ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt./No. 1 PRIRODOSLOVNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE SLOVENSKO ENTOMOLOØKO DRUØTVO ØTEFANA MICHIELIJA ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA Revija Slovenskega entomoloøkega druøtva Øtefana Michielija in Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije Izhaja dvakrat letno / Issued twice a year ISSN 1318-1998 CODEN: AESLFM UDC (UDK) 595.7(051) © Acta entomologica slovenica Izdajatelja / Publishers Slovensko entomoloøko druøtvo Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije Øtefana Michielija Preøernova 20, p.p. 290 Bioloøko srediøœe – SI-1001 Ljubljana Nacionalni inøtitut za biologijo Veœna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana Uredniøki odbor / Editorial Board dr. Martin Baehr (München), dr. Boæidar Drovenik (Ljubljana), dr. Werner Holzinger (Graz), prof. dr. Mladen Kuœiniå (Zagreb), prof. dr. Joæe Maœek (Ljubljana), dr. Carlo Morandini (Udine), dr. Ignac Sivec (Ljubljana), prof. dr. Stanislav Trdan, dr. Tomi Trilar (Ljubljana), dr. Rudi Verovnik (Ljubljana), Æarko Vrezec (tehn. urednik/Techn. Editor) Urednik / Editor dr. Andrej Gogala Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije Preøernova 20, p.p. 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: letnik/Vol. 28, øt./No. 1, 2020 Tisk / Printed by: Trajanus, d.o.o., Kranj Ljubljana, junij 2020 Povzeto v / To be abstracted in: The Zoological Record, CAB Abstracts Revijo dobivajo œlani Slovenskega entomoloøkega druøtva Øtefana Michielija (œlanarina 20 EUR) Cena posamezne øtevilke je 8,50 EUR Zamenjava je zaæeljena / Exchanges appreciated Publikacija je natisnjena s pomoœjo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost R Slovenije. Uredniøko delo podpira Ministrstvo za kulturo R Slovenije. Vsebina / Contents Ž. Predovnik: revidiran seznam steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Slovenije revised checklist of clearwing moths (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) of Slovenia .......5 A. GoGALA, d. vAdnjAL, M. kASteLic: Four species of Heteroptera new to the fauna of Slovenia Štiri vrste stenic (Heteroptera), nove v favni Slovenije .....................................15 A. Đukić, i. BoLeSnikov: Caliaeschna microstigma (Schneider 1845) (re)discovered in Serbia (odonata: Aeschnidae) Ponovno odkritje bledega vetrnjaka Caliaeschna microstigma (Schneider 1845) v Srbiji (odonata: Aeshnidae) ...............................................21 M. PuŠkArić, S. krčMAr: new records of horse-flies (diptera: tabanidae) along neretva river valley and cetina river in dalmatia (southern croatia) nove najdbe obadov (diptera: tabanidae) v dolini neretve in ob reki cetini v dalmaciji (južna Hrvaška) ....................................................................29 L. ŠturM: contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gran canaria (canary islands, Spain) Prispevek k poznavanju favne metuljev (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) otoka Gran canaria (kanarski otoki, Španija) ...................................................43 FAvniStični zAPiSki / FAuniSticAL noteS B. koFLer: zanimive najdbe vrste Lilioceris tibialis villa & villa, 1838 v Sloveniji (coleoptera: chrysomelidae: criocerinae) interesting findings of the species Lilioceris tibialis in Slovenia (coleoptera: chrysomelidae: criocerinae).........................................................55 L. dvořák, A. nAHirnić, d. devetAk: the first record of Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 from north Macedonia (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) Prva najdba škorpijonke Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 v Severni Makedoniji (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) ................................................59 M. vujić, t. koren: Criorhina floccosa (Meigen, 1822), a new hoverfly (diptera: Syrphidae) in the fauna of croatia Criorhina floccosa (Meigen, 1822), nova muha trepetavka (diptera: Syrphidae) v favni Hrvaške.................................................................65 M. de Groot, d. jAnević: Mallota fuciformis (Fabricius, 1794) (diptera: Syrphidae), a new hoverfly species in Slovenia Mallota fuciformis (Fabricius, 1794) (diptera: Syrphidae), nova vrsta muhe trepetavke v Sloveniji..............................................................71 M. vujić, ivan tot: Brachyopa bimaculosa doczkal & dziock 2004 and Callicera fagesii Guérin-Méneville, 1844, two new hoverflies (diptera: Syrphidae) in the fauna of Serbia Brachyopa bimaculosa doczkal & dziock 2004 in Callicera fagesii Guérin-Méneville, 1844, dve novi muhi trepetavki (diptera: Syrphidae) v favni Srbije........................................................................................................75 Navodila avtorjem Acta entomologica slovenica je glasilo Slovenskega entomološkega društva Štefana Michielija in Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. objavlja izvirna znanstvena dela, pregledne članke in ocene knjig s področja entomologije. članki lahko obravnavajo favnistiko, sistematiko, ekologijo, etologijo, fiziologijo ali zoogeografijo žuželk. Pisani naj bodo v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, z obveznim angleškim in slovenskim izvlečkom. članki so strokovno recenzirani. Letno izideta dve številki. Avtorje prosimo, da se pri oblikovanju člankov zgledujejo po zadnji številki revije. če je le mogoče, svoj tekst pošljite po elektronski pošti ali oddajte na digitalnem nosilcu. izpis članka na papirju naj ima dvojne presledke med vrsticami, da je možno popravljanje. risbe naj bodo kontrastne, pri debelini črt pa upoštevajte tudi morebitno pomanjšanje na format revije. Slike naj bodo v izvirnih datotekah, če jih oddajate v elektronski obliki. citirana literatura naj se navede na koncu članka in naj bo razvrščena po abecedi glede na priimke avtorjev. Avtorji člankov dobijo članek v elektronski obliki. Instructions to authors Acta entomologica slovenica is the journal of the Slovenian entomological Society Štefan Michieli and the Slovene Museum of natural History. it publishes original scientific works, overview articles, and book reviews in the field of entomology. Articles may deal with faunistics, systematics, ecology, etology, physiology, or zoogeography of insects. they may be written in Slovene or english, with abstracts in english and Slovene (the editors will ensure translations into Slovene). All articles are reviewed. two issues are published a year. We ask all authors to model the layout of their manuscripts on a previous issue of the journal. if possible, send the text by e-mail or on a digital carrier, as well as on paper with double spacing between lines. drawings must have high contrast. Please, consider that all line widths may be reduced during layout of the issue. Pictures should be in their original files if prepared in digital form. references should be listed at the end of the article in the alphabetical order of the authors’ names. electronic version of the article will be sent to the Authors. REVIDIRAN SEZNAM STEKLOKRILCEV (LEPIDOPTERA: SESIIDAE) SLOVENIJE Željko Predovnik ob železnici 82, 3313 Polzela, Slovenia, e-mail: Izvleček – na osnovi lastnih večletnih raziskav favne steklorilcev v obdobju 1998 – 2019 ter podatkov iz muzejskih zbirk, sem pripravil nov revidiran seznam stek- lokrilcev Slovenije, kjer sem z najdbami zanesljivo potrdil skupno 44 vrst. navajam komentarje k vrstam, ki jih, zaradi pomanjkljivih literaturnih navedb in odsotnosti dokaznega materiala, v nov seznam nisem vključil. razpravljam tudi o vrstah, ki so prisotne v favnah sosednjih dežel in jih pri nas morda lahko pričakujemo. revidiran seznam steklokrilcev Slovenije je usklajen z najnovejšimi taksonomskimi spremem- bami v evropi. ključne beSede: lepidoptera, Sesiidae, Slovenija, seznam vrst, favna. Abstract – reviSed CHeCkliST oF CleArWinG MoTHS (lePidoPTerA: SeSiidAe) oF SloveniA based on own research of the fauna of clearwing moths in the period 1998 – 2019, as well as data from museums collections, a new revised list of clearwing moths of Slovenia is presented, whereby a total of 44 species have been reliably confirmed. Comments are given on species that were not included in the new list due to insufficient references and lack of material evidence. i also discuss species that are present in the fauna of neighboring countries and may be expected in Slovenia. The revised list of clearwing moths of Slovenia is in line with recent changes in taxonomy in europe. key WordS: lepidoptera, Sesiidae, Slovenia, checklist, fauna. Uvod kljub dolgi in razviti entomološki tradiciji je zgodovinskih najdb steklokrilcev, v primerjavi z ostalimi metulji v Sloveniji, malo. Že eden prvih priznanih razisko- 5 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 5–14 valcev j.A. Scopoli, je pri nas našel in opisal vrsto Bembecia scopigera (Scopoli, 1763), ki ostaja edina vrsta steklokrilca s tipsko lokaliteto v Sloveniji (Predovnik, 2003). Prvi spisek slovenskih steklokrilcev smo dobili s Seznamom velikih metuljev kranjske, ki ga je objavil ivan Hafner v letih 1909-1912, kjer navaja 15 vrst. naslednji pomemben spisek 23 vrst steklokrilcev je v novejšem času sestavil v svojem rdečem seznamu makrolepidopterov Slovenije dr. jan Carnelutti (1992a). v novejšem seznamu omenjene družine za evropsko favno (laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001) je zajetih 41 vrst za Slovenijo (Predovnik, 2003). Število pri nas na novo odkritih vrst je od tedaj še narastlo (Predovnik, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2012, 2017). v seznamu malih metuljčkov Slovenije lesar in Govedič (2010) navajata 45 vrst steklokrilcev. najnovejši revidiran seznam steklokrilcev Slovenije temelji na preko 9000 najdbah steklokrilcev na ozemlju Slovenije v njenih sedanjih političnih mejah. veliko večino teh podatkov sem zbral na terenskih raziskavah, zlasti s pomočjo novejših in učinko- vitejših favnističnih metod, kot je uporaba feromonov in feromonskih pasti (Predovnik, 2012, 2014, 2017). Pregledal sem ves maloštevilen razpoložljiv material steklokrilcev, shranjen v starih zbirkah, v Prirodoslovnem muzeju v ljubljani (PMSl), v študijski zbirki v ljubljani (Predovnik, 2003) in v notranjskem muzeju v Postojni. na tujem sem pre- gledal muzejske zbirke s steklokrilci v Hrvaškem prirodoslovnem muzeju v Zagrebu, v Mestnem muzeju varaždin (Predovnik, 2010) in v koprivnici (Hrvaška), ter zbirki steklokrilcev v muzeju Witt v Münchnu (nemčija) in v naravoslovnem muzeju na dunaju (Avstrija). Pregledal sem material v zasebnih zbirkah: jože Ahtik, jože broder, Stanislav Gomboc, Andrej kapla, Mojmir lasan in jurij rekelj. vsaka od naštetih vrst v seznamu je predstavljena z zanesljivim virom. Sestematika je povzeta po delu laštůvke in laštůvke (2001) The Sesiidae of europe in seznamu steklokrilcev sveta (Pühringer in kallies, 2004), nadgrajenega 28. 1. 2017. Rezultati in diskusija Pennisetiini naumann, 1971 Pennisetia dehne, 1850 1. Pennisetia hylaeiformis (laspeyres, 1801) Predovnik, 2003 2. Pennisetia bohemica králíček & Povolný, 1974 Predovnik, 2002 Sesiini boisduval, 1828 Sesia Fabricius, 1775 3. Sesia apiformis (Clerck, 1759) Predovnik, 2003 4. Sesia bembeciformis (Hübner, [1806]) Slovenija, karavanke, Hrušica, 650 m, 22.3.2003, ostanki kokona v Salix sp., leg. Predovnik. Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 6 Eusphecia le Cerf, 1937 5. Eusphecia melanocephala (dalman, 1816) Predovnik, 2001 Paranthrenini niculescu, 1964 Paranthrene Hübner, [1819] 6. Paranthrene tabaniformis (rottemburg, 1775) Predovnik, 2003 7. Paranthrene insolita polonica Schnaider, 1939 Predovnik, 2001 (kot Paranthrene insolita, le Cerf, 1914) Synanthedonini niculescu, 1964 Synanthedon Hübner, [1819] 8. Synanthedon scoliaeformis (borkhausen, 1789) Predovnik, 2008 9. Synanthedon mesiaeformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) Predovnik, 2012 10. Synanthedon spheciformis ([denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Predovnik, 2003 11. Synanthedon stomoxiformis (Hübner, 1790) Predovnik, 2003 12. Synanthedon culiciformis (linnaeus, 1758) Predovnik, 2003 13. Synanthedon formicaeformis (esper, 1783) Predovnik, 2003 14. Synanthedon flaviventris (Staudinger, 1883) Predovnik, 2002 15. Synanthedon andrenaeformis (laspeyres, 1801) Štanta, 2000 16. Synanthedon soffneri Špatenka, 1983 Predovnik, 2005 17. Synanthedon melliniformis (laspeyres, 1801) Predovnik, 2001 18. Synanthedon myopaeformis (borkhausen, 1789) Predovnik, 2003 19. Synanthedon vespiformis (linnaeus, 1761) Predovnik, 2003 20. Synanthedon theryi le Cerf, 1916 Predovnik, 2017 21. Synanthedon conopiformis (esper, 1782) Slovenija, Apaško polje, Spodnje konjišče (gmajna ob reki Muri), 223 m, 1.11.2015, gosenice v lesu Quercus sp., leg. Predovnik. 22. Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck, 1759) Predovnik, 2003 Æeljko Predovnik: Revidiran seznam steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Slovenije 7 23. Synanthedon spuleri (Fuchs, 1908) Predovnik, 2001 24. Synanthedon loranthi (králíček, 1966) Predovnik, 2001 25. Synanthedon cephiformis (ochsenheimer, 1808) Slovenija, kum, Stajica (dolina Sopote), 690 m, 27.11.2006, gosenice, stare iz- letne odprtine v lesu Abies alba l., leg. Predovnik. Bembecia Hübner, [1819] 26. Bembecia ichneumoniformis ([denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Predovnik, 2003 27. Bembecia albanensis (rebel, 1918) Predovnik, 2001 28. Bembecia pavicevici Toševski, 1989 Predovnik, 2001 29. Bembecia scopigera (Scopoli, 1763) Predovnik, 2001 30. Bembecia megillaeformis (Hübner, [1813]) Predovnik, 2001 31. Bembecia himmighoffeni (Staudinger, 1866) Predovnik, 2005 32. Bembecia uroceriformis (Treitschke, 1834) Predovnik, 2001 Pyropteron newman, 1832 33. Pyropteron chrysidiformis (esper, 1782) Slovenija, koprsko primorje, Gažon, baredi (Sv. donat), 220 m, 19.6.2004, 8♂, feromonske vabe, leg. et coll. Predovnik. 34. Pyropteron triannuliformis (Freyer, 1843) Predovnik, 2003 35. Pyropteron affinis (Staudinger, 1856) Slovenija, kraški rob, Zanigrad, 195 m, 9.6.2004, 2♂, feromonske vabe, leg. Predovnik. Chamaesphecia Spuler, 1910 36. Chamaesphecia schmidtiiformis (Freyer, 1836) Predovnik, 2002 37. Chamaesphecia aerifrons (Zeller, 1847) Predovnik, 2002 38. Chamaesphecia doleriformis colpiformis (Staudinger, 1856) Predovnik, 2005 39. Chamaesphecia dumonti le Cerf, 1922 Predovnik, 2001 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 8 40. Chamaesphecia nigrifrons (le Cerf, 1911) Predovnik, 2005 41. Chamaesphecia euceraeformis (ochsenheimer, 1816) Slovenija, kraški rob, Zanigrad, 195 m, 9.6.2004, 2♂, feromonske vabe, leg. et coll. Predovnik. 42. Chamaesphecia hungarica (Tomala, 1901) Predovnik, 2002 43. Chamaesphecia empiformis (esper, 1783) Predovnik, 2003 44. Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis ([denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Predovnik, 2001 iz revidiranega seznama steklokrilcev sem izločil vrste, ki so znane za Slovenijo zgolj po dvomljivih literaturnih navedbah in brez konkretnih podatkov. izločenih vrst nismo uspeli potrditi z nobeno konkretno najdbo na terenu, niti z dokaznim ma- terialom v muzejskih ali zasebnih zbirkah. Zato lahko s precejšnjo gotovostjo dom- nevamo, da gre zgolj za domneve o njihovi navzočnosti na ozemlju Slovenije. Microsphecia tineiformis (esper, [1789]) Špatenka s sod., 1999; laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001; Pühringer, 2016 (na spletu). Microsphecia brosiformis (Hübner, [1813]) laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001; Pühringer, 2016 (na spletu). Pyropteron muscaeformis (esper, 1783) Hoffmann in klos, 1914-1923; Carnelutti, 1971; Carnelutti, 1992a; Pühringer, 1997; lesar in Habeler 2005; lesar in Habeler 2007; lesar in Govedič 2010. Pyropteron leucomelaena (Zeller, 1847) Hafner, 1909-1912; Forster in Wohlfahrt, 1960; Carnelutti, 1992a; Špatenka s sod., 1999; laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001; lesar in Govedič, 2010; Pühringer, 2016 (na spletu). Chamaesphecia chalciformis (esper, [1804]) Stauder, 1929-1933; Carnelutti, 1971; Carnelutti, 1992a. Chamaesphecia masariformis (ochsenheimer, 1808) Špatenka s sod., 1999; laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001; Pühringer, 2016 (na spletu). Chamaesphecia bibioniformis (esper, 1800) Špatenka s sod., 1999; laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001; Pühringer, 2016 (na spletu). Chamaesphecia astatiformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001; Z. laštůvka, 2012 (na spletu), Pühringer, 2016 (na spletu). Æeljko Predovnik: Revidiran seznam steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Slovenije 9 iz seznama izločene vrste in vrste, ki jih literatura ne navaja, vendar so potencialno lahko prisotne v Sloveniji (B. puella, Ch. annellata, Ch. leucopsiformis), sem uvrstil v dve skupini. Prvo skupino sestavljajo vrste, ki so po avtorjevem mnenju pričakovane za Slovenijo in se pri nas verjetno nahajajo kot redke in izjemno lokalno razširjene. Zanje je značilno, da so razširjene v vseh ali v večini sosednjih držav in pri nas najdemo tudi potencialno primerne habitate s hranilnimi rastlinami gosenic in ustrez- nimi klimatskimi pogoji. druga skupina je sestavljena iz vrst, ki jih v Sloveniji le težko pričakujemo, bodisi zaradi redkosti v sosednjih državah, morda neustreznih klimatskih razmer ali odsotnosti poznanih hranilnih rastlin gosenic pri nas. Prva skupina: Pyropteron muscaeformis (esper, 1783) vrsto so našli v italiji (bella s sod., 2017), Avstriji (Pühringer, 1997), na Madžarskem (Fazekas, 2017) in Hrvaškem (Z. laštůvka, 2012, na spletu). Pri nas jo lahko pričakujemo na kakšnem od rastišč potencialnih hranilnih rastlin gosenic, alpskega pečnika (Armeria alpina Willd.) na visokogorskih travnikih, pašnikih in meliščih Alp in karavank. Pyropteron leucomelaena (Zeller, 1847) vrsta je razširjena v italiji (bella s sod., 2017) in na Hrvaškem (Toševski, 1986). najdemo jo predvsem na termofilnih, ruderalnih rastiščih hranilih rastlin gosenic - male strašnice (Sanguisorba minor Scop.) in krvavordeče krvomočnice (Geranium sanguineum l.). Pri nas bi jo lahko našli kot izjemno lokalno in redko v priobalnem delu Primorske ali na krasu. Chamaesphecia masariformis (ochsenheimer, 1808) vrsto so našli v italiji (bella s sod., 2017), Avstriji (Pühringer, 1997), na Madžarskem (Fazekas, 2017) in na Hrvaškem (Predovnik, 2003). je pričakovana vrsta predvsem na krasu in v priobalnem delu Primorske. Potencialna nahajališča predstavljajo ruderalna, dobro osončena mesta s hranilnimi rastlinami gosenic, ki so lučniki (Verbascum spp.) in pasja črnobina (Scrophularia canina l.). Chamaesphecia leucopsiformis (esper, 1800) vrsta je zelo lokalno razširjena v italiji (bella s sod., 2017), Avstriji (Pühringer, 1997) in na Hrvaškem (kranjčev 1995; Predovnik in kranjčev, neobjavljeni podatki). Pogostejša je na Madžarskem (Fazekas, 2017). Hranilna rastlina gosenic je cipresasti mleček (Euphorbia cyparissias l.), ki je pri nas razširjen po celi državi. vrsta lahko naseljuje zelo majhne površine in jo pričakujemo kot zelo lokalno razširjeno tudi v Sloveniji. Druga skupina: Microsphecia tineiformis (esper, [1789]) je izrazito toploljubna vrsta, ki naseljuje zelo različna življenjska okolja. najdemo jo celo sredi kampov in naselij, povsod tam, kjer raste hranilna rastlina gosenic - Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 10 njivski slak (Convolvulus arvensis l.). našli so jo v italiji (bella s sod., 2017) in na Hrvaškem (laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001). Samci radi priletijo na različne tipe fero- monov in po podatkih avtorja tudi v feromonske pasti. vzrok, da vrste nismo našli pri nas in tudi ne v hrvaški istri, domnevno leži v neustreznih klimatskih razmerah severnega jadrana. Microsphecia brosiformis (Hübner, [1813]) vzhodna vrsta, prisotna na Madžarskem (Fazekas, 2017) in na jugu Hrvaške (la- štůvka in laštůvka, 2001). nam najbližje sem jo našel šele v okolici veszpréma (Predovnik, 2018). Hranilna rastlina gosenic je njivski slak (C. arvensis) (laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001). Paranthrene diaphana dalla Torre & Strand, 1925 vrsta je lokalno razširjena na Hrvaškem (Z. laštůvka, 2012, na spletu; Predovnik in kranjčev, neobjavljeni podatki). Med hranilne rastline gosenic spadajo razne vrste vrb (Salix spp.) in topolov (Populus spp.), zlasti bela vrba (Salix alba l.) in beli topol (Populus alba l.) (Špatenka s sod., 1999). Pregledi potencialno primernih habitatov (Šturmovci, vrbovja ob reki dravi pri Središču ob dravi) pri nas zaenkrat niso bili uspešni. Bembecia puella Z. laštůvka, 1989 vrsta je znana iz sosednje Madžarske (Fazekas, 2017). Pri nas bi lahko bila lokalno razširjena na rastiščih hranilne rastline gosenic - sladkega grahovca (Astragalus gly- cyphyllos l.), predvsem v vzhodnem delu Slovenije (Haloze, kozjansko). Chamaesphecia chalciformis (esper, [1804]) To lepo vzhodnomediteransko vrsto so kot lokalno in redko našli na vzhodu Avstrije (Pühringer, 1997) in na Madžarskem (Fazekas, 2017). navajajo jo tudi za jug Hrvaške (laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001). navedbe za italijo (bertaccini in Fiumi, 2002) so dvomljive (bella s sod., 2017), ravno tako za Hrvaško istro (Predovnik, 2010). Zaradi velike podobnosti so možne zamenjave s sorodno vrsto Ch. schmidtii- forms, ki je pri nas razširjena na obali in na območju kraškega roba. Morda bi vrsto kot lokalno in redko lahko našli na kakšnem od rastišč origana (Origanum vulgare l.) v vzhodni Sloveniji (Haloze, kozjansko). Chamaesphecia doleriformis doleriformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) vrsta je razširjena v Grčiji, vzdolž dalmatinske obale do Hrvaške istre in v italiji. Hranilne rastline gosenic so različne vrste kadulj (Salvia spp.), med njimi muškatna kadulja (S. sclarea l.) in S. verbenaca Wild. (Špatenka s sod., 1999). Pri nas je vrsta po- tencialno možna kot izjemno lokalna in redka v priobalnem delu Primorske ali na krasu. Chamaesphecia annellata (Zeller, 1847) vzhodna vrsta, ki so jo našli v Avstriji (Pühringer, 1997) in na Madžarskem (Fa- zekas, 2017). najbližje Sloveniji sem jo našel v okolici blatenskega kostela (keszt- Æeljko Predovnik: Revidiran seznam steklokrilcev (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Slovenije 11 hely) na blatnem jezeru (Predovnik, 2018) in pri osijeku, kot pogosto na raznolikih, predvsem ruderalnih habitatih, kjer rastejo hranilne rastline gosenic - črne lahkotnice (Ballota nigra l.) (Predovnik in kranjčev, neobjavljeni podatki). kljub potencialno primernim habitatom (lendavske Gorice, okolica krškega, kraški rob) vrste pri nas in na severozahodu Hrvaške še vedno nisem potrdil. Chamaesphecia bibioniformis (esper, 1800) nam najbližje sem vrsto našel v okolici blatenskega kostela (keszthely) na Mad- žarskem (neobjavljeni podatki). vrsto in hranilno rastlino gosenic so našli na južnem Tirolskem v italiji in v Avstriji (Pühringer, 1997), znana je tudi za Hrvaško (kučinić s sod., 1997; laštůvka in laštůvka, 2001). Gosenice se v srednjeevropskem prostoru in na balkanu hranijo v koreninah mlečka vrste Euphorbia seguieriana neck., ki v Sloveniji ne raste (Frajman in jogan, 2007). Samci radi priletijo na različne feromone in po podatkih avtorja (Predovnik, 2018) tudi v feromonske pasti. Chamaesphecia astatiformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) To stepsko vrsto so našli na vzhodu Avstrije (Pühringer, 1997) in na Madžarskem (Fazekas, 2017), na rastiščih rastline Euphorbia esula l., ki ponekod ni redka. najbližje Sloveniji sem jo našel v okolici veszpréma, na blatnem jezeru (balaton) (Predovnik, 2018). Pri nas je potencialno možna na vzhodu države, na mogočih za- platah rastišč hranilne rastline. kot zanimivost naj omenim danes že zelo ogroženo vrsto steklokrilca Chamae- sphecia palustris kautz, 1927, ki je prisotna v vseh sosednjih deželah. Zanjo iz Slo- venije ni zgodovinskih ali pisnih in materialnih dokazov. Glede na mogočo prisotnost močvirskega mlečka (Euphorbia palustris l.) v Sloveniji pa je mogoče, da je bila nekoč prisotna tudi pri nas. Močvirski mleček danes spada med izumrle vrste v Slo- veniji (Frajman in jogan, 2007). kljub vsemu ostaja upanje, da v prihodnje, v kateri od starih, še nepreverjenih muzejskih zbirk v tujini, morda potrdimo kak primerek te lepe vrste steklokrilca. Literatura Bella, S., Bartsch D., & Z. Laštůvka, 2017: bibliographic summary and new records of the brachodidae and Sesiidae of Sicily, with an updated list and some com- ments on the distribution of italian species (lepidoptera, Cossoidea). Spixiana, 40(1), 139-156. 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Fragmenta balcanica Musei macedonici scientiarum naturalium 12(16): 179-189 Prejeto / Received: 27. 2. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 14 FOUR SPECIES OF HETEROPTERA NEW TO THE FAUNA OF SLOVENIA Andrej GoGAlA1, Duša VADnjAl2 & Miroslav KAstelic3 1 Prirodoslovni muzej slovenije, Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, si - 1001 ljubljana; e-mail: 2 Generala levičnika 46h, si - 6000 Koper 3 cesta na Markovec 3, si - 6000 Koper Abstract – Four species of Heteroptera were detected in slovenia for the first time, all in the vicinity of Koper: Camptotylus yersini (Mulsant & Rey) (Miridae), Calli- stodema fasciata (Kolenati) (Reduviidae), Metacanthus meridionalis (A. costa) (Be- rytidae) and Chorosoma schillingii (schilling) (Rhopalidae). they were photographed in the field and in one case collected afterwards. Key woRDs: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, introduced species, fauna, slovenia Izvleček – ŠtiRi VRste stenic (HeteRoPteRA), noVe V FAVni sloVe- nije Štiri vrste podreda Heteroptera so bile prvič najdene v sloveniji, vse v okolici Ko- pra: Camptotylus yersini (Mulsant & Rey) (Miridae), Callistodema fasciata (Kolenati) (Reduviidae), Metacanthus meridionalis (A. costa) (Berytidae) in Chorosoma schil- lingii (schilling) (Rhopalidae). na terenu smo jih fotografirali in v enem primeru pozneje tudi ujeli. Ključne BeseDe: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, vnešene vrste, favna, slovenija Introduction During the years 2018 and 2019, four species of Heteroptera not known from slo- venia before were photographed in the field. two of them live on the Tamarix bushes and are introduced species like their plant host. the other two were long expected in slovenia as they are present in neighbouring countries. specimens of one of them were also collected and are preserved in the collection of the slovenian museum of 15 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 15–21 natural History in ljubljana (PMsl). the indentifications of the other three species were possible from the photographs without doubt. List of species Miridae Camptotylus yersini (Mulsant & Rey, 1856) Koper, Škocjanski zatok, utM: Vl04, 23. 9. 2018 on Tamarix, photo Miroslav Kastelic A characteristic colour pattern distinguishes this member of the Phylini tribe and enable identification from the photograph. Camptotylus species are recognizable mirids for having one dark rounded spot in the radial part of the corium; the heme- lytra are green in color; Articles 3 and 4 of the rostrum are enlarged compared to the first and second. Four black rings on the second antennal segment differentiate Camptotylus yersini from other species in the same genus (wagner 1973). it is a Mediterranean species, distributed in southern europe (France, italy and spain), northern Africa, Middle east and central Asia (Kerzhner & josifov 1999). it lives on Tamarix species (tamaricaceae) and was found and photographed on this plant also in slovenia. tamarisks are not native on the slovenian coast, they are planted as ornamentals or expand further from such plants. insects obligately dependent of them were thus also introduced, most probably together with the plant material, or they spread along the Mediterranean coast by themselves as tamarisks are present in many places. the record in Koper is the northernmost in the range of Camptotylus yersini. the nearest known locality is in Goro (italy, Ferrara) on the opposite side of the Adriatic sea (Dioli 1995). Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 16 Fig. 1: Camptotylus yersini (Mulsant & Rey) on Tamarix in Škocjanski zatok near Koper, photo M. Kastelic Reduviidae Callistodema fasciata (Kolenati, 1857) Koper, Škocjanski zatok, Vl04, 8. 8. 2019 on Tamarix, 1 nymph, photo M. Kastelic, 29. 8. 2019, 1 nymph, photo M. Kastelic, 30. 8. 2019, 1 nymph, photo M. Kastelic, 2. 9. 2019, 1 nymph, photo M. Kastelic, 5. 9. 2019, 1 nymph, photo M. Kastelic, 10. 9. 2019 on Tamarix, 1♂, photo D. Vadnjal, 1♀, photo M. Kastelic, 11. 9. 2019, 1 freshly molted adult, photo D. Vadnjal, 13. 9. 2019, 1 nymph, photo D. Vadnjal, 15. 9. 2019, 1 nymph, photo D. Vadnjal, 21. 9. 2019, 1 freshly molted adult, photo M. Kastelic Harpactorine assassin bug strictly bound to Tamarix bushes where it feeds on small Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera (Miridae like Tuponia and lygaeidae – Artheneis) (Putshkov & Moulet 2009). the red and black colour pattern of adults reminds of Lygaeus and Spilostethus species (lygaeidae). nymphs that do not fly have a camouflage appearance among the leaves of the tamarisk (Fig. 2). Adults have instead aposematic colours like the poisonous lygaeidae, e.g. Lygaeus and Spilostethus, to be safer from predators (Fig.3). Callistodema fasciata is an east Mediterranean species, distributed from Greece to turkey, Dagestan (Russia), Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaidjan and iran (Putshkov P.V. & V.G. 1996, Putshkov & Moulet 2009). the locality on the slovenian coast is far away from the known distribution but at the port of Koper, a possible spot of in- troduction. warmer climate of recent years enable such southern species to survive far north to their native range. Berytidae Metacanthus meridionalis (A. costa, 1843) Koper, Škocjanski zatok, Vl04, 3. 6. 2019 on Epilobium hirsutum, 1♀, photo Duša Vadnjal, 3. 8. 2019, 2♂1♀, Duša Vadnjal leg., PMsl Andrej Gogala, Duøa Vadnjal, Miroslav Kastelic: Four species of Heteroptera new to the fauna of Slovenia 17 Fig. 2: Callistodema fasciata (Kolenati) nymph on Tamarix in Škocjanski zatok near Koper, photo M. Kastelic Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 18 Fig. 4: Metacanthus meridionalis (A. costa) female in Škocjanski zatok near Koper, photo D. Vadnjal Fig. 3: Callistodema fasciata (Kolenati) female on Tamarix in Škocjanski zatok near Koper, photo M. Kastelic north Mediterranean and Pontic species, living on Epilobium species (onagraceae) (Péricart 1984). its main foodplant is Epilobium hirsutum, confirmed also in slovenia. its presence was expected as it is distributed in neighbouring countries. it was found also in Gorizia, at the border between italy and slovenia (Péricart 1984). Rhopalidae Chorosoma schillingii (schilling, 1829) Koper, Dekani, Vl04, 12. 8. 2018, 1♀, photo Duša Vadnjal, 20. 8. 2018, 1♂1♀, photo Miroslav Kastelic, 5. 9. 2018, 1♀, photo Duša Vadnjal european species feeding predominantly on various Poaceae (Moulet 1995). it was expected in slovenia as it is present in all neighbouring countries. Another species present in europe, Chorosoma gracile josifov 1968, is similar, but distributed only in the Pannonian part of central europe. it is unlikely to be present near the Adriatic coast. the identification is proved also by long pilosity of the hind tibiae, characteristic for Ch. schillingii and evident on the photographs. Andrej Gogala, Duøa Vadnjal, Miroslav Kastelic: Four species of Heteroptera new to the fauna of Slovenia 19 Fig. 5: Chorosoma schillingii (schilling) female in Dekani near Koper, photo D. Vadnjal Conclusions All four species new to the country have been found in the slovenian part of istria, region with the warmest climate in slovenia and where species which expand their distribution ranges due to climate change are expected to appear. two species, Metacanthus meridionalis and Chorosoma schillingii may have been overlooked before as they are present in neighbouring countries. two species which live exclusi- vely on Tamarix, however, most probably colonized the slovenian locality near Koper only in recent times. in the same locality other Heteroptera species were found on the Tamarix bushes before: Tuponia hippophaes (Fieber, 1861), Tuponia mixticolor (A. costa, 1862) and Megalodactylus macularubra (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) (Gogala 2006). they were collected by the first author in the year 2000 during survey of the Škocjanski zatok, area provided for conservation. Camptotylus yersini and Callisto- dema fasciata were not detected then. the latter seems to be quite numerous now as it was photographed on many visits to the area, first as nymphs and in september finally as adults. References Dioli, P., 1995: eterotteri del Ferrarese. 1. la fauna terrestre (Heteroptera cimico- morpha et Pentatomorpha). Quaderni della Stazione Ecologica del Civico Museo di Storia naturale di Ferrara, 8: 7-49. Gogala, A., 2006: Heteroptera of slovenia, iii: Miridae. Annales, Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, Series historia naturalis, 16 (1): 77-112. Kerzhner, I.M., M. Josifov, 1999: Miridae. in: Aukema, B., chr. Rieger: catalogue of Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region, Vol. 3: cimicomorpha ii. the nether- lands entomological society, Amsterdam, 576 pp. Moulet, P., 1995: Hémiptères coreoidea (coreidae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae) Pyrrho- coridae, stenocephalidae euro-Méditerranéens. Faune de France 81, Paris, 336 pp. Péricart, J., 1984: Hémiptères Berytidae euro-Méditerranéens. Faune de France 70, Paris, 174 pp. Putshkov, P. V., P. Moulet, 2009: Hémiptères Reduviidae d’europe occidentale. Faune de France 92, Paris, 668 pp. Putshkov, P. V., V. G. Putshkov, 1996: Family Reduviidae latreille, 1807 – assas- sin-bugs. in: Aukema, B., chr. Rieger: catalogue of Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region, Vol. 2: cimicomorpha i. the netherlands entomological society, Am- sterdam, pp. 148-265. Wagner, E., 1973: Die Miridae Hahn, 1831, des Mittelmeerraumes und der Makaro- nesischen inseln (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). teil 2. Ent. Abh. Dresden, 39 suppl., 421 pp. Received / Prejeto: 4. 2. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 20 CALIAESCHNA MICROSTIGMA (Schneider 1845) (re)diScovered in Serbia (odonata: aeShnidae) Aleksandar Đukić1, 2*, isidora Bolesnikov1,2 1HabiProt, Janka Čmelika 28a 3/25, 21000 novi sad, serbia 2scientific Research society of Biology and ecology students “Josif Pančić”, Trg Dositeja obradovića 2, 21000 novi sad, serbia *Corresponding author; e-mail: abstract – The distribution of Caliaeschna microstigma (schneider 1845) in europe is restricted mostly to the Balkans. As its populations have been declining over the past years, the species is classified as near Threatened (nT) in the european and Mediter- ranean Red lists. in serbia, this species was reported earlier, but the data is incomplete. Precise location and the description of the record is missing. During the field trip in July 2018 in Pčinja River valley (southern serbia) two individuals of C. microstigma were recorded. Based on this study, further faunistic research should be carried out in southern parts of the country to map the present distribution of this rheophile species and to take the most effective management measures for its conservation. key woRDs: Conservation, Caliaeschna microstigma, dragonflies, Pčinja River valley, serbia izvleček – Ponovno oDkRiTJe BleDeGA veTRnJAkA CALIAESCHNA MICROSTIGMA (sCHneiDeR 1845) v sRBiJi (oDonATA: AesHniDAe) Bledi vetrnjak Caliaeschna microstigma (schneider 1845) je v evropi razširjen skoraj izključno na Balkanskem polotoku. ker populacije te vrste upadajo, je vrsta uvrščena na evropski in sredozemski rdeči seznam, na oba s statusom potencialne ogroženosti ('near Threatened', nT). Za srbijo obstaja starejši podatek o prisotnosti bledega vetrnjaka, a je pomanjkljiv, kajti ni bilo sporočene natančne lokacije najdbe. na terenski odpravi julija 2018 v dolino reke Pčinje (južna srbija) smo zabeležili dva osebka bledega vetrnjaka. Za natančno poznavanje razširjenosti te reofilne vrste in pripravo načrta njenega ohranjanja so potrebne nadaljnje favnistične raziskave, predvsem v južnih predelih srbije. klJuČne BeseDe: varstvo, Caliaeschna microstigma, kačji pastirji, dolina reke Pčinje, srbija 21 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 21–28 introduction in the last decade, great progress has been made in studying dragonflies in serbia (e.g. Jović et al. 2010, kulić et al. 2013, Rajkov et al. 2015, vinko et al. 2016), but this group of insects is still insufficiently explored in the country. Although a certain number of papers on serbian dragonfly fauna was published, the majority includes a smaller part of the country territory as well as a smaller part of the field season. For many species data is scarce and the records are sporadic (e.g. Jović et al. 2009). Therefore, the distribution of a large number of species in serbia is poorly known and it can be assumed to be much wider than we know today. in serbia no national Red list exists (Boudot & kalkman 2015), although seven dragonfly species are protected (službeni glasnik Republike srbije 5/2010). Jović (2013) listed 67 dragonfly species in the serbian fauna, four of which require further research that will confirm the accuracy of the previous literature sources and were therefore not included in the Atlas of the european dragonflies and damselflies (Boudot & kalkman 2015). one of these species is Caliaeschna microstigma (schneider 1845). it develops in cold and fast flowing, well oxygenated running waters, which are at least partly shaded, with stony, pebble or gravel substrate. These are usually brooks, streams or small rivers (with width mostly 0.5–2 m), majority lacking aquatic vascular plants, where pools of calm water provide refuges for the larvae (kovács & Murányi 2013, kalkman & Jović 2015). elevation of the habitats is from sea level up to 1,500 m a.s.l. (shkëmbi et al. 2018). The larvae live among submerged moss, leaf litter, roots or under stones when other substrates are absent (Dijkstra & lewington 2006). larval de- velopment of this semivoltine species usually takes three years (kovács & Murányi 2013). in serbian language, the species is called ‘primorski plemić’ (Jović 2013). without any political suggestion, in this paper we exclude kosovo as a part of serbia. landscape of outstanding features “Pčinja River valley” is an area comprising 2,606 ha, located in the south of serbia, on the border with the Republic of north Macedonia. it is a landscape with exceptional biogeographical characteristics (Avramović et al. 2005). Pčinja River valley is located in the transitional area in the climatic and vegetational terms, which makes it prone to degradation and susceptible to anthropogenic influences (Mišić 1981). The climate of this area is a mixture of continental and Mediterranean and as such has influenced the development of specific heterogeneous vegetation. These two factors defined the unusual fauna structure in this area. Caliaeschna microstigma was previously reported from serbia (karaman 1979), but without a precise description of the record. in this article we present the first de- tailed record of C. microstigma for the country. Material and methods During the study we visited the landscape of outstanding features “Pčinja River valley” (loc. 1) as well as the surrounding localities (loc. 2–4) in order to clarify Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 22 the status of C. microstigma in serbia (Fig. 1). in the period from 20 to 22 July 2018 four sites were visited (Tab. 1) with only adult dragonflies identified. Three localities (loc. 1, 3, 4) are different sites of Pčinja River, while one (loc. 2) is a stream that is a tributary of the Pčinja River. one male specimen of C. microstigma is stored in the entomological collection of the natural History Museum in Belgrade. table 1: list of investigated sites from Fig. 1. no. Loc. Locality coordinates(l at./lon.) alt. (m) date no. of dragonfly taxa 1 Prohor Pčinjski monastery (Pčinja River) 42°18'59.0"n 21°53'29.3"e 629 20.07.2018, 21.07.2018 1 2 Šaprance(stream) 42°23'11.67"n 21°58'55.71"e 561 21.07.2018, 22.07.2018 7 3 Šajince(Pčinja River) 42°23'02.9"n 22°02'02.8"e 572 21.07.2018 1 4 Trgovište(Pčinja River) 42°22'31.1"n 22°03'53.9"e 606 21.07.2018 3 Akeksandar flukiå, Isidora Bolesnikov: Caliaeschna microstigma (Schneider 1845) (re)discovered in Serbia (Odonata: Aeshnidae) 23 Fig. 1: Map of studied sites in the Pčinja region, south serbia. results Altogether eight dragonfly taxa were identified (Tab. 2). During the visit to Šaprance (loc. 2), two adult males of C. microstigma were recorded (Fig. 2). table 2: list of recorded dragonfly species per locality from Tab. 1. species loc. 1 loc. 2 loc. 3 loc. 4 Calopteryx virgo (linnaeus 1758) - + - + Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas 1771) - + + + Caliaeschna microstigma (Schneider 1845) - + - - Cordulegaster bidentata selys 1843 - + - - Cordulegaster sp. + - - - Somatochlora meridionalis nielsen 1935 - + - - Orthetrum coerulescens (linnaeus 1758) - + - - Orthetrum brunneum (Fonscolombe 1837) - + - + Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 24 Fig. 2: Caliaeschna microstigma (schneider 1845), adult male from loc. 2, de- posited in the entomological collection of the natural History Museum in Belgrade (photo: Milan Đurić, 21-vii-2018). discussion Two adult males of Caliaeschna microstigma were observed on 21 July 2018 in the late afternoon (18:00 PM), patrolling low above the water, matching the description of this crepuscular animal (Dijkstra & lewington 2006). Recorded territorial behaviour as well as the appropriate habitat in form of a smaller slow flowing stream, in shade with dense surrounding vegetation indicates that reproduction is possible on the site. Further studies should be carried out in order to determine the reproduction status of this species. The site was also visited in the morning hours (10:00 AM) on 22 July 2018, when no individual of this species was recorded. The species recorded in sympatry with C. microstigma were expected based on quotations (kovács & Murányi 2013). Caliaeschna microstigma was often observed with Cordulegaster spp. and Calopteryx spp. (kulijer et al. 2012, De knijf et al. 2013), in our case with locally abundant C. bidentata and C. virgo. The distribution of C. microstigma in europe is restricted to the Balkans, Cyprus and the Aegean islands (kalkman & Jović 2015). This rheophile species is not un- common in large parts of the eastern Mediterranean, but often occurs in low densities (kalkman & Jović 2015). individuals of C. microstigma are recorded in almost every country of the Balkan Peninsula (Adamović 1948, Bedjanič et al. 2008, Beschovski & Marinov 2007, Buczyński et al. 2013, Daraž 2009, De knijf et al. 2013, Hostnik 2018, kalkman 2000, kovács & Murányi 2013, kulijer et al. 2012, 2013, lopau 2010, Puschnig 1926, Murányi 2007, Murányi & kovács 2013, shkëmbi et al. 2018, vinko 2012, 2018, vinko et al. 2017, 2018), while localities in Croatia (Belančić et al. 2008, vilenica et al. 2014, kotarac et al. 2016) represent north-westernmost border of the species areal (kalkman & Jović 2015). This being considered, the presence of C. microstigma in the south of serbia was expected. Caliaeschna microstigma is classified as near Threatened (nT) in the Mediter- ranean and the european Red lists (Riservato et al. 2009, kalkman et al. 2010). kalkman et al. (2018) proposed C. microstigma to be included in the eu Habitat Di- rective (Council Directive 92/43/eeC) as its populations are declining and the species is likely to qualify as threatened in the european Red list in the future. Furthermore, decrease in quality of running waters throughout its area of distribution is present. As the range of C. microstigma is confined to cold streams and small rivers, the climate change will have a major impact on the species due to habitat degradation (Boudot et al. 2009). Therefore, the conservation of Pčinja River valley is extremely important in order to protect the population of C. microstigma in serbia. Further faunistic studies, focused also on dragonfly larvae and exuviae, should be carried out, especially in the southern parts of the country, to map the present distribution of this species and to take the most effective management measures for its conservation. acknowledgements we would like to thank Miloš Jović (Belgrade natural History Museum) and Damjan vinko (slovene Dragonfly society) who significantly contributed to the Akeksandar flukiå, Isidora Bolesnikov: Caliaeschna microstigma (Schneider 1845) (re)discovered in Serbia (Odonata: Aeshnidae) 25 quality of this paper. we are also thankful to Milan Đurić and Bojana nadaždin (As- sociation for sustainable Development and Habitat Protection in serbia “HabiProt”) who accompanied us in the field. references adamović Ž., 1948: list of the odonata collection of the state Museum in sarajevo. Godišnjak biološkog instituta u Sarajevu 1(1): 79–94. 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Received / Prejeto: 5. 12. 2019 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 28 NEW RECORDS OF HORSE-FLIES (DIPTERA: TABANIDAE) ALONG NERETVA RIVER VALLEY AND CETINA RIVER IN DALMATIA (SOUTHERN CROATIA) Mariana Puškarić1 and Stjepan krčMar1* 1Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer university of Osijek, Cara Hadrijana 8/a, Hr-31000 Osijek, Croatia *Corresponding author: Abstract – Study of the horsefly fauna diversity in the area of the Cetina river during 2018 resulted in 23 species records of which Chrysops viduatus (Fabricius, 1794), Atylotus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1767), Therioplectes tunicatus Szilády, 1927, Hybomitra bimaculata (Macquart, 1826), Tabanus lunatus Fabricius, 1794 and Philipomyia aprica (Meigen, 1820) are new for the studied area. The total number of horsefly species currently known in the area increased to 35, while new locality records are provided for 17 species. During 2014 and 2015 in the Neretva river valley 15 species of horse-flies were recorded, of which new locality records are provided for 10 species. in the Neretva river valley a total of 37 species of horse- flies were recorded. altogether, 46 species have been recorded in the study areas from 78 species recorded so far in the Croatian fauna. Considering biogeography, the majority of species recorded in both studied areas belong to the Mediterranean group of species. key wOrDS: Horse-flies, Tabanidae, Diptera, diversity, Southern Croatia, europe Izvleček – NOVe NaJDBe OBaDOV (DiPTera: TaBaNiDae) V DOLiNi NereTVe iN OB reki CeTiNi V DaLMaCiJi (JuŽNa HrVaška) raziskava raznovrstnosti favne obadov v območju reke Cetine leta 2018 je dala najdbe 23 vrst, od katerih so Chrysops viduatus (Fabricius, 1794), Atylotus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1767), Therioplectes tunicatus Szilády, 1927, Hybomitra bimaculata (Mac- quart, 1826), Tabanus lunatus Fabricius, 1794 in Philipomyia aprica (Meigen, 1820) nove za območje raziskave. Skupno število vrst obadov, trenutno znanih za območje, se je povečalo na 35, medtem ko je bilo 17 vrst najdenih na novih najdiščih. V letih 2014 in 2015 je bilo v dolini reke Neretve najdenih 15 vrst obadov, 10 izmed njih na 29 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 29–42 novih najdiščih. V dolini reke Neretve je bilo skupno najdenih 37 vrst obadov.V ob- močjih raziskave je bilo skupno najdenih 46 vrst od 78 vrst, do zdaj najdenih v hrvaški favni. Biogeografsko večina najdenih vrst obeh raziskovanih območij pripada mediteranski skupini vrst. kLJučNe BeSeDe: obadi, Tabanidae, Diptera, raznovrstnost, južna Hrvaška, evropa Introduction Study of the insect fauna of Dalmatia was initiated relatively late in comparison to other areas in europe (Nonveiller 1989). although, the first data on the insects from Dalmatia are found in Forti’s book entitled “Viaggio in Dalmatia” published in 1774 (Nonveiller 1989), data in this book on insects from Neretva river Delta are not results of scientific research and were mostly written on the basis of superficial observations (Nonveiller 1989). The first study of insect fauna in Dalmatia begins in the first half of the XiX century. Foreign entomologists were especially attracted by the fact that the insect world of Dalmatia was still uninvestigated (Durbešić 1984; Nonveiller 1989). also, very important fact is that Dalmatia is the closest of all the Mediterranean countries to Central europe (Nonveiller 1989). During the austro-Hungarian Monarchy significant efforts have been made to investigate the natural resources of the adriatic coast, including the insect fauna. Numerous ento- mologists, especially from the Vienna Natural History Museum, spent a lot of time in Dalmatia on islands, inland localities like krka Falls, the source of Cetina river, the Dinara Mountains, Biokovo and neighbouring areas in these studies (Durbešić 1984, 2011; Nonveiller 1989). During these periods the horsefly fauna was researched primarily by foreign entomologists, with the first data being published at the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century (Brauer & Bergenstamm 1880; Strobl 1893, 1898, 1900, 1902; Zerny 1920). after world war ii, the research activities of foreign and domestic entomologists in Dalmatia were continued and the number of recorded species from different groups of insects has gradually increased, especially from the family Tabanidae (Coe 1958, 1960; Moucha 1959, 1965; Leclercq 1960). in spite of the numerous entomological research, the knowledge on the majority of the insect groups of Dalmatia remains fragmentary. There are some areas along the adriatic coast and inland of Dalmatia that haven’t yet been sufficiently studied. These areas include rivers, river banks and wetlands. Data from these wet or flooded habitats for some insect groups, orders and families i.e. ephemeroptera, Lepidoptera, Crambidae, erebidae, Nymphalidae, from Diptera empididae and Tabanidae, as well as Plecoptera were recently published during the end of the 20th century and the beginning of this century (krčmar & Leclercq 1997; krčmar 1999; krčmar & Merdić 2007; Perković 2006; Popijač & Sivec 2010; ivković & Horvat 2007; ivković et al. 2007, 2013; kučinić et al. 2014; Vilenica et al. 2016a, 2016b; Gumhalter et al. 2018). Flooded habitats (river banks and wetlands) are a significant source of bio- logical diversity, considering the fact that one part of the life cycle of a large number of insects takes place in flooded habitats (Mitsch & Gosselink 2000). The aim of Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 30 this paper is to: a) show the diversity of horsefly fauna in the area of the Cetina river and the Neretva river valley, b) classify the horseflies according to their bio- geographical groups, c) use of this data for further systematic entomological research in this area. Material and methods This study is based on unpublished data from the current study and unidentified specimens in S. krčmar’s collection, as well as data from literature. Samplings of horseflies in the Neretva river valley were carried out during June and July 2014 and 2015, while samplings of horseflies in the area of the Cetina river were carried out from mid May to second half of September during 2018. Horseflies were collected using Malaise traps, Nzi traps, canopy traps and plastic bottle traps, all were baited with 2 ml of 1-octen-3-ol. also, some horseflies were collected by hand from grazing cattle or inside a car. all collected horseflies were preserved in 96% ethanol solution. identification and nomenclature followed that of Chvála et al. (1972), Moucha (1976), Chvála (1988) and krčmar et al. (2011) – see as well the Table 1 and lists of species at the end of this paper. Classification in major biogeographical groups i.e. afro- eurasian arid, Boreal-eurasian, european and Mediterranean was performed according to Chvála et al. (1972) and Olsufjev (1977). The Mediterranean group includes South european species, western and eastern Mediterranean species. For every species from current study following data were listed: locality, uTM, date, number of speci- mens and sex. additionally, the list of all recorded species, either from literature data or current study, was prepared to show complete faunal composition. Study areas Neretva river valley The entire Neretva river valley is located in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County in Croatia. even though only 22.3 km of the total 218 km of the Neretva river flows in the republic of Croatia, exactly that final part of the river expands into a spacious delta of about 11.500 ha (Glamuzina & Glamuzina 2001). The most significant feature of this area is very diverse landscape (Figure 1) with different types of vegetation due to the constant presence of water and because a large part of this area is overgrown with common reed and high sedges (Scirpo-Phragmitetum). Cetina river Cetina river is located in the Split-Dalmatia County in Croatia. it is 105 kilometers long and the springs are located on the slopes of the Dinara Mountain at an altitude of 380 m a.s.l. Due to the petrographic structure of the Cetina valley, the Cetina river does not lose its flow and flows continuously from the spring to the mouth into the adriatic Sea (romac 2017). Many areas along Cetina river are overgrown by forest and bushy vegetation (Figure 2) where the edifiers are Salix alba (L.) and Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. (see Vukelić 2008). Mariana Puøkariå, Stjepan Krœmar: New records of horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) along Neretva river valley and Cetina river 31 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 32 Figure 1. Locality Modro Oko, Neretva river valley. Figure 2. Cetina river landscape. Results The total number of horseflies collected in this recent study in the Neretva river valley was 1321 specimens classified in 15 species. New locality records are provided for 10 species. The most numerous was the genus Tabanus with 9 species, while other genera were represented as follows: Chrysops and Hybomitra with 2 species each, as well as Atylotus and Philipomyia with 1 species each. Tabanus bromius was the most abundant with 62.30%, followed by Tabanus eggeri (16.04%), Tabanus sudeticus (5.90%), Chrysops viduatus (4.92%), Philipomyia graeca (4.84%) and Ta- banus tergestinus (2.95%). These six species account for 96.95% of all collected specimens. abundance was rated based on the number of horseflies collected. abun- dance was considered sparse if the number of collected horseflies ranged from 1 to 10 specimens, low (11 – 20), moderate (21 – 50), high (51 – 100), and very high (> 100). Based on this division, 9 species were of sparse abundance, one species with moderate abundance, three species with high abundance and two species with very high abundance. including current and earlier studies altogether, 37 species of horse- flies were recorded in the Neretva river valley (Table 1). Twenty-three species belong to Mediterranean group of species, followed by Boreal – eurasian biogeo- graphical group with 11, afro-eurasian arid with 3, and european with one species (Table 1). During the study in 2018 in the area of the Cetina river 668 specimens of horseflies were collected, belonging to 21 species and seven genera. Based on these records and previously unpublished data (26 specimens classified to 12 species from S. krčmar’s collection), the new locality records are provided for 17 species. Six species, Chrysops viduatus, Atylotus rusticus, Therioplectes tunicatus, Hybomitra bimaculata, Tabanus lunatus and Philipomyia aprica, were recorded for the first time in the studied area along Cetina river. Tabanus glaucopis comprised 26.08% of the horseflies collected. it was followed by Tabanus tergestinus with 22.19%, Tabanus bromius with 13.68%, Tabanus exclusus with 8.21%, Atylotus loewianus with 6.62%, Haematopota grandis with 5.04%, Philipomyia graeca with 4.46% and Tabanus spodopterus s.str. (T. spodopterus spodopterus) with 3.17%. These eight species rep- resent 89,45% of the horseflies collected, while the remaining 15 species are repre- sented with 10.55%. Tabanus was found as the best represented genus with 11 species, followed by Hybomitra with 3 species, Chrysops, Atylotus, Haematopota and Philipomyia with 2 species each, and Therioplectes with one species. The majority of species (13) collected in the area of the Cetina river were of sparse abundance, fol- lowed by two species with low abundance, four species with moderate abundance, two with high abundance, and two species with very high abundance. including current and earlier studies a total of 35 species of horseflies were recorded in the area of the Cetina river (Table 1). Considering biogeoraphy, most species belong to the Mediterranean group (21), followed by the Boreal– eurasian group with 11 species, afro-eurasian arid with 2, and european with one species (Table 1). The following list of species includes new locality records and new records of horsefly species for the areas of the Neretva river valley and Cetina river obtained during this study as well as unpublished records. Mariana Puøkariå, Stjepan Krœmar: New records of horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) along Neretva river valley and Cetina river 33 List of recorded horsefly species in the Neretva river valley during 2014 and 2015 Chrysops flavipes Meigen, 1804. New locality records: Banja (XH 96), 16.07.2014, 1♀ Chrysops viduatus (Fabricius, 1794). Desne (yH 06), 30.06.2015, 37♀♀, 01.07.2015, 16♀♀, 02.07.2015, 6♀♀, 03.07.2015, 1♀; Badžula (yH 16), 02.07.2015, 5♀♀ Atylotus loewianus (Villeneuve, 1920). New locality records: Banja (XH 96), 16.07.2014, 2♀♀ Hybomitra acuminata (Loew, 1858). Desne (yH 06), 02.07.2015, 1♀ Hybomitra muehlfeldi (Brauer in Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1880). Desne (yH 06), 01.07.2015, 2♀♀, 02.07.2015 1♀; Badžula (yH 16), 02.07.2015, 1♂ Tabanus autumnalis Linnaeus, 1761. New locality records: Desne (yH 06), 01.07.2015, 2♀♀; Vriještica (yH 07), 18.07.2014, 1♀, 03.07.2015, 2♀♀, 1♂ Tabanus bromius Linnaeus, 1758. New locality records: Desne (yH 06), 17.07.2014, 3♀♀, 30.06.2015, 43♀♀, 01.07.2015, 61♀♀, 02.07.2015, 222♀♀, 03.07.2015, 288♀♀, 04.07.2015, 186♀♀; Vid (yH 16), 16.07.2014, 2♀♀; Vriještica (yH 07), 18.07.2014, 4♀♀, 03.07.2015, 6♀♀, 6♂♂; Badžula (yH 16), 02.07.2015, 2♀♀ Tabanus darimonti Leclerq, 1964. New locality records: Desne (yH 06), 30.06.2015, 1♀, 02.07.2015, 4♀♀, 03.07.2015, 4♀♀, 04.07.2015, 1♀ Tabanus eggeri Schiner, 1868. New locality records: Banja (XH 96), 16.07.2014, 1♀; Blace (yH 06), 17.07.2014, 1♀; Desne (yH 06), 30.06.2015, 19♀♀, 01.07.2015, 19♀♀, 02.07.2015, 74♀♀, 03.07.2015, 34♀♀, 04.07.2015, 59♀♀; Vriještica (yH 07), 03.07.2015, 5♀♀ Tabanus exclusus Pandellé, 1883. New locality records: Desne (yH 06), 02.07.2015, 1♀ Tabanus miki Brauer in Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1880. Desne (yH 06), 30.06.2015, 1♀, 01.07.2015, 2♀♀, 02.07.2015, 3♀♀, 03.07.2015, 2♀♀ Tabanus regularis Jaennicke, 1866. New locality records: Desne (yH 06), 05.06.2003, 1♀, 03.07.2015, 4♀♀; Vriještica (yH 07), 03.07.2015, 2♀♀ Tabanus sudeticus Zeller, 1842. Desne (yH 06), 17.07.2014, 1♀, 30.06.2015, 9♀♀, 01.07.2015, 5♀♀, 02.07.2015, 21♀♀, 1♂, 03.07.2015, 8♀♀, 04.07.2015, 12♀♀; Vriještica (yH 07), 18.07.2014, 2♀♀, 03.07.2015, 7♀♀, 5♂♂; Badžula (yH 16), 02.07.2015, 7♀♀ Tabanus tergestinus egger, 1859. New locality records: Banja (XH 96), 16.07.2014, 4♀♀; komin (XH 96), 16.07.2014, 1♀; Vid (yH 16), 16.07.2014, 1♀; Blace (yH 06), 17.07.2014, 1♀; Ploče (XH 96), 17.07.2014, 1♀; Desne (yH 06), 30.06.2015, 3♀♀, 01.07.2015, 3♀♀, 02.07.2015, 6♀♀, 03.07.2015, 4♀♀, 04.07.2015, 15♀♀ Philipomyia graeca (Fabricius, 1794). New locality records: Banja (XH 96), 16.07.2014, 1♀; Desne (yH 06), 17.07.2014, 2♀♀, 30.06.2015, 20♀♀, 01.07.2015, 7♀♀, 02.07.2015, 3♀♀, 03.07.2015, 15♀♀, 04.07.2015, 3♀♀; Ploče (XH 96), 17.07.2014, 1♀; Badžula (yH 16), 02.07.2015, 5♀♀; Vriještica (yH 07), 03.07.2015, 1♀♀, 6♂♂ Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 34 List of recorded horsefly species in the area of the Cetina River during 2018 and unpublished data from S. Krčmar’s collection Chrysops caecutiens Linnaeus, 1758. New locality records: Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀; koljane (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀ Chrysops viduatus (Fabricius, 1794). First record: rumin (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 1♀; Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀; koljane (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀ Atylotus loewianus (Villeneuve, 1920). New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 19.06.2018, 3♀♀, 20.06.2018, 2♀♀, 30.08.2018, 21♀♀, 10.09.2018, 4♀♀; Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀; Peruča (XJ 24), 05.07.2018, 1♀, 14.07.2018, 1♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), 28.07.2018, 3♀♀, 30.08.2018, 3♀♀, 10.09.2018, 1♀; Glavice (XJ 34), 30.07.2018, 2♀♀, 05.08.2018, 2♀♀; Gala (XJ 34), 31.08.2018, 1♀ Atylotus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1767). First record: Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 3♀♀; koljane (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀ Therioplectes tunicatus Szilády, 1927. First record: Omiš (XJ 31), 08.06.2003, 1♀ Hybomitra bimaculata (Macquart, 1826). First record: rumin (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 1♀ Hybomitra ciureai (Séguy, 1937). New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀ Hybomitra muehlfeldi (Brauer in Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1880). New locality records: Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 1♀; rumin (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 1♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀ Tabanus bifarius Loew, 1858. New locality records: Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 6♀♀; rumin (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 1♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 19.06.2018, 1♀, 20.06.2018, 1♀; Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 3♀♀ Tabanus bromius Linnaeus, 1758. New locality records: Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 13♀♀; rumin (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 2♀♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 19.06.2018, 4♀♀, 20.06.2018, 17♀♀, 30.08.2018, 1♀, 10.09.2018, 1♀; Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 15♀♀; koljane (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀; Trilj (XJ 33), 20.06.2018, 1♀; Peruča (XJ 24), 21.06.2018, 2♀♀, 05.07.2018, 14♀♀, 14.07.2018, 13♀♀; Tugare (XJ 31), 21.06.2018, 1♀; Gala (XJ 34), 22.06.2018, 1♀; štikovo (XJ 06), 18.07.2018, 6♀♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), 18.07.2018, 1♀; 28.07.2018, 1♀ Tabanus cordiger Meigen, 1820. New locality records: Blato na Cetini (XJ 41), 6.07.2003, 1♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 4♀♀, 30.08.2018, 1♀; Peruča (XJ 24), 21.06.2018, 1♀ Tabanus eggeri Schiner, 1868. New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀, 30.08.2018, 2♀♀; Gala (XJ 34), 22.06.2018, 1♀; štikovo (XJ 06), 18.07.2018, 1♀ Tabanus exclusus Pandellé, 1883. New locality records: Blato na Cetini (XJ 41), 6.07.2003, 1♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 19.06.2018, 1♀, 20.06.2018, 9♀♀, 30.08.2018, 7♀♀, 10.09.2018, 3♀♀; Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 2♀♀; koljane (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀; Naklice (XJ 31), 21.06.2018, 1♀; Tugare (XJ 31), 21.06.2018, 10♀♀; Peruča (XJ 24), 05.07.2018, 3♀♀, 14.07.2018, 2♀♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), Mariana Puøkariå, Stjepan Krœmar: New records of horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) along Neretva river valley and Cetina river 35 18.07.2018, 7♀♀, 28.07.2018, 5♀♀, 30.08.2018, 1♀; štikovo (XJ 06), 18.07.2018, 3♀♀; Glavice (XJ 34), 30.07.2018, 1♀ Tabanus glaucopis Meigen, 1820. New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀, 30.08.2018, 103♀♀, 10.09.2018, 47♀♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), 28.07.2018, 2♀♀, 30.08.2018, 6♀♀, 10.09.2018 11♀♀; Tugare (XJ 31), 30.08.2018, 6♀♀; 11.09.2018, 4♀♀; Gala (XJ 34), 31.08.2018, 1♂ Tabanus lunatus Fabricus, 1794. First record: Tugare (XJ 31), 21.06.2018, 1♀ Tabanus quatuornotatus Meigen, 1820. New locality records: Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 4♀♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), 18.05.2018, 3♀♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 1♀ Tabanus shannonellus kröber, 1936. New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 30.08.2018, 2♀♀ Tabanus spodopterus s. str. (spodopterus spodopterus)Meigen, 1820. New locality records: Vrlika (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 8♀♀; Peruča (XJ 24), 05.07.2018, 5♀♀, 14.07.2018, 9♀♀ Tabanus tergestinus egger, 1859. New locality records: Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 3♀♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 19.06.2018, 11♀♀, 20.06.2018, 65♀♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), 19.06.2018, 1♂, 18.07.2018, 4♀♀, 28.07.2018, 1♀; Cetina (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 5♀♀; Glavice (XJ 34), 20.06.2018, 1♂; Vrlika (XJ 16), 20.06.2018, 4♀♀; Naklice (XJ 31), 21.06.2018, 1♀; Peruča (XJ 24), 21.06.2018, 12♀♀, 3♂♂, 05.07.2018, 2♀♀, 14.07.2018, 2♀♀; Tugare (XJ 31), 21.06.2018, 1♀; Gala (XJ 34), 22.06.2018, 2♀♀; štikovo (XJ 06), 18.07.2018, 36♀♀ Haematopota grandis Meigen, 1820. New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 30.08.2018, 27♀♀, 10.09.2018, 5♀♀; Ogorje (XJ 14), 30.08.2018, 2♀♀; Tugare (XJ 31), 11.09.2018, 1♀ Haematopota pandazisi kröber, 1936. New locality records: Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 30.08.2018, 12♀♀, 10.09.2018, 6♀♀ Philipomyia aprica (Meigen, 1820). First record: Peruča (XJ 24), 05.07.2018, 1♀ Philipomyia graeca (Fabricius, 1794). New locality records: Blato na Cetini (XJ 41), 8.06.2003, 3♀♀; Bitelić Gornji (XJ 25), 10.06.2003, 1♀; Donje Maovice (XJ 16), 19.06.2018, 6♀♀, 20.Vi.2018, 21♀♀ Discussion Published data for the studied areas were very scarce until the nineties of the last century. Only Chrysops viduatus has been recorded in the Neretva river valley by foreign entomologists. all other recorded species for this area were collected during studies performed at the end of 20th and the beginning of this century (krčmar & Leclercq 1997; krčmar 1999; krčmar & Merdić 2007). in the same period in the area of Cetina river, 29 species of horseflies were recorded, which were the first data on Tabanidae family for this area (krčmar 1999). During the study of 2018 and reviewing of horseflies in S. krčmar collection, species Chrysops viduatus, Atylotus rusticus, Therioplectes tunicatus, Hybomitra bimaculata, Tabanus lunatus and Philipomyia aprica were recorded for the first time for the area of Cetina river. From six most Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 36 abundant species of horseflies in the Neretva river valley three belong to Boreal- eurasian biogeographical group. This is in line with many freshwater lakes (Baćina, Desne, kuti, Modro Oko), springs, channels and lagoons, which are suitable places for development of their larval stages. Small number of horsefly species in adult stage fly off far away from the place of their larval development (Chvála & Ježek 1997; andreeva et al. 2009). From the eight most abundant species of horseflies along Cetina river six belong to Mediterranean group of species, while two belong to Boreal-eurasian biogeographical group. altogether 46 species of horseflies were recorded in study areas (Neretva river valley and Cetina river) from 78 species recorded so far in Croatian fauna, which amounts to 58.97% of the horsefly fauna of Croatia. The majority of species (29) recorded in both study areas belong to the Mediterranean group of species. in a similar study krčmar et al. (2006) listed, on the basis of literature data, 6 species of horseflies from the Mediterranean group and 5 from South european group on Hungarian banks of the river Drava. This is in line with the fact that some Mediterranean species reach the borders of Central europe (Chvála et al. 1972). in this study, from halophilous species of horseflies listed in Croatian fauna, only Hybomitra acuminata was recorded in the area of the Neretva river valley. in previous studies halophilous species of horseflies were recorded in localities at the mouths of Neretva and Cetina rivers flowing into the adriatic Sea. in some localities salinity range was between 1.300 mg/l (Cl-) and 1.400 mg/l (Cl-), (Glamuzina et al. 2002). 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Bericht über die zweite zoologische reise des naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereins an der universität wien nach Dalmatien. Zoologische Jahrbücher, 42 (4): 205-212. Received / Prejeto: 20. 11. 2019 Table 1. Systematical list of the horsefly (Tabanidae) fauna in the study areas Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 40 Genus Species Neretva rivervalley Cetina river Biogeographical group Chrysops Meigen, 1803 Chrysops caecutiens Linnaeus, 1758 + + Be Chrysops flavipes Meigen, 1804 + - M Chrysops italicus Meigen, 1804 + - M Chrysops viduatus (Fabricius, 1794) + + Be Atylotus Osten – Sacken, 1876 Atylotus loewianus (Villeneuve, 1920) + + M Atylotus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1767) - + Be Therioplectes Zeller, 1842 Therioplectes gigas (Herbst, 1787) + - M Therioplectes tunicatus Szilády, 1927 + + M Hybomitra enderlein, 1922 Hybomitra acuminata (Loew, 1858) + + ae Hybomitra bimaculata (Macquart, 1826) - + Be Hybomitra ciureai (Séguy, 1937) + + Be Hybomitra expollicata (Pandellé, 1883) + + ae Hybomitra muehlfeldi (Brauer in Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1880) + + Be Hybomitra pilosa (Loew, 1858) + + e Hybomitra ukrainica (Olsufjev, 1952) + - ae Mariana Puøkariå, Stjepan Krœmar: New records of horse-flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) along Neretva river valley and Cetina river 41 Tabanus Linnaeus, 1758 Tabanus autumnalis Linnaeus, 1761 + + Be Tabanus bifarius Loew, 1858 + + M Tabanus bromius Linnaeus, 1758 + + Be Tabanus cordiger Meigen, 1820 + + Be Tabanus darimonti Leclercq, 1964 + - M Tabanus eggeri Schiner, 1868 + + M Tabanus exclusus Pandellé, 1883 + + M Tabanus glaucopis Meigen, 1820 - + Be Tabanus indrae Hauser, 1939 - + M Tabanus lunatus Fabricius, 1794 - + M Tabanus miki Brauer in Brauer &Bergenstamm, 1880 + - Be Tabanus obsolescens Pandellé, 1883 + + M Tabanus paradoxus Jaennicke, 1866 - + M Tabanus quatuornotatus Meigen, 1820 + + M Tabanus regularis Jaennicke, 1866 + + M Tabanus shannonellus kröber, 1936 + + M Tabanus spectabilis Loew, 1858 + - M Tabanus spodopterus s.str. (spodopterus spodopterus) Meigen, 1820 + + M Tabanus sudeticus Zeller, 1842 + - Be Tabanus tergestinus egger, 1859 + + M Tabanus tinctus walker, 1850 - + M Haematopota Meigen, 1803 Haematopota bigoti Gobert, 1881 + - M Haematopota grandis Meigen, 1820 + + M Haematopota italica Meigen, 1804 + + Be Haematopota pandazisi kröber, 1936 + + M Haematopota pluvialis (Linnaeus, 1758) + - Be Dasyrhamphis enderlein, 1922 Dasyrhamphis anthracinus (Meigen, 1820) + - M Dasyrhamphis ater (rossi, 1790) + + M Biogeographical groups are abbreviated as follows: afro-eurasian arid (ae); Bo- real-eurasian (Be); european (e); Mediterranean (M) Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 42 Dasyrhamphis umbrinus (Meigen, 1820) - + M Philipomyia Olsufjev, 1964 Philipomyia aprica (Meigen, 1820) - + M Philipomyia graeca (Fabricius, 1794) + + M Σ 8 46 37 35 4 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE BUTTERFLY FAUNA (LEPIDOPTERA: PAPILIONOIDEA) OF GRAN CANARIA (CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN) Luka Šturm Department of Food Science and technology, Biotechnical Faculty, university of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: Abstract – Gran Canaria is a good example of an island where we can observe en- demic species of butterflies as well as the colonisation of new ones. In this article previously unknown localities of some butterfly species observed in December 2019 are being reported. this includes new locations of newly arrived species (Cacyreus marshalli and Leptotes pirithous), as well as new locations of some native ones (Vanessa cardui, Lycaena phlaeas and Pieris rapae). most importantly, new location of a rare butterfly Azanus ubaldus is also reported, being observed in the NW part of the island for the first time. According to my finds and previous observations newly introduced species are consolidating themselves fast across the entire island. Key WorDS: Lepidoptera, Gran Canaria, Azanus ubaldus, Leptotes pirithous, Cacyreus marshalli, new localities, introduced species Izvleček – PrISPeVeK K PoZNAVANJu FAVNe metuLJeV (LePIDoPterA: PAPILIoNoIDeA) otoKA GrAN CANArIA (KANArSKI otoKI, ŠPANIJA) Gran Canaria je lep primer otoka na katerem lahko opazujemo endemne vrste me- tuljev, kot tudi razširjanje vrst, ki so otok poselile pred kratkim. V tem članku so podana prej neznana nahajališča nekaterih vrst metuljev z lokacij, ki so bile obiskane v decembru 2019. to vključuje nova nahajališča za nekaj na novo prispelih vrst (Ca- cyreus marshalli in Leptotes pirithous), kot tudi nova nahajališča za nekaj avtohtonih vrst (Vanessa cardui, Lycaena phlaeas in Pieris rapae). Predvsem pa je bila odkrita tudi nova lokacija redkega metulja vrste Azanus ubaldus, ki je bila prvič opažena na SZ delu otoka. Kot kažejo naše najdbe in prejšnja opazovanja, se novo naseljene vrste hitro razširjajo po otoku in utrjujejo svojo prisotnost. KLJučNe BeSeDe: Lepidoptera, Gran Canaria, Azanus ubaldus, Leptotes pirithous, Cacyreus marshalli, nova nahajališča, tujerodne vrste 43 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 43–54 Introduction Islands are often very interesting places for observing unique flora and fauna be- cause of their isolation, which results in high percentage of endemism. Besides that, they are also very important for observation of colonisation of organisms by natural or anthropogenic pathways. the colonisation by new inhabitants can happen gradually over hundreds of years in the case of plants and slow moving organisms, or can be very fast and sudden in the case of more mobile ones. this is also the case of butterflies, which can spread rapidly over the new environments when the conditions are right (Juan et al. 2000; emerson 2003). A perfect example of that is the island of Gran Canaria, especially because of the favourable climate conditions, which persist all year round. Here we can observe the colonisation of some parts of the islands by butterfly species, which were absent prior to the 20th century. Some of those have been reported only in the last two decades, while others expanded rapidly over the last few. Some of the examples are the monarch (Danaus plexippus), the Desert babul blue (Azanus ubaldus), the Common zebra blue (Leptotes pirithous) and the Geranium bronze (Cacyreus marshalli) (olivier and Van der Poorten 1992; Wiemers 1995; Wiemers et al. 2013; Naranjo morales et al. 2018). In this article new locations of butterfly species, including some of the previously mentioned, are reported. It is known that most of the species found on the island can be seen all year round because of the warm climate, therefore it is worth mentioning, that the observations were made in mid-December. this is especially important since most of the prior studies focused on spring (because of the more favourable humid conditions) or summer months (Wiemers 1995; Wiemers et al. 2013; Naranjo morales et al. 2018). Geographical characteristics of the region Gran Canaria is a roughly 16 million years old volcanic island, located approxi- mately 200 km west of African continent in the Atlantic ocean. With its 1530 km2 it is the third largest island in the archipelago of Canary Islands. Its highest point reaches 1949 m with Pico de las Nieves (third highest in the archipelago), which combined with its landscape diversity and fragmentation gives rise to all kind of dif- ferent environments (Wiemers 1995; Schmincke & Sumita 1998). this is consequently reflected in its high number of butterfly species (26), surpassing or equalling (La Palma and La Gomera (26)) all of the other islands in its group, except tenerife (27) (Naranjo morales et al. 2018; Naranjo morales & Suárez ramos 2019). As mentioned before, Gran Canaria has a mild subtropical climate with warm temperatures that show little seasonal variation (monthly means are between 18 °C in January and 24°C in August) (Wiemers 1995). Its climate is strongly influenced by the humid trade winds from the northeast, which in combination with the altitude of the volcanoes and the drier northwest winds blowing at higher levels, produce an in- version zone and marked vegetation zones with clouds banks at around 1000 m on Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 44 the northeast slopes. thus the northeast side of the island is relatively humid while the south and northwest sides are relatively dry. As a result, different vegetation zones are distinguished: Arid subtropical scrub (up to 250 m), semiarid to humid subtropical scrub and woods (from 250-600 m on the northeast side and from 250- 1000 m on the south and northwest side), humid laurel forest in the cloud belt on the northeast side (600-1000 m) and humid to dry temperate pine forest (from 1000- 2000 m) which is substituted with scrub where the conditions are not favourable (Juan et al. 2000; emerson 2003). Besides the habitats in the four main vegetation zones, very important butterfly habitats on the island are also those of the anthropogenic origin. especially important in this regard are different parks and gardens in the villages and cities, as well as fields and plantations with the exotic flora, which can be found throughout the island and are the primary habitats of the recently introduced butterfly species (Naranjo morales et al. 2018). the localities in this article cover almost all of the different environments found on the island – sand dunes, arid, semiarid and humid scrub, semiarid and humid pine forests, laurel forest, lakes and especially anthropogenic environments such as gardens, fields and city parks. In this respect the chances to observe all butterfly species that are flying in December on Gran Canaria were enhanced. Results List and description of localities exact locality and details regarding coordinates (WGS 84 Web mercator projection; ePSG:3857), altitude, habitat and date of each observation are given. In the case of broader locality, coordinates are given for the most appropriate observation spot. the localities are given in the order of the observation dates. 1. Calle de la Calzada (Barranco de Guiniguada); coordinates: X: 28.065077, y: -15.463480; 260-315 m; mostly anthropogenic: humid scrub with deciduous trees, parks, gardens; 9.12.2019 2. Puerto de las Nieves; coordinates: X: 28.101054, y: -15.708923; 5-55 m; mostly anthropogenic: arid scrub, parks, gardens; 10.12.2019 3. el risco (Parque Natural tamadaba); coordinates: X: 28.046660; y: -15.727383; 75-140  m; mixed anthropogenic and natural: arid scrub, gardens (some with acacia trees); 10.12.2019 4. La Aldea de San Nicolas de tolentino; coordinates: X: 27.974804, y: -15.778552; 70-100 m; mostly anthropogenic: arid scrub, gardens, banana plantations; 10.12.2019 5. Barranco de La Aldea de San Nicolas (mirador del molino); coordinates: X: 27.992790, y: -15.693976; 70-700 m; mostly natural: arid to semiarid scrub, very few gardens; 10.12.2019 6. Cruz de tejeda; coordinates: X: 28.005481, y: -15.599639; 1520 m; mostly nat- ural: humid pine forest with grasslands, very few gardens; 11.12.2019 Luka Øturm: Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gran Canaria (Canary islands 45 7. tejeda; coordinates: X: 27.994413, y: -15.614928; 1030-1075 m; mostly anthro- pogenic: semiarid scrub with deciduous trees, gardens, parks; 11.12.2019 8. roque Nublo; coordinates: X: 27.967494, y: -15.604835; 1600-1640 m; natural: semiarid pine forest; 11.12.2019 9. Pico de las Nieves-roque redondo; coordinates: X: 27.957621, y: -15.557664; 1870-1940 m; natural: semiarid pine forest; 11.12.2019 10. Las Palmas; coordinates: X: 28.150416, y: -15.427583; 10-50 m; anthropogenic: gardens, parks; 12.12.2019 11. Agüimes; coordinates: X: 27.904122, y: -15.447502; 265-285 m; anthropogenic: gardens, parks; 13.12.2019 12. Barranco de las Vacas; coordinates: X: 27.913614, y: -15.474998; 500-555 m; natural: arid-semiarid scrub; 13.12.2019 13. maspalomas; coordinates: X: 27.744037, y: -15.599220; 5-35 m; mixed anthro- pogenic and natural: sand dunes with arid scrub and trees, gardens, parks; 14.12.2019 14. moya; coordinates: X: 28.108636, y: -15.582788; 480-490 m; mixed anthro- pogenic and natural: humid laurel forest with meadows, gardens, parks; 15.12.2019 15. Los tiles/San Fernando; coordinates: X: 28.094066, y: -15.583005; 640-700 m; mixed anthropogenic and natural: humid laurel forest with meadows, gardens; 15.12.2019 16. reserva Natural especial de los tilos; coordinates: X: 28.083056, y: -15.591848; 740-770 m; natural: humid laurel forest; 15.12.2019 17. Fontanales; coordinates: X: 28.057341, y: -15.610145; 1020 m; mostly anthro- pogenic: humid pine forest, vegetable gardens, gardens, fields; 15.12.2019 18. Bandama (Caldera de Bandama); coordinates: X: 28.037437, y: -15.457761; 575-445 m; mixed anthropogenic and natural: semiarid-humid scrub with trees, flower gardens; 15.12.2019 19. Las Crucitas (Barranco de Arguineguin); coordinates: X: 27.776810, y: - 15.666651; 35 m; mixed anthropogenic and natural: dry river bed with acacia trees and scrub; 16.12.2019 20. Barranco de Arguineguin (La Sao, Los Peñones, el Horno, Cercados de espinos, Las Filipinas, Barranquillo Andrés, Soria); coordinates: X: 27.906031, y: - 15.669504; 140-660 m; mixed anthropogenic and natural: arid scrub, gardens, parks; 16.12.2019 21. mogan; coordinates: X: 27.883955, y: -15.723216; 253-260 m; mostly anthro- pogenic: semiarid scrub, gardens, parks; 17.12.2019 22. Pie de la Cuesta; coordinates: X: 27.900977, y: -15.710002; 330-365 m; mixed anthropogenic and natural: arid scrub, gardens; 17.12.2019 23. Playa de tasarte (Barranco de tasarte); coordinates: X: 27.879702, y: -15.794059; 70 m; anthropogenic: watermelon field; 17.12.2019 24. Presa del mulato (lake above Soria); coordinates: X: 27.917387, y: -15.693824; 760-845 m; natural: arid-semiarid pine forest; 17.12.2019 25. Sardina; coordinates: X: 27.847242, y: -15.468448; 155-175 m; anthropogenic: gardens, parks; 18.12.2019 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 46 26. Arguineguin; coordinates: X: 27.760226, y: -15.682618; 10-15 m; anthropogenic: gardens, parks; 18.12.2019 27. Santa Lucía de tirajana; coordinates: X: 27.912729, y: -15.541533; 695-700 m; anthropogenic: gardens, parks; 19.12.2019 28. era del Cardón (Barranco de Balos); coordinates: X: 27.869984, y: -15.492199; 325 m; mostly anthropogenic: arid scrub, gardens; 19.12.2019 Luka Øturm: Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gran Canaria (Canary islands 47 Figure 1: map of localities of the December 2019 butterfly observations across the island of Gran Canaria. the new locality of Azanus ubaldus is marked with the red colour. Figure created with the Snazzy maps (Snazzy maps 2019). Slika 1: Zemljevid nahajališč metuljev opazovanih decembra 2019 na otoku Gran Canaria. Nova lokaliteta metulja Azanus ubaldus je označena z rdečo barvo. Slika je izdelana s pomočjo programa Snazzy maps (Snazzy maps 2019). List of species the nomenclature and taxonomy are in accordance with Wiemers et al. (2018). Table 1: Distribution of butterflies on Gran Canaria. the localities are indicated by numbers from 1 to 28 as in the list and description of localities. Tabela 1: razširjenost dnevnih metuljev na otoku Gran Canaria. Lokalitete so označene s številkami od 1 do 28, enako kot v seznamu nahajališč in njihovih opi- sov. Discussion In December 2019 visit to Gran Canaria the primary focus was on discovering most of the endemic species on the island and confirming their localities, or more im- Family/species Locality Number of locations Pieridae 1. Pieris rapae 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 18 Lycaenidae 2. Azanus ubaldus 3, 19 2 3. Cacyreus marshalli 4, 21, 26, 27 4 4. Leptotes pirithous 23 1 5. Lycaena phlaeas 3, 17, 24 3 6. Zizeria knysna 1, 3, 10, 13, 23, 27 6 Nymphalidae 7. Danaus plexippus 1, 10, 13, 21, 25, 27 6 8. Vanessa atalanta 10, 16 2 9. Vanessa cardui 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 26 10. Vanessa vulcania 1, 18 2 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 48 portantly, discovering some new ones. unfortunately only 10 species out of 26 were observed at 28 visited locations scattered all over the island, with only one being en- demic (V. vulcania). Despite the fact, that some species are very rare migrants on Gran Canaria (Danaus chrysippus, Catopsilia florella, etc.) or could not be observed during certain months (including December) because of their life cycles (Thymelicus christi, Hipparchia tamadabae, etc.) (Wiemers 1995), the number of the observed species is unexpectedly low. one of the possible reasons could be the massive fires that engulfed a large part of the island in August 2019 or more importantly the severe drought that caused them (Copernicus 2019). After visiting roughly half of the localities, my primary focus shifted from en- demic species to the recently introduced ones, since some of them were not even expected to be found in December (A. ubaldus), let alone be discovered on new lo- cations. Despite some other species also being found on the previously unknown localities (V. cardui, L.  phlaeas, P. rapae), the most intriguing finds were the species that were only recently discovered on the island (C. marshalli, L. pirithous) or were thought to be very rare and known only from few locations (A. ubaldus) (Wiemers 1995; Naranjo morales et al. 2018). the rest of the discussion will there- fore focus mainly on the species of blues (Lycaenidae) that recently invaded Gran Canaria. Cacyreus marshalli (Butler, 1898) C. marshalli is a small butterfly mostly found in southern Africa, but has recently colonized its northern part, as well as southern parts of europe, most mediterranean and some Atlantic islands (Wiemers et al. 2013). on the island of Gran Canaria it was first observed in July 2005 in the city of teror (Acosta-Fernández 2005), but has since spread to most of the humid northern parts of the island, mostly to towns and villages, where Geranium and especially Pelargonium (its larval food plants) abound. Despite being widespread in the humid northern part, the butterfly was thought to be absent from the more arid western and southern part of the island, the only recently discovered locality being maspalomas (Wiemers et al. 2013; Naranjo morales et al. 2018). However, the species was recently found in the south also in villages and towns such as mogan and Santa Lucía de tirajana according to observations reported on (2019). Surprisingly, the only localities, in which the butterfly was observed during this December visit, also lie in the arid southern and western parts of the island. the species was found on four locations, namely mogan, Santa Lucía de tirajana, Ar- guineguin and La Aldea de San Nicolas de tolentino. those observations suggests that the butterfly successfully colonized the remaining - more arid - parts of the island and is now distributed throughout the island, at least in the villages and towns where its larval food plants are available. So far the butterfly was restricted only to the anthropogenic environments and Pelargonium plants, but the fear remains that it could also spread to the places with wild Geranium species, competing with the Luka Øturm: Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gran Canaria (Canary islands 49 native Aricia cramera butterfly. the findings in December also confirm the thesis that the butterfly is on the wing all year round (Wiemers 2013). Leptotes pirithous (Linnaeus, 1767) Another recent inhabitant of Gran Canaria is L. pirithous, a widespread Pan- African species found throughout the mediterranean basin. In the Canary Islands it was first recorded on Fuerteventura in 1994 (Kistner & Beck 2000) and it later colonised most of the archipelago. on Gran Canaria it was first observed in maspalo- mas in 2011, but has since spread across the island. It mostly inhabits the anthropogenic environments and could thus be found in gardens, parks and fields throughout villages and towns (Wiemers et al. 2013; Naranjo morales et al 2018). It flies in continuous broods throughout the year and so far it was reported from northern, eastern and southern part of the island, mostly near the coast (Naranjo morales et al. 2018). recently it was also seen further inland in mogan ( 2019), which is also the westernmost location reported until now. In this article the first sighting from the west coast, as well as the westernmost location so far, is reported, since the butterfly was observed and photographed in the watermelon field in Playa de tasarte. It seems that the species is spreading really fast and has already colonized the entire island, which means that the sightings like this in December will not be rare any more. Azanus ubaldus (Stoll, 1782) A. ubaldus is a very small butterfly, common in arid environments from northern Africa to India, and is also found in some parts of the mediterranean region (Gas- coigne-Pees 2016). It is one of the rarest butterflies on Gran Canaria, until 2018 known only from three localities – maspalomas, el Berriel and Barranco de Ar- guineguin (Naranjo morales et al. 2018). It was first discovered in 1982 in mas- palomas (Playa de Inglés), but that was not recognised until 1992, when it was correctly identified (olivier & Van der Poorten 1992). the species was not seen again until 2007, when it was rediscovered on the same locality (Schurian 2008). In 2016 the second locality was discovered (el Berriel), and in 2018 last of its three localities was found (Barranco de Arguineguin). All three known localities lie on the southern part of the island relatively close together, and even though it was speculated that the butterfly will colonize other arid parts of the island, where its food plants are found (especially Acacia farnesiana and Prosopis juliflora), it was not observed anywhere else (Gascoigne-Pees 2016; Naranjo morales et al. 2018). Surprisingly, this December the butterfly was not only observed again in Las Crucitas (Barranco de Arguineguin), thus confirming previous findings, it was also found in a village of el risco, which lies in the north-western part of the island in Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 50 Luka Øturm: Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gran Canaria (Canary islands 51 Figure 2: A) Azanus ubaldus (Las Crucitas; Barranco de Arguineguin); 16.12.2019. B) Acacia  farnesiana found on the locality of el risco, where A. ubaldus was observed; 10.12.2019 Slika 2: A) Azanus ubaldus (Las Crucitas; Barranco de Arguineguin); 16.12.2019. B) Acacia  farnesiana najdena na lokaciji el risco, kjer je bil opažen A. ubaldus; 10.12.2019 tamadaba Natural Park, almost on the opposite side of Gran Canaria. At the locality, a single imago was observed flying near a concrete fence, settling briefly on the leaf of a nearby palm, just enough for photographing and identification. At first, the finding came as a total surprise, but later quite a few of its food plants (A. far- nesiana) were observed in the vicinity. the A.  farnesiana trees were discovered also at the nearby parking lot, suggesting, that a larger area could be considered as a suitable habitat for the species. It looks like that the butterfly somehow bridged the mountainous gap in between and colonized the new locality. the finding also suggests that there are likely additional colonies present elsewhere on the island since the whole western edge of the island is arid and thus appropriate for its host plants. As reported by previous authors, the species seems to be active all year round also on the island, and is possibly spreading due to its host plants gaining ground as well (Gascoigne-Pees 2016; Naranjo morales et al. 2018). It can be thus expected that new localities of this species will be discovered soon on Gran Canaria. Conclusions In December 2019 visit of Gran Canaria ten butterfly species were found out of 26 recorded so far (Naranjo morales et al. 2018; Naranjo morales & Suárez ramos 2019), at 28 localities. From the gathered data it can be concluded, that the invading species are becoming more widespread across the island. the most important discovery is a new locality for A. ubaldus, a rare inhabitant of the island, which was so far not observed flying in December. the new locality is especially significant, since it was found far away from the previous localities on the opposite side of the island. this also indicates, that new colonies of the butterfly are likely to be found somewhere in between these localities. those findings confirm that some of the recently introduced species are consolidating on the island and are becoming its permanent residents, mostly due to human influence. Acknowledgments Special thanks to prof. Dr. rudi Verovnik for all the help – the guidance, relevant literature and reviewing the article. References Acosta-Fernández, B., 2005: Cacyreus marshalli Butler, [1898] en Fuerteventura y Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias, españa) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). 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Volcanic evolution of Gran Canaria re- constructed from apron sediments: synthesis of vicap project drilling. In: Weaver, P.P.e., Schminke, H.-u., Firth, J.V., Duffield, W. (eds.): Proceedings of the ocean Drilling Program, Scientific results, Vol. 157. College Station, tX (ocean Drilling Program): 443-469. Schurian, K.G., 2008: Wiederfund von Azanus ubaldus (Cramer, 1782) auf Gran Canaria (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo N.F. 28 (3/4): 187-188. Snazzy Maps, Krogh, A., urL [accessed 29.12.2019, 22:30]. Wiemers, M., 1995: the butterflies of the Canary Islands. A survey on their distri- bution, biology and ecology (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea). Linneana Belgica XV(2): 63-118. Wiemers, M., Acosta-Fernández, B., Larsen, T.B., 2013: on the recent invasion of the Canary Islands by two butterfly species, with the first record of Leptotes pirithous (Linnaeus, 1767) from Gran Canaria, Spain (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología 41(161): 95-104. Luka Øturm: Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Gran Canaria (Canary islands 53 Wiemers, M., Balletto, E., Dincă, V., Fric, Z.F., Lamas, G., Lukhtanov, V., Munguira, M.L., van Swaay, C.A.M., Vila, R., Vliegenthart, A., Wahlberg, N., Verovnik, R., 2018: An updated checklist of the european butterflies (Lep- idoptera, Papilionoidea). ZooKeys 811: 9-45. Received / Prejeto: 7. 1. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 54 ZANIMIVE NAJDBE VRSTE LILIOCERIS TIBIALIS VILLA & VILLA, 1838 V SLOVENIJI (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE: CRIOCERINAE) Bojan Kofler Podlubnik 301, SI-4220 Škofja loka e-mail: Izvleček – Vrsta Lilioceris tibialis je bila najdena v Sloveniji. Najdišči se nahajata nad Črnim jezerom in na južnem pobočju gore Tosc, obe v Julijskih Alpah. KlJuČNe BeSede: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Criocerinae, Lilioceris, favna, Slove- nija Abstract – INTereSTING fINdINGS of THe SPeCIeS LILIOCERIS TIBIALIS IN SloVeNIA (ColeoPTerA: CHrYSoMelIdAe: CrIoCerINAe) Lilioceris tibialis was found in two locations in Slovenia. first finding place lies near the lake Črno jezero and the second on the south slopes of the Mountain Tosc, both in the Julian Alps. KeY wordS: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Criocerinae, Lilioceris, fauna, Slovenia dne 10. 7. 2017 je bilo v Julijskih Alpah na 2275 m visokem Toscu (slika 1) ulo- vljenih pet primerkov lepencev iz rodu Lilioceris. Najdišče se nahaja na južnem, travnatem pobočju gore, na nadmorski višini 1900 m. Podrobna raziskava morfoloških značilnosti in genitalij je dala zanimive rezultate. ujeti primerki so pripadali dvema vrstama: Lilioceris tibialis in Lilioceris schneideri. dve leti kasneje (natančneje 4. 9. 2019) je avtor na istem najdišču, tokrat na nadmorski višini 1850 m, našel na eni sami rastlini še 8 novih osebkov. Vsi so pripadali vrsti Lilioceris tibialis. Glede na razpoložljive podatke v literaturi naj bi bilo to prvo znano najdišče vrste v Sloveniji. ob dodatnem pregledu osrednje zbirke hroščev Slovenije v Prirodoslovnem muzeju Slovenije pa so bili najdeni še trije primerki z najdišča Črno jezero v Julijskih Alpah. 55 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 55–58 Preiskani material: Slovenija, Julijske Alpe, nad Črnim jezerom, > 1400 m: 12. 6. 1997, 3 ex, leg. d. Tome, det. in coll. S. Brelih (osrednja zbirka hroščev Slovenije, Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, ljubljana) Slovenija, Julijske Alpe, Tosc, 1900 m: 10. 7. 2017, 1♀, leg., det., coll. B. Kofler (Zbirka CBKS, Škofja loka) Slovenija, Julijske Alpe, Tosc, 1850 m: 4. 9. 2019, 5 ♂, 3 ♀, leg., det., coll. B. Kofler (Zbirka CBKS, Škofja loka) Lilioceris tibialis (slika 2) je redka visokogorska vrsta in je endemit Alp. Bila je ujeta v Avstriji, Nemčiji, Švici, franciji (Bezdek & Mlejnek, 2016) in v Italiji (fauna europaea, 2019). Za Slovenijo do sedaj o najdbah ni bilo objavljenih podatkov (fauna europaea, 2019). Vrsta ima eno generacijo na leto. odrasli osebki po zaključenem prezimovanju že zgodaj spomladi odlagajo jajca na spodnjo stran listov hranilnih rastlin. Izlegle ličinke se hranijo na različnih vrstah divjih lilij, zlasti na Lilium martagon. odraščajoče ličinke so zaščitene z debelim fekalnim ovojem. Ko odrastejo, se zabubijo v zemlji. Novi imagi se pojavijo pozno poleti in se takoj pričnejo hraniti. Po nekaj tednih odidejo na prezimovanje (Bezdek & Mlejnek, 2016). Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 56 Sl. 1: Najdišči vrste Lilioceris tibialis v Sloveniji Bojan Kofler: Zanimive najdbe vrste Lilioceris tibialis Villa & Villa, 1838 v Sloveniji (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Criocerinae) 57 Sl. 2: Lilioceris tibialis, naravna velikost: 7,7 mm (foto: Miroslava Kofler) ulov nad Črnim jezerom in ulova na Toscu potrjujejo stalno prisotnost vrste na slovenskem ozemlju. V prihodnosti torej lahko pričakujemo nove najdbe z novih lo- kacij v Julijskih Alpah. Zahvala Avtor se zahvaljuje dr. Tomiju Trilarju, ki mu je omogočil preiskavo primerkov iz osrednje zbirke hroščev Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. Literatura Bezdek, J. & Mlejnek R., 2016: Chrysomelidae: donaciinae, Criocerinae. Folia Heyrovskyana, 27: 38 – 52. Fauna Europaea, 2019: 43cc-82fa-b90d55f06d4d. obiskano: 31.10.2019. Prejeto / Received: 20. 1. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 58 The firsT record of PANORPA RUFOSTIGMA WesTWood, 1846 from NorTh macedoNia (mecopTera: paNorpidae) Libor Dvořák1, Ana NAhirNić2 & Dušan DevetAk3 1 tři Sekery 21, 35301 Mariánské Lázně, Czech republic, e-mail: 2National Museum of Natural history, tsar osvoboditel Blvd. 1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, e-mail: 3 Department of Biology and institute of Biology, ecology and Nature Conservation, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, e-mail: abstract – the scorpionfly species Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 has been recorded for the first time in North Macedonia. this finding shifts the range border of the species by ca. 145 km northwards. A photograph detailing the male genitalia of P. rufostigma is presented for the first time. key WorDS: faunistics, Panorpa rufostigma, scorpion fly, North Macedonia. izvleček – PrvA NAJDBA ŠkorPiJoNke PANORPA RUFOSTIGMA WeSt- WooD, 1846 v SeverNi MAkeDoNiJi (MeCoPterA: PANorPiDAe) Prvič je za Severno Makedonijo zabeleženo pojavljanje vrste škorpijonke Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846. Z najdbo se je severna meja njenega poznanega areala premaknila za pribl. 145 km severneje. Na fotografiji so prvič predstavljene genitalije samčka vrste P. rufostigma. kLJUčNe BeSeDe: favna, Panorpa rufostigma, škorpijonka, Severna Makedonija. Panorpa rufostigma is a relatively rare scorpion fly species strictly restricted to the southernmost parts of the Balkan Peninsula. Published records with exact localities are known from southern Albania (Bartoš, 1965) and several records from southern Greece: Attiki, Pindos Mts, kerkira (korfu) island, Peloponnisos, and evvia (euboa) island (Lauterbach, 1972; Willmann, 1977; Pollmann et al., 2008; Dvořák, 2018). 59 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 59–64 Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 (Figs 1–2) North Macedonia: vardar region, Demir kapija, east of Besvica village, gorge of Besvički dol river, 255 m a. s. l., 41°22'58"N, 22°11'45"e, 28. 10. 2018, light traps, 1♂, leg. A. Nahirnić & S. Beshkov, det. D. Devetak, revid. et coll. L. Dvořák. Details of the habitat: pseudomaquis with Fraxinus ornus L., Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb., Juniperus oxycedrus L., Paliuris spina-christi Mill., Pistacia terebinthus L., Phillyrea latifolia L., Quercus pubescens Willd. (Fig. 3). Details of the trap design: Collecting methodology involved 2-3 portable light traps with an 8 Watt actinic (368 nm) and 8 Watt "Blacklight" luminescent tubes, both powered by 12 volt batteries, as well as a Finnish "tent trap" with a 160 Watt Mv bulb at the top of the pole and a 20 Watt (368 nm) black light lamp over the catching pot below. An additional 20 Watt (368 nm) lamp was also positioned about 70 m from the tent trap. All traps ran throughout the night. this record from North Macedonia represents the northernmost known locality of P. rufostigma (Fig. 4). this finding shifts the range border of the species by ca. 145 km northwards. As recently published data on Panorpa spp. records from the southern Balkans show (Dvořák, 2014, 2016a, 2016b; Dvořák & Georgiev, 2017), more interesting records should be expected. Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 60 fig. 1. right fore wing of Panorpa rufostigma with unmistakenable red pterostigma. Photo: D. Devetak. Libor Dvořak, Ana Nahirniå, Duøan Devetak: The first record of Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 from North Macedonia 61 fig. 2. Male genitalia of Panorpa rufostigma. Photo: D. Devetak. acknowledgements We are grateful to Stoyan Beshkov (Sofia, Bulgaria) for assistance in the field. this contribution was partly supported by the Slovenian research Agency and the research Programme Computationally intensive Complex Systems (P1-0403). references Bartoš, e., 1965: ergebnisse der Albanien-expedition 1961 des Deutschen entomologischen institutes. 35. Beitrag. Mecoptera. Beiträge zur Entomologie, 15: 661-664. Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 62 fig. 3. the locality of Panorpa rufostigma in North Macedonia. Photo: A. Nahirnić. dvořák, L., 2014: the first record of scorpion-fly Panorpa schweigeri Willmann, 1975 (insecta, Mecoptera, Panorpidae) from Bulgaria. ZooNotes, 51: 1–3. dvořák, L., 2016a: the second record of Panorpa thrakica Willmann, 1976 (insecta, Mecoptera, Panorpidae). ZooNotes, 88: 1–4. dvořák, L., 2016b: First record of Panorpa germanica rumelica Lauterbach, 1972 (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) from Macedonia. Linzer Biologische Beiträge, 48(1): 71–73. dvořák, L., 2018: New records of the scorpion fly Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) from Greece. Parnassiana Archives, 6: 7-9. dvořák, L. & Georgiev, d., 2017: New and interesting records of scorpion flies of the genus Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae) from Bulgaria with a country checklist. Ecologica Montenegrina, 15: 22–25. Lauterbach, K.-e., 1972: Zur kenntnis der Skorpionsfliegen des Balkans (Mecoptera, Panorpidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 19: 109-140. Libor Dvořak, Ana Nahirniå, Duøan Devetak: The first record of Panorpa rufostigma Westwood, 1846 from North Macedonia 63 fig. 4. the presently known distribution of Panorpa rufostigma. orig. D. Devetak. pollmann, c., misof, B. & sauer, K.p., 2008: Molecular phylogeny of panorpodid scorpionflies: An enigmatic, species-poor family of Mecoptera (insecta). Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 8(2): 77-83. Willmann, r., 1977: Zur Phylogenie der Panorpiden europas (insecta, Mecoptera). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 15: 208-231. Received / Prejeto: 12. 3. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 64 CRIORHINA FLOCCOSA (MEIGEN, 1822), A NEW HOVERFLY (DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE) IN THE FAUNA OF CROATIA Mihailo Vujić1 and Toni Koren2 1HabiProt, Cankareva 9/13, 21000 novi Sad, Serbia, e-mail: 2Association Hyla, Lipovec i, n. 7, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: Abstract – Criorhina floccosa is a large, bumblebee-mimic and saproxylic hoverfly which mainly inhabits deciduous forest habitats and its larvae develop in rot-holes, wet decaying roots, but also in live trunks. The range of this species includes almost all of europe, but it had not been recorded in Croatia so far. C. floccosa was registered on the territory of Croatia for the first time in the Macelj Mt., on March 17, 2020. The specimen was caught on Salix caprea catkins, at the edge of a mixed deciduous forest of Fagus sp., Quercus sp. and Castanea sativa. Key wordS: eristalinae, faunistics, forest habitats, saproxylic insects Izvleček – CRIORHINA FLOCCOSA (MeiGen, 1822), noVA MuHA TrePeTAVKA (diPTerA: SyrPHidAe) V FAVni HrVAŠKe Criorhina floccosa je velika, čmrlju podobna, saproksilna muha trepetavka, ki v glavnem naseljuje listavske gozdne habitate, njene ličinke pa se razvijajo v gnilobah, vlažnih propadajočih koreninah, pa tudi v živih deblih. razpon razširjenosti vrste za- jema skoraj vso evropo, vendar na Hrvaškem doslej ni bila zabeležena. C. floccosa je bila 17. marca 2020 na ozemlju Hrvaške prvič registrirana na planini Macelj. osebek je bil ujet na cvetovih Salix caprea, na robu mešanega listopadnega gozda bukve (Fagus sp.), hrasta (Quercus sp.) in kostanja (Castanea sativa). KLjučne beSede: eristalinae, favnistika, gozdni habitati, saproksilne žuželke Hoverflies are a large family of flies (diptera: Syrphidae), with over 6000 described species worldwide (Thompson, 2013). european hoverfly fauna numbers more than 920 species and in Croatia about 200 species were registered (radenković, 2008; 65 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 65–68 nedeljković, 2011; Speight, 2018). Hoverfly fauna of Croatia is generally poorly re- searched, and additional species are expected to be recorded in the country in the future. Some neighbouring countries have a better researched hoverfly fauna, such as Serbia (with over 412 species registered) and Slovenia (with over 310 species regis- tered) and in both countries, new species are registered each year (de Groot & Govedič, 2008; de Groot et al., 2010; Van Steenis et al., 2013; janević & de Groot, 2018; Miličić et al., 2018; Vujić et al., 2018; Šebić et al., 2019; Van Steenis et al., 2019; Vujić, 2020). Criorhina Meigen, 1822 is a genus of large bee or bumblebee mimics and from other genera that are bee or bumblebee mimics (Arctophila, Brachypalpus, Mallota, Pocota etc.) can be separated by the typical form of antennae. in Criorhina, the third segment is much shorter than it is wide and the first segment is thinner and forms a stalk. Also, in contrast to Pocota or Brachypalpus, Criorhina’s face projects downwards and facial knob is present (van Veen, 2004). in europe, 6 species of the genus Criorhina have been recorded so far: C. asilica (Fallen, 1816), C. berberina (Fabricius, 1805), C. brevipila Loew, 1871, C. floccosa (Meigen, 1822), C. pachymera (egger, 1858) and C. ranunculi (Panzer, 1804). C. berberina, C. floccosa and C. ranunculi are bumblebee mimics, while C. asilica, C. brevipila and C. pachymera are bee mimics (Van Veen, 2004; Speight, 2018). in Croatia, 3 species of this genus were registered so far, C. asilica, C. berberina and C. ranunculi (Langhoeffer, 1919; Marcuzzi, 1941; Coe, 1956; Vujić & Milankov, 1990; radenković, 2008). Criorhina floccosa is a large bumblebee-mimic and saproxylic hoverfly. its larvae develop in rot-hole of Ulmus, wet, decaying roots of Fagus stumps, within the mass of wet tree humus, but were also found in large, live trunks of Acer pseudoplatanus, 1.5m from the ground (Speight, 2018). Adults occur in deciduous forests, where they mainly visit flowers of trees or shrubs (Cornus sanguinea, Crataegus, Photinia, Prunus spinosa, Ribes alpina, Rubus ideaus, Sorbus spp.), but also visit white umbellifers (van Veen, 2004; Speight, 2018). This species can be separated from other Criorhina species by combination of morphological char- acters: barette (hypopleural ridge) bare, first and second basal cells of wings with extensive areas bare of microtrichia, femur 3 marginally thickened and not curved, tibia 1 and 2 with pale, short, adpressed hairs at the back, tergites from 2 to 4 without grey or yellowish dusted bands, tergite 2 with distinct side tufts of long yellow hairs, tergites 3 and 4 with short, dense reddish hairs (Van Veen, 2004; Speight, 2017). during a survey of insects on the Macelj Mt. (northern Croatia), one female spec- imen was caught by a standard sweeping net method. The species was feeding on Salix caprea catkins together with bees and bumblebees, in deciduous forest of beech (Fagus sp.), oaks (Quercus spp.) and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa). identification was based on the morphological characters and performed by using keys in Van Veen, 2004 and Speight, 2017. The record was entered into the database of Croatian insects – ( Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 66 Criorhina floccosa (Meigen, 1822) (Fig. 1) Material examined: CroATiA, Mt. Macelj, lat: 46.260041, long: 15.882631, 17.3.2020, 468m a.s.l., 1 ♀, leg. T. Koren. notes: new for the fauna of Croatia. one female specimen was caught next to the road in a deciduous forest, near to Macelj village in northern Croatia (Fig. 2). The range of C. floccosa includes southern Sweden and denmark south to the Pyrenees, from ireland eastwards through central europe, northern italy, some parts of the former yugoslavia, european parts of russia as far as the Caucasus (Speight, 2018). in the former yugoslavia, this species was registered in bosnia and Herze- govina, Montenegro, north Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia (Strobl, 1898; Glumac, 1968; Vujić & Milankov, 1990; Vujić & Milankov, 1999; de Groot & Govedič, 2008; radenković, 2008). Speight, 2018 quotes that C. floccosa adults fly from the beginning of April to the beginning of july. our specimen was registered on March 17th, and this early occur- rence can be explained due to the unusually mild winter and the warm beginning of spring. Further surveys of hoverflies of the country should yield new and interesting records. An important tool for this could be different citizen science platforms on Mihailo Vujiå, Toni Koren: Criorhina floccosa (Meigen, 1822), a new hoverfly (diptera: Syrphidae) in the fauna of Croatia 67 Fig. 1: Criorhina floccosa, female habitus (photo: T. Koren). which citizens can input their observations which can then be verified by local experts. we invite all experts and amateur entomologists visiting Croatia to import their data directly in the platform ( in order to expand the knowledge about Syrphidae of the country and region. Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to Aleksa Maksimović for revision and correction of english of this article and nina Vuković for identification of Salix caprea. References Coe, R. L., 1956: diptere iz jugoslavije prikupljene od maja do jula 1956, sa naz- nakom nalazišta i primedbama. Glasnik prirodnjačkog muzeja srpske zemlje, ser. b, 8 (2): 7596. De Groot, M. & Govedič, M., 2008: Checklist of the hoverflies (diptera: Syrphi- dae) of Slovenia. Acta entomologica slovenica, 6(1): 67–87. De Groot, M., Luštrik, R., Faasen, T., Fekonja, D., 2010: Additions and omis- sions to the list of hoverfly fauna (diptera: Syrphidae) of Slovenia. Acta en- tomologica slovenica, 18(2): 77–86. Glumac, S., 1968: Syrphidae (Syrphoidea, diptera) u Makedoniji. Godišnjak Filo- zofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 11 (2): 845-880. Janević, D. & De Groot, M., 2018: Criorhina ranunculi (Panzer) (diptera: Syr- phidae), a new hoverfly species for Slovenia. Acta entomologica slovenica, 26(2): 259-262. Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 68 Fig. 2: The location where C. floccosa was collected in Croatia (A) and photo of the habitat (b); (photo: T. Koren). Langhoffer, A., 1919: Prilozi fauni diptera Hrvatske. Glasnik Hrvatskog Priro- doslovnog Društva, 29, 30, 31, 39, 40. Marcuzzi, G., 1941: Contributo alla conoscenza dei ditteri della dalmazia (Ta- banidae, Stratiomyidae, Syrphidae e Conopidae). Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 73(4-5): 64-68. Miličić, M., Janković, M., Tot, T., Nedeljković, Z., Popov, S., Ivošević, B., Radenković, S. & Vujić, A., 2018: new findings of hoverfly fauna (diptera: Syrphidae) of the western part of Serbia (Zlatibor and raška districts). Acta entomologica serbica, 23(2): 43-66. Nedeljković, Z., 2011: Taksonomska analiza vrsta iz podfamilije Syrphinae (diptera: Syrphidae) u Srbiji. doktorska disertacija. novi Sad. 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Available on: [accessed on 5 September 2013]. Van Steenis, J., Nedeljković, Z., Tot, T., Van der Ent, L-J., Van Eck, A., Mazánek, L., Šebić, A., Radenković, S. & Vujić, A., 2019: new records of hoverflies (diptera: Syrphidae) and the rediscovery of Primocerioides regale Violovitsh for the fauna of Serbia. Biologia Serbica, 41(1): 94-103. Van Steenis, W., De Groot, M., Van Steenis, J., 2013: new data on the hoverflies (diptera: Syrphidae) of Slovenia. Acta entomologica slovenica, 21(2): 131– 162. Van Veen, M., 2004: Hoverflies of northwest europe: identification keys to the Syrphidae. 256pp. KNNV Publishing, utrecht. Vujić, A. & Milankov, V., 1990: Taksonomski status vrsta roda Criorrhina Meigen 1822 (diptera: Syrphidae) zabeleženih u jugoslaviji. Glasnik Prirod- njačkog muzeja u Beogradu, b 45: 105-114. Vujić, A. & Milankov, V., 1999: new data for the tribes Milesiini and Xylotini (diptera, Syrphidae) on the balkan Peninsula. Dipteron, 2: 113-132. Mihailo Vujiå, Toni Koren: Criorhina floccosa (Meigen, 1822), a new hoverfly (diptera: Syrphidae) in the fauna of Croatia 69 Vujić, A., Radenković, S., Nedeljković, Z. & Šimić, S., 2018: A new check list of hoverflies (diptera: Syrphidae) of the republic of Serbia. Matica srpska Journal for Natural Sciences, 135: 7-51. Vujić, M., 2020: Cheilosia herculana brădescu, 1982, a new hoverfly (diptera: Syrphidae) species for the fauna of Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 25(1): xx-xx. Received / Prejeto: 26. 3. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 70 MALLOTA FUCIFORMIS (FABRICIUS, 1794) (DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE), A NEW HOVERFLY SPECIES IN SLOVENIA Maarten de Groot1 & dejan Janević2 1department of Forest Protection, Slovenian Forestry institute, večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2Levec 22, 3301 Petrovče, Slovenia Abstract – the hoverfly species Mallota fuciformis (Fabricius, 1794) was recorded in Slovenia for the first time. it was found in Ponikva pri Žalcu, Grče on the 13th of april 2020. one specimen was found on a flowering cherry laurel (Prunus lauro- cerasus) in the vicinity of a forest stand with deciduous and coniferous trees. this is the first record of the genus Mallota in Slovenia. Key wordS: diptera, Syrphidae, fauna, Slovenia, first record Izvleček – MALLOTA FUCIFORMIS (FaBriCiUS, 1794) (diPtera: SyrPHi- dae), nova vrSta MUHe trePetavKe v SLoveniJi nova vrsta muhe trepetavke je bila zabeležena v Sloveniji: Mallota fuciformis (Fabricius, 1794). vrsta je bila najdena na Ponikvi pri Žalcu, Grče, dne 13. 4. 2020, na cvetočem lovorikovcu (Prunus laurocerasus) v bližini mešanega gozda. Gre za prvo najdbo muhe trepetavke iz rodu Mallota v Sloveniji. KLJUčne BeSede: dvokrilci, muhe trepetavke, živalstvo, Slovenija, prva najdba in the last few years several new species of hoverflies (diptera, Syrphidae) have been recorded for Slovenia (Janević and de Groot, 2018; Šebić, et al., 2019). this group of flies has become more and more popular as they are very conspicuous – they look like bees or wasps, and are important pollinators. they fulfill also other functions in the ecosystems, for example by feeding on aphids and plants, and they are also indicators for the status of dead wood in forests (Speight, 1989; reemer, 2005; rotheray and Gilbert, 2011). Slovenia is a diverse country in many ways. this is mainly due to its unique loca- tion, namely at the meeting point of the alpine-, Submediteranean-, Subpanonian- 71 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 71–74 and dinaric regions (Ciglič and Perko, 2012). From the ecological point of view, Slovenia boasts numerous highly diverse habitats. in total, 315 hoverfly species have been recorded for Slovenia (de Groot and Govedič, 2008; de Groot, et al., 2010; van Steenis, et al., 2013; Janević and de Groot, 2018; Šebić, et al., 2019). one of the genera that have not yet been found in Slovenia is Mallota (Meigen 1822). there are five species of Mallota hoverflies in europe. M. cimbiciformis and M. fuciformis can be found throughout europe, M. megilliformis is found in the Central- to northern europe, M. tricolor in the Central europe and M. dusmeti only on the iberian Peninsula. other Mallota species can be found in other parts of the world (reemer, et al., 2009). adult Mallota hoverflies have a very short flying period and often fly high in the canopy. their larvae are rat tailed maggots and live in moisty rot holes in trees (reemer, et al., 2009). in this paper, we present a new species for Slovenia: Mallota fuciformis, which is also the first record of the genus in Slovenia. the field work took place in Ponikva pri Žalcu, Grče in Central Slovenia. the specimen was only photographed. the species was identified with Bot and van de Meutter (2019). Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 72 Fig. 1: adult male of Mallota fuciformis found in Ponikva pri Žalcu, Slovenia Mallota fuciformis (Fabricius, 1794) Material examined (Fig 1). Slovenia, Ponikva pri Žalcu, Grče (GKX: 510346, GKy: 127739, Fig 2), 13.04.2020, altitude: 450 m asl., 1♂, photo d. Janević. the specimen was found resting on a leaf of the cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) (Figure 1) that was in full bloom. M. fuciformis is often found on flowering trees and bushes in other parts of europe (reemer, et al., 2009; Bot and van de Meutter, 2019; Speight, 2020). the specimen was found in a forested area with deciduous and conif- erous trees. in other parts of europe it is found mainly in deciduous forests and parks with old trees (reemer, et al., 2009; Bot and van de Meutter, 2019). the larvae are found in rot holes of old trees (Bot and van de Meutter, 2019). Forests in Slovenia are relatively old, and many rot holes can be found which are potential breeding sites for this species. this is the first species of the genus Mallota in Slovenia. according to Fauna eu- ropaea, M. cimbiciformis was found in austria, italy and Hungary. So, it would not be surprising to find this species in the coming years in Slovenia. Acknowledgments we would like to thank John Smit for the second opinion of the identification of this species and an anonymous reviewer and dr. andreja Kavčič for comments on a previous version of the manuscript. Maarten de Groot, Dejan Janeviå: Mallota fuciformis (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Syrphidae), a new hoverfly species in Slovenia 73 Fig. 2: distribution of Mallota fuciformis in Slovenia (de Groot M. 2020. Karta razširjenosti za Mallota fuciformis. Podatkovna zbirka gliv Slovenije Boletus infor- maticus., ogris n. (ur.) (16.04.2020)) References Bot S., van de Meutter F., 2019: veldgids Zweefvliegen. Utrecht, Knnv Uitgeverij: 388 str. Ciglič R., Perko D., 2012: Slovenia in geographical typifications and regionalizations of europe. Geografski vestnik, 84: 23-37 De Groot M., Govedič M., 2008: Checklist of the hoverflies (diptera: Syrphidae) of Slovenia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 16: 67-87 De Groot M., Luštrik R., Faasen T., Fekonja D., 2010: additions and omissions to the list of hoverfly fauna (diptera: Syrphidae) of Slovenia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 18: 77-86 Janević D., de Groot M., 2018: Criorhina ranunculi (Panzer) (diptera: Syrphidae), a new hoverfly species for Slovenia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 26: 257–260 Reemer M., 2005: Saproxylic hoverflies benefit by modern forest management (diptera: Syrphidae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 9: 49-59 Reemer M., Renema W., van Steenis W., Zeegers T., Barendregt A., Smit J.T., Van Veen M.P., van Steenis J., van der Leij L.J.J.M., 2009: de nederlandse zweefvliegen (diptera: Syrphidae). Leiden, natuurhistorisch Museum naturalis, Knnv uitgeverij, european invertebrate Survey - nederland: 442 str. Rotheray G., Gilbert F., 2011: the natural history of hoverflies. Ceredigion, Forrest texts: 333 str. Speight M.C.D., 1989: Saproxylic invertebrates and their conservation. Strasbourg. Council of europe. 79 str. Speight M.C.D., 2020: Species accounts of european Syrphidae (diptera). dublin, Syrph the net publications: 314 str. Šebić, A., de Groot, M., Radenković, S., Vujić, A., 2019: new records to the Slovenian hoverfly fauna (diptera: Syrphidae). Programme and book of abstracts. 10th international Symposium on Syrphidae. 8th-10th September 2019. Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece. Van Steenis W., de Groot M., Van Steenis J., 2013: new data on the hoverflies (diptera: Syrphidae) of Slovenia. Acta Entomologica Slovenica, 21: 131-162 Received / Prejeto: 17. 4. 2020 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 74 BRACHYOPA BIMACULOSA DOCZKAL & DZIOCK 2004 AND CALLICERA FAGESII GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1844, TWO NEW HOVERFLIES (DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE) IN THE FAUNA OF SERBIA Mihailo Vujić*, ivan ToT HabiProt, Cankareva 9/13, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia *Corresponding author; e-mail: Abstract – During a survey conducted in March and April 2020 on the Avala Mt., near to the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade, two new hoverfly species for the fauna of Serbia were collected – Brachyopa bimaculosa and Callicera fagesii. Both species were caught on mud on the forest road in a mixed deciduous forest. These species are saproxylic and their presence on the Avala Mt. indicates well-preserved forest habitats. Both species are registered in Serbia for the first time. Key worDS: eristalinae, saproxylic insects, forest habitats, faunistics Izvleček – BRACHYOPA BIMACULOSA DoCZKAL & DZioCK 2004 iN CAL- LICERA FAGESII GuÉriN-MÉNeViLLe, 1844, DVe NoVi MuHi TrePeTAVKi (DiPTerA: SyrPHiDAe) V FAVNi SrBije Med raziskavo, izvedeno marca in aprila 2020, sta bili na gori Avali blizu glavnega mesta Srbije, Beograda, zbrani dve novi vrsti muh trepetavk za favno Srbije – Brachy- opa bimaculosa in Callicera fagesii. obe vrsti sta bili ujeti na blatu, na gozdni cesti v mešanem listnatem gozdu. Ti vrsti sta saproksilni in njuna prisotnost na Avali po- meni, da so gozdni habitati dobro ohranjeni. obe vrsti sta v Srbiji prvič registrirani. KLjučNe BeSeDe: eristalinae, saproksilne žuželke, gozdni habitati, favnistika Hoverflies (Syrphidae) are one of the most species-rich families of Diptera, with over 6000 described species in the world belonging to 188 genera (Thompson, 2013). european hoverfly fauna numbers more than 950 species and more than 412 are reg- istered in Serbia (Vujić et al., 2018; Van Steenis et al., 2019; Speight, 2020; Vujić, 2020). 75 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2020 Vol. 28, øt. 1: 75–79 Brachyopa Meigen, 1822 are medium size, poorly haired hoverflies, with a yellow head, abdomen and usually thorax as well (Vujić, 1991). This genus doesn’t show any clear sign of mimicry, and appears more like Muscidae or Scathophagidae. Adults usually can be found on bark or flowers of white umbellifers or Crataegus (Van Veen, 2004). in europe 22 species occur and 11 of them were registered in Serbia: B. bicolor (Fallen, 1817), B. dorsata Zetterstedt, 1837, B. grunewaldensis Kassebeer, 2000, B. insensilis Collin, 1939, B. maculipennis Thompson, 1980, B. panzeri Goffe, 1945, B. pilosa Collin, 1939, B. plena Collin, 1939, B. silviae Doczkal & Dziock, 2004, B. testacea (Fallen, 1817) and B. vittata Zetterstedt, 1843 (Vujić et al., 2018; Van Steenis et al., 2019; Speight, 2020). Callicera Panzer, 1809 are large, bee-mimic hoverflies, with long antennae and a black or metallic shiny body (Van Veen, 2004). Almost all species are orange-red or golden haired, and the metallic shine is more common in females. The genus Callicera can be distinguished from other hoverfly genera by a following combination of char- acters: antennae long (normally longer than the head, at least as long as the head), an- tennae with terminal style, entire body is black, without any yellow marks (usually with metallic shine), haired eyes, scutellum with a ventral hair fringe and cross-vein r-m is in basal half of cell dm (Smit, 2014). in Palaearctic region 9 species of the genus Callicera are present, while in europe 6 species were registered (Smit, 2014; Speight, 2020). in Serbia, three species of this genus were recorded so far, Callicera aenea (Fabricius, 1777), C. aurata (rossi, 1790) and C. spinolae rondani, 1844 (Nedeljković et al., 2009; Nedeljković et al., 2015; Vujić et al., 2018). The larvae of Callicera are saproxylic and can be found in rotten hardwood and rot-holes of different species of trees (van Veen, 2004; Speight, 2020). The survey was conducted in 2020, and specimens were collected by a standard sweeping net method. The new species for the fauna of Serbia were registered at čara- pićev Brest, on Avala Mt., in the mixed deciduous forest of Fagus, Quercus, Fraxinus, Acer, Robinia pseudoacacia, Prunus, Tilia and some planted coniferous trees, such as Abies alba and Pinus nigra. individuals of Brachyopa bimaculosa and Callicera fagesii were caught on mud on the forest road. The specimens were prepared by a standard procedure and identification was performed by using a key in Speight, 2017. All the data were entered into the database of Serbian insects – Alciphron (http://alci- The maps were prepared in Alciphron database and QGiS 2.18.2. The collected specimens were deposited in private collection of Mihailo Vujić. Two new species were registered for the first time on the territory of Serbia. Both species were collected in the mixed deciduous forest on čarapićev Brest, on the Avala Mt., on March 21 and April 6, 2020. The locality where the specimens were collected is marked on the maps in Figures 1D and 1C. Brachyopa bimaculosa Doczkal & Dziock 2004 (Fig. 1A) Material examined: Serbia, Belgrade, Avala Mt., čarapićev Brest, (Decimal De- grees: latitude: 44.694966 longitude: 20.524984), 6. iV 2020., 2♀, leg. M. Vujić. Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 76 Notes: New for the fauna of Serbia. Two female specimens were caught on mud, on a road in the mixed deciduous forest, mainly of Fagus, with sporadic trees of Quercus, Acer, Fraxinus, Carpinus, Tilia, Robinia pseudoacacia and planted conif- erous trees of Abies alba and Pinus nigra. Photo of the habitat where B. bimaculosa was caught is presented in Figure 1C. Callicera fagesii Guérin-Méneville, 1844 (Fig. 1B) Material examined: Serbia, Belgrade, Avala Mt., čarapićev Brest, (Decimal De- grees: latitude: 44.694966 longitude: 20.524984), 21. iii 2020., 1♀, leg. M. Vujić; 6. iV 2020., 2♀, leg. M. Vujić. Notes: New for the fauna of Serbia. on the Avala Mt., three female specimens were caught in total, on mud, on a road in the mixed deciduous forest, mainly of Fagus, with sporadic trees of Quercus, Acer, Fraxinus, Carpinus, Tilia, Robinia pseudoacacia, but also planted evergreen trees, such as Abies alba and Pinus nigra. Photo of the habitat where C. fagesii was caught is presented on Figure 1C. Brachyopa bimaculosa is a rare species which was registered only in three european countries so far: Germany, Greece and Slovenia (Speight, 2020). From other european species of the genus Brachyopa, B. bimaculosa can be separated by characters from the keys in Speight, 2017: arista with hairs no longer than a maximum diameter of arista, mesoscutal disc bluish grey to black, wings without dark marks, abdomen brownish orange or yellow, antennal segment 3 without sensory pit, proepimeron with long, pale, scattered hairs, each inner extremity of the transverse suture with a more or less shining patches, hind femur slender (more than 5 times as long as its maximum depth), mesoscutum without shining, black, undusted marks on each sides, posterior to the humeral callus and anteror to the transverse suture, haltere entirely yellow, all sternites entirely dusted and mid coxa bare posteriorly. Callicera fagesii is a rare species which occurs in a deciduous forest, with ancient Fagus and Quercus trees. Their range includes a large part of europe and some coun- tries in Asia, it can be found in the Netherlands, Belgium, France (south to the Mediterranean, including Pyrenees), Germany, Portugal, Spain, italy (including Sar- dinia), Greece, Turkey, some parts of the former yugoslavia and Turkmenistan (Zim- ina, 1986, Speight, 2020). From other european species of the genus Callicera, this species can be separated by characters from the keys in Speight, 2017: antennal seg- ment 2 no more than half as long as antennal segment 1, antennal segment 3 twice as long as antennal segments 1 + 2 together, hind femora angled ventrally, femora mostly black and tarsomeres 3-5 of all legs are also black, all hairs on scutellar disc are longer than antennal segment 1, hairs on general body surface are yellow-brown to grey brown, tergite 4 often black-haired, tibiae may be orange, but at least hind tibia often brownish or partly black. The most similar species to C. fagesii is C. mac- quarti, and adults of it fly in autumn (September and october), while C. fagesii adults fly in spring and summer (from the beginning of April to the end of june) (Speight, 2020). The first specimen caught on Avala Mt. was caught on March 21st and that Maihailo Vujiå, Ivan Tot: Brachyopa bimaculosa Doczkal & Dziock 2004 and Callicera fagesii Guérin-Méneville, 1844 77 can be explained due to the unusually mild winter and warm beginning of spring in Serbia. A few days after the first specimen was caught, there was a sudden rush of cold weather with snow and sub-zero temperatures lasting for several days, but spec- imens were also collected and observed after that. Although most of the forests on the Avala Mt. are often logged and at these places usually young forests exist, on some parts, such as čarapićev Brest, forests are well- preserved with many ancient trees of Fagus, Quercus, Acer, Carpinus and Fraxinus. The specimens in this paper were collected on a road in one of the well-preserved parts, where planted coniferous forest of Abies alba and Pinus nigra, as well as Robinia pseudoacacia were also present. The presence of the two saproxylic hoverflies presented in this paper, but also the presence of other saproxylic hoverflies and Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 78 Fig. 1. A) Brachyopa bimaculosa, habitus of females; B) Callicera fagesii, habitus of a female; C) Photo of habitat of B. bimaculosa and C. fagesii; D) Locality where B. bimaculosa and C. fagesii were collected in Serbia; e) Locality where B. bimaculosa and C. fagesii were collected on čarapićev Brest, Avala Mt. beetles registered there, clearly indicates the importance of conservation of forest habitats of the Avala Mt. Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to Aleksa Maksimović for revision and correction of english of this article and Toni Koren for translating in Slovenian. References Nedeljković, Z., Miličić, M., Likov, L., Radenković, S. & Vujić, A., 2015: New records of the genus Callicera Panzer, 1806 (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 20: 59-66. Nedeljković, Z., Ricarte, A., Vujić, A. & Šimić, S., 2009: The genus Callicera Panzer, 1806, new to the Serbian fauna. Studia dipterologica, 16: 40-42. Smit, J., 2014: Two new species of the genus Callicera Panzer (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the Palaearctic region. Zootaxa, 3779(5): 585-590. Speight, M.C.D. & Sarthou, J.-P., 2017: StN keys for the identification of the eu- ropean species of various genera of Syrphidae 2017. Syrph the Net, the database of European Syrphidae (Diptera), Vol. 99, 139 pp, Syrph the Net publications, Dublin. Speight, M.C.D., 2020: Species accounts of european Syrphidae, 2020. Syrph the Net, the database of european Syrphidae (Diptera), vol. 104, 314 pp., Syrph the Net publications, Dublin Thompson, F. C., 2013: Syrphidae. Systema Dipterorum, Version 1.5. 13354 records. Available on: [accessed on 5 September 2013]. Van Steenis, J., Nedeljković, Z., Tot, T., Van der Ent, L-J., Van Eck, A., Mazánek, L., Šebić, A., Radenković, S. & Vujić, A., 2019: New records of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) and the rediscovery of Primocerioides regale Violovitsh for the fauna of Serbia. Biologia Serbica, 41(1): 94-103. Van Veen, M., 2004: Hoverflies of Northwest europe: identification keys to the Syr- phidae. 256pp. KNNV Publishing, utrecht. Vujić, A., 1991: Species of genus Brachyopa Meigen 1822 in yugoslavia. - Bulletin of Natural History Museum, Belgrade, B 46, 141-150. Vujić, A., Radenković, S., Nedeljković, Z. & Šimić, S., 2018: A new check list of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of the republic of Serbia. Matica srpska Journal for Natural Sciences, 135: 7-51. Vujić, M., 2020: Cheilosia herculana Brădescu, 1982, a new hoverfly (Diptera: Syr- phidae) species for the fauna of Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica, 25(1): xx- xx. Zimina, L.V., 1986: A review of palaearctic hoverflies of the genus Callicera Panzer (Diptera, Syrphidae). USSR Review of Entomology, 65: 633-638. Received / Prejeto: 21. 4. 2020 Maihailo Vujiå, Ivan Tot: Brachyopa bimaculosa Doczkal & Dziock 2004 and Callicera fagesii Guérin-Méneville, 1844 79 Acta entomologica slovenica, 28 (1), 2020 80