125 Publication review DOI: 10.1515/rmzmag-2016-0011 N. Rman and M. Novak (eds.): 70 geoloških zanimivosti Slovenije (70 Geological Curiosities of Slovenia / in Slovene only). Geološki zavod Slovenije, 204 pp (+ 8 non-numbered introductory pages), Ljubljana, 2016. France Šušteršič In place of an introduction, the following citations, selected from the initial chapters and translated by the reviewer provide a flavour of the book's interest: 'Perhaps Slovenia is unique among the pocket-size states in the World where one can assemble a guidebook of heterogeneous geological curiosities.' (p.8); 'In an area that tectonic forces... have shrunk to a scant 20 000 km2, one can float across the oceans, descend into the crater of a volcano, or feel cold in the proximity of a just-melted glacier.' (p.2); 'Do you know that an uninterrupted record of nearly 400 Ma is imprinted within the sedimentary rocks of Slovenia ... whereas the oldest metamorphosed rocks date back more than 3000 Ma?' (p.1); 'Also, we have oil, thermal water wells and springs, diamonds and meteorites' (p.1); 'Doyou know that Slovene expressions describing various karst features are in use throughout the scientific world.? ... two sorts of wine are made from grapes that grow on the same type of vine, depending upon the geological history of the soil' (p.1). The kernel of this paper-back book, produced in the A5 format, comprises short (two-page) descriptions of 70 of the more outstanding geological localities in Slovenia, crowned by the descriptions of 6 extraordinary curiosities whose original locations remain secret (with specimens accessible in museums). The arrangement of the descriptions (with only minor local departures) is: even-numbered pages: general outline of the location, basic geological structure, condensed description and interpretation of the geological detail in question, and additional information about its general significance. Added to this are details of the degree of legal protection, an extract of the National 1 : 25 000 map, a short description of the suggested access route from the closest public roads, Gauss-Krüger national grid coordinates, geographical coordinates, and QR code. On odd-numbered pages are photographs of individual features, plus small drawings that indicate what makes the specific geological detail a curiosity. Authors of individual descriptions (24 in all, plus some additional contributors of the photos) are specialists in their own particular spheres. The approach and layout described above provide not only high quality texts and photographs, but also allow the presentation of clear and easily understandable information. Descriptions of individual curiosities are arranged according to 12 specified regions. Each regional section begins with an attractive, two-page photograph, and an excerpt from the 1:1 000 000-scale geological map of Slovenia. In the 10 introductory chapters, various acknowledged outstanding geologists offer fundamental information about the booklet, its goals and organization, and a general overview of the geology of Slovenia. In particular, the chapters covering specific individual views of geology are full of tiny details that make the book highly informative and extremely readable. The booklet is more than just the first really consistent and integrated guide to the geology of Slovenia that should be kept in the pocket of every Slovene devotee of the natural sciences. Considering that geology was removed from the Slovenian high-school curriculum decades ago, this booklet can serve as an excellent source of up-to-date information about the geology of Slovenia, accessible to every school-teacher [MmB © 2016 France Sustersic, published by De Gruyter Open. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributiorBrOughbtoftyoubyil -NaJI0ertK& UGHVersItyslglbrary Authenticated Download Date | 4/18/17 12:29 PM 126 who is aware of the world-wide increase in the importance of geology. Plus, of course, it is of interest to every Slovenian citizen interested in nature in general - including mountain hikers, boy scouts and many others. Are there any weak points? The most obvious and surprising shortcoming is the low number of copies printed (500]. Additionally, the booklet's introductory section indicates that the number of 70 curiosities is intended to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Geological Survey of Slovenia. Perhaps the associated time-limited deadline put pressure on the authors and, consequently, minor spelling errors are not uncommon. And yet, both weak points, together with the lack of an English-language version, could easily be put right. The process is in progress. N. Rman in M. Novak (ur.): 70 geoloških zanimivosti Slovenije. Geološki zavod Slovenije, 204 str. (+ 8 neoštevilčenih uvodnih strani), Ljubljana, 2016. Jedro knjižice formata A-5 predstavljajo opisi 70 najpomembnejših geoloških zanimivosti Slovenije. Dodanih je še šest opisov skrajnih redkosti, katerih lega naj ostane neznana, a se jih da videti v muzejih. Posamezni objekti so opisani približno po shemi: splošne informacije o lokaciji, osnovne geološke danosti, zgoščen opis in interpretacija geološkega detajla ter dodatne informacije o splošnem pomenu objekta. Zraven so še numerični in grafični podatki o legi ter kratek opis dostopa. Na sosednji strani so atraktivne fotografije in »ikonice« ki povedo, s katerega vidika je lokacija oz. objekt pomemben. Avtorji posameznih opisov (24 plus še nekaj prispevnikov fotografij] so vrhunski specialisti posamezna področja geologije Slovenije. To ne samo da zagotavlja visoko kakovost besedila in fotografij temveč tudi jasno in pregledno podajanje informacij. Opisi so razporejeni v 12 regij; za vsako je na začetku podan izsek iz geološke karte Slovenije v merilu 1 : 1 000 000. V uvodnih poglavjih je zgoščena informacija o nastajanju knjižice, njenem namenu in organizaciji ter - kar se zdi podpisanemu še posebej pomembno - podan zgoščen opis geološke zgodovine Slovenije. Zraven je množica še kako uporabnih napotkov in drobnih informacij. Knjižica ni le prvi pravi vodič po geologiji Slovenije. Je tudi učbenik sodobne geologije, ki pač temelji na domačih primerih. Za to bo dragocen pripomoček ne le specialistom bolj »abstraktnih« vej geologije, temveč tudi ljubiteljem narave, planincem, tabornikom ... in ne nazadnje bolj zrelim učiteljem naravoslovja v srednjih šolah, od koder smo geologijo že davno izgnali. Pa šibke točke - predvsem je naklada prenizka. Morda je tudi nekoliko preveč drobnih napakic, ki bi jih pripisali »bergmandelcu«. Z naslednjo izdajo bo rešeno vse. RMZ - M&G | 2016 | Vol. 63 | pp. 125-0126 Brought to you by | Nat/onat&Ureysfsity Library Authenticated Download Date | 4/18/17 12:29 PM