ZARJA- DAWN X URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION In a solemn ritual in the Capitol Plaza, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Earl Warren (right) administers the oath of office to Lyndon Baines u„.inson as the 36th President of the United States. Looking on are Lady Bird Johnson and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. God bless our leaders and grant them success in bringing about the Great Society they envision. (UPI Telephoto) ' FEBRUARY, 1965 NUMBER 2 VOLUME 37 ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno Kor SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1037 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD„ CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the. hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII NO. 2 FEBRUARY, 1965 LETO XXXVII — ŠT. -Z SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Incorporated December 14. 192 7 in the State of Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19 decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN JUNIORS OF FOREST CITY JOIN IN HOLIDAY PARTY Geraldine Monasky No. 7, Forest City, Pa. After our yearly meeting of Dec. 13, the adult members of the Union held their annual Christmas party. The VFW hall was filled to capacity and the food, goodies and drinks were oh! so much. These were made and all donated by our good members. When the tables were set. and we saw the potica and krofe and the rest, we all said in a loud voice: “God ISless America!" not only once but. over and over again. Members present remarked that, this was one of the besl parties we ever had and l hey just sang and sang and were in no hurry to go home. Of course the weather was fine with no snow or ice and Santa came in a home-made matchstick wheelbarrow which was our table centerpiece. Entertainment for the party was prc * son ted by a few of our Junior members. Geraldine Monasky who is an .Sili grade student played the piano. She is an accomplished pianist and the daughter of Mrs. Clare Monasky and I lie late John Monasky. Her lit lie I years old sister Karen was her guest. Geraldine also assisled as a very capablt hostess. Geraldine and Karen are nieces ol out secretary Josephine Gostisha. Janies Kameen, a first grade student, also .-am: a Sin Carol, Patricia & Marie Polesnak venian song taught him by his grandmother, Mrs. Anna Kameen. Christmas carols and Slovenian folk songs were well sung by 3 little sisters, our junior members who are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Polesnak. They are Carol, Patricia, and Marie Polesnak. These lovely little girls are the granddaughters of Mrs. Mary Tomazic, one of our very good adult members. Mrs. Tomazic has been James Kameen confined to her home for a number of years due to illness but yet she has found the time and willingness to teach her granddaughters all those lovely Slovenian songs. These little girls are a great joy and comfort to their nice Grandma Tomazic. Thank you children and everyone else who help make our party so nice. Happy New Year to All! Mary J. Kameen HAPPY IIIKTHI)A Y /\ I KIIRUAItY Supreme Officers: Feb. S Rose Kraemer, State President, Cudahy, Feb. 12 Vicki Faletič, Supreme Auditor. Clove., Branch Presidents: Feb. X Mary Kuzma, Ur. XX, Johnston, Pa. Feb. 1!) Sophie Sorcan, Hr. !)fl, Presto, Pa. Fib. 28 Katherine Slogar, Hr. 23, Ely, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Wis. Ohio DAT US Feb. 1 I April 2'i May June TO KIMIMIIIU . . . Bake Sale, Slov. I loin«', Hr. 42, Maple llgls.. (). Card Party, S p.m., Ur. 5-w>, Girard, Ohio Usinger Sausage Demonstraation, Hr. I", Mil waukee, Wis. Anniversary Mass, St. Jude’s Church, !l:4r> a.m.. Hr. 73. Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Mother’s Day Pot-luck, Hr. 73, Warrensville llgts. Wisconsin State Convention and 35th Anniversary of Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. MINNESOTA & OHIO HOST BOWLING TOURNEYS! Midwest Bowlers Meet April 10-11, 1965! We’re on our way to Minnesota — to visit our Biwabik members who liave traveled to Illinois and Wisconsin in past years! The first S.W.U. Tournament to be held in Minnesota will be April 10-llth at Plaza Lanes, Virginia, Minn. Hostesses will be the Bowling League of Br. 39, Biwabik. For overnight accommodations, write Coates Hotel, Virginia, Minn. Liz Zefran, Sports Dir. No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News — Northwest Recreation Club, yielding under pressure, has relinquished a ti/2 game lead to a slim 1%. Making their bids are Bluth’s Sausage in second, and Papesh Funeral Home in third, American Slovenian Home, Kraus Radio and TV, Shep’s DX Service Station, Ellena Builders and Mer-ichka's Restaurant follow respectively. Bluth’s Sausage holds the spotlight for high team series (1827) and high team game (668) for season. Jo Mlakar’s average is soaring to new heights. A 568 (high individual series) has helped to make Jo’s 159 average stand out on top. Marge Waj-chert holds a nice 155 average, followed by Ann Savol with a respectable 152. Decorations gaily strung made the setting for the Bowler’s Annual Christmas Party. A centerpiece of a poin-settia and candle at each table added to the atmosphere of the holiday festivity. Chicken and trimmings were on the menu for the night. Among the guests that were present were: Emma Planinšek, Fran Gaspich, Mary Lou Bluth and Bary Beth. Mrs. Planinšek, President of Branch No. 20, complimented the group with a few words. Airplane “B” was played and some of the lucky winners were Ann Kobe, Ann Stefanich and Mary Rezich. Some of the other prizes were won by Mary Rudman, Emma Planinšek and Gert Padovich. The holiday celebration was a grand success and a special mention to the Captains who made this possible. Marge Wajchert must have been in a hurry one night. There stranded in the middle of Rivals’ Parking Lot is her bowling ball. Thought for a moment she was trying to get rid of it, but found out later she rolled a 468 that night. That’s pretty good Marge; hang onto it for awhile. A welcome back to Mary Lou Bluth who has joined us in mid-season. Best wishes for a speedy recovery go out to Jo Sumic who has undergone surgery. We all miss you and hope that 1965 will bring you the best of health and happiness. Marilyn Nemanich, Publicity Chairman 8th Annual Eastern Get-Together Tourney, Mar. 7th! The annual Eastern Division S. W. U. Bowling will be held on Sunday, March 7, 1965 at the Euclid & Green Lanes, 18310 Euclid Ave., Cleveland (Euclid), Ohio, beginning at 3 p. m. An 80% Handicap will be given as usual and entry fee is $3.00 per person. Three games will be bowled and after completed, a luncheon will be served and awards presented. In previous years, this Get-Together Tournament has been enjoyed very much by all who participated and this year we are looking forward to the same fine spirit. Any members who wish to bowl in the tourney and are not affiliated with an S.W.U. Team, please contact me and you shall be placed on a team for this event. We welcome all bowlers! Deadline for entries is February 23, 19G5. Mail all entries to: S. W. U. Bowling Tournament Antonia Turek — 19170 Monterey Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44119, Telephone: KE. 1-0230 Supreme President’s Message JANUARY “FOUNDERS CAMPAIGN” REPORT SHOWS GAIN IN FIRST 3 MONTHS! The race is off with 27 branches in the running and leading the group is Br. 23, Ely, Minn, with 13 new members! Close behind is Br. 2, Chicago with 7 and third place there is a tie between Br. 33, Duluth, Minn, and Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa., each with 5 new members. Coming in close to the top are Fairport Harbor, Ohio (Br. 68); So. Chicago, 111. (Br. 95) and West Allis, Wise. (Br. 17) with 4 new members each. Before June 1st, the deadline for this Campaign, I hope to see many more branches in the contest. Watching the results as they appear in Zarja should be an inspiration to all of you to work for this campaign and get your branch to really show their spirit. We are very happy to see that there are a number of small branches who have responded beautifully in getting new members in their small localities. This should make it a MUST for big city branches to get to work! This month I am again appealing to all Officers and Members to talce part in this Campaign and write in some new members. It will show your love and respect to our wonderful lady and founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland for whom the Campaign was named and all our pioneer officers and members. State Presidents have performed duties the past year to the best of their ability and I am sure they are continually working, with the cooperation of all branches in their territories, to carry out successfully the state conventions and meetings in their respective states. Again we are looking forward to a busy year. The 26th annual Lemont Zveza Day will be held at Lemont, 111. on Sunday, July 18, 1965. It is sponsored by Br. 2, Chicago. I have promised them that this year I will try my best to get a group from Cleveland to make the trip. I am sure that if we attend to celebrate Zveza Day in Lemont, the Chicago ladies will do their best to make everything as enjoyable as possible. Overnight lodging and meals at the Retreat House of the Shrine will be available for a nominal cost. All who wish to be included in these plans to go to Lemont in a group should contact your secretary or call or write me. I will be happy to give you all the informtion and also, I hope to have the prices on the bus fare for the next issue. If you are interested, don’t wait until the last minute as we will have limited reservations. This is a perfect weekend trip for our mothers, grandmothers and families. COOKBOOKS Secretaries, if your supply of cookbooks is getting low, please do not hesitate to order more as I now have a brand new supply. This cookbook is one of the best and every housewife should have one in her kitchen! Zveza has distributed over 20,000 of these famous cookbooks since they were first published. State President, Anna Pachak of Pueblo, Colorado has sold the largest amount to date, a total of 420 books. Nice work, Anna! A speedy recovery is wished to our ailing and Happy Valentine’s Day to all. We have a number of birthday celebrants this month and to them, also, another happy and healthy year! Antonia Turek REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O. F. M.: PERSEVERANCE Perseverance is a virtue and an important one I am posi live you have heard many sayings that point out the importance of perseverance. For instance, “a saint is a sinner who kept on trying,” or “the man who removed the mountain began by carrying away small stones,” or "diamond is a hunk of coal that stuck to its job.” As for anything else, perseverance in prayer is a must. Why does God make us turn to Him again and again? Why should he be so silent or stubborn when St. Augustine says, “God is more eager to give than we are to receive!” The answer is that here again as in so many other things, God wants to test our faith. He wants to see us trust in His power to help. Remember the examples of perseverance in the new testament? Remember the perseverance of the paralytic man at the pool who had no one to lower him into the water when an angel touched the water and the first person to enter the pool would be cured. Jesus cured him because of the man’s perseverance. He had prayed for 38 years to be cured. Take also the blind man of Jericho, who was begging along the road when he heard that Jesus was coming. He shouted, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.” St. Mark writes, “And many angrily tried to silence him.” But he shouted more loudly, “Son of David, have mercy on me.” And Jesus said, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Oh Lord, that I may see.” And Jesus said, ‘‘Go your way, your faith has saved you.” And tie blind man was cured and followed Jesus. There is also the account of the Cannanite woman. St. Matthew tells us the story: Jesus retired to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold a Cannanite women came out of that territory and cried to Him, saying, “Have pity on me, O Lord, son of David, my daughter is sorely beset by a devil.” He answered her not a word. And his disciples came up and besought him saying, “Send her a-way, for she is crying after us.” But he answered and said, "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and worshipped him, saying: “Lord, help me.” He said in answer, “It is not fair to take the children bread and to cast it to the dogs.” But she said, “Yes, Lord; for even the dogs eat of the crumbles that fall from the master’s table.” Then Jesus an-ewered and said to her, “O woman; great is your faith. Let it be done to you as you will.” And her daughter was healed from that moment. God rewards perseverance in prayer. We know that perseverance proves our faith and sharpens our desire. Also we appreciate help much more when we have waited for it, begged for it. It’s all for our own good. One little prayer won’t make all things fair; you have got to keep on praying. ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — As we enter the year 1965, the officers wish to all our members a Happy and Blessed New Year. I am presenting the following six months report of the progress of our branch. Our total membership now is 226; we gained six new members since July 1, who are: Mary Stermec, Marija Dragan, Jean Gercz, Pauline Bushner, all in Class B, and two juniors, Lisa Vertacic and Christine Gercz. We welcome them to our organization. During the last five years 64 new members were enrolled. Let us also try this year to get new members for the Founders’ Campaign. The card party held last September was a huge success. The sum of $133.-14 was realized as a net profit. Prize books netted $112.50. Thanks to all officers and members who with their efforts made this possible. The annual meeting was well attended. The officers elected for 1965 are: Olga Saye, president, Mary Sau-chack, vice-president; Margaret Fischer, secretary; Mary Vertacic, treasurer; Anna Modiz, recording secretary. Auditors: Amelia Zunter, Mary Krainz, Christine Sterk and Sentinel Mary Brezonik. Our new Spiritual Advisor, Father Shlaffer gave us a inspiring Christmas message. Reporters are again the faithful Mary Godez and Mary Vertacic. Our card party this year will be held the first Wednesday in September. Anna Modiz will serve as chairman, assisted by Mary Turk. Mother’s Day Program will be held on our meeting date the third Sunday in May. Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Saye will be in charge of this program. The new kitchen committee is as follows: Dorothy Brezonik, Chairman; Mary Godez, Co-Chairman assisted by Dorothy Kregel, Christine Sterk, Johanna Zore, Emma Kotnik. The telephone committee volnteered to serve again. They are: Mary Godez, Ruth Sheck, Anna Modiz, Mary Vertacic, Christine Rupnik, Frances Ri-bich, Johanna Suscha, Mary Gustave-son and Margaret Fischer. We appreciate good will. Our sincere thanks to Mary Godez, our past vice-president for her diligent work she so well performed for so many years. Frances Melanz our kitchen chairman also stepped out of office as auditor for many years, likewise Olga Hlade who served as auditor for one year. We thank them for their contribution to our branch. We will miss them and hope they will continue to be interested in our future activities. Important: The date of our meeting has been changed from second Sunday in the month to the third Sunday. There will be no meetings in January, July and August. Stay well and happy! Will be seeing you at our next meeting on tht third Sunday of February, the 21st. Margaret Fischer, Sec’y No. 2, Chicago, III. — In January, we think back on the past holidays with fond memories of our juvenile Christmas Party, held on Dec. 20th in the afternoon. The adult members who were there with their children and grandchildren said it was the nicest party ever and so much more meaningful than many Christmas parties when the children merely receive a gift, play a few games and go home. The list of workers for this party shows how interested everyone was to make it nice. We used Mrs. Toma-zin’s hall for rehearsals, Mrs. Troha sewed the 3 Gingerbread men’s costumes, and Mrs. Bogolin helped with the backstage work as did Mrs. Ste-fanik. To make the beautiful setting that included a Gingerbread house all decorated with little hearts, flowers, cookies and candy canes and a huge tree that had little twinkling lights among the branches our secretary called upon her son-in-law, Ray Nuško and the son of another member, Dick Rakovec. They also made the setting complete with colored spot lights and gay Christmas Tree. The decorations of tables and preparation of goodies was in the hands of Mrs. Železnikar, Mrs. Zorko, Mrs. Zibert and a special thaks to Liz Zefran for all her hours of work in selecting, wrapping and preparing the gifts for over 70 youngsters who attended. Stephie Osterman also pitched in with her clever hands and made a bowl full of candy balls that were sold with prizes to those who picked lucky colors. All our committee deserves a lot of credit for the ingenious way they carried on to make a beautiful party that our junior members will always remember. Oh yes, Santa arrived all bedecked in finery and distributed the presents, too. Thanks to him. In conclusion, a word of good cheer to our ailing members, Mary Tomazin, Josephine Meden, Irene Grill and Jean Križman. We pray God will give you comfort and good health. And, best wishes to our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Frances Kozel, selected at the January meeting when we had a belated adult Christmas party. Corinne Leskovar No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — In February we have Valentine’s Day. Hope everyone has a happy day. If you are coming to our meeting, which is Feb. 9th, bring a lot of Valentines with you. We will have a mail carrier and a good time, too. In the near future, we will probably have an eastern division Bowling Tournament for Zveza bowlers. So, you good bowlers, get yourselves ready to do your best for the S.W.U. Last year one of our teams came in first place. Hope we can do it again for Br. 10. More on this later. ©ur December meeting was a very merry one. We had a Santa Claus surprise us all, and you guessed it, it was me! The ladies got quite a kick out of it. We had a gift exchange and a lot of goodies to go with it. We also celebrated the birthdays of sisters Salmich and Phyllis Čermelj. One of our members made a motion to hold some kind of social doing in 1965. We finally decided to hold a bake sale, so all you gals who bake so well, we’ll be looking for your cakes, pies, poti-cas, strudels and cookies. This will be held around Eastertime. For the treasury, Mrs. Izanc donated generously. The month of December was a sad one too. We lost three members, namely, Mrs. Jennie Pike, Mrs. Anne Suhadolnik and Mrs. Mary Mihle. Our deepest sympathy to the families of our departed members and may they rest in peace. During the year 19G4, we lost a total of 8 members. Hope each member signs up a new member this year! We also had elections and everyone remained in office. President is Anne Markovič; vice-president, Phyllis Čer- melj; secretary-lreasurer, Mary Cam-Ioh; recording sec’y, Sophie Magayna; auditors, Millie Novak, Štefka Koncilija and seargent at arms, Jennie Koren. We were happy to welcome back the vice-president, Phyllis, after a brief illness. She thanked everyone for all the lovely cards. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Urbas and Louise Čebular. To all ailing members, wishes for good health and a Happy Birthday to all celebrating. Sophie Magayna No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — San Francisco is certainly pleased with their officers, for once again the entire group was unanimously voted into office. Our President received a two to one vote winning her office against our Delegate Margaret Fager. So once again, President is Jerry A-dami. Vice-President is Anne Stark, Secretary: Betty Doherty, Financial Sec’y: Ann Stich, Marshall (for her 25th or so year) our beloved Mary Plut, Door Sentinel: Katie Cepernich, Auditors: Tillie Kambic, Katie Plut, Fran Chiodo, Reporter: Fran Chiodo. So we will once again take the helm and give you one more successful year. We will have a substitute officer who will take over any office of an absentee officer on request of the President. My trip to Europe was a very happy and rewarding experience. My husband, Joe and I, along with his Aunt, toured nine countries and 3 principalities making 8,000 miles on the Volkswagen we purchased in Heidelberg, Germany. The most surprising thing to me was the number of people in business who spoke English. Travel is excellent by car as the roads arc Freeways called Autobahns, Autostrada, or the likes but what it means is you will travel on roads that equal or surpass our very own. The antiquity of Europe is unbelievable. An arch 2000 years old still stands in complete beauty and perfect preservation. Germany is indeed a country of great interest and much of the country is simply beautiful. Great advancements have been made in Europe during the past 20 years. We took a tour of the Battlefronts and visited the Cemeteries of our war dead. It is so gratifying to see the grounds so well-kept. The area becomes a National Shrine and one can feel these boys are not forgotten by the beauty that surrounds them. The principalities visited were San Marino, Monaco, and Luxembourg. It seems so strange to have these countries within the confines of a larger country but still having their independence. These principalities are self-supporting mainly through tourism. Yugoslavia is indeed a place to remember. The countryside is so green and lovely and the cities passed my expectations. To go to a town the size of Metlika and find a modern hotel seems impossible but we had excellent accomodations with bath etc. in each room. The food was excellent and needless to say the cost was nominal. As you know an American Dollar will buy 750 Dinars so you can imagine the distance your dollar will go. Many people from Italy spend their vacations in Yugoslavia because of the nominal costs. Greeting to all and best wishes for a Happy and Fruitful year 1965. Fran Chiodo, Reporter SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION is giving the opportunity to all its members and their immediate families to save over $200.00 per person on their trip by a most modern JET plane to Ljubljana. The members will travel in a friendly and care free atmosphere in the company of their friends, relaxing on a well-planned and organized trip. COST OF THE ROUND TRIP BY JET FROM NEW YORK TO ZAGREB (OR LJUBLJANA AIRPORT) is $424.00 per person. Departures are scheduled as follows: 1. DEPARTURE OF THE PILGRIMAGE GROUP: Leaving New York by JET Boeing 707 on June 10, returning on August 2nd. The group will visit Paris, Lourdes, Rome and continue on to Slovenia. Arrangements will be made for an Audience with the Holy Father in Rome and to attend Masses offered by a Slovenian priest. Cost of this 6 day pilgrimage, including hotel accommodations, 3 meals a day and sightseeing is $89.00 per person. 2. DIRECT DEPARTURE FOR LJUBLJANA: Leaving New York by JET on June 16. You have a choice of two return dates: July 15 or August 16. The leader of this group will be Mrs. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary of Slovenian Women’s Union. Members must travel together to Slovenia and return, but, during their stay abroad, can spend the time as they wish. Varied, well-organized excursions by motorcoaches with a starting point in Ljubljana have been organized for those who wish to join them. For information and reservation write to: Slovenian Women's Union, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois. FORMER S.W.U. LEGAL ADVISOR IS CANDIDATE County Judge Joseph W. Wilkus of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, former legal advisor for the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, declared his candidacy for the Wisconsin State Supreme Court. Mrs. Marie Prisland, our former Supreme president, has confirmed her continuing support for Judge Joseph W. Wilkus during his candidacy for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the 19G5 Spring Elections. Judge Wilkus was Mrs. Prisland's counsellor from 1942 to 1952, when he was retained as attorney for the S.W.U. Many of the delegates will remember the judge’s participation in the 1946 Indianapolis Convention and his negotiations with the Illinois Insurance Commission on our insurance contract revisions. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — As the new year of 1965 begins, a new campaign has been started for new members. You might say we are reaching for the moon if every member of Branch No. 14 would bring in an additional member, but we must have a starting point, so let us try and exert every effort to this end. It is very apparent that the members of this branch are not aware of the change in monthly dues, which covers an increase of 5aude) from Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin ,and his law degree (Coif) from the University of Wisconsin. Since 1953, he has been judge of the Sheboygan County and Juvenile Courts and is presently chairman of the Wisconsin Board of County Judges. Formerly the chairman of the State Board of Juvenile Court Judges and of the City Attorney Section of the league of Wisconsin Municipalities, he is currently a judicial representative on the Wisconsin Comprehensive Mental Health and Mental Retardation Planning Committee, chairman of the State Bar Section on Real Prop&'-ty, Trusts and Probate, chairman of the Section Research Committee on Probate, occasional lecturer at the University of Wisconsin Law School and a member of the Marquette University Civic Committee. A member of the Immaculate Conception Parish of Sheboygan, Wisconsin; he also belongs to the Sheboygan Chapter of the Knights of Columbus as a 4th Degree member. He is an outstanding lawyer and a distinguished citizen. We appeal to all our members and their families living in the State ol' Wisconsin to vote for Joseph W. Wilkus, at the primary election held March 9, 1965. For Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wisconsin: Margaret Fischer, secretary Olga Saye, president hoped for all of these members. Congratulations to Jean Gainer who became a grandma for the first time. A boy was born to her daughter. Condolences are extended to Mary Gerl and Julia Novak, mother and sister respectively of Michael Gerl, who passed away recently. Thanks to Josephine Strnad for a donation. Molly Sodja, Secretary No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Our annual meeting and Christmas party was a success. It was nice to see so many attend this affair. Pres., Marion Marolt (Santa Claus) distributed the gifts for the children. We had exchange of Christmas gifts among the adult members and after the business session, cake .strudel .potica and coffee was served. Many thanks to those who donated the food and to the workers in the kitchen. The meeting dates on the 3rd Sunday of each month with the exception of June, July and August. Two card parties are scheduled for 19G5, one for the new church and one for our treasury. As in the past, $1 must be contributed into the treasury by each member yearly and 100 for every deceased member. A $3 gift will be given to a member when she is hospitalized and the same for the first born child of a member. The officers elected for 19C5 are the same with the exception of the recording secretary, Mrs. Fanny Stroj who after 21 years in this office resigned due to other commitments which make it difficult for her to attend some of the meetings. She has been a loyal and diligent worker thru all the years and we surely will miss her. We hope, Fanny, that whenever you are able to attend, you will come to see us and not desert us completely. Our new recording secretary is Rose Schubert. Welcome to the fold! We remembered our shut-ins with a lovely hanky and Christmas card. We hope you all had very nice holidays. Mrs. Mary Grasch was nominated unanimously for the Mother of the Year for 1965. Mary is a very deserving person as she always is ready to help us whenever needed. Congratulations, we are so proud to have you as our Mother of the Year! A speedy recovery to sick members and condolences to the family of Julia Horvath who passed away recently. May she rest in peace. Deepest sympathy also to the Schi-menz family who lost their beloved mother, Mary Schimenz, devoted secretary of Br. 12 for many, many years. She was very well-liked by all, not only by her members, but also the surrounding branches. Mrs. Schimenz was a loyal, faithful, diligent worker in all the years she performed her duties well. She will be sadly missed by her family, her branch, friends and the organization. May Mrs. Schimenz’ soul rest in peace. Hope to see you at our next meeting. May you all enjoy good health and God be with you. Marie A. Floryan, Sec'y No. 20, Joliet, III. — At our annual meeting which was the close of the year we noted that seven of our members have passed into eternity during the year: Christine Mauzer, Mary Launch, Anna Korevec, Pauline Stefa-nich, Agnes Korelc, .Anna Vranich and our social member, Frances Horvat. The president mentioned since the campaign is now in progress it would be fitting to replace these members with new ones. At our annual meeting our treasurer, Josephine Sumic was not present since she was confined in the hospital. We all missed her and wished her a speedy recovery by sending her a “Get-well” card signed by all members. Others who were sent cards from our secretary during their illness were Amalia Plese, Agnes Minarich, Cath. Larnuth, Barb. Gregorash and our trustee, Jennie Sprengel. We heard that Antonia Struna, and Mary Jerman are at the Pleasant Nursing Home, and it. was reported that Anna Pluth, who was our first secretary in the branch, has been moved from the Johnston Nursing Home in Joliet, to the Beacon Hill Nursing Home, 4530 N. Beacon St., Chicago, 111. It would be nice if the members would remember our sick ones with a card at least. Our secretary, Frances, mentioned that for this year 1965 she will collect additional dues of 5an Co. Welcome 2 newcomers, Stefanie and Rose Mary Bajric into our branch. Our condolences to the Krosl Family for the recent loss of their mother. and to our President Josephine Kolar, who was so very close to her sister. She will be missed by all. To all our sick and shut-in members, a very special prayer, “God keep you in His loving care, God grant that you’ll Improve each day — Until good health returns to stay.” Check your dues. Also circle your March 1st date for the Usinger Sausage Demonstration and Card Party. A Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Rose Kraemer, Sec. THANK YOU No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. -— My sincere thanks and appreciation to all the members of Br. 46 for the masses and sympathy cards and kindness extended me at the time of the death of my husband, Joseph Dolenc. Margaret Dolenz No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — A special meeting will be held in February. All members are requested to be present. Our sincere sympathy is extended to our Vice-President, Margaret Dolenz on the death of her husband, Mary Gregory on the death of her husband and Mary Hribernik on the death of her daughter. Wishes for a speedy recovery are also extended to Theresa Grabian’s sister-in-law, Rose Lucas. Happy Holidays Wishes are extended to all members from the Officers, Josephine Prebil, Margaret Dolenz, Helen Skoff and Mary Moenigmann. See you in February. Reporter No. 52, Kltzvil'le, Minn. — The first meeting of the new year was held Jan. 6th. As you all know, we have been saddened by the passing of one of our dearly beloved members, Marj' Russo. We all wish to take this time to offer deepest sympathy to the family and friends. On our sick list is Mary Musech who is undergoing surgery at Hibbing General Hospital. And, Mrs. Lena Strazishar ih also In the hospital. We wish them God speed to rapid recovery and to all our other sick members as well. Meeting was held and installation of officers proceeded. The same officers were re-elected and it was a nice ceremony. They are: Josephine Oswald, Pres., Rose Chiodi, Sec. and Treas., Roee Zldarich, Rec. Sec., Mary Musech, Vice-Pres., Gertrude Koche- Hermine Prisland Dicke: and. Ust1"* One of our very good members from Branch 95 of South Chicago, Mrs. Ann Kompare, recently served a delicious and nutritious dish at a luncheon. The guests; Albina Novak, Corinne Leskovar, Liz Zefran and Pauline Klobučar immediately asked for the recipe. Corinne was kind enough to forward the recipe to me that we might all try “Beef Rolls.” Mrs. Kompare's husband is mortician in South Chicago, and they have two sons: one, a doctor, and the other, a student at Notre Dame University. BEEF ROLLS (Rinderrouladen — in German) 1 round steak, cut i/2 inch thick (a- bout 2 pounds) Salt and pepper Prepared mustard 3 slices bacon, chopped fine 1 medium onion, chopped fine 2 tablespoons flour Water 3 or 4 carrots Drippings or butter for browning. Trim fat from steak, render for browning. Pound beef until *4 inch thick. Cut into six pieces, sprinkle meat with salt and pepper. Spread one side of each piece with mustard, then with bacon and onion mixed together. Roll each slice and secure with small wooden pick or string. Dip roll into flour and brown on all sides in hot fat. Add water % inch depth in skillet. Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. Scrape and slice 3 or 4 carrots. Place on top of rolls baste with liquid and cover. Simmer about 1/2 hour long or until meat is well done. Remove meat to hot platter. Thicken the pan liquid with flour for gravy, if you wish. Pour gravy over rolls and reserve extra as accompaniment for mashed potatoes. Added suggestions: a small bay leaf can be placed in the liquid. 2 tablespoons of cream and beef stock can be added to the gravy; or, 1 cup of sour cream and parsley added to very last few minutes — just to heat through (so cream does not curdle). * * * Red tart cherries — ideal for celebrating George Washington’s birthday — will be featured on the February List of Plentiful Foods of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Shoppers will find many special promotions of cherries. Not only will retail grocers feature cans of cherries and cherry pie fillings, but frozen food bins will be filled with cherry tarts and pies. NATIONAL CHAMPION .CHERRY PIE 2 (20 oz.) cans frozen cherries, thawed and drained, or 4 cups drained cherries 1 cup sugar (if water-packed canned cherries are used .increase sugar to 1J/2 cups) 3 tablespoons tapioca % teaspoon red coloring Vi teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon melted butter 2 tablespoons cream. Combine all ingredients and pour into a 9 inch pastry-lined pie pan, distributing the cherries evenly. Wet the edge of the bottom crust, arrange the top crust or lattice strips in place and press. Trim off the overhanging edges of dough. Flute the edge with fingers. To give the pie a golden brown glaze, brush the top of pastry with cream. To prevent the edge of the crust from over-browning, place a strip of aluminum foil around the edge of the dish. Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for 55 minutes. var, Reporter and Auditors are Angeline Russ, Angeline Hrovat and Margaret Kochevar. Phoning Committee: Betty Strazishar, Margaret Andrican and Carmella Bonazza. Nominations were opened for our Mother of the Year and selected was Alice Baratto to do us honor this year. The choice was unanimous for her and we are proud as she is a very active member and interested in many sports such as volleyball and bowling. Besides this, she takes care of her family and is always willing to lend a hand to ayone in need. We all know that she will represent us with flying colors. Congratulations, Mother of the Year, Alice Baratto. We also have a new member, sister Frances Russ. We hope she will enjoy being a member and we are happy to have her with us. Social of the evening took place with the hostesses being our officers Jos. Oswald, Rose Chiodi, Rose Zidarich and Josephine Paiitano. A delicious lunch was served and games were played. Honor prizes went to the following: Evanna Prelesnik, Angeline Russ, Frances Russ, Celia Paiitano, Genevieve Zidarich, Alice Baratto, Margaret Kochevar and Florence Te-char. Door prize was also awarded to sister Baratto. This concluded a wonderful evening. Our next meeting is Feb. 3rd at the Uttle Grove and we hope to see you all there. Until then, keep well and safe. May God bless you all. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter Crust 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt % cup lard Vi cup milk. Sift the flour and salt together. To this add about half of the lard and cut with pie blender or two knives until the texture of cornmeal. Add the remaining lard and blend to the size of small or medium peas. Add the milk a few drops at a time and mix. Continue this procedure until all the particles are damp enough to stick together. Press together, divide and shape into two balls. Flour pastry cloth and rolling pin lightly. Roll the bottom crust 3 inches larger than the pie dish. Fit the dough into the dish being sure not to stretch it. Roll remaining dough; make a design in it to allow the steam to escape ,or cut into strips one-half inch wide for lattice top. Thank you, Mrs. Kompare, for your “Beef Rolls” recipe. Best wishes to all of you. — Hermine No. 54, Warren, Ohio. -— Happy New Year to all members with the hope that you will all stay well during the year. Perhaps you’ve made some sound resolutions: (1) Attend our meetings, (2) Pay your dues regularly! These are important to our branch. The officers for 1965 are the same as before: Pres. Rose Racher, Vice-Pres. Mary Waltko, Sec.-Treas., Joanne Ponikvar, Rec. Sec’y, Jean Ponikvar, Auditors: Mary Ponikvar, Elsie Persin and Anne Simpkins, Sar-gent-at-Arms, Josephine Kassan. No meetings during July and August and now the meetings will be at the homes of the members. February meeting will be at Millie Habich’s home, on Milton St., S.E. on the third Tuesday of the month, the 16th. Home for the holidays with their parents were members, Carole Persin, Joyce Mlakar, Leonard Zuga, Valentina Gladd and Ricky Knezevich, all college students. A speedy recovery to all ailing members. In April, will we hold a card party as a fund-raising project and Jeseph-ine Kassan will be the chairman. She is an energetic worker for the branch and I know she will help increase our treasury with her good work. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The December meeting was opened with Grace led by Mrs. Matilda Cigolle. A large number of members enjoyed a Cover-ed-Dish Dinner. Everything was so delicious! We started out with Mrs. Anna Kalan’s home made chicken noodle soup; then came Breaded Chicken. Baked ham. Scalloped Potatoes. Hot Rolls and many, many good salads and desserts. At this point there was a little business meeting. Mrs. Cathe- rine Russ was chosen Mother-of-the-Year. It was also announced that there will be a Card Party on March 6, 1965 at 8 P.M. in the Slovenian Hall in Girard, Ohio. The officers for 19G5 are as follows: Pres. Barbara Umeck; Yice-Pres. Matilda Cigolle; Sec. and Treas. Mary Ann Mehalco; Recording Sec. Matilda Cigolle; Auditors: Sophie Kren and Amelia Robsel; Reported Mary Ann Mehalco. Prayer was recited by Mary Ann Mehalco at the close of this meeting. A gift exchange then took place, Christmas carols were sung then games were played with many prizes being awarded to the members. Rose Juvančič took home the door prize. Among all the Christmas cheer and happiness we were saddened by the news of the death of Julia Novosel. She passed away December 14. Deepest Sympathy was sent to her daughter, Helen Krizancic. We are sorry to report Mary Rostan also was taken to the hospital on Dec. 22. Get-well wishes were sent to her for a speedy recovery and to all our members and their families we sincerely hope you are Blessed with a New Year of good health and happiness. ____________Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Branch No. 56 held its December meeting at the Assumption Hall clubrooms on Dec. 9, at which time all officers were re-elected. Those being — Anne Sato-vich, Pres., Agnes Barkis, Vice-Pres., Mary Meadows, Secretary, Amelia Domen, Recording Secretary and Mary Drobnik, Treasurer. Mrs. Anna Brklich was voted mother of the year. More will be written about this in a latter issue. — Mrs. John Chacich, Mrs. Victor Matosich and Mrs. Dominic Siver are reported on the sick list. We wish a speedy recovery. After our regular meeting a Christmas party was held chairmen being Mary Massich, Fran Puhek and Mini Puhek. A delightful lunch was served on tables decorated with Christmas greenery. Gifts were also exchanged and songs sung, after which games were played. A wonderful time was had by all. Liz Draskovich, reporter No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio. — Our old year ended with a Christmas dinner and gift exchange being held at Pape’s restaurant. All members were thrilled at eating out and opening their gifts. Our new year started with the first meeting being held at the home of Miss Florence Capela. The meeting was opened with the Lord’s Prayer. The treasurer’s report was read and approved. The minutes of the previous meeting were also read and approved. A general discussion was held on building up the treasury for the com- ing year. Meeting places for the following few months were named. All members will have a turn at being hostess for a monthly meeting. Their month is being selected by alphabetical order. A letter was read pertaining to the new officers for the coming year. It was decided that the present officers remain in office another year. They are: Mrs. Theresa Colangelo, Pres.: Mrs. Tony White, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Leonard Dello, Jr., Sec’y; Mrs. Frank Mundi, Treas. Recipient of the door prize was Mrs. Nick Vignal. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Stella Anderson on Feb. 6, 7:00. Meeting was closed with the Hail Mary. Refreshments were then served by the hostess and a Social evening was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Leonard Dello Jr., Sec’y No. 68, Painesville, Ohio. — First of all, the members of No. 68 wish to thank all the members who attended and helped at our Dinner-Dance on Dec. 5th at Fairport Harbor. Thanks also to Antonia Turek, our Supreme President and the grand group of ladies who came down on the bus from Newburg, Cleveland area. Thanks a-gain to Louis Bajc who played so well during the evening. It will be an event long remembered and may we some day return your friendship. Our meeting of Dec. 17th was well attended. This was held in the form of a Christmas party with gift exchange and lots of goodies to eat. We have a wonderful group of members and everyone enjoyed herself. This was followed by election of officers for the year 1965: Pres. Mrs. Mohorčič, Vice-Pres. Mrs. Hrvatin, Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Grzely, Rec. Sec. Mrs. Mahne, English Reporter Mrs. Grabel-sek, Slovenian Reporter Mrs. Bajc, Auditors: Frances Ulle, Molly Juzna and Carol Satej. Sentinel is Mrs. Troha and Sunshine, Mrs. Pillar. Donations were made to the Crippled Children, Retarded and Scholarship Fund. A thank you note was read from Mrs. Jopko who has been on the sick list. May you soon be back with us, Mrs. Jopko. It was decided to buy a coffee urn and sausage machine as one of our yearly projects. A very happy new year to all. Mrs. Julia Grabelsek No. 73, Warrensvllle Hgts., Ohio — This by way of correcting last month’s article: it was Rose Repasky's mother-in-law who passed away. We all send our deepest sympathy and may she rest in peace. Our Chr-istmas party was a huge success. It was an ember day and we had no meat, hut the meal was delicious anyway. Thanks to everyone for the fine pot-luck. We all received lovely head scarves from Santa Claus. Election of ofiicers for 1965 followed and everyone was in favor of our present officers being re-elected. Congratulations and may God help us to have another wonderful year as was 1964. Good Luck! Also, our afghan prize was held and Helen Kunka was the lucky lady. She was present at the meeting and was both surprised and happy to be called. Hope you have many warm hours with it, Helen. We received our bazaar money and it totaled $114 a goodly sum. Thanks to everyone who helped with this money-making venture. Happy Birthday to our members this month. Any of our members on the sick list? May they feel fine soon. Our good weather should help that. Just heard that one of our sick members is Louise Majersic’s moth er-in-law. Hope she is feeling better and that Louise and her sister had no ill effects from the car accident they had. We gave $25 to the Little Sisters of the Poor for Christmas. We extend our deepest sympathy to Frances Kainec on the death of her husband Paul, and to Rosemary Mauer, daughter. The ladies are both our members. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — For our Dec. meeting and Christmas party, we met at the home of Helen Cha-cata. She had a beautiful decorated large spruce tree which made the living-room look very Christmassy. At our regular meeting most of the same officers were re-elected as follows: Pres., Mary Mihelich; Vice-Pres., Mary Bratovich; Sec’y, Fannie Ramshak; Rec. Sec’y, Mary Lokovšek; Treas., Jennie Beaver; Auditors: Rosalie Lobe, Mary Sader and Helen Chacata; Sarg.-at-Arms, Mary Potočnik. Sorry to report the death of Josephine Trilip who was a charter member. She passed away Dec. 6, in a rest home at Tacoma, aged 80 years. Surviving are two sons, John and Stanley, the latter serving in the Armed Forces in Viet-Nam. She was buried in the Krain Cemetery from the Sacred Heart Church. After the close of meeting, Santa Claus appeared with gifts and sacks of candy for the children which was followed by exchange of gifts by members. Later we all enjoyed a pot-luck lunch. Many thanks to Helen for her hospitality. Our next meeting will be held on March 14th at the home of Dorothy Sleigh. Hope to see you all there and don’t forget there is an increase of 5 cents per month for dues. Fannie Ramshak, Sec'y No. 83, Crosby, Minn. — Our Dec. meeting and Christmas party was held Dec. 8 at Sister Vukelich’s home. A pot-luck supper was served at 7:00 o’clock with 20 members present. The table was nicely decorated. Everything was delicious and did we enjoy the food! $1 gifts were also exchanged. Thank you, Mary, for letting us use your home. We all had a very enjoyable evening. Meeting was opened with a prayer; after the Minutes, reports were read. Election then took place and officers for 1965 are as follows: Pres., Frances Vidmar; Vice-Pres., Louise Puchrieter; Sec’y, Mary T. Deblock; Treas., Mary ,T. Deblock; Recorder, Ann Widmar; Auditors: Hattie Stin-ert and Antoinette Deblock. Everything else is set as has been in the past years. Our first meeting in 19G5 will be April 5 held at Sister L. Deblock’s home. Best Wishes to all, will see you at the next meeting. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 85, DePue, III. — Our regular monthly meeting was on Dec. 20th at 5 p.m. with 11 members present at the Dom. After the regular business was taken care of, we had election of officers with the same officers taking their posts (some for 25 years or more) with the exception of secretary, as yours truly was elected to that office. When the meeting was over, the men held their meeting after which we all enjoyed the annual Christmas pot-luck with klobase, shunka, potica, krofe, chicken and other goodies. This year I coudn’t go home with a plate full of goodies for my husband Vince as he’s on a salt free reducing diet. It was a big sacrifice, believe me, to pass up all those good things to eat. Games were played with small prizes awarded to winners. A good time was had by all. God bless all our ill members and may the new year find them in improved health. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mary Kerntz of Oglesby (Br. 89) on the death of her father and condolences to her family as well. May he rest in peace. See you all next month, God willing. Frances Machek, Reporter No. 95, Chicago, III. — MERRY CHRISTMAS! The traditional greeting rang out on all sides as our members gathered for fun, frolic, and feasting around the festive table of goodies. Therefore, it is my pleasure at this time of the year to openly compliment the following members who gave of themselves and their goods in choosing a variety of foods that complimented each other; they are: Rose Boemer, Mary Barcevac, Rose Mary Cacich, Eva Cora, Amelia Cuz-ella, Manda and Rose Dosen, Evelyn Driscoll, Mary Duich, Helen Golich, Ann Hlacar, Mildred James, Mary Jurko, Mary Kahn, Ann Kompare, Rose Krneta, Anna Loncar, Agatha Mesin, Stephanie Magnavite, Eva Mlinarich. Anna Nagoda, Ann Pearson, Mary Perkovich (96th Muskegon), Mildred Porapat, Mary Possedi, Jean Ross, Ann Sertich, Frances Seabloom, Mary Sambol, Caroline Vukasovich, Marge and Olga Kmipotich. The following are the generous contributors to our treasury: Mary Andretich, Polonia Ashenbrenner, Mary Duich, Shirley and Marge Innis, Mary Mundger, Katherine Jackovich, Frances Perpich, Mary Perkovich (96th Houston), Anna Jovanovich, Anna Tumpich, Anna Velcich, and Matilda Cacich. Our stand-up lady, Mary Possedi, came up with a rarity in entertainment and of course the show couldn’t work properly without the support of Veda Yamich, Mary Nicksic, and yours truly. Nevertheless, we got a big kick out of entertaining our members with our zany antics. Last but not least, many thanks to Anna Jovanovich who has been just great as Santa Claus and to Stephen Possedi who provided us with his accordian selections. It certainly was a gala evening. Get-well wishes are extended to Kate Alfirevich (and hubby too, who certainly has had his share of illness), Matilda Joviča (I certainly appreciate your little notes sent to me) and Mary Prebeg on her recent operation; a speedy recovery to all of our members who are ill. We extend a very warm welcome to Shirley Innis and Mary Mundger, newcomers to our group. Congratulations and many happy returns to the following wlio are celebrating birthdays in February: Polonia Ashenbrenner, Mary Brozynski. Ljuba Brunski, Louise Dolan, Ann Hlacar, Anna Lisac, Benedicto Marino, Sylvia Mitchell, Mary Provich, Antonia Svorcina, Anna Velcich, and Agatha Mesin. Mildred James, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. — We finished the year 1964 in grand style with a good final meeting. It was very well-attended. Election of officers was held and all of the past officers were reelected for another year. We decided to have our meetings in March, June, August, 0ctober and December at 2:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon. The first one will be March 14th at Mary Oblock’s home. Then we will decide who will be hostess next time. We will have games after the meeting as usual, so please attend. A speedy recovery to all sick and a Happy New Year to all. Paula Kokal, Pres. No. 101, Bedford Heights, O. — Our December meeting was our annual Christmas pot-luck party. A one-dollar gift exchange and the revealing of secret pals was held. The city hall was beautifully decorated by the officers and a few of the junior members. Each member present at the meeting received a Christmas corsage. Beautiful plaques were presented to the past president and treasurer, as they are out-going officers. Reverend Father John Paulin installed our new officers for 1965. They are: President, Anna Gyurcik; Vice-president, Ann Swaney; Recording secretary, Ethel Rittwage; Treasurer, Lucille Picone; Financial Secretary, Dorothy Kastellic, and Auditors Elizabeth Mertel and Marie Pollock. Our new President appointed Pauline Svet-te as Sunshine Chairman and Mara DuBay as Program Chairman. A reminder, gals: Please pay up your dues. Your Financial Secretary has had to pay them out of her own pocket and is is not fair to her to have to be paying for you. We are all happy to hear that one of our members, Anna Strekal, is coming along fine after a long and serious illness. Also, to all the sick members a speedy recovery. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those members who came to pay their respects and offered spiritual and floral gifts for my brother, John Mertle, who passed away suddenly. Also, thank you for the many sympathy cards. May you all have a happy, healthy, and successful New Year! May God Bless All Of You! Your new reporter, Betty Matjašič No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Now that the holidays are over, we can resume our regular routine. I had a very nice and quiet holiday season and do hope every member had the same. Our last meeting on Dec. 20th was held at Ann McGee’s home. We opened our meeting with a prayer. There were sixteen adult members present and one junior member, also, a guest of Ann’s. Our junior was Alice Koc-jan’s granddaughter, a very engaging young lady. She is a student council member and participates in extra curricular activities at school. So much one can write about the younger gene ration coming up. Very brilliant, I must say. Ann Korun also has a very talented granddaughter, Cheryl Bernick who performs well in ballet and tap dancing. Ann says that s,he is going to be a member of our organization soon. Good luck to both of the young ladies! Happy Birthday to Julia Panzica, who will be celebrating in February. I wish to thank Pauline Adamic, Anna Plazar, Rose Jamnick and Gail Simon for the lovely birthday cards. Also ,for all the Christmas cards I received from the ladies of Br. 105. Our sincere good wishes to Mrs. Kočevar who is ill at a Nursing Home and Mrs. Nezbeda who is also ill and residing at Mt. Clemens Nursing Home. We hope and pray that the new year will be more encouraging than the past. with hopes for better health. Our next meeting will be here at my home. Let us start this new year with a good attendance at future meetings. Wishing you all a healthy and happy new year, 1965. God bless you. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Marie Prisland: Zgodovina slovenske naselbine v Sheboyganu. (Nadaljevanje.) Trgovina in obrti. Z ustanovitvijo slovenske fare, na katero je bil njen ustanovitelj Father Černe silno ponosen — cerkev, šola, Zelena dolina — se je pričelo novo narodno življenje. Podporna društva so se ustanavljala; rastla so pevska in dramska društva. Tiste čase smo imeli tudi svojo Čitalnico in par let celo Narodni dom. Slovensko življenje je cvetelo, da je bilo veselje. Vse to je dalo pogum nekaterim, da so pričeli misliti na lastno trgovino. Naši naseljenci so prihajali večinoma iz dežele. Roko-delcov je bilo med njimi malo. Ker so bili fantje brihtni, so se oprijeli dela ter se v raznih strokah izučili. Izmed trgovin jim je najbolj ugajala gostilniška obrt, ki se jim je že v starem kraju zdela imenitna. Svoj čas smo v Sheboyganu imeli 37 slovenskih gostiln; zdaj jih je precej manj. Prvo gostilno je odprl Anton Starič leta 1902. Prvo grocerijo je pričel Jože Zore leta 1905, prvo. mesarijo pa Anton Suša leta 1909. — Točasno imamo slovensko trgovino z zlatnino, trgovino za moške obleke, trgovino s pisalnimi potrebščinami, grocerije, eno mesnico in več restavracij. Imamo samostojne gradbenike, barvarje, zidarje, čevljarje, izdelovalca mehkih pijač, kontraktorja za izravnavo zemljišč, več garaž za prodajo avtomobilov in gaso-llnskih postaj. Naj omenim bivšo največjo slovensko trgovino—-SOUTH SIDE WOOD SUPPLY CO. Leta 1917 so štirje rojaki — Rok Juriček, Anton Suša, Jože Zore in Mihael Skok — kupili cel mestni blok, kjer so pričeli trgovino z drvami na debelo. V severnem delu države Wisconsin so kupili velike parcele gozdov, kjer so sekali drva, jih pošiljali v Sheboygan, pa tudi drugam. Trgovina je več let lepo uspevala — 8 let sem jo vodila jaz — a po 18-tih letih obstoja je morala prenehati, ker so plinske peči izpodrinile kurjavo z drvami. Spomladi leta 1920 smo se sheboyganski Slovenci z velikanskim navdušenjem organizirali v delniško družbo ter pričeli grocerijsko trgovino pod imenom NATIONAL STORE. S tem podvzetjem nismo imeli sreče. Radi neizkušenosti in iz raznih dingih vzrokov je po dveh letih trgovina ukinila poslovanje. Edina slovenska delniška družba, ki neprestano obstoja od leta 1909 do danes in to z uspehom, je mesnica SUSCHA MEAT MARKET. (Ravnatelj Ludovik Suscha). Družba je znana mnogim rojakom po Ameriki, ki pri njej naročajo izvrstne domače mesne izdelke. Družbo je ustanovil pokojni Anton Suša, ki je bil dober trgovec in velik narodnjak. Rojen je bil v Trebelnem na Dolejns-kem. V Sheboygan je prišel leta 1899, gostilniško obrt je pričel leta 1905. Bil je ves čas velik prijatelj slovenskih naseljencev. Dobil jim je delo, dal hrano in stanovanje, posredoval zanje, če so bili v zagati. Za našo faro ima velike zasluge. Bil je član stavbinskega odbora, ko je bilo treba zbirati denar za nakup zemljišča in zgradbo nove cerkve. Ko je fara kupila Zeleno Dolino in je bila v poletju treba zemljišče namakati, je Tone od svojih ameriških prijateljev zbral nekaj denarja ostalo pa daroval sam, da se je v Zeleni Dolini postavila naprava za namakanje, ki je stala okrog tisoč dolarjev. Anton Suša je umrl 22. aprila 1922. Prvi posestniki. Ob ustanovitvi naše fare je naselbina štela kakih 70 družin. Izmed teh je komaj deset lastovalo svoj dom. Sta- ri in mladi slovenski rod v Sheboyganu točasno šteje okrog 4,000 oseb, a je prav malo slovenskih družin, ki bi ne imele svojega lastnega doma. In vsi Slovenci, ki so prišli iz starega kraja, so postali ameriški državljani. Ljubezen do lastne zemlje je napotila prve naseljence, da so kupili zemljišča, kjer so pozneje postavili svoj dom. Frank Švartz je 18. marca 1901 kupil 3 lote na Wisconsin Ave. Frank Strupek je 30. oktobra 1902 kupil loto na Wisconsin Ave. Janez Godec je 19. februarja 1901 kupil hišo na 520 North Water cesti ter postal prvi lastnik slovenskega doma v Sheboyganu. Rojen je bil v Trebelnem na Dolejns-kem. V Sheboygan je dospel leta 1898. Leto pozneje mu je z družino sledila soproga Francka, po poklicu babica. Od družine živita dva sinova: Jože v Sheboyganu in Tone v državi Ohio. Okrog hiše je takrat bilo nekaj parcel zemlje, ki je dajala pašo eni kravl in enemu konju. Z konjem so se gospodar in njegovi borderji vozili na delo na RIVERSIDE, ki je zdaj lepa vas z velikansko industrijo — THE KOHLER COMPANY. Mladi rod. Naša mlada generacija lepo uspeva in je svojim staršem v ponos. Mnogo naših mladih ljudi ima v mestu dobre in odlične službe. Imamo tudi lepo število profesijonalcev, naprimer: 3 zdravnike, 3 odvetnike, enega bankirja, več učiteljev, kemiste, inženirje, žurnaliste, drugiste, bolničarke, zdravniške tehnike in druge. Naj omenim organistinjo Stanko Skok Frančič, ki cerkveno petje poučuje nad 25 let. Šolala se je v glasbeni šoli Alverno kolegija v Milwaukee. Olga Plesetz Saye je učiteljica glasbe — klavir in harmonika. Točasno poučuje 71 učencev. Več let smo imeli slovenskega aldermana pri mestni upravi. (Carol Mohar). V politiki se točasno udejstvujeta Stanley Botoch-nik in Mary Sauchek. Naša naselbina je za časa zadnje vojne štela kakih 2400 Slovencev. Izmed teh je služilo strica Sama 251 fantov in deklet ,ali 10 odstotkov vse naselbine. V zadnji vojni je padlo 8 slovenskih fantov, namreč: William Fale, Joseph Bregar, Frank Remšak, Frank Zavrl, Joseph Ser-ketič, Toni Smerke, Frank Zlodi, Jimmy Saye. — V vojni v Koreji je padel Anton Vranič. Mnogi naši mladi Slovenci so v zadnji vojni bili odlikovani za hrabrost in povišani v službi. Poleg korporalov in saržentov smo imeli kar deset oficirjev. Michael Progar, točasni ravnatelj lokalnega časopisa THE SHEBOYGAN PRESS, ima čin majorja pri topništvu. Dr. John Urabec je bil kapetan v zračnem koru, Teodor Prisland pa kapetan v inženirskem oddelku. Robert Mohar in Albin Supan-čič sta bila poročnika in armadna pilota. Frank Ribič in Viktor Weiss sta bila časnika pri mornarnici. Progarjeva družina je imela kar tri armadne oficirje. ®d Frank Zavrlove družine je bilo pet sinov v armadi, od družine Jožeta Kregel tudi 5 sinov, od Antona Šercel družine je strica Sama služilo šest sinov, kar je bil rekord za naše mesto. Naše žene in dekleta so se takoj ob pričetku vo-jne organizirale v samostojno postojanko Rdečega križa (100 oseb), kjer so pletle, šivale in delale zdravniške obveze. S tem delom smo prednjačile drugim narodnostim v mestu. Kri za vojake so nekateri Slovenci darovali po pet in šestkrat. Naši rojaki so se navdušeno odzvali vsakemu apelu za vojno posojilo. Amerikanci so to videli, zato nam je bilo večkrat povedano, da smo Slovenci — po svojem značaju — najuglednejša narodnost v mestu. Naši ljudje priznanje v resnici zaslužijo. So pošteni trgovci, dobri delavci, zavedni državljani ,imajo lepo urejene in čiste domove in svoj rod so vzorno vzgojili. V ponos smejo biti samim sebi in svoji narodnosti! To skončuje popis slovenske naselbine v Sheboyganu. Podrobnejši opis je nemogoč, ker bi se preveč zavleklo. Najela sem le važnejše podatke, ki naj bodo poklonjeni spominu in v priznanje onim našim pogumnim in vstrajnim rojakom, ki so z resno voljo in pridno roko dali pričetek in obstanek slovenski naselbini v Sheboyganu. Rev. James Černe, ustanovitelj slovenske fare v Sheboyganu. Ana Rojšček Švartz, prvo slovensko dekle, ki je prišlo iz starega kraja v Sheboygan. (Slika z leta 1875) Viktoria Švartz Supančič, hčerka pionirske družine in Zvezina članica. V STARI KRAJ ZA $424 V OBE SMERI! SEDAJ JE TISTI CAS, DA SI REZERVIRATE PROSTOR ZA SKUPNO POTOVANJE V STARI KRAJ PO POSEBNO ZNIŽANI CENI — $424.00 DO LJUBLJANE — Prvi odhod je 10. junija, povratek 2. avgusta. Ta skupina bo spotoma obiskala Paris, Lurd in Rim. Glavna tajnica, Albina Novak, bo vodila skupino, ki odpotuje 16. junija in to direktno v Ljubljano. Za to skupino sta dva povratna datuma: 15. julija, to je posebno za tiste, ki nimajo delj časa za potovanje kot en mesec; za tiste, ki želijo ostati delj časa, namreč dva meseca, je povratek odločen za 16. avgusta. Zelo važno je, da si SEDAJ rezervirate prostor, zato ne odlašajte, ampak takoj pišite na glavno tajnico Albina Novak, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Telefon: Bishop 7-2014 — Bishop 7-7999. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — Glavna seja naše podružnice je bila prav dobro obiskana. Članice se zavedajo važnosti letne seje. In kako so bile radodarne! Napolnile so mize z dobrotami, da so bile obložene kot za banket. Dobre članice imamo! Lepa jim hvala! Po ureditvi programa za to leto so se vršile volitve odbora. Tri spremembe imamo v odboru; novo podpredsednico in dve nadzornici. Ker se iz odbora poslavlja naša agilna, za Zvezo vsa leta vneta ustanovna članica in prva predsednica Mary Godez, naj se s temi besedami v imenu podružnice od nje poslovim. Mary Godez je bila predsednica 10 let in podpredsednica 10 let. Bila je članica prvega gl. odbora in glavna podpredsednica od leta 1946 do 1949. Podružnico je imela vedno pri srcu in je za njo veliko storila, zakar smo ji zelo hvaležne. Žal nam je, da iz odbora odhaja, a zagotovila nas je, da z izstopom iz urada njena deljav-nost ne bo pojenjala, temveč, da bo sodelovala tudi zanaprej, le na odbor ne želi biti navezana. Iz nadzornega odbora izstopa Frances Melanz, ki je to mesto zavzemala 12 let. Kot načelnica kuhinje ima velike zasluge. Vedno smo se zanesle, da bo vse prav skuhano, spečeno in servirano, kadar je ona imela kuhinjo v oskrbi. Najlepša zahvala tudi njej za delo tekom let. — Olga Hlade je bila v odboru le eno leto. Ker na seji ni bila navzoča, je nismo mogle izvoliti ponovno. Na letni seji navadno izberemo častno mater podr. To mesto bo letos zavzemala Mary Brezonik, ustanovna članica, rediteljica podružnice in zavedna Zvezina članica. Od njene družine je pri naši podružnici vpisanih 7 članic. V maju bomo Imele po seji program za Matere, prvo sredo v septembru pa običajno letno kartno zabavo. Načelnica za Materin program je predsednica Olga Saye, za kartno zabavo pa zapisnikarca Anna Modiz. Važno: Iz gotovih vzrokov so mesečne seje naše podružnice premeščene na tretjo nedeljo In ne bodo več drugo nedeljo kot dosedaj. Meseca januarja, julija in augusta seje odpadejo. Prihodnja seja bo 21. februarja. Pridite! Odbor za leto 1965 je sledeči: Olga Saye, predsednica; Mary Sauchek, podpredsednica; Margaret Fischer, tajnica; Mary Vertacic, blagajničarka: Anna Modiz, zapisnikarca. Nadzornice: Molly Zunter, Bary Kralnz, Christine Sterk. Rediteljica: Mary Brezonik. Odbor za kuhinjo: Dorothy Brezonik, načelnica; Mary Godez, podnačel-nica; Dorothy Kregel, Christine Sterk, Johanna Zore, Emma Kotnik. Odbor za obveščenje članic po telefonu je isti kot dosedaj, namreč: Mary Godez, Margaret Fischer, Marion Gus-taveson, Anna Modiz, Christine Rupnik, Frances Ribich, Johanna Suscha, Mary Vertacic, Ruth Sheck. Poročevalki: Mary Godez, Mary Vertacic. V decembru so bile sprejete 4 nove članice. Podružnica točasno šteje 226 članic v vseh oddelkih. Zadnjih 5 let je pristopilo 64 novih članic. Od teh sta umrli dve; odstopila ni nobena. Odbornicam in članicam želim prav srečno in predvsem zdravo Novo leto. podružnici pa lepega napredka. Marie Prisland Št. 3.. Pueblo, Colo. — Bog daj da bo leto 1965 prineslo vsem kar največ božjega blagoslova, srečo in zdravje. Letne seje se je udeležilo bolj skromno število članic. Mladinski oddelek je bil dobro zastopan in smo vedno vesele, da pridejo na dec. sejo, da se P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. ALI JE VERA POTREBNA? Danes slišimo neprestano ugovore proti veri. Mnogi pikro pripominjajo: Ali si ti tudi še tako neumen. Človek je pod vplivom modernega napredka in iznajdb zavrgel vero v starega Boga kot nepotrebno šaro. Tako je lepo biti svoboden in brez vsakih obveznosti, ki nam jih vera nalaga. Moderni človek misli, da se čuti sproščenega ,ko ne sliši več o katekizmu. Veliko lepše je predati se mladostnemu razpoloženju, športu in vsemu temu, kar nudi življenje. Vprašanje je le, ali je s tem vera odpravljena? Prav gotovo ne. Ali so s tem ljudje dosegli svobodo in mir, ki so si ga želeli. Ne. Nemški pesnik Lenau nam sam popisuje, kaj je doživljal brez vere. Takole pravi: “Hotel sem kupiti srečo s tem, da sem odpadel od vere. Ali ravno to mi je prineslo nesrečo. Prepotoval sem daljne dežele, taval po pragozdovih, a pokoja nisem našel. Dokler sem bil še veren, sem živel kakor v raju. Vsak vetrič mi je govoril o Bogu. Vsaka cvetlica se mi je zdela poslanka božja. Hrepenenje po nebesih mi je napolnjevalo dušo in iz srca so mi kipele vesele molitve. Ko sem pa krenil na pot nevere, me je zapustilo vse veselje. Ko sem zavrgel križ Kristusov, se je temen obup polastil moje duše. Kako je to žalostno a vendar tako resnično. Tako se godi vsem današnjim beguncem pred Bogom. Seveda so ti ljudje, ko so izgubili oporo v veri iskali takoj nadomestila. skupno poveselimo. Izvolile smo tudi ves prešnji odbor, razen nove pod-preds., ki je Mary Zdravje. Zelo obžalujem, da nas je Tončka Klun zapustila. Bila je naša zapisnikarica več let. Škoda, da dobre uradnice izstopijo brez vzroka iz odbora. Upam, da boste vse članice redno hodile na seje, da ne bomo samo odbornice navzoče. Ena drugo se sprašujejo kaj je vzrok, da jih več ne pride na seje. Nekatere članice imajo slabo navado, da ne plačajo celo leto in še v dec. mora tajnica sama do njih, toda to je težko, ker ne ve kedaj jih bo dobila doma. Naslov naše taj. F. Simonich, 1113 Mahren St. Na letni seji so bili z nami tudi duh. vodja č. g. Daniel Gnidica ter podali zanimiv govor za vse navzoče v prid naše SŽZ. — Sklenjeno je bilo, da se bodo seje vršile vsako prvo sredo v mesecu, v cerkveni dvorani. Nadalje bomo zopet pošiljale Get-Well kartice bolnim članicam. — Vse se tudi pozi vajo, da nam pridobijo nove članice. Leto dni je že poteklo od kar spi večno spanje nepozabna Josephine Erjavec. 27. febr. bo prva obletnica smrti Bare Kramer in 7. marca bo> poteklo leto dni odkar nas je zapustila naša teta Theresa Centa. Spomin na nje je neizbrisen. Iskrene čestitke in želje k uspehu v javnemu življenju in delovanju želimo Slovencema, ki sta pri november-skih volitvah bila izvoljena v važne urade. Robert Horvat je bil izvoljen za okrajenga šerifa in Edward Jaklič je postal okrajni sodnik. Slovenci v Pueblu smo ponosni na njih in naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov. Zelo obžalujem, da je več dobrih članic bolanih. V bolnišnici so se zdravile: Mary Kambich, Theresa Rear, Jennie Jarc, Agnes Roitz, ki si je pri Poiskali so svojega boga, ki ga častijo. Različno imenujejo ti moderni idolopoklonci svojega Boga kakor denar, čast, trgovina, šport, oseba. Iz svobodnih otrok božjih so postali sužnji samega sebe. Vendar tudi tako stanje človeka kaže, da je v njem nenehno in če že ne zavestno pa vsaj podzavestno iskanje Boga. Ako človek ne najde resničnega Boga, ali pa se od njega oddalji ,ni zadovoljen. V trenutku največje sreče takih ljudi, plane dvom v dušo in jih mori. V uri nesreče jim njihovi bogovi ne dajo odgovora in tolažbe. V življenjskih prevarah morda celo v svojem življenjskem drugu so brez moči in jih to vodi v obup. V prestanih krivicah ne znajo reči; potrpi. Iz jeze padajo v jezo in maščevalnost. Konec tega je še večji nemir. Ruski pisatelj Tolstoj je v svojem delu Moja izpoved zapisal: “Samo tedaj moreš živeti, če veruješ v Boga.” Kar velja za posameznika velja tudi za narode. Samo tedaj more človeška družba živeti, če veruje v Boga. Brez vere v Boga, brez strahu božjega bodo narodom in člo veštvu sploh vse iznajdbe, vsa odkritja, vsa kemija, vsa tehnika služile le v propast. Moderni čas je s svojim soci-jalnim vprašanjem, z revolucijami, z vojno, z grozovitostmi to dovolj potrdil. Vsem narodom kakor posameznikom velja božji opomin: Ako se je vse to zgodilo, si vzemi k srcu, spreobrni se s tvojimi otroci iz vsega srca in iz vse svoje duše k Gospodu Tvojemu Bogu in ga v vsem poslušaj. Potem bo Gospod Tvoj Bog spremenil tvojo usodo in se te zopet usmili. padcu na ledu poškodovala hrbet. Prances Gačnik si je na poti v cer kev zlomila roko. Tudi Anna Novak se nič ne pohvali, še vedno jo muči bolezen. Vsem bolnim želimo, da jim Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje. Čestitke Helen Skrabec, ki je dobila za božično darilo hčerkico. Mr. John Germ bivši gl. preds. KS KJ je zelo bolan, kar nič ne gre iz postelje. Želimo, da bi mu ljubi Bog naklonil zdravje. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo ses. Frances Grebenc in Mary Datz ob izgubi sorodnika Frank Strginar. Mamie Pugel je s soprogom prepotovala za počitnice preko več držav, toda pravi ob vrnitvi, da je najbolj privlačna točka "Home, sweet home Prisrčne čestitke ses. Mary Lenich za njeno bogato darilo v obliki oglasov za našo dec. Zarjo. Res posnemanja vredno delo. Najlepša hvala vsem dragim soses. za lepa božična in novoletna voščila. Obilo sreče in zdravja vsem skupaj želi, Vaša, Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Ko so prišle na vrsto volitve na naši dec. seji, so vse rekle, da naj ostane po starem, toda našo tajnico, Josephine Gostisho smo morale kar čakati, da je pristala, ker v teh časih je res težko biti tajnica. I.epo se ji moramo zahvaliti za njeno delo, ker tako lepo urejuje tajniške posle, da gre pri podružnici kar dobro naprej. Seje se vršijo vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu v VFW Hall .Dundaff St. ob 2 uri popoldne. Odbor za tekoče leto je naslednji: Anna Kameen, predsednica, Mary J. Kameen, podpreds., tajnica in blag., Josephine Gostisha, N. Main St. in nadzornice sta: Mary Kotar in Mary J. Kameen. Želeti bi bilo, da bi za novo leto napravile sklep, da bi se vse v večjem številu udeleževale sej in tako napravile sebi in drugim članicam nekaj veselih ur razvedrila. Z dobrim nasvetom bi pa tudi pomagale k napredku naše SŽZ. Po seji smo imele malo Božičnico in praznovale smo rojstni dan Lucille Pantzer. Zapele smo ji “Happy Birthday, Lucille.” Imele smo se tako dobro, da se nam ni prav nič mudilo domov in želimo, da bi še večkrat imele take vesele seje. Pogrešale smo sestre Mildred Dutchman in Fannie Kaušek, ki se nista dobro počutile takrat, pa upamo, da bosta prišle na prih. sejo. Tudi smo pogrešale ses. Jennie Shamro iz Herrick Center. U-pamo, da Bog nakloni v letu 1965 vsem ljubo zdravje. Vso srečo v tem letu želim vsem članicam podružnice, č.g. duh. vodjem Father Krasinski in Father Okorn ter vsem članicam Zveze in gl. odbornicam. Anna Kameen, preds. Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Ko boste či-tale ta dopis, bomo že v mesecu februarju. Vse članice vljudno vabim, (Ja pridejo na Valentinov dan, ki ga bomo praznovale 9. febr. v navadnih prostorih. Pa prinesite kakšen prigrizek, pa bo luštno. Imele bomo tudi poštarja in pismonošo, za Valentinovo razvedrilo. Na dec. seji smo imele lepo zabavo in prišel nas je obiskati tudi sv. Miklavž. Imele smo izmenjavo daril in praznovanje godov ses. Salmich in ses. Čermelj, ki so nas kar lepo postregle. Predlagano je bilo, da bi v 1. 1965 imele kako zabavo, ali prireditev .nakar je bilo sklenjeno, da bomo imele pied Veliko nočjo “bake sale.” Opozarjam, da se ženske že sedaj pripravite, da boste kaj dobrega spekle, kak cake, štrudel ali pa potico. Saj vemo, da imamo odlične kuharice med nami. O tem bomo še poročale pozneje. V dec. smo izgubile kar tri članice: Mary Pike, Anne Suhadolnik in Mary Mehle. Pokojnim sestram želimo večni mir in pokoj in vse žalujočim preostalim izrekamo globoko sožalje. V zadnjem letu smo izgubile 8 članic. Upamo, da bo vsaka članica v tem letu vpisala eno novo članico in da bomo tako dobro napredovale. Več naših članic je bolanih, med njimi ses. Urbas in ses. Čebular. Upamo, da bodo hitro ozdravele, da bodo zopet med nami na sejah. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja. Pri volitvah so prejšnje odbornice, bile zopet izvoljene: preds. Anne Markovič, podpreds. Phyllis Čermelj, taj. Mary Camloh, zapis. Sophie Magayna, nadzornice: Millie Novak, Štefka Koncilja, vratarica Jennie Koren. Vse drugo tudi ostane po starem. V blagajno je darovala ses. Ižanc. Srčna ji hvala! Vsem slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov, vse najboljše in vse iskreno pozdravljam. Sophie Magayna Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Ko pišem te vrstice, je god Sv. Treh Kraljev. Zunaj je vreme sončno in toplo kakor pomladi. Če bo še nekaj časa tako lepo vreme, pa bomo zimo kar lahko prestali. Božični prazniki so za nami in v novem letu želim vsem, da bi ga preživeli v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Na jan. seji smo sprejele kar dve novi članici k našemu društvu. Mrs. Paula Adams je prestopila od št. 10 k nam in smo jo z veseljem sprejele, druga pa nova čla. Mrs. Milena Fer-kulj. Obe so dobrodošle med nami. Pri naši podr. je vedno mnogo veselega razpoloženja, posebno še kadar zapojemo naše lepe narodne pesmi. Ses. Mary Okički je zbolela in šla za 2 tedna v bolnišnico, sedaj se zdra- vi na domu. Njej in vsem bolnim sestram želimo, da bi hitro ozdravele. Zadnji mesec je praznovala svoj visoki 85 letni rojstni dan naša dolgoletna čla. Frances Gorše iz 207 St. Vse članice ji želimo še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let v krogu njene drage družine. Na dan njenega jubileja je prejela izredno veliko čestitk, daril in rož od njene družine in številnih prijateljev. Na seji je bilo tudi poročano, da se bo vršila drž. konvencija skupnih društev dne 15. maja na Waterloo v Slov. domu. Na dec. seji smo zbrale med članicami 48 dol. za revne otroke. Mesto izmenjave daril in Miklavževanja, kakor druga leta, smo vse namenile za revne otroke. Na tej seji so naslednje sestre darovale v “good time” blagajno: Pin-čullč, Ivančič, Vidovič, Vichich, Lek-san, Mickovič, Adams, Okočki, Ozano- DOLGOLETNA TAJNICA MARY SCHIMENZ UMRLA Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Najprej voščim vsem članicam Slov. Ženske Zveze srečo in blagoslov v tem letu. Posebno še sestram pri naši podr. Naznanjam žalostno vest, da smo izgubile našo dolgoletno tajnico, Mary Shimenz, ki je preminula 10. dec. v lepi starosti 80 let. Naša podružnica jo bo zelo pogrešala. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj. V imenu podr. izrekam prisrčno zahvalo naši gl. tajnici, Albini Novak, ki se je udeležila pogreba za pokojno sestro Shimenz. Prišla je tudi na našo glavno sejo za kar smo ji iz srca hvaležne. Pri volitvah je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor za leto 1965: Preds. Frances Plesko, podpreds. Frances Tratnik, tajn., Theresa Sukys, 1311 So. Layton, zapis. Mary Evanich; nadzornice: Genevieve Sagadin in Agnes Ganick. Na seji smo tudi sklenile, da naj članice pridejo na sejo in tam plačujejo asesment; posebno pa se priporoča, da bi jih čimveč plačalo za celo leto naprej, ker s tem bo olajšano delo tajnice. Vabljene ste, da pridite v čim večjem številu na seje, ki se vršilo vsak tretji četrtek v mesecu v cerkveni dvorani, 1028 So. 9th St. ob 1 uri pop. — Po seji imamo vedno malo razvedrila. Vsem bolnim sestram želim ljubega zdravja in vsem kličem, da se vidimo na prihodnji seji. Frances Plesko, preds. vič, Bobnič, Fakult, Čebulj, Sodja in Šuštar. Vsem se v imenu podr. najlepše zahvaljujem. Naj Vam Bog bogato poplača na Vašem zdravju. Vse iskreno pozdravljam. Antonia Šuštar, poroč. Št. 15, Newburflh, Ohio. — Decem-berska seja je bila lepo obiskana. Imele smo božičnico in izmenjavo daril. 2 članice sta prinesla gramofon in plošče, da so igrale božične pesmi in smo vse prepevale. Pecivo so prinesle kot darilo Helen Mirtel, sirov cake, Jean Resnik, cake in Jennie Zupančič, birthday cake, ker je obhajala svoj rojstni dan. Drugo pa smo plačale iz blagajne, da smo imele vsega dovolj za jesti in piti. Božičnica je bila za stare in mlade članice. V denarju so darovale sestre: Helen Mirtel, Ana Jakič, Theresa Jerič in Mary Čekada. Srčna hvala vsem! Naše seje se bodo vršile letos ob sredah ob pol osmih zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor in društvena pravila so bila potrjena po starem. Vabim članice na prihodnjo sejo, da se pomenimo kako bi lepše napredovale v tem letu 19G5. Vsem bolnim članicam, katerih imamo veliko, želimo ljubega zdravja. Iskren pozdrav vsem, Frances Lindič, preds. Št. 20, Joliet, III. Nastopili smo novo leto, katero želim, da bi vse do konca dočakale zdrave in srečne. Leto kar hitro mine in ko pogledamo nazaj, ugotovimo, da so se v preteklem letu naše vrste skrčile za sedem članic, ki so odšle po večno plačilo: Christina Mauzer, Mary Laurich, Anna Korevec, Pauline Stefanich, Agnes Korelc, Anna Vranic in družabna članica, Frances Horvat. Vse omenjene so rade prihajale na seje, dokler so bile zdrave in tudi darovale dobitke. Zelo jih bomo progrešale. Naj jim bo Bog usmiljen! Preds. Emma Planinšek je na seji povdarila, da bi se morale potruditi ter nadomestiti omenjene članice z novimi, posebno sedaj ko je v teku članska kampanja. Na naši letni seji ni bila navzoča blagajničarka, Josephine Sumic, ker se je takrat nahajala v bolnišnici Sv. Josefa zaradi operacije. Vse navzoče smo ji želele hitro okrevanje in ji poslale voščilno kartico, katero smo podpisale vse navzoče. Tajnica tudi poroča, da so bolne na domu, Amalija Pleshe, ki je ze več let na postelji, dalje AgnesMinarich, Cath. Lamuth, Barb. Gregorash in nadzornica Jennie Sprengel, Antonia Struna in več drugih. Zapisnikarica poroča, da se naša prva tajnica podr., Anna Pluth ne nahaja več v Johnston Nursing Home, temveč so jo premesteli v Chicago. Njen novi naslov je Beacon Nursing Home, 4530 N. Beacon St. Lepo bi bilo, da bi se je članice spomnile s kako kartico, ker obiskati jo bo odslej bolj težko. Ses. Mary Jerman se pa nahaja v Pleasant Center Nursing H. v Jo-lietu. Tajnica poroča, da bo za leto 1965 v skladu s sklepi zadnje konvencije, pobirala za 5odo zelo vesele, saj so dnevi zelo dolgi, predvsem bolnikom, ki ne morejo ven. Posebno je hudo za tiste članice, ki so mesece priklenjene na bolniško posteljo. Želim vsem srečno in uspehov polno leto 1965, bolnim sestram pa kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Mary Bahor, blag. Št. 29, Browndale, Pa. —- Vsem članicam naše podr. in sestram po širni Ameriki želim mnogo sreče in zdravja v tem letu. Zelo mi je bilo hudo, ko sem izvedela, da je naša članica, Mrs. Grdin izgubila še drugo nogo, toda pri vsem trpljenju, je prav korajžna in sem b11-šala, da je za praznike prepevala v bolnišnici božične pesmi. Naj sedaj zapišem staro slov. pesem o Sv. Treh Kraljih: "Na kamelah jezdijo sv. Trije Kralji, in darila nosijo v svoji zlati halji. Zvezda kraljem kaže pot, kjer Gospod prebiva, kaže Kralja vseh dobrot; Nanj vsa luč razliva, kralji se razvesele, ko zazrejo Dete, tovor svoj mu podare, — in še duše svete.” Ob zaključku naj se še enkrat zahvalim vsem, ki so se me spomnile za god. Ker ne morem pisati, naj te vrstice veljajo v zahvalo vsem in vsaki posebej. Najlepše pozdravljam vse moje prijateljice s katerimi sem prepevala. Z Bogom. Mary Pristavec Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. — Glavna letna seja se je vršila 12. dec. ob zadovoljivi udeležbi. Odobreno je bilo vse po starem, razen novega časa za seje, ki bodo mesto ob 2 uri pop., bo ob 3:30 pop. vsaki drugi mesec, drugo nedeljo v mesecu v S.D.D. na 10814 Prince Ave. — Celotni odbor je bil soglasno zopet izvoljen za to leto. — Za častno mater je bila izvoljena ses. Mary Rusjan, ki si je to mesto res zaslužila. Sejo smo hitro zaključile, ker so nas čakale krasno okrašene mize, da je bilo lepo kot sam Božični večer. Imele smo okusno večerjo, si voščile vse najboljše za praznike in končale s tisto lepo pesmico "Sveta noč . . Na tem mestu se lepo zahvalimo ses. Mary Vlcek, ki je napravila rože za na mizo in šopek (corsage) kot darilo podr. Dale smo na listke in srečna je bila naša zapisnikarica, Jennie Praznik. Šopek je dobila Carolina Šušteršič. Perfum je darovala Jennie Gerk in dobila ga je preds., Roselyn Shuster. Izmenjava daril je bila zelo zabavna. Vsem, ki so na kakršnikoli način pripomogle k tako lepi božičnici, iskrena zahvala. Imena darovalk bodo prečitana na seji 14. febr., ki se prične ob 3:30 pop. Ses. Vatovec je vpisala novo članico, Anna čekada, katero smo z veseljem sprejele in ji kličemo Iskreno Dobrodošlico med nami. Lepo se zahvalimo podr. št. 68 iz Fairport Harbor, ki so nas dobro pogostile 5. dec. Obljuba dela dolg in končno so se nam izpolnile želje, da smo uživale pristne domače krvavice in prekrajene klobase. Iz Clevelanda nas je bilo za en bus, tudi nekaj moških se nam je pridružilo. G. Želodec nam je igral harmoniko, da je vse prepevalo. Gl. preds. Tončka Turek je organizirala ta izlet in odzvale so se od vsake podr. iz Clevelanda, Euclida, Newburgha, Garfielda in Warrensvil-la. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste se nam pridružile in še enkrat prisrčna zahvala gostiteljicam, ki so nam pridno stregle. Slišimo, da članiee št. G8 niso samo odlične kuharice, ampak tudi so zelo izurjene v balincanju. Tudi pri naši podružnici imamo strokovnjakinje v tem športu, zato bi mogoče bilo dobro, da bi si v poletnem času napovedali tekmo. Upamo, da ne bo šla ta ideja v koš. Ob zaključku želim vsem bolnim sestram ljubega zdravja in vsem vso srečo v tem letu, da bi Bog blagoslovil z ljubim zdravjem vse članice, gl. odbornice, duh. svetovalca Rev. Okorna in Msgr. Omana, ki so bili naš svetovalec nad 30 let. Pozdravlja, Jennie Pugely Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — V novem letu lepo pozdravljene gl. odbornice, duh. vodja in vse članice SŽZ. Naj vam to leto 1965 prinese obilo sreče in zdravja. Na letni seji 9. dec. je bila velika udeležba. Zelo lepo je voditi seje in ukrepati za prihodnje leto če je lepa udeležba. Za to leto je bil izvoljen ves stari odbor z izjemo nadzornice, Antonia Šenkinc. — Seje se vršilo vsako drugo sredo v mesecu in vsake 3 mesece. Za umrlo članico darujemo za sv. mašo in cvetlice. Umrli sestri gremo moliti večer pred pogrebkom, udeležimo se pogreba z gorečimi svečami. Po seji smo imele Božičnico in smo se prav lepo zabavale. l^epe čestitke gl. taj. A. Novak, ki je tretjič postala stax-a mamica. Urednici Corinne Leskovar lepo priznanje za izborno urejeno Zarjo in iskrena hvala za družinski koledar. Našim bolnim sestram Mary Ches-nik, Kathy Kogovšek in Frances Batista, želim ljubega zdravja. Na rokah imam Kuharske knjige, ako katera želi, naj me pokliče in bom vam rada prinesla. Vsem najlepši pozdrav. Mary Tomšič Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Na pragu novega leta, želim vsem, da bi v tem letu bili zdravi in srečni. Ob preteklih božičnih praznikih je bila božična okrasitev res izredno lepa. Kar kosali so se kdo bo imel lepše, posebno ob večerih je bil prelep pogled na jaslice in dreveščke na čast novorojenemu Zveličarju. Na sv. večer ob pol enajstih nas je za vedno zapustila naša zvesta članica, Mary Ixjvslie. Dosegla je častitljivo starost 87 let. Bila je več kot 25 let tajnica naše podr. Pokopana je bila 28. dec. iz cerkve Sv. Anne, kjer je tudi bila zvesta faranka in se redno udeleževala dnevnih sv. maš dokler je mogla, toda zadnje leto in pol ni več mogla. Bog ji bodi dober plačnik in naj v miru počiva. Kakor je pisala, se je nahajala v bolnišnici ses. Mary Ulle. Prosim, da nam oprosti, ker nismo vedele, da je bila v bolnišnici. Želimo ji ljubega zdravja. Kakor veste, jo asesment povišan za 5^ tudi za čl. 80 leta starosti. Katere ste prej plačevale 65tf, boste odslej 70tf in katere ste doslej plačevale 40tf, boste od sedaj naprej 45tf, zraven pa kolektamo 10 142.15 286 162 4. 4.45 18 — 5. 15.62 109 36 6. 46.65 117 14 7. 61.90 94 128 8. 62 1 9. 34 3 10. 144.25 363 44 12. 212 70 * 13. 50.10 114 20 14. 137.00 314 28 15. 113.85 2'45 27 16. 69.40 138 83 17. 78.40 160 61 19. 57.40 133 39 20. 174.65 424 127 21. 42.15 90 53 22. 23.00 21 — 23. 107.00 243 62 24. 78.05 174 77 25. 349.15 725 198 26. 45.15 110 12 27. 32.00 65 4 t 28. 38.55 81 10 29. 13.60 32 7 30. 15.40 18 — -T- 31. 48.20 104 38 32. 115 32 33. 79.45 146 89 34. 18.05 35 7 35. 34.10 67 40 37. 8.35 25 4 38. 56.30 146 1 39. 23.35 67 24 40. 42.45 98 5 41. 100.25 259 37 42. 22.45 49 — 43. 58.35 119 73 45. 50.90 52 7 # 46. 13.25 30 5 47. 52.85 117 25 48. 3.70 9 3 49. 33 5 * 50. 94.10 162 89 % 51. 7.65 16 — 52. 26.45 54 15 53. 50.10 36 7 & 54. 37.90 73 66 55. 30.65 69 7 56. 46.55 109 18 57. 40.00 75 37 59. —— 33 4 61. 58.80 11 — @ 62. 16.70 34 1 63. 60.15 116 55 * 64. 57 2 65. 26.50 63 24 66. 26.50 52 20 67. 73 27 * 68. 26.55 45 8 70. 19.95 14 3 & 71. 49.2*5 109 21 72. 11.65 31 4 73. 50.90 107 57 74. 23.25 44 4 77. 24.75 55 32 78. 25 9 * 79. 18.90 34 21 80. 19 — 81. 8.45 25 — 83. 17.90 23 3 FOR OCTOBER, 1964 ZA OKTOBER, 1964 84. 69 6 85. 11.55 29 5 86. 9.95 20 — 88. 22.15 42 13 89. 41.95 95 6 90. 22.85 53 25 91. 32.85 57 14 92. 13.15 23 2 93. 64 — 94. 31.20 18 1 95. 99.60 168 38 96. 23.55 52 2 97. 11.50 21 6 99. 8.75 21 — 100. 20.80 42 9 101. 27.80 42 20 102. 18 4 104. 8.55 23 — 105. 11.32 21 5 106. 19 1 $3,919.49 8823 2527 * Assess, pd. for Sept., Assess, pd. for Oct. & Nov., t Assess, pd. for June, # Assess, pd. l’or Sept. & Oct., % Assess, pd. for Aug., & Assess, pd. for Oct. Nov. Dec., / Asess. pd. for Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec., @ Assess, pd. for the year 1964. INCOME — DOHODKI: Assessment from members $3,919.49 Rental income in October 155.00 Interest on investments 034.94 Total — skupaj $4,709.43 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: M. Janezic, br. 7, Forest City $ 100.00 J. Pezdirtz, br. 10, Cleve. 100.00 A. Novinz, br. 10, Cleve. 100.00 M. Vrecko, br. 10, Cleve. 100.00 A. Novak, br. 16, So. Chgo 100.00 A. Wyrembek, br. 19, Eveleth 100.00 A. Starasinic, br. 22, Bradley 100.00 P. Kastelic, br. 23, Ely 100.00 F. Tomsic, br. 23, Ely 100.00 F. Oblak, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 M. Simončič, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 R. Berntson, br. 33, Duluth (1 year) 25.00 A. Sulentich, br. 33, Duluth 100.00 M. Mrak, br. 33, Duluth 100.00 T. Vidrich, br. 40, Lorain 100.00 F. Novak, br. 43, Milwaukee 100.00 J. Kmet, br. 47, Cleve. 100.00 M. Rozanc, br. 47, Cleve. 100.00 J. Cvar, br. 48, Buhl 100.00 M. Kolanc, br. 53, Cleve. 100.00 A. Popeg, br. 77, N.S. Pittsb. 100.00 J. Virant, br. 81, Keewatin 100.00 Zarja — The Dawn, Oct. issue, 16 pages 1,114.94 Salaries and administration 1,015.00 Traveling and per diem 407.2>1 Dir. of Inter. Revenue 517.72 Repairs on house (water tank) 75.00 Rental of Home office 75.00 Printing, postage, sundries 267.00 Total — skupaj $5,596.87 Balance Sept. 1964 $494,091.62 Income in October, 1964 4,709.43 $498,801.05 Disbursements in October 5,596.87 Balance Oct. 1964 $493,204.18 Albina Novak, Sec’y Junior’s Page j HI BOYS AND GIRLS A year ago this issue, REGINA made her first appearance with a special dedication to our dear, little girl. As she, this month, celebrates her last pre-school birthday, we pray God will bless her many little footsteps and guide her through happy, carefree days! Do you know why throats are blessed on the third of February? While being taken back to prison by the Emperor’s hunters, Bishop Blaise miraculously cured a child who was choking to death on a fishbone. Persons suffering from throat trouble often invoke St. Blaise, who lived in the fourth century and died a martyr. Doing our best in our daily lives with the talents God gave us is our duty as good Catholics and citizens of our great land. Since Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is commemorated this month, here are his thoughts on DUTY: “If I were trying to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me this shop might well be closed for any other business. I do the best I can, the very best I know how and mean to keep on doing it to the end. “If the end brings me out right, what is said against me will not a-mount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.” All set for a Valentine story? Here’s one written by S. J. Jorjorian titled “THE VALENTINE MYSTERY.” Benny counted his valentines again. “Twenty-nine,” he said. “That’s all-one from each class mate and one from Miss Williams.” But then he heard Miss Williams say, “Benny Bernard — another one for you.” “How could it be?” Benny thought. I’ve already received one from everybody!” He walked slowly to the front, trying to figure if he had counted wrong. He looked to see who the valentine was from. It was a plain red handmade one. In large awkward print, it read “Be My Valentine—Guess Who?” “I wonder whom it’s from. Could it be one of the girls? Maybe it’s that chubby little Ann who’s always staring at me. No, that couldn’t be. She gave me one with her name on it. And who would want to give me two valentines? Oh, it must be a joke one of the fellows is playing on me.” Benny examined the printing for clues. All the N’s were printed backwards. Whoever it was either couldn’t print well, or part of the joke was to print the N’s backwards to mislead him. Just then Benny heard his name a- BEAUTIFUL SCENERY & COSTUMES AT CHICAGO FETE Chicago (Br. 2) Juniors presented "Hansel and Gretel” at their Christmas Party this year. First picture shows Joyce Matkovicn as a Bird with Luddie Leskovar as Hansei. Center is the group of actors before the Gingerbread House. Right is Santa Claus with Kim Johnston, Joyce Matkovich, Diane Schultz, Syl-vana Zuodar and Loretta Bogolin, all participants in the show which was delightful for all the spectators. Tin playlet. Hansel and Gretel, was scripted by ('. Leskovar, narrated liy our talented Margie Left' and the following juniors took part: Josephine Bogolin (Orel el). I.uddie Leskovar (Hansel). Debbie Xefran (Stepmother), Frankie Hence (Father), Margie Matkovich (Witch), Mimi Leskovar and Diane Schultz (Toy Soldiers tap dancers), Sylvana Zuodar (Sugar Plum Fairy ballet), Kim Johnston. Maria (instill and Loretta Bogolin (Gingerbread Men dancers) and Joyce Matkovich (Bird). Those wiio recited and sang were too numerous to mention bul we were especially delighted by I Ik' Slovenian songs of Paula and Angie Petek and Little Drummer Boy sung by Paula Slrupeck. Everyone joined in singing Silent Night in Slo venian and English led by Maria Gns-tin. gain. Miss Williams called him to the front. “Benny,” she smiled, “there are only lour valentines left in the box. and it se< ms they’re all for you.” lie hurried to the front, more puz zlcd than ever. He returned to his desk and stared at tiie valentines. Tliej all had the backwards N’s and wen signed "Guess Who” like the first one. "This is going to take detective work.” thought Benny," "but I'm going to find out who Guess Who is." Days went by and Benny had no more clues than he started with just the backwards N's "If 1 could .-'.el everyone to print my name, maybe that would tell who gave me the valentines. But how could 1 get everyone in the class to print my name without the guilty one knowing why I was doing it? oh. I've got an idea an autograph book!" Next day Benny had all his classmates write in his autograph book. making sure they printed “To Benny" so he could check to see how each one made the N’s. He studied them carefully during lunch. No one printed the N’s backwards. ‘Well, I guess I'll have to start all over, looking for some other clue." he thought. “Wish I had someone to help me. but 1 don’t dare say anything about it to anyone. I might be telling the very one who gave me the valentines.” Just then Benny looked around. There was no one else in the lunchroom. “Oh my, I must have been thinking so hard 1 didn’t hear the bell. I’m late for arithmetic class, and I have to get my books from the locker." He rushed to the locker, grabbed a stack of books, and ran to the arithmetic class. He sat down and flipped open his book. Then he realized he’d grabbed his little brother’s third grade arithmetic book instead of his own. He and Chuck shared the same locker. He stared at the name printed in large and awkward letters—Chuck Bernard. And the N in Bernard was printed backwards! It was the same printing that was on hi's valentines. "But why?" thought Benny, “Why would Chuck want to give me live valentines?" When school was out, Benny hurried to meet, Chuck to walk home with him. “Hi, Chuck. 1 want to ask you something. Did you put live valentines signed ‘Guess Who’ in my home-room box on Valentine Day?” questioned Benny. “Well, yes," stammered Chuck, a little frightened. “But why, Chuck? I don't understand,” said Benny. "Well, just before Valentine Day. 1 had a terrible dream that you didn't get any valentines at all and that all the kids laughed at you. I wanted to make sure you got some. Then I didn’t dare say anything because I was a-traid it would look like I thought you didn't have any friends.” Chuck still looked a little scared of what his big brother might do. “Chuck," said Benny happly." "you are a swell brother and the best friend I have. After all, the other kids just gave me one valentine and you gave me FIVE." Your friend. BEGINA CLEVELAND JUNIORS CELKBKATE Our Bazaar of last October was profitable for our Junior division be cause we worked hard and did our best to make a success of our booth. Because of this success, the girls were treated to a daj at the Rollerdrome. They enjoyed the music and had a wonderful time skating. Over the loud speaker was announced that we were all present. In the near future, we plan to have another such skating party! Our Christmas Party was Dec. Ilitli and the girls till brought their favorite cakes and cookies. The tables were beautiful with the attractively prepared bakery. Ice cream, .andy and pop were all on hand. We had gifts and surprises for everyone, including me. I mean, the girls brought me a beautiful I piece salad set. Thank you again! It is wonderful to work with such a nice group. Just keep it up, cadets! I have to thank Bernie- Vidmar and Mrs. Margaret Rebol for all their help. God bless you all. Mrs. Ernestine Jevec S.W.U. FOUNDERS’ COMPAIGN TILL JUNE I, 1965 Gel application blanks from your secretaries! Enroll adults in Classes A and It and children in the Junior Class. Prizes are: $1.00 cash for Class 1$ new member; .50 cash for Class A member; .25 for Junior member. Points awardad for each new member are 1 pt. Class 1$; /2 pt. Class A and *4 pi. Junior. Workers with 25 points will receive beautiful gold emblem riiifj; or charm bracelet. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities H.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nail 61 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AV E AFELY «13 Eail 1 ■ (S I h Street 21000 Euclid A v • n u • f 236 St. Clalr ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 "i I SOMETHIN’ j GOOD? I See the delicious foods listed f in famous cookbook. j ‘‘Woman's Glory — The Kitchen" j Postpaid $2.75 Order your copy now: ( ANTONIA TUREK t 19170 Monterey ) Euclid 23. Ohio ' - *>,„ ' - -V.r • »mhv . ^ ; *wm\ MftitY H*4 K iti U,.u , •---------------> . - . ' *. / «,* W r ’