Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 4 (2011) 1–4 Disjoint homometric sets in graphs Michael O. Albertson ∗ Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063, USA Janos Pach † City College, CUNY and Courant Institute, NYU, New York, NY 10012, USA Michael E. Young ‡ Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50010, USA Received 28 June 2010, accepted 24 August 2010, published online 18 October 2010 Abstract Two subsets of vertices in a graph are called homometric if the multisets of distances determined by them are the same. Let h(n) denote the largest number h such that any connected graph of n vertices contains two disjoint homometric subsets of size h. It is shown that c lognlog logn < h(n) < n 4 , for n > 3. Keywords: Graph distances, homometric subsets, Golumb ruler. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C12, 05C70 1 Introduction It has been a well known fact in crystallography for over eighty years that the x-ray diffrac- tion picture of a crystal depends on the set of vectors between its atoms [5]. As Pauling and Shapell found in 1930, the x-ray diffraction picture of the mineral bixbyite is consistent with two noncongruent atomic structures [8]. This motivated an interesting mathematical question: under what circumstances can a set be retrieved from its difference set. On the line, a partial answer was found by Piccard [9] in 1939. She claimed to prove that if two n-element sets of integers, S and T , determine the same set of distinct differences, then S and T are congruent to each other. (A set that determines distinct differences is called ∗Written posthumously. †Work completed as Neilson Visiting Professor of Smith College, 2008. ‡Work completed while a Mellon Fellow at Smith College, corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (Janos Pach), (Michael E. Young) Copyright c© 2011 DMFA Slovenije 2 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 1–4 a Golomb ruler [6].) It came as a big surprise that Bloom [4] found a counterexample to Piccard’s theorem. The 6-element sets S = {0, 1, 4, 10, 12, 17} T = {0, 1, 8, 11, 13, 17} determine the same set of differences. It is still not known whether there exist arbitrarily large sets with this property. If we allow repetition in the difference set, all pairs of sets with the same difference set were characterized by Rosenblatt and Seymour [10], using algebraic techniques. Let G = (V,E) be a simple connected graph on n vertices. The distance between a pair of vertices u, v ∈ V (G), denoted by dist(u, v) is the length of the shortest path from u to v in G. Let S, T ⊆ V (G). The distance list of S is the multiset of (|S| 2 ) pairwise distances of the vertices of S in G. We say that S and T are homometric if their distance lists are equal. In the special case when G = C2n, a cycle of length 2n, Lemke, Skiena, and Smith [7] proved that every n-element subset of the vertex set is homometric to its complement. In music theory, for n = 6, this statement had been known for a long time as the Hexachordal Theorem. In the twelve-tone scale, any set of six notes determines the same multiset of differences. (For a historical account, consult [3], [2].) It is also known that the above theorem generalizes to vertex-transitive graphs [1]. Here we consider the following problem. What is the largest number h such that any connected graph on n vertices contains two disjoint homometric subsets, each of size h? We denote this largest number h(n). In this paper we prove an upper and lower bound for h(n). 2 Bounds Theorem 2.1. c lognlog logn ≤ h(n) ≤ n 4 , for n > 3. Proof. We will prove the lower bound first. Let G be a graph on n vertices. Assume that there exists a vertex v ∈ V (G), such that the degree of v is at least (log n)3. Let k = log n. All logarithms are base 2 in this proof. Partition the neighbors of v into sets of size k. Each set has a distance list composed of 1s and 2s. Therefore, there are at most ( k 2 ) + 1 possibilities for each of the k2 distance lists. Since ( k 2 ) +1 < k2, at least two of the distance lists must be the same. Hence, k = 2 log n ≤ h(n). If it is the case that every vertex in G has degree smaller than d = (log n)3, we will look to the diameter of G to create our disjoint homometric sets. Letting D denote the diameter of G, we have n ≤ dD. Thus, D ≥ lognlog d = logn 3 log logn . Since D is the diameter, there exists an induced path in G that has length D. Therefore, there exist two disjoint paths in G, both of which have length dD−12 e; hence, h(n) ≥ d D−1 2 e. For our upper bound we begin by defining a class of graphs called kites. We define an (n,m)− kite as the graph constructed by taking a copy of Kn and a path of length m and adding an edge between a vertex in Kn to a leaf vertex in the path. Claim: Let n = 2(m− 1), where m is odd. An (m,m− 2)− kite has no homometric sets of size larger than n4 . We prove this by contradiction. Assume there exists homometric sets H1, H2 ⊂ V (G) such that |H1|+ |H2| > n2 = m−1. We know that |H1|+ |H2| ≥ m+1 since |H1|+ |H2| must be even. Therefore there exists a vertex in H1 ∪H2 that is in the path and there exist M. O. Albertson et al.: Disjoint homometric sets in graphs 3 Figure 1: A (5, 3)− kite. at least 3 vertices in H1∪H2 that are in the complete graph. Let v ∈ H1∪H2 be the vertex in the path that has the greatest distance to the complete graph. Without loss of generality we will assume that v ∈ H1. The only possible vertex that is in both H1 and the complete graph is the vertex of the complete graph that is adjacent to the path. If there were another, say u, then it would not be adjacent to the path and in order to have a pair of vertices, x, y ∈ H2 with dist(u, v) = dist(x, y), either x or y will have a greater distance than v to the complete graph. This implies that there are at least 2 vertices that are in both H2 and the complete graph, where neither is adjacent to the path of G. Since v is on the path, there must exist a vertex in H2 that is also on the path. Therefore the largest distance in the distance list of H2 will appear at least twice. The largest distance in H1 is dist(v, w) where w is the vertex in H1 with the shortest distance to the complete graph. Since v has the greatest distance to the complete graph, there can not be another pair of vertices whose distance is dist(v, w). Therefore, no such H1 and H2 exists. Hence, h(n) ≤ n4 . References [1] T. A. Althuis and F. Göbel, Graph theoretic aspects of music theory, University of Twente, Dept. of Applied Math, Memoranda 1573, 2001. [2] B. 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