kartografski-NSL_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:01 Page 1 YRO ITRRET N IANEVO SL KaRtoGRafsKi FO ZaKladi SERU slovensKeGa ASER oZeMlja T ICHPA C R aRtoGRaPhiC GOT tReasuRes RA / C of slovenian JAL teRRitoRy MEZOAGEKSNEVOLSIDALKAZIKSFARG € OTR 34,00 A 9 0 1 6 9 8 7 9 6 2 4 0 5 K Primož Gašperič, Renata Šolar, Matija Zorn pred-za-list_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:00 Page 1 Primož Gašperič Matija Zorn Naziv / Title: dr., profesor zgodovine in geografije, znanstveni sodelavec / Ph.D. in Geography, B.Sc. in History Naziv / Title: dr., univerzitetni diplomirani geograf in profesor zgodovine, znanstveni svetnik, izredni profesor / and Geography, Research Fellow Ph.D. in Geography, B.Sc. in Geography and History, Research Advisor, Associate Professor Naslov / Address: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 13, Ljubljana, Slovenija Naslov / Address: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 13, Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)1 4706 347 Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)1 4706 348 E-pošta / E-mail: primoz.gasperic@zrc-sazu.si E-pošta / E-mail: matija.zorn@zrc-sazu.si ORCID: 0000-0002-6736-1308 ORCID: 0000-0002-5788-018X Medmrežje / Internet: http://giam.zrc-sazu.si/gasperic Medmrežje / Internet: http://giam.zrc-sazu.si/zorn Rodil se je leta 1976 v Ljubljani. Po končani gimnaziji se je leta 1994 vpisal na Filozofsko fakulteto Univerze Rodil se je leta 1975 v Kranju. Po končani gimnaziji se je leta 1994 vpisal na Filozofsko fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani, smer zgodovina in geografija. Študij je končal leta 2002. Leta 2016 je doktoriral na Fakulteti za v Ljubljani, smer geografija in zgodovina. Študij je končal leta 2001. Na isti fakulteti je leta 2007 doktoriral. Od humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem. Leta 2003 se je zaposlil na Geografskem inštitutu Antona leta 2001 je zaposlen na Geografskem inštitutu Antona Melika Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske Melika Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, kjer je vodja Zemljepisnega akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Na Fakulteti za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem je habilitiran muzeja. Zadolžen je za zbirko starih zemljevidov, atlasov in arhiva posameznih inštitutskih oddelkov. v izrednega profesorja za področje geografije. Ukvarja se predvsem s fizično geografijo, geografijo naravnih Njegovo raziskovalno delo je usmerjeno v zgodovinsko kartografijo. Od leta 2004 je upravnik in član uredniškega nesreč, geografskimi informacijskimi sistemi, zgodovinsko geografijo in okoljsko zgodovino. Od leta 2011 odbora revije Geografski obzornik. Sodeluje v številnih mednarodnih in domačih inštitutskih projektih ter je urednik znanstvene revije Geografski vestnik in področni urednik za fizično geografijo v znanstveni reviji v sklopu muzeja vodi strokovne programe za skupine in posameznike. Acta geographica Slovenica/Geografski zbornik. Je tudi sourednik knjižnih zbirk Naravne nesreče in GIS v Sloveniji ter član uredniških odborov več domačih in tujih znanstvenih revij. Med letoma 2007 in 2018 je Primož Gašperič was born in 1976 in Ljubljana. Aer high school he enrolled in the history and geography bil pomočnik predstojnika inštituta, od leta 2018 pa je predstojnik inštituta. Od leta 2008 je vodja inštitutskega departments at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts in 1994, and he received his bachelor’s degree Oddelka za fizično geografijo. there in 2002. In 2016, he earned a PhD at the University of Primorska’s Faculty of Humanities. In 2003, he started working at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy Matija Zorn was born in 1975 in Kranj. Aer high school he enrolled in the geography and history departments of Sciences and Arts, where he is head of the Geographical Museum. He is in charge of the collection of old at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts in 1994, and he received his bachelor’s degree there in 2001. maps, atlases, and archives of individual institute departments. His research focuses on historical cartography. He earned his PhD at the same faculty in 2007. He has worked at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of Since 2004, he has been the manager and a member of the editorial board of the journal Geografski obzornik the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2001 and he also holds the faculty (Geographic Horizon). Gašperič takes part in many international and Slovenian projects run by the institute rank of an associate professor in geography at the University of Primorska’s Faculty of Humanities. He and heads specialized programs for groups and individuals at the museum. primarily deals with physical geography, geography of natural disasters, geographic information systems, historical geography, and environmental history. Since 2011, he has been the editor-in-chief of the journal Geografski vestnik (Geographical Bulletin) and the chief editor for physical geography for the journal Acta geographica Slovenica / Geografski zbornik. He also coedits book series Naravne nesreče (Natural Disasters) Renata Šolar and GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) and serves as a member of the editorial boards of several Slovenian and Naziv / Title: dr., univerzitetna diplomirana geografinja, višja bibliotekarska svetnica in strokovno-raziskovalna international journals. He was the institute’s assistant director from 2007 to 2018 and has served as director svetnica / Ph.D. in Information Science and Librarianship, M.A. in Geography, B.Sc. in Geography, Senior of the institute since 2018. He has also headed the institute’s Physical Geography Department since 2008. Librarian Councillor and Professional Reasearch Councillor Naslov / Address: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Turjaška ulica 1, Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)1 2001 159 E-pošta / E-mail: renata.solar@nuk.uni-lj.si Medmrežje / Internet: https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/ Rodila se je leta 1963 v Beogradu. Diplomirala je leta 1987 na Prirodoslovno-matematični fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu, magistrirala leta 1996 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, doktorirala pa leta 2006 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu. Od leta 1996 je zaposlena v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici. V obdobju od 1996 do 2020 je bila vodja Kartografske in slikovne zbirke, med letoma 2007 in 2018 pa tudi predstojnica Enote posebnih zbirk. Področje njenega raziskovanja je aplikacija novih informacijskih storitev za dostop do kartografskega gradiva v knjižničnem okolju. Sodelovala je v več mednarodnih in domačih raziskovalnih projektih ter je avtorica znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s področja informacijskih znanosti in bibliotekarstva. Bila je tudi predsednica in soustanoviteljica mednarodnih združenj kuratorjev kartografskih zbirk institucij kulturne dediščine (LIBER Groupe des Cartothecaires, Geoinformation Curators Group, MAGIC). Renata Šolar was born in 1963 in Belgrade. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Science in 1987, earned her master’s degree at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts in 1996, and received her PhD at the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Arts in 2006. She has worked at the Ljubljana National and University Library since 1996. From 1996 to 2020, she headed the library’s Map and Pictorial Collection, and from 2007 to 2018 she also served as head of the Special Collections Division. Her research focuses on the application of new IT services for accessing maps in a library environment. She has taken part in several international and Slovenian research projects and has authored many research articles dealing with information science and librarianship. She also chaired and co-founded several international associations of map curators at cultural heritage institutions (the LIBER Maps Expert Group and the Map & Geoinformation Curators Group, or MAGIC). pred-za-list_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:00 Page 1 Primož Gašperič Matija Zorn Naziv / Title: dr., profesor zgodovine in geografije, znanstveni sodelavec / Ph.D. in Geography, B.Sc. in History Naziv / Title: dr., univerzitetni diplomirani geograf in profesor zgodovine, znanstveni svetnik, izredni profesor / and Geography, Research Fellow Ph.D. in Geography, B.Sc. in Geography and History, Research Advisor, Associate Professor Naslov / Address: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 13, Ljubljana, Slovenija Naslov / Address: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 13, Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)1 4706 347 Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)1 4706 348 E-pošta / E-mail: primoz.gasperic@zrc-sazu.si E-pošta / E-mail: matija.zorn@zrc-sazu.si ORCID: 0000-0002-6736-1308 ORCID: 0000-0002-5788-018X Medmrežje / Internet: http://giam.zrc-sazu.si/gasperic Medmrežje / Internet: http://giam.zrc-sazu.si/zorn Rodil se je leta 1976 v Ljubljani. Po končani gimnaziji se je leta 1994 vpisal na Filozofsko fakulteto Univerze Rodil se je leta 1975 v Kranju. Po končani gimnaziji se je leta 1994 vpisal na Filozofsko fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani, smer zgodovina in geografija. Študij je končal leta 2002. Leta 2016 je doktoriral na Fakulteti za v Ljubljani, smer geografija in zgodovina. Študij je končal leta 2001. Na isti fakulteti je leta 2007 doktoriral. Od humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem. Leta 2003 se je zaposlil na Geografskem inštitutu Antona leta 2001 je zaposlen na Geografskem inštitutu Antona Melika Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske Melika Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, kjer je vodja Zemljepisnega akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Na Fakulteti za humanistične študije Univerze na Primorskem je habilitiran muzeja. Zadolžen je za zbirko starih zemljevidov, atlasov in arhiva posameznih inštitutskih oddelkov. v izrednega profesorja za področje geografije. Ukvarja se predvsem s fizično geografijo, geografijo naravnih Njegovo raziskovalno delo je usmerjeno v zgodovinsko kartografijo. Od leta 2004 je upravnik in član uredniškega nesreč, geografskimi informacijskimi sistemi, zgodovinsko geografijo in okoljsko zgodovino. Od leta 2011 odbora revije Geografski obzornik. Sodeluje v številnih mednarodnih in domačih inštitutskih projektih ter je urednik znanstvene revije Geografski vestnik in področni urednik za fizično geografijo v znanstveni reviji v sklopu muzeja vodi strokovne programe za skupine in posameznike. Acta geographica Slovenica/Geografski zbornik. Je tudi sourednik knjižnih zbirk Naravne nesreče in GIS v Sloveniji ter član uredniških odborov več domačih in tujih znanstvenih revij. Med letoma 2007 in 2018 je Primož Gašperič was born in 1976 in Ljubljana. Aer high school he enrolled in the history and geography bil pomočnik predstojnika inštituta, od leta 2018 pa je predstojnik inštituta. Od leta 2008 je vodja inštitutskega departments at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts in 1994, and he received his bachelor’s degree Oddelka za fizično geografijo. there in 2002. In 2016, he earned a PhD at the University of Primorska’s Faculty of Humanities. In 2003, he started working at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy Matija Zorn was born in 1975 in Kranj. Aer high school he enrolled in the geography and history departments of Sciences and Arts, where he is head of the Geographical Museum. He is in charge of the collection of old at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts in 1994, and he received his bachelor’s degree there in 2001. maps, atlases, and archives of individual institute departments. His research focuses on historical cartography. He earned his PhD at the same faculty in 2007. He has worked at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of Since 2004, he has been the manager and a member of the editorial board of the journal Geografski obzornik the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2001 and he also holds the faculty (Geographic Horizon). Gašperič takes part in many international and Slovenian projects run by the institute rank of an associate professor in geography at the University of Primorska’s Faculty of Humanities. He and heads specialized programs for groups and individuals at the museum. primarily deals with physical geography, geography of natural disasters, geographic information systems, historical geography, and environmental history. Since 2011, he has been the editor-in-chief of the journal Geografski vestnik (Geographical Bulletin) and the chief editor for physical geography for the journal Acta geographica Slovenica / Geografski zbornik. He also coedits book series Naravne nesreče (Natural Disasters) Renata Šolar and GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) and serves as a member of the editorial boards of several Slovenian and Naziv / Title: dr., univerzitetna diplomirana geografinja, višja bibliotekarska svetnica in strokovno-raziskovalna international journals. He was the institute’s assistant director from 2007 to 2018 and has served as director svetnica / Ph.D. in Information Science and Librarianship, M.A. in Geography, B.Sc. in Geography, Senior of the institute since 2018. He has also headed the institute’s Physical Geography Department since 2008. Librarian Councillor and Professional Reasearch Councillor Naslov / Address: Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Turjaška ulica 1, Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)1 2001 159 E-pošta / E-mail: renata.solar@nuk.uni-lj.si Medmrežje / Internet: https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/ Rodila se je leta 1963 v Beogradu. Diplomirala je leta 1987 na Prirodoslovno-matematični fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu, magistrirala leta 1996 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, doktorirala pa leta 2006 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu. Od leta 1996 je zaposlena v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici. V obdobju od 1996 do 2020 je bila vodja Kartografske in slikovne zbirke, med letoma 2007 in 2018 pa tudi predstojnica Enote posebnih zbirk. Področje njenega raziskovanja je aplikacija novih informacijskih storitev za dostop do kartografskega gradiva v knjižničnem okolju. Sodelovala je v več mednarodnih in domačih raziskovalnih projektih ter je avtorica znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s področja informacijskih znanosti in bibliotekarstva. Bila je tudi predsednica in soustanoviteljica mednarodnih združenj kuratorjev kartografskih zbirk institucij kulturne dediščine (LIBER Groupe des Cartothecaires, Geoinformation Curators Group, MAGIC). Renata Šolar was born in 1963 in Belgrade. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Science in 1987, earned her master’s degree at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts in 1996, and received her PhD at the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Arts in 2006. She has worked at the Ljubljana National and University Library since 1996. From 1996 to 2020, she headed the library’s Map and Pictorial Collection, and from 2007 to 2018 she also served as head of the Special Collections Division. Her research focuses on the application of new IT services for accessing maps in a library environment. She has taken part in several international and Slovenian research projects and has authored many research articles dealing with information science and librarianship. She also chaired and co-founded several international associations of map curators at cultural heritage institutions (the LIBER Maps Expert Group and the Map & Geoinformation Curators Group, or MAGIC). kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 1 KartografsKi zaKladi slovensKega ozemlja CartographiC treasures of slovenian territory kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 2 2 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 3 KartografsKi zaKladi slovensKega ozemlja CartographiC treasures of slovenian territory Primož Gašperič Renata Šolar Matija Zorn LJUBLJANA 2020 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 4 KARTOGRAFSKI ZAKLADI SLOVENSKEGA OZEMLJA CARTOGRAPHIC TREASURES OF SLOVENIAN TERRITORY Primož Gašperič, Renata Šolar, Matija Zorn © 2020, ZRC SAZU Geografski inštitut Antona Melika / ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Založba ZRC © 2020, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica / National and University Library Avtorji / Authors: Primož Gašperič, Renata Šolar, Matija Zorn Recenzenta / Reviewers: Matjaž Geršič, Miha Preinfalk Korektor / Proofreader: Borut Žunič Prevod latinskih in nemških naslovov zemljevidov / Translation of Latin and German titles of maps: Jerneja Fridl, Luka Vidmar Prevajalca / Translators: Simona Lapanja, Donald F. Reindl Izdajatelja / Issued by: ZRC SAZU Geografski inštitut Antona Melika / ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica / National and University Library Za izdajatelja / Represented by: Matija Zorn, Viljem Leban Založnik / Publisher: Založba ZRC Za založnika / Represented by: Oto Luthar Glavni urednik / Editor-in-chief: Aleš Pogačnik Oblikovna zasnova / Design concept: Andrej Furlan Oblikovanje naslovnice / Cover design: Maj Blatnik Računalniški prelom in oblikovanje / Digital layout and design: SYNCOMP d. o. o. Tisk / Printed by: Collegium Graphicum d. o. o. Naklada / Print run: 600 izvodov / copies Prva izdaja, prvi natis / First edition, first printing. / Prva e-izdaja / First e-edition. Ljubljana 2020 Naslovnica / Cover: Izrezi zemljevidov / Parts of the maps: na levi / on the le: Istra / Istria (Pietro Coppo, 1525); Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum (Wolfgang Lazius, 1561); Carniola, Cilia comitatus, et Windorum Marchia (Willem Janszoon Blaeu, okoli / around 1666); Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio (Georg Matthäus Vischer, 1678); Zemljovid Slovenske dežele in pokrajin / Map of Slovenian Territory and Regions (Peter Kozler, 1853); na desni / on the right: Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica (Janez Dizma Florjančič pl. Grienfeld, 1744). Monografija je nastala v okviru raziskovalnega programa Geografija Slovenije (P6-0101), ki ga financira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije, ter programa Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za kulturo. / is volume was created as part of the research program Geography of Slovenia (P6-0101), financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, and program of the National and University Library, financed by the Ministry of Culture. Za uporabo zemljevidov se zahvaljujemo Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici, Zemljepisnemu muzeju Geografskega inštituta Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Knjižnici Mirana Jarca Novo mesto, Pomorskemu muzeju »Sergej Mašera« Piran, Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Zagrebu (Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu), Osrednji knjižnici Celje, Koroški osrednji knjižnici dr. Franca Sušnika, Arhivu Republike Slovenije in privatni zbirki Boruta Žuniča. / For the use of maps, thanks to the National and University Library of Ljubljana, Geographical Museum of the ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Milan Jarc Library of Novo Mesto, Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum of Piran, National and University Library in Zagreb, Celje Central Library, Dr. Franc Sušnik Central Carinthian Library, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, and private collection of Borut Žunič. Prva e-izdaja knjige je prosto dostopna pod pogoji licence Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. / e first e-edition of this book is freely available under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. https://doi.org/10.3986/9789610504269 CIP – Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 913(497.4) 528.9(497.4)(091)"18" GAŠPERIČ, Primož Kartografski zakladi slovenskega ozemlja = Cartographic treasures of Slovenian territory / Primož Gašperič, Renata Šolar, Matija Zorn ; [prevod latinskih in nemških naslovov zemljevidov Jerneja Fridl, Luka Vidmar ; prevajalec Simona Lapanja, Donald F. Reindl]. – 1. izd., 1. natis. – Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, 2020 ISBN 978-961-05-0426-9 1. Šolar, Renata 2. Zorn, Matija COBISS.SI-ID 304907520 ISBN 978-961-05-0427-6 (pdf) COBISS.SI -ID 304910592 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 5 vsebina / Contents 1 Uvod / Introduction 6 / 7 2 Razvoj evropske kartografije / Development of European Cartography 10 / 11 2.1 Prazgodovina in antika / Prehistory and Antiquity 10 / 11 2.2 Srednji vek / e Middle Ages 12 2.3 Novi vek / Modern Period 13 2.3.1 Šestnajsto stoletje / Sixteenth Century 13 / 14 2.3.2 Sedemnajsto stoletje / Seventeenth Century 15 2.3.3 Osemnajsto stoletje / Eighteenth Century 16 / 17 2.3.4 Devetnajsto stoletje / Nineteenth Century 18 3 Kartografski prikazi slovenskega ozemlja / Slovenian Territory Depicted on Maps 20 / 21 3.1 Antika in srednji vek / Antiquity and the Middle Ages 20 / 21 3.2 Novi vek / Modern Period 22 3.2.1 Šestnajsto stoletje / Sixteenth Century 22 3.2.2 Sedemnajsto stoletje / Seventeenth Century 25 3.2.3 Osemnajsto stoletje / Eighteenth Century 26 / 27 3.2.4 Devetnajsto stoletje / Nineteenth Century 29 / 30 4 Zemljevid kot kulturna dediščina / Maps as Cultural Heritage 34 / 35 4.1 Pomen zemljevida / e Importance of Maps 34 / 35 4.2 Kartografija in kulturna dediščina / Cartography and Cultural Heritage 36 5 Zemljevidi slovenskega ozemlja / Maps of Slovenian Territory 39 6 Seznam zemljevidov slovenskega ozemlja / List of Maps of Slovenian Territory 124 7 Viri in literature / References 126 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 6 1 Uvod Osnovnemu kartografskemu prikazu pravimo zemljevid (beseda slovenskega izvora) ali karta (grško khártēs – papirusov list, zvitek, latinsko charta – papir, spis). Zemljevid je »dvo- razsežnostni prikaz Zemljinega površja in različnih pojavov« (Perko 2001, 31) oziroma »v določenem merilu pomanjšana in posplošena ponazoritev Zemljinega površja ali njegovih posameznih delov« (Kladnik 2001, 630), »pomanjšan in z do- govorjenimi znaki upodobljen prikaz Zemljinega površja« (Krušič 1982, 267), »navadno papir, platno z upodobitvijo Zemljinega površja, objektov na njem v pomanjšanem me- rilu … z geografskimi podatki o pojavih, stanjih in procesih« (Kladnik, Lovrenčak in Orožen Adamič 2005, 439). Kartografija je »umetnost, znanost in tehnologija izdelovanja ter uporabe zemljevidov« (ICA 2003, 17) oziroma »veda in tehnična stroka o sestavi zemljevidov« (Krušič 1982, 90), »nauk o grafičnem upodabljanju Zemljinega površja« (Kladnik 2001, 189) ali kratko »veda o izdelavi zemljevidov« (Kladnik, Lovrenčak in Orožen Adamič 2005, 166). Ko poskušamo zajeti preteklo obdobje kartografskega razvoja, govorimo o zgodovini kartografije. Pri tem preučujemo, kako so ljudje v različnih kulturah ter v različnih obdobjih izdelovali in uporabljali zemljevide. Sodobna kartografija se drži dogovorjenih standardov. Zem- ljevid ni le slika oziroma pomanjšana podoba nekega ozemlja, temveč je slika v določenem razmerju pomanjšanega površja, najpogosteje gledanega iz navpične točke, prenesenega na ravno ploskev s pomočjo matematično zasnovane projekcije, za boljše razumevanje pojavov pa je opremljena z dogovor- jenimi znaki in napisi (Vrišer 1992). Pri starejših zemljevidih standardi izdelave niso bili predpisani, zato so avtorji prosto izbirali vrsto in način prikaza podatkov. Razlike so najbolj opazne pri prikazih površja, točnosti ter nekartografskih vse- binah na oziroma ob zemljevidu. Slovensko ozemlje je bilo v preteklih stoletjih večkrat karto- grafsko upodobljeno. Ti kartografski prikazi (zemljevidi) danes predstavljajo nekakšne »časovne kapsule« za razume- vanje zgodovine, geografije, politične realnosti in tudi umetnosti. Zemljevidi prikazujejo stopnjo poznavanja okolja, nudijo vpogled v takratno kulturo (Klemenčič 2002) ter so pomemben vir za razumevanje in poznavanja preteklih pokrajin (Polič 2002). So ogledalo kartografskega razvoja ter družbenih in političnih razmer časa, v katerem so nastali. Njihova sporočilna »moč« je v posredovanju dojemanja in predstav o pokrajini (Fridl in Šolar 2011). Danes so sestavni del kulturne dediščine. 6 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 7 1 IntRodUctIon A basic cartographic depiction is referred to as map or chart (from Latin charta ‘paper, writing’ from Greek khártēs ‘papyrus, scroll’). A map is »a two-dimensional depiction of the Earth’s surface and various phenomena« (Perko 2001, 31) or »a generalized illustration of the Earth’s surface or its individual parts reduced to a specific scale« (Kladnik 2001, 630), »a reduced depiction of the Earth’s surface using conventional signs or symbols« (Krušič 1982, 267), »usually a sheet of paper or canvas depicting the Earth’s surface and its features at a reduced scale … containing geographical data on phenomena, states, and processes (Kladnik, Lovrenčak, and Orožen Adamič 2005, 439). Cartography is »the art, science, and technology of making and using maps« (ICA 2003, 17) or »the discipline and technical field of designing maps« (Krušič 1982, 90), »the science of graphically representing the Earth’s surface« (Kladnik 2001, 189), or, in short, »the science of making maps« (Kladnik, Lovrenčak, and Orožen Adamič 2005, 166). When attempts are made to capture a past period of carto- graphic development, this is referred to as the history of cartography. It involves the exploration of how people pro- duced and used maps in different cultures and periods. Modern cartography is based on agreed-upon standards. A map is not only an image or a reduced depiction of a territory, but an image of the surface reduced to a specific scale, typically viewed from a vertical point and projected onto a plane using mathematical projection, and outfitted with conventional signs and symbols to aid understanding (Vrišer 1992). ere were no design standards in place for older maps, and so their authors were free to select the type and manner of rep- resenting data. Differences are most evident in depictions of the terrain, accuracy, and non-cartographic elements on or alongside the map. Over the past centuries, Slovenian territory has been depicted on several maps. ese maps now represent a sort of »time capsule« that help in understanding history, geography, political conditions, and art. Maps demonstrate the level of familiarity with the environment, provide insight into the culture of a spe- cific period (Klemenčič 2002), and are important sources for understanding and learning about past landscapes (Polič 2002). ey reflect the cartographic development and the social and political situation of the period in which they were created. eir communicative power lies in revealing how a landscape was perceived and viewed at a specific point in time (Fridl and Šolar 2011). Today maps form part of cultural heritage. 7 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 8 uvod Prek zemljevidov lahko spremljamo, kako so se spreminjale Maps show how cartographic techniques, maps’ design, and kartografske tehnike, njihov videz ter prikaz pokrajine. Zato landscape representations have changed over time. erefore, so edinstven vir za razumevanje tehnološkega razvoja ter mi- they are a unique source for understanding the technological selnosti nekega časovnega obdobja. development and mindset of a specific period. Kljub bogastvu kartografskih upodobitev ter možnostim, ki Despite the wealth of maps and the opportunities they offer jih te ponujajo za razumevanje preteklih obdobij, jim slovenska for understanding past periods, Slovenian history, art history, zgodovina, umetnostna zgodovina, geografija in kartografija geography, and cartography have not paid them sufficient at- niso posvetile dovolj pozornosti. O starih kartografskih prikazih tention. Hence, not much has been written about old maps. tako ni napisanih veliko del. Najobsežnejše delo je monografija e most extensive work so far is the volume Naš prostor Naš prostor v času in projekciji (Korošec 1978). Več je krajših v času in projekciji (Our Space in Time and Projection; razprav, kot sta Slovenske dežele na zemljevidih od 16. do 18. Korošec 1978). ere have been several short tretise published stoletja (Bohinec 1969) in Slovenci v svetu: slikovite predstavitve on this topic, such as Slovenske dežele na zemljevidih od 16. slovenskih dežel in sveta na starih zemljevidih (Slovenci … 1986). do 18. stoletja (e Slovenian Lands on Sixteenth- to Eigh- Med poglavji v monografijah omenimo Slovenija na starejših teenth-Century Maps; Bohinec 1969) and Slovenci v svetu: zemljevidih (Mihevc 1998) in Oris razvoja kartografije in geo- slikovite predstavitve slovenskih dežel in sveta na starih grafije (Fridl 1998) v Geografskem atlasu Slovenije, Razvoj zemljevidih (Slovenians around the World: Picturesque Rep- slovenske kartografije in geografije v Nacionalnem atlasu Slo- resentations of the Slovenian Lands and the World on Old venije (Fridl in Mihevc 2001) in Prikazi slovenskega ozemlja Maps; Slovenci … 1986). Chapters in books discussing this v Ilustrirani zgodovini Slovencev (Longyka 1999) ter krajši topic include »Slovenija na starejših zemljevidih« (Slovenia poglavji v monografiji Razvoj geografije na slovenskem (Ogrin on Old Maps; Mihevc 1998) and »Oris razvoja kartografije 2019a). Med preglednimi članki o zgodovini kartografije ome- in geografije« (Outline of the Development of Cartography nimo še Nekoliko o zemljevidih slovenskih pokrajin v prejšnjem and Geography; Fridl 1998) in Geografski atlas Slovenije (Ge- in sedanjem času (Orožen 1901), Kartografske upodobitve ographical Atlas of Slovenia), »Razvoj slovenske kartografije Slovenije skozi čas (Gašperič 2007) ter Stari zemljevidi ozemlja in geografije« (Development of Slovenian Cartography and Slovenije (Gašperič 2018). Geography) in Nacionalni atlas Slovenije (National Atlas of Slovenia; Fridl and Mihevc 2001), »Prikazi slovenskega Zapostavljen je bil tudi potencial kartografske dediščine kot ozemlja« (Depictions of Slovenian Territory) in Ilustrirana zgodovinskega vira (Jenny, Jenny in Hurni 2009), čeprav so zgodovina Slovencev (Illustrated History of the Slovenians; zemljevidi prvovrsten vir za prostorsko razumevanje pokrajine Longyka 1999), and two short chapters in Razvoj geografije v nekem časovnem obdobju oziroma za spremljanje prostorske na slovenskem (e Development of Geography in Slovenia; dinamike skozi daljša obdobja. To je bilo drugotnega pomena, Ogrin 2019a). Review articles examining the history of car- saj smo tudi v zgodovinski literaturi lahko brali, da je njihova tography include »Nekoliko o zemljevidih slovenskih pokrajin funkcija predvsem v podajanju rezultatov (Grafenauer 1960). v prejšnjem in sedanjem času« (Maps of Slovenian Regions in Toda kartografski viri niso zgolj sredstvo za prostorski prikaz the Past and Present; Orožen 1901), »Kartografske upodobitve pojavov, temveč so verodostojen dokument prostora, časa in Slovenije skozi čas« (Cartographic Images of Slovenia through družbenih razmer, v katerih so nastali (Slukan Altić 2003), Time; Gašperič 2007), and »Stari zemljevidi ozemlja Slovenije« ter jih kot take lahko obravnavamo kot vire prve roke, pri ka- (Old Maps of Slovenian Territory; Gašperič 2018). terih »je mogoče ugotoviti neposreden stik avtorja vira z dogodki ali stanji« (Grafenauer 1960, 252). Pogosto vsebujejo infor- The potential of cartographic heritage as a historical source macije, ki niso zabeležene v nobenem drugem viru (na primer has also been neglected (Jenny, Jenny, and Hurni 2009), zemljepisna imena, potek meja, prometnic, vodotokov, oblik even though maps are a prime source for the spatial under- površja) (Rumsey in Williams 2002). Danes se v Slovenji kot standing of a landscape in a specific period or examining vir uporabljajo predvsem pri zgodovinski geografiji in okoljski spatial dynamics over longer periods. This has been of sec- zgodovini, pretežno v povezavi s spremembami rabe tal in ondary importance because even historical literature claimed kulturne pokrajine. Njihovo uporabo za kvantitativno preuče- their function was primarily to present results (Grafenauer vanje pokrajinskih sprememb so pospešili geografski infor- 1960). However, cartographic sources are not only a means macijski sistemi (GIS-i), ki so jih »osvobodili statičnosti« oziroma of spatial representation of phenomena, but also a credible le odtisa na papirju (Zorn, Breg Valjavec in Ciglič 2018). document of the place, time, and social conditions in which they were created (Slukan Altić 2003). Thus, they can be Kot pri vseh zgodovinskih virih je tudi pri kartografskih po- considered first-hand sources that »make it possible to de- trebna kritična obravnava. V povezavi s tem je treba poznati termine the cartographer’s direct contact with events or zgodovinski kontekst, v katerem so nastali, saj so zrcalo conditions« (Grafenauer 1960, 252). Maps often contain in- potreb naročnikov, kar je vplivalo na vsebino. Pomembno je, formation that has not been recorded in any other source ali je kartografsko gradivo nastalo kot plod terenskega dela (e.g., geographical names and the location of borders, roads, 8 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 9 introduCtion kartografa (in je kot tako vir prve roke) ali so bile za izdelavo watercourses, and landforms; Rumsey and Williams 2002). uporabljene že obstoječe kartografske podlage (in je kot tako In Slovenia they are now primarily being used as a source in vir druge roke), kar lahko botruje zastarelim, lahko tudi na- historical geography and environmental history, largely in pačnim podatkom. Ne nazadnje sta pomembna tudi avtorstvo, connection with changes in land use and the cultural land- saj so kartografi pripadali različnim »šolam«, ter tehnološki scape. Their application in the quantitative study of landscape razvoj kartografskih tehnik, kar se odseva v njihovi natančnosti. change has been facilitated by geographic information Zavedati se moramo tudi, da ima lahko kartografski vir načrtne systems (GIS), which »freed them of their static nature« or napake, ki se pojavljajo na primer na vojaških ali tematskih of being merely printing on paper (Zorn, Breg Valjavec, and zemljevidih (Monmonier 1996), ali napake, povezane z ne- Ciglič 2018). poznavanjem pokrajine (Rumsey in Williams 2002; Jenny, Jenny in Hurni 2009; Zorn, Breg Valjavec in Ciglič 2018; As with all historical sources, cartographic sources also Zorn, Ciglič in Gašperič 2020) oziroma pretirano domišljijo require a critical approach. In this regard, it is important kartografa, ki je zapolnil prazen prostor, na primer s podobami to know the historical context in which they were created mitoloških bitij (Ekman 2013; Gašperič in Komac 2020). because they mirror the needs of those that commissioned them, which affected their content. It is vital whether the V besedilnem delu knjige na kratko predstavljamo zgodovino map was the result of the cartographer’s fieldwork (and evropske kartografije do konca 19. stoletja, kartografske prikaze can thus be considered a first-hand source) or existing car- slovenskega ozemlja do začetka 20. stoletja ter zemljevide tographic sources were used to produce the map (which is kot kulturno dediščino. Kartografski del monografije pa hence considered a second-hand source), which may be prinaša kronološki prikaz pomembnejših starih zemljevidov the reason for outdated or even false information. Ultimately, slovenskega ozemlja. Predstavljeni so zemljevidi od srede also important are the authorship, because cartographers 16. stoletja, ko so nastala prva samostojna kartografska dela belonged to different »schools,« and the technological de- današnjega slovenskega ozemlja, do začetka 20. stoletja, ko se velopment of cartographic techniques, which is reflected kartografija razvije v sodobno vedo. Na koncu je dodan seznam in the maps’ accuracy. It is also vital to note that a carto- zemljevidov slovenskega ozemlja v obravnavanem obdobju. graphic source may contain deliberate mistakes, which can be found, for instance, on military or thematic maps (Mon- Namen knjige ni obsežna predstavitev posameznih zemlje- monier 1996), or mistakes connected with the cartographer’s vidov, temveč predstavitev slovenske kartografske dediščine. poor familiarity with the region (Rumsey and Williams Podrobneje je opisanih zgolj nekaj zemljevidov, ki v karto- 2002; Jenny, Jenny, and Hurni 2009; Zorn, Breg Valjavec, grafskem, zgodovinskem in nacionalnem pogledu veljajo za and Ciglič 2018; Zorn, Ciglič, and Gašperič 2020) or his najpomembnejše. excessive imagination, whereby empty spaces were filled with depictions of imaginary creatures and the like (Ekman Knjiga je dvojezična, v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, saj 2013; Gašperič and Komac 2020). je bila kartografija na Slovenskem del širše srednjeevropske kartografije in je kot taka lahko zanimiva za širšo regijo. e text of this book briefly presents the history of European cartography until the end of the nineteenth century, maps of Slovenian territory until the early twentieth century, and maps as cultural heritage. In turn, its cartographic section features important old maps of Slovenian territory presented in chronological order. e maps displayed originate from the mid-sixteenth century, when the first independent maps of what is now Slovenia were created, to the early twentieth century, when cartography evolved into a modern discipline. e book concludes with a list of maps of Slovenian territory from the period studied. al Museum M ZRC SAZU aphic e aim of this book is not to provide an extensive presentation eogr ej GIA of individual maps, but to present Slovenian cartographic heritage. Only a few maps that are considered the most im- M ZRC SAZU G emljepisni muz portant from the cartographic, historical, and Slovenian TIL, Z TIL, GIA perspective are described in greater detail. APLA APLA O Z O Z ARK ARK M M e book is bilingual (i.e., Slovenian and English) because Slika 1: Kartografsko gradivo je bilo mnogokrat priloženo knjižnim delom. Slovenian cartography was part of wider central European Figure 1: Maps were often appended to books. cartography and as such is of interest to the wider region. 9 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:08 Page 10 2 RaZvoj evRoPske kaRtoGRafIje 2.1 PRaZGodovIna In antIka Na podlagi arheoloških najdb lahko trdimo, da segajo karto- grafski začetki v prazgodovino. V prazgodovini je bilo risanje »zemljevidov« vrsta umetniškega izražanja posameznikov ali skupin, ki ni imelo veliko skupnega s poznejšim kartografskim delom. Takratni »zemljevidi« so bile preproste slike nekega objekta ali dela naravnega okolja. Za upodobitve so bili upo- rabljeni različni naravni materiali, kot so les, kosti, glina, kamen oziroma stene jam. Večina se jih zaradi podnebnih razmer ter neobstojnosti materiala in barv ni ohranila (Gašperič 2007). V obdobju do antike ne moremo govoriti o pravih zemljevidih. Gre za njihove predhodnike. Preproste oblike prikazov površja naj bi se pojavile pred 30.000 leti, ko se je pračlovek že znal izražati s simboli (Robinson s sodelavci 1995; Podobnikar 2002). Med najstarejše »zemljevide« uvrščamo upodobitvi na mamutovem oklu z Moravske na Češkem, ki naj bi bila stara okoli 25.000 let (Svoboda 2007) ter iz okolice Kijeva v Ukrajini iz 12. tisočletja pred Kristusom (James in orpe 1995; Perko 2005). Iz istega obdobja so tudi upodobitve v jami v španski pokrajini Navarra (Utrilla s sodelavci 2009; Clarke 2013). S predstavo o Zemlji oziroma poznanem svetu so se podrobno ukvarjali stari Grki, pri katerih prevladujeta predstavi o Zemlji kot okrogli plošči in pozneje kot krogli (Hoyle 1971; Aujac 1987; Ogrin 2017). Grki so dali temelje risanju zemljevidov in kartografiji kot vedi, saj so se mnogi učenjaki tistega časa ukvarjali z obliko Zemlje, njeno velikostjo in prikazom. Med njimi lahko omenimo Klavdija Ptolemaja (okoli 90–okoli 170). Kot prvi je zbral astronomska in kartografska spoznanja svojih predhodnikov ter dodal lastna dognanja. Objavil jih je v obsežnem delu matematičnih in astronomskih razprav o gi- banju zvezd in planetov Mathēmatikē Syntaxis (Matematična sintaksa, grško Μαθηματικἠ Σύνταξις). Zanj se je v poznejših latinskih prevodih uveljavilo tudi ime Almagestum (Almagest), kar je latinizirana oblika arabskega imena (al-kitab al-madžisti), v pomenu Velika zbirka. Omenjeno delo predstavlja enega pomembnejših astronomskih znan- stvenih besedil vseh časov. Pomembno je tudi njegovo delo s sorodno tematiko Geographike Hyphegesis (Geografski pri- ročnik, grško Γεωγραφικὴ Ὑφήγησις), ki se v latinskem prevodu imenuje Geographia ali Cosmographia (Geografija ali Kozmo- grafija). V njem so kraji na Zemlji prvič označeni z geografskimi širinami in dolžinami, ki pa po večini niso bile določene na podlagi opazovanj, temveč privzete iz starejših zemljevidov in potopisov (Ptolemaeus 1976; Fridl 1999). Ptolemaj je izdal zemljevid takrat znanega sveta, ki pa se v izvirniku ni ohranil. Se je pa po zaslugi Arabcev ohranilo nekaj njegovih drugih 10 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 11 2 develoPMent of eURoPean caRtoGRaPhy 2.1 PRehIstoRy and antIqUIty Archeological finds demonstrate that the beginnings of cartography extend back to prehistory. During that period, drawing »maps« was a type of artistic expression used by in- dividual or groups, and had only little in common with later cartographic practice. e »maps« of that time were simple depictions of an object or part of the natural environment, for which various natural materials such as wood, bones, clay, stone, or cave walls were used. Due to the climate con- ditions and their non-durable materials and colors, most of them have not been preserved (Gašperič 2007). Before Classical Antiquity, one cannot really speak of proper maps, but more of their predecessors. Simple depictions of the Earth’s surface are believed to have emerged 30,000 years ago, when people were already able to express themselves in symbols (Robinson et al. 1995; Podobnikar 2002). e oldest »maps« include a depiction on a mammoth’s tusk from Moravia (in today’s Czech Republic), which is believed to be 25,000 years old (Svoboda 2007), and a depiction from the Kyiv area (in Ukraine) from the twelh millennium BC (James and orpe 1995; Perko 2005). Depictions in a cave in the Spanish region of Navarra also date back to the same period (Utrilla et al. 2009; Clarke 2013). e conception of the Earth or the known world was also dealt with in detail by the ancient Greeks, who predominantly conceived of the Earth as a flat disk and later as a sphere (Hoyle 1971; Aujac 1987; Ogrin 2017). e Greeks laid the foundations for drawing maps and cartography as a discipline because many scholars of that time focused on the Earth’s shape, size, and representation. One of them was Ptolemy (c. AD 90 – c. AD 170), who was the first to collect the astro- nomical and cartographic findings of his predecessors, which he supplemented with his own insights. He published these in Mathēmatikē Syntaxis (Mathematical Treatise), an extensive volume of mathematical and astronomical treatises on the movement of stars and planets. Based on later Latin transla- tions, the work also became known as the Almagest (Latin Almagestum), which is a Latinized form of Arabic al-kitab al-majist.ī, meaning ‘great collection’. is work is one of the most influential astronomic scholarly texts of all times. Another important work by Ptolemy that discusses a similar topic is Geographike Hyphegesis (Geographical Guidance), translated into Latin as Geographia (Geography) or Cosmographia (Cos- mography). It provides, for the first time ever, latitude and longitude coordinates for places on Earth – which, however, were largely not defined based on observation, but taken from 11 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 12 razvoj evropsKe Kartografije del ter dela ostalih starogrških avtorjev (Karamustafa 1992). older maps and itineraries (Ptolemaeus 1976; Fridl 1999). Ptolemajev zemljevid sveta so v Evropi v najrazličnejših iz- Ptolemy also published a map of the world known at the vedbah in predelavah izdajali še v novem veku. time, but its original has not been preserved. However, thanks to the Arabs, several of his other works and the works of Evropska antična kartografija je s Ptolemajem dosegla vrh, other ancient Greek authors have been preserved (Karamustafa nato pa je postopoma nazadovala. V času rimske države se je 1992). Ptolemy’s world map continued to be reproduced in večina kartografskih del podredila praktičnim zahtevam trgo- Europe in various forms and adaptations well into the modern vine, vojske in prometa. Ob vseh glavnih poteh so postavili period. miljnike, ki so pripomogli k razvoju cestnih zemljevidov in itinerarijev (Dilke 1985). Najbolj znan tovrsten zemljevid je European cartography of Antiquity reached its peak with prav gotovo Tabula Peutingeriana (Peutingerjev zemljevid). Ptolemy, aer which it gradually declined. During the Roman Original se ni ohranil, poznana pa je srednjeveška kopija iz Empire, most maps were subordinated to the practical demands prvih stoletij po Kristusu ter prikazuje ceste in poti z razdaljami of trade, military, and transport. Milestones were placed along med kraji v rimskih miljah (Mihevc 1998). all major roads, which fostered the development of road maps and itineraria (Dilke 1985). e best-known map of this type is Tabula Peutingeriana (e Peutinger Map). e original has not been preserved, but a medieval copy is known 2.2 sRednjI vek based on a map from the first centuries AD depicting roads and routes with distances between places expressed in Roman Propad zahodne polovice Rimskega cesarstva v drugi polovici miles (Mihevc 1998). 5. stoletja ter preseljevanje ljudstev sta povzročila, da se je v srednjem veku mnogo znanja izgubilo oziroma se je dote- danjim spoznanjem in dosežkom celo nasprotovalo oziroma se jih je zavračalo. Od visokega srednjega veka se je krščanska 2.2 the MIddle aGes Evropa, ob ponovnem odkrivanju antike ter ob stikih s so- sednjimi kulturami (arabsko), začela kulturno obnavljati. Na e fall of the Western Roman Empire in the second half of dolgotrajno in mnogokrat težavno sprejemanje antičnih, arab- the fih century and the Migration Period resulted in a great skih in drugih spoznanj je močno vplivala krščanska cerkev, deal of knowledge being lost in the Middle Ages, when ki je postala sito med odkrivanjem drugih spoznanj in kultur previous findings and achievements were even opposed or ter krščanskimi nazori in dogmami. rejected. From the High Middle Ages onward, Christian Eu- rope – while rediscovering Antiquity and being in contact Najbolj znana kartografska dela srednjega veka so zemljevidi with neighboring cultures (e.g., Arabic) – began a cultural sveta in portolanski zemljevidi. Srednjeveški zemljevidi sveta restoration. e long-lasting and oen complex adoption of (latinsko mappe mundi), imenovani T-O zemljevidi, so zelo ancient, Arabic, and other insights was strongly influenced preprosti in prepoznavni po legi celin okoli »svetega« središča by the Christian church, which turned into a filter between Jeruzalema. Praviloma so orientirani proti vzhodu (Gašperič discovering other insights and cultures on the one hand and 2007). Na njih je Svet razdeljen na tri dele. V zgornji polovici Christian beliefs and dogmas on the other. (zgornji del črke »T«) je Azija, v spodnji levi polovici Evropa, v spodnji desni pa Afrika (obe v spodnjem delu črke »T«). e best-known maps of the Middle Ages include world Mejo med Evropo in Afriko predstavlja Sredozemsko morje, maps and portolan charts. Medieval world maps (Lat. mappae mejo med Azijo in spodnjo polovico pa reki Don in Nil. mundi), also called T-O maps, are very simple, with the con- Obe ločnici med celinami oblikujeta črko T, njuno stičišče tinents typically surrounding Jerusalem in the center. As pa sovpada z lego Svete dežele. Oblika zemljevida in morje, a rule, they have east at the top (Gašperič 2007) and they ki obdaja kopno, imata obliko črke O (Fridl 1999; Ogrin 2018). divide the world into three parts. Asia is depicted on top (above the letter T), Europe lies in the bottom le half, and V 12. stoletju se je v Evropi začel počasen, a vztrajen proces Africa in the bottom right half (both in the lower part of kartografskega preporoda oziroma kartografske renesanse letter T). e border between Europe and Africa was the (Woodward 1987), ki je temeljil na iznajdbi kompasa, od- Mediterranean Sea, and the border between Asia and the krivanju neznanega sveta in Ptolemajevih delih. Začela se je bottom half was the Don and the Nile. Both borders form izdelava tako imenovanih portolanskih zemljevidov (po the letter T, with the Holy Land depicted at their intersection. italijanski besedi porto za pristanišče) oziroma pomorskih e shape of the map and the ocean surrounding the mainland zemljevidov. Za čas nastanka so zelo natančni, saj najpogosteje form the letter O (Fridl 1999; Ogrin 2018). zelo podrobno prikazujejo obalno črto, pristanišča in kompasne smeri plovbe po morju. Za orientacijo med plovbo so služili During the twelh century, a slow but persistent process of predvsem mornarjem in trgovcem (Campbell 1987). cartographic revival or renaissance began in Europe (Woodward 12 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 13 development of european Cartography 2.3 novI vek 1987) inspired by the invention of the compass, discoveries of unknown parts of the world, and Ptolemy’s works. is Večji razmah je evropska kartografija dosegla v 15. stoletju was when portolan charts (from Italian porto ‘port’) or nau- v dobi odkritij (Ogrin 2019b; 2019c). Številna potovanja po tical charts began to be produced. They are extremely kopnem, predvsem pa po morju, so znanilec sprememb pri accurate considering the time they were made, typically pre- spoznavanju prej »neznanega« sveta. Številne odprave so se senting the coastal line, ports, and the compass directions of vrnile z novimi meritvami, upodobitvami in spoznanji, zato navigation at sea in great detail. ey were primarily used je vzniknila nujnost po bolj kakovostnih kartografskih prikazih. by seafarers and traders to find their bearings while sailing Za dosego tega je bilo treba izboljšati tehniko izdelave zem- (Campbell 1987). ljevidov. Z Gutenbergovim izumom tiska s premičnimi črkami je tudi tiskarska tehnika v 15. stoletju doživela preporod. Novi vek je tako postal zaznamovan s hitrim razvojem kartografske in tiskarske stroke (Gašperič 2007). 2.3 ModeRn PeRIod Kljub še neodkritim območjem je Martin Behaim (1459–1507) European cartography experienced a major boom in the fif- leta 1492 izdelal prvi še ohranjen globus poznanega sveta teenth century during the Age of Discovery (Ogrin 2019b; (Behaim 2004). Na njem ameriški celini še nista označeni. 2019c). Numerous land and especially sea explorations heralded changes in the understanding of the previously »unknown« Leta 1507, kmalu po odpravah Krištofa Kolumba (1451–1506), world. Many expeditions came back with new measurements, je nastal zemljevid sveta Nemca Martina Waldseemüllerja depictions, and insights, resulting in the necessity for higher- (okoli 1470–1520), ki prikazuje vzhodno obalo Severne in quality maps, which demanded improved cartographic Južne Amerike, ločeni od Azije, pri čemer je Amerika prvič techniques. Gutenberg’s invention of the movable-type printing poimenovana kot America (Hébert 2003). press also sparked the revival of printing in the fieenth century. e modern period was thus characterized by a rapid Na nadaljnji kartografski preporod v novem veku so vplivala development of cartography and printing (Gašperič 2007). tri pomembnejša »odkritja«. Prvo je bilo ponovno »odkritje« grške in rimske antične zapuščine. Tu izstopajo Ptolemajevi Despite the still-undiscovered parts of the world, Martin Be- zemljevidi, predvsem po letu 1406 (Suarez 1999), ko so iz haim (1459–1507) produced the first globe of the known arabščine v latinščino prevedli njegovo delo Geografski pri- world in 1492 (Behaim 2004). It is now considered the oldest ročnik. K napredku kartografije sta prispevala tudi graviranje surviving world globe, on which the Americas are not yet in tiskanje zemljevidov ter odkritja novih delov sveta (Raisz depicted. 1948). In 1507, soon aer the voyages of Christopher Columbus Ena najstarejših tehnik tiskanja je lesorezna tehnika, lesorez (1451–1506), the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller ali ksilografija. Najstarejši poznani zemljevid, narejen v tej (c. 1470–1520) created a world map showing the eastern tehniki, je zemljevid zahodne Kitajske iz leta 1155. Izdelali coast of North and South America, which are separated from so ga na Kitajskem. V Evropi so bili prvi zemljevidi v tej Asia. is was the first map on which America was referred tehniki T-O zemljevidi sveta, na primer zemljevid, natisnjen to as America (Hébert 2003). v Augsburgu leta 1472 in objavljen v delu Etymologiae (Eti- mologije) škofa Izidorja Seviljskega, ter zemljevida sveta in Further cartographic revival during the modern period was Palestine, natisnjena v Lübecku leta 1475 in objavljena v delu influenced by three major discoveries. e first refers to the Rudimentum Novitiorum (Učbenik za začetnike) (Wallis in rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman heritage. Ptolemy’s Robinson 1987; Baynton-Williams 2006; Durand in Curtis maps stand out in this regard, especially aer 1406 (Suarez 2014). Ker se je ta tehnika uporablja tudi za tiskanje besedil, 1999), when Geographical Guidance was translated from Arabic se je za zemljevide, izdane v knjigah (slika 1), uporabljala vse into Latin. e progress of cartography was also facilitated do druge polovice 19. stoletja. Pri tiskanju zemljevidov jo je by map engraving and printing and discoveries of new parts v 16. stoletju v Evropi nadomestil bakrotisk (Wallis in Robinson of the world (Raisz 1948). 1987). Med najstarejše tovrstne kartografske izdelke uvrščamo bolonjsko izdajo Ptolemajeva Kozmografija iz leta 1477 (Wallis Woodcut, wood engraving, or xylography is one of the oldest in Robinson 1987). printing techniques. e oldest known map produced with this technique is the 1155 map of western China made in China. e first maps using this technique in Europe were 2.3.1 Šestnajsto stoletje the T-O world maps, such as the one printed in Augsburg in V prvi polovici 16. stoletja so imeli vodilno vlogo pri razvoju 1472 and published in the encyclopedia Etymologiae (e kartografije Italijani. Središči razvoja sta bili mesti Rim in Etymologies) compiled by Isidore of Seville, and the world 13 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 14 razvoj evropsKe Kartografije Benetke. Dela Giacoma Gastaldija (okoli 1500–1566) in nekoliko map and the map of Palestine printed in Lübeck in 1475 and pozneje Vincenza Maria Coronellija (1650–1718) predstavljajo published in the book Rudimentum Novitiorum (Primer for vrh italijanske renesančne kartografije. Proti koncu obdobja Novices; Wallis and Robinson 1987; Baynton-Williams 2006; se je za v knjigo vezano zbirko zemljevidov začel uporabljati Durand and Curtis 2014). Because this technique was also pojem atlas. Uveljavil se je po letu 1570, ko sta v knjižni used for printing texts, it continued to be applied to maps obliki izšla atlasa Abrahama Orteliusa in Gerharda Mercatorja. released in books (Figure 1) until the second half of the nine- Sredi 16. stoletja so izhajale podobne zbirke različno velikih teenth century. In sixteenth-century Europe, it was replaced in zato obrezanih zemljevidov. Gre za tako imenovane Lafre- by copper engraving (Wallis and Robinson 1987). e oldest rijeve atlase, poimenovane po njihovem avtorju, vodilnemu maps of this type can be found in the 1477 edition of Ptolemy’s italijanskemu založniku tistega časa, Antoniju Lafreriju (1512– Cosmographia, printed in Bologna (Wallis and Robinson 1577) (Lafreri-School … 2006). Zelo kakovostna kartografska 1987). dela so izdelovali tudi Španci in Portugalci. V drugi polovici 16. stoletja so pobudo na kartografskem 2.3.1 sixteenth Century področju prevzeli Nizozemci oziroma Belgijci. Flamca Abra- In the first half of the sixteenth century, Italians played the ham Ortelius (1527–1598) in Gerhard Kremer Mercator leading role in the development of cartography, with Rome (1512–1594) ter pozneje Nizozemec Willem Janszoon Blaeu and Venice as its centers. e works of Giacomo Gastaldi (1571–1638) so s svojimi zemljevidi in atlasi zaznamovali (c. 1500–1566) and the slightly later works of Vincenzo Maria nadaljnji kartografski razvoj. Coronelli (1650–1718) were at the peak of Italian Renaissance cartography. Toward the end of the century, the term atlas Mercatorja, čeprav izvira iz Flandrije, imajo za očeta nizozemske began to be used for a collection of maps bound into a book. kartografije. Na podlagi lastnih preučevanj in potovanj je It became established aer 1570, when the atlases by Abraham zmanjšal vpliv Ptolemajevih zemljevidov, zelo znana pa je Ortelius and Gerardus Mercator were published in book tudi njegova valjna kartografska projekcija. Zaradi prezgodnje form. Similar collections of maps of various sizes, which smrti je njegov atlas leta 1595 izdal sin Rumold. Na naslovnici thus had to be cropped, were published in the mid-sixteenth je upodobljen Atlas, ki po eni razlagi predstavlja grškega mi- century. ese were the Lafreri atlases, named aer their tološkega velikana Atlanta oziroma Atlasa (Atlas 1997; Perko author, the leading Italian publisher at that time, Antonio 2002), po drugi pa mavretanskega kralja Atlasa, ki je bil Lafreri (1512–1577; Lafreri-School … 2006). High-quality filozof, matematik in astronom (e Earliest Atlases … 2020). maps were also produced by the Spanish and Portuguese. Ime podobe je bil povod za poimenovanje atlasov. In the second half of the sixteenth century, the leading role Ortelius je od leta 1570 izdajal atlase z naslovom eatrum in cartography was taken over by the Dutch and Belgians. Orbis Terrarum (Gledališče sveta), ki zaradi urejenosti in ka- e maps and atlases produced by the Flemish cartographers kovosti zemljevidov predstavljajo prve moderne atlase sveta. Abraham Ortelius (1527–1598) and Gerardus Mercator (1512–1594), as well as the Dutch cartographer Willem Angleška kartografija je dosegla pomembnejše kartografske Janszoon Blaeu (1571–1638) later on, marked the further premike v času kraljice Elizabete I. v drugi polovici 16. stoletja. development of cartography. Najpomembnejši kartograf te dobe je bil Christopher Saxton (okoli 1540–okoli 1610), ki je leta 1579 izdal Atlas of the Even though originally from the County of Flanders, Mercator Counties of England & Wales (Atlas grofij Anglije in Walesa) is considered the father of Dutch cartography. Based on his (Atlas … 2002). own studies and travels, he reduced the influence of Ptolemy’s maps and, among other things, introduced his well-known V 16. stoletju so bili zelo dejavni tudi kartografi iz osrednje, cylindrical map projection. Due to his untimely death, his predvsem nemško govoreče Evrope. Avstrijec Wolfgang Lazius atlas was published posthumously by his son Rumold in (1514–1565) je delal na dvoru cesarja Ferdinanda I. Veliko je 1595. Depicted on its frontispiece is Atlas, who, on the one potoval in je avtor številnih zgodovinskih in kartografskih hand, is believed to be a mythological Greek titan (Atlas 1997; del (Kratochwill 1985). V tem obdobju so bile zelo razširjene Perko 2002) and on the other hand a king of Mauretania, tako imenovane kozmografije. Gre za dela, ki vsebujejo astro- known as a philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer (e nomska, geografska, zgodovinska, vremenska in ostala besedila, Earliest Atlases … 2020). e term atlas comes from the name katerim so dodane slike in zemljevidi. Med bolj znanimi je of this mythical figure. Cosmographia seu descriptio totius orbis (Kozmografija ali opis celega sveta) Nemca Petra Apiana (tudi Peter Bienewitz, From 1570 onward, Ortelius published his eatrum Orbis 1495–1552) iz leta 1524 (O’Connor in Robertson 2002) in Terrarum (eater of the World) atlases, which are considered Cosmographia (Kozmografija) Nemca Sebastiana Münstra the first true atlases in the modern sense: a collection of uni- (1488–1552) iz leta 1544, ki sta doživeli številne ponatise form and logically arranged high-quality map sheets. 14 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 15 development of european Cartography (Karrow 1993). Slednja je razsvetljenska priredba Ptolemajeve English cartography experienced major shis in the second Geografije, ki je dobila ime Kozmografija po zaslugi humanista half of the sixteenth century under Queen Elizabeth I. e Jacopa d’Angela (deloval okoli 1400). D’Angelo je med letoma most important mapmaker of this period was Christopher 1406 in 1410 prevajal Ptolemajeva dela iz grščine v latinščino Saxton (c. 1540 – c. 1610), who published his Atlas of the (Cosgrove 2007; Codicum Facsimiles 2019). Counties of England & Wales (Atlas … 2002) in 1579. Cartographers from central Europe and especially its Ger- 2.3.2 sedemnajsto stoletje man-speaking areas were also highly productive in the V 17. stoletju so v evropski kartografiji še naprej imeli vodilno sixteenth century. e Austrian mapmaker Wolfgang Lazius vlogo Nizozemci. Kartografski prikazi so postali tržno zanimivi, (1514–1565) worked at Emperor Ferdinand I’s court. He zato je bila zelo pomembna tudi zunanja podoba zemljevida. travelled extensively and authored many historical and car- Podatki za njihovo izdelavo so bili pogosto omejeni na kopi- tographic works (Kratochwill 1985). Cosmographies were ranje drugih zemljevidov. Kljub novim odkritjem so številne also very common during this period. ey contained texts zemljevide tiskali, dokler njihova prodaja ni upadla. Želja po on astronomy, geography, history, weather, and so on, ac- manjših stroških izdelave je vplivala na počasnejši razvoj ka- companied by illustrations and maps. Among the well-known kovosti kartografskega prikaza (Raisz 1948). Amsterdam je works of this kind are Cosmographia seu descriptio totius bil kartografsko središče, kjer so zemljevide množično izdelovali, orbis (Cosmography or a Description of the Whole World) tiskali in prodajali. Mercatorjevo in Orteliusovo kartografsko by the German humanist Peter Apian (a.k.a. Peter Bienewitz, izročilo so nadaljevale družine Hondius, Ottens in Blaeu 1495–1552) from 1524 (O’Connor and Robertson 2002) and (Longyka 1999). Flamska družina Hondius je po Mercatorjevi Cosmographia (Cosmography) by the German cartographer smrti podedovala tiskarske plošče njegovih zemljevidov, zato Sebastian Münster (1488–1552) from 1544, which were so številne izpeljanke Mercatorjevih zemljevidov del atlasov reprinted many times (Karrow 1993). Münster’s Cosmographia njegovega zeta Jodocusa Hondiusa (1563–1612) ter Hondiusovega is an Enlightenment adaptation of Ptolemy’s Geography, zeta Johannesa Janssoniusa (1588–1664) (Gašperič 2007). which acquired the title Cosmography thanks to the Italian humanist Jacopo d’Angelo (active c. 1400), who translated Nizozemec Willem Janszoon Blaeu je bil ustanovitelj Blaeujeve Ptolemy’s works from Greek into Latin between 1406 and kartografske hiše in je skupaj s sinovoma avtor leta 1635 1410 (Cosgrove 2007; Codicum Facsimiles 2019). izdanega atlasa Atlas Novus (Novi atlas). Vrh družinskega kartografskega dela predstavlja Atlas Maior (Veliki atlas), ki je izhajal v letih 1662–1672. Požar leta 1672 je uničil večji del 2.3.2 seventeenth Century kartografskega gradiva, leto pozneje pa je umrl ustanoviteljev Seventeenth-century European cartography continued to be sin Joan I. (1599–1673). Vnuk Joan II. (1610–1644) je prenehal dominated by the Dutch. Maps became of commercial interest s kartografsko dejavnostjo, nekatere ohranjene odtisne plošče and therefore their design was also very important. e data pa je kupil Nizozemec Frederick de Wit (1629 ali 1630–1706). required to make them were oen copied from other maps. V istem času je na Nizozemskem delovala tudi kartografska Despite new discoveries, many maps were printed until their založniška družina Janssonius, katere ustanovitelj je bil Jo- sale declined. e desire to reduce production costs resulted hannes I. (pred 1597–1629), vidnejši kartograf pa je bil tudi in slower development of map quality (Raisz 1948). Amsterdam njegov sin Johannes II. (1588–1664). Zaradi podobnosti imen, was the cartographic center, where maps were mass-produced, ki so navedena na zemljevidih, pogosto ni jasno ali je avtor printed, and sold. Mercator’s and Ortelius’s cartographic tra- iz družine Blaeu ali Janssonius. Na poznejših priredbah Jan- dition was continued by the Hondius, Ottens, and Blaeu soniusovih zemljevidov kartografske hiše Schenk & Valk so families (Longyka 1999). e Flemish Hondius family in- bila imena avtorjev izbrisana ali zamenjana (Raisz 1948; herited Mercator’s printing plates aer his death, which is French 1999; Götzfried … 2019b). why the atlases of Mercator’s son-in-law Jodocus Hondius (1563–1612) and Hondius’s son-in-law Johannes Janssonius Postopoma sta se uveljavili nemška kartografska šola, ki je (1588–1664) feature numerous maps derived from those cre- tehnično izpopolnila kartiranje, ter francoska, ki je zaslužna ated by Mercator (Gašperič 2007). za številna geografska in astronomska merjenja. To je bilo tudi obdobje opisov posameznih območij oziroma dežel, ka- e Dutch cartographer Willem Janszoon Blaeu was the terim so avtorji dodali tudi kartografsko gradivo (Longyka founder of the Blaeu map publishing house and coauthored 1999). Iz nemško govorečih dežel je znana družina Merian, the 1635 Atlas Novus (New Atlas) together with his two sons. kjer so založnik Matthäus Merian (1593–1650) ter sinova e family mapmaking business reached its peak with Atlas Matthäus mlajši (1621–1687) in Caspar (1627–1686) vrsto Maior (Great Atlas), which was published from 1662 to 1672. let izdajali delo Topographia Germaniae (Krajepisje nemških A major portion of their maps were destroyed in a 1672 fire, dežel) in revijo o zgodovini nemško govorečih dežel z naslovom and the founder’s son Joan I (1599–1673) died only a year eatrum Europaeum (Gledališče Evrope) (Wüthrich 1994). aer that. Willem’s grandson Joan II (1610–1644) ended the 15 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 16 razvoj evropsKe Kartografije Francoz Nicolas Sanson (1600–1667) je bil začetnik ene naj- family map-publishing business, and some of the preserved pomembnejših kartografskih rodbin, saj se je kartografska printing plates were bought by the Dutch cartographer Fred- dejavnost družine Sanson prek sorodstvenih vezi pozneje erick de Wit (1629 or 1630–1706). During that same time, prenesla na zelo uspešno družino de Vougondy. Sanson je bil the Janssonius map publishing company also operated in kraljevi geograf Ludvika XIII. in Ludvika XIV., ki je z dru- the Netherlands. It was founded by Johannes I (before 1597– žinskimi člani izdeloval zemljevide (Pelletier 2007). Za izdajo 1629), whose son Johannes II was also a prominent mapmaker jih je pripravil Alexis Hubert Jaillot (okoli 1632–1712), s katerim (1588–1664). Because the names provided on the maps are veljata za najpomembnejša francoska kartografa 17. stoletja so similar, it is oen unclear whether the author came from (Gašperič 2007). the Blaeu or Janssonius family. In later adaptations of Jansonius’s maps by Schenk & Valk, the names of authors were deleted V tem obdobju je bilo ugotavljanje lege izbrane točke na or changed (Raisz 1948; French 1999; Götzfried … 2019b). Zemlji še vedno izziv, saj natančno določanje geografske dolžine še ni bilo mogoče. Zato so konec 17. stoletja Francozi na ra- Gradually, the German and French mapmaking schools zličnih koncih sveta sistematično merili mrke Jupitrovih lun. also grew in importance; the former made technical improve- Rezultat je zemljevid sveta iz leta 1682 Giovannia Domenica ments in the field, and the latter can be credited with a number Cassinija po rodu Genovežana (tudi Jean Dominique Cassini, of geographical and astronomical measurements. is period 1625–1712) (Raisz 1948). Cassini je pomagal ustanoviti in also produced many descriptions of individual areas or coun- voditi observatorij v Parizu. Bil je začetnik znane kartografske tries, to which maps were added (Longyka 1999). A well-known družine Cassini, ki je močno vplivala na kakovost francoske family in the German-speaking environment was the Merian kartografije (Konvitz 1987). family. e publisher Matthäus Merian (1593–1650) and his sons Matthäus Jr. (1621–1687) and Caspar (1627–1686) pub- Konec 17. in v začetku 18. stoletja je deloval tudi Vincenzo lished the work Topographia Germaniae (Topography of Maria Coronelli (1650–1718). Znan je predvsem po izdelavi Germany) and the journal on the history of German-speaking globusov sveta in nebesnih teles, izdal pa je tudi atlas Atlante lands eatrum Europaeum (European eater) for many Veneto (Beneški atlas) ter bil ustanovitelj prvega geografskega years (Wüthrich 1994). društva Accademia Cosmografica degli Argonauti (Kozmografska akademija argonavtov) v Benetkah (Raisz 1948). e French cartographer Nicolas Sanson (1600–1667) was the founder of one of the most important mapmaking dynasties, with the Sanson family mapmaking activity later being passed 2.3.3 osemnajsto stoletje down to the very successful de Vougondy family through V 18. stoletju je kartografska stroka močno napredovala. Vzroke kinship. Sanson was geographer to kings Louis XIII and za to lahko iščemo v politični, upravni ali vojaški želji oziroma Louis XIV. He made maps together with other members of nuji po natančnih izmerah in prikazih ozemelj. Kažejo se his family (Pelletier 2007), and their maps were prepared for tudi težnje po poenotenju merskega sistema. Druga polovica publication by Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632–1712). He and Sanson stoletja je bila tudi čas začetkov triangulacijskih metod za iz- are considered the most important seventeenth-century French mero površja, ki so močno povečale natančnost zemljevidov. cartographers (Gašperič 2007). Francija je v tem obdobju postala vodilna kartografska sila During that time, defining the location of a selected point Evrope. Razlika med kartografijo 17. stoletja (prevlada nizo- on Earth was still a challenge because accurate calculation zemske kartografske šole) in 18. stoletja (prevlada francoske of longitude was not yet possible. Therefore, at the end of kartografske šole) je v večjem znanstvenem pristopu, ki je the seventeenth century the French systematically measured temeljil na meritvah in podatkih. Obdobje razsvetljenstva eclipses of Jupiter’s moons in different parts of the world, oziroma »obdobje razuma« se je kazalo tudi v kartografiji. resulting in the 1682 world map by Giovanni Domenico Nizozemsko, bolj tržno usmerjeno kartografijo 17. stoletja, je Cassini, a native of Genoa, also known as Jean-Dominique zamenjala francoska, bolj znanstveno usmerjena kartografija, Cassini (1625–1712; Raisz 1948). Cassini helped establish ki ji je bila kakovost izdelave pomembnejša od zaslužka. and run the Paris observatory. He was the founder of Temeljila je tudi na novejših pripomočkih, ki so omogočali na- the well-known Cassini family of mapmakers, which had tančnejše meritve in posledično bolj kakovostne kartografske a strong influence on the quality of French cartography prikaze (Raisz 1948). Anglež John Hadley (1682–1744) in (Konvitz 1987). Američan omas Godfrey (1704–1749) sta leta 1731, ločeno drug od drugega, izumila napravo, ki velja za predhodnico ok- e late seventeenth and the early eighteenth century was tanta in sekstanta. Razlika med njima je (le) v različni zmožnosti also marked by the activity of Vincenzo Maria Coronelli merjenja kotov (Sekstant 1961). Angleški optik Jesse Ramsden (1650–1718), who is primarily known for his terrestrial and (1735–1800) je izdelal zelo natančne naprave, kot so sekstant, celestial globes. He also published the monumental Atlante teodolit in različni barometri, ki so omogočali natančnejše Veneto (Venetian Atlas) and was the founder of the first 16 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 17 development of european Cartography meritve (Allen 1997). Anglež John Harrison (1693–1776) je Venetian geographical society, Accademia Cosmografica degli leta 1735 izumil natančen kronometer (John … 2015), s katerim Argonauti (Cosmographic Academy of Argonauts; Raisz 1948). je bilo rešeno vprašanje določanja geografske dolžine. Na kopnem se je uveljavil triangulacijski sistem kartiranja, 2.3.3 eighteenth Century ki so ga kot prvi uporabili Francozi. Pri takšnem načinu kar- Cartography made great advances in the eighteenth century, tiranja gre za oblikovanje mreže trikotnikov na kartiranem most likely due to political, administrative, or military desires and the necessity for accurate territorial surveys and maps. ere were also tendencies to make the measurement system uniform. e second half of the century also saw the intro- duction of triangulation methods in land surveying, which significantly improved the accuracy of maps. During this period, France became the leader in European cartography. e difference between seventeenth-century cartography (dominated by the Dutch school) and eigh- teenth-century cartography (dominated by the French school) lies in a more scientific approach, which was based on meas- urements and data. e Enlightenment or »period of reason« was also reflected in cartography. e seventeenth-century Dutch commercially oriented cartography was replaced by French cartography, which was more scientific and placed quality before profit. In addition, it was based on more recent tools that allowed more accurate measurements and hence higher-quality maps (Raisz 1948). In 1731, the English math- ematician John Hadley (1682–1744) and the American inventor omas Godfrey (1704–1749) independently invented a device that is considered the predecessor of the octant and the sextant, which (only) differ in terms of their angle meas- urement scale (Sekstant 1961). e English optician Jesse Ramsden (1735–1800) produced high-accuracy devices, such as sextants, theodolites, and various barometers, which allowed more accurate measurements (Allen 1997). e Englishman John Harrison (1693–1776) invented a high-ac- curacy chronometer in 1735 (John … 2015), which solved the problem of calculating longitude. On land, triangulation became an established mapmaking method, which was first used by the French. is type of mapping involves establishing a triangulation network of the territory mapped that serves as the basis for further mapping (Triangulacija 1980). In 1744, César-François Cassini de ury (1714–1784) produced a single-sheet map of France at a scale of 1:1,800,000, showing the country as a network of eight hundred triangles. In 1745, this was followed by a more accurate eighteen-sheet map at a scale of 1:878,000. Aer his death, his son Jacques-Dominique, Count of Cassini (1748– 1845), continued his work, resulting in the 180-sheet 1:86,400 map Carte géométrique de la France (Geometric Map of France), also known as Carte de Cassini (the Cassini Map), Slika 2: Območje med Tržaškim zalivom in Ljubljano s Cerkniškim jezerom na published in 1789. is map represents the beginning of zemljevidu Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae avtorja large-scale national mapping (Library … 2010). Johanna Baptista Homanna iz začetka 18. stoletja. Figure 2: The area between the Bay of Trieste and Ljubljana with Lake Cerknica on the Map of the Duchy of Carniola, the Windic March, and Istria by Johann Baptist e Robert de Vaugondy family was among the leading car- Homann from the early eighteenth century. tographers in France. Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688–1766) 17 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 18 razvoj evropsKe Kartografije območju, ki služi kot podlaga za nadaljnje kartiranje (Trian- and his son Didier (c. 1723–1786) produced maps, atlases, gulacija 1980). Leta 1744 je César François Cassini de ury and globes. Well-known is their Atlas Universel (General (1714–1784) na enem listu izdelal zemljevid Francije v merilu Atlas), which at the time was valued as a high-quality and 1 : 1.800.000 in na njem označil celotno triangulacijsko mrežo regularly updated cartographic work (Map History 2011a). z 800 trikotniki. Leta 1745 je sledil natančnejši zemljevid na eir first atlases were based on the mapmaking legacy of 18 listih v merilu 1 : 878.000. Po očetovi smrti je delo nadaljeval Nicolas Sanson, a distant relative of de Vaugondys (Map sin Jacques-Dominique, grof de Cassini (1748–1845). Rezultat History 2011b). njegovega dela je bil leta 1789 izdan zemljevid Carte géométrique de la France (tudi Carte de Cassini, Geometrijski zemljevid Very important in France and beyond was the work of Guil- Francije), sestavljen iz 180 listov v merilu 1 : 86.400. Delo pred- laume Delisle (1675–1726). He is credited with correcting stavlja začetek nacionalnega kartiranja držav v večjem merilu many inaccuracies that had been repeated on maps until the (Library … 2010). early eighteenth century, such as the size of the Mediterranean, which had been misrepresented ever since Ptolemy (Raisz V Franciji je bila med vodilnimi kartografi družina Robert 1948). de Vaugondy. Oče Gilles (1688–1766) in sin Didier (okoli 1723–1786) sta izdelovala zemljevide, atlase in globuse. Znani Among the more influential map publishing families in the so njuni atlasi z naslovom Atlas Universel (Splošni atlas), ki German-speaking environment were the Homanns and the so veljali za zelo kakovostna in redno ažurirana kartografska Seutters, whose maps were characterized by an enormous dela (Map History 2011a). Temelj za prve atlase je bila kar- amount of detail (Figure 2). Because they were full of insets, tografska zapuščina Nicolasa Sansona, s katerim so bili de pictures, and notes, many of them come across as overcrowded Vaugondyji v daljnem sorodstvu (Map History 2011b). (Raisz 1948). e German map publisher Matthias Seutter (a.k.a. Georg Matthäus Seutter, 1678–1757) and his son-in- V Franciji in širše je bilo zelo pomembno delo Guillauma law Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717–1777) continued to publish Delisla (1675–1726). Zaslužen je za odpravo mnogih napak, many of Homann’s maps with minor modifications long aer ki so se ponavljaje na zemljevidih do začetka 18. stoletja, na his death. primer velikost Sredozemlja, ki se netočno prikazuje vse od Ptolemaja (Raisz 1948). e increase in geographical data and map quality resulted in less striking color decorations, which during this period Na nemško govorečem območju sta bili med bolj prodornimi already gradually began to be applied in mellower shades and založniškimi hišami družini Homann in Seutter. Značilnost were used to indicate borders and distinguish between indi- njihovih zemljevidov je veliko podrobnosti (slika 2). Zaradi vidual areas. ematic mapping began to develop at the end številnih podatkov, slik in opomb mnogi zemljevidi delujejo of the eighteenth century (Wallis and Robinson 1987). prenatrpano (Raisz 1948). Nemški založnik Matthias Seutter (tudi Georg Matthäus Seutter, 1678–1757) in njegov zet Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717–1777) sta številne Homanove zemljevide 2.3.4 nineteenth Century z manjšimi spremembami izdajala še vrsto let po njegovi smrti. In the nineteenth century, the information displayed on maps became increasingly detailed and accurate. is was also in- Rast števila geografskih podatkov in kakovost zemljevidov fluenced by the development of a new printing technique sta vplivali na zmanjšanje poudarjenosti barvnih dekoracij, called lithography (from Greek lithos ‘stone’ and graphein ki so v tem obdobju postopoma že nanesene v bolj umirjenih ‘to write’), which allowed faster and more cost-effective mul- tonih, služile pa so prikazu meja in ločevanju posameznih ticolor printing (Fridl 2005). It was invented in 1796 by the območij. Konec 18. stoletja se je začel razvoj tematske kar- German Alois Senefelder (1771–1834; Alois … 2020). tografije (Wallis in Robinson 1987). Until this period, European countries used different meas- urement systems. Despite previous initiatives to introduce 2.3.4 devetnajsto stoletje a uniform system, most countries only did so in the nineteenth V 19. stoletju je postala vsebina na zemljevidih vse podrobnejša, century. France was the first to introduce the metric system podatki pa bolj natančni. Na to je vplival tudi razvoj takrat in 1795 (Wight Hat 2015). In Austria-Hungary the metric nove tiskarske tehnike, imenovane litografija (grško lithos, system was adopted by law in 1871, but it only became oblig- kamen in graphein, pisati) ali kamnotisk. Ta je omogočala atory in 1876 (Bratec Mrvar et al. 2011). In addition to these hitrejše in cenejše večbarvno tiskanje (Fridl 2005). Leta 1796 two countries, the Meter Convention was signed by fieen jo je izumil Nemec Alois Senefelder (1771–1834) (Alois … 2020). other countries in 1875 (e Metre … 2015). In this way a uniform measurement system began to apply, which partly Do tega obdobja so evropske države uporabljale različne simplified mapmaking and, most importantly, allowed easier merske sisteme. Kljub prejšnjim pobudam o poenotenju je comparison. Because the metric system was only gradually 18 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 19 development of european Cartography enotni merski sistem večina držav uvedla šele v 19. stoletju. applied in practice, previous measurement units, primarily Prva je metrični merski sistem uvedla Francija leta 1795 one of the historical geographical miles (the German, Austrian, (Wight Hat 2015), Avstro-Ogrska pa ga je zakonsko prevzela Italian, or French mile), continued to predominate on most leta 1871, a dejansko šele 1876 (Bratec Mrvar s sodelavci 2011). nineteenth-century maps. Poleg omenjenih je leta 1875 tako imenovano Metrsko kon- vencijo podpisalo še petnajst drugih držav (e Metre … 2015), e Equator was used as the prime parallel in defining and s čimer so poenotili merski sistem in s tem delno olajšali drawing graticules from the very beginning. However, the kartografsko delo ter predvsem omogočili lažjo primerjavo. prime meridian varied by country; most oen, the meridian Zaradi postopne uveljavitve metrskega sistema so pri večini running through an individual country’s territory was selected del 19. stoletja še prevladovale dotedanje merske enote, ve- (e.g., the one passing through El Hierro or Ferro in the činoma ena od milj, na primer zemljepisna ali geografska, Canary Islands, Spain, Pulkovo near Saint Petersburg in Russia, nemška, avstrijska, italijanska in francoska. Paris in France, Mount Mario (Monte Mario) near Rome in Italy, or Greenwich in London (England). Inconsistencies Pri določanju in risanju stopinjskih mrež je od njenih začetkov were only resolved at the 1884 International Meridian Con- izhodiščni vzporednik ekvator. Izhodiščni poldnevnik pa si ference in Washington, where the Greenwich Meridian was je vsaka država določala po svoje, najpogosteje je bil to tisti defined as the prime meridian (Project Gutenberg 2006). poldnevnik, ki je potekal prek ozemlja njihovih držav (na primer poldnevnik, ki poteka preko otoka Ferro na Kanarskem In the second half of the nineteenth century and especially otočju v Španiji, naselja Pulkovo blizu Sankt Peterburga toward its end, mapmaking in Europe began to be increasingly v Rusiji, Pariza v Franciji, griča Monte Mario v bližini Rima nationally oriented. Its development was oen directed by v Italiji, Greenwicha v Londonu v Angliji). Neenotnosti so the policy and national tendencies of individual countries. odpravili šele s konvencijo na mednarodnem geodetskem Both branches of modern cartography (i.e., military and civil) kongresu v Washingtonu leta 1884, ko so za izhodiščni pol- became tools in the hands of the authorities and the military. dnevnik določili tistega, ki poteka skozi Greenwich (Project Gutenberg 2006). e desire for political and military dominance can be illus- trated with the mapping of the entire eastern Adriatic coast Kartografska dejavnost v Evropi je v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, between 1806 and 1809 commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte zlasti pa ob njegovem koncu, postajala zelo nacionalno usmer- immediately aer the 1805 military conflict between France jena. Njen razvoj so pogosto vodile politika in nacionalne težnje and the Habsburg Monarchy (Šumrada 2012). A military posameznih držav. Obe veji moderne kartografije, tako vojaška land survey and mapping had already been conducted in the kot civilna, sta postali orodje v rokah oblasti in vojske. Habsburg Monarchy before that (1763–1787; Figure 40; Rajšp 1996). During this time, the development of mapping tech- Lep primer politične in vojaške želje po prevladi je kartiranje niques and display methods was nearly exclusively in the celotne vzhodne obale Jadranskega morja med letoma 1806 hands of military geographical and mapping institutions, in 1809. Kartiranje je ukazal francoski cesar Napoleon Bona- which were also the only ones with sufficient funds, trained parte takoj po vojaškem spopadu med Francijo in Habsbur- and experienced staff, devices, and access to data. Civil map- ško monarhijo leta 1805 (Šumrada 2012). Že pred tem so makers were only allowed to use and present a limited extent v Habsburški monarhiji izvedli vojaško kartografsko izmero of military mapping achievements (Gašperič 2007). (1763–1787; slika 40) (Rajšp 1996). Razvoj kartografskih tehnik in načinov prikazovanja je bil v tem času skoraj izključno Trigonometry had absolute dominance in nineteenth-century v rokah vojaških geografskih in kartografskih ustanov, ki so mapmaking. Hachures (e.g., Figures 2, 22 or 42) began to be tudi edine imele dovolj sredstev, izšolanega in usposobljenega used instead of molehills or simple hills (e.g., Figures 3, 40 or osebja in naprav ter dostop do podatkov. Civilni kartografski 58) to represent the relief. is method proved to be very ac- dejavnosti je bilo dovoljeno posredovanje le omejenega obsega curate, which was aided by its 1799 standardization by Johan vojaških kartografskih dosežkov (Gašperič 2007). Georg Lehmann (1765–1811; Fischer 1985). is was also the period in which detailed military mapping of national V 19. stoletju je popolnoma prevladala uporaba trigonome- territory and cadastral surveys were conducted in the Hab- trične metode. Za prikaz površja so namesto oblike krtin sburg Monarchy (Figure 47; Slak 2019). oziroma preprostih hribčkov (na primer slike 2, 22 ali 42) začeli uporabljati črtkanje (na primer slike 3, 40 ali 58). Metoda se je izkazala za zelo natančno, k čemur je pripomogla njena znan- stvena utemeljitev leta 1799 s strani Johana Georga Lehmanna (1765–1811) (Fischer 1985). To je tudi obdobje, ko so v Habs- burški monarhiji zelo podrobno vojaško kartirali državno ozemlje ter izvajali katastrske izmere (slika 47; Slak 2019). 19 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 20 3 kaRtoGRafskI PRIkaZI slovenskeGa oZeMlja Ozemlje današnje Slovenije so prikazovali že najstarejši evropski zemljevidi. Geografska lega in večstoletna vpetost v Habsburško monarhijo pa so botrovali vplivu srednje - evropskega kulturnega prostora tudi na področju kartografije. Slovensko ozemlje se je na zemljevidih pogosteje upodabljalo od začetka 16. stoletja. Zaradi takratne obrobne lege in ne- poznavanja ozemlja je bilo območje sprva prikazano dokaj površno. To se je spremenilo do 18. stoletja, ko so domači ter na slovenskem ozemlju živeči tuji raziskovalci izmerili in prikazali posamezne dele slovenskih dežel. Z narodnim pre- porodom v drugi polovici 19. stoletja so nastali prvi zemljevidi slovenskega etničnega ozemlja. 3.1 antIka In sRednjI vek V antiki je bilo današnje slovensko ozemlje prikazano kot del širšega prostora. Prav gotovo je bilo prikazano v Ptolemajevem Geografskem priročniku iz 2. stoletja, saj je v osmi knjigi renesančne izdaje tega dela zbrano sedemindvajset zemljevidov takrat znanega sveta, na katerih je upodobljeno tudi današnje slovensko ozemlje (Slovenci … 1986). Območje današnje Slovenije je vključeno v več itinerarijev, na primer v Itinerarij Hierosolymitanum ali Burdigalense oziroma Jeruzalemski potopis. Domnevno ga je napisal romar iz Francije med letoma 333 in 334, ki je v Sveto deželo romal prek severa Italije, Slovenije in Balkanskega polotoka (Stewart 1999). Območje današnje Slovenije najdemo na rimskih cestnih zemljevidih, na primer na zemljevidu Tabula Peutingeriana. Na njem je navedeno več slovenskih krajev, na primer Logatec (Longatico), Vrhnika (Nauportus), Ljubljana (Emona). Poleg cest in poti so v rimskih miljah vpisane tudi razdalje med kraji (Mihevc 1998). Tudi v srednjem veku je bilo slovensko ozemlje prikazano le kot del širšega prostora. Leta 1119 je Guido iz Pise (neznano– 1169) narisal zemljevid zahodnega Rimskega cesarstva. Na njem se za območje Koroške prvič uporabi ime Carantanos (Höck in Leitner 1984). Okrog leta 1235 je bil v samostanu v Ebstorfu v Nemčiji na- slikan tako imenovan Ebstorfski zemljevid. Velja za največji znani srednjeveški zemljevid, saj je meril 3,58 × 3,56 metra, žal pa je bil med drugo svetovno vojno uničen (Slovenci … 1986). 20 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 21 3 slovenIan teRRItoRy dePIcted on MaPs The territory of what is now Slovenia was already depicted on the oldest European maps. Due to its geographical location and the fact that is was part of the Habsburg Monarchy for several centuries, the impact of the central European cultural environment was also reflected in cartography. Slovenian territory began to be more frequently depicted on maps at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Because of its marginal location and unfamiliarity with the area, it was ini- tially represented fairly inaccurately. is changed till the eighteenth century, when local and other researchers living in Slovenian territory surveyed and mapped individual parts of this area. e national awakening movement in the second half of the nineteenth century gave rise to the first maps of Slovenian ethnic territory as a whole. 3.1 antIqUIty and the MIddle aGes In Antiquity, the territory of what is now Slovenia was depicted as part of the wider region. It must have been shown in Ptolemy’s Geography from the second century AD because book eight of its Renaissance edition features twenty-seven maps of the world known at that time, including what is now Slovenian territory (Slovenci … 1986). The territory was included in several itineraria, such as Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum or Burdigalense, also known as the Jerusalem Itinerary. is was written between 333 in 334 by a French pilgrim, who traveled to the Holy Land through northern Italy, Slovenia, and the Balkans (Stewart 1999). e territory of present-day Slovenia can also be found on Roman road maps, such as Tabula Peutingeriana, which pro- vides the names of several Slovenian towns, including Logatec (Longatico), Vrhnika (Nauportus), and Ljubljana (Emona). In addition to roads and paths, the map also provides the distances between places in Roman miles (Mihevc 1998). During the Middle Ages, Slovenian territory continued to be depicted as part of the wider area. In 1119, Guido of Pisa (unknown–1169) drew a map of the Western Roman Empire, using the name Carantanos for the first time to refer to Carinthia (Höck and Leitner 1984). Around 1235, the Ebstorf Map was produced at a convent in Ebstorf, Germany. It is considered the largest medieval map, 21 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 22 KartografsKi priKazi slovensKega ozemlja Na njem je bil prvič uporabljen izraz Carinthia za Koroško having measured 3.58 by 3.56 m, but unfortunately it was (Höck in Leitner 1984). destroyed during the Second World War (Slovenci … 1986). On it, the name Carinthia was first used for Carinthia (Höck V 15. stoletju se je slovensko ozemlje pogosto pojavljalo na and Leitner 1984). velikih zemljevidih Evrope in sveta. Leta 1439 je bil izdelan zemljevid Srednje Evrope Nicolausa Cusanusa (1401–1464), During the fieenth century, Slovenian territory oen appeared ki prikazuje ozemlje današnje Slovenije na južnem delu on large maps of Europe and the world. In 1439, Nicolaus prikaza (Slovenci … 1986; Marković 1993). of Cusa (1401–1464) produced a map of central Europe, showing the territory of what is now Slovenia to the south Leta 1459 je Benečan Mauro (okoli 1390–okoli 1460) izdelal (Slovenci … 1986; Marković 1993). velik stenski zemljevid sveta, na katerem je bilo tudi območje današnje Slovenije ter izstopajoč istrski polotok. Bil je okrogle In 1459, Fra Mauro from Venice (c. 1390 – c. 1460) produced oblike, premera približno 1,95 metra, v splošnem pa slikovno a large wall map of the world, which also included the pres- bogatejši in kartografsko podrobnejši kot drugi kartografski ent-day Slovenian territory and a prominent Istrian peninsula. izdelki tistega časa (Goss 1993). It was round, measuring about 1.95 m in diameter, and in general it was richer in illustrations and more detailed than Leta 1492 in 1501 je Erhard Etzlaub (med 1455 in 1465–1532) other maps of that time (Goss 1993). izdelal romarska zemljevida, na katerih je prikazano tudi ozemlje današnje Slovenije. Oba sta bila orientirana proti In 1492 and 1501, Erhard Etzlaub (born 1455–1465, died 1532) jugu, kar naj bi bralcu (romarju) omogočalo lažjo uporabo, produced two pilgrimage maps also showing the territory saj je bilo mesto Rim vedno pred njimi oziroma na zemljevidu of today’s Slovenia. ey both had south at the top, which zgoraj (Höck in Leitner 1984). was supposed to aid users (pilgrims) because this way Rome was always in front of them or at the top of the map (Höck Leta 1493 je Hartmann Schedel (1440–1514) objavil delo and Leitner 1984). Nürnberška kronika, v katero je vključil tudi zemljevid večjega dela Evrope (Kozličić 1995). Zemljevid je orientiran proti In 1493, Hartmann Schedel (1440–1514) published his Nurem- severu, na njegovem južnem delu pa je upodobljeno območje berg Chronicle, which also included a map of a large portion današnje Slovenije in del Jadranskega morja. of Europe (Kozličić 1995). is map has north at the top, with present-day Slovenian territory and part of the Adriatic depicted to the south. 3.2 novI vek 3.2.1 Šestnajsto stoletje 3.2 ModeRn PeRIod Številčnost kartografskih prikazov slovenskega ozemlja je v tem obdobju narasla, a so ti zaradi nepoznavanja območja 3.2.1 sixteenth Century in uporabe napačnih podatkov ter še ne dovolj kakovostnih e number of maps also featuring Slovenian territory grew kartografskih in tiskarskih tehnik vsebovali številne napake during this period, but due to unfamiliarity with the area (Fridl in Šolar 2011). Prevladovali so zemljevidi srednjega in and the use of incorrect data and low-quality mapping and malega merila celotne Evrope ali njenih delov. printing techniques they contained many errors (Fridl and Šolar 2011). Medium- or small-scale maps of all of Europe Pietro Coppo (1469 ali 1470–1555 ali 1556) je leta 1525 izdal or its parts predominated. zemljevid Istre (slika 5). Zemljevid prikazuje območje današnje Slovenije, Istre in Dalmacije. Natančno so prikazane obale, Pietro Coppo (born 1469 or 1470, died 1555 or 1556) pub- zaradi nepoznavanja kopnega pa se popačenost z oddaljenostjo lished a map of Istria (Figure 5) in 1525, showing the area od morja veča (Kozličić 1995; Žitko 1999; Gašperič in Zorn of what is now Slovenia, Istria, and Dalmatia. It depicts the 2011). To je najstarejši zemljevid istrskega polotoka ter naj- coastline with great accuracy, but, due to unfamiliarity with starejši podrobnejši prikaz dela slovenskega ozemlja (Terčon, the interior, the accuracy decreases with distance from the Bonin in Čerče 2006). Velja za najkakovostnejšo kartografsko sea (Kozličić 1995; Gašperič and Zorn 2011). is is the upodobitev istrskega polotoka do sredine 18. stoletja (Longyka oldest map of the Istrian peninsula and the oldest detailed 1999). depiction of part of Slovenian territory (Terčon, Bonin, and Čerče 2006). It is considered the highest-quality depiction Sredi 16. stoletja je bil v lesorezni tehniki izdelan zemljevid of the Istrian peninsula on a map until the mid-eighteenth Descriptio totius Illyridis (Opis celotne Ilirije) (slika 9) Sebastiana century (Longyka 1999). Münstra, ki je bil Münstrovim izdajam Kozmografije dodan 22 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 23 slovenian territory depiCted on maps vsaj od leta 1552 dalje. Zemljevid je orientiran proti jugu in In the mid-sixteenth century, Sebastian Münster produced prikazuje dele današnjih Slovenije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Her- the woodcut map Descriptio totius Illyridis (Description of cegovine ter severnega Jadrana z otoki. Izstopa gozdni pas All Illyria; Figure 9), which was appended to his editions of v obliki drevoreda, ki ponazarja sklenjeno gozdnato hribovje Cosmographia (Cosmography) at least from 1552 onward. od Trnovskega gozda, prek Hrušice, Snežnika, Gorskega e south-up map shows parts of what are now Slovenia, kotarja do Bosne. Prikaz ozemlja je zelo preprost, vsebuje pa Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the northern Adriatic večje število krajevnih imen na ozemlju današnje Slovenije. with islands. One of the most striking features is a forest belt in the form of a tree-lined avenue, illustrating the wooded Sebastian Münster je sredi 16. stoletja v Kozmografijah objavil hill range extending from the Trnovski gozd Plateau, across manjši zemljevid brez naslova, ki prikazuje Kranjsko z Istro. the Hrušica and Snežnik plateaus and Gorski Kotar, to Bosnia. Nastal je neodvisno od Coppovega zemljevida Istre, prikaz pa e territory is depicted in a very simple way, but the map je preprost, površen in netočen (Lago in Rossit 1981; Lago 1996). does contain a large number of place names in what is now Slovenia. V drugi polovici 16. stoletja je bil v Münstrovih Kozmografijah objavljen tudi lesorezni zemljevid Sclauonia oder Windisch In the mid-sixteenth century, Sebastian Münster published Marck, Bossen, Crabaten (Slavonija ali Slovenska marka, a minor untitled map in his editions of Cosmographia, showing Bosna, Hrvaška), ki je bil izdelan pod vplivom kartografskih the Carniola with Istria. It was produced independently of del Hirschvogla (Lago in Rossit 1981). Coppo’s map of Istria, and it is very simple, superficial, and inaccurate (Lago and Rossit 1981; Lago 1996). Nemec Augustin Hirschvogel (1503–1553) je pripravil zem- ljevid Ogrske, ki je bil natisnjen leta 1565 (Korošec 1978). In the second half of the sixteenth century Münster's Cos- Znan je kot podlaga številnih poznejših priredb zemljevidov mographies had also included the woodcut map Sclauonia teh območij (Longyka 1999). oder Windisch Marck, Bossen, Crabaten (Slavonia or the Windic March, Bosnia, Croatia), which was influenced by Leta 1560 je bil izdan zemljevid Geografia particolare d’una Hirschvogel (Lago and Rossit 1981). gran parte dell’Europa, nuovamente descritta co i confini suoi … (Podroben zemljevid velikega dela Evrope, na novo e German cartographer Augustin Hirschvogel (1503–1553) orisane z njenimi mejami …) Piemontčana Giacoma Gastaldija, produced a map of Hungary printed in 1565 (Korošec 1978). ki je takrat deloval v Benetkah. Prikazuje območje Balkanskega It is known to have served as a basis for many later adaptations polotoka, pri čemer so obalna območja prikazana bolj natančno of maps of these areas (Longyka 1999). kot celinska (Marković 1993). In 1560, Giacomo Gastaldi, a native of Piedmont, who worked Leta 1561 je izšla zbirka enajstih zemljevidov z naslovom in Venice at the time, published the map Geografia particolare Typi chorographici Provinciarum Austriae (Topografski tipi d’una gran parte dell’Europa, nuovamente descritta co i avstrijskih dežel) začetnika avstrijske kartografije Wolfganga confini suoi … (Detailed Map of a Large Part of Europe, Newly Laziusa (Lazius 1972; Holzer s sodelavci 2015). Slovensko Outlined with Its Borders …). It shows the Balkan Peninsula, ozemlje je prikazano na štirih zemljevidih. Med njimi je whereby the coastline is depicted in greater detail than the zemljevid Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha interior (Marković 1993). Windorum (Vojvodina Kranjska in Istra s Slovensko marko), ki je prvi znani samostojni prikaz vojvodine Kranjske (slika 10). In 1561, a collection of eleven maps titled Typi chorographici Gre za navidezno lep ovalni zemljevid v obliki dvoglavega Provinciarum Austriae (Topographical Types of Austrian orla, ki ga krasi deset heraldičnih grbov. Vsebuje številne nove Provinces) by the pioneer of Austrian cartography, Wolfgang podatke (na primer prikaz in poimenovanje slapa Savica), Lazius, was published (Lazius 1972; Holzer et al. 2015). a s številnimi napakami (Slovenci … 1986; Longyka 1999). Slovenian territory is shown on four maps, including Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum (e Leta 1563 je Benečan Giovanni Francesco Camocio (1501– Duchy of Carniola and Istria with the Windic March), which 1575) narisal zemljevid, ki ga je leta 1565 predelal Ferrando is the first known independent map of Carniola (Figure 10). Bertelli (deloval med 1556 in 1572) in izdal pod naslovom is is an attractive oval map stylized as a two-headed eagle Nova discrittione della Dalmatia et Crovatia (Novi opis decorated with ten coats of arms. It contains new information Dalmacije in Hrvaške). Zemljevid prikazuje del današnjega (e.g., it shows and names Savica Falls), but much of it is inac- ozemlja Slovenije, Istro, del Dalmacije, Slavonijo in del Bosne curate (Slovenci … 1986; Longyka 1999). (Slovenci … 1986; Marković 1993). In 1563, the Venetian Giovanni Francesco Camocio (1501– Leta 1569 je nastal zemljevid Ducatus Carniolae una cum 1575) drew a map that was reworked in 1565 by Ferrando Marchia Windorum (Vojvodina Kranjska s Slovensko marko) Bertelli (active between 1556 and 1572), who published it 23 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 24 KartografsKi priKazi slovensKega ozemlja (slika 15) Benečana Bolognina Zaltierija (tudi Bolognius under the title Nova discrittione della Dalmatia et Crovatia Zalterius; živel v drugi polovici 16. stoletja) (Orožen 1901). (A New Description of Dalmatia and Croatia). e map shows Avtor se je pri izdelavi zgledoval po Laziusovem zemljevidu part of today’s Slovenia, Istria, part of Dalmatia, Slavonia, Kranjske (Marković 1993). and part of Bosnia (Slovenci … 1986; Marković 1993). Leta 1570 je Abraham Ortelius v prvo izdajo atlasa eatrum e Venetian Bolognino Zaltieri (a.k.a. Bolognius Zalterius; Orbis Terrarum (Gledališče sveta) vključil zemljevid Schla- second half of the sixteenth century) produced the map voniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, finitimarumque Ducatus Carniolae una cum Marchia Windorum (e Duchy regionum nova descriptio (Novi prikaz Slavonije, Hrvaške, of Carniola with the Windic March) in 1569 (Figure 15; Kranjske, Istre, Bosne in sosednjih pokrajin) (slika 16). Gre za Orožen 1901), using Lazius’s map of Carniola as a model predelan Hirschvoglov zemljevid Ogrske (Kratochwill 1986), (Marković 1993). ki ga je Ortelius v pomanjšani obliki vključil v svoj atlas. Zem- ljevid v zgornjem delu prikazuje ozemlje med Osojskim je- In 1570, Abraham Ortelius included the map Schlavoniae, zerom in srednjo Donavo, v spodnjem delu pa območje med Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, finitimarumque regionum Jadranskim morjem in Sarajevom ter Višegradom. Jadranska nova descriptio (A New Depiction of Slavonia, Croatia, Carniola, obala in otoki so še zelo podobni njihovim upodobitvam na Istria, Bosnia, and Neighboring Regions; Figure 16) in his Ptolemajevih zemljevidih, notranjost pa je že bolj točno pri- first edition of the atlas eatrum Orbis Terrarum (eater kazana. Leta 1573 je v tretji izdaji atlasa povzel še Coppov of the World). is was a reduced-scale adaptation of Hirschvo- zemljevid Istre ter zemljevida Carinthiae ducatus, et Goritiae gel’s map of Hungary (Kratochwill 1986), which Ortelius palatinatus (Vojvodina Koroška in Grofija Goriška) in Goritiae, included in his atlas. e map shows the territory between Karstii, Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum marchae Lake Ossiach and the central Danube Valley at the top and descrip. (Opis Goriške, Krasa, Kočevske, Kranjske, Istre in the area between the Adriatic, Sarajevo, and Višegrad at the Slovenske marke) Wolfganga Laziusa (Slovenci … 1986). bottom. e Adriatic coast and islands still look very much the same as on Ptolemy’s maps, but the interior is already de- Leta 1572 je nastal zemljevid Illyricum (Ilirija) (slika 17) picted more accurately. In 1573, the third edition of his atlas Madžara Ioanesa Sambucusa (tudi János Zsámboki, 1531– also included adaptations of Coppo’s map of Istria and Lazius’s 1584), ki je poznan predvsem po zbiranju kartografskega maps Carinthiae ducatus, et Goritiae palatinatus (e Duchy gradiva (Török 2007). Gre za dopolnjen Hirschvoglov zemljevid of Carinthia and the County of Gorizia) and Goritiae, Karstii, Ogrske. Zemljevid je Ortelius leta 1573 objavil v drugi izdaji Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum marchae descript svojega atlasa. Del zemljevida (na primer Istra in Kvarner) je (A Description of Gorizia, Karst, the Kočevje Area, Carniola, narisan zelo točno, ostali deli (na primer preostala jadranska Istria, and the Windic March; Slovenci … 1986). obala ter celina) pa manj (Bohinec 1969; Lago in Rossit 1981; Kozličić 1995). In 1572, the map Illyricum (Illyria; Figure 17) was created by the Hungarian Ioanes Sambucus (a.k.a. János Zsámboki, 1531– Leta 1589 je izšel zemljevid Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, 1584), who is primarily known as a map collector (Török Histria et Windorum Marchia (Furlanija, Kras, Kranjska, Istra 2007). is was a revised version of Hirschvogel’s map of in Slovenska marka) (slika 18) Gerharda Kremerja Mercatorja, Hungary, which Ortelius included in the second edition of ki je podlaga številnim poznejšim zemljevidom (Marković his atlas in 1573. Part of the map (e.g., the one showing Istria 1993). Mercator je podatke za območje današnje Slovenije and the Kvarner Gulf) is very precise, but other parts (e.g., povzel po Orteliusu, ta pa po Laziusovih zemljevidih, zato so the rest of the Adriatic coast and the interior) are less accurate na njem številne napake (Shaw in Čuk 2015). (Bohinec 1969; Lago and Rossit 1981; Kozličić 1995). Zemljevid Carniolae Chaziolae Q3 Ducatus nec non et Go- In 1589, Gerardus Mercator published the map Forum Iulium, ritiae Comitatus … (Vojvodina Kranjska in Kočevsko kakor Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Friuli, tudi grofija Goriška …) je leta 1593 izšel v atlasu Speculum Karst, Carniola, Istria, and the Windic March; Figure 18), Orbis Terrae (Ogledalo sveta) (slika 19). Zemljevid je priredba which served as the basis for many later maps (Marković Laziusovih zemljevidov iz zbirke avstrijskih dežel iz leta 1561. 1993). Mercator borrowed the information for what is now Priredil ga je Flamec Gerard de Jode (1509–1591), po njegovi Slovenian territory from Ortelius, who took it from Lazius’s smrti pa ga je v omenjenem atlasu izdal njegov sin Cornelis maps, which is why the map contains many errors (Shaw (1568–1600) (Collection … 2020a). Posebnosti zemljevida and Čuk 2015). so orientacija zahod–vzhod, izstopajoče Cerkniško jezero in gozdni pas od Trnovskega gozda proti vzhodu. V istem atlasu e map Carniolae Chaziolae Q3 Ducatus nec non et Goritiae je bilo tudi več drugih zemljevidov slovenskega ozemlja, na Comitatus … (e Duchy of Carniola and the Kočevje Area, primer Koroška in Štajerska, ki sta bili povzeti po Laziusovih as Well as the County of Gorizia …) was published in 1593 zemljevidih. in the atlas Speculum Orbis Terrae (Mirror of the World; 24 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 25 slovenian territory depiCted on maps 3.2.2 sedemnajsto stoletje Figure 19). It is an adaptation of Lazius’s maps from the col- To je obdobje, ko se poleg tujih uveljavijo tudi domači karto- lection depicting Austrian provinces from 1561. It was made grafi. Nastane nekaj natančnih zemljevidov, na slovenskem by the Flemish cartographer Gerard de Jode (1509–1591) ozemlju pa se uveljavijo takratne evropske kartografske smeri. and was published posthumously by his son Cornelis (1568– 1600) in the atlas mentioned above (Collection … 2020a). Its Od 17. stoletja se postopno povečuje kakovost kartografskega special features include a west–east orientation, a rather prikaza. Kljub temu so zemljevidi slovenskega ozemlja v šte- prominently depicted Lake Cerknica, and a forest belt ex- vilnih pogledih še večinoma nenatančni in izdelani površno. tending from the Trnovski gozd Plateau toward the east. e Vzroke lahko iščemo v obrobni legi in nepoznavanju ozemlja, same atlas also contained several other maps of Slovenian a se slednje z uveljavljanjem domačih avtorjev zmanjšuje. territory, such as the maps of Carinthia and Styria, which were based on Lazius’s originals. Leta 1612 je nastal zemljevid Archiducatus Carinthiae ferti- lissimi Carantania olim et Carnia, dicti, ex diligenti omnium Locorum Perlustratione et Dimensione, nova, vera, et Exac- 3.2.2 seventeenth Century tissima Geographia (Najbolj natančen geografski oris, z novim is is the period in which local cartographers also became pregledom in meritvijo vseh krajev najbolj rodovitne vojvodine prominent in addition to others. Several detailed maps were Koroške, nekoč Karantanije in Kranjske) Israela Holzwurma created, and the European mapping trends of the time also (1575/1580–1617). Leta 1616 so zemljevid ponovno izdali became established in Slovenian territory. (prvi velja za izgubljenega), a v dvakrat manjšem merilu (Höck in Leitner 1984). From the seventeenth century onward, the quality of maps gradually increased. Nonetheless, in many aspects the maps Zemljevid Istria olim Iapidia (Istra, nekdanja Japidija) je of Slovenian territory continued to be inaccurate and super- leta 1620 (slika 20) izdal Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555– ficially made. e reasons for this may be the area’s marginal 1617), ki je deloval v Bologni. Južni del Istre je obrnjen tako, location and a lack of familiarity with it. However, the latter da polotok leži v smeri zahod–vzhod in ne sever–jug (Lago improved with the gradual increase in importance of local in Rosit 1981; Kladnik, Pipan in Gašperič 2014). Zemljevid cartographers. je kasneje doživel še nekaj različnih izdaj v Blaeuovih atlasih. In 1612, Israel Holzwurm (1575/1580–1617) produced the Od leta 1635 je Nizozemec Willem Janszoon Blaeu (tudi map Archiducatus Carinthiae fertilissimi Carantania olim Guilielmus Janssonius) s sinovoma Joanom (tudi Johannes, et Carnia, dicti, ex diligenti omnium Locorum Perlustratione okoli 1599–1673) in Corneliusom izdajal atlase eatrum et Dimensione, nova, vera, et Exactissima Geographia (e Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus (Gledališče sveta ali Novi Most Exact Geographical Outline, with a New Overview and atlas) (French 1999). Slovensko ozemlje je bilo tako kot druga Measurements of all Places of the Most Fruitful Duchy of območja prirejeno po delih Mercatorja. Znan je prikaz slo- Carinthia, Former Carantania, and Carniola). It was reissued venskega ozemlja z naslovom Karstia, Carniola, Histria et in 1616 (the original is considered lost), but at half the scale Windorum Marchia (Kras, Kranjska, Istra in Slovenska (Höck and Leitner 1984). marka), ki je bil okrog leta 1666 natisnjen z isto ploščo in spremenjenim naslovom Carniola, Cilia comitatus, et Win- e map Istria olim Iapidia (Istria, the Former Land of the dorum Marchia (Kranjska, Celjska grofija in Slovenska marka) Iapydes) was published in 1620 (Figure 20) by the Bologna- (slika 22). based Giovanni Antonio Magini (1555–1617). e southern part of Istria is turned such that the peninsula lies in a west– Leta 1657 je Francoz Nicolas Sanson (1600–1667) izdelal east rather than north–south direction (Lago and Rosit 1981; zemljevid z nemškim in francoskim naslovom Hertzogthūber Kladnik, Pipan, and Gašperič 2014). Various versions of the Steyer, Karnten, Krain, & c./Duchés de Stirie, Carinthie, map were later published in the Blaeu atlases. Carniole … (Vojvodine Štajerska, Koroška in Kranjska …). V smeri sever–jug prikazuje območje med Zgornjo Štajersko From 1635 onward, the Dutch cartographer Willem Janszoon in Istro, v smeri zahod–vzhod pa območje med reko Piavo in Blaeu (a.k.a. Guilielmus Janssonius) and his sons Joan (a.k.a. Blatnim jezerom (slika 21). Pri prikazu slovenskega ozemlja Johannes, c. 1599–1673) and Cornelius published eatrum je viden vpliv Laziusovih zemljevidov (Bohinec 1969; Slo- Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas Novus (eater of the World or venci … 1986). New Atlas; French 1999). Like with other areas, depictions of Slovenian territory were adapted from Mercator’s maps. Leta 1678 je bil natisnjen zemljevid Styriae Ducatus Ferti- Well-known is the map of Slovenian territory titled Karstia, lissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio (Novi geografski opis Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Karst, Carniola, nadvse rodovitne vojvodine Štajerske) Georga Matthäusa Istria, and the Windic March), which was reprinted in 1666 Vischerja (1628–1696). Zemljevid meri približno 123 × 135 cm using the same plate, but a different title: Carniola, Cilia 25 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 26 KartografsKi priKazi slovensKega ozemlja in ima za tisti čas veliko merilo (med 1 : 160.000 in 1 : 173.000) comitatus, et Windorum Marchia (Carniola, the County of (slika 23). Zelo podrobno prikazuje ozemlje Štajerske, zazna- Celje, and the Windic March; Figure 22). mujejo pa ga tudi bogate ilustracije in besedila, ki zapolnjujejo robne prostore (slike 24–26). Lep primer je upodobitev zmage In 1657, the French cartographer Nicolas Sanson (1600– habsburške vojske nad turško leta 1664 pri Monoštru, ki jo 1667) produced a map with the following German and French upodablja boj nadangela Mihaela z zmajem ali številni title: Hertzogthūber Steyer, Karnten, Krain, & c. / Duchés de merilni inštrumenti, ki jih je avtor uporabljal za izdelavo Stirie, Carinthie, Carniole … (e Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, zemljevida (Stopar 2006). and Carniola …). It portrayed the area between Upper Styria and Istria from north to south, and the area between the Zemljevid Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae Cilleiae Comi- Piave River and Lake Balaton from west to east (Figure 21). tatus (Vojvodina Koroška in Kranjska, grofija Celjska) je e depiction of Slovenian territory was clearly influenced delo Nizozemca Fredericka de Witta (1629/1630–1706) (Col- by Lazius’s maps (Bohinec 1969; Slovenci … 1986). lection … 2020b). Izdan je bil konec 17. stoletja na podlagi Sansonovega zemljevida. Različni barvni odtenki posameznih In 1678, Georg Matthäus Vischer (1628–1696) printed the območij ter bogata kartuša z deželnimi grbi naredijo na map Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica De- bralca zemljevida močan vtis (slika 27). scriptio (A New Geographical Description of the Most Fertile Duchy of Styria). It measured approximately 123 × 135 cm Leta 1686 je Giacomo Cantelli da Vignolla (1643–1695) iz and used a scale between 1:160,000 and 1:173,000, which Ferrare izdelal zemljevid Li Ducati di Stiria, Carintia e was a fairly large scale for that time (Figure 23). e map Carniola et altri Stati Ereditary che compongono parte del presents Styria in detail and contains rich illustrations and Circolo d’ Austria (Vojvodine Štajerska, Koroška in Kranjska text on the sides (Figures 24–26). A good example of this is ter druge dedne dežele, ki sestavljajo del območja Avstrije) a depiction of the 1664 victory of the Habsburgs over the Ot- (Collection … 2020d). Zemljevid prikazuje večji del ozemlja tomans in the Battle of Saint Gotthard (Szentgotthárd), današnje Slovenije, zahodni rob Italije, Istro in zahodni del represented by Archangel Michael fighting the dragon, or il- Hrvaške s Primorjem. Zanimivost je prikaz z gozdom poraš- lustrations of instruments that Vischer used to create the čenega območja Cerkniškega jezera ter kartuša, ki ponazarja map (Stopar 2006). beneško-turške vojne. e Dutch cartographer Frederick de Witt (1629/1630–1706) Leta 1689 je izšlo delo Die Ehre deß Hertzogthums Crain produced the map Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae Cilleiae (Slava vojvodine Kranjske) Kranjca Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja Comitatus (e Duchy of Carinthia and Carniola, the County (1641–1693). V drugi knjigi je objavljen zemljevid Carniolia, of Celje; Collection … 2020b). It was published at the end of Karstia, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Kranjska, Kras, the seventeenth century based on Sanson’s map. Various Istra in Slovenska marka) (Valvasor 2009) (slika 28). Nekoliko colors used to outline individual areas and a cartouche with predelan zemljevid je Valvasor leta 1681 izdelal tudi za zgo- provincial coats of arms make a strong impression on the dovinsko delo Carniolia antiqua et nova (Stara in nova Kranjska) user (Figure 27). Janeza Ludvika Schönlebna (1618–1681) (Schönleben 1681). Kot podlaga Valvasorjevemu zemljevidu je gotovo služil zem- In 1686, Giacomo Cantelli da Vignolla (1643–1695), an Italian ljevid Matthäusa Meriana (1593–1650), ki pa je bil kopija cartographer from Ferrara, produced the map Li Ducati di Mercatorjevega zemljevida tega območja. Valvasor je izboljšal Stiria, Carintia e Carniola et altri Stati Ereditary che com- zlasti upodobitev rečne mreže ter velikost Cerkniškega jezera, pongono parte del Circolo d’ Austria (e Duchies of Styria, slabša pa je upodobitev Istre (Rojc 1990; Longyka 1999). Carinthia, and Carniola, and Other Hereditary Lands at Make Up Part of Austria; Collection … 2020d). It shows a large portion of what is now Slovenia, the western edges of Italy, 3.2.3 osemnajsto stoletje Istria, and western Croatia with the coast. Among the more Zemljevid Ducatus Carnioliae Tabula (Zemljevid vojvodine interesting elements are the depiction of the forested area Kranjske) (slika 29) je Johann van der Bruggen (1695–1740) of Lake Cerknica and a cartouche depicting the Venetian– izdal v začetku 18. stoletja. Domnevno sta ga v bakrene Ottoman wars. plošče vrezala Nemca Johann Andreas Pfeffel (1674–1750) in Christian Engelbrecht (1672–1735), katerih inicialke so In 1689, the Carniolan polymath Johann Weikhard von Valvasor navedene pod spodnjim desnim robom zemljevida (Collec- (1641–1693) published Die Ehre deß Hertzogthums Crain (e tion … 2020c). Glory of the Duchy of Carniola). Book 2 of this encyclopedia contains the map Carniolia, Karstia, Histria et Windorum V tem obdobju je Nemec Christoph Weigel starejši (1654– Marchia (Carniola, Karst, Istria, and the Windic March; 1725) izdal manjši zemljevid Ducatus Carnioliae accuratissima Valvasor 2009; Figure 28), which is a slightly modified version delineatio (Nadvse natančen prikaz vojvodine Kranjske) of the map that Valvasor produced in 1681 for the historical 26 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 27 slovenian territory depiCted on maps (Götzfried … 2019a). Zemljevid je avtor povzel po Valvasorju, volume Carniolia antiqua et nova (Carniola, Old and New) kar je navedeno v kartuši, v zgornjem desnem kotu pa so by Johann Ludwig Schönleben (1618–1681; Schönleben 1681). motivi iz Slave vojvodine Kranjske, vključno s Predjamskim It was most likely based on the map by Matthäus Merian gradom in poosebljeno vojvodino Kranjsko. Na podoben (1593–1650), which in turn was a copy of Mercator’s map of način je Weigel izdelal tudi zemljevida Štajerske in Koroške. the area. Valvasor improved the depiction of the river network and the size of Lake Cerknica in particular, but his depiction Nemec Johann Baptist Homann (1664–1724) je v letih 1714– of Istria was a step backward (Rojc 1990; Longyka 1999). 1724 izdajal zemljevid Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae (Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske, Slovenske marke in Istre) (slika 30) (Korošec 1978; Lago 1996). Prikaz 3.2.3 eighteenth Century Kranjske je bolj kakovosten, saj je avtor črpal podatke iz Val- Johann van der Bruggen (1695–1740) published Ducatus vasorjeve Slave vojvodine Kranjske (na primer Cerkniško Carnioliae Tabula (Map of the Duchy of Carniola; Figure 29) jezero, veduta Ljubljane, podobe v kartuši) in ne toliko iz in the early eighteenth century. It was presumably engraved njegovih kartografskih del. Zaradi številnih poznejših ponatisov on copper plates by the Germans Johann Andreas Pfeffel zlasti Seutterja in Lotterja gre za bolj prepoznavne zemljevide (1674–1750) and Christian Engelbrecht (1672–1735), whose 18. stoletja. initials are provided under the lower right edge of the map (Collection … 2020c). V istem obdobju je Homann izdelal več zemljevidov, ki delno prikazujejo slovensko ozemlje. Zemljevid Ducatus Stiriae During that time, the German Christoph Weigel Sr. (1654– Novissima Tabula (Najnovejši zemljevid vojvodine Štajerske) 1725) published a smaller map titled Ducatus Carnioliae (slika 31) je pomanjšana priredba Vischerjevega dela, ki accuratissima delineatio (e Most Accurate Outline of the zajema slovenski del Štajerske in del Koroške, katero je prikazal Duchy of Carniola; Götzfried … 2019a). It was based on Val- tudi na zemljevidu Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus vasor’s map, which is indicated in the cartouche, and the Tabula geographica (Nov in natančen geografski zemljevid upper right part of the map features motifs from Valvasor’s vojvodine Koroške) (slika 32). Homannove zemljevide sta e Glory of the Duchy of Carniola, including Predjama Castle pozneje v dopolnjeni obliki izdajala tudi Nemca Matthias and the personified Duchy of Carniola. Weigel also produced Seutter (1678–1757) in njegov zet Tobiasa Conrad Lotter maps of Styria and Carinthia in a similar way. (1717–1777) (Slovenci … 1986). e German cartographer Johann Baptist Homann (1664– Zaradi gospodarskih potreb so nastajali tudi prikazi manjših 1724) published Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum območij, največkrat v obliki zelo podrobnih in slikovitih Marchiae et Histriae (Map of the Duchy of Carniola, the tematskih zemljevidov. Lep primer je cestni zemljevid s pri- Windic March, and Istria; Figure 30) from 1714 to 1724 kazom Notranjske, ki ga je leta 1720 izdal upravnik Idrijskega (Korošec 1978; Lago 1996). His depiction of Carniola was of rudnika Franc Anton Steinberg (1684–1765). higher quality because he drew information from Valvasor’s e Glory of the Duchy of Carniola (e.g., Lake Cerknica, the Med največje kartografske dosežke 18. stoletja uvrščamo panorama of Ljubljana, and illustrations in the cartouche) zemljevid Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica (Ho- rather than his maps. Because of numerous later reprints, rografski zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske), ki ga je leta 1744 especially by Seutter and Lotter, this is a better-known eigh- izdal Janez Dizma Florjančič pl. Grienfeld (1691–pred 1757). teenth-century map. Velikost celotnega zemljevida je približno 180 × 188 cm, merilo pa približno 1 : 100.000 (slika 33). Gre za v tem obdobju naj- During the same time, Homann produced several maps that kakovostnejši in najpopolnejši zemljevid Kranjske. Zemljevid depict parts of Slovenian territory. Ducatus Stiriae Novissima na zahodu prikazuje območje do Gorice in Gradišča ob Soči, Tabula (e Latest Map of the Duchy of Styria; Figure 31) is na vzhodu do Žalca, Brežic in Karlovca, na severu do Trbiža, a reduced-scale adaptation of Vischer’s map covering the Železne Kaple in Slovenj Gradca ter na jugu do Rovinja in Slovenian part of Styria and part of Carinthia, which he also Crikvenice (Reisp 1995). Posebnost zemljevida sta veduta in depicted on the map Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus načrt Ljubljane (slika 36) ter številni slikovni dodatki, s katerimi Tabula geographica (A New and Accurate Geographical so upodobljene deželne posebnosti (Reisp 1995). Map of the Duchy of Carinthia; Figure 32). Homann’s maps were later also published in revised form by the German Leta 1752 sta Francoza Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1688– map publisher Matthias Seutter (1678–1757) and his son-in- 1766) in/ali sin Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (okoli 1723–1786) law Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717–1777; Slovenci … 1986). izdala zemljevid Partie Méridionale du Cercle d’Autriche, qui comprend La Basse Partie du Duché de Stirie, Le Duché For commercial purposes, maps were also created of smaller de Carinthie, divisé en haute et basse, Le Duché de Carniole, areas, usually in the form of highly detailed and picturesque divise en haute, basse, moyenne et inter.e Carniole, et l’Istrie thematic maps. A good example is the road map depicting 27 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 28 KartografsKi priKazi slovensKega ozemlja Impériale (Južni del Avstrije, ki obsega spodnji del vojvodine Inner Carniola, which was published in 1720 by the manager Štajerske, vojvodino Koroško, ki se deli na zgornjo in spodnjo, of the Idrija Mine, Franz Anton von Steinberg (1684–1765). vojvodino Kranjsko, razdeljeno v zgornjo, spodnjo, srednjo in notranjo Kranjsko, ter cesarstvo Istre) (slika 39). Zemljevid e greatest cartographic achievements of the eighteenth prikazuje južne dele takratne Habsburške monarhije. Nekatera century include the Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica območja (na primer Kras in Dalmacija) so prikazana bolj (Chorographic Map of the Duchy of Carniola) published in točno kot na drugih zemljevidih tistega časa (Lago 1996). 1744 by Joannes Disma Floriantschitsch de Grienfeld (born 1691, died before 1757). e map measures approximately Okrog leta 1760 je izšel Atlas Novus sive Tabulae Geographicae 180 × 188 cm at a scale of approximately 1:100,000 (Figure 33). Totius Orbis Faciem, Partes, Imperia, Regna et Provincias (Novi is was the highest-quality and most complete map of Carniola atlas geografskih zemljevidov vsega obličja sveta, njegovih at the time, depicting the area extending to Gorizia and delov, imperijev, kraljestev in provinc), kjer je objavljen Lotterjev Gradisca d’Isonzo in the west, to Žalec, Brežice, and Karlovac zemljevid Exactissima Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae in the east, to Tarvisio, Eisenkappel, and Slovenj Gradec in et Histriae delineatiocura (Nadvse natančni oris vojvodine the north, and to Rovinj and Crikvenica in the south (Reisp Kranjske, Slovenske marke in Istre). Gre za priredbo Homan- 1995). A special feature is the inset showing the panorama novega zemljevida Kranjske. Zemljevidi v atlasu so površni and layout of Ljubljana (Figure 36), and various illustrations in niso posebno kartografsko kakovostni (Orožen 1901). depicting interesting provincial features (Reisp 1995). Med letoma 1763 in 1787 je bila izvedena prva sistematična In 1752, the French cartographers Gilles Robert de Vaugondy vojaška kartografska izmera Habsburške monarhije Josephi- (1688–1766) and/or his son Gilles Robert de Vaugondy nische Landesaufnahme (jožefinska deželna izmera) (slika 40) (c. 1723–1786) published the map Partie Méridionale du (Rajšp 1996; Zorn 2007). Zemljevidi še nimajo točne geodetske Cercle d’Autriche, qui comprend La Basse Partie du Duché podlage, a jih zaradi velikega merila (1 : 28.800), natančnosti de Stirie, Le Duché de Carinthie, divisé en haute et basse, izdelave in številčnosti podatkov uvrščamo med najboljša Le Duché de Carniole, divise en haute, basse, moyenne et kartografska dela druge polovice 18. stoletja (Gašperič 2010). inter.e Carniole, et l’Istrie Impériale (e Southern Part of Izdelani so ročno, posamezen zemljevid pa meri 64 × 42 cm. Austria, Encompassing the Lower Part of the Duchy of Styria, Bili so strogo varovan vojaški dokument, ki ni bil dostopen the Duchy of Carinthia Divided into Upper and Lower širši javnosti (Rajšp 1994). V novejšem času so bili za slovensko Carinthia, the Duchy of Carniola Divided into Upper, Lower, ozemlje izdani v sedmih knjigah (Rajšp in Ficko 1995; 1996; Central, and Inner Carniola, and Imperial Istria; Figure 39), Rajšp in Trpin 1997; Rajšp in Serše 1998; 2001; Rajšp in showing the southern parts of the Habsburg Monarchy at Grabnar 1999; Rajšp in Kološa 2000). that time. Some areas, such as the Kras (Karst) Plateau and Dalmatia, are depicted more accurately than on other maps Baltazar Hacquet (1739/1740–1815) je napisal delo Orycto- of that time (Lago 1996). graphia Carniolica oder Physikalische Erdbeschreibung des Herzogthums Krain, Istrien und zum eil der benachbarten Around 1760, Atlas Novus sive Tabulae Geographicae Totius Länder (Oriktografija Kranjske ali fizikalni zemljepis vojvodine Orbis Faciem, Partes, Imperia, Regna et Provincias (New Atlas Kranjske, Istre in dela sosednjih dežel), ki je izšlo v štirih of Geographical Maps of the Entire Face of the World, Its delih (1778–1789). V prvem zvezku je objavljen tudi zemljevid Parts, Empires, Kingdoms, and Provinces) was published. It z naslovom Mappa Litho-Hydrographica Nationis Slavicae also contained Lotter’s map Exactissima Ducatus Carnioliae, (Litološko-hidrografski zemljevid slovanskih narodov) (slika 41). Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae delineatiocura (e Most Zemljevid je podolgovate oblike in prikazuje območje med Exact Outline of the Duchy of Carniola, the Windic March, porečjema Save in Drave. Posebnost so označena rudna na- and Istria), which was an adaptation of Homann’s map of hajališča. Krajevna imena so pretežno slovenska ali dvojezična Carniola. e maps in this atlas are inaccurate and do not (Wawrik in Zeilinger 1989). display any significant cartographic quality (Orožen 1901). Hacquet je leta 1778 sodeloval pri izdelavi zemljevida Franca Between 1763 and 1787, the first systematic military land Barage z opisnim naslovom Krainska deschela (Kranjska) survey and mapping of the Habsburg Monarchy, known in (slika 42). Kartografsko je zastarel, njegova odlika pa so ozna- German as Josephinische Landesaufnahme (the Josephinian čena nahajališča rudnin ter slovenski toponimi. Hacquetovi Land Survey; Figure 40), was conducted (Rajšp 1996; Zorn zemljevidi so prvi tematski geološki zemljevidi na Slovenskem 2007). e maps do not yet have an accurate surveying basis, (Longyka 1999). but their large scale (1:28,800) and accuracy, and the large quantity of information they provide rank them among the V letih 1788 in 1791 sta izšla prvi in drugi del zgodovinskega best maps of the second half of the eighteenth century dela Versuch einer Geschichte von Krain und der übrigen süd- (Gašperič 2010). ey were handmade, each measuring lichen Slaven Oesterreichs (Poskus zgodovine Kranjske in 64 × 42 cm, and were considered highly confidential military 28 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 29 slovenian territory depiCted on maps ostalih dežel južnih Slovanov Avstrije) Antona Tomaža Linharta documents that were not accessible to the public (Rajšp 1994). (1756–1795). Njegovemu delu so bili dodani štirje zemljevidi. e maps covering Slovenian territory were more recently Zemljevida, ki prikazujeta podobno območje v različnih zgo- published in seven volumes (Rajšp and Ficko 1995; 1996; dovinskih obdobjih, sta Tabula Antiqua regionis inter Dravum Rajšp and Trpin 1997; Rajšp and Serše 1998; 2001; Rajšp and Fluvium et Mare Adriaticum (Antični zemljevid ozemlja Grabnar 1999; Rajšp and Kološa 2000). med reko Dravo in Jadranskim morjem) v prvem delu in Conspectus Karantaniae sive Slavorum meridionalium ante Belsazar Hacquet (1739/1740–1815) authored the work Oryc- Caroli M. imperium (Zemljevid Karantanije ali južnih Slo- tographia Carniolica oder Physikalische Erdbeschreibung des vanov pred cesarstvom Karla Velikega) v drugem delu (Linhart Herzogthums Krain, Istrien und zum eil der benachbarten 1981). Prvi je večji, prikazan v večjem merilu in kartografsko Länder (Oryctography of Carniola or a Physical Geography podrobnejši. of the Duchy of Carniola, Istria, and Parts of Neighboring Lands), which was published in four volumes (1778–1789). Med letoma 1789 in 1797 so izhajali zemljevidi, ki so bili Volume one contains a map titled Mappa Litho-Hydro- vključeni v Atlas von Innerösterreich - Die Provinz Inner- graphica Nationis Slavicae (Lithological and Hydrological Oesterreich (Atlas notranjeavstrijskih dežel) Josepha Karla Map of the Slavic Nations; Figure 41). It has an oblong form Kindermanna (1744–1801). Atlas prikazuje Štajersko, Koroško, and shows the area between the Sava and Drava basins. It is Kranjsko (slika 43) ter Goriško z Gradiško oziroma avstrijsko interesting that it also depicts the locations of ore deposits. Primorje. Sestavlja ga enajst zemljevidov v merilu 1 : 255.000 e place names provided are mainly Slovenian or bilingual ter pregledni zemljevid notranjeavstrijskih dežel v merilu (Wawrik and Zeilinger 1989). 1 : 600.000. Med drugim je označena jezikovna meja med Slovenci in Nemci na Koroškem in Štajerskem (Korošec 1978; In 1778, Hacquet was involved in the production of Franz Wawrik in Zeilinger 1989). Xaver Baraga’s map Krainska deschela (Carniola; Figure 42), which depicts the territory of Carniola. is map is outdated Kindermann je izdeloval tudi zemljevide za poznejši Atlas in terms of the mapping technique used, but one of its qualities des Österreichischen Kaiserthums/Atlas De L’Empire Autrichien is that it shows the locations of ore deposits and it uses (Atlas avstrijskega cesarstva), ki je izšel leta 1805 (Dörflinger Slovenian toponyms. Hacquet’s maps were the first thematic 1986). V njem je njegov zemljevid z nemškim in francoskim geological maps of Slovenian territory (Longyka 1999). naslovom Charte von Kaernthen und Krain, nebst den Grafschaen Görz und Gradiska und dem Gebiethe von In 1788 and 1791, volumes one and two of Anton Tomaž Triest/Carte de la Carinthie et de la Carniole, avec les Comte’s Linhart’s (1756–1795) historical work Versuch einer Geschichte de Gorice et de Gradisca et le Gouvernement de Trieste von Krain und der übrigen südlichen Slaven Oesterreichs (Zemljevid Koroške in Kranjske, skupaj z grofijo Goriško in (Essay on a History of Carniola and Other South Slavic Lands Gradiško ter območjem Trsta) (Dörflinger in Hühnel 1995), in Austria) were published. ese two volumes include two ki je bil izdelan leta 1803 (slika 44). maps depicting a similar area during two different historical periods: Tabula Antiqua regionis inter Dravum Fluvium et Zaradi različnih infrastrukturnih projektov, na primer obnov Mare Adriaticum (Ancient Map of the Region between the cest (na primer Dunaj–Trst in Celovec–Ljubljana–Karlovec), Drava River and the Adriatic) in volume one and Conspectus regulacij rek (na primer porečje Ljubljanice od Vrhnike do Karantaniae sive Slavorum meridionalium ante Caroli M. izliva v Savo) in Ljubljanskega barja, so nastali številni zem- imperium (Map of Carantania or the South Slavs before Charle- ljevidi, načrti in skice, ki zelo natančno prikazujejo območja, magne’s Empire) in volume two (Linhart 1981). e former kjer so bila dela načrtovana (Korošec 1978). is larger, more detailed, and uses a larger scale. Joseph Karl Kindermann (1744–1801) published a series of 3.2.4 devetnajsto stoletje maps from 1789 to 1797 in his Atlas von Innerösterreich – Habsburška kartografija je v tem obdobju v samem svetovnem Die Provinz Inner-Oesterreich (Atlas of Inner Austria), which vrhu. Za slovensko ozemlje se pojavijo zemljevidi v slovenskem covered Styria, Carinthia, Carniola (Figure 43), and the County ali nemškem jeziku, nekateri pa so dvojezični (slovensko, of Gorizia with Gradisca, or the Austrian Littoral. It was nemško). Značilni so tudi prikazi manjših območij v velikem composed of eleven 1:255,000 scale maps and an index map merilu, kot tudi zemljevidi, ki prikazujejo slovensko etnično of Inner Austria at a scale of 1:600,000. Among other things, ozemlje. the maps outline the language border between Slovenians and Germans in Carinthia and Styria (Korošec 1978; Wawrik Na tem mestu izpostavljamo dve vojaški izmeri Habsburške and Zeilinger 1989). monarhije, drugo (1806–1869) (Timár s sodelavci 2006) in tretjo (1869–1887) (Kretschmer in Messner 1986), ki sta bili Kindermann also produced maps for the later Atlas des Öster- podlaga številnim drugim zemljevidom. Zemljevid, ki je reichischen Kaiserthums / Atlas De L’Empire Autrichien (Atlas 29 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 30 KartografsKi priKazi slovensKega ozemlja nastal kot rezultat druge izmere, se imenuje Franziszeische of the Austrian Empire), published in 1805 (Dörflinger 1986). Landesaufnahme (Franciscejska deželna izmera). Izdelan je One of the maps that was included in this atlas and had na podlagi trigonometrične mreže in v istem merilu kot prva a German-French title was his Charte von Kaernthen und izmera, 1 : 28.800. Tretja izmera se imenuje Franzisco-Jose- Krain, nebst den Grafschaen Görz und Gradiska und dem phinische Landesaufnahme (Franc-jožefinska deželna izmera), Gebiethe von Triest / Carte de la Carinthie et de la Carniole, izdelana pa je v merilu 1 : 25.000, vojaška območja tudi v 1 : 12.500 avec les Comte’s de Gorice et de Gradisca et le Gouvernement (Frajer in Geletič 2011). de Trieste (Map of Carinthia and Carniola, Together with the Counties of Gorizia and Gradisca, and the Trieste Area; Zemljevid Topographisch-militairische Charte von Teutsch- Dörflinger and Hühnel 1995) created in 1803 (Figure 44). land (Vojaškotopografski zemljevid Nemčije) je med letoma 1807 in 1814 izdajal Geografski inštitut v Weimarju. Pod Because of various infrastructure projects, such as renovations vodstvom Prusa Friedricha Wilhelma Streita (1772–1839) of roads (e.g., the road from Vienna to Trieste and the road so ga izdali na 204 listih (slika 45) v velikem merilu 1 : 180.000. from Klagenfurt to Karlovac via Ljubljana) and regulations Končno število listov (217) pa so izdelali po letu 1819 (Chri- of rivers (e.g., the Ljubljanica basin from Vrhnika to the river’s stoph 2012). Gre za prvo serijo zemljevidov takšnega merila discharge into the Sava) and the Ljubljana Marsh, many v srednji Evropi. Vzpeti svet je prikazan z metodo črtic, zem- maps, plans, and sketches were produced, providing a highly ljevid pa je pregleden in berljiv. accurate representation of the areas of the works planned (Korošec 1978). Leta 1812 je bil natisnjen zemljevid Carte des Provinces Illy- riennes comprenant la Bosnie, l’Herzégovine, le Monténéro et quelques pays adjacens (Zemljevid Ilirskih provinc, ki 3.2.4 nineteenth Century obsega tudi Bosno, Hercegovino, Črno goro in nekatere sosednje e Habsburg Monarchy was at the vanguard of global car- dežele), katerega avtor je Francoz Gaetano Palma. Zemljevid tography during this period. Maps of Slovenian territory began sodi med najkakovostnejše kartografske izdelke začetka 19. to appear in Slovenian or German, and some were also stoletja (Gašperič, Orožen Adamič in Šumrada 2012). bilingual (Slovenian and German). Both large-scale depictions of smaller areas and maps of the entire Slovenian ethnic ter- Istega leta je bil izdelan tudi zemljevid Carte von Inner Oe- ritory were typical in this period. streich. Nach den neuesten astronomischen Ortsbestimungen (Zemljevid Notranje Avstrije z najnovejšimi astronomskimi In this regard, two military surveys of the Habsburg Monarchy določitvami položaja krajev) Josepha de Castra. Zemljevid can be highlighted: the second survey conducted between prikazuje Štajersko, Kranjsko in Istro. Sestavljen je iz šestih 1806 and 1869 (Timár et al. 2006) and the third survey con- delov v merilu približno 1 : 290.000 (Dörflinger 1988). ducted between 1869 and 1887 (Kretschmer and Messner 1986), which served as the basis for many other maps. e Podoben Castrovemu zemljevidu, a izdelan v večjem merilu, maps produced as part of the second survey, known in je zemljevid Charte von dem Königreiche Illyrien und dem German as Franziszeische Landesaufnahme (the Franciscan Herzogthume Steyermark (Zemljevid Ilirskega kraljestva in Land Survey), were based on a triangulation network and vojvodine Štajerske) (Orožen 1901). Poznana je izdaja iz leta used the same 1:28,800 scale as the first survey. e third 1818 (slika 46) Carla Ferdinanda Weilanda (1782–1847) iz survey was called Franzisco-Josephinische Landesaufnahme Saške. (the Franciscan-Josephinian Land Survey), in which maps were produced at a 1:25,000 scale, with military areas also Leta 1818 se je v Habsburški monarhiji začela izmera tako mapped at a 1:12,500 scale (Frajer and Geletič 2011). imenovanega franciscejskega katastra (slika 47), ki je za slovensko ozemlje (z izjemo Prekmurja) trajala do leta 1828 e map Topographisch-militairische Charte von Teutschland (Slak 2019). Večji del zemljevidov je bil izdelan v merilu (Topographic-Military Map of Germany) was published by 1 : 2880, težje dostopni kraji v merilu 1 : 5760, območje neka- the Weimar Geographical Institute from 1807 to 1814. Under terih večjih naselij pa v merilu 1 : 1440 ali 1 : 720 (Golec 2010). the leadership of the Prussian cartographer Friedrich Wilhelm Kataster ne prikazuje oblikovanosti površja, je pa zelo podroben Streit (1772–1839), the map was published on 204 sheets pri prikazu zemljiških parcel in kategorij rabe zemljišč. Zaradi (Figure 45) at a scale of 1:180,000. e final number of sheets zemljiško-davčne reforme leta 1869 je med letoma 1869 in (217) was created and published aer 1819 (Christoph 2012). 1887 nastajal tako imenovani reambulančni kataster, ki mu is was the first series of maps depicting central Europe at je leta 1896 sledila še revizija (Petek in Urbanc 2004). this scale. Elevations are marked with hachures, and the map itself is clear and easy to read. Leta 1831 je Georg Ludvig von Ritter (deloval v prvi polovici 19. stoletja) izdal zemljevid Neueste Specialkarte von Krain In 1812, the map Carte des Provinces Illyriennes comprenant nach der dermaligen Eintheilung in Bezirke (Najnovejši la Bosnie, l’Herzégovine, le Monténéro et quelques pays 30 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 31 slovenian territory depiCted on maps specialni zemljevid Kranjske s tedanjimi okrožji) v merilu adjacens (Map of the Illyrian Provinces, Encompassing Bosnia, približno 1 : 270.000 (Dörflinger in Neunteufl 1986). Kako- Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Certain Neighboring Lands) vostni kartografski prikaz omogoča preprosto berljivost zem- by the Frenchman Gaetano Palma was printed. It is considered ljevida (Korošec 1978). one of the highest-quality maps of the early nineteenth century (Gašperič, Orožen Adamič, and Šumrada 2012). Leta 1832 je prvič izšel zemljevid Karte vom Herzogthume Krain (Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) (slika 48) Gottfrieda at same year, Joseph de Castro produced the map Carte Loschana (prva polovica 19. stoletja) v merilu približno von Inner Oestreich. Nach den neuesten astronomischen 1 : 270.000 (Dörflinger in Neunteufl 1986). To je prvi zemljevid, Ortsbestimungen (Map of Inner Austria Based on the Latest ki je dosledno nastal na podlagi tedanjih vojaških zemljevidov Astronomical Positioning) depicting Styria, Carniola, and (Korošec 1978). Izdelan je v kakovostni črno-beli tehniki Istria. It is composed of six parts at a scale of approximately ter zelo berljiv. Za kraje uporablja le nemško poimenovanje. 1:290,000 (Dörflinger 1988). Leta 1844 je zemljevid izšel z enakim naslovom, vendar iz- boljšan in razširjen na območje celotnega Ilirskega kraljestva e map Charte von dem Königreiche Illyrien und dem (Longyka 1999). Herzogthume Steyermark (Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria) was similar to that by Castro, but it Zemljevid (Special) Karte des Königreichs Illyrien und des used a larger scale (Orožen 1901). A known edition is the Herzogthums Steyermark nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen one created in 1818 (Figure 46) by the Saxon cartographer Littorale (Zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije in vojvodine Štajerske Carl Ferdinand Weiland (1782–1847). skupaj s Primorjem kraljevine Ogrske) je leta 1834 izdal Av- strijski štab glavnega kvartirnega mojstra na Dunaju. Izdelan In 1818, the cadastral survey under Emperor Francis I je v merilu 1 : 144.000 in je nastal na podlagi druge vojaške (Figure 47) began in the Habsburg Monarchy, which lasted izmere. Sestavljen je iz 36 listov (slika 49) velikosti približno until 1828 in Slovenian territory (except for Prekmurje; Slak 27,5 × 40 cm in preglednega zemljevida (von Witzleben 1850). 2019). Most maps were produced at a scale of 1:2,880, remote Zemljevid je izdelan s kamnotiskom v črno-beli tehniki. Leta areas were mapped at a 1:5,760 scale, and certain larger set- 1842 je bil ponovno izdan. tlements were mapped at a scale of 1:1,440 or 1:720 (Golec 2010). e cadaster does not show the terrain, but it depicts Zemljevid General-Karte des Königreichs Illyrien nebst dem the plots and land use categories in great detail. Due to the Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (Splošni zemljevid Kraljevine 1869 land-tax reform, a revised cadaster was produced be- Ilirije skupaj s Primorjem kraljevine Ogrske) (slika 50) je leta tween 1869 and 1887, which was followed by a further 1843 izdal Vojaški geografski inštitut na Dunaju. Izdan je na revision in 1896 (Petek and Urbanc 2004). štirih listih v merilu 1 : 288.000 (von Witzleben 1850). Njegova odlika je velika gostota krajevnih imen, ki pa ne zmanjša In 1831, Georg Ludvig von Ritter (active in the first half of berljivosti zemljevida, ter meje posameznih delov ozemlja. the nineteenth century) published the map Neueste Specialkarte von Krain nach der dermaligen Eintheilung in Bezirke (e Med letoma 1844 in 1846 je izšlo 16 listov Special-Karte des Latest Detailed Map of Carniola with Its Current Districts) Herzogthums Krain (Specialni zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) at a scale of approximately 1:270,000 (Dörflinger and Neunteufl (slika 51) Henrika Freyerja (1802–1866). Merilo zemljevida, 1986). It is a high-quality cartographic work, easy to read ki ima za podlago drugo vojaško kartografsko izmero, je (Korošec 1978). 1 : 113.500. Natisnjen je bil v petbarvnem kamnotisku, takrat novi tehniki. Odlika zemljevida je bogastvo slovenskih krajevnih In 1832, the first edition of Karte vom Herzogthume Krain imen (slika 4). Označena so nahajališča rudnin in rudarskih (Map of the Duchy of Carniola; Figure 48) by Gottfried Loschan objektov (Orožen 1901; Leban 1954; Longyka 1999). (the first half of the nineteenth century) at a scale of approx- imately 1:270,000 was published (Dörflinger and Neunteufl Leta 1852 (a z letnico 1853) je bil natisnjen Zemljovid slo- 1986). is was the first map produced exclusively based on venske dežele in pokrajin Petra Kozlerja (1824–1879) contemporary military maps (Korošec 1978). It is high-quality, (slika 52). Zemljevid prikazuje območja Kranjske, Koroške, produced in black-and-white, and very easy to read. e place avstrijskega Primorja, Štajersko do Gradca, Prekmurje, Beneško names are only provided in German. In 1844, an improved Slovenijo in del Hrvaške. Predstavlja prvi zemljevid slovenskega version of the map expanded to include the entire Kingdom etničnega ozemlja, kjer so imena krajev napisana izključno of Illyria was published under the same title (Longyka 1999). v slovenskem jeziku. Zaradi političnih zapletov z objavo je zemljevid v javnost prvič prišel šele leta 1861. Zemljevid je (Special) Karte des Königreichs Illyrien und des Herzogthums doživel številne ponatise. Najpomembnejši dodatek, ki je Steyermark nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (Map bil načrtovan že za leto 1853, dodan pa pri drugi izdaji leta of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria with the 1864, je bil Imenik mest, tergov in krajev. Imenik je dolga leta Hungarian Littoral) was published in 1834 by the Austrian 31 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 32 KartografsKi priKazi slovensKega ozemlja predstavljal edini seznam krajev za celotno slovensko etnično Quartermaster General Staff in Vienna. It was produced at ozemlje. a 1:144,000 scale based on the second military survey. It is composed of thirty-six sheets (Figure 49), each measuring Leta 1856 je izšel zemljevid General-Karte des Oesterreichischen approximately 27.5 × 40 cm, and an index map (von Witzleben Kaiserstaates mit einem grossen eile der angrenzenden 1850). e mapmaking technique used is black-and-white Länder (Splošni zemljevid avstrijske cesarske države z več- lithography. It was reprinted in 1842. jim delom sosednjih dežel). Avtor zemljevida je Joseph von Scheda (1815–1888), takrat načelnik Vojaško geografskega e map General-Karte des Königreichs Illyrien nebst dem inštituta na Dunaju. Zemljevid sestavlja dvajset listov v merilu Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (General Map of the Kingdom 1 : 576.000. Kartografsko je zelo kakovosten, preglednost pa of Illyria with the Hungarian Littoral; Figure 50) was published omejuje gostota zemljepisnih imen (Marković 1993). in 1843 by the Military Geographic Institute in Vienna. It consists of four 1:288,000 sheets (von Witzleben 1850) and is Zemljevid Völker-, Kreis-, Gerichts-, Eisenbahn- und Post- distinguished by a high density of place names, which does Karte der Herzogthümer Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain, der not affect its readability, and a high-quality presentation of Grafschaen Görz, Gradisca, Istrien und der Reichstadt the borders of individual parts of the territory. Triest (Etnični, okrožni, sodni, železniški in poštni zemljevid vojvodin Štajerske, Koroške, Kranjske, grofij Goriška, Gradiška, Between 1844 and 1846, Heinrich Freyer (1802–1866) pub- Istra in cesarskega mesta Trst) je v drugi polovici 19. stoletja lished the sixteen sheets of his Special-Karte des Herzogthums (po letu 1857) na Dunaju izdal Franz Raffelsperger (1793– Krain (Detailed Map of the Duchy of Carniola; Figure 51). 1861) (Völker- … okrog 1857). Ob robu kartografskega prikaza e map was created based on the second military survey, at so številni statistični podatki. Na nekaterih izdajah je z barvami a scale of 1:113,500. It was printed using the new five-color prikazana etnična sestava prebivalstva (slika 57). lithography technique. Among other things, the map provides geographical names in Slovenian (Figure 4) as well as the V šestdesetih letih 19. stoletja je bil dejaven Blaž Kocen locations of ore deposits and mine structures (Orožen 1901; (1821–1871). Znan je predvsem po izdelavi šolskih atlasov Leban 1954; Longyka 1999). in geografskih učbenikov. Izdelal je številne stenske in ročne zemljevide, med katerimi so tudi zemljevidi slovenskih dežel: In 1852, Peter Kosler (1824–1879) published his Zemljovid Kranjska, Štajerska, Koroška. Njegove zemljevide odlikuje slovenske dežele in pokrajin (Map of Slovenian Territory nazorno prikazano površje in racionalna naselbinska mreža and Regions; Figure 52); the actual year printed on the map (Žagar 1973; Bratec Mrvar s sodelavci 2011). is 1853. It covers Carniola, Carinthia, the Austrian Littoral, Styria as far as Graz, Benecia (Friulian Slavia), and part of Od leta 1873 so izhajali zemljevidi Specialkarte der öster- Croatia. is is the first map of ethnic Slovenian territory reichisch-ungarischen Monarchie (Specialni zemljevidi with place names provided exclusively in Slovenian. Because avstro-ogrske monarhije) (slika 58). Kot podlaga zanje je bila of political complications surrounding its publication, the uporabljena tretja vojaška izmera (Molnár in Timár 2009). map was only allowed to be distributed in 1861. It was later Izdelal jih je Vojaški geografski inštitut na Dunaju, služili pa reprinted several times. e most important appendix, which so vojaškemu in civilnemu namenu ter bili podlaga številnim was already planned for the 1853 edition, but only ended up poznejšim topografskim in tematskim zemljevidom. Za celotno being included in the second, 1864 edition of the map, was monarhijo je bilo izdelanih 715 listov v merilu 1 : 75.000 Imenik mest, tergov in krajev (Index of Towns, Market Towns, (Peterca s sodelavci 1974; Marković 1993). and Villages). For many years, this was the only index of to- ponyms covering all Slovenian ethnic territory. Leta 1878 je Nemec Carl Friedrich Baur (druga polovica 19. stoletja) izdelal dvojezični stenski zemljevid Herzogthum In 1856, General-Karte des Oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates Krain Vojvodstvo Kranjsko v merilu 1 : 150.000 (Orožen 1901; mit einem grossen eile der angrenzenden Länder (General Dörflinger in Neunteufl 1986). Map of the Austrian Imperial State with a Large Portion of Its Neighboring Lands) was published. It was created by Urednikovanje prvega atlasa sveta v slovenskem jeziku, imeno- Joseph von Scheda (1815–1888), head of the Military Geo- vanega Atlant (Fridl s sodelavci 2005), je prevzel Matej Cigale graphic Institute in Vienna at that time. e map is composed (Urbanc 2005). Med letoma 1869 in 1877 je izšlo 18 zemljevidov, of twenty 1:576,000 sheets. It is an example of high-quality ki prikazujejo svet ter njegove posamezne dele (slika 59). Od cartography, but its readability is limited by the density of 28.075 zapisov zemljepisnih imen in posameznih občih pojmov geographical names (Marković 1993). je poslovenjenih kar 5907 ali 21 % (Kladnik 2005). e map Völker-, Kreis-, Gerichts-, Eisenbahn- und Post- Čeprav je izšel leta 1921, na koncu omenjamo še Zemljevid Karte der Herzogthümer Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain, der slovenskega ozemlja v merilu 1 : 200.000 (slika 60), ki je leto Grafschaen Görz, Gradisca, Istrien und der Reichstadt 32 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 33 slovenian territory depiCted on maps pozneje dobil še Kazalo krajev na Zemljevidu slovenskega Triest (Ethnic, District, Court, Railway, and Postal Map of ozemlja. Delo je namreč začelo nastajati že ob koncu 19. sto- the Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Counties of letja, kot podlaga pa mu je služila habsburška vojaška izmera. Gorizia, Gradisca, Istria, and the Imperial Town of Trieste) Njegova značilnost je velika gostota zemljepisnih imen in was published by Franz Raffelsperger (1793–1861) in the zato slabša preglednost (Kranjec 1964). second half of the nineteenth century (after 1857) in Vienna (Völker- … c. 1857). A large amount of statistical information is provided on the sides of the map. Some editions present the ethnic composition of the population in colors (Fig- ure 57). e 1860s were marked by the activity of Blasius Kozenn (1821–1871), who is primarily known for his school atlases and geographical textbooks. He produced many wall and pocket maps, including maps of Austrian provinces with Slovenian population: Carniola, Styria, and Carinthia. His maps are distinguished by a clear presentation of terrain and a judicious selection of settlements (Žagar 1973; Bratec Mrvar et al. 2011). From 1873 onward, Specialkarte der österreichisch-un- garischen Monarchie (Detailed Map of Austria-Hungary; Figure 58) was published. e map was based on the third military survey (Molnár and Timár 2009) and was produced by the Military Geographic Institute in Vienna. It was intended for both the military and civilians, and it formed the basis for many later topographic and thematic maps. A total of 715 sheets at a scale of 1:75,000 were produced for the entire monarchy (Peterca et al. 1974; Marković 1993). In 1878, the German Carl Friedrich Baur (second half of the nineteenth century) created the bilingual wall map Her- zogthum Krain Vojvodstvo Kranjsko (e Duchy of Carniola) at a scale of 1:150,000 (Orožen 1901; Dörflinger and Neun- teufl 1986). The editing Atlant, the first world atlas in Slovenian (Fridl et al. 2005), was carried out by Matej Cigale (Urbanc 2005). Eighteen maps were published between 1869 and 1877, depicting the world and its individual parts (Figure 59). Out of a total of 28,075 geographical names and common nouns used, as many as 5,907 or 21% were Slovenianized (Kladnik 2005). Even though the 1:200,000 map Zemljevid slovenskega ozemlja (Map of Slovenian Territory) was published in 1921 and re- ceived an index of place names (Kazalo krajev na Zemljevidu slovenskega ozemlja) the following year, it is mentioned at the end of this chapter (Figure 60). e map already started being created in the late nineteenth century, using the Slika 3: Bovška kotlina na Specialkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie Habsburg military survey as its basis. It is characterized by (list Bovec, vrstica 20, stolpec IX.) iz leta 1891. Figure 3: The Bovec Basin on the 1891 Detailed Map of Austria-Hungary (Flitsch a high density of geographical names and hence poorer clarity sheet, row 20, column IX). (Kranjec 1964). 33 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 34 4 ZeMljevId kot kUltURna dedIŠčIna Pojem kulturne dediščine ima številne definicije. Pri UNESCU (Mexico … 1982) zagovarjajo, da »… vključuje ma- terialna in nematerialna dela, v katerih se izraža ljudska kreativnost …«. Spet druga definicija pravi, da »za kulturno dediščino običajno veljajo kraji, premična in nepremična dela, običaji, znanja in druge stvari, ki jih je skupina ali družba opredelila za stare, pomembne in zato vredne zavestnih ohra- nitvenih ukrepov …« (Brumann 2015, 414) ali, da gre za »… zapuščino materialnih del in nematerialnih lastnosti družbe, podedovanih od preteklih generacij …« (Willis 2014, 147). Podobno tudi slovenski Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (Zakon … 2008) opredeljuje dediščino kot »… dobrine, po- dedovane iz preteklosti …«. Z vidika zemljevida kot kulturne dediščine gre za odraz ljudske ustvarjalnosti pri doživljanju prostora. Po eni strani je zemljevid nematerialni odraz vsakokratnega kulturnega dojemanja prostora, po drugi pa materialni sad tehnologije in umetnosti nekega časa. V zgodovini kartografskih prikazov tako spremljamo kognitivni kot tehniški in umetniški razvoj človeštva. 4.1 PoMen ZeMljevIda Zemljevid je dokument časa, ki na svojstven, grafičen način kodira številne informacije o prostoru, kulturi in družbi (Bidney in Piekielek 2018). Je orodje za upodabljanje ozemlja, izražanje hrepenenja po prostoru ter izraz človeške sposobnosti za ustvarjanje simbolov in prepoznavanje vzorcev. Z njim lahko od najzgodnejših civilizacij pa vse do sedanjosti sledimo do- jemanju prostora (Harley 1992). Zemljevid kot grafični prikaz olajša prostorsko razumevanje in je kot tak rezultat visoke ravni abstraktnega mišljenja (Jobst 2006). S kartiranjem de- janskega prostora, abstrakten človek miselno obvladuje svoj svet. Kot zbirka izbranih in kodiranih informacij odsevajo zemljevidi vojaške, politične, ekonomske, kulturne, verske in druge druž- bene vzorce ter s tem podajajo odgovore na mnoga vprašanja o preteklosti. Kot zgodovinski dokumenti so nepogrešljivi viri pri kronološkem iskanju pokrajinskih, okoljskih, demo- grafskih, jezikovnih, gospodarskih, prometnih, podnebnih in drugih sprememb. Vendar je treba različne elemente zem- ljevida presojati v kontekstu njegovega nastanka, saj zemljevid hkrati odseva resničnost in se ji upira (Mlinarić in Miletić Drder 2017). Zgodbe, ki jih pripovedujejo zemljevidi, so zato 34 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 35 4 MaPs as cUltURal heRItaGe The term »cultural heritage« has many definitions. According to UNESCO (Mexico … 1982), »it includes both tangible and intangible works through which the creativity of that people finds expression.« Based on other definitions, »cultural heritage is usually taken to mean the sites, movable and immovable artifacts, practices, knowledge items, and other things that a group or society has identified as old, important, and therefore worthy of conscious conservation measures« (Bru- mann 2015, 414), or it »is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of society inherited from past generations« (Willis 2014, 147). Similarly, the Slovenian Cultural Heritage Protection Act (Zakon … 2008) defines heritage as »assets inherited from the past.« From the cultural heritage perspective, maps reflect human creativity in experiencing space. On the one hand, they are immaterial reflections of cultural spatial perceptions at a given time, and on the other a material result of the tech- nology and art of a specific period. Hence, both cognitive as well as technological and artistic human development can be traced through map history. 4.1 the IMPoRtance of MaPs Maps are documents of their time that encode a wealth of in- formation about the environment, culture, and society in a unique, graphic way (Bidney and Piekielek 2018). ey are tools for depicting territories and expressing human longing for space, and a reflection of the human capacity to create symbols and recognize patterns. rough them, the sensing of space can be traced from the earliest societies to the present (Harley 1992). As graphic representations, maps facilitate the comprehension of space and as such are the result of a high level of abstract thinking (Jobst 2006). By mapping physical space an abstract human being cognitively controls it. As collections of selected and encoded information, maps reflect military, political, economic, cultural, religious, and other social patterns, answering many questions about the past. As historical documents, they are an indispensable source in the chronological identification of landscape, envi- ronmental, demographic, linguistic, economic, transport, climate, and other change. However, various elements of maps must be analyzed within the context of their creation because they both reflect and fight reality (Mlinarić and Miletić Drder 2017). us, the stories they tell are »epics« 35 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 36 zemljevid Kot Kulturna dediŠčina »epi« o človeški vztrajnosti pri soočenju z naravnimi ovirami, about human perseverance in confronting natural barriers, kot tudi o premagovanju kulturnih predsodkov in iskanju as well as about overcoming cultural prejudices and seeking lastne identitete. one’s own identity. Dostop do natančnejših prostorskih upodobitev je bil do 19. Until the nineteenth century, access to detailed spatial repre- stoletja omejen. Zemljevidi so pogosto nosili pečat varovane sentations was restricted. Maps were oen labeled a military vojaške skrivnosti (na primer zemljevidi novo odkritih ozemelj secret (e.g., maps of newly discovered territories or various ali različnih vojaških izmer) in bili dostopni samo izbrancem. military surveys) and only accessible to the select. Lack of Pomanjkanje znanja o naravnogeografskih značilnostih ozemlja knowledge of the natural geographical characteristics of a given je bilo pogosto zakrito z okrasnimi elementi (podobe domo- territory was oen disguised through decorative elements rodcev in domišljijskih ali resničnih živali), ali pa je bila (e.g., illustrations of indigenous peoples and imaginary or določena upodobitev s pomočjo kartografskega posploševanja real animals) or a specific depiction was provided in a calculated preračunljivo prikazana. Geografska dejstva so se na zemlje- way using cartographic generalization. On maps, geographical vidih prepletala s »kartografsko retoriko« izbire podatkov in facts alternated with the »cartographic rhetoric« of selecting simbolov, kar je izražalo tudi gospodarsko ali politično moč data and symbols, which also reflected the economic and naročnikov zemljevidov. V dobi odkrivanja in osvajanja novih political power of those that had commissioned the maps. ozemelj med 15. in 18. stoletjem so zemljevidi odsevali tudi During the Age of Discovery between the fieenth and eigh- gospodarsko tekmovalnost, ki se je skrivala v politični dejav- teenth centuries, maps also reflected economic competitiveness nosti. Prikazovanje domorodnih ljudstev kot barbarov je hidden in political activity. Depictions of indigenous peoples opravičevalo potrebo po njihovem civiliziranju, pravljično as barbarians justified the need to civilize them, fantastic rudno bogastvo je spodbujalo nadaljnja raziskovanja in mineral wealth stimulated further explorations and conquests, osvajanja, dodani grbi oziroma drugi simboli oblasti pa so and the coats of arms and other power symbols added to the razmejevali pravice do ozemelj. Še v 17. stoletju so v atlasih maps demarcated the claims to specific territories. Even as evropskih kartografov na številnih zemljevidih všečne upo- late as the seventeenth century, atlases produced by European dobitve domišljijskih pokrajin (tudi prikazi slovenskega ozemlja cartographers included many maps containing attractive de- v atlasih kartografske družine Blaeu so takšni), ki so zastrli pictions of imaginary regions (including the depictions of družbena in gospodarska nasprotja (Delano-Smith 1992). Slovenian territory in the Blaeu atlases) that obscured social and economic differences (Delano-Smith 1992). 4.2 kaRtoGRafIja In kUltURna dedIŠčIna 4.2 caRtoGRaPhy and cUltURal heRItaGe Kartografija je v zgodovini nenehno nihala med številčnostjo in natančnostjo prikazanih podatkov na eni strani ter estetiko roughout history, cartography kept oscillating between in berljivostjo kartografskih prikazov na drugi. Iskala je in še the number and accuracy of the data depicted on the one išče ravnovesje med tehničnimi zmožnostmi podajanja pro- hand and the aesthetics and readability of maps on the other. storskih informacij in umetniškim oblikovanjem zemljevidov It has sought and continues to seek a balance between the (Fernandez in Buchroithner 2014). Vendar se zemljevidi od technical options of conveying spatial information and artistic umetniških del razlikujejo predvsem po omejeni svobodi map design (Fernandez and Buchroithner 2014). However, (umetniškega) izražanja, saj so elementi topografskih podlag maps are distinguished from works of art primarily by their in oblikovanje kartografskih znakov vnaprej dogovorjeni. limited freedom of (artistic) expression because elements of the topographic bases and the design of cartographic symbols Zemljevid poleg informacij o prostorskih danostih omogoča are defined in advance. tudi čustveno izkušnjo. V srednjem veku so bili zemljevidi pogosto dekoracije ali miniaturni dodatki k rokopisom, ki so In addition to conveying information on spatial features, jih najpogosteje risali umetniki. Srednjeveški in renesančni maps also provide an emotional experience. In the Middle kartografi so zemljevid imenovali orbis imago (podoba sveta) Ages, they were oen used as decorations or miniature addi- ali pictura (slika) (Bagrow in Skelton 2010; Krogt 2015). tions to manuscripts most oen drawn by artists. Medieval V obdobju lesorezne tehnike in zgodnjega bakrotiska v 15. and Renaissance cartographers referred to maps as orbis in 16. stoletju so posamezne ornamente na zemljevidih gravirali imago ‘images of the world’ or pictura ‘pictures’ (Bagrow and in barvali veliki grafični mojstri tistega časa, kot na primer Skelton 2010; Krogt 2015). During the period of lithography nemška slikarja Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) in Hans Holbein and early copper engraving (i.e., the fieenth and sixteenth (1497/98–1543). Tudi pozneje v 17. in 18. stoletju so karto- centuries), individual ornaments on maps were engraved grafske delavnice združevale mojstre različnih umetniških and colored by the great masters of that time, such as the veščin (na primer graverje, tiskarje, risarje, slikarje, kaligrafe), German painters Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) and Hans 36 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 37 maps as Cultural heritage saj je izdelava zemljevidov zahtevala različne spretnosti. Avtor Holbein (1497/98–1543). Even later, during the seventeenth- je uporabljal bogastvo kartografskih in umetniških elementov and eighteenth centuries, mapmaking workshops brought ter domišljije, ki jih je med seboj prepletal: naslovne kartuše, together masters of various artistic skills (e.g., engravers, upodobitve ljudi v nošah ali pri vsakdanjih opravilih (na printers, drawers, painters, and calligraphers) because map- primer Hacquetov Litološko-hidrografski zemljevid slovanskih making required a wide variety of skills. Mapmakers used narodov iz leta 1778; slika 41), cehovske grbe (na primer and combined a wealth of cartographic and artistic elements Florjančičev Horografski zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske iz and imagination: title cartouches, illustrations of people in leta 1744; slika 33), okraske in geometrijske podobe, morske folk costumes or while performing their daily chores (e.g., pošasti, ladje ali različno rastje. Na zemljevidih so tudi portreti Hacquet’s 1778 Lithological and Hydrological Map of the vladarjev in avtorjev zemljevidov (na primer Vischerjev Slavic Nations; Figure 41), guild crests (e.g., Florjančič’s 1774 portret na zemljevidu Štajerske iz leta 1678; slika 24) ter Chorographic Map of the Duchy of Carniola; Figure 33), vedute trgov, utrdb in mest, kot priče njihovega arhitekturnega ornaments and geometric shapes, sea monsters, ships, and razvoja (na primer Homannov zemljevid Kranjske iz začetka various vegetation. Maps also featured portraits of rulers and 18. stoletja; slika 30). Večina kartografskih elementov je bila their creators (e.g., Vischer’s portrait on his 1678 map of pred standardizacijo risanih z umetniškim pridihom (na Styria; Figure 24) and panoramas of market towns, fortresses, primer hribi in gozdovi). Nekateri zemljevidi so imeli izključno and cities testifying to their architectural development (e.g., dekorativno vlogo in jih najdemo na gobelinskih tapiserijah Homann’s early eighteenth-century map of Carniola; Figure 30). ali kovčkih za nakit. Posebno glamurozni so bili prvi atlasi, Before becoming standardized, most cartographic elements vezani v usnje s pozlato ali bogatimi detajli (Frangeš in Župan were drawn with an artistic flair (e.g., hills and forests). Some 2013). Do 18. stoletja so prevladovali poudarjena simbolika, maps played an exclusively decorative role, featuring on tap- igrivost in domišljijski kartografski prikazi. Pozneje v karto- estries or jewelry boxes. e first atlases bound in leather grafiji prevladujeta racionalnost ter razvoj kartografskih načel with gilded elements or rich details were especially glamourous oblikovanja zemljevidov, ki sta predvsem posledica držav- (Frangeš and Župan 2013). Accentuated symbolism, playfulness, noupravnih potreb po natančnem, enotnem in standardiziranem and imaginary cartographic representations predominated kartografskem prikazu (Škiljan 2006) oziroma kot sta zapisala until the eighteenth century. Later cartography became dom- Bagrow in Skelton (2010, 21): »Šele v 18. stoletju so zemljevidom inated by rationality and the development of cartographic postopoma odvzemali umetniško okrasje in jih spremenili design principles, which primarily arose from the need for v preprostejše, a z meritvami podkrepljene natančnejše vire accurate, uniform, and standardized maps (Škiljan 2006) or, informacij.« as argued by Bagrow and Skelton (2010, 21), »it was not until the eighteenth century, however, that maps were gradually Zemljevid je tudi odsev kartografa kot določenega člana družbe stripped of their artistic decoration and transformed into plain, v določenih zgodovinskih okoliščinah (Woodward 2007; specialist sources of information based upon measurement.« Bagrow in Skelton 2010; Mlinarič in Miletić Drder 2017). Lep primer so zemljepisna imena ali toponimi oziroma razvoj Maps are also a reflection of the cartographer as a member of slednjih na določenem ozemlju. Slovensko ozemlje je bilo society during specific historical circumstances (Woodward stoletja pod nemško govorečim vplivom in posledično so bila 2007; Bagrow and Skelton 2010; Mlinarič and Miletić Drder na večini zemljevidov do sredine 19. stoletja navedena zgolj 2017). A good example of this is the geographical names or nemška zemljepisna imena. Jezik zemljevidov je izpolnil vlogo toponyms used, or their development in a specific territory. razlikovanja vladajoče elite od večinskega prebivalstva ter Slovenian territory was under the influence of German for služil kot politično orodje nemške kulture, ki ji je kartograf centuries, and hence most maps printed by the mid-nineteenth pripadal ali sledil. century only used German geographical names. e language used on the maps fulfilled the role of distinguishing the ruling Zemljevidi zrcalijo kartografsko tradicijo obdobja, v katerem elite from the majority population and served as a political so nastajali. Založniške hiše znanih kartografov (na primer tool of the German culture that the cartographer belonged Willem Janszoon Blaeu, Nicolas Sanson, Johann Baptist to or abided by. Homann) so bile pri izdelavi in prodaji zemljevidov uspešnejše in bolj iskane na trgu, saj so bile jamstvo za uspešno prodajo Maps reflect the mapmaking tradition of the period in which ter za tisti čas dovolj kakovostno izdelavo in umetniško they were created. e publishing houses of renowned map- vrednost izdanih kartografskih del (Mlinarič in Miletić makers (e.g., Willem Janszoon Blaeu, Nicolas Sanson, and Drder 2017). Kartografske plošče so se razmnoževale in do- Johann Baptist Homann) were more successful in producing polnjevale, prodajale in dedovale. Takšne tradicije se niso and selling maps and were also more sought aer on the mogle izogniti nekritičnemu posploševanju ali prevzemanju market because they guaranteed good sales as well as sufficient pogosto zastarelih oziroma napačnih podatkov, kar je ome- quality and artistic value of the maps they published (Mlinarič jevalo natančnost in točnost kasnejših kartografskih prikazov. and Miletić Drder 2017). Map printing plates were reproduced, Pogosto so bili nenatančni zemljevidi zrcalo tedanjega znanja supplemented, sold, and inherited. Such traditions could not 37 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:09 Page 38 zemljevid Kot Kulturna dediŠčina in (ne)razpoložljivih podatkov (Bagrow in Skelton 2010). avoid uncritical generalization or borrowing of oen outdated Lep primer je kakovostni prikaz Istre Pietra Coppa v začetku or incorrect information, which limited the accuracy of later 16. stoletja (slika 5), ki ga na zemljevidih poznega 16. stoletja maps. Inaccurate maps oen mirrored the state of knowledge ne zasledimo. Izpostavimo pa lahko tudi vpliv kartografskih of a specific period and (un)availability of data (Bagrow and del vsestranskega cesarjevega svetovalca Wolfganga Laziusa Skelton 2010). A good illustration of this is Pietro Coppo’s (slika 10), katerih pomanjkljivosti so se na zemljevidih da- high-quality depiction of Istria from the early sixteenth century našnjega slovenskega ozemlja prenašale vse do Janeza Vajkarda that cannot be found on any of the maps produced at the end Valvasorja oziroma Johanna Baptista Homanna. of the century. Another example is the influence of the maps produced by the versatile advisor to the emperor, Wolfgang V času globalizacije razumevanje kulturne dediščine, tudi Lazius, whose deficiencies continued to be repeated on maps kartografske, spodbuja spoštovanje in obuja dialog med ra- of what is now Slovenian territory up to Johann Weikhard zličnimi kulturami. Kulturna dediščina je osrednja sestavina von Valvasor or Johann Baptist Homann. kulturne identitete, kulturne raznolikosti in medkulturnega dialoga. Tudi zemljevidi slovenskega ozemlja odsevajo poli- During the time of globalization, understanding cultural her- tične, kulturne, ekonomske in druge vplive, njihovi avtorji itage, including maps, fosters respect and reestablishes dialogue pa so omogočili védenje o slovenskem prostoru. Ker nam between various cultures. Cultural heritage is the central com- dediščina pomaga razumeti preteklost in ustvariti boljšo pri- ponent of cultural identity, cultural diversity, and intercultural hodnost, je pomembno, da je ne prepustimo pozabi, propadu dialogue. Maps of Slovenian territory also reflect political, ali uničenju. Pri tem imajo odločilno vlogo dediščinske usta- cultural, economic, and other influences, and their creators nove: knjižnice, arhivi in muzeji, ki stoletja skrbijo, da je made it possible for us to know more about the Slovenian en- z njenim ohranjanjem, razumevanjem in preučevanjem do- vironment. Because heritage helps people understand the segljiva posamezniku, skupnosti in družbi ter krepi občutek past and create a better future, it is vital that it not fall into narodne pripadnosti. oblivion or decay and not be destroyed. A key role in this is played by heritage institutions, such as libraries, archives, and museums, which for centuries have conserved, interpreted, and studied heritage in order to make it available to individuals, the community, and society in general, and for it to strengthen Slovenian identity. Slika 4: Cerkniško jezero na Special-Karte des Herzogthums Krain avtorja Henrika Freyerja iz leta 1846. Figure 4: Lake Cerknica on Henrik Freyer’s Detailed Map of the Duchy of Carniola of 1846. 38 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:13 Page 39 5 ZEMLJEVIDI SLOVENSKEGA OZEMLJA / MAPS OF SLOVENIAN TERRITORY 39 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:13 Page 40 Slika 5: Zemljevid Istre je leta 1525 izdal kartograf iz Izole Pietro Coppo ter ga dodal piranskemu kodeksu De summa totius orbis (O celoti vsega sveta). 40 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:13 Page 41 Figure 5: This map of Istria was published in 1525 by Pietro Coppo, a cartographer from Izola, who added it to his Piran codex De summa totius orbis (Summary of the Entire World). 41 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:13 Page 42 Slika 6: Zaledje Kopra. Figure 6: Koper and its hinterland. Slika 7: Med Koprskim in Piranskim zalivom. Slika 8: Limski kanal v hrvaški Istri. Figure 7: Area between the Bay of Koper and the Figure 8: Lim Bay in Croatian Istria. Bay of Piran. 42 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:13 Page 43 Kartograf Pietro Coppo (1469 ali 1470–1555 ali 1556) je leta 1525 izdal najstarejši znani posamezni zemljevid Istre. Velik del svojega življenja je preživel v Izoli in je prvi kartograf s tega dela Jadrana, ki je izdal tiskano zbirko zemljevidov (Kozličić 1995). Njegova ohranjena dela so: De toto orbe (O vsem svetu, 1518–1520), De summa totius orbis (O celoti vsega sveta, 1524–1526), Portolano (Portolan, 1528) in Del sito de Listria (O položaju Istre, 1529, izšlo 1540), katera v veliki meri sestavljajo tudi zemljevidi (Žitko 1999). Zemljevid Istre je bil dodan piranskemu kodeksu De summa totius orbis. Prikazuje območje Tržaškega zaliva od Gradeža v Italiji, Istro z zaledjem, do severnega Kvarnerja na Hrvaškem. Za tisti čas so zelo natančno narisane obale, prikaz katerih se proti jugu in vzhodu slabša, prav tako pa se veča popačenost prikaza z oddaljenostjo od morja. Zemljevid meri približno 26 × 34 cm, odtisnjen pa je bil v lesorezni tiskarski tehniki. Orientacijo zemljevida določa osem simbolov. Zgornji rob zemljevida je usmerjen proti severu oziroma severovzhodu (Lago in Rossit 1984). Za prikaz reliefa so uporabljene preproste vzpetine, ki so združene v obliko razpotegnjenih »gosenic« ali v večjo enotno površino ter pobarvane z rumenorjavo barvo (slika 6). Hidrografska mreža prikazuje vse pomembnejše vodotoke, s tem da so nekateri prikazi močno povečani (Mirna) oziroma napačno orientirani (Limski kanal; slika 8). Zemljevid je bogat s stiliziranimi kartografskimi znaki za naselja in z zemljepisnimi imeni, ki so navedena z velikimi in malimi tiskanimi črkami. Prav tako je zemljevid vir številnih drugih podatkov. S pikicami so označene plitvine (okolica Kopra; sliki 6 in 7), s križci čeri (okolica Umaga), označene so soline (Sečovlje), mlini (na Rižani), jame (pri Socerbu) ter mostovi (Lago in Rossit 1984). Coppov zemljevid Istre je najstarejši poznani zemljevid Istre (Lago in Rossit 1984) ter najstarejši podrobni prikaz dela slovenskega ozemlja (Terčon, Bonin in Čerče 2006). Prav tako velja za najkakovostnejšo kartografsko upodobitev istrskega polotoka do sredine 18. stoletja (Longyka 1999). Mnogi poznejši kartografi zemljevida ali niso poznali ali pa ga niso uporabili kot predlogo, zato številni poznejši zemljevidi ne dosegajo njegove kakovosti. Coppov vpliv na kartografijo je kljub temu pomemben. V prid temu govori objava Coppovega prikaza Istre iz leta 1540, ki ga je Abraham Ortelius vključil v svoj atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum po letu 1573 (Žitko 1999). The cartographer Pietro Coppo (born 1469 or 1470, died 1555 or 1556) published the oldest known separate map of Istria in 1525. He spent a large part of his life in Izola (now in Slovenia), and he was the first mapmaker from this part of the Adriatic to publish a printed collection of maps (Kozličić 1995). Coppo’s works preserved to date, which all contain a large number of maps, include the following: De toto orbe (The Entire World, 1518–1520), De summa totius orbis (Summation of the Entire World, 1524–1526), Portolano (Portolan, 1528), and Del sito de Listria (Description of Istria, 1529, published 1540) (Žitko 1999). The map of Istria was added to the Piran codex De summa totius orbis. It shows the Bay of Trieste extending from Grado in Italy, Istria with the hinterland, and the northern Kvarner Gulf in Croatia. The coastline is drawn extremely accurately for that time, although its depiction deteriorates toward the south and west. The map also becomes less accurate with distance from the sea. The map measures approximately 26 × 34 cm and was printed using the woodcut technique. Its orientation is defined by eight symbols, with its top facing the north or northeast (Lago and Rossit 1984). The terrain is depicted in the form of simple hills combined into elongated caterpillar-like shapes or a larger single area and colored in ochre (Figure 6). The hydrographic network shows all major watercourses, with some significantly magnified (the Mirna River) or with an incorrect orientation (Lim Bay; Figure 8). The map is rich in stylized cartographic symbols for settlements and geographical names provided in upper or lower case. In addition, it provides a great deal of other information. The shoals (the area around Koper; Figures 6 and 7) are marked with dots, the reefs (around Umag) with crosses, and other features marked on the map are saltpans (in Sečovlje), mills (on the Rižana River), caves (at Socerb), and bridges (Lago and Rossit 1984). Coppo’s map is the oldest known map of Istria (Lago and Rossit 1984) and the oldest detailed map of a part of Slovenian territory (Terčon, Bonin, and Čerče 2006). In addition, it is considered the highest-quality cartographic representation of the Istrian peninsula until the mid-eighteenth century (Longyka 1999). Many later cartographers either did not know the map or did not use it as a base, and so many later maps do not attain its quality. Coppo’s influence on cartography is nonetheless important. This is supported by the fact that his map of Istria created in 1540 was published in Abraham Ortelius’s atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum after the year 1573 (Žitko 1999). 43 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:14 Page 44 Slika 9: Zemljevid Descriptio totius Illyridis (Opis celotne Ilirije) je delo nemškega kartografa Sebastiana Münstra, ki ga je dodal izdajam Kozmografije sredi 16. stoletja. 44 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:14 Page 45 Figure 9: The map Descriptio totius Illyridis (Description of All Illyria) was created by the German cartographer Sebastian Münster, who added it to his editions of Cosmographia (Cosmography) in the mid-sixteenth century. 45 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:14 Page 46 Slika 10: Zemljevid Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum (Vojvodina Kranjska in Istra s Slovensko marko) je del zbirke zemljevidov, ki jih je leta 1561 izdal habsburški kartograf Wolfgang Lazius. 46 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:14 Page 47 Figure 10: The map Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum (The Duchy of Carniola and Istria with the Windic March) is part of a collection of maps published by the Habsburg cartographer Wolfgang Lazius in 1561. 47 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:14 Page 48 Slika 11: Tržaški zaliv z zaledjem. Figure 11: The Bay of Trieste and its hinterland. Slika 12: Med Cerkniškim jezerom in Kolpo. Figure 12: Area between Lake Cerknica and the Kolpa River. Slika 13: Porečje Save do Ljubljane. Figure 13: The Sava Basin up to Ljubljana. Slika 14: Med Sočo in Ljubljanico. Figure 14: Area between Soča and Ljubljanica rivers. 48 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 49 Na Dunaju rojeni kartograf Wolfgang Lazius (1514–1565) je delal na dvoru rimsko-nemškega cesarja Ferdinanda I. in je avtor številnih zgodovinskih in kartografskih del (Kratochwill 1985). Zaradi posebnih zaslug ga je cesar imenoval za svojega osebnega zdravnika, zgodovinarja, svetovalca in kustosa cesarskih zbirk (Karrow 1993). Pogosto je potoval po ozemlju današnje Avstrije, Madžarske, Bavarske, Švice in Alzacije, kjer je prepisoval stare napise in preučeval knjižne in kartografske vire v samostanskih knjižnicah. Med potovanji je risal skice krajevnih posebnosti, kar je uporabil pri poznejšem kartografskem delu (Karrow 1993). Leta 1561 je izdal zbirko enajstih zemljevidov z naslovom Typi chorographici Provinciarum Austriae (Topografski tipi avstrijskih dežel). Zemljevidi so sprva izhajali posamezno, za tem pa so bili izdani kot celota. Zemljevidi so različnih velikosti, večina je narisanih v obliki ovala, eden je v obliki kroga, vse pa objema dvoglavi habsburški orel. Gre za prvo zbirko zemljevidov habsburških dežel (Bernleithner 1972; Holzer, Newby in Svatek 2015), ki jo lahko upravičeno imenujemo atlas (Karrow 1993). Slovensko ozemlje je podrobneje prikazano na zemljevidu Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum (Vojvodina Kranjska in Istra s Slovensko marko), ki meri približno 36 × 46 cm (Lazius 1906). Predstavlja prvi znani samostojni prikaz vojvodine Kranjske. Prikazuje ozemlje od Savinje ( Saan) na severu do Jadranskega morja ( Mare Hadriaticum; slika 11) na jugu ter od Furlanije-Julijske krajine na zahodu do Zagreba ( Sagrabia) na vzhodu. Za prikaz reliefa so uporabljene preproste senčene vzpetine, ki so različnih oblik in velikosti (sliki 12 in 14). Izstopajo gozdne površine (slika 12), med katerimi je nepretrgana linija gozdnate Hrušice ( Byrnpamerwald). Pri hidrografski mreži izstopa Sava (slika 13) s pritoki, pretirano je poudarjena Rižana, ki predstavlja spodnji tok (neobstoječe) Planinske reke ( Alben flus), preveliko pa je tudi Cerkniško jezero. Kot zgodovinarju so mu zemljevidi služili za ilustrirano podobo dežel, kartografska točnost pa je nekoliko zanemarjena. Posledica je navidezno lep zemljevid, pretežno orientiran v smeri severa oziroma severovzhoda, s številnimi napakami, ki so opazne predvsem pri netočni lokaciji naselij in rek, gorovja pa so upodobljena le približno (slika 14; Slovenci … 1986; Longyka 1999). Dele slovenskega ozemlja je Lazius prikazal še na treh drugih zemljevidih, in sicer na Principat Goricens cum Karstio et Chaczeola descriptio (Goriška kneževina z opisom Krasa in Kočevske), Carinthiae ducatus cum palatinatu Goricia (Vojvodina Koroške z grofijo Goriško), in Ducatus Stiriae marchiae (Vojvodina Štajerska) (Holzer s sodelavci 2015). The cartographer Wolfgang Lazius (1514–1565), a native of Vienna, worked at the court of Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I and produced many historical and cartographic works (Kratochwill 1985). In recognition of his merits, the emperor made him his personal physician, historian, advisor, and curator of the imperial collections (Karrow 1993). Lazius traveled extensively across what are now Austria, Hungary, Bavaria, Switzerland, and Alsace, copying old inscriptions and studying books and maps at monastic libraries. During his travels, he drew sketches of local special features, which he used in his later mapmaking activity (Karrow 1993). In 1561, he published a collection of eleven maps titled Typi chorographici Provinciarum Austriae (Topographic Types of Austrian Provinces). The maps were initially published separately but were then issued together as a single collection. They vary in size, are mostly oval, except for one that is round, and all are stylized as a two-headed Habsburg eagle. This is the first collection of maps of the Habsburg lands (Bernleithner 1972; Holzer, Newby, and Svatek 2015) that can be justifiably referred to as an atlas (Karrow 1993). Slovenian territory is presented in detail on the map Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum (The Duchy of Carniola and Istria with the Windic March), which measures approximately 36 × 46 cm (Lazius 1906). It is the first known independent map of the Duchy of Carniola, depicting the territory from the Savinja ( Saan) River in the north to the Adriatic Sea ( Mare Hadriaticum; Figure 11) in the south, and the area from Friuli Venezia Giulia in the west to Zagreb ( Sagrabia) in the east. Simple shaded hills of various shapes and sizes are used to represent the terrain (Figures 12 in 14). Standing out are the wooded areas (Figure 12), with a continuous line of the wooded Hrušica Plaueau ( Byrnpamerwald). The Sava (Figure 13) and its tributaries are depicted prominently among the rivers, the Rižana River is excessively accentuated, forming the lower reaches of the nonexistent river Alben flus, and Lake Cerknica is also too large. As a historian, Lazius primarily used maps to illustrate individual lands, paying less attention to cartographic accuracy. This resulted in an attractive map at first glance, mainly oriented toward the north or northeast, with many errors noticeable especially with inaccurate locations of settlements and rivers, and mountains that are represented very vaguely (Figure 14; Slovenci … 1986; Longyka 1999). Lazius also depicted parts of Slovenian territory on three other maps: Principat Goricens cum Karstio et Chaczeola descriptio (The Principality of Gorizia with a Description of the Karst and the Kočevje Region), Carinthiae ducatus cum palatinatu Goricia (The Duchy of Carinthia with the County of Gorizia), and Ducatus Stiriae marchiae (The Duchy of Styria; Holzer et al. 2015). 49 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 50 Slika 15: Zemljevid Ducatus Carniolae una cum Marchia Windorum (Vojvodina Kranjska s Slovensko marko) je leta 1569 izdal Benečan Bolognino Zaltieri. 50 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 51 Figure 15: The map Ducatus Carniolae una cum Marchia Windorum (The Duchy of Carniola with the Windic March) was published in 1569 by the Venetian Bolognino Zaltieri. 51 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 52 Slika 16: Zemljevid Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, finitimarumque regionum nova descriptio (Novi prikaz Slavonije, Hrvaške, Kranjske, Istre, Bosne in sosednjih pokrajin) je leta 1570 Flamec Abraham Ortelius vključil v prvo izdajo atlasa Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Gledališče sveta). 52 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 53 Figure 16: In 1570, the Flemish cartographer Abraham Ortelius included the map Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, finitimarumque regionum nova descriptio (A New Depiction of Slavonia, Croatia, Carniola, Istria, Bosnia, and Neighboring Regions) in the first edition of his atlas Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theater of the World). 53 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 54 Slika 17: Zemljevid Illyricum (Ilirija) je leta 1572 izdal Madžar Ioanes Sambucus. 54 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:15 Page 55 Figure 17: The map Illyricum (Illyria) was published in 1572 by the Hungarian Ioanes Sambucus. 55 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:16 Page 56 Slika 18: Zemljevid Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Furlanija, Kras, Kranjska, Istra in Slovenska marka) je leta 1589 izdal flamski kartograf Gerhard Kremer Mercator. 56 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:16 Page 57 Figure 18: The map Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Friuli, Karst, Carniola, Istria, and the Windic March) was published in 1589 by the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator. 57 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:16 Page 58 Slika 19: Zemljevid Carniolae Chaziolae Q3 Ducatus nec non et Goritiae Comitatus … (Vojvodina Kranjska in Kočevsko kakor tudi grofija Goriška …) je po Laziusovi predlogi izdelal Flamec Gerard de Jode, izšel pa je v atlasu Speculum Orbis Terrae (Ogledalo sveta) leta 1593. 58 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:18 Page 59 Figure 19: The map Carniolae Chaziolaeq Q3 Ducatus nec non et Goritiae Comitatus … (The Duchy of Carniola and the Kočevje Area, as Well as the County of Gorizia …) was created by the Flemish cartographer Gerard de Jode based on Lazius’s maps and published in the atlas Speculum Orbis Terrae (Mirror of the World) in 1593. 59 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:18 Page 60 Slika 20: Zemljevid Istria olim Iapidia (Istra, nekdanja Japidija) je leta 1620 izdal bolonjski kartograf Giovanni Antonio Magini. 60 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:18 Page 61 Figure 20: The map Istria olim Iapidia (Istria, the Former Land of the Iapydes) was published in 1620 by Giovanni Antonio Magini, a cartographer from Bologna. 61 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:18 Page 62 Slika 21: Zemljevid z nemškim in francoskim naslovom Hertzogthūber Steyer, Karnten, Krain, & c./Duchés de Stirie, Carinthie, Carniole … (Vojvodine Štajerska, Koroška in Kranjska …) je leta 1657 izdal francoski kartograf Nicolas Sanson. 62 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:18 Page 63 Figure 21: A map with a German and French title, Hertzogthūber Steyer, Karnten, Krain, & c. / Duchés de Stirie, Carinthie, Carniole … (The Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola …), was published in 1657 by the French cartographer Nicolas Sanson. 63 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:18 Page 64 Slika 22: Zemljevid Carniola, Cilia comitatus, et Windorum Marchia (Kranjska, Celjska grofija in Slovenska marka) je okrog leta 1666 izdal Nizozemec Willem Janszoon Blaeu. 64 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:19 Page 65 Figure 22: The map Carniola, Cilia comitatus, et Windorum Marchia (Carniola, the County of Celje, and the Windic March) was published by the Dutch cartographer Willem Janszoon Blaeu around 1666. 65 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:19 Page 66 Slika 23: Zemljevid Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio (Novi geografski opis nadvse rodovitne vojvodine Štajerske) je leta 1678 izdal habsburški kartograf Georg Matthäus Vischer. 66 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:19 Page 67 Figure 23: The map Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio (A New Geographical Description of the Most Fertile Duchy of Styria) was published in 1678 by the Habsburg cartographer Georg Matthäus Vischer. 67 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:19 Page 68 Slika 24: Bogato okrašena kartuša z merilom in kartografskimi podatki. Figure 25: Richly ornamented cartouche with a scale and cartographic information. Slika 25: Porečje Drave med Slovenj Gradcem in Ptujem. Figure 25: The Drava Basin between Slovenj Gradec and Ptuj. Slika 26: Med Savinjo in Savo s Celjem. Figure 26: Area between the Savinja and Sava rivers with Celje. 68 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 69 Zemljevid Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio (Novi geografski opis nadvse rodovitne vojvodine Štajerske) je leta 1678 izdal kartograf Georg Matthäus Vischer (1628–1696). O izdelavi zemljevida se je dve leti pogajal s štajerskimi deželnimi stanovi, leta 1673 pa so sklenili pogodbo. Stanovi so mu izdali garantno pismo, s katerim so prosili lastnike gospostev ter mesta in trge, da mu omogočijo ogled in pomoč pri terenskem delu. Po številnih zapletih je zemljevid izšel pet let pozneje (Stopar 2006; 2013). Zemljevid sestavlja 12 listov velikosti 37,7 × 45 cm. V prav toliko bakrenih plošč jih je vrezal Andreas Trost. Zemljevid skupaj meri približno 123 × 135 cm in ima za tisti čas veliko merilo med 1 : 160.000 in 1 : 173.000 (Stopar 2006), s katerim podrobno prikazuje ozemlje dežele Štajerske. Za prikaz reliefa so uporabljene krtine oziroma preproste vzpetine (slika 25), ki so senčene in značilno poraščene. Ceste niso označene, z ravno belo črto pa so prikazani pomembnejši mostovi na rekah (slika 26). Z linijo črnih pik je na vzhodu označena meja med Štajersko in Ogrsko. Avtorjev velik prispevek so tudi zemljepisna imena, ki jih na zemljevidih tistega časa ni bilo. Na primer Saanboden (Savinjska dolina), Die Windische Pihel (Slovenske gorice), Das Draw Feld (Dravsko polje), Der Pacher (Pohorje; slika 25) in druga (Stopar 2006). Vizualni vtis dajejo bogate ilustracije in besedila, ki zapolnjujejo prazen prostor. Na primer, slika v spodnjem levem kotu, ki prikazuje naravna bogastva dežele, ponazorjena z rudarstvom, izpiranjem zlata, transportom soli, lovom in ribolovom. Pod naslovom na desni strani je zanimiva upodobitev zmage habsburške vojske nad turško leta 1664 pri Monoštru ( Szentgotthárd), ki jo upodablja boj nadangela Mihaela z zmajem. Kartuša s kartografskimi podatki ter z naslovom Astronomia – Cosmographia – Geographia je pričakovano bogato okrašena: puta, angela, sferični in zemeljski globus, astrolab, veje z listi, kompas ter številni merilni inštrumenti, ki jih je avtor uporabljal pri izdelavi zemljevida (slika 24). Zanimiva je avtorjeva igra prispodob. Angela držita sliki: levi je avtorjev portret, desni pa portret ribe, ki predstavlja prispodobo za avtorjev priimek, Vischer – ribič. Kartuša je podatkovno sestavljena iz dveh delov, oba pa sta v latinskem in nemškem jeziku. V zgornjem delu je v treh vrsticah navedeno grafično merilo zemljevida, v spodnjem delu pa so razloženi kartografski znaki za naselja, gradove, rudnike in drugo (Stopar 2006). Vischerjev zemljevid Štajerske je za tisti čas natančen pregledni zemljevid velikega merila, kjer so bili poleg prikaza reliefa, navedbe gradov, samostanov ter pomembnejših krajev označena tudi rudna bogastva in druge posebnosti dežele (Stopar 2006). The map Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio (A New Geographical Description of the Most Fertile Duchy of Styria) was published by the cartographer Georg Matthäus Vischer (1628–1696) in 1678. Vischer negotiated its production for two years with the Styrian provincial estates ( Landstände) until they finally concluded a contract in 1673. The estates issued a letter of guarantee requesting that the lords of the domains and the towns and market towns to allow Vischer to examine and inspect the relevant territories and to provide him with assistance in the field. After many complications, the map was published five years later (Stopar 2006; 2013). The map consists of twelve 37.7 × 45 cm sheets, which were engraved on twelve copper plates by Andreas Trost. Altogether the map measures approximately 123 × 135 cm and uses a scale between 1:160,000 and 1:173,000 (Stopar 2006), a fairly large scale for that time, to depict in detail the territory of Styria. The terrain is represented with shaded molehills or simple elevations (Figure 25) covered in typical vegetation. Roads are not marked, in contrast to major river bridges, which are indicated by a straight white line (Figure 26). A black dotted line is used to mark the border between Styria and Hungary in the east. An important contribution by the cartographer is also geographical names that were not provided on other maps of that time; for example, Saanboden (Savinja Valley), Die Windische Pihel (Slovenske gorice Hills), Das Draw Feld (Drava Plain), Der Pacher (Pohorje Mountains; Figure 25), and others (Stopar 2006). Rich illustrations and insets filling up the empty spaces make a strong visual impression. For example, the picture in the lower left corner shows the area’s rich natural resources illustrated by mining, gold prospecting, salt transport, hunting, and fishing. Below the title on the right there is an interesting depiction of the 1664 Habsburg victory over the Ottomans at Szentgotthárd, represented by Archangel Michael fighting a dragon. The cartouche with cartographic information and the title Astronomia – Cosmographia – Geographia is expectedly rich in ornamentation, such as putti, two angels, a celestial sphere and terrestrial globe, an astrolabe, branches with leaves, a compass, and many measurement instruments that Vischer used to create the map (Figure 24). It is interesting how the cartographer played with metaphors. Each angel holds a picture: the one on the left holds a portrait of Vischer and the one on the right holds a picture of a fish, which is an allegory of the author’s last name, Vischer ‘fisherman’. The information in the cartouche is composed of two parts, both provided in Latin and German. The upper part presents the map’s graphic scale in three lines and the bottom part explains the cartographic symbols for settlements, castles, mines, and so on (Stopar 2006). Vischer’s large-scale overview map of Styria is very accurate for the period in which it was created, also showing the land’s mineral resources and other special features in addition to terrain, castles, monasteries, and major towns (Stopar 2006). 69 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 70 Slika 27: Zemljevid Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae Cilleiae Comitatus (Vojvodina Koroška in Kranjska, grofija Celjska) je konec 17. stoletja izdal nizozemski kartograf Frederick de Witt. 70 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 71 Figure 27: The map Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae Cilleiae Comitatus (The Duchy of Carinthia and Carniola, the County of Celje) was published at the end of the seventeenth century by the Dutch cartographer Frederick de Witt. 71 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 72 Slika 28: Zemljevid Carniolia, Karstia, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Kranjska, Kras, Istra in Slovenska marka) je izdelal kranjski polihistor Janez Vajkard Valvasor in ga objavil v drugi knjigi dela Die Ehre deß Hertzogthums Crain (Slava vojvodine Kranjske) leta 1689. 72 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 73 Figure 28: The map Carniolia, Karstia, Histria et Windorum Marchia (Carniola, Karst, Istria, and the Windic March) was produced by the Carniolan polymath Johann Weikhard von Valvasor, who published it in book two of his Die Ehre deß Hertzogthums Crain (The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola) in 1689. 73 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 74 Slika 29: Zemljevid Ducatus Carnioliae Tabula (Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) je Johann van der Bruggen izdelal v začetku 18. stoletja. 74 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 75 Figure 29: Ducatus Carnioliae Tabula (Map of the Duchy of Carniola) was produced by Johann van der Bruggen in the early eighteenth century. 75 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 76 Slika 30: Zemljevid Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae (Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske, Slovenske marke in Istre) je v letih 1714–1724 izdelal nemški kartograf Johann Baptist Homann. 76 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 77 Figure 30: Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae (Map of the Duchy of Carniola, the Windic March, and Istria) was produced by the German cartographer Johann Baptist Homann from 1714 to 1724. 77 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:21 Page 78 Slika 31: Zemljevid Ducatus Stiriae Novissima Tabula (Najnovejši zemljevid vojvodine Štajerske) je v letih 1714–1724 izdelal nemški kartograf Johann Baptist Homann. 78 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 79 Figure 31: Ducatus Stiriae Novissima Tabula (The Latest Map of the Duchy of Styria) was produced by the German cartographer Johann Baptist Homann from 1714 to 1724. 79 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 80 Slika 32: Zemljevid Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus Tabula geographica (Nov in natančen geografski zemljevid vojvodine Koroške) je v letih 1714–1724 izdelal nemški kartograf Johann Baptist Homann. 80 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 81 Figure 32: Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus Tabula geographica (A New and Accurate Geographical Map of the Duchy of Carinthia) was produced by the German cartographer Johann Baptist Homann from 1714 to 1724. 81 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 82 Slika 33: Zemljevid Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica (Horografski zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) je leta 1744 izdal duhovnik Janez Dizma Florjančič pl. Grienfeld. 82 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 83 Figure 33: Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica (Chorographic Map of the Duchy of Carniola) was published by the priest Joannes Disma Floriantschitsch de Grienfeld in 1744. 83 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 84 Slika 34: Triglav. Slika 35: Trst in obala slovenske Istre. Figure 34: Mount Triglav. Figure 35: Trieste and the coastline of Slovenian Istria. Slika 36: Veduta in načrt Ljubljane. Slika 37: Bogato okrašena kartuša z naslovom zemljevida. Figure 36: Panorama and layout of Ljubljana. Figure 37: Richly ornamented cartouche with the map’s title. Slika 38: Ljubljana z okolico. Figure 38: Ljubljana and the surrounding area. 84 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 85 Zemljevid Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica (Horografski zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) uvrščamo med največje kartografske dosežke med prikazi slovenskega ozemlja v 18. stoletju. Po desetletju terenskega dela ga je izdelal duhovnik Janez Dizma Florjančič pl. Grienfeld (1691–pred 1757), župnik v Šentvidu pri Stični. Zemljevid je sestavljen iz 12 listov velikosti približno 45 × 62 cm. Listi so bili odtisnjeni z bakrenimi ploščami, ki jih je leta 1744 v Ljubljani vrezal Abraham Kaltschmid. Velikost celotnega zemljevida je približno 180 × 188 cm, merilo pa približno 1 : 100.000. Zemljevid na zahodu sega do območja Gorice in Gradišča ob Soči, na vzhodu do Žalca, Brežic in Karlovca, na severu do Trbiža, Železne Kaplje in Slovenj Gradca ter na jugu do Rovinja in Crikvenice (Reisp 1995). Zemljevid ima številne posebnosti. Najvišjo slovensko goro Triglav (Mons Terglou Carnioliae) je avtor izmeril dokaj natančno, saj po njegovem mnenju meri »1399 pariških šestkratnih čevljev nad ljubljanskim horizontom«, kar je 3026 metrov. Ime gore »Terglou« (slika 34) je na tem zemljevidu sploh prvič uporabljeno. V zgornjem desnem delu zemljevida je načrt mesta Ljubljane (slika 36) v merilu približno 1 : 5000, ki je za tisti čas zelo natančen in velja za prvi javno objavljen načrt mesta, ki ni za vojaške namene. Nad njim je pregledna veduta Ljubljane z oštevilčenimi posebnostmi, ki so razložene v legendi pod načrtom. V spodnjem desnem delu zemljevida je razkošna kartuša (slika 37) s številnimi podobami, značilnimi za tedanjo Kranjsko ter legenda z grafičnim merilom. Nekatere podrobnosti (na primer slap, soteska, osebe na hoduljah) je avtor črpal iz Valvasorjeve Slave vojvodine Kranjske (Reisp 1995). Za prikaz reliefa so uporabljene senčene krtine oziroma preproste vzpetine. Z različnimi oblikami krtin je zelo nazorno prikazana reliefna razgibanost ozemlja. Prikaz voda pomaga bralcu pri orientaciji ter zasenči pomanjkanje prikaza poti. Slednje so prikazane izjemoma, izstopa pa cesta z drevoredom med Ljubljano in Škofljico (slika 38). Pri rastju prevladujejo stilizirane podobe dreves z različno gostoto, ki ponazarjajo gozdna zemljišča. Vinogradniška območja so prikazana s podobo vinske trte. Številna zemljepisna imena ne motijo preglednosti zemljevida, poimenovanja pa so verjetno v različici iz obdobja nastanka zemljevida. Pri nekaterih imenih so dodana poimenovanja iz antike (na primer Logatec – Romanorum Longaticum). Barvne različice zemljevida poudarijo grafično podobo, ki skupaj z velikostjo zemljevida na bralca naredi močan vtis. Zemljevid predstavlja najkakovostnejši in najpopolnejši zemljevid Kranjske tega obdobja, odlikujejo pa ga prikaz oblikovanosti površja, berljivost ter slikovni in besedilni dodatki. Originalne bakrene plošče hrani Narodni muzej Slovenije. Zemljevid je bil do konca 18. stoletja še dvakrat ponatisnjen. Pri izdaji iz leta 1799 so mu bile dodane nekatere prometnice, naselja in poimenovanja, kar je razvidno iz ohranjenih bakrenih plošč. The map Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica (Chorographic Map of the Duchy of Carniola) ranks among the greatest cartographic achievements in terms of eighteenth-century maps of Slovenian territory. It was produced by Joannes Disma Floriantschitsch de Grienfeld (born 1691, died before 1757), a priest at Šentvid pri Stični, following a decade of field research. The map is composed of twelve sheets measuring approximately 45 × 62 cm, printed with copperplates engraved by Abraham Kaltschmid in 1744 in Ljubljana. The entire map measures approximately 180 × 188 cm and uses a scale of approximately 1:100,000. It extends to Gorizia and Gradisca d’Isonzo in the west, Žalec, Brežice, and Karlovac in the east, Tarvisio, Eisenkappel, and Slovenj Gradec in the north, and Rovinj and Crikvenica in the south (Reisp 1995). The map has many special features. Floriantschitsch measured the highest Slovenian mountain, Mount Triglav (Mons Terglou Carnioliae), fairly accurately, at »1,399 Parisian fathoms above the Ljubljana horizon,« which equals 3,026 m. Triglav’s name »Terglou« (Figure 34) is provided here for the first time. The right upper part of the map features the layout of Ljubljana (Figure 36) at a scale of approximately 1:5,000, which is very accurate for that time and is considered the first plan of the city published for non-military purposes. Above the layout is a clear panorama of Ljubljana with numbered sites explained in the legend below the plan. The bottom right corner of the map features a richly ornamented cartouche (Figure 37) with various details typical of Carniola at that time and a legend with a graphic scale. Certain details (e.g., a waterfall, a canyon, and individuals on stilts) were taken from Valvasor’s Glory of the Duchy of Carniola (Reisp 1995). The terrain is indicated with shaded molehills or simple elevations. Various shapes of molehills present the territory’s dynamic terrain very clearly. The watercourses depicted help readers find their bearings and overshadow the absence of roads. These are shown only rarely, with the tree-lined road between Ljubljana and Škofljica standing out prominently (Figure 38). In terms of vegetation, stylized trees of various density predominate, illustrating wooded land. Winegrowing regions are depicted with vines. The large quantity of geographical names does not affect the map’s clarity, with the names probably provided in the form used during the period in which the map was created. Forms used in Antiquity are added to some (e.g., Romanorum Longaticum for Logatec). The various colors used emphasize the map’s graphic design, which, together with the map’s size, make a strong impression on the reader. This is the highest-quality and most complete map of Carniola of that time, distinguished by its clear representation of landforms, good readability, and rich pictorial and textual insets. The original copperplates are kept at the National Museum of Slovenia. By the end of the eighteenth century, the map was reprinted twice. Certain roads, settlements, and names were added to its 1799 edition, which is evident from the copperplates preserved. 85 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 86 Slika 39: Zemljevid Partie Méridionale du Cercle d'Autriche, qui comprend La Basse Partie du Duché de Stirie, Le Duché de Carinthie, divisé en haute et basse, Le Duché de Carniole … (Južni del Avstrije, ki obsega spodnji del vojvodine Štajerske, vojvodino Koroško, ki se deli na zgornjo in spodnjo, 86 vojvodino Kranjsko …) je izšel v Franciji leta 1752. Ni povsem jasno, ali ga je izdal Gilles Robert de Vaugondy ali njegov sin. kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 87 Figure 39: The map Partie Méridionale du Cercle d’Autriche, qui comprend La Basse Partie du Duché de Stirie, Le Duché de Carinthie, divisé en haute et basse, Le Duché de Carniole … (Southern Part of Austria, Encompassing the Lower Part of the Duchy of Styria, the Duchy of Carinthia Divided into Upper and Lower Carinthia, the Duchy of Carniola …) was published in France in 1752. It is not entirely clear whether it was published by Gil es Robert de Vaugondy or his son. 87 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:23 Page 88 Slika 40: Prva habsburška vojaška izmera Josephinische Landesaufnahme (jožefinska deželna izmera oziroma jožefinski vojaški zemljevid) je bila za večino slovenskega ozemlja (območje Notranje Avstrije) izvedena med letoma 1784 in 1787, za območje Prekmurja pa med letoma 1782 in 1785. Ima veliko 88 merilo 1 : 28.800. Izsek prikazuje območje med Senožečami in Postojno s Pivško kotlino. kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 89 Figure 40: The first Habsburg military survey, called Josephinische Landesaufnahme (the Josephinian Land Survey), was conducted between 1784 and 1787 for most of the Slovenian territory (part of Inner Austria) and between 1782 and 1785 for Prekmurje. It used a large scale of 1:28,800. The detail presented here covers the area between Senožeče (Senosich) and Postojna (Adelsperg) with the Pivka Basin. 89 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 90 Slika 41: Izrez zemljevida Mappa Litho-Hydrographica Nationis Slavicae (Litološko-hidrografski zemljevid slovanskih narodov), ki ga je izdelal idrijski zdravnik in naravoslovec Baltazar Hacquet in ga leta 1778 objavil v delu Oriktografija Kranjske. 90 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 91 Figure 41: Part of Mappa Litho-Hydrographica Nationis Slavicae (Lithological and Hydrological Map of the Slavic Nations) produced by the Idrija physician and natural scientist Belsazar Hacquet, who published it in his Oryctographia Carniolica (Oryctography of Carniola) in 1778. 91 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 92 Slika 42: Zemljevid, sicer brez naslova, a poimenovan Krainska deschela (Kranjska), je delo kartografa Franca Ksaverja Barage in je nastal leta 1778. Pri nastajanju je sodeloval Baltazar Hacquet, ki je zemljevid vključil v delo Oriktografija Kranjske. 92 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 93 Figure 42: A map without a title but named Krainska deschela (Carniola) was produced by the cartographer Franz Xaver Baraga in 1778. It was edited by Belsazar Hacquet, who included it in his work Oryctographia Carniolica (Oryctography of Carniola). 93 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 94 Slika 43: Zemljevid Oberkrain oder der Laybacher Kreis (Gorenjska ali Ljubljansko okrožje) je habsburški kartograf Joseph Karl Kindermann leta 1797 vključil v Atlas von Innerösterreich - Die Provinz Inner-Oesterreich (Atlas notranjeavstrijskih dežel). 94 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 95 Figure 43: The Habsburg cartographer Joseph Karl Kindermann included the map Oberkrain oder der Laybacher Kreis (Upper Carniola or the Ljubljana District) in his Atlas von Innerösterreich – Die Provinz Inner-Oesterreich (Atlas of Inner Austria) in 1797. 95 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 96 Slika 44: Zemljevid Charte von Kaernthen und Krain, nebst den Grafschaften Görz und Gradiska und dem Gebiethe von Triest (Zemljevid Koroške in Kranjske, skupaj z grofijo Goriško in Gradiško ter območjem Trsta) je leta 1803 izdal habsburški kartograf 96 Joseph Karl Kindermann. kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 97 Figure 44: Charte von Kaernthen und Krain, nebst den Grafschaften Görz und Gradiska und dem Gebiethe von Triest (Map of Carinthia and Carniola, Together with the Counties of Gorizia and Gradisca, and the Trieste Area) was published in 1803 by the Habsburg cartographer Joseph Karl Kindermann. 97 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:25 Page 98 Slika 45: Topographisch-militairische Charte von Teutschland (Vojaškotopografski zemljevid Nemčije) je med letoma 1807 in 1814 izdajal Geografski inštitut v Weimarju. Prikazan je list številka 200, ki prikazuje območje med Ljubljano in Novim mestom ter je eden od skupno 204 98 listov zemljevida. kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 99 Figure 45: Topographisch-militairische Charte von Teutschland (Topographic-Military Map of Germany) was published by the Weimar Geographical Institute from 1807 to 1814. Presented here is sheet no. 200 (of a total of 204 sheets) showing the area between Ljubljana (Laybach) and Novo mesto (Neustädtl). 99 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 100 Slika 46: Izrez iz zemljevida Charte von dem Königreiche Illyrien und dem Herzogthume Steyermark (Zemljevid Ilirskega kraljestva in vojvodine Štajerske), ki ga je leta 1818 izdal saški kartograf Carl Ferdinand Weiland. Prikazana je izdaja iz leta 1830. 100 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 101 Figure 46: Part of Charte von dem Königreiche Illyrien und dem Herzogthume Steyermark (Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria, 1830 edition), originally published in 1818 by the Saxon cartographer Carl Ferdinand Weiland. 101 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 102 Slika 47: Franciscejski kataster ( Franziszeischer Kataster) je za večino slovenskega ozemlja (z izjemo Prekmurja) nastajal med letoma 1818 in 1828. Izsek prikazuje območje naselja Golobinjek pri Novem mestu (list N298A04). Ima zelo veliko merilo 1 : 2880. 102 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 103 Figure 47: Franziszeischer Kataster (the Franciscan Cadaster) was created between 1818 and 1828 for most Slovenian territory, except Prekmurje. The detail shows the village Globinjek (Taubenberg) by Novo mesto (Sheet N298A04), using a very large scale of 1:2,880. 103 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 104 Slika 48: Zemljevid Karte vom Herzogthume Krain (Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) je leta 1832 izdelal habsburški vojaški kartograf Gottfried Loschan. 104 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 105 Figure 48: Karte vom Herzogthume Krain (Map of the Duchy of Carniola) was produced by the Habsburg military cartographer Gottfried Loschan in 1832. 105 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 106 Slika 49: Zemljevid (Special) Karte des Königreichs Illyrien und des Herzogthums Steyermark nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (Zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije in vojvodine Štajerske skupaj s Primorjem kraljevine Ogrske) je leta 1834 izdal Avstrijski štab glavnega kvartirnega mojstra na Dunaju. List 18 prikazuje 106 območje med Lovrencem na Pohorju in Ptujem ter je eden od 36 listov zemljevida. kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 107 Figure 49: (Special) Karte des Königreichs Illyrien und des Herzogthums Steyermark nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria with the Hungarian Littoral) was published in 1834 by the Austrian Quartermaster General Staff in Vienna. Sheet eighteen shows the area between Lovrenc na Pohorju (St. Lorenzen) and Ptuj (Pettau) and is one of the map’s thirty-six sheets. 107 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:27 Page 108 Slika 50: Zemljevid General-Karte des Königreichs Illyrien nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (Splošni zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije skupaj s Primorjem kraljevine Ogrske) je leta 1843 izdal Vojaški geografski inštitut na Dunaju. 108 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 109 Figure 50: General-Karte des Königreichs Illyrien nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale (General Map of the Kingdom of Illyria with the Hungarian Littoral) was published in 1843 by the Military Geographic Institute in Vienna. 109 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 110 Slika 51: Zemljevid Special-Karte des Herzogthums Krain (Specialni zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske) je med letoma 1844 in 1846 izdelal kranjski botanik Henrik Freyer. List prikazuje območje Ljubljane. 110 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 111 Figure 51: Special-Karte des Herzogthums Krain (Detailed Map of the Duchy of Carniola) was produced by the Carniolan botanist Heinrich Freyer from 1844 to 1846. The sheet shows the Ljubljana area. 111 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 112 Slika 52: Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin je leta 1852, a z letnico 1853, izdal gospodarstvenik Peter Kozler. 112 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 113 Figure 52: Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin (Map of Slovenian Territory and Regions) was published by the businessman Peter Kosler in 1852. The year printed on the map is 1853. 113 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 114 Slika 53: S temno črto je na zemljevidu označena slovenska etnična meja, ki na Kočevskem zamejuje območje poseljeno s kočevskimi Nemci. Zemljepisna imena so tudi tu v veliki večini zapisana v slovenščini. Figure 53: The dark line on the map marks the Slovenian ethnic border. In the Kočevje region the line marks the area settled by Gottschee Germans. The geographical names are also mostly written in Slovenian here. Slika 54: Grafično, opisno in številčno merilo. Figure 54: Graphic, verbal, and representative fraction scales. Slika 55: Legenda v slovenskem jeziku. Figure 55: Legend in Slovenian. Slika 56: Deželne meje Kranjske na Gorenjskem. Figure 56: Provincial borders of Carniola in Upper Carniola. 114 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 115 Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin je leta 1852 izdal gospodarstvenik Peter Kozler (1824–1879). Na prvi izdaji je sicer navedena letnica 1853, ko naj bi stekla prodaja. Zemljevid prikazuje Kranjsko, Koroško, avstrijsko Primorje, (južno) Štajersko do Gradca, Prekmurje, Beneško Slovenijo in del Hrvaške. Meri približno 50 × 54 cm, v tiskarske plošče pa ga je vgraviral Anton Knorr. Ima merilo 1 : 576.000, ki je pregledno in prikazano v grafični, številski in opisni obliki (slika 54), kar je bila takrat redkost. Za prikaz reliefa je uporabljeno črtkanje. Legenda (slika 55) je razumljiva, manjka pa kartografski znak za tekoče vode, saj je reke mestoma težko ločiti od železnice in poti. Majhno merilo in številna zemljepisna imena zmanjšujejo preglednost zemljevida, zato se je avtor pri ponatisih odločil za barvanje meja in dežel (Kranjec 1964). S pripravami za izdelavo zemljevida je Kozler začel leta 1848, z namenom prikazati Zedinjeno Slovenijo, ki je tega leta postala slovenski politični program (Kranjec 1964). Sistematično je zbiral in preučeval zemljepisno, narodopisno in statistično gradivo. Oprl se je tudi na znance, ki so poznali krajevno okolje ter mu pošiljali podatke in sezname krajevnih imen. Vodilo so mu bile programske zahteve ter želja po združitvi vseh Slovencev v eno entiteto (Kordiš in Škufca 1996). Proti koncu leta 1852 je Kozler v časnikih objavil možnost predčasnega naročila zemljevida, ki bi izšel v začetku leta 1853. Konec leta 1852 so zemljevid že pričeli tiskati, a ga je takratna oblast, ki je delovala pod vplivom Bachovega absolutizma, zaradi poudarjanja slovenstva prepovedala. Zaplenili so tiskarski plošči in vseh 422 že natisnjenih zemljevidov, Kozlerja pa obsodili veleizdaje. Sporen je bil naslov zemljevida, njegove meje ter uporaba izključno slovenskega jezika. Kozler je bil po nekaj mesecih oproščen, vse zaseženo pa so mu na njegovo posebno prošnjo vrnili leta 1856. Zaradi političnih zapletov z objavo je zemljevid v javnost prvič prišel šele leta 1861. Zemljevid je zaradi svojega nacionalnega naboja ter kakovostne kartografske upodobitve izšel v številnih ponatisih. Druga in tretja izdaja sta izšli leta 1864, četrta leta 1871, peta leta 1975, šesta leta 1978 (Bohinec 1975; Kordiš in Škufca 1996), nato pa so bili v letih 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2012 in 2013 izdani ponatisi in faksimile nekaterih izdaj (Kordiš 2014). Najpomembnejši dodatek, ki je bil načrtovan že za leto 1853, dodan pa pri drugi izdaji leta 1864, je bil Imenik mest, tergov in krajev, ki je dolgo predstavljal edini seznam krajev za celotno slovensko etnično ozemlje. Kozlerjev zemljevid je prvi zemljevid slovenskega etničnega ozemlja, kjer so imena krajev napisana izključno v slovenskem jeziku (slika 53), prav tako pa je prvič na zemljevidu navedeno slovensko ime najvišje slovenske gore Triglav v današnji obliki (slika 56). Pomena zemljevida se je Kozler zavedel in obljubil, da ga bo skupaj z »Imenikom« podaril članom leta 1864 ustanovljene Slovenske matice. Leta 1865 so zemljevid prejeli vsi njeni člani, »Imenik« pa vsi ustanovni člani (Kranjec 1964). Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin (Map of Slovenian Territory and Regions) was published in 1852 by the businessman Peter Kosler (1824–1879). The year printed on the map’s first edition is 1853, when the map’s distribution was planned to commence. Depicted on the map are Carniola, Carinthia, Austrian Littoral, (southern) Styria up to Graz, Prekmurje, Benecia (Friulian Slavia), and part of Croatia. The map measures approximately 50 × 54 cm and was engraved on copperplates by Anton Knorr. It uses a scale of 1:576,000, which is presented in graphic, representative fraction, and verbal form (Figure 54), a rarity at that time. Hachures are used to represent the terrain. The legend (Figure 55) is comprehensible but does not include a cartographic symbol for running waters, which would be helpful considering that in places rivers are difficult to distinguish from the railway or roads. The map’s small scale and a large quantity of geographical names decrease its clarity, which is why Kosler decided to color the borders and individual regions in later reprinted editions (Kranjec 1964). Kosler began working on the map in 1848 with the aim of presenting the territory of United Slovenia, the ultimate goal of the Slovenian political program of the same name adopted that year (Kranjec 1964). He systematically collected and studied geographical, ethnographic, and statistical materials, and also relied on acquaintances who knew the local environment well and sent him information and lists of place names. His efforts were guided by the demands defined in the United Slovenia program and a desire to unite all Slovenians into one entity (Kordiš and Škufca 1996). Toward the end of 1852, Kosler announced in the newspapers that it was possible to pre-order the map, which was planned to be published in 1853. It already began being printed at the end of 1852, but the authorities, acting under the influence of Bach’s absolutism, banned the map due to its emphasis on Slovenian identity. The printing plates and all the 422 maps already printed were confiscated, and Kosler was charged with high treason. What was problematic was the map’s title, its borders, and the exclusive use of Slovenian. A few months later, Kosler was acquitted of all charges and all the confiscated items were returned to him in 1856 following his special request. Because of the political complications surrounding its publication, the map only became available to the public in 1861. Due to its nationalist charge and high-quality cartographic representation, it was reprinted many times. The second and third editions were published in 1864, the fourth in 1871, the fifth in 1975, and the sixth in 1978 (Bohinec 1975; Kordiš and Škufca 1996), followed by other reprints and facsimiles of selected editions in 1992, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2012, and 2013 (Kordiš 2014). The most important appendix already planned for the 1853 edition, but only added to the second edition published in 1864, was the Imenik mest, tergov in krajev (Index of Towns, Market Towns, and Villages). For many years, this was the only index of toponyms covering all of Slovenian ethnic territory. Kosler’s map is the first map of Slovenian ethnic territory with place names provided exclusively in Slovenian (Figure 53). In addition, this is the first map on which the name of Slovenia’s highest peak, Mount Triglav, appears with today’s Slovenian spelling (Figure 56). Kosler was aware of the map’s importance and promised to donate it, together with its index, to the members of the Slovenian Society founded in 1864. In 1865, the map was received by all the members, and the index was donated to the founding members only (Kranjec 1964). 115 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 116 Slika 57: Izrez zemljevida Völker-, Kreis-, Gerichts-, Eisenbahn- und Post- Karte der Herzogthümer Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain, der Grafschaften Görz, Gradisca, Istrien und der Reichstadt Triest (Etnični, okrožni, sodni, železniški in poštni zemljevid vojvodin Štajerske, Koroške, Kranjske, grofij Goriška, Gradiška, Istra in 116 cesarskega mesta Trst), ki ga je v drugi polovici 19. stoletja na Dunaju izdal kartograf Franz Raffelsperger. kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 117 Figure 57: Part of Völker-, Kreis-, Gerichts-, Eisenbahn- und Post- Karte der Herzogthümer Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain, der Grafschaften Görz, Gradisca, Istrien und der Reichstadt (Ethnic, District, Court, Railway, and Postal Map of the Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Counties of Gorizia, Gradisca, Istria, and the Imperial Town of Trieste), which was published by Franz Raffelsperger in the second half of the nineteenth century in Vienna. 117 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:38 Page 118 Slika 58: Specialkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie (Specialni zemljevidi Avstro-Ogrske monarhije), ki ga je od leta 1873 izdajal Vojaški geografski inštitut na Dunaju. Za celotno monarhijo je bilo izdelanih 715 listov v merilu 1 : 75.000. List prikazuje območje Radovljice. 118 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 119 Figure 58: Specialkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie (Detailed Map of Austria-Hungary) was published from 1873 onward by the Military Geographic Institute in Vienna. A total of 715 sheets at a scale of 1:75,000 were produced for the entire monarchy. The sheet shows the Radovljica (Radmannsdorf) area. 119 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 120 Slika 59: Zemljevid Avstrije je bil izdan leta 1869 in je eden prvih zemljevidov prvega atlasa sveta v slovenskem jeziku, imenovanega Atlant. 120 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 121 Figure 59: Zemljevid Avstrije (Map of Austria) was published in 1869 and is one of the first maps in Atlant, the first world atlas published in Slovenian. 121 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 122 Slika 60: Zemljevid slovenskega ozemlja je leta 1921 izdala Slovenska matica. 122 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 123 Figure 60: Zemljevid slovenskega ozemlja (Map of Slovenian Territory) was published in 1921 by the Slovenian Society. 123 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 124 SEZNAM ZEMLJEVIDOV SLOVENSKEGA OZEMLJA 6 SEZNAM ZEMLJEVIDOV SLOVENSKEGA OZEMLJA / LIST OF MAPS OF SLOVENIAN TERRITORY ORIGINALNI NASLOV / ORIGINAL TITLE SLOVENSKI PREVOD / SLOVENIAN TRANSLATION ANGLEŠKI PREVOD / ENGLISH TRANSLATION AVTOR ali IZDAJATELJ / AUTHOR or PUBLISHER ČAS IZDAJE / ISSUE TIME STRAN / PAGE Istra* Istra* Istria* Pietro Coppo 1525 40–41 Descriptio totius Illyridis Opis celotne Ilirije Description of All Illyria Sebastian Münster sredina 16. stoletja / mid 16th century 44–45 Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum Vojvodina Kranjska in Istra s Slovensko marko The Duchy of Carniola and Istria with the Windic March Wolfgang Lazius 1561 46–47 Ducatus Carniolae una cum Marchia Windorum Vojvodina Kranjska s Slovensko marko The Duchy of Carniola with the Windic March Bolognino Zaltieri 1569 50–51 Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Novi prikaz Slavonije, Hrvaške, Kranjske, Istre, A New Depiction of Slavonia, Croatia, Carniola, Istria, Abraham Ortelius 1570 52–53 finitimarumque regionum nova descriptio Bosne in sosednjih pokrajin Bosnia, and Neighboring Regions Illyricum Ilirija Illyria Ioanes Sambucus 1572 54–55 Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia Furlanija, Kras, Kranjska, Istra in Slovenska marka Friuli, Karst, Carniola, Istria, and the Windic March Gerhard Kremer Mercator / Gerardus Mercator 1589 56–57 Carniolae Chaziolae Q3 Ducatus nec non et Goritiae Vojvodina Kranjska in Kočevsko kakor tudi grofija The Duchy of Carniola and the Kočevje Area, as Well as the Gerard de Jode 1593 58–59 Comitatus … Goriška … County of Gorizia … Istria olim Iapidia Istra, nekdanja Japidija Istria, the Former Land of the Iapydes Giovanni Antonio Magini 1620 60–61 Hertzogthūber Steyer, Karnten, Krain, & c./Duchés Vojvodine Štajerska, Koroška in Kranjska … The Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola … Nicolas Sanson 1657 62–63 de Stirie, Carinthie, Carniole … Carniola, Cilia comitatus, et Windorum Marchia Kranjska, Celjska grofija in Slovenska marka Carniola, the County of Celje, and the Windic March Willem Janszoon Blaeu 1666 64–65 Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio Novi geografski opis nadvse rodovitne vojvodine Štajerske A New Geographical Description of the Most Fertile Duchy of Styria Georg Matthäus Vischer 1678 66–67 Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae Cilleiae Comitatus Vojvodina Koroška in Kranjska, grofija Celjska The Duchy of Carinthia and Carniola, the County of Celje Frederick de Witt konec 17. stoletja / end of 17th century 70–71 Carniolia, Karstia, Histria et Windorum Marchia Kranjska, Kras, Istra in Slovenska marka Carniola, Karst, Istria, and the Windic March Janez Vajkard Valvasor / Johann Weikhard von Valvasor 1689 72–73 Ducatus Carnioliae Tabula Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Map of the Duchy of Carniola Johann van der Bruggen začetek 18. stoletja / early 18th century 74–75 Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske, Slovenske marke in Istre Map of the Duchy of Carniola, the Windic March, and Istria Johann Baptist Homann 1714–1724 76–77 Ducatus Stiriae Novissima Tabula Najnovejši zemljevid vojvodine Štajerske The Latest Map of the Duchy of Styria Johann Baptist Homann 1714–1724 78–79 Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus Tabula geographica Nov in natančen geografski zemljevid vojvodine Koroške A New and Accurate Geographical Map of the Duchy of Carinthia Johann Baptist Homann 1714–1724 80–81 Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica Horografski zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Chorographic Map of the Duchy of Carniola Janez Dizma Florjančič pl. Grienfeld / Joannes Disma Floriantschitsch de Grienfeld 1744 82–83 Partie Méridionale du Cercle d'Autriche, qui comprend La Basse Južni del Avstrije, ki obsega spodnji del vojvodine Štajerske, Southern Part of Austria, Encompassing the Lower Part of the Gilles Robert de Vaugondy ali njegov sin / Gilles Robert de Vaugondy or his son 1752 86–87 Partie du Duché de Stirie, Le Duché de Carinthie, divisé en vojvodino Koroško, ki se deli na zgornjo in spodnjo, vojvodino Duchy of Styria, the Duchy of Carinthia Divided into Upper haute et basse, Le Duché de Carniole, divise en haute, basse, Kranjsko, razdeljeno v zgornjo, spodnjo, srednjo in notranjo and Lower Carinthia, the Duchy of Carniola Divided into Upper, moyenne et inter.e Carniole, et l'Istrie Impériale Kranjsko, ter cesarstvo Istre Lower, Central, and Inner Carniola, and Imperial Istria Josephinische Landesaufnahme Jožefinska deželna izmera (jožefinski vojaški zemljevid) Josephinian Land Survey Generalquartiermeisterstab 1784–1787 88–89 Mappa Litho-Hydrographica Nationis Slavicae Litološko-hidrografski zemljevid slovanskih narodov Lithological and Hydrological Map of the Slavic Nations Baltazar Hacquet 1778 90–91 Krainska deschela* Kranjska* Carniola* Franc Ksaver Baraga, Baltazar Hacquet / Franz Xaver Baraga, Baltazar Hacquet 1778 92–93 Oberkrain oder der Laybacher Kreis Gorenjska ali Ljubljansko okrožje Upper Carniola or the Ljubljana District Joseph Karl Kindermann 1797 94–95 Charte von Kaernthen und Krain, nebst den Grafschaften Zemljevid Koroške in Kranjske, skupaj z grofijo Goriško Map of Carinthia and Carniola, Together with the Counties Joseph Karl Kindermann 1803 96–97 Görz und Gradiska und dem Gebiethe von Triest in Gradiško ter območjem Trsta of Gorizia and Gradisca, and the Trieste Area Topographisch-militairische Charte von Teutschland Vojaškotopografski zemljevid Nemčije Topographic-Military Map of Germany Geographisches Institut zu Weimar 1807–1814 98–99 Charte von dem Königreiche Illyrien und dem Zemljevid Ilirskega kraljestva in vojvodine Štajerske Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria Carl Ferdinand Weiland 1818 100–101 Herzogthume Steyermark Franziszeischer Kataster Franciscejski kataster Franciscan Cadaster Grundsteuer-Regulierungs-Hofkommission 1818–1828 102–103 Karte vom Herzogthume Krain Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Map of the Duchy of Carniola Gottfried Loschan 1832 104–105 (Special) Karte des Königreichs Illyrien und des Herzogthums Zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije in vojvodine Štajerske skupaj Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria Österreichischen General Quartiermeisterstabe 1834 106–107 Steyermark nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale s Primorjem kraljevine Ogrske with the Hungarian Littoral General-Karte des Königreichs Illyrien nebst dem Splošni zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije skupaj s Primorjem General Map of the Kingdom of Illyria with the Hungarian Militaerisch geographisches Institut 1843 108–109 Königlich Ungarischen Littorale kraljevine Ogrske Littoral Special-Karte des Herzogthums Krain Specialni zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Detailed Map of the Duchy of Carniola Henrik Freyer / Heinrich Freyer 1844–1846 110–111 Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin Map of Slovenian Territory and Regions Peter Kozler / Peter Kosler 1852 112–113 Völker-, Kreis-, Gerichts-, Eisenbahn- und Post- Karte der Etnični, okrožni, sodni, železniški in poštni zemljevid Ethnic, District, Court, Railway, and Postal Map of the Duchies Franz Raffelsperger druga polovica 19. stoletja / 116–117 Herzogthümer Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain, der Grafschaften vojvodin Štajerske, Koroške, Kranjske, grofij Goriška, of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Counties of Gorizia, Gradisca, second half of the 19th century Görz, Gradisca, Istrien und der Reichstadt Triest Gradiška, Istra in cesarskega mesta Trst Istria and the Imperial Town of Trieste Specialkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie Specialni zemljevidi Avstro-Ogrske monarhije Detailed Map of Austria-Hungary Militärgeographisches Institut od 1873 / from 1873 118–119 Zemljevid Avstrije Map of Austria Matej Cigale, Matica Slovenska 1869 120–121 Zemljevid slovenskega ozemlja Map of Slovenian Territory Slovenska matica 1921 122–123 * Zemljevid nima originalnega naslova, naslov je opisen. / The map does not have the original title, the title is descriptive. 124 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 125 LIST OF MAPS OF SLOVENIAN TERRITORY ORIGINALNI NASLOV / ORIGINAL TITLE SLOVENSKI PREVOD / SLOVENIAN TRANSLATION ANGLEŠKI PREVOD / ENGLISH TRANSLATION AVTOR ali IZDAJATELJ / AUTHOR or PUBLISHER ČAS IZDAJE / ISSUE TIME STRAN / PAGE Istra* Istra* Istria* Pietro Coppo 1525 40–41 Descriptio totius Illyridis Opis celotne Ilirije Description of All Illyria Sebastian Münster sredina 16. stoletja / mid 16th century 44–45 Ducatus Carniolae et Histriae una cum Marcha Windorum Vojvodina Kranjska in Istra s Slovensko marko The Duchy of Carniola and Istria with the Windic March Wolfgang Lazius 1561 46–47 Ducatus Carniolae una cum Marchia Windorum Vojvodina Kranjska s Slovensko marko The Duchy of Carniola with the Windic March Bolognino Zaltieri 1569 50–51 Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Novi prikaz Slavonije, Hrvaške, Kranjske, Istre, A New Depiction of Slavonia, Croatia, Carniola, Istria, Abraham Ortelius 1570 52–53 finitimarumque regionum nova descriptio Bosne in sosednjih pokrajin Bosnia, and Neighboring Regions Illyricum Ilirija Illyria Ioanes Sambucus 1572 54–55 Forum Iulium, Karstia, Carniola, Histria et Windorum Marchia Furlanija, Kras, Kranjska, Istra in Slovenska marka Friuli, Karst, Carniola, Istria, and the Windic March Gerhard Kremer Mercator / Gerardus Mercator 1589 56–57 Carniolae Chaziolae Q3 Ducatus nec non et Goritiae Vojvodina Kranjska in Kočevsko kakor tudi grofija The Duchy of Carniola and the Kočevje Area, as Well as the Gerard de Jode 1593 58–59 Comitatus … Goriška … County of Gorizia … Istria olim Iapidia Istra, nekdanja Japidija Istria, the Former Land of the Iapydes Giovanni Antonio Magini 1620 60–61 Hertzogthūber Steyer, Karnten, Krain, & c./Duchés Vojvodine Štajerska, Koroška in Kranjska … The Duchies of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola … Nicolas Sanson 1657 62–63 de Stirie, Carinthie, Carniole … Carniola, Cilia comitatus, et Windorum Marchia Kranjska, Celjska grofija in Slovenska marka Carniola, the County of Celje, and the Windic March Willem Janszoon Blaeu 1666 64–65 Styriae Ducatus Fertilissimi Nova Geographica Descriptio Novi geografski opis nadvse rodovitne vojvodine Štajerske A New Geographical Description of the Most Fertile Duchy of Styria Georg Matthäus Vischer 1678 66–67 Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae Cilleiae Comitatus Vojvodina Koroška in Kranjska, grofija Celjska The Duchy of Carinthia and Carniola, the County of Celje Frederick de Witt konec 17. stoletja / end of 17th century 70–71 Carniolia, Karstia, Histria et Windorum Marchia Kranjska, Kras, Istra in Slovenska marka Carniola, Karst, Istria, and the Windic March Janez Vajkard Valvasor / Johann Weikhard von Valvasor 1689 72–73 Ducatus Carnioliae Tabula Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Map of the Duchy of Carniola Johann van der Bruggen začetek 18. stoletja / early 18th century 74–75 Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske, Slovenske marke in Istre Map of the Duchy of Carniola, the Windic March, and Istria Johann Baptist Homann 1714–1724 76–77 Ducatus Stiriae Novissima Tabula Najnovejši zemljevid vojvodine Štajerske The Latest Map of the Duchy of Styria Johann Baptist Homann 1714–1724 78–79 Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus Tabula geographica Nov in natančen geografski zemljevid vojvodine Koroške A New and Accurate Geographical Map of the Duchy of Carinthia Johann Baptist Homann 1714–1724 80–81 Ducatus Carnioliae tabula chorographica Horografski zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Chorographic Map of the Duchy of Carniola Janez Dizma Florjančič pl. Grienfeld / Joannes Disma Floriantschitsch de Grienfeld 1744 82–83 Partie Méridionale du Cercle d'Autriche, qui comprend La Basse Južni del Avstrije, ki obsega spodnji del vojvodine Štajerske, Southern Part of Austria, Encompassing the Lower Part of the Gilles Robert de Vaugondy ali njegov sin / Gilles Robert de Vaugondy or his son 1752 86–87 Partie du Duché de Stirie, Le Duché de Carinthie, divisé en vojvodino Koroško, ki se deli na zgornjo in spodnjo, vojvodino Duchy of Styria, the Duchy of Carinthia Divided into Upper haute et basse, Le Duché de Carniole, divise en haute, basse, Kranjsko, razdeljeno v zgornjo, spodnjo, srednjo in notranjo and Lower Carinthia, the Duchy of Carniola Divided into Upper, moyenne et inter.e Carniole, et l'Istrie Impériale Kranjsko, ter cesarstvo Istre Lower, Central, and Inner Carniola, and Imperial Istria Josephinische Landesaufnahme Jožefinska deželna izmera (jožefinski vojaški zemljevid) Josephinian Land Survey Generalquartiermeisterstab 1784–1787 88–89 Mappa Litho-Hydrographica Nationis Slavicae Litološko-hidrografski zemljevid slovanskih narodov Lithological and Hydrological Map of the Slavic Nations Baltazar Hacquet 1778 90–91 Krainska deschela* Kranjska* Carniola* Franc Ksaver Baraga, Baltazar Hacquet / Franz Xaver Baraga, Baltazar Hacquet 1778 92–93 Oberkrain oder der Laybacher Kreis Gorenjska ali Ljubljansko okrožje Upper Carniola or the Ljubljana District Joseph Karl Kindermann 1797 94–95 Charte von Kaernthen und Krain, nebst den Grafschaften Zemljevid Koroške in Kranjske, skupaj z grofijo Goriško Map of Carinthia and Carniola, Together with the Counties Joseph Karl Kindermann 1803 96–97 Görz und Gradiska und dem Gebiethe von Triest in Gradiško ter območjem Trsta of Gorizia and Gradisca, and the Trieste Area Topographisch-militairische Charte von Teutschland Vojaškotopografski zemljevid Nemčije Topographic-Military Map of Germany Geographisches Institut zu Weimar 1807–1814 98–99 Charte von dem Königreiche Illyrien und dem Zemljevid Ilirskega kraljestva in vojvodine Štajerske Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria Carl Ferdinand Weiland 1818 100–101 Herzogthume Steyermark Franziszeischer Kataster Franciscejski kataster Franciscan Cadaster Grundsteuer-Regulierungs-Hofkommission 1818–1828 102–103 Karte vom Herzogthume Krain Zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Map of the Duchy of Carniola Gottfried Loschan 1832 104–105 (Special) Karte des Königreichs Illyrien und des Herzogthums Zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije in vojvodine Štajerske skupaj Map of the Kingdom of Illyria and the Duchy of Styria Österreichischen General Quartiermeisterstabe 1834 106–107 Steyermark nebst dem Königlich Ungarischen Littorale s Primorjem kraljevine Ogrske with the Hungarian Littoral General-Karte des Königreichs Illyrien nebst dem Splošni zemljevid Kraljevine Ilirije skupaj s Primorjem General Map of the Kingdom of Illyria with the Hungarian Militaerisch geographisches Institut 1843 108–109 Königlich Ungarischen Littorale kraljevine Ogrske Littoral Special-Karte des Herzogthums Krain Specialni zemljevid vojvodine Kranjske Detailed Map of the Duchy of Carniola Henrik Freyer / Heinrich Freyer 1844–1846 110–111 Zemljovid slovenske dežele in pokrajin Map of Slovenian Territory and Regions Peter Kozler / Peter Kosler 1852 112–113 Völker-, Kreis-, Gerichts-, Eisenbahn- und Post- Karte der Etnični, okrožni, sodni, železniški in poštni zemljevid Ethnic, District, Court, Railway, and Postal Map of the Duchies Franz Raffelsperger druga polovica 19. stoletja / 116–117 Herzogthümer Steiermark, Kärnthen, Krain, der Grafschaften vojvodin Štajerske, Koroške, Kranjske, grofij Goriška, of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Counties of Gorizia, Gradisca, second half of the 19th century Görz, Gradisca, Istrien und der Reichstadt Triest Gradiška, Istra in cesarskega mesta Trst Istria and the Imperial Town of Trieste Specialkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie Specialni zemljevidi Avstro-Ogrske monarhije Detailed Map of Austria-Hungary Militärgeographisches Institut od 1873 / from 1873 118–119 Zemljevid Avstrije Map of Austria Matej Cigale, Matica Slovenska 1869 120–121 Zemljevid slovenskega ozemlja Map of Slovenian Territory Slovenska matica 1921 122–123 * Zemljevid nima originalnega naslova, naslov je opisen. / The map does not have the original title, the title is descriptive. 125 kartografski_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:40 Page 126 VIRI IN LITERATURA 7 VIRI IN LITERATURA / REFERENCES Allen, P. 1997: e atlas of atlases. e Map Maker’s Vision of the World. 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Koper. 130 pred-za-list_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:00 Page 2 Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU / ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica / National and University Library Naslov / Address: Gosposka ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Naslov / Address: Turjaška ulica 1, Ljubljana, Slovenija E-pošta / E-mail: giam@zrc-sazu.si E-pošta / E-mail: info@nuk.uni-lj.si Medmrežje / Internet: http://giam.zrc-sazu.si Medmrežje / Internet: https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/ Inštitut je leta 1946 ustanovila Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti in ga leta 1976 poimenovala po Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica zbira, obdeluje, hrani, varuje ter ohranja pisno kulturno in znanstveno akademiku dr. Antonu Meliku (1890–1966). Od leta 1981 je sestavni del Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra dediščino, ki je Slovence oblikovala v narod, ter omogoča prebivalcem Slovenije in drugih držav dostop do Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU). Leta 2002 sta se inštitutu priključila Inštitut za znanja ter slovenske kulture preteklih in sedanjih rodov. V sodelovanju z domačimi in tujimi knjižnicami geografijo, ki je bil ustanovljen leta 1962, in Zemljepisni muzej Slovenije, ustanovljen leta 1946. Ima oddelke zagotavlja dostop do svetovne pisne kulturne in znanstvene dediščine ter uporabnikom v procesu ustvarjanja za fizično geografijo, humano geografijo, regionalno geografijo, naravne nesreče, varstvo okolja, geografski novega znanja pomaga pri iskanju, izbiri, vrednotenju in uporabi informacijskih virov na različnih nosilcih informacijski sistem in tematsko kartografijo, zemljepisno knjižnico, fizičnogeografski laboratorij ter zapisa, v različnih oblikah in različnih jezikih. S svojimi zbirkami in storitvami podpira pedagoško in znan-zemljepisni muzej. V njem je sedež Komisije za standardizacijo zemljepisnih imen Vlade Republike Slovenije. stvenoraziskovalno delo Univerze v Ljubljani in drugih visokošolskih zavodov. Je središče znanja, namenjeno Ukvarja se predvsem z geografskimi raziskavami Slovenije in njenih pokrajin ter pripravo temeljnih vseživljenjskemu izobraževanju, dvigu kulturne in izobrazbene ravni ter informacijske pismenosti. geografskih knjig o Sloveniji. Sodeluje pri številnih domačih in mednarodnih projektih, organizira znanstvena Z raziskovalno, razvojno in izobraževalno dejavnostjo na področju knjižničarstva aktivno sooblikuje slovenski srečanja, izobražuje mlade raziskovalce in izmenjuje znanstvenike. Izdaja znanstveno revijo Acta geographica knjižnični sistem ter prispeva k teoretičnim in praktičnim spoznanjem v bibliotekarski ter informacijski Slovenica/Geografski zbornik ter znanstvene knjižne zbirke Geografija Slovenije, Georitem in CAPACities. znanosti. Je nosilec gradnje in razvoja Digitalne knjižnice Slovenije (dLib.si) ter nacionalni agregator e-vsebin V sodih letih izdaja knjižno zbirko GIS v Sloveniji, v lihih letih knjižno zbirko Regionalni razvoj, vsako tretje s področja kulture. leto pa knjižno zbirko Naravne nesreče. e Slovenian National and University Library collects, processes, stores, protects, and preserves the written e institute was established in 1946 by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, which in 1976 named cultural and scholarly heritage that helped shape Slovenians into a nation, providing the residents of Slovenia it aer the academy member Anton Melik (1890–1966). Since 1981, it has been part of the Research Centre and other countries with access to knowledge and the culture of past and present Slovenian generations. In of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). In 2002, it was joined by the Institute of cooperation with libraries in Slovenia and abroad, it provides access to written cultural and scholarly world Geography, founded in 1962, and the Slovenian Geographical Museum, founded in 1946. e institute heritage, helping users search for, select, evaluate, and use information sources on various recoding media, comprises departments for physical geography, human geography, regional geography, natural disasters, in various forms, and various languages as part of the process of creating new knowledge. Its collections and environmental protection, geographic information systems, and thematic cartography, a geographical library, services support the teaching and research activity of the University of Ljubljana and other higher education a physical geography laboratory, and a geographical museum. It is the seat of the Slovenian Government’s institutions. It is a center of knowledge intended to support lifelong learning, raise the cultural and Committee for the Standardization of Geographical Names. e institute primarily engages in geographical educational level, and improve information literacy. Its research, development, and educational activity in studies of Slovenia and its landscapes, and it produces seminal geographical volumes on Slovenia. It takes librarianship helps actively shape the Slovenian library system and contributes to theoretical and practical part in many Slovenian and international projects, holds research conferences, trains junior researchers, and findings in librarianship and information science. It is in charge of compiling and developing the Slovenian participates in researcher exchange programs. It publishes the journal Acta geographica Slovenica / Geografski Digital Library (dLib.si) and is the national aggregator of cultural e-content. zbornik and the series Geografija Slovenije (Geography of Slovenia), Georitem (Georhythm), and CAPACities. It publishes the series GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) in even years, the series Regionalni razvoj (Regional Development) in odd years, and the series Naravne nesreče (Natural Disasters) every third year. pred-za-list_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:00 Page 2 Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU / ZRC SAZU Anton Melik Geographical Institute Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica / National and University Library Naslov / Address: Gosposka ulica 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Naslov / Address: Turjaška ulica 1, Ljubljana, Slovenija E-pošta / E-mail: giam@zrc-sazu.si E-pošta / E-mail: info@nuk.uni-lj.si Medmrežje / Internet: http://giam.zrc-sazu.si Medmrežje / Internet: https://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/ Inštitut je leta 1946 ustanovila Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti in ga leta 1976 poimenovala po Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica zbira, obdeluje, hrani, varuje ter ohranja pisno kulturno in znanstveno akademiku dr. Antonu Meliku (1890–1966). Od leta 1981 je sestavni del Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra dediščino, ki je Slovence oblikovala v narod, ter omogoča prebivalcem Slovenije in drugih držav dostop do Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU). Leta 2002 sta se inštitutu priključila Inštitut za znanja ter slovenske kulture preteklih in sedanjih rodov. V sodelovanju z domačimi in tujimi knjižnicami geografijo, ki je bil ustanovljen leta 1962, in Zemljepisni muzej Slovenije, ustanovljen leta 1946. Ima oddelke zagotavlja dostop do svetovne pisne kulturne in znanstvene dediščine ter uporabnikom v procesu ustvarjanja za fizično geografijo, humano geografijo, regionalno geografijo, naravne nesreče, varstvo okolja, geografski novega znanja pomaga pri iskanju, izbiri, vrednotenju in uporabi informacijskih virov na različnih nosilcih informacijski sistem in tematsko kartografijo, zemljepisno knjižnico, fizičnogeografski laboratorij ter zapisa, v različnih oblikah in različnih jezikih. S svojimi zbirkami in storitvami podpira pedagoško in znan-zemljepisni muzej. V njem je sedež Komisije za standardizacijo zemljepisnih imen Vlade Republike Slovenije. stvenoraziskovalno delo Univerze v Ljubljani in drugih visokošolskih zavodov. Je središče znanja, namenjeno Ukvarja se predvsem z geografskimi raziskavami Slovenije in njenih pokrajin ter pripravo temeljnih vseživljenjskemu izobraževanju, dvigu kulturne in izobrazbene ravni ter informacijske pismenosti. geografskih knjig o Sloveniji. Sodeluje pri številnih domačih in mednarodnih projektih, organizira znanstvena Z raziskovalno, razvojno in izobraževalno dejavnostjo na področju knjižničarstva aktivno sooblikuje slovenski srečanja, izobražuje mlade raziskovalce in izmenjuje znanstvenike. Izdaja znanstveno revijo Acta geographica knjižnični sistem ter prispeva k teoretičnim in praktičnim spoznanjem v bibliotekarski ter informacijski Slovenica/Geografski zbornik ter znanstvene knjižne zbirke Geografija Slovenije, Georitem in CAPACities. znanosti. Je nosilec gradnje in razvoja Digitalne knjižnice Slovenije (dLib.si) ter nacionalni agregator e-vsebin V sodih letih izdaja knjižno zbirko GIS v Sloveniji, v lihih letih knjižno zbirko Regionalni razvoj, vsako tretje s področja kulture. leto pa knjižno zbirko Naravne nesreče. e Slovenian National and University Library collects, processes, stores, protects, and preserves the written e institute was established in 1946 by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, which in 1976 named cultural and scholarly heritage that helped shape Slovenians into a nation, providing the residents of Slovenia it aer the academy member Anton Melik (1890–1966). Since 1981, it has been part of the Research Centre and other countries with access to knowledge and the culture of past and present Slovenian generations. In of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). In 2002, it was joined by the Institute of cooperation with libraries in Slovenia and abroad, it provides access to written cultural and scholarly world Geography, founded in 1962, and the Slovenian Geographical Museum, founded in 1946. e institute heritage, helping users search for, select, evaluate, and use information sources on various recoding media, comprises departments for physical geography, human geography, regional geography, natural disasters, in various forms, and various languages as part of the process of creating new knowledge. Its collections and environmental protection, geographic information systems, and thematic cartography, a geographical library, services support the teaching and research activity of the University of Ljubljana and other higher education a physical geography laboratory, and a geographical museum. It is the seat of the Slovenian Government’s institutions. It is a center of knowledge intended to support lifelong learning, raise the cultural and Committee for the Standardization of Geographical Names. e institute primarily engages in geographical educational level, and improve information literacy. Its research, development, and educational activity in studies of Slovenia and its landscapes, and it produces seminal geographical volumes on Slovenia. It takes librarianship helps actively shape the Slovenian library system and contributes to theoretical and practical part in many Slovenian and international projects, holds research conferences, trains junior researchers, and findings in librarianship and information science. It is in charge of compiling and developing the Slovenian participates in researcher exchange programs. It publishes the journal Acta geographica Slovenica / Geografski Digital Library (dLib.si) and is the national aggregator of cultural e-content. zbornik and the series Geografija Slovenije (Geography of Slovenia), Georitem (Georhythm), and CAPACities. It publishes the series GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) in even years, the series Regionalni razvoj (Regional Development) in odd years, and the series Naravne nesreče (Natural Disasters) every third year. kartografski-NSL_Layout 1 3.6.2020 7:01 Page 1 YRO ITRRET N IANEVO SL KaRtoGRafsKi FO ZaKladi SERU slovensKeGa ASER oZeMlja T ICHPA C R aRtoGRaPhiC GOT tReasuRes RA / C of slovenian JAL teRRitoRy MEZOAGEKSNEVOLSIDALKAZIKSFARG € OTR 34,00 A 9 0 1 6 9 8 7 9 6 2 4 0 5 K Primož Gašperič, Renata Šolar, Matija Zorn