VSEBINA – CONTENTS IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Improvement of the casting of special steel with a wide solid-liquid interface Izbolj{anje ulivanja posebnega jekla s {irokim intervalom trdno-teko~e T. Mauder, J. Stetina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Non-traditional non-destructive testing of the alkali-activated slag mortar during the hardening Netradicionalno neporu{no preizku{anje z alkalijami aktivirane malte med strjevanjem L. Topoláø, P. Rypák, K. Tim~aková-[amárková, L. Pazdera, P. Rovnaník . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Multi-walled carbon nanotubes effect in polypropylene nanocomposites Vpliv ve~stenskih ogljikovih nanocevk v nanokompozitih iz polipropilena C. E. Ban, A. Stefan, I. Dinca, G. Pelin, A. Ficai, E. Andronescu, O. Oprea, G. Voicu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Experimental and numerical study of hot-steel-plate flatness Eksperimentalni in numeri~ni {tudij ravnosti vro~ih plo{~ iz jekla J. Hrabovský, M. Pohanka, P. J. Lee, J. H. Kang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Investigation of hole effects on the critical buckling load of laminated composite plates Preiskava vpliva luknje na kriti~no upogibno obremenitev laminiranih kompozitnih plo{~ A. Kurºun, E. Topal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Corrosion of the refractory zirconia metering nozzle due to molten steel and slag Korozija ognjeodporne cirkonske dozirne {obe s staljenim jeklom in `lindro K. Wiœniewska, D. Madej, J. Szczerba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Effects of an epoxy-resin-fiber substrate for a -shaped microstrip antenna Vpliv z vlakni oja~ane epoksi podlage pri -obliki mikrotrakaste antene Md. M. Islam, M. R. I. Faruque, M. Tariqul Islam, H. Arshad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 X-ray radiography of AISI 4340-2205 steels welded by friction welding Rentgenski pregled jekel AISI 4340-2205, varjenih s trenjem U. Caligulu, M. Yalcinoz, M. Turkmen, S. Mercan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Thermodynamic properties and microstructures of different shape-memory alloys Termodinami~ne lastnosti in mikrostruktura razli~nih zlitin z oblikovnim spominom L. Gomid`elovi}, E. Po`ega, A. Kostov, N. Vukovi}, D. @ivkovi}, D. Manasijevi} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The relationship between thermal treatment of serpentine and its reactivity Odvisnost med toplotno obdelavo serpentina in njegovo aktivnostjo G. Su~ik, A. Szabóová, L’. Popovi~, D. Hr{ak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Deformations and velocities during the cold rolling of aluminium alloys Deformacija in hitrosti pri hladnem valjanju aluminijevih zlitin M. Mi{ovi}, N. Tadi}, M. Ja}imovi}, M. Janji} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Prediction of the chemical non-homogeneity of 30MnVS6 billets with genetic programming Napovedovanje nehomogenosti kemijske sestave pri gredicah 30MnVS6 s pomo~jo genetskega programiranja M. Kova~i~, D. Novak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Effect of the TiBN coating on a HSS drill when drilling the MA8M Mg alloy Vpliv TiBN prevleke na HSS svedru pri vrtanju MA8M Mg zlitine F. Karaca, B. Aksakal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Application of the Taguchi method to select the optimum cutting parameters for tangential cylindrical grinding of AISI D3 tool steel Uporaba Taguchi metode za izbiro optimalnih parametrov odrezavanja pri tangencialnem cilindri~nem bru{enju orodnega jekla AISI D3 C. Ozay, H. Ballikaya, V. Savas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Effects of friction-welding parameters on the morphological properties of an Al/Cu bimetallic joint Vpliv parametrov tornega varjenja na morfolo{ke lastnosti Al/Cu bimetalnega spoja V. D. Mila{inovi}, R. V. Radovanovi}, M. D. Mila{inovi}, B. R. Gligorijevi} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 50(1)1–162(2016) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 50 [TEV. NO. 1 STR. P. 1–162 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA JAN.–FEB. 2016 Characterisation of the mechanical and corrosive properties of newly developed glass-steel composites Karakterizacija mehanskih in korozijskih lastnosti novo razvitih kompozitov steklo-jeklo O. Lyubimova, E. Gridasova, A. Gridasov, G. Frieling, M. Klein, F. Walther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Phase analysis of the slag after submerged-arc welding Analiza faz v `lindri pri oblo~nem varjenju pod pra{kom M. Prijanovi~ Tonkovi~, J. Lamut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Optimizing the parameters for friction welding stainless steel to copper parts Optimiranje parametrov pri tornem varjenju nerjavnega jekla na bakrene dele M. Sahin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 WEDM cutting of Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy: effects of cutting parameters on the cutting quality WEDM rezanje nikljeve superzlitine Inconel 718: vpliv parametrov rezanja na kvaliteto rezanja U. Çaydaº, M. Ay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Influence of dredged sediment on the shrinkage behavior of self-compacting concrete Vpliv izkopanih sedimentov na kr~enje samozgo{~evalnega betona N. E. Bouhamou, F. Mostefa, A. Mebrouki, K. Bendani, N. Belas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Study of the properties and hygrothermal behaviour of alternative insulation materials based on natural fibres [tudij lastnosti in higrotermalno obna{anje alternativnih izolacijskih materialov na osnovi naravnih vlaken J. Zach, M. Reif, J. Hroudová . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Prediction of the elastic moduli of chicken-feather-reinforced PLA and a comparison with experimental results Napovedovanje modulov elasti~nosti PLA, oja~anega s pi{~an~jim perjem in primerjava z eksperimentalnimi rezultati U. Özmen, B. Okutan Baba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Composites based on inorganic matrices for extreme exposure conditions Kompoziti z anorgansko osnovo za izpostavitev ekstremnim razmeram A. Dufka, T. Melichar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 The effect of EO and steam sterilization on the mechanical and electrochemical properties of titanium Grade 4 Vpliv EO in sterilizacije s paro na mehanske in elektrokemijske lastnosti titana Grade 4 M. Basiaga, W. Walke, Z. Paszenda, A. Kajzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Influence of the carbide-particle spheroidisation process on the microstructure after the quenching and annealing of 100CrMnSi6-4 bearing steel Vpliv procesa sferoidizacije karbidnih delcev na mikrostrukturo jekla 100CrMnSi6-4 za le`aje po kaljenju in popu{~anju J. Dlouhy, D. Hauserova, Z. Novy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 2 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, T. MAUDER, J. STETINA: IMPROVEMENT OF THE CASTING OF SPECIAL STEEL WITH ... 3–6 IMPROVEMENT OF THE CASTING OF SPECIAL STEEL WITH A WIDE SOLID-LIQUID INTERFACE IZBOLJ[ANJE ULIVANJA POSEBNEGA JEKLA S [IROKIM INTERVALOM TRDNO-TEKO^E Tomas Mauder, Josef Stetina Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic mauder@fme.vutbr.cz, stetina@fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-07-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-03 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.122 In the last few years, steelmakers have been facing a significant decrease in the steel demand caused by the global economic crisis. Positive economic results have mostly been reached in the steel factories that have focused on special steel production with higher product capabilities, such as higher strength grades, steel design for acidic environments, steel for the offshore technology, etc. These steels must keep the mechanical properties, such as the resistance to rapture, compression strength, stress-strain properties, etc., within strict limits. The numerical calculations and optimization of casting parameters were pro- vided. The results show the recommended casting parameters and differences between the examined steel and classic low-carbon steels. Keywords: continuous casting, experimental measurement, numerical simulation, optimization Proizvajalci jekel se zadnja leta spopadajo z zmanj{evanjem povpra{evanja po jeklu, kar je posledica globalne ekonomske krize. Pozitivne ekonomske rezultate so dosegle `elezarne, ki so se osredinile na proizvodnjo posebnih jekel in z ve~jimi proizvodnimi zmogljivostmi, kot so visokotrdnostna jekla, jekla za delo v kislem okolju, jekla za naftne plo{~adi itd. Ta jekla morajo v ozkih intervalih obdr`ati svoje mehanske lastnosti, kot so pretrg, tla~na trdnost, raztezek pri nategu itd. Izvr{eni so bili izra~uni in optimizacija postopka ulivanja. Rezultati ka`ejo predlagane parametre litja in razlike med preiskovanim jeklom in navadnim malooglji~nim jeklom. Klju~ne besede: kontinuirano litje, eksperimentalne meritve, numeri~na simulacija, optimizacija 1 INTRODUCTION Continuous casting (CC) of steel, as an industrialized method of solidification processing, has a relatively short history of only about 60 years. In fact, the CC ratio in the world of steel industry now reaches more than 95 % of crude-steel output (Figure 1).1–3 Through the years, the product quality, production efficiency, operating safety and casting of special steels and alloys have increased. Today, nearly all steel grades can be produced and productivity goals exceed by far those envisaged in the 1960s/1970s; the limits of casting-section sizes have been increased to support new steel-grade developments like thick high-strength steel plates or to realize new pro- cess routes like the direct link between the casting and rolling steps.4 In the early 1990s, continuous casting was an estab- lished and already matured technology. The production was focused on cost reductions through higher casting speeds, a better utilization of energy, the optimization of equipment performance and a reduction of the main- tenance expenses using the equipment with a longer lifetime. The key factor, which made continuous casting the "main-stream technology", was the continuous inno- vation. From the metallurgical point of view, the state- of-the-art continuous casters have the features that enable strand treatment through special cooling and soft-reduction technologies.5 Sophisticated process mo- dels allow an online process simulation and closed-loop control to further optimize the product quality and pro- ductivity goals. Today, steelmakers in the European Union are facing a significantly decreasing steel demand caused by the global economic crisis. Figure 1 shows the crude-steel production progress in the EU between 2005 and 2012 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 3–6 3 UDK 669.18:621.74.047:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)3(2016) Figure 1: Crude-steel production in EU2 Slika 1: Proizvodnja surovega jekla v EU2 promulgated by The World Steel Association.2 The economic crisis in 2008 caused a deep slump in the steel production in the EU. Positive economic results were mostly reached by the steel factories that focused on special steel production with higher product capabilities, such as higher-strength grades, steel plates for barrel boilers, steel design for acidic environments and steel for the offshore technology. The production of special steel is the only prospective for the EU to keep the competitiveness with the Asian market. Steel grades for acidic environments and for the off- shore technology must keep the mechanical properties, such as the resistance to rapture, compression strength, stress-strain properties and so on, within strict limits. A breakdown situation caused by a low quality of steel could have a catastrophic effect on the material and human losses. The defects of the steel for acidic envi- ronments have been known more than 50 years. Despite that, the world oil, gas and engineering companies still make huge efforts to improve the operations in acidic environments and to avoid critical situations. The me- chanical properties for these grades of steel are specified by the European Standard EN 10020. Their production, unlike the classic low-carbon steel grades, requires a special treatment like the soft reduction, electromagnetic stirring, different cooling conditions, etc., to avoid crack defects. The casting of special steel (C0.18, Ni0.04, V0.004, N0.003 w/%) was performed by the steelmaker Vitkovice Steel, a. s. A macroscopic examination (the Baumann method) shows many defects in the final quality of the steel, such as high porosity, centerline segregation and cracks. This paper deals with the results of a numerical simulation of the temperature field and optimization of a casting process by analyzing the casting parameters and their influences on the quality of the steel.6 2 DATA FROM THE MACROGRAPHY The testing set contains twenty-five samples from four heats (casting sequences). With a macroscopic test, we evaluated the cracks in the transverse and longitu- dinal directions, the centerline segregation according to SMS DEMAG, the segregation index, the discontinuity and the lack of homogeneity. The chemical composition of the steel is in Table 1 and the macrography results are shown in Table 2 and Figures 2 to 5. Table 1: Chemical composition of the examined steel in mass frac- tions, w/% Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava preiskovanega jekla v masnih dele`ih, w/% C Si Mn P Cr 0.18 0.38 1.49 0.021 0.07 S Ni Mo Cu Al 0.004 0.05 0.017 0.028 0.029 Nb Ti V Ca 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.003 Table 2: Macrostructure results Tabela 2: Ocena makrostrukture H ea t (c as ti ng se qu en ce ) Macrostructure S ur fa ce cr ac ks C ol um na r cr ac ks C en te rl in e cr ac ks M id w ay cr ac ks T ra ns ve rs e cr ac ks S eg re ga ti on in de x S M S D E M A G 26 393 6 106 23 106 5 3 2 26 394 5 107 23 107 5 2 2 26 395 6 103 23 105 5 1-2 2 26 396 5 108 22 107 5 2-3 3 occurrence of defects Centerline segregation, cracks, localdiscontinuity From the results, it is obvious that the quality of the steel is not sufficient and has to be improved. 3 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS The simulation of the continuous-casting process is based on a transient numerical model of the temperature field. This model was specially modified to simulate the real casting machine operated in Vitkovice Steel, a.s. The T. MAUDER, J. STETINA: IMPROVEMENT OF THE CASTING OF SPECIAL STEEL WITH ... 4 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 3–6 Figure 2: Steel sample from heat 26 393 Slika 2: Vzorec jekla iz taline 26 393 Figure 3: Steel sample from heat 26 394 Slika 3: Vzorec jekla iz taline 26 394 model represents a unique combination of numerical mo- deling and a large number of experimental measure- ments. Its results are validated with long-time measure- ments made during the real casting process. A detailed description of the numerical model can be found in7. Thermophysical properties are calculated by the IDS solidification package. The results for the examined steel are in Figure 6. The casting parameters, such as the casting speed, the pouring temperature, the heat removal from the mold, the cooling intensity in the secondary cooling zone, etc., for the numerical simulation were taken from the real measurement data for heats 26 393–26 396. The results from the simulation of heat 26 393 are in Figures 7 and 8. The numerical simulation reveals that the exanimated steel is characterized by a long mushy zone in compa- rison with the classic low-carbon steels. The metallur- gical length reaches 20.08 m and the mushy zone is almost 10 m long. For the classic low-carbon steels, the mushy zone is proximately 4–6 m long. The inner quality of steel is also influenced by the position of the metallurgical length. The steel should be fully solidified in close distance to the caster unbending point. The ca- ster operating in Vitkovice Steel, a.s., has the unbending point located 12.6 m from the meniscus. So, the defects can also be caused by the long distance between the position of the metallurgical length and the unbending point. These rules8 together with the method for the opti- mum cooling9 give a set of conditions for the optimiza- tion of the casting parameters. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION According to the optimization criteria, the numerical model and fuzzy-regulation algorithm6 were used to calculate new casting parameters for the exanimated steel. In order to get the metallurgical-length position between 12–15 m, the casting speed has to decrease to 89 % of the original speed. The cooling intensity for the particular cooling circuit increases, on average, to T. MAUDER, J. STETINA: IMPROVEMENT OF THE CASTING OF SPECIAL STEEL WITH ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 3–6 5 Figure 8: Distribution of liquid and solid steel Slika 8: Porazdelitev teko~ega in trdnega jekla Figure 6: Thermophysical properties of the examined steel Slika 6: Fizikalno-termi~ne lastnosti preiskovanega jekla Figure 5: Steel sample from heat 26 396 Slika 5: Vzorec jekla iz taline 26 396 Figure 7: Temperature distribution before optimization Slika 7: Porazdelitev temperature pred optimizacijoFigure 4: Steel sample from heat 26 395 Slika 4: Vzorec jekla iz taline 26 395 13.4 %. The results of the numerical simulation and opti- mization are in Figures 9 and 10. The result was given to the Vitkovice Steel, a.s., as a casting recommendation for this type of steels. Despite the fact that the first macroscopic results (Figure 11) show a quality improvement, more experimental measurements and numerical simulations are required in order to get a general view of the behavior of the examined steel. 5 CONCLUSION Numerical modeling and optimization will play an increasing role in the future improvements to the conti- nuous casting of steel. A combination of the optimiza- tion algorithm based on fuzzy logic with the numerical model of the temperature field improves the casting parameters. With the optimum casting parameters, a better final quality of cast steel can be achieved. The algorithm is very general and its calculations can be used for any steel grade and caster geometry. Acknowledgement This work is an output of the research and scientific activities of NETME Centre, the regional R&D center built with the financial support from the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations within the project NETME Centre (New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering), Reg. No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/ 01.0002 and, in the follow-up sustainability stage, supported through NETME CENTRE PLUS (LO1202) with the financial means from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the "National Sustainability Programme I". 6 REFERENCES 1 J. P. Birat et al., The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel: Casting Volume, 11th edition, AISE Steel Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA 2003, 1000 2 Crude steel production, The World Steel Association [online], Brussels, Belgium 2013 [cit. 2013-03-27], http://www.world- steel.org/ 3 C. A. Däcker et al., The History of Mould Slag Films Downwards the Mould and How it Affects Heat Flux and Shell Growth in Conti- nuous Casting of Steels, Proceedings of the METEC InSteelCon 2011, Düsseldorf 2011, 8 4 A. Flick, Ch. Stoiber, Trends in Continuous Casting of Steel – Yes- terday, Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of the METEC InSteelCon 2011, Düsseldorf 2011, 8 5 Y. H. Chang et al., Development and Application of Dynamic Secondary Cooling and Dynamic Soft Reduction Control for Slab Castings, Proceedings of the METEC InSteelCon 2011, Düsseldorf 2011, 6 6 T. Mauder, C. Sandera, J. Stetina, A Fuzzy-Based Optimal Control Algorithm for a Continuous Casting Process, Mater. Tehnol., 46 (2012) 4, 325–328 7 T. Mauder, C. Sandera, J. Stetina, Optimal control algorithm for con- tinuous casting process by using fuzzy logic, Steel Res. Int., 86 (2015) 7, 785–798, doi:10.1002/srin.201400213 8 G. S. Jansto, Steelmaking and Continuous Casting Process Metallurgy Factors Influencing Hot Ductility Behavior of Niobium Bearing Steels, Proceedings of the METAL 2013, Brno, 2013, 32–39 9 A. A. Ivanova, V. A. Kapitanov, A. V. Kuklev, Method of calculating the optimum parameters for the air-mist cooling of a continuous-cast slab, Metallurgist, 56 (2012), 173–179, doi:10.1007/s11015-012- 9555-2 T. MAUDER, J. STETINA: IMPROVEMENT OF THE CASTING OF SPECIAL STEEL WITH ... 6 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 3–6 Figure 11: Steel sample from the casting after optimization Slika 11: Vzorec litega jekla po optimizaciji Figure 10: Distribution of liquid and solid steel Slika 10: Porazdelitev teko~ega in trdnega jekla Figure 9: Temperature distribution after optimization Slika 9: Porazdelitev temperature po optimizaciji L. TOPOLÁØ et al.: NON-TRADITIONAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF THE ALKALI-ACTIVATED SLAG ... 7–10 NON-TRADITIONAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF THE ALKALI-ACTIVATED SLAG MORTAR DURING THE HARDENING NETRADICIONALNO NEPORU[NO PREIZKU[ANJE Z ALKALIJAMI AKTIVIRANE MALTE MED STRJEVANJEM Libor Topoláø, Peter Rypák, Kristýna Tim~aková-[amárková, Lubo{ Pazdera, Pavel Rovnaník Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveri 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic topolar.l@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-07-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-30 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.130 This paper reports the results of the measurements of alkali-activated slag mortars made during the hardening and drying of specimens. The alkali-activated slag is a material with a great potential for practical use. The main drawback of this material is its high level of autogenous and, especially, drying shrinkage, which causes a deterioration in the mechanical properties. The aim of this paper is to present the effects of the treatment method for mortars and the curing time on the microstructures of the alkali-activated slag mortars. The knowledge of the microstructure/performance relationship is the key to a true understanding of the material behaviour. The results obtained in the laboratory are useful for understanding the various stages of the micro-cracking activity during the hardening process in quasi-brittle materials such as alkali-activated slag mortars and for their extension to field applications. Non-destructive acoustic-analysis methods – the impact-echo method as a traditional method and the acoustic-emission method as a non-traditional method for civil engineering – were used for the experiment. The principle of the impact-echo method is based on analysing the response of an elastic-impulse-induced mechanical wave. Acoustic emission is the term for the noise emitted by materials and structures when they are subjected to stress. The types of stress can be mechanical, thermal or chemical. Ultrasound testing and the loss in mass were used as complementary methods for the tested samples. Keywords: acoustic-emission method, loss in mass, impact-echo method, ultrasound testing, alkali-activated slag mortars ^lanek obravnava rezultate meritev med strjevanjem in su{enjem vzorcev malt, aktiviranih z alkalijami. Z alkalijami aktivirana `lindra je material, ki ima velik potencial za prakti~no uporabo. Glavna pomanjkljivost tega materiala je, da ima sam po sebi, {e posebno pa pri su{enju, velik skr~ek, ki povzro~i poslab{anje mehanskih lastnosti. Namen tega ~lanka je predstavitev vpliva metode obdelave malte in ~asa strjevanja na mikrostrukturo z alkalijami aktivirane malte. Razumevanje odvisnosti med mikrostrukturo in zmogljivostjo je klju~ za pravilno razumevanje vedenja materiala. Rezultati, dobljeni v laboratoriju, so koristni za razumevanje razli~nih stopenj nastajanja mikrorazpok med procesom strjevanja kvazikrhkega materiala, kot je malta z `lindro, aktivirano z alkalijami, in za njihov prenos na gradbi{~e. Neporu{ne analizne metode z akusti~no emisijo in metoda udarec – odmev kot tradicionalne ter metoda akusti~ne emisije kot netradicionalna metoda v gradbeni{tvu, so bile uporabljene pri preizkusu. Princip metode udarec – odmev temelji na analizi odgovora elasti~nega impulznega mehanskega vala. Akusti~na emisija je izraz za hrup, ki ga oddajata material in zgradba, ko sta izpostavljena napetosti. Napetosti so lahko mehanske, termi~ne ali kemijske. Preiskava z ultrazvokom in izguba mase sta bili uporabljeni kot komplementarni metodi pri preizkusnih vzorcih. Klju~ne besede: metoda akusti~ne emisije, izguba mase, metoda udarec – odmev, preiskava z ultrazvokom, malta z `lindro, aktivirano z alkalijami 1 INTRODUCTION Alkali-activated aluminosilicate materials represent an alternative to ordinary Portland-cement-based mate- rials, reducing the impact of the building industry on the environment and exhibiting new superior properties. Alkali-activated slag (AAS) is based on granulated blast-furnace slag that can be activated by alkali hydro- xides, carbonates or, most preferably, by silicates.1 The type and dosage of the activator as well as the way of the curing have significant effects on the hydration course and final mechanical properties.2 The major disadvantage of AAS is an increased shrinkage during the hardening period, caused by both the autogenous and drying shrinkage, which finally results in a volume contraction, micro-cracking and deterioration of tensile and bending properties.3 The impact-echo method (IE) is a type of the non- destructive testing method. A short-term mechanical impact, generated by tapping a hammer against the surface of a concrete structure, produces low-frequency stress waves which propagate into the structure.4 A wave generated in this way propagates through the specimen structure and reflects from the defects located in the volume of specimen or on its surface. Surface displace- ments caused by the reflected waves are recorded by a transducer located adjacent to the impact.5 The signal is digitized via an analogue/digital data system and trans- mitted to a computer’s memory. This signal describes the transient local vibrations, caused by the mechanical- wave multiple reflections inside the structure. The dominant frequencies of these vibrations give an account of the condition of the structure that the waves pass through.6 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 7–10 7 UDK 691:620.179.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)7(2016) Acoustic emission (AE) is the term for the noise emitted by materials and structures when they are sub- jected to stress. The types of stresses can be mechanical, thermal or chemical. This emission is caused by a rapid release of the energy within a material due to the events such as a crack formation and its subsequent extension occurring under the applied stress, generating transient elastic waves that can be detected by piezoelectric sen- sors. The acoustic-emission system allows us to monitor the changes in the material behaviour over a long time and without moving one of its components, i.e., sensors. This makes the technique quite unique along with the ability to detect the crack propagation occurring not only on the surface but also deep inside the material. The acoustic-emission method is considered to be a "passive" non-destructive technique, because it usually identifies defects while they develop during the test.7 Ultrasonic testing is the name given to the study and application of ultrasound, which is a sound too high to be detected by the human ear, i.e., of the frequencies greater than about 18 kHz. Ultrasonic waves have a wide variety of applications. For example, ultrasound with high intensity is used for cutting, cleaning and destroy- ing a tissue in medicine. For the non-destructive testing (NDT), ultrasound with a lower intensity is used. An ultrasonic inspection can be used for a flaw detection/ evaluation, dimensional measurements, a material cha- racterization and more. Ultrasonic testing (UT) is based on the propagation of low-amplitude waves through a material, measuring the time of travel or detecting any change in the intensity over a given distance. Applica- tions include distance gauging, flaw detection and parameter measurement (such as the elastic modulus and the grain size), all relating to the material structure.8 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Material The mixture consisted of 450 g of fine-grained granulated blast-furnace slag [tramberk 380 (a specific surface area of 380 m2 kg–1), 180 g of sodium silicate (water glass) with a modulus of 1.6, 1350 g of silica sand and 95 mL of water. The AAS slurry was poured into steel moulds (40 mm × 40 mm × 160 mm) to set and after 24 h the samples were demoulded and immersed in water for another (2, 6 and 27) d before the testing. 2.2 Experimental set-up For the impact-echo method, a short mechanical impulse (a hammer blow) was applied to the surface of a specimen during the test and detected by means of a piezoelectric sensor (Figure 1). The impulse reflected from the surface and also from the micro-cracks and defects present on the specimen under investigation. The resonance frequency created in this way was determined by means of a frequency analysis. Dominant frequencies could be determined from the response signal by means of the fast Fourier transform. A MIDI piezoelectric sensor was used to pick up the response and the respec- tive impulses were directed into the input of a TiePie engineering oscilloscope, two-channel Handyscope HS3 with a resolution of 16 bits. The initiation of cracks during the hardening was monitored with the method of acoustic emission. AE signals were detected by measuring equipment DAKEL XEDO with four channels (Figure 2). The AE sensors (type IDK09) were attached to the surface with beeswax. The change in the mass during the hardening was measured using equipment QuantumX with a Z6 bending-beam load cell for the maximum mass of 50 kg by HBM. Measuring equipment PUNDIT (portable ultrasonic non-destructive digital indicating tester) Plus was used for the ultrasonic testing. For the testing speed of the sound through the mortar specimens, the coefficient of variation for the repeated measurements at the same location was 2 %. The accuracy of the pulse velocity was L. TOPOLÁØ et al.: NON-TRADITIONAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF THE ALKALI-ACTIVATED SLAG ... 8 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 7–10 Figure 2: Photography of the acoustic-emission measurement Slika 2: Posnetek meritve akusti~ne emisije Figure 1: Photography of the impact-echo measurement Slika 1: Posnetek meritve udarec – odmev a direct function of the accuracy of the measured distance between the transducer faces. The PUNDIT instruments have a transit time resolution of 0.1 s. All the measurements were carried out for 336 h (14 d) immediately after the specimens were pulled out of the immersion water. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To evaluate the crack formation during spontaneous drying, we focused on the activity of AE with respect to the most used parameter, which is the number of signals overshooting the pre-set threshold. The diagrams in Figures 3 to 5 show the dependence of the number of overshoots and the loss of mass versus the time of measurement. It was assumed that the number of micro- cracks could be inferred from the AE activity. Unfortu- nately, the AE signals originate not only from the crack formation but also from the process of water evaporation. However, most of the AE activity was observed within the first 24 h of spontaneous drying, which corresponds to approximately 50 % loss in mass. Therefore, at the beginning the AE signals could be attributed to both the drying process and the crack formation, whereas after 24 h of drying the observed signals corresponded mainly to the formation of microcracks. The highest number of overshoots during the remaining time of the measure- ment was detected for the specimen that was cured in water for 2 d (Figure 3). The reason for such a diffe- rence in comparison with the specimens cured for 6 d and 27 d arise from a shorter hydration time. Three days after the mixing, the hydration process was still not complete and the weak basic structure was not able to bear a heavy stress; therefore, the AAS matrix was more susceptible to the cracking caused by drying shrinkage. To evaluate the signals with the impact-echo method the fast Fourier transform was used. The modification of the dominant frequency during the drying process is dis- played in Figure 6. The results show that the frequencies decreased from the initial values of 10.10 kHz, 10.86 kHz, 12.12 kHz to the steady values of 5.90 kHz, 7.50 kHz, 8.44 kHz, respectively, for the specimens cured in water for (2, 6 and 27) d, respectively. Similarly, the ultrasonic velocity decreased from the initial values of (3760, 3960, 4450) m s–1 to the steady values of (2010, 2470, 2970) m s–1, respectively, for the specimens immersed in water for (2, 6 and 27) d, respectively (Fig- ure 7). The pulse cannot travel across the material/air interface, but it is able to travel from the transmitter to the receiver by diffraction at the crack edge. As the travel path is longer than the distance between the transducers, the apparent pulse velocity is lower than through the sound material. L. TOPOLÁØ et al.: NON-TRADITIONAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF THE ALKALI-ACTIVATED SLAG ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 7–10 9 Figure 6: Change in the dominant frequency over time Slika 6: Spreminjanje prevladujo~e frekvence s ~asom Figure 4: Results for the specimen cured in water for 6 d Slika 4: Rezultati vzorca, ki se je 6 d utrjeval v vodi Figure 3: Results for the specimen cured in water for 2 d Slika 3: Rezultati vzorca, ki se je 2 d utrjeval v vodi Figure 5: Results for the specimen cured in water for 27 d Slika 5: Rezultati vzorca, ki se je 27 d utrjeval v vodi The frequencies as well as the ultrasonic velocity exhibit a decreasing trend of the values. The initial, quite steep drop corresponds to the evaporation of the water absorbed in the pore system, leaving air voids that do not transmit ultrasonic signals. The further decrease connected with the crack formation caused by drying shrinkage is bit more moderate. These results are in very good accordance with the acoustic-emission measure- ments. Higher absolute values of the ultrasonic velocity for the specimens cured for longer times are associated with a denser and more compact structure. The comparison in the mass loss for variously cured specimens is given in Figure 8. The loss in mass was calculated relative to the steady state after spontaneous drying. The relative mass of the steady state was set to 1. The specimens cured for 27 d in water lost only 28 % of mass, whereas the specimens immersed in the water bath for 6 d and 2 d decreased their mass by 41 % and 46 %, respectively. It can be assumed that the AAS specimens that were not completely hydrated were more porous and, hence, contained higher amounts of the evaporable water. 4 CONCLUSIONS The paper deals with the use acoustic non-destructive methods for monitoring the alkali-activated slag mortars during the process of drying and hardening. Volume variations in the alkali-activated slag mortars are connected with autogenous and drying shrinkage. The loss in mass observed during the setting and hardening of AAS is a result of the drying process. The rate of the moisture release is in good accordance with the number of signals detected with the AE method. The changes in the dominant frequency towards lower values detected with the impact-echo method for all three specimens are visible and there is also a trend of a decrease in the ultrasonic velocity, indicating that a large number of new inhomogeneities appeared in the tested specimens during their storage in air. It is assumed that most of these changes can be attributed to the crack formation; there- fore, it can be concluded that the main process leading to a deterioration of the AAS binder is the drying shrink- age. Acknowledgement This paper was elaborated with the financial support of the Czech Science Foundation project CSF No. 13-09518S and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the "National Sustainability Programme I" (project No. LO1408 AdMaS UP), as an activity of the regional Centre AdMaS (Advanced Materials, Structures and Tech- nologies). 5 REFERENCES 1 C. Shi, P. V. Krivenko, D. Roy, Alkali-Activated Cements and Con- cretes, Taylor & Francis, Oxon, UK 2006, doi:10.4324/ 9780203390672 2 C. Shi, R. L. Day, Some factors affecting early hydration characte- ristics of alkali-slag cements, Cem. Concr. Res., 26 (1996), 439–447, doi:10.1016/S0008-8846(96)85031-9 3 M. A. Cincotto, A. A. Melo, E. L. Repetto, Effect of different activa- tors type and dosages and relation with autogenous shrinkage of activated blast furnace slag cement, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Durban, South Africa, 2003, 1878–1888 4 M. 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TOPOLÁØ et al.: NON-TRADITIONAL NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF THE ALKALI-ACTIVATED SLAG ... 10 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 7–10 Figure 8: Change in the loss in mass in relative units over time Slika 8: Spreminjanje izgube mase v relativnih enotah s ~asom Figure 7: Change in the ultrasonic velocity over time Slika 7: Spreminjanje hitrosti ultrazvoka s ~asom C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES 11–16 MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES VPLIV VE^STENSKIH OGLJIKOVIH NANOCEVK V NANOKOMPOZITIH IZ POLIPROPILENA Cristina-Elisabeta Ban1,2, Adriana Stefan1, Ion Dinca1, George Pelin1,2, Anton Ficai2, Ecaterina Andronescu2, Ovidiu Oprea2, Georgeta Voicu2 1National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" Bucharest, Materials Unit, 220 Iuliu Maniu Blvd, 061126 Bucharest, Romania 2University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, 1-7 Polizu St., 011061 Bucharest, Romania ban.cristina@incas.ro Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-07-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.142 The paper presents a study concerning thermoplastic nanocomposites having polypropylene as the matrix and different contents of carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the nanofiller. The materials are obtained by melt compounding the nanofiller powder and polymer pellets through the extrusion process followed by injection molding into specific-shape specimens. The materials are evaluated in terms of mechanical properties such as the tensile and flexural strengths and moduli, the thermal stability under load (the heat deflection temperature) and the thermal-behavior properties using a TG-DSC analysis. The fracture cross-section is analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy and SEM microscopy to evaluate the bulk characteristics of the materials. The results show positive effects of the nanofiller addition to the thermoplastic polymer on the mechanical strength and modulus of the materials during flexural and tensile tests, while in the case of the thermal stability under load, the nanofiller addition has a minor influence on the heat-deflection-temperature values. Keywords: polypropylene, melt mixing, carbon nanotubes, mechanical properties, thermal resistance ^lanek predstavlja {tudijo termoplasti~nih nanokompozitov s polipropilensko osnovo in razli~no vsebnostjo s karboksilom obdelanih, ve~stenskih ogljikovih nanocevk kot nanopolnilom. Materiali so bili dobljeni iz taline, sestavljene iz prahu nanopolnila in peletov polimerov, s postopkom ekstruzije, ki mu je sledilo tla~no litje vzorcev. Materiali so ocenjeni glede mehanskih lastnosti, kot so natezna in upogibna trdnost in moduli, toplotne stabilnosti pri obremenitvi (deformacijska toplota) in toplotne zna~ilnosti z uporabo TG-DSC analize. Za oceno zna~ilnosti osnovnega materiala je bil analiziran prelom s pomo~jo FTIR spektroskopije in SEM mikroskopije. Rezultati ka`ejo pozitivne u~inke vpliva dodatka nanopolnila termoplasti~nemu polimeru na mehansko trdnost in module materiala pri upogibnem in nateznem preizkusu, medtem ko ima dodatek nanopolnila manj{i vpliv na vrednosti deformacijske toplote pri obremenitvi. Klju~ne besede: polipropilen, me{anje taline, ogljikove nanocevke, mehanske lastnosti, toplotna obstojnost 1 INTRODUCTION Polymer nanocomposites found applications in a wide variety of fields, from microelectronics to aero- space.1 Carbon nanotube-based polymer composites combine the good processability of the matrix with the remarkable functional properties of these nanofillers. Multi-walled-carbon-nanotube (MWCNT) filled isotactic polypropylene (PP) nanocomposites can be obtained through several processing methods, such as melt mix- ing, solution casting and in-situ polymerization, among them, melt mixing having some major advantages as it combines high speed and simplicity with the absence of solvents and contaminants.2 For the production of these nanocomposites, a double-screw extruder is a more appropriate device than a single-screw extruder.3 The formation of a filler network structure (Figure 1) depends on several parameters, e.g., the concentration or dispersion states of the nanotubes in the matrix. Carbon nanotubes have a tendency to form agglomerates that lead to a decrease in the surface area, consequently hindering the structure formation.4 The screw speed is a strong factor that influences the dispersion of the carbon nanotubes in polypropylene; too high a speed rate can generate a mechanical degradation of the final nanocom- posite as a high shear stress can affect the nanotubes structure, while too low a speed rate may be insufficient for an aggregate disentanglement.4 Achieving a good dispersion is influenced also by the surface optimization between the two phases. The MWCNT-matrix interfacial-adhesion enhancement can be obtained by modifying the MWCNT surface through the non-covalent functionalization that maintains the nanotube structure or the covalent functionalization, such as acid treatment creating carboxyl and hydroxyl groups on the surface, that enhances the load transfer to the matrix.5 There are studies showing that properties enhancements are achieved for smaller nanotubes con- tents and moderate acid-treatment times.5,6 The study presents the characterization of isotactic polypropylene filled with carboxyl-functionalized MWCNT obtained through the simple melt-extrusion technique. The results show an improvement in the tensile and flexural strengths and moduli when adding Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 11 UDK 678.7:620.3:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)11(2016) the nanofiller. In the case of a higher MWCNT loading (w(MWCNT) = 4 %), the nanocomposites present a higher stiffness, decomposition temperature and thermal stability under load, while at a lower loading (w(MWCNT) = 2 %) they exhibit a better mechanical strength. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1 Materials The matrix was an isotactic polypropylene (TIPP- LEN H 949 purchased from Basplast SRL) of the homo- polymer type with a flow index of 45. The nanofiller was carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes of a 95 % purity (Chengdu Organic Chemicals Co. Ltd, outer diameter: 10–20 nm, COOH content: w = 2.56 %, length: 10–30 μm, specific surface area: 233 m2/g, density: ~2.1 g/cm3). 2.2 Nanocomposites synthesis The nanocomposite samples were obtained by direct melt compounding using a twin-screw extruder (Leistritz LSM 3034 with a 34 mm screw diameter). The poly- propylene (PP) pellets and nanofiller powder were mixed at a gradual temperature increase on the ten heating areas of the extruder, with a temperature profile between 150–170 °C and at a screw speed rate of 220 min–1. The filaments were cooled in water, chopped, dried and injected at 165–185 °C into the specimens with a spe- cific shape. Samples of pure PP, 2 and 4 % of mass frac- tions of MWCNT (relative to the matrix) were obtained, as higher contents favor agglomeration and lead to economically non-viable materials. 2.3 Testing and characterization The nanocomposites were subjected to a spectro- scopy analysis (Thermo iN10 MX, mid-infrared FTIR microscope/ATR mode) and scanning electron micro- scopy (SEM – HITACHI S2600N microscope), in the fracture cross-section to highlight the nanofiller pre- sence. Tensile and flexural tests were performed using an INSTRON 5982 machine, on a minimum of 5 specimens per test, according to SR EN ISO 527-27 at a tensile rate of 50 mm/min, on 1A-type specimens and SR EN ISO 1788 at a test speed of 2 mm/min, for conventional deflection on rectangular specimens. The thermal-degra- dation behavior was followed by TG-DSC (Netzsch TG 449C STA Jupiter) heating at 10 K/min, from 25–900 °C, under a dried-air flow of 10 mL/min. The HDT thermal stability under load was evaluated using Qualitest HDT1 according to SR EN ISO 75, using a 2 °C/min heating rate and the standard deflection of 0.34 mm at a flexural stress of 1.8 MPa. The density was calculated as the ratio between mass and volume; the volume was measured using the displacement method. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 FTIR spectroscopy Figure 2 presents the spectra of the isotactic PP in comparison with the samples nanofilled with 2 and 4 % of mass fractions of MWCNT. All the spectra present the characteristic peaks of PP: –CH2 and –CH3 stretching vibra- tions (2800–2950 cm–1) 9, –CH3 and –CH2 bending (1376, 1456 cm–1) 10,11, and C–CH3 stretching (841 cm–1) 10. Calculating the ratio of the absorption bands at 998 and 973 cm–1 (A998/A973) 12 characteristic for the pure isotactic PP, the isotacticity index for the PP used in this study was 77.8 %. There are some differences between the MWCNT samples due to the matrix-nanofiller interaction.13 Between 1000-1100 cm–1 the signals are more intense, probably due to the C=O bonding from the COOH C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES 12 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 Figure 2: FTIR spectra of the polypropylene-based nanocomposites Slika 2: FTIR-spektri nanokompozitov na osnovi polipropilena Figure 1: Exfoliated nanocomposite formation during the polymer-melt mixing Slika 1: Nastanek ekspandiranega nanokompozita med me{anjem taline polimera functionalization.14 The increase in the signal intensity at 1078 cm–1 can be due to the stretching vibration of C-O.15 Minor differences appear at 1500–1750 cm–1, more visible in the 4 % of mass fractions of MWCNT- COOH samples; the weak peak at approximately 1738 cm–1 can be due to the C=O stretching vibration from the COOH group15 and the modifications at 1550 cm–1 to the OH groups in C-OH from the nanotubes treatment.16 Minor differences between the FTIR spectra can be due to the low MWCNT content or a weak connection with the polymer, probably because of the non-polar nature of the polypropylene. 3.2 SEM electronic microscopy SEM highlights the sample morphology at different magnifications. The cross-section is strongly influenced by the nanofiller, presenting visible edges and cracks prior to the tensile-test fracture. The fracture area of the samples with w(MWCNT) = 2 % is rougher, more like the simple PP than the ones with w(MWCNT) = 4 %, due to the lower nanofiller content. At a 500× magni- fication, a good dispersion of MWCNT can be noticed (Figure 3). In PP/2 % MWCNT there are some pores, probably as impurities from the carbon nanotubes. In the case of PP/4 % MWCNT there are no visible pores, but there are some non-uniform areas, most likely due to the higher nanofiller content that increases the agglomera- tion tendencies. In the case of PP/4 % MWCNT, frac- ture-initiation sites can be observed (Figure 4). 3.3 Mechanical testing Figure 5 presents the stress-strain curves of the replicas of the mediated specimens corresponding to the samples. Figure 6 presents the load-extension evolution, illustrating that during the flexural test the materials mainly exhibit the same behavior; in the first stage, PP/2 % MWCNT followed the PP trend, then its line was the same as the one for PP/4 % MWCNT. Table 1 presents the summary of the mechanical and heat-deflection results. The nanocomposites exhibit C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 13 Figure 3: SEM images of PP-based nanocomposites compared to simple PP, at 500× magnification Slika 3: SEM-posnetki nanokompozitov na osnovi PP v primerjavi z enostavnim PP, pov. 500× Figure 5: Stress-strain curves corresponding to PP-based nanocom- posites Slika 5: Krivulje napetost – raztezek nanokompozitov na osnovi PP Figure 4: SEM images of PP-based nanocomposites at 1500× mag- nification Slika 4: SEM-posnetka nanokompozitov na osnovi PP, pov. 1500× superior characteristics compared to the bare PP; the increase is more significant for the Young’s modulus, while the density remains low. Table 1: Results for mechanical and thermal stability under load tests Tabela 1: Rezultati mehanske in toplotne stabilnosti pri obremenitvi Sample PP PP/MWCNT-COOH (2 %) PP/MWCNT- COOH (4 %) Density, g/cm3 0.87 0.91 0.93 Tensile stress at tensile strength, MPa 35.34 37.56 37.38 Young’s modulus, MPa 2026.1 2307 2413.71 Flexure stress at tensile strength, MPa 32.51 35.42 33.59 Young’s flexure strain, MPa 1439 1547.66 1575.19 HDT, °C 66.9 69.2 70.3 Adding 2 % of mass fractions of MWCNT-COOH generated an increase in the tensile modulus of about 15 % while 4 % of mass fractions of led to a 20 % increase compared to the bare PP. The flexural modulus of the w = 4 % sample presented an increase by 10 %, proving that adding MWCNT-COOH leads to stiffer materials. For the tensile and flexural strengths, the increase values are in the range of 5–9 % for both the 2 and 4 % samples, with slightly higher values for the 2 % sample. This fact can be due to the higher content of the nanofiller, which favors agglomerations, an issue that was probably not overcome with the mechanical disper- sion using the extrusion. At the 2 % loading, there is a significant increase in the elongation at break, while at the 4 % loading, both the strength and the elongation at break decrease compared to the 2 % loading, indicating a decrease in the ductility.17 At the higher MWCNT con- tent filler-filler agglomerates are likely to act as stress- concentrating sites17 as observed in the SEM images, resulting in lower strength values. The number of the stress-concentration sites increases with the nanotubes content, leading to a decrease in the elongation.18 The mechanical properties show that the composite failure is dependent on the nanofiller content. 3.4 HDT thermal stability under load The thermal stability under load is in concordance with the other test results. There is a minor increase in HDT for the MWCNT sample, from 66.9 to 69.2 °C for the 2 % loading and 70.3 °C for the 4 % loading, which is confirmed by the DSC curves of the PP-based mate- rials that present no change in the thermal behavior up to 200 °C. 3.5 Thermal degradation behavior The TG curves from Figure 7a indicate that the ma- terials are thermally stable up to approximately 200–220 °C; after this temperature they undergo thermal-degra- dation processes. Table 2 summarizes the TG-DSC results, showing that a MWCNT-COOH addition leads to an increase in the initial temperature of the degradation process (Tonset) on the TG curve of approximately 65 °C. The 50 % weight loss is generally considered to be an indicator of the structural destabilization19, which occurs up to C. E. BAN et al.: MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES EFFECT IN POLYPROPYLENE NANOCOMPOSITES 14 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 11–16 Figure 7: a) TG and b) DSC curves for PP/MWCNT nanocomposites compared to simple PP Slika 7: a) TG- in b) DSC-krivulje za PP/MWCNT kompozite v pri- merjavi z enostavnim PP Figure 6: Load-extension evolution during the flexural testing of PP-based nanocomposites Slika 6: Obna{anje obremenitev – raztezek med upogibnim preizku- som nanokompozitov na osnovi PP approximately 330 °C for PP, up to 370 °C for PP/2 % MWCNT and 390 °C for PP/4 % MWCNT. The end of the degradation process (Tendset) is shifted towards higher values as the MWCNT content increases. Table 2: TG-DSC analysis results Tabela 2: Rezultati TG-DSC analiz Sample Tonset,°C Tendset, °C Tmelting, °C Tdecomp1, °C Tdecomp2, °C PP 263.3 390 167.9 279.2 410/461.5/496.7 PP/2 % MWCNT 326.5 408.7 166.8 362.6 441.4/487.4/ 546.4 PP/4 % MWCNT 327.2 441.2 167.3 365.2 471.4/500.9/ 561.4 In the 25–200 °C region, an endothermic effect is registered on the DSC curve (Figure 7b), associated with the polymer melting process. As melting is a physical process, the effect is not accompanied by the weight loss. The maximum rate of the endothermic effect is reached at approximately the same temperature (167 °C) for all the samples, showing that the MWCNT addition does not induce changes in the melting tempe- rature, but the intensities of the corresponding peaks are lower for the MWCNT samples. In the regions above 200 °C, exothermic effects appear, associated with the decomposition processes that occur in two main stages, mainly between 200–400 °C and 400–600 °C, divided into several secondary exother- mic effects, accompanied by the weight loss. The re- corded effects for the PP-based materials are similar, but because of their different compositions, the peak inten- sities differ. In the 200–400 °C region, the maximum weight loss occurs for all the samples, being approximately 94 %. On the DSC curve, the peaks corresponding to the exo- thermic effects are shifted towards higher values; the peak for PP appears at 279 °C, for PP/2 % MWCNT it appears at 363 °C and for PP/4 % MWCNT it appears at 365 °C, but with a lower intensity for the MWCNT samples. The increase in the decomposition temperature of the MWCNT nanocomposites could be due to the barrier effect generated by the nanotubes, when they are well dispersed into the matrix, hindering oxygen diffusion and retarding the thermo-oxidative degradation of polypropylene.20,21 MWCNT acts as the protective agent against a thermal degradation of polypropylene. Between 400–600 °C, the exothermic effects are accompanied by a weight change of approximately 6 % for all the samples. Also, in this region, the exothermic effects recorded on the DSC curves of PP/MWCNT appear at higher temperatures and with higher intensities, with the difference increasing with the MWCNT content. This shows that the protective effect is more pronounced at higher temperatures and higher MWCNT contents. The residual mass is extremely low (up to w = 0.5 % for all the samples), proving that although the PP/MWCNT nanocomposites burn slower than the bare PP, they burn nearly completely, indicating that the eventual flame-retardancy properties of these materials are probably due to the chemical and physical processes in the condensed phase rather than the gas phase.22 The TG-DSC analysis results prove that the addition of MWCNT improves the decomposition temperature of the polypropylene nanocomposites and, consequently, the thermal-degradation resistance. 4 CONCLUSIONS The study presents a characterization of an isotactic polypropylene filled with carboxyl-functionalized MWCNT prepared through the simple and quick way of the melt-extrusion technique. The results show an improvement in the mechanical strength and modulus, thermal stability under load as well as decomposition temperature when adding the nanofiller. In the case of the higher MWCNT loading (w(MWCNT) = 4 %), the nanocomposites exhibited higher stiffness, decompo- sition temperature and thermal stability under load, while in the case of the lower loading (w(MWCNT) = 2 %) the nanocomposites exhibited better mechanical strengths. The nanocomposites maintained their low-density advantages showing a minor increase when adding the nanofiller. The results prove that the thermoplastic polymers loaded with carbon nanotubes might be a new class of light and strong composites that could find applications in a large variety of fields. Further compatibilization of the polypropylene ma- trix by grafting it with different agents such as maleic anhydride, methylstyrene23 and copolymers based on maleic anhydride24 can lead to nanocomposites with even higher mechanical and thermal properties, due to an increased matrix-filler adhesion. Acknowledgments This work was funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education through the PN-II-PT-PCCA-168/2012 project "Hybrid composite materials with thermoplastic matrices doped with fibres and disperse nano-fillings for materials with special purposes" and by the Sectoral Operational Programme "Human Resources Development 2007– 2013" of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132397. 5 REFERENCES 1 F. Hussain, M. Hojjati, M. Okamoto, R. E. Gorga, J. Compos. Mater., 40 (2006) 17, 1511–1565, doi:10.1177/0021998306067321 2 E. Logakis, E. Pollatos, Ch. Pandis, V. Peoglos, I. Zuburtikudis, C. G. Delides, A. Vatalis, M. Gjoka, E. Syskakis, K. Viras, P. Pissis, Compos. Sci. Technol., 70 (2010) 2, 328–335, doi:10.1016/ j.compscitech.2009.10.023 3 A. Szentes, G. Horvath, Cs. Varga, Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 38 (2010) 1, 67–70 C. E. 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HRABOVSKÝ et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF HOT-STEEL-PLATE FLATNESS 17–21 EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF HOT-STEEL-PLATE FLATNESS EKSPERIMENTALNI IN NUMERI^NI [TUDIJ RAVNOSTI VRO^IH PLO[^ IZ JEKLA Jozef Hrabovský1, Michal Pohanka1, Pil Jong Lee2, Jong Hoon Kang2 1Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic 2POSCO, Rolling Technology & Process Control Research Group, 1, Geodong-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang, Gyeongbuk 790-785, Korea hrabovsky@fme.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-07-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.153 One aspect of the steel-product quality is the flatness of a steel plate. This is one of the reasons why it is important to describe and understand the process of steel-plate deformation during the cooling process. The temperature distribution has the largest impact on the deformation of a strip. The temperature distribution is affected by the cooling process. The cooling homogeneity or inhomogeneity is the most important factor influencing the final flatness of a cooled strip or steel plate. Inhomogeneous cooling can lead to large differences in the thermal distribution inside the material and also to high deformations. The cooling homogeneity is mainly influenced by the water distribution in the cooling section. The goal of this paper is to experimentally and numerically study and describe the deformation process of a hot steel plate during the cooling process. To meet these goals, experimental measurements of a cooled steel plate were carried out and the boundary conditions and temperature field were obtained. Based on this data, two numerical models were created. The first numerical model focused on the cooling process, the thermal-field simulation and the input-data preparation for the next step. In the next step, the second numerical model was generated using the finite-element method and an analysis of the structure and deformation of the steel plate was simulated. The description of the shape deformation of cooled steel plates should lead to an improved flatness of final products. Keywords: cooling process, deformation, flatness, numerical simulation Eden od vidikov kvalitete izdelka iz jekla je ravnost jeklene plo{~e. To je eden od razlogov, zakaj je potrebno opisati in razumeti postopek deformiranja plo{~e med njenim ohlajanjem. Razporeditev temperature ima glavni vpliv na deformacijo traku. Na razporeditev temperature vpliva proces ohlajanja. Homogenost ali nehomogenost hlajenja je najpomembnej{i faktor, ki vpliva na kon~no ravnost ohlajenega traku ali plo{~e. Nehomogeno hlajenje lahko povzro~i velike razlike v razporeditvi toplote znotraj materiala in tudi velike deformacije. Na homogenost hlajenja najbolj vpliva razporeditev vode v podro~ju hlajenja. Namen tega ~lanka je eksperimentalni in numeri~ni {tudij ter opis procesa deformacije vro~e jeklene plo{~e med procesom hlajenja. Za dosego namena so bile eksperimentalno izmerjene hlajene jeklene plo{~e in dobljeni so bili mejni pogoji in temperaturno polje. Na osnovi teh podatkov sta bila postavljena dva numeri~na modela. Prvi numeri~ni model je bil osredoto~en na proces hlajenja, simulacijo temperaturnega polja in pripravo vhodnih podatkov za naslednji korak. V naslednjem koraku je bil generiran drugi numeri~ni model s pomo~jo metode kon~nih elementov in simulirana je bila analiza strukture ter deformacije jeklene plo{~e. Opis deformacije oblike ohlajanih jeklenih plo{~ naj bi omogo~il bolj{o ravnost kon~nih proizvodov. Klju~ne besede: proces hlajenja, deformacija, ravnost, numeri~na simulacija 1 INTRODUCTION The flatness of a hot steel plate or strip is an import- ant issue of heat treatment in the steel industry. POSCO Korea is also dealing with this problem. The flatness of a final product has a significant impact on the quality and price of the strip. The flatness of a steel plate is mainly affected by the water distribution and cooling homo- geneity during the quenching process. Two important non-homogeneous types of water distribution can occur. The first type of non-homogeneity is caused by different intensities of the cooling from the top and bottom sides of a steel plate. The second type of non-homogeneity during a cooling process is created by different water distributions in the center and corners of a steel plate. Both of these types can occur simultaneously and pro- duce problems with regard to the flatness of a steel plate1,2. Non-homogeneous cooling also affects other aspects such as material properties, phase changes, residual stresses and so on3–5. The combination of all the aspects has a significant impact on the final quality of a steel plate and, therefore, the cooling process must be studied. The description of the cooling process can be performed using several parameters, including the cool- ing intensity, the distribution of the heat-transfer coeffi- cient (HTC) and so on6,7. Experimental measurements were carried out at defined conditions to describe the cooling process and non-homogeneity identification during the quenching. The HTC distribution was ob- tained from the results and a model of the steel-surface thermal field was prepared. The inverse problem with a sequential estimation of the time and varying boundary conditions was used to simulate the cooling process and time-dependent boundary conditions8. The calculated thermal field of the steel plate was used in the next numerical simulation. This numerical simulation was Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 17–21 17 UDK 519.61/.64:536.413:62-415 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)17(2016) focused on steel-plate deformations and an analysis of the flatness. The numerical simulation was based on the finite-element method in Ansys, a commercial software program. 2 EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENT OF COOLING HOMOGENEITY The cooling process under defined conditions was experimentally measured using a laboratory apparatus prepared in the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory. The experimental apparatus is shown in Figure 1. The experimental measurements were focused on the study of the cooling non-homogeneity in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the test plate and also of the differences in the water distribution from the top and bottom sides. A test plate equipped with three thermocouple sensors was used to investigate the heat transfer in the longitudinal and transverse directions. A schematic of the experimental measurement is depicted in Figure 2. The thermocouples recorded the temperature history dur- ing the cooling process and, using an inverse analysis, the surface temperatures and heat-transfer coefficients were computed. Both the upper and lower surfaces were investigated. The measurements were performed for several conditions. The examples of the experimental conditions are presented in Table 1. For the cooling from the top, a pool with an adjustable height was used to set the proper water layer. Table 1: Examples of the measurement conditions Tabela 1: Primeri pogojev pri meritvah Surface Spray distance(mm) Flow rate (m3/min) Water layer (mm) Velocity (m/s) Top 400 3.0 54 0.8 Top 400 4.5 65 0.8 Bottom 50 3.0 – 0.8 Bottom 50 5.3 – 0.8 The temperature history recorded during the experi- ment was used to compute the time-dependent boundary conditions. These boundary conditions were computed using the sequential estimation of the time-varying boundary conditions and the HTCs were obtained using the inverse solution of the problem for each measure- ment. Using the applied calculation methodology, the HTC distribution on the steel plate was obtained. The evaluated data for the full temperature range of the experiments performed for the upper and lower cooling are shown in Figure 3. These figures represent the HTC distribution as a function of the surface temperature and the position. J. HRABOVSKÝ et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF HOT-STEEL-PLATE FLATNESS 18 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 17–21 Figure 3: HTC distribution for: a) upper and b) bottom cooling Slika 3: HTC-razporeditev za hlajenje: a) zgoraj in b) spodaj Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the experimental measurement Slika 2: Shemati~en prikaz izvedbe meritev Figure 1: Experimental apparatus Slika 1: Eksperimentalna naprava 3 NUMERICAL SIMULATION The numerical simulation was prepared in two steps. In the first step, a numerical model of the thermal field was prepared. In this step, FDM methods were consi- dered as the solver for the heat conduction. The second step was focused on the preparation of the numerical model for the structural analysis of the steel plate. The second numerical model was based on the FEM. 3.1 Temperature-field simulation A cooling test plate was simulated to verify the HTC values obtained with the laboratory measurements. The selected discretization equations obtained using the FDM have a clear physical meaning – they are not simply a formal mathematical approximation. The derived equations represent the conservation principles (mainly the energy conservation) for each control volume and the resulting numerical solution correctly satisfies the con- servation over the whole calculation domain. As the conductivities of the neighboring volumes may be different due to the different temperature, there may be a discontinuity of the slope (dT/dx) at the control volume boundary. Whenever there is a need to get the tempera- ture at a control volume boundary (e.g., during the inter- polation of the temperature across the control volume), a detailed equation should be used together with the temperature at the node. When the mass density or specific heat becomes more dependent on the temperature, special care must be paid to the time integration: if the time step is too large, the latent heat of the phase change may be neglected. In the case of a phase change, the properties are highly dependent on the temperature. This problem can be eliminated by solving it using the enthalpy instead of the specific heat and the mass density. The approach that was used and overcomes this problem was inspired by the apparent-heat-capacity method. The boundary conditions were prepared from the data presented in the previous section (Figure 3). The data was considered as a function of three variables: HTC (length, Tsurface, width). An example of the applied boun- dary conditions at a time of 32 s for the upper cooling of the test plate is shown in Figure 4. The computed temperature histories for the entire cooling process are shown in Figure 5. This figure indicates a large temperature difference between the surface and the center of the plate in the middle of the plate. The applied method for the temperature-field simulation agrees with the plant measurements. 3.2 Simulation of deformation This section contains the structural analysis of the steel plate focusing on the deformations. The measured thermal loading produced by the simulated cooling pro- cess was described in the previous chapter. The purpose of this calculation was to assess the impact of the cooling process on the deformation of the steel plate produced experimentally. The calculation methodology for the structural analysis of the FE model consists of three steps. In the first step, the 3D finite-element model was created with respect to the real dimensions and conditions. In the second step, the calculated temperature field, the struc- tural boundary conditions and the initial conditions were applied. In the final step, the analysis of the structure and deformation of the steel plate was calculated. Two types of loads were considered for the prepared FE model: the experimentally measured thermal field as the thermal load and the mechanical loads represented by the move- ment of the plate. The analysis of the steel-plate defor- mation due to different conditions was carried out for two cases. In the first case, the specimen was tested under measured cooling conditions, and the second case was the same as the first case (the same cooling con- ditions) but without considering the gravity. The case without the gravity acceleration was performed to obtain the true deformation due to the cooling process. J. HRABOVSKÝ et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF HOT-STEEL-PLATE FLATNESS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 17–21 19 Figure 5: Center and surface temperature histories in the middle of the plane Slika 5: Temperaturna zgodovina sredine in povr{ine na sredini povr{ine Figure 4: Temperature profile (different scales on the axes) Slika 4: Profil temperature (razli~na merila po oseh) The thermal loads were FDM analyzed and applied as the body loads of the steel plate. The temperature was evaluated at the center of the steel plate along a defined path (the symmetry plane) on the top and bottom sides. The evaluation of the temperature distribution along the defined path is shown in Figure 6. The temperature distributions (Figure 6) show that at the beginning (14 s) and at the end of the cooling (100.5 s), the top and bottom temperatures are almost equal. At a time of 19.5 s it is clear that the cooling is less intense on the top and that the bottom temperatures are lower. Different values of the temperature on both sides of the steel plate lead to different stresses and deformations. The presented thermal field was used for the structural analysis and the deformation of the steel plate was cal- culated. The final vertical deformation at the end of the cooling reached 2.8 mm. The maximum vertical defor- mation is located at the corner of the steel plate. The deformation of the steel plate along the path at the corner and along the path at the center was evaluated (Figure 7). The comparison of these two locations confirmed two reasons for the maximum deformation in the corner. The first reason is the non-homogeneous ther- mal field at the corner. The second reason is that the corner is free and a deformation is possible. In the center, the steel plate is constrained by the symmetry (in reality the steel plate would continue). The gravitational acceleration contributes to a decrease in the total deformation. For the second case, the same type of cooling as for the first case was used and the gravitational acceleration was not considered. The final vertical deformation at the end of the cooling reached 596 mm. The maximum ver- tical deformation is located symmetrically at the beginning of the steel plate. The deformations of the steel plate in this case are mainly affected by the thermal distribution and the thermal gradients. The presented deformation results confirm that the more intense cooling from the bottom side of the steel plate leads to the final deformation on the lower-cooling side of the steel plate (the top side). This effect can be explained with the following mechanism. On the bottom side, which is cooled more intensely, the temperature drops quickly and the stiffness (K) represented by the modulus of elasticity (E) of the bottom layer is changed to a higher value. In the middle part of the steel plate, the temperature is still high and the stiffness is low (the modulus of elasticity at a higher temperature). On the top side of the steel plate, the temperature also decreases but not as intensely as on the bottom side. The stiffness of the top layer is lower than the stiffness of the bottom layer. The combination of the temperature and the stiffness distribution of defined layers leads to different directions of the deflection (U) in each layer. The highest deflection in the axial direction of the steel plate is in the middle layer due to the higher temperature and thermal expan- J. HRABOVSKÝ et al.: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF HOT-STEEL-PLATE FLATNESS 20 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 17–21 Figure 6: Evaluated temperatures through the path at defined time points Slika 6: Ocenjene temperature skozi sredino, v dolo~enih ~asovnih trenutkih Figure 8: Schematic illustration of the steel-plate deformation mecha- nism Slika 8: Shemati~en prikaz mehanizma deformacije plo{~e iz jekla Figure 7: Evaluation of the total vertical deformation at a time of 100.5 s Slika 7: Ocena skupne vertikalne deformacije pri ~asu 100,5 s sion. On the bottom side of the steel plate, deflection occurs in the opposite direction than in the middle layer due to intense cooling. At the top layer, the lower cool- ing intensity leads to a deflection in the same direction as at the bottom layer, but the deflection is lower than on the bottom side. These deflection distributions through the thickness of the steel plate generate a deformation in the intensely cooled side direction. Non-homogeneous cooling on the bottom and top sides of the steel plate cause a time shift in the tempe- rature distribution on both sides. The time shift in the temperatures on both sides causes a deflection inverted from the bottom and top layers, changing the final defor- mation of the steel plate in the direction of the actual cooled side (the top side). A schematic illustration of the deformation of the steel mechanism due to non-homo- geneous cooling is depicted in Figure 8. The elastic- plastic material properties of steel are considered in the numerical model and, therefore, a permanent deforma- tion occurs. 4 CONCLUSION The analyses presented in this paper focused on the study of non-homogeneous cooling and its impact on the deformation of a steel plate. Several numerical models of steel plates were prepared. The first model computed time-dependent temperature fields. Plant measurements were simulated using this model. The results obtained from the simulation agree with data obtained during the plant measurements. The second numerical model focused on the cooling process of the steel plate and the impact of thermal fields on the final deformations of the steel plate. The FE simulation of the cooling process showed the impact of the non-homogeneity in the thermal field on the final deformations. The simulations confirmed that the plate is bent towards the side with the higher cooling intensity in the initial cooling stage; however, in the later stages, the plate is bent towards the opposite side, with the lower cooling intensity. Acknowledgement The paper presented was supported through project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0005 of the Brno University of Technology. This work is an output of the research and scientific activities of the NETME Centre, regional R&D center built with the financial support from the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations within the project NETME Centre (New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering), Reg. No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/ 01.0002 and, in the follow-up sustainability stage, supported through NETME CENTRE PLUS (LO1202) by the financial means from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the National Sustainability Programme I. 5 REFERENCES 1 X. Wang, Q. Yang, A. He, Calculation of thermal stress affecting strip flatness change during run-out table cooling in hot steel strip rolling, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 207 (2008), 130–146, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2007.12.076 2 Y. J. Jung, G. T. Lee, C. G. 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TOPAL: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE EFFECTS ON THE CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD ... 23–27 INVESTIGATION OF HOLE EFFECTS ON THE CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD OF LAMINATED COMPOSITE PLATES PREISKAVA VPLIVA LUKNJE NA KRITI^NO UPOGIBNO OBREMENITEV LAMINIRANIH KOMPOZITNIH PLO[^ Ali Kurºun, Ersin Topal Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hitit University, 19030 Çorum, Turkey alikursun@hitit.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.164 In this study, the effects of the hole diameter on the buckling behavior of glass-fiber-reinforced, laminated composite rectangular plates were investigated both experimentally and numerically. As the test specimens, E-glass/epoxy symmetric-ply composites with eight layers were manufactured using the hand lay-up technique and drilled with different hole diameters ranging from 10 to 40 mm. The laminated composite plates were arranged with different symmetric orientation angles such as [(0°/90°)2]s, [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s and [(–45°/45°)2]s. The experimental critical-buckling loads of the plates were found by clamping the bottom and upper edges and then these results were compared with the results obtained with the numerical analysis. The determination of the critical buckling loads for the laminated composite plates with different hole diameters was performed using the ANSYS 12.1® finite-element-analysis software. The numerical analysis showed good agreement with the experimental results for different hole diameters and fiber orientation angles. It was concluded that the critical buckling loads strongly depend on the diameter of the hole and fiber orientation angles. Keywords: buckling, glass fibers, finite element method (FEM) V tej {tudiji je bil eksperimentalno in numeri~no preiskovan vpliv premera luknje na obna{anje pri upogibu s steklenimi vlakni laminirane kompozitne {tirioglate plo{~e. Kompozitni vzorci so bili izdelani s simetri~nim polaganjem E-steklo/epoksi, z osmimi plastmi, z uporabo tehnike ro~nega polaganja in vrtanja lukenj razli~nega premera od 10 do 40 mm. Laminirane kompozitne plo{~e so bile izdelane z razli~nimi, simetri~no orientiranimi koti vlaken, [(0°/90°)2]s, [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s in [(–45°/45°)2]s. Eksperimentalna kriti~na upogibna obremenitev plo{~ je bila ugotovljena z vpetjem spodnjega in zgornjega roba, rezultati pa so bili primerjani z rezultati numeri~ne analize. Dolo~itev kriti~ne upogibne obremenitve za laminirane kom- pozitne plo{~e z luknjami z razli~nim premerom, je bila izvr{ena z uporabo programa za analizo kon~nih elementov ANSYS 12.1®. Numeri~na analiza je pokazala dobro ujemanje z rezultati preizkusov, za razli~ne premere lukenj in orientacijske kote vlaken. Ugotovljeno je, da je kriti~na upogibna obremenitev mo~no odvisna od premera luknje in od kota orientacije vlaken. Klju~ne besede: upogibanje, steklena vlakna, metoda kon~nih elementov (FEM) 1 INTRODUCTION Fiber-reinforced composite plates are widely used in many types of engineering applications such as the aero- space, automotive and marine industries, as well as in medical prosthetic devices, electronic circuit boards and sports equipment because of certain properties such as high specific stiffness and strength. A plate which is subjected to an axial compressive load ought to remain stable. If, in spite of a small addition of an axial or lateral disturbance applied to a plate, it remains to be in equili- brium, then the plate is said to be stable. If a small additional disturbance results in a large response and the plate does not return to its original equilibrium configu- ration, the plate is said to be unstable. The magnitude of the compressive axial load, at which the plate becomes unstable is called the critical buckling load. If the load is increased beyond this critical load, it results in a large deflection and the plate seeks another equilibrium configuration. Thus, the load at which a plate becomes unstable is of practical import- ance in the design of structural elements. One of the important issues is the prediction of the critical buckling loads of composite materials. Here we determine the cri- tical buckling loads of the laminated composite rectan- gular plates with a cylindrical hole using experimental and numerical methods. The buckling behavior of symmetric cross-ply and angle-ply laminated flat composite columns was des- cribed in1, investigating the effects of the column thickness and wideness, the orientation angles, the fillet radius and the modulus ratios on the critical buckling load with the finite-element method (FEM) based on the first-order shear-deformation theory (FSDT). Arman et al.2 investigated the effect of the delamination around a single circular hole on the critical buckling load of woven-fabric-laminated composite plates. Besides the critical buckling load, they determined the critical delamination diameter. A buckling analysis of a woven- glass-polyester and boron/epoxy laminated composite plate containing a circular/elliptical hole given in3,4, respectively, was done using the FEM. Aydogdu5 studied the thermal-buckling behavior of cross-ply laminated beams, subjected to different boun- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 23–27 23 UDK 519.61/.64:66.017:620.174:666.189.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)23(2016) dary conditions. He used the Ritz method to obtain the critical buckling temperatures. Kim and Lee6 developed fine-beam elements named as 2-, 3- and 4-noded isopara- metric beam elements to analyze the lateral buckling of the shear-deformable laminated composites. Jung and Han7 presented an approach for the initial buckling beha- vior of laminated composite plates and shells subjected to the combined in-plane loading. Laurin et al.8 deve- loped an approach for the multiscale-failure behavior for various stacking sequences. The buckling response of laminated composite structures with a delamination was investigated by Lee and Park9. Matsunaga10 used the method of the power series expansion of continuous-displacement components to come up with the two-dimensional global-deformation theory for the thermal buckling of laminated composites and sandwich plates. The thermal-buckling behavior of laminated hybrid-composite plates containing a hole, subjected to a uniform temperature was studied by ªahin11. The thermal-buckling mode shapes of laminated composites with varying fiber orientations, stacking se- quences and E1/E2 ratios are studied in12. The thermo- mechanical-buckling response of laminated composites and sandwich plates was investigated by Wu and Chen13. The post- and thermal-buckling behavior of lami- nated composite beams with temperature-dependent material properties is given in14. Dash and Singh15 deve- loped an isoparametric nonlinear finite-element method for the buckling and post-buckling of laminated com- posite plates. The buckling behavior of a composite structure based on the generalized differential quadrature rule (GDQR) and Rayleigh-Ritz (R-R) method is presen- ted in16,17. Topal and Uzman18 investigated the optimi- zation of the critical failure mode of simply supported laminated composite plates under in-plane static loads. Shufrin et al.19 generated a semi-analytical formulation based on the total energy minimization and the iterative extended Kantorovich approach for the buckling analysis of symmetrically laminated composite plates. Malekza- deh and Shojaee20 studied the buckling response of carbon-nanotube-reinforced, quadrilateral laminated plates. Özben21 presented the critical buckling load for laminated composite plates using the FEM and analytical methods. The effects of the hole location and diameter on the lateral-buckling response of woven-fabric-lami- nated composite cantilever beams were determined experimentally and numerically in22. In this study, the effects of the hole diameter and fiber orientations on the buckling behavior of glass- fiber-reinforced, laminated composite rectangular plates were investigated experimentally and numerically under compression. Firstly, the test specimens for different fiber orientation angles were prepared with and without the holes. The test specimens made of glass/epoxy con- sisted of eight symmetric plies. A uniformly distributed load was applied to the upper edges of the plate speci- mens and critical buckling loads were determined experimentally and numerically. The results obtained with the experimental and numerical methods were in good agreement. The results showed that the critical buckling loads strongly depend on the diameter of the hole and the fiber orientation angles. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Test specimens For the experiments, laminated composite plates con- sisting of eight layers of e-glass woven fabrics with various fiber orientation angles such as [(0°/90°)2]s, [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s and [(–45°/45°)2]s were manufactured. The fiber volume fraction and the nominal thickness of the composite were approximately 55 % and 2 mm, respectively. For the matrix material, the CY225 epoxy resin and hardener HY225 were used. The curing process was implemented at 120 °C for 3 h under a pressure of 0.25 MPa.23 Then, the composite was cooled to room temperature. The prepared plates were cut to the dimensions of 100 × 100 mm and drilled in the center with different hole diameters such as 0 (without a hole), 10, 20, 30 and 40 mm respectively. Table 1 shows the mechanical properties of the laminated composites. Table 1: Mechanical properties of the composites plate Tabela 1: Mehanske lastnosti kompozitnih plo{~ E1 = E2 (GPa) E3 (GPa) G12 = G13 = G23 (GPa) v12 v13 = v23 28.500 17.100 7.840 0.148 0.088 2.2 Experimental procedure of the critical buckling load The buckling tests were done in the compression mode on a Shimadzu AG-100 kN test machine. The buckling-test apparatus designed by Arman et al.2 con- sists of two clamped edges at the bottom and top and two free edges as the boundary conditions as shown in Figure 1. As a result of the clamped boundary condition of the buckling-test apparatus that holds the specimen at the bottom and top edges, each having a 10 mm A. KURªUN, E. TOPAL: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE EFFECTS ON THE CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD ... 24 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 23–27 Figure 1: Buckling-test apparatus2 Slika 1: Naprava za upogibni preizkus2 clamping length, the height of the test specimens were determined to be 80 mm as shown in Figure 1. Three identical specimens were tested for each hole diameter and all the specimens were subjected to an axial compressive load until the first buckling mode was reached as shown in Figure 2. The laminated plate became unstable as the first buckling mode was reached. The magnitude of the axial compressive load, at which the plate becomes unstable, is called the critical buckling load. The other buckling modes were not studied in this paper. The test results were taken as a text file on the data card of the test machine. Then the graphs of the load- displacement variations were created for each specimen. A MATLAB® code was written for the upheaval of the slope of the load-displacement curve. The critical buckl- ing load was determined accordingly and shown in Fig- ure 3. In this figure, Pcr is the critical buckling load. 2.3 Finite-element buckling model A three-dimensional finite-element analysis of the composite plates with a single circular hole was per- formed using the commercial finite-element software ANSYS® 12.1. The model consists of eight layers with dimensions of 100 × 100 × 0.25 mm for each layer and the 2 mm total thickness of the plate. The diameter of the hole changes from 0 (without hole) to 10, 20, 30 and 40 mm. Additionally, the fiber orientation changes from [(0°/90°)2]s to [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s and [(–45°/45°)2]s. Therefore, a total of 20 models were constructed. After the modeling of the composite plates with a circular hole, the number of layers, the element type, the material properties of the laminated composite plates, the fiber orientation angles and the thickness of each layer were introduced to the finite-element pro- gram. The element type was a SHELL layered element having six degrees of freedom at each node: the trans- lations in the nodal x, y and z directions and the rotations about the nodal x, y and z axes. Finally, for the analysis, the unit pressure was applied to one of the clamped edges, the model was meshed and the program was run. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The critical-buckling-load results were obtained both experimentally and numerically for the [(0°/90°)2]s, [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s and [(–45°/45°)2]s fiber orientations for all the buckling-test specimens having 0 (without hole), 10, 20, 30 and 40 mm hole diameters, respectively. The experimental results for each hole diameter are presented in Figure 4. In this figure, three identical experimental graphs and their average values are shown. It is clear that all the repeated experimental tests for each group with various hole-diameter values show a very similar buckling behavior as reported in Figures 4a to 4e. The average values of all the results obtained expe- rimentally and numerically are given in Table 2 in order to compare them in terms of the critical buckling load. In the same table, P*cr refers to the critical buckling load for the specimen without a hole. Table 2: Critical buckling loads for numerical and experimental stu- dies Tabela 2: Kriti~na upogibna obremenitev pri numeri~ni {tudiji in pri preizkusu Hole dia- meter (mm) Critical buckling loads (Pcr, P*cr) (N) Fiber orientations (°) [(0°/90°)2]s [(–15°/15°)2]s[(–30°/30°)2]s[(–45°/45°)2]s Exp. Num. Exp. Num. Exp. Num. Exp. Num. 0 4867.24497.04347.34296.34000.74023.03660.13853.0 10 4310.54261.54277.74155.43934.13891.83540.83734.4 20 4194.74073.53896.23970.93700.63709.13140.33550.0 30 3710.93758.93703.33666.93434.53424.42830.73272.2 40 3326.33365.33117.83279.23034.33050.52280.92905.4 In addition, the experimental and numerical results showing the variation in the critical buckling load versus the hole diameter were presented in Figure 5. It is clear A. KURªUN, E. TOPAL: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE EFFECTS ON THE CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 23–27 25 Figure 3: Determination of the experimental critical buckling load Slika 3: Eksperimentalno dolo~anje kriti~ne upogibne obremenitve Figure 2: View of the buckling-test process: a) before buckling and b) after buckling Slika 2: Izgled upogibnega preizkusa: a) pred upogibanjem, b) po upogibanju from this figure that the experimental and numerical results are consistent with each other. Figures 5 and 6 were automatically scaled starting at buckling loads of 1000 N and 2800 N, respectively, in order to clarify the difference between of the results. From Table 2 and Figure 5, it is concluded that the critical buckling load for all the types of fiber orientation angle has the highest value for the specimens without a hole and the lowest value for the specimens having a 40 mm hole diameter. Figure 6 shows the variation in the critical buckling load versus the hole diameter in terms of fiber orien- tation. The critical buckling load for the same hole dia- meter is maximum at the orientation angle of [(0°/90°)2]s and it decreases with the order of [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s and [(–45°/45°)2]s as reported in Figure 6. And also, the critical buckling load gradually decreases, while the hole diameter increases for all the types of fiber orientation. A. KURªUN, E. TOPAL: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE EFFECTS ON THE CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD ... 26 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 23–27 Figure 4: Experimental critical buckling loads for: a) without a hole, b) 10 mm hole diameter, c) 20 mm hole diameter, d) 30 mm hole diameter and e) 40 mm hole diameter Slika 4: Eksperimentalne kriti~ne upogibne obremenitve pri: a) brez luknje, b) premer luknje 10 mm, c) premer luknje 20 mm, d) premer luknje 30 mm in e) premer luknje 40 mm Figure 6: Numerical results for the critical buckling load versus the hole diameter for all types of fiber orientation Slika 6: Numeri~ni rezultati za kriti~no upogibno obremenitev v od- visnosti od premera luknje, pri vseh orientacijah vlaken Figure 5: Comparison between the experimental and numerical results for fiber orientations: a) [(0°/90°)2]s, b) [(–15°/15°)2]s, c) [(–30°/30°)2]s and d) [(–45°/45°)2]s Slika 5: Primerjava rezultatov preizkusov in numeri~nih rezultatov pri orientaciji vlaken: a) [(0°/90°)2]s, b) [(–15°/15°)2]s, c) [(–30°/30°)2]s in d) [(–45°/45°)2]s 4 CONCLUSION In this study, the buckling response of the composite plates with symmetric orientation angles such as [(0°/90°)2]s, [(–15°/15°)2]s, [(–30°/30°)2]s and [(–45°/45°)2]s with a single circular hole were examined by employing an experimental study and a numerical analysis performed with the finite-element technique. The conclusions that can be made in the contribution are as follows: • The critical buckling loads are strongly dependent on the hole size for all the types of fiber orientation. • The maximum values of the critical buckling load were obtained for the specimens with the [(0°/90°)2]s orientation angle. • The buckling load decreases exponentially with a de- crease in the fiber orientation angle of the composite material. 5 REFERENCES 1 H. Akbulut, O. Gundogdu, M. Þengül, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46 (2010) 12, 1061–1067, doi:10.1016/j.finel.2010. 07.004 2 Y. Arman, M. Zor, S. Aksoy, Composites Science and Technology, 66 (2006) 15, 2945–2953, doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2006.02.014 3 M. Aydin Komur, F. Sen, A. Ataþ, N. Arslan, Advances in Engineer- ing Software, 41 (2010) 2, 161–164, doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2009. 09.005 4 D. Ouinas, B. Achour, Composites Part B: Engineering, 55 (2013), 575–579, doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2013.07.011 5 M. 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Özben, Computational Materials Science, 45 (2009) 4, 1006–1015, doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2009.01.003 22 E. Eryiðit, M. Zor, Y. Arman, Composites Part B: Engineering, 40 (2009) 2, 174–179, doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2008.07.005 23 A. Kursun, M. Senel, Experimental Techniques, 37 (2013) 6, 41–48, doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2011.00738.x A. KURªUN, E. TOPAL: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE EFFECTS ON THE CRITICAL BUCKLING LOAD ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 23–27 27 K. WIŒNIEWSKA et al.: CORROSION OF THE REFRACTORY ZIRCONIA METERING NOZZLE ... 29–32 CORROSION OF THE REFRACTORY ZIRCONIA METERING NOZZLE DUE TO MOLTEN STEEL AND SLAG KOROZIJA OGNJEODPORNE CIRKONSKE DOZIRNE [OBE S STALJENIM JEKLOM IN @LINDRO Klaudia Wiœniewska, Dominika Madej, Jacek Szczerba AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Department of Ceramics and Refractories, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland kwis@agh.edu.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-03 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.188 This paper presents a study on the phase composition and microstructure changes of a sintered Mg-stabilized zirconia metering nozzle exposed to the corrosive effect of the molten steel and slag in a tundish for continuous casting for 30 h. A macroscopic observation of the corroded material showed cracks and two zones that were distinguished with respect to colour. An X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the dark layer was richer in stabilized ZrO2 than the light layer. After the corrosion test, the nozzle had higher contents of MgO, SiO2, CaO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 than the reference sample as evidenced by an X-ray fluorescence analysis. Moreover, during the corrosion process, liquid steel and slag infiltrated the zirconia material, which was confirmed with a SEM investigation. Along the hot face of the metering nozzle, the grains of zirconium oxide recrystallized with a high-temperature structure of ZrO2 and dissolved MgO and CaO derived from the slag, stabilizing this phase. Keywords: partially stabilized ZrO2, metering nozzle, corrosive effect of molten steel, refractories ^lanek predstavlja {tudijo fazne sestave in mikrostrukturnih sprememb sintrane, z Mg stabilizirane cirkonske dozirne {obe, izpostavljene korozijskim vplivom staljenega jekla in `lindre po 30 urnem delovanju v vmesni ponovci pri postopku kontinuirnega litja. Makroskopsko opazovanje korodiranega materiala je pokazalo razpoke in dve podro~ji, ki sta se razlikovali po barvi. Rentgenska difrakcijska analiza je pokazala, da je bilo temnej{e podro~je bogatej{e s stabiliziranim ZrO2, kot pa svetlej{e podro~je. Rentgenska fluorescen~na analiza je pokazala, da ima {oba po korozijskem preizkusu, v primerjavi z referen~nim vzorcem, vi{jo vsebnost MgO, SiO2, CaO, Al2O3 in Fe2O3. Poleg tega sta, med procesom korozije, teko~e jeklo in `lindra prodirala v cirkonijev material, kar je bilo potrjeno s SEM preiskavo. Vzdol` vro~ega ~ela dozirne {obe so zrna cirkonijevega oksida rekristalizirala v visoko temperaturno strukturo ZrO2, raztopila MgO in CaO, ki izvirata iz `lindre in stabilizirala to fazo. Klju~ne besede: delno stabiliziran ZrO2, dozirna {oba, korozijski vpliv staljenega jekla, ognjevarna gradiva 1 INTRODUCTION Partially stabilized ZrO2 (PSZ) materials are widely used as refractories owing to their high refractoriness, high corrosion resistance and good thermal-shock resis- tance. In the metal industry, the most popular are Mg- and Ca-stabilized zirconia and Y-stabilized zirconia, applied in the production of thermal-barrier coatings. It is commonly known that during the corrosion process of PSZ due to molten steel and slag, a cubic or tetragonal phase is destabilized and transformed into monoclinic zirconia, related to the microcrack formation1. The destabilization process is associated with the reaction of SiO2 from slag with CaO and MgO from the zirconia material2,3. Zirconium oxide is used for metering nozzles in the continuous casting of steel2,4,5. A metering nozzle is mounted to the bottom of a tundish and used to control the flow of molten steel. The working temperature of a metering nozzle is up to 1600 °C. The main factors causing the damage of the metering nozzle are the erosion of the liquid flowing steel, the infiltration of the molten steel and slag into the refrac- tory material, the slag composition and the rapid tem- perature changes2. The chemical composition of the slag is based on the MgO-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 system, but the proportion between the components depends on the type of the produced steel. In this paper the phase composition and microstruc- ture changes of a sintered Mg-stabilized zirconia meter- ing nozzle, exposed to the corrosive effect of the molten low-carbon steel and slag in a tundish for continuous casting for 30 h were studied. 2 EXPERIMENTAL METHOD The procedure of this experiment included the following steps: preparing a sintered Mg-stabilized zirconia metering nozzle under industrial conditions, a corrosion test in a tundish for continuous steel casting and a post-experiment study of the zirconia metering nozzle. The metering nozzle was exposed to a corrosive envi- ronment for 30 h. The factors influencing the corrosion of the nozzle were the molten steel and slag. After the corrosion test, the corroded nozzle (designated as CN) Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 29–32 29 UDK 666.76:620.193 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)29(2016) was studied and compared with the reference sample (designated as RS), which was a zirconia metering nozzle before serving. For the XRF, XRD and SEM/EDS investigations, the samples were taken from the middle of the heights of the metering nozzles. The X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method was used to determine the contents of oxides such as MgO, SiO2, CaO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. An Axios mAX wavelength dis- persive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer from PANaly- tical was used for this study. The crystalline phases were identified with X-ray diffraction using Cu-K radiation on a FPM Seifert XRD7 diffractometer with the Bragg- Brentano geometry, while the quantitative composition was determined with the Rietveld method. The dark zone (designated as CN-D) and the light zone (designated as CN-L) of the corroded nozzle were examined separately. The microstructure was observed using a scanning elec- tron microscope (SEM) coupled with an energy-disper- sive X-ray system (EDS). The ultra-high-definition NOVA NANO SEM 200 was used for this purpose. 3 RESULTS During a macroscopic observation of the corroded material, cracks and two zones were distinguished with respect to colour. The dark zone was strongly corroded due to molten steel and slag (the hot-zone refractory material) while the light zone remain unchanged. Figure 1 shows a photograph of the metering nozzle exposed to the corrosive effect of the molten steel. The XRF analysis confirmed that the main compo- nent of the nozzle was zirconium oxide; the content of ZrO2 was about 90 % in both CN and RS samples. More- over, the XRF study revealed content changes in the oxides such as MgO, SiO2, CaO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. After the corrosion test, sample CN had higher contents of these oxides, which is illustrated in Figure 2. The XRD analysis with the Rietveld quantitative- phase analysis showed that the dark layer (CN-D) was richer in the stabilized ZrO2 than the light layer (CN-L) or the RS sample. In the CN-D sample, the content of the stabilized zirconium oxide was 11.5 %, while in the K. WIŒNIEWSKA et al.: CORROSION OF THE REFRACTORY ZIRCONIA METERING NOZZLE ... 30 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 29–32 Figure 4: Microstructure of test sample RS Slika 4: Mikrostruktura preizkusnega vzorca RS Figure 1: Refractory zirconia metering nozzle exposed to the corro- sive effect of the molten steel and slag Slika 1: Ognjevarna cirkonska dozirna {oba, izpostavljena korozijske- mu vplivu staljenega jekla in `lindre Figure 2: Contents of the secondary oxides in test samples RS and CN (XRF analysis) Slika 2: Vsebnost sekundarnih oksidov v preizkusnih vzorcih RS in CN (XRF-analiza) Figure 3: XRD patterns of test samples RS, CN-L and CN-D Slika 3: Rentgenogrami preizkusnih vzorcev RS, CN-L in CN-D CN-L sample, it was 1 % and in the RS sample, it was 3.3 %. The XRD results are shown in Figure 3. Figures 4 to 6 show the microstructures of test sam- ples RS, CN-L and CN-D, respectively. The microstruc- ture of the CN-L sample is similar to the reference sample. The grains of zirconium oxide are surrounded by a silicate phase. The microstructure of sample CN-D shows micro-fracturing along the hot-face of the nozzle. The crystallites of zirconium oxide are bigger than in samples CD-L and RS. 4 DISCUSSION In the reference sample, the main crystalline phases were monoclinic ZrO2 and Mg-stabilized zirconium oxide, which were confirmed with the XRD analysis. The SEM/EDS investigation showed that the secondary phase was forsterite (Mg2SiO4). However, the content of forsterite was too low to be detected on the XRD pattern. After the operation, there were two zones in the nozzle, a corroded and an uncorroded zone. The XRD analysis with the Rietveld method confirmed that test samples CN-L and RS were not significantly different in their phase composition. The biggest changes in the phase composition were found in the corroded zone (CN-D), where the content of stabilized zirconia was the highest. The obtained results are not in agreement with the earlier results presented in2,3,5. The stabilization process of zirconium oxide can be explained with the dissolution of MgO and CaO derived from the slag in zirconia at a high temperature. The XRF and SEM/EDS investigations confirmed that, at the temperature of the corrosion test, the molten slag and steel penetrated the zirconia nozzle. As can be seen in Figure 6, the microstructure of CN-D was changed. The fine grains of ZrO2 recry- stallized at the corrosion-test temperature, which was observed as an increase in their dimension. The high- temperature phase of zirconium oxide was stabilized due to MgO and CaO, which dissolved in ZrO2. The micro-fractures along the hot face of the metering nozzle and the macroscopic cracks present in the corroded nozzle could be attributed to the rapid temperature changes during the corrosion test. K. WIŒNIEWSKA et al.: CORROSION OF THE REFRACTORY ZIRCONIA METERING NOZZLE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 29–32 31 Figure 6: Microstructure of test sample CN-D obtained with the EDS analysis; Spot 1 – zirconium oxide, Spot 2 – slag, Spot 3 – iron Slika 6: Mikrostruktura preizkusnih vzorcev CN-D z EDS-analizo; to~ka 1 – cirkonov oksid, to~ka 2 – `lindra, to~ka 3 – `elezo Figure 5: Microstructure of test sample CN-L obtained with the EDS analysis; Spot 1 – zirconium oxide, Spot 2 – forsterite Slika 5: Mikrostruktura preizkusnega vzorca CN-L z EDS-analizo; to~ka 1 – cirkonov oksid, to~ka 2 – forsterit 5 CONCLUSION The results of the corrosion of a refractory zirconia metering nozzle tested under industrial conditions are re- ported. During the service in a continuous-casting tundish, the molten steel and slag infiltrated the zirconia nozzle. A rapid change in the temperature had a signifi- cant influence on the formation of cracks and micro- fractures. Along the hot face of the zirconia nozzle, the grains of ZrO2 recrystallized with a high-temperature structure. The oxides present in the slag dissolved in zirconia and stabilized the ZrO2 phase. Acknowledgments This work was supported by grant no. INNOTECH- K2/IN2/16/181920/NCBR/13 of the National Centre for Research and Development. 6 REFERENCES 1 A. Sibil, T. Douillard, C. Cayron, N. Godin, M. R’mili, G. Fantozzi, Microcracking of high zirconia refractories after tm phase transition during cooling: An EBSD study, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31 (2011), 1525–1531, doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc. 2011.02.033 2 E. Volceanov, A. Abagiu, M. Becherescu, A. Volceanov, P. Nita, R. Trusca, F. 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ISLAM et al.: EFFECTS OF AN EPOXY-RESIN-FIBER SUBSTRATE FOR A -SHAPED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 33–37 EFFECTS OF AN EPOXY-RESIN-FIBER SUBSTRATE FOR A -SHAPED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA VPLIV Z VLAKNI OJA^ANE EPOKSI PODLAGE PRI -OBLIKI MIKROTRAKASTE ANTENE Md. Moinul Islam1, Mohammad R. I. Faruque1, Mohammad Tariqul Islam2, Haslina Arshad3 1Centre for Space Science (ANGKASA), Kompleks Penyelidikan Building, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia 2Department of Electrical, Electronic & Systems Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia 3Centre of Artificial Intelligence Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor D. E., Malaysia mmoiislam@yahoo.com; rashedgen@yahoo.com; titareq@yahoo.com; has@ftsm.ukm.my Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.206 A -shaped microstrip antenna using an epoxy-resin-fibre substrate is presented. The proposed antenna consists of a circular slot and two rectangular slots printed on a dielectric resin-fibre substrate and is excited by a 50- microstrip transmission line. A commercially available, high-frequency structural simulator (HFSS) based on the finite-element method (FEM) was used in this investigation. The nearly omni-directional and bidirectional radiation pattern exhibited average gains of 3.12 dBi and 5.44 dBi for the lower band and upper band, respectively. The effects of epoxy-resin-fiber are discussed through comparisons of different substrate materials. Keywords: epoxy resin-fibre, microstrip line, -shaped Predstavljena je mikrotrakasta antena -oblike na epoksi podlagi, oja~ani z vlakni. Predlagana antena sestoji iz kro`ne re`e in dveh pravokotnih re`, natiskanih na dielektri~ni podlagi iz smole z vlakni in sta vzbujani s 50  mikrotrakastim vodnikom. V tej preiskavi je bil uporabljen komercialno razpolo`ljiv visoko frekven~ni strukturni simulator (HFSS), ki temelji na metodi kon~nih elementov (FEM).V spodnjem in zgornjem pasu je vsesmerno sevanje kazalo 3,12 dBi, dvosmerno sevanje pa 5,44 dBi. Vpliv vlaken za oja~anje je bil prikazan s primerjavo razli~nih materialov podlage. Klju~ne besede: vlakna za oja~anje epoksija, mikrotrakasta linija, -oblika 1 INTRODUCTION The microstrip patch antenna plays an important role as a harbinger in wireless communication systems and is now being used to address the changing demands of future antenna technology. The microstrip patch antenna has been extensively used in wireless communication systems, because they are conformal, have a low profile, are easy to fabricate with integrated circuits (ICs), and enable easy integration with array and electronic compo- nents. Many researchers have an interest in designing microstrip antennas and still face a major challenge to implement these applications. Currently, various types of antennas have been proposed to face the increasing requirements for a modern bearable wireless communi- cation device that has the capability of consolidating more than one communication system into a single module.1–6 In7, a rectangular slot antenna was proposed for dual-frequency operation. Su et al.8 presented a printed dipole antenna using U-slot arms to enable dual-band operation. Suh and Chang9 reported a low-cost micro- strip dipole antenna for wireless communications. In10, a PIFA antenna with a U-slot was presented for dual-band operation. Lin et al.11 mentioned a dual-loop antenna for use with a 2.4/5 GHz Wireless LAN. A monopole an- tenna with double-T was presented in12 for 2.4/5.2-GHz WLAN operations. A planar antenna was investigated with bandwidth enhancement for X-band applications13. An E-shaped patch antenna of wideband circularly polarized was presented for wireless applications14. A Compact 5.5-GHz Band-Rejected UWB Antenna was proposed using Complementary Split Ring Resonators15. A new double L-shaped multiband patch antenna was presented on a polymer resin material substrate16. In this study, a -shaped microstrip antenna was designed on a 1.6-mm-thick epoxy-resin-fibre substrate material. The downlink frequency range is from 4.74 GHz to 4.87 GHz and the uplink frequency range is from 8.42 GHz to 8.73 GHz. The results will be discussed in detail with a parametric study. 2 ANTENNA GEOMETRY AND PARAMETRIC STUDY High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), a com- mercially available Ansoft package, is a powerful and efficient three-dimensional (3D) full-wave simulation software that solves EM equations through the sub- division of a large problem into easy constituent units Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 33–37 33 UDK 66.017:678.686 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)33(2016) and then consolidating the solution as a matrix of simultaneous equations for the complete problem space, which provides a numerical solution to Maxwell’s equations using the FEM. Hence, HFSS was used in this study. The geometry of the proposed antenna is shown in Figure 1. The antenna comprises three conducting slots on the patch and two on the ground. A circular slot and two similar lateral rectangular slots are on the patch and two rectangular slots are on the ground of the proposed antenna. The two rectangular slots are of equal length LP and width WP. R is the radius of the circular slot. The design procedure begins with the radiating patch, along with the substrate, the ground plane and a feed line. The antenna was printed on a FR4 substrate with 1.6 mm in thickness that exhibits a relative permittivity of 4.60, a relative permeability of 1, and a dielectric loss tangent of 0.02. One circular slot and two rectangular slots are cut from the rectangular copper patch. Another two rectangular slots are also cut from the ground plane. In this manner, the proposed slotted circle patch antenna is produced. Two resonant frequencies of 4.51 GHz and 8.35 GHz are obtained by adjusting the length and width of the slots of the proposed antenna. Here, a microstrip line is used to feed the RF signal into the proposed antenna. The Sub Miniature version A (SMA) connector is used at the end of antenna feeding line for the input RF signal. Finally, the optimal dimensions were determined as follows: L = 40 mm, Lp = 12 mm, Lg = 40 mm, Ls = 4 mm, R = 12 mm, W = 40 mm, Wp = 4 mm, Wg = 40 mm, Ml =17 mm, and Mw = 6 mm. The epoxy-resin-fibre consists of reinforcing insula- tion material. There are various types of epoxy-resin- fibre material for use as an antenna substrate. In this study, we have used FR4 as the epoxy-resin-fibre sub- strate material that is impregnated with thermoset resin. FR4 has superior mechanical and dielectric properties, good moisture/heat resistance, stable electrical perfor- mance at high temperature, good flatness and a smooth surface. FR4 is widely used to produce printed-circuit boards (PCBs). The length, width, VSWR, return loss of the patch antenna can be calculated from Equations (1) to (6) presented in17, where L and W are the length and width of the patch, respectively, c is the velocity of light, r is the dielectric constant of substrate, h is the thickness of the substrate, f0 is the target centre frequency, e is the effective dielectric constant and  is the radiation coefficient: W c f = + 2 1 20  r (1) L c f l= − 2 2 0  r Δ (2)   e r r= + + − + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟1 2 1 1 2 1 1 10 ( ) ( ) h W (3) Δl h W h W h = + + − + 0 412 03 08 0 258 08 . ( . )( / . ) ( . )( / . )   e e (4) VSWR = + − 1 1   (5) Return loss = − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟10 1 lg  (6) Md. M. ISLAM et al.: EFFECTS OF AN EPOXY-RESIN-FIBER SUBSTRATE FOR A -SHAPED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 34 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 33–37 Figure 2: Return loss of simulation using different substrate materials Slika 2: Povratne izgube pri simulaciji z uporabo razli~nih materialov podlage Figure 1: Proposed antenna: a) top view and b) bottom view Slika 1: Predlagana antena: a) pogled iz vrha in b) pogled iz dna Table 1: Dielectric properties of the different substrates Tabela 1: Dielektri~ne lastnosti razli~nih podlag Material Permittivity Loss Tangent Teflon (tm) 2.1 0.01 RT/Duroid 5870 2.33 0.0023 Epoxy resin-fiber (Proposed) 4.66 0.02 Al2O3 9.8 0.0009 RT/Duroid 6010 10.2 0.0023 The return losses determined by the simulation using different substrate materials are shown in Figure 2. No resonance was found on the lower band when we used the high-permittivity materials of Duroid 6010, and Al2O3 ceramic and the low permittivity materials of Duroid 5870, and Teflon as a substrate. Finally, FR4 was used in the proposed design as the epoxy-resin-fiber substrate material and two strong resonances were achieved, with the desired bandwidth and high gain. The 10-dB bandwidths of 130 MHz from 4.74 GHz to 4.87 GHz and of 310 MHz from 8.42 GHz to 8.73 GHz were achieved. The dielectric properties of the materials are listed in Table 1. A parametric study was performed to observe the effects of the proposed antenna parameters. In particular, the effects of the different parameters on the return loss were observed. Figure 3 shows the return loss of the simulation for different values of R. The simulation includes L = 40 mm, Lp = 12 mm, Lg = 40 mm, Ls = 4 mm, W = 40 mm, Wp = 4 mm, Wg = 40 mm, Ml = 17 mm, and Mw = 6 mm with the different values of R. The graph indicates that better coupling is obtained for the upper band using the value of radius as 11 mm and 13 mm. By using R = 12 mm, the desired dual-band operation was obtained, with a better coupling on both the lower and upper bands. The return loss of the simulation for different values of Ml is shown in Figure 4. The simulation includes L = 40 mm, Lp = 12 mm, Lg = 40 mm, Ls = 4 mm, R = 12 mm, W = 40 mm, Wp = 4 mm, Wg = 40 mm and Mw = 6 mm with Ml. The results presented in the graph clearly indicate that improved coupling was achieved at the upper band when using the value of Ml as 40 mm. As a result, the optimized value is 40 mm. Figure 5 shows the return loss simulation for diffe- rent values of Mw. The simulation includes L = 40 mm, Lp = 12 mm, Lg = 40 mm, Ls = 4 mm, R = 12 mm, W = 40 mm, Wp = 4 mm, Wg = 40 mm, Ml =17 mm, and with the different values of Mw. The width of the microstrip line has a greater effect on the coupling for both the lower- and upper-band frequencies. This coupling can be achieved when Mw is 6 mm. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The gain of the proposed antenna is shown in Figure 6. An average gain of 3.12 dBi is achieved with the first resonance of 4.80 GHz and 5.44 dBi is achieved with the second resonance of 8.57 GHz. In addition, the gain for the upper band is greater than that for the lower band. Figure 7 shows the radiation efficiency of the proposed Md. M. ISLAM et al.: EFFECTS OF AN EPOXY-RESIN-FIBER SUBSTRATE FOR A -SHAPED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 33–37 35 Figure 5: Return loss of the simulation using different values of Mw Slika 5: Povratne izgube pri simulaciji z uporabo razli~nih vrednosti Mw Figure 3: Return loss of the simulation using different values of R Slika 3: Povratne izgube pri simulaciji z uporabo razli~nih vrednosti R Figure 4: Return loss of the simulation using different values of Ml Slika 4: Povratne izgube pri simulaciji z uporabo razli~nih vrednosti Ml antenna. The average lower-band efficiency is 75.18 % and the higher-band efficiency is 81.35 %, i.e., the lower-band radiation efficiency is smaller than the higher-band efficiency. The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna is shown in Figure 8 for: a) 4.80 GHz at the E-plane, b) 4.80 GHz at the H-plane, c) 8.57 GHz at the E-plane, d) 8.57 GHz at the H-plane. The E and E fields indicate the cross-polar and co-polar components, respectively. The effect of cross-polarization in the radiation pattern is due to the lower microstrip antenna. The cross polarization effect is higher in the H-plane for both resonances. When the frequency increases, the effect increases, enabling simple interpretation from the radiation pattern. Moreover, nearly omni-directional and symmetrical radiation patterns were attained along both the E-plane and the H-plane. The same radiation pattern was found to exist over the C and X-bands. The obtained radiation patterns indicate that the proposed antenna delivers linear polarization, where the level of cross-polarization is lower than that of the co-polarization in all of the simulated radiation patterns. When the radiation pattern of a microstrip antenna is symmetric and omni-directional, it provides some reasonable benefits. One benefit is that the resonance does not shift for different directions, so a large amount of stable power is in the direction of the broadside beam. Another advantage is that the radiation pattern is more reliable on the operational bands. Figure 9 shows the current distribution of the pro- posed antenna for: a) 4.51 GHz and b) 8.35 GHz. A large amount of current flows through the feeding line. The Md. M. ISLAM et al.: EFFECTS OF AN EPOXY-RESIN-FIBER SUBSTRATE FOR A -SHAPED MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 36 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 33–37 Figure 9: Current distribution at: a) 4.80 GHz and b) 8.57 GHz Slika 9: Razporeditev toka pri: a) 4,80 GHz in b) 8,57 GHz Figure 7: Radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna Slika 7: U~inkovitost sevanja predlagane antene Figure 8: Radiation pattern of the proposed antenna: a) 4.80 GHz at the E-plane, b) 4.80 GHz at the H-plane, c) 8.57 GHz at the E-plane and d) 8.57 GHz at the H-plane Slika 8: Sevalni diagram predlagane antene: a) 4,80 GHz v ravnini E, b) 4,80 GHz v ravnini H, c) 8,57 GHz v ravnini E in d) 8,57 GHz v ravnini H Figure 6: Gain of the proposed antenna Slika 6: Izkoristek predlagane antene electric field was initiated at this point. The current distribution is more stable in the lower band than in the upper band. The creation of the electric field near the slots is reasonable. As a result, the excitation is strong over all parts of the antenna for both the lower and upper bands. 4 CONCLUSION A -shaped microstrip antenna using an epoxy- resin-fibre substrate was proposed in this paper. A simple -shaped patch was proposed to miniaturize the antenna and to obtain a new operating band resonant mode. An antenna structure was designed, simulated and finally characterized. The -shaped resonator, compact size, stable nearly omni-directional and directional radiation patterns, low cross-polarization, and efficiency with improved bandwidth and higher gain make the proposed -shaped dual band antenna a candidate for use in C-band and X-band applications. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia under grant, Arus Perdana, No. AP-2013-011. 5 REFERENCES 1 W. C. Liu, C. M. Wu, N. C. Chu, A compact CPW-fed slotted patch antenna for dual-band operation, IEEE Antenna Wirel. Propag. Lett., 9 (2010), 110–113, doi:10.1109/LAWP.2010.2044135 2 M. 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CALIGULU et al.: X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY OF AISI 4340-2205 STEELS WELDED BY FRICTION WELDING 39–45 X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY OF AISI 4340-2205 STEELS WELDED BY FRICTION WELDING RENTGENSKI PREGLED JEKEL AISI 4340-2205, VARJENIH S TRENJEM Ugur Caligulu1, Mahmut Yalcinoz2, Mustafa Turkmen3, Serdar Mercan4 1Firat University, Faculty of Technology, Dept. of Met. and Materials Eng., Elazig, Turkey 2Firat University, Faculty of Technical Education, Dept. of Metallurgy Education, Elazig, Turkey 3Kocaeli University, Hereke Vocational School, 41800 Kocaeli, Turkey 4Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Technology, Dept. of Mechatronic Eng., Sivas, Turkey ucaligulu@firat.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.211 In this study, X-ray radiographic tests of friction-welded AISI 4340-AISI 2205 steels were investigated. AISI 4340 tempered steel and AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel, each of 12 mm diameter, were used to fabricate the joints. The friction-welding tests were carried out using a direct-drive-type friction-welding machine for different parameters. After this process, the radiographic tests of the welded joints were examined by X-ray diffraction. The experimental results indicated that the AISI 4340 tempered steel could be joined to the AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel using the friction-welding technique and for achieving a weld with sufficient strength. The result of the radiographic tests indicated that by increasing the rotation speed, the friction pressure and the forging pressure, the amount of flash increased for all the specimens. In contrast, when increasing the friction time the amount of flash decreased. The best properties for steels AISI 4340-2205 were observed for the specimens welded at a rotation speed of 2200 min–1, a friction pressure of 40 MPa, a forging pressure of 80 MPa, a friction time of 6 s and a forging time of 3 s. Keywords: AISI 4340, AISI 2205, friction welding, radiographic test V tej {tudiji so bili rentgensko pregledani spoji jekel AISI 4340-AISI 2205, zvarjeni s trenjem. Spoji so bili izdelani s popu{~e- nim AISI 4340 jeklom in AISI 2205 dupleks nerjavnim jeklom, vsako premera 12 mm. Preizkus varjenja s trenjem je bil izvr{en z uporabo neposredno gnanega stroja za varjenje s trenjem, pri razli~nih parametrih. Po tem postopku so bili zvarjeni spoji pregledani z rentgenom. Rezultati preizkusov so pokazali, da je z varjenjem s trenjem mogo~e spojiti AISI 4340 popu{~eno jeklo in AISI 2205 dupleks nerjavno jeklo in da je mogo~e dobiti zvar z zadostno trdnostjo. Rezultati rentgenskih preiskav so pokazali, da pri nara{~ajo~i hitrosti vrtenja, tornega tlaka in tlaka pri kovanju dele` zmeh~anega roba nara{~a pri vseh vzorcih. Nasprotno pa se pri podalj{anju ~asa trenja zmanj{a koli~ina zmeh~anega roba. Najbolj{e lastnosti pri jeklih AISI 4340-2205 so bile opa`ene pri vzorcih, varjenih z rotacijo 2200 min–1, tornim tlakom 40 MPa, kova{kim tlakom 80 MPa, ~asom trenja 6 s in ~asom kovanja 3 s. Klju~ne besede: AISI 4340, AISI 2205, varjenje s trenjem, rentgensko testiranje 1 INTRODUCTION Duplex stainless steel (DSS) is well known for its excellent strength and corrosion resistance. However, joining DSS plates by fusion welding causes a sig- nificant reduction in the mechanical properties, because of microstructure changes during weld solidification. It is essential to maintain the characteristics of the weld zone to use DSS in servicing highly critical environ- ments, such as ocean-mining machinery, oil and gas pipe lines, desalination plants and chemical tankers of ships, etc. DSS has ferrite () and austenite ( ) in approxi- mately equal proportions, which possess body centered cubic (BCC) and face centered cubic structure (FCC), respectively.1 During the controlled alloying process of the DSS, under equilibrium conditions, ferrite-promoting elements (Cr, Mo, Mn, W, Nb, Si, Ti and V) will con- centrate by diffusing in the ferrite. At the same time, austenite-promoting elements (Ni, C, N, Co and Cu) will concentrate by diffusing in the austenite phases. This gives the formation of a dual-phase microstructure.2,3 But the welding of DSS forces the microstructure to remain in an excessive ferritic nature, because of the higher amounts of ferrite promoting elements in its chemical composition, and also due to a faster cooling rate. Austenite usually nucleates in the temperature range 1200–900 °C. During cooling, the weld zone remains in this temperature range for a very short period of time, i.e., from 4 s to 15 s. Thus, the arc energy and filler metal composition play a major role in the microstruc- tural stability after welding.4 Tempered types of steel are machinery manufactured steels with and without alloy, whose chemical composi- tions, especially in terms of carbon content, are suitable for hardening and which show high toughness under a specific tensile strength at the end of the tempering process. Tempered types of steel, due to their superior mechanical properties, acquired at the end of the temper- ing process, are used in a wide range of areas, including the manufacture of parts such as various machine and engine parts, forging parts, various screws, nuts and stud Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 39–45 39 UDK 669.14:621.791.1:620.179.152 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)39(2016) bolts, crank shafts, shafts, control and drive components, piston rods, various shafts, gears. For this reason, tem- pered steels are the type of steel used and produced at the highest rate after unalloyed steels and construction steels. These steels constitute the most important part of the machinery-manufacturing steels. Generally, such steels are used for the production of fitting, axle shaft, the shaft and the gear.5–9 Friction welding is a solid-state joining process that can be used to join a number of different metals. The process involves making welds in which one component is moved relative to, and in pressure contact with, the mating component to produce heat at the faying surfaces. Softened material begins to extrude in response to the applied pressure, creating an annular upset. Heat is conducted away from the interfacial area for forging to take place. The weld is completed by the application of a forge force during or after the cessation of the relative motion. The joint undergoes hot working to form a homogenous, full surface, high-integrity weld. Friction welding is the only viable method in this field to overcome the difficulties encountered in the joining of dissimilar materials with a wide variety of physical characteristics. The advantages of this process are, among others, no melting, high reproducibility, short production time and a low energy input.10–19 Welding technology is commonly used in many areas. Because it is aimed to provide high and constant quality in manufacturing sector and in products, the importance of non-destructive is the testing methods in quality-control strategies. Accordingly, the non-destruc- tive testing of welded joints has become a part of the total quality system.20,21 Being one of the most important parts of quality control, non-destructive material testing method is the complementary part of the manufacturing. The non-destructive method is the common name for testing methods through which the static and dynamic information about the materials are obtained by testing the materials without damaging them. Thanks to the non-destructive testing method, defects such as cracks occurred during manufacturing or after used for a while, space in internal structure, edge reduction, etc., are de- tected (Table 1). The methods applied in non-destructive testing are visual testing, liquid-penetrant testing, eddy-current testing, magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic inspec- tion and radiographic inspection.22 High-energy electromagnetic waves may penetrate into many materials. The radiation penetrating a specific material may affect the radiation-sensitive films that are put on the other side of the material. After the develop- ment of the films, the image of the inside of the material is seen. This image occurs because of the spaces in the material or thickness/density changes. This method is called radiographic testing, which is one of the oldest methods of nondestructive testing and has been in use for approximately five decades. Among the advantages of this method, compared to other methods, such as ultra- sound tests, is the formation of an internal šphotograph’ of the material, which no other method is able to achieve. Various radiation sources may be used in radiographic testing. The radiographic testing of weld bead or casting pieces using X-rays or gamma source is one of the most important uses for this inspection method. The energy gap of the X-ray used in industrial radiography is gene- rally between 50 kV and 350 kV. The beam energy varies according to the type and thickness of the material. In order to get precise results from the testing, it has to be done in accordance with the standards. These standards are determined by considering the type of the material and/or the type of product. There are also application standards together with the standards according to which the acceptance levels are determined. The testing is done by determining the standards suitable for the features of the product. Radiographic testing is generally applied according to the EN 1435 or EN 12517 standards.23–25 The radiography method is applied to ferromagnetic, non-ferromagnetic metals and other all materials. Because X-ray provides the opportunity to analyze the microstructure of the materials without making any damage, it is widely used in non-destructive testing. Via X-ray or gamma ray, thickness changes, structural U. CALIGULU et al.: X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY OF AISI 4340-2205 STEELS WELDED BY FRICTION WELDING 40 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 39–45 Table 1: Non-destructive testing experiments in industrial areas37 Tabela 1: Neporu{ne preiskave na podro~ju industrijskih preiskav37 Practice Area Function Application Examples Research and Development Structural evaluation of materials, Comparison of production and assembly methods and evaluation findings. Examination of fatigue and microstructure of metals and the detection of cracks in the welding seam. Production Control Method Determination of the variable production method and to control. Radiographic and ultrasonic thickness measuring method and determination of the manufacturing parameters. Quality Control Defective parts and the detection of abnormalities, Manufacturing assembly defects, place and method of evaluation. Poor adhesion, cracking in welding, metal in the non-uniform pores and the determination of material defects. During the service evaluation Wear and use during the early identification of abnormalities. Corrosion in pipes and location of warehouses and detection, Variety of early-warning systems in vehicles. changes, inner defects, montage details can be determined.26–30 The conventional method of inspection requires that the radiographic images are first-rate and are conse- quently controlled by international standards. However, radiographic inspection by inspectors is done subjec- tively and requires great experience, keenness of vision and knowledge of the techniques employed, and yet even when done adequately, interpretation errors occur whether it be the non-detection of a defect present or the incorrect classification of a detected defect.25,31–33 The advantages of the radiography method may be seen as follows, the result is shown with an image, permanent records that may be seen outside of the test area can be obtained, the sensitivity is shown on every film and it may be applied to any kind of material. As for the dis- advantages, they may be sorted as follows, it is not suitable for thick pieces, may be harmful to health, direct calorie is needed for two-dimensional faults, the film needs posing and showing, is not suitable for automa- tion, surface defects, and it does not give information about the depth of the defect under the surface. The equipment that is used is rather expensive in comparison with other methods and at most it needs careful work concerning the radiation safety.34 In the present paper, X-ray radiographic testing of AISI 4340-2205 steels welded by friction welding were investigated. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS AISI 4340 tempered steel and AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel of 12 mm diameter were used to fabricate the joints in this study. Table 2 illustrates the chemical compositions of the base metals. The friction-welding tests were carried out using a direct-drive-type friction- welding machine. Table 3 has the mechanical properties and Table 4 has the physical properties of AISI 4340 and AISI 2205 steels. Table 5 illustrates the experimental conditions. The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 1.17 Table 4: Physical properties of copper and low carbon steel Tabela 4: Fizikalne lastnosti bakra in malo oglji~nega jekla Materials (10-6) (W/m °C)  (nΩ m) E (GPa) AISI 4340 AISI 2205 14.7 19 85 200 : Thermal Expansion Coefficient (20-800 °C) : Thermal Conductive (20 °C) : Electrical Resistance (20 °C) E: Elastic modulus (20 °C) After the friction-welding procedure the specimens were divided into sections transversely in order to investigate the microstructural variations from the centre to the outside of the weld. Transverse sections were pre- pared, and then grinding and polishing with 3-μm dia- mond paste were made in order to conduct a metallo- graphic examination of the joined materials. The specimens were etched in a chemical solution for AISI 4340 2 % HNO3 + 98 % alcohol and in a solution for AISI 2205 25 % HNO3 + 75 % pure water to conduct the microstructural examination (7.5 V + 30 s) The micro- structures of the joints were observed using light microscopy (LM), the energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Microhardness measurements were taken under a load of 50 g. The tensile tests were conducted at room temperature with 10–2 mm s–1 cross-head rate. In controlling the weld seam, as the thickness is 4 mm, radiographic testing was chosen from among the U. CALIGULU et al.: X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY OF AISI 4340-2205 STEELS WELDED BY FRICTION WELDING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 39–45 41 Table 2: Chemical compositions of test materials Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava preizkusnih materialov Materials Alloy Elements (w/%) C Mn Si P S Cr Mo Ni N Cu AISI 4340 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.035 0.040 0.9 0.3 2.00 - - AISI 2205 0.018 1.686 0.309 0.026 0.003 22.333 3.379 4.932 0.191 0.097 Table 3: Mechanical properties of copper and low carbon steel Tabela 3: Mehanske lastnosti bakra in malo oglji~nega jekla Materials Tensile Strength(MPa) Yield Strength 0.2 % (MPa) Elongation (%) Microhardness (HV) AISI 4340 659 400 20.98 201 AISI 2205 956 620 20 328 Figure 1: Experimental set-up17 Slika 1: Eksperimentalni sestav17 non-destructive methods and an X-ray tube was chosen as the radiation source. The principle can be seen in Fig- ure 2.35,36 Table 5: The process parameters used in the friction welding Tabela 5: Parametri procesa, uporabljeni pri varjenju s trenjem Sample no Welding parameters Rotating speed (min–1) Friction pressure (MPa) Forging pressure (MPa) Friction time (s) Forging time (s) Axial short- ening (mm) S1 2200 30 60 6 3 4.00 S2 2200 30 60 10 5 4.37 S3 2100 30 60 6 3 3.15 S4 2100 30 60 10 5 3.41 S5 2000 30 60 6 3 2.10 S6 2000 30 60 10 5 2.80 S7 2200 40 80 6 3 4.50 S8 2200 40 80 10 5 4.78 S9 2100 40 80 6 3 3.44 S10 2100 40 80 10 5 3.96 S11 2000 40 80 6 3 2.20 S12 2000 40 80 10 5 2.60 Tests TS 5127 and EN 1435 were applied, according to the standards, in class B and in a type that will cover the area affected by the weld and the heat (Figure 3). The X-ray tension that was chosen according to the thickness of the material was 130 kV to image (Figure 4). The X-ray device, Rigaku Radioflex–300EGS3 type, having the capacity of 300 kV was used (Figures 5a and 5b). U. CALIGULU et al.: X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY OF AISI 4340-2205 STEELS WELDED BY FRICTION WELDING 42 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 39–45 Figure 5: a) Rigaku mark Radioflex-300EGS3-type device and b) control panel Slika 5: a) Naprava vrste Rigaku Radioflex-300EGS3 in b) kontrolna plo{~a Figure 4: The deep-penetration thickness and material as a function up to 500 kV for the X-ray device and to determine the voltage plot graphic Slika 4: Debelina globine penetracije pri materialu v odvisnosti od napetosti do 500 kV za rentgensko napravo in za dolo~anje diagrama napetost debelina Figure 3: Test preparation for plane wall and one wall Slika 3: Priprava preizkusa za ravno steno Figure 6: Film, penetremeter, stenciling pattern and beam setting Slika 6: Film, merilec globine penetracije, vzorec {ablone, nastavitev snopa Figure 2: Working principle of radiographic test35,36 Slika 2: Princip delovanja rentgenskega preizkusa35,36 C4 type, 100 × 240 mm2 Kodak film was used. Front and back lead screens with a thickness of 0.125 mm were used. The weld seam applied to the material with the thickness of 4 mm was filmed by sending the beam to the pose diagram for 48 s. The distance between the X-ray device and film was 600 mm. The placement of the film is shown in Figure 6.37,38 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The flash obtained was symmetric, which indicated plastic deformation on both the rotating and upsetting (reciprocating) side. The integrity of the joints was eva- luated for the friction-welded joints. The friction-pro- cessed joints were sectioned perpendicular to the bond line and observed through an optical microscope. It is clear that there were no cracks and voids in the weld interface. From the microstructural observations, the microstructures formed in the interface zone during or after FW processes, there are three distinct zones across the specimens identified as unaffected zone (UZ), deformed zone (DZ) and transformed and recrystallized fully plastic deformed zone (FPDZ).39 Typical grain refinement occurred in the DZ region by the combined effect of the thermal and mechanical stresses (Figure 7). A typical micrograph showing the different morpho- logies of the microstructure at different zones of the friction-processed joint is shown in Figure 7. According to the International Institute of Welding, welding defects and the explanations of the radiographic images were defined as in Table 6.37,38 The films are placed into the viewer shown in Figure 8 and the image is evaluated according to Table 6. It was determined that the most common welding defects shown in Table 6 have a lack of penetration according to the definitions of welding defects and the radiographic images (D) (S2). In other samples the defects were not shown. In Figure 9 the radiographic testing images of all the samples are shown. The experimental results indicated that AISI 4340 tempered steel could be joined to AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel using the friction-welding technique and for achieving a weld with sufficient strength. The result of the radiographic tests indicated that by increasing the rotation speed, friction pressure and forging pressure the amount of flash increased in all the specimens. In contrast, when increasing the friction time the amount of flash decreased. The best properties of the AISI 4340-2205 steels were observed for the spe- cimens welded at a rotation speed of 2200 min–1, a friction pressure of 40 MPa, a forging pressure of 80 U. CALIGULU et al.: X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY OF AISI 4340-2205 STEELS WELDED BY FRICTION WELDING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 39–45 43 Table 6: Definition of weld defects and radiographic image37,38 Tabela 6: Definicije napak zvarov in rentgenskih posnetkov37,38 A: Gas gaps Aa: Porosity Ab: Gas bubbles Description * Because the captured gas bubbles are formed. * Gas channels or long gaps Radiographic Image * Sharp black shadows around the circle. * Sharp black depending on the round or the long shadows of the error change. B: Slag Ba: Slag Bb: Slag errors Description * Slag or other foreign materials during the welding. * Captured within gaps slag or foreign matter. Radiographic Image * Dark shadows or random shapes. * Continuous dark lines parallel to the seam edge welding. C. Insufficient Welding Description Between the main material source material during welding seam merger due to lack of two-dimensional error. Radiographic Image Sharp-edged thin dark line. D. Insufficient Deep Penetration Description Merger at the root welding of the lack of sewing filled fully with the welding or root. Radiographic Image The middle of the dark seam continuous or discrete line welding. E. Cracks Ea: Vertical Cracks Eb: Horizontal Cracks Description Local tensile strength of metal exceeded. Radiographic Image Flat thin dark line. F. Swelter Channel Description Welding material on the surface along the seam formed channel or groove. Radiographic Image Weldings are spread wide and dark line along the seam. Figure 7: Regions in which occurred microstructural changes39 Slika 7: Podro~ja, kjer se pojavijo spremembe v mikrostrukturi39 MPa, a friction time of 6 s and a forging time of 3 s (Figure 9). 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, X-ray radiographic testing of AISI 4340 tempered steel and AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel welded with friction welding were investigated. The following results were obtained. • Friction-welding experiments were carried out using a direct-drive-type friction-welding machine accord- ing to Table 5. This study concluded that the AISI 4340 tempered steel could be joined succesfully to AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel using the friction- welding technique. The best joining was seen in number S7. It was clear that the joining decreased in the other samples. • Comprehensive microstructural investigations for the AISI 4340-2205 steels’ friction-welded joints re- vealed that there were different regions at the welding interface, the wideness of fully plasticized deformed zone (FPDZ) decreases when rotational speed and friction pressure increase. • The larger microstructural changes take place in the HAZs. An increase in the contraction of the samples was observed after increasing the friction-welding rotation speeds. The width of the HAZ is mainly affected by the friction time and rotation speed. This infers that the width and formation of HAZs that occurred as a result of the reactions taking place at the welding interface have an adverse effect on the mechanical strength and, consequently, the quality of the friction-welded joints. • It has been determined that the most common weld- ing defects shown in Table 6 have a lack of pene- tration according to the definitions of welding defects and the radiographic images (D) (Sample No: 2). In other samples there were no defects. The result of the radiographic tests indicated that by increasing the rotation speed, the friction pressure and the forging pressure the amount of flash increased in all the specimens. In contrast, when increasing the friction time the amount of flash decreased. 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GOMID@ELOVI] et al.: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES ... 47–53 THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES OF DIFFERENT SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOYS TERMODINAMI^NE LASTNOSTI IN MIKROSTRUKTURA RAZLI^NIH ZLITIN Z OBLIKOVNIM SPOMINOM Lidija Gomid`elovi}1, Emina Po`ega1, Ana Kostov1, Nikola Vukovi}2, Dragana @ivkovi}3, Dragan Manasijevi}3 1Mining and Metallurgy Institute, Zeleni bulevar 35, 19210 Bor, Serbia 2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, \u{ina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 3University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty, VJ 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia lgomidzelovic@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.212 The results of a thermodynamic-properties calculation conducted using a general solution model (GSM) and an experimental investigation of the microstructures of different shape-memory alloys (SMAs) are presented in this paper. The investigated alloys belong to ternary systems Cu-Al-Zn and Cu-Mn-Ni and to quaternary system Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn. The examinations were conducted using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX). Keywords: thermodynamics, shape-memory alloys, microstructure, LM, SEM-EDX V tem ~lanku so predstavljeni rezultati termodinami~nih izra~unov lastnosti, ki so bili izvr{eni z uporabo splo{nega modela re{itev (GSM) in eksperimentalne preiskave mikrostrukture razli~nih zlitin z oblikovnim spominom (SMAs). Preiskovane zlitine pripadajo ternarnim sistemom Cu-Al-Zn in Cu-Mn-Ni in kvaternarnem sistemu Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn. Preiskave so bile izvedene s pomo~jo svetlobne mikroskopije (LM), z vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM) in z rentgensko energijsko disperzijsko spektrometrijo (EDX). Klju~ne besede: termodinamika, zlitine z oblikovnim spominom, mikrostruktura, LM, SEM-EDX 1 INTRODUCTION Shape-memory materials are able to recover their original shape after being distorted, at the presence of the right stimulus. These materials include: a) shape-me- mory alloys, b) shape-memory polymers, c) shape-me- mory composites and newly developed d) shape-memory hybrids1. The shape-memory effect was first discovered for a gold-cadmium alloy in the 1930s, but this type of behavior of materials did not attracted the attention of the researchers until 1960s, when a significant recover- able strain was observed for a Ni-Ti alloy, enabling commercial applications. Shape-memory alloys (SMAs) are characterized by unique properties (pseudoelasticity and shape-memory effect), which enable them to "remember" their original shapes. These alloys are used as activators, changing their shapes, positions and other mechanical characte- ristics in a response to a variation in the temperature and electromagnetic field. SMAs can be classified, in accordance with the alloying metals, into: 1. Alloys based on nickel (Ti-Ni, Ni-Mn-Ga) 2. Alloys based on copper (Cu-Zn-Al, Cu-Zn-Si, Cu- Zn-Sn, Cu-Zn-Ga, Cu-Zn-Mn, Cu-Zn-Al-Ni, Cu-Zn- Al-Mn, Cu-Al-Ni, Cu-Al-Be, Cu-Al-Mn) 3. Alloys based on iron (Fe-Mn, Fe-Ni-C, Fe-Mn-Cr, Fe-Mn-Si, Fe-Ni-Nb, Fe-Co-Ni-Ti) 4. Alloys based on noble metals (Au-Cd, Au-Ag, Pt-Al, Pt-Ga, Pt-Ti, Pt-Cr) 5. Exotic alloys (In-Te, In-Cd, V-Nb)2. The interest in SMAs is continuously increasing as new areas of application are discovered. Today, SMAs are used in different areas such as civil engineering3,4, the production of microsystems5, medicine6–8, earthquake technologies9–11 and robotics12,13. The first copper-based SMA to be commercially exploited was the Cu-Al-Zn alloy and the shape-memory alloys from this ternary system typically contain mass fractions of w(Zn) = 15–30 % and w(Al) = 3–7 %. Cu-Mn-Ni shape-memory alloys are magnetic, but some of their properties (like the brittleness) limit their applications, so the alloying elements like gallium, iron or aluminum are added to an alloy in order to achieve satisfying characteristics. The objective of this work is to provide some new information about the thermodynamics and microstruc- tures of selected shape-memory alloys. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 47–53 47 UDK 536.7:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)47(2016) 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The characterization of the selected shape-memory alloys was done using light microscopy and a SEM-EDX analysis. The samples were obtained from the industrial production. The composition, shape and production method of the investigated samples are given in Table 1. The samples were used as prepared (no annealing). The microstructural analysis of the investigated samples was performed with light microscopy (LM), using a Reichert MeF2 microscope (a magnification of up to 500×) and a SEM-EDX analysis performed on a JEOL JSM-6610LV scanning electron microscope (a magnification of up to 300000×) coupled with an Oxford Instruments, X-Max 20 mm2 SDD, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (an accelerating voltage of 20 kV and a beam current of 1.25 nA). Prior to the metallographic analysis, the surfaces of the polished samples were etched with an appropriate etching solution (Table 2) in order to reveal the structures of the investigated alloys. Table 2: Solutions used for sample etching Tabela 2: Raztopine, uporabljene za jedkanje vzorca Sample Etching solution A1 HCl+H2O2+H2O A2 FeCl3+HCl+H2O A3 FeCl3+HCl+H2O A4 FeCl3+HCl+H2O 3 THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS Among many available methods for calculating the thermodynamic properties of a ternary system based on the information about the constitutive binary systems, Chou’s general solution model (GSM)14,15 proved to be the most reasonable in all respects, overcoming the inhe- rent defects of the traditional symmetrical and asymme- trical geometric models. This model breaks down the boundaries between symmetrical and asymmetrical sys- tems and generalizes various situations; the accuracy of the calculation was also proven with practical examples16,17. Recently, a new, improved version of the general solution model based on the Redlich-Kister parameters was presented by Zhang and Chou18. As the older version of GSM required a series of integration processes, which significantly complicated the calculation, and a large number of real systems can be approximately fit using a Redlich-Kister polynomial, a new formalism, based on the binary Redlich-Kister-type parameters, was pre- sented. Therefore, this new GSM version is utilized for cal- culating the thermodynamic properties of the Cu-Al-Zn and Cu-Mn-Ni ternary systems. The basic equation of the general solution model for a ternary system is: ΔG x x L x x x x x L i i n i i n E = − + − + + = = ∑1 2 12 0 1 2 12 3 2 3 23 1 0 2 1( ( ) ) ∑ ∑ − + − + + − + − = ( ( ) ) ( ( x x x x x L x x i ik k n 2 3 23 1 3 1 31 0 3 1 31 2 1 2 1 ) )x i2 (1) Similarity coefficient is defined as: 12 = +I I II/ ( ) (2) 23 = +II II III/ ( ) (3) 31 = +III III I/ ( ) (4) and the deviation sum of squares can be calculated using: I = + + + − + + + + = ∑ 12 2 1 2 3 2 5 1 1 12 0 13 2 ( )( )( ) ( ) ( ) i i i L L j k i l n i ( )( ) ( )( ) j k j k L L L L k j m j n i i + + + + − − >= ∑∑ 3 50 12 13 12 1 13 1 (5) II = + + + − + + + + = ∑ 12 2 1 2 3 2 5 1 1 21 0 23 2 ( )( )( ) ( ) ( i i i L L j k i l n i )( )( ) ( )( ) j k j k L L L L k j m j n i i k k + + + + − − >= ∑∑ 3 50 21 23 21 23 (6) III = + + + − + + + + = ∑ 12 2 1 2 3 2 5 1 31 0 32 2 ( )( )( ) ( ) ( i i i L L j k i l n i 1 3 50 31 32 31 32)( )( ) ( )( ) j k j k L L L L k j m j n i i k k + + + + − − >= ∑∑ (7) The basic equation of the general solution model for a quaternary system19 is: L. GOMID@ELOVI] et al.: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES ... 48 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 47–53 Table 1: Composition, shape and production method of investigated samples Tabela 1: Sestava, oblika in na~in izdelave preiskanih vzorcev Sample Alloy Composition (w/%) Shape Production method Al Cu Zn Mn Ni Fe A1 NiCuFeMn / 32 / 1.5 65 1.5 rod, R 1.27 cm casting A2 CuMnNi / 84 / 12 4 / wire, R 1 mm casting, extraction A3 CuAlZn 4.54 68.14 27.31 / / / wire, R 3.5 mm casting A4 CuAlZn 5.7 68.27 26.03 / / / rod, R 8 cm casting ΔG x x L X x x L Xk k n k k k n E = − + = = ∑ ∑1 2 12 0 1 12 1 3 13 0 1 132 1 2( ) (( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( − + + − + = = ∑ ∑ 1 2 1 21 4 14 0 1 14 2 3 23 0 2 k k k n k k k n x x L X x x L X ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( 23 2 4 24 0 2 24 3 4 34 0 1 2 1 − + + − + = = ∑ ∑ k k k n k k k n x x L X x x L 2 13 34X k ( ) )− (8) with X x xi ij i i ij k k k i j k( ) ( ) , = + = ≠ ∑  1 4 (9)    i ij k (ij,ik) (ij,ik) (ji,jk)( ) / ( )= + (10) and  (ij,ik) ij l l n ik l l l l L L= + + + − + + = ∑ 12 2 1 2 3 2 5 1 0 2 ( )( )( ) ( ) (l m l m l m L L L L m l m l n ij l ik l ij m ik+ + + + + + − − >= ∑∑ 1 3 50 )( )( ) ( )( m ) (11) In Equation (11) the second part is different from zero only if the sum of m and n is an even number, and it applies to all the Lij parameters that Lkij = (-1)k Lkij. In all the equations given, Lvij is the Redlich-Kister parameter for the binary system ij, independent of the composition and only dependent on the temperature; GE is the integ- ral molar excess Gibbs energy for the ternary or quater- nary system and xi is the mole fraction of component i. Partial thermodynamic quantities are calculated according to the equations: G G x G x RTi i i i E E E= + − =( )( / ) ln1 ∂ ∂  (12) and: a xi i i=  (13) 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The basic thermodynamic data on the constituent binary subsystems, needed for the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the investigated systems, were taken from the available literature data20–28 and presented in the form of Redlich-Kister parameters in Table 3. The results for the integral molar excess Gibbs energies of the investigated sections at the corresponding temperatures, obtained with the general solution model, are given analytically in polynomial forms (Table 4). The general solution model and Equations (12) and (13) were used for the calculation of the copper activities in the selected sections of ternary systems Cu-Al-Zn and Cu-Mn-Ni and for the calculation of the nickel activity in the selected cross-section of quaternary system Ni-Cu- Fe-Mn. The results of these calculations are presented in a graphic form (Figures 1 to 3). The thermodynamic L. GOMID@ELOVI] et al.: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 47–53 49 Table 3: Redlich-Kister parameters for constitutive binary systems Tabela 3: Redlich-Kister parametri za konstitutivne binarne sisteme System ij Loij (T) L1ij (T) L2ij (T) L3ij (T) Al-Cu20 –67094 + 8.555*T 32148 – 7.118*T 5915 – 5.889*T –8175 + 6.049*T Cu-Zn21 –40695.54 + 12.65269*T 4402.72 – 6.55425*T 7818.1 – 3.25416*T 0 Al-Zn22 10465.55-3.39259T 0 0 0 Cu-Mn23 1118.55 – 5.6225T –10915.375 0 0 Cu-Ni24 11760 + 1.084T –1672 0 0 Mn-Ni25 –85853 + 22.715*T –1620 + 4.902*T 0 0 Fe-Ni26 –18782 + 3.7011*T 12308 – 2.7599*T 4457 – 4.1536*T 0 Cu-Fe27 +35625.8 – 2.19045*T –1529.8 + 1.15291*T +12714.4 – 5.18624*T +1177.1 Fe-Mn28 –3950 + 0.489*T +1145 0 0 Table 4: Polynomial form of integral molar excess Gibbs energies calculated using general solution model Tabela 4: Oblika polinoma integralnih molskih odve~nih Gibbsovih energij, izra~unanih z uporabo splo{nega modela re{itev System Cross-section T/K Gxs/J mol–1 R2 Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn Cu:Fe:Mn=20:1:1 1873 –2180.5*xNi3 – 6229*xNi2 + 7760.2*xNi + 643.38 1 Cu-Mn-Ni Mn:Ni=3:1 1773 13831*xCu3 – 24352*xCu2 + 18408*xCu – 7883.2 1 Cu-Al-Zn Al:Zn=1:2 1373 11751*xCu2 – 7231*xCu – 5241.8 0.9895 Figure 1: Dependence of nickel activity on the composition, for cross-section Cu : Fe : Mn = 20 : 1 : 1 from quaternary Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn system, calculated with GSM, at 1873 K Slika 1: Odvisnost aktivnosti niklja od sestave, za presek Cu : Fe : Mn = 20 : 1 : 1 v kvaternarnem sistemu Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn, izra~unana z upo- rabo GSM, pri 1873 K properties calculated with the general solution model are related to the liquid phase of the system, so the tem- perature, at which the calculation was carried out, was selected according to that rule, taking into account the melting points of all the metals in the investigated system. From Figure 1, it can be seen that the nickel activity in section Cu : Fe : Mn = 20 : 1 : 1 and at T = 1873 K shows a variable character of the deviation from Raoult’s law, where up to xNi = 0.4 the deviation is positive, but with a higher content of nickel in the alloy the deviation becomes negative, indicating that a higher amount of nickel in the alloy leads to a better miscibility of the alloy components. The copper activity in cross-section Mn : Ni = 3 : 1 and at T = 1773 K (Figure 2) shows a clear positive deviation from Raoult’s law, which can even result in an occurrence of layering. The copper activity in cross-section Al : Zn = 1 : 2 and at T = 1373 K (Figure 3) exhibits an apparent negative deviation from Raoult’s law, indicating that the L. GOMID@ELOVI] et al.: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES ... 50 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 47–53 Figure 4: Microstructure of sample A1: a) LM (magnification of 500×), b) SEM (magnification of 4000×) and c) positions of EDX analysis Slika 4: Mikrostruktura vzorca A1: a) LM (pove~ava 500×), b) SEM (pove~ava 4000×) in c) polo`aj EDX-analiz Table 5: Results of EDX analysis of sample A1 in amount fractions, (x/%) Tabela 5: Rezultati EDX-analiz vzorca A1 v mno`inskih dele`ih, (x/%) Position A1 Mn Fe Ni Cu Spectrum 1 1.23 1.52 65.49 31.75 Spectrum 2 1.20 1.69 66.63 30.48 Spectrum 3 1.26 1.67 67.95 29.12 Spectrum 4 1.31 1.27 64.97 32.46 Figure 2: Dependence of copper activity on the composition, for cross-section Mn : Ni = 3 : 1 from ternary Cu-Mn-Ni system, calcul ated with GSM, at 1773 K Slika 2: Odvisnost aktivnosti bakra od sestave, za presek Mn : Ni = 3 : 1 v ternarnem sistemu Cu-Mn-Ni, izra~unana z uporabo GSM, pri 1773 K Figure 3: Dependence of copper activity on the composition, for cross-section Al : Zn = 1 : 2 from ternary Cu-Al-Zn system, calculated with GSM, at 1373 K Slika 3: Odvisnost aktivnosti bakra od sestave, za presek Al : Zn = 1 : 2 v ternarnem sistemu Cu-Al-Zn, izra~unana z uporabo GSM, pri 1373 K miscibility of the metals in the ternary Cu-Al-Zn system is quite good. The results of the microstructural analysis with light optical microscopy and SEM-EDX for sample A1 are given in Figure 4, with the chemical composition deter- mined with EDX presented in Table 5. The microphotograph obtained with LM (Figure 4a) shows that the alloy structure consists of sharp-edged polygonal grains. The SEM image on Figure 4b reveals the structure of sample A1 as a gray matrix with imbedded triangular grains, but the EDX analysis shows that the grains and the matrix have almost identical chemical compositions. These findings are in agreement with the fact that copper and nickel, two components that together account for over 90 % of the alloy’s mass, form a continuous series of solid solutions29. L. GOMID@ELOVI] et al.: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 47–53 51 Figure 5: Microstructure of sample A2: a) SEM (magnification of 2000×) and b) positions of EDX analysis Slika 5: Mikrostruktura vzorca A2: a) SEM (pove~ava 2000×) in b) polo`aj EDX-analiz Table 6: Results of EDX analysis of sample A2 in amount fractions, (x/%) Tabela 6: Rezultati EDX-analiz vzorca A2 v mno`inskih dele`ih, (x/%) Position A2 Mn Ni Cu Spectrum 1 15.04 4.70 80.25 Spectrum 2 14.92 4.50 80.58 Spectrum 3 15.11 4.48 80.41 Spectrum 4 15.35 4.41 80.24 Figure 6: Microstructure of sample A3: a) LM (magnification of 500×), b) SEM-EDX (magnification of 1000×) and c) positions of EDX analysis Slika 6: Mikrostruktura vzorca A3: a) LM (pove~ava 500×), b) SEM-EDX (pove~ava 1000×) in c) polo`aj EDX-analiz Table 7: Results of EDX analysis of sample A3 in amount fractions, (x/%) Tabela 7: Rezultati EDX-analiz vzorca A3 v mno`inskih dele`ih, (x/%) Position A3 Al Cu Zn Spectrum 1 8.83 69.75 21.42 Spectrum 2 7.93 71.11 20.96 Spectrum 3 1.11 78.03 20.87 The results of the microstructural analysis with light microscopy and SEM for sample A2 are given in Figure 5 and the chemical compositions determined with the EDX analysis are presented in Table 6. Technical difficulties like the fact that the maximal magnification of the LM apparatus is just 500× and a very small diameter (1 mm) of sample A2 prevented us from getting a LM photograph. The microstructure of sample A2 (Figure 5b) is characterized by the grains irregular in the shape and size, and the results of the EDX analysis presented in Table 6 are consistent with the fact that copper forms solid solutions with nickel and manganese29. The results of the microstructural analysis with light optical microscopy and SEM for sample A3 are given in Figure 6, with the chemical compositions determined with the EDX analysis presented in Table 7. The microstructure of alloy A3, obtained with a LM microphotograph (Figure 6a), consists of polygonal grains with a significant variation in size. The results of the microstructural analysis with light optical microscopy and SEM-EDX for sample A4 are given in Figure 7 and the chemical compositions deter- mined with the EDX analysis are presented in Table 8. The microstructure of sample A4 consists of polygonal grains, which vary in size. According to the phase diagram of the binary Cu-Zn and Cu-Al systems29, the solid solubility of aluminum in copper is approximately 18 % of amount fractions, and for zinc it goes up to 30 % of amount fractions. Consi- dering that the base material for samples A3 and A4 is copper (w(Cu) = 68 %), it is reasonable to expect that aluminum and zinc will dissolve in copper, creating solid solutions. This was confirmed with the results of the EDX analysis presented in Tables 7 and 8. In addition, the EDX results indicate that the homogeneity of sample A4 is quite good because there is no significant difference in the chemical composition analyzed at various measuring points. 5 CONCLUSION Different shape-memory alloys belonging to ternary systems Cu-Al-Zn and Cu-Mn-Ni and to quaternary sys- tem Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn were investigated. The termodynamic properties of these alloys were investigated analytically, using the general solution model (GSM) and the known Redlich-Kister parameters for the constitutive binary systems. The thermodynamic analysis showed that the alloys with high copper amounts from systems Cu-Al-Zn and Ni-Cu-Fe-Mn display a good miscibility, while the alloys from the Cu-Mn-Ni system tend to display positive deviations from Raoult’s law, which can even lead to layering. The microstructures of the selected alloys were inve- stigated experimentally by means of light optic micro- scopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX). The microstructure analysis of the investigated alloy samples L. GOMID@ELOVI] et al.: THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURES ... 52 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 47–53 Figure 7: Microstructure of sample A4: a) LM (magnification of 80×), b) SEM-EDX (magnification of 1000×) and c) positions of EDX analysis Slika 7: Mikrostruktura vzorca A4: a) LM (pove~ava 80×), b) SEM-EDX (pove~ava 1000×) in c) polo`aj EDX-analiz Table 8: Results of EDX analysis of sample A4 in amount fractions, (x/%) Tabela 8: Rezultati EDX-analiz vzorca A4 v mno`inskih dele`ih, (x/%) Position A4 Al Cu Zn Spectrum 1 12.14 63.45 24.41 Spectrum 2 11.95 64.22 23.83 Spectrum 3 12.03 63.60 24.37 Spectrum 4 12.09 63.66 24.25 Spectrum 5 12.10 63.15 24.76 revealed that the microstructure is built of polygonal grains that can significantly vary in size. The EDX analysis results provided the information about the alloy chemical compositions and were, overall, in agreement with the known facts about the investigated systems. 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SU^IK et al.: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERMAL TREATMENT OF SERPENTINE ... 55–58 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERMAL TREATMENT OF SERPENTINE AND ITS REACTIVITY ODVISNOST MED TOPLOTNO OBDELAVO SERPENTINA IN NJEGOVO AKTIVNOSTJO Gabriel Su~ik1, Adriana Szabóová1, L’ubo{ Popovi~1, Damir Hr{ak2 1Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Ceramics, Park Komenského 3, 04200 Kosice, Slovakia 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja, 44103 Sisak, Croatia gabriel.sucik@tuke.sk Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-09-09; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.222 In this research the effect of the thermal treatment of chrysotile serpentine on the increase in the reactivity during the process of its leaching in a diluted hydrochloric acid was investigated. Measurements were made on samples of 5 g taken from the heap by selecting the fractions of 3–5 mm. The calcination in air of individual samples, required for the analysis, was carried out in an electric muffle furnace at temperatures from 500 to 1100 °C at intervals of 50 °C. The specific surface areas of the calcined samples were measured with the multipoint B.E.T. method and the relative density with a mercury high-pressure porosimeter. The results were related with the yield of Mg2+ in an extract of 1 g of a ground serpentine fraction from 0 to 315 μm in 250 cm3 of 0.25 M HCl, taken after 5 min from a reactor stirred at 500 min–1 and at 20 °C. The strong relation between the temperature of the serpentinite calcination and the rate of leaching was confirmed. The specific surface area of the examined serpentine rose from 16.2 m2 g–1 at a calcination temperature of 600 °C to the maximum value of 45.2 m2 g–1 at a calcination temperature of 700 °C. At this temperature, the degree of dehydroxylation was 82 % and, at the same time, the maximum rate of dissolution of Mg2+ was reached. Above this temperature, the specific surface area decreased and, at a temperature of 1100 °C, it fell to a value of 2 m2 g–1, which also resulted in a reduction of the yield of Mg2+. Keywords: serpentinite, calcination, specific surface area, apparent porosity, leaching rate, crystallinity V tem ~lanku je bil preiskovan vpliv toplotne obdelave krizotil serpentina na pove~anje reaktivnosti pri procesu izlo~anja iz raztopine solne kisline. Meritve so bile izvr{ene na 5 g vzorcih, vzetih na odlagali{~u, z lo~itvijo frakcije 3–5 mm. Kalcinacija na zraku, posameznih vzorcev za analizo, je bila izvr{ena v elektri~ni retortni pe~i pri temperaturah od 500 °C do 1100 °C, v intervalih po 50 °C. Specifi~na povr{ina kalciniranih vzorcev je bila izmerjena z ve~to~kovno B.E.T. metodo, relativna gostota pa z `ivo-srebrnim visoko-tla~nim porozimetrom. Rezultati so bili primerjani z izkoristkom Mg2+ pri ekstrakciji iz 1 g osnovne frakcije serpentina z zrnatostjo 0 do 315 μm v 250 cm3 0,25 M HCl, vzeti po 5 min iz reaktorja s hitrostjo me{anja 500 min–1 pri 20 °C. Potrjena je bila mo~na odvisnost med temperaturo kalcinacije serpentina in hitrostjo izlo~anja. Specifi~na povr{ina preiskovanega serpentina je narasla iz 16,2 m2 g–1 pri temperaturi kalcinacije 600 °C na najve~jo vrednost 45,2 m2 g–1 pri temperaturi kalcinacije 700 °C. Pri tej temperaturi je bila stopnja dehidroksilacije 82 % in isto~asno je bila dose`ena tudi najve~ja hitrost raztapljanja Mg2+. Nad to temperaturo se je specifi~na povr{ina zmanj{ala in pri temperaturi 1100 °C padla na 2 m2 g–1, kar je vplivalo tudi na zmanj{anje izkoristka Mg2+. Klju~ne besede: serpentinit, kalcinacija, specifi~na povr{ina, navidezna poroznost, hitrost izlo~anja, kristalini~nost 1 INTRODUCTION The economic efficacy of chemical technologies is closely related with the production speed. The raw ma- terial, the subject of this paper and also of earlier papers, is the waste micro-chrysotile material from the Dob{iná area (Slovakia). The aim of the chemical treatment is the production of chemically pure magnesium compounds1, silica2–4 and ferric hydroxide5. In the previous papers6–8, the following leaching agents were tested: hydrochloric acid, acetic acid and ammonium chloride. The effect of the leaching-agent concentration and the temperature on the kinetics of the leaching of crude serpentine was monitored. The impacts of the thermal-treatment calcination, where the key parameters were the degree of conversion and the temperature of the dehydroxylation of serpen- tine, were examined in previous papers9–14. According to these papers, the calcination of serpentine of up to 80 % resulted in an up to 30-time acceleration of the transfer of Mg2+ in the solution compared to the leaching of crude serpentine. The rapidity is attributed to the des- truction of the layers of magnesium octahedron and the release of internal links. In addition, there are also changes in the specific surface area and bulk density, relating to the porosity15. These parameters are directly measurable and, in contrast to the qualitative parameter change in the crystallinity, they may be related to the kinetic parameters of the chemical reactions of the solidus-liquidus type, where the control process is the reaction at the phase interface. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The measurements of the specific-surface-area and density criteria were implemented on fractions of 3–5 mm. The apparent/open porosity was measured on sam- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 55–58 55 UDK 622.78:622.782:546 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)55(2016) ples with a cube shape and a volume of 0.2–0.5 cm3. For the chemical and thermal analysis, the samples were ground in a Mn-steel spherical vibrating chamber. The chemical composition of serpentine was analyzed with ICP OES iCAP6300 and the results are summarized in Table 1. By heating the crude serpentine, the thermal dissociation to the origin of the so-called topotactic structure16 of serpentine anhydride17 (Equation (1)) occurs in a temperature range of 540–660 °C, which is characterized by a low chemical stability and is accompanied by an increase in the specific surface area and porosity: Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 (s) 540 660° °⎯ →⎯⎯⎯⎯C C– [3MgO + 2SiO2] (s) + 2H2O (g) (1) chrysotile topotactic structure of oxides water By heating them to above 700 °C, the MgO and SiO2 oxides react with each other on a stable forsterite and amorphous silica17, stabilizing the structure and increas- ing the resistance to acids. The chemical reaction is expressed with Equation (2): 2[3MgO + 2SiO2] (s) ≥ °⎯ →⎯⎯700 C 3Mg2SiO4(s) + SiO2 (s) (2) topotactic structure of oxides forsterite amorphous silica Table 1: Chemical composition of SED serpentine Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava SED serpentina MgO SiO2 Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 NiO L.O.I. 47.8 28.6 2.4 0.9 5.9 0.3 12.57 The thermochemical processes are identified with a differential thermal analysis and a NETZSCH STA 449F3 Jupiter thermogravimetric instrument, and eva- luated in the NETZSCH Proteus program. A graphic recording with characteristic temperature points is shown in Figure 1 and used for setting the experimental con- ditions of the calcination. The calcination in air of 5 g samples of coarse frac- tions of 3–5 mm was carried out under controlled condi- tions in an electric muffle furnace at 500–1100 °C, with increments of 50 °C and a dwell time at a particular temperature of 180 min. The samples were inserted into the cold furnace and heated at a rate of 15 °C per minute. With this procedure, 13 samples (SED500– SED1100) were prepared. After the annealing procedure, the residual loss due to annealing (the degree of conversion) and dimensional changes were determined. In the first step of the analysis, the weight and moisture content of each sample were determined on a KERN MLB 50-3N thermobalance, and the geometric volume of mercury was determined on an Amsler 9/593 volume meter. The pore size distribution and the open porosity of the samples were measured with the method of high- pressure mercury porosimetry using automatic Quanta- chrome porosimeter Poremaster 33. The specific surface areas of SA samples were measured with a surface-and- pore analyzer through the sorption of nitrogen, with the B.E.T. method. The results were compared with the parameters of the reference sample of unannealed ser- pentine (SEDraw). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The measurement of open porosity a of calcined samples SED500 to SED1100 did not confirm the expected correlation between the chemical reactivity in terms of the leaching rate of Mg2+ and a. It can be claimed that the maximum a of almost 20 % was measured on the samples exposed to the temperatures of the forsterite formation with the maximum rate of around 900 °C, with the increase from the temperature of 700 °C in accordance with the forsterite formation17. On the con- trary, at the temperatures in the area of dehydroxylation, a = 1.5 % at the level of raw serpentinite (SEDraw). Intragranular pores had the major proportion, up to 2/3 a, as shown in Figure 2. The only noticeable consistency between a and specific surface area SA is the local minimum of 1.5 % and 16 m2 g–1 at 600 °C, which could be explained with the closing of the pores due to the impact of the oxi- G. SU^IK et al.: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERMAL TREATMENT OF SERPENTINE ... 56 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 55–58 Figure 2: Open porosity and pore character depending on the calcina- tion temperature of SED Slika 2: Odprta poroznost in zna~ilnost por v odvisnosti od tempe- rature kalcinacije SED Figure 1: Differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis of crude serpentine Slika 1: Diferen~na termi~na in termogravimetri~na analiza surovega serpentina dizing reactions of Fe2+  Fe3+. Strong correlations between the degree of conversion  and SA can be found in Figure 3. The maximum SA of 45.2 m2 g–1 was measured for sample SED700 with  = 82 %. Increasing the temperature over the recrystallization temperature causes sintering, which is shown as a decrease in a and SA over the value of 2 m2 g–1. The reactivity of ground calcinate was tested for fractions of 0–315 μm. Figure 4 shows a graphical representation of the function of the yield of Mg2+ Mg = f(, T) in intervals of (10, 20 and 60) min. From this dependence it follows that for the maximum efficiency of leaching, it is necessary to calcine serpentine so that a conversion of about 80 % is achieved and the calcination temperature is in a range from 600 to 700 °C. This will also guarantee the maximum surface area, which is an important parameter affecting the kinetics of the leaching. On the other hand, a porosity increase does not indicate a leaching improvement because of the structure stabilization due to the transformation to forsterite as shown in Figure 5. 4 CONCLUSION The chemical reactivity of calcined serpentine de- pends primarily on the degree of structural crystallinity. The leaching rate of the forsterite-crystal phase is similar to the leaching rate of crude serpentine. It makes the thermal activation meaningless. The reactive serpentine formation at temperatures of 600–700 °C does not significantly depend on the dwell time, unlike in the case of higher temperatures. At a temperature above 700 °C, a partial forsterite formation takes place. At the temperature above 700 °C, the apparent poro- sity increases, but the specific surface decreases. This phenomenon is related to the recrystallization, the over- all contraction of the volume and the sintering. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and The Slovak Academy of Sciences – Grant VEGA 1/0378/14. G. SU^IK et al.: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERMAL TREATMENT OF SERPENTINE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 55–58 57 Figure 5: Comparison of the total open porosity and specific surface area as the function of temperature Slika 5: Primerjava skupne odprte poroznosti in specifi~ne povr{ine v odvisnosti od temperature Figure 3: Change in the specific surface of SED depending on the calcination temperature Slika 3: Spreminjanje specifi~ne povr{ine SED, v odvisnosti od temperature kalcinacije Figure 4: Dependence of the dissolution efficiency of magnesium depending on the calcination condition for serpentinite (SED) Slika 4: Odvisnost u~inkovitosti raztapljanja magnezija od pogojev pri kalcinaciji serpentina (SED) 5 REFERENCES 1 L. Haurie, A. I. Fernández, J. I. Velasco, J. 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MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 59–67 DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS DEFORMACIJA IN HITROSTI PRI HLADNEM VALJANJU ALUMINIJEVIH ZLITIN Mitar Mi{ovi}1, Neboj{a Tadi}1, Milojica Ja}imovi}2, Mileta Janji}3 1University of Montenegro, Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology, D`ord`a Va{ingtona bb, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro 2University of Montenegro, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, D`ord`a Va{ingtona bb, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro 3University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, D`ord`a Va{ingtona bb, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro mitarm@ac.me Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-10-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.250 This paper presents the analysis results of investigations on the deformations and velocities during the cold rolling of strips of aluminium alloys AW2024 and AW5083 obtained with an application of the finite-element method (FEM) and the conventional rolling theory. The results of the simulation obtained using the FEM software DEFORM-2D were analysed for the displacements, effective strain and velocity of rolling. The diagrams of the changes in these values along the deformation zone were presented together with the identified characteristics of the trajectories of the surface and axis as the boundary surfaces for simulating the cold rolling of the strips. The finite effective strains were compared with the degree of reduction of the strip thickness, and equations were derived for the dependence of their ratio on the starting thickness of a strip. The equations for the dependence of the velocity of a strip and the roll ratio on the degree of reduction due to the control of forward and backward slips were also derived. The reliability of the obtained results and derived equations was tested with experimental tests, theoretical relationships for plane strain and the results for the forward slip published in the literature. Keywords: cold rolling, FEM, displacements, effective strain, forward slip ^lanek predstavlja analizo rezultatov preiskav deformacije in hitrosti pri hladnem valjanju trakov aluminijevih zlitin AW2024 in AW5083, dobljenih z uporabo metode kon~nih elementov (FEM) in konvencionalne teorije valjanja. Analizirani so bili rezultati simulacije, dobljene s FEM programsko opremo DEFORM-2D, za raztezek, efektivno obremenitev in hitrost valjanja. Predstavljeni so diagrami sprememb teh vrednosti vzdol` deformacijske cone, skupaj z identifikacijo zna~ilnosti trajektorij povr{ine in osi, kot mejnih povr{in za simulacijo hladnega valjanja trakov. Kon~ne efektivne obremenitve so bile primerjane s stopnjo redukcije debeline trakov in razvite so bile ena~be za odvisnost njihovega razmerja od za~etne debeline traku. Razvite so tudi ena~be za odvisnost hitrosti traku in razmerja valjev na stopnjo redukcije zaradi kontrole prehitevanja in zaostajanja traku. Zanesljivost dobljenih rezultatov in razvitih ena~b je bila preizku{ena s preizkusom, s teoreti~nimi odvisnostmi za ravninsko napetost in za rezultate prehitevanja, objavljenega v literaturi. Klju~ne besede: hladno valjanje, FEM, raztezek, efektivna obremenitev, prednji zdrs 1 INTRODUCTION Cold rolling is the primary technological process for the preparation of strips, thin strips and foils of alumi- nium and its alloys. This process is applied for strips with thicknesses of up to 4 mm, although strips with larger thicknesses can be rolled as well. The cold-rolling technology has been constantly developed and improved with the intent to establish reliable quality and high productivity1,2. Regardless of the continuous development in all the areas, theoretical models of the process are still the subjects of a com- prehensive research3,4. The understanding and control of deformation, kinematics and stress states are particularly complex due to the conditions for a reliable planning and control of the process5–7. The conventional theory of rolling8,9, the experimental procedures for tracing the measurement weights10–12 and the procedures for the FEM simulation4,13,14 were used in the research. This paper reports experimental results for cold strip rolling and characteristic results for deformations and velocities obtained via FEM. A connection and compa- rison of the results obtained from different research procedures are discussed as well. Strips made of alloys AW2024 and AW5083 with thicknesses from 4 to 0.6 mm were chosen for this re- search. These two alloys are widely used in all areas of metal material application and are also characterised by a wide range of final mechanical properties. The analysis of the cold rolling of strips, thin strips and foils is based on the condition that it is a process with plane strain. In this manner, the geometry of the deformation zone and the change in the velocity of a strip and roll can be described using the scheme shown in Figure 1. For the plane strain, the change in the width can be neglected (b0 = b1), and thus the deformations and geo- metric criteria for the dimensions of a strip and defor- mation zone can be described with the relationships: h = ln(h0/h1), l = ln(l1/l0), b = ln(b1/b0) = 0; h = –l; b0/h0  10; (ld/hm)min = 2 – 3 (1) Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 59 UDK 669.715:621.771.23:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)59(2016) The length of the deformation zone (ld) for absolutely solid rolls is calculated using the following equation: l R h h R hd = − ≈Δ Δ Δ( / )2 2 (2) However, a high value of the contact stress (the roll pressure) for cold rolling causes an elastic deformation of the roll with a radial compression (roll flattening). Thus, the length of the deformation zone increases (Fig- ure 1) and can be calculated using the following equation: l x x x R h xde = + = + +0 1 0 0 2Δ (3) The value of x0 is determined using the Hertz equation: x v E RP0 28 1 = − ⋅ ( ) π a (4) where v – Poisson’s ratio, E – the modulus of elasticity of the roll material, and Pa – the average roll pressure. The movements of a strip at the entrance of the roll gap occur under the action of an active tangential friction force between the rolls and the strip. The horizontal velocity of the strip (Vsx) is determined using the hori- zontal velocity of the roll (Vrx). These velocities are altered along the deformation zone, thus creating a zone of the backward slip (lb) in which the friction force is active and the relationship of the velocities is described as Vsx < Vrx, and a forward-slip zone (lf) in which the friction force is reactive and the relationship of the velo- cities is described as Vsx > Vrx (Figure 1). The relative difference in the velocity (Vsx – Vrx)/Vrx in zone lb is known as the backward slip, and in zone lf, it is known as the forward slip. The forward and backward slips of a strip represent significant and carefully researched weights of the kinematics of the rolling process4,15–17. A simulation of the rolling process for plane strain can be accomplished using the 2D method of finite ele- ments. The scheme of the process simulation is pre- sented in Figure 2. As cold rolling is symmetrical to the longitudinal x-axis, it is sufficient to present the top half of a strip thickness and the top roll for a 2D simulation. The lower symmetrical portion of the strip and the lower roll can be neglected by setting the boundary condition in such a way that the displacement velocity in the y-axis direction is equal to zero on the longitudinal x-axis. In addition, when the friction force cannot accomplish the grasping of a strip by the rolls, it is necessary to use pushers, keeping in mind that the active friction force has a limited value and the pushing force is also limited. The movement velocity of a pusher is smaller than the velo- city of the movement of a strip (0.1 Vsx) and, therefore this force acts only while the rolls grasp the strip. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS AND THE FEM SIMULATION 2.1 Rolling process The laboratory rolling of this work was carried out to assess the plane strain, the tolerance of dimensions, and the strain hardening of the alloys. Alloys AW2024 and AW5083 were examined. The final properties of the alloys can be obtained via different processes of thermal treatment (T conditions) and mechanical treatment (H con- ditions). Alloy AW2024 can be thermally hardened so that its final mechanical properties are obtained through the thermal precipitation, whereas alloy AW5083 cannot be thermally hardened and its final mechanical properties are accomplished through strain hardening or annealing. The initial 2024-alloy strips for the experimental rolling were industrially rolled to a thickness of 5 ± 0.01 mm and, subsequently, soft annealed (the T0 condition) and rolled. The modes of rolling and annealing for the M. MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 60 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 Figure 1: Deformation-zone geometry with and without an elastic deformation of rolls: h0, b0, l0 / h1, b1, l1 – thickness, width and length of the initial/rolled strip, respectively; ld, lde – length of deformation zone (contact between strip and roll) with and without an elastic deformation of rolls; lb, lf – length of backward and forward slip zones; R – roll radius; Re – radius of an elastically deformed roll; h = h0 – h1 – absolute strip thickness reduction; hm – mean strip thickness, i.e., (h0 + h1)/2; Vsx, Vrx – horizontal velocities of strip and roll Slika 1: Geometrija podro~ja deformacije z in brez elasti~ne defor- macije valjev: h0, b0, l0 / h1, b1, l1 – debelina, {irina in dol`ina za~etnega oziroma valjanega traku; ld, lde – dol`ina podro~ja defor- macije (stik med trakom in valjem) z in brez elasti~ne deformacije valjev; lb, lf – dol`ina podro~ja zaostajanja in prehitevanja; R – premer valja; Re – premer elasti~no deformiranega valja; h = h0 – h1 – abso- lutno zmanj{anje debeline traku; hm – povpre~na debelina traku, to je (h0 + h1)/2; Vsx, Vrx – horizontalna hitrost traku in valja Figure 2: Scheme of 2D-FEM simulation of the rolling process Slika 2: Shema 2D-FEM simulacije postopka valjanja preparation of strips with thicknesses of 4, 2 and 1.28 mm are shown in Figure 3. The initial thickness of the 5083-T0 alloy strips is 1.28 ± 0.01 mm. The choice of dimensions and reductions was intended to ensure the conditions corresponding to the plane strain. The highest values of the reduction for all the strip thicknesses correspond to the conditions of the maximum bite on the laboratory rolling mill. The rolling was completed on a laboratory duo rolling mill having rolls with a diameter of 125 mm and a peripheral velocity of Vr = 173.4 mm/s. The lubrication of the strip and rolls was carried out with hydraulic oil. All the testing processes were completed without the use of tension on the strips. The annealing was completed in a laboratory furnace with a temperature regulation accuracy of ±2 °C. 2.2 FEM simulation of the rolling process 2.2.1 Software and mathematical formulation of tasks The commercial DEFORM-2D software was chosen for the simulation of the planned program of cold strip rolling under the conditions of plane strain. The DEFORM formulation of FEM for the mechanics of a rigid-plastic body is based on the known principle of the minimum virtual work expressed via the functional balance between the external and internal forces18,19: π = + −∫ ∫ ∫  d d dV V F v S V v V i i S (5) where  – the equivalent or effective stress (equal to yield stress Kf),  – the equivalent or effective strain rate (determined on the basis of the components of the velocity of deformation for the plane strain), – the Lagrange multiplier (equal to the mean stress),  v – the volumetric strain rate, Fi – the surface traction (for the processes with slip friction, this represents the friction force at the strip/roll contact determined with the normal rolling force and the friction coefficient) and vi – the velocity (the slipping velocity of a strip on the roll surface). The first term in Equation (5) refers to the deforma- tional work, the second term expresses the condition of incompressibility and the third term refers to the impact of the friction forces on the strip/roll contact surface. The Newton-Raphson iterative method is used by DEFORM to find solutions. This method is re- commended for the majority of problems because it usually converges, using fewer iterations than the other methods19. All the simulations were completed with a strip as a rigid-plastic, deformable body hardened by the deformation, based on experimentally determined equations and with the rolls elastically deformed to a diameter determined with the Hitchcock formula. 2.2.2 Choice of the finite-element mesh The finite-element mesh provides important baseline data for the analysis of strains, kinematics, and stress values. The choice of the shape and number of finite ele- ments influences the calculation and the accuracy of the solutions for the analysed values. Square isoparametric finite elements represent a simple shape and are adequate for a simulation of the plane-strain process18,20. For cold rolling of strips, the geometry of the deformation zone takes on a simple shape. If square elements are chosen in a manner proportional to the strip thickness, the results for the strips with different thicknesses and under diffe- rent conditions of reductions can be easily compared. The square isoparametric shape was chosen for these reasons. The choice of the number of elements, i.e., the mesh density, should enable the required accuracy and conver- gence of the solutions. Based on the recommendations for the number of finite elements relative to the thick- ness, the checks for a mesh of 4 to 20 elements on half of a strip thickness were carried out for the simulation of plane strain in thin elements19. The changes in the shape of the displacement along the x and y axes were analysed depending on the number of finite elements. The dis- placements represent particularly important values because the strains, velocities and stresses are calculated on the basis of these values. For the sake of clarity, the displacement diagram was considered in a simplified form with two characteristic lines (trajectories) of nodes corresponding to the boundary surfaces of a strip: the line of contact between the metal and roll (the strip sur- face) and the horizontal centreline (the longitudinal axis of the strip). Since the characteristics of the displacement diagrams change slightly if the number of finite elements (FE) increases above 8, the complete further analysis was carried out with a mesh of eight finite elements on a half strip thickness (the shape of the displacement dia- gram is analysed in additional detail in Section 3.3.1). 2.2.3 Choice of the coefficient of friction The choice of the contact-friction condition holds special importance for the cold-rolling process. A quanti- tative indicator of the friction conditions in plastome- chanics is the contact-friction coefficient (f). A func- tional analysis of the friction conditions is thus considered with respect to the change in the value of this coefficient. The simulation and analysis of the process M. MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 61 Figure 3: Modes of cold rolling/annealing of alloy-2024 strips Slika 3: Na~ini hladnega valjanja/`arjenja trakov iz zlitine 2024 can be carried out on the basis of a constant value for the friction coefficient. In this research, the simulation was carried out with an adopted value for the friction coeffi- cient based on Coulomb’s law. The coefficient of friction was varied in a range of f = 0.06–0.2 for the purpose of performing this check4,21. In the choice of the values of the friction coefficient, an analysis of the displacement diagrams was carried out in a manner similar to that of the choice of the finite-element mesh. The changes in the diagrams of displacements for different values of the friction coefficient from the extracted interval are evident and expected, but these values are not expressed to the extent of a reliable quantification along the complete deformation zone. Therefore, for further research on deformations and velocities, the presented results are given for the friction-coefficient value of f = 0.1, which is often used for simulating similar rolling conditions22,23. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Dimensions and deformation coefficients of rolled strips The dimensions of the strips, the thickness reduc- tions, the thickness tolerances (±h) and the spread (b) of the experimental rolling were determined. The thick- ness tolerances of the rolled strips (±h) met the produc- tion standards for the given thicknesses and reductions of the tested alloys24. The experimentally verified value of the spread (b) was less than 2 %, which satisfied the condition for plane strain25,26. 3.2 Strain hardening of the alloys The strain hardening of the alloys was examined via tensile testing of standard specimens. The values of the yield stress (Kf), which depend on the degree of defor- mation by elongation (l) and the coefficient (K) and the index (n) of strain hardening were determined according to Hollomon’s equation Kf = K ln. Hollomon’s equation was chosen because it describes the area of plastic deformation with a satisfactory accuracy. The beginning of the interval corresponds to the conventional yield strength (Rp0.2). The boundary values of the uniform deformation intervals of the method of the tensile testing by elongation are limited. In the area of high deformation degree, the data can be extrapolated but cannot be experimentally verified using the tensile-testing method. For this reason, the strain-hardening testing was carried out within the strip- rolling process. The strips with the same initial dimen- sions in the thermal state (T0) were rolled with different thickness reductions. After the rolling, specimens for the tensile testing were prepared from the strips, and the yield strength Rp0.2 was determined. The degree of defor- mation for the rolled strips was calculated on the basis of the strip thickness change (h in Equation (1)). The results for the standard deviation prove that Hollomon’s equation Kf = f(h) fully applies to the strain hardening in the area of high deformation degrees. Thus, for the FEM simulation of rolling, the chosen alloys are considered as the rigid-plastic materials that can be hardened in the deformational sense according to Hollomon's equation. 3.3 Deformations 3.3.1 Displacements Displacement diagrams (x and y) for a 4-mm- thick strip and the singled-out trajectories of the surface and axes of the strip are presented in Figure 4. The points at the entrance and exit of the deformation zone were chosen according to the positions that are located outside the boundary values of the displacements. The displacements relative to the geometrical length of the deformation zone determined by Equation (3) are also traced in this analysis. The change in the horizontal x-displacements shows the presence of characteristic areas and different mutual relationships of the boundary surfaces (Figure 4a). Area I is located at the entrance of the roll gap. The deformation begins on the surface, before the geometric entrance into the roll gap. The deformation is non-uni- M. MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 62 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 Figure 4: Displacements of mesh nodes in the directions of: a) x-axis and b) y-axis for reduction  = 20 % (alloy 2024, h0 = 4 mm, 8 FE, f = 0.1) Slika 4: Premiki vozli{~ v mre`i v smeri: a) x-osi in b) y-osi pri reduk- ciji  = 20 % (zlitina 2024, h0 = 4 mm, 8 FE, f = 0,1) form over the cross-section so that the differences bet- ween the surface and axis are apparent. The other trajec- tories between the surface and axis have the same shape and are distributed inside this area at mutually uniform distances. Area I ends near the vertical cross-section with the same displacements. Area II is observed after Area I inside the deformation zone. The same characteristics are visible, but the positions of the curves for the surface and axis are changed. Area III displays the same characte- ristics of the trajectories as Area I, but the inhomoge- neity is lower. Area IV covers the exit from the roll gap, and the relationship of the values along the trajectories is same as in Area II. At the exit from the roll gap, the balance between the surface and axis is re-established. The vertical displacements y on the surface show a monotonic flow that follows the roll geometry in the roll gap. Because of the rolling symmetry, the vertical dis- placement on the axis is zero (Figure 4b). The other trajectories have the same shape as the trajectories of the surface and are regularly distributed (the same distances on average). The diagrams of the horizontal and vertical displace- ments shown in Figure 4 retain the characteristic shapes for all the tested conditions depending on the number of finite elements and the friction coefficient. 3.3.2 Reduction of the strip thickness and indicators of deformation The reduction of thickness h (often referred to as the deformation degree) in cold rolling is a particularly important, influential process parameter. The production processes for rolling aluminium and its alloys are pre- dominantly carried out in an interval of h = 20–50 %. The same interval was used for the experimental rolling and simulation. The results obtained with the simulation also show that the thickness reduction significantly influ- ences the components of deformation. In accordance with the goal of the work, the effective strain (ef) was particularly singled out because the value and boundary states (yield stress, stresses and forces) primarily depend on ef. Figure 5 presents FEM diagrams of the ef change along the deformation zone for a strip with the starting thickness of 4 mm that was rolled with reductions of 20 and 50 %. The first reduction (Figure 5a) exhibits an obvious correlation with the diagrams of the x displacements. The difference between the lengths of the trajectories on the surface and axis, conditioned by the shape of the deformation zone, causes large differences in the values of ef on these trajectories. Indeed, the same areas as for the x displacements can be extracted from the diagram of ef. However, the finite values of ef differ between the surface and axis, and thus the final strain over the cross- section of a strip is non-uniform. The strain relationships show that the deformation zone ends with a localisation of the plastic deformation in the surface layer. The localisation of the plastic deformation, i.e., the elastic area around the axis and the plastic area in the surface zone, causes phenomena that follow the inhomogeneous deformation of the vertical cross-section. One of these phenomena is the residual stress27. The increase in the strip thickness reduction to 50 % was followed by changes in ef, so that an inhomoge- neous deformation (differences between the values for the surface and axis) was formed at the entrance of the roll gap and retained along the entire deformation zone (Figure 5b). 3.3.3 Relationships of the strip thickness and the effective strain Final values h and ef for the trajectories of the sur- face and the axis, and the average values on the vertical cross-section of the strip with h0 = 4 mm were found (for the strips with h0 = 2 mm and 1.28 mm analogous results were obtained). Because h and ef are integral values, the differences between their values are apparent. The condition of plane strain obtained with the FEM simu- lation can be checked by comparing these two indicators of deformation. Specifically, for plane strain with components d1, d2, and d3 and defined relationships d2 = 0 and d1/d3 = –1, the following equation applies for M. MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 63 Figure 5: Effective strain on the surface and axis of a strip rolled with thickness reductions of: a) 20 % and b) 50 %. Parameters of the simulation are as listed in Figure 4. Slika 5: Efektivna napetost na povr{ini in v osi traku, valjanega z re- dukcijo debeline: a) 20 % in b) 50 %. Parametri simulacije so nave- deni na sliki 4. the effective strain: def = (2/ 3)d1, i.e., ef = 1.155 1.28 According to Equation (1) 1 = h and, therefore, the previous equation can be rewritten as follows: ef = 1.155h, ef/h = 1.155 and (ef2/h2)/(ef1/h1) = 1 (6) The values for relationships h2/h1 and ef2/ef1 slightly differ for the same rolling program. Therefore, the compatibility of the results obtained with the simu- lation using Equation (6) can be found with a sufficient accuracy. These results present an opportunity for a simple correlation of the change in the dimensions and the effective strain obtained with FEM. The correlation of relationships ef/h and the change in the dimensions were assessed. The change in ef/h depending on the thickness reduction is similar for all the starting thicknesses. The area of change is limited, but all the values differ from 1.155. Therefore, the mean values of ef/h for each initial thickness were calculated. The results were determined with a 95 % confidence interval. The confidence interval in all the cases entirely covers the area of the changes in the values, indicating that the mean values can be reliably used. It is obvious that the relationship ef/h indicates a regular change on the surface and axis and that it depends on the starting thickness of the strip. Thus, the results of ef/h = f(h0) were analytically processed, and the equations used to approximate them were determined with a satisfactory accuracy. According to the limited number of data, the analytical processing of the results was completed using the STATEGRAPH program for all the equations checked with this software program pack- age29. The linear equations were chosen. The derived equations of dependence ef/h = f(h0) were additionally checked for the cold rolling of the strips with starting thicknesses of 6, 0.6 and 0.012 mm. The thickness of 6 mm is the largest starting thickness for cold rolling, 0.6 mm is the largest starting thickness for rolling thin strips, and 0.012 mm is the thickness for rolling the thinnest foils (aluminium foils with a thick- ness of 6 μm are produced by doubling two 12-μm foils prior to the rolling and separation after the rolling). The lowest value of the ratio ef/h was obtained for the axis of a 12-μm foil and it is 1.160. This value also differs from the theoretical value of 1.155, although only slightly. For the axis of the 6-mm strip, the difference is approximately 2 %, which represents an allowed deflec- tion from the condition of proportionality for the plane strain. Therefore, the linear equations for the transition of the thickness reduction into effective strains depend- ing on the starting thicknesses of the strips are quite reliable. 3.3.4 Deformation zone The results in Figure 6 show the positions of the iso- lines for ef in the deformation zone during the rolling of a strip with a thickness of 4 mm. The DEFORM program gives the possibility of presenting the deformation zone as isolines that divide the zone into eight intervals with a constant increment of ef/8. The shapes of isolines as well as the areas between two consecutive isolines show a non-uniform deformation of the cross-section, and thus the theory of a homogeneous deformation over the M. MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 64 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 Figure 7: Isolines of the beginning of the plastic deformation zone (ef = 0.002) for: a) alloy 2024, strip with h0 = 4 mm and b) alloy 5083, strip with h0 = 1.28 mm (y = h/2; simulation parameters as listed in Figure 4) Slika 7: Izolinije za~etka podro~ja plasti~ne deformacije (ef = 0,002) za: a) zlitine 2024, trak h0 = 4 mm in b) zlitine 5083, trak debeline h0 = 1,28 mm (y = h/2; parametri simulacije so navedeni na sliki 4) Figure 6: Isolines of ef for rolling a strip with a thickness of 4 mm with reductions of: a) 20 % and b) 50 % (simulation parameters as listed in Figure 4) Slika 6: Izolinije ef pri valjanju 4 mm debelega traku, z redukcijo: a) 20 % in b) 50 %. Parametri simulacije so navedeni na sliki 4. cross-section adopted for the conventional-rolling theory cannot be applied. The positions of the isolines on the boundary of plasticity ef = 0.002 were chosen at the beginning. The results for the chosen conditions are given in Figure 7. The vertical line corresponding to the first point of the contact between the strip and the roll is presented as the "0" position at the start of the zone. The deformation on the cross-section begins non-uniformly (similarly to isoline B in Figure 6), first on the surface and prior to the initial contact of the strip and the rolls. This "out-of- contact" deformation is a consequence of the strain gradient, which causes the pulling of the external region of the strip and has been known and considered in nume- rous works in the area of rolling21,25,30. It causes a signi- ficant difference between different reductions of the strip at the cross-section so that these cannot be reliably quantified. The end of the deformation zone on the vertical cross-section is also non-homogeneous (isoline I in Figure 6). However, these lines represent the boundary of the plastic area of the complete vertical cross-section. A detailed examination showed that the plastic defor- mation continues (after isoline I) but it is localised on the surface layer. Thus, the actual shape of the boundary of the plastic deformation is elastic-plastic (an approximate mirror image of the beginning of the plastic deforma- tion). Such boundaries are completely in accordance with the experimental results28 and schemes used for the analysis of the process parameters (e.g., for use of "a slab analysis")31. 3.4 Velocities The kinematics of cold rolling are determined by the velocities of the strip and roll in the deformation zone, i.e., by the horizontal (Vsx, Vrx) and vertical (Vsy, Vry) velo- cities. In the conventional theory of rolling, the horizon- tal velocities are predominantly considered (Figure 1). Because they can be directly (immediately) measured, this situation offers an opportunity to include the control of the process in the results of the analysis. In reality, no adequate data are available for the vertical velocity of strips for cold rolling in the conven- tional theory. The FEM simulation ensures that these data can also be obtained in the deformation zone. 3.4.1 Horizontal velocity Figure 8a shows the relationship of the horizontal velocity of a strip and the velocity of the rolls (Vsx/Vrx) for surface and axis trajectories. The velocity for a con- M. MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 65 Figure 9: Results for the backward slip depending on the reduction degree obtained with the FEM simulation: a) length of the backward- slip zone and b) backward slip for the simulation parameters as listed in Figure 4 Slika 9: Rezultati za zaostajanje v odvisnosti od stopnje redukcije, dobljene s FEM-simulacijo: a) dol`ina podro~ja zaostajanja in b) zaostajanja za simulacijske parametre, navedene na sliki 4 Figure 8: Diagrams of relationship changes of: a) Vsx/Vrx and b) Vsy on the surface and on the axis along the deformation zone. Alloy 2024, h0 = 4 mm, simulation parameters as listed in Figure 4. Slika 8: Diagram sprememb odvisnosti: a) Vsx/Vrx in b) Vsy na povr{ini in vzdol` osi podro~ja deformacije. Zlitina 2024, h0 = 4 mm, parametri simulacije so navedeni na sliki 4. stant time interval () is determined by the displace- ment itself (Vsx = x/). As the roll velocity (Vrx) also changes slightly, it is expected that the diagrams for Vsx/Vrx in Figure 8a completely correspond to the diagrams of the x displacement shown in Figure 4a. Significant data for the backward slip are shown in Figure 9. The zone of the backward slip (lb), i.e., its length, covers an important portion of the deformation zone and increases with an increase in the initial thick- ness and the degree of reduction (Figure 9a). The lowest lb/ld relationship is >2/3 of the total deformation zone. The highest lb/ld relationship is >3/4 of the total defor- mation zone, which means that for a neutral cross-sec- tion, Vsx/Vrx = 1, it is necessary to obtain an adequate increment of the displacement and its homogenous dis- tribution on the cross-section of the strip. Both of these factors require a certain length of the zone but also depend on the initial strip thickness and the reduction degree. Diagrams of the backward slip depending on the initial strip thickness and reduction degree are shown in Figure 9b. A linear increase in the backward slip can be observed with an increase in the reduction degree and a slight difference in the tested strip thicknesses. As the shape of the backward-slip diagram is notably close to a straight line, the results are approximated using straight- line equations. The scale for the backward slip expressed in percentages is convenient for the approximation. However, the results for relationship Vsx/Vrx are selected for the equation because of a simple tracing of the values relative to the roll velocity and the connections with the forward slip. The derived equations are obtained and the correlation coefficients for the equations have high values. The other indicators also confirm their signifi- cance. The diagrams of the backward slip and the free term in the equations of the Vsx/Vrx relationship show that the backward slip is unavoidable (for h = 0 Vsx/Vrx > 0). In a physical sense, the condition for the unavoidable back- ward slip is completely justifiable, but it is not realistic that it differs from zero if the reduction is equal to zero. The equations should thus be accepted to show how the backward slip increases from zero to certain values, which are already in the area of small reduction degrees. The forward slip changes in the interval of 2.4 to 12.5 %. According to the continuity equation, the for- ward slip has a significantly lower value than the back- ward slip (a smaller length of the zone causes a smaller total displacement). The check of the simulation results for the backward and forward slips can be carried out on the basis of the continuity equation. All the results of the simulations satisfy this condition with a high level of accuracy. Therefore, the forward slip can be determined on the basis of the roll velocity, the backward slip and the reduction level. The forward and backward slips were thoroughly tested and experimentally determined. Thus, the calcu- lated values of the backward and forward slips provided in15 amount to 19.2 and 4.1 %, respectively. The results for the forward slip, which depends on the coefficient of friction, given in4 are 4 to 6 %. The forward slip depending on the velocity of the rolls and the reduction given in16 reaches up to 4 %, and in4,17 this value is as high as 10 %. All these results highly coincide with the results presented in this work. 3.4.2 Vertical velocity The diagrams in Figure 8b show the change in the vertical velocity on the surface of a strip with a thickness of 4 mm. These changes are characterised by the maxi- mum values at the beginning of the deformation zone. The maximum value of velocity Vsy is almost one order of magnitude lower than the horizontal velocity. The influence of this velocity on the total velocity/kinematics of rolling is thereby symbolic. 4 CONCLUSIONS This paper presents the results and analysis of the deformations and kinematics during the cold rolling of aluminium alloy strips. The relevant experimental rolling was completed on a laboratory rolling stand using strips with thicknesses ranging from 4 to 1.28 mm. The FEM simulation of the process was completed using the DEFORM-2D program with a mesh of eight finite elements on a half thickness of a strip and a con- stant friction coefficient of f = 0.1. The choice and analysis of deformations and velocities were carried out with the aim of comparison with the results from the conventional rolling theory. The following results were established: The horizontal displacement diagram, presented with the chosen trajectories, has four characteristic areas with clear differences between the changes on the surface and axis. The shape of the changes is also reflected in the other strain components and velocities of cold rolling; The relationship of the reduction degree and the effective strain based on the derived equations ensures a simple and reliable calculation of these indicators, through which other dependencies can also be quantified in the analysis of the rolling process; With use of the FEM, the boundaries of the start and end of the deformation zone can be reliably identified as well as the out-of-contact deformation at the entrance and exit of the deformation zone; The values of the backward slip amount to 18–46 % and linearly depend on the strip thickness reduction. The forward slip lies in the interval of 2.4–12.5 % and can be quantified on the basis of the dependence of these two kinematic parameters of the cold-rolling process. M. 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MI[OVI] et al.: DEFORMATIONS AND VELOCITIES DURING THE COLD ROLLING OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 59–67 67 M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... 69–74 PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS WITH GENETIC PROGRAMMING NAPOVEDOVANJE NEHOMOGENOSTI KEMIJSKE SESTAVE PRI GREDICAH 30MnVS6 S POMO^JO GENETSKEGA PROGRAMIRANJA Miha Kova~i~, Damir Novak [tore Steel d.o.o., @elezarska cesta 3, 3220 [tore, Slovenia miha.kovacic@store-steel.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-11-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-18 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.280 [tore Steel Ltd. is a small and flexible steel plant. The plant also produces the 30MnVS6 steel grade, which is used for crack connection rods in the automotive industry. The chemical elements are not uniformly distributed over the billet cross-sections, consequently influencing the final product properties. The chemical distribution depends mainly on the casting parameters. The article presents an attempt at predicting the chemical non-homogeneity of 30MnVS6 billets. With respect to the chemical-element distribution (% C, % Si, % Mn, % V, % S) over the billet cross-sections and the casting parameters (casting speed, casting temperature, meniscus level), several models for the chemical non-homogeneity prediction were developed by means of the genetic-programming method. The results show that the most influential parameter is the casting speed. The results of modeling can be practically implemented in order to reduce the chemical non-homogeneity of the billets. Keywords: steel, casting, billets, chemical composition, non-homogeneity, modelling, genetic programming [tore Steel je majhna, a prilagodljiva jeklarna. Proizvajajo tudi jeklo 30MnVS6, ki se uporablja za ojnice, ki se izdelujejo z lomljenjem, za avtomobilsko industrijo. Kemijski elementi niso enakomerno porazdeljeni po prerezu gredice, kar posledi~no vpliva na lastnosti kon~nega izdelka. Razporeditev kemijskih elementov je najbolj odvisna od parametrov vlivanja. V ~lanku je predstavljen poskus napovedovanja kemijske nehomogenosti gredic jekla 30MnVS6. Glede na razporeditve kemijskih elementov (% C, % Si, % Mn, % V, % S) po prerezu gredice in parametre vlivanja (hitrost vlivanja, temperatura vlivanja, nivo taline), se je izdelalo ve~ modelov, za napovedovanje kemijske nehomogenosti gredic, s pomo~jo metode genetskega programiranja. Rezultati ka`ejo, da je najvplivnej{i parameter hitrost vlivanja. Rezultati modeliranja se lahko uporabijo v praksi z namenom zmanj{anja kemijske nehomogenosti gredic. Klju~ne besede: jeklo, litje, gredice, kemijska sestava, nehomogenost, modeliranje, genetsko programiranje 1 INTRODUCTION Due to a gradual solidification during the continuous casting of steel, chemical-composition variations occur, which influence the cast and, consequently, the pro- cessed-material properties; therefore, their optimization is essential.1 In the previous research2, the chemical composition of the cross-section of a high-grade pipeline slab was measured point by point. The results indicated that a ne- gative segregation inside the central line is more severe than that outside the central line, and that the highest positive segregation of the elements appears close to the inner sides of the negative segregation strips. In addition, the segregation of the elements in the central area is higher than that in the outer and inner arc areas. Article3 discusses the manufacturing of bearing steels of low distortion potential. The 100Cr6 steel billets were spray formed to achieve metallurgical homogeneity. The microstructures and properties of the billets produced under different thermal conditions were studied and evaluated. A heat-transfer model for a growing billet was established in order to investigate the thermal profiles of the billets during spray forming. An apparent correlation between the cooling and solidification conditions of the deposit and its metallurgical properties was revealed by means of a numerical simulation and an experiment. Gheorghies et al.4 developed a theoretical model that was adapted for studying the steel continuous-casting technology. The model is based on the system theory, considering input/output, command and control para- meters. It can be used to describe the physicochemical processes, thermal processes, chemical processes and the characteristics of the cast material on the basis of the above-mentioned stages. In the research described in5 LIBS scanning measure- ments were performed on samples displaying segrega- tion. The resulting quantified elemental maps correlated very well with the data obtained with the conventional methods. In research6 an artificial-intelligence analyzer of the mechanical properties of rolled steel bars was proposed using neural networks. The complex correlation among the steel bar properties, the billet compositions and the control parameters of manufacturing was developed. The developed analyzer could be used in practice in order to improve the steel quality. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 69 UDK 669.18:004.89:621.74 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)69(2016) Hwang et al.7 tried to minimize the center segregation with the help of a developed coupled temperature/dis- placement finite-element model. The center segregation, center porosity, homogeneity of elements and equiaxed crystal zone were improved. This paper discusses the use of the genetic-pro- gramming method for predicting the chemical non- homogeneity of the 30MnVS6 billets, used in rolled conditions, for forging crack connection rods in the automotive industry. Genetic programming is an evolu- tionary computation-based methodology of artificial intelligence (AI); it is similar to the genetic algorithm (GA).8 Genetic programming (GP) is capable of solving many different problems in industry; however, it uses different natural phenomena in comparison to many other AI-based approaches, such as artificial neural net- works (ANN), swarm intelligence (SI) and gravitational search algorithm (GSA). For a comparison of the practical uses of the above-mentioned methods in indu- strial applications see reference literature, for example.9–12 The problem is stated in section 2. In the subsequent section the experimental background and, afterwards, the essence of the chemical non-homogeneity prediction are presented. The analysis of the modelling results are presented in section 4 and, finally, the main contributions of the research and the guidelines for further research are given in the last section. 2 EXPERIMENTAL BACKGROUND Steelmaking begins with scrap melting in an elec- tric-arc furnace. The melting bath, which is heated up to the tapping temperature required for the further treat- ment procedure, is discharged into a casting ladle. After achieving the proper melt temperature in the melting bath, the billets are continuously cast. The melt flows through a sliding-gate system and ladle shroud towards a tundish. After filling up the tundish with the help of the mold-filling system with tundish stoppers and sub- merged pouring tubes, the casting is established. The billets, with a square section of 180 mm, are cast. After reaching a certain melting-bath level, the potentiometer starts the flattening system, which drags the billet out of the mold. In this way, the continuous casting is estab- lished. Each billet goes through the cooling zone toward the gas cutters, where it is cut and laid off onto the cooling bed. The data for the analysis was collected on the basis of 30 consecutively cast batches of the 30MnVS6 steel in [tore Steel Ltd. (Table 1) from May to September 2011. The data was taken from the technological documen- tation of the cast batches and from the chemical archive. The goal was to get as wide a range of influential para- meters as possible, namely: – the contents of C, Si, Mn, S and V in the tundish (w/%) – the average melt temperature in the tundish (°C) – the average meniscus level (mm) – the average casting speed (m/min) – the average strand temperature in the cooling zone (°C). From each of the selected 30 batches, a billet was taken from the middle of the casting and a slice was cut out. For the chemical analysis, optical emission spec- troscopy was used (instrument SPECTRO LAVMC12A). Five spark spots were used for determining the chemical non-homogeneity (Figure 1). For example, the carbon content obtained from five spark spots on the sample from batch number 1 is pre- sented in Figure 2. The carbon non-homogeneity Cn–h can be easily cal- culated: C C C i i n h− == ∑ 1 5 (1) where i is the individual spot size and C is the average of all five carbon-content values for each spot: C C i i= = ∑ 1 5 5 (2) Similarly, the non-homogeneity for each individual chemical element can be calculated. The experimental data and the non-homogeneities for individual chemical elements are presented in Table 1. M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... 70 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 Figure 2: Carbon content at each spark spot Slika 2: Vsebnost ogljika na posami~nem mestu ob`iga Figure 1: Sample from the billet slice with the spark spots Slika 1: Vzorec iz rezine, odrezane iz gredice, s to~kami ob`iga 3 MODELLING OF CHEMICAL NON-HOMO- GENEITY WITH GENETIC PROGRAMMING Genetic programming is probably the most general evolutionary optimization method8 and it has already been found useful for several different applications in [tore Steel Ltd.13–17. The organisms that undergo an adaptation are in fact mathematical expressions (models) for chemical non-homogeneity, consisting of the avail- able function genes (i.e., basic arithmetical functions) and terminal genes (i.e., independent input parameters and random floating-point constants). In our case, the models consist of the function genes of addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication (*) and division (/), while terminal genes include: – the contents of C (C), Si (SI), Mn (MN), S (S) and V (V) in the tundish – the average melt temperature in the tundish (TM) – the average meniscus level (ML) – the average casting speed (SPEED) and – the average strand temperature in the cooling zone (TC). Random computer programs of various forms and lengths are generated by means of selected genes at the beginning of the simulated evolution. Afterwards, the varying of the computer programs during several itera- tions, known as generations, is performed by means of genetic operations. For the progress of the population, only the reproduction and crossover are sufficient. A new generation is obtained after the completion of various M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 71 Table 1: Experimental data Tabela 1: Eksperimentalni podatki B at ch C (w /% ) S i (w /% ) M n (w /% ) S (w /% ) V (w /% ) A ve ra ge m el t te m pe ra tu re in tu nd is h (° C ) A ve ra ge m en is cu s le ve l (m m ) A ve ra ge ca st in g sp ee d (m /m in ) A ve ra ge st ra nd te m pe ra tu re in th e co ol in g zo ne (° C ) C no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) S i no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) M n no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) S no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) V no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) S um of C , S i, M n, S an d V ch em ic al no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) 1 0.29 0.55 1.43 0.05 0.09 1543 74.53453 1.135516 1092.7 35.28 34.30 34.17 31.52 33.57 168.83 2 0.29 0.58 1.44 0.058 0.1 1548 76.11422 1.128306 1091.669 5.61 1.77 2.19 10.81 2.41 22.79 3 0.28 0.59 1.43 0.05 0.09 1543 74.34058 1.114705 1093.121 10.32 6.98 7.49 19.51 6.71 51.01 4 0.3 0.6 1.43 0.051 0.1 1542 74.38523 1.148343 1110.401 22.01 23.24 24.73 22.12 24.72 116.82 5 0.29 0.59 1.46 0.052 0.1 1545 74.55143 1.143362 1100.045 40.36 39.00 38.98 27.54 36.84 182.72 6 0.29 0.57 1.45 0.051 0.11 1544 74.62807 1.144693 1100.519 33.73 34.43 35.10 38.21 34.41 175.89 7 0.29 0.58 1.47 0.05 0.1 1551 74.61523 1.115993 1092.786 33.68 38.06 38.73 36.24 40.04 186.76 8 0.3 0.57 1.43 0.058 0.1 1530 74.5125 1.136773 1123.988 32.08 35.08 33.65 26.26 33.60 160.68 9 0.29 0.58 1.45 0.05 0.1 1548 74.49432 1.136511 1123.195 22.17 22.17 20.65 23.32 20.46 108.76 10 0.3 0.57 1.45 0.059 0.1 1536 74.46816 1.139951 1121.601 5.64 5.86 6.76 22.05 8.12 48.43 11 0.3 0.63 1.44 0.059 0.11 1538 74.54645 1.142406 1121.38 33.94 33.88 31.97 27.54 33.80 161.13 12 0.29 0.58 1.43 0.06 0.1 1553 74.59237 1.116969 1116.805 40.13 40.46 39.14 36.08 38.92 194.72 13 0.29 0.58 1.43 0.055 0.1 1549 74.52381 1.117879 1111.379 24.40 28.32 26.53 42.90 29.29 151.43 14 0.3 0.55 1.43 0.045 0.09 1544 74.4881 1.133849 1105.889 25.87 26.01 25.05 23.44 23.03 123.41 15 0.29 0.61 1.45 0.052 0.1 1549 74.32708 1.126732 1108.002 19.93 23.92 23.15 23.20 24.09 114.29 16 0.28 0.6 1.42 0.053 0.1 1541 74.39798 1.150479 1118.254 32.04 33.77 32.41 26.27 33.59 158.09 17 0.28 0.57 1.46 0.06 0.1 1548 74.36111 1.133132 1120.187 21.63 22.42 20.75 24.63 20.04 109.46 18 0.28 0.58 1.44 0.058 0.1 1543 74.37007 1.165916 1119.613 32.89 33.99 33.22 30.33 33.84 164.27 19 0.28 0.59 1.45 0.05 0.11 1547 74.39048 1.130368 1123.507 35.47 39.57 38.79 39.55 39.49 192.87 20 0.29 0.6 1.45 0.058 0.1 1546 74.49107 1.134441 1115.035 12.77 7.91 6.69 12.62 6.95 46.94 21 0.29 0.63 1.48 0.06 0.1 1545 74.50678 1.139199 1119.22 23.28 23.68 23.88 14.81 23.63 109.29 22 0.29 0.6 1.45 0.059 0.1 1542 74.49815 1.144132 1127.137 39.29 40.28 39.51 38.89 38.91 196.88 23 0.29 0.6 1.42 0.052 0.1 1547 74.3956 1.110585 1126.187 7.69 6.32 6.86 15.46 5.16 41.48 24 0.29 0.58 1.42 0.056 0.1 1558 74.46951 1.092817 1124.571 9.03 8.00 7.44 21.41 7.21 53.10 25 0.29 0.61 1.43 0.06 0.1 1555 74.32818 1.082388 1120.363 23.68 20.73 21.52 25.79 22.54 114.26 26 0.28 0.61 1.46 0.052 0.11 1543 74.47059 1.125766 1132.468 3.85 0.88 1.50 6.82 0.92 13.97 27 0.29 0.59 1.44 0.052 0.1 1557 74.41155 1.103096 1116.793 21.61 23.94 23.45 17.61 22.57 109.19 28 0.28 0.58 1.44 0.055 0.1 1546 74.31526 1.132103 1133.436 23.16 21.12 21.20 26.43 20.55 112.46 29 0.29 0.58 1.44 0.055 0.1 1556 74.43371 1.101385 1128.988 32.11 37.68 39.59 42.06 38.09 189.53 30 0.29 0.62 1.45 0.052 0.1 1548 74.42917 1.09335 1126.615 21.81 23.84 23.54 17.37 22.90 109.47 computer programs and this generation is then evaluated and compared with the experimental data. The process of changing and evaluating organisms is repeated until the termination criterion of the process is fulfilled. This was the prescribed maximum number of generations. For the process of simulated evolutions, the following evolutionary parameters were selected: the size of the population of organisms – 500; the greatest number in a generation – 100; the reproduction probability – 0.4; the crossover probability – 0.6; the greatest permissible depth of population (6); the greatest permissible depth, after the operation, of the crossover of two organisms – 10; and the smallest permissible depth of organisms when generating new organisms – 2. Genetic operations of reproduction and crossover were used. For the selection of the organisms, the tournament method with tournament size 7 was used. For the model, the fitness average relative deviation from the monitored data was selected. It is defined as: Δ = − = ∑ E P E n i i ii n 1 (3) where n is the size of the monitored data, Ei and Pi are the actual (experimental) and predicted sums of the C, Si, Mn, S and V chemical non-homogeneity, respec- tively. We have developed 100 independent civilizations of mathematical models for the chemical non-homogeneity prediction. Each civilization had its most successful organism – mathematical model. The most successful organism of all the civilizations is presented here: (4) with an average relative deviation of 27.82 %. It is obvious that only C (the content of C in the tundish), S (the content of S in the tundish), V (the content of V in the tundish) and SPEED (the average casting speed) are included in the model. 4 ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS A randomly driven process builds the fittest and the most complex models from generation to generation and uses the ingredients that are the most suitable for an experimental environment adaptation. For curiosity’s sake, the analysis of the genes (parameters) excluded from the models is presented in the next figure (Figure 3). Based on the number of the genes excluded from 100 mathematical models, we may make assumptions about the influence of the parameters on the chemical non- homogeneity. It is clear from the figure that out of 100 genetically obtained mathematical models only 21 models do not include the parameter of the average casting speed (SPEED) and fewer than 30 out of 100 models do not have the parameter of the contents of C (C), Si (SI), and V (V) included in the tundish. We can, therefore, speculate that they are probably the most important parameters influencing the chemical non-homogeneity. Figure 4 shows the calculated influences of indivi- dual parameters on the chemical non-homogeneity using M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... 72 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 Figure 3: Frequency of genes excluded from the best 100 mathema- tical models for chemical non-homogeneity prediction Slika 3: Frekvenca izlo~enih genov na podlagi najbolj{ih 100-ih mate- mati~nih modelov za napovedovanje kemijske nehomogenosti Figure 4: Calculated influences of individual parameters on chemical non-homogeneity while separately changing them within the range from Table 1 Slika 4: Izra~unani vplivi posami~nih parametrov na kemijsko neho- mogenost pri le-njihovem spreminjanju znotraj obmo~ja, navedenega v tabeli 1 the developed model (Equation (4)) while separately changing the individual parameters within the range from Table 1. The dashes at individual total decarburi- zation ranges represent the calculated average chemical non-homogeneity of all 30 collected samples, which is 98.88 %. The average chemical non-homogeneity value of the collected data is 122.96 %. Figure 5 shows the calculated correlation between the casting speed and the chemical non-homogeneity while separately changing the average casting speed. This can be calculated and, consequently, used for individual influential parameters as a tool for selecting the optimal casting speed. It should be noted that the average value of the average casting speed for all 30 cases is 1.127 m/min (a standard deviation of 0.0191 m/min). 5 CONCLUSION The purpose of this research was to predict the chemical non-homogeneity of 30MnVS6 steel grade billets. The data for the analysis was collected on the basis of 30 consecutively cast batches. The distribution of the chemical elements (% C, % Si, % Mn, % V, % S) over the billet cross-sections and the casting parameters (casting speed, casting temperature, meniscus level) were gathered. On the basis of the gathered data, several models for predicting the chemical non-homogeneity were developed by means of the genetic-programming method. There were 100 different models developed and only the best one was used for the chemical non-homo- geneity prediction. The relative average deviation between the actual and the predicted scrap was 27.82 %. In addition, the frequencies of the genes excluded from the best 100 mathematical models for the chemical non- homogeneity prediction were analyzed. The results show that the parameters influencing the chemical non-homo- geneity the most are the casting speed and the contents of C, Si and V in the melt. Also, the influences of individual parameters on the chemical non-homogeneity were calculated while separately changing individual parameters, using the best genetically developed model. 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KARACA, B. AKSAKAL: EFFECT OF THE TiBN COATING ON A HSS DRILL WHEN DRILLING THE MA8M Mg ALLOY 75–79 EFFECT OF THE TiBN COATING ON A HSS DRILL WHEN DRILLING THE MA8M Mg ALLOY VPLIV TiBN PREVLEKE NA HSS SVEDRU PRI VRTANJU MA8M Mg ZLITINE Faruk Karaca1, Bünyamin Aksakal2 1Firat University, Technology Faculty, Dept. Mech. Eng., Elazig, Turkey 2Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgy, Dept. Metallurgy and Mater. Eng., Istanbul, Turkey fkaraca@firat.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-11-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.290 Mg alloy MA8M is used in the aerospace and food industries and in biomedical applications due to its lightness and biocompatibility. This paper presents the drilling performance of the standard HSS and TiBN-coated drill bits during the machining of the MA8M Mg alloy at various drill rotational speeds and feed rates. After the experiments, the surface roughness, topography and chip formation were analyzed. Atomic-force microscopy (AFM) and surface profilometer were used for this purpose. It was observed that higher drilling feed rates and drill rotational speeds lead to lower surface-roughness values. TiBN-coated drill bits exhibited undesired surface qualities. Keywords: MA8M Mg alloy, TiBN coating, twist drills, surface quality, multiple regression analysis, chip formation Mg zlitina MA8M se uporablja v letalstvu, prehrambeni industriji in v biomedicini, ker je lahka in biokompatibilna. ^lanek predstavlja obna{anje pri vrtanju z normalnimi HSS in s svedri s TiBN prevleko na konici, pri obdelavi Mg zlitine MA8M pri razli~nih vrtljajih svedra in hitrostih podajanja. Po eksperimentih je bila analizirana hrapavost povr{ine, topografija in nastanek ostru`ka. V ta namen sta bila uporabljena mikroskop na atomsko silo (AFM) in profilometer povr{ine. Ugotovljeno je, da ve~ja hitrost podajanja in vrtenja svedra povzro~i manj{o hrapavost povr{ine. S TiBN prevle~eni svedri so povzro~ali neustrezno kvaliteto povr{ine. Klju~ne besede: MA8M Mg zlitina, TiBN prevleka, vija~ni svedri, kvaliteta povr{ine, multipla regresijska analiza, nastanek ostru`ka 1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, reducing the energy consumption and providing a better surface quality in several manufac- turing industries are vital for economic production cycles. Many manufacturing industries substituted the materials, e.g., steel was replaced with light metals or plastics to decrease the energy consumption and/or increase the strength/weight ratio. Although light metals such as aluminum or magnesium are easier to machine, the magnesium alloys have a higher specific strength and stiffness than aluminum alloys.1–3 Metallic implants made of stainless steel, titanium or cobalt-chromium alloys are used for stress shielding and revision sur- geries, improving the quality of life and the healthcare system. On the other hand, due to their low density and compatibility, magnesium alloys are also very promising as orthopedic biomaterials compared to the other me- tallic alloys such as stainless steel and titanium alloys.4 However, the unsatisfactory corrosion resistance of mag- nesium alloys limit their application to a great extent.5 To overcome these undesired problems, in some studies, the microstructures and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys were processed with cyclic closed-die forging. Using this method under various processing conditions resulted in the desired grain size, microstruc- tural parameters and growth mechanical properties.3 The surface integrity of a machined magnesium alloy used for biomedical implants could have a critical impact on its corrosion resistance. The influence of the cutting edge radius and the cooling method on the surface integrity was investigated. Cryogenic machining using a large edge-radius tool led to a thicker grain-refinement layer that remarkably enhanced the corrosion performance of the magnesium alloy.5 During another surface-integrity treatment, synergistic dry cutting/finish burnishing of magnesium-calcium implants resulted in a good surface finish, high compressive hook-shaped, low-residual stress profile and extended strain hardening of the sub- surface with little change in the grain size.4 The high-speed dry-machining process investigated with a finite-element model predicts that the most hazar- dous outcome, the chip ignition during machining mag- nesium alloys, does not occur during high-speed dry cutting with sharp PCD (polycrystalline diamond) tools.6 The effect of coated drills on the minimum-quantity- lubrication drilling of magnesium alloys was experi- mentally investigated using a carbon-coated HSS drill and the AZ91 magnesium alloy. Such a coating and the minimum-quantity-lubrication condition limited the temperature to below the hazardous level and, hence, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 75–79 75 UDK 669.721.5:621.95:620.179.11 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)75(2016) both the drill wear and the magnesium adhesion were successively reduced.7 On the other hand, the machining of the AZ91 magnesium alloy with both the TiN-coated and PCD tools was conducted to find the influence of tool coatings in the machining of magnesium. It showed an excessive tool wear of the TiN carbides even at low cutting speeds, while the PCD coatings showed better results at low film thicknesses.1 A limited number of the investigations were per- formed in the field of machinability of magnesium alloys. In this study, experimental drilling of the MA8M magnesium-alloy sheet was conducted. The effects of the drilling parameters such as the drill speed, the diameter, the feed rate and the TiBN coating on the hole-surface quality were analyzed with respect to the surface rough- ness, the burr and chip formation and the hole accuracy. After these evaluations, the optimum surface quality was determined. I was also found that an increased drill feed rate increased the roughness, an increased drill speed de- creased the roughness and the TiBN coating increased the surface roughness. The present study could be refe- renced to similar studies. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In this study, MA8M Mg-alloy sheets having dimen- sions of 100 × 100 × 8 mm3 were used. Two different kinds of the cutting-tool material, namely HSS and TiBN-coated HSS twist drills were used to compare their effects on the surface roughness of the machined holes and the chip formation. Some pilot experiments were performed. Since the best results were obtained with a 6-mm drill diameter of the HSS tools, the TiBN coating was considered only with this diameter and the others were ignored. The tool diameter, feed rate and rotational speed of the cutting tool were changed to explore their effects. A full factorial experimentation was applied using the parameters. In order to statistically identify the correlation between the applied parameters and the sur- face roughness, the multiple-regression-analysis method with a confidence interval of p = 0.05 was used. The drill-bit coating parameter variation of the regression was analyzed separately. The surface-roughness measurements were performed with a Mitutoyo SJ 210 profilometer with a 0.5 mm/s measuring speed and 0.25 × 4 mm length in line with the ISO 1997 standard. The average surface roughness Ra (μm) was used to evaluate the hole-surface roughness after the measurements were repeated three times. Furthermore, an atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to determine the 3D surface topography with a scanning area of 40 × 40 μm2 and a rate of 0.15 Hz (Park System XE-100). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The surface roughness, surface topography, chip formations and drill-bit coating were under consideration when evaluating the machinability characteristics of the MA8M Mg alloy. The measured values are discussed in the following sections. 3.1 Average surface roughness (Ra) The surface integrity is an important parameter in machinability and is directly related to the surface roughness.4,5 The effects of all the experimental para- meters including the drill diameter, the feed rate, the drill speed and the drill coating on the hole-surface rough- ness, analyzed in a body with contour graphics, are given in Figure 1. In order to plot these contour graphics, the weighted least square method was used. As seen in Figure 1, the surface roughness of the machined holes has a tendency to decrease with an increase in the feed rate for all drill types. When three drill diameters were evaluated, the maximum surface roughness was obtained at a 4-mm drill diameter, while 6-mm and 8-mm drills presented similar values. The roughness reached the highest values at 1710 min–1 when the 4-mm-diameter drill bit was used and then became reduced at 2730 min–1, as shown in Figure 1. On the other hand, the TiBN-coated HSS drill bit enhanced the surface roughness to the highest rates (Figure 1) compared to the other three drill bits. There was a significant difference in the roughness between the holes drilled with the TiBN-coated and uncoated 6-mm drill bits. On the other hand, the roughness was reduced with the increased drill diameter when the contour graphics were analyzed. However, a drill speed of 1080 min–1 caused the lowest roughness as the TiBN coating had an inverse effect on the surface roughness during the drilling of the MA8M alloy. Although the increased drill speed caused a decrease in the surface roughness at all three feed rates and with the 6-mm and 8-mm drills, the surface roughness increased with the TiBN coating as shown in Figure 1. F. KARACA, B. AKSAKAL: EFFECT OF THE TiBN COATING ON A HSS DRILL WHEN DRILLING THE MA8M Mg ALLOY 76 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 75–79 Figure 1: Variation in surface roughness with feed rate, drill speed, drill diameter, in comparison with TiBN-coated drill bits Slika 1: Spreminjanje hrapavosti povr{ine s podajanjem, hitrostjo vrtenja svedra, premerom svedra, v primerjavi s svedrom s TiBN prevleko The drill speed of 1710 min–1 led to the peak rough- ness from among the three drill speeds when using the TiBN-coated drill. This speed was suggested as a switch point aspect for the surface roughness (Figure 1). Espe- cially the rates of 80 mm/min and 40 mm/min exhibited similar roughnesses with all three drill speeds. The peak value of the surface roughness (2.84 μm) occurred at the speed of 1080 min–1, the feed rate of 20 mm/min and the diameter of 4 mm, as shown in Figure 1. The drill speed, feed rate and diameter were also presented as rather parallel results when statistically analyzed. The drill speed had the maximum effect on the surface roughness when partial correlation values of the three parameters were analyzed. The partial correlation values identifying the effectiveness of the drill speed, the feed rate and the diameter were Rpart(speed) = –0.62, Rpart(force) = –0.45 and Rpart(dia.) = –0.29, respectively. Statistical results confirmed the above contour plots of the experiment. The most effective parameter was the drill speed, and the least effective parameter was the diameter of the drill bit, also resulting from multiple regressions. It was established with the analysis that the surface roughness increased with a decreased drill diameter. When Mg alloys are machined in a dry drilling con- dition, a flank build-up occurs on the cutting tool and the workpiece due to the adhesion.1 The flank build-up formation on the Mg alloys causes sufficient temperature at the tool-workpiece contact and the adhesion of the workpiece material on the cutting tool leads to an in- creased cutting-edge radius and to an increase in the machining forces.1,8 The flank build-up formation, in the current study, increased the cutting forces and, hence, the performance of the cutting tool was reduced. This suggests that the smallest drill diameter was not enough to sufficiently overcome the cutting forces and a drilling failure occurred. On the other hand, the largest drill diameter was found to be more successful at removing the chips, resulting in a lower surface roughness. In order to achieve smooth surfaces when drilling MA8M, both higher drill speed and feed rate were required. 3.2 TiBN Coating In the present study, the surface roughness was in- creased to a specific value at a drill speed of 1710 min–1, and then it was diminished with the increasing drill speed up to 2730 min–1. The cutting energy exceeded the plastic-deformation force of the chip and a more effec- tive drilling can be the reason for this fact. Moreover, it was reported that higher cutting temperatures obtained with higher cutting speeds cause material softening on the shear plane, easier cuts and a smoother machined surface.4,9,10 Hence, the maximum drill speed of 2730 min–1 caused a decrease in the surface roughness after the peak value reached at 1710 min–1. On the contrary, for the TiBN coating, the critical level of the roughness did not distinctly differ from the uncoated drill bits. According to the general trend, a roughness decrease was observed via the increased drill speed. On the other hand, the surface roughness was increased with a decreased feed rate under all experimental conditions. Larger cutting forces act more effectively in closing surface cracks and pores. However, there is a limit to the positive effect of the rolling force and beyond certain levels, such a force acts as the initiating source of cracks and cold welds, deteriorating the surface.4 However, the TiBN coating had a minor effect on the surface-rough- ness increment that was also found with the statistical analysis (the partial correlation of 0.2745). On the other hand, the feed rate had an extremely strong effect (the partial correlation of -0.66) on the surface-roughness reduction when compared with the drill speed and the coating. In the present study, the TiBN coating of HSS did not have the desired effect on the surface quality because of a lower wear resistance. As the Mg alloys caused the tool wear of the TiN-coated cutting tools, as reported before,1,11 this approach had similar effects on the MA8M drilling operation. 3.3 Chip formation The achievement of a successful and better drilling operation is also indicated by removed chip formations. Moreover, the chip formations can show some variations due to the workpiece material and operation parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate or depth of cut.12 For in- stance, when a regular broken chip or an irregular broken chip is formed on a workpiece with elastic properties, no chip breakers should be provided. Similarly, a workpiece material with elastoplastic properties produces a conti- nuous fragmentary chip or a continuous chip with a wedge-shaped texture, and if the workpiece has plastic properties then the result is a continuous type of chip.12 Long chips are usually not desirable because they can tangle along the drill body and have to be removed ma- nually.13 Instead, well broken chips are associated with a smooth drilling process. The diameter slightly influenced the chip formation, and it seemed that a larger diameter provided for a better chip formation. The feed rate seemed a more effective parameter than the drill diameter. Most of the continuous and a few irregular small-particle chips were produced when the TiBN-coated drill bits were used. The analysis suggests that the TiBN coating spoiled the drilling-pro- cess performance and the hole quality, which was also confirmed by the chip formation. The chip-formation impairment was derived from an unstable material adhesion on the drill, i.e., the surface roughness was increased by the TiBN coating. Higher drill speeds caused longer chip lengths and higher radii of helical spirals caused flutes that made it hard to drill and hard to push the chips away. Small-string chips are presented in Figure 2a obtained with drilling at the speed of 1080 min–1, the 4-mm diameter and the 40-mm/min feed rate. By comparing Figure 2b with Figure 2a and by keeping the other parameters constant, it is seen that the F. KARACA, B. AKSAKAL: EFFECT OF THE TiBN COATING ON A HSS DRILL WHEN DRILLING THE MA8M Mg ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 75–79 77 smaller and irregular chips occurred as the drill diameter changed from 4 mm to 6 mm. Since the drill diameter was changed exclusively from 4 mm to 8 mm, a slight difference was observed in the chip formation (Figures 2a and 2b). An insignificant difference in the chip for- mation was observed when Figures 2b and 2c were com- pared, being almost identical with Figure 2a. Obviously, no significant difference in the chip formation was observed between Figures 2a, 2b and 2c. Therefore, the chip formation was not influenced by the drill diameter and the feed rate. Figure 2d shows rather different chip formations formed due to the TiBN coating including a few long helical spiral chips that mostly had short strings. An increased drill speed increased the amount of the long helical spiral chips as seen from Figures 2d, 2e and 2f. Long-string chip formations were obtained espe- cially at 2730 min–1 (Figure 2f) though small-diameter helical chips were observed for the holes drilled at 1710 min–1 (Figure 2e). Irregular, small chip formations presented in Figure 2f are also seen in Figure 2e. In this case, the drill speed and the TiBN coating were observed to be more effective than the feed rate in the chip for- mation. 3.4 Atomic-force-microscopy (AFM) observation The maximum surface height of 500 nm was reached (Figure 3). The longitudinal grooves were unclear and shallow when Figures 3 to 5 were compared. The drill-speed effect obtained at 2730 min–1, the 6-mm drill diameter and the 40-mm/min feed rate was clearly ob- served in both Figures 3 and 4. The maximum height of F. KARACA, B. AKSAKAL: EFFECT OF THE TiBN COATING ON A HSS DRILL WHEN DRILLING THE MA8M Mg ALLOY 78 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 75–79 Figure 4: AFM topography of a specimen drilled at 2730 min–1, 6 mm and 40 mm/min Slika 4: AFM-topografija vzorca, vrtanega pri 2730 min–1, 6 mm in 40 mm/min Figure 2: Chip formations for drilling conditions of: a) 1080 min–1, 4 mm dia and 40 mm/min feed rate, b) 1080 min–1, 6 mm dia and 40 mm/min feed rate, c) 1080 min–1, 6 mm dia and 80 mm/min feed rate, d) 1080 min–1, 6 mm dia, 80 mm/min feed rate by TiBN-coated drill bits, e) 1710 min–1, 6 mm dia, 80 mm/min feed rate by TiBN-coated drill bits, f) 2730 min–1, 6 mm dia, 80 mm/min feed rate by TiBN-coated drill bits Slika 2: Nastanek ostru`kov pri pogojih vrtanja: a) 1080 min–1, 4 mm premera in hitrostjo podajanja 40 mm/min, b) 1080 min–1, premer 6 mm in hitrost podajanja 40 mm/min, c) 1080 min–1, premer 6 mm in hitrost podajanja 80 mm/min, d) 1080 min–1, premer 6 mm in hitrost podajanja 80 mm/min pri svedru s TiBN prevleko, e) 1710 min–1, premer 6 mm in hitrost podajanja 80 mm/min pri svedru s TiBn prevleko, f) 2730 min–1, premer 6 mm in hitrost podajanja 80 mm/min pri svedru s TiBN prevleko Figure 5: AFM topography of a specimen drilled at 1710 min–1 and 40 mm/min with a TiBN-coated drill Slika 5: AFM-topografija vzorca, vrtanega pri 1710 min–1, s TiBN prevleko in 40 mm/min Figure 3: AFM topography of a specimen drilled at 1710 min–1, 6 mm and 40 mm/min Slika 3: AFM-topografija vzorca, vrtanega pri 1710 min–1, 6 mm in 40 mm/min the surface was elevated at about 1000 nm, and the longitudinal grooves are clearly seen in Figure 4. The TiBN-coating effect on the surface topography was observed at about 1750 nm, being measured as the maxi- mum height and rare longitudinal grooves of the surface (Figure 5). The drill speed and feed rate were 1080 min–1 and 20 mm/min, respectively, and the lowest level of the present experimental study led to the surface topography of Figure 5. When Figures 3 to 5 are compared it is found that the drill speed and TiBN coating had an excessive negative effect on the surface topography during the drilling of the MA8M Mg alloy. On the AFM graphs, the maximum undulation was observed for the TiBN-coated drill. 4 CONCLUSION The experimental work and the analysis showed that the MA8M alloy has a lower machinability capacity. Although the drill-speed increasing was performed rather well, the results for the roughness and chip formation were not obtained with the AFM graphs. The drill speed has a direct relationship with the cutting speed and an increase in the cutting speed resulted in smoother sur- faces compared with lower cutting speeds.13 But the in- crement of the cutting speeds led to higher cutting tem- peratures, and the temperature increase also decreased both the cutting performance of a drill bit and the surface integrity. For this reason, the drill speed should not be performed at extremely high levels. On the other hand, the feed rate can be increased by increasing the drill speed if smooth surfaces are required. However, the feed-rate increment has a positive effect on the surface roughness, and it should be used carefully with smaller diameters of drill bits. According to the results of the experimental work, the TiBN coating was not appro- priate for the MA8M drilling operation when compared with the HSS drill bit. However, the wear resistance of the TiBN-coated drilling tools should be investigated. 5 REFERENCES 1 H. K. Tönshoff, J. 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OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... 81–87 APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING PARAMETERS FOR TANGENTIAL CYLINDRICAL GRINDING OF AISI D3 TOOL STEEL UPORABA TAGUCHI METODE ZA IZBIRO OPTIMALNIH PARAMETROV ODREZAVANJA PRI TANGENCIALNEM CILINDRI^NEM BRU[ENJU ORODNEGA JEKLA AISI D3 Cetin Ozay1, Hasan Ballikaya2, Vedat Savas1 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Firat, 23119 Elazig, Turkey 2Ortakoy Vocational High School, University of Aksaray, Aksaray, Turkey cozay@firat.edu.tr, hballikaya@aksaray.edu.tr, vsavas@firat.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-12-06; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.293 The purpose of this research was an analysis of the optimum cutting conditions for the lowest surface roughness in tangential cylindrical grinding of the AISI D3 tool steel using the Taguchi method. In this experimental investigation, the surface roughness with various wheel speeds, workpiece speeds, feed rates and depths was observed. The surface roughness was investigated employing the Taguchi design of experiments and an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant machining parameters were identified using the signal-to-noise ratio. The results of the experiments indicate that the wheel speed and feed rate have dominating effects on the surface roughness during the cutting. The developed new grinding process can be used in the machining industries in order to determine the optimum cutting parameters for the minimum surface roughness. Keywords: tangential cylindrical grinding, Taguchi method, surface roughness, ANOVA ^lanek predstavlja analizo optimalnih pogojev rezanja s Taguchi metodo, za doseganje najmanj{e hrapavosti pri tangencialnem cilindri~nem bru{enju orodnega jekla AISI D3. Pri teh eksperimentih je bila opazovana hrapavost povr{ine pri razli~nih hitrostih kolesa, razli~nih hitrostih obdelovanca ter razli~nih hitrostih in globinah podajanja. Povr{inska hrapavost je bila preiskovana z uporabo Taguchi-jeve postavitve preizkusov in analize variance (ANOVA). Pomembni parametri obdelave so bili identificirani z uporabo razmerja signal – hrup. Rezultati eksperimentov ka`ejo, da imata hitrost kolesa in hitrost podajanja prevladujo~o vlogo pri hrapavosti povr{ine in parametrih rezanja. Razvoj novega postopka bru{enja se lahko uporabi v strojni industriji za dolo~anje optimalnih pogojev rezanja pri minimalni hrapavosti povr{ine. Klju~ne besede: tangencialno cilindri~no bru{enje, Taguchi metoda, hrapavost povr{ine, ANOVA 1 INTRODUCTION Recently, increased production quality, a reduction in the process time, an improvement in dimensional accu- racy and improved workplace-safety conditions have been studied with respect to the development of produc- tion methods. The Taguchi method and ANOVA analysis used for determining the optimum values reduce the number of experimental studies while providing more accurate results. 1.1 Grinding Grinding is a finishing process used to improve the surface finish and the abrasive materials and tighten the tolerance on flat and cylindrical surfaces by removing a small amount of the material. Grinding is an essential process for the final machining of the components re- quiring smooth surfaces and precise tolerances. Grinding methods vary depending on the cutting tool and the shape, the location and the movement of the workpiece. The cylindrical grinding method is one of these methods. The cylindrical grinding method is a final machining method, often used for processing interior and exterior surfaces of cylindrical workpieces. This method increases the surface quality of the workpieces and pro- vides the required measurement and tolerance. More- over, grinding is a method, which has a significant effect on the corrosion rate, the fracture strength, the abrasion and the magnetic features of a workpiece. Large-diameter grinding wheels are used as the cutting tools for the cylindrical grinding method. They are composed of a grinding wheel, abrasive particles and sealants that join them together. Some problems occur while fixing these cutting tools to the bench and during their operation because of the errors that occurred during the manufacturing of these tools and because they are of large dimensions. The wheel is not balanced since hard particles were not homogeneously dispersed during the manufacturing of the wheel. An unbalanced wheel in- creases the centrifugal force while turning and cannot reach high speeds; the vibration increases, the surface quality deteriorates and the explosion risk of the wheel increases since the contact of the wheel with the work- piece is imbalanced. Such problems affect the manufac- turing and manufacturer adversely. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 81 UDK 621.923:519.233.4:620.179.11 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)81(2016) The grinding process has an important place in highly delicate procedures performed during the manu- facturing of the molds used in the molding sector. Some studies of the cylindrical grinding method have been conducted recently. Cylindrical grinding is used to grind the external or internal diameter of a rigidly supported and rotating workpiece. Although the term cylindrical grinding may also be applied to centerless grinding, it generally refers to a workpiece that is ground in a chuck or between the supporting centers. Cylindrical grinders can be used to grind all types of hard or soft workpieces to a high degree of accuracy and very fine surface finishes1. Over the years, researchers focused on improving the performance of machining operations with the aim of minimizing the costs and improving the quality of manu- factured products2. Hassui and Diniz3 studied the effects of grinding parameters on the surface roughness and vibration and investigated the relation between the vibration and the surface roughness during the grinding of the AISI 52100 steel. Kwak4 stated that the geometric errors occurring during the grinding process were due to the rigidity of the grinding system and thermal effects. He also indicated that an accurate determination of the grinding parameters is of great importance for the reduc- tion of such errors. During the cylindrical grinding of Al/SiC-metal-matrix composites, Thiagarajan et al.5 stu- died the effects of the grinding parameters on the grind- ing force, the surface roughness and the heat that emerges during the grinding. Fan and Miller6 developed a force model for grinding with segmental wheels. Both experimental and analytical results showed the average grinding force of the wheels in comparison with the con- ventional wheels. Larger spaces between the segments further reduce the average force and increase the surface roughness and peak force. Hecker and Liang7 theoretically examined the rela- tionship between the thickness of a chip that was unde- formed in the cylindrical grinding process and the arithmetic surface roughness. They tried to verify this relation experimentally using the cylindrical grinding method. Gavas et al.8 machined four different materials using the helical scan-grinding (HSG) method. They investigated the effects of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness and roundness. They stated that the helical scan-grinding method decreased the surface roughness in comparison with the conventional cylindri- cal grinding method. Go³¹bczak and Koziarski9 investi- gated the cutting capabilities of CBN grinding wheels in the grinding process. They studied the components of grinding forces, the surface roughness and the stresses on the surface layer. A cylindrical grinder is a type of a grinding machine used to shape the outside of an object. The cylindrical grinder can work on a variety of shapes. However, the object must have the central axis of the rotation. This in- cludes but is not limited to the shapes such as a cylinder, an ellipse, a cam or a crankshaft10. Agarwal and Ven- kateswara Rao11 investigated the relation between the chip thickness and the surface roughness in the grinding of ceramic materials. Nguyen and Zhang12 investigated the performance of a new, segmented, grinding-wheel system using the surface integrity of ground components as a criterion. The experimental results showed that the segmented grinding wheel had some obvious advantages in comparison with the standard wheel. Rodrigo et al.13 studied the effects of tangential cutting forces on the surface roughness in the grinding process using cutting fluids flowing at different flow rates. Koshy et al.14 used the centerless-grinding-process- ing method by positioning the workpiece tangentially to the grinding wheel. They stated that this method creates a better surface finish than the conventional methods. Upon the literature review, it is observed that the studies are mostly focused on the effects of the cutting parameters on the surface quality. It is determined that there is a limited number of the studies conducted on the selection of cutting tools or the location and movements of cutting tools and workpieces with respect to each other. A new approach to the cylindrical grinding method is introduced in this study. Within this new method, called the tangential cylindrical grinding, the outer sur- face of a cylindrical workpiece is in a tangential contact with the cutting tool and the axes of the cutting tool and the workpiece are made to be tangent to each other (Figure 1). This method allows us to use small grinding wheels instead of the grinding wheels with large diame- ters used with the conventional grinding. Moreover, the C. OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... 82 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 Figure 1: Position of the contact between the grinding wheel and workpiece Slika 1: Polo`aj stika med brusnim kolesom in obdelovancem negative effects that may occur during the grinding with the wheels with large diameters are eliminated. 1.2 Taguchi method and ANOVA The Taguchi experimental-design method minimizes the number of experiments, enabling experimental stu- dies to be conducted in a shorter and easier way. This method was first introduced by Genichi Taguchi, a Japa- nese engineer. This method reduces the number of expe- riments that would otherwise last for a long time and have high costs15. Analysis of variance is the predominant statistical method used to interpret experimental data and make the necessary decisions on whether this method is the most objective one. The column effect is used by Taguchi as a simplified ANOVA to subjectively identify the columns that have large influences on the response15. The aim of the analysis of variance is to evaluate the significance of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness for this paper. It gives a clear picture of how much the cutting parameters affect the response and the level of signifi- cance of the factor considered. Statistically, there is a tool called an F test allowing us to see which design parameter has a significant effect on the quality charac- teristic. Usually, when F > 4, it means that the change in the design parameter has a significant effect on the quality characteristic16. Chang and Kuo17 machined aluminium-oxide cera- mics with laser machining using the Taguchi experimen- tal-design method. They investigated the effects of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness and machin- ing ratio in the experimental studies they conducted. Prabhu and Vinayagam18 used SAE20W40 nanocarbon- reinforced oil in the machining of the AISI D3 tool steel with the grinding method. They used the Taguchi experi- mental-design method in planning and evaluating their experimental studies. Kwak and Kim19 investigated the effects of machining parameters on the geometric errors that appear on the surface, during the surface grinding, using the Taguchi and surface-response methods. They also developed a secondary surface-response model for a prior detection of any geometric error. Nalbant et al.20 used the Taguchi method to find the optimum cutting parameters for the surface roughness in turning. They provided experimental results to illustrate the effective- ness of this approach. Gür21 alloyed the surface of medium-carbon steel using the PTA method and he investigated the wear resistance of this alloyed coating layer via the Taguchi method. He used the Taguchi design according to the L18 orthogonal array and experimentally evaluated the factors affecting the wear of the coating layer. The preparation of experimental study plans and an easy interpretation of the conducted experimental studies are the primary advantages of the Taguchi experimental- design method. An experimental study plan is formed following the determination of the relevant parameters to be used and their related levels and the selection of the orthogonal arrays appropriate for their levels of freedom. It is then converted into the performance characteristic called the S/N (signal/noise) ratio for the interpretation of such experimental studies. The most commonly used performance characteristics are the smallest the best, the biggest the best and the nominal the best characteristics. The largest S/N ratio represents the value of a parameter for the optimum level15. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Experimental set-up and measurements A VMC-850 Johnford vertical, processing, centered workbench was used for designing the experimental set-up of the tangential cylindrical grinding as a new method. The flowchart for the optimization of the cutting parameters in the tangential cylindrical grinding process is shown in Figure 2. The set-up mechanism shown in Figure 3 was in- stalled for the workpiece to rotate around its own axis at desired rotation rates in the experimental set-up. A Micromaster 400 inverter was used for rotational adjust- ments. Furthermore, a grinding wheel used as the cutting tool could be easily installed on or demounted from a milling machine, acting as a milling tool. For the work- piece’s rotation with no backlash, the workpiece was supported with the center on the other side. Rotational adjustments were calibrated with an Ex- tech Instruments 461880 tachometer and a vibration- C. OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 83 Figure 2: Flowchart for optimizing the cutting parameters in tangen- tial cylindrical grinding process Slika 2: Potek optimizacije parametrov rezanja pri postopku tangen- cialnega cilindri~nega bru{enja measuring device. The parallelism adjustment of the workpiece was checked by means of a comparator. Ø20 × 60 mm AISI D3 tool steel was cut using a saw to conduct tangential cylindrical grinding experiments. The length of the workpiece was determined as per L = 2D ratio, where L is the length and D is the diameter of the workpiece. A center hole was opened on one side in order to enable the workpiece to be supported by the center. The machining was conducted by making the grinding wheel turn around its own axis, while being positioned tangentially to the workpiece’s axis and with the feed motion providing the depth of cut. The AISI D3 tool steel is used for manufacturing mold plates, powder-metallurgy tools, cold extrusion, punch dies, ceramic forming dies and cold punches. A 45s SIOUX 2145GP grinding wheel with a grain size of 100 μm and a diameter of R = 44 mm was used to conduct the tangential cylindrical grinding experiments. The average surface-roughness values of the parts machined with the tangential cylindrical grinding me- thod were measured using Mitutoyo Surftest S-J210. The surface-roughness measurements were taken along the cylindrical workpiece’s axis and in the direction of the feed rate. The measurements were taken from four different points of the machined surfaces and the average of the measurements was calculated. 2.2 Experimental study L18 orthogonal arrays were used in the machining of the AISI D3 tool steel with the tangential cylindrical grinding method in this experimental study. The number of experiments and usage levels of the parameters were specified on the Taguchi toolbar of the Minitab 15 soft- ware program. Because of conducting these experiments, the surface-roughness values obtained from the surface of the relevant workpiece were converted into the S/N ratio in the Minitab 15 software program. The following criteria were taken into consideration when determining the levels of the parameters used in the experimental stu- dies: • The levels of the depth of cut are generally deter- mined as the depth of cut left for the grinding process and the values above this value. • Relevant values were obtained from the tables according to the number of rotations of the grinding wheel, the number of rotations of the workpiece, the material features of the materials to be machined and the cutting tools to be used and the features of the workbench. • The smallest feed rate of the workbench that was used for determining the parameters of the axial feed speed and higher feed rates were taken into conside- ration. Table 1 illustrates the parameters and the related levels to be used in the experiments. Table 1: Machining parameters Tabela 1: Parametri obdelave Cutting parameters Unit Symbol Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Depth of cut mm A 0.005 0.01 - Wheel speed min–1 B 1000 1500 2000 Workpiece speed min–1 C 220 320 420 Table feed rate mm/min D 3.2 7.9 12.6 Considering the freedom degrees of these parameters, it was determined that the use of the L18 orthogonal array was appropriate. Table 2 illustrates the L18 orthogonal array used in the experimental studies. Table 2: L18 orthogonal array for the experiments Tabela 2: L18 ortogonalna namestitev preizkusov Trial No Levels of parameters Depth of cut (mm) Wheel speed (min–1) Workpiece speed (min–1) Table feed rate (mm/min) 1 0.005 1000 220 3.2 2 0.005 1000 320 7.9 3 0.005 1000 420 12.6 4 0.005 1500 220 3.2 5 0.005 1500 320 7.9 6 0.005 1500 420 12.6 7 0.005 2000 220 7.9 8 0.005 2000 320 12.6 9 0.005 2000 420 3.2 10 0.01 1000 220 12.6 11 0.01 1000 320 3.2 12 0.01 1000 420 7.9 13 0.01 1500 220 7.9 14 0.01 1500 320 12.6 15 0.01 1500 420 3.2 16 0.01 2000 220 12.6 17 0.01 2000 320 3.2 18 0.01 2000 420 7.9 3 RESULTS Table 3 illustrates the results obtained from the pro- cessing of the AISI D3 tool steel, performed with the Taguchi test-design method, and the corresponding S/N C. OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... 84 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 Figure 3: Tangential cylindrical grinding set-up mechanism Slika 3: Postavitev mehanizma tangencialnega cilindri~nega bru{enja ratio values. The average surface roughness and the cutting parameters are present in Figures 4 to 6. Examining Table 3 and Figures 4 and 6, it is ob- served that the surface roughness increases with the increase in the workpiece speed. During the grinding process, the workpiece speed is selected according to the grinding wheel and the characteristics of the workpiece material. Besides, there must be a proper ratio between the workpiece and the grinding-wheel speeds. In this study, it is found that as the workpiece speed increases, this ratio diverges from its proper value, the dynamic hardness of the grinding wheel decreases and the surface quality is reduced due to irregular abrasion. Examining Table 3 and Figures 4 and 5, it is observed that the surface roughness decreases while the grinding-wheel speed increases. Since the amount of the chips that each cutting wheel removes decreases with the increase in the grinding-wheel speed, it can be asserted that the ma- chining force per wheel decreases and the vibration is reduced correspondingly. In consequence, it is obvious from the results that the surface quality is good. Table 3: Experimental results obtained from the studies of the average surface roughness and S/N ratio Tabela 3: Rezultati, dobljeni iz {tudija povpre~ne hrapavosti povr{ine in razmerja S/N Trial No Levels of parameters Surface roughness (Ra) (μm) S/N ratio Depth of cut (mm) Wheel speed (min–1) Work- piece speed (min–1) Table feed rate (mm/min) 1 0.005 1000 220 3.2 0.37 8.635 2 0.005 1000 320 7.9 0.46 6.744 3 0.005 1000 420 12.6 0.59 4.582 4 0.005 1500 220 3.2 0.34 9.370 5 0.005 1500 320 7.9 0.42 7.535 6 0.005 1500 420 12.6 0.55 5.192 7 0.005 2000 220 7.9 0.35 9.118 8 0.005 2000 320 12.6 0.43 7.330 9 0.005 2000 420 3.2 0.36 8.873 10 0.01 1000 220 12.6 0.56 5.036 11 0.01 1000 320 3.2 0.46 6.744 12 0.01 1000 420 7.9 0.52 5.679 13 0.01 1500 220 7.9 0.41 7.744 14 0.01 1500 320 12.6 0.54 5.352 15 0.01 1500 420 3.2 0.41 7.744 16 0.01 2000 220 12.6 0.48 6.375 17 0.01 2000 320 3.2 0.39 8.178 18 0.01 2000 420 7.9 0.44 7.130 When Table 3 and Figures 4 to 6 are examined, it is seen that the surface roughness increases with the increase in the depth of cut and the feed rate. The surface roughness generally increases as the feed rate increases. It can be concluded that with the increase in the depth of cut and feed rate, the cutting forces and, accordingly, the vibration increase during the processing of the AISI D3 tool steel with the tangential cylindrical grinding method. In addition, with the increasing vibra- tion, the surface roughness increases during the machin- ing process. In a study conducted by Demir it is stated C. OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 85 Figure 5: Effect of parameters "grinding-wheel speed" and "table feed rate" on the average surface roughness in machining of AISI D3 tool steel Slika 5: Vpliv parametrov "hitrost brusilnega kolesa" in "hitrost poda- janja mize" na povpre~no hrapavost in obdelavnost orodnega jekla AISI D3 Figure 4: Effect of processing parameters on the average surface roughness of AISI D3 tool steel Slika 4: Vpliv procesnih parametrov na povpre~no hrapavost povr{ine orodnega jekla AISI D3 Figure 6: Effect of parameters "workpiece speed" and "depth of cut" on the average surface roughness in machining of AISI D3 tool steel Slika 6: Vpliv parametrov "hitrost obdelovanca" in "globina reza" na povpre~no hrapavost povr{ine pri obdelavi orodnega jekla AISI D3 that the cutting section and the grinding force increase because of the increase in the depth of cut, and thus, the abrasion rate of the wheel and the average surface rough- ness increase22,23. Table 4 illustrates the S/N ratios, which correspond with the surface-roughness rates obtained according to the parameter levels during the processing of the AISI D3 tool-steel material. In this table, the optimum levels of the processing parameters are shown with (a). Table 4: Effect of the factors at each level on the surface roughness in the machining of AISI D3 tool steel (S/N ratio) Tabela 4: Vpliv faktorjev na vsakem nivoju na hrapavost povr{ine pri obdelavi orodnega jekla AISI D3 (S/N razmerje) Cutting Parameters Symbol Average S/N rate (dB) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Depth of cut A 7.49 a 6.67 – Wheel speed B 6.24 7.16 7.83a Workpiece speed C 7.71a 6.98 6.53 Table feed rate D 8.26 a 7.33 5.64 When the results were examined, it was determined that the A1, B3, C1 and D1 levels indicated the optimum parameters in the evaluation of the effects of the cutting parameters on the average surface roughness. In conclusion, it is evidently seen in the experimental studies conducted that the cutting parameters lead to results that are similar to those for the external surface obtained in the cylindrical grinding process with the tangential cylindrical grinding method. The study allows the grinding wheels with a smaller diameter to be used in conventional cylindrical grinding instead of the grinding wheels with a large diameter. In addition, the problems that may occur when fixing and using the grinding wheels with a large diameter are minimized. Moreover, it is possible to perform the grinding process on a turning/ milling machine. In this paper, the aim of the analysis of variance is to evaluate the effects of the cutting parameters on the average surface roughness. The analysis clearly shows how much the cutting parameters affect the response and the level of significance of the factor considered. Table 5 shows the results of ANOVA for the average surface roughness. It can be seen from this table that the table feed rate and the wheel speed are the most significant cutting parameters affecting the surface roughness. Therefore, based on the S/N and ANOVA analyses, the optimum cutting parameters are the depth of cut at level 1, the wheel speed at level 3, the workpiece speed at level 1 and the feed rate at level 1. However, the most significant cutting parameter contributing the most to the quality characteristic, i.e., the average surface roughness is the table feed rate (56.27 %). The error rate of 4.56 % was found with the ANOVA. Table 5: ANOVA analysis of the average surface roughness obtained during the processing of AISI D3 tool steel Tabela 5: Analiza ANOVA povpre~ne hrapavosti povr{ine, dobljene pri obdelavi orodnega jekla AISI D3 Cutting parameters Degree of freedom Sum of square Variance F ratio Contri- bution (% ) Depth of cut (mm) 1 3.041 3.041 30.586 7.940 Wheel speed (min–1) 2 7.711 3.855 38.780 20.279 Workpiece speed (min–1) 2 4.253 2.126 21.393 10.946 Table feed rate (mm/min) 2 21.044 10.522 105.830 56.270 Error 10 0.994 0.099 – 4.562 Total 37.044 – – – 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the AISI D3 tool steel was machined with tangential cylindrical grinding introduced as a new method. Using the variance analysis (ANOVA), the effects of different parameter levels on the average surface roughness were analyzed. The experimental stu- dies were evaluated using the Taguchi experimental design method and ANOVA; the following results were obtained: • It was determined that the average surface roughness increases with the increase in the workpiece speed during the processing of the AISI D3 tool-steel material with the tangential grinding method. It was observed that the best value of the average surface roughness was obtained at the first level. • It was observed that the average surface-roughness rate increases with the increase in the depth of cut and the axial-feed rate during the processing of the AISI D3 tool-steel material. The most appropriate levels were the first levels. • It was observed that the average surface roughness decreases with the increase in the grinding-wheel speed during the processing of the AISI D3 tool-steel material. • The ANOVA results for all the cutting parameters affecting the average surface roughness showed that the configuration analysis has a certain effect. • Using the Taguchi method and the S/N rate, para- meter levels A1, B3, C1, D1 were used to obtain the optimum average surface roughness. • The tangential cylindrical grinding process as a new method enabled us to use the grinding wheels with smaller diameters compared to the diameter of the grinding wheels used in conventional cylindrical grinding and the obtained surface quality was similar to the quality of fine grinding. C. OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... 86 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 Acknowledgement The authors would like to acknowledge the Firat University, Turkey, for the financial support (Project No. FUBAP-TEF.11.06). 5 REFERENCES 1 H. A. Youssef, H. El-Hoppy, Machining Technology, Machine Tools and Operations, CRC Press, 2008 2 N. H. Rafai, M. N. Islam, An investigation into dimensional accuracy and surface finish achievable in dry turning, Machining Science and Technology, 13 (2009) 4, 571–589, doi:10.1080/ 10910340903451456 3 A. Hassui, A. E. Diniz, Correlating surface roughness and vibration on plunge cylindrical grinding of steel, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43 (2003), 855–862, doi:10.1016/ S0890-6955(03)00049-X 4 J. S. 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OZAY et al.: APPLICATION OF THE TAGUCHI METHOD TO SELECT THE OPTIMUM CUTTING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 81–87 87 V. D. MILA[INOVI] et al.: EFFECTS OF FRICTION-WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... 89–94 EFFECTS OF FRICTION-WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF AN Al/Cu BIMETALLIC JOINT VPLIV PARAMETROV TORNEGA VARJENJA NA MORFOLO[KE LASTNOSTI Al/Cu BIMETALNEGA SPOJA Veljko D. Mila{inovi}1, Radovan V. Radovanovi}2, Mijat D. Mila{inovi}1, Bojan R. Gligorijevi}3 1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia 2Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, Cara Du{ana 196, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia 3University of Belgrade, Innovation Center of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Karnegijeva 4, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia v.milasinovic@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-12-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.304 The objective of this research is to consider the effects of certain parameters of the friction-welding process on the morphology of an aluminum/copper joint. The effect of the following parameters was monitored: the operating time, the operating pressure, the forging time and the forging pressure. The speed was constant during the binding process and reached 1500 min–1. The preparation of the welding materials was performed in accordance with the industrial production conditions. With the SEM-EDS analysis, it was found that the morphology of the Al/Cu interface slightly changes when we change the distance from the rotation axis, irrespective of the combination of the friction-welding parameters. Apart from this, the joined effects of the operating pressure of 48 MPa and the forging pressure of 160 MPa caused a morphological change of the Al/Cu interface, while the forging time at the moment of the combined pressurizing effect significantly influenced the modification of the Al/Cu interface shape within a very narrow time interval of only a few seconds. Keywords: friction welding, bimetallic joint, interface, aluminum, copper, SEM-EDS Cilj te raziskave je obravnava vpliva nekaterih parametrov procesa tornega varjenja na morfologijo spoja aluminij/baker. Pregledan je bil vpliv naslednjih parametrov: ~as delovanja, tlak pri obratovanju, ~as kovanja in tlak pri kovanju. Hitrost 1500 min–1 je bila med spajanjem konstantna. Priprava materialov za varjenje je bila izvr{ena skladno s pogoji industrijske proizvodnje. S pomo~jo SEM-EDS analiz je bilo ugotovljeno, da se morfologija spoja Al/Cu rahlo spreminja s spreminjanjem razdalje od rotirajo~e osi, ne glede na kombinacijo parametrov procesa tornega varjenja. Poleg tega je skupni u~inek delovnega tlaka 48 MPa in tlaka pri kovanju 160 MPa povzro~il morfolo{ke spremembe spoja Al/Cu, medtem ko ~as kovanja, v trenutku kombiniranega stiskanja mo~no vpliva na spremembo oblike Al/Cu spoja v zelo ozkem temperaturnem intervalu samo nekaj sekund. Klju~ne besede: torno varjenje, bimetalni spoj, stik, aluminij, baker, SEM-EDS 1 INTRODUCTION In energetics, bonding elements, originally used for bonding copper and aluminum cables, were made of copper (Figures 1a to 1c) and a joint between aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu) (Al/Cu joint) was most frequently made by creating a mechanical contact between the two metals, e.i., by crimping them (Figure 1a).1 The bonding of Al cables onto the Cu busbars in electrical substations was conducted using Cu lugs where the connection between an Al cable and a Cu lug was made by crimping (Figure 1b)2 or by tightening a screw (Figure 1c)3 of the inserted Al cable. As a result of the high copper price, new and more cost-effective solutions were found, such as Al lugs with an inserted Cu ring (Figure 1d).4 How- ever, the use of such Al/Cu joints proved to be unreliable in the long run. The reasons for this were the following: 1) the weakening of the joint during its use at higher temperatures (due to different linear Al and Cu expan- sion coefficients) and 2) a large transient electrical resis- tance at the interface, which is one of the deficiencies of a joint based on the mechanical type of connection. Further research, with the objective to find ways for achieving a tighter bond between Al and Cu, led to the discovery of Al/Cu bonding elements where the connec- tion between Al and Cu is achieved with an inter- diffusion of the solid-state atoms. The procedure, with which such a connection is formed, is called friction welding. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 89–94 89 UDK 621.791/.792:669.71:669.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)89(2016) Figure 1: Cu bonding elements: a) Cu butt connector, b) Cu crimping lug, c) Cu lug with a screw, d) Al lug with the inserted Cu ring1–4 Slika 1: Cu priklju~ni elementi: a) Cu valjasti priklju~ek, b) Cu pri- klju~ek z zanko, c) Cu priklju~ek z vijakom, d) Al priklju~ek z vlo- `enim Cu obro~kom1–4 Friction welding represents a process of bonding similar or dissimilar materials that occurs at the tempe- ratures below the melting temperature of the base mate- rial that is the easiest to melt and are high enough to allow the optimum interdiffusion distance between the atoms of the metals, with the aim of achieving the required tensile strength.5 In practice, there are two methods of friction welding, different only in the method of the energy supply required for the process of weld- ing/bonding metals. These are the continuous and inertia friction welding. In terms of continuous friction welding, the energy required for welding is supplied from a steady power source all the way to the forging phase, while the energy required for inertia friction welding is obtained from accumulated flywheel energy.6–8 In addition to the parameters of the welding process (time, pressure and speed), a significant impact on the quality of the achieved connection between Al and Cu is also made by the contact surfaces.9,10 The preparation of the bonding surfaces is of special importance since each type of surface impurities may disturb the required quality level of the joint.11 Due to the tendencies of Al and Cu to oxidize under ambient conditions,12–14 it is recommended that the cleaning of the contact surfaces of these metals should be performed immediately before the welding procedure. In addition to the superficial impurities, the quality of an Al/Cu joint may be affected by the impurities present in the volumes of Al and Cu, which, apart from affecting the conductivity of the basic materials, might also induce a production of various compounds at the very joint during the welding proce- dure, subsequently increasing the local contact resistance upon applying the Al/Cu bonding elements. The greatest advantages of the friction-welding pro- cedure over the other procedures are a low power con- sumption and a short duration of the procedure.15 On the other hand, its greatest shortcoming is the fact that the bonding is achieved only within a narrow scope of the welding parameters. Therefore, all of these parameters may easily be exaggerated, which might lead to the occurrence of intermetallic phases affecting the joint strength and its electrical conductivity.9,16 The bonding elements produced during the friction-welding procedure are divided into three product families: bimetallic Al-Cu butt connectors (Figure 2a)1, bimetallic Al-Cu cable lugs (Figure 2b)1 and bimetallic Al-Cu bolt connectors (Fig- ure 2c).4 These product families are different from one another in terms of the construction intended for parti- cular types of use. The lugs are used in substations in the process of connecting Al cables to Cu busbars, the Al/Cu bolt connectors are used for cable endings, and the connectors are used for the continuation of an Al to a Cu cable and vice versa. Each of the three types of products was manufactured in several standard sizes depending on the diameter of the cable and voltage. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effects of the friction-welding parameters (time, pressure and speed) on the morphological properties of an Al/Cu joint, i.e., to define the parameters, at which a flat sur- face of the Al/Cu joint is produced. The joint is made by continuous friction welding, of the samples shaped as cylindrical bars. The samples were prepared on the basis of the standard procedure, under industrial conditions and within a serial production. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The materials whose bonding was performed by friction welding were Cu and Al cylindrical bars. The Cu bars, with a 99.99 % purity and dimensions of Ø22 × 60 mm, were produced by cutting pieces of the Cu cathode and subsequently shaping them, with forging, on an eccentric press. After the forging, Cu bars were ther- mally treated for 30 min at 300 °C in the air atmosphere; then they were taken out of the furnace and cooled in the ambient air under standard conditions and at room tem- perature. The Al bars, with a 99.5 % purity and dimen- sions of Ø25 × 90 mm, were produced by cutting pieces from the bars of 6 m in length. These dimensions match the standard dimensions of the samples for bimetallic connectors for medium voltage (1–35 kV). Friction-welding contact surfaces, i.e., Al/Cu cylinder bases were prepared on a lathe with the machine treatment, with the aim of eliminating the present oxides and other impurities that might have significantly im- peded the quality of the bimetallic joint.5 Such a method of preparing friction-welding surfaces was chosen since it is most frequently applied under real industrial condi- tions. Friction welding was performed on a machine, pro- duced in the Cable Factory (FKS) in Jagodina, in the production facility producing cable accessories. This machine has two sample carriers, facing each other and controlling the process of welding. One carrier is enabled to rotate around its axis, while the other has the possibility of translation in the axial direction. As a result, during the process of friction welding, there is a possibility of a simple control of the rotational speed through the first carrier, and also the control of the ope- rating pressure through the other carrier. In this probe, the Al rod is positioned on the rotating carrier, while the Cu rod is on the carrier allowing axial movements. The rods are brought into contact and adjusted across the V. D. MILA[INOVI] et al.: EFFECTS OF FRICTION-WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... 90 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 89–94 Figure 2: Examples of the Al-Cu bonding elements produced with friction welding: a) bimetal Al-Cu butt connector, b) bimetal Al-Cu cable lug, c) bimetal Al-Cu bolt connector1 Slika 2: Vzorci spojenih Al-Cu elementov, izdelanih s postopkom tornega varjenja: a) bimetalni Al-Cu valjasti priklju~ek, b) bimetalni Al-Cu kabelski priklju~ek, c) bimetalni Al-Cu sorni{ki priklju~ek1 cylinder axes to ensure the maximum contact of the work surfaces and achieve approximately the same quality of the joint across the entire work surface. The procedure of friction welding was performed in two short consecutive phases. The first phase was achieved by reaching an operating pressure of P1 = 32–48 MPa (depending on the sample) on the work surface of the rotating Al rod by translating the Cu rod in the axial direction. The Al rod rotated with the initial rotation speed of 1500 min–1. After the first phase, during which the heat was generated due to the contact-area friction, in the second phase, an additional Cu injection to the rotating Al rod was conducted under a pressure of P2 = 0–160 MPa. The first phase was executed within a period of t1 = 1.5 s, whereas the other took an interval of t2 = 4 s. The temperature in the zone of the material bonding was measured during the welding using a FLIR thermal imaging camera with a shooting range within a temperature interval from 0–350 °C. Due to the reprodu- cibility of the tests of the microstructural and morpholo- gical properties of the Al/Cu bimetallic joints, acquired in the described regimes of friction welding, at least five joints were produced with each of the four chosen regi- mes (Figure 3a). The diameter of the sample in Figure 3a was reduced to Ø20 mm along the entire sample length. The subse- quent slow cutting of the basic materials (Cu and Al) was performed in the transverse direction using a water- cooled saw at a distance of approximately 10 mm from an Al/Cu bimetallic joint. The samples obtained this way were cut (halved) along the axis of the cylinder using the same procedure, with which the relevant surfaces for examining the morphology of the Al/Cu joints were obtained. For the needs of the microscopic examination, the further preparation of the relevant surfaces also in- cluded the hot mounting process, grinding and polishing (Go{a Institute ltd.). One half of each sample was mounted in bakelite with a graphite filling using the hot mounting procedure, with the face area of the relevant surface facing upwards. The hot mounting procedure lasted for 20–30 min per sample and it was performed at a temperature of 100–120 °C and under a pressure of 5–6 bar. Grinding was performed using waterproof SiC abrasive papers P-120, P-240, P-400, P-800, P-1000, P-1500 and P-2000 with abundant amounts of water. Polishing was performed using Al2O3 suspensions with the average particle diameter of 1 μm. The microstructural and morphological properties of the Al/Cu bimetallic joints were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM analysis was performed at the Faculty of Mining and Geology at the University of Belgrade using a JEOL JSM–6610LV microscope connected to an INCA350 energy-disper- sive-spectroscopy unit for the X-ray analysis (EDS). The electron-acceleration voltage applied during the exami- nation was 20 kV, while the electron source was a fila- ment made of tungsten. For observing a possible pre- sence of porosity, secondary electrons were used, while the differences in the chemical content were observed using back-scattered electrons and EDS analyzers. Prior to the SEM-EDS analysis, all of the samples were cleaned in ethanol and acetone using an ultrasonic bath, with the aim of eliminating the residual impurities from the previous phases of the sample preparation. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the friction-welding procedure, the bond between Al and Cu is made due to the interdiffusion of the atoms belonging to these metals through the Al/Cu border surface. In this paper, the interdiffusion was detected with the EDS analysis. It was noticed that Al and Cu do not diffuse each other to the same extent; at the same distance from the interface, the Cu concentration in the Al basis was always larger than the Al concentration in the Cu basis (Figures 4a and 4b). The most probable reason for the larger concentration of Cu is the fact that the activation enthalpy of the Cu bulk diffusion in Al (Q = 136 kJ/mol)17 is smaller than the one required for the Al diffusion in Cu (Q = 165 kJ/mol).18 3.1 Effects of the speed With an increase in the distance from the rotation axis, the speed also increases. The points at large dist- ances from the rotation axis cross longer distances because they have longer routes than the points closer to the axis (s = r·/2·) and thus a greater wear of the con- V. D. MILA[INOVI] et al.: EFFECTS OF FRICTION-WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 89–94 91 Figure 4: EDS analysis along the axis of an Al/Cu sample Slika 4: EDS-analiza vzdol` aksialne osi vzorca Al/Cu Figure 3: Representative appearance of an Al/Cu bimetallic joint immediately after: a) the friction-welding process and b) after the preparations for metallographic observations Slika 3: Zna~ilen izgled bimetalnega spoja Al/Cu, takoj po: a) postop- ku tornega varjenja in b) po pripravi za metalografijo tact surfaces occurs at the large distances from the rota- tion axis. Figures 5a to 5c show the appearance of the Al/Cu interface of sample 1. By comparing Figure 5a, where the appearance of the interface close to the rotation axis is shown, with Figure 5b, where the appearance of the interface at the mid-distance between the rotation axis and the sample edge is shown, and Figure 5c, where a joint close to the sample edge is shown, the trend of an increased wear of the surface roughness at the copper part, caused by the lathe preparation of the contact surfaces, can be clearly seen. In Figures 5d to 5f the appearance of the interface at the mid-distance between the axis and the sample edge and close to the edge of sample 3, produced under a different regime, is shown. For this sample, the trend of a decreasing surface roughness at the interface, from the rotation axis towards the sample edge, was noticed, proving that such a phenomenon does not depend on the regimes of the applied friction-welding parameters, but instead, it is a typical occurrence in the friction-welding process. 3.2 Effects of the operating pressure The aim of the operating pressure is to provide fric- tion for producing the heat necessary for the inter- diffusion of the Al and Cu atoms as well as for realizing the Al/Cu bimetallic connection.5 In Figures 6a and 6b, representative microstructural presentations of the Al/Cu bimetallic-joint morphologies are given for the middle and peripheral parts of sample 1, produced by the effects of the operating pressure of PR=32 MPa in the period of tR = 1.5 s, without the application of the forging pressure (PU = 0, tU = 0). Figures 6c and 6d show the mor- phologies of the joint at the middle and peripheral parts of sample 2, respectively, produced with the operating V. D. MILA[INOVI] et al.: EFFECTS OF FRICTION-WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... 92 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 89–94 Figure 6: Appearance of the longitudinal cross-section of an Al/Cu bimetallic joint produced by friction welding: a) appearance of the joint of sample 1 close to the rotation axis, b) appearance of sample 1 very close to the sample edge, c) appearance of the sample 2 joint close to the rotation axis, d) appearance of sample 2 very close to the sample edge, e) appearance of sample 3 close to the rotation axis, f) appearance of sample 3 very close to the sample edge, g) appearance of sample 4 close to the rotation axis, h) appearance of sample 4 very close to the sample edge Slika 6: Izgled vzdol`nega prereza bimetalnega spoja Al/Cu, izdela- nega s tornim varjenjem: a) izgled spoja vzorca 1, blizu rotacijske osi, b) izgled spoja vzorca 1, blizu roba vzorca, c) izgled spoja vzorca 2, blizu rotacijske osi, d) izgled spoja vzorca 2, blizu roba vzorca, e) izgled vzorca 3, blizu rotacijske osi, f) izgled vzorca 3, blizu roba vzorca, g) izgled vzorca 4, blizu rotacijske osi, h) izgled vzorca 4, blizu roba vzorca Figure 5: Appearance of the longitudinal cross-section of an Al/Cu bimetallic joint produced by friction welding: a) appearance of the joint of sample 1 close to the rotation axis, b) appearance of sample 1 at the mid-distance between the rotation axis and the sample edge, c) appearance of the sample 1 joint very close to the sample edge, d) appearance of sample 3 close to the rotation axis, e) appearance of sample 3 at the mid-distance between the rotation axis and the sample edge, f) appearance of sample 3 very close to the sample edge Slika 5: Izgled vzdol`nega prereza bimetalnega spoja Al/Cu, izde- lanega s tornim varjenjem: a) izgled spoja vzorca 1, blizu osi rotacije, b) izgled vzorca 1 na sredini med rotacijsko osjo in robom vzorca, c) izgled spoja v vzorcu 1, blizu roba vzorca, d) izgled vzorca 3, blizu rotacijske osi, e) izgled vzorca 3 na sredini razdalje med osjo rotacije in robom vzorca, f) izgled vzorca 3, blizu roba vzorca pressure, increased by 50 % when compared to the operating pressure for sample 1. By comparing the morphologies of the joint pre- sented in Figures 6a and 6b with the morphologies presented in Figures 6c and 6d, it is noticeable that the roughness of the interface, resulting from the lathe preparation of the contact surfaces of sample 2, is slightly lower than the roughness for sample 1. This indicates that the increase in the operating pressure of up to 50 % during the rotation without forging did not significantly affect the change of the original morpho- logy of the joint. The reason for this is the fact that the applied operating pressure was most probably lower than the pressure required for causing the deformation and change of the Al/Cu interface shape in the friction- welding process. It should also be mentioned that the operating pressure, increased by 50 % reached 48 MPa, while the yield strength required for the deformation of pure Cu within an interval of 300–400 °C was of a similar order of magnitude (Figure 7).19 This means that the applied operating pressure could, in theory, deform the pure copper at the temperatures reached during the friction- welding process. However, the purity of the Al/Cu joint probably exceeds the mentioned strength of the pure Cu since the material in the vicinity of the joint most probably becomes stronger due to the dissolution in the process of friction welding.20 The strengthening caused by the dissolution occurs due to the interdiffusion of the Al and Cu atoms, as proven to occur in the process (Fig- ure 4). It is known that the substitutional solid solutions with a face-centered cubic lattice, such as the solid Cu solu- tion in Al and Al in Cu, show a prominent dependency on the strengthening by dissolution, even at increased temperatures, since the dissolved atoms affect the ther- mal component of the Peierls-Nabarro stress.20 Aside from this, it should be mentioned that the effect of the strengthening by dissolution also significantly depends on the atomic size, the relative size of the modulus of elasticity, as well as on the relative valence.20 In Figure 4, it can be noticed that the amount of dissolved atoms increases towards the interface, meaning that the effect of the strengthening by dissolution was the largest pre- cisely on the interface of the Al/Cu joint. To define the friction-welding parameters, due to which the interface is deformed and a joint without the lathe-induced roughness is obtained, in addition to the operating pressure (PR), further examinations also included the additional effect of the forging pressure (PU). The additional introduction of the forging pressure PU that is significantly larger than the pure-Cu yield strength was necessary for causing the change in the Al/Cu interface within a short interval, which is longer than in the case when friction welding is performed under the operating-pressure effects. 3.3 Effects of the forging pressure The forging pressure during the continuous friction welding starts to apply at the moment of the termination of the rotation.10 Its role is to squeeze out all the impurities from the bonding area and to create a strong bond. Figures 6e and 6f show the formations of the bond of sample 3 in the center and very close to the sample edge. The production regime of sample 3 is different from the sample 2 regime: after the termination of the operating- pressure effects PR, the forging-pressure effects of PU = 160 MPa start to be effective in a duration of tU = 2 s. By comparing Figure 6e with 6c and Figure 6f with 6d, a significant decrease in the roughness of the Al/Cu inter- face is noticed. Even though the operating pressure did not significantly affect the morphology of the joint, it is evident that it provides a sufficient amount of heat by friction, causing a noticeable change in the shape of the Al/Cu bimetallic joint forged under the pressure of 160 MPa. Figures 6g and 6h show the morphology of the sample 4 joint formed in the middle and peripheral parts relative to the rotation axis. Sample 4 was produced in a time twice as long as the time for the forging-pressure effects of tU = 4 s spent for obtaining sample 3. When comparing Figures 6g and 6h to Figures 6e and 6f, an almost complete absence of the roughness of the Al/Cu interface is noticeable in Figures 6g and 6h. This con- firms the importance of the forging time as in the dura- tion of tU = 4 s a much larger deformation of the Al/Cu interface is formed than under the forging-pressure PU effects in the duration of tU = 2 s. V. D. MILA[INOVI] et al.: EFFECTS OF FRICTION-WELDING PARAMETERS ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 89–94 93 Figure 7: Changes in the yield-strength values of copper and its alloys depending on the temperature19 Slika 7: Sprememba vrednosti meje te~enja pri bakru in njegovih zliti- nah, odvisno od temperature19 4 CONCLUSIONS By increasing the distance from the rotation axis, the wear of the contact surfaces increases as well. Such an occurrence is noticed in various combinations of fric- tion-welding parameters, thus proven to be a property of the process. The effect of the operating pressure of 48 MPa does not significantly affect the shape of the Al/Cu interface during the first phase of bonding, but it provides a suffi- cient amount of heat for the interdiffusion of the atoms of the Al and Cu metals, taking place in short-term intervals of the friction-welding process. The combined effect of the operating pressure of 48 MPa and the forging pressure of 160 MPa changes the shape of the Al/Cu interface. The forging time for the combined effect of the pres- sures significantly affects the morphology of an Al/Cu joint within a very narrow time interval. 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LYUBIMOVA et al.: CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES ... 95–100 CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES OF NEWLY DEVELOPED GLASS-STEEL COMPOSITES KARAKTERIZACIJA MEHANSKIH IN KOROZIJSKIH LASTNOSTI NOVO RAZVITIH KOMPOZITOV STEKLO-JEKLO Olga Lyubimova1, Ekaterina Gridasova2, Alexander Gridasov2, Gerrit Frieling3, Martin Klein3, Frank Walther3 1Department of Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok, Russia 2Department of Welding Production, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok, Russia 3Department of Materials Test Engineering (WPT), TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany gerrit.frieling@tu-dortmund.de Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-12-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-17 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.305 This paper presents a preliminary research about a newly developed glass-steel composite created with diffusion welding of glass (C49-1) and carbon steel (St3sp). The main conclusions on the process of forming a diffusion zone during the welding of glass and steel are made. The results of quasi-static and cyclic mechanical tests and corrosion investigations are presented and interpreted on the basis of the microstructure developed during diffusion welding and described in this article. Keywords: hardening of glass, diffusion welding, glass-steel composite material, tensile tests, cyclic tests, fatigue, corrosion, microstructure ^lanek predstavlja uvodne raziskave novo razvitega kompozita steklo-jeklo, izdelanega z difuzijskim varjenjem stekla (C49-1) in ogljikovega jekla (St3sp). Postavljeni so glavni zaklju~ki o postopku nastajanja difuzijske cone med varjenjem stekla in jekla. Na osnovi razvoja mikrostrukture pri difuzijskem varjenju so predstavljeni in razlo`eni rezultati kvazi stati~nih, cikli~nih mehanskih in korozijskih preizkusov. Klju~ne besede: utrjevanje stekla, difuzijsko varjenje, steklo-jeklo kompozitni material, natezni preizkusi, cikli~ni preizkusi, utrujenost, korozija, mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION Glass shows a diverging behavior for different kinds of deformation. On the one hand, it has a relatively high compressive strength; however, on the other hand, it has a relatively low tensile strength. The values for the compressive strength of glass are in the range of 500–1250 MPa. So, when working in the compressive mode, glass can compete with the structural-grade carbon steel. At the same time, the tensile strength of glass is much lower: 30–50 MPa.1,2 This is due to the fact that the strength of glass is largely dependent on the state of its surface. The most well-known methods for the hardening of glass allow the creation of compressive stresses in the surface layers of glass (glass hardening, ion exchange, surface crystallization) and surface hard- ening (mechanical polishing, removal of the defective surface layer by etching the glass, application of protec- tive coatings). It is proposed to study the methods, which allow the hardening of glass by eliminating not only the surface micro-defects but also the internal micro-defects, as well as providing insulation from the effects of the environment.3,4 As a result, the composite material would be larger and stronger. Diffusion welding5 is used widely for joining the elements of simple configuration. It finds a wide application in electronics, aviation and other industries. However, despite the extensive study of the mechanism interaction of various materials during the diffusion welding, a general theory about the relationship between glass and metal has not yet been developed. The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanical and corrosive properties of this newly developed glass- steel composite material. Therefore, quasi-static, cyclic and potentiodynamic polarization tests are carried out. Furthermore, light microscopic studies are performed to build the basis for microstructure-oriented assessments of the mechanical and chemical results. 2 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS 2.1 Processing of glass-metal composites The rod was made as illustrated in Figure 1a. The mobile cover (3) provides holes for gas outlets and the possibility for a forward movement along the longitudi- nal axis of the shell (2). The movement of the cover (3) is dependent on the shrinkage of the rod (1) during the heating process. The technological regime (pressure during diffusion bonding p = 0.25 MPa) is divided into six stages (Figure Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 95–100 95 UDK 669.018.9:620.17:620.193 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)95(2016) 1b). In the first step, which corresponds to the interval (0, t1), the composite rod is heated from T0 = 20 °C to the temperature of welding Tw (around 800 °C). Given the limited deformation ability of glass to produce a lasting connection, Tw = Tg, where Tw = (0.4 … 0.6) Tm, with Tg as the temperature of glass softening and Tm as the tem- perature of the melting metal from which the shell (2) was made. In the interval (t1, t2), Tw is maintained, providing a reliable connection between glass and steel. It is then cooled down to the temperature of annealing Trel. To reduce the initial stress, the annealing is carried out in the interval (t3, t4). This is a necessity at such tem- peratures, as the viscosity is still quite low, for example, "= 1012 Pa s; the residual stresses are removed after 15 min and, with " = 1013.5 Pa s, after 4 h. In the interval (t4, t5), the required cooling is carried out up to T1, with a rate of 3–5 K/min. After ’  1015 Pa s, the residual stresses in the glass do not disappear so that at the last stage – the sixth stage – a more rapid cooling at 15–25 K/min is possible. 2.2 Microscopy The microstructure of the hybrid material was investigated with light microscopy. Therefore, slices of the specimen were cut off using a cutting wheel. Before using a microscope, these slices were cold mounted, ground and polished. 2.3 Tensile and fatigue testing The quasi-static properties with respect to the com- pression, tension and torsion of the glass-metal compo- site, consisting of chemical-laboratory glass brand C49-1 (3C-5Na) and carbon steel St3sp, were determined using a tensile testing system (Shimadzu, 1000 kN, UH-I) (Figure 2). Glass C49-1 has the following chemical composition: 67.5 % SiO2; 20.3 % B2O3; 3.5 % Al2O; 8.7 % Na2O. Carbon steel St3sp comprises the following quantities of the alloying elements: 0.14–0.22 C; 0.15–0.30 Si; 0.4–0.65 Mn; 0.05 S; 0.04 P; 0.3 Cr; 0.3 Ni; 0.3 Cu; 0.08 As; 0.01 N. The geometries of the specimens and their dimen- sions are shown in Figure 3 and Table 1, respectively. Table 1: Geometrical characteristics of the specimens, in mm Tabela 1: Geometrijske zna~ilnosti vzorcev, v mm d l0 l D h r lg dg hg 10.0 100.0 105.0 16.0 10.0 3.0 105.0 7.5 30.0 O. LYUBIMOVA et al.: CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES ... 96 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 95–100 Figure 2: Tensile testing system Shimadzu 1000 kN UH-I Slika 2: Natezni preizku{evalni sistem Shimadzu 1000 kN UH-I Figure 1: a) Schematic view of a composite rod: 1 – rod of glass C49-1 (3C5Na), 2 – outer shell of steel St3sp, 3 – mobile cover, b) temperature welding: T – temperature welding, lg – logarithm of the dynamic viscosity of glass Slika 1: a) Shematski prikaz kompozitne palice: 1 – palica iz stekla C49-1 (3C5Na), 2 – zunanji ovoj iz jekla St3sp, 3 – premi~ni pokrov, b) temperaturno varjenje: T – temperature varjenja, lg – logaritem dinami~ne viskoznosti stekla Figure 3: Geometries of the specimens for: a) compression and b) ten- sile tests Slika 3: Geometrija vzorcev za: a) tla~ni preizkus in b) natezni preiz- kus For the investigation of the fatigue behavior, load- increase tests and constant-amplitude tests were performed.6,7 The specimens were subjected to a stress ratio of R = –1 and a frequency of f = 10 Hz using sinu- soidal load-time functions at room temperature. For the dynamic tests, the specimen geometry shown in Figure 3b was used. In order to measure the total strain and to determine the plastic-strain amplitude, an extensometer was attached to the specimen. Figure 4 shows a specimen mounted onto the servo- hydraulic testing system (Shimadzu, 20 kN, EHF-LV20) with the attached extensometer. The testing system has the maximum load capacity of 20 kN and the extenso- meter has a range of ± 4.0 % of the total strain. The fatigue strength of the glass-metal composite rod for the ultimate number of cycles Nlimit = 2·106 was estimated with a stepwise load-increase test according to the measured material response and afterwards validated with constant-amplitude tests. 2.4 Corrosion testing The corrosion behavior of the St3sp steel and of the hybrid interface was investigated with potentiodynamic polarization measurements in a 0.1 mol L–1 NaCl so- lution at pH7; the pH values were adjusted using a 0.1 mol L–1 KOH solution. A standard three-electrode sys- tem, consisting of a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode and a graphite electrode as the counter electrode, was used for the measurements8. As the working electrodes, the St3sp steel and the cross-sec- tion of a round specimen (Figure 3b) for fatigue testing were used. The specimens were abraded with emery paper of 18–5 μm. Then, a copper wire was attached to the specimens and the whole specimens, except for their front sides, were embedded in the epoxy resin. Before each polarization measurement, the electrolyte was purged for 30 min with argon and afterwards the open- circuit potential was measured for 30 min. The measure- ments were conducted using a potentiostat (Gamry, PCI4300) at a scanning rate of 0.1 mV/s. The experi- mental set-up of the potentiodynamic-polarization measurements is shown in Figure 5. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructure The St3sp steel was found to have a ferritic structure with around 8 % of pearlite. After polishing and analyz- ing the border-welding zones of the samples, there were still no visible cracks or voids. The analysis of micro- sections showed the presence of a full contact without cracks or spills in the welding zone (Figure 6). The microscopic examination of the welding zone clearly shows a development of the interaction at the boundary of the contact. A bright zone in the glass confirms this development. The results of the spectral analysis indicate a penetration of cations into the glass to a depth of 30 microns and more. This is in accordance with the results O. LYUBIMOVA et al.: CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 95–100 97 Figure 4: Fatigue testing system: a) overview and b) detail Slika 4: Sistem za preizku{anje utrujanja: a) pregled in b) detajl Figure 6: a) Micrograph of the welded joint between metal and glass, b) micrograph of the cross-section Slika 6: a) Posnetek podro~ja zvarjenega spoja med kovino in ste- klom, b) posnetek preseka Figure 5: Potentiodynamic-polarization measurement set-up Slika 5: Sistem za merjenje potenciodinami~ne polarizacije of the corrosion tests, which also indicated the formation of the glass-metal phase. Figure 7 shows the grains in the transition area between steel and glass. It is apparent that the grain size of the ferritic structure in close vicinity of the glass is smaller than at bigger distances. The explanation for this behavior has not been found yet, but it will be a topic of further investigations of this glass-steel composite material. 3.2 Deformation behavior By performing the compression, tensile and torsional tests, the quasi-static properties of the selected glass, the steel and the glass-steel composite were determined. The stress-strain curves for compression and tension of the composite material are depicted in Figure 8. The results for different materials and tests are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The maximum compressive stress of the composite material is more than 13 times higher than the maximum compressive stress of the C49-1 glass and it is twice as high as for the St3sp carbon steel. The maximum tensile stress of the composite sample is twice as much as that of glass and half of that of carbon steel. The Young’s modulus and shear modulus of the composite have intermediate values of the modules of the base materials, glass and steel. Table 2: Mechanical characteristics of base materials and glass-steel composite rod Tabela 2: Mehanske zna~ilnosti osnovnih materialov in kompozitne palice steklo-jeklo Fmax/kN max/MPà Glass (C49-1) compressivestrength 2.55 55.00 Glass (C49-1) tensile strength 3.40 77.00 Steel (St3sp) compressivestrength 30.05 389.20 Steel (St3sp) tensile strength 29.00 368.96 Composite glass-steel compressive strength 58.50 745.00 Composite glass-steel tensile strength 12.70 162.00 Table 3: Mechanical characteristics of base materials and glass-steel composite rod Tabela 3: Mehanske zna~ilnosti osnovnih materialov in kompozitne palice steklo-jeklo Glass (C49-1) Steel (St3sp) Compositeglass-steel Young’s modulus, (MPà) 0.73·10 5 2.10·105 1.40·105 Shear modulus, (MPà) 0.30·10 5 0.80·105 0.56·105 3.3 Fatigue beahvior For an evaluation of the cyclic-deformation behavior and for an estimation of the fatigue strength, a stepwise load-increase test was performed with a glass-metal composite specimen as depicted in Figure 9. During this test, the plastic-strain amplitude was measured as the parameter of the material reaction, which characterizes the proceeding fatigue damage as the basis for the esti- mation of the fatigue strength.9 The estimation of the fatigue strength was validated with constant-amplitude tests, whose lifetimes (the number of cycles to failure) are shown with the S-N curve. Starting at a,start = 6.4 MPa, the stress amplitude was increased by 6.4 MPa each 104 cycles until failure. The plastic-strain amplitude a,p increases slightly within the first nine steps, but remains almost constant within each step. In the tenth step, there is a visible increase com- pared to the ninth step, but the plastic-strain amplitude still does not increase within the step. This is different for the eleventh step at the stress amplitude of 70.4 MPa. In the twelfth step, there is a considerable increase of the O. LYUBIMOVA et al.: CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES ... 98 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 95–100 Figure 7: Micrograph of the grains in the transition area between steel and glass Slika 7: Posnetek zrn v jeklu v prehodnem podro~ju v steklo Figure 8: Stress-strain curve of the glass-metal composite for: a) com- pression and b) tension Slika 8: Krivulja napetost – raztezek kompozita steklo-kovina pri: a) tla~nem in b) nateznem preizkusu plastic-strain amplitude and, finally, there is an exponen- tial increase in the thirteenth step. As the fatigue strength is linked to the first increase in the material-reaction quantity within one step,9 the estimate from this load-increase test for the endurance limit is 70 MPa. This estimation was validated with the constant-amplitude tests with Nlimit = 2·106 as the ultimate number of cycles. Ten tests with different stress amplitudes were conducted and the results are shown as an S-N curve in Figure 10. The highest stress amplitude used is 127 MPa, which is close to the tensile strength of 162 MPa (Table 3) for the glass-metal composite. The specimen with a load amplitude of 64 MPa reached the ultimate number of cycles without fracture. For this set of specimens, the modified Basquin equation was found to be a = 245 MPa (Nf)–0.09. If the estimation of the fatigue strength from the load-increase test (70 MPa) is compared to the highest stress amplitude without failure (64 MPa), it becomes apparent that the estimation on the basis of the plastic-strain amplitude is a very suitable tool for this composite material, with only one specimen. The stress amplitude of the highest run-out specimen is about 40 % of the tensile strength of the composite material. 3.4 Corrosion behaviour Figure 11 shows the Tafel plots for the steel jacket and the hybrid interface between glass and steel. The steel jacket shows a marginally less noble corrosion potential Ecorr than the hybrid interface. However, the corrosion current density icorr (i.e., the corrosion rate) of the glass-metal joint is approximately four times higher than that of the metal jacket. Consequently, the welding of glass and metal influences the corrosion resistance, suggesting that a glass-metal phase is formed through the welding process. 4 CONCLUSIONS The formation of a glass-metal phase was determined with micrographs and corrosion tests. Furthermore, a dependency of the steel grains as a function of the dist- ance to the transition zone was found. The newly deve- loped glass-metal composite material has quasi-static properties, comparable to those of the St3sp steel. Using a stepwise load-increase test and constant-amplitude tests, the endurance limit of the composite was evaluated as 70 MPa. This value is about 40 % of its tensile strength. The corrosion rate of the composite material was ascertained to be four times higher than the corro- sion rate of the St3sp carbon steel. This glass-metal material has potential applications, especially for compressive loads, for example, in civil engineering. The analysis of the glass-metal phase, the examination of the grain-size distribution in the carbon steel near the transition zone as well as the mechanical investigations with a superimposed corrosive impact during the cyclic testing, i.e., corrosion-fatigue investi- gations, are planned as the further investigation steps. O. LYUBIMOVA et al.: CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 95–100 99 Figure 11: Tafel plots of the metal jacket and glass-steel composite Slika 11: Taflov diagram kovinskega ovoja in kompozita steklo-jeklo Figure 9: Stepwise load-increase test with a glass-metal composite Slika 9: Preizkus stopni~astega nara{~anja obremenitve kompozita steklo-jeklo Figure 10: S-N curve for glass-steel composite Slika 10: S-N-krivulja za kompozit steklo-jeklo Acknowledgements The study was supported by the Federal Program "Nanosystems" Activity 1.2, contract ¹ 14.575.21.0009, unique identifier ASR RFMEFI57514X0009. 5 REFERENCES 1 V. P. Pukh, L. G. Baikova, M. F. Kireenko, L. V. Tikhonova, T. P. Kazannikova, A. B. Sinani, Atomic structure and strength of inorganic glasses, Physics of the Solid State, 47 (2005) 5, 876–881, doi:10.1134/1.1924848 2 E. A. Gridasova, Increase of strength properties of glass as a result of metallization by diffusion welding, Ph. D. 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Walther, Corrosion Fatigue Behaviour of Creep-Resistant Magnesium Alloy Mg-4Al-2Ba-2Ca, Procedia Engineering, 74 (2014), 78–83, doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.06.228 9 P. Starke, F. Walther, D. Eifler, "PHYBAL": a short-time procedure for a reliable fatigue-life calculation, Advanced Engineering Mate- rials, 12 (2010) 4, 276–282, doi:10.1002/adem.200900344 O. LYUBIMOVA et al.: CHARACTERISATION OF THE MECHANICAL AND CORROSIVE PROPERTIES ... 100 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 95–100 M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. LAMUT: PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING 101–107 PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING ANALIZA FAZ V @LINDRI PRI OBLO^NEM VARJENJU POD PRA[KOM Marica Prijanovi~ Tonkovi~1, Jakob Lamut2 1High Mechanical Engineering School, [egova 112, 8000 Novo Mesto, Slovenia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, A{ker~eva cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia marica.prijanovic-tonkovic@guest.arnes.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-01-16; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.014 The quality of a weld depends, to a large extent, on the filler material and type of welding. Welds and surfacing welds were produced with submerged-arc welding. The welding current was varied. The flux with a fineness of 0.2–1.8 mm was used. During the welding process, the welding flux melted and the liquid slag was formed. After the input of heat was stopped, the solidification of the slag began and different mineral phases started to precipitate. We found out that besides the basic constituents listed by the manufacturer of the welding flux, the alloying elements and deoxidizers from the flux and from the melt are also present in the slag. Based on these results, it can be concluded that in the case of reusing the welding slag for the production of welding flux, it is important to consider the composition of the welding slag. Keywords: submerged-arc welding, welding flux, welding slag Na kakovost zvara ima velik vpliv dodajni material ter postopek varjenja. Zvari in navari so bili izdelani po postopku varjenja pod pra{kom. Tok varjenja se je spreminjal. Uporabljen je bil varilni pra{ek, zrnatosti od 0,2 do 1,8 mm. Med varjenjem se je varilni pra{ek stalil in nastala je teko~a `lindra. Po kon~anem dovajanju toplote se je za~elo strjevanje `lindre in v `lindri so se izlo~ale razli~ne mineralne faze. Ugotovili smo, da na mineralno sestavo `lindre vplivajo poleg osnovnih sestavin, ki jih navaja proizvajalec varilnega pra{ka, tudi legirni elementi in dezoksidanti iz pra{ka in iz taline. Na osnovi rezultatov preiskav sklepamo, da je pri ponovni uporabi varilne `lindre za izdelavo varilnega pra{ka pomembno, da se upo{teva tudi sestavo varilne `lindre. Klju~ne besede: varjenje pod pra{kom, varilni pra{ek, `lindra po varjenju 1 INTRODUCTION The quality of welds and surfacing welds depends on the chemical composition of the filler and base material as well as on the method of welding, determining the heat input which influences the development in the heat- affected zone and in the melt during the welding process. The slag, formed during the process of flux melting, plays an important role.1 The slag accompanies the metal during the wire fusion and it covers the melt and protects it until it solidifies. The welding slag can be used again for the flux preparation.2 The important welding parameters are the welding current, the voltage and the speed of welding.3 If the current is too high, degassing in the weld is weak and cracks occur. Raising the current increases the depth of remelting the base material.4 Surfacing with a low welding current (450 A) is recommended in the case of using the alloyed agglomerated fluxes.5 Slag is formed during the melting of the fluxes that lead to the ionisation of the arc atmospere and deoxi- dation of the melt, enable the passage of the alloying elements into the melting bath and prevent oxidation of carbon, manganese and silicon. Many types of welding fluxes are in use and they differ by the main mineral content and the presence of metal additives.6–10 Recycled SAW slag can be used as a welding flux.8 For the investigations, the agglomerated flux labelled as FB 12.2,11 suitable for reaching a high toughness in multipass welds, was used. The width of the heat- affected zone (HAZ) of steel OCR12 VM12,13 welded with the submerged-arc welding method depends on the welding current.14 Figure 1a shows the microstructure at the HAZ/weld border at a current of 470 A, and Figure 1b shows the effect of a current of 610 A. The mineral composition of the slag, formed during the welding process, was determined. 2 EXPERIMENTS Four different welds were produced, two welds and two surfacing welds. Figure 2a presents a steel sample, used for welding. Figure 2b presents a surfacing weld. The welding was carried out on a device for submerged- arc welding made by Iskra. The chemical compositions of the welding pieces (steel OCR12 VM) and the filler material are presented in Table 1. The applied basic welding flux11 is used for automa- tic welding and surfacing of construction steels. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 101–107 101 UDK 621.791.793:66.046.58 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)101(2016) The first joining of the welding pieces was performed with the MAG procedure. Table 2 shows the welding parameters. The current and the voltage were varied during the welding process. The time of welding and the mass of the used welding flux were measured. Table 2: Welding parameters Tabela 2: Parametri varjenja Specimen Wire diameter (mm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Specimen 1 − weld 3.2 28 470 Specimen 2 − weld 3.2 27 610 Specimen 3 − surfacing weld 3.2 29 450 Specimen 4 − surfacing weld 3.2 28 628 The samples of the flux and slags were examinated with metallography, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of type JEOL JSM 5610 and analysed with elec- tron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of type JEOL JSM 5610 and X-ray diffraction (XRD) of type PANalitical X’pert PRO. 3 WELDING-FLUX COMPOSITION The agglomerated commercial basic welding flux of type FB 12.2 was used for the welding. The chemical composition of the welding flux (Table 3) and the basicity of the flux according to the Boniszewski index of 1.70 were taken from the catalogue.11 For the microscopic investigation of the welding flux and welding slag, metallographic samples were prepared. After grinding and polishing, the samples were ready for the metallographic analysis. Figure 3 shows a SEM image of a welding flux composed of non-metallic and metallic materials. M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. LAMUT: PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING 102 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 101–107 Figure 1: Microstructure of the weld on the HAZ/weld border with a current of: a) 470 A and b) 610 A Slika 1: Mikrostruktura zvara na meji CTV/zvar pri toku varjenja: a) 470 A in b) 610 A Table 1: Chemical composition of base steel and filler material Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava osnovnega jekla in dodajnega materiala Type of material SIST EN 10027-2 Chemical composition (w/%) C Si Mn P S Cr Mo V Welding piece: OCR12 VM (1.2379) 1.50 0.4 0.4 0.03 0.03 11.5 0.8 0.85 Filler material 0.08 0.35 1.4 / 0.03 5.0 0.85 / Figure 2: Macro-shot of the welding piece for: a) weld and b) sur- facing weld Slika 2: Makroposnetek varjenca za: a) zvar in b) navar Table 3: Chemical composition of welding flux11 Tabela 3: Kemijska sestava varilnega pra{ka11 Welding flux Chemical composition (w/%) SiO2 + TiO2 CaO + MgO Al2O3 + MnO CaF2 FB 12.2 20 30 25 20 The distribution of the elements in the welding flux found with EDS is presented in Figure 4. The area where, on the EDS chart, aluminium overlaps with tita- nium aluminium oxide, which contains mass fractions of 1.5 % of titanium oxide, is presented. The region where only calcium can be found indi- cates the presence of calcium fluorite CaF2. Calcium overlapping with silicon is typical for calcium silicon (CaSi) and wollastonite (CaO·SiO2). As expected, three elements – aluminium, silicon and potassium – overlap with the presence of alumosilicate containing potassium. The presence of silico manganese (SiMn) in the welding powder indicates a distribution of manganese and silicon. Figure 5 depicts the grains of calcium silicon (CaSi) that contain mass fractions of 46 % of calcium and mass fractions of 54 % of silicon and an inclusion of ferro- silicon with minimum amounts of w(Si) = 45 %, w(Al) = 2.7 % and about w(Fe) = 52 %. The calcium silicon grains have a slag inclusion from the production of calcium silicon (CaSi) (Figure 6). Figure 7 presents an XRD diagram of the welding flux that shows the presence of aluminium and magne- sium oxides (periclase) and calcium fluorite. M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. LAMUT: PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 101–107 103 Figure 3: Microstructure of SAW flux Slika 3: Mikrostruktura EPP pra{ka Figure 6: Microstructure of calcium silicon with included slag Slika 6: Mikrostruktura kalcij silicija z vklju~kom `lindre Figure 4: EDS distribution of elements; SEM; EDS Slika 4: EDS-prikaz porazdelitve elementov; SEM; EDS Figure 5: Microstructure of calcium silicon with a ferro-silicon inclusion Slika 5: Mikrostruktura kalcij silicija z vklju~kom fero silicija Figure 7: XRD of the welding flux FB 12.2 Slika 7: XRD-diagram varilnega pra{ka FB 12.2 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Influence of the welding current on the welding- flux usage During the process of welding, the welding flux melts and a liquid slag is formed. The arc is hidden in the liquid slag, which means that the welding procedure is welder friendly. The welding current influences the time of welding and the consumption of the welding flux. Different currents were applied during the welding procedures; the surfacing weld was welded at currents of 450 A and 628 A, while the weld was welded at currents of 470 A and 610 A. Figure 8 represents the used flux in correlation with the welding current. Increasing the current power for the surfacing welds leads to a larger welding-flux consumption, while the time of the welding is decreased to a small degree. 4.2 Slag of the weld at the current of 470 A The welding of specimen 1 was carried out at the current of 470 A. The slag was formed on the weld toe in the shape of a circular arch in the center, 2–3 cm wide and 3–5 mm thick. The weld/slag border is smooth, but some unmelted grains of the welding flux remained on its top. Figure 9 shows the slag microstructure on the weld of steel OCR12 VM after the application of agglome- rated welding flux FB 12.2. During the welding process, a liquid slag was formed, which solidified during the cooling. Aluminium and manganese oxides included in the welding flux reacted and formed a solid-solution spinel structure. The welding flux contained manganese oxide and, after the melting, it reacted with magnesium oxide which was also included in the flux. During the welding, chromium from the base mate- rial and the welding wire is oxidized. Chromium oxide together with aluminium, magnesium and manganese oxides forms a spinel structure with a solid-solution composition (MgO,MnO)·(Al2O3,Cr2O3). After the weld- ing, spinel contains mass fractions of 2.8 % MnO and mass fractions of 3.3 % Cr2O3. On the left side of Figure 9, there is magnesium oxide, encircled with spinel. Solid magnesium oxide reacts with the liquid slag and thus spinel (MgO, MnO)· (Al2O3,Cr2O3) is formed on its surface. The resulting spinel prohibits a dessolution of magnesium oxide in the liquid slag. The solidified welding slag has the following compo- sition: magnesium oxide, spinel, a lamelar phase (w(MgO) = 21.1 %, w(Al2O3) = 18.8 %, w(SiO2) = 39.8 % and w(K2O) = 10.2 %) and the matrix (w(CaO) = 46.2 %, w(MgO) = 11.8 %, w(SiO2) = 28.9 %, w(Al2O3) = 2.8 %, w(MnO) = 4.2 % and w(F) = 4.5 %). Figure 10 shows an XRD diagram of the slag formed at the welding current of 470 A. The diagram shows the peaks for aluminium oxide, spinel and calcium fluorite. In the sample, the undissolved flux from the surface of the circular arch of the slag is also observed. 4.3 Slag of the weld at the current of 610 A Figure 11 shows a SEM image of the slag formed during the welding at the current of 610 A. During the welding with a higher current, the unreacted leftovers of magnesium oxide in the welding slag are surrounded with spinel. The spinel generated during the welding with the current of 610 A contains mass fractions of 3.9 % MnO, mass fractions of 24.3 % MgO, mass fractions of 5.2 % Cr2O3 and mass fractions of 66.6 % Al2O3. In the slag, tiny drops of metal (white particles) are located at the border between the spinel and magnesium oxide and in the lamelar phase. M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. LAMUT: PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING 104 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 101–107 Figure 10: XRD diagram of the slag formed at the welding current of 470 A Slika 10: Rentgenogram `lindre, nastale pri varjenju s tokom 470 A Figure 8: Welding current and flux consumption Slika 8: Varilni tok in poraba varilnega pra{ka Figure 9: Microstructure of the welding slag of specimen 1 Slika 9: Mikrostruktura varilne `lindre preizku{anca 1 Figure 12 shows a SEM image of the slag, having a metalic particle with a size of 50 μm and a composition of mass fractions of 27.6 % Si, mass fractions of 4.8 % Ti, mass fractions of 4.6 % Cr, mass fractions of 33.8 % Mn (label 4), while the rest is iron. The particle was formed during the metling of silico manganese and the welding wire. Its composition is not similar to the com- positions of the filler or the base material. In the slag ma- trix, a lamellar phase and small spinel crystals containing manganese and chromium oxides are embedded. Welding with a higher current increases the amount of MnO by mass fractions of 1.1 % and Cr2O3 by mass fractions of 1.9 % in the spinel, compared to the welding with the current of 470 A. Figure 13 presents an XRD diagram of the slag formed at the welding with current of 610 A. The diagram shows that the slag is composed of aluminium oxide, spinel, calcium fluorite and periclase (MgO). 4.4 Slag of the surfacing weld at the current of 628 A The specimens listed under numbers 3 and 4 are the slags of the surfacing welds. Figure 14 presents the slag formed during the surfacing with the current of 628 A. In the base (matrix) of the slag, there are spinel, a lamelar phase and the leftovers of a free magnesium oxide. Com- pared to the surfacing with 450 A, during the surfacing with 628 A, the slag has more aluminium oxide and less calcium oxide. The matrix of the slag (label 2) is com- posed of mass fractions of 32.7 % CaO, 12.3 % MgO, 25.6 % SiO2, 16.5 % Al2O3, 5.7 % MnO, 2.7 % F and 3.2 % of K2O. In the slag, there are drops of metal and most of them are located close to the lamelar phase. 4.5 Composition of the spinel and matrix of the slag Figure 15 gives a graphical presentation of the con- tents of the oxides in the slag base (the matrix), in which the phases with higher melting points are precipitated. From the diagram it is evident that specimens 1 (470 A) and 3 (450 A) were welded with lower currents and have the same contents of silicon oxide and different contents of calcium oxide and alumina. Specimens 2 and 4, welded with higer currents (610 A, 628 A), also have different contents of calcium oxide. The content of calcium oxide in a slag decreases with the increasing current, while the content of aluminium oxide increases (Figure 15). At lower welding currents, the slag includes phases with lower melting points, while at higher welding currents more liquid slag is formed due to the melting of the oxides with higher melting points such as aluminium and magnesium oxides as well as manganese and chromium oxides. M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. LAMUT: PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 101–107 105 Figure 14: Micrograph of the phases in slag of specimen 4 Slika 14: Mikroposnetek faz v `lindri preizku{anca 4 Figure 12: SEM image of welding slag; place of analysis 2 Slika 12: SEM-posnetek varilne `lindre; mesto analize 2 Figure 13: XRD diagram of slag formed during the welding at the current of 610 A Slika 13: Rentgenogram `lindre, nastale pri varjenju s tokom 610 A Figure 11: SEM image of welding slag; place of analysis 1 Slika 11: SEM-posnetek varilne `lindre; mesto analize 1 The content of the formed spinel depends on the welding current. With an increase in the welding current the content of manganese oxide increases from 2.8 to 3.9 % of mass fractions and chromium oxide also increases from 3.3 to 7.3 % of mass fractions. Figure 16 presents the change in the composition of the spinel in relation to the welding current. We calculated the basicity15 of the main components in the slag with Equation (1): B = + + + + + + ⋅ + + ⋅ CaO MgO BaO CaF Na O K O (MnO FeO) SiO 2 2 2 2 0 5 0 5 . . (Al O TiO ZrO2 3 2 2+ + ) (1) The content of the base (matrix) of a slag and its basicity also vary with respect to the welding current. The basicity is calculated with Equation (1) and it changes with the welding current, as presented in Table 4. Lower welding currents also diminish the loss of the alloying elements. The calculated values of the basicity show that the basicity of the matrix of a slag is higher at lower welding currents (Figure 17) because of the content of Al2O3 in the slag melt. 5 CONCLUSIONS During the submerged-arc welding of steel OCR 12 VM, slag solidifies above the weld in the form of a cir- cular arch. The contact area with the slag has a smooth glassy shine. On the contrary, at the contact with the slag surface, the leftovers of undissolved welding flux are observed. The agglomerated welding flux is in the form of pellets with a size of 0.2–1.8 mm. During the welding, the slag is liquid. The solidified weld slag contains alu- minum and magnesium oxides, spinel, a lamellar phase and the matrix. The composition of the matrix is similar to that of mineral cuspidin16 (3CaO·2SiO2·CaF2) but it also contains aluminium, potassium and magnesium oxides. The magnesium oxide in the welding slag is surrounded by spinel. Spinel16 with a complex composition (MgO,MnO)· (Al2O3,Cr2O3) is formed from magnesium and aluminium oxides, with smaller amounts of manganese and chro- mium oxides. The composition of the welding-slag matrix depends on the welding current. At higher welding currents more aluminium oxide is formed. The welding slag generated during the submerged welding can be a valuable raw material for the produc- tion of a new welding flux. 6 REFERENCES 1 H. Grajon, Bases métallurgiques du soudage, Publications de la Soudure Autogène, 41, Institute de Soudure, Paris, 1989 2 K. Singh, V. Sahni, S. Pandey, Slag Recycling in Submerged Arc Welding and its Influence on Chemistry of Weld Metal, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (2009) 10, 047–051 M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. 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Trojer, Die oxydische Kristallphasen der anorganischen Indu- strieprodukte, E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1963 M. PRIJANOVI^ TONKOVI^, J. LAMUT: PHASE ANALYSIS OF THE SLAG AFTER SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 101–107 107 M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 109–115 OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS OPTIMIRANJE PARAMETROV PRI TORNEM VARJENJU NERJAVNEGA JEKLA NA BAKRENE DELE Mumin Sahin Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trakya University, 22180 Edirne, Turkey mumins@trakya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-01-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.023 St-Cu (stainless steel and copper) parts were friction welded with the aim to optimize the process parameters in the present study. The joints obtained with various process-parameter combinations were subjected to a tensile test. Empirical relationships were developed to predict the strength of the joints using RSM (the response-surface methodology) and the coherency of the model was tested. The tensile properties, microhardness variations, SEM, the EDS analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the welded specimens were evaluated. It was found, with an ANOVA analysis, that the friction pressure/friction time relation has the largest influence on the tensile strength of the joints followed by the rotational speed. However, it was also found that the formation of intermetallics at the interface is responsible for a higher hardness and lower tensile strength of the friction-welded stainless steel-copper joints. Keywords: friction welding, metallurgy, response-surface methodology, tensile strength V predstavljenem delu so bili deli St-Cu (nerjavno jeklo in baker) torno varjeni z namenom optimizacije procesnih parametrov. Spoji, dobljeni z razli~nimi procesnimi parametri, so bili preizku{eni z nateznim preizkusom. Razvite so bile empiri~ne odvisnosti za napovedovanje trdnosti spojev s pomo~jo RSM (Metodologija odgovora povr{ine) in izvr{ena je bila koherenca modela. Ocenjene so bile natezne lastnosti, spreminjanje mikrotrdote, SEM, EDS analiza in rentgenska difrakcija (XRD) zvarjenih vzorcev. Iz ANOVA analize je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima torni tlak/~as trenja najve~ji vpliv na natezno trdnost spojev, sledi pa mu hitrost vrtenja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je ve~ja trdota in manj{a natezna trdnost torno varjenih spojev posledica nastanka intermetalne zlitine na stiku nerjavno jeklo-baker. Klju~ne besede: torno varjenje, metalurgija, metodologija odgovora povr{ine, natezna trdnost 1 INTRODUCTION Parts made of different materials are known to be cost-effective. The life cycle of the materials, especially in corrosive media, is prolonged. Many ferrous and non- ferrous alloys can be friction welded. Friction welding can be used to join metals of widely different thermal and mechanical properties. The combinations that can be friction welded cannot be joined with other welding techniques because of the formation of brittle phases that make the joint poor with respect to mechanical pro- perties. Friction welding prevents distortion of the mate- rials, as heat is not applied. The welding technology is widely used in manufac- turing. The development of new welding methods gained importance along with the developing technology.1–4 Welding of different metals and their alloys is a common application in engineering solutions. Fusion welding is almost impossible in such cases due to incompatible physical characteristics and chemical compositions of different metals and alloys. As a result, friction welding was developed. Several researches worked on the heat in friction welding.5–7 In friction welding, heat is generated at the interface of the workpieces since mechanical ener- gy is dissipated as heat during the rotation under pressure. Friction welding is a solid-state welding pro- cess, using the heat generated through the mechanical friction with a moving workpiece, with an addition of an upsetting pressure to plastically displace the material. Friction welding is generally used to join the parts that are axially symmetrical and have circular cross-sections. However, it can be easily used to join parts without cir- cular cross-sections, with the aid of automation devices and computerized control facilities.8 It is an energy saver since heat is not applied. The friction time and pressure, the upset time and pressure and the speed of rotation are the principal variables in friction welding.9–12 There are two types of friction-welding techniques: continuous-drive friction welding and inertia friction welding. Different metals have different hardness values and different melting points. Interface activity during friction welding forms brittle intermetallic phases or eutectics with low melting points. Clean welding surfaces are also of prime import- ance.13–15 In welded St-Cu joints, the joint strength in- creases with the increasing upset pressure up to the critical value. An increase in the friction time causes a lower strength of a St-Cu joint compared to the Cu base metal.16 A deformation of the material during friction welding is generally due to the diffusion involving a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 109 UDK 621.791.1:669.14.018.8:669.3:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)109(2016) migration of lattice defects, which can be influenced by an external electric field.17 Sintered powder metallurgical preforms have a low mass, high stiffness and, therefore, their natural frequency is high. Having inherent porosity, they can also be good dampeners besides possessing the latent lubricant.18 Maalekian19 found that the formation of hard interlayers, such as intermetallic phases, when joining dissimilar materials may cause a joint to become brittle. Further, Sahin et al.20,21 showed that the interme- tallic phases formed in the interface cause a decrease in the strength of the joints. However, based on the literature review, Murti and Sundaresan22 carried out a study about a parameter opti- mization using a statistical approach based on factorial- experiment-design friction welding of dissimilar materials. The response-surface methodology (RSM) is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques that are useful for designing a set of experiments, developing a mathematical model, analyzing the optimum combina- tion of the input parameters and graphically expressing the values.23 To obtain the maximum strength, it is essen- tial to have complete control over the relevant process parameters as demonstrated.24 Therefore, in this work, an attempt was made to opti- mize the process parameters of continuous-drive friction welding to achieve the maximum tensile strength of stainless steel-copper parts using the response-surface methodology. Tensile tests were performed on the welded test parts. A microstructure analysis, EDS anal- ysis, XRD analysis and microhardness variations were also carried out on the test parts. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In the experiments, AISI 304 austenitic stainless-steel and copper parts having a diameter of 10 mm were made using the continuous-drive friction-welding process parameters. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of the stainless-steel and copper parts are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, as given in25. Different combinations of the process parameters were used to carry out the trial runs. Process parameters were tested by varying one of the factors while keeping the rest of them at constant values. The working range of each process parameter was determined for a smooth appearance without any observable defects. The selected levels of the process parameters and design matrix with their units and notations are presented in Tables 3 and 4. However, in order to examine the intermetallic phases formed at the interface of the joints, SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and EDS (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) were applied to the joints. Examinations were carried out with an SEM-JEOL JSM 5410 LV microscope and in the field of 200 kV. In addition, the weld zones of the joints were analyzed in this work since an XRD analysis of the phase constituents in the weld zone is of a great importance. Then, the strength of the joints was related to the hardness variation within the HAZ. The hardness vari- ations across the welding regions of the joints were measured using a 0.3 kg load Vickers microhardness test. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Empirical relationships and the optimization The responses, the tensile-strength (TS) values of friction-welded joints, are the functions of the friction- welding parameters such as the friction pressure per second (F), the forging pressure per second (D) and the rotational speed per second (N) and they can be ex- pressed as: M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 110 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 Table 1: Chemical composition of austenitic stainless steel used in the experiment25 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava avstenitnega nerjavnega jekla, uporabljenega pri preizkusu25 Material % C % P % S % Mn % Si % Cr % Ni Tensile strength(MPa) AISI 304 (X5CrNi1810) < 0.07 < 0.045 < 0.030 < 2.0 < 1.0 17–19 8.5–10.5 825 Table 2: Chemical composition of copper used in the experiment Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava bakra, uporabljenega pri preizkusu Copper % Sn % Pb % Zn % P % Mn % Fe % Ni % Si % Mg % Al % Bi % S % Sb % Cu Tensile strength(MPa) 0.00222 <0.0020 <0.0010 0.00137 <0.0005 0.0381 <0.0010 0.00745 0.00376 0.00500 <0.0005 0.00251 <0.0020 99.93 300 Table 3: Feasible working limits of friction-welding parameters Tabela 3: Obmo~je delovnih parametrov pri tornem varjenju Parameter Notation Unit Level –1.68 (–1) (0) (+1) +1.68 Friction pressure/Friction time F MPa/s 3.78 5.82 8.82 11.82 13.86 Upset pressure/Upset time D MPa/s 2.96 5 8 11 13.04 Rotational speed/sec N s–1 18.46 20.5 23.5 26.5 28.54 TS = f {F, D, N} (1) The second-order polynomial (regression) equation used to represent the response surface Y (TS) is as follows: Y = b0 + bixi + bii xi 2+ bij xi xj 2) and for three factors, the selected polynomial could be expressed as: TS = b0 + b1(F) + b2(D) + b3(N) + b12(FD) + b13(FN) + + b23(DN) + b11(F 2) + b22(D 2) + b33(N 2) (3) Regression coefficients are b1, b2, b3, … b44 where b0 is the average of the responses and they depend on the respective linear, interaction and squared terms of the factors as shown in26,27. The significance of each coefficient was determined with a t-test and p-values, listed in Table 5. The value of a coefficient was calculated using the Design-Expert software. The values of the probability>F of less than 0.05 indicate that the model terms are significant. In this case, F, D, N, FD, FN, DN, F2, D2 and N2 are significant model terms. The values greater than 0.1 point out that the model terms are not significant. The results of multiple linear regression coefficients for the second-order response surface model are given in Table 6. The final empirical relationship was obtained using only these coefficients, and the developing final empiri- cal relationship for the tensile strength is given below: TS = [221.36 + 18.16F + 10.90D + 13.05N – 6.62FD – 9.12FN + 2.88DN – 14.74F2 – 12.80D2 – 6.08N2] (4) The ANOVA (analysis of variance) technique was used to check the adequacy of the developing empirical relationship. In this investigation, the desired level of confidence was taken to be 95 %. The relationship is considered adequate if the calculated F-value of the model developed does not go over the standard tabulated F-value and the calculated R-value of the developed relationship exceeds the standard tabulated R-value for a desired level of confidence. It was found that the above model is adequate. In the same way, interactions FD, FN, DN had significant effects. A lack of fit was not signi- ficant though it was desired. The normal probability plot of the residuals for the tensile strength is shown in Figure 1. It reveals that the residuals are on a straight line, which means that the errors are distributed nor- mally. Each predicted value matches well its experimen- tal value, as shown in Figure 2. The response-surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the friction- welding parameters in this study. The response contours can assist in the prediction of the response for any zone in the experimental field as observed in24,25. M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 111 Table 4: Design matrix and the corresponding output response Tabela 4: Postavljena matrika in ustrezni dobljeni odgovori Standard order Run order Original value Tensile strength (MPa)F D N 16 1 8.82 8 23.5 223 18 2 8.82 8 23.5 222 4 3 11.82 11 20.5 190 9 4 3.78 8 23.5 150 20 5 8.82 8 23.5 218 6 6 11.82 5 26.5 210 15 7 8.82 8 23.5 223 1 8 5.82 5 20.5 130 7 9 5.82 11 26.5 213 5 10 5.82 5 26.5 180 8 11 11.82 11 26.5 215 12 12 8.82 13.04 23.5 217 11 13 8.82 2.96 23.5 160 10 14 13.86 8 23.5 216 3 15 5.82 11 20.5 150 19 16 8.82 8 23.5 222 17 17 8.82 8 23.5 219 13 18 8.82 8 18.46 200 14 19 8.82 8 28.54 215 2 20 11.82 5 20.5 195 Table 5: ANOVA test results for the response of the tensile strength Tabela 5: Rezultati ANOVA preizkusa za odgovore natezne trdnosti Sum of squares Mean square F-value P-value si gn if ic an t Source df prob > F Model 14726.69 9 1636.30 13.39 0.0002 A-F 4503.47 1 4503.47 36.85 0.0001 B-D 1622.62 1 1622.62 13.28 0.0045 C-N 2325.93 1 2325.93 19.03 0.0014 AB 351.12 1 351.12 2.87 0.1209 AC 666.12 1 666.12 5.45 0.0417 BC 66.13 1 66.13 0.54 0.4789 A^2 3132.15 1 3132.15 25.63 0.0005 B^2 2360.38 1 2360.38 19.31 0.0013 C^2 532.80 1 532.80 4.36 0.0633 Residual 1222.11 10 122.21 Lack of fit 1199.28 5 239.86 52.52 0.0003 Pure error 22.83 5 4.57 Cor. total 15948.80 19 Std. dev. 11.05 R-squared 0.9234 Mean 198.40 Adj. R-squared 0.8544 Table 6: Estimated regression coefficients Tabela 6: Ocenjeni regresijski koeficienti Factor Estimated regression coefficients Tensile strength (MPa) Intercept 221.36 F–friction force/friction time 18.16 D–upset force/upset time 10.90 N–rotational speed 13.05 FD –6.62 FN –9.12 DN 2.88 F2 –14.74 D2 –12.80 N2 –6.08 The end of the response plot shows the maximum achievable tensile strength. Figures 3 and 4 show that the tensile strength increases with the increasing friction pressure/time relation and rotational speed and then it decreases. The maximum tensile strength of the friction-welded joints was attained under the following welding con- ditions: a friction pressure/time relation of 8.82 MPa/s (a friction pressure of 75 MPa and a friction time of 8.5 s), an upset pressure/time relation of 8 MPa/s (an upset pressure of 160 MPa and an upset time of 20 s) and a rotational speed of and 23.5 s–1, showing the accuracy of the model. During the welding processes, the strength of the welds obtained with dissimilar materials strongly de- pends on the temperature attained by each substrate. Differences in the mechanical and thermophysical properties and behaviour of the substrates at the interface influence the quality of the joints during the welding as reported in20,21. 3.2 Metallurgical analysis The macrophotography of the joints is given in Fig- ure 5. There is no evidence of cracking or other defects in the joints. Due to the variations in the strength of the materials, an appreciable variation in the width of the HAZ (heat-affected zone) region is evident from the joints. However, the microstructure of stainless steel is characterized by equiaxed grains, in the austenitic-grain structure being the natural structure of this type of steel at room temperature (Figure 6). M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 112 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 Figure 4: Contour plots of the process parameters for the tensile strength Slika 4: Prikaz obrisov procesnih parametrov na natezno trdnost Figure 2: Correlation graph of the response Slika 2: Prikaz korelacije odziva Figure 3: Response plots of the process parameters for the tensile strength Slika 3: Prikaz odziva procesnih parametrov na natezno trdnost Figure 1: Normal probability plot of residuals Slika 1: Normalna verjetnost izrisa ostankov However, copper is formed of eutectic particles, having dark points indicating that it is a mixture of pure copper and cuprous oxide, dispersed in the ground copper (Figure 7). The effect of melting was minimal at the interface because the heat-affected zone (HAZ) was small (Figure 8). It is also observed that the joints have larger deforma- tions on the Cu side compared to the steel side (Figure 5). Welding flashes occur on the copper side of the inter- face because the melting temperature of copper is lower than the melting temperature of steel. However, stainless steel does not undergo an extensive deformation while copper undergoes an extensive melting because of the high generated and concentrated frictional heat. Since copper has a higher thermal conductivity than steel, the heat-affected zone on the copper side is wider M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 113 Figure 9: EDS analysis of the intermetallic-phase zone of a joint: a) SEM, b) EDS spectrum Slika 9: EDS-analiza intermetalne faze na stiku: a) SEM, b) EDS spekter Figure 7: Microstructure of copper Slika 7: Mikrostruktura bakra Figure 8: Image of the interface of a joint Slika 8: Posnetek stika v spoju Figure 5: Macrophotography of a joint Slika 5: Makroposnetek spoja Figure 6: Microstructure of stainless steel Slika 6: Mikrostruktura nerjavnega jekla than that of the steel side. There is no change in the grain size on the steel side. The presence of small particles on the copper side reveals hardening on this side. There are equiaxed  grains and Cu2O particles on the copper side. The interface elements of both materials diffused along the interface and some intermetallic phases were formed at the interface as reported in20,21. The EDS analysis performed at a defined zone of the interface showed that the interface was formed of 2.70 % C, 0.98 % Cr, 2.96 % Fe and 93.36 % Cu (Table 7). Thus, the presence of intermetallic phases at the inter- face is obvious. Copper-oxide films were broken into pieces due to an excessive deformation at the interface caused by the rotation (Figure 9). According to Figure 10, the X-ray diffraction results for friction-welded stainless steel-copper joints indicated that FeCu4 and Cu2NiZn intermetallics were formed in the welding zone. The thickness of the layer containing the inter- metallic phases varied between 8.72 μm and 17.53 μm (Figure 11). 3.3 Microhardness measurement The microhardness of a joint was measured across the weld region and the values were plotted as shown in Figure 12. The microhardness is maximum at the inter- face; this may be due to the formation of brittle inter- metallics, and it is one of the reasons for a lower tensile strength of dissimilar joints. 4 CONCLUSIONS Stainless-steel and copper parts were successfully friction joined in this work. The following important conclusions were obtained from this investigation: • Empirical relationships were developed to predict the tensile strength of the friction-welded stainless-steel and copper parts incorporating process parameters at a 95 % confidence level. The friction-welding para- meters were optimized with the response-surface methodology to attain the maximum tensile strength. • The maximum tensile strength of 223 MPa was attained in the friction-welded joints under the following welding conditions: a friction pressure/ time relation of 8.82 MPa/s, an upset pressure/time relation of 8 MPa/s and a rotational speed of 23.5 s–1. • The friction pressure/friction time relation was found to have the greatest influence on the tensile strength of the joints, followed by the rotational speed. • Various intermetallic phases such as FeCu4 and Cu2NiZn occurred at the interface. The formation of intermetallics at the interface is responsible for the M. SAHIN: OPTIMIZING THE PARAMETERS FOR FRICTION WELDING STAINLESS STEEL TO COPPER PARTS 114 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 109–115 Figure 12: Microhardness variation across the joint Slika 12: Spreminjanje mikrotrdote preko spoja Figure 10: XRD results for the welding zone of a joint Slika 10: Rezultati rentgenske analize (XRD) v zvaru stika Table 7: EDS analysis of the defined zone at the interface Tabela 7: EDS-analiza ozna~enega podro~ja na stiku Element (w/%) (x/%) C 2.70 12.72 Cr 0.98 1.07 Fe 2.96 3.00 Cu 93.36 83.21 Total 100.00 Figure 11: Thicknesses of the intermetallic phases at the interface Slika 11: Debelina intermetalnih faz na stiku higher hardness and lower tensile strength of the friction-welded stainless steel-copper joints. • The intermetallic phases at the interface are also expected to play a role in the hardness variations. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Trakya Univer- sity/Edirne–Turkey, Hema Industry/Çerkezköy–Turkey and TUBITAK MRC/Gebze–Turkey for the help in the experimental part of the study. 5 REFERENCES 1 V. I. Vill, Friction Welding of Metals, AWS, New York 1962 2 W. Kinley, Inertia welding: simple in principle and application, Welding and Metal Fabrication, (1979), 585–589 3 N. I. Fomichev, The friction welding of new high speed tool steels to structural steels, Weld. Prod., (1980), 35–38 4 C. R. G. Ellis, Friction Welding; some recent applications of friction welding, Welding and Metal Fabrication, (1977), 207–213 5 K. P. Imshennik, Heating in friction welding, Weld. Prod., (1973), 76–79 6 T. Rich, R. Roberts, Thermal analysis for basic friction welding, Met. Const. and British Weld. J., (1971), 93–98 7 A. Sluzalec, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 32 (1990) 6, 467–478, doi:10.1016/0020-7403(90)90153-A 8 M. Sahin, H. E. 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AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... 117–125 WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS OF CUTTING PARAMETERS ON THE CUTTING QUALITY WEDM REZANJE NIKLJEVE SUPERZLITINE INCONEL 718: VPLIV PARAMETROV REZANJA NA KVALITETO REZANJA Ulaº Çaydaº, Mustafa Ay University of Firat, Technology Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 23119 Elazið, Turkey ucaydas@firat.edu.tr, ucaydas@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-01-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-19 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.026 Investigations of the effects of machining parameters on the cutting quality of wire-electrical-discharge-machining (WEDM) cutting of an annealed Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy are described in this paper. The cutting-quality characteristics considered are the kerf width, the recast-layer thickness and the surface roughness of the cut specimens. The essential process input parameters were identified as the pulse-on time, the pulse-peak current, and the injection pressure. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to find the parameters affecting the cut quality. The regression analysis was used for the development of empirical models able to describe the effects of the process parameters on the quality of the WEDM cutting. The ANOVA results show that the pulse-on time and the pulse-peak current are significant variables affecting the surface roughness of wire-EDMed Inconel 718. The surface roughness, the kerf width and the recast layer of the test specimens increased as these two variables increased. The measured and modelled results were in good agreement with respect to the correlation coefficients Ra, RLT and Kü. Keywords: wire-electrical-discharge machining (WEDM), Inconel 718, recast layer, surface morphology, analysis of variance V ~lanku je opisana raziskava vplivov parametrov obdelave na kvaliteto reza, z `i~no elektroerozijo (WEDM) rezane `arjene nikljeve superzlitine Inconel 718. Upo{tevane so bile karakteristike reza, kot je {irina reza, debelina nataljenega sloja in hrapavost povr{ine odrezanega vzorca. Ugotovljeno je, da so bistveni vhodni parametri procesa impulzi v ~asu, tok vrha impulza in tlak vbrizgavanja. Za iskanje parametrov, ki vplivajo na kvaliteto reza je bila uporabljena tehnika analiza variance (ANOVA). Regresijska analiza je bila uporabljena za razvoj empiri~nega modela, ki lahko opi{e vpliv procesnih parametrov na kvaliteto WEDM rezanja. Rezultati iz ANOVE ka`ejo, da sta impulz v ~asu in tok vrha impulza pomembni spremenljivki pri rezanju Inconela 718 z `i~no elektroerozijo. Hrapavost povr{ine, {irina zareze in debelina pretaljene plasti so nara{~ali pri preizkusnih vzorcih, ~e sta nara{~ali ti dve spremenljivki. Izmerjeni in modelirani rezultati so se dobro ujemali s korelacijskimi koeficienti Ra, RLT in Kü. Klju~ne besede: `i~na elektroerozija (WEDM), Inconel 718, pretaljena plast, morfologija povr{ine, analiza variance 1 INTRODUCTION Among nickel-based alloys, the superalloy Inconel 718 is one of the most important ones. Due to its high corrosion and high temperature resistance, it is commonly used in the space industry, in particular for the hot parts of plane, marine and industrial gas-turbine engines, rocket engines, nuclear reactors, submarines, pressure tanks, steam-turbine generators and other high-temperature applications.1–5 Despite this widespread use, it is classified as a difficult-to-machine material due to its unique characteristics such as low thermal conductivity, hardness, work hardening and the presence of abrasive carbide particles in its microstructure.3,6 Due to its thermal machining ability, wire-electri- cal-discharge machining (WEDM) has been an important manufacturing method as it provides effective solutions for machining difficult-to-machine materials, such as zirconium, nimonic, titanium, nickel, etc., that cannot be machined with traditional methods.7 Nonetheless, there are problems that remain to be solved such as the stresses that occur on the top layer where the material solidifies and in the formation of the heat-affected zone, micro-cracks, porosity, local hardness/softness, grain growth and small alloys that get transferred via dielectric fluids or the tool.8,9 For a complete and efficient WEDM, the machining parameters should be selected in accordance with the nature of the material. Effects of the EDM-process parameters have been investigated. Kanlayasiri and Boonmung10 studied the effects of the pulse-on time, pulse-off time, pulse-peak current and wire tension (a wire electrode made of Cu-35 % of mass fractions of Zn; the wire was KH Sodick with 0.25 mm in diameter, tolerating a tension of up to 900 MPa) on the surface roughness of the DC53 die steel. Kuriakose and Shunmugam11 investigated the characte- ristics of a WEDMed Ti6Al4V surface. Gökler and Ozanözgü12 experimentally investigated the effects of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness in the WEDM process for the 1040, 2379 and 2738 steels. Miller et al.13 investigated the effects of the EDM process parameters, particularly the spark cycle time and Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 117 UDK 669.245:621.9.048:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)117(2016) spark-on time on thin cross-section cuts of the Nd–Fe–B magnetic material. Ramakrishnan and Karunamoorty14 developed a neural-network model in order to predict process outputs and to establish the optimum process parameters. Kang and Kim15 investigated the EDM characteristics of nickel-based heat resistant alloys; Hastelloy-X. Bai et al.16 developed electrical discharge surface alloying of superalloy Haynes 230 with Al and Mo. Aspinwall et al.17 developed 3D topographic maps of workpiece surfaces, microstructural and microhard- ness depth-profile data of Inconel 718. So far, the most common workpiece materials used in the research of WEDM have been tool or die steels. Very little research was done to investigate the machinability of Inconel 718 with respect to WEDM. As a result, the effects of the machining parameters on the formation of the recast layer and the surface integrity during the WEDM of Inconel 718 remain to be elucidated in detail. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In this study, an annealed Inconel 718 nickel alloy with the AMD 5596 standard number was used. The chemical composition of this material is given in Table 1. WEDM cutting experiments were performed using an Accutex CNC WEDM machine. In the conducted experi- ments, a CuZn37 wire with a tensile strength of 900 N/m2 and a diameter of 0.25 mm was used. In the experimental studies, the pulse current (A), pulse duration (μs) and dielectric flushing circulation pressure (MPa) were cho- sen as variable parameters. With these cutting parameters and their levels, the Taguchi L9 experimental-design method was chosen as the basis and a total of 9 experi- ments were performed. The experimental parameters and their levels are provided in Table 2 and the sequence of the experiments is provided in Table 3. Table 3: Experimental layout using an L9 orthogonal array Tabela 3: Eksperimentalna postavitev z uporabo L9 ortogonalne matrike Exp. No Pulsed current(A) Pulse-on duration (ìs) Flushing pressure (MPa) 1 8 5 1.27 2 8 7 1.47 3 8 9 1.76 4 10 5 1.47 5 10 7 1.76 6 10 9 1.27 7 12 5 1.76 8 12 7 1.27 9 12 9 1.47 At the end of the experiments, the width of each cut was measured at five points along the cutting channel in order to determine the kerf widths. The measurements were performed using a profile-measuring microscope with a sensitivity of 0.002 mm (Model 98-0001, SCHERR-TUMICO, USA). In order to obtain the sur- face images, determining the microstructures of the surfaces and the heat-affected zones, the surface that was perpendicular and adjacent to the surface that was being machined was chosen and these surfaces were polished using 200–1200 mesh abrasive paper and a 3-μm diamond paste. The polished surfaces were etched with the electrolytic-etching method in a 50 % HCl and 50 % methanol solution and at a 4.5 V voltage.1 The micro- structural analysis of the specimens was done with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a three-dimen- sional atomic-force microscope (AFM). In order to determine the elements and phases on the machined surfaces, EDS (energy dispersive spectrograph) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) analyses were performed. Microhardness tests were conducted with a Leica Q500/L hardness tester using the Vickers scale. The surface roughness was obtained using a Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-201 portable device. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Effect of the cutting parameters on the surface structure In Figure 1, an image obtained after the cutting of the Inconel 718 nickel alloy with WEDM is shown. The surface is composed of spherical grains detached from the material that cannot be removed from the plain space with the liquid pressure, debris that melt and stick to the U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... 118 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 Table 1: Chemical composition of Inconel 718 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava Inconel 718 Element Composition (w/%) Ni 53.60 Cr 18.20 Nb 5.06 Mo 3.04 Ti 0.97 Al 0.44 C 0.052 B 0.003 Si 0.10 S <0.002 P <0.005 Fe Balance Table 2: Machining parameters of WEDM in this study Tabela 2: Parametri obdelave z WEDM v tej {tudiji Cutting conditions Settings Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Pulsed current (A) 8 10 12 Gap voltage (V) 39 – – Pulse-on duration (μs) 5 7 9 Pulse-off duration (μs) 9 – – Wire tension (N) 10 – – Wire speed (mm/s) 15 – – Flushing-circulation pressure (MPa) 1.27 1.47 1.76 Table-feed ratio (mm/min) 10 surface in drops, cracks, residues and randomly dis- persed craters of various sizes. These craters are charac- terized as cavities formed by the spherical chips detached from the surface due to the effect of the sparks between the wire and the workpiece during the ma- chining. In terms of the surface appearance, it was determined that the densities of the machined surfaces are similar, whereas the densities of the craters and hills on the surface are different, depending on the variations in the current and pulse duration. Surface images of the specimens cut under different currents, pulse durations and fluid-circulation pressures are seen on Figure 2. As can be seen, when the strength of the current is constant, the surface gets rougher as the pulse duration increases. The pulse duration is the time duration of the discharge applied to the wire electrode. In other words, it is the time of the spark discharge that forms between the wire and the workpiece. Therefore, an increase in the pulse duration leads to an increased trans- fer of heat onto the surface of the workpiece and a for- mation of larger craters on the surface of the workpiece. Similarly, the surface was observed to deteriorate also with an increased current. An increase in the current intensity leads to a more intense energy discharge to the workpiece surface; thus, more chips detach from the surface. The increase in the amount of detached chips from the surface, at the same time, deteriorates the surface roughness.18 The results of the experiments show that the liquid-circulation pressure had little effect on the surface structure. Similarly, pre- vious studies indicate that while the surface roughness increases with the increasing current and pulse duration, and wire fractures are prevented using an appropriate liquid-circulation pressure, the effect of the liquid-circu- lation pressure on the surface roughness, the thickness of the recast layer and the microstructure is very low.9,19 3.2 Effect of the cutting parameters on the recast-layer thicknesses The basic metallurgical effects that occur during the cutting with WEDM are the formation and width of the recast layer and/or the heat-affected region. Figure 3 shows a SEM photo obtained from the surface adjacent to a machined surface. When the image is examined, it is seen that three different regions formed after the cutting operation. At the very top, there is the recast layer. This layer developed because of the rapid cooling and re-solidification of the molten material with an auxiliary liquid-circulation pressure, without being removed from the cutting channel during the cutting with WEDM. The heat-affected region is the region where no melting occurs during the cutting, but the base metal undergoes microstructural changes under the influence of the result- ing heat. At the very bottom, there is the base material. U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 119 Figure 1: SEM micrograph of a WEDM-cut surface of Inconel 718 Slika 1: SEM-posnetek povr{ine reza Inconel 718 po rezanju z WEDM Figure 2: SEM micrographs of a surface WEDM-processed under different machining conditions Slika 2: SEM-posnetki z WEDM obdelane povr{ine pri razli~nih po- gojih obdelave Figure 3: SEM of a kerf cross-section showing the RLT and HAZ Slika 3: SEM-prikaz pre~nega preseka zareze, ki ka`e RLT in HAZ EDS and XRD results for the recast layer are pro- vided in Figures 4 and 5. When the analyses are eva- luated, the results show that the recast layer is enriched with oxygen and carbon. This phenomenon was explained by T. R. Newton et al.20 to be the result of the electrolysis taking place in the dielectric liquid. In addi- tion, the presence of copper and zinc compounds in the recast layer is evident. While Inconel 718 contains 0.08 % of mass fractions of Cu, the EDS results for the recast layer indicate that the density of Cu increases. Even though there is no Zn in the structure, the presence of this element in the recast layer indicates that these elements diffuse from the wire electrode into the workpiece, as reported in the previous studies.21 Table 4: Microhardness distribution through the cut surface section Tabela 4: Razporeditev mikrotrdote skozi prerezano podro~je na povr{ini Measurement region Experiment number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Base material 418 410 408 416 420 416 413 406 410 Recast layer 387 392 400 375 402 402 396 400 402 Heat-affected zone 415 474 422 424 426 412 418 410 418 Table 4 gives the average microhardness values for the three regions defined. While the hardness of the heat-affected region shows similarity to the base mate- rial, the microhardness of the recast layer shows a slight decrease when compared to the base material. The reason for this is assumed to be a decrease in the hard- ness of the recast layer, being a result of the dissolution of the ’ (N3Al,Ti) secondary phases and carbides back into the main matrix, after the heat treatment of the specimens. In their study, T. R. Newton et al.20 indicated that the hardness of the recast layer reduces due to the wire-electrical-discharge machining of the age-hardened Inconel 718 alloy. In their study, a reduced chromium density in the recast layer and the existence of Cu and Zn in this region cause the properties of the region to change. Since the outermost recast layer is in direct contact with the environment, the determination of the thickness of this layer plays an important role when assessing the finish cut. Figure 6 shows the effects of the cutting para- meters on the recast-layer thickness (RLT). In addition, in Figure 7, SEM images show a variation in the RLT depending on the experimental parameters. When these figures are analyzed, it is seen that while the effect of the circulation pressure on the recast layer is small, the effects of the current and the pulse duration are large. Under constant current conditions, the average RLT in- creases with the increasing pulse duration. Since the amount of heat transferred onto the surface of the work- piece increases with the increasing pulse duration, the amount of the material to be melted from the surface increases as well. U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... 120 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 Figure 5: X-ray analysis of the recast layer Slika 5: Rentgenska analiza pretaljene plasti Figure 6: Main-effect plots of WEDM cutting factors for the RLT Slika 6: Diagrami glavnih vplivnih faktorjev pri WEDM rezanju na RLT Figure 4: EDS analysis of the recast layer Slika 4: EDS-analiza pretaljene plasti As the pulse duration increases, the isothermal curves of the material spread more into the sublayers and the amount of the heat spreading under the surface covers a large area. This, in turn, causes a large region to be in- fluenced by the heat and the RLT to increase.22 More- over, the average RLT increases considerably with increased current values under constant pulse-duration conditions. As the current increases, the discharge energy gets more intense. High discharge energy causes more material to melt. In parallel with the thickness of the melted material, the RLT increases as well. In their study, Kanlayasiri and Boonmung10 mentioned that in the cases where the current and pulse duration were high, the machined surface was rougher and thermal damages were deeper since the discharge energy acting on the workpiece surface was more intense. For this reason, they indicated that the current and pulse duration should be kept at low levels, but also that in the cases where these two parameters are kept at low levels, the duration and cost of the machining process increase. 3.3 Effect of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness During wire-electrical-discharge machining, the dis- charge energy released with each discharge produces a very high amount of heat at the point where the spark hits the workpiece. This heat causes small pieces on the surface to melt and detach via vaporization. Spherical chips removed from the surface with each discharge change the machined surface into a crater structure. The surface morphology depends on the sizes of the craters that form due to the contact between the sparks and the surface. Therefore, the surface profile is a function of the current and pulse duration, determining the intensity of the applied sparks.23 U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 121 Figure 7: Cross-sectional SEM micrographs of a surface WEDM-processed under different machining conditions Slika 7: SEM-posnetki presekov z WEDM obdelane povr{ine pri razli~nih pogojih obdelave Figure 8: Main-effect plots of WEDM cutting factors for the surface roughness Slika 8: Diagrami glavnih vplivnih faktorjev pri WEDM rezanju na hrapavost povr{ine Figure 8 demonstrates the effects of the variables such as the current intensity, the pulse duration and the dielectric flushing pressure on the surface roughness, Ra. The fact that the current intensity and pulse duration have large effects on the surface roughness is clearly seen on the graphs. If the current is low, the intensity of the sparks that hit the surface of the piece with each discharge is also lower. This leads to a smoother surface due to a better erosion effect. Additionally, the amount of heat transferred to the surface of a piece decreases with a shortening pulse duration; therefore, less metal is melted. Thus, with the craters being more superficial, the surface roughness decreases.23,24 The lowest surface roughness of 2.08 μm was measured at the end of experiment no. 1, while the highest surface roughness of 3.01 μm was measured at the end of experiment no. 9. In Figure 9, SEM and 3D AFM images of specimens 1 and 9 are shown. On the AFM image, it is possible to see the maximum and mini- mum heights of the surface profile and hillocks and valleys. A higher roughness can be assessed on the basis of the values for the Z depth of the AFM profile. When both figures are taken into account, it is observed that the surface-roughness values of the specimens show a ten- dency to decrease while all the cutting parameters decrease. 3.4 Effect of the WEDM parameters on the kerf width Figure 10 shows a schematic representation of a kerf formed during wire-electrical-discharging. During wire-electrical-discharge machining, pieces are removed from the workpiece via melting as a result of the high temperature caused by spark discharges, occurring bet- ween the wire and the workpiece and the kerf occurs when these pieces are removed from the intermediate region with the liquid-circulation pressure. The kerf width varies depending on the parameters used during the machining. Alias et al.25 proved that as the feed ratio increases, the kerf width decreases and, as a result of the experiments, low feed ratios increased the kerf width. Somashekhar and Ramachandran26 did not recommend machining at high feed ratios as high feed rates increase the distortions in the kerf width. Tosun et al.27 demon- U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... 122 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 Figure 9: SEM and three-dimensional AFM images of the first and ninth experiments Slika 9: SEM- in tridimenzionalni AFM-sliki prvega in devetega preizkusa Figure 11: Main-effect plots of WEDM cutting factors for the kerf width Slika 11: Diagrami glavnih vplivnih faktorjev pri WEDM rezanju na {irino zareze Figure 10: Schematic representation of the kerf width Slika 10: Shemati~en prikaz {irine zareze strated experimentally and mathematically that the open-circuit voltage and the pulse duration have a high influence on the kerf width and the material-lift ratio. They indicated that, for the kerf-width control, the volt- age is three times more effective than the pulse duration. Graphs showing the effects of the experimental para- meters on the kerf width are given in Figure 11. As it can be seen, the average top kerf width varies dramati- cally, depending on the variations in the current intensity and pulse duration. An increase in the pulse duration causes a longer-term spark shock and, accordingly, the removal of more chips from the surface. As a result, depending on the amount of the chips removed from the cutting zone, the kerf width increases. Similarly, an increase in the kerf width was observed with the increasing current intensity. If the current is low, the intensity of the sparks that hit the surface of the piece with each discharge is also low. High-intensity sparks lead to the widening of the kerf by creating a deeper corrosion effect on the surface. Figure 12 gives images of specimens 1 and 9 where the lowest and highest kerf widths were obtained, respec- tively. Under the conditions of experiment 1 where the current intensity (8 A), pulse duration and liquid-circu- lation pressure (5 μs, 1.27 MPa) were at their lowest values, the kerf width was measured as 0.335 mm. Under the conditions of experiment 9 where the current inten- sity, pulse duration and liquid-circulation pressure (12 A, 9 μs, 1.47 MPa) were at their highest values, the kerf width was measured as 0.375 mm. 4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this study, an analysis of the WEDM experimental results was performed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method. This method is used to statistically examine the impacts of the machining parameters on the operational performance. The experiment numbers and the measurements obtained at the end of the experiments are collectively presented in Table 5. The ANOVA results for the RLT, surface roughness and kerf width in the case of WEDM can be seen in Tables 6 to 8, respec- tively. According to the results in Table 6, the current intensity has a major effect of as much as 84 % on the U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 123 Figure 12: Light micrographs of the kerf width obtained at different cutting conditions: a) pulsed current = 8 A, pulse-on duration = 5 μs, flushing pressure (kg/cm2) = 13, b) pulsed current = 12 A, pulse-on duration = 9 μs, flushing pressure (kg/cm2) = 15 Slika 12: Svetlobna posnetka {irine zareze, dobljena pri razli~nih pogojih rezanja: a) tok pulza = 8 A, trajanje pulza = 5 μs, tlak splakovanja (kg/cm2) = 13, b) tok pulza = 12 A, trajanje pulza = 9 μs, tlak splakovanja (kg/cm2) = 15 Table 7: Results of ANOVA for the surface roughness Tabela 7: Rezultati ANOVA za hrapavost povr{ine WEDM cutting parameter Degree of freedom (df) Sum of square (SSA) Mean square F P (%) Pulsed current (A) 2 8.154 4.077 13.83 82.17 Pulse-on duration (μs) 2 1.21 0.60 0.42 12.18 Flushing pressure (MPa) 2 0.16 0.08 0.05 1.57 Error – – – – 4.08 Total 6 9.524 – – 100 Table 8: Results of ANOVA for the kerf width Tabela 8: Rezultati ANOVA za {irino reza WEDM cutting parameter Degree of freedom (df) Sum of square (SSA) Mean square F P (%) Pulsed current (A) 2 0.000636 0.000318 3.65 54.87 Pulse-on duration (μs) 2 0.000508 0.000254 2.34 43.83 Flushing pressure (MPa) 2 0.000014 0.0000074 0.04 1.17 Error – – – – 0.13 Total 6 0.05939 – – 100 Table 5: Experimental results Tabela 5: Rezultati eksperimentov Exp. No RLT (μm) Surface roughness (μm) Kerf width (mm) 1 2.61 2.08 0.335 2 2.65 2.31 0.348 3 2.69 2.51 0.351 4 2.73 2.61 0.349 5 2.76 2.69 0.359 6 2.80 2.89 0.365 7 2.78 2.95 0.353 8 2.84 3.00 0.367 9 2.87 3.01 0.375 Table 6: Results of ANOVA for the recast-layer thickness Tabela 6: Rezultati ANOVA za debelino pretaljene plasti WEDM cutting parameter Degree of freedom (df) Sum of square (SSA) Mean square F P (%) Pulsed current (A) 2 0.04969 0.02484 15.11 83.65 Pulse-on duration (μs) 2 0.00962 0.00481 0.58 16.16 Flushing pressure (MPa) 2 0.00008 0.00004 0.00 0.15 Error – – – – 0.04 Total 6 0.05939 – – 100 RLT. The effect of the pulse duration on the RLT is 16 %, whereas the liquid-circulation pressure has no effect on the RLT. Similarly, Tables 7 and 8 clearly show that the current intensity has a much larger effect on the surface roughness and kerf width than the pulse duration. 5 MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this study, mathematical modeling of the RLT, surface roughness and kerf width were performed by employing the multiple-linear-regression method on the results of the cutting experiments with WEDM. In addition, the appropriateness of the models obtained with the method of regression was investigated with ANOVA. Regression models with dependent parameters of the current intensity (Ip), pulse duration (Ton) and liquid-cir- culation pressure (Ps), and control parameters of the recast-layer thickness (RLT), surface roughness (Ra) and kerf width (Kw) are expressed as follows: Recast-layer thickness RLT = a0 + a1 × IP + a2 × Ton – a3 × Ps (1) Surface roughness Ra = a0 + a1 ×IP + a2 × Ton + a3 × Ps (2) Kerf width Kw = a0 + a1 × IP + a2 × Ton – a3 × Ps (3) The regression and correlation coefficients obtained are presented collectively in Table 9. When these coeffi- cients are substituted into the equations, the mathema- tical models of the recast-layer thickness (RLT), surface roughness (Ra) and kerf width (Kw) are obtained as: RLT = 2.18 + 0.0450 × IP + 0.0200 × Ton – – 0.00140 × Ps (4) Ra = 0.307 + 0.172 × IP + 0.0642 × Ton + + 0.0130 × Ps (5) Kw = 0.278 + 0.00508 × IP + 0.00450 × Ton – – 0.000325 × Ps (6) The correlation coefficients of the models from Table 9 show that the models that are quite appropriate. Experimental values of the recast-layer thickness (RLT), surface roughness (Ra) and kerf width (Kw) are given in Table 10 along with their predicted values calculated with the obtained mathematical models. Table 9: Regression and correlation coefficients Tabela 9: Regresijski in korelacijski koeficienti Regression coefficients Correlation coefficients (r) a0 a1 a2 a3 Recast-layer thickness 2.18 0.0450 0.0200 0.00140 98.1 % Surface roughness 0.307 0.172 0.0642 0.0130 97.8 % Kerf width 0.278 0.00508 0.00450 0.000325 95.9 % Figures 13 to 15 show graphs of these values in their respective order. As it is seen on the figures, the expe- rimental and numerical values show distributions quite close to the regression lines. U. ÇAYDAª, M. AY: WEDM CUTTING OF INCONEL 718 NICKEL-BASED SUPERALLOY: EFFECTS ... 124 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 117–125 Figure 15: Comparison of experimental and predicted kerf-width values Slika 15: Primerjava eksperimentalno dolo~ene in napovedane {irine zareze Figure 13: Comparison of experimental and predicted recast-layer thickness values Slika 13: Primerjava eksperimentalno dolo~ene in napovedane debe- line pretaljenega sloja Figure 14: Comparison of experimental and predicted surface-rough- ness values Slika 14: Primerjava eksperimentalno dolo~ene in napovedane hrapa- vosti povr{ine 6 CONCLUSIONS Based on the conducted research and investigations, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. In the WEDM cutting process, the liquid-circulation pressure has little effect on the recast-layer thickness, surface roughness and kerf width, whereas the current and pulse duration are the most important parameters determining the quality of a cut. The highest quality cut was obtained with experiment 1 where the current and pulse duration were at their lowest values. 2. Considering the results of ANOVA, the intensity of the current was statistically found to have a larger effect on the surface roughness, kerf width and RLT than the pulse duration. 3. Taking the correlation coefficients into account, the obtained linear-regression models yield estimates with appropriate error rates. These results, in turn, show that the obtained models are appropriate. 7 REFERENCES 1 A. Sharman, R. C. Dewes, D. K. Aspinwall, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 118 (2001), 29–35, doi:10.1016/S0924-0136 (01)00855-X 2 A. Hasçalik, M. Ay, Optics & Laser Technology, 48 (2013), 554–564, doi:10.1016/j.optlastec.2012.11.003 3 M. Ay, U. Çaydaº, A. Hasçalik, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25 (2010), 1–6, doi:10.1080/10426914.2010.502953 4 E. O. 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No Recast-layer thickness Surface roughness Kerf width Experimental RLT Estimated RLT Experimental Ra Estimated Ra Experimental Kt Estimated Kt 1 2.61 2.61111 2.08 2.15889 0.335 0.334444 2 2.65 2.65444 2.31 2.26556 0.348 0.348444 3 2.69 2.68444 2.51 2.47556 0.351 0.351111 4 2.73 2.72444 2.61 2.57556 0.349 0.349111 5 2.76 2.76111 2.69 2.76889 0.359 0.358444 6 2.80 2.80444 2.89 2.84556 0.365 0.365444 7 2.78 2.78444 2.95 2.90556 0.353 0.353444 8 2.84 2.83444 3.00 2.96556 0.367 0.367111 9 2.87 2.87111 3.01 3.08889 0.375 0.374444 N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... 127–135 INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR OF SELF-COMPACTING CONCRETE VPLIV IZKOPANIH SEDIMENTOV NA KR^ENJE SAMOZGO[^EVALNEGA BETONA Nasr-Eddine Bouhamou, Fouzia Mostefa, Abdelkader Mebrouki, Karim Bendani, Nadia Belas LCTPE Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Mostaganem University, Route de Belahcel BP 227, 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria bendanik@yahoo.fr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-10-16; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2013.252 Every year, millions of cubic meters of dams and restraints are dredged as part of the management and prevention procedures all over the world. These dredged sediments are considered as natural waste leading to environmental, ecological and even economic problems associated with their processing and depositing. Nevertheless, in the context of a sustainable development policy, a way of their management is open aiming at assessing the sediments as a building material and, particularly, as a new binder that can be industrially exploited and that can improve the physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the concrete. This study is a part of the research made at the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Mostaganem (Algeria) on the impact of the mud dredged from the Fergoug Dam on the behavior of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) in the fresh and hardened states, such as the mechanical performance and its impact on different deformations (shrinkage). The work aims to assess this mud in the SCC and to show possible interactions between the constituents. The obtained results provide the details needed for producing the SCC based on calcined mud. Keywords: sediment, calcined mud, self-consolidating concrete, fresh state, hard state, shrinkage Vsako leto po vsem svetu kot varovalni ukrep izkopljejo milijone kubi~nih metrov sedimentov iz jezov in zadr`evalnikov. Ti izkopani sedimenti so obravnavani kot naravni odpadek, ki povzro~a okoljske, ekolo{ke in celo ekonomske te`ave pri njihovi predelavi ali odlaganju. Vseeno, v kontekstu politike trajnostnega razvoja je postavljena pot za njihovo obdelavo, za oceno teh sedimentov kot gradbenega materiala in {e posebej kot novega veziva, ki ga je mogo~e industrijsko izkoristiti in ki lahko izbolj{a fizikalne, kemijske in mehanske lastnosti betona. Ta {tudija je del raziskovalnega dela, opravljenega na oddelku za gradbeni{tvo Univerze v Mostaganemu (Al`irija), o vplivu izkopanega mulja iz jezu Fergoug na vedenje samozgo{~evalnega betona (SCC) v sve`em in v strjenem stanju, na mehanske lastnosti in na razli~ne deformacije (kr~enje). Namen je oceniti to blato v SCC in pokazati morebitne interakcije med sestavinami. Prikazani rezultati so dobra mo`nost za izdelavo SCC na osnovi kalciniranega blata. Klju~ne besede: sediment, kalcinirano blato, samozgo{~evalni beton, sve`e stanje, trdo stanje, kr~enje 1 INTRODUCTION This work addresses general problems associated with durable development. The search for new building materials indicates that the research is focused on the possibilities of reusing industrial and natural waste as an alternative to the currently used materials that will become scarce in the near future. River sediments in dams can be seen as an environ- mental and economic threat. The big quantities generated by the silting phenomena make the authorities perplexed about their depositions. An assessment of these sediments made in the area of civil engineering proved that they could be used as build- ing materials (bricks, aggregates and cementitious mate- rials). As these studies are in their first step, the reuse of sediments in concrete is poorly documented, particularly for self-compacting concrete. It is known that SCC contains a very high amount of a paste that requires a large quantity of cement; so, its partial substitution with sediments can be a solution, re- ducing the use of cement. 2 IDENTIFICATION OF FERGOUG DAM Regarded as one of the most silted dams in Algeria, the Dam of Fergoug (Figure 1) gave rise to the interest of several Algerian researchers who contributed various studies towards highlighting the causes, making it a disastrous dam. These studies were primarily focused on explaining the phenomenon of silting, trying to find solutions for it and assessing the possibility of using the dredged sedi- ments.1,2 During its existence, the dam underwent several ope- rations of dredging; the first one was carried out in 1984 and 1986 when more than 10 million m3 of mud were removed. The second operation of dredging was carried out in 1992 when 6.5 million m3 of mud was evacuated. The last operation was launched in 2005, at a cost of 800 million DA, which is 130 DA/m3, and carried out by the National Agency for Dams. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 127 UDK 691.004.8:658.567.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)127(2016) In spite of these various attempts, the rate of the current silting is estimated to be 97.77 % according to the bulletin published by the Agency for the Chergui Hydro Channel [ABHC]3. 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Used materials 3.1.1 Cement The cement used was CEM I 42.5, made at the Zahana Factory (west of Algeria). The average physical and chemical characteristics of this cement are given in Table 1. Table 1: Physical properties and chemical analysis of the cement Tabela 1: Fizikalne lastnosti in kemijska analiza cementa Physical properties of cement Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.18 Specific gravity (g/cm3) 3.13 Fineness (Blaine) (cm2/g) 3180 Chemical analysis of cement, w/% SiO2 20.90 CaO 63.93 MgO 1.45 Fe2O3 5.93 Al2O3 5.10 SO3 0.86 Na2O 0.17 K2O 1.34 Loss on ignition 0.86 Carbonates – CO2 – H2O 0.6 3.1.2 Mud The mud was taken downstream of the dam (Figure 2a) and activated thermally by burning it in a slow oven at a temperature of (750 ± 5) °C at a rate of 5 °C/min for 5 h, followed by steaming, crushing and sieving to 80 μm (Figure 2b). The calcined mud (Figure 2c) was obtained and stored away from the air and any moisture. The N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... 128 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 Figure 3: Fergoug-mud grain-size distribution (SIBELCO Laboratory, France, 2011) Slika 3: Razporeditev velikosti zrn iz blata Fergoug (SIBELCO Labo- ratory, France, 2011) Figure 1: Fergoug Dam and its effluents Slika 1: Jez Fergoug s pritoki Figure 2: Mud-preparation stages Slika 2: Stopnje priprave blata Table 2: Physical characteristics of the calcined mud Tabela 2: Fizikalne zna~ilnosti kalciniranega blata Test Values Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.53 Specific gravity (g/cm3) 2.62 Fineness (Blaine) (cm2/g) 7964.00 Table 3: Chemical composition of the calcined mud Tabela 3: Kemijska sestava kalciniranega blata Component Content, w/% SiO2 54.69 CaO 14.25 MgO 3.08 AL2O3 15.49 Fe2O3 7.50 SO4 – Loss on ignition 1.87 physical and chemical characteristics of the calcined mud are presented in Tables 2 and 3. The grain-size analysis of the mud was carried out at the SIBELCO Laboratory (France). The results of the analysis of this mud are shown with a grading curve in Figure 3. 3.1.3 Aggregates The aggregates used in this work consist of broken particles of limestone with a well graded distribution, obtained from the quarry of Kristel (the Oran area) and the sand from the siliceous sea, from the quarry of Sidi Lakhdar (the area of Mostaganem). Table 4 gives the characteristics of the aggregates for the whole of the con- crete compositions. Table 4: Physical characteristics of different aggregates Tabela 4: Fizikalne zna~ilnosti razli~nih agregatov Sea sand (Ss) Quarry sand (Sc) Gravel (G) Class 0/2 0/3 3/8 8/15 Nature Silicious Limestone Limestone Limestone Specific gravity (g/cm3) 2.56 2.68 2.66 2.66 Absorption (%) – – 0.86 0.40 Fineness modulus 1.64 2.63 – – Sand equivalent (ES) 83.18 88.96 3.1.4 Admixture The admixture employed is a superplasticizer pro- vided by the GRANITEX Society, a high water reducer, containing synthesized polymers combined according to the NF EN 934-2 standard. The MEDAFLOW113 allows obtaining concretes and mortars of a very high quality, maintaining the workability and avoiding the segrega- tion. Its density is 1.12 g/cm3 and its proportioning can vary from 0.8 % to 2.5 % of the binder mass. 3.2 Concrete mixtures Four self-consolidating concretes were made to study the substitution effect of the cement with the calcined mud on the behavior in the fresh and hard states of the SCC. The concretes were made by adopting the method of the volume of the paste. The admixture proportioning is calculated in order to limit the segregation and bleeding and to obtain a distribution ranging between 60 cm and 75 cm. The aggregate proportioning (G/S), the water/binder ratio (W/B) and the volume of the paste were kept con- stant for all the compositions of the SCCs. Tests were carried out on the concretes containing various percen- tages of the substitution mud with respect to the volume of cement, i.e., (10, 15 and 20) %. The compositions of various mixtures are presented in Table 5. Table 5: Mix proportions of concretes Tabela 5: Razmerje me{anic v betonih Mix proportion (kg/m3) Concrete mixes SCCR SCCM10 SCCM15 SCCM20 Cement 450 420 408 395 Calcined mud – 35 52 66 Water 225 218 216 213 Admixture 5.7 7.5 8.3 9.8 W/B 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Ss 560 560 560 560 Sc 251 251 251 251 Gravel (3/8) 333 333 333 333 Gravel (8/15) 499 499 499 499 SCCR: Reference Concrete (0 % calcined mud) SCCM10: Concrete with 10 % of calcined mud SCCM15: Concrete with 15 % of calcined mud SCCM20: Concrete with 20 % of calcined mud 3.2.1 Tests of the fresh concrete The characterization made in the fresh state of the concretes was limited to the tests recommended by AFGC4 including the slump flow, L-box, sieve stability and bleeding. 3.2.2 Tests of the hardened concrete Mechanical strength The mechanical compressive strength is an essential characteristic of a concrete material and a fundamental parameter of our study. Consequently, its evolution was measured for all the formulations of concrete studied within this work. The samples used to determine the mechanical com- pressive strength of various studied concretes are cylin- drical test tubes with a diameter of 11 cm and a height of 22 cm. Once removed from the mold, they are preserved in water for a certain period (1, 7, 28 and 90) d. To mea- sure the average tensile strength, three samples (7 cm × 7 cm × 28 cm) were broken at various ages by means of three-point-bending tensile tests. Shrinkage deformation It is interesting here to observe the deformations of the hardened material (after 24 h). For this purpose, two series of samples were produced and preserved in two different environments with and without a hydrous ex- change with the external medium. The tests were per- formed to measure the total and endogenous shrinkage deformations. The shrinkage deformations were mea- sured with a refractometer used on the prismatic test tubes with the size of 7 cm × 7 cm × 28 cm, placed in an air-conditioned room with a relative humidity of (20 ± 1) °C or (50 ± 5) %, according to the following two con- ditions: • A hydrous exchange of the material with the environ- ment: the total shrinkage is obtained and it represents the sum of the endogenous and drying shrinkages. • No hydrous exchange with the environment because the test tubes are covered with one or two sheets of N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 129 self-adhesive aluminum paper: the endogenous shrinkage is identified. The drying-shrinkage deformation is obtained from the difference between the total and endogenous shrink- age deformations. Once removed from the mold, six test tubes relative to each concrete (three for the total shrinkage and three for the endogenous shrinkage) were tested over a very short period: first at its beginning, later the periodicity of the measurement increased with the time. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Index and the activity coefficient of the calcined mud The index of the activity noted, Ip, is defined as the ratio between compressive strengths fp(t) and f0(t) (Equa- tion (1)) with respect to the strength of the standardized mortar containing 25 % of the calcined mud as the ce- ment substitution p and the reference-mortar strength (with cement only) (Table 6): I p f t f t ( ) ( ) ( ) = p 0 (1) Table 6: Results of the compressive-crushing tests Tabela 6: Rezultati tla~nih poru{nih preizkusov Age f0(t)/MPa fp(t)/MPa I(p) 28 d 47.4 39.20 0.83 90 d 52.30 45.08 0.86 4.2 Fresh states The characterization results carried out on the con- cretes are presented in Table 7. Table 7: Workability test results Tabela 7: Rezultati preizkusov obdelavnosti Concrete SCCR SCCM10 SCCM15 SCCM20 Slump flow R/cm 66.5 65.4 63.6 63.3 T50 cm/s, slump flow 3.5 3.3 3.1 3.2 (H2/H1)/% (L-Box) 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.80 T40/s (L-Box) 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.6 (H2/H1)/% (L-Box) 8.47 7.55 6.90 4.55 Bleeding, ‰ 1.25 1.18 1.12 1.15 4.3 Workability (slump-flow test) It can be noted that all of the SCCs comply with the criterion of the flow spread where specified values lie between 63.3 cm and 66.5 cm (Figure 4), causing a lower viscosity. Although no limit is given for the times of the flow spread, the time needed to reach a 50 cm dia- meter (T50) is close to the values usually noted, i.e., 3 s. 4.4 Flowability (L-box test) The L-box test is used to assess the filling and pass- ing ability of SCC. This is a widely used test suitable for a laboratory as well as site use. A concrete can be accepted if the fill ratio (H2/H1) of the L-box is higher than 0.8 4; the flowing times can be measured in order to assess the viscosity. The obtained results clearly show that the concrete present satisfies the ratio of 0.80–0.85. 4.5 Sieve-stability test For this test, the results in Table 7 show that all the SCCs have a segregation rate lower than 15 %, indicating a good stability.4 When determined as 0    5 %, the resistance to the segregation is maintained to be "too significant" which is true in the case of SCCM20 where the paste is too viscous to run out through the sieve.5 4.6 Bleeding test The results in Table 7 indicate that all the concretes meet the recommended value. The values obtained vary between 1.12 ‰ and 1.25 ‰. 4.7 Hardened state 4.7.1 Evolution of the mechanical compressive strength According to the obtained results and curves repre- sented in Figure 5, it is clear that the SCCR displays a good compressive performance at various testing stages compared to the concretes with the substitute material (SCCM). It is observed that over short periods the con- cretes have similar amplitudes; on the other hand, over long periods, their amplitudes start to move away from that of the SCC, except for the SCCM10, which displays a trend close enough to the SCCR observed between the 28th and 90th day. The evolution of the compressive strength with res- pect to time shows that during a short-term period the N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... 130 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 Figure 4: Diagram of the diameter of the slump flow Slika 4: Diagram premera pri preizkusu razleza evolution rate of the strength of the SCCMs is deve- loping more slowly than that of the SSCR; nevertheless, it can be noted that the variation between the measured values is slightly different, especially for the SCCM10. The measured values indicate that the SCCR reached (48, 60 and 82) % of its compressive strength after 28 d for the testing ages of (3, 7 and 14) d, respectively. How- ever, the SCCM10, SCCM15 and SCCM20 reached bet- ween 48–51 % after 3 d, 64–65 % after 7 d and 89–92 % after 14 d, which can only be explained with the densifi- cation effect. The calcined mud acted as the filler, filling in the pores and increasing the compactness of the cementitious matrix. On the other hand, between the 28th and 90th day, it is the SCCM10 that evolves distinctly among the SCCMs. For these testing ages, the effect of the pozzo- lanic activity on the concretes can be distinguished. The evolution of this compressive strength can also be clearly noticed on the histogram presented in Figure 6, which also shows the effect of the variation of the M/C ratio (the proportioning of the mud to cement) on the strength evolution. However, it is interesting to note that even with the 20 % substitution, the compressive strength remains within the reasonable limit of 30 MPa recommended by various construction specifications for building concre- tes. 4.7.2 Evolution of the mechanical tensile strength It is known that the factors influencing the evolution of the compressive strength also influence the evolution of the tensile strength of concrete. The obtained results show that SCCMs developed a low tensile strength com- pared to the reference SCCR. On Figure 7, we can see that the development of the tensile strengths follows the trend of the compressive strength and the evolutions of the strengths in the early period are identical, confirming the hypothesis that the mud acts as the filler. It can also be noticed on Figure 7 that the tensile strength of the SCCM10 displays a convergence towards that of the SCCR as of the 28th day with respect to the two other concretes, indicating a sufficiently attenuated amplitude. Figure 8 clearly shows that the reference concrete exhibits the best performances followed by the SCCM10. In general, the loss of the resistance to compression or traction does not exceed the mean value of 25 % com- pared to the reference concretes irrespective of the age and the rate of substitution. N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 131 Figure 8: Histogram of the evolution of the tensile strengths with respect to the mud proportion Slika 8: Histogram razvoja natezne trdnosti glede na dele` blata Figure 6: Histogram of evolution of the compressive strength with respect to the mud proportion Slika 6: Histogram razvoja tla~ne trdnosti glede na dele` blata Figure 5: Compressive strength of concretes versus time Slika 5: Tla~na trdnost betona v odvisnosti od ~asa Figure 7: Evolution of the tensile strength at different ages Slika 7: Razvoj natezne trdnosti pri razli~ni starosti 4.8 Different deformations It is known that the factor with the highest influence on the shrinkage is the quantity of the water used. For this reason and in order to better determine the problem, the W/B ratio is kept equal to 0.5. The compositions of the tested SCCs only differ in the proportion of the cal- cined mud substituting the cement, so all the differences in the behavior of the concretes are related only to this parameter. 4.8.1 Endogenous shrinkage The endogenous deformations measured from the first day onwards are displayed on Figure 9. The types of the kinetics of the endogenous-shrinkage deformations of the concretes are rather similar; at the beginning they take similar and almost identical forms and start to differ with time. Since this shrinkage is a consequence of the hydra- tion phase6,7, it gives evidence of its kinetics and the quantity of formed hydrates. It can be observed that during the period from the 28th to 90th day, the orders of the magnitudes of the SCCMs approach that of the SCCR in comparison with the values displayed at the early age. At the 28th day, the SCCMs display reduced values, varying between 5.5 % and 15.5 % compared to the SCCR; on the other hand, between the 60 and 90th day, they are reduced by 4.6 % to 12.45 % compared to the SCCR, which shows that the deformations evolve in the same spindle, whereas the coming together of the values is a proof of the pozzolanic activity of the mud, which begins, a priori, after the 28th day. The reduction in the endogenous shrinkage in the presence of the calcined mud can be explained with the fact that some hydrates (calcium aluminate) obtained via the pozzolanic reaction between the silica and the port- landite, are slightly expansive8, compensating for the dimensional variations due to the shrinkage.9 The shrink- ages show the same development according to the me- chanical compressive strength10, the auto-desiccation known as the principal phenomenon, which governs the endogenous shrinkage growing under the influence of a high strength. 4.8.2 Drying shrinkage This shrinkage develops from the surfaces exposed to the external environment; it is determined by calculating the difference between the total shrinkage and the endo- genous shrinkage and it is presented with respect to time and mass loss. Figure 10 shows that the curves obtained for the SCC appear in a spindle, indicating that, due to drying, the component is not modified by the M/C ratio. During the first phase, the values of the shrinkage of the SCCMs decrease compared to the SCCR, by the percen- tages varying between 21 % and 52 % on the 7th and 28th day. On the other hand, during the second phase, the evolution starts to slow down until becoming almost constant up to the 90 day. Thus, it can be noted that the difference between the measured values decreases com- pared to the first phase, as it varies between 16 % and 30 %, which proves that the amplitude of the shrinkage starts to stabilize. Nevertheless, whatever the age, the SCCR always shows the highest values, contrary to the SCCMs as their values decrease with the increase in the rate of the calcined-mud substitution. 4.8.3 Mass loss In order to try to improve the drying shrinkage, we also carried out follow-up tests of the test-tube mass shrinkage in order to quantify the hydrous exchanges. The curves from Figure 11 show that the mass losses are in agreement with the evolution of the drying shrinkage; the values of the mass loss are very high and almost identical as of the first day for all the concretes; all the curves start with a linear part whose slope seems to decrease slightly with the time. In the intermediate zone, the curves are strongly nonlinear, which explains the reduction to low values due to the evaporation. After 60 d, the mass losses start to decrease very slightly; they N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... 132 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 Figure 10: Evolution of the drying shrinkage versus time Slika 10: Razvoj kr~enja zaradi su{enja v odvisnosti od ~asa Figure 9: Evolution of the endogenous shrinkage versus time Slika 9: Razvoj notranjega kr~enja v odvisnosti od ~asa are weaker for the concrete with the mud-cement com- bination than for the reference concrete. Finally, the effect of the M/C ratio undoubtedly changes the hyd- rous-pressure development of the curves with respect to the degree of saturation.11 Figure 12 also shows that various drying-shrinkage evolution curves for the mass loss are presented in two phases; the first schematizes the first water departure without any consequence for the shrinkage, while the se- cond one schematizes the evolution of the shrinkage with the water loss. The explanation is based the type of water and two families of pores: the water contained in the large pores leaves the material without causing a shrink- age, whereas the water contained in the small pores generates contractions of the material.12 4.8.4 Total shrinkage It evolves very quickly for all the types of the test tubes kept in the air because of their sizes that make the desiccation more favorable. At the early stage, the shrinkage is almost independent of the composition of the concrete. The values of the shrinkage are concen- trated in the same spindle and the effect of the addition takes place only after the first week, with a slight superiority for the SCCR. After a long period, the pre- sence of the mud decreases the final shrinkage with respect to the proportion of the substitute material. Figure 13 shows a similar evolution of deformation for all the SCCs. This is the reason why at the very early stage we find it difficult to distinguish between the repre- sentative graphs for each concrete. The order of the magnitude on the 7th day presents reductions, which vary from 14 % to 36 % for the SCCMs compared to the SCCR. After the 7th day, the shrinkage of the reference SCC evolves much more quickly and it is distinguished from the others up to the 90th day, having a similar amplitude. It is also observed that for this shrinkage the refe- rence SCC shows the highest values at all stages. On Figure 14, the total shrinkage is plotted with res- pect to the lg (t) scale, rather than the drying shrinkage, N. E. BOUHAMOU et al.: INFLUENCE OF DREDGED SEDIMENT ON THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 127–135 133 Figure 13: Evolution of the total shrinkage versus time Slika 13: Razvoj skupnega skr~ka v odvisnosti od ~asa Figure 11: Evolution of the loss of mass versus time Slika 11: Razvoj izgube mase v odvisnosti od ~asa Figure 14: Total shrinkage according to the logarithmic scale Slika 14: Skupen skr~ek prikazan v logaritemski skali Figure 12: Drying shrinkage versus the loss of mass Slika 12: Kr~enje pri su{enju v odvisnosti od izgube mase which is only a low estimate. Three phases appear; dur- ing the first one, the shrinkage gradually increases, dur- ing the second one, it evolves linearly with the logarithm of time and during the third one, the curve of the shrink- age inflects towards an asymptotic value. 5 CONCLUSIONS Our study made it possible to confirm the possibility of using the mud from the Fergoug Dam as a partial sub- stitute material for cement. The principal conclusions obtained are as follows: 1. The study of the behavior of the SCC in the fresh state, with respect to the proportioning of the cal- cined mud, allows us to make the following obser- vations: – The results indicate that the SCCs containing cal- cined mud are more viscous and less workable compared to the reference concrete because, beyond the critical proportioning, the viscosity of the concrete increases with the increased amount of the substitute material. – Only the SCCM20 presented too large a segregation according to the sieve test. – In addition to the bleeding test, the values obtained with the tests of the simple flow, the L-box and the sieve stability decrease when the proportion of the calcined mud increases. – A densification of the microstructure had a favorable effect by decreasing the bleeding, thus providing us with an idea on the improvement of the paste/aggre- gate interface. 2. In the hardened state, the mechanical tests of the compressive and tensile strengths carried out on the test tubes made of self-consolidating concrete with various amounts of the mud, in comparison with the reference concrete made of cement alone, gave the following results: – The evolution of the strength is influenced by the M/C ratio (the rate of the substitution of cement with the calcined mud); the results indicate that the compressive and tensile strengths decrease with the increase in the calcined-mud content; these values are very tolerable for the concretes employed for buildings constructions. – The best values of the SCCM compressive and tensile strengths are obtained with the SCCM10, but the SCCR always exhibits the highest values. However, the use of a mineral addition involves the formation of a new CSH, which fills in the pores of the hardened cement paste and densifies the structure of the paste, leading to a reduction in the porosity. These effects lead to an improvement of the mechanical strength. 3. With the tests of different deformations, carried out on the same concretes, we followed the evolution of free deformations in endogenous and drying condi- tions. The obtained results show that the calcined mud tends to slightly decrease the variety of defor- mations and it can be concluded that their kinetics is associated with the physicochemical mechanism, so: – The endogenous shrinkage decreases with the in- crease in the proportioning of the substitute calcined mud. – The compactness of the microstructure and the refinement of the pores lead to a fall in the perme- ability and prevent the diffusivity of water, conse- quently, decreasing the drying shrinkage and the mass loss. – The total shrinkage follows the same principle, being influenced by the endogenous shrinkage more than by the drying shrinkage; it also decreases in accord- ance with the M/C ratio, exhibiting a trend whereby the total shrinkage is an intrinsic phenomenon of the concrete. – The analysis of the phenomenon of shrinkage in the presence of calcined mud indicates that this addition contributes to a decrease in the shrinkage amplitudes compared to the reference concrete. The 20 % sub- stitution seems to be the best option with respect to its contribution to the improvement of the micro- structure and, finally, to the decrease in the shrinkage effects. 4. Finally, it is deduced that the calcined mud, due to its reactivity and fineness, influences the mechanical and other properties of the concretes: – The pozzolanic reaction starts to be perceptible over a long period by improving the compressive and tensile strengths. – The 10 % substitution of cement is the optimum content to give the best mechanical performances, followed by the 15 % and 20 % substitutions. – The 20 % substitution is the optimum solution for a reduction in the shrinkage and mass loss due to an improvement in the microstructure, making the matrix more compact and minimizing the diffusivity, followed by the 15 % and 10 % substitutions. – In conclusion, it can be deduced that the substitution of 15 % of cement by the mud is the most interesting option that proves to be optimal since it is the average proportion that satisfies the two criteria: the strength improvement and the shrinkage reduction. 6 REFERENCES 1 B. 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ZACH et al.: STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES AND HYGROTHERMAL BEHAVIOUR ... 137–140 STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES AND HYGROTHERMAL BEHAVIOUR OF ALTERNATIVE INSULATION MATERIALS BASED ON NATURAL FIBRES [TUDIJ LASTNOSTI IN HIGROTERMALNO OBNA[ANJE ALTERNATIVNIH IZOLACIJSKIH MATERIALOV NA OSNOVI NARAVNIH VLAKEN Jiøí Zach, Martina Reif, Jitka Hroudová Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveøí 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic zach.j@fce.vutbr.cz, reif.m@fce.vutbr.cz, hroudova.j@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-02 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.169 The paper describes the results of a research focused on the development of natural thermal and acoustic insulation materials. They are mainly materials based on locally available agricultural waste (mainly in the third-world countries). In particular, this waste includes stems of rice and other plants. The paper describes the behaviour of these materials under different humidity conditions and the possibility to influence their properties by varying the ratio between organic and inorganic binders. Using the results, general conditions for the suitability of the application of these materials in building constructions were defined. Keywords: natural fibres, moisture content, thermal conductivity, rice stems, cotton stems, thermal insulation ^lanek opisuje rezultate raziskav usmerjenih v razvoj naravnih materialov za toplotno in akusti~no izolacijo. To so prete`no materiali, ki predstavljajo lokalno dosegljive kmetijske odpadke (ve~inoma v tretjem svetu). To so zlasti stebla ri`a in drugih rastlin. ^lanek opisuje obna{anje teh materialov pri razli~nih pogojih vla`nosti in mo`nosti za vplivanje na njihove lastnosti pri razli~nih razmerjih organskih in anorganskih veziv. Na podlagi rezultatov so bili dolo~eni splo{ni pogoji za primernost in uporabnost teh materialov v gradbeni{tvu. Klju~ne besede: naravna vlakna, vsebnost vlage, toplotna prevodnost, stebla ri`a, stebla bomba`a, toplotna izolacija 1 INTRODUCTION Considering the ever-increasing demand for insu- lation materials, the general need for a sustainable development and an effort to limit the exploitation of raw-material sources, fibrous insulation materials based on organic fibres from agriculture (hemp, flax, waste textile fibres, rice and cotton-plant stems, sheep wool, etc.) have been developed at Brno University of Technol- ogy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, for many years. The development of these materials was also carried out with regard to the findings of foreign experts recorded in the literature in specialized databases (Thomson Reuters, Scopus). We considered the research of the scientific teams from Europe and Asia.1–8 These materials represent highly progressive building materials with a low carbon footprint and a low pri- mary-energy input. They are locally available and easily renewable raw materials that can substitute non-renew- able materials used in the production of insulation materials (e.g., foam plastic materials). In addition, the production of these materials has lower energy costs compared to the production of many modern synthetic insulators (e.g., mineral wool). The experiments per- formed during the previous research revealed that these materials show properties comparable with the synthetic insulation materials available on the market.9 However, in terms of the thermal-insulation properties, these natu- ral fibre-based materials exhibit a different hygrothermal behaviour due to different structures of the insulations and also a low thermal conductivity of the natural fibres compared to the glass or mineral ones. 2 INPUT RAW MATERIALS AND TEST MIXTURES For the production of specimens, alkali-activated blast-furnace slag containing SiO2 (42.24 %), CaO (44.87 %), Al2O3 (2.73 %) and MgO (5 %) was used with Fe2O3, MnO, TiO2, P2O5, Na2O, K2O and sodium water glass. Rice and cotton-plant stems were used as the organic binders. The specific quantities of the raw mate- rials are listed in Table 1. Table 1: Overview of the specimen compositions Tabela 1: Pregled sestave vzorcev Mixture No. Rice stems (kg m–3) Cotton stems (kg m–3) Slag (kg m–3) Water glass (kg m–3) 1 100 – 300 200 2 120 – 250 190 3 – 100 300 200 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 137–140 137 UDK 677.1.004.8:691.1:699.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)137(2016) 3 METHODOLOGY After removing the formwork, the specimens were stored under laboratory conditions at 23±2 °C and a rela- tive humidity of 50±5 %. After 28 d, the specimens were dried and their bulk density was determined according to EN 1602.10 Subsequently, hygroscopicity was deter- mined for the specimens stored at +23 °C and different relative-humidity conditions. The equal-sorption humi- dity as well as the thermal conductivity depending on the humidity were determined. The thermal conductivity was determined at the stable state in accordance with EN 1266711 and ISO 8301.12 Acoustic properties were also determined for the specimens. Specifically, the dynamic stiffness of the material was determined in accordance with ISO 9052-113 and the sound-absorption coefficient was determined in accordance with EN ISO 1165414 and ISO 10534-1.15 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The bulk density was determined for the samples in the dried state in accordance with EN 160210 and the specific values are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Summary of individual bulk densities v of the specimens Tabela 2: Pregled posameznih gostot v vzorcev Mixture No. 1 2 3 v (kg m–3) 440 430 430 The average bulk density ranged from 430 kg m–3 to 440 kg m–3 and its values for different fillers in mixtures 1 and 3 were also comparable. Next, the moisture con- tent under laboratory conditions was determined. The samples were stored in the laboratory, at the temperature of 23 °C and the relative humidity of 50 % and were sub- sequently dried at a temperature of 105 °C. Afterwards, the natural-moisture content prior to drying was measured using the gravimetric method. The resulting values are shown in Figure 1. The natural-water content of a material depends on the amount of the pores present in the material, their size, openness and the degree to which they are inter- connected. The pore system depends on the compaction during the production, the amount of inorganic binders and the choice of organic fillers. It is clear from the graph that the cotton-stem sample has a higher natural moisture than the specimen with the same amount of rice stems. Increasing their amounts also increases the natural moisture. In addition, hygroscopicity of the specimens was determined. The specimens were stored in the envi- ronments with the following parameters: • in laboratory conditions – a relative humidity of 50 % and a temperature of 23 °C • in humid conditions – a relative humidity of 95 % and a temperature of 23 °C The amounts of the moisture absorbed by the speci- mens into their structures are listed in Table 3. Table 3: Summary of measured moistures wm at varied relative humi- dity  and temperature of +23 °C Tabela 3: Povzetek izmerjenih vla`nosti wm pri spreminjanju relativne vla`nosti  in temperaturi +23 °C /% Mixture No. 1 Mixture No. 2 Mixture No. 3 wm/% 0 0 0 0 50 8.10 12.57 12.23 95 33.04 47.00 42.11 A sorption curve was constructed from the obtained data. The determination of the sorption isotherm was carried out at 23 °C. The moisture content of the spe- cimens was measured at the relative-humidity levels of 50 and 95 %. The results of the measurement are shown in Figure 2. The amount of the absorbed moisture depends on the structure of the given material, the temperature and the relative humidity of the environment, to which the material is exposed. With its growing value, the moisture content in the material rises nonlinearly. In the next stage, the thermal conductivity in dependence on the specimen moisture was determined in J. ZACH et al.: STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES AND HYGROTHERMAL BEHAVIOUR ... 138 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 137–140 Figure 2: Moisture content wm for the samples depending on relative humidity  at the temperature of 23 °C Slika 2: Vsebnost vlage wm v vzorcih, v odvisnosti od relativne vla`nosti  pri temperaturi 23 °C Figure 1: Natural-moisture content (wm/%) Slika 1: Vsebnost naravne vlage (wm/%) accordance with EN 1266711 and ISO 8301.12 The measurement was carried out at the natural weight moisture content state, at dry and at moist state. The results are listed in Table 4 and Figure 3. Table 4: Thermal conductivity in dependence on relative humidity  Tabela 4: Toplotna prevodnost v odvisnosti od relativne vla`nosti  Mixture No. /% 0 50 95 1 wm/% 0 8.10 33.04 (W m–1 K–1) 0.087 0.106 0.160 2 wm/% 0 12.57 47.00 (W m–1 K–1) 0.085 0.106 0.177 3 wm/% 0 12.23 42.11 (W m–1 K–1) 0.099 0.122 0.161 As Figure 3 indicates, the thermal conductivity depends on the relative humidity; as its value increases, the value of the thermal conductivity increases as well. This is most apparent for the specimens containing the organic cotton-plant filler. Among the specimens containing rice stems, the thermal conductivity in the damp condition significantly increased for specimen 2 with a lower content of binder and a higher porosity (it is possible to see it in the area where the relative humidity was above 50 %). Next, the dynamic stiffness of the material was tested using the resonance method in accordance with ISO 9052-1.13 The measured values are listed in Table 5, including the category pad and acoustic-material group.16 Table 5: Summary of dynamic stiffness s’ Tabela 5: Povzetek dinami~ne togosti s’ Mixture No. s’ (MPa m–1) Category pad* Acoustic-insulation properties* 1 10.91 Category I Dynamically soft 2 13.15 Category I Dynamically soft 3 12.47 Category I Dynamically soft * according to CSN 73053216 It can be assumed from the obtained values that all the specimens have good acoustic-insulation properties in terms of the impact sound and can be classified as the group of dynamically soft acoustic-insulation materials for which s’  30 MPa m–1 applies. Considering the dynamic-stiffness values, the materials can be used as impact-sound insulators. Finally, the sound-absorption coefficient was determined. The measurement was carried out using an acoustic resonator in accordance with ISO 10534-115 and from the obtained values the weighted sound-absorption coefficient w was calculated in line with EN ISO 11654.14 The resulting values are in Table 6, listing different sound-absorption categories. Table 6: Weighted sound-absorption coefficient w for the frequency of 500 Hz Tabela 6: Izmerjeni koeficient vpijanja zvoka w pri frekvenci 500 Hz Mixture No. w (–) Class of soundabsorption 1 0.75 C 2 0.80 B 3 0.90 A It is clear from Table 6 that the highest value of the weighted sound absorption was found for specimen 3, with the cotton-plant stems. Among the samples contain- ing the rice-plant stems, specimen 2, with a higher amount of organic fillers and a reduced binder amount, has higher values. 5 CONCLUSION The research into the possibility of using agricultural waste from the rice and cotton production brought interesting findings for the production of thermal and acoustic-insulation materials. The structure of the speci- mens was very porous as the coarse fractions of cotton and rice stems form an open porous system. The developed materials reached good values of the thermal conductivity, which can be influenced by increasing or reducing the amounts of the fillers or the binders. The amount of water glass must be chosen according to the need for activating the slag used. The thermal-conduc- tivity value is also influenced by the sensitivity of the material to the relative humidity. In terms of the acoustic properties, the materials acted as good sound absorbers. Especially the porous structure created by cotton stems exhibited high values of the sound-absorption coeffi- cient. To find the optimum formula for the lowest possi- ble values of the thermal conductivity and good acoustic properties while maintaining a sufficient material consistency is the task for further research. The speci- mens also exhibited very good properties from the point of view of dynamic stiffness. All the samples can be classified as dynamic soft insulation materials. With respect to the hygrothermal transport, it was found that these materials are sensitive to humidity; under normal conditions, they exhibit sorptive moisture comparable with wood. With a higher moisture content, the thermal insulating properties of these materials J. ZACH et al.: STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES AND HYGROTHERMAL BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 137–140 139 Figure 3: Dependence of thermal conductivity on relative humidity  Slika 3: Odvisnost toplotne prevodnosti od relativne vla`nosti  degrade; however, a more significant degradation occurs in the environments with a higher humidity. It can, there- fore, be stated that as long as these insulators (e.g., in the form of ETICS) are not exposed to a very high humidity or direct weather actions, they are able to function within the structure and can be successfully applied in many developing countries where they can provide protection not only from the negative effects of cold but also from the high temperatures during the summer (Central Asia, for instance). The research confirmed that binding by means of a slag-based alkali-activated binder could result in a very good ratio between the thermal insulation and mechanical properties. On the contrary, for instance, alkali-bound insulators obtained simply by being pressed or bound by means of bicomponent fibres, can be used in the structures with a lower mechanical load, putting relatively low demands on the production technology and for this reason, they can find use also in industrially less developed countries.2,9 Acknowledgements This paper was elaborated with the financial support of the projects GA 13-21791S and project No. LO1408 "AdMaS UP – Advanced Materials, Structures and Tech- nologies", supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the "National Sustainability Pro- gramme I". 6 REFERENCES 1 K. W. Corscadden, J. N. Biggs, D. K. Stiles, Sheep’s wool insulation: A sustainable alternative use for a renewable resource?, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 86 (2014), 9–15, doi:10.1016/ j.resconrec.2014.01.004 2 K. Wei, C. Lv, M. Chen, X. Zhou, Z. Dai, D. 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ZACH et al.: STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES AND HYGROTHERMAL BEHAVIOUR ... 140 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 137–140 U. ÖZMEN, B. OKUTAN BABA: PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC MODULUS OF CHICKEN-FEATHER-REINFORCED PLA ... 141–146 PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC MODULI OF CHICKEN-FEATHER-REINFORCED PLA AND A COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS NAPOVEDOVANJE MODULOV ELASTI^NOSTI PLA, OJA^ANEGA S PI[^AN^JIM PERJEM IN PRIMERJAVA Z EKSPERIMENTALNIMI REZULTATI Uður Özmen, Buket Okutan Baba Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department, 45140 Muradiye/Manisa, Turkey u.ozmen@hotmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.182 The purpose of this study is to obtain the elastic moduli, the key material property, of random discontinuous fiber composites with experiments and micromechanical models and to compare them. The proposed study makes it possible to assess the elastic moduli of chicken-feather fiber (CFF)/PLA green composites with different CFF mass fractions and to determine the feasibility of the micromechanical models for the CFF/PLA composites. For this purpose, initially, CFF/PLA composites including 2, 5 or 10 % chicken-feather mass fractions were extruded and standard tensile specimens for ISO 527 were formed with the injection-molding method. Tensile tests were carried out in accordance with the standards and the elastic moduli were calculated using the stress-strain curve. Then, using six different micromechanical models, the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites with different mass fractions were calculated and compared with the experimental results. The results of the experiments and the models indicated that the presence of chicken feather increased the elastic moduli of all the composites in comparison with the pure PLA. According to the experimental data, the maximum increase in the elastic moduli of the composites with the presence of CFF was found to be 5.4 %. The maximum error in the prediction is about 16.8 % for the composite with a chicken-feather rate of 10 % when Manera’s model is used. Among the micromechanical models, the ones that gave more converging results for the prediction of the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites are Pan’s 2-D, IROM (the inverse rule of mixtures), Nielsen-Chen and Halpin-Tsai models. A comparison of the results of these six models shows that the maximum deviation (the percentage error in prediction) is the smallest (1.4 %) for the Nielsen-Chen model. Therefore, the Nielsen-Chen model is the most appropriate model for the prediction of the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites. Keywords: chicken feather, PLA, green composite, micromechanical models Namen te {tudije je dobiti module elasti~nosti kot glavne lastnosti materiala, kompozitov z naklju~nimi vlakni, z eksperimenti in z mikromehanskimi modeli ter njihova primerjava. Predlagana {tudija bo omogo~ila dolo~itev modula elasti~nosti kompozita iz vlaken pi{~an~jega perja (CFF)/PLA, z razli~nim masnim dele`em CFF in ugotoviti izvedljivost mikromehanskih modelov za CFF/PLA kompozite. V ta namen so bili najprej kompoziti CFF/PLA z 2 %, 5 % in 10 % pi{~an~jih peres, ekstrudirani in izdelani so bili standardni natezni preizku{anci po ISO 527, z metodo brizganja v formo. Natezni preizkusi so bili izvr{eni v skladu s standardom in modul elasti~nosti je bil izra~unan iz krivulje napetost-raztezek. Nato so bili izra~unani moduli elasti~nosti kompozita CFF/PLA, z uporabo {estih razli~nih mikromehanskih modelov in primerjani z rezultati preizkusov. Rezultati preizkusov in modelov so pokazali, da prisotnost pi{~an~jih peres pove~a modul elasti~nosti vseh kompozitov, v primerjavi s ~istim PLA. Eksperimentalni podatki so pokazali, da je najve~je pove~anje modula elasti~nosti kompozita s CFF za 5,4 %. Pri uporabi Manera modela je bila najve~ja napovedana napaka okrog 16,8 % pri kompozitu z 10 % dele`em pi{~an~jega perja. Med mikromehanskimi modeli, ki imajo najve~ji raztros rezultatov pri napovedovanju modula elasti~nosti CFF/PLA kompozitov so Pan’s 2-D, IROM (Inverse Rule of Mixtures), Nielsen-Chen in Halpin-Tsai model. Primerjava rezultatov teh {estih modelov ka`e, da je najve~je odstopanje (odstotek pri napovedi) najmanj{e (1,4 %) pri Nielsen-Chen modelu. Torej je Nielsen-Chen model najbolj primeren za napovedovanje modula elasti~nosti CFF/PLA kompozitov. Klju~ne besede: pi{~an~je perje, PLA, zelen kompozit, mikromehanski modeli 1 INTRODUCTION Since the straw-reinforced cement in the antique ages, random discontinuous short-fiber-reinforced com- posites have always existed.1 A lot of experimental studies have been done on this subject. Many are about natural-fiber-reinforced ones because of the structure of natural fibers that cannot be converted into long fibers. Waste-based,2 synthetic-based,3 plant-based4–7 and ani- mal-based8–12 fibers have been studied by many researchers. Experimental studies are substantially important to get the highest efficiency from the random discontinuous short-fiber-reinforced composites. Experi- mental studies are still hard to perform, as time-consuming and costly tests need to be done to characterize the composite materials.13 Therefore, researchers developed certain micromechanical models for calculating the properties of the composites to avoid a great number of tests. Modelling of the random discontinuous short-fiber-reinforced composites is quite hard compared to the long and oriented ones. For the situations where the well-known method named the rule of mixtures for predicting the elastic moduli of com- posite materials could not provide proper predictions, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 141–146 141 UDK 66.017:620.168 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)141(2016) Christensen and Waals,14 Pan,15 Manera,16 Nielsen- Chen17 and Halpin-Tsai18,19 proposed new models based on the rule of mixtures. While for some models the range of validity is limited to specific mass fractions, other models are different. Although each of these models was developed for all the random discontinuous short-fiber- reinforced composites, they may give unexpected results for some of the composites. The purpose of this study is to predict the elastic mo- duli of the composites with different chicken-feather mass content via the models developed for random dis- continuous short-fiber-reinforced composites. The volu- me fractions, with which these models express their sen- sitive results, were investigated and the volume-fraction range for these composite materials was determined. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Two materials were used for the composites, poly lactic acid (PLA) as the matrix and chicken-feather fibers (CFFs) as the reinforcement. The CFFs were procured from a local company in Manisa/Turkey. The CFFs (or barbs) were separated from the rachis (Figure 1a). They were washed with hot water for sterilization and kept in water for 24 h. Then, the CFFs were kept in an oven at 60 °C for 6 h in order to dehumidify them. The lengths of the CFFs varied from 10 mm to 30 mm. Their diameters were measured to be approximately 20–40 μm using a light microscope (Figure 1b). The PLA was purchased from Resinex BMY AS in Istan- bul/Turkey. The type of the PLA was NatureWorks 3052D with a density of 1.24 g/cm3. The CFF/PLA composites with CFF mass fractions of (2, 5 and 10) % were manufactured by extrusion. Ini- tially, the PLA granules and the CFFs were mixed with a mechanical mixer. The mixtures were extruded using a U. ÖZMEN, B. OKUTAN BABA: PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC MODULUS OF CHICKEN-FEATHER-REINFORCED PLA ... 142 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 141–146 Figure 1: a) Parts of a chicken feather, b) light-microscope image of the barb Slika 1: a) Deli pi{~an~jega peresa, b) svetlobni posnetek str`ena peresa in perja Table 1: Tensile-test specimens of composites with different chicken-feather mass fractions Tabela 1: Natezni preizku{anci kompozitov z razli~nim masnim dele`em pi{~an~jega perja Pure PLA Tensile specimens containing 2 % of chicken feather Tensile specimens containing 5 % of chicken feather Tensile specimens containing 10 % of chicken feather Figure 2: Specimen during the tensile test Slika 2: Vzorec med nateznim preizkusom ThermoFisher Scientific EuroLab 16 XL twin-screw extruder. The barrel temperature-zone profile and the screw speed were 165/175/185/195/205 °C and 150 min–1, respectively. Following the extrusion process, the composites were chopped, with a pelletizer, into pieces with a length of 0.3 cm. Then, the granules were manu- factured as the tensile specimens in line with the ISO 527 standards, with a PERMAK injection-molding machine. The barrel temperatures and pressure were 154/160/154 °C and 147 bar, respectively. The tensile specimens are shown in Table 1. The length of the tensile specimens was 88 mm, the width of the narrow and wide sections was 5 and 10 mm, respectively. The thickness of the specimens was 4 mm and the gage length was 40 mm. The tensile test was conducted to determine the elastic moduli of the composites. Each specimen was tested at a speed of 1 mm/min, using a 100 kN Shimadzu Autograph testing machine (Figure 2). At least five identical specimens were tested per specimen type. 3 MICROMECHANICAL MODELS The micromechanical models that can predict the elastic moduli of random discontinuous fiber composites are presented below. The fiber volume fraction (Vf) used in the equations is calculated as follows:13 V M M M Mf f f f f c f m = + −    (1) where Mf and f indicate the mass and the density of the fiber material. Mc indicates the mass of the composite material and m indicates the density of the matrix. 3.1 Christensen-Waals model Christensen and Waals14 investigated a composite- material system whose random fiber orientation has three dimensional directions. They considered both the fiber orientation and the fiber/matrix interaction. They cal- culated the elastic moduli of the composite materials with low fiber fractions for the plane stress using the formula below: E c E c E= + + 3 1f m( ) c < 0.2 (2) where E indicates the elastic modulus of the composite material, Ef indicates the elastic modulus of the fiber material, Em indicates the elastic modulus of the matrix material and c indicates the fiber volume fraction. 3.2 Pan’s model Pan15 put forward a new approach for the prediction of the elastic moduli of the randomly oriented fiber com- posites. First, he used the rule of mixtures for the parts where the fibers were not unidirectional; he used the relationship between the fiber volume fraction and the fiber-area ratio. He obtained the equations below for 2- and 3-dimensional cases: E E V E V2 1 1 1D f f m f= + − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟π π (3) E E V E V3 1 2 1 1D f f m f= + − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟π 2π (4) where, E indicates the elastic modulus of the composite material, Ef indicates the elastic modulus of the fiber material, Em indicates the elastic modulus of the matrix material and Vf indicates the fiber volume fraction. 3.3 Inverse rule of mixtures (IROM) The rule-of-mixtures model is frequently used to pre- dict the elastic moduli of the composite materials with continuous and unidirectional fibers. Since the inverse rule of mixtures indicates that the loading is perpendi- cular to the fibers, it is used to predict the elastic moduli of the random discontinuous short-fiber-reinforced composites in this study.13 The inverse rule of mixtures is expressed as: E V E V E = + −⎛ ⎝ ⎜⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟⎟ − f f f m 1 1 (5) where E indicates the elastic modulus of the composite material, Ef indicates the elastic modulus of the fiber material, Em indicates the elastic modulus of the matrix material and Vf indicates the fiber volume fraction. 3.4 Manera’s model Manera16 developed a new equation by making some assumptions on Puck’s micromechanical model and simplifying it. These assumptions include a high fiber orientation ratio, two-dimensional random-fiber range, and he also considered the randomly oriented discon- tinuous fibers as the laminate of an unlimited number of layers. Manera’s equation is as follows: E V E E E= +⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ +f f m m 16 45 2 8 9 (6) where E indicates the elastic modulus of the composite material, Ef indicates the elastic modulus of the fiber material, Em indicates the elastic modulus of the matrix material and Vf indicates the fiber volume fraction. 3.5 Nielsen-Chen model Nielsen and Chen built a new model for the predic- tion of the elastic moduli of the composite materials using the rule of mixtures and the inverse rule of mixtures:17 U. ÖZMEN, B. OKUTAN BABA: PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC MODULUS OF CHICKEN-FEATHER-REINFORCED PLA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 141–146 143 E E E= +∏ ⊥ 3 8 5 8 (7) where; E E V E V∏ = + −f f m f( )1 (8) E E E E V V E⊥ = − + f m f f f m( )1 (9) and E indicates the elastic modulus of the composite material, Ef indicates the elastic modulus of the fiber material, Em indicates the elastic modulus of the matrix material and Vf indicates the fiber volume fraction. 3.6 Halpin-Tsai model The Halpin-Tsai model is quite complicated in comparison with the other micromechanical models.18,19 Its consideration of the aspect ratio is the most important advantage of this model. Therefore, the Halpin-Tsai model converges better to the experimental results. The Halpin-Tsai model is as follows: E E v v = + −m f f 1 1   (10) where  and  are:   = − E E E E f m f m 1 (11)  = 2L D (12) and E indicates the elastic modulus of the composite material, Ef indicates the elastic modulus of the fiber material, Em indicates the elastic modulus of the matrix material and Vf indicates the fiber volume fraction. L and D indicate the fiber length and diameter, respec- tively. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The elastic moduli of PLA and CFF/PLA composites were obtained with tensile testing and the results are shown in Table 2. The elastic modulus of PLA was experimentally measured as 3004 MPa. The chicken- feather addition increased the elastic modulus by approximately 2.6 % for the mass fraction of 2 %, while increasing the elastic modulus by 2.4 % for the mass U. ÖZMEN, B. OKUTAN BABA: PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC MODULUS OF CHICKEN-FEATHER-REINFORCED PLA ... 144 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 141–146 Figure 3: Comparison of the elastic moduli of the composite materials obtained with different micromechanical models Slika 3: Primerjava modulov elasti~nosti kompozitnih materialov, dobljenih iz razli~nih mikromehanskih modelov Table 3: Elastic moduli of composite materials obtained with micro- mechanical models Tabela 3: Moduli elasti~nosti kompozitnih materialov iz mikro- mehanskih modelov C hi ck en -f ea th er m as s fr ac ti on s (w /% ) C hr is te ns en -W aa ls M od el IR O M Pa n’ s M od el (2 -D ) Pa n’ s M od el (3 -D ) M an er a’ s M od el N ie ls en -C he n M od el H al pi n- T sa i M od el 2 3130(1.7) 3034 (1.6) 3019 (2.1) 3317 (7.6) 2882 (6.3) 3040 (1.4) 3034 (1.6) 5 3315(7.8) 3079 (0.1) 3040 (1.2) 3319 (7.9) 3194 (3.8) 3092 (0.5) 3079 (0.1) 10 3614(14.1) 3153 (0.4) 3074 (2.9) 3322 (4.9) 3697 (16.8) 3179 (0.4) 3153 (0.4) *The values given in the parentheses are percentage differences between the elastic moduli obtained with the micromechanical models and experiments. Table 2: Experimental data for the elastic moduli of CFF/PLA com- posites Tabela 2: Eksperimentalni podatki za module elasti~nosti CFF/PLA kompozita Chicken-feather mass fractions, (w/%) Chicken-feather volume fractions, (Vf /%) Elastic modulus (E/MPa) 0 0 3004 (255) 2 2.76 3083 (83) 5 6.83 3076 (309) 10 13.4 3166 (132) *The values given in the parentheses are standard deviations. fraction of 5 %. Similarly, its increase for the composite materials with a chicken-feather mass fraction of 10 % was 5.4 %. The increasing CFF content raised the elastic modulus as expected. This increase in the elastic modu- lus validated the predictions made with the micro- mechanical models. A comparison of the elastic moduli obtained with the models and tests for the composite materials including the chicken-feather mass fractions of (2, 5 and 10) % is shown in Table 3. To show the differences between the results of the models and the tests, the elastic moduli from Table 3 are plotted as shown in Figure 3. Accord- ing to the literature, the Christensen-Waals model gives accurate results for some composite materials containing a mass fraction of up to 20 %. In this study, the CFF/PLA composites having a mass fraction of 2 % show a deviation of 1.7 %, which is a close to the experi- mental results, as mentioned above. The materials including mass fractions of 5 and 10 % show deviations of 7.8 % and 14.1 %, respectively, which means that the results diverge from the experimental data when the mass fraction of the material increases. Consequently, the Christensen-Waals model does not predict the elastic modulus very well for a fiber mass fraction of more than 2 %. IROM shows a deviation of 1.6 % from the predic- tion of the elastic modulus of the composites including a 2 % chicken-feather content when compared with the experimental results. IROM produces accurate values converging by more than 99 % to the prediction of the elastic moduli of the composites having mass fractions of 5 and 10 %. Pan’s 2-D model shows the results close to the experimental elastic-modulus values of the com- posites including (2, 5 and 10) % of CFF. Their devi- ations are (2.1, 1.2 and 2.9) %, respectively. On the other hand, the elastic modulus found with Pan’s 3-D model is higher than the test data even at low fiber mass fractions. Manera’s model fails to give good predictions of the elastic modulus for high fiber mass fractions. Therefore, it is not possible to use Manera’s model for the predic- tion of the elastic moduli of the composites including high fiber contents. However, the model gives reasonable predictions for the fiber mass fractions of about 5 %. Manera’s model exhibits a deviation of 3.8 % for the composite including a mass fraction of 5 %. Another elastic-modulus-prediction model is the Nielsen-Chen model. The predictions of this model are close to the test data. It exhibits deviations of (1.4, 0.5 and 0.4) % for the elastic moduli of the composites including (2, 5 and 10) % of the CFF content, respec- tively, when compared with the experimental results. Hence, the Nielsen-Chen model is the best model producing the closest and most reliable results among the models investigated in this study. As seen in Figure 2, the Halpin-Tsai model exhibits the results similar to IROM and its deviations are very close to the ones found with IROM. The Halpin-Tsai model is also one of the most appropriate models to predict the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites. 5 CONCLUSION In this study, the elastic moduli of the composites including mass fractions of (2, 5 and 10) % of chicken- feather fibers were predicted using six different micro- mechanical models and the results were compared with the experimental data. The results are given below: Although the Christensen-Waals model gives good predictions for low fiber mass fractions, it does not fit well the test data for high fiber mass fractions. Pan’s 3-D model and Manera’s model do not produce reliable results when used to predict the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites. The comparison with the experimental results shows that Pan’s 2-D model, the inverse rule of mixtures and the Halpin-Tsai model can be used to predict the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites. From the comparison, it can be seen that the Niel- sen-Chen model gives the best predictions of the elastic modulus of the CFF/PLA composites. Consequently, the most appropriate model to predict the elastic moduli of the CFF/PLA composites is the Nielsen-Chen model. Acknowledgements This project was supported by the Celal Bayar University Research Funds 2013/35. 6 REFERENCES 1 F. P. La Mantia, M. 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OKUTAN BABA: PREDICTION OF THE ELASTIC MODULUS OF CHICKEN-FEATHER-REINFORCED PLA ... 146 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 141–146 A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS 147–151 COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS KOMPOZITI Z ANORGANSKO OSNOVO ZA IZPOSTAVITEV EKSTREMNIM RAZMERAM Amos Dufka, Tomá{ Melichar Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Materials and Components, Veveøí 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic dufka.a@fce.vutbr.cz, melichar.t@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.205 The vast majority of reinforced-concrete structures are exposed to aggressive substances from the environment during their exploitation. The consequence is the degradation of the materials and reduction in the lifetime of the structures. Therefore, it is natural to make an effort to develop and apply the materials that are maximally resistant to such conditions. Materials based on alkali-activated matrices show a high resistance against chemically aggressive environments. The article is focused on the use of the materials based on alkali-activated substances as repair materials for the structures exposed to aggressive groundwater. Keywords: alkali-activated substances, aggressive surrounding, durability of structures Velika ve~ina betonskih konstrukcij je med uporabo izpostavljena agresivnim snovem iz okolja. Posledica je razpadanje mate- riala in skraj{anje trajnostne dobe konstrukcije. Zato je naravno, da si prizadevamo razviti in uporabiti materiale, ki so najbolj zdr`ljivi v danih razmerah. Materiali, ki imajo z alkalijami aktivirano osnovo, izkazujejo veliko odpornost pri izpostavitvi kemijsko agresivnemu okolju. ^lanek obravnava uporabo materialov, ki temeljijo na snoveh, aktiviranih z alkalijami, kot mate- rialih za popravilo konstrukcij, ki so izpostavljene agresivni talni vodi. Klju~ne besede: z alkalijami aktivirane snovi, agresivno okolje, zdr`ljivost konstrukcij 1 INTRODUCTION A lot of structures are exposed to the environments that are, due to their chemistry, quite aggressive to rein- forced concrete. The material’s resistance against the aggressive substances from the external environment is mainly determined by the features of its matrix.1 Com- pared to concrete stone, the materials with the matrices based on alkali-activated substances have a significantly higher resistance to chemical substances. The article deals with the development and, especially, the applica- tion of the repair materials based on alkali-activated materials used for the repair of the reinforced-concrete lining of an underground collector used in a chemically aggressive environment. 2 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COLLECTOR AND THE CONDITIONS OF ITS EXPLOITATION The excavation of the underground collector was done using the machine-excavation technology, while the final scraping of the excavation area was carried out with the classical, manual excavation method. The excavation area is from 13 m2 to 14 m2 (by stationing). The length of the underground part of the collector is 7.87 km; the lining and casing of the tunnels are made of shotcrete, whose strength within this project is determined to be 20 MPa. The lining of the tunnels is reinforced with welded mesh panels (Ø 6–100/100 mm) and a rigid mine casing. The thickness of the shotcrete is 100 mm. Dry shotcrete was applied. Already one year after the construction, significant defects began to occur. These were mainly the penetra- tion of water through the lining, new formations of solid carbonate on the surface of the lining, the formation of waste products associated with the reinforcement corrosion, etc. A typical state of the damaged lining after one year of operation is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 147 UDK 691.32:620.193:624.012.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)147(2016) Figure 1: View of the location, in which a massive penetration of moisture occurred: new solid-carbonate formations are visible on the surface of the lining Slika 1: Prikaz podro~ja, kjer se je pojavila mo~na penetracija vlage; viden je nastanek trdnega karbonata na povr{ini podlage The state of the structure continued to deteriorate very quickly and, therefore, it was necessary to take cor- rective measures. It was found that before the construc- tion of the collector no hydrogeological survey was per- formed, or it was performed unprofessionally and insufficiently. To properly assess the causes of the failures, a detailed construction and technical investigation was carried out in the places where the state of the concrete was being evaluated, and an analysis of the chemical composition of the groundwater in various locations of the collector was performed. The results of the chemical analysis of the groundwater are given in Table 1. The foregoing shows that in terms of the durability of the concrete the amount of sulphate ions in the water is essential. The aggressiveness of the environment in diffe- rent parts of the collector can be classified as relevant in accordance with EN 206-1 (Table 2). Table 1: Results of the chemical analysis of groundwater Tabela 1: Kemijska analiza talnice Chemical composition Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments Alkalinity 7.68 7.50 7.70 Sulphates 3450 mg L–1 148 mg L–1 1369 mg L–1 Chlorides 170 mg L–1 152 mg L–1 260 mg L–1 Nitrates 146 mg L–1 124 mg L–1 180 mg L–1 Ammonia ions 0.17 mg L–1 0.13 mg L–1 0.08 mg L–1 Chemical composition Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments Stationing 6.67 km – quaternary sediments Alkalinity 7.15 7.25 7.38 Sulphates 3825 mg L–1 1740 mg L–1 193 mg L–1 Chlorides 156 mg L–1 78 mg L–1 178 mg L–1 Nitrates 160 mg L–1 112 mg L–1 134 mg L–1 Ammonia ions 4.12 mg L–1 0.17 mg L–1 16. mg L–1 Table 2: Evaluation of groundwater aggression Tabela 2: Ocena po{kodb zaradi talne vode Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments Highly aggressive environment Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments No aggression Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments Moderately aggressive chemical environment Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments Highly aggressive environment Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments Moderately aggressive chemical environment Stationing 6.67 km – quaternary sediments No aggression On the basis of the results of the chemical analysis of the water samples it was possible to conclude that the water that passes through quaternary sediments does not cause the sulphate corrosion of the concrete. A com- pletely different situation occurs when the water passes through tertiary sediments. These waters show moderate and, in some areas, even high sulphate aggressiveness. The results of the chemical analysis clearly demonstrated a high level of aggressiveness of the groundwater affect- ing the collector. Underestimating this fact or failing to carry out a hydrogeological research before the construc- tion of a collector is, therefore, shown to be a serious deficiency. To assess the actual state after two years of the ope- ration of the collector, a construction and technical research was performed, aimed especially to: • assess the state of the concrete, in terms of both physical and mechanical parameters (i.e., particularly in terms of compressive strength) and in terms of its chemical and mineralogical compositions; • assess the state of the reinforcement and the degree of its corrosion, especially in connection to the concrete’s ability to passivate the reinforcement corrosion with its natural alkalinity. The process of the construction and technical re- search was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Technical Conditions for Reinforced Concrete Structure Reinstalment1 and the relevant technical stan- A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS 148 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 Figure 2: Collection of core bores from the lining. Significant car- bonate efflorescence is visible on the surface of the wall. Slika 2: Zbiranje jeder iz izvrtine v podlagi. Na povr{ini stene je vi- den mo~an razcvet karbonatov. Table 3: Concrete’s compressive strength depending on the aggres- siveness of groundwater in different parts of the collector Tabela 3: Trdnost betona v odvisnosti od po{kodb zaradi talne vode na razli~nih pozicijah kolektorja Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments 8 MPa Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments 25 MPa Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments 14 MPa Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments 10 MPa Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments 16 MPa Stationing 6.67 km – quaternary sediments 27 MPa dards. The sampling for testing the compressive strength and for the physico-chemical analysis was carried out with core bores. Within the project, the strength class of the concrete was defined as 20 MPa. The results for the compressive strength determined on the samples and collected within the research are summarized in Table 3. The mineralogical composition of the concrete was evaluated with an X-ray diffraction analysis, its results are presented in Table 4. Table 4: Results of the mineralogical analysis of the concrete Tabela 4: Rezultati mineralo{ke sestave betona Sampling point Identified minerals Stationing 0.57 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, ettringite, gypsum, quartz, feldspar Stationing 1.56 km – quaternary sediments Calcite, portlandite, calcium silicate hydrate II, mono- sulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 2.68 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, portlandite, monosulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, ettringite, gypsum, monosulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 5.93 km – tertiary sediments Calcite, portlandite, calcium silicate hydrate II, mono- sulphate, quartz, feldspar Stationing 6.67 km –quaternary sediments Calcite, portlandite, calcium silicate hydrate II, carbonate complex, monosulphate, quartz, feldspar It is clear that in certain locations, already after two years of the groundwater penetration, a massive degra- dation of the concrete occurred. The concrete’s compres- sive strength in the affected areas is only about half of its original value. This finding corresponds completely with the results of the physical and chemical analyses show- ing massive corrosion formations (gypsum, secondary ettringite) in the microstructure of the affected concrete. In addition, the physical and chemical analyses showed that in some areas the water penetrating the lining caused quite an intense decomposition ("a washout") of the cement matrix. This, of course, resulted in a decrease in the strength of the concrete. So, massive and negative symptoms occurred after two years of the operation of the collector. On the basis of the experience with similar types of structures, sup- ported by a mathematical simulation, an assumption was formulated, according to which in approximately two years, in some parts of the collector the rate of degra- dation of the lining will be so high that the static load of the collector will be affected. Therefore, it was necessary to repair the structure. The first phase of the repair work related to the most affected areas. In these locations, the entire layer of the concrete along the lining was removed and the reinforce- ment affected by extreme corrosion was replaced. The removed concrete was then replaced with the repair ma- terial. Due to the highly aggressive environment, a mate- rial with a matrix based on alkali-activated substances was used. 3 REPAIR MATERIAL BASED ON ALKALI-ACTIVATED MATERIALS When developing a formula based on alkali-activated materials, we used the results from earlier researches.2–7 In terms of the properties of the resulting mixture, the compositions of individual components are important. The basic characteristics of the materials used for pro- ducing the mixtures with alkali-activated matrices are summarized in the following tables (Tables 5 to 7). Table 5: Chemical composition of metakaolin Tabela 5: Kemijska sestava metakaolina Component Representation (%) Al2O3 41.90 SiO2 52.90 K2O 0.77 Fe2O3 1.08 TiO2 1.80 MgO 0.18 CaO 0.13 Table 6: Chemical composition of slag Tabela 6: Kemijska sestava `lindre Component Representation (%) Al2O3 7.42 SiO2 38.51 CaO 36.26 MgO 10.11 K2O 0.43 Fe2O3 0.74 TiO2 0.026 Table 7: Chemical composition of sodium-silica water glass Tabela 7: Kemijska sestava vodnega stekla Na-Si Component Representation (%) SiO2 50.82 Na2O 26.25 Water 22.12 Silicate module 1.92 Table 8: Formula of the repair mixture based on alkali-activated mate- rials Tabela 8: Sestava reparaturne me{anice na osnovi z alkalijo aktivi- ranega materiala Ingredient Ingredient dosage of concrete,kg/m3 Slag 430 Sodium-silica glass 95 Metakaolin 50 Water 180 Aggregates 1750 Aggregates with fractions of 0–4 mm and 4–8 mm were used as the filler. The particle-size distribution A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 149 curve was optimized according to the Empa II proce- dure.5 The mixture composition is given in Table 8. This mixture was applied in the locations of the lining, where it was necessary to remove the original concrete. The effectiveness of this measure was then evaluated using the procedure described in the following section. 4 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF THE NEW MATERIAL The efficiency, or durability, of the repair material was evaluated as follows: One year after the repairs, control samples were taken from the localities in which the repair mixture in question was applied. A set of physico-mechanical and physico-chemical parameters of these samples was determined. Attention was focused especially on the following parameters: • the tensile strength of the surface layers; • the compressive strength; • the microstructure, analysed with physico-chemical methods. The X-ray diffraction analysis and the scanning electron microscopy were used. The tensile-strength test of the surface layers was made "in situ", the sampling for testing the compressive strength and for the physico-chemical analysis was carried out with core bores. These analyses were performed with the procedures that are in accordance with the provisions of the relevant technical standards. The samples representing the repair material were then subjected to the same set of experi- ments after being stored for about 28 d and 360 d in standard laboratory conditions (i.e., t = (20 ± 2) °C,  = (60 ± 5) %). These values were considered as the refe- rences. The comparison of the values recorded on the reference bodies and the samples of the repair materials exposed to the environment of the collector for one year was the essential criterion in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the repairs carried out. The data found with the set of experiments are shown below (Tables 9 and 10). Table 9: Results of the strength-parameter tests of the repair material Tabela 9: Rezultati preizkusa trdnosti reparaturnega materiala sample identification Bulk density (kg/m3) Tensile strength of surface layers (MPa) Compres- sive strength (MPa) Reference set – stored for 28 d in standard laboratory conditions 2450 2.1 35.6 Reference set – stored for one year in standard laboratory conditions 2400 2.3 36.2 Stationing 0.57 km – significant sulphate aggressiveness, annual exposure 2420 1.9 34.3 Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments, annual exposure 2380 2.0 34.0 Table 10: Results for the mineralogical composition of the repair material Tabela 10: Mineralo{ka sestava reparaturnega materiala Sample identification Identified minerals Reference set – stored for 28 d in standard laboratory conditions Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar Reference set – stored for one year in standard laboratory conditions Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar Stationing 0.57 km – signi- ficant sulphate aggressiveness, annual exposure Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar Stationing 4.42 km – tertiary sediments, annual exposure Calcium silicate hydrate II, goethit, quartz, feldspar The microstructure of the material was also analysed using the scanning electron microscopy (Figure 3). On the basis of the above findings we can say that in terms of both the strength parameters and mineralogy, the parameters of the repair material exposed to the highly corrosive environment are quite comparable with the reference parameters. A. DUFKA, T. MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS 150 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 Figure 3: Detailed analysis of the microstructure showed a: a) de-facto amorphous phase of the matrix for both the reference material and b) the exposed material of the collector Slika 3: Podrobnej{a analiza mikrostrukture poka`e: a) amorfno osnovo tako v primerjalnem materialu kot tudi v b) izpostavljenem materialu v kolektorju (a) (b) 5 CONCLUSIONS The article deals with the way of repairing an under- ground collector affected, in some areas, by underground waters with a highly aggressive chemical effect. Already in one or two years of the collector’s operation these wa- ters caused distinct disorders. In the affected areas there was a significant reduction in the mechanical properties of the concrete, and its ability to protect the reinforce- ment against the corrosion was significantly reduced. Thus, local repairs were carried out, whereby a material with its matrix based on alkali-activated materials was used as the repair material. The matrix of the repair material was composed of a mixture of blast-furnace slag and metakaolin. Water glass was used as the activator. The matakaolin added to the mixture was to reduce the negative effects associated with the autogenous shrinkage that usually accompanies the aging of the materials with pure-slag matrices.3,6 The control tests that were conducted one year after the repair work demonstrated that the aggressive effects of the water did not result in a decrease in the strength of the repair material. Neither were negative changes found in its microstructure. It was also established that the rein- forcement was very well protected against the corrosion due to the repair material. It is clear that the period (one year of application) is short in terms of the durability of the structures, and for a precise verification of our findings, we will need to con- tinue with the monitoring of the concerned construction. However, despite this fact, it can be noted that so far the results have indicated a high potential of the material with a matrix based on alkali-activated materials in the repair of the reinforced concrete structures exposed to chemically aggressive environments. Acknowledgements This research was done with the financial help of project GA^R 14-25504S, Research of Behaviour of Inorganic Matrix Composites Exposed to Extreme Con- ditions, and EU project The Research and Development for Innovation, reg. number CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0097, through the activities of regional centre AdMaS – Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies. 6 REFERENCES 1 R. Drochytka, J. Dohnálek, J. Byd`ovský, V. Pumpr, A. Dufka, P. Dohnálek, Technické podmínky pro sanace betonových konstrukcí TP SSBK III., 1. edition, Sdru`ení pro sanace betonových konstrukcí, (The specifications for the reinstalment of concrete structures TP SSBK III, 1st edition, Association of Concrete Structure Reinstalment), Brno 2013, 262 pages 2 M. Palacios, F. Puertas, Effect of shrinkage reducing admixtures on properties of alkali-activated slags, mortars and pastes, Cement and Concrete Research, 37 (2007) 5, 691–702, doi:10.1016/j.cemconres. 2006.11.021 3 P. 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MELICHAR: COMPOSITES BASED ON INORGANIC MATRICES FOR EXTREME EXPOSURE CONDITIONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 147–151 151 M. BASIAGA et al.: THE EFFECT OF EO AND STEAM STERILIZATION ON THE MECHANICAL ... 153–158 THE EFFECT OF EO AND STEAM STERILIZATION ON THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TITANIUM GRADE 4 VPLIV EO IN STERILIZACIJE S PARO NA MEHANSKE IN ELEKTROKEMIJSKE LASTNOSTI TITANA GRADE 4 Marcin Basiaga, Witold Walke, Zbigniew Paszenda, Anita Kajzer Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Zabrze, Poland marcin.basiaga@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-09-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.241 Currently, various modifications to surfaces are made more and more frequently in order to improve implants’ haemocom- patibility. The main criterion determining the applicability of the respective surface-modification method is obtaining a product featuring suitable functional properties. These properties depend to a great extent on the corrosion resistance in the environment of human blood. Subject-matter literature does not devote much attention to the sterilisation process for titanium and cpTi alloys with surface modifications. A problem that still remains unsolved is the selection of a proper test showing the full characteristics of their behaviour contact with a blood environment during the time that the implant is used. Therefore, the authors of this study made an attempt to evaluate the impact of medical sterilisation methods, i.e., the ethylene oxide anodic oxide and SiO2 layer, by means of the sol-gel method. The efficiency of the suggested technology for oxide layer application was evaluated on the basis of mechanical and electrochemical tests. Sterilisation in ethylene oxide and steam had a favourable influence on the electrochemical and mechanical properties of cpTi, irrespective of the method of surface preparation. In order to simulate real conditions, the tests were performed in artificial plasma at a temperature of T = 37 ± 1 °C and pH = 7.0 ± 0.2. The results proved the diversification of electrochemical properties of the oxide layers, depending on the technological parameters of its application. The suggestion of proper variants of the surface modification with the application of electrochemical and chemical methods is of long-range importance and will contribute to the development of technological conditions with specific parameters for the creation of oxide layers on metallic implants made of cpTi. Keywords: cpTi (Grade 4), SiO2, TiO2, mechanical properties, electrochemical properties Vedno pogosteje se opravljajo razli~ne modifikacije povr{ine, da bi se izbolj{ala hemokompatibilnost vsadkov. Glavni kriterij, ki dolo~a uporabnost metode za modifikacijo povr{ine je, da proizvod poka`e primerne funkcionalne lastnosti. Te lastnosti so v veliki meri odvisne od korozijske odpornosti v ~love{ki krvi. Obstoje~a literatura ne posve~a velike pozornosti postopku sterilizacije titana in cpTi zlitin z modificirano povr{ino. Problem, ki {e ni re{en, je izbira primernega preizkusa, ki bi pokazal vse zna~ilnosti o obna{anju stika s krvjo med uporabo vsadka. Zato so avtorji v tej {tudiji poizkusili oceniti vpliv medicinskih metod sterilizacije, kot je etilen oksid anodni oksid in SiO2 plast izdelano s pomo~jo metode sol-gel. Predlagana tehnologija uporabe oksidnega sloja je bila ocenjena z mehanskimi in elektrokemijskimi preizkusi. Sterilizacija v etilen oksidu in pari je imela ugodne vplive na elektrokemijske in mehanske lastnosti cpTi, ne glede na na~in priprave povr{ine. Za simulacijo realnih pogojev so bili preizkusi izvr{eni v umetni plazmi pri temperaturi T = 37 ± 1 °C in pH = 7,0 ± 0,2. Dobljeni rezultati so potrdili razli~nost v elektrokemijskih lastnostih oksidnih plasti, odvisno od tehnolo{kih parametrov njene uporabe. Predlog ustreznega na~ina spremembe povr{ine z uporabo elektrokemijskih in kemijskih metod je dolgoro~no pomemben in bo prispeval k razvoju tehnolo{kih pogojev s specifi~nimi parametri nastajanja plasti oksidov na kovinskem implantatu iz cpTi. Klju~ne besede: cpTi (Grade 4), SiO2, TiO2, mehanske lastnosti, elektrokemijske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Literature does not devote much attention to the steri- lisation process for titanium and cpTi alloys with surface modification.1,2 In recent years there has been a dynamic development in pure titanium coating methods, aimed at improving the hemocompatibility.3,4 Surface-layer modi- fication methods must be selected in a way that does not cause phase or structural transitions, or precipitation processes in the base material. It has a particular significance for the geometry of implants having small cross-sectional areas or small-radii edges (stents or heart valves). For this reason, surface-layer modification for titanium and its alloys uses low-temperature methods, and especially anodic oxidation coating and the sol-gel method. The properties of TiO2 layers obtained through the process of anodic oxidation and SiO2 layers obtained with the sol-gel method depend on the properties of the titanium surface and the process parameters. The deve- lopment and verification of conditions for coating cpTi with layers of TiO2 and SiO2 characterized by high hemocompatibility was the topic of previous papers pub- lished by the authors.5–7 The safety of a medical device involving contact with blood is also related to the ne- cessity of observing the appropriate procedures, pre- venting the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms into the human body. Such procedures are aimed at the remo- val and efficient elimination of microorganisms and the obtaining of sterile medical devices complying with certain specified quality requirements. A medical device is considered sterile when it achieves a Sterility Assur- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 153–158 153 UDK 669.295:544.6:532.6 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)153(2016) ance Level (SAL) of 10–6. Therefore, in order to deter- mine the impact of the procedure on the properties of the proposed surface layers, the authors subjected cpTi samples to steam sterilization and ethylene oxide sterili- zation. These two methods of medical sterilization are currently the most frequently used for devices having contact with blood. Taking the sterilization process into consideration will allow the characterization of the physical and chemical properties of the proposed surface layers in a more complete way, which has a significant influence on reducing the incidence of failures in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The study material was Grade 4 cpTi in the form of disks of the following dimensions: diameter, d = 14 mm, thickness, g = 2 mm. The samples were subjected to metal finishing consisting of mechanical grinding and electrolytic polishing, and then coating with layers of SiO2 and TiO2 based on two methods. The SiO2 layer was applied using the sol-gel method with the following process parameters: v = 3.0 cm/min, T = 430 °C, t = 60 min. The silica precursors were: tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), Si(OC2H5)4 and tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS), Si(OCH3)4. Other reagents included ethyl alcohol (EtOH) and water. On the other hand, the TiO2 layer was applied with the use of anodic oxidation at a potential of 100 V in an electrolyte based on phosphoric and sulphuric acids. Later, the prepared samples were subjected to ethylene oxide sterilization and steam sterilization. Ethylene oxide sterilization was conducted during a 12-hour cycle of exposure to ethylene oxide at 30 °C. After the process, the samples were ventilated for 2 h with the use of an EOGas series sterilizer from An- dersen Products. The cycle yielded a Sterility Assurance Level SAL of 10–6. The process was controlled by means of a chemical indicator, a biological indicator and an ethylene oxide exposure indicator. The steam steriliza- tion was performed in a Basic Plus autoclave at tempe- rature, T = 134 °C, pressure, p = 2.1 bar, and time, t = 12 min. The tests were performed on samples coated with SiO2 and TiO2 (cpTi+SiO2 and cpTi+TiO2), coated with SiO2 and TiO2 and subjected to steam sterilization (cpTi+SiO2+steam and cpTi+TiO2+steam), and coated with SiO2 and TiO2 and subjected to ethylene oxide sterilization (cpTi+SiO2+EO and cpTi+TiO2+EO). In order to assess the impact of a given type of medical sterilization on the mechanical and electrochemical properties of the proposed cpTi surface modifications, the authors selected electrochemical potentiodynamic and impedance tests. The assessment of the mechanical properties, in turn, consisted of a measurement of the layer adhesion to the base and a measurement of the hardness. The investigation of the electrochemical properties began with potentiodynamic tests and registration of the polarization curves. The measurement facility consisted of a potentiostat with a PGP-201 generator, an electro- chemical cell with a set of electrodes (platinum PtP-201 electrode the auxiliary and calomel electrode as the reference), and a solution (250 mL) functioning as artifi- cial plasma (pH = 7.0 ± 0.2). The artificial plasma during the test had a temperature T = 37.0 ± 1 °C. Corrosion tests started by determining the open-circuit potential EOCP for no current flowing. Anodic polarization curves were registered from the initial potential value, Estart = EOCP – 100 mV. The potential change took place in the anodic direction at a speed of 0.16 mV/s.8–10 After obtaining an anodic current density of 1 mA/cm2 or the measurement range +4000 mV, the polarization direction was changed in order to register the formation of any hysteresis loop. Further, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were conducted using an AutoLab PGSTAT 302N system equipped with an FRA2 module. The measurement system was used in the fre- quency range 104–10–3 Hz, with a sinusoidal voltage amplitude of the stimulating signal of 10 mV. The impe- dance spectra were determined and the measurements matched to an equivalent circuit by means of the least-squares method. The impedance spectra of the studied system were presented in the form of Nyquist plots for various frequencies and Bode plots.11 The mechanical properties were then tested, with the properties of interest being the adhesion of the layers to the base and their hardness. The adhesion of the layers to the base was tested using the scratch-test method on an open platform equipped with a CSM Micro-Combi- Tester in compliance with the standard.12 The test in- volved generating a scratch with an indenter (Rockwell- type diamond cone), gradually increasing the load on the indenter. The assessment of the critical load, Lc, was made on the basis of registered acoustic emission changes, friction force and coefficient, as well as observations from the light microscope integrated into the platform. The tests were performed at increasing loads in the range 0.03–20 N and for the following para- meters: load rate 10 N/min, table speed 1.5 mm/min, scratch length 3 mm. The instrumental hardness measurement was performed using the Oliver-Pharr method, with the use of a Berkovich indenter on the open platform Micro-Combi-Tester by CSM Instruments. The loading and unloading rate amounted to 0.40 mN/min, while the loading force exerted on the indenter was 0.20 mN.13 3 RESULTS Polarization curves registered during the potentiody- namic tests were the basis for a determination of the characteristic quantities describing the pitting-corrosion resistance of cpTi with a modified surface layer before and after sterilization (steam and EO) (Figure 1 and Table 1). M. BASIAGA et al.: THE EFFECT OF EO AND STEAM STERILIZATION ON THE MECHANICAL ... 154 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 153–158 The corrosive potential registered for the samples before sterilization assumed the following values: cpTi+TiO2 – Ecorr = –235 mV and cpTi+SiO2 – Ecorr = –178 mV. In the case of the samples subjected to anodic oxidation and sterilization, the corrosive potential was: cpTi+TiO2+steam – Ecorr = –142 mV and cpTi+TiO2+EO – Ecorr = –170 mV, while for the samples coated with silica and sterilized it was: cpTi+SiO2+steam – Ecorr = –121 mV and cpTi+SiO2+EO – Ecorr = –121 mV. Regardless of the surface-modification method and the medical sterilization method, no hysteresis loop was observed, which shows that the analysed samples polarized up to potential value of +4000 mV are fully resistant to pitting corrosion (Figure 1 and Table 1). Table 1: Results of potentiodynamic test (mean measurement values) Tabela 1: Rezultati potenciodinami~nega preizkusa (srednje izmerje- ne vrednosti) Surface Ecorr, mV Rp, M cm2 cpTi+TiO2 inital state –235 4.02 EO –170 43.70 steam –142 30.58 cpTi+SiO2 inital state –178 0.47 EO –121 9.20 steam –121 1.30 M. BASIAGA et al.: THE EFFECT OF EO AND STEAM STERILIZATION ON THE MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 153–158 155 Figure 3: Impedance spectra for the sample cpTi(SiO2): a) Nyquist plot, b) Bode diagram Slika 3: Spekter impedance za vzorec cpTi(SiO2): a) Nyquist diagram, b) Bode diagram Figure 1: Anodic polarisation curves of sample: a) cpTi(TiO2), b) cpTi(SiO2) Slika 1: Krivulje anodne polarizacije vzorcev: a) cpTi(TiO2), b) cpTi(SiO2) Figure 2: Impedance spectra for the sample cpTi(TiO2): a) Nyquist plot, b) Bode diagram Slika 2: Spekter impedance za vzorec cpTi(TiO2): a) Nyquist diagram, b) Bode diagram The impedance spectra determined during the EIS tests indicate diversified kinetics during the process taking place in the surface layers formed on the cpTi base before and after medical sterilization (Figures 2 and 3). The impedance spectra were analysed with the use of equivalent circuits, and their resultant impedances described (Figure 4 and Table 2). The best conformity between the model spectra and the experimental spectra obtained from the artificial plasma was achieved in the following circuits:5,6,11 • circuit indicating the existence of a double layer, where Rs is the resistance of the artificial plasma, CPEp is a constant phase element modelling the capacity of the surface zone of the material, with a highly developed surface, Rp – an element modelling the solution resistance in this zone, Rct and CPEdl – resistance and capacity of the oxide layer (Figure 4a), • circuit including also CPEpore – an element represent- ing the capacity of a double (porous) layer and an Rpore resistor representing the electrolytic resistance in the pores (Figure 4b). In the case of the cpTi+TiO2+steam sample, the layer was triple. This was a result of the penetration of the artificial plasma into the surface layer, resulting from the fact that the oxide layer created during anodic oxidation was destroyed by the steam, and recreated deeper inside, up to the layer adjacent to the base. In the remaining samples, the presence of a layer with high surface development was observed. The layer functioned as an additional barrier protecting the material against the corrosive environment. M. BASIAGA et al.: THE EFFECT OF EO AND STEAM STERILIZATION ON THE MECHANICAL ... 156 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 153–158 Figure 4: Physical models of an electrical equivalent system for a corrosion system: metal – solution5,6,11 Slika 4: Fizikalni modeli ekvivalentnega elektri~nega sistema za korozijski sistem: kovina – raztopina5,6,11 Table 2: EIS analysis results Tabela 2: Rezultati EIS-analize Surface Rs/ cm2 Rpore/ cm2 CPEpore Rp/ kcm2 CPEp Rct/ Mcm2 CPEdl Y0/–1cm–2s–n n Y0/–1cm–2s–n n Y0/–1cm–2s–n n cpTi+TiO2 inital state 19 – – – 968 0.2083E-6 0.89 4.26 0.1852E-5 0.81 EO 18 – – – 700 0.1460E-6 0.96 4.40 0.1901E-6 0.93 steam 18 112 0.2092E-6 0.94 817 0.5091E-6 0.90 3.66 0.2417E-5 0.82 cpTi+SiO2 inital state 18 – – – 188 0.6605E-5 0.93 1.59 0.2065E-4 0.88 EO 19 – – – 224 0.1730E-5 0.83 3.00 0.6317E-5 0.75 steam 17 – – – 160 0.9806E-5 0.85 2.40 0.2664E-4 0.85 Table 3: The results of adhesion of the layer on the cpTi substrate Tabela 3: Rezultati adhezije plasti na podlago iz cpTi Failure of the layer The value of registered indenter load Fn/N cpTi+SiO2 cpTi+TiO2 inital state steam EO inital state steam EO Measurment 1 Delamination Lc1 2.59 2.89 2.79 2.71 1.66 1.87 Complete break Lc2 7.58 4.32 4.05 5.35 2.67 2.58 Measurement 2 Delamination Lc1 3.78 3.26 1.95 2.96 1.67 1.65 Complete break Lc2 5.76 4.55 2.59 4.95 2.56 2.37 Measurement 3 Delamination Lc1 3.38 2.41 2.01 3.33 1.82 1.78 Complete break Lc2 6.16 4.88 2.89 5.08 2.89 2.12 Average Delamination Lc1 3.25 2.85 2.25 3.00 1.71 1.76 Complete break Lc2 6.50 4.58 3.08 5.12 2.70 2.35 Standard deviation Delamination Lc1 ±0.60 ±0.42 ±0.46 ±0.31 ±0.09 ±0.11 Complete break Lc2 ±0.95 ±0.28 ±0.77 ±0.20 ±0.16 ±0.23 The results of the tests of adhesion of the analysed layers to the base material are presented in Table 3 and Figures 5 and 6. Regardless of the sterilization method, the results indicate the impairment of adhesion of the layers coated by both anodic oxidation and the sol-gel method in comparison to the baseline samples. This can be seen from the values of the parameters determined on the basis of the measurements (Table 3). It was observed that for the samples not subjected to sterilization, the critical load causing layer delamination inwards and outwards was Lc2 = 6.50 N (cpTi+SiO2 – sol-gel method) and Lc2 = 5.12 N (cpTi+TiO2 – anodic oxidation). After sterilization (both steam and EO sterilization), the cri- tical load value decreased to: Lc2 = 4.58 N (cpTi+SiO2+ Steam), Lc2 = 3.08 N (cpTi+SiO2+EO) for the sol-gel method, and Lc2 = 2.70 N (cpTi+TiO2+Steam), Lc2 = 2.35 N (cpTi+TiO2+EO) for the anodic oxidation. Re- gardless of the type of sample, no acoustic emission signal was registered, which indicated that the bond energy between the base and the coating was too low. No significant changes between steam and EO sterilization were observed. The next step involved the hardness testing of the layers. The results of the measurements are shown in Table 4. The results do not show any significant diffe- rences between the samples after steam and ethylene oxide sterilization and the baseline samples. Table 4: The results of nanohardness of the layers Tabela 4: Rezultati meritve mikrotrdote plasti i.c. Nanohardness HIT, MPa cpTi+SiO2 cpTi+TiO2 inital state steam EO inital state steam EO Measurement 1 1181 1304 1082 1236 1434 1171 Measurement 2 1236 1278 923 913 1247 1241 Measurement 3 1021 1189 1120 1021 1156 1089 Average 1146 1257 1041 1056 1279 1167 Standard deviation ±152 ±60 ±104 ±164 ±141 ±76 4 CONCLUSIONS The correct selection of physical and chemical pro- perties is a significant issue in the process of adjusting the functionalities of cardiac implants,14 and has a direct impact on the final quality of medical devices. Physical and chemical devices are shaped by means of various types of metal finishing.14,15 The influence of various types of titanium alloy finishing on orthopaedic implants has been demonstrated by Szewczenko et al.16. He has shown that the method of base preparation has a crucial influence on the physical and chemical properties of the anodic oxide coating. Paszenda has proposed chemical surface modifications of the Cr-Ni-Mo steel intended for cardiac implants in order to achieve a higher hemo- compatibility.17 The literature review indicates that there are no comprehensive works devoted to a possible change of properties during medical sterilization.18–20 Therefore, the authors of this paper focused on an assessment of the possible changes to the mechanical and electrochemical properties of a coating subjected to pressurized steam sterilization and ethylene oxide sterilization. The tests on the samples following medical sterilization processes have shown differences in relation to those samples that did not undergo sterilization. Pressurized-steam sterilization caused a change in the corrosive potential value towards positive values and increased the polarization resistance, regardless of the surface-modification method. For the TiO2-coated sam- ples, it stopped the diffusion processes stemming from the anodic oxidation and caused the formation of an additional layer with a highly developed surface, which functioned as an additional barrier protecting the mate- rial against the corrosive environment and increasing the ion-transfer resistance. In the case of the SiO2 layer, this type of sterilization did not cause significant changes to M. BASIAGA et al.: THE EFFECT OF EO AND STEAM STERILIZATION ON THE MECHANICAL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 153–158 157 Figure 6: Results of the adhesion tests of the sample cpTi+SiO2+EO Slika 6: Rezultati preizkusa adhezije vzorca cpTi+SiO2+EO Figure 5: Results of the adhesion tests of the sample cpTi+TiO2+EO Slika 5: Rezultati preizkusa adhezije vzorca cpTi+TiO2+EO the corrosive resistance of cpTi. The mechanical proper- ties, on the other hand, remained unchanged, regardless of the type of metal finishing. However, the adhesion to the base was weaker in comparison to those samples not subjected to sterilization, which may be caused by the restructuring of the surface oxides under the influence of a sterilizing agent, which has a direct impact on the strength of the bonds between the chemical compounds, such as between TiO2/Ti2O3 and the base. Ethylene oxide sterilization of the samples with a modified surface also caused changes to their electrochemical and mechanical properties. As in the case of pressurized-steam steriliza- tion, the samples coated with TiO2 and SiO2 had a better resistance to corrosion in contact with the artificial plasma. On the surface of the samples coated with TiO2, the presence of an additional porous layer has been ob- served. This is the result of the partial degradation of the oxide layer and an increase in its porosity, which, as a consequence, leads to much weaker adhesion to the base. In the scratch test, a decrease in the critical load causing delamination of the layer towards the base was observed. In conclusion, the study has shown the significant influence of medical sterilization on the physical and chemical properties of the TiO2 and SiO2 layers. It has been proved that, regardless of the surface layer type, the choice of the sterilizing method is an important issue. A SiO2 layer applied with the sol-gel method exhibited a higher electrochemical stability. In the future, the authors plan further work to help identify the chemical compo- sition and chemical compounds formed as a result of the sterilization processes and possible changes to the layer thickness. Acknowledgements The project was funded by the National Science Centre allocated on the basis of the decision No. 2011/03/B/ST8/06499. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. Karasiñski, Opt. Appl., 35 (2005), 117–128 2 J. Szewczenko, J. Jaglarz, M. Basiaga, J. Kurzyk, E. Skoczek, Prz. Elektrot., 88 (2012) 12B, 228–231 3 A. Sadeq, Z. Cai, R. D. Woody, A. W. Miller, J. Prosth. Dent., 90 (2003) 1, 10–17, doi:10.1016/S0022-3913(03)00263-4 4 B. Surowska, J. Bieniaœ, M. Walczak, K. Sangwal, A. Stoch, Appl. Surf. Sci., 238 (2004), 288–294, doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.05.219 5 M. Basiaga, W. Walke, Z. Paszenda, P. Karasiñski, J. Szewczenko, Biomatt., 4 (2014), 1–6, doi:10.4161/biom.28535 6 M. Basiaga, Z. Paszenda, W. Walke, P. Karasiñski, J. Marciniak, Inf. Technol. 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DLOUHY et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE CARBIDE-PARTICLE SPHEROIDISATION PROCESS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 159–162 INFLUENCE OF THE CARBIDE-PARTICLE SPHEROIDISATION PROCESS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AFTER THE QUENCHING AND ANNEALING OF 100CrMnSi6-4 BEARING STEEL VPLIV PROCESA SFEROIDIZACIJE KARBIDNIH DELCEV NA MIKROSTRUKTURO JEKLA 100CrMnSi6-4 ZA LE@AJE PO KALJENJU IN POPU[^ANJU Jaromir Dlouhy, Daniela Hauserova, Zbysek Novy COMTES FHT, Prumyslova 995, 334 41 Dobrany, Czech Republic jdlouhy@comtesfht.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-12-12; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-01-21 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.303 Bearings are used mostly in the quenched and tempered state, e.g., steel 100CrMnSi6-4 with a microstructure of low-tempered martensite and carbide particles undissolved during the quenching austenitization. The size and density of the particles depend on the spheroidisation annealing which is the standard operation at the beginning of the bearing manufacturing. The particles decrease the grain growth of the austenite and determine the grain size after the quenching. The process of accelerated carbide spheroidisation and refinement (ASR) was developed and is used as a replacement of the conventional spheroidisation soft annealing. The ASR process produces the structure of a ferritic matrix and fine globular carbides. The carbide size is several times smaller in comparison with the conventional soft annealing. This microstructure is better for quenching and tempering and ensures a better bearing performance. The article compares the structures and properties of the quenched and tempered 100CrMnSi6-4 steel pre-treated with the conventional soft annealing and ASR. The smaller ASR particle size allows the use of lower quenching temperatures, ensuring the desired final hardness. Samples in the hardened state were compared, considering the prior-austenite grain size, the carbide-particle size and distribution as well as the hardness. Keywords: accelerated spheroidisation, carbide-particle morphology, hardening, bearing steel Le`aji se obi~ajno uporabljajo v kaljenem in popu{~enem stanju, na primer jeklo 100CrMnSi6-4 z mikrostrukturo nizko popu{~enega martenzita in s karbidnimi delci, ki se ne raztopijo pri avstenitizaciji pred kaljenjem. Velikost in pogostost delcev je odvisna od sferoidizacijskega `arjenja, ki je standardna operacija na za~etku izdelovanja le`aja. Delci zavirajo rast avstenitnih zrn in dolo~ajo velikost zrn po kaljenju. Razvit je bil postopek pospe{ene sferoidizacije in udrobnjenja karbidov (ASR), ki je bil uporabljen namesto obi~ajnega sferoidizacijskega mehkega `arjenja. Pri ASR procesu nastane feritna osnovna mikrostruktura in drobni globularni karbidi. Velikost karbidov je nekajkrat manj{a v primerjavi z obi~ajnim mehkim `arjenjem. Taka mikrostruktura je bolj{a za kaljenje in popu{~anje in zagotavlja bolj{e lastnosti le`aja. V ~lanku so primerjane mikrostrukture in lastnosti kaljenega in popu{~anega jekla 100CrMnSi6-4 predhodno mehko `arjenega in ASR. Manj{a velikost delcev pri ASR omogo~a uporabo ni`je temperature kaljenja za doseganje `eljene trdote. Vzorci v utrjenem stanju so bili primerjani z upo{tevanjem velikosti prvotnih avstenitnih zrn, velikosti in razporeditve karbidnih delcev, kot tudi trdote. Klju~ne besede: pospe{ena sferoidizacija, morfologija karbidnih zrn, kaljivost, jeklo za le`aje 1 INTRODUCTION Bearing steels are well studied in terms of the effect of the technological parameter on the final micro- structural properties.1 The final properties of a hardened product depend on the parameters of hardening, e.g., the austenitization temperature and or the tempering tempe- rature. Their influence on the hardness and prior- austenite grain size was studied properly. Much less attention was paid to the influence of the initial material microstructure on the final material properties. The soft annealed microstructure, used as the standard material state for hardening, consists of globular carbide particles with a size mostly from 0.5 μm to 1 μm dispersed in the ferritic matrix. Two initial states were used for the hardening – the conventional soft-annealed state and the state after accelerated carbide spheroidisation and refinement (ASR).2 The ASR state exhibits the same microstructural morphology, but the globular carbides are about 3-times smaller than after the soft annealing and are also more densely spread in the ferritic matrix.3,4 Such a significantly finer structure provides for a faster Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 159–162 159 UDK 620.186:669.056:621.785 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)159(2016) Table 1: Chemical composition of the 100CrMnSi6-4 bearing steel in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava 100CrMnSi6-4 jekla za le`aje v masnih dele`ih (w/%) C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Cu Fe 0.98 0.54 1.14 0.011 0.011 1.50 0.006 0.02 0.018 0.017 bal. carbide-particle dissolution during the austenitization at the quenching temperature3 and a stronger pinning of the grain boundaries, thus leading to a smaller austenite grain size due to the pinning effect and a martensitic structure after the quenching. These microstructural features can lead to a higher hardness and toughness with the same hardening parameters. Another possibility is to reduce the quenching temperature or austenitization time, but still with good final mechanical properties.5,6 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Material The experimental material was the 100CrMnSi6-4 bearing steel grade with the chemical composition shown in Table 1. The material was supplied as hot-rolled 21 mm-diameter bars, with a microstructure of pearlite and a small amount of secondary cementite along the austenite boundaries and a hardness of 383 HV10. The samples were cut in the form of 30 mm long cylinders. 2.2 Spheroidisation annealing The initial pearlitic microstructure was spheroidised and samples with fine and coarse globular pearlite were prepared. The coarse structure was obtained with the conventional soft annealing in an atmospheric furnace at a temperature of 805 °C for 11 h and air cooling. Fully spheroidised pearlite consisted of cementite globules with diameters of 0.3–1 μm in the ferritic matrix. The fine structure was obtained with the ASR heat treatment consisting of three temperature cycles. Each cycle consisted of the induction heating to 780 °C, a 15-second dwell period at this temperature and cooling in air to a temperature of 650 °C. The overall annealing duration was 5 min. The structure after the ASR process consisted of globular carbides with a size of 0.1–0.3 μm dispersed in the ferritic matrix. 2.3 Quenching and tempering The heating to the quenching temperature was performed in an electric atmospheric furnace. The samples were held at the austenitization temperature for 30 min. Austenitization temperatures of (800, 820, 840 and 860) °C were used. The quenching was performed in an oil bath, immediately followed by tempering. All the samples were tempered for 4 h at a temperature of 240 °C. 2.4 Sample analyses All the samples were cut longitudinally and metallographic specimens were prepared by mechanical grinding, polishing and Nital etching. The microstructure was examined with SEM JEOL 7400F. The prior-auste- nite grain size (PAGS) was assessed on the samples etched in a picric-acid-saturated aqueous solution at a temperature of 80 °C and the average grain diameter was determined with a linear intercept procedure. The hardness was measured with the Vickers method at a load of HV10. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructure analyses The microstructures after the soft annealing and ASR treatment are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Much finer carbide globules were formed during the ASR treatment. Figures 3 and 4 show quenched-sample microstructures (quenched from 800 °C). There is a clear difference in the carbide density between the samples. This difference is pronounced with higher austenitizing temperatures. The ASR-treated samples retained a much denser carbide distribution even after the quenching from 860 °C (Figures 5 and 6). A higher dispersion strengthening could cause a hardness increase in comparison with the conventionally soft-annealed samples. Apparently, a denser carbide distribution causes a pronounced pinning effect on the prior-austenite grain boundaries. There were coarse carbides retained in the soft-annealed samples after the quenching from higher temperatures J. DLOUHY et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE CARBIDE-PARTICLE SPHEROIDISATION PROCESS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 160 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 159–162 Figure 2: ASR-treated sample with finer carbides Slika 2: ASR-obdelan vzorec z drobnimi karbidi Figure 1: Conventionally soft-annealed sample Slika 1: Obi~ajno mehko `arjen vzorec (840 and 860 °C). Smaller carbides with a size of up to 0.5 μm were almost completely dissolved. 3.2 Hardness and PAGS Different austenitization temperatures resulted in different hardness values found after the quenching and tempering and also in different PAGS values. There were significant differences between the samples with coarse and fine structures as shown in Figure 7. There is a clear trend in the hardness value in the case of the conventionally soft-annealed samples with coarse carbides in the microstructure. A higher austeni- tization temperature caused a hardness increase due to the dissolution of a larger amount of carbon. On the other hand, there is no clear trend in the case of the hard- ness of the quenched ASR samples. The hardness after the tempering increased with the quenching temperature and was significantly higher with all the quenching temperatures in comparison with the conventionally soft-annealed samples. J. DLOUHY et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE CARBIDE-PARTICLE SPHEROIDISATION PROCESS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 159–162 161 Figure 7: Hardness and PAGS of samples after quenching and tem- pering Slika 7: Trdota in PAGS vzorcev po kaljenju in po popu{~anju Figure 5: Soft-annealed sample quenched from 800 °C Slika 5: Mehko `arjen vzorec po kaljenju iz 800 °C Figure 6: ASR-treated sample quenched from 800 °C Slika 6: ASR-obdelan vzorec po kaljenju iz 800 °C Figure 3: Soft-annealed sample quenched from 800 °C Slika 3: Mehko `arjen vzorec po kaljenju iz 800 °C Figure 4: ASR-treated sample quenched from 800 °C Slika 4: ASR-obdelan vzorec po kaljenju iz 800 °C The PAGS is much smaller in the case of the ASR-treated samples. Its values grew with the increasing quenching temperature for both sample types – the ASR-treated and conventionally soft-annealed samples. The finer-structured ASR-treated samples exhibited a more pronounced PAGS increase. Finer carbides dissolved at higher quenching temperatures and thus their pinning effect on the austenite grain boundaries was diminished. The difference between the PAGS values of the ASR and soft-annealed samples decreased with the rising quenching temperatures. 4 CONCLUSION The microstructures and hardness values of hardened samples with different initial microstructures were compared. The influence of the carbide-particle density is clearly visible in terms of the prior-austenite grain size and hardness. The samples with fine carbides after the ASR process had higher hardness values after the quenching and tempering for the whole range of examined quenching temperatures from 800 to 860 °C. The hardness increase was about 40 HV10 in comparison with the conventionally soft-annealed samples with coarser carbide particles and was probably caused by the dispersion strengthening and a possible higher dissolution of the fine carbides during the austenitization. Acknowledgment This paper was created by project Development of West-Bohemian Centre of Materials and Metallurgy No.: LO1412, financed by the MEYS of the Czech Republic. 5 REFERENCES 1 H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, Steels for bearings, Progress in Materials Science, 57 (2012), 268–435, doi:10.1016/j.pmatsci.2011.06.002 2 D. Hauserova, J. Dlouhy, Z. Novy, Microstructure Development of Bearing Steel during Accelerated Carbide Spheroidisation, Materials Science Forum, 782 (2014), 123–128, doi:10.4028/ www.scientific.net/MSF.782.123 3 J. H. Kang, P. E. J. Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo, Carbide dissolution in bearing steels, Computational Materials Science, 67 (2012), 364–372, doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.09.022 4 D. Hauserova, J. 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