L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... 341–350 MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED AMORPHOUS COATINGS BY LASER CLADDING MIKROSTRUKTURA IN VISOKOTEMPERATURNA MEHANSKA OBRABA AMORFNIH PREVLEK NA OSNOVI @ELEZA, IZDELANIH Z LASERSKIM NAPR[EV ANJEM Lu Xie 1* , Yueming Wang 2 , Jianlin Yang 1 , Chenlong Li 2 , Xuhang Han 2 , Jie Huang 2 1 School of Management Engineering, Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction Vocational College, Changzhou 213147, China 2 Hunan Provincial Key Defense Laboratory of High Temperature Wear-resisting Materials and Preparation Technology, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, PR China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-01-24; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-06-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.803 FeCrMoCB amorphous coatings were prepared on 316 stainless steel via an amorphous powder. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to analyze the microstructure, composi- tion, and phase structure of the coatings. Hardness and friction wear testers were applied to investigate the microhardness and wear behavior of the coatings. Results show that the Cr 23C 6,C r 15Fe 7C 6 and Fe 3Mo crystal phases appeared after laser cladding relative to the complete amorphous powder, and the amorphous phase fraction of the coating was calculated up to 68.4 % using the Verdon method. The coating exhibited a dominating adhesive wear mechanism under room temperature (RT) and trans- formed to a fatigue wear mechanism as wear test temperature increased to 600 °C. As the temperature was elevated from RT to 600 °C, the wear rate increased from 26 × 10 –6 mm 3 /N·m to 79 × 10 –6 mm 3 /N·m. The laser-cladded Fe-based amorphous coating exhibited much stronger wear performance than the 316 stainless steel, even the wear rate reached one third of that of steel. Keywords: laser cladding, Fe-based amorphous coating, test temperature, wear behavior V ~lanku avtorji opisujejo izdelavo in karakterizacijo amorfnih prevlek FeCrMoCB na podlagi iz nerjavnega jekla vrste 316. Izdelava prevlek je potekala z laserskim napr{evanjem amorfnega prahu. S pomo~jo vrsti~ne elektronske mikroskopije (SEM), energijske disperzijske spektroskopije (EDS) in rentgenske difrakcije (XRD) so analizirali mikrostrukturo ter dolo~ili kemijsko in fazno sestavo izdelanih prevlek. Obrabno odpornost prevlek so ocenili z meritvami trdote in testne naprave za dolo~itev obrabe zaradi trenja. Rezultati preiskav so pokazali, da so med laserskim napr{evanju nastale kristalini~ne faze Cr 23C 6, Cr 15Fe 7C 6 in Fe 3Mo, S pomo~jo Verdonove metode pa so ugotovili, da je nastali dele` amorfne faze v prevlekah do pribli`no 68,4 %. Prevladujo~i obrabni mehanizem do sobne temperature je adhezivna obraba in prehaja v mehanizem obrabe zaradi utrujanja materiala do temperature 600 °C. Od sobne temperature pa do 600 °C je hitrost obrabe narasla s 26 × 10 –6 mm 3 /N·m na 7 9×1 0 –6 mm 3 /N·m. Izdelana lasersko napr{ena amorfna prevleka na osnovi `eleza je mnogo bolj odporna proti obrabi kot podloga iz jekla vrste 316 in je ocenjeno za do tretjino manj{a. Klju~ne besede: lasersko nana{anje, amorfne prevleke na osnovi `eleza, temperatura preizkusa, visokotemperaturna obraba prevleke 1 INTRODUCTION Amorphous alloys have gained increasing attention because of their high hardness and excellent mechanical properties. 1–5 Among those amorphous alloys, Fe-based amorphous alloys have attracted much interest due to the relative low cost and high wear resistance for industrial applications. 6–22 However, the production and application of Fe-based amorphous alloys were restricted because of dimension limitations and room-temperature brittle - ness. 23–27 An amorphous coating, as an alternative form of amorphous alloy, can overcome the dimensional limita- tion and avoid the room-temperature brittleness of an amorphous block, receiving more and more attention in surface engineering. 28–32 Various methods have been ap- plied to fabricate Fe-based amorphous coatings, includ- ing plasma spraying, high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying, laser cladding and so on. The microstructure, mechanical properties, and elevated-temperature tribolo- gical performance of an Fe-Cr-Mo-W-C-B-Y amorphous coating that was prepared via activated combustion high-velocity air fuel (AC-HV AF) spraying was investi- gated by Liang et al. 33 The wear mechanism changed from abrasive wear accompanied by delamination and adhesive wear to the delamination and adhesive ones as temperature rose from 293 K to 673 K. The evolutions of microstructure, fracture toughness and the sliding-wear behaviors of APS Fe 43 Cr 16 Mo 16 (C,B,P) 25 amorphous coatings, which were fabricated by air plasma spraying (APS) with various powers, were investigated by Cheng et al. 34 Laser cladding has gained much attention due to super high bonding strength and coating density relative Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 341 UDK 686.4:544.022.6:620.193.95 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(4)341(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: xielucsu@163.com to other fabricating technologies. Lu et al. 35 prepared crack-free Fe-based amorphous coatings by laser clad- ding, which adopted a triple laser scanning strategy. The deposited Fe-based amorphous coating displayed a stable wear process and a low wear loss for a much longer ser- vice time under dry-sliding wear conditions, which was much superior to 45 steel. Fe-Cr-Si-P/La 2 O 3 amorphous composite coatings were prepared on 304L substrates by laser cladding, as reported by Lu et al. 36 The effects of La 2 O 3 content on the microstructure, phase composition and microhardness of composite coatings were investi- gated. Hou et al. 37 synthesized a novel amorphous com- posite coating on 3Cr13 stainless steel by laser cladding an Fe-Cr-Mo-Co-C-B amorphous powder. The highest hardness of the cladding layer was 1179 HV 0.5 , which was about 6 times that of the 3Cr13 stainless-steel sub- strate (200 HV 0.5 ). As a result, the wear resistance of the substrate was greatly improved by the cladding layer. However, there are few reports on the effects of tem- perature on the wear behavior of a laser-cladded Fe-based amorphous coating, especially the high-temper- ature wear friction behavior was rarely studied. As a re- sult, an FeCrMoCB amorphous coating was deposited on 316 stainless steel by laser cladding. And systematic study was carried out to investigate the effects of various test temperatures on the microstructure and wear proper- ties of the Fe-based amorphous coating. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Synthesis of powder and coating A commercial Fe-based amorphous powder (Liquid metal company, USA) with a particle size of 16–54 μm was adopted to fabricate the Fe-based amorphous coat- ings. The nominal composition of the feedstock is listed in Table 1. The 316 stainless steel plates with dimen- sions of 100 × 30 × 10 mm 3 were selected as substrates. The substrates were sand blasted to activate the surface and remove the grease for a higher bonding strength. The substrate surface roughness (R a ) was controlled to about 5 μm. Subsequently, they were ultrasonically cleaned and dried in air. The spray experiments were conducted via a commercially available laser system (LDF-3000, Laserline, Germany), an operating optical fiber (600 μm, Laserline, Germany), a laser integrated control system (S7-1200, Siemens, Germany), a laser-cladding coaxial powder-feeding nozzle (OTS-2, Laserline, Germany) and a water-cooling system and a powder-feeding system. The pressure of powder feeding gas (N 2 ) and the height of the nozzle from the sample surface was 6 Mpa and 12–14 mm, respectively. The nozzle was made of red copper. The laser cladding parameters are listed in Ta- ble 2. Table 1: Nominal composition of the Fe-based amorphous powder Element Cr C Mo B Fe FeCrMoCB 26.0 2.3 17.0 2.1 Bal. Table 2: Laser cladding parameters from Fe-based amorphous powder Element Laser power /kW Scanning speed /(mm·s –1 ) Spot diam- eter /mm Over- lapping ra- tio /% FeCrMoCB 1.4 12 3 50 2.2 High-temperature friction and wear testing Dry sliding tribological properties of the laser cladded Fe-based amorphous coatings were investigated by a reciprocating friction-and-wear tester (GF-I, Lanzhou ZhongkeKaihua Technology Development Co., Ltd., China) in accordance with ASTM D6279-2003 (2013) at room temperature, 200 °C, 400 °C and 600 °C. Si 3 N 4 balls with diameter of 6 mm were selected as the counterparts. New balls were used for each test. All the coating samples were grinded and polished to a mirror surface with roughness of R a = 1 μm. The wear debris was collected after wear testing for subsequent observa- tion. The load, rotating speed, friction time and sliding distance were 60 N, 600 min –1 , 30 min and 5 mm, re- spectively. The wear rate Ws of the coating can be esti- mated using the equation of Ws = V/DL, where V is the volume loss, D is the sliding distance, and L is the load applied to the specimen. The volume loss V = m/ , where is the density of the coating material, m is the mass loss measured after each test. The surfaces of the coatings before and after the wear friction were charac- terized by SEM. 2.3 Microstructural characterization The surface morphologies of the feedstock, la- ser-cladded coatings, wear debris, friction and wear sur- faces of the amorphous coating and Si 3 N 4 dual grinding balls were characterized using a scanning electron mi- croscope (TescanMira4, Tescan Orsay Holding, Czech Republic). The phase structure was studied by X-ray dif- fraction (XRD, Rigaku D/max-2550VB) using Cu-K ra- diation. The diffraction angle was from 20° to 80°. The coating porosity was evaluated using the Image Pro-Plus 6.0 software. At least ten cross-sectional SEM images at a magnification of 1000 times were randomly selected for the porosity calculation of each coating. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructural characterization The particle size distribution of the Fe-based amor- phous powder ranging from approximately 15 μm to 80 μm (most of particles ranged from 35 μm to 40 μm) is suitable for laser cladding, as shown in Figure 1a. Spherical and dense microstructures with few pores can be found as Figure 1b and 1c. This kind of compact microstructure of feedstock is beneficial to obtain a uni- form melting effect during the laser cladding. Finally, a L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... 342 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 coating with a homogeneous microstructure can be de- posited. 38,39 Figure 2 shows Fe, Cr, Mo, C and B element-map distributions on the cross-section of the powder particle. The main elements including Fe, Cr and Mo are homo- geneously distributed in the particle. The composition homogeneity of the laser-cladded amorphous coating can be improved by this kind of powder. Figure 3 shows the XRD patterns of Fe-based amor- phous powder and coating. A broad diffused scattering peak appears between 40° and 50°, as shown in Fig- ure 3, which is the typical pattern of an amorphous phase, indicating almost complete amorphization of the iron-based powder. Several sharp peaks appear in the XRD pattern of the coating, which is related to the for- mation of some crystal phases during laser cladding. The crystal phases were found to be Cr 23 C 6 ,C r 15 Fe 7 C 6 and Fe 3 Mo via the MDI Jade. The amorphous phase fraction of the coating was about 68.4 %, after calculation using the Verdon method. The appearance of crystal phases L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 343 Figure 1: Particle size distribution and cross-section morphology of the Fe-based amorphous powder: a) particle size distribution, b) panorama morphology and c) high-magnification morphology of a single particle Figure 2: Fe, Cr, Mo, C and B element-map distributions on the cross-section of a single Fe-based amorphous particle can be ascribed to part of the powder being melted dur- ing the laser cladding, and then crystallization occurred in the subsequent cooling and solidification process. Moreover, a portion of crystallization of cladded coating occurred due to being heated during subsequent deposi- tion. Figure 4 shows the SEM photographs of the center and bottom of the cross-section of cladded Fe-based amorphous coating. From Figure 4a and 4b,l a r g e amounts of crystalline grains appeared in the amorphous matrix, representing rectangular and triangular shapes. The three phases are indicated by the colors of light grey, white and dark grey, respectively. The interface morphol- ogy of the coating and substrate is shown in Figure 4c and 4d. A planar layer appeared in the bonding region with a thickness of about 2 μm. With increasing distance from the surface of substrate, the planar layer was gradu- ally restrained, and several columnar dendrites were formed. With increasing distance from substrate surface, the columnar dendrites transformed to ellipsoid grains. Subsequently, rectangular and triangular grains were pre- cipitated at the center of the cladded coating as in Fig- ure 4a and 4b. According to the classical theory of the rapid solidifi- cation, the phase and the morphology of material microstructure are basically related to the ratio of tem- perature gradient G to solidification rate R, i.e. G/R. 40,4 In the initial stage of laser cladding, the powder was melted by laser beam, and conducted the heat to the substrate surface, which led the metallurgical bonding of the coat- ing and coating. In this condition, the G was large and R was small, therefore, the G/R was huge, leading the pla- nar layer growth in the bonding area. With increasing distance from the substrate surface, the G/R decreased, and then the growth of dendrites and fine grains was sup- L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... 344 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 Figure 3: XRD patterns of the Fe-based amorphous powder and coat- ing Figure 4: SEM photographs of the cross-section of Fe-based amorphous coating prepared by laser cladding: a) the center layer of the cladded Fe-based amorphous coating, b) magnified image of a), c) the bottom of the cladded Fe-based amorphous coating, d) magnified image of c) pressed. Meanwhile, coarse ellipsoid grains, rectangular and triangular grains started to precipitate and grow. Figure 5 shows EDS mapping of the cross-section of the interior coating. It should be noted that the white phase, dark phase and grey phase were the Mo-enriched area, the Fe-enriched area and the Cr-enriched area, re- spectively. Oxygen and carbon were uniformly distrib- uted in the coating. As a result, the rectangular grains and ellipsoid grains were mainly Fe alloy and Mo alloy, respectively. Figure 6 shows the EDS mapping of the interface of the coating and substrate. The result shows that the grey phase region is rich in Fe, while the white phase region is rich in Cr and Mo. This morphology indicates that as the laser cladding began, the G/R value was huge, result- ing in large amounts of precipitation of Fe-based crystal- line material. It is dominated by columnar dendrites near the substrate surface and ellipsoid grains in the centre coating, as the above results indicated. The transforma- tion of morphology did not change the phase composi- L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 345 Figure 5: EDS mapping of the cross-section of the interior coating Figure 6: EDS mapping of the interface of coating and substrate tion according to the element-distribution result. More- over, oxygen is uniformly distributed, indicating there was few preferential reactions between the metallic ele- ments and oxygen. 3.2 Microhardness and wear behavior of iron-based amorphous coating 3.2.1 Microhardness Microhardness of various areas from outer coating to the substrate can be found in Figure 7. The microhard- ness of the inner coating, outer coating, bonding area and steel substrate were approximately 1300 HV 0.1 , 1250 HV 0.1 , 300 HV 0.1 and 170 HV 0.1 , respectively. The microhardness of the iron-based amorphous coating was much higher than that of steel substrate due to the atomic-structure randomness in the amorphous phase 42 . In addition, the hardness of outer coating was a little lower than that of inner one, which may be due to the re- sidual thermal stress during laser cladding. Note here, tensile stress formed in the coating due to rapid solidifi- cation and shrinkage of the droplet in the process of laser cladding. The hardness of the bonding area was between those of the laser cladded coating and the steel substrate for being composed of the amorphous phase and the sub- strate. L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... 346 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 Figure 8: Panorama and local magnification images of the friction surface of amorphous coating after wear test at different temperatures for 30 min: a) and b) RT, c) and (d) 200 °C, e) and f) at 400 °C, g) and h) 600 °C Figure 7: Microhardness of various areas from outer coating to steel substrate 3.2.2 Wear behaviour The morphologies of the friction surface of the amor- phous coating after wear tests at RT, 200 °C, 400 °C and 600 °C for 30 min are shown in Figure 8. A large area of cold-welding morphology can be found on the friction surface of the laser-cladded amorphous coating (see Fig- ure 8a and 8b). Adhesive wear was the dominant wear mechanism of the amorphous coating during the RT fric- tion test. During the wear test, a part of material on the top surface of amorphous coating was cut off and ad- hered to the worn surface of the Si 3 N 4 ball due to the hardness of the latter being higher than that of the for- mer. And then the coating and grinding ball were partially bonded and worn together, resulting in cold-welded regions on the friction surface of the amor- phous coating. The cold-welding regions decreased, sev- eral grooves and cracks appeared in the friction surface of amorphous coating after wear test 200 °C for 30 min as shown in Figure 8c and 8d. The cold-welded regions were almost invisible, and delamination occurred as shown in Figure 8e and 8f. Typical fatigue wear was the main mechanism as friction temperature increased up to 400 °C. A number of delamination, big cracks and holes L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 347 Table 3: EDS result on the initial amorphous coating and friction surfaces of the coating after wear test at RT, 200 °C, 400 °C and 600 °C for 30 min Element Contents of initial coating /(w/%) Contents of RT friction surface /(w/%) Contents of 200 °C friction surface /(w/%) Contents of 400 °C friction surface /(w/%) Contents of 600 °C friction surface /(w/%) O 0.13 12.59 13.30 13.65 21.75 Fe 80.98 44.90 44.85 44.14 39.45 Cr 7.65 20.75 20.20 20.28 18.15 Mo 5.69 15.89 14.22 15.79 13.76 C 5.54 4.24 6.13 5.04 3.42 N / 0.20 0.30 0.02 0.01 Si / 1.44 1.01 1.09 3.46 Figure 9: Oxygen distributions on wear traces of iron-based amorphous coatings after wear test at different temperatures for 30 min: a) RT, b) 200 °C, c) 400 °C and d) 600 °C appeared, while cold-welded regions completely disap- peared in the friction surface (see Figure 8g and 8h). The EDS results of the initial amorphous coating and the friction surfaces of the coatings after the wear tests at different temperatures for 30 min are shown in Table 3. The O content (12.59 %) on the friction surface of coat- ing after wear test at RT is higher than that (0.13 %) of initial amorphous coating due to self-heating from con- tinuous friction. Therefore, oxidation wear occurred throughout the friction experiment. Moreover, the O con- tents on the friction surfaces gradually increased with the test temperature. From oxygen distributions on the wear traces as shown in Figure 9, the oxygen uniformly dis- tributed on the friction surfaces of the coatings, indicat- ing the sufficient reaction of oxygen and metal elements during wear friction. It is notable that several oxy- gen-rich regions can be seen in Figure 9c. This can be ascribed to the coating roughness that decided its surface microscopic height difference, which can cause local temperature rising, and then the local oxygen content in- creased. Wear debris collected from the iron-based coatings after the wear test at various temperatures for 30 min can be found in Figure 10. It should be noted that the parti- cle size of wear debris increased with the test tempera- tures. In addition, the portion of plate-like particles of wear debris increased with the test temperature too. Se- vere abrasion occurred during the 600 °C friction test and as a result complex micro-cracks were formed in the plate-like particles, as shown in Figure 10d. Figure 11 shows the friction coefficient vs. time curves of the amorphous coating under various wear test temperatures. There is a long transitional period in the initial stage of the friction curve of the coating at RT due to the adhesive wear mechanism, which is consistent with the above conclusion of a friction surface morphol- ogy. The average friction coefficients of the coatings are shown in Figure 12. The average friction coefficients of L. XIE et al.: MICROSTRUCTURE AND HIGH-TEMPERATURE WEAR BEHA VIOR OF FE-BASED ... 348 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 4, 341–350 Figure 11: Friction coefficient vs. time curves of the amorphous coat- ing under various test temperatures Figure 10: Wear debris collected from iron-based amorphous coatings after wear test at various temperatures: a) RT, b) 200 °C, c) 400 °C and d) 600 °C the coatings at RT, 200 °C, 400 °C and 600 °C are 0.55, 0.68, 0.69, 0.72, respectively. The friction coefficient was gradually increased with the temperature, which can due to the increasing of coating roughness caused by the coating surface oxidation. It is notable that the average friction coefficient was sharply increased when the tem- perature was elevated from RT to 200 °C. Nevertheless, the friction coefficient difference of coating under 200 °C, 400 °C and 600 °C were relative small. This ten- dency is completely consistent with the conclusion of oxygen content on the coating friction surface under var- ious wear temperatures. Figure 13 shows the wear rates of Fe-based amor- phous coating and steel substrate after wear tests at vari- ous temperatures for 30 min. The wear rates of the amor- phous coatings and iron substrate gradually increased with the friction temperatures. Note here, the wear rates of the iron-based amorphous coating were much lower than those of the steel substrate. As a result, the steel substrate can be effectively protected by Fe-based amor- phous coatings prepared by laser cladding. 4 CONCLUSIONS FeCrMoCB amorphous coatings were successfully prepared by laser cladding on 316 stainless-steel sub- strates. The effects of wear temperature on the wear be- havior of Fe-based amorphous coating were discussed. The main results are summarized as follows: The 1300HV 0.1 microhardness of the inner coating was the highest among the outer coating, inner coating and bonding area, due to the residual thermal stress dur- ing the laser-cladding process. As the wear temperature rose from RT to 600 °C, the dominating wear mechanism transformed from adhesive wear to fatigue wear, and the wear rate increased from 26×10 –6 mm 3 /N·m to 79×10 –6 mm 3 /N·m. The laser-cladded Fe-based amorphous coating ex- hibited much stronger wear performance than the 316 stainless steel, even the wear rate reached even one-third of that of steel, indicating the laser-cladded amorphous coating can protect a steel substrate from wear friction. Acknowledgment This work was supported by Natural Science Founda- tion of Hunan Province of China (Grant No. 2021JJ50025), Key Research and Development Program of Hunan Province (2022GK2030), Natural Science Pro- ject of Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction V ocational College (XJZK22009/206). 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Yasir, C. Zhang, W. Wang, et al. Wear behaviors of Fe-based amorphous composite coatings reinforced by Al 2O 3 particles in air and in NaCl solution, Materials & Design, 88 (2015), 207–213, doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2015.08.142 2 B. Huang, C. Zhang, G. Zhang, et al. 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