Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39, 1992, s. 133 - 172 FDC: 176.1 Quercus robur L., Q. petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl., Q. pubescens Willd., Q. cerris L.: 164,5 + 164,7 (497.12) THE IMPORTANCE OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF OAK SPECIES Ivan SMOLE*, Franc BATIČ** Abstract Taxonomical variability of herborized samples of four oak species from a preliminary examination is discussed in the paper. Stress is laid on statistical processing of morphological eharacter.istics of oaks. 800 ]eaf samples of four oak speeies (pedunculate oak, sessile oak, pubescent oak, turkey oak) and 395 acorn samples (pedunculate oak, sessile oak, pubescent oak) from the whole territory of Slovenia were examined. It was found that the typical morphological characteristics (shape and dimensions of leaf lamina, length of petioles and fruit-stalks) are important especially for distinguishing oak species and that they also have an important role in intraspecific classification. No relationship or interdependence of these signs to other morphological characteristics - the trichomes, for example - or to the characteristics of acorns were noticed. Key words: pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), sessile oak (Q. petrea (Mattuschka) Liebl.), pubescent oak (Q. pubescens Willd.), turkey oak (Q. cerris L.), herba- rium samples, morphological characte., leaf, fruit, pure species, variety, hybrid POMEN MORFOLOŠKIH ZNAKOV PRI DOLOČANJU HRASTOVIH VRST Izvleček Delo vsebuje taksonomsko obravnavo herbarijskih vzorcev štirih hrastovih vrst iz predhodne raziskave s poudarkom na statistični obdelavi morfoloških znakov. Obdelano je bilo 800 listnih vzorcev ( doba, gradna, puhastega hrasta in cera) in 395 vzorcev želoda (doba, gradna in puhastega hrasta) iz vse Slovenije. Ugotovljeno je, da so tipični morfološki znaki (oblika in dimenzije listne ploskve, dolžina listnega in plodnega peclja) pomembni predvsem za razločevanje hrastovih vrst in da imajo pri notranjem členjenju specifično vlogo, ni pa ugotovljena večja zakonitost povezave ali soodvisnosti med temi znaki in morfološkimi znaki kot so listni laski ali trihomi in lastnosti želoda. Ključne besede: dob (Quercu.s robur L), graden (Q. petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.), puhasti hrast (Q. pubescen.s Willd.), cer (Q. cerris L.), herbarijski vzorci, morfološki znak, list, plod, čista vrsta, različica, križanec I. S. Dipl. Ing. of Forestry, Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo, Večna pot 2, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Prof. Dr. F. B. DipL Biol.; Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo, Večna pol 2. 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTiON 135 2 METHODS 136 3 RESULTS 141 3.1 Corrections and additions to the primary identification of species 141 3.2 Teritorrial dispersion of sample trees of pedunculate oak and 148 sessile oak and their varieties 3.3 Results of statistical analysis of morphological characteristics of 148 leaf samples 3.4 Results of statistical analysis of oak fruits 155 4 DISCUSSION 164 5 CONCLUSION 165 6 RESUME 166 7 REFERENCES 167 134 . Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. 1 INTRODUCTION The study of the morphological characteristics of oaks and evaluation of their importance for oak-species identification on our institute started in October 1990, when - within Slovene-Austrian research cooperation - oak sampling was carried out on 32 typical oak sites throughout Slovenia. The leaves were collected from 160 trees and the acorns from 93 trees of the same populations. The results of the analysis of leaf samples (characteristics according to a key) have already been presented in the yearly report on the Austro-Slovene research cooperation (SMOLE 1991). It was cited in the report that among the 160 sample trees, there were 71 trees of pedunculate oak, 66 trees of sessile oak, 12 of turkey oak and 11 of pubescent oak. Por the identification of species, the descriptions of morphological characteristics of leaves and acorns (RECHINGER 1957-1958, HESS et al. 1976) were applied. Measurable morphological characteristics visible with the naked eye (the shape, dimensions and other properties of different leaf parts) and characteristics visible only under a certain magnification (the shape and distribution of trichomes on various leaf parts, which differ significantly among oak species) were examined. On some samples of pedunculate oak and sessile oak, significant deviations of micro- characteristics from characteristics declared significant for these two species in the above-mentioned literature were noticed. We therefore assumed that these samples belonged to mixed species or hybrids, while samples without any unusual characteristics belonged to pure species. According to this hypothesis, the 160 trees were classified into the following groups: - pedunculate oak with no unusual characteristics - pedunculate oak hybrids (pedunculate oak : turkey oak) - pedunculate oak hybrids (pedunculate oak : sessile oak) - sessile oak with no unusual characteristics - sessile oak hybrids (sessile oak:turkey oak,sessile oak:pubescent oak) 37 trees 31 trees 3 trees 11 trees 55 trees No variability in hairiness of different leaf parts was noticed in pubescent oak and turkey oak, so these two species were considered to be pure. Intraspecific classification showed that with pedunculate oak, the proportion of nonhybridized individuals was almost equal to that of hybrids, while with sessile oak, there were five times more hybrids than trees of the pure species. It could therefore be deduced that in Slovenia, sessile oak is much more liable to crossbreeding with other species of oaks than pedunculate oak. It was further noticed that with hybrids of both oak species, the morphological characteristics of turkey oak prevailed (the shape of leaves, for example ), and that with hybrids of sessile oak, the influence of pubescent oak was also possible - especially in thc regions of the Karst, Slovenc Primorje and Istra. 135 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 In this phase of the. investigation, acorn samples were not analysed. The first results of the investigation and the extensive herbarium collection required further work in order to find the relationship between typical eharaeteristics of the Ieaf lamina (shape and dimensions) and trichomes as possible characteristics of species, and also to evaluate their importance for identification of oak species and their varieties. The findings of this investigation are presented in the article. 2 METHODS In the first phase of the investigation, the following working procedure was used: Ali oak species were sampled at their native sites, defined by the principles of the Central European School for vegetation studies. Not only the sites in which oaks were the main element of forest plant assoeiations were included in the investigation, but also sites in whieh oaks were only mixed among other species of trees. Four of the most abundant oak species in Slovenia were chosen for the investigation: pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Leibl..), pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.), turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.). Sampling sites were chosen on the basis of vegetation and forest stand charts (review charts of native sites and plant associations), adapted after various sources especially for this purpose. On the basis of this information, 32 sampling sites were ehosen. On each site, from 5 trees chosen at random, the leafed twigs from the sunny side and the shady side of tree crowns were sampled for the herbariurn. The observations were recorded in a special questionnaire (Appendix 1 ). Fram the same trees if possible - acorns were also collected. For every ehosen tree, one twig with leaves from the sunny side and one from the shady side was herborized, altogether 320 samples. Signifieantly less fruits were sarnpled, and only the acorns from 79 trees were later applicable for ob- servation. Triplets of leaf samples were collected and herborized - one of them was then sent to Austria, to the herbarium collection in Vienna, and the other two are kept in the forestry herbarium at IGLO. One of them is destined for the herbarium collection of the Department of Biology of the University of Ljubljana. A review of sampling plots (in relation to species of oaks and their territorial distribution) is presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. 136 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. Appendix l.: Oak sarnpling in Slovenia QUERCUS ROBUR L. Place: Godešič by Škofja Loka Gaus-Krueser coordinates x: 5450.6 y: 5114.1 Quadrant: 9852/1 Height above sea leve!: 400m Exposition: O lnclination: O Landscape type: FLAT LAND Relief: HILLY/BROKEN Plant association: QUERCO-LUZULO-FAGETUM Sampling site no.: 26 Tree no. 1 Date : October 15th, 1990 Sampled by: E. Azarov I. Smole Bed-rock: diluvial clay Soil: pseudogley Description of the stand: uneven-aged in small areas, one-stratum stand, high forest Phase of development: polewood forest Complex: 0.8 Tree measurements: - diameter: 29.0 - height up to the crown: Srn Description of the tree: - at the edge of the forest predominated over - very vita) selfseeded well rooted - tree height: 12m Trunk: - inferior trunk, stout, one-axis, inclined, bent, twisted, thick-branched, few adventive shoots, few epiphytes Crown: strongly asymetrical, open, narrowed at two sides, few adventive shoots, few epiphites Fruit bear: - high Herbarium sample from: the crown periphery, tertiary branches at height of Srn 137 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 1: Basic data on oak sampling in Slovenia in 1990 (Comment: The size of a sample series is 5 trees to a site) Succes. Date Sampling plot Oak species no. of the serie l. 27.9.90 LJUBLJANSKO BARJE, Rakova jelša, 28.9.90 Zgornji Log, along the main road and side roads Quercus robur 2. 1.10.90 PRAGERSKO, Zgornja gorica, Grajevnik, along the forest road Q. robur 3. 1.10.90 SREDIŠČE OB DRAVI, Obrež, V. Krče, along the local road, at the edge of Q. robur the forest 4. 2.10.90 DOBROVA PRI LJUBLJANI, thc mountain riclge abovc thc local road Q.petraea 5. 2.10.90 TOŠKO ČELO, Prevalnik, the mountain ridge, by the monument to the Q. petraea partisans Q. robur 6. 3.10.90 LJUTOMER, Ključarovci, Ključarovski gozd, at thc eclge of thc village Q. robur 7. 3.10.90 MURSKA ŠUMA, the local roacl crossing, soulh of Lcdava Q. robur 8. 3.10.90 ČRNI LOG, Banuta, al the shore of the arlificial pond Q. robur 9. 4.10.90 KRAKOVSKI GOZD, Gmajna, along the local road Gmajna· Zameško Q. robur 10. 4.10.90 KRAKOVSKI GOZD, Koprivnik, along the strcam of Lokavec, the edge of Q. robur the forest 11. 4.10.90 KOSTANJEVICA, M. Vodenice, M. Ban, along the local and the forest road Q. petraea 12. 8.10.90 BELA KRAJINA, Vranoviči, along the local road Metlika - Črnomelj Q. robur 13. 8.10.90 BELA KRAJINA, Stara Lipa pri Vinici, the edge of the pasture-overgrowing Q. robur 14. 8.10.90 BELA KRAJINA, Razvaje by Damelj, along the local road Vinica-Stari trg Q. cerris 15. 9.10.90 DIVAČA, at the foot of the hill of Kožlck, along the local road Divača - Q. pubescens Lokev 16. 9.10.90 DIVAČA, at the foot of the hill of Kožlck, along the local road Divača - Q. cerris Lokev and along the railway 17. 9.10.90 BRKINI, Ostrožno brdo, Boršt, the hi II-slope ahovc thc forcst road Q. petraea (Ljubljanska cesta) 18. 10.10.90 NOVA GORICA, Panovce, the ridge south to the forest study way Q.petraea 19. 10.10.90 NOVA GORICA, Stara gora, Strmec, along the local riclge road Q. petraea 20. 10.10.90 COL, below the village, above the local road Ajdovščina - Col Q. pubescens 138 (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (4x) (lx) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) (5x) Smole l., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. Succes. Date Sampling plot Oak spedes no. of the serie 21. 11.10.90 ISTRA, Čela, the hill by the local road Gračišče • Pridvor Q.petraea (5x) 22. 11.10.90 ISTRA, Labor, Peskovlje, along the local ridge road Labor • Boršt Q. pubesce11s (Sx) 23. 11.10.90 ISTRA, Cerje by Župančiči, the hill above the valley of Piojevec Q.petraeo (2x) Q. cenis (2x) Q. pubescens (lx) 24. 15.10.90 GORENJSKA, Črnivec by Brezje, along the forest road Črnivec ~Dvorska vas Q.pclraea (Sx) 25. 15.10.90 GORENJSKA, Rodine by Begunje, the remainder of the fronta! moraine Q. robur (Sx) below the village 26. 15.10.90 SORŠKO POLJE, Godešič by Reteče, along the railway and the lines man's Q, robur (Sx) cabin 27. 16.10.90 SELšKA DOLINA, Podlonk by Žclewiki, forest cdgc at thc foot o/ the hill of Q. petraea (Sx) 1.onk 28. 16.10.90 POLJANSKA DOLINA, Hlavče njive, the ridgc abovc the village Q. petraeo (5x) 29. 16.10.90 ŽIROVSKI VRH, Zadobje by Lučine, the hill above the village Q,petraea (Sx) 30. 17.10.90 POSAVSKO HRIBOVJE, Velika Preska by Polšnik, the hill above the village Q. petraea (Sx} 31. 17.10.90 CELJSKA KOTLINA, Lopata by Medlog, thc forcst behind the new village Q. robur (5x) 32. 17.10.90 TOPOl.ŠICA BY ŠOŠTANJ, Sv. Jakob, the hill behind thc church Q. robur (5x) Number Number Number of Numbcr Q. robur: 71x of series: of days: sampling sites: of sample Q. petroea: 61x trees: Q. cerri:;: 12x Q. pubescens: 16x 32 13 32 Total: 160x Comment: The propertions of trees of different species in the table are corrected (with regard to the original classification • see Chapter 3.1) In the second phase of the investigation, the primary identification of oaks was completed by analysis of a larger number of leaf samples. The measurable morphological characteristics of the same samples were afterwards examined in order to find the relationship between the typical leaf lamina characteristics and the trichomes of the species under analysis. It was also our intention to verify the hy- pothesis that the morphological characteristics of leaves growing on the sunny side of 139 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 I > o 1- (./) <{ o::: I <{ --, z w >U o:: o N > > LIJ --, <{ o:: ~ o w __J ~ w o:: CL o m m ~ _j --, z w > o __J (./) > ~ '" _1\\ .. ::,. o. ~ ~~ "O !> U"I )II'~ o o "O C ::, OI .. ,:, .C:::- "' ~·c a .o o~ .o o o.o ~ N 0 NO, N > .c z ~ • Figure 1: Review map of oak sampling sites in Slovenia for 1990 140 :) Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. a tree crown (first of ali the size of the leaf lamina) differ significantly from those of leaves from the shady side of a tree. For this purpose, 5 randomly chosen leaf samples were collected from each tree: 3 samples from the sunny side and 2 from the shady side of the tree crown. The following parameters of each leaf were either measured or evaluated: length and width of leaf lamina, number of !obes at left and right side, length of petiole. Under stereomicroscope magnification of lOOx, the hairiness of the following parts of the leaves was evaluated: leaf lamina, veins and Ieaf margin on the upper and lower sur- faces. A model of a questionnaire, modified to allow the data to be entered on a computer is shown in Appendix 2. Eight hundred leaf samples of pedunculate oak, sessile oak, turkey oak and pubescent oak were examined by this method, Measurements and evaluations of the morphological characteristics of oak fruits - acorns - were also obtained if at least 5 applicable samples to a tree were available. The following morphological characteristics were cxamincd: number of fruits to a stalk, length of fruit stalk, length and width of fruit, typical shape of fruit, height and width of fruit cup (cupule), type of hairiness of the cupulc and the shape of its scales. An example of the questionnaire is given in Appendix 3. Three hundred and ninety five acorn samples of pedunculate oak, sessilc oak and pubescent oak were examined; the acorns of turkey oak were not collected because they ripen and fall in the second year after fruit-bear. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Corrections and additions to the primary identification of species Because of shortage of tirne in the first phase of the investigation it had been neces- sary in the second phase to examine a larger number of leaf samples. The quantity of data now gathered allowed us to correct the primary identification of oaks. The same criteria as in the previous analysis were used. While in the preliminary investigation the deciding factors for oak classification were the morphological characteristics of leaf samples (shape and other characteristics of the leaf lamina, length of petiole, shape and persistencc of stipules), the varieties within individual species .in the sec- ond phase were distinguished by observation and evaluation of the hairiness of leaf parts under stereomicroscope magnification. For the idcntification of samples, the morphological characteristics described in Slovenc and foreign literature were taken into consideration. According to MARTINČIČ and SUŠNIK (1984), the distinguishing characteristics are: Pedunculate oak: Leaves are obtusately pinnately !obed. Stlpules are membranous and shed early. Cupule scales are closely overlapping. Young shoots and petioles hairless or slightly hairy initially. Leaves hairless, rarely initially 141 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 slightly hairy on the lower surface. Leaves sessile or shortly petioled. Fruit stalk is half as short as the associated leaf. Sessile oak: In contrast to pedunculate oak, petioles are 2 - 4cm long. Fruits are sessile or with a very short common stalk. Pubescent oak: In contrast to pedunculate oak and sessile oak, the young shoots and leaves are hairy. Petioles are 10 - 15mm long. Leaf blades with 4 -7 obtuse lobes on each side. Cupule scales are closely overlapping. Turkey oak: Leaves deeply pinnately !obed, with pointedly sharpened !obes, hairy on the lower surface. Cupule scales protruding. Stipules thread-Jike, persistent. According to TRINAJSTIC (1988), the following features are characteristic of Quercus robur: Pedunculate oak: One-year old shoots are hairless. The torus (flower axis) is hairless, fruits are stalked. Leaves are entirely hairless, with a few simple hairs on the veins or leaf margins. DOMAC (1984) mentions the following characteristics as typical of the studied four species: Pedunculate oak: Lower surface of leaves is hairless, slightly hairy on the veins only. The fruit stalk is Iong, significantly longer than the petiole. The cupule is smooth, with short, roundish, closely overlapping, ringlike arrayed scales. Sessile oak: In contrast to pedunculate oak, its fruit stalk is very short, never longer from the petiole, or the fruits are sessile. Leaves are hairy on the lower surface, especially on the veins. Pubescent oak: Young branches are hairy. Leaves shallow !obed, densely hairy on the Jower surface. The fruit stalk is short, 1cm long at the most. Cupule scales are small, roundishly ovate, closely overlapping. Turkey oak: Leaves are pointedly !obed, hairy on the lower surface, the stipules persistent. Fruit scales are linear, protruding, curved. ROTHMALER (1988) defines oak species as follows: Pedunculate oak: Young branches and Jeaf buds hairless. The leaf )obes rounded, slightly heart-shaped at the base, bent downwards, the largest !obes towards the leaf apex. Petiole very short. Fruits stalky, ripen in the first year. Sessile oak: Young branches and buds are hairless. Leaf !obes are rounded, the base of the leaf lamina is wedge-shaped, fiat; the largest !obes are in the middle of the Ieaf hlade. Petiole is 1 • 3cm long. The fruits are sessile, ripen in the first year. Pubescent oak: Young branches and leaf buds stellately hairy. The leaf !obes are rounded; the lower Ieaf surface is covered with soft, long hair. The fruits ripen in the first year. Turkey oak: Leaves have 6 - 8 pointed Ieaf !obes. Both surfaces of young Ieaves are covered with grey hair and in old leaves, at least the lower surface - stellate hairs on the veins. The fruits ripen in the second year. 142 Smole l., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. The oak species are the most thoroughly described by RECHINGER (1957-58) and HESS et al. (1976). Their descriptions were combined in the following resume: Pedunculate oak: The leaves are wide wedge-like obovate, the widest above the middle or towards the apex in the upper third of Ieaf lamina. They are !obed, on every side with 5 - 6 obtuse to pointed !obes and unequal, wider or narrower obtuse and rnther deep indentations. The bottom lobe is often small and rounded, the second one already much greater, the third and the fourth often lingulately Iengthened and roughly irregularly toothed at the bottom. The upper !obes often egg-shaped and almost parnllel, ali - more often than not - rather widely rounded, on secondary shoots often distinctly pointed. Regarding the main rib, the Ieaves are often clearly asymmetrical. The Ieaf blades are 6 - 16cm Iong and 3 - 10cm wide. The interspaces between laterni veins - up to 7 on each side - are rnther wide. The veins are not distinctly parnllel and are oriented towards the Ieaf lamina indentations. The leaf lamina is rough, irregular, densely reticulate, in youth slightly silky hairy, later completely hairless, roughly to Ieathery membrnnous, shiny green on the upper surface, undefined, light green to blue-grny-green on the lower surface. The upper surface of leaves is hairless, the Iower with very few single simple hairs or hairless, never with stellate hairs (lOOx magnification). Petiole normally very short, 2-7mm Iong, rough, half-round, hairless. Stipules narrowly pointed and very unpersistent. The fruits are sessile, single or 2 - 5 on a hairless or seldom slightly hairy stalk, which is about half as long as the subtending leaf, sometimes shorter or longer. The fruit is oblongly ovoid, pointed, 18 - 28mm long, 7 - 15mm broad, with the lower fourth or third, rnrely up to a half, enclosed in the fruit cup (cupule). The cupule is 8 - 12mm high, and of a diamctcr of 7 - 14mm; with tender, silky, egg-shaped, closely ovarlapping scales, the margins of which are distinctly grown together and thus form spirnlly twisted girdles, ending above with more or Iess hairless and not overgrown curled edges. Sessile oak: The leaves are widely obovate to elliptically lanceolate, the widest in the middle or towards the apex, the base is shortly wedge-like narrowed or lengthened towards petiole, seldom rounded or cordate, earless, widely rounded or narrowed towards the apex. They are !obed, with 5 - 8 (or 10) rounded, smooth-edged !obes on each side (the bottom 1 - 2 !obes are sometimes toothed), and short, wide to narrow indcntations, which are either shallow or stretch approximately to a fourth of the leaf lamina width. The leaves are 8 - 12 (16)cm long and 5 - 7 (lO)cm widc. Laterni veins, which split from the mid-vein at an acute or right angle, often Iead only towards the !obes and not towards indentations. The intermediary venation is irregular, roughly meshy, sparse and inconspicuous. The upper surface of the leaf lamina is green, slightly shiny, the Iower surface of a lighter 143 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 colour, overgrown with sessile, stellate hairs, the points of which are not longer than 0.2mm (100x magnification). In youth, sometimes a few simple silky hairs are also present on the veins, which la ter. become hairless and remain hairy only in the vein axillas. The petiole is often conspicuously grooved, 12 - 24mm long, hairless. The stipules are drily membranous, hairless or hairy, shed early. The fruits are sessile or on a common, up to 15 (20)mm long stalk in the leaf axillas, single or up to 5, seldom more. The fruit cup (cupule) is 6 - 12mm high, 8 - 14mm wide, with a thin shell and small, ovately lanceolate, pointed, at the back densely fuzzy hairy, slightly convex (never protruberantly knobby), closely overlapping scales. The fruits are ovoid, often distinctively pointed, 16 - 26mm long, 8 14mm wide. Pubescent oak: The leaves are similar in shape to the leaves of pedunculate oak, they are obovate to oblongly obovate, only sometimes eared, often the widest in the middle. At the base they are narrowly wedge-like or cordate and obtuse at the apex. On both sides they have 4 - 7 (8) often shortly rounded !obes, which are curled under at the top. The Iobes sometimes have a small point, with rather shallow and widely wavy rounded, seldom deeper and narrow indentations between them. The leaves are 5 - 8 (l0)cm long and 4 - 6cm wide. Lateral veins only go to the !obes and not to indentations. The leaf lamina is densely felty in spring, later pale green, fuzzy or whitely felty, at the end sometimes almost completely hairless. The lower surface of leaves is sometimes thickly covered with sessile, mostly 4 - 6 part stellate or bushy hairs, the points of which are mostly 0.3 - 0.6mm long. The petiole is shorter than 2cm, often up to 1cm long, felty, covered with stellate hairs. It is shorter on the short shoots, the leaves are often sessile. The stipules are spade-like, linearly lanceolate, hairy at the apex, unpersistent, only on the secondary shoots more persistent. The groups of 1 5 fruits, are almost sessile or shortly stalked. The fruits are smaller and slender than with pedunculate oak and sessile oak, oblong and smooth, pointed. The cupule is semicircularly cup-shaped and embraces the fruit to about one third or one half; it has various, brick-like arrayed, closely overlapping, thickly felty scales. The lower ones are a little wider and have clipped tip, the middle and the upper ones are triangularly pointed. The uppermost are narrowly lanceolate and shorter than the others. Turkey oak: The Ieaves are oval in their outline, narrowly oblong to oblongly obovate, irregularly and usually deeply !obed ( often almost to the main rib), seldom only lobedly toothed, normally with 4 - 9 triangular, smooth-edged or toothed (with 1 - 4 teeth) !obes on each side, which have short fringed points on top (1mm long at the most). The leaves are 3 - 15 (18)cm long and 2 - 9 144 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. (12)cm wide. The ratio between their length and width is approximately 2,5:L Lateral veins seldom go to indentations. In youth, the leaves are yellowishly stellately hairy on both surfaces, later almost hairless, somewhat paler green, membraneous leathery and very rough on both surfaces, brown to yellowish brown in autumn. On the upper surface they are dispersely and on the lower surface densely hairy, covered with sessile, mostly 6 - 10 part stcllate hairs, because of which the lowcr surface is gray green. The hair points are normally not longer than 0.3mm. Thc petiole is up to 2.5cm long. The stipulcs are linearly lanceolate or linear, protruding, felty hairy and do not shed even on the fallen leaves. The fruits ripen in the second autumn. They are single or 2 - 4 to a short or longer, up to 27mm long stalk. The fruit is ovoidly oblong, slightly bigger than with pedunculate oak, up to 3cm long, brown, felty hairy in the upper part, elsewhere hairless. The fruit cup is bigger than with pedunculate oak, it ernbraces the acorn approximately to one third or one half. It is covered by linearly pointed, brown, felty scales, the lower of which have protruding processes, while the middle and the upper ones fold obliquely outwards immediately above their base and thus protrude almost to the whole length of the cupule. Beaving in mind to the described morphological charactcristics and hairiness of various leaf parts, the leaf samples were classified anew. It should be mentioned that the hairiness of leaf parts was only evaluated, and the length of trichomcs and their points was not measured. The classification is presented in Table 2. From the table below it can be scen that the primary identification of species was changed - in the case of pedunculate oak, the numbcr of trees of the pure species is smaller, while thc number of trees which are considered to be varieties or hybrids of the same species is much greater. The number of trees of sessile oak decreased, but the ratio between pure and hybrid trees remained almost unchanged. With pubesccnt oak, thc number of trecs increased proportionally to the decrease in the number of sessile oak. The reexamination of sampled material showed that some trees of pubescent oak species were falsely identified in the primary analysis as trees of sessile oak, with some characteristics unus,ual for this species. The number of samples identified as turkey oak remained the same as before. 145 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 2: Classification of sample trees according to the type of leaf hairiness Oak species Classification of leaf samples in relation to the Together hairiness of different leaf parts Number Propertion of of trees trees in % Quercus robur Samples with characteristics typical of the species 31 19 Q. robur* Samples with unusual characteristics 40 25 Q.petraea Samples with characteristics typical of the species 10 6 Q. petraea* Samples with unusual characteristics 51 32 Q. pubesce11s Samples with characteristics typical of lhe species 16 10 Q. cerris Samples with characteristics typical of the species 12 8 Tota! 160 100 * An accurate classification of the samples by this criterion is presented in Table 3 and Table 4. Another aim of the thorough analysis of lcaf samples was an accurate classification of individuals of pedunculate oak and sessile oak according to the specific hairiness of their leaf parts. The results are presented in the following table. Table 3: Classification of pedunculate oaks according to thc type of hairiness of their leaf parts Oak species Different types of hairi11ess of the leaf samples Number Propertion of of trees trees in% Quercus robur The upper surface of leaves hairless, the lower surface 31 44 with simple hairs Q. robu:r 1 Stellate hairs on the veins of the upper surface of leaves* 30 43 Q. robur 2 Stellate hairs on the veins of the lower surface of leaves 1 1 Q. robur 3 Stellate hairs on the upper surface of leavcs 1 1 Q. robur 4 Stellate hairs on the vei11s and the lower surface of leaves 2 3 Q. robur 5 Stellate hairs 011 the veins of the upper a11d the lower 3 4 surface of leaves IQ .. robur 6 Stellate hairs 011 the vei11s of the upper surface a11d 011 3 4 the entire lower surface of leaves :rotal 71 100 * Note: The lower surfaee of leaves of all the varieties ofpedunculate oak is normally eovered with dispersely arrayed, simple hairs, as with the pure species, in addition to other hairs mentioned. 146 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. The table above shows that the number of pedunculate oak hybrids exceeds the number of trees of pure species, but only. the first of the varieties is abundant. It should also mentioned that ali the composed hairs (with 2 - 6 or more points) were considered stellate hairs. Among the samples of pedunculate oak, there were many specimens with 2 - part, fork-like hairs absolutely predominating, among which no more-part hairs were found, even by examination of the complete sample from an individual tree. There is unfortunately no information or explanation in the available literature of such mutilated morphological characteristics. In the case of sessile oak, the number of diverse varieties is much lower than with pedunculate oak. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Classification of sessile oak trees according to the type of hairiness of the leaf parts Oak species Different types of hairiness of the leaf samples Number Proportion of trees of trees in % Quercus petraea The upper surface of leaves hairless, the lower surface 10 with stel!ate hairs Q. petraea 1 Stel!ate hairs on the veins of the uppcr surface of 40 leaves* Q. petraea 3 • • Stellate hairs on the veins and the upper surface of 10 leaves Q. petraea 6 Stellate hairs on tile veins of the upper surface, 1 simple hairs on the lower surface of the leaves Tota! 61 * Note: The lower surface of leaves of sessile oak varieties as with the pure species - is covered with stellate hairs. 16 66 16 2 100 ** Note: The varieties of sessile oak are numbered in the same way as varieties of pedunculate oak with regard to the trichome position on the leaves The number of varieties (hypothetical hybrids) of sessile oak greatly exceeds the number of pure species trees, .but only two of the varieties are more abundant. In this case, too questionable 2-part or fork-like hairs were included among the stellate hairs. An assumption was also made that the upper surface of leaves of this species is glabrous, although in the literature this is not additionally emphasized (as for example in the case of pedunculate oak). A hypothesis exists that ali deviations from the characteristical morphologic features of an oak species are signs of the influence of some other oak species. Assuming this hypothesis, the examined samples of pedunculate oak and sessile oak most frequently show the influence of turkey oak and pubescent oak, because only in these two spe- cies is the upper leaf surface stellately hairy. 147 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 A delimitation of their influence would probably only be possible by measuring the hair dimensions, although this was not done in our analysis. In the case of inter influence, sessile oak affects the features of pedunculate oak more frequently than vice versa, but such effects could only be found in a small number of samples. 3.2 Teritorrial dispersion of sample trees of pedunculate oak and sessile oak and their varieties By mapping the territorial dispersion of sample trees we tried to discover whether any rules exist for the spread of individuals of pure species and their varieties. An understanding of this would make it possible to delimit the areas of major external influence from areas in which the influence is smaller or does not exist at ali. Only sample plots in which ali 5 trees were of the same oak species were taken into consideration. In the case of pedunculate oak, the trees from 14 sampling plots were examined. It was discovered that on one sample plot all 5 trees belonged to the pure species, while on other sample plots, typical pedunculate oaks and varieties were mixed in different proportions. To make at least a rough territorial division, we decided on a compromise - so sample plots with at least three typical species trees were considered to be areas of low influence and sites with at least three hybrid trees were considered to be those greater influence. According to this criterion, 2 growing sites of pedunculate oak in Prekmurje, 1 growing site on Mursko polje, 1 in Krakovski gozd and 2 in Bela Krajina - ali in the eastern part of Slovenia - were defined as areas of low influence. Large influence was found at 3 localities in the Ljubljana basin and 5 in eastern Slovenia - one of the sitcs surprisingly lying in Krakovski gozd, the largest continuous area of pedunculate oak in Slovenia. Ali the mentioned sites are presented in Figure 2. · The territorial dispersion of 11 growing sites of sessile oak showed that only one in the surroundings of Ljubljana could be considered a site of low influence, while all the other 10 sites, dispersed from thc westernmost borders of Slovenia - from Istra and Nova Gorica over Brkini, Žirovski vrh, Selška and Poljanska dolina, Ljubljana basin and the Sava hills to the foothills of the Gorjanci and to Kostanjevica in the east - are places of large external influence, where varieties predominate over typical sessile oaks. The site dispersion is presented in Figure 3. 3.3 Results of statistical analysis of morphol<>gical characteristics of leaf samples The visible morphological characteristics, which could be measured ot at least evaluated (the frequency of their occurance, for example), were included in statistical analysis. First of ali, the degrec of uncertainty was calculated by the T-test. An cval- 148 Smole l., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. uation of the significant differences of the given values was thus rnade possible. In cases in which such calculations would not be appropriate, reciprocal tabular intercomparisons of thc desired parameters or phenomena were carried out. The following more important results were obtained: The degree of uncertainty estimates (madc with the T-test) showed that no significant morphological differences existed between leaves from the sunny side and Ieaves frorn the shady side of a tree. The calculation is valid for ali samples and ali species of oaks, with the exception of one morphological char- acteristic in the fourth variety of pedunculate oak. In further analysis, the latter deviation was ignored, so ali the leaf samples of a tree were treated as a homogeneous calculation sample. The results. of the mentioned analysis are listed in the following summary table. Table 5: Degree of uncertainty (T-test)' for significant differences between leaves from sunny side and the leaves frorn the shady side of the tree crown Oak species Number of !obes Lcaf dimcnsions Pctiole length right side left side length width Quercus robur 0,572 0,745 0,610 0,932 Quercus robur 1 0,736 0,721 0,339 0,515 Quercus robur 2 0,596 0,789 0,666 0,524 Quercus robur 3 0,724 0,219 0,671 0,867 Quercus robur 4 0,007 0,067 0,890 0,578 Quercus robur 5 0,363 0,706 0,841 0,794 Quercus robur 6 0;245 0,332 0,931 0,851 Quercus petraea 0,765 0,728 0,830 0,910 Quercus petraea 1 0,890 0,719 0,660 0,777 Quercus petraea 3 0,858 0,665 0,477 0,640 Quercus petraea 6 1,000 0,789 0,709 0,886 Quercus pubescens 0,683 0,605 0,876 0,922 Quercus cerris 0,818 0,605 0,296 0,131 * Note: According to the theory of this calculation, the differences between the compared values are statistically significant when the degree of uncertainty is smaller than 0.05 (the uncettainty is below 5% ). 0,370 0,931 0,870 0,374 0,326 0,491 0,852 0,580 0,570 0,895 0,663 0,430 0,981 1 To simplify comment, the abbrevations from the computer analysis are used for different varieties and species 149 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 6: Mean values for morphological characteristics of the chosen leaf samples Oak species Leaf dimensions Petiole length Number of !obes to a leaf (cm) length (cm) width (cm) left side right side Quercus robur 10,89548 6,61742 0,41290 5,5613 5,6645 Quercus robur l 9,69200 5,99867 0,49333 5,2467 5,4067 Quercus robur 2 8,50000 4,90000 0,38000 5,2000 5,0000 Quercus robur 3 8,52000 5,38000 0,64000 5,8000 5,8000 Quercus robur 4 11,88000 7,51000 0,54000 5,5000 5,6000 Quercus robur 5 10,65333 6,59333 0,57333 5,4667 5,6667 Quercus robur 6 10,86000 6,63333 0,54667 5,3333 5,6000 Quercus petraea 10,38400 6,46400 1,77800 6,5800 6,7400 Quercus petraea l 9,51700 5,91500 1,63000 6,3100 6,4450 Quercus petraea 3 9,83800 6,42600 1,67000 6,4600 6,3600 Quercus petraea 6 10,34000 5,50000 1,96000 5,6000 6,0000 Quercus pubescens 7,55500 5,24500 1,23875 6,0125 6,1250 Quercus cerris 10,84500 5,21333 1,29833 7,5000 7,2167 Average - ali species 9,86313 6,04725 1,06313 5,9925 6,0813 together The results of the calculation of the mean values of morphological characteristics of the studied oak species are shown in Table 6. The means for leaf dimensions and for leaf parts' number are presented because these two morphological characteristics are distinguishing signs for different species of oaks. In data processing, one has to bear in mind that the number of specimens to a species plays a decisive role in ali further calculations. For that reason the results are - at a first sight - often in contradiction to the statements in Table 6. The estimates of uncertainty with the T-test, made on the basis of the means for the morphological characteristics from TABLE 6, are presented in TABLE 7. The morphological characteristics of leaves of ali the four species of oaks vary among themselves most significantly. The leaves of turkey oak differ significantly in ali 5 parameters from the leaves of the first variety of pedunculate oak Rl' and from the Sl variety of sessile oak. In 2 To simplify comment, the abbrevations from the computcr analysis are used for differcnt varieties and species 150 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. four parameters - with the exception of thc leaf lamina lcngth - they vary significantly from the Ieaves of typical pcdunculatc oak samples and of three varieties of this species - R4, RS and R6 - and from the varicty S3 of sessilc oak. From the samples of other oak species (pure species and varieties), the leavcs of turkey oak diffcr significantly in at lcast two morphological featurcs. The lcaf samples of pubescent oak diffcr significantly in ali S characteristics from the leaves of pure pedunculate oak and sessile oak and their varieties Rl and Sl. From ali other samples, thcy differ at Jeast in the length of thc pctiole. The leavcs of pure pedunculate oak differ in ali S morphological characteristics from the leaves of the variety Sl of sessile oak. From other samples, they vary in 1 - 4 features. The most frequent differences between the leaves of pedunculate oak and sessile oak are the differences in the length of the petiole. Differences in leaf lobeness are less frequent, and the fewest diffcrcnccs betwcen the two species and thcir varieties occur in the length and width of leaf lamina. In this comparison, the most interesting variety is certainly the sessile oak variety S6, which only differs significantly from ali the varieties of pedunculatc oak in thc pctiolc length, while dif- ferences in ali the other morphological characteristics are not significant. Much more important than the differences among leaf samplcs of the studied four species are the morphological diffcrences within the same species. Attention should therefore be paid to the following statistical results: With pedunculate oak, the only significant difference was noted between the leaves of typical peduneulate oak and the leaves of thc most abundant variety Rl. The leaf samples vary in 4 morphological characteristics: in lcngth and width of the leaf lamina, in length of the petiole and in the number of !obes on thc lcft side of a leaf. In addition the estimate of uncertainty made for the number of Iobes on the right side of the leaves only slightly exceeds thc permittcd degree of uncertainty, with a value of 0,054 (see Table 7). In ali other cases, differcnces among pedunculate oak specimens are only significant in some characteristics. The leaves of pedunculate oak varieties R3, RS and R6, for example, only vary from the typical individuals of this species in the length of petiole, and the significant difference hetween the lcaf samples of varieties Rl and R4 is only the length and width of the leaf lamina. Because of the established significant differences in the population of pedunculate oak samples, an additional tabular comparison of hairiness of the lower surface of leaves of this species was performed. It is presented in Table 8. 151 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 7: T-test calculations C p R Rl R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 s S1 S3 S6 1--:, 000 illiii) :@r: '0011 1JID.(11 Q[i.97 flml ,055 C KD j..QQQ '. .Jl.QQ 1 ~: 1= 1 1 1 KL ; .JlQ.Q; 1 .Jl.QQ 1 000 ~ I.JlQ.QI I..QQQI l.fili.o, l.llOOI .00:Z : : 1 1 . 1 LD :,ooo: 1 ,9161 013 i,084\ i,083; 1,3041 l,8211 \,986: 1,o91j ,712 1 1 LS j,9071 1..QQQ! 007 1,707] 1 ,840: l.,QQ!I J.J!lil i,illl21 I...QQJI ,725 1 1 PD ;,3.?71 11lQQ1 ..QQQ; \.lm: I.QQ.Q.t l.llOOI I.QQ.Q.1 j.,QQ!j ,iliJ2. p KD 003 JlTI ,522 \,167! ,145 ~937 p26~ ,806 KL ,097 ,662 :,166\ ,068 ~I ~ ,388 LD ,535 ,260 :.,_QQJ: .J!Q!i ~' ~I ,177 LS ,illlQ ,581 ,827 Lllli.: ,051 ~! 2 ~ ,674 PD 000 .J1QQ .,QQQ i,000\ .,QQQ IJ!QQI 1.0001 .,QQQ R KD jJ)š"41 ,201 ,791 ,862 ,994 ,832 []ooj ,513 KL ~I ,498 ,655 ,875 ,764 ,470 El ,942 ' . LD 1,0011 ,107 ,108 ,356 ,786 ,968 :,m: ~I ,709 LS 1 ,01sj ,089 ,218 ,220 ,968 ,979 \6651 ,,599j ,264 PD l,!)fil 1 ,701 .,QQ2 ,280 ,035 ..Jli.Q_ L!lOO) .J!fil Rl KD ,457 ,467 ,622 ,420 ,547 ..QQQ ,274 KL ,935 ,333 ,542 ,514 ,797 i~ .JlQ.Q ,533 LD ,394 ,400 .,fil1 ,257 ,170 :,154: i,598: ,776 ,645 LS ,273 ,535 ,038 ,323 ,286 i,189i [,725! ,241 ,616 PD ,252 ,139 ,684 ,185 ,366 i,ooo! i.oooi ...llilll .Jl!l.4 R2 KD ,308 ,419 ,291 ,324 :Jllii ..912 ~: ,233 KL ,412 ,689 ,635 ,810 :.Qll: ,056 : 026! ,486 . : LD ,991 ,081 ,256 ,218 : 136i ., l ,466 . ,,394' ,425 LS ,719 ,063 ,179 ,131 \,lll/ ,311 :161! ,624 PD ,059 ,356 ,147 ,135 Looo: .,Qilil ~ .,illlQ R3 KD ,756 ,810 ,706 ,079 ,290 ,342 ,740 KL ,689 ,553 ,404 ,151 ,378 ,237 ,724 LD ,070 ,248 ,209 ,134 ,474 ,396 ,399 LS ,112 ,321 ,258 ,263 ,592 ,331 ,916 PD ,564 ,611 ,399 .Jl.QQ ..QQQ .JlQQ ..Q.Ql R4 KD ,891 1,00 Wlilli1 /,054/ ,090 ,550 KL ,947 ,739 lm_ij Los3j .Jm ,884 ; : Wll$ LD ,405 ,490 :,1w ,083 ,433 LS ,361 ,348 ,15'}, Lo2s1 ,183 ,117 PD ,787 ,953 ~ 1.oo.d .JlQ.Q .!lilll. 152 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological .. C p R Rl R2 R3 R4 RS R6 s Sl S3 S6 R5 KD ,868 l,QQ2; ~ ,062 ,561 KL ,731 Wl!ll Will Jill.5 ,793 LD ,879 !,75~ j,1751 ,421 ,872 LS ,962 ;,838j 125s ,808 ,357 l oool !' : PD ,763 iJ!fil! ,illJ!! .QQ4 R6 KD Wllll: JiiE : ' :,040'. ,467 KL ;.Jlilil; L@A: :..Q.(g ,597 :,110! : ' LD ',578i !,315: ,790 LS '782' j,224: : 757' ,288 :• ; :' : PD !J!Q.[ [.Qooj :,ooo~ .QQ4 s KD ,156 ,119 ,168 KL ,174 ,607 ,065 LD ,068 ,365 ,973 LS ,112 ,931 ,313 PD ,105 ,387 ,516 Sl KD ,688 ,466 KL ,452 ,217 LD ,517 ,557 LS ,148 ,677 PD ,666 ,202 S3 KD ,544 KL ,116 LD ,752 LS ,385 PD ,336 KD number of lobes on right side C Quercus cerris KL number of lobes on left side p Quercus pubescens LD leaf Iength R Quercus robur LS petiol width s Quercus petraea PD length of petiol 1 Stellulate trichomes on veins on upper leaf lamine side 2 Stellulate trichomes on veins on lower leaf lamine side 3 Stellulate trichomes on veins and on leaf lamine on lipper side 4 Stellulate trichomes on veins and on leaf lamine on lower side 5 Stellulate trichomes on veins on upper and lower side of Ieaves 6 Stellulate trichomes on veins on upper lamine side and on the whole lower lamine side 153 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 8: Comparison of hairiness of the lower surface of leaf lamina by samples of pedunculate oak Oak Position of leaf samples Type and density of hairs species o El E2 Zl Z2 Quercus Sunny side Number of samples 91 4 robur % of samples 95,8 4,2 % of total no. of samples 60,7 80,0 Shady side Number of samples 59 1 % of samples 98,3 1,7 % of total no. of samples 39,3 20,0 Together Number of samples 150 5 % of samples (%) 96,8 3,2 Quercus Sunny side Number of samples l 88 3 robur l % of samples 1,1 95,7 3,3 % of total no. of samples 100 60,7 75,0 Shady side Number of samples 57 1 % of samples 98,3 1,7 % of total 110. of samples 39,3 25,0 Together Number of samples 1 145 4 % of samples (%) 0,7 96,7 2,7 Quercus Sunny side Number of samples 3 1 2 robur 4 % of samples 50,0 16,7 33,3 % of total 110. of samplcs 60,0 100 50,0 Shady side Number of samples 2 2 % of samples 50,0 l 50,0 % of total 110. of samples 40,0 10,0 50,0 Together Number of samples 5 1 4 % of samples (%) 50,0 10,0 40,0 Quercus Sunny side Number of samples 4 2 3 robur 6 % of samples 44,4 22,2 33,3 % of total no. of samples 57,1 40,0 100 Shady side Number of samples 3 3 % of samples 50,0 50,0 % of total no. of samples 42,9 60,0 Together Number of samples 7 5 3 % of samples (%) 46,7 33,3 20 Note: Ali leaf samples of the pedunculate oak varieties R2, R3 and RS are uniformly hairy El = 100% 154 ~ 95 61,3 60 38,7 155 100 92 61,3 58 38,7 150 100 6 60,0 4 40,0 10 100 9 60,0 6 40,0 15 100 Smole l., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. Key to other characters in the table: - Type of hairs: - Hair density: E - simple hairs Z - stellate hairs O - negligibly hairy or glabrous 1 - single hairs 2 - slightly hairy 3 - averagely dense hairiness 4 - densely hairy (pubescent) It can be seen from the table that typical samples of pedunculate oak and its variety Rl do not differ significantly in hairiness. The deviation is more evident in a com- parison of varieties Rl and R6, in which leaf samples with simple hairs and leaf samples with stellate hairs on the lower side of the leaf hlade occur in a ratio of approximately 1:1. In the case of pedunculate oak varieties R2, R3 and RS, the hairiness of the lower surface of the leaves is entirely consistent with that of the pure pedunculate oak species. With sessile oak, within the spectrum of the visible and measurable characteristics of the leaves, the statistical analysis showed no significant differences between trees of the pure species and hybrid trees. As with pedunculate oak, a tabular comparison of hairiness of the Iower surfaces of leaves of this species was therefore performed. It is presented in Table 9. Irrespeetive of the slightly variable hair density, for ali three varieties of sessile oak, medium or average hairiness of the lower leaf surfaces is characteristic; this type of hairiness anyway is the most common with this oak species. No significant differences in this morphological feature existed among sessile oak specimens. 3.4 Results of statistical analysis of oak fruits In the analysis of oak fruits, 395 samples were examined. Their classification to species is shown in Table 10. With pedunculate oak and pubescent oak, acorn samples were observed in addition to leaf samples in 62% of trees. The fruits of sessile oak were only analysed in 41 % of samples and in the case of turkey oak, no fruit samples were available. On average, 49% of the sample trees were included in the analysis of oak fruits. 155 - l ! Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 9: Comparison of hairiness of the Iower surfaces of the leaf samples of sessile oak Oak Position of leaf samples Type and density of hairs species Z21 Z3 o El Zl Z4 E Quercus Sunny side Number of samples 4 4 19 3 30 petraea % of samples 13,3 13,3 63,3 10,0 60,0 % of total no. of samples 50,0 66,7 61,3 60,0 Shady side Number of samples 4 2 12 2 20 % of samples 20,0 10,0 60,0 10,0 40,0 % of total no. of samplcs 50,0 33,3 38,7 40,0 Together Number of samples 8 6 31 5 50 % of samplcs (%) 16,0 12,0 62,0 10,0 100 Quercus Sunny side Number of samples 1 16 27 78 122 petraea % of samples 0,8 13,1 22,1 63,9 61,0 1 % of total no. of samples 100 57,1 65,9 61,9 Shady side Number of samples 1 12 14 48 3 78 % of samples 1,3 15,4 17,9 61,5 3,8 39,0 % of total no. of samples 100 42,9 34,1 38,1 100 Together Number of samples 1 1 28 41 126 3 200 % of samples (%) 0,5 0,5 14,0 20,5 63,0 1,5 100 Quercus Sunny side Number of samples 3 4 20 3 30 petraea % of samples 10,0 13,3 66,7 10,0 60,0 3 % of totalno. of samples 100, 33,3 62,5 100 Shady side Number of samples o 8 12 20 % of samples 40,0 60,0 40,0 % of total no. of samples 66,7 37,5 Together Number of samples 3 12 32 3 50 % of samples (%) 6,0 24,0 64 6,0 100 Note: Foi- sessile oak variety S6, calculation was not possible, because of too few samples The statistical analysis began with a calculation of mean values for the morphological characteristics, which is presented in Table 11. On the basis of the mean values presented above, estimates for uncertainty with the T-test were made of the morphological characteristics for which such a statistical operation was reasonable. The following parameters were included in the calculation: number of fruits to a stalk, length of fruit stalk, length and width of a fruit and the height and width of the fruit cup ( cupule ). Ali other morphological characteristics of acorns were dealt with separately, in an individual way. The estimates of uncertainty with the T-test are shown in Table 12. 156 Smole I., Batič F., Thc importance of morphological.. Table 10: Presentation of the relation between the number of leaf samples and the number of acorn samples of different species Oak speeies Leaf sample Acorn samples Ratio Por- leaves: tion Number Number Portion of Number Number Portion fruits fruits: of trees of speeies of trees of speeies of spe- leaves samples (%) (%) cies (%) Quercus robur 71 355 44 44 220 56 71:44 62 Quercus 61 305 38 25 125 32 61:25 41 petraea Quercus 16 80 10 10 50 12 16:10 62 pubescens Quercus cerris 12 60 8 12:0 Tota! 160 800 100 79 395 100 160:79 49 Table 11: Mean values for the morphological characteristics of oak fruits Oak species No. of Stalk Fruit Fruit cup (cupule) fruits Jength to a (mm) length width typical height width hair scale stalk (mm) (mm) shape (mm) (mm) type shape Quercus robur 2,0714 47,2286 23,2643 13,1571 2,4143 7,4286 14,3429 1,0000 1,3571 Quercus robur 1 1,8667 39,0667 21,2667 12,7833 1,7667 7,7667 14,0333 1,0000 1,5000 Quercus robur 3 2,0000 28,0000 20,2000 12,8000 1,8000 7,0000 14,4000 1,0000 1,0000 Quercus robur 5 2,4000 43,2000 24,0000 14,8000 1,0000 7,4000 16,6000 1,0000 1,0000 Quercus robur 6 1,9000 46,1000 25,7000 14,8000 2,2000 8,0000 15,4000 1,0000 1,0000 Quercus petraea 2,1333 6,7333 24,5333 13,0667 2,6000 8,7333 14,6000 1,0000 1,0000 Quercus petraea 1 2,5333 2,9067 16,5733 10,7867 1,6400 7,4533 13,0667 1,0000 1,6667 Quercus petraea 3 2,0667 2,6667 19,1333 10,8000 2,2000 7,1000 12,6000 1,0000 1,6667 Quercus petraea 6 1,6000 5,6000 16,6000 12,6000 1,0000 9,0000 15,2000 1,0000 1,0000 Quercus pubescens 1,5600 1,3600 20,0600 11,1400 2,4000 8,4600 13,0800 2,0000 3,9000 Average (all spec.) 2,0582 25,9949 20,9671 12,2633 2,1089 7,6684 13,8380 1,1266 1,7468 Note: No fruit samples were available for pedunculate oak varieties R2 and R4 and for turkey oak 157 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Table 12: Calculation of uncertainty by the T- te~t p R Rl R3 RS R6 s S1 S3 S6 p STPL ]QQ ,058 ,262 lTu1j :,225i '02~ 'ooo: ..lli!1 i ,912! !.J!QQ! FI PED JlQQ .,QQQ ..® LllQQI i.,.QQ11 l..QQ.11 ,082 : .Jlilll.i PMD .JlQQ. ,220 ,929 iillj lmll ~: j 000[ ,305 : 034: ~· PMS JlQQ .,QQQ ,Q(IB lmi1 '.,ooQ! I.J!QQI ',215! ,433 :~, : i : ,519! CMV .,QQQ ,079 ,085 l,2011 :,mi 1,5921 ~; .JlQQ. CMS .,QQQ ...Q2.2. ,051 l,QQQ] ~ LQ21J :.~.Q~: ,139 i ,003: R STPL ,111 ,849 ,371 ,521 ,788 ~;;-i :: ,200 1...QQ.1.1 PED ...QQl .M2 ,100 ,873 .Jlilll. I.J!QQ.1 .QQQ PMD ..!!12 ,262 ,788 ,221 ,439 I.Jlllill :mi: ..fil.6_ PMS ,282 ,731 _,QQQ .m.o. ,883 1 oool ~: ,594 CMV ,293 ,580 ,971 ,314 ...QQi 1=1 :,179! .M:.4 1,9171 CMS ,448 ,955 .illill. ,146 ,673 l.ooo.1 :.000: ,400 Rl STPL ,751 ,185 ,911 ,322 room ,293 ,506 PED ,067 ,081 ,356 .Qilll I.Qillll .Jlilll. 000 PMD ,424 ,365 ,050 ,082 1 oool ,077 ,123 1=, PMS ,986 .Qilll ..lli!fi. ,628 1.illill.1 .Jlilll. ,851 CMV ,446 ,715 ,754 .m.z l,3s4 1 ,056 ,222 CMS ,773 .Qilll ,137 ,467 I 026I ,002 ,363 R3 STPL ,524 ,857 ,825 ,287 ,872 ,524 PED _mQ_ ,114 009 ..llilli .,ilil5 .Jill9 PMD ,085 ,074 ,116 ,083 ,616 ,Q75 PMS ..illl2. ,059 ,732 ..ill.9 .MB. ,829 CMV ,524 ,305 ..fil.6. ,523 ,846 ,013 CMS ,016 ,263 ,853 ,153 .Jl11. ,467 RS STPL ,268 ,621 i,784, i,371; ,050 i ooo\ ' PED ,697 _,QQQ : ooo: ..illlO. PMD ,578 ,847 i • .lli!l! i,mi Jllil. PMS ,.00 ..illl2. :.illlll: :.illlll! ,052 CMV ,529 ,054 \,940j :,556: ; . .Jl22 CMS ,128 Jfil ;,QQQj i,000: ,158 R6 STPL _,586 \,oni i,5751 ,500 PED ..!lilll. ;..illill.: :.lliill: ..llilll PMD ,627 ).lliilli ,J!.Qf ..llilli. PMS .ll21 i..lli!.Q! '.lliill: ,063 CMV ,273 :,m: \,190: ,305 CMS ,332 i,001i :.ooo! ,828 158 Smole l., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. p R Rl R3 RS R6 s STPL PED PMD PMS CMV CMS Sl STPL PED PMD PMS CMV CMS S3 STPL PED PMD PMS CMV CMS STPL number of fruits per stalk P PED length of fruit stalk R PMD length of fruit S PMS width of fruit PZD characteristic fruit form CMV hieght of cupule CMS width of cupule CTD characteristics of scoles: trichom types COL characteristics of scoles: form of scoles s Sl S3 [J93l !,8181 i,ill2.I ~I 1,0001 µKili 1.0001 1..oo11 IJ).Q.41 l.illllij l.0101 l.0041 ..QTI. ,750 lill ,975 ,185 ,178 Quercus pubescens Quercus robur Qercus pelraea 1 stellulate trichomes on veins on upper leaf lamine side 2 stellulate trichomes on veins and lamine slirface on upper leaf side 3 stellulate trichomes on veins and lamine surface on lower leaf side S6 ,327 ,437 .Jl.Q2 ,595 ,689 ,589 ,058 ,081 ,990 .mJl. .Jm .,Q14. ,213 ,094 ,246 ,084 ..Qlll ..Qlll 4 stellulate trichomes on veins on upper leaf sides and on whole surface of lower leaf side As expectated, the biggest differences were shown in the inter-species comparison of fruits of the studied three species of oaks. Only the fruits of pubescent oak and pedunculate oak showed significant differences in ali 6 morphological characteristics, the fruits of pubescent oak, pedunculate oak varicty RS and sessile oak typical samples varied in 5 characteristics (with the exception of the fruit cup height), as 159 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 well as the fruits of pure pedunculate oak and sessile oak variety Sl and the fruits of pedunculate oak and sessile oak varieties Rl and Sl. The fruits of pubescent oak differed from the fruits of all the other oak species in at least two rnorphological characteristics. In addition to those already mentioned, some significant differences also existed between the fruits of pedunculate oak and sessile oak; however, these differences were more frequent in the case of their varieties than in typical species samples. The most frequently occuring were differences in the fruit stalk length, fruit length and width and fruit cup width. Among ali these comparisons, the most interesting finding was that the statistical analysis had not shown any significant differences among individuals of pedunculate oak and the varieties of this species. Differences were found in 3 morphological characteristics at most, but it was not possiblc to find any rules to their occurance. In the case of sessile oak on the contrary, significant differenccs existed. With this species, the fruits of typical individuals varied significantly from the fruits of its most frequent varieties Sl and S3 in 5 rnorphological characteristics. On the other hand, among the fruits of sessile oak varieties, no such differences existed that a special rule could have been defined for their occurance. The other morphological characteristics of acorns were treated by special calculation procedures because the mean values calculation for these parameters gave no useful results. The first characteristic - typical form of a fruit - was in the phase of sample examination classified by the following standards: 1 - smooth fruit 2 - ring-striped fruit 3 - longitudinally-striped fruit The mean value calculation for this parameter (see Table 11) only showed that two species of oaks had uniform fruit shape and that in the other specimens, the shape varied. The variation of this morphological characteristic can be seen in the following table. 160 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. Table 13: Typical fruit shape distribution among the studied species of oaks Oak Typical fruit shape species Smooth Ring Longitudin. Tota! striped striped Quercus Number of samples 41 99 140 robur % of samples 29,3 70,7 35,4 % of total number of samples 26,2 50,3 Quercus Number of samples 37 23 60 robur l % of samples 61,7 38,3 15,2 % of total number of samples 24,0 11,7 Quercus Number of samples 3 2 5 robur 3 % of samples 60,0 40,0 1,3 % of total number of samples 1,9 1,0 Quercus Number of samples 5 5 robur 5 % of samples 100,0 1,3 % of total number of samples 3,2 Quercus Number of samples 4 6 10 robur 6 % of samples 40,0 60,0 2,5 % of total number of samplcs 2,6 3,0 Quercus Number of samples 3 12 15 petraea % of samples 20,0 80,0 3,8 % of total number of samples 1,9 6,1 Quercus Number of samples 44 14 17 75 petraea 1 % of samples 58,7 18,7 22,7 19,0 % of total number of samples 28,6 31,8 8,6 Quercus Number of samples 6 12 12 30 petraea 3 % of samples 20,0 40,0 40,0 7,6 % of lota! number of samples 3,9 27,3 6,1 Quercus Number of samples 5 5 petraea 6 % of samples 100,0 1,3 % of total number of samples 3,2 Quercus Number of samples 6 18 26 50 pubescens % of samples 12,0 36,0 52,0 12,7 % of lota! number of samples 3,9 40,9 13,2 Together Number of samples 154 44 197 395 % of samples 39,0 11,l 49,9 100,0 161 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 It can be seen from the table that approximately one half of the fruits are longitudi- nally-striped, there are 10% fewer smooth fruits is and the remaining fruits are ring- striped. In the case of pedunculate oak - with the exception of variety RS - the combination of smooth and longitudinally-striped fruits is predominant, but the ratio of the two types shows no rules. With sessile oak, ali three types of fruits were found. With typical sessile oak trees, the combination is the same as in case of pedunculate oak, in varieties Sl and S3 all three fruit types were found, and the last variety S6 only had smooth fruits. Ali three types of fruits are also characteristic of pubesccnt oak, whereby ring-striped fruits are the most numerous. Special treatment was also required for two morphological features, terrned together the characteristics of the scales of the fruit cup: the type of hairs on the cupule scales and the shape of the scales. The type of trichoms on the cupule scales was classified in the analysis into the following two categories: 1 - scale knobs covered with short, dense hairs, the scale tips hairless, 2 - cupule throughout i::overed with short, dense hairs. From Table 11 it can be seen that this morphological characteristic is decisive for distinguishing the fruits of pubescent oak from the fruits of the other. two species (pedunculate oak and sessile oak), between which no significant differences of this kind exist. The second feature - the shape of the cupule scales - was classified into 4 categories with the following characteristics:3 Triangular or ovate, rarely rounded, knobby at the bottom, with one or two processes, above with a triangular, clipped or rounded, overlapping, seldom protruding, flattened tip. Individual scales are evidently separate and are more or less evenly arrayed throughout the cupule (pedunculate oak, sessile oak). Ten:ding to triangular, tlattened, only at the bottom of the cupule considerably knobby, almost grown together, arrayed as wavy stripes or rings around the cupule. Above with triangular, more or less rounded, flattened tips, usually protruding from the cupule. The scales distinguishable and very evenly arrayed 3 Descriptions of the cupule scales correspond to the actual findings of our examination of this morphological feature and are not entirely identical to statements in the literature (see Chapter 3.1!). With pedunculate oak and sessile oak, two types of scalcs often appear, one of which (type .1) is not..even mentioned in the literature. Howe:,,er, this type of scale was the most frequent in our investigation. 162 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. throughout the cupule (pedunculate oak). Lanceolate, wider and moderately convex at the bottom, above flattened, duek-beaked, at the top rounded or clipped, normally pressed to the cupule. They are very evenly arrayed (sessile oak). Lanceolate or almost lens-shaped, only slightly convex to almost fiat at the bottom, pressed to the cupule and very evenly arrayed (pubescent oak). Table 14: A review of the shape of cupule scales by thc studicd species of oaks Oak Shape Scales Fruit Cupule Together species 1 2 3 4 Quercus Number of samples 90 50 140 robur % of samples 64,3 35,7 35,4 % of total number of samples 39,1 62,5 Quercus Number of samples 30 30 60 robur 1 % of samples 50,0 50,0 15,2 % of tata! number of samples 13,0 37,5 Quercus Number of samples 5 5 robur 3 % of samples 100,0 1,3 % of total number of samples 2,2 Quercus Number of samples 5 5 robur 5 % of samples 100,0 1,3 % of total number of samples 2,2 Quercus Number of samples JO 10 robur 6 % of samples 100,0 2,5 % of total number of samples 4,3 Quercus Number of samples 15 15 petraea % of samples 100,0 3,8 % of total numher of samples 6,5 Quercus Number of samples 50 25 75 petraea 1 % of samples 66,7 33,3 19,0 % of total number of samples 21,7 62,5 Quercus Numbcr of samplcs 20 10 30 petraea 3 % of samplcs 66,7 33,3 7,6 % of total number of samples 8,7 25,0 Quercus Number of samples 5 5 petraea 6 % of samples 100,0 1,3 % of total numher of samples 2,2 Quercus Number of samples 5 45 50 pubescens % of samples 10,0 90,0 12,7 % of total number of samplcs 12,5 100,0 Together Number of samples 230 80 40 45 395 % of samples 58,2 20,3 10,1 11,4 100 163 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Since the calculation of mean value for this characteristic only gives useful results for some groups of samples, additional cross tabular estimates were also made, similarly as for the shape of acorns. The results of these are presented in Table 14. From the table it can be seen that the first type of fruit scale is the most frequent; it is only absent in the fruits of pubescent oak. For the majority of pedunculate oak samples, the combination of the first two types of scale is characteristic and for the majority of sessile oak samples, a combination of the first and the third scale type. The latter combination also appears together with the fourth scale type, which is otherwise predominant in the fruits of pubescent oak. 4 DISCUSSION The following findings of the investigation should be emphasized: Two levels or spectra of morphological characteristics have significance for the identification of oak species: visible and measurable characteristics and characteristics which can only be observed and evaluated (or measured) under a certain magnification. Visible morphological characteristics are mainly decisive in the identification of oak species, while hybrids or morphological varieties within species were identified on the basis of hairincss of parts of thc leaves. On the basis of the describcd criteria, thc rcsults of the primary phase of the investigation were verified and irrcgularities revealed were corrected. Afterwards, in a thorough analysis, new insights wcre achieved. The establishment that pedunculate oak and sessile oak had severa! morphological varieties was confirmed, while pubescent oak and turkey oak were shown to be morphologically uniform species, not affected by any external factors. No rule seemed to exist for the tcrritorial distribution of typical species and morphological varieties of pedunculate oak and sessile oak. For this reason it was not possible to define the areas of different intensity of mutual influence of the studied oak species. The hypothesis that the morphological characteristics of leaves from the sunny side of a tree crown vary significantly from the characteristics of leaves from the shady side (above ali the dimensions), was disproved by this investigation. Despite the unequivocal statistical results, this finding has to be judged with certain reservations, because of the way of collecting of leaf samples. As a rule, the leaves were collected at a height of approximately Srn. On the sunny side, the tree crowns are deeper and the sampling was not difficult; on the shady side, the lowest branches are sometimes more difficult to reach. In such a case, the leaf samples were taken from the shady parts of branches, but not strictly from the northern sidc of the crowns. Such a stylc of sampling could have had negative effects on the results of thc investigation. The statistical analysis showed that as far as the morphological characteristics of leaves were concerned, pedunculate oak only had two varieties. The first was identical to the pure species and the second to the hybrid Rl. The latter has shorter and narrower leaf lamina, not so many !obes and a longer petiole 164 Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. than trees of the pure species. Their fruits did not differ significantly. The deviations found suggest the possibility of the influence of pubeseent oak, although in a territorial sense, such a connection does not seem logicaL In the case of leaf samples of sessile oak, no significant morphological differences were found. The examination of fruits showed that the fruits of pure species differed significantly from the fruits of the most numerous hybrids S1 and S3. The latter were shorter and narrower, they had a shorter stalk and lower and narrower cupule than the fruits of the pure species. No significant differences existed in other characteristics of the fruits of the pure species and the two hybrids of sessile oak. On the basis of these differences, it was not possible to define exactly which oak species could have induced such changes. Besides due to the smaller number of samples - the results of fruit analysis are probably not so reliable as the results of the examination of the leaves. 5 CONCLUSION By statistical analysis of a large number of leaf and fruit samples of four species of oaks, we wanted to find a possible relationship bctween the characteristic morphological fcatures of Ieaves and their typical hairincss (trichomes). On the basis of the examination of samples, an interna! classification of the species of pedunculate oak and sessile oak was performed. It turned out that in some cases, the relationship is very close, while in the others it is rather loosc or does not exist at ali. With pedunculate oak, a close relationship was found between the morphological characteristics of the leaves and the trichomes. No significant morphological differences existed among the fruits of this specics. It was not possible to define any such pattern for the leaves of sessile oak, but significant morphological variety existed among the fruits of this species. In both cases, the role of morphological features is characteristically narrowed to their dimensions, in which a certain rule could be observed. With very few exceptions, the range of dimension of morphological signs is greater among individuals of the pure species than among their hybrids. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that we did not succed in finding any general rules about the relationship or interdependence of thc morphological characteristics of .oak leaves and specifical hairiness of their leaf parts. The finding is only valid for the pedunculate oak and sessile oak species, to which our full atterition was given during the investigation. An unwelcome methodological slip must be mcntioned, which could have affected the results of the invcstigation decisively. According to thc instructions of the Botanica.l Institute from Vienna, only oak leavcs samplcd in the summer months of July and August, and only from the trec crowns, should be used for cxamination of morphological characteristics of oaks. In the instructions it was additionaly empha- sized that the leaves from adventive shoots and other secondary formations were not suitable for thjs purpose. The samples for our investigation were collected (in agreement with Austrian colleagues) in the first half of October, some of them also from adventive branches. 165 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 It can be concluded from everything mentioned above that it is not yet possible to speak about intraspecific morphological classification of pedunculate oak and sessile oak in Slovenia, since the present investigation has not given hard-and-fast enough evidence. In future investigations of oak taxonomy, the following topics will stili have to be worked on: Characteristics of the stipules Hairyness and other characteristics of the inflorescence The periods of leaf formation and flowering (phenological analyses) In executing ali three goals, the season of sampling or observation plays a decisive role. Some further tasks: Evaluation of hairyness of one year twigs and buds, distribution and shape of lenticeles Analysis of bark (the form of bark) Evaluation of distinguishing characteristics This investigation was only a first small step towards the study of oak in Slovenia. However, we hope that at least to a certain degree, our work with help elucidate some aspects of identification and intraspecific classification of Slovenc oak species - which are, as elsewhere in Europe, already affccted by thc proccss of forcst decline. 6 RESUME The results of oak sampling in Slovenia - which was carried out as a part of the Slovene-Austrian scientific cooperation programme are presented in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, the methods of work are deseribed. Lcafed twigs and acorns from 160 trees of pedunculate oak, sessile oak, pubescent oak and turkey oak were sampled at autochtonous oak sites throughout Slovenia. 800 leaf samples and 395 fruit samples were chosen for morphological observation. With Jeaf samples, the dimensions of leaf lamina and petiole were measured, the number of !obes to a leaf hlade was counted and the type and density of hairs (trichomes) on various leaf parts was evaluated under the stereo microscope. With fruit samples, the dimensions of fruits, cupules and fruit stalks were measured, the number of fruits to a stalk was counted, the fruit shape was recorded and the type of hairs and shape of scales on the cupule was evaluated. Ali the data were adaptcd for computcr analysis. In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, the results of thc invcstigation and an explanation of the results ( discussion) are presented. As a first step, the primary results of sampling were supplemented and partly corrected. On the basis of thc hairiness of different leaf parts, an intraspecific classification into trces of the pure species and hybrids was performed for pedunculate oak and sessilc oak; pubescent oak and turkey oak once again proved to be pure species. The territorial distribution of "pure species" and hybrids has not shown any laws of the mutual influence of the studied species. 166 Smole I., Batič F., Thc importance of morphological.. The statistical analysis of leaf samples showed that no morphological differences between leaves from the sunny side and leavcs from the shady side of the trce crown existed among the studied four species. Pedunculatc oak • according to the morphology of leaf samples • was classified into two varictics. Thc first corrcsponded to thc pure species and the sccond to the most abundant pedunculate oak hybrid. The leaf samples of sessile oak were morphologically uniform. With fruits, the situation was the inverse; the acorns of pcdunculate oak were uniform, while the fruits of sessile oak were classified into three varietics, which corresponded to the pure species and its two most frequent hybrids. In the fifth, concluding chapter, it is mentioned that despite some positive results, it was not possible to define any general rule of relationship or interdependence between the morphological characteristics of leaf samples and thelr specifical hairiness pedunculate oak and sessile oak. The use of unsuitable samplcs could also have influenced the reliability of the .results of our investigation. The samples were collected in autumn instead in summer and some samples were taken from adventive shoots, which should not have becn done. The investigation has not, therefore, given reliable enough evidence for daiming an intraspecific classification of pedunculate oak and sessile oak undoubtedly exists in Slovenia. In future, many further questions will have to be answered and new explanations will have to be found to elucidate the problem of oak taxonomy in Slovenia. 7 REFERENCES ACCETTO, M. 1974. Združbi gabra in evropske gomoljčice v Krakovskem gozdu (The associations of Carpinus sp. (C. betulus L.) and Pseudostellaria europaea Schaeftlein /Stellaria bulbosa Wulfen/ in the forest of Krakovski gozd). Gozdarski vestnik, Ljubljana, 31, 10, p. 357 • 436. ACCETTO, M. 1988. 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Ljubljana, Biro za gozdarsko načrtovanje. 168 -°' \O Series 26 OAK SUCCES. NO. NO. OF FRUIT FRUlT SPECIES tree sample FRUITS STALK DIMENSIONS TO A length length width STALK cm cm cm Quercus 26/1 1 3 3,0 2,7 1,6 robur (6) 26/1 2 3 4,1 2,4 1,7 26/1 3 1 2,6 1,2 1,2 2611 4 3 4,9 2,9 1,6 26/1 5 2 2,6 2,6 1,4 Quercus 26/2 1 4 4,1 2,8 1,2 robur (1) 26/2 2 3 3,7 1,4 1,1 26/2 3 3 4,0 1,3 1,0 26/2 4 4 4,3 1,6 1,0 26/2 5 4 47 1,7 1,1 Quercus 26/3 1 1 3,0 2,9 l,S robur 26/3 2 2 3,1 3,5 1,4 2613 3 2 3,5 3,6 1,4 26/3 4 l 2,7 3,5 1,4 26/3 5 2 3 1 3,5 1,4 Quen;us 26/4 l 1 5,8 1,7 1,1 robur (1) 26/4 2 1 2,7 1,8 0,9 2614 3 2 1,8 1,8 1,1 26/4 4 3 2,9 2,0 1,2 26/4 5 3 4,3 1.8 1,1 Quercus 26/5 l 4 3,4 1,8 1,2 robur (3) 26/5 2 2 3,2 2,1 1,4 26/5 3 2 3,8 2,3 t,3 26/5 4 1 1,1 2,1 1,2 26/5 5 1 2,5 1,8 1,3 FRUIT TYPE: 1 · smooth HAIRINESS 2 • ring striped 3 • longitudinally-striped 2 Sampled on: 26.02. 1991, by Smole Ivan CUPULE Typical DIMENSIONS shape heigth width cm cm 1 1,0 1 1,1 1 0,7 3 0,9 3 l,0 l 0,7 1 0,7 1 0,7 1 0,6 l 0,7 3 1,0 3 0,7 3 0,6 3 0,9 3 0,6 3 0,4 l 0,4 l 0,4 l 0,4 1 0,4 1 0,8 1 0,6 3 0,8 1 0,7 3 0,6 on tbe scale knobs only througbout the fruit cup 1,7 1,7 1,5 1,6 1,5 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,3 1,7 1,5 1,4 1,6 1,3 1,1 0,9 1,2 1,1 1,1 1,4 1,6 1,5 1,2 1,5 Char. of scales hair shape of type scales 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 l 2 1 2 1 2 l 2 1 1 1 l l 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SHAPE OF SCALES: Quercus robur COMMENTS, EXPIANATIONS The prevatling type is I/II, with cleatly distinguishable scales, always convex at the bottom, flattened at the cupule edge. The tips overlapping The prevailing type is II; the scales are grown together, flattened, hardly distinguishable, arrayed ring- like around the cupule. Only at the bottom, the scales are knobby Type II completely prevailing; the scales are grown together, fiat, arrayed ring-like and very homogeneous by apperance. The tips slightly protruding Specific type of fiat, slightly knobby scales witb distinct bairless tips, triangular and separate The type In is prevailing, however alrn the type 11 is admbred, especially at the top of fruit cup. Mostly the scales are clearly distinl!llishable. 1 • single, knobby, ovelapping 2 • grown together, fiat, protruding 3 - lanceolate, knobby, overlapping 4 • lanceolate, fiat, overlapping ~ 'G i ~- !':' ~ o -8 ;:r' 2. o (!:. o !::. g. i,, ... Ul "' o s o o ::!. ii" "' e+ ;::;· -"' o ttl H-, "' o :t. "' O< ;,;' ~'Tl t:t' E. ..., it ::, (O s· 'O o ... s ::i ("') (1) g, 3 o ... '"O ;:r' o o (l '° en ~ o ::, ~· s· ,-..,. '° '° ..... Smole I., Batič F., The importance of morphological.. Figure 2: Distribution of pure pedunculate oak (Q. robur L.) samples (open acorns), and it's hibrids (closed acorns) 171 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 > .g o :.::: :::s:::: o ro l/) ~ <( o o:: g :C lL r- -,·rl' l/) ::::! l 1 >U lf)lf) r i\ i >U W ;'{ ~ l/) ~ :;i ~ -, c..) <( o::: :C lU <( :::::> zo -o <( Wz _Jo M ta <( ,.; o::: o:: .B a.. o ~ . 1 ·.:;