XANTHONEURIA, A NEW GENUS OF STONEFLY (PLECOPTERA: PERLIDAE) FROM JAPAN Shigekazu Uchida1 Bill P. Stark2 and Ignac Sivec3 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Aichi Institute of Techonology, Toyota, 470-0392, Japan, E-mail: s-uchida@aitech.ac.jp 2 Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U.S.A. 39058 E-mail: stark@mc.edu 3 Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P.O. Box 290, SLO-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: isivec@pms-lj.si ABSTRACT Xanthoneuria is proposed as a new genus of acroneurine stonefly with Acroneuria fulva (Klapalek) as type species. Xanthoneuria bolivari (Klapalek), new combination, X. jouklii (Klapalek), new combination, and X. unimaculata (Zhiltzova) are also transferred to the new genus, and a key is presented to assist in distinguishing Japanese members of the genus. Keywords: Xanthoneuria, Plecoptera, Perlidae, New genus, Japan INTRODUCTION Ricker (1950) endorsed the practice of recognizing stonefly subgenera by listing, among others, Beloneuria Needham & Claassen, Eccoptura Klapalek and Hesperoperla Banks as subgenera of Acroneuria Pictet. Ricker (1954) added Attaneuria and Calineuria as new subgenera of this genus and Illies (1966) gave them generic status. Uchida (1983) transferred Acroneuria stigmatica Klapalek and Acroneuria jezoensis Okamoto to genus Calineuria and also recognized a new species, C. crassicauda Uchida for Japan. Later Uchida (1990) proposed a new genus for Perla bolivari Klapalek, Acroneuria fulva Klapalek and Acroneuria jouklii Klapalek, however that generic name was never published. In this study, we propose a new generic name, Xanthoneuria, to include these three Japanese species and one species from the Russian Far East and Korea, as suggested by Uchida (1990). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Xanthoneuria Uchida, gen. nov. (Figs. 1-14) Type species: Acroneuria fulva Klapalek, 1907 Species list and known distribution: Xanthoneuria bolivari (Klapalek, 1907), comb. nov. -Honshu X. fulva (Klapalek, 1907), comb. nov. - Hokkaido, Honshu X. jouklii (Klapalek, 1907), comb. nov. - Honshu X. unimaculata (Zhiltzova, 1981) - Korea, Russian Far East Male genitalia. Abdominal terga 1-8 unmodified; tergum 9 with a posteromedian pair of dark sclerites 1 4 5 ..".''.'■/^''Vr'.. '.'»II I t * ' ,( ' I k kM IJ' , j j' V?'' iV » k k, I « '/iff ; ^ ^ t i f: . * * . . ♦ • ' , 0.05 7 8 Figs. 1-8. Male genitalic structures of Xanthoneuria fulva. 1. Terga 9-10. 2. Sternum 9, lateral aspect. 3. Sternum 9, ventral aspect. 4. Right paraproct, anteromedian aspect. 5. Everted penis, lateral aspect. 6. Everted penis, ventral aspect. 7. Everted penis, dorsal aspect. 8. Contracted penis, dorsal aspect. 9 10 11 itv lU " ; i-": Ii - V".-""r: a -r . •• -v- V ■■ ^ . X 12 13 Figs. 9-13. Female genitalic structures and egg of Xanthoneuria fulva. 9. Subgenital plate, ventral aspect. 10. Subgenital plate margin, dorsal aspect. 11. Subgenital plate, lateral aspect. 12. Egg. 13. Vagina and sterna 8-9 (scale 0.05 mm for setal detail insets). and tergum 10 bearing a darkened, fused epiproct sclerite (Fig. 1). Paraprocts with a short pointed hook (Fig. 4). Sternum 9 with a transversely elongate, ellipsoidal hammer (Figs. 2-3); membranes adjacent to hammer hairy, convex anteriorly and concave posteriorly. Penis membranous, without sclerites and consisting of five telescoped sections variously armed with fine spinules and hairs (Figs. 5-8). Basal section bearing a ventral band of slender spinules; second section short and covered by fine, short spinules and sparse hairs ventrally and laterally; third section bearing lateral patches of short spinules; fourth section very short with dense band of short spinules laterally and ventrally and apical section with sparse covering of fine slender spinules, a pair of dorsobasal swellings and a pair of dorsal projections adjacent to gonopore. Female genitalia. Sternum 8 with a round convex subgenital plate delimited anteriorly by a narrow membranous fold (Figs. 9-11). Posterior margin with a small mesal notch; margin bearing minute hairs; dorsal membrane of plate bearing a transverse sclerite. Vagina membranous, without sclerites but bearing fine internal spinules (Fig. 13). Spermatheca larger than vagina, with thick stalk and 5-12 accessory glands. Egg. Oval, or with one or two large lateral depressions. Anchor large, bowl shaped, without pedicel and covering basal half of egg (Fig. 12). Distal third of anchor thickened, forming a wide circular band. Collar absent. Chorion with minute punctures and shallow hexagonal follicle cell impressions. Micropylar canals straight. A B 14 Fig. 14. Larval proventriculus for Xanthoneuria fulva (A) and X. jouklii (B) (scale 0.05 mm for details of armature, 1.0 mm for others). Mature larva. Body length 17-37 mm. General color pale yellow marked with dark brown in fresh specimens, bleaching to white in alcohol. Occipital spinule row irregularly spaced. Anterior strip of proventriculus flat, completely armed with golden spines except bare posterior end (Fig. 14). Strip on superior fold was as wide as, or slightly wider than, that on inferior fold. Accessory patch of spines often present between major anterior strips. Posterior spinule patch ca. two-fifths as long as anterior patch. Diagnosis. Xanthoneuria is allied to the Calineuria-Doroneuria-Hesperoperla group of tribe Acroneuriini by virtue of the shared epiproct sclerite and irregularly spaced larval occipital spinule row. Penial armature in Calineuria and Hesperoperla consists of much heavier concentrations of thicker and longer spines (Stark & Gaufin 1974; Baumann & Stark 1980) than is present in the new genus, and that of Doroneuria is fundamentally different with the presence of a large dorsal sclerite (Stark & Gaufin 1974). Eggs of Xanthoneuria lack a collar which distinguishes them from eggs of Calineuria and Hesperoperla (Stark & Gaufin 1976); the eggs are generally similar to those of Doroneuria (Stark & Gaufin 1976) but the females of that genus lack a developed subgenital plate. Larvae of the new genus are distinct from related genera by several characters, most notably in the presence of pale pigment over most of the abdominal terga. The following species key will distinguish adult species of Xanthoneuria from Japan. Calineuria and Doroneuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Great Basin Naturalist, 34:83-93. Stark, B.P. & A.R. Gaufin. 1976. The nearctic genera of Perlidae (Plecoptera). Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America, 10:1-77. Uchida, S. 1983. A new species of Calineuria (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Japan, with notes on the Japanse [sic] species of the genus. Kontyu, 51:622-627. Uchida, S. 1990. A revision of the Japanese Perlidae (Insecta: Plecoptera), with special reference to their phylogeny. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Tokyo Metropolitan University. 228 pp. Zhiltzova, L.A. 1981. [New species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Far East]. Pp.:3-7. In: (Morphology and Systematics of Insects of the Far East. Trudi Zool. Inst. AN SSSR 92 (Russian). 1 Femora and tibiae yellow except for black distal femoral margin and dark tibial base.........fulva V Femora and/or tibiae with extensive dark brown pigment...................................................2 2 Dorsodistal margin of femora yellow......bolivari 2' Dorsodistal margin of femora dark brown .. jouklii Received 5 October 2010, Accepted 10 February 2010, Published 9 March 2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Peter Zwick for his helpful comments clarifying the status of unpublished names in theses. REFERENCES Baumann, R.W. & B.P. Stark. 1980. Hesperoperla hoguei, a new species of stonefly from California (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Great Basin Naturalist, 40:63-67. Illies, J. 1966. Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera. Das Tierreich. Lieferung 82. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin. 632 pp. Klapalek, F. 1907. Über die Arten der Unterfamilie Perlinae aus Japan. Bulletin International de l'Academie des Sciences de Boheme, 12:257-274. Ricker, W.E. 1950. Some evolutionary trends in Plecoptera. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 59:197-209. Ricker, W.E. 1954. Nomenclatorial notes on Plecoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 51:37-39. Stark, B.P. & A.R. Gaufin. 1974. The species of