Poročilo predsednice Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo se nahaja v prelomnici delovanja: uspešni programi, ki smo jih v letih načrtovali, zahtevajo vedno več časa. Tako so nekateri člani preobremenjeni in društvo potrebuje novih moči. V letu 2014 je bil delovni program precej zahteven in smo poleg rednega dela pričeli še z obnovo knjige »OD ATLANTIKA DO PACIFIKA«. Za pomoč smo poprosili Cvetko Kocjančič. Sestavljen je bil pododbor s člani: Frank Brence, voditelj odbora, Cvetka Kocjančič, glavna urednica, Stane Kranjc, Peter Čekuta, Frank Majzelj, Milena Soršak, dr. Janez Vintar, Jerry Ponikvar in Jožica Vegelj. Veliko truda in reklame j e bilo vloženega v nagradni projekt za študente, ki naj bi obogatil arhive KSZD z družinskimi podatki, slikami in pogovori. Člani pododbora so: Jerry Ponikvar, Mary Desanti, Miriam Čekuta, dr. Janez Vintar in Jožica Vegelj. O programu je bila redno obveščena slovenska skupnost na prireditvah, v Glasilu in Naši Zgodovini. Pododbor je sklenil, da bo program predstavil učencem slovenskih sobotnih šol. Odbor se je že posvetoval z učitelji slovenskih šol in so pripravljeni sodelovati. Namesto posameznikov pa bo odbor nagradil slovenske šole, ki bodo sodelovale. V preteklem letu je Kanadsko slovensko društvo razstavljalo arhivsko gradivo, ki prikazuje dosežke Kanadskih Slovencev, zgodovino kluba ali cerkve ob praznovanju pomembnih obletnic. • Slovenski dan v Hamiltonu: Podobe kanadskih Slovencev • 50 letnica društva Slovenski Park v Guelph-u: obširna razstava v sliki in besedi, organizirali Frank Majzelj, Frank Pinter in pomočniki • 50 letnica Župnije sv. Gregorjia Velikega v Hamiltonu, organizirali župnik Drago Gačnik, F. Majzelj, J. Vegelj in pomočniki • 60 letnica Župnije Marije Pomagaj, v Torontu. Organizirali Mary Rozmanc, Frank Brence, Miriam Čekuta in Ciril Soršak. Naj omenim, da je vsaka razstava obletnic v sliki zahtevala najmanj 300 ur dela. • Dr. Anne Urbančič je objavila članke v Glasilu in Naši Zgodovini poleg drugih publikacij. Kanadskemu zgodovinskemu društvu so mnogi že darovali svoje številne knjižne zbirke. Do sedaj smo prejeli približno 4000 knjig. Te nudimo posameznikom, da si jih lahko doma preberejo. Arhivska pisarna v Domu Lipa je že skoraj napolnjena z arhivskim gradivom, tako smo morali poiskati prostor za darovane knjige drugje. V mesecu maju smo se dogovorili z župnijo Sv. Gregorja Velikega v Hamiltonu za uporabo prostorov. Nabaviti je bilo potrebno primerne police, sedaj pa je na vrsti namestitev knjig po sistemu kanadskih knjižnic. To delo zahteva več časa, kot smo si predstavljali. Blagajnik in založnik Frank Brence redno izdaja naše glasilo Naša Zgodovina in ga elektronsko pošilja vsem slovenskim društvom v Kanadi in posameznikom po svetu. Da zmoremo kriti strože delovanja, se moramo zahvaliti vsem, ki finančno ali drugače podpirate naše društvo. V letošnjem letu se prav iskreno zahvalimo sledečim: Uradu za Slovence po svetu in tujini (RS), Krekovi Hranilnici, Slovenia Credit Union, Župniji sv. Gregorjia Velikega, Slovenskemu Parku in častnemu konzulu John-u Doma. Iz poročila je razvidno, da Kanadsko slovensko društvo začenja novo poglavje in upamo, da bomo kos novim izzivom. Vsem članom odbora, arhivistu in prostovoljcem gre zahvala za dolgoletno uspešno delovanje. Želimo -vam -vesele-Velikonočne -praznike/ I i*fl Our presence in the Communi In 2014 Marija Pomagaj (Our Lady Help of Christians Parish) on Manning Avenue in Toronto, marked 60 years as a religious and cultural centre for Toronto's Canadian Slovenian Community. Where have the years gone?! Last October, the CSHS was asked to prepare a display for the 60th anniversary celebratory luncheon at the parish hall of Our Lady Help of Christians, held on December 14th. A search of our own archives turned up only a few photos of activities that took place at the church. This presented an opportunity to search our own albums and those of family and friends. In addition, parishioners kindly contributed copies of their photos and memorabilia. In total we collected over 400 photos! These were digitalized by Frank Brence and some were included in the slide show at the anniversary celebratory luncheon. A panel display was created of church and community events that took place over the 60 years including marriages, baptisms, confirmations, celebratory masses, concerts, choirs, plays, and Slovenian classes for the youth of the parish. On display was a copy of the program for the Solemn Blessing and Dedication of the Church on December 19th 1954, as well as a copy of programs for the 25th, 40th and 50th church celebrations. These were donated by long standing parishioner Mrs. Kraljic. Along with these important artefacts, we were particularly interested in obtaining a copy of the decree allowing for the building of the church. A copy of the decree was not in the possession of the Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto. Their Archivist informed us that because this parish was administered by the Vincentian (lazaristi) religious order, they might have a copy of the decree. Instead, the Toronto archives had a letter from the Sacred Congregation of the Council now called the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy. We were amazed to discover that this letter was not written in Slovenian or in English but in Latin! The Archivist herself did not have a translated copy. We were fortunate to have the document translated into Slovenian by Father Ivan Plazar with assistance from retired Slovenian Archbishop Dr. Anton Stres. In this letter, dated July 20th 1953, Cardinal Bruno, Praefectus, grants the request from Cardinal McGuigan, Archbishop of Toronto, for the loan of $50,000 to build a Slovenian church in Toronto. This loan was to be repaid in at least fifteen years. It is truly amazing that a small community of newly arrived immigrants was able to commit to such a large loan in order to build a church that would play an important role in the religious and cultural life of Canadian Slovenians in Toronto. The CSHS board members would like to thank everyone that contributed photos and materials to the display and their feedback and help in identifying individuals in the photos. Although we removed the display on March 3rd 2015, we continue to accept originals or copies of photos and materials to add to the CSHS archives located at Dom Lipa. Mary Rozmanc Images of Canadian Slovenians This display was originally on display in Ljubljana. Since than it has been shown at many Canadian Slovenian events throughout Canada. On March 7, 2015 it was on display at an event called SloveniaFest, organized by Slovenski Dom at the church hall of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal in Toronto. Other organizations participating included: Canadian Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, Krek Slovenian Credit Union, and Slovenia Credit Union. A very interesting concept was displayed by Nightfire Pottery (Emma Murgel), which incorporates Slovenian lace into pottery. Other interesting art and sculptures were also on display. Church Bulletins Anne Urbancic Did you pick up the latest Church Bulletin in your parish? What did you do with it? Where did you read it: at home after church or did you sneak a quick peek during the Mass? Once you finished reading it, where did it end up? Church Bulletins are generally humble in their appearance and intent. The earliest bulletins were simple mimeographed pieces of paper, often a single sheet back and front. They soon became four sided flyers of information, and today often are longer than that. Have you ever considered how the information that you find in them makes a contribution to an archives collection? Church Bulletins, also called Worship Bulletins, offer announcements about events at the Parish for the designated week including Mass times and intentions, and notices of meetings for various church activities. They usually tell us what the Readings and Gospel are, and notify us about upcoming religious celebrations and social events. But if you think about it, they also tell the story of a community, especially today when many parishes print photos in their bulletins as well. In many ways, each church bulletin is an encapsulated history of the parish, a history we are often unaware of on a week-to-week or even year-to-year basis. But as decades pass, we can go back in our archives to read in those brief pages how the parish developed and grew. For instance, on the front page, besides the name, address, iconic logo of the parish, we also have a record of the pastors and their associates. We can see the promotion of the associates to pastor or read about the transfer to other parishes. The first page also gives us contact numbers for some of the parishioners; a thumbnail sketch of the community leaders and the tireless volunteers who direct choirs, chair various committees, and work in the office to ensure a smoothly-run administration. Now let's take a look inside. We can infer how large or small the parish is by the number of Masses, wedding banns, Baptisms, Communions and Confirmations. We can follow the sorrow of families when beloved members pass away. Funerals, of course, are not announced, but we can trace back the loss of a parishioner through commemorative Masses held on anniversaries. Parish activities are an important part of the inside pages. There, the various groups announce their gatherings and events. These need not be only focused on religious occurrences but also cultural and social ones like Miklavzevanje, vinska trgatev, the openings and closings of summer camps, Scouts and Girl Guides, or parish pilgrimages away from the church. The list can go on, each item adding more information about the history of the parish and its community. Sometimes there are inspirational sayings, or even a joke or two. Have you noticed what the language of the Bulletin is? In the Slovenian Oznanili or Vestniki we now often see as much English as Slovenian, a sure sign of how the parish has evolved linguistically through the years. Now look at the back page. Usually advertisements, but these too are of great interest because they give us hints about the business leaders among the parishioners or about the businesses in the surrounding neighbourhood. We scarcely notice when an ad disappears, but in fact, there is always a story behind that decision. Some months ago, going through the effects of a deceased relative, I found an old waterlogged Oznanilo from Marija Pomagaj Parish in Toronto. Looking at the pages brought back many memories of people and groups no longer with us today. Unfortunately, the bulletin was in very bad condition and could not be preserved. A loss indeed. In the Archives of the CSHS you can find bulletins from the various Canadian Slovenian parishes, (see page 4) but the sets are far from complete. If you have individual bulletins, please send them to us. They are storytellers for the whole parish community. A Grateful Farewell Our Archivist Frank Majzelj is leaving CSHS with big shoes to fill. A noted Genealogist, Frank brought his enthusiasm and expertise to the CSHS in 2007. Frank set up the structure of our Archives, including detailed computer records of our holdings, now reaching into multiple thousands. It became his personal mission to locate Frank MajzelJ Slovenian Canadians, past and present, via newspaper clippings, cemetery markers, high school yearbooks and landing records (including Canada's port of entry, Pier 21). Frank's dedication knew no bounds and he was constantly supported and assisted by his devoted wife Mary. Scanning, sorting, researching took many, many hours and included long drives to sources. We are grateful to Frank and wish him the best in the years to come, as he and Mary enjoy a well deserved retirement. PREDRAGI ZTJPLJ ANI l S tem pismom Vam sporočam nekaj važnih dogodkov v naši župniji. 1) NA PRAZNIK MARIJINEGA VNEBOVZETJA V NEDELJO DNE 15 AVGUSTA BOMO IMELI PRVIČ NEDELJSKO SLUŽBO BOŽJO V NAŠEM DOMU OB 20 CESTI. Od takrat naprej bosta tam vsako nedeljo dve maši, in sicer; ena ob 9 uri dopoldne - tiha maša s skupno molitvijo in druga ob 10.30 - glavna maša, pri kateri poje zbor, 2) Isti dan popoldne bomo poromali na božjo pot v ..Slovaško cerkev Marija Vnebovze-te na Barton Street. Vabljene so v prvi vrsti ženske omožene in samske. Lahko pridej o z družinami. Ob 2,3O popoldne bomo v cerkvi pred mi* lastno podxibo.jyiaxij.ino zapeli Lavretanske litani j-e in- nato - posamezno poljubili čudodelno podobo. Prišli- bo,&Q. tudi,alovaški ljudje, ki radi. slišijo naše ljudsko- petje» Po pobožnosti bodo imele ženske kratek sestanek v dvorani pod cerkvijo. Ta^1 bomo prebrali imena vseh, ki ste darovale za cerkveno opremo in končno vsoto, ki se je nabrala v ta namen in za kaj se je porabila. Ob tej priliki lahko gospe, ki niso še imele prilike, dajo svoj prispevek. 3) OBČNI ZBOR VSE ŽUPNIJE se bo vršil v nedeljo dne 22 avgusta v Slovenskem Domu ob 3 uri popoldne. Udeležba je obvezna za vse poglavarje družin in ža samostojne ^samske odrasle. Izvoliti moramo UPRAVNI ODBOR SLOVENSKEGA DOMA 'in napravirtir Važne odloči i{Tve glede Žgforn j ifi~ pros torovT™ k) DRUŽABNI VEČgR S PLESOM je na sporedu za sobotovdne l*f avgusta zvečer, igral bo znani Žužkov orkester iz St, Catharines. Cisti dobiček je namenjen za kritje stroškov, ki smo jih imeli z nakupom kuhinjskega pribora in namizne posode za 300 oseb» Celotni stroški znašajo S 2100. Udeležite se ga v čimveč jem številu. 5) POSEBNO DAROVANJE - OFER - OKOLI OLTARJA bo dne 15 avgusta po obeh mašah. . , . , . ~ ,.. * ■ a) Župljani, ki so podpisali obveze, pa se do sedaj niso zaceli plačevati, naj^dajo svoj prvi znaten obrok. b) Župljani, ki že plačujejo obveze v obrokih, naj prinesejo v koverti nadaljni znaten prispevek. c) Župljani, ki so že vse izplačali naj, če morejo, še nekaj dodaj o. d) Župljani, ki so prišli k nam v zadnjih 2 letih, naj dajo svoj prvi dar v Gradbeni sklad. POSTAVITE SE PO MAŠI V VRSTO, POJDITE OKOLI OLTARJA, POLJUBITE KRIŽ, KI GA BO DUHOVNIK DRŽAL V ROKI IN SPUSTITE KOVERTE S DAROM V SKRINJICO. Kar se bo nabralo, bomo porabili za razširjenje postajališča (parking plače), Razširitev je nujna in neodložljiva. Kam boste deli avte in kako boste hodili po razmočeni glini v slučaju dežja v nedeljo dopoldne, ali pa ob večerih, ko so prireditve. N imamo niti centa več, ne gotovine, ne kredita, pač pa $ 70.000 dolga. PRIDITE VSI, SESTRE IN BRATJE SLOVENCI, K NA§I SLUŽBI BOŽJI NA VELIKI ŠMAREN. NAJ NAS NA TA DAN KONČNO MARIJA ZDRUZI PRI SV. DARITVI. Na svidenje vdani vam Hamilton dne 5 avgusta 196>. Fr. L. Tome Slovenski župnik OUR STORY is published by: Canadian Slovenian Historical Society 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto, ON M9C 1V7 For more information contact: Frank Brence Telephone: 416-281-6794 E-mail: frankbrence@rogers.com In this issue: Poročilo predsednice na občnem zboru 21. februarja 2015 Our presence in the Community Church Bulletins Predragi župljani (Chuch Bulletin from 1965)