ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 26 ■ 2016 ■ 1 Short scientific article DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2016.4 Received: 2016-02-18 THE SECOND RECORD OF LESSEPSIAN MIGRANT ETRUMEUS GOLANII FROM THE NORTH-EASTERN AEGEAN SEA (IZMIR BAY, TURKEY) Okan AKYOL and Ali ULA§ Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, 35440 Urla, Izmir, Turkey e-mail: ABSTRACT A specimen of Etrumeus golanii (Dussumieriidae)(180 mm TL) was caught on 13th October 2015 with a purse-seine from the Bay of Izmir, north-eastern Aegean Sea, at a depth of 63 m. This is the second finding of this species for the north-eastern Aegean Sea and the eighth report of Lessepsian fish for the Bay of Izmir. Keywords: Etrumeus golanii, Lessepsian fish, new record, Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea. SECONDA SEGNALAZIONE DEL MIGRANTE LESSEPSIANO ETRUMEUS GOLANII NEL MAR EGEO NORD-ORIENTALE (BAIA DI SMIRNE, TURCHIA) SINTESI Un esemplare di Etrumeus golanii (Dussumieriidae) (TL pari a 180 mm) e stato catturato il 13 ottobre 2015 con una rete da circuizione nella baia di Smirne, nell'Egeo nord-orientale, ad una profondita di 63 m. Si tratta del secondo ritrovamento di questa specie nell'Egeo nord-orientale e dell'ottava segnalazione di un pesce lessepsiano nella baia di Smirne. Parole chiave: Etrumeus golanii, pesce lessepsiano, nuova segnalazione, baia di Smirne, mar Egeo. 27 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 26 ■ 2016 ■ 1 Okan AKYOL & Ali ULA§: THE SECOND RECORD OF LESSEPSIAN MIGRANT ETRUMEUS GOLANII FROM THE NORTH-EASTERN ..., 25-28 INTRODUCTION The genus Etrumeus was redefined by DiBattista et al. (2012) and Etrumeus golanii DiBattista, Randall & Bowen, 2012 since a new holotype was previously misi-dentified as E. teres in the Mediterranean. E. golanii is an inshore pelagic species, which colonized the Mediterranean from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal in spite of its original Indo-Pacific distribution (Golani et al., 2006). In the 1990s, it became very common in the Israeli coast, and extended its distribution to Iskenderun Bay and Cyprus (Golani et al., 2006). Six specimens of E. golanii were caught off Karata§, Iskenderun Bay during the 1994-1996 sampling period by means of a mid-water trawl, and this was the first report from Turkish seas (Ba^usta et al., 1997). Between November 1997 and May 1998, E. golanii was collected abundantly by purse-seine fishery in the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey (Yilmaz & Ho^sucu, 2003). Then, this fish was apparently well established in Cypriot waters, since many specimens were observed in the local market in 1999 (Golani, 2000). Consecutively, E. golanii was reported from the Rhodes in December 2003 (Corsini et al., 2005), the Cyclades (i.e. Paros, Naxos and Ios islands) in May 2004 (Kallia-niotis & Lekkas, 2005), Crete in July 2005 (Kasapidis et al., 2007) and from the Hydra Island in November 2005 (Zenetos et al., 2008) in the Greek Aegean Sea. E. golanii reached as far as the Island of Lampedusa in the Strait of Sicily in September 2005 (Falautano et al., 2006). Er-guden et al. (2009) analysed the length-to-weight relationship of E. golanii in Iskenderun Bay, Turkey for the first time. Nevertheless, the fish expanded its distribution not only westward but also northward in the Mediterranean (i.e. Aegean Sea). Yarmaz et al. (2010) reported a single specimen of E. golanii from Dikili coast, Izmir, in February 2009. This was the northernmost record for the Aegean Sea. This paper presents the second report of the Lessep-sian E. golanii from the coasts of Izmir, north-eastern Aegean Sea, which, however, does not indicate an established population yet. Fig. 1. Etrumeus teres, caught from Izmir Bay, NE Aegean Sea (Photo: O. Akyol) Sl. 1: Primerek vrste Etrumeus golanii, ujet v Izmirskem zalivu v severovzhodnem Egejskem morju (Foto: O. Akyol) MATERIAL AND METHODS On 13th October 2015, a specimen of Etrumeus golanii with a total length (TL) of 180 mm (Fig. 1) was captured by a commercial purse-seiner targeting anchovy and sardine off Karaburun, at the entrance to Izmir Bay (Coordinates: 38°33'46''N-26°36'34''E) at a depth of 63 m. The specimen was fixed with a 10% formaldehyde solution and deposited in the fish collection of the Fisheries Faculty, Ege University (ESFM-PIS/2015-08). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The origin of the pelvic fin is behind the dorsal fin. Measurements, counts and selected body proportions Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements as percentages of total length (%TL) and counts recorded in Etrumeus golanii, captured from Izmir Bay, NE Aegean Sea. Tab. 1: Morfometrične meritve izražene kot delež celotne dolžine (%) in meristični podatki za primerek vrste Etrumeus golanii, ujetega v Izmirskem zalivu v severovzhodnem Egejskem morju. Reference ESFM-PIS/2015-08 Measurements Size (mm) Proportion (%) Total length (TL) 180 100.0 TL Fork length (FL) 159 88.3 TL Standard length (SL) 153 85.0 TL Maximum body depth 28 15.6 TL Predorsal fin length 66 36.7 TL Prepectoral fin length 38 21.1 TL Pre-anal fin length 127 70.6 TL Head length (HL) 34 18.9 TL Eye diameter 11 32.4 HL Preorbitary length 12 35.3 HL Meristic ounts Dorsal fin rays 17 Anal fin rays 9 Ventral fin rays 8 Pectoral fin rays 16 26 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 26 ■ 2016 ■ 1 Okan AKYOL & Ali ULA§: THE SECOND RECORD OF LESSEPSIAN MIGRANT ETRUMEUS GOLANII FROM THE NORTH-EASTERN ..., 25-28 are shown in Table 1. All the determined measurements and colour patterns are in accordance with the descriptions by Ba^usta et al. (1997), Golani (2000), Corsini et al. (2005) and DiBattista et al. (2012). Lefkaditou et al. (2010) endorses that this Lessepsian fish might be considered as rather regularly occurring in the catches of trawl, beach- and purse-seine in the southernmost areas of the Hellenic territorial waters. The species results well established in the South-eastern Aegean Sea (Corsini-Foka et al., 2015). The recent two records indicated that it probably shifted towards northern latitudes due to the changed hydrological conditions. The EastMed report (2010) notified that the North Aegean cold water fauna and the Central-South warm water fauna were changing positions, moving north- wards along the Aegean coasts. In this way, E. golanii appears in the northern Aegean Sea, but it is very rare for now. As mentioned above, E. golanii has been already recorded in the area under study (Yarmaz et al., 2010) and this short report confirms the occurrence of the species in Izmir Bay, north-eastern Aegean Sea. Moreover, with the addition of E. golanii to the previously recorded Saurida lessepsianus (Russell, Golani & Tikochinski, 2015), Lago-cephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789), Siganus luridus (Rüp-pell, 1828), S. rivulatus (Forsskal, 1775), Champsodon vorax (Günther, 1867), Stephanolepis diaspros (Fraser-Brunner, 1940) and Upeneus molluccensis (Bleeker, 1855) (ESFM-PIS/2016-03, unpublished data), the list of Lessepsian fish in the Bay now counts eight species. DRUGI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU LESEPSKE SELIVKE VRSTE ETRUMEUS GOLANII IZ SEVERNOVZHODNEGA EGEJSKEGA MORJA (IZMIRSKI ZALIV, TURČIJA) Okan AKYOL & Ali ULA§ Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, 35440 Urla, Izmir, Turkey e-mail: POVZETEK Primerek vrste Etrumeus golanii (Dussumieriidae) (180 mm TL) je bil ujet 13 oktobra 2015 z zaporno plavarico v Izmirskem zalivu v severovzhodnem Egejskem morju na globini 63 m. Gre za drugi zapis o pojavljanju te vrste v severovzhodnem Egejskem morju in osmi zapis o pojavljanju lesepskih vrst rib v Izmirskem zalivu. Ključne besede: Etrumeus golanii, lesepske selivke, nov zapis, Izmirski zaliv, Egejsko morje. 26 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 26 ■ 2016 ■ 1 Okan AKYOL & Ali ULA§: THE SECOND RECORD OF LESSEPSIAN MIGRANT ETRUMEUS GOLANII FROM THE NORTH-EASTERN ..., 25-28 REFERENCES Ba^usta, N., U. Erdem & S. Mater (1997): A new Lessepsian immigrant fish species in Iskenderun Bay: Red-eyed Sardine, Etrumeus teres (DeKay, 1842). [in Turkish]. Mediterranean Fisheries Congress, 9-11 April, Izmir, pp. 921-924. Corsini, M., P. Margies, G. Kondilatos & P.S. Econo-midis (2005): Lessepsian migration of fishes to the Aegean Sea: First record of Tylerius spinosissimus (Tetraodon-tidae) from the Mediterranean and six more fish records from Rhodes. Cybium, 29, 347-354. Corsini-Foka M., A. Zenetos, F. Crocetta, M.E. ^inar, F. Ko^ak, D. Golani, S. Katsanevakis, K. Tsiamis, E. 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