CD SKILLS A guide to living with celiac disease Visit CD SKILLS (Danube Transnational Programme) website and stay informed: http:/ Our e-learning tools for patiens and health care professionals are available at: CD SKILLS (DTP 571) project is co-funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. Authors: Jernej Dolinšek, Jasmina Dolinšek, Petra Rižnik, Tomaž Krenčnik, Martina Klemenak, Marija Aja Kocuvan Mijatov, Simona Ornik, Majda Jurše, CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Jernej Vidmar, Ilma Korponay-Szabo, Goran Palčevski, Marina Milinović, Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor Igor Dovnik, Judit Gyimesi Gallisz, Peter Szitanyi, Marcela Floriankova, Kaja Krajnc, Alina Stanescu Popp, Otilia Man, Ida Čarnohorski, Zrinjka Mišak, Maja Piskernik, 616.341-008.6(035)(0.034.2) Maria Luisa Mearin, Margreet Wessels, Nataša Dragutinović, Vesna Pavkov, Almuthe Christina Hauer, Mirela Marković. A GUIDE to living with celiac disease Editors: Jasmina Dolinšek, Petra Rižnik [Elektronski vir] / [authors Jernej Dolinšek ... Proofreading: Tina Kamhi Trop [et al.] ; editors Jasmina Dolinšek, Petra Rižnik]. - Publisher: Municipality of Maribor, 2021 E-priročnik. - Maribor : Municipality, 2021 Design: Studio 8 Način dostopa (URL): http://www.interreg- ISBN 978-961-95378-1-7 (PDF) This e-brochure contains advice relating to gluten-free diet and gluten-free living, COBISS.SI-ID 66435843 but it doesn’t replace medical advice from your doctor, dietitian, or any other specialist. It is absolutely recommended to visit your physician and to follow his advice. Living with coeliac disease You have probably just been diagnosed with coeliac disease and you have to change to a gluten-free diet, which will enable you to control your health. The first steps will not be easy and your head is probably over-perfectly safe for you: meats, vegetables, fruits, fish, and most loaded with new information, but a coeliac diagnosis is not the dairy products (natural and unprocessed). Rice, corn, potato, worst thing, although it can feel like the end of your world. buckwheat, quinoa, and mil et are all safe, as long as they are not contaminated with gluten. This booklet/guide will support This booklet/guide will provide you with information about coe-you to make a smooth transition into your new lifestyle. liac disease, its symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment, the importance of dietary adherence and regular fol ow-up as Make an effort to learn all you can about your condition. Read well as the recommended screening of family members. It wil recently published books written by acknowledged experts and offer you guidance about living a gluten-free life, about chang-turn to websites run by national coeliac organizations, noted es in your lifestyle, where to find necessary information, patient coeliac research centres, and trusted publications. The Internet support, and answers to your questions. Using this guide, you can be a source of material but some of it might not be reliable. will find that eating, cooking and travel ing gluten-free can be easy. Our tips will help you to transform your kitchen into a glu-We suggest you join a coeliac disease patient support group (coeli-ten-free zone or at least into a safe environment where the risk ac society), which will give you plenty of information, food samples, of gluten contamination is minimized. We recommend you to tips for local restaurants, physician recommendations, recipes, and, watch our “Gluten-free kitchen” video tutorial, available at our of course, friendship and emotional support; they organize various project website, parties, picnics, camps, trips, and much more. We wish jects/cd-skil s. you a balanced gluten-free everyday life at home, on the go, and when dining out. If you would like to learn more about coeliac dis-You will find a detailed gluten-free bread recipe and some glu-ease, please refer to our website and join our e-learning course for ten-free shopping tips. You will also see that a gluten-free diet patients, which is available at can be rich and varied. You will soon be able to leave your symptoms and suffering behind by fol owing a diet, a treatment that Dear reader, we hope that you will find a lot of helpful informa-involves no medications, no side effects, and no surgical proce-tion reading our booklet/guide. We sincerely hope that it wil dures. All you have to do is cut “gluten”- a protein fraction from help you to better organize the very demanding gluten-free life wheat, rye, barley, and in some cases oats or their crossbred va-you are about to live. We also wish that meeting your everyday rieties, and its derivatives out of your diet. By cutting out gluten, chal enges of coeliac disease will be less stressful with our help. your body will begin to recover, however, it is crucial to assure that your diet is properly balanced. The fact is, a lot of foods are Asst. prof. Jernej Dolinšek, MD, PhD 3 TEST About coeliac disease YOUR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT COELIAC DISEASE Coeliac disease is an autoimmune systemic disorder caused by ingestion of gluten If you want to test your and related proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and in some cases also in oats in knowledge, please genetically predisposed individuals. It is one of the most common chronic diseases contact the lead partner. among children and adults and affects about 1% of the population in Europe. However, many patients remain undiagnosed. Coeliac disease is a complex disorder testinal mucosa characteristic for coeliac The coeliac iceberg is large, representing strongly associated with HLA-DQ2 or DQ8 disease, although they seem to be clini- 1% of the total population. However, only haplotypes and specific immunological cally asymptomatic. Diagnosis of coeliac a small proportion of these patients is and environmental factors. In coeliac dis- disease is primarily based on the clinical detected, corresponding to the tip of the ease patients, ingestion of gluten triggers picture. However, the final diagnosis is al- iceberg. Various data show that only 10% chronic damage of the small intestine. The ways based on the presence of a specific of patients are detected due to symptoms and signs, whereas 90% can remain consequence of the morphological chang- reversible immune response and in the undiagnosed for a longer period. es in the intestinal lining is its weakened majority of patients also on detecting his- function with symptoms of malabsorp- tological changes of the small intestine. In tion. The characteristic clinical symptoms some cases, the diagnosis can be made of the disease, such as diarrhoea and ma- without an intestinal biopsy. It is impor- labsorption syndrome, are not the most tant, that patients do not start with a glu-common forms of the disease anymore. ten-free diet before they receive the final Atypical symptoms and silent forms of diagnosis. The only possible way to treat the disease are becoming more and more coeliac disease is a very strict lifelong glu- frequent. Based on the clinical picture, ten-free diet, which improves the clinical coeliac patients can be divided into two picture, normalizes the level of antibodies, groups: symptomatic and asymptomatic and restores the damaged intestinal lin-coeliac disease. The symptomatic coeliac ing. Following a strict diet is also the only disease usually presents with gastroin- way to prevent the development of serious testinal or extra-intestinal symptoms and long-term effects of the disease. The most The size of the submerged part depends signs. The term asymptomatic or silent significant risk factor for long-term com- very much on patients’ awareness, coeliac disease is used to refer to patients plications is inadequate gluten-free diet knowledge of healthcare professionals, who were diagnosed with changes of in- compliance. and availability of reliable diagnostic tools. 4 Prevalence and symptoms of coeliac disease Coeliac disease (CD) occurs in 1 of 100 people in Europe and it is more frequent in women. Family members of patients are more often affected than the general population. Possible symptoms and signs of coeliac disease sorption, gastrointestinal symptoms nowadays occur only in about half of the patients. There are vulnerable periods of life In coeliac disease, almost all organs can be affected, but the when high nutrient demands may lead to severe symptoms pattern of the damage is not unvarying and not all types of faster or more often. These are early childhood (1-4 years of symptoms can be attributed to coeliac disease. Symptoms age) and puberty, both characterized by a fast spurt in growth, are usually a consequence of a combination of inflammation, and lactation period after giving birth in women. Most coeliac nutrient deficiencies due to subnormal absorption, and auto-disease patients are, however, symptom-free during childhood immunity to the enzyme transglutaminase (TG2). Antibodies or have non-specific or mild complaints for which no medical against transglutaminase are produced early in the course of advice is sought. Some symptoms or signs, such as low bone coeliac disease. Transglutaminase is present in the mesh-like mineral density or neurological problems may become appar-architectural frame of tissues, called reticulin fibres, and is re-ent only after decades. sponsible for the integrity of connective tissue by making firm connections between molecules. The binding of coeliac anti-Stomach and gut bodies to TG2 may disturb the normal interactions of TG2 with other proteins and may lead to structural alteration in different Diarrhoea, bloating and flatulence are common symptoms organs. of coeliac disease. Reduction of the absorptive surface of the gut leads to decreased absorption of nutrients which part-Coeliac disease can be present even in the absence of the ac-ly remain in the gut and can cause diarrhoea, fatty, pale and tual symptoms. Many patients can be diagnosed by screening bad-smelling stools, or an increase in the stool volume. Harm-by means of demonstrating the coeliac-specific immune re- less bacteria normally present in the lower part of the gut may action from the blood, and in these cases, early diagnosis can further degrade the gut content, which may lead to excessive prevent worsening of the clinical condition and development production of gas and distension of the gut walls. This disten-of complications. sion can be uncomfortable and can lead to some pain. Fur- thermore, changes in the gut content often cause changes Although coeliac disease causes impairment of intestinal ab-in the composition of gut bacteria and those, which produce 5 ic enzymes in the small bowel before they can be absorbed. These enzymes are found in the upper part of intestinal villi and are produced in decreased quantities when the villi are flattened by disease (such as coeliac disease). Thus, ingestion of large quantities of milk, dairy products, or sweets can lead to diarrhoea, excessive gas production, and cramping pain. Small amounts at a time can be better tolerated and tolerance slowly increases after a few months of proper treatment of coeliac disease. Contrary to the primary lactose intolerance caused by inherited low production of lactase (the lactose degrading enzyme), which is a permanent condition, the secondary lactose intolerance caused by the coeliac disease can improve after the gluten-free diet. However, patients who in addition to coeliac disease also have the genetic trait for primary lactose intolerance may continue to have symptoms. Abdominal pain can be caused by distension and excessive gas in the bowel. It is usually a dull, diffuse sensation. Cramps are much less common. The pain may be relieved after pass-ing stool, and in this way, symptoms of coeliac disease may be similar to a condition called irritable bowel syndrome. Epi-gastric pain or heartburn may accompany the coeliac disease, but it is more common in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Diarrhoea and cramps immediately following ingestion of gluten-containing food are not symptoms of coeliac disease. They are much more common in other disorders, such as non-coeliac gluten intolerance where the typical immune mechanism of coeliac disease is not present. Coeliac inflammation and in-filtration with immune cells may be present not only in the more gas or acidic metabolites, may cause more symptoms. small bowel but also in the stomach and the large bowel. Many patients experience these symptoms only intermittently or only in the form of prolonged diarrhoea after infection with Recurrent vomiting may be a symptom of coeliac disease in common viruses. children and may be caused by motility impairment. Antibod- ies to transglutaminase can bind to the muscular layers of the Lactose and other carbohydrate intolerances (secondary). oesophagus, stomach, and small bowel and may cause inco- Milk sugar (lactose) and table sugar (sucrose) are composed ordination and vomiting. of two simple sugar molecules and need to be split by specif-6 Constipation is as frequent as diarrhoea and it can be the clearance in a nutritionally deficient host, or by an autoim-only clinical complaint of coeliac disease. It is often resist-mune mechanism. ant to household remedies. However, it usually resolves on a gluten-free diet. Transglutaminase-directed antibodies were Dental enamel defects. Only lesions occurring on permanent shown to deposit in high amounts on the muscular sheets of teeth are connected with coeliac disease as deciduous teeth the gut called endomysium and possibly disturb its contrac-are formed before birth and thus before any gluten effect tile function and mechanical transport of gut content. Due to could occur. The clinical relevance of these commonly seen the high frequency of functional constipation in the normal spots is uncertain. However, impairment of enamel develop-population, the diagnosis of coeliac disease is often delayed, ment during gluten intake is a typical feature of coeliac dis-and some patients may continue to have constipation during ease. It always appears symmetrically and follows the chrontreatment. The gluten-free diet contains less fibre in general ological order of the formation of teeth. In mild cases, enamel and adopting a gluten-free diet is not recommended to peo-becomes weaker with horizontal streaks, but in severe cases, ple with constipation without coeliac disease. enamel may be completely missing at the top of some teeth, the affected tooth parts are smaller and decay very soon. Pa-The coeliac crisis has two forms; the first resembles an acute tients diagnosed as adults may have extensive caries and early abdominal catastrophe with intense pain, distension, and loss of front teeth. poor general condition. These patients are usually referred to a surgical department and differential diagnosis of acute sur-Haematological and bleeding disorders gical condition should be considered. The second form of coe-Anaemia can be the leading and only clinical problem in coeliac crisis is characterized by severe disbalance of body fluids liac disease patients and can occur even in the absence of any as a consequence of intense diarrhoea, characterized not only abdominal symptoms. Iron absorption occurs in the upper by fluid loss, but also by the loss of potassium, sodium, chlo-part of the small bowel, which is usually most severely affected ride, calcium, and other minerals causing general weakness in coeliac disease. Chronic iron deficiency can cause anaemia and cardiac problems. Such patients should always be treated in the long run, which may be resistant to the oral iron replacein a hospital. ment therapy or recurs when iron administration is stopped. Ulcerative inflammation and strictures of the small bowel However, after diagnosing and treating coeliac disease, iron can be a complication of coeliac disease. absorption increases, and anaemia can be successfully cor- rected with oral iron therapy. Less often, folate or vitamin B12 Mouth and teeth deficiency can cause more severe forms of anaemia. Fissures and inflammation with redness of the oral mucosa Bruising or prolonged bleeding time may be present in coeliac or the tongue are often signs of vitamin B deficiency or loss of disease patients due to reduced fat absorption and deficiency of trace elements that can be seen in children with coeliac dis-fat-soluble vitamins (including vitamin K, which is necessary for ease. the production of several proteins involved in the blood coagu-lation process). Vitamin K deficiency can also cause prolonged Mouth ulcers can be associated with coeliac disease. They hemorrhage during menstrual bleedings or after dental pro-might be caused by recurrent viral infections, compromised 7 cedures. Doctors usual y check vitamin K-related protein levels General malaise and lack of energy are common signs of coe-before they perform upper endoscopy and tissue sampling for liac disease in adults. Patients are complaining of being con-the diagnosis of coeliac disease to avoid bleeding complications. stantly tired, may have frequent headaches, are often in a low mood, or may even be depressed. Moodiness is also frequent Malignant disorders of immune cells (lymphoma) can be a in young children who cannot properly explain their uncom-complication of coeliac disease. fortable bodily feelings. Growth, development, and general health Skin disorders Low body weight or slow weight gain is frequently seen in Dermatitis herpetiformis, also known as Duhring’s disease, is young children due to the impairment of absorption and lack a cutaneous manifestation of coeliac disease characterized by of energy. Boys at school age with undetected coeliac disease itching and blistering rash typically localized on the elbows, are leaner than their peers during screening studies. Many knees, shoulders, back, and buttocks or other extensor surfac-adults with coeliac disease are skinny or are not able to gain es, with extremities symmetrically affected. It is usually resist-weight as desired, but normal weight or even obesity can ocant to local ointments and because of itchiness and scratching cur and do not exclude the presence of coeliac disease. leads to the formation of crusts, wounds, and depigmentation. Weight loss is a severe sign of malabsorption and it is usually Dermatitis herpetiformis usually occurs in adults and is slight-accompanied by fatigue, general weakness, lack of concentra-ly more common among males than females. Although only tion, and signs of other nutrient deficiencies. 15-20% of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis report gastrointestinal symptoms of celiac disease, the majority have Growth retardation in children may accompany slow weight villous atrophy. The gold standard for diagnosis is the detec-gain but can occur as an isolated sign of coeliac disease. Girls tion of granular IgA deposits in the skin biopsies. Dermatitis with undetected coeliac disease are shorter than their peers in herpetiformis is treated with a strict, life-long gluten-free diet, population screening studies. Children seen with short stature but sometimes disappearance of the rash may need a longer in endocrinology departments are usually screened for coeliac time, even up to 2 years. Patients with severe skin symptoms disease, because coeliac disease may be present even without may need special medications in addition to their diet, how-abdominal symptoms and in subjects with normal weight. ever, these will not affect coeliac disease itself and a strict glu-Short stature in adults is the result of growth failure dur-ten-free diet should be followed. ing adolescence and can be avoided by the timely diagnosis Other skin disorders. Hair loss is mostly diffuse and only rarely of coeliac disease before growth process completion. When patchy or complete. Hair shafts are thinner and more fragile. growth has been completed and the cartilaginous discs with- Although hair loss can be a presenting symptom, it is most in bones with growing potential are closing, the final height frequently seen after a short period on a gluten-free diet when will not be changed despite optimal treatment. the general condition and absorption have already improved. Delayed puberty is common when weight gain and growth Fast weight gain necessitates a lot of iron and zinc to be built-are severely impaired. After treatment with a gluten-free diet, in into the newly synthesized proteins throughout the body there is usually a catch-up. and even improving the absorption of minerals may fail to cov-8 er these requirements properly. This may lead to loss of rapidly be damaged by the lack of proteins. Such insufficiency is re-renewing tissues, such as hair. Therefore, hair loss often ne-versible after treatment and pancreatic enzyme supplements cessitates long courses of iron and zinc replacement therapy. may be beneficial in the first few months of treatment of coeliac disease. In adults who are diagnosed after long-standing Broken nails may occur in adults due to nutrient, iron, or trace malabsorption, permanent pancreatic failure can develop due mineral deficiency. to the damage of the secreting glands by antibodies against Dry skin can be a symptom of vitamin deficiency as well. Iron transglutaminase. Furthermore, antibodies can also damage deficiency may aggravate atopic signs, but atopic eczema on the so-called pancreatic islets responsible for insulin secretion its own is not connected to coeliac disease and will not disap-and may therefore cause diabetes mellitus. pear on a gluten-free diet. Cardiovascular disorders Liver, spleen and pancreatic disorders Dilatative heart disease and heart failure. Antibodies against Elevated levels of liver enzymes are frequently found in lab-transglutaminase can deposit in the heart muscle as well and oratory tests at the diagnosis of coeliac disease and may im-can cause impairment of the pump function. Some patients prove after treatment with a gluten-free diet. Lack of energy develop a rapidly progressive life-threatening condition after and proteins due to impaired absorption can greatly influence stopping the gluten-free diet. Viral infections or deficiencies of liver function and may lead to fat accumulation and inflamma-trace minerals may contribute to these severe complications, tion in the liver itself. Autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune which usually necessitate treatment with immunosuppressive biliary disease can be associated with coeliac disease. drugs, or in some cases even heart transplantation. Severe liver failure due to coeliac disease has been detected Pulmonary disorders in patients waiting for liver transplantation, and their condition improved after the diagnosis and treatment of coeliac dis-Restrictive pulmonary disease (pneumonitis or alveolitis) ease. Antibodies against transglutaminase were present in the can occur in coeliac disease patients, possibly due to an im-liver of such patients. mune-mediated mechanism. Frequent airway infections may be present in children with severe anaemia and malabsorption Spleen function disorder (hyposplenism) is a feature of a due to their poor general health state. long-standing coeliac disease diagnosed in adults. Hypos- plenism may compromise defense against certain bacteria, Kidney disorders mainly those causing respiratory or neural infections. There-Protein or blood in the urine may be a sign of the involvement fore, an appropriate vaccination may be needed. of the kidneys in the immune reaction. Antibodies against Pancreatic insufficiency is commonly found in all coeliac dis-transglutaminase may deposit in the kidney and cause inflam-ease cases presenting with severe absorption problems be- mation. Coeliac disease is known to be more frequent among cause the pancreas is not getting proper stimulation from the patients who have a special form of kidney disease called IgA gut. Normally, substances produced by gut villi induce the se-nephropathy. cretion of digestive enzymes. Furthermore, the pancreas can 9 Musculoskeletal system Neurological problems Swollen legs can be caused by low levels of proteins in the Headache occurs frequently and is often related to iron defi-blood due to nutrient absorption deficiencies and impaired ciency. However, classical migraine is not a common feature in production (amino acids, trace metals). coeliac disease patients. Muscular cramps or pain (myalgia). Some patients may com-Mood and behavioural disorders can be presenting symp-plain of muscular pain or cramps caused by low levels of po-toms of coeliac disease. Hyperactivity, concentration prob- tassium, calcium, or magnesium. This pain often occurs dur- lems, tiredness, foggy mind, and depression can occur. Both ing the night or after a walk. adults and children can be irritable, and their social integration may be impaired. Patients are often referred to a psychologist Muscular weakness and decreased muscular tone are comor a psychiatrist before the coeliac disease is recognized. Lack mon, especially in young children with coeliac disease. Vitamin of energy and anaemia can contribute to lower results in aca-E deficiency can be related to muscular weakness in elderly demic performance. patients. In some patients, antibodies against neuromuscular proteins can cause weakness. Myalgia syndrome can occur in Sensorics or gait problems, i.e., neuropathy, can occur when coeliac disease; however, it is more common in patients with-a person is deficient in vitamins, especially B12, or other trace out coeliac disease. elements. An immune mechanism has been postulated. Joint pain and inflammation can be a part of autoimmune Ataxia is a special form of impairment of movement, and it features of coeliac disease and can resemble arthritis, how-is considered to be a degenerative disease of the cerebellum ever, they often resolve after the introduction of a gluten-free due to a long-standing disease with consequent loss of a spe-diet. cial type of nerve cells in the brain. Coordination of body balance, gait and voluntary movements are affected, and mental Osteoporosis and osteopenia. Reduced mineral density often performance may deteriorate (dementia). When this compli-occurs in adults with the clinical picture of malabsorption and cation is present usually no or only very little improvement can patients with long-standing active disease. Osteopenia and be achieved with the gluten-free diet. Antibodies against neu-osteoporosis require careful attention and investigations for ral transglutaminase (type-6 and type-2) have been found in coeliac disease, especially in men. In children, rickets due to the brain of such patients. low serum vitamin D levels can occur. Epilepsy can be associated with coeliac disease. Cases of pa-Changes in face proportions may occur if coeliac disease is tients with calcifications in certain brain areas have been de-developed but not recognized in childhood. The middle part scribed. of the face can be underdeveloped, but with a more promi- nent front. These changes in children can be prevented with a Reproductive system timely diagnosis of coeliac disease and appropriate treatment with a gluten-free diet. Infertility and miscarriages are frequent presenting signs in women before the diagnosis of coeliac disease is made. Therefore, couples with fertility problems should be screened for 10 coeliac disease. Female patients may experience difficulties Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining strong in getting pregnant and increased foetal loss is described. bones and teeth. In addition, the heart, muscles, and nerves Treatment with a gluten-free diet may be beneficial if coeliac need calcium to function properly, too. Among patients with disease is confirmed. The birth weight of children born to un-lactose intolerance, calcium deficiency is present more fre-treated coeliac mothers can be lower. Functional impairment quently. Milk and dairy products are optimal calcium resourc-of the placenta has been reported and antibodies deposited in es; a sufficient amount for adult person or adolescents is ap-the placenta or transported through the umbilical cord from proximately 3-4 portions of milk/dairy products daily (1 portion the mother’s blood into the baby may be responsible for this. is about the size of patientś fist or palm). In patients with lactose intolerance, it is recommended to choose lactose-free Severe deterioration after giving birth is a typical manifes-products or plant-based products enriched with calcium. tation of coeliac disease in young women with undetected or Nuts, legumes, seeds and sardines are also rich in calcium. untreated coeliac disease. This occurs around the time when If the patient can't consume enough calcium in diet supple-the baby is about 6 weeks old. In the context of nutrient mal-mentation is recommended. absorption, pregnancy may already be a big challenge. During lactation, approximately 1 litre of breast milk needs to be pro-Vitamin D helps in regulating the amount of calcium and phos-duced daily and this represents an important amount of pro- phate in the body. These minerals are needed to keep bones, tein loss each day. Lactating mothers may soon develop low teeth and muscles healthy. Vitamin D is also important for the blood protein levels with circulatory problems and leg oede-immune system. The risk of low vitamin D levels is higher from ma as a result. Also, diarrhoea and weight loss are common, October until April when skin is insufficiently exposed to the and such mothers may require treatment in an intensive care sun. Especially during winter, it is recommended to consume unit. more vitamin D in your diet. Optimal resources of vitamin D are sea fish, egg yolk, milk and other dairy products and liver. Associated disorders For sufficient intake of vitamin B12, it is necessary to consume Coeliac disease occurs more commonly in association with at least a small amount of food of animal origin (meat, fish, several other diseases, including type-1 diabetes mellitus, egg, milk). For vegans, supplementation of vitamin B12 seems thyroid diseases, IgA deficiency, Down syndrome, Turner syn-to be essential. drome, Williams syndrome, and others. In these conditions, coeliac disease can be asymptomatic and needs to be detect- Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin (red blood cell ed by screening. protein) that transfers oxygen in blood and tissues. Lack of iron manifests itself with sideropenic anaemia, weakness, short-The most common nutrient deficiencies in coeliac ness of breath and pale skin. Optimal sources of iron are meat patients (red meat contains more iron), liver, egg yolk, legumes, some nuts, dark green, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits. If Common deficiencies in patients with coeliac disease (espe-you are a vegetarian on a gluten-free diet, consuming eggs cially recently diagnosed or untreated) are deficits of calcium, and legumes is also recommended. vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron. 11 Diagnosing coeliac disease Diagnosing the coeliac disease is like putting together pieces of a puzzle. When all pieces of the puzzle (clinical picture and different diagnostic tests) fit perfectly clinicians can easily diagnose coeliac disease. However, sometimes tests do not fit perfectly. In these circumstances diagnosing the disease becomes more challenging. It is very important that a person who is getting tested consumes normal amounts of gluten prior to testing. Any reduction of dietary gluten can have a major effect on the results of blood tests and intestinal biopsy. Blood tests – serological tests Point of care testing The initial step in diagnosing coeliac disease is a determination Point of care tests for determining auto-antibodies in capillary of the presence of specific antibodies in the blood. In coeliac dis-blood (finger-prick blood) are widely available in many regions. ease, it is possible to detect antibodies against the enzyme tis-However, these tests are not sufficient to diagnose coeliac dis-sue transglutaminase t-TG (TGA), found in many human tissues. ease and the results need to be discussed with a clinician. Exclu-These antibodies are produced only when gluten is consumed, sion of gluten from the diet based solely on these tests can seri-and are very rarely found in individuals without the disease. They ously influence the performance and interpretation of laboratory usually fall to normal levels within a couple of months after a pa-blood tests, which are more reliable and need to be performed to tient with coeliac disease starts with a strict gluten-free diet. The confirm the diagnosis. same is also true for anti-endomysial antibodies (EMA), which are as reliable as TGA, however, the test is more difficult to perform Intestinal biopsy and thus more expensive. Therefore, clinicians use it as a sec-If the initial auto-antibody test is suggestive of coeliac disease, ond-line test to confirm previously positive TGA test. further investigations are always needed to confirm the diagno-The current ESPGHAN (European Society for Paediatric Gastroen-sis. In some cases, it is necessary to perform an intestinal biopsy. terology, Hepatology and Nutrition) guidelines for coeliac disease However, in children and adolescents, this can be avoided in cer-diagnosis in children allow clinicians to diagnose the disease in tain circumstances. certain cases without upper endoscopy and intestinal biopsy. This Upper endoscopy with tissue sampling (biopsies) from the upper approach can be used in children and adolescents that have very small bowel (duodenum) enables the pathologists to determine high levels of TGA and a positive confirmatory EMA test in a second the changes typical of coeliac disease: blood sample. Since both of these tests typically determine only the presence of IgA class antibodies, total immunoglobulin A (total - Increased number of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) IgA) concentration needs to be determined as well. If low total IgA - Shortening of the mucosal villi - Villous atrophy is found, different tests determining IgG antibodies should be used. - Elongation of the crypts - Crypt hyperplasia You should not start with the gluten-free diet before the diagnosis has been confirmed! 12 The pathologist will describe the degree of damage (or changes) by using “Marsh (Oberhuber)” Classification. Risk groups There are certain groups of people who have a higher risk for the devel-It is recommended to take at least one sample from the opment of coeliac disease. It is very important to actively search for the first part of the duodenum (bulbus) and at least 4 sam-disease in these groups. The initial step can be genetic testing for HLA-ples from the distal part of the duodenum. DQ2 or DQ8, and if the genetic risk is confirmed, these individuals need to be further tested with serological tests. Since coeliac disease can oc-Histology report alone indicating coeliac disease with- cur at any age individuals with positive HLA-DQ2 or DQ8 haplotypes out positive auto-antibodies is not sufficient to diag-should be followed regularly to detect the disease with delayed onset. nose coeliac disease! Family members HLA testing Coeliac disease is more common among family members due to the Genetic testing is especially helpful in excluding coeli-genetic predisposition of the disease. About 1 out of 10 first-degree fam-ac disease. Individuals who are negative for HLA-DQ2 or ily members of a known patient can be affected. HLA-DQ8 have no risk to develop the disease and further tests are not necessary. Genetic risk markers specific to Other high-risk groups the disease, i.e. HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8, can be found in Apart from family members, there is an increased risk for the develop-approximately one-third of the general population. ment of coeliac disease among other specific groups. One of the most important groups represent patients with other auto-Diagnosing coeliac disease without intestinal immune diseases: biopsy - Type-1 diabetes mellitus - Autoimmune thyroid disease Based on the current ESPGHAN (European Society - Autoimmune liver disorders for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) guidelines, when all specific criteria have Another important risk group are patients with relatively common im-met the diagnosis of coeliac disease in children and munoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency. In these patients, special care must be adolescents can safely be made without the need taken to determine IgG class coeliac disease-specific antibodies, since for upper endoscopy and intestinal biopsy. IgA tests will remain negative due to the low concentration (or even absence) of the total IgA antibodies. 1. The TGA-IgA levels must be very high, i.e. more than 10-times the upper limit of the cut-off value. Patients with certain chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syn-2. Auto-antibodies against EMA must be positive in a drome, Turner syndrome, or Williams syndrome are also considered to second blood sample. have an increased risk for the development of coeliac disease. 3. Paediatric gastroenterologist should be involved Patients with coeliac disease should be followed up regularly to monitor in the process and should explain the no-biopsy improvement and to avoid the development of serious complications approach to parents and patient. and comorbidities. ANATOMY Treatment OF A GRAIN The only treatment of coeliac disease (wheat, rye, barley...) is a strict and lifelong gluten-free diet ENDOSPERM = flour (rich in protein (GFD). No other reliable treatment & starch) options are currently available. BRAIN LAYER About gluten Gluten (meaning glue in Latin) is the common name for a protein complex that can be found in grains of certain types of ce-GERM reals. It is mostly found in the endosperm of grains (larger inner part of grains) such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt, triticale, khoras-an wheat (kamut), emmer, einkorn. Gluten can also be found in products usually made from wheat, such as bulgur, couscous, udon noodles, panko, tempura flour, sago, and kritharaki. gluten-containing grains is excluded. Since oats can frequent-Gluten is often used in the food and cosmetics industry because ly become contaminated with gluten due to close contact with of its characteristics, which give viscosity, elasticity, and better wheat, rye and barley during cultivation, storage and process-structure to the final product. It is especially utilized in bread ing, it is allowed to consume only certified gluten-free oats. production giving the bread higher volume and typical structure. It is a complex mixture of proteins, but the main classes of If previously excluded from a diet, the introduction of oats in a proteins are prolamins and glutelins, and prolamins are mainly gluten-free diet should be under the supervision of a physician. responsible for the development of symptoms in coeliac dis- Gluten-free diet ease. Prolamine fraction in wheat is called gliadin. Prolamins of different gluten-containing grains differ from each other, but in As soon as the diagnosis has been confirmed, even traces of glu-grains closely related to wheat these proteins (secaline in rye, ten have to be avoided. If there is no gluten in the diet, there is hordein in barley) differ only slightly and are collectively referred nothing the immune system can react against, and symptoms to as gluten. Oats are less closely related to wheat, rye and bar-usually resolve. However, just because symptoms disappear, this ley, and its prolamin fraction (called avenin) is sufficiently differ-does not mean that the disease is cured. As soon as gluten is ent. This is the reason why almost all people with coeliac disease ingested again, immune cells would immediately start reacting, tolerate oats very well as long as the cross-contamination with leading again to a systemic reaction. 14 On a strict GFD, the coeliac disease-associated antibody levels in the form of a food additive that is supposed to enhance the gradually normalize, and affected tissues usually fully recover. properties of food. However, this may take several months, whereas symptoms may improve much faster, particularly in children. Other products Although the GFD requires a thorough change in lifestyle, pa-Gluten can also be found in non-food products, mainly medi- tients should keep in mind that it has no side effects. Undertaking cations, cosmetics and toys, but even on envelopes or stamps, it mindfully and supervised by a clinician and/or dietitian, the diet which could lead to the same consequences to a person with will benefit the overall patient’s health in coeliac disease patients. coeliac disease as gluten ingested with food, but only when they get into the gastrointestinal tract. Simple contact with the skin Different food groups need to be considered when talking about is not harmful. the gluten-free diet. Drugs and cosmetics in coeliac disease Naturally gluten-containing foods Gluten-containing medical products in coeliac disease Only a few grains contain gluten, however, they are produced in huge quantities worldwide due to their properties, including The composition of medications is complex and contains in-their gluten content responsible for the proper baking quality. gredients known as excipients (active component, absorbents, These are wheat and all wheat cultivars, rye, and barley. Grains binders, colouring agents). These excipients can include wheat that naturally contain gluten and all products made from these starch, wheat gluten and other related grains. According to FDA, grains, including bakeries (bread, cakes, and pizza), pasta, fried possible sources and amounts of gluten in oral drug products food, and beer have to be avoided. are: wheat gluten as an ingredient, wheat gluten as an impurity in ingredients derived from wheat, wheat gluten as an adventi-Naturally gluten-free foods tious contaminant. There are many more naturally gluten-free foods than glu- In the EU, the European Pharmacopoeia and European Medi- ten-containing foods. Some are not related to grains at all, e.g. cines Agency (EMA) imposes a limit of 0.3% protein content in fruits, vegetables, animal products (meat, milk, and eggs), po-wheat starch, thus limiting the gluten content to 100 ppm. Be-tatoes and, roots. cause the medication is taken in small amounts, the ingested amount of gluten from drugs taken for a short period is consid-In addition to that, there are gluten-free cereals naturally avail-ered harmless. Labelling of medicine products as „gluten-free” able, such as rice and corn. Naturally, gluten-free cereals can be is allowed if the amount of gluten is less than 20 ppm. The con-successfully used to substitute gluten-containing cereals. tent of gluten per tablet is required to be specified in the pack-Processed non-cereal foods age leaflet of the medicinal product. In the case of long-term or multiple drug treatment, an individual plan should be discussed Gluten can be found in many foods where one would not expect with the physician, for the total amount of ingested gluten to be it normally (cheese, sweets, sauces, spices, some meat products, taken into consideration. Alimentary supplements, vitamins and and many dairy products). These products may contain gluten medical devices are not covered by the above-mentioned regu-15 lations. Coeliac disease patients should carefully check This schematic presentation of a nutrition circle shows recommend-the labels for gluten content. ed proportion of each food group in the daily diet. Each serving is as big as the patient's palm or fist. It is recommended to consume one Skincare, make-up and hygiene products and coeliac serving of sweets or salty snacks a day at maximum. disease There are many non-food substances, such as toothpaste, ! CEREALS, POTATOES, SWEET POTATOES, make-up, and skincare products used in everyday life BREAD, PASTA: 6-11 SERVINGS which can contain gluten. Skincare products contain- @ VEGETABLES: 3-5 SERVINGS ing gluten can be safely used by individuals with coeliac disease as the skin barrier does not allow substances as # FRUITS: 2-4 SERVINGS large as gliadin to get through. The application of large $ MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS: quantities of gluten-containing skincare products on in- 2-3 SERVINGS jured skin allows systemic absorption of gluten that could % MEAT, FISH, POULTRY, EGGS, potentially induce gluten-driven autoimmune phenom- PULSES: 2-3 SERVINGS enon. ^ OIL, BUTTER, GHEE, MARGARINE, The total amount of gluten contained in cosmetics prod- NUTS & SUGAR, FIZZY DRINKS, SWEETS: USE SPARINGLY ucts depends on the industrial processing used. Regular use of lip products containing a high amount of gluten & WATER: 8 SERVINGS could in theory lead to the coeliac-type gluten-induced phenomenon in coeliac disease patients. However, pub- lished studies in the US and Europe suggest that the a safe amount of gluten, and every effort should be made to assure the amount of gluten in the majority of lipstick, skincare lo- complete elimination of gluten from the patient’s diet. tion products, toothpaste, and oral hygiene products var- ies from undetectable to less than 20 ppm. Cross-contamination How strict should the gluten-free diet be? Cross-contamination can occur during any stage of food processing - from the initial harvest to final food preparation and it is difficult to avoid It is extremely difficult to follow a diet completely free it. Unintentional cross-contamination can be an important problem for of gluten. Although patients react differently to gluten, patients and might lead to tissue damage, especially in the long term. it was found that a daily intake of up to 10 mg of pure Cross-contamination can happen at any place. Patients should identify gluten is very unlikely to cause any signs or symptoms these “hot-spots” of possible cross-contamination, and try to avoid them in the majority of patients. It is now widely accepted that or prevent them from happening. the maximum level of gluten in foods may not exceed 20 mg/kg (usually referred to as 20 parts per million (ppm)). Compliance Patients should not be confused by the terms “safe” or Compliance with the gluten-free diet must be high. Compliance issues “low” amount of gluten in food. There is no such thing as which can arise at any time for various reasons are usually more pro-16 nounced in adolescents and the elderly. Factors affecting the lower Basic recommendations for a balanced compliance can be of financial, cultural, or psychosocial nature, and gluten-free diet every effort should be made to detect or to address them at regular The more varied diet you have, the more probably visits to the clinician and/or dietician. you have sufficient intake of all essential nutrients, Long-term consequences of unrecognized/untreated coeliac which is important for your health. There are quite a lot of products excluded from a gluten-free diet, so disease the risk of an inadequate intake of nutrients is slight- When a patient is diagnosed with coeliac disease and maintains a ly higher. It is necessary to properly compensate for strict gluten-free diet, usually all symptoms resolve. However, if the excluded food. A balanced gluten-free diet should gluten-free diet is not adhered to strictly or if the disease is diagnosed include not only enough gluten-free grains, but also in adults or with substantial delay, the risk of complications increases. enough fruit, vegetables, legumes, meat, fish, eggs, These complications, which rarely present in children, can be irrevers-nuts, seeds, milk, and oils. All food groups should be ible and the introduction of a strict gluten-free diet might not bring consumed in a balanced proportion (see the figure complete resolution of the damage already made. These complications of an example of the healthy food pyramid below). can affect the gastrointestinal tract or any other organ system. There are some basic recommendations for a bal- anced gluten-free diet: One of the possible gastrointestinal consequences in adult patients is refractory sprue. This is a rare, but serious complication, characterized 1. Each meal should contain fruit or vegetables, a by severe mucosal damage despite the introduction of a strict glu-protein-rich food (meat, fish, egg, legumes, milk, or ten-free diet. Another rare long-term health consequence affecting the dairy product), and starch-rich food (rice, potatoes, digestive system is exocrine insufficiency of the pancreas. gluten-free pasta, legumes, etc.). Apart from the digestive system, reproduction may be impacted by 2. Adults and children above 10 years should prefer ongoing inflammation and nutrient deficiencies. Untreated coeliac whole grain gluten-free products; children under disease can be related to neurologic complications, such as ataxia or 10 years should combine whole grain and refined epilepsy. Bone mineral density can be affected leading to bone frac-grain products. tures. In some patients, the untreated disease was associated with my-3. Preference for high-quality oils rather than animal ocarditis and psychiatric disorders, however, these associations can be fat is recommended. considered very rare. Endocrine disorders, such as type-1 diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease, are also more frequent in not treated coeliac 4. Cut down on highly processed foods. disease. 5. Limit your salt intake (recommended maximum Development of the long-term complications of undiagnosed and/or intake of salt is 2g daily for children under 3 years untreated coeliac disease is another important factor that calls for early and 6g for adults). detection (and appropriate treatment) of the disease in all symptomatic patients as well as in patients that belong to the so-called risk groups 6. Limit your sugar intake (added sugars should rep-for coeliac disease. resent a maximum of 10 % of energy intake). Margreet Wessels, Department of Pediatrics, Rijnstate Hospital Arnhem, the Netherlands Coeliac disease and diet adherence Coeliac disease is treated with a gluten-free diet. This diet restores the intestinal mucosa and improves symptoms in most patients. Since the diet should be followed very strictly and gluten can be present in all kinds of foods and non-foods, referral to a dietician specialized in coeliac disease should take place at diagnosis. The gluten-free diet may be difficult to follow and may lead to antibodies are known to disappear on a gluten-free diet, usu-social constraints due to the fear of gluten exposure outside ally taking 12-24 months to disappear completely. One should one’s household. Dietary adherence is known to differ between not rely on blood tests alone, since they are not sensitive individual patients, with non-compliance varying from 25-50% enough by itself to detect dietary transgressions in children in children and adolescents. Intentional and unintentional glu-with coeliac disease. Short dietary questionnaires have been ten exposure can have multiple causes. developed instead of the time-consuming dietary reviews, but unfortunately, these short questionnaires don’t detect all Unintentional exposure is mostly due to cross-contamination transgressions. A promising new tool is the detection of gliadin taking place during food preparation or meals with other peo-immunogenic peptides (the so-called GIPs). If ingested, gluten ple eating gluten at the same time. It can also be due to insuffi-is excreted through the stool or urine, which can be measured. cient labelling of food products or inadequate reading of these GIPs could be helpful for example in patients with declining labels. Intentional gluten exposure is more likely to occur in pa-but still positive coeliac antibodies after 2 years or in patients tients who lack symptoms when consuming gluten. It may also who question their diet or still have complaints even though occur in adolescence, with peer pressure and risk behaviour they follow the gluten-free diet. However, whether or not GIPs causing dietary transgressions. It is also known that transition will be useful in daily practise depends on more information from childhood to adulthood leads to increased non-compli-about the relationship between the quantity of and time be- ance, possibly due to lack of medical care since many patients tween ingested and excreted gluten in stool/urine. get lost to follow-up. In most patients, diet adherence is evaluated during follow-up by their medical doctor or dietician. A common opinion is that it is best assessed by a dietary review in combination with laboratory tests measuring the coeliac-specific antibodies. These 18 Follow-up How often are follow-up visits needed? After the diagnosis of coeliac disease is established, patients must adopt a strict gluten-free diet. The first follow-up visit should be performed 2-4 months after the diagnosis to confirm adherence to the diet and to address possible issues with disease management. After the first visit, patients should be followed yearly, if clinically stable. What are the follow-up visits needed for? At the follow-up visits, patients should report any possible disease-related symptoms and their experience and adherence to the gluten-free diet. Serological testing (CD-specific antibody tests) should be performed together with a complete physical examination (including the patient’s weight, height, and body mass index). Special attention must be paid to the growth and development of children. Repeated blood tests (i.e. complete blood count, liver enzymes, iron, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, B-vitamin complex) ought to be performed, if they were abnormal at previous visits or when the clinical picture suggests possible abnormalities. The titres of TGA IgA antibodies can be expected to fall below the cut-off of the normal values within 12 months after starting a strict gluten-free diet. In many patients, they may normalize much earlier. Bone densitometry should be performed every 2 years to exclude osteopenia or osteoporosis in selected patients. Should I visit any other specialist except paediatric gastroenterologist/gastroenterologist? It is advisable to consult a dietician about the gluten-free diet. Follow-up by a dietitian during a gluten-free diet is recommended because a strict gluten-free diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies, such as fibre, folate, thiamine, and vitamin A deficiency and may pose a nutritional risk (e.g., higher fat intake can lead to adiposity and increased risk for cardiovascular complications). For better adjustment to the life changes associated with the presence of chronic disease, some patients will also benefit from psychological counseling. Is repeated endoscopy needed? Repeated endoscopy is not needed if the patients are in good clinical condition and in whom TGA IgA antibodies have normalised. However, if there is no clinical response to the gluten-free diet in symptomatic patients and lack of adherence to the gluten-free diet is excluded, further investigations are required, including further biopsies in some cases. 19 Maria Luisa Mearin, Department of Paediatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands Coeliac Disease Secondary Prevention by Early Diagnosis Coeliac disease is a common disorder. Research data shows that approximately one per cent of the general population has coeliac disease. This means that, in the European Union alone, at least 5 million gastrointestinal, such as chronic abdominal pain or diarrhoea, people suffer from coeliac disease. However, this is not reflected in distended abdomen, weight loss, and in children, poor growth. the statistics on the number of diagnoses. Epidemiological data in-Second, the disease can manifest itself with extra-abdominal dicate that for every child diagnosed with the coeliac disease there symptoms, for example, joint pain, neurological disorders, os-are at least seven undiagnosed. In addition, the diagnosis of coeliac teoporosis, or anaemia. Third, some patients have non-specific disease is often made too late and many patients report a delay in symptoms, such as chronic fatigue. Furthermore, coeliac dis-diagnosis that may last for years. This all results in a large number ease can be asymptomatic. In summary, making a clinical diag-of people with undiagnosed, and thus untreated, coeliac disease. nosis of coeliac disease is not easy and physicians must be aware of many symptoms and signs that may be associated with it. The untreated coeliac disease results in serious health problems. This has been demonstrated, among other studies, in the analysis Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease: Biomarkers in Serum of the data from six-year-old children from the general population, and Blood Tests participating in the “Generation Rotterdam” project. Undiagnosed, and therefore untreated, coeliac disease in these children resulted The presence of specific antibodies in the blood and serum of in osteopenia, growth retardation, emotional problems, and dis-people with coeliac disease, such as antibodies against the en-turbances in attention and behaviour. In pregnant women, undi-zyme tissue-transglutaminase (TGA test) and against endomysi-agnosed coeliac disease resulted in reduced fetal growth and low um (EMA test) makes the diagnosis possible using non-invasive newborn weight. laboratory tests (10). The reliability of both tests is very high and levels of TGA equal to or greater than 10 times the upper limit Why is the Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease Missed? of normal levels correlate with severe gluten-dependent altera-The problem with the diagnosis is that coeliac patients come to tions of the small bowel mucosa. Point-of-care (POC) tests offer the doctor with a huge scale of different symptoms and signs. a promising way to determine TGA quickly and efficiently. With The clinical picture of coeliac disease is highly variable and often these rapid tests, a doctor can determine with high probabili-difficult to recognize. First, the presenting symptoms may be ty if someone has coeliac disease in a droplet of blood in about 10 minutes, without special laboratory facilities. These POC 20 tests thus open the possibility of early detection and treatment parents, and children between 12 months and 4 years of of coeliac disease on a large scale, even in entire population age who visit a Child Preventive Care Center groups. That is the possibility of secondary prevention of coeliac in the Kennemerland region are invited disease through its detection and treatment in the early stages. to participate. Participation is simple: Parents answer ten questions about Secondary Prevention by Screening of the General coeliac disease-related symptoms. Population If the child has one or more of the The most effective form of secondary prevention is general pop-symptoms a rapid POC test for coe- ulation screening. However, population screening is subject to liac disease is done after parental very strict conditions, the so-called Wilson and Jungner criteria. consent. If the test is abnormal, the In addition, scientific evidence on the cost-effectivity of such child is referred to the Leiden Uni-screening and its acceptance by the population is scarce. For this versity Medical Center for a definitive reason, our research group started the project GLUTENSCREEN diagnosis following official - Coeliac disease screening in Child Preventive Care Centers in guidelines. the Netherlands. The intention was to establish a mini-screening The GLUTENSCREEN for coeliac disease in the general population of children aged 1 to project is performing 4 years in the Kennemerland region in North Holland. However, above expectations. the project was not approved by the Leiden University Medical From its start in Feb-Center Ethics Committee, nor by the National Human Research ruary 2019 till November Committee. The arguments referred to were based on the fact 2020 (with interruption of that in a general population screening asymptomatic coeliac cas-5 months due to the es are also detected. According to the committees, this group of COVID19 pandemic), the people represents an ethical problem. In asymptomatic subjects rapid coeliac disease diagnosed by screening, there would be no balance between the test was performed on expected health benefits after treatment and the disadvantage 1,923 children. With this of knowing that they are affected by chronic disease. However, project, we expected the Leiden University Medical Center Ethics Committee judged to detect 1% of coeliac that there was sufficient scientific evidence to approve the early cases, but the preliminary detection of coeliac disease in undiagnosed symptomatic chil-results show 2% detection. dren, that is, a “case-finding” project, instead of screening. With this project, we want “Case-finding” as an Alternative to Screening for to demonstrate that this form of secondary prevention Secondary Prevention of Coeliac Disease of coeliac disease is feasible, effi- We adapted the original project to the current cient, cost-effective, and well accepted GLUTENSCREEN ( In GLUTENSCREEN, by the population. 21 Other gluten-related medical conditions Lately, it has become clear that in addition to patients with coeliac disease and wheat allergy there are also people who react to gluten without proven allergic or autoimmune mechanisms. Wheat allergy Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity Wheat is one of the most common allergens and wheat allergy Lately, it has become clear that in addition to patients with coe-is an undesirable immune response to wheat protein (albumin, liac disease and wheat allergy there are also people who react globulin, gliadin, and glutenin) which results in the develop-to gluten without proven allergic or autoimmune mechanisms. ment of respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms or some- This condition is generally referred to as non-coeliac hypersen-times even systemic reactions. The incidence of proven wheat sitivity to gluten or simply gluten hypersensitivity/ intolerance. allergy is estimated to be about 0.4-9%. It was estimated that the frequency of this disorder in the general population is 0.63-6%. Wheat allergy is a condition different from coeliac disease. Gluten allergy is an allergy to wheat since it is a protein specific Clinically, the disease may resemble coeliac disease or wheat for wheat. If a person allergic to wheat eats food that contains allergy and may present with several intestinal (diarrhoea, ab-gluten, following reactions can follow: dominal pain, bloating, etc.) and/or extraintestinal symptoms (weakness, headaches, etc.) that occur shortly after ingestion • rapid onset reaction: urticaria (hives), angioedema (swelling of of food with gluten, and improve with introducing a gluten-free the face), breathing difficulty, nausea, and abdominal pain or diet. There is no specific test to diagnose gluten intolerance in some cases anaphylaxis – a life-threatening reaction and the diagnosis is made by double-blind placebo-controlled • late reactions that occur after 24 hours of ingestion (digestive challenge after exclusion of both coeliac disease and wheat al-symptoms, skin changes). lergy. Wheat allergy is treated by avoiding wheat in the diet. 22 Coeliac disease Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity Wheat allergy Definition Life-long, genetic, autoimmune Intolerance to gluten or some Immune response to one or more disease; gluten intake leads to damage other component of wheat cereal proteins (could be gluten) of the small intestinal mucosa that does not elicit a specific autoimmune response and does not cause overt damage to the small intestinal mucosa Gastrointestinal Diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain Diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, symptoms pain bloating, mouth and throat irritation Extraintestinal Weight loss, stunted growth, arthritis, Fatigue, neurological Rash, nasal congestion, eye irritation, symptoms osteoporosis, dermatitis, tooth disorders, foggy mind, joint shortness of breath enamel damage, recurrent aphthae, pain amenorrhea, infertility, joint pain, neurological disorders Diagnostics Clinical picture Exclusion of coeliac disease Skin prick tests and wheat allergy Serological tests (total IgA and TGA) Patch tests Small intestinal biopsy Tests to determine the concentration of specific immunoglobulin E Food challenge Presence of Yes No No auto-antibodies Small intestinal Typical damage of the small intestinal NO overt damage of small NO overt damage of small intestinal biopsy mucosa intestinal mucosa mucosa Treatment A life-long strict gluten-free diet Gluten-free diet and wheat- Strict wheat-free diet free diet (degree of sensitivity is individual) Source: CeliVita – Living with coeliac disease and Children’s Hospital Zagreb. 23 Psychological aspects of life with coeliac disease Coeliac disease is a chronic inflammatory disease with a known environmental trigger, which is gluten, and with a known therapy, which is a gluten-free diet. The onset of each chronic disease – regardless of the diagnos-all aware that confrontation with a chronic disease also has an tic and therapeutic procedures and its consequences – brings emotional component to it which is why it requires time, space, along worries, fears as well as many changes and distress to an and the opportunity to express these emotions, support, and in individual’s life and his or her close ones. certain cases also professional help. Each new and unknown situation raises insecurity and search-Treating coeliac disease is inevitably related to the gluten-free es for an answer on what is going on, about the disease and the diet. Maintaining the diet is the foundation of physical and psy-nature of this disease, its causes, consequences, and ways to chological improvement and consequently the improvement help ourselves and help our children. We are in an active pro-of the quality of life. For most patients, a gluten-free diet rep-cess of creating our understanding of the disease we and our resents a major change to their usual eating habits and be-close ones are facing. It is important to get the answers to all havior. This change also affects their families and their social our questions, concerns, and insecurities as well as establish a environment. Each change is a process and getting used to a common understanding of the disease and lay the foundations gluten-free diet requires proper preparation, education, as-for a more constructive approach to the disease, cooperation sistance, and cooperation of the entire health care team, indi-during treatment, and improving the quality of life. viduals, and families. The path to this change may bring many insecurities, stress, and distress, therefore it is important to co-We must first intimately accept and internalize the losses and operate and together identify the problems in applying this diet changes related to the disease, and then through reassessment and the obstacles in maintaining the diet. Together we search gradually learn to live a full life with the disease. The intensity for solutions, new ways of facing the change and building a pos-of emotional reactions on this path differs among individuals itive attitude towards the change, and by being persistent we (anxiety, fear, disappointment, anger, depression, etc.) and this live a more quality-based and full life. can lead to major or minor physical, psychological and social imbalance. We confront this imbalance differently – depend-A special challenge represents children, as their understanding on our personality, age, stage of development, our experi-ing and acceptance of the disease as well as cooperation dur-ences, our mechanisms of coping and defending. We must be ing treatment continuously changes through different stages 24 of development, the roles and relations within the family, and their social environ- ment. Their needs and expectations as well as topics and forms of help required within the family and their environment vary as well. Growing up with a chronic disease should be incorporated into the processes of developing one’s identity, self-image, and self-respect. It is essen- tial to emphasize that chronic disease in a child affects the entire family whose task is to re-establish balance, look for new ac- tive forms of facing the problems, and im- prove the quality of life. Life with coeliac disease includes many changes on different levels. It is impor- tant to ensure physical and psychologi- cal well-being and minimize the negative physical symptoms and psychosocial con- sequences of the coeliac disease. Individ- uals and families require integrated care and assistance on this path to improving the quality of life with this disease. 25 Coeliac disease and COVID-19 Coronaviruses, a large family of viruses, may cause illness in animals or humans. Several coronaviruses were found to cause infections of the respiratory tract in humans. The majority of infections present as common cold, however, severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are also caused by coronaviruses. Recently, a new type of coronavirus that caused the COVID-19 COVID-19 infection in coeliac disease patients, however, coeliac pandemic was discovered. This virus is called SARS-CoV-2 (Se-disease patients should by all means continue to follow a strict vere Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2). gluten-free diet. Despite many fears that SARS-CoV-2 can cause a more severe Regardless of this reassuring data regarding the outcomes of infection in individuals with immunological traits, there have SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with coeliac disease, there is been no reports suggesting patients with coeliac disease are an important risk that has to be addressed. By restricting the at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 compared to mobility of people and by redistribution of medical personnel patients without coeliac disease. A survey of more than 10,000 to fight the COVID-19, the accessibility of healthcare is substan-people with the coeliac disease around the world found the risk tially decreased for people with diseases that have less severe of getting COVID-19 was not increased compared to the gen-course, such as coeliac disease. This has already shown to ineral population. And more importantly, as shown by a recent crease diagnostic delays and could have important long-term study conducted by researchers from the USA and Sweden, the implications. coeliac disease did not increase an individual’s risk for hospi-talization, admission to intensive care, or death attributed to As COVID-19 is a new illness, new data are emerging continu-COVID-19. ously. It is therefore advisable that coeliac disease patients carefully follow the situation and recommendations provided by It is important to note that coeliac disease patients, in general, medical authorities and discuss any concerns with their health are not considered to be immunocompromised, and only pa-care provider. tients with severe malnutrition and weight loss, patients with very rare refractory coeliac disease who are on immunosup-Coeliac Disease and COVID-19 Vaccination pressive medications, or patients with other serious illness-The development of efficient vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 as es may be at increased risk of having a more severe course of a measure of active defense against infection together with COVID-19. It is also highly unlikely that occasional gluten ex-passive measures such as social distancing, use of personal posure (intentional or unintentional) will change the course of 26 protective equipment, and strict personal hygiene represents a true breakthrough in the fight against high morbidity and mor- tality caused by COVID-19. It is therefore advisable that people with coeliac disease receive a COVID-19 vaccine that has been approved by medical au- thorities in their respective countries. This includes RNA and peptide vaccines. As the data on the safety and efficacy of vaccina- tion is increasing, there is no evidence to suggest that people with coeliac disease are more prone to an adverse effect of vac- cination. Since the coeliac disease is not considered an allergy, this also does not in- crease the risk of allergic adverse effects of vaccination. Patients with concerns about vaccination and their particular circumstances should of course be free to speak openly about their concerns with their health care pro- vider. 27 Patients’ stories NUŠA AND HER MOM FROM ganized care (kindergarten). Somehow sent. I visited the paediatrician`s office SLOVENIA our happy but quiet girl became even several times a month with my moody more tired and without appetite after and tired daughter. No one thought of The day, when our oldest daughter was the treatment of her last infection. Af- coeliac disease, we were not referred to diagnosed with coeliac disease was one ter consultation with her paediatrician, a specialist – a gastroenterologist. As we of the happiest days for our family. The were blessed with a new family member, diagnosis of coeliac disease was among we thought that maybe it was the lack of the suspicions of doctors for the best and acceptance of her sibling and also visited “ We were the least harmful disease. We were hap- a psychologist. During the holidays we py that the marathon from one doctor to were hoping for an improvement of her happy that the another had finished, and that we finally health condition; however, she was rap- identified what was wrong and how we idly losing weight and her general health marathon from can help our daughter to live and de- was in a bad state. Fortunately, we soon velop into a healthy and happy woman. had an appointment with the allergist, one doctor to Our daughter’s health problems did not who referred us to the gastroenterology develop overnight as a rapid deteriora- department. The diagnosis of coeliac dis- another had tion of her health condition. The chang- ease was confirmed 10 days thereafter. es were very gradual, but still not unno- Our girl, a patient with coeliac disease on finished.” ticed. From the early age of two, she had a strict gluten-free diet, is now growing weakened immunity (hypogammaglob- up and is thriving into a healthy and hap- ulinemia) and was more prone to infec- py girl. Soon her sister and father, also tions, this is why she was managed by we did a blood count check, which was coeliac patients, joined her in the glu- specialists in an allergy outpatient clinic. fine. Problems with diarrhoea, malaise, ten-free diet. To avoid diseases, she did not attend or- pain, constipation, or vomiting were ab- 28 IGOR, PEDIATRICIAN FROM had eaten a good breakfast of fresh rolls, diet, I am 15 kg heavier than when I first MARIBOR but we did not see the obvious. In de- started. I feel good, without any medi- fense of my expert friend, my coeliac test cal problems. It is hard when I pass the I was diagnosed with coeliac disease at had been repeatedly reported as nega- bakery and there is a delicious smell of the age of 44. For many years, I had nu- tive. Afterward, additional problems de- freshly baked bread, though. It is also merous symptoms typical of coeliac dis- veloped. Both of my ankles were swollen, hard when I am in the hotel where they ease, from unbearable abdominal pain, my anaemia was severe, and iron sup-have breakfast with 15 types of delicious diarrhoea, constant bloating, anaemia, bread and bread rolls. Reading labels fatigue, and infections all the time. Since can be difficult, especially if you need I have had insulin-dependent diabetes glasses for small print like me. However, “ The condition for thirty years, this diagnosis of coeliac it is worth it. I accepted the diagnosis of disease should be slightly more expect- coeliac disease relatively easily, and I am was staring me ed. The condition was staring me in the now accustomed to my chronic condi- face, I just did not see it. As I am a paedi- tion. This is also probably true because in the face, I just atrician who knows about the symptoms my health is incomparable to that of five I should have got it sorted out sooner. In years ago. I make gluten-free bread my- didn’t see it.” addition, I know some eminent experts, self. I miss an occasional doughnut for who are treating the disease in their dai- carnival and I miss the Bled cream cake. ly work. A few years before my diagnosis, Nowadays, there is a better variety of glu- I was traveling to a gastroenterological plements did not help. Then another col-ten-free products available on the mar- congress with a colleague expert in the league of mine saved me and made the ket. Unfortunately, gluten-free products field of coeliac disease. I suffered from diagnosis. My serological tests were neg-are relatively expensive, which can be a severe pain, cramping, bloating, and di- ative before because I also have an IgA big problem. arrhoea at the time, especially when I deficiency. Now, I am on a gluten-free 29 MARINA FROM CROATIA walking was exhausting. Sometimes I just was established). I repeated the serology, couldn’t get out of the bed, even if my which also came positive at this time, as I was diagnosed with coeliac disease at baby was crying in need of his mother. Al well as the small intestine biopsy, to round the age of 30, and I can say that it was the hospitals and medical examinations up the whole story. I immediately started one of the happiest days of my life. If you were not able to determine the nature with the gluten-free diet. The antibodies are wondering why, continue reading to of my problem. I was told to check with decreased over the years. The pain started get introduced to that quiet, changing, a clinic in the USA to improve my health. to fade slowly. It was only 5 years after the cocooned, and above all painful coeliac I decided to stay brave and to believe strict and persistent gluten-free diet that disease! For as long as I can remember, I that I was young enough to get through my results came in negative. For so many have been listening to my parents’ stories everything, even though that period of my years I lived my life in pain, got the wrong about how by the age of 7 I didn't have life when I was taking painkil ers daily just diagnosis, and took the wrong therapy. Af- any appetite and the only thing I would to get through the day. I also decided to ter starting the gluten-free diet the pain in eat was fruit. In that period of my life, while completely ignore the comments of my my muscles and joints disappeared, along running around carelessly with friends friends and col eagues that maybe I was with long and painful menstrual bleeding I fainted, and in the hospital, I was later suffering from multiple sclerosis. In the and aphthae. Final y, I was calm enough to diagnosed with epilepsy. I was given an-second decade of my life, I gave birth to continue my life. My diet consists of gro- tiepileptic drugs to keep the il ness under two children, both diagnosed with coeliac ceries, which do not contain gluten nat- control. I also remember the pain in my ural y, and my mission became to raise lower limbs. The doctor explained that I the quality of life of people suffering from grew quickly and that was completely nor- coeliac disease! In the end, I would like to “ Finally, I was mal. The problem was that the pain was so say that coeliac disease wasn’t even con- strong that I could not sleep at night. I was sidered a possibility in the adult popula- calm...” doing many sports and was very active, al- tion at the end of the last and the start of most hyperactive. There was not a month this century if it wasn’t manifested with during the year when I did not have aph- clear symptoms: stomach ache, diarrhoea, thae in my mouth, I was losing my hair, disease (in infancy). While the genetic test- vomiting. Today, I can say that genetic and after childbirth, I was experiencing ing for coeliac disease was non-existent testing contributed a lot to discovering enormous mood swings and lack of con-in my country at that time, my husband coeliac disease in family members and centration. Revolution caused by genetic and I both underwent testing for coeli- first relatives of the diseased, as well as to tests for coeliac disease. The biggest prob- ac disease-specific antibodies to maybe many people whose coeliac disease was lem was the leg pain I was experiencing. In discover the coeliac disease, but we were completely asymptomatic. We cannot my twenties, I begged the doctors to find both negative. One day we received an give up on educating patients and medi-the cause of the pain and the weakness invitation for genetic testing which we cal staff and raising awareness about coe-that I was experiencing daily. The pain was gladly accepted hoping to find answers liac disease as a quiet epidemic that car-getting stronger, my knees were shaking, to our questions. My results came in pos- ries a lot more diseases and weak states of I could barely walk up the stairs, even just itive (the presence of HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 our organism. 30 31 MOTHER FROM HUNGARY also “sharing” coeliac disease experienc- es together. We did not ever have any I have a son and a daughter. My son was problems with the diet. “ Pale and 11 years old when his swimming trainer suggested taking him to a doctor. He Today, my children are 16 and 18 years old “cracked” skin told me that my boy works well, but still, and can manage gluten-free shopping his muscles do not grow, and his track re- and cooking on their own. Needless to might be a sults are not any better. He did not have say, I am very proud of both of them. any gastrointestinal symptoms. We went sign of coeliac to see a pediatric gastroenterologist and very shortly it became clear that my son CHRISTINA, PAEDIATRICIAN disease”. has coeliac disease. We started the glu- ten-free diet and the results were spec- FROM GRAZ tacular: in the next two years, he gained I am a paediatrician myself – and years of a stressful life but may also be a conse- 15 cm, 14 kg, and won some trophies in ago, when I once saw my sister-in-law quence of iron deficiency, an important swimming competitions! who is a bit younger than me I thought sign of coeliac disease! to myself “oh, how pale and irritated her skin looks, certainly she has too much On a gluten-free diet, my sister-in-law fi-stress and not enough sleep”, and I nally has lovely skin again. And she now “ A swimming booked a spa weekend for her to have wants to take on the spa treatments I of- her pampered with some expensive fered. trainer beauty treatments. However, before heading for the love- suggested PATIENT STORY FROM ly spa she saw her physician who diag- nosed substantial iron deficiency anae- SERBIA taking my son mia and sent her upfront for endoscopy: her coeliac disease was diagnosed right Mihajlo was first diagnosed with coeliac to a doctor”. then and there! disease when he was five years old. After about twenty days of diarrhoea, he was Soon after that, her first-degree relatives referred to a gastroenterologist. Based On family screening, my daughter also had a blood test done and one brother on his symptoms, the doctor immediate-proved positive: she did not have any was found to be positive. He had suffered ly suspected coeliac disease and ordered symptoms either, just a very slight si- for years from “irritable bowel syndrome”! a test for antibodies, which were very deropenia. As a brother and sister, they high. Endoscopy was also performed Therefore, please remember: pale and always got along very well, and they are which confirmed that it was a case of “cracked” skin might not only be a sign coeliac disease. 32 Since coeliac disease is genetically pre- That all changed after the diagnosis and disposed, the doctor sent other family elimination of gluten from their diet. members for analysis - Mihajlo's sister, However, it was not easy. The only advice “ It never crossed mother, and father. The results showed they received from doctors was not to that the mother was the carrier of the eat gluten and they were given a short my mind that gene, which increases the risk of devel- brochure about coeliac disease. They had oping coeliac disease, while the father to find out for themselves what to eat, my daughter and sister did not carry that gene. After what foods to buy, and how to eat prop- further analysis, the mother was also di- erly. Fortunately, they found out about might suffer agnosed with coeliac disease. She was the Association of Patients with Coeliac surprised since, apart from always having Disease, where they received great help from coeliac anaemia, she believed to be healthy. She and practical advice for everyday life dif- did not consider long-term anaemia as a ficulties. It took a long time for Mihajlo disease.” serious health problem. Unlike his moth- to recover. Antibodies dropped fast, but er, Mihajlo had many problems before he iron values returned to normal only after was diagnosed. He was listless and with- two years. Today, Mihajlo and his mother out energy, he made little progress, he are experts in keeping a gluten-free diet. When I complained to the paediatrician weighed 15 kg from the third year on, he And most importantly - they are healthy. that I did not like the look of Anna’s stools, was a head shorter than his peers were, light in colour, sometimes greenish, with and he had asthma. mucus and residues of undigested food, THE STORY OF ANNA she just waved it away. She claimed it was just slow digestion. My daughter’s (CZECH REPUBLIC) conspicuous paleness made the doctor check for possible anaemia, but that was “ Today, Mihajlo My daughter Anna was diagnosed with all. coeliac disease in October 2020, two and his mother months before her tenth birthday. I felt Similarly, no one noticed her distended desperate, realizing that she has proba- abdomen even when she was a baby. are experts bly suffered from the disease since she She had been diagnosed with low mus- was born and that none of the physi- cle tone and Vojta therapy was applied in keeping a cians, who have seen her in the past ten on her, but no one searched for the un- years, including a fair number of gas- derlying condition. Even for the paedi- gluten-free troenterologists, could ever identify her atric gastroenterologist that we used to health problem. Although the symptoms see, coeliac disease was completely out diet”. she had could give the doctors the idea, of focus, even when he examined her no one thought of coeliac disease. stools for the presence of pathogens. 33 34 Anna often had hiccups as a newborn difficulties accepting that no one would blood to regularly check it since I was an baby, and then belching and bad breath, discover that, although it might have anaemic little child. Although many dif-especially after she woke up, and finally, happened very easily. I keep thinking ferent examinations were made, doctors gastroesophageal reflux (GER) was di-about why the government has not in- concluded that I was physically healthy agnosed when she was nine years old. cluded coeliac disease in the obligatory but under a lot of stress, because my par-However, no one investigated whether neonatal screening, which detects a lot ents were in the middle of a divorce and this problem is due to coeliac disease, of diseases, including some much rarer that their separation was the main issue which often happens. than this severe autoimmune disease. of my digestive problems. Coeliac disease was identified by chance. I keep thinking why paediatricians who During my childhood and adolescence, We were looking for a new paediatric see babies and children at regular pre-I often felt nauseous, tired, and frequent gastroenterologist and chose the facil- ventive follow-ups do not focus on coe- vomiting was still part of my life. I adored ity at the General University Hospital liac disease more, as they miss hundreds playing sports and was good at karate, in Prague, where we got a friendly wel- of cases of coeliac children, which is sad but when training for more serious com- come. Luckily, we were in the capable and alarming, considering how a serious petitions began, I could not keep the hands of a real expert, dr. Peter Szitányi, disease it is. For us, the diagnosis was pace - mornings after intense training who after having just a glance at Anna a blessing in disguise but, sadly, many sessions, I could not get out of bed, but suspected she might suffer from coeliac families will not receive the appropriate the good thing is that I did not quit kara- disease. We made an appointment with medical care in time. The authorities te until late college years. him as we wanted to confirm the diag- should definitely think about how to im- nosis of GER because in the summer of prove this ugly situation. When I started working, at least once 2020 she experienced nausea and vomit- every few weeks I was so sick and vom- ing. Doctor Szitányi referred us for a gas- iting that I could not come to work. I still troscopy to exclude esophagitis. In addi- remember my first boss telling me “Hey, MAJA FROM ZAGREB tion, he ordered blood tests as well, and you should seriously check your health”. I these “unfortunately” revealed the pres- (CROATIA) was 27 years old at that time. ence of a low titre of antibodies against As I was getting older, I began to have coeliac disease (TGA). The diagnosis, in I was born in the 1970s in Zagreb, Croa-ataxia and a lot of pain in my joints, the that case, should only be confirmed by tia, and one of my first memories, among big ones and the small ones, too. I re- endoscopy. Immediately after histolog- playing and having fun, were serious member my ankles used to hurt so much ical confirmation of the diagnosis, we digestive issues and complications. My and I had awful pain in my finger joints, put Anna on a strict gluten-free diet, and family got rid of all the carpets from our so I could not walk. I had a Waaler-Rose now we are trying to adapt to this new apartment, as my vomiting was frequent test, which turned out negative. Besides situation in our life. and often unpredictable. I also remem- ber that I attended numerous different frequent vomiting, constant nausea, and It never crossed my mind that Anna medical examinations. I was told by my joint pain my blood work indicated small-might suffer from this disease, and I have parents that doctors were taking my er than normal MCV and low thrombo-35 cytes. When I complained to my doctor, I and bacterial infections and everything Living with coeliac disease and following got the explanation that I am genetically was fine, except I was feeling awful. a strict gluten-free diet is not easy, as it different from others and that I should may seem at a first glance. The way we visit a mental therapist to help me with The good thing was I was curious about eat affects our family and friends and my hypochondria. The good thing was what was happening to me and I started dictates many activities - almost every that I was exercising regularly and I tried reading about coeliac disease and read- social event includes food and we have to stay physically active. At that time, oth- ing the symptoms. It was the year 2012 to plan our every meal. Some people in er areas of my life were more than fine; and coeliac disease in adults in Croatia our lives are caring and understanding I had a good job and I met a wonderful was something unfamiliar to most of and others see us as picky and demand-guy who has, later on, become my belov- the family doctors and general popula- ing. One doctor told me “You can’t have ed husband. tion. Encouraged with a period of feeling coeliac disease, you look fit and strong”, good I was persistent and went to take a “Yes, I do, but I am following a gluten-free At the end of 2011, just as I accepted screening test for coeliac disease in Cro-diet, it wasn’t always like that”, I replied. that I will live forever with vomiting and atia and after that, I was examined at the pain, a solution for my trouble arose, and University Hospital Centre Zagreb and There is a lot of misinformation about it was in the form of a food intolerance finally got a diagnosis and confirmation coeliac disease out there and there is a test. Because of the candida overgrowth that vomiting and nausea weren’t only in huge amount of space for raising aware- in my body, a homeopathic doctor pre- my head and that this is a real, but man- ness and helping children and adults scribed a very strict diet, which I had to ageable disease. and their families to get the diagnosis follow for 6 months: I had to cut out glu- on time and to encourage them to stick ten, sugar, dairy, beans, and fruits. And to the gluten-free diet. I consider myself after a few weeks of that diet, a miracle lucky because after being diagnosed at “ I have a positive happened - for the first time in my life, the age of 38 and removing gluten from I felt really good. I had no pain, no vom- my diet I regained good overall health. outlook on life.” iting, no nausea, and had lots of energy The major problem is weight gain and and my strength in sports (especially in I was diagnosed with a serious vitamin windsurfing) became obvious. My skin D deficit, which I managed to cure with cleared up; my bloating disappeared… I Following a strict gluten-free diet, since proper supplementation. was happy, optimistic and enjoyed being 2012 resulted in improving my overall in my body. health, my pain and nausea went away To help others, I joined CeliVita - Living and life became much better without with coeliac disease as a volunteer. I hope Soon after stopping with the diet and regular vomiting. I feel much stronger that unrecognized patients with coeliac starting to eat normally, all of my symp-and I have a positive outlook on life. A disease can benefit from my experience toms came back, worse than ever. During year or two after starting a gluten-free and I can spread awareness about be-3 weeks I lost 7kg, I looked pale and felt diet I was able to drink yogurt again :), ing diagnosed and living on a strict glu- so weak I could not go to work or even and nowadays I can even drink a glass of ten-free diet. walk my dog. I was tested for parasites milk without getting diarrhoea. 36 The first few gluten-free days In the beginning, the preparation of gluten-free meals will require reflection, organization, and special attention. Over time, it will become your way of life and bring you a sense of well-being as well as become your routine. In the store, get food that is clearly marked with a crossed grain - the official sign of the gluten-free food that has only gluten-free ingredients and foods that are declared »gluten-free« on their label. When preparing meals, be very careful to avoid cross- contamination with gluten. Before preparing the food, clean the kitchen surfaces, use clean dishes, kitchen utensils, and kitchen towels - as described in the chapter on the regulation of gluten-free kitchen. FIRST PURCHASE AT THE DIET ISLE IN THE GROCERY STORE Gluten-free bread Gluten-free polenta (yellow and Gluten-free cocoa Sugar, salt Gluten-free flour white) Gluten-free cookies / pastries Fresh fruits and raw legumes Gluten-free cereals Gluten-free pasta Tea - check the ingredients 37 Some basic menus BREAKFAST Gluten-free bread + butter / jam / honey / gluten-free chocolate spread / gluten-free salami / cheese / gluten-free cheese spread + fresh vegetables (peppers, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes) with fresh fruits (raspberries, blueberries, peaches, oranges, etc.) and freshly squeezed fruit juice / tea / coffee / gluten-free cocoa Gluten-free pancakes + jam / gluten-free chocolate spread/curd or fresh cheese + apple jam (prepared at home: apples, cloves, water) Eggs poached / fried / soft or hard-boiled + gluten-free bread + fresh vegetables Gluten-free cereals with milk + fresh fruits (raspberries, blueberries, peaches, oranges, mandarins, etc.) Rice cereals – milk porridge (if you add gluten-free cocoa, it is a good substitute for chocolate flavoured porridge) Gluten-free white polenta prepared on milk Rice pudding (rinse the rice thoroughly before use) VARIOUS SPREADS (butter, jam, honey, fresh cheese spread, chocolate spread, etc.) - choose either a portion size packaging or use new package of product (not used before). It is important that you do not spread them on regular bread (containing gluten) and gluten-free bread / pancakes with the same knife or / and from the same container, in order to avoid contamination. POWDER INGREDIENTS (salt, sugar, cocoa, coffee, tea) – due to the possible contamination of salt / sugar containers, etc. - take the new package of ingredients. MILK - if you have lactose intolerance at the beginning, replace milk with declared gluten-free rice or soy milk. 38 LUNCH SOUPS Beef soup - Use only fresh meat, fresh vegetables, fresh herbs, and salt, pepper. Do not use mixtures of spices or the premade soup base (egg soup cubes)! In the case of premade soup base, choose only the gluten-free certificate variants. You can cook/ add gluten-free pasta to the soup or make homemade glu- ten-free soup pasta from gluten-free flour and eggs. Vegetable Cream Soups - Use only fresh vegetables, add po- tatoes for thickening, fresh herbs, and salt – mix completely. You can add a tablespoon of sour cream, e.g. PUMPKIN SOUP; heat garlic on olive oil, so that it starts to smell, add a Hokkaido pumpkin cut into cubes, stir a little, add salt, and pour water over the mix. Cook until soft and mix with a stick mixer. Sprinkle SALADS nutmeg*, optional you can add a spoon of sour cream. Fresh salad (green, cabbage, chicory, etc.) seasoned with salt, oil, wine, or apple vinegar. Sliced tomato with mozzarella and olive MAIN DISHES oil. Freshly cut vegetables. Gluten-free pasta with meat sauce - Cook the gluten-free pasta in fresh water and drain it through a clean strainer. Use fresh DESERTS meat, fresh onions, and garlic for sauce, fresh tomatoes, fresh Gluten-free cookies/pastries. herbs, and salt. Tur- key breast meat strips with vegetables and Ice cream – should be checked/confirmed that it is gluten-free. gluten-free polenta - Fresh turkey breast cut into strips with Compote - cooked at home (fruit, sugar, cloves). fresh vegetables, add salt and fresh spices. Separately cook gluten-free polenta. Risotto with fresh mushrooms/asparagus/ SPICES – be careful with minced spices, which can often contain fresh chicken breast/fresh vegetables. Wash rice under the run-gluten. We advise the use of fresh herbs. In regards to the use of ning water before use (use a clean strainer). Use fresh herbs and specific spices consult the dietetic, ask which spices are gluten-free. salt. Fresh fish / fresh salmon file grilled in a casserole, pota-OILS - you can safely use rape, sunflower, olive oil, pumpkin oil, to toes in pieces with kale - Cook potatoes in fresh salted water; make meals. add fresh kale at the end. When cooked, drain through a clean VEGETABLES IN A JAR (pickles, red beets, sour peppers, olives, etc.) strainer and fry together on olive oil with garlic (use fresh garlic). - check that they are gluten-free. Grilled steak with mashed potatoes - Fresh steak (chicken, tur-CANNED LEGUME (corn, peas, beans) - check that they are key, veal, pork) grill on a spoon of olive oil in a clean pan, use salt gluten-free. and pepper if desired. Boil potatoes in clean salt water, drain FROZEN VEGETABLES - check that they are gluten-free. through a clean strainer, crush (you can add butter/tablespoon POLENTA, OTHER CEREALS, OR PSEUDOCEREALS (which are of sour cream). naturally gluten-free). 39 SUPPER/DINNER SNACKS Vegetable soup with gluten-free bread – use only fresh vegeta-Yogurt and / or fruit + gluten-free bread / gluten-free crackers / bles, potatoes, fresh herbs, and salt. gluten-free cookies. Gluten-free Hot dog + gluten-free bread + fresh vegetables (pep-Gluten-free pancakes + homemade compote (fruit, sugar, pers, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes). cloves). Fruit + some home husked-up walnuts or hazelnuts. Egg omelette with home grated hard cheese* / fresh vegetables / gluten-free ham + bowl of green salad (wine or apple vinegar, HOT DOG (Carniolan sausage, etc.) - must be declared gluten-free oil, salt). Gluten-free cereal with milk or plain yoghurt. MAYONNAISE / KETCHUP / MUSTARD / AJVAR - you need to Gluten-free bread + tuna* in olive oil / gluten-free salami / cheese select verified gluten-free products. / gluten-free fresh cheese spread + fresh vegetables (peppers, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes). BEVERAGES Plain water (sparkling water as an option) / natural juices without CANNED TUNA - ingredients on the declaration should be only flavour and/or other additives. tuna and olive oil. GRATED CHEESE may contain gluten. BEVERAGES need special caution because they can contain gluten due to flavour and colouring additives and various other additives. 40 Seven ideas for daily gluten-free menu for children with coeliac disease BREAKFAST SNACK LUNCH SNACK DINNER Gluten-free bread 70 g Orange 150 g Vegetable soup 150 ml Banana 150 g Risotto with vegetables and chicken 2 eggs “sunny side up” Tea 250 ml Roast chicken 80 g Walnuts 15 g 280 g MONDAY Avocado 30 g Honey 10 g Grilled zucchini 150 g Parmesan cheese 15 g Tomato 80 g Baked potato 200 g Beetroot salad 100 g Kefir* 250 ml Mixed salad 150 g Gluten-free bread 70 g Apple 200 g Fish fillet (grilled) 150 g Fruit salad 150 g Vegetable stew 200 ml Cheese and sesame balls Cottage cheese* (marinade: lemon juice, parsley, Gluten-free bread 70 g 50 g 50 g 10 ml olive oil) Stuffed tomatoes 250 g (meat, rice, TUESDAY Cucumber 100 g Tomato salad 100 g (seasoned vegetables) Tea 250 ml with olive oil – 10 g and vinegar) Mixed salad 100 g Baked potato 200 g 41 BREAKFAST SNACK LUNCH SNACK DINNER Gluten-free polenta with Hummus 50 g Broccoli soup 150 ml Fruit purée: Chicken spread cheese and egg yolk 200 g Cucumber 50 g Burger 140 g Melon 50 g (chicken 30 g, Milk* 200 ml Carrot 50 g Sautéed potatoes 200 g + carrot 5 g, egg 5 g, Gluten-free bread Sautéed green beans or pea Apple 50 g sour cream 15 g, cream cheese 15 g, 70 g 70 g + sunflower seeds 1 g) Mixed salad 100 g Blackberries 50 g Gluten-free bread 70 g WEDNESDAY + Bell pepper 80 g Cornflakes 15 g Kefir* 250 ml + Honey 10 g + Yoghurt* 100 ml Gluten-free bread 70 g Banana 150 g Veal soup 150ml Cooked buckwheat (on Omelet (2 whole eggs, vegetables 70 g) Butter 15 g Sour milk* 150 g Swiss chard parcels stuffed with milk) with banana 100 g Gluten-free bread 70 g THURSDAY Jam 20 g Almonds 20 g minced beef 150 g and ground walnuts 10 g Milk* 250 ml Mashed potato 200 g (de-shell the walnuts, grind, and add) Millet breakfast porridge Dried fruit and nuts Stewed or roasted chicken 80 g Frappé 250 ml: Tuna and kidney bean salad 120 g (millet 50 g, water 90 ml, 50 g A side dish of vegetables with Yoghurt* 100 ml Lettuce 100 g milk* 80 ml, cinnamon) Cottage cheese* pumpkin 100g + Gluten-free bread 70g Banana 150 g 50 g Cooked quinoa 150 g pineapple 80 g Almonds 10 g Baked potato 100 g + FRIDAY Tea 250 ml Seasonal salad 100g blackberry 80 g + Banana 150 g + Cornflakes 30 g (blended) 42 BREAKFAST SNACK LUNCH SNACK DINNER Chicken spread 60 g Banana 150 g Moussaka (with gluten-free ‘Crispy porridge’ 250 g: Mushroom risotto 200 g Gluten-free bread 70 g Almonds 30 g béchamel sauce) with beef rice porridge mix 50 g Roasted chicken 100 g Bell pepper 70 g 300 g + Beetroot salad 100g Yoghurt* 250 ml Green bean salad 150 g fruit 30 g SATURDAY Tea 250 ml + 5g honey + Milk* or yoghurt* 100 ml Omelette (2 whole eggs, Mandarin 200g Potato stew with chicken Boiled millet (with milk*) Fish fillet (grilled) 150 g (marinade: lemon vegetables 70 g) Kefir* 200 ml (230 g + 70 g meat) 200 g juice, parsley, 10 ml olive oil) Avocado 50 g Buckwheat bread 100 g or + Boiled potatoes with Swiss chard 250 g SUNDAY Gluten-free bread 70 g Polenta 200 g Ground walnuts 20 g Tea 250 ml Beetroot salad 100 g + 10 ml + olive oil Dried fruit 30 g * 7-days meal plan is designed with low-fat dairy products Daily average energy and nutritional values of the seven-day menu for children with coeliac disease: Energy (kCal) Proteins (g) Fats (g) Carbohydrates (g) Ca (mg) Fe (mg) Vit. A (µg) Vit. B1 (mg) Vit. B2 (mg) Vit. C (mg) Vit. B12 (µg) ≈ 2034 90 82 233 910 12 879 1,07 1,73 138 3,8 * 24 g – plant protein + 66 g animal protein Daily energy intake is sufficient for children up to 12 years of age. For other age groups, the daily energy intake should be adjusted according to the dietary recommendations and individual's needs. 43 How to set up a safe gluten-free kitchen? To the health of patients with coeliac disease, even the smallest mistakes and contamination of gluten-free products can be harmful. To ensure a safe, strict gluten-free diet it is important to buy gluten-free products, but also to store and prepare them properly to be able to produce a real gluten-free meal as a result. To help with tips and suggestions on how to prepare the kitchen surfaces and rearrange the articles in the kitch-en, check the “Gluten-free Kitchen” video. 44 In case of combined kitchen used to prepare both regular and gluten-free meals: REORGANIZE THE KITCHEN The combined kitchen needs to be organized as a completely ! gluten-free kitchen, and only part of the working area should be defined for the preparation of gluten-based meals. If you Remove all products which contain gluten: bread, pasta, can afford it, even in a combined kitchen, use exclusively glu-flour, pulp, breadcrumbs, and spices, or organize a separate ten-free flour and starch and any other bulk/minced ingredi-shelf/ cupboard. ents. In the combined kitchen the toasters, bread machine, var- @ ious mixers must be separated for the preparation of regular Remove all types of glutinous products that may be con-and gluten-free bread. taminated with gluten. # 1. Reorder: Clearly mark all gluten-free products and stock all gluten-free products separately, away from regular products Discard: old sponges used for cleaning and washing the containing gluten, to the top shelves and, if necessary, use ad-dishes, baking brushes and other utensils, strainers, pans, ditional plastic containers with a lid for packing them safely. In and baking trays, which cannot be thoroughly cleaned, the refrigerator, mark all regular products containing gluten toasters, grinders, and/or mixers where we ground biscuits / distinctively differently from the gluten-free products. The dried bread, bread making machine. gluten-free products must be put on the highest shelves and, $ if necessary, one should use additional plastic containers with Discard or donate (because of contamination these de-a lid for packing them safely. It may help to put bright stickers vices are unsuitable for preparation of gluten-free food): on foods that are to remain gluten-free (e.g. margarine, pea-wooden cooking utensils, cooking hobs, cutting boards, old nut butter, cream cheese, etc.) chopsticks, rollers, wooden decorative cookware for biscuits, 2. For the preparation of gluten-free meals, clean or buy new decorative spoons, bread baskets, hand-powered or electric dishes, kitchen utensils (cooking utensils, knives, etc.), kitchen wood /stone cereal mills. boards, toaster, kitchen towels, and sponges for washing the % dishes. We advise you to buy utensils of a different colour to Thoroughly clean: , knives, shelves, dishes, pots, drawers, prepare gluten-free meals so that there will be no confusion refrigerator, stove, oven, areas for preparing food – kitchen and consequently contamination while preparing gluten-free countertops, cutlery, metal strainers (in dishwashers or hand meals will be minimal. wash), plastic containers for storing food (in dishwashers or 3. Before preparation of gluten-free meals in the combined hand wash), grinders for nuts, mixers, blenders, juicers, bak-kitchen, it is necessary to carefully clean the working surface ing trays, baking models, textile, and plastic covers. each time. Please keep in mind that gluten is invisible to the naked eye. If you share the kitchen with non-coeliac people, make sure everyone understands the rules. 45 Some basic instructions for successful gluten-free baking Home-made gluten-free bread is far superior to the bought one. We have selected two basic recipes for bread that people who give up gluten usually miss the most. • Cover the molded products with foil so that they do not dry out. • Molded products must be raised to a double amount before baking. • Large dough products must be pierced with a wooden needle to the bottom before baking so that excess moisture and air can dry out. • Place a pot of boiling water on the bottom of a heated oven, which evaporates between the baking and provides the necessary moisture to form a higher quality crust. • Leave the baked products for a few minutes in the model, then Some baking tips slip them out of the models, or take them out of the baking tray and cool on a baking grate or a washcloth; to make the crust • All ingredients should be warmed up to room temperature, soft, you can also wrap them into a wet napkin for a while. colder products rise more slowly. • Fillers must be applied smoothly but must not consist of too • Salt should never come into direct contact with the yeast. much liquid. • Always use lukewarm liquids for dough preparation. • The filling should be 80% of the weight of the dough, excep- • Always mix the dough according to the DIRECT METHOD; it is tionally more. important to dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm liquid, then • We use declared and/or verified ingredients without gluten. adding it to all the other ingredients and hand-knead or machine mix the dough. • Machine mixing is of higher quality and results in a more even Turn any left-overs into breadcrumbs and store distribution of flour and liquid; it makes the dough smoother. them in the freezer to use when preparing fried • The freshly prepared dough should rise to the double amount food. The bread will keep for 3-4 days wrapped after kneading. in a plastic bag. Share the recipes with other people around the world that are in the same • Before using the raisins gently boil them in some water and Cook’s tip situation as you. drain well before adding them to the mixture. 46 Gluten-free bread Ingredients recipe • 1 kg gluten-free flour (mix b) • 1 L of water (optionally half milk and half water) • 1 teaspoon of sugar Process • 1 teaspoon of salt Sift the flour into a large bowl, make a well in the center • 1 cube of fresh yeast (42 g) and crumb the yeast to the middle. Add sugar and salt to • A few drops of oil, if desired the edge of the bowl. Measure 1L of lukewarm water in a jug, add the liquid to the yeast and mix well with an electric mixer or turn the ingredients onto a lightly floured surface and knead to form the dough Add a little oil if desired (not necessary) and knead for about five minutes until smooth. Shape the dough into a rectangle, ball, fat roll, or some other shape, and place in the prepared tin. Make two or three slashes on the top with a sharp knife. Cover loosely and leave in a warm place to rise for 1 hour or until doubled in size. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Bake the bread in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until it is risen and golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for a few minutes in the tin, then turn out and cool on a wire rack. From the raised dough you can prepare buns, cheese buns, pizza, braids, bread, curd potica, herbal buns, and other types of buns. Add the seeds according to preference: poppy, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, etc. If you like, double the quantities and Saturated kJ/kcal Proteins Fats bake two loaves at the same time, then Fats Carbohydrates Fibres freeze one. Bread can be frozen for up to Total (approx. six months. 2 kg) 14250/3355 57 g 16 g 0.7 g 745 g 61 g Cook’s tip 47 Holiday bread recipe Ingredients • 1 kg gluten-free flour (mix b) • 1 liter of water (optionally half milk and half water) • 1 teaspoon of sugar • 1 teaspoon of salt • 1 cube of fresh yeast 42 g • small amount of oil, as desired • 1 egg for coating Process Sift the flour into a large bowl, make a tiny hole in the middle, add crushed yeast into a well in the centre, and add sugar and salt along the edge of the bowl. Measure 1L of lukewarm water into a jug, add to the yeast, and stir a little, slowly add some oil, if desired (not necessary), but be careful that the oil does not come into direct contact with the yeast. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and bring together with your hands to form a dough. Knead for about 5 minutes until smooth. Cover the dough with a cloth and leave it in a warm place to rise until doubled in size, for about 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 50°C. From the prepared dough, you can prepare small bakery prod- ucts (buns, cakes, braids, cheese buns, etc.) or simply put it in the prepared, lightly greased tin. Let the dough rise again for 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 175°C. Saturated kJ/kcal Proteins Fats Fats Carbohydrates Fibres Bake small bakery products in the oven for 30 minutes or bread for 45 minutes until golden and crusty. Cool in the tin covered Total (approx. 2 kg) 15925/3755 80 g 39 g 13 g 770 g 61 g with a cloth. 48 Gluten-free shopping If you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease and are making the shift to a gluten-free diet your grocery shopping experience is going to change! Trying to follow a strict gluten-free diet can be overwhelming, (the ingredients). We will provide you with some tips. and your first few gluten-free shoppings will be challenging; however, it will become easier over time. If you have just started The best advice comes from experienced coeliac disease pa-eating gluten-free, you will be glad to learn tips and tricks on how tients. Get in touch with them and check with the manufacturers to find safe gluten-free products, which products are naturally if you have any questions. gluten-free, which may contain hidden gluten, how to organize your shopping, where you have to be careful, and much more. To ensure a safe and strict gluten-free The most important part of gluten-free shopping for those fol-diet it is of vital importance to buy lowing a strict gluten-free diet is reading and decoding the labels verified gluten-free products and to properly store these products at home. STEP-BY-STEP SHOPPING STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 Prepare the shopping Once in the store, choose When choosing When buying fresh When choosing/ buying Deli counter: pay at- Products should be list of gluten-free a clean shopping basket. products, stick to fruit and vegetables, fresh meat, mind the tention to cleanliness kept in an unopened products at home and If you notice remains of the shopping list and the possibility of con- distribution of meat of the meat slicer; in (and undamaged) include tested and breadcrumbs or flour verified producers. tamination with gluten in the showcase and smaller shops you package. It is certified products, in the basket, choose Make sure that the should be neglible or pay attention to the might want to check suggested to use e.g. those listed in the another one that is clean. product packaging is at least not expected. possible proximity of whether they serve plastic bags in order to journal Celiakija by the undamaged. products coated in bread or make sand- avoid contamination Slovenian Association breadcrumbs. Remind wiches on the same on conveyor belt. Be for Celiac Disease the butcher to maintain part of the counter as careful when placeing (SDC). hygienic standards, meat, check if the staff products on conveyor not to use the same has clean hands, etc. belt. spoons, slices, etc. 49 1. READING AND UNDERSTANDING DECLARATIONS (FOOD LABELS) When buying prod- Double chocolate ucts, read carefully the declaration and ingre- This is a voluntary cookies dients, and compare information the the translation with NUTRITION INFORMATION manufacturer the original label. Do Per 100 g Per Piece (25 g) can provide. not choose products ALLERGY ADVICE Energy kJ/kcal 2123 kJ (508 kCal) 531 kJ (127 kCal) ”May contain“ is containing wheat, rye, Fat 26 g 7 g For allergies, including cereals another voluntary kamut and bulgur, - Of which saturates 14 g 4 g containing gluten, see ingredients declaration that barley, spelt flour, or Carbohydrates 61 g 15 g in bold. can be used. various groats. Choose - Of which sugars 39 g 10 g If the product the following grains in- Protein 5,9 g 2 g consists only a stead: buckwheat, mil- Salt 0,57 g 0,14 g single ingredient, let, corn, rice, quinoa, it might say and others. Caution is “contains gluten“. nevertheless necessary INGREDIENTS when buying flour and Sugar, wheat flour, whole milk chocolate, dark chocolate, Here, all major grain products. Glu- palm oil, cocoa, cocoa butter, milk powder, lactose, wheat allergens, gluten, aroma, emulsifiers E741, lecithin (soy), sodium carbonate, atients ten-free products must including diphosphate, salt, egg or p be marked with the in- gluten- ternationally recognized containing ool f Crossed Grain symbol, g t cereals, have “gluten-free” mark, or nin to be listed and Note that all gluten-containing Allergens may not be hidden in ar tested for gluten con- highlighted. cereals have to be declared the form of numbers. If additives -le tent. It is recommended (not gluten itself!). That is contain gluten, it must be to use gluten-free prod- why you have to know which highlighted in the same manner ucts listed in a registry cereals are the ones that as for the main ingredients. maintained by coeliac contain gluten. ocus IN CD e societies. Do not choose ce: F products, which may contain traces of gluten. Sour 50 EU regulation No. 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, defines the 14 most common causes of allergies and other food sensitivities, which have to be stated on the food label. Gluten and gluten-containing cereals are one of them. Prepacked food: when there is no list of ingredients Some products do not have to have a list of ingredients, e.g. beverages containing more than 1.2% by volume of alcohol. However, even in cases when there is no list of ingredients, the listing of allergens is mandatory. The citation must include the word "contains" followed by the name of the allergen, for example: Contains: wheat, or Contains: wheat (gluten) Exceptions: non-hazardous ingredients Certain ingredients, although derived from raw materials that may originally cause allergies or intolerances, are unlikely to cause allergies or intolerances because they have undergone a process to remove allergens. Such ingredients have been evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and concluded that they do not pose a risk to consumers. Therefore, these ingredients do not need to be specifically highlighted as allergens in the list of ingredients. In the case of gluten-containing cereals, exceptions apply to wheat-based glucose syrups, including dextrose, wheat-based maltodextrin, barley-based glucose syrups, and to cereals used in the production of alcoholic distillates, including ethyl alcohol. Other claims about gluten are forbidden! Regulation (EU) No. 828/2014 prescribes the exact text of the statements on the absence and reduced presence of gluten in food: "Gluten-free" and "Very-low gluten". Manufacturers may put a statement on the absence of gluten only in those words. In this way, using clearly prescribed “gluten-free” or “very low gluten” statements allow consumers to know exactly what each statement means and what the maximum amount of gluten in that product is. The manufacturer's versions of the statements are not permitted, f.e. "Ingredients without gluten", "Naturally gluten-free ingredients" or other similar statements. 51 2. TRAPS DURING SHOPPING, SPECIAL CAUTION registered symbol is protected with the registered trademark REQUIRED (®) and can be used by registered coeliac disease societies. Avoid shopping at the deli counter and rather choose the al-Under the label, you will find the country code and testing code ready sliced and vacuum-packed products: salami, cheese, number: SI-3512345 (Slovenia), AT-3418763 (Austria), I-24517453 hot dogs, etc. Cash desks and conveyor belts: flour and bread- (Italy), etc. crumbs are often scattered on the conveyor belts, for protection Certain manufacturers label their products with various symbols put the products onto the shopping bag or ask the cashier to of a crossed grain. Please note that these products might not be scan them without placing them back on the belt. Consider us-tested to the same degree and their release to the market might ing a self-service cashier whenever possible. not have been approved by the coeliac disease society. 3. GLUTEN-FREE PRODUCTS WITH THE CROSSED 4. GLUTEN-FREE PRODUCTS WITH THE LABEL GRAIN LABEL “GLUTEN-FREE” Labeling products with the Crossed Grain symbol and the logo Many manufacturers do not label their products with the crossed of the National Coeliac Disease Society are intended for products grain symbol but only place the “gluten-free” mark on the prod-for which the production, purchase, storage, and packing is uct. Please check if these products have been tested for gluten managed, monitored, and tested for gluten content by a national content and are listed in the gluten-free products registry. society. Such products are awarded a label, which is a type of • Bonbons license for use and labeling products. Without any doubt, these • Chocolate products are the safest and most tested gluten-free products • Pudding for patients with coeliac disease. Use of the internationally • Ice-cream • Pâté • Meat products and charcuterie: bacon, salami, sausages, tartare • Ready-to-eat dressings – pasta sauces • French fries • Potato chips 5. PRODUCTS WITHOUT ANY LABELS AND TESTED FOR GLUTEN CONTENT Please check if these products have been tested for gluten content and are listed in the gluten-free products registry. SI-123-123 52 6. PRODUCTS NATURALLY NOT CONTAINING GLUTEN • Ketchup When buying fresh fruit and vegetables there is practically no • Mayonnaise possibility of contamination or at least it is not expected. • Mustard • Corn starch – polenta • Fresh fruit, vegetables, meat • Porridges, groats from naturally gluten-free grains • Milk, butter, cream Homemade fresh cheese and cream and can be contaminated 9. PRODUCTS WHICH MAY CONTAIN GLUTEN with flour. Pay attention to products from unverified manufacturers, which may contain traces of gluten, and choose tested and verified products instead. 7. PRODUCTS NATURALLY NOT CONTAINING GLUTEN WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF CONTAMINATION • Ready-to-eat vegetable condiments: ajvar (pepper-based con-DURING PRODUCTION AND PACKING diment), horseradish • Frozen items: fruit, vegetables, meat, fish Check if the declaration contains information about possible • Fish – canned sardines, tuna fish traces of gluten. Choose tested products. Food inspection is • Canned meat products recommended. • Canned beans, corn, lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans • Rice, millet, buckwheat, and other gluten-free cereals • Cocoa powder, hot chocolate • Frozen vegetables, fish • Soya sauce • Dried fruits, nuts • Ice tea • Pudding • Cheese 8. PRODUCTS CONTAINING TRACES OF GLUTEN • Bonbons Products containing information of possible traces of gluten on • Sugar powder the declaration should be avoided. These may include the fol- • Juice lowing: • Fruit syrup • Yoghurt • Chocolate • Prosciutto • Potato chips • Ice-cream • Sugar powder • Tea bags • Meat products: pâté, sausages, salami • Spices (ground paprika, garlic powder, ground cinnamon, ground cumin, etc.) 53 Naturally gluten-free foods Foods containing gluten are not health-friendly for a person suffering from coeliac disease. Thus, gluten-free diet planning involves choosing food that naturally does not contain gluten or has not been contaminated with gluten, or food from which gluten was removed by technological processes. Such food should be marked by a recognizable symbol of a crossed wheat class. Gluten-free grains, unprocessed meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and milk products are naturally gluten-free foods recommended for coeliac disease patients. A healthy gluten-free diet must be complete, sufficient, and balanced. Therefore, keep in mind that it is recommended that you eat cereals, grain, and starchy foods several times a day. The full-grain products are preferred for their higher content of vitamin B group, minerals, and fibre. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables contributes to the intake of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fibre, and water, especially when it is varied and colourful. It is advisable to consume at least five servings of fruit and vegetables (minimum 400 grams) per day. Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium, which is important for bone building. Meat, fish, and eggs are an important source of protein, iron, and certain vitamin B groups in the diet. It is desirable to consume fish twice a week, poultry meat several times a week, and red meat less frequently. Sweets and added sugar can be consumed occasionally; as an alternative, fresh or dried fruits and nuts are recommended. Always read the declaration and pay attention to possible sources of gluten: cereal extract, malt flavouring, modified starch, gelat-inized starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable gum, vegetable starch, and liquorice. Successful elimination of gluten is the first step in implementing a gluten-free diet. The second step is certainly to avoid possible cross-contamination. Contamination means mixing foods containing gluten with gluten-free. How to avoid it? With proper storage of gluten-free products (store them separated from products containing gluten), careful preparation of meals (separately or before meals containing gluten) with new or well-cleaned cooking tools and utensils. 54 Safe, risky, and not allowed foods GROUP OF FOODS SAFE RISKY NOT ALLOWED Corn, rice, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, tapioca, teff, Oats (very often contaminated with gluten), pota- Wheat, rye, barley, triticale- crunchy wheat and rye, revel, CEREALS AND soy, rogue flour, chestnuts flour, potato starch (all duly declared to chips, instant corncob, cornflakes with various einkorn, spelt, emmer, kamut, bulgur - cooked, chopped GROCERIES RICH IN with a cross-section mark or "gluten-free" label for possible additives, expanded rice, all kinds of gluten-free and dried wheat (processed wheat), durum- hard high pro-STARCH contamination in production, storage and packaging); oats (if cereals and products made from gluten-free ce- tein wheat not contaminated, safe for consumption of more than 95% of reals if not declared (may be contaminated in the 2 coeliac disease patient) process of production, packaging, storage) -9 :87 Fresh (unprocessed) fruits; frozen fruits (without the addition Candied fruits, dried fruits Fruits with forbidden grains, frozen fruits containing wheat FRUITS of ingredients with gluten, it is imperative to read the product and / or its derivatives declaration); nuts 008; 17 Raw, cooked, dried and frozen vegetables and legumes (with Cooked meals (ready meals) with a vegetables Vegetables with forbidden grains, breaded vegetables in no added ingredients with gluten, check the product decla- base forbidden flour, frozen vegetables containing wheat or its VEGETABLES ration); canned vegetables in oil, salt ...; Vegetable products possible derivatives without flavour, preservatives and flavour enhancers; peeled or pasteurized tomatoes. ije. Medicus 2 Fresh milk or milk in tetra pack; natural yogurt; fresh cream; Ready-made milk-based drinks, fruit yogurt, fla- Yogurt with malt, cereals or biscuits fresh and mature cheeses, mascarpone, mozzarella, cheese voured cooking cream (with mushrooms etc), elijak MILK AND DAIRY like edam, emmental, parmesan whipped cream, cream and pudding, melted od c PRODUCTS cheese, processed cheese. Homemade fresh cheese and cream and can be contaminated with flour ana k All types of meat and fish, fresh or frozen (without the addition Pork products, hot dogs, sausages, preserved Meat and fish prepared with flour containing gluten or glu-rehr MEET, FISH AND EGGS of ingredients with gluten, read product declaration); Eggs are and tinned meat, sauces based on meat or fish. ten-containing sauces, meat and fish prepared with bread- naturally gluten-free. crumbs, surimi Carbonated drinks, mineral water, fruit juices (with 100% fruit Fruit syrups, ready-made mixtures for hot choco- Beer (except that with crossed wheat class allowed for con-avčić I. P DRINKS share), coffee, tea (no additives), wine, sparkling wine and late, cocoa and frape sumption), some instant drinks (coffee, cocoa), oat-based rb champagne drinks ota K SWEETENERS AND Honey, sugar, fructose, dextrose, glucose syrup Chocolate, pralines, cocoa powder, ice cream, Cakes, strudels with wheat, rye, barley and oats, instant SWEETS candy, chewing gum pudding, cream filling, chocolate with cereals, and biscuits anjk All oils, butter, margarine, fat, apple and wine vinegar, glu- Cooked sauces, soy sauces, spices and mixtures, All sauces with ingredients containing gluten ce: P OTHER FOOD ten-free raw spices, salt, pepper, yeast soup cubes, baking additives (for example, bak- ing powder), mustard, ketchup Sour 55 Health alphabet AMARANTH - Contains high amounts of MILLET - Rich in magnesium and iron, SOY - It contains a very high amino acids and is rich in calcium, fibre, it is an excellent source of protein percentage of fat - 19.9%, carbohydrates - and iron. It is an excellent source of protein (100 g contains 10 g protein), calcium, 30.2%, and proteins - 36.5% of and iron, and only one grain contains twice phosphorus, zinc, nickel, vitamin E, and vitamins A and B. as much calcium as milk and three times as vitamin B complexes. Millet is an alkaline much fibre as wheat. cereal easy to digest. TAPIOCA - Is a very useful type of starch as it stimulates the growth of good bacteria BUCKWHEAT - This is an excellent QUINOA - This is a great source of in the intestines. Vitamin B complexes source of high-quality and easily magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, that give energy and improve immunity digestible proteins. Also, buckwheat and amino acid lysine that stimulates the are present in tapioca flour. They also is rich in two amino acids - lysine and growth and recovery of tissues. Quinoa contain a large number of minerals - iron, arginine that have important functions also contains riboflavin (vitamin B), which zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and in heart health and the immune system. stimulates metabolism in brain and muscle manganese (important for tissue binders This food has a remarkable health effect cells. and joint health). and it contains a range of minerals, such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and RICE - Brown or wholegrain rice is much TEFF - A grain the size of a poppy seed fibre. more valuable nutritionally than white rice. that hails from Ethiopia, teff is naturally It keeps the part of the coating and slice, high in minerals and protein. It has more MAIZE - Is abundant with dietary fibre that which is why it contains more nutrients. calcium and vitamin C than almost any lowers cholesterol levels, folic acid that Brown rice contains 3.5-times more other grain. It is high in protein and iron, keeps the bloodstream system, vitamin B1 magnesium, four times more vitamin B1 and much of its fibre is a type known as that is important for good brain function, and fibre, five times more nicotinic acid, resistant starch, which has been linked and carbohydrates that give us fast- and 1.6-times more folic acid than white in studies to health benefits such as available energy. rice. The cup contains vitamin E, while the improved blood sugar. envelope is rich in almost all B vitamins. 56 HOW TO CHOOSE A „GLUTEN-FREE” RESTAURANT ■ Check the website of coeliac societies. ■ Read opinions available on the coeliac societies’ website or forums, where Eating out other coeliac people share their positive or negative dining experience. ■ Check the website of the restaurant where you want to go. Many restaurants Diagnosis of coeliac disease does not have to list the menus on their website. If there are no gluten-free options, it may be worth giving a call to check whether they can alter some of their menu mean an end of eating out or going to restaurants options to make them gluten-free. with family members and friends. ■ It could be useful if you would consult with the chef (it may be better if you called them when the staff is less busy) to explain the most important requirements. But don’t forget to tell them that you are a diagnosed coeliac person rather than someone who prefers to eat gluten-free and that your Nowadays, eating gluten-free is becoming a worldwide gluten-free meal must be prepared gluten-free by all standards. trend, and more and more restaurants offer gluten-free op- tions. Eating out means not only the restaurants or hotels ■ When you order, politely explain to the waiter what you need of your glu-but also school catering, social services, and hospital stay. ten-free diet as you are a coeliac patient, and ask if they can offer some meal options to you. If they do not seem to know what you need, it is advisable to How to find a „reliable” gluten-free restaurant? The majority minimize your risk and order only foods which are completely gluten-free, of associations/societies for coeliac patients collect good ex-like salads, steamed vegetables, and rice, grilled meat (not marinated or fried periences based on reports of their members, and in many in bread crumbs). countries, they have a ’Gluten-free Eating out’ restaurant ■ Don't forget to ask and draw attention to the urgently needed hygiene re-program. These programs include education and training gime when handling and preparing gluten-free food to avoid cross-contam-for restaurant staff, accreditation programs with regular au-ination of your gluten-free meal. dits; they also publish updated lists of safe locals and restau- ■ Be the last person who places an order so your request is more likely to be rants on their website regularly. communicated in the kitchen. ■ Be careful and bring with you some slices of your gluten-free bread from The most favoured type of gluten-free restaurant is the home. Bear in mind that some Asian restaurants (Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, ‘dedicated gluten-free’ restaurant where the whole process etc.) originally are gluten-free, but in Europe, the raw materials they use for and choice of dishes is free of gluten. It means that they of-cooking may be different - some ingredients could be replaced by others fer excellent food – gluten-free for all. Typically, these res-that could contain gluten. taurant owners are affected by the coeliac disease in their family (or themselves) and they pay careful attention to the ✓ If you do not feel confident about the reaction of the staff, choose another strict food safety rules. restaurant. To fulfill the strict food safety and security rules is not an ✓ Be prepared that sometimes you will have to pay more for the gluten-free alternatives, reflecting the increased cost of the gluten-free ingredients. inexhaustible condition as we can see in many European countries or even worldwide. On the other hand, conditions ✓ If you have any doubt, please ask immediately. Do not make any own as-sumptions and better check your food options twice. It would be worth your are indeed strict and the restaurant’s staff has to be deeply while. engaged and well trained. 57 Travel tips The world is open to coeliac disease patients on a gluten-free diet. With good preparation and planning, coeliac patients can adhere to their strict gluten-free diet during holidays or business trips. It is strongly advisable, though, to research in advance to collect any information you may need when you are away. Traveling domestically or abroad can be chal- lenging and may contain hidden pitfalls. To avoid them, it is important to plan your trip carefully in advance. Traveling is a good oppor- tunity to taste and know local meals. Foreign cuisines can be challenging to eat gluten-free safely. Be aware of the possibility of cross-con- tamination. In Europe, the consumer informa- tion regulation requires informing the cus- tomers about the gluten and other allergen content (labels of the pre-packed prepared foods and menu in restaurants), which makes it easier to identify products that contain glu- ten. Coeliac disease treatment is “only” a lifelong gluten-free diet, but because of other possible chronic or acute diseases that can develop or worsen while you are traveling, you may need some medications. It is advisable to bring with you enough prescription and OTC pills (drugs that are for general use without a prescription), vitamins, and supplements, so you do not need to search pharmacies and check hidden gluten of a replacer medicament. 58 Here are some useful tips for preparing your travels ■ Call the hotel to ask if a refrigerator is available in the room and check on the hotel’s website to find nearby restaurants with gluten-free menu or stores that sell gluten-free foods. ■ If there are no reliable hotels which would guarantee a gluten-free environment, consider choosing an apartment where you can prepare your own food. ■ Search good restaurants on the web or blogs of the local coeliac association. Check if there is a specific logo of the local coeliac association to mark the accredited ’gluten-free’ restaurants, cafes, or pizzerias. ■ For breakfast ask for simple foods, if necessary, such as cheese, fruit, vegetables, and nuts which are naturally gluten-free foods and widely available. ■ Use coeliac disease cards or learn the words for basic information in the local language, which can be helpful to explain your dietary needs to restaurant staff. ■ Eat ethnic foods, fresh, local cuisine. Many local, cultural foods are naturally gluten-free and choose those rather than processed foods. Keep in mind that it is better to check the ingredients and the preparation method of your food twice to avoid having a dietary failure. ■ Travel with non-perishable “back-up” food, like bars, chips, cereal, etc. Order a gluten-free meal when you book your flight (for international flights or business class) because many airlines have a gluten-free meal option. When you check-in at the airport have them confirm with the airline that your gluten-free meal will be available on-board for you. In some European cuisines, it can be challenging to navigate gluten-free, but many European countries include allergen labeling on packaged foods and in restaurants, making it easier to identify products that contain gluten. ■ Do not forget to bring with you a few slices of your preferred gluten-free bread or buns, and some chips, cakes, or other snacks – just in case. IN ASIA: rice, rice noodles, seafood, and meat or fish sauces are naturally gluten-free, but be careful with the soy sauce, which is usually made with wheat. IN MEXICO AND SOUTH AMERICA in general the basis of most dishes are rice, beans, corn, and tapioca, so it is easy to find gluten-free meals. IN AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST, the meal bases are teff, millet, lentils, and tapioca (known also as cassava) which are all naturally gluten-free. 59 Patients rights Some systems have patients’ rights charters, specific laws, administrative regulations, and charters of ser- Each national health system of the Central European countries vices. Patient’s rights include different kinds of sys-has a different system and approach to patients’ rights. tem support: informational, educational, financial in- S SUPPORT / COUNTRY SLOVENIA CROATIA HUNGARY GERMANY AUSTRIA BULGARIA CZECH REPUBLIC SERBIA ROMUNIA MOLDAVIA Monthly YES (up to 26 of age) ONLY YES (up to NO Higher child YES (if disability status is ONLY SOME NO YES (upon YES allowance SOME 18 of age) allowance available) (depending on health request for insurance, 1,6-19,2 18 handicap € monthly) certificate) Tax deduction YES YES NO Only in some YES (in case of YES (if disability status is NO NO YES NO for parents cases 25% disability) available) Additional 3 additional days NO 2 additional NO NO NO NO YES NO NO CHILDREN RIGHT vacation days days for parents Material Aid: For families with YES NO NO NO YES NO YES (gluten-free NO NO as gluten-free lower financial income Monthly flour on doctor's products monthly and from aid prescription in the Slovenian Coeliac amount of 7 kg per disease society 2 month) times per year Road tax YES NO NO NO NO YES (if disability status is NO NO YES NO deduction for available) parents -free ticket two times per year with railway transportation for child until 16 years old and parent - in some municipalities – free in-town bus tickets if disability status is available Rehabilitation YES NO NO NO NO YES (if disability status is NO NO NO YES (once a available) year) Medical NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES (exemption YES NO scholarship from payment or reduction of the price for attending a preschool institution for a child) 60 centives, and additional medical services due to health condition. sults of the overview are oriented towards existing financial and In the two tables below, we present an overview of patient’s rights material rights and are based upon the project survey “Analysis of (separately for children and adults) for coeliac disease patients in existing financial incentives”. Central European countries participating in our project. The re-S SUPPORT / COUNTRY SLOVENIA CROATIA HUNGARY GERMANY AUSTRIA BULGARIA CZECH REPUBLIC SERBIA ROMUNIA MOLDAVIA Monthly NO NO NO Only in case NO YES (if disability status is available) ONLY SOME NO NO YES allowance of receiving (depending on health TS RIGHT social benefits insurance, 1,6-19,2 18 (Hartz IV) € monthly) Tax deduction NO YES YES YES (In case of YES (in case of YES (if disability status is available) NO NO NO NO ADUL 30% disability) 25% disability) Additional NO NO NO NO NO YES (if disability status is available) NO YES NO vacation days Material Aid NO YES NO NO NO YES (only in one hospital in the NO YES (gluten-free NO NO as gluten-free capital) flour on doctor's products prescription in the amount of 7 kg per month) Road tax NO NO NO NO NO YES (if disability status more than 71% NO NO NO NO deduction is available- with comorbidities) – free tickets twice per year with railway transportation – in some municipalities – free in-town bus tickets if disability status is available Rehabilitation YES NO NO NO NO YES (if disability status more than NO NO NO YES (once a 90% is available - with comorbidities) year) Rights to part- NO YES NO NO NO NO NO YES (special child NO NO time work care under the age of five and is some specific occasion) Prolonged NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO maternal leave 61 BIG 6-pieces of advice on how to lower everyday risks Living with coeliac disease comes down to risk management, risk of gluten ingestion. Every day, every decision one makes while choosing what ! to eat, where to eat, or how Take our advice on gluten-free shopping. to prepare one’s food, results @ in more than 0% risk, even if Plan your day and your meals accordingly. the amount of ingested glu- ten is smaller than 20 ppm. # Those risks get higher in a While going out, always bring some food with you, just new situation, outside one’s in case you won't have an opportunity to have a safe home, during a social event, meal outside your home, because of the great risk of or with new food products. contamination or lack of gluten-free offer. Therefore, one’s job is to low- $ er that risk, to keep it at a While traveling, if there isn’t a reliable hotel with a gluten-free offer, minimum, to be always „on choose an apartment instead where you can prepare your own food. a safe side “and at the same time to keep normal living % and mental health. Not easy Do not listen to other people’s experiences when it comes to reactions at all, one would say. There to various suspicious food products or restaurant food. If one does not are several useful pieces react to ingested gluten, it does not mean an autoimmune reaction of advice we would like to did not occur. share on how to keep the ^ risk low and your spirits high: If in doubt, leave it out. 62 About the project CD SKILLS project is addressing existing challenges of the healthcare sector in coeliac disease management in the Danube region. Coeliac disease is a lifelong systemic reaction healthcare sector, which will efficiently meet the against gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye. health-related and social needs of patients and It can occur at any age but usually starts in early the general public affected by coeliac disease. childhood. Women are affected twice as com- mon as men. Without a very strict exclusion diet, The important initial activity of the project is the severe complications can develop. More than 1% assessment of regional practices in CD manage- of the population (about 1.2 million) in the Dan- ment, which will be followed by the introduction ube region could have coeliac disease, with a of an innovative learning strategy combining much larger population affected indirectly. It has traditional lectures and modern e-tools, sup- an impact on families and friends, as well as on ported by the new information exchange plat- childcare institutions, food producers, catering form, development of efficient disease detection services, and especially on the healthcare sector. strategies, and testing of innovative pilot servic- About 80% of patients are diagnosed with a long es focusing on early detection and improved di- delay or remain undiagnosed, increasing the agnosis of the disease and its complications and risk of complications, resulting in high morbid-improvement of patients’ quality of life. ity and mortality, low school performance, and The main long-term goals of the project are im- high work absenteeism. This has an important provement of the knowledge, skills, and compe- negative impact on sustainability of the health- tencies of health care professionals and patients care sector and society. Possible reasons are low as well as other stakeholders and increased ca- awareness and knowledge about the disease, pacity of healthcare service in the Danube re-limited access to diagnostic tools, limited oppor- gion to better meet the needs of coeliac disease tunities for innovative learning, and inefficient patients and to improve their quality of life. information exchange. More about the project: CD SKILLS project aims to overcome these http:/ shortcomings to ensure a sustainable public approved-projects/cd-skills 63 About the partnership The transnational multidisciplinary partnership of the CD SKILLS project is composed of highly competent partners with different competencies and roles, including healthcare service providers, such as university hospitals, which also serve as research, education and training institutions, patient support organizations (NGOs), public authorities, gluten-free producers/suppliers, and professional associations ensuring exchange of different perspectives addressing common challenges of coeliac disease. Partners are coming from eight Danube region countries: Romania (National Institute for Mother and Child Health Alessandrescu-Rusescu ), Czech Republic (General University Hospital in Prague), Croatia (Children's Hospital Zagreb and CeliVita - Living with Celiac Disease), Serbia (University Children's Hospital and Serbian Coeliac Society), Moldova (“Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Kishinau), Slovenia (University Medical Center Maribor and Municipality of Maribor), Hungary (Heim Pal National Paediatric Institute and the University of Debrecen), Austria (Medical University of Graz) and Germany (Ludwig Maximillian’s University Munich). Interested Associated Strategic partners of the project are coming from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Romania, and are composed of patient organizations, gluten-free food products producers, medical societies, healthcare policymakers, and public authorities. Many partners have successfully collaborated in international ini-tiatives and are known internationally for their work in the field of coeliac disease. The partnership has been involved in many projects addressing public service including coeliac disease-related projects: Interreg CE Focus IN CD, bilateral SI-HU LQ CELIAC, FP7 CD MEDICS, FP6 PREVENTCD, MediCel, ProCeDE, Trans-2-Care, and many others. 64 Project partners University Medical Centre Maribor, Slovenia pharmacy services. The city municipality is also the founder of many The University Medical Centre (UMC) Maribor is a public healthcare public institutions. In the last few years, we have been actively in-institution providing secondary and tertiary healthcare services in volved in mainly soft-measure European projects in the field of pre-north-eastern Slovenia. It is a research organization that also serves ventive health care. We have been a lead partner in bilateral Slovenias an educational and training institution for future healthcare pro-an – Hungarian project LQ – CELIAC as well as in Focus IN CD project fessionals. The UMC Maribor employs approximately 3,500 people, (Interreg Central Europe programme) with the main aim to increase of which around 600 are medical doctors and around 1,800 associ-the quality of life of celiac disease patients and to raise awareness ated healthcare professionals. Annually, about 60,000 patients are among professionals and the general public. The Office of project treated as inpatients and almost 400,000 as outpatients in different development is focused on the preparation of project applications, sub-specialty units. Its Medical Emergency Unit is a professionally management, implementation, and reporting of European projects. and organizationally homogeneous unit providing non-stop 24-hour medical care. In addition to healthcare services, the UMC Maribor is included in research projects and cooperates with major research Medical University of Graz, Austria centres at the national and international levels. It employs a multidisciplinary team of experts in different fields including the Medical The Medical University of Graz (MUG) was founded in 2004, originat-Research Department with the Project Office experienced in project ing from the previous Medical Faculty of centuries-old Karl-Fran-management. UMC professionals are members of the ESPGHAN zen’s-Universität: Approximately 2,500 employees are working here Celiac Disease Working Group. Paediatric Department UMC MB has in academic and non-academic areas and over 4,300 students are been involved in many national and international coeliac disease-re-enrolled in diploma (medicine, dentistry, nursing science) and doc-lated projects LQ CELIAC, Focus IN CD, CD-MEDICS, PreventCD, Pro-toral programs (medical science), with PhD-programs as a hub of CeDe, and others. innovative and high-end medicine. The MUG research community bundles its innovative capacity in four research fields and the general approach of sustainable health research. The Centres for “Medical Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia Research” and “Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Medicine”, City Municipality of Maribor (MOM) is a self-governing local commu-the Biobank Graz (with > 20 million biological samples), and many nity consisting of the city of Maribor and 33 other settlements. It is other facilities provide a perfect research infrastructure. Students, the second biggest city in Slovenia. In the field of health, we are re-instructors, and staff learn and work together according to the prin-sponsible for social security, health protection, and family matters, for ciples of the biopsychosocial model, which places the person with all elderly care, health insurance for citizens without insurance, award-his or her needs at the centre of attention. Not only do students gain ing scholarships, for awarding concessions in the field of health and from expert knowledge, so does the whole population, thus taking 65 advantage of a great range of knowledge, also in the context of me-partment runs the Croatian largest clinic for paediatric celiac disease dia coverage and a great number of events. Postgraduate education patients with about 20–30 newly diagnosed patients per year. The for doctors and other target groups completes this broad range of team members have participated in the work of the ESPGHAN Celiac services. disease Working Group and in several national (Screening for celiac disease in first-grade school children) and international projects on celiac disease (PreventCD, ProCeDe, MediCel). University Children's Hospital Belgrade, Serbia One of the most important medical institutions not only in Serbia but also in the region, the University Children’s Hospital in Belgrade General University Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic was founded in 1924 under the leadership of Professor Franz Gro-General University Hospital in Prague (GUHP) is one of the larger, an eminent associate of Vienna’s School of Paediatrics. Later, in est hospitals in the Czech Republic. Together with the 1st Faculty 1926, Professor Matija Ambrožić, also from the Vienna School, was of Medicine of Charles University, it creates a broad base not only appointed head. The first Department of Paediatric Surgery was for diagnostic, therapeutic, and nursing care but also for teaching, founded by MD Dimitrije Jovičić, who had trained in France and was science, and research. The Department of Paediatrics and Inherit-the first qualified paediatric surgeon in Serbia. In its first three years, ed Metabolic Disorders represents the Centre of excellence for chil-the Children’s Clinic was located in a private building in Kneza Milosa dren with metabolic, rheumatologic, inflammatory bowel disease, Street and had four rooms. Construction began on a new building and other gastrointestinal disorders, and for children with specific on 4th October 1936 by Royal Decree of King Petar Karadjordjević nutritional requirements. A multidisciplinary approach is a part of and under the highest protection of Her Majesty Queen Marija. To-daily routine. The team includes paediatric gastroenterologists, di-day, the building is classified as a cultural monument. For more than etitians, and nurse specialists. The centre fully covers all diagnostic 90 years, the University Children’s Hospital has been a centre for the and therapeutic procedures, including endoscopy, enteral and par-provision of specialized care and treatment in all areas of paediatrics enteral nutrition. Concerning Celiac disease, this department runs and paediatric surgery, for the education and training of students the country’s largest clinic for paediatric Celiac disease patients, with from the University of Belgrade’s School of Medicine, and scientific about 100 newly diagnosed patients each year. The employees are research. members of the ESPGHAN and actively participate in different inter- national projects. Children’s Hospital Zagreb, Croatia Serbian Coeliac Society, Serbia Children’s Hospital Zagreb is a unique tertiary healthcare institution Serbian Coeliac Society was founded in 2005 by a group of mothers for children in Croatia. Since 1997, its Department for paediatric gas-with coeliac children. The main motive was lack of knowledge about troenterology and nutrition has been the Referral Centre of the Cro-the disease, educational material, counseling about the gluten-free atian Ministry of Health for children with gastrointestinal disorders diet, and difficulties in finding safe gluten-free food products. Since and specific nutritional requirements. The team includes paediatric then, the association has grown into a national organization that gastroenterologists, dietitians, psychologists, working therapists, works closely with associations in the region and Europe, doctors, and nurse specialists. The centre is fully equipped for all necessary scientists, and other experts as well as the institutions and organiza-diagnostic procedures and various treatment modalities, including tions in the field of food production. The Serbian Coeliac Society has enteral and parenteral nutrition. Concerning celiac disease, this de-been an AOECS member since 2008. Our goal is to ensure that we 66 live in an educated, well-aware society where early detection and di-patients and family members. Its volunteers provide comprehensive agnosis of coeliac disease is possible, followed by labeled, safe food, support and tools, necessary for successfully overcoming everyday at a price available for our patients. challenges and maintaining a proper gluten-free diet. Preserving the overall physical and mental health of those affected, including family members is one of CeliVita’s missions. Support provided by the association includes counseling about gluten-free diet imple-National Institute for Mother and Child Health mentation and legal rights, educating about CD and risk factors for Alessandrescu-Rusescu, Romania complications, cooking classes, nutritional and psychological workshops and lectures, manuals, and brochures, raising awareness pro-The National Institute for Mother and Child Health “Alessandrescu grams in nurseries and schools, members meetings, and gatherings Rusescu” Bucharest (INSMC) is one of the institutes of the Ministry and many other activities. CeliVita’s s members enjoy many benefits of Health in Romania with expertise in population research in the from various partnerships. field of maternal and child health status. In the field of population research, INSMC collaborates with international institutions (United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations Population Fund, Center for Celiac Disease (CD) Control USA, US Agency for International De-Heim Pál National Paediatric Institute, Hungary velopment). INSMC research led to health policies by the Ministry of Health in Romania and the research results were used as reference Heim Pál National Institute of Paediatrics, Budapest is a multidisci-data by international organizations (WHO). INSMC includes 2 Uni-plinary children’s hospital for specialist care, which is also respon-versity Clinical Departments (Gynaecology and Paediatrics) as part sible for the coordination of clinical guidelines and specialized of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest post-gradual teaching. The Coeliac Disease Centre is an independ-and 4 National and Regional Centres focused on specific medical ent department in the hospital for the integrative care of celiac dis-fields: Materno-Foetal Medicine Centre, Cystic Fibrosis Centre, CD ease patients and families regardless of age, which includes diagno-Centre, and Clinical Genetics Centre. The CD Centre is a tertiary cen-sis, regular follow-up, dietetic counselling, and screening of family tre focused on CD diagnosis, management, providing medical care, members at risk. The team consists of paediatric gastroenterologists, educational programs for professionals and the general population, clinical and research nurses, full-time dieticians, and laboratory tech-and running clinical research in collaborative national and interna-nicians. We operate an open-access outpatient facility for the direct tional networks. referral of cases from primary care and we closely collaborate with the Department of Gastroenterology and Nephrology and with the Department of Pathology. The Coeliac Disease Centre has its own diagnostic laboratory providing transglutaminase and endomysial CeliVita - Living with Celiac Disease, Croatia antibody testing for 19 other institutions in the central and western parts of the country. It also provides a second opinion on all celiac-re-CeliVita is a patient association founded in 2014, to protect health lated questions at the national level, develops management strate-and improve the overall life quality of people who suffer from Celiac gies, and disseminates knowledge among all medical professionals. disease, wheat allergy, and gluten sensitivity. CeliVita has members from all over Croatia, as well as a branch office in the Slavonia region. Its activities are focused on raising awareness about CD, as a general health problem, but also on providing practical help to the 67 University of Debrecen, Hungary “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine The University of Debrecen is a leading teaching institution with ap-and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova proximately 30,000 students, 12,000 of them coming from abroad. The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemit-This represents a very good possibility for the dissemination of anu" in Moldova is the only institution for the education of doctors knowledge and new findings. The University of Debrecen is respon-and pharmacologists in the country. It includes many departments sible for tertiary-level medical care for the whole of North-Eastern with 23 laboratories, 2 scientific centres, and 1200 specialists (8 ac-Hungary (approx. 1.8 million inhabitants). The Coeliac Disease Study ademics, 5 corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences group was founded in 2002 and consists of clinical staff at the De-of Moldova, full and honorary members of academies from other partment of Paediatrics (paediatricians, paediatric gastroenterol-states, 172 doctors habilitated in the medical sciences, 528 doctors ogists, nurses, social workers) and basic researchers (biochemists, in medical sciences, 15 laureates of the state award in the field of molecular biologists), and closely cooperates with the transglutam-science and technology). It offers specialized pre-university higher inase research group at the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular education integrated into the cycle I, II, doctoral higher studies (cycle Biology. Transglutaminase is the most important autoantigen in ce-III), postdoctoral programs in Romanian, Russian, French, and Eng-liac disease and also plays an important role in modern diagnosis. lish (ISO 9001: 2008; since 2016 applies the ISO 9001: 2015 standard). Further, the group is currently investigating innovative diagnostic The University is a member of the Association of International Uni-tools, standardization of antibody testing, and disease features at the versities for European Medical Education (2013). Since 2019, it is inter-cellular level. nationally accredited by the World Federation of Medical Education, an independent accreditation and evaluation agency. It collaborates Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany with over 90 international universities. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München is a public corporation with the right to self-governance. It is one of the leading research universities in Europe, with a more than 500-year-long tradition. LMU Klinikum is a centre of high-tech medicine, innovation, and medical and technical progress, at the same time has the sense of individual care, security, and trust. The Children’s Hospital was founded in 1846 by August Hauner and is named after him. With 15 paediatric subspecialties and paediatric surgery, it is one of the largest tertiary academic paediatric centres in Germany. The division of paediatric gastroenterology has high experience in Celiac Disease (CD), and was leading and participating in several national and international research projects on CD, e. g. the ProCeDE study, PreventCD, TEDDY, the German Celiac Registry. Together with the Child Health Foundation, it was a partner of the Interreg program Focus In CD, leading the work package on different online tools. https://www. 68 Associated strategic partners ness for the general public, coeliac community support, coeliac disease awareness gluten-free business sector development support. Health Service, Youth and Family Office, City of Graz, The association’s activity is based exclusively on volunteer work since Austria 2017. The activity of the association is supported by active coeliac community members. The city of Graz is the second-largest city in Austria. The city is divid-celiac-association-of-romania/ ed into 28 urban districts and is the fastest-growing region in Austria. Graz is a statutory city (that is, a city with statutory privileges). This is an important characteristic, as it implies that the city itself bears Bulgarian Coeliac Association, Bulgaria full administrative responsibility for all social services. The adminis-Bulgarian Coeliac Association was established on 31. 3. 2009 by a di-trative core of all preventive measures in child- and youth welfare in verse group of volunteers with coeliac disease from Bulgaria. At that Graz is the Youth and Family Office in the city’s administrative body. time there were only a few specialists who knew about the disease. Health service is integrated into this structure. It also provides ser-The association was dedicated from the very beginning to helping vices for public schools, kindergartens, nurseries, and day-care. The people with coeliac disease and other gluten-related conditions, team amongst other paediatricians includes general practitioners get support and understanding from the community, have an eas-and one nutritionist. The Health Service mainly provides preventive ier life, have access to gluten-free food. We are striving for people medical check-up and medical advice services. When signing up for with gluten-related conditions to get independent, trustworthy ad-nurseries, kindergarten, day-care, etc., parents have to fill in a health vice and support from the medical specialist, have more rights from form; coeliac disease is one of the interrogated points. Accompanied the state, and not only manage the impact of gluten, but also find by their parents, all pupils, attending a public school in Graz, under-all answers to how to live well and happy with coeliac disease. The go a medical check-up in their first year (age about six to seven). At main activities are fulfilled with the Facebook group, where people this time, parents are asked again about chronic diseases, such as ask questions and get answers. We regularly update it with recent coeliac disease. A further medical check-up is provided until the end information materials for gluten-free nutrition, Celiac Disease, and of compulsory school attendance. the life and obstacles for people with this entity in Europe. We are trying to help the availability of gluten-free products and Jugend_und_Familie.html food in more and more places. In a collaboration with municipalities and medical specialists, we helped the introduction of a gluten-free Romanian Association for Gluten Intolerance, Romania diet in nurseries and kindergartens in some areas in Bulgaria. Romanian Association for Gluten Intolerance (ARIG) is the national coeliac patient’s association, a non-governmental, independent Bulgarian Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, organization and its main mission is to improve the quality of life Hepatology and Nutrition, Bulgaria for coeliac patients in Romania. Romanian Association for Gluten Intolerance is a member of the Association of European Coeliac The Bulgarian Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatolo-Societies since 2018 and is running the ELS scheme for gluten-free gy and Nutrition is a voluntary, politically and socially independent products since 2019 with over 600 Romanian certified gluten-free non-profit association of individual and legal entities who meet the products. ARIG focuses its activities on four main pillars: legislation conditions set out in this statute, acting by the principles of the Con-and patients’ rights, patient education and coeliac disease aware-stitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the regulation of the Law 69 on non-profit legal entities and the current Bulgarian legislation. Hungarian Paediatric Gastroenterology Society, The aim of the Society to spread awareness in the area of paediat-Hungary ric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition, to stimulate the research in the same field, and to disseminate this knowledge through The organization is an umbrella society for all medical profession-meetings and in other ways. The Society fulfills its goals through the als in the field of paediatric gastroenterology in Hungary (specialist development and participation in programs, projects, and other ac-physicians taking care of patients with celiac disease, primary care tivities related to the activities of the society in Bulgaria and abroad doctors, and other HCPs, like specialized nurses and dieticians) with provides scholarships for training on issues of the paediatric gastro-significant teaching activity and dissemination potential. Further-enterology, hepatology and nutrition, organizes congresses, sympo-more, society plays important role in health care policymaking and sia, workshops and provides dissemination and assistance for imple-maintains relationships with health authorities and various industrial mentation in the country of new methods in the field of paediatric partners, as well as with gastroenterologists looking after adults. The gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. society disseminates European guidelines and regularly comments on new directives and various planned changes in medical practice. Therefore, society is interested in contributing to the improvement of diagnostic tools and diagnostic strategies for celiac disease, par-Croatian Institute of Public Health, Croatia ticularly in professional aspects. These activities and results will be incorporated into the annual teaching activities and postgraduate Croatian Institute of Public Health (CIPH) is a central public health courses for HCPs and young doctors. Society is committed to pro-institute in the Republic of Croatia, founded in 1893 to promote the moting high-quality medical care and reducing the invasiveness of health and welfare of the population. CIPH deals with public health, diagnostic procedures and costs. health promotion and education, disease prevention, microbiology, environmental health, school medicine, mental health care, and ad-diction prevention. CIPH’s main tasks are to plan, promote and im-Dr. Schär - Innovating special nutrition, Italy plement measures for the enhancement of population health and Our story began in 1922 in South Tyrol, the heart of the Italian Alps, reduction of health problems. It prepares and implements preven-with a vision to improve the lives of people with special nutritional tion programs and other health care measures aimed at promoting needs. Ever since the company was founded, proximity to the con-a healthy lifestyle. The Institute functions as a statistical authority, sumer has been our guiding commitment. Our core competence which maintains national public health registries, supervises data combines the specific, complex requirements placed on nutrition storage, and coordinates the work of other health registers. It coordi-with dedication and joie de vivre. Responsibility, progress, and prox-nates the network of regional public health institutes, actively partic-imity are the values that give us our stability and reliability. We are ipates in the creation of health policy and public health regulations, a family-run company with a global reach, with 18 sites in 11 coun-and engages in international cooperation to improve public health tries and more than 1,300 employees worldwide. We are the market and welfare. leader in Gluten-Free nutrition and leverage our expertise to devel- op new, pioneering nutrition solutions. Our products are available in about 100 countries. 70 Feel free to contact us for any additional information 1. University Medical Centre Maribor 6. General University Hospital in 11. University of Debrecen 15. Romanian Association for Gluten Paediatric Department Prague Medical Faculty, Department of Intolerance Ljubljanska ulica 5 Department of Paediatrics and Paediatrics, Coeliac Disease Study Bdv. Lacul Tei 120 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Adolescent Medicine Group 020395 Bucharest, Romania Asst. prof. Jernej Dolinšek, MD, PhD U Nemocnice 499/2 Egyetem ter 1 Angela Stănescu 12808 Praha 2, Czech Republic 4032 Debrecen, Hungary Peter Szitanyi, MD, PhD Ilma Korponay-Szabo, MD, PhD 2. Municipality of Maribor 16. Croatian Institute of Public Health Project development office Rockefellerova ul. 12 Ulica heroja Staneta 1 7. Serbian Coeliac Society 12. Ludwig Maximilian University of 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Vidska 1d/11 Munich Lea Pollak Jasmina Dolinšek, MSc 11000 Beograd, Serbia Dr. von Hauner Children’s Vesna Pavkov Hospital, Division of Paediatric Gastroenterology 17. Bulgarian Celiac Association 3. Medical University of Graz Lindwurmstraße 4 Hipodruma BL. 134A, VH. B, AP. 108 Department of Paediatrics and 8. National Institute for Mother 80337 Munich, Germany 1612 Sofia, Bulgaria Adolescence Medicine and Child Health Alessandrescu- Prof. Berthold Koletzko, MD, PhD Gabriela Zlatarova Auenbruggerplatz 2 Rusescu 8036 Graz, Austria Department of Paediatrics Almuthe Christina Hauer, MD, PhD Bdv. Lacul Tei 120 13. “Nicolae Testemitanu” State 18. Bulgarian Society for Paediatric 020395 Bucharest, Romania University of Medicine and Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Alina Popp, MD, PhD Pharmacy of the Republic of Nutrition 4. University Children's Hospital Moldova Vladoslav Varnenchik Str BL. 142, app.9 Department of Gastroenterology, Paediatric Department 9002 Varna, Bulgaria Hepatology and Nutritional Disorders 9. CeliVita - Living with Celiac Disease Bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt 165 Miglena Georgieva, MD, PhD Tiršova 10 Strojarska ulica 26 Chişinău, Moldova 11000 Beograd, Serbia 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tatiana Raba, MD Nataša Dragutinović, MD Ida Čarnohorski 19. Hungarian Paediatric Gastroenterology Society 14. Dr. Schär AG / SPA Bókay 53 5. Children's Hospital Zagreb 10. Heim Pal National Paediatric Winkelau 9 1083 Budapest, Hungary Referral Center for Pediatric Institute 39014 Burgstall (BZ), Italy Ilma Korponay-Szabo, MD, PhD Gastroenterology and Nutrition Coeliac Disease Centre Jacquelin Pante Klaićeva 16 Ulloi ut. 86 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 1089 Budapest, Hungary Tadej Ornik 20. Health Service Youth and Family Zrinjka Mišak, MD, PhD Judit Gyimesi, MD Office, City of Graz Kaiserfeldgasse 25 8010 Graz, Austria Ines Pamperl 71 CD SKILLS