Image Anal Stereol 2012;31:163-174 Original Research Paper 3D GEOMETRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF PARTICLES APPLIED TO TECHNICAL CLEANLINESS Irene Vecchiob'\ Katja Schladitz1, Michael Godehardt1 and Markus J. Heneka2 Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM), 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany; 2RJL Micro&Analytic, 76689 Karlsdorf-Neuthard, Germany e-mail:,,, (Received May 31, 2012; revised October 8, 2012; accepted October 10, 2012) ABSTRACT During production of mechanical components, residual dirt collects on the surfaces, thus creating a contamination that affects the durability of the assembled products. Residual particles are currently analyzed based on microscopic 2D images. However, the particle's shape is decisive for the damage it can cause, yet can not be judged reliably from 2D data. Micro-computed tomography allows to capture the complex spatial structures of thousands of particles simultaneously. Now new methods to characterize three dimensional shapes are needed to establish 3D cleanliness analysis. In this work, unambiguously indicative geometric features are defined and it is investigated how they can yield a reliable classification in three typical classes: fibers, chips and granules. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method is proved by analyzing samples of real dirt particles. Keywords: classification, computed tomography, intrinsic volumes, minimum bounding box, shape factor. INTRODUCTION Technical cleanliness refers to the task of ensuring a certain level of cleanliness in manufacturing industry. Residual dirt particles collecting on the surface of mechanical components are unavoidable during production. The expected performance and durability of the assembled products can significantly decrease due to the presence of contaminants, thus it is necessary to investigate the cleanliness level of the surfaces of single components on the factory line. Internationally agreed standards as VDA-19 and ISO-16232 contain the basic rules for quantitative and qualitative inspection of contaminants. Typically, the dirt particles are imaged microscopically and analyzed based on the resulting two-dimensional images. More precise analyses can be performed if the whole three dimensional shape is captured. Micro computed tomography (|CT) offers exactly this possibility. A thorough geometric characterization of the three-dimensional shapes helps the manufacturers to identify potentially dangerous dirt particles. In various application fields, the form of particles conveys very interesting information. For example, chemical reactions generating cellular or molecular particles can be better understood by looking at their shapes (see Merson-Davies and Odds, 1989 or Landry etal., 1999). In geology (Kaminski etal., 2008), hydrodynamics (Stuckrath etal., 2006), mechanical engineering (Lin and Miller, 2005) and several other applied sciences, a detailed description of particle shapes is of crucial importance. Our methods for characterizing shapes can be applied in all cases where volume images of particles are available. For what concerns planar objects, several geometric features had been defined (see for instance Stoyan and Stoyan, 1994, for a purely theoretical overview, and ASTM F1877, 2003, which deals with an application to contaminating particles characterization). Nevertheless, when observing 2D images of real objects, only a projection on a plane is visible, thus essential information is lost. On the other hand, by increasing the dimension, also the complexity of the estimations grow. In this paper, we aim at rigorously defining parameters that describe 3D shapes and at suggesting how to efficiently estimate them from given volume data. Besides parameters to characterize 2D shapes, ASTM F1877 (2003) introduces a classification of planar particles, too. Two classes of objects can be naturally distinguished by comparing the two dimensions. Granular shapes are those with comparable length and width, while fibers or needles have typically length much larger than the width. If the third dimension is also available, that is the thickness of the object, then another class can be recognized, i.e., chips. Our work includes the introduction of techniques to perform a reliable classification on the basis of the estimated features. To conclude, we will apply the proposed methodology to a dataset of dirt particles from automotive industry and discuss the results. PARTICLE FEATURES In this section, we define a wide collection of parameters describing particle shapes in 3D. We proceed generalizing the features introduced in (ASTM F1877 , 2003) and enrich them with other morphological parameters that better apply to the spatial context. Basic measures for the size of 2D particles are area, perimeter and Feret diameters. In addition, ASTM F1877 (2003) proposes the equivalent circle diameter and the length of the medial axis as measures of the size of the particle. From the size measures, shape factors are derived. One is for example the roundness, i.e., the normalized ratio of area and maximal diameter. Our goal is to measure and characterize real objects, that is compact simply connected bodies in R3 with non-empty interior. What we observe, though, are only their digital images. In other words, we estimate the features of an object X, starting from the polyhedral set X resulting from digitization w. r. t. an adjacency system in 3D (cf. Ohser and Schladnitz, 2009, Chapter 3). Therefore, the geometric parameters will be defined in continuous Euclidean space (real world), but the algorithms are implemented in discrete space (images). An analysis of the error due to discretization is provided in the following. Throughout, by an image we understand a three-dimensional orthogonal lattice in which each lattice vertex is a pixel, or voxel. In this section, we assume to deal with one particle at a time in a binary image, that is each pixel is either black (background) or white (foreground). The object X is thus a finite collection of pixels. INTRINSIC VOLUMES AND ISOPERIMETRIC SHAPE FACTORS In first instance, we consider the intrinsic volumes of compact sets (Ohser and Miicklich, 2000), a basic set of object characteristics. These are: volume V, surface area S, integral of mean curvature M and Euler number %. The integral of mean curvature has dimension one and, for convex particles, is proportional to the mean width. The Euler number, also known as the Euler-Poincare characteristic, conveys topological properties of a set. It equals 1 for convex bodies and can be extended additively to the convex ring of unions of convex bodies. The 3D Euler number is the sum of the number of connected components minus the number of tunnels plus the number of holes. An object with a hole, separates the background in two connected components. In fact a hole is a hollowness inside the object, such as the inside of an empty eggshell with a certain thickness. A tunnel, in contrast, refers to a passage as in a torus or the handle of a cup, thus allowing the background to be connected. If a "fill-holes" algorithm is applied to the binary image, then the Euler number of an object returns the number of tunnels. From the intrinsic volumes, a set of shape factors is deduced, (Stoyan et al, 1995): Definition 1. Let V = V(X), S = S{X) andM = M{X) be the intrinsic volumes of a compact body X with nonempty interior, then f\ = 60c V , V S —, /2 = 487T —/3=47!^ v/^3 Jl M3 J M2 are the isoperimetric shape factors of X. All shape factors are normalized to 1 for balls. /1 takes values between 0 and 1, while /2 and /3 are smaller or equal to 1 only for convex objects. Deviations from 1 describe deviations from the spherical shape. In fact, the first shape factor /1 is also called sphericity (Parra-Denis et al,, 2008). Values for some reference cylinders are presented in Table 1. Being derived by the isoperimetric inequalities in the general setting of mixed Minkowski volumes (Schneider, 1993), these three parameters are a complete set. Moreover, other factors obtained by combinations of the intrinsic volumes would carry redundant information. Nevertheless, motivated by special applications, in the literature one can find such indices as, for instance, the compacity factor (Parra-Denis et al, 2008), describing deviations from the cubic shape: 3V2 /c=6V (1) Algorithms to estimate the intrinsic volumes on discrete data are recalled in (Ohser and Schladnitz, 2009). Depending non the least on the image resolution, these estimators embed in themselves a significant approximation. Besides, being defined as ratios yields an additional source of error. Nevertheless, in Ohser et al. (2002) it is proved that the estimates of the intrinsic volumes are unbiased for compact sets being morphologically regular w. r. t. all line segments connecting vertices of the lattice unit cell, see also Ohser and Schladnitz (2009, Theorem 3.1). In Montero and Bribiesca (2009), an overview on numerical problems as well as possible solutions for their approximation is outlined. SIZE: LENGTH, WIDTH, AND THICKNESS The volume measures the mass of a particle, but yields no information about its distribution in space. What is needed, is the size of a particle consisting of three measures of the extension of the particle in three suitable orthogonal directions. The longest is the length of the particle. The size can be measured using Feret diameters or calipers (ASTM D4791 ,2010), that is by measuring the distance between two parallel lines enclosing the particle between them. Generalizing this concept, one can consider Euclidean distances between pairs of points of the particle. The longest of these measures is the maximal Feret diameter (Fig. lb). The maximal Feret diameter of a cube is thus the length of its spatial diagonal. However, this does not meet the intuitive idea of the length and size of a particle, for which the size of a cube should correspond to the length of its edges. To obtain this, we define the following: Definition 2. Call C C M3 a cuboid with arbitrary orientation (w. a. o.) if there exist Xi, yi, zi € M for i 1,2 and a rotation 6 X is a granule, - ifl^w^torl^w^t —> X is a chip, - ifl^w^t —> X is a fiber. This definition yields the classification first introduced by Zingg (1935) to classify rocks. The classification can be easily visualized via the Zingg-diagram, Fig. 4a. In mineralogy, two measures differ if the ratio of the smaller over the bigger one is larger than 2/3. However, this threshold may vary depending on the application field. Typically in technical cleanliness, particles are considered fibrous if their aspect ratio is 10 : 1. When it comes to non-convex particles, however, the measures of /, w, and t as computed on the MVBB can not be interpreted as measures of the real size of the particles, thus the Zingg-classification could fail. Although no formal definition is given in the case of non-convex particles, the three classes fiber, chip, and granule, can still be used. For example in Fig. 4b, the first particle is a chip, followed by three twisted fibers. In fact, if unwound, these fibers have length ten times larger than width and thickness. It seems reasonable to use the measures of elongation and inner diameter to achieve a classification for these particles analogous Fig. 4: Classification based on the size, (a) Zingg-diagram with thresholds at2/3.(b) Particles for which this classification fails. Bounding boxes to enhance visualizations, do not correspond to the MVBB. to the Zingg-diagram. Define the aspect ratio as inner diameter over elongation, thus it is a number smaller or equal 1. The values for the three cylinders used as reference for fibers, chips, and granules, are 0.09,0.20, and 0.71, respectively. They are sufficiently different. However, these are simple shapes in which the elongation is the space diagonal and two dimensions are identical. The limit of a criterion based on this index is that it only considers two dimensions to describe the three-dimensional size of particles, thus it can not suffice to classify complex shapes. In order to classify all types of particles, we investigate the behavior of the shape features. The interpretation of the isoperimetric shape factors suggests that their values for long and thin objects differ from their values for granular ones. In order to investigate this, a sample of reference particles with random size and random orientation is simulated. The sample includes about 750 particles, namely ellipsoids, cuboids, cylinders, rounded chips, arcs of tori and arcs of helices. Examples of these particles are those in Fig. 4b, but with different size, orientation, and more or less rounded. Rounded chips are defined as Fig. 5: Isoperimetric shape factors, f\, /2 and /3, plotted against volume of the simulated particles. Each color represents a class: green for fibers, blue for chips and red for granules. cuboids curved around a cylinder, with various radii. To classify these particles, we refer to the size of the cuboid. Arc of tori and helices are defined as an arc of a circumference or arc of a helix, respectively, each cut at various random angles, dilated with a sphere of random radius. The length is thus computed as the curve length of the arc, while width and thickness correspond to the radius. The aspect ratios vary randomly according to the standards in technical cleanliness: - granules: w/l € [0.7,1], t/w € [0.7,1]; - chips: w/l € [0.15,0.6], t/w € [0.05,1]; - fibers: w/l € [0.05,0.09], t/w € [0.7,1], While the classes are known from the analytical description of the shapes, the features are estimated from their digitized imaged. In Fig. 5, graphs for the estimated isoperimetric shape factors are plotted against the increasing volume of the particles, with different colors for each class. For sufficiently large volumes, the values of the shape factors significantly differ for each class. Based on this sample, the classification can be accomplished as follows: 1. /3 < 0.5 and /2 < 0.1 fiber, 2. if not fiber and /1 < 0.7 and f2 < 0.4 — chip, 3. if not fiber and not chip —> granule. For each class, we consider two shape factors so that the errors due to the estimations on digitized images can be compensated. In fact, real particles are not as smooth as the reference ones we simulated. However, since we restrict to large particles that typically do not have an inner structure, this type of error is not expected to affect the classification, as discussed in the previous section. Note that these thresholds are chosen with respect to the application to technical cleanliness. In other fields, the ratio length over width that defines a fiber, for example, could change, hence also the thresholds determining this classification should be adapted. The elognation index also gives a measure of the shape of the particles and is independent of the isoperimetric shape factors. Although alone it is not informative enough to be exploited for classification, it can be used to validate the classification of non-convex particles. For what concerns small volumes, it is sensible to rely on the classification based on the size. Indeed, the space configuration of a small particle, in general, can not be such to induce length, width, and thickness of a wrong class. We suggest to set this threshold at 400 pixels. Nonetheless, for very small objects, the discretization errors are too high and the classification is not interesting. Thus, we will not classify particles constituted by less than 64 pixels. This threshold is chosen because a cube formed of 64 pixels has edges only 4 pixels long, thence, averagely, there is not enough freedom to arrange the pixels in a wide variety of shapes. With all the features we collected, it is also possible to perform a cluster classification. For example this method is applied in (Parra-Denis et al, 2008) to classify the complex shapes of intermetallic particles originating from the solidification process of aluminum alloys. However, due to the application in technical cleanliness, we aim at globally defining the three classes of typical 3D shapes. Therefore, a threshold classification is preferable. Fig. 6: 3D reconstruction of a sample of dirt particles (red) on the rolled filter membrane (blue). Binarization from a \\,CT image realized by RJL Micro&Analytic with a Sky Scan device. Pixel size 9.88 \\m. Image size 10.86 x 10.86 x 2.96 mm. Visualization by MAVIparticle (Fraunhofer ITWM, 2012). APPLICATION TO TECHNICAL CLEANLINESS The cleanliness level of mechanical components must be tested on the factory line. The dirt particles are collected from their surfaces on a filter membrane. This is then rolled and inserted in a plastic cylinder to be imaged via micro computed tomography (|J,CT). Often, instead of plastic, a steel cylinder is used as a container. Its gray value in the jj,CT image can be exploited to calibrate the material composition of the particles in the sample. The tomographic image is segmented via thresholding. A volume rendering is displayed in Fig. 6. The rolled filter membrane is clearly visible, in blue, while only a few dirt particles can be recognized, rendered in red. In order to have a representative sample, we consider a large dataset consisting of 1061 particles. The mean volume is 2.49-106)j,m3 (259 pixels). Applying the thresholds suggested in the previous section, the particles are labeled as 'small', 'medium', and 'large' depending on their volumes in pixels, resulting in 469 small, 406 medium, and 186 large particles. The small particles will not be further analyzed. We classify medium and large particles according to the minimum volume bounding box and to the isoperimetric shape factors, respectively. Despite the particles shapes are not as regular as the sample particles above considered, the geometric parameters are estimated reliably. In Fig. 7a, the aspect ratios of the MVBB of the medium particles are drawn in the Zingg-diagram. The thresholds are imposed by technical cleanliness requirements: thickness over width smaller than 2/3 means comparable dimensions and length over width smaller than 1/10 defines fibers. With these thresholds, there are 216 granular particles, 190 chips and no fibers among the medium particles in the sample. For what concerns the large particles, instead, we consider the ra c 0) !c 'S ä o o - 0 2/3 1 thickness/width (a) Zingg-diagram of the medium particles. in ö o ■;= in a d Q. if) in CM ö o - 0 2.5e21 5.0e21 7.5e21 1.0e21 volume [um] (b) Isoperimetric shape factor f\ of large particles plotted over the volume. Fig. 7: Classification of dirt particles in the sample. Each color represents a class: green for fibers, blue for chips and red for granules. Chips ♦» U • .... . t ♦ * ♦<"• «V • A .. v •••*.« V . * Granules Fibers ■ Ik*.. • • Table 2: Features of three large particles from the sample in Fig. 6. Images and computation of characteristics with MAVIparticle (Fraunhofer ITWM, 2012). s * pixel size = 9.88 jam fiber chip granule mean gray value 264 48.47 410 volume [px] 823 2968 1 023 volume [jam3] 793 726 2 862429 986612 Euler number 1 1 1 shape factor f1 0.48 0.56 0.86 shape factor f2 0.19 0.33 0.73 shape factor f3 0.44 0.69 0.89 length [jam] 341.18 393.81 149.05 width [j m] 86.44 160.56 132.93 thickness [jam] 49.14 74.44 91.45 elongation [jam] 340.86 398.56 166.38 elongation index 26.12 11.58 2.44 inner diameter [jam] 4.47 7.21 9.17 convexity factor 0.91 0.95 0.97 isoperimetric shape factors. In Fig. 7b, fi is plotted against the volume. The classification, which accounts all three isoperimetric shape factors, is represented by the colors. There are 9 fibers, 66 chips and 111 granules. The largest particles in the sample are fibers, as typical in dirt particles samples. Gathering all the data regarding medium and large particles, the sample is composed of 55.2% granules, 43.3% chips, and only 1.5% fibers. Though fewer, fibers constitute 13.7% of the total volume. The sample can be further characterized by means of the other features. All particles have Euler number equal to 1, before and after applying a fill-hole algorithm. This means that no particles have holes or tunnels. Moreover, it is interesting to investigate the degree of straightness of the large fibers in the sample: length and elongation or thickness and maximal local thickness can be compared to see if the fibers are twisted. If the convexity factor is much smaller than 1, then the fiber is curved, the more it is, the larger the elongation index will be. In Table 2, three of the largest particles in the sample, one for each class, are shown together with their features. The classification is based on the isoperimetric shape factors, since they are all large particles. Moreover, the elongation index is also typically different for each particle, being 10 times larger for the fiber than for the granule. None of the particles presents a concavity. The relative small value of the convex factor of the fiber is due to surface roughness. The mean gray values of the particles vary strongly, indicating different material compositions. CONCLUSION Spanning from classical geometric methods via mathematical morphology to stochastic geometry, a variety of shape and size descriptors has been collected. In particular, we proposed a collection of features for 3D objects that naturally and unambiguously generalize the parameters presented in (ASTM F1877 , 2003) and complete them with spatial characterizations. In addition to characterization, we also suggested how to use these parameters to classify arbitrary objects. The first approach we proposed is directly derived from the classes' definition. The classification is obtained by plotting the size of the MVBB of the particles in the Zingg-diagram. Alternatively, particles can be classified based on the isoperimetric shape factors. Furthermore, these two methodologies can be merged to classify particles depending on their volumes. In the last section, the particle characterization is applied in the field of technical cleanliness. The features can be reliably and efficiently estimated from tomographic images of the particles. A classification for medium and large particles is achieved. As a result, the residual dirt can be analyzed and the danger that it can cause can be estimated. Nevertheless, technical cleanliness is not the only possible application field. Indeed, the parameters proposed are well defined for any type of three dimensional object and can therefore be used in other application scenarios. Once the geometric features of the objects are calculated, the thresholds yielding the classification can be adapted as desired. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper summarizes results of the projects KF 227 4801 RR9 and KF 228 2001 RR9 ParSiDi-3D, a cooperation between the Image Processing department of Fraunhofer ITWM and RJL Micro&Analytic, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Irene Vecchio acknowledges support by the Deutsch-Franzosische Hochschule (DFH). REFERENCES ASTM D4791 (2010). Standard test method for flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate. American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM F1877 (2003). Standard practice for characterization of particles. American Society for Testing and Materials. Barequet G, Har-Peled S (2001). 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