^ovensko-ANGL^ SLOYNIGA. Peter Jos. Jei'f 1111. Založila iu tiskala tiskarna .. AM ERIKANSKEGA SL( »VENCA.'' TOWER, MINN. U. S. AMERICA. I\jnatis ni dovoljen. Predgovor. ..Vsak naj se trudi po sVoji moči; kdor zamorc mnogo, ta naj dela mnogo; komu: je ]>a narava manjše zmožnosti podelila, ta naj tudi te obrne narodu na korist." Jane" l. dhta. 98948 O izrekovanju. •§ 1- Abeceda, Angleški jezik ima naslednjih 25 či rk: Znamnje. Ime. Znamnje. Ime. Znamnje. Ime. Znamnje. Ime. .A. a. e. H. h. etč. O. o. 0. V. v. vi. B. b. bi. I. i. aj. P. p. pi. W. \v. dblju. C. c.' si. J. j. tže. Q- q- kju. X. x. eks. D. d. di. K. k. ke. R. r. ar. Y. v. vaj. K. e. i. L. 1. el. S. s. os. Z. z. zi' V. f. ef. M. m. em. T. t. ti. ali zed. G. g. tži. K. n. en. U. u. ju- g 2. Črke: , d, f, h (malo bolj lahno), /•, /, in, n, p, q (kju). ?', t, (a-, eks ali ks) nt, sp, sk. Opomba. Črka: r, se ne izgovarja tako razločno in ostro kot v slovenskem. Paziti je pri izgovarjanju črk: b, p, t in d, da se zmiraj razločno izgovore, prav kot v slovenskem. § !. V naslednjih besedah se a izgovori kot dolgi slovenski n. pr. v lic;e ii: led: Ape, o])ica, fate, osoda, mane, griva (pri konjih), blame, grajanje, flame, plamen, name, ime, cake, kolač, game, igra, divjačina, pale, bled, c-ane, palica, hate, črt, plate, krožnik, dame, babica, lake, jezero, rake, grabijo, fame, slava, lame, kraljev, tame, krotak, domač. Samoglasnik e se koncu besedi ne izgovori, je brezglasen. Le stoji pred brezglasnim konečnim e soglasnik r (kedar se zlog v re. končuje), glasi se a v prvem zlogu besede stoječ kot kratek slovenski e v besedi: ne. X. pr. Care, skrb, fare, jed, plača za vožnino, spare, prihraniti, Dare, smeti, rare, redek, tare, plevel. Samoglasnik e se navadno izgovori kot slovenski i. N. pr. He, on, here, tukaj, me, mene, mere, sam (nič kot), be, biti, eve, večer. Q- - Samoglasnik i se izgovori navadno kot a j v slovenskem. X. pr. Bite, ugrizniti, kite, zmaj, (lintvern), ripe, zrel life, živenje, mile, milja, mine, moj, five, ogenj, pride, napuh, nine, devet, dine, južinati, spire, stolj), time, čas, }>ie, pašteta, tie, vez, He, laz. Ravno tako se izgovarja i: a) pred sledečim brezglasnim gli (f/ in h se nc izgovorita): Night, noč, • right, prav, high, visok, might, moč, fight, boj, nigh, blizo, light, luč, tight, ozek, napet, bright, svitel. b) Pred sledečim nd, ali Id.: Bind, vezati, ^frndj, najti, kind, dobrotljiv, behind, zad, za, mild, mil, wild, divji. Samoglasnik o se izgovarja kot o v slovenski besedi mož. X. pr. Bone, kost, bore, vrtati, cone, čegelj, code, zakonik, foe, protivnik, dome, stolna cerkev, drone, trot, note, pripisek, nota, hole, luknja, roe, srnjak, hope, up, upanje, home,.dom, domačija, stone, skala, kamen, tone, ton, glas, toe, prst na nogi. Ravno tako se izgovarja o tudi, kedar mu soglasniki: /, U, Id, It, st, slede: Bold, drzen, droll, šegav colt, žrebe, hold, držati, Samoglasnik u se izgovarja ju, n. pr. v Duke, vojvoda, fume, puh, due, plačljiv, hue, barva, dupe, bebec, mule, mezeg, Samoglasnik y se izgovarja sploh kot aj My^moj, fry, peči, by, od, z, pri, fly, leteti, cry, plakati, piv, truditi se, post, pošta, drog, host, gostilničar, slovenski besedi: z/wtraj. mute, mutast, cue, kita, fuel, kurjava, n. pr. v besedi kraj. sky, nebes, spy, ogleduh, skušati, poskušati, dye, barvati. dry, suh, rye, rož, Še drugače se izgovarjajo samoglasniki v besedah in zlogih, ki se končujejo na jeden ali več ^oglasnikov. Samoglasnik a se tedaj izgo- pr. fan, mahalec, (j^t, maček, bad, zanič, spriden, glad, vesel, plant, rastlina, mad, hud, nor. glhss, steklo, lamp, svetilnica. vori kot e v slovenski besedi: ne. N. Act, djanje, fat, tolša, cap, kapa," ham, krača, liat, klobuk, bat, netopir, bag, vreča, rag, cunja, Samoglasnik e se izgovarja kot e v slovenski besedi: se. X. pr. Bed, postelj, beli,, zvon, hell, pekel, bet, stava, belt, pas, desk, pisalna miza, den, brlog, nest, gnjezdo, hen, kokoš, Samoglasnik i se izgovori kot i v slovenski besedi: Big, velik, dim, mračen, gift, dar, bili, račun, fill, polniti, king, kralj, crib, jasli, hill, hrib, 0TT, umoriti, cliff, pečina, fist, pest, jnjlk, mleko, rest, ostanek, leg, noga (cela), tent, šotor, miši X. pr. lisp, šepetati, lip, ustnica, risk, drzniti, stili, tih; še; vendar- Samoglasnik o se izgovori kot o v slovenski besedi: slon. X. pr. Box, zaboj, dogj. pes, long, dolg, a, o, god, bog, bog, močvirje, frog, žaba, ' lock, ključavnica, log," hlod, cock, petelin, fob, žepič za uro, hot, vroč, * hog, prešič, clojik, ura, fog, megla, spot, kraj, mesto, fox, lisica.' Samoglasnik u se izgovori v nekterih besedah kot kratek n v slovenski besedi: tu, med ljudstvom na Gorenjskem. N. pr. Cup, skledica, časa, hunt, lov, ' plum, češplja, duck, raca, luck, sreča, rust, erja, drum, boben, lump, gnječa, stuff, roba, dust, prah, lungs, pljuča, turf, trata, gulf, morski zaliv, must, morati, trump, prebijat-. §-0. Vpliv soglasnikov r in I na samoglasnike: а) vpliv črke r na samoglasnike. Ce stoji črka r za samoglasniki: a, e, i, (i/), o, se spremeni samoglasnikov glas navadno, raz ven če soglasniku r sledi še kak drug samoglasnik ali še j eden r. A se izgovori pred r tedaj kot a v slovenski besedi: drog. N. pr. Art, umetnost, car, voz, harp, harpa, artist, umetnik, cart, voziček, farm, kmetija, bar, zavora, pivna miza harm, škoda, carp, karp (riba), v gostiln icah, card, listek, tart, torta, darl^ temen, a, o, mart, trg, lark, škrjanec, hard, trd, far, daleč, part, del'. Er, ir, (yr), se sedaj sploh izgovarja kot slov. tieseda« smrt (smert). err, motiti se, bird, ptič, girl, dekle, fern, praprot, dirt, nesnaga, girt, opasilo, h('r> njej, njo, fir, jelka, v stir, ganiti, stern, osoren, first, prvi, prvič, dirk, bodalo, meč. б) O pred soglasnikom r se izgovori kot <> v slovenski besedi: nor, n.pr. Ql> ali, hoi'Jl, rog, storm, nevihta, for, za, zakaj, born, rojen, stork, štorklja, cord, vrvica, torn^strgan, morn, morning; jutro, Lord, gospod, form, podoba, oblika, nor, tudi ne, niti. Opomba. V nekterih besedah se o vendar kot o v slovenski besedi: mož izgovarja; dasiravno stoji pred črko r. X. pr.: Pork, prešičevo meso; jiort, Inka, pristanišče; sport, šala, zabava. ' j Izgovarjanje samoglasnika siv, lay, položiti, pay, plača, gay, vesel, hay, seno, may, moči, morem, play, igra, stay, ostati, bay, zaliv. Se v drugih besedah izgovori se ai in <.aj kot r v slovenski besedi: selo. X. pr. air, zrak; haiCj las, lasje; pair, par. Au in air se izgovori navadno kot o v slovenski besedi: groza. pr. ' ^ v m m Cause, vzrok, fault, napaka, Mauld (skrajs.) Matilda, clause, pristavek, fraud, goljufija, haul, vleči, vlačiti, daub, onesnažiti, laud, hvaliti, pause,, prenehljej, bawl, kričati, dawn, jutranji mrak, law, postava, . claw, krempelj, draw, potegniti, lawn, trata, crawl, plaziti se, hawk, jastreb, straw, slama. E se izgovarja kot i v slov. besedi: l/pa. X. pr. Bee, čbela, fieed, krma, keep, obdržati, Jieef, govedina, feel, čutiti, tipati, meet, srečati, beer, pivo, fleet, ladjevje, peep, lukati, pogledati, deečl, djanje, fme,.prost, steep, strm, deep, globok, green, zelen, street, cesta, eel, jegulja, heel, peta, 'l1'0^'0- § Oo se izgovori kot u v slov. besedi: t«di. X. pr. Blfiom, cvesti, food, hrana, moon, mesec; luna, bool, škornja, fool, norec, noon, poldan, broom, metla, gloom, temnota, poor, reven, vbog, cool, hladen, hoofr konjsko kopito, rooni^ soba, prostor. Včasih se izgovori oo nekaj bolj kratko, kot n. pr. i/ v slovenski besedi: gl^h. X. pr. liook, knjiga, hook, kljuka, took, vzel je, brook, potok, look^ pogled, Joot, noga, coofc kuharica, stool, stoliček, good, dober. § SL4- Oct se izgovori kot o v slov. besedi: TiiTIz. X. pr. Board, deska, coast, obrežje, moat, jama, struga, "boat, ladja, čoln, coat, suknja, ojir,? veslo, boar, divji prešič, croak, krokati, road, pot, cloak, plašč, foam, pene, toad, krastarica, coal, oglje, load, breme, toast, napitnica. § 12. O i in 01/ se izgovori kot oj v slov. besedi: boj. X. pr, Boil, kuhati, foil, uničiti, oil, olje, broil, peči, coil, navijati, coin, denar, boy,, deček, g 13' On in < K. pr. Bound, vezan, cloud, oblak, count, šteti, Hour, moka, found, najden, bow. poklon, brow, čelo, brown, rujav, lom, ledje, point, pika, zadeva, moist, mokroten, spoil, pokvariti; plen, noise, vriše, -vpitje, toil, težavno delo, toy, igrača, coy, bojazljiv, sramožljiv. se navadno izgovori kot mt v slov. besedi: nrod, shout, vpiti, kričati, shy, boječ, shirt, srajca. shape, oblika, share, del, . sharp, oster, blush, zarudeti, § 25. 77/. Glasu, angleškemu th enacega, slovenski jezik nima. Kedar se izgovarja th, položi naj se konec jezika med zobe in prav lahno nasloni na gornje, in ko je jezik v tem položaju, naj se iztisne glas iz ust. Glas th je glasu našega ts nekoliko enak; se sme često malo slišati. Le po dolgi in večkratni vaji se je moč priučiti pravi izgovorjavi th. Treba, da se pazi, kako dobro in pravilno govoreči ljudje th izgovarjajo. Malo trdeje se izgovori th v a): Thank, zahvaliti, thief, tat, theft, tatvina, thaw, tajanje, theme, predlog, thick, debel. Malo mehke je v It): Than, ko, kot, thin, tenak, -thing, reč, thread, nit, sukanec, three, tri, trije, throat, vrat (znotranji), throng, gnjeca, trow, vreči, throne, prestol, health, zdravje, breath, sapa, dih, truth, resnica, tooth, zob. that, da, ovi, then, potom, they, tvoj, bathe, kopati se, this, ta, ta-lc, these, ti, ti-le, thyse, uni, ovi, blithe, lahkoživ, scythe, kosa. thee, tebe, them, one, jih, thou, ti, breathe, sopsti, smooth, ličen, gladek, Izreki th se je le s pazljivostjo in večkratno izreko moči privaditi. Vsa pravila ne hasnejo mnogo. § 2G. V. Irse izgovori kot r v besedi: ral mej Dolenjci. X. pr. Vain, nečimern, prazen, vent, odtoč, verse, kitica pesmi, verb, glagol, vice, hudobija, velvet, žamet, voice, glas, vellum, papir iz kože, vow, obljuba, save, rešiti, hraniti, pavement, tlak. vase, posoda, vault, obok, veal, telečje meso, gave, dal (je), g 27. W. Ce je soglasnik w za kakim samoglasnikom, se izgovori s samoglasnikom vred. (Glej § 8., 13., 14.) Ce pa stoji w pred samoglasniki, se izgovori vselej kot slovenski r, pred katerim se sliši po' siiven- skega samoglasnika toraj kot: ur. Wade (izg. uved) bresti, gaziti, wake, bdeti, weed, plevel, week, teden, weak, slaboten. X. pr. will, volja, wine, vino, well, dobro; no, wife, žena. wind, veter, wish, želja, wing, penita, wall, stena, wise, moder, wealth, bogalstvo Ako sledi po w črka /(, se izgovori h pred j se izgovarjajo kot ej v slovenskem. X. pr. Angry (engrej) jezen, plainly, razvidno, money, denar, army, četa, vojna, carry, nesti, nositi, valley, dolina, ' berry, jagoda, lady, gospa, chimney, dimnik, booty, plen, happy, srečen, yourney, popotvanje, pony, konjiček, silly, bedast, vollv, nasip, kup, naval, optician, vidoslovec, Prussian, Prus, Russian, Rus. S'nt in končnice science Opomba. Y glagolih, ki se končujejo z y in v mnogih trizložnih besedah, je y poglavitni samoglasnik, in naglasu j o se tisti zlog v kterem stoji y. F se tedaj izgovori cy. N. pr. Reply (replaj) odgovor; deny, odreči; signify, pomeniti; multiphy, množiti, itd. § 38. Končnica ow se izgovarja kot o v slov. besedi: prvo. N. pr. Arrow (arro) pušica, borrow, izposoditi, narrow, ozek, fellow, dečko, follow, slediti, hollow, votel, sorrow, žalost, shadow, senca, yellow, rumen, window, okno, meadow, travnik, shallow, plitev, widow, vidova, marrow, mozeg, wallow, valjati se. Opomba. Če je končnica ow naglašena, se izgovori včasih kot av; n. pr. allow (elav, dovoliti; včasih se izgovori tudi kot 6 v slov. besedi: tako'; n. pr. bestow, podeliti; below, spodaj. § 39. Končnica age se izgovarja kot eČ v slov. besedi: več. N. pr. Damage, škoda, adage, pregovor, plumage, pevje, cabbage, zelje, baggage, popotna roba, postage, poštnina, message, naznanilo, bandage, povoj, pillage, ropanje, image, podoba, passage, vožnja, prelaz, savage, divjak. § 40. Končnica ture se izgovarja kot vr in sure kot Sr. N. pr. Picture (pikčr) podoba, creature, stvar, measure (mežr), mera, mixture, zmes, scripture, sv.pismo, pleasure, zabava, veselje, pasture, paša, pašnik, structure, poslopje, treasure, zaklad. § 41. Končnica gue se izgovarja kot slovenski g. N. pr. Rogue, porednež, league, zveza, dialogue, pogovor (dveh), plague, šiba (božja) intrigue, zvijača, pedagogue, odgojitelj, vague, nedoločen, colleague, družnik, synagogue, shodnica. § 45. Končnica ed (glagolov v polpreteklem času) se izgovori: 1.) Kot ed v slovenskem, če soglasnik d stoji pred njo. N. pr. faded, zvenel; provided, added, waded, itd. 2.) Kot d, če se nedoločnik glagola končuje na mehki soglasnik. N. pr. robbed (robd), oropan; begged, loved, proved, itd. Nekatere nepravilnosti. A.) V izreki samoglasnikov. § 43. Samoglasnik a se izgovarja: 1. kot e v slovenski besedi: žena v besedah: have, imeti; scarce, redek; scarcely, komaj; scarcity, pomanjkanje; kot slovenski a v besedi: are, so, oni. 2. l£ot o v slovenski norec; n. pr. was, bil; what, kaj; want, potreba; wash, umiti; wander, potovati, tavati; quarrel, prepir; quality, last-post, itd. § 44. Samoglasnik e se izgovarja kot e v besedi: zemlja; n. pr. where, kje; there, tam; itd. Kot i v besedah: English, anglešk; England, Angleško. § 45. Samoglasnik o se glasi: 1. Kot vo v besedah, one (von) eden; once, enkrat. 2. Kot polglasni slovenski e v besedi: grm (germ). N.pr. month, mesec; some, nekaj, nekteri; worm, červ; work, delo; world, svet; worse, hujši, slabši; worst, najslabši; monk, milih; wordly, posveten; brother, brat; mother, mati; itd. 3. Kot o v slov. besedi: so. N. pr. Dove, golob; love, ljubezen; done, storjen; front, sprednja stran; son, sin; other, drug, a, o; another, en — nek drugi 4. Kot u v slovenski besedi: hwd. N. pr. move, ganiti, premikati; seliti se; lose, izgubiti;, prove, dokazati; to, k, do; two (tu), dva; who (hu), kedo; whom, koga; whose, čegav; tomb (turn), grob; malo krajše izgovori se v: wolf, volk; wolves, volkovi; woman, žena; kot slovenski i v besedi: women, žene, ženske. § 40. Samoglasnik u se glasi: 1. Kot kratki slov. u. N. pr. buli, bik; full, poln; pull, vleči; puss, inačica; put, postaviti; bullet, kroglja, itd. 2. Kot kratki slov. i. N. pr. busy, delaven; business, opravek; minute, minuta; lettuce, salata. § 47. Au se glasi včasih kot slov. e v besedi: čelo; n. pr. laugh (lef). smejati se; aunt, teta; itd. § 48. Eu se glasi: 1. Kot e y: čelo. N. pr. bear, medved; pear, hruška; tear, iztrgati! kot e v besedi: led; n. pr. great, velik. 2. Kot polglasni slov. e v besedi: smrt. N. pr. earl, grof; early, zgodaj; earth, zemlja, prst; earn, zaslužiti; learn, učiti se; heard, slišal (sem); hearse, pogrebni voz; pearl, biser; search, iskati, itd. 3. Kot a. N. pr. heart (hart), srce; hearken, slušati, itd. § 49. Eg se izgovarja kot ej (glej) v besedah: Grey, siv; they, oni; prey, plen; obey, vbogati; in kot uj (daj) v besedi: eye, oko. Ei se izgovarja včasih kot e v slov. besedi: led; včasih kot e v slov. besedi: bedro. N. pr. (led) — eight, osem; neighbour, sosed; veil, zagrinjalo, tanjčica; kot v: bedro: heir, ded, their, njihot, itd. §50. Ie se glasi kot kratki slov. e v besedah: friend, prijatelj; friendship, prijateljstvo, itd. § 51. O o se glasi kot o v besedi: tako. Door, vrata; floor, pod, tlak; brooch, prsna igla. Kot e v besedi: smrt. N. pr. Blood, kri; bloody, krvav; flood, po vodenj, itd. § 52. Ou se glasi kot dolgi slovenski u. N". pr. You, ti, vi; your, tvoj, vaš; trough, skoz; youth, mladost; wound, rana; soup, juha; group, četa, kop; tour, popotvanje, itd. Kot o v slov. besedi: roka. N. pr. Bought (bot — gh se ne izgovori) kupil; brought, prinesel; fought, bojeval se; ought, moral; sougt, iskal; thought, mislil; itd. Kot kratki e v smrt. N. pr. country, dežela; journal, časopis; nou-, rish, hraniti, rediti; flourish, cveteti; cousin, bratranec, sestrična; couple, dvojica [par]; double, dvojnat; southern, južen; trouble, sitnost; courage, pogum; touch, dotakniti se, potipati; young, mlad; rough, surov, neotesan; tough [tf], trd, vlažen; enough [in'f], dosti; [gh = f], itd. Kot o v besedi: smola; n. pr. Cough, kašljati; coughing, kašelj. § 53. Ui se glasi kot u v: fruit [frut] sadje; kot i v: build, zidati; building, poslopje; built, zidan. TJy se glasi kot aj v besedi: buy, kupiti. 0 izrekovanju nekterih sogiasiiikov. 54. Xekteri soglasniki se včasih ne izgovore in ne slišijo prav nič. 1. Ji pred t in za m .stoječ se nič ne izgovori. N. pr. Debt [det] dolg; indebted [indeted dolžan; doubt [davt], dvomiti; tomb, mogila; lamb [lem], jagnje; itd. •2. G in /' se pred črko u ne izgovarjata. N. pr. Know [no], znati, vedeti; knew, vedel; gnaw, glodati; sign, znamnje; design, namera; itd. 3. L ,se za samoglasnikom u in pred soglasniki f\ k, m nič ne izgovori. N. pr. Calf [kef], tele; half, pol; walk, hoditi, iti; talk, govoriti; calm, miren; alms, dar; palm, palma, itd. 4. \V se pred črko r in zlogom ho nič ne izgovori. N. pr. Write, [rajt], pisati; wrong, neprav, krivično; who [ha], kedo; whom, koga; wherefrom, odkod, itd. Tudi v besedah: sword, meč; answer, odgovor; two, dva, se nič ne izgovori. 5. IIse začetkom nekterih besedi ne izgovori. X. pr. Heir [er], ded; honest, pošten; honesty, poštenost; honour, čast, itd. 6. Včasih se izpušča s. X. pr. Isle [ajl], otoček; island, otok; aisle [ajl], stran v cerkvi, itd. 7. T za s je brezglasen, pred končnicama le in en se navadno izpušča. X. pr. Castle [kesl], grad; whistle, žvižgati; apostle [eposl.], apostel; listen, slušati, itd. ^ 55. 1. /•' se v besedici of prav lahno izgovori. •1. G/i se izgovarja kot f v besedah: rough, tough, enough,-cough; laugh, smijati se; itd. Pred črko t se t/h navadno nič ne izgovori. X. pr. bright, jasen; might, moč; light, luč; eight, osem; fight, borenje; fright, groza; sight, vid; caught, vjet; fought, bil se. Enako tudi koncem besed: plough [plav], plug; trough, akoravno, although, da si, čeravno. 3. Ph se izgovori sploh kot f; n. pr. nephew,-nečak; itd. 4. Qk se glasi kot /.'. X. pr. Conquer | konker], zmagati; liquor, močna pijača; pique, nevolja; piquant, zanimljiv. Xavadno pa se glasi tjit kot kv v slovenskem. 5. Oh se izgovori kot k v besedah: Christ [krajst], Kristus; christian, kristjan; character, značaj, znamnje; anchor, morski maček; monarch, vladar; stomach, želodec, itd. Kot se glasi v: chaise, kočija; charlatan, sitnež, jesihar; kot c v: french, francozk; wench, vlačuga; bench, klop;- stench, smrad; trench, nakop; wrenche, pri— odsukalec. 0. Ci, si, sci in ti se izgovore kot š pred samoglasniki. N. pr. Precious [pres's], dragocen; gracious, milosten; pension, pokojnina; passion, strast; passion of our Lord, trplenje našega Gospoda; conscience, vest; conscious, zaveden, pri zavesti; partial, nekolik, strankarsk; patient, bolnik, potrpežljiv; nation, narod; motion, tek, premikanje, gibanje. — [Glej § 34., 35., 36.] Business [biznes], obrtnija, kupčija, opravilo; busy [bizej], delaven, obložen z opravki; colonel [krnel], polkovnik. Drugim nepravilnostim 'moči se je naučiti le po dolgi vaji z govorjenjem. Kedar se dvomi o izgovarjanju kake besede, pogledati-je treba v: SLOVENSKO-ANGLEŠKI BESEDNJAK, ki bo sledil slovnici, če jo Slovenci prijazno vsprejmo. t PRVI ODDELEK. 1. Naloga, 1. Člen. Člena v slovenskem jeziku nimamo. Angleški jezik ima dvojen člen: a) Določni člen: the (der, die, das; die) za vse tri spole v edinem in množnem številu. b) Nedoločni člen: a pred soglasniki, razven pred soglasnikom h; an pred samoglasniki in pred h, za vse tri spole. člen se rabi pri vsakem rečniku (imenu, substantiv) in sicer določni, če se govori o rečniku, določno; če nedoločno, rabi se nedoločni. N. pr. Jaz sem videl (tega) moža; I saw the man. Jaz sem videl (enega, nekega) moža; I saw a man. 2. Osebni hnmki. Imenovalnik ( Jaz, I; mi, we; ' ( ti, thou; vi ali ti, you; 1. oseba 1 2. oseba - Tožilnik ( mene, me; nas, us; ( tebe, tkee; vas, tebe, you. Imenovalnik ( on, he; ona, she; ono, it; oni, one, ona, they; 3. oseba- Tožilnik ( njega, him; njo, her; ono, it; jih, them. 1. Opomba. V angleškem jeziku so le štirje skloni (padeži, Faille): Imenovalnik, rodiluik, dajalnik, tožilnik. V slovenskem imamo jih sedem. Zadnji trije slovenski skloni: zvalnik, mestnik, družilnik se izražajo v angleškem s pomočjo predlogov in, navadno, sklonom imenoval-nikom. 2. Opomba. Osebni zaimek: thou, ti. se vabi le, kedar se govori z najvišim Bitjem, n. pr. Thou, o my God! Ti, o moj Bog, ali pa v poezijah. You se rabi kot slovenski: ti in vi. N. pr. You, my child, ti, moje dete; you, my father, vi, moj oče. S. Snojil>ti. zaimki. My, moj, a, e, our, naš, a, e; i, e, a; thy Uvoi a e y°ulV a,' e; i, o, a; your j J> > > their, jih, njihov., a, o; i, e, a. i} her, njen, a, o,. Mine, moj (lasten, prav moj), a, e;i, e, a, its, njegov, a, o. thine, tvoj, a, e; i, e, a. Jt. Kamini zaimki. Edino število. Množno število. This, ta, to, These, ti, e, a, that, ov, a, o, < those, ovi (uni) e, a, such, taki, a, o. sneli, taki, e, a. 5. Prašalni zaimki. Who, kdo, what, kteri, a, o; i, e, a, what, kaj, which, kteri, a, o; i, e, a. 6. Pocračalni zaimki. Who, kteri, a, o, (za osebe), which, kteri, a, o, (za osebe, stvari in reči), that, kteri, a, o, (za osebe in reči). II. Naloga. Družina. The Family. Oče, father, otrok (dete) child, naka, ne, no; noben, a, o, no, mati, mother, stric, uncle, * da (ja), yes, brat, brother, teta, aunt, ne, not, sestra, sister bratranec, sestrična, cousin, tako, so, sin, son, velik, a, o, tall, in, and, hči, daughter, majhen, a, o, small, pa, ali, but, deček, boy, slaboten, a, o, weak, kakor, kot, as, deklica, girl, močan, a, o, strong, je, is; on je, he is (is — iz). 1 have, imam, thou hast ) ; v you have j he lias, (on) ima, she has, (ona) ima, it has, (ono) ima, we have, imamo, you have, imate,. they have, imajo. Imeti, (to) have. Have I, ali imam (jaz)? hast thou, ) ... v , ' - all niias (ti).J have you, ( v ' has he, ali ima (on)? has she, ali ima (ona)? has it, ali ima (ono)? n. pr. dete; have we, ali imamo? have you, ali imate? have they, ali imajo? VAJA. I have a father and a mother, an uncle and an aunt. You have a brother, but no sister. My father has a brother and a sister. His brother is my uncle, and his sister is my aunt. Our uncle has a son and a daughter. This boy is tall, but that girl is small. Is that boy your brother? No, he is my cousin. This child is weak. My brother is not so strong as my cousin. Pravilo. Pri imenih (rečovnikih) je tožilnik vedno enak imenoval-niku v vseh treh spolih, v edinem in množnem številu. Opomba. Dobro poglej vsako besedo, kako se piše, če želiš pravilno angleški pisati in lično pa pravilno govoriti znati. * VAJA. Ali imaš očeta in mater? Da, jaz imam očeta, matere pa nimam. Moj brat ni tako velik, kot moj oče. Imamo strijca in teto. Moj stric ima sina in hčer. Njegov sin je moj bratranec. Moj brat ni tako močan in tako velik, kot moja sestra in moja sestrična. Moja mati so (is) slabotni. Ta otrok je slaboten in majhen. Ali je ova dekla tvoja sestra? Ne, ona je moja sestrična. III. Naloga, Oče, mati, parent, stari m, parents, stari oce, grand father, stara mati, grand mother, stari stariši, grand parents, nečak, nephew, nečakinja, niece; ali, or, otroci, children, mlad, a, o, young, sorodniki, relations, dobrotljiv, a, o, kind, sirota, orphan, zelo, prav, very, hlapec, dekla, servant, še, stili, priden, a, o, diligent, veliko, much, I am, sem, thou art, j you are, \ Am I, ali sem? art thou, )_ ^ are you, \ len, a, o, lazy, star, a, o, old, Biti, (to) be. he is, (on) je, she is, (ona) je, it is, (ono) je, is he, ali je (on), is she, ali je (ona), is it, ali je (ono), VAJA. mnogo, i, many, nekteri, nekoliko, some. we are, smo, you are, ste, they are, so. are we, ali smo, are you, ali ste, are they, ali so. My brother is diligent. Our brothers are diligent. I have a diligent brother and sister. You are diligent children. My parents are very kind. I have kind parents and relations. His grand father and grand mother are old, but his parents and his uncle are still young. We have a very lazy servant. These children have no parents; they are orphans. Have you many brothers and sisters? I have many brothers and sisters, but I have no cousins, no nephews, and no nieces. My uncle has many children. His children are my cousine. My father is not as (tako) old as (kot) my uncle. This boy has no father and no mother, he is an orphan. Pravilo. 1. Množno število se napravi, ako se imenu (rečniku) v edinem številu stoječemu pridene črka s. N. pr. son, sin; sons, sinovi. [ | 2. Pridevniki imajo samo jedno obliko v edinem in množnem številu za vse-tri spole. N. pr. Dobri brat,- the good brother; dobra sestra, the good sišter; dobro dete, the good child. Dobri bratje, the good brothers, dobre sestre,..the good sisters; dobra deca, the good children. To pravilo velja za vse pridevnike brez izjeme. VAJA. Ali imaš brata? Da, imam brate in sestre. Moje nečakinje so pridne; moj bratranec pa ni pfiden. Imamo pridne otroke. Naša dekla je prav lena. Mnogo hlapcev je (are) prav lenih. Ali imate pridno deklo? Da, pričlijia, je, je pa majhna in-slabotna. Moj stric in teta sta še mlada. Moji stari sfariši so želo stari; moji stariši so pa še mladi. Ti otroci so sirote; nimajo očeta in ne matere. Opomba. V angleškem ni dvojine kot v slovenskem. Mesto nje rabi množino. IV. Naloffa. Stena, zid, wall, podlaga, foundation, streha, roof, vrata, door, okno, window, soba, room, nov, a, o, new, navadno, generally, vsak, a, o, every, Hiša, the house. Staniča, chamber, kuhinja, kitchen, klet, cellar, pod, floor, strop, ceiling, kot, corner, popolno, quite, ves, popoln, whole, zraven, tik, beside, mesto, town, vas, village, 7 ~ 7 debel, a, o, thick, ploščast, a, o, flat, temen, a, o, dark, lep, a, o, nice, brez, zunaj, without, ko, kot, than, veliko mesto, city. Strong, močan,"a, o; stronger, močnejši, a, e; strongest, najmočnejši, a, e; tali, velik, a, o; taller, večji, a, e; tallest, največji, a, e; — visok; large, velik (prostorn) a, o; larger, večji, a, e; largest, največji, a, e; nice, lep, mičen, a, o; nicer, lepši, a, e; nicest, najlepši, a, e. VAJA. This house has v^ry thick walls. It is very strong. Some houses have flat-roofs. Your house is not £s large as ours. We have a larger house than our uncle. My nephew has the largest house in town. The rooms in' our house are small; but some rooms in your house are still smaller. Every room has walls, windows, a door, a floor, and a ceiling. Some chambers are as large as some rooms;, but the chambers are generally smaller than the rooms. Our cellar is beside the kitchen. Chambers In some houses are without windows; they are quite dark. Houses in towns are generally larger than houses in villages. We have an old house and a new one. Many new houses are nicer than some old ones. We have a large cellar and a small one. -Pravilo. Enozložni pridevniki ali prilogi se povzdignejo na drugo Stopnjo, če se pridevniku v prvi stopnji stoječemu pridene končnica er ali v; na tretjo stopnjo, če se mu pridene končnica est ali st. Končnici r in st se prideneti pridevnikpm, ki se v prvi stopnji na e končujejo. Tako — kot (ali: kakor) pravi se: as — as; včasih tudi: so — as. Razločku se je po vaji moči najbolje privaditi. VAJA. Ta vas je tako velika kot nektera mesta. To mesto ni tako veliko kot nektere vasi. Te vasi so večje kot mnoga (many) mesta. Sobe v vaši hiši so lepše, kot Staniče v naši hiši. Ta soba je največja v naši hiši. Naša klet je brez oken, je prav temna. Kleti so navadno temne. Moja sestra je mlajša kot moja sestrična, je pa veliko (much) večja. Dečki so sploh (usually) večji in močnejši kot dekleta. V, Naloga. Parlor, soba za sprejeti goste, drawing-room, izbana, up-stairs, zgoraj, sitting-room, soba Staniča, stairs, stopnjice, dawn-stairs, spodaj, bed, postelja, bed-room, spalnica, dining-room, obednica, There, tam, under, pod, spodaj, one. eden, a, o, four, štiri, seven, sedem, Pretty, lep, zal, a, o; Lofty, vis., vzvišen,a,o; happy, srečen, a, o; high, visok, a, o, other, others, drug,i, low, nizek, a, o, ali, ves, a, e; vsi, e, a, cold, mrzel, hladen, a, o, where, kje. how, kako, any, nekaj, nekter, kaj, of, znamnje rodilnika, always, zmiraj, vedno, two, dva, e, a, five, pet, eight, osem, prettier, lepši, a, e; loftier, višji, a, e; happier, srečniši; VAJA. three, trije, tri, six, šest, nine, devet; ten, deset. prettiest, najlepši, a, e, loftiest, najvišji, a, e; happiest, naj srečniši, a, e. This drawing-room is very large and lofty. Our parlor is the prettiest room in the house. How (kako) many rooms are in your house? In our house there are eight large rooms, and four small chambers. Our dining-room is larger than any of tlje others. Where are your bed-rooms? All our bed-rooms are up-stairs, and our parlor and setting-room are down-stairs. All rooms down-stairs are nicer and loftier than the rooms up-stairs. Our cellar is under the sitting-room. Large and high rooms are much colder than small and low one3. The ceiling in our parlor is prettier than the ceiling in our sitting-room.« • * My family is larger than yours. I have a father and a mother, an uncle and an aunt, three brothers, five sisters, six cousins, two nephews, four nieces, and many other relations. My grandfather is the oldest man in your village. My uncle has the largest and prettiest house in the city. The largest houses are not always the prettiest. Pravilo. Pridevniki, ki se končujejo s y pred kterim stoji soglasnik, premene pred končnicama er in est y v i, VAJA. Moja spalnica ni tako velika kot naša soba za goste. Izbana je navadno največja soba v hiši (in the house). Mi imamo večjo hišo kot tvoji stariši. Sobe v vašej novej hiši so večje in lepše kot sobe v našej hiši. Vaša spalnica je najlepša soba v celej (whole) hiši. Tvoja najmlajša sestra je zalša kot vse tvoje sestri ene. Koliko [how many] bratov in sester imaš? Koliko hiš ima vaš stari oče? Imam štiri brate in dve sestri. Imam deset velikih hiš v [in] mestu. Vsi moji bratje so starši [old] kot jaz; moji dve sestri sti pa mlajši. Pridni otroci so sploh najsreoniši; zmiraj so veliko [much] srečniši kot leni. Naša klet je spodaj pod kuhinjo. VI, T^alog-a. Pohišno orodje. Furniture (f'rnicr). Miza, table, shramba za obleko, wardrobe, bel, a, o, white, stol, chair, shramba za posodo cup board, črn, black, naslanjač, arm-chair, pre- zagrinjalo, curtain. rnjav, brown, ogledalo, looking-glass, stol za majati se, rocking-chair, zelen, green, shramba, chest, iniznica, drawer, divan, sofa, barva, color, okrogel, a, o, round, štirivoglat, a, o, square, rumen, yellow, rudeč, red, pred, before. Beautiful, krasen, a, o; more beautiful, krasniši, a, e; most beautiful, najkrasniši, most diligent, most wholesome, most comfortable. diligent, priden, a, o; mere diligent; wholesome, zdrav; more wholesome; comfortable, naročen, a, o; more comfortable;. VAJA. How many tables and chairs are there in your parlor? In our parlor there are two pretty tables and ten beautiful chairs. One of the chairs is an arm-chair, and one is a rocking-chair. An arm-chair is more comfortable than the other chairs. We have a nice sofa in our sitting-room, and one pretty lounge [mali divan] in our parlor. Large and lofty rooms are much wholesomer than small and l"111. Nalog-a, Mizni prt, table-cloth, [navadna] žlica, table-spoon, oster, a, o, sharp, prtič za usta obrisati, žličica, tea-spoon, skrhan, a, o, blunt, napkin, serviette, držalo [štil] handle, tudi, too; pre več, too much, krožnik, plate, očka, papa, že, already, skleda, posoda, dish, mamica, mamma, sedaj, now; at present, nož, knife, zunanja oblika, shape, za, for; od, from, vilicc, fork, dar, present, čist, snažen, a, o, clean,' žlica, spoon, zunanjost, appearance, vmazan, a, o, dirty. Sklaujaujc ime«. • Edino število. Mnozno število. Imenov. The brother, brat The brothers, bratje, t, ... j of the brothei*, j brata, of the brothers, [, Kotm- | the brother's, (bratov, the brothers, f nia™x> Dajal, to the brother, bratu, Tožil, the brother, brata. to the brothers, bratom the brothers, brate. Imenov. A mother, mati, Rodil ^ a nl0t^er' ) matere, r^ "( a mother's \ matern, a, o, Dajal, to a mother, materi, Tožil, a mother, mater. Our mothers, naše matere, of our mothers, ) v., V nasih mater our mothers, \ to our mothers, našim materam our mothers, naše matere. Imenov. This son, ta sin, Rodil of thi8 son' te§a sina' F^ ' ( this son's \ sinov, a, o, Dajal, to this son, temu sinu, Tožil, this son, tega sina. These sons, ti sinovi, of these sons, ) . j to these sons, tem sinom, these sons, te sinove. , teh sinov, these sons 1 ' Imenov. Who, kedo, Rodil, whose, eegav, Dajal, to whom, komu, Tožil. whom, koga. VAJA. This table cloth is too dirty for use (raba); is there no clean one? There is a napkin on the floor; is it yours? No, it is not mine; it is my sister's. The colour of our plates is blue and white, and some are quite white. Your little brother's fork is too large and heavy for him. Is this your knife? No, it is my father's. Is your knife very sharp? No, it is very blunt at present. The handles of all our knives are white. Sharp knives are dangerous (nevaren) things for little children. Tea-spoons are much smaller than table-' poons. These new forks have a very nice shape. They aro much prettier than our old ones. The color of our furniture is dark (teman). These chairs and that lounge have the avpearance of old furniture. Whose book-case is this? It is my son's. I( is a present from his uncle. My aunt's house is much larger and prettier than ours. She has one of the best houses in the whole town. Pravilo. Skloni se v angleškem ne naznanjajo s končnicami, ampak s predlogi; rodilnik š predlogom: of, in dajalnik s predlogom: to i Vse besede, ki stoje pred imenom, naj si bodo: člen, zaimki, prilogi v edinem ali množnem številu, ne spremene se nič. Pri imenih oseb in živalskih se moro trodilnik naznanjati tudi s pribeŠenim 's in v množnem številu z •f'. Dvojno število se izraža, če se mej člen in imenovo obliko v množnem številu postavi beseda: tiru, tira, e. N. pr. dva moža, the two men; midva, we two; vidva, you t.vo; ova dva, those two; dve ženi, the two women. % Lisica, fox; volk, wolf, medved, bear; lev, lion. 4 VAJA. Hiša mojih starišev je večja in lepša kot mojega strijca. Hiša mojega strijca je najslabša v celej vasi. Ti noži so zelo težki in močni (strong), so pa pre- (too) skrhani. Nož mojega brata je močnejši kot nož mojega nečaka. Moj nož je prav skrhan; kdo ima oster nož? Tu so vilice na tleh (floor), čegave so? Mojega očeta so. Ne, moje so. Zunanjost to svetilnice je prav lepa. Okna te sobe so premajhna. Te sobe so pre-temne. Staniča mojega brata je zgoraj. Lisica, medved, volk in lev so divje ( wild) živali (animal). IX, Naloga. Sklediea, cup, čašica, saucer, čaj, tea, sklediea za čaj, tea cup, lonec, pot, lonec za čaj, tea-pot, kava, coffee, ljudje, people, vroč, a, e, hot, reči, to say, gledati, izgledati, to look, ljubiti, rad imeti, to like, večkrat, pogosto, often, da, that. jutro, morning, večer, evening, poldan, noon, popoldan, afternoon, danes, today, jutri, to-morrow, včeraj, yesterday. Prinesti, to bring; Prineseni, I bring, prineseš, thou bringest, prinese [on], he brings, prinese [ona], she brings, prinese [0110], it brings, prinesemo, we bring, prinesete, you bring, prinesejo, they bring. Mid vi vidva onedv ročka za kavo, coffee-pot, smetana, cream, mleko, milk, vrček za mleko, milk-pitclicr, sladkor, sugar (sugar), posoda za sladkor, sugar-bowl, sklediea kave, cup of eoffee, gospod (če se nagovori), Sir, enak, kakor, like, zdeti se, viditi se ko, to sceni. postaviti, to put, snažiti, to clean, nikoli, never, iz, zarad, out of, lin, po šegi, fashionable, piti, to drink, všeč biti, dopasti, to please, vzeti, to take, pometati, to sweep, proč, od, awav, proti, towards. dati, to give; [iti,po 111] prinesti, to fetch; Dam, I give, [Grem po in] Prinesem, I fetch, daš, thou givest, prineseš, thou 1'echest, prinese [011], he fetches, prinese | ona ], she fetches, prinese [0110], it fetches, prinesemo, we fetch, prinesete, you fetch, prinesejo, they fetch. da [on], he gives, da [ona], she gives, da [0110], it gives, damo, we give, daste, you give, dajo, they give. 1 prineseva, we two bring, princseta, you two bring, a princseta, they two fetch. VAJA. I drink coffee in the morning and tea in the evening. My father never drinks coffee; he always drinks tea. Tea is the nobler [žlahen] brother of coffee. Some people say that coffee and tea are unwholesome, There is 110 tea-spoon in my cup, please, [bodite tako laskavi; prosim j fetch me one. Where are they? They are in the dining-room. This coffeepot seems to be quite-new; is it? Xo, Sir, it is not new, but it looks like a new one. Where is your little sister? She fetches a kiyfe out of the kitchen. Please, put the cups and saucers, and the sugar-bowl in the cupboard, and take the tea-pot into the kitchen. There is 110 sugar" in this sugar-bowl. These cups and saucers are beautiful, but they are a little [malo ] too small [majhen]. I like them very much. Small cups and saucers are fashionable at present. Now, put the dishes away, and clean the-table. Pmrilo. Druga oseba v edinem številu pri glagolih dobiva končnico est, ali pa st, kedar se končuje glagol z e; tretja oseba dobiva s, ali es. Za tretjo osebo v nmožnem številu se glagol nič ne spremeni, ampak je enak prvi osebi v edinem številu. Velevni naklon je enak nedoločnemu naklonu. l'iti, to drink; zamuditi, to blush; mešati, to mix; memo iti, to pass. VAJA. Xesi tvoji sestri to mično ročko za kavo. Kje pa je ona? Ona je zgoraj v bratovej sobi ali pa v kuhinji. Jaz čaja nikoli ne pijem, le včasih pijem skledico prav močne kave. Ta kava je še prevroča. Prevroča jedila [victuals; izg. vit'Is] so nezdrava. Postavi lonček za mleko na mizo v obednici. Moj brat vselej zarudi, ko ga kedo [some one] hvali. Dobro mešaj sladkor s kavo, sicer [otherwise] ne bo dobra. Zvečer [in the evening] pijemo vedno čaj, nikoli kave. Caj in kava sta nezdrava za nibidt ljudi. X. Nalog-a. Obedi. Met d«. Zajulerk, breakfast, podzemljica, potato, kosilo [južina], dinner, korenjček, carrot, večerja, supper, juha, soup, prigrizek[maloa], lunch, mleko, milk, hrana, food, sol, salt, kruli, bread, zelje, cabbage, maslo, butter, ješpren, barley, maslo 11a kruhu, bread riž, rice, and butter, moka, flour, meso, meat, koliko je ura? what goveje meso, beef, o'clock is it? nlcčje meso, veal, zgodaj, early, tečen, a, o, nourishing, zajterkovati, to breakfast, južihati, to dine, večerjati, to sup, jesti, to eat, dobiti, prejeti, to get, iti, to go, kuhati, to boil, rad imeti, to be fond of, nekoliko, nt-kteri, some, včasih, sometimes, tudi; ^IsQ, ovčje meso, mutton, pozno, late, o, okoli, v, pri, at, prašičevo meso, pork, surov, raw, k, to; kedaj, kedar, when, fileče, gnjat, ham, kuhan, boiled, ali, or; pečti, to bake. To do, storiti, činiti; to like, rad imeti, ljubiti Storim, činim, I do, ali imam rad, do I like, storiš, thou dost, ali imaš rad, dost thou like, stori, he does, ali ima rad, does he like, storimo, We do, ali imamo radi, do we like, storite, you do, ali imate radi, do you like, storijo, they do, ali imajo radi, do they like, i jaz nimam rad, I do not like, ti nimaš rad, a, thou dost not like, on nima rad, he does not like, mi nimamo radi, we do not like, vi nimate radi, you do not like, oni nimajo radi, they do not like. Opomba. V navadnem občevanju se izrazi: to sup, to dine, to breakfast ne rabijo; mesto njih rabi v angleškem: to have (ali: to take supper, dinner, breakfast. VAJA. When do you breakfast (navadno: When do you have (imeti) ali: take breakfast)? We always take (vzeti) breakfast at eight o'clock in the morning. My brothers and I take bread and milk, but my parents drink tea or coffee. Children are generally fond of bread and butter. What is your dinner time (čas)? We take dinner at two o'clock uswally. Some people in our toun have dinner at four o'clock in the afternoon, which is very late. I like an early dinner. What do you get for dinner? We always have meat, patatoes, cabbage, bread and butter, and tea. I like beef better than veal or mutton. What meat do you like best? Good ham I generally like best. We often eat raw ham. Raw ham is still more nourishing than boiled ham, but sometimes it is dangerous to eat it. When do you take supper? We have supper at seven o'clock in the evening (zvečer), and at ten o'clock at night (po noči) we go to bed. Pravilo. To do, storiti činiti, je v angleškem pomočili glagol. Vprašanjih se rabi zmiraj. Slovenci rabimo besedico: li, ali; v angleškem stoji mesto nje: do. N. pr. Li delaš? I)o you work? V prašanjih se postavi do pred zaimek; za zaimkom stoji drugi glagol. Do rabi tudi v nikavnem naklonu in sicer: Jaz ne delam, I do not work (po besedi: jaz storim ne delati = jaz ne delam.) Pravilno je res reči: like you the man, imašli moža rad? in: I like him not, jaz ga nimam rad, a ta način je nenavaden. Nahaja se le pri pesnikih in v visokej besedi. Besede, ki čas zaznam vaj o, n. pr. now, late, early, today, to morrow, at night, this year (letos) itd. stoje navadno koncem stavka. VAJA. Kaj ješ? Jaz ne jem ničesar. I ££'15 . Razdeljenje času. Division of Time. Leto, year, teden, week, mesec, month, dan, day, večer, evening, noč, night, torek, Tuesday, sreda, Wednesday, praznik, holy-day, letni čas, season, danes, to-day, vreme, weather. četrtek, Thursday', petek, Friday, počitni dan, holv-dav, čas, time, potem, takrat, then, naloga, task, lesson, priti, to come, učiti, naučiti se, to learn, nedelja, Sunday, pondeljek, Monday, sobota, Saturday, delavnik, week-, work-day, ura, hour; minuta, minute, sprehod, walk, niti-niti, ne-ne, neither-nor, imenovati, to name, vedeti, poznati, to know, zopet, again, lomiti, zlomiti, stolči, to break, težek, a, o, difficult, zmeren, a, o, temperate, lep, a, o, flne, dolg, a, o, long; kratek, short, jutro, zjutraj, tomorrow-morning, če, ako, if. whether. Can, moči, biti v stanu; moreni, zamorem. Morem, zamorem, I can, moreš, t h on canst. moremo, zamoremo, we can, morete, von cam more, lie, slie, it can, morejo, they can. Cannot, ne moči, ne hiti v stanu; ne morem. May, hoteti, hočem; bi; smeti. Smem, I may, smeš, thou mayest, sme, he may, smemo (mi bi), we may, smete, you may; smejo, they may. 117//, hoteti, hočem. Hočem (bom), I will, hočeš, thou willt, hoče, he wills; bo, ho will, hočemo, we will, hočete, you M ill, hočejo, they will. Shall, morati (bom). Moram, bom, I shall, moraš, bow, thou shalt, mora, bo, he shall, moramo, bomo, we shall, morate, bote, you shall, morajo, bodo, they shall, Must, morati, moram. Moram, I must, moraš, thou .must, mora, he must, moramo, we must, morate, you must, morajo, they must. Opomba. Mesto: mu nt, morati, rabi bolj navadno: to be obliged. I am obliged, moram, sem dolžan; thou art obliged, si dolžan, moraš; he is obliged, mora; we are obliged, moramo; you are obliged, morate; they are obliged, morajo, so dolžni. EXERCISE. A year has four seasons; each season has three months, a month has for weeks, and a week has seven days. Can you name the days of the week? Yes, I can; they are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday", Friday, and Saturday, hi winter, days are short and nights are long. It is very cold, then. In summer, days are long and nights are short, and the weather is generally warmer and nicer. In spring and fall it is neither very warm, nor very cold; they are the temperate seasons. Will you take a walk this afternoon? I will if I have time, and the weather is tine. We do not like to take a walk in bad weather. Please, mamma, may I play a little, now? Yes, you may, my dear, but you must not plav longer than an hour. Then, you must come in (notri priti) to learn your lesson. Do you know where aunt Mary (Marija) is? She is in her "bed-room. She will take a walk with me and my little cousins to morrow. Hours are short, but minufcs are shorter. I cannot learn my lesson this evening, it is so very difficult. Then, you must learn it well, to morrow morning. Shall I put these cups and saucers into the pantry [shramba z a jedi in posode]? Do so [stori tako j, if you please; but do not break them. Do you know your lesson? No, Sir; I do not know it yet; I will learn it right away [takoj]. When you will know it, you may play. Sprehajati se, to take a walk. VAJA. Kdo zamore nesti to čajno? Jaz sem jo v stanu nesti, pa ne rad. Nimam nobene žlice, prosim prinesite mi eno. Bom ti eno prinesla takoj. Kje so male žličice? Tam v shrambi so; češ-li eno? Da, daj mi eno, hočem jesti kavo in kruh. Moram se sedaj učiti svojo težko nalogo, oe je vreme lepo, gremo na sprehod vsak dan. Ali se hočeš z menoj sprehajati? Da, dragi bratec moj, jaz poj dem s teboj. Po zimi je večkrat zelo mraz in po leti mnogokrat prevroče. V torek bo velik praznik in vsi bomo šli v cerkev [church]. Mi gremo vsako nedeljo ob desetih zjutraj v krasno našo cerkev. Prihodnji [next] četrtek pride tvoj brat domu [home]. XIII. Naloga. Prosinec, januar, January, svečan, februar, February, sušeč, marec, March, mali traven, april. April, veliki traven, maj, Mav, rožnik, junij, June, mali srpan, julij, July, veliki srpan, avgust, August, kimovec, sept., September, vinotok, oktober, October, listopad, nov., November, gruden, dec., December. sneg, snow, led, ice, rosa, dew, ledena sveča, icicle šola, school, doma, at home, slana, frost, dež, rain, voda, water, začeti, to begin, trajati, to last, slišati kofnu, to belonu'. obiskati, to visit, viditi, to see, prijeten,a,o, agreable, . zadnji, pretekli, last, bolan, sick, pol, half, skoraj, nearly, ravno tako, equally, med, mej, during, enkrat, once, še enkrat, once more, skoraj, almost. Polpretekli čas. Sem imel, 1 had, si imel, thou hadst, je imel, he had, smo imeli, we had, ste imeli, you had, so imeli, they had. Sem bil. I was, si bil, thou wast, je bil, he was, smo bili, we were, ste bili, you M ere, so bili, they were. EXERCISE. Each season last three months. During the months of January, February, and March we have winter. Then the days arc short, the nights long, and the weather is generally very cold. When days and nights are equally [enako] long, spring begins; and the months of April, May, and June belong to this season. The months of July, August, and September are summer months, and October, November, and December are autumn [fall, jesen] months. This year it v. as very cold in March; we had snow and i( o nearly the whole month. January was much warmer than were February and March. I was sick for more than two months, last year. My sisters were sick in spring, and my parents in fall. How often do you visit your parents? I go to see them (jih obiščem) as often as I can. On Wednesday and'Saturday we have lessons in the morning, only; never in the afternoon. Our lessons begin at eight o'clock in the morning and last untill (do) noon (poldan). Do you like to learn and go to school? Yes, Sir, I do. I was the best scholar (učenec, šolar) of our school last year, and will be this year, if I only can. Kteri letni čas je najprijetniši? Pomlad in jesen sta najprijetniša letna časa. Takrat ni niti prevroče, niti premraz. V sušcu se navadno pomlad zopet začne. Preteklo poletje je 'bilo zelo vroče (hot). Ali ste pretečeno zimo imeli mnogo ledu in snega? Da, imeli smo mnogo snega pa malo ledu. V rožniku in malem travnu so dno vi najdaljši in noči najkrajše. Najdaljši dnovi so navadno tudi najgorkejši. Ali greste večkrat v cerkev? V cerkev gremo vsako nedeljo, če nismo bolni. Naš dobri oče gredo tudi ob (on) delavnikih vsako jutro; draga mati pa ne morejo, so že tri mesce zelo bolni. Naša starejša brata morata vsaki dan delati, razun (except) ob nedeljah in praznikih. Koga ste tvoji sestri včeraj zvečer obiskale? Bile ste pri (with) vaših sestričnah in teti v hiši starih starišev v fuestu. Meseca (in the month of) kimovca se začne navadno šola. Jaz nisem bil v šoli zadnjih štirinajst dni, bil sem zelo bolan. VAJA. XIV. Xalog-a. Človeško telo. The Hainan Body. 1.1 iiu. /jux<* » ^ iiv/aiuiij j ustnica, žnablje, lip, lips, bolezen, sickness, Glava, head, • obraz, face, čelo, forehead, oko, eye, trepalnice, eye-lids, obrvi, eye-brows, nos, nose, usta, mouth, obrazova barva, comp- ud, limb, body, zdravje, health, zdrav, healthy, del, part, vsak, vsakdo, every - rudeč, red; rožnat,rosy, slišati, to hear, lexion, chief, bled, a, o, pale, svetel, bel, a, o, light, bolan, ill; sick, odprt, open, doraščen, grown up, večinoma, mostly, popolnoma, entirely, ravno, just, ravno tist, a. o, the same. poseben, poglaven, odpreti, to open, lice, cheek, brada, beard, uho, ear, las, lasje, hair, poprej, pred, ago. pred, before, zapreti, to shut, destroy, vrniti, prati, to wash, ven iti, to go out, truplo, trunk, znamnje, sign, omeniti, to mention, razdjati, pokvariti, to Iti, sprehajati se, to walk; občudovati, to admire. o Sedanji cats. Present 7'ii/■•!<. Hodim, I walk, itd.; občudujem, I admire, itd. (Glej: Naloge IX,—XT.). Polpretekli can. Imjierfert Tense. Sem hodil, a, o, I walked, si hodil, thou walkedst, je hodil, lie walked, smo hodili, we walked, ste hodili, you walked, , so hodili, they walked. Sem občudoval, a, o, I admired, si občudoval, thou admiredst, je občudoval, he admired, smo občudovali, we admired, ste občudovali, you admired, so občudovali, thev admired. EXEli < i si-;. Which are the principal parts of the human body? The 'chief parts are: the head, the trunk, and the limbs. Can you mention the different parts of the he:id? Yes, Sir, I can. The chief parts of the head are: the face, the forehead, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, the lips, the chin, and the cheeks. Children mostly have rosy cheeks, but old people usually look pale. When you were young, you had red cheeks, also; everybody admired them. A long sickness destroyed them, entirely. The eyebrows are mostly all of the same color as the hair of the head. Most people (večina ljtuli) like dark (black) eyes better than blue ones. You should wash vour face before yon go out. I washed it just an our ago; is it dirty again? Your uncle has a very high forehead and large, dark eyes. People with dark hair, have mostly a dark complexion. Children generally hafi lighter hair then grown-up people. Your brother's nose and chin are just like his father's. We can shut our eyes, but not our ears. Some men cannot open one eye and shut the other. Healthy people usually have red lips and cheeks, and look cheerful (vesel). Prari/o. Polpretekli čas pri pravilnih glagolih se napravi, če se glagolu, v nedoločnem naklonu stoječemu, pridene končnica: ed ali d. Samo d se pridene vsem glagolom, ki se v nedoločnem naklonu z < končujejo. VAJA. (ilava jo poglavitni del človeškega telesa. Kaj jo človek brez glave? Na glavi je več druzih važnih, (important) delov; je-li zamoreš vse omeniti? Dve očesi in dve ušesi imamo. Ali veš kaj človek dela z očmi? Tvoja lica so bleda, ti si bolan. Ne, jaz nisem bolan; jaz imam vedno bledo barvo. Zdravi ljudje imajo navadno rudeča lica in so veseli. Ti moraš obraz in ušesa umiti; si zelo umazan. Umil sem je pred kosilom. Nič ne de, (no matter) uinij je še enkrat, kajti umazan ne smeš i',i in ne boš šel v cerkev. Danes zjutraj Bem Hodil več kot dve uri. Kd<> je ravno sedaj (just now) okno odprl? Vaš sin.' je je odprl. Naj je zopst ;:aprš; te je odprto, se bo ubilo (break). X. *. Naloga, Zob. tooth; zobje, teeth; jezik, tongue, vrat, neck, tilnik, throat, . rama, shoulder, prsi, chest, roka [do gležnja], hand, roka [do rame J, arm, komolec, elbow, prehlajenje, cold, veliko, a good deal, lid, nevkreten, stiff, gibljiv, vlažen, flexible, zapo$>asti, to comprehend, razumeti, to understand, želeti, vošiti, to wish, pol.-* ariti, »kvariti, to spoil, živeti, to live, prst [na roki], finger, palec [na roki], thumb, noht, nail, zapest, wrist, dlan, palm, sklep, joint, noga, foot, gleženj, ankle, noge, feet, obližje, neighbourhood, ostuden, grd, ugly, postaviti, položiti, to put, rezati, to cut, vdariti, to hurt, bati se, to fear, paoel, fell, skozi, trough, živite se, to live on, noga [s stegnom vred], leg, koleno, knee, prst na nogi, toe. palec na nogi, big toe, podplat [na nogi ], sole, peta, heel, pest, tist, hrbet, back, sosed, neighbour, kine, kras, ornament, ledje, loins, lepota, beauty [bjuti], komaj, scarcely, akoravno, da si, although, pasti, to fall, paden, fallen; doli, down, ko, kedaj, when; vsak, each, , včeraj, yesterday. Vid i ti', to see; storiti, činiti, to do. Imperfect Tense. Sem videl, I saw, si videl, thou sawest, je videl, he saw, smo videli, we saw, ste videli, you saw, so videli, they saw. Did I see, ali sem videl, didst thou see, si li videl, did he see, ali jč videl, did we see, ali smo videli, did you see, ste li videli, did thev see, ali so videli. Sem storil, činil, I did, si činil, thou didst, je činil, he did, smo storili, we did, ste črnili, you did, so storili, they did. I did not see, nisem videl, a, o; thou didst not see, nisi videl, he did not see, ni videl, we did not sec, mi nismo videli, you did not see, niste videli, •thev did not see, niso videli. EXERCISE. My little brother has four teeth, already, although he is only six months old. Two week« ago he had only two." Do not put your tongue out of the mouth, always; it looks so ugly. The nicest ornament of the mouth are clean, white teeth and red lips. I think you did not wash your neck and ears this morning.They look quite dirty. Yes, mother, I did wash thenul cannot understand how thev can be dirtv again. I will wash them once more. I have pain in my chest and shoulders, and all my limbs are stiff; I fear. I have a cold in my whole body. You must cut your fingernails, they are a great deal too long. You did not clean your teeth this morning. You must clean them every day, if you do not wish to spoil them. When our little brother walked down stairs, he fell (padel) and hurt (vdaril se) his elbow, his knee, and his foot. On each hand we hawe five fingers, and five toes on each foot. The thum is thicker than the other fingers. I never saw such a beatiful complexion and such nice hair as that little girl has. Who is she? Do you knov her? Yes, Sir; I know; I see her very often; she lives herein the neighbourhood,and is the daughter of our best neighbour. VAJA. Občudovali smo krasno obrazno barvo in lepe bele zobe naše sestrične. Mali otroci nimajo navadno bele zobe in bistre (clear, bright) oči. Ovi deček ima zelo slabe zobe. Kako to veš? Ko je odprl usta, sem je videl. Človeški jezik je prav gibčen. Prsti na rokah so veliko bolj gibčnt kot pi'sti na nogah. Ko sem šel (went) v cerkev, sem padel na ledu in se hudo (badly) vdaril. Danes zjutraj padli so oče doli po stopnicah in se vdarili na hrbtu. Včeraj sem več kot šest ur hodil in danes so moje noge tako trde, da se komaj gibati (move) morem. Dasiravno te včeraj nisem videl, sem vedel (I did know) da si bil v šoli. Koliko učencev bilo je v vašej šoli lansko (last) leto? Ne vem več, sem že pozabil (forgot). V nedeljo naši stariši niso nikoli nič delali in tudi o praznikih ne. Mati so bili bolni; ne morejo hoditi po sobi gori (up) in doli, morajo še sedaj večinoma v postelji biti. XVI, >s«lo«si. Obleka. Clothes. Suknja, coat, kratka nogovica, sock, telovnik, waist-coat, gumb, zapenjk, button, jopa, jacket, par, pair, hlače, pantaloons, gate, drawers, žep, pocket, žepni robec, handkerchief, srajca, shirt, nogovica, stocking, ozek, a, p, tight, narrow, zakaj, why, ne dalje, not any longer, luknja za gumb, buttonhole, rokovica, glove, volnata'rokovica, mitten, čevelj, shoe, škornja, boot, opanjki, slippers, klobuk, hat, čapka, cap, ovratnik, collar, ovratnica, neck-tie, rojstni dan, birth-day, obleči, to put on, všeč biti to please, podati se, to fit, povedati, to teli, nositi [obleko], to wear, nosil, a, o, wore, ponošen, a, o, worn, zapeti, to button, odpeti, to unbutton, suh, dry, lepo, fletno, nicely, ne še, not yet, prav nič, nothing at all. To dress, napraviti se; obleči se; dressed, napravljen; oblečen, a, o komaj, scarcely, hardly, tako dolgo, so long, okoli, nekako, about, to receive, prejeti, sprejeti; received, prejet; sprejet, a, o. PretekU čas. Sem se napravil, oblekel, I have dressed, si se napravil, thou hast dressed, se je napravil, he has dressed, smo se napravili, we have dressed, ste se napravili, yon have dressed, so se napravili, they have dressed. Prefect Tense. Sem prejel, sprejel, I have received, si prejel, 1( thou hast received, j e prejel, u he has received, smo prejeli, sprejeli, we have received, ste prejeli, 4l you have received, so prejeli, (1 they have received. EXERCISE. Which coat shall I put on to day? Put on your coat, if it fits you, well. Tell your servant to dress the little boy and two girls. She has dressed them, already. She dressed them about a half (pol) an hour ago. Your jackegis too small, you must buy (kupiti) a new one.Do yon know, mother, where my waist coat is? Yes, Sir, I saw (videla) it, when I fetched your handkerchief and your stockings. Sister, will you please fetch it for me. You may at the same time bring me another handkerchief also. Why do you not button your shirt? I did button it several times but it always unbuttons again. The buttons are too small, or the button-holes too large. Has the servant-girl washed my socks? She has washed them, but they are not very dry yet; you may have a pair of stockings. They are warmer (topel) than socks. On my last birth day I received a new jacket, a waistcoat, and four handkerchiefs from my parents, and two beautiful neckties from my dear old aunt. My old pair of pantaloons are so tight, that I can scarcely move in them; I cannot wear them any longer. Pravilo. Priložaj za preteklost (trebuje zrni raj za pretekli in prej pretekli ^as) pri pravilnih glagolih je glagolovi obliki v pol preteklem času enak. Napravi se toraj, če se glasovalnemu ne določnemu naklonu končnica: ed ali d pridene. VAJA. Ta suknja se mi dobro poda. Rokavi (sleeves) so tako ozki, da komaj zamorem roki gibati. Moj telovnik se mi ne poda prav nič. Zakaj sosed zmiraj svojo novo jopo nosi? Njegova stara je predebela in pretežka v tem toplem vremenu. Te hlače si že več dni nosil. Mi našo novo obleko le ob nedeljah nosimo, ob delavnikih smo nosili zmiraj vaše stare reči. Kdo je rekel, da sem nov klobuk dobil? Tvoj stric je prejel enega, da; jaz pa letos ne. Tu je mala luknja v jopinem žepu; moram jopo krojaču poslati. Pred kot greš v mesto, moraš snažne nogovice, belo srajco, snažije gate, in lepe žepne robce imeti. Ta suknja je preozka, ne moreš je zapeti, Tvoje nogovice so vse mokre, jaz ti je čem prinesti ko bodo suhe. Ravnokar sem kupila par lepih rokovic, jih li hočeš videti. Tukaj so. Meni se zdi, (it seems to me) da so prav dobre, če j)a so močne, ne vem. Obleci jih! Ravno prav so ti (They just fit you, ali they are just your fit).Otroci po zimi navadno volnate rokovice nosijo. Krojač, tailor, luknja, hole, kupiti, to buy, cela obleka, oprava, silit of clothes, glavnik, comb. rokav, sleeve, žep, pocket, prodati, to seli, kupil, bought, kupljen, bought, očala, spectacles. "VSI. Nalog-a. Setka, s čet , brush, šetka za lase, hairbrush, krtača za obleko, clothes-brusli, peta [čevljeva], heel, vedeti, znati, to know, vedel, znal, poznal, knew, znan, poznan, known, viditi, to see, podplat [čevljev], sole, usnje, leather, čevljar, shoemaker, storil, a, o, did, videl, a, o, saw, viden, a. o, seen, hladen, cool, pripraven, priporočen, handy, convenient, [en] drug, a, o, another, zato, ker, because. Xesti, to carry. storjen, a, o, done, všeč biti, prav biti, to suit, stiskati, ščipati, to pinch, poslati, to send; poslan, sent, tenak, a, o, thin, z visokimi petami, high h eel o 1. Sedanji čas. Present T. ,i tej cesti je,ravno muzeju nasproti. Je največje poslopje v mestu, razven stjlne cerkve. Ali imate lepe cerkve v tem mestu? Stolna cerkev je velik: in krasna, druge so vse majhne. Naše cerkve imajo vse visoke stolpe. Visoki, lepi stolpi so velik kinč vsacega mesta. Pismo, letter; dopisnica postal card; opomniti česa, to remind |of|; blizo, near; predalo [škatlja] za pisma, letter-box. XX. J^si los»-sa. Predmestje, suburb, tlak, pavement, delalnica, shop, krčma, inn, salom, kavarna, coffee-house, železnica, railway, railroad, postaja na železnici, station, pričakovati, to expecl, vstopiti, to top in, to enter, daleč, far, blizo near, Pi a sati, štirivogelni kraj, square, pokopališče, cemetery, graveyard, most, bridge, policaj, policeman, pešec, foot-passenger, vlak, train, daljava, distance, pokazati, to show, peljati, voditi, t'> lead, dalje, farther, bližji, nearer, zdaj le, meanwhile, naravnost; takoj, directly barati, to ask. stran, side, kraj, mesto, place,, pokazati, to direct, memo iti, to pass, doseči, to reach, hiter, a, o, fast, potovalo:-, passenger, pokazau, shown, peljal, vodil, led, naj dalje, farthest, naj bližji, nearest, next, nekdo, somebody. Priluxhiji run. Future Tense. Bom prašal, I shall ask, Ali bom prašal? Shall I ask? boš prašal, thou wilt ask, ali boš prašal, wilt thou ask, bo prašal, he will ask, ali bo prašal, will he ask, bomo prašali, we shall ask, ali bomo prašali, shall we ask. bote prašali, you will ask, ali bote prašali, will you ask, bodo prašali, they will ask. ali bodo prašali, will they ask? EXERCISE. Between the town and its suburbs there is a large wall. How many bridges are there that (ki) lead into the suburbs? There are four; before each gate there is one. Some houses in the suburbs are larger and nicer than many buildings in town. Do you live in the suburbs? Yes,we do; but niv father's shop is in town. Do you know the way to the bank? No, Sir, I do not. 1 shall find it for you. 1 shall ask a policeman, and he will, tell us all, we wish to know. How narrow these streets are, and how bad is the pavement in most of them. Will you show me a good store (proda-jalniea) where I can buy a pair of fine gloves? We shall pass one, directly. When we shall reach it, I shall tell you so. This is a very good glove-store, just step in, if you please. I will meanwhile look (gledati) at these fine buildings opposite us. Now let us.go to the depot (železnična postaja). Is it far from here? Yes, Sir, it is a good distance; it is outside the town. Did you expect any one by the next train? Xo Sir, I did not. I only asked when it will come. What place is that at a short distance to the right (na pravo)? it is our cemetery; if you wish, we can go and see it afterwards. Pre rila. Prihodnji čas se napravlja se pomožnima glagoloma: shall in fill. Shall rabi za prvo osebo v edinem in množnem številu. Tudi za drugo dfcebo v obeh številih pri vprašanjih se zaniore shalt in shall rabiti. Will (wilt.) rabi za drugo in tretjo osebo v obeh številih. VAJA. Ali hočeš to hišo kupiti? Bom jo kupil, ko (when) bom imel denar. Hiše se ne morejo brez denarja kupiti, (without money.) Moj stric je kupil v predmestji na lepi cesti krasno hišo.Ivtera pot je najbližja na postajo? Na postajo je dve milje (mile) daleč, je zunaj mesta. Ali veš kedaj pride prvi (first) vlak iz Dunaja (Vienna)? Prišel bo takoj. Jaz bom počakal, morebiti bo prišel naš stric iz Amerike (America) na njem. Blizu mesta gre vlak čez zelo visoki most. Prej je pokopališče bilo blizo cerkve v mestu; sedaj je zunaj mesta. Kedaj l>o vlak tukaj memo šel? .Je že šel mimo. Sel je bil že mimo pred ko smo bili prišli k temu mostu. Pričakovala je svoje stariše z zadnjim vlakom, pa niso prišli. Prišli bodo morebiti s prihodnjim vlakom. Denar, rafoney; korist, advantage; milja, mile. XXI. >siloi»si. Šolska soba, school-room, šolska klop, school-bench, razred, class, učenik, teacher, gospod, učenik, master, knjiga, book, zapisnica, teka, copy-book, pero, pen, jekleno pero, steel-pen, držalo, penholder, črnilo, ink, črnilnik, inkstand, papir, paper, gotov, sure, Šola. The School. , papir za pisma, letter-paper, pivni papir, blotting paper, ravnilo, ruler, naloga, lesson, task, polica za knjige, book-shelf, o pravem času, in tirne, čerta, line, tablica, slate, svinčnik, pencil, posoditi, to lend, posodil, lent, posojen, lent, pisati; to write, gotovo, surely. Prvi; prvič, first; drugič, second [secondly]; krnalo, •Učiti se, to learn. pisal, wrote, pisan, written, dobiti, to get, dobil, got, dobi j en, gotten, vladati, to rule, potrebovati, to want, trd, hard, mehak, soft, nezadovoljen, displeased, , rad, willingly, Prej pr i, ii čas. Second Future. [Ko] se bom naučil, a, o, I shall have learnd, ,, ,, boš naučil, thou wilt have learned, ,, ,, bo naučil, he will have learnd, ,, ,, bomo naučili, we shall have learnd, ,, ,, bote naučili, you will have learnd, ,, .. bodo naučili, they will have learnd. EXERCISE. Have you learnd your lesson and written your task, Frank, (France)? No, Mamma, I have not learned it yet, but I will learn it rightaway. I shall learn it in time for school, you maybe sure. I shall have learned it before the teacher comes. When does your lesson begin? It begins at nine o'clock, so I can yet learn for more than an hour. In which class are you? I am now in the first class but I shall be in the second before long. Our school room is too small for all the scholars. Please, give me my book,I wish to begin with my lesson. Have you seen my copy-book? Yes, I found it in the dining-room this morning. I have put it with your other books on the book stand, there you will find it. Can you lend me a pen? Mine will not write. Yes, Sir, I shall lend you one. Do you wish a hard or a soft one? A soft one, if you please. I can never write well with hard pens'. You have no blotting paper in your copy-books. If your teacher sees .this, he will be displeased with you. There is no ink in this inkstand; will you give me some? What a beautiful penholder you have! Did you buy it? No, madam, I did not buy it; I received it from my good uncle on my last birth-day, \'ow I shall write a letter 011 this thin letter-paper to my aunt, and then j gjiall go to my mother, upstairs. Opomba. Naj se vsakdo, ki želi angleško lično govoriti, glagolo-veinu pregibanju temeljito priuči! VAJA. Kdaj se šola začne? Začne se zjutraj ob devetih in popoldan ob eni. Koliko ur imate šolo vsak dan? Pondeljek, torek, četrtek in petek imamo po šest ur; v sredo in soboto pa le štiri. Ali si danes znal svojo nalogo? geveda (of course); jaz se jezmiraj naučim. Ne igram se nikoli prej kot dokončam svojo nalogo. Kaj si delal danes popoldan? Prvič sem se bil Jel sprehajat; potem pa sem pisal dolgo pismo starišem domov. Tudi jaz motam pisati pismo, pa papirja nimam. Ali mi hočeš eno polo posoditi? Kad (with pleasure); tu imaš dve poli. Jaz pisma pišem prav hitro; to le (this one) bom prej dokončal kot bo tvoja nečakinja od sprehoda domu prišla. Črnilo v vašem črnilniku ni zanič (is good for nothing), je bledo in s takim črnilom ne bo nikdo pisal. Tvojega črnilnika ni tukaj; posodila si ga včeraj (yesterday) teti in ni ga še nazaj (back) prinesla. Ali se vaša mala deklica rada uči. Da, ona je bila zmiraj pridno dete; uči se prav rada in hodi pogostoma v cerkev. Pola papirja, sheet of paper; rjuha, bed-sheet; nazaj dati, return; učen, leamd; moder, wise, prudent; žepna ura, watch; hišna ura, clock. Koliko je ura? What o'clock is it? What time is it? Je polu devetih; it is half past eight. Je tri četrti na enajst, it is a si!os».-i. P nit, desk, klop, bench, tabla, blackboard, črtalo, slate-pencil, kreda, chalk, goba, sponge, zemljevid, maj), zemljevidnik, atlas, globus, globe, mavha, knapsack, risanje, drawing, obris, drawing, ura za risanje, drawing lesson. učitelj risanja, drawing- master, gospod, Mister (Mr. ) dobrotljiyost, kindness, vaja, exercise, znesek, sum, vris, vpitje, noise, kazen, punishment, delo, opravek, work, delati, to work, • hiteti, to hasten, ošpičiti,to point, risati, to draw, računiti, to cipher, pol [čez), half past, učiti, podučevati, to teach, učil, taught; učen, brati, to read, bral, read; bran, read, stati, to stand, stal, a, o, stood, upati, to- hope, porivati, to push, sedeti, to sit, sedel, sat, kaznovati, to punish, držati, obdržati, to keep, držal; držan, kept, čez, over, miren, a, o, quiet. Deluje, it is hoped, the expenses will soon be covered. Where is your pew? It is very near the pulpit. We have one of the best pews in the church. How often are there services at your church? We always have high-mass at ten in the morning and vespers at three in the afternoon. Most people attend the morning service. Our priest has been made bishop, and it is supposed he will soon become archbishop. What has become of your former organist? I was told, he has become a teacher in a large school in Chicago. All your !. children have grown very tall. My brother was thinking of becoming a clergyman, but he did not like it and has become a lawyer (jezični doktor). VAJA. Stara cerkev je ravno taka kot nova; kako j,e to? Pred d verni leti bila je popolnoma obnovljena. Klopi, leča, orgije in altar, vse je bilo na novo. pobarvano. Podobo v tej cerkvi so krasne. Veš li, kedo jih je slikal? Slišal sem večkrat umetnikovo ime, pa sem je že zopet pozabil. Ali so (is) vaš župnik dober govornik? Naš župnik so prav dober, učen (learned) in pobožen mož, (pious), velik govornik pa niso. Naš orgij ar je pravi umetnik; nikoli mu Še nisem slišal enacega. Ta deček je zelo len; skoraj vsaki dan ga njegov učitelj kaznuje. Pravijo, da če dečko postati kmet.Koliko duhovnikov imate v vašej župniji? Tri imamo; župnika in dva duhovna pomočnika. Naš župnik so dekan in naš prejšni dekan postali so škof. Nikoli nisem videl bolj nepripravnih spovednic kot so v vašej" cerkvi. Kdor jih je naredil, ne razume dela. Bile so narejene uže pred desetimi leti, ni se toraj čuditi (no wonder, therefor), da so nepripravne. Umetnik, artist, upanje, hope, nov, a, o, new, fresh, kmet, farmer. "resničen, real, true, uresničiti; svest si biti, to realize. XXIV. XmI <><>:». Vojaščina. The Militia. Vojak, soldier, peštvo. Infantry, konjiča, cavalry, topništv o, artillery, dragoiice. dragooif. husar, hussar, ulan, lancer, oklepnik, cuirassier, gran i čar, grenadier, topničar, caunonier, strelec, rifleman, živenje, life, telesna straža, body-guard, častnik, officer, podčastnik, under-olficer, zato; toraj, therefor, meč, sword, sablja, sabre, puška, musket, polk, regiment, godba, music. posebno, pred vsem, principally, konj, horse, 11a konji, 011 horseback, kraj za vaje, common, solnčni sij. sunshine, glavno mesto, capital, vojaška obleka, uniform, stati, imeti mesto, to station, odhajati, to march off (out), vid, pogled, prizor, sight, tudi, too, also, vaditi sc. to exercise, blesketali se, to glitter, spominjati sc. to remember, dovoliti, to allow, to permit, zadržati, to prevent, zdeti, se, to appear, pomilovati, to pity, srečati, to meet, srečal, sešel, met, prijeten, pleasant, vesel, glad, ubog, reven, poor, ob, poleg, zraven, along, hraber, brave, junak, hero, junašk, heroic. (■jem mogel; bi mogel, I could. smo mogli; bi mogli, we could, mogel; bi mogel, thou oouldst, ste mogli; bi mogli, you could, j-: mogel; bi mogel; he could, so mogli; bi mogli, they could J5i moral (jaz), I should, Jaz bi; I might, B, ,, (ti), thou couldst, ti ,, fchou mightst. E1.,', ,, (on), he could, on ,, he might. Bi morali (mi), we could, mi ',, we might, i: ,, ( vi), you could, vi ,, you might, I E ,, (oni), they could. oni ,, they might. Hi hotel (Jaz), I would, ,, ,, (ti), thoxr wouldst, ,, (on), he would, Hi hoteli (mi), we would, (vi), you would, ,, ,, (oni), they would. 1 ought, jaz naj bi; jaz bi moral. I must, moram; sem moral. Opomba. Must se v polpreteklem času navadno ne rabi. Mesto must ><• rabi polpretekli čas od: to be obliged. N. pr. I vas obliged, sem moral, thou irei'' obliged, si moral; he iris obliged, je moral; ire vere obliged, smo morali itd. EXERCISE. This town is a fortress and therefor there are many soldiers in it. What kind of soldiers are stationed here, principally? We have militia of all kinds; but our town is chiefly for the infantry, artillery, and riflemen. Most of the hussars, lancers, dragoons, cuirassiers, and grenadiers are in the capital. Did you see the militia march off this morning? No, I did not; Imt, when I was taking a walk, I heard the music in the distance. I wished to see them but could not reach the city-gate, in time. The infantry will exorcise this afternoon again; I shall go with them then to see them exercise. It' the weather will be line, I shall go also; I hope I shall meet vou on the common. I am very glad to have met you here. Let us go aliiiig with the soldiers! How their swords and sabres glitter in the sunshine! Do you know the officer on horseback? Yes Sir, I have seen him often at ray uncle's, but I cannot remember his name. A regiment of sol-tiers is a pretty sight. My youngest brother wished to be a dragoon also, but my father would not allow it; and I think he is glad now. that lie remained with the infantry. A soldiers life is not as pleasant, as it appears to be. I pity the poor soldiers who must always be carrying their heavy knapsacks and muskets. They must be very tiled when they come home. VAJA. Ali si videl vojake, ko so se danes zjutraj vadili? Ne, nisem mogel tako zgodaj iti ven, ko še nisem bil končal svojega dela. Moraš priti jutri zjutraj. Polk vojakov je zmiraj lep prizor, posebno kedar se njihovo orožje v solnčnem siju lesketa. "Kaši častniki so vsi prav strogi in vojaki so večkrat kaznovani. Tudi jaz sem hotel postati vojak, pa moji stariši niso hoteli dovoliti. V nekaterih deželah mora vsak mlad možak vojak postati, c c je sposoben. Naj več i in najmočnejši vojaki so navadno za telesno stražo izvoljeni. Pred kratkim, a short time ago; velikansk, grand, top, cannon, 8tr°g, strict, dežela, country, vecjidel, navadno, mostly, orožje, arms, izvrsten, excellent, puška, gun. Stotnik, captain, tisočnik, major, polkovnik, colonel, podpolkovnik, lieutenant-colonel, maršal, field-marshal, vodja, general, pribočnik, adjutant, aid-de-camp, desetnik, corporal, pomagati, to assist, izučiti, to drill, plačati, to pay, proti, nasproti, against, naddeseterik, sergeant, razstanovilec, quarter-master, vojna četa, army, boben, drum, vrsta, rank, predstojnik, superior, pogum, courage, čednost, virtue, hrabrost, bravery, Bi imel, (if) I had, ti bi imel, thou hadst, on bi imel, he had, mi bi imeli, ve had, vi bi imeli, you had, oni bi imeli, they had. namestnik (lajtnant), lieutenant, dolžnost, duty, slediti, to follow, izpeljati, to perform, onesnažiti, to dirty, očetnjava, fatherland, pokorščina, obedience, povelje, command. natančnost, precision, parada, parade, sovražnik, enemy, država, state, davek, tax, splošen, common, dotično, properly, razdeliti, to divide, oprostiti, to deliver, braniti, to defend, po, kakor, according (to), plača, pay, salary. Bi bil imel, I had had, ti bi bil imel, thou hadst had, on bi bil imel, he had had, mi bi bili imeli, we had had, vi bi bili imeli, you had had. oni bi bili imeli, they had had. Jaz bi bil, I were, ti bi bil, thou wert, on bi bil, he were, mi bi bili, we were, vi bi bili, you were, oni bi bili, they were. o «1 • S a I should (would) have, thou wouldst have, he would have, we would have, you would have, thev would have, I should (would) be, thou"wouldst be, he would be, we would (should) be, you would be, thev would be. K EXE Ji CI SE. I should go to see the soldiers exercise,, if the weather were not so bad. The soldiers would have more courage, if they had a better general. You would learn much more, if you were more diligent. The sabres of the militia would not glitter so much, if we had no such beautiful sunshine, to day. Would ypu not read more, if you had better books? I would write a letter to my parents if I had not to write my exercise. Your copy-book would not be so dirty, if you did not always dirty your hands with ink, when you write. We would not be at home this evening, if the weather were nicer. I would learn my lesson, now, if I were not obliged to write a letter to my uncle. According to their rank, the soldiers are divided into common soldiers or privates, under-officers and officers. The lowest under-ji officer is the corporal, then follows the sergeant, then the quarter-master. !: The lowest officer is the lieutenant, then follow the captain, the major, the ; colonel, thelieutnant-colonel,the general;and the field-marshal. The highest officers are assisted by adjutants. Their duty is to deliver (sporočiti) the commands of their superior to other officers. The principal virtues of soldiers are courage and bravery, and their first duty is obedience to their superiors. The soldiers must be properly drilled, for all their exercises must be perfomed with great precision. The duty of soldiers is to defend their country against enemies. Would you like to be a soldier? I would like to be an- officer, but I would not like to be a private. VAJA. Ce bi bil jaz vojak, ne bal bi se nobenega sovražnika; branil bi hrabro drago domovino. Ce bi bil moj brat vojak postal in bi bil tako priden kot je doma, bil bi sedaj že gotovo častnik. Ce bi zamogel, sledil bi tvojim ukazom, pa mu ni mogoče. Naši vojaki bili bi branili trdnjavo, pa bili so popolnoma vgnani (tired out). Vojak brez poguma in hrabrosti je enak učitelju brez vednosti. Pokorščina je prva dolžnost vojakov; ne le navadnih vojakov, ampak tudi častnikov;vsaka nepokorščina se strogo kaznuje. Ce bi se pokorščina ne kaznovala:prenehala bi red in strah mej vojaki. Jutro odrine naša vojna proti sovražniku; upamo, da bodo vojaci očetnjavo hrabro in pogumno branili. Nepokorščina, disobedience, vgnan, tired out, exhausted, učenost, learning, hraber, brave; hrabro, bravely, strogost, severity, strog, severe; strogo, Beverly, red, order, pogumen, courageous; courageously, strah, discipline, nehati, to cease; brez, with out. XXVI. JValog-a. Ladjevje (brodovje). The Nevy (the fleet). Ladija, ship, vessel, vervje rigging, sidro potopiti, to,cast čoln, boat, krmilo, helm, anchor, morje, sea, veslo, paddle, oar, odriniti, pustiti, to leave, The compass, you know, is a very important instrument for sailors; without it they could not find their way accross [čez] the wide sea. The mate, -or the pilot ha"s it always before him to direct the ship. Here you see the anchor and the cablo. The cable is very thick, isn't it? Yes Sir, it is. But it must be thick, otherwise it would not be strong enough to hold such a large vessel. Now you can see what an enormous height the masts have; particularly the main-mast. Were they not supported by the rigging, they would always be blown down in a storm. On the top of the mast flies the flag or pennant of our country. This is a pump. Sometimes in stormy weather, the vessel springs a leak and the hull is filled with water. If we could not discharge all the water the vessel would sipk. Ste vi kapitan te krasne ladije? Ne gospod, jaz sem njen krmar. Kje pa je kapitan? Sel je ravnokar v mesto, a pride kmalo nazaj, kajti mnogo popotnikov ga želi videti. Jaz bi rad pogledal vašo ladijo; je'li dovoljeno? Da, gospod! Le notri pridite in jaz vam vse prav rad pokažem. Lepa hvala! [thank you, very much] vi ste jako dobri. Ste li kajito uže videli? Naka [no], do sedaj še ne. Tukaj je. Prosim vstopite. Jaz bi ne bil nikoli mislil, da je kajita na ladijah tako velika in mična. Mnogo hiš v mestu nima tako lepih sob kot je ta kajita. Kako dolgo ostane ladija še v luki? Ivoj [immediately] ko [after] bomo imeli naš naklad v ladiji, pa odjadramo. Vaša glavna jambora je res izvenredno visoka. To le malo orodje je kompas. Ali se zamore taka [such a] debela vrv kedaj raztrgati? Gotovo; huda nevihta ima tako strašno moč, da ne zlomi le jambor ampak raztrga tudi najmočnejo vrv. Moč, power, force, ličen, elegant, ostati, to remain, hud, silen, a, o, violeiit, vstopiti, to step in, malo, few, a few, radost, veselje, pleasure, kedaj, ever, VAJA. XXVIII. Na loga. (M)rtiiije. The Trades. grocer, sadje, sad, fruit, platno, linen, kupčevalec s platnom, linen draper, sukno, cloth, svila, silk, svilen, silk, silken, opraviti dati, to occupy, Oseba, person, gospa, lady, gospe, ladies, dišavar, grocer, kupčevalec z zelenjavami, green- bombažev, cotton, velekupec, wholesale dealer, roba, material, kupčevati z, to deal in, vogel, corner, češplja, plum, šel, šia, šlo, went, grozd, grape, preskrbeti s, to supply, tako, so, thus, naenkrat, naravnost, at once, bombaž, cotton, češnja, cherry, 8110V, stuff, baza, sort, opravilo, occupation, hruška, pear, iti, to go, blago, goods, roba, ware, reč, article, množica, quantity, [kolikost], naročiti [si], to order, jabelko, apple, prodati, to sell, šel, odšel, gone, koren j ček, ginger, prodal, prodan, sold, sicer, drugače, else. EXERCISE. The people in town have different occupations. A great many are occupied in buying and selling different goods; they are called merchants. If a person buys and sells different articles in large quantities.he is called a whole-sale dealer. A grocer sells coffee, tea, sugar-, pepper, salt, vinegar, ginger, and all sorts of spices. A green grocer deals in potatoes, carrots, cabbage, turpips, ] case, beans, lettuce and other vegetables. In a linen drapers store we find materia) for all kinds of dresses, as cloth, linen, silk, cotton and w oolen (volnat"! stuffs, ribbons, handkerchiefs, etc. The servant should lie sent to the grocer's to fetch some coffee and sugar; call her in here at once. Here I am, Madam, what do you want? We have 110 coffee nor sugar in the house, so you must go and buy some. Do you wish for anything else? {Jur oil is nearly all gone, and our salt and tea too. Verv well then; you will buy these things at the same time. After dinner I shall go to buy soiue ribbons for my new bonnet. Do you know a good store for ribbons. There is a nice store at .the corner of the street. T also wish to get some material for a dress and a cloak; perhaps 1 shall find it in the same store. You are sure to find it there; for they have everything necessary for ladies dresses. Prm'ilu. Imena (rečniki),ki se končujejo z y pred katerim stoji so-glasnik, spreminjajo v množnem številu//v i en. N. pr. lad//, lad/e«; cherry cherries; quantity, (piantit(Vx. Kedar stoji pred y kak samoglasnik, ne spremeni se // v množnem številu nič. N. pr. boy; boys; day, (lays. So,there are:je, there is.N. pr.Mnogo je (mnogi so) pk šr.stih mož,there are many bald men. V šoli je nek gospod, there is a gentleman in the school. Ali je v vašem mestu mnogo kupcev? Prav veliko jih je. Kupec ml voglu kupčuje z mnogimi rečmi,#posebno pa z bonibažastimi in svilenimi robami. Mi nimamo niti zelja niti podzemljio y hiši. Pojdi naglo v pro-dajalnico in kupi reči za kosilo. Na poti greš lahko h krojaču in prineseš mojo suknjo in hlače. Obljubil mi je. da bodo danes narejene. So-iz lepega blaga in precej drage. Blago sem bil kupil od kupca Jones-a blizu stolna cerkve v poglavuem inestu naše dežele. Kje je vaš sin, začasno? Dela Y enej največih prodajalnic 3 suhim blagom (dry-goods store) v velikem, mestu v državi (state) Illinois. Včasih pride domu ali kmalo mora zopet iti na delo. VAJA. Oprayek, business, pripravljen, ready, kam večkrat hodite, to cvetoč, flourishing, vsaj, at least, frequent, zrel, ripe, obrtnija, kupčija, prav velik > jih je,there business, are a ;;reat manv. XXIX. Nalo» a Rokodelec, artisan, mechanic, pek, baker, slaščičar, confectioner, steklar, glazier, uilin, mill, mlinar, miller, slikar, barvar, painter, kovač, black-smith, ključavnica, lock, les, wood, železo, iron, mlin na par, steam-mill, kolač, cake, torta, tart, mlet, zmlet, ground, spremeniti se v kaj, to , turn into; klobučar, halter. mesar, butcher, mizar, carpenter, opeka, brick, sedlo, saddle, ključavničar, locksmith, nožar, cutler, žepna ura, watch, urar, watch-maker, strugar, turner, tiskar, printer, rudnina, metal, steklo, glass, izurjenost, skill, namen, purpose, luč, light, vrezovalec, engraver, obrniti, obračati, to turn, zidar z opeko, bricklayer, pivar, brewer, žganjar, distiller, sedlar, saddler, knjigar, bookseller, bukvovez, bookbinder, delavec, workman, delavci, workmen, delavnica, workshop, mlin na veter, wind-mill, mlin na vodo, water-mill, naprega za konje harness oblast, power, različen, vsakovrsten, various, mleti, to grind, notri pustiti, to admit, pripoznati, to admit. !•: X KII CI si-:. A great many inhabitants of this town live by the skill of their hands. They make various articles, which we want for different purposes of life. These people are called artisans or mechanics. They do their work in their workshops. Some of the mechanics work in wood, as the carpenter and turner, others make various articles of metales,particularly of iron, as the cutler, the blacksmith and the locksmith. The glaziers work in glass: they make the windows in our houses through which light is admitted. Sometimes they make looking-glasses, also* The butcher supplies our table with meat; the miller grinds the corn into flour, which the baker turns into bread. We see. the miller, baker, and butcher are the principal men, who supply our table with the most necessary articles of food. But we must not forget the confectioner, who is also a sort of baker, and supplies us with things of which most people are very loud, as, cakes, tar's and all sorts of sweet meats (slaščice). The saddler not only make:; sa l lies, but also harnesses, knapsacks, leather-trunks, and many Other .things. Our houses are made of brick, mostly, and the person who builds them is called a bricklayer. The bricklayers put up the walls of some houses; the carpenter's, locksmiths',and o'ther miichiinios must assist in finishing them. Imate li dobre rokodelce v vašem mestu? Kot v večini mest, imamo tudi mi dobre in slabe. Večji del naših rokodelcev je prav uren in zato je v njih delavnicah zmiraj živahno. Pridni in ročni rokodelci pri nas •nikoli niso brez dela. Pek v našem mestu peče izvrsten kruh. Imenuj različne reči. ki jih naredi mizar. Mizar naredi mize, stole, vrata, skrinje, postelj-nike in mnogo družili reči, katerih neznani imenovati. Dobri rokodelci so res koristni ljudje. Če bi ne imeli različnih rokodelcev . manjkalo bi nam mnogo zelo potrebnih reči. ITsnje, leather, imeti za kaj. to consider, peči to bake, nam manjka, we are in need of, uren, ročen, skillfull, bogat, rich, večjidel. most of, reven, poor. Nsiloi»a. Profesor, professor, zdravnik, doctor, physician, ranocelnik, surgeon, zdravnik za zobe, dentist, živo srebro, mercury, quick silver, lekarna, apothecary,drugstore, lekar, druggist, apothecary, glavni učitelj, head-master, domači učitelj, tutor, sodnik, judge, pravnik, lawyer, postava, law, posta vo-dajalec, lawgiver, zanič, nepotreben, useless, govoriti, to speak, govoril, spoke, od tod, zato, hence. župan, mayor, starešina, senator, senat, senate, tajnik, -secretary, igralec, acto* igralka, actress, pevec, pevka, singer umetnost, art, kemik, chemist, kazalni oder, stage, spevoigra, opera, zvezda, star, govorjen, spoken, visoko, zelo, highly, kongres, zbor, congress, zbornik, congressman. godec, musician, godbina veselica, concert, vstav, zavod, college, seminary, vaja, urjenje, practice, opravek, business, učen, learned, izvrsten, excellent, zadovoljen, satisfied, spoštovati, to respect, se odlikati, to distinguish, ]irimeriti se, to happen, vse, popolnoma, all, še celo,raven,a,o,even vsled, toraj. consequently; EXERCISE. Who is head-master of your college? It is professor X.,a very learned man and an excellent teacher. Tie is highly respected by every one that knows him. His cousin. Mr.S. s his assistant, but he is not liked so much. ^ Are there any good physicians in this city? Ves Sir, we have excellent doctors; there are three most distinguished physicians here, and two surgeons, who have an extensive practice. Our dentists are not very highly-spoken of, and some of them may even be called: quacks (mazač). There is only one druggist in the whole town, and there is such an extensive business done m his drugstore, that he has become one of the richest men of the town. lie is also an excellent chemist. The clergymen, the judges, and the learned lawyers are the most respectable men of this community (občina). In America, we have too many lawgivers and consequently too many useless laws. Are there good actors and actresses on your stage. Yes Madam, with our actors and actresses we can be well satisfied, but we have not one good singer. Our opera is therefor attended only, when we happen (anglicizem) to have some celebrated star from some other city. Still, our town is not without artists. We have excellent musicians and painters. Our musical concerts are grand. The highest official in a town or city is the mayor (official, uradnik). His assistants are the councilmen (sovetni'ki).The congressmen and senators are the lawgivers of this country. VAJA. Kje je tu dobra bukvama? Imamo jih več (several). Knjigar, ki ima največjo prodajalnico stanuje vstavu nasproti. On ima navadno vse knjige, ki se rabijo v različnih šolah pri rokah (on hand). 'Zraven njega stanuje neki (a) prav dober bukvovez. Naš zdravnik stanuje v lekarjevi hiši. V malih mestih je zdravnik ob enem (at same time) tudi lekar. Večina (the majority) zdravnikov so ob enem tudi ranocelniki. Vaša lekarna jena trgu blizo cerkve in lekar je izvrsten kemik. Pri nas imamo slovečega zdravnika za zobe. Imate li dobro in lepo gledišče (theatre)? Poslopje je krasno; redkokrat pa imamo dobre igralce in igralke. Mi imamo prav dobre pevce, a malo izurjenih godcev. Spevoigra se pri nas le malo obiskuje. Stanovati, to live, to dwell, rabiti,to use, posebno, particularly, bukvama, book-store, potrebovati,hoteti, to want,to need, vootel, hollow, potegniti ven, to draw out. XXXI. r^Valosro. Orodja. The Tools (the instruments). Žaga, saw, kladvo, hammer, oblo, plane, stružnica, planingbench, dleto, chisel, pila, file, svedro, gimlet, naklo, anvil, meh, bellows, klešče, tongs, pincers, sekira, ax, sekirica, hatchet, zidarska žlica, kejla, trowel, priprost, a o simple, škarje scissors, shears, r tehtnica, scales, žebelj. nail, ogenj, fire, mavta, mortar, prosti čas, leisure, praznična ura, leisure hour, podariti, to present, to give, strugati, to turn, potrositi,izdati, prebiti to spend, izdal, prebil, spent, žareč;hudo vroč, red hot, ■abiti, to'use, delati, to work, trkati, vdariti, to knock, vpogniti, to bend, vpognil, vpognen, bent, mlatiti,, pribijati, to hammer, žagati, to saw, oblati,to plane, dolbsti, to chisel, piliti, to file. , režeč, cutting, zakaj, what for, veriga, chain, voz, wagon, lopata, spade, goreti, žgati, to burn, EXERCISE. After I have finished my work this evening, I will buy some chisels. What do you want chisels for? On my last biith day my father presented me with (anglicizem) a fine set of tools, and I can make all sorts of things with them. The saw, the ax, the hatchet, the chisel, the gimlet, and the plane are used by the carpenter. The hammer, the tongs, the anvil,and the files are the principal tools of blacksmiths and locksmiths. They keep large bellows in their shops also to make the tire burn. A bricklayers business is very simple, and therefore he uses very few tools. I lis principal tool is the trowel, with which he spreads (pogrne) the mortar upon the bricks. Will you be kind enough, to drive (zabiti) a nail in to this wall? I shall do it willingly, if you will fetch me a hammer. If I had a plane, I would jilane my ruler (ravnilo), for it is not quite straight. Shall I take it to our carpenter. Please, do so, but let him plane it at once. VAJA. Xa moj rojstni dan sem prejel lepo stružnico z vsemi orodji, ki jih rabi strugar. V stružnici je eno kladvo,mala žaga,oblo,eno dleto,en sveder in dve pili. Kadar so kake malenkosti v hiši v neredu, jih popravim sam. Ne potrebujemo potem mizarja in si denar lahko prihranimo. Menim, da si škarje zgubil, jaz jih nisem nikjer (nowhere, anywhere) videl. Sestra Micka pravi,da jih je danes zjutraj na podu videla. Stari kovač kuje (hammers) v kovačnici (smithy, blacksmith-shop) od zgodnega (early) jutra do pozne noči. Ce bi ga ne poznal, ne verjel bi, da je stari mož tako priden in gibčen (lively). Njegovo orodje, kladva, naklo, klešče, meh itd., vse je v najboljšem redu.Železo, mora se kovati, dokler je vroče, pravi star pregovor. No, dečko, kaj bi rad imel? Gospod, prosim, (Please,Sir,) dajte mi dve tablici, tri peresa in steklenico (bottle) črnila. Imaš li tudi potrebni (necessary) denar za vse te reči? Da, gospod; oče so mi dali dva dolarja (dollar) in to, mislim, bode več kot dovolj [enough. | Nered, disorder, med tem ko, while, gospa, lady, mistress, malenkost, trifle, pregovor, proverb, adage, gospe, ladies- mesdames, gopodje, Sirs, messieurs. hraniti, to save, gospod, Sir, mister. XXXII. TValog-a. Dežela The Country (the land.) Kmetija, the farm, kmet, farmer, prijatelj, friend, domovje na deželi. country seat, zrak na deželi, country air, rež, rye, ječmen, barly, oves. oats, trava, grass, žetva, čas žetve, harvest, vživati, to enjoy, seno, hay, plug, plough, brana, harrow, voz, kočija, carriage, veselje, poboljšek. treat, čutiti, to feel, polje, field, zadeva, slučaj, ease, vročina, heat, solnee, sun, nebes, sky, čbela, bee. škrjanee, lark, mnogo, dovolj, plenty, razveseljiti se. to enjoy one's self, mlatiti, to thrash, povabiti, to invite, delaven, priden, busy, žal biti, to be sorry, travnik, meadow, pšenica, wheat, vstati,to rise, to get up. jutranja molitev, morning prayer, domišljevati si, to imagine, vtruditi se, to fatigue, to tire, jezdil, peljal se, rode, jezdarj enj e, pel j an je, ride, ganiti, kazati se kot da, to affect, ostati, to remain, mogoč, possible, dolgočasen, dull, žetev (znesek), crop. čutiti, to feel, čutil, felt, dirjati, to gallop, sejati, to sow, orati, to plough, branjati, to harrow prenesti, sterpeti, to endure, navaditi se, to accustom, soseden, neighbouring, vesel, radosten, cheerful, ljubeč, nežen. udan. affectionate, gotovo, certainly, grablje, rake. Kratkočasili .sv-, zabaruti tu aiinr,sv om\s self. Se zabavam, I amuse myself, se zabavaš, thou anvusest thevself, on j se zabava, he amuses himself, (ona) se zabava, she amuses herself, (ono) se sabava, it amuses itself. He zabavamo, we amuse ourselves, se zabavate, you amuse yourself, se zabavajo,they amuse themselves. (Za moški, ženski in srednji spol.) KXEliCISE. Mj Dear Charles, You know, I have spent my holidays with my uncle out in the country, and you will most likely be glad to learn how 1 amused myself there. Well, I can tell you, I have hardly ever enjoyed myself more in all my life. I shall tell you, how I spent the day. generally. I got up very early every morning; sometimes at five o'clock; then I said my morning prayers, and a few minutes afterwards I was dressed. When the weather was nice, and this was uxwalv the case, I always had a ride on hcysesbaek. with- my cousin John (Janez). My uncle has excellent horses and you can easily imagine, what a treat such a ride was for me. Sometimes we galloped to a neighbouring forest (gozd), sometimes to another village to visit some farmers or friends; and sometimes we rode to the fields, to see what the workmen were doing. As it was harvest time, they all had plenty to do, and they were as busy ,;s bees. Some were mowing grass on the meadows and making hay: some were cutting grain (žitje),wheat,barly. rye and oats: and others were ploughing the fields to prejmre them for a new crop. 1 had never been in the country before, and consequently everything was new to me. I could not comprehend, how the workmen could endure the heat of the sun; but my uncle told me. they were accustomed to it, and that it was no more fatiguing for them to mow or trash, than it was for me to learn my lesson or to write my exercise. Certainly, the heavy work did not seem to affect them much. They looked as strong and healthy as possible,and were as cheerful as larks under the sky. 1 was very sorry, when vacation (počitnice) was over, and 1 was obliged to return to town. .My uncle had the kindness to bring ine home in liis tine carriage, and to invite me to visit him again during the next holidays. At present I feel very dull, but 1 hope, I shall soon accustom myself to my old occupation. Hoping to hear from you very soon, 1 am Yours afteetionatelv .V. .V. 1'rnrHn. i'ovracalu' zaimki: myself, thyself, himself, herself, itself, one's self; ourselves, yourselves, themselves so zloženi iz besede: «'■//, sam, a, o, (množ. štev. srhu-*, sami, same, a,) in svojilnih zaimkov; my, thy, oiir.i/our: za tretjo osebo v obeli številih iz tožilnika osebnih zaimkov: fiim, her, it, t/i'in. Povračalnih glagolov v angleškem prav za prav ni: več glagolov toraj, ki so v slovenskem povračalni. ne more se združiti s povračalnim zaimkom v angleškem. X. pr. domišljevati si, to imagine; si misliti, to think; se veselit;, to rejoice; se primeriti, to happen itd. Slovenski: ,s< pravi se v angleškem: our s se/fa) v zvezi z nedoločnim naklonom povračalnih glagolov, 11. pr.todress oik's ■■ rež, pšenico oves, ječmen ali ajdo [buck-wheat] žanjejo I c'Uj so navadno že ob štirih zjutraj na delu [at workj. XXXIII. TValog-a, Trt. The Garden. Cvetica, flower, gredica, flower-bed, cvetlični vrt, flower-garden, kuhinjski vrt, vegetable-garden, vrtnar, gardener, sadni vrt, orchard, drevo, tree, sadno drevo, fruit tree, grmič, grmovje, bush, drevesce, shrub, grmič je, shrubbery, senčnica, arbour, živ plot, hedge, drevored, alley; avenue, rastlinjak, green-house; hot-house, conservatory, lipa, limetree; linden tree, bass-wood, radost, zabava, pleasure, temelj, tla, zemlja, ground, prostor za zabavo, pleasure-ground, » trop, kopica, group, pesek, prod je, gravel, steza, gravel-walk, trata, lawn, grass-plot, pot, road. cesta, high road; street, stanovanje, residence, sprednja stran, front, letni čas, season, poletni čas, summer-season, hrup, divjanje, bustle, radost, delight, popis, baža, descriptions, štev., šfevilo, number, ostanek, rest, sedež, seat, stran, pot, direction, vzrok, razum, reason, red, order, obiskanje, visit, pridobitev, acquisition, viti se, to wind, oplotiti, to enclose, pospeševati, to favour, senčnat, shady, zadaj, za, behind, rasti, to grow, želeti, to desire, ugoden, favorable, popolnoma, completely, premakniti, seliti se, to move, združiti, zjediniti, to connect, nadaljevati, to continue, poskusiti, to try, ležati, stati, to be situated, izdati, potrositi, to lay out, zapomniti si, to remember, odprt, prost, open, čez mero, exceedingly, proč, od, away. o, okolu, nekako, about, od zdaj za naprej, henceforth, do sedaj, hitherto, senca, shade, shadow, na solncu, in the sun. EXERCISE. Dear William, * Most likely you have already heard, that my father has bought a nice house in the country, which henceforth will be our residence during the summer season. We moved into it about a week ago, and all of us are exceedingly glad to be away from the noise of the town. Our greatest delight is the large and beautiful garden, connected with the house, and knowing that you have a nice garden also, and are very fond of it, I shall try and give you a description of ours. Oui' eountrv^seat is situated aside (poleg) the high-road leading tO the little village of N. The house stands a short distance from the road, and a fine, shady avenue, lined with large linden trees, leads from the road, straight (naravnost) up to the entrance (vhod). On one side of the alley is the vegetable garden, on the other side is an orchard vith a great number of fruit-trees. Just (ravno) in front (pred) of the residence there is a neat (mičen) little lawn. Behind the house are the flower garden and the pleasure ground. On one side there is a small conservatory for various flowers, which will not grow in the open air, and the rest is laid out in flower-beds and shrubberies. Beautiful gravel walks wind trough the whole in various directions, leading to arbours and other shady seats, or to flower-beds, or groups of treeg and bushes. The whole grounds are enclosed by a very thick and high hedge. From this short description you will see that we have reasons to be ,. satisfied with our new acquisition. A great many things are not in order yet at present, but, as the gardener is very busy every day, and the weather continues to be favourable, I hope he will soon have finished the most necessary work. Hoping flhat during the next holidays you will favor us with a visit, I remain, my dear friend, Your affectionate iY. iY. VAJA. Ali imate velik sadni vrt? Naka, naš sadni vrt ni prav velik, je pa mnogo izvrstnih sadnih dreves v njem. Imamo jablane, hruške, češnje in češplje in na zidu blizo hiše imamo različne vrste vinskih trt. Naš vrt je jako mičen (has much attraction) za vsakoga, ne le pomladi,'ko cveto cvetice, ampak posebno v jeseni, ko so drevesa s sadjem obložena (loaded, laden). Pred hišo je dolg, senčnat drevored krasnih, slovenskih (slovenic) lip, ki šo nami Slovencem (Sloventzi, Slaves) posebno ljube. Mičnih senč-" nic je blizo stanovanja tudi dokaj, in po letu v vročih dnevih so jako vabljive (inviting). Vaš vrtnar ima celo leto mnogo dela, da vsfe ohrani v dobrem in lepem redu. Glej ga! ravno sedaj obrezuje (cut) male grmiče z ostrim nožem (knife) in tam le je nabral za vašo mater šopke (gathered a bunch of most) prelepih cvetic. XXXIV. >:ilot»M. Cvetičui vrt. The Flower-Garden. listje, foliage, začetek, beginning, tek, lakota, (okus), appetite, kralj, king; kraljica, queen, 9 Snežni zvonček, snowdrop, tulipa, tulip, žefran, crocus, • vijolica, violet,' narcis, narcissus. cvetje, cvet, bloom, blossom, rožmarin, rosemary, očarati, to charm, ovesti, to bloom, to blossom, marjetica, daisy, trobentiea, primrose, hijacint, hyacinth, lilija, lily, klinček, pink, poostriti, liabrusiti, to sharpen, se ve da, of course, vrtnica, rose, španjski bezek. lilac, zakleniti; končati, to close, žalosten, tugepoln, dismal, poln, full, za sedaj, začasno, for the present, vesel, gay, glad, z Bogom, srečno, good-bye, ((Jod be w posestvo, possessi jn, očaran, zamaknjen, charmed, sladek, a, o, sweet, marsikteri, many a (an), i zaželeti (česa), to long after, dospeli, priti, to arrive, pust, zapuščen, barren, ith you), EXUIICIS K. My Dearest Cousin, It is now nearly two months since we have taken possession of our country-seat, and you will very likclv Ion«; to know how we are pleased with our new residence. Well. I can tell you, we are all so much charmed with it. that we cannot understand now, how we could be so happy in town formerly. You know* I was very fond of flowers always, and you can therefore imagine, that our flower-garden is my greatest delight, and that I spend many an hour in it. When we arrived here, (which was in the biginning of April), it was still very cold and barren, and every thing looked dismal; only a few snow drops, violets and primroses had made their appearance. Soon, however, the weather became line and warm, the grass on the lawn and 011 the meadows' began to grow,' the various trees and shrubs received their foliage,and the meadows were clothed with daisies, primroses and other pretty flowers. Our flower-garden has a most charming appearance at present. There are beds of tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, lilies, pinks etc, in it; and soon the rose, thv queen of flowers, will begin to bloom. We generally take our breakfast in the garden in a pretty little arbour, and you can not think how the sweet fresh air sharpens the appetite. The best time for flower are of course spring and summer, but I hope, we shall have some very nice autumn (fall) flowers also. For to day I must close my letter, having still two exercises to write. So, good-bye for the present. Think foiu.lv of Yours .Y. .V. VAJA. Sem slišal (1 was told, I heard,), da imajo tvoji stariši krasen cvetičen vrt blizu mesta. Jaz sem velik prijatelj cvetic. Mi ii dovolite, da Vas enkrat obiščem? Da, da, gospod; pridite kedar vam drago ( when vou like), vsikdar hote prav dobro došli (you shall be always verv welcome). Ktere cvetice imate v vašem vrtu? Imamo ttilipe, vijolice, lilije, zvončke, hi-acinte, klinčke in mnogo mnogo drugih. Je pa še zgodaj v letu; naj več cveti« še ne cvete. Ktere cvetice so že sedaj v cvetju? Le nekoliko spomladanskih, 11. pr. (for example) zvončki, vijolice, ovčice in nekaj družili. Vrtnica je meni najljubša cvetica. Jaz pa imam snežno belo lilijo (snow- — Cm — white) rajše (like better). Vrtnice .nimajo samo krasne barve, am pa k odlikujejo se ravno tako zelo s svojim prijetnim duhom. Prijatelj cvetic, lover of flowers; barva, colour; duh, odor; rajše imeti, to prefer. XXXV, TVnlo««. Kuhinjski vrt. Vegetable-Garden. Šjiargelj, asparagus, redkev, radish, hren, horse-radish, kresa, water-cress, peteršilj, parsley, špinača, spinage, kislica, sorrel, čebulja, onion, poprova meta, mint, gorčica, mustard, topla greda, hotbed, rastlina, plant, vrtnarstvo, gardening, plevel, weed, prostor, .kraj, soba, room, pridelek, product, obresti, zanimanje, interest, reč, zadeva, affair, beseda, word, korist, raba, use, velikost, size, del, portion, zložnost, comfort, ozir, spoštovanje, regard, trud, pains, se potruditi, to take pains, povečati, to enlarge, odgojiti; pridelati, to raise, /vezati, združiti, to annex, poplačati,.to repay, kopati, to dig, kopal, kopan, dug, pognojiti, to manure, sejati, to sow, sejan, obsejan, sown, saditi, to plant, EXERCISE. odstraniti, to remove, zadaviti, zamoriti, to choke, dovoliti, to permit, • združiti, dotikati se, to, join, rasti (vrlo), to thrive, misliti, na; na tem biti, to be going, domač, domestic, resnično, res, truly, izvolitev, choice, lasten, a, o, own, prejšnji, a, e, former, dvoj in, dvojnat, double, osebno, personally, zelo, greatly, dolgo ne, not nearly, tu pa tam, here and then; every now and then, cvetno zelje,eauli flower. 3iv Dear Friend, Knowing, that you always take a great interest in all domestic affairs, you will perhaps be pleased to hear a few words about my vegetable-garden, as it has been greatly enlarged and improved. You know, formerly it was very small and not nearly large enough, to raise all the vegetables, which we want for our own use. A piece of meadow ground which was 011 one side, has been annexed to it, and this has made it more than double its former size. A large portion of it has been laid out in asparagus beds, as we are all very fond of that vegetable. This was connected with great expense, but I hope we shall be repaid in the end. Of course, the greater part is tilled with the more useful products, as peas, beans, turnips, radishes, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower etc., but we still have plenty room for less important things, as parsley, spinage, sorrel, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, cress, mint mustard, horse-radish, etc. All these things,you know,are used every now and then,and it is such a c-oni- fort to liave then) in one's own garden, when they are wanted. Next spring we are going to have some hotbeds, so we may be able to raise any of the choicest plants at any time. The most important thing in gardening is, that the ground is properly dug and manured, that every thing is sown and planted in time, and that the weeds are carfully removed, before they choke the real plants. Our gardener, I am happy to say, has takeu great pains with the garden; hence we see everything thrive nicely. Perhaps you will be able to pay us a visit some of these days; I shall find much pleasure then, in showing you everything perssonally. With bfest regards to yourself and family, Ali imate vrtnarja, ki razume zelenjave dobro odgajati? Da, jaz menim, da on odgojo zelenjav dobro razume; je tudi priden in se mnogo trudi z vrtom. Pridelujete li tudi podzemljice na vrtu? Prav malo; le ne-ktere, ki so zgodaj zrele, zato da nam ni treba novih podzemljic kupovati, ko so še drage. Pridelujemo pa t*rah, repo, korenjčke, špargelje, cvetično zelje, špinaco, redkve,'gorčico in druge take rastline, ki se vsak dan v kuhinji'pri gospodinjstvu (house-keeping) potrebujejo, te hočeš, dati vrt dobr". I am, Yours very truly 1ST. K VAJA. XXXVI. rvalog-a. Sadni vrt. The Orchard. Sliva, plum, češplja prune, breskva pea"h. marelica Aprftot oreh; fiut.' laški oreh, walnut, lešnik, hazelnut, črni lešnik, filbert, jagoda, berry, kosmato gl-ozd^iče, robidnica, blackberry, močvirnica, cranberry, borovnica, blueberry, kostanj, chestnut, lupina, shell, jedro, kernel, peška, stone, peščeno sadje, stone- držati se, trajati, to keep, oskrbovati, to cultivate, brati, to gather, to pluck, pokusiti, to taste, prijeten, agreeable, currant, malnica, raspberry, rude3a jagoda.' sttaw- goosberly, 1 rudeec' grozdjiče, fruit, sadišče, nursery, okus, fiaVour, taste, jablana, apple-tree, hruška, pear- tree, češnja, cherry-tree, cepiti, to graft, roditi, nositi, to bear. pleasant, cenjen, esteemed, kisel, a, o, sour, malo kisel, sourish, zrel, a, o, ripe, mature, clivji, a, e, wild, dragocen, valuable, zmeren, moderate, redkokrat, seldom, znotr.xj,' inside. berry, EXERCISE. Let us go into the orchard. Most of the fruit-trees are in full bloom at present. The orchard therefore presents as pretty a sight as the flower garden. Behind this hedge is the nursery. Fruit-trees are raised from the kernel or from the stone. All young trees must be grafted, if they are to be a good fruit. I hope, We shall have plenty of fruit this year as we have had such a fine spring. Most kinds of fruit are very wholesome if eaten moderately, but only, when quite ripe. Cherries have a very agreeable flavour, and most people are very fond of them. They are among the most esteemed summer fruits. Pears are generally sweet, but apples have mostly a sourish taste. Apples keep longer than pears. Cherries, plums, prunes, peaches and apricots belong to the stone-fruits. Have you any walnut-trees? Yes, Sir, we have a few, only they are quite old and seldom bear much fruit, but there are many hazelnuts and filberts growing near (blizu) our stable (hlev). Hazelnuts generally grow wild in many parts of the country. There are some shrubs, which are nearly as valuable as fruit-trees. Can you mention any fruits that grow on shrubs? Yes Sir, I can. They are the goosberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, and blueberries. Are you not mistaken (se li ne motiš) about one of them? O yes, the strawberries; they do not grow 011 bushes. Blueberries and cranberries are not cultivated in gardens and very seldom are they seen to grow there; they grow wild mostly, and are gathered and sold by poor people. Naša sadna drevesa so pomladi prelepo cvetela, a bojim se, da ue bode mnogo sadja. Kaj je pač vzrok? Meseca maja imeli smo zaporedoma (repeatedly) hudo (heavy) slano in ta je cvetju mnogo škodovala. Iz med vseh sadnih plemen so jabelka pri nas največ vredna, češnje, breskve, marelice, pa različna grozdjiča ljudje mnogo obrajtajo; le škoda je (it is a pity), da to okusno sadje ne obstane dolgo in je zato manj vredno kot jabelka in hruške. Nektera jabelka in nektere hruške drže se celo zimo, ne da bi mnogo gnjile [rot]. Ko smo bili otroci, imeli smo veliko veselje v jeseni, ko smo pobirali o deževnih (rainy) jutrih orehe v cajnice. Tvoj brat znal (could) je naj hitreje (quickest) leteti [run,] in ker je zgodaj vstal, nabral je vsako je3en največ Orehov, lešnikov, borovnic in sladkih (sweet) jagod. Potemlaftervvards] je sadje prodal in si marsikaj prislužil VAJA. [earnt considerably]. XXXVII. Naloga Domače živali. Domestic Animals. m" Žival, animal, beast, tovorna žival, beast ovca. ovce, sheep, jargnje, lamb, koštrun, ram, prešič,pig, kozliček, kid. osel, ass, donkey i of burden, konj, horse, mezeg, mule, podgana, -rat, kobila, mare, žebe, colt, konjiček, pony, goveja živina, cattle, vol, ox, voli, oxen, krava, cow, tele, calf, teleta, calves, junec, steer, bik, bull, voz, cart, lov, chase, hunting, narava, nature, len, idle, lazy, nežen, mehak, tender, varovati, to guard, leteti, to run, svinja, swine, pes, dog, lovski pes, hound, psica, bitch, slut, mačka, cat, mačica, kitten, telica, heifer, ovca [mati |, ewe, hrt, grey-hound, pes stražnik, watchdog, breme, nalog, load, nevarnost, danger, naravno, naturally zvest, faithful, nedolžen, innocent, vdariti, to knock, letel, ran, miš, mouse, miši, mice, griva, mane, kopito, hoof, rog, horn, krempelj, claw, taca, paw, meso, flesh, meat, volna, wool, skrb, care, tovariš, companion, okusen, savoury, nezvest, liinavsk, false, odgojiti, to rear, [rediti,] spremljati, to accompany, kozel, goat. EXERCISE. Domestic animals are most useful to man. Horses draw the plough, cart or carriage and waggons an<# are used also for riding. Donkeys and mules are often used as beasts of burden. They can carry quite-heavy loads, but are less fit for drawing. They cannot run as fast as horses. One of the most useful domestic animals is the cow, for, she gives us milk butter, cheese and meat, which are very important [važen] articles of our food. The flesh of calves [kevs | is called veal. It is not as nourishing as beef, but is more tender, and has a nicer flavour. Oxen, cows, and calves are called cattle. The rearing of cattle is one of the principal occupations of our farmers. Asses and mules are less numerous than horses, in this country. They are not nearly as nice as horses, and are naturally idle, Another very useful animal is the sheep. Sheep give us wool for our "clpthes and very good meat for our table. Sheep flesh" is called mutton. Lambs are pretty and innocent. Pigs are ugly and dirty animals, still they are raised [Vediti ] by farmers with great care, for they give us the savoury meat, called pork, bacon and ham. But in speaking [govoriti] of domestic animals, we must not forget the dog arid the cat. The dog is man's most faithful companion. He guards the house, accompanies the master like a faithful friend and assists him whilst hunting. The cat is useful, also. She rids [oprosti] the house of mice and rats. Pry,vila, 1.) Nekteri samostavniki, ki se z /ali fe končujejo, spreminjajo ti končnici v množnem številu v: res. X. pr. cal/', calrep; wol/, [volk], wolves; lea/, [list], learnt; wi/e [žena], wi/vx; li/e [živenje] M/v-.s. 2.) Množno število nekterih samostavnikov je nepravilno. X. pr. ' man, men; foot, feet; tooth, teeth; ox, oxen; mouse, mice; itd. 3.) Nekaj samostavnikov si je v edinem in množnem številu enakih, N. pr, sheep, ovca; sheep, ovce, swine, svinja; swine, svinje, itd. 4.) Glagoli rabijo mesto samostavnikov, če se jim pribesi končnica: ing. N. pr. Horses arc used for plough?'/?// and rid my. — — z a oranje in jahanje. VAJA. Ktere so naj koristni še domače živali? Naj koristniše domače živali so brez dvoma: konj, krave, ovce, koze in mezgi. Vidim, da imate mnogo konj, kaj pa delate ž njimi? Jahamo jih, peljemo se ž njimi. Gotovo vsi dobro veste, zakaj kmet mnogo krav redi. Naš ovčar [shepherd] pase [herdsJ svoje ovce na visokih planinskih [alpine] senožetih [meadow], Vol-nata obleka je v Ameriki dražji kot v starem kraju. Nektere živali se branijo [defend] z rogovi, nektere z kopiti ali tacami; mačke se branijo s kremplji, pes pa z zobmi. No, sestrica, kaj plačeš, te je mucek opraskal [scratch]? Ta grda, [nasty], hinavska žival! Nikoli več se ne igram z njegovimi tacami. XXXVIII. TValogra. Divje živali (zverine). Wild Animals. Lev, oroslan. lion, lcvinja, lioness, tiger, tiger, leopard, lcpard, panter, panther, slon, elephant, hijena, hyena, volk, wolf, lesica, fox, medved, bear, jazbec, badger, bober, beaver, krt, mole. srna, deer. severni jelen, rfcin-deer, los, elk, kamela, camel, dromedar, dromedary, cebra, zebra, žirafa, giraffe, divja koza, chamois, gazela, gazelle, zajec, hare, domači, zajec, rabbit, surov, rough, pohleven, gentle, krotak, docile, velikansk, enormous, ropna žival, beast of prey, prekanjenost, cunning, volja, temper, [jeza], puščava, desert, reč, namera, object, sprednja noga, forc leg, vroč, hot, divji, ferocious, takojšin, immediate. potrebovati, to need, divji, grozovit, savage, požreti, to devour, v krotiti, to tame, srečno, happily, veverica, squirrel, jelen, stag, odreči, zanikati, to deny, noben, a, o, none, lahko, easily, četironožica, quadruped, krvožejen, blood-thirsty, po pregovoru, proverbial, veličasten, postaven, majestic, bati se, to be afraid; to fear umoriti, to kill, zaradi, for the sake of, takoj, immediately. EXERCISE. Great manv animals live 011 the tlesh of others. They are called beasts of prey. The most ferocious and blood-thirsty among them are: the tiger, the lion, the leopard, the panther, the hyena, the wolf and the hear, Hap* pily, none of them lives in our immediate neighbourhood. The lion has a very majestic appearance and is therefore called the king of animals. He is distinguished by a beautiful mane, an ornament which the lioness has been denied. The tiger is considered to be the most blood-thirsty of all animals, and often kills other animals, simply for the sake of killing them. The elephant is the largest of all quadrupeds, but he is very gentle and docile and is easily tamed. Foxes are proverbial for their cunning and bears for their rough and savage temper. The camels and dromedaries live in hot countries and are of tan called: the ships of the desert. VAJA. Ivako zoveš živali,.ki jih za nošo tovorov rabimo? Zovejo se tovorne živali. Ktere so navadno tovorne živali? Konj, osel in mezeg. Ktere živali se imenujejo ropne? Vse tiste,ki o mesu druzih žive. Imenuj nekaj ropnih živali! Oroslani, tigri, leopardi, hijene, volkovi, medvedje in mnogo drugih se zovejo ropne 'živali. Večina ropnih živali] je za človeka nevarna;naj bolj pa ko so živali lačne. Največja žival,ki na suhi zemlji živi [dry-land] je slon, ki ima največjo' nio? v dolgem rivcii. Skoraj vse divje' živali je moč vkrotiti, če se vjamejo mlade. Nektere živali, čeravno ne domače,so po naravi [nature] krotke in večkrat prav brihtne. Moč, strength; rivec, probo^isis; vjeti, to catch; [caught] vkrotiti, to tame; brihten, smart. Petelin, cock, rooster, kokoš, hen, pšanec, chicken, gos, goose, gosi, geese, raca, duck, puran, turkey, pav, peacock, pavovka, pea-hen, golob, dove, pigeon, papiga, parrot, kanarček, canary, konopljičica, linnet, lišček, gold-tinch, slavec, nightingale, vdeležiti se, to partake, opaziti, to observe, zbrati, zbirati, to.collect, XXXIX. >;il<>i»: Ptiči. The Birds. štorklja, stork, labud, swan, krokar, raven, lastovka, swallow, sraka, magpie, sel Iv 11 i ptič, bird of passage, ptica pevka, singing bird, ptica roparica, bird of prey, perotnica, wing, kljun, beak, bill, krempelj, talon, pero, feather, napravi t i, liapra v 1 j a ti, •to afford, zveseljevati, to delight, poslušati, to listen, gnjezdo, nest, golobnjak, pigeon house, petje, singing, song, tičnica, cage, nebo, sky; nebesa, heaven, veselje, joy, ljubezen, love, nevarnost, [riziko |, risk, čast, veličastvo, dignity, okusen, sladen, delicious, žlahten, noble, materinsk, maternal, pokvecen, crooked, okoli koracati, to strut about, žvrgoleti, ltd warble. zaradi, on account of, okoli, around, po, za, after, kedar koli, whenever, ser, vulture, perje, plumage, jastreb, hawk. jajce, egg. sova, owl, EXER (7 SE. Some birds live in the house of men, such as roosters and hens, geese, ducks, pigeons, turkeys, peacocks etc. These are therefore called domestic birds. Some birds have a very gay and beautiful plumage. The rooster is a noble animal and strusts about with great dignity. A hen is the very (prava) picture of maternal love; whenever she observes a danger for her chickens, she collects them under her wings, and defends them.at the risk of her own life-. There is one kind of birds which afford us very much pleasure, especially in summer. These are the singing birds. Who is not delighted with the warbling of-the lark early in the morning or late in the evening? who does not listen, after a long and dreary winter, with joy to her song, when she rises.towards the lofty sky? VAJA. Ktere ptice se zovejo domače? Tiste, ki v hišah ljudi bivajo. Kdo iz-mej vas mi bo nektere imenoval? .Jaz; k domačim ptičim prištevamo petelina, kokoši, race, gosi, pure, pave in golobe. Samci imajo večjide] lepše perje kot samice, so pa samice koristniše, ker nam dajejo jajca, ki so dobra in tečna (nourishing). Ktere ptice se imenujejo selivrie? Vse tiste ki le po letu pri nas bivajo in v jeseni, ko se začne marz, odletc v topleje dežele. Ktere ptice "zo vete roparice? Tiste, ki žive o mesu družili ptic, ali druzih malih živalic. Izmej vseh ptic napravljajo nam ptice pevke največ veselja. Mnogo ptic pevk imajo ljudje v kletkah, 11. pr. slavca, kanarčke, ščinkovce (finch) itd. Vzgled, instance, example; samec, male; samica, female; za vzgled. 11a primer, for instance; for example: prištevati k čem, to number among: izmej, from among. Vender, še. yet, navidez, seemingly, akoravno, although, škodljiv, injurious, vendar, however, podučen, instructive žvrgok-nje, warbling, vstati, to rise, proti, towards, kjer koli, wherever. veseliti se, to rejoice, zaničevali, to despise, siten, a, o, troublesome. X L, s« lom-«. Golazen ji) Črvi. Reptiles ami Worms. Zelva, turtle,' tortoise, vgriz, bite,: 'bolha, flea," zel vina j iiba, turtle smrt, death, ' dvom, doubt, • .soup, ■ ' prenehati, to cease. nš, lohse, lupina, shell, odreči, to refuse, stanica,, bed-bugs, rg Žeivovhiii, tortoise shell, kušar,gaščariea, lizan krokodil, crocodile, kameleon, chameleon, kača, serpent, gad, adder, kača ropotača, rattle snake, velikanska kača, boa constrictor, žaba, frog, zelena žabica, tree frog; green frog, krastača, toad, močerad, salamander, žužek, beetle, hrošč, cockroach, vgrizniti. to bite, vzročiti, to cause, uiušica, ghat, dvoživke, amphibia, hrbet, back, preskrbeti, to filrnish, obstati iz, to consist of, kresnica, glow worm, božji volek, ladv-bird, čbela, bee, matica, queen-bee* čbela delavka, working- bee, trot, drone, roj, swarm, cbelni panj, bee-hive, čnirl, bumble-bee, osa, wasp, sršen, hornet, mravlja, ant, gosenica, catterpilI a r, metulj, butterfly, sviloprejka, silkworm, molj, moth, muha, fly, zemlja, dežela, land, ljudje, folks, zbirka, collection. kobilica, grass hoppei', -muren, cricket, pajek, spider, polž, snail, neškodljiv, ha miles, zajesti, vžiten. eatable, tako /.van, so called, strupen, poisonous, varčen, careful, zanimiv, interesting, enak, podoben,similar, polžova hiša. snail shell, ostriga, oyster, stvar, creature, želo, sting, med, honey, osek, wax, dvoživka, amphihium, brez dvoma, no doubt, muhast, whimsical, muha, volja, whim, ljudje, people. EXEUClsi:. There arc perhaps, few animals which are more feared and despised than snakes and yet some of them are entirely harmless. Some snakes, however, are very poisonous and their bite will cause- death. The most poisonous snake in our old country is the adder. Among the largest snakes are the rattles snake and the boa-constrictor. Beetles are very numerous, and a collection of beetles is geuerallv very interesting and instructive for children. The most, useful insects are, 110 doubt, the bee and the silk-worm. What would people, and particularly the little folks,say, if the bee would cease to gather honey from the flowers? And what faces would the ladies make, if the silk-worm would refuse to furnish them with material of which they make their most beautiful dresses! Well, I hope, said Miry, they will never get such whims into their heads. Butter-flies are innocent and harmless creatures. Their wings arc generally pretty, aiid therefore they are mostly great favorites with Children. VAJA. Kačji vgriz vzroči včasih smrt. V Ameriki imamo mnogo velikih iu zelo strupenih kač,- ki so v starem kraju popolnoma (entirely) neznane. Želve so ostudne živali; so pa 11a različne načine koristne. Iz njihovega meša napravi kuharica (cook) tako zvaiio, prav okusno želvino juho. Žel-vin hrbet je pokrit sprav trdo lusko iz ktere delamo glavnike in mnogo druzih koristmli reči. Si ii 2e videl Mk (a) čbelen roj? Čbelen Voj otnsroji iz matice, nekaj trotov in iz večega števila čbel delavk. Mnogo otrok ima sviloprejke za zabavo (passtime),in prav zanimivo je gledati kako predejo fjvoje zaprejke, iz katerih prileze čez nekaj časa metulj. način, way, zaprejek, cocoon, prilezti, to creep out of, korist, use, presti, to spin. okusen, tasty. Losos, salmon, karp, carp, ščuka, pike, postrv, trout, jegulja, eel, linjak, tench, belica, whiting, kambala, flounder, največji kambala, turbot, morski jezik, sole, sardina, sardine, sardela, sardel, seč (arnik), herring, povojeni arnik, red herring, ostriž, perch, polenovka. codfish. X.LI- Naloga. Ribe. The Fish. valmja, haddock, golup, lamprey, makrela, mackerel, morski volk, shark, som, whale, morska riba, sea-tish, rečna riba, river-tish, riba iz sladke vode, sweet water fish, kost, bone, luska, scale, škrga, gill, pokrovec, gill-cover, plavuta, fin, kri, blood, ribja mast, train oil. ribnjak, fish-pond, EXERCISE. mreža, net, trnek, angle, fish-hook, ribič, fisherman, sesalke, mammalia, požrešen, voracious, poseben, special, debel, masten, fat, kalen, mavtast, • muddy, dihati, to breathe, osoliti, to salt, kaditi, to smoke, vjeti, loviti, to catch, lovil, vjel, caught, s, z; s pomočjo. by means, žaba. frog. - All fish live in water. They have red, cold blood, breathe through gills in their necks, and are covered with scales, mostly. Some fish live in the sea, and are therefore called sea-fish; others live in rivers, lakes, and ponds, and are called river fish or fresh water fish. The most valuable sea fish are the lamprey, mackerel, turbot, sole, flounder, cod, haddock, etc. To the fresh water'fish belong the pike, eel, carp, salmon, tench, trout and many others. Trout lives only in clear, cold water. Its flesh is most tasty, very tender and nourishing. The most voracious of all fish is the shark. Although whales have the appearance of fish, they do not belong to the class of fishes but to the mammalia. They are about the largest of all known animals. The v are not eatable, but they give us valuable train - VAJA. Ktere ribe se imenujejo morske ribe? Vse ribe, ki žive v morji navadno, Tn ktere se zovejo rečne ribe? Vse tiste, ki žive navadno v rekah, I >0 toe i h (brook, creek), ribnjakih in jezerih. Ovi stari mož, ki ga tam le (yonder) iz cerkve priti vidiš, je ribič Šimen (Simon). Pri nas v Ameriki sme (can) vsakdo loviti ribe, koder se mu zljubi (wherever he likes). Morske ribe se love navadno v velike mreže, Tudi v naših velikanskih (vast) jezerih, posebno v Gornjem in Mišiganskem,love ribiči brezštevilno (numberless) ril) v mreže. Ščuke so jako požrešne in zovejo se večkrat rečni volkovi. Naj boljši postrvi našel sem v malem potoku blizu sosedove hiše. stanišče, abode; za kratek čas, for pass-time; oddaljen, remote. XI jII. TV« log'a. Rmluine. Minerals. Ruda, metal, zlato, gold, srebro, silver, platina, platinum, železo, iron, lito železo, cast-iron, jeklo, steel, magnet, magnet; load-stone, surovo železo, pig-iron, ruda, (surova),, ore, baker, copper, demant, diamond, rudnik, mine, rudar, miner, kraljestvo, king-doom, zemlja, earth, svet. world, gorat, montainous. tekoč, tekočina, liquid,. mešati, zmešati, to mix, rijati, to rust, pripraviti zakaj, .- to-adapt. mod, musing, brass, cink, zine, tin, kositar. pewter, tompak, tombac, bronec, bronze, živo srebro, mercury, arsenik, arsenic, žveplo, sulphur, brimstone, jantar, amber, solitar, saltpeter, gora, mountain, ravnina, plain, hrib, hill, hribček, hillock, snov, substance, denar, money, čist, pure, /.gorljiv, combustible, imenovati, to name, topiti, to melt, enako, likewise, kristal, crystal, granit, granite, kremen. Hint, svinec, lead, mramor, marble, apno, lime, kreda, chalk, smo'a. pitch, tar, oglje, coal, char-coal, premog, coal, šota, turf, dragoceni kamen, previous stone, različne vrste, variety, zeleni volk, verdigris, del, kos, oddelek, ingredient, kmetovanje, poljedelstvo, agriculture, mokrota, damp, dampness, smodnik, gun-powder, nečist, unclean, zapopasti, to include, razpostaviti, to expose, zaroditi. nastati, to engender, mej tem ko. meanwhile. h'XKJiVlSK The mineral kingdom includes the different kinds of earth, metals, and stones. Metals are found mostly in mountains-.the places from which i hey are dug are called mines, and the men who dig them, miners. Metals are seldom found pure, they are generally mixed with some other subs, lances. Whilst in this state, they are named ore. Gold and silver are pre. eioiis metals and are more valuable than any of the others. They are used for money and a great variety of ornaments. Platinum is the heaviest of all metals, but it is used mostly for chemical (kemičen) instruments only. No metal is as valuable, however, as iron, for all our various tools and instruments and dishes are made either (ali) entirely (popolnoma) or at least partly out of this metal. Copper is likewise very useful. It very easily engenders verdigris, however, and that is very poisonous. Mercury (quick-silver) is the only metal which is found in a liquid state. Lead, tin and pewter are much softer than iron and copper and can easily be melted. Some minerals are combustible, as sulphur, amber, coal, turf and even the diamond, the most precious one of all stones. Among the most useful stones are numbered (se prištevajo) the granite, marble, flint, chalk, lime and others. Mountainous countries are generally rich in minerals, and plains are usually adapted for agriculture. VAJA. i Rudnine ločijo se v žlahtne in nežlahtne. Li veš, zakaj se rabita zlato in srebro in včasih tudi baker? Iz teh treh reči delamo denar in več reči za lišp. Zlato je najdražje izmed vseh rudnin, in demant je najtrši in naj dražji izmej vseh kamenov. Nekteri rudniki so jako globoki in večkrat je prav nevarno vanje iti. Rudarjevo živenje je težavno in gotovo mu ga ni zavidati (he is certainly not to bs en vie.I for it). Nektere rudnine se morejo sežgati, 11. pr. žveplo, pren.og itd.; druge morejo se le topiti. VSe nežlahtne rudnine postanejo rijaste (rust) če so mokroti izpostavljene. Na bakru prikaže se rad zeleni volk: zeleni volk je prav hud strup, in zato so bakrene kuhinjske posode večkrat lahko prav nevarne. X LTI1. ss! <>s>s 1. Zemljepisna imena. Geographical Names. Evropa, Europe, Evropejec, European, evropejsk, european. Azija, Asia, Afrika, Africa. Amerika. America, Amerikanec, American. Avstralija, Australia,, zemeljska celota. continent, otok, island, polotok, peninsula, nos, rama cape. Avstrija, Austria. Avstrijan. Austrian, španjsk. spanisli. Portugalsko, Portugal. Port liga le c Port ugu ese, Laško, Italy Lah. Italian Švica, Switzerland. Švicar, Swi^s Urško, Greece (irk, (ireek Turčija Turkey, Turčin Turk ()grsko 1111 ngary, Ogr, Hungarian. Rusko, Russian. Rus. Russian, Parsko, Bavaria, Saksonsko. Saxony, • Svabsko, Wiirtemberg, 1 lanoveransko Hanover. D.insko Denmark. Danec Dane Xorvfe&ija. N or way. Norvež, Norwegian. Švedsko, Sweeden. • >ved S weed, rojstni kraj native' Country, morje, ocean, atlantsko morje, Atlantic, Angleško, England, anglešk, english, Anglež, Englishmam, Francosko, France, francosk, french, Francoz, Frenchman, Nemčija, Germany, Nemec, German, nemšk, german, Britanija, Great Britain, Skočija, Scotland, Irsko, Ireland, Irec, Irishman, irsk, irish, Holandsko, Holland, Holandež, Dutchman, cesarstvo, empire, središče, centre, nastati, to rise, Belgija, Belgium, Spanjsko, Spain, Spanjol. Spaniard, Prusko, Prusia,' Poljsko, Poland, Poljak, Pole, Češko", Bohemia, Celi, Bohemian, Bolgarsko, Bulgaria. Srbija, Servia, Kranjsko, Carniola Koroško, Carinthia, Štajersko, Styria, Slovenec, Slovenetz, Slovenci, Sloventzi. jezik, language; tongue, obdati, to surround, teči, to flow, slovensk, slovenic. Slavjan, Slave, Slavonian, slavjansk, slavic, Slavonian, Hrvaško, Croatia, EXERCISE. tiho morje, Pacific ocean, indijansko morje, Indian ocean, ledeno morje, Arctic ocean, južno ledeno morje, Antarctic ocean, Sredno morje, Mediterranean, rojenec, rojen, native, severno morje. Baltic sea, Rena, Rhine, Donava, Danube. Sava, Sain zavit v temo. Kako nastane meseccv mrk? Mesecev mrk natftanč,' ce btoji zemlja ravno mej solncem in mesecem, in tako mesec pokrije s Jemo,. Ivo., postanejo oblaki temni iii težki, gre navadno dež'fit rains). Mavrica nam navadno lepo, solneno (sunney) vreme oznanuje (announce). Megla je vselej ]>rav neprijetna in nikomur draga. Posebnost, peculiarity; prebivati, to inhabit; nastati, vstati, to arise; stopiti, to step. -t r-n r li DRUGI ODDELEK. (Elementarna §lovnica. XLY. Naloga. Člen. The Article. 1. The eye of the master will do more work than both of his hands. The first step towards virtue is to love virtue in others. The head is the principal part of the human body. A fool (norec) and his money are soon parted. Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. If an ass is travelling, he will not come home a horse. A contented mind and a good conscience will make a man happy in any conditio::. •2. My brother has bought a house with a large garden. A selfish man meets with no assistance in time of need. A cheerful mind is the best preserver of health. A light purse usually makes a heavy heart. A useful book is of greater value, than a shining dress. A once beloved friend, often becomes an enemy. An ounce (unea) of sense is more valuable then a heap of money. :i. Wine is a turncoat: first a friend and then an enemy. A beggar asked an alms of a gentleman. Young people should become an ornament to their country. Many an honest man stands in need of help and has not the face to ask it. Learning is wealth to the poor, an honor to the rich, a support and comfort to an old man. Stopnja, steji, norec, bedak, fool, tat, thief, duh, sej'ce, mind, vest, conscience, pomoč, help, assistance, podpora, support, lažnik, liar, srce, heart, pomoček, means, veternik, nezanesljiv človek, turn coat, bogastvo, wealth, riehess, ptuj, foreign, mošnja, parse, vino, wine, berač, beggar, gospod, gentleman, milodar, alms, obraz; drznost, face, učenost, learning, čast, honor, starost, old age, pošten, honest, ljubljen, beloved, ločiti se, to part, srečati, to meet with, potreba, need, ohranitelj, varuh, preserver, nezadovoljen, dissatisfied, svetleč, shining, zameniti, to exchange, se potruditi, to endeavour, povest, nadstropje, story, Pravila. samopašen, selfish, zavadovoljen, contented, ljubiti, to love, prašati, to ask, oba, e, both, zgodovinar, historian, zgodovinsk, historical. JJilo je že omenjeno, tla ima angleški jezik dvojen člen, določen in nedoločen. Določni člen zaznamuj a zmiraj določno reč in je vedno: the; nedoločni zaznamnja kako nedoločno reč ali bitje iz množine reci ali bitij. Pred soglasniki je vedno: a; pred samoglasniki (pred besedami, ki se sicer s samoglasniki začno, se pa pred začetnim samoglasnikom vendar kaki soglasnik zgovori, stoji n in ne mi) in ovimi soglasniki,ki se ne izgovore je vedno: an. X. pr. a man; a Kvropean; ne jeden, not a one; ne enkrat ne, not a once; an hour, an honesty neighbour. Nekaj pravil za skladajo. 1. Osebek stoji vedno pred doporednikom. N. pr. This book is interesting. The dog is a domestic animal. The child is playing. Akoravno se v slovenskem beset e drugače postavijo, ostane besedni red v angleškem zmiraj po gornjem pravilu. •>. Predmet je (dopolnilo) stoji za dopovednikom, toraj za glagolom ali prilogom, h kateremu sliši. N. pr. I learn the english language. I read your brother's letter. T write a letter to my aunt. — Toraj ne kot v slovenskem, n. pr. I the english language learn. This news will be very a grecable to your parents. We expected to see an eagle. Prtslovni doloeki nesniejo stati mej pripovednikom in njegovim pred-metjcm. X. pr. I generally learn my lesson in the evening; in ne: I learn generally in the evening my lessons. Prireija, ki splošno določbo časa zaznamovajo, kot: always, never, sometimes, itd. stoje navadno pretl osebnimi glagoli. X. pr. I never sleep in day time. Cabbage seldom grows in our garden. Pri zloženih časih stojijo prirečja navadno za pomožnim (prvim) glagolom; toraj med pomožnim in glavnim glagolom. X. pr. I have never seen a negro. They would never have expected such an answer. EXERCISE. The Insolent Beggars. A limping beggar once asketl an aged nobleman for an alms. The nobleman had compassion on his misery and gave him a gold-piece. Sir, said a stranger,who seemed to have come from an opposite direction, you are too kind in giving money to this rascal; he is a confounded rogue, who dissembles only, to abuse the kindness of others. The fellow is as straight as you, or I. Give me, if you please, your cane for a moment, I shall immediately convince you of the truth of what I say. So saying, he took the nobleman's cane, which had a golden nob and attacked the pretended cripple, who, at once, made his escape. In a few minutes both were gone out of sight, and the unsuspecting nobleman is still waiting for his cane. Insolent, nesramen, beggars, berači, stranger, ptujec, rogue, zrel ptič. poredne/, fellow, fante; potepin, truth, resnica, pretended, lažnjiv, to make one's escape, se pobrati; pokazati pete, to wait, čakati, nobleman, žlahtnik, at once, takoj, naenkrat, aged, postaren. star, rascal, malopridnež, slepar, to dissemble, hlinit se, immediately, takoj, knob, bunčica, glavica, limping, hrom, VAJA. cripple, pokveka, compassion, sočutje, gold-piece, zlat, cane, palica za šetanje, confounded, presnet, to abuse, zlorabiti, to convince, prepričati, to attack, napasti, escape, yjitje, sight, vid, obzor. Odgovori mi angleško na sledeča vprašanja. Kaj sta storila berača, o katerih pripoveduje naša povest? Kaj pa žlahtnik? Zakaj je dal žlahtnik enemu beračev nekaj denarja? Kaj se je zgodilo takoj potem, ko je bil žlahtnik beraču denar dal? Kaj je ptujec o prvem beraču rekel? Kaj je hotel od žlahtnika? Zakaj je hotel žlahtnikovo palica? Kaj je storil, ko je bil palico dobil? Strijce in tete imamo. Stanujejo na deželi eno uro od mesta lan hour's walk from i. Jih li večkrat (many times) obiščeš? O počitnicah jih obiščeni vsakikrat. Prihodnje počitnice bom jih tudi jaz obiskal. Tu na cesti je ubogi berač. Gotovo je prav žejen in lačen.Daj mu kaj vbogaime ; an alms). Tam-le je novi dežnik; je li tvoj? Ne, moj ni; menim, da je (it belongs) mojega brata. Poštenega človeka vsakdo spoštuje. Ali vi še vedno v go-stilnici stanujete? Ne, začasno stanujemo v neki privatni lfiši. Risanje je koristno opravilo. Vsaki teden imamo dve uri za risanje. Prihodnji, next; future, žejen, thirsty, skoraj, gotovo, most likely, lačen, hungry, gostilnica, hotel, dežnik, umbrella, privaten, private, spoštovati, to esteem, risanje, drawing. X. I j1. Naloga. Ime (rečnik). The Substantive. Število. Number. Step, stopinja, way. pot, steps, stopinje, wavs, pota. The first, step towards a good name is good behaviour. A sluggard is often obliged to take a hundred steps, because he was not willing to take one in time. Where, there is a will, there is a way. There are many ways lead to Rome (Rim). Birds of one feather, flock together. Watch, žepna ura, glass, steklo, kozarec, tlish, posoda, box, zaboj, watches, žepne ure, glasses, kozarci, dishes posode, boxes, zaboji. Before watches were invented, men had to tell the time by the position oHhe sun.I drink this glass to the health of our absent friend. The fox is proverbial for his cunning. Are there many foxes in this part of the country? Not very many. Echo, jek, cargo, naklad, folio, knjiga, echoes, jeki, cargoes, nakladanje (ladij), folios, knjige (velike). There is an echo in a part of this forest which repeats any sound six times. A great number of negroes were slaves. When the vessels have taken their cargoes, they will sail off immediately. There are few folios in this library. Spy, ogleduli, spies, ogh-duhi, country, dežela, countries, dežele, valley, dolina, valleys, doline. Spies, when caught (vjet), are generally hanged, like dogs. Switzerland is out of the most picturesqu j countries in the world. Many of its mountains are barren, and covered with perpetual snow; but most of its valleys are fertile and beautiful. Leaf, list; pero, knife, nož, leaves, listje; listi, knives, noži. When we passed through the forest, it was so calm that scarcely a leaf on the trees was stirring. The leaves are beginning to drop off the trees; fall is approaching. The flesh of calves is called veal. There are many more dwarfs than giants. Behaviour, obnašanje, zadržanje, sluggard, lenuh, will, volja, industry, marljivost, obrtnija, sound, glas, slave, suženj, crew, četa,' modern, novmarsk, spot, kraj, mesto, dwarf, pritlikavec, giant, velikan, orjak, worth, vreden, ingenious, bistroumen, absent, nenavzoč, hostile, sovražen, fertile, rodoviten, to drop, vreči; pustiti pasti, 'to save, rešiti, to repeat ponavljati, to detect, odkriti, to shoot, ustreliti, streljati, to put to death, usmrtiti, octavo, zvezek v picturesque, sličen, osmerki, eternal, večen, camp, ležišče, šatorje, calm, tih, miren, negro, zamorec, to invent, znajti, together, skup, to flock together, skupaj, zbirati se, to hang, obesti, shot, ustrelil, ustreljen, to pass, memo iti; prebiti, hundred, sto, to approach, bližati se. Pravila. 1. Množno število samostalnikov se navadno napravi j a, če se pri-besi edinemu številu končnica: s. X. pr. chair, chairs; window, windows. i. Samostalniki, ki se s šumevci: ch, s/i, ss ali x končujejo, imajo v množnem številu končnico: es. X. pr. church, churches; dress dresses itd. Kedar se ch kot k izgovori, ni šumevec in besedi se vmnož. štev. pri-besi samo: s. X. pr. monarch, vladar; monarchs, vladarji. 3. Samostalniki, ki se z o končujejo, pred kterimi stoji soglasnik, imajo v množ. štev. končnico: es; če stoji pred končnim o samoglasnik, je njihova končnica v množ. štev. sam: s. X. pr. negro, negroes; folio, folios. Izjeme: Besede: quarto, octavo, solo (samospev) imajo vmnož. štev. le s. X. pr. quartos, solos, itd. 4. Samostalniki na t/ končujejo spreminjajo//, če stoji prednjim kak soglasnik v množ. štev. v ies. Če pa pred konečnim i/ stoji kak samoglasnik, ne spremeni se >/ v množ. štev., ampak pridene se besedi samo: s. X. pr. lady, ladies, boy, boys. 3. Samostalniki na t/'in/e, spreminjajo te končnice v množ. številu v: ves. X. pr. wolf, woh'es; life, liees; wife, (žena, soproga), wir- ,', Pravilno napravlja se množ. štev. pri besedah, ki se na Jf končujejo in oof, X. pr. stuff, stuffs proof, proofs; dokaz, dokazi, itd. Kavni« tako tudi naslednji samostalniki: Chief, glavar, relief, lajšanje, pomoč, wharf, ladijodeluica, handkerchief, žepna strife, prepiranje, gulf, zaliv, rata, dwarf, pritlikavec, fife, piščalka, grief, tuga, žalost. Izjema: staff, palica; podpora, slaves, palice. To attract, privabiti, forward, naprej, to pursue, slediti; preganjati, to snatch, od-iztrgati, to surprise, iznenaditi, to crush, zdrobiti; zmečkati, to feed, krmiti, jesti, to die, umreti, fed, hranjen, to address, nasloviti; nagovoriti, to secure, zagotoviti si kaj, following, nasledenj; sledeč, to rest, počiti, počivati, manner, način; obnašanje, branch, veja, vain, zastonj sk; nečimern, myrtle, mirta, pursuit, sledenje; preganjanje, price, cena, painted, naslikan; pobarvan, at kng'th, slednjič, to obtain, dobiti; doseči, to cscape, uiti, ■ sorrowful, žalosten; pobit, to bum", pokopali, cup, sklediaa, čaša, to rush, dirjati, to repent, skesati se; žal biti, repenting, kesajoč, at length, slednjič. VAJA. 1. Konji in krave so najkoristniše sesalke. Levi, tigri in pantri spadajo k spcJlu mačke. Bučele so brez dvoma najkoristniše žuželke. Dolžnost vladarjev je, srečo svojih podložnih pospeševati. •>. Večjidel (most of the) cerkva v mestu je prav starih. Lisice odlikujejo se s prekanjenostjo. Večjidel ptičev nareja svoja gnjezda na drevesih ali v grmeh. Liščki imajo prav lepo perje. Most čez reko ima pet obokov. Na ladijah videti je večkrat zamorce. V gozdih in goratih krajih so večkrat jeki, ki glas mnogokrat ponavljajo.Krompir je prišel najprvo iz Amerike, sedaj pa se sadi v vseh deželah. 4. Češnje se prištevajo koščenemu sadju. Mi imamo veliko vsakovrstnih jagod. Po zimi so dnevi kratki in noči dolge; po leti je ravno nasprotno. Srečni ljudje imajo navadno mnogo prijateljev; večkrat pa tudi mnogo sovražnikov. 5. Kupiti moramo nekaj nožev in vilic. Mnogo mornarjev je zgubilo življenje (limož. štev.); njih žene in otroci so sedaj v veliki potrebi (want). Listje grmov in dreves se že rumeni, videti je (one can see), da bo skoraj (soon) jesen. Tatje in drugi hudobni ljudje se strogo (severely) kaznujejo. Brati, to gather, med,honey, različen, various, čbelni panj, bee-hive, žveplenka, match, gorski kraj, mountainous country, nadlega, distress, dolžnost, duty, blagostanje, welfare, pospeševati, to promote, podložnik, subject, prekanjenost, cunning, saditi, to plant, rastlina, plant, hudoben, wicked, perje, plumage, obok, arch, most, bridge, zaboj, box, gozd, forest, odličen, determined, ljudje, people; folks, južen, southern, prejeti, to receive, obdelovati, saditi, to cultivate, domačija, native country, glas, voice; tone, tat, thief, postati, to become, ploščast. Hat. II. rValog'a. Nepravilna ninožna števila. Irregular Plurals. Man, mož; človek, woman, žena, child, otrok, foot, noga, tooth, zob, men, možje, ljudje, women, žene, childern, otroci, feet, noge, teeth, zobje, goose, gos, mouse, miš, louse, lis, ox, vol, sheep, ovca, gees, gosi, mice, miši, lice, uši, oxen, voli, sheep, ovce. Englishman, Anglež, Englishmen, Angležje, Dutchman, Holandec, Dutchmen, Holandci, statesman, državnik, statesmen, državniki, Irishman, Irec, Irishmen, Irci, workman, delavec, Scotchman, Škot, Scotchmen, Škotje, workmen, delavci. EX'Ell ('ISE. Selfish men meet with 110 asistance in time of need. Wine has drowned more men then water. Xo man should be both accuser and judge. Frailty! thy name is woman. The more women look in to their glasses, the less they look to their homes. Geese have very valuable feathers. Small feet are considered pretty. Teeth are often spoiled by taking food to hot or too cold. The cat is the greatest enemy of mice. In some countries people use oxen to draw the plough. Sheep are amongst the most useful domestic animals. The French and the English have often been at war with each other. We met Frenchmen and Irishmen on our journey. The Dutch are renowned for their cleanliness. Our workmen receive their wages everv Saturday. To drown, vtoniti, vtopiti, accuser, tožnik, judge sodnik, frailty, slabotnost, omahljivost, glass, ogledalo, factory, tovarna, to employ, rabiti koga, prone, nagnjen, to avenge, maščevati, injury, krivica, stupid, neroden, trd, to indicate, naznanjati, silly, aboten, neumen, watery, voden, vodnat, to injure, škodovati, po-, hollow, votel, to ache, boleti. cold, prelilajenje. to catch cold, prehladiti se, to draw out, izvleči, the French, Francozi, the English, Angleži, the Irish, Irci, the Dutch, Ilolandci, the Scotch, Škoti, to be at war, vojskovati se, renowned, sloveč, znamenit, cleanliness, snažnost, passenger, potovalec, wages, plača, zaslužek. 1 Irsi vil«. 1. Samostalniki, zloženi iz dveh besed, kterih zadnja je: mnn, spreminjajo to besedo v množ. štev. v: nun. X. pr. English-man. Englishmen, itd. l'. Če pa samostalniki niso zloženi, temveč se le tako z man končujejo, je njihovo množ. štev. pravilno. X. pr. German, Nemec; Germans, Nemci; Roman, Rimljan; Romans, Rimei, itd. Opomba. Besede: French, Francozi, the English, Angleži, the Irish, Irci, itd. zaznamujejo celi narod; Frenchman, itd. zaznamuje le eno osebo in Frenchman, več posameznih oseb izmed naroda. Dialect, narečje^ understood, razumel — en, tO help, pomagati, wharf, pristanišče, " tO Understand, razumeti, native tongue, m'ateriii jezik, — Si) - emigrant, izselnik, to land, iti na suho, to step forward, naprej stopiti, to express, izraziti, surprise, iznenadenje, civility, uljudnost, to reply, odgovoriti, in Irish, po irsko, to astonish, osupniti. EXER C I SE. The Irish Negro. A negro who spoke the Irish dialect was 011 the wharf of Philadelphia, when a number of irish emigrants were landed; and seeing one of them with a wife and several small childern, he stepped forward to help the family ashore. The Irishman in his native brogue, expressed his surprise at the civility of the negro; the negro who understood what had been said, replied in the same brogue, that he need not be astonished, for. he was a bit of an Irishman himself. The Irishman surprised to hear a black man speak his dialect, thought he was really irish, but that, the climate had changed his color. ,,If I may be so bold, Sir", said he, ,,may I ask. how long have you been in this country"? The negro who had come hither on a voyage,only, said he had been in Philadelphia about four months. Poor Patrick, (the general name, or nickname for Irishmen) turned round to his wife and children, and looking as if for the last time 011 their rosy cheeks, exclaimed: O, merciful power! Biddy, did you hear that? He has not been in this country more than four months, and is as black as jet already. Bit, nekoliko; košček, general, splošen; power, moč, (nebo), reallv, res; resnično, navaden, finally, slednjič; climate, ozračje, nickname, priimek, konečno, podnebje, to turn round, okoli se Biddy, Brigitica, obrniti, rosy, cvetoč! rožnat, to exclaim, vskliknjti, merciful, usmiljen, fate, osoda. bold, drzen, hither, tukai sem, semkaj, voyage, potovanje, reply, odgovor, jet, 0glj<'- t reat me nt. ra v nan j e, remark, opomba; opazka, notion misel; muha. 'A./A. M nogo ubogih mož, žen in otrok smo srečali (met) na cesti. Race in nosi imajo plavute 11:1 nogah. Poglavitna hrana mačkov obstoji iz miš in podgan. Miši se love v mišnice. Moja sestra ima votel zob, ki jo mnogokrat zelo boli. Prvi zobje se imenujejo mlečniki. Meso volov in krav zovemo goveje meso, meso ovac zove se drobuično meso. Una ladija, ki je tam-le v pristanu, pojde prihodnji teden z izselniki v Ameriko. Med njimi so ljudje vseh narodov; vocii'del pa do Nemci, Irci. Francozi in Škotje; le malo je Slovanov. Srečati, to meet with, zarad, on account of. (met), staden, delicious, niisnica, mouse-trap, zob'ob'olj t'do'th-a'che, 12 — SHI — blizo, near, posebno, principally, lioteti; želeti, to wish, obstati; biti iz, plavuta, web, to consist of, narod, nation, pristan, harbour. uzrooiti, totalise, mleenik, milk-tooth le malo, only a few. XLYIII. >si!<>i>st. Samostalniki s dvojnim množnim številom. Brother, brat; množ. štev. Penny, vinar, ,, ,, jjje \ denarni štempelj, j ; I kocka, \ " Pea, grah, ,, .-, I bratje (telesni), brothers, I sobratje, brethren, I pennies, posamezni vinarji, I pence, vinarji, za naznanje veljave, \ dies, denarni štempeljni; koleki, I dice, kocke, I peas, grah, (posamezna zrnja), / pease, grah, (skupščina, kot' pridelek). EXERCISE. The Christian religion tells us that, all men are brethren. We should be kind to every one, particularly to our own brothers and sisters My Cousin has two english pennies in his collection of coins. What did yo'u pay for this copy-book? This small one costs one penny, ;;ad the other ol two pence. Never venture your whole fortune 011 the cast of a die. The best throw of the dice is to throw them into the sea. The child was nearly choked, by sv allowing a few peas. The greater part of our vegetable garden is planted with pease. Religion, vera, coin, denar, collection, zbirka, fortune, premoženje, simplicity, priprostost, novel, nov; novela, writer, pisar; zlagalee, to bless, blagosloviti, obstacle, zadržek, cast; throw, met, vreči, christian, kristjansk, cost, veljal; stal, to coin; delati denar, to reward, poplačati, shilling, šiling, (denar), your Honor, Vaša milost, (čast), to mean, meniti, to venture, drzniti; upati, to prohibit, prepovedati, to cost, veljati; stati, to swallow, pogoltniti, to play, dice, igrati s kockami, to mind, vedeti; pomniti, to owe, dolžan biti. God, Bog, till, untill. do, dokler, mean, zlovoljen; grd, podel. VAJA. .Jaz imam tri angleške vinarje, bi jih li rad imel za tvojo denarno zbirko? Kocke so navadno narejene ;made) iz (of) slonove kosti Novi koleki so veliko mičnejši kot stari. Kupec prejel je več vreč polnih sv< žoga graha. Dva mojih bratov sta na Angleškem, eden je pa v Ameriki. Bogu smo dolžni.največjo ljubezen; sobrate pa naj ljubimo kot sami sebe. '|'o zapomni naj si vsakdo, če želi po krščansko živeti (in a christian manner.) Ravnokar, just now, na tla spustiti, to drop, gledati, to see; to observe, slonova kost, ivorv. vreča, bag, sack, tužen, melancholy, domovje, home, onstran, bevond. morje, ocean, iskati, to seek; to look for, okolščina, circumstance. XLTX. Naloga. Sklanja samostalnikov. Declension of Substantives. 1. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. A title sent to the market will not buy a peck of flour. Patience overcomes all difficulties. Order is the first law or nature. Hunger is the best sauce. Idleness is the mother of want, and prosperity the companion of industry. A field requires three things: fair weather, good seed and a good tiller. ■2. Wne man's meat is another man's poison. If the best man's faults were written on his forehead, it would make him pull his hat over his eyes. That is but an empty purse which is full of other people's money. The love of the wicked is more dangerous than their hatred. The end of a dissolute life is usually an unhappy death. Freedom's battles are always won. The whole family returned after about four weeks' absence. I live only a few minutes' walk from my parents. For conscience's sake, do not comit such a crime! :!. llun to tfye druggist and fetch me an amice of ginger. St. Peter's in Rome is the largest church in the world. I)o you know whose gloves •these are? I suppose they are my sisters. Do good to your friends, that he may be wholly yours; to your enemy, that he may become your friend. Be obedient to your parents, for, they are your greatest benefactors. A single hour of the day, steadily given to the study of something instructive, brings a great and unexpected amount of knowledge. Architect, (zidarski) mojster, title, (častni) naslov, market, trg, peck, merica, flour, moka, patience, potrpežljivost, to overcome, premagati, difficulty, težava, law, postava, hunger, lakota, freedom, prostost, battle, vojna; bitka, to win, dobiti; pridobiti, absence, nenavzočnost, ounce, rez; ulica, St.=Saint, svet; svetnik, banker, bankir, wholly, popolnoma, obedient, pokoren, benefactor, dobrotnik, single, sam; edin, steadily, stanovitno, sauce, omaka, tiller, poljedelec; ratar, poison, strap, fault, zmota; pomota, pogrešek, to pull, vleči, empty, prazen, to commit, storiti; doprinesti, crime, pregreha; zločin, north-pole, severni tečajnik, idleness, lenoba, want, potreba, prosperity, blagostanje, light, lahen, to praise, hvaliti, unworthy, nevreden, to require, zahtevati, fair, lep; zal, seed, seme; zrnje, wicked, hudoben; zli hatred, sovražtvo; srd, dissolute, razuzdan, unhappy, nesrečen, painful, bolesten, unexpected, nepričakovan, amount, kup; znesek, svota, knowledge, znanje; veda, departure, odhod, (o feel, čutiti, felt, čutil; čuten, desperate, obupen; nevaren. Pravila. Sklanja samostalnikov je v angleškem lahka in kaj priprosta. Samostalniki se navadno nič ne spremene v različnih sklonih. Zapomni naj se naslednje: 1. Imenovalnik in tožilnik sta si po.obliki zmiraj enaka; le po pctmenu in kraju, kjer stojeta se razločita. Imenovalnik stoji pred glagolom in prilogom; tožilnik za njima. 2. Rodilnik se napravi, če samostalnikovemu imenovalniku pribesiš 's. n. pr. mojega očeta, my father's. 3. Dajalnik se naredi s predlogom: to, ki se pred člen, za kterim nespremenjen samostalnik stoji, postavi. N. pr. Možu (določno) to the man; (nekem) možu, (nedoločno), to a man. EXERCISE. My Dear Jane (Ivana), A most dreadful misfortune has just befallen us. Our house is burnt down and ni ashes. What enemy's hand did this to us, we know not. Last night, when we went to bed," all was secure, and little did anyone think of what would happen during the night. At about one o'clock i awoke, and was surprised to find the room so filled with smoke that, I could hardly see accross it. I could hear confused cries of: ,,Fire, fire." I jumped up quickly, and hastened to niv father's room. He was still assleep. When he awoke, he would at first not believe what I told him, but the cries in the street soon convinced him of it. lie rushed out, followed by my brother and myself. Luckily the stairs had not caught fire yet, and we were able to gain the streat. A scene of the greatest excitement presented itself to us, for, the flames were already bursting forth with indescribable fury, and in no time the whole was like a furnace; indeed, you could not approach it as the heat was too great. The fire engines were, of course, soon at work. i:i:l did all in their power to check the progress of the flames, but it was useless, as the fire was already too powerful, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that, they were able to save the neighbouring houses. Wo stood there, ' silent spectators of the total destruction of our home, for. Papa is not insured. We have not time yet, to ascertain how not small. What is to become Papa is in the greatest despai least not by the Almighty. Dreadful, strašen, misfortune, nesreča. to befall, zadeti, befell, zadel, a, o, befallen, zadet, to burn, goreti, burnt, gorel; pogorel, ashes, pepel, secure, varen, awake, zbtijen, awoke, zbudil, surprised, začuden, smoke, dim, hardly, komaj, accros, čez, po-, skoz, confused, zmešan, cry, krik; vpitje, luckily, srečno, to jump up, skočiti na noge, to be asleep, spati, silent, tih; molčeč, stairs, stopnjice, to catch tire, zažgati se, to gain, dobiti; priti kam, scene, prizor, excitement, vznemirjenost, to present, predočiti, flame, plamen, to burst forth, bruhniti ven, fury, divjost, in notime, mahoma; zdajci, Almight-v, Vsemogočni, great the loss was, though it certainly is of us, or what we are to do, I know not. but I trust, we shall not be forsaken, at- Yours, etc. R. Robins. furnace, plavž; ognjena peč, indeed, res; zares,-da, lire-engine, gasilna brizglja, at work, na.-pri,-delu, to check, ustaviti; zatvoriti, progress, vspeh; napredek, useless, zastonj; zaman, powerful, močan, difficulty, težava; trud, spectator, gledalec, at least not, vsaj ne, total, popoln, destruction, razdjanje; uničenje, to insure, zavarovati, to ascertain, zagotovo zvedeti, extent, obseg; mera, loss, zgtiba; škoda, despair, brez-,obupnost. to trust, zaupati, to forsake, po-, zabiti, forsook, pozabil, forsaken, pozabljen, to describe, popisati, circumstance, okoluost, to extinguish, po-,vgasniti, to reach, doseči; stegniti, attempt, pOskus; muja, endeavour, trud; trujenje, to neglect, zanemariti, propertj, posestvo, ' prospect, razgled; up, nada. VAJA. Prihodnji teden bo očetov rojstni dan; podaril jim (him) bom lep žepič za smodke in sestra Micika (Molly) jim je naredila krasno blazinico. Imeli bomo tedaj veliko druščine; vsi naši sorodniki in prijatelji so povabljeni. Si li videl Dragotinove (Charles) rokov ice? Danes zjutraj sem jih videl v njegovej spalnici. Prekanjenost lisic in pridnost čebel ste pregovorne. Zobje ropnih živali so kaj (quite) ostri. Dve dobri lastnosti vsakega vojaka ste srčnost in hrabrost. Gredoč skozi mestne ulice, videli smo nov krompir pri prodajal hi. Kdor starišsv ne uboga, pregreši se zoper glavno dolžnost otrok. Žepič za smodke,. cigar case, podariti, to present with, blazinica, cushion, druščina, party; company, sorodnik, relation; relative, povabiti, to invite, prekanjenost, cunning, pridnost, industry, čbela, bee, pregovoren, proverbial, ropna žival, beast of prey, oster, sharp, poglaviten, principal, lastnost, quality, virtue, vstopiti, to enter, srčnost, courage, hrabrost, bravery, veselje, joy, delight, krog, circle; kdor, he who, pokoren, obedient, ravnati zoper; grešiti zoper, to sin against. L. TValog-a. "Of" mej samostalniki. l.We use a pound of sugar every week. What is a pound of sugar, at present? May I offer you another cup of coifee? Has the shoemaker Sent my pair of boots? Tell the servant to fetch two ounces of ginger and half an ounce of licorice. In America there are a number of navigable canals to facilitate commerce. Envy is a kind of praise. Vienna is the capital of the empire of Austria and is situated on the river Danube. The isle of Wight is often called the garden of England on account of its beautiful scenery. The month of May is one of the most pleasant of the whole year. The volcano of Aetna is in the eastern part of island of Sicily. 3. The river Thames is not very large, yet it likely bears more wealth than any other river of the world. The beautiful steamer Austria was burnt 011 the Atlantic ocean on her voyage to America, at no great distance from the coast of Newfoundland. President Cleveland of the United States is one of the noblest of public men in America. Vienna, Dunaj; Beč, Venice, Benedkfc, Aetna, Etna, Genoa, Genva, Sicily, Sicilija, Thames, Temza, Newfoundland, Nova Eundlaiulija, duke, vojvoda, duchy, vojvodina, elector, voliiec, republic, ljudovlada, pound, funt, price, cena, dorm, dvaiiajstiea, li crice, sladic, canal, prekop, commerce, obrtnija, envy, nevošljivosl, praise, hvala, province, provincija, capital, glavno mesto, isle, ot^k; otoček, scenery, nravna lepota, volcano, vulkan; ognjenik, dominion, država; gospodarstvo, to offer, ponuditi: podajati. to facilitate, po-, olajšati, linen, platnen, navigable, ladjonosen, — !>.j — A pound of coffee, funt kave; a number of soldiers, število (precejšno) vojakov; a bottle of wine, steklenica vina. Frederic, Miroslav, palace, palača, to possess, imeti, to beg, prositi; beračiti, sum, znesek, to demand, zahtevati, obstinate, trdovraten, at length, konečno, angry, jezen, tone, glas, farthing, vinar, to dismiss, spustiti, answer, odgovor. plan, načrt, refusal, odrek, decisive, odločen, odločilen, kupčijsk, commercial, vshoden, eastern. VAJA. Mesto Hamburg je največje kupčijsko mesto v Nemčiji. Kraljestvo španjsko je v jugozahodnem delu Evrope in je s portugalskim kraljestvom vred velik polotok, ki se pirenejski polotok zove. Otok Sicilija lezi v srednjem morju. Na tem otoku je ognjenik Etna, najznamenitnejši ognjenik Evrope, Dekla naj gre k prodajalcu in kupi dva funta riža, funt čaja in pet ali šest funtov sladkorja! Moj rojstni dan je meseca prosinca, toraj ravno v najmrzlejem letnem času. Jaz si bom kupil sani. Jugo-zahoden, south-western, pirenejski polotok, Spanish peninsula, drkalice, skates, vatel, (meter), yard, trak, ribbon, nadaljevati, to continue, zmrzovati, to freeze, led, ice, drsati se, to skate. 9 -I. Naloga. Spol samostalnikov. Gender of Substantives. 1. Reprove your friend privately, commend him publicly. A selfish man is generally forsaken by his friends in time of need. The widow of our late phisician is gone to France, with all her children. A thirsty crow discovered a pitcher once, in which there was some water. Finding, she could not reach it with her bill, she threw little stones into the pitcher, till the water came up to the brim. Now, she could reach it with the greatest ease, and she drank, till she had quenched her thirst. Virtue has its own reward. Real friendship is like good wine; it improves with time.' The wind lias blown down a large oak-tree, with all its roots. To reprove, kregati, brim, rob, privately, na tihem, friendship, prijateljstvo, publicly, očitno, to improve, zboljšati se, widow, vdova, lenght, dolgost, . . late,'umrli, ' with ease, lahko, thirst, žeja, to quench, pogasiti, vgapniti, reward, plačilo, real, resničen; prav. education, odgoja, principally, posebno, to discover, /najti; najti, pitcher, vrč, to reach, doseči, to throw, vreči; metati, threw, metal, a, o; thrown, vržen, oak-tree, hrastovo drevo, root, korenina; korenika, branch, limb, veja. I 'ravila. I. Spol samostalnikov v angleškem vjema se z naravnim spolom reči, ktere zaznamujejo samostalniki. Imena moških stvari so toraj moškega, ženskih, ženskega in vseh drugih srednjega spola. •>. Pri živalskih imenih velja ravno to pravilo. X. pr. the lion — It is mane; the lioness — her pups (mladiči). .'!. Izjeme ste besedi: solnce, sun in mesec, moon, Solnce je v angleškem moškega in mesec (luna) ženskega spola. X. pr. Look at the sun how majestically rises. The moon is shining,but .the is behind a cloud. ■ Imena vlakov, ladij, lokomotiv, parni ko v so v angleškem ženskega spola. This steamer has a large engine (soparni stroj),'but nhe is old and therefore the does not run very fast. To forage, ropati, krasti, yard, dvor; prostor, effort, poskus; trud, pretty, precej, successful, vspešen, safety, varnost, quarter, ležišče; del, to watch, varovati; opazovati, to place, položiti; postaviti, snare, past, prisoner, vjetnik, arrival, prihod, to confess, izpovedati; obstati, confession, izpoved, obstanje, defence, hramba; hranitev, merely, samo; le, to satisfy, zadovoljiti, to entreat, prositi, to spare, zanesti, to accost, ogovoriti, motive, nagib. pure, čist. good-will, dobrovoljnost, to plunder, ropati, last, zadnji, impudently, nesramno, to declare, reči, right, pravica, robber, ropar, entreaty, prošnja, excuse, izgovor, cause, vzrok; zadeva. to determine, določiti, to deserve, zaslužiti, penitence, kes; kesanje, humble, ponižen, to hang, viseti; obesiti, criminal, hudodelnik; tolovaj, guilt, krivda, to succeed, se posrečiti komu, to relate, povedati: praviti, humility, ponižnost, pride, prevzetnost, gluttony, |>ožrešnost. VAJA. Neka vrana bila je vkradla kos sira iz okna in letela ž njim na visoko drevo hoteč ga tam pojesti. Lisica vgledala je slaščico ter si jo zelo pridobiti Želela. Začela se je ttfraj vrani pYilrzbVati, rek'o'ri: Kaku krasna ptica si ti! Kako mične ste tvoji peruti, in kako svetle tvoje oči! ReS, imela sem te začetkoma za zalega orla. Kako je vendar škoda, da ptič tolike lepote nežna peti! Vrana, razveseljena s tem prilizovanjem, mislila je, naj pozdravim lisico s sladkim svojim glasom. Odprla je kljun — na tleli bil je sir in lisica ga je popadla in požrla na mah. kos, piece, krasti, to steal, kradel, stole, vkraden, stolen, leteti (ptič), to fly, letel, flew, pojesti, to eat, slaščica, dainty morsel, prilizovati se, to flatter, perutnica, wing, res, truly, začetkoma, at first, imeti za kaj, to take for, orel, eagle, škoda! what pity, lepota, beauty, razveseljen, pleased, pasti, to fall, padel, fell, popasti, to snatch, požreti, to devour, 11a mah, at once, pustiti, to leave, vsaj, at least, bogastvo, riches, ded, heir, heiress, dedinja, želja, desire. lull. Naloga. Izpeljana imena. Derived Substantives. EXERCISE. If I cannot leave you riches, I will at least leave you the heir of an honest name. This young lady will be the heiress of an immense fortune, after the death of her uncle. The gentleman is enormously rich and has bequeathed his whole property to her. The Jews are now scattered all over the earth. There is a wealthy Jewess in this town, who does more good to the poor than any other person. The governess of the princesses is a foreigner. The empress of Russia is a danish princess. The actore and actresses of our stage are not inferior to those of any other American city. Mildness governs better, than anger. Politeness costs little, but is worth a great deal. Idleness is the world's greatest prodigality. Laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes it. Fill thy heart with goodness, and thou wilt find the world to be full of good. Temperance, employment, and a cheerfuil disposition are the best preservers of health. Real ease and contentment are to be enjoyed only with a good conscience. Most diseases have their origin in derangements of the digestive organs. Many a youth is spoiled by wrong treatment. Spottless, neomadežen, immensely, silno; nezmerno, enormously, zelo; brezmerno, to bequeath, zapustiti. Jew, žid; jud, Jewess, Židinja, j udinja, to. scatter,'raztrosit, benefactor, dobrotnik. to be at leisure, imeti čas, to decline, odpovedati; odreči, office, služba, humanity, človeštvo, slowly, počasi, poverity, revščina, to overtake; dotcči, folly, norost; neumnost, 13 bcnefactot'ess, dobrotnica, prince, princ, princess, prince/,inja, to govern, vladati, governer, vladar, governess, odgoj i tel j ica, emperor, cesar, empress, cesarica, foreigner, ptujec, mild, mil; pohleven, mildness, milota; pohlevnost, polite, vljuden, politeness, vljudnost, lazy, len, idle, lenarsk, laziness, lenoba, idleness, nečimernost, goodness, dobrotljivost, wickedness, hudobnost, anger, jeza, 1 irod i gal i ty. za pra vl ji vost. to shorten, skrajšati, temperance, zmernost, employment, delo: opravilo, spirit, 'duh, disposition, narava, preserver, ohranitelj, ease, pokoj, contentonent. /adovoljnost, disease, bolezen, origin, izvir: začetek, to derange, spraviti v nered, derengement, nered, to digest, prebaviti, digestive, prebaven, organ, organ; orodje, youth, mladenič, to sipoil, spriditi, spoiled, spriden, wrong, neprav; napačen, treatment, ravnanje; (s kom). Flattery is like friendship in appearance, but not in fruits. Real friendship cannot be bought, it must be gained. Slaves obtained their freedom sometimes by their diligence and good conduct. Flatten always finds a fool that swallows it. A prayer uttered by the lips only, and not felt bv the heart, is but mockery in "the sight of (rod. Where there is a brave leader, there is seldom a want of bravery among the followers. Many illustrious men have become renowned after their death. The depth of the ocean differs very much. The width of a river is general I v great est at its mouth. The lenght of the street is more than a mile. Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower still in changing one The greatest evils may be overcome by resisting them timely. The ruaintain-ance of one vice costs more than ten virtues. Liberality consists not in giving largely, but in giving wiselv. To earn zaslužiti, livelihood, živež, to Hatter, prilizovati se, flattery. pri I izo vanje, show, videz, christian, kristjan, to bear, prenesti; pretrpeti, hardship, trud; trpež, to servje, služiti, slave, suženj, slavery, snžnjost. diligence, marljivost, doubly, dvojno, infancy, mladost; otročja leta, to follow, slediti; komu. follower, naslednjik, depth, globočina. width, širokost. breadth, razširjenost, length, dolgost, illustrious, znameniti, mouth, izliv, mile. milja, to choose, voliti; izvoliti choosing, izbiranje, evil, zlo, timely, o pravem času, to resist, vpreti se »oper. to remember, spominjati se, feeling, čut je; outstvo, similarly, enako, rightly, prav, to judg£, soditi, to maintain, ohraniti; trditi, vice, pregreha; hudobija, liberality, radodarnost, wisely, modro, largely, veliko. maintainanee, hraniti; vzdržanje. Pravila. 1. Oziroma oblike, delijo se samostalniki a) v izvirne: house, door, friend itd. b) v izpeljane: friendship, illness, goodness itd. e) v zložene samostalnike: farm-house, cliurch-key, school-door itd. i. Izpeljani samostalniki zložejo se s pomočjo pribeskov. Naj važniši pribeski so: a) -ve\ anje, brave, hraber, leader, vodja coward, strašljivec; babež, EXE BOISE. The First Step to the Cure of a Disordered Stomach. At one of the American watering places there was a physician, who had acquired a great name for curing any derangements of the digestive organs, though he did scarcely anything else for his patients, but cause them to eat and drink moderately, and take a great deal of out-door exercise. A heavy middle aged man came to him, one day, complaining of feeling very poorly. The doctor soon learnt, the man was one of those numberless folks who, having great wealth, perform all their movements in a carriage and who never deny themselves any luxury for which they happen to have a desire. He asked the patient to accompany him. on a drive of a fewT miles from town, to which the patient consented. When the doctor had driven about five miles into the country, he dropped his whip, and requested his patient to step out, and pick it up for him. As soon as the gentleman was out of the carriage, the doctor wheeled around and returned to town, telling his patient to find his way back on foot, by which means he would probably get. a good appetite for supper. This was the first step to the complete cure of the complaint. Cure, zboljšanje, luxury, slaščica; sladnost, to cure, ozdraviti, desire, želja, disordered, v neredu, drive, peljanje; vožnja, stomach, želodec., medicine, zdravilo, watering-place, toplice, request, prošnja, to acquire, si pridobiti, to request, prositi; zaprositi, patient, bolnik, to step out, ven stopiti, to cause, napraviti koga, to pick up, pobrati, complaint, pritožba, to wheel around, okoli obrniti, middle aged; srednje starosti, 011 foot, peš; k nogam, to complain, tožiti, probably, morda; morebiti, numberless .brezštevilen, means, sredstvo, movement, gibanje; vaja, complete, popolen. VAJA. Zidje in Židinje se odlikujejo po posebnem obličnem izrazu. Temne lase in črne oči imajo navadno in večinoma velik, vpognjen nos. Naši stariši skažejo nam več dobrot, kot kteri drugi človek; za liogom so oni naši največji dobrotniki. Kraljica je mati revežem in sirotam. Dala je sezidati mnogo sirotnišnic in obišče jih večkrat osebno. Lenoba je navadno začetek vsem pregreham. Pravo srečo imeti more le tisti, ki ima mirno vest. Opravi svoja opravila, drugače bodo opravila opravljala tebe. Ne bodi neusmiljen s pregreški, sicer boš obsojeval druge prestrogo. Bojim se, da zbolim; vsi udje so mi neukretni in vsako gibanje uzročuje mi bolečine. Poslal bom po zdravnika, morda se da bolezen na kak način odvrniti. poseben, peculiar, obličje, face; countenance, izraz, expression; feature, vpognjen, hoked; crooked, podeliti, to bestow upon, dobrota, benefit, dobrotnik, benefactor, sirotnišnica, orphanage, zidati, to build, bom moral, I shall be obliged, miren, peaceful, pokrovitelj, protector, strogost, harshness; severity, sreča, happiness, opraviti, to do, opravljati, to accuse, brezmiselnost, thoughtlessness, neusmiljen, unmerciful, sicer, else; otherwise, način, way, ,, odvrniti, to prevent, na en ali drugi način, some way or other, strogo, severely, pomanjkanje, want, mi manjka, I want, opravilo, work, ud, limb, neukreten; trd, stiff, uzročiti, to cause, bolečine, pain, začetek, beginning. Prijateljstvo, sklenjeno v mladosti (in our) je navadno uajstalniše. Xa potovanju smo neprijetnosti lagljeprenašali, kot smo bili pričakovali. V južnih državah Severne Amerike bilo je pred nekaj leti mnogo sužnjev; v evropskih deželah pa je bila sužnjost že davno prej prepovedana. Malo je ljudi, ki jih s prilizovanjem ni moč si pridobiti. To nič ne velja; (this counts for nothing) še enkrat (once more) od začetka! To ni prva sleparija, ki jo slišim o njem. Naša vojna odlikovala se je s srčnostjo in hrabrostjo. Risanje je vinetnost, za katero nima vsakdo sposobnosti. Z branjem v mraku si (vour) boš pokvaril oči. Ko se ti sreča smehlja (smiling at you) ponuja ti vsakdo prijateljstvo; naj te zadene i to befall) nesreča (misfortune) zgine prijateljstvo ko dim. Skleniti, to form; to close, mladost, youth; young years, stalen, lasting, prenašati, to endure, neprijetnost, annoyance, pričakovati, to expect, so bili, there were, dim, smoke, nezapopadljiv, incomprehensible, ošpee, erysipelas, ovropejsk, european, Severn, northern; north, država, state, prepovedati, to forbid; to prohibit, vojna, army, pred nekaj leti, some years ago, pred davnim, long ago, sopar, vapor, gluh, deaf, griža, dysentery, risati, to draw, sposobnost, talent; faculty, mrak, dawn; twilight, pokvariti, to spoil, žvečiti, to chew, smehljati se, to smile, zginiti, to vanish, nerazumljiv, indistinct, vročnica, brain-fever, koze, pox; small pox. LIH. i\alo»-a. Zloženi samostalniki. Compound Substantives. EXERCISE. A bookseller considers books as merchandise; the best works in his eyes are those which bring in the largest sums of money. The work of the blacksmith is difficult. In some towns of Switzerland the greater number of inhabitants are watch-makers. In the United States there are, at present, more railroads than in anyother country. This merchant has a beautiful country-seat a few miles from town, where his family resides during the summer-months. Formerly, most of the emigrants came to America in sailing-vessels, because the passage on sailing vessels was cheaper than on steamers. The gardener has made several new asparagus-beds in the garden. The railway station is between the city and its suburbs. The arrival of the birds of passage is always a proof of the cold, dreary winter hawing passed. Beasts of prey live 011 smaller animals. My brother in-law is going to retire from business 011 account of his ill health. Are your parents-in-law still in Minnesota? No, they are in Iowa at present, but will return to Michigan next month. —• The best New-year's gift, Providence can bestow upon us is good health of body and soul. Many flower-seeds are not larger than pin's heads. Merchandise, blago, kupčevimi, railroad, železnica, passage, vožnja, proof, dokaz, reside, stanovati, bivati. Providence, Previdnost božja, to retire, iz-', odstopiti, popustiti, brother-in-law, do ver, svak (švager), parents-in-law, ženinovi ali nevestini stariši, soul, duša, dreary, pust, tužen, sandy, peščen, to bestow upon, podeliti. Absence of Mind. Sir Isaac Newton, the celebrated English philosopher, was deeplv engaged, one morning in solving a difficult problem, and he would not stop and go to breakfast with the family. His housekeeper, fearing that long fasting might make him ill, sent one of the servants into his study-room with some eggs and a saucepan of water. The servant was told to boil the eggs 011 the stove in Newton's room, and stey while the master ate them. But Newton, wishing to go 011 with his studies, sent the servant away, and told her, he would boii the eggs himself. — The servant put an egg by the side of Newton's watch 011 the table and telling him' to let- it boil three minutes, went away. Some time after the servant went in again to take the breakfast things away. To her amazement she found the scientist standing by the fire-side, with an egg in his hands, an the watch boiling in the saucepan. Absence of mind, zamišljenost, philosopher, modroslovec, deeply, globoko, zelo, engaged, /.a ver van, problem, vprašanje, housekeeper, hišna gospodinja, to fast, postiti se, saucepan, ponva, to stav, ostati. while, mej tem ko, to go on, nadaljevati, to cook, kuhati, amazement, začudenje, fire-side, ognjišče, country-man, rojak, sodeželan, order, ukaz, naročilo, to boil, kuhati, zavreti. VAJA. Naše gospodinje sestra se je naučila šivanja in slišal sem. da je zvedena šivilja. Naš zdravnik je županov rojak. Obrvi in trepalnice so navadno ravno tiste barve kot lasje. Prinesi mi dva krožnika za juho iz kuhinje. Dobra mesna juha je tečneja kot mlečna. Prišedši nazaj od svojega jutranjega sprehoda,videl sem na postaji (at the) mnogo izselnikov, ki čejo iti s prvo ladijo v mesto Houghton blizu bakrenih rudnikov. Prejel si bil dva svilena žepna robca od očma, za rojstni dan in zlato verižica za god. Ta ura je darilo mojega devra, za novo leto. Zvončki so prvi mej pomladanskimi cvetlicami. Lastovke in kukavica naznanjajo nam odhod zime in začetek spomladi. Minnesota, Minnesota, Ajova, .Iowa, Mišigen, Michigan, šivanje, dressmaking, zvedeli, clever, župan, mayor, trepalnica, eye-lash. Hoten, Houghton, tečen, nutritious, drag, expensive, pošta, post-office, prihod, arrival, zvonček, snow-beli, dokaz, proof, pretežen, past; over, prvi, first, očem. father-in-law, step-father, mačeha, step-mother, kukavica, cuckov, odhod, departure, Wosington, Washington. 1 j IV. IN* aloffa -Prilog. The Adjective. St o i uij e v nuj e. ('om pa r isou. 1'n.titirt. 1. Long, dolg, a. o, fine. fin, lep, a. o, gav. vesel, a. o, severe, strog, a. o, •1. Happy, srečen, a. o, dirty, umazan, a, o, C bmpurativ. 1. longer, claljši, a, e, finer, lepši, a, e, :>. Thin, tenak, a, o, fat, masten, debel, a, o, 4. Useful, koristen, a, o, honest, pošten, a, o, prudent, moder, a, o, Sujtcrhjtivc. 1. longest, najdaljši, a, e, tin'eVt, nhjlepsi, a, e, gayer, veselejši, a, e, severer, strogši, a, e, happier, srečniši, a, e, dirtier, bolj umazan, a, o. thinner, tanj ši „ a. e, fatter, mastnisi, a. e, more useful, koristni ši, a, e, more honest, pošteneji, a, e, more prudent, pametniši, it, e, gayest, naj veselejši, a, e> severest , naj strogši, a, e, 2. happiest, najsrečniši, a, e, dirtiest, najbolj umazan, a, » si. thinnest, najtanjši, a, e, fattest, najmastneji, a, e, 4. most useful, naj koristnimi, a. e, most honest, najbolj pošten, a, o, most prudent, najpametniši, a, o-. 1. If you are rich be not proud; if poor be not dejected. The richer a man is the more benevolent he should be. A small body often contains a great mind. Idleness is one of the greatest vices of the world. The noblest actions are often misinterpreted. The Black Sea receives some of the largest European rivers. 2. Great talents generally begin to show themselves in early years. Of ^Vashington's earliest years little is known. The humblest cottage often conn tains the happiest people. Von are the gayest of the gay. Most birds of tropical countries are remarkable for their gay plumage. :>. Africa is noted for very hot and dry climate, in fact, it contains the warmest regions in the world. Never take any hot beverages; the hotter they are the more injurious are they to your teeth and to health, in general. This summer has been wetter than any I can remember. 4. A foolish act may ruin a man, and a judicious one may make his fortune. The precious metals are valued higher than common ones, but they are not always more useful. The most useful metal is iron. The highest officers ought to be the most heroic. Proud, prevzeten; košat, dejected, pobit, benevolent, dobrodejen, cheap, dober kup; po ceni, bargain, kupčija; kup, institution, vstav,zavod; naprava, to procure, preskrbeti, vice, pregreha; napaka, even, še celo; še tudi, to grant, vslišati; podeliti, heroic, junašk, mortification, zatajevanje; gnitje, act, čiri; dejanje, action, čin; delanje, to interpret, razlagati; tolmačiti, to misinterpret, napačno razlagati, talent, talent; zmožnost, talented, nadar j en, cottage, hišica; koča. livelv, živahen. tropical, tropičen, to be noted, znan biti, gentle, pohleven; žlahten, to furnish, preskrbeti, calamity, nesreča, to reform, poboljšati se, region, kraj: okolica, in general, sploh, gay. vesel; pisan, foolish, nor; neumen, to ruin, razdjati; uničiti, judicious, premišljen, success, vspeh; sreča, common, navaden, wet, moker, beverage, pijača, plain, priprost. in the least, ne, ni,č; najmanj, sin, greh. Sinful, grešen. Pravila, Oziroma prvega stopnjevanja treba pomniti: a) Druga stopinja napravlja se s končnico: er ali r; tretja s končnico: est ali st. b) Prilogi, ki se z \j končajo, pred kterim stoji samoglasnik, spremene y v i, pred končnicama: er in est. c) Konečni soglasnik, za samoglasnikom stoječ podvoji se pred končnicama: er 'in est. N. pr. vet, wetter, wettest d) Prvi način stopnjevanja rabi: 1. Pri vseh enozložnih prilogih; n. pr. strong, stronger, strongest 2. Pri dvozložnih prilogih, ki s le končujejo; n. pr. noble, noble?-, noblesf. 3. Pr dvozložnih prilogih, ki se končujejo z y; n. pr. pretty, prettier, prettiest. 4. Pri dvozložnih prilogih, pri katerih je glavni naglas na zadnjem zlogu; n. pr. severe, severer, severest; austere, austerer, austeres?. 5. Pri drugem načinu stojmjevanja napravi se druga stopnja, če se nespremenjenemu prilogu: more, in tretja če se mu: most, predstavi; n. pr. attentive, more attentive, most attentive. Ta način stopnjevanja rabi sploh pri vseh mnogozložnih prilogih. Opomba. Besedica: most, rabi se večkrat za naznanje prav visoke stopinje kake lastnosti, in pomenja: prav, posebno, zares, prav zelo. N. pr. We shall be most happy to see you to-morrow. So, as, than, as — as. I have walked as far as you. Sel sem tako daleč kot ti. He is not so talented as his brother. Ni (celo tako) nadarjen kot njegov brat. Mortifications are often more painful than real calamities. Razžalenja večkrat bolj bole kot resnične nadlege. I know it better than you; my cousin knows it as well as I, itd. The — the. Kolikor — toliko. The longer the days, the shorter the nights. The longer we continue in sin, the more difficult it is to reform. The longer we sleep, the lazier we get. To besiege, oblegovati, camp, šotorišče, siege, oblega, whatever, karkoli, to frustrate, uničiti, husband, mož; soprog, to enrage, razjariti, singular, čuden, commanding, zapovedujoč, to laugh, smijati se, to sweai'j priseči; zaklinjati se; to forgive, odpustiti, swore, prisegel; zaklinjal se, forgave, odpustil, sworn, prisežen; zaklet, joy-fully, z veseljem; veselo,, to save, rešiti, forgiven, odpuščen, deputation, poslanstvo, burden, breme, tovor, peza, courageous, pogumen, for sake, zaradi, radi, sex, spol, sad, žalosten; tužen. VA.J A. Mladi lenuhi so navadno stari berači. Najmlajše dete, najljubše dete, (travi pregovor. Največe hiše prenočujejo večkrat najnesrečniše ljudi. Švica je najbolj gorata dežela v Evropi. Najcenejše blago (goods) ni zmira j' najkoristniše. Amerikanei so ravno tako olikani kot drugi narod je, da, fay) v mnogih zadevah jih prekose. Ponižna vijolica ni tako zala kot tulipa; cenijo jo pa ljudje mnogo višje kot tulipo. Železo vredno je več kot zlato in srebro in kot vsi dragoceni kameni. Kolikor višje stopaš, toliko nižji bo morda tvoj padec. Kolikor vestniše porabiš mladost svojo, toliko bolj skrbiš za svoje prihodnje blagostanje. Meseca julij in avgust sta najbolj vroča in navadno najbolj suha meseca. Lenuh, idler, lazy fellow, berač, beggar, pregovor, proverb; adage, vpliv, .influence, gorat, mountainous, porabiti, to use; to employ, koristen, useful; advantageous: olikan, civilized, pika, point; dot. d ragocen, preciou s, prekositi, to surpass, veljava, value, blagostanje, welfare, plezati, to climb, padec, fall, vestno, conscientiously, prihodnji, suh, drv. Neprr.villi« stopnjevanje. Irregular Comparison. Posit ire. ]. (iood. dober, a, o, l>ad, slab, a, o, j ill, bolelieu, evil, zli, a, o, I Little, malo. Much, veliko, / many, mnogo, I Old, star. ( 'oiiijHtrutire. Sni>cr/• . *;"'thest, I najbolj daleč, further, \ dalje (naprej) furthest. \ najdalje, Near, bližen, a, o, nearer-, bližji, a, e, ne.uest. ' ' . j.i) next, I Late, pozen, a. o, !:,tor- ' 1><>*'^: ' latest. / najpozneje. latter, \ poznejši, a, e, last, i poslednji, naj- zadnji. — 107 — EXERCISE. 1. Better late than never. Nothing is more precious than time, yet, nothing is less valued. Some men believe they are not bad, while others can be found who are worse. Everyone ought to be the best judge of his own affairs. Lean liberty is better than fat slaver), for, though the fetters be of gold, they are stil fetters, and though silken be the cords, they yet bind. 1 low much farther is it to the next railway station? The rich-men are envied more by the rich than by the poor. ■1. lie was older than his appearance indicated. Columbus was the eldest of four children. My eldest brother is the oldest officer in the army. The nearer to the church, the farther from God, says an old proverb. The wounded soldier was carried to the nearest hut. One day I heard of her illness, the next of her death. I have nothing further to suggest.The vessel arrived four days later than she was expected. Suicide is the last recourse of cow.' r is. ' To value, ceniti. spirit, duh; duša, fetters, vezi, lean, tenek; suh, liberty, svoboda, nanie's-day, god, piker, slavery, sužnjost, silken, svilen. Cord, vrv, vrvica; vez, suicide, samomor, to take hold of, prijeti, recourse, pribežališče, to enov, nevoščljiv biti. ne coward, strahljivec, capa, privoščiti. to breed, rediti, to he well off, premožen biti, bred, rejen; odgojen, to prefer, raj še imeti; biti ljubši; scholar, učenec; učenjak, to blame, grajati; kregati, line, črta, vrsta, blame, grajanje; sramota, combatant, nasprotnik, to betray, izdati; ovaditi,. severity, strogost, traitor, 'izdajalec, Siberia, Sibirija, wound, rana, mass, množica; masa, hut. koča; bajta, ruin,.padec; vničenje, to dress, obleči; obvezati, traveller, popotnik, to suggest, predložiti; 'to penetrate, prodreti. našvetovati, assassination, zavratni umor, note, nota; list, bili, račun. 1 ,ra vila. O prilogih, ki se nepravilno stopnjujejo, naj se pomni: I. Feir in matuj štejeta; n. pr..few (many) men; little in much merita; n. pr. little (much) wine. •>. Older, elder; oldest, eldest. Pravilni obliki: older in oldest rabite za prilikovanje starosti ali trajanja, pri vsakovrstnih bitjih in rečeh. N. pr. I le was a few years older than I. She was the oldest of the whole party. The oldest people do not remember such a storm. Nepravilni obliki: elder, eldest rabite le atributivno in naznanjate naravno po rojstvu določeno vrsto osebenega in istega imena. N. pr, The elder of the two sister, Mv eldest son was bred at Washington. 3. Nearest, pomeni: najbližji, oziroma prostora; next, rabi oziroma časa, ali vrste. X. pr. My nearest relatives are all far away from me. The next street to the left. On the next day. 4. Farther in farthest naznanjata razmere prostora;/i«-£Aer in furthest rabita navadno le pri abstratnih zapopadkih. N. pr. A little farther up the hdl. All further endeavours will be in vain. Speak further! 5. Later in latest rabita za naznanjanje časa; latter in last za red in vrsto. X. pr. He came later than his friend. He is last, but not least. The last friend and the last enemy is death. Opomba. Xepravilna so tudi stopnjevanja nekih narečij. X. pr. Before, prej; poprej, the former, prejšnji, a, e, the formost, najprejšnji, behind, zadaj, the hinder, zadniši. the hindmost, najzadniši, up, gori, the upper, gorniši; gorni the uppermost, najvišji, within, noter; znotraj, the inner, notranj, the innermost, najnotranjši, without, zunaj; brez, the outer, zunajin, the outermost, j najbolj zunaj, the utmost, \ ves, največi. He was always one of the foremost in the line of combatants. The outer wall was but a mass of ruins (razvalina). His utmost exertions were m vain. The traveller penetrated into the innermost part of the forest. Miraculous, čudoviten, transformation, sprememba, attention, pazljivost; posluh, discipline, red. review, pregled, sufficient, zadosten, to subject, podvreči, flogging, sibanje, in order, da; potoma, to disguise, preobleči se, society, družba; druščina. To meiiage, vrediti; vrejati, to eye, meriti; (z očmi), jolly, vesel, to treat, pogostiti; piti dati, of no use, brez koristi, vain, zastonj sk, credit, up; dobro ime. wine shop, vinska krčma, expedient, pot; pomoček, to pawn, zastaviti, accoutrements, oprava, blade, klina; meč, to redeem, rešiti; odkupiti, abstinence, zdržek; zdržanje, interval, medčasje, occasion, priložnost, royal, kraljev, guard, straža, tipsy, natrkan, familiar, znan, zaupljiv, conversation, pogovor; govorica, comrade, tovariš, trifling, neznaten, pay, plača, to save, prihraniti. fo recover, nazaj dobiti, hilt, držalo (mečevo), hint, pomig, migljaj, to fail, ne posrečiti se, to profit, okoristiti se, unexpectedly, nepričakovano, to review, pregledati, attentively, pazljivo, along, memo; poleg, rank, vrsta, inspection, ogled; pregled, in the front, spredaj, voice, glas, to draw, potegniti, scoundrel, hudobnež, — lot) — mercy, milost, incapable, ne v stanu, to merit, zaslužiti, presence of mind, prisebnost, since, od tedaj; ker, ka, majesty, veličastvo, inflexible, nepremakljiv, chastisement, kaznovanje, inexorable, neizprosen,-1 jiv, to "obey, vbogati, earnestly, resno, supplicate, prositi ponižno, to interpose, potegniti se za, in behalf of, za; zaradi, to cause, prouzročiti, miracle, čudež, to behold, zagledati; pogledati, to add, prideti; prišteti, to muster, meriti (z očmi); unable, nezmožen, quickly, hitro; brzo. VAJA. Ta kraj ima začasno za me pač (but) malo mičnosti, kajti (for) vsi moji bljižnji sorodniki in prijatelji so odšli od tod. Po smrti očeta poslani so bili starejši moji bratje k stricu v mesto in le jaz, in najmlajša moja sestra ostala sva doma. Prihodnji teden prično se naše počitnice. Najkrajša pot v bližnjo vas je steza, ki gre čez polje. Mnogo ptičev napravlja si gnjezda v najgornjih drevesnih vejah. Bodi zmiraj najboljšim ljudem prijatelj, najslabšim nikoli. Naj hrabriš i vojaki bojujejo se vedno v naj-prvih vrstah. Ivedar je potreba največja, je božja pomoč najbližje. Mičnost, attraction, srčen, topel, intimate, nenavzoč, absent, oditi, to leave, vas, village; hamlet, veja, branch; twig, počitnice, Vacation, steza, path, čez accross, iti, peljati, to lead, si napravljati, to build, prilikovati, to compare, hraber, brave, bojevati se, to fight, imam najrajše, I like best, potreba, need, pomoč, help, božji, a, e, God's; divine. LVI. TVfiloga. Števila. The Numerals. 1. Pot/ta ena štiri/a. ('ordinal Xmnbers. 1. One, eden, ena, eno, •1. two, dva, dve. .'i. three, trije, tri, 4. four, štiri, 5. five, pet, (i. six, šest, 7. seven, sedem, 8. eight, osem, 9. nine, devet, 10, ten, deset. 11. eleven, enajst, 12. twelve, dvanajst, 13. thirteen, trinajst, 14. fourteen, štirnajst, 15. fifteen, petnajst, 10. sixteen, šesnajst, 17. seventeen, sedemnajst, 18. eighteen, osemnajst, « 19. nineteen, devetnajst, twenty, dvajset, 21. 22. 23. 24. 9 t O. twenty one, eno in dvajset, twenty two, dva in dvajset, twenty three, tri in dvajset, twenty four, štiri in dvajset, twenty five, pet in dvajset, twenty six, šest, in dvajset, twenty seven, sedem in dvajset, twenty eight, osem in d vajset, twenty nine, devet in dvajset, 20. 27. 28. ,29. 30. 40. forty, štirideset, •30. fifty, petdeset, thirty, trideset, 00. sixty, šestdeset, 70. seventy, sedemdeset, 80. eighty, osemdeset, 90. ninety, devetdeset, 100. one (a) hundred, sto, 1,000. one (a) thousand, tisoč. _',000. two thousand, dva tisoč, 1.000,000. one (a) million, milijon, one (a) billion, bilijon, 1895. One thousand, eight hundred and ninety five. EXE II VISE. The Bible has been translated into about 200 languages. A common year has 365 days, a leap-year 306. A year is divided in to 12 months. In a common year the month of February has 28 days, in a leap-year it has 29 days. A day has 24 hours, every hour has 00 minutes, and' every minute 00 second;!. Venice is built on 72 islands. 0,000 men composed a legion in the armies of the ancient Romans. The empire of Austria contains 240,000 square miles, more than 22.000 english square miles less than the State of Texas. It has a population of about 40,000,000 inhabitants. London is the largest city in the world it has over three millions of a population. In London you can see the greatest wealth and the most magnificent palaces, and the most abject poverty and the meanest of hovels. Hundreds, ay thousands of thieves and pickpockets loiter there about the streets, watching for an opportunity to empty the pockets and .purses of their fellow-men. Bible, sveto pismo, to translate, prestaviti, leap-year, prestopno leto, to compose, zložiti, secoftd, sekunda, legion, legija, square mile, štirijaška milja, circumference, obseg, globe, kroglja; zemeljni krog, chain, veriga, Alps, planine; alpe, height, visokost, to attach, pribesiti. to unite, združiti, area, površje; obseg, bank, breg; obal, luxury, preobitnost, pickpocket, žeporez; žepni tat, to loiter, plaziti se; lenuha pasti, to empty, izprazniti, opportunity, prilika, fellow-nian, bližnji sobrat, to suffer, trpeti; pustiti, cruelty, krutost, almost, skoraj, never, nikoli; never more, nikoli več. need, potreba. Pravila. 1. Pri zloženih številih: eno in dvajset, itd. stoji v angleškem desetič« navadno pred enoto: toraj: twenty one itd. (dvajset in eden). _ J11 — 2. Stotino združujejo se s pomočjo: and s enotami in deseticami; 11.pr. six hundred and forty one. 3. Pred številoma: hundred in thousand stoji v edinem številu zmiraj: one ali pa nedoločni člen: a. One stoji pri vseh letnicah in kedar koli se mora: jedrn, ena- iz posebnega vzroka posebno naglaševati. Drugod rabi vedno: • /. X. pr. The battle of Waterloo was in the year one thousand, eight hundred and fifteen. Of all his property only one thousand dollars fell to the share of his relation. — His income does not amount to more than a hundred dollars a year. A hundred years ago this place was only a little village. 4. Števila: hundred, thousand, mi/lion rabijo tudi kot samostalniki; v množnem številu pribesi se jim: s. X. pr. Hundreds of people have suffered this cruelty. Millions'obey his commands. VA.JA. Zemlja zasuče se v 24 urah okoli sama sebe in okoli solnca v 365 dneh, 5 urah in 4s minutah in 48 sekundah. Leta 1858 bilo je videti eno najlepših repatnic. Število zvezd, ki kinčajo ponočni neb, je neizmerno. Hnsko cesarstvo je največje cesarstvo na svetu. Pred nekaj leti bilo je v Ameriki i7,247 štirjaških milj ruskega sveta. Vlada Združenih Držav je ta svet Rusiji odkupila za 7,200,000 dolarjev. Cikago (Chicago) v državi Ilinoj (Illinois) bode kmalo največje mesto v Ameriki. Ima že blizo milijona prebivalcev. Xa Gornjem jezeru so največji bakreni rudniki v Združenih Državah in morda na celem svetu. Rudarji so že tisoč in več čevljev (feet) pod zemljo in na stotine in stotine bakra (hundreds after hundreds of pounds of) skoplejo vsako leto. Sukati se, to move around, število, number, kinčati, to adorn, neizmeren, infinite, zvezdar, /.vezdogled, astronomer, rojen, domač, native, moder, wise, po koncu stati, to stand up, govor, sermon, sčasoma, gradually, gol; nag, naked, šteti, to count, okoli: nekako, about, Rusija, Russia, zemljevid, map, tek, course, prepir, dispute, če, if, whether. plavati (les), to float, obstati pri čem, to insist - 011, obsegati, to comprise, silen, vast, enormous, (o) ceniti, to estimate, hitro, brzo, swiftly, to bid, vkazati, bade, vkazal, zaznamovati, to mark down, vpliv, čin, effect, gibanje, motion. LN^XI. Naloga. Vrstilni števniki. Ordinal Numbers. I. The first, prvi, a, o, the second, drugi, the third, tretji, the fourth, četrti, the fifth, peti, the sixth, šesti, the seventh, sedmi, the eigth, osmi, the ninth; deveti, the tenth, deseti, the eleventh, ednajsti, the twelfth, dvanajsti, the thirteenth, trinajsti, the fourteenth, štirnajsti, the fifteenth, petnajsti, the sixteenth, šestnajsti, the seventeenth, sedemnajsti, the eighteenth, osemnajsti, the nineteenth, devetnajsti, the twentieth, dvajseti, the twenty first, eno in dvajseti, the twe'nty second, dve in dvajseti, the thirtieth, trideseti, the fourtieth, štirideseti, the fiftieth, petdeseti, the sixtieth, šestdeseti, the seventieth, sedemdeseti, the eightieth, osemdeseti, the ninetieth, devetdeseti, the hnndreth, stoteri. 2. The 1st, the 2nd, the 3d, the 4th, the 21st, the 22nd, the 23d, the 24th. 3. The 1st of January; the oth of March; the 21st, of June; the 4th of July etc. EXERCISE. Napoleon the First, emperor of France, was born at Ajaccio, on the island of Corsica. William the Fourth of England succeeded George the Fourth in the year 1830, and reigned seven years. George Washington was the first president of the United States and we call him the Father of the republic. This is the second time, Grover Cleveland was elected president. We celebrate our national independence on the fourth of July. The twenty fourth of November is always thanksgiving's day. Vienna is situated under the 48th degree of northern latitude and 34th degree of eastern longitude. Born, rojen, century, stoletje, to succeed, slediti, page, stran, to elect, izvoliti, president, predsednik, degree, stopinja, chapter, poglavje, republic, ljudovlada, throne, prestol, to reign, vladati, to marry, omožiti, oženiti sc, slow, počasen, . national, naroden, longitude, dolgost, to be situated, ležati, stati, independence, neodvisnost, peace, mir, to sign, podpisati, to crown, kronati, laborious, trudapoln, thanksgiving, zahvala, latitude, širjava, to commence, začeti. Pravila. 1. Vrstilni števniki narejajo se, izvzemši prve tri, iz glavnih s ten), da se glavnim pribesi: th. Pri številnikih. ki se z t/ končujejo, se ij »premeni v rV. X. pr. thirty thirtieth, itd. 2. Mej vrstilnim številom in imenom mesecev stoji besedica: of. K. pr. The first of December. Pri zaznamovanji dneva v pismih se of navadno iz pusti; n. pr. Chicago, September 10, 1892. 3. Vrstilni števniki stoje, prilogom enako, navadno pred samostalniki. X. pr. The first steps to learning are slow and laborious. I have commenced my thirty sixth year. Izjeme so naslednje. a) oe se vrstilni številnik'pridene imenu kake vladajoče osebe. N. pr. Joseph, the First, Pius the Ninth, Leo the Thirteenth. b) Pri nadpisih in naznanilih. X. pr Chapter the tenth; page the sixth. Razun glavnih in vrstilnih števnikov treba pomniti. 1. Stevilnike ki zaznamujejo drobce: Fractional Numbers. Njih iine-novalniki narejajo se. razven half in quarter, iz vrstilnih števil. Pomemba jim je samostalniška, toraj se jim pribesi v množ. štev. s. N. pr. I! 2 (one) half, 213 two thirds, 1J 3 " third, .315 three fifths, 1 4 fourth, 51 y 1 five seventy firsts, lj- " fifth, 0; 110 nine one hundred and tenths. 1 3 1 milje, a mile and three quarters, 3 5 stopinj, three degrees and live sixths, 10 2j 3 miijona, ten millions and two fifths. 2. Množilni števuik, Multipliers: Once, enkrat; twice, dvakrat; thrice ali three times, trikrat; four times, štirikrat; ten times, desetkrat, itd. Once more, še enkrat, as long again, še enkrat tako clolgo; twice as long, dvakrat tako dolgo, i tel. 3. Številni prislovi, Numeral Adverbs: First, prvič; secondly, drugič; thirth, tretjič; fourthly, četertič; itd. To bathe, kopati se, anxiety, skrb; strah, to select, izbrati; izvoliti si, to dive, potapljati se, proper, pravi, to sink, potopiti se; vtopiti se,-kaj, to disappear, izginiti, sank; sunk, potopil; vtopil. aged, prileten, sunk, potopljen, a, o. impossible, nemogoč, no more, ne več; nič več, active, delaven, quickly, hitro; brzo, mere, sam, example, izgled, instant, trenotek, to plunge, potapljati, instantly, riakrat, alas, žalibog; škoda, bottom, dno, 15 to share, deliti; vdeležiti se, close by, blizo, tik, to attract, privabiti, remaining, ostali, a, o, rope, vrv, fortunately, srečno, alive, živ, a, o, to rescue, rešiti, pool, luža, globina, * t(> remark, opomniti, solicitude, skrbnost, to reappear, se prikazati, exhausted, vpešan. to restore, popraviti, playmate, soigralec, disappearance, izginjenje. A J A. Božič, ki posebno otrokom veliko veselja napravlja, praznuje se •>:>, grudna. Velikano'-, vuebohod in binkošti so premakljivi prazniki, ker se praznujejo vsako leto na ravno tisti dan. Leta 1^50 praznovala se je Velika noč •>4. malega travna. Kres je -J4. rožnika in sv. .Mihael je i'!>. kimovca. Veliki Šmaren ali Velika Gospojiiica je zini raj ' 13. avgusta. Spomlad začne se -m. ali JI. sušca, poletje i? 1. rožnika, jesen J I. kimovca in zima Ji grudna. Prva stopinja do poboljšanja je priznanje pregrehe. Pisal sem stri jen že dva ali trikrat, pa prejel še nisem nobenega odgovora, še enkrat pišem, morebiti me razveseli potem s par vrsticami. Tvoja naloga ' enkrat tako dolga kot njena. Xaj bolj večerni okraj Sibirije ima .; mu j;' še mili- jonov prebivalcev, mej tem ko jih ima vshodnja komaj Božič, Christina -, veselje, pleasure, napravljati, to afford, praznovati, to celebrate. Velika-noč, Easter, \~nebohod. Ascension da niilij« liinkošti, Pentecost Sunday, ] irem i (-en, moveable, praznik, holvday; feast, dan in leto, date. Veliki četertek. holy Thtirsdav. Kres, Midsummer, sv. Mihael, Michael mass, stopinja, step, poboljšan je, amendment, priznanje, acknowledgement, par, a few, vrstica, line. razveseliti, to favour. Veliki Šmaren. Assumption day; elika Gospojnica, Lady's dav, N oliki petek, (tood-Eridav. rajno tako, just as. prem;'r, diameter, obseg, cii-cinnference zahodnji. western, vshoclnji eastern. okraj. province, Sibirija, Siberia, mej tem ko, whilst, while. Velika sobota. Easter Saturdav. sv. res. Telo, Corpus Christ i. patron: patron saint. I j V I f F. ."Xsi 1 og-a. Pomožni glagoli lux ilia rt Verbs of Time. A. Tb,-<:c'u imeti. Intiiiitive Present (nedoločni naklon sedanj, časa) to have, im ;i infinitive Past (nedoločni naklon preteki, časa) to have had. Participle Present (deležnik sedanj, časa) having, imeč, a, o, Participle Past (deležnik preteki, časa) had, imel, a, o, Participle Compound (zloženi deležnik) having had. Indicative (določni naklon). (sedunji cns), 1 have, imam, thou hast, imaš, he (she, it) has, ima, we have, imamo, you have, imate, they have, imajo, I\rf: rt Ten*? {pretekli 1 have had, sem imel, a, o, thou hast had, si imel, a, o, he (she, it) has had, je imel, a, o, we have had, smo imeli, e. a, you have had, ste imeli, e, a, t.hev have had, so imeli, e. a, Imperfect Tense. {polpretekli cut). I had, sem imel, a, o, thou hadst, si imel, a, o, he (she it) had, je imel, a, o, we had, smo imeli, e, i, von had, ste imeli, e, i, they had, so imeli, e, a. Pluperfect Tense, {prejpreteki i con). I had had, sem bil imel, a, o, thou hadst had, si bil imel, a, o. lie (she. it) had had, je bil imel. a. o, we had had, smo bili imeli, e, a, you had had, ste bili imeli, e, a, thev had had, so bili imeli, e, a. Fn'nr. Tense {prihodnji run). Future Perfect {prtjprihodnji <'"*) I shall have, bom ime!, thou wilt have, boš imel. he ;she. it) will have, bo imel, we s i.ill have, homo imeli, yo.i will, have, bote imeli, thev will have, bodo imeli, I shall have had, bom imel. thou wilt have had, boš imel; he (she, it) will have had, bo imel, we shall have had, bomo imeli, you will have had, bote imeli, thev will have had. bodo imeli. Conditional (Subjunctive) Mood (pogojni naklon). Prt m nt T' nste. (if) I had, (ko) bi imel. ., thou hadst, ., he had, ,, we had. I ko) bi imeli, .. you had, (ko) bi imeli. .. thev had, F n t nr. Tense. I should have, bi imel, thou wouldst have, he would have, we should have, bi imeli, you would have, thev would have. Future Perfect. I should have had, bi bil imel, thou wouldst have had, he would have had, we should have had, bi bili imeli, you would have had, they would have, bad.. — I 1 C, — Imperative. Veleviiik. Have, imej, imejte: Let us have, naj imamo! let them have, naj-niajo! You should have, vi naj hi imeli! They should have had, oni naj imaj bi bili imeli. B. To be, biti, Inf. Present: to be, biti, Part. Present!: being. Inf. Past: to have been. Part. Past: been, bil. Part. Compound: having been. Indicative. I am, sem, thou art, si, he (she, it) is, je, we are, smo, you are, ste, they are, so, Indicative. Present Tense. Subjunctive. I be, (daj sem, thou be, si, he (she, it) be, je, we be, smo, you be, ste, they be, so. Tmuerl'ect Tense. Subjunctive. I was, sem bil, thou wast, si bil. he, (she, it) was, je bil, we were, smo bili, you were, ste bili, they were, so bili. Perfect Tense. Indicative. I have been, sem bil, thou hast been, si bil. he, (she, it j has been, je we have been, smo bili, you have been, ste bili, thev have been, so bili. bil. I were, jaz bi bil, thou wert, ti bi bil, he, (she. it) were, bi bil, we were, bi bili, you were, vi bi bili, they were, oni bi bili. Pluperfect Tense. Indicative. I had been, sem bil (bil), thou hadst been, si bil, he had been, je bil, we had been, smo bili (bili), you had been, ste bili, they had been, so bili. Indicative. 1 shall be, bodein thou wilt be, boš, he will be, bo. we shall be, bomo, yon will be, bote, they will be, bodo, Future Tense. Conditional. bom, (If) I had been, (ko) bi bil, ,, thou hadst been, ., he had been, ,, we had been, (ko)bi. bili ,, you had been, ,, thev had been, Future Perfect. I shall have been, bodem, bom, thou wilt have been, boš, he will have been, bo, we shall have been, bomo, you will have been, bote, they will have been, bodo. finpera/iet. Be, bodi, bodite! Let me be; let us be; let. them be! naj bom; naj bomo; naj bodo! EXERCISE. To have a good conscience is better than to have riches. The trees having had no blossoms, we cannot expect any fruit. If this good people had not had compassion with him, he would have been in. the greatest distress. Impatience has long strides. If you had not been so extravagant in your youth, you would not be in such misery, at present,. When yon will be in England or in the United States of America, you will have the best opportunity of learning English. We would have had more pleasure, if you had been one of the party. These children would derive greater advantages from private instructions than, from being taught in a large school. Have patience with the weak! There is no condition so high, but it may have fears; none so low, but it may have hopes. If the counsel is good, it matters not (nič ne de) who gave it. Wit and judgement are often at strife. Our younger days, were days of real joy. We shall be very happy to see you now and then. Oh! that 1 had had more prudence in my youth! I should have less trouble, now, in my old age. I have no respect for titled rank, unless it is accompanied by true nobility of soul. An honest man among thieves has but a poor chance of profiting by their company. Be contented with your fate! Tedious, pust; dolgočasen distress, nezgoda; zadrega, impatience, nepotrpežlji vost, strength, moč. to flee, bežati, ex travagant, zapravij i v, British, britanjsk, colony, naselbina, considerable, precejšen, influence, vpliv, rude, surov, neotesan, hasty, nagel, to set off, odriniti, undertaking, početje, advantage, korist; h^seu, counsel, sovet, matter, zadeva; reč, to matter, deti, wit, bistroumnost, judgement, presodba, strife, prepir, trouble, sitnost, childish, otročji, a, e, civilized, olikan, infancy, detinstvo; mladost, prudence, pamet; modrost, whatever, karkoli, respect, spoštovanje, titled, s naslovom, rank, stališče; stan; stopnja private, poseben; domač, instruction, poduk, to teach, učiti koga, taught, učil; podučen, condition, stan, položaj, fear, strah, bojazen, hope, up, upanje, nobility, žlahnost, pity, škoda, unfavorable, neugoden, chance, prilika, to profit, okoristiti se, weak, slaboten, fate, osoda. ila. 1. Za oblikovanje preteklega in prej preteklega časa služi nam po- možni glagol to have in za oblikovanje prihodnjega časa shall in u-lll. prvo osebo v obeh številih rabi: s/ia/l: za drugo in tretjo: in'//. Velevni naklon enak je vedno nedoločnemu po obliki. Sentiment, čutilo, mnenje, Armenia, Armenija, spouse, soproga, courtier, dvornik, to re-instate, zopet postaviti, air, obraz, indifference, malomarnost, as for, kar se tiče, crown, krona, attention, pazljivost; pozor, rate, cena; beloved, ljubljen, to celebrate, obhajati, social, družben; družljiv, to address, ogovoriti; nasloviti, native, rojsten, hereditary, dedljiv. inexpressibly neizrečeno, tenderness, nežnost: ljubezen, ardour, gorečnost, purchase, kupce van je, to purchase, kupiti, kupovati, to liberate, oprostiti, charmed, očaran; prevzet od. to extol, slaviti, poviševati, military, vojašk, exploit, junaški čin. bride, nevesta, bride-groom, ženin, generous, žlahtnosrčeii, žlahten. VAJA. To poletje imeli smo veliko dežja, ( o bi ne bilo tako mokro, žito bi bilo sedaj že zrelo. Živež je tako drag sedaj kot malo kedaj popreje. Posebno reveži čutijo to, ko imajo veliko težavo, da si vsakdanji živež prislužijo. Če hi bil ti v mladosti bolj marljiv bil, zastopal bi bolj častno stopinjo mej (in) občinstvom. Bote li imeli še kedaj tako lepo priliko kot včeraj V Bodi z drugimi prizanesljiv; strog pa sam s seboj! Če si počel neumnosti, imej toraj pogum priznati jih. Denar imel bi zanj več vrednosti, ho bi si ga bil prislužil sam. Ne bodi tako aboten. da bi svojo srečo zanemarjal. Ali bi ne imel več veselja nad svojim delom, če bi je opravil z večo pridnostjo? Dež, rain, zanemarjati, to neglect, zrel, ripe, stopinja, position, živež, provisions, človešk, human, posebno, particularly, občinstvo, society, hud. trd; oppressive, priložnost, opportunity, čutiti, to feel, razmera, circumstance, neumnost, folly, pridnost, diligence, težava, difficulty, hrana, livelihood, prislužiti, to earn, nesreča, misfortune, previden, prudent, spoštljiv, respectable, ugoden, favorable, početi, to commit. dobiček, profit, opraviti, to do, to perform, prizanesljiv, indulgent, priznati, to acknowledge; to confess, storjen, committed, veljava, value, pogum, courage, mnenje, opinion, oster, strict, aboten, silly, opazovati, to observe, S JX. .\;jl«j»'a. Auxiliary Verbs of Mood. Pomožni glagoli načina. ( an, moči (morem i, /'rt.i/nt li-itx 1 can, morem; zamorem, thou canst, moreš, he can. more, we can, moremo, you can. morete, they can, morejo, /lll/ii rfi rt Ti-n. I could, sem mogel; zamogel thou couldst, si zamogel, he could, je mogel, we could, smo mogli, you could, ste mogli, they could, so mogli. May, moči (morem); smeli (naj bib i may, jaz naj bi; smem, thou mavest, ti naj bi: smeš. he may, on naj bi; sme. we may. mi naj lii: smemo, you may. vi naj Iti: smete, they may. oni naj hi; smejo, 1 might, jaz naj l>i, t hou mightst. he might, we might, mi naj bi, you might, the v might. Will, boleli. Prmmt Tense. Imperfect Tense. I would, hi hotel: bi. ; boš, thou wouldst, he would, we would, bi hoteli; bi, you would, they would. i will, hočem, thou ". ilt. hoče: he will, bo, we will, četno, you will, čete, they m ill, bodo, Shall, morati (naj bi). 1 shall, I should, thou shalt, thou, shouldst, he shall, he should, we shall, we should, - you shall, you should, they shall, they should. Must, morati; moram. Ought, morati (naj bi; hi moral). I must, moram, I ought, bimoral; naj bi, thou must, moraš, thou oughtst, he must, mora, he ought, we must, moramo, we ought, bi morali; naj bi, you must, morate, you ought, they must, morajo, they ought, Sem moral, I had to; 1 was obliged to. EX Eli CIS M. I. fan we see your house from this spot? Yes, w.e can, if we walk a little farther up that hill. Can you tell me the different parts of your mouth'? \ es, Sir, I can; the principal parts of the mouth are: the lips, the gums, the teeth, the roof, and the tongue. Though Charles felt very unwell this morning, we could not keep him away from school. As we had no money we could not buy any of those nice things. Those who have a good conscience can look everybody in the face without blushing. How can you ask me such a question? She was one of those persons, who could never refuse you a request. I could not do such a thing for the whole world. How can those who are not able to help themselves, help others? On account of my father's illness, I have not been able to leave the house for a week; and if he does not get any better, 'I shall not be able to go out next week, either. My cousin knows English, French, and German, but he does not know Italian. II. May I (ali smem) take your knife for a moment? You may take if you will not spoil it. We might stay longer, if we wished. lie told me, I might 'do, as I liked. Seeming calamities my be (znajo biti) real blessings. What may be the reason that your friend did not come last night? 1 don't know what prevented him; he may have had some other important business on hand, or he may not have felt well. We must go home; our parents might scold us if we were too late. We might have known beforehand, it would turn out thus. Proper attention might have prevented this misfotuue. May his health be restored soon! May he live to see the results of his kind deeds. May they find their reward in their own good conscience! I fear, I shall not be permitted to accompany you on your journey. Most childern like (are fond of) fruit. He is very fond of my little brother. III. He would not wait, although we begged him repeatedly. I will solicit your mother's favour for you, if you will promise to be more careful in future. If you will call on me to-morrow, I will show you my beautiful album. Weeds will grow in spite (vkljub) of the gardener's care. Whenever he is well disposed, he will play all sorts of tricks. Sometimes, when he felt a little better, his mother would sit down at his bedside to cheer him up, by reading something nice to him. I wish your father had been here; then, I am sure, this misfortune would have been prevented. There is a stranger in the parlor wishing to speak to you. What are you going to do this afternoon? I was just going to begin writing my English exercise. They pretend to know nothing of the affair. IV. Thou shalt not steal. Dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return. He did not tell me what I should do with these books. Our master told us, we should not leave the room, till we had finished our work. You should have been more diligent this morning. What am I to do in this case? My brother was to keep the money, till he found it convenient to return it. What has become of your clerk who went to America two years ago? We have not heard from him, but he is said to be very successful in his undertakings. V. Everyone ought to be very careful,whom he admits in to his society. Many things ought not to be as they are. A promise, if it is a good one ought never to be broken. People who behave like yourself, ought to be sent to an insane-asvlum. VI. A stone must fall to the ground, as soon as the power that sent it up is exhausted. The stick must break if you bend it too much. You have done the mischief, and must repair it. Y'ou must not believe all you hear either against friend or foe. So many triumphs must be fatiguing. I must not forget my own particular adventure. What I am going to tell you, now, you must not mention to any body. He arrived on Saturday, and was obliged to leave again on Monday. To swim, plavati, hill, hrib; grič, gum, obzobno meso; dlesno, roof, nebo, temen, question, vprašanje, to blush, zarudeti, to refuse, odreči; ne hoteti. thus, tako; na ta način, company, tovaršija; družba, future, prihodnost, story, povest, convenient, pripraven, promise, obljuba, to exhaust, ygnati; izprazniti,- 16 request, prošnja, moment, trenutek, to spoil, pokončati, weekly, vsak teden, to inform, sporočiti, favor, laskavost, to cheer, razveseliti, dust, prali, nevertheless, vemlar. insane-asylum, norišnica, to repair, popraviti, character, značaj, allowance, žepni denar, seeming, navidezen, calamity, nezgoda, blessing, blagor, reason, vzrok, to prevent, odvrniti, important, važen, to scold, zmerjati; kregati, 1 >eforehand, poprej e, to 'urn out, steči se. triumph, zmaga; slavni vspeh, characteristic, značajen, proper, dostojen; pravi, to call 011, obiskati, album, knjiga za slike; album, trick, burka; šala; šegavost, attention, pazljivost; pozor, to restore, nazaj dati; povrniti, result, zdatek; znesek; sad, sadež, action, djanje, deed, čin, delo, reward, plačilo, to accompany, spremljati, iti. to solicit, zaprositi; poprositi, in spite of, vkljub, affair, reč; zadeva, clerk, služček pri kupcih, to behave, zadržati se, mischief, kvar; porednost, adventure, prigodek, void, prazen: brez. Pm^ila. Pregiba pomožnih glagolov načina je pomanjkljiva. Nimajo pravega nedoločnega naklona; nobenega priložaja. toraj tudi preteklega časa ne; ne prejpreteklega, ne prihodnjega in ne prej prihodnjega časa. Pomni naj.se o njih sp'.oh sledeče: 1. Can naznanja to, kar more kedo storiti. X. pr. Most birds can fly. Can you lead this letter. No, Sir, I cannot read it. Dalje rati naznanja tudi vse. kar ni nravstvenemu čutu nasprotno. N. pr.I cannot do it,without blushing. I could not doit for the life of me. Mesto: ran rabi mnogokrat: to be able, posebno v časih, ki jih ran nima. X. pr. If my sore throat will not get better. 1 shall not be able to sing to night. 2. May naznanja: a) Prostost ali dovoljenje storiti to. ki se naznanja s povedkom. V tem smislu pomenja: smeti, moči (morem, zamorem), naj. X. pr. You may play after you have finished your work. Ma v I ask you a question? You may do as you like in this matter. V izrazih, ki tu sem spadajo in so potrjevalni se slovenski: zamorem, itd. ne sme z ran prestaviti. Ako pa je glagol z ni kalijem: not združen, rabi navadno ran. You cannot do as you like in everything. They cannot have forgotten it. We could not have known that. b) Mogočnost ali verjetnost, ki izvirate iz okolščin in zadev. X. pr. lie may be ill. They maj" have forgotten it. Wre might have known that. c) Kaki zaželeni izid. X pr. May she be as happy, as she deserves to he! May he soon return home! Slovenski: smeti, moči, morem, zamorem se prestavljajo tudi »: t<> be Mowed; to be permitted. N. pr. As soon as you have finished your work, you will be alloved to go home. 3. 117//, enak je po pomenu večinoma slovenskim: hoteti, hočenr.bom, boš,, itd. Pomniti je nadalje: I. Will rabi včasih za naznanjanje večkratnega ponavljanja kaeega dejanja in pomenja: ,,ima navado." X. pr. Sometimes he will get up as early as four o'clock. Izrazi: Kaj hočeš? What do you want? ali What do you wish? (Nikoli ne: What do you will?) Stori, kar hočeš. Do, as you please. Oče hočejo s teboj govoriti. Father wishes to speak to you. Ravno sem hotel odposlati pismo. I was just about sending away a letter; ali: I was just going to send a way a letter. On če vse vedeti. He wants, ali: lie pretends to know all. 4. Shall naznanja povelje ali ukaz od govoreče do nagovorjene ali omenjene osebe ali bitja. N. pr. Yon shall do this. Thou shalt not kill. The children shall remain at home. Izrazi: Kdo naj ta pisma vzame". Who shall bolje: Who is to-take these letters? Morali smo celi dan doma ostati. We had to stay at home, the whole day. 5. Ought, združen navadno s sledečim mu nedoločnim glagolovim naklonom, naznanja nravstveno potrebo ali notranjo dolžnost in rabi le pogojno. X. pr. You ought to obey your father and mother. You ought to have paid him a visit. 6. Must ima našemu: morati, moram, enako pomen in rabi večinoma enako. X. pr. All men must die. I must go, now. You must sleep very soundly, if you do not hear such a noise. Y polpreteklem času in sploh pri oblikah, ki jih must nima, rabi: to be obliged. X. pr. We were obliged to follow hiru wherever he chose. They will probably be obliged to write the whole exercise, again. Y nikavnih rekih pomenja: must: smeti, smem. X. pr. You must not lose sight of him. Ga ne smete iz oči zgubiti. Izrazi: Jaz ne morem kaj zato. I cannot help it. .laz ne morem drugače, kot da se jočem? I cannot help crying. Upa, da bo zamogel priti. He hopes to be able to come. Mislili smo, da moramo prošnjo odreči. We believed to be obliged to refuse the request. Ladijane bo mogla odjadrati. The ship will not be able to sail off. Hiša se 1>o morala kmalu popraviti. The house will soon have to be repaired. Jaz nebom smel iti ven. I shall not be allowed to go out. Ali boš mogel jutri priti? Can you come to morrow? Will you be able to come to morrow? Mi ga nismo mogli razumeti. We could not understand him. We were not able to understand him. Nikoli ni hotel ubogati mojih ukazov. He would never obey my orders. He has never been willing to obey my orders. Morali so ostati doma.' They had to stay at home. They were obliged to stay at home. Vi niste smeli nikoli govoriti. You could never speak. Yon were never permitted to speak, Kedaj bi bila ladija morala priti? When was the vessel to arrive? Pravijo, da je mnogo govoril. He is said to have spoken a great deal. To bi bilo moralo takoj popravljeno biti. This ought to have been repaired at once. Ta račun bi se bil imel prej plačati. This bill should have been paid before. Nikdo bi mi ne bil smel kaj taeega povedati. No one should have dared to tell me such a thing. To bi bilo imelo biti plačano naprej. This should have been (ought to have been) prepaid. EXERCISE. He has undertaken something which, he seems not to be able to finish. The vessel was so far repaired that, the captain hoped to be able, in a few days, to continue his voyage. The vessel will not be able to enter the river as long as the storm lasts. If the frost continues, the plants will soon have to be moved in to the green-house. The patient will not be allowed to leave his bed for a month. My father-in-law has been obliged to go to the sea-side on account of ill health. I have never been allowed to stay out this late, at night. You have never had more advice than sufficient, but you have been very seldom willing to follow it. Fortunately the weather continued calm, otherwise both ship and crew must have perished. I could not have had more encouraging prospects. You ought to have told me the truth, at once. You should not have bought it at such a high price. The battle might have been gloriously won, "had all the soldiers imitated the example of their leader. To undertake, lotiti se; podjeti, to be inclined, nagnjen biti, to abandon, zapustiti; zavreči, obstacle, zadržek, insurmountable, nepremagljiv, mysterious, skrivnosten; čuden, mystery, skrivnost, to clear up, raz-pojasniti, stage-coach, poštni voz, approach, bližanje, highwayman, cestni tolovaj, guinea, zlat, to hide, skriti, to advise, sovetovati, to search, pre-iskajti, astonished, začuden, to take off, odložiti; sleči, izzuti, frost, slana, father-in-law, tast, sea-side, primorje, explanation, razlaga, to accept, sprejeti; vzeti, invitation, povabilo, magnificent, velečasten, to conduct, voditi, peljati, guest, gost, to be seated, Vsesti se, hospitable, gostoljuben, to perish, poginiti, to prepare, pripraviti, to encourage, navduševati, gloriously, slavno, to imitate, posnemati, to explain, razložiti, pocket book, denarna listnica, to rob, o-ropati, pardon, odpuščenje; milost, about, pri, banknote, bankovec, amends, povračilo. to stay out, izostati, otherwise, drugače; sicer, enraged, serdit, confederate, družbenik, injustice, krivica, satisfactory, zadostilen, vexation, sitnost; neprijetnost, to oblige, primorati; postreči, highly pleased, zelo vesel; zelo zadovoljen, generosity, radodarnost. VAJA. Kar se zamore opraviti danes, ne sine so odložiti do jutri. Večjidel ptičev zna frčati. Jaz nisem zainogel razumeti zakaj te tvoj oče niso pustili z nami k godbeni veselici iti. Storite, kar čete, vaš trud bo zastonj sk (will be of no use.) Ali bote zamogli danes popoldan priti k meni? Sedaj 'ne smeš hoditi (go) proč, sedaj moreš se naučiti svojo nalogo. Poprej nisem nikoli hotel v temi v klet iti. Tvoja naloga je tako slabo pisana, da jo boš moral prepisati. Ali smem vzeti eno knjigo iz knjižnjaka? Ti češ vse bolj vedeti, ko drugi. Pri tvoji starosti moral bi že vedeti kaj je dobro in kaj slabo. Pravijo, da je ministerstvo prosilo za odpust. Zaradi hude nevihte morala se je vrniti ladija v luko. On postati bi bil moral bogatin, če bi se bil naučil varčnosti. Račun bi bili morali še enkrat plačati, če bi ne bili mogli pokazati pobotnice. Jaz bi mu takega odgovora ne bil mogel dati. On te odgovornosti ne bo hotel vzeti na se. Ti bil bi moral postati malopridnež, če bi bil dalj časa ostal v tej družbi. Opraviti, to do, odložiti, to put off, zapopasti, to comprehend, godbina veselica, concert, prizadevanje; trud, endeavor, korist, use; avail, ura (čas), o'clock, proč iti, to go away, temen, dark, temota, darkness, slabo, badly, pisal, wrote, prepisati, to copy, knjižnjak, book-case, prav, right; rightly, krivica, wrong, ministerstvo, ministry, odpust, dismissal, vložiti, to hand in, okolica, environs, poštnina, mail; pravilen, regular, tek, course, zadržati, to interrupt, zarad; zastran, on account of, hud, mad, divji; zloben, violent, verniti se, to return, varčnost, economy, pobotnica, receipt, pokazati, to show, odgovornost, responsibility, malopridnež, good for nothing fellow, družba, society; company, odgovoren, responsible. LX. IV » 1 o g- a. Pomožni glagol: to do. EXERCISE. 1. I am bound to believe you, and, of course, I do believe you. I do assure you, my first object is to comply with your request. The packet was to sail yesterday, and she did sail, but on account of the heavy storm, the captain was obliged to cast anchor at the mouth of the river. He is generally very reserved, but if he talks, he always does speak to the purpose. Do let me accompany you home. 2. Facts alone do not constitute right. Men do not act from calculation, action comes from feeling. Do not rob a man of the praise due him. One swallow does not make summer. The true sportsman does not shoot his own pointer. I do not understand exactly what you mean. 3. Did you ever read Lord Byron's works? What does the gentleman think of the affair. Did you ever hear such nonsense? What do you mean by this assertion. Do you not often wish to be home again? Did I not tell you to stop, at once. How much do you expect to gain by this bargain ? 4. I don't (do not) think they will invite us to dinner, but if they do, we must decline accepting their invitation. I shall treat you as you did me. You have owned your fault frankly, and I hope, you will do so in future, whenever you are to blame. You go to the theatre oftener than I do. Style, način; šega; navada, bound, dolžan, to assure, zagotoviti, to comply with, vstreči, packet, poštna ladija, to roam about, okoli hoditi, reserved, tih; molčeč, to suffer, trpeti; dopustiti, fact, istina; resnica, to constitute, narediti; zlagati, gale, vihar; silni veter, to misunderstand, napačno razumeti, to act, delati; ravnati, calculation, premislek, sportsman, lovec, pointer, pes jerebičar. to check, vstaviti; zadržati, victorious, zmagalen, to propose, predložiti: svetovati. Swede, Šved, arms, orožje, decline, odreči, assertion, zagotovljanje, nonsense, neumnost, offer, ponudba, to own, priznati, fraifkly, naravnost, to be alarmed, biti ostrašen, to care for, brigati se, trifle, malenkost, to ail, manjkati; biti komu, fierce, divji; surov, to blame, grajati. Pravila 1. Glagol: to do, se v nezložnih časih, v sedanjem in polpreteklem času namreč, (če nista združena s kakim pomožnim glagolom načina) in v velevnem naklonu večkrat rabi kot pomožni glagol. a) V potrjevalnih stavkih, če se trditev posebno naglasujeali določno izreka. V tem smislu pomenja: zares, prav gotovo, na vsak način itd. b) Če je glagol združen z besedico: not. e) Če stoji glagol v kakem prašanju. d) Namesto prej rabljenega glagola, da se ne ponavlja z nova. 2. Glagol to do se ne rabi: a) Pri pomožnih glagolih časa in načina: to have, to he, shall, will itd. N. pr. I am not able to write long letters. I have not time to write long letters. Thou shalt not steal. Izjema je velevni naklon: be not; mesto katerega se rabi navadno: do not be, ali: don't be. N. pr. Do not be alarmed. Don't be afraid. (Včasih: Do not have anything to do with him.) b) Če je glagol združen s kako drugo nikavno besedo, razven: not. X. pr. I never heard of such a thing. c) Za imenovalniki: who? what? which? ali če pred osebnikom pra-šavni: irhose stoji. N. pr. Who cares for such trifles? What ails the child? Which of the children broke the window? Whose carriage arrived first? Meal, jed; južina, rather, še precej; prej ko, tempting, zapeljiv, to water, močiti; obliti. delicacy, sliščiea; prizanesljivost, to suit, prilegati se; všeč biti, politely, prijazno: vljudno, why, zakaj; no. to offend, razžaliti. customer, kupovalee, to bet, staviti, quarter, četertinkn, to lay, položiti, joke, šala, voraciously, wager, zastava, stranger, tujec, plainly, razločno natančno, to sty>p, nehati: prenehati. to swallow, pogoltniti, to hand, pomoliti; podati, to rub, drgniti; meti, within; nfmself. sam pri sebi, VAJA. požrešno. worth, vrednost: vreden, value, vrednost; cena, price, cena, valued, cenjen. Zakaj je zapustil tvoj bral druščino tako na naglo? Xi se počutil dobro. Jaz res mislim, da mi čete nagajati. Kaj slišim? Meli ušesa goljufajo? Zdi se mi nemogoče. Ne svojim si imena: modroslovec; pač pa si svojim zdrav človeški um. To ni bila zmota, jaz sem res videl oči stare žene polne solza. Bodi vsaj prihodnjič previdnejši. Zakaj se sinoči nisi naučil svojej nalogi? Bil sem se ji res naučil in nisem bil šel spat, prej kot sem jo znal. Prosim, stori mi to laskavost. Zakaj mi pretekli teden nisi pisal? V prihodnje ravnal bom jaz ravno tako, kot ravnaš ti z menoj. Zdelo se mi je res, kot da bi bilo moje pretenje imelo nekaj vpliva. Kedo je povedal to strašno dogodbo prvi? Prosim povej še enkrat; jaz nisem razumel. Zajmstiti, to leave; to quit, naenkrat, suddenly, druščina, party; company, burka, trick, goljufati, to deceive, svojiti se, to lay claim to, modroslovec, philosopher, zdrav um, common sense, zmota, mistake, polniti, to till, solza, team, varčen, careful, do; dokler, untill, naklonjenost, favour, pretekel, last, skleniti, to determine, še enkrat, once more, zaderževati, to keep back, pretenje, threat, nekteri, some, vpliv, effect, strašen, dreadful, dogodba, accident; story, povedati, to relate, razumeti, to understand, goljufanje; motenje, deception. LXI. Naloga. Pravilni glagoli. Regular Yerbs. * Djavni način. Active Voice (mood). A. Navadna oblika. Ordinary Form. To ask. Prašati. Infinitive Present: Past: Participle Present: Past: ti Compound: Imperative: Present Tense. I ask, prašam, thou askest, prašaš, he asks, praša, we ask, pr&šamo, you ask, prašafe, they ask, prašajo. to ask, prašati, to have asked, prašal, asking, prašajoč, askecP, prašan, having asked, prašal, ask, prašaj! prašajte! Imperfect Tense. I asked, sem prašal, thou askedst, si prašal he asked, je prašal, we asked, smo prašali, you asked, ste prašali, they asked, so prašali. — iau — t Perfect Venue. I have asked, sem prašal, thou hast asked, si prašal, he has asked, je prašal, we have asked, smo prašali, you have asked, ste prašali, they have asked, so prašali. Pluperfect Tense. Future Tense. I had asked, sem bil prašal, thou liadst asked, si bil prašal, he had asked, je bil prašal, we had asked, smo bili prašali, you had asked, ste bili prašali, they had asked, so bili prašali. I shall ask, bom prašal, thou wilt ask, boš prašal, he will ask, bo prašal, we shall ask, bomo prašali, you will ask, bote prašali, they will ask, bodo prašali. Future Perfect. 1 shall have asked, bom prašal, thou wilt have asked, boš prašal. he will have asked, bo prašal, we shall have asked, bomo prašali, you will have asked, bote prašali, they will have asked, bodo prašali. Prihodnji čas v prašanjih. Shall I ask, ali (naj) bom prašal, Wilt thou ask, ali boš prašal, Will he ask, ali bo (naj praša) prašal. Shall we ask, ali bomo prašali (ali naj prašamo), Will you ask, ali bote prašali. Will they ask, ali bodo prašali. V odvisnih stavkih, v kterih se nam djanje zdi negotovo, rabi /.a vse osebe: shall. X. pr. (Till) I shall ask; thou shalt ask, he shall ask, itd. (If) I should ask, you should ask, they should ask, itd. B. Proe/ressire Form. Trajajoča oblika. Present Tense. 1 am asking, prašam (sem prnšajoč'), thou art asking, prašaš. hi is asking, praša, we aj-e asking, prašamo, itd. Imperfect Tense. I was asking, sem prašal, you were asking, ste prašali. Conditioned. (If) I were asking, (ko) bi prašal, ...... .. 17 Perfect Tense. I have been asking, sem prašal. Future Tense. I shall be asking, bom prašal, you will be asking, bote prašali. Pluperfect Tense. 1 had been asking, sem bil prašal. future Perfect. I shall have been asking, bom sprašal, you will have been asking, bote sprašali. EXERCISE. I. I respect those who endeavour to act up to their various obligations. Now, thou talkest like a reasonable creature. Health is to be enjoyed with temperance, only. A good life affords consolation in old age. and ends in peace. Useful conversation enriches the understanding. The Pacific washes the western shores of America, A kind word often touches the heart, when severity makes no impression. Insult not the Dervis, said a wise Caliph to his son, lest thou offend thy historian. ■1. A Sultan happened to meet a Dervis who was sitting with a human skull in his lap. When the Sultan approached, the venerable old man did not notice him in the least, but looked very earnestly at the skull, and appeared to be in a profound reverv. His attitude and behaviour suprised the Sultan, who demanded to know the cause of his deep reflection. ..Sire" answered the Dervis, ..this skull was presented to me this morning, and from that mnnrmt I have been endeavoring in vain to discover, whether it is the skull of a powerful monarch like your Majesty, or of a poor Dervis like myself." 3. Had company has mined many a youth. I have just receive;! your very kind letter. I had just finished my work, when my friend arrived. 4. The prisoner tried to escape, but he was not successful. When Diogenes was asked by Alexander if he could do him a favour, he replied: Please, step out of the sun a little. Von have disobeyed my orders; 1 must therefore deprive you of the opportunity of disobeying them another time. o. Did you omit anything in your exercise?-Yes, I omitted a whole sentence. Those who will not be counselled, cannot be helped, lie lias travelled for more than two years. The poor woman sobbed, but did not say a word. 0. We shall wrestle with difficulties like our neighbours. What will become of you, if you do not-soon begin another course of life? What will your parents sav to your conduct? The ship was signalized this morning, she will soon arrive here in the port. The storm will have damaged a great many vessels at sea. I am convinced, you would have settled this affair more satisfactorily. Who would have expected that from a friend? I would not make any fuss about such trifles, it I wore you. Reasonable people would nbt listen to such nonsense. T. Our house shall he a home to him till his wound shall be healed. 11' anything should happen during my absence, you must write to me immediately. He told us several times that he should not stay over a week. These children are always quarrelling. It is snowing just now, but it seems to be clearing up. The ocean is continually receiving the spoils of the land. The'sun was just setting when we reached the summit of the mountain. Between two jealous nations motives of quarrel will seldom be wanting. Obligation, dolžnost, reasonable, pameten, consolation, tolažba, to enrich, obogatiti, understanding, razum, to wash, prati; vmivati, to notice, opaziti, to touch, dotakniti se, impression, vtis, to insult, razžaliti, Dervis, derviš, lest, da ne, historian, zgodovinar, heed, varčnost; previdnost, to take heed, pa/.iti, 10 deceive, goljufati, skull, čepina, mrtvaška glava, lap, naročje; na kolenih, venerable, častit, profound, globok, to st:dy, učiti se, to wonder, čuditi se, to disobey, ne ubogati, to omit, izpustiti, to copy, prepisati, meaning, pomen, to blot, zamazati, to occur, primeriti se, to snow, snežiti, to light, prižgati, to pay, plačati, to counsel, sovetovati, changeable, spremenljiv, to sob. zdihovati, miserable, nesrečen; nič vreden, to wrestle, buriti se, fit intervals, od časa do časa, reverv, zamišljenje, attitude, lega, reflection, premišljevanje. Sire, veličastvo; nagovor vladarjem, to exist, životariti; biti, Pope, papež, to spread, razširiti; raztrositi, to vary, drugačiti se, gleam, žarek; sij, volume, zvezek, monk, menih, sentence, stavek, belly, trebuh, regret, žal, port, luka, lapse, tek časa, staff, palica, spoil, plen; rop, booty, plen; rop, to signalize, naznaniti, fervour, gorečnost, to set, zaiti, agent, opravilnik, jealous, sumen; sumljiv; nevošljiv, history" zgodovina, to complete, dopolniti; dokončati, pressing, nujen, to settle, poravnati, satisfactorily, zadovoljno, to transgress, prestopiti, to inflict upon; naložiti, fuss, šum; vriše; sunder, to quarrel, pričkati se, summit, vrh, to fancy, domišljevati sj, booty, plen. Pravila. 1. Osebne končnice pri glagolih so v angleškem pomanjkljive. Zato mora stati vseskozi predglago 1 om osebni zaimek, slovenskemu neenako. vr slovenskem rečemo na vadno samo: delam, vidim, in le če je posebni poudarek na zaimku, pravimo: jaz delam, jaz vidim. V angleškem zmiraj: I work; I see. a) V sedanjem času v določnem naklonu, imate le 2. in oseba v edinem štev. osebne končnice. Druga oseba ima končnico: est, pri vseh glagolih razven onih, ki se z e končujejo. Pri zadnjih, je končnica: st. N. pr. thou askest; fchou praisest. Končnica tretje osebe je: s. N. pr. he asks; he sings, itd.Pri glagolih, ki se s šumevci ch, ss, ,r, z, sh ali s g končujejo, pred kterimi stoji samoglasnik, ima tretja oseba končnico: es. N. pr. she wishes, it vexes me; he tries; she replies itd. Tudi: he goes, he does. b) V polpreteklem času ima samo druga oseba edin. štev. osebno končnico, namreč: st. N. pr. thou askedst. ' 2. Polpretekli čas nareja se s končnico: e. What is to be done under present circumstances? Ambition is a thing which can never be satisfied. Such weather can never be born without stoves and furs. He had altered so much that, he was hardly to be recognized. You are very'much to be blamed for your imprudence. It is difficult to say who is right. 4. The process of digestion, as I have been informed, is one of the most wonderful works of nature. It is said that, the last thunder storm has caused a great deal of damage. It was generally believed, the fortress would be taken in less than a week. Worthless, nič vreden, mostly, večjidel, equivocal, dvoumen, reeomendation, priporočilo, prejudice, predsodek, reason, razum; pamet, to enlighten, razsvetliti, to tight ( fought], biti se, gallows, vislice, to promote, povzdigniti, privy counsellor, skrivni svetovalec, to inquire into, preiskovali, mute, mu tast. to regret, žal biti; keuati se, fur, kožuhovina. to compare, primerjati, process, obravnava, edition, izdaja, to print, tiskati, to trifle with, norčevati se, official, služben, ambition, slavohlep, to bear; born, prenašati, dwelling, stanovanje, digestion, prebava, damage, škoda, tire work, umetni ogenj, to enact, priobčiti; predočiti, lot, osoda; prest or, to distribute, razdeliti, to whisper, šepetati, goddess, boginja, chance, naklučje, accustomed, navajen, disaster, nezgoda, wonderful, čuden, to bring up, odgojiti, brought up, odgojen, alive, živ, engaged, imel opraviti, trade, rokodelstvo; kupčija, to deem, zdeti se; imeti za, degradation, onečastenje, citizen, državljan, cloth, sukno, noise, šum; ropot, moral, nravstven, morality, nravstveno st, to comply with, spolniti; vstreči, to plot, nameravati; zarot iti se, to interfere with, motiti, zadrževati, to support, podpirati, to recognize, spoznati, imprudence, nespametnost, to inform, povedati; sporočiti, thunderstorm, nevihta. XJravila. I. Trpna oblika se nareja, če se združi pomožni glagol: to he z Participle Past glavnega glagola. Osebek djavnega stavka sledi s predlogom Inj [od], ali pa se zamolči popolnoma. N. pr. lie is loved by all who know him. ■J. Trpne oblike nahajajo se pri vseh prehodnih glagolih kot v slovenskem. Kazven tega pa še rabijo; aj pri mnogih glagolih, ki zahtevajo v slovenskem dajahiik. N. pr. Mnogo se mi jih je zahvalilo. I was thanked by many; b] pri glagolih, ki zahtevajo samostalnik s predlogom; pri teh se predlog loči od samostalnika in postavi se za trpevni glagol. X. pr. A • treaty was entered into. Sklenili so pogodbo. Izrazi, n. pr. Kje je vina dobiti, prestavijo se v angleškem s: to be-K.' pr. Where is wine to be obtained? That is difficult to say. He is much to blame. 4. Pri izrazih: Pravijo, da; sliši se da itd. rabi v angleškem navadno trpna oblika. I am told that he is dead. This vessel is supposed to be a slave ship. 5. O tem se je mnogo govorilo. There was much talk about this. V tej hiši se mnogo poje. There is much singing in this house, itd. VAJA. Ko je žito zrelo, požanje se, posuši, omlati in potem spravi v žitniee. Pri nas mlatijo navadno po zimi, žito očistijo z vevnikom in čisto zrnje potem prodajo ali pa je pošlejo v mlin, da se zmelje. Iz moke peče se kruh, kolač, štruklji in mnogo drugih jedil. Stoli, mize, skrinje, vrata in vse drugo hišno orodje narejeno mora biti iz popolnoma suhega lesa, sicer se vse zveži. Trdnjava bila je oblegana večkrat od sovražnih čet, a vzeta bila ni nikoli. Kedaj bodo te knjige vezane? Kedaj se bodo te knjige izdale? Pravijo, da bo nova železnica odprta občinstvu prihodnjo spomlad. Bila bi že prej končana, če bi veliki most čez reko ne bil preteklo jesen razdjan vslcd hude povod nji. Cegava bo una hiša, ki se zida tam le? Ravno so sveče prižigovali,- ko sem vstopil v sobano. Neustrašen, intrepid, kakor hitro, no sooner, zmagati, to conquer, vladar, sovereign, tikoč, respecting, o, ženjica, reaper, žeti, to cut; to harvest, žitnica, granary, šupa; hlev, barn, mlatiti, to thrash, mlin, mili, mleti, to grind, srnlet, ground, moka, Hour, kolač, cake, štrukelj, dumpling, jedilo, dish; victuals, ■ skrinja, trunk, večkrat, several times, prižgati, to light, posušiti, to dry, po; kakor, according, naročilo, commission, tajnik, secretary, skleniti, to decree, sovražen, hostile, oblegati, to besiege, vezati, to bind, vezan, bound, obžalovati, to lament, ozek, narrow, tukajšen, of this place, vlada, government, odkupščina, ransom, popustiti, to give up, očistiti, to clean, vevnik, faning-mill, spraviti, to store up, vstopiti, to enter, obsodba, sentence, razjarjen, indignant, zatrobiti, to blow, trompeta, trumpet, zvoniti, to ring, zvon, bell, sklep, resolution; end, zvežiti se, to warp, izdati, to publish, občinstvo, public, odpreti, to open, prihodnji, next, prej, sooner, pretekel, last, razdjati, to destroy, vsled, by, in consequence of, hud, bad; awful; vast, povodenj, flood, sveča, candle, sobana, hall. LXIII. rValog-a. Irregular Verbs. Nepravilni glagoli. Nepravilni glagoli so vsi, ki ne narejajo svojega polpreteklega časa in deležnika preteklega časa s pribesanjem: d ali ed na glagolovo deblo, ampak na kale drug način, večkrat s preglasjem deblovega samoglasnika. Drugače pa, pregibajo se nepravilni glagoli ravno kot pravilni. Podajemo tukaj večino najnavadniših nepravilnih glagolov; delimo pa glagole v: 1. Glagole, pri kterih imajo nedoločni naklon, polpretekli čas in deležnik preteklega časa enake oblike. 2. Glagole, pri kterih imata polpretekli čas in deležnik preteklega časa enake oblike. 3. Glagole, pri katerih so nedoločni naklon, polpretekli čas, in deležnik preteklega časa različni. * A.) Nedoločni naklon, polpretekli čas in deležnik preteklega časa imajo enake oblike pri glagolih; Nustil; zapustil, ient, posodil, met, srečal, sent, poslal, slept, spal, smelt, dišal; duhal, spent, porabil; prebil, swept, pometal, delt, kupčeva!; delil, dreamt, sanjal, meant, menil, heard, slišal, built, stavil; zidal, gilt, pozlatil, lit, svetil, slid, dersnil, spilt, izlil, girt, opasal; predpasal, abode, ostal; stanoval, sold, prodal; prodajan, told, povedal, got, dobil, lost, zgubil, shone, sijal, shot, streljal; vstrelil, won, dobil, burnt, gorel; žgal, clung, deržal se; oklenil se, dug, kopal, flung, zal ličil, />ajo se enako nezloženim iz kterih bidden, vkazan; ponujen, come, prišel; došel, eaten, pojeden; sneden, given, dan, hitten, grizen; vgriznen, hidden, skrit; skrivan, done, storjen; počet, blown, pihan, drawn, potegnen; izvlečen, flown, sfrčan, grown, raščen; izraščen, known, znan; poznan, thrown, vržen, metan, crowed, krokan; pet, slain, vbit (človek ali žival),, fallen, padel, taken, vzet; vjet, forsaken, pozabljen, shaken, pomajan; pretresen, gone, šel, pošel, laid, položen; lain, ležal, seen, viden, rotten, segnjit; »priden,, swollen, otečen. so izpeljani. X. pr. To forbear, odložiti, zdržati se, forbore, odložil; zdržal se, forborne, odlašan; odpuščen, ., forbid, prepovedati, forbade, prepovedal, forbidden, prepovedan, itd. exercise: She burst into tears, and acknowledged her guilt. The bottle would have burst, if you had filled it with boiling water. When the policeman approached, the smuggler cast his goods into the river. The lawsuit cost more money, than could be gained by it. It is only a diamond that cuts a diamond. The abscess was cut yester-day. The boy hit that child in the face. I cannot hit upon any expedients. I hope, I have not hurt youri'eelings. »^he was knitting a pair of stockings for her little brother. All the girls were occupied in knitting. Let our hearts be knit together in love! Do not put loo many irons into the tire at one time. How shall we rid ourselves of that fool? She shed a flood of tears. He shut his heart against all admonitions of his parents. The lightning split this nice oak-tree. The report soon spread through the whole country. To acknowledge, spoznati; priznati, boiling, vrel, a, o, skin, koža, lawsuit, tožba, abscess, oteklina; tur, expedient, pot; rešilo, wheel, kolo, proportion, primera, to overturn, preberuiti, fall, padec, reproof, svaritev, newspaper, novice, to cross, čez iti. admonition, opomin j an j e, to lodge, stanovati, to jump, poskočiti, to shed, preliti, to lock, zakleniti, lightning, blisk; strela, oak-tree, hrast, broken, zlomljen, report, sporočilo; govorica, dagger, meč; bodalo, adversary, nasprotnik, charcoal, jelovo oglje, shed, prelil; slied, prelit. vaja. Lovec tepci je psa tako ihtavo, da se je potem uboga žival komaj zamogla premikati. Steklenica počila je, ko jo je pomivala dekla z vročo vodo. Tatu vrgli so v tanino ječo. Tvoji lasje morajo seodstriči; so veliko predolgi. Zinrzljava poškodovala je mnogo rastlin na vrtu. LTni deček metal je kamnje za menoj; k sreči me ni zadel. Bral sem pred nekaj dnovi v novicah, da je novi poslanec že zadnjo nedeljo odšel na Dunaj. Ogenj razširjal se je jako hitro, ker veter je pihal močno. Tvoja sestra pretočila je danes več solz. kot jih pretoči mnogo ljudi v celem živonji. Lovec, hunter, ihtavo, violently, stvar; žival, creature, steklenica, bottle, dvojen, double, znesek, sum, pokončati, to spoil, metati, to throw, k Sreči, fortunately, poslanec, ambassador, pretekel, last, kamen, stone, ogenj, fire; conflagration, naglost, rapidity, hitro, rapidly, vrata, gate, solnčni vshod, sunrise; zahod, suns'ct. B .XIV. rVfilog-a. Irregular Verbs (Continued, nadalje). exercise. A group of children sat, on the beach playing with pebbles. Every one of the sailors was eager to be the first to behold and announce the w ished for shore. The natives of the island, when at day break they beheld the ships near the coast, supposed them to be some monsters. Human ingenuity will always keep pace with the increasing wants of the age. Promises must be,kept. This time, the tears she shed were not tears of grief; she wept for joy. The wind swept the snow from the hill-tops. This must be felt to be appreciated. I have not learned to kneel before men. The poor mother knelt at the head of her suffering child's bed. That vessel was never heard of, again afterwards. Flee temptation in whatever shape it may approach you. When he perceived that he was in danger of life, he fled to England and after some time he went to America. The wound, though it was very deep, did not bleed much. Intemperance breeds infirmities. Such conduct marks the well-bred gentleman. Have the horses been fed properly? 1 hope you will not lead me astray a second time. He was entirely misled by one of his companions. You do not deal fairly with me. He dealt with matters of religion as with his worldly affairs. Beach, obrežje; obal, pebble, kamenček, eager, želj in, to announce, naznaniti, wished-for, zaželjen, native, rojen; rojak, dawn, mrak; zora, coast, obrežje, monster pošast, ingenuity, bistro-umnost pace, stopinja, fairly, lepo; pošteno, to perch, vsesti se, (ptiči), to guess, uganiti; misliti, to hop, skakljati, rest, ostanek; počitek, to rush, dirjati; vreči se, somehow, nekako, aside, zraven; poleg, cane, palica'za sprehod, enmity, sovraštvo, to increase, pomnožiti, want, potreba, foot-step, stopinja, pet, ljubček; ljubljenka, culprit, hudodelnik, odd, čuden; nenavaden, independent, neodvisen, trouble, sitnost, to seize, zgrabiti, to transplant, presaditi, to restrain, zaderžati, pussy, inačica, hatred, sovraženje, temptation, skušnjava, copiously, bogato; obilno, to bleed, krvaveti; kri puščati, to breed, rediti; odgojiti, intemperance, nezmernost, infirmity, slabost; bolehuost, to mark, zaznamovati; odlikovati, well-bred, dobro odgojen, astray, narobe; na nepravo pot, Worldly, posveten, a, o, to be attached, vdan, biti, to chirp, čverčati, age, vek; tek časa, to dance, plesati, holv, svet, to dawn, žariti se, grief, žalost; bridkost, hill, hrib; grič, to prove, dokazati, suffering, trpeč; trplenje, to retreat, odtegniti s (i, tp face, gledati v obraz, to flutter, frfrati, to entangle, zaplesti (se), breathless, vsopen; brez sape, to tap, načeti; trkljati, prey, rop, enemy, sovražnik. vaja. Sluga držal je konja za (by the) uzdo, dokler gospod ni bil od-južinal. Kako dolgo je dete spalo? Spalo je skoraj dve uri. Ce ne morete biti mirni, zapustiti bote morali sobo. Na sprehodu srečali smo bili mnogo kmetov, ko so v bližnjem mestu na somenji bili. Solnce je že v sobo sijalo, ko smo se zbudili. Ura glavne cerkve je ravno sedem bila, ko smo v mesto došli. Konj zgubil je podkev, mora biti zopet podkovan. Bučele in ose, pa sršeni, branijo se s svojim želom. Ali vas je kedaj kaka bčela ali osa pičila? On ni našel, kar je iskal. Kedaj bomo mi plačani? Kdo je prinesel ove knjige? To jutro bile so poslane iz bukvarne. Naše čete bile so se s čudovito hrabrostjo. Pri vsakem napadu ohranile so svoj prostor. Uzda, bridle, miren, quiet; silent, seršen, hornet, zadeti (na koga), to meet, kup, crowd, kmet, peasant; farmer, soseden, neighbouring, somenj, fair, zvon, bell, zvonček, little bell, podkva, horse-shoe, podkovati, to shoe, dopasti, to please, braniti se, to defend one's self, osa, wasp; napad, attack, želo, sting, neodgojen; ill-bred, zid; stena, wall, obup, despair. ne vmakniti se, to stand the ground, čudovit, wonderful; admirable. S iX ^ - haloga. Irregular Verbs (Continuation. Nadaljevanje). exercise. Man is born to bear trouble. The monarch bore his defeat witli composure and dignity. His words have borne fruit. If strung too tight every bow will break. He did not choose to comply with my request. Fresh water freezes at the temperature of 32 degrees of Fahrenheit. The Baltic is generally frozen for five months, He spoke the language of a patriot, and trod in the foot steps of tyrants. He was a very plain spoken man Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. lie who steajs once is a 1!) , thief forever, lie tried to hide his emotion, but the tears that.stole down his cheeks could not be hidden. Several new soldiers were sworn in to a faithful discharge of their duty. -You will tear your dress if you will not be more careful. Egypt was torn from the Roman empire by the Arabians. After she had finished her work, she tore it all to pieces. Rings of gold and of oilier materials are worn 011 the fingers and sometimes in the ears, as ornaments. What reason weaves is often undone by passion. They had woven a web that was difficult to unra'vel. Young people should accustom themselves to rise early in the morning. We take a ride every morning before morning. lias anyone awaked the child? No, Madam, it awoke itself. He has never shown me an act of kindness. Some kinds of grain arc sown in spring, and some in autumn. I11 drinking the health of others, men often ruin their own. Do, as you have been bidden. Well begun is half finished. He swam nearly half a mile against the current. IIis fields had the peculiarity that weeds always grew on them quicker than corn. The children don't seem to have grown -much, since I saw them last. True friendship shines brightest in days of adversity. Freedom's battle is always Avon. Begun wrongly, ended badly. His cruelty broke v our strength. Defeat, pobitje; premaga, composure, ravnodušnost, succession, red; sledenje, bow, bok; lok, tight, napet; ozek, temperature, temperatura, to thaw, tajal i (se), patriot, domoljub, tyrant, trinog, commencement, začetek, connection, zveza; druženje, sincere, resničen, usual, navadili, to caress, ljubkovati, angel, angelj, emotion, ginjenje, to revenge, maščevati (se), discharge, s p o 1 n o v a 11 j e, Egypt, Egigt, Arabian, Arab, marriage, možitev; žeuitev. to undo, podreti, web, tkanina, furiously, ihtavo; jezno, outbreak, začetek; upor, cautiously, varno; varčno, cruelty, grozovitost; trinoštvo, reader, bralec; čitatelj, to unravel, razmotati; razrešiti, broad, širok. day light, dan; dnevna, luč, ashore, 11a suho, current, tek; curek, peculiarity, posebnost, nasty, grd; ostuden, habit, navada, adversity, nezgoda; nesreča, brightness, bliščoba, ringlet, koder, zvitica las, sparrow, vrabec, salute, pozdrav, tale, povest; strength, moč. VAJA. Petelin poje kakor hitro se začne danili (to dawn;. Danes zjutraj pel 1 crew) je že pred štirimi. Ko se je bližala nesreča, zapustili :•<■ ga vi prijatelji in stal je prav (ali) sam na svetu, in od vseh zapuščen. Majal je z glavo, a rekel ni nič. Nikdo ga ni poznal in nikdo ni vedel, da bi bili kje koga pogrešali. Ladija se je razbila na skalnatem obalu in mno-o 'r- potovalcev je utonilo. Deček skril se je za clrevo, ko je bil mene vgledal. Ko je šla skozi vas, vgriznil jo je pes v nogo. Kdo je pojedel jabelka, ki t so ležala v obednici na mizi? .Jaz sem pojedel eno, druge sem dal brat-. rančem. Več dijakov (student) skočilo je ob enem na led, toda bil je še [ pretenek; počil (break) je in fantje (boys) padli so v ribnjak in vsi utonili. Matere so na mladih (fresh) mogilah (grave) britko (bitterly) pla-kale, očetje so stali okrog (around) kot zlomljeni krastje; sošolci pa so prepevali (sing) najžale (sadest) nagrobnice (funeral-songs). Deloma, partij', ob enem, at once, bližati se, to approach, zapuščen, left; deserted, jama, ditch, cesta, street; high-way, zgnjiti, to decay, nikdo, nobody, nekdo, somebody, pogrešati, to miss, razbiti se, to founder, skalnat, rocky, še-le, only, par, a couple, obednica, refectory; dining-room, led, ice, tenek, thin, skočiti, to jump on. Nalog'a. Personal Pronouns. Osebni zaimki. Declension. Sklati "What occasioned the commotion last night? What arc the boundaries of Austria'' Of what did he complain? What has this enormous sum been paid for'.-' 2. a) What degree of authority does she claim for herself? What a memory you have! In what country is New-York situated? What partial judges are love and hatred! 1). Which of your pupils are most diligent and obedient:' Which are the largest cities of America? Which of these houses is for sale? I don't know which is which. Potrait, podobica; obrazek, indebted, dolžan; se imeti zahvaliti, delivery, oprostenje; razdelenje, benefit, dobrota, public, splošen; očiten, opinion, mnenje, to occasion, uzročiti, commotion, hrup, boundary, meja, authority, oblast, to claim, prisvojati si, to squander, zapraviti; zapravljati, memory, spomin, partial, euostransk, hate, sovraštvo, for sale, na prodaj, for rent, za v najem. Pravila. 1. 117/«, kdo in //7///Z, kaj, sta samostavniška zaimka; prvi praša po nepoznani osebi, zadnji po nepoznani reči. Who was here just now? What did he want? What kakošen, a, o, in ir/iic/i, kteri, a, o, so adjektivni zaimki; ir/nit praša po načinu, v h ich po kaki posebni osebi ali reči. N. pr. What tree is this? An oak-tree. Which tree is to be transplanted? The small linden-tree in front of the house. t'e stoji ir/nit pri kakem zaklicu, združi se v edinem številu z nedoločnim členom kedarkoli se srne sploh člen v tem smislu rabiti. N. pr. What an idea! What a beautiful picture is that! — What nonsense! What poor meat for a Christmas dinner! Opomba. ,, Kedn (kateri)" se pravi v angleškem: ir/iir/i, kedar se ne pr:i\i splošno ampak po kaki edini osebi ali reči. Is', pr. Kedo (kteri) izmed vas me je klical? Which one of you called me? 117//// rabi včasih tudi za: kteri, u, o. X. pr. What philosopher was ever able to prove the contrary? What are the principal provinces of Austria? VAJA. Kdo je smodnik iznašel? Kdo je iznašel žepne ure? Zakaj (what for) rabijo topilnice? Ivtero je največe cesarstvo v Evropi? Ktere so glavne reke Združenih držav? Kteri so najvažniši evropejski otoki? Ktera rudnina je najkoristniša? Iz česa (out of what) se navadno tešejo ladije? Od česa (on i of) what) navadno žive metulji? Iz česa ptiči navadno narejajo svoja gnjezda? Kako zalo drevo je lipa! Ivakošno (what a) vprašanje! Kaj naj na to (to that) odgovorim? Kteri izmed vas je svojo nalogo najbolje znal? Kdo bil je prvi vodja Slovencem? Ivtero je poglavno mesto Kranjskega? Koliko jezer je na Kranjskem? Tihota; molčečnost, silence, gibanje, motion, odkritosrčno, sincerely, Slovenec, Sloven, lenoba, laziness; negligence, glavno mesto, capita], \ tikati so koga, to concern, pičel, a, o, sparing, poglaviten, principal, del; oddelek, part, žepna ura, watch, toplomer, thermometer, vodja, leader, smodnik, gun-powder, do sedaj, hitherto; untill now, latinsko, latin, gerško, greek, podučevati, to instruct, računstvo, mathematics, korist, use; benefit, družiti se, to associate, važnost, importance, važen, important, odkritosrčno, frankly, iznajditi, to invent; to discover, iznajditelj, inventor, gosenica, caterpillar, metulj, butterfly, tesati, to build; to construct, Kranjsko, Carniola, Gorenjsko, Upper Carniola, Dolenjsko, Lower Carniola, Cirkniško jezero, Lake of Zirknitz. Relative Pronouns. Oziralni ali nanašalni zaimki. Who, which, that. Kdor, kar. Kteri. ktera, ktero; koji, a, e, itd. 1. There are many people who must learn wisdom in the school of adversity. There is no man on earth who can boast of constant happiness. At last I have found a friend in whose constancy I may safely trust. I have not the slightest idea to whom I am indebted for this kindness. 2. The products which grow in our own country are generally of much greater advantage than all foreign fruits. It is generally difficult to regain treasures of which we have deprived ourselves by our misconduct. Voyages were undertaken, the sole object of which was to discover new countries and to explore unknown seas. Xo man is free who cannot control himself. Few people are wise enough to prefer the blame that is useful to them, to the praise that betrays them. Contentment is the philosopher's stone, which turns all that it touches into gold. The fur that warms a monarch, warmed a bear. 4. It is not what we gain, but what we save that makes us rich. Xever trouble others to do what you can do yourself. Nothing that we do willingly is troublesome. Xever put off till to morrow what you can do to-day. Things are not always that what they seem to be. 5. Such as give ear to slanderers arc as bad as slanderers themselves. Such as are poor and will associate with none but the rich, are hated by those they avoid, and despised by those they follow. 0. We eat the fruits of what our ancestors have sown. To do good is a duty we owe to all our fellow-creatures. In all you speak, let truth and candour shine. Wisdom, modrost, condition, pogoj; položaj, constant, stanoviten, to consent to, dovoliti v kaj, constancy stanovitnost, to digest, prebaviti, safely, varno, extensive, obširen, to take place, zgoditi se, soil, tla; zemlja, to yield, dati; prinesti; vdati se, product, pridelek; sadež, slight, majhen; mal, to dislike, nerad imeti, shelter, zavetje, to regain, nazaj dobiti, treasure, zaklad, misconduct, slabo obnašanje, reputation, dobro ime, to build up, sezidati, sole, edin, unknown, neznan, to explore, preiskati,-ovati, to own, imeti, to owe, dolžan biti, to put off, odložiti, to give ear, poslušati, slanderer, obrekovalec, to hate, sovražiti, to avoid, zogniti se; odtegniti se, to struggle, boriti se; truditi se, spectacles, očala, ancestor, praded, fellow-creature, (so-) stvar, candour, odkritost, to shine, si jati, truth, resnica, to annoy, nagajati; delati sitnost, school-mate, sošolec. Pravila. 1. Oziralni zaimek who sklanja se enako prašalnemu Wi/>, in povrača se le na imena oseb. Rodilnik whose, rabi večkrat oziroma imen stvari; stoji pa vedno pred samostalnikom, s katerim se sklada. 'J. Pri: which, nareja se rodilnik z of in dajalnik s to. Which povrača se le na imena reči in rodilnik [of which) stoji za samostalnikom, s kojim se sklada. X. pr. A tree, the roots of which are destroyed, will fade, Oziralni zaimek: that, rabi oziroma osebnih in rečnih imen; rabi pa samo v imenovalniku in tožilniku in nikoli nima predloga pred seboj. 4. Oziralni what nastane iz kazalnega that in povračalnega which. N. pr. I did not hear what (that, which) you mentioned. ,,Kar" se v angleškem prestavi s tint. X. pr. To je vse, kar mi je od tega znano. This is all that I know about this. Nothing was said that not every one in the room might have heard. ^ Oziralni zaimki izpuščajo se v angleškem prav pogostoma. X. pr. Gospod, ki ste ga videli, bil je Ceh. The gentleman you saw, was a Bohemian. The lady I spoke of last, is our priest's sister. I have read every book 1 possess. Xecega jasnega in prijetnega jutra pase vesel deček svoje ovce v cvetoči dolini, ograjeni od gozdnatih gor, ter prepeva pa skaklja od veselja. Deželni knez, ki je blizo tam na lovu bil, vidi '-ečka, pokliče ga k sebi in ga bara, rekoč: Kako to, dragi moj dečko, da si tako židane volje? Deček, ki kneza ni poznal, odvrne: Kaj bi ne bil vesel, vsaj (since) mili naš knez ni bogatejši (richer than) od mene. Res? vsklikne knez. Povej mi vendar (just tell me, please) kaj da imaš vse. Dečko poreče na to (here upon): Glejte, gospod! Sobice, ki je vsaki dan na modrem nebu vidimo, VAJA. sije zame tako prijetno kot za kneza; gora in dol razvijata svojo lepo ze-linje in ljubke cvetke zame ravno kot za njega. Mojih rok ne dal bi za sto tisoč zlatov in očesi ne za vse bogastvo njegove zakladnice. Kazim (besides) tega imam vse, česar želim, ker si ne želim nič, kar potrebno ni. Vsaki dan imam dosti jesti; oblačila mojem stanu spodobna imam in vsako letoprej-mem za svoje delo in trud toliko denarja kot ga potrebujem. No, mi ii zamorete vi povedati, kaj ima knez več? Dobri knez. komur je otročja priprostost jako dopadala, nasmejal se je prijazno in rektl dečku komur se je ob enem spoznati dal; Imaš prav, dragi moj in reči zamoreš zdaj, da knez sam ti je povedal tako. Ostani vedno te dobre volje! Zadovoljnost je veliko večji zaklad kot bogastvo; kdor je zadovoljen ni mu treba knezom zavidati. Vesel, merry, pastir, shepherd, pasti, to tend, cvetoč, blooming, ograditi, to enclose, gozdnat, wooded, blizo tam, in the neighbourhood, židana volja, good humor, vesel, joyous; cheerful, mil, gracious, iskavec, candidate, srčen, cordial, določen, decided, res, indeed, vsaki dan, daily, razvijati, to display. zelenje, verdure, zlat, ducat; gold-piece, prodati, to sell, zakladnica, treasury, dobiti, to obtain, spodobno, decently, upati si, to venture, lastnost, quality, nasprotnik, opponent, surovost, rudeness, pokriti; pokrivati, to cover, vsako leto. yearly, trud, trouble« delo, work; labor, potrebovati, to require, otročji, childlike, priprostost, simplicity, zelo, exti emely, dopasti, to please, zadovoljnost, contentment, spričevalo, testimonial, sovraštvo, hostility, poštenost, integrity. LXXI. TValog-a. Demonstrative Pronouns. Kazalni zaimki. This, ta; to, that, un, a, o, such, taki, a, o, the same, ravno tisti, a, o, /"-, uni, ovi; .she, una; ova; it, tisto; ovo. These, ti; te; ta, those, uni, e; ovi, e, a, such, taki, e, a, the same, ravno tisti, those ali the;/, tisti, ovi, e, a. 1. This life is full of pleasures and woes. I am 110 judge of those things. Is this your younger brother? This state of things was too good to last long. The spirit chivalry was found in a high degree among the kni hts of the middle ages. The silks of Franco are better and cheaper than those of England. The light of the sun is much brighter than that of the moon. The mountains of Europe are not nearly as high as those of Asia. :J. This is lm sister and those are my cousins. Those are secrets that cannot be revealed to you. These arc questions that have never been answered satisfactorily. That is not the proper way to secure his favour. 4. In this world such characters are rare. To such a letter as that there can be but one answer. I never heard of such a thing. It is really a pleasure to us to have such a person at dinner. Her airs were such that 110 one felt happy in her society. Such are my plans, and such are my hopes. 5. It is said that no two men are more dissimilar than the same man at different periods of life. We see in men of all countries the same vices. I thought when he put his name on the back of a check it was the same as cash. 0. a) That scanty portion of science which served to guide men in the ages of darkness, was almost entirely in the possesion of the clergy, lie sleeps ill for whom the enemy watches. Work never fails for those who seek it in good earnest. Those who tight with golden arms arc mostly sure to compter. Obey them thatli have to rule over you. b) Who listens once, will listen twice. Whoever waits for luck is never sure of a dinner. Whoever is rich, need not live sparingly; whoever can live sparingly need not be rich. Woe, zlo; liudo, embarashed, /meden; /moten, direction, pot; stran, claim, pravica (do česa), profound, globok: temeljit,* rare, redek, vulgar, surov; neotesan, concerning, oziroma, to assert, trditi: zabičiti, air, ponašanje; obnašanje, robust, močan; čvrst; vrl, dissimilar, ne enak, chivalrous, vitešk, knight, vitez, middle ages, srednji vek, invention, iznajdba, secret, skrivnost, to reveal, razodeti. to undo, podreti, to maintain, trditi, period, oddelek časa; pika, check, menjica, cash, gotovina; gotov denar, scanty, piker; pičel; reven, portion, del; oddelek, perpetual, večen, a, o, luck, sreča; srečno naklučje, maxim, nazor; izrek; pravilo, elope, uiti; potegniti jo, to wake, čuti; bdeti, to watch, čuvati, skillful, umeten, to adjust, vrediti, malady, bolezen, . rod, šiba; drog; palica, woid, prazen; zastonjsk. 1 ®rsi vila. I. This, povrača se na bližnje, t h. at 11a bolj oddaljene reči. Včasih that tudi za bližnje reči rabi. N. pr. What book is that? WTho is that gentleman'' Nobena tvojih knjig ni bolj zanimiva kol ta-le. None of your boo ki- is more interesting than this one. To pci'o je za-me premehko, daj mi uiio-le. This pen is to soft for me, hand me that one. Potovanje iz Evrope v Združene .države je daljše kot iz Združenih držav v Evropo. The voyage from Europe to the United States is longer than that from the latter to Europe. •1. Slovenski srednjespolni: to, ki rabi večkrat mesto: tu, ti itd. mora se v angleškem zmiraj vjemati s samostalnikovim številom, na kterega se povrača. X. pr. To je moj brat in to so moji bratranci. This is my brother and these are my cousins. 3. Such, stoji vedno pred nedoločnim členom. N. pr. I never heard such a thing. I would like to have such an occasion. 4. The same, rabi ravno kot slovensko: meno tinti. N. pr. Today I have made the same mistakes again. Včasih pristavi se k the same še cenj vsled povdarka. N. pr. I le is the very same. Prav tisti je. 1 was thinking of very same thing. Partly, deloma, sudden, nagel, pursuer, sledivec; preganjalec, owner, posestnik, custom, šega; navada, habit, navada, to protect, obvarovati, to lock up, zakleniti, summer house, hladnica, to provide, preskrbeti, crowd, truma; druhal, lamentation, obžalovanje, protection, varstvo, to relieve, rešiti; prevzeti mesto, to mount, vsesti se na konja, swift, brzo-nog, faith, vera; zvestoba; beseda, religion, vera; veroznanstvo. VAJA. Daj mi knjigo, ki leži na mizi. Varčnost ni skopost; čednost je, ki je pogosto podlaga družinski sreči; skopost pa je pregreha, ki se po pravici korenika velikem zlegu zove. Sreča družili mora nam biti ravno tako draga, kot lastna. Veselje njegovo o tem nepričakovem snidu bilo je tako veliko, da več minut ni mogel ne besede reči. To, bili so moji naklepi za prihodnjost; toda (but) kako malo se jih je vresničilo! Blizo male vasi stal je oreh, pod kterim sta dečka France in Tone našla oreh. Oreh je moj, pravi Tone. .laz sem ga videl prvi. Ne, moj je oreh, poreče France; jaz sem ga pobral. Nato začneta se oba dečka hudo pričkati. Po naključji pride stari Šimen memo in njega oba poprosita, naj razloči med- njima prepir. Dala sta mu oreh in on, vstopivši se v sredo mej liju, razkolje oreh ter reče:' Ena lupina je tvoja France, ti si oreh prvi videl; ta pa je tvoja Tone, ti si oreh pobral. Jedro jaz obdržim za razsodbo. Skopost, avarice, nepričakovan, unexpected, podlaga, foundation, snid, meeting, korenika, loot, naklep, plan, hudo, evil, prihodnjost, future, imenovati, to call, vresničiti, to be realized, nasledek, consequence,. oreh, nut-tree; nut, nepokorščina, disobedience, klicati, tO call, Vpiti, to cry, pobrati, to pick up, hud, violent, prepir, quarrel; dispute, po naključji, accidentally, prositi, to request, določiti, to decide, lupina, shell, jedro, kernel, za razsodbo, for passing judge- ment, polovica, half. I XXII Naloga Nedoločni zaimki. Undefined Pronouns. 1. >Some; any. a) They fetched some water from a near well. I fear, they have been brooding some mischief. We beguiled the weary hours by reading some stirring romances. b) Will this treaty be of any good to the country? Is there any taste in the white of an egg? Is there any hope of his recovery? If there are any good fish in the market, I would like to have some for dinner today. He scarcely possessed any friends in this world. Any attempt to injure his sence of honor might be attended by serious consequences. Among civilized nations all transactions of any importance are concluded in writing. 2. Each, every. Each of the children received a new dress at Christmas. There was a broken pane in each window of the room. — Every man is the architect of his own fortune. There is a proper time for everything. Every man's friend, is every man's fool. Every one was anxious to be the first to behold and announce the wished — for shore. 3. Somebody; some one; anybody, etc. I will send somebody to finish the work that is left. Has anybody been inquiring after me? I have not seen anyone? Everything seems to go wrong. We heard some one talking in the adjoining room. It makes every one's heart ache to see this respectable family in such distress. There must be something else at the bottom. 4. All. All is well that ends well. It is not always nice to tell all we know. It is not all gold that glitters. To the child all earth is beautiful. o. X"; none. We have no rest on earth. The dead are at rest, and none but the dead can be ko. A soldier who has no ambition will never be a general. None of the european mountains is 16,000 feet above the level of the sea. None but the guilty can be long and really miserable. The travellers asked for some refreshment but I had none to offer them. (>. Both; either; neithtr. Truth may be on both sideS; on either side or on neither side. The rivers that descend from either-sidi of these mountains, have a short and irregular course. Neither of us has much to boast 7. Other; else. Other nations have other notions of right and wrong, and have, therefore, other laws. He has other objects in view. He seems to be quite another man, at present. We have sown the seed, and others will reap the fruit. Who can fully appreciate another's joys and another's woe? What else can you expect of such a man? One lies more to one's self than to anyone else. I beseech you to place your confidence in me entirely and trust no one else. of. 21 Well, vodnjak, to brood, kojiti; tuhtati, to beguile, potratiti; pregnati, weary, truden; naveličan, stirring, živo pisan; zanimiv, romance, roman, to concede, obstati, to speli, zlogovati, attempt, poskus; trud, transaction, obravnanje, to conclude, skleniti, in writing, pismeno, divine, božji, treaty, pogodba, recovery, okrevanje, meeting, shod; zbirališče, pane, steklo za okno, alike, enak, appointed, določen, member, ud, wished for, zaželjeu, adjoining, soseden, bottom, dno; tla, to end, končati, fame, slava, level, površje, ambition, častiželjnost, agreem ent, dogovorjen je; zastoplenje, irregular, nepravilen, notion, zapopadek; pojem, being, bitje; stvar, to reap, žeti; pridelati, fully, popolnoma; često, appreciate, ceniti, woe, hudo; zlo; zleg, to chance, primeriti se, to beseech, prositi (milo), to repose, počivati, claret, rudeee vino, (klaret). Pravila, O zaimkih: some in any treba dobro pomniti: 1. a)^S'orne stoji navadno v trdilnih stavkih. Some izvzame iz . celote le posebni del in toraj pomen samostalnika, ki je združen ž njim, ouieji. Tv'. pr. You will meet with some difficulties. Some animals are wiser in their ways than some men. b) Any stoji v prašanjili in za zanikalnimi izrazi, ali za izrazi negotovosti. N. pr. Did you meet with any difficulties? The task was accomplished without any trouble. If you should have any trouble, will you inform me of it? I never find any fun in it. Any v trdilnih stavkih pomenja: vsak; kteri koli; kakoršen koli; še tako majhen; še tako velik, itd. X. pr. She can read any English book. He can do almost anything, if he chooses. \>. Much povrača se na manjše, določno število; every, na ktero koli množico. N.'pr. Each of the children received a present. Every child ought to love its parents. Vsled zlaganja •/. one, body ali thing nastanejo naslednji nedoločni zaimki: Everybody, everyone,ak lo \noone, nobody, nikdo; nobeden;some on:-, soqiebody, nekdo; anybody, anyo•< , nekdo; kedo; vsakdo; everything, vse, vsi; something, nekaj; nothing nič; anything, nekaj; kaj; vse. Somebody in anybody se razlikujeta enako some in any. N. pr.'Soma-body inquired after you. Has anybody been here? Opomba. Mesto anything rabi pesnikom večkrat: auglit in mesto: nothing, naught. V navadni govorici rabite ti dve besedi redkokrat. X. pr. Wlio dare question aught that he decides. With nothing left to love, there is naught to dread. For aught, I know (kar, kolikor jaz vem.) All, kedar pomenja; ves, cel, skupen, stoji pred določnim členom X. pr. All the town will know it before sunset. All the country was alarmed at this news. Anglicizmi: Not at al/, pravnic; nothing at. a/l, često nič; nowhere at aH, prav nikjer; all at once, nakrat; naenkrat; all of a sudden, na mah; kar na mah; all the better, tembolje; all aver, povsod; čez in čez; nil along, vedno; zmiraj naprej. 3. No, stoji pred samostalniki; none, no one (noben) stojita brez samostalnika. But, ki stoji za »o, none, no one, pomenja: razven, kot. X. pr. Xone but real gentlemen were admitted into that society. Both pomenja sploh: oba, obe; obadva, e. X. pr. He has broken both his legs. Both thieves have been detected. Both children died in their infancy. Either pomenja včasil): eden ali drugi; eden izmed njih; včasih: eden ali drug; ne eden ne drug, itd. X. pr. You may give the letter to either of them. I can write with either hand. I do not see either. Neither (not either) pomenja: noben, a, o. X. pr. Xeither here nor there. Xe tu ne tam. Izrazi: Another, drug, a o; še eden the other dag, uni dan; ne davno; every other dag, vsak drugi dan; this is another thing all together, to je popolnoma druga reč. Will you have another cup of coffee? Waiter bring us another bottle of wine. What did I tell you the other day. I go to town every other day. My sister has the fever every other day. Sovereign, vladar; glavar, famous, slaven, superiority, oblast; večji jakost, worthy, vreden; cenjen, to kiss, poljubiti, royal, kraljev, element, element, boisterous, šumeč; kričeč, wave, val, terrible, strašen, bidding, ukaz; povelje, vile, nič vreden; zanikern, to stay, ostati, disgrace, sramota; nemilost, to pour, vliti; liti, swell, narašanje, to swell, oteči; naraščati, to exercise, uriti; vaditi se, mound, hribček, to bear wittness, biti priča, mighty, mogočen; močen, to stretch, stegniti, sceptre, žezlo, to presume, si misliti; podstopiti se; to wet, zamočiti, sycophant, slinež; lizun, to assume, prevzeti; pridevati si, Liege, lastni vladar; najvišji gospod, aside, na stran, za-se, roaring, šumeč; kričeč, to pay regard, meniti se; brigati se, tide, natok, narast, attendant, spremljevalec; postrežnik, rebellious, vporen, to dash, treskniti ob; udrihati, foam, pene, spray, voda (kaplje), sacred, svet; posvečen; maziljen, abject, sramoten; plazljiv, example, izgled, fear, strah; bojast. vaja. Ker mladi rokodelci niso mogli v tem mestu najti nobenega dela, morali so potovati dalje. Prihranili so si bili nekaj (some) denarja, kar (which) jim bo na poti veliko koristilo (be of great use). Kar (what) na drugih grajaš, tega se moraš varovati sam. Ne brigaj se za opravila druzih ljudi, kakor dolgo imaš za-se in za svoje kaj opraviti. Ali imaš kaj denarja pri sebi (about ali with you)? Imam ga nekaj, dosti pa ne. Jaz nimam ga prav nič. Če bi jaz kaj imel, posodil bi vam rad. Po polletnem poduku bil sem v stanu citati vsako angleško knjigo. Ali koga pričakujete na (to) čaj? Ne, danes ne pričakujemo nikogar. Ce bo kedo danes zjutraj prašal po meni, povejte mu, da pridem ob 12. zopet domu. Vsak berač svojo mavho hvali, (first takes care of himself) pravi stari pregovor. Roka naj vrniva roko, da postanete beli obe. Mi li sicer ne veš nič povedati? Morebiti imata (may be they are) oba prav. Nobeden izmed njih nima prav. Rokodelec, artisan, prihraniti, to save, potovanje, journey, korist, use; benefit, poskusiti, to try, varovati se, to avoid,, brigati se zakaj, to trouble one's self about something, rad, willingly; with pleasure, povzeti, to take up, privatno opravilo, private occupation, vsak, every, službeno opravilo, official duty, pol leten, half year's, poduk, instruction, podoben biti, to be like; to resemble, vrniti; vmivati; prati, to wash, prav imeti, to be right. E^X^XLIII. Naloga. Adverbs. Prislovi. 1. Violence naturally engenders violence. We wisely stayed at home. He acted nobly in the whole affair. A dollar spent idly by a fool, may be saved by a wiser man. We congratulate you heartily. Ifyou will have patience for a moment, 1 will fully explain my intentions. The greater part of the congregation were truly attached to their priest. I fear, his endeavours have not been duly appreciated. 2. Riches are spent sooner than gained. The oftener you come to see me, the more pleased I shall be. He most readily consented to remove this obstacle. I was often received most rudely by those whom 1 served faithfully. Never was man as badly treated as he was. To engender, obroditi; zaroditi, readily, volno; rad, to congratulate, čestitati, to animate, navduševati, fully, popolnoma; povse, emulation, bor; boreuje, to be attached, vdan biti, to consent, dovoliti v; volan biti, to yield, vdati se, to treat, ravnati s bom, to appreciate, ceniti, heartily, sj-čno, Pravila. A. Razven pravili prislovov pomniti treba posebno še tiste, ki se s pridevkom: ly narejajo iz prilogov. N. pr. kind, kindfy; beautiful, beautifully etc. Oziroma oblikovanja prislovov treba pomniti: 1. Konečni ij spremeni se pred hj v /; n. pr. happy, happ/ly; lucky luck/ly. 2. Prilogi, ki se končajo z: Me, die, tie, zamene v prislovih te končnice z: My, dly, tli/. N. pr. noble, no bly, idle, i d!y; gentle, gen tli/. 3. Prislovi besedi: whole, true, due, f till, so: wholly, truly, duly fully. B. Pravi prislovi so nespremenljivi. Samo: often in se/on se stopnjujeta. Vsi prislovi, narejeni iz prilogov s pomočjo končnice: h/, je stopnjevati gently, etc. z: more and most. N. pr. gently, more moc gently; most Tortoise, želva, pupil, gojenec, to be engaged, imeti opraviti, lad, deček; fant, to undertake, početi, race, dirjanje za stavo, to outrun, preteči, while, čas; trenotek, to discourage, oplašiti; vzeti pogum, patiently, potrpežljivo, untiringly, neutrudljivo, shady, senčnat, to attempt, poskusiti, to pause, prenehati; oddahniti se, nowhere, nikjer, to beat, vžugati; zmagati, after all, vendar le, sound, trden; cel; dober, swiftly, brzo, goal, cilj; konec, to disappoint, napeljati koga, to advance, napredovati; posoditi, examination, spraševanje, rapidly, urno; hitro, progress, napredek, • VAJA. Stari vojak, ki je imel eno nogo leseno, pride v malo vas in zboli nevarno. Dalje ni več mogel in je bil toraj primoran na slami obležati, pa godilo se mu je prav slabo. Mala Nežica, hči ubozega jerbasarja je revnega moža srčno po milo-vala. Obiskala ga je vsaki dan in vsakrat mu dala nekaj centimov. Toda , hurry, naglica, to spili, razsuti; razliti, aside, na stran, pity, škoda, accross, tje čez; čez, candle, sveča, grease, tolša, volume, zvezek, page, stran, to point out, pokazati, price, cena, prospect, up; razgled, haste, hitrost; naglica, to accomplish, dokončati, thoughtful, pre-zamišljen, sleepy, zaspan, uneasy, nemiren; v skrbeh, position, lega, to fancy, dozdevati si, vexation, sitnost; nagajanje, to upset, prevezniti, shell, lupina, to be vexed, zdražen biti, to curse, kleti; preklinjati. (however) necega dne poreče jej pošteni vojak prav žalostno: Ljubi moj otrok, zvedel sem danes, da so tvoji stariši prav revni. I'o vej mi odkritosrčno, od kod dobiš toliko denarja. Jaz bi raje umrl, kot da bi vzel le centim, ki mi ga z dobro vestjo dati ne moreš. O, odvrne Nežica, bodite brez skrbi! (at ease about it). Denar pridobljen je prav pravično. Jaz hodim v bližnje mestice v šolo. Vsako jutro naberem si malo eajnieo grede skozi gozd polno jagod in potem je prodam na trgu in dobim 10 centimov zanjo. Stariši to dobro vedo, a zoper to nimajo nič. Pravijo, daje veliko bolj revnih ljudi ko smo mi, in zato naj storimo toliko dobrega, kot nam dopuste naše razmere. Ko vojak to sliši, stopijo mu solze v oči in tečejo v bčrke. Blago dete, l3og naj blagoslovi Tebe in tvoje stariše za vašo dobro-srčnost, jej reče. Lesen, wooden, primorati, force, slama, straw, čajna; jerbas, basket, jerbasar, basket-maker, srčen, heart-felt, sočutje, sympathy, centime, cent, pravičen; pošten, honest, žalostno, sadly; mournfully, slišati; zvedeti, to learn. odkritosrčno, candidly, odkod, whence, raj še, rather, vmreti glada, to starve, Cez nekaj časa potuje slavni častnik, ki je imel mnogo častnih znamenj na prsih, skozi vas. Ostane s svojim krasnim konjem v gostilni, hote ga nakrmiti. Tu sliši o bolnem vojaku in ga takoj obišče. Stari vojak povedal mu je nemudoma vse o svoji mali dobrotnici. Kaj, rekel je častnik, ubogo dekle storilo je za te toliko! No, jaz, tvoj stari vodja tudi potem (then) ne smem (must not) manj storiti. V gostilni bom vkazal, naj dobro skrbe za te. To storivši, gre v kočo male Nežice. — Blago dete moje, reče jej, tvoja dobrodelnost ginila mi je srce. Ti, podarila si staremu vojaku mnogo beličev (dime), tu je zate ravno toliko zlatov. —Oj, rečejo zavzeti stariši, to je preveč! Častnik pa jim odgovori: Ne, ne, le malo povračilo je; dobri otrok ima še veliko (much) holjega v nebesih pričakovati. edin, single, sprejeti, to accept, pravično, honestly, pridobiti, to obtain, prodati, to seli, trg, market-place, zoper to, against it, dovoliti, to allow; to permit, svetel, bright. kapljati, to trickle, berke, mustache, dober, benevolent; kind, blagosloviti, to bless, dobro-srčnost, kind disposition, toliko, so much. Slaven, famous, imeti, to bear; to wear, častno znamenje, marks of honor, ostati, to stoji, krasen, splendid, krmiti, to feed, dobrotniea, benefactress, vodja, general, koča, cottage; hut, dobrodejnost, charity, zmočiti, to moist, giniti, to move; to touch, vojšak, warrior, zlat, gold-piece; ducat, zavzet, astonished, m al, poor; small, vkazati, to order, skrbeti, to take care of. povračilo, reward, nebesa, heaven. L XXIV. Naloga, Prepositions. Predlogi. 1. Pravi predlogi so: About, okoli; okrog; o; od; in, v; pri; above, če/.; nad; into, v; do; tMToss, čez; tje čez; near, blizo; ne daleč. Against, proti; zoper, along, pri, z, s, amid; amidst, med; mej, among; amongst, med; mej, around, okoli; krog, at, pri; v, not standing, dasiravno, kljub temu, underneath, spodaj; pod, athwart, počez, before, pred; preje, behind, za; zad; zadaj, below, pod; spodaj; zdolaj, beside, zraven; poleg; tik, besides, razven; zraven še, round, okoli; okrog, to, v; k, unto, do; na, within, znotraj; notri, between, med; mej, beyond, onstran; za, by, od;^ pri, s, z, down, doli; navzdol, during, med; mej tem, for, za, since, od; odkar; kajti, towards, proti; naproti, up, gori; navzgor, without, brez; zunaj; unstran. from, od; iz, of, o; od, off, od; proč; stran, on, upon; o, na, out of, iz; izmed, over-, čez; na, through, skozi, under, pod; spodaj, with, s, z. ■1. Kol predložili izrazi rabijo: a) sledeči deležniki: concerning, o: od; čez, considering, oziroma, excepting, razven; izvzemši, rergarding, o, kar se tiče; zastran, respecting, o, oziroma; glede na, touching, omenivši; zastran. l>) naslednje besedne zveze: for — sake, zarad; zastran, instead, mesto; namesto, on account of, zarad. by means of, s pomočjo, z, by reasons of, zarad, by dint of, po; zavolj, by virtue of, vsled, in spite of, vkljub; tem nasproti, in behalf of. zarad, in regard to, oziroma; zastran, according to, po; vsled, contrary to, tem nasproti; proti, opposite to, nasproti, in opposition tO, tem nasproti. 1. His estate is in such a condition that, one can clearly see, he knows nothing ahout farming. They seemed to he terribly frightened about nothing. Pass-port, popotni list, Indian, Indijan; indjansk, to construct, zidati; sestaviti, palm-tree, palma, innocence, nedolžnost, arrow, puščica, interpreter, tolmač, statesman, državnik, frank, odkritosrčen, hospitality, gostoljubnost, introduction, uvod, hostile, sovražen,' antiquity, stari vek, cluster, kopica, tough, trd; vlažen, down, perje; pernica, yonder, un;. tam-le, light house, svetilnik, feather bed, pernica, to dispose of, urediti; znebiti se, under age, nedorašen, to climb, plezati; iti navzgor, ladder, lestva, step, stopinja; stopnica, to snatch, popasti; iztrgati, antagonist, nasprotnik, channel, prekop; kanal, to amount, znesti; biti, blast, strel; merzel pih, winged, s perutami, misunderstanding, narobe spora- zumenje, syllable, zlog, departure, odhod; kaj novega, calm, miren; ravnodušen, to detain; zadržati, destination, konec; mesto; kraj, transgression, prestop; prelom, parentage, rodbina; pokolenje, to weep; to cry, jokati; ihtiti se, mankind, človeštvo, admirer, občudovalec, forgetfulness, pozabljivost. 1 'ravila. 1. Predlogi v angleškem zaznamenujejo navadno le razmere prostora; včasih rabijo vendar za naznanje razmer časovih kakovosti, uzroka, itd. 2. Vsi pravi predlogi vežejo se s tožilnikom (četrtim sklonom). 3. Poleg pravih predlogov je še nekaj predložniških izrazov, ali nepravilnih predlogov, n. pr. on account of; instead of, etc. _ 4. Več predlogov zamore rabiti mesto prislovov in veznikov. N. pr. The large tree before the house has been blown down. I have never seen him before, lie was off again, before I had time to reflect on the matter. To stray, potegniti jo; tavati okoli, cow-boy, govedni pastir, dinner-hour, poldan, alarm, nepokoj; skrb, to carry off, odnesti; vgrabiti, north-west, severo-zahod, Gipsy, cigan; cigansk, search, iskanje, utmost, največi, composure, mirnost; ravnodušje, stream, reka; tok, cock swain, voditelj ladiji, perilous, nevaren, adventurer, klati-vitez, to miss, pogrešati, fog, megla, mist, pršaliea. to navigate, peljati se v ladiji, quarter deck, zadnji del površj a ladije, to rate, računiti; misliti si kaj, midshipman, morski kadet. to pass, memo iti; preteči, to advance, iti naprej; iti dalje, attempt, poskus, accordingly, toraj; tedaj; vsled tega, to proceed, nadaljevati, to present, predočiti, expedition, preiskavno potovanje, shipmate, so-mornar, rusty, rijast; zarijan, attached, vdan; prisvojen, enterprise, podjetje, memoir, spominek, to fit out, previditi s jjotrebnim, to quit, zapustiti, to block up, zapreti; zabiti, to exert one's self,' truditi, mu jati se, to pride one's self, ponašati se, to fancy, domišljevati si, daring, drzen; srčaii, frightful, strašen, desired, zaželjen, devoted, vdan, to disperse, razmetati; pregnati, hunter, Iovqc, signal, znamnje, to urge, priganjati; tiščati, shaggy, cotast, to flash, zablisniti se, pan, ponva; einasta skleda, amunition, strelivo, never mind, nič ne de; to ni nič, butt, end, bat, zadnji konec, to regain, zopet doseči, to fire, vstreliti; sprožiti, enraged, razjarjen; zdivjan, chasm, prepad; luknja, to reprimand; pokregati, loving, ljubeč. vaja. Dva popotnika prišla sta v neko vas in ko sta v prenočišči- počivala, slišala sta krik: Gori! Ko toraj eden popotnikov skoči po konci, da bi pomagaljgasiti, reče mu drugi: Zakaj naj bi midva še dalje tukaj ne ostala? Kaj nama je opraviti s ptujimi ljudmi? Tacega govorjenja uni ni poslušal, temveč letel je hitro k goreči hiši. Sledil mu je sedaj tudi drugi, pa se postavil malo proč od goreče hiše ter gledal. Pred hišo stala°je uboga mati vsa trda, in klicala je: Oj, moja deca! moja deca! Ko prvi ptujec to sliši, plane v gorečo hišo med pokajoče tramove in ljudje zavpijejo: Ta je zgubljen! — Toda glej! Kmalu pride drzni ptujec iz hiše in prinese materi dva otroka v močnih rokah. Ona objame otroka, potem pa pade ptujcu na kolena (fell down upon her knees before the stranger) ter se mu iz dna srca (thank him from the bottom of her heart) zahvali. Mož jo vzdigne in lepo (kindly) potolaži. Mej tem trešči skup vse tramovje. — Ivo gresta potefn ptujec in njegov tovariš domu, reče mu zadnji: Ivdo ti je vendar vkazal biti tako drznemu? Poreče mu mirno: Tisti, ki nam vkaže seme v zemljo položiti, da segnije in obrodi nov sad. Ivako pa, vpraša ga zopet drugi, če bi se bila hiša nad teboj skup pogreznila? Potem bil bi jaz sam tisto seme, odvrne mu drugi smehljaje. Popotnik, traveller, prenočišče, tavern; hotel, počivati, to rest, krik, cry; alarm, gori! fire! skočiti po konci, to jump up, ostati, to stay, pokati, to crack; to break, tram, beam, drzen, courageous; daring, objeti, to embrace; to hug, smehljaje, smilingly, potolažiti, to console, med tem, meanwhile, 23 poslušati, to listen to, govorjenje, speech; talk, goreč, burning, vstopiti se, to place one's self, trd, motionless, ptujec, stranger, planiti, to nish in; to clash in, tramovjc, beams; Avood-work. to\»ris, companion; comrade, vkazati, to bid; to tell to, drzen biti, to venture, drzno početje, hazardous enterprise, segnjiti, to perish; to decay; to rot, obroditi, to bear, I ,X X V . TVnlogJi. Conjunctions. Yezniki. A. Coordinate Conjunctions. Priredili v e z n i k i. 1. Copulative Conjunctions. 1. V«x«.vni vezniki. And, in; i; ino, both-and, take-kakor, also, tudi as well as, tako-kakor, too, tudi, neither-nor, ne — ne; niti — niti, uor> * ne ne- niti — niti partly-partly, deloma-deloma, neither, fne~~ne' mU firstly, zdaj; na prvo, nor — either, tudi *e, namely, vzlasti; namreč, besides, h temu; na to; vrh tega, secondly, drugič, moreover, vrh tega; že tudi; finally, potem; slednjič, naposled, lastly, naposled, not only — but also, ne samo — then, p»tem; potlej, temveč tudi, 2. Adversative Conjunctions. I'rotivni in/očimi' vezniki. But, a, nevertheless, vendarle; pa vendar, however, le; le da; pa vendar, whether — or, ali — ali, still, vendar; ve»dar le, or, ali; alj, yet, vendar; pri vsem tem, not — Hut, ne — ampak, notwithstanding., pri vsem tem; whether—or, bodi si — bodi si, pa vendar, cither. — or, ali — ali. « S. Causative Conjuncttrms. Trdimi vezniki. For, kajti; saj, *o, tedaj, therefore, zakaj; kajti, hence, toraj; aalo, wherefor, zakaj, accordingly, vMed tega, consequently, saj; kajti, • else, sicer; drugače. B. S m b o r d i n a t e Conjunctions. Podredili yeznik'i. That, da, since, ko; ker; odkar, but, nego, unless, nego; razven če, whether, če; ako; ak, however, kakor -— tako; vendar, when, ko; k »dar; kadar, while, ko; mejtem ko, in case, če; ko; ako, though; although, da — si; da si tudi; če prav, as, ko; kakor ■— tako, as soon as, kakor hitro; bržko, no sooner — than, bržko; kakor hitro, Sweet-scented, dobro dišeč, lilac tree, špan j ski bezeg, extremity, konec; konečno delo, eagerness, poželjnost; zaželjenje, to alight, skočiti iz voza; —sedla, to knock, vdariti; trkati, to wipe, brisati; po-obrisati, to busy, opraviti si dati, to replace, nazaj položiti, alas, oj; o žal, to ring, glasiti se, to assemble, zbrati; zbirati se, amendment, poboljšanje, to question, spraševati; barati, to entreat, prositi silno, to r.sk pardon, odpuščanja prositi naughty, neroden; poreden, to inhabit, prebivati, medical attendance, zdravniška ' pomoč, to need; potrebovati, trebati, perniision, dovolenje, glee, veselje; preširnost, to prevent, vzdržati; znpretiti, capture, vjetje, prize, plen; cena, to take flight, zbežati, zig-zag, semtertje, to leap, poskočiti, brier, trnje, pursuit, lovenje; lov, fugitive, vbežnik, justice, pravica, breath, sapa; dihanje, to induce, napeljati; pregovoriti k, rock, skala; pečina, to point, kazati; moliti, fishing, ribarija. ere; before, preden; predno; prej ko, till, untill, dokler; dokič, as; since, ki; ko; ker; ka; kar, because, ker, if, če; ako; ak; da le, provided, če; ko; ako, after, potem, lest, da ne;.da bi ne; sicer. assurance, zagotovljenje, acknowledgement, spoznanje, to describe, opisati, the upsetting, prebernitev, turn, prememba; prebrnitev, infant, dete, cradle, zibelj, to rock, zibati, tattered, razcapan, ragged, strgan; robat, quilt, kovter; odeja, to utter, izreči; reči, dismay, strah; trepet, zeal, gorečnost, peasant, kmet, whisper, šepetanje, to scatter, raztresti; razsuti, to sob, ihtiti se, to blush, zarudeti, remainder, ostanek, nurse, pestunja; postrežnica, to return, vrniti, — se, to chase, loviti, to intercede, za koga prositi, to solicit, prositi; nabirati, account, račun; sporočilo, anxiously, skrbno; bojazljivo, overjoyed, sila vesel, rogue, porednež, blanket, koc, bed-sheet, rjuha, - pillow, blazinica, to cloth, obleči; oblačiti, garment, oblačilo; obleka, to darn, zakrpati, zategniti- to contrive, iztuhtati; skušati, penknife, žepni nož, strife, prepir; bitva, pace, stopinja; stopanje. crust, skorja, dialogue, pogovor mej dvema, acquaintance, znanje; znanec,' to struggle, boriti se; truditi se, living, živež; hrana, ebony box, omarica iz slonove kosti, youthful, mladenišk; mlad, intercourse, shajanje; pajdašenje, campaign, vojna; vojska. to dawn, zariti se, staff, palica, mist, megla, patch, zaplota, to prove, dokazati, tidiness, snažnost, bed covering, odeja, indispensable, neobhodno potreben, profession, stan; poklic, visitor, gost; obiskovalec, especial, poseben, to level, ravno narediti, aim, namera; merjenje, removal, odstranjenje, pallet, slamnica, drawn, potegnjen; napet, features, izraz (obrazov), to overcome, premagati, to witness, priča biti, to converse, pomenjkovati se, to sacrifice, darovati; žrtvovati, farewell visit, zadnje obiskanje, intimacy, srčno prijateljstvo, keep-sake, spominek, inquiry, p opra še v an j e, protector, pokrovitelj, mortal, smrten, to beam, žariti,— se, shattered, razbit, keg, sodček. vaja. Slovenci smo udje velike, ind'o-evr.qpejske rodovine, ki je že v starodavnih časih vzela Evropo v svojo oblast, in katera po svoji izobraženosti še dandanešnji gospoduje , skoraj vsemu olikanemu svetu. V rodu smo tedaj davnim Indom, Grkom in Kimcem, ki so postali vsej zahodni Evropi učitelji v vedi in umetnijah; v rodu smo romanskim narodom, njih zarodičem in prvim dedičem klasiške omike; v rodu smo sosednim Nemcem in drugim germanskim rodovom, ki So se povzdignili v omiki že na prečudno visoko stopinjo. Napočil je dan tudi Slovencem,, da nastopimo pot do svetišča narodove omike. Indo-evropsk, indo-eurepean, rodovina, family, starodaven, ancient, oblast, sway, izobraženost, culture, germansk, germanic, svetišče, sanctuary, dandanešnji, now a days, gospodovati, to ru^e, skoraj, almost; nearly, olikan, civilized, v rodu biti, to be related, napočiti, to arrive, narodov, national; nation's, Ind, Indian, romansk, romanic, zarodič, posterity, dedie, heir; descendant, klasišk, classical, prečuden, wonderful, nastopiti, to take, omika, civilization; culture. Nekaj pravil o pisali. \ Raba velikih začetnih črk. Z veliko začetno črko se piše: ^ Prva beseda vsacega oddelka. Prva beseda po piki, prašanju in klicaju, če so ta znamenja koncem stavka. Hrva beseda, ko se navedejo besede koga druzega. N.pr. Welling-to s£y: ,, First win the Mttl^, and then mak ž the best /use of it." jt ntLA^LivitkiJs ;ti jš X Prva beseda vsake črtice v pesmih. 4.. Lastna imena. V angleškem lastna imena niso sami imena oseb, dežel, mest, vasi, rek, itd., ampak tudi^iniena mesecev, dnov; imena verskih in.političnih strank. N". pr. Smdiiy; jjuifi; the Catholic, the Protestants, the Liberals, ^the Radicals,/ the Democrats. Božja imena. God, the Almighty, the Most High, Providence,-ejc K^ Vsi, od lastnih imen izpeljani prilogi. N. pr.The English language, the Austrian empire, a Catholic priest, a Protestant preacher. X^Zaimek I in medmeti: O, Oh. N, pr. Unto thee I lift my eyes, Oh thou that dwellest in the heavens! IkVsi -naslovi. ^QUVse besede, ki se posebno naglašajo. Napisi, imena knjig itd. X. pr. The Ecclesiastical (cerkvena) and Political (politična) History of the P<3pes pf Rome. ,A drammar of the English language. The Plistory of the Slovenic Nation. Interjection. Medmet. Medmeti so besedice, ki naznanjajo duševne občutke. Ah, a; oh, o, o, "oj; hurah; hura, juhe; hail, blagor; Alas, o j o j; woe, gorje; jojmene; oh pshaw, o kaj. Shame, fej; sram te bodi; hallo, halo; say, en j, nu; tut tut, a kaj; Silence, p.st; tiho; here, tu bodi, ti, itd. Vsakdo je lahko zapazil da v angleškem rabi samo eno zanikanje; v slovenskem pa da imamo dvojno. N. pr. Nima nič. He has nothing (in ne: He has not nothing; kakor bi pomenilo: On ima nekaj). Prav brez učitelja, se je angleškemu jeziku dobro priučiti nemogoče. Pazljivost, vaja pa dobra volja se dati poučiti zvedenim: to so najboljši pripomočki. KONEC -XX- THE END. MERA IN VAGA. V Avstriji imajo sedaj vso mero in vago vravnano po mcfričnem zi-stemu, zato bomo samo to primerjali z našo ameriško. V metričneni zisteinu za mero in vago je meter jeduota. Meter je deset-milijonski del kvadranta; kvadrant je (»na dolžina zemeljskega poldnevnika, ki sega od ravnika (ekvatorja) do severne točke (pola) ali pa od ravnika do južne točke. V ameriški meri je meter 39-37 palcev (inches) ali skoro 3 čevlje in 3 osmine palca. Meter je v prvi vrsti merska jednota za dolžine; po njem so poslej ločili še jednoto ploskovne (površinske), vsebinske (ot-le) in rtebie mere, kakor: štirijaški meter, ar, kubični meter (star), liter in gram. fStirijaški meter je jednota za merjenje manjših ploskev (površin), n. pr. mize, tlaka, i. t. d. Al' je jednota za merjenje zemeljske površine. Ar je pravilni četvero-kotnik (kvadrat), čegar stranica je 10 metrov dolga; pokrije tedaj 100 štiri-jaških metrov. Kubični meter (štar) je jednota za merjenje vsebin; predstavlja ti kocko z meter dolgim robom. Liter je jednota za otlo mero; predstavlja ti kocko z decimeter dolgim robom. Gram je jednota za vtežno mero ali tehtanje. To mersko jednoto so dobili s tem, da so stehtali toliko kemijsko čiste (destilirane) vode, kolikor je gre v otlo kocko s centimeter dolgim robom (100 centimetrov=meter). Iz teh prvotnih merskih jednot so dobili večje in manjše merske jednote, ako so jo po desetkrat pomnožili ali pomanjšali, kakor je raz vidno iz sledečega pregleda. Število jednot dolžinska mera ploskovna mera 1,000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 mirijameter i kilometer hektometer dekameter meter decimeter centimeter hektar cental- 0.001; milimeter otla mera kiloliter hektoliter dekaliter liter deciliter centiliter milil iter vtežua mera milijer. tonov kvintal mirijagram kilogram,kilo liektogram dekagram grum decigram centigram mili gram JO milimetrov - 1 centimeter, 10 centimetrov = 1 decimeter, i.t.d. Ameriško mero in vago primerjamo z metrično v sledečem pregledu! Ameriška mera a) dolžinska mera palec (inch)......... čevelj (foot)........ vatel (yard)........ rod milja (mile)........ b) ploskovna mera štirjaški palec (square inch) ,, čevelj..... ,, vatel...... „ rod....... oralo (acre)........ štir jaška milja..... c) vsebinska mera kubičen palec (cubic inch) kubičen čevelj..... ,, vatel...... ,, kord (cord). d) mera za tekočine metricna mera liquid quart...... dry quart........ galona (gallon) peck......... bušel......... e) vtezne mere tinea............ funt, (pound)...... zrnati (Grain) Troy unčni (Ounce) ,, .. funtni (Pound),, . 2-54 centimetra 0-3048 metra 0-0144 metra 5 -029 metrov 1 -6093 kilometra 6.452 štirjaških centimetrov 0-0920 ,, metrov 0'8361 ,, ,, 25-20 0-4047 hektarjev ,, 259 10-39 kubičnih centimetrov metrov 0-02832 0-7640 3-624 0.9465 1-101 3.780 8-811 35-24 (štarjev) litrov 28-35 gramov 0-4536 kilogramov 0-9072 tonov 0-648 gramov (za lekarne) 0-3732 kilogramov. POPRAVKI. Stran 5 vrsta 25 j 9 () J > 24 9 * 10 99 12 9 5 9 9 9 9 ) • 22 9 9 12 45 9 9 13 4 1 9 14 9 9 zad 99 ■17 J • 20 9' 10 9 9 38 , , 20 ') 13 9 9 27 J> 10 99 28 99 25 99 9 S J J 26 99 30 >> O O 9' i > J) 4 9 9 31 )) 25 99 * J» 37 99 32 >) 35 34 99 21 >1 > * 5' 24 9 9 36 >> 6 fr 99 9 9 ) J 1 >9 99 99 0 9' 9 9 14 '9 38 )) zad. O O 9 9 o v )» t) 99 41 1 ' 10 9' 44 > ) 37 1 9 46 >» 35 9 9 47 t? 31 » ? 40 24 5 1 v J > p. z. 99 99 ? J zad. 99 51 )) 1 99 52 5> 18 9 9 53 ) > 40 9 » 54 99 7 9 3 55 ') 41 99 56 99 4 9 9 58 91 1 99 99 9 >, zad. 9» 60 9 25 fieed trow they, tvoj Yourney multiphy sougt sklonom cousine množino These uswally toun they cellar; the ef . . spices for minuts last our had . . then hawe thum knov nimajo pontaloons roast veil muzeja there copy boocks baptismal font to morow bilo nova should naddeseterik Nevy strom these cablo hodite machanics vootel 1 citaj ,,kot c v slov. besedi' M ) ) )' 99 >> feed throw they, oni journey multiply sought s sklonom cousines množina These usually town the cellar; they of . . of spice four minutes lasts hour have . . than have thumb know imajo pantaloons roast veal muzej there copybooks baptismal font to-morrow bila novo could naddesetnik Navy storm there cable hoditi mechanics votel Stran 62 v sta 39 mesto baly čitaj barly > J 71 20 lepard ,, leopard j * 72 10 oft an ,, often 73 zach stanica ,, stenica j ? 76 27 king-doom ,, kingdom 30 montainous ,, mountainons 79 6 vsakem ,, vsakemu j > 83 2 zavadovoljen ,, zadovoljen 8« 19 končujejo ,, končujoči se 5 ? 94 36 nravna naravna » 1 97 40 po verity ,, poverty 5? 98 5 governer ,, governor 55 8 contentonent ,, contentment 55 99 35 prisner ,, prisoner 107 21 to enoy ,, to envy 9 5 111 24 stotine bakra ,, stotine funtov bakra 5) 113 30 thirtly ,, thirdly 5» 120 33 may take if ,, may take it if 5> 122 2 značaj en ,, značilen 55 44 mogočnost ,, mogočost 5 5 123 26 enako ,, enak '5 125 11 moreš ,, moraš 5 5 22 envirous ,, environs 5> >5 ' 128 14 tearn ,, tear 132 Q o predglago lom ,, pred glagolom 5 5 5 5 4 na vadno ,, navadno »5 5 5 133 36 to take, notice of ,, to take notice of 138 zad. kneal ,, kneel >5 141 17 awoke „ awake 5 5 14« 37 spolnovanjo ,, izpolnitev 5' 15 38 ' Egigt ,, Egipt >5 151 11 acked „ asked 154 20 potrebin ,, potreben ,, 159 41 woid ,, void 5 165 13 moč je stopnjevati ,, se zamorejo stopnje-„ vati ' 9 167 14 not standing ,, notwithstanding Druge manjše popravke si učenec lahko sam popravi. * KAZALO. s ti; a n Predgovor ....•••••• - 0 izrezovanju......... izrekovanje soglasni ko y ... s izgovarjanje nekaterih mnogokrat se nahajaj ožih kone.čnih zlogov . . . , 11 nekatere nepravilnosti .... 13 o izrek«vanju nekaterih soglasnikov . ir> P K VI O I) I) E L E K. Brodovjc (ladjevje) . ... • ... 53-5(> Cerkev ..........47-50 Ovetični vrt . .......7 Človeško telo ........•■ 33-34 Divje živali ......••• 71-7'-! Domače živali ....••••■ (!!)-71' Družina ...-.••■•• J,s-^t> Golazen .......... 73-T-> Hiša ............20-5Ž2 Hišno orodje ....•••■• 22-27 Kuhinjski vrt ....•■•■. ()7-(iS Mesto ..........41-44 Obedi...........27-30 Obleka ...........'1(1-41 Orodja ..........(i(»"0l Ptiči . ................72-73 Razdeljen]e časa ....... . 80"33 Hibe . - • ■ • ■ 75-7(! Rudnine .... ...... 7f>"77 Sadni vrt.............(I Hi'.) Sola . . . . . . • • • • • 4i_47 Vesoinost . ......-• T:>-31 Vojaščina . 50-33 Vrt ....... ()4-r»5 Zemljepisna imena .... . 77-70 * DRUGI ODDELEK. ( Ime (samoKtalniki Prilog (pridevnik). Števniki. (i h t i/o/. Znanki, Elwmmterrnm t/ovn/ta. nepravilna množna števila samostalniki z dvojno množino sklanja samostalnikov ,,of" mej samostalniki spol samostalnikov izpeljani samostalniki zloženi samostalniki Stopnjevanje nepravilno stopil j evanj e Glavni števniki vrstilni števniki drobci .... množilni števniki številni prislovi Pomožni glagol t: 1) časa 2) načina pomožni glagol te ilo pravilni glagoli nepravilni glagoli Osebni zaimki svojilni zaimki povračalni »aimki vprašalni zaimki oziralni zaimki kazalni zaimki nedoločni zaimki Medmeti Mera in vaga Popravki STKAN 82-84 87 90 91 94 95 97 102 103 106 109 112 113 11?! 113 114 119 126 147 151 152 154 >56 158 161 164 167 173 174 176 —— ■ •