GROUNDWATER RECHARGE ASSESSMENT IN THE KARST AqUIFERS OF NORTH KHORASAN, IRAN USING APLIS METHOD OCENJEVANJE NAPAJANJA PODZEMNE VODE V KRAŠKIH VODONOSNIKIH V SEVERNEM HORASANU, V IRANU, Z UPORABO METODE APLIS Hossein ALEM1*, Akbar Esmaeilzadeh SOUDEJANI2 & Saba Nahas FARMANIEH3 Izvleček UDK 556.33:551.44(55) Hossein Alem, Akbar Esmaeilzadeh Soudejani & Saba Nahas Farmanieh: Ocenjevanje napajanja podzemne vode v kraških vodonosnikih v severnem Horasanu, v Iranu, z uporabo me- tode APLIS Za optimizacijo porabe, vzdrževanja in nadzora nivoja podzemne vode je ocena napajanja vodonosnika zelo pomemb- na. Zato raziskava z uporabo metode APLIS, ki temelji na GIS, raziskuje vodonosnike v provinci Severni Horasan v Iranu. Pri tem smo upoštevali več pomembnih hidrogeoloških parametrov, ki vplivajo na napajanje vodonosnika, vključno z nadmorsko višino, naklonom, litologijo, tipom tal in infil- tracijo. Za vsakega od parametrov smo pripravili informacije v ustreznih oblikah. Po obdelavi in integraciji podatkov smo izračunali hitrost polnjenja vodonosnika. Različne regije smo ustrezno ovrednotili. Rezultati kažejo, da se v kraških formacijah Severnega Horasana letne povprečne vredno- sti v 30-letnem časovnem obdobju gibljejo med 103 mm in 362 mm, s povprečno vrednostjo 192 mm. Najmanjše, najvišje in povprečne stopnje polnjenja vodonosnika v študijskem območju so 42-, 73- in 54-odstotne. Tudi potencial polnjenja vodonosnika je v 83-odstotnih kraških formacij ocenjen kot zmeren, za preostale predele je ocenjen kot visok. Območja z nizkim potencialom polnjenja so povezana z nižje ležečimi zakraselimi apnenci in dolomiti, višje ležeča območja predstav- ljajo apnenci in dolomiti z višjim potencialom polnjenja. Ključne besede: upravljanje podzemnih vodnih virov, napa- janje, APLIS, GIS, kras, Severni Horasan. 1 Department of Earth Sciences, College of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, e-mail: 2 Department of Earth Sciences, College of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, e-mail: 3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran, e-mail: * Corresponding Author Received/Prejeto: 06.11.2016 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2−3, 283–294, POSTOJNA 2017 Abstract UDC 556.33:551.44(55) Hossein Alem, Akbar Esmaeilzadeh Soudejani & Saba Nahas Farmanieh: Groundwater Recharge Assessment in the Karst Aquifers of North Khorasan, Iran Using APLIS Method In order to optimize consumption, maintenance and control of underground water, an estimation of the groundwater recharge is highly important. Therefore, this research investigates the aquifers in North Khorasan province using APLIS (Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station) based on a GIS. For this pur- pose, several significant hydrogeological parameters affecting groundwater recharge including altitude, slope, lithology, soil type and infiltration are considered. Therefore, corresponding layers for these parameters were provided and prioritized. In the end and after integrating the data, the recharge rate was measured qualitatively and different regions were mapped ac- cordingly. The results indicate that the annual average values on a 30-year timescale in karst formations of the North Khorasan vary between 103 mm and 362 mm, with the mean value of 192 mm. Minimum, maximum and mean recharge rates of aquifer in the study area are 42 %, 73 % and 54 %, respectively. Also, aquifer recharge potential in 83 % of the karst formations is moderate while it is high for the remaining. Low recharge regions correlate to lower karst limestone and dolostone areas in the lower altitudes while high recharge regions represent up- per karst limestone and dolostone areas, especially in the high altitudes. Key words: Groundwater resource management, Recharge, APLIS, GIS, karst, North Khorasan. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017284 HOSSEIN ALEM, AKBAR ESMAEILZADEH SOUDEJANI & SABA NAHAS FARMANIEH The increasing population and considerable agricultural and industrial activities, which play a prominent role in the intense decline of aquifer levels, have increased the demand for fresh water. Since the resources are limited, proper maintenance and control on the one hand and appropriate consumption on the other hand require a comprehensive management (Esmaeili & Moore 2012; Nematollahi et al. 2016). The study and management of karst formations are significant due to their profusion and potential in the creating underground aquifers. The recharge rate is one of the basic parameters in consump- tion management and maintenance of these resources (Hartmann et al. 2014). Recharge of an aquifer can be defined as the annual average volume that is usually in the form of resources or the average annual input as well as a percentage of precipitation commonly known as ‘rate of recharge’ or ‘effective infiltration’ (Mejías et al. 2012; Andreo et al. 2008). The measured time series of groundwater levels have often been used to quantify the recharge against time (Scanlon et al. 2002) but the heterogeneity of karst rocks in karst areas makes this method insufficient (Bakalowicz 2005). Methods based on GIS, which utilize geographic attributes of parameters such as geology, altitude, slope, soil type, vegetation and mean annual precipitation, are often applied in order to determine the spatio-tempo- ral distribution of recharge of karst formation (Andreo et al. 2008; Allocca et al. 2014). In this regard, calcula- tion of recharge through conventional methods (evapo- transpiration, natural, chemical or synthetic isotopic tracing, and calculation of precipitation against time) or through numerical models has limitations such as lack of access to accurate and periodic data (Radulovic et al. 2012). In the area under study, due to the lack of peri- odic assessment of the discharge of large springs, such methods produce limitations and problems in calcula- tion of recharge (Guardiola-Albert et al. 2015). Recent years showed significant improvements in assessment methods which are in direct relation to GIS software and many researchers have used these methods (Jyrka- ma & Sykes 2007; Scibek & Allen 2006; Marechal et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2006; Samper et al. 2005; Conrad et al. 2004; Tapia Silva & Mora Flores 2004; Peña & Arcos 2004; Bouraoui et al. 1998; Burke 1995). These methods make the calculation of groundwater recharge easier through a quicker and more concise analysis (Peña & Arcos 2004). In this context and in order to overcome the problems and achieve a more realistic estimation of recharge in karst environment, based on indigenous variables of the aquifer, the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME) has used a new technique called APLIS (Alti- tude, Pendant or Slope, Lithology, Infiltration, Soil) (Andreo et al. 2008). Comparatively better than pre- vious models, this method does not require accurate and periodic data and therefore significantly decreases the costs of water resource management (López-Geta et al. 2004). Also, this method allows for the mapping of the spatial distribution of spontaneous recharge of the aquifers in the area (Espinoza et al. 2015). On the other hand, the precise study of autogenic recharge in carbon- ate rocks (including direct recharge, local and central- ized recharge through shallow pits, and even indirect recharge through the substrate of surface water), as well as determination of the annual recharge of groundwater in karst formations are the advantages of APLIS method (Martos-Rosillo 2015). This method can be considered a new branch of recharge calculation study with math- ematical expressions and can be called the technique for aquifer recharge calculation using remote testing and GIS (Andreo et al. 2008). This method doesn’t have the problems common in conventional methods because the infiltration is studied by attending to the inherent properties of a karst aquifer (such as altitude, slope, li- thology, infiltration and soil type). The APLIS index has specifically been used in eight aquifers in Spain where the results were consistent with the standard recharge rate (Andreo et al. 2015). However, this method has been applied in other carbonate aquifers around the world such as Southeast Spain (Touhami et al. 2013; Aguilera & Murillo 2009), Greece (Zagana et al. 2011), Cuba (Farfán et al. 2010), northeastern Oman (Gerner et al. 2012), the Mediterranean (Hartmann et al. 2014), Southern Spain (Martos-Rosillo et al. 2008) and has achieved successful results. Given the extent of upper Jurassic and lower Creta- ceous Limestone in the cities of Shirvan, Bojnord, Faruj, Safiabad and Moshkan and the expansion of karst in these areas, potential aquifers with abundant fractures and fissures have been created in hard carbonate for- mations. The discharge of local springs has significantly decreased in recent years and a comprehensive study in these karst zones seems necessary, given their significant role in provision of water used for drinking and agricul- ture in North Khorasan, especially Shirvan – Asfrayn area. Given the significance of the recharge amount and diversity in discharge of water resources in the area, this study aimed to estimate the annual recharge rate of groundwater in karst formations, including those within cities of Shirvan, Bojnord, Faruj, Safiabad and Moshkan on a scale of 1:100000. INTRODUCTION ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 285 GROUNDWATER RECHARGE ASSESSMENT IN THE KARST AqUIFERS OF NORTH KHORASAN, IRAN USING APLIS METHOD GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AREA The area under study is located between eastern latitudes 56˚ 56´ to 58˚ 30´ and northern longitudes 36˚ 51´ to 37˚ 30´ (Fig. 1). Morphologically, this area includes both plains and mountains, with the lowest point at an altitude of about 928 meters. The height points of the area include a wider range from the north-west to south-east, with a maximum altitude of 3026 meters above the sea level. With an altitude of 1095 meters above the sea level, Shir- van city is located at the center of the area under study. In terms of weather, the northern half of the area has mild and relatively humid summers and relatively cold winters while summer heat does not exceed 40 °C. Due to proximity to Esfaraien plain, the southern half of the area has relatively warm and dry summers, so that dur- ing summer the heat reaches to 45 °C. The mean annual precipitation is 275 mm. Average temperatures in April and May 2015 have been reported 10.3 °C and 18.2 °C, respectively, which, compared to the previous year, are cooler although compared to a long-term statistical pe- riod, they’re warmer. Based on different methods and classifications, the area under study is semi-arid, with cold winters. GEOLOGICAL AND STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF THE AREA Structurally, the area under study belongs to Kopet Dag and Binalud structural zones, except for a small section in the southeast corner of the area that is located in central Iran. Due to a compression stress, this area stretches over a north-northeast and south-southwest direction. That stress is first visible in shortening and folding, creating thrust faults in some areas as pressure rises (Shabanian et al. 2010). Most of these faults are strike-slip faults with dumping and sometimes normal components; however, a number of thrust faults have been identified with wrin- kling and much older than strike-slip faults (Ramazani Oomali et al. 2008). The geological formations of the area (Fig. 2; Tab. 1) date back to the second period, the Neogene period in tertiary, and the quaternary (i.e. Kopet Dag zone). From the various lime sets, karst springs such as Golian, Khos- ravieh, Garmab, Zoeram, Chehel Cheshme, Beshori, Vali Beik, Samand Devin Solocheshme and Starkhihave have outcropped. Deposition of the Paleozoic and Triassic is found in the southern half of the plate in the Binalood zone but the deposition at both Kopet Dag and Binalud continued steadily since the development of the Jurassic GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING fig. 1: geographical location of the study area. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017286 Sea up until the end of Cretaceous. Therefore no con- siderable difference between depositions related to the Jurassic and Cretaceous on the Kopet Dag and Binalud can be observed (Moussavi-Harami & Brenner 1992), so much so that field observations suggest that outcropped formations of Binalud Paleozoic stretch under Kopet Dag as well. What follows is a brief account of the char- acteristics of lithology units in the area under study. HyDRO-GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE AREA The karst zone of the area under study is located east of the North Khorasan. The relatively good precipita- tion, potential carbonate formations such as Tiregan, Mozdvaran, Tizkuh, Mila, Khoshyeilagh and Abderaz, and active tectonics responsible for plenty of fissures and fractures, have been effective in creating the large aqui- fers of the area. Calcareous zones have covered an area of 1810 square kilometers. Karst springs such as Starkhy, Beshori, Khosravieh, Zoeram, Solocheshme, Garmab, Vali Beik, Golian, Samand Devin and Chehel cheshme have outcropped of these karst zones. According to ex- isting statistics (2003−2014), the average discharge of the 6 karst springs that originate from these calcareous zones is 49.0 m3/s while Starkhy and Solocheshme, the largest springs of this karst zone, emit 179.0 m3/s and 108.0 m3/s, respectively. In the area under study, Bar- zoo River is the main source of groundwater recharge. The river flows from northern heights of Shirvan and through Shirvan city to unite with Atrak River. Thus, this river plays an essential role in recharging underground aquifers in Shirvan plain. The other river is Atrak which originates from the Hezar-masjed, Aladagh and Binalud mountains and lies northwest to the area. The present underground aquifers includes Esfarayen aquifer (which covers large parts in southwest of the area under study and is hydraulically connected with Cal Shour and Cal Jelogir rivers), the southern Safiabad aquifer (which is located in south of the study area and has a hydraulic connection with Cal Shour), the north Safiabad aquifer (which is located in south of the area under study and is hydraulically connected with Esfarayen aquifer, as well as Ab Karane, Cal Shoon and Ab Haragh rivers), and fi- nally, the quchan aquifer in Shirvan (which is located in the northeastern of the area under study and is hy- draulically connected with Atrak and Chery rivers). The aquifer in Shirvan city through the eastern end of the plain has a relatively good qualify for irrigation and is of sodium sulfate type. fig. 2: geological map of North khorasan on a scale of 1:100000 (based on geological map of Shirvan, Bojnord, faruj, Safiabad and Moshkan on a scale of 1: 100,000 at the National geological Institution of Iran). tab. 1: The altitude variable and scoring. Value 5 6 7 8 9 10 Elevation (m) 900−1200 1200−1800 1800−2100 2100−2400 2400−2700 2700−3100 HOSSEIN ALEM, AKBAR ESMAEILZADEH SOUDEJANI & SABA NAHAS FARMANIEH ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 287 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The mean recharge rate (R) for every aquifer is the av- erage values of R corresponding to spatial units in the recharge map. In this scheme, there are ten rankings for each variable while each ranking is scored in an arithme- tic progression of 1 to 10 (Andreo et al. 2008). Points 1 and 10 indicate minimum and maximum effective infil- tration, respectively. In the following, the generated lay- ers in this method are described. INFORMATIONAL VARIABLES Altitude variable The 5m-DEM of area was produced in GIS Software us- ing data from AutoCAD (such as altitude points, canals, elevation points and fracture of the area under study). Then this map was introduced to software and after the operation, the altitude map was extracted as output. The altitude variable was classified in ten sequences at inter- vals of 300 m (Tab. 1) and scores of 1 to 10 assigned to each ranking (Andreo et al. 2008). Given the minimum altitude of the area under study (919.4 m), this variable was ranked in 6 sequences (scores from 5 to 10). Given that a major portion of the area is located at high altitude, high points represent them so that point 10, for example, is prevailing in the area under study (Fig. 3). The pro- duced layer for this variable and scores of each sequence show that with larger altitude, the precipitation increases, leading to greater aquifer recharge. Also, difference be- tween recharge amounts of altitude higher than 3,100 AMSL is not significant. Slope variable The map of slopes in the area under study was produced in GIS software using the existing slope data obtained from the National Geological Institution of Iran with scale of 1:100000 and then was ranked in 9 different sequences (Tab. 2). In the scoring system, point 7 was removed. Rat- ing of slope at irregular intervals was done in accordance with the classification used in Andalusia Environmental Information System, where the slope is divided into 9 cat- egories and point 7 is deleted from the slope table (Andreo et al. 2008). The scores assigned to the slope parameters decrease as slope gets steeper which means that increase in slope leads to decrease in groundwater recharge (Fig. 3). Therefore, low areas with a minimum slope get the highest scores (i.e. score 10). At heights, the slope is mainly be- tween 3, 4 and 5 and rarely larger than this. Lithology variable Based on field observations and stratigraphic studies for the lithology variable, calcareous formations of Mozdu- The APLIS method has been applied to estimate the mean infiltration into the carbonate aquifer of precipitation for 30 years and to study the geographical distribution and expansion of karst developments. This method requires a mathematical statement that could stand for a hybrid or superposition layer (Syndepositional) in terms of the main variables of infiltration, since recharge is a result of the physical characteristics of the aquifer. These variables do not have the same weight or importance in recharge. Therefore, the information layers of each variable have been valued according to the ranking system of APLIS and have been combined by using the method equation of APLIS (Andreo et al. 2008) to determine the weight of each variable. Various multidisciplinary approaches in- cluding regression analysis (least squares linear fitting), ideal spot analysis, and linear weighted sum method have been used to determine the weight of each variable. The recharge rate can be calculated by combining the inher- ent variables of each aquifer such as the altitude above the sea level, slope, lithology, infiltration, and type of soil. The total mean recharge rate of an aquifer can be calcu- lated by entering information layers of each variable into GIS software environment using Equation 1 below, also known as APLIS index of recharge (Andreo et al. 2008). R=(A+P+3×L+2×I+S)/0.9 (Eq. 1) In this equation (Eq. 1), R represents the mean rate recharge, A: altitude, P: Pendant or Slope, L: Lithology, I: Preferential infiltration, and S: Soil type. The weight of each variable in the equation demonstrates their im- portance in determining the recharge rate (Duran et al. 2004). So, the lithology variable is three times more effec- tive than the altitude (above the sea level), slope and soil whereas the variable of preferential infiltration in the ar- eas is twice more effective than the mentioned variables. When divided by 0.9, the recharge rate from the precipi- tation on the surface of aquifer is about 8.88 to 88.8 %. In other words, recharge happens all the time, although this amount never reaches 100 % of precipitation. METHODS GROUNDWATER RECHARGE ASSESSMENT IN THE KARST AqUIFERS OF NORTH KHORASAN, IRAN USING APLIS METHOD ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017288 aran, Lar and Tiregan (the original lime formations in the area) are made of bright pink lime, dolomitic lime, brown orbitolina lime and reef lime with marl interlayer that are distinguished by having many fissures. Accord- ingly and taking into account these observations, point 8 was determined for the areas covered with limestone. Therefore, as shown below (Tab. 3) limestone and fis- sured, fractured and partly karsted dolomite will be con- sidered as the dominant rock formations in the area. fig. 3: The altitude map and values of the layers. tab. 2: The slope variable and scoring. Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 Slope (%) 100< 76-100 46-76 31-46 21-31 16-21 8-16 3-8 3≥ fig. 4: The slope map and the slope values. HOSSEIN ALEM, AKBAR ESMAEILZADEH SOUDEJANI & SABA NAHAS FARMANIEH ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 289 Soil variable The classification of different soil types and rating sys- tem for these variables are presented in Table 4. Based on field studies, soil in the area is mainly calcareous regosols and fluvisols. Therefore, the point 8 was assigned to the layer of this variable. This type of soil is formed with very low thickness on hard formations and classified as poorly evolved soils. The thickness of this kind of soil is less than 50 cm. Preferential infiltration variable Ten rankings ranging from 1 to 10 were assigned to Pref- erential Infiltration variable. Points 1 and 10 are awarded to areas with minimum and maximum Preferential In- filtration, respectively. As mentioned above, this layer is the outcome of three layers: slope, fault and rock type. According to the instruction of APLIS method 10 inter- vals are considered for the slope variable. That is as it was said; the variable 7 has been deleted. In fact, by increas- ing the gradient, the Preferential Infiltration variable has increased. Also, three intervals are considered for the fracture variable. Naturally, with increasing distance from junction and fault zones, the level of Preferential Infiltration decreases. In the case of Lithology variable; due to the unitary lithology of karst formations of the region Score 1 will be awarded (Tab. 5). Finally, accord- ing to the mean amount found for three layers, prefer- ential infiltration rate was determined for different areas (Fig. 5). Accordingly, the preferential infiltration often occurs in low-slope areas which are made of limestone and normally are characterized by their potential to be- come karst. CALCULATION OF THE RECHARGE RATE Qualitative calculation of the recharge rate In order to estimate the mean rate of aquifer recharge in the area under study, information layers were combined according to the APLIS equation in the GIS environment fig. 5: Map of preferential Infiltration of areas. tab. 3: The lithology variable and scoring of this variable. Value Lithology variable 9-10 Limestone and karst dolomite 7-8 Limestone and fissured and fractured and partly karst dolomite 5-6 Limestone and fissured and fractured dolomite 4 Sand and Gravel 3 Conglomerate 2 Intrusive and metamorphic rocks 1 Shale, silt, sand tab. 4: The soil variable and scoring of this variable. Soil variable Leptosols Arenosols and xerosols Calcareous regosols and fluvisols Euthric regosols and solonchaks Cambisols Euthric cambisols Histosols and luvisols Chromic luvisols Planosols Vertisols Value 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GROUNDWATER RECHARGE ASSESSMENT IN THE KARST AqUIFERS OF NORTH KHORASAN, IRAN USING APLIS METHOD ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017290 (Fig. 6). Based on the calculations, minimum, maximum and mean recharge rate in aquifers under study were 42 %, 73 % and 54 %, respectively. Spatially, the mean recharge rate obtained from APLIS in this study (54 %) is in compliance with other studies in different regions with a recharge rate of 32 % – 54 % (Andreo et al. 2008). The results show that 83 % of karst formations in North Khorasan have moderate recharge and remaining 17 % shows high recharge (Tab. 6). Low-recharge areas have a very good correlation with the areas at lower altitudes that have no karst for- mations in limestones. Areas with sufficient recharge associated with karst in the limestone and dolomite are shown below. Also, areas with high recharge are located in the vicinity of the main springs of Shirvan. In these areas, recharge rate increases in proportion to altitude. Such an association seems logical since higher areas have less soil thickness and therefore have more diverse veg- etation. Therefore, less water is lost to evaporation and transpiration (evapotranspiration). Equally important is the water from sinkholes that plays an important role in fig. 6: Map of the recharge rate estimation using the APLIS method in the study area. fig. 7: The altitude-precipitation relationship in the area under study. tab. 5: The preferential infiltration variable and scoring of this variable. Variable slope (%) ≤3 8−3 8−16 21−16 31−21 46−31 76−46 100−76 100< Distance from the main fracture (m) ≤ 50 150−50 300−150 Lithology Value 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 Value 10 6 2 1 tab. 6: Different recharge ranges used to draw the map of spatial distribution of recharge. Different recharge ranges (%) ≤ 20 20-40 40-60 60-80 ≥80 Recharge very low low moderate high very high HOSSEIN ALEM, AKBAR ESMAEILZADEH SOUDEJANI & SABA NAHAS FARMANIEH ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017 291 was plotted (Fig. 7). Equation 2 is obtained from the fit of these points. Y=0.1349 X+96.028 (Eq. 2) In this regard, X stands for altitude variable, and y stands for the precipitation variable based on the altitude. After putting the equation in GIS software and introduc- ing variable X as altitude DEM, variable y was given as recharge rate in low areas. So, the presence of water of sinkholes in low-altitude areas may be responsible for altitude-specific differences in recharge. Quantitive calculation of the recharge rate Based on the mean precipitation over a span of 30 years from rain-gauging stations in the area (Tab. 7) and on the altitude of each station, Precipitation-Altitude Graph fig. 8: Map of precipitation rate of area under study. fig. 9: Map of the mean annual recharge rate in the karst formations in a 30-year period. GROUNDWATER RECHARGE ASSESSMENT IN THE KARST AqUIFERS OF NORTH KHORASAN, IRAN USING APLIS METHOD ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017292 DEM output for precipitation rate in the area with ac- curacy of 5 meters (Fig. 8). Then using the precipitation DEM and the recharge rate for karst formations in area under study (using APLIS), mean input of precipitation in North Khorasan for 30-year period was obtained in GIS software (Fig. 9). Accordingly, the mean annual recharge rate in the karst formations of Northern Kho- rasan over a 30-year period is between 103 to 362 mm with an mean rate of 192 mm that has a good correlation with increase in altitude. In this way, the mean annual recharge rate is maximum in high karst areas with plenty of fissures and fractures and low-slope. tab. 7: Information from Rain-gauging Stations of North khorasan. Station name River name Y X Elevation Precipitation rate(mm) Chery Chery 371037 580909 1338 348 Seiek ab shirvan Atrak 372451 575556 4401 254 Asadly Atrak 371731 572134 1800 337 Beshghardash Atrak 372440 571706 1116 251 Farug Atrak 371410 581310 1194 269 Shurak Shurak 372233 574143 1168 251 Bidovaz esfaraien Esfaraien 370403 573034 1262 244 Rubin araghi Araghi 371115 572522 1391 280 Khosh esfaraien Calshur jajrom 370747 572026 1116 222 Nushirvan Bidovaz 370437 573622 1440 294 CONCLUSION The APLIS method is applied on a regional scale. The spatial distribution of recharge is determined and main advantage in comparison with conventional methods. But since the recharge map is on a regional scale, it is not realistic to expect a high accuracy and the map should be used cautiously for detailed analyses on a local scale. Using APLIS method, in this study the spatial distri- bution of recharge of the karst areas of Shirvan Plain- Es- farayen in North Khorasan was assessed. In this method, which is based on spatial information and positioning, the map of mean recharge rate was based on information layers of altitude, slope, lithology, soil and preferential infiltration zones was developed in GIS software. The results indicate that the limestone and fissured, fractured and partly karsted dolomite should be consid- ered as the dominant rock formations in the area partic- ularly in low-slope altitudes and areas. The results show that minimum recharge rate in the area under study is 42 %, mainly located in karst areas. Low-recharge areas are in a very close correlation with the zones free of karst at lower altitudes. Recharge rate in karst highlands with low slopes and abundant fissures has been determined to be around 73 %, a maximum rate. Also, 83 % of karst formations in North Khorasan have moderate recharge while 17 % has a high recharge level. The annual rate of recharge in the karst formations of Northern Khorasan over a 30-year period is between 103 mm to 362 mm with a mean rate of 192 mm. Taking into account the recharge rate in differ- ent area of zoning, the proper management measures can be planned in order to conserve and consumption management of water resources. In this way, using water resources in the region would be strictly controlled by the recharge rate of precipitation and especially where recharge rate is low using water resources should be con- trolled. 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