| 11 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L Gregor Klemenčič predsednik Zveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia DIGITALNA PREOBRAZBA DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Uvodnik prve letošnje številke Geodetskega vestnika začenjam z zahvalo novima urednikoma, ki sta prevzela zahtevno delo odgovornega in glavnega urednika ter s tem obula težke škornje svojih predhod- nikov, ki so v preteklosti opravili izjemno delo. Dušan in Miran, hvala vama in pogumno z vsemi nami in za vse nas geodete. Letos bomo v organizaciji Celjskega geodetskega društva izvedli jubilejni, že 50. Geodetski dan. Verjamem, da nam bodo po dveh letih razmere dopuščale ponovno srečanje v živo. Organizacijske in programske priprave so že v polnem teku. Letošnji dogodek smo naslovili Digitalna preobrazba za trajnostne od- ločitve v prostoru. Temo smo določili po kar nekaj razpravah in se nazadnje poenotili, da je to v tem času zagotovo najbolj aktualno področje, pa ne samo v geodeziji, temveč v vseh sferah delovanja družbe. Digitalno, pametna mesta in vasi, pametna družba so v zadnjem desetletju zagotovo najpogosteje upora- bljeni izrazi, ko je govor o napredku in razvoju družbe. To so zelo široki pojmi, ki si jih lahko vsak razlaga drugače, in vsak posameznik ima svoje poglede na to, kaj mu dejansko pomenijo. Seveda gre pri razlagi in pomenu teh izrazov za ključna vprašanja, kaj s tem pridobimo kot družba in kako se bomo morali temu prilagoditi na vseh področjih kot posamezniki. Ko govorimo o digitalni preobrazbi na področju prostora in okolja, smo geodeti zagotovo ključni akterji in odgovorni za uspešno izpeljavo prehoda. Današnje napredne tehnologije in programska oprema omogočajo neomejene možnosti razvoja za digitalno preobrazbo. Toda še kako se moramo zavedati odgovornosti pomena popolnih, kakovostnih in povezanih podatkov o prostorskih, okoljskih in zemljiških evidencah. Podatki v digitalni obliki raz- krivajo natančnost in atributno celovitost, zato v digitalnem svetu ni prostora za slabe in pomanjkljive podatke, ki ne omogočajo trajnostnih in celovitih odločitev v prostoru. Raba prostora postaja vse bolj omejena, posegi v prostoru in okolju so še kako zaznamovani s centimetri, vsak meter zemljišča je za lastnika izrednega pomena. Ko se digitalni prostorski podatki združijo v skupnem prikazu in so podlaga za odločitve glede posegov v prostor, že zdavnaj ne velja več, da papir vse prenese. Največji izziv, ki ga ima geodetska stroka, ni samo, kako celovito izvesti digitalno preobrazbo, ampak kako prostorsko, višinsko in atributno izboljšati vse prostorske in okoljske podatke. Starejši kot so podatki, večji bo ta izziv. Vendar nam tudi pri novih podatkih zelo pogosto uhajajo stvari izpod nadzora. Eviden- tiranje nekakovostnih in neustreznih podatkov v uradne baze bi moralo biti preteklost. Žal se to še vedno zgodi, kar je v celoti odgovornost nas geodetov. Vsak geodet bi se moral z vso resnostjo in odgovornostjo | 12 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L vprašati, koliko nepopravljive škode je lahko naredil z evidentiranjem neustreznih podatkov. Kakovost naših storitev mora biti na prvem mestu in neodvisna od cene. Ampak o cenah geodetskih storitev kdaj drugič. Razmislek o napisanem pa velja opraviti najprej pri sebi. Ob koncu uvodnika se vračam k letošnjemu Geodetskemu dnevu. Skupaj bomo zaznamovali abraha- ma prireditve, ki ja za našo stroko izrednega pomena. Poleg tega smo lahko izredno ponosni na dolgo zgodovino izdajanja Geodetskega vestnika in neprekinjeno tradicijo Geodetskega dneva. Ob jubilejni izvedbi bomo izdali zbornik Geodetskih dnevov, v katerem bomo povzeli vse dosedanje dogodke. Ob tej priložnosti vas vabim k sodelovanju, veseli bomo vašega prispevka v obliki gradiva pa tudi pripravljenosti za dejavnejše sodelovanje pri pripravi zbornika. Vljudno vabljeni k sodelovanju in udeležbi na jubilejnem Geodetskem dnevu! | 13 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA LAllow me to begin this year’s first editorial of Geodetski vestnik with an expression of gratitude to both new editors, who have filled the responsible positions of executive and chief editors and shoulder the heavy burden of their predecessors with their remarkable achievements. Dušan and Miran, thank you, and I hope you find great courage to work with and for all of us surveyors. This year, the Celje Society of Surveyors is organising the Land Surveying Day, which might be cate- gorised as golden as it is the 50th such day. I am convinced that, after two years, conditions will allow them to organise a live event. Organisational and programme preparations are well underway. The title of this year’s event is Digital Transformation for Sustainable Decisions on the Use of Space. The theme is the result of in-depth discussions, which led to the conclusion that it is undoubtedly the most pressing issue of today, not only in surveying but in all spheres of society. Digital content, smart cities and villages, and the smart society as a whole, are by all means the most commonly used expressions of the last decade in discussions about social progress and development. These are broad notions open for different interpretations and views; they may convey different meanings to each individual. The essence of their interpretation and meaning is undoubtedly the question of what gains they may offer to society and what adaptations in all fields of life they may require of an individual. As regards the digital transformation in the fields of space and environment, land surveyors play a crucial role here; we are the ones responsible for the success of the transformation. Present-day advanced technologies and software offer endless opportunities for digital transformation. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance that we attach due significance to completeness, accuracy and interlinked data on space, the environment, as well as land use and property. Digital forms of data reveal the accuracy of data and the completeness of their attributes, which means that the digital world does not allow for poor or missing data that do not support sustainable and comprehensive decisions on space. The use of physical space is increasingly limited, activities in space and the environment are measured in centimetres, each metre of land is of profound importance for its owner. The phrase ‘on paper’ definitely sounds trite when visualisations produced from merged digital spatial data comes into play. The greatest challenge of the surveying profession is not only how to implement the digital transfor- mation comprehensively but also how to improve spatial and environmental data in terms of use land, elevation, and attributes. The older the data, the greater the challenge. Still, we often lack control over new data. Registering inaccurate and inadequate data into official databases should belong to the past. Unfortunately, it still happens, and it is we surveyors that bear full responsibility for that. With such responsibility, each land surveyor should carefully consider how much irreparable damage he may ca- use by recording inaccurate data. The quality of our services should be paramount and not influenced by the price. However, prices are a matter for another debate. I encourage each individual to a critical reflection of these issues. In the end, I would like to return to this year’s Land Surveying Day. Together we will mark the 50th anniversary of the event that is of great significance for our profession. Apart from that, we may be proud of the long publishing tradition of Geodetski vestnik and the unbroken continuity of Land Surveying Day. The anniversary calls for a special publication with a recapitulation of all the events organised so | 14 | | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L far. Let me use this opportunity to invite you to contribute, be it with materials for the publication or as a member of a publishing team. You are cordially invited to participate in this year’s jubilee Slovenian Land Surveying Day.