Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 109, No. 7 American F7 SLOVENIAN MO Home 8956-180^ HO AHH3d i33dis oiho eeee nohwioiai Nvmvw USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 Phone: m 614.11-0628 E-mail: ahp@buckeveweb.net / U V Sun is Amazon Swimmer’s Big Problem Blistering sun and river debris, not the Amazon’s crocodiles or piranhas, have so far been the main adversaries of Slovenian Martin Strel, aka the Fish Man in his 3,375-mile swim down the world’s greatest river. Strel, 52, began his swim on Feb. I in the Peruvian jungle town of Atalaya, planning to emerge from the river within 70 days on Brazil’s Atlantic coast and break his own record for the world’s longest swim. He was prepared for just about any threat the Amazon could throw at him, including its piranhas, snakes, electric eels, crocodiles and even the feared toothpick fish that swims into body orifices, erects a spine and feeds on blood and tissue. The sun was not his biggest concern, but now it is. “I pray for three days of rain and I will be a new man again,” a sunburn Strel said. Expedition manager Borut Strel said his father was having to alter his swimming timetable to avoid the sun as much as possible. Strel’s team, which includes doctors and river guides, cut up a T-shirt to cover his face as he swam. “So far the biggest problem has been the sun. We have not even had two days of rain, all day it’s just sun. Martin’s /ace is burnt, his lips are burnt. He has blisters, big blisters,” Borut Strel said by satellite phone.. Martin Strel holds Guinness Book records for swimming the Danube in Europe, the Mississippi in the United States and the Yangtze in China. The $l million swim down the Amazon, the world’s most voluminous river, is paid for by sponsors in the name of world peace and environment and will be nearly 930 miles longer than the record-holding Yangtze swim in 2004. Another major obstacle has been debris. “There’s a lot of trees, logs, debris on the river. The river is very muddy. We have to be very careful to guide Martin because he can’t see anything in front of him,” his son said. Strel rises at 5 a.m. every day and starts swimming within an hour. He swims until noon, has lunch, a 20-minute nap, and then its back into the water. He is moving faster than expected, covering about 62 miles a day at an average speed of 6 miles per hour aided by the rushing current. His team thinks he could finish the trek to the Atlantic several days ahead of schedule. Ahead of Strel, who has dropped 11 pounds in a week, still lies Iquitos, notorious for waters infested by ferocious, flesh-eating piranha._________ Thanks to Philip J. Hrvatin for this news. Cardinal Rode Receives Preserve the Classic Lipizzaner Horses Leading European Lipizzaner stud farms agree that breeding programs should be harmonized and the classic type of the Lipizzaner horses should be preserved, director of the Lipica Stud Farm, Matjaž Pust said on Wed., Feb. 7 after a two-day meeting of Lipizzaner stud farms directors. Directors from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Slovakia, also supports joint approach to the breeding and selection of horses, Pust said. In the last 100 years many types of Lipizzaners have evolved. The original Lipizzaner was only preserved in Austria and Slovenia. The Copernicus research project, which is aimed at unifying the standards for the Lipizzaner horses, said the Lipica stud farm in Slovenia is the generic origin of all the Lipizzaner lines, Urbas said. Lipizzaners take their name from the village of Lipica (Italian: Lipizza) where they have been bred since the 16th century. In 1580 Archduke of Austria Charles II bought a stud farm and a deserted mansion in Lipica. The task of the original, royal stud farm of Lipica was to breed elegant cart and saddle horses for the Haps-burg court and the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Six national Lipizzaner stud farms in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and Italy are home to 1,200 Lipizzaner white horses. The Lipica Stud Farm has around 370 horses. Thanks to Philip Hrvatin for this information. « Palčinka at St. Mary’s The St. Mary Slovenian School (Holmes Ave., Col-linwood) will host a palčinka breakfast on Sunday, March 4 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon in the parish center. The egg, sausage and crepe breakfast is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Everyone is cordially in-' vited . Honorary US Doctorate Our Slovenian Cardinal Dr. Franc Rode received an Honorary Doctorate on Sept. 27, 2006, the name-day of St. Vincent de Paul, from Niagara University by Niagara Falls, New York, which is among the oldest (150 years old) American university. Cardinal Rode earned his professional Doctor’s Degree during his studies at Buenos Aires in Argentina and in Paris, France. Cardinal Rode also visited St. John University in New York. He invited his relative, who is a writer of Slovenian books and she is the Slovenian editor of the Slovenian section of Glasilo K.S.K.J., Maria Cerar Hull with her husband, Gary, attended the celebration of his Holy Mass, first one in English, and for dinner afterwards. Cardinal Rode didn’t forget Slovenia, his home country, where he was bom and spent his sarly childhood. He askei the universities he visited to help ,with the establishment of the first Catholic University in Slovenia. The Lazarists Fathers promised their professional help. —Mary J. Cerer The best things and best people rise out of their separateness. I’m against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise. _______ —Robert Frost There are two kinds of fool. One says, “This is old, and therefore good.” And one says, “This is new, and therefore better.” _________________—Bob Mills Newspaper Schedule The American Home will continue to be printed the first three weeks of the month in March and April. In March the next two issues of American Home will be printed on March 8, and 15. In April the American Home will be printed on April 5 12 and 19. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: 'U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 7 March 1, 2007 All About Harry Brownfield by RUDY FLIS Harry Brownfield, I want you to remember that name. Now, for all of you who may have scanned the lines under my name in the past, you may have noticed that I am married with children and often mention them. I have more daughters than sons, so I do mention my daughters more often. Tonight, while at dinner with our eldest daughter, Mrs. Mary Brownfield, Mr. Harry Brownfield mentioned to my lovely wife, Therese, and I that he reads the American Home every week when it’s delivered, and has never seen his name in print. Not any more. With so many words in the first paragraph, it would take too many words to change the subject now, so let’s continue with Harry Brownfield, one of my sons-in-law. He’s a golf buddy of mine and always cleans my clock on the golf course. But I don’t care, because I can never thank Almighty God enough for letting me enjoy God’s earth at the cost of a few golf balls. I can walk, I can swing the club, and my vision allows me to see my golf ball go into the woods or water. How lucky can I be? Golfing is just around the comer, and I am getting my practice shots in with nice firm snow balls. All winter long I have not sliced, hooked or dubbed a shot. Come on summer when I can do all those things again. Golf is a great pleasure of life, but not the pleasure and satisfaction received when a son-in-law treats your daughter and grandchildren as though they were special, as they are to Therese and I. So when Harry staves off the urge to throw me and my clubs off the bridge into the river because I love the beautiful course more than the score on our card, I try to soothe him with a few good shots I call accidents. I have four sons-in law who love our daughters and their children. Now when the other sons-in-law subscribe to the American Home, maybe I’ll mention their names, too. How’s that, Harry Brownfield? Dog’s kennel is not the place to keep a sausage. -Bob Mills PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Jim’s JotiPnal Jiiri* Debevec I love a good movie. When I joined the Navy many years ago, I was the recipient of being near or on the water which I love. Also, serendipity, occurred when it was discovered the Navy had a tradition of showing a Hollywood movie every night. Some of them were first runs, before they even came out at local theaters. And to fill out 7 nights of showing films, there were a few old movies screened. And some of the newer ones were viewed many times during a typical month. This was especially true at sea and often to relieve the ennui of seeing the same films, ships often sailed close together with the sole purpose of exchanging movies. Anyhow, to get back to the present, here it is Monday afternoon and I don’t know which picture won the Academy Award Oscar last night, because the ceremonies went past our local newspaper’s deadline. But I really don’t care because I haven’t seen any of those nominated, and don’t even know which ones were nominated. And the reason for this is the old cliche, “They don’t make movies like they used to.” But I still love movies. So what did I do late Sunday evening, I watched one of my favorite films, “Ice Station Zebra.” This movie had everything: a submarine, adventure, mystery, suspense, drama, ac- tion, good acting, clever plot. It held my interest for two hours and 45 minutes. It starred Rock Hudson, Ernest Borgnine and Patrick McGoogan. There was even an intermission, although it ran commercial-free because it was captured on TiVo on the Turner Classic Movie station. I recorded it sometime in the fall, but in agreement with my philosophy of really getting into the feeling of the picture, I waited until the middle of winter to watch the action which takes place on the Arctic Circle. I also try to get the “feel” of the subject when I read. When reading Rex Stout’s “Nero Wolf’ mysteries, I like to have a bottle of beer nearby as does the hero. Wolf. Now I am reading Steve Hamilton’s mystery which takes place in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The hero will only drink beer brewed in Canada. Likewise, I read about Alex McKnight and sip a Molsen’s, and shiver during the scenes which take place in the coldest part of the continental United States. “Anatomy of a Murder,” is a movie which took place in the Upper Peninsula in Marquette. To get in the mood, Madeline and I stayed at the inn where the true story movie was filmed. If you want to know more about Anatomy of a Murder ask Elizabeth Delene of the Bishop Baraga Association who did her dissertation on the subject. For me it is much more fun and enjoyable when I can simulate the atmosphere to produce the “feel” of a good film or book. St. Mary’s Lenten Fish Fries Once again, during all Fridays of Lent, St. Mary’s in Collinwood will feature their famous fish fry in the parish ! hall from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Fresh homemade soup, as well as both fried and baked fish, crab cake, shrimp, and macaroni and cheese dinners will also be featured. Cost is $8 for fish dinners and $9 for shrimp, combo and crab cake dinners - same prices as last year. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a krofe and noodle sale on Saturday, March 10 in the auditorium social room. Corn Beef Dinner The 2nd annual St. Patrick’s Day Com Beef Dinner co-sponsored by St. Casimir’s Alumni and VFW Post 5275 will be held on Sunday, March 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in St. Casimir’s Hall, 8223 Sowin- ! ski Avenue in Cleveland. Authentic Irish dancers will perform on stage. $10 for adults / $4.50 for children. ^ FISH FRY Every Friday 1 r:30 AM - 8 PM SWH AUXILIARY 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH Fish - Shrimp - Goulash Breaded Pork Chops Reservations & Take Outs Call 216/481-5378 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “GOD’S YELLOW PAGES” Just when some of you were fed up with all the garbage on the Internet, a surprising site is found just in time for Lent on the WWW. GOD*S YELLOW PAGES can be found at the following address: web2airniail.net/dpelc/yeUow/ If you wish to read words of wisdom passages....utilizing key words...afraid, backsliding, crime, divorce, drunkenness, excuses, leaving home, loneliness, hope, faith, traveling, zeal, swearing...etc, it’s all there. Since the Bible is probably gathering dust on the shelf, a few seconds every day when you are already using the computer, may be just the right tonic for a Christian at this time of the year. Please try it. As the site says: “Let your fingers do the walking thru the Bible”. My promise to you: It won’t hurt! MATUA PLEČNIK 1930-2007 RIP Yours truly would be remiss if no mention was made in this column regarding Matija’s death last week. A quiet woodworker, carpenter, a walking encyclopedia, philosopher, historian, thinker, volunteer, politically savvy, devout Catholic, hard-working fine man was called by God. There is no doubt in my mind that God had big plans in heaven for “Matt”, and needed a man of Matt’s caliber to help Him. Our loss was God’s gain. Our condolences to his wife Linda and his children: Mathew, Maria and Mark. Report on St. Vitus Alumni Meeting by AGNES KOPORC Just placed the phone that I carry around “somewhere.” It never rings when I have it on me, only when I set it down. Now, what room was I in? And where is it? RING. OOPS, there it is. That is one of the exciting moments in a YOUNG senior’s life. Where is it? Where did I put it? Anyway, finally got to the phone before the answering machine kicked in. “Hello,” I said. “Oh, sure Marge (Ba-tis), I will be glad to pick you up for the meeting on Thursday evening, be there at 6:30.” Of course, she did not know that the meeting had almost been canceled due to the frigid weather, but due to that little Eskimo in us that kept prodding, “We’ve had worse, and besides, it is not snowing, so let’s go.” And we did. My friendly companion, my ’97 Taurus, groaned a bit, even gave a chug-chug cough when I turned it on, just before I went for Marge. Gave it some Vicks kickapoo juice and it recovered like the faithful servant it is and we slid down the old freeway like a dogsled. Was so glad to see Marcie Mills upon arrival. She was a godsend, had so many things to carry in. Thanks for the help, Marcie. We arrived at the Village Slovenian Room and found a bit of Florida sunshine greeting us in the form of Pres. Dan Reiger who had just arrived from Cape Coral the night before, sporting a gorgeous tan and a big smile. Looking good, young man. He had been visiting ailing Gene Drobnič and family. It would be nice if we remembered her as the long time member and dear friend she is, with a card. Her address is 2708 SO 23rd Ave., Cape Coral, FL 33904.1 know she will be happy to hear from us. - Treas. Ray Gobec had arrived earlier with a ?? lbs. of toast beef, placed it in the oven for heating and nmmm” the smell of savory juices of the meat along with the brewing of coffee perme-ated the room. We could hardly wait for the formalities to end. Daniella Avsec was setting the table, while Annie Arhar Piaced “this” here and “that” there. Of course, our dear Florence Hotujac (who has no taste buds) was again Worried that her coffee was n°t strong enough, or maybe t°o strong. But as usual, it was just right. Groups were chit chatting, ather Vic (Cimperman) and Pony Baznik were busy solves the problems of the world while Mary Cimper- man, Babe Cizel and Bemie Sajovec chatted incessantly about one thing or another. Last, but not least, member to arrive was none other than Mary Lunder. She was out of breath. Could it be that she ran from her home on E. 60th Street to the Village? It was so good to see you, Mary. Rarely get to see Mary sitting; she is usually running, walking, or working. Josepha Strauss was “checking out” the dessert table, arranging the delicious choc, iced cupcakes that Lil Ribarich baked, along side the choc, cake that Marilyn Vidmar created. Should have had a bake sale and made some “dough” (note pun). Must admit, there really was a great spread, thanks to all members who donated. Missing from the scene was our beloved Albina Pozelnik, still not feeling up to par, confined to her home, along with her brother Tony who also is not well. Please remember both in prayers, and cards as well... 6603 Schaefer Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Our First Pres, and Past Honoree Joseph Zelle will celebrate his 95th birthday on Sunday, Feb. 25. Our best wishes to him from all his alumni friends. Send him a card as well, 24124 Glen-brook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117. The meeting was a review of the past Honoree Day, short and snappy. The main topic being the upcoming scholarships. Once again, it is that time of year. If you are a member of St. Vitus Alumni and have children or grandchildren, they are eligible for the awards. A letter can be mailed to Scholarship Chairperson, Newburgh KSKJ honors 50-year members On Sunday, March 18, KSKJLife Lodges #63, #146, and #150 will have a dinner at the Slovenian Home on E. 80th Street honoring those who have been members for 50 years. This dinner will be preceded by Mass in St. Lawrence Church at 10 a.m. Dinner will be served at 12 noon. This event is free for all members. Please RSVP to Josie at (216) 267-4866. Lendava Classic Wear www.lendava.us Looking for Assistant Manager. Send resume or questions to info@vaikard.com Florence Hotujac, 175 E. 266 St., Euclid, OH 44132-1211 or call for information (216) 731-4563. Names of alumni member, names of considered recipients, name of Catholic High School he or she will be attending, etc. You may also call Pres. Dan Reiger (216) 391-5428 for information regarding the scholarship awards. The next meeting will be on April 12, the second Thursday because the first Thursday is Holy Thurs. It will be held in St. Vitus Slovenian Room. Do hope you will consider attending. Mark your calendar now. And for the rest of the winter, keep warm. Think young and you will be “cool.” P.S. — Special Birthday wishes from the St. Vitus Alumni members go to our dear pastor, Father Boznar, who will be celebrating another year of life on March 19lh. Many more, in good health and peace, dear friend. Veseli Rojstni Dan. Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: What was the first living thing on earth? David Stanonik of Euclid, Ohio is the only person to give the correct answer which is: bacteria. NEW QUIZ: My father is reading a novel about a young person called Succat. In later years he was known as...? Send your answer to ahp@.buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. W. Maier Services Garage Doors & Openers Electrical & Small Misc. Repairs Walter Majer 216-406-8483 Home 440-286-7177 Fortuna . FUNEI^AL HOME 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleve OH Joseph 4 Virginia Fortuna* \ Founders in 1958 (216) 641-0046 NEW & 2nd LOCATION OPENING FALL 2006 7076 Brecksville Rd. Independence, OH ____LICENSEDVr AFFj__ John Fortuna - James Trzaska . Mary Ann (Fortuna) Trzaska. Slovenia Wins World Cup Andrej Jerman gave Slovenia its first World Cup downhill win Friday, Feb. 23, mastering a difficult course in mild weather at Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. Jerman covered the Kandahar course in 1 minute, 56.82 seconds to beat Hans Grugger of Austria by 0.22. Erik Guay of Canada was third in 1:57.26. Jerman took advantage of an early start, when the course was still holding up in warm temperatures. Later starters and several top- ranked skiers were well off the pace. American Bode Miller finished 28th and Austrian Hermann Maier, who celebrated the first win of his storied career here 10 years ago, was 29th. Austrian Michael Walch-hofer crashed hard in a curve at the bottom of the course and was taken to a local hospital with possible cracked ribs. Thanks to Tony Ravnik of Piedmont, CA for submitting this article. Article on Slovenian Salt Saturday, Feb. 10 - the New York Times published in its Travel section today the story of the little shop that sells salt in Ljubljana, called Piranske soline. Many generations of Slovenes have been known to enjoy the healthy and tasty salt from Sečovlje Salina. The northernmost salt flats in the Mediterranean have now for a while been a Nature Park on the southeast comer of Slovenia and have been cherished for not only the salt production, but also walking, biking tours and bird watching. Ever since a neo-rustic, little shop Piranske Soline in the capital of Ljubljana has been offering, various beautifully presented salt products. The popularity of Slovenian salt has gone beyond the world of Levstik’s Martin Krpan and his mare. Genealogists Meet The Cleveland Area Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International, Inc., meets four times each year - the second Tuesday of March, May, September, and November. The first meeting of 2007 will be on Tuesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. at Recher Hall, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Genealogy Specialist Sandra Malitz of the Geauga County Public Library system will be the guest speaker. Her topic is “Mining Resources at the Western Reserve Historical Society.” An open invitation is extended to all those interested in learning how to research their Slovenian family history. If you have any questions, please call Rose Marie at 440-230-2251. Joke A woman phones her husband at work for a chat. He says, “I’m sorry honey but I’m up to my neck in work today.” She says, “But I’ve got some good news and some bad news for you, dear.” He says, “OK, honey, but since I’m pressed for time, just give me the good news..” She says, “Well, the air bags on your car work.” —Phil Hrvatin 1 It’s Codj Being SloyfoitmlJ , Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Se/wceS _ 496 E. 200th St. EUdid, OH 44119. (216)404-0990 Fpxj(2}6) 404-0992 http:flst§nburyBS^Ming.com\ Mario's International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. -f lavrisha 216—391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 * Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane w by RAY MLAKAR Without a doubt I am sure that all of us feel we have had more than our share of snow and here is hoping there are some sunny warm days ahead to let the snow melt gradually so as not to cause any floods, especially near the Chagrin River area. It seems the floods in that area get the brunt of whatever comes, not only the snow but the melting and the flooding which is even worse. Goes without saying I have been house-bound for three weeks now and am looking forward to Tuesday, Feb. 20 when I can get out. Freedom at last. Although I have to insure it will not involve too much walking. With all the snow I have had no ihail delivery for four days but I certainly can’t blame the postman for there is no way he could find my front steps. In the back when I opened the head garage door electrically the snow was some 38 inches high and you can guess where the snow fell when the door opened. I am not supposed to shovel so it took time to get the white stuff back to the other side so the garage door could come down once again. Fortunately, I was able to clear an eight-inch swat in front of the door so Happy Harry could get out twice a day. Surprisingly he did not dilly dally around, for after his attempts to water down the snow, he soon flew back inside and lay in my chair. Well, we have to admit that up until these last Arctic Clippers came in, we had a mild winter but the clippers certainly have given us more than we hoped for. Well, writing about the snow is certainly not my idea of walking down memory lane but as I think back, the heartaches started long before I ended up in the hospital. About two Weeks before that in washing clothes downstairs I like to keep busy and while the washing machines are doing their thing, I try my hand at odd jobs like vacuuming the rugs in the basement, and cleaning the furnace air filters. On that particular Saturday I decided to defrost the downstairs refrigerator. It is a tough job, for it no longer does it automatically for I usually pull the plug, use the hair dryer to melt the snow and ice which has accumulated on the side of the ice cube compartment. It seems nothing goes fast enough for me and like a guy with “Two Quarts Low” decided to help the process by using a putty knife, screwdriver and ice pick trying to pry the ice from the sides. You can imagine what happened, and all the prayers did not bring this old faithful refrigerator back to life. As I look back down memory lane back to the summer of 1940, just getting out of the Depression dad said the firemen were having a picnic at a grove way down south on W. 130th and refreshments would be free. Holy smoke, we looked forward to that and things were free, ice cream, pop, caramel com balls. I thought I died and wept to heaven. To get into the grove they insisted that every visitor buy at least one chance for TEN CENTS on the featured prize, a new 1940 Frigidare refrigerator. Well, dad bought the ticket for it was well worth it in as much as we feasted on ice cream and all the other treats. Up until that time at the old homestead, we had an old ice box and when I say ice box, I mean ice box. It took 25 pounds of solid ice that we purchased every three days from Thomas’ Dell on W. 130th. You can well guess that like in all families, the small guy gets all the “pop details” so it was my job to insure that every third day I went to Thomas’ for a 25-pound chunk of solid ice, put it in the wagon and get thru the fields so as not to let the sun melt the ice, even though I covered it with a throw mg. Ma would always remind me not to dilly-dally, but hurry home. That was no problem, but they held me responsible to insure that the pan underneath the ice box, which carried the water from the melted ice, would be emptied in a timely fashion, for if this was not done, water would overflow the pan and Ray would get stuck with the next detail which was mopping the entire floor. I hated to admit what happened one day when Ma came home from work, I said, “Ma I surprised you. I mopped the entire kitchen for you.” I really think that ma after a time surmised what happened - an overflow. Needless to say I got stuck with the detail for some time and then the Good Lord knew I had done more than my share of mopping the floor so He arranged for my dad to win that new 1940 Frigidare. That was even better than winning the lottery today. No more ice to lug home, no more ice box drop pans under the ice box to empty, and no more mopping floors. This was going to be a preview of heaven. I think I appreciated the new refrigerator more than the rest of the family for now I was what some may call semi-retired. And now after some 66 years of endless faithful service, Ray ruins it all by breaking the old refrigerator. Lord forgive me my sins. I called numerous repairmen but they all felt the same. Parts were not available for such an old refrigerator. There it sits in the basement doing noting and I guess out of respect I should genuflect before it for in spite of not working, it still appears like the day it was delivered, like it came out of a showroom. I should drop a line to George W. Bush to see if he wants to come after it and put it in the “Smithsonian Institute.” It is a gem and only failed due to my carelessness. It goes without saying that there are not many ice boxes around that have lived to the ripe old age of 66 and still be in good working order. “May it rest in peace.” I always felt I would go long before the ice Happy Harfy box gave out, but then I guess we know who is next on the “Call List.” Guess I could say to practice what I had in my report a few weeks back, “Treat others as you would want them to treat you... with love, compassion and kindness.” Well, come on Ray, you are not writing the second edition of the Bible so get on with your jokes and don’t Dear Friends, I am going to run several marathons and halfmarathons this year. I will be raising funds for young mine survivors from Southeast Europe, in order to provide them rehabilitation in Slovenia. Mine action is one of the foreign policy priorities of my country, Slovenia, as well as an issue that is close to my heart. While running I want to raise awareness about mine problems and landmine victims. About one third of them are children. The project will be realized in cooperation with the Slovenian-based International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance (ITF; itf-fund.si) and its U.S. partner the Marshall Legacy Institute (MLI). I need your help and I am asking you to kindly consider a contribution for this project. No amount is too small. The U.S. State Department will match the funds that we raise. As of now, I have run a race in Austin, TX Feb. 18 (half-marathon), will run in Knoxville, TN April 1 (half marathon); Cleveland, OH on Sunday, May 20 (marathon); and Washington, DC on Oct. 28 (marathon). There are times when I wonder if I will be able to pull this off. Most of the time, however, I train diligently and stay on schedule. With your encouragement, running a marathon and rais- Investors Wrong Research carried out by Ned Davis in the U.S., covering the 10 years from 1996 onwards into extreme pessimism or optimism triggered 61 times among retail investors, found they were wrong 100% of the time. make it an ice box joke. Here goes. A little old lady was going up and down the halls in a nursing home. As she walked she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say, “Supersex.” She walked up to an elderly man in a wheel chair flipped her gown at him and said, “Supersex.” The old guy sat silently for a few moments and then finally answered, “I’ll take the soup.” Well, you might have guessed that this was an imported joke, all the way from snow-covered Erie, PA from my brother Frank Mlakar. In closing stay warm and remember to treat others like you would want them to treat you. May the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you. ing funds for ITF is going to result in improved lives of several young mine victims from Southeast Europe. —Samuel Žbogar Ambassador of Slovenia Washington Times Article “Feb. 13 - the Slovenian ambassador is among the younger breed of diplomats who know that sometimes the best way to promote their cause is to get out of Washington and engage average Americans. “For Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, 44, his cause is raising money to remove land mines throughout southern European countries pockmarked by the hidden explosives buried during years of ethnic conflicts.” The article on Samuel Žbogar’s fundraising project shows his support of six child landmine survivors from Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are three ways to donate funds: 1) Send a check to MLI at 2425 Wilson Blvd., Suite 313, Arlington, VA 22201; 2) Send a check to the Embassy at'1525 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 3) Donate online at www.marshall-leeacv.org or at www.firstgiving.com/ AmbZbogar. Please make all checks to MLI, mark them for ITF and inform the Embassy by email of your donation rvwa@gov.si). All donations arc tax deductible. It's Cool To Be Slovenian! UNION BECOME AMEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) • Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium -$1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, Ml, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com Žbogar Runs for Mine Victims Radio Engineer Joe Zelle Turns 95 Joe Zelle In addition to his many published short stories, essays, articles and book reviews, Joseph Zelle was a tireless translator, although his most monumental attempt in this area, the translation into English of Franc Finzgar’s magnificent historical novel, Pod svobodnim soncem (Under the Free Sun), has, unfortunately, remained unpublished. Among his several published translations is also a beautiful Slovenian short story, entitled, “John Kovach,” which was authored by the Cleveland-area writer and poet, Karel Mauser (first published in Slovenia in Meddobje, Vol. 2, Buenos Aires, 1956). The moving story about a Slovenian worker at the Cleveland Twist Drill was featured in Zelle’s English-translation in Anthology of Slovenian American Literature (1977), the first anthology of Slovenian American literature ever published anywhere in the world. It was compiled and edited by Professors G. Edward Gobetz of Kent State University and Adele Donchenko of University of Minnesota. At the end of the book, the senior editor presented short biographical sketches of over 40 contributors (writers, artists and translators). We are pleased to reprint Zelle’s biographical sketch in honor of his 95th birthday. Yes, 95th! He was bom in Cleveland to Slovenian immigrant parents on Feb. 25, 1912. With the help of an assistant, Joe still lives at home. Although his eyesight and hearing are problematic, his mind is still as sharp as ever. As some may recall, Joe was for decades a loyal contributor in Slovenian and English to the Ameriška Domovina - the American Home newspaper. We salute him and congratulate him on his venerable jubilee and wish him God’s blessings also in the future. Here is his sketch from the Anthology book: JOSEPH ZELLE, the son 0f Slovenian immigrant par-ents, holds a B.A. degree from John Carroll University (1939) and a Master’s degree in English from Western Reserve University (1942). A native Clevelander, he Was employed as a radio technician with the Columbia Broadcasting System and the Office of War Information in New York, and, after the Second World War, as consultant radio engineer, technical writer, technician, chief engineer with lead-jn8 radio stations in Cleve-land, Ohio. He has also been an instructor of physics at Cuyahoga Community College and John Carroll University and of Slovenian at Cleveland State University. Fluent in several languages, he has been a contributor of articles and short stories to a large number of Slovenian and American periodicals and has been active in many Slovenian and American organizations, including his own Slovenia Film, the Catholic Mission Aid Society, and The Slovenian American Institute - The Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc. He has translated a number of works from Slovenian into English, produced a documentary film on the life and works of Bishop Frederic Baraga, and has received several honors and awards, including a Public Service Commendation, Edison Ra- Cleveland, OH - Our well known, respected and highly educated radio engineer, Mr, Joseph Zelle of 1227 Addison Road, Cleveland, Ohio observed his 65th birthday on Feb. 25, 1977. It seems very fitting that we should remember him in our media on this occasion. I doubt if there is any other person bom in America of Slovenian descent, who has done so much throughout his life, besides his regular work and studies, to promote the welfare of our Slovenian people, especially in this area. Here in Cleveland, Joe Zelle showed a special interest in St, Vitus Parish, its clubs and organizations, from early youth and was a staunch friend of the pastor, Msgr. Bartholomew Ponikvar. I became acquainted with Joe about 1935, when the Rev. Matthias Jager, then Assistant, with the aid of Msgr. Ponikvar, organized the St. Vitus Theater Guild and the Baraga Glee Club. From 1935 to 1941 more than 30 plays and concerts were presented, both in Slovenian and English, under the capable direction of Rev. Jager and Mr. Stanley Frank. During these years, Mr. Zelle was our stage manager, prompter and advisor. dio Amateur Award, and Consistent Reporting Award. Zelle attracted national attention in 1957 as the first American to tune in Sputnik and to broadcast its signals on the radio station WERE. --Ed Gobetz In those days we had to use the old gymnasium, which seated only about 200, and is presently used as the School Library. Consequently, many of the performances had to be repeated, requiring much additional work, but Joe and our directors encouraged us to persevere in our efforts. There were some 50 actors and actresses in the Theater Guild, and over 70 in the Girls Glee Club. These were the carefree, memorable days of our youth which will never be forgotten, and we are forever grateful to the late Msgr. Ponikvar and Rev. M. Jager for giving so much attention to the youth of St. Vitus parish. Our unassuming, always friendly Joseph Zelle was bom on Feb. 25, 1912 to Michael and Jennie Zelle in Cleveland. His father was bom in the village of Paije na Krasu (near Pivka), and his mother in Podslivnica pri Cerknici. After completing grade school at St. Vitus in 1926, he entered Cathedral Latin School, where he graduated with honors in 1931. These were the Great Depression years, and Joe (at that time) was unable to continue his higher education due to lack of funds (Continued on 10) * •'XW C' * \ ■* • \ ' ' \ \\ \' Wl Joe Zelle The Cleveland Press Ths Newspaper That Serves Its Readers CLEVELAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1957 Phono CHerry 1-1111 ***««• 62 Pages — 7 < L TRACKS SOVIET “MOO ees -i H . AN ARTIST'S DRAWING of a proioMtl Unllad ~ Stitts tittllif* In flight is superimpotid On i photo-of ft* Mrth’s surface Tb* photo was I Am by th« to Navy from a Viking 12 rockat at an altitude of M3 (UP Teltphorol Is Georgia Radios Recortd Satellite Flying at 18,000 MPH CAMBRIDGE^Mau.—(UP)—Sdantlata witt^Utabalp of radio .operators tracked the Russian earth t ptuld not be seen In the U S. for two or eeks because its orbit is in line with the sun. ‘appradmate orbit’' of the satellite hs tracked sciattftsts to SATKUITK HIPS came in loud and clear on radio engineer Joe Zelle's short wave radio set. They came from the Russian-made "moon” as it passed over the United States and were strong enough for Zelle lo record for broadcast over WERt. The signals were a* 20.005 megacycles. He lives at 1227 Addison Rd ' radio k opera tors tracked the Russian earth satellite today ag it whirled in space to a path that carried it over the United States. « They said it ? '-----------*------* - *----- three weeks l The “api by U. S. scietfftsts took it over Philadelphia this morning while it'whined at 18,000 miles an hour northwest to southeast through space. An hodr and ■ half later it was over the Midwest while milling another complete circle of the globe. Then tt passed over the West Coast on a third round-tho-world trip three hours after going over Philadelphia. Sends Tempsmtums In Code Aa it raced temperature Joe Zelle is first to record ‘Sputnik’ Joe Zelle, man of many talents The following article was written by Dan Postotnik on March 2, 1977 in the American Home newspaper about Joseph Zelle on the occasion of Joe’s 65th birthday. It was thoughtfully provided to us by Prof. G. Edward Gobetz. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAKUrt i, /uu/ Permes’ Adventure Around Lake Erie by PHILIP L. PERME (Continued from last issue) Day Three ~ From Yellow Perch to the Pajama Lady Woke up Monday morning with the sunrise. Nature is a great alarm clock. Kind of laid around a bit then both got up. Dad got some early morning coffee and a paper. He then took a shower and went back to the paper. Sun at his back with patio shades ~ pulled open - life affirming weather at the very best. I showered and we set out for the continental breakfast at this hotel. Well, it was bare minimum to say the least. Coffee, bread, juice and an orange. From grand breakfast the day before to a 2nd floor over the stairs breakfast nook afterthought. We managed through and even took the orange for the road. Shortly after 10 a.m., we loaded up the ‘goat’ and set out for the next stop — Dun-ville, Ontario. We were to stay at a “side of a road” place called the Country Inn. We had a picture and it looked fine. That picture was what we used to find the place. From 50 Kph to gravel parking lot in two seconds -but we had better reaction time due to the picture. It was about 1 p.m., or a little after. The drive was nice. And what was now becoming routine, I started the drive and Dad finished it. Glad Dad was there to help with the driving. I knocked on the office door - the last door on the left facing the building. Much to my surprise a woman slowly emerged from the door to the right within the office. She looked like she was wearing pajama pants and a sweatshirt -beddy-by head to boot. Not sure if I woke her; so I apologized if I did. Mistake number one, she indicated she had been up for a while already. So why get dressed for the day? Soon after, a guy comes out - medium size guy shirtless with tattoos. Jailhouse tatts, who knows? As can be imagined I wasn’t feeling real good about this place. Neither one had much energy or desire to do anything that required . effort. We got the key to the room and surprisingly it was a clean, albeit more primitive room with lots of space. Kitchen, fridge, A/C, satellite TV. We did, after some confusion as to what the remote controlled - satellite channels - and what it didn’t the TV itself. We hit the road about 2:30. The Dunnville CRAF (Canadian Royal Air Force Training Facility) located at the Dunnville airport was the target. Since Dad served in WWII he most likely ran into some of these guys. Pajama lady to the nonrescue. Prior to leaving, we figured out by map where we thought we needed to go. We saw pajama lady in the parking lot and my Dad asked her where the Dunnville airport was. She said she didn’t know - this matched the sign on the office door saying -“Do not ask directions.” Really ambitious people. So she indicates she doesn’t know where the airport is and has never been there. Dad asks if she is from here and she responds, “Yes.” Mistake number two. Now we are thinking these two people tied up the owners and were running the motel. But then we figured no way were they ambitious enough to think of that, let alone do it. We found the airport on our own and it was a quaint little place on a lot of land. We found the entrance to the museum, but it was locked. An older fellow working on a small plane answered the knock and let us in. Actually they were closed but he led us around and answered questions and shared stories with my Dad and me. As always delights me, my Dad exchanged some stories of his youth in the military and other flying adventures. We saw different uniforms and discussed different planes and their roles. We left a donation and headed up the road for a quick small lunch - the orange was gone for several hours. The guy suggested the Thirsty Mate, but it was closed - missed it by 45 minutes. So we doubled back and had a hot dog and fries (me) and my dad had a milkshake. We shared some fries as well. The Grand Isle BBQ took care of us. We went back to the Country Inn motel and watched some tube - lots of choices and crystal clear -using the satellite receiver. There was some sports or an old movie, or both. We relaxed a bit before dinner. Read some papers and studied some maps — tourist type maps that were hard to navigate, but were at least something. Pajama Lady was right about one thing - Bob’s Place. This was the local restaurant that really pulled them in. Apparently she leaves the house to eat. We found it and went inside. Kind of like an old Brown Derby, but less decorative. Yellow perch it was going to be. The choice was '/z-pound for $15.00 or a whole pound for $20.00. We both got the half pound - six fillets each. They were great. We split a Canadian beer, had soup, potato, vegetable and fish. Yellow perch, was my new target. Since it was late, we just headed back to the Country Inn. We pulled into the lot and in front of our room were two tough-looking guys in their 40s having a beer and smoke. They must be regulars since they had lawn chairs and a diminishing six pack of beer. They were workers in the area, physical laborers and formidable. We got out of the car and said hello. In five minutes we had discussed cars, dinner places, cops, speeding tickets, smoking laws in Canada and what they did for a living. It was a nice 15-minute conversation. We headed in and wished them a good night. They were perfect gentlemen and never made any noise. Dad called Aloze and • Paula Janez. These are Dad’s cousins from Slovenia who settled in Canada in the midseventies. Extremely accommodating people who truly put visiting family as their priority. A very nice European custom. Dad indicated we will visit them tomorrow. As you can guess, we watched more tube, drank some iced tea since they had well water that was sulfuric. I’m sure it was fine, but we didn’t quite acquire the taste yet. I read some more Old Testament and fell asleep. (To Be Continued) Pilgrimage - Sainte Anne-De-Beaupre, Quebec Aug. 12-18 Trip Presentation March 20 at 7 p.m. by Group Tours in Lambur Hall, St. Justine Martyr Church, 35781 Stevens Blvd. Eastlake, OH 44095 Phone 440-946-1177. Everyone is Welcome Senior Seeks Roommate Senior Retired Catholic widowed gentleman is seeking a live-in roommate preferably a senior female aged 77> non-smoker, for friendship and to help with grocery shopping, cooking, simple house chores. Candidate would pay no room fees. I am a native of Slovenia, play the button box accordion and have lots of stories to share. If this arrangement might interest you, please call JOHN @ 1-317-244-6774. We can discuss details. Friday, March 2 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring Bob Kravos. Friday, March 2 Fish Fry - Walleye, shrimp, pierogies, mac and cheese 5 to 7:30 p.m. $9 at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Music by The Culkars 6:30-8:30. Sunday, March 4 Palčinka breakfast in St. Mary’s (Coll.) parish center from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. $7 adults, $4 children. Benefit Slovenian School. Friday, March 9 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring Ray Polantz. Tuesday, March 13 Meeting of Cleveland Area Chapter of Genealogy Society at Recher Hall, Euclid, Ohio at 7 p.m. Special Guest, Sandra Malitz. Friday, March 16 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring Stan Mejac. Friday, March 16 Fish Fry - Walleye, shrimp, pierogies, mac and cheese 5 to 7:30 p.m. $9 at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Music by The Culkars 6:30-8:30. Sun., March 18 - March 25 Slovenian Ski Trip to Steamboat, Colorado. For info call John Kamin (718) 424-2711. Friday, March 23 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. , Featuring Jeff Pecon. Saturday, March 24 Federation of Slovenian National Homes Man & Woman of Year banquet at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Friday, March 30 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring A1 Battistelli. Friday, March 30 Lemont, IL - Butarice at the Center, 9 a.m. to make Butarice which will be on sale at the Center on Saturday, March 31 during Slovenian School hours and on Sunday, April 1 at 10 a.m. Friday, March 30 Fish Fry - Walleye, shrimp, pierogies, mac and cheese 5 to 7:30 p.m. $9 at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Music by The Culkars 6:30-8:30. Sunday, April 1 Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 Super Button Box Bash 25-12 bands, 1 to 9 p.m., both halls of Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, OH. Concert: 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 3 Author Bob Dolgan talks about his book, “America’s Polka King” The Real Story of Frankie Yankovic and His Music” at Euclid Public Library, E. 222 St., at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 22 Annual Meeting of Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, IL - 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25 Author James E. Odenkirk discusses his book “Frank J. Lausche: Ohio’s Great Political Maverick” at 7 p.m. in Euclid Public Library. Saturday, April 28 Korotan Concert, • Slove-, nian National Home, St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Saturday, April 28 ° Zarja concert “Spring Fling” at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, April 29 Polka Mass honoring deceased and living members at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland. Pork, sauerkraut & potato dumpling dinner. $15. Sunday, May 13 Slomšek Slovenian School, Lemont, ILL — Mother’s Day program with 11 a.m. Family Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Mission. Noon program and buffet luncheon at Slovenian Cultural Center. $15 for adults, $8 for children 7-14. Sunday, May 13 Mother’s Day Brunch, 9 a.m. - 12 noon at Newburgh Slovenian National- Home, 3563 E. 80 St. $8 adults, $4 children. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29,30 Bishop Baraga 150th Anniversary Weekend in Saulte St. Marie, Michigan. C^osic Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional aM Personal Service nViVjU'! iLiitJtfti .S0V,. . i I, * in ii*.i t ra | Death Notices MATIJA PLEČNIK Matija Plečnik, 76, was the beloved husband of Linda (nee Doljak); loving father of Matthew (Michelle), Maria and Mark; dear son of Ivan and Ivana (nee Mihevc) Plečnik (both deceased) and Ljudmila (nee Petkovšek) Plečnik; brother of John (NC), Joseph (CA), P-aul (CA), Fran Boh (deceased), Josephine Pugel (MI), Ivanka Petkovšek (Argentina) and Maria (Slovenia). Matija was an excellent and talented carpenter, and ^business owner. In his spare time he was involved in many activities in St. Vitus parish and was always helping his wife, Linda, in her duties as cook for various fund-raisers. He helped with the Cleveland Bishop Baraga weekends, and did various jobs that needed to be done for St. Vitus parish benefits including the yearly Palm Sunday dinners. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Monday, Feb. 26 from 2-8 p.m. Mass of Christian burial was on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Donations to St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 or the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleve- , land, OH 44119 in his mem- ( ory would be deeply appreciated by the family. ANN J. KERN Anne J. Kern (nee Winter), age 92, died peacefully on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007. Beloved wife of the late Frank E. Kern; loving mother of David F. (Betsy), Barbara Ann Gerloff (Stephen), Donald R. (Geri); loving grandmother of Edward and Margaret Anne; dear sister of Frank Winter (Ruth) and the following deceased: Sr. Mary Juanita, SND, Charles Winter, Jean McNeill, John Vintar and Stanley Winter; sister-in-law of William Kern (Emily); daughter of the late Karl and Mary Winter. Fondly remembered for her homemade lunches as the St. Vitus School cook for over 20 years. Also served as Sacristan of St. Vitus Church for many years where she was a devoted and lifelong parishioner. Anne was named St. Vitus “Woman of the Year” in 1986. She was loving caregiver of her cats, Linus and Lucy. Family received friends Saturday, Feb. 24 from 6-8 p.m., and Sunday, Feb. 25 from 4-8 p.m. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Funeral Monday, Feb. 26 with Mass of the Resurrection at 10 a.m. in St. Vitus Church celebrated by pastor, Rev. Joseph P. Božnar, con-i celebrated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec, and five other priests including Rev. Victor Cimperman, Rev. Frank • Godic, Rev. Bill Jerse, and Rev. John Kumse. FRANK ZAGAR JR. Frank Zagar, Jr., 82, a 43 year resident of Highland Heights, Ohio, passed away on Feb. 16, 2007 in Richmond Heights General Hospital. Mr. Zagar was bom on Nov. 1, 1924 in Euclid, Ohio. He belonged to SNPJ Lodge #51, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, and UAW Retirees. He was a Tool & Die Maker for General Motors Corporation. Friends were received on Monday, Feb. 19 at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills, OH from 4-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. Mr. Zagar is survived by his wife Mary (nee Hribar); sons Ron (Alice) and Rick (Terry) Zagar; grandchildren Marianne Chrzanowski, Anne, John, Julie, and Lori Zagar; great-grandchild Peyton; sister Jennie Tinker; and many nieces and nephews. An infant daughter Karen Marie is deceased. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. In Memory Thanks to Antonija Bucik of Norridge, IL who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Dr. Leskovar. In Loving MerAory 38 th Anniversary HELEN E. JURATOVAC Helen E. Juratovac (nee Washner), age 85 of Euclid, Ohio. Wife of the late Mike Frank; beloved mother of Linda (Michael Thilgen) and Michael (Judy) Juratovac; cherished grandmother of Michelle Juratovac and great-grandmother of Serina; dear sister of Ann Petro and the following deceased: Mary Crosier, Estelle Green, Adella Natko and Anthony Washner. Member of SNPJ Lodge and Euclid Pensioners. Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 26 at St. Paul Church (Euclid). Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills on Sunday, Feb. 25 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Vitus Church. AGNES KRIVEC Agnes Krivec (nee Zagorc), age 92, of Euclid, Ohio, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 11,2007. Beloved wife of Chuck; dear mother of Ronald (Kay) of Akron and Carol (Robert) Delly of Chardon; grandmother of Matthew Delly of Mentor; sister of Lillian Friedlander of Canton and the late Frank, Matthew, Stanley, and Anne Hutton. Mass of Christian Burial was on Friday, Feb. 16 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Christine Church, 840 E. 222 St. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Friends called at the Brickman-DiDonato Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Ave., from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15. Memorials may be forwarded to the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 .... St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL \ Located at • 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908_ John Petrie / Died March 17, 2Q01 .i # . /•No: ope knowp the silent heartaches Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that's borne in silence For'tfie one we loved sofwell. “Everything ceases, only God remains Blessed is he who understands this.” -Fr. A. M. Slomšek Mary Petrie and Family In Memory Thanks to Maria Curk of Barberton, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Vinko Curk. In Memory Thanks to Frank Dolence of Mentor, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Boogie and Mitzi Dolence. In Memory Thanks to pharmacist Dr. Bogomir M. Kuhar of > Powell, OH who renewed his 2 subscription two months [3 early, plus added a $100 donation in memory of Luka (1981) and Jožefa (1992) Kuhar, and Benjamin Bernard (1991), and Frank Bernard (2006). In Loving Memory Of the 2nd Anniversary Aloysius F. Arko Died March 1,2005 Loving husband, faithful father. How we miss your presence here. Home and world for all cherished, Darkened since your passing, dear. Sadly missed by: Wife, Betty Daughters, Diane Morgan, Arlene Primiano Son-in-law, John Morgan Jeffery Primiano Grapdchildren Frank, Jeffrey, ___________Alyson and David IN LOVING MEMORY Of the 14th Anniversary Of The Passing Of Our Dearly Beloved Brother, Brother-in-Law, Uncle, and Great-Uncle Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Died March 7,1993 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alpne; For part of us went with you. The day God took you home. ... Edward Baznik, brother;______________ Eileen and Mary Baznik, sister-in-law; his nieces: Helen Marinič, Brandon, Fla., DorotW JOcver. Cincinnati Ohin Esther Martin, Blanche Jones, Largo, pltL ’ ’ Lois Mentel, Carol Dougherty, Mary Lou Moyen, Kentucky Sr. Edwardine Baznik, S.J.S.M., Louisville, Ohio, Til nephews: Dr. Charles Baznik, Robert Baznik, Boston, Mass., Richard Baznik, Edward J. Baznik, and remaining relatives in U.S., *and Canada ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 STANLEY G. SKEBE 8 Stanley G. Skebe, beloved husband of the late Anna A. (nee Urankar); dear father of sons Jeffrey (Bridgid) of Australia, Stanley A. (Charlene) of China, and Gerard (Debra) of Eastlake, OH and daughters Marianne (Timothy) Rohwer of Lyndhurst, OH and the late Mary Skebe who died shortly after birth; and cherished grandfather of Cathayren Anne. His sisters Daniela (Carl) Isakson, Mary (Robert) Long, and Frances (Charles) Hočevar also survive him. His parents Mary (nee Sustersic) and Gregor Skebe are both deceased. Mr. Skebe was bom on Oct. 15, 1924 in Cleveland, OH and lived there until moving to Highland Heights in 1960. He was a graduate of St. Lawrence Parochial, A.B. Hart Junior High, and East Technical High Schools and studied at Fenn College and Case Institute of Technology. Mr. Skebe was employed for 44 years as a Tool & Die Maker at Atlantic Tool & Die Company and other companies and at Ford Motor, General Motors, and Chrysler Corporations. Enlisting in the U.S. Navy in 1943, he served on the U.S.S. Eversole DE-404 and in its support of the Moratai and Phillipine Islands invasions and The Battle for Leyte Gulf. During that battle he endured the first successful kamikaze attacks before being wounded, along with many other of the 136 surviving crew members, when his ship was torpedoed and sunk with a loss of 80 men. He subsequently served on the U.S.S. Coral APD/De-108 in the North Pacific until his honorable discharge from active duty in 1946.. He was a member of the Destroyer Escort Associa- tion, the U.S.S. Eversole DE-404 Survivors Group, K.S.K.J. St. Joseph Lodge #169, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, Highland Hts. Democratic Club, and the Indian Hills Radio Club. His. retirement hobbies included golfing, the accordion, and researching his Slovenian heritage. Friends called from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4 at the Brickman-DiDonato Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH. A funeral Mass was held at St. Paschal Baylon Church, 5384 Wilson Mills Rd., Highland Heights, OH at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 5. ANNA A. SKEBE Anna A. Skebe (nee Urankar), beloved wife of the late Stanley G.; dear mother of sons Jeffrey (Bridgid) of Australia, Stanley A. (Charlene) of China, and Gerard (Debra) of Eastlake, OH, and daughters Marianne (Timothy) Rohwer of Lyndhurst, OH, and the late Mary Skebe who died shortly after birth; and cherished grandmother of Cathayren Anne. Her sisters Mary (Lawrence) Aucin and Frances (Ignatius) Vidmar also survive her. Her parents Julia (nee Pistotnik) and Andrew Urankar are both deceased. She was bom May 1, 1927 in Cleveland, OH, graduated from Collinwood High School, and lived in the Cleveland area until moving to Highland Heights in 1960. Anna worked for the Internal Revenue Service before becoming a full time homemaker and raising her family. She was a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch #50 (auditor), K.S.K.J. St. Joseph Lodge #169, Euclid Homemakers & Friends, St. Paschal’s Women’s Guild, Holmes In Loving Memory of Angela Pucel Died March 10,1990 Joseph Pucel Died April 11,1950 Edward Pucel Died March 13,1994 Sophie (Marolt) Pucel Died June 6,1977 Mama, Ata, Brat, in Svakinja You are loved and always will be remembered by us all. Sadly and lovingly missed by daughter and sister, granddaughter, and husband, grandson and wife, and great grandson St. Michael, PA . Brickman-’ DiDonato FUNERAL HOME Jeff DiDonato, owner Tom Corrigan Harlan Saxton Lloyd Rankin 21900 Euclid Ave. Euclid, OH £1**181-5277 Caring ~ Compassionate ~ Dedicated to Euclid Ave. Pensioners, and Highland Hts. Democratic Club. Anna was also active with the “Merry Mrs. Club” (a group of childhood friends that has met now for almost 60 years). She was also a Cub Scout and Girl Scout leader. Friends called from 1 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4 at the Brickman-DiDonato Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH. CHRISTENA LESKOVEC Christena (Fink) Leskovec, 95, a lifetime resident of Euclid, and for six years in Chesterland, OH, passed away on Feb. 12, 2007. Christena was bom on Nov. 7, 1911 in Cleveland. She had been an inspector for Marquette Metal Co., in Cleveland, retiring in 1967. Christena belonged to Holy Cross Church Court of Mary, KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge No. 169. She loved playing cards at Euclid Senior Center, and bowling. She is survived by children David (Marge) Leskovec and Judith Javorek; grandchildren David (Rita) Leskovec, Tina (Shawn) McGraw, Connie (Mike) Smith, Deanna (Mark) Macioce, Linda (Stan) Osterhoudt, Dennis (Cami) Meyer, and Debbie (Shannon) Rotondo; eight great-grandchildren; and a sister Frances Klavora. Deceased family are: husband Adolph; son-in-law John Javorek; and siblings Frank, Joseph, Andrew, and Josephine Fink. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio on Friday, Feb. 16 from 4-8 p.m. Funeral on Saturday, Feb. 17 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Anselm Church, 13013 Chillicothe Rd., Chesterland, OH. Interment: All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, OH. Memorial contributions in In Loving Memory 7th Anniversary Albert J. Strukel Died Feb. 23, 2000 Too quickly as in a dream, the years have passed. The happiness that we shared becomes the past Sadly missed by: Your loving family: Wife-Vida 3 children: Patty, Lorie, son AI & 7 grandchildren her name to the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. MARY KAUCIC Mary Kaucic (nee Jur-javcic), age 85. Beloved wife of 61 years to Louis; loving mother of Joanne (Mark) McConville; devoted grandmother of Luke (Mary Beth) McConville and Megan (David) Hale; great-grandmother of Conor, Rory and Finn; sister of Max, Tony and Henry (all deceased); aunt and great-aunt of many. Friends were received at the Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Monday, Feb. 26 from 4-8 p.m., where services were held Tuesday at 10:15 a.m. and in Holy Cross Church at 11 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations in her memory to Hospice House, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 would be deeply appreciated by the family. CHICKIE REEVES Chickie (Josephine) Reeves (nee Miller) age 80. Beloved wife of Gwyn W.; loving mother of Sharon (Shorty) Lenarčič, Lois (Joe) Pate (both deceased) and Gwyn J.; grandmother of Alex (Allison) Spinos, JoJo (Marlena), Shaun (Leah) and Christian Pate, Andrew, Rachael and Emily Reeves; great grandmother of Kevin J. Spinos; sister of Dorothy Kekic, Rosie Kovacic, Tootsie Ostrunic, Carolyn Baker, Roberta Fisher, Joe Miller, Butchie Abranovich and William Miller. Friends were received at The Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Sunday, March 25 from 12 noon to 7 p.m. Services were on Monday, March 26 at 10 a.m. in St. Philip Neri Church, 799 E. 82nd St. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice in her memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. Arrangements handled by the Zele Funeral Home. FRANCES M. HROVAT Frances M. Hrovat (nee Gregorač), age 100. Beloved wife of the late Victor; daughter of the late Anton and Mary Gregorač; dearest mother of Frances Eilleen DeChant (deceased), and James Hrovat of AZ; dear sister of Anton Gregorač Jr., Jack Gregorač, Stanley Gregorač, Mary Gregorač, Bertha Vidmar (Anthony), and Vida Shega (Frank); dear grandmother of 10 arid great grandmother of 11. Family received friends Monday, Feb. 26 from 5-8 p.m. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Tuesday, 10 a.m. chapel service at the funeral home. Interment Calvary Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to Annie and Greg Mihalek of Sevier-ville, TN who extended their subscription and added a $65.00 donation in loving memory of their parents, Edward and Dorothy Debevec. Donation Thanks to Dr. Edward Gobetz of the Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc., in Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and paid for a new subscription for his daughter Maggie, plus added a $30.00 donation. Euclid Fish Fries The Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio is serving fish fries and other meals every Friday. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 On the 14th Anniversary of the death of Anton J. (Tony) Petkovšek Sr. Passed away on March 2,1993 A lasting memorial is the perpetuation of the_daily Slovenian and Polka RADIO Program of 45 years, plus the station itself as conducted ____ by Tony Petkovšek on WELW 1330 AM Tomatoes—Red, Ripe And Healthy ^ ^^!&%SZ£SZ k. t - .vi-S Left to right, USMC Major Roger Eaton, USMC Second Lieutenant Kevin Tinter, and USMC Lance Corporal David Schreiber. Two Generations of Police Officers Bryan Schreiber, grandson of Lloyd and Carmen (Kalish) McBrayer, graduated from the Knoxville, Tennessee Police Academy °n Friday, Dec. 15, 2006., receiving two of the four awards: Top Driver, and Valedictorian. Bryan, son of Dr. Robert and Connie (McBrayer) Schreiber, was a Tennessee State Champion Wrestler in high school. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Lloyd and Carmen’s daughter, Janel McBrayer, graduated Valedictorian from Cuyahoga Community College Police. Academy 21 years ago, also on December 15th. She is now retired from die Chester Township Police Department in Geauga County, Ohio. Kevin Tinter, first grandson of Lloyd and Carmen, was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant at the home of his parents, Jim and Annette (McBrayer) Tinter in Medina, Ohio. Kevin’s father-in-law, USMC Major Roger Eaton officiated as Kevin’s cousin, USMC Lance Corporal David Schreiber read the warrant and rendered the first salute to the new officer. Kevin, and his wife, Bekah, lived in Okinawa for several years during part of his six years in the Corps. Kevin separated from the Corps at the rank of Captain. He and Bekah are currently living in Forest Grove, Oregon where Kevin kJ. • '--Jl v "■ ^ ^ !" x jia ** * Police Officer Bryan Schreiber is employed as a Hillsboro Police Officer. They are expecting their first child in April. David Schreiber, the eldest son of Robert and Connie, was city champion wrestler during high school. David served in the USMC for five years in avionic electronics. He continues working at Miramar Marine Base in San Diego on military aircraft, he and his wife, Katrina, have a son and daughter, ages 4 and 2. Carmen McBrayer is the daughter of Ed and Nettie (Grdina) Kalish. Nettie and her sister, Anna, owned and operated Grdina Bridal Shoppe on St. Clair Ave., between E. 61 and E. 62nd Streets in Cleveland. by Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph.D., R.D., President, Produce for Better Health Foundation (NAPS)—Once known as pommes d’amour or “love apples” in French, tomatoes are today one of America’s favorite foods and a top source of the potent antioxidant lycopene. It’s hard to beat the combination of flavor, versatility, beauty and nutritional punch that tomatoes possess. Lycopene, a dis-r -/ * ease-fighting antiox- Pivonka >dant, is more read- —----------- ily absorbed from cobked tomatoes than raw. All tomatoes contain lycopene but cooking the tomatoes breaks down the cell walls and frees the lycopene for the body to absorb. So, wondering what to make for dinner? Chop fresh tomatoes, saute garlic and onions in a little extra-virgin olive oil and cook all together until the juice has evaporated and you have a thick, rich sauce. Stir in some fresh basil and serve over pasta, or spread on pizza. By including a mix of colorful fruits and vegetables in a low-fat diet, you can help maintain: a healthy heart, memory function, vision health, strong bones and teeth, healthy weight levels, and a lower risk of some cancers. Fruits and vegetables can be divided into five color groups: red, yellow/ orange, white, green and blue/purple. Eat at least one serving daily from each group. California Tomato and Pita Chip Salad is an adaptation of the traditional Middle Eastern toasted bread salad, fattoush. It is a perfect blend of flavors and textures, features vegetables from two of the color groups and gives you a great new way to serve fresh California tomatoes. Enjoy fresh tomatoes broiled, grilled, in salads, made into sauces and roasted with other vegetables— the possibilities are endless and delightfully delicious. Look for firm, well-shaped, fragrant, richly colored tomatoes free from blemishes and heavy for their size. Store ripe tomatoes at room temperature and use within a few days. Do not refrigerate. For more California fresh tomato recipes and information, visit the Web site www.tomato.org; and for more information about 5 A Day The Color Way, visit the Web site www.5aday.com and www.aboutproduce.com. California Tomato and Pita Chip Salad (Fattoush) 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons grated lemon rind 4 teaspoons chopped fresh mifrt , 1 cup thinly sliced green onions 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil V4 teaspoon salt 1 pound romaine lettuce, shredded (about 6 cups) 2 to 3 medium fresh California tomatoes, cubed (about 3 cups) 1 cucumber, peeled, quartered lengthwise and sliced thin 2 whole wheat pitas (6V4 ” inches diameter) For dressing, combine parsley, lemon rind, mint and green onions with olive oil and salt in small bowl. Mix well and let stand at least 1 hour. Meanwhile, combine romaine, tomatoes and cucumber in a large bowl; set aside to chill. Heat oven to 400°F. Arrange pitas in a single layer on baking sheet. Bake at 400°F for 6 minutes or until toasted. Break into bite-sized pieces and set aside. When ready to serve, add pita chips to salad mixture and toss with dressing. Makes 4 servings (2 cups each). Nutritional information per serving: calories: 174, total fat: 5.1g, saturated fat: 0.7g, % calories from fat: 24%, protein: 7g, carbohydrates: 30g, cholesterol: Omg, dietary fiber: 7g, sodium: 342mg What Are You Doing For Lent? With our world in such a state of turmoil and so much violence and war all about us, it is good that we have a season of Lent to recall and reflect on what God is asking of us. It is also a good time to present our needs to a loving, merciful, compassionate God. Lent is a time that provides us every year with special opportunities for Sacrifice, Prayer and Renewal. During these days of Lent, will you make these three words come to life? SACRIFICE - Will you sacrifice $1.00 more, if possible, for each of the 40 days of Lent? Pope John Paul II explained it this way: “The sacrifice of missionaries should be shared and accompanied by the sacrifices of all the faithful. By making such an offering, the sick themselves become missionaries.” PRAYER - Will you try to remember the special needs of the Missions in your prayers? Through you, prayers for the church and for the missionaries who remain witnesses of the love and compassion of our Lord and His sustaining hope. RENEWAL - Will you open your hearts to allow God’s love, presence and power to change you? Make a decision to be reconciled with the people in your life. Resolve to set them free, and set yourself free. Life is too short and too precious to waste being trapped and bound in the chains of unforgiveness. You won’t be sorry. Please come to our Mission Dinner at St. Mary of the Assumption Church Hall on Sunday, March 11 at 11 a.m. Through your financial help to Catholic Mission Aid (CMA), we are able to help many Slovenian and other missionaries in their work throughout the world. In the most remote comers of the world, Slovenian missionaries celebrate the Eucharist, open schools, staff hospitals, care for the orphanages, teach catechists, and perform countless other ministries. Won’t you please help our missionaries help those in need to help spread the word to those less fortunate? May Lent be a' fruitful time for you. May it bring you closer to God, and may the joys of the Resurrected Christ be yours at Easter and always. For all you do for the Church’s missions and her missionaries, we thank you for your generosity and your prayers this Lent and throughout the year. May God bless you. —Sophie Kosem (CMA friend) Forget injuries, never forget kindness. -Confucius AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 1, 2007 10 Joe Zelle, a man of many talents (Continued from page 5) Finally, in 1935, he enrolled in John Carroll University where, after only three years of studies, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in English with the honor of “Magna cum laude.” He then continued on to Western Reserve University Graduate School, and there in 1942 received a Master of Arts Degree. This talented man yearned for still more education, and after World War II again enrolled at John Carroll University where he studied Electron Physics and Mathematics. In the late thirties, Joe also became interested in radio engineering, and in 1942 enrolled in Capitol Radio Engineering Institute Correspondence School in Washington, D.C. He completed his studies with honors in August, 1947, and became a professional radio engineer. From 1941 to 1944, Mr. Zelle was employed by CBS in New York, where he was also connected with the “Voice of America” broadcasts. For over 20 years he has been licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to practice his profession of Radio and Television Engineer, not only in Ohio, but anywhere in America. Joseph Zelle has been with radio stations WERE, WXEN, WJMO, WCLV, WABZ and WLYT for over 35 years. In addition to this, he operates his own Ham Radio Station, and converses with people all over the world. Many of us will recall that Mr. Zelle was one of the first to pick up signals of earth satellite “Sputnik,” launched by the Russians on Oct. 4, 1957. Our literate of many talents is also a linguist, and is familiar with some 12 languages, being most proficient in Slovenian, German, Russian, and French. Joe is a member of many professional societies and associations too numerous to mention and is also listed in “Who’s Who in America.” In the last few years, Joe . has been teaching Physics at Cuyahoga Community College, and Electronics at Cleveland Technicians School (Junior College). For one semester he also taught Slovenian at Cleveland State University. With all of his activities, Mr. Zelle still finds time for St. Vitus Parish and its organizations. He is a professional photographer and how often we see him at various functions with his camera and tape recorder. Our celebrant has done much for the “Cause of Bishop Frederic Baraga,” and is President of the Cleveland Chapter. After several years of painstaking effort, he has prepared a one hour documentary film of Missionary Bishop Baraga’s life. He is also Vice President of the Mission Stamp Club, long-time member of St. Vitus Holy Name Society, former Secretary of the Cultural Gardens Committee, and a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Lodge No. 172 KSKJ. Ever since his beloved father Michael died in 1964, we see how lovingly he brings his mother to the 10:30 a.m. Slovenian Mass every Sunday. As I look at them from the choir loft, these thoughts come to my mind: How fortunate you are to have a mother still living, and how fortunate a mother must be to have raised such a fine son. Let me mention that this outstanding Slovenian mother observed her 89* birthday yesterday, March 3rd. Mr. Zelle is the brother of Emily, Sophie Ann and Rudy. Much more could be written about this fascinating American Slovenian and I am sure it could fill a book. Dear Joe: On the occasion of your 65* birthday, may I join your family, many friends and acquaintances from near and far in wishing you life’s very best. May the Lord grant you good health and a long life, so you may continue to make further valuable contributions to your Slovenian heritage and everything which is beneficial to your fellow man. Although it is difficult to translate from one language to another, especially a poem, I would like to add this last verse of one sent to my Dad in 1927, on the occasion of his 50* birthday by my maternal grandfather Ivan Gruden. Heartfelt wishes are extended to you. May they in your lifetime come true; That here on earth you are fulfilled. And always do what God has willed. My Physical Check-Up Thought I’d let my doctor check me, ‘Cause I didn’t feel quite right. All those aches and pains annoyed me And I couldn’t sleep at night. She could find no real disorder. But, she wouldn’t let it rest. What with Medicare and Blue Cross, We would do a couple of tests. To the hospital she sent me. Though, I didn’t feel that bad. She arranged for them to give Every test that could be had. I was fluroscoped and cystoscoped, My aging frame displayed, Stripped on an ice cold table While my gizzards were X-rayed. I was checked for worms and parasites. For fungus and the crud, While they pierced me with long needles; Taking samples of my blood. Doctors came to check me over, Probed and pushed and poked around, And (to made sure I was living) They then wired me for sound. They have finally concluded, Their results have filled a page, What I have will some day kill me. My affliction is OLD AGE. Submitted by: Emma Pogačar, Toronto Before he abandoned the ring for an acting career, Tony Danza's record as a middleweight boxer was 12 wins, 3 losses. w iMi mm ir' T i' 1 \ f * t ! . Ar' ■ragfe,,- - Slovenia Goes on Bear Hunt GLAND, Switzerland -Although one of the first European countries to protect the brown bear, Slovenia is considering increasing hunting quotas for brown bears, an act that may decimate the country’s entire population. The Slovenian government has announced that it will allow a hunting quota of 106 bears in 2007. Add in the number of bears killed each year on roads and railway lines, and the mortality rate jumps to as high 130 bears. “This massive hunt will have dramatic consequences for the species throughout Europe as the bear population in Slovenia is shared with many other countries in the region,” said Gerald Dick of WWF’s Global Species Program. “The population is especially important as it is a source for reintroducing bears into Austria, Italy and France, whose populations are minimal and fragmented, “Dick said. Before Slovenia joined the European Unfon, around 50 bears were killed each year by hunters. In 2002, the government drastically increased the quota to 100 bears. In that year, 116 bears were killed. The Slovenia government claims there are 500 - 700 bears in the country. Based on reliable local information, WWF believes the lower estimate is more realistic. “As Slovenia takes over the EU presidency in early 2008, it should use this opportunity to prove it can be a leader in conservation by applying the EU guidelines on managing large carnivores,” said Dick. “These guidelines are clearly asking for a population-based type of management, urging countries to cooperate internationally and to perform transparent population estimates. Killing more bears is not the answer.” -Philip Hrvatin Hospitality is Native to Slovenia -•'a< . ' Socialists In Corrective, Hair Cplbrinp y^ tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 461 -7969 / 461 -0623 Rtehmwid^1! Ohio Iwhw TAX TIME IS HERE Come In or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair A venue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881 5158 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina h liti i a f i a. ict ■Tyff| n | AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 1, 2007 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Mnogo direktoijev podjetij v tuji lasti v Slovenyi ne zna slovensko Ob spominu je pesnika Franceta Prešerna, ki je bilo 8. februarja in je menda bilo po Sloveniji veliko več prireditev kot običajno doslej, je Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije opozorila na nujnost večje skrbi za slovenski jezik. Razčlenili so stanje tistih podjetij, ki so v lasti tujcev in njihovi direktorji ne znajo slovenskega jezika, ga podcenjujejo in zahtevajo, da podrejeni delavci oz. uslužbenci z njimi govore v njihovem tujem jeziku. Dogaja se, da moraoj v takih podjetjih zaposleni pogosto sami naročati tolmače in prevajalce, da bi dialog v posameznih okoljih sploh lahko potekal. Seveda je tudi nekaj izjem, ko so se direktorji in drugi vodilni ljudje v upravah podjetij začeli učiti slovenski jezik. Vendar je zdaj tako, da v večini podjetij, ki so last tujcev, delavci tarnajo, da imajo največ možnosti za napredovanje tisti, ki dobro obvladajo tuj jezik in lahko dobro komunicirajo z direktorjem in z vodstvom v tujini. Nova imenovalca Vlada Janeza Janše je na izpraznjeni mesti imenovala nova kandidata za ministra za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano in ministra za razvojna vprašanja Slovenije. To sta Iztok Jarc, dosedanji veleposlanik v Izraelu, in Žiga Turk, predsednik nadzornega sveta družbe Telekom. Predsednik države dr. Janez Drnovšek je predlagal, naj Državni zbor Republike Slo- venije za novega guvernerja Banke Slovenije imenuje Andreja Ranta, dosedanjega vi-, ceguvernerja centralne banke. Sedanji guverner Mitja Gaspari za nov mandat v parlamentu ni dobil zadosti oz. večinske podpore. Nazadovanje podpore za LDS teče dalje V najnovejših anketah v Sloveniji izidi znova potrjujejo, da je priljubljenost za več kot poldrugo desetletje levičarske-liberalne stranke LDS vedno manjša in je v zadnjem času dosegla najnižjo stopnjo doslej. V anketi, ki ga vodi list Delo, je LDS imela podporo le 10 odstotkov javnosti. Na drugi strani pa je ostala najpopularna SDS, ki jo vodi premier Janez Janša. Vedno močno je mnenje, da bi oz. bo vodilno vlogo na levi strani politične lestvice lahko dosegla stranka Socialnih demokratov, ki jo vodi Borut Pahor. Druga možnost je tudi ustanovitev povsem nove stranke, ki bi imela politično smer leve sredine. Za Slovenijo ostaja Hrvaška najbolj pereč zunanjepolitični problem Odnosi med Slovenijo in Hrvaško naj bi bili zadnje čase tako slabi, da vzbujajo sovraštvo tudi med navadnimi ljudmi v obeh državah. Odmevi na takšno stanje v Sloveniji baje povzročajo večjo željo za bolj odločno politiko vlade do Hrvaške. V oddaji na POP TV naj bi 84% gledalcev sporočilo npr., da ne bodo letos letovali na Hrvaškem. Kot kaže, dobiva največ kritik radi politike do Hrvaške zunanji minister Rupel. POMEMBNO IMENOVANJE ZA AMERIŠKO SLOVENKO - DAWN (ZORA) VIDMAR je bila 6. februarja imenovana za direktorico družbe New World Publications, ki izdaja katoliške časopise čikaške nadškofije. Angleška izdaja časopisa izhaja tednsko v nakladi 70.000 izvodov, španski mesečnik pa v 25.000 izvodih. Pred kra-tbim so začeli izdajati tudi mesečnik v poljskem jeziku. Dawn Vidmar je bila pri istem časopisu šestnajst let zadolžena za oglaševanje in trženje. Pred tem je bila zaposlena Pri Wall Street Journalu. Je članica upravnega odbora Mreže katoliških oglaševalcev, Članica Katoliške tiskovne zveze in svetovalnega odbora pri nadškofijskem Uradu za katoličane evropskega porekla. Poročena je z Janezom (Johnom) Vidmarjem (na fotografiji), s katerim ima tri otroke. Oba sta člana slovenske katoliške misije v Lemontu, kjer je Janez tudi stalni diakon. Njeni predniki izhajajo iz Zagorja ob Savi, Mengša, Šentjakoba in Gorice. V Ameriko so se priselili pred prvo svetovno vojno. Janezovi starši so Prišli v Ameriko po drugi svetovni vojni. (P. L. v Družini 18. febr. 2007) Iz Clevelanda in okolice Zajtrk s palačinkami— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vabi na zajtrk s palačinkami, ki bo to nedeljo, 4. marca, v župnijski dvorani. Serviranje bo od 8.30 zj. do 12. opoldne. Za odrasle je cena $7, za otroke pa $4. Kmalu bo “poletni” čas— Po vremenu zadnjih tednov sodeč je težko verjeti, vendar opozorimo, da zaradi spremembe bo poletni čas letos začel že z 11. marcem. Takrat bo treba pomakniti kazalce na ure naprej za eno uro. Novi grobovi MATIJA PLEČNIK Po težki bolezni je umrl 76 let stari Matija Plečnik, mož Linde, roj. Doljak, oče Matthewa (Michelle), Marije in Marka, sin Ivana in Ivane, roj. Mihevc, Plečnik (oba že pok.) in Ljudmile (roj. Petkovšek) Plečnik, brat Johna, Josepha, Paula, Fran Boh (že pok.), Josephine Pugel, Ivanke Petkovšek (Argentina) in Marije (Slovenija), zelo aktiven v slovenski skupnosti v okolici St. Clair Ave. in še posebej pri Sv. Vidu. Pogreb je bil 27. februarja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo zelo hvaležna za darove v pokoj-nikqy spomin župniji sv. Vida, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 ali pa Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Anne J. Kern Dne 22. februarja je u-mrla 92 let stara Anne J. Kern, rojena Winter, vdova po Franku, mati Davida, Barbare Ann Gerloff in Do-nalda, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Franka ter že pok. s. Mary Juanita SND, Charlesa, Jean McNeill, Johna Vintar in Stanleyja, znaka kot kuharica več kot 20 let pri farni šoli sv. Vida in 1. 1986 “Ženska leta” pri tej župniji, kjer je bila faranka vse življenje. Pogreb je bil 26. februarja v oskrbi Zak zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Darovi v pokojničin spomin župniji sv. Vida bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. (DALJE na str. 16) Milijonsko kosilo— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija lepo vabi na kostilo, ki bo v nedeljo, 11. marca, v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Ves znesek tega kosila bo šel v sklad za vse misijonarje, ki se trudijo na različnih krajih sveta. Nakaznice imajo člani MZA, dobile se bodo tudi pri vhodu v dvorano 11. marca. Pridite! Ribje večerje— Tudi letos bodo ob vseh petkih v postu ribje večerje na voljo v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Na jedilniku bodo različne ribje večerje z različnimi cenami, od $9 do $4, juha bo $1.50. Serviranje bo od 4. pop. do 7. zv. Mestni svetnik Polenšek— V četrtek, 15. marca, bo kot prvi v letošnjem sporedu predavanj, ki jih sponzorira Slovenski ameriški kulturni svet, govoril mestni svetnik za severno Collin-woodsko vardo Michael Polenšek. Pričetek bo ob 7h zv. v spodnji dvorani SDD na Recherjevi ulici. Vstopnine ni in je javnost lepo vabljena. Po diskusiji bo še družabno srečanje. G. Polenšek ima najdaljši staž od mestnih svetnikov, bil je predsednik mestnega sveta. Izjemna podpora listu— Dr. in ga. Joseph Mer-šol iz North Lima, O., sta ob obnovi naročnine poklonila kot dodatno podporo $215, za kar se jima najlepše zahvalimo! Za sv. Patric|jev dan— V dvorani sv. Kazimiija na 8223 Sowinski Ave. bo v nedeljo, 11. marca, od 11.30 dop. do 3.30 pop. na voljo tkim. “corn beef’ kosilo. Priredijo sicer gradu-anti nekdanje farne šole in VFW veterani postaje št. 5275. Serviranje od 11.30 do 3.30 - cena po $10. .. '. _r • Dobrotniki A.D.— Dr. Bogomir M. Kuhar, Powell, O., je daroval $100 našemu listu v spomin na pok. starša Luko in Jožefo Kuhar ter pok. Benjamina in Franka Bernard. G. Rudi in ga. Viktorija Kolarič iz Willoughby Hillsa, O., sta darovala $65. Ga. Ivanka Pretnar, Cleveland, O., je darovala $25. G. Joseph Baškovič, Willoughby Hills, je daroval $50, v spomin žene Josephine. Klub slovenskih upokojencev v Eu-clidu je daroval $75. Vsem gre naša iskrena zahvala! France Habjan Toronto, Ont. Torontski kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič se je 31. januarja poslovil... T retji kardinal na sedežu sv. Mihaela, se je 31. januarja dokončno poslovil od svoje “črede”, ki jo je vodil kot nadškof 16 let. Na njegovo mesto je bil imenovan nadškof Thomas Collins iz Edmontina, Alberte, kateremu teološki mentor je bil prav kardinal Alojzij Ambrožič. Kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič se je rodil 27. januarja 1930 v prekrasnih Polhograjskih dolomitih v Gabrjah pod Toškim Čelom, v župniji Dobrova. Po končani ljudski šoli je študiral na klasični gimnaziji v Ljubljani in maturiral leta 1948 na begunski giminaziji v Spi-ttalu na Koroškem. Leta 1948 se je devetčlanska Ambrožičeva družina iz begunskega taborišča v Avstriji odselila v Kanado. Maturant Alojzij se je po prihodu v Toronto takoj vpisal v torontsko bogoslovje sv. Avguština in 4. junija 1955 bral kot prvi novomašnik novo mašo v novozgrajeni župnijski cerkvi Marije Pomagaj. Leta 1957 je odšel na željo kardinala Jamesa McGuigana na študij v Rim in leta 1960 dosegel licenciat iz svetopisemskih znanosti na Bibličnem inštitutu v Rimu. Leta 1970 je dosegel doktorat iz teologije na svetovno znani univerzi v Wixrtzburgu v Nemčiji. Ko se je vrnil, je pet let vodil kot profesor in dekan semenišče sv. Avguština in bil leta 1976 imenovan za pomožnega škofa, zadolžen za pastoralo župnij v osrednjem delu mesta Toronto ter za narodne župnije v Velikem Torontu. Po koadjutorskem službovanju je bil leta 1986, 17. marca, imenovan za nadškofa. Papež Janez Pavel II. ga je 18. januarja 1998 imenoval za kardinala. Torontska nadškofija je danes največja katoliška škofija v Kanadi. V času, ko je dr. Alojzij Ambrožič prevzel torontsko nadškofijo sv. Mihaela, se je podoba torontske nadškofije zelo spremenila. Iz nekdanje tradicionalne podobe z ir- sko tradicijo je katoliška Cerkev v Torontu s prihodom novih priseljencev dobila podobo sveta. Ko je leta 1986 dr. Ambrožič nastopil kot škof-koadjutor, je škofija štela 1,1 milijona katoličanov, danes je v torontski nadškofiji 1,6 milijona katoličanov najrazličnejših ras in narodnosti. Da bi dal trdne temelje integracijskim tokovom, je takoj začel ustanavljati nove župnije, posebno v torontskem predmestju, javne katoliške osnovne in srednje šole. Danes je samo v mestu Torontu 169 katoliških osemletk, 31 katoliških srednjih šol in nekaj privatnih katoliških šol. Katoliške šole so v tem času izredno dinamične z izjemno resnimi predmetnimi programi, iz katerih je mogoče zaznati namen katoliških šol. Prvenstveni poudarek teh šol je uvajati multikulturno mladino k znanosti, disciplini, in kar je tudi poglavitno, h krščanskim vrednotam. Prav te dni je v Torontu izreden mraz in župnijske dvorane se polnijo s premraženimi brezdomci s cest. In kdo jim streže? Mladina katoliških šol. Julija 2002 je bil kardinal dr. A. Ambrožič or- ganizator in predsednik Svetovnega mladinskega dne, ki bo ostal v zgodovini svetovnega mladinskega gibanja blesteč dogodek. To obsežno delo je mogel opraviti le človek z izjemnim intelek-tom in s popolno predanostjo Cerkvi. Dr. Alojzij Ambrožič je danes vodilna teološka avtoriteta v kanadski Cerkvi. Kljub upokojitvi ostaja do svojega 80. leta (tj. do 27. januarja 2010) delavni član kardinalskega zbora z volilno pravico. Zgodba kardinala dr. Alojzija Ambrožiča je postala danes kanadska zgodba. Kljub škofovski prezaposlenosti je ob prostem času skušal prisluhniti slovenskemu utripu v Kanadi in sploh v slovenskem svetu. O svoji narodni pripadnosti je vedno odkrito govoril s prižnice ali pa tudi v javnih pogovorih. Tudi v slovenski skupnosti v Kanadi je še vedno osrednja in nadvse spoštovana osebnost. Zatrdimo lahko, da je kardinal dr. A. Ambrožič tesno povezan s slovensko Cerkvijo in njeno škofovsko konferenco. Če le more, se udeležuje slovenskih verskih in kulturnih prireditev. Z •==—== i m ED MEJAČ RDC Prvgmm Dilthor | f, WCSB 80.3 FM RADIO HOURS: ! Melodies from Beautiful Slovenil , ‘ ”, , ?405 Somradc Dihe Slovenian Radio Pamily ' Willoughby HilU' OH 44034 ; . * 440-1153-1709 tcJb« , _ web: wvrw.wab.org Matiji Grdadolniku za 80-letnico Mar res si let dočakal osemkrat deset, Ti dragi naš harmonikar? Raztegneš meh, prinašaš smeh slovenski skupnosti v dar! Zaslužen mož, zdaj venček rož, rojaki bi Ti radi poklonili. Da bi ostal še dolgo zdrav, bomo Boga prosili. Naj ženkica se Ti smehlja, priljubljena ta Tvoja Stanka! In sreča naj Ti sije zdaj in let še mnogo brez prestankal Glej, vsak od nas ima Te rad, Ti vrli oče, mož in brat, Ti venček iz molitvic spleta: Naj varje Bog Te vseh nadlog in z Brezij ljuba Mati sveta! Tvoja družina, Pristavski upokojenci in vsi drugi prjatelji veseljem pogosto prihaja v svojo prvotno župnijo Marija Pomagaj na župnijska praznovanja in srečanja. Na avdienco in prijateljske pogovore rad sprejema slovenske kolege - teologe, znanstvenike, gospodarstvenike, pa tudi slovenske politične osebnosti in kulturne delavce, kadar se mudijo v Torontu. Leta 1991 v času slovenskega osamosvajanja je naslovil kanadski vladi daljši memorandum in v njem zelo pregledno podčrtal razloge, zakaj naj Kanada podpre in prizna novo slovensko državo. 15. januarja 1992 se je s kanadskimi predstavniki v prepolno župnijski dvorani v New Torontu udeležil slavnostne akademije ob kanadskem priznanju Republike Slovenije in udeležencem naslovil navdušen govor, rekoč: "... in končno so se stoletne slovenske sanje uresničile”. Poudariti je treba, da je bila Kanada prva iz-venevropska država, ki je priznala Slovenijo. Dr. A. Ambrožič se je zelo zanimal za slovensko zamejstvo, za Koroško in za Slovence v Italiji. Večkrat se je udeležil sre-čanj slovenskih izobražencev v Dragi v Trstu in tudi dvakrat sooblikoval z referatoma, leta 1977 je govoril na temo Luči in sence Drugega vatikanskega koncila ter leta 2003 Cerkev danes. Bil je odličen predavatelj. Piše tudi slovenska teološka razmišljanja, odmevno je njegovo delo Oče naš. Ko se kardinal-nadškof umika v zasluženi pokoj, se mu slovenski rojaki v Kanadi zahvaljujemo za njegovo izjemno naklonjenost in mu želimo obilo dobrega zdravja in zadovoljstva z željo, da bi užival zasluženi pokoj v družbi svojih številnih stanovskih kolegov, predvsem pa v krogu svojih bratov in sestra in njihovih družin. Novi nadškof msgr. Thomas Collins Je bil ustoličen 31. januarja 2007 ob prisotnosti treh kardinalov. vatikanskega nun- (DAUE na str! 13) METOD MILAG RECENZIJA SLOIftEOteXfl iPISSM&Gl DR. PETER VODOPIVEC Od Pohlinov e slovnice do samostojne države Slovenska zgodovina od konca 18. do konca 20. stoletja (Ljubljana: Modrijan, 2006) 6114 LAUSGHE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Tel. 216-361-0300 Fax: 216-361-0321 Dom tel. 216-381-2602 E-mail: felixjgaser@adelphia.net Slovenska pisarna sporoča, da ima zopet v zalogi knjigo “SLOVENIA 1945”. Knjiga je izšla v angleščini in je sedaj tudi v slovenskem prevodu. Ako si hočete zagotoviti en izvod, prosim, pokličete me. Ni boljšega darila vašim otrokom in vnukom kot ta knjiga, ki lepo opisuje križev pot slovenskih beguncev in tudi beguncev drugih narodnosti v tistih usodnih časih takoj po koncu 2. svetovne vojne. Ne bo vam žal. Knjigo lahko dobite v Slovenski pisarfti, ki je odprta vsako soboto od 10. ure dop. do 1. ure pop., v nedeljah pa od pol 12. ure do 1. ure pop. Lahko pa tudi kličete na moj dom, tel. 216-381-2602, ali na telefon Slov. pisarne (216-361-0300) med uradnimi urami in vam knjigo dostavimo po pošti, če je treba, kakor hitro bo mogoče. Ne pozabite na knjigo dr. Metoda Milača: KDO SOLZE NAŠE POSUŠI v slovenščini, v angleščini pa z naslovom RESISTANCE, IMPRISONMENT & FORCED LABOR. Tu lahko dobite tudi knjigo DR. VALENTIN MER-ŠOL. To je knjiga o rešitelju tisočev beguncev v Ve-trinju v maju in juniju 1945. Na razpolago je tudi knjiga Franceta Gormeka FREEDOM FIGHTER. Kot že veste, prejemamo tudi naročila za Družino, Ognjišče, Svobodno Slovenijo, Duhovno življenje. Novo zavezo. Našo luč in Misijonsko obzorje. Ustavite se v naši pisarni in si oglejte mnoge stare in novejše knjige, ki so naprodaj ali pa v posojilo. Na svidenje v Slovenski pisarni! - F. Gaser _ 2. del _ III. Druga svetovna vojna Dogodki in mnoga dejstva o napadu na Jugoslavijo brez vojne napo-| vedi 6. aprila 1941 so I poznana, kakor tudi cilji, upravljanja in odločbe treh precej različnih okupacij, nemške, italijanske in madžarske. Zapis dejstev nikakor ne daje in tudi ne more dati prave slike depresije in onemoglosti, ki sta prevzeli vse prebivalstvo napadene države in njene skoraj takojšnje popolne okupacije. Avtor dr. Vodopivec opisuje potek vojnih let v petih poglavjih. Prvo vprašanje ob bra-nju tega dela dr. Vodo- Dr. Peter Vodopivec pivčeve zgodovine je skoraj gotovo, kakšna bo končna sodba - če bo to sploh kdaj mogoče - o dogajanjih v Sloveniji pod tremi okupacijami. Čeprav je poteklo že šestdeset let od konca druge svetovne vojne, so mnenja o raznih dogajanjih še vedno močno deljene, posebno med tistimi, ki smo vojno doživljali, kar gotovo otežuje raziskave zgodovinarjev. Dejstvo je, da so bili mnogi dokumenti uničeni ali dolga leta nedostopni, mnogi le delno točni ali namenoma netočni, veliko dogodkov pa ni bilo nikoli opisanih, ker pač ni bilo volje in prilike, ali ker ni bilo preživelih očividcev. Spomini udeležencev tudi niso vedno zanesljivi. Vsekakor dr. Vodopivec poda skrben pregled vojnih let na podlagi dokumentacije, ki mu je dosegljiva. (iii) Drugo vprašanje, ki verjetno tudi ne bo dobilo končne sodbe, je vprašanje časa začetka oboroženega odpora proti Kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič odšel v pokoj (nadaljevanje s str. 12) cija, 60 nadškofov in škofov in nad 500 duho-vnikov-somaševalcev. Prostorno katedralo sv. Mihaela so napolnile redovnice, predstavniki laičnih organizacij, predstavniki različnih cerkva ter predstavniki provincialne in federalne vlade. Kardinal dr. Ambrožič je ob sklepu bogoslužja resnično prijateljsko nagovoril novega nadškofa. Državo Slovenijo je zastopal veleposlanik gospod Tomaž Kunstelj. Na tej slovesnosti je prišla do izraza vitalnost kanadske katoliške Cerkve ■ (Vzeto iz NOVEGA GLASU, Trst, 15. II. 2007) okupatorju, načina, sredstev ih medvojnih ciljev odporniških skupin. Ta vprašanja naj bi sodili z dveh pogledov: koliko manj žrtev bi bilo v Sloveniji s čakanjem na bolj primeren čas za oborožen odpor in ali je ta zgodnji odpor v prvih treh letih prispeval h končni zmag nad nacizmom in fašizmom? Tretje vprašanje, dolgo držano prikrito, vprašanje revolucije pod krinko osvobodilnega boja, je do danes dobilo vsaj za nekatere bolj jasen odgovor. Prav v bistvu tragedije vseh medvojnih dogajanj v Sloveniji je dejstvo, da slovenski narod ne želi živeti pod nobeno dika-turo katerekoli ideologje. Vetrinjska tragedija, izraz, ki ga mnog uporabljamo, največja tragedija za slovenski narod ne samo za leto 1945, za celotno slovensko zgodovino, bi v dr. Vodopivčevi zgodovini lahko dobila več pozornosti. Naj omenim le nekatere manjše netočnosti v besedilu o tej tragediji. Vse begunce, vojaške skupine in civiliste, ki so se predali Angležem po prečkanju mostu na Dravi pri Borovljah, so Angeži vzeli pod svojo zaščito na Vetrinjskem polju. Nasprotno pa so Angeži ustavili Hrvate, ki so prestopili jugoslo-vansko-avstrijsko mejo pri Pliberku, a jih niso sprejeli pod svojo zaščito, zavrnili so jih in jih prisilili na vrnitev v Jugoslavijo. Angleži tudi niso vračali jugoslovanskih beguncev, vojaških in civilnih, iz Italije v Jugoslavijo. Prav v zadnjem trenutku so Angeži v Vetrinju odstopili od povelja, da takoj vrnejo v Jugoslavijo še okrog 6000 civilistov, ki so bili za prevoz določeni že v naslednjih dvanajstih urah (Major Barre in dr. Meršolova intervencija pri angleškem poveljstvu v Celovcu). Vsa ta dogajanja in odločitve dokazujejo drugačno ravnanje z begunci vseh vrst celovškega angleškega poveljstva in to v zvezi z njihovimi razgovori z Jugoslovani v maju 1945. Odhod slovenskih partizanskih enot iz avstrijskega dela Koroške tako hitro in nepričakovano v maju 1945, brez vsakega (DALJE na str. 14) V BLAG SPOMIN 55. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA IN NEPOZABNEGA OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA JAMES DEBEVEC ki je v Gospodu zaspal 6. marca 1952. Minila bo 55. obletnica, odkar si se ločil od nas; kako otožno je življenje, ker Te več med nami ni. Čas beži, a rane nam ne celi, spomini dnevno nam hite -k Tebi - dragemu očetu, ter nove nam odpirajo solze. Le počivaj v božjem miru, kjer ni gorja, kjer ni solza, in trudapolna pot na svetu naj nas pripelje k Tebi vrh zvezda. Žalujoči ostali: SINOVI in HČERI, SNAHE, ZETJE, VNUKI in VNUKINJE Cleveland, Ohio, 1. marca 2007. • * H • i >.• Ki < • i i j .»uti (i.t ij i r i .• f i j 14»'«•< .< i«>» <*»d * h ««• .1.' m h k I .■ j 1 >.. . * V.* V.1 .. . i Od Pohlinove slovnice... (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) obotavljanja ali zavlačevanja, ne more odstraniti sumnje, da je bila prisilna angleška predaja domobrancev, četnikov in drugih jugoslovanskih vojaških enot in tudi precejšnjega števila civilistov tesno povezana z odločitvijo, nenadno odredbo, da Jugoslovani zapustijo avstrijsko Koroško. Tak dogovor naj bi bil dosežen med Angleži in Jugoslovani na razgovorih v Celovcu in v Beogradu, (iv) IV. Po končani vojni v Evropi Za razumevanje Vetrinjske tragedije je izredne važnosti, da se Je vse to dogajalo že po koncu vojne v Evropi, 8. maja 1945, in pred prvim zasedanjem Niirnberških procesov 20. novembra 1945, kjer so določili postopke proti vojnim zločincem in obsodili glavne vodje nacistične Nemčije, torej v času mednarodno še ne doseženih sporazumov glede kolaboracije in vojnih zločinov. V tem delu dr. Vodopivčeve knjige so navedene tudi slovenske izgube in žrtve med in takoj po vojni. K tej statistiki avtor prida tudi približno število drugih narodnosti, ki so bile prizadete med isto dobo in na isti način. Čeprav to še ni končno število, dr. Vodopivec poroča podatek, da “so izgube na slovenskem ozemlju v letih 1941-1946 presegle 146 tisoč ljudi”, (v) Kakšne težave so doletele Jugoslavijo leta 1948, ko je bila vržena iz mednarodne komunistične skupnosti, lahko posnemamo deloma iz dr. Vodopivčeve statistike. Komunistična partija je imela takrat v Sloveniji 39.960 'Članov, v Jugoslaviji pa 468.175. Po prelomu z Moskvo je bilo iz komunistične partije izključenih okrog 60.000 članov. 16.000 pa jih je bilo zaprtih v raznih taboriščih. Za Slovence Goli otok ne bo nikoli pozabljen. V Sloveniji je bilo okoli 2200 izključenih iz partije, med 700-800 pa jih je bilo “policijsko in sodno preganjanih”. Pomoč Zahoda Jugoslaviji je bila takrat nujna, da je bila tako preprečena sovjetska zasedba, o kateri so bila tedaj vsepovsod mnoga ugibanja. Dr. Vodopivec v tej zvezi tudi pojasnjuje teoretične postopke jugoslovanskih voditeljev, kako obdržati komunistično ideologijo pod novimi okoliščinami izven okrilja Sovjetske zveze. Gledano od zunaj s pičlimi informacijami, dosegljivimi v mednarodnem tisku in z redkimi poročili neposredno iz Jugoslavije v prvih treh desetletjih po vojni, je marsikaj v poglavjih "Po končani vojni ...” ne novost, pač pa jasna predstava razvoja Jugoslavije v notranjih in zunanjih zadevah. Očitno je tudi, da so po Titovi smrti leta 1980 skoraj takoj opazne nove smeri olajšanja diktature, vendar ne brez nekaterih vmesnih poskusov obdržati dosežke začrtane revolucije. V. Osamosvojitev Redkokdaj v zgodovini kateregakoli naroda lahko zabeležimo skoraj popolno enotnost za dosego enega samega cilja. Med take primere lahko prištejemo enotnost vseh Slovencev doma in po svetu za osamosvojitev Slovenije. Samostojnost Slovenije je bila razglašena 25. junija 1991 in slovesno praznovana v Ljubljani naslednji dan, 26. junija. Dogodke, ki so bili predhodniki k temu dnevu, smo vsepovsod opazovali in podpirali dan in noč ter s skrbjo sledili trimesečnemu "premirju” za nadaljne razgovore in poskuse primerne rešitve izredno težkega stanja tako na jugoslovanski, evropski kot na mednarodni ravni. Ko “je 26. oktobra /1991, op. ur. AD/ iz Kopra odplul še zadnji trajekt z jugoslovanskimi vojaki”, smo se vsi oddahnili, čeprav smo se zavedeli še mnogih težav, s katerimi se je nova država soočala v naslednjih dneh, mesecih in letih. Zgodovinar dr. Peter Vodopivec v tem sicer kratkem poglavju strnjeno povzame te zgodovinske dogodke morda najvažnejših dni v slovenski zgodovini. Njegov zadnji stavek pa je gotovo -značilen za dogajanja, ki so sledila, ko zapiše: “Toda optimistične ocene, da je ene zgodovine konec in se začenja povsem nova, druga, so se naglo izkazale za prenagljene, saj je bilo pretekle in polpretekle dediščine mnogo več kot se je zdelo na prvi pogled.” Zaključna beseda Zadnji stavek na zadnji strani te trdovezane knjige nas opozori, da “To delo v eni knjigi povzema glavne težnje in tokove novejše slovenske zgodovine.” Dr. Peter Vodopivec je to težko nalogo dosegel z dovršenostjo, z vključitvijo zavidljivega števila zgodovinskih dogajanj in razvoja. Koliko dela je bilo v to vloženega, si je težko predstavljati, kaže pa od poglavja do poglavja skrbno delo zgodovinarja, ki si prizadeva podati čim bolj jasno pot dveh stoletij v slovenski zgodovini. Brez dvoma bodo razni bralci in bralke imeli različna mnenja o tem ali onem poglavju, kar lahko zaznamo tudi iz tega dopisa, važno pa je, da imamo pred seboj pregled slovenske zgodovine, ki posreduje možnost razumevanja dogodkov in teženj v dosegljivi obliki. Čeprav podpisani nima zadostnega pregleda zgodovinskih del o Slovencih, ki bi v podobni obliki predstavljali slovensko zgodovino in posredovali napotke k bolj podrobnim delom te ali one tematike, kar je sedaj delno dosegljivo v obsežni zgodovini mnogih avtorjev v dveh knjigah na 1509 straneh: Slovenska novejša zgodovina: Od programa Zedinjene Slovenije do mednarodnega priznanja Republike Slovenije 1848 - 1992 (Mladinska knjiga založba d.d., Lju-bljana, 2005; Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2005), bi priporočil prevod dr. Vodopivčeve slovenske zgodovine v vsaj nekatere tuje jezike, vključno v angleščino. K mnogim razlogom za prevode v tuje jezike bi dodal še dr. Vodopivčevo pozornost Slovencem, ki so ali sedaj živijo v zamejstvu in po svetu, kar najdemo v dveh poglavjih, “Slovence zunaj jugoslovanskih meja” (pred drugo svetovno vojno) in “O Slovencih zunaj Slovenije (1945-1990)”. Avtor dr. Peter Vodopivec zasluži naše čestitke in zahvalo ob tej najnovejši knjigi slovenske zgodovine. (KONEC) PRIPOMBE V TEKSTU: III - Primerno bi bilo dodaU k literaturi v naslednji izdaji Pavle Borštnikovo knjigo, Pozabljena zgodba slovenske nacionalne ilegale (Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. 1998). IV - To sumnjo delno potrjuje Vera Vodušek Starič v knjigi Prevzem oblasti 1944-1946 (Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 1992) na straneh 234-238. V - Kako obsežne so bile te izgube, preganjanja in maščevanja v posmeznih okrajih Slovenije, je kot primer lahko navesti knjigo Marjana Linasi, Žrtve druge svetovne vojne na območju mestne občine Slovenj Gradec (Mestna občina Slovenj Gradec. 2002), ki drastično predstavi obsežnost teh postopkov v eni občini Slovenije. Tudi v j Sloveniji že ponarejeni evri Trst - V Sloveniji odkrivajo vse več ponarejenih evrov. Morda so prihajali od kriminalne združbe, ki so »jo nedavno odkrili v Banjaluki. V preiskavi, ki je privedla do odkritja in aretacije desetih ljudi, je imela glavni delež in vlogo kriminalistična policija Slovenije. Ob aretaciji pripadnikov omenjene združbe so zasegli približno 200.000 ponarejenih evrov la pripomočke, s katerimi so izdelovali lažni denar. Med aretiranimi Je pet ponarejevalcev, ki so delovali v Sloveniji in so zoper njih tam uvedli preiskovalni postopek. Vsi so tuji državljani. Ponaredke kovancev in bankovcev skupne evropske valute odkrivajo posamezniki, banke, policija in tudi cariniki. Doslej so največ ponaredkov v svojih blagajnah našli igralničarji, gostinci, na bencinskih črpalkah, hotelirji in celo bančni uslužbenci. Prva razpečevalca lažnih evrov v tem letu so odkrili in prijeli v Murski Soboti. Litvanca sta imela pri sebi dokaj kakovostne ponaredke. Na policiji ugotavljajo, da so doslej odkrite lažne kovance in bankovce ponaredili v tujini. Novi glas, 15. II. 2007 BRALCI! Priporočajte naš list! Cleveland Pubuc Ramo wcpn 90.3 m Tony Ovsenik: .31731 Miller Ave. Willougjiby Hills, Ohm 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNjISCE-LjUBLjANA V Ljubeč Spomin Dvanajste obletnice, odkar nas je prezgodaj zapustil moj ljubljeni mož, naš skrbni ata, stari ata in brat Ludvik Kalar ter odšel po večno plačilo 4. marca 1995 Sanjaj mimo, dragi Ludvik, vedno mislimo na Te, saj za dušo, ki res ljubi, ni ne dalje ne meje! Tvoji žalujoči: Kalarjevi, Klavžarjevi in Peklajevi Mentor, Ohio, 1. marca 2007. Sedemdesetletnica smrti Lojzeta Bratuža Mučenec človeške, slovenske - in krščanske žlahtnosti ALOJZ REBULA O,- ■ Gorica - Pred 20 leti, ob petdesetletnici smrti Lojzeta Bratuža, sem prispeval uvodno besedo v knjigo “Lojze Bratuž ob 50-letnici smrti 1937 -1987’. Tam sem se poskušal poglobiti v lik tega našega mučenca in poudariti njegovo človeško, slovensko in krščansko žlahtnost. Drznil sem si napisati, da v Lojzetu Bratužu ni bil na delu samo duh lepega in dobrega, ampak tudi svetniškega. Ker bi se z vrnitvijo k njegovemu liku mogel samo ponavljati, sem si rekel: pa si oglejmo okolje, iz katerega je odšel, predvsem nekaj ljudi, ki so bili blizu njegove tragedije. začenši z oblastno, se pravi italijansko stranjo. Tako sem si šel prebrat v že omenjeni knjigi dragoceno prilogo “Iz arhivske dokumentacije”, kjer je v fotokopiji zvrščenih nekaj dopisov med Soriškima oblastvenima forumoma, se pravi med Prefektom in kvestorjem ter med notranjim ministrstvom v Rimu. Poglejmo torej, ali bi bilo v tisti birokratski Prozi kaj oprijemljivega 23 moj namen, morda v BLAG SPOMIN 10. obletnice našega ljubljenega moža, atija, starega ata, brata in strica Franka Cenkar k* nas je za vedno zapustil 4. marca 1997 ^ mim božjem Ti počivaj, nepozabni nam. nebesih večno srečo uživaj, ° snidenja na vekomaj. Tvoji žalujoči: Ivanka - žena, Brancka, Jennie, Tončka -hčerke, zetje, vnukinji Jessica in Erica , for drugi sorodniki ‘ v Ameriki in Sloveniji celo kakšen vzgib človeškosti, ki bi vzniknil v srcih tistih birokratov ob dogodku, ki je imel vse značilnosti barbarskega zločina. Videti, kako mora prepričani kristjan, zaveden Slovenec, a tako odprt italijanskim sosedom, da je vadil tudi italijanske cerkvene pevske zbore od Abruzzov do Sv. Ignacija v Gorici, oče dveletne hčerke in enomesečnega sinka, umetnik, ki je izgoreval samo za eno stvar na svetu, za glasbo, videti torej, kako po službi božji v Podgori, mora ta človek izpiti strojno olje in potem po hudem trpljenju umreti — ali ne bi bilo utegnilo ob tem zganiti kaj v pregovorno mehkih italijanskih srcih? No, takšnega zgiba pri oblastnikih nisem pričakoval. Ko bi ga bila gori-ški kvestor in goriški prefekt zmogla, v tistem času ne bi bila mogla biti ne goriški kvestor ne goriški prefekt. A če v prefektu nisem našel sočutja, sem našel vsaj pritajeno rezervo do fašističnega nasilja, čeprav seveda izraženo v najob-zirnejši možni obliki. Zlo- čin v Podgori - on seveda tega izraza ne uporablja - se mu zdi škodljiv za odnose italijanske večine z “drugorodci”. (Ne alloglotti, drugojezični, ampak rasistično allogeni - drugorodci...) “Bertossijeva (Bratuž je bil popačen v Bertossija) smrt je povzročila med . slovanskim elementom v provinci in tudi v duhovniškem okolju, pri katerem je bil Bertossi zelo cenjen, pretresljiv vtis, ki je močno vznemiril duhove, kolikor so hoteli videti premišljen preganjavski podvig od strani hierar-hov krajevnega fašizma, potem ko so bili že vnaprej opozorjeni na načrtovano grožnjo. Napori, ki smo jih pod-vzeli, in rezultati, ki smo jih dosegli v dolgotrajnem in občutljivem delu penetracije in asimilacije, so bili s takimi nepremišljenimi dejanji nasilja očitno in resno kompromitirani, ker so odprli in morda poglobili ločilni jarek z drugorodnimi elementi, ki so bili v zadnjem času pokazali nedvomna znamenja discipliniranosti in približevanja našim ustanovam s tem, da so dali približno 300 prostovoljcev in 20 mrtvih v vojni v Vzhodni Afriki, medtem ko 15 slovenskih župnikov razlaga evangelij tudi v italijanskem jeziku...” (Ali je kakšen zgodovinar vzel v pretres tistih 300, ta minus v epopeji Primorske? Saj jih je večino verjetno pognala v Abesinijo brezposelnost, a vendar... Preveč Jih je bilo, tistih prostovoljcev...) Potem ko prefekt opozori na spominski članek v številki ljubljanskega Slovenca, ki jo je dal zapleniti, omeni tudi protest nadškofa Margottija. Smučarski prvak Andrej Jerman Prva smučarska zmaga za Slovenijo Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Nemčija - V moškem smuču v Garmisch-Partenkirchenu je slovensko smučanje doživelo velik uspeh. Za prvo zmago Slovenije v smuku za svetovni pokal je poskrbel Andrej Jerman, ki je v Garmischu osvojil 1. mesto s časom 1:56.82. Gre za prvo zmago Slovenije v smuku in jubilejno 50. slovensko zmago v svetovnem pokalu alpskega smučanja. Zadnjo slovensko zmago pred Jermanovim zgodovinskim uspehom v Garmischu je dosegel Mitja Kunc, ki je zmagal na slalomu v Jongpjongu februarja leta 2000. (Vest iz Dela posredoval dr. Edi Gobec) Skratka, v zločinskem podvigu v Podgori je prefekt videl samo politično škodo, prizadeto domnevnemu prilagojevanju slovenskega prebivalstva fašističnemu sistemu. Drugačen odnos do dogodka lahko zaznavamo pri nadškofu Margottiju, o katerem prefekt pravi, da "je izrekel občuten protest proti omenjenemu nasilju, ki poleg tega, da zbuja in poglablja rasno sovraštvo in vznemirja vesti, ga kot škofa postavlja v težko in mučno situacijo v odnosu do duhovščine in do množice vernikov in še bolj otežkoča njegovo občutljivo nalogo kot italijanskega škofa v tej obmejni in pretežno drugorodni provinci...” Zdi se, da je bilo v tem človeku poleg občutka politične škode tudi nekaj civilizacijske zadre- gc. Ne bom omenjal znanega dejstva, kako je ob Bratužev! smrti reagirala slovenska strem, lahko V rečemo kar duša Primorske. Dovolj je omeniti njegove pevce, ki so mu prišli umirajočemu zapet njemu priljubljene Kra-gulčke. Posebno pa bi izpostavil tri ljudi: njegovo mu-čeniško vdovo gospo Ljubko, ki je v svoji globoki veri znala tragedijo prenesti, gospoda Stanislava Staniča, župnika v Podgori, ki Je “osebno”, kakor je poročala depeša iz Rima, izročil zaupnim ljudem knjigo o Lojzetu ' (DALJE na str. 16 /PrijatePs Pharmacy St Clair & E., 68 St 361-4212 ' IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN'POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! 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Akcijska enotnost treh sicer zelo različnih deželnih strank je preprečila izredno sejo deželnega zbora, ki jo je sklical deželni glavar (tj. Jorg Haider), da bi z vso uradno in medijsko pozornostjo še naprej zabijal kline med dobro-ali vsaj boljšemisleče v deželi. Take kline poskuša po mnenju podpisnikov “Foruma za dialog” deželni glavar zabijati v posebni meri med zastopnike slovenske narodne skupnosti, ki pa so naposled le našli skupni NE proti tem poskusom razdvajanja. “Našli so akcijsko enotnost in tako prihranili koroškim Slovencem številna nesoglasja.” Po mnenju iniciatorjev si velik del koroških Slovencev želi enotnosti v vseh bistvenih vprašanjih. Zato so ustanovili "Forum za dialog”, ki se je zdaj izcimil iz lanskega apela obeh bivših predsednikov NSKS in ZSO Nantija OHpa in Feliksa Wieserja slovenskim organizacijam. Objavljamo prvo javno izjavo Foruma, ki v bolj splošni obliki izraža, kam naj bi usmerili pozornost. Forum želi nadaljevati diskusijo in prosi koroške Slovenke in Slovence, da se vključijo s svojimi izkušnjami ter vnesejo svoje misli in predloge. Glavni proponent! so Fric Kumer, Felix Wieser, Nanti Olip, Franci Serajnik, Sonja Wakounig-Kert. (Ur. AD: Sledi daljši seznam “proponentov" Foruma, med njimi pa ni npr. Bernard Sadovnik in ne, kot kaže, pripadnikov njegove "tretje" večje organizacije med koroškimi Slovenci.) Medijska pozornost in politični pritiski zahtevajo usklajeno nastopanje političnih organizacij koroških Slovencev. Zato se je sestala skupina koroških Slovenk in Slovencev in ustanovila Forum za dialog med koroškimi Slovenci HOČEMO a. ) dialog vseh koroških Slovencev, njihovih organizacij in vseh ljudi, ki skrbijo ali se zanimajo za slovenski jezik in kulturo na Koroškem b. ) da smo med seboj bolj solidarni in navzven enotni v temeljnih vprašanjih 7. člena avstrijske državne pogodbe in se ne pustimo še naprej razdvajati c. ) okrepiti KOKS (Koordinacijski odbor koroških Slovencev), ki naj bi združil vse relevantne organizacije koroških Slovencev, se redno sestajal, nas sproti informiral in zavezujoče sklepal; v tej zvezi bo treba prilagoditi pravila KOKS-a, ki naj predvidijo obvezno popraševanje med odborniki vseh društev koroških Slovencev d. ) da usmerimo naše energije v dobro slovenskega jezika in pri tem bolje izkoristimo možnosti in podpore, ki jih nudi Evropa. ZATO NOČEMO a. ) biti ali postati (še ena) politična organizacija koroških Slovencev b. ) še naprej stati križem rok in gledati, kako se kregamo v našo škodo, namesto da bi se dogovorili. Smo “nadstrankarska” pobuda in mislimo, da je čas zrel, da to ali ono med seboj popravimo. Ni mogoče napredovati ali voditi resnega dialoga z nikomer, če smo med seboj preveč sprti in neenotni. Zato bo treba malo pomesti “pred domačim pragom", vendar ne z novimi očitki, temveč tako, da se začnemo pogovarjati ... Najprej o tem, kako skočiti čez lastno senco. Kako se bolje dogovarjati. Kako spoznati resnične interese za ideološkimi fasadami, interese, ki so sicer lahko upravičeni ali razumljivi, če jim damo pravo mesto in ime (npr. finančni interesi posameznih organizacij ali ustanov, odpor proti monopoliziranju zastopstva; zamere zaradi osebnega obrekovanja itd.). Spomnimo se sodobnih prijemov, kot so mediacija, “emocionalna inteligenca”, strategij za reševanje konfliktov, na “interetnični dialog”, tako potreben med nami v slovenskem jeziku. Mislimo, da bomo imeli mnogo dobrih idej in nekaj teh tudi uresničili. Nismo naivni. Interesi niso povsod enaki in se zato ne moremo izogniti konfliktom. Gre pa za to, da jim vzamemo razdiralno energijo in jih usmerjamo tja, kjer so rešitve, ki nam nazadnje koristijo. Vsaj malo bolj kot danes, ko vse preveč istopa “egoizem (včasih skritih) parcialnih interesov”, ki lahko ogrozi celoto. ... To vsi razumemo, treba pa je res tudi stopiti na druge poti. Začnimo. Pisati članke, pisma bralcev, organizirati skupna srečanja in zborovanja itd. Novo leto je prava priložnost. Zato Te prosimo, da s podpisom podpreš našo pobudo za dialog med koroškimi Slovenci. Če želiš, Te bomo sproti obveščali, kako napredujemo. (Ur. AD: Ta pobuda je objavljena kot informacija za naše bralce, katerih več Je preživelo kar nekaj let med koroškimi rojaki pred prihodom v ZDA. V kolikor bodo nova dogajanja, bom skušal še obveščati.) Z Ameriško Domovino ostajate na tekočem z dogajanjem v naši slovenski skupnosti ter s celotnim slovenskim svetom! Alojz Rebula o Lojzetu Bratužu (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) Bratužu. In podobno gre z vso častjo izpostaviti ime avtorja knjige Rada Bednaržika, ki je tvegal ilegalen podvig, da jo je napisal in dal natisniti onkraj meje v tiskarni v Grobljah na Gorenjskem. Naj omenim še eno osebo, brata našega mučenca, Jožka Bratuža, ki me je v goriškem malem semenišču učil grščino. Samo danes si lahko predstavljam, kaj je tisti preobčutljivi in svetniški človek moral čutiti ob izgubi - in kakšni okrutni izgubi - brata ne samo o krvi in ljubezni, ampak tudi po glasbi... Lojze Bratuž ob slovesu s tega sveta ni bil sam: srce zasužnjene Primorske je bilo ob njegovi bolniški postelji, ob njegovi rakvi in njegovem grobu. Nanj je nekega den prišel šopek rdečih nageljnov, povezanih z rdečim trakom, ki je groteskno, kakor se za diktaturo spodobi, postal predmet vznemirjenih depeš med goriško prefekturo in notranjim ministrstvom v Rimu... Za vsako primorsko srce Je vsakoletni spomin na Lojzeta Bratuža depeša zvestobe iz dežele večnih sil - zvestobe vsemu, čemur je bil on zvest. Novi glas, 15, II. 2007 Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Josephine (Chickie) Reeves Umrla je 80 let stara Josephine Reeves, znana kot “Chickie”, rojena Miller, žena Gwyna, mati Sharon Lenarčič, Lois Pate (obe že pok.) in Gwyna, 7-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Dorothy Kekič, Rosie Kovačič, Tootsie Os-trunic, Carolyn Baker, Roberte Fisher, Josepha ter že pok. Johna, Butchie Abra-novic in Williama. Pogreb je bil 26. februarja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Filipa Neri-ja in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Dne 25. februarja je ležala na mrtvaškem odru v dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave. Frances M. Hrovat Umrla je 100 let stara Frances M. Hrovat, rojena Gregorač, vdova po Victor-ju, mati Jamesa in že pok. Frances DeChant, 10-krat stara mati, 11-krat prastara mati, sestra Antona ml., Jacka, Stanleyja, Mary, Berthe Vidmar in Vide Shega. Pogreb je bil 27. februarja v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clair Ave., kjer so bili tudi pogrebni obredi, sledil je pokop na Kalvarije pokopališču. Anthony Žagar Umrl je Anthony Žagar, vdovec po Ledmini, oče Sandre Moss, Kennetha in Stevena, 9-krat stari oče, 13-krat prastari oče, brat Franka, Alberta in Margaret, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri nekdanji New York Central železnici. Pogreb je bil 27. februarja s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mary Kaučič Umrla je 85 let stara Mary Kaučič, rojena Jutjav-cic, žena 61 let Louisa, mati Joanne McConville, 2-krat stara mati, 3-krat prastara mati, sestra Max-a, Tonyja in Henryja (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 27. februarja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Križa in pokopom na Vernih • duš pokopališču. Frances Barbič Dne 25. februarja je u-mrla 91 let stara Frances Barbič iz Euclida, rojena Kocjan, vdova po Steve-u, mati Judy Phillips in Marilyn Healey, 2-krat stara mati, hčerka Thomasa in Marilyn (r. Petrovič) Kocjan (oba pok.), sestra Michaela, Mary Plesko, Johna in Ann Timco (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil privaten, družinskega značaja. Anna Molly New Umrla je 89 let stara Anna Molly New, rojena Peček, vdova po Edwardu, mati Dolores Baker in Geraldine Cefaratti, 6-krat stara mati, 13-krat prastara mati, sestra Franka, Johna, Nettie Klemenc, Al-a in Paula. Pogreb je bil 27. februarja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Holy Redeemer in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Christena Leskovec Dne 12. februarja je na svojem domu v Chesterlandu umrla 95 let stara Christena Leskovec, rojena Fink 7. novembra 1911 v Clevelandu, prej živeča v Euclidu, vdova po Adolphu, mati Davida in Judith Javorek, 7-krat stara mati, 8-krat prastara mati, sestra Frances Klavora ter že pok. Franka, Josepha, Andrewa in Josephine, zaposlena kot inšpektorica pri Marquette Metal Co. do svoje upokojitve 1. 1967, članica KSKJ št. 169. Pogreb je bil 17. februarja v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Anselma in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. *............- ■ —- — :■ Seznanjajte naše bralce z aktivnostmi vaših društev