8 AN INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATIONAL MACHINE* INFORMATICA 4/92 Keywords: architecture, cybernetical perquisites, data machine, foundations, informational machine, informational program, informational theory, intelligent machine, operating system, technological perquisites Anton R Železnikar Volaričeva ulica 8 61111 Ljubljana Slovenia This essay is an introduction to informational machine (IM) as it might be implemented in the coming decades. IM is an informational phenomenon and informs in itself and to the user in an informationally phenomenal way (IM externalism, internalism, metaphysicalism, and phenomenalism). For this purpose it needs: a massively parallel structured interconnection net of high- performance microprocessors (e.g., 64-bit, three-dimensional RISC); specifically (informationally) designed processor interconnection network; an operating system offering informational, counterinformational, and embedding support to informing entities (operands and operators) and translating informational language; an informational dictionary of entities; and lastly, a powerful peripheral equipment capable to accept (memorize) and transmit all kinds of information (picture, sound, data, signal, control, linguistic information, etc.). The goal of IM design is to achieve the state of »intelligence«, by which IM is an understanding device operating (behaving) within the surrounding world. Uvod v informacijski stroj.* Ta spis je uvod v informacijski stroj (IS), ki bi ga bilo mogoče uresničiti v naslednjih desetletjih. IS je informacijski fenomen in informira v sebi in k uporabniku na informacijsko fenomenalen način (eksternalizem, internalizem, metafizikalizem in fenomenalizem IS). V ta namen potrebuje: masivno paralelno strukturirano povezovalno mrežo visokozmogljivih mikroprocesorjev (npr. 64-bitni, trirazsežnostni RISC); operacijski sistem z informacijsko, protiinformacijsko in umeščevalno podporo informacijskim entitetam (operandom in operatorjem) in s prevajanjem informacijskega jezika; informacijski slovar entitet; in nazadnje zmogljive periferne naprave, ki spejemajo (pomnijo) in oddajajo vse vrste informacije (sliko, zvok, podatek, signalno, kontrolno, lingvistično informacijo itd.). Cilj načrtovanja IS je doseganje stanja »inteligence«, s katero postane IS razumevajoča naprava, ki deluje (se obnaša) v obdajajočem svetu. *This essay is a private author's work and no part of it may be used, reproduced or translated in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles. 0. Introduction basis of the referential whole, »'Nature' ... can never make wordliness intelligible«. — Hubert L. Dreyfus [BIW] 121 The phenomenological account of how scientific facts are arrived at by leaving out significance shows why, once we have stripped away all meaningful context to get the elements of theory, theory cannot give back meaning. Science cannot reconstruct what has been left out in arriving at theory; it cannot explain significance. For this reason, even though natural science can explain the causal One of the aims of informational theory [TIL, FIP, BIA] is to lay the foundations of the informational machine (IM). These foundations pertain greatly to the concept of an intelligent informational machine (IIM) and their laying is a process in which several new components have to be settled in theoretical, symbolic, cognitive, technological, architectural and other, yet not completely recognized, informational ways. 9 IM is a consequence of that what one understands as the computer, computing system, or data processing device. The computer is a data machine (DM) where data is a particular, informationally specific entity, a bounded form of information, which concerns facts, factical information, which as a fact does not change during an informational process. DM is an informationally reduced device within the concept of the arising IM and, as such, can never reach the level of, for instance, an intelligent informational machine. Data intelligence remains within the scope of the artificial, modeled, simulated intelligence which, in comparison to natural intelligence, roots in the structure and organization of the algorithmic and data programming on (and by means of) a computer system. Along these lines, the result is a data-stable, algorithmic, well-determined system designed by both mathematical and programming philosophy and conceptual means. The difference between data and informational processing lies in algorithm vs. informational program, determined foreseeability vs. possibilities of spontaneous informational arising, strict splitting between data and programs vs. operand and operator duality of informational entities, recursively determined program and processing cycles vs. metaphysical informational circularity, the determined closeness of data and programs vs. the phenomenal informational openness of informational operands and operators. IM is an essential extension of DM, from the rigid, algorithmic, mathematical machining to the circularly spontaneous possibilities of informing within the goal-directness, intention, orientation, significance and, not lastly, possible intelligence of arising informational entities in the world. Only in case of an informational machine it becomes possible to speak about the informational understanding, which is a synonym for the intelligent informational behavior of entities within an informational realm, that is, informational entities' surrounding world. Intelligent entities have to behave informationally (in this case understanding^) in the real world, which concerns them in an essential, intentional, developmental, and significant way. By this essay, the author communicates the concept of an informational machine in the form of a foundational, researching, and technological discourse. Is it already possible to presume and pre- view the architecture and operating system of the future IM? Both informational theory and philosophy offer concepts and mechanisms which could dramatically impact not only the structure and organization of the IM involving components in the field of electronic, photonic, and biological technology, but also the realms of sufficiently clear comprehension, conceptualism, design, and implementation of machines. 1. The Informational Theory and Informational Machine Das Miteinandersein ist — ihm selbst verborgen — von der Sorge um diesen Abstand beunruhigt. Existenzial ausgedrückt, es hat den Charakter der Abständigkeit. Je unauffälliger diese Seinsart dem alltäglichen Dasein selbst ist, um so hartnäckiger und ursprünglicher wirkt sie sich aus. Martin Heidegger [SZ] 126 Informational theory (IT) offers formalized means which pertain to informing and informedness of entities (things, phenomena, processes). Informational operands, informational operators, parentheses, commas, and semicolons constitute the syntactic background of formulas and informational formula systems of the theory. In IT, operands and operators are united entities which can be distinguished from each other in instantaneous situations of a formula or formula system. Thus, it is possible to determine informational theories for different purposes. The most remarkable theories of this sort concern understanding, computing, inference, cognition, etc. and also signal processing on a physical level, process control, living phenomenality in biological systems, informational theories of societies, informational mathematical theories, scientific languages, and system theories. IT's enable new approaches to various theoretical and practical problems using specific, informationally conceptualized languages, in which formulas by themselves inform and are informed, that is, arise and are arisen information-ally. These formalisms (informational programs) are on the way to be implemented by the use of informational machines. An IM will perform on the basis of informational formulas, which are programs, expressed in 10 informational language and behave as logically arising entities, possessing their own externalism, internalism, metaphysics, and phenomenalism. In this point, informational programs differ essentially from computer programs, which can be comprehended as texts which contents (semantics) does not change in any way. IP's (informational programs) surpass the computer programming structure and philosophy, programming bounds, and strict, mathematically conceptualized notions. The way to the proposed informational machine goes back to the basic axiomatic concepts of informational theory. In a concrete case, IT by itself is a textual informational entity, possessing informational phenomenality, which in accordance with its intention, significance, understanding, etc. informs and is informed by means, mechanisms, and informational support of an informational machine. Thus, the informing of a theory's text can be achieved, realized, or implemented by an IM. In a similar way as computer programs are executed by computers, IP's will govern the informing of an IM. So, the question arises, how an IM has to be conceptualized and constructed to come close to the requirements of informational phenomenality of entities in general and in each particular (thinkable) case. It is to understand that IT and IM support each other. First, a concept and realization of IM becomes possible by the (strict) application of IT's principles, derivation of theorems, and machining informational systems. Then, the IM is supported by the so-called system informational programs, which constitute an informational operating system. When an IM functions as a machining informational entity, the machine can take an IT and let it arise informationally within a given informational realm. Thus, an IT can develop the IM in an informational way and vice versa, simultaneously, in parallel, intentionally, significantly, and intelligently. To bring this possibility of informing to the foreground, we have to develop the sufficiently clear and straightforward detailed concept of informational machine. And this way of development will be shown stepwise in the sections which follow. 2. The Computer as a Data Machine What is the difference between a data entity and an informational entity? What is the difference between a data machine (= computer) and an informational machine? A DM has to follow the data phenomenality in an architectural and programming construction, while an IM follows the informational phenomenality which broadens the conceptualism of its architecture and programming in an informationally arising manner. The difference between these phenomenalities is essential: data is well-defined information in a particular way; it is specifically bounded by an algorithmic structure and in this way not flexible as information at all. As a fact or factical information, data informs externally in an unbounded way; it simply informs external observers as any other informational entity. Regardless of the nature of its factic-ity, the informing of data is spread (broadcasted) in space and time, where different observing entities can become sensitive for informing of data, that is, informed by data. Intelligent entities can, for instance, observe the steadiness of data informing, its facticity, and its informational unchangeable-ness, non-arising in contrary to a regularly informing entity. Thus, data appears to the observer as a steady, reliable, and predictable information, which can vary only in some known value, degree, truth, etc., but not in its, for instance, semantic character, mood, property, relation, intention, and significance. Data possesses a firm characteristics (property, relation) of something which it concerns, for instance, number, value, degree, structure, facticity of something. In this respect, its characteristics must never change and its changeable components are only factical parts of its characteristics. The first question relating computers is how does data inform? As a specific informational phenomenon, data informs, but it is informed merely in the sense to preserve (memorize) its facticity, characteristics, or well-determined meaning. The meaning of a certain data, its semantic scope, must never change. It means that the informedness of data is a steady phenomenon, meaningly stable, and semantically unchangeable. How can this phenomenality of data be expressed abstractly, on a formal and symbolic level? 11 Let 5 mark a data entity as an operand and let f= be the symbol for the most general operator of informing. Informing of data is a data property (its own predicate) and the proposition Data Informs is the most primitive phenomenological fact of data itself. It belongs to data as an entity, is a part of data possible (entire) informational phenomenality. It means that data as an entity implies the informing of data. Thus the informatio prima pertaining to data is postulated by (1) S => (61=) The sense of this implication (symbol =>) is to show how the informing of data, that is, 8 \=, is an integral part of data itself and not a separate entity. The consequence of axiom (1) is (2) (8 ¡=) C 8 where C is the operator of informational inclusion which says that process 5 f= is a part of 5 itself. It is to say that formulas (I) and (2) do not differ for any general case when data entity 8 is replaced by an informational entity. Where does the essential difference between data and information occur? Data has to keep its identity, which is the facticity of its phenomenality. With other words, it has to memorize its informational identity by preventing its informational structure to be changed. What does the keeping or memorizing of data identity mean at all? Data informs factitiously, which has the meaning of non-spontaneously and artificially. Thus, formula (1) can be particularized into (1') 5 => (8 f=factitious) where operator ^factitious a general informational operator of factitious informing, probably constructed (imagined) by the data observer in an artificial and informationally not spontaneous way. The question is: can data, in the described sense, exist as a natural situation (entity) at all or is it the consequence of an observer's attitude? The next basic question is how data is informed? As a fact, data must keep its identity. So, the possible answer to the question is (3) 5 =>(=6) The sense of this implication is to show how the informedness of data, that is, =8, is an integral part (property) of data itself or (4) (= 5) C 8 and that this informedness is identical. Instead of operator = operators (=identic Nsteady- or Nfacti-tious could be used. The consequence of identical informing of data 8 is the so-called metaphysical identity which presupposes the steadiness of data, that is (5) 8 => (8 = 8) and, certainly, (6) (8 = 8) C 8 Formula (5) is an axiomatic consequence of both axioms (1) and (3). Thus, also the last fundamental axiom of informing of data can be given by (7) 8=>(8|=;=8) where (8) (81=; = 8) C 8 is the logical consequence. We can unite the four basic axioms into the following logical scheme of informational formulas: (9) 5 (5 [=); [data externalism] (5(=)C8; 8 => (= 8); [data internalism] (= 8) C 8; 8 (8 = 8); [data metaphysicalism] (8 = 8) C 8; 8 => (8 f=; = 8); [data phenomenalism] (81=; = 8) C 8 Data externalism, internalism, metaphysicalism, and phenomenalism are basic properties of data 8 where operators of informing \= and = are integral parts of data 8 itself. 12 This axiomatic introduction of the nature of data was necessary to get the possibility for characterizing the components of data machine B (computer). The straightforward formula of informing of a data machine B is (10) (Sinput Hreceive ®) Nsend ^output where data input 8¡nput pertains to computer system programs ^sys (operating system), computer user programs $puse (applications, tools), and user data 5use (user data bases). Informational operator Hreceive says ^input received by machine 2). Informational operators of the reversed type, that is, =\, express the passive (participle) mode of informing when read from the left side to the right of informational formula. Implicitly, data machine B as an data informing entity (device) operates and is operated by means of the received programs and data in an open, however, normally, well-determined way, that is, (11) B =» CD =; = B) Formula (11) shows another bounded situation of data machine B, where machine phenomenalism roots in an identically structured (architectural) machine externalism (informing B =) as well as in an identically structured (architectural) machine internalism (informedness = B). In this sense, machine B receives (=|receive) iQPut data and sends 0=send) results presuit of its action to its peripherals ^peripheral- Data machine B is informationally open (B =; = B) only for programs, data, and results which fit its architecture, and system described by formula (11) implies the machine openness of the form (12) B (= arc Krc® where |=arc is the architectural (computer hardware) defined property of DM functioning. Certainly, the informing (B [=arc as externalism or output) and informedness 0=arc ® ^ internalism or input) case can be particularized in different possible ways. What is a more detailed structure of data machine (computer)? We already listed (marked) some components in the previous paragraph. That which is, in fact, called a machine is the data machine architecture (structure of machine's hardware), marked by îlarc. What does the machine architecture produce and what does it sense? The general answer is (13) 2Iarc (2Iarc t=arc_prod> Narc_sense ^arc) > ^Psys' ^Puse> ^use Narc_sense ^-arc'» ^arc harc_prod Presuit The last system constitutes the informationally open phenomenal and metaphysical structure of machine architecture, where 2tarc is a well-defined and informationally non-arising physical structure, operator (=arc_prod means produce (s) architecturally and operator (=arc_sense has the meaning sense(s) architecturally. Thus, the phenomenalism of DM is data-informational. Functioning of a DM B can be described by the formula (14) (0Psys> ^Puse> ^use ^peripheral) Hreceive O^arc hexecute ^Psys> ^Puse> $use)) Nsend (Presuit ^peripheral) It is to stress that all occurring operands in the last formula belong to data entities which are well-determined, algorithmic, mathematical, and data structured items (alphabetically, ôuse, presult> ^arc> ^peripheral' ^sys> and ( must be informational without any limits in advance. The request is (17) ^arcJM => O^arcJM N 1= ^arcJM) How could such a machine architecture be implemented conceptually and then technologically? Let us examine some general architectural criteria for an IM in the following manner: (1) 2Iarc_IM is a massive parallel processor system where the number of processors is not limited in advance. (2) Massive parallelism of 2iarc_IM means an extremely flexible, changeable, and arising processor network in which sufficiently complex processors and their interconnections arise in an informational sense. (3) At the present state of technology, processors 7tj, 7t2, ... of 2Iarc_IM are data processors (e.g., 64-bit RISC) capable to fit into the massively parallel network by three (and not only two) dimensions. (4) Informational entities (operands, formulas of operands and operators) represented by processors in the massively parallel network are supported by mechanisms for sensing relevant (entities concerning) information in the interconnection network. (5) The architectural interconnection network (^network ^ ^arcJM) possesses methods for the building-up of connections between processors representing operands and formulas (also subformulas) which interact informationally according to particular informational formulas. (6) Each informational operand has its own processing informational system (basic informational determination of the entity by the basic entity formula in an informational dictionary of entities) to which processors are allocated. Processors are allocated not only to operands but also to informational formulas in which operands occur. Thus, to a complex formula, processors are allocated to each operand, sub formula and to the formula itself. The last two behave as additional operands with additional processors allocated. (7) An informational arising of IM architecture can be simulated by a dynamically changing interconnection network (interconnection distributed processing device), ^network' ^ which a sufficient number of operable processor components is available. On the other side, the functional power (operational complexity, speed) of processors and their interconnection can reach performances necessary for informational systems for the most pretentious applications. (8) The listed performances of IM architecture can grow by the advancing of computer and telecommunication technology. For instance, the number of microelectronic components may reach several billions per chip. The next frontier may be based on single-electron devices and ballistic transistors where the philosophy and perspective of quantum physics is coming into scientific and technological game. Photonics will take over many electronic functions in transmission of information, logic functions, communication switching (interconnection networks), etc. [FOT]. Let us determine the IM architecture 9Iarc_lM in more detail by the informational architecture system. The following operands and operators are introduced: tcj, H2, • •• are high-performance microprocessors inserted in the nodes of massive parallel interconnection network Snetwork» CTstate represents the state of architectural informing ^ (where i marks processors' subscripts) of processors within the interconnection network ^network'» CTstate(^arc_IM) is the state of architecture, expressed as informational function pertaining to the IM architecture itself; ^arcJM is the IM architecture as informational entity; $2, ... are the so-called informings belonging to particular processors Ttj, 7t2, ...; SlOti), &(*2). - are informational functions, where particular informing ^ depends on - 14 the state of processor 714; ^network is informational entity representing the processor interconnection network in all imaginable complexity which can be decomposed to the arbitrary details; [=by means inform(s)_by or inform(s)_by_means_of; Nconnect means connects); => means implies/imply; and C means inform(s)_in or simply is/are_in. The initial formula system (prior to the detailed informational decomposition) is (18) (7tlf TT2, ... C ^network) ^arc_IM> 7q, Tt2, ... (TTJ =; = 7ti; 7:2 =; = 712; ■••); (^network Nconnect frl» «2» -))|=ty ^state^arcJM)); CTstate => ^2(^2)» ••• cSnetwork) The first formula is an outset of the position of (the arising) IM architecture which functions as an array of dynamically connected high-performance microprocessors (RISC). In this sense, the IM architecture remains informationally open on the level of its interconnection network and, so, is informationally phenomenal. In the second formula the data nature of processors is explicated as a consequence of nowadays electronic and future photonic technology. The only request is that processors have a unique and »sufficiently« complex and effective structure (e.g., high-performance RISC with at least 64-bit). The third formula expresses the informational nature of processor connection in a particular situation by means of the present functional state of IM architecture. The last formula says that the functional state of IM architecture implies the informing of particular (active) processors within the interconnection network. Formula (18) is an initial architectural position. This formula may now be decomposed in more and more details according to the concepts of the IM architecture designers. It may happen that a future microprocessor generation, at least in some respects, will reach the step of informational phenomenalism. 4. Informational Programs So far, informational programs belong to the most promising concepts of informational phenomenal-ity [IBU]. In a massively parallel IM Oft, the role of informational programs (in short, IP) becomes informational in all imaginable entirety. An IP, marked by is a regular informational entity in the IM environment. What could this property under machine circumstances mean at all? An informational program has its external-ism, internalism, metaphysicalism, and phenomenalism, that is, in a symbolic summarizing form, (19) q)=>(q)|=;|=ip;ip|=fp) Then, IP $p is informationally open to the IM environment in several ways. Firstly, it informs the IM system and is informed by it or, symbolically, (20) cp c 3ft) cp |= 3ft; OR |= q$) and, secondly, it is informationally open to other active, that is, informing informational programs $Pl, ^2, ... within the informational machine 3ft, thus, (21) Cp.iPi.SP2. — C£D0=> GP Ni, *psys)2, • • • C $pSySjM OS *pSys_IM performs as an open informational entity possessing its own externalism, internalism, metaphysicalism, and phenomenalism. Operating system of an IM, ^sys_iM> performs together with the IM architecture SlarcJM i11 managing and informing of user informational programs. How do IM architecture &iarc_IM ^d IM operating system ^sys_iM support an informing entity ce informationally within an IM? Operand a as an informational phenomenon is confronted with the triplet of its informing, counterinforming, and embedding of information. In a narrower sense, informing of an entity embraces, in general, its informational broadening, modification, shortening, etc. which are a consequence of the entity's interpretive scope. On the linguistic level, a typical scope of informing represent the so-called synonyms of words or word groups. However, there are many other informational equivalents to occurring informational items, for instance, of parallel interpretive character. The consequence of this informational possibilities concerning an informing operand is its informational broadening which includes modification, informational shortening, vanishing and of course arising. If by the informing of entity a is marked, the following initial system of IM architecture and operating system support to informing of operand a can be given: (24) System support to informing of operand a: IM' ^Psys_IM Nsynonymize Nproduce a> Si®) > IM' ^Psys. _IM ^interpret a> 3(°0) Nproduce a> (^arc.IM' *Psys_IM Nbroaden 3(°0) [^produce a> 3>(°0 The occurring informational operators have the following meaning: hbroaden broaden(s)_the_scope_of, inform(s)_in_an_informationally_ _broadened_way_to; ^interpret interpret(s), inform(s)_interpretatively_to, deli ver (s)_interpretation(s)_of; Nproduce produce(s), embed(s)_in; Nsynonymize synonymize(s), give(s)_synonyms_for, inform(s)_synonymously_in_ _respect_to, inform(s)_by_synonyms_of, inform)s)_in_a_synonymous_way_to In formula (24), a possibility for shortening its formal expression arises when operational alternatives come to the surface. We can introduce the so-called alternative operator structure with the meaning operator 1 or operator2 or operator3 or.... The Or is marked by symbol |. Thus, (24') (2Iarc_IM' *Psys_IM Nsynonymize I ^interpret I ^broaden a. 3(a)) Nproduce a> 3>(a) The second mode of system support to an informing entity is counterinformational. We can investigate principles of counterinforming from a characteristically pragmatical point of view. The adverb counter pertaining to conterinformation and counterinforming has several meanings: for instance, in the opposite informational way, contrary the course of information or informing, in the reverse informational direction, contrary in an informational way, in opposition to the ruling information or informing, in the sense to inform counter or against to the informing rules. The adjective counterinformational means informationally opposite, opposed, and contrary. Counterinforma-tion informs opposite or contrary to information from which it arises. Counterinforming means to act in opposition to informing, also to frustrate informing by counterinforming. Thus, counterinforming could mean to produce antonymous information (to »antonymize«) in comparison to informing by which synonymous, meaningly broadened information is produced. 18 If by y(a) and ©(a) the counterinformation and counterinforming of entity a is marked, respectively, the following initial system of IM architecture and operating system support to counterinforming of operand a can be expressed: (25) System support to counterinforming of operand a.: (^arc _IM> ^Psys_IM Nantonymize r(°0. ©(«)) Nproduce r(«)» £(«); _IM> ^Psys_IM Ncounterinterpret y(a), ©(a)) ^produce T(°0. ©(«); (^arc .IM' ^Psys_IM Ncounterbroaden y(a), ©(a)) (=produce r(°0> ©(«) The occurring counterinformational operators have the following meaning: Nantonymize antonymize(s), give(s)_antonyms_for, inform(s)_antonymously_in_ _respect_to, inform(s)_by_antonyms_of, inform (s)_in_a_antonymous_way_to; Ncounterbroaden broaden (s)_the_scope_contrary_to, counterinform(s)_in_an_ _informationally_broadened_way_to; Ncounterinterpret counterinterpret(s), counterinform(s)_interpretatively_to, deliver(s)_counterinterpretation(s)_of; Nproduce produce(s), embed(s)_in In formula (25), the possibility for shortening its formal expression is given: (25') (^arc_IM> ^sys_IM Nantonymize I Ncounterinterpret I Ncounterbroaden T(°0> ©(°0) Nproduce Y(°0> The third mode of system support to an informing entity is the embedding of new (arisen and arrived) information. New information is informationally broadened (informed), counterinformational and that which arrives to the informing entity as something informationally observed. How is the embedding of information taking place? A piece of information can be embedded by means of the embedding information by which the autonomous informed (broadened) information, counterinformation or input information is information-ally connected to the informing entity. Embedding information is to the informing entity belonging connection information and its informing is called embedding. We can distinguish three kinds of embedding information in respect to the informing entity (operand a), namely, informed information embedding information ^«informed)» counterinformation embedding information s(y(a)) and input (arriving) information embedding information s(iinput) and the corresponding embeddings, that is, informed embedding ©(«informed)' counterinformational embedding ®(y(a)), and input (arriving) information embedding @(i ¿nput). So, the following initial system of IM architecture and operating system support to the embedding phenomenality of operand a can be expressed: (26) h System support to informational embedding within operand a: ^arc_IM > ^Psys_IM Nproduce (£(ainformed)> ©(«informed)' s(T(°0)> @(T(a)), s(tinput), ©(LinpUt)); (£ Nembed «informed» Y(a)> 1 input) into a Informed information is that delivered by informing of a, that is, «synonymous» «interpretive' ^^ «broadened- produced by formula (24). Except formulas (24), (25), and (26), other scenarios of system support to informing of informational entities can be studied. However, the general concept of informing, counterinforming, and embedding information pertaining to informing of informational operands, seems to be the most general and can be particularized in each specific case. To the three modes of informing another very important informational entity must be available, called the dictionary of informational operands, marked by ^dictionary- In the framework of IM operating system support $Psys_iM> the dictionary of operands is a data base in which initial informational formulas of operands, a kind of basic informational definitions, are stored. In a formula, the informational operand is only the marker of an informational 19 entity, which is informationally connected with other operands in different formulas of a formula system. Thus, to each in formulas occurring operand, its definition from the dictionary is associated. In this operand definition formula or system of formulas, other operand occur, which have to be considered in the same way: they must be found in the dictionary too. Informing of an entity, that is, informational operand, must consider the entire available informational realm. This realm concerns, for instance, the entire natural language, if an IM operates in the domain of language informing. In this way, for each informational operand, for instance, a word or word group, a complex formula system comes to existence, until all occurring operands become metaphysically closed, that is, until no informational operand is hanging non-circularly closed into itself. On this level, we are able to recognize that every informational concept of a language is tautological in principle. There is no way out of informational tautology, language tautology or system tautology: information remains circled into information. The longer the metaphysical circle of an operand formula, the greater the number of operand concerning parallel interpretations, the more natural appears the informational meaning of the operand. For instance, there are words, for which meaning we never ask, because their explanation, interpretation, and understanding through sentences in which other words appear would be to complex, unclear, sophisticated, and understood intuitively, as we hope, only in the context with other words. The future IM will include a complete informational dictionary of possible operands B(jiCtionary as a standard part of IM operating system. In this way, the system support to informing operands, their informational arising, will be always possible. New operands will be added to the dictionary after their informational definition. Thus, the time will come when the so- called electronic dictionaries will be used in their informational form as standard parts of IM operating systems. One of the conditions to offer the informing support to an informational operand a will be (27) a C Sdictionary Strategies for informing, counterinforming, and embedding concerning a will be developed as principles of informing of entities based on informational formulas (24), (25), and (26). Besides these system support strategies, an informing entity a can have its own, for instance, intentional, goal-directed formulas for informing, counterinforming, and embedding of information, that is, its internal possibilities of informational arising. In this sense, to formulas (24), (25), and (26) similar formulas for a's own informing, counterinforming, and embedding can come into existence. 6. Informational Machine as Informational Entity Through the conceptualism of the previous sections, we gradually approach to the structure of an informational machine which performs as a regular informational entity. In future, the evolvable architecture (software configurable hardware) of IM will become quite possible. On the other hand, the so-called genetic programming technique (for instance, evolution of Lisp programs) is on the way to the question how to evolve self-reproducing systems. The other question is how to evolve self-reproducing systems which can also do something useful. These are the promising perspectives of nanotechnology in space (matter) and time. For instance, L. Buss and W. Fontana presented a mathematical theory of the development of systems towards life like behavior [ACR]. They represented levels of O, 1, and 2, with increasing sophistication, e.g. self replication, then genomes, etc. In the previous sections, we identified several informational entities which constitute the informational functioning of an IM 2JI. At the first look, such a machine is characterized by an informational structure of the global, two level informational entities (28) ro • ^-arc_IM> ^Psys_IM» ^dictionary» ^Puse_IM> t-useJM where in the first line are the so-called machine operational entities meaning IM architecture, IM operating system, and operand dictionary, respectively, while in the second line are IM user systems 20 of informational programs and IM user information, respectively. Within machine 5JI, these entities inform mutually or interact in different informational ways. Further, we have slightly pointed out the IM architecture as (29) 2Iarc_IM: Tti, 7t2, ... C$network; ^network ^arc_IM where sequence ttj, 7:2, ••• marks the uniformly functionally and in an interconnecting way designed microprocessors. The IM interconnection network is in principle evolvable, at least program or information configurable, however in principle informationally arising. The next essential part of IM belongs to the realm of system informational programs ^sySjM> called the IM operating system. This system controls the functioning of IM and offers the so-called basic informational support to informational operands, which occur in the formulas of user informational programs, marked by $Puse,l> *puse,2> • ••, shaping the user informational system i^se_iM of machine 9JL Thus, the system and user informational program systems together with the system of other user information items are (30) $psys)!, $pSyS)2, • • • C $pSySjM; *Puse,l' ^use,2 ••• C *Puse_IM '"use.l> ^use^' •••CI 1 use_IM An essential part of IM is the structure of system and user open informational operand dictionary ^dictionary >n which the initial informational definitions of system and informational user program operands are stored. This dictionary represents a semantic net of entities for the entire realm of an informational field, discipline, application, science, etc. An arbitrary net for a distinct operand must be informationally circled in a complete way. It means that for each occurring operand a complete or informationally well-circled informational system of formulas exists. If these entity operands of metaphysically structured parallel formulas are marked by a,, the dictionary structure is (31) al> ®2> ••• ^dictionary At last the peripherals have to be considered in which input and output information is stored, that is, system and user informational programs, other informational entities, and results of IM informing. Thus, a general peripheral situation is (32) %s_ .IM» ^Puse_IM> !-use_IM' ^dictionary Presult_IM ^3peripheral_IM Under these conditions the metaphysicalism of an IM 9ft \= QJl can be observed as a general informational scheme in the form (33) ^peripheral N (((CPuse_IM' 1 use_IM N *Psys_IM» ^dictionary) N ,71:2, ••• C ^network) C2Iarc_IM))N ^\ise_IM> 1 use_IM) N (presult_IM ^ ^peripheral)) The last formula can now be decomposed, parallelized, etc. in more details. The outmost cycle is peripheral in which the initial informational programs and information is stored. Results of informing of IM are transferred to peripherals, so they can be observed by the IM user. 7. Informing and Informedness of IM Informing and informedness of an IM constitute its phenomenalism. We say that an observer of IM as its user is impressed by IM informing and concludes what an informational phenomenalism of the machine could be, for instance, informationally efficient, comprehensive and, last but not least, intelligent. The last could be true especially because of the informational character of the machine when significant realms of information are taken into machines informing, that is, informationally arising processing. On the other hand, an IM can be informed by an observer as its user, and this informedness is in no way limited in advance, so the entire user informational creativity comes into the game of the machine informedness. Because IM OJl is no more as a machine, the questions concerning its externalism, internalism, metaphysicalism, and phenomenalism could be of particular importance. Usually, such questions are not customary for machines as rational, artificial entities which have their unique, determined purpose, functional ability, and applicability. How- 21 ever, this is only a common belief and the question of, for instance, machine's metaphysics remains entirely righteous. The function of an IM hides the machine informing, counterinforming, and embedding of information. This function concerns as well the informing of operands occurring in informational programs which informing is partly supported by the IM system. In this sense, an IM becomes an informational phenomenon by itself. 7.1. IM Externalism IM 3JI informs its exterior. Machine externalism (3ft f=) is important for the informedness of machine observers, users, and other machines. How does a machine 3ft inform according to its architecture, operating system, dictionary, user informational programs and user information? An observer oruseroflMisableto recognize several general machine properties which can be expressed verbally and by informational language. Let us see some of them. (1) External informing offfl. IM SIR informs in parallel ways. One of the basic implication system of machine externalism is (34) cmH=>croiN; (an H => (am \=-, at |=;...) where operator |j= marks parallel informing. According to formula system (34), external parallelism of 5ft is circular and the consequence of it is (34-) dH^dN^N-) This implication shows the parallel possibilities of informing of Oft to external entities, where 2ft's external informational openness is manifested as parallel informing. Parallelism of Oft belongs to the most powerful, but theoretically unmasterable realm of informing under spontaneous and circular circumstances. For instance, problems of understanding and through it produced meaning of something may remain unmastered in several informational ways, that is, philosophically, theoretically, formally, linguistically, designingly, technologically, communicatively, connectively, etc. But, this is also true for any other informa- tional parallelism. The phenomenon of parallel externalism belongs to the most unrevealed and simultaneously theoretically pretentious problems. On the other hand, the parallelism of mind concerning associative processes at the arising of thought seems to be natural. In case of 3ft |[=, machine Oft can produce intentional, spontaneous, circular, etc. parallelism, possessing its own mechanisms of informing, creating of operand dictionary, user informational programs and user information. This kind of parallelism may look to be unforeseeable and not well-predictable, that is, informationally spontaneous for the IM observer or user. (2) External metaphysicalism of 3ft. IM Oft informs in its own circular way. This kind of circularity is called external metaphysicalism (also metaphysics) of Oft. The machine observer or user copes with the metaphysical implication of the form (35) (3ft f=) ((3ft f= 3ft) |=) concerning not only the general machine externalism 3ft (=, but also the machine metaphysical externalism (Oft \= 3ft) f=. The phenomenon of observing the machine metaphysicalism by machine users is a parallel informational phenomenon, where (35') ((3ft 3ft) (=) => ((3ft |= 3ft) ||=); ((3ft|=3ft)H=>(CIKh®ON (3ft |= 3ft) (=; ...) In this way, the observed metaphysicalism of Oft is in no way unique and unambiguous since the arising metaphysicalism of Oft shows the arisen phenomena to machine observers. Within the machine metaphysicalism, informational formulas are circularly decomposed, parallelized, composed, etc. and through this phenomenality the observing of machine metaphysics Oft f= Oft through (3ft |= 3ft) (= becomes possible. (3) External resulting ofWi. Machine 3ft delivers results which may be expected, but also unforeseeable, unpredictable, and arising from a complex informational realm. The question of result PresultjM senseful because IM informs and produces essential changes of informational entit- 22 ies through their informational arising. Under such circumstances, there are dedicated results in the form of informational meanings concerning various kinds of information, for instance, linguistic, numeric, logical, formula-informational, signaling, controlling, etc. Results can be stored, displayed, or otherwise communicated, but they can also remain unobserved and lost in the process of informing. Thus, the user or observer of IM must determine, at least roughly, for which kind of results there exists an interest in distinct informational programs and how the informing machine Eft may transfer its results to the peripherals, that is, (36) (5ft (= presultJM) No ^peripheral Because of the possibilities of intelligent informational programs, these programs (informational formula systems) can decide by themselves how to inform results, store them, or present to the exterior of IM. Thus, (37) (Oft \=) ((<01 f= presult_IM) N is conditio sine qua non that the informing of 5ft is (becomes) informationally sensefiil. Otherwise, 3ft would perform as a closed system, which does not concern the machine exterior. (4) From the pragmatical point of view, machine externalism 5ftf=is able to explicate not only the discussed forms of parallelism, metaphysical-ism, or informational resulting (productivity, conclusiveness), but other, very specific phenomenal forms, exporting informationally dependent phenomena of understanding, managing, controlling, signaling, modeling, etc. in cooperation with other systems, machines, observers, users, and machine environment. In this way, an IM may be informationally embedded in other systems not only via its externalism, but also internalism, building up a composed, metaphysically structured informational system. 7.2. IM Internalism Machine internalism !Eft characterizes the machine informational sensibility (informedness) for informing of informational programs, requests, and information coming from machine users, observers, and other informational systems, ma- chines, environment, etc. How is machine 3Ji informed according to its architecture, operating system, dictionary, user informational programs, and user information? Let us show some informational phenomena concerning the IM internalism. (1) Internal informedness of 3ft. IM 3ft is informed in parallel ways. One of the basic implication system of machine internalism (informedness) is (38) ([= Oft) => (((= 3ft); (||= Oft) (f= 3ft; f= 3ft; ...) where operator ||= marks parallel informing. According to formula system (38), internal parallelism of 3ft is circular and the consequence of it is (38') (|= 3ft) => 0= 3ft; |= 5ft; ...) This implication shows the parallel possibilities of informedness of 3ft by external entities, where 3ft's internal informational openness is manifested as parallel informedness. Parallel informedness of 3ft belongs to the most powerful, yet theoretically unmasterable realm of informedness under spontaneous and circular conditions. For instance, problems of machine understanding and through it produced meaning of something informational may remain unmastered in several informational ways, that is, philosophically, theoretically, formally, linguistically, designingly, technologically, communicatively, connectively, etc. (2) Internal metaphysicalism o/3ft. IM 3ft is informed in its own circular way. This kind of circularity is called internal metaphysicalism of 3ft. The machine as an informing entity is confronted with the metaphysical implication of the form (39) (|= 3ft) => ((= (3JI (= 3ft)) concerning not only the general machine internalism |= 3ft, but also the machine metaphysical internalism \= (3ft (= 3ft). In this case, machine 5ft becomes the observer of parallel possibilities in the form of its metaphysicalism, where (39') (j= (3ft |= 3ft)) => <\\= (Oft )= 3ft)); (](= (3JI |= 3ft)) => (f= (Oft [= 5ft); [= (Oft f= 3ft);...) 23 As we see, the observing metaphysicalism of 9ft is in no way unique and unambiguous since machine metaphysicalism is able to observe the the arisen phenomena in its environment and within itself. Within the machine internal metaphysicalism, informational formulas are decomposed, parallelized, composed, etc. and through this phenomenality the observing machine metaphysics 9ft (= 9ft through |= (Oft |= OR) becomes possible. (3) Internal resulting (resultedness) of 9ft. Machine 3R creates results internally according to informational programs and by its own informational characteristics (states, processes). Results may be expected, but also unforeseeable, unpredictable, controversial, and arising from a complex informational realm. The question of result pre_ sultjM is senseful because IM informs and produces essential changes of informational entities through their informational arising. How does the IM internalism, (= 371, concern the IM resulting, that is, results presult_lM? As IM informs and is simultaneously informed, the result of machine informedness may be any informational change within occurring informational operands. Various informational meanings may arise pertaining to linguistic, numeric, video, signal, and other information. The arisen potential results presult_IM form OR and within DJi's informedness the decision takes place which information will be considered, transferred, and informed as result significant. One has (40) (Presult. .IM N N ^peripheral Within IM processed informational programs can decide by themselves (in an intelligent way) how and when to form interior results. Thus, (41) Q= Oft) => 0= (presu]t_IM N ®t)) The openness of 9ft's informedness guarantees the possibilities of choice, to obtain information which pertains to presult_iM a^so from machine peripherals, so, (42) ^peripheral t= (presultJM 1= By this discussion, the mutually reversing processes of machine resulting informing and result- ing informedness can be understood and decomposed informationally to the necessary details. 7.3. IM Metaphysicalism Machine metaphysicalism 3ft \= 9ft is a particular case of machine phenomenalism constituted as machine externalism and machine internalism, that is, as a system (9ft f=; |= 9ft). In this sense, IM metaphysicalism is hidden in machine phenomenalism or (9ft (= 9ft) C (9ft (=; f= 9ft). In general, machine metaphysicalism is an unrevealed phenomenon for the machine observer or user w and can be observed only through the machine informing 9ft \= and the observer's informedness \= co, that is, 9ft \= o). (1) General metaphysicalism of 9JI. Let us remind of the informational structure of 9ft which marks informationally interweaved entities, that is, (43) 9ft f^mark (^arc_IM> ^sys_IM> ^dictionary» ^peripheral) where (44) it!, ti2 , • • • , ^network C ^arc_IM ^Psys.l' ^Psys,2' ••• » '-sys ^Psys_IM> sl> s2> ••• C ^dictionary! ^Puse, 1' ^use,2> ••• ^Puse_IM» '-use.l' '•use,!' ••• luse_IM» ^Psys_IM > ^use_IM> 1 use_IM ^peripheral Within machine metaphysicalism 9ft (= 9ft, all metaphysical cycles of 9ft's constituting entities (components) are possible and can be deduced from the basic machine metaphysical cycle, that is, (45) (((2ft \= peripheral)) N ,IM> ^Psys_IM> ^dictionary)) N CPuse_IM> <-use_IM)) \= where 9ft is represented by the informational structure in formula (43). (2) Metaphysical parallelism of 9ft. IM 9ft informs in metaphysically parallel ways. For, instance, machine metaphysicalism 9ft |= 9ft is able to inform by keeping and arising of metaphysical (interiorly circular) processes in unforeseeable parallel ways. So, 24 (46) cut gjt) => (m |[= my, CDl ¡1= 9JI) =i> (CDl [= 9JI); CDl |= ffll); ...) where operator ||= is the shortcut for parallel informing. In this situation, as the consequence of the last formula, machine 9)1 copes with the interior circular parallelism in the form of different metaphysical processes, that is, (46') (3111= OJl) => (CDl |= flDtt); (9JI |= OR); ...) This implication shows how machine metaphysics 9)1 9)1 develops in different (parallel) ways. Within machine 9)1, parallel informational processes arise and inform various, interweaved information simultaneously. (3) Metaphysical externalism of 9)1. We have to draw a clear distinction between the external metaphysicalism (35) and metaphysical externalism. The adjective external in external metaphysicalism is understood as a predicate (property) of 9JI f= 9)1, for instance, as (Oil |=0Jl) ^external What does the metaphysical externalism mean after that? We have the following basic implication concerning the machine metaphysics QJl |= 9)1: (47) (9)l|=9Jl)=>(((9Jl|=)t=9Jl); (0)1 [= CDl (=)); (CDl |=) )= CDl |=))) There is a control of UR's externalism by 9JI itself (metaphysical control). The shortcut of this situation would be, for instance, (311 (=) ^metaphysical where the adjective metaphysical is understood as an interior predicate of machine externalism SDl |=. (4) Metaphysical internalism of 9)1. Similarly, one can determine the metaphysical internalism in contrary to the internal metaphysicalism discussed in formula (39). The adjective internal in internal metaphysicalism is understood as a predicate of entity 9)1 f= 9)1, that is, N internal P N We have the following implication concerning the metaphysical internalism: (48) (9Ji |= 9JI) => ((((= 9JI) \= 9)1); m\=(\= 9)1)); (0= 9)1) t= 0= 9)1))) There is a control of 9JTs internalism by 9)1 itself (metaphysical control). The shortcut of this situation would be, for instance, Nmetaphysical (N where the adjective metaphysical is understood as an interior predicate of machine internalism |= 9)1. (5) Metaphysical metaphysicalism of 9)1. Among other informational phenomenalities, metaphysicalism aims at consciousness as informational entity; and metaphysicalism of metaphysicalism alludes at self-consciousness. An informationally sophisticated IM should possess the informational power which through time would succeed or even essentially surpass the informational power of a living actor because of possibilities to use extensive, informationally unlimited realm of referencing. In the informing and self-observing of metaphysicalism 9)1 [= 9JI, machine 9)1 decomposes 9)11= 9)1 in different (parallel) ways. Thus, (49) CDl |= 9)1) => (((9)1 2JQ; (9)11= (9)11= 9)1)); ((9)19)l)|= (9)1 (=9)1))) In CDl |= 9)1) |= !Dl, machine 3JI is the observer of its metaphysicalism and, simultaneously, a circularly perplexed, informationally arising mechanism of informing, counterinforming, and embedding of information. This mode of informing may be called conscious self-observing. In case 9JI [= (9JI f= 9)1), metaphysicalism of 9)1 observes the behavior of machine 9)1, where 9Jl informs 9)1 \= 9)1 on its informational states (necessities and possibilities). This mode of informing is called conscious self-informing. The last case (9)1 (= QJl) |= (9)1 f= 9)1) is the case of recursive machine self-consciousness. Each metaphysical machine cycle 9)1 \= 9JI can be decomposed by 9JI in different ways, offering a real realm of informational possibilities, unforeseeableness, uncertainty, etc. and, through this, a spontaneous 25 informational arising of entities (operands) within mm. (6) Metaphysical production of results of$R. Few words have to be said in concern about possibilities of metaphysical production of results. Results is always significant information in a certain sense. Metaphysicalism of machine DJi or of an informing entity in question decides which dedicated item of an informational phenomenon becomes a result because of its possible meaning, sense, significance, etc. Thus, there is not only the user who decides on the occurrence of a result, but metaphysical judgement of the informing entity (operand, formula) suddenly produces results and put them into a result index where they are available for other entities and users. Resulting entities are unforeseeable, unpredictable, informationally arising to a certain extent in their nature, kind, significance, occurrence, value, etc. 7.4. IM Phenomenalism Machine phenomenalism (OK |=; |= OH) is the most general case of machine external informing and internal informedness. It would correspond to the term »machine as such« (in German, »die Maschine an sich«). Informational phenomenalism of machine 9H says that machine as an informational entity cannot be revealed in its phenomenal entirety: because it is not possible to foresee completely its exteraalism which depends on machine observers; because an essential part of its internal-ism may be unrevealed to exterior observers and »known« only interiorly to the machine metaphysicalism; because its metaphysicalism or its interior circular informing is not directly informationally open to the machine exterior; because its phenomenalism is only a resultant phenomenon of machine externalism, internalism, and metaphysicalism. Certainly, these informational assumptions hold for any informational entity (operand, formula, phenomenon, thing, formation, etc.). We have to remind the reader that machine phenomenalism is defined formally as a system (OH |=; |= OH) of informationally parallel, tied, and mutually impacting and impacted formulas, that is, OH's externalism OH \= and OH's internalism (= 3ft. In this system, machine externalism and machine internalism are informationally interweaved, depended, metaphysically supported, etc. in a phenomenal (spontaneous, circular), entirely open way. As a system, machine phenomenalism is more than any of its components (externalism, internalism, metaphysicalism) and embraces these components, for instance, in the form (50) (incdNN®); 0=0JQC (©*[=;[=: Oft); (OH |= OR) C (5N \=; |= 3H) After this introduction, let us overview some particular phenomenal cases of machine OH. (1) Phenomenal externalism of OH. Several cases of phenomenal externalism of machine OH can be observed. How does a machine phenomenalism inform the machine exterior? The parallel external case is the following: (51) ((OH (=; |= 3Jt) |=) => ((OH \=; |= OR) |{=); ((TO |=; OH) ||=) => ((CDt |=; OH) |=)); ((® \=\ f= OH) |=); ...) where operator |f= marks parallel informing. According to formula system (51), parallel phenomenal externalism can be expressed as (51') ((OH [=; f= OH) f=) => (((OH |=; |= 3H) |=); ((OH |=; |= OH) |=); •••) This implication shows the phenomenal parallel possibilities of external informing of OH. The other methodically parallel case could be (52) ((© |=; \= OH) f=) => ((OH |f=; |f= OH) |=) or, in an extremely parallel form, (53) ((OH \=; \= OH) |=) => ((OH |f=; ||= OH) H The consequences of these implications can be derived easily. (2) Phenomenal internalism of OH. We may now repeat the questions and formulas pertaining to phenomenal externalism for phenomenal internalism. Thus, according to formulas (51) to (53), there is, (54) 0= (OH |=; |= OH)) =» (|N 0» N 1= ©)); dp (OH |=; OH)) => (0= (OH |=; |= 3H)); 26 0= (=' N •••) where operator ||= marks parallel informing. According to formula system (54), parallel phenomenal internalism can be expressed as (541) (f=(3ftHh®))=>((f=(®Kh®)); This implication shows the phenomenal parallel possibilities of internal informing of 3ft. The other methodically parallel case could be (55) 0= GDI M |= 3ft)) => 0= cm ||=; \\= EER)> or, in an extremely parallel case, (56) 0= GUI N1= ®0) (IN 0» IN; IN ®9) The consequences of these implications can be derived in a systematic way. (3) Phenomenal metaphysicalism of SR. Machine phenomenal metaphysicalism is at the background of machine's »consciousness« in the form of machine metaphysicalism and its phenomenalism. In this mode of informing, machine 9JI reaches the most complex, phenomena of its externalism and internalism interweavement and interconnection, projecting the exterior and interior world into a global informational depiction of a distinguished informational realm. Through this spontaneous and circular phenomenology, machine DJi becomes a part of the worldliness pertaining to its, instantaneously most significant informational realm. In this respect, according to informational terms, machine 3ft is able to behave as something in the world, with its own reflection, consciousness, and external and internal openness to the world. One may say that through metaphysically structured phenomenalism, IM 5ft reaches the state of the profound Being-in-the-World. The metaphysical closing of machine phenomenalism, that is, (57) (Oft f=; |= Oft) => ((9ft [=; [= 3ft) [= (5ft (=; \= 3ft)) preserves the external and internal openness to the machine exterior and interior, that is, possibilities of machine functioning in the exterior and interior world. (4) Phenomenal phenomenalism ofTt. Phenomenal phenomenalism means formally (58) (3ft|=;|=3ft)^ (((3ft|=;i=3ft)^);(!=(3ft^;|=3ft))) which is nothing else than machine phenomenalism of machine phenomenalism. In short, as any other informational phenomenon, phenomenalism is recursive in the sense of phenomenal self-(re)produc-tion. (5) Phenomenal production of results o/3ft. Phenomenal production of results depends on machine particular modes of informing (externalism, internalism, metaphysicalism) and, in the last, the most complex informational consequence, on phenomenalism, which not only unites particular cases, but can also produce results outside of these particularities. Phenomenal production of results concerns the most general phenomenality of information (informing, counterinforming, embedding) in the framework of entities which govern and decide on the nature of results and their arising. This is the realm of IM productiveness as a specific view ('seeing') of the most significant informational entities. 8. Technological Perquisites of IM IM requires a fundamentally new conceptualization and development in functional design and technology. It is essentially different from that what, by nowadays terms, is notionally understood as computer. For instance, processors in its interconnection network are new RISC type, at least 64-bit, high-performance, high-speed, electronic, and/or photonic microprocessors. The processor interconnection network requires informational elements concerning intention, significance, and other properties and predicates of informationally extensive, prompt, and sensitive criteria of information exchange. All this calls for a radically new architecture of IM. Operating system of IM must support the informing, counterinforming and embedding of information of machine and user program operands and its system programs must perform in informationally regular way. It must compile user informational programs written in 27 informational language. As a basic informational operand support a sufficiently extensive dictionary (similar to Japanese term of electronic dictionary, for instance in [OED, JWD, EWD, CD, BD, IMD]) must be available for free informing of informational operand entities, including the possibilities of sentence (formula, program) translation in other natural and formal languages. Japan & Co. may be the best suited background for the future IM development and production. 9. Cybernetic Perquisites of IM Informing is certainly a cybernetic activity in which all kinds of known and arising creativity play their informationally phenomenal roles. The cybernetic is synonymous for the live, emerging, understanding, etc. as well as for the informational. The cybernetic comes from the conceptual-ism of managing and controlling machines, living beings, individuals and societies. In this traditional approach, not a specific accent is given to information as a phenomenon: information is simple data necessary for managing and controlling systems in an optimal, goal-directed, surviving, or other way. Consciousness of the informational is not present at the beginning of the cybernetic epoch, at least not in an informationally arising sense. But, only the consciousness of the informational triggers the request of rethinking of cybernetic phenomenality in a philosophic and symbolic theoretical, informational way. In this point of rethinking, informational and cybernetic phenomenalism come close to each other and can be examined from one direction or the other. Informing and informedness of entities is • cybernetic, but not only cybernetic. Cybernetics is a study of human control functions (one might say, more generally, informational or communicational functions) and of mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems designed to replace them. This determination was set at the very beginning of modern cybernetics (N. Wiener). Later on, cybernetics encountered the philosophical discourse as a scientific discipline studying dynamically self-regulating and self-organizing systems. Its boundary fields are system, control, information, communication, game theory, etc. Already Plato gave the word a general meaning (proceeding from the art of boat steering) in the sense of managing a state. As it has developed over the years, cybernetics has become multidisciplinary, involving engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, psychology, biology, neural science, sociology, philosophy, etc. 10. Intelligent Informational Machine When I assert my own belief that true intelligence requires consciousness I am implicitly suggesting (since I do not believe the strong- AI contention that the mere enaction of an algorithm would evoke consciousness) that intelligence cannot be properly simulated by algorithmic means, i.e. by a computer, in the sense that we use that term today. ... For I shall shortly argue strongly ... that there must be an essentially non-algorithmic ingredient in the action of consciousness. —Roger Penrose [ENM] 407 In the full sense of the word, IIM is the goal of future machine development. Through times, the meaning of the adjective intelligent will more and more approach to the meaning of the »sufficiently complex and specific in informational way«. The main task of IIM will be the production of specific informational entities like meaning, sense, significance, intention, self-observation, conceiving, perceiving, consciousness, etc. which all can be characterized by the happening of machine understanding in the surrounding world. Understanding as an informational activity will remain on the top of intelligent informing of living beings and machines. Before this happens, the entire phenomenality of the universe has to be understood in informational terms, that is, by the ascent from the arbitrary formational (physical, biologic, chemical, etc.) to the adequate informational, throughout the scientific and everyday thinking and acting of mankind. In general, IIM as a future tool is a parallel understanding informational machine behaving informationally in the surrounding world in which it is informationally embedded. In the very last consequence, the informational (and in this sense, the intelligent) means to be in a formation (the Being of Formation) with itself and with other existing (factical and possible) formations (entities, things, phenomena). Thus, information (Being in Formation) as it is, is always in context with information as formation of some- Table of informational machine axioms with Latin, informational, formal, Kantian, information- ally interpretive, and cognitional terminology Latin terms informatio prima of informational machine 9ft Informational terms concerning informational machine informational machine externalism; external informing of machine 9ft; informing of machine 9ft Basic informational formula 9ft |= Kantian terminology for informational machine Informationsmaschine für die anderen Informational interpretation informational machine for others Cognitional terminology informational machine conceptualism informatio secunda of informational machine 2ft informational machine internalism; internal informing of machine 9ft; informedness of machine [=9ft Informationsmaschine für sich informational machine for itself informational machine perceptiveness informatio tertia of informational machine 9ft informational machine metaphysicalism; metaphysical informing of machine 9ft; circular informing and informedness of machine 9ft m t= oft Informationsmaschine in (bei) sich selbst informational machine in itself informational machine consciousness informatio quarta of informational machine m informational machine phenomenalism; phenomenal informing and informedness of machine 9Jl Oft |=; ^ 9ft Informationsmaschine an sich informational machine as such informational machine phenomenology Anton P. Zeteznikar, An Introduction to Informational Machine, Informática 16 (1992) 4, 7-28. 29 References thing. Formations as observable phenomena are impacting and are impacted in formational ways and are in certain formations to themselves and to other formations. In information there is no vacuum in the sense of apartness, of contextless situation in concern to the surrounding system of formations. Information is like a text in a context and in this function it is able to approach something which demonstrates intelligence, consciousness, understanding. 11. Conclusion The clue of IM will lead through formalization (symbolization) of informational phenomenal-ity. A solid axiomatic method, that is, a language has to be found to enable technological implementation of informational conceptualism. In the attached table the reader will find four basic axioms of IM informing and their Latin, informational, formal, Kantian, informationally Kantian, and cognitional interpretation. Informational language (philosophy, theory, design) has to be developed in verbal and symbolic form with the aim to master not only the arising problems of informational machines but also informational problems of the living phenomenality. This article is on the way to symbolization and realization (machine implementation) of the proposed informational conceptualism. IM is on the way to surpass essentially human performance. Imagine a written text and its understanding by man and IM. IM can »understand« all sentences of the text in a parallel manner, that is, simultaneously and, additionally, can inform and be informed in parallel by all in text occurring informational entities. Man, at least, on the level of consciousness, can never perform such a parallel task of text recognition and interpretation. And IM will be able to perform by such method of understanding in any case, for any kind of information (picture, sound, data, signal, »phenomenon«, etc.). It seems that informational parallelism will reach its processing and meaning zenith in various IM applications and, right through parallel operation, will extensively surpass certain possibilities of individual mind. [BIW] Dreyfus, H.L., Being-in-the-World (A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I), The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1991). [ACR] de Garis, H., ALife III Conference Report, Email: bingvmb.bitnet, Aug 4, 1992. [SZ] Heidegger, M., Sein und Zeit, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen (1986). [FOT] Mayo, J.S., The Future of Telecommunication, AT&T Technology 7 (1992) 1, 2-7. [ENM] Penrose, R., The Emperor' s New Mind (Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics), Punguin Books, New York (1989). [IMD] ¿eleznikar, A.P., Informational Models of Dictionaries I, Informática 15 (1991) 1, 11-21. [TIL] Zeleznikar, A.P., Towards an Informational Language, Cybernetica 35 (1992) 2, 139-158. [FIP] ¿eleznikar, A.P., Formal Informational Principles, Cybernetica 35 (1992) ?, (in press). [BIA] ¿eleznikar, A.P., Basic Informational Axioms, Informática 16 (1992) 3, 1-16. [IBU] Zeleznikar, A.P., An Informational Approach of Being-there as Understanding (in three parts), Informática 16 (1992) J, 9-26; 2, 29-58; 3, 64-75. [OED] An Overview of the EDR Electronic Dictionaries, TR-024, Japan Electronic Research Institute (April 1990). [JWD] Japanese Word Dictionary , TR-025, Japan Electronic Dictionary Research Institute (April 1990). [EWD] English Word Dictionary, TR-026, Japan Electronic Dictionary Research Institute (April 1990). [CD] Concept Dictionary, TR-027, Japan Electronic Dictionary Research Institute (April 1990). [BD] Bilingual Dictionary, TR-029, Japan Electronic Dictionary Research Institute (April 1990).