_UDK 903'I(520)''634''_ Documenta Praehistorica XXXIV (2007) Reassessing the concept of the 'Neolithic' in the Jomon of Western Japan Simon Kaner and Takeshi Ishikawa Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, UK s.kaner@sainsbury-institute.org t.ishikawa@sainsbury-institute.org ABSTRACT - The concept of the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition is difficult to apply in the Japanese ar- chipelago. The earliest pottery usage occurs in late Palaeolithic contexts. Holocene foragers lived in stable, permanent village settlements and constructed large scale monuments, and the first real 'agri- culture' arrived as part of a cultural package which also included metallurgy. This paper will exa- mine the use of the term 'Neolithic' in the history of Japanese archaeology, with particular emphasis on what happened in the western part of the archipelago in the latter part of the Jomon period (c. 5000 BC - c. 500 BC). Recent investigations in Kyushu and Western Honshu are leading to a reasses- sment of the nature of Jomon culture and society in this region, traditionally considered to have 'lagged behind' the more developed societies of the eastern part of the archipelago, expressed in part through much lower population densities. IZVLEČEK - Koncept mezolitsko-neolitske tranzicije je težko aplicirati na Japonski arhipelag. Prva uporaba keramike se tu pojavlja že v mlajše paleolitskih kontekstih. Holocenski nabiralci hrane so živeli v trdnih, stalno poseljenih vaseh, kjer so gradili velike spomenike. Prvo pravo »poljedelstvo« je prispelo kot del kulturnega paketa, ki je vseboval tudi metalurgijo. V članku bomo analizirali upora- bo termina»neolitik«v zgodovini japonske arheologije. Poseben poudarek namenjamo dogajanju na zahodnem delu arhipelaga v mlajšem obdobju Jomon (okoli 5000 BC - okoli 500 BC). Nedavne raziskave na otokih Kiušu in zahodni Honšu vodijo k ponovni oceni narave Jomon kulture in druž- be v tej pokrajini. Zanjo velja, da je zaostajala za bolj razvitimi skupnostmi na vzhodnem delu arhi- pelaga. Posledica je mnogo manjša gostoti poseljenosti. KEY WORDS - Jomon; Western Japan; Jomon-Yayoi transition; AMS dating; Amida; Kaminabe; Shorakuji Introduction The concept of the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition is difficult to apply in the Japanese archipelago. The earliest pottery usage occurs in late Paleolithic con- texts. Holocene foragers lived in stable, permanent village settlements and constructed large scale mo- numents, and the first real 'agriculture' arrived as part of a cultural package which also included metal- lurgy. This paper will examine the use of the term 'Neolithic' in the history of Japanese archaeology, with particular emphasis on what happened in the western part of the archipelago in the later part of the Jomon period (c. 5000 BC - c. 500 BC). Recent investigations in Kyushu and Western Honshu are leading to a re-assessment of the nature of Jomon culture and society in this region, traditionally consi- dered to have 'lagged behind' the more developed societies of the eastern part of the archipelago, ex- pressed in part through much lower population den- sities. The Neolithic in prehistoric Japan In 1908, when the Scottish doctor, archaeologist and anthropologist, Neil Gordon Munro published 'Prehi- Copyright by Department of Archaeology, Faculty of arts, University of Ljubljana. 1 storic Japan', the first English-language synthesis of Japanese archaeology, he dedicated a whole chapter to the Neolithic. He noted that "traces of neolithic culture abound in many parts of these islands", that "these remains have been disinterred by agri- cultural operations, and bear witness that a wide- spread primitive population had been settled dur- ing a considerable period" (Munro 1908.44). What Munro termed Neolithic, another early foreign ar- chaeologist in Japan, the American zoologist and ex- cavator of the Omori shell middens, Edward Sylve- ster Morse, termed Jomon, on the basis of the cord- marked pottery sherds he recovered from Omori (Morse 1879). Munro was correct in thinking that the Jomon was a long period: it is now considered to begin with the appearance of pottery in the Japa- nese archipelago, the earliest dates being some 16 000 years ago at Odai Yamamoto in Aomori Pre- fecture at the northern tip of the main island, Hon- shu (Odai Yamamoto 1999). The Jomon is usually thought to have ended towards the end of the first millennium BC, but as we will see shortly, there is now some debate as to when exactly the transition to the succeeding Yayoi period occurred (Shoda 2007). Munro also noted that "the sites are very much more numerous in the northern than in the south- ern half of Japan" and that there were fewer sites in Hokkaido (the large northern island) than in Hon- shu, subsequently home to the aboriginal Ainu po- pulations which Munro was to study later in his ca- reer. Munro was concerned to understand why there should be such a difference between Eastern and Western Japan, and suggested it had something to do with topography, an idea which has often been repeated in later literature on the topic. Western Ja- pan is characterized by steep mountain slopes with little of the extensive terrace development which was traditionally thought to provide favoured habi- tation locations for Jomon fisher-hunter-gatherers in Eastern Japan. One of the most influential studies of Jomon settle- ment densities and their relationship to subsistence practices is that published by Koyama Shuzo.1 Koya- ma estimated population densities for a series of dif- ferent regions within the Jomon on the basis of site numbers from different phases, which he backed up with the available radiocarbon dates (Koyama 1979). Koyama argued that the differences between Eastern Fig. 1. Western Japan and the locations of sites mentioned in the paper. and Western Japan were caused by different food stuffs being available, based on the ecological divide between Eastern and Western Japan that has long been recognized, with the forests of Eastern Japan being dominated by temperate deciduous forests and the western part of the archipelago characteri- zed by warm temperate evergreen oak forests. This research was complemented by studies undertaken by Nishida Masaki and others which reconstructed the biomass available to prehistoric foragers in the archipelago (Nishida 1983). In Central and Eastern Japan, in particular during the Middle Jomon period (around 3500 BC) popula- tion densities among Jomon fisher-gatherer-hunters reached some of the highest levels recorded for tem- perate foragers anywhere in the world. These for- agers lived in relatively stable village communities containing pit dwellings, extensive storage and bu- rial facilities and fixed dump areas, many examples of which have been excavated. These settlements tend to be located on well-drained river terraces which abound in Eastern Japan. Despite influential theories such as the Middle Jomon Farming Hypo- thesis proposed by Fujimori Eichi in the 1960s and 1970s, however, there is still no firm evidence for any form of established agriculture during the Jo- mon period, although there may have been some li- mited cultivation of nuts and plants used as condi- ments, such as perilla (Rowley-Conwy 1984). These foragers did make extensive use of pottery and poli- shed stone tools. Large pit dwelling villages became 1 Japanese personal names in this paper have been given in Japanese order, i.e. family name before given name. Macrons have been omitted. less common in the later part of the Jomon, how- ever, and it seems that there was more extensive ex- ploitation of low-lying, wetter areas. Literature on the Jomon published prior to 1990 is listed and dis- cussed in Kaner (1990) and recent developments are covered in Kobayashi (2004). AMS dating and the beginning of the Yayoi pe- riod In 2003, a research team from the National Museum of Japanese History made an announcement that, based on their results of AMS dating, the beginning of the Yayoi period should be dated to the 10th cen- tury BC, although previously the Yayoi period had been thought to begin from around the 4th century BC (Harunari et al. 2003; 2004). Many scholars have been highly critical of this research because it contradicts what were previously accepted as well- established facts about the chronological relation- ships between the Japanese archipelago and main- land China and the Korean peninsula at this time (Takakura 2003). In this controversial situation, Kyushu University developed a new research pro- ject and sent samples of skeletal remains and deer bone for AMS dating to the Oxford University radio- carbon dating laboratory. In the presentation of their results, the Kyushu University researchers claimed that their evidence was consistent with the traditio- nal dating based on the archaeological method, i.e. arguing for the later start of the Yayoi period (Tana- ka et al. 2004; 2005). In what follows, we will brie- fly summarise the current situation in regard to the debate about the dating of the Yayoi period. Firstly, we will briefly introduce the methods and re- sults of the traditional chronology for the Yayoi pe- riod. In the northern Kyushu area, which is adjacent to the Korean peninsula and was the first region in the Japanese archipelago to accept agriculture and the other components of the cultural package from the Peninsula at the beginning of Yayoi period (which included iron metallurgy and weaving along with paddy-field agriculture), there were many bronze mirrors imported from Han dynasty China. These are mainly excavated from jar burials from af- ter the late Middle Yayoi period. Based on the dating of these bronze materials, it was considered that the late Middle Yayoi period dates to around the 1st cen- tury BC. Subsequent archaeological phases were also dated based on the same method. In addition, archa- eologists have attempted to estimate the duration of each archaeological phase with reference to these well-dated foreign materials, and it is estimated that each phase lasted approximately 70 years (Takaku- ra 2003). Earlier phases such as the Initial and Early Yayoi periods, for which we do not have materials with what were considered reliable relative dates, were also dated in accordance with these estimates. In this manner, the beginning of the Yayoi period was dated to the 5th century BC (Takakura 2003). The AMS dating by National Museum of Japanese Hi- story research team dated carbonized remains and soot attached to the surface of pottery sherds from the end of Jomon period to the Kofun period, and included a number of samples from Korea. The re- sults suggested that the beginning of the Yayoi should be revised to the 10th century BC, some 500 years earlier than the above mentioned previously accepted dates. But this dating was inconsistent with the established chronological relationship with neigh- bouring areas of mainland China and the Korean Peninsula (Takakura 2003). Inconsistencies include the following: Chinese bronze mirrors imported into the Japanese archipelago now become earlier than the Chinese originals; and the earliest iron artefacts excavated in Japan become earlier than the originals in China from where those iron objects were impor- ted into the archipelago (cf. Takakura 2003). Al- though many scholars have criticized the new chro- nology, mainly based on these inconsistencies with the established chronological relationship with the neighbouring East Asian continent, studies based on the new chronology have started to appear. In addition to the critique based on inconsistencies with the existing relative chronology, the research team from Kyushu University presented other results of their AMS dating programme using human bone and deer bone, the latter being used for analysis to try to exclude the marine reservoir effect. Their re- sults indicated that the beginning of the Yayoi should indeed be dated later than that suggested by the Na- tional Museum of Japanese History, but still earlier than the previously accepted dating. The Kyushu re- searchers still think that some influence of the ma- rine reservoir effect needs to be taken into conside- ration, although they selected samples from inland sites in order to reduce the effect. They accordingly suggested that, based on their results and taking into consideration the marine reservoir effect, the abso- lute dates for the each Yayoi phase must be later than the dates obtained from the skeletal remains (Tanaka et al. 2004; 2005). At present, then, there are two different positions in regard to the dating of the beginning of the Yayoi pe- riod and subsequent phases of the Yayoi, and also about the later part of the preceding Jomon period. These different positions are both based on the re- sults of the same dating method, AMS dating, but are based on the analysis of dates from different mate- rials. So the differences of the results between the two indicate the possibility that there is some kind of systemic 'noise' caused by the nature of materials being analysed. Some recent Late and Final Jomon period sites from Western Japan We would now like to introduce three sites from Western Japan, one from the Kansai area to the east, and the other two from Kyushu (Fig. 1), which are indicative of our changing understanding of the na- ture of the later part of the Jomon period in Western Japan in the lead up to the start of the Yayoi period. All three date to the Late and Final parts of the Jo- mon period. From the Kansai area, a little further to the east, the Shorakuji site is a particularly interesting example, as it reveals the spatial structure of a Late Jomon set- tlement. The site is located near the southern shore of Lake Biwa and was occupied during the early part of the Late Jomon period (Notokawa Town Board of Education 1996). During this period, the Western Japanese Jomon is considered to have experienced intensive cultural influence from Eastern Japan. The excavations at Shorakuji produced a lot of pottery from different regions, including different parts of Eastern Japan. Elements of settlement structure in- cluded a feature resembling a wooden circle in the south-western area, associated with a relict river bed (Fig. 2), and a series of storage pits dug alongside the water's edge. Further to the south-west, many post-holes which would have supported wooden pil- lars were excavated. Although not many pit dwel- lings were excavated because of the limits of the ex- cavated area, we can discern what appears to be the structure of a planned sedentary settlement, with a distinct area for storage pits and storehouses in ano- ther part of the site (cf. Hayashi 1997). The wooden circle may reflect the effects from nearby regions of Eastern Japan. The function of this kind of feature remains unclear, but researchers at this site and other scholars have speculated that it might relate to certain kinds of ritual (Notokawa Town Board of Education 1996; cf. Kaner 2007). From the Kyushu area, we will introduce two sites, which provide important information for understan- ding settlement structure. The first is the Amida site from the northern part of Kyushu (Fig. 3). Unfortu- nately, since it was this area where the Yayoi cultu- ral package is first thought to have arrived from the Korean Peninsula, there are still currently no parti- cularly good examples of Late Jomon settlements in the Fukuoka Plain from which we can derive a clear picture of settlement structure. Therefore, we have selected a site from the area adjacent to the Fuku- oka Plain. This site was occupied during the middle part of the Late Jomon to the initial part of the Final Jomon period. The site comprised many pit dwel- lings as seen in Figure 3, and the spatial distribution of these pit dwellings seems to be divided into two parts. Some scholars have suggested that the western group of pit dwellings formed a circular structure around a central public space, reminiscent of the set- tlement structure familiar from Jomon settlements in Eastern Japan (Matsumoto 2000). Fig. 2. Site plan of Shora- kuji Site (Notokawa Town Board of Education 1996 with modifications). Source of figure: NOTO- KAWA TOWN BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1996. Sho- rakuji iseki: Notokawa- cho maizo bunkazai cho- sa hokokusyo (Shoraku- ji Site: A report on the ex- cavations of Notokawa Town), Vol. 40. Notoka- wa-cho Kyoiku Iinkai. Shiga. Fig. 3. Site plan of Amida Site (Kaho Town Board of Education 1989). Source of figure: KAHO TOWN BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1989. Amida iseki: Fuku- oka-ken Kaho-gun Kaho-machi syozai iseki no hak- kutsu chosa (Amida Site: A Report on Excavations at Kaho Town, Fukuoka Prefecture - in Japanese), Vol. 10. Kaho-machi Kyoiku Iinkai. Fukuoka. The second site from Kyushu is Kaminabe, in the central part of Kyushu (Fig. 4). This site is located at the western foot of the large volcanic massif of Mount Aso. The occupation of this site lasted from the later part of the Late Jomon to the early part of the Final Jomon. The Kaminabe site is one of the most famous Jomon sites in this region and may also have functioned as a central settlement for this re- gion as many of clay figurines and pit dwellings and other special materials were excavated (cf. Miyauchi 1981; Tomita 1982). Like Amida, Kaminabe also comprised a circular structure, within which pit dwel- lings, pottery, and other material culture were distri- buted (Tomita 1982). Conclusions: reassessing the concept of the Neolithic in Western Japan In this short paper, we have considered the implica- tions of the dating controversy currently being dis- cussed within Japanese archaeology, and we have also introduced a series of later Jomon sites from Western Japan which are helping us to better under- stand the nature of the occupation of the western part of the archipelago prior to the adoption of paddy-rice farming. We began with Neil Gordon Munro's account of the Japanese 'Neolithic', formula- ted 100 years ago, and suggested that the term, im- plying a period of agriculture prior to the appear- ance of metallurgy, was not appropriate for the Ja- panese archipelago. Interestingly, one of the possi- ble outcomes of the current debate about the chro- nology of Japanese prehistory may be an acceptance that there was a period in Northern Kyushu during the Jomon-Yayoi transition, when rice agriculture had been adopted, but when no metallurgy was be- ing practiced, which might represent an Incipient Yayoi period. If this is the case, then we might have a brief period in Japanese prehistory which can be recognized as truly Neolithic in the European and Chinese sense, i.e. the presence of agriculture prior to metallurgy. Only further investigation and clari- fication of the chronological detail and the nature of the occupation of Western Japan at this critical stage will elucidate this transition further. What is clear, however, is that the Western Japanese Jomon should no longer necessarily be regarded as the 'poor rela- tion' of the culture of the complex fisher-gatherer- Fig. 4. Site plan of Ka- minabe Site (Kumamo- to City Board of Educa- tion 1981, with modifi- cations). Source of fig- ure: KUMAMOTO CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1981. Kaminabe iseki hakkutsu chosa hoko- kusyo (A report on ex- cavations at Kaminabe Site) (in Japanese). Ku- mamoto-shi Kyoiku Iin- kai. Kumamoto. hunters who are known from further east in the ar- chipelago. This means that we need to rethink the role the Western Jomon in this crucial phase of the prehistory of the Japanese archipelago. Until now, models for this transition from the Jomon to Yayoi have emphasized either the adoption of agriculture by indigenous foragers, all heavily influenced by Eastern Japan, or the arrival of a Yayoi economic and cultural 'package' brought to the archipelago by immigrants from the continent (cf. Hudson 1999; Mizoguchi 2003). If the 'Neolithic' does exist in West- ern Japan, then it was a centre of creativity and in- novation, drawing together new adoptions from the continent and a rich indigenous tradition. -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS- This paper was presented at the 13th Neolithic Semi- nar organized by Professor Mihael Budja of the De- partment of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana. We are grateful to him for this opportunity to present our ideas to an international audience. The paper was prepared while Ishikawa Takeshi was Handa Ja- panese Archaeology Fellow at the Sainsbury Insti- tute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures. 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