52962 VZORČNA POLA ANGLEŠKA VADNICA v Prva stopnja Sestavile: A. Žgur, S. Péstotnik, E. Skalicky Državna založba Slovenije 1945 Natisnila tiskarna Ljudske pravice v Ljubljani Lesson One. 1. First Lesson. Teacher and Pupils. What? Who? Teacher: "Good morning, boys." Pupils: "Good morning, sir." T.: "What is your name?" John: "My name is John." T.: "What are you, John?" John: "I am a pupil." T.: "And what am I, Tom?" Tom: "You are the teacher." T.: "Who is this boy?" William: "This boy is Jack." T.: "What is he?" Peter: "He is also a pupil. We are all pupils." T.: "Who is that pupil, Paul?" Paul: "That pupil is Jane." T.: "All right. Is Jane a boy?" John: "No, sir. Jane is not a boy, she is a girl." T.: "What is your father, Peter?" Peter: "My father is a man and my mother is a woman." T.: "What is this, boys?" Ptipils: "This is a book." T.: "And what is that?" William: "That is a pen."' T.: "Is this a pen?" Boys: "This is not a pen, but a pencil." I am a pupil. You are the teacher. He is a boy. She is a girl. It is a room. This is a pen and that is a pencil. We are pupils. You are girls. Jack, John, William, Peter, and Paul are boys. They are all pupils. I am not the teacher. You are not the pupil. The father is not a teacher, Jack is not a pupil. He is not a girl, she is not a boy. This is not a pen, that is not a book. We are not girls but boys. You are not boys, you are girls. They are not teachers but pupils. Pronunciation: i: teacher, he, she 8: sir, girl, first i it is, this, women a Peter, mother e yes, pen, pencil, men A but, mother ae man, that, Jack ai right, I ei Jane, table, name oi boy a: are, father ou no D: Paul, all, morning V morning 9 not, what, John w woman, what u: you, pupil, room 6 that, this, father, mother u book, good Grammar. 1. Člen — Article. a) the man, the father, the mother, the girl, the book; the end, the eye, the apple. The je določni člen za vse tri spole v ednini in množini. Pred s oglasniki ga izgovarjamo de, pred samoglasniki 6<. b) a teacher, a woman; an end, an eye, an apple. A (pred samoglasniki an), je nedoločni člen za vse tri spole v ednini. V množini nedoločnega člena ni. Pred soglasniki ga izgovarjamo 9, pred samoglasniki pa an. Pomni zlasti tole: the hour, an hour (6i aua, an aua), toda the hand, a hand (6a haend, a hsend), the union, a union (da ju:njan, a ju:njan). Oblika člena se ravna po izgovorjavi, ne po pisavi sledečega samostalnika. 2. Spol — Gender. Moškega spola (masculine gender) so imena moških, ženskega spola (feminine gender) pa imena ženskih bitij. Vsa imena predmetov in živali so srednjega spola (neuter gender). Mnogi samostalniki imajo isto obliko za moški in ženski spol, na primer: the teacher, the pupil. Pri teh spoznamo spol iz stavčne zveze. 3. Množina samostalnikov — Plural of Nouns. Večina samostalnikov dobiva v množini obrabilo -s, ki se za samoglasniki in zvenečimi soglasniki izgovarja z, za nezvenečimi soglasniki f, p, t, k pa s. the boy the girl an apple a mother the book the map a hat the boys (boiz) the girls (ga:lz) apples (aeplz) mothers (mAdaz) the books (buiks) the maps (maeps) hats (haets). Samostalnika man in woman tvorita nepravilno množino men (men) in women (wimiin). 4. Glagol biti — The Verb "TO BE" Nedoloönik — Infinitive: to be. Sedanji čas Trdilna oblika Singular. 1. I am (ai aem) sem 2. you are (ju: a:) si 3. he is (hi: iz) j she is (ši: iz) it is (it iz) I Present Tense. Affirmative Form. Plural. we are (wi: a:) smo you are (ju: a:) ste they are (öei a:) so V angleščini mora ob osebnih oblikah glagola stati osebni zaimek. Vprašalna oblika — Interrogative Form. Am I a boy? Are you a girl? Is he the father? Is she the mother? Is it a book? Are we girls? Are you boys? Are they teachers? Nikalna oblika — Negative Form. I am not Paul. He is not Jack. We are not teachers. You are not girls. Vpra&alno-nikalna oblika — Negative Interrogative Form. Am I not the teacher 1 Are we not pupils? 5. This . . . here that . . . there This is a boy; he is here. That is a pen; it is there. Vaje. 1. Postavi določni in nedoločni člen pred samostalnike: boy, end, girl, books, eye, man, woman, apples, hour. 2. Postavi te-le stavke v vprašalno obliko: He is a man. I am a woman. She is not a teacher. You are a boy. They are not here. They are father and mother. We are not pupils. This is a pen. That is a pencil. 3. Vprašaj po razprto tiskanih besedah: (Primer: I am Jane. Who am I? This is a book. What is this?) He is a man. She is not a teacher. This boy is Paul. We are girls. This is a book. That is a hal They are pupils. Jack and John are boys. This is Jane. That is Tom. 4. Postavi v množino: She is not a teacher but a pupil. Are you a teacher? Am I not a girl? He is not a father. Is she a pupil? You are not a mother. What is he? What is she not? 5. Prevedi te-le stavke: Ali je deklica? Kaj je tvoj oče? Kdo je ta deček? Kaj je ona žena? Ti nisi učitelj, ampak učenec. On je deček. Kako ti je ime? Me srno deklice. Kaj je to? To je svinčnik. Lesson Two. 2. Second Lesson. My English Text-book. I have an English text-book. It is new and not very big. It has two covers and many pages. The covers are blue, and the pages are white. On the cover there is the title. My book has twenty lessons. At the beginning the lessons are short and easy, at the end they are long and difficult. My book has many pretty pictures and many exercises. There is also a vocabulary in it. My teacher and my schoolfellows have the same book. How many? Where? Questions: Have you an English textbook? Where is it? Is it new? Is it very big? How many covers has it? And how many pages? Has your texWbook also many pages, Jack? Where is the title? How many lessons are there in this book? Has your book pretty pictures? Has it many exercises? What is at the beginning? And what is at the end? Is the vocabulary at the beginning? Where is your book, Jane? Answers: Yes, I have. It is here. Yes, it is. No, it is not very big. It has two covers. It has many pages. 5fes, it has. It is the same book. It is on the cover. There are twenty lessons. Yes, it has many pretty pictures. Yes, it has. At the beginning there are short and easy lessons. At the end there are long and difficult lessons. No, it is not at the beginning; it is at the end. My book is on the table. Pronunciation. i: he, easy A mother, cover, but i big, difficult, pretty 8 picture, father e lesson, twenty, many £3 where, there se man, vocabulary ei pages, same u: school, new, two ai my, title, I d: short, also V morning, long, English Grammar. 1. The Verb "TO HAVE " - imeti. Present Tense — Affirmative Form. I have (haev) imam we have imamo you have imaš you have imate he, she, it HAS (haez) ima they have imajo Pozor: Izgovarjaj haev, ne hseu! / Interrogative Form. Have I a book? Has he a mother? Negative Form. I have not a pen on my table. We have not many books. Negative-Interrogative Form. Have I not a pretty room? Have they not many brothers? 2. Pridevnik — Adjective. a) the old teacher girl book fathers mothers pens an old old father mother pen teachers mothers maps b) The mother is old. The mothers are old. Pridevnik ostane nespremenjen v vseh spolih in številih, pa najsi se rabi atributi vino ali predikativno. B. My — your. My father, my mother, my book; my maps. Your brother, your teacher, your pen; your books. My — moj, -a, -e in your — tvoj, -a, -e; vaš, -a, -e — sta svojilna pridevnika. Oba ostaneta nespremenjena v vseh spolih in številih. 4. There is — there are. There is a picture in my room. There are many pages in my book. Kadar rabimo »je« ali »so« v pomenu »obstajajo«, »bivajo«, rečemo: "there is", "ithere are". 5. Predlogi In the book at the end at the beginning on the table Prepositions. in the rooms at the tables on the covers. Vsi predlogi se vežejo s četrtim sklonom; ta je vedno enak prvemu. 6. Plural of Nouns. Two pages (peid3iiz). many exercises (eksgsaiziz) many languages (laejjgwidjiz) two houses (hauziz). Samostalniki, ki se končujejo na sičnike, dobivajo v množini obrazilo -s ali -es. To obrazilo pa se vedno izgovarja kot samostojni zlog -iz. Pazi na izgovorjavo: house (haus) — houses (hauziz)! Potato — potatoes (pa'teitouz) , hero — heroes (hiorouz). Samostalniki na -a tvorijo množino večinoma na -oes. Exercises. 1. Odgovori na vprašanja: What have you? Is your text-book new? Is it big? How many covers has it? Are there many pages in it? Where is the title? Has it many lessons? Where are the short lessons? Are -the lessons at the beginning easy? Where are the difficult lessons? Has your book many pretty pictures? Are there also many exercises? Has your English book a vocabulary? Who has the same book? 2. Postavi v množino: He has a pretty book. She has not a new hat. The short lesson is easy. The girl has a good father. Has the old teacher a pupil? My new book has not many pages. At the beginning there is a short exercise. The title is on the cover. Here is a big house. The man is old. Here is a potato. 3. Postavi v vprašalno obliko: I have a pretty room. My schoolfellow has not a new pen. My mother has a big picture. The book has a long title. The lessons have many exercises. I have not a good vocabulary. We have many schoolfellows. 4. Vprašaj po razprto tiskanih besedah: The pupil has many pens. My book has two covers. We have two lessons. Your father has twenty pictures. The.title is on the cover. The man has a house. The pupils are in the room. They are not here. 5. Prevedi te-le stavke: Koliko strani ima tvoja angleška knjiga? Ali je nova? So platnice modre ali bele? V izačetku so kratke naloge. Ali ima knjiga mnogo lepih slik? Vaje niso dolge, pač pa težke. Moj sošolec ima isto knjigo. Kje je moja nova knjiga? Ni tukaj, je tam. Tvoj brat ima nov zemljevid. Na koncu so težke vaje. Lesson Three. 3. Third Lesson. My Room. My room is on the first floor. It is Large and very pleasant. The walls are blue, but the door is white and the furniture too. On the left side there are two windows and on the right there is the door. It is shut now, but the windows are open. In the middle of the room I have a table. It is small and round. On it there is a vase with flowers. These are of various colours. At the table there are four chairs. Under the ceiling, just above the table, is the lamp. I have also a book-case for my books and a wardrobe for my clothes. On the walls there are many pictures, small and large ones. Near the door is my bed, but in the left corner there is my brother's bed. There is no fire-place in my room, but a stove. What colour is it? It is white green red brown blue black pink grey yellow violet. Pronunciation. i: she, ceiling, these, green i is, pretty, middle, picture e pen, very, many, pleasant se Jack, lamp, black a: large, vase o: wall, small, corner, wardrobe 3 not, on u: room, two, blue u book, book-case a: first, girl, furniture a colour, corner, grammar a one, shut, colour, under ei table, grey, Jane ai my, white, side, violet, right au house, brown, now, round ou no, open, stove ea chair, there ia near, here 08 door, floor aua flower r) ceiling, long w window, wall, wardrobe 6 this, that, brother. Pomni: clothes (kloučz). Grammar. 1. This — these That — those Singular: Plural: the window This is — the door s— the chair the windows These are — the doors the chairs a wall walls That is — a flower Those are—flowers v— a book-case v— book-cases 2. Rodilnik — Genitive. a) In the middle of the room there is a table. The bed of my brother is in the corner. b) My brother's bed is in the corner. My sisters' room is on the first floor. V moderni angleščini se skloni ne delajo z obrazili, ampak s predlogi. Rodilnik tvorimo s predlogom of; vendar pri imenih živih bitij rajši uporabljamo stari saški rodilnik. Tega tvorimo v ednini z obrazilom s, ki ga ločimo od samostalnika z opuščajem. V množini saški rodilnik navadno ne dobi obrazila, ampak le opuščaj: my sisters' room. The women's wardrobe is large. — The men's hats are brown. Samostalniki z nepravilno množino, na primer men, women, tvorijo rodilnik z opuščajem in obrazilom s: men's, women's. Saški rodilnik mora stati pred besedo, ki jo določa. 3. One — ones. Is this a good pen? — Yes, it is a good one. The short exercise is easy. — Tihe long ones are difficult. Namesto da bi v stavku ob pridevniku ponavljali samostalnik, ga drugič izražamo z one, v množini z ones. 4. Not — no I have not a good pencil but a bad one. I have no pencil. Is he here? — No, he is not here. Not — »ne« je nikalinica ob glagolu, no je pa ali samostojna nikalnica »ne« ali nedoločni zaimek noben, -a, -o. 5. Predlogi — Propositions. At the table on the table on the wall in the room in the middle of the room on the left (right) side. on the first floor Tujcu delajo predlogi velike težave. Zato jih bomo večkrat ponavljali in pridno vadili. 1. Odgovori na vprašanja: Where are you? Where is your room? Is it large or small? What colour is the floor? What colour are the ceiling and the furniture? What is brown? Is the ceiling yellow or white? What colour is the door? How many windows has your room? Where are they? Are they shut or open? How many doors has your room? Where is the door? Is it open now? Where is the table? Have you a vase on it? What colour are the flowers? Where are the chairs? And the lamp? What is in one corner? And what is in the other one? Where is your brother's bed? What is on the wall? Where are your books? What have you in your wardrobe? Is your room pleasant? 2. Postavi v množino: This room is large, but that one is small. The wall is yellow. That table is in the corner. The bed is at the window. Is the book blue or brown? Is this a window or a door? That apple is red. Is this your room? That is not my book-case. This vase is very pretty and that one too. Is this window shut or open? That one is shut. 3. Postavi v saški rodilnik, kjer je možno, in naredi stavke: the bed of my brother, the colour of the flower, the hats of my sister, the window of my room, the house of your mother, the names of my schoolfellows, the wardrobes of the men, the clothes of the women. 4. Vstavi predloge: The new book is ... the table. My chair is ... the table. The pictures are ... the wall. The book-case is ... the wall. Is your room ... the second floor? No, it is ... the third floor. The door is ... the right side. The flowers are ... various colours. The lamp is ... the table, ... the ceiling. My brother's bed is ... the door. What is ... the middle ... the room? 5. Prevedi te-le stavke: Soba mojega brata je v prvem nadstropju. V sredini sobe je okrogla miza. Moja soba ima zelene stene. V njej je mnogo slik, majhnih in velikih. Soba mojega očeta je zelo prijetna. V vazi na mizi so bele in rdeče cvetlice. Okna niso zaprta. Ali so vrata na levi strani odprta? Ta omara je velika, ona je majhna. V tej knjižni omari so moje knjige, v onih pa očetove (knjige).* Exercises. * V vajah je treba besede v okroglih oklepajih prevesti. Lesson Four. 4. Fourth Lesson. A Day in John's Life. In the Morning. I have a friend. His name is John. He is a student and goes to school every day. Early in the morning the mother enters John's room and calls him: "Get up, John! It is time." He jumps out of bed and hurries to the bathroom. He is still sleepy and washes his face with cold water. Then he dresses and combs his hair. He is very hungry and goes to the dining-room. He enters and says: "Good morning." Then he takes his breakfast, a cup of milk or coffee with a piece of bread and butter. "Hurry up, John! You are late," says the father and John puts on his coat and takes his hat and leaves home. At school he learns and works till noon. At noon the lessons are over, so he goes home and has his lunch. When? When do you get up, Mary? Are you sleepy then? What do you do then? Do you comb your hair there? Do you wash with warm or cold water? Where do you go then? Do you take coffee for breakfast? When do you go to your friend? How long do you attend the lessons? Are you hungry then? I get up early 'in the morning. Oh, yes, I am very sleepy. Then I go to the bathroom. Yes, I do. I wash with cold water. Then I go to the dining-room and have my breakfast. Yes, I do. After lunch I go to my friend. I attend the lessons till noon. Yes, I am. Pronunciation. i with, him, milk, still e enter, friend, when, breakfast ae man, hand, has a: bathroom, are d: morning, call, water o John, coffee, on, wash u: pupil, student, noon, school u good, put a up, hungry, cup, lunch, butter, jump, hurry, up, does 9: learn, work ei face, take, say, late ai time, dining-room ou go, comb, coat, home, cold ea hair, there, Mary, parents rj dining-room, hungry Pomni: I say (ai sei), toda he says (hi: sez). Comb (kouim) — V skupini -mb na koncu besede je b vedno nem. Grammar. 1. Sedanji čas — Present Simple, a) Affirmative Form. I learn I go I do you learn you go you do he, she, it learnS he goES he doES we learn we go we do you learn you go you do they learn they go they do Glagol ostane v sedanjiku v vseh osebah ednine in množine nespremenjen, le tretja oseba ednine dobi obrazilo -s. To obrazilo izgovarjamo za samoglasniki in za zvenečimi soglasniki z, za ne-zvenečimi soglasniki s. Izgovarjati ga moramo razločno, n. pr. he learns (ta:nZ), — he works (wa:kS). I hurry — he hurries. Glagoli na -y (za soglasnikom) spremene v tretji osebi ednine y v -ie. I wash — he washes (wojiz). I dress — he dresses (dresiz). Glagoli, ki se končujejo na sičnik, imajo v tretji osebi ednine obrazilo -es, ki se izgovarja iz. I go — he goes (gouz). I do — he does(dAz). Glagola go in do dobivata v tretji osebi ednine obrazilo -es. Pazi na razliko v izgovorjavi! I do my work — Opravljam svoje delo. She does her room — Ona pospravlja svojo sobo. At school we do translations and dictations — V šoli prevajamo in pišemo po nareku. Glagol do rabimo lahko kot samostojni glagol v pomenu: storiti, delati, ali pa kot pomožnik za tvorbo vprašalne in nikalne oblike. b) Present Simple — Interrogative Form. Affirmative Form. Interrogative Form. I work. Do I work? You leave home. Do you leave home? He takes his breakfast. Does he take his breakfast? She goes to school. Does she go to school? We put the vase on the table. Do we put the vase on the table? You come home. Do you come home? They learn at school. Do they learn at school? Kakor vemo, tvorimo vprašalno obliko pomožnikov "to be" in "to have" tako, da postavljamo glagol pred zaimek, na primer: Are you the teacher? Has he a new coat? Pri vseh glavnih glagolih pa moramo staviti v vprašalni obliki sedanjik pomožnika "do" pred zaimek, ki mu sledi nedoločnik. Pomni: What do you do at school? Tudi vprašalno obliko samostojnega glagola do je treba opisovati s pomožnikom do. Pazi na obrazila! John goes to school. Does he go to school? 2. Zapomni si: I go to school — Grem v šolo. I am at school — Sem v šoli. I go home — Grem domov. I am at home — Sem doma. John enters the room (brez predloga) — John stopi v sobo. He puts on his coat — Obleče suknjo. I take my breakfast 1 „ .. , . I have my breakfast ) ^trkujem. 3. Is he a pupil? — Yes, he is. — No, he is not. Have you a pen? — Yes, I have. — No, I have not. Do you go to school? — Yes, I do. — No, I do not. Does he get up early? — Yes, he does. — No, he does not. V angleščini ne odgovarjamo samo z "yes" ali "no", temveč ponavljamo pomožnik vprašalnega stavka. Kjer ni pomožnika, ampak le samostojni glagol, postavljamo v odgovor pomožnik "do". Exercises. 1. Answer these questions: What is your friend's name? What is he? Where does he go every day? Do you also go to school every day? When does the mother enter John's room? Does she call him? What does John do? Is he sleepy in the morning? Where does he go then? What does he do in the bathroom? Is he hungry? Where does he take his breakfast? Do you take milk or coffee for breakfast? What do you say in ¡the morning? What does John put on? Does he also take his hat? Do you leave home early in the morning? What does John do at school? Do you also learn at school? When are the lessons over? Do you take your lunch at noon? 2. Put these sentences into the interrogative form: The father enters the dining-room. The mother calls Jack early in the morning. She dresses after breakfast. I wash my face in the bathroom. We take a cup of coffee and a piece of bread for breakfast. My sister works at home. At noon they come home. 3. Conjugate: I get up early in the morning. Ait noon I hurry home. Do I go to school every day? At school I do dictations and translations. 4. Form sentences with these words: difficult — easy warm — cold long — short old — new large — small early — late, shut — open 4. Translate into English: Ali je še zaspan? Ali se umivaš z mrzlo vodo? Ona izajtrkuje mleko. Kako dolgo si v šoli? Opoldne gre domov. Kdaj vstaneš in kaj napraviš potem? Ali zajtrkuje tvoj oče mleko ali kavo? Kaj delaš po kosilu? Lesson Five. 5. Fifth Lesson. A Day in John's Life. In the Afternoon. At lunch John tells his parents about his work at school. He is a diligent pupil. He understands the new time and takes his studies seriously. So he helps to build up his country. After lunch he does not learn at once. He goes to the garden and helps his father. Sometimes he has not much work to do, then he plays football and many other games with his friends, He is very good at football and is the captain of his team. Then he comes home and learns and writes his home-work. In the evening, after supper, John reads a book. Sometimes the father takes him to the theatre or to the pictures, but often they sit and talk or listen to the wireless, At ten o'clock his mother says: "It is time to go to bed, Johnny!" So he gets up and says: "Good night! Sleep well!" and goes to his bedroom. There he undresses, goes to bed, and turns out the light. A Diligent Pupil. Father: "What do you do at school, William?" William: "I wait till it is over." Golden Rule. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Pronunciation. i: read, sleep, piece ai write, right, rise, five, night i him, sit, listen, build 0 healthy, wealthy, theatre a: after, afternoon, garden u: new, rule e bread, tell, when u good, football ae understand, captain a: short, football A lunch, country, much, once 0 o'clock, not 9: learn, turn, early ei make, wait ou home, goes, coat ai wireless, wise Pazi na izgovorjavo besede talk (to:k). 1 pred k je nem. Grammar. 1. Present Simple — Negative Form. Affirmative Form. I learn in the afternoon. You work in the garden. He helps his father. She understands the lesson. We play football. You read the book. They sleep till morning. Negative Form. I do not learn in the afternoon. You do not work in the garden. He does not help his father. She does not understand the lesson. We do not play football. You do not read the book. They do not sleep till morning. Nikalno obliko pomožnikov to be in to have smo tvorili samo z nikalnico not. Pri vseh samostojnih glagolih pa moramo rabiti v nikalni obliki pomožnik "do" in nikalnico "not". Interrogative-Negative Form. Do you not write? Does she not play? 2. Plural of Nouns. Study — studies. Country — countries. Če se samostalnik končuje ina -y, pred katerim stoji soglasnik, dobi v množini obrazilo -es (izg. iz); y se pred obrazilom -es spremeni v -i. Pomni! Vemo že, da ima samostalnik boy množino boys. Vsi samostalniki, ki imajo pred y samoglasnik, dobivajo v množini samo obrazilo -s. 3. Prepositions. In the morning at lunch in the afternoon after supper in the evening at noon, at night. 4. Much — many. Much time, much bread. I have much to do. Many friends, many windows. Much — mnogo, je nedoločni zaimek. Rabi se pridevno s samostalniki v ednini. Lahko je pa tudi prislov: I have much to do. Many — mnogi, je nedoločni, zaimek. Rabi se pridevno s samostalniki v množini. 5. Pomni: I get up — vstanem. I go to bed — grem spat. I turn on the light — prižgem luč. I turn out the light — ugasnem luč. I am good at — sem spreten za. 6. Besedni red — Word-Order. Prislovno določilo časa Osebek Povedek Predmet r 4. sklonu Prislovno določilo časa John reads a book. I do my home-work. John reads a book in the evening. In the afternoon I do my home-work. Besedni red: Bolj kakor v drugih jezikih je v angleščini treba paziti na pravilni besedni red. Ker skloni nimajo obrazil, jih često spoznamo samo po mestu v stavku. N. pr.: The mother calls Tom. Tom calls the mother. Premi besedni red je: osebek — povedek — predmet v 4. sklonu. Prislovno določilo časa stoji- na izačetku ali na koncu stavka. ur %