9 EDITORIAL Liliana Brožič This year’s third issue of Contemporary Military Challenges is entirely published in English, which is in line with the Editorial Board’s work programme and standards for scientific and professional publications in the Republic of Slovenia as well as widely abroad. The present issue is dedicated to hybrid threats. The definition of hybrid threats and its development is explained by Jan Spišák in his article on hybrid threats and the development of NATO’s new Overarching Concept in which he explains the under- standing of hybrid threats within the Alliance and the ways of responding to them. Hybrid threats also include the so-called cyber threats, which are becoming increa- singly well though out, organised and causing more and more damage to the states, companies, infrastructure and logistics in a security and financial sense. Current cyber space trends in the WEB 2.0. age have been dealt with by Uroš Svete and Anja Kolak who put emphasis on the WikiLeaks case, highlighting the development of the second generation of World Wide Web, which can be directly modified by the users themselves, thereby threatening national security of individual states or the Alliance. The importance and organisation of cyber security in relation to critical infrastruc- ture is discussed by Denis Čaleta and Gorazd Rolih. They present the way this domain is regulated within the European Union, NATO and at the national level, as well as evoke certain deficiencies which are still to be dealt with. Information security and its importance to the public administration are presented by Maja Bolle using the example of open-source and proprietary software. She acquaints us with their history and the way of functioning as well as the advantages Sodobni vojaški izzivi, november 2011 – 13/št. 3 Contemporary Military Challenges, November 2011 – 13/No. 3 DOI:10.33179/BSV.99.SVI.11.CMC.13.3.00 10 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges and disadvantages of opting for one of them. Of course, choosing either of them brings about numerous challenges, also discussed by the author. Anže Rode, Kristian Beršnak and Bojan Langerholc present the Slovenian Armed Forces Special Operations Unit and its role within a wide national and transnational security context, putting emphasis on the potential crisis operations and possible co- unter-terrorism activities. Zoltán Jobbágy and László Szegő have prepared a critical view of a generally well- -accepted theory by Karl von Clausewitz. It has been tested with regard to the latest establishments based on the cases of Iraq and Afghanistan, while the authors also provided their personal reflections. Original versions of the articles by Slovenian authors, which have been initially written in Slovene and later translated into English, are available in electronic version on the web page of Contemporary Military Challenges in a special appendix at the end of the publication. This is our way of trying to reach out to a wide range of readers and potential future writers while respecting rational use of resources and quality indicators applicable to scientific and professional publications. All our readers are kindly invited to write articles for our publication! Liliana Brožič