Informatica 41 (2017) 379–380 379 Classification of Vegetation in Aerial LiDAR Data Denis Horvat Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia E-mail:, Web: Thesis summary Keywords: LiDAR, classification, vegetation, mathematical morphology, surface fitting Received: April 12, 2017 This contribution summarises a doctoral dissertation which proposes an algorithm for the classification of vegetation points in aerial LiDAR data. The algorithm characterizes vegetated areas based on statistically large dispersion in elevations of points, and the context in which the points are located. The algorithm is able to classify vegetation in both rural and urban areas with an average F1 score of 97.9% and 91.0%, respectively. The point-clouds can contain different types of vegetation and various degrees of canopy densities. Povzetek: V predlaganem prispevku povzamemo doktorsko disertacijo, ki predlaga algoritem za klasi- fikacijo točk vegetacije iz podatkov LiDAR. Algoritem ovrednoti območja vegetacije na podlagi statistično visoke razpršenosti višin točk v kombinacji s kontekstom v katerem se točke nahajajo. Algoritem klasifi- cira točke vegetacije v urbanih in neurbanih področjih s 97% in 91% povprečnim rezultatom F1. Oblaki točk lahko vsebujejo različne tipe vegetetacije z različno gostoto olistanosti. 1 Introduction The potential of the data obtained by the aerial LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems has been utilised increasingly by a variety of scientific and industrial appli- cations. Data acquisition using LiDAR produces a point- cloud, in which the individual points are calculated based on the time delay between the emitted and detected laser beam. While the obtained point-clouds from a plane- mounted LiDAR can represent the underlying Earth’s sur- face accurately, the entity to which a given point belongs (e.g. ground, building, vegetation) is not known. This con- textual knowledge is crucial for a variety of applications, such as environmental simulations, urban planning, or the generation of a canopy height model. Thus, preprocess- ing, using a classification algorithm is usually applied, in which each point is correlated with one of the predeter- mined classes. This paper is a summary of a PhD thesis [1] (and the corresponding paper [4]), which proposed an algorithm for classification of vegetation points within LiDAR data. Veg- etation can be particularly challenging to identify, as the classification model should be universal enough to cover the various sizes, shapes and canopy densities of differ- ent vegetation but, at the same time, still differentiate it from other surface objects (e.g. houses, cars, fences). The following section outlines the proposed classification algo- rithm, while section 3 evaluates it. Section 4 concludes the paper. 2 Classification algorithm Clusters of points that represent vegetation are, in most cases, defined by statistically large dispersions in eleva- tion. This is caused by the vegetation’s non-linear shape and porosity, as the laser beam can usually penetrate the canopy and capture many points within, or even under, the vegetation. The mentioned properties can be character- ized efficiently by modifying the LoFS (Local Fitting of Surfaces) method [2]. Namely, by locally fitting planes on the LiDAR-derived surface and evaluating the fitting error using all points in the fitted area, a distinction can be made between vegetation and most of other man-made objects. Larger fitting errors are expected in the former case, while the latter ones usually produce errors that are identifiably smaller. The remaining non-vegetation that does not conform to this definition (i.e. also produces a larger fitting error) is handled using contextual analysis which defines: 1) At- tached objects 2) Overgrowing vegetation and 3) Small ob- jects. Attached objects represents a transition between ar- eas (e.g. a wall, balcony or chimney). Such objects can be identified (and subsequently removed) using spatially- variant morphological dilation [3] where all non-ground areas with small fitting errors are dilated. The extent of the dilation is controlled locally, using a structuring ele- ment with the radius equal to the distance from the near- est ground. Spatially-variant dilation is used similarly on areas with high fitting errors to identify overgrown vegeta- tion. However, the radius, in this case, is dependent on the height difference between a given area and the nearest non- 380 Informatica 41 (2017) 379–380 D. Horvat ground area with a small fitting error. Lastly, small objects are removed using connected operators. The final result that includes the described fitting error evaluation and con- textual analysis is then mapped onto the individual LiDAR points to get the classification. 3 Results The algorithm was tested on multiple rural and urban datasets which contained different types of vegetation and degrees of canopy densities. The results were evaluated by counting the false positives, false negatives, true positives and true negatives which served as an input for the calcula- tion of the well-established F1 score. An average F1 score of 97.9% was achieved for rural and 91.0% for urban en- vironments which, because of the more complex geometry, tend to be more difficult to classify. The use of contextual analysis improves the results in urban areas significantly. Namely, by removing the attached object, small object and handling overgrown vegetation, the F1 score is improved, on average, by 8.8%, 1.1% and 1.0%, respectively. 4 Conclusion The PhD thesis presented an algorithm for the classification of LiDAR data, which classifies vegetated areas with high accuracy in characteristically different point-clouds (rural environment, urban environment, different types of vege- tation, various leaf-on conditions). Additionally, the al- gorithm can be used in most classification scenarios that contain aerial point-clouds, as it relies only on geometrical features of the point-cloud and the subsequent contextual analysis. Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0041 and project J2-6764) References [1] D. Horvat (2017) Algorithm for classification of veg- etation in LiDAR data, Doctoral dissertation, Fac- ulty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor (in Slovene). [2] D. Mongus, N. Lukač and B. Žalik (2014) Ground and building extraction from LiDAR data based on differential morphological profiles and locally fitted surfaces, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Re- mote Sensing, Vol. 93, pp. 145–156. [3] N. Bouaynaya and Mohammed Charif-Chefchaouni (2008) Theoretical Foundations of Spatially-Variant Mathematical Morphology Part I: Binary Images, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 145–156. [4] D. Horvat, B. Žalik and D. Mongus (2016) Context- dependent detection of non-linearly distributed points for vegetation classification in airborne LiDAR, IS- PRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sens- ing, Vol. 116, pp. 1–14.