Prof Dr, Dr h c Timi Ecimovic “The Philosophy of Life 2017” Zg. Medosi, Korte, Slovenia, EU, July 28th 2017 »The Philosophy of the Life 2017« ANSTED UNIVERSITY – The Environmental Sciences Ansted Service Center P. O. Box1067 10840 Penang Malaysia The Universal State of the Earth – USE, Supreme Council of Humanity – SCH, Humankind, Nature, Space and Environment Protection World Philosophical Forum, Vice - President and WPF University, the Rector 40. Vas. Constantinou Ave. GR/116 35 Athens Greece Prof Dr, Dr h c Timi Ecimovic Korte 124 SI – 6310 Izola Slovenia, EU »The Philosophy of Life - 2017« Editor: Prof Dr Dana M Barry Publishing: MESTNA KNJIŽNICA IZOLA, Ul. Osvobodilne fronte 15. SI – 6310 Izola – Isola, Slovenia, EU, CEO Marina Hrs The book is dedicated to The Nobel Prize Foundation for nomination 2018. CIP – Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 113/119(0.034.2) 502.131.1(0.034.2) Ećimović, Timi The Philosophy of Life 2017 [Elektronski vir] / Timi Ecimovic. – El. knjga. – Izola : Mestna knjižnica, 2017 Način dostopa (URL): ISBN 978-961-94057-7-2 (pdf) 291042816 2 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« “The Philosophy of Life 2017” By Prof Dr, Dr h c Timi Ecimovic The science and the scientist without borders! Acknowledgment: To my family, to Ansted University family, to World Philosophical Forum – WPF family and to global community of humankind! To friends and colleagues: thank you for your selfless friendship and support. To readers: thank you for your concern and interest. To all humans: do not give up! Zg. Medosi, Korte, Slovenia, EU, July 28th 2017 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 3 The Content:  “To whom it may concern” 5  Preamble and Small records of the terms 6  Foreword 8  Introduction 9  Executive Summary 11  Nature 13  Introduction of Nature 15  The Environment Theory of Nature 17  The Information Theory of Nature 20  The Systemic Operations of Nature 25  Evolution and Evolvements 27  Continuum 29  The nature of the planet Earth 32  The planet Earth system 33  Universal Nature and Earth systemic operations 36  The Star Sun System 37  The Climate Change System 38  The Global Community of Humankind 43  The discussion about time 47  The Sustainable Development 48  The Sustainable Future of Humankind 55  The WTP-SFH Declaration - Sustainability 58  The Money Monster Master Leadership 71  The Requisitely Holism 72  The Globalization 76  The Global Governing 77  The Philosophy of the Citizens of the Earth XXI 87  Before the Conclusions and Recommendations 91  The Conclusions and Recommendations 100  The Bibliography 101 4 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« “To whom it may concern” This book is the result of 50 years of persistent and dedicated work (1964-2014) combined with 30 years of research on “The Protection of Humanity, Nature, as well as Space and the Environment” (1986 – 2016). The results of this important work are presented and discussed. Book topics include the following:  Universal Nature,  Universe and Cosmos,  The nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth,  The systemic operations of Universal Nature and the nature of the planet Earth,  The truth about the planet Earth and Universe,  The truth about the global community of humankind,  The truth about the present,  The truth about the sciences for humankind, etc. I am reporting my and et al research in the form of five books, recently written and published. They are as follows:  “Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong Learning and The Philosophy of the Sustainable Future of Humankind, and/in Univerzalna vzgoja in izobraževanje in Filozofija trajnostne sonaravne prihodnosti Slovenk in Slovencev”, (Updated June 2017 - posodobljeno junij 2017). Billingual English/Slovene – dvojezična angleško/slovenska. Ecimovic T., June 2017.  “The Philosophy of the Sustainability – the Sustainable Future of Humankind”, Ecimovic T. et al, ISBN 978-961-94057-0-3 (pdf), digital book or internet communication published on 24th July 2016, 139 pages  “The Philosophy of the Citizen of the Earth XXI”, Ecimovic T., Kondrashin I., et al., ISBN 978-961-94057-3-4 (pdf), digital book or internet communication published during December 2016, 68 pages,  “The Nature 2017”, Ecimovic T. et al., ISBN 978-961-04057-4-1 (pdf) digital book or internet communication published in January 2017. 104 pages.  “The Climate Change System 2017”, Ecimovic T., ISBN 978-961-94057-5- 8 (pdf), digital booklet or internet communication published in April 2017 28 pages. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 5 Preamble and Small record of the terms We humans:  We have eyes to look: but many times we look and we see nothing.  We humans have ears for hearing: but many times we hear but understand nothing.  We humans have the ability to speak: but many times we talk but say nothing.  We humans have a brain to process what we see, hear and communicate: but many times our brain offers us nothing.  The Global Community of Humankind (the World of Humans, Human Eco Sphere, Human Project, etc. within the Biosphere of the planet Earth) is one of countless civilizations. The difference between Homo sapiens and other civilizations within the planet Earth is in abilities. Today we have more than 7 billion people. Because of a lack of knowledge and understanding they are destroying the biosphere of the planet Earth and endangering their own survival, longevity, and prosperity.  To the best of my knowledge, the people of today could improve the knowledge and understanding of others by establishing a new school system such as “The Universal Upbringing, Education, and Lifelong- Learning of our Children and Descendants.” What I do believe, is that learning how to learn is a part of our education starting with infants and ending the final day of our lives. The Mother is the first teacher and her child is mirroring manners and learning skills received from his or her Mother. Knowledge and understanding are tools for a better tomorrow for humankind. I wish a better tomorrow, survival, longevity, and prosperity for the global community of humankind within the Biosphere of the planet Earth. Timi Ecimovic 6 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Small record of the terms: in our text termed as follows:  The Universal Nature or Nature in General - it is entire Nature existing within The Universe or the Cosmos. In out text, it is termed: “Nature”.  The Universe or the Cosmos - it is the environment within which Nature exists. In our text, it is termed: “Universe” or “Cosmos” or “Basic Environment”.  The nature - it is the nature system of the requisitely holistic celestial body of matter, energy and information. In our text, it is term “the nature”. For example, it is “the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth”.  The Universe or Cosmos – “Basic Environment” – it is the largest and most complex system, containing everything that exist. It is the basic environmental system, within which Nature exists.  The Universe or Cosmos – basic environment – it is the largest existing symbiotic system. The Universe or Cosmos and Universal Nature are systems with network complexity of countless systemic operations (i.e. requisitely holistic) with reason (“Continuum”) and ceaseless: Interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity and etc. complex operations, action, life, bigger and smaller bangs, energy and matter transformations, integrations, disintegrations etc.  The Universal Nature Continuum – it is one of the pillars or reasons for Nature to exist. Nature continuum, consist of permanent, ceaseless, complex systemic Nature operations.  The Environment Theory of Nature – it is theory connecting Universal Nature, Universe and Cosmos and the nature of requisitely holistic units into a united, unified complex operational system – Universal Nature.  The Information Theory of Nature – it is theory connecting ceaseless operations of Nature and the nature of the requisitely holistic units – the planet Earth and offers systemic operations instructions for evolution.  The Requisitely Holism Knowledge – it is a pillar for humans to know, understand and learn about Nature and the nature of the requisitely holistic units – Galaxies, Stars, Planets etc.  The Evolution – is Nature’s force and complex system of the evolvement or systemic operations at all levels, dimensions, the whole and requisitely holistic parts of Nature. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 7 Foreword: “The Philosophy of Life 2017” is a philosophical scientific book for people of the Global Community of Humankind, the World of Humans, Homo sapiens Civilization living under rules and conditions of humans. Actually humans exist within the biosphere of the planet Earth, but the World of Humans is disconnected from the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth. At present (2017), due to bad choices and actions like polluting our environment, the people (overall) in the world have negatively impacted the living conditions of the biosphere, which are changing (not for the better!). I think people need to learn and understand the past and the present. Then we will have a better Community of Humankind. All my research, observations, recordings, transferring’s of knowledge, as well as my living and experiencing the life of humans are asking for the promotions of the “Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong Learning”, “The Sustainable Future of Humankind or Sustainability”, “Individual Social Responsibility of Humans”, “Requisitely Holism”, “Eco Bio Centric Philosophy”, “Truth, knowledge and understanding about the basics of Nature” and “Global Governing” of the World of Humans by human leadership. This opens possibilities for survival, longevity and prosperity of humans within the biosphere of the planet Earth. This book is about the philosophy of the truth, knowledge and understanding of the basics of Nature. The Philosophy is the search for knowledge and understanding of Nature, and the meaning of the Life and the Universe. The Nature system, The Universe or Cosmos system, The Star Sun system, The Planet Earth system, origin of humans etc. are parts of the large content we call »Nature«. The present humankind’s understanding of the philosophy of Nature has been building up as long as the present civilization has been evolving. I hope it will continue so for many more generations of humans. My wish to Humankind is good philosophy, survival, longevity, prosperity, peace, reason, respect, justice, morality, wisdom and a sustainable future! Timi Ecimovic 8 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Introduction: “The Philosophy of Life 2017” is my book for people to learn and understand universal Nature and the nature of the planet Earth. The book could be very important for future possibilities of humankind’s survival, longevity and prosperity. The knowledge on Nature is a new chapter for humankind. Due to historical misunderstanding of Nature, the humankind, Homo sapiens civilization, The Human Project, The World of Humans, The Global Community of Humankind, people and leading philosophers, institutions, individuals and the present ruler of the humankind “Money Monster Master Leader”, are responsible for the present. The present is a summary of the past! The evolvement and evolution of the Homo sapiens species began around 202,0001 year ago. New reports are mentioning 300,000 years and more, but it is not such an important question because we have to improve the present, with intentions to open paths for survival, longevity and prosperity for humankind. Beyond the seven billion people of the present global community of humankind, are descendants from the very first humans who appeared. All beyond seven billion people are of one kind Homo sapiens and races do exist only in the mind of not well educated people. The History of the humankind has the following eras:  Nature’s evolution generated Homo sapiens sometime around 200.000 (300.000 or more) years B. C.,  The first prehistoric era was from 202.000 (300.000 years and more) B. C., to around 70.000 years B. C. This was the time of human settlements as tribes, groups and individuals living their sustainable life within the biosphere of the nature of the planet Earth’s natural surroundings. Humankind was learning about living conditions, local and regional environments, flora and fauna, the natural happenings, social life and other relevant knowledge. It was time of the strongest male or female leaders. Also polytheistic gods became important, connecting the natural happenings and the humankind. It was a nomadic life of hunting and gathering people. 1 Recent research reports 300.000 year as bigining of the Homo sapiens civilization. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 9 The Present Homo sapiens global community has built its own world of humans in the biosphere of the requisitely holistic system of planet Earth. Presently humankind with over 7 billion individual members, children, womankind and mankind are confronted with new challenging changes of the living conditions within the biosphere of planet Earth. The changes are a result of the global existence of humankind without an understanding of Nature and the nature of the planet Earth. Actually at present the global community of humankind is in very bad shape. Only one percent includes rulers and 99 percent are the supporting people. I think Homo sapiens may experience extinction during the 21st Century. Important researchers and research institutions share this fear. The reasons are due to the wrong leadership of global community of humankind, lack of knowledge on the basics of Nature, poor upbringing, education and learning, poor understanding and explosive reproduction, with consequent pollution and destruction of the living conditions within the Biosphere of the planet Earth. Humankind is experiencing a lack of population management and ever increasing health issues, seen as genetic invalidity of body and mind. If humanity continues as usual, on present foundation, the end is predictable. Present is as it is. Unfortunately:2  The monopolization of the entirety of humankind to the benefit of one percent must be added to the above discussion;  So must the level of debts that is globally close to three times the volume of the world’s global GDP (400% in Japan, about 220% in USA and China, etc.);  Only 15% of humans have more than six US$ per day, while 85% have less;  85 persons own as much as three and half billion persons combined; 2 As stated by Emeritus Professor Dr, Dr Matjaz Mulej from Maribor, Slovenia, EU. We shall use this statement again in the chapter abour humanjind. 10 »The Philosophy of Life 2017«  Nature of the planet Earth is badly damaged and its natural resources are over-used;  Humankind’s living conditions in its biosphere are changing: nor for the better. I think it is a frame within which the humankind is wondering at present. Executive Summary: This book, I hope, will help you to learn and understand systems of Nature, Universe or Cosmos, the nature of the planet Earth and other celestial bodies, the biosphere, life within the biosphere of the planet Earth and Homo sapiens civilization. The universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning, is a missing part for better learning, observation, understanding and living of humans. The individual social responsibility is forgotten and a missing quality of present humans. The requisitely holism is knowledge, which humans needs for understanding Nature and nature of the planet Earth. When these three points become attributes of members of the global community of humankind the life of humans will reach new horizons. The present human sciences, knowledge, research etc., need critical observation to establish the real value of nuclear technologies and armaments, countless synthetic chemical substances, the combustion engine, the planetary and extra planetary research facilities, management of the human population, the protection of humanity Nature, space and environment of the biosphere of the planet Earth, the transport system, conflicts and wars, sport activities and permanent pollution of all three basic environments – land, water and air by the life of the global community of humankind, etc. The truth about humankind mental quality 100 B.C. and 2017 A.D. has not evolved forward as the history and science are describing. Romans 100 B.C. used social techniques “Bread & Games” to keep their one percent of ruling people out of danger from other people. In 2017 A.D. there is a similar approach for one percent of ruling people at present. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 11 The only difference lies in terms that used Roman gladiators as the sportsman of today. Bread is as it is. I think it is lack of evolvement of the human brain quality, which results from the lack of knowledge and universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning. Not to mention that in 100 B.C. and in 2017 A.D. the missing quality was same: lack of “Individual Social Responsibility toward society and Nature”. The first record of the individual responsibility as a part of Nature was after 2010 connecting individual social responsibility and Nature as inseparable. “The Individual Social Responsibility” is a part of the Nature and could be defined as: The individual social responsibility from the natural sciences’ view-point is ability of living creatures to respond to the living environmental qualities and needs for continuum of the humans and other creatures and species.3 The individual social responsibility is a forgotten quality of humans and lost after the industrial revolution in the 17th Century. At present the individual social responsibility of humans is connected only with humans. The third point “Requisitely Holism” is of a recent origin. Its first thinker was Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901 – 1971). The beginning of requisitely holism in the nature sciences was after 2010 What I am trying to present here is the truth about Nature and the nature of the planet Earth, and Homo sapiens global community at present (2017) in terms of the requisitely holism. We (Homo sapiens civilization) are a part of the whole. The whole from the point view of system thinking and the requisitely holistic approach is the requisitely holistic planet Earth system, which is a part of the whole of the requisite holistic star Sun system, which is a part of the whole of the requisite holistic Milky Way Galaxy, which is a small part of the whole of the Universe or Cosmos, 3 T. Ecimovic et al, “C&ISR – the Individual Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Future of Humankind - a Basis for Societal Health”, November 2013, for 9th IRDO International Conference “Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 2014: Health – Personal and or Social Responsibility”, 6th and 7th March, 2014, Maribor, Slovenia, EU. 12 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The Universe includes all known and many larger parts, unknown to humanity, of the whole that we may see as Nature. The rules and techniques of Nature are not known to us for the whole of Nature. A small part of the knowledge of it is a treasure of the humanity, and we have to research and learn much more to be able to understand more about our existence, survival, longevity, prosperity and the sustainable future of our descendants. The epic song of humanity has a history around 202 (300 or more) millennia long history. From commencement via prehistoric times and civilizations confronting Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens sapiens, Stone ages, great civilizations of Antiquity and times of classic Greek philosophy, horrible times of medieval ages in Europe, industrialization, information, and innovations we have arrived to the Globalization and 4th Industrial Revolution of today. I hope the dark ages of humanity will end, and a new era of the sustainable future for our global community of humankind will commence during the 3rd millennium of our times. Let me now introduce the contemporary knowledge about Nature. The Nature:  Nature is always in present time or the time being.  Nature is always here or in this place.  Nature does not have the dimension of time.  Nature does not repeat.  Nature does not have numbers, numerology and mathematics.  Nature has unified values.  Nature is in ceaseless movement. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 13  Nature is always in constant, permanent systemic operations as: Interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc.,  Evolution and evolvements are always in direction of multidimensional ahead. It never stops and never returns.  Nature as system is always in “living mode” . There is no dilemma “living nature” or “not living nature”.  Nature is always successful.  Nature basic reason is continuum.  Nature has countless forms of matter, energy and information or instructions systems.  Nature’s main force is evolution - evolving countless forms in size, looks, and reasons all with individual reason, responsibility and characteristics as result of nature and environment qualities cooperation.  Nature is always in harmony with environment.  Nature does not have more or less important contents.  The main happenings in Nature are integration and disintegration (Big bangs) of matter, energy and information, etc.4  Nature does not recognize the Global Community of Humankind as essential, especially or any king of protected species. In case of disharmony of the humanity and nature within the biosphere of the planet Earth, there are operational systemic responses not in favor of the humankind, but willing to correct mistakes. Etc., more researchers and research more knowledge! 4 More researchers more answered questions or contents. 14 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Introduction of Nature Nature is in the large meaning from the view points of the natural sciences, environmental sciences, system thinking, operational research, complex problem solving, a case study research, new sciences of networking and complexity, swarm research and holistic, or better: the requisitely holistic approach the Universe or Cosmos. Universe5 has been described as “the totality of all the things that exist; creation; the cosmos” and “the world or the Earth, as the scene of human activity” and “an area, province, or sphere, as of thought or activity, regarded as a distinct, comprehensive system”. A part of the above description has something to do with our civilization’s heritage – culture, religions and believes. It is particularly seen at mentioning the creation. I know it is hard to accept reality, but in science it has to be so. My research is about systems and I would like to challenge you with a small sentence about systems: “The term system will here not mean mental picture about the considered part of reality, but rather mean a feature/event/process that is so complex in its components, relations and influences between them and their consequences that it is difficult to comprehend and even more difficult to control.6” To me the universe has many definitions and descriptions, of which more will come with future experiences and research. I would like to mention some:  The Universe system is the most complex system humankind could research.  The Universe system is environment for Nature.  The Universe system is totality of all things that exist or of everything,  The Universe system is so immense that it is hard for humans to understand its immensity. We need new standards of research work to comprehend the Universe. 5 Universe at Webster 1986 6 It is teaching of Prof. Emeritus Dr., Dr. Matjaz Mulej from University of Maribor, Slovenia, EU. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 15 The Universe system, as environment for the nature or the basic environment7 discussed for the nature from the quality and internal viewpoint, could have the following characteristics:  The Universe system has no commencement and no end known to humankind.  The Universe system contains all matter, energy, information, dimensions, integrations, disintegrations, light, rays, powers and forces, particles, transformations and other contents not yet known to humankind.  The Universe system functions are systemic: interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, co-operation, synergies, networking and etc.  The Universe system as the basic environment is environment for the continuum8 of the nature with all happenings, transformations, integrations, disintegrations, dimensions, systemic relations and ceaseless systemic operations.  The Universe system is ceaseless evolution of itself and Nature as it is an only content. The laws, rules, operations and living are unified and the same for the whole of Universe/Cosmos as well as for the requisitely holistic units and the planet Earth. The Universe system from the formal viewpoint could be seen as composition of the environments, larger and smaller requisitely holistic units9 - to us at present known as galaxies, star systems, planets and smaller celestial bodies of energy, matter and information. Also atoms, particles and other small celestial bodies of matter, energy and information are a part of the Universe, Cosmos and Universal Nature. Of course, it is up to us to see present dimension, which does not exclude other dimensions, which at present are not known. The universe system is basic environment10 meaning that within it, the present nature is at home, and as such, it is a precondition for the nature to exist. 7 The basic environment has been first discussed in »The Environment Theory of the Nature«, Ecimovic, 2009. 8 The Continuum is one of the pillars of Nature and one of its main reasons to exist. 9 The term “requisitely holistic unit” term comes from the Mulej/Kaizer »Law of Requisite Holism« as its practical application within the natural sciences. As a description to help you, I may say; the requisitely holistic unit is the smallest but yet still understandable whole. In case of further reduction, the understanding is decreased. 10 Basic environment has been term introduced by the author in his book/work »Three Applications of the System Thinking«, Ecimovic, 2009. 16 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The Environment Theory of Nature11: The environment theory of Nature takes environment as a precondition for anything. »Basic environment« of Nature is the Universe or the Cosmos. Within it Nature exists in countless forms, dimensions and contents as interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking and complexity and ceaseless systemic operations of all matter, energy, information, dimensions, light, rays, powers, forces, particles and yet unknown contents of the Nature. The beginning or end of the basic environment does not exist, but it is »continuum« of the Nature, which makes/holds/transforms etc., all contents. The basic environment (the Universe or the Cosmos) should get proper description, which according to system thinking does not commence with beginning and end, but it exists as »continuum«. At present, we have researching possibilities for exploring our neighborhood within the basic environment - the Universe or the Cosmos. Our horizon is limited with our techniques and researching abilities/possibilities. For our understanding of the dimensions within the Universe, we are also limited by our scientific language – mathematics, which has not yet evolved for the needs of the Universe researching. That is why humans have discovered the theory of relativity, the big-bang theory, black holes, unified theory, strings, and many more thoughts that are brilliant applications of the researchers, but could not properly describe the basic environment or the Universe. Let me put on records some definitions of the environments:  The basic environment (the Universe or the Cosmos) it is environment within which Nature exists as continuum of all matter, energy, information, lights, rays, particles, dimensions, powers and forces, and yet unknown contents of the Nature. The basic environment (the Universe or the Cosmos) does not have the beginning or the end, but has 11 »The Environment Theory of the Nature« was presented in the book »Three Applications of the System Thinking«, Ecimovic, 2009, and was the basis for his the Nobel Prize nomination, 2010... »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 17 countless forms of matter, energy, and information transformations, dimensions, integrations and disintegrations and systems. It is a continuum, and it is a system or Nature.  Second to the basic environment (the Universe or the Cosmos) are countless forms of matter, energy and information of larger and smaller dimensions as requisitely holistic units of the nature or: the requisitely holistic star systems, the requisitely holistic galaxy systems, and within them individual requisitely holistic star systems, such as our star Sun system with the requisitely holistic planets and the requisitely holistic planet Earth.  The basic environment (the Universe or the Cosmos) as system makes possible the interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, co- operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking and complexity etc. of all matter, energy, information, rays, particles, dimensions, powers and forces and yet unknown contents of Nature. Consequently each and every system under observation, big and small bangs, visible or dark energy, black holes, galaxies, requisitely holistic star systems and all other forms of systems within it, have their contents and characteristics (individuality).  The requisitely holistic star system environment is a particular requisitely holistic star system with its internal and external environments and systems.  The requisitely holistic planetary system is a part of the requisitely holistic star system and it has its external and internal environments and systems.  The requisitely holistic star Sun system is a part of the requisitely holistic Milky Way Galaxy system, which has beyond 100 billion of other requisitely holistic star/planets systems and countless meteorites and other forms/systems of matter, information, and energy. All of them are moving like a top and in circular movement around each other. According to interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, co- operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking and complexity, etc. The requisitely holistic star Sun system is moving like a top and with app 800 000 km/hour speed circling around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy system. The circular movement is the main physical characteristic of all larger and smaller forms of matter, energy and information within Nature.  The requisitely holistic planet Earth system is one of eight planets, but only one of them with environmental characteristics allowing “the living 18 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Nature”12. The requisitely holistic planet Earth contains its three basic environments (the planet Earth basic environments): the Land, the Water, and the Air environments.  “The living Nature” within the requisitely holistic planet Earth’s natural system has countless living creatures/beings larger and smaller forms and systems, amongst which there it is the Homo sapiens’ civilization. All of them share the environment or the Biosphere, which is a tiny and thin part of the requisitely holistic planet Earth system’s surface, within the land, water, and air environments.  The Homo sapiens’ civilization has its own human environment of different content and characteristics; but in the third millennium the urban environment prevails as its internal environment made by humans. Other forms include: rural or rustic areas; agriculture; forestry; transport means systems including roads, railways, airports and ports; industry; sports including sport facilities, etc.; military with barracks, armaments and other facilities; education with schools, universities, researching facilities, etc.; healthcare system with hospitals, researching and other facilities etc.; and etc. In 2008 in Europe (EU) 17 % of total area was sealed land or land taken from Nature and occupied by the Homo sapiens civilization.  The living creatures’ environment could be divided in internal and external environment. Typical internal environment (within the body) is cell liquid or blood as environment for blood cells etc., while the external one consists of family, local community, society, surrounding, water (bathing, drinking, etc.), air for breathing, etc. The living environment decides/allows whether any living creature/being is to be alive or not.13  Human made system has internal and external environment – for instance the car has its combustion engine as a part of its internal environment, and roads as part of its external environment. Homo sapiens civilization’s environment and natural environment are parts of the general natural environment within the biosphere of the requisitely holistic planet Earth.  Also a number of other social creatures/beings have their living environment to mention some: bees, ants, termites etc. and a number of parasitic creatures have living environment within host living environment to mention some: microbes, viruses, endo - and exo - parasites etc. 12 »Living nature« term is conditionally used, because people understanding are connected with living and nonliving nature. Actually it is only nature it is alive and ceaseless working system. 13 IN case of decrease of oxygen in breathing air below 8 %, all living creatures will cease to exist. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 19  The living environment could have countless different forms. One of them is urban environment with Homo sapiens global community made of requisitely holistic units or environments – towns, cities and mega cities. Inhabitants could be described as Homo urbanus14 civilization and parallel Homo slumus15 civilization. Etc., more researchers and research more knowledge! Please accept my discussion as an initial recording and other characteristics, contents, and possibilities could be worked out by others research. The Information Theory of Nature: The novelty of the information theory of the nature is research of the term “information”, which has been researched in connection with the system thinking, and the philosophy. The “information” was understood as a system of the abilities, quantities, qualities, relationships, instructions of each and every matter, energy, light, rays, powers, forces, particles, dimensions and yet unknown contents of Nature under prerequisite of interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking and complexity etc. Transformation of the matter and energy with their information is a simultaneous event according to the environmental qualities as major influence/co-player to the information. New transformation has its information in the same manner as the genetic code of living creatures/beings. It is a precondition of their continuum, and it is formed at the moment of transformation. In living creatures it is according to prearranged (by the nature – evolution and life) genetic structure, and in the other parts of Nature the genetic structure is exchanged for abilities, qualities, quantities and other characteristics of the environment, within which the transformation of matter and energy takes place. By the continuum, the systemic process is upgrading all characteristics of Nature. Taken from the “living nature” and genetic science we have to accept changes which happen only with successful transformation of the genetic code. Unsuccessful creatures/beings do not exist (it is one of the basic characteristics of the evolution and evolvements). The first living creatures/beings the one-cell protozoans evolved and appeared in the water environment - primordial oceans. 14 Homo urbanus are people who live within reasonably organized urban environment. 15 Homo slumus are people who live within mega and poly cities slums. 20 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« They appeared, as a result of the water environment content, the nature powers and assisted by evolution possibilities of the environment. That is why the biosphere had been operating for two billion years before the next generation of aerobic creatures/beings evolved. In the meantime, other parts of the planet Earth were evolving environmental conditions suitable for more complex living creatures. That is why complex creatures like the kingdom of animals and plants commenced only 700 million years ago. Moreover, Homo sapiens has “only” around 202000 (or 300,000 and more) years of history. That is why I am discussing the threat of the climate change system’s impact within the biosphere of the requisitely holistic planet Earth. It is a very dangerous option for extinction of the present living creatures/beings including the global civilization of humankind. This result could happen if significant changes within the quality of the environmental living conditions in the biosphere. It happened before so it may happen again! It is important to discuss the system – as a complex entity, rather than a mental picture in living creatures’ minds, from the viewpoint of the operational content. Any system is in a stable mode as long as all of its internal systems are in a stable mode. Whenever external reasons or instability of internal system is moved/changed/impacted, or etc., the system as a complex entity begins to move. It is not possible to predict the direction of the system’s movement. For instance, after “Big bang” (Hawking) had happened, being responsible for our part of the Universe, the transformation of matter energy and information resulted in the formation of the requisitely holistic Milky Way Galaxy, countless requisitely holistic star systems and our requisitely holistic star Sun system. From commencement of the Big bang the energy, matter and information transformation resulted in new transformed contents, and they have been simultaneously enriched with information of its abilities, and so on. I think a major part of the information is composed of characteristics of the environment within which various processes were and are going on. Of course, the environment characteristics have also been changing or transforming accordingly. Finally, some 4.560.000.000 years ago the requisitely holistic star Sun system evolved its planetary systems including our planet Earth. Each part of the system has its own information according to which the evolvements are possible. In my »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 21 research, I think this possibility is opening the door for researching further contents of the Nature. The question then arises as to what this “The Information Theory of the Nature” is. It is a system subsumed under a holistic unit of the natural system, including the requisitely holistic planet Earth. Nature exists as a system, whether we choose to interact with its mechanism or not. Our civilization has assumed the prerogative to interpret it. There is thus, a dual interpretation of nature. Science understands it as it is, more or less, as a mechanism. Civilization sees nature in a different way. Both these interpretations do influence each other but not in the requisitely holistic manner. Let me provide a case of nanotechnologies. Nano researchers from Feyman onward and recently with improved microscope facilities have been researching the atoms. The conclusion is that atoms have self-organization ability. They do not see the nature properly, because they do not see the environmental influences. To know abilities of any atom the research should include temperature and some other characteristics of the environment (which is an important part of the information and transformation). Also the nuclear technologies have same characteristics. If this thinking is applied to our environment then the Universe, and the Earth are holistic units and the biosphere is the living environment/sphere of the requisitely holistic planet Earth. The basic relations and operations amongst the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth content are interconnected, interdependent, interacting, co-operating, networking and have synergies, anti-synergies etc. The Information theory of Nature was devised as the basic quality of Nature of a matter, energy, and information where the information is an integral part of the nature as are matter and energy. Evolution of matter and energy interconnects with evolution of information. All this should be within an environment and under the practice of interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. The information theory of nature is a case study of system theory/thinking implementation, as a contribution towards humankind’s better understanding of the nature. Information should not be misconstrued. It does not mean the process of communication or transmission of messages or a collection of data, its storage/retrieval, or any other use of the word. “Information” as used in the Information Theory of the Nature deals with:  Information as an integral part of basic environment; 22 »The Philosophy of Life 2017«  Information as an integral part of matter and energy;  Information is not only as a part of the existing energy and matter, but also of the evolving ones, whether energy, whether matter whether requisitely holistic unites or contents of them;  Information, matter, and energy do not exist if they are not integral parts of the system, environment, basic environment, Nature, universe, cosmos in any dimension;  Information, energy and matter evolve within the interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. as ceaseless systemic operation practices of all levels of systems within the basic environment, and make evolution of Nature in case (requisitely holistic unit);  Information as a part of »Information Theory of Nature« is the ability/quality of environment, matter, energy, information, dimensions, particles, rays or any form of matter, energy or natural powers and forces, and yet unknown contents within the Universe, to make impact. This theory is a theoretical approach addressing the basic problems in understanding the Nature. It matches in the need for a holistic presentation of the nature. The Information Theory of the Nature can explain any whole, part, unit, mezzo, micro or macro dimensions in an infinite cosmos. One can understand the evolved environment, evolution within environment, energy, matter, dimensions, rays, particles, natural powers, forces and not yet known contents of Nature regulated by interconnectedness, interdependencies, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti- synergies, networking, complexity etc. as ceaseless systemic operations practices. The rules do not exist but are the result of a particular case content. I may mention environmental characteristics of the case deciding on the rules – like liquid methane rivers and lakes on the planet Saturn moon – Titan. Using this theory one can understand any processes like transformation of matter, energy and information within the environment under interconnectedness, interdependencies, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. systemic principles up to the present. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 23 The solution for a sustainable (development) future of humankind is in maintaining harmony between the nature, biosphere of the requisite holistic planet Earth and all users of it. This is the answer for the future existence of our civilization. Systems theory, especially the dialectical system theory (Mulej) as a science of interconnectedness, interdependence methodology through interdisciplinary co-operation is the core of the future. The Information Theory of Nature is a commencing point of Environmental Sciences to become a chapter at the beginning of the Book of Physics. It is seen and known when heard and understood, but not yet used in the scientific and research work as well as practice or applied research. This is due to the need for evolvement of the new part of the Mathematics as the scientific language of our civilization. The characteristics of the environment make evolvement within Nature possible. Big bang theory provides answers to almost 99 % of theoretical approach to the beginning of the Universe. Figuratively expressed the environment changes our Universe into many other requisitely holistic Universes or one Universe of which our Universe is just a part. Many more explanations could be elaborated from simple systems, such as combustion engine, human society, satellite, etc. to finally the largest known to us, The Universe, which could be explained by using system theory, system thinking, analysis and synthesis. The requisitely holistic planet Earth (as a part of the Universe), the requisitely holistic Milky Way Galaxy system, and the requisitely holistic Solar system present a requisitely holistic unit to hold living nature as it is in the case of Earth and the Universe of which we are a part. Understanding its reality is a treasure of Nature given to humanity as a path for continuum, survival, existence, longevity, prosperity and the sustainable future of humanity. The Information Theory of the Nature is a missing part needed for the new frontiers of science movement towards a sustainable future of humankind. By evolvement of other contents, human society may have an option of a sustainable future and large explorations within the Nature. It incorporates the past and present knowledge and opens an option for its confirmation and reintegration. 24 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« All big achievements such as: Theory of Relativity, Big Bang Theory, Unified Field Theory, Strings Theory, Theory of Everything, Particles research, Nano research, dimensions research, use of geometry and algebraic operations, reconfirmations of the present knowledge, and many more possibilities will be, hopefully, achievements in the future of humankind. Systemic operations of Nature: Therefore, we have now: the basic environment; the basic requisitely holistic units; our home the biosphere of the requisitely holistic planet Earth, which is one of the countless celestial bodies in the Universe. The system operations of the nature of the planet Earth are mirroring the system operations of Universal Nature or the Universe or Cosmos. With knowledge on the system operations on the Earth humanity is accumulating knowledge on the system operation in the Universe. It is like “One in all and all in One’s”, which is and was always an application to humankind. I am sure it is the same with nature (the swarm research). System operations are a result of many different happenings in different requisitely holistic environments. In my research the operations are results of interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity, swarming etc., of all matter, energy, information, light, rays, powers, forces, particles, dimensions and yet unknown contents of the Nature. Interconnectedness – link between numerous subjects, contents etc., to form pattern of the whole. It is the principle for connecting whatsoever. The systemic meaning is to link/connect two or more systems to one large system. For instance – the Universe is interconnectedness of countless larger and smaller systems linked to one. Interdependence 16 - dependence on each other or one another; mutual dependence – the nature and the Universe system are interdependent or mutually dependent; the Universe system and Milky Way Galaxy are interdependent; the star Sun system and Milky Way Galaxy are interdependent; star Sun system and planet Earth are interdependent, living nature and three basic environments on the Earth – land, air and water – are interdependent; human body and mind are interdependent; in my opinion, everything is interdependent. 16 From Webster 1986 / meaning. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 25 Interaction – action on each other; reciprocal action or effect – in the nature everything is reciprocal and affects the environment, life and other nature, the universe system, etc. Within the requisitely holistic unit, everything is in interaction and the system as a whole interacts with the major system within which they are placed. Co-operation - the act of co-operating; joint effort or operation; Ecology is a cooperation between organisms that is largely beneficial to all those participating – in the nature cooperation is an integral part of a complex relationship or integral part of system operations. According to my research, cooperation is closely connected with information, as described in the information theory of Nature. Synergies and anti-synergies - are included to add for richness of the system working operations. New sciences of networking and complexity – allow understanding of ceaseless action, movement works and operations of Nature evolution. Swarm research - is very useful tool for research of countless members and actions of Nature. Evolution and evolvements within Nature are the result of all matter, energy, and information’s permanent interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, co- operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. The nature is always in - “present”, now and here. Universal Nature and systemic operations are always successful, because if something is going wrong, it is not ready for “continuum” and disappears without a trace. The matter, energy and information enter into transformation systemic operation. It was also one of Charles Robert Darwin’s observations – only successful beings exist in nature. Of course he was observing living beings in connection with evolution. All interconnectedness, interdependence, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti- synergies, networking, complexity etc., should be understood as part of systemic operations. The present understanding of Nature has been evolving on as long as the present Homo sapiens civilization has been a part of the biosphere. I think it is the time for a step forward. Then the understanding of nature will follow. The differentiation of the nature to the living nature and other parts, conditionally described as non-living nature, are the heritage of the humankind’s thinking pattern, and need to be revised in the future. 26 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Evolution and Evolvements: Evolution was introduced to humankind in the XIX Century by Charles Robert Darwin (1809 – 1882), a British scientist. Even today due to lingual, cultural, children upbringing, humankind educational and religious reasons evolution has not been accepted by a majority of the people. It is due to manipulation of few on account of all others. The philosophy of life is in a very short sentence: “All living beings are successful”. In my research, the evolution is a universal principle, main power, pillar and leader of Nature operations. Evolution and evolvements are Nature’s power allowing and supporting the continuum of Nature. The evolution is a ceaseless working system making evolvements for a better tomorrow of Nature and the nature of the requisitely holistic unit under observation. The evolution with evolvements is the only system of Nature and the nature of the planet Earth responsible for needed adjustments within the continuum of the planet Earth’s existence. Evolution uses interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc., of existing contents of the planet Earth to allow possible continuum and existence of the planet. Evolution is provider, maker, holder and guardian, allowing for harmony in Universal Nature and the nature of the planet Earth - the biosphere environments. The evolution and evolvements make up one of the pillars of Nature. Due to immeasurability of the basic environment, the Universe system as whole, humankind at present has no possibility to follow the evolution and evolvement of the universe system as a whole or its distant requisitely holistic parts. Proper observations, thinking and researching of the evolution and evolvements on the requisitely holistic planet Earth could open new horizons for discovering universal knowledge. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 27 There is the same evolution and evolvements in the nature of the planet Earth as in the Universe. People of the global community of humankind can research evolution and evolvement of parts of the universe system known to us, along with the star Sun system including the planet Earth system. Thinking issues such as culture, heritage, beliefs and religions of the past and present are used to predict the future and should be handled properly. The evolution and evolvement of the nature could be described as “evolution and evolvements are always multidimensional from smallest to the largest part of Nature under research and has only one direction – ahead”. Nature and the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth is always now and here. All systemic operations of the Universal Nature are as systemic operations present within the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth. Universal Nature is always in “present” and has only one direction to evolve – multidimensional evolvement ahead. It could not be corrected or repeated17 whatsoever. The nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth and star Sun systems is mirroring the nature of the entire Universe or Cosmos – the Universal Nature. The biosphere of the planet Earth is a small part and system of the nature evolved within the planet Earth: land, water and air environments. The present generations of humans have to work on the universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning of current and upcoming generations. 17 With commencement of the »Information society« after 1990 and due to the use of the modern information technologies human has got wrong habit of pushing button and delete. In the nature, it does not exist. For instance in case of catastrophic accident with nuclear power production facility anywhere on the Earth, the present planet Earth could be changed into an unrecognizable form. In addition, this principle could be applied to synthetic chemical compounds, which never before have been there in the nature. The researchers, who have invented synthetic chemical compounds (today there are millions of them), did not know what such compound could cause within the natural environment. Proof of it is CFC'c, whose free chlorine ion was destroying the ozone protection band around the planet Earth. In case of our civilization not noticing the destroying effect of CFC's in time, our today civilization and other living creatures would not be present. I think it is question of individual social responsibility of each and every one human within the global community of humankind. 28 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« It is the only way to serve the future generations with knowledge and the ability to learn and understand evolution and evolvements or other knowledge needed for survival, longevity and prosperity. Continuum: Putting the “continuum” in the centre of the Nature makes a huge difference in possibilities for research. The continuum is a main reason and result of the environment and its content, i.e. Nature systemic relations and operations. It is making Nature understandable, the living part more than the other part, which is less known to us. Continuum is the reason and force of the nature. The commencement of the “living nature” within any requisitely holistic unit of Universal Nature, usually on planets with the adequate environment, is a result of the local environment. As soon as life appears and has its own continuum, then there will be a new system that affects the quality of the planet under observation. In the case of the planet Earth, because of its speed of evolution and evolvement, from appearance of the first anaerobic primordial protozoan – being 3.8 (4.3) billion years ago, it took the nature approximately 2 billion years for evolvement of the next generation of aerobic one cell organisms. Compared to the civilization of humankind, which is approximately 202,000 (300,000 or more) years old, it looks incompatible. The reality is that continuum from commencement to the present was and is the only possible way. The second case is about Big-bang. When analysing happenings in the known star system, intergalactic space, and galactic spaces, it is where major catastrophic (to human thinking) events are transformation of the matter and energy. They happen exceptionally fast. It is hard to understand their reason as continuum. But they are. However, it is continuum, because any transformation of the energy and matter is somehow the birth of a new commencement of the new system whatsoever. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 29 With a philosophic approach, it is understandable because any system has its commencement, childhood, adult ages, old ages and end in whatever way. Adding to it the continuum (as reason and purpose), makes difference from present thinking and makes big-bang as continuum of Nature. Of course, a major novelty is the requisitely holistic approach18, which makes us able to understand reduction to units, which are capable of certain happenings. I am suggesting requisitely holistic units at all levels of the Universe as a whole and as separate parts from smallest to largest. Reductionism to the level of understand-ability has been known for a long time. In addition, Einstein confirmed usefulness of reduction to the level of keeping the topic understandable. That is also the corner stone of the requisitely holistic approach: understandable, but not oversimplified. In this way we may describe the basic environment as the universe system as the whole. As requisitely holistic units they are parts of the universe system, within which the galaxies, star systems, and planets are requisitely holistic units. It is not a law on universe system but a step toward understanding of Nature. Let me present a contemporary explanation about Big-bangs. Big – bang is a natural evolutionary systemic operations process of matter, energy and information transformation. It is an end or looks like destruction of a part of the Universe. The next step is new commencement or integration of transformed parts of the Universe. The big – bang of some 14 billion years ago is responsible for the establishment of the Milky Way Galaxy and the star Sun requisitely holistic system. Some 4.6 billion years ago the star Sun evolved its planetary system. 18 »Requisite Holism« has been part of the Law of requisite holism (Mulej/Kajzer, University of Maribor, Slovenia) from the world of economics. 30 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« It was one of Nature’s countless a matter, energy and information transformation or disintegration and integration as Nature’s systemic operational processes happen. Integration – in Webster (1986) - integration is an integrating or being integrated. In our research integration is the process of integrating different smaller or larger systems of matter, energy and information into equal and a united system, which is also integrated to a higher level system or systems. For instance Big-Bang is ending a part of the Universe. It is a fast process or disintegration of matter, energy and information, which is very fast (explosion). After Big-Bang next step is beginning of the integration of a new system, which is a local integration of energy, matter and information. It is a slow process of putting together a system or systems of matter, energy and information. Big Bang is when the beginning is disintegration (fast process), which follow integration (slow process). It is disintegration and opposite integration. For instance the integration of the human body is a long process or a whole life process, from birth to one’s end of life. For instance – the planet is the integration of many large and small different systems into a requisitely holistic unit – the planet and it is a whole life process. And finally one more possibility - for instance – Universal Nature is integration and is a permanent continuity. Integration is always a slow process of putting together new systems. Disintegration – in Webster (1986) - disintegration is to separate into the parts or fragments; break up; disunite; or to undergo or cause to undergo a nuclear transformation as a result of radioactive decay or a nuclear reaction. Classical case of disintegration is Big-Bang (Hawking), the energy disintegrates and the matter, energy and information integrates. Disintegration is Big-Bang and integration is building new systems. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 31 The whole disintegration and integration are spontaneous happenings, which follow Nature’s evolutions, principles etc. (smaller or larger end and commencement of old and new systems). It includes energy, matter and information as part of the continuum. In our research integration and disintegration are permanent processes within Universal Nature or Nature and the nature of the planet Earth. The Nature of the Planet Earth: Everything that was born may look like many different or similar things, but it is the individual characteristics that make a difference. At present the global community of humankind has more than 7 billion members and all of them are Homo sapiens. It is important to know that each one has his/her own characteristics. Therefore our civilization has more than 7 billion individuals. This is important because we have to accept reality that is within the basic environment - the universe system - there are countless planets, but the planet Earth with its global community of humankind, is only one requisitely holistic planet, which we know and live on. The nature of the planet Earth mirrors Nature of the rest of the Universe. Second to that, the planet Earth is a requisitely holistic unit or planet, a member of the planets of the requisitely holistic star Sun system. The planet Earth is orbiting the Sun within the distance, which allows for the environmental conditions needed for life to appear and continue, as long as the conditions are all right. It is within the so called living belt of the Solar system. Actually the biosphere environment has conditions suitable for life. The evolution of the planet Earth started some 4.6 billion years ago and latter evolved also primordial the first being. The first life-being evolved and appeared on the Earth around 3.8 (4.3) billion years ago within primordial oceanic waters. 32 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The anaerobic one cell protozoans were the first beings or creatures, which evolved because of a suitable environment’s systemic conditions and happenings. The Planet Earth System: The requisitely holistic planet Earth system is very robust. The planetary body at present has got an inner core of 1.500 miles in diameter composed of iron and heavy metals, an outer core of 1.400 miles, a lower mantle of 1.400 miles, upper mantle of 400 miles and the crust of 2 – 45 miles in diameter. On the top of the crust, there are permanent dynamic changes caused by the natural powers by which the Earth’s surface has been and is shaped. The atmosphere covers, protects and completes the biosphere of the planet up to 650 miles or 1.000 kilometers, where the Exosphere ends and outer space begins. The main subsystems of the Earth are: its planetary body, its Moon, and its atmosphere. Its planetary body has 8.000 miles or 13.000 kilometers in diameter. The Earth is the fifth planet by diameter in the requisitely holistic star Sun planetary system. The largest one is Jupiter with an eleven times longer diameter, and the smallest one is Pluto19 with around one fifth of the Earth’s diameter. The surface of the Earth’s planetary body together with its atmosphere makes it’s requisitely holistic biosphere, where we live and where the life has been a part of its system for more than 3.8 (4.3) billion years. At that time in history the first appearance of the protozoan, one cell life could be placed. Among the life supporting components of the Earth, oxygen is the most important element. It forms:  Two inorganic oxides - water and carbon dioxide, which are the life- supporting molecules,  Atmosphere with oxygen molecules in the air we breathe, and  The ozone layer as the protection against for life dangerous UV rays. 19 Data about the new 2 outer celestial bodies are not yet known to me; one missing planet might also have a questionable content within the present status of the Solar system. Pluto has been re-classified and is no longer recognized as a planet. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 33 After the nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth had generated such a support within the requisitely holistic biosphere system, the appearance of life on Earth was just a matter of time. The external support from the star Sun to the Earth is the flow of gravitation, magnetism20, light, warmth, particles, energy and information. It is an important support, because due to adequate distance of the planet Earth from the Sun, the Sun actually supports life on Earth. The flow of light and warmth from the Sun has different effect here as on other planets. The unique composition of the planet Earth and its distance from the Sun are two major qualities that evolved with evolvement of the Solar system, and make the basic possibility for life to appear on the Earth. The Earth’s crust (surface) is at present made of a terrestrial part, which covers around 30 percent of the surface, and the ocean/sea waters cover the remaining 70 percent of the surface. The ratio between ocean and land was changing with dynamic changes of the planet Earth’s surface evolutionary evolvements. The first appearance of the water on the Earth was the deciding factor for the formation of its surface and atmosphere. After cooling down the atmosphere was thick and much lower than now. The primordial atmosphere was oxygen-free. A big change came from the appearance of the first life forms. These were the anaerobic protozoan one cell beings living without oxygen. They were gaining the necessary hydrogen and carbon for their synthesis from different organic carbon compounds and from dissolved inorganic compounds of carbon. Change of the primordial Earth from its anaerobic to its aerobic stage took billions of years. Bacterial life’s significant contribution was the sink of carbon dioxide, when their dead cells settled as sediment on the bottom of the oceans. There they were transformed into numerous carbon compounds that we see today as fossil fuels. It was the time of the first energy transformation; actually, anaerobic protozoans transformed sugar molecules to gain two units of energy per molecule. 20 Magnetism as systems quality is not yet undestod, Humankind knowledge on magnetism is awaiting enlargement of the magnetism knowledge in the Universe. 34 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« In the next generation, microbes were able to split water molecules by using the light from the Sun, and used the released hydrogen to reduce the carbon dioxide molecules. The product of this reaction was the molecular oxygen, but its appearance was poisonous for the existing living creatures. It changed the life critically: the new generation of microbes was able to use oxygen in its oxidation of biomass by respiration. It was the second energy transition on the Earth, because with such a transformation of the sugar molecule they gained 36 energy units or eighteen times more than the anaerobic microbes. The carbon dioxide was a part of water due to its solubility, while oxygen that was not solvable in water, became an integral part of the atmosphere. The concentration of the oxygen in the atmosphere was increasing and changing, and settled by the end of the 19th century at 21 %, with 78 % of nitrogen, and the remaining 1 % was made of carbon dioxide, methane, and some other gaseous elements. The changes are result of evolution. With the appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere, with influence from the Sun’s radiation the oxygen molecules were split down to the elementary oxygen, which in the upper layers of the atmosphere made the three-valence oxygen molecule ozone. With time, the ozone formed an UV-impermeable screen or ozone protection-layer against those rays from the Sun, which was responsible for decomposition of the dioxide molecules – the UV rays. The biosphere on the Earth responded with evolution of life, its intensification, and transition from water to the Earth’s terrestrial and air parts. The bacterial life moved to the terrestrial part of the surface, forming on its crust top a carbon-rich layer, which eventually became what we today call soil. The Earth system evolved to the stage when complex life forms were able to appear. It was some 2 billion to 700 million years ago. Land mammals appeared some 350 million years ago. The human predecessors are dated some 8 million years ago, and Homo sapiens, our predecessor, evolved some 202.000 (300.000 and more) years ago. So here we are – after the big-bang and evolutionary evolvement of our requisitely holistic part of the Universe, we have the Universe, the requisitely holistic Milky Way Galaxy, the requisitely holistic star Sun system, the requisitely holistic planet Earth system, and the requisitely holistic Biosphere »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 35 system with the life on the surface of its terrestrial and aquatic part as well as within its atmosphere. With the existing input/output effects from superior systems, especially the Solar system, assisted and made the possibility for evolution, which evolved other parts of the Earth planetary system etc. The climate change system is the internal system of the requisitely holistic planet Earth’s system the biosphere, within the surface of the planet Earth and the atmosphere. The climate change system is provider, maker, holder and guardian of the living conditions within the biosphere of the planet Earth. Universal Nature and the planet Earth systemic operations. Movement is a major characteristic of the Universal Nature. It is easy to observe when researching the Universe, Galaxies, star systems and planets, and the world of atoms and particles. Many different forms or systems of matter, energy, and information could be observed. The Universe is a grand scene, very fascinating and less understandable than I would wish. Humankind’s top understanding was for a long time or millennia limited to observing the positions of the stars and to working out horoscopes with the purpose of predicting the future or something else. The humankind of course, did not accept the truth - the future is unpredictable. Actually, I think the continuum of movement is there, from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy and beyond. Circular movement, movement like top, large parts of the universe moving together or apart, particles inter-universe movement and the inter-universe particles movements within requisite holistic units; looking at the world of atoms shows the movement is there, within the atoms, and in the inter-atoms space as well. Looking at the Homo sapiens bodies, there is more or less movement, which is less active when we are asleep. Our body system has many different possibilities for movement, if looking from the exterior viewpoint. However, most humans do not perceive the internal movement, which commences when successful movement of spermatozoa makes it reach ovum inside the mother’s body. From this point of successful movement and conception on, new life has its own internal movement. After birth, the internal movement is the main characteristic of a living being and when it stops, it is end of a life. The whole humankind life consists of very complex internal and external movements. 36 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Moving means living! It is so not only in the living nature but also in the whole Nature and in any requisitely holistic parts under observation. The nature of the requisitely holistic planet Earth has its internal movement within the planet environments and external movement as a part of the star Sun system’s both internal and external movements, and the universe movements (Milky Way Galaxy, etc.). So here we are with the requisitely holistic planet Earth system. The planet Earth system is a requisitely holistic part of the star Sun system, Milky Way Galaxy system, and the Universe system. The planet Earth system is a very small part of the Universe. However, as a planet with an environment suitable for living nature, it is home of humankind and countless forms of flora, fauna and one cell beings of “living nature”. There are one-cell creatures: viruses, microorganisms, protozoan, zoo and phytoplankton, and others to plants and animals, and on the top of living kingdom is placed Homo sapiens. The planet Earth system – planetary body, atmosphere, and moon - appeared around 4.5 billion years ago (4.500.000.000). At that time the planet was something like a ball of energy and gases with temperature around 7.000 degrees Celsius. Within millions of years, the planet was cooling down, and the firm matter was formed within two hundred million years. The oldest rocks on the Earth have been dated at 4.3 billion years ago (4.300.000.000). The Moon system was formed as a result of catastrophic happenings after collision of the planet Earth with another cosmic body of the size of the planet Mars. As a result, a large mass of matter was put into the orbit of the planet Earth. After certain amount of time Nature evolved the Moon. The planet Earth system is an inferior system to the Solar System, the Milky Way, and the Universe. The Star Sun System: Our Solar system contains nine (eight by new classification) major planets (one planet missing) and along with the tenth and eleventh as newcomers to the family (now asteroids together with Pluto, which used to be a planet), and countless number of meteorites, comets and minor planets called asteroids. It also contains the star Sun system, the star around which the rest of its system is moving, circling and revolving etc. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 37 The content of the planet Earth and other planets inside of the Solar System are “unique” because of the information, matter, and energy content at their birth. All forms existing at the moment of evolvement are included within our Earth system, and so are many more other forms of the Universe such as light, particles, rays and matter that over the time from the appearance until now have collided with the planet Earth system. The large part of the planet Earth’s water originated from colliding meteorites with content of the frozen waters. Major influences on the Earth’s dynamics come from the permanent magnetic, energy and light flux from the Sun, and from collisions with asteroids, which arrive from the outer space. The Climate Change System: The climate change system is an internal system of the biosphere and of the nature of the planet Earth. It is responsible for biosphere environmental qualities and conditions for life to continue. Countless number of other celestial bodies has the climate change systems which are requisitely holistic sub-systems. All of them are interconnected, interdependent, interacting, cooperating, networking, etc. with internal and external systemic operations of the system under observation and according to Nature. In the case of the biosphere of the planet Earth and changes within living conditions and environmental qualities for living beings to survive and prosper, the interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. between Global Community of Humankind and the Climate Change System are responsible for the summary of changes and changes which will follow. The climate change system is provider, maker, holder and guardian of the living conditions within the biosphere of the planet Earth. With ceaseless systemic operations it allows the present to be as it is. The climate change system as a natural operational system is present all over Nature and the Universe. Together with the evolution, evolvements and other contents of Nature’s systemic operations it is a part of continuum. 38 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, co-operations, synergies, networking etc., within the planet Earth system of the life, the climate change system and biosphere, are dynamic factors for the evolution and evolvements of the life forms, and the resulting environmental conditions. The primordial Earth, some 4.5 billion years ago, was lifeless and unrecognizable by our civilization’s standards. The air was oxygen-free and many subsystems of the climate change system known today did not exist. The climate change system itself was evolving according to the components and relations of the system as it does even today. The living nature is moderator of living conditions and is interconnected, interdependent, interacting, cooperating, having synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. with the climate change system. The rise of life on the Earth reacted to conditions of the primordial surface water environment, and its physical and other contents. It took the nature, evolution and evolvements of the planet Earth some 0, 7 (0. 2) billion years to evolve the life. The first evidence of the life is dated 3, 8 (4, 3) billion years ago. From protozoan life of primordial time to evolution and evolvements of the complex biosphere around 1.2 billion years ago, there was the time within which the biosphere evolved. The first complex living creatures on the terrestrial environment could be placed around 700 million years ago. The first and second biosphere energy’s transition from the anaerobic to the aerobic energy production by protozoan life was responsible for the change of the atmosphere from the oxygen-free to the oxygen-rich one. The oxygen-content was around 40 % and with time it has been diminishing to 21 % as it was at the end of the 19th century. The oxygen-content in the air was the major improvement of life’s conditions, which made the difference from the primordial time to the time of biosphere, from 1.2 billion years ago until the present time. The concentration of the oxygen in the air for living creatures to breathe should not fall below 8 %, which is somehow a minimum needed for survival. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 39 At present in some heavily populated areas of big cities, the concentration of the oxygen could fall just beyond 10 %. I am recommending monitoring of oxygen concentration as a precondition for survival of humans in the fragile and heavily polluted environments (big/mega/poly cities). Our civilization’s first settlements in Europe were built some 14.000 years ago, because of social life evolution and evolvements of pre-antiquity humans. First settlements on European area were built on swampy areas, for security reasons, and the population was up to 10.000 people. It was a result of the changed conditions within the biosphere that happened after the last ice period, which ended some 60.000 – 16.000 years ago. Since then the climate change system conditions on the Earth were almost at the quality of the present time. Of course, changes have existed but not as extreme ones, as the ones coming up now. The difference between today and 200 years ago is due to the extreme input of our civilization’s output into the biosphere, such as: all sort of waste, side-effects of nuclear technologies, synthetic chemicals, human population explosion and its consequences; destruction of biosphere resulted from covering the current needs of humans. In short, and I will work out the above-mentioned later on, those are reasons/impacts, which cause the triggering effects and other changes of our civilization on the climate change system, as consequences. The climate change system is a natural complex entity/system. It consists of several subsystems and is a subsystem, too, of systems such as the planet Earth system, the Solar system, the Milky Way and the Universe. It is very old and has been changing all the time, offering rather stable conditions to the life forms. At present much more extreme changes have been taking place, over the centuries of industrialization and post-industrialization than ever before since the end of the last ice age. We humans are not the only cause of these dangerous processes, although an essential one, especially if our decisions and actions are based on a lack of systemic/holistic thinking/behaviour and Eco bio centric philosophy. The climate change system as an integral part of the planet Earth biosphere system is somehow between its inferior (for instance the Global Community of Humankind System) and superior systems; all of them together with the climate change system itself have a number of mutual interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, co-operations, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. 40 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« As I have mentioned before, the Universe contains all matter and energy, information, dimensions, powers, forces, lights, rays, atoms, particles and yet to humans unknown contents. The Universe may have a dramatic influence on the Earth’s climate change system, in the case of catastrophic changes affecting the Solar system, and in the case of the Earth’s collisions with space body/bodies influencing the Earth’s existence. It happened and may/can happen again. There is e.g. the hypothesis that a collision of the Earth with a cosmic meteorite some 65 million years ago caused Dinosaurs to get extinct. The largest and most superior system of the Nature is the Universe. The probability of a destructive interaction of the Earth with the Universe system is very small. It is so because of vastness and countless number of celestial bodies: galaxies, stars, planets systems and other forms of mater, energy and information within the Universe. The Earth has a little chance to experience major destruction caused by the Universe system activities. The Earth system is namely just a very small part of it. The Solar system is a very large system, from our civilization’s point of view, but a very small one from the galactic point of view, and even much smaller from the Universe point of view. The Sun and its eight planets make one small sub-system of the Milky Way Galaxy. Actually, the Milky Way Galaxy has almost countless star systems, and our Solar system is just one of them. The Sun is the central star of the Solar System, and has 99.8 percent of the Solar system’s matter. It is the center of its system, and source of all energy, matter, power, and information within it. Of course, it is an inferior system to the Milky Way Galaxy, which is over 100.000 billion times bigger in mass as the Solar system. For our Earth planetary system the Sun is the source of everything from birth of the planet onward, and we exist because the Sun provides us energy, warmth, light, and all other important inputs – physical and other components. Sun and Earth are interconnected, interdependent, interacting, cooperating, and having synergies, anti-synergies, networking, and complexity etc. - matter, energy and information. Our planet system is completely dependent on the star Sun system. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 41 Our present time experience is mirroring physical, geographical, and biological etc. statuses at which the planet Earth system is at this very moment. Of course, the influence from the Solar system is not caused only by the Sun, but also is by a number of interconnected, interdependent, interacting, cooperating, relations, synergies, networking and etc., with neighboring planets, planet-like bodies of different size, Moon and other forms of energy, matter, information, and natural powers. The planet Venus is the closest to Sun, and the outer planet is Mars. Together with Mercury, they present terrestrial planets of the Solar system. The Solar system is stable, and changes in its system qualities are reflected and influence its entire system. The most important parts of the Solar system are the energy, matter, information and natural forces flows from the Sun to the planets, and the quality of each planetary system. Not only each planet’s composition, but also its distance from the Sun is a deciding factor for the quality of the Solar system. The life stream of light and warmth from the Sun enables life on Earth. Both the quality of the star Sun system and unique Earth’s composition/distance from Sun make interconnected, interdependent, interacting, co-operating, synergetic, anti-synergetic, networking, complexity etc. parts of the life-support system on the Earth. Understanding of many powers and forces of nature is important. They include gravitational, magnetic, energy, matter, and information transformations, rays, and particles etc., dynamics/movements (like the top, orbital, galactic, and of the Universe), the Solar system, the Sun and planets including our planet the Earth. Synergistically, they are making systemic characteristics, interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, cooperation’s, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. of the whole system. The Solar system and all other systems are functioning according to their given systems21/entities of systemic operations parameters. Our civilization has its chance to research and understand the Nature and our existence. 21 We say »system« rather than »set«, because in the systems theory a system consists of two sets, mathematically: the set of its elements and the set of relations between them (and with its environment) resulting in synergetic attributes that the entire system has, but its elements alone do not. Hence, speaking of a set would mean the traditional oversight of relations and their crucial importance. . A case of a system as a synergy: water is a synergy of two gases, not liquids; edible salt is synergy of two poisons; etc. Attributes change by synergy. 42 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The open question is whether global community of humankind interferes with operations of the climate change system and the nature or not. The answer is yes. Our present life style is not in harmony with the nature systemic operational practices. In many fields of activities, we are endangering our existence with opening the possibility of biosphere and even planetary catastrophe. The nuclear technologies are the most dangerous activity. I discussed it many times and on many occasions. My recommendation was “The nuclear research should not come out of research laboratory doors”. It is number one possibility for global community of humankind to experience its own extinction. The impact of the climate change system is number two. On several occasions I stated the following; “The climate change system impact on the biosphere could change geography, biology, and chemistry so much that our planet Earth will not be recognizable for the present humankind”. The climate change system did it in the past and caused extinction of many species and practically changed the living nature of the Earth. Explosive reproduction of humankind is the third most dangerous activity. Intensification of the climate change system impact is result of high increase of the global community of humankind due to energy consummation, transport activities, urban life, a total consummation and consequent pollution of basic environments – land, water and air. Synthetic chemical compounds, particles research, Nano technologies, genetic manipulations etc., in practical use could be next in line. It is most dangerous because the long-term impact of them to the nature is completely unknown. The Global Community of Humankind; The global community of humankind has more than 7 billion humans: babies, children, youth, mankind and womankind including old people. I am now 75 years old and I remember, what I thought, when I was 20. I did not think that I would reach 75. The present with the challenging changes within the biosphere is endangering existence of the Homo sapiens civilization and many more living beings civilizations or systems, It is a case of “The New Approach”22 to the challenging questions of the global community of humankind survival, longevity and prosperity. 22 »The New Approach« is result of the research work of Prof Emeritus Dr Slavko Kulic, Zagreb, Croatia, which is still a part of a unapplied reseach. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 43 It presents hypothetical and real issues of the philosophy and search for the knowledge and understanding of the nature and meaning of the life and the Universe. Do not forget, we may research and learn about the past, we may understand the present, but the future is not predictable. Calling the global community of humankind a system is appropriate in my opinion. The global community of humankind system is interconnecting, interdepending, interacting, co-operating, having synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. with countless numbers of living beings within the biosphere system of the planet Earth and Universe. According to system theory, operational research, system thinking and complex problem solving, understanding and/or controlling of the system per parts is not very helpful, because as a whole a system has attributes that differ essentially from attributes of each one of its parts alone. Synergies emerging from their attributes provide to the new whole/system new attributes. Therefore, the truth will be easier to discover, and difficulties and evolvements easier to control, if the feature/event/process is considered as holistically as possible rather than per single parts. This is called systemic or systems thinking. A total holism of human behavior, i.e. monitoring, perception, thinking, emotional and spiritual life, decision making, acting, and a total wholeness of insights and outcomes, is usually impossible to attain, but a single specialization – a single viewpoint of a single profession – limits humans to fictitious holism providing for fictitious wholeness (Mulej 2009). This fact makes us apply the Mulej/Kajzer (1998) law of requisite holism as the suitable one. In the case of the global community of humankind system this would mean the understanding that synergies of insights from physics, chemistry, biology, history, technology, economy and several more disciplines and practices are needed. One would chose and collect professions and viewpoints that one would consider essential and interdependent for mutual completing up by differences. 44 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Following the ancient Greek philosophy, one would link them based on their interdependence or – in the Greek wording – dialectics. A dialectical system would show up (Mulej, 1974, see Mulej 2013). In this case, a system is not meant to be a complex feature, but a mental picture about it, which we introduce in order to attain the requisite holism of human behavior and requisite wholeness of its outcomes. A systemic approach to the global community of humankind system must consider “The Age of Globalization”. It is human society changes towards new goals, which are increasing pressures on the biosphere system and the climate change system endangering longevity and prosperity of Homo sapiens and other living beings etc. The present status of our civilization, unnatural life of humans in poly/mega and similar urban centers, management of technologies without sustainability, lack of individual and corporate social responsibility23, uncontrollable explosion of human population, short- and often medium- and even long-term ('side'-)effects of synthetic chemicals, modern technologies, weapons, combustion engines, transport system, nuclear technologies, industrial and agricultural production, national and international political distribution of power and administration, and their influences on the scientific global, national and local communities. They cause a gap between needs and results of the cohabitation of Homo sapiens civilization with the nature within the biosphere of the planet Earth. This gap threatens this civilization to disappear. This gap surfaces as the climate change system and global community of humankind impacts, and consequences are: strong winds, large droughts and floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, large air pollutions by industrial facilities, city life and transport system emissions, changes in local climatic patterns, global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, pollution of all three basic environments of the biosphere: land, water and air and etc. 23 Social responsibility is an attribute of humans and their organizations. It prevents or diminishes, at least, the danger of humans' abuse of their influence leading to damage experienced by their co-workers, other business or personal partners, broader society or nature on which the human existence or quality of life, at least, depend. This is a short summary of definitions in international official documents. Other references see in social responsibility an upgrading of the innovation effort/support called improvement or total quality management or business excellence. Further references see it closely linked with systemic behaviour; yet further ones link it with efforts aimed at peace in the world (Hrast et al., ed., 2006 - 2016, etc.). The current dangerous state of climate change system results to an essential extent from a lack of responsible behaviour of humans over centuries of industrialization and all times until today. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 45 They are due to huge misunderstandings of the nature and the climate change system by the population in local communities around the Globe. Simple language for simple people and understandable explanations are needed for a sustainable future of humankind or coexistence and harmony of global civilization of humankind with the nature of the planet Earth. It is as it is; I am merely trying to present the contemporary scientific approach to the present most important issue of humankind coexistence with the nature of the planet Earth, the Universe and etc. Whether we shall understand the climate change system or not has a crucial importance for the local community life. It gives questionable chances to the long-term survival of humankind, which requires a sustainable future. Sustainability of local communities leads to the sustainable future or the sustainability of global human civilization24. The present status at the Biosphere of the planet Earth, living conditions and daily events or living of Homo Sapiens present civilization and the rest of the living creatures are showing signs of stress and adaptation to the changing living conditions resulting from changes in the planet Earth’s Biosphere environment. After the 1960s the visible changes have become more than just cyclic events within the Solar system and the planet Earth system. The most acute issues have been changes within the weather patterns and the most significant change was commencement of the ozone layer destruction because of the CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons) introduced to the atmosphere by our civilization. Humankind’s local communities include a variety of many different contents of the human life styles, etc. A major part of it has connections with origin of the people living within the local community, and with the natural characteristics of their environment, within which the local community lies. Geography, biology, physics, chemistry, and history cover in general the main deciding contents. Common thinking and understanding are day-by-day life issues, local events and communal life stories. All of us live in a local community, but very seldom, we understand individuality of the local community. 24 For details please see our books and publications after 2002, which are in bibliography and are displayed at history home page: 46 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Countless local communities of the humans on the planet Earth contain individuals with diverse approaches for making a living. Besides the family, the local community is the basic unit of the present human civilization. It is very difficult not to see similarity with star systems, planets, galaxies and other celestial bodies of energy, matter and information within the known Universe. As we seldom have opportunities to see the individuality of the local community of humankind on the planet Earth, it is therefore more difficult or even impossible to understand individuality of other planets and the planet Earth. To the countless number of the planets within the Milky Way Galaxy we have to add another even more countless number of the planets within the rest of the Universe. The Universe vastness is very difficult to understand. To make it more complex, I have to say, that what we understand of the Universe is a very small part of it, and even less do we know how small a part it (compared to our Universe in reality). The Nature, the origin of the planet Earth, the origin of humans, etc., are parts of large content we call »Nature«. It is hard to answer to all questions about Nature. However some of them need to be answered for the sake of philosophy and the understanding of life and other issues connected with it. The present science has to undergo future evolvement to be able to answer the basic questions about the Nature. That is why I have put my recent research in this book in order to put on records new theories and possibilities for tomorrow. Tomorrow, of course, I expect a better environment for humankind and a sustainable future25 for our descendants. Discussion about Time: Here we have to rethink/discuss our human achievement called the TIME. We humans have a long history of use of the time as practiced. At present, the time is a very important dimension of our living. Practically it is very difficult to imagine our living without the time practically in use. 25 The sustainable future of humankind is harmony of our civilization with the nature of the planet Earth. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 47 When looking from the Nature’s viewpoint, we may see it does not use the time. The Nature is always in the present. We may discuss it as the Nature is taking as much time as needed for a certain process or systemic operation. Moreover, due to its systemic abilities the Nature evolves in only one direction – “the multidimensional evolvement ahead” . Direction of the evolvement is not known, but it is a result of interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, cooperation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. I think the TIME is our civilization’s imaginative dimension, which is very useful to our living, thinking, discussing, researching, etc., but the Nature does not have the time as its dimension. Processes in the nature are having their evolvement according to the direction of the evolvement and the information, which is assisting it, and it exists only at present. Due to its systemic quality and the human understanding of it by the requisitely holism principle of the human approach (Mulej, M., Kajzer, S., 1998), based on the concept of the “dialectical system” as a network of all essential viewpoints by Mulej, M. (1974), the system qualities, and environment within which the requisitely holism and wholeness of the nature exist THE PRESENT is viable (to our understanding) or not as a continuum, but it has a constant continuum be it understandable or not. Sustainable Development26: The systemic thinking theory, system thinking, system analysis and synthesis, complex problem solving, new science of networking and complexity, swarm research, and etc., offer new thinking techniques to assist scientific, common, and whatsoever thinking patterns of our civilization, to restore natural thinking and acting towards a noble and a prestigious target of sustainable future27 of humankind. After two world wars in the 20th Century the humanity was facing difficult times. Rebirth of the United Nations, evolution with innovations, research and development resulted into the present Globalization Age. A part of this is a social methodology titled “Sustainable Development”, which was born as an outcome of the “Our Common Future” report 1987. 26 It is prepared from trilogy »Sustainable Future of Humankind«, Ecimovic and co-authors, 2007 – 2010. 27 Sustainable Future is harmony of our civilization with the Nature (Ecimovic numerous statements). 48 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Among the first researchers of the modern era in 1957, was the British scientist James Lovelock, who in his work and later in the book “Gaja – A New Look at Life on Earth” 1979, opened new frontiers for a better environmental, knowledge, thinking and understanding of life and nature. The result of his research on the planet Earth as some living form has influenced humanity, and has been a commencement of the environmentalism. The James Lovelock work inspired Rachel Carson, to write the book “Silent Spring” 1962, and the establishment of the NGOs of environment protection as Greenpeace and others followed. Let us continue with “The Club of Rome”, which is a non-profit, independent organization founded in Rome, Italy, after its April 1968 gathering initiated by Hon. Aurelio Peccei, Italian industrialist and Scottish scientist Alexander King. The membership includes up to 100 members from the science, politics, economics and culture individuals recognized for their work. The first and the most known report “The Limits to Growth” was published in 1972. Actually it deals with global studies, system thinking, and the holistic approach to the global problems of global community of humankind and the Nature. With the dawn of the third millennium their activities followed the global problems of humankind and with a reconstructed organization they became an important international club working for a better tomorrow of humanity. Their activities are coordinated by: International Centre of the Club of Rome at Winterthur, Switzerland, and European Support Centre in Vienna, Austria. “Stockholm – 72” was the first UN conference on the Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972. The Stockholm Declaration and the Stockholm Action Plan have been adopted. The main result of the Stockholm – 72 was establishment of the UN Environment Program – UNEP. The UN World Commission on Environment and Development submitted the report “Our Common Future” or “G. H. Brundtland Report” to the UN General Assembly in 1987, maybe the best report whatsoever presented at the highest international political institution of the present humankind. The term - “Sustainable Development” - was introduced by this report. “Our Common Future” report had strong impact on the global society. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 49 The “Common Concerns” report stated: “Those who are poor and hungry will often destroy their immediate environment in order to survive: They will cut down forest; their livestock will overgraze grassland; they will overuse marginal land; and in growing numbers they will crowd into congested cities. The cumulative effect of these changes is so far-reaching as to make poverty itself a major global scourge”. “Failure to manage the environment and sustain development threatens to overwhelm all countries. Environment and development challenges are not separate challenges; they are inexorably linked. Development cannot subsist in a deteriorating resource base; the environment cannot be protected when growth leaves out of account the costs of environmental destruction. These problems cannot be treated separately by fragmented institutions and policies. They are linked in a complex system of causes, and effects.” Those statements have been overlooked by the coming generations. The spirit of complexity was just talks, reality of issues was neglected. Environmental quality of the planet Earth’s Biosphere was and is (2017) neglected. Interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, cooperation, synergies, networking etc. of all matter, energy, information, particles, rays, powers and forces and yet not known contents of Nature were overpowered by needs of individuals, national elites, security needs, money reproduction, bureaucracies, military needs, wars, riots, genocides etc. up till now (2017). In “Towards Sustainable Development” in Our Common Future Report the definition of it was stated as: “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. It is a very noble, humanitarian, cosmopolitan, global goal, which after it had been invented was generally misused by countless politicians, bureaucrats and people of individual feelings and not those for humanitarian quality, knowledge or morality and wisdom. In “Our Common Future” a nice statement said: “Many of us live beyond the world’s ecological means, for instance in our patterns of energy use. Perceived needs are socially and culturally determined, and sustainable development requires the promotion of values that encourage consumption standards that are within the bounds of the ecologically possible and to which all can reasonably aspire”. “The world must quickly design strategies that will allow nations to move from their present, often destructive, processes of growth and development onto sustainable development paths”. This content was also completely neglected! 50 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« “Critical objectives for environment and development policies that follow from concept of sustainable development include:  Reviving growth;  Changing the quality of growth;  Meeting the essential needs for jobs, food, energy, water, and sanitation;  Ensuring a sustainable level of population;  Conserving and enhancing the resource base;  Reorienting technology and managing risk; and  Merging environment and economics in decision making”. Objectives stand in today’s criteria that have not been taken into consideration by politicians, bureaucracies and nations’ agendas. Most significant was the statement on “The Urban Challenge” – “In 1940, only one person in eight lived in an urban center, while about one in 100 lived in a city with a million or more inhabitants (a “million city”)” - “By 1960, more than one in five persons lived in an urban center, and one in 16 in a “million city”. By 1980, nearly one in three persons was an urban dweller and one in 10 a “million city” resident”. Hon. Tom McMillan, Minister of Environment, stated at WCED Public Hearing, Ottawa, on 26-27 May 1986: “The challenge ahead is for us to transcend the self-interest of our respective nation-states so to embrace a broader self-interest the survival of the human species in a threatened world”. Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland talking on report stated: “This commission’s report, Our Common Future, contains a message of hope and opportunity”. The representatives of 179 countries attended the 2nd The UN Conference on the Environment and Development CED-2, Rio de Janeiro 1992 or Rio Summit (the second after Stockholm 1972). A huge document was approved; Agenda for Change and Agenda 21 were adopted. A number of documents were approved, but never implemented. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 51 10 years after Rio at World Summit on Sustainable Development, August – September 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa, was international gathering without visible positive result of co-habitation of the global community of humankind and the Biosphere of the planet Earth. Somehow it is how we have come to 2013 after announcement of “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” or “The Xiamen Declaration”. 20 years after Rio – Rio + 20 international gathering in Rio de Janeiro, 2012, was just continuity of talks directed by 1% and unclear in terms of consequences for remaining 99% of global community of humankind. In 2009 the conference in Copenhagen, which was announced to produce the follow up of the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, agreed upon by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), appeared to be a total flop. Moreover, the failure was total disruption of many years of efforts and has not yet been overcome by international political institutions. The reason in my opinion was in wrong handling of Our Common Future report and its possible global impact on society. Especially the ones with the smallest social responsibility blocked it in order to preserve their monopolies and profits. UN at that time did a wrong babysitting of the report, and it became agenda from UN to people, instead of agenda from UN to its member states. Member states never put in action sustainable development agenda due to national priorities (wealth of national elite and other national state priorities). In the meantime the United Nations due to poor leadership and political mishap of member nations on one hand and global human society on the other hand were not ready for sustainable development. The role of the UN was not adjusted to needs for challenges of time - end of second millennia and beginning of the third one. Restructuring of UN under leadership of that time was impossible. Common practice was and is for individuals: politicians, bureaucrats, national elites, governments, media, show people, religious leaders, local community leaders etc., to meet their needs and needs of their family for wealth and employment, and after that, to look for humanitarian purposes. 52 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« On top of it due to election practices, there has never been time for humanitarian results. In practice, they never took care of building a new profile of humans for the third millennium, and with new education, ethics and profile with humanitarian values to be able to meet challenges of nature, as they are per now. Homo urbanus took over civilization and did not take over long-term responsibility but only short individual needs. There is a nice saying: “We are the only reason our ancestors existed”. Our children are hope for touching the future. Let our children’s children be the reason we act”.28 At present the sustainable development and more sustainability have become a popular term for politicians and politicians-like29 people, who wish to make impression on listeners and public. It is a habit to mention sustainable development, global warming, and climate change as important contents of the present time, but without understanding them in reality. When, the hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans etc., President G. Bush acted without understanding of happening30. He as president of USA should have prevented tragedies occurring there after his taking over, and should not have supported/initiated national and international tragedies from natural ones to political, wars and riots. The action for mitigating New Orleans “Katrina” tragedy should have been taken well in advance. After tragedy – the large New Orleans region should have been declared unfit for humans to live there, because it had been unfit before and still was after “Katrina”. After “Katrina” happened the USA Government should have declared and made clear statement about unfitness of the region for humans to live there. Scientists understand and are familiar with risks and hazards of the lands such as New Orleans and alike. 28 Prof. Dr. Warren Flint stated in his Five E's Unlimited,, and . 29 Politicians like are politicians, bureaucrats, individual leaders from industry and commerce, educators, researchers, military leaders, religious leaders etc., people of influence but without humanitarian values, education, and ethics needed for global leadership. 30 It was a known threat for New Orleans – see 2001 Scientific American. Also Prof. Dr. Timi Ecimovic stated in 1998 at UN SD conference »New Orleans area should not be inhabited at all. Let it be Historical city and nothing else«. »Katrina« was one of disasters and the future of New Orleans does not look nice! »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 53 Society should take over positive issues, and government should prevent events that could be prevented. Sustainable development as the leading global society’s policy is questionable from many contents of present practices. At time of awakening, it was excellent, but did not change with challenges of the present and past short-term time values. The problems of sustainability of humankind and Earth are much more complex as it was understood during the end of the 20th century. The first part of the sustainable development – “sustainability” is much more important and has value for the future of humankind. The second part “development” is a misused term from the industrial revolution and economics, and has nothing to do with the nature of the planet Earth. In Nature with evolution there “development” does not exists. It is a wrongly used term due to the lack of knowledge and understanding. Development could tackle products, construction, the operation of human-made systems, repairs, machines, armaments, etc., and it is a part of human society’s post-industrial era. Nature has no development what so ever and nature’s system works on contents and interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, and co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. relations.31 In 2015 the conference in Paris was another confirmation of lack of knowledge and understanding of the present, nature, biosphere, planet Earth and the global community of humankind by the world’s top representatives. Instead of understanding the destruction ability of humans, conference concluded with the following statement: “We saved planet”.32 The humans are able to destruct, destroy and even to affect the biosphere and the planet Earth. This ability should be changed for a better philosophy. 31 Discussed in the book System [Thinking and Climate Change System – Against a big »Tragedy of Commons« of all of us], 2002, Ecimovic. Majur, Mulej, The Information Theory of Nature, and ....., 2006, Ecimovic, and The Three Applications of the System Thinking , Ecimovic, 2009 with the Environment Theory of the Nature are opening discussions for understanding present by our civilization, and this book. 32 The present humankind do not has knowledge, technology or means to save planet Earth. The present humankind has ability, knowledge, technology and means to end existence of the humans on the planet Earth. 54 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The Sustainable Future of Humankind or the Sustainability: With the introduction of modern tools for thinking and for researching complex issues such as human society itself and many natural contents of the nature of the planet Earth, the contemporary research reported:  Information and Environment Theories of the Nature;  System thinking, analysis, synthesis and system theory;  The requisitely holism.  The integration and disintegration.  The new sciences of swarm research.  The new sciences of networking and complexity and etc. on top of many excellent tools used up till now, humanity has more possibilities for a better tomorrow.  Universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning,  The sustainable future of humankind or the sustainability  The individual social responsibility,  Unified universal Nature. What is needed is New Approach33 that takes into account an introduction of global society system relations, values, ethics, contents and mechanisms, which should assist transcendence from the sustainable development to the sustainable future of Earth’s global society. What we find to be necessary for survival, longevity and prosperity of humankind is to introduce sustainable future of humankind or the sustainability, individual social responsibility of humans, universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning etc. They will facilitate building up conditions for new evolutionary evolvement of humans as per challenges of the third millennium. To ensure survival, longevity and prosperity of Homo sapiens within the biosphere of the planet Earth, to prepare new approach for our descendants to live in harmony with Universal Nature, the nature of the planet Earth and the biosphere, etc. 33 New Approach and addresses needs for restructuring of global society: it was introduced by Prof. Dr. Slavko Kulic, IOM, from Zagreb, Croatia, but it is still within science and is waiting for better time to be understood and used. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 55 The goal of sustainable future is a very complex issue, which could be undertaken with consent of all humankind and dedication for fulfillment of its content. Let us see what a sustainable future concept is. At Xiamen, China, on 25th September 2011 at gala event a declaration “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” “WTP- SFH” was announced as a next possible step forward after the sustainable development social technique, which was not well accepted around the global community of humankind. The Sustainable Future of Humankind is a societal methodology, concept, technique, technology etc. for the needed change of global community of humankind’s survival, longevity and prosperity under challenging condition at the Nature of the planet Earth in and after the 21th Century. It is an alternative, possibility with a short definition as follows: »The Sustainable Future of Humankind is a Harmonious and Complementary Coexistence of Global Community of Humankind and the nature of the planet Earth”34; by transcendence from the sustainable development to a sustainable future. It is a new approach for a better tomorrow for humanity. I expect that humanity will achieve: abilities, knowledge and understanding, for the needed opportunity to pursue the next step in evolution of body and mind. Due to countless differences among people, due to locality, heritage, genome, social contents, education, experiences, abilities etc. I think evolutionary steps forward could help (in the long run) for needed changes. The evolution and evolvements are continuous processes in Universal Nature as well as in the nature of the planet Earth. Evolution is like an open book with rules, systemic operational practices, abilities etc. as common systemic operational quality and countless different results could be obtained. 34 »The Sustainable Future of Humankind is Harmonious and a Complementary Coexistence of Global Community of Humankind and the nature of the planet Earth«, and it is short definition of very large, global, and complex societal methodology, technique, technology or qualitative change in the human society towards peace, respect, justice, morality, wisdom and sustainability needed for long-term existence of humans on the planet Earth. 56 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« At present humans, as per living habits could be distributed somehow from beginning of the medieval times and up to recent times. With the next step in evolution, the gap in distribution could be closer to the present. The good part of it is better knowledge, understanding and living. Together with transcendence from the sustainable development to the sustainable future the chances for survival, longevity and prosperity could have additional value. The work of humankind could add to the needs for a better tomorrow. Of course the humankind global social system as a plan “A” needs evolutionary change for survival, longevity and prosperity and the work of the humankind could add needed for better tomorrow. I think the good work of many humans towards sustainable development should be transferred to a more complex sustainable future concept. The real value of the sustainable future or the sustainability is a new social order to allow changes within the Global Community of Humankind towards better work in harmony with knowledge and operational practices of the nature of the planet Earth. My intention was and is to open new approach towards harmony of the humankind system and the Biosphere of the planet Earth system. On 25th September 2011 in cooperation with many researchers worldwide we prepared feasible declaration of “The World Thinkers ‘Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind. The declaration is for all people and the whole biosphere of the planet Earth. Let me present the declaration for implementation of the sustainable future concept. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 57 »The World Thinkers' Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind« D E C L A R A T I O N Zg. Medosi, Korte, Slovenia, 12th September 2011 58 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« ANSTED UNIVERSITY – The School of Environmental Sciences Ansted Service Centre P. O. Box 1067 10840 Penang Malaysia or SEM Institute for Climate Change - publishing Korte 124 SI 6310 Izola – Isola Slovenia and The Declaration »The World thinkers' Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind« Digital presentation at Authors: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Timi Ećimović, Sir. Prof. Dr. Roger B. Haw, Prof. Dr. Dana M. Barry, Dr. Renate Lavicka, His Holiness Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, Hon. Ricaardoe Di Done, Ambassador Dato' Dr. Ang Ban Siong, Prof. Tang Shui Yuan, Prof. Dr. Glen T. Martin, Prof. Emeritus DDr. Matjaz Mulej, Prof. Dr. Alexander Chumakov, Prof. Dr. Garfield Brown, Editors: Boris Maraž, B. Org. Sc, technical and Prof. Dr. Dana M. Barry scientific. The Declaration is for sustainable future of global community of humankind 2011. CIP – Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica, Ljubljana 502.131.1 (0.054.2) The World Thinkers' Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind (Elektronski vir): declaration/ Timi Ecimovic ... (Et. Al l.) – El. knjiga. – Korte: SEM Institute for Climate Change. 2011 Način dostopa (URL): http:// ISBN 978-961-93136-1-5 (pdf) 1. Ecimovic, Timi 257658112 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 59 DECLARATION Of “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” People throughout the world are against the culture of violence and war. They are for a culture of friendship, solidarity, tolerance and peace. (By a decision of 52/13, the decade 2001 to 2010 was unanimously proclaimed “International Decade for a Culture of Peace and non-violence to all children of the world” by the General Assembly of the United Nations.) By: Prof. Dr. Timi Ecimovic On 15th August 2011 the World Thinkers’ Forum, Ansted University, Sir Prof. Dr. Major Roger Haw Boon Hong, Penang, Malaysia, SEM Institute for Climate Change, Prof. Dr. Timi Ecimovic, Zg. Medosi, Korte, Slovenia, Prof. Dr. Dana Marie Barry (USA) and Organization for Protection of Children Rights, Hon. Ricaardoe Di Done, Montreal, Canada, Ambassador Dato’ Dr. Ang Ban Siong (Malaysia), Professor Tang Shui Yuan, Chairman of the “1st International Conference on Protect the Earth and Ocean” in Xiamen, China, and Dr. Garfield Brown, South Africa, proposed founding the panel as follows: Within the World Thinkers’ Forum is an open and new working panel named: “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind.” For short it is represented by the following acronym “WTP-SFM” and has the sign displayed below. The addresse for it is at Korte 124, SI 6310 Izola – Isola, Slovenia. 60 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« A long list of people of good will, academicians, scientists, politicians, workers, administration and governemnt officials, and many others are supporting this Declaration. Among them are members of the SEM Institute for Climate Change, the Ansted University family, and honorable and other members of the World Thinkers’ Forum, etc. The theorethic and practical background for this Declaration can be found in many works about “Sustainable Development” and “Sustainable Future of Humankind.” The trilogy, “Sustainable Future of Humankind,” Ecimovic, and many more scientists’ work during the first decade of the 21st century could serve as theoretical background. It can be seen at the following link. Members and supporters of the Declaration are free of charge members. The UN, national governemts, international corporations, international institutiona, national institutions, education institutions and others, are invited to co-operate on the work for the sustainable future of humankind. The Declaration is giving rights, and is asking for individual social responsibility from members of the human global community: (7000000000+ individuals). The goal is to reach global sustainability of the global humankind community. The global sustainability is a transition from sustainable development societal technique to the sustainable future societal technique. The UN and agencies, especialy the UNEP and UNESCO, are welcome to co- operate for the common goal of sustaining the future of humankind. Our individual lives are very short, and their value and meaning are found substantially in fact that we are integral parts of the “human project”. We must support the continuum of humankind because what we are fundamentally is human beings who are inseparable from the continuum, a continuum that includes our descendents and future generations. As human beings we are responsible for each other and for future generations. “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” provides a platform for people (interested in the arts, scientific & cultural activities and peace mission projects) to meet and to work together. The primary goal of the said platform is to create a level of understanding and tolerance between the various peoples of the world and to contribute to the promotion and maintenance of world peace. We welcome all individuals and groups of the world irrespective of race, sex, language and religion. The work of “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” is based on the respect of human rights »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 61 and basic liberties of all peoples of the world. This relates directly to the active participation of UNESCO’s project “Culture of Peace” The task of “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” is a forum for all non-governmental institutions, ministries, public offices, scientific and cultural organizations as well as institutes, diverse organizations, museums, universities, foundations, unions, associations, business organizations and other establishments. It is also for individuals who are practically, organizationally and scientifically engaged in promoting cultural activities, folk art, culture heritage and scientific activities. Besides the working order and the activities of our world-wide organization for the practical, organizational, and above all scientific work for culture, we also have to meet a very important, social, humanistic, and cultural-political order. Many of us have learned and grown from being a new member of “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” . The Declaration is giving rights, and is asking for individual social responsibility of members of the human global community: 7 billion individuals. The goal is to reach global sustainability of the human global community. The global sustainability is a transition from sustainable development societal technique to the sustainable future societal technique. The UN and agencies, especialy the UNEP and UNESCO, are welcome to co- operate for the common goal of sustaining the future of humankind. This declaration will go on to other parts of the world. We think all members of global humankind community have the responsibility to help when needed. Many grant foundations of Culture, Arts, and Scientific institutions (from local and international levels) will give support to the development of common interests. We believe that “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” not only contributes to the attainment and exercise of these rights, but that multiculturalism plays a role in solving some of the problems in modern society. The founding group of “The World Thinkers’ Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind” has established the following categories for making “The World Thinker’s Panel on the Sustainable Future of Humankind.” These categories (that are listed and described below) are important for the panel to achieve its recognition at the international level. 62 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Categories 1. Characteristics of traditional culture 2. Virtues of traditional culture in a modern society 3. Traditional culture and cultural diversity 4. Traditional culture and rights to culture 5. Traditional culture and multiculturalism 6. Plans for the promotion of traditional culture through systematic continuing study of traditional culture, systematization of exchange of traditional culture and regional cooperation, regular conduct of a traditional culture-related forum and development of cultural industry based on traditional culture. 1. Characteristics of traditional culture A traditional culture is a way and system of life that is practiced by a people for generations, and features an eco-friendly culture where humans coexist with nature, where an individual is relatively less alienated from the others, and when the spiritual culture is pursued more than the material ones. 2. Virtues of traditional culture in a modern society Since the advent of modernization and industrialization, our modern society has faced a number of obstacles and problems such as the breakdown of ecosystems due to the indiscriminate conquests of nature, severe natural disasters, cut throat competition in the world markets, unbalanced distribution of wealth, widespread human alienation, attachment to material values at the expense of spiritual values, making it so difficult to lead a humane life. In this context, the traditional culture is of great use for solving such problems in a modern society. In particular, the Confucian cultures in East Asia think highly of ‘filial piety’ and ‘respect’ that are core values, and which are of great worth and merit to remove distrust and enmity between generations and help recover the dignity in human beings. 3. Traditional culture and cultural diversity »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 63 The traditional culture is the result of communication and interactions between human beings who have individually adapted themselves to geographical and ecological environments, best representing the individual identity and uniqueness of nations and regions. It can be therefore said that the traditional culture underlies the diversity of world and regional cultures. 4. Traditional culture and rights to culture The constituents of a nation are entitled to have a political and social life, as well as a culture life. They should have the rights to exercise the freedom to accept the past as well as the present culture. In current times, traditional culture as identified with the past does not belong to the mainstream, therefore, making it difficult for people to appreciate it. In order to satisfy their cultural needs, cultural policies should be set and practiced so that they may have access to traditional culture anywhere and anytime. 5. Traditional culture and multiculturalism Our contacts and interactions with cultures can make us have a better understanding of other cultures. Therefore, we get to have a better understanding of the different regions and its peoples, further aiding in attaining made and preferentially based on traditional culture. More emphasis on traditional culture and arts is especially needed so that it retains the indigenous ethos of a region. 6. Plans for the promotion of traditional culture The traditional culture has a meaningful importance as shown above, and for its conservation and promotion, some plans are proposed below. It is so recommended that governments, private groups and communities make active co-operating efforts in realizing this. (I) Systematization of exchange of traditional culture and regional cooperation. 64 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The exchange of traditional culture has value in promoting multiculturalism. Until today, the exchanges have been made unsystematically and at random, not probably enabling people to gain easy access to other traditional cultures. In order for a community to exercise their equally cultural rights and enjoy any other traditional cultures, more exchanges and regional co-operation should be ensured institutionally. Governments, private groups and communities should give attention to this. (II) Regular conduct of a traditional culture-related forum. The forum should be held regularly for enhancing understanding of traditional cultures in areas, for contribution to the peace of mankind and the world at large, and for maintaining diversity of cultures worldwide, thus accepting multiculturalism, and allowing the nation and community to awake to the importance of traditional culture. (III) Development of a cultural industry based on traditional culture. For a traditional culture to be sustainable and alive in modern living, its advantaged competitiveness should be ensured and closely adhered to the life of a community. It is also required that the cultural industry such as folk art and craft art should be developed with traditional cultural assets. The cultural industry affects modern living, and so the traditional culture, uniquely separate from other modern cultural assets, should be made to contribute to satisfying the cultural demands of community. This Declaration is more fundamental than a mere professional production. It reflects the present endangered status of our global community of humankind, and the absolute need for a better tomorrow characterized by global environmental sustainability and knowledge. The Declaration should be the beginning of the road toward a truly sustainable future of humankind, and harmony of humankind living within the biosphere realities of the planet Earth. This should be our contribution toward the lives of our descendants. The UN and national governments have to transcend from the present, and co-operate for needed changes to sustain the future of humankind. We need a planetary perspective, planetary leadership, and planetary values. Our present time period should be enriched with active work towards a sustainable future. Also we need skillfull, global, humankind community »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 65 leadership, under preconditions of individual and collective social responsibility. We must support the accurate scientific knowledge of Nature and humanistic sciences, as well as support and promote respect, peace, morality, and wisdom. I wish to see the global promotion of ideas from this Declaration and a sustainable future of humankind. Prof. Dr. Timi Ecimovic The WTP – SFH declaration is translated voluntary in more than 30 languages. The declaration is a panel for mutual work of people on implementation of the sustainable future or the sustainability of humankind. The sustainable future concept includes:  Redirection of scientific work towards researching systems of the nature of the planet Earth, Solar system, Milky Way, stars and galaxies of the Cosmos/Universe and/or the basic environment Cosmos/Universe as stated after the introduction of the Information and Environment Theories of the Nature.35  Redirection of the climate change system research towards researching of the climate change system as a part of the planet Earth’s biosphere, and interconnectedness, interdependences, interaction, co-operation, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, Complexity etc. within the system itself and other systems of the nature of the planet Earth.  Transcendence of the present education system towards education for knowledge, understanding and use of human abilities, thinking processes as major tools for better work and future. “The Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong Learning” should allow for a better knowledge and understanding of the present humankind’s descendants. Ethics, human values, respect, past and present achievements, knowing heritage, and many more should become a part of the education system. Not to mention lifelong education, long distance learning and new methods of knowledge transfer enabled by new communication means/techniques.  Transcend from Homo urbanus36 and Homo Slumus to Homo of the sustainable future or Homo Sustainability, with the new approach to life on 35 The Information Theory of Nature, Ecimovic, 2006, and the Environment Theory of the Nature, Ecimovic, 2009 at The book The Three Applications of the System Thinking, please see at 36 Homo Urbanus introduced during 2006 and Homo Slumus introduced during 2009 are terms that describe people living within urban centres or slums of the towns, mega, poly and large cities, where the environment has most fragile effects on the humankind. 66 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« the long-term values and holistic, eco-bio centric system thinking foundations.  Establishment of global community of humankind or society with direct democracy, World parliament, Constitution of the Earth, and World government.  Transcendence of the United Nations towards their integration with global community of humankind’s needs for problem solving in co-operation with its global governing institutions.  Decommission of national governments and bureaucracies towards meeting the needs for new global human system/civilization/society.  Rethinking of military and security the needs and establishment of individual social responsibility of humans within the global human society.  Rethinking of present living style practice, techniques, and technologies in use towards the sustainable ones. Wars, transport, use of nuclear power and technologies, construction, land use, water use, air use, communications, energy, conservation practices, long-term impacts of the present on the future possibilities, and many more should be looked at and the proposed solutions reviewed.  Rethinking of the present research37 and industrial production practices of producing without knowing the short, medium and long term impacts for the humankind, living beings and the biosphere of the planet Earth.  Mitigation of the climate change system’s impact and its consequences in the biosphere as risks due to the present practices of humans on Earth, and present changes for short, medium and long term living practices.  Building up the new Homo sapiens (Homo of Sustainable Future or Homo Sustainability) for the third millennium with the universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning, knowledge and understanding needed for common performances under challenges of the present and possible future evolvements.  Stop wars and riots. Stop practices that harm human society and its chances: for survival, longevity and prosperity; the nature of the planet Earth and the biosphere, etc. Open possibilities to promote and implement the respect, peace, morality, wisdom and philosophy. Transcend from the present financial and money system, which has become our civilization’s Monster, to the new more equitable system. Transcend present media and free time practices and their influences on the global human society, and research the long term impact of those on humans. 37 Any scientific research activities should be reviewed for their long-term effect on the nature and the sustainable future of humankind. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 67  And many more changes, which should be worked out in co-operation with capable humans for it etc. Of course it is an optimistic scenario, which I am supporting and initiating its enhancement as well as fostering its long-term implementation. Introduction, enhancement, fostering and implementation of the knowledge and understanding of the Protection of Humankind and Living beings, Nature, Space and Environment are needed for a better future of present day humankind’s descendants. The path for a better tomorrow of humankind is to work with local communities for a sustainable future of local communities to enhance the global society’s sustainable future or harmony with nature. The basis are in Our Common Future, Rio Summit as Agenda for Change and Agenda 21 processes etc., New Approach, Our Common Enemy – The Climate Change System Threat, The Universal Upbringing, Education, Lifelong Learning, The Individual social responsibility and many more achievements of present and the past humans that should anchor the new approach for global sustainable human society. A major goal is education for knowledge and understanding of a new quality of humankind (individuals with knowledge, understanding, respect, social responsibility and thinking skills). It will enhance our chances for a better future for human beings and other life forms. Of course, people should not put heads into sand and dismiss gender equality and major role of mother as the first and most important educator of babies and children. Our prime target should be education of women and men for knowledge and understanding and for meeting demands of new challenges for better upbringing for ethics and knowledge of our children. It is a full employment for them and many of present complex issues are result of needs for financial, food, cloth, medical, shelter, and education security of the present society. It is important to recognize contents needed for transcending to the future human of the third millennium. Many excellent achievements from the past and present from the heritage of humanity, they should be rethought and put into a new framework of needs for the third millennium and present challenges coming from the differences between the global human society and nature. Our construction practice is not meant for the present disastrous conditions. Wind could reach a speed of beyond 500 kilometers. The power of wind could increase much more, with lifting soil particles due to our practice in agriculture, etc. Floods and droughts will reduce food production possibilities and new techniques should be invented for covering the demands for food and other fundamental needs. 68 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis and larger floods will increase damages over human achievements and the nature of the planet Earth (as it happened in Japan in 2011, and could happen anywhere and at any time again). People may learn from the nature, and other planets in our Solar system about the environment or living conditions needed for the life of humans and other living creatures’ societies. Learning from research about nature could be a short cut to new solutions for a sustainable future of humankind. Seeking sustainable (development) future, sustainability or harmony with the Nature is a path for survival of humankind. The present achievements have to be re-examined with the aim of possible evolvements of the present society towards sustainable future society. The target is very complex and far from being achieved by the present practice of our society, with narrow thinking and acting for benefits of national elites, top sportsmen, artists and showmen. Our mega cities have reached the peak of non-human environment in which humans live in a humane (good citizens and elite) style and there is a non-humane style for unlucky ones that live in slums (at present there are over people living in slums). Our civilization has reached the status where the lands are no more abundant, water is restricted, and the air is exceedingly polluted. Our living environment is rapidly changing, and the climate change system is threatening to change it from a manageable one to an unmanageable one. Our top international governing body The United Nations has been transformed from a human society assistant to an assistant of “money” democracies of “big” nations the USA38, G7/25, etc. At present the UN in New York is mega millions of dollars of business for the USA. The present leadership has put the UN in the role of obedient servant of the “developed world”, multinational corporations and globalization, with no rights for other nations and peoples of the under-developed world. The UN Council for Human Rights is missing a basic understanding of what is what. 38 Please see complementary book “Our Common Enemy – The Climate Change System Threat”, Ecimovic at all., 2006 displayed in the coming chapters or in »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 69 The UN should establish the Council for the planet Earth’s nature rights for protection against destruction due to lack of knowledge and understanding of human society (what 17 % of sealed land area in Europe (2008) is absolute proof of that). To provide solutions, one has to re-examine the relevant system. Research is being conducted on a massive scale to understand systems operating within our biosphere. The “climate change system” has been introduced. This leads to studies of the system operating in the environment. Consequently, the Information and Environment Theories of Nature have been invented. To explain the systemic background of nature of the planet Earth new operative but “non-scientific” words are needed, such as – interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, cooperation, synergies, ant-synergies, networking, complexity etc.39 If this thinking is applied to our environment then the Universe, and the Earth are requisitely holistic units and the biosphere is also a requisitely holistic internal system within the living environment/sphere of the planet Earth. The basic relations amongst the earth-nature factors are interconnectedness, interdependences, interactions, co-operations, synergies, anti-synergies, networking, complexity etc. Redirection of scientific research, applied research, and theoretical work is hardly possible, as long as the one-sided businesspersons, (their) politicians and bureaucracies are handling resources: they learned how to rule, but not how to make a holistic rather than narrow-minded progress in sciences and technologies of the planet Earth systems. How can one explain the tremendous, but biased, development of armaments, chemical synthetic products, 1000000000+ and more combustion engine motor vehicles, and many more combustion engines, used in aircrafts, ships, boats and agricultural machines, marketing and profit-making oriented products, GMO/GMP, transport system, promotion of “globalization” as a tool for making money. 39 Interdependences, interaction, and cooperation as part of the Nature have been introduced by Ecimovic/Mayur/Mulej at “The System Thinking and the Climate Change System”, 2002, displayed at www.institut- 70 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Sometime scientists are not paid to do their basic research work, and must neglect the research needed for understanding issues of the biosphere system, which are threatening our civilization with reactions of the climate change system and the whole Biosphere to human actions? The pending big “tragedy of the commons” of all of us looks overseen, that is how. It results from human lack of requisitely holistic behavior and eco-bio centric philosophy. It is also a question of the present humankind leadership. We humans have been accustomed to great leaders and their leadership. Whether good or bad it is another “kettle or fish”. However at present we are experiencing a novelty of leadership without human leader, because we entrusted the leadership to the money. The Money Monster Master Leadership: Money (Ecimovic et al, 2003) as a Homo sapiens’ invention/innovation has its origin in ancient history. People needed a system of money for payment of goods and services, and to replace bartering. The eastern cultures were more advanced than the western. Chinese developed coins and coins-like money during the second millennium before Christ, and India followed. The first paper money was invented in China during the first millennium after Christ. Marco Polo, (1254 – 1324), reported about the use of paper money after visiting China. The first coins known in the Western world were produced well before the Christ age in Lydia, a kingdom in western Turkey; its king guaranteed its uniform value. Paper money was invented in the Western world much later; we know today, it was developed in the 18th century (The Bank of England was established in 1694, and the first paper money in the 18th century, Bank of England’s 50.00 pound note), and was commonly in use by the end of the 19th century and in the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the money system was a nice and very helpful servant/assistant to humankind. From a nice assistant/servant to the master – the money system needed only half a century. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 71 By the end of the Second World War in 1945, and within the following five years assisted by the USA administration, the Marshal Plan and development of society – the money evolved from servant/assistant to the master of our civilization. From master to monster – at the beginning of the third millennium our civilization adopted a secondary role in society after “the master money”, which transformed itself from master to “monster”. Today the “monster money” is deciding on right or wrong, dependence or independence, war or peace, values of services and commodities, people, nature, environment, and, sadly, even the scientific achievements. In the last hundred years an intensive knowledge gain of our civilization was driven by development of better and more effective armaments for Homo sapiens’ destruction/killing/protection – FROM WHOM? The present wars always result in financial gain of the nation who wins the war. Requisitely Holistic/Systemic Thinking/Behavior This content of the book is prepared and updated in 2017 from the presentation of my friend and Prof Emeritus Dr, Dr Matjaz Mulej from Maribor, Slovenia. System thinking, synthesis, analysis, complex problem solving, case study approach, as well as the traditional science and research and learning, are prerequisites for opening Nature’s knowledge box. This is a crucial goal for research and survival, longevity, prosperity and success of our civilization. Preconditions for sustainable future or sustainability are directly related to the human ability to support supra, multi, and interdisciplinary research applied toward this purpose. History and status of the system could be known, the near future also, in case of continuity, but predicting the future could be done only in the case of a stable status of the system. 72 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The planet Earth system had over 10000 years of stability, but no more now, due to destabilization of the biosphere and the climate change system. It has been triggered by impact of our civilization and natural responses to that effect: once the system is destabilized, it is quite impossible to predict any relevant information on future evolvements, and this is the current situation with our Biosphere. Requisite holism – basics40,41 Reduction is mathematical process to reduce any needed process, but reduction is possible only to the level of understanding of the content - it is requisitely holism. Existence of any planet is not understandable for humans, without knowing the requisite holism, which is humans’ pillar within Nature for understanding planet system and other systems as requisitely holistic units of Nature. In the Universe which is the basic environment within which Nature is at home. The requisitely holistic units (Nature, Universe, Galaxies, Stars, planets and smaller energy, matter and information celestial bodies) use, are of most importance for understanding reasons for their existence. Systems thinking as the practice of holistic rather than one-sided thinking had been an old practice for many millennia for successful humans, before systems theory (as its theoretical generalization) was created. Like most other human capabilities, the practice of systems thinking was informal, first, and then received the form of theory for transfer of good practice through teaching to make it easier. Inside an authors’ (usually tacitly!) selected viewpoint, one tends to consider the object dealt with on the basis of limitation (to one part of the really existing attributes only). When specialists of any profession use the word system to call something a system inside their own selected viewpoint – it is a system fictitiously holistic. 40 From the book »The Nature and the Requisitely Holism«, Ecimovic and Mulej, ISBN 978-961-92378-3-0 (pdf), 2014. »The Nature 2017«, Ecimovic T., et al., ISBN 978-961-94057-4-1 (pdf), January 2017. 41 The requisitely holism knowledge is a pillar of Nature for people to know and understand basics of Nature and the reuisitely holistic nature of the planet Earth, Ecimovic 2016. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 73 It does not include all existing attributes that could be seen from all viewpoints and all their synergies. A brief summary of the law of requisite holism may thus read: The law of requisite holism says that one needs always to try and do, what many, but not all have the habit to do in their behavior – do one’s best toward avoiding the exaggeration of both types: 1) The fictitious holism, which observers cause by limiting themselves to one single viewpoint in consideration of complex features and processes; 2) The total holism, which observers cause by trying to include totally all attributes with no limitation to any selection of a system of viewpoints in consideration of complex features and processes. Instead, the middle ground between both exaggerations should be covered, which can be achieved by using a “dialectical system”, made by the author/s as a system (i.e. network) as an entity or network of all essential and only essential viewpoints. For the requisite holism to be achieved three preconditions, at least, matter: 1) Both specialists and generalists are needed, working in teams that feel ethics of interdependence and co-operate. 2) They include professionals from all and only essential professions and disciplines. 3) Their values are expressed in their ethics of interdependence and practiced in a creative teamwork, task force, session(s) based on an equal-footed cooperation rather than top-down one-way commanding. Requisitely holistic thinking cannot include the global attributes only, because they make a part of the really existing attributes only, although they matter very much and tend to be subject to oversight by specialists. Neither can requisitely holistic thinking include the parts’ attributes only, although they matter very much and tend to be focused by specialists of single disciplines and professions. 74 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Oversight of relations, especially interdependences causing influences of parts over each other, may not be forgotten about in (requisitely) holistic thinking; especially specialists, who have not developed the habit to consider specialists different from themselves, tend to make crucial oversights in this respect. This experience means that they are not realistic enough. Take a look at experience around you and discover (again): Success has always resulted from absence of oversights with crucial impact. And failure has always resulted from crucial oversights, be it in business, scientific experiments, education, medical care, environmental care, invention-to-innovation-to- diffusion processes, etc., or wars, all the way to World Wars of the 20th century, or the world-wide economic crises. Holism of thinking is aimed at avoiding crucial oversights. Systems thinking should better be called requisitely holistic thinking and be the worldview and methodology of holism, or better and more realistic: requisite holism. Systemic, i.e. (requisitely) holistic, thinking matters due to scientific reasons, for individual success in whatever activity, and for economic reasons too. Poor Understanding of Requisite Holism – Background: For most of the recent 10.000 years of its history, humankind has lived in self- sustained economy with a random market, e.g. in the form of fairs. Innovation did not matter; requisite holism was reduced to local and family relations, mostly, so was ethics of interdependence. Prescribed standards, such as ISO 9000 (quality), ISO 14000 (environment), are cases of this change in the customers’ market situation. The change has happened in one-generation time, rather than as slowly as people were used to changing earlier, and is keeping this speed. Competition keeps causing lower cost, including a lack of care for the natural environment, if short-term and one-sided views prevail. A need results for costly eco-remediation, health care, organizational, managerial, business and technological innovation concerning e.g. emissions in air and water and their prevention under the ISO 14.000 standards family. Concretely, we can find: »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 75 Too one-sided considerations in past times caused oversight that the technological progress causes along with beneficial also detrimental consequences. One-sided estimations find them to be side-effects, while they are often essential in their long-term consequences. Data say, among others, that the growth of richness of the West over the recent good half a century, at least, has been much bigger in one-sided book-keeping than in long-term economics, since the West has been only postponing rather than covering the cost of saving humankind's natural environment, which makes these cost accumulate to sums showing the growth of richness is fictitious. Economic consequences of such short-term abuse of the law of external economics are calculated as enormous. If humankind does not tackle the climate change very quickly and radically, they will cause humankind's cost as high as 5.500 (five thousand five hundred) billion Euros, which is more than the cost of both World Wars combined. It is a short resume and full presentation is in the book ‘The Nature 2017”, Ecimovic et al, January 2017. The Globalization: The present Globalization could be described as follows: »Globalization is amalgamation of national economies into a united world system based on rapid capital movement, new informational openness of the world, technological revolution, adherence of the developed industrialized countries to liberalization of the movement of goods and capital, communicational integration, planetary scientific revolution, international social movements, new means of transportation, telecommunication technologies and internationalized education«.42 I know there are many more definitions but I do agree with the presented one.43 Globalization has opened new ages of a global community of humankind (Homo sapiens social beings on the planet Earth). The biosphere is the home of humanity, which is a small part of the planet Earth’s system, and is a system itself with limited capacities. It has the purpose of being the environment for nature’s living beings and creatures of various systems. 42 Please see page 220 of »Global Studies Encyclopaedia« ISBN 5-05-005719-1, 2003. 43 This definition, though, does not mention nature and humans, but technology and market only; this is too bad. 76 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« All of them share the basic environments: land, water and air. There is no room for exclusivity of any kind. The history of humankind is experiencing a sort of special role of humankind as the “only” intelligent being on the planet Earth, etc. Actually, I think it is the wrong impression for the present interpretation of history, which should be corrected. Humankind should be put into the framework of the biosphere system, the planet Earth system, and Nature (as requisitely holistic as possible). The Global Governing: To the best of our knowledge, the philosophy of humanity produced great thinking with God’s 10 Commandments, which Moses (1391 – 1271 BC)44 recorded in Exodus. God’s 10 Commandments have been a very advanced form of thinking and lasted for over 3000 years. Creationistic part of 10 Commandments, numbers from one to four, were important for the introduction of a new monotheistic religion and preservation of the achievements after introduction, even for today’s creationists. Commandments valuable for humanity are those numbered from five to ten. They are: 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet. We think this old philosophy is very important for the present and future of the global community of humankind and sustainability of humanity. 44 Moses / some authors are calculating Moses presence in 1592 or 1571 but all agree to before 1200 BC. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 77 Philosophy of Global Governing:45 Transuniversalism46 is presented as one of Universal ideologies of Humanity in the XXI century. Problems of the planetary society are increasingly confronting us because of the changes within the Biosphere’s living conditions and the Global Community of Humankind’s ability of self-destruction. The problems are more and more global. Therefore, they should be solved by joint global efforts. This requires fresh critical thinking without aging dogmas. Humankind needs a renewal of universal values and principles of behavior, which embrace the way of life as a whole, in the light of the existing and forthcoming scientific knowledge. Thus, the ideas of "neohumanism" considered as the most novel ones until recently, require further extension and improvement. They are unable to show Humanity the way out of social cataclysms that take place on Earth right now as well as those of the future. That is why the global community of humankind needs an ideology capable, not only to unite all diverse Humanity, but also to give specific recommendations, guidance and advice. The novel philosophy would contribute to the ability of humans to immediately solve the complex global problems, contradictions and disagreements accumulated by humankind. The present becomes more and more dangerous with some aggressive features, which can lead to unpredictable, tragic, and irreversible consequences. We are reminded that an IDEOLOGY is a systematic set of ideas, principles and beliefs allowing an individual or a community of people to navigate somehow in the society around them, to interpret events occurring in it, to define for them the meaning of life, as well as serving as motivation for their deeds and daily behavior as a whole. With the help of ideology a certain ideal image of society is created within communities of people preaching this ideology, or a state as a whole or a political union of states trying to draw up relevant constitutions. It can be a guide in their individual and/or collective, way of life, formulating principles of social coexistence in upbringing, education and lifelong learning. 45 From the book »The Philosophy of the Citizens of the Earth XXI«, Ecimovic T., and Kondrashin I.. ISBN 978- 961-94057-3-4 (pdf), 2016. 46 Transuniversalism is philosophy prepared by Prof Dr Igor Kondrashin, Moscow, Russia. 78 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« It enlightens mental spheres including their current political and economic activities. Thus, the ideology is an ideal, but real, preliminary vision, for how people should live together. The Constitution is the planning and instructions of such cohabitation. Therefore, without any ideology the Constitution is empty. There is no ideal in it, to which it is necessary to aspire. On the other hand, since the world does not stand still but changes, the trend is towards progress. It is partly or is entirely improvement. The ideal of living together in the ideology has to be updated regularly and improved, i.e. the ideology should change for the better and its Constitution has to change together with it as well. Where, the Constitution does not change in this way (for a long time), dogmatism and regression appear. Without a sound ideology, any person or community loses their spiritual and ideological base, which is immediately replaced by spiritual and ideological surrogates, leading eventually such a person or a community to degradation and regretting at the same time, to ideological conflicts, confrontation and hostility. Only a sound ideology calls for the correct kind of upbringing, education and enlightenment. It is strengthened by the power of its knowledge, principles and values. Only a better life for ALL in a community generates their ability to solve current and impending problems of a joint existence and can serve as the proof of necessity to follow such an ideology of ideas and principles. However, the conflicts in the past have been harmless for humankind and the planet as a whole. The 21st century with the technological progress has reached such a level of development that one group of people is able to destroy not only any other group, but also the whole humanity and even the Earth's biosphere or the entire planet Earth. Due to this, ideological confrontation and antagonism became not only very dangerous, but also unacceptable because they include the threat of self- destruction of the humankind and of all living beings on the planet Earth. That is why in the 21st Century a unified ideology for all humankind became the most advanced and necessary. It is the only way to unite all people on Earth and provide for their living together in peace and harmony. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 79 It should manifest a rational generalization of the greatest number of historically justified, reasonable doctrines of Humanity, combining in itself all rational, reasonable and most advanced ones as well as those with the most balanced and beneficial perspectives. At present, there are many ideological targets, ideas, concepts and various beliefs, which create an almost insurmountable obstacle to the unity of humankind. People, mostly ignorant due to lack of the proper education, as a rule, preach some of them, being blindly sure of its truth, and, therefore, confident that they are right. Many old ideas and traditions (that humankind inherited and by inertness it continues to follow) do not correspond anymore to the current realities and future requirements. All of them, in fact, are separating, rather than uniting global community of humankind. Therefore, fresh, modern ideas are in urgent need, in which globally oriented trends of joint social living have become recently more and more apparent, so as to unite on their basis the global Humanity. Until now, Humanity has not possessed a universally recognized criterion of truth, allowing people to determine which of the ideological concepts or beliefs is the truest, the best, or which of them they should follow themselves together with the rest of humankind as a whole. Such a criterion exists. It was invented a long time ago, by the most intelligent representatives of the human race, and has persisted over many millennia. It consists of the assessments and recommendations of the classical thinkers and philosophers – representatives of the scientific philosophy. These representatives have names, and in their presented work, there are specific ideological tenets and principles. There is only one problem – due to ignorance and lack of proper education of the majority of humankind, nobody reads and studies their counsels and uses them in their everyday life. Ideological swindlers use this opportunity to impose their own ideas, which are far from the truth, and are ideological surrogates. Inspired, from these classical principles and deducing from them corresponding principles and manuals on the manner of behavior and even lifestyle, they are shattering the ideological field of the public consciousness of humankind. All this leads to the alienation of people, often to their mutual hostility and destruction of ideological opponents through wars and confrontation in all aspects of life. Exactly such ideologists are interested in keeping people ignorant; it is they, who do their utmost to delete from the upbringing and education the knowledge and guidance of scientific philosophy by discouraging people from studying them. 80 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« A typical example of such an obscuration of mass consciousness is visible in the Edict by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian First in 529 A. D. It banned the study of ideas of the Ancient Greece classical philosophy, which plunged the European peoples into gloom for centuries. Nobody has cancelled his Edict so far. This is why Transuniversalism, represents the most modern approach, all- aspects-involving, a universal ideological concept that incorporates the most progressive reasonable ideas, time-tested traditional principles as well as experience – and natural - science - proven philosophical views. That is becoming the next ideological step of human consciousness (both in relation to such modern ideological trends as neohumanism, transhumanism and secularism), as well as to all the variety of traditional religious and non- religious beliefs, derived using critical thinking, etc. " Trans..." means – covering long distances, in our case – humans worldwide; "Universalism" means versatility and universality in knowledge, information and instructions. Ideals and principles of a Transuniversalism Worldview: Transuniversalism presents the outlook from the modern scientific picture of the world according to which we are living on the unique planet Earth, which is like a micro particle of infinitely large formation that makes up the Universe. Within the Universe known to the global community of humankind, strictly specified laws of Nature are in power. Nature’s action certainly and objectively extends to one of the myriads of micro-particles of the Universe - the planet Earth. Respectively, it affects everything that is on its surface and atmosphere or Biosphere as well as in and around the planet Earth’s system. Nature and the Universe are mainly studied by scientists in areas such as philosophy, physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and others. The dialectical development of the Universe takes place in three aspects – in Nature, space and the environment, inextricably linked and being the integral attributes of material formations. Nature is only content of the Universe or Cosmos. Space is isotropic and infinite, and its infinity extends both in breadth and depth of the energy, matter and information formations. Environment – Universe or Cosmos is the basic environment for Nature to exist and a long way leads to other definitions of the environment. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 81 Thus, when trying to organize human wellbeing on Earth, it is necessary to follow all these postulates of the scientific picture of the world, clearly bearing its features in mind and the laws of Nature operating in it. The meaning of life and the destiny of a human as a part of nature are the permanent continuation of the meaning of life of the parts of the flora and fauna of the Earth's biosphere, which have existed and evolved for billions of years before Homo sapiens evolved. Thus, both the meaning of life and the functional mission of each person are determined indirectly by Nature’s movement from the past to future, from simple to complex, from small to large, and as a result, to a continuous harmonious evolvement and a constant improvement, providing thereby progress to humankind. Based on this, the meaning of life of every mentally healthy person should be considered a meaningful commitment to continuous positive evolvement (improvement of individuals, social groups, and the environment from which one’s influence can extend). This should be the permanent goal throughout all one’s life. To a number of people it may seem boring and tedious but that is the main vital destination of humans. In order to analyze what a positive evolvement of each individual is at the present stage of evolution of human civilization, it is necessary to understand the scheme of each person’s way of life, and to determine how they themselves can influence the course of their own evolvement, of the society surrounding them and the Humanity as a whole. On the Earth, life is given only once because it is a unique environment, which was set up on Earth by Nature. It can’t really be repeated somewhere else, since we do not know about life on other planets. In addition, the onset of a planetary catastrophe (with unpredictable consequences) could happen at any moment if an unwise ruler or fanatic terrorists used nuclear weapons. In addition, the onset a planetary catastrophe with unpredictable consequences can happen at any moment after the rash application, for example, by some unwise ruler of any state, with nuclear weapons, or by fanatic terrorists who have captured nuclear weapons. 82 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« As a result, a "nuclear winter" would break out and dominate for many years with minus 50 degrees Celsius temperatures on the planet. Are you ready to live in such conditions? Moreover, it can happen at any minute, and the humankind has absolutely no guarantees that this will not occur. Therefore, one of the main goals of Humanity is not to make such an inexcusable, fatal mistake that causes self–destruction. . Thus, the goals and objectives of Humanity for the benefit of all living beings for the next decade and longer are as follows: General - to survive, not to self-destroy, and to continue improving based on the general laws of Nature. General goals assigned to specific most actual objectives, purposes and intentions. High quality composition of the Earth’s population – is increasing (absolutely and relatively), through consistent improvement of people’s evolution and their complete education and training. More people of the highest intellectual abilities are necessary (men and women, citizens of all levels, personalities and intellectuals). Worldview and belief – with the increasing danger posed for the destiny of humankind by religious fundamentalism, thus becoming a traditional atavism in the 21st Century, there is an urgent need to accelerate to the greatest possible extent the spreading, among the planet’s population, of the secular education, civic knowledge, and scientific enlightenment. Ideology is asking for transition by means of education, training and enlightenment, from the dogmatic ideological schemes, religious mythologies that are prevailing now in the majority of humankind, to formation of the public consciousness. The authentically scientific, secular-humanistic ideas and principles based on the scientific worldview, broad outlook, reason, morality, justice and accountability are necessary for every individual to guide in everyday public and domestic life. Structure and functioning of society, of the state and of the global hierarchy of political forces, consisting and controlled by individuals with a mentality and consciousness described before. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 83 Morality – acceptance by all the humankind of a unified standard table of values-vices and updating of all national legislations on the basis of this values- vices table. Everyone (everywhere) needs to adhere to these principles. B iosphere – preventing further destruction and degradation of the Biosphere is necessary. Control of use and pollution of our biosphere planet’s reserves of fresh water, oxygen, natural and mineral resources, especially the non-renewable ones (oil, gas, non-ferrous metals and rare earth elements, etc.). Social order – the global processes need to facilitate humankind the living and co-existence with the Biosphere, through the promotion of global citizenship. In the process of its coming into being – a new capable global leadership based on it should be formed, on behalf and in the interests of Humanity as a whole, to carry out the global progress and harmonious co-existence in full accordance with known laws of Nature. These are the main tasks for future of humankind, from which nations, states, societies and all humankind of the planet personally, have to define their own tasks. The supranational bodies, having global responsibility for the governing the humankind in the biosphere of the Earth and the evolvement and prosperity of the Terrestrial civilization. They can coordinate these processes, manage and evaluate their results. The time allotted by the Universe to achieve these goals inexorably moves forward together with the seconds’ hand of watches, but unlike the seconds’ hand, the time cannot be stopped. The Universe and Nature with their laws are an inescapable phenomenon. Speaking more simply, the meaning and the purpose of humankind’s civil life at the individual level, is to do good everywhere and always to fight against evil everywhere too. Universal Human and Civil duties and rights: From canons of the scientific philosophy, one knows that there are no rights without duties and there are no duties without rights. Duties can refer to you or to others, and to society in general. Along with duties of each person there are also responsibilities (from personal to global), and obligations. Therefore, to keep individuals away from duties means they will not have responsibilities. 84 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« However, in recent decades one has more often heard about social human rights and social obligations of the state. An imbalance of human rights and duties emerged and prevails and speculation about the notion "human rights" dominates. At the same time, rights derive from duties and a person, especially modern day individuals with many duties. In addition to the well-known ten biblical commandments and moral obligations given to Moses, the following list should be considered major universal duties at the present time:  To be and remain hu man and citizen in the broad sense of these words during one’s whole life and for this purpose to obtain, constantly replenish and update, at least, one’s general education, civil knowledge and secular upbringing,  To be physically healthy, well-mannered, polite and cultured,  To study universal values, follow them and transfer them to other humans,  To fight intrinsic vices in one-self in surrounding people as well as those imposed by perverted individuals’ culture, education and mass media,  To respect seniors, to honor parents and to look after them, to have a good family, to give birth to and correctly bring up children,  To work conscientiously,  To keep the neatness and cleanliness of home, not to litter the environment and the nature, to preserve and improve them etc. The basic universal human and civil rights are the following:  The right to live and to have a human and a citizen life,  To have a family and children,  To be engaged in their education, by this the physical existence is achieved and maintained,  To maintain the population size and reproduction of humankind,  The right for universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning,  The right to work and realize improving abilities, and to be demanded and positively perceived by society,  The right to elect and to be elected, the right to have respectable leaders,  The right: to have privacy, to be healthy, and to have a well-deserved rest. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 85 One can legitimately add other rights to that list. On this basis, the United Nations a few years ago was compelled to put the need for universal civic education above the fight against poverty and hunger, and UNESCO included the formation of global citizenship and dissemination of civic education among its top priorities in the “Medium-term Strategy for 2014 – 2021” . Global society of humankind for the future has already been created. The formation of Universal citizenship on Earth is not in itself such an end. Although over Time the seven billion or more people of the global community of humankind will gradually be involved in this process. This is just the first stage of formation of the required modern reconstruction of self-government of humankind. Thus, the whole process could be as follows: 1. Following UNESCO " Medium-Term Strategy for 2014 - 2021" the formation globally of the Earth - XXI Citizenship, 2. Out of ‘The Citizens of the Earth XXI” formation of a new Earth leadership (Earth - XXI Aristocrats); 3. Out of new, Earth - XXI leaders to form (to elect) according to the Earth Constitution new institutions of Earth-XXI self-administration by means of establishment of Earth Parliament, the Supreme (advisory/executive) Council of the Humanity, Earth Government, Earth Supreme Court, Earth Academy, Earth Bank controlling the issue of the single Earth currency - tero, etc. All these organs of Earth’s self-administration would become ruling and problems-solving institutions of the single worldwide, supranational State – the Universal State of the Earth (USE), actualizing their activity in the interests and for the benefit of the Earth Citizens, for all of Humanity, of all living beings, and the nature of the planet Earth. The famous French philosopher and educator Paul Holbach, who lived in the 18th Century, wrote “People are unhappy, angry and do not know how to live in society just because their leaders neglect their duty to educate them about their true interests. A bad government only divides people, intimidates them, dulls them in the moral sense as well as their sense of community thus separating their personal interests from the interests of society - in short, this government sows vice, so you should not be surprised that it does not reap virtue. 86 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« Bad laws, unjust governments, perverse institutions, ridiculous customs, bigoted, full of brutality and intolerance, preventing any natural human communication, superstitions - all these can never form good citizens.’ However, it is important to remember that on Earth there are people with different levels of education, intelligence, mentality, etc. The ideology is designed for all people to understand its ideas. The Philosophy of “The Citizen of the Earth XXI”: Many people’s dream was and is to be citizens of the Earth. Beyond 202,000 300,000 and more years of the history of humankind, many people declared to be citizens of the Earth. It is a misunderstanding of realities. The Citizens of the Earth XXI: “The Citizens of the Earth XXI”, or Earth Citizens or Citizens of the World etc. are described in the constitution in article 5. Article 5 Earth Citizens – they are those Earth people, who have passed civil education and have studied the Minimum of civil knowledge, follow it, live an active social life based on this knowledge, i.e., have formed a civil consciousness and self-awareness, teach other members of Earth’s human population and continue civic studies during their entire life. The Minimum of civil knowledge includes:  Basic philosophical, ethical and aesthetical knowledge;  "Big History", including the history of religions, theism and secularism, and the modern scientific picture of the World;  Trans-universalism universal ideology and Universal Constitution of Earth;  Aristotle’s Table of the types of state (political) governance and modern typical structures of self-management;  The latest list of «the Fundamental Values and Vices», based on wisdom, reason, morality, justice, and responsibility;  Basic Duties and Rights of a Humankind (Human Beings) and a Citizen; »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 87  The structure of the world economy, the political and geographical maps of the Earth;  The healthy and orderly way of life, the evils of the lifestyle and behavior that should be avoided;  List of today's major global threats and challenges to Humanity;  Knowledge of the commonly accepted language of intercommunication (now - international English), abilities to use a computer, internet, a mobile phone and other technological communication equipment. After learning the Minimum of civil knowledge, people have to pass special exams and receive official Certificate of their high social status – Earth citizen. Earth citizen Certificate indicates his or her personal ID number, which listed in the WORLDWIDE LIST of The Citizens of the Earth XXI - . The same ID number is mention in his or her ID card of “The Citizen of the Earth XXI” . Besides he or she receives a special Ensign of The Citizen of the Earth XXI, which he or she is supposed to wear when likes to. Regarding the life of the Citizens of the Earth XXI, it is more typical the more modern life pattern – social, i.e. for the common good. Individualistic lifestyle is on the second place. All Earth citizens are united into civil communities of different territorial levels – local, regional, continental, planetary (global), which compose an appropriate civil community. The function of these civil communities is to take care of the life and activity of Earth citizens and solve various temporal problems. Their duty is also to promote and continue the universal civic upbringing, education and lifelong learning. Only Earth citizens are granted universal rights to elect and to be elected into administrative organizations of self-governance at all levels – global, state, regional or local. Earth citizens are obliged to fulfill human and civil duties and enjoy human and civil rights. But their main civil rights and duties – to continue civic education within all their life, to teach civic knowledge other people, to be socially active and responsible, to take active part in the social life of local community, to take care about flora, fauna, environment as a whole and Nature. 88 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« If found guilty and be sentenced by a court as a criminal, the Earth citizen loses his high social status and becomes again only in the status of Earth inhabitant until the end of his punishment; after that he appeals in due way to receive the high social status anew. It supposed that Earth citizens should get college or university education. Upbringing and Education for the Citizens of the Earth: “The Citizen of the Earth XXI” (21st Century) is our descendant with universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning enriched with understanding, knowledge, individual social responsibility and respect for Nature and the nature of requisitely holistic planet Earth’s system, the Sun star system, the Milky Way galaxy system and other galaxies, the Universe or Cosmos and what they presume as Nature. The Citizen of the Earth XXI is decent and individually socially responsible for humankind, understandable, knowledgeable, with capability of living under conditions within the Biosphere of the planet Earth and with behavior of social beings living with respect, peace, honor, reason, justice, morality, wisdom and sustainability. It is a framework for upbringing and education of the Citizen of the Earth XXI. The curricula of the new universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning as the hearth of the needed new education system, has the key role for a better education system of tomorrow. Among important issues are the following:  The new philosophy to support the new education system for universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning,  The new adequate learning system,  The new content of the work for universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning,  The role of the requisitely holistic approach to allow for the knowledge and understanding of the past and present,  The role of contemporary knowledge about Nature,  The truth about origin, life and individual social responsibility of humans,  The corrections of the role of mankind and womankind in the line of universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning, »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 89  The role of manners, reasons, respect, peace, justice, morality and wisdom should be a part of upbringing and education systems,  The sustainable development, globalization and the sustainable future as new foundations for tomorrow’s living inhabitants. The Contemporary Citizen of the Earth XXI: At present, very small number of humans has qualities to be, act and work as the Citizen of the Earth. It should be a priority of present humankind leaders (not the money monster master leaders among them), to seriously act, work and establish universal upbringing, education and lifelong learning is a new system for upgrading our descendants to be ready for new challenges. The crucial role of the Citizens of the Earth XXI: The crucial role of the Citizens of the Earth is to establish a new contract for humankind to have survival, longevity and prosperity in the 21st Century and beyond. The entire global community of humankind needs to adjust the present to meet the needs of the future. It is a great responsibility of humankind to follow the proper vision for the future of our descendants. Humankind has the right to choose a social life, but should first prepare foundations for better knowledge and understanding that is needed for thinking and reasoning in the future. The crucial role of the Citizens of the Earth is to act, work and organize the best possible social technology for the lives of the people within the biosphere of the planet Earth so all can have a prosperous life and future. They have to meet and overcome challenges to compensate for the wrong results of our present and past generations within the Biosphere. These are the main reasons for this book and the present day problems for humankind. Main issues are:  The harmful social technology of past and present humankind,  The nuclear technologies pollution of the Biosphere and entire planet Earth,  The present living conditions of humankind result in pollution of all three basic environments – land, water and air, 90 »The Philosophy of Life 2017«  Humankind systems in use that are wrong include incorrect movement of people and goods, wars and conflicts with destruction, killing and pollution, improper upbringing and education,  Money Monster Master Leadership,  Proper knowledge and understanding of nature, life and the reason for the existence of humankind are needed to improve and enhance reasoning, respect, peace, justice, morality, wisdom and the sustainable future of humankind. How to reach status of the Citizen of the Earth XXI: To become the Citizen of the Earth , everyone has to raise the level of consciousness up to 5th level – - by learning the Minimum of civic knowledge – and then to send an application to receive this status – sch/weznrq.htm The certificate could be sent by el. mail, post or on Dialectical symposia in Athens. Before the Conclusions and Recommendations: After approximately 202,000 (300,000 and more) years of humankind’s life in the biosphere, food was still abundant (in 1960s), and water was abundant (in 1960s). The air is abundant (at the beginning of the third millennium), and space looks abundant. However at the end of the second millennium, food was no longer abundant, water was no longer abundant, but space seemed to be okay. This is not the case anymore. Is the end of our civilization approaching? From the natural sciences point of view: yes, it is. However, any culture in the biology of Nature and the nature of planet Earth in the biosphere has its time of birth, childhood, adulthood, old age, and history. This applies to humans too. It is one in all and all in one. This was a pessimistic statement, but the question is how truthful it is? From the holistic viewpoint I may discuss it as follows: The novelty to be attained – and to be made innovative – could be the ability of the current Homo sapiens to think, understand, and learn, how to requisitely holistically govern and lead the affairs of the civilization of Homo sapiens, e.g. provide to all humans shelter, food, water, air, and space for living. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 91 This task can be done better, if reasoning is used, but rather the Dialectical Systems Theory addressing human attributes and interdisciplinary cooperation than those system theories that focus on precise descriptions of a feature from a single viewpoint. Due to an exaggerated growth of the needs of our civilization (drinking water, industrial consumption of water, etc.), and demand for agriculture and food production, the water sources in nature are becoming insufficient. Many innovations were used for solving this problem, of which many have had an impact on the biosphere systems. Let us mention here the exaggerated use of fresh river/lakes waters, resulting in the destruction of underground deposits and lakes of water. This is combined with a lack of knowledge and understanding about the physics of the underground water deposits and systems, etc. At present, we face large deficits of fresh water sources, and the quality of the present sources is questionable, due to pollution by synthetic chemical compounds and their long-term effect. Recently, the influence of female hormones and hormone-like substances has also become more and more important. Today we do not have clean fresh water supply, but fresh water supply, of water quality within the limits of allowed level of intoxication by synthetic chemical compounds and other pollutants. From the water supply viewpoint our future does not look nice. Our civilization’s settlements of near past and present (over-concentration of people and self-creation of the fragile environment – mega/poly-cities etc.) has caused the pollution of all waters in such regions, including areas as far as such polluted waters travel. Actually, the pollution has been a combined effect of pollution from city life (countless toxic substances – natural and synthetic chemical products, etc.) ending up in the waters from individual kitchen outflows and sinks, toilets and sewage systems, and from the “natural” river flows. Secondly, the common agriculture intoxicates lands, and underground waters, and water father away that are connected with intoxicated lands and underground waters. Finally, all this is ending up in the coastal sea and ocean waters, which are in different stages of pollution/intoxication. Our civilization has used/uses rivers as row sewage and all sorts of pollution as transport system. 92 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« To achieve the combined effects of the protection of human settlements, citizens’ properties, and civilizations’ achievements against the natural river floods, huge hydro constructions were introduced. Actually, by our civilization’s standards, we have straightened the natural river flows, and by doing this, we destroyed the natural/biological rivers ‘waters “filtering” systems. We achieved fast running river water, but we did not protect civilization’s settlements and achievements from floods. In the long-term, the floods are still there, but with a much more damaging effect. A majority of the rivers need eco- remediation of their natural abilities to host life and other qualities destroyed by our civilization. A further topic with a comparable destiny tackles estuaries and coastal waters, which in many cases were reconstructed into businesses, settlements, and tourist resorts with poor natural biosphere characteristics. They are opening new frontiers for pollution of coastal waters. Therefore, the ocean/sea waters are getting more and more pollution from synthetic chemical compounds and other pollutants. At present a majority of the human population of our civilization has settled on coastal lands. The pollution of coastal waters is taking place, and soon we shall be able to read about the results of our continuous actions which damage the quality of sea and ocean waters. They will be unpleasant. With our civilization’s construction projects and developments, more and more land is changing its natural characteristics. In Europe (2008) land use was distributed as 47 percent agriculture, 36 percent forestry and 17 percent for construction and developments or sealed47 land, taken from nature or the biosphere. The data briefed here make us conclude that many individuals and organizations need to learn and apply the system/holistic, actually a requisitely holistic thinking/behavior and eco-bio centric philosophy. Both the past and present experiences of our civilization’s impact on a large number of natural systems are calling for nature that is more effective in terms of nature itself, space, and environmental protection from members of our civilization. 47 Sealing of lands is process of putting human eco-sphere in human rather than natural order, or constructing and building living environments for humans and livestock, constructing infrastructure, industry and other facilities, churches and religious centres, education and sport facilities etc. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 93 In reality, we need to promote the requisitely holistic thinking for a broader impact towards better and more suitable behavior. This is in order to attain our civilization’s survival, longevity, prosperity, long-term social responsibility and preserve the nature of the planet Earth/Biosphere rather than to suffer a global tragedy. The climate change system operates under preconditions given by the dynamic evolvement of physics, geography, and biology of the Biosphere and its environment. The humans, with their life practice over the last 300 years of industrial and post-industrial civilization, have been proving their ability to influence constructively and destructively their natural environment, and are going beyond the border of a sustainable life and its long-term influence on the biosphere of the planet Earth. Our findings exposed in our book “System Thinking and Climate Change System” (2002) demonstrate that the human impacts on the planet Earth’s biosphere system are both individual and organizational, and their consequences are individual, local, organizational, regional, national, international, continental, global, and perhaps even universal. Therefore, the selected problem is how to attain a better and systemic long-term social responsibility of humans to humans, including the one towards the nature. The selected viewpoint considers the potential political measures toward this responsibility. It would be proper to think that the Age of Globalization is asking for a new approach48. The climate change system as an integral part of the Earth’s biosphere is not its creator, but its provider, maker, holder and guardian of the living conditions. Humans have to find a new path towards sustainability or sustainable future, which will provide for more holistic mutual relationship of this civilization and the planet Earth in the newly evolved conditions. 48 New approach has been researched by Prof. Dr. Slavko Kulic, IOM, from Zagreb, Croatia, and his research has been done many years ago, but it is still waiting for its implementation. 94 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The sustainable future of humankind could be defined by “harmony of the present civilization with the nature of the planet Earth”49. Philosophy, knowledge and its users, sciences, basic and applied research professionals, development specialists, society, and all governing, economic, national, international institutions/subjects, etc. need to accept a broader – requisitely holistic and eco-bio centric – view at the given evolvements in our biosphere, and to respond adequately to their new challenges. The present pollution on the global scale (synthetic chemicals, nuclear etc. technologies, CFCs and similar substances, pesticides, genetic modifications, female hormone-like substances from our civilization’s synthetic chemical production and medication, technologies impact – combustion engines and others, transport equipment, armaments and other war equipment’s, PCBs with impact on gene structure, etc.) reflects samples of our civilization’s short-term and narrow-minded behavior. What we need for our sustainable future is our long-term social responsibility together with individual social responsibility of each and every one of us, for our civilization’s impact within the biosphere - it affects us via nature. Here we have to distinguish the impacts of the ruler of our civilization – money monster master or profit motive – from the understanding of it and the actual damages done by by-products caused by the lack of knowledge, understanding and holism. In many cases of global pollution the profit motive of our civilization was the main reason for large pollution – PCBs, CFCs, pesticides, combustion engine, plastics, etc. – which were and are produced, promoted, and marketed as improvements, but have resulted in damages in our own living space or environment. Cases include the population’s explosive reproduction, and pollution of the atmosphere. We need research, knowledge, understanding and values/culture/ethics/norms supporting the long-term social responsibility of our civilization in order to stop the irresponsible behavior of the present rulers in economies and societies, “the humans”. 49 Taken from the book “The Sustainable (Development) Future of Mankind”, Ecimovic at al., ISBN 978-961- 91826-2-8, 2007, displayed at »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 95 Our civilization’s products such as the one-sided profit system, which causes a failure of knowledge and understanding of the long-term social responsibility, and hence causes irresponsibility, are detrimental to us, at least in a longer term. The present status of the biosphere, nature, space and the environment, as well as the scientific and research knowledge and understanding available to humankind, but not applied on a requisitely holistic basis of behaviour, and our social system, are driving our civilization into a dead alley - the short-term and narrow-minded views are favoured too much. Individual, regional, national and international interests do not permit humankind to take a new – requisitely holistic – approach to survival, longevity and prosperity by their social, financial, political, and bureaucratic pressures, war/redistribution rather than evolution-oriented philosophy, eco-bio centric and lack of respect between people. We, the people of the Earth, have to recognize the need for action towards the establishment of an honest and requisitely holistic world constitution, world parliament, and world government as a possibility for our survival, with social responsibility to co-ordinate social issues, and to harmonize the needs of the entire humankind, and the nature, space, and environment capabilities, needs, and possibilities. The age of globalization is asking for new – requisitely holistic and eco-bio centric – approaches and behaviour. Co-ordination of important issues for the Earth/Biosphere by a united single government could respond to research results by practical application of them and requisitely holistic, truthful and honest rather than one-sided and biased relationship between our civilization and the Biosphere. At least we may have proper management of important issues with more or less a good possibility for success. Global direct democracy (but not money monster master democracy) could be a proper recommendation for entering the age of globalization with a sustainable future of humankind by global governance. The present practice on the Earth such as: 96 »The Philosophy of Life 2017«  The destruction of nearly all waters with synthetic chemicals, bio and air (rain- induced) pollution,  The destruction of air by the land, sea, and air traffic,  The destruction by the results of war actions,  The destruction of the ozone layer,  Destruction of the soil fertility by the agriculture practice, including erosion and desertification,  Global warming and other impacts from the climate change system,  The explosive reproduction of humankind,  Diminishing motives for hard work and creation on the part of the affluent minority of the population, because affluence has always caused the cult of laziness and hence destruction, and  Others, not mentioned, but not less important practices of global community of humankind under the present leadership. All of these and similar attributes should be parts, which have to undergo transition, changes, researching, learning, understanding, requisitely holistic and eco-bio centric approaches for a better tomorrow for all and survival, longevity and prosperity of the current Homo sapiens civilization. The given practice for preserving /promoting local or national interests cannot be dealt with by narrow-minded and short-term oriented individuals. The crucial people for this task should have a major responsibility of the world government. The crucial ones should be a major responsibility of the world government. The climate change system, which provides, makes, holds, and guards the living conditions in our biosphere, needs special scientific research, and world governing action. The people, nature, space, and environment need protection by and from members of our civilization, which should take care of the biosphere. Special scientific research, knowledge, understanding and world governing action are needed too. Both groups of topics are two global systems reacting to the human one-sidedness by causing global entropy tendencies, which require a global level of the requisite holism in humankind’s dealing with them. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 97 The necessary scientific and applied research for humans to cope with the above issues cannot be provided based on our civilization’s current scientific and research practice and capacities, due to the engagement of scientists with armaments/war and other misuse/abuse efficiency development, and the demands of bureaucracy. Therefore, a new approach is needed for a redirection of scientific work towards the needed knowledge, understanding and values capable of saving the nature, science, and the environment including the climate change system – for humankind to survive and have a longevity and prosperity. Scientific work, as a basic source of knowledge, understanding - needs special co- ordination at the world-wide level and should be an integral part of the world governance, but a requisitely holistic rather than a biased one. We need independent scientists, who work because of their scientific thinking/acting and practicing ability, and not because of their need for daily/monthly/annual salary given to them by bureaucracy (democratic profit- based/dependent societal system), or narrow-minded and short-term focused marketing/profit oriented economy. The money system today has become a master of its own, a monster which rules the entire civilization. It would be nice to put it back, in the frame where it belongs – the servant of humankind. Now, profit is killing profit by causing side effects having crucial impacts. This includes humankind’s cost covered by company taxes or piled up to be covered in near future in huge sums with tough consequences. It is obvious that corporate social responsibility and individual social responsibility of each and every person are not a part of humankind’s ethics at the present time. Individuals mostly have declarations for promotional purposes. When and if the corporate social responsibility and the individual social responsibility of humans become a part of each and every person representing our global community of humankind, then the sustainable future of humankind will have a better chance to prevail. To be able to understand the need for the world governance, humans should understand the systems within which we exist, and systems that we consist of and that we innovated. It is important due to the known fact that any system in nature will remain as it is, as long as all systems and relations within it are in a similar mode. Together they make a living system that is trying to be a viable system. If any major or minor part of a system changes/moves, then the system as a whole will change/move. 98 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« It is not possible to predict in which direction the system will move, change. This is what is happening in the climate change system. It may be the answer to what human society is facing now. The discussion presents a contemporary science approach to the present crisis of the biosphere and the consequent possibility for extinction of humankind. The present civilization or our global community of humankind is facing the largest complex societal crisis, which is also closely inter-related with the impact of the climate change system or the evolving planet Earth’s Biosphere »crisis«. Individual social responsibility (ISR) is a part of our society that needs to be stressed and promoted much more. The possibility for survival is closely connected with social technology/technique of the »Sustainable Future of Humankind or the Sustainability« or harmony of our civilization with the Nature of planet Earth50. Individual social responsibility will have to play a more important part in the future in order for our civilization to overcome the crisis of poor living conditions within the biosphere of the planet Earth. We need to provide credit, energy, drinking water, food, and shelter (from a crisis, etc.) for our global community. The sustainable future of humankind or harmony of our civilization with the nature of the planet Earth is an option for humankind to survive the approaching impact of the climate change system on the biosphere of the planet Earth. The Nature, Cosmos/Universe, Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Biosphere, climate and climate change systems, terrestrial, water and air environments are no simple systems (features, entities, and processes), but very complex and complicated ones. The sustainable future or harmony of the global humankind society with the Nature of the planet Earth, and its coexistence with other creatures in nature as a part of the Earth’s biosphere is the solution, to the best of our knowledge. It should be adopted as the vision for our survival, longevity and prosperity. 50 Please see: Ecimovic et al: The Sustainable (Development) Future of Mankind, 2007, displayed at www.institut-; and Bozicnik, Ecimovic, Mulej et al: Sustainable Future, Requisite Holism, and Social Responsibility, 2008, available at IRDO. »The Philosophy of Life 2017« 99 People, values and knowledge have been making an epic song of our civilization, which has been going on since humans have existed. And so has the other nature, including the whole Universe; Milky Way; The Solar System; The planet Earth; Biosphere; etc. down to fundamental particles – quarks, protons, neutrons, electrons, relativity theory, and other theories of the Nature, quantum mechanics, atom structural understandings, and discovery of the expected “divine particle”. The climate change system would ultimately change living conditions within the biosphere and the geography, physics, chemistry and biology of the Earth so much that our civilization will cease to exist. Life, even survival of us, the modern civilization, depends on conditions provided by Nature and the nature of the planet Earth in which all humans live, and by the climate change system as an integral part of it. Therefore, I am presenting the climate change system as a common enemy of our civilization, and the sustainable future concept as a path for survival, longevity and prosperity (a future for the humank ind civilization). The Conclusions and the Recommendations: One planet, one humankind civilization and one government are my first recommendations. The secondly recommendation is a new approach51to the social order:  Which has to reflect the past and the present experience,  Which has to establish a new contract for humankind living on the planet Earth,  With the goal to prevent explosion of humankind’s reproduction,  To enforce ethics and respect amongst peoples of the Earth,  To enforces (a globally holistic!) law and order, and  To allow with skillful governing, the coming generations to live and have a sustainable future52 on the planet Earth. 51 Ass introduced good 20 year ago by Prof Emeritus Dr Slavko Kulic, Zagreb, Croatia. 52 Sustainable future is harmony of humankind and the Nature/Biosphere of planet Earth. 100 »The Philosophy of Life 2017« The third recommendation is redirections of scientific activities from:  The work for innovations of war armaments techniques and technologies for destruction,  Too narrow the market and money-oriented synthetic chemical technologies,  Too narrow the market and money-oriented energy technologies,  Too narrow the market and money-oriented genetic manipulation techniques,  Too narrow the market and money oriented societal management,  To rethink money monster - the master practices, Toward fostering:  The discovering of viable systems of the requisitely holistic the nature of the planet Earth,  The research for the protection of people, nature, space and environment of the Earth as to stop destruction of them by humankind,  The research of the Universe or Cosmos, as essential knowledge needed for survival and the sustainable future of the global community of humankind or harmony of our civilization with the nature of the planet Earth.  The rebirth of “Individual Social Responsibility“ of humans,  The Sustainable Future or Sustainability of Humankind, and  The Universal Upbringing, Education and Lifelong, Learning of humans.  The evolution and evolving of the sustainability of Homo sapiens. In conclusion: “Be the change you want to see in the world” (Gandhi). 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