Research paper Flavonoid concentration in milling fractions of Tartary and common buckwheat Blanka VOMBERGAR1, Vida ŠKRABANJA2 and Mateja GERM*2 1 Education Centre Piramida Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia 2 Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia * Corresponding author: Mateja Germ, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail addresses of authors:,, DOI Received: December 5, 2019; accepted: March 30, 2020 Keywords: common buckwheat, Tartary buckwheat, flavonoids, milling, hydrothermal treatment ABSTRACT Common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and Tartary buckwheat (F. tataricum Gaertn.) samples were used in milling, sieving and analysing experiments. Flavonoids were analysed in buckwheat samples, in milling and sieving fractions and after the contact of flour particles with water, to simulate conditions in dough. In Tartary buckwheat, there was even more than 100-times higher content of flavonoids flour in comparison to respective fractions of common buckwheat flour. The highest concentration of flavonoids in milling fractions of Tartary buckwheat flour (granulation over 100 µm up to including 1000 µm) was established as 3.5–4.5% flavonoids/DM. Immediately after the direct contact of flour particles of common and Tartary buckwheat with water the apparent concentration of flavonoids rose (even for 100% or more) in the first 5–30 minutes of contact. After one hour, due to the degradation of flavonoids, their concentration decreased. Concentration of flavonoids are after 24 hours of contact of flavonoids with water in all milling fractions lower in comparison to the value after first 5 minutes of contact with water. Fagopyrum 37(1):11-21 (2020) 11 INTRODUCTION Buckwheat is used as a food ingredient after husking, milled, prepared at different temperatures and in a diver- sity of media, predominantly in water. Research imita- ting real technological process producing foods and dishes from buckwheat are important for evaluating nutritional value of foods based on buckwheat. In buckwheat grain there are important polyphenolic substances, including flavonoids. Among consumers of buckwheat foods and dishes there is growing interest for the composition and nutritional value of products. Among buckwheat species and cultivars there are differences in content of flavonoids, including rutin. The concentration of flavonoids may depend on genotype, development phases, weather, altitude, year of growing and harvest, storage and other factors. Different plant parts may contain different content of flavonoids. Se- veral authors report higher content of rutin in Tartary buckwheat in comparison to common buckwheat (Su- zuki et al., 2002; Fabjan et al., 2003; Lin, 2004; Asami et al., 2007; Fabjan, 2007). There could be as well dif- ferences among samples of Tartary buckwheat. Several authors (Fabjan et al., 2003; Briggs et al., 2004; Chai et al., 2004; Park B.J. et al., 2004; Suzuki et al., 2005; Jiang et al., 2007; Ghimeray et al., 2009, Kreft, 2013; Kreft et al., 2013; Kreft et al., 2016ab; Kreft 2016; Germ et al., 2019) report about diverse results on samples of buck- wheat. According to Liu in Zhu (2007) the main flavonoid in Tartary buckwheat is rutin, along with quercetin and quercitrin (Fabjan, 2007; Morishita et al., 2007). In the grain of common buckwheat there are flavonoids rutin, epicatechin and epicatechingalat. Dietrych-Szostak and Oleszek (1999) isolated from common buckwheat 6 fla- vonoids, namely rutin, quercetin, orientin, vitexin, isovi- texin and isoorientin. Rutin and isovitexin in dehusked buckwheat grain and all 6 of them in husk. Some litera- ture data are presented in Table 1. Crushing, milling and sieving are the main procedures to obtain buckwheat milling fractions. The gain of flour is in buckwheat normally about 40–50% of the total mass of grain. The rest are husks and peripheral parts of grain (testa, cotyledons). Peripheral parts of grain are crushed differently in comparison to endosperm, and they do not pass the fine sieves. Cotyledons are richer in rutin in comparison to endosperm, so flour may contain less rutin in comparison to the whole grain (Kreft, 1995). The methods of treatment of the grain, like husking, crush- ing, milling and sieving have an impact on the concentra- tion of flavonoids and other polyphenolic substances. As well as the presence of husk and bran particles in darker flour milling fractions may also have impact on the flavo- noids and other polyphenolic substances. Allocation of flavonoids in different parts of buckwheat grain have im- pact on the utilization value of milling fractions. Know- Buckwheat species Sample Flavonoid concentration Reference Common buckwheat Grain 24.4 µg/mg Ghimeray et al. (2009) Common buckwheat Grain 0.04% Jiang et al. (2007) Common buckwheat Grain 18.8 mg/100 g DM Dietrych-Szostak in Oleszek (1999) Tartary buckwheat Grain 142.2 µg/mg Ghimeray et al. (2009 Tartary buckwheat Grain 2.04 % Jiang et al. (2007) Common buckwheat 16 milling fractions 2.35–135.4 mg/100 g Hung in Morita (2008) Common buckwheat Flour from shop (Slovenia) 0.016 Avguštin (2009) Common buckwheat Flour 0.0098 %/DM Quettier-Deleu et al. (2000) Common buckwheat Husk 0.0456 %/DM Quettier-Deleu et al. (2000) Common buckwheat (diverse cultivars) Husk 102.1–151.5 mg/100 g Dietrych-Szostak (2004) Common buckwheat Husk 74 mg/100 g DM Dietrych-Szostak in Oleszek (1999) Common buckwheat Bread (mixed: wheat, buckwheat) 7.76–26.9 mg/kg Bojňanská et al. (2009) Tartary buckwheat (Korea) Sprouts powder 24 g/kg Gadžo et al. (2009) Table 1: Flavonoid content in buckwheat grain, husks and milling fractions Vombergar et al. (2020): Flavonoid concentration in milling fractions 12 ledge about the distribution of flavonoids in milling frac- tions, in the relation to the size of particles (granulation) is of importance for the simple, swift, and efficient way of obtaining flavonoid-rich milling fractions, especially in Tartary buckwheat. MATERIAL IN METHODS Material Common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and Tartary buckwheat (F. tataricum Gaertn.) samples were used in milling, sieving and analysing experiments. Two samples (T1 and T2) of Tartary buckwheat were in- cluded, obtained from Luxemburg and a sample of com- mon buckwheat (variety Darja, sample D), obtained from Biotechnical faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia. By milling and sieving of Tartary buckwheat sample T1 and common buckwheat four fractions were obtained with different granulations. Each of them was mixed with water. Sam- ple T2 was obtained as flour, which was sieved into two fractions with different granulation. Methods Samples T1 and D were milled by cereal mill Quadro- mat Junior Model No. 08 801 01 (Brabender Duisburg, Germany), to obtain two fractions by planary sieves (Ta- ble 2). To the flour fractions, water was added and the dough was made. Amount of added water and contact time flour/ water prior to freezing is reported in Table 3. Fractions over 1000 µm (T1 F22 and D F22) contained mainly husk and some bran, so they were just rinsed in water (Table 3). After 30 days of storage below, the samples were freeze- dried. By spectrophotometric analyses (spectrophoto- meter TECAN Genios), using 5% AlCl3 (reaction between flavonoids and AlCl3), which results in yellow colour with maximum at 420 nm (Dutra, 2008; Zhang et al., 2005; Bohm, 1997), concentration of flavonoids was deter- mined. Statistical analyses were performed using Micro- soft Excel 2003 and program STAT G (Statgraphics 5.0, Statistical Graphics Corporation, ZDA), and by ANOVA, significance was accepted at p<0.05 (Ferligoj, 1997; Fer- ligoj and Lozar Manfreda, 2009). All measurements and analyses were performed in three independent samples. RESULTS Milling fractions of studied common and Tartary buckwheat samples contained very different amount of flavonoids (Table 4). Concentration of flavonoids was (sample D) much lower in common buckwheat in compar- ison to Tartary buckwheat (Table 4, Fig. 1.) Comparison of respective fractions of Tartary buckwheat T1 and com- mon buckwheat D (Table 4, Fig. 1.) showed much higher (50 do 100-times higher) concentration of flavonoids in Sample Process Fractions Further process Subfractions Granulations Tartary buckwheat, grain (T1) Milling T1 F1 Sieving T1 F11 ≤ 100 µm T1 F12 100 µm < x ≤ 236 µm T1 F2 Sieving T1 F21 236 µm < x ≤ 1000 µm T1 F22 > 1000 µm and bran, husk Common buckwheat Darja, grain (D) Milling D F1 Sieving D F11 ≤ 100 µm D F12 100 µm < x ≤ 236 µm D F2 Sieving D F21 236 µm < x ≤ 1000 µm D F22 > 1000 µm and bran, husk Tartary buckwheat – flour (T2) / / Sieving T2 F11 ≤ 100 µm T2 F12 >100 µm T1 - Tartary buckwheat, flour from entire grain D - Common buckwheat Darja, flour from entire grain T2 - Tartary buckwheat, obtained as flour Table 2: Milling and sieving of common buckwheat (sample D) and Tartary buckwheat (samples T1 and T2) with characterization of fractions Fagopyrum 37(1):11-21 (2020) 13 T1 - Tartary buckwheat, whole grain flour D - Common buckwheat, whole grain flour T2 F1 - Tartary buckwheat flour Sample No. Sample Mass (g) Water addition (mL) Contact times (flour and water) prior to freezing Freezing and storage Tartary buckwheat (T1) – milling fractions 0.08 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h 0.5 h: –35 °C to –40 °C; 1 month: –15 °C to –20 °C 1 T1 F11 250 200 SAME SAME 2 T1 F12 125 100 SAME SAME 3 T1 F21 100 130 SAME SAME 4 T1 F22 125 200 SAME SAME Common buckwheat (D) – milling fractions 0.08 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h 0.5 h: –35 °C to –40 °C; 1 month: –15 °C do –20 °C 5 D F11 250 200 SAME SAME 6 D F12 250 200 SAME SAME 7 D F21 250 235 SAME SAME 8 D F22 250 400 SAME SAME Tartary buckwheat flour (T2) 0.08 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h 0.5 h: –35 °C to –40 °C; 1 month: –15 °C to –20 °C 9 T2 F1 250 200 SAME SAME 10 T2 F11 200 160 SAME SAME 11 T2 F12 200 160 SAME SAME Table 3: Dough samples being prepared for freezing Sample Subfraction Flavonoids Milled sample Dough (flour and water) 0.08 h (5 min) Dough (flour and water) 24 h %/DM %/DM %/DM Tartary buckwheat (T1) T1 F11 0.709 1.444 1.112 Tartary buckwheat (T1) T1 F12 4.470 4.766 4.311 Tartary buckwheat (T1) T1 F21 3.542 4.262 3.551 Tartary buckwheat (T1) T1 F22 0.178 0.178 0.062 Common buckwheat Darja (D) D F11 0.015 0,017 0.006 Common buckwheat Darja (D) D F12 0.043 0.085 0.042 Common buckwheat Darja (D) D F21 0.051 0,088 0.069 Common buckwheat Darja (D) D F22 0.055 0.071 0.055 Tartary buckwheat (T2) T2 0.916 1.226 0.955 Tartary buckwheat (T2) T2 F11 0.243 0.363 0.199 Tartary buckwheat (T2) T2 F12 1.011 2.639 2.063 T1 - Tartary buckwheat (from grain) D - Common buckwheat Darja (from grain) T2 - Tartary buckwheat (from flour) DM - dry matter Table 4: Comparison of flavonoid content in milling fractions of Tartary and common buckwheat (samples T1,T2, D) and in milling fractions with added water after 5 minutes and after 24 hours of flour-water contact Vombergar et al. (2020): Flavonoid concentration in milling fractions 14 Figure 1: Comparison of flavonoid content in milling fractions of common and Tartary buckwheat T1 F11 - Tartary buckwheat flour, granulation ≤ 100 µm T1 F12 - Tartary buckwheat flour, granulation 100 µm < x ≤ 236 µm T1 F21 - Tartary buckwheat flour, granulation 236 µm < x ≤ 1000 µm T1 F22 - Tartary buckwheat flour, granulation > 1000 µm, including bran and husk D F11 - Common buckwheat flour, granulation ≤ 100 µm D F12 - Common buckwheat flour, granulation 100 µm < x ≤ 236 µm D F22 - Common buckwheat flour, granulation > 236 µm < x ≤ 1000 µm D F22 - Common buckwheat flour, granulation >1000 µm, including bran and husk T2 F1 - Tartary buckwheat flour, additional sample T2 F11 - Tartary buckwheat flour, additional sample, granulation ≤ 100 µm T2 F12 - Tartary buckwheat flour, additional sample Granulation >100 µm Tartary buckwheat milling fractions in comparison to respective common buckwheat milling fractions. How- ever, among fractions, containing mainly husk and bran, in Tartary buckwheat it was only about 3 times more flavonoids at Tartary buckwheat in comparison to com- mon buckwheat. In the investigated samples the highest concentration of flavonoids was in the range 3.5–4.5% in dry matter in milling fractions of Tartary buckwheat T1 (with granulation over 100 µm, including up to 1000 µm). These are milling fractions of dark coarse flours. Fraction of Tartary buckwheat husk had low content of flavonoids. Interestingly, husk fraction of common buck- wheat had a high content of flavonoids, in comparison to other milling fractions of common buckwheat. Concentration of flavonoids was different between two samples of Tartary buckwheat (Table 4, Fig. 1). In comparison of two fine milled light Tartary buckwheat flours (T1 in T2) with the same granulation (up to in- cluding 100 µm) we established different content of flavonoids (Table 4, Fig. 1), in both cases the concentra- tion of flavonoids was very low. Comparison of Tartary buckwheat sample T1 and common buckwheat D showed different allocation of flavonoids among milling fractions (Fig. 1). In the Table 4 it was reported that in common buckwheat milling fractions with the granulation up to 100 µm it was much less flavonoids in comparison to fractions over 100 µm. Highest concentration was in the fraction F22 (husk and bran), and lowest in the fraction of light flour F11. It was studied the content of flavonoids in the dough, made from different milling fractions of Tartary and common buckwheat (samples T1, T2, D) after first 5 min- utes, and up to 24 hours of contact of flour particles with added water (Table 5; Fig. 1). Fagopyrum 37(1):11-21 (2020) 15 Impact of water on the flavonoids concentration was similar for common and Tartary buckwheat (Figs. 2 and 3, Table 4). Apparent flavonoid concentration in most of milling fractions rose for about 2 times in the first five minutes after the addition of water, in comparison to un- treated, dry samples. The highest elevation was in flavo- noids concentration in coarse and fine flours (coarse and fine), and somewhat less in fractions with bran and husk. With few exceptions, it was gradually decreased during 24 hours of contact of flour particles with water. Gra- dual lowering of flavonoid concentration in the time 0.08 to 24 hours was different among samples and fractions, but lowering from apparent flavonoid concentration in the time 0.08 to 24 hours was a general appearance, it was a linear correlation among time and flavonoid con- centration (r2 = 0,9953; p<0,05; y = – 0,0733 + 0,8739x). Only in the fraction of bran and husk (F22) flavonoids concentration was after 24-hours of contact of particles a Tartary buckwheat T1 F11 b Tartary buckwheat T1 F12 Figure 2: Flavonoid concentrations in dough from different milling fractions of Tartary buckwheat (T1) over a 24-hour time period T1 F11 - Tartary buckwheat, granulation ≤ 100 µm T1 F12 - Tartary buckwheat, granulation 100 µm < x ≤ 236 µm T1 F21 - Tartary buckwheat, granulation 236 µm < x ≤ 1000 µm T1 F22 - Tartary buckwheat, granulation > 1000 µm including bran and husk 0.08 - 5 minutes; 0.5 - 30 minutes, 1 – one hour; 2,4,8,12,24 – hours of contact with water c Tartary buckwheat T1 F21 d Tartary buckwheat T1 F22 with water as low as 60 %, in comparison to starting con- centration before the addition of water. DISCUSSION From the point of view of functionality most inte- resting are milling fractions with the granulation over 100 µm up to including 1000 µm (the milling gain of these fractions is about 30%); from point of view of nutritional functionality less interesting fractions are fine light flours with the granulation below 100 µm (in milling the gain of light flours is nearly about 50%), as they are poor in flavonoids, and also contain low concen- tration of proteins and minerals (Vombergar, 2010). Col- lection and mixing of fractions (with the granulation over 100 µm up to including 1000 µm), especially in Tartary buckwheat is the best possibility to obtain flour material rich in flavonoids, proteins and minerals. Vombergar et al. (2020): Flavonoid concentration in milling fractions 16 Highest concentration of flavonoids was established in Tartary buckwheat T1 in milling fractions with the gran- ulation over 100 up to 1000 µm (fractions F12 and F21), namely 3.54–4.47% (Table 4). This is about 100-times more in comparison to the concentration of flavonoids in common buckwheat Darja with the same granulation groups (0.043–0.051%) (Table 4, Fig. 1). The results are in line with previous results about the difference in flavonoid concentration in common and Tartary buckwheat (Piao in Li, 2001; Škrabanja et al., 2004; Hung in Morita, 2008). It was established that in common buckwheat it is not similar distribution of flavonoids among fractions as in the case of Tartary buckwheat (Table 4, Fig. 1). In common buckwheat it is the richest with flavonoids the fraction of bran and husk F22 with granulation over 1000 µm (D F22 0.055 % flavonoids), what was not the case in Tartary buckwheat. This is the reason for the in- tensive research of the concentration of flavonoids, espe- cially rutin, in the husk of common buckwheat (Oomah a Common buckwheat D F11 b Common buckwheat D F12 Figure 3: Flavonoid concentrations in dough from different milling fractions of common buckwheat (D) over a 24-hour time period D F11 - Common buckwheat, subfraction with granulation ≤ 100 µm D F12 - Common buckwheat, subfraction with granulation 100 µm < x ≤ 236 µm D F22 - Common buckwheat, subfraction with granulation > 236 µm < x ≤ 1000 µm D F22 - Common buckwheat, subfraction with granulation >1000 µm and bran, husk 0.08 - 5 minutes; 0.5 - 30 minutes, 1 – one hour; 2,4,8,12,24 – hours of contact with water c Common buckwheat D F21 d Common buckwheat D F22 in Mazza, 1996; Watanabe et al., 1997; Dietrych-Szostak and Oleszek, 1999; Kreft et al., 1999; Quettier-Deleu et al., 2000; Steadman et al., 2001b; Dietrych-Szostak, 2004). We detected lower difference in the content of flavonoids between common and Tartary buckwheat in the fraction of husk, than between fractions of flours. So, we suggest the possibility for using of husk of common buckwheat as a source of flavonoids, especially in areas, where Tartary buckwheat is not a traditional crop, as they grow common buckwheat. Milling affects the release of flavonoids during the ex- traction of buckwheat polyphenols. Size of particles is an important characteristic of flours. Smaller particles have relatively higher surface area, so the action of enzymes could be different in comparison to crude flour parti- cles. Enzymes in fine milled flours with small particles could be more active. Polyphenols are included in many cell components. So, their extraction to the liquid phase could be different. Fagopyrum 37(1):11-21 (2020) 17 Suzuki et al. (2002) and Yasuda (2001, 2007) are reporting about the enzyme flavonol-3-glukosidase, im- portant for the degradation of rutin in buckwheat under certain conditions. This enzyme is located in grain in the testa and cotyledons. Predominant amount of enzyme is in cotyledons, but more active is enzyme stored in tes- ta (Suzuki et al., 2002). Rutin is degraded to quercetin. Suzuki et al. (2004) reported about the correlation of enzyme concentration in buckwheat flour with the con- centration of water soluble acids. Mukasa et al. (2009) established that rutin in the husked round formed buck- wheat grain is degraded quickly but it is not the case in soaked intact grain. It is supposed that this is due to struc- tural isolation of rutin to the rutin degraded enzymes. There are different ways of rutin degradation, for ex- ample the oxidation of rutin and some other biochem- ical reactions, transferring rutin to other metabolites. Enzymes, degrading rutin could be blocked in their func- tion. Steaming, cooking and extruding preserve a part of rutin and may prevent the appearance of bitter taste (Paulíčková et al., 2004). Mukasa et al. (2009) confirmed that most of rutin remain in grain after cooking one hour. Thermal treatment may have impact on the degradation of flavonoids according to Dietrych-Szostak in Oleszek (1999). Şensoy et al. (2006) reported that roasting, treat- ment with dry hot air, has no impact on antioxidative properties of light or dark buckwheat flour. Simulation of technological process of dough making (contact of flour with water) revealed the biochemical events, with impact to some dough constituents (mainly flavonoids – rutin and quercetin). CONCLUSION In regard to functional aspect and nutritional value are most interesting buckwheat milling fractions with granulation over 100 µm up to including 1000 µm (mill- ing gain about 30%); less interesting are fractions of light fine flours with granulation less than 100 µm (milling gain nearly 50%), which does not contain much proteins, minerals and flavonoids. Collecting and mixing of frac- tions with granulation over 100 µm up to including 1000 µm), especially at Tartary buckwheat is the best possibil- ity to get flour of high nutritional and functional value, because of flavonoids, proteins and minerals. Tartary buckwheat has a much higher content of fla- vonoids in comparison to common buckwheat, even more than 100-times more in Tartary buckwheat flour in com- parison to common buckwheat flour. The highest concen- tration of flavonoids in milling fractions of Tartary buck- wheat flour T1 (granulation over 100 µm up to including 1000 µm) was established as 3.5–4.5% flavonoids/DM. Flavonoids in milling fractions with different granu- lation are differently allocated. Allocation is different in Tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat. Immediately after the direct contact of flour particles of common and Tartary buckwheat with water the ap- parent concentration of flavonoids rose (even for 100% or more) in the first 5–30 minutes of contact. After one hour, due to the degradation of flavonoids, their concen- tration became lower. Concentration of flavonoids are after 24 hours of contact of flavonoids with water in all milling fractions lower in comparison to the value after first 5 minutes of contact with water. REFERENCES Asami Y., Arai R., Lin R., Honda Y., Suzuki T., Ikeda K. 2007. Analysis of components and textural characteristics of vari- ous buckwheat cultivars. 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Zbiranje in mešanje frakcij (z granulacijo nad 100 µm do vključno 1000 µm), predvsem pri tatarski ajdi, pomeni najboljšo izbiro glede vsebnosti beljakovin, mineralov in flavonoidov. Tatarska ajda ima bistveno višjo vsebnost flavonoidov kot navadna ajda (tudi več kot 100-krat več flavonoidov v moki). Najvišja vsebnost flavonoidov je v mlevskih frakcijah tatarske ajde T1 (z granulacijo nad 100 µm do vključno 1000 µm) in sicer 3,5–4,5 % flavonoidov v sušini. Flavonoidi, se po mlevskih frakcijah (z različno granulacijo) različno razporejeni. Razporeditev med mlevskimi frak- cijami ni enaka pri tatarski in navadni ajdi. Pri neposrednem stiku mlevskih frakcij tatarske in navadne ajde z vodo vsebnost flavonoidov v vseh mlevskih frakci- jah naraste (tudi za 100 % in več) v prvih 5–30-ih minutah delovanja. Po eni uri začne koncentracija flavonoidov padati zaradi razpada flavonoidov, oksidacijsko redukcijskih procesov, encimatskih procesov in drugih biokemijskih reakcij. Koncentracija flavonoidov po 24-ih urah stika moke z vodo je vedno nižja v primerjavi z začetno vrednostjo flavonoidov v testu po 5-tih minutah stika z vodo. Fagopyrum 37(1):11-21 (2020) 21