ANNALES Ser. hist. nal. • 13 • 200J ■ 1 original scientific article UDK 597.3(262-13) received: 2003-01-OS RECORDS OF BASKING SHARKS, CETORHINUS MAXIMUS (GUNNERUS, 1 765) (CHONDRICHTHYES: CETORHINIDAE) OFF THE MAGHREBIN SHORE (SOUTHERN MEDITERRANEAN): A SURVEY Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire d'Ichtyologie, Université Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, F-34 095 Montpellier cedex OS E-mail: Farid HCMIDA & jalil BENSACI Laboratoire Halieutique, Institut des Sciences de la Nature, Université des Sciences et Techniques Houari Botimedienne, 16111 Bab Ezzouar, Alger. 8. P. 32. El Alia, Algérie Bédvr 5AÏDI & Mohamed Nejmeddine BRADA! Institut National des Sciences et Technologies cfe la Mer, Centre de S fax, 3018 S fax, P. P 103S, Tunisie ABSTRACT /n the present paper, the authors list a number of records on historical and recent captures o/ Cetorhinus maxi-mits off the Maghrehine shore (Algerian and Tunisian coasts) and compare rhem with similar data concerning other Mediterranean areas. They discuss and comment on the occurrence of lite basking shark population in the Mediterranean Sea. Key words: Chondi icbthyes, Cetorhinidae, Cetorhinus maximus, Maghrebin shore, Algeria, Tunisia, Mediterranean Sea SEGNALAZÍONI Di SQUALO ELEFANTE, CETORHINUS MAXIMUS (GUNNERUS, 1765) (CHONDRICHTHYES: CETORHINIDAE) DI FRONTE ALL A COSTA MAGREBINA (MEDITERRANEO MERIDIONALE): INDAGI.NE SINTESI Nell'articolo gli auton es pongo no minuziosamente dati storici e recenti di catture di Cetorhinus maximus di ironie alla costa magrebina (algerina e tunisina). e li confrontano con dati simili provenienti da altre aree del Mediterráneo. Gli autori inoltre discutono e commentano la presenza délia popolazione di squalo elefante nel mar Mediterráneo. Parole chiave: Chondrichthyes, Cetorhinidae, Cetorhinus maximus, costa magrebina, Algeria, Tuntsia, mare Mediterráneo ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 13 • 2003 • 1 CAPAPÉ etaJ..- RiCORDS OF BASKING SHARKS, CB'OKHINU5 MA-VIMUSiCUNNFRUS. tTONCMONDRICl 1*1 IVES: CtlORHINIDAfl..., 13-18 INTRODUCTION Out of the fourteen large migratory sharks reported olí the Maghrebin shore (Quignard & Capapé, 1971, 1972; Capapé, 1987, 1989; Hemida, 1998; BradaT, 2000; Hemida & l.abidi, 2001; Hemida & Capapé, 2002, 2003; Hemida et a!., 2002a, b), only three species, the sandbar shark, Carcharlvrius plumbeus, the spinner shark, C. brevipinria, and the blue shark, Prionace glauca, reproduce and develop in the area (Capapé, 1984, 1989; Hemida & Capapé, 2003). The other migratory sharks are occasionally captured in the area. In the last ten years, records of basking sharks from the waters off the Maghrebin shore have been more frequent (Bradai, 2000) than those reported earlier on by other authors (DieuzeirJe ef a!., 1953; Quignard & Capapé, 1971; Capapé, 1975; Capapé et al., 1975). In this paper, the authors present historical and recent records of C. maximus off the Maghrebine shore and compare its occurrence with those in other Mediterranean areas, such as the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas and the eastern Adriatic, from where similar observations have been reported by Serena ef at. (2000) and Soldo & Jardas (2002). MATERIAL AND METHODS Records of basking sharks off the Maghrebine shore were collet.ted from literature data concerning the area and observalions at fishing sites located along the Algerian and Tunisian coasts d ig. 1 >. The former is divided into western, central and eastern areas and the latter in northern, central and southern areas. Table 1 presents details of each record, sex (when possible), total length (to the nearest mm), mass (to the nearest gram), capture depth (in metres), fishing gear, fishing site and the area either in Algerian or Tunisian waters, fishing date and reference. Fishing sites are plotted in figure 1 for Algerian records and in figure 2 for Tunisian records, the latter showing the captures made in the Gabes Gulf. Some body measurements were made on two specimens caught off the Algerian coast. They are detailed in Tabic 2. Body measurements pro pane follow Compagno (1984) and ctasper length was measured on the inner edge of lhe clasper from the pelvic girdle to tip of clasper according to Col lend (1969). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Altogether, 21 records are presented in Table I, 20 from the period between 1966 and 2002, and 12 since 1998. Record No. 21 is also presented In figure 3. Observations of fishes from both Algerian and Tunisian coastal waters began at the end of the 19lh century according to the literature review included in Hureau & Monod (1973). Furthermore, research focusing exclusively on elasmobranch species was conducted thirty years ago off the Tunisian coast (Quignard & Capape, 1971, 1972) and recently off the Algerian coast (Hemida, 1998; Hemida & Labidi, 2001). Since 1960, 39 specimens were reported by Serena ef a/. (2000) from the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas, and 13 specimens by Soldo & Jardas (2002) from the eastern Adriatic. in our case, males outnumbered females; sixteen specimens were males and only five were females (F/M= 3.2:1). On the other hand, of the 24 specimens Fig. 1: Map of the Maghrebin shore showing the Cetorhinus maximus fishing sites where a single specimen (small black stars) or two or more specimens (large black stars) were captured. Si 1: Zemljevid maghrebskega obrežnega morja, kjer so bili ujeti morski psi orjaki Cetorhinus maximus: eden na lokalitetah, označenih z majhnimi črnimi zvezdicami ter dva ali več na lokaliteti, označeni z večjo črno zvezdico. 14 ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat • 13 • 2003 • 1 nirii.ti.jL! CAP Art «I il.: EČ5Š0Š Of BASKING SHARKS, CETOKHINUS MAXIMi .»SiOUNNQRUS. 17031 (CHONDRICI ITHViS;CfTORHINiOAES .... 1.3-18 (among 47) sexed by Serena ef ai. (2000), 11 were males and 13 females (F/M = 1:1.18), while among 27 specimens. Soldo & Jardas (2002) reported the sex of four specimens, two mates and two females. in Table 1, total length ranged from 2700 to 7350 mm, but of the 14 measured specimens ten were over 4000 mm. Most of the measured specimens reported by Serena etal. (2000) and Soldo & Jardas (2002) were over 4000 mm long. They are large specimens and most of them were adult. All the specimens from the Maghrebin coastal waters were captured by pelagic fishing gear at depths of max. 30 m. According to Serena ef a!. (2000), only three specimens were found at depths between 70 and 200 m. Twelve individuals were caught between March and August, and one in winter. Information provided by Algerian fishermen revealed that in the waters off Annaba (eastern Algeria, Fig. 1), basking sharks were exceptionally caught in spring and summer. These capture periods agree with those presented by Serena et a/, (2000) for Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas and Soldo & Jardas (2002) for the Adriatic. Serena et al. (2000) suggested that the occurrence of basking sharks was probably due to the increase in primary production and to the higher production of zoopiankton. Soldo & Jordas (2002! added that this opinion requires a further and thorough investigation in the Adriatic Sea. Nine specimens were caught off the Algerian coast and twelve off the Tunisian coast. All the fishing sites were in inshore waters, generally in more or less protected areas, such as Bays of Ouahran and Annaba along the Algerian coast. Decades ago, Dieuzeide et a!. (1953) reported on the capture of a juvenile male with a typically curved nose ar the end of 1929 and added that c. maximus was rather common off the coast of Algeria. After more than 70 years it appears that in spile of the great anthropogenic fishing pressures basking sharks are still caught in the area, although only as bycau h species. Serena et a/. (2000) suggested that the basking shark population inhabiting Tyrrhenian and Ligurian waters is an appropriate hypothesis. With regard to the previous papers and their own observations. Soldo & Jardas (2002) noted that 'the basking shark is a relatively rare but constant species in the Adr at c'. Serena ef al. (2000) added that the Mediterranean Sea could be also an important reproductive area for C. maximus, although they did not exclude the possibility that Atlantic migrants entered the Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar. They emphasized that C. maximus was relatively more abundant in the eastern Atlantic Ocean than in the Mediterranean Sea. Barmll & Mate (1996, 2002) wrote that the basking shark was more often reported from the western Mediterranean than from its eastern part. TunlslŽSS^ ^ 1 ®teFarps; SI. Pantslleria rr 9°' 10 i-p1 I. La Galite 1C0 Q I. Zembra 12 > T ' 1: N t HC . 36* Sousse^; vT:-,Ku,ri&te Monastics*. • •,0? . • ■'{ so Salakta^ ¿tampedusa if '.......' ' J Sfa*?'5rJ-;n Kerkennah'' 50 ,-r (ir^J.)erba , ★ Ga&es 1. GG 8 0 km ^'N...^ 100 / 34° —I Fig. 2: Map of the Tunisian coast showing the Cetorhi-nus maximus fishing sites where a single specimen (small black stars) or two or more specimens (large black stars) were captured SI. 2: Zemljevid tunizijskih obalnih voda, v katerih so ribiči ujeli morske pse orjake Cetorhinus maximus: enega na lokalitetah, označenih z nu/hnirni črnim/ zvezdicami ter dva ali več na lokalitetah, označenih z večjimi črnimi zvezdicami. Among the specimens recorded along the Maghre bine shore, only the two reported from the western Algerian area could be considered Atlantic migrants. The other records were made in the region located between central Algerian and southern Tunisian coasts, l.ipej et al. [2000) reported on the occurrence of C. maximus in the Gulf of Trieste, off Piran (northern Adriatic). The basking shark has also been recorded in the Levantin Basin (Gol an i, 1996) and, quite recently, in Turkish coastal waters in the Mediterranean by Kabasakal (2002), who wrote that 'it is not clear whether the occurrence of the basking in the seas of Turkey is incidental or exhibits a seasonal regularity'. Our present observations speak in favour of the opinion presented by Soldo & Jardas (2002). Migrations from the eastern Atlantic certainly need to be confirmed. On the other hand it is difficult to state, at present, whether the basking shark population develops, and re- 15 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 13 • 2003 • 1 Christen CAI'APf el si.; RECORDS OF BASKING SHARKS. CČTORHIN05 MAXIMOS IGUNNfcRUS, 17&S> (CHONDRICHTHYES: CE I'OftHINlDAtl... 13-18 Tab. 1: Historical and recent records of Cetorhinu:s maximus off the Maghrébin shore. Tab. I: Starejši in novejši podatki o morskem psu orjaku Cetorhinus imximus iz obrežnih maghrebskih voda. Record Sex TOT (mm) Mass (kf.) Depth (m) Capture method Fishing site Area Fishing date Reference 1 Male 37SO ? ? Giil-nets (;) Ras falcon western Algeria 27/12/1929 Dieuzeide ei ai. il9531 2 Male ? ? ? 7 Tunis Gulf northern Tunisia 1964 Cliakroun Ü%í>) 3 Male ? 7 ? ? Tunis Gulf northern Tunisia 1965 Chakroun (1966} 4 Male 5340 ? 30 (?) Pelagic trawl Kuriate Islands central Tunisia 03/1976 C a papé ef,?/. 0 975) 5 Male 6000 t t ? Tunis Gulf northern Tunisia 1979 Najav ( 1980) 6 Male 2700 > \ ? Tunis Gulf northern Tunisia 19S0 Naja. (1980) 7 Female 6270 ? 10(?> Pelat>ic Irawl Off Monastir central Tunisia 1981 unpubl data 8 Male 3500 332 5 Gill-nets Ras Fartas (Tunis Gtilf) northern Tunisia 03/1981 unpubl. data 9 Female 7100 ? 12 Pelagic p,ill-nets Off SMiira (Gabes Gulf) southern Tunisia 1992 Bradai & Ghorbel 11992) 10 Female ? ? S Pelagic gill-nets Off Annaba eastern Algeria 19/04/1996 unpubl. data 1) Male ? ;> 5 Pelagic gill-nets Off Beni-Saf western Algeria 03/05/1998 unpubl data 12 Male ? ? ? Pelagic giil-nets Off Annaba eastern Algeria ¡0/05/1998 unpubl. data 13 Male 7150 ? ? Gill-nets Ras Jebe! {Tunis Gulf) northern Tunisia 1993 Rais S. Uaccar (1993) 14 Male 7370 ? j Gill-nets Gabès Gulf southern Tunisia 29/5 2/1999 unpubl. data 1T> Male ? ? . ; Off Salakta central Tunisia 23/03/2000 unpubl. data 16 Male 4900 546 5 Pelagic trawl Of! Bou-Haroun Central Algeria 31/03/2000 unpubl. data 17 female 3300 176 t -t Pelagic trawl Off Annaba eastern Algeria 03/04/2000 unpubl. data 18 Male >6000 1000 ÎT Pelagic trawl Ras Toukoudi eastern Algeria 18/05/2000 unpubl. data 19 female ? ? 5 Pelagic trawl Ras loukouch pastern Algeria 18/05/2000 unpubl. data 20 Male 4250 ? ? Purse seine Gabfes Gulf southern Tunisia 24/04/2001 unpubl. data 21 Male >7000 1500 ? Pelagic trawl Off Annaba eastern Algeria 28/03/2002 unpubl. data Tab. 2: Body measurements made on two Cetorhinus maxim us caught off the Algerian coast. Tab. 2: Telesne mere dveh morskih psov orjakov Cetorhinus maximus, ujetih v tunizijskih obrežnih vodah. produces off the Maghrébin shore or whether it onfy feeds in the area. However, as captures of basking sharks increased during the last ten years, both feeding and reproducing cannot be excluded in the area but need further observations. Nevertheless, the belief that the Mediterranean Sea can be considered a potential reproductive area has been given a boost by records of the second Mediterranean filter feeding species, the devii ray Mobula mohular reported by Capapil & Zaouaii (1976), BradaT & Capape <2001) and Hemicfa et al. (2002a). Moreover, the ray is even considered a Mediterranean endemic species (No-tarbartolo di Sciarra & Bianchi, 1998). In this area, these two species probably found sufficient resources to reproduce as well as to develop, just as other pelagic teleost fishes (Kartas, 1981; Chavance et a!., 1986; BradaT, 2000). Fig. 3: Head of a male shark caught off Annaba, Algerian coast (for details see record 21 in Table 1). (Photo: F. Hemida) SI. 3: Glava samca, ujetega v bližini Annabe ob alžirski obali (o podrobnostih glej zapis št. 21 v tabeli 1). (Foto: F. Hemida) Measurements (mm) Record 16 Record 17 Total length 4900 3300 Snout to first dorsal fin 2020 1700 Snout to second dorsal fin 3600 2220 First dorsal height 520 350 Second dorsal height 150 100 Pectoral fin length t>20 510 Pelvic (in length 390 260 Caudal fin length 1050 770 Snout to nostril 90 60 Mouth width 680 430 Internostril space 140 90 Snout to mouth 310 185 Clasper length 390 - 16 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 13 • 2003 • 1 C Iwisl 1*1 CAP APC d al : RECORDS OF BaSKinG SI-lAfiKS, Cf TOR HINII5 MAXIMUS (CUNNFMJS, 1765) (CHONDRlCUTHYtS: CETORHINiDAK) ...., t X. POJAVLJANJE MORSKEGA PSA ORJAKA, ŒTORHINUS MAXIMUS (GUNNERUS, 1 756) (CHONDRICHTHYES: CETORHINIDAÊ), V BLIŽINI MACHREBSKEGA OBREŽJA (JUŽNO SREDOZEMLJE): PREGLED Christian CAPAPÉ laboratoire d'Ichtyologie. Université Montpellier !l, Sciences et Techmcyias du Languedoc, F-34 095 Montpellier cedex OS E-mail: capape'ëuniv-montp^.tt Farid HEMIDA & lalil BENSACl Laboratoire Halieutique, Institut des Sciences de Sa Nature, Université des Sciences et Techniques Houari Boumedienne. (6-1 ! Qab Ezzouar, Alger, S. P. 32. El Alia. Algérie Béchii SAÏDl & Mohamed Nejmeddine BRADAI Institut National des Sciences et technologies de !a Mer, Centre de Sfax, 30i 8 Sfax, IL P. 1035, Tunisie POVZETEK V pričujočem prispevku avtorji navajajo starejše in novejše podatke o ujetju morskih psov orjakov Ceiorhinus maximus v bližini Maghrehskega obrežja (v alžirskih in lunizijskih vodah) iti jih primerjajo s podatki o pojavljanju populacije teh morskih psov v drugih delih Sredozemskega morja. 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