Review scientific article Received 25 February 2019, accepted 1 July 2019 Ana Štambuk Widowhood and grieving in old age Characteristics of widowhood in old age and different reactions to loss are investigated in the first part. In the second part, theoretical approaches to grief are examined. In the process of grieving, the complexity and individuality of each individual are important, and professionals working with the elderly and their family members should recognise the signs of grief and take into account all factors related to the grieving process. Although adaptation to the death of a spouse in old age is considered one of the natural stages of life, it is emphasised that the loss of a spouse is one of life's greatest stressors. The consequences ofwidowhood are discussed, as well as differences in adaptation between men and women, which must be understood if adequate assistance and support is to be provided. Finally, strategies for coping with loneliness as a consequence of widowhood are suggested. The conclusion underlines the importance of social support to all the elderly in bereavement (particularly to those who are severely ill, without family or on a low income and to men) as well as the need to create a social climate in which grieving persons are recognised and accepted in their new role, for which they need time to adapt. Key words: loss, social gerontology, social support, bereavement, loneliness, death. Ana Štambuk, PhD, is an associate professor from the Chair of the Department of Social Gerontology at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. She teaches Social Gerontology at undergraduate level and Palliative Care and Social Work with Older People at postgraduate level. Contakt: Vdovstvo in žalovanje v starosti V prvem delu so predstavljeni značilnosti vdovstva in različni odzivi na izgubo v starosti, v drugem pa teoretski pristopi k žalosti. V procesu žalovanja sta pomembni kompleksnost in individualnost vsakega posameznika, strokovnjaki in družinski člani pa bi morali upoštevati dejavnike, povezane z žalovanjem. Čeprav velja prilagajanje na smrt zakonca v starosti za eno od naravnih faz življenja, je izguba zakonca eden največjih stresorjev v življenju. Avtorica obravnava posledice vdovstva in razlike v prilagajanju na izgubo med moškimi in ženskami; to je še posebej pomembno upoštevati pri zagotavljanju ustrezne pomoči in podpore. Predlaga tudi strategije za obvladovanje osamljenosti, kije posledica vdovstva. V sklepu je poudarjen pomen socialne podpore za vse stare ljudi v težavnih razmerah (zlastiza tiste, ki so hudo bolni, brez družine ali imajo majhne dohodke, in za moške). Treba je ustvariti družbeno ozračje, v katerem bodo žalujoči priznani in sprejeti v svoji novi vlogi, za katero potrebujejo čas, da se navadijo nanjo. Ključne besede: izguba, socialna gerontologija, socialna podpora, žalost, osamljenost, smrt. Dr. Ana Štambuk je izredna profesorica in predstojnica Katedre za socialno gerontologijo Študijskega centra za socialno delo na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu. Dodiplomskim študentom predava Socialno gerontologijo, podiplomskim pa Paliativno oskrbo in Socialno delo s starimi ljudmi. Kontakt: Introduction 3