Radiology and Oncology | Ljubljana | Slovenia | Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. doi: 10.2478/raon-2022-0016 248 research article The dose accumulation and the impact of deformable image registration on dose reporting parameters in a moving patient undergoing proton radiotherapy Gasper Razdevsek 1 , Urban Simoncic 1,2 , Luka Snoj 2,1 , Andrej Studen 1,2 1 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Received 11 April 2021 Accepted 18 February 2022 Correspondence to: Assist. Prof. Andrej Studen, Ph.D., Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: Disclosure: No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Introduction. Potential changes in patient anatomy during proton radiotherapy may lead to a deviation of the delivered dose. A dose estimate can be computed through a deformable image registration (DIR) driven dose ac- cumulation. The present study evaluates the accumulated dose uncertainties in a patient subject to an inadvertent breathing associated motion. Materials and methods. A virtual lung tumour was inserted into a pair of single participant landmark annotated computed tomography images depicting opposite breathing phases, with the deep inspiration breath-hold the plan- ning reference and the exhale the off-reference geometry. A novel Monte Carlo N-Particle, Version 6 (MCNP6) dose engine was developed, validated and used in treatment plan optimization. Three DIR methods were compared and used to transfer the exhale simulated dose to the reference geometry. Dose conformity and homogeneity measures from International Committee on Radioactivity Units and Measurements (ICRU) reports 78 and 83 were evaluated on simulated dose distributions registered with different DIR algorithms. Results. The MCNP6 dose engine handled patient-like geometries in reasonable dose calculation times. All registra- tion methods were able to align image associated landmarks to distances, comparable to voxel sizes. A moderate deterioration of ICRU measures was encountered in comparing doses in on and off-reference anatomy. There were statistically significant DIR driven differences in ICRU measures, particularly a 10% difference in the relative D 98% for planning tumour volume and in the 3 mm/3% gamma passing rate. Conclusions. T he dose accumulation over two anatomies resulted in a DIR driven uncertainty, important in reporting the associated ICRU measures for quality assurance. Key words: proton therapy; adaptive therapy; MCNP6; dose distribution measurement; Monte-Carlo; dose homoge- neity; image registration Introduction Proton therapy is a well-established technique for treating cancer, exploiting a favourable depth-dose distribution of protons allowing greater sparing of normal tissues and improved local tumour con- trol. 1,2 Evidence of a clinical advantage over photon therapy for certain disease sites and treatment sce- narios exists, but often, the studies are inconclusive or show similar results for proton and other radio- therapy treatments. 3-5 To translate apparent ben- efits to clinical outcome, tight control over dose de- livery and underlying uncertainties is required. 6,7 Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 249 Motion is a considerable problem in radiation treatment, resulting in deviations in the delivered dose from the prescribed dose plan. 8,9 This problem escalates in proton therapy due to the sensitivity of the proton path on tissue composition. 10-12 To guar- antee target dose coverage and compliance of dose constraints for close-by critical structures, motion should be assessed and monitored, ideally prior to and during treatment. 13 As the most comprehensive solution, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during dose delivery was suggested, but yet, there is no proton center operating an in-beam MRI due to associated tech- nical and operational difficulties. 14-16 Standard mo- dalities such as CT, are not considered viable as continuous in-beam monitoring techniques lead to dis-proportional radiation burden. 17 As a surro- gate, 4D CT imaging is performed prior to the ther- apy. The 4D CT protocol dictates image collection synchronous to an independent breathing signal, division of the breathing cycle to several breathing phases (e.g., ten phases) and averaging of images within the phase to improve statistical properties and compensate for the blurring artifacts. 18,19 Dose verification is a critical step in evaluating treatment success as even a small error in treat- ment planning, delivery, or dosimetry can lead to negative consequences and is often overlooked. 20 International Committee on Radioactivity Units and Measurements (ICRU) standards provide means for reliable dose reporting, which can be ex- tended to non-static geometry should an appropri- ate algorithm for dose accumulation exist. 21,22 The adaptive radiation therapy (ART) aims at compensating motion related dose deviation through adaptation of treatment plan to instant anatomy. Frequency in treatment adaptations vary: inter- or intra-fractional interventions are considered, particularly in recent studies. 23,24 The real-time Adaptive Particle Therapy of Cancer (RAPTOR) initiative is a collaborative effort to standardize and harmonize adaptive proton ther- apy, initiated by leading global proton and particle therapy centres, universities, vendors and proton therapy-related industries. As the initial goal, the impact of daily adaptations on treatment course was set, but the developed methodology already incorporates an extension to intra-fractional treat- ment adjustments. 25 The critical components of adaptive protocol are contour propagation, dose accumulation, deform- able image registration (DIR), quality assurance, response assessment, prescription for adaptive planning and decision for plan adaption. 26 The cur- rent study was focused on the impact of image reg- istration and dose accumulation on dose reporting parameters within the frame of pencil-beam treat- ment setting. Materials and methods Patient geometry The pair of opposite breathing phases were se- lected for a selected patient with identification code 4DCT1 from a publicly available database of 4D CT radiotherapy treatment planning images of oesophageal cancer patients free of pulmonary disease. 27 Following the convention of the dataset, a deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) phase is la- belled as T00, and normal expiration phase as T50. The dataset contains an associated series of 300 anatomical landmarks identified in both breath- ing phases by an expert in thoracic radiology. The images and anatomic feature locations were transferred from a publicly available web portal. 28 The images have a voxel size of 0.97 mm in pla- nar and 2.5 mm in the axial direction . As a disease model, a segmented gross tumour volume (GTV) of a publicly available cancer patient R005 from a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Radiomics study was superimposed over a selected landmark in the T00 anatomy. 29,30 The landmark was selected to be in proximity to the equivalent position of the tumour in the R005 patient. Using Guy’s deform- able image registration, the tumour was projected to T50 anatomy. The planning volumes were de- lineated according to a recent photon- to proton radiotherapy comparison study. 31 A unity of GTV in both breathing phases was considered the inter- nal tumour volume, while clinical tumour volume (CTV) was obtained by adding a uniform 8 mm margin. According to the study, a further 5 mm symmetrical margin was added to CTV to form the planning tumour volume (PTV). Treatment goals were for D 98% in PTV to be 100% of the prescribed dose with D 2% not to exceed 107% of the prescribed dose. No tissue was considered to be at risk for the purpose of planning. For dose reporting, the left lung with tumour volume removed was delineated as organ at risk (OAR). Dose engine The choice of particle tracking software was mo- tivated by its use as a reference in neutron driven dose distribution in neutron reactor models and successful validations in proton therapy. At the Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 250 same time it was successfully used in radiation pro- tection and dosimetry, radiation shielding, radiog- raphy, medical physics, nuclear criticality safety, detector design and analysis, nuclear oil well log- ging, accelerator target design and fission and fu- sion reactor design. 32,33 Backed by the nuclear en- ergy application, Monte Carlo N-Particle, Version 6 (MCNP6) is subject to the most rigorous validation procedures. 34 The methodology of MCNP6 extend- ed to proton and light nuclide cross-sections and transport properties in treatment scenarios would reduce existing uncertainties in dose calculations. MCNP6 computational model geometry and material composition were created by using the mesh geometry feature in MCNP6. In this mode, each voxel is assigned its own material composi- tion derived from isotopic material composition and associated material density. The voxelized geometry was derived directly from the selected CT images. A CT to material conversion was per- formed according to a lookup table (LUT), based on the interpolation in indicated ranges and ma- terial composition was derived from literature. 35 The errors on the simulation parameters, such as proton range, were found to be negligible for scan- ners where stoichiometric calibration was per- formed. 36,37 The default physics model of MCNP6, version 6.2 was used with a cut-off value of 10 keV for tracking of protons, photons and electrons, which, converted to range, allows particle track- ing down to 1 μm. Neutron production and trans- port were modelled with the default physics list. A detailed study of the dose engine was performed with a water phantom where dose distribution and particle range equivalent to theory predicted values were observed. All calculations were per- formed at the Reactor research centre of the Jožef Stefan Institute on computers used and validated for simulating cores in nuclear power plants. Treatment plan optimization An in-house treatment plan optimization software was developed in the MATLAB software environ- ment. 38 The treatment was assumed to be delivered by a set of pencil beams. The full treatment plan was formed by separating a sagittal irradiation field with a total size of 70 by 70 mm 2 to a grid of 14 by 14 independent beams with a spot diameter of 5 mm at tissue entry, as illustrated in Figure 1. Each beam was further divided to 25 energy bins spanning the range between 50 and 100 MeV, with the upper limit sufficient to deposit energy in the posterior of the PTV. Such an arrangement resulted in a set of 4900 beamlets with a fixed direction and energy. The response of each beamlet was simulated in- dividually using 10 5 protons per beamlet to gener- ate the beamlet matrix A with rows corresponding to voxels and columns to each beamlet arrange- ment. The number of protons per beamlet was chosen to mimic recent studies in the field. 31 The column vector of 4900 beamlet weights w was then determined by requiring [1] where b corresponds to the dose plan in the space of the reference image, set to one within PTV and zero elsewhere, and ||w|| is the 1-norm (sum of the absolute values) of the weight vector. The sec- ond inequality in Eq. [1] was only applied to PTV. The optimization was performed as a linear pro- gramming optimization using MATLAB Version R2017B. 38 The error due to limited number of protons per beamlet and in the full simulation was evaluated by generating two independent beam matrix reali- zations A 1 and A 2 , associated optimized plans w 1 and w 2 and associated dose realizations b 1 and b 2 . A dose ratio image was calculated as R=D (2) /D (1) , FIGURE 1. A coronal view of the deformable image transformation deformation field of moving exhale phase with respect to the reference deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) phase. Size and direction of the local motion is indicated by the arrows with the colour/whiteness of the arrow indicating the size of the translation. Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 251 where D (1) corresponds to b 1 and D (2) to b 2 . As a measure of consistency, the average and standard deviation of R over voxels were evaluated. The average relative dose difference ΔD was evaluated using N voxel locations within PTV la- beled with index i, and two independent realiza- tions, D (1) and D (2) as: [2] ΔD represents average statistical uncertainty in dose distribution on a voxel level due to a finite number of simulated particles. Image registration To accumulate dose distributions from different breathing frames to the reference frame, deforma- ble image registration was performed using Elastix framework. 39 A fully continuous deformation mode was assumed with image warping function u(x) = x’-x parameterized by B-splines, where x cor- responds to a voxel location in the reference, DIBH phase and x’ corresponds to its translation in the moving, exhale phase. Registration methods devel- oped by Staring, Guy and Mattes were evaluated. The Staring registration method was developed to measure tissue destruction in patients with pul- monary emphysema in clinical trials. 40 The method was used for intra-patient registration of images recorded at consecutive pulmonary function evalu- ation visits 29 months (median) apart, with inhale and exhale images recorded at both visits. Of the methods in the paper, the normalized correla- tion (NC) that seeks patch-wise matches between the fixed and the moving image, was chosen as it showed the best performance over 21 patients and 1849 annotated points. The method of Guy et al. was targeted at recog- nizing large geometric changes in thorax primarily occurring due to treatment associated atelectasis in non-small cell lung cancer patients undergoing stereotactical radiotherapy treatment. 41 The chal- lenge was to match the original patient image to the image with the most severe deformation. While a multitude of locally applied image metrics were used in the original paper, the method used in the present work was a combination of sum of squared tissue volume difference (SSTVD) and bending en- ergy penalty, BE, an image preserving regulariza- tion term that penalizes non-physical transforma- tions. The method selection was motivated by the most consistent results of the registration scheme in the absence of lobe label images. The third registration alternative was derived for the purpose of the present study and is based on the Mattes advanced mutual information (MI) metrics. 42 The Mattes MI metric is a modality in- dependent approach that can be used for mono- modal or multi-modal image combinations. As in other approaches, adaptive stochastic gradient de- scent was used in MI maximization and multi-scale registration with six resolution levels was applied. The methods were compared in terms of resid- ual accuracy by evaluating the mean and standard deviation of residuals distribution r X = x’-(x+u(x)) on a set of fiducial markers for method X where X stands for S for Staring, G for Guy and M for Mattes registration method. To check for potential bias, a Pearson r correlation test of r X to their inferi- or-superior coordinate in the lung was performed. The Slicer 3D toolkit with the Elastix and RT ex- tension was used to derive the registration param- eters and perform the transformation of landmarks and calculated doses between breathing phases. The tool was validated to contribute negligible con- tributions to dose uncertainty. 43 Dose evaluation In continuation, labelling adheres to the conven- tion that an argument of the quantity denotes the breathing phase the irradiation is delivered at, while the quantity’s index refers to the coordinate system of the quantity representation. The refer- ence DIBH dose distribution D T00 (T00) was predict- ed for a static case scenario, where the patient was not assumed to move from the inspiration position T00, used in plan optimization. The off-geometry dose D T50 (T50) was simulated to be the dose deliv- ered to the optimization blinded exhale anatomy T50, recorded in T50 coordinate system. For dose accumulation, transformed dose D T00/X (T50) was derived from D T50 (T50) using DIR method X. The resulting dose-volume histograms (DVH) were determined for both the PTV and the organ at risk volume (OAR), the left lung which surrounds the tumor. Standard DVH measures (D 2% , D 50% , D 98% , V 20Gy , V 35Gy ) and associated homogeneity in- dex (HI), were evaluated on produced DVH. 44 For V 20Gy and V 35Gy , a 70 Gy prescribed dose was assumed. Dose comparison was evaluated using gamma analysis. 45 To match the voxelization of the dose plan, passing criteria was evaluated for 3mm/3% distance to agreement/dose difference threshold Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 252 and 3 mm/1% threshold. To evaluate statistical uncertainty associated with dose engine, two inde- pendent realizations of identical plans were com- pared both for simulations of reference and off- reference geometries. To study agreement between image registration methods, pair-wise analysis was performed, always using the same T00 dose distribution as a reference but comparing it to off- reference T50 dose distribution projected to T00 us- ing different registration methods. A comparison was performed for two realizations to estimate the uncertainty of gamma analysis results. In all cases, a passing rate where the gamma function is lower than unity is reported, and images of the gamma function were drawn for statistical and cross-meth- od comparisons. Results Figure 1 shows the coronal projection of the de- formation field derived from the deformable im- age registration of the selected pair of inspiration- expiration images, using the Mattes method. The Figure shows that the dominant difference in ge- ometry was in the inferior-superior direction z, due to the vertical motion of the diaphragm. The average shift was 3.6 mm with a deviation of 2.1 mm and a maximum range of 10 mm (4 slices) up- wards and - 2.5 mm (1 slice) downwards. In the axial plane, the movement was less pronounced, giving an average shift of 0.2 mm with a devia- tion of 0.8 mm and 1.0 mm in left-right, x-direction and anterior-posterior, y-direction, respectively. The best alignment was achieved for the Mattes mutual information, where the residual shift in z- direction had an average of 0.41 mm with a devia- tion of 1.3 mm, while means of - 0.06 mm and 0.1 mm with a deviation of 0.6 mm and 0.7 mm were measured in x and y direction, respectively. For the Guy method, a slight, but statistically significant- ly worse alignment with a mean residual shift of 0.76 mm and a deviation of 1.3 mm in z-direction was achieved, whereas in-plane xy residual shift FIGURE 2. Scatter plots of the annotated landmarks with respect to the residual shift between expiration and inspiration positions on y-axis and location of landmark along the inferior-superior direction on the x-axis. A total of twelve panes indicate residual extent in the left-right direction (first column), anterior-posterior direction (second column) and inferior-superior direction (third column). The top row shows differences in landmark locations without registration, following rows correspond to (S) Staring deformable image registration (DIR), (G) Guy DIR and (M) Mattes DIR algorithms. Indicated numbers correspond to Pearson’s r coefficient calculated for the shown distribution. Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 253 was comparable to the Mattes method. The worse performance was recorded for the Staring method, where a mean residual z coordinate shift of 1.55 mm was recorded with a deviation of 1.6 mm. The un-registered exhale vertical shift correlated with the z location of fiducials with a correlation coef- ficient r = 0.78. This correlation was completely removed for Mattes and Guy registration but per- sisted in Staring method with r = 0.72 on z residuals versus z-axis fiducial location. A slight correlation, r = 0.5, between the shift in the anterior-posterior direction and the vertical position is also present in the fiducial locations but is effectively removed by all registration methods. The residuals and their correlations are shown in Figure 2. The dose distributions for an optimized irra- diation plan are shown in Figure 3, where the left pane illustrates the dose to the optimized, DIBH geometry while the right pane shows the dose for the same optimized dose plan used on the unac- counted exhale phase CT. Both images are shown in the laboratory system, therefore the direction of the beams remains unchanged while the patient shifts between the left and the right pane. For two independent runs of dose distribution simulation, the average dose consistency ratio R had a mean of 1.000, and a standard deviation of 0.022 and an av- erage dose discrepancy of ΔD = 0.04% on the voxel level, and the uncertainty of the dose integral over the PTV was significantly smaller than 0.02%. The registration step was performed to trans- form dose distribution from T50 to the refer- ence, T00 geometry, and the results are shown in Figure 4. The Figure shows both the dose delivered to the reference, T00 geometry as well as off-ref- erence, T50 geometry. For the D T00/G (T50) dose in the bottom panes, Guy’s DIR transformation was used. Lung mask is drawn as an anatomical refer- ence, with red/dark arrows indicating areas of un- der-irradiation and blue/light arrows area of over- irradiation for the D T00/G (T50) dose distribution. Figure 5 shows the comparison of cumulative DVH for different scenarios: D T00 (T00) - irradiation at DIBH only, assuming cooperative patient with superb body control, D T00/X (T50), irradiation at off- geometry conditions assuming DIBH but encoun- tering patient in exhale phase, and registrations of T50 dose back to the reference system using either Staring, Mattes or Guy DIR method. A partial un- dertreatment of tumour is seen. This is reflected in quantitative DVH parameters, collected in Table 1. Little or no difference is seen for D 2% and D 50% rela- tive doses, while moderate changes were recorded for near-minimum, D 98% dose and homogeneity index HI. While moderate, statistically significant difference in both DVH and DVH associated pa- rameters is seen for doses registered with different FIGURE 3. A sagittal view of the pair of the 4D CT image corresponding to the extreme breathing frames, left: deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) reference geometry, T00, right: exhale off-reference geometry, T50. A tumour delineated in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Radiomics study, case R005, was artificially added into the lung. Dose delivered according to beamlet set that was optimized for irradiation in the reference frame is superimposed with colour scale/grey scale corresponding to the accumulated dose where bright colours/white corresponds to a higher accumulated dose. A slight relative upward motion of tumour in T50 geometry causes the right pane dose distribution to deviate from the planned distribution illustrated in the left pane. FIGURE 4. Colormap/grayscale image of dose distributions superimposed on lung mask for two views (axial and sagittal) and two irradiation conditions - irradiation geometry identical to planned geometry, T00, top panes and irradiation geometry non equal to the planned geometry, with dose registered back to the reference geometry T50, below. Red/dark arrows indicate areas of under-treatment for the off- geometry case. Blue/light arrows indicate areas of over-treatment in organs at risk. Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 254 registration methods, reaching 1% for CTV and 8% for PTV, changing HI by a factor of 1.6 for PTV (0.39 over 0.24, see Table 2). The effects on the organ at risk are shown in Figure 6. The difference between DVH for OAR is at the limit of detection. Quantitative DVH pa- rameters are collected in Table 2, where significant DIR differences of approximately 0.6% of the lung volume can be seen for the V 20Gy and V 35Gy volumes. T he reported values are lower than for OAR en- countered in irradiation of other disease sites such as rectum or bladder in prostate cancer, confirming exclusion of OAR in treatment goals. 22 Passing rates for gamma analysis of selected combinations of registration methods and inde- pendent dose realizations are shown in Table 3. In the first and the last row, simulations in identical anatomies are compared, indicating between 90 and 100% passing rate for dose differences driven by statistical uncertainty. Passing rates are higher for clinically relevant lower tolerance criteria of 3 mm/20%, reaching perfect acceptance in PTV and 97–98% for lung. The more restrictive threshold of 3 mm/3% was chosen to expose dose differences due to breathing, amounting to passing rates as low as 67% over lung volume and 77% over PTV. The drop in passing rate for comparison of dose in the ref- erence and off-reference system is not unexpected. There is, however a significant variation associated with selection of a registration method, on the order of few percent for 3 mm/20% comparison (passing values between 98 and 99% in PTV, 87 and 91% in lung) reaching as much as 10% for a more sensi- tive, 3 mm/3% gamma evaluation (77–85% in PTV, 67–79% in lung). The uncertainty associated with repeated dose simulation was on the order of 1%. Similar conclusion can be qualitatively drawn from Figure 7, where the top left and bottom right panel show gamma function evaluated over lung volume shown in sagittal projection indicating minor dif- ferences in dose for successive plan application. Larger differences in dose distributions are associ- ated with comparing doses from reference and off- reference anatomy, where registration method was used to project the dose to the reference system, top right, or comparing doses registered to T00 using different registration methods, bottom left. Discussion The presented study is a comparison of three suc- cessful registration methods of CT images of lungs, including recently reported Mattes and Guy’s reg- istration methods, and their impact on quantita- tive measures such as DVH associated parameters identified in ICRU (D 2% , D 50% , D 98% ) and gamma analysis passing rates. Compared to similar stud- ies in the field, the novelty lies in the simultane- ous evaluation of landmark associated errors and uncertainties of the dose associated quantitative measures. 46 FIGURE 5. Dose-volume histogram (DVH) for planning tumour volume (PTV) under different irradiation conditions and volume representations. Comparison of D T00 (T00), thick solid line DVH for irradiation geometry identical to planned geometry, and D T00/S (T50) D T00/M (T50) and D T00/G (T50), solid, dashed and dotted lines for DVH in off-geometry but evaluated in the reference geometry using Staring (S), Mattes (M) or Guy (G) deformable image registration (DIR) method, respectively. Curves for Mattes and Guy registration methods nearly overlap. FIGURE 6. Dose-volume histogram (DVH) for planned organ at risk volume of organ at risk (OAR), left lung, under different irradiation conditions and volume representations. Comparison of D T00 (T00), thick solid line DVH for irradiation geometry identical to planned geometry, and D T00/S (T50), D T00/M (T50) and D T00/G (T50), solid, dashed and dotted lines for DVH in off-geometry but evaluated in the reference geometry using Staring (S), Mattes (M) or Guy (G) deformable image registration (DIR) method, respectively. Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 255 The concept of PTV is of limited relevance in particle therapy as the field is shifting towards ro- bust optimization. 52 In the absence of a robust opti- FIGURE 7. Gamma analysis for 3 mm/3% distance to agreement / dose difference tolerance criteria. All panes show sagittal projection of the CT image overlaid with planning tumour volume (PTV), indicated by arrow, and superimposed gamma function, where yellow/bright colour corresponds to a gamma value of approximately 2. Top left and bottom right pane show dose comparison of statistically independent realizations of the same dose plan, top left for reference geometry, bottom-right for off-reference geometry registered with Guy’s deformable image registration (DIR). Top right is a comparison of T50 dose registered to T00 using Guy’s method and T00 dose. Bottom left is a comparison of T50 dose registered to T00 using two registration methods, S for Staring and G for Guy. TABLE 1. Dose-volume histogram parameters for planning tumour volume (PTV) and (CTV) and dose distributions delivered in reference, T00, geometry corresponding to reference deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) and off-reference T50, geometry, corresponding to exhale phase. Subscripts indicate coordinate system where the doses were evaluated with the letter following the slash indicating the deformable image registration (DIR) method used: S for Staring, M for Mattes and G for Guy. Relative doses are reported. The number of decimal places indicates statistical accuracy evaluated by repeated simulation Dose PTV CTV distribution D 2% (%) D 50% (%) D 98% (%) HI D 2% (%) D 50% (%) D 98% (%) HI D T00 (T00) 106.4 102.9 89.5 0.2 106.7 103.4 100.8 0.05 D T00/S (T50) 107.1 103.0 87.2 0.24 107.3 103.4 98.2 0.09 D T00/M (T50) 107.1 102.9 80 0.39 107.4 103.4 97 0.10 D T00/G (T50) 107.2 102.9 79 0.38 107.4 103.4 96 0.11 HI = homogeneity index There is a significant controversy associated with propagating the dose to a common, accumulation coordinate system using DIR methods. 47 This was reflected in the design of the study where the suc- cess of registration was measured independently prior to dose transfer and multiple methods using alternative registration approaches were evaluated to get a sense of uncertainty associated with the approach. While the selection of DIR methods was neither exhaustive nor complete, it should serve to illustrate the controversy and provide quantitative measures of uncertainty associated with using DIR as a dose accumulation method. The study was designed to illustrate uncertainty associated with DIR methods in propagating the delivered dose to a common dose accumulation reference system. To achieve the goal, plan optimi- zation software was blinded to the off-reference ge- ometry. Such a setup is close to a clinical scenario where the instant patient anatomy is recorded, fol- lowed by a simulation of the previously optimized plan and checking for considerable deviations. 48,49 The re-optimization decision in such cases is based on gamma analysis or similar measures, which were shown in the presented study to depend on the registration method used. The study has several limitations - the workflow was tested on a single case for illustrative purpos- es, containing only extreme breathing phases to in- dicate the span of the algorithm, limited relevance of treatment plans which were derived by in-house software rather than a commercial engine, smaller motion uncertainties not related to breathing were ignored and coarse voxelization of dose histograms driven by limited simulation statistics. The Monte Carlo simulation was run roughly a day on standard computer hardware. The relative- ly large computing burden is due to the voxelized geometry and associated burden of particle param- eter recalculation at voxel boundaries. In the pre- sented work, the simulation time was shortened by using coarse voxelization in MCNP6 geometry def- inition. The o ther contributing factor is the require- ment for the statistical component of uncertainty be small compared to the changes in dose distri- bution due to motion. The size of statistical error was checked by observing dose differences ΔD, variation in D 2% , D 50% , D 98% , V 20Gy , V 35Gy and gamma passing rates. In all cases, DIR driven uncertainty was more pronounced than statistical uncertainty, justifying the computing strategy. Opportunities for improvement lie in software interface optimi- zation, particularly in material definition and opti- mized simulation strategies. 50,51 Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 256 mizer, PTV equivalent to volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) approach was used in the present study. 31 The 5 mm margin was sufficient to limit dose degradation in optimization blinded T50 to D 98% dropping to 96–99%, range showing results for different DIR. The DIR uncertainty represents an additional source of uncertainty and should be in- cluded in robust optimization over multiple patient anatomies. A similar problem is encountered in gantry-less proton irradiation facilities, which con- sider patients in other than lying positions and mo- tion must be included as part of the optimization. 53 Dose accumulation is of particular interest for the adaptive treatment protocols. In principle, in- stantaneous changes in patient geometry could be compensated by beam delivery, however sev- eral technical challenges remain. Optimization of the plan should be performed for each included geometry phase, which might yield impractical plan preparation times. A rigorous synchroniza- tion between the delivery system and monitor of patient motion must be implemented. The treat- ment machine must be able to react to changes in prescribed operation in synchronization with geometry changes. 54 As a surrogate, plans adapt- ed to daily patient geometry were chosen by the RAPTOR initiative. These would depend critically on the accurate dose accumulation presented in the present study. 25 The standard deviation of the residual errors of half the slice width is equivalent to approximately two-thirds of the markers aligned to within the original voxel location in whichever of the DIR scheme. Nevertheless, the DIR driven discrepancy on D 98% in the PTV was on the order of 10 %, and this for a tumor inserted at an area, where dislo- cation between phases was moderate. This is com- parable to reported differences in therapeutic vol- ume coverage due to patient motion and to dose uncertainties reported in similar dose accumula- tion studies. 49,55 This uncertainty remains one of the most severe challenges of dose accumulation and its use to quantify treatment and correlate it to clin- ical outcomes in future studies of proton therapy benefits in cancer treatment. Conclusions A quantitative method to evaluate the impact of patient motion on treatment reporting parameters was developed based on strictly validated MCNP6 nuclear radiation simulation tool. A set of DIR methods were tried and shown to align images with maximum differences driven by breathing to within voxel sizes. Nevertheless, moderate but statistically significant DIR driven differences were reported for some common dose evaluation pa- rameters such as 10% difference in D 98% of PTV and 10% difference in gamma analysis passing rates. A caution must be exercised in using the dose ac- cumulation and associated measures in adaptive therapy optimization algorithms and studies like the presented can help in the determination of the limits of agreement among different registration algorithms. Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research TABLE 2. Dose-volume histograms (DVH) parameters for OAR (left lung) and dose distributions delivered in deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH), reference, T00 geometry and exhale, off-reference, T50 geometry. Subscripts indicate coordinate system where the dose was evaluated, with the letter following the slash indicating the deformable image registration (DIR) method used: S for Staring, M for Mattes and G for Guy. V 20Gy and V 35Gy are derived for a prescribed dose of 70 Gy. The uncertainty σ D is the standard deviation of V D for repeated simulation Dose distribution V 20Gy (%) σ 20Gy (%) V 35Gy (%) σ 35Gy (%) D T00 (T00) 26.2 0.2 18.3 0.1 DT00/S 26.8 0.1 18.7 0.1 D T00/G (T50) 27.4 0.1 19.1 0.1 D T00/M (T50) 27.3 0.1 19.0 0.1 TABLE 3. Gamma analysis pass rate for comparing the dose distributions in reference coordinate system achieved under different irradiation conditions and with different registration methods. For identical anatomies, the gamma passing rate between doses achieved for subsequent realizations was performed. For mismatching irradiation anatomies, the average pass rate over multiple realizations is reported. The number of decimal places indicates statistical uncertainty tested by repeated simulation Dose pairs Pass rate (%) PTV Lung 3 mm/20 % 3 mm/3 % 3 mm/20 % 3 mm/3 % T00 with T00 100 97 97 90 T50/S with T00 99 85 91 79 T50/M with T00 98 77 87 67 T50/G with T00 98 83 89 77 T50/G with T50/G 100 96 98 92 PTV = planning tumour volume Radiol Oncol 2022; 56(2): 248-258. Razdevsek G et al. / Deformable image registration driven dose accumulation 257 core funding No. P1-0389 and P2-0073. We would like to thank the reviewers for excellent comments and providing compelling reference material for discussion. References 1. Pedroni E, Bacher R, Blattmann H, Bohrinaer T, Coray A, Lomax A, et al. 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