Original scientific article  © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2013. The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food items Andrej oVCA1*, Telma NoVo2, Silvia sECo2, Mojca JEVŠNIK1 ABsTRACT It has been demonstrated that temperature control is critical in the last three steps in the cold chain including transport between retail and the consumer’s home. The aim of this study is therefore to evaluate the efficiency of thermal insulating bags meant to transport frozen foods from stores to consumers’ homes also in case of transporting chil ed foods. The efficiency of three insulating and one typical PVC bag as a control is evaluated. Evaluation is done Received: 27. 9. 2013 at different internal (related to the load of the bag) and external (related to the Accepted: 11. 11. 2013 outside temperature) conditions, also taking their price into consideration. During evaluation, measurements of test objects’ internal temperature were executed at five-minute intervals with a Testo 177-T4 data logger. The measurements reveal variations of the test objects’ internal temperature in accordance with air temperature outside the bag and the degree of load in the 1 University of Ljubljana Faculty of Health Sciences bag. The evaluated insulating bags are not efficient enough to preserve Department of Sanitary Engineering appropriate temperature environments for chil ed food items under experimental Zdravstvena pot 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana conditions. There was also no confirmation of any significant impact of Slovenia insulating bag purchase price. 2 IPC, ESTeSC, Coimbra Health School, Rua 5 de Outubro, Apartado 7006, Sa~o Martinho do Bispo, 3046-854 Coimbra, Key words: Food safety, food transport, cold chain, insulating bags Portugal * Corresponding author Andrej Ovca University of Ljubljana Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Sanitary Engineering Zdravstvena pot 5 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 1 300 11 82 Fax: +386 1 300 11 19 E-mail: andrej.ovca@zf.uni-lj.si Vol. 7  No. 1/2013 In I t n e t r e na n t a ito i n o a n l J a o l J u o r u na n l o a f sa f S n a i ntia t r a y e r n y E g n igne n e e reirng r n es g R e e a s r e c a h rch 21 A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al.  The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food items INTRoDUCTIoN Refrigeration is one of the most widely practiced methods of preserving the quality and safety of foodstuffs. Maintaining a cold chain is an im- portant preventive step for ensuring food safety, and temperature is one of key parameters effecting growth of microorganisms and their survival in food. Therefore, in order to provide safe food at high quality, atten- tion must be paid to every aspect of the cold chain from production to consumption. It is important that the process of maintaining the cold chain does not end with the retailer. Considering the potential microbio- logical risk presented by perishable food items, maintaining the cold chain should continue up to and within a consumer’s home. Considering the potential Transfer points are well known problem areas for temperature mishan- microbiological risk presented dling and refer to points in the cold chain where products are trans- by perishable food items, ferred from one cold area to another. In a survey conducted in France maintaining the cold chain [1], in which refrigerated products were monitored throughout the cold should continue up to and chain, it was revealed that maintaining appropriate temperature is espe- cial y critical in the last three steps in the cold chain (the display cabinet within a consumer’s home. in store, domestic transport and the household refrigerator). Further- more, several studies reveal consumers’ insufficient knowledge about the importance of maintaining the cold chain and carelessness in han- dling perishable foodstuffs [2,3,4]. Lack of time is the reason consumers frequently and regularly buy chil ed and frozen food that either has a short preparation time or does In addition to a high not even require any further heat treatment. Jackson et al. [5] report resistance to the transfer of that chil ed and frozen foods including products that can be consumed without further heat treatment represent more than 60 % of the typical heat, a good insulating shopping basket of an average European consumer. To reduce the risk material must have various of temperature mishandling in case of perishable food items, transport characteristics (depending in an insulating bag or box is general y recommended. In addition to a upon the application); low high resistance to the transfer of heat, a good insulating material must cost, low moisture have various characteristics (depending upon the application); low cost, susceptibility, ease low moisture susceptibility, ease transportation, consumer appeal, and transportation, consumer mechanical strength are the most relevant ones [6]. Furthermore, a clean insulating bag interior is essential to avoid contamination or cross- appeal, and mechanical contamination of food and to prevent changes in sensory properties, strength are the most especial y the adsorption of foreign smel s. relevant ones. Evans [7] investigated the effect of the time period, and the manner of transport on a food temperature purchased from a large retail store and placed in a pre-cooled insulating box or left in the boot of a car unpro- tected. In some products, temperatures in the boot rose up to 40°C during a one-hour car journey during which most of the samples placed in the insulating box did not change their temperature during the trans- port. Those transported in a boot of a car then required approximately five hours after being placed in a domestic refrigerator before the tem- perature was again reduced below 7 °C. A study among Slovenian population revealed that the average time a consumer needs to travel from store to home is 25 min [4], which is less than reported by Derens [1] for French consumers, where the duration of 22 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2013. The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food ite ms  A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al. the domestic transport between retail and the consumer’s home is typi- cal y an hour. Others report up to or even more than 90 min for 7 % of consumers investigated [8]. The study of Jevšnik et al. [4] also revealed that 51.7 % of the respondents never even thought of using an insulating bag, while additional 33 % believed that an insulating bag is not neces- sary. Among al respondents (N = 985), only 15.5 % had ever taken an insulating bag to the store when buying perishable foodstuffs, while this percentage was significantly higher among respondents who also be- lieved that the consumer is also responsible for food safety. In spite of the issue addressed above, there is little evidence regarding the efficiency of insulating boxes; such research is extremely rare and mostly in the context of material testing [6,9]. The aim of the current research is therefore to evaluate the efficiency of insulating bags meant for maintaining the cold chain by consumers during the transport of per- ishable food items from the store to the their home. The efficiency of insulating bags will be evaluated at different internal and external condi- tions, also considering their price, with different insulating bags at dif- ferent prices are available to the consumer. METHoDs The aim of the current research is therefore to Apparatus and materials evaluate the efficiency of The efficiency of insulating bags available at different purchase prices and insulating bags meant for one typical bag was tested. Al three insulating bags are made of metal- maintaining the cold chain by lized low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with snap-in type closures (poly- consumers during the ethylene terephthalate (PET)) and same outside dimensions (approx. 50 cm × 50 cm). A typical bag is made of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). For fur- transport of perishable food ther presentation of the data, they were numbered as fol ows: items from the store to the their home. • Bag 1: typical PVC bag • Bag 2: low price insulating bag (€0.79) • Bag 3: middle price insulating bag (€1.49) • Bag 4: high price insulating bag (€2.24) The internal temperature was measured with an artificial “test object” with weight of 246 g. The material used for its preparation is tylose gel (77 % water, 23 % methylcel ulose powder). Tylose gel is often used for studying heat transfer during freezing and thawing operations, while its thermal properties are similar to lean beef; it has been previously validat- ed [10]; it is homogeneous and can be reused for several repetitions. During the measurements of internal temperature, a probe was placed in the interior of the test object. For the col ection of data during tempera- ture measurements, a Testo 177-T4 data logger with a -200 °C to +400 °C measurement range, 0.1 °C resolution and ± 0.3 °C accuracy was used. The internal temperature was monitored in five-minute intervals. Measurements were done at two different external air temperatures (15 °C and 30 °C) simulating different outside temperatures. Internal condi- tions were related to the load of insulating bag during the experiment. Three different situations were tested with i) one test object only, i ) three International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 7  No. 1/2013 23 A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al.  The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food items Picture 1: Test product together with the thermometer probe in the insulating bag Picture 2: Test product together with the data logger and thermometer probe in the insulating bag Picture 3: Insulating bag with content in the incubator 24 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2013. The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food ite ms  A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al. test objects and i i) three test objects plus 1.5 L of water in PET bottle. In al cases, a thermometer probe was inserted in only one test object to monitor internal temperatures. For control ed experimental conditions, a Kambič I-45 CK air temperature incubator (with a volume of 44 L, forced air circulation, 0.1 °C resolution of temperature setting) and a Zanussi ZRG309W refrigerator (with volume of 91 L) were used. The average air temperature in the refrigerator during the measurements was 4.8 °C (SD = 1.0). The average air temperature in the incubator during the measure- ments was 15.4 (SD = 0.5) and 29.7 (SD = 0.6) respectively. Experimental procedure Initial y, the test object (together with the thermometer probe) was placed in the refrigerator for 24h to adapt (Picture 1). During each mea- surement, the internal temperature of the test object was monitored af- ter the first 15 minutes while still in the refrigerator. After 15 minutes, the test object, together with thermometer probe and data logger, was placed into the selected bag (Picture 2). The closed bag was transferred into the incubator for 60 minutes (Picture 3). Afterwards, the test ob- ject is again placed in the refrigerator, where the internal temperature was still monitored for additional 300 minutes. The next measurement was executed at least after 15 hours rest of the test object (together with the thermometer probe) in a refrigerator. REsULTs AND DIsCUssIoN The results presented in Table 1 clearly show that insulating bags are not effective in preserving appropriate temperature environment for one hour in the described experimental conditions to which test object was exposed. An evaluation of results in Tab. 1 demonstrates the impact of bag external conditions (temperature outside the bag) as well as bag internal conditions (degree of load) on the test object’s internal temper- ature. Although 30 °C was chosen as an experimental condition, it must be mentioned that in real situations when food is transported in cars, air temperature varies in accordance with solar radiation and cloud cov- er. Kim et al. [11] report that the temperature difference between the car trunk and outdoor can be up to 15.8 °C with no cloud cover and the highest solar radiation (21.1 MJ/m2) or just 4.8 °C under the low solar radiation (14.6 MJ/m2) and maximum cloud cover. The difference between initial internal temperature of the test object and the intermediate temperature after 60 minutes of exposure to de- scribed bag internal and external conditions is expressed as Δ T. An av- erage Δ T comparing only insulating bags (Bags 2–4) was 2.4 °C and 6.2 °C at outside temperatures 15 °C and 30 °C, respectively. An aver- age Δ T of a typical PVC bag (Bag 1) was 2.6 °C and 8.2 °C at outside temperatures of 15 °C and 30 °C respectively. Closer examination shows that Δ T is decreasing in relation to the higher bag number and higher de- gree of load. Differences between values of Δ T (when comparing different bags) are becoming smal er when the degree of load is increased. Bag 1, used as a control bag, proved to be at least efficient to preserve the initial International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 7  No. 1/2013 25 A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al.  The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food items Table 1: Internal temperatures of test object at different internal and external bag conditions Initial T Intermediate T Maximum T Final T ΔT Case EC IC Bag nr. (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) number 1 4.8 7.9 8.8 5.8 3.1 1 2 4.8 7.8 8.4 5.4 3.0 2 1 3 4.7 7.5 8.1 5.5 2.8 3 4 5.1 7.4 7.9 5.4 2.3 4 1 4.7 7.1 7.8 5.3 2.4 5 15°C 2 4.5 6.9 7.3 5.1 2.4 6 3 3 4.6 6.9 7.3 5.2 2.3 7 4 4.8 7.1 7.5 5.2 2.3 8 1 4.9 7.2 7.8 5.5 2.3 9 2 4.9 7.1 7.4 4.8 2.2 10 3+ 3 4.4 6.4 6.4 5.4 2.0 11 4 4.8 6.8 7.3 5.5 2.0 12 1 4.8 13.5 15.1 6.7 8.7 13 2 4.9 12.2 13.6 6.4 7.3 14 1 3 5.0 12.3 13.5 5.8 7.3 15 4 4.7 11.9 13.3 6.4 7.2 16 1 4.6 12.5 13.4 6.1 7.9 17 2 4.8 11.5 13.0 6.1 6.7 18 30°C 3 3 4.4 10.8 12.2 5.8 6.4 19 4 4.7 10.8 12.2 5.9 6.1 20 1 4.9 12.8 13.2 6.5 7.9 21 2 4.9 10.5 11.3 6.3 5.6 22 3+ 3 5.1 9.9 11.2 5.3 4.8 23 4 5.2 9.9 10.6 5.5 4.7 24 Legend: EC – Bag external conditions; IC – Bag internal conditions; Initial T – Initial internal temperature of test object in the refrigerator; Intermediate T – Intermediate internal temperature of test object after 1h in selected bag exposed to experimental conditions; Maximum T – Maximum internal temperature of test object measured; Final T – Final internal temperature of test object after taken out of the selected bag and stored in refrigerator for 5 h; Δ T – Internal temperature difference of the test object during one hour exposure to experimental conditions; 1 – one test object; 3 – three test objects; 3+ – three test objects with 1.5L of water in PET bottle. temperature of the test object. In contrast, the most expensive insulating bag (Bag 4) was the most efficient in comparison to the other bags. Con- sequently, the smal est Δ T is observed for case number 12 and the highest for case number 13 (Tab. 1). Comparing the typical plastic bag with insu- lating bags also demonstrates that differences of Δ T are more obvious at higher outside temperatures (30 °C) and higher degrees of load. Further comparing Δ T only between insulating bags (Bags 2–4) reveals that the differences are minimal with no significant impact of their purchase prices. Closer examination of the maximum internal temperature reached also reveals that when the outside temperature is 30 °C the test object’s in- ternal temperature reaches 13.6 °C if stored in insulating bag. Although some previous studies [7] report that during a one-hour car journey most of the samples placed in the pre-cooled insulating box did not change their temperature during the transport, this was not confirmed with our measurements. This could be due to the fact that insulating bags were not pre-cooled, and the relatively small test object (246 g) 26 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2013. The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food ite ms  A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al. Figure 1: 16 Comparison of internal temperatures Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4 movement of test object placed in 14 different bags at a) 15 °C and b) 30 12 °C external temperature. The grey area indicates the time period 10 (60 minutes) when the insulated bag and its content were exposed to 8 control ed outside temperature. perature (°C) 6 Tem 4 2 a) 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150Ti175 me (m200 inute 225 s) 250 275 300 325 350 375 16 14 12 10 8 perature (°C) 6 Tem 4 2 b) 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 Time (minutes) used. In our study, bigger test objects were not evaluated. As reported by Kim et al. [11], among the food items examined the temperature dra- matical y increased immediately after storage in the trunk by food items with the lowest weight. The maximum internal temperatures (Tab. 1) measured already present a rather favourable temperature environment for the progress of psycho- tropic microorganisms which grow well at 7 °C and have their optimum at 10–15 °C, depending on nutrient content, pH and the availability of liquid water [12]. However, the higher surface temperature of the test object (not measured) and time of exposure to these temperatures should not be neglected. Closer examination of the test object’s internal temperature rise if placed in different bags at different external temperatures (Fig. 1) reveals that internal temperatures also rise after the test object is placed back into the refrigerator. The maximum internal temperatures of the test object were reached 15 to 20 minutes after placement in the refrigerator, and re- tained at a maximum level for an additional 10 minutes, exceptional y 15 minutes in cases 6 and 11 (Tab. 1), before they began to drop. Closer examination (Fig. 1) of the test objects’ internal temperature inclines be- tween initial and maximum value, calculating the slope, additional y re- veals that at both (15 °C and 30 °C) outside temperatures, the internal temperature of the test objects placed in Bag 1 increases faster (higher slope) compared to the insulating bags after exposure to experimental International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 7  No. 1/2013 27 A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al.  The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food items 16 16 1 test object 14 14 3 test objects 12 12 3 test objects and water (1.5L) ) 10 ) 10 8 8 perature (°C perature (°C Tem 6 Tem 6 4 4 2 2 a) 0 b) 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 16 16 14 14 12 12 ) ) 10 10 8 8 perature (°C perature (°C 6 6 Tem Tem 4 4 2 2 c) 0 d) 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 Time (min) Time (min) Figure 2: conditions. Furthermore, a slope comparison between insulating bags re- Comparison of internal temperature veals that the value decreases in correlation with the bag’s price (Fig. 2). movement of test object at 30°C external temperature and different However, this is true only if one test object is present in the bag. internal conditions in a) bag 1, b) bag 2, c) bag 3 and d) bag 4. The A comparison of the test objects’ internal temperature at 30 °C external grey area indicates the time period temperature and different internal conditions demonstrates that increas- (60 minutes) when the insulated bag es of internal temperatures of the test object is diminished when the and its content were exposed to degree of load is increased in all bags examined (Fig. 2a–d). The high- control ed outside temperature. est internal temperatures of test objects’ are achieved with one test ob- ject only. A closer examination of temperature rises in correlation to time also reveals that approximately five hours are necessary after test object is placed in a refrigerator, for the internal temperature to be again reduced below 6 °C. In this context, consumer behaviour should be taken into account. God- win & Coppings [13] report that consumers using insulating bags con- sequently extend the time of transport to their home, which also other- wise differs between different countries [1, 3, 4, 7, 14]. If insulating bags are not as efficient as consumers would expect or believe, irre- spective of the outside temperature and degree of load in the bag, the risk for infection or spoilage is increased. Additional y it must be consid- ered that consumers often do not pay any particular attention to the temperatures in domestic refrigerator. As reported by James and others [15], it is clear that many refrigerators throughout the world are already running at higher temperatures than recommended. 28 © Inštitut za sanitarno inženirstvo, 2013. The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food ite ms  A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al. From the total cold chain point of view based on the measurement done Guidelines of good hygienic by Darens et al [1], a refrigerated product spends two thirds of its life in practices and the principles of an environment managed by professionals and the rest managed by the the HACCP system in stores consumer. However, professionals in food stores do not always maintain recommend to consumers appropriate temperatures. As reported by others [16,17], the tempera- tures measured differed from the required ones by for up to 10 °C. that food items requiring maintaining of the cold chain Guidelines of good hygienic practices and the principles of the HACCP should be stored in insulating system in stores [18] recommend to consumers that food items requiring bags during the transport. maintaining of the cold chain should be stored in insulating bags during the transport. A commercial insulating bag is a type of shipping container in the form of a bag made of materials with thermal insulation properties used to maintain the temperature of its contents. Most insulating materi- als utilize low thermal conductivity as a means of restricting the transfer of heat, although radiation and convection are also significant means. Resistance to heat transfer depends on various characteristics that deter- mine the insulating ability of a container [6,19]. The wal thickness af- fects heat transfer via conduction, the number of surfaces via convection and the number of reflective surfaces (such as aluminium foil) via radia- tion. According to the manufacturer, the insulating bags used in this study should be effective up to one hour, and are intended for repeated use. However, it has to be stressed that, according to the manufacturers’ statement written on the exterior of the insulating bag, they are effective up to one hour for deeply frozen food items. CoNCLUsIoNs The results revealed in this study indicate that insulating bags whose To obtain exact prove of food primary purpose is to preserve appropriate temperature environment for safety, microbiological deeply frozen food items are not sufficiently effective to preserve appro- predictive models or priate temperature environment for chil ed food items. Although insulat- microbiological analysis ing bags proved to be more efficient in comparison to the typical PVC should be performed in the bag, the difference was not as significant as expected. Furthermore, the differences between insulating bags are not correlated with their pur- future, establishing an chase price. The measurements revealed that the internal temperature integrated approach of the of the test object varies in accordance with air temperature outside the evaluation of chil ed product’s bag and the degree of load in the bag. safety. The measurements suggest that insulating bags are not sufficiently ef- fective to preserve chil ed foods, especial y when not fil ed with many food products. This suggests a need to modify the insulating bags re- garding their effectiveness for chil ed foods and highlights the impor- tance of short transport times from the store to home. Transport between retail and the consumer’s home is quite short in comparison to other links in the cold chain, sometimes leading to the idea that the impact of this link on food safety should be less impor- tant. Nevertheless, its impact on the quality and safety of the product should not be considered negligible. To obtain exact prove of food safe- ty, microbiological predictive models or microbiological analysis should be performed in the future, establishing an integrated approach of the evaluation of chil ed product’s safety. International Journal of Sanitary Engineering Research Vol. 7  No. 1/2013 29 A. Ovca, T. Novo, S. Seco et al.  The efficiency of thermal insulating bags during domestic transport of chilled food items ACKNoWLEDGMENTs The experimental work as wel as preparation of the paper was done in the framework of the ERASMUS programme during training period of students (Telma Novo and Silvia Seco) from Coimbra Health School, Portugal at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Sanitary Engineering, during the 2012/13 study year. Special thanks also to An- dreja Mirt and Anja Petelinšek, who have executed the preliminary meas- urements and provided photo material of the experimental procedure. REFERENCEs [1] Derens E, Palagos B, Guilpart J. The cold chain of chil ed products under supervision in France. In: IUFOST, 13th World Congress of Food Science & Technology “Food is Life”, Nantes, 2006. [2] Marklinder IM, Lindblad M, Eriksson LM, et al. Home storage tempera- tures and consumer handling of refrigerated foods in Sweden. J Food Pro- tec. 2004; 67(11):2570–2577. 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