223) ter kladivo v Zasipu (Valič 1975a, 165). Eneolitske ali zgodnje bronastodobne najdbe naj bi izvirale tudi iz Goričke na zahodni strani Mosta pri Žirovnici (Meterc 1999, 150, op. 4). Na severovzhodnem delu Kranjskega polja pri Lužah so bila najdena kamnita orodja in puščične osti (Josipovic 1984, 73 ss). V Žabnici med Kranjem in Škofjo Loko je bilo najdeno kamnito kladivo (Valič 1975b, 174). Iz Stolnika pri Stranjah izvira kamnita sekira (Vuga 1979, 244, sl. 2-3). Iz okolice Šmarce pri Kamniku naj bi izhajala dva kamnita nožička in kremenova puščica, najdena leta 1939.13 V razpoki v kamnolomu pri Trzinu je bila najdena kamnita sekira (Gabrovec 1965, 92, t. 13: 7). Blizu papirnice na Količevem sta v strugi Bistrice 1933. leta študenta iz Jarš našla kamniti sekirici iz serpentina (Gabrovec 1965, 92, t. 13: 8,9). V Sadnikar-jevem muzeju so tri serpentinaste kladivaste sekire, za katere se domneva, da izhajajo s kamniškega območja (Gabrovec 1965, 92, t. 15: 6-8). V Zg. Zadobrovi so bili pri kopanju temeljev neke hiše najdeni kamnita sekira, razne izkopanine in dva kamnita predmeta, ki sta opredeljena kot gorjača in sveder (Stare 1975b, 196). 2.2.4 POSAVSKO HRIBOVJE V Posavskem hribovju so že več kot 100 let arheološko najodmevnejše najdbe z naselbin in grobišč železne dobe (glej Gabrovec 1987b, 29 ss; 1999, 145 ss; Dular 1999b, 129 ss). Šele v zadnjem času pa so bile odkrite tudi neolitske-eneolitske višinske naselbine na Krat-ni, na Vrhu Sv. Miklavža, na Gradišču nad Dešnom in pri Hohovici (sl. 2.5): were numerous remains of pottery vessels formed freehand - pots, bowls, pitchers, ladles, as well as of stone tools -flint scrapers, blades, arrowheads and axes (Železnikar 1999, 54, photo: 5-8). The forms and ornaments of the pottery link the site with Resnikov prekop and Drulovka. Furthermore, Dragomelj presumably represents one of the first among many unprotected lowland settlements, playing the influential role in altering the settlement pattern of the Neolithic-Eneolithic throughout the Savska ravan (Turk 1999, 26; 2002, 79 pp).12 Chance finds In addition to the Neolithic-Eneolithic settlements known from the region of the Savska ravan are also chance finds. A stone hammer-form axe was found in Zalog near Goriče (Valič 1970, 185, fig. 1). Two stone axes were found at Sedlo (Petru 19601961, 223) and Rečica (Petru 1960-1961, 223) in the Bled region, as well as a hammer at Zasip (Valič 1975a, 165). Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age finds supposedly also originate from Gorička on the western side of Most pri Žirovnici (Meterc 1999, 150). Stone tools and arrowheads were also found in the northeastern part of the Kranj plain near Luže (Josipovic 1984, 73 pp). A stone hammer was found at Žabnica between Kranj and Škofja Loka (Valič 1975b, 174). A stone axe was discovered at Stolnik near Stranje (Vuga 1979, 244, fig. 2-3). Supposedly from the vicinity of Šmarca near Kamnik are two small stone knives and a flint arrowhead, found in 1939.13 A stone axe was found in a crevice at the quarry near Trzin (Gabrovec 1965, 92, Pl. 13: 7). Two students from Jarše happened upon a small stone axe made of serpentine in the riverbed of the Bistrica in 1933 near the paper mill at Količe-vo (Gabrovec 1965, 92, Pl. 13: 8,9). Sadnikar's Museum preserves three hammer-form axes made of serpentine; they presumably originate from the region around Kamnik (Gabrovec 1965, 92, Pl. 15: 6-8). While digging the foundations of a house in Zgornja Zadobrova, two stone axes were happened upon, as well as various other material finds and two stone objects that are classified as a club and a borer (Stare 1975b, 196). 2.2.4 POSAVSKO HRIBOVJE For more than 100 years, the Posavsko hribovje has disclosed the most extraordinary finds from Iron Age 12 Glede na naravo Pšate pred regulacijo, ki je močno meandrirala, se zdi verjetna tudi hipoteza, da je naselbina ležala v enem izmed njenih okljukov ter je bila tako naravno zavarovana (prim. Teržan 1999, 105). 13 Najdiščni podatki so nezanesljivi. S. Gabrovec ne izključuje, da kamnito orodje lahko izvira tudi z Ljubljanskega barja (iz zbirke Pfeiffer) (Gabrovec 1965, 92, t. 13: 10-12). 12 Considering the meandering nature of the Psata river before its amelioration, the hypothesis that the settlement was positioned amidst one of its meanders and was thus naturally protected, seems quite plausible (cf. Terzan 1999, 105). 13 The data regarding this site is unreliable. S. Gabrovec does not exclude the possibility that the stone tools may perhaps originate from the Ljubljansko barje (from the Pfeiffer collection) (Gabrovec 1965, 92, Pl. 13: 10-12). Kratna Leta 1996 so M. Bremšak, T. Cevc in F. Stele nad kmetijo Kratnar na grebenu, ki ima dva ločena vrha, našli fragment rdeče barvane keramike, fragment sklede z je-zičastim izrastkom, fragment posode z zoomorfnim držajem in puščično ost s trnom in krilci iz belega prozornega sileksa (glej še Dular 2001, 91, sl. 3). Najdbe imajo analogije na Drulovki, Gradišču pri Stiški vasi. Poleg so našli tudi nekaj fragmentov halštatske keramike.14 Najdišče je poznal že S. Gabrovec, saj je leta 1955 pri obhodu »Gradišča« našel fragment prazgodovinske glinaste uteži. Gabrovec je najdbo povezal s kamnitim obdelanim predmetom in keramiko iz leta 1938, ki so bili najdeni pri gradnji ceste na Palovče. Te povezuje z dvema bronastima tulastima sekirama iz Sadnikarjeve zbirke, ki sta bili prav tako najdeni pri gradnji iste ceste, zato najdišče na Kratni postavlja v obdobje kulture žar-nih grobišč (Gabrovec 1965, 94). Vrh Sv. Miklavža Naselbina je na enem izmed vrhov visoko nad Savo. M. Sagadin je posredoval podatek, da so leta 1998 pri gradbenih delih na Vrhu Sv. Miklavža naleteli na neolit-ske oziroma eneolitske najdbe z analogijami na Kratni.15 Na vrhu je bil ugotovljen tudi približno 90 x 80 m velik utrdbeni prostor, ki naj bi sodil v arheološka obdobja (Ciglenečki 1987, 291 s). Iz leta 1995 izvira močno zlizan novec domnevno iz 4. stoletja in železen okov z luknjicami, po analogijah datiran v 6. stoletje.16 Gradišče nad Dešnom Naselbina se nahaja na vrhu grebenastega masiva nad Savo, približno 3 km severovzhodno od Vrha sv. Miklavža. Leta 1997 so na Gradišču sodelavci Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU zastavili dve sondi. Ugotovili so, da je bila višinska točka poseljena v zgodnjem eneo-litiku - morda tudi že v poznem neolitiku - kar pričajo zajemalke s tulastim držajem in fragment rdeče barvane sklede na nogi. Na nekoliko mlajši eneolitski razdelek kaže fragment redukcijsko žgane keramike, ki je ornamentiran z brazdastim vrezom. Dve kamniti puščični osti pa je kronološko težko opredeliti (Bizjan 1997, 11, foto; Velušček, Greif 1998, 42; glej še Dular 2001, 93, sl. 6). Značilna keramika, železni nožek ter žlindra naj bi dokazovali, da je bila točka poseljena tudi v starejši železni dobi (Bizjan 1997, 11, foto). settlements and necropolises (check Gabrovec 1987b, 29 pp; 1999, 145 pp; Dular 1999b, 129 pp). Only in recent times have the Neolithic-Eneolithic upland settlements at Kratna, at Vrh Sv. Miklavža, at Gradišče nad Dešnom and at Hohovica been discovered (fig. 2.5). Kratna In 1996, M. Bremšak, T. Cevc and F. Stele discovered, just above the Kratnar farm upon the ridge, which has two separate peaks, fragments of red-slip pottery, fragments of bowls with a flanged knob, fragments of vessels with zoomorphic handles, and an arrowhead with a thorn and wings made of white transparent flint stone (check also Dular 2001, 91, fig. 3). The finds have analogies at Drulovka, Gradišče pri Stiški vasi. Some fragments of Hallstatt pottery were also found alongside.14 This site was already recognized by S. Gabrovec, who found a fragment of a prehistoric clay loom weight while traversing the area in 1995. Gabrovec associated the find with the stone object and pottery from 1938, which were discovered during the construction of the road to Palovče. And he associated these with two bronze socketed axes from Sadnikar's collection, both of which were also found during the construction of a road. Consequently, he attributes the Kratna site to the period of the Urnfield Cemetery culture (Gabrovec 1965, 94). Vrh Sv. Miklavža The settlement lies atop one of the peaks high above the Sava. M. Sagadin mediated the information that Neolithic and Eneolithic finds, analogous to those from Kratna, were happened upon during construction efforts at Vrh Sv. Miklavža.15 A fortified area measuring approximately 90 x 80 m was also discovered atop; presumably it dates to the archaeological periods (Ciglenečki 1987, 291 p). In 1995, a poorly preserved coin supposedly from the 4th century and an iron perforated belt plate dated to the 6th century on the basis of analogies were also discovered.16 Gradišče nad Dešnom The settlement is situated atop the ridge of the massif above the Sava, approximately 3 km northeast of Vrh Sv. Miklavža. A team of archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology at the SRC SASA set up two trenches at Gradišče in 1997. They determined that the peak was settled during the Early Eneolithic - perhaps even during the Late Neolithic already - as attested to by the presence of ladles with socketed handles and a fragment of a red paint- 14 Ustna informacija M. Bremšak, T. Cevc in F. Stele. 15 M. Sagadinu se za podatek o neolitskih-eneolitskih najdbah z Vrha sv. Miklavža najlepše zahvaljujemo. 16 Vir: S. Ciglenečki 1995, ARKAS 082512.01, IZA ZRC SAZU. 14 By word of mouth: M. Bremšak, T. Cevc and F. Stele. 15 We are very grateful to M. Sagadin for the information regarding the Neolithic-Eneolithic finds from Vrh Sv. Miklavža. 16 Source: S. Ciglenečki 1995, ARKAS 082512.01, IZA ZRC SAZU. Gradišče pri Hohovici Naselje leži na majhnem hribu nad reko Mirno. S poskusnim sondiranjem so odkrili naselbinske najdbe iz mlajše kamene oziroma zgodnje bakrene dobe (Dular 1998-1999, 66, karta 1: 7; 2001, 93, sl. 7). Rifnik Prazgodovinsko naselje je na 568 m visokem hribu južno od Šentjurja. Sledovi neolitske poselitve so bili odkriti leta 1961 na dnu železnodobnih naselbinskih plasti 1,95 m globoko ter obsegajo večinoma fragmente keramike z analogijami na Drulovki in v spodnjih plasteh Ajdovske jame (Bolta 1962-1963, 287 ss; 1975e, 291; Pirkmajer 1994, 16 s). ed footed bowl. Indicative of somewhat younger Eneolithic section is a pottery fragment fired in a reducing atmosphere and ornamented with furrowed incisions. Two stone arrowheads are difficult to classify (Bizjan 1997, 11, photo; Velušček, Greif1998, 42; check also Dular 2001, 93, fig. 6). Characteristic pottery finds, a small iron knife and slag all demonstrate that the site was settled also during the Late Iron Age (Bizjan 1997, 11, photo). Gradišče pri Hohovici The settlement lies upon a small hill just above the Mirna river. Trial trenches led to the discovery of settlement finds dating to the Late Stone Age and Early Copper Age (Dular 1989-1999, 66, map 1: 7; 2001, 93, fig. 7). Posamične najdbe Iz Posavskega hribovja so poznane tudi neolitske oziroma eneolitske posamične najdbe in najdbe, ki domnevno izvirajo iz grobov. Tako je bilo nasproti železniške postaje v Zagorju ob Savi najdenih več kamnitih sekir in zatič iz serpentina, dve kamniti krogli ter bakrena uhata sekira s podaljšanim nastavkom za toporišče tipa Kozarac. Najdbe domnevno izvirajo iz uničenih skeletnih grobov (Mullner 1894, 221; Gabrovec 1966, 19 ss, t. 1; 2: 1-6; Velušček, Greif 1998, 36, 41). Na Dunaju hranijo kamnito kladivo, ki je bilo najdeno v Lakonci pri Trbovljah (Bolta 1975a, 267). Kamnito sekiro so izkopali pri polaganju vodovodnih cevi v Hrastju (Stare 1958-1959, 317, t. 5: 3). Pri Litiji na južnem pobočju hriba s cerkvijo sv. Jurija je bil slučajno najden prazgodovinski kamnit artefakt (Stare 1975a, 186). V okolici Sv. Vida pri Planini so pri kopanju v neki jami našli kamnito sekiro (Bolta 1975c, 285). O kamnitih sekirah in kladivih so poročali tudi iz Ajdovske jame pod Resevno (Leben 1975, 293). Domnevno neolitsko kamnito orodje je bilo najdeno še v Brezah (Bolta 1975b, 279), kamniti sekiri pa na Št. Janžu nad Štorami (Bolta 1975f, 294) in nekje v okolici Žusma (Bolta 1975g, 297). Kamnito kladivo, ki je v Arheoloških najdiščih Slovenije pripisano Logu (glej Bolta 1975d, 288), dejansko izvira z lokacije Stara njiva pri Podvrhu.17 2.2.5 DOLENJSKO PODOLJE Lahka prehodnost od severozahoda proti jugovzhodu je omogočila najkrajšo prometno povezavo med Ljubljansko in Krško kotlino. Le preval Peščenik (440 m) pri Višnji Gori predstavlja manjšo oviro. Prav zato je presenetljivo, da sta v pokrajini iz neolitskega ali eneo-litskega obdobja znani samo kronološko težko opredeljiva kamnita sekira iz Sela pri Sv. Pavlu (Ložar 1933, 45 Rifnik The prehistoric settlement lies 568 m above sea level, high upon a hill south of Šentjur. Traces of Neolithic settlements were discovered in 1961 at the bottom of Iron Age settlement layers, 1.95 m deep. These remains comprise mostly of pottery fragments that are analogous with those from Drulovka and those from the lower layers at Ajdovska jama (Bolta 1962-1963, 287 pp; 1975e, 291; Pirkmajer 1994, 16 p). Chance finds Neolithic and Eneolithic chance finds supposedly originating from graves are also known from among the Posavsko hribovje. Discovered across from the train station in Zagorje along the Sava were numerous stone axes and a bung made of serpentine, two stone spheres and a copper collared axe with an extended shaft for helve, of the type Kozarac. The finds supposedly originate from destroyed inhumation graves (Mullner 1894, 221; Gabrovec 1966, 19 pp, Pl. 1; 2: 1-6; Velušček, Greif 1998, 36, 41). A stone hammer that was discovered at Lakonca near Trbovlje is preserved in Vienna (Bolta 1975a, 267). A stone axe was uncovered while laying the water line in Hrastje (Stare 1958-1959, 317, Pl. 5: 3). Near Litija, along the southern slope of the hill where the St Jurij's church stands, a prehistoric stone artifact was found arbitrarily (Stare 1975a, 186). While digging a ditch in the vicinity of Sv. Vid near Planina a stone axe was uncovered (Bolta 1975c, 285). Stone axes and hammers were also reported from Ajdovska jama below Resevna (Leben 1975, 293). Supposedly Neolithic stone tools were also discovered at Breze (Bolta 1975b, 279), as well as two stone axes at Št. Janž above Štore (Bolta 1975f, 294) and somewhere in the vicinity of Žusem (Bolta 1975g, 297). The stone axe, which is attributed to Log in Arheološka najdišča Slovenije (check Bolta 1975d, 288), in fact originates from Stara njiva near Podvrh.17 17 Vir: S. Ciglenečki 1978, ARKAS 164003.01, IZA ZRC SAZU. 17 Source: S. Ciglenečki 1978, ARKAS 164003.01, IZA ZRC SAZU. s, Pod. 30) in višinska naselbina na Sv. Ani nad Vrh-pečjo (Dular et al. 1991, 76 ss), ki je na skrajnem južnem robu naravnogeografske enote (sl. 2.5). Zdi se, da to ni posledica slabše raziskanosti območja, temveč se na takšen način potrjuje teza, da so na Dolenjskem podolju višinske naselbine značilen neolitski-eneolitski naselbinski tip. Vsaj tako kažejo raziskave ob izgradnji avtoceste. V nižini niso naleteli na nobeno neolitsko-eneolitsko naselbino, pač pa na poselitvene ostanke iz bronaste dobe pri Podsmreki (Dular 1999a, tab. 1) in v Selah pri Dobu (Teržan 1999, 108). Že dalj časa so tudi znani rimskodobni ostanki v okolici Trebnjega, kjer je odkrita trasa državne ceste (Šašel 1972, 139) ter naselbina z nekropolo (Breščak 1989, 220 s; Slabe 1993 in tam navedena literatura). Sv. Ana nad Vrhpečjo Naselbina leži na vrhu kopastega hriba sv. Ane (407 m). Ob južnem vznožju hriba je jama Zijalo, kjer priteče drugič na dan potok Temenica. V naselbini so raziskovali sodelavci Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU. Na njenem vzhodnem delu so zastavili manjšo sondo, v kateri so naleteli na najdbe iz eneolitika, kulture žarnih grobišč, starejše in mlajše železne dobe ter pozne antike (Dular et al. 1991, 78 ss). 2.2.5 DOLENJSKO PODOLJE Between the Ljubljana and Krško basins, the shortest route from the northwest to the southeast was easily traversed. Only the Peščenik pass (440 m) near Višnja Gora presented a slight hurdle. Consequently, it is relatively surprising that the only representatives of the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods known from the region are the two chronologically barely classifiable stone axes from Selo pri Sv. Pavlu (Ložar 1933, 45 p) and the upland settlement at Sv. Ana nad Vrhpečjo (Dular et al. 1991, 76 pp), which is at the far southern edge of this geographic unit (fig. 2.5). It seems that this is not so much the result of a poor stance of investigations, but rather a confirmation of the postulation that upland settlements are a characteristic Neolithic-Eneolithic settlement type throughout the Dolenjsko podolje. This is certainly demonstrated by investigations carried out in the framework of the construction of the highway system. No traces of Neolithic-Eneolithic settlement have been discovered yet in the lowlands, except the Bronze Age settlement remains at Podsmreka (Dular 1999a, Table 1) and at Sela pri Dobu (Teržan 1999, 108). The Roman period remains in the vicinity of Trebnje are long known already; the course of the main road was discovered here (Šašel 1972, 139) as well as the settlement and its respective necropolis (Breščak 1989, 220 p; Slabe 1993 and the literature there cited). Sv. Ana nad Vrhpečjo The settlement lies atop the cumulous hill of St Ana (407 m). The Zijalo cave is at the southern foot of the hill, where the Temenica stream bubbles up a second time. A team from the Institute of Archaeology at the SRC SASA researched the settlement. Having set up a small trench along it eastern part, finds dating to the Eneolithic, the Urnfield Cemetery culture, the Early and Late Iron Ages as well as the Late Roman period were discovered (Dular et al. 1991, 78 pp). 3 HOCEVARICA: TERENSKE RAZISKAVE, PREDSTAVITEV NAJDB IN NARAVOSLOVNE ANALIZE 3 HOCEVARICA: FIELD RESEARCH, A PRESENTATION OF THE MATERIAL FINDS AND THE SCIENTIFIC ANALYSES 3.1 TERENSKE RAZISKAVE, STRATIGRAFIJA IN NAJDBE 3.1 FIELD RESEARCH, STRATIGRAPHY AND THE MATERIAL FINDS ANTON VELUŠČEK Izvleček Predstavljamo stratigrafskepodatke in najdbe s Hoče-varice s sondiranja v letu 1998 ter slučajne najdbe iz bližnje reke Ljubljanice. Na Hočevarici smo dokumentirali dve naselbinski fazi. Med številnimi najdbami izstopajo skoraj v celoti ohranjen lok, kamniti obročki za ogrlice, odlomek kosti morske ribe in predmeti, ki dokazujejo domačo metalurgijo bakra. Abstract Presented are the stratigraphic data and material finds from Hočevarica from the probe excavations in 1998 as well as the chance finds from the nearby Ljubljanica river. Two settlement phases were documented at Hočevari-ca. From among the numerous finds, particularly exceptional are the almost entirely preserved bow, stone ringlets for a necklace, a fragment of the bone of a sea fish and objects attesting to existence of local copper metallurgy. 3.1.1 LEGA NAJDIŠČA Koda najdišča:1 084303.02 Lega: Koliščarska naselbina leži na desnem bregu Ljubljanice ob ustju Hočevarice na Ljubljanskem barju (sl. 3.1.1). Koordinate po karti 1 : 5000: x = 5 448 475; y = 5 091 100; nadmorska višina 290 m. 3.1.1 POSITION OF THE SITE Site code:1 084303.02 Position: The pile dwelling settlement lies along the right bank of the Ljubljanica, by the outlet of the Hočevarica in the Ljubljansko barje (fig. 3.1.1). Map coordinates, scale 1 : 5000: x = 5 448 475; y = 5 091 100; 290 m above sea level. 1 Najdišče je katalogizirano po programu ARKAS (glej Tecco Hvala 1992; Modrijan 1994). 1 The site is categorized according to the ARKAS program (check Tecco Hvala 1992; Modrijan 1994). Sl. 3.1.1: Pogled na Hočevarico z jugovzhoda. Foto: M. Turk. Fig. 3.1.1: Hočevarica. A view from the southeast. Photo: M. Turk. 3.1.2 DOSEDANJA RAZISKOVANJA 3.1.2 CURRENT STANCE OF INVESTIGATIONS Maja 1992 so najdišče odkrili sodelavci Narodnega muzeja Slovenije iz Ljubljane (Velušček 1997b, 205 s). Leta 1995 je ekipa Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU na območju jarka izvedla dokumentiranje in vzorčenje arheološkega lesa za dendrokronološke raziskave (Čufar et al. 1997, 39 ss; Velušček 1997a, 26 ss; Cufar, Levanič, Velušček 1998, 75 ss). Podobno akcijo smo opravili tudi avgusta 1998, in sicer v sklopu priprav na sondiranje, ki je potekalo od začetka septembra do sredine oktobra 1998. 3.1.3 SONDIRANJE Members of the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana discovered the site in May 1992 (Velušček 1997b, 205 p). In 1995, a team from the Institute of Archaeology at the SRC SASA documented and collected archaeological wood samples for dendrochronologi-cal research purposes from the region of the ditch (Cufar et al. 1997, 39 pp; Velušček 1997a, 26 pp; Cufar, Levanič, Velušček 1998, 75 pp). A similar operation was carried out again in August 1998 in preparation for the probe excavations that followed from the beginning of September to mid October 1998. Lega sonde 3.1.3 PROBE EXCAVATIONS Na najdišču, ki obsega najmanj 1 hektar površine, smo lego sonde določili na podlagi opazovanj zahodne stene jarka in z mrežo poskusnih vrtin, ki smo jih zastavili na njivi zahodno od jarka (sl. 3.1.2). Sonda je tako bila postavljena približno 2 m zahodno od Hočevarice in približno 50 m južno od Ljubljanice. 2 m široko in 4 m dolgo saondo smo razdelili na 8 mikrokvadratov po 1 x 1 m (sl. 3.1.3). Merski sistem je bil postavljen tako, da je stala izho- Positioning of the trench The positioning of the trench at the site, which covers a surface of at least 1 hectare, was determined on the basis of observing the western wall of the ditch and a network of sample boreholes that covered the field just west of the ditch (fig. 3.1.2). The trench was thus set up approximately 2 m west of Hocevarica and about 50 m south of the Ljubljanica. diščna točka x = 0; y = 0 v bližini jarka. Vrednosti x so naraščale proti severozahodu in y proti jugozahodu. Na vzhodnem delu sonde pri vrednosti y = 0 so bili razporejeni mikrokvadrati 1, 3, 5 in 7, na zahodnem delu pri vrednosti y = 2 pa mikrokvadrati 2, 4, 6 in 8. Vse višine It was 2 m wide and 4 m long. The trench was divided into 8 micro-quadrants of 1 x 1 m (fig. 3.1.3). The measuring unit system was set such that the starting-point x = 0; y = 0 was positioned near the ditch. The x values increased towards the northwest and the y Sl. 3.1.2: Pozicija sonde na Hočevarici na TTN 1 : 5000 št. Vrhnika 28 in 38. Fig. 3.1.2: The position of the trench at Hočevarica, scale of the map = 1 : 5000; map number Vrhnika 28 and 38. Sl. 3.1.3: Hočevarica. Mreža mikrokvadratov v sondi. Fig. 3.1.3: Hočevarica. The grid of micro-quadrants in the trench. na sondi so bile merjene od iste osnove, ki je imela izmerjeno absolutno višino 290,31 m. values towards the southwest. To the eastern part of the trench the micro-quadrants 1, 3, 5 and 7 were partitioned at the y = 0 value, and to the western part the microquadrants 2, 4, 6 and 8 at the y = 2 value. All heights in the trench were measured from the same source, which had an absolute height of 290.31 m. Excavation technique To begin, the upper layers of turf and sterile clay were removed down to the level of the cultural layer. Upon reaching the latter, the edge of the trench was planked and thus fortified. A heavy wooden platform with a metal frame was placed atop. The platform, comprised of steel pipes and plank boards, enabled excavation from a depth of 0.3 to 2.70 m (fig. 3.1.4), while at the same time it served to prevent uncontrolled access into the cultural layer. The sediment from the cultural layer in microquadrants 1, 4, 5 and 8 was wet-sieved through metal sieves with perforations measuring 3.0 mm, 1.0 mm and ultimately 0.5 mm. The collected sieve samples were dried and prepared for further analysis at the Institute of Archaeology and at the Jovan Hadzi Institute of Biology at the SRC SASA. The sediment from the remaining micro-quadrants was only spread out and carefully checked and documented for archaeological finds. The piles had to be cut so as to enable the platform to be lowered. Each pile was marked with a consecutive identification number immediately upon discovery, so as to avoid future confusion. A sample was taken from Tehnika izkopavanja Najprej smo odstranili vrhnje plasti humusa in sterilne gline do nivoja kulturne plasti. Ko smo slednjo dosegli, smo rob sonde obdali z deskami, ga tako utrdili, in postavili težko leseno ploščad s kovinskim ogrodjem. Ploščad, ki je sestavljena iz jeklenih cevi in desk, omogoča izkope v globini 0,3 do 2,70 m (sl. 3.1.4), hkrati pa smo z njeno uporabo preprečili nekontroliran poseg v kulturno plast. Sediment kulturne plasti iz mikrokvadratov 1, 4, 5 in 8 smo sprali z vodo skozi kovinska sita z odprtinami: 3 mm, 1 mm in 0,5 mm. V sitih zajete vzorce smo posušili in pripravili za nadaljnjo obdelavo na Inštitutu za arheologijo in na Biološkem inštitutu Jovana Hadžija ZRC SAZU. Sediment iz ostalih mikrokvadratov pa smo samo razgrnili, kolikor je bilo mogoče skrbno pregledali in dokumentirali arheološke najdbe. Zaradi spuščanja ploščadi smo kole krajšali. Da bi Sl. 3.1.4: Hočevarica. Ploščad. Foto: A. Velušček. Fig. 3.1.4: Hočevarica. The platform. Photo: A. Velušček. se izognili zmešnjavi, smo vsak kol takoj ob odkritju označili z zaporedno identifikacijsko številko. Od vsakega kola smo vzeli vzorec za dendrokronološke raziskave, ki so jih izvedli v Dendrokronološkem laboratoriju Oddelka za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Pri sondiranju je sodelovala palinologinja M. Jeraj z Biološkega inštituta J. Hadžija ZRC SAZU, ki je zbirala oglje in ostanke semen. Iz severnega profila sonde je vzela vzorce za pelodne analize, na območju najdišča pa je po končanem sondiranju izvrtala tudi nekaj pali-noloških vrtin. V severnem profilu sonde so bili odvzeti vzorci za ugotavljanje vsebnosti fosfatov v sedimentu. Ustrezno analizo so opravili v laboratoriju Centra za pedologijo in varstvo okolja na Oddelku za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete. Dokumentacijo o sondiranju hrani Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU. Arheološke najdbe (keramika, kosti, lesene in kamnite najdbe) in rastlinske makroostanke hrani Mestni muzej v Ljubljani pod inv. št. A116. Dendrokronološki vzorci so na Oddelku za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete. Stratigrafski prikaz each pile for dendrochronological research purposes, which were carried out by the Dendrochronological Laboratory at the Department of Wood Science and Technology at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. Palynologist M. Jeraj from the Institute of Biology collaborated in the probe excavations; she gathered samples of charcoal and seed remains. She collected samples for palynological analyses from the northern profile of the trench and took a few palynological borehole samples from the area of the site after the probe excavations were finished. Samples were taken from the northern profile for determination of the value of phosphates in the sediment. The laboratory at the Center for Pedology and Protection of the Environment, Department of Agronomy at the Biotechnical Faculty carried out the appropriate analysis. The documentation from the probe excavation is preserved at the Institute of Archaeology at the SRC SASA. The archaeological finds (pottery, bones, wood and stone artifacts) and vegetal macro-remains are preserved at the City Museum of Ljubljana under the inventory no. A116. The dendrochronological samples are at the Department of Wood Science and Technology at the Biotechnical Faculty. Za ponazoritev stratigrafije na najdišču Hočevari-ca služi severni profil sonde (sl. 3.1.5). Na dnu izkopa je peščenoilovnata do ilovnata plast 10 sive barve, v katero so prodrle redke arheološke najdbe. To plast po celotni površini sonde prekrije 2 do 4 cm debela črno obarvana organska plast 9 - gre za mah iz družine Drepano-cladaceae (glej poglavje 3.2). Stratigraphy The northern profile of the trench serves well to illustrate the stratigraphy at Hočevarica (fig. 3.1.5). At the bottom of the trench is a sandy-argillaceous to argillaceous, gray layer 10, into which the rare archaeologi- Gl. v cm / Deep in cm P2O5 mg/100 g Pesek skup. / Sand total % Melj grobi / Roug silt % Melj fini / Fine silt % Melj skup. / Silt total % Glina / Clay % Teksturni razred / Texture class 24-80 1,5 4,8 21,3 37,5 58,8 36,4 MGI 80-90 1,2 2,0 14,4 38,2 52,6 45,4 MG 90-105 1,4 1,6 8,0 36,4 44,4 54,0 MG 105-134 10,2 2,6 15,5 26,6 42,1 55,3 MG 134-144 193,0 39,6 21,3 17,1 38,4 22,0 I 144-166 450,0 41,0 22,0 13,8 35,8 23,2 I 166-179 193,0 32,4 20,6 21,1 41,7 25,9 GI-I 179-187 511,0 42,2 21,1 15,0 36,1 21,7 I 187-192 384,0 50,7 21,6 10,9 32,5 16,8 PI-I Tab. 3.1.1: Analitski podatki vzorcev sedimenta iz severnega profila sonde.* Table 3.1.1: Analytic data of the sediment samples from the northern cross-section of the trench.* * Tabela iz Poročila o opravljenih analizah v laboratoriju Centra za pedologijo in varstvo okolja na Oddelku za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, ki ga vodi A. Hodnik; iz A. Velušček, Elaborat Hočevarica št. 390/34-1, Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU. * Analitic data were perfromed by A. Hodnik's group from the Biotehnical faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Sl. 3.1.5: Hočevarica. Severni profil sonde. Fig. 3.1.5: Hočevarica. The northern cross-section of the trench. Nad črno organsko plastjo leži zelenkastosiva ilovnata plast 8, ki je debela do 15 cm. V mikrokvadratih 5 in 7 so v zgornjem delu plasti najdeni strnjeni ostanki glinastega ometa, kamni in keramika. Večina keramičnih fragmentov, ki so bili najdeni na tem mestu, je bila zapičena v ruševinsko plast. V mikrokvadratu 6 smo naleteli na več fragmentov lonca (t. 4.1.3: 2), ki so obdajali hrastov kol št. 25. Iz položaja fragmentov in kola je razvidno, da je kol z zabi- čal find penetrated. A 2 to 4 cm thick black organic layer 9 - with a moss from the family Drepanocladaceae (check chapter 3.2.) - covers this layer over the entire surface of the trench. A greenish-gray argillaceous layer 8, measuring up to 15 cm thick covers the black organic layer. In the micro-quadrants 5 and 7 condensed remains of clay roughcasting, stone and pottery were found in the upper part of this layer. The majority of pottery fragments found here was thrust in the ruinate layer. Numerous fragments of a pot (pl. 4.1.3: 2) were Sl. 3.1.6: Hočevarica. Lonec in kol št. 25. Foto: A. Velušček. Fig. 3.1.6: Hočevarica. Pot and pile no. 25. Photo: A. Velušček. janjem predrl ostenje na tleh ležeče že razbite posode (sl. 3.1.6). V plasti 8 je koncentracija fosfatov zelo visoka in doseže vrednost 511,0 mg/100 g. Pelodni diagram severnega profila kaže, da se tu vrednosti peloda trav (NAP) strmo dvignejo na račun upada krivulje drevesnega peloda (AP) (glej pelodni diagram v poglavju 3.2). V globini okoli -1,74 m se pojavi temnorjava do črna, glinastoilovnata do ilovnata plast 7 z ostanki oglja, lesnega drobirja, kamni in številnimi arheološkimi najdbami. Debelina plasti 7 niha med 5 in 15 cm. Koncentracija fosfatov se zmanjša na vrednost 193,0 mg/ 100 g. Okoli globine -1,65 m se pojavlja svetlejša siva ilovnata plast 6, ki jo je bilo zelo težko razlikovati od plasti nad njo. Plast je dobro vidna v profilu in v celoti prekriva plast 7. Njena debelina niha med 10 in 15 cm. Iz pe-lodnega diagrama je razvidno, da se vrednosti peloda trav (NAP) zmanjšajo na račun porasta vrednosti drevesnega peloda (AP). Na plasti 6 leži v mikrokvadratu 8 strnjena zaplata glinastega ometa oziroma ožgane gline, ki je prekrita s približno 25 cm debelo temnorjavo do črno plastjo v kateri so ostanki oglja, lesni drobir in kamni (plasti 5 in 4). V plasteh 5 in 4 je tudi veliko arheoloških najdb, ki se pojavljajo še v globini okoli -1,30 m, višje pa ne. Podobna situacija je tudi v mikrokvadratih 3 in 1. Tu strnjeno plast glinastega ometa in kamnov prekriva plast z lesnim drobirjem, ogljem, itd. V njej so vložki mivke in svetle gline, ki smo jih zaznali v mikrokvadratih 1-4. V plasti 5 koncentracija fosfatov ponovno močno naraste na vrednosti 450,0 mg/100 g. Podobno se zgodi s pelodi trav, posebno peloda cerealia, ki dosegajo visoke vrednosti. V zgornjem delu plasti plasti 4 je opazno upadanje koncentracije fosfatov na vrednost 193,0 mg/100 g. Nekoliko višje v globini -1,34 do -1,05 m pa celo na vrednost 10,2 mg/100 g. Enako se dogaja z vrednostmi NAP na račun zviševanja vrednosti AP. Zgornji rob plasti 4 predstavlja mejo prekinitve found in micro-quadrant 6; they were surrounding the oak pile no. 25. The positioning of the fragments and the pile prove that when the pile was driven into the ground it broke the wall of the already fragmented vessel lying beneath (fig. 3.1.6). The concentration of phosphates in layer 8 is very high, reaching a value of 511.0 mg/100 g. The pollen diagram from the northern profile shows that the values of grass pollen (NAP) rise acutely on account of the decrease in the curve of tree pollen (AP) (check the pollen diagram in chapter 3.2). Layer 7 begins approximately at a depth of -1.74 m; it is a dark brown, almost black clay-loam layer containing remains of charcoal, wood chips, stones and numerous archaeological finds. The thickness of layer 7 varies between 5 and 15 cm. The concentration of phosphates decreases to the value of 193.0 mg/100 g. A lighter gray argillaceous layer 6 begins at a depth of -1.65 m; this layer was difficult to differentiate from the one beneath it. The layer is more discernible in the profile and it covers layer 7 entirely. Its thickness varies between 10 and 15 cm. The pollen diagram shows that the pollen values of grasses (NAP) decrease on account of the increase in tree pollens (AP). A condensed patch of clay roughcasting, or burned clay, lies atop layer 6 in micro-quadrant 8. Covering it is a 25 cm thick layer of dark brown to black soil with remains of charcoal, wood chips and stones (layers 5 and 4). There are also many archaeological finds in layers 5 and 4; the finds are documented up to the depth of about -1.30 m, although not higher than this. A similar situation is also in micro-quadrants 3 and 1. Here the condensed patches of burned clay in stones are covered with a layer of wood chips, charcoal, etc., which incorporates patches of very fine sand and light colored clay; these were also documented in micro-quadrant 1-4. The concentration of phosphates in layer 5 increases again to a value of 450.0 mg/100 g. A similar pattern occurs with the grass pollen, especially that of cerealia, which attain a very high value. The concentration of phosphates decreases to a value of 193.0 mg/ 100 g in the upper part of layer 4; and at the depth of between -1.34 and -1.05 m it even falls to the value of 10.2 mg/100 g. The same occurs to the value of NAP on account of the increase in the value of AP. The upper edge of layer 4 represents the interruption of anthropogenic activity in this region, and it continued through to the beginning of the new era of cultivating the land. Covering layer 4 are layers, whose origins may be associated with the period after the end of the settlement; that is, with the activity of the Ljubljanica and other waterways, as well as humankind. The latter holds true especially for the highest layer 1. From the depth of approximately -1.30 m to the surface are first the silty-clay gray layer 3 and a similar antropogenega delovanja na tem območju, ki je trajalo do začetka novodobnega kmetijskega obdelovanja površin. Plast 4 prekrivajo plasti, katerih nastanek lahko povežemo s časom po koncu naselbine, torej z delovanjem Ljubljanice, drugih vodotokov ter tudi človeka. Slednje velja predvsem za najvišjo plast 1. Tako si od globine okoli -1,30 m do površja sledijo meljasto glinasta siva plast 3 ter podobna višja rjavkasta plast 2. Na njej leži plast 1 - to je nasutje iz jarka, ki ga prekriva travnata ruša. V teh plasteh nismo naleteli na arheološke ostaline in situ. Iz bližnjega jarka tako izhaja tudi fragment lonca (t. 4.1.11: 14), ki se tipološko ujema z ostalo keramiko na Hočevarici. V plasti koncentracija fosfatov upade na normalen nivo, to je okoli 1,2 mg/100 g. Pelodni diagram kaže na ponoven porast gozda od globine okoli -1,40 m navzgor. Okoli globine -1,05 m pa zasledimo sledove pedo-geneze, saj je to območje že dolgo v kmetijski obdelavi (Jeraj 2000, 109). 3.1.4 ARHEOLOŠKE NAJDBE IZ SONDE Na Hočevarici količinsko prevladuje keramično posodje (glej poglavje 4.1). Številne so tudi najdbe, ki kažejo na gospodarsko aktivnost koliščarjev. Gre za predmete iz lesa, kosti, kamna ter za najdbe, ki jih lahko povežemo z metalurgijo bakra. Najdemo še nakitne predmete in človeške zobe. V nadaljevanju predstavljamo nekeramične najdbe iz sonde ter podobne najdbe iz jarka Hočevarice in iz Ljubljanice ob ustju Hočevarice. brown layer 2 above it. Above this is layer 1, which is the soil from the ditch and covered by grass. No archaeological finds were discovered in situ in these layers. As such, a fragment of a vessel (pi. 4.1.11: 14) from a nearby ditch typologically correlates with the pottery from Hočevarica. The concentration of phosphates in this layer falls to a normal level, which is approximately 1.2 mg/100 g. The pollen diagram shows a regeneration of forestland from the depth of about -1.40 m upwards. Traces of pedogenesis are discerned at the depth of about -1.05 m; this is a region that endured an extended period of cultivation (Jeraj 2000, 109). 3.1.4 ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDS FROM THE TRENCH Pottery vessels certainly represent the large majority of finds at Hočevarica (check chapter 4.1). There are also many objects evidencing the economic activity of the pile dwellers. These objects are those made of wood and stone, as well as those, which correlate with the metallurgy of copper. Jewelry and human teeth were also found. The continuation presents the non-pottery finds from the trench, equipped with a commentary and catalogue, as well as the analogous finds from the Hočevari-ca trench and from the Ljubljanica, the section by the outlet of the Hočevarica. Distribution of sub-phases with archaeological finds Razporeditev skupkov z najdbami Faza 1: skupki 23 do 18 v plasteh 10 do 7. Prekinitev v poselitvi (mešanje najdb iz obeh naselbinskih faz - faza 1/2): skupka 17 in 14 v plasti 6. Faza 2: skupki 16, 15, 13 do 4 v plasteh 5 in 4. Nasutje: skupek 1 v plasti 1. Phase 1: sub-phases 23 to 18 in layers 10 and 7. Interruption in occupation (mixture of finds from both settlement phases - phase 1/2): sub-phases 17 and 14 in layer 6. Phase 2: sub-phases 16, 15, 13 to 4 in layers 5 and 4. Fill: sub-phase 1 in layer 1. Najdbe iz lesa Med lesenimi najdbami je največ prevrtanih jagod za ogrlice (sl. 3.1.7). Zelo pomembna najdba je skoraj v celoti ohranjen lok (sl. 3.1.9; 3.1.10). Potrebno je omeniti tudi dve rahlo ukrivljeni leseni šili - morda gre za mi-kalnikov ali glavnikov zob (sl. 3.1.13). Wooden finds The majority of the wooden finds are wooden beads from necklaces (fig. 3.1.7; 3.1.8). An exceptional find is that of an entirely preserved bow (fg. 3.1.9; 3.1.10). Also noteworthy are two slightly bent wooden awls, or perhaps they are just teeth from a hackle or comb (fig. 3.1.13). Lesene jagode Grobo izdelane lesene bikonične jagode s premerom okoli 1,5 cm (sl. 3.1.7) se običajno povezuje z nakitom (npr. Korošec 1963, 25). Na Ljubljanskem barju jih Wooden beads Roughly made wooden bi-conical beads with a diameter of about 1.5 cm (fig. 3.1.7) are usually linked with necklaces (e.g. Korošec 1963, 25). Such beads are known Sl. 3.1.7: Hočevarica. Lesena jagoda. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.7: Hočevarica. Wooden bead. Photo: M. Zaplatil. poznamo npr. z Maharskega prekopa (Bregant 1975, t. 8: 18), Notranjih Goric (Harej 1980, t. 1: 9), Blatne Brezovice (Korošec 1963, t. 13: 4,5) in Starih gmajn (Velušček 1997b, 207 ss). Določena je samo jagoda s Starih gmajn. Izdelana je iz lesne skorje, najverjetneje hrastove ali jelševe. A. Šercelj, ki jo je determiniral, zaradi tega domneva, da bi se lahko uporabljala kot okrasna jagoda za ogrlico ali kot člen v nizu plovcev za ribiške potrebe.2, 3 Prebivalci s Hočevarice so jagode za ogrlice izdelovali tudi z vrtanjem in brušenjem koščic (sl. 3.1.8). To je dokaz več, da je prazgodovinski človek koristno uporabil vse razpoložljive vire. Identične najdbe poznamo z Sl. 3.1.9: Hočevarica. Lok. Foto: K. Čufar. Fig. 3.1.9: Hočevarica. A bow. Photo: K. Čufar. Ustna informacija A. Šercelj. Zaradi številnih ribjih kosti, ki smo jih odkrili na Hočevarici (glej poglavje 3.8), se zdi teza, da gre za plovce, povsem mogoča. Manj argumentov zanjo je v arheoloških virih, čeprav je ribolov na trnek s plovcem znan vsaj od mezolitika dalje. Prazgodovinski ribiči so za ribolov uporabljali polelipsoidne plovce velikosti gosjega jajca. Našli so jih v Skandinaviji (Mertens 2000, 23 s; glej še Stratouli 1996, 14). Še nedavno pa so tudi sibirska ljudstva, kot so Ostjaki, za lov na ščuke in ostriže uporabljala trnke z velikim plovcem. Za vabo jim je služila manjša riba (Brinkhuizen 1983, 14 s). from the Ljubljansko barje from Maharski prekop (Bregant 1975, Pl. 8: 18), Notranje Gorice (Harej 1980, Pl. 1: 9), Blatna Brezovica (Korošec 1963, Pl. 13: 4,5) and Stare gmajne (Velušček 1997b, 207 pp). Only the bead from Stare gmajne is determined as of yet. It is made of bark, most probably oak or alder. A. Šercelj, who assessed the bead, consequently presumes that this bead might have functioned as a decorative necklace bead or as one of the links in a series of fishing buoys.2, 3 The inhabitants of Hočevarica made necklace beads also by drilling and sanding pits (Prunus spinosa) (fig. 3.1.8). This is just another element of proof that prehistoric man made good use of all available resources. Identical finds are also known from Neolithic settlements in Sl. 3.1.8: Hocevarica. Jagoda iz koscice. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.8: Hocevarica. A bead from the pit. Photo: M. Zapla-til. Sl. 3.1.11: Hočevarica. Lok v sondi. Foto: A. Velušček. Fig. 3.1.11: Hočevarica. A bow in the trench. Photo: A. Velušček. By word of mouth: A. Šercelj. Due to the large numbers of fish bones discovered at Hočevarica (check chapter 3.8), the idea of it functioning as a buoy seems perfectly plausible. There are few supportings in archaeological sources, despite that fishing by hook and buoy is known of from at least the Mesolithic onwards. Prehistoric fishermen used semi-ellipsoid buoys as large as goose eggs for their fishing. Such buoys were found in Scandinavia (Mertens 2000, 23 p; check also Stratouli 1996, 14). Not so long ago some Siberian tribes were fishing for pike and bass with hooks that had large buoys. They used smaller fish as bait (Brinkhuizen 1983, 14 p). Sl. 3.1.10: Hočevarica. Lok. M. = 1 : 4. Risba: D. Knific Lun-der. Fig. 3.1.10: Hočevarivca. A bow. Scale = 1 : 4. Drawing: D. Knific Lunder. Germany as well as Switzerland (Schlichtherle 1988, 199 pp; Leuzinger 2002a, fig. 98; 2002b, 104, fig. 127,128). Bow The Hocevarica bow made of yew wood certainly represents the most prominent wooden find (fig. 3.1.9).4 It lay diagonally in the cultural layer between sub-phases 15 and 6 (fig. 3.1.11). The bow is 122.3 cm long; the string must have been a few centimeters shorter. The handle part of the bow, which is not particularly emphasized,5 is 2.7 cm wide and 2.3 cm thick. One end is curved and traces of the workmanship are very discernible (fig. 3.1.9; 3.1.10; 3.1.12); the indentation for the string is barely visible (^ig. 3.1.12)6 and the opposite end is slightly damaged.7 This bow is the first such find in Slovenia. Many prehistoric bows are known from sites on wet ground throughout Central, Western and Northern Europe (Clark 1963, 50 pp; Rausing 1967; Eckhardt 1996; Junk-manns 1999a, 1 pp). Bows made of yew wood predominate.8 Bows are only rarely made from other types of wood, usually when yew wood was not available in the general area (Clark 1963, 51).9 The reasons for using yew wood are most likely that it is hard and solid, tough and elastic.10 K. Cufar (Department of Wood Science and Technology at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana) determined the type of wood. Thin bows with an emphasized handle area are characteristic for the Neolithic period in the Alpine region (Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43; Mertens 2000, 9). The workmanship of the ends of the bow is not determinative for the classification of bows - there is a variety of terminals: pointed with no indentation, narrowed and spoon-shaped (Clark 1963, 67, fig. 10; Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43, Table 46). According to wood anatomists, regarding the branch that was used to make the bow, probably only a few centimeters of the bow is missing (by word of mouth: K. Cufar). All the Neolithic bows from the area of Zürich are, for instance, made of yew wood (Junkmanns 1999a, 1), which was the predominant wood type for making bows in the Alpine world (Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43) and throughout Europe (Junkmanns 1999b, 163). U. Stodiek and H. Paulsen believe that Neolithic bows from northern Germany and southern Scandinavia can be differentiated from Mesolithic ones based on the type of wood used; that is, yew wood was regularly used during the Neolithic (1996, 43). ' Yew (Taxus baccata L.); Taxaceae is an evergreen coniferous tree native to central Europe. Its form is either arboreal or shrubby. This tree usually grows slowly, rarely more than 15 m high. It can reach a very old age, although not more than 600 years. It thrives in a mixed forest, usually where beech, pine, 4 6 8 9 neolitskih naselbin tako v Nemčiji kot v Švici (Schlich-therle 1988, 199 ss; Leuzinger 2002a, sl. 98; 2002b, 104, sl. 127,128). Lok Najimpozantnejša lesena najdba na Hočevarici je gotovo lok iz lesa tise (sl. 3.1.9).4 Ležal je poševno v kulturni plasti med skupkoma 15 in 6 (sl. 3.1.11). Dolžina loka znaša 122,3 cm, tetiva pa je morala biti nekaj centimetrov krajša. Lok je na prijemalnem delu, ki ni posebej poudarjen,5 širok 2,7 cm ter debel 2,3 cm. En konec je ukrivljen, zelo dobro so vidni sledovi obdelave (sl. 3.1.9; 3.1.10; 3.1.12), utor za tetivo je komaj opazen (sl. 3.1.12),6 nasprotni konec je rahlo poškodovan.7 Gre za prvo najdbo take vrste v Sloveniji. Veliko prazgodovinskih lokov poznamo z najdišč na mokrih tleh po srednji, zahodni ter severni Evropi (Clark 1963, 50 ss; Rausing 1967; Eckhardt 1996; Junkmanns 1999a, 1 ss). Prevladujejo loki iz tise.8 Iz drugih vrst lesa so narejeni le redko, predvsem takrat in v tistih okoljih, kadar tise ni bilo na voljo (Clark 1963, 51).9 Razloge moramo iskati v značilnosti lesa tise, ki je trd, trden, žilav in elastičen.10 4 Vrsto lesa je določila K. Čufar (Oddelek za lesarstvo Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani). 5 V neolitiku so za alpsko območje značilni tanki loki z nepou-darjenim oprijemalnim delom (Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43; Mertens 2000, 9). 6 Pri določevanju loka dodelava koncev ni bistvena, saj se lahko različno zaključijo: koničasto brez utora, z zožitvijo in žličasto (Clark 1963, 67, sl. 10; Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43, tab. 46). 7 Po predvidevanjih lesnih anatomov manjka, glede na vejo iz katere je izdelan, samo nekaj centimetrov loka (ustna informacija K. Čufar). 8 Vsi neolitski loki iz okolice Züricha so tudi narejeni iz lesa tise (Junkmanns 1999a, 1), ki je v neolitiku sicer prevladujoča lesna vrsta za izdelavo lokov tako v alpskem svetu (Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43) kot po Evropi (Junkmanns 1999b, 163). 9 U. Stodiek in H. Paulsen menita, da lahko neolitske loke iz severne Nemčije in južne Skandinavije od mezolitskih ločimo predvsem po izbiri lesa, ki je v neolitiku praviloma iz tise (1996, 43). 10 Tisa (Taxus baccata L.) je zimzelen iglavec, doma v srednji Evropi. Lahko je drevesaste ali grmovne oblike. Navadno raste počasi, zato drevo redko zraste v višino več kot 15 m. Dočaka visoko starost, ki praviloma ne presega 600 let. Uspeva v mešanih gozdovih, navadno tam, kjer rastejo bukev, smreka, jelka, kot tudi javor, jesen, brest itd. Med temi vrstami se praviloma pojavlja posamično ali v skupinah. Ustreza ji oceansko podnebje. Uspeva tudi ob pomanjkanju svetlobe. Čeprav so razen mesa plodov skoraj vsi deli drevesa (skorja, iglice, seme) strupeni, je v gozdu presenetljivo ogrožena tudi zaradi obžiranja divjadi. V gozdarstvu nima gospodarskega pomena. Včasih je bila v mešanih gozdovih bolj pogosta kot danes, v preteklih stoletjih pa so jo zaradi porabe velikih količin lesa za loke in samostrele skoraj iztrebili.Tisi kot gozdni drevesni vrsti grozi izumrtje, zato je zaščitena. V zadnjem času se vse bolj uveljavlja kot okrasna vrsta, zato je pogosta v parkovnih nasadih. Vrtnarji jo cenijo, ker ne potrebuje veliko svetlobe ker se po obrezovanju zelo hitro obnavlja. Trd in težak les tise je eden naših najtrših in najgostejših iglav- Sl. 3.1.12: Hočevarica. Zaključek loka. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.12: Hočevarica. The terminal of the bow. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Bows are known of as hunting weapons11 already by the end of the Paleolithic (McEwen, Miller, Bergman 1991, 76; Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 37 pp). Although more bows are known from the Mesolithic (Clark 1963, 63 p; Mertens 2000, 5 pp), as well as the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods (e.g. Clark 1963; Rausing 1967; Junkmanns 1999a). and fir trees grow, as well as maple, ash, elm, etc. The yew tree usually grows independently or in a group among these other types. It thrives on an oceanic climate. The yew tree is extremely tolerant of the lack of light. Aside from the pulp of its fruit almost all the other parts of the tree (bark, needles, seeds) are poisonous; nevertheless, its existence is quite threatened in the forest, even due to being nibbled away by deer. Yew trees were more frequent in mixed forests in the past than they are today. Massively exploited in past centuries for making bows and crossbows, it is almost extinct. The yew tree has no particular economic significance in terms of forestry. Facing extinction as a type of forest tree, it is now protected. In recent years, yew trees are increasingly popular as a decorative type and they are often seen in parks and public gardens. Gardeners appreciate it for its tolerance regarding a lack of light as well as for its exceptional regenerative abilities following lopping. Yew wood is hard and solid and it is one of the most compact and dense coniferous types (density r0 610^640-740 kg/m3). It contracts minimally, it is stable, hard, solid, tough and elastic, and it is resistant to the atmospheric effects. The wood from the core is naturally enduring. The dust from this wood causes dermatitis; it irritates the mucous membrane and causes headaches. This type of wood dries quickly and well. It is easily worked, well planed and well carved. This type of wood can be smoothed exceptionally well. The surface of the wood can be worked well; it takes well to steeping and varnishing. In general, different types of wood were used to make bows in different geographic regions. Nonetheless, they all share the common factors of having high densities, high E-modules, flexible firmness, solidity and good workable characteristics. This type of wood is usually very decorative. These all are the characteristics of yew wood (rearranged according to Velušček, Čufar 2001, 48 p). 11 Bows are paramountly used as hunting weapons all through to the transition to the Metal Ages; only later do they become a comprising part of fighting equipment (Eckhardt 1996, 109). Lok se kot lovsko orožje" pojavi vsaj že ob koncu paleolitika (McEwen, Miller, Bergman 1991, 76; Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 37 ss). Bolje so poznani mezolitski (Clark 1963, 63 s; Mertens 2000, 5 ss), neolitski in eneolitski loki (npr. Clark 1963; Rausing 1967; Junkmanns 1999a). J. Junkmanns je loke iz okolice Züricha razvrstil v več skupin, ki jih je določil glede na starost lokostrelca in s tem povezano fizično moč: lok za odraslega, lok za mladostnika ter lok za otroka (Junkmanns 1999a, 1 ss; prim. Mertens 2000, 9 s). Gre za delitev, ki spominja na navade pri Inuitih (Park 1998, 269 ss) in domorodcih na Irian Jayi (Petrequin, Petrequin 1990, 484 ss). Razlika se odraža v dolžini, izbiri najprimernejšega lesa in izdelavi. Lok za odraslega je običajno dolg od 145 do 170 cm, narejen iz najprimernejšega stebla in zelo skrbno izdelan. Lok, namenjen mladostniku, naj bi v dolžino meril med 120 in 140 cm, medtem ko so loki za otroke krajši - dolgi tudi manj kot 60 cm - in slabše izdelani. Namenjeni so igri. Po G. Rausingu spada lok s Hočevarice v skupino t. i. navadnih dolgih lokov (simple longbow) (Rausing 1967, 35 ss) in ima veliko analogij na sorodnih najdiščih 5. do 3. tisočletja pr. Kr. po Evropi (npr. Clark 1963, 62 ss; Rausing 1967, 35 ss; Junkmanns 1999a, 1 ss). Po Junkmannsovi klasifikaciji bi ga lahko uvrstili v skupino lokov za mladostnike. Ukrivljeno leseno šilo - mikalnikov zob? Na Hočevarici smo našli tudi dve rahlo ukrivljeni leseni šili (npr. sl. 3.1.13), za kateri ni mogoče z gotovostjo dognati, čemu sta služili. Enako lahko trdimo tudi za podoben predmet z vidnimi sledovi uporabe, ki so ga že pred leti našli na Maharskem prekopu (Bregant 1975, t. 13: 9). Morda so polizdelki, vsekakor pa spominjajo na mikalnikov zob (Eberli 1998-1999, sl. 4). To je orodje, ki je pogost inventar arheoloških najdišč na vlažnih tleh. Sestavljeno je iz lesenih ali koščenih konic in se je uporabljalo za mikanje prediva (Deschler-Erb, Marti-Grä-del, Schibler 2002, 294 s; sl. 404; t. 509: 14,15). cev (gostota r0 610^640-740 kg/m3). Malo se krči, je stabilen, trd, trden, žilav in elastičen ter odporen na atmosferilije. Les jedrovine je naravno trajen, lesni prah pa draži sluznico, povzroča dermatitis in glavobol. Suši se hitro in dobro. Mogoče ga je dobro in gladko obdelati, stružiti, rezljati, lužiti in lakirati. Za loke v različnih geografskih regijah uporabljajo različne vrste lesa, vendar je vsem skupna visoka gostota, visok E-modul in upogibna trdnost, žilavost, dobre obdelovalne lastnosti, praviloma pa tudi dekorativnost. In vse te lastnosti ima tisovina (prirejeno po Velušček, Čufar 2001, 48 s). Do prehoda v kovinska obdobja se lok prvenstveno uporablja kot lovsko orožje, šele kasneje postane del bojne opreme (Eckhardt 1996, 109). J. Junkmanns classified the bows from the Zürich surroundings into a number of groups based upon the age of the bowman and the corresponding physical strength of the bowman: bows for adults, bows for adolescents, and bows for children (Junkmanns 1999a, 1 pp; cf. Mertens 2000, 9 p). This division is reminiscent of Inuit customs (Park 1998, 269 pp) and natives of Irian Jaya (Petrequin, Petrequin 1990, 484 pp). Differences are reflected in the length of the bow, the selection of the most suitable stem and careful workmanship. An adult bow usually measures between 145 and 170 cm, is made on a very good stem and displays excellent workmanship. An adolescent's bow will measure between 120 and 140 cm in length, while children's bows are even shorter - sometimes less than 60 cm long -and poorly made. Such bows are intended for play. According to G. Rausing, the Hočevarica bow belongs to the group of so-called »simple longbows« (Rausing 1967, 35 pp). It has numerous analogies at similar sites from the 5th to 3rd millennium B.C. throughout Europe (e.g. Clark 1963, 62 pp; Rausing 1967, 35 pp; Junkmanns 1999a, 1 pp). Junkmanns would classify this same bow to the group of bows for adolescents. Bent, wooden awl (or a tooth from a hackle) Two slightly bent wooden awls (^ig. 3.1.13) were also found at Hočevarica, although it is not clear as to the function they served. The same can be said of a similar object bearing visible traces of usage, found years ago at Maharski prekop (Bregant 1975, Pl. 13: 9). Perhaps these are semi-products but they do by all means reminisce of a hackle's tooth (Eberli 1998-1999, fig. 4). A hackle is a tool that was frequent inventory at archaeological sites upon wet ground. They constitute wooden or bone teeth and are used for dressing textile fiber (Deschler-Erb, Marti-Grädel, Schibler 2002, 294 p; fig. 404; Pl. 509: 14,15). Sl. 3.1.13: Hočevarica. Mikalnikov zob? Foto: M. Paternoster. Fig. 3.1.13: Hočevarica. Hackle's tooth? Photo: M. Paternoster. Katalog lesenih najdb 1. Fragmentarno ohranjena prevrtana jagoda iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 21. 2. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 3. Prevrtana jagoda iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 4. Prevrtana jagoda iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 5. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 6. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 12. 7. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 12. 8. Prevrtana jagoda iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 8; sl. 3.1.7. 9. Prevrtana jagoda iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 10 Prevrtana jagoda iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 11. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 12. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 13. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz drevesne skorje; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 4. 14. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 23. 15. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; največji pr. 0,6 cm; lega: skupek 21; sl. 3.1.8. 16. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 21. 17. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 18. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 19. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 20. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 8. 21. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 22. Prevrtana jagoda iz koščice; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 23. Lok iz tisovine; dl. 122,3 cm; lega: med skupkoma 15 in 6; sl. 3.1.9; 3.1.10. 24. Ukrivljeno leseno šilo; dl. pribl. 10 cm po konzervaciji; lega: skupek 17; sl. 3.1.13. 25. Ukrivljeno leseno šilo; lega: skupek 5. Najdbe iz kosti, roževine in zobovine Material finds of bone, horn and teeth V naselbinah na vlažnih tleh po Evropi (Schlichtherle, Wahlster 1986, 76 s, 80 ss) in tako tudi na Ljubljanskem barju (npr. Korošec 1963, t. 16; 17: 1-12; Artifacts made of bone, horn and teeth are frequent finds at settlements upon wet ground throughout Europe (Schlichtherle, Wahlster 1986, 76 p, 80 pp), and thus also upon the Ljubljansko barje (e.g. Korošec 1963, Pl. 16; 17: 1-12; Korošec, Korošec 1969, e.g. Pl. 86; 87: 28,12-42; 93 etc.), including Hocevarica. Perforated conical beads for necklaces are known from Hocevarica; they are made of horn and are predominantly found in the lower part of the cultural layer, the first settlement phase (fig. 3.1.14: 1-4). Also known are perforated pendants made from animal teeth (fig. 3.1.15). The fragment of a jagged ray bone is perhaps also a piece of jewelry; it was found in sub-phase 5 (check chapter 3.9). Sl. 3.1.14: Hočevarica. Jagode iz roževine. Foto: M. Paternoster. Fig. 3.1.14: Hočevarica. Beads made of horn. Photo: M. Paternoster. Sl. 3.1.15: Hočevarica. Perforiran živalski zob. Foto: M. Paternoster. Fig. 3.1.15: Hočevarica. Perforated animal tooth. Photo: M. Paternoster. Korošec, Korošec 1969, npr. t. 86; 87: 2-8,12-42; 93 itd.) so artefakti iz kosti, roževine in zobovine pogosti. S Hočevarice poznamo prevrtane konične jagode za ogrlice iz roževine, ki prevladujejo v spodnjem delu kulturne plasti oziroma v prvi naselbinski fazi (sl. 3.1.14: 1-4), in prevrtane obeske iz živalskih zob (sl. 3.1.15). Morda sodi k nakitu tudi fragment nazobčane ska-tove kosti, ki je bil najden v skupku 5 (glejpoglavje 3.9). Veliko je koščenih šil, v nekaterih primerih gre lahko za konice (prim. Winiger 1992, 65 ss). Pojavljajo se skoraj v vseh skupkih obeh naselbinskih faz (sl. 3.1.16; 3.1.17). Na nekaterih šilih so dobro vidni vrezi, ki so nastali pri izdelavi in uporabi (sl. 3.1.16; 3.1.17). Najdena sta tudi koščen nož ali dvostransko rezilo (sl. 3.1.18)12 in zelo fragmentaren, a obdelan kos jelenovega roga. Zaradi slabe ohranjenosti je predmetu težko določiti funkcijo. Najbrž gre za tulasti nastavek, ki so ga uporabljali za nasajanje koščenega ali kamnitega orodja (glej npr. Billamboz, Schlichtherle 1999, 41 ss; Leuzin-ger 2002b, 99 ss; Deschler-Erb, Marti-Gradel, Schibler 2002, 331 ss). Sl. 3.1.17: Hočevarica. Koščeno šilo. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.17: Hočevarica. Bone awl. Photo: M. Zaplatil. A large number of wooden awls were discovered; some of these are perhaps points (cf. Winiger 1992, 65 pp). These awls were found in all sub-phases in both settlement phases (^ig. 3.1.16; 3.1.17). Some awls bear clearly discernible incisions that occurred while being made or used (fig. 3.1.16; 3.1.17). Sl. 3.1.16: Hočevarica. Koščeno šilo. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.16: Hočevarica. Bone awl. Photo: M. Zaplatil. A bone knife or double-sided blade (fig. 3.1.18)12 was also discovered, as well as a very fragmented but carved piece of antler. Due to the poor stance of preservation of the object, its function is difficult to assess. It probably served as a socketed extension for attaching a bone or stone tool (check e.g. Billamboz, Schlichtherle 1999, 41 pp; Leuzinger 2002b, 99 pp; Deschler-Erb, Marti-Gradel, Schibler 2002, 331 pp). One bone object is beautifully preserved; it is classified among the type of so-called »straight hooks« (fig. 3.1.19).13 It is a short, double-sided point made of bone, and it narrows, or has an indentation towards its middle Predmet je podoben »malemu gladilu« z Dežmanovih kolišč (Korošec, Korošec 1969, t. 82: 9). ■ The object is similar to the »small polisher« from Dežman's pile dwelling (Korošec, Korošec 1969, Pl. 82: 9). T. Greif, who cites the straight hook from the Ljubljansko barje, refers to it as a »transverse hook«, as a literal translation of the German word »querangel« (Greif 1997, 35). Basic information concerning straight hooks will be found in Brinkhuizen 1983, 11 p; Huster-Plogmann, Leuzinger 1995, 111 pp, fig. 11: 6-12; Stratouli 1996, 16, fig. 2: 7. Sl. 3.1.18: Hočevarica. Koščen nož. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.18: Hočevarica. Bone knife. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Sl. 3.1.19: Hočevarica. Ravni trnek. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.19: Hočevarica. A straight hook. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Čudovito je ohranjen koščen predmet, ki sodi k tipu t. i. ravnih trnkov (sl. 3.1.19).13 Gre za krajšo dvostransko konico iz kosti, ki je na sredini lahko zožena ali ima zajedo (Brinkhuizen 1983, 11, sl. 4). Trnek tega tipa so uporabljali za ribolov na večje ribe, kot so ščuke, in tudi za lov na ptiče ter sesalce (Brinkhuizen 1983, 12; Torke 1993, 52 ss; Huster-Plogmann, Leuzinger 1995, 111; Stratouli 1996, 16). Tako ne preseneča, da jih tudi na Ljubljanskem barju poznamo z več najdišč (lep primerek najdemo pri Korošec, Korošec 1969, t. 85: 14).14 Človeški zobje Med vsekakor zanimive najdbe, ki pač niso arte-fakti, moramo uvrstiti neobdelane človeške zobe. Našli smo jih 7: tri v skupku 19, enega v skupku 14, dva v skupku 8 in enega v skupku 5. V glavnem so se ohranili brez korenine. Nekaj smo jih določili in zdi se, da so mlečni (glej poglavje 3.6). (Brinkhuizen 1983, 11, fig. 4). This type of hook was used for fishing larger sized fish, such as pike, as well as for hunting birds and mammalia (Brinkhuizen 1983, 12; Torke 1993, 52 pp; Huster-Plogmann, Leuzinger 1995, 111; Stratouli 1996, 16). So it comes as no surprise that such hooks are known from many sites throughout the Ljubljansko barje (a good example is shown in Korošec, Korošec 1969, Pl. 85: 14).14 Human teeth Although not exactly artifacts, unaltered human teeth also present an interesting find. Seven teeth were discovered. Three were in sub-phase 19, one in sub-phase 14, two in sub-phase 8 and one in sub-phase 5. For the most part they were preserved without the roots. A few were determined as being decidous teeth (check chapter 3.6). Katalog najdb iz kosti, 26. Prevrtana jagoda 27. Prevrtana jagoda 28. Prevrtana jagoda 29. Prevrtana jagoda 30. Prevrtana jagoda 31. Prevrtana jagoda 32. Prevrtana jagoda 33. Prevrtana jagoda roževine in zobovine iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico lega: skupek 23; sl. 3.1.14: 1. lega: skupek 23. lega: skupek 21; sl. 3.1.14: 2. lega: skupek 21; sl. 3.1.14: 3. lega: skupek 21. lega: skupek 21. lega: skupek 19. lega: skupek 19. ' T. Greif, ki navaja ravni trnek z Barja, ga imenuje prečni trnek, po dobesednem prevodu nemške besede Querangel (Greif 1997, 35). Osnovne informacije za ravne trnke dobimo pri Brinkhuizen 1983, 11 s; Hüster-Plogmann, Leuzinger 1995, 111 ss, sl. 11: 6-12; Stratouli 1996, 16, sl. 2: 7. ' T. Greif med ravne trnke uvrsti tudi dvojno konico z uvitim koncem z Dežmanovih kolišč (1997, 35, sl. 24a). Po analogijah sodeč je to verjetneje harpuna in ne trnek (glej Winiger 1992, 65 ss). 14 T. Greif also attributes the double-point with curved tip from Dezman's pile dwelling among the straight hooks (1997, 35, fig. 24a). Analogies indicate that this example is more likely a harpoon than a hook (check Winiger 1992, 65 pp). 34. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 35. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19; sl. 3.1.14: 4. 36. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 37. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 38. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 39. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 40. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 41. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 42. Frag. prevrtane jagode iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega skupek 17. 43. Prevrtana jagoda iz roževine; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 44. Prevrtan živalski zob; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 19. 45. Prevrtan živalski zob; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 14. 46. Prevrtan živalski zob; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5; sl. 3.1.15. 47. Prevrtan živalski zob; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 48. Prevrtan živalski zob; obesek za ogrlico; lega: skupek 5. 49. Frag. prevrtane korenine živalskega zoba; obesek za ogrlico; lega : skupek 5. 50. Fragmentarno ohranjena skatova kost; lega: skupek 5; determinacija: glej poglavje 3.9. 51. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 23. 52. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 22. 53. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 21. 54. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 19. 55. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 19. 56. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 19. 57. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 14; sl. 58. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 14. 59. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 14; sl. 60. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 14. 61. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 14. 62. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 12. 63. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 12. 64. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 12. 65. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 8. 66. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 8. 67. Šilo iz kosti; lega: skupek 8. 68. Dvostransko rezilo/nož iz kosti; lega: skupek 14; sl. 3.1.18. 69. Frag. obroča iz jelenovega roga; lega: skupek 14. 70. Trnek iz kosti; dl. 2,9 cm; lega: skupek: 19; sl. 3.1.19. 71. Človeški zob; lega: skupek 19. 72. Človeški zob; lega: skupek 19. 73. Človeški zob; mlečni; lega: skupek 19. 74. Človeški zob; lega: skupek 14. 75. Frag. človeškega zoba; mlečni; lega: skupek 8. 76. Frag. človeškega zoba; mlečni; lega: skupek 8. 77. Človeški zob; lega: skupek 5. Kamnite najdbe Stone finds Na Hočevarici je zelo veliko kamnitih najdb. Lahko jih razdelimo na nakit in uporabne predmete. K nakitu spadajo od 0,29 do 5 mm veliki in večinoma tanki kamniti obročki za ogrlice (sl. 3.1.20: 1-5). Največ, 14, jih izvira iz skupkov druge naselbinske faze, 9 iz skupkov 17 in 14, iz prve naselbinske faze pa sta le dva. Prevladujejo obročki temnosive barve. Za dva, ki sta bila analizirana, se je ugotovilo, da sta narejena iz There are many stone finds from Hočevarica. They can be divided into jewelry and useful objects. The jewelry includes thin stone ringlets for necklaces, which measure 0.29 to 5 mm in size (fig. 3.1.20: 15). The most, 14, originate from sub-phases of the second settlement phase - nine form sub-phases 17 and 14, and only two from the first settlement phase. Dark gray colored ringlets are predominant. Two examples, metamorfne kamnine (npr. si. 3.1.20: 1) (glej poglavje which were analyzed, proved to be made of metamor-3.3). phic rock (e.g. fig. 3.1.20: 1) (check chapter 3.3). Sl. 3.1.20: Hočevarica. Kamniti obročki. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.20: Hočevarica. Stone rings. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Sl. 3.1.21: Hočevarica. Kalcitna jagoda. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.21: Hočevarica. Calcite bead. Photo: M. Zaplatil. V skupku 23 je najdena tudi prevrtana bela jagoda (sl. 3.1.21), najbrž kalcitna, saj je podobna analiziranim kalcitnim jagodam z Maharskega prekopa (glej Bregant 1974b, t. 4: 11; 1975, t. 8: 15-17,19; 12: 1; Strmole 1974, 72). Tudi uporabne predmete iz kamna lahko ločimo na več skupin: puščične osti, orodja iz kremena, sekira in žrmlje. A perforated white bead was found in sub-phase 23 (fig. 3.1.21). This example is probably made of calci-te; it seems very similar to the analyzed calcite beads from Maharski prekop (check Bregant 1974b, Pl. 4: 11; 1975, Pl. 8: 15-17,19; 12: 1; Strmole 1974, 72). Useful stone objects can also be divided into groups: arrowheads, tools made of flint, axes and querns. Sl. 3.1.22: Hočevarica. Trapezna puščična ost. Foto: M. Zapla-til. Fig. 3.1.22: Hočevarica. Trapezoid arrowhead. Photo: M. Zaplatil Sl. 3.1.23: Hočevarica. Trikotna puščična ost. Foto: M. Zapla-til. Fig. 3.1.23: Hočevarica. Triangular arrowhead. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Poleg loka dokazujeta lokostrelstvo tudi dva tipa puščičnih osti, ki se pojavljata na Hočevarici: trapezna puščična ost (sl. 3.1.22) in trikotna puščična ost s krilci (sl. 3.1.23). Z eksperimentiranjem se je pokazalo, da so puščice s trapezno konico podobno učinkovite kot s trikotno oziroma obojestransko retuširano konico (Lund, Schurmann 1994, 145 ss). Na Hočevarici se oba tipa pojavljata skupaj, v severni Evropi pa naj bi bile trapez-ne konice praviloma starejše, saj se trikotne pogosteje Two types of arrowheads known from Hočevarica further confirm the existence of archery, in addition to bows: the trapezoid arrowhead (^ig. 3.1.22) and the triangular barbed arrowhead (fig. 3.1.23). Experiments have evidenced that the trapezoid arrowheads are equally efficient as the triangular arrowheads or the double-sided retouched points (Lund, Schurmann 1994, 145 pp). Both types occur simultaneously at Hočevarica, while in northern Europe trapezoid arrowheads are supposedly pojavljajo šele v poznem neolitiku (Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43). Orodja iz kremena so maloštevilna. Izstopa zelo lepo izdelan sveder (sl. 3.1.24) in nekaj neretuširanih dolgih klin, na katerih ni opaznih sledov uporabe. Fragmentarno ohranjeni gomolji iz kremena, ki so najdeni v sondi, dokazujejo, da so kamnita orodja izdelovali tudi v naselbini. Na Hočevarici poznamo ploščato sekiro iz zeleno-sive kamnine s topim rezilom (sl. 3.1.25). Številni so fragmenti žrmelj. Pojavljajo se v obeh naselbinskih fazah, kar priča o živahni poljedelski dejavnosti koliščarjev (sl. 3.1.26). To dokazujejo tudi zogleneli ostanki žit, ki jih v poglavju 3.2 podrobneje predstavlja M. Jeraj. Sl. 3.1.24: Hočevarica. Sveder. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.24: Hočevarica. An auger. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Sl. 3.1.26: Hočevarica. Žrmlje. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.26: Hočevarica. A quern. Photo: M. Zaplatil. an earlier form, as triangular arrowheads are known only from the Late Neolithic (Stodiek, Paulsen 1996, 43). Tools made of flint are few. A beautifully made auger is particularly noteworthy (fig. 3.1.24) as well as a few unretouched long blade bearing traces of usage. Partially preserved source pieces of flint-stone, found in the trench, are evidence that stone tools were also manufactured in the settlement. A flat axe made of greenish-gray stone and with a blunt blade is also known from Hočevarica (^ig. 3.1.25), as well as numerous fragments of querns. The latter are present in both settlement phases, thus indicating the assiduous cultivating activity of the pile dwellers (fig. 3.1.26). This is further confirmed by the charred remains of grain, which M. Jeraj presents in greater detail in chapter 3.2. Sl. 3.1.25: Hočevarica. Kamnita sekira. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.25: Hočevarica. Stone axe. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Katalog kamnitih predmetov 78. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,32 cm; lega: skupek 23. 79. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: siva; pr. 0,32 cm; lega: skupek 19; sl. 3.1.20: 3. 80. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,39 cm; lega: skupek 17. 81. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,5 cm; lega: skupek 14. 82. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,45 cm; lega: skupek 14. 83. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,45 cm; lega: skupek 14. 84. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,36 cm; lega skupek 14. 85. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,38 cm; lega: skupek 14. 86. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,38 cm; lega: skupek 14. 87. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: siva; pr. 0,5 cm; lega: skupek 14. 88. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,42 cm; lega: skupek 14. 89. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,32 cm; lega: skupek 8. 90. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,33 cm; lega: skupek 8. 91. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,3 cm; lega: skupek: 8. 92. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,39 cm; lega: skupek 8; sl. 3.1.20: 5. 93. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,38 cm; lega: skupek 8; sl. 3.1.20: 4. 94. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,3 cm; lega skupek 8. 95. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,4 cm; lega: skupek 8. 96. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,31 cm; lega: skupek 8. 97. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,38 cm; lega: skupek 7; sl. 3.1.20: 2. 98. Frag. obročka iz metamorfne kamnine; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,4 cm; lega: skupek 7; sl. 3.1.20: 1; analiza: glej poglavje 3.3. 99. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,5 cm; lega: skupek 5. 100. Obroček iz metamorfne kamnine; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,32 cm; lega: skupek 5; analiza: glej poglavje 3.3. 101. Kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; največji pr. 0,39 cm; lega: skupek 5. 102. Rahlo poškodovan kamnit obroček; obesek za ogrlico; barva: temnosiva; pr. 0,29 cm; lega: skupek 4. 103. Kalcitna jagoda; obesek za ogrlico; barva: bela; pr. 0,45 cm; lega: skupek 23; sl. 3.1.21. 104. Puščična ost trapezne oblike iz kremena; barva: svetlorjava; lega: skupek 14; sl. 3.1.22. 105. Puščična ost trikotne oblike s krilci iz kremena; barva: svetlosiva; dl. 1,8 cm; lega: skupek 4; sl. 3.1.23. 106. Sveder iz kremena; barva: siva; dl. 2,2 cm; lega: skupek: 19; sl. 3.1.24. 107. Klina iz kremena; barva: sivorjava; dl. 3,8 cm; lega: skupek 21. 108. Klina iz kremena; barva: rjavosiva; dl. 4,8 cm; lega: skupek 8. 109. Klina iz kremena; barva: rjava; dl. 5,7 cm; lega: skupek 5. 110. Kamnita ploščata sekira; barva: zelenosiva; dl. 10,6 cm; lega: skupek 4; sl. 3.1.25. 111. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 23. 112. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 19. 113. Frag. žrmlje; lega: skupek 14. 114. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 8. 115. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 7. 116. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 7. 117. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 4. 118. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 4. 119. Frag. žrmlje; kamen; lega: skupek 1; sl. 3.1.26. Najdbe povezane z metalurgijo bakra Finds corresponding to the metallurgy of copper Livarska posoda Na Hočevarici je v skupku 11 v okviru druge nasel- Founder's vessel binske faze najden skoraj brezobličen fragment posode Hočevarica's sub-phase 11 from the second settle- debelih sten (t. 4.1.8: 11). Podoben, toda manjši frag- ment phase comprises an almost amorphous fragment ment smo našli tudi v skupku 14. Ker sta bila oba kosa of a vessel with thick walls (pl. 4.1.8: 11). A similar, alt- najdena v mikrokvadratu 3, domnevamo, da gre za dela hough smaller fragment was also discovered in sub-pha- iste posode. se 14. As the two fragments were both found in micro- Na prvi pogled je opaziti, da je bila posoda podvržena zelo visokim temperaturam. Na steni v notranjosti se je ohranila usedlina oziroma plast rjave in zelene barve (sl. 3.1.27), za katero so laboratorijske analiz pokazale, da je baker (glej poglavje 3.4). Kovinska kaplja - ostanek pri izdelovanju bakrenih predmetov Pri podrobnem pregledu sit z vsebino iz skupka 15 druge naselbinske faze smo naleteli na kapljici podoben predmet, ki je spominjal na kovino (sl. 3.1.28). Da bi preverili sestavo, smo ga poslali v analizo na Inštitut Jožef Stefan in tudi v Narodni muzej Slovenije iz Ljubljane. Pokazalo se je, da gre za košček čistega bakra, najverjetneje za odpadek pri izdelovanju bakrenih predmetov (glej poglavje 3.4). Sl. 3.1.27: Hočevarica. Fragment livarske posode s sledovi bakra. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.27: Hočevarica. Fragment of a founder's vessel with traces of copper. Photo: M. Zaplatil. quadrant 3, they are presumably fragments of the same vessel. At first glance it seems that the vessel underwent very high temperatures. A brown and green deposit or layer is preserved on the inner wall (fig. 3.1.27); laboratory analyses determined it to be copper (check chapter 3.4). Metal droplet - refuse from the manufacture of copper objects A detailed inspection of material from sub-phase 15 of the second settlement phase during sieving revealed a droplet shaped object resembling metal (fig. 3.1.28). The droplet was sent to the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana and the National Museum of Slovenia for analyses of its composition. The results established that the metal object was pure copper, probably refuse from manufacturing copper objects (check chapter 3.4). Sl. 3.1.28: Hočevarica. Bakrena kapljica. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.28: Hočevarica. Copper droplet. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Katalog najdb povezanih z metalurgijo bakra 120. Dva fragmenta iste livarske posode: 120a. Frag. livarske posode; nežgana glina s sledovi bakra; dl. 2,2 cm; db. 1,2 cm; lega: mk 3, skupek 14. 120b. Frag. livarske posode; nežgana glina s sledovi bakra; dl. 5,3 cm; db. 2,1 cm; lega: mk 3, skupek 11; 3.1.27; t. 4.1.8: 11; analiza: glej poglavje 3.4. 121. Odlomek bakra; dl. 1,2 cm; lega: 15; sl. 3.1.28; analiza: glej poglavje 3.4. 3.1.5 NAJDBE IZ JARKA HOCEVARICA 3.1.5 FINDS FROM THE HOCEVARICA DITCH V času, ko je na Hočevarici potekalo sondiranje, smo v jarku nedaleč od sonde našli zanimivo arheološko najdbo: kamniti bat. Orodje je na proksimalnem in distalnem delu od uporabe obtolčeno (sl. 3.1.29), kar kaže, da je bilo nasajeno. Dodatni dokaz za to je črn premaz, ki se je ohranil na trupu. Najverjetneje je to katranska smola, morda iz brezovega lubja (prim. Orel, Hadži 1978, 101 s), ki se je uporabljala za nasajanje orod- An interesting archaeological find was discovered during the time of sample trenching at Hočevarica in a ditch not far away: a stone mallet. The proximal and distal ends of the tool are worn (fig. 3.1.29), thus indicating that it was helved. Traces of a black coating preserved on the body of the tool are further confirmation of this. This coating is most likely tar pitch, perhaps from birch bark (cf. Orel, Hadži 1978, 101 p), which was used ja in orožja (Bregant 1975, t. 12: 3; prim. Junkmanns 1999b, 167 s; Mertens 2000, 17 ss). Katalog najdb iz jarka Hočevarica 122. Kamnit bat z ostanki smole; dl. 9,6 cm; lega: v jarku Hočevarica; sl. 3.1.29. Sl. 3.1.29: Hočevarica. Kamnit bat s smolo. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.29: Hočevarica. Stone mallet with traces of pitch. Photo: M. Zaplatil. to helve tools and weapons (Bregant 1975, Pl. 12: 3; cf. Junkmanns 1999b, 167 p; Martens 2000, 17 pp). 3.1.6 NAJDBE Z OBMOCJA OKOLI hoCevarice 3.1.6 FINDS FROM THE LJUBLJANICA IN THE AREA PROXIMATE TO HOCEVARICA Arheološko najdišče Hočevarico so odkrili potapljači, ki se v Ljubljanici ob izlivu Hočevarice tudi še dandanes potapljajo. Eden izmed njih, ki želi ostati neimenovan, nam je leta 1998 pokazal zbirko več kot 12 celih in 7 fragmentarno ohranjenih kamnitih ploščatih sekir, 3 cele in 4 fragmentarno ohranjene kamnite kladivaste Hočevarica was discovered by divers who continue to frequent the Ljubljanica at the Hočevarica outflow. In 1998, one anonymous diver showed us a collection of more than 12 whole and 7 fragmentarily preserved flat axes, 3 whole and 4 fragmentarily preserved stone hammer-form axes with a hole, numerous whetstones, a Sl. 3.1.30: Pozicije najdb v Ljubljanici v bližini Hočevarice. Fig. 3.1.30: Locations of archaeological finds in the Ljubljanica river in the vicinity of Hočevarica. sekire z luknjo, več brusov, kamnito ploskovno retušira-no bodalo z držajem, več puščičnih osti, kline in keramiko. Najdbe povečini izvirajo iz Ljubljanice, z odseka med Ljubijo in Bistro, nekaj pa jih je tudi iz jarka Hoče-varica. stone flatly retouched dagger with a handle, several arrowheads, blades and pottery. The majority of finds originates from the Ljubljanica, from the segment between Ljubija and Bistra, and the remainder are from the Hoče-varica ditch. Katalog izbora najdb z območja okoli Hočevarice 123. Kamnita kladivasta sekira z luknjo; dl. 9,9 cm; največja š. 3,2 cm; sl. 3.1.31. 124. Kamnito ploskovno retuširano bodalo z držajem; dl. 13,9 cm; največja š. 3,9 cm; sl. 3.1.32. 125. Kamnita puščična ost trikotne oblike; dl. 2,5 cm; največja š. 2,3 cm; sl. 3.1.33: 1. 126. Kamnita puščična ost s pecljem; dl. 2,9 cm; največja š. 2,0 cm; sl. 3.1.33: 2; lega: lokacija A na sl. 3.1.30. 127. Kamnita puščična ost s krilci; dl. 2,4 cm; največja š. 2,3 cm; sl. 3.1.33: 3; lega: lokacija A na sl. 3.1.30. 128. Kamnit srp; orodje na klini; vidni sledovi od uporabe; dl. 9,3 cm; sl. 3.1.34; lega: lokacija A na sl. 3.1.30. Iz iste zbirke sta tudi dve bakreni sekiri, prav tako najdeni v Ljubljanici na odseku med Ljubijo in Hočevarico (lega: sl. 3.1.30).15 129. Bakrena ploščata sekira trapezne oblike. Teme je ravno. Proti rezilu se enakomerno razširi. Rezilo je zaobljeno. dl. = 8,7 cm; š.1 = 2,5 cm; š.2 = 3,4 cm; sl. 3.1.35; 3.5.1; analiza: glej poglavje 3.5. 130. Bakrena ploščata sekira trapezne oblike. Teme je ravno. Proti rezilu se rahlo pahljačasto razširi. Rezilo je zaobljeno. dl. = 7,8 cm; š.1 = 2,6 cm; š.2 = 3,9 cm; sl. 3.1.36; 3.5.3; analiza: glej poglavje 3.5. Sl. 3.1.31: Ljubljanica. Kamnita sekira z luknjo. Foto: M. Zapla-til. Fig. 3.1.31: Ljubljanica. Perforated stone axe. Photo: M. Zapla-til. 15 O bakrenih sekirah (št. 129: v evidenci NM Slovenije pod oznako ZN 141/1 Verd; št. 130: v evidenci NM Slovenije pod oznako ZN 140/1 Verd) in njunih najdiščnih lokacijah smo prvič slišali že leta 1998, ko jih je v razgovoru omenjal najditelj. O tem sta bila napravljena celo zapisnika v ARKAS s št. 084303.02 in 084314. Na najdbi smo nato pozabili. Šele leta 2002 nas je nanje ponovno opozoril P. Turk iz Narodnega muzeja Slovenije, ki nam jih je pokazal ter hvaležno prepustil v strokovno obdelavo. Sl. 3.1.32: Ljubljanica. Kamnito bodalo. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.32: Ljubljanica. Stone dagger. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Sl. 3.1.33: Ljubljanica. Kamnite puščične osti: 1. št. 125; 2. št. 126; 3. št. 127. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.33: Ljubljanica. Stone arrowheads: 1. no. 125; 2. no. 126; 3. no. 127. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Sl. 3.1.34: Ljubljanica. Kamnito rezilo z leskom. Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.1.34: Ljubljanica. Stone blade with gloss. Photo: M. Zaplatil. Sl. 3.1.35: Ljubljanica. Bakrena sekira št. 129. M. = 1 : 2. Risba: I. Murgelj. Fig. 3.1.35: Ljubljanica. Copper axe no. 129. Scale = 1 : 2. Drawing: I. Murgelj. Sl. 3.1.36: Ljubljanica. Bakrena sekira št. 130. M. = 1 : 2. Risba: I. Murgelj. Fig. 3.1.36: Ljubljanica. Copper axe no. 130. Scale = 1 : 2. Drawing: I. Murgelj. 3.2 PALEOBOTANIČNE RAZISKAVE NA KOLIŠČU HOČEVARICA 3.2 PALAEOBOTANICAL ANALYSES OF THE HOČEVARICA PILE DWELLING MARJETA JERAJ Izvleček Paleobotanične raziskave s kolišča Hočevarica zajemajo analize rastlinskih makroostankov iz kulturne plasti in pelodne analize sedimentov iz arheološkega profila. Rezultati analiz semen in plodov kažejo, da so koliščarji nabirali divje rastline in sadeže, kot so drnulje, lešniki, želodi, maline, jagode, grozdje in plodovi vodnega oreška, in da so gojili ječmen in pšenico. Poleg številnih semen lobod-nic ter predvsem ožganih žitnih zrn, ki sodijo med najstarejše arheobotanične najdbe z Ljubljanskega barja, poljedelstvo na Hočevarici dokazujejo visoke vrednosti peloda žit. Človekov vpliv na pokrajino, še posebej izsekavanje gozdov in obdelovanje zemlje, je jasno razviden v pelod-nem zapisu, ki prikazuje razvoj okoliške vegetacije v času naselbine. Determinacija makroskopskega oglja z najdišča kaže, da je bil za kurjavo najpogosteje uporabljen les leske, jelše in jesena. Radiokarbonski datumi organskega sedi-menta, žitnih zrn in grozdnih pešk iz kulturne plasti kažejo na obdobje med 3670 in 3380 cal BC (2 sigma). Abstract Paleobotanical investigations of the Hočevarica pile dwelling comprise of analyses of the plant macro-remains from the cultural layer and pollen from the archaeological profile. The remains of seeds and fruits suggest that dwellers were collecting fruits such as acorns, stones of cornelian cherry, hazelnuts, grapes, raspberries, strawberries and the fruits of water chestnut, but they were also cultivating barley and wheat. Beside numerous orach seeds and charred cereal grains, which represent one of the oldest archa-eobotanical finds from the Ljubljansko barje, agriculture was further documented by a large amount of cereal pollen. The entire pollen record from the cultural layer reflects the vegetation development during the settlement period. It shows a significant human impact on the surrounding landscape, especially the reduction of nearby forest and usage of the cleared land for farming. The remains of macroscopic charcoal indicate that hazel, alder and ash wood was most often used as fuel. Radiocarbon dates of organic sediment and seeds from the cultural layer indicate the period between 3670 and 3380 cal BC (2 sigma). 3.2.1 ANALIZE RASTLINSKIH MAKROOSTANKOV IN PELODA V okviru paleobotaničnih raziskav na najdišču Hočevarica, ki so bile opravljene v sklopu arheološkega izkopavanja v letu 1998, smo analizirali rastlinske makroostanke iz kulturne plasti ter opravili pelodne analize sedimentov iz profila arheološkega izkopa. 3.2.1 ANALYSES OF PLANT MACRO-REMAINS AND POLLEN Paleobotanical investigations, which accompanied the archaeological excavations at Hočevarica in 1998, comprised of the analyses of plant macro-remains from the cultural layer and the analyses of pollen from the archaeological profile. Metode Vzorce za arheobotanične raziskave smo dobili pri arheološkem izkopavanju dva metra globoke sonde s površino 2 x 4 m2. Vzorčili smo v mikrokvadratih 1, 4, 5 Sampling and methods The samples for archaeobotanical analyses were taken from different layers and depths of the 2 m deep excavation trench with a surface of 2 x 4 m2. The trench in 8, v različnih plasteh in režnjih na globini med 190 in 125 cm, ki v celoti pripada kulturni plasti. Že na terenu smo sediment sprali in ga presejali skozi sita z velikostmi odprtin 3 mm, 1 mm in 0,5 mm (sl. 3.2.1). Iz preseja-nega in posušenega materiala smo poleg arheoloških najdb in živalskih kosti izločili tudi rastlinske makroostanke. Opravili smo analize semen, plodov in makroskopskega oglja iz kulturne plasti. Semena, plodove in njihove fragmente smo določevali s stereolupo pri 5- do 50-kratni povečavi. Za taksonomsko identifikacijo smo uporabljali zbirko recentnih semen in plodov ter ključe in priročnike za določevanje. Lesno oglje smo preiskovali s stereolupo (do 50-kratna povečava) in s stereo-mikroskopom v odbojni svetlobi (100-kratna, 250-krat-na in 400-kratna povečava). Pri vsakem vzorcu smo pregledovali sveže prelomne ploskve v transverzalni, radialni in tangencialni ravnini. Glede na anatomske značilnosti oglja v posameznih prelomih smo določili, kateri lesni vrsti, rodu ali družini pripada posamezni kos. Za identifikacijo oglja smo uporabljali ključe za določevanje lesa in preparate svežega lesa. Sl. 3.2.1: Priprava za sejanje (v ozadju) in vreče sedimenta iz kulturne plasti na Hočevarici. Foto: M. Jeraj. Fig. 3.2.1: Equipment for sieving (in the background) and bags with sediment from the cultural layer at Hočevarica. Photo: M. Jeraj. was divided into eight 1 m2 large sections (microquadrants). Sampling was performed in sections 1, 4, 5 and 8, at a depth ranging between 190 and 125 cm, corresponding to the cultural layer. The sediment was washed and wet-sieved through three different sieves with aperture sizes measuring 3 mm, 1 mm and 0.5 mm (fig. 3.2.1). After the sediment was dried up, plant remains, animal remains and archaeological artifacts were picked out. The analyses of seeds, fruits and macroscopic charcoal from the cultural layer were also carried out. Seeds, fruits and their remains were examined using a stereoscope with 5x to 50x magnification. The remains were identified by comparison to modern reference collections of seeds and fruits, and by using different identification keys and manuals. Macroscopic charcoal was determined using a stereoscope (up to 50x magnification) as well as a compound stereomicroscope with reflective light and 100x to 400x magnification. Transversal, radial and tangential sections of manually broken pieces were inspected for each sample. Their anatomical features determined the particular family, genus or species of wood. Charcoal fragments were also compared with the slides of fresh cut wood and with the keys for wood identification. The sediment samples for pollen analyses were obtained from the northern profile of the archaeological excavation. They were taken from 2 to 5 cm thick layers with different sediment structures. In the labora- Vzorce za pelodne analize smo vzeli iz severnega profila arheološkega izkopa. Vzorčili smo od 2 do 5 cm debele plasti, ki so se razlikovale glede na sedimentolo-ško sestavo. Laboratorijski del analiz je vključeval ek-strakcijo peloda iz sedimenta, kvalitativen in kvantitativen mikroskopski pregled pelodnih preparatov ter izdelavo in interpretacijo pelodnih diagramov. Pelodne vzorce smo analizirali po prirejenem standardnem postopku, ki sta ga opisala Faegri in Iversen (1989). Preparate smo pregledovali s svetlobnim mikroskopom pri 100-kratni, 200-kratni in 450-kratni povečavi. Za določevanje peloda smo uporabljali različne ključe in priročnike ter referenčno zbirko trajnih preparatov. Organski sediment iz globine 142,5 cm ter grozdne peške in žitna zrna iz kulturne plasti so bili radiokar-bonsko datirani v laboratorijih Beta Analytic Inc., Miami, FL, ZDA in University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, ZDA. Rastlinski makroostanki Pri arheološkem izkopavanju smo v globini med 130 in 190 cm našli ostanke semen, plodov, mahu in alg, kose oglja ter kole. Rezultati karpoloških in antrakotom-skih raziskav so prikazani v nadaljevanju. tory, pollen was then extracted from the sediment following an adapted procedure based on the method described by Faegri and Iversen (1989). Pollen samples were qualitatively and quantitatively examined under a light microscope with 100x, 200x and 450x magnification. Different keys and images from several manuals were used for the identification, as well as a comparison with a reference collection of modern pollen. Ultimately pollen diagrams were made and interpreted. The sample of organic sediment from the depth of 142.5 cm, grape seeds and charred cereal grains were AMS radiocarbon dated at Beta Analytic Inc. (Miami, FL, USA) and the University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ, USA). Plant macro-remains The remains of seeds, fruits, moss and algae, as well as fragments of charcoal and wooden piles were recovered from the archaeological excavation at Hoče-varica at the depth of between 130 and 190 cm. The results of carpological and anthracotomic analyses are presented below. Seeds and fruits Semena in plodovi V kulturni plasti smo v vzorčnih mikrokvadratih našli več kot 30000 semen in plodov. V glavnem so bili zelo dobro ohranjeni in razen žitnih zrn nezogleneli. Večinoma smo našli cele in nepoškodovane, od nekaterih pa so se ohranili le posamezni deli. Prevladovala so semena lobodnic (Chenopodiaceae), ostanki želodov (Quercus sp.), peške vinske trte (Vitis vinifera), koščice rumenega in rdečega drena (Cornus mas in C. sangui-nea), oreški maline (Rubus fruticosus), roglji plodov vod- The cultural layer in the sampled micro-quadrants revealed more than 30,000 seeds, fruits and their fragments, larger than 3 mm, and even more seeds, smaller than 3 mm (tables 3.2.1 and 3.2.2). In general they were well preserved, and with the exception of cereal grains almost completely non-carbonized. Their preservation varied from whole and undamaged to broken and hardly recognizable seeds. The most frequent were seeds of Chenopodiaceae, acorn fragments (Quercus sp.), grape seeds (Vitis vinifera), fruit stones of dogwood (Cornus mas, C. sanguinea) and nutlets of red raspberry (Rubus Takson % Takson % Quercus sp. 31,4 Prunus spinosa 0,67 Vitis vinifera 27,4 Cyperaceae 0,26 Cornus mas 13,4 Apiaceae 0,15 Rubus fruticosus 13,2 Sambucus ebulus 0,13 Cerealia 5,2 Nuphar luteum 0,13 Corylus avellana 4,4 Tilia sp. 0,08 Cornus sanguinea 2,7 Potamogeton natans 0,02 Trapa natans 1,0 Tab. 3.2.1: Deleži semen in plodov večjih od 3 mm v kulturni plasti na Hočevarici. Table 3.2.1: Proportions of seeds and fruits larger than 3 mm, from the cultural layer at Hočevarica. Sl. 3.2.2: Najpogostejši ostanki semen in plodov s Hočevarice: ostanek želoda (Quercus sp.) (a), drnulja (Cornus mas) (b), ožgana žitna zrna (Cerealia) (c), peška vinske trte (Vitis vinifera) (d), seme lobodnice (Chenopodium) (e) in orešek maline (Rubus fruticosus) (f). Foto: M. Jeraj. Fig. 3.2.2: The most common remains of seeds and fruits from Hočevarica: fragment of acorn (a), stone fruit of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) (b), charred cereal grains (Cerealia), grape seed (Vitisvinifera) (d), orach seed (Chenopodium) and (e) raspberry nutlet (Rubus fruticosus) (f). Photo: M. Jeraj. nega oreška (Trapa natans), makova semena (Papaver somniferum), oreški jagodnjaka (Fragaria vesca), ožgana zrna ječmena (Hordeum vulgare) in pšenice (Triticum monococcum, T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum) ter zdrobljene lupine lešnikov (Corylus avellana) (tab. 3.2.1 in 3.2.2; sl. 3.2.2). Od semen in plodov večjih od 3 mm so bili med manj pogostimi najdbami koščice črnega trna (Prunus spinosa), plodovi ostričevk (Cyperaceae), lipe (Tilia sp.), plodiči kobulnic (Apiaceae) in plavajočega dristavca (Potamogeton natans) ter semena rumenega blatnika (Nuphar luteum) in divjega bezga (Sambucus ebulus) (tab. 3.2.1). Med semeni in plodovi manjšimi od 3 mm pa smo poleg že nekaterih omenjenih našli še oreške koprive (Urtica sp.), rožke nebinovk (Asteraceae) in semena klinčnic (Caryophyllaceae) (tab. 3.2.2). Pri analizi plodov in semen, večjih od 3 mm, smo ugotovili, da so bili ti v mikrokvadratih 1, 4, 5 in 8 razporejeni različno. Največ, tj. 3400, smo jih našli v mi-krokvadratu 4 na globini med 179 in 167 cm. Na splošno jih je bilo v mikrokvadratih 1 in 4 bistveno več kot v 5 in 8. V vseh so bile najštevilčnejši ostanki želodov, grozdne peške, koščice drnulj in oreški maline. Grozdne peške in ožgana žitna zrna so bila tudi radiokarbonsko datirana. Starost pešk iz plasti med 159 in 142 cm je 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)); starost žitnih zrn iz plasti med 190 in 181 cm pa je 4810 ± 40 BP (3650-3530 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3670-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). Takson % Chenopodiaceae 71,0 Papaver somniferum 11,2 Fragaria sp. 8,9 Rubus fructicosus 2,3 Urtica sp. 2,3 Asteraceae 1,5 Sambucus ebulus 1,0 Scirpus sp. 0,8 Caryophyllaceae 0,7 Potamogeton sp. 0,2 Tab. 3.2.2: Deleži semen in plodov manjših od 3 mm v kulturni plasti na Hočevarici. Table 3.2.2: Proportions of seeds and fruits smaller than 3 mm, from the cultural layer at Hočevarica. fruticosus) (fig. 3.2.2). Poppy seeds (Papaversomniferum), achenes of strawberry (Fragaria vesca), spines of water chestnut fruits (Trapa natans), charred grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum monococcum, T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum), and broken hazelnut shells (Corylus avellana) were also quite common. Among the less abundant remains of seeds and fruits larger than 3 mm, there were fruit stones of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), achenes of Cyperaceae and floating-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton natans), fruits of linden (Tilia sp.) and Apiaceae, seeds of yellow water lily (Nuphar luteum) and seeds of red elderberry (Sambucus ebulus) (table 3.2.1). Achenes of nettle (Urtica sp.) and Asteraceae, and seeds of Caryophyllaceae, were also recovered among the fragments smaller than 3 mm (table 3.2.2). The analyses of seeds and fruits larger than 3 mm show that their distribution varied among the examined sections. The largest amount, 3400 seeds/fruits, was found in section 4 at a depth of between 167 and 179 cm. Generally, there were more remains found in sections 1 and 4 than in sections 5 and 8. However, acorn fragments, grape seeds, fruit stones of cornelian cherry and nutlets of raspberry were the most common remains in all of them. Grape seeds and charred cereal grains were also AMS radiocarbon dated. The radiocarbon date of the grape seeds, found at a depth of between 159 and 142 cm, is 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma), 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). The cereal grains, found in the layer between 190 and 181 cm, were dated to 4810 ± 40 BP (3650-3530 cal BC (1 sigma), 3670-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). Oglje Charcoal Pregledali smo okrog 580 od 0,5 do 5 cm velikih kosov oglja iz različnih mikrokvadratov, plasti in režnjev. Ohranjenost anatomskih značilnosti je med vzorci va-riirala, tako da je bila v nekaterih primerih identifikacija rastlinskega taksona mogoča le do družine. Največ kosov oglja je pripadalo leski (Corylus avellana), črni jelši (Alnus glutinosa) in jesenu (Fraxinus ornus/excelsior). Od ostalih lesnih vrst, rodov ali družin smo določili oglje javorja (Acer pseudoplatanus/platanoides/campestre), oglje dreves in grmov rožnic (Rosaceae) iz poddružine Prunoideae (Prunus sp.) in poddružine Maloidae, kot so jerebika (Sorbus sp.), hruška/jablana (Pyrus/Malus) in glog (Crataegus sp.), oglje bukve (Fagus sylvatica), hrasta (Quercus sp.), breze (Betula sp.), topola (Populus sp.), vrbe (Salix sp.), brogovite (Viburnum sp.), krhlike (Frangula alnus), trdoleske (Euonymus sp.), drena (Cornus sp.), belega gabra (Carpinus betulus) in oreha (Ju-glans regia). Oglja iglavcev je bilo malo in je pripadalo jelki (Abies alba), brinu (Juniperus communis), tisi (Taxus baccata) in boru (Pinus sp.) (tab. 3.2.3). About 580 charcoal fragments, sampled from the different micro-quadrants were analysed (table 3.2.3). The fragments measured between 0.5 and 5 cm. The preservation of their anatomical features varied, thus identification of the species or genus level was not always possible. The majority of charcoal sampled was hazel (Coryllus avellana), alder (Alnusglutinosa) and ash (Fraxinus ornus, F. excelsior). The rest was identified as maple (Acer campestre, A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus), trees and shrubs from the Rosaceae family, including mountain ash (Sorbus sp.), pear/apple (Pyrus/Malus), hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) and Prunus sp., beech (Fagus sylvatica), oak (Quercus sp.), poplar (Populus sp.), birch (Betula sp.), willow (Salix sp.), buckthorn (Frangula alnus), walnut (Juglans regia), cranberry bush (Viburnum sp.), spindle tree (Euonymus sp.), dogwood (Cornus sp.) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus). The charcoal of conifers was relatively rare and it belonged to fir (Abies alba), juniper (Juniperus communis), yew (Taxus baccata) and pine (Pinus sp.). Vrsta/species oglje/charc. Vrsta/species oglje/charc. (9%) (9%) Corylus avellana 25,5 Populus sp. 1,2 Alnus glutinosa 25,0 Betula sp. 1,0 Fraxinus excelsior 11,1 Crataegus sp. 0,9 Fraxinus ornus 5,2 Salix sp. 0,5 Fagus sylvatica 5,0 Frangula alnus 0,3 Quercus sp. 4,0 Juglans regia 0,3 Acer campestre 3,6 Viburnum opulus 0,2 Sorbus sp. 3,6 Euonymus europaea 0,2 Pyrus/Malus 3,5 Cornus sanguinea 0,2 Prunus sp. 2,8 Carpinus betulus 0,2 Acer platanoides 2,3 Juniperus communis 0,2 Abies alba 1,6 Taxus baccata 0,2 Acer pseudoplatanus 1,2 Pinus sylvestris 0,2 Tab. 3.2.3: Deleži oglja vseh determiniranih drevesnih vrst v kulturni plasti na Hočevarici. Table 3.2.3: Proportions of charcoal from all the determined tree types in the cultural layer at Hočevarica. Ostali rastlinski ostanki Other plant macro-remains V kulturni plasti z najdišča Hočevarica so bili med rastlinskimi makroostanki še koli, koščki lesa, brsti, rastlinske maligne tvorbe, ostanki mahu vrste Neckera crispa (Neckeraceae), oogoniji alg iz družine Characeae Among the plant macro-remains in the cultural layer at Hočevarica, there were also wooden piles, fragments of wood, buds, tumor structures, the remains of moss Neckera crispa (Neckeraceae), oogoniums from the al- (najverjetneje iz rodu Chara sp.) (sl. 3.2.3a) in šiške. V večjih količinah smo v globini med 190 in 178 cm v mik-rokvadratih 1, 4 in 5 našli ostanke mahu iz družine Drepanocladaceae (sl. 3.2.3b). Palinološki profil Zgornji meter profila v arheološkem izkopu zaradi pedogeneze in kontaminacije ni bil primeren za pelod-ne raziskave. Vzorčili smo v globini med 190 in 105 cm in opravili pelodne analize 26 vzorcev, pri čemer je bil pelod v vseh vzorcih dobro ohranjen. V vzorcih iz globine med 130 in 105 cm je bila pelodna vsebina skromna in ni prikazana v pelodnem diagramu. Prevladovale so monoletne spore praprotnic. Pelodna vsebina ostalih pregledanih vzorcev v globini med 190 in 130 cm v celoti sovpada s kulturno plastjo. Prikazana je v pelodnem diagramu, ki smo ga razdelili na pet odsekov. Pelodni diagram izbranih taksonov iz arheološkega profila na Hočevarici z opisi posameznih odsekov je bil že predstavljen (Jeraj 2000). Tokrat je prikazan pelodni zapis iz profila ter interpretacija celotnega diagrama (sl. 3.2.4): Spodnji odsek (A) pelodnega diagrama, v katerem prevladuje drevesna vegetacija (AP), kaže, da je v okolici Hočevarice tik pred naselitvijo ali pa na samem začetku poselitve uspeval mešan listnati gozd. V njem so prevladovali jelša (Alnus), leska (Corylus), bukev (Fagus), hrast (Quercus) in lipa (Tilia). Med nedrevesno vegetacijo (NAP) so ugotovljene nizke pelodne vrednosti žit (Cerealia), lobodnic (Chenopodiaceae), trav (Poaceae) in zelišč iz družin križnic (Brassicaceae) in kobulnic (Apiaceae), ki nakazujejo človekovo prisotnost in dejavnost v bližini najdišča. Na začetku odseka B je razviden oster prehod od drevesne k zeliščni vegetaciji, ki pomeni odprte površine v bližnji okolici. Te so koliščarji uporabljali predvsem za poljedelstvo, kar je razvidno iz visokih pelodnih vrednosti žit in lobodnic, pa tudi za pašništvo, na kar kažejo visoke vrednosti leske. Redčenje okoliškega gozda se kaže v upadanju pelodnih vrednosti drevesnih vrst, kot so bukev, hrast in lipa. Poleg žit in lobodnic na prisotnost človeka kažejo tudi povečane pelodne vrednosti trav, kobulnic in nebinovk (Asteraceae). Upad pelodne krivulje žit med odsekoma B in C ter sočasen dvig krivulj lobodnic in trav verjetno pomeni začasno opustitev okoliških kultiviranih površin. Opustitev je kratkotrajna, saj se že na začetku odseka C pojavi izrazit dvig pelodnih vrednosti žit, ki znotraj odseka precej nihajo. Minimum krivulje žit sovpada z viški krivulj lobodnic in trav, kar bi lahko pomenilo menjavanje kultiviranih in opuščenih površin oziroma poljedelstvo na stopnji kolobarjenja. Pelod bukve, lipe in hrasta je prisoten le še v sledovih, kar kaže na močan antropogeni vpliv oziroma na izsekane gozdne površine v bližnji in verjetno tudi v daljnji okolici. SI. 3.2.3: Oogonij alge (a) iz družine Characeae (0,8 x 0,5 mm) in ostanki mahu (b) iz družine Drepanocladaceae (dolžina 5 mm) - velike količine mahu smo našli predvsem v globini med 190 in 178 cm. Foto: M. Jeraj. Fig. 3.2.3: Oogonium (a) from the algae family Characaeae (0.8 X 0.5 mm) and moss remains (b) from the family Drepanocladaceae. Photo: M. Jeraj. gae family Characaeae (most likely Chara sp.) (fig. 3.2.3a) and galls. Also, at a depth between 190 and 178 cm a larger quantity of the remains of moss from the family Drepanocladaceae (fig. 3.2.3b) was found as well. Palynological profile The first meter below the surface of the examined archaeological profile was not suitable for pollen analyses, primarily due to pedogenesis and contamination. Therefore the sampling was performed at a depth of between 190 and 105 cm. The pollen grains and spores were well preserved in all samples. Only a small amount of pollen was found in the layer between 130 and 105 cm, and it is not presented in the pollen diagram. Mo-nolete spores prevailed. The pollen content of the sediments from between 190 and 130 cm is classified into five pollen zones. The pollen diagram from the archaeological profile at Hočevarica has already been presented and described (Jeraj 2000). Its summary and interpretation are presented in the following (fig. 3.2.4). Arboreal vegetation (AP), mostly composed of alder (Alnus), hazel (Corylus), beech (Fagus), oak (Quercus) and linden (Tilia), prevail in the pollen zone A. It indicates the vicinity of a mixed-deciduous forest just prior to or in the beginning of the settlement period. Determined among herbaceous vegetation (NAP) was a small amount of the pollen of cereals (Cerealia), orachs (Chenopodiaceae), grasses (Poaceae), crucifers (Brassicaceae) and umbellifers (Apiaceae). It is suggestive of possible human presence and activity close to the site. However, this part of the diagram most likely refers to the period before or at the very beginning of the settlement at Hočevarica since the traces of humans are not very distinctive. A significant transition from arboreal to non-arboreal vegetation is noticed in the beginning of the zone Naraščanje vrednosti drevesnega peloda in sočasen upad vrednosti zeliščnega peloda v odseku D najverjetneje pomeni, da so koliščarji začeli opuščati naselbino in okoliška polja. Prevladuje leska, ki se je začela razraščati tudi na opuščenih površinah. Radiokarbonski datum organskega sedimenta v globini med 145 in 140 cm je 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). V odseku E pelodna krivulja žit popolnoma upade, obenem pa narastejo pelodne vrednosti listavcev, predvsem hrasta, lipe, drena (Cornus), belega gabra (Car-pinus), črnega gabra (Ostrya), vrbe (Salix) in breze (Betu- B. It reflects the appearance of open landscape, which was used for agriculture and pasturing. This is further documented by high pollen values of cereals and Che-nopodiaceae, and by the consistent presence of Corylus. The reduction of the surrounding forest is also shown by the decrease in pollen values of trees like beech, oak and linden. Additionally, the increase in pollen values of other anthropogenic indicators such as grasses, um-bellifers and composites (Asteraceae) represents further evidence of habitation at Hočevarica. The decrease of the cereal pollen curve between zones B and C, and the concurrent increase in the grass and orach curves, probably suggest that dwellers from Hočevarica temporarily abandoned the cultivated fields. However, another significant increase, and continued oscillation in the cereal curve reappears in the beginning of zone C. Its minimum values match the maximum values of the pollen curves of orachs and grasses, which may indicate the alternation of cultivated and abandoned land, or farming at the level of crop rotation. The pollen of beech, linden and oak, which only appears sporadically, shows the reduction of nearby and probably also distant forests. The increased values of arboreal pollen and the concurrent decreased values of herbaceous pollen in zone D most likely suggest the abandonment of the settlement and fields around Hočevarica. Hazel, which also overgrew the abandoned land, dominates. The radiocarbon date of the organic sediment from a depth of between 145 and 140 cm is 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma), 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). The cereal curve drops completely in zone E, while the arboreal pollen, including oak, linden, dogwood (Cornus), hornbeam (Carpinus), hophornbeam (Ostrya) and birch (Betula), increase again. This is indicative of the regeneration of forestland and the abandonment of agricultural and residential areas. Nevertheless, the pollen of plants, closely associated with humans, and another increase in the cereal pollen curve towards the end of the zone, still suggest the presence of humans in the close vicinity. 3.2.2 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The paleobotanical studies from Hočevarica show that the pile dwellers were gatherers and farmers, and that their activities had a significant influence on the Sl. 3.2.4: Pelodni diagram iz arheološkega profila na Hočevarici. Fig. 3.2.4: Pollen diagram from the archaeological profile at Hočevarica. la). To kaže na ponovno zaraščanje gozda ter opustitev kmetijskih in bivalnih površin. Kljub vsemu pelod zelišč iz družin, ki so v tesni povezavi s človekovo dejavnostjo (križnice, kobulnice, zlatičnice), ter dvig krivulje žit proti koncu odseka še vedno nakazujejo človekovo prisotnost v bližnji okolici. 3.2.2 Razprava in zaključki Paleobotanične raziskave z najdišča Hočevarica kažejo, da so bili koliščarji tako nabiralci kot poljedelci, ki so s svojo dejavnostjo v veliki meri vplivali na razvoj vegetacije in oblikovanje paleokrajine v času naselbine. Glede na večje padce krivulje drevesnega peloda v pe-lodnem zapisu iz arheološkega profila sklepamo, da so začeli izsekavati okoliške bukovo-jelove in mešane hrastove gozdove, najdbe kolov in makroskopskega oglja pa dokazujejo, da so les uporabljali za gradnjo bivališč in za kurjavo. Velika količina peloda žit in lobodnic, ostanki kultiviranih žit ter številna semena lobodnic iz kulturne plasti so dokaz, da so na izsekanih površinah obdelovali polja ali, kot kažejo tudi najdbe kosti domačih živali (glejpoglavje3.7), so jih spremenili v pašnike. Pridelovali so ječmen in pšenico, kar dokazujejo številna ožgana zrna ječmena (Hordeum vulgare) in pšenice (Triticum mono-coccum, T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum) (Jeraj 2002). Njihova starost je 4800 ± 40 BP (3650-3530 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3670-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)) in so ena najstarejših arheobotaničnih najdb z Ljubljanskega barja. Ostanki plodov in semen kažejo, da so prebivalci Hočevarice nabirali sadeže in plodove dreves in grmov (Corylus, Quercus, Cornus, Rubus, Fragaria, Prunus, Sam-bucus), ter zelišča (Chenopodiaceae, Papaveraceae, Urtica) iz bližnje okolice ter plodove vodnih rastlin (Trapa, Nuphar). Zanimiva najdba s Hočevarice so grozdne peške (Vitis vinifera), ki so najstarejši ostanki vinske trte v Sloveniji (starost: 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). Večina ohranjenih semen, plodov in njihovih fragmentov je najverjetneje zaloga ali ostanek hrane tedanjih prebivalcev in njihovih domačih živali. Ožgana zrna pšenice (Triticum sp.) in ječmena (Hordeum sp.), koščice drnulje (Cornus mas) in robide (Rubus sp.), peške vinske trte (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) ter zdrobljene lupine lešnikov (Corylus avellana) poznamo tudi z drugih najdišč na Ljubljanskem barju (npr. Šercelj 1975; Šercelj, Culiberg 1980; Culiberg, Šercelj 1980b). Iz antrakotomskih raziskav je razvidno, da so največ kurili z leskovim (Corylus), jelševim (Alnus) in jese-novim (Fraxinus) lesom, uporabljali pa so tudi les javorja (Acer), jerebike (Sorbus aucuparia), sadnega drevja (Pyrus/Malus), bukve (Fagus), hrasta (Quercus), breze (Betula), topola (Populus) in še nekaterih drugih, v glavnem listnatih dreves. Ogenj jim verjetno ni služil le za ogrevanje in pripravo hrane, pač pa tudi za osvetljevan- surrounding vegetation and landscape. Large decreases of arboreal pollen during the settlement period evidence the cutting of surrounding beech-fir and mixed oak forests. Moreover, the recovered wooden piles and macroscopic charcoal from the cultural layer suggest that a variety of wood was used for construction and as fuel. A large amount of cereal (Cerealia) and orach (Chenopodiaceae) pollen, numerous grains of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum monococcum, T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum), and abundant seeds of Chenopodiaceae, indicate cultivation on cleared surfaces (Jeraj 2002). Furthermore, the pollen of hazel (Corylus) and the discovered bones of domestic animals (see chapter3.7) are all evidence of pastureland. The remains of fruits and seeds suggest that the dwellers from Hočevarica were collecting hazelnuts (Corylus), acorns (Quercus), cornelian cherries (Cornus), grapes (Vitis), raspberries (Rubus), strawberries (Fragaria), blackthorn (Prunus), elder (Sambucus), as well as some herbs (Chenopodiaceae, Papaveraceae, Urtica) and aquatic plants (Trapa, Nuphar). On the other hand, the remains of cultivated cereals show that they were also farmers. Charred grains of cultivated barley and wheat are dated to 4810 ± 40 BP (3650-3530 cal BC (1 sigma), 3670-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)), and present one of the oldest archaeobotanical finds from the Ljubljansko barje. Another noteworthy botanical remain from Hočevarica are grape seeds (Vitis vinifera), which were also radiocarbon dated to 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma), 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)). The majority of preserved seeds, fruits and their fragments most likely represent the stores or leavings of humans and domestic animals. A larger concentration of remains at a particular place within the site may indicate the location of storage, a fireplace, refuse dump or cattle shed. On the other hand, scarce finds were more likely deposited by rivers or creeks. Anthracotomic analyses indicate that fire was most often made using the wood of hazel (Corylus), alder (Alnus) and ash (Fraxinus); although the wood of other trees and shrubs like maple (Acer), mountain ash (Sorbus), pear/ apple (Pyrus/Malus), beech (Fagus), oak (Quercus), birch (Betula), and poplar (Populus), was used as well. However, fire was not used only for heating and cooking, rather also for making pottery, for defense purposes and in rituals, as known from other Neolithic and Eneolithic populations throughout Europe (Gregg 1988). No systematical anthracotomic investigations have yet been carried out on the Ljubljansko barje, however xylothomical analyses of wooden piles regularly accompanied archaeological excavations (Culiberg, Šercelj 1991). Wooden piles from Hočevarica were analyzed in the context of dendro-chronological studies and therefore the results are presented separately (see chapter 6.1). In contrast to plant macro-remains, which provide information regarding the nutrition of the pile dwellers je, izdelavo lončenine, v obrambi in pri ritualnih obredih, kot je splošno znano za neolitske in eneolitske populacije v Evropi (Gregg 1988). Do sedaj na Ljubljanskem barju ni bilo sistematičnih antrakotomskih raziskav, zato pa so bile opravljene številne ksilotomske analize kolov (Culiberg, Šercelj 1991). Koli s Hočevarice so bili analizirani v sklopu dendrokronoloških raziskav in so zato obravnavani ločeno od ostalih paleobotaničnih najdb (glej poglavje 6.1). Poleg rastlinskih makroostankov, ki posredujejo predvsem informacijo o prehrani koliščarjev in njihovi selektivni uporabi rastlin, smo analizirali tudi pelod iz kulturne plasti. Pelodni zapis iz arheološkega profila zajema prostorsko širšo sliko ter prikazuje spremembe v razvoju vegetacije in pokrajine v obdobju, ko je bila na Hočevarici koliščarska naselbina. Na podlagi radiokar-bonskega datuma organskega sedimenta v globini med 145 in 140 cm, ki je 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)), ter slike razvoja vegetacije uvrščamo zapis v obdobje subboreala. Opazna značilnost pelodnega diagrama je krivulja peloda žit (Cerealia), ki prevladuje v večjem delu z vrednostmi do 50 % in dokazuje dobro razvito poljedelstvo na Hočevarici. Od ostalih antropogenih indikatorjev (Behre 1981) se pojavlja še pelod lobodnic (Chenopo-diaceae), trav (Poaceae), kobulnic (Apiaceae) in nebi-novk (Asteraceae). Upadanje vrednosti drevesnega peloda (AP), predvsem bukve (Fagus), hrasta (Quercus) in lipe (Tilia), kaže na sočasno izsekavanje okoliških gozdov. Redčenje gozdnih površin na račun pašništva nakazujejo tudi visoke vrednosti peloda leske (Corylus), medtem ko je stalna in pogosta prisotnost jelše (Alnus) indikator za močvirno okolje. Sekundarno spremenjena vegetacija in človekov vpliv na naravno okolje sta razvidna tudi v ostalih pelodnih zapisih na arheoloških najdiščih ali v njihovi bližini na Ljubljanskem barju (Šercelj 1955; 1975; 1976; Culiberg, Šercelj 1978; 1980b; Gardner 1999b). Za razliko od Hočevarice je bil pelod žit v kulturnih plasteh na Maharskem prekopu, na Par-tih in v Notranjih Goricah ugotovljen v manjših količinah (Šercelj 1975; Culiberg, Šercelj 1978; 1980a; Gardner 1999b). Radiokarbonski datumi sedimenta in semen iz kulturne plasti kažejo, da sega kolišče na Hočevarici v sredino četrtega tisočletja pr. Kr. (glej poglavje 6.5). V pe-lodnem zapisu sta opazni dve zaporedni obdobji pridelovanja žit, ki bi lahko pomenili dve zaporedni naselbinski fazi. Iz sočasnih dvigov krivulje žit in padcev krivulje lobodnic, ki so pleveli opuščenih kultiviranih površin (Bakels 1991), sklepamo, da so koliščarji menjavali poljedelske površine. Zadnji padec krivulje žit je zabeležen po 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma) oziroma 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)), kjer se krivulja drevesnega peloda (AP) ponovno dvigne. To bi lahko pomenilo opustitev poljedelskih in pašniških površin in morebiten konec naselbine na Hočevarici. and their selective use of available plants, the pollen record from the cultural layer at Hočevarica has a much broader spatial and temporal resolution. It indicates changes in the surrounding vegetation and landscape during the 4th millennium B.C., and probably extends from the short period before or from the very beginning of habitation to the period when the settlement was abandoned. According to the obtained vegetation development and to the radiocarbon date of the organic sediment from the depth of between 145 and 140 cm, which is 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma), 36503380 cal BC (2 sigma)), the record belongs to the Sub-boreal period. The pollen diagram from the archaeological profile is characterized by a high amount of cereal pollen, which dominates with values of up to 50 % and suggests a well-developed agricultural level at and around Hočevarica. Furthermore, pollen of other anthropogenic indicators (Behre 1981) like Chenopodiaceae, grasses (Poaceae), umbellifers (Apiaceae) and composites (Asteraceae) is also present. The decrease of arboreal pollen (AP), especially the pollen of beech (Fagus), oak (Quercus) and linden (Tilia), indicates clearing of the surrounding forests. Additionally, the thinning of woods on account of using the cleared land for pasturelands are documented by the high pollen values of hazel (Corylus). The constant presence of alder (Alnus) is indicative of a marshy environment. Secondary modified vegetation and human influence on the environment are also evident from other pollen diagrams from the Ljubljansko barje, including the archaeological profiles and nearby cores (Šercelj 1955; 1975; 1976; Culiberg, Šercelj 1978; 1980b; Gardner 1999b). In contrast to Hočevarica, cereal pollen from the cultural layers at Maharski prekop, Parte and Notranje Gorice appeared in small quantities (Šercelj 1975; Culiberg, Šercelj 1978; 1980a; Gardner 1999b). The radiocarbon dates of the sediment and seeds from the cultural layer suggest that the pile dwelling at Hočevarica existed around the mid 4th millennium B.C. (see chapter 6.5). Two successive periods of cultivation, which may suggest two successive stages of the settlement at Hočevarica, can be detected from the pollen diagram. Furthermore, concurrent increases in the cereal pollen curves and decreases in the Chenopodiace-ae curves are observed. This may suggest the alternation of cultivated fields since Chenopodiaceae evidence the abandonment of fields (Bakels 1991). The last decrease of cereal pollen is observed at 4780 ± 40 BP (3640-3520 cal BC (1 sigma), 3650-3380 cal BC (2 sigma)), when the arboreal pollen increases again. This date may indicate the end of the settlement and also the abandonment of cultivated and pastured lands in the surroundings of Hočevarica. Translation: Marjeta Jeraj 3.3 OPREDELITEV MATERIALA OGRLIČNEGA OBROČKA S HOČEVARICE 3.3 DETERMINATION OF NECKLACE RINGLETS MATERIAL FROM HOČEVARICA DRAGOMIR SKABERNE & ANA MLADENOVIČ Izvleček Majhni okrasni obročki so narejeni iz temnosive zelo drobnozrnate skrilave metamorfne kamnine, sericitno-kre-menovega skrilavca. Najbližje izvorno območje takih kamnin je iskati v severnih Karavankah in na Pohorju. Abstract The small decorative ringlets are made of dark gray very fine-grained slate, a sericite-quartz slate. The closest source areas for such rocks are in the northern Karavanke and the Pohorje. Sl. 3.3.1: Hočevarica (Ljubljansko barje), Karavanke, Pohorje in Kozjak. Fig. 3.3.1: Hočevarica (Ljubljansko barje), Karavanke, Pohorje and Kozjak. 3.3.1 UVOD Med arheološkim izkopavanjem na prazgodovinskem naselju Hočevarica na Ljubljanskem barju je bilo med drugim najdenih več lepo izdelanih ogrličnih obročkov s premerom do 5 mm in debeline do 1,9 mm. Izdelani so skrbno iz temnosivega, skoraj črnega, zelo drobnozrnatega materiala, ki ga je potrebno podrobneje opredeliti. 3.3.1 INTRODUCTION A number of beautifully made necklace ringlets were among the many finds from the archaeological excavations of the prehistoric settlement Hočevarica on the Ljubljansko barje. The ringlets are up to 5 mm in diameters and up to 1.9 mm thick. They are carefully made of dark gray, almost black, very fine-grained material, which requires further determination. 3.3.2 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION The necklace ringlet from sub-phase 5 and from the context of the second settlement phase (fig. 3.3.2) was first inspected under a stereomicroscope, and then in greater detail with a low vacuum scanning electronic microscope (LV-SEM) with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). From a second ringlet, found in subphase 7 and also from the second settlement phase, a polished thin section was made that was then examined with an optic microscope in transmitted and reflective polarized light. 3.3.3. RESULTS The necklace ringlet measures 3.17 mm in diameter and is 1.67 mm thick; it has a hole in the middle that measures 1.1 mm in diameter (fig. 3.3.2). Macroscopi- 3.3.2 RAZISKOVALNE METODE Ogrlični obroček iz skupka 5 v okviru druge naselbinske faze (sl. 3.3.2) smo najprej pregledali pod stereo mikroskopom, nato pa podrobneje z nizko vakuumskim vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (LV-SEM) z energijsko disperzijskim spektrometrom (EDS). Iz drugega obročka, najdenega v skupku 7 prav tako iz druge naselbinske faze, pa je bil izdelan polirani zbrusek, ki smo ga preiskali z optičnim mikroskopom v presevni in odsevni polarizirani svetlobi. 3.3.3 REZULTATI Ogrlični obroček je velik v premeru 3,17 mm, debel 1,67 mm in ima v sredini luknjo s premerom 1,1 mm (sl. 3.3.2). Po makroskopskem videzu je natančno izdelan iz temnosivega, skoraj črnega, zelo drobnozrnatega materiala. Zrna so velika od 1 do 50 ^m, povprečno približno 15 ^m in so izometrična, ploščasta ali lističas-ta in grade usmerjeno strukturo (sl. 3.3.3). V polarizirani presevni svetlobi smo zaznali prozorna in neprozorna zrna. Med prozornimi zrni prevladuje kremen, slede lističi muskovita - sericita, glinencev, iglice rutila, ki se ponekod zraščajo v radialno zgrajene agregate ter posamezna zrna apatira in cirkona (sl. 3.3.4; 3.3.5). Po oblikah nekaterih por sklepamo, da so bila lahko prisotna tudi posamezna zrna karbonatov, ki pa so izlužena. Neprozorna zrna sestavljajo železovi oksidi in hidroksidi, titanovi in železo-titanovi oksidi ter organska snov (sl. 3.3.4; 3.3.5). Železovi hidroksidi so nastali verjetno z oksidacijo pirita. Pri posameznih zrnih je še ohranjena njihova prvotna framboidalna struktura. Vse naštete optično mikroskopsko določene sestavne komponente smo dokazali tudi z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) in EDS, s katerim smo naredili kvalitativno elementno analizo. SEM-slike so posnete z detektorjem odbitih elektronov (backscattered electrons). Pri njihovi upodobitvi so zrna, sestavljena iz težjih elementov, svetlejša, zrna, sestavljena iz lažjih elementov, pa temnejša. Pod SEM se je, predvsem v prečnem preseku, razkrila podrobnejša struktura materiala. Med večjimi bolj izometričnimi zrni so vzporedno orientirani lističi seri-cita, ki so vsaj deloma avtigeni in nakazujejo skrilavo teksturo - foliacijo (sl. 3.3.6). Ob nekaterih kremenovih zrnih je v sencah pritiskov opazna rast avtigenega vlaknatega kremena, ki se deloma prerašča z lističi sericita (sl. 3.3.7). Na podlagi optično in elektronsko mikroskopskih preiskav lahko zaključimo, da je ogrlični obroček narejen iz zelo drobnozrnate skrilave metamorfne kamnine, sericitno-kremenovega skrilavca. cally, it looks carefully made of dark gray, almost black, very fine-grained material. The grains size range between 1 and 50 ^m, 15 ^m on average. The grains are isometric, platy or bladed and form an oriented texture (fig. 3.3.3). Transparent and opaque grains were discerned in the polarized transmitted light. The transparent grains comprise mainly of quartz, traces of muscovite - serici-te, feldspars, needles of rutile, which occasionally grow into radial aggregates, as well as individual grains of apatite and zircon (fig. 3.3.4; 3.3.5). The shapes of some of the pores indicate that individual grains of carbonates, which were leached had been also present. The opaque grains are comprised of iron oxides and hydroxides, titanium and iron-titanium oxides as well as organic matter (fig. 3.3.4; 3.3.5). The iron hydroxides are the oxidation products, most probably of the pyrites. The original framboidal texture of the individual grains is still preserved. All the above-mentioned optic microscopic determined comprising components were also confirmed with the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and EDS, with which qualitative analysis of chemical elements was made. The SEM images are backscattered electron images. On these images, the grains comprised of heavier elements are lighter and those comprised of lighter elements are darker. The detailed texture of the material, especially in its transverse cross-section, was discerned using the SEM. Sericite, which is at least partly authigenic, is oriented parallel to the larger more isometric grains and form a slaty texture - foliation (fig. 3.3.6). Authigenic fibrous quartz, partly overgrown with sericite, can be detected of in the pressure shadows of some larger quartz grains ^ig. 3.3.7). Based on the results from the optic and electronic microscopic examinations it is conclusive that the necklace ringlet is made of a very fine-grained slaty meta-morphic rock, sericite-quartz slate. 3.3.4 DISCUSSION The necklace ringlet from Hočevarica on the Ljubljansko barje is made of a slaty metamorphic rock, se-ricite-quartz slate, which is not known from the nearby surroundings. The most similar metamorphic rocks are north of the Peradriatic lineaments in the Eastern Alps, which reach the Slovenian territory with the northern Karavanke, Pohorje and Kozjak. Other origins are also plausible, from the regions of Austria and Italy or even farther away. These facts all demonstrate that certain north-south and east-west routes of communication had to have already been established during the time of settlement at Hočevarica on the Ljubljansko barje. 3.3.4 RAZPRAVA Ogrličin obroček z naselbine Hočevarica na Ljubljanskem barju je izdelan iz skrilave metamorfne kamnine, sericitno-kremenovega skrilavca, ki je v bližnji okolici ne poznamo. Podobne metamorfne kamnine bi lahko najbližje našli severno od Peradriatskega lineamenta na območju Vzhodnih Alp, ki segajo na slovensko ozemlje s Severnimi Karavankami, Pohorjem in Kozjakom. Možni so še drugi izvori iz območja Avstrije in Italije ali pa še iz bolj oddaljenih krajev. Vse to kaže, da so morale že v času poselitve Hočevarice na Ljubljanskem barju obstajati določene komunikacijske poti v smeri sever-jug in vzhod-zahod. Sl. 3.3.3: Stranski pogled na ogrličin obroček, v katerem je vidna vzporedna orientacija podolgovatih in ploščatih zrn. LV-SEM, odbiti elektroni. Fig. 3.3.3: Side view of the necklace ringlet, in which the parallel orientation of the elongated and platy grains is visible. LV-SEM, backscattered electrons. Sl. 3.3.4: Prozorna in neprozorna zrna. Med prozornimi, nekoliko motnimi zrni izstopajo igličasta zrna rutila z visokim reliefom, ki ponekod sestavljajo radialne agregate. Presevna polarizirana svetloba, = N, dolžina dolgega roba slike 0,14 mm. Fig. 3.3.4: Transparent and opaque grains. With their high relief, the needle-shaped grains of rutile, sometimes comprising radial aggregates, stand out among the transparent and slightly opaque grains. Transmitted polarized light, = N, length of the long edge of the image is 0.14 mm. Sl. 3.3.2: Zgornja, sorazmerno gladka površina ogrličnega obročka, na kateri so vidna večja zrnca. Ob nekoliko poševnem levem robu luknje je opazna skrilava tekstura kamnine. LV-SEM, odbiti elektroni, (oznake na vseh SEM-slikah od leve proti desni: 20 kV - pospeševalna napetost, x35 - povečava, 22 mm - razdalja od vzorca do detektorja, 46 - širina vpadnega žarka, 20 Pa - tlak). Fig. 3.3.2: The upper, relatively smooth surface of the necklace ringlet, upon which larger grains are discernible. The slaty texture of the rock is visible next to the somewhat slanted left edge of the hole. LV-SEM, backscattered electrons (the designations on all the SEM images, from left to right: 20 kV - acceleration voltage, x35 - magnification, 22 mm - distance from the sample to the detector, 46 - spot size, 20 Pa - pressure). Sl. 3.3.5: Isto kot na sl. 3.3.4. Pod navzkrižnimi polarizatorji so lepo vidna večja kremenova zrna (belo). Sivo so drobna večinoma kremenova zrna, med katerimi so večja in manjša neprozorna zrna in podolgovati preseki iglic rutila in lističev sericita, ki imajo visoke interferenčne barve (rumenkasto). Presevna polarizirana svetloba, + N, dolžina dolgega roba slike 0,14 mm. Fig. 3.3.5: The same as for fig. 3.3.4. The larger quartz grains (white) are easily discernible under the crossed polarizers. The gray are fine, for the most part quartz grains, among which are larger and smaller opaque grains and long needles of rutile and flakes of sericite, which have high interferential colors (yellowish). Transmitted polarized light, + N, length of the long edge of the image is 0.14 mm. Sl. 3.3.6: Med večjimi bolj izometričnimi zrni so v prečnem preseku vidni vzporedno orientirani lističi sericita, ki nakazujejo skrilavo teksturo - foliacijo. LV-SEM, odbiti elektroni. Fig. 3.3.6: Sericite forming a slaty texture - foliation; can be seen in the cross-sections parallel to the larger more isometric grains. LV-SEM, backscattered electrons. Sl. 3.3.7: Ob večjem zrnu kremena je v sencah pritiska rasel vlaknati kremen, ki se ponekod prerašča z lističi sericita. LV-SEM, odbiti elektroni. Fig. 3.3.7: The growth of fibrous quartz, partly overgrown with sericite in the pressure shadows of a large grain of quartz. LV-SEM, backscattered electrons. 3.4 PREISKAVA ENEOLITSKIH METALURŠKIH SLEDOV S HOČEVARICE Z METODO PIXE 3.4 INVESTIGATION OF COPPER METALLURGY AT HOČEVARICA USING THE PIXE METHOD ŽIGA ŠMIT Izvleček Z metodo protonsko vzbujenih rentgenskih žarkov (PIXE) sta pregledani površina glinene posode in kovinska kaplja s Hočevarice. Rezultati kažejo, da predmeta lahko povežemo z metalurgijo bakra. Abstract The method of proton-induced X-rays (PIXE) was applied for the investigation of the surface of a clay mould and a metal droplet from the Hočevarica site. The results indicate a close relationship of both objects with the metallurgy of copper. 3.4.1 RAZPRAVA 3.4.1 DISCUSSION Glavni prednosti metode protonsko vzbujenih rentgenskih žarkov (PIXE) sta velika občutljivost za sledne elemente in nedestruktiven merski postopek. Metoda se je zato izkazala kot učinkovito orodje za identifikacijo metalurške dejavnosti na glinastem lončku z najdišča Hočevarica in za določitev vrste kovine v drobni kovinski kaplji, ki izvira z istega najdišča. Sestavo lončka (glej poglavje; sl. 3.1.27) smo določili na enak način kot pri keramičnih fragmentih z Maharskega prekopa (Šmit, Nečemer 1998, 55). Lonček smo obsevali s protonskim žarkom v zraku. Izhodna energija protonov je bila 2 MeV; po prehodu izstopnega okenca in 1,1 cm široke zračne reže so protoni zadeli tarčo s približno energijo 1,5 MeV. Normalizacij ski postopek smo izvedli glede na argonov signal iz obdaja-jočega zraka. Geometrijske parametre smo določili z meritvami tarč iz čistih elementov in iz enostavnih kemičnih spojin. Lonček smo analizirali v treh točkah: dve smo izbrali na notranji površini, eno pa na zadnji strani lončka (tab. 3.4.1). Merski rezultati jasno kažejo z bakrom obogateno notranjo površino, kar lahko privzame-mo kot zadosten dokaz, da je bil lonček vključen v metalurški proces. Iz tabele 3.4.1 lahko razberemo še dodatne tehnične podrobnosti: vsebnost železa v vseh treh točkah je približno konstantna, kar pomeni, da v lončku niso talili bakrovih železosulfidnih rud. Vendar je vsebnost žve- The main advantages presented by the proton-induced X-rays (PIXE) method are good sensitivity regarding trace elements and its non-destructive character as a measuring procedure. This method consequently proved an appropriate tool for the identification of copper metallurgy on a small clay pot from the Hočevarica site, and for determining the type of metal of the small metal droplet from the same site. The composition of the pot (^ig. 3.1.27) was determined the same way as was the casting mould from Maharski prekop (see Šmit, Nečemer 1998). The pot was irradiated with an external proton beam of 2 MeV exit energy. After the proton slowing in the exit window and a 1.1 cm wide air gap, the actual bombarding energy measured about 1.5 MeV. The normalization was performed according to the argon signal from the surrounding air, and the geometrical quantities were calibrated with a set of elemental or simple chemical compound targets. The pot was analyzed at three points: two of them were selected from the inner surface and one from the backside (table 3.4.1). The results clearly indicate a copper-enriched inner surface, which may be regarded as sufficient proof that the pot was included in the metallurgical process. Furthermore, tabIe 3.4.1 provides us with additional technical details: the iron content is approximately constant at all three points, which means that the pot pla na notranji strani nekoliko večja kot na zunanji, tako da taljenja sulfidnih rud ne moremo popolnoma izključiti. Kovinsko kapljo (glej sl. 3.1.28) smo najprej analizirali v osnovni obliki, ko je bila že na videz močno pa-tinirana, nato pa še po odstranitvi patine. Kot pri prvi meritvi smo tudi tu uporabili normalizacijo z argonom iz zraka, in tako določili, da kaplja vsebuje 4,3 % železa in 9,3 % bakra. Od nečistoč smo zaznali 0,6 % Zn, medtem ko so bile detekcijske meje za As 0,1 %, za Sn 3,5 % in za Sb 2 %. Doseg protonov z energijo 1,5 MeV v bakru je le 12 ^ m, tako da je bila analiza dejansko omejena na patinirano plast. S tem tudi pojasnimo precejšno koncentracijo železa, ki zelo verjetno izvira iz zemlje, v kateri je bil vzorec zakopan. Patino so v kasnejših postopkih odstranili, pri čemer se je pokazala rdeča porozna plast iz (verjetno) bakrovega oksida. Površina je bila električno neprevod-na, vendar kapljica vsebuje prevodno kovinsko jedro, saj smo lahko v njej vzbudili zaznavne vrtinčne tokove. Druga meritev je bila predvsem posvečena določitvi nečistoč v bakru. Energijo protonov smo povečali na 3 MeV (kar pomeni vpadno energijo 2,8 MeV), intenzivno sevanje bakrovih žarkov pa smo nato zadušili z 0,3 mm debelim aluminijevim absorberjem. Pri takem načinu merjenja nismo mogli uporabiti argonove normalizacije, zato smo koncentracije nečistoč izračunali s pri-vzetkom, da imamo opravka z matriko iz skoraj čistega bakra. Prepustnost aluminijevega absorberja smo preverili z meritvijo medeninastega standarda NBS C1107, ki vsebuje 1,04 % Sn. Koncentracije nečistoč, težjih od bakra, so podane v tabeli 3.4.2. Najobilnejši nečistoči sta arzen in srebro, s koncentracijama približno 0,07 %. Vsebnost srebra je primerljiva z vrednostmi, ki jih najdemo v predmetih iz bronaste dobe (Trampuž Orel 1996, 165). Koncentracija arzena je precej majhna in se ujema z najmanjšimi arzenovimi koncentracijami v teh predmetih. Pri nečistočah moramo dopustiti možnost, da so njihove koncentracije na površini manjše zaradi kemič- was not used for smelting the copper-iron-sulfide ores. However, the content of sulfur is slightly increased on the inner surface, so the smelting of sulfides cannot be completely ruled out. The metal droplet (fig. 3.1.28) was first analyzed in its original form, when it still appeared heavily patinated, and then again after removing the patina. Argon normalization was used in the first measurement, yielding a 4.3 % value of iron and 9.3 % of copper. The impurities detected were 0.6 % Zn, while the detection limits for As, Sn and Sb were 0.1 %, 3.5 %, and 2 %, respectively. As the range of 1.5 MeV protons in copper is only 12 ^ m, the analysis was actually limited to the patina layer. This also explains the quite large content of iron, which probably originated from the soil in which it was buried. The patina was later removed, exposing a red and porous surface of (presumably) copper oxide. The surface was electrically nonconductive, though the droplet contains a conducting metal core, as proved by inducing detectable eddy currents in it. The second analysis was then concentrated on the determination of impurities in copper. The proton energy was increased to 3 MeV (which meant 2.8 MeV impact energy), and the intense production of copper X-rays was suppressed by a 0.3 mm thick aluminum absorber. It was not possible to apply the argon normalization for this type of measurement, so the concentrations were calculated assuming a matrix of nearly pure copper. The transmission of the aluminum absorber was checked by the NBS naval brass C1107 standard, which contains 1.04 % Sn. Table 3.4.2 presents the content of impurities heavier than copper. The two most abundant impurities are arsenic and silver, their concentrations being about 0.07 %. The silver content is comparable to the values found in the Bronze Age objects (Trampuz Orel 1996, 165). The arsenic content is quite low and matches the lowest concentrations of arsenic in these objects. Considering the impurity concentrations in the analyzed layer, there is the possibility that they were Točka 1, znotraj / Point 1, inside Točka 2, znotraj / Point 2, inside Točka 3, zunaj / Point 3, outside SiO2 20 31 56 S 0,3 0,2 0,02 K2O 0,35 0,55 1,0 CaO 1,8 3,8 1,3 Ti 0,2 0,3 0,7 V 0,02 0,02 - Cr - - 0,02 Mn 0,01 0,02 0,05 Fe 6,0 4,1 4,6 Cu 17,6 4,2 0,004 Zn - - 0,026 As 0,04 0,03 - Tab. 3.4.1: Koncentracije (v utežnih %) na površini lončka. Table 3.4.1: Concetrations (in weight %) at the surface of the pot. nega luženja med ležanjem v zemlji in pri kasnejšem čiščenju, kljub temu pa lahko s precejšno gotovostjo trdimo, da je kapljica iz skoraj čistega bakra. Detekcijska meja kositra v tabeli 3.4.2 je dovolj nizka, da lahko izključimo vsakršno zlivanje s kositrom. As 0,074 Se 0,013 Ag 0,073 Sn < 0,02 Sb < 0,03 Tab. 3.4.2: Koncentracije težkih primesi v kovinski kapljici. Table 3.4.2: Concentrations of heavy impurities in the metal droplet. partly reduced by chemical leaching during the burial period and subsequent cleaning. Nevertheless, the metal droplet was certainly made of quite pure copper. The detection limit of Sn in table 3.4.2 is sufficiently low to assert that no alloying with tin was applied. Translation: Žiga Šmit 3.5 ANALIZA SESTAVE DVEH SEKIR IZ LJUBLJANICE PRI HOČEVARICI 3.5 ANALYSIS OF THE COMPOSITION OF TWO AXES FROM THE LJUBLJANICA NEAR HOČEVARICA ZORAN MILIC Izvleček Analizirani sta bakreni sekiri iz Ljubljanice pri Hočevarici. Razlikujeta se v materialni sestavi po vsebnosti svinca in arzena, kar navaja k sklepu o njunem različnem izvoru. Abstract Presented is the analysis of two copper axes from the Ljubljanica river near Hočevarica. Their material compositions differ from each other as regards their contents of lead and arsenic; this is indicative of their having different origins. 3.5.1 UVOD 3.5.1 INTRODUCTION Kovinski sekiri (sl. 3.5.1 in 3.5.3) iz Ljubljanice je pred nekaj leti našel amaterski potapljač in iskalec starin. Po njegovem pripovedovanju naj bi izvirali z območja v neposredni bližini arheološkega najdišča Hočevarica (glej poglavje 3.1.6; sl. 3.1.30). Two metal axes (fig. 3.5.1 and 3.5.3) were discovered in the Ljubljanica just a few years ago by an amateur diver and antiquarian. According to the diver, the axes were from the region in direct vicinity to the archaeological site of Hočevarica (check chapter 3.1.6; fig. 3.1.30). 3.5.2 METODA 3.5.2 METHOD Analize smo opravili v laboratoriju Narodnega muzeja Slovenije v Ljubljani z metodo EDS XRF. Pri tem smo uporabili napravo X-Ray Analyzer Model PE-DUZO 01/Am/Sip-250, ki so jo za nas izdelali v Institutu Jožef Stefan iz Ljubljane. Analizator je oblikovan za analizo kemičnih elementov različnih vzorcev. Kot vir žarčenja se uporablja 25 mCi Am-241 radioizotop. Rentgenski spektrometer bazira na Si pin detektorju z resolucijo 250 eV pri 5,9 keV. Spekter analizira 1024-kanalni analizator z diferencialno nelinearnostjo < 2 % in integralno nelinearnostjo < 1 %. Detektor je nameščen v vakuumu in ima 25 mikronov debelo Be-okno. Peltierov hladilnik je vgrajen v ojače-valni sistem in vzdržuje 235 °K na pin diodi. Vse nastavitve sistema so opravljene v tovarni tako, da je spektralno energijsko območje 3-30 keV z razpršitvijo približno 30 eV/kanal. Analize smo opravili na vzorcih sekire 1 (št. 129) The analyses were carried out in the laboratory of the National Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana using the EDS XRF method. Specially designed and made at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, an X-Ray Analyzer Model PEDUZO 01/Am/Sip-250 was used. The analyzer was created to analyse the chemical elements of various samples. A 25 mCi Am-241 radioisotope served as the source of radiation. The x-ray spectrometer is based on a Si pin detector with a resolution of 250 eV at 5.9 keV. The spectrum is analyzed by a 1024-channel analyzer with a differential non-linearity of < 2 % and an integral non-linearity of < 1 %. The detector is set in a vacuum and has a Be-window measuring 25 microns thick. A Peltier refrigerator is built into the amplifying system and it maintains 235 °K per pin diode. The manufacturer sets all the default system settings, so the spectral energy region is 3-30 keV with a dispersion of approximately 30 eV/channel. in sekire 2 (št. 130). Vzorec smo dobili z vrtanjem v sekiro z jeklenim svedrom (sl. 3.5.2in 3.5.4). Opilke smo dali na tanko polietilensko gospodinjsko folijo, jih postavili na analizirno okno in zbirali energijo približno 20 ur. Za tako dolgo zbiranje energije smo se odločili zato, ker gre za čisti baker, ki ima majhne primesi nekaterih elementov in je za njihovo kvantitativno določitev potreben lepo oblikovan karakteristični energijski vrh. Isti opilki bodo analizirani še z ICP metodo na Kemijskem inštitutu. The analyses were carried out on the axe samples 1 (no. 129) and 2 (no. 130). The sample was attained by drilling the axe with a steel drill (^ig. 3.5.2 and 3.5.4). The steel chips were placed upon a thin layer of polyethylene foil and then in the analysis window where they collected energy for approximately 20 hours. This long energy collection window was estimated as appropriate for copper, which contains small alloys of elements that require a well formed characteristic energy climax for their quantitative determination. The same steel chips shall also be analyzed with the ICP method at the Chemistry Institute. 3.5.3 REZULTAT 3.5.3 RESULT vzorec / sample Cu % Pb % As % Ag % Sn % Sb % sekira / axe 1 97,2 0,2 2,2 0,03 0,02 0,04 sekira / axe 2 98,7 0,8 - 0,05 0,03 0,01 Tab. 3.5.1: Kvantitativna določitev elementov v prvi (št. 129) in drugi sekiri (št. 130) iz Ljubljanice. Table 3.5.1: A quantitative determination of the elements in the first (no. 129) and second (no. 130) axe from the Ljubljanica river. 3.5.4 KOMENTAR 3.5.4 COMMENTARY Obe sekiri sta izdelani iz bakra z manjšimi primesmi drugih tipičnih spremljajočih elementov. Predvsem gre za vsebnost svinca in arzena. Obe sekiri se razlikujeta v materialni sestavi ravno po vsebnosti svinca in arzena. Medtem ko ima sekira 1 (št. 129) relativno veliko arzena, ima sekira 2 (št. 130) več svinca. Torej lahko rečemo, da sestavo sekire 1 določa višja vsebnost arzena in sekiro 2 višja vsebnost svinca. V tem je razlika med njima, kar navaja k sklepu o njunem različnem izvoru. Both axes are made of copper comprising smaller alloys and other typical admixture elements. The contents of lead and arsenic are predominant. The material compositions of the two axes differ from each other as regards their contents of lead and arsenic. While axe 1 (no. 129) has a high value of arsenic, axe 2 (no. 130) has a similar amount of lead. It follows that the high value of arsenic determines the composition of axe 1 (no. 129) and the high value of lead determines the composition of axe 2 (no. 130). Here lies the difference between the two axes, which further leads to the conclusion that they have different origins. Sl. 3.5.1: Prva sekira (št. 129) z označenim mestom, kjer je bil odvzet vzorec za analizo. Foto: Z. Milic. Fig. 3.5.1: The first axe (no. 129) - the area is designated where the sample was taken for analysis. Photo: Z. Milic. Sl. 3.5.2: Prva sekira (št. 129) - mesto, kjer je bil odvzet vzorec za analizo. Foto: Z. Milic. Fig. 3.5.2: The first axe (no. 129) - the area where the sample was taken for analysis. Photo: Z. Milic. Sl. 3.5.3: Druga sekira (no. 130) z označenim mestom, kjer je bil odvzet vzorec za analizo. Foto: Z. Milic. Fig. 3.5.3: The second axe (no. 130) - the area is designated where the sample was taken for analysis. Photo: Z. Milic. Sl. 3.5.4: Druga sekira (št. 130) - mesto, kjer je bil odvzet vzorec za analizo. Foto: Z. Milic. Fig. 3.5.4: The second axe (no. 130) - the area where the sample was taken for analysis. Photo: Z. Milic. 3.6 ANTROPOLOŠKA ANALIZA ZOB Z NAJDIŠČA HOČEVARICA 3.6 ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF TEETH FROM THE HOČEVARICA SITE PETRA LEBEN-SELJAK Med izkopavanjem na Hočevarici je bilo najdeno več človeških zob. Analizirani so bili trije, in sicer iz dveh različnih naselbinskih faz. Pri vseh treh je ohranjena samo zobna krona, medtem ko so zobne korenine uničene, predvidoma zaradi destruktivnega delovanja kisle barjanske zemlje. Skupek 19, prva naselbinska faza Ohranjena je nekoliko fragmentarna zobna krona drugega mlečnega kočnika oz. molarja. Abrazija oklu-zalne grizne ploskve je stopnje 4 po Smithovi kategorizaciji. Skupek 8, druga naselbinska faza Ohranjeni sta zobni kroni dveh zob. Ena krona, ki je fragmentarna, pripada mlečnemu sekalcu, verjetno gre za drugi zgornji inciziv. Druga zobna krona, od katere je ohranjena samo polovica, pripada mlečnemu drugemu kočniku oz. molarju. Okluzalna površina je že obrabljena, in je stopnje 4 po Smithovi kategorizaciji. Ohranjeni kočniki pripadajo otroku, staremu od štiri do dvanajst let. Drugi mlečni kočnik namreč izraste pri dveh letih in izpade v starosti deset let ± 30 mesecev. Glede na to, da je grizna ploskev že precej obrabljena, ne more pripadati otroku, mlajšemu od štirih let. Intervala ne moremo zožiti, ker ne vemo, kakšne vrste je bila prehrana in z njo povezana stopnja abrazije v konkretnem primeru. Po današnjih standardih bi šlo za starejšega, devet do enajstletnega otroka. Drugi zgornji mlečni inciziv izraste v prvem letu starosti in izpade pri sedmih letih (± 24 mesecev). Če pripada inciziv istemu otroku kot kočnik iz skupka 8, potem je bil otrok star štiri do devet let. Točnejša določitev starosti bi bila možna le v primeru, če bi bile ohranjene tudi zobne korenine. Numerous human teeth were discovered during the excavations at Hočevarica. Three teeth from two different settlement phases were analyzed. In all three cases only the crown of the tooth is preserved; the roots are all destroyed, presumably resulting from the acidity of the Ljubljansko barje soil. Sub-phase 19, First settlement phase The slightly fragmented tooth crown of a decidous second molar is preserved. The occlusal attrition rates a level 4 according to Smith's diagram of Murphy's system. Sub-phase 8, Second settlement phase The crowns of two teeth are preserved. One crown, fragmented, is that of a decidous incisor, probably a second upper incisor. The second crown, of which only a half is preserved, is that of decidous second molar. The occlusal attrition rates a level 4 according to Smith's categorization. The preserved decidous molars are attributed to a child between the ages of 4 and 12 years. The decidous second molar erupt when a child is two years old and it falls out at the age of ten years ± 30 months. Regarding that the biting surface is already quite worn, this molar could not have been that of a child younger than four years. This interval cannot be narrowed further as nothing is known regarding the type of nutrition and the respective level of occlusal attrition in this particular case. In today's standards, such a tooth would be that of an older child, between the ages of nine and eleven. The second upper decidous incisor grows in the first year of age and falls out in the seventh year (± 24 months). If this incisor is that of the same child as the molar from sub-phase 8, then this child was between the ages of four and nine years. A more precise determination of age would only be possible if the roots of the teeth were also preserved and analyzed. 3.7 HOČEVARICA - ANALIZA OSTANKOV MAKROFAVNE 3.7 HOČEVARICA - AN ANALYSIS OF MACROFAUNA REMAINS BORUT TOŠKAN & JANEZ DIRJEC Izvleček V okviru sondiranja eneolitskega najdišča Hočevarica je bilo izkopanih 2757 (576 določljivih) ostankov sesalcev, pripadajočih najmanj 14 vrstam. Najbolje zastopana taksona sta bila Capreolus capreolus (s 34,8 %NISP) in Sus sp. (32,5 % NISP), sicer pa je bil delež kosti in zob domačih in lovnih živali primerljiv. Med ostanki prašiča in drobnice prevladujejo ostanki subadultnih in mladih adult-nih osebkov. Pretežni del prašičev je bil domnevno zaklan pozno jeseni in pozimi. Primerjava med naselbinskima fazama 1 in 2 je pokazala na odstopanja v deležu posameznih vrst, s tafonomskega aspekta pa bistvenih razlik med njima ni bilo opaziti. Abstract During sample trenching at the Eneolithic site at Hočevarica 2757 (576 determinable) mammal remains were excavated. They belonged to at least 14 species, the most frequent taxa were Capreolus capreolus (with 34.8 % NISP) and Sus sp. (32.5 % NISP). The proportion of bones and teeth of domestic and hunted animals was comparable. Among the remains of sheep, goats and pigs the remains of sub-adult and young adult individuals predominate. The majority of the pigs were presumably slaughtered in late autumn or winter. A comparison between settlement phases 1 and 2 showed deviations in the proportion of individual species, but no substantial differences between them were visible from the taphonomic aspect. 3.7.1 UVOD 3.7.1 INTRODUCTION Ljubljansko barje nedvomno sodi med arheološko zanimiva območja pri nas. Prva sistematska izkopavanja so se pod vodstvom prirodoslovca D. Dežmana odvijala že v sedemdesetih letih devetnajstega stoletja (De-schmann 1878). Kasneje so jim sledila še mnoga druga, pri čemer so večjo ali manjšo pozornost namenjali tudi obdelavi živalskih ostankov. Pregled rezultatov podajajo Riedel (1948), Rakovec (1955), Drobne (1962; 1964; 1973; 1974a; 1974b; 1975) in Pohar (1984), podrobnejše študije posameznih živalskih taksonov pa so opravili Rakovec (1953; 1958), Rant (1961), Drobne (1961), Bartosiewicz (2002) idr. S sondiranjem kolišča ob Hoče-varici, ki ga je leta 1998 opravila ekipa Inštituta za arheologijo ZRC SAZU pod vodstvom A. Veluščka, se je pričela nova serija arheoloških raziskav kolišč Ljubljanskega barja, ki tudi z izsledki osteološkh analiz prispeva k natančnejšemu poznavanju življenja koliščarjev in oceni njihove ekonomske osnove. The Ljubljansko barje is undoubtedly among the archaeologically most interesting regions within Slovenia. The first systematic excavations took place already during the 1870s under the supervision of the natural scientist Dragotin Dežman (Deschmann 1878). These were followed by many other excavations, at which lesser or greater attention was focused also to the study of animal remains. Reviews of the results were published by Riedel (1948), Rakovec (1955), Drobne (1962; 1964; 1973; 1974a; 1974b; 1975) and Pohar (1984). Detailed studies of individual animal taxa were pursued by Rakovec (1953; 1958), Rant (1961), Drobne (1961), Bartosiewicz (2002) and others. Sample trenching at Hocevarica conducted by the Institute of Archaeology at the Science Research Center of the Slovene Academy for Arts and Sciences in 1998 under the supervision of A. Velušček initiated a new series of archaeological research of the pile dwellings in the Ljubljansko barje. And with the added results of osteological analysis, it all contrib- 3.7.2 GRADIVO IN METODE Kolišče ob Hočevarici leži na jugozahodnem delu Ljubljanskega barja ob današnji strugi reke Ljubljanice na nadmorski višini približno 290 m. Sonda je obsegala površino osmih kvadratnih metrov (2 x 4 m); v globino je segala približno dva metra. Sondažno polje je bilo razdeljeno na osnovne enote - mikrokvadrate površine 1 x 1 m, pri čemer debelina režnjev ni bila konstantna. Posamezni vzorci so bili shranjeni ločeno in označeni s številko mikrokvadrata ter globino režnja. V celoti je bilo izkopanega približno 16 m3 materiala, od tega slabih 5 m3 iz plasti z arheološkimi najdbami. V okviru slednje sta bili ločeni dve fazi, poleg njiju pa še vmesni, 10 do 15 cm debeli reženj, kjer je bilo pričakovati mešanje najdb. Na podlagi dendrokronoloških in radiokarbonskih da-tacij sodi najdišče okvirno v drugo polovico 37. in prvo polovico 36. stoletje pred Kr. (glejpoglavje 6.5). Material iz plasti z najdbami je bil spran in pregledan na sitih z velikostjo okenc 3 mm, 1 mm ter 0,5 mm. Subfosilni ostanki velikih sesalcev, ki so obravnavani v tem poglavju, so bili pobrani bodisi med samim izkopavanjem bodisi pri spiranju ali po spiranju iz sit z velikostjo okenc 3 mm. V analizo so vključeni vsi vzorci iz vseh osmih mik-rokvadratov po plasteh, kot so navedene v tem zborniku. Determinacija subfosilnih kostnih in zobnih elementov je temeljila na smernicah, povzetih iz literature (npr. Schmid 1972; Hillson 1986; 1992), ter na primerjalnem materialu, ki izvira pretežno iz Slovenije. Določali smo ostanke vseh skeletnih elementov z izjemo večine vretenc (determinirali smo le atlas in epistropheus) ter reber. Pri kvantitativni obdelavi materiala sta bila uporabljena dva podatka: število določenih primerkov (NISP / Number of Identified Specimens) in najmanjše število živalskih enot (MAU / Minimum Animal Unit). Prvi velja za najbolj preprost kazalec gostote posameznih vrst pri arheoloških oziroma paleontoloških analizah in izraža skupno število kosti in zob oziroma kostnih in zobnih fragmentov v obravnavanem vzorcu, ki jih lahko z gotovostjo pripišemo posameznemu taksonu (Klein, Cruz-Uribe 1984). MAU je količnik med najmanjšim številom posameznih elementov (tj. MNE (Grayson 1984)) v vzorcu in pa skupnim številom istih elementov v skeletu živali dane vrste. Podatki, ki se nanašajo na TMAU (tj. skupen MAU / Total MAU) in ki so navedeni v tabelah 3.7.1 in 3.7.2, so izračunani kot skupen (vsota) MAU za posamezno vrsto in plast (prim. Rowley-Con-wy 1996). Interspecifične kvantitativne primerjave temeljijo na odstotkih NISP (% NISP) ter TMAU (% TMAU). Pri biometrični obdelavi materiala smo sledili navodilom, ki jih je objavila von den Driesch (1976). Dobljene rezultate smo primerjali z objavljenimi podatki s približno sočasnih najdišč Italije (Riedel 1976; 1977; uted to our understanding of the life of pile dwellers and our assessment of their economic basis. 3.7.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The pile dwelling at Hočevarica lies in the southwestern part of the Ljubljansko barje near the present course of the Ljubljanica river, at approximately 290 m above sea level. The sample trench covered an area of eight square meters (2 x 4 m); the depth measured about two meters. The sampling area was divided into basic units - micro-quadrants of 1 x 1 m, the thickness of the layers was not constant. Individual samples were stored separately and labeled with numbers for the micro-quadrant and for the depth of the layer. Altogether about 16 m3 of material was excavated, near 5 m3 of this from layers containing archaeological finds. The latter was divided into two phases with an intermediate 10 to 15 cm layer, where finds were presumably mixed. On the grounds of dendrochronological and radiocarbon dating the site was generally placed between the second half of the 37th and first half of the 36th centuries B.C. (check chapter 6.5). The material from the layers with finds was wet-sieved through sieves with a 3 mm, 1 mm and 0.5 mm mesh. The sub-fossil remains of large mammals discussed in this chapter were collected either during the excavation, through rinsing or after rinsing from the sieves with a 3 mm mesh. All the samples from all eight micro-quadrants were analyzed by the layers as explained in this volume. Determination of sub-fossil bone and tooth elements was based on guidelines found in literature (e.g. Schmid 1972; Hillson 1986; 1992), and on comparative material originating mainly from Slovenia. We determined the remains of all skeletal elements with the exception of most vertebrae (of which we determined only the atlas and the epistropheus) and ribs. Two data were used in the quantitative analysis of the material: Number of Identified Specimens (NISP) and Minimum Animal Unit (MAU). The first is considered to be the simplest indicator of the density of an individual species in archaeological and palaeontologi-cal analyses and expresses the total number of bones and teeth or bone and tooth fragments in the sample that we can reliably attribute to a particular taxon (Klein, Cruz-Uribe 1984). MAU is the quotient between the minimum number of individual elements (i.e. MNE (Grayson 1984)) in the sample and the total number of the same elements in the skeleton of an animal of a specific species. The data referring to the TMAU (i.e. Total MAU) listed in tables 3.7.1 and 3.7.2, are calculated as the sum of the MAU for an individual species and layer (cf. Rowley-Conwy 1996). Inter-specific quantitative comparisons are based on the NISP (% NISP) and TMAU (% TMAU) percentages. 1979), Avstrije (Pucher, Engl 1997) in Madžarske (Bökönyi 1974). Starost ob zakolu ali uplenitvi osebkov, katerih ostanki so bili zajeti v vzorcu s Hočevarice, smo poskušali oceniti z analizo obrabe zob ter z ugotavljanjem deleža kosti s še nezraščenima epi- in diafizo. Pozorni smo bili tudi na različne sledi delovanja ljudi (urezi, za-sekanine in ožganost) oziroma živali (sledovi zverskih in glodalskih zob). Zaradi omejenega števila ostankov smo pri statistični obdelavi uporabili neparametrične metode: ter Mann-Whitney U-test. Pri slednjem gre za neparametrično alternativo t-testa za neodvisne vzorce, ki temelji na mediani in vsoti rangov. Statistične analize so bile opravljene s programskim paketom STATIS-TICA za Windows, verzija 6.1 Opis vzorca V okviru sondiranja na najdišču Hočevarica smo skupno zbrali 4352 subfosilnih živalskih ostankov. Površina sonde je bila sicer omejena (8 m2), vendar pa uporabljene tehnike izkopavanja, vključno z mokrim sejanjem, zagotavljajo, da je vzorec zajel večino ostankov kosti in zob iz izkopanega sedimenta. Prevladovanje fragmentarnih dolgih kosti kaže na značilen prazgodovinski vzorec. Sledovi zasekanin, urezov in ugrizov so prisotni, a redki. Nizek je tudi odstotek ožganih kosti. Ohranjenost kostne substance izkopanih fragmentov je relativno dobra. Tab. 3.7.1: Absolutna in relativna pogostnost ostankov posameznih vrst velikih sesalcev. NISP - število določenih primerkov; TMAU - skupno najmanjše število živalskih enot. Table 3.7.1: Absolute and relative frequencies of the remains of large mammal taxa. NISP - Number of Identified Specimens; TMAU - Total Minimum Animal Units. In the biometric analysis of the material we followed the instructions published by von den Driesch (1976). The results were compared with the published data from approximately contemporary sites in Italy (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979), Austria (Pucher, Engl 1997) and Hungary (Bokonyi 1974). By analysis of the teeth wear and by determining the proportion of bones with not yet fused epi- and diaphysis we tried to assess the age at death of the individuals whose remains were included in the Hočevarica sample. We were also attentive to the various traces of human (cuts, clefts, and burns) or animal (the traces of carnivore or rodent teeth) activity. Due to the limited number of remains, non-parametric methods were applied: x2 and Mann-Whitney U-test in our statistic analysis. The latter is a non-parametric alternative of the t-test for independent samples, based on medians and the sum of ranks. The statistical analysis was carried out using the STATISTICA version 6 program package for Windows.1 Description of the sample In the course of sample trenching at the Hočevarica site, 4352 sub-fossil animal remains were collected. The area of the trench was limited (8 m2), however the excavation techniques used, including wet-sieving, ensure that the sample embraces most of the bone and tooth remains contained in the excavated sediment. The predomination of fragmented long bones indicate a typical prehistoric pattern. Traces of clefts, cuts and bites are present, but rare. The bone substance of the excavated fragments was relatively well preserved. About a third of the discovered animal remains were fish (check chapter 3.8) and bird (check chapter 3.10) remains, the rest (63.4 %) were the remains of mammals. We attributed 2757 bone fragments and teeth to NISP % NISP TMAU % TMAU Capreolus capreolus 195 34,8 36,2 36,9 Cervus elaphus 38 6,8 8,8 9,0 Castor fiber 30 5,4 4,3 4,4 Vulpes vulpes 11 2,0 2,0 2,0 Meles meles 9 1,6 1,2 1,2 Ursus arctos 3 0,5 0,1 0,1 Lutra lutra 3 0,5 3,0 3,0 Felis sylvestris 2 0,4 1,5 1,5 Sus scrofal domesticus 182 32,5 25,4 26,0 Ovis s. Capra 41 7,4 6,3 6,4 Canis familiaris 29 5,1 6,7 6,8 Bos taurus 17 3,0 2,7 2,7 SKUPAJ / TOTAL 560 100 98,2 100 1 StatSoft, Inc. 2001, STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6. www.statsoft.com. 1 StatSoft, Inc. 2001, STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6. www.statsoft.com. Približno tretjina najdenih živalskih ostankov pripada ribam (glej poglavje 3.8) in pticam (glej poglavje 3.10), preostanek (63,4 %) pa sesalcem. Slednjim smo tako pripisali 2757 kostnih fragmentov in zob, od katerih smo jih vsaj do nivoja rodu določili 576 (tj. 20,4 %). Med skupno 16 zastopanimi vrstami so prevladovali veliki sesalci, prisotni pa so bili tudi ostanki polha (Glis glis, 15 spodnjih čeljustnic). Podrobni podatki o absolutni in relativni pogostnosti ostankov posameznih vrst so podani v tabeli 3.7.1. Zaradi razlik v skupnem številu posameznih elementov v skeletu živali različnih vrst smo za kvantitativne primerjave uporabili tako indeks NISP kot tudi TMAU. Ne glede na uporabljeni indeks je bila v vzorcu najbolje zastopana srna (Capreolus capreolus), katere ostanki predstavljajo dobro tretjino vseh kostnih fragmentov in zob. Bistvenih razlik med obema načinoma kvantifikacije (% NISP oziroma % TMAU) nismo opazili niti pri ostalih vrstah (sl. 3.7.1). Drugo mesto tako v obeh primerih zaseda prašič (Sus sp.), katerega ostanki predstavljajo tretjinski (% NISP) oziroma četrtinski (% TMAU) delež. Fragmenti kosti in zob ostalih vrst so bistveno manj pogosti. Pet odstotni delež namreč presegajo le še jelen (Cervus elaphus), bober (Castor fiber), pes (Canis familiaris) ter ostanki ovce ali koze (Ovis s. Capra), katerih determinacija do vrste pogosto ni bila mogoča (B6k6nyi 1995). Problematično je bilo tudi ločevanje med kostnimi fragmenti divjega (Sus scrofa) in domačega (S. domesti-cus) prašiča ter posledično ugotavljanje razmerja med lovnimi in domačimi živalmi v obravnavanem vzorcu. Zaradi pomanjkanja ustreznih primerjalnih podatkov, predvsem pa zavoljo majhnosti vzorca (NISPSus sp = 182), razmerja med S. scrofa in S. domesticus z uporabo bio- the latter, of which at least 576 were determinable to the level of genera (i.e. 20.4 %). Large mammals were predominant, but there were also remains of dormouse (Glis glis, 15 mandibles). Detailed data on the absolute and relative frequency of the remains of individual species are shown in table 3.7.1. Because of the differences in the total number of individual elements in the skeletons of animals of various species we used the NISP as well as the TMAU indices for quantitative comparisons. Regardless of which index was used, the most frequent species in the sample was the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), the remains of which represent a good third of all the bone fragments and teeth. No substantial differences were noticed between the two quantification methods (% NISP and % TMAU) in the other species either (^ig. 3.7.1). The second most frequent in both cases was the pig / wild boar (Sus sp.), the remains of which represented either one third (% NISP) or one fourth (% TMAU) proportion. The bone fragments and teeth of other species were less frequent. Only the red deer (Cervus elaphus), beaver (Castor fiber), dog (Canis familiar-is) and remains of sheep and goats (Ovis s. Capra) exceeded a five % proportion; the determination of the latter to the species level was often not possible (Boko-nyi 1995). Distinguishing between the bone fragments of wild boar (Sus scrofa) and pig (S. domesticus), and subsequent determination of the ratio between hunted and domestic animals in the sample was also problematic. Because of the lack of corresponding comparative data, mainly due to the limited sample size (NISPSus sp = 182), the ratio between S. scrofa and S. domesticus could not be determined with the use of biometric analysis. We thus roughly estimated the proportion of both species indi- 040 035 030 025 >N 020 015 010 05 % NISP % TMAU w ■ w w w ro O -C CP ca W ro tn o (f> O O Sl. 3.7.1: Relativna frekvenca pojavljanja ostankov posameznih vrst velikih sesalcev. NISP - število določenih primerkov; TMAU -skupno najmanjše število živalskih enot. Fig. 3.7.1: Relative frequency of large mammal taxa. NISP - Number of Identified Specimens; TMAU -Total Minimum Animal Units. O metrijskih analiz namreč ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti. Tako smo grobo oceno deležev obeh vrst pridobili posredno z določevanjem starosti osebkov ob zakolu. Natančneje bomo izsledke omenjene analize podali v nadaljevanju. Na tem mestu le povzemamo domnevo, da naj bi pretežni del ostankov rodu Sus iz našega vzorca pripadal domačemu prašiču. Na podlagi navedenega se zdi tako upravičeno sklepati, da je bil v vzorcu s Hočevarice delež domačih in lovnih živali približno enak (sl. 3.7.2). rectly by determining the age of the individuals at the time they were slaughtered. An explanation of the results of the aforementioned analysis follows. At this point we are only presenting the presumption that the majority of the remains of the genus Sus in our sample belong to the domestic pig. On the grounds of the above stated we find it justifiable to conclude that in the sample from Hočevarica the proportion of domestic and hunted animals was approximately equal (fig. 3.7.2). 90 80 70 ^ 60 ÇD 50 SH 40 _ÇD ■O 30 20 10 0 Sl. 3.7.2: Delež ostankov lovnih in domačih živali ter prašiča (Sus sp.) v posamezni fazi. Pogostnost ostankov je bila ocenjena z NISP. Fig. 3.7.2: Relative frequency of pig/ wild boar (Sus sp.), wild and domestic animal remains in each phase. The NISP was used for quantification purposes. FAZA 1 FAZA 1 / FAZA 2 FAZA 2 Kot navaja Velušček (glejpoglavji 3.1.3; 5.1), je mogoče v okviru plasti z arheološkimi najdbami ločiti ostanke dveh poselitvenih faz, stratigrafsko pa izstopa še vmesni reženj, kjer lahko pričakujemo mešanje najdb. Podatki o absolutni in relativni pogostnosti ostankov velikih sesalcev so podani v tabeli 3.7.2. Primerjava deležev posameznih vrst med obema fazama pokaže na določne razlike, opazne predvsem med bolje zastopanimi vrstami. Tako smo v fazi 1 daleč največ ostankov pripisali Sus scrofa/domesticus (% NISP = 53,2 oziroma % TMAU = 38,2) pred C. capreolus in C. elaphus, medtem ko je v fazi 2 delež kosti in zob rodu Sus bistveno nižji (% NISP = 10,7 oziroma % TMAU = 9,8), najpogostejši pa so ostanki C. capreolus (pribl. enak odstotek kot v fazi 1). Pri interpretaciji navedenih razlik je vsekakor potrebno izpostaviti neenakost v številu fragmentov na posamezno plast ter s tem posredno tudi neenako geometrijsko gostoto najdenih kosti in zob (tab. 3.7.3). Prav tako se moramo zavedati relativno majhnega vzorca (NISPdet = 576) in pa omejene površine (tj. 8 m2), s katere ta izhaja. Po ocenah Veluščka (glej poglavje 3.1.3) namreč površina celotnega najdišča presega 10.000 m2. V luči navedenega se zdi smiselno postaviti vprašanje o reprezentativnosti našega vzorca, ki morda ne povzema znotrajnajdiščne variabilnosti v zadovoljivi meri (npr. According to Velušček (check chapters 3.1.3; 5.1), it is possible to distinguish between the remains of two settlement phases, and stratigraphically one intermediate layer, in which we can expect a mixture of the finds. The data on the absolute and relative frequency of the remains of large mammals are shown in table 3.7.2. A comparison of the proportion of individual species in the two phases shows some differences, which are most discernible among the more frequently represented species. Consequently, the majority of remains in phase 1 are attributed to Sus scrofa/domesticus (% NISP = 53.2 and % TMAU = 38.2) before C. capreolus and C. ela-phus, while the proportion of bones and teeth of the Sus genus in phase 2 is substantially lower (% NISP = 10.7 and % TMAU = 9.8); the most frequent are the remains of C. capreolus (approx. equal percentage as in phase 1). In the interpretation of these differences it is essential to point out the inconsistency in the number of fragments for each individual layer and consequently also the inconsistent geometric density of the discovered bones and teeth (table 3.7.3). Likewise, we must also take into account the relatively small sample (NISPdet = 576) and the limited area (i.e. 8 m2) from which it was taken. By Velušček's estimates (check chapter 3.1.3) the area of the entire site exceeds 10,000 m2. In view of this Drobne 1974b; Bartosiewicz 1984a). Glede na navedeno smo primerjavo med plastmi v relativni abundanci posameznih vrst omejili le na ugotavljanje razmerja med lovnimi živalmi na eni in domačimi na drugi strani. Tab. 3.7.2: Absolutna in relativna pogostnost ostankov posameznih vrst velikih sesalcev za posamezno od obeh poselitvenih faz ter za vmesni reženj, kjer pričakujemo mešanje najdb. NISP - število določenih primerkov; TMAU - skupno najmanjše število živalskih enot. Table 3.7.2: Absolute and relative frequencies of the remains of large mammal taxa within each of the two settlement phases as well as in the in-between layer, where a mixture of finds is anticipated. NISP - Number of Identified Specimens; TMAU - Total Minimum Animal Units. it would be sensible to question the representativeness of our sample, which might possibly fail to sufficiently illustrate the variability within the site (e.g. Drobne 1974b; Bartosiewicz 1984a). Considering all this, we have limited the comparison of the relative abundance of individual species between the layers to determining the ratios between the hunted and the domestic animals. In view of the above mentioned assumption that the majority of the remains of the Sus genus can be attributed to S. domesticus, the quantity of the remains of domestic and hunted species in both phases was reckoned comparable (fig. 3.7.2). Furthermore, the above mentioned hypothesis was statistically tested, by which the variability in the level of deposit and preservation of specific bone elements NISP 1 % NISP 1 TMAU 1 % TMAU FAZA 1: Capreolus capreolus 59 22,4 15,9 26,9 Cervus elaphus 24 9,1 7,2 12,2 Castor fiber 12 4,6 2,0 3,4 Velpes vulpes 3 1,1 0,6 1,0 Meles meles 3 1,1 0,2 0,3 Ursus ai-ctos 3 1,1 0,1 0,2 Lutra lutra 3 1,1 3 5,2 Sus scrofa/domesticus 141 53,2 22,6 38,2 Ovis s. Capra 7 2,5 3,7 6,2 Canis lamiliaris 6 2,3 1,6 2,7 Bos taurus 4 1,5 2,2 3,7 L FAZA 1 265 100 59,2 100 FAZA 1 / FAZA 2: Capreolus capreolus 112 55,4 22,5 66,4 Castor fiber 18 8,9 2,5 7,4 Cervus elaphus 10 5,0 1,5 4,4 Velpes vulpes 5 2,5 1,2 3,5 Felis sylvestris 2 1,0 1,5 4,4 Sus scrofa/domesticus 31 15,3 2,4 7,1 Ovis s. Capra 14 6,9 0,9 2,7 Canis lamiliaris 9 4,5 1,3 3,8 Bos taurus 1 0,5 0,1 0,3 L FAZA 1/FAZA 2 202 100 33,9 100 FAZA 2: Capreolus capreolus 24 25,8 6,7 36,6 Meles meles 6 6,5 1,2 6,6 Cervus elaphus 4 4,3 0,3 1,6 Velpes vulpes 3 3,2 0,2 1,1 Ovis s. Capra 20 21,5 3,6 19,7 Canis familiaris 14 15,1 3,8 20,8 Bos taurus 12 12,9 0,7 3,8 Sus scrofa/domesticus 10 10,7 1,8 9,8 L FAZA 2 93 100 18,3 100 FAZA 1 F. 1 /F. 2 FAZA 2 NISP 1.101 1.129 527 2.757 % določljivega % identifiable 25,1 18,1 18,0 20,4 število taksonov N taxa 11 8 9 12 skupna masa ostankov (g) total weight (g) 4.851 1.561 1.273 7.685 povpr. masa fragmentov (g) averige weight of fragment (g) 4,4 1,4 2,4 2,8 geom. gostota (NISP / m3) 688 1.129 220 551 Tab. 3.7.3: Frekvenca pojavljanja ostankov velikih sesalcev (NISP), njihova skupna in povprečna masa ter geometrijska gostota na naselbinsko fazo. Table 3.7.3: Frequency of large mammal remains (NISP), their total and average weights and geometric density per settlement phase. Upoštevajoč zgoraj omenjeno domnevo, da gre večino ostankov rodu Sus pripisati vrsti S. domesticus, se zdi številčnost ostankov domačih in lovnih vrst v obeh fazah primerljiva (sl. 3.7.2). Navedeno hipotezo smo tudi statistično testirali, s čimer smo vsaj delno upoštevali variabilnost v stopnji odlaganja in ohranitve specifičnih kostnih elementov in pa vlogo številnih (79,6 %) nedoločljivih ostankov; slednji lahko namreč pripadajo tako domačim kot lovnim živalim. V ta namen smo uporabili statistični prijem, ki upošteva mero centralne tendence (mediana) in variabilnost vzorcev. Za vsak kostni element smo najprej izračunali razmerje med domačimi in lovnimi živalmi. Upoštevali smo le elemente, ki so bili znotraj obravnavanega vzorca zastopani tako pri domačih kot tudi pri lovnih živalih. V nadaljevanju smo z Mann-Whitney U- .8 E o 0-OT >N E; ü S and the significance of the numerous (79.6 %) undeterminable remains was at least partially taken into account; the latter can belong to either domestic or hunted animals. As such, a statistical approach, which takes into account a measure of the central tendency (median) and the variability of the samples, was applied. First the ratio between domestic and hunted animals for each bone element, including only those elements which were present in domestic and in hunted animals within the specific sample, was calculated. Then the Mann-Whitney U-test was applied to determine whether the ratio Sl. 3.7.3: Kvocient med številom ostankov posameznega skeletnega elementa, pripadajočih lovnim živalim in pa številom ostankov istega elementa, ki so bili pripisani domačim živalim, izračunan za vsako od obeh faz. Upoštevali smo le tiste skeletne elemente (skupno 7; glej besedilo), ki so bili v obravnavani naselbinski fazi zastopani tako pri domačih kot tudi pri lovnih živalih. Med domače živali smo prišteli tudi vse ostanke rodu prašičev (Sus sp.). Fig. 3.7.3: Quotient of the number of remains of a chosen skeletal element ascribed to wild animals, and the number of remains of the same element ascribed to domestic animals, calculated for each of the two phases. Only those skeletal elements (altogether 7; check text), which within the discussed settlement phase were repp-resented by remains of both domestic and wild animals, were included in the analysis. Sus sp. remains were regarded as domestic animals. FAZA 1 FAZA 2 testom ugotavljali, ali je razmerje med ostanki lovnih in domačih živali v obeh fazah statistično značilno različno. Rezultati (U = 23,00; Z = -0,945; p = 0,342) so pokazali, da temu ni bilo tako (sl. 3.7.3). Med živalskimi ostanki s Hočevarice smo našli tudi nekaj koščenih orodij, ki pa v tem proglavju niso podrobneje obdelani. between the remains of hunted and domestic animals in both phases is significativelly different from the statistical aspect. The results (U = 23.00; Z = -0.945; p = 0.342) showed that this was not so (fig. 3.7.3). Some bone tools were also discovered among the animal remains from Hočevarica which are not discussed in detail in this volume. Taksonomija Taxonomy Ovis s. Capra Ovci (Ovis aries Linnaeus, 1758) in kozi (Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758) smo skupno pripisali 41 subfo-silnih ostankov. V večini primerov (25 oziroma 61 %) gre za zobe, sicer pa prevladujejo dolge kosti. V vzorcu so prisotni tudi scapula, os maxillare ter phalanges (tab. 3.7.4). Z izjemo slednjih je ves kostni material fragmentiran. Sledov urezov, zasekanin ali ugrizov nismo opazili. Prav tako ni noben fragment ožgan. Ovis s. Capra A total of 41 sub-fossil remains are attributed to sheep (Ovis aries Linnaeus, 1758) and goats (Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758). In most cases (25 or 61 %) the remains were teeth, otherwise long bones are prevalent. The sample also contained scapula, maxilla and phalanges (table 3.7.4). With exception of the latter all the bones were fragmented. No traces of cut marks, chop marks or gnawing marks were found; nor were any of the fragments burnt. FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E O. aries: scapula 1 -- -- 1 femur (proks.) 1 -- -- 1 C. hircuS: ulna -- -- 1 1 tibia (proks.) 1 -- -- 1 phalanx I 1 -- 1 2 phalanx II -- -- 2 2 Ov^s s. Capra: os maxillare 1 -- -- 1 dentes 1 14 10 25 radius (proks.) -- -- 1 1 radius (dist.) -- -- 1 1 femur (proks.) -- -- 1 1 femur (dist.) 1 -- -- 1 tibia (dist.) -- -- 1 1 phalanx I -- -- 2 2 Tab. 3.7.4: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov ovce (Ovis aries) in/ali koze (Capra hircus) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.4: Frequency of sheep (Ovis aries) and/or goat (Capra hircus) remains per settlement phase. Ločevanje med kostnimi ostanki ovce in koze je pogosto problematično, saj so razlike med vrstama relativno majhne in omejene na le nekatere skeletne elemente. Na podlagi kriterijev, ki jih podajajo Prummel in Frisch (1986) ter Boessneck (1972), smo sicer v vzorcu lahko potrdili prisotnost tako ovce kot koze, vendar je bilo do nivoja vrste mogoče determinirati le manjši (19,5 %) del ostankov. Med slednjimi je višji delež pripadel kozi (6 oziroma 75 %), medtem ko smo ovci pripisali le dva fragmenta (tab. 3.7.4). Iz navedenega seveda ne gre sklepati Distinguishing between the remains of sheep and goats is often problematic, because of the small differences between the species and because they are limited to only a few skeletal elements. Following the criteria presented by Prummel and Frisch (1986) and Boessneck (1972), the presence of sheep and goats in the sample could be confirmed, but only a smaller proportion (19.5 %) of the remains could be determined to the level of species. Of these the major part belonged to goats (6 or 75 %), while only two fragments were attributed to na dejansko vlogo ene in druge vrste v takratni živinoreji, še manj pa na oceno resničnega razmerja med ovcami in kozami. Skupno število ostankov je namreč za kaj takega premajhno. Prav tako ne vemo, kolikšnemu številu osebkov sta omenjena dva (ovca) fragmenta oziroma šest (koza) fragmentov sploh pripadali. Ocene razmerja med spoloma nismo opravili, saj material tega ni dopuščal. Ovce in koze so bile, ob psu, med prvimi udomačenimi živalskimi vrstami. Prvi domestikati naj bi se že pred 10.000 leti pojavili na območju gorovja Zagros ter morda tudi v Anatoliji in na Kavkazu (O'Connor 2000). Divji prednik domače ovce je urial (Ovis orientalis Gme-lin, 1774), medtem ko bezoarsko kozo (Capra aegagrus Erxleben 1777) razumemo kot poglavitnega, morda pa celo edinega prednika domače koze (Clutton-Brock 1999). Z domestikacijo in nadaljno rejo omenjenih vrst so se pri obeh pojavile tudi določene morfološke spremembe. Uveljavitev nekaterih med njimi, kot sta večja količina in pretežno bela barva runa pri ovcah, je favorizirala umetna selekcija, druge, npr. velikost osebkov, pa so predvsem odraz življenjskih razmer v posameznem obdobju in območju (Bokonyi 1974). Žal je lahko primerjava velikosti koz in ovc s Hočevarice (priloga 3.7.1) s tistimi na sočasnih najdiščih v okolici (Italija, Avstrija, Madžarska) zavajajoča. Vzrok gre iskati predvsem v omejeni velikosti vzorca, ki tako v nezadovoljivi meri povzema variabilnost osebkov znotraj proučevane populacije. Tak vzorec omogoča kvečjemu primerjavo dimenzij konkretnih izmerjenih kostnih elementov, ne pa celotne populacije, npr. ovc in koz, z nekega območja. Poleg tega v vzorcih, ki jih primerjamo, pogosto ne poznamo deleža ovčjih in kozjih kosti, prav tako pa tudi ne razmerja med spoloma (Higham 1968). V skladu z navedenim se bomo tako na tem mestu omejili le na omembo, da so se izmerjene dimenzije ostankov koz in ovc s Hočevarice ujemale s tistimi, ki se nanašajo na izkopane kosti z več sočasnih najdišč na Mondseeju v Avstriji (Pucher, Engl 1997) in nekaterih poznoneolitskih in pa zgodnje bronastodobnih najdiščih severne Italije (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979). V okviru zooarheoloških raziskav se tradicionalno posveča precejšnja vloga oceni starostne strukture živali ob smrti, tj. zakolu, ulovu, poginu. Tovrstni podatki so namreč lahko zelo pomembni pri ugotavljanju kulturne stopnje in samega načina življenja v proučevanih naselbinah. Tako kot to velja npr. za govedo, tudi ovce in koze niso bile zanimive le kot vir mesa in maščob, temveč tudi zaradi izrabe različnih sekundarnih produktov, kot so mleko, kri, kosti, koža, pri ovci tudi runo oziroma volna. Z oceno starostne strukture osebkov ob zakolu pa lahko laže ocenimo pomen posameznih zgoraj navedenih dobrin v okviru proučevane skupnosti. Navadno se poskuša starost osebka oceniti na podlagi dosežene razvojne stopnje skeleta posameznega osebka, tj. izraščanja zob, obrabe grizalnih površin mel- sheep (table 3.7.4). What could not be evaluated was the actual role of one species or another in the animal husbandry of the time, and even less the real ratio between sheep and goats. The total number of remains is too small for such an evaluation. Nor do we know to how many individuals these two (sheep) or six (goat) fragments belonged. No assessment of the ratio between the sexes was made since the material did not allow for that. Sheep and goats were among the first domesticated animal species after the dog. The first domesticated animals supposedly existed 10,000 years ago in the regions of the Zagros Mountains and possibly in Anatolia and in the Caucasus (O'Connor 2000). The wild ancestor of the domestic sheep was the urial (Ovis orientalis Gmelin, 1774), while the bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus Erxleben 1777) is recognized as the principal or maybe only ancestor of the domestic goat (Clutton-Brock 1999). In both species some specific morphological changes occurred with domestication and further breeding. Some characteristics, for instance more and whiter wool in sheep, were established by artificial selection and other, e.g. size of the individuals are a reflection of the living conditions during individual periods and areas (Bokonyi 1974). Unfortunately a comparison of the size of the goats and sheep from Hočevarica (appendix 3.7.1) with those from nearby sites (Italy, Austria, Hungary) from the same period would be misleading. This is mainly due to the limitedness of the sample, which consequently insufficiently expresses the variability among individuals within the researched population. Such a sample can at best allow a comparison of the dimensions of actual measured bone elements and not an entire population of, e.g. the sheep or goats of a specific region. Moreover, the proportion of sheep or goat bones in the compared samples is seldom known, nor is the ratio between the sexes (Higham 1968). In view of this our discussion shall be limited to only pointing out that the measured dimension of the goat and sheep remains from Hočevarica correspond to the bones excavated at several contemporary sites at Mondsee in Austria (Pucher, Engl 1997) and at some late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age sites in northern Italy (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979). Zooarchaelogical research traditionally centers much attention on evaluating the age structure of animals at the time of their death, i.e. slaughter, capture or death by other causes. Such data can be invaluable in determining the cultural level of the inhabitants of the settlements in question and how they lived. And as is valid with cattle, sheep and goats were not only interesting for their meat and fat, but also for various secondary products, such as milk, blood, bones and skin, and in the case of sheep also fleece and wool. Evaluation of the age structure of individuals at the time they were slaughtered helps us to assay the importance of the above mentioned individual goods to the community in question. jakov, zraščenosti epifiz z diafizami. Vendar pa rezultati številnih novejših raziskav opozarjajo, da so objavljeni podatki za določevanje starosti osebkov do neke mere nekonsistentni. Veliko je nejasnosti v povezavi s kastracijo in njenim vplivom na nadaljnji ontogenetski razvoj. Vprašljiva je tudi primernost razpoložljivih komparativnih osteoloških zbirk. Te so namreč, kar zadeva izvor materiala, pogosto preveč heterogene, da bi dopuščale oblikovanje ustreznih primerjalnih vzorcev (Cribb 1984; Moran, O'Connor 1994). Kljub navedenemu pa imajo lahko rezultati analiz vzorcev zakola (kill-off pattern) še vedno veliko izpovedno vrednost. Pri njihovi interpretaciji se je pač potrebno zavedati omejitev, povezanih z obravnavanim vzorcem, kot so nereprezentativnost, ek-stremna fragmentarnost ostankov ipd. Pri tem vpliv navedenih in številnih drugih dejavnikov na razvoj skeleta pogosto ni dovolj poznan, njihovi sinergistični učinki pa še toliko manj. Dodatne nejasnosti vnašajo tudi neizogibne razlike med osteodontološkimi ostanki (sub)fo-silnega vzorca na eni strani ter recentnim materialom, na katerem je bila metoda za določanje starosti razvita, na drugi. In general the age of the individual is evaluated on the basis of the development level of the animal, i.e. tooth growth, the deterioration of the chewing surfaces of the molars and to what degree the epiphysis and dia-physis are fused. However, the results of recent research work caution that the published data for determining the age of individuals are to a certain extent inconsistent. The effect of castration on further ontogenetic development is to a great extent unclear. The relevancy of available comparative osteological collections is also questionable. Regarding the origin of the material, these are often too heterogeneous to allow the shaping of corresponding comparative patterns (Cribb 1984; Moran, O'Connor 1994). Nevertheless, the results of analysis of the patterns of slaughter (kill-off pattern) still have a considerable expressive value. In interpreting them we must keep in mind the limitations connected to the pattern itself, i.e. that they may not be representative, the extreme fragmentation of the remains, etc. The impact of the above listed and of many other factors on the development of the skeleton is unknown, and even less their synergetic effect. Additional ambiguities stem from ZOB PLAST STOPNJA OBRABE OCENA STAROSTI TOOTH LAYER WEAR STAGE ASSESSED AGE M3 faza 1 0 1-2 leti / years dp4 (*) faza 1 / faza 2 16 L 6-12 mesecev / months M3 faza 1 / faza 2 6 G 2-3 leta / years M, faza 1 / faza 2 9 A 1-3 leta / years M2 faza 1 / faza 2 8 A 2-3 leta / years M. faza 2 1 A 6-12 mesecev / months M1 faza 2 5 A 1-2 leti / years M3 faza 2 12 G 8-10 let / years Tab. 3.7.5: Ocena starosti živali ob zakolu glede na obrabo spodnjih (pred)meljakov pri ovcah/kozah (Ovis aries in/ali Capra hircus). Stopnja obrabe zob in ocena starosti sta povzeti po Payne (1973). Za identifikacijo simbolov stopnje obrabe glej Payne (1987). Z izjemo dp4 (*), ki pripada kozi, ločevanje med obema vrstama ni bilo mogoče. Table 3.7.5: The assessment of age at slaughter according to tooth wear of the lower (pre)molars of sheep/goats (Ovis aries and/or Capra hircus). Stages of tooth wear and an estimate of the relative ages are summarized after Payne (1973). For identification of the symbols for the stages of wear, check Payne (1987). With the exception of dp4 (*), which was ascribed to a goat, distinguishing between the two species was not possible. Ocena starostne strukture živali ob zakolu lahko, navedenim slabostim navkljub, vseeno predstavlja pomemben vir informacij. Žal vzorec s Hočevarice, zaradi skromnega števila najdb, česa podobnega ne omogoča. Skupno je bilo namreč v analizo mogoče vključiti samo osem zob in štirinajst kostnih fragmentov, za katere pa niti ne vemo, kolikšnim osebkom so sploh pripadali. Pri inescapable differences between the osteodontological remains of the (sub)fossil sample on the one hand and the recent material on which the method for determining the age was developed on the other. Despite the above mentioned shortcomings, an evaluation of the age structure of the animals at the time when they are slaughtered can act as an important source of information. Unfortunately, the sample from Hoče-varica does not allow this, due to the small number of finds. A total of eight teeth and fourteen bone fragments can be included in the analysis, and even for these we do not know to how many individuals they belonged to. The age was determined on the basis of an analysis of the wear of teeth, published by Payne (1973; 1985). The results are shown in table 3.7.5. With the exception of one specimen (assessed age 8-10 years) all the teeth (7 or 87.5 %) belonged to animals that were slaughtered or died at an age between six and thirty-six months. Additional information was obtained by determining the proportion of bones with unfused epi- and diaphyses, with regard to the total number of remains of individual skeletal elements in the sample. This method is less reliable določanju starosti na podlagi analize obrabe zob smo sledili navodilom, ki jih je objavil Payne (1973; 1985). Rezultati so podani v tabeli 3.7.5. Z izjemo enega samega primerka (ocenjena starost 8-10 let) so vsi ostali zobje (7 oziroma 87,5 %) pripadali živalim, ki naj bi šle v zakol oziroma so poginile pri starosti med šest in 36 meseci. Dodatne informacije o starostni strukturi smo dobili z ugotavljanjem deleža kosti z nezraščenima in zaraščenima epi- in diafizo glede na skupno število ostankov posameznega skeletnega elementa v vzorcu. Omenjena metoda je sicer manj zanesljiva od tiste, ki temelji na obrabi zob (O'Connor 2000), vseeno pa lahko ponudi nekatere zanimive informacije. Analiza ostankov ovc in koz iz obravnavanega vzorca je tako pokazala, da so nezraščene tri od sedmih (43 %) kosti, pri katerih se sicer osifikacija zaključi v obdobju od enega do dveh let starosti, ter dve (50 %) od skupno štirih, pri katerih do tega pride v tretjem letu življenja (tab. 3.7.6). Seveda to nikakor ne pomeni, da je bilo 43 % koz ali ovc zaklanih pred zaključkom prvega ter 50 % pred dopolnitvijo tretjega leta življenja. Takšna sklepanja bi bila namreč tvegana tudi pri precej obsežnejših vzorcih od našega. Se pa zdi ob upoštevanju rezultatov obeh analiz, obraba zob in zraščanje epifiz, vendarle upravičeno domnevati, da je bil pomemben delež koz in ovc iz našega vzorca zaklan med prvim in četrtim letom starosti, pri čemer so nekateri osebki dočakali tudi precej višjo starost (npr. 8-10 let). than the one based on the wear of teeth (O'Connor 2000), but it can still bear some interesting information. The analysis of the sheep and goat remains from the sample in question thus revealed that three of seven (43 %) bones, in which ossification is complete at an age of one to two years, and two (50 %) of four, in which this occurs in the third year of life, are not yet fused (table 3.7.6). Of course this does not mean that 43 % of the goats or sheep were slaughtered before they were one year old and 50 % before they were three. Such conclusions would be questionable even with a considerably larger sample than ours. But it does appear that, taking into account both the analyses, the wear of teeth and the closing of epiphyses, we can justifiably assume that a significant proportion of the goats and sheep from Tab. 3.7.6: Število ostankov drobnice (Oviss. Capra) z (ne)zra-ščenima epi- in diafizo po starostnih skupinah. Posamezno skupino sestavljajo skeletni elementi, ki popolnoma osificira-jo v istem starostnem obdobju (t. j. v prvem, drugem ali tretjem letu življenja). Podatki o obdobju zraščanja epi- in diafiz so povzeti po Moran in O'Connor (1994). Table 3.7.6: Number of un-fused diaphyses among sheep/goat remains. Skeletal elements are grouped in classes according to the age at which fusion of the epi- and diaphyses is completed (i.e. in the first, second or third year of life). The sequence of fusion is summarized from Moran and O'Connor (1994). STAROSTNO OBDOBJE (v letih) EPIFIZA ZRASČENA EPIFIZA NI ZRAŠČENA AGE CLASS (in years) FUSED UNFUSED 0-1 1 0 1-2 4 3 2-3 2 2 nad / over 3 1 1 SKUPAJ / TOTAL 8 6 Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758 Ostanki domačega goveda so bili redki (NISP = 17), saj so predstavljali le tri odstotke vseh najdb (tab. 3.7.1 in 3.7.7). Prevladovali so seveda zobje (10 oziroma 59 %), kosti pa so bile pričakovano praviloma fragmentira-ne. Na spodnji čeljustnici iz faze 1 smo opazili sledi urezov. Zasekanin in ugrizov nismo zasledili, prav tako ne ožganih kosti. Domače govedo velja za najpomembnejšo domačo žival evropske prazgodovine. Domnevno izhaja iz tura (Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827), katerega areal se je v začetku holocena razprostiral čez celotno Evrazijo. Poznamo ga kot primarno gozdno vrsto, ki pa je uspešno naseljevala tudi bolj odprta grmičasta območja. Od neo-litika dalje je njegova številčnost precej nihala (lov, izguba habitata), dokler ni v 17. stoletju končno izumrl. Do prvih uspešnih poskusov udomačitve naj bi prišlo pred približno 8000 leti v severni Afriki in/ali na Bližnjem Vzhodu (Clutton-Brock 1999; O'Connor 2000). Z do- our sample were slaughtered between the ages of one to four years of age, although some of the individuals reached a much older age (e.g. 8-10 years). Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758 Remains of domestic cattle were rare (NISP = 17) and presented only three % of all the finds (tables 3.7.1 and 3.7.7). Teeth were predominant in the sample (10 or 59 %), while the bones were generally fragmented. Traces of cuts were discerned on a mandible from phase 1. No chop marks and gnawing marks were found, nor were there any burnt bones. The cattle is considered to be one of the most important domestic animal in prehistoric Europe. Presumably it originated from the aurochs (Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827) who lived throughout the entire area of Eurasia in the beginning of the Holocene period. They are known as the primary woodland species, but which could also successfully populate open shrubby land. FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E dentes -- I 9 I0 mandibula 2 -- -- 2 ossa carpalia -- -- I I astragalus I -- -- I phalanx I I -- -- I phalanx II -- -- 2 2 Tab.3.7.7: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov domačega goveda (Bos taurus) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.7: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of domestic cattle (Bos taurus) per settlement phase. mestikacijo pa so se pojavile tudi nekatere morfološke spremembe, kot npr. drugačna oblika lobanje in rogov, ki lahko tudi manjkajo, manjša strukturna gostota kosti, spremembe v barvi osebkov ter povečanje količine pridelanega mleka na samico. Med najopaznejše spremembe pa nedvomno sodi tudi očitno zmanjšanje velikosti živali. Gre za trend, ki ga lahko, z izjemo kratkega intervala v rimski dobi, neprekinjeno spremljamo vse od neolitika dalje. Človeku je tako šele z modernimi pasmami in živinorejskimi prijemi uspelo doseči, da današnja goveda po velikosti presegajo tista iz obdobja prvih do-mestikacij (Bokonyi 1974). Od obravnavanih ostankov s Hočevarice je bilo mogoče biometrijsko analizirati le dva: astragalus in phalanx II (priloga 3.7.2). Njihove dimenzije so primerljive z objavljenimi podatki z eneolitskega najdišča Co-lombare di Negar v severni Italiji (Riedel 1977) ter že omenjenih kolišč na Mondseeju v Avstriji (Pucher, Engl 1997), hkrati pa komaj ali pa sploh ne dosegajo tistih z bakrenodobnih najdišč Madžarske (Bokonyi 1974). Ponovno poudarjamo, da gre pri tem izključno za primerjavo dimenzij analiziranih kostnih fragmentov, ne pa povprečne velikosti osebkov tistega obdobja. Govedo je bilo in je še danes veliko več kot le vir mesa in maščobe. Tu so namreč še mleko, koža, rogovi in kosti, kostni mozeg, iztrebki (gnoj, kurivo), ne nazadnje pa tudi sama moč živali, ki so jih zato uporabljali kot vlečno silo. Ugotoviti, katere od navedenih dobrin je taka skupnost uporabljala in katere od teh so bile pomembnejše, lahko veliko povejo o gospodarski stopnji nekdanjih ljudi, a je kaj takega za primer Hočevarice (še) nemogoče storiti. Zdi se sicer upravičeno domnevati, da je govedo imelo pomembnejše mesto, kot bi lahko sodili izključno na podlagi izjemne skromnosti njegovih ostankov. V to smer kažejo tudi raziskave nekaterih drugih neolitskih-eneolitskih najdišč Ljubljanskega barja (Rakovec 1955; Drobne 1973; 1974a; 1974b; 1975). Vendar maloštevilni ostanki v našem vzorcu resnejše analize onemogočajo. Navsezadnje nam je nepoznana tudi starostna struktura živali ob zakolu. Edini tovrstni podatek nudi spodnja čeljustnica iz faze 1 z ohranjenim skoraj celotnim zobnim nizom (P3-M3). Glede na to, da Since the Neolithic its population fluctuated (hunting, loss of habitat), until it finally became extinct in the 17th century. The first successful attempts of domestication occurred about 8,000 years ago in North Africa and/or the Near East (Clutton-Brock 1999; O'Connor 2000). Domestication also engendered some morphological changes, as for instance, an altered shape of the skull and horns - the latter is in some cases missing altogether, lower structural density of the bones, changes in the color of the individuals and larger quantities of milk produced per female. The most notable change is undoubtedly a visible reduction in the animal's size. This is a trend that can be followed, with the exception of a short interval during the Roman period, since the Neolithic. It was only with modern breeds and breeding techniques that humans achieved that today's cattle is larger than that from the period of first domestication (Bokonyi 1974). Only two of the remains from Hočevarica could be biometrically analyzed: an astragalus and a phalanx II (appendix 3.7.2). Their dimensions are comparable with the published data from the Eneolithic site Colombare di Negar in northern Italy (Riedel 1977) and the aforementioned pile dwellings at Mondsee in Austria (Pucher, Engl 1997), but they do not or can hardly equate with those from the Copper Age sites in Hungary (Bokonyi 1974). Let it be emphasized that this is strictly a matter of comparison of the dimensions of the analyzed bone fragments, and not of the average size of individuals of the time. Cattle were and still are much more than a source of meat and fat. They produce milk, hide, horn and bones, bone marrow, excrements (manure, fuel); and of course there is also strength of the animals themselves, which can be used as locomotive power. Determining which of these attributes a particular community used and which was more important to them can give us considerable insight into the economic level of the population, but in the case of Hočevarica it is impossible as of yet. It appears justifiably presumable that cattle played a more important role than the scarcity of their remains would suggest. Research results of some of the other Neolithic-Eneolithic sites in the Ljubljansko barje (Rakovec 1955; Drobne 1973; 1974a; 1974b; 1975) point in this direction. However, the few remains in our sample do not allow serious analysis. After all, even the age structure of the slaughtered animals is unknown. The only such data comes from a mandible from phase 1 with an almost complete row of preserved cheek teeth (P3-M3). stalni tretji spodnji meljak izrašča med 24. in 30. mesecem starosti (Silver 1972) ter upoštevajoč dejstvo, da so zobje kazali očitne znake obrabljenosti, je starost osebka ob zakolu domnevno presegala 45/50 mesecev. To je sicer že starost, pri kateri se najhitrejša rast živali zaključi in je zato napor, vložen v nadaljnjo rejo zaradi pridobivanja (dodatnih količin) kvalitetnega mesa, nesmiseln (Jarman 1975). Je torej zakol živali pri starosti, ki je nudila največji izkoristek mesa glede na vloženi napor, znak, da so rejo govedi podredili predvsem pridobivanju omenjene dobrine? S skupno le 17 ostanki goveda v vzorcu je seveda za odgovor še prezgodaj. Sus scrofa/domesticus Ostanki rodu Sus so skupaj s srninimi najpogostejši v vzorcu. Predstavljajo približno tretjino vseh najdb (tab. 3.7.1 in 3.7.8), pri čemer jih je kar 77 odstotkov iz faze 1. Delež zob v vzorcu je sicer velik (38 %), vendar pa, za razliko od večine ostalih vrst, ne tudi prevladujoč. Sledi urezov, zasekanin in ugrizov so izjemno redke, ožgan pa je le en zob (tab. 3.7.9). Divji prašič, edini prednik domačega, je v preteklosti poseljeval stepska in gozdnata območja Evrazije in severne Afrike, od Britanskega otočja na zahodu do Considering the fact that the third lower molar erupts between the ages of 24 and 30 months (Silver 1972), and taking into account that the teeth show visible signs of wear, the age of the animal at the time of slaughter probably exceeded 45/50 months. This is an age by which the intensive growth of the animal ends and investing further effort into feeding it only to produce (additional quantities) of good quality meat would be unprofitable (Jarman 1975). Does this mean that slaughtering an animal at an age at which it provided the greatest profit in relation to the invested effort is a sign that animal husbandry of the time was directed primarily at producing this single product? With a total of 17 remains in the sample it is yet too early to come to any conclusions. Sus scrofa/domesticus The remains of the Sus genus are, besides those of roe deer, the most frequent in the sample. They encompass about one third of all the finds (tables 3.7.1 and 3.7.8). Seventy-seven % of them are from phase 1. The proportion of teeth in the sample is large (38 %), but unlike most of the other species, not predominant. Traces of chop marks and gnawing marks are extremely rare, and only one tooth shows burns. (table 3.7.9). FAZA 1 FAZA 1 / FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E cranium 4 -- -- 4 os maxillare 7 -- -- 7 mandibula 6 3 -- 9 dentes 45 19 5 69 scapula -- -- 2 2 humerus (proks.) 3 -- -- 3 humerus (dist.) 3 -- -- 3 radius (proks.) 3 -- -- 3 radius (dist.) 1 -- -- 1 ulna 1 -- -- 1 ossa carpalia 7 1 -- 8 ossa metacarpalia (p) 2 1 -- 3 phalanx I 9 1 1 11 phalanx II 11 -- -- 11 phalanx III 6 3 -- 9 ossa coxae 1 -- -- 1 femur (dist.) 5 -- -- 5 patella 3 -- -- 3 fibula 1 -- -- 1 tibia (proks.) -- -- 1 1 tibia (dist.) 2 -- 1 3 calcaneus 2 -- -- 2 ossa tarsalia 5 -- -- 5 ossa metatarsalia (p) 5 1 -- 6 metapodia (indef.) 9 2 -- 11 Tab. 3.7.8: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov prašiča (Sus sp.) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.8: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of pig (Sus domesticus) and wild boar (S. scrofa) per settlement phase. KOST/ZOB BONE/TOOTH sledi ureza / cut marks humerus (dist.) - 2x sledi zasekanin / chop marks humerus (dist.) sledi ugriza / gnawing marks metapodia ožgan element / burned dentes Tab. 3.7.9: Izkopani ostanki prašiča (Sus sp.), na katerih so bili opaženi sledovi urezov ali zasekanin oz. je bila kost/zob obgrizen(a) ali ožgan(a). Table 3.7.9: Number of pig/wild boar remains showing cut, chop or gnawing marks and the number of burnt bones. Japonske na vzhodu. Danes je v mnogih predelih iztr-ebljen, nekdaj sklenjeno območje razširjenosti pa je večinoma razdrobljeno na majhne izolirane populacije. V Sloveniji divji prašič poseljuje listnate in mešane gozdove, ustrezajo pa mu tudi obsežnejša močvirja (Kryštu-fek 1991). Na Kitajskem naj bi ga udomačili pred približno 7500 leti, nekoliko kasneje že tudi na Bližnjem Vzhodu, pred približno 6000 leti pa morda tudi v severni Evropi (Clutton-Brock 1999; O'Connor 2000). Pri domačem prašiču so se postopno razvijale nekatere morfološke posebnosti, ki so ga ločile od divjega. Mednje lahko prištevamo spremembe v morfologiji lobanje in spodnje čeljustnice, pojav spiralasto zavitega repa in povešenih uhljev, spremembe v kvaliteti in barvi dlake ter seveda tudi zmanjšanje velikosti osebkov. Slednja je sicer v času bolj nihala, kot to velja za govedo, ovco ali kozo, so pa velikosti neolitskih živali tudi v tem primeru presegli šele domači prašiči modernih pasem (Bokonyi 1974). Kot prvi korak k oceni vloge domačega prašiča v takratni živinoreji smo poskušali ugotoviti okvirno razmerje med ostanki divjega (Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758) in domačega prašiča (Sus domesticus Erxleben, 1777) v obravnavanem vzorcu. Žal je ločevanje med obema vrstama le na podlagi kostnih ostankov zelo težavno (Her-re 1972). Razlike v morfologiji posameznih skeletnih elementov med divjim in domačim prašičem so namreč maloštevilne in omejene na elemente, ki so v arheoloških vzorcih največkrat bodisi redki (npr. podočniki) bodisi zelo fragmentarni (tj. lobanja; Bokonyi 1974). Ugotavljanje prisotnosti in/ali ocene vsaj približnega deleža ene in druge vrste v nekem vzorcu tako največkrat temelji na biometriji. Pri tem je priporočljiva primerjava ostankov domnevno domačih in domnevno divjih živali, ki izhajajo z istega najdišča. Na ta način lahko namreč neposredno primerjamo populaciji iz natanko istega območja in obdobja ter tako izključimo potencialno zelo moteč vpliv neenakega okolja ali genetskih razlik na nivoju podvrste (Bokonyi 1995). Druga šibka točka razlikovanja med domačim in divjim prašičem na podlagi biometričnih analiz je povezana z velikostjo vzorca (priloga 3.7.3). Četudi v hipotetičnem (mešanem) vzorcu med obema vrstama dejansko obstaja statistično značilna razlika v določeni dimenziji, je lahko uporaba te za oceno deleža ostankov ene in druge vrste vseeno neučinkovita. Če namreč razlika v povprečni vrednosti merjene dimenzije med obema vrstama znotraj vzorca ne presega dveh standardnih devi- Wild boar, the only ancestor of the domestic pig, used to inhabit the steppes and wooded areas of Eurasia and northern Africa, from the British Isles in the west to Japan in the east. Today already exterminated in many of these areas, the formerly unified living area is now divided into small isolated populations. In Slovenia the wild pig lives in deciduous and mixed forests, and also likes larger marshes (Kryštufek 1991). In China it had ostensibly been domesticated about 7500 years ago, a little later also in the Middle East and about 6000 years ago possibly also in northern Europe (Clutton-Brock 1999; O'Connor 2000). Gradually some morphological properties developed in the domestic pig that rendered it different from its wild ancestor. Among them are changes of the morphology of the skull and mandibles, the development of the spiraled tail and pendulant ears, a change in the quality and color of its bristles and a reduction in its size. The latter fluctuated through time more than that of cattle, sheep and goats, nevertheless the size of the Neolithic pig was not surpassed until the development of modern breeds (Bokonyi 1974). The first step in trying to assess the importance of the domestic pig in the animal husbandry of the time was to determine the general ratio between the wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758) and domestic pig (Sus domesticus Erxleben, 1777) in our sample. Unfortunately, distinguishing between the two species solely on the basis of bone remains is problematic (Herre 1972). The morphological differences of individual skeletal elements of the wild boar and domestic pig are few, and they are limited to elements that are in archaeological samples either rare (e.g. canines) or very fragmented (i.e. skull; Bokonyi 1974). Determining the presence and/or assessments of at least an approximate proportion of one species and the other is thus in most cases based on biometrics. The recommended method is to compare the presumably domestic and presumably wild animals from the same site. In this way we can directly compare the two populations from exactly the same area and time and evade the potentially misleading influence of different environments or genetic difference on the level of sub-species. (Bokonyi 1995). Another weak point in distinguishing between the domestic and wild pig on the basis of biometric analysis relates to the size of the sample. Although in a hypothetical (mixed) sample statistically characteristic differences between the two species definitely exist, using acij (SD), se bosta obe distribuciji zlili v eno samo. Bi-modalnost začne postajati opazna šele pri povprečjih, ki se razlikujejo za tri standardne deviacije in komaj razlike, ki presegajo štiri do pet standardnih deviacij, omogočajo determinacijo večine kosti in zob iz (hipotetičnega) vzorca (Payne, Bull 1988). Za kaj takega so potrebni obsežni vzorci, ki povzemajo zadovoljiv delež intra-specifične (npr. spolni dimorfizem, razlike, povezane s starostjo) variabilnosti in s tem omogočajo oceno obsega prekrivanja med populacijama obeh vrst (Herre 1972; Bokonyi 1974; 1995; Rowley-Conwy 1995). Uporaba biometrije za ločevanje med divjim in domačim prašičem za primer Hočevarice torej ni bila mogoča. Oceno razmerja med kostnimi in zobnimi ostanki obeh vrst smo tako dobili posredno, z ugotavljanjem starosti živali ob zakolu ali uplenitvi. Ob prevladovanju ostankov divjih prašičev gre namreč pričakovati večji razpon med najmlajšimi in najstarejšimi osebki in tudi sicer naj bi bile posamezne starostne kategorije v takem primeru enakomerneje zastopane. Nasprotno pa pri vzorcih, ki jih sestavljajo pretežno ostanki domačega prašiča, pričakujemo prevlado mlajših, do tri leta starih osebkov. Pri tej starosti (1,5-3 leta, pač odvisno od pogojev reje) so namreč živali dovolj rejene, da zagotavljajo zadostno količino mesa, hkrati pa še vedno dovolj mlade, da je kvaliteta mesa zadovoljiva (Albarella, Ser-jeantson 2002). Starost živali smo ocenjevali na podlagi obrabljenosti grizalne površine meljakov spodnje čeljustnice in v skladu z navodili, ki sta jih objavila Rolett in Chiu (1994). Metoda temelji na domnevi, da je bil tempo izraščanja zob in njihove obrabe pri prazgodovinskih domačih prašičih še najpodobnejši tistemu, ki ga danes lahko spremljamo pri divjih prašičih in pri relativno počasi razvijajočih se pasmah domačih prašičev. Upra- Tab. 3.7.10: Ocena starosti živali ob smrti glede na obrabo spodnjih meljakov pri prašiču (Sus sp.). Analiza temelji na navodilih, ki sta jih objavila Rolett in Chiu (1994). Table 3.7.10: The assessments of age at death according to the tooth wear of the lower molars of pig/wild boar (Sus sp.). The analysis is based on the instructions published by Rolett and Chiu (1994). this for evaluating the proportions of the remains of one species or the other is still ineffective. If the difference in the average value of the measured dimension between the two species within one sample does not exceed two standard deviations (SD), both the distributions will merge into a single one. Biomodality only starts becoming visible in averages that differentiate by three standard deviations; and only differences that exceed four to five standard deviations will enable determination of the majority of the bones and teeth from the (hypothetical) sample (Payne, Bull 1988). This process requires extensive samples which encompass a sufficient proportion of intra-specific (e.g. sexual dimorphism, age related differences) variability and with it allow an evaluation of the extent of overlapping of the populations of both species (Herre 1972; Bokonyi 1974; 1995; Rowley-Conwy 1995). The application of biometrics for distinguishing between the wild boar and domestic pig was therefore not possible in the case of Hočevarica. Consequently, an evaluation of the ratio between bone and tooth remains of both species was obtained indirectly by determining the age of the animal at the time of killing. Where the remains of wild boars are predominant, a greater span is anticipated between the youngest and the oldest individuals, and also the in-between age categories would in this case be more equally distributed. Whereas in samples consisting of mainly the remains of domestic pigs, an increased number of young - up to three years old -pigs are expected. At this age (1.5-3 years, depending on the breeding conditions) the animals have reached a size at which they provide a sufficient amount of meat, but are still young enough for the meat to be of satisfactory quality (Albarella, Serjeantson 2002). The age of the animals was estimated on the basis of the deterioration of the chewing surface of the lower molars in accordance with instructions published by Rolett and Chiu (1994). The method is based on the presumption that the rate of growth and wear on the teeth of prehistoric domestic pigs was similar to what is today discernible in wild boars and relatively slow growing breeds of domestic pigs. The justification of this presumption does not seem questionable and has already been expressed by other authors (e.g. Bull, Payne 1982). It is much more difficult by this and similar methods to ZOB TOOTH STOPNJA OBRABE WEAR STAGE STAROSTNA SKUPINA AGE GROUP OCENJENA STAROST ASSESSED AGE Ml B subadultni / subadult 5/8-10/14 mesecev / months Ml E mlad adultni / young adult 10/14-18/26 mesecev / month. M2 B/C mlad adultni / young adult 10/14-18/26 mesecev / month. M2 D mlad adultni / young adult 10/14-18/26 mesecev / month. M2 F/G zrel adultni / young adult nad / over 18/26 mes. / month. M2 E zrel adultni / mature adult nad / over 18/26 mes. / month. M3 zasnova / germ mlad adultni / young adult 10/14-18/26 mesecev / month. vičenost omenjene domneve se ne zdi vprašljiva in so jo predhodno izrazili že tudi nekateri drugi avtorji (npr. Bull, Payne 1982). Veliko težje je pri tej metodi in sorodnih metodah oceniti vlogo, ki so jo pri obrabi zob imele razlike v prehranjevalnih navadah in kvaliteti same hrane ter neenake abrazivne lastnosti prsti na prehranjevalnem območju različnih populacij. assess the role that differences in feeding habits and the quality of food, and the disparate abrasive properties of the soil in the area of various populations, would have on the wear of teeth. Although the number of lower molars in our sample is limited, and disregarding the shortcomings of the above mentioned methods, the predominant proportion ZOB STAROST OB IZRASČANJU OBRABA TOOTH ERRUPTION AGE WEAR P3 12-16 mesecev / months + P4 12-16 mesecev / months + P4 12-16 mesecev / months 0 (v izraščanju / erupting) M'/M2 4-6 / 10-13 mesecev / months + + + + + M2 8-13 mesecev / months + + M2 8-13 mesecev /months + + M2 8-13 mesecev / months + + + + + M3 16-30 mesecev / months 0 (v izraščanju / erupting) M3 26-33 mesecev / months 0 (v izraščanju / erupting) M3 26-33 mesecev / months + + + + + dpi - - + + + dp3 - - + + + I2 17-20 mesecev / months 0 P2 12-16 mesecev / months 0 P2 12-16 mesecev / months 0 P4 12-16 mesecev / months + + Tab. 3.7.11: Ocena obrabljenosti izkopanih spodnjih predmeljakov in zgornjih (pred)meljakov prašiča (Sussp.). Podatki o starosti živali ob izraščanju posameznih zob so povzeti po Bull in Payne (1982). Legenda: 0 - zob ne kaže sledov obrabe, + + + + + -ekstremno obrabljen zob. Table 3.7.11: The assessments of age at death according to the tooth wear of the lower premolars and upper (pre)molars of pig/ wild boar (Sus sp.). The sequence of eruption is summarized after Bull and Payne (1982). Legend: 0 - unworn tooth, + + + + + - extremely worn tooth. Kljub sicer skromnemu številu spodnjih meljakov v našem vzorcu in že omenjenim slabostim uporabljene metode se zdi prevladujoč delež zob relativno mladih živali vendarle dovolj močan argument, da pretežni del ostankov rodu Sus v vzorcu pripišemo prav domačemu prašiču (tab. 3.7.10). V prid omenjeni hipotezi govori tudi analiza obrabe ostalih zob, ki jih zgoraj uporabljena metoda sicer ne zajema (tj. spodnji predmeljaki in zgornji (pred)meljaki; tab. 3.7.11). Tudi v tem primeru so namreč prevladovali zobje juvenilnih-subadultnih osebkov, in to kljub dejstvu, da je število zob pri teh na osebek manjše, kot to velja za adultne in senilne živali. Slednje so bile v vzorcu zastopane z manjšim številom zelo obrabljenih zob, ki bi jih tako lahko prisodili morda tudi divjemu prašiču. Prisotnost divjega prašiča v vzorcu namreč potrjujejo najdbe štirih podočnikov ter fragment neurocraniuma in mandibule, ki brez dvoma pripadajo prav S. scrofa (sl. 3.7.4). Starost živali ob zakolu smo poskušali oceniti tudi z ugotavljanjem deleža kosti s (še) nezraščenima epi- in diafizo (tab. 3.7.12). Dobljene rezultate je sicer potreb- of teeth of relatively young animals provides a substan-tiative argument for the attribution of the majority of the Sus genus remains in our sample to the domestic pig (table 3.7.10). The analysis of the wear on the remaining teeth (i.e. lower and upper (pre)molars; table 3.7.11), which are not included in the method applied, further supports this hypothesis. Also in this case, the teeth ofjuvenile/sub-adult individuals were predominant despite the fact that these individuals have fewer teeth than adult and senile animals. In the sample the latter were present with a lower number of very worn teeth, which could possibly be attributed to the wild boar. The presence of the latter in the sample is evident from four canines and a fragment of the neurocranium and mandible, all undoubtedly belonging to S. scrofa (fig. 3.7.4). We also tried to assess the age of the animal at the time of slaughter by determining the proportion of bones with (yet) unfused epi- and diaphysis (table 3.7.12). The results thus obtained must be regarded with a good measure of caution, considering that this method is less reliable than those based on the analysis of the teeth (Ro- SI. 3.7.4: Ostanki divjega prašiča Sus scrofa: zgornji (a) in spodnji (b) podočnik (naravna velikost) ter nuhalni del neurocraniu-ma - Norma lateralis (pomanjšano; c). Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.7.4: Wild boar (Sus scrofa) remains: (a) upper and (b) lower canine (natural size), (c) nuchal part of the neurocranium -Norma lateralis (reduced). Photo: M. Zaplatil. no upoštevati s precejšnjo mero previdnosti, saj velja omenjena metoda za manj zanesljivo od tistih, ki temeljijo na analizi obrabe zob (Rolett, Chiu 1994; Albarella, Serjeantson 2002). Kljub temu se zdi, da skoraj 50 % delež kosti s še nezraščenima epi- in diafizo potrjuje prevlado ostankov relativno mladih živali v vzorcu, s tem pa tudi domnevo, da so med pregledanimi številčnejši ostanki domačega prašiča. Izmerjene dimenzije prašičjih ostankov so podane v prilogi 3.7.3. Ker na nivoju posameznih biometrijsko obdelanih fragmentov nismo bili sposobni ločevati med divjim in domačim prašičem, se navedene meritve nanašajo kar na S. scrofa/domesticus. To se odraža tudi v ustrezno večji variacijski širini. Primerjava omenjenih vrednosti z nekaterimi objavljenimi podatki s približno sočasnih najdišč sosednjih pokrajin je pokazala, da so bili osebki iz našega vzorca domnevno nekoliko večji od tistih, izkopanih na območju Mondseeja v Avstriji (Puc- lett, Chiu 1994; Albarella, Serjeantson 2002). Nevertheless, the almost 50 % proportion of bones with yet unfused epi- and diaphysis supports the theory of a predominant number of remains of relatively young animals in the sample, and with it the presumption that among the inspected remains the majority belonged to the domestic pig. The measured dimensions of pig remains are presented in the appendix 3.7.3. Since we could not distinguish between the domestic pig and wild boar on the level of individual biometrically studied fragments, these measurements relate directly to (mixed) S. scrofajdomesticus. This is also reflected in the correspondingly larger variation range. Comparison of the above explained values with some of the published data from approximately contemporary sites in neighboring countries showed that the individuals from our sample were larger than those excavated in the Mondsee area in Austria (Puch- STAROSTNO OBDOBJE (v letih) AGE CLASS (in years) EPIFIZA ZRASČENA FUSED EPIFIZA NI ZRAŠČENA UNFUSED 0-1 14 6 1-2 8 6 2-3 0 1 nad / over 3 3 6 SKUPAJ / TOTAL 25 19 Tab. 3.7.12: Število ostankov prašiča (Sus sp.) z (ne)zraščenima epi- in diafizo po starostnih skupinah. Posamezno skupino sestavljajo skeletni elementi, ki popolnoma osificirajo v istem starostnem obdobju (t. j. v prvem, drugem ali tretjem letu življenja). Podatki o obdobju zraščanja epi- in diafiz so povzeti po Silver (1972). Table 3.7.12: Number of un-fused diaphyses among pig/wild boar remains. Skeletal elements are grouped in classes according to the age at which fusion of epi- and diaphyses is completed (i.e. in the first, second or third year of life). The sequence of fusion is summarized from Silver (1972). her, Engl 1997) ter z madžarskih najdišč Tarnabod in Tiszasz6l6s-Csžkžnyszeg (B6k6nyi 1974). Odstopanja so bila še večja ob primerjavi s sicer maloštevilnimi ostanki italijanskega eneolitskega najdišča Colombare di Ne-gar (Riedel 1977) na severu države. Pri tem ne gre spregledati, da izmerjeni fragmenti s Hočevarice pripadajo tako domačemu kot tudi (večjemu) divjemu prašiču, uporabljeni podatki z najdišč sosednjih pokrajin pa se nanašajo izključno na domačega prašiča. Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758 Psu smo pripisali skupno 29 subfosilnih ostankov, med njimi 17 (tj. 59 %) zob (tab. 3.7.1 in 3.7.13). Kosti so praviloma fragmentarne, pri čemer edino izjemo predstavlja relativno dobro ohranjena lobanja iz faze 1 (sl. 3.7.6; Toškan 2002). Majhen delež (5,1 % NISP oziroma 6,8 % TMAU) pasjih ostankov ne preseneča, saj je imel pes v takratni skupnosti med vsemi domačimi in številnimi lovnimi živalmi najmanjši neposredni ekonomski pomen (Bartosiewicz 2002). Podobno nizek delež pasjih ostankov je namreč značilen tudi za vzorce s številnih drugih neolitskih-eneolitskih koliščarskih naselbin, vključno s tistimi z Ljubljanskega barja. Tako je bil psu pripisan slab odstotek določenih kostnih ostankov z Iga oziroma z Ižanskih kolišč (Drobne 1973), 11 odstotkov z Maharskega prekopa (Drobne 1974a; 1974b; 1975), štirje odstotki z najdišča Notranje Gorice (Drobne 1973) in le 2 odstotka s Part (Bartosiewicz 2002). V okviru izkopavanj na Resnikovem prekopu pasjih ostankov niso odkrili (Drobne 1962). Na prisotnost in številnost psov v prazgodovinskih skupnostih sicer kažejo tudi sledovi ugrizov na izkopanih kosteh. Pri tem velja pripomniti, da je delež takih kosti v vzorcu s Hočevarice majhen, veliko manjši kot v številnih drugih neolitskih-eneolit-skih najdiščih po Evropi (npr. Albarella, Serjeantson 2002). Sicer pa na pasjih kosteh s Hočevarice nismo zasledili nikakršnih sledov urezov ali zasekanin, prav tako pa tudi ne ožganih kosti. Proces udomačitve volka, edinega prednika domačega psa, se je domnevno pričel že pred približno er, Engl 1997) and in the Hungarian sites at Tarnabod and Tiszaszôlôs-Csâkânyszeg (Bôkônyi 1974). The deviations were even greater in comparisons with the north Italian site at Colombare di Negar (Riedel 1977). We must here point out that the measured fragments from Hočevarica belong to the domestic pig as well as to the (bigger) wild boar, while the data from the sites in neighboring regions refer exclusively to domestic pigs. Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758 We attributed altogether 29 sub-fossil remains to the dog. Among them 17 (i.e. 59 %) were teeth (tables 3.7.1 and 3.7.13). The bones were in most part fragmented, with the exception of a very well preserved cranium from phase 1 (fig. 3.7.6; Toškan 2002). The small proportion (5.1 % NISP and 6.8 % TMAU) of the dog remains is not surprising, since among all the domestic and hunting animals the dog had the lowest direct economic importance to the community of that time (Bartosiewicz 2002). A similarly low proportion of dog remains was also characteristic for the samples in many other Neolithic-Eneolithic pile dwellings, including those from the Ljubljansko barje. The proportion of dog remains in the sample from the Ig pile dwellings was 1 % (Drobne 1973), from Maharski prekop 11 % (Drobne 1974a; 1974b; 1975), 4 % from the Notranje Gorice site (Drobne 1973) and only 2 % from Parte (Bartosiewicz 2002). No dog remains were discovered during excavation at Resnikov prekop (Drobne 1962). The presence and quotient of dogs in the prehistoric community are also visible from the gnawing marks on excavated bones. The proportion of such bones in the sample from Hoče-varica was small, much smaller than in many other Neolithic-Eneolithic sites in Europe (e.g. Albarella, Serjeantson 2002). In any case, no traces of cuts or chop marks or burns were discerned on the dog bones. The onset of the domestication of the wolf, the only ancestor of the domestic dog, presumably dates to about 15,000 years ago (Clutton-Brock 1999), but the decisive change in the relationship between the »ancient dog« FAZA 1 FAZA 1 / FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E cranium 1 -- -- 1 os maxillare -- -- 1 1 mandibula -- -- 1 1 dentes 2 6 9 17 humerus (proks.) 1 1 -- 2 radius (proks.) 1 1 -- 2 radius (dist.) -- 1 -- 1 femur (dist.) 1 -- 1 2 astragalus 1 -- 1 2 Tab. 3.7.13: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov domačega psa (Canis familiaris) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.13: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of domestic dog (Canis familiaris) per settlement phase. 15000 leti (Clutton-Brock 1999), vendar je do odločilne spremembe v odnosu med »prapsom« in človekom verjetno prišlo šele ob koncu pleistocena. Pri tem so imele pomembno vlogo podobnosti v načinu komunikacije med obema vrstama, zaradi katerih so vedenja, ki izražajo agresivnost, strah, podrejenost, veselje ipd. medsebojno razumljiva. Sicer pa sta imeli od same domestikacije korist obe strani: človek je pridobil pomembno pomoč pri lovu in zagotavljanju večje varnosti, pes pa stalen vir hrane v obliki odpadnih kosov mesa in kosti (Uerpmann 1996). Z domestikacijo so se pri psu pričele relativno kmalu pojavljati tudi določene morfološke spremembe, and man probably occurred no sooner than at the end of the Pleistocene. The similarities in the manner of communication of the two species, due to which the behavior that expresses aggressiveness, fear, subordination, joy, etc. were mutually understandable, played an important role in this relationship. Moreover, both profited from the domestication: man gained assistance in hunting and ensuring his safety, while the dog acquired a reliable source of food in the form of meat and bone waste (Uerpmann 1996). The domestication of the dog relatively soon resulted in morphological changes, such as shortened mandibles and consequent crowding of the lower cheek 6 5 o i^4 E u 3 îS 2 E JD 1 Hočevarica Ig -3 -2 -1 0 odstopanje (v SD) od povprečja rimskodobnih psov Standard deviation of Roman Period dogs Sl. 3.7.5: Porazdelitev nekaterih izmerjenih dimenzij lobanje eneolitskih psov iz kolišč na Igu in Hočevarici (modificirano po Bartosiewicz (2002, 82)). Povprečje rimskodobnih psov se nanaša na vzorec iz madžarskega najdišča Tac-Gorsium. Legenda: SD - standardna deviacija. Fig. 3.7.5: The distribution of cranial measurements in Eneolithic dogs (Canis familiaris) from the Ig and Hočevarica pile dwellings (modified after Bartosiewicz (2002, 82)). The average of Roman Period dog skulls relates to the sample from the Hungarian site of Tac-Gorsium. Legend: SD - Standard Deviation. 7 0 kot npr. skrajšanje dolžine spodnje čeljustnice s posledičnim gnetenjem spodnjega niza zob in pa opazno (tudi do 30 %) zmanjšanje velikosti možganov (Bokonyi 1974). Med omenjenimi in številnimi drugimi spremembami pa je nedvomno ena najopaznejših razlik med volkom in psom povezana s samo velikostjo živali, ki so postale z udomačitvijo očitno manjše. Po podatkih, ki jih navaja Bokonyi (1974), so tako npr. zgodnjeneolitski psi le izjemoma dosegali polovično velikost takratnih volkov. Na podlagi subfosilnih ostankov z različnih srednjeevropskih najdišč se zdi, da bi lahko večino neolit-skih-eneolitskih psov uvrstili v isto velikostno skupino, ki so jo tvorili majhni, današnjim špicem podobni psi. Rutimeyer (1862; prim. Bokonyi 1974) jih je na podlagi najdb iz različnih švicarskih neolitskih najdišč opisal kot Canis familiaris palustris (t.i. barjanski ali mostiščarski pes). Zanje je bila značilna razmeroma majhna, kratka lobanja z dokaj izbočenim profilom nosu in čela ter z razmeroma visoko postavljeno nosnico. Ostanki psov tipa palustris so poznani tudi z različnih eneolitskih najdišč Ljubljanskega barja, kot so Maharski prekop (Drobne 1974a; 1974b; 1975), Ig (Rant 1961) in Parte (Barto-siewicz 2002). Ob sicer prevladujočem barjanskem psu so se relativno zgodaj na območju Madžarske (Koros kultura) začeli pojavljati tudi nekoliko večji predstavniki omenjene vrste. Ti, sicer srednje veliki psi, so se od palustris tipa razlikovali tudi po obliki lobanje. Ta ni bila le večja in daljša, ampak je bil zanjo značilen tudi bolj slok profil nosu in čela ter ne tako zelo obokan neurocranium. Poglavitne razlike v primerjavi z lobanjo barjanskega psa so bili bolj izražen zunanji puščični greben (crista sagi-talis externa) in obe senčni črti (lineae temporalis). Take lobanje so podobne lobanjam današnjih ovčarjev (Rant 1961; Bokonyi 1974). Pasja lobanja iz našega vzorca je po svojih dimenzijah znotraj variacijske širine osmih pasjih lobanj z eneo- teeth, as well as a visible (up to 30 %) reduction in brain size (Bokonyi 1974). Among numerous other differences between the dog and the wolf, the most notable was undoubtedly the size of the animal itself, which became visibly smaller with domestication. According to data published by Bokonyi (1974), the early Neolithic dog rarely reached half the size of the wolves of that period. Sub-fossil remains from various Central European sites indicate that most of the Neolithic-Eneolithic dogs could be ranked in the same size group as small, spitz type dogs of today. On the basis of finds from various Neolithic sites in Switzerland Rûtimeyer (1862; comp. Bokonyi 1974) described them as Canis familiaris palustris (in Slovenia they are called the »barjanski« or »mos-tiscarski pes« (i.e. pile dwellers' dog)). Characteristically they had a small and short cranium with a fairly projecting nose and forehead profile, and highly positioned nostrils. Remains of the palustris type dog are known from various Eneolithic sites throughout the Ljubljansko barje, such as Maharski prekop (Drobne 1974a; 1974b; 1975), Ig (Rant 1961) and Parte (Bartosiewicz 2002). Along with the predominant »barjanski pes«, somewhat bigger animals of the same species began appearing relatively soon in the Hungarian region (Koros culture). These mid-sized dogs differed from the palustris type in the shape of their skull. It was not only larger and longer, but also acquired a characteristic slender profile of the nose and forehead and a more mildly arched neurocranium. The main difference as compared to the »barjanski pes« was the more expressed sagittal suture (crista sagitalis externa) and both the temple lines (lineae temporalis). Such skulls resemble today's shepherd dogs (Rant 1961; Bokonyi 1974). The dimensions of the dog skull from our sample place it within the variation range of eight dog skulls from the Eneolithic sites at Ig (fig. 3.7.5). While analyzing the latter, Bartosiewicz (2002) concluded that by Sl. 3.7.6: Lobanja psa iz Hočevarice: Norma dorsalis (a), Norma lateralis (b) in Norma ventralis (c). Foto: M. Zaplatil. Fig. 3.7.6: Dog's skull from Hočevarica: (a) Norma dorsalis, (b) Norma lateralis and (c) Norma ventralis. Photo: M. Zaplatil. litskih najdišč pri Igu (sl. 3.7.5). Bartosiewicz (2002) je ob analizi slednjih zaključil, da so po velikosti (lobanje) podobni današnjim manjšim pasmam ovčarjev (npr. madžarskemupuliju). Primerjava iških ostankov s tistimi z rimskodobnega najdišča T^c-Gorsium (Madžarska; B6k6nyi 1984) je pokazala, da se prvi ujemajo z manjšimi do srednje velikimi rimskodobnimi psi. Navedena podobnost se nanaša tako na dimenzije postkranialne-ga skeleta kot tudi samih lobanj (sl. 3.7.6; Rant 1961; Bartosiewicz 2002). Od povprečne velikosti rimskodob-nih psov s T^c-Gorsiuma je manjša tudi lobanja s Hoče-varice. Res je sicer, da se ta v nekaterih dimenzijah ujema z lobanjo z madžarskega najdišča R6szke-Ludvžr, ki domnevno pripada večji od obeh oblik neolitskih-eneo-litskih psov (tab. 3.7.14; B6k6nyi 1974). Prav tako je res, da imata obe lobanji skupne tudi nekatere morfološke lastnosti (npr. relativno slok profil čela). Je pa, gledano v celoti, morfološka in dimenzijska podobnost med lobanjami barjanskih psov in pa primerkom s Hočevarice vendarle takšna, da smo slednjo le pripisali palustris tipu psa. Sama velikost neolitskih-eneolitskih psov lahko posredno kaže tudi na njihovo vlogo in način življenja v prazgodovinskih skupnostih. Z osteološkega vidika se namreč takšni fenotipi, kot jih poznamo tudi z najdišč Ljubljanskega barja, lokalno pojavljajo še danes (npr. turškipariah psi). Dobimo jih v okoljih, kjer je naravna selekcija bolj poudarjena od umetne (npr. potepuški mestni psi). Tak naj bi bil slučaj tudi v koliščarskih skupnostih, kjer človek ni neposredno nadzoroval in usmerjal njihovega razmnoževanja. Takraten, domnevno ne-specializiran človekov način uporabe psov česa podob- the size of their craniums they resemble today's smaller shepherd breeds (e.g. Hungarian puli). A comparison of the remains from Ig with those from the Roman site T^c-Gorsium (Hungary; Bokonyi 1984) showed that the former correspond to smaller- to medium-sized dogs of the Roman period. This similarity relates to the dimensions of the post-cranial skeleton and the cranium itself (fig. 3.7.6; Rant 1961; Bartosiewicz 2002). The skull from Hočevarica is also smaller than the average Roman period dog from T^c-Gorsium. Nevertheless, in some dimensions it corresponds to the skull from the Hungarian site at Roszke-Ludv^r, which presumably belongs to the larger of the two forms of Neolithic-Eneolithic dogs (table 3.7.14; Bokonyi 1974). Moreover, both the skulls have additional more common morphological similarities (e.g. a relatively slender profile of the forehead). But on the whole, the morphological and dimensional similarity between the skulls of the »barjanski pes« and the specimen from Hočevarica is such that we categorized the latter as a palustris type dog. The size of the Neolithic-Eneolithic dogs also directly reflects their role and way of life in the prehistoric communities. From an osteological aspect such phe-notypes as found at sites in the Ljubljansko barje still locally appear nowadays (e.g. the Turkish pariah dogs). They are found in environments where natural selection is more expressed than artificial selection (e.g. stray city dogs). Such is also the case in pile dwelling communities, where humans did not directly control and guide their reproduction. Their presumably unspecialized use of the dogs far from required that at the time. On the contrary, smaller dogs were easier to control and were Cams familiaris Hoče^aiica R6szke-L udi lil' \rednost %aliie (n) 11= 1 Cranium: 1. Sirina nied processus mastoideum-a. (Ot - Ot) 61 (\*) 60 2. največja Sirina neurocranium-a (Eu - Eu) 56 (1*) 60 3. največja Sirina tela (Ect — Ect) 45 (1*) 45 4. višina zatilja (A - B) 46 (1*) ~ 5. najmanjSa Sirina med očnicama (Ent —Ent) 34 (1*) — 6. zigomatična Sirina (Zy - Zy) 98 (1*) P' (četrti zgornji predmeijak): 1. dolžina (L) ]7 (1) 2, največja Sirina (GL) 9 (I) — Radius 1. (največja) Sirina proksimalnega konca (Bp) 16,5 (2) Tab. 3.7.14: Dimenzije ostankov domačega psa (Canis familiaris) iz kolišča na Hočevarici in pa lobanje iz najdišča Roszke-Ludvar (Bokonyi 1974). Podana sta izmerjena vrednost in število meritev (v oklepaju). Meritve označene z zvezdico (*) se nanašajo na juvenilne osebke. Predstavljene dimenzije so povzete po von den Driesch (1976). Vse meritve so izražene v mm. Table 3.7.14: Measurements of domestic dog (Canis familiaris) remains from the Hočevarica pile dwelling and of the skull from the Roszke-Ludvar site (Bokonyi 1974). The measured values and number of measurements (in parentheses) are also given. An asterisk (*) marks those measurements taken of juvenile animals' remains. The measurements, in mm, were taken according to von den Driesch (1976). nega niti ni zahteval. Celo nasprotno: manjše pse je laže nadzoroval in so bili zato tudi potencialno manj nevarni (Bartosiewicz 2002). Prav v tem kontekstu je primerjava velikosti barjanskih ostankov s tistimi z rimskega najdišča T^c-Gorsium (sl. 3.7.5) še posebno zanimiva. Ravno v rimskem času naj bi se namreč v Evropi prvič pojavila načrtna vzreja psov in oblikovanje prvih (tudi večjih) pasem (Bartosiewicz 2002). Capreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) Srni pripada največji, približno tretjinski delež sub-fosilnih živalskih ostankov s Hočevarice (tab. 3.7.1). Omenjeni vrsti smo namreč pripisali 195 fragmentov (tab. 3.7.15), od tega je 41 (21 %%) zob. Za razliko od ostankov drugega najbolje zastopanega taksona (tj. Sus sp.), katerega kosti so bile večinoma koncentrirane v fazi 1 (tab. 3.7.2), so bili pri srni ti veliko enakomerneje porazdeljeni. Sicer pa tudi za ostanke srninih kosti velja, da so praviloma fragmentarni ter da so sledovi zaseka-nin, urezov (metatarsus iz faze 2) in ugrizov (metacar- thus less dangerous (Bartosiewicz 2002). In this context the comparison between the sizes of the »barjanski pes« with those from the Roman site at T^c-Gorsium (^ig. 3.7.5) is particularly noteworthy, since it was during the Roman period that planned breeding of dogs and the formation of the first (also bigger) breeds appeared in Europe (Bartosiewicz 2002). Capreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) The roe deer constitutes the greatest part, i.e. approximately one third of the sub-fossil animal remains at Hočevarica (table 3.7.1). A total of 195 fragments have been attributed to this species (table 3.7.15). Of these, 41 (21 %) are teeth. Unlike the remains of the second most frequent taxon (i.e. Sus sp.), the bones of which were mostly concentrated in phase 1 (table 3.7.2), those of the roe deer were much more evenly distributed. In general, the remains of roe deer bones are fragmented and traces of chop marks, cuts (metatarsus from phase 2) and gnawing marks (metacarpus from phase 1 and FAZA 1 FAZA 1 /FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E rog / antler 1 2 -- 3 cranium -- 2 -- 2 os maxillare -- 2 1 3 mandibula 1 8 1 10 dentes 7 27 7 41 epistropheus -- -- 1 1 scapula 4 2 -- 6 humerus (proks.) 2 1 -- 3 humerus (dist.) 1 3 1 5 radius (proks.) 1 -- -- 1 radius (dist.) -- 1 -- 1 ulna 1 4 -- 5 ossa carpalia -- 3 -- 3 ossa metacarpalia (p) 4 5 1 10 ossa metacarp. (diaf) 1 3 1 5 ossa metacarpalia (d) 2 -- -- 2 phalanx I 5 8 5 18 phalanx II 3 9 2 14 phalanx III 3 4 -- 7 ossa coxae 2 1 -- 3 femur (proks.) -- -- 1 1 patella 1 -- -- 1 tibia (proks.) -- 1 -- 1 tibia (dist.) 2 1 -- 3 calcaneus -- 2 1 3 ossa tarsalia 1 1 -- 2 ossa metatarsalia (p) -- 5 -- 5 ossa metatar.(diaf.) 8 9 -- 17 metapodia indef. 9 8 2 19 Tab. 3.7.15: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov srne (Capreolus capreolus.) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.15: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) per settlement phase. pus iz faze 1 ter calcaneus iz faze 2) izjemno redki. Ožganih kosti nismo zasledili. Srna je majhna jelenja vrsta, ki danes poseljuje pas mešanih in listnatih gozdov od zahodne Evrope do jugovzhodne Sibirije, zahodne Kitajske in vzhodnega Tibeta (Kryštufek 1991). V Evropi so najstarejše fosilne najdbe srn poznane iz srednjega pleistocena (gunz) in pripadajo podvrsti C. capreolus suessenbornensis Kahl-ke, 1956, katere osebki so bili nekoliko večji od recent-nih evropskih srn(jakov). Fosilni ostanki slednjih so sicer pogosti v številnih najdiščih poznega pleistocena (Kurten 1968; Guerin, Patou-Mathis 1996). Recentne srne v križu (kjer so višje kot v plečih) merijo med 63 in 67 cm. Največja teža srnjakov naj bi bila 35 kg, srn pa 30 kg (Kryštufek 1991). Med različnimi habitati so srnjadi najljubši gozdovi z gosto podrastjo in grmišča. Gre namreč za žival, ki se v takem okolju spretno giblje pa tudi pred nevarnostjo se praviloma rešuje z nekaj kratkimi skoki v goščavo. V splošnem ji najbolj ustreza mozaičen preplet travnikov, pašnikov in njiv z majhnimi gozdički. V prejšnjem stoletju se je srnjad prilagodila tudi življenju na odprtih poljih (Kryštufek 1991). Starostno strukturo srn, katerih ostanke smo izkopali na najdišču Hočevarica, smo ocenili s pomočjo ugotavljanja frekvence kosti s še nezraščenima epi- in diafizo ter z analiziranjem stopnje obrabe (pred)meljakov. calcaneus from phase 2) are exceptionally rare. No burnt bones were discovered. The roe deer is a small deer species which today inhabits the zone of mixed and deciduous forests of western Europe to south-eastern Siberia, western China and eastern Tibet (Krystufek 1991). In Europe the oldest known fossil finds of the roe deer are from the Middle Pleistocene (Gunz) and belong to the sub-species C. capreolus suessenbornensis Kahlke, 1956, which was somewhat larger than the recent European roe deer (buck). However, the fossil remains of the latter are frequent at many sites dating to the Late Pleistocene (Kurten 1968; Guerin, Patou-Mathis 1996). Recent roe deer measure between 63 and 67 cm at their croup (where they are higher than at their withers). The maximum weight of the roebuck is 35 kg, and of the roe deer 30 kg (Krystufek 1991). Of all the various habitats, the roe deer prefers forests with dense undergrowth and shrubs. This animal is agile in such an environment and generally saves itself from danger with a few short leaps into the thicket. In general it finds a mosaic landscape of meadows, pastures and fields with small woods the most suitable. During the last century the roe deer has also adapted to life in open fields (Krystufek 1991). The age structure of the roe deer from Hočevarica site was estimated by determining the frequency of the SKELETNI ELEMENT ST. ZRASČENIH PRIMERKOV ŠT. NEZRAŠČ. PRIMERKOV SKELETAL ELEMENT N FUSED N UNFUSED scapula 6 - humerus (proks.) 1 - humerus (dist.) 6 - radius (proks.) 1 - radius (dist.) 2 - ulna 4 1 ossa metacarpalia (proks.) 8 - ossa metacarpalia (dist.) 7 1 phalanx I 15 3 phalanx II 14 -- phalanx III 3 -- ossa coxae 2 -- femur (proks.) 1 -- tibia (proks.) -- 1 tibia (dist.) 3 -- calcaneus 3 - ossa tarsalia 2 - ossa metatarsalia (proks.) 5 - ossa metatarsalia (dist.) 8 1 SKUPAJ/TOTAL 95 7 ( 6,8 % ) Tab. 3.7.16: Pogostnost ostankov z zraščenima ter tistih s (še) nezraščenima epi- in diafizo med izkopanimi kostmi srne (Capre-oIus capreoIus). Table 3.7.16: Number of remains with fused diaphyses, and those with (still) un-fused epi- and diaphyses among the excavated remains of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Delež nezraščenih kosti je bil zelo nizek (pribl. 7 %; tab. 3.7.16), kar je sicer značilno tudi za druge lovne živali z istega najdišča (sl. 3.7.7). Povsem drugačno sliko pa kažejo ostanki domačih živali (domači prašič, ovce in koze), kjer je delež nezraščenih kosti kar 43 %. Zdi se torej, da pripadajo kosti in zobje prašičev, ovc in koz pretežno mladim osebkom, medtem ko je starostna struktura uplenjenih živali veliko enakomerneje porazdeljena preko celotnega življenjskega obdobja posamezne vrste. Dejstvo namreč je, da je starost živali ob zakolu praviloma izbiral človek sam, medtem ko je bila starost uplenjenih živali odvisna predvsem od lovskih spretnosti takratnih ljudi, delno pa tudi od naključja in sreče (Payne 1985; O'Connor 2000). Pri tem velja omeniti domnevo, da naj bi bila živinoreja v takratni skupnosti usmerjena predvsem v pridobivanje mesa (Bökönyi 1974), medtem ko pomen mleka in ovčjega runa (še) ni povsem poznan. Če torej upoštevamo, da je bilo pri domačih živalih razmerje med količino iztrženega (kvalitetnega) mesa in pa v (vz)rejo vloženega napora najugodneje ravno ob zaključku juvenilnega ali subadultne-ga obdobja, ne preseneča, da so večino prašičev, ovc in koz zaklali prav v tem starostnem obdobju. Od tod izhaja tudi zgoraj omenjeni razkorak v starostni strukturi domačih in lovnih živali. Pri določanju starostne strukture srn z analizo obrabe zob smo se naslonili na komparativni material poznane starosti. Gre za postopek, ki se je v preteklosti že izkazal za relativno zanesljivega (Lowe 1967). Žal je precejšnja fragment arnost ostankov iz našega vzorca onemogočala kaj več kot le uvrščanje posameznih najdb v zelo široko definirana starostna obdobja. Je pa po drugi strani tudi res, da smo ravno z ohlapnejšim določevanjem starosti zmanjšali moteč vpliv, ki bi ga na stopnjo obrabe zob (in s tem na oceno starosti) lahko imeli neenaka kvaliteta oziroma količina hrane ter različna bones with yet unfused epi- and diaphyses and by analyzing the level of deterioration of the (pre)molars. The proportion of unfused bones was very low (approx. 7 %; table 3.7.16), which is also characteristic for other game animals from the same site (fig. 3.7.7). The remains of domestic animals (domestic pig, sheep and goats) present a completely different picture, where the proportion of unfused bones is 43 %. It appears therefore that the bones and teeth of the pigs, sheep and goats belong to mostly younger individuals, while the age structure of the hunted animals is more evenly distributed across the entire life span of the individual species. The point is that man chose at what age to slaughter his domestic animal, while the age of the hunted animal depended on his hunting abilities and partly also on chance and luck (Payne 1985; O'Connor 2000). Presumably the animal husbandry of the time was focused primarily on producing meat (Bokonyi 1974), while the importance of milk and sheep fleece is not (yet) well known. If taken into account that with domestic animals the ratio between the quantity of good quality meat and the effort in feeding them is most suitable at the end of the animal's juvenile or sub-adult period, it comes as no surprise that most of the pigs, sheep or goats were slaughtered at that age. This is also the reason for the difference in the age structure of domestic and game animals. In determining the age structure of the roe deer by analyzing the teeth wear comparative material of known age was used. This procedure proved a relatively reliable one already in past research (Lowe 1967). Unfortunately the fragmentation level of our sample did not allow more than the categorizing of individual finds into broadly defined ages. On the other hand, this loose age determination reduces the effect that the quality and quantity of food, as well as the various intensities of mineralization of tooth enamel, would have on the level 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CO CD II II (D C o c o o .Q Sl Ü o ^ CL CL 00 ID CN ■t m 5 CL (O CO CN CL (O CL (O Sus sp. C. familiaris C. elaphus Ovis s. Capra C. capreolus C. fiber Sl. 3.7.7: Delež kosti s še nezraščenima epi-in diafizo med vsemi izkopanimi kostmi tistih vrst, katerih število določenih kostnih fragmentov (NISPkost) v vzorcu presega 10. Fig. 3.7.7: Relative frequency of bones with un-fused epi- and diaphyses. Only taxa whose number of identified bone fragments (NISPbone) exceeds 10 are included in the analysis. intenzivnost mineralizacije zobne sklenine (Kierdorf, Becher 1997). Dobljeni rezultati so bili v splošnem skladni s sliko, ki jo je pokazala analiza pogostnosti še ne popolnoma osificiranih kosti v vzorcu. Ugotovili smo namreč razmeroma enakomerno zastopanost osebkov posameznih starostnih kategorij, z minimalno prevlado dvo- do štiriletnih osebkov. Sicer je bilo mogoče od vseh 195 srninih kostnih oziroma zobnih fragmentov iz vzorca natančn(ejš)o starost določiti le dvem: rogu iz faze 1, ki je domnevno pripadal enoletnemu srnjaku, ter spodnji čeljustnici z ohranjenim celotnim nizom meljakov iz faze 2. Slednja je pripadala živali, katere starost smo (na podlagi komaj izraščajočega Mj) določili na 10 do 11 mesecev (Habermehl 1961). Vrednosti meritev srninih kosti in zob s Hočevarice so podani v prilogi 3.7.4. Primerjava sicer maloštevilnih (!) ostankov iz našega vzorca z ostanki s sočasnih avstrijskih najdišč z območja Mondseeja (Pucher in Engl 1997) ter z več eneolitskih in bronastodobnih najdišč na severu Italije (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979) kaže na očitno podobnost v velikosti. Dimenzije fragmentov s Hoče-varice so tudi znotraj variacijske širine recentnih srn s tega območja (Riedel 1976). Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 Navadnemu (gozdnemu) jelenu smo skupno pripisali 38 (6,8 %) subfosilnih ostankov, od tega je 15 (39 %) zob. Celoten seznam najdenih fragmentov je podan v tabeli 3.7.17. Do neke mere preseneča dejstvo, da sta od dolgih kosti prisotna le po en fragment radiusa in tibie (skupaj torej samo osem odstotkov vseh kostnih najdb). Pri ostalih petih taksonih z NISP>30 pomenijo namreč fragmenti dolgih kosti od 15 (C. capreolus) pa tja do kar 63 (C. fiber) odstotkov kostnih ostankov (pov-pr. 40,9 %). V zvezi s tem je vendarle potrebno poudariti, da je majhno število jelenjih dolgih kosti v našem vzorcu lahko povsem naključno. Kosti v vzorcu so praviloma fragmentarne. Sledov urezov, zasekanin ali ugrizov nismo našli. Navadni jelen je razširjen po listnatih in mešanih gozdovih palearktične Evrazije od Anglije do Daljnega vzhoda. Na jugu seže v severno Afriko, Malo Azijo in Kavkaz. Živi tudi v Severni Ameriki. Današnja razširjenost ni sklenjena, saj ga je človek na mnogih območjih iztrebil (Kryštufek 1991). Njegovi fosilni ostanki so v Evropi poznani že iz srednjega pleistocena, pogostejši pa postanejo v poznem pleistocenu (Guerin, Patou-Mathis 1996). Jelena najdemo predvsem v gozdovih, od nižin do gozdne meje. Najbolj mu ustrezajo stičišča gozdov in odprtih (obdelovalnih) površin. V Sloveniji živi največ jelenov v dinarskih bukovo-jelovih gozdovih in njihovih spremenjenih, zlasti zasmrečenih sestojih, v nižinskem vzhodnem delu države pa tudi v poplavnih gozdovih (Kryštufek 1991). Recentne oblike C. elaphus kažejo veliko variabilnost v velikosti osebkov in moči rogovja. Jeleni so v Slo- of teeth wear (and subsequently age determination) (Kierdorf, Becher 1997). The results correspond with the general picture attained from the analysis on the frequency of yet incompletely ossified bones in the sample. Determined was a relatively even presence of individuals of various age categories, with a minimal predomination of two- to four-year-old animals. However, from among all the 195 roe deer bones and tooth fragments from the sample a more accurate age evaluation could be established for only two: a horn from phase 1, which belonged to a year old roebuck, and a mandible with a full row of molars from phase 2. The latter belonged to an animal estimated to have been - on the basis of a freshly outgrown M3 - 10 to 11 months old (Habermehl 1961). The values of the measurements of roe deer bones and teeth from Hočevarica are shown in appendix 3.7.4. A comparison of the few (!) remains from our sample with the remains from sites in the Mondsee area (Pucher and Engl 1997) and several Eneolithic and Bronze Age sites in northern Italy (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979) indicate evident similarities in sizes. The dimensions of the Hočevarica fragments are within the variation range of recent roe deer from this area (Riedel 1976). Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 We attributed 38 (6.8%) of the sub-fossil remains to the red deer; 15 (39 %) of these are teeth. The entire list of fragments is shown in table 3.7.17. To some extent, the fact that of the long bones only one fragment of a radius and one of a tibia (altogether 8 % of all the bone finds) were present is somewhat surprising. In the other five taxa with a NISP >30 the long bone fragments constitute between 15 (C. capreolus) and up to 63 (C. fiber) % of the bone fragments (av. 40.9 %). It is of course also possible, that the low number of red deer long bones in our sample is coincidental. The bones in the sample are in general fragmented. There were no traces of cut marks, chop marks or gnawing marks. The red deer inhabits deciduous and mixed forests of Palearctic Eurasia, from Britain to the Far East. Southwards its habitat extends to North Africa, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It also lives in North America. Nowadays its habitat is intermittent, as mankind has exterminated it in many regions (Kryštufek 1991). Its fossil remains in Europe are known from the Middle Pleistocene; however, they become more frequent in the Late Pleistocene (Guerin, Patou-Mathis 1996). Red deer will be found mainly in forests, from the lowlands to the timber line. It prefers the borderline between the forest and open (cultivated) areas. In Slovenia red deer is most frequent in the Dinaric beech-fir forests and the changed, mainly spruce stands. In the lowlands in the eastern part ofthe country it lives in flooded forests (Kryštufek 1991). Recent forms of C. elaphus show great variability in size and the strength of their horns. The red deer in FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E rog / antler -- I -- I mandibula 3 I -- 4 dentes 9 3 3 I5 epistropheus I -- -- I scapula 1 -- -- I radius (dist.) I -- -- I phalanx I I -- -- I phalanx II 2 -- I 3 phalanx III I I -- 2 os coxae I -- -- I tibia (proks.) I -- -- I astragalus -- I -- I ossa tarsalia I -- -- I ossa metatarsalia (d.) I -- -- I metapodia (indef.) I 3 -- 4 Tab. 3.7.17: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov jelena (Cervus elaphus) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.17: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of red deer (Cervus elaphus) per settlement phase. veniji v plečih visoki do slab poldrugi meter, tehtajo pa do 250 kg (samci) oziroma 150 kg (samice) ter jih tako kot srednje velike do velike osebke pripisujemo k podvrsti C. elaphus hippelaphus Erxleben, 1777 (Kryštufek 1991). Dimenzije kostnih ostankov s Hočevarice so podane v prilogi 3.7.5. V splošnem se ujemajo z dimenzijami izkopanih jelenjih ostankov s približno sočasnih najdišč severne Italije (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979) ter z območja Mondseeja v Avstriji (Pucher, Engl 1997). Starostna struktura osebkov, katerih ostanki so zajeti v obravnavanem vzorcu s Hočevarice, je dokaj podobna tisti, opisani pri srni. Med skupno 23 kostnimi fragmenti ni bilo nobenega, ki bi še ne imel zraščene epi- in diafize, kar kaže na prevlado odraslih osebkov. Na obrabi zob temelječo oceno starosti smo dobili s primerjanjem subfosilnega materiala na eni strani z re-centnim materialom poznane starosti na drugi strani. Gre za pogosto uporabljeno metodo, ki se je izkazala za dovolj zanesljivo (Lowe 1967). Kljub sicer majhnemu številu primernih ostankov (n = 10), nobena starostna skupina ni bila očitno bolje ali slabše zastopana (tab. 3.7.18). Za kontrolo smo uporabili metodo ugotavljanja starosti na podlagi višine krone M1 po navodilih Kleina in sodelavcev (1981), vendar se omenjeni pristop v na- Tab. 3.7.18: Ocena obrabljenosti izkopanih (pred)meljakov jelena (Cervus elaphus). Legenda: 0 - zob brez sledi obrabe, + + + + + - ekstremno obrabljen zob. Table 3.7.18: Assessed stage of wear of excavated red deer (Cervus elaphus) (pre)molars. Legend: 0 - unworn tooth, + + + + + - extremely worn tooth. Slovenia reach up to one-and-a-half meters at the withers and weigh up to 250 kg (males) and 150 kg (females), thus being classified as the sub-species C. elaphus hippelaphus Erxleben, 1777 (Kryštufek 1991). The dimensions of the bone remains from Hočevarica are shown in the appendix 3.7.5. In general they correspond to the excavated remains from approximately same period sites in northern Italy (Riedel 1976; 1977; 1979) and in the Mondsee area in Austria (Pucher, Engl 1997). The age structure of the individuals whose remains are included in the Hočevarica sample is very similar to that described for the roe deer. Of the total number of 23 bone fragments none were without a fully fused epi-and diaphysis, which indicates a majority of adult individuals. An evaluation of the age at death was made, based on tooth wear, by comparing the sub-fossil material with recent material of known age. This is a frequently used method and it proved adequately reliable (Lowe 1967). Despite the low number of suitable remains (n = 10), none of the age groups was visibly more or less represented (table 3.7.18). Following instructions from Klein and colleagues (1981), the method of age determination according to the height of the M1 was used as ZOB STOPNJA OBRABE TOOTH WEAR STAGE P3 + + P3 + + + + P4 + + + + + M2 + + M2 + + + + + M2 + + + + + M3 + + P4 + P4 + + + P4 - M3 + + + šem primeru ni izkazal za zanesljivega. Vzroki domnevno tičijo tako v pomanjkanju podatkov o višini (m, SD) še neobrabljenega M1 eneolitskih jelenov iz osrednje Slovenije kot tudi v skromnosti vzorca s Hočevarice, zaradi česar je lahko specifičnost posameznega osebka preveč izražena. Castor fiber Linnaeus 1758 Evropski bober je bil v vzorcu s Hočevarice zastopan s skupno 30 (5,4 %) ostanki, med katerimi je bilo kar 19 (63 %) zob. Navedene kosti in zobje so omejeni na fazo 1 ter na plast, kjer je material obeh faz premešan, medtem ko jih v fazi 2 nismo našli (tab. 3.7.19). Sledov urezov, zasekanin ali ugrizov nismo opazili. Frag-mentarnost kosti je nekoliko manj izrazita, saj sta v vzorcu vključena tudi nepoškodovana clavicula (?) in metatarsus. a control; but in our case this approach proved unreliable. The reasons for this probably lie in the lack of data on the height (m, SD) of the yet unworn M1 of Eneolithic red deer from central Slovenia, as well as the too limited sample from Hočevarica, which could lead to specific features of one individual being overly expressed. Castor fiber Linnaeus 1758 The European beaver in the Hočevarica sample was represented with a total of 30 (5.4 %) remains, of which 19 (63 %) were teeth. These bones and teeth are limited to phase 1 and the layer in which the material from both the phases is mixed. No such remains were found in phase 2 (table 3.7.19); nor were there any traces of cut marks, chop marks or gnawing marks. Fragmentation of the bones is somewhat lower. The sample includes an undamaged clavicle and metatarsus. FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E dentes 7 12 -- 19 clavicula (?) -- 1 -- 1 radius (dist.) -- 1 -- 1 os coxae 1 -- -- 1 femur (proks.) 1 -- -- 1 tibia (dist.) -- 4 -- 4 calcaneus 1 -- -- 1 ossa metatarsalia 2 -- -- 2 Tab. 3.7.19: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov bobra (Castorfiber) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.19: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of beaver (Castorfiber) per settlement phase. Prvotno je bober živel v gozdnatih območjih celotne palearktične Evrazije, njegov današnji areal razširjenosti pa je, zaradi obsežnega lova ter človekovih posegov v prostor, zelo skrčen. Avtohtone populacije so prisotne le še v nekaterih predelih Skandinavije (še posebej Norveške), vzdolž Rhône in Elbe, ponekod v vzhodni Evropi ter preko Sibirije do Mongolije. V tem stoletju so ga marsikje ponovno uspešno naselili (npr. Švica, Nemčija, nekdanja Češkoslovaška, Poljska idr.). Za razliko od ostalih glodalcev so fosilni ostanki bobra pogosti, kar povezujemo z njegovim načinom življenja in pa samo velikostjo. Najstarejši bobrovi ostanki izhajajo iz oligocena, prisotni in relativno pogosti pa so skozi celoten pleistocen. Vse pleistocenske ostanke rodu Castor iz Evrope gre pripisati recentni vrsti C. fiber (Kurtén 1968; Kryštufek 1991). Bobre najdemo samo ob vodah, ki so gosto obrasle z vrbami, topoli, jelšami in brezami. Hranijo se z lubjem, poganjki, vejicami, koreninami in listjem teh drevesnih vrst. Poznano je, da v potokih gradijo jezove ter s tem vzdržujejo želeno višino vodne gladine nastalih jezer(c). Ta morajo biti dovolj globoka, da voda pozimi ne zmrzne do dna, saj imajo bobri tam zalogo vej. Domovanje (bobrišče), ki je narejeno iz vej, je blizu jezu, The beaver originally lived in the forested areas throughout the entire Palearctic Eurasia. Nowadays its habitat is considerably smaller, due to extensive hunting and the human impact on the environment. Autochthonous populations are present only in Scandinavia (especially Norway), along the Rhine and Elbe rivers, in select locations in Eastern Europe and further to the East from Siberia to Mongolia. During the past century some success was achieved in repopulating the beaver (e.g. Switzerland, Germany, former Czechoslovakia, Poland, and some others). Unlike other rodents, the beaver's fossil remains are relatively frequent, which we attribute to its lifestyle and its size. The oldest beaver remains originate from the Oligocene and they are present and relatively frequent through the entire period of the Pleistocene. All the Pleistocene remains of the Castor genus from Europe are attributed to the recent species C. fiber (Kurten 1968; Krystufek 1991). Beavers are found only near waters densely overgrown with willow, poplar, alder and birch. They feed on the bark, shoots, twigs, roots and leaves of these tree species. It is well known that they build dams to maintain the desired water level of thus created little lakes. These lakes must be deep enough that during winter the na kakem otoku ali pa na bregu. Včasih izkopljejo rov v rečni breg (Whitfield 1996). Castor fiber je največji evropski glodalec. Dolžina telesa z glavo znaša približno 80 cm, rep meri dodatnih 32 cm. Masa živali lahko doseže tudi 30 kg (Kurten 1968). Dimenzije kostnih ostankov s Hočevarice (priloga 3.7.6) so znotraj variacijske širine za bobre s poznoe-neolitskih najdišč pri Igu na Ljubljanskem barju (Rakovec 1958), hkrati pa znatno prekašajo subfosilne (ter tudi recentne) primerke iz Nemčije (Wiesel 1929 po Rakovec 1958). Čeprav sledov urezov na fragmentih s Hočevarice nismo zasledili, domnevamo, da so bobre lovili predvsem zaradi kožuha in da je imelo meso šele drugoten pomen. Tako hipotezo so na podlagi analize (lokacija in pogostnost) sledov urezov na bobrovih kosteh postavili za prazgodovinske skupnosti več neolitskih najdišč (npr. Swif-terbant in Hazendok na Nizozemskem; Zeiler 1987). Tudi starostna struktura osebkov, katerih ostanki so zajeti v našem vzorcu, bi lahko kazala na tovrstno vlogo bobrov. Večji del kostnih fragmentov s Hočevarice ima namreč zraščene epi- in diafize, kar govori o prevladi adultnih osebkov. Edino izjemo predstavlja nezraščen distalni del radiusa, kjer pa se osifikacija zaključi šele po dopolnitvi tretjega leta življenja (Iregen, Stenflo 1982). Podobno starostno strukturo kažejo tudi številni bobrovi ostanki z zgoraj omenjenega neolitskega najdišča Swifterbant (pribl. 3300-3200 pr. Kr.), kjer so prav tako prevladovali osebki nad poldrugim letom starosti (Zeiler 1987). Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) Lisici smo pripisali 11 (2 %) najdb (tab. 3.7.1 in 3.7.20), zob je bilo 6 (54 %). Vse kosti so imele zraščene epi- in diafize, kar kaže na prevlado adultnih osebkov. Sledov zasekanin, urezov ali ugrizov nismo zasledili. Prav tako ni noben fragment ožgan. Izmerjene dimenzije so podane v prilogi 3.7.7. Lisica je zelo prilagodljiva vrsta, ki je razširjena v večjem delu Evrazije in Severne Amerike (do 30 ° SGŠ). Človek jo je naselil tudi v Avstralijo. Poseljuje tako gozdove kot tudi obdelovalne površine in suburbano okolje, Tab. 3.7.20: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov lisice (Vulpes vulpes) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.20: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of fox (Vulpes vulpes) per settlement phase. water does not freeze to the bottom, where the beaver keeps his stock of branches. Its dwelling (beaver lodge), is constructed of branches, and located near the dam, on an island or by the shore. They sometimes dig out a tunnel into the riverbank (Whitfield 1996). Castor fiber is the largest European rodent. Its length, including the head, is about 80 cm and the tail measures another 32 cm. It can reach a weight of up to 30 kg (Kurten 1968). The dimensions of the bone remains from Hočevarica (appendix 3.7.6) are within the variation range for beavers from late Eneolithic sites at Ig in the Ljubljansko barje (Rakovec 1958), and considerably larger than sub-fossil (and also recent) specimens from Germany (Wiesel 1929; cf. Rakovec 1958). Although no cuts were found on the fragments from Hočevarica, we presume that the beaver was hunted mainly for its fur and that its meat was of secondary importance. This hypothesis is based on an analysis (location and frequency) of cut marks on beaver bones from prehistoric communities from several Neolithic sites (e.g. Swifterbant and Hazendok in Holland; Zeiler 1987). The age structure of the beavers whose remains are included in our sample also substantiates this type of role. The majority of the bone fragments from Hočevarica have fused epi- and diaphyses, which indicates a predominance of adult individuals. The only exception is not yet fused distal part of a radius, where ossification is not complete until the animal's third year of age (Iregen, Stenflo 1982). A similar age structure was attained from the many beaver remains from the above mentioned Neolithic site at Swifterbant (approx. 3300-3200 B.C.), where over a year-and-a-half-old individuals predominated (Zeiler 1987). Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) Fox remains consisted of11 (2 %) finds (tables 3.7.1 and 3.7.20), of which 6 (54 %) were teeth. All the bones had fused epi- and diaphyses, which indicates a predominance of adult individuals. No chop marks or gnawing marks were discerned. None of the fragments were burnt. The measured dimensions are presented in the appendix 3.7.7. The fox is a very adaptable species, widespread in most of Eurasia and North America (up to 30 ° northern latitude). Mankind also spread fox to Australia. It inhabits forests, cultivated areas and the suburban environment, and prefers a mosaic landscape of woods and open terrain (Kryštufek 1991). The oldest fossil finds in FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E dentes 2 2 2 6 ulna -- 2 -- 2 phalanx I -- 1 -- 1 tibia (dist.) I -- -- 1 metapodia (indef.) -- -- 1 1 najbolj pa ji ustreza mozaičen preplet gozdičev in odprtega terena (Kryštufek 1991). Najstarejše fosilne najdbe v Evropi izvirajo iz interglaciala mindel-riss (Kurten 1968). Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758) Jazbec je bil v vzorcu zastopan z osmimi ostanki kosti in enim zobom (tj. skupaj 1,6 % NISP). Zanimivo je, da sta bila oba primerka dolgih kosti (tj. radius in tibia), kljub njuni relativni majhnosti, fragmentarna (tab. 3.7.21). Odsotnost nezraščenih kosti kaže na prevlado adultnih osebkov. Sledov urezov, zasekanin in ugrizov nismo našli. Europe are from the Mindel-Riss interglacial (Kurtén 1968). Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758) The badger was represented with eight bones and one tooth (i.e. total 1.6 % NISP). Interestingly, both the long bone specimens (i.e. radius and tibia) were fragmented despite their relatively small size (table 3.7.21). The absence of unfused epiphysis indicates a prevalence of older individuals. No traces of cuts, chop marks or gnawing marks were discerned. The badger inhabits forested and stepped areas of the entire Palearctic Eurasia. Its choice of habitat is in- FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E dentes -- -- 1 1 radius (dist.) -- -- 1 1 ossa metacarpalia 1 -- -- 1 phalanx I 1 -- 3 4 phalanx II 1 -- -- 1 tibia (proks.) -- -- 1 1 Tab. 3.7.21: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov jazbeca (Meles meles) po naselbinskih fazah. Table 3.7.21: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of badger (Meles meles) per settlement phase. Jazbec je naša največja kuna, ki poseljuje gozdnata in stepska območja celotne palearktične Evrazije. Na izbiro habitata vplivata pokrovnost terena in kvaliteta zemlje. Potrebuje suho, odcejeno zemljo, v katero si lahko skoplje podzemno domovanje. Najpogosteje ga srečamo v mešanih gozdovih. V Sloveniji mu ustrezajo suhi in topli gozdovi preddinarskega sveta, medtem ko ga v grmiščih in na odprtih predelih srečamo redkeje (Kryštufek 1991). Fosilni ostanki so v Evropi poznani iz začetka srednjega pleistocena (Kurten 1968). Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 Rjavemu medvedu smo pripisali metacarpus, phalanx I in pa vertebrus (indef.) iz faze 1. Vse tri najdbe so bile ohranjene v celoti. Nekatere dimenzije metacarpu-sa so podane v prilogi 3.7.8. Opazili nismo nikakršnih sledov urezov, zasekanin ali ugrizov. Rjavi medved je največja evropska zver. Prvotno je poseljeval celotno Evropo, Malo Azijo, gozdnata območja Azije ter tudi velik del Severne Amerike in gorovje Atlas v severni Afriki. Danes je človek medveda v precejšnjem delu areala iztrebil. Sicer pa poseljuje listnate, iglaste in mešane gozdove v nižinah in v gorah. Proti severu seže celo v tundro (Kryštufek 1991). Najstarejši fosilni ostanki so poznani iz Kitajske, in sicer iz mindla (Kurten 1968). Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) Vidra je bila v vzorcu s Hočevarice zastopana s tremi najdbami: mandibula, atlas in epistropheus (vsi faza fluenced by the configuration of the terrain and the quality of the soil. The badger needs dry and drained land into which it can dig its underground dwelling. Most often it lives in mixed forests. In Slovenia it prefers the dry and warm forests of the pre-Dinaric regions, and is seldom found in shrubs or open areas (Kryštufek 1991). Its fossil remains in Europe are known from the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene (Kurten 1968). Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 One metacarpus, one phalanx I and a vertebra (indef.) from phase1 were all attributed to the brown bear. All the three finds were fully preserved. Some of the dimensions of the metacarpus are presented in appendix 3.7.8. No traces of cuts, cut marks or gnawing marks were found. The brown bear is Europe's largest carnivore. Originally it inhabited all of Europe, Asia Minor, the forested areas of Asia and also a large part of North America and the Atlas mountains of northern Africa. Today it holds true that humans have exterminated the bear throughout a large part of his living area. Bears inhabit deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests in the lowlands and in the mountains. To the north its habitat extends to the tundra zone (Kryštufek 1991). The oldest fossil remains were found in China, dating to the Mindel (Kurten 1968). Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758) The Hočevarica sample comprised of three finds 1). Meritve so podane v prilogi 3.7.9. Prisotnost M^ in obraba niza P3-M1 kaže, da je mandibula pripadala vsaj dvoletnemu osebku (Zeiler 1988). Tako kot to velja za bobre, so tudi vidre verjetno primarno lovili zaradi krzna (Zeiler 1987). Vidra poseljuje celotno palearktično območje razen sibirske tundre in Arabskega polotoka. V Evropi, kjer je bila splošno razširjena, jo je človek marsikje lokalno iztrebil. Vidre živijo v rekah, potokih in jezerih (Kryštufek 1991). Felis sylvestris Schreber, 1777 Divji mački smo pripisali dva fragmenta (os max-illare in scapula). Ločevanje med divjo in domačo mačko Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758, je načeloma zelo težavno, vendar je v našem primeru determinacijo omogočalo dejstvo, da domače mačke v eneolitiku še niso poznali (Bökönyi 1974). Nekatere dimenzije, nanašajoče se na scapulo, so podane v prilogi 3.7.10. V okviru zgornje če-ljustnice so bili prisotni tudi C1 ter P3-P4, ki niso kazali očitnih znakov obrabe. Zdi se torej, da žival ni bila (pretirano) stara. Divjo mačko najdemo v mešanih gozdovih, savanah in stepah od zahodne Evrope do Kitajske. Živi tudi v večjem delu Afrike. V Sloveniji je najpogostejša v gozdovih na zakraselih tleh s številnimi razpokami in votlinami, v katerih se lahko skriva. Drugod poseljuje tudi of the Eurasian otter: a mandible, an atlas and an epistropheus (all from phase 1). Measurements are presented in appendix 3.7.9. The presence of an M1 and the deterioration of the row P3-M1 indicate that the mandible belonged to a two-year-old individual (Zeiler 1988). As in the case of the beaver, the otter was also probably hunted primarily for its fur (Zeiler 1987). The otter inhabits the entire Palearctic area except the Siberian tundra and the Arabian Peninsula. In Europe, where it was generally widespread, mankind has exterminated it in many areas. Otters live in rivers, streams and lakes (Kryštufek 1991). Felis sylvestris Schreber, 1777 Two fragments (a maxilla and a scapula) are attributed to the wildcat. Distinguishing between the wildcat and domestic cat Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758, is generally very difficult; but in our case this determination was alleviated, because the domestic cat was yet unknown during the Eneolithic (Bokonyi 1974). Some of the dimensions referring to the scapula are presented in appendix 3.7.10. The C1 and P3-P4 were present in the maxilla and no notable signs of wear were discerned. It appears that the animal was not (very) old. The wildcat lives in the deciduous forests, savannas and steppes ranging from Western Europe to China. It also lives throughout a major part of Africa. In indet. species FAZA 1 FAZA 1/FAZA 2 FAZA 2 E cranium 39 33 13 85 os maxillare 2 1 -- 3 mandibula 6 13 2 21 dentes 6 24 3 33 vertebrae 55 19 -- 74 scapula 6 3 1 10 costae 68 96 12 176 radius 1 2 -- 3 ulna 1 1 1 3 ossa carpalia 2 -- 2 4 ossa metacarpalia -- 1 -- 1 phalanx I - III 5 1 1 7 ossa sesamoidea 1 -- 1 2 ossa coxae 3 1 -- 4 femur 3 -- 2 5 tibia 3 -- -- 3 fibula -- 1 -- 1 ossa tarsalia 1 -- -- 1 astragalus 1 -- -- 1 calcaneus 2 -- -- 2 metapodia 9 8 4 21 indet. fragment 604 164 352 1.120 SKUPAJ / TOTAL 818 368 394 1580 Tab. 3.7.22: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih skeletnih elementov, ki jih (vsaj) do nivoja rodu ni bilo mogoče določiti. Table 3.7.22: Frequency of individual skeletal remains of undetermined (at least to the level of genus) large mammals. ELEMENT SLEDI UGRIZOV SLEDI UREZOV ZASEKANINE OŽGANI FRAGM. GNAWING MARKS CUT MARKS CHOP MARKS BURNED cranium -- -- -- 1 dentes -- - -- 2 vertebrae -- 1 -- - costae -- -- -- 1 radius (dist) -- 1 -- - ossa metacar. (diaf.) 1 -- -- - tibia -- -- -- 3 calcaneus 1 - -- - metapodia (dist.) 1 -- -- -- indet. fragment 33 4 3 160 SKUPAJ / TOTAL 35 6 3 167 Tab. 3.7.23: Nedoločljivi izkopani ostanki, na katerih so bili opaženi sledovi urezov ali zasekanin oz. je bil(a) kost/zob obgrizen(a) ali ožgan(a). Table 3.7.23: Number of unidentified excavated remains showing cut, chop or gnawing marks and number of burned bones. stare sestoje ob velikih nižinskih rekah ali pa gozdne stepe (Kryštufek 1991). indet. species Izmed vseh izkopanih subfosilnih živalskih ostankov sesalcev jih 2181 (tj. 79,6 %) nismo uspeli določiti niti do nivoja rodu. Seznam najdb s pripadajočimi frekvencami pojavljanj je podan v tabeli 3.7.22. V skladu s pričakovanji pripada največji delež ostankov tistim skeletnim elementom, ki jih bodisi nismo niti poskušali determinirati (rebra in vretenca) bodisi njihova določitev zaradi ekstremne fragmentarnosti navadno ni bila mogoča (tj. lobanja). Deleži ostalih skeletnih elementov so med seboj primerljivi. Frekvence pojavljanj sicer redkih sledov urezov, zasekanin in ugrizov so podane v tabeli 3.7.23. Veliko več je ožganih kosti (skupaj 167), med katerimi smo našli tudi kalcinirane primerke. Velikost ožganih fragmentov je praviloma majhna; kalcini-rani primerki le izjemoma presegajo 1,5 cm. Pri približno petih odstotkih (tj. 109) kostnih fragmentov epi- in dia-fize niso zraščene. 3.7.3 RAZPRAVA Slovenia it is most frequent in forests on karstic soil, where there are numerous crevices and caves in which it can hide. Elsewhere it also inhabits old stands along major lowland rivers or forest steppes. (Krystufek 1991). indet. species A total of 2181 (i.e. 79.6 %) of all the sub-fossil animal remains of mammals were not determinable, not even to the level of genus. A list of finds with their corresponding frequencies is presented in table 3.7.22. As expected, most of the finds belong to those skeletal elements which were either excluded from the determination process altogether (ribs and vertebrae), or their determination was impossible due to their excessive fragmentation (i.e. skulls). The proportions of the remaining skeletal elements were comparable. The frequencies of otherwise rare traces of cuts, chop marks or gnawing marks are presented in table 3.7.23. There were many more burnt bones (a total of 167), among which we also found calcined specimens. The burnt fragments are generally small in size; calcined specimens only exceptionally exceed 1.5 cm. Approximately five % (i.e. 109) of the bone fragments have epi- and diaphyses that are not yet fused. Paleontološki vzorci, pri katerih bi razmerje v številu posameznih skeletnih elementov vsaj približno ustrezalo anatomskim pričakovanjem, so izjemno redki. Na kostni material namreč deluje množina (a)biotskih pred-in poodložitvenih dejavnikov, kot so npr. fizikalno in kemično razpadanje, selektivni transport, človekovo klanje in kosanje živali, aktivnost psov in drugih zveri idr. Opredelitev vloge posameznega dejavnika izmed navedenih je zelo pomembna, a hkrati tudi dokaj problematična komponenta vsake tafonomske analize, saj se pri tem srečujemo s posledicami delovanja velikega števila prepletajočih se dejavnikov (Klein 1989). 3.7.3 DISCUSSION Palaeontological samples in which the ratio in the number of individual skeletal elements would at least approximately correspond to anatomical expectations are extremely rare. A host of (a)biotic pre- and post-deposi-tional factors, for example physical and chemical degradation, selective transport, human slaughtering and chopping of the animal, activities of dogs and other beasts, etc. affect the bone material. Determining the role of each individual factor is a very important, but also a fairly problematic component of any taphonomic analysis, since we Pri vzorcu s Hočevarice so se omenjenim, splošno prisotnim težavam pridružile še omejitve, povezane s skromnim številom najdb. (Pre)majhen vzorec namreč do neke mere zmanjša zanesljivost uporabljenih statističnih metod. Poleg tega velja ponoviti, da površina sondažnega polja ne predstavlja niti 0,1 odstotek domnevne površine celotnega najdišča. V luči navedenega se velja tako pri interpretaciji rezultatov vsekakor zavedati njihove vsaj do neke mere vprašljive reprezentativnosti. Za nekdanjega človeka posamezni telesni deli uplenjene živali seveda niso imeli enake vrednosti, kar je bila posledica razlik v kvaliteti, predvsem pa količini pripadajočega mesa. Pri analizi post mortem dejavnikov, ki so (so)oblikovali obravnavani vzorec, smo tako najprej ugotavljali relativno frekvenco različnih skeletnih elementov oziroma telesnih delov. Slednje smo opredelili na naslednji način: rog, glava (vključuje cranium, os maksillare in mandibulo), okolčje (ossa coxae), zgornji del prednjih nog (scapula, humerus, radius, ulna), spodnji del prednjih nog (ossa carpalia, ossa metacarpalia), zgornji del zadnjih nog (femur, patella, tibia, fibula), spodnji del zadnjih nog (astragalus, calcaneus, ossa metatarsalia) ter stopala in prsti (phalanges I-III). V literaturi sicer pogosto omenjena predela vratu (os hy-oides, atlas, epistropheus, vertebrae cervicales) in hrbta (vertebrae thoracicae in lumbales ter costae) v našo analizo nismo vključili. Z izjemo atlasa in epistropheu-sa namreč navedenih skeletnih elementov sploh nismo določevali, zaradi česar bi bila deleža obeh omenjenih telesnih delov (tj. vrat in hrbet) seveda močno podcenjena. Pri analizi relativne frekvence različnih zgoraj opredeljenih telesnih delov smo se osredotočili predvsem na kvantitativne razlike med njimi. V ta namen smo uporabili nekoliko modificiran Binfordov MGUI-indeks, kot ga predstavlja Miracle (2002). Omenjeni indeks ima sicer nekaj očitnih šibkih točk (Chase 1985). Te so v veliki meri vezane na dejstvo, da je njegov avtor za posamezno človeško skupnost specifične spremenljivke (kot npr. pomen mesa, kostnega mozga ali kože posamezne živali za izbrano skupnost) obravnaval kot konstante -eno samo vrednost, dobljeno ob proučevanju Nunamiut Eskimov. Da bi se omenjenim slabostim vsaj delno ognili, v okviru naše analize nismo uporabili MGUI-vred-nosti neposredno, temveč smo na njihovi podlagi le rangi-rali posamezne telesne dele. Tako smo npr. zgornjem delu zadnje noge, ki ima največjo povprečno MGUI-vred-nost, dodelili rang ena, predelu okolčja z drugo največjo povprečno MGUI-vrednostjo rang dva itd. Odnos med rangi povprečnih MGUI-vrednosti posameznih delov živalskega telesa na eni strani in njihovo relativno frekvenco v vzorcu (upoštevajoč z MAU-indeksom ocenjeno pogostnost ostankov ustreznih skeletnih elementov) na drugi strani je prikazan na slikah 3.7.8 in 3.7.9. Očitno je, da oba grafična prikaza do neke mere nakazujeta are confronted with the consequences of the effect of a myriad of interacting factors (Klein 1989). In addition to the above mentioned range of general difficulties encountered upon with the Hočevarica sample were also the limitations presented by such a small number of finds. To some extent a (too) small sample lowers the reliability of the employed statistical methods. Furthermore, the trench area does not cover even 0.1 percent of the suspected area of the entire site. In light of this, it cannot be underemphasized that the representativeness of the sample is, at least to some extent, questionable as concerns the interpretation of results. Because of the differences in quality, and even more so in the quantity of accompanying meat, individual body parts of the captured animals did not have an equal value to ancient man. In the analysis of post mortem factors, which contributed in shaping the sample in question, we therefore first determined the relative frequency of the various skeletal elements or body parts. The latter were categorized as follows: horn, head (which includes the cranium, maxilla and mandible), hipbones (ossa coxae), upper part of the front legs (scapula, humerus, radius, ulna), lower part of the front legs (ossa carpalia, ossa metacarpalia), upper part of the hind legs (femur, patella, tibia, fibula), lower part of the hind legs (astragalus, calcaneus, ossa metatarsalia) and fingers (phalanges I-III). The neck parts (os hyoides, atlas, epistropheus, vertebrae cervicales) and back (vertebrae thoracicae, lumbales and costae) are often cited in the literature, however they were not included in our analysis. With the exception of the atlas and epistropheus, the aforementioned skeletal elements were not determined, which would result in an underestimation of the proportions of both body parts (i.e. neck and back). The quantitative differences were the primary focus in the analysis of the frequency of the various above categorized body parts. As such, a somewhat modified Binford MGUI-index, as provided by Miracle (2002), was applied. This index has some evident weaknesses (Chase 1985). For the most part they are linked to the fact that the author treated variables for individual human communities (e.g. importance of the meat, marrow or skin of specific animal for the community in question) as constants - one single value obtained while studying Nunamiut Eskimos. In order to at least partially avoid these weaknesses the MGUI-value was not used in our analysis directly; rather, the individual body parts were ranked on their basis. Thus, for example, we categorized the upper part of the hind leg, which has the largest average MGUI-value, as rank one, the hipbones with the second largest average MGUI-value as rank two, etc. figures 3.7.8 and 3.7.9 present the relation between the ranks of average MGUI-values of individual body parts on one side, and their relative frequency in the sample (taking into account the frequency of the remains of corresponding skeletal elements estimated by the 120 100 CL Z 02 C -D .i= (D lE C CO So W -D (J 9876543210 rang glede na vrednost MGUI Rank Food Value (ave MGUI) Sl. 3.7.8: Grafični prikaz odnosa med pogostnostjo posameznega telesnega dela v vzorcu in pa njegovim (domnevnim) pomenom z vidika takratnega človeka (= rang glede na vrednost MGUI) za ovco (Ovis aries), kozo (Capra hircus) in prašiča (Sus sp.). Korelacija ni statistično značilna (Spearman r = -0,69; p = 0,057). Za identifikacijo posameznih telesnih elementov glej besedilo. Fig. 3.7.8: Graphical representation of the relationship between the frequency of different body-parts and their (presumable) utility from the viewpoint of the pile dweller (= rank according to the MGUI value) for sheep (Ovis aries), goat (Capra hircus) and pig/wild boar (Sus sp.). The correlation is not statistically significant (Spearman r = -0.69; p = 0.057). Check the text for identification of individual body-parts. povezavo med »mesnatostjo« posameznega telesnega dela in njegovo predvideno pogostnostjo v vzorcu. Vendar korelacija v nobenem od obeh primerov ni statistično značilna (a = 0,05; sl. 3.7.8in 3.7.9). Do neke mere je to gotovo odraz skromnosti vzorca glede na skupno število ostankov, morda pa tudi zgoraj navedene slabosti MGUI-indeksa. V splošnem se zdi vendarle smiselno zaključiti, da vzorec s Hočevarice bolj odraža človekovo selektivnost do s količino mesa bolj obdarjenih telesnih delov kot pa selektivni transport (npr. učinek vleke oziroma schlepp effect). To je navsezadnje razvidno tudi iz precejšnje podobnosti med slikama 3.7.8 in 3.7.9, ki kažeta korelacijo med »mesnatostjo« in pogostnostjo posameznega telesnega dela pri lovnih (s sicer prevladujočim deležem telesno relativno majhne srne) in domačih živalih. Pri slednjih je namreč dejavnik transporta zanemarljiv, saj so bili ostanki večjih živali (govedo) izjemno redki, samo klanje pa je verjetno potekalo v neposredni bližini naselbine. Na sestavo paleontološkega vzorca pomembno vplivajo tudi številni poodložitveni dejavniki. Tako se pogosto zgodi, da so v obravnavanem vzorcu fragmenti kosti z večjo strukturno gostoto pogostejši od onih z MAU-index) on the other. Both graphic presentations evidently indicate a connection between the »fleshiness« of an individual body part and its anticipated frequency in the sample. However, the correlation is not statistically characteristic in either of the two cases (a = 0.05; fig. 3.7.8 and 3.7.9). To some extent this is surely a reflection of the limitedness of the sample, regarding the total number of remains, and possibly also of the above mentioned weaknesses in the MGUI-index. In general, it seems rational to conclude that the sample from Hoče-varica reflects man's selectivity towards body parts richer in flesh as opposed to selective transport (e.g. the effect of dragging, or the schlepp effect). This is also evident in the similarity between figures 3.7.8 and 3.7.9 or, in other words, in the relation of »fleshiness« versus the frequency of an individual body part in hunted animals (with a predominant proportion of the relatively small roe deer) compared to that of domestic animals. The transport factor is negligible with the latter, considering that the remains of large animals (cattle) are exceptionally rare, and that they were probably slaughtered in the direct vicinity of the settlement. Numerous post-depositional effects also have a sig- CL CO C T3 oj lE ■o li C tn -o C "C 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 zgor. del prednje noge / upper front glava / head okolcje / pelvis ■ - prsti / feet spodnji del zadnje noge / lower hind ■ zgor. del zadnje noge /: upper hind : spodnji del prednje noge / lower front rog / antler 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 rang glede na vrednost MGUI Rank Food Value (ave MGUI) 02 01 00 Sl. 3.7.9: Grafični prikaz odnosa med pogostnostjo posameznega telesnega dela v vzorcu in pa njegovim (domnevnim) pomenom z vidika takratnega človeka (= rang glede na vrednost MGUI) za srno (Capreolus capreolus) in jelena (Cervus elaphus). Korelacija ni statistično značilna (Spearman r = -0,55; p = 0,233). Za identifikacijo posameznih telesnih elementov glej besedilo. Fig. 3.7.9: Graphical representation of the relationship between the frequency of different body-parts in the sample and their (presumable) utility from the viewpoint of the pile dweller (= rank according to the MGUI value) for roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus). The correlation is not statistically significant (Spearman r = -0.55; p = 0.233). Check the text for identification of body-parts. manjšo, saj so slednji manj obstojni. Glede na sediment-no okolje (hidromorfna tla) z minimalnim preperevan-jem (o čemer priča odsotnost kostnega drobirja in izluženih fragmentov) pa česa podobnega za primer Hočevarice ne gre pričakovati. Domnevo smo potrdili s statistično analizo soodvisnosti med pogostnostjo posameznih skeletnih elementov (distalnih oziroma prok-simalnih delov) v vzorcu in podatki o njihovi strukturni gostoti, kot jih navaja Lyman (1999). Spearmanov r-test je namreč pokazal samo šibko soodvisnost, ki pa ni bila statistično značilna (a = 0,05) niti pri domačih (Sus sp., Capra s. Ovis) niti pri lovnih živalih (C. capreolus in C. elaphus). Zastopanost posameznih skeletnih elementov med izkopanimi ostanki (sl. 3.7.10 in 3.7.11) tako domnevno bolj odraža selektivno destrukcijo posameznih kostnih elementov kot posledica kosanja živali (Klein 1989), skromno število najdb v vzorcu ter možnosti, da so določene fragmente uporabljali kot surovino za izdelovanje orodja ali da so selekcionirali transport posameznih telesnih delov. Prav v tej zvezi bi morda lahko (delno) obrazložili relativno visoko frekvenco proksimal-nih delov radiusa med ostanki domačih živali, čeprav se proksimalna epifiza z diafizo pri ovci, kozi in prašiču nificant effect on the composition of the palaeontologi-cal sample. It often occurs that fragments of bones with greater structural density in the sample are more frequent than those with lesser density, since the latter are less resistant. Considering the sedimentary environment (hydromorphic soil) with minimum decomposition (as indicated by the absence of small bone particles and leached fragments) this cannot be expected in the case of Hočevarica. This presumption was further confirmed by a statistical analysis of the inter-dependence between the frequency of individual skeletal elements (distal and proximal parts) in the sample and data on their structural density as presented by Lyman (1999). Spearman's r-test showed only slight inter-dependence, which was not statistically characteristic (a = 0.05) neither in domestic (Sus sp., Capra s. Ovis) nor in hunting animals (C. capreolus and C. elaphus). Thus the frequency of individual skeletal elements among the excavated remains (^igs. 3.7.10 and 3.7.11) presumably reflects selective destruction of individual bone elements as resulting from cutting up the animal (Klein 1989), the small amount of finds in the sample, the possibility that specific fragments were used as raw material for manufacturing tools zrašča šele v četrtem letu življenja (Silver 1972). Podobno je lahko selektivni transport (morda tudi destrukci-ja) soodgovoren za relativno majhno število proksimal-nih delov metapodijev v istem vzorcu (sl. 3.7.10), čeprav so ti pri omenjenih treh vrstah zraščeni že ob skotitvi (Silver 1972). Kot nekoliko drugačno obliko modifikacij kostnih akumulacij lahko razumemo tudi prisotnost sledov urezov in zasekanin ter morebitno ožganost ostankov. Z analizo pogostnosti njihovega pojavljanja na posameznih skeletnih elementih v vzorcu lahko veliko izvemo o vlogi različnih domačih in lovnih živali v preteklih skupnostih ter načinu njihove post mortem obdelave (kosanje, ekstrakcija kostnega mozga, priprava za uživanje oziroma hrambo ipd.). Žal pa je v vzorcu s Hočevarice delež kostnih fragmentov, ki bi bili bodisi ožgani bodisi bi na njih opazili sledi zasekanin (sl. 3.7.12in 3.7.14) in urezov (sl. 3.7.13in 3.7.14), izjemno nizek (pod deset odstotkov; tab. 3.7.23). Presenečenje je še večje, če upoštevamo, da so bila kolišča domnevno postavljena na mokrih, verjetno celo (vsaj del leta) poplavljenih tleh (Greif 1997). V and the selective transport of individual body parts. Perhaps it is in this context that we could (partially) explain the relatively high frequency of proximal parts of the radius among the remains of domestic animals, although the proximal epiphysis and diaphysis in sheep, goats and pigs fuse as late as in the fourth year of life (Silver 1972). Similarly, selective transport (and maybe also destruction) could be co-responsible for the relatively low number of proximal parts of the metapodes in the same sample (fig. 3.7.10), although these are fused already at the time of birth in these three species (Silver 1972). The presence of cut and chop marks as well as burnt remains could be understood as a somewhat different form of modification of bone accumulations. By analyzing the frequency of their occurrence on individual skeletal elements in the sample, we can learn a great deal about the role of various domestic and hunting animals in the communities and the manner of their post mortem treatment (chopping, extraction of the marrow, preparation for eating or storing, etc.). Unfortunately the UJ CD 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 (U 3? "Či CO — (D 13 X (/) (/) a. .C . C (/) 3 E U) "ti