https://doi.or g/10.31449/inf.v46i4.4161 Informatica 46 (2022) 443–448 443 Recommending Relevant Services in Electr onic and Mobile Health Platforms Gjor gji Noveski 1 and Jakob V alič 1 E-mail: gjor, 1 Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: Electronic and mobile health, recommendation systems, embeddings Received: May 6, 2022 Electr onic and mobile health (EMH) is becoming an integrated part of healthcar e as we move in the futur e. The opportunity in bringing closer healthcar e services with the advent of the internet is gr owing lar ger . This is why it is important to adequately pr ovide those services to the people that need them and to also further impr ove them. Regar ding electr onic and mobile healthcar e systems, it is fairly easy for users to get lost while sear ching for some information due to the vast amount of data that is pr esent for differ ent illnesses, healthcar e institutions and healthcar e services. In this paper we pr esent a platform that pr ovides various healthcar e services to people, namely the Insieme platform (ISE-EMH). Knowing the difficulty of finding r elevant information on platforms and that user pr efer ences vary to a gr eat extent, we additionally give an overview of an implementation of the r ecommendation system that is part of the Insieme platform which helps users pick services that might be r elevant to them. Povzetek: Razvita ja pratforma ISE-EMH za Italijo in Slovenijo kot jedrnata verzija ”dr . Googla”. 1 Intr oduction W ith the increasing popularity of digital interventions and digital solutions, electronic and mobile health applications are becoming more popular throughout many sectors of the public healthcare. The idea started since the beginning of the era of smartphones, where the convenience of accessing the internet from the comfort of our homes, moved to con- veniently accessing the internet from the palm of our hands. This shift provided fertile ground for a vast amount of new solutions and applications to emer ge. Naturally , the health- care domain was also af fected by this and with the collab- oration of healthcare professional and people from the do- main of information and communication technologies, so- lutions are built that benefit the people. In the digital era, more things are becoming available on- line and with this, general quality of life of people is in- creasing. Many companies, institutions and various stake- holders shift towards online solutions regarding their data availability . This is beneficial to both the companies and the people using their services for various reasons. Firstly , it allows remote access to employees regardless of loca- tion, giving them the option to continue working even when they are not on-site. Furthermore, it can allow commonly used services to be available to the general public. Such examples are online booking for doctor ’ s appointment or online overview of waiting queues. Advances and increase in usage of wearable devices give opportunities for tracking many aspects of a patient’ s vital signs, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, etc. This information can be integrated into a system that builds up an electronic health record from the user and provides health checks, monitoring and sugges- tions. Clearly we can see that there are many opportunities to be explored related to using digital technologies and data on person’ s health. During design and implementation of healthcare plat- forms, ease-of-use and user experience need to be consid- ered. This is because the platforms are going to be used by a variety of individuals, the healthy and the ill. Because of this, the process in which they obtain the required informa- tion from the healthcare platform must be as easy as possi- ble. Many dif ferent digital solutions have been developed which provide healthcare assistance like embedded [ 1 ], and decision support systems [ 3 ]. In recent time advances in artificial intelligence pave way to more complex solutions that bring a bigger array of services and benefits in the field of healthcare. These benefits are from areas such as predic- tive analysis of diseases, patient care, patient monitoring, etc. [ 6 ]. Like previously mentioned, the time needed to reach de- sired information on a healthcare platform should be as low as possible. In order to achieve this, a certain system must be able to learn the patterns of user ’ s interaction with the platform. This way , the system provides information to the user while also building a model representation for that user . This learned context gives the system an ability to tailor which information is shown to which user , thus pro- viding more specialized experience. Such functionalities are typically implemented using recommendation systems. In our paper , we present the methodology for recom- mending services on the Insieme platform, i.e., an Elec- tronic and Mobile Health platform that we developed within the ISE-EMH project [ 4 ]. W e give an overview of the plat- form as well as the recommendation system used to provide helpful service suggestions. Additionally , analysis is per - 444 Informatica 46 (2022) 443–448 G. Noveski et al. formed on gathered user -service interaction data in order to get some insight on site usage. The rest of the paper is or ganized as follows. Section 2 provides examples of related work in the field of Elec- tronic and Mobile Health as well as similar applications. In Section 3 the implementation of the recommendation sys- tem is explained while Section 4 gives brief explanation on the EMH platform that the system is used on. Interaction analysis from user data is given in Section 5 and lastly a conclusion is presented in Section 6 . 2 Related work T aking a look at related systems, we can find examples of dif ferent platforms and applications that work towards bringing ease of use to the user . The actors in the healthcare system are the patients and the clinicians. Consequently , solutions that benefit either the patients or the clinicians benefit the whole healthcare system. W e will present some solutions that are aimed at both clinicians and patients. Showcasing the importance and benefits of using rec- ommendation systems in the healthcare domain is metic- ulously presented in [ 9 ] where an overview of the existing research in the EMH domain is provided. The analysed sci- entific papers were also carefully selected and filtered by their criteria which included: selecting papers published no earlier than year 2000, papers referenced with 15 sources and more, containing a detailed discussion on recommen- dation techniques, etc. After discarding papers that did not meet these criteria, 98 papers remained to be further stud- ied. Examples of the reviewed systems are systems that can recommend food, drugs, healthcare professionals and, etc. The authors listed three main aspects that need to be con- sidered when designing a recommendation system: users, items, and usage context. In our case, users are the patients that will use the system and items are the entities which will be recommended to them. Usage context refers to the set of factors that might influence the selection of the items to be recommended to the user . For example, if the user ’ s health record is integrated into the recommendation system then dif ferent users can get dif ferent items recommended to them just because of their dietary preference, aller gies, etc. De Croon et al. [ 2 ] reviewed a total of 73 published stud- ies that had reported the implementation and evaluation of recommendation systems in the healthcare domain. The au- thors showed that the most prominent categories of recom- mended items are about lifestyle, nutrition, general health information, and specific health condition related informa- tion. In our work, the recommendation system recommends relevant services to the users, which are related to the spe- cific health condition related information. In literature the most frequently used type of recommendation system is a hybrid one which is a combination of collaborative filtering and content-based filtering (see Section 3 . for details). Diaz Ochoa et al. [ 7 ] applied neural networks to cre- ate a recommendation system that achieves recall of 98 % and accuracy of 64 %. It takes into account patient data alongside with specific treatments encoded into treatment keys. This information is further processed by clustering in order to lower the dimensionlity of the problem and fi- nally a deep learning model is trained. The advantages of the developed solution are faster training time due to its fewer number of parameters and transparency due to its use of multi-criteria decision operators. The Logic-Operator neural network they use simulates cognitive processes with fuzzy logic. The logical operators are or and and gates which represent the last layers of the network. Furthermore mean squared error is used as a loss function, ReLU as an activation function and the ADAM method as optimization. The recommendation system consists of two separate sys- tems. One of them is trained on the entire patient dataset, while the other is trained only on patients which had posi- tive outcome of their treatments. This provides two predic- tions and by comparing the two predictions a recommenda- tion is made with low or high confidence. If the predicted treatments match then high confidence is assumed. Like- wise if the predictions of the two systems do not match, a treatment is still recommended but with low confidence. Punn et al. [ 8 ] developed a recommendation system in the healthcare domain, which is based on collaborative fil- tering and recommends remedies by taking as input the pa- tient’ s symptoms. Since there is a limited amount of data linking remedies to various diseases that is suitable for cre- ating recommendation systems, the authors also provided a dataset for this purpose. This dataset consists of around 1,100 diseases and close to 300 symptoms. Their recom- mendation system uses singular value decomposition and cosine similarity in order to assess which symptoms give more rise to a certain disease. The system was evaluated with symptoms that were related to one or more diseases and in both cases it recommended one or more remedies respectively . 3 Recommendation systems Recommendation systems aim at providing reliable recom- mendations for the domains they are built for , e.g., songs, movies, products at an online shop, etc. W ith the term ”items” we associate all the possible types of recommen- dations. Because of the ability of the recommendation sys- tems to adapt suggestions based on specific users, several online services that include recommendation systems have greatly improved user experience. The recommendation system takes as input a search query vector and computes which items are most similar to it. There are several options to compute the similarity be- tween dif ferent vectors. Several recommendation systems use one or more of the following metrics: 1. Cosine 2. Dot product 3. Euclidean distance Recommending Relevant Services in Electronic… Informatica 46 (2022) 443–448 445 These metrics calculates a score of how much the current choices of the user are similar to all the other items. The items which relate the highest are taken as recommendation to the users. Our system uses the cosine similarity metric. There exist three types of recommendation systems: col- laborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid ones which are a combination of the first two. In our platform, we use the LightFM recommendation system [ 5 ], which is a hybrid one. It works as a hybrid matrix factorization model where it represents the users u and items i as embeddings (latent vectors). These are defined as linear combination of the features that describe each user or item. When these features are present in the model, it defines the recommen- dation by calculating the dot product of u and i represen- tations, adjusted by the respective biases b u and b i . When no item or user features are available, the LightFM model falls back to pure collaborative filtering. These types of rec- ommendation systems are further explained in the sections below . 3.1 Content-based filtering This is the simplest type of recommendation system. In essence it uses the similarity between items to recommend items similar to what the user has chosen in the past. From the constructed user -item interaction matrix, item features are extracted and a similarity metric is calculated. This ap- proach has several advantages and disadvantages, for in- stance it is scalable to a lar ge number of users because it considers only one user at a time. In addition, it can provide recommendations to very niche items, by learning from t he user ’ s previous interactions with the whole system. Down- side of such a system is that it needs domain knowledge to some extent for the creation of item features. These item features for example can represent the categories of a cer - tain movie (horror , comedy , action, etc.). Further downside is that it can not expand the user ’ s taste by suggesting items which are not closely similar to what the user has chosen in the past. 3.2 Collaborative filtering T o address some of the concerns and drawbacks of the content-based filtering method, collaborative filtering was developed. Collaborative filtering takes into account the similarities between users and items simultaneously in or - der to provide recommendations. The benefit of this is that while the system looks for similar items, it also looks for similar users to the tar get user , which means new items can be suggested to him/her . Consequently , the users are able to discover new interests. The recommendation system can operate in two modes, depending on how it interprets the user -item interaction ma- trix. These two modes are: 1. Implicit feedback 2. Explicit feedback In the implicit feedback mode, the model regards the ab- sence of data in some fields as negative feedback. This means that for the items the user did not supply a rating, it considers them as if the user gave a negative rating. The idea behind this is that the user consciously made a decision about which items he/she will rate, so the system regards the items that aren’ t rated, as items that the user does not like. On the other hand, an explicit feedback model is the opposite. A rating for an item has to be supplied in order for the system to make any judgements. The items which do not have a rating are considered as data that is unknown. Which one to use is typically dependant on a use-case basis. 3.3 Embeddings An embedding represents a relatively low dimensional space which captures some semantic meaning from a higher dimensional input. When working with categorical data, as is in our case, having many features quickly brings the size of the input to a lar ge number . This results in longer training times of the models and more data that needs to be processed. Embeddings can transform the data from a categorical one, to a real-valued representation in fewer di- mensions. On each of these dimensions the system learns to represent some concept, for example theN -th dimension might represent the fact whether the item belongs to a class of horror movies or action movies. In our recommendation system, embeddings are learned internally and used for predicting services. W e also use them in order to acquire a list of most similar tags to be suggested to the user . T o create meaningfull embeddings, LightFM gives the option to add additional features that de- scribe the items and features that describe the users. Con- sequently , better embeddings are learned by the system and used for generating better recommendations. Figure 1: The Insieme platform. 446 Informatica 46 (2022) 443–448 G. Noveski et al. 4 Insieme platform The ISE-EMH platform connects various partners, medi- cal institutions, and patients from both Italy and Slovenia. The medical institutions and partners provide information about their services through the platform so the users can have one location where that information is easily accessi- ble. The platform also facilitates communication between a specialist and a patient. Furthermore, a chatbot is devel- oped that integrates various services and question answer - ing. For example, it can list the waiting queues for dif ferent medical institutions and provide helpful information about diseases. When getting information about various diseases, the user is also provided with information about medical in- stitutions that deal with them alongside the symptoms asso- ciated with the disease. In Figure 1 we can see the graphical user interface of the platform. 5 Interaction analysis An integrated part of the platform is logging of the user in- teractions on every click. When a new user visits the site and he/she click on a service, that interaction is saved in a database. The system keeps track of which users interact with which services by means of internet cookies. W e con- sider the time between the user visiting the platform and leaving it as a “session”. The information from the ses- sions is crucial if we want to train our recommendation sys- tem. Each user has his/her own unique session identifica- tion number for as long as he/she uses the platform. It is possible for the same person to use the platform multiple times but on dif ferent devices. This way the system will assign a dif ferent identification number to the dif ferent ses- sions. During design we presume that each identification number belongs to a dif ferent person even though it may not always be the case. This choice was taken since we assume that the number of occurrences of this event will be insignificant. The goal of this analysis is to acquire and present empirical data of the platform usage to acquire a better understanding of user patterns in order to further re- fine the recommendation system. The interaction analysis was performed as follows. W e analysed the number of times services were visited. As seen in Figure 2 , majority of services have been visited between one and thirty times so far . A popularity trend can be also observed, e.g., the top three services which were the most chosen are: 1. Psoriasis 2. Ambient assisted living 3. Breast cancer Figure 3 shows how many services were visited in each session. This figure shows that the majority of users (more than half at around 500) have only clicked on a single ser - vice. Consequently , we can assume that most of the users come to the platform to obtain specific information and know what they are searching for . It should be noted that sessions in which more than 50 services were visited are fil- tered out from this data. W e consider them as outliers and rare occurrences. Nevertheless, a high number of services visited per session might indicate users which do not come to the platform with a specific goal in mind, but just casu- ally educate themselves in resources the Insieme platform provides. Figure 2: Number of times a certain service was clicked. Figure 3: Number of services visited in each session. The implementation of the recommendation system on the Insieme platform is regularly trained with new data. The time period between each training is one day . This ensures enough time for new data to be generated by users through- out the day whilst at night when site traf fic is lower the sys- tem is trained and improved. The presented interaction data was collected over the course of several months. T able 1 shows an example of interaction matrix between (subsets of) user sessions and services. The “+” sign indi- cates that a service was visited during a session. Each of the services on the Insieme platform has a set of tags associated with it, for example, or gan-liver , duration- Recommending Relevant Services in Electronic… Informatica 46 (2022) 443–448 447 T able 1: The interaction matrix with subsets of user sessions and services. X X X X X X X X X X Sessions Services Acne Dermatology Heart Diseases Dementia Epilepsy Elderly support Mental illness 4r elftnjnvvzjogwtu3ap2pnx + + 7dmar25i0cqm0a64fajznt4fm + + + 3sgxsbskwqszpbg2dom2y6k7f + 0n5c4ms9jk27khzcbnfvou7qt + + clainomcth543lm7ss6lpisv0 + + 8b9k48ced5pbij88nk1ommvkx + + 0b8w50rwyel1bxutiz4m2ujg0 + + 4di23cq5t5637es2eoa43at4n + + + chronic, disease course-progressive, etc. By providing rec- ommendations to users based on these tags, the users are able to easily search for and identify the needed services. In addition, the usage of the tags enables us to learn better embeddings and provide improved suggestions. An addi- tional procedure for suggestion making is to obtain the most similar services embedding-wise. The system can provide recommendations by searching the proximity of the queried service in its lower dimensional embedding space and re- turning services which are in that proximity . Since embed- dings can capture semantics, the obtained services will be those that are closely related to the searched service. W e also trained a secondary model that provides recom- mendations for tags instead of services. This is a more gen- eral model and not as specific as the model used for recom- mending services. The main advantage of this model is that it requires less training data because we have a smaller num- ber of tags compared to the number of services. Both the service suggestion model and the tag suggestion model can be used side-by-side or independently . Due to the platform requirements, only the service suggestion model is used. W e tested the speed of the Insieme recommendation sys- tem and measured the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) on predictions obtained from a training and test set. In order to ensure satisfactory func- tioning of the website, the recommendation system had to make a prediction in less time than it takes for the services database to return a query . The results show that the system complies with this requirement and that its speed does not drastically af fect loading times. The interaction data that was collected in the course of several months, was split into training (70 %) and test (30 %) data set. The model that uses services only (without tags) as the input, achieved an AUC score of 0.96 on the training set and an AUC score of 0.7 on the testing set. W e expect this metric to improve in due time with further maturing of the website. 6 Conclusion This paper presented the implementation of the recommen- dation system in the Insieme electronic and mobile health platform. The experimental results showed the ability of this system to recommend relevant services within given time constraints. Since the recommendation model was trained on data obtained from a time period of several months, constant usage of the platform and further user in- teractions are expected to increase the relevance of the sug- gestions. Furthermore, an additional model was trained for suggestion of service tags. In both models it can be ob- served that semantic meaning is captured through embed- dings. Acknowledgement The paper was supported by the ISE-EMH project funded by the program Interreg V -A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020. Refer ences [1] A. M. Alharbi, N. T . Alharbi, H. M. Alharbi, and D. M. Ibrahim (2019). Patient Assistance System: A Proposed Structure. 10th International Confer ence on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS) , pp. 230–233, https : / / doi . org / 10 . 1109 / iacs . 2019.8809136 . [2] R. D. Croon, L. V . Houdt, N. N. Htun, G. Štiglic, V . V . Abeele, and K. V erbert (2021). Health recommender systems: systematic review . 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