NO. 3 MARCH, 1981 VOLUME 53 A HAPPY DA YIN THEIR LIVES! \ for the Barbara Marie Harsh Gayle Marie Delzoppo Debutantes-to-be Sixth Presentation Ball, April 4th, 1981, Cleveland, Ohio BR. 20 PLEADS BARAGA STAMP 1117 Frederick St. Joliet, Illinois 60435 July 23, 1980 The Honorable George M. O’Brien House of Representatives 434 Canyon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. O’Brien We urge you to support the printing of the Bishop Frederic Baraga commemorative stamp. Bishop Baraga worked among the Indians in upper Michigan and compiled in the Ottawa and Chippewa languages, a catechism, dictionary, grammer book and hyinnbook. He was one of America’s great humanitarians who fought for the rights of the native Indian. Sincerely, Officers and Members of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois DATES TO REMEMBER... MAR. 4 COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 14, Euclid, OH, at St. Christine's Mar. 7 “Luncheon is Served”, Br. 43, Milwaukee, W1 April 4—5 MIDWEST HANDICAP BOWLING TOURNEY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, W1 hostesses April 4 6th S.W.U. COTILLION BALL, Slovenian National Home, Cleveland, OH April 26 CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wl 45TH ANNIVERSARY, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., OH May 8 CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland OH June 6 COMMEMORATIVE MASS, Br. 21, West Park, OH June 28 OUTDOOR MASS, Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) NO. 3 MARCH, 1981 Vf VOL. 53 Membei, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except one combined issue, July August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za juHj-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina S10.00 letno za ne-člane. For social Members, .65 per month za družabne članice . 65 mesečno. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA /ARJA, 431 No. Chicago St. Joliet, III. 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All commtulications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — I v/ dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do I. v mesecu. Editor. COR IN NE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 W. Cermak Rc!.. Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 HA PP Y MR THDA V //V MA RCH National Officer: March 9 — Victoria Bobence, Regional President of Minnesota, Ely, MN Presidents: March 8 — Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, MN March 11 — Anna Mae Melle, Br. 91, Oakmont, PA March 12 — Hermine Strainer, Br. 32, Euclid, OH March 18 — Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, PA March 20 — Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, PA March 31 — Adeline Mustonen, Br. 34, Soudan, MN Secretaries: March I — Cirila Kermavner, Br. 25, Cleveland, OH March 3 — Frances Kelly, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN March 3 — Jennie Misek, Br. 91, Oakmont, PA March 8 — Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, IL March 9 — Julia Klemenčič, Br. 90, Bridgeville, PA Main Happy Returns of the Day! Sept. 20 50TH ANNIVERSARY, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts, OH Sept. 27 WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Sheboygan, Wl Jul> 18-19 CHRIS! IAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE, Lemont, II. loanainqpoinDioniactinaiBaTOBgiaig Oct. II 50TH ANNIVERSARY, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH FREE SECRET SLOVAK COOKBOOKLET Revised Rydal Family Collection!! Slovak Recipes Dept. Z 1836 Timothy, W. Mifflin, PA 15122 Featuring Paska, Cabbage-rolls, Nut-rolls, Pierogi and Secret Sensible Dessets. Send $2.00 postage and handling for each. Idea If or Luster Recipe Planning. toatOolD uloaiaoluolootomSEIOOlDcua Missing Something In Your Life? Subscribe to the American Home newspaper and become better informed on the latest news about the people and events in the Slovenian American communities in the greater Cleveland, northeastern Ohio, throughout the U.S. and Canada. You’ll be proud to be a Slovenian. English Friday section, $10.00 per year. Send check or Money Order to: Weekly American Home, 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. Debutante Cotillion Ball is April 4th in Cleveland One of the happiest days in the life of a S. W. U. young member is the day of her “coming out” party; when she is shown in all her beauty and grace. Such a day is soon coming for 8 young ladies of our societies in Cleveland, Ohio. On April 4th, the sixth Debutante Cotillion Ball will be held at the Slovenian Auditorium on St. Clair. Special guest of the evening will be our National President, Mary Muller. We salute the hard working committee, the S. W. U. Junior League members and their chairman Carol Globokar. For information call Carol at 486—2012 or Frances Sietz, 261—2856. Heartiest felicitations to our 1981 Debs in Cleveland! First members to enroll as Debutantes are Barbara Harsh of Hr. 47 and Gayle Delzoppo of Hr. 50. Barbara Marie Harsh Barbara is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harsh and lives in Valley View, Ohio. She attends Cuyagoga Hgts. High School and enjoys flower arranging, horseback riding, ice skating, biking, swimming and tennis and does macrame. She was a state finalist in the 1980 Miss United Stares Teenager contest. Her goal in life is to be a participant in the F.F.A., Future Farmers of America and BO AC, Bettering Our American Communities. Her escort will be Andrew Harsh, Jr. Gayle Marie Delzoppo The daughter of Clarence and Flaine Delzoppo, Gayle is a student at Lake Catholic High School. They live in Wickliffe, Ohio. Her activities include basketball, bowling, baseball, swimming, and all kinds of sports. Her grandmother, Mrs. Edward (Olga) Skodlar, and aunts are all active members of Br. 50. She will be escorted by Charles Ritz. ACTIVITIES NO. 1,SHEBOYGAN, WI This will be a short article due to there being no meeting in January. The Midwest Bowling Tourney will be here April 4 and 5 in Sheboygan. We are hoping for a good number of teams participating and many cheering fans. Come and watch the action at Maple Lanes! In the adult department we enrolled Mary Renee Vertacic from 'he junior group and we are happy to have her transfer. To the families and survivors, our belated condolences on the passing °f Mr. S. Radovan, Sr. May he rest •n peace! Speedy recovery to all the sick and convalescing for healthier days ahead. Try to be present at the March 17th meeting at 7:30 P.M. Best wishes, Margaret FISCHER, Reporter NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Our last month’s meeting had a good turn out; seems the cold feather didn’t keep the ladies away. ^L|r newly-elected officers were sworn in by our Spiritual Moderator, r- Vendelin. Father congratulated all the ladies and wished them well in their new positions. Our slate for the year is as follows, 792reS'C*enl’ Magda Simrayh, 257- Vice-President, Mary F. Lauretig, 284-6117 Treasurer, Lil Putzell, 484-5573 Secretary, Jean Zubek, 243-4738 Recording Secretary, Gloria Nusko, 247-1421. Sunshine Lady is Mitzi Krapene, 247-3850. Call her and let her know of a sick member and she’ll be sure to send some sunshine her way. Your Reporter’s number is 421-0785. Call and let me know of some news you want to share with us thru the ZARJA. Slovenian Reporter is Mrs. Ana Gaber, 376-4996. Mary Hozzian who now lives in California sends her best wishes to all the members. We have a few anniversaries being celebrated: Rose Zielinski, 39 years, Angeline Koziarz, 40 years, Ann Mladic, 40 years. Mrs. Julia Pavlin celebrated her 85th birthday and her daughters surprised her with a party. Mrs. Pauline Ozbolt is 94 years young. Our best wishes to them all. On the sick list is Justine Holozan at St. Anthony’s Hospital and Josephine Šinkovec at the Edgewater Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. We were saddened by the passing of Mary Kochevar. Let us remember her in our prayers. The following members went to their eternal reward in 1980: Anna Rasich, Feb. 6th, Jennie Winsec, July 4th, Mary Menciger, Sept. 5th, Mary Shorner, Sept. 8th, Clara Kosmach, Oct. 7th, Albina Rakovec, Nov. 12th and Frances Sardoch, Nov. 20th. May they rest in peace. The Baraga Dinner was held on January 18th this year. The Si. Stephen’s Hall was filled to capacity with the large turn-out of parishioners and friends of the Baraga Cause. The entertainment was by the Glas Slovenije Knsembel and enjoyed by all. The food was excellent. Our meeting this month will be on March 12th at 7:30 p.m. and we are hoping for a good attendance. Please come and help us to make plans for future events. Your ideas are always appreciated. In March we will have something special, you can believe, but at this early writing, I don’t know just what. Come to the meeting prepared for anything! Let’s hear from some of our out-of-towners. You have a lot of friends here and i’m sure they would like to hear how you are. God love you all and give you good health. ANN SCIESZKA IMPORTANT NEWS NO. 6, BARBERTON, OH Please come to the April 5th meeting. It’s very important. PLEASE COME! We had no meetings in January or February due to bad weather. Please bring you dues books with you. We hope to straighten out the dues and plan for the year ahead. We wish those who are ill a fast recovery. Deepest sympathy to the family of Mary Lauter who passed away Jau. 19th. Mary was our Secretary in the early 1970’s before our present secretary who is with us now since 1976. We will miss Mary. Our prayers go out to all our bereaved families of departed members. Let’s say a prayer for them today. Remember, the meeting is April 5th, 1981, 2 o’clock at the Slovene Center. MITZI Mary Muller: NATIONAL PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE In the month of March, the beginning of Lent should encourage us to do something nice for a sick friend, or help a shut-in, or perhaps, spell an overworked mother. With the feeling of inner joy, comes the satisfaction of bringing happiness to someone. Some of our branches have new officers and 1 wish-them well. They need all the support and good will you can give them. Branch 38 in Chisholm, among others, is doing a splendid job of enrolling new members; this is the only way to keep our organization strong and our future secure. Also, make an effort to keep your youngsters when they reach age 18. Ann Hodnik is getting some interesting returns from her letters in ZAR.IA and looks for mail from many branches. 1 read with interest the many-fund-raising projects some groups have and wonder that more of you do not get involved. This is what brings people together and binds them with a common interest; Branch 50 is a good example. I want to wish health and happiness to our SENIOR members, many of them in their 80’s and 90’s, especially Branch 25. Some branches are paying dues for their over 80 members — what a generous thought! Regarding our Conference in July, 1 have written our State Presidents asking them to act as coordinators ol their areas. This will make it easier lo formulate plans lor travel and convenience. We are looking forward to greeting a large crowd of members and friends and promise you an interesting time, July being an ideal time to travel. Best wish to birthday and anniversary celebrants; many years of health and happiness. To those members and f riends who are ailing, we wish belter health; and lor the deceased, our prayers are for eternal joy in heaven w ith Ciod. May (iod Walk With You. Mary Muller NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M.: The Cross is a sign of hope During the lenten season the cross will be even closer to our hearts and meditation than usual. It was on the cross that Christ atoned for our sins; it was on the cross that He did penance for all of us and paid the price so that we are free and have access'to our heavenly Father. The Church is .inviting us to meditate on Christ s suffering during the days of lent. But it is not enough just to meditate. As we are thinking of Christ and His Cross, we start to realize how much He suffered for our redemption. And here is the point of our meditation: if we are serious when we say that we do penance, we must be prepared to suffer too; we must be willing to do what is hard, what is not pleasant to our nature. A few years back, when we heard the word “Lent”, at once we had in mind fasting, giving things up. Now-a-days we do not fast much; and yet fasting was always considered by the Church as an excellent way of penance, an effective way to bring God’s favor to the members of the Church. Some years back the bishops had to fast the day before they ordained new priests. If fasting was such a good way to obtain God’s mercy in years gone by, then it is still a good way today. Here we have a problem: we have to give up something we like, and that hurts. It is here that we prove to ourselves how much are we concerned about our salvation. Many times people fast because they have to, the doctor prescribes it for them. Here Christ is inviting you to do something that is hard, that you fast and so show God that you are serious about your salvation. No, we do not suggest that you starve or fast when you need strength for your work. On the other side, we all know that many times we eat too much, and to fast would be good not only for the soul but for the body as well. On Good Friday during the veneration of the Cross you will come up to the altar and kiss the cross and maybe you will say: Thank you, Jesus, for your death on the cross. Wouldn’t it be nice if on this occasion you would bring Him a few days when you really fasted and so be able to say: This was just for you, because you loved me so much. Hello, ladies! Our Mother of the Year is none other than Ann Stefančič. She is one of our faithful gals, always around to help when help is needed. More on her later. Our officers stayed the same for 1981, as follows: Ann Markovich, President, Frances Zagar, Vice-President, Sophie Magayna, Secretary and Treasurer, Rezka Ferraccoli, Recording Secretary and Auditors are Mary kokal and Frances Zagar. Everything else stayed the same. Meetings will be held January, March, May, June, (nothing in July and August), back in September, November and December. Last year was one of the better years for our branch. We lost only 6 members, thank the Lord for that. On the sick list we have Josephine Oberstar who at the present time is in Euclid General Hospital, Mrs. Kopac in Aliquippa, PA was also hospitalized and many of our ladies are ill at home. We wish them a speedy recovery. This year we will have 2 or 3 ladies who will reach 90 years of age and 11 who will be 75 years of age. For the holidays, instead of having a Christmas Party, we went out to eat and had a lovely time, sang and really enjoyed ourselves. These are the regular ladies who attend meetings. Maybe next year more of you can join us. We will have a nice Mother’s Day program and hope more of you can attend. We surely miss Mary Komidar since she moved to Chesterland; she is pretty far away but has been a faithful member. Ladies, it’s that time of the year again when dues payments are to be made. Look in your book to see what your dues arc. As for me collecting at the Slovenian Home, I will only do that four times a year, Jan. 25th, April 25th, July 25th and Sept. 25th. Most of you mail me your dues and I thank you for very much for the stamped addressed envelopes. Thank ) 45th ANNUAL SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MIDWEST HANDICAP BOWLING TOURNAMENT Sat. and Sun., April 4-5, 1981 MAPLE LANES 3107 Business Rt. 141 South Sheboygan, Wisconsin Singles will be held on Saturday and T°am event is Sunday. Deadline for entry is midnight, March 1, 1981. Highest league average of 21 games or more as of Jan. 1, 1981 is to be used. Handicap of 75% or difference between league average and 180 scratch. Maximum handicap of 40 pins per game. W.l.B.C. Moral Support Sanction Prize fees will be returned 100% — Distribution is one of six entries. We expect teams from Sheboygan, West Allis, Chicago, Joliet and Oglesby. Spectators from all our midwest branches are urged to come to join us in Sheboygan for the tournament. All are welcome. Lil Putzell, Secretary 3401 S. Home Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 you for your donations to our branch; it is greatly appreciated. May God bless all of you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI January’s meeting wasn’t as well attended as other meetings, but this was understandable with so many .members and even officers out with the “flu” that has touched almost all us lor the past two months. We only wish that everyone comes 'hrough by March as we all miss seeing you. In February, we had a special treat planned, too. We still have a good attendance *°r I he most part and last month our meeting was opened with prayer in Slovenian b\ Frances Plesko. Reports were all read and accepted. Hie officers were all sworn in by Mary Evanich. Our Card Party was discussed and Prizes and donations will be appreciated. The Card Party will be held on Sunday afternoon at John’s Hall, April 26th at two o’clock. We "ish to see vou and your friends there! A picnic for the Junior Members 'Vas also requested again. There will e more discussion on this once our Permit is granted. We are again requesting the same area at Jackson ark. All members are welcome but 0n|v the Juniors get the free lunch and games with prizes. If anyone is nterested in being on the en-jettainment committee, please let us ear Irom vou as we always welcome "'e help. Mar> Debelak, sister of Julia I esec. WELCOME TO SHEBOYGAN! Br. 1 welcomes all bowlers and friends to Sheboygan the weekend of April 4—5th! We will be at ihe Maple l.anes offering our hospitality whatever way we can. On Sundays, you will be able to ha\e home-made sandwiches and bakery which our members will prepare. There’ll he a lot for fun for all! Overnight aeeommodalions are available at the Executive Inn 732 Center Ave. in downtown Sheboygan (Kates: Single, $31.20, Double, $36.40, Triple $42.64, Ouad, $48.88 tax inc.) or at the Embers Motel, near Ihe Alleys at 3207 Business Hwy. 141. (Rates: Single. $18 to $20., Double, $22 to $24, Quad, $36 —$40.) We wish you a happy time in our city and extend our warmest welcome to one and all! ANNA MODI/, Regional President of Wisconsin Midwest Bowling Association Director H is in West Allis Memorial ^ °spital and Pauline Schweigel is in ' Frances Hospital. I’m sure they °uld appreciate a visit from anyone of you. Our good wishes and prayers for their welfare are for them as well. Mary Kiel was not at the meeting so the future bus trips were postponed until she can discuss it with us as she is in charge and does a very good job. Door prize was given and the numerous gifts donated by our usual generous members were welcome by the lucky winners. The meeting ended with the prayers in English by Stavia Dobersek. Coffee and baked goods were served after all the business was over and "Happy Birthday” was sung to Mary Potisk and Josephine Bertl who donated to the lunch. Thanks go to Mary Starieh, Olga Fredericks, Tillie Russ and Jo Wilhelm who always sees that we are served nicely and all the tables are taken care of, as well as Frances Plesko who usually handles the coffee. We had more time to play our favorite game and we were all anxious to play as we missed the last month’s game because of the Christmas party. Remember to pray for Rose Potochnik and Mary Rajšter who passed away last month. Our sympathy is extended to their families. Mary Bucovnik is the daughter of Mary Rajšter. Let’s all try to enroll some new members. We need them. MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO. CA Regional President Mary Jasina honored branch No. 13 with a visit, meeting many of our members. Mary Jasina was the house guest of former Regional President, Rose Scott. A convention with sister branches of California was discussed but once again distance between branches is a negative factor; but we will work toward this end. Mary was presented with a gold necklace with the word LOVE, something we feel for each other. Branch No. 13 was most happy to have been able to enjoy a USE THIS APPLICATION BLANK FOR YOUR NEW MEMBER PROSPECT: PRINT or TYPE IN DUPLICATE PIŠITE Z VELIKIMI ČRKAMI ALI TIPKAJTE V DVEH IZVODIH APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ZENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI A BURIAL INSURANCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED UNDER THE ILLINOIS INSURANCE CODE D New Member Novi (a) član (ica) □ Junior to Adult • Prestop iz mladinskega v odrasli oddelek Class Razred Monthly Assessment Mesečna članarina $_ Annual Dues Letna Članarina Amount of Benefit Zavarovalnina $ — 1. Last Name Rodbinsko Ime Maiden Name Dekliško Ime First Name and Initial Krstno ime in začetnica 2. Address Naslov City • Mesto State Država Zip Code 3. Date of Birth • Datum rojstva Age Starost Place of Birth Kraj rojstva 4 Descendant of which nationality • Narodnost Marital Status Zakonsko stanje 5. Are you a Christian? Ali ste Krščanske vere? Occupation Poklic 6. Have you now any chronic ailments as cancer, disease of the heart, tuberculosis or diabetes? Ali bolehate na raku, bolezni srca, jetiki ali sladkorni bolezni? 7. Telephone Number Telefon številka 8. My death benefit to be paid to Moja posmrtnina se naj izplača: Name • Ime Relationship Sorodstvo Address Naslov City Mesto Sum* Država Zip Code 9 In case the above beneficiary does not survive me, my beneficiary should then be; V slučaju, da gornji dedič umre pred menoj, naj bo moj dedič: Name • Ime Relationship Sorodstvo Address Naslov City Mesto State Država Zip Code . I understand and agree that the Slovenian Women's Union of America assumes no liability whatever until this application is received and accepted by the local branch and the Home Office of the Union together with the payment of the first year’s assessment. I affirm that I have read the foregoing questions and state that the answers thereto are full, complete and true. Razumem in pripoznam, da nima Slovenska ženska zveza v Ameriki napram meni nobenih obveznosti dokler ta prošnja ni sprejeta in odobrena tako v lokalni podružnici kakor tudi na glavnem uradu Zveze in je obenem s prošnjo priložen asesment za prvo leto. Izjavljam, da sem prebrala gornja vprašanja in da so odgovori na vse popolni in pravilni. Applicant recommended by Sprejem priporoča Accepted by Branch No...............S. W. U , in ........ Sprejeta v podružnico št. S.Ž.Z., v this . day of ..................................... 19 dan meseca Signature of the Applicant Podpis prosilke at the meeting na seji Secretary Tajnica Treasurer Blagajničarka President Predsednica This application must be executed in duplicate The local secretary is to forward both copies to the headquarters Be sure to answer every question Do it distinctly and completely, and write with ink. Illegibly or partially filled out blanks will be returned. The applicant must sign both copies by her own hand FORM 2 - Revised July 1979 Za vsako novo članico izpišite dve taki prošnji in tajnica naj pošlje obe na glavni urad. Odgovorite na vsa vprašanja Pišite razločno, s tinto, ne s svinčnikom. Prošnje, ki jih ne bo mogoče brati ali kjer bo kaj manjkalo, Vam bodo poslane nazaj Prosilka naj podpiše obe prošnji lastnoročno zarja—im: I) \\\ n j SIGN UP JUST ONE NEW MEMBER! JUST ONE RELATIVE! A sister, daughter, niece, nephew, husband, brother or...friend! EVERYONE, ONE NEW MEMBER! Can you do this? Can you think of one, only one person to be a new member? I’m sure you can! Your daughter, granddaughter! In your own family! Just one! application blank is in this zarja' fill it out and SEND TO THE S.W.U. HOME OFFICE, 431 N Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. No more fuss — we’ll do the rest! Do it today! ONE YEAR’S DUES AS FOLLOWS: Class A (Adult, ages 14 to 51) $9.60; Class B (Adult, ages 14 to 61) $12.60; Junior Class (ages Birth to 18) $2.40. Send the year’s dues along with the Application blank. Your new Member will receive her certificate and payment book in four to six weeks and (adults receive the next issue of ZARJA—THE DAWN, our official organ.) Be sure to state the Branch number of your choice and your name as sponsor for full membership campaign credit! REPORT AS----------------------------------------------- SUCCESS WITH UNITY CAMPAIGN After ten months of campaigning our Success with Unity campaign netted us a total of 130 new members. The ratings among the states are: Illinois ■■ 45 Minnesota ■■ 32 Ohio - 22 Wisconsin --12 All other states •• 2 or more. Running a close race are three branches, namely, Duluth, MN No. 33 with 19 members, Joliet, IL /Vo. 20 with 17 and Chicago, IL No. 2 with 11. Standings among the individual workers is: Agnes Lovati (20) -- 7 Jonita Ruth (20) - 7 Margaret Fischer (1)-5 I Helen Golich (95) ■■ 5 JeanZubek(2)~4 j Jennie Christian (30) 4 Dolores Dincau (33) ■■ 4 j Margaret Radosevich (33) ■■ 4 j Anna Hodnik (35) 4 The close of this month will also be the close of the campaign. May we all unite and enroll a member, bringing about true Success with Unity. Olga A ncel, Secretary final announcement of i98i SCHOLARSHIPS With this final announcement of the 1981 S.W.U. scholarship awards we 8e graduating high school seniors who have been members of the Slovenian a||0r?en's Union ‘Jt least 3 years to apply as soon as possible. The deadline for tr lhe, required materials must be mailed by March 31St. This includes: JnseHpt 0f grades, brief autobiography including S.W.U. activities, goals, 0r ers 0| recommendations from school principal and local branch president secretary and how you feel about your ethnic background. Di ■L.eaSe sent^ immediately your requests for application forms to Hermine Lke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wis., 53711. BR. 13, CONT’D: wonderful gathering and have Mary Jasina as our honored guest. That happy look on Dora Simencc can only be attributed to the birth of her two wonderful granddaughters. Yes, daughter, Dorothy Fiynn of Pleasant Hills, is now Mamma of twin daughters, Annie and Katie, such happiness for all. Grandfather is the organist of our Church of the Nativity. This wonderful family are members of Branch No. 13 so we have watched them grow from childhood to becoming mothers. Also it is this close association that makes us all feel happy for this wonderful family. Margaret is now living in San Diego. We wish you all the best ever and happiness to all. Katie Radovich is at this writing once again in the hospital. This sweet lady has had more than her share of problems; our only living charter member, we pray for her return to good health ori •: again. President, Jo Aiuto has many plans for this coming year, and asks for the cooperation of each and every member. Pot Luck Lunch will be our first (of course when you read this article our lunch will be but a memory and a good one). Jo has in the working plans for a trip to RF.NO. Another and successful 1 uncheon at the Bank. Yes, Jo works hard to keep you interested so let’s get in and HELP ! Much excitement with the arrangements for our Mother of the Year Breakfast and Mass. Margaret Radosevich will be honored and rightfully so as the Mother of 10 with 2 deceased. She is really representative of this word MOTHLR. She is close to her entire family and so willing to bake and cook for her brood; at any given time you can be sure going HOME to Margaret’s house is a happy family time. Future information will be given on this happy day. Happiness is the key to friendship, friendship the key to love. Love one another. FRAN E. CHODO, reporter NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Due to the bad weather, our February 3rd meeting was sparsely attended, but nevertheless we had a fine meeting. Mary Stražišar chaired the meeting as Acting President in the absence of Pauline Krall. Mrs. Krall had an unfortunate accident and broke her hip when she fell on New Year’s Eve. Pauline is now-recuperating at home and mending well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Member Ann Kostrevee is also on the sick list with her knee in a cast after a bad fall. We all wish her a comfortable convalescence during the 5 weeks she’ll have her cast, and wish her good health in the future. Member Frances Streetz and her husband have reached an important milestone in their lives as they celebrated their 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary last September. Since wishes for many more years filled with health and happiness to you both. Congratulations! We are saddened to report the death of member Amy Mayer, who is the niece of Charter member Molly Legat; condolences to Rose Fajdiga on the loss of her husband; member Ann Vehtelic and her husband Steve are mourning the loss of their grandson; and member Mary Dolsak suffered a personal loss in the sudden death of her brother. Sincerest condolences to the families of the deceased. May they rest in peace. After this harsh winter, we’re all anxiously looking forward to a bright spring. With the coming of the new season, we’ll be celebrating 3 months of birthdays with cake and coffee at our March meeting. Hope to see all of our members there! ALICE KUHAR NO. 19, EVELETH, MN Our January llth meeting was held with the installation of new officers. Due to the illness of the president, Yours Truly, our vice-president, Mary Isaacson did the installing. A short meeting was held. Mrs. Katherine Skul was selected as our Mother of the Year. She is our oldest member and on April 16th she will be 91 years young! Congratulations! On our sick list was Mary Wolf and a sympathy card was sent to the family of Mary Rvan whom we lost Dec. 30th. Plans were made for a dinner on May 3rd at 1:00 p.m. at the Hill Top Manor. Reservations must be made by calling 749-1881 or 741-1970. We hope to have a nice Mother’s celebration at that time. The members authorized contributions to the Eveleth Fitzgerald Hospital. After the meeting, coffee — and was served. The next meeting is March 1st. OLGA KLUSER NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Mary Marolt was unanimously chosen as our 1981 Mother of the Year. Mary is involved in the Slpvenian Women’s Union in three very distinct offices. She is the National Treasurer, Branch Treasurer and Heritage Fund Treasurer. Congratulations! to a most warm and friendly'person! Just a reminder that our first evening meeting will be on Tuesday, March 17 at 7 P.M. Guest speaker will be Vita Pennington who will discuss “collecting for Fun and Investment.” She’ll bring along her collector’s items of dolls, coins, stamps, etc. She and her husband, Thomas, own the Collector’s Gallery next door to the Home Office. Come and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us. Who knows? There might even be some Green Beer and Corned Beef and Cabbage! Surprise! Surprise! At our January meeting the white elephant auction was loads of fun and laughter. Thanks to Father Dave who volunteered to be the auctioneer. We promise another, real soon. Get Well Wishes to Jo Mlakar and Katherine Knez and to many members who are recovering from the flu. Congratulations to all the Junior members who are actively contributing their talents to school and community. Our Junior Scholastic achievers on the St. Francis Academy 1st Honor Roll are: Ellen Smithberg, Valerie Ogary and Mary Lee Demick. Mary Lee is also president of the St. Agnes Sodality. At the St. Joseph’s School Science Fair receiving “Outstanding” awards were Lorraine Ruth and Matt Busse. We certainly are proud of you. Sympathies to Jo Tezak and Mary Jean on the death of their sister and aunt. Lottie and John Jevitz traveled to Florida to witness the wedding of their granddaughter JoAnn Christensen and Frank Herrison. May love and happiness fill your life. Busy these days are Olga Ancel, Mary Anzelc, Diane Govednik and Loretta Grzetich. With their husbands they are coordinating for the 4th year the Slovenian Room-named “Gostilna” for the Joliet Catholic High — St. Francis Academy money-maker known as JUBILATION. This affair is scheduled for the weekends of March 13—14 and March 20—21. We salute their efforts, in preserving Slovenian heritage, our traditions and basically promoting finer Catholic education. Much success to Magda Simrayh, who has undertaken the overwhelming task as President of Branch No. 2. She is our former Slovenian dance instructress. Three young mothers have accepted the challenge and hold office on the St. Joseph School Board. Mary Lou Golf, President, Pat Figuroski, Vice—President and Rosemary Konopek Enrollment. Good Luck! We all rejoice in the freedom of the 52 hostages and President Reagan is included in our prayers. Thanks to all of our members who continue to bring those delicious desserts to the meeting. We do appreciate it. March 19, the feast of St. Joseph, is a very special day in Joliet. He is the patron saint of our church. His feast is marked with Pomp and Circumstance...closing of 40 hours devotion, procession, song and bells. To all Josephines, have a Happy Day. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC LADIES: Please inform secretary, Agnes Lovati, if you wish to cancel your membership. You must personally notify the secretary by phone or letter of your intentions. Until you do this — your dues are being forwarded monthly to the Home Office. If you should have the misfortune of dying your, beneficiary would undoubtedly expect to receive the burial benefit. And all the time you are reading the Zarja! Therefore, you are obligated for the money spent. All members who have not as yet paid their dues, just put your check in the convenient addressed envelope, stamp it and mail. Thanks for your cooperation. NO. 23, ELY, MN Winter in northeastern Minnesota-what is more beautiful than fresh snow on a moon-lit night or frost on all the trees and surrounding areas-a virtual winter wonderland is Ely, Minnesota. Our weather this year has been so unpredictable - we’ve had balmy +40 degree weather at the end of January when we are usually experiencing —20 or —30 below zero. Since my last report in November, our branch has elected new officers, had a beautiful Christmas party, elected a Mother of the Year and are already forming committees to make plans for Minnesota Day to be held in Ely in Sept of 1981. At the November meeting the following officers were elected for SWU No. 23. Pro., Margie Preshiren Vice. Pres., Rose Pucel Sec., Angela Mobilia Rec. Sec., Barbara Rosandich Auditors, Mary Zgonc, Mary Deyak, Mary Starkovich Reporter, Darlene Nemanich Sunshine Girl, Angela Skala The Dawn Club also elected new officers. They are: Pres., Angela Mobilia Vice. Pres., Gen Erchul Sec., Julie Zgonc Tres., Sally Davidson Auditors, Emma Pucel and Molly Marolt Sunshine Girl, Mary Starkovich Ours was a very unique Christmas Party. Although Christmas has come and gone, the w hole evening was so special 1 just have to share it with all you fellow members. It was planned that the program be Presented before the Christmas dinner so as to set the mood for the evenings festivities. A great program written with humorous, joyous and poignant moments, depicted the trip of a daughter’s visit to her native Slovenia. The trip started as we sent the daughter off to Slovenia from the U.S. airport. When she arrived she was met by her mother (Mary Ann Skala ) and sister (Darlene Nemanich). The daughter (Virgie •vancich) was presented with red carnations from her relatives along With hugs, kisses and crying. The story, expertly written by Bev. Lobe, followed the three women as they were re-acquainting themselves, attended a parly in their honor with rt-'al live accordian music played by Mary Gotchnik, and their visit to the graves of relatives with pine green and candle in hand. The highlight of the story was when the three walked to “O Come Faithful” to Midnight Mass and as all in attendance sang “Silent Night" the curtain on the hall stage opened to find Rev. Father Paul Larson ready to say a special Christmas Mass for all 93 who attended the dinner. The Mass was so beautifully done by Father Larson, that few in at-|endance were without true tears of J°y and love. We who were in the program had a great time doing it and to this day 1 s|,ll hear from ladies who were there saying what a great time they had - I really can’t describe the whole Program fully, one just had to be there. Belore 1 get off this subject, a few Jhank yous. To Bev. Lobe, whose 'dea it was and for her writing and Narrating the program; to Katherine 'c'rhar, who played the piano throughout the program-without ,°vely Christmas songs there would ® no meaning; and to Mary Got-chnik, |'or her polkas and festive ^'ordian music, plus Mary Ann, lrgie and me and all the ladies, who n'ade it fun for lls /\ special thanks to our Father Paul...What a beautiful Mass! After the program, the 93 ladies and Father Larson, our guest, enjoyed a lovely stuffed pork chop dinner. Molly Zupancich was selected as this year’s Mother of the Year, a worthy and well-deserving selection, Molly has dedicated herself to her branch activities and to her many volunteer efforts in the community. We congratulate her. (Will have a lot, lot more to say about Molly in the Mother’s Day Edition of the Dawn in May). Our sympathies to the families of members Mayme Stoll and Angela Miklaucic, who died recently and members Ann Miklavcich and Mary Starkovich, whose husbands passed away this winter. Already the branch is working toward their Minnesota Day in Sept. 1981. Plans arc already being made for a unique and special day for those people who will attend. Until next time, DARLENE NEMAN1CH NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL In my last article I referred to the weather and the fact that we were able to get about because we haven’t had much snow. So what happens? The day of our January meeting was the only day with measurable snow in January and then the extreme cold that evening made for hazardous driving. Only five of us came out for the meeting so no business could be transacted. We visited for a while and then returned to the comfort of our homes. Our election was then to take place at our February meeting. Ann Plan tan had been recuperating at the home of her daughter, Marie Zandecki, after surgery in December but is now at her own home. Mary Piletič had major surgery in early January and is recuperating at home. Fannie Piletič developed pneumonia and spent some time in St. Margaret’s Hospital. Jennie Herakovich is now at Turtle Creek Convalescent Center. It seems that every family has had members ill with flu and some people have had it more than once. We pray that all our members will be well and back with us soon. Watch for details of our fundraising project. When Spring comes there will be a rash of garage, yard and basement sales. We’d like to be among the first. Our plan now is to hold a bake and rummage sale in the La Salle Catholic School Gym later this month. This will give you an opportunity to clean closets and drawers, etc. and donate unneeded items to your branch. We’ll need a great deal of baked goods, noodles, etc. if this project is to be successful. We hope each member will do as much as possible to make our one project a financial success. The penitent season of Lent is here. It is a time for sacrifice, fasting and prayer. We need this time to get some perspective of what our lives are all about. Our affluent society spoils us. Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 19th, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Salle Catholic School Library. Please join us. ANNNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 26 PITTSBURGH, PA We, the committee and members, wish to extend our wishes to all the members across the U.S.A. a Happy, Healthful, and Prosperous New Year! Our Christmas party, as always, was a great success. A ham dinner prepared by the officers and volunteers was served to 62 members attending. A special thanks to all the women who donated the delicious cookes and cakes, and also the many door prizes. You are the greatest! Election of officers took place in December. The new committee is: President, Rose Steckel, Vice-President, Anna Steckel, Secretary, Mary Slaney, Treasurer, Anna Bobel, Recording Secretary, Helen Cesnik, Auditors, Helen Kunick and Antoinette Jaketic. To our outgoing President, Anna Trontel, we would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank her for the many, many years of dedicated service to this organization, God bless you. HELEN CESNIK NO. 32, EUCLID, OH It is March already! Where has the time gone? 1 know most of you are already planning your Easter holiday and Holy Week; please don’t forget our ill and deceased members in your prayers. Our January meeting was very well attended and the films by Lavana Advitt of Europe were beautiful. Everyone enjoyed them. Thank you for sharing them with us. We wish to extend our sympathy to Matilda Boyd on the loss of her husband, to Agnes Ward on the loss of her brother, and to Emily Jelenič on the loss of her mother. May they all rest in peace. We send get well wishes to Maria Rozman and all members everywhere who are ill, speedy recovery. Now, for our March meeting, we want all of you to come! We are having !!!“Luneheon is Served”!!! Ii will start on March 18th at 7 p.m. sharp! Tickets are only $3.00. We have a limited number of tickets, so please call Hermine at 261—3787 or Phyllis at 531—7899; if you don’t have one yet. There will be door prizes also. Hope to see all members present. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all our Irish friends and members. PHYLLIS NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Having spring-like weather, Branch No. 34, Soudan, met on Wednesday, January 21, 1981, with 17 members attending, it was so good to see all of you! A letter of greetings for Christmas was read I'rom the Home Office because we do not meet in December. The books are being audited by Sophie Zavodnick, Angela Planton and Mary Gornick. Our 1981 Mother of the Year, Sophie Spollar, responded to the honor by reciting a reading which had been composed by her, partly in Slovenian and partly in English -- to the delight of everyone there! It was beautiful, Sophie! She got a big hand by those present. Preliminary plans were discussed over the possibility of having a pot luck supper in April, with a guest -peaker. We remembered our deceased member, Barbara Verbon Johnson, who had just passed away. “Bara”, as she was known to us, was a member of SWU since December 21, 1952 and was 78 years of age when she passed away. She came to our meetings when she was well enough, she attended our Minnesota Day banquet in September. A quiet person, she enjoyed playing cards at our meetings or playing “Cootie” with those of us who don’t play cards. She is survived by a daughter, Betty Tezak of Duluth and a son, Donald, of I- r id ley and seven grandchildren. Her sister, Helen Chiabotti, and niece, Agnes Mesojedec, also belong to SWU. "Bara” had been ill recently and was hospitalized in Duluth. May she rest in peace! It was passed thai we have a mass •.aid in May and in October for our deceased members, when all our members will be encouraged to attend. Hostesses for our meeting were Adeline Mustonen and Marcella Rooney, the door prize was brought by 1 ouise Chiabotti and won by Margaret Mesojedec. Winners during the social hour were Sophie Zavodnick, Margaret Mesojedec, Helen Adkisson and Anne Vesel. Our next meeting was lo be held on Wednesday February 18, 1981 with Victoria Bobence and Agnes Mesojedec as hostesses, the door prize brought by Mary Gornick. Let’s continue to attend our meetings, they are so enjoyable --bring a prospective member with you next time! ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Greetings! Here is Chisholm reporting again. We had a most successful January meeting. We welcomed Sister Marge Peterson as a new member to our branch and also installed the officers for 1981. A hearty thank you to Frances Zalec who gave up being Treasurer of our branch and a welcome to Kathy Knuth who is our new Treasurer from our entire group. The entire meeting was dedicated to plans for the May 1982 National Convention which will be held in Chisholm. Tentative program plans were laid out and fund raisers were discussed. We started with a Valentine card party on Feb 12th which was open to the public. We also planned to be selling tickets which would be distributed for sale that same evening. The cash prizes will be given on April 15th. We lost a beloved member of our branch in December. We lost sister, Frances Pierce. Condolences to her family. We’ve started the year by celebrating birthdays of the month. Those attending the meeting with January birthdays were each presented with a dollar bill. Four members — Sisters Florence Raymond, Mary Margo, Jo Zupancich and Lucille Palcich were our honored members. Sister Frances Selina (a young 91 year old) won the dollar dime bank. The meeting was great — the lunch delicious — so members plan on attending our next meeting! God Bless you and have a good 1981. FRANCES KELLY, Secy NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Hello, ladies! A happy birthday to all our birthday girls! Jean Yelenc, Sophia Pogaehar, Sue Tomazic, Lenore Pavlovčič, Agatha Donges and Antonia Udovich! To Antonia Udovich a special happy birthday, her 87th, and her daughter, Annette Septaric entertain for her. Attendance prize was donated by Antonia Udovich and won by Mary Matos. Come to the meeting and perhaps you will be the lucky one. A lot of things are happening. We lost a member, Antoinette Comita. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Merrilyn Farmen and several brothers. Her husband, Fred, passed away in 1969. Frances Pavlovcic’s brother, Rudolph Perkins passed away after several years of illness and George Mudrock, husband of member, Mary Mudrock, died suddenly at his home. Others surviving him are a son and a daughter. Our sincerest sympathy to all. On our sick list are Helen Sekular, our president, Albina Uehlein and Matilda Struckley down in Florida. Hurry and get well - and to our sick members, good health soon. Our thanks to Mary Tomazic and Annette Ferlic for their generous contritutions to our lodge. Since St. Patrick’s Day will soon be here, I’ll close with an old Irish Prayer: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your hack. May the sun shine warm on your face. The rains fait soft upon your fields. And, until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand. MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 41, CLEVELAND, OH Our January meeting was fairly attended.. We can blame the weather partly, but not altogether. We hope that the coming of Spring, more of our members will attend. Our meetings are interesting because we find out a little about each other and what other Branches are doing. So mark your calendars, ladies, and join us at our next meeting, Tuesday, March 17th at oneo’clock. Our meeting was conducted by our genial President, Amalia Oswald. She introduced us to our New Secretary, Justine Prhne. She is not new to most of us but a friend of long-standing. We know she will be efficient in her work as she has had previous experience. All she needs is our cooperation by being up-to-date with our dues. We missed our Vice-President, Justine Girod, who was with her husband visiting their daughter in Phoenix, Arizona. As we did not have a meeting in December, Christmas greetings were read from our National President Mary Muller, Past President Mary Bostian, Mary Novak, who is 90 years old and from Mary Prelogar who is recuperating from a long illness at the home of her daughter in Morton, Illinois. Our thanks to all! Mrs. Prelogar lived in Cleveland for 60 years and left many friends here who wish her well. How well we remember those delicious strudels she baked and brought to our meetings! Mrs. Novak is a long-time member. She has lived in the same house 56 years she told us in her note. God Bless both of these faithful members. In other business, Antonia Ogrinc will represent our Branch at the annual meeting of the Slovenianworkmen’s Home.We also decided to have the roster of 1981 officers printed in AmeriSfc« Domovina every month. Angela Bohinc was selected as our Mother-of-the Year. Mrs. Bohinc is 3 charter member of our Branch and we are happy to honor her with a Holy Mass at St. Mary’s Church and a banquet following at Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Be sure to make Plans to attend this very nice function. After adjournment, refreshments were served which were provided by Mrs. Oswald and Mrs. Wolf. Plenty °f friendly conversation followed., after all, this was the day our country inaugurated our 40th President, Ronald Reagan. May God grant him good health and strength of mind and body to guide our wonderful country lor the good of all her People and all mankind. With best wishes to all members of the Slovenian Women’s Union, CECELIA M. WOLF and JUSTINE G1ROD .NONAGENARIAN, Mary Novak NO. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Greetings and best wishes to members of S.ž.Z. I am a new member but my late mother and sister, Celia Wolf, have been members for many years. The nice notes and greetings received in the mail are greatly appreciated. Mary Novak is pictured here. She was always a generous and active member. She will be 90 years “young” on April 12th. A very Happy Birthday to her! If any member has a hardship case as far as dues, please let me know. As your new secretary, I would like to help. Please send dues to me at the address below. Thanks and my best wishes to all. JUSTINE PRHNE 20710 Edgecliff Dr., Euclid, Ohio 44123 Phone, 531-8040 NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI The January weather was mild and our members were able to get to the meeting. We had a very good attendance on our new meeting date. Hope we keep this up, and hope to see more new faces. We have several new events coming up, first is Luncheon is Served” on Saturday, March 7th at 1 P.M. to be held at St. ohn’s Hall. Everyone and their r|ends are invited. Tickets must be Purchased in advance from members. The bowling tournament will be held Saturday and Sunday, April 4 & in Sheboygan, Wis. Anyone or teams that are interested please call y°urs truly. If you're not on a team can find a place for you. Bowlers are needed. Then, the Mother's Day Dinner. J°re will be more on that issue in the ni?11 ^arJa- A picnic is also being P anned for members and their aniilies. The state convention will be held in Sheboygan, and then, the Annual Poultry Card Party. Members keep all these events in mind, as we are hoping to make this year, our members ‘‘get together” year. We need your cooperation in all these events to keep our branch active. As usual, some of our members are vacationing this time of the year in different places. Sandy Schachtsehneider is in Las Vegas for a couple of months. She is visiting her daughter, and trying to boat the one-arm-bandits. Good Luck Sandy. Mary Komes left for Florida, and will be gone for at least two months and may be more. She is also visiting relatives and friends. Mary Musich is visiting her sisters and brothers and their families in Florida. The Rebernisek’s were in Pittsburgh, Penn, visiting Ann’s sister and husband. Came home for a few days and then headed towards Florida where they have their second home. Ann hasn’t been feeling up to par and needs a lot of sunshine, so NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OH Hello, ladies! First, we want to wish a happy day to Mary Hočevar, Frances Legan (Fla.), Marge Lipnos, Millie Rizzo, Lynn Matie Hrovat, Ann Marie Kastelic and Tina Marie Buehner. Glad to hear that Anna Rezin’s daughter, Ann Grill, is home from the hospital and clinic. We wish her a speedy recovery. Also, hope all other members are feeling better, namely, Frances Stavec, Jennie Intihar, Jennie Perko and Angela Perko. Did you go to the Polka Mass at St. Wenceslaus Church? It was beautiful, a full church. The Wolfe Band played - they are Olga Ponikvar’s grandsons. Olga and Yours Truly wore our Slovenian outfits (narodna nošas) and in the procession were Mary Fink’s granddaughter and grandson, Olga’s grandson, youngest brother of Wolfe band and two other friends. Remember that the Planina Singing Chorus will have a concert April 26th at the SNH. Also, Planina will sing Easter Sunday at St. Wenceslaus Church. Don’t forget the May Sale. MARY LOU PRHNE Ann,, take care, and come home feeling well. To all our sick and shut-ins a speedy recovery. Mary God bless you with better health. In the last issue of Zarja the national secretary had a short notice on paying your dues. Please read it carefully. The Slovenian school which is held every Tuesday nite is doing very well. We had 25 people enrolled with an excellent teacher. This session is to last 20 to 25 weeks. A new group is already registering for the Fall session. It took a long time to get started but finally it became a reality. So if anyone is interested in knowing more about it, or registering please call Fran Widemsek,384—5765. L.ast and very important, remember our ‘‘Luncheon is Served.” To all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. ROSE KRAEMER NO. 50. lit I II), Oil On- v.'MI-ai tended meeting was opened with prayer loi our sick and deceased members, also for the freed hostages. I haul. God! \la> the\ readjust and live a happy normal life again. I liese following recommendations were accepted for I he next year. I. Dues will he paid loi members 75 \ ears of age and o\ er, w ho have been J MAPLE HGTS. MEMBERS & FAMILIES CELEBRATE HOLID^ /AIMA III! DAWN members for 20 years or more. 2. Birthday cards sent to all out ol towners. 3. Our beautiful poem and $3 check sent to all hospitalized members. 4. One year dues paid for Junior member getting married as a Wedding Gift. 5. $10 instead of flowers to family of deceased member. 6. Members paying their 1981 dues by May 1st will be eligible for a gift of one year free dues selected for one member. This will take place at the May meeting. Installation of officers was done by Vi Zak, with the help of the Marie Prisland Cadets. Thanks to Jane Berkopec for the marching music. Mary Jo Rom made beautiful Christmas items, then donated the money of $25 to Branch No. 50. Thank you, Mary Jo. Santa Claus and the Elf were very popular at the Junior’s Christmas party which was held this year at the Slovene Home for the Aged. The patients enjoyed the children very much. Our congratulations to Ann Marie Zak, granddaughter of Vi Zak. She has been named to the dean’s honor list at Case Institute of Technology. She is attending Case on an alumni Scholarship. She is a junior and won a scholarship from S.W.U. Monica Melle, daughter of Josephine Melle, became engaged to Danny Gaiko. Also a new grandson for Josephine was born to Ermin and Patricia Melle. Helen Levstig is going to Florida, New Orleans and tK3 Coast. Happy Birthday was sung to six gals. Get Well wishes to Mary Champa, Jane Poznik, Rose Želodec, Eleanore Karlinger and Jerry Plavcan. We lost one member, Julia Woda, our sympathy goes to husband, Elmer, and family and sisters, Mary Cesnik and Rose Ziherl of Florida. At this time thanks again Cadets and members for coming in such good numbers for the prayers and I he funeral. Our Condolences to lane Novak on loss of her father, John Prijatel; to Gertrude Laurieh on loss of her husband, Frank and Vera Šebenik on loss of her brother. May they all rest in peace. And thank you dear people for all the S.W.U. Scholarship Memorials. We are still looking for Debs to come forward. April 4th is the big day of the Cotillion Ball. initiation of new members April 21 meeting. Card party May 8 ai Briardalc, Harry Knuth Center. Outdoor Mass at l ady of Lourdes Shrine June 28th. Our 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance October 11, 1981. Volunteers needed to visit our sick members. Todays Chuckle: A smart husband buys his wife such expensive china that she would never trust him to do the dishes. Your Reporter, VERA MATEYKA NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MN I must take this time to thank our guest, Mary Spolarich, for enter-tainingus at our Christmas party held at Pine Beach. She played her ac-cordian and Phyllis Povatich sang our old Slovenian songs, and all who knew them, sang along. We cannot thank the girls enough for showing us such a good time. Our bus was filled with about 32 passengers and we had some invited guests as well. The turn out was tremendous. Our business meeting took place with the recitation of the Rosary before the meeting, in tribute to our deceased members and for the good health of our members. If there are any sick members needing our prayers, please advise. Rose Trombly, our president, presided. We didn’t have to reseat the officers for the old ones remained. Sister Jenny Crea is Secretary-Treasurer, Dorothy Russo, Recording Secretary, Margaret Andrican, Vice-President and Auditors are sisters Margaret Kochevar, Alice Baratto, and Ann Roberts. Reporter is Yours Truly. Our meeting was brief and dues were paid, after which we commenced with the social of the evening. Hostessing were our officers and a delicious lunch was served. Cards were played and prizes were awarded to the following: Door prize to Murial Sabbatini, honors to Margaret Kochevar, Alice Baratto, Dorothy Russ, Gertrude Kochevar, Julia Mancuso, Dorothy Pavitich, Grace Carrozza and Ann Mansfield. A delightful evening was had by all. We wish to take this time out to wish all our sick members well, Godspeed to a rapid recovery. And, may God bless you and keep you in the best of health. Drive carefully for the life you save may be your own. Yours truly, GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR P.S. Next meeting will be held at the Rak, the first Wednesday of the month. Try to bring along a new member. We will be looking forward to seeing you all then. NO. 54, W ARREN, OH Our next meeting will be held on March 17th at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mayme Sporich on Eastland Ave. S.E. assisted by Isabelle Rek. Please come and enjoy yourselves with us regulars as we make plans for our annual Mother-Daughter luncheon. Our sweet and loving Mother of the Year, my mom, Rose Racher, hurt her foot by tripping off a step and x-rays show it was not broken, just bruised. Butr she can’t walk, so it will take a little time. We hope it will be healed soon. Wedding bells will be ringing for our president’s son, Joe Kassan. He is engaged to be married in September. Joe’s a swell fella. One of our members, Karen Majeski, is moving to Texas. Her husband is being transferred there. She’ll really be missed by Grandma, Ann Tomazin and Great Grandma, L.ouise Tomazin, all our members. Hoping you all have a good Lent and a Blessed Easter and a lovely Springtime. JOANNE PONIKVAR Secretary-Treasurer 150 Rooms & Suites • Restaurant & Lounge • Banquet Rooms • Business Meeting Rooms • Ballroom • Sauna • Game Rooms 24800 Euclid Ave. Euclid, Ohio Enclosed Swimming Poo! withTerrace Bar Whirlpools Exercise Room Barber Shop 261-0300 IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT CHRISTINA FROM MOLINARA, ITALY (Christine Meyer, a member of Branch No. 86, even though born in Italy, shows similar experiences in her story as the many Slovenian immigrants who crossed the Atlantic to create a new future for themselves.) PARTI FROM INFANCY TO MARRIAGE Of -the six children born to my parents, Felecia and Casimo Girolamo, 1 was the only one born in the little town of Molinara, Italy, on June 17, 1913. My sisters, Antoinette, Grace, Carmella, Dananio, and Mary, all younger, were born in America. Large walls divided our town into three parts -- lower, central, and upper. A large road passed through the center of town, and another road led up the hill. Located in the central part of the city was a large church and the rectory which were fenced in with lovely grounds in the rear of the church, along with the homes of well-to-do people. We lived on the north side of town across the road from the wall. Next to the church was a large tree, approximately 50” high, which shaded the entire block. On the opposite corner directly across the road from the tree, was a tall lamp and a large fountain where the people drew their water. Between the fountain and tree, and crossing the road, were huge portal gates which were closed at dusk. Our home was near the two factories, one for macaroni, and the other for the manufacture of olive oil. As a child, I would visit the factories frequently to watch ihem make macaroni and oil. Even though Molinara was a small town, we also had a cabaret where people were wined and dined; a school; small business establishments; and farms in the distance, past the city walls. Italian houses were made of stone and rocks, whereas the ones in America are mostly constructed of lumber. Our home housed three different families. Our portion was a large room, which was adequate for us; down the hall my mother’s step-mother had a large living room and a small bedroom. We ate our meals with her as she also took care of me when mother would go to work. An aunt occupied the upstairs which had a private entrance. The sidewalk was on a slant, so that the upper floor of the house was level with the sidewalk with only one step into her living quarters. When I was two weeks old, my father, a miner, left Molinara and went to Naples to board the Victoria Emanuele 111, a ship departing for the United States. My mother, originally a housekeeper, and I stayed in Italy for seven years. There were times when she worked in the fields beyond the village wall, from early morning to late night, earning only two or three cents a day. Many times she took me with her into the fields, until 1 entered school at the age of six. For the two years and two months that I attended school our education was limited basically to reading and Irene P. Odori/zi 1981 not much writing. Each student brought his own lunch to school which usually consisted of potatoes in jacket, bread, and some fruit. On a few occasions, I recall my step-grandmother taking me out of school so that she could visit relatives in the next town. We would be be gone all day, returning in the evening. She would take me with her, otherwise I would have come home after school with no one at home to care for me. It was such fun because Grandma would allow me to ride horseback, as it was difficult for me to keep up with her fast pace. We very seldom saw cars, buses, or trains. Transportation was customarily by foot, horse, or mule; ours was mostly walking. Our meals were usually very simple and cooked in a fireplace as we didn’t have a stove, running water, or indoor bathroom. Lighting consisted of oil lamps or candles; the street lights were carbon light which was ignited at sundown, or extinguished at dawn by the lamplighter. Many fruits were grown in the area, such as plums, grapes, walnuts, pears, olives, and cherries. When they fell to the ground, no one picked them up; however, pigs were allowed out of their pens to feast upon them. Most of the children wore plain clothes and, because of the warm climate, were bare-footed most of the time. All in all, my life in Italy was simple, and consisted of going to school, playing, and getting in trouble like anyone else. Finally, father sent for us to join him in America. In September of 1920, mother and I said good-bye to all of our relatives and friends, and left Molinara. We took a train to Naples (it was my first train ride) and boarded the Victoria Emmanuele III, the very same ship my father sailed on seven years before when he came to the U.S. Mother was sick the entire trip; therefore, I began to experience a sense of independence. I had the run of the ship, meeting many people, and playing on all the decks. The passport picture taken February 25, 1920, shows Christine and her mother. J* L . ) //t 77vc 1 -— 1 S/x (< ( c C\ i f i»1»a acn the latest fashion of the early twenties. Father had a touring car, a 1918 Oakland, with four doors and curtains which had to be snapped on to keep out the wind and cold. It was such a luxury to ride in a car, rather than walk, or ride a mule. We arrived in Nashwauk during the evening and spent the next two weeks with the Louis DeNucci family, who were friends of father, until the shell of our house, next door to the DeNucci family, was finished. By winter, the house was completed. The citizenry of Nashwauk, during the twenties, was composed of every nationality - Jews, Greeks, Irish English, Polish, Slovenians, Italians, Germans, Finns, Swedes, and Danish. We lived among all of these ethnic groups, so my years at elementary school brought me into contact with many immigrant children. I was enrolled October 1920, and was very frightened since I did not know a word of English, and had no close friends. 1 was the prime target of the children who would harass me by teaching me bad words and how to do things incorrectly. It was difficult at first, but gradually, as 1 learned to speak English and write, I became more confident and graduated from grammar school, and then from Nashwauk High School in 1933. During these years, I also worked in the garden, spending at least two hours hoeing before and after school. In school I was very fond of the other children with whom I played. The teachers were good to me, and assisted me as much as they could. 1 liked my teachers very much, and would have enjoyed furthering my education, but it was depression time and money was scarce. Father hadn’t worked for two years, so con- Grandma lived out this way. Out in the country where many people work in fields. Mother went out this way. Macaroni factory Wine & Dine Aunt Cabaret Store Large road Corner Lamp Factory Our house and quarter Road up hill imall road 12'-1U' fence ,ui±i± u.:i_!Jll School Always closed at night Sisters Large yard in Business vs Rectory rmT rrnTT Mlitiiu. ...m load out ides of main road. and Clarence were on April 7, 1934 Christine married on tinuing on to college was out of the question. Mother and father had stressed education since neither had any schooling. They enrolled in night school for three to five years in order to get their citizenship certificates. In the fall of 1933, 1 met my future husband, Clarence Meyer, who was with a youth program called C.C.C. We were married April 7, 1934, and lived with my husband’s parents helping on'the farm for awhile, till fall when we moved into town. Clarence didn’t have steady employment so he just worked at odd jobs until we decided to move to the western part of Minnesota in July of 1934. We left Nashwauk on the evening of July 25, taking the train from Grand Rapids and arriving in Erskine early on the 26th. From Erskine we rode to Ogema with a salesman friend of my husband, because buses didn’t run regularly to those small towns. The population of Ogema, Minnesota totaled only about 350 people. We lived on a farm from July 26 to October 1, when we moved into town. Clarence worked at odd jobs such as making hay, bailing, sawing wood, working at the church. During this period my husband’s family moved into White Earth Reservation, while we lived on the border ot it. Having family close to us eased the loneliness somewhat. END PARTI NO. 55, GIRARD.OH Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our meeting for January was cacelled due to the severe cold and snowy weather. The officers elected for the year of “81” are the same as last year. They are: Pres.—Maria Cvetnic, Vice Pres.—Mary Selak, Secy—Treas. — Mary Macek. Recording Secy.— Tillie Cigolle, auditors are Sophie Kren and Mary Selak. Reporter— Frances Hribar. We had a great turnout at our Christmas Party with 39 in attendance and a few guests with us. A big thank you to our secretary, Mary Macek, who spent many hours in preparing this wonderful party, especially the dinner which was so delicious. Tillie Cigolle did a tremendous job in helping. Following our dinner, we exchanged gifts and games concluded the evening of fun. There were several lucky prize winners. For our added entertainment, we had 2 of our members, Kay Sefcik and Delores DePietro play a few selections on their button box ac-cordians. Kay and Delores are members of our ever popular Mahoning Valley Button Box Club. They entertain every Thursday at our Girard Slovenian Club. Being that we had such a nice attendance we thought it was a very appropriate time to select a Mother-of-the-Year for 1981. Chosen to reign is Mary Macek, who very well deserves the honor. She has been an officer for many years and never refused to take over the big tasks that come up. She does more than her share, no matter what the event may be. Maria Cvetnic spent the holidays with her son, John, in Eden Prairie, Minn. Kay Sefcik spent the holidays in Florida visiting her son, Jim Sefcik, in Clearwater. Congratulations to Mark Popovich (my grandson) who was recently confirmed at the St. Dominic’s Church in Youngstown, Ohio. NO. 57, NILES, OH It was a surprise to sec so many members brave the near zero weather and the knee high (well, half way up to the knee anyway) snow to attend the January meeting. Everyone seemed to have kept some of the jolly feeling left over from the holidays. Dues were paid, some in advance and for those that haven’t paid yet, please see that your dues are paid as soon as possible. Fran Mollis was chosen as our Mother of the year and she is one gal that can not sit still. She is always involved in one volunteer project or another. Quite a gal to know. A very nice lunch was served by Mary DeCapua and Phyllis Muccio and the door prizes were won by Mary Strah and Margaret Gulida. Since Virginia Zevkovich was unable to attend the meeting a birthday card was signed to be delivered to her, and Happy Birthday was sung to the other January birthday members. The following had February birthdays, Fran Racher, Nancy Segretta, and Mary Spoljeric. Happy Birthday and may you have many more. What God Hath Promised God hath not promised skies always blue, Flower-strewn pathways all your life through, God hath not promised sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, Rest for the labor, light for the day, Grace for the trials, help from above, Unfailing sympathy, undying love. ANN PEASE, Reporter Sorry to hear that one of our honorary members, Anna Umeck fell and broke her hip. She is in the Trumbull Hospital in Warren. She is 85 years young and it will be sometime before she can be up and around. It would be nice to remember her with a cheery card. To all others who may be on the ailing list, a speedy recovery. Ladies, try and come to our next meeting, and bring along a new member! FRANCES HRIBAR NO. 67, BESSEMER, PA Meeting was called to order by the president, Mary Snezic. There were no meetings in Jan. and Feb. due to the cold weather. By March, we can come out and attend our regular meeting on the first Sunday of the Month. Don’t forget. Spring is just around the corner and there is a lot to do and talk about. Heartfelt sympathies are extended to the family of Mildred (Milka) Slosser who passed away Jan. 16th. She is survived by her husband, Joseph, daughter, Rose Mary En-sley, two sons, Robert of Bessemer and William of Poland, Ohio, two sisters, Mrs. Rose Mandich of McKeesport, Pa., Mrs. Dorothy Kalcic in Slovenia, six grandchildren, three great grandchildren. Mrs. Ann Chaney’s husband, William, passed away in October. One daughter, Susan Morrell and a grandson also survive. Our deepest condolences to these families. Get well wishes are sent to our members who have been laid up with the flu. Angela Pusnik is getting along really well after being in the hospital. Please try to pay your dues on time or we will have to suspend you. There is a period of 3 months for suspension and then you are cancelled. We are not going to carry anyone who does not pay as we have been stuck by some delinquent members before. Come and visit us every month and you will not miss paying your dues. Each month, the club will be having something interesting and you, as a member, can take part, such as, candy making, bocci ball, golf, dancing, baking and a lot of other activities. CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S SPIRITUAL CONFERENCE Lemont, Illinois, July 18—19, 1981 In the beautiful setting of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers’ Shrine of Marija Pomagaj (Mary, Help of Christians), we will meet for a weekend of spiritual “give and take” discussions. All ages of women are welcome, members and non-members, and everything will be done to give you the opportunity to have a quiet, meditative weekend of prayer, discussion and participation in religious ceremonies. Overnight accommodations will be available at Baraga Dom — Retreat House for the first 120 persons and supplemental arrangements will be made in the vicinity; also, five meals will be provided at nominal cost. The grounds are beautiful for walking and relaxing. The weather also snould be very good. This is a perfect “vacation” for you as a woman, mother, home-maker and parent. We are most proud that the Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Most Rev. Aloysious Ambrozieh, D.U., will be our main celebrant and homilist on Sunday and also attend the Sunday afternoon Conference. Anyone who has ever heard him speak will remember that he has the ability to reach your heart and mind with his eloquent delivery. On Saturday night, we will have the Candlelight Procession and Mass in Slovenian language; on Sunday, the services will be conducted in the English language. S.W.U. Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, OFM, is our moderator. National President, Mary Muller is general chairman and Regional Presidents throughout the US are our travel co-ordinators. Contact any of these for 'nformation and registration. Duhovno zborovanje krščanskih žena Prelepi naravni vrt slovenskih frančiškanov in božja pot Marije Pomagaj na ameriških slovenskih Brezjah, vabi žene in dekleta iz vseh delov Amerike, za duhovno razmišljanje in versko obnovo. Vabljene vse, članice in ne-članice. Prenočišča za prvih 120 prijavljencev se bodo dobila v Baragovem romarskem domu. Za ostale pa v bližini. Tudi kosila bodo na razpolago po nizki ceni. Slišale bomo torontskega pomožnega škofa, Dr. Alojzija Ambrožiča, ki je Sovornik globokih misli. V soboto bo procesija s svečkami in sv. maša v slovenskem jeziku. V nedeljo bodo verski obredi v angleščini. Naš duhovni svetovalec, č.g.p. Atanazij Lovrenčič, bo vodil razmišljanja, predsednica Mary Muller je načelnica in vse državne predsednice bodo 'mele na skrbi potne zveze iz raznih držav. Pri njih se boste registrirale h ?Ur President, Mary Snezic and . and, John, and we can’t forget aughter, Ann Markovich, well, they a a very nice trip to Florida and ope the weather was warm for them there. r W's*1 you S°oci health and °d bless everyone. Mary PERČIČ, Sec’y-Reporter NO. 71.STRABANE, PA Hello to all members and a happy t^w year! A beautiful snowfall made Perfect atmosphere for the ecernber meeting and annual k r|stmas party. Sixteen members raved the winter weather to share C hristmas spirit. Ur'ng the business meeting, ,^'ded over by Alice Stanizewski, aru?S ^°r ^und-raising were discussed hel )ttle e*ect‘on officers for 1981 “• Members chose Peggy Gricar President, Sharon Boštjančič as retc'President, Marge Striner as ^ ording secretary, Lucille Smith as ^'-retary, and Agnes Boštjančič as Coeasurer. Elected as auditors for the min8 year are Julia Cushma and Josephine Verholtz. Members honored special charities with donations and monetary gifts were presented to all juvenile members of our lodge. Following the business meeting, a festive Christmas party was held. On the entertainment committee were Lucille Smith, Agnes Boštjančič and Sharon Boštjančič. They provided a delicious luncheon, door prizes and presents for all attending. Luckey winners of door prizes were Ruby Taylor and Mary Kocian. All had an enjoyable evening. In our Christmas prayers, Albina Novak was honored and all of our deceased members. God bless all of you! It was wonderful to see so many new members present at our January meeting. We started out the new year by installing our new officers and honoring our past president Alice Stanizewski with a gift from the membership. Alice, thank you for your many years of fine service to our lodge. We will miss you. Alice relinquished her job as president due to illness in the family. Please stay as dedicated as you have been. God bless you! On the agenda for the new year, we are planning a bakeless bakesale and a project to raise money. Please be generous when called by our phone committee. Also, we are planning to have some kind of interesting entertainment following each meeting. Please come and participate. We are proud to announce that Mary Kocian and Mary Tomsic will be honored by the lodge for more than 25 years of service. We congratulate them and wish them continued good health and much happiness! We were very sorry to hear that Josephine Cushma was hospitalized for a number of weeks, but 1 am so happy to report that she is recovering rapidly and will soon be back to join in our meetings. Josephine, we have missed you and hope your feeling well! Our prayers are with you! Something new has been added to each meeting that we hope will become a tradition. During each meeting, a dedicated member will be honored with a vase and a red carnation from the membership. In January, Mary Progar, a lifelong member, was given the chance to be <^C*rrf 4. Euclid, OH 1,246.05 249 11 ■5. Cleveland, OH 601.80 126 0 '6. South Chicago, IL 974.35 162 38 17. West Allis, WI 887.55 162 77 •8. Eveleth, MN 346.50 69 4 20. Joliet, IL 2, 569,75 468 125 21. Cleveland, OH 459.25 90 13 22. Bradley, IL 81.70 14 0 23. Ely, MN 1,133.05 217 33 24. LaSalle, IL 496.85 103 21 25. Cleveland, OH 1,657.40 361 50 26. Pittsburgh, PA 768.45 134 29 27. North Braddock, PA 68.85 28 0 28. Calumet, MI 269.75 61 10 29. Browndale, PA 30.30 15 0 30. Home 61.20 16 5 31. Gilbert, MN 261.90 52 1 32. Euclid, OH 1,135.65 213 18 33. Duluth, MN 938.60 188 40 34. Soudan, MN 185.10 37 2 35. Aurora, MN 352.50 63 4 37. Greaney, MN 46.50 11 0 38. Chisholm, MN 417.20 85 0 39. Biwabik, MN 254.70 46 4 40- Lorain, OH 514.85 95 0 41. Cleveland, OH 402.90 94 6 42- Maple Heights, OH 314.40 59 11 43- Milwaukee, WI 1,210.65 188 85 45- Portland, OR 234.50 36 10 46. St. Louis, MO 17.00 19 1 47- Garfield Heights, OH 499.10 95 17 Cleveland, OH 2,352.30 345 78 S2- Kitzville, MN 191.85 44 2 54- Warren, OH 200.55 40 10 Branch Amount Adult Junior 55. Girard, OH 313.90 56 17 56. Hibbing, MN 377.50 78 1 57. Niles, OH 296.65 52 4 59. Burgettstown, PA 144.75 27 6 62. Conneaut, OH 24.60 2 0 63. Denver, CO 154.20 34 1 64. Kansas City, KN 99.45 26 0 65. Virginia, MN 185.60 24 5 66. Canon City, CO 242.70 44 5 67. Bessemer, PA 354.55 54 0 68. Fairport Harbor, OH 284.10 50 5 70. West Aliquippa, PA 11 0 71. Strabane, PA 543.30 III 28 73. Warrensville Hts, OH 426.70 83 28 74. Ambridge, PA 21 0 77. NS Pittsburgh, PA 113.95 24 7 79. Enumclaw, WA 31 7 80. Moon Run, PA 45.45 8 0 81. Keewatin, MN 149.80 25 2 83. Crosby, MN 48.60 12 0 84. New York, NY 382.20 28 0 85. DePue, IL 109.80 31 0 86. Nashwauk, MN 38.55 16 0 88. Johnstown, PA 140.20 28 0 89. Oglesby, IL 220.50 52 1 90. Bridgeville, PA 11.20 10 0 91. Oakmont, PA 175.20 33 0 92. Gunnison, CO 161.40 25 3 93. Brooklyn, NY 177.15 39 0 95. South Chicago, IL 794.05 153 5 96. Unviersal, PA 175.80 34 1 97. Cairnbrook, PA 36.75 9 0 99. Elmhurst, IL 26.10 8 0 100. Fontana, CA 341.10 46 16 101. Bedford Heights, OH 154.20 23 9 102. Willard, WI 222.00 35 0 103. Washington, DC 303.85 32 8 105. Detroit, MI 176.90 44 0 106. Meadowlands, PA 119.70 19 0 TOTALS 35,706.50 6,782 1,165 Socials — 344 Olga A ncel, National Secretary . ts were exchanged and a good lrr)e was had by all. It was nice to visit with Frances Rovsek again. °me again, Frances. There was no rCgU|ar meeting Uring December so our next feting was held by Catherine usick and Patricia Emerson on ^anuary 10th. Election of officers as held and we are pleased to ''iiounee that Pauline Adamic is ; 1 our President; Patricia Emerson . ^^ecretary/Treasurer and yours u|y is still your Reporter. While we hav e a membership of 34 adults, many of these members transferred from Branch 9, and due to their ages, are unable to participate actively in Branch affairs. We are trying to recruit more active members, but as most of you know, it is rather difficult. We are pleased that Ann Pobanz is no longer on the sick list, but sorry to say that her sister, Katherine, presently is in the hospital for tests. Also on the sick list are Johanna Martel and Stephanie Hometz. Our prayers for your return to good health. I'>81 Due to the uncertainties of our Michigan weather, there will be no regular meeting until March 28th at 2:00 when our hostesses will be Donna Medina and Alice Sheets. They recently moved to a lovely new home at 1683 Littlestone Road, Grosse Pointe Woods. You all are welcome to attend. With best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year from all the members of Branch No. 105. KATHLEEN EMERSON Reporter 21 ANA GABER: Št. 2, Chicago IL. NAŠA SLOVENSKA DEDIŠČINA “Pust, ti čas presneti” Moji spomini gredo nazaj na moja otroška leta pred 60 leti na praznovanje takratnega pustnega časa - ali pustnega torka. Da sem imela bližje v šolo, me je imela pri sebi stara teta. V Škofji Loki je bilo tedaj versko življenje vsaj na zunaj na višku. Malo mestece je imelo kar tri cerkve, katere so bile ob nedeljah polne. Farna cerkev sv. Jakoba, kapucinska cerkev in cerkev uršulink, kamor sem hodila v šolo. V pustnih treh dneh so bile v farni cerkvi v popoldanskem času pobožnosti v zadoščenje, kakor so nam rekli. Na pustni torek sem slonela zdolgočaseno ob oknu. Pozornost mi vzbudi velik dir in-daj, trušč, smeh, vpitje na cesti. Srce mi je poskočilo v prsih, vedela sem, da so tam maškare. Nekatere so bile celo na konjih. Hotela sem leteti ven, pa nisem smela. "Danes pa ne bom šla v cerkev, bom gledala maškare," nenadoma rečem. "Pa boš šla; noben pameten človek ne gleda teh norcev. Moramo moliti in delati pokoro, ker se naredi toliko greha po svetu prav v pustnih dneh." Seveda sem v cerkev šla, pa prav nerada in slabe volje. V mislih sem tuhtala: še maškare ne smem gledati in pokoro delati, le zakaj, pa jaz? Saj se učim. vsakega ubogam, se ne potepam — pokora za druge! Strogega pridigarja nisem poslušala, še manj razumela. Pa je prišla tolažba. Smela sem letiti pol ure daleč na svoj rojstni dom in vedela sem, kaj bo tam. Večerje so bile na pustini torek po vseh domovih sila slovesne in obilne; goveja juha z rezanci, tri vrste mesa. pražen krompir, solate, krofi — rekli smo jim bobi — flancati in dober mošt; vina v naših krajih nismo imeli. Odrasli so se zabavali po svoje do polnoči, nas otroke so napodili spat. Ko smo vstali, smo prav na ušesa vlekli, kdaj in kje so maškare vlekle ploh, ali na katero streho in kateremu dekletu so na streho zavlekli slamnatega možica, ker se tisti predpust ni mogla omožiti. Vaščani so se krohotali, se posmehovali in norce brili. Jaz sem kmalu začutila, da je to prav odurna navada. V tem času vsesplošnega norenja, zabave, smeha, plesa — pa tudi marsikaterih vraž (da bo večja sreča pri hiši) je bilo na Gorenjskem dokaj mirno: zdi se mi, da še našemljenih maškar ni bilo veliko. Cerkev nas je držala nazaj, češ to so same poganske navade iz davnih, davnih časov. Takrat so poganski ljudje z norenjem kazali veselje, da je prave zime konec in počasi prihaja pomlad. Na Slovenskem so se krepki in bučni pustni običaji najdalj ohranili na Dravskem ali Ptujskem polju, menda trajajo še sedaj — kot slovenska posebnost. Po vaseh so se vlekli dolgi našemljeni sprevodi, sredi katerih je imel glavno vlogo pust ali kakor so ga klicali Kurent. Oblečen je bil v kosmat bel ali črn kožuh, na glavi je imel živalsko masko s prav velikimi rogmi, okrog pasu pa mnogo kravjih zvoncev. Staro in mlado je drvelo iz hiš, se smejalo in vriskalo. Gospodinje so metale darove v zato pripravljen koš, da bo ja sreča v hiši, na polju, pri živini. Še hudobec se mora bati tega Kurenta in bežati proč. Kar po vsej Sloveniji teh vaških navad ni več. So pa ostale priljubljene pustne prireditve ali maškarade po dvoranah in dolgi pustni sprevodi po velikih evropskih mestih. Ohranili so plese v maskah. Plešejo z zakritimi obrazi in v pisanih, bleščečih kostimih. Mnogo veselja in zabave, ko pokažejo svoj pravi obraz! Posebno mladina mora imeti nekaj sproščenega veselja. Fran Levstik Cvili možek Cvili možek, debel možek, ima hlače dopetače, a trebušček ves napet, da ne more z njim na led. Če za trebuh kdo ga stiska, glasno cvili, tenko piska skozi usta, skozi nos, zgoraj v suknji, spodaj bos; Še bi škornje rad imel, da na noge bi jih del, ako bi mu trebuh dal pripogniti se do tal. SINO VI ODHAJAJO Matevž Hace Sodobna povest s hribov Mohorjev koledar: 1966, Celje. Ill Partizani so prihajali v hišo nekaj mesecev manj kot štiri leta. Po petdeset, po trideset! Dvanajstkrat po dvesto-petdeset. Nikoli niso vprašali: imate? Ali vam je morda tega ali onega zmanjkalo? No, shrambe so se spraznile in zopet napolnile z žitom in krompirjem. Iz hleva je romalo deset govedi. Da, rajonski sekretar si je to trikrat zapisal. Zapisal si je tudi brigadni in divizijski komisar. Menda so potem izgubili tiste papirje. Vse je mogoče v vojski, kakršna je bila. "Druge misli in drugo delo imajo tisti nekdanji obiskovalci". Kaj pa tisti nemški vojaki, ki so mu vzeli pet čebeljih panjev in popili v enem dnevu petsto litrov mošta. Rekli so, da so ii Saksonske dežele in da ima Gornik "gut" mošt in da naj bo vesel, da ga pustijo v gorah, ker vedo, da daje banditom hrano iz strahu in da je boljše, da še živi v gorah; če njega ne bi bilo, se tudi njihovi vojaki ne bi mogli napiti mošta in se ne bi trikrat najedli rženih žgancev. “Jaz ti ne bom požgal hiše, ker so tudi moji starši kmetje na Saksonskem," mu je rekel neki nemški oficir. Gornik ve, da je bil to edini Nemec, ki ga je slišal, da je govoril še kar Pametno o gorskih kmetih. Pred lačnimi Nemci je bilo tudi treba skriti mast in meso, ajdovo moko in med. Zares, za Gornikovo domačijo težki časi. Pa so prišli zopet nekega sobotnega popoldneva nemški vojaki. Posedli so okrog hiše po vrtu. Postavili so mitraljeze. Rekli so, da bi radi jedli šunko ali klobase. “Seveda jih imaš, za nas nemške vojake jih nimaš, za bandite jih pa imaš.” Da mu tam gori to ne bo odpuščeno, je še rekel in mu Pokazal za vratom svetinjico Matere božje. Ko sta bila sama v sobi, je nemški oficir klel Hitlerja in vojsko. Tekal je po sobi kakor norec in rekel, da bodo Nemci vojno izgubili in da bodo zmago dobili Slovani in Amerikanci. “In da me ne boš ovadil Policiji, ker sem ti to rekel." Nato je tisti nemški oficir stekel iz hiše, zavpil nekaj nad vojaki, ki so se hitro dvignili in odšli v dolino. Edino kravo so hoteli odgnati, pa je oficir rekel, naj kar ostane pri Gornikovih. Seveda, to je bilo dva meseca pred končano vojno. in tisti partizanski ranjenci, ki so se zdravili pri Gornikovih. To je bilo stokanja in vzdihovanja. Vse noči je bila žena pokoncu, obračala jih je in jim kuhala. Ko so ozdraveli, so šli v dolino. Rekli so, da i'h bodo zagotovo obiskali ob Binkoštih ali na veliki šmaren. Samo eden je obiskal Gornikovega Jaka. Se tisti je bil bolehen in nesrečen v zakonu. Napil Se je mošta in rekel, da je sit doline in vsega, kar je doli- Pustil bo sitno ženo, ker nima otrok. Poiskal si bo gori v bližini Gornikovih dekle in živel z njo. Tretji dan je odšel molčeč in ves sključen od bolezni in neprespan... Drugi niso utegnili obiskati Jaka in se z njim Pogovoriti. Nekateri so se postarali, drugi so revmatični, tretje menda bole noge, nekaterim žene ne Puste v gore. In ceste ni do Gornikovih. Sicer bi bila cesta polna ljudi in vozil kakor v dolini. Kaj bo, če bo še kdaj vojska, si misli Jaka. Kdo me bo še obiskal? Star bom in nadležen. Sinov Jožeta in Zvonka ne bo. Še za Petra ni gotovo, če bo ostal doma. Ja, če bo še kdaj tako hudo, ali bodo našli pri Gornikovih tako oskrbo, kakor so jo v zadnji vojni. Ne bo moških, ki bi redili živino. Morda bodo pa takratni vojščaki vse s seboj prinesli. Ne bi rad vojske! Mir naj bo! Bog ga daj! Jaka je stresel z Glavo in krenil iz gozda na spodnje njive. Obstal je na njivi Rebenici. Trideset arov je imela. Njiva, da jo le bilo veselje orati. Še lepše je bilo, ko je Rebenica dajala po trideset mernikov pšenice. Hm, koliko dela je bilo z Rebenico. Z očetom sta skopala in Zvozila trideset voz kamenja. In koliko gnoja se je navdzilo. Vol rjavec se je pretegnil na vožnjah, da ni bil za drugo kot za zakol. Nad njivo raste v zavetni dolinici oreh. Sadil ga je ded Jurij. Velik in košat oreh je. Deset mernikov orehov je dal zadnja leta j'elike vojske. Za Novo leto petinštiridesetega so jih /n domači in dvajset terencev. Natrli so jih mernik 'n Pol. Štiri mernike so jih kurirji odnesli v °lnišnice za ranjence. ^od tem orehom je družina južinala in malicala °b dnevih, ko so želi pšenico ali rž, proso ali ajdo. ali kadar so kopali krompir. Izpod oreha se je daleč videlo, kako se na veliki njivi svetijo kupi krompirja. Kaj pa, če se sin Jože vrne domov? Kaj potem? Gornikovemu Jaku gloda po možganih. Da bi se kdaj zarasle te njive, to mu ne gre v glavo. Da bi se kdaj v bodočih rodovih sprehajale srne in jeleni po Gornikovini in bi veter tulil čez razpadle hiše in hlev, skedenj in kozolec, čebeljnjak in kolarnico. Ne. saj tega ne bo! Kje sta zdaj zgovorni rajonski sekretar in brigadni komisar? Sta sposobna pregovoriti mi sina Jožeta, da pusti žago in se vrne domov na dom Jaka, deda Jurija in pradedov, tja, do srednjeveških starih Gornikov? Na tramu v skednju je vžgana letnica 1725 in skedenj še stoji. Samo s slamo so ga prekrili vsakih 20 let. čez dve leti bo treba zopet prekriti celo desno stran kozolca. Osemnajst češenj raste v ogradi, si misli Jaka. Kot kosi so jih obirali domači in tuji, partizani in Nemci, skrivači in terenci, ženske in otroci. Če bi imel Jaka hčere, bi dal češnje posekati in jih razžagati. Češnjevo pohištvo bi dal vsaki hčeri. Seveda, sin zahteva sto kubikov lesa, da si bo sezidal hišico v dolini. Doma ima hišo, veliko in lepo. Veliko kuhinjo za dve mestni. Sobam ni kaj reči. Trmast je Jože. Če bi ded še živel, bi rekel, da se Jožetu meša. Oba naj gresta v tovarno, če hočeta; Zvonko, ki se je že odtujil rodni hiši, in Peter, ki je z eno nogo že v dolini. Samo Jože naj bi se vrnil. Mora se vrniti. Če bi vedel, kje živi tisti rajonski sekretar, bi ga poiskal, da bi pregovoril Jožeta. Dal bi mu zato deset smrek in trideset kilogramov medu. In srce mu je bilo zelo težko. Gornikov Jaka je krenil v hišo, da se pogovori z ženo. Ni se dosti pogovarjal z njo. ker je bila molčeča in mehka žena. "Jaka, kje le hodiš tako dolgo? Peter te je iskal. Rekel je, da se je še on odločil, da bo šel za Jožetom na žago. Ljubi Bog, kako bova sama od-belovala vso to zemljo? Kaj pravzaprav mislijo ti najini otroci. Kaj jih je obsedlo, da so taki. Kaj ni nikjer nobene postave več, da bi pisalo, da mora eden moških ostati doma. Ni jim mar ne za hišo. za živino, ne za gozd in njive, Jože ni šel v hlev kakor ponavadi. Jezus, kaj bo iz tega. Menda v dolini ni tako dobro, kakor se govori. Komaj sta prišla Jože in Zvonko domov, že sta hotela jesti klobase in ajdove žgance. Mošt sta tako pila, kakor da bi bila ves teden brez vode. Jože je še včeraj rekel: kaj bi dal. da bi mogel četrtino hiše odnesti. Če bi imel pravo ženo, bi se oba vrnila domov. Še žal jima bo." "Delala bova, kolikor bova zmogla. Kar bo. pa bo," je dejal Jaka in skomignil z rameni." Če pa Peter misli, da mu bom kaj dal. se moti. Tudi Zvonko se ne bo vozil z motornim kolesom za očetove hoje; če bo Jože ostal trmast in pri moji besedi mu bom moral dati sto kubikov lesa. Bo že videl, kako se zida hiša. Kaj se je ta smrkavec Peter spomnila?" "Morda ga je Zvonko pregovoril." "Tako je. Če že moram kaj dati. bom dal Jožetu: Zvonku in Petru pa figo. Preklet svet. da je tak." Planil je in krenil na vrt otresat tepke. Sam bom tresel, sam pobiral in tudi sam bom pil mošt. je mrmral Jaka. Šel je v shrambo in zbral vreče. Ves teden sta z ženo že otresala tepke in jabolka. Veliki kupi v veži in pred kletjo so pričali, da se pri Gor- nikovih pripravljajo na stiskanje mošta. Ko sta pobirala hruške-tepke, sta večidel molčala in mislila na sinove.... Naslednji dan je Peter brez slovesa izginil v dolino. Bal se je, da bi ga oče ozmerjal, pa je samo materi zašepetal, da gre na žago. Ko je bila vsa družina še doma, to je bilo smeha in veselja po vrtu, vriskanja in pesmi. To jesen pa, čeprav je sončna in lepa, je tako resno in tiho pri Gornikovih. Iznad košare se dvigne mati Gornika in ujame možev pogled. Te oči govorijo: sama bova ostala, vidiš, na tem širnem vrtu, ki je stotetja redil številno družino. In to polje nad hišo in gozd. Štirinajst ljudi je delalo in živelo v začetku tega stoletja. Da, takrat je živel in delal stric in babica, številni njegovi otroci, tete in še dva stara dobra sorodnika.... Morda se bo Jože le premislil, zdaj, ko je šel še Peter. “Pustiva nekaj tepk za nedeljo, ko se vrnejo sinovi. Naj jih oni otresejo in odnesejo v dolino. Ali naj jih pa odpeljejo z volmi. Dolinci imajo majhne vrtove-sadovnjake, pa vse odvečno sadje prodajo.” “Pa pustiva", odgovori žena in pogleda staro stoletno tepko, ki je bila polna kakor leskov grm v gmajni. Ptiči so se sprelatavali po drevju. Peli so lepemu dnevu in bogati letini. Gornikova sta bila tiste dni gluha za vse ptičje. Hitela sta z delom. Delo je klicalo v hlev in na polje, na vrt in gozd. Ostala sta za vse sama. Bila je deževna oktoberska nedelja. Po gozdovih so se vlekle megle. Oblaki so viseli nizko in iz njih je enakomerno deževalo. Na vežnem pragu je stal Gornikov Jaka in gledal na gozd nad hišo, kjer so vršale plohe. "Kar pada naj. Ozimina je posejana. Sadje je obrano vse. razen treh tepk. Te naj obero ali otresejo sinovi. Če bo le preveč lilo, jih danes ne bo sem gor." Živina je bila hitro opravljena. Jaka se je ravno odpravljal k britju, ko so se odprla vrata. Jože je prišel prvi in se vsedel za mizo. "Tako lije, da sem ves moker." Mati mu je hitro prinesla za preobleči. "Jože, pojdi se preobleči v kamro Medtem bom skuhala čaj in pripravila ajdove žgance. Da bi vsaj še onadva prišla." Obrnila se je, kakor da ima trideset let. Ko je Gornikov Jaka odložil brivsko orodje, se je pražnje oblekel. Vtem sta prišla še Zvonko in Peter, oba premočena. Mati jim je prinesla suho perilo in stare hlače. Zunaj je čedalje bolj lilo. "Videl sem, da ste že posejali." je dejal Jože in odložil žlico. "Ali vama je kdo pomagal, da sta jo obdelala?" "Če vas treh ni bilo čez teden domov, si lahko misliš, da sva jo sama obdelala." "Tudi vrt sta obrala," je rekel Zvonko. "Tri tepke še stoje polne, da jih otresete in odnesete v dolino. Prav vam bodo prišle. No, Jože, kaj je rekla žena. Je ne bo k nam na obisk," je mirno, az drhtečim glasom vprašal oče. Vsi trije sinovi so se spogledali. "Ne bo je. oče. Šla je z otrokom na obisk domov. Obljubili so ji. da bodo navozili peska in kamenja. Še temelje bodo pomagali kopati. Oče. ker se nisva v nedeljo dodobra pogovorila, bi se danes, kajne? Tistih sto kubikov bi mi dali. Naredite čimprej prošnjo za sečno dovoljenje. Ob sanincu bi zvozil v dolino. Tako svasklenilazženo." 'Ali boš res ostal vdolini indelal na žagi”. "Qče, rečem vam, da zdaj ni prijetno na žagi, ker P. Atanazij Lovrenčič, ofm: Pokora — delež kristjana Navadno se razveselimo, ko pride postni čas, kajti stem pomlad ni daleč vstran. V pomladanskem času pride sprememba v naravi, novo življenje, narava se prerodi. A preden pride do novega življenja, v naravi nekako vse umre; mraz in sneg in led vladajo v deželi. A sončni žarki počasi a z gotovostjo prikličejo novo življenje na dan. Prav tako bi naj v naši duši zaživelo novo življenje prav v postnem času. Postni čas je bil, je in bo ostal kot čas pokore, čas ko gremo v svojo notranjost in se vprašamo, kaj smo do sedaj naredili za svoje zveličanje. Ko gremo skozi vsakdanje življenje, veliko naredimo za svoje telesne potrebe, za potrebe naših družin. A ne pozabimo, da smo mi vsi na poti proti večnosti; vse kar delamo ali trpimo lahko naredimo zaslužno za nebesa. Cerkev nam v tem času znova kaže na Križ in na Njega, ki je umrl na Križu. Ne, ni bilo lahko za Jezusa, da nas je odrešil. Prav tako tudi za nas mnogokrat ne bo lahko, da ostanemo na ozki poti ki vodi proti večni sreči. Današnji človek se je kar odvadil doprinašati žrtve, zato besede kot odpoved, post se več ne slišijo po naših družinah. “Kdo pa se še posti dandanes", slišimo kot odgovo'r: In prav te stvari nas dvigajo proti Bogu. Zato je nujno, da se sprijaznemo z besedo pokora in jo vpeljemo v svoje vsakdanje življenje. A pokora ni samo odpoved določenim stvarem, post, trdo delo; predvsem je pokora sprememba v našem mišlenju, usmiritev naših prednostih, usmiritev naših misli proti večnosti, vse drugo bo potem sledilo v pravem redu. Koliko lažje se bo postit, če imamo pred sabo trpečega Jezusa, ki je šel preko Velikega Petka samo zato, da bi mu mi lahko sledili tudi v vstajenju. Ko se postiš, če misliš samo nato, kako je težko se odreči hrani, kako je ta ali ona dobra stvar — bo sploh nemogoče, da bi začeli post v pravem duhu. A koliko lažje bo, če misliš na sadove tvoje žrtve. Ko danšnji človek misli le na to, kar ga bo zadovoljilo, kar mu bo prineslo udobnost danes in jutri, v tem času je nujno, da vsi ki hočejo slediti Kristusu prisluhnejo, kaj On govori o pokori. Post, žrtev, pokora, vse to se nam zdi tako težko, celo nemogoče. Da, za današnjega človeka je nemogoče, ker zavrača božjo milost. A Kristus kliče tebe, da mu slediš preko Kalvarije s svojim križem, da te bo tako lahko klical v veselje Velikonočnega jutra. sem samo pomočnik pri žagarskem mojstru. Drugo leto bom že kvlificiran žagarski mojster in plača bo večja. Z ženo se razumeva. Veste. oče. ostal bom na žagi in v dolini. Tam se nihče ne zmeni za hribovce. Na sestanku sem povedal sekretarju, ki je nekdaj tako rad pil vaš mošt. da sem Gornikov, pa je samo zamahnil z roko. Mož je pozabil, da je jedel in pil pri vas." (bo še) DOPISI ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Letos smo imeli skoro ves zimski čas bolj kislo vreme. Ni bilo dneva, da ne bi sneg po malem naletaval. Tretjo nedeljo dne 18. jan., se ie pa cel dan prav lepo smejalo zimsko sonce. Zelo lepo število članic je prišlo na sejo, katero smo imele v slovenskom domu v Kolinvudu. Članice so pred sejo Pohitele, da so plačale članarino 2a to leto. Nadzornice so Pregledale knjige pred sejo in Podpredsednica ga. Fani Žagar in 9a. Mary Kokalj sta izjavile, da je vse v najlepšem redu. Sejo je odprla predsednica ga. Ani Markovič z molitvijo. Nato je bil Prečitan zapisnik zadnje seje. Za tem nam je tajnica podala Pfegled od zadnje seje ter Proračun za celo leto. Predsednica nam je tudi Prečitala dopis iz glavnega urada ln voščila ter zahvalne kartice. Vsem skupaj prav lepa hvala. Nekatere članice ne morejo priti na sejo in se nas spomnijo s kartico. Izvoljene so bile tudi dve članice za delničarsko sejo za Slovenski dom in te so: ge. Ani Markovič in Lojzka Fabec. Za častno mater tega leta smo izvolile go. Ani Štefančič. Imamo tudi dve članice, ki bosta letos slavile 50 letnico članstva pri društvu: ge. Marta Batič in Mary Rudman. Naše čestitke obema! . Ženi Fanda je tudi zelo bolana n ji želimo čimprejšnjega Zdravja. Dobili smo tudi novo lanico, Mary Draginc. Upam, da se bo dobro počutila med nami. Vse članice, ki so se udeležile °žičnice na Shardon restavraciji, so ta dan lepo Proslavile. Še posebej prav lepa vala ge. Fay Moro in njeni sestri °yce Lenasi, ki sta za vsako član 'co prinesle lepo darilce: rTlalega Jezuščka in lep šopek zvončkov. Ga. Angela Strmole je 9. dec. Rubila prvo njeno sestro Ivano ^enc. ki je bila poročena v lr°vnici pri Lipsenju na V|AKC II, Notransjkem. Tam je bila doma. Drugi dan tfi dopolnila 81 let, res lepa leta. Vsem skupaj naše globoko sožalje in celi njeni družini. Naša podružnica je zopet zgubila pet članic v lanskem letu: Antonija Mihelič. Helen Škrinjar, Mary Avsec, Ivana Valenčič in Mary Kogoj. Bog jim daj večni raj. Po končani seji smo imele malo za prigrizek in za pomočiti grlo. Hvala vsem članicam, katere skrbite za prigrizek, še posebno pa tistim, ki ne pozabite na našo blagajno, da se ne posuši. Lepo pozdravlja, Vaša poročevalka, TEREZIJA FERRACCIOLI ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OH Zaradi slabega vremena, je bila naša januarska seja odpovedana. Zakasnele čestitke gredo Frances Streeter in soprogu k njuni zlati poroki. Želja vseh je, da bi jima bila sreča in zdravje naklonjeno še mnogo let. Frances Marela je postala stara mama, ko so pri hčerki dobili naraščaj. Čestitke! Mary Mršnik je pri hčerki v Texas na obisku in mislim, da ima veliko zabave z vnuki. Bolane so naslednje članice: Josephine Perko in Pauline Krall. Helen Mihelič je pa v domu ostarelih na Neff Rd. in bo prav vesela obiskov prijateljic. Umrle so članice Frances Opara in Emy Meyer, kakor tudi vnuk od Ani Vihtelič, brat od Mary Dolšak in soprog od Rozi Fajdiga. Naj vsi v miru počivajo. Družinam pa naše sožalje ob izgubi njihovih dragih. Udeležite se seje, ki je vsaki torek v mesecu ob pol osmih zvečer. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ po Ameriki. Poročevalka MARY ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, Wl Leto 1980 je za nami — želim, da bi to leto bilo srečno in uspehov polno. Volitve v decembru so bile v najboljšem razpoloženju. Brez posebnega zadržka smo zopet enoglasno izvolile sedanji odbor, katerega so zopet velikodušno sprejele za leto 1981. — Prisrčna hvala za trud in delo, ki ga imate pri št. 17. katera lepo napreduje pod vašim skrbnim nadzorstvom že veliko let. Ponosne smo na Vas — želimo Vam uspeha ter kličemo: Bog Vas vse živi še mnogo let! Na seji smo enoglasno sklenile, da bomo imele žrebanje dobitkov tudi letos, mesto Card party. To bo v jeseni meseca oktobra. O tem bomo še poročale. Sedaj se pa priporočamo, ako morete darujte dobitke, da bomo imele lep uspeh, kot smo ga imele lani. Že imamo vrsto lepih reči, vendar rabimo še veliko več. da bo ta naša prireditev res pokazala, da imamo SŽZ pri srcu ter rade žrtvujemo zanjo. Tajnica Vam bo poslala tiketce po pošti. Za častno mater smo z veseljem izvolile prijazno in dobro mamo, go Apolonijo Limoni. Našo čestitke, “Loni”! Vse drugo je ostalo po starem. Božična darila za Mladinski oddelek, za bolne in umrle članice, za izmenjavo daril pri decemberski seji itd. Ta dan smo zaključile z lepim buffet luncheon, za katerega se zopet zahvalim odboru ter vsem članicam, ki ste darovale vse te dobrote, da smo se tako prijazno zabavale. V preteklem letu smo izgubile kar šest članic. Zadnji dve sta bile: Ceal Verbich ter Mary Podlesnik. Globoko sožalje družini Anton Verbich ter družini Mary Podlesnik. Naj tem dobrim članicam SŽZ sveti večna luč. Me pa se Vas bomo spominjale v naših molitvah. Bog plačaj Vaša dobra dela. Glede tekme balinarjev v Sheboygan berite več v angleškem delu Zarje. Želimo veliko sreče in uspehov za ta dan! Sedaj pa naj še čestitamo naši ugledni ustanoviteljici k njenemu 90 letnemu rojstnemu dnevu, mi katerega je obhajala v nedeljo dne 1. febr. v dvorani Marije Pomočnice Kristjanov v krogu njene družine ter neštevilnih znancev n prijateljev. Kot ustanoviteljica št. 17 je zelo spoštovana med nami ter je naša častna predsednica že mnogo let. Delala je zvesto za Zvezo ter vedno velikodušno darovala vsa ta dolga leta. Prisrčna hvala ter še mnogo rojstnih dni, želimo ge. Josephine Schlosar. Ne pozabimo sej. Zadnja je bila zelo lepo obiskana. V upanju, da pridete v takem številu še zanaprej Vas vse prisrčno pozdravljam. MARY MURN ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Ko boste prejele to Zarjo, bomo že v lepi pomladi. V tem času radi delamo pri pravilu hiš. V marcu tudi slavimo lepo pobožnost sv. Jožefa, zavetnika naše župne cerkve. Naši otroci bodo v velikem številu v procesiji na čelu z našo duhovščino; Msgr. Butala, naš župnik, Fr. Tadej Terpin, njegov pomočnik Fr. Krizolog Cimerman in naš tedenski gost Fr. Roger Kaffer. V tem letu nas je že zapustila sestra FRANCES GASPICH, bivša gl. nadzornica in prejšnja tajnica št. 20. Pokojna je bila dobra pomočnica pri podružnici. S hčerko Jonito Ruth sva jo obiskale en teden pred njeno smrtjo in je bila zelo vesela našega obiska. Bila je že več tednov v domu za onemogle. Ko se je raznesla novica o njeni smrti, smo bile zelo žalostne. Njena nečakinja rada prihaja na seje. Članice so v lepem številu kropile njeno krsto ter se udeležile njene zadnje poti. Naj ji Bog bogato poplača vsa njena dobra dela! Mr. in Mrs. John in Lottie Jevitz sta se vrnila iz Floride, kjer sta se udeležila poroke njune vnukinje. Mlademu paru želimo mnogo sreče! V bolnišnici so bile: Catherine Knez, Jo Mlakar in Joe Erjavec. Vsem smo poslale voščilne kartice za hitro ozdravljenje. Naže seje se bodo odslej vršile vsako tretjo nedeljo zvečer ob sedmi uri. Prihodnja seja bo dne 17. marca. Imele bomo govornico za ta večer. Čestitam MARY MAROLT, ki je bila izvoljena za častno mater leta naše podružnice. Mary je gl. blagajničarka Zveze. Želimo ji še mnogo let dela pri SŽZ. Lepo pozdravlja, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT.26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Zopet je čas, da se malo oglasim v našo lepo ZARJO, da ne boste mislili, da smo kar zaspali, ker ni bilo že dolgo nič dopisa od naše podružnice. Vsaka rajši bere kot pa piše. Pri naši podr. je vse lepo in živo. Seje so prav dobro obiskane vsaki mesec. Na seje pride 40 do 50 članic vsak mesec. Za glavno ali letno seje je pa večja udeležba. Tudi na zadnji decemberski seji smo imele lepo udeležbo. Po kratki seji, so bile volitve odbora in je bila izvoljena mlada članica, Rozi Stekel, ki je prevzela mesto predsednice. Iz srca ji želimo vse najlepše, da bo srečno in polno napredka za našo podružnico. Ostali odbor je ostal po starem. Jaz sem vodila podružnico 30 let, zato je že bil čas, da odstopim in da mlade nadaljujejo. Hvala lepa vsem odbornicam, ki so bile vse tako dobre z menoj, da smo vedno delale za korist podr. in naše Zveze. Sedaj v zimskem času nimamo sej, ker pride slabo vreme. Ravno sedaj ko to pišem, je zelo mrzlo in tudi dosti snega. Naša prva seja v tem letu bo dne 17. marca, kakor po navadi tretji torek v mesecu ob 7:30 zvečer. Tudi smrt je že posegla v nase vrste. Zgubile smo dobro dolgoletno članico, Anno Berkopec. Bog ji daj večni mir in večna luč naj ji sveti. Družini naše globoko sožalje. Imamo nekaj članic tudi zelo bolnih. Bog naj jim nakloni ljubo zdravje. Prejmite lepe pozdrave vse naše članice in sestre po širni Ameriki in vse glavne odbornice. ANNA TRONTEL ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HRB., OHIO Kakor sem že v zadnjem dopisu omenila, smo imele božični party v The Vogeu restavrantu, dobro smo bile postrežene in lepo smo se imele. Nato je bila v slovenskem klubu seja in volitve za odbor. Odbor je ostal vse po starem. To je predsednica Rosi Bradack, podpredsednica Jennie Mohrčič, tajnica — blagajničarka Frances UIle, zapisnikarca Moly Južna, za pregled knjig — Auditors — Moly Južna, Kristina Ludvik, in Mary Gržely. Sargeant of Arms Kristina Ludvik, angleška poročevalka Frances U11 e, slovenska poročevalka Julka Klammer. Iskrene častitke Jennie Mohorčič, ki je bila soglasno imenovana za letošnjo častno mater naše podružnice. Jennie je dobro poznana po njenih dobrih delih v naši podružnici, kakor tudi pri našem slov. klubu. Ona res zasluži to čast, zato smo vse z veseljem ji dale to priznanje. Kot mali spomin na naše dve bolni članice za Božic je tajnica Fany UIle, poslala malo darilo v denarju Jenny Lagina in Pepci Drobnič. Mary Modic pa je odletela takoj po praznikih, v toplo, Californijo na obisk k družini svojega sina Franka za en mesec dni. Kakor vsako zimo nas je tudi letos obiskala influenca in resno bolne ni bilo nebene v nevarnosti. Le gospod John Žužek, oče, naše članice Adeline Kutie je moral kar na hitro z ambulanco v bolnico, lahka srčna kap, vzrok je bil kidanje snega: in po dveh tednih, seje tudi že vrnil iz bolnice na okrevanje v dom svoje hčerke. Po njegovi aktivnosti mu človek nebi prisodil, da gre žev 87 leto. V sredini meseca marca bomo. ko bo pismonoša nam dostavil naš mesečnik ZARJA, in bo še nekaj dni, do praznika Sv. Jožefa in želim vsem Jožicam, Pepcam in Jožetom, srečne godovne dneve, še posebno pa tistim ki imate rojstne dneve v tem mesecu. Ko ta dopis pišem so naši ameriški talci — Hostages — osvobojeni po 444 dneh nečloveškega mučenja po iranskih barbarjih. kot jih naš novi predsednik imenuje. Sloze nam pridejo v oči, ko vse te dogodke poslušamo in gledamo na televiziji. Vsa Amerika sočustvuje z njimi in z njih svojci. V zgodovini bo vse to zapisano, in knjige se bodo pisale o vsem 14 POSTAJ KRIŽEVEGA POTA 1. postaja Zdaj vsi skupaj se zberimo, življenja križev pot zmolimo. Gospod Ti nam stoj ob strani, iz mlačne vere nas izdrami. 2. postaja Bili kronani zasramovani, iz trdno vero b' li obdarovani. Obsodbe b' le so težke, neresnične, besede brez ljubezni padale sebične. 3. postaja Neradi s križem težkim obloženi, življenja težkih dni vsi obteženi. Tu in tam je križ izdrsnil z ram; veselje je zopet prišlo k nam. 4. postaja Pa pot življenja je prestrma, spet na tla smo padli °d trpljenja in težav skoro bi propadli. Utopljeni v bridkosti — noga spodrsnila, roka božja nas spet na tla pobila. 5. postaja So žalostni spomini življenja te poti, Pa kar po isti smeri kar naprej smo šli; Meč globoko rezal naše rane, spomini te poti nam za večno v srcu ostane. 6. postaja prišla je dobra duša, nam brisala solze, Prijatelji in znanci delili z nam gorje. To so blaga srca, ki nas ne zapustijo, v veselju in trpljenju sočutje z nami delijo. 7. postaja so bili od slabosti vsi prevzeti, So bili nam v tolažbo z dobrimi nasveti. Nosili križe z nami ko smo omahovali, Križ smo spet objeli, naprej potovali. 8. postaja Ni bilo konca poti in spotikovanja, želeli smo na tihem — oh, saj so samo sanje; Življenja pot je zmerom kamenita, dela teška, vsa s krvjo oblita. 9. postaja Žalostno pod križem smo omahovali, v srcu vse pregrehe smo objokovali. Solze posušile — križ smo spet objeli, korakali naprej, včasih kar veseli. 10. postaja Ko pridemo na vrh gore, tedaj bo vse končano, Oh Bog, Ti bodi dober, ne preveč kaznovano. Skušali smo mi živeti zvesto po Tvoji veri, pa zašli smo na pota kriva — in ne po Tvoji smeri. 11. postaja Oh, Gospod odpusti — ne na križ pribijaj, telo je v bolečinah — kosti nam ne izvijaj. Naj nam angelci roko podajo, peljejo nas k Tebi — da pojemo Ti slavo. 12. postaja Dolgo že na križu smo viseli, odpusti, da križa nismo radostno objeli Vzemi nas v naročje svoje, o nebeški Oče, Ti ki zmoreš vse, Tebi je mogoče. 13. postaja Trnjeva bo pot končana naša, prosimo trpljenje naj se skrajša. Če pa življenja si še za nas odločil, prosim bodi z nami ko bo dan napočil. 14. postaja Poživi vero našo — naj prava bodo pota, naj ogne se nas življenja zmota; ter v nebesih prostor nam pripravi, za večno ostanemo v nebeški slavi. MARY MURN 'em dogajanju. Res zaslužijo kazen za vse to početje, in sploh za tiste Irance, ki smo jih 9ledali na T.V., ki so tukaj razsajali. Saj je rekel član od Zveze Narodov, če bi naši v Iranu, tako Počeli, kot so oni v Ameriki, bi jim Iranci glave posekali. Marc u, mi Veliko veselja in novic smo imeli ta mesec 20. januarja 1981, ustoličenje našega novega predsednika Ronald Reagana in nepopisno veselje izpustitev naših pripornikov — talcev — hostages. Upam, da ste vse imele srečne praznike v krogu svojih dragih. V Novem letu pa dosti napredka, zdravja in Božjega blagoslova. Julka Klammer, poročevalka PRIDRUŽITE SE ČLANSKE KAMPANJE! 27 GREETINGS FROM YOUR YOUTH DIRECTOR I was so pleased lo receive such instant response from Kathy Nusko of Br. No. 2 Chicago to my request from juniors for articles on junior activities, poems, letters or essays. She did such a fine job in reporting 011 the Christmas Party held by Br. No. 2. I hope that her article will be an inspiration for others to contribute to future issues. For the May issue, 1 would like to suggest that you write a letter, poem or essay about mothers, grandmothers, aunts, or other special women who have been good to you or helped you in some way. Too often we don’t take the time to tell these special people in our lives how much we appreciate what they do for us. It will also give us some insight into what kids really think is im- portant to them. I must have these articles by March 15th so that I can get them in before the deadline. Again I offer cash awards, the amount depending on the response I receive. I would like to commend Ann Gradishar and Phyllis Turk ol Branch No. 35 on the fine job they arc doing working with the youth dance group from our area. I’ve seen them perform and I can’t tell who is enjoying ii more the children who perform or the adults who watch, it involves a lot of time and work but I’m sure the end result makes it all worthwhile. Thank you ladies for helping to create interest in our young people in their Slovenian culture. ANNA L. HODNIK Slovenian Children Perform Songs and Dances Tears of joy were evident among those who watched the Kast Range American Jugoslav Youth Dancers sing Slovenian songs, and perform native dances this fall and winter. Kd Model/., who helped organize an October Grape Festival in Aurora, Minnesota, recognized the need to preserve Slovenian traditions, and decided a children’s dance group would be an excellent means to accomplish this end. The children attend practice sessions prior to each performance under the watchful eyes of I’hyllis Turk, Ann Gradishar, and Jim Karish. Appearances have been made at the Grape Festival, Slovenian Home in Chisholm, Aurora White Community Board and Care Center, Aurora Iron Gate Apartments, Range Polka Club Christmas Party in Biwabik, and at the Aurora talent show. At each performance Jim acts as leader and accompanies the children on the button box. They soon become involved in a lively polka while singing such favorites as “Moja Dekla," and “ ‘Round and ‘Round the ‘Christmoos’ Tree.” The dance group members include: Aurora: Amy Turk, Melissa Turk, Stacy Jasperson, Stephanie Jasperson, Cindy Kalar, Brent Kalar, Allan Karich, John Karich, Michelle Klander, and Nicole Klander. Biwabik: Michael Grivctte, Ann Peterson, John Karish, Kim Karish, Kris Karish, Kari Karish, and Michael Karish. Hoyt I.akes: Scott Kulaczewicz and Sara Kulaczewicz. Year 1 for the American Jugoslav Youth Dancers was an unqualified success, and additional performances are anticipated in 1581. There is only one minor problem. Alterations will have to be made from lime to time in (he costumes as the children continue to grow ! Barbara Kalar Youth chairman Hr. Ho. 35 HONOR STUDENT Ann Marie Zak, a junior majoring in metallurgical engineering, has been namedto the dean’s honor list at Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio. Active in intramural sports, she is a member of the dormitory basketball team. Ann has served as president of Norton dormitory and was recently elected president of the C.I.T. chapter of the American Society for Metals. She is attending Case on an alumni scholarship. A..J979 honors graduate of Euclid High, Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Zak, 27304 Hickory Court and granddaughter of our active member of Br. 50, Vi Zak. She is a life-long member, too. All our best to Ann Marie! Left: Br. 35 youngsters have fun with spritely dancing lo Slovenian polkas Right: Children al Br. 16 Christmas Parly are happy with Iheir gifts from Santa Claus. (Photo by Mary Christine Whalen) [ “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” Life is for the birds! Hi Boys and Girls, This month’s article is dedicated to our feathered friends, the birds. Did you ever just stop and watch them? They can be quite hilarious at times. (That is when they’re unaware of your presence.) Besides being comical, they can also be mysterious For example, for some reason unknown to man, the swallows always return to Capistrano on March 19th, St. Joseph’s day. Not a day sooner or a day later. To some of you that may not be such a big deal, so consider this. They’re returning from Africa, their winter migration place. Earlier, 1 mentioned they always return on St. Joseph’s day, "'ell let me correct myself as they did miss one year. It was during WW II. (Just between you and me, considering there was a giant of a war going on at the time, I think we can over look this one blunder.) Also, I believe it’s March 15th that the buzzards arrive at their home in Ohio. (I apologize to all my readers, especially those from Ohio, for not knowing the exact town and date.) The important thing, however, is that the buzzards like the swallows return to the same place at the same time each year. Of course, not all birds pass navigation with honors. Like people, there’s always the “class clown”, who when the time comes to migrate From Merry Mischief Makers Collection either forgets to or somehow manages to get separate from the rest of the flock and lost. As was the case with the mallard we discovered in our backyard. Before I continue, I think it’s only fair to mention that I live in the city, and not near any farmland. I was upstairs in my bedroom, when my sisters called me to hurry downstairs. Looking out of the kitchen window, I saw a Mallard Duck flapping his wings and quacking up a storm. He then climbed the snow bank at the edge of our driveway and did a belly flop, head first into the puddle on the drive. Since the puddle was only an inch deep, 1 imagined it smarted some when he hit his head on the cement. He repeated this routine several times as he was bound and determined to go “underwater”. Finally he got so disgusted that he just walked away. ‘Til next month, DAVY DAVY’S COLUMN Anna I.. Hodnik: Learn Slovenian! This inonlh I will list common everyday expressions. How about trying to use them with your family? It might just add a little lift to an otherwise ordinary day! (>ood day — Dober dan («ood morning — dobro jutro (■»od evening -- Dober večer (iood night — I.ahko noč (■oodbje — Zbogom ^o long — Na s> idenje Thank you — Hvala Please -- Prosim Thank you very much — Hvala lepa or Najlepša hvala You are welcome — Prosim, ni /a kaj How are you? — Kako se imate? How is it going for you? — Kako ti gre? As usual — Kar po navadi Madame — gospa Miss — gospodična The Scramble is on to decorate Easter Eggs It’s almost Easter time and Easter means decorating eggs. No one knows just how the egg came to be part of this holiday. Both the egg and the rabbit or bunny have become known as signs of the goddess of spring whose name was Eostre. When you are decorating eggs at home your mother probably will be boiling them for you beforehand. If you wish to keep your egg she will have to boil it at least two hours, so be patient. If you plan to eat it on the holiday or afterwards be sure that none of your decorations are poisonous. After your eggs are boiled you may wish to clean them in warm water and you may pat away any dirty spots with a soft cloth dipped in vinegar. Then you should handle them as little as possible. You probably will be dipping them in Easter egg dyes or food coloring your mother has bought at the store. Be sure the egg is the same temperature as the room — not too cold. There are all sorts of other materials you can use to decorate them — paper, decals, straw, flowers and seeds. You can also make designs on them with pencils, watercolor paint and felt-tipped pens. But, once again, if what you use could be poisonous do not plan to eat the eggs later. The shell of the eggs takes whatever you are using into the inside of the egg that you would eat. Some of the things you could draw on your eggs are flowers which mean love, the sun and stars which mean life, the cross which is a symbol of Christ and ribbons which mean everlasting life. All in all, whatever you design on your eggs — and remember the Easter bunny brings them back to you on Easter Sunday — you’re sure to find it’s lots of fun. IT’S IN EVERY s(loviDi\iian ar::ez joiim a. x-si P.O.BOX 2.12 NEW YLRK. IJ.Y. 10032 u N B Union National Bank & Trust Co. 50 West Jefferson, Joliet, Illinois 60431 Three locations to serve you. GEREND HABERMAN Funeral Home SHEBOYGAN, Wl 53081 FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME” By Irene M. Odorizzi A book about the time Slovenian immigrants came to America. (Vf) Send $6.00 (75C postage) lo: S.W.U. Home Office, 431 N. Chicago, St., Joliet, III. 60432 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, IL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 SLOVENIAN COSTUME PATTERN Adjustable size: jumper, blouse and apron. Send $2.50, (postage included) toS.W U. Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, II. 60432 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v /dovoljnoM naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500* Milwaukee, Wisconsin NEW ENLARGED & REVISED EDITION! Slovenian-International Cookbook Womans Glory— The Kitchen To order, send S6.00 (includes postage) per copy to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 N CHICAGO ST JOLIET, IL 60432 TEZAK FUNERAL HOME JOLIET, ILL. ‘First in service since 1908’ 459 North Ottawa Street Phone 772-0534