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Executive Editor – Editor in Chief Matjaž Gams Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +38614773 900,Fax: +38612519385 matjaz.gams@ijs.si http://dis.ijs.si/mezi/matjaz.html Editor Emeritus AntonP. Železnikar Volariˇceva 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia s51em@lea.hamradio.si http://lea.hamradio.si/~s51em/ Executive Associate Editor -Deputy Managing Editor Mitja Luštrek, Jožef Stefan Institute mitja.lustrek@ijs.si Executive Associate Editor -Technical Editor DragoTorkar, Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +38614773 900,Fax: +38612519385 drago.torkar@ijs.si Contact Associate Editors Europe, Africa: Matjaz Gams N. and S. America: Shahram Rahimi Asia, Australia: Ling Feng Overview papers: Maria Ganzha,Wies awPaw owski, Aleksander Denisiuk Editorial Board Juan Carlos Augusto (Argentina) Vladimir Batagelj (Slovenia) Francesco Bergadano (Italy) Marco Botta (Italy) Pavel Brazdil (Portugal) Andrej Brodnik (Slovenia) Ivan Bruha (Canada) Wray Buntine (Finland) Zhihua Cui (China) Aleksander Denisiuk (Poland) Hubert L. Dreyfus (USA) Jozo Dujmovi´ c (USA) Johann Eder (Austria) George Eleftherakis (Greece) Ling Feng (China) VladimirA.Fomichov (Russia) Maria Ganzha (Poland) Sumit Goyal (India) Marjan Gušev (Macedonia) N. Jaisankar (India) Dariusz Jacek Jakczak (Poland) Dimitris Kanellopoulos (Greece) Samee Ullah Khan (USA) Hiroaki Kitano (Japan) IgorKononenko (Slovenia) MiroslavKubat (USA) Ante Lauc (Croatia) Jadran Lenarciˇˇ c (Slovenia) Shiguo Lian (China) Suzana Loskovska (Macedonia) Ramon L. de Mantaras (Spain) Natividad Martínez Madrid (Germany) Sando Martinciˇ´c (Croatia) c-Ipiši´Angelo Montanari (Italy) Pavol Návrat (Slovakia) Jerzy R. Nawrocki (Poland) Nadia Nedjah (Brasil) Franc Novak (Slovenia) MarcinPaprzycki (USA/Poland) Wies awPaw owski (Poland) Ivana Podnar Žarko (Croatia) Karl H. Pribram (USA) Luc De Raedt (Belgium) Shahram Rahimi (USA) Dejan Rakovi´ c (Serbia) Jean Ramaekers (Belgium) Wilhelm Rossak (Germany) Ivan Rozman (Slovenia) Sugata Sanyal (India) Walter Schempp (Germany) Johannes Schwinn (Germany) Zhongzhi Shi (China) Oliviero Stock (Italy) RobertTrappl (Austria) TerryWinograd (USA) Stefan Wrobel (Germany) Konrad Wrona (France) XindongWu (USA) Yudong Zhang (China) Rushan Ziatdinov (Russia&Turkey) Predictive Analytics on Big Data -an Overview Gayathri Nagarajan and Dhinesh Babu L.D Schoolof InformationTechnology and Engineering,Vellore InstituteOfTechnology,Vellore, India gayunagarajan1083@gmail.com E-mail: lddhineshbabu@gmail.com Overview paper Keywords:predictive analytics, big data, machine learning Received: November 5, 2018 Big data generated in different domains and industries are voluminous and the velocity at which they are generated is pretty high. While research works carried out continuously to handle big data is at one end, processingittodevelopthebusinessinsightsisahottopictoworkontheotherend. Thoughthereare lot of technologies and tools developed to handle big data and extract insights from them, there are lot of challenges and open issues that are yet to be addressed. This paper presents an overview on predictive analytics with big data. The overview throws light on the core predictive models, challenges of these models on big data, researchgaps in several domain sectors and using different techniques. This paper categorizes the major technical challenges of predictive analytics on big data under six headings. The paper concludes with the identifcation of open issues and future directions to work on for researchers in this feld. Povzetek: Pregledni ˇclanek opisuje prediktivno analitiko na velikih podatkih. 1 Introduction Research focus on predictive analytics for big data has gained signifcance because of its scope in various do­mains and industries. It has stepped into every feld includ­ing health care, telecommunication, education, marketing, business, etc. Predictive analytics is a common diction that often means predicting the outcome of a particular event. The main idea behind prediction is to take certain input data, apply statistical techniques and predict the outcome of an event. The terminology ‘predictive analytics’ is syn­onymous with other terminologies like ‘machine learning’, ‘data mining’, ‘business intelligence’ and recently the other terminology which is in common use today ‘data science’. Though theyseem to be synonymous there is a narrow line that distinguishes their context of use. The technique of business understanding, data under­standing, data integration, data preparation, building a model to extract hidden insights, evaluating the model and fnally deploying the model is called ‘Data mining’. The model may be predictive or may not be. [1]. In some cases it may be descriptivewhereas ‘predictiveanalytics’ in most cases meanto predictthevalueof certain outputvari-able from input variables. ‘Machine learning’ is basically a technique whereas ‘predictive analytics’ is an application of machine learning. ‘Machine learning’ is used to discover hidden patterns in data by using some of their techniques like classifcation, association or clustering in training the machine. ‘Machine learning’ is one disciplinary of ‘data mining’ which is multidisciplinary that includes other dis­ciplines like statistics, BI tools, etc. ‘Data science’ can be consideredasan applicationof statistical methodstobusi­ness problems. Predictive analytics is more narrowly fo­cused than data science. Data science uses data program­ming whereas predictive analytics uses modeling. Predic­tive analytics in most of the cases is probabilistic in nature whereas data science involves exploration of data. Data scientists require both domain knowledge and the knowl­edge in technology. Business intelligence provides stan­dard business reports, ad hoc reports on past data based on OLAP and looks at the static part of the data. Predic­tive analytics requires statistical analysis, forecasting, and causal analysis, text mining and related techniques to meet the needof forward lookingbusiness [1]. In predictive analytics, data is collected from different input sources. A model is developed based on statistics. The model is used to predict the outcome after proper vali­dation.Withtheadventofbigdata, predictive analyticson big data has become a signifcant area of interest. Though therearelotoftoolsand techniquesavailableto handlepre­dictive analytics on big data, there are yet challenges open forthe researcherstoworkupon.Ourpaperaimstopresent anoverviewon predictive analyticsinbigdatatoaidthere-searchers understand the contemporary works done in this area thereby providing them research directions for future work. We focused on including the research works car­ried in different industries and using different techniques so that the researchers can focus more on their specifc area of interest after a complete understanding of the works done in different felds and using different techniques. The mo­tivation behind this work is the fact that many papers in this feld are more focused on a particular domain or tech-niquebut thereisa lackof papers that presentsa broader overviewof predictive analyticsinbigdatatohelpthebud-ding researchers identify research problems. Hence we fo-cussed on a comprehensive overview on predictive analyt­ics. This paper is organized into7sections. Core predictive models with their strengths, weaknesses along with few so­lutions are discussed in Section 2, the challenges of core predictive models on big data is discussed in Section 3, scope of predictive analytics on big data generated across different domain sectors along with few research gaps is discussed in Section 4 and the comprehensive challenges for predictive analytics on big data and the techniques used to overcome them is discussed in Section 5, the future di­rections for research are summarizedin Section6and Sec­tion7windsup with conclusion. 2 Core predictive models The major processes of predictive analytics include de­scriptive analysis on data that constitutes around 50% of thework, data preparation(like detecting outliers) that con­stitutes around 40% of the work, data modeling that con­stitutes around 4% of the work and evaluating the model that constitutes around 6% of the work [98]. Only a frac­tionofraw datais consideredforbuildingthe model which is assessed and tested [7]. The phasesinvolvedinbuilding predictive models is shown in fgure 1. Initially predictive analytics was carried out using manymathematical statis­tical approaches. Later data mining, machine learning be­gan its era in predictive analytics since theyproved to be effective. This section discusses few core predictive mod­els to make the reader understand the concept of predic­tive analytics. Different models are used for different types of predictive tasks such as estimating an unknown value, classifcation(supervised learning to predict the class label of the instance), clustering(unsupervised learning to group similar patterns together) etc. The section is branched into three subsections -the predictive models based on math-ematical(statistical) approaches, the models based on data mining approaches and the models based on machine learn­ing approaches respectively. Yet, there is a very narrow line of separation among the subsections and they overlap in certain predictivetasks. Figure2shows the classifcation of core predictive models. 2.1 Predictive models based on mathematics Mathematical techniques especially statistics is used for predictive tasks. Despite, data mining algorithms and ma­chine learning algorithms also use math as their base for predictive tasks. Major core predictive models based on mathematics include Extrapolation, Regression, Bayesian statistics that are described in detail. 2.1.1 Extrapolation Extrapolation is a method of extending the value of a vari­able beyond the original observation range. For example, the details of the road condition are known to a driver un­til a certain point and he is expected to predict the road conditionbeyond that point.Atangent lineis drawnby re­lating the input variable to the output variable. The line is extended further to predict the output for different values of input. The line determines whether the extrapolation is linear, quadratic or cubic etc. Strength and weakness: Extrapolation suits well for such tasks where the target variableisinclose relationshipwiththe predictorvariables. The results of extrapolation are also accurate in certain ex­periments where the relationships among the variables are simple [101]. The major problem with extrapolation is the interpreta­tion of results. There are manystudies where the study pop­ulation differs widely from the target population.[100] is an exampleofsuch problem wheretheextrapolationoftheex­perimental results on sheep cannot be justifed for other tar­get population. In such studies, the claims of the study re­sults cannot be applied or justifed to the target population [99]. Few solutions proposed to solve the interpretation problem of extrapolation is simple induction, randomized trails and expertise, Mechanistic reason etc. Population modeling is also proposed to solve the extrapolation prob­lem [102]. But these solutions can help only to a certain extent. Secondly, it is hard to model the past with extrapo­lation. Sometimes several extrapolation methods are com­bined to model. Moreover, extrapolation cannot be used to model the tasks with non linear patterns [103]. 2.1.2 Regression Regression models are used for supervised learning prob­lems in predictive analytics. It works by establishing a mathematical relationoftheinputvariableswiththeoutput variable. There are different types of regressionmodels like linear regression model, multivariate regression model, lo­gistic regression model, time series regression model, sur­vival analysis, etc. depending on the nature of the relation­ship discovered among the variables. Though the term is synonymous with extrapolation, there is a difference. Re­gression explains the variations in the dependent attribute with respect to the variations in the predictor attributes. Also,regression doesn‘tusethevalueoftheinputvariables outside the range to establish the relationship with the de­pendent variable as in the case of extrapolation. There are different variants of regression depending on the nature of the variables as shown in table 1. Strength and weakness: Linear regression can suit well on tasks where the vari­ablesexhibit linear relationship [104].For predictive tasks where associated probability is also important apart from predicting the value of a variable such as in [110], logis­tic regression is preferred. For predictive tasks where a Figure1: Phasesinvolvedinbuildinga core predictive model Figure 2: Classifcation of core predictive models non parametric and non linear methodology has to be used, MARS regression can be considered as it does not assume anyfunctional relationship between the dependent and in­dependent variables [114],[117]. The biggest strength of MARS is that it is simple to understand and easy to in­terpret. Despite, it does not require any data preparation [116]. Moreover it is suitable for problems with higher input dimensions due to its ’divide and conquer’ strategy of working principle [117]. To model complex processes, in which no theoretical models exist, LOESS regression is preferred as it does not require a function to ft a model to all data in the sample [121]. The major strength of LOESS regressionisitsfexibility. Thefexibilityis controlledbya smoothing parameter [119]. It is usually set between 0.25 and 0.5 [120]. For predictive tasks, where the number of predictors is more, regularization methods such as ridge re­gression is preferred as it avoids overftting [122]. It also handles multicollinearity effectively [126]. The major weakness of linear regression is that it consid­ers the mean of dependent variable and hence is sensitive to outliers. It is also more suited only to applications in which the predictor variables are independent [104]. For example, [105] states the reasons for moving to machine learning predictive models from simple regression models for predictive tasks in medicine. Though the regression models are simple and robust, they are limited to a small number of predictors that operate within a range. Outlier detection algorithms are proposed for linear time series re­gression models [106],[107]. Another problem with lin­ear regression models is that it does not suit for predictive tasks when the predictor variables are collinear. [109] is an example that shows the adverse effect in interpretation of results when regression is performed without considering the multicollinearity problem. Techniques such as princi­pal component analysis or stepwise regression can help to remove highly correlated predictors from the model [108]. The major weakness with logistic regression is that it is af­fected by omitted variables. Solutions such as replacing the latent continuous variable with an observed continuous one is proposed. Moreover,the odds ratio obtained from logistic regression cannot be interpreted easily as the het­erogeneity of the model is not accounted [112]. In clinical predictive tasks, the odds ratios are estimated as risk ratios which is actually an overestimation. Alternatives such as Mantel–Haenszel risk ratio method, log–binomial regres­sion, Poisson regression are used to give correct risk ratios [113]. Interpretation of results can be achieved to a certain extentbyobserving the probability changes [111]. Logistic regression is also not found to perform well with class im­balance problems and in such cases algorithmic approaches such as random forests is used [112]. The major weak­ness of MARS regression is overftting and methods such as generalized crossvalidationis used [115],[118]. Pruning technique is also used to avoid overftting problem to some extentbyreducingthe numberofits basic functions thereby limiting the complexity of the model [117]. LOESS regres­sion is less sensitive to outliers yet they are also overcome byextreme outliers. Another disadvantage with LOESS re­gression is that it requires densely sampled data to produce good results [121]. The major problem with ridge regres­sion is the parameter settings. Thehyperparameter has to be set [124]. Few methods are proposed in [123], [128] for parameter setting. Ridge regression also suffers from interpretability [124]. This happens because the unimpor­tant predictors still exists in the model with the coeffcients close to zerobut notexactly zero [125]. LASSO regres­sion is preferred in such predictive tasks to avoid the inter­ S.no Type of regres­sion Explanation 1 Linear regression The linear regression is given as Y = aX + b (1) where Y represents the predictor attribute, X represents the independent at­tribute, a is the slope and b, the intercept. The best ft line is obtained by mini­mizing the square of variations of each observed and the actual values with the line. 2 Logistic regres­sion Logistic regression is used for problems that are binary in nature and hence is mainly used for classifcation. This method aids to determine the likelihood of the occurence of a happening. It is denoted by a logit(a) = ln( ) (2) 1 - a where a is the likelihood of the occurence of the event. 3 MARS Multivariate adaptive regression splines represented as MARS uses stepwise regression for model building. It is a non parametric method. The non lin­earities among the variables are identifed and modelled with hinge functions. These functions create a hinge in the best ft line automatically according to the non linear relationship among the variables. The MARS equation is given as NX D = ß0 + ßnhn(I) (3) n=1 where Drepresents dependent attribute, Irepresents independent attribute, ß0 represents intercept variable, ßn represents slope of the hinge function hn(I). 4 LOESS regres­sion LOESS regression is a non parametric regression model. This method helps to ft regression line on subset of data rather than the data as a whole. It in­corporates the concepts of regression model along with the nearest neighbor concepts. 5 Ridge regression Ridge regression is another method commonly applied when the dataset ex­periences multicollinearity. Theyreduce the standard errors. Ashrinkage pa­rameter . is added to the least squares term to minimize the variance.Ridge regression estimator is given as )-1IT D ßridge = (IT I + .Ip(4) where I represents independent attribute matrix, D represents predicted at­tribute matrix, Ip represents identity matrix and . represents shrinkage param­eter. Table 1: Different types of regression pretability problem of ridge regression as it sets the coeff­cients of unimportant parameters to zero [127]. 2.1.3 Bayesian statistics Bayesian statistics predicts the likelihood of events occur­ring in the future. It works in the same way like normal probabilitybut uses the input fromexperimentation and re­search to adjust the beliefs. For example, the probability of a six occurring in a die thrown six times is 1/6. But Bayesian statistics starts with the initial value of 16.6% and then adjusts the belief based on the experimentation. If the dieis showing6 more than theexpected numberof times during experimentation, the value of this belief is in­creased accordingly. Hence the likelihoodof6turningina die thrown6times will increase or decrease depending on the outcomes in the experimentation. Strength and weakness: Bayesian approaches yield accurate results in manypre­dictive tasks as they consider both experimental data and theoretical predictions [129]. Bayesian approaches are best suited for tasks where there are uncertainties in models and parameters. They also fnd their use in predictive tasks where probabilities questions have to be answered such as in stock market analysis [130]. The major weakness of bayesian approaches lies in de­termining the prior distributions. Bayesian approaches are also computationally expensive [130]. Use of frequencies instead of probabilities can help in improving bayesian rea­soning [131]. 2.2 Predictive models based on data mining The processofextracting hidden patternsfromthegivenin-put is called data mining. It is basically mining knowledge from the data. Three major approaches for data mining in­clude Classifcation, Clustering and Association. Machine learning algorithms are widely used to execute the task. 2.2.1 Classifcation The method of determining the class to which a particular data given as input belongs to is called classifcation. It is a supervised machine learning technique with labelled in­put data. Classifcation can be used in predictive analytics. There are lots of algorithms under classifcation technique but few basic algorithms are described in detail in this sub­section. 1. NaiveBayes:NaiveBayesisastatistical modelingap­proach with two assumptions —all the attributes are equally important, all the attributes are statistically in­dependent. It is a probabilistic approach which works on the following Bayes theorem. P [N/M]P [M] P [M/N]= (5) P [N] Strength and weakness: The main strength of naive bayes is its simplicity. In-spite of the fact that its accuracy is less, it is found to perform better due to its simplicity in tasks such as document classifcation where merely classifcation is important. Naive bayes is computationally effcient since the contribution of each variable is equal and independent [134]. Moreeover only few parameters need to be calculated in naive bayes due to its condi­tional independence assumption. Hence it suits well for tasks where the training data is less [135]. The major weakness of naive bayes approach is its conditional independence assumption that often does not hold for real world applications [132]. This weak­ness is overcome to a certain extent by weighting at­tributes. Naivebayes with attribute weighting is found to perform better than random forest and logistic re­gression in [136],[137]. Accuracyand speed of classi­fcation is also less when compared with other classif­cation approaches. Effective negation and feature se­lection techniques such as mutual information in com­bination with naive bayes is found to improve the ac-curacyand speed to a certain extent[133]. An another Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 429 problem with naive bayes is that though theyare good classifers, they are not good estimators as discussed earlier. Hence it does not perform well in the tasks where probability value is important [138] and certain improvements to naive bayes is proposed to improve the probability estimation [139]. Moreover when the test data differs widely from the training data naive bayes fails to perform well unless smoothing tech­niques such as laplace estimation is used [138]. 2. Decision trees: Decision tree is constructing a tree based structure for classifcation. Each node involves testing a particular attribute and the leaves are as­signed classifcation labels basedonthevaluesateach node. Decision trees use divide and conquer approach and the attributes can also be selected with heuristic knowledge for the nodes of decision trees though few measurements like entropy and informationgain are used in selecting the attributes. Decision trees can be converted to rules also. Many variations of decision trees have evolved and one of them is random forest which is commonly used bagging method in recent re­search problems. The leaf nodes of the decision trees are called decision nodes. Entropy is the amount of randomness in the data. Informationgain is the in­formation obtained that helps for accurate prediction. Entropyis given by n X E(X)= - (PilogPi) (6) i=1 where Pi is the probability of occurence of value i when there are n different values. Informationgainisa purity measuregivenby IG(X, a)= E(X) - E(X|A) (7) Thevalue represents the informationgainedby split­ting the tree with that particular attribute. The attribute with less entropy or more information gain at every stage is considered the best split and the process is repeated until the tree converges. There are manyde­cision tree algorithms but few variants are shown in table 2. Strength and weakness: Themajoradvantageof decisiontreeoverother classi­fers is its interpretability. The tree like structure helps users to extract the knowledge easily [140]. Indeed, decision trees does not require the data to be normally distributed. The data can be continuous, discrete or a combination of both. Hence there is no need for much data preparation in decision tree model [142]. Moreover decision trees require only very few train­ing iterations [143]. The random forest, an ensemble technique of decision tree is found to yield more ac­curate results. An another advantage of random forest is that it is non parametric in nature and helps in de­termining variable importance [141]. S.no Type of decision tree Description 1 ID3 Iterative dichotomiser is the basic non incremental algorithm used for construction of decision tree. It uses information gain measure to select the best split at each node. But the major disadvantage of ID3 is that it may overft the training data and may not result in optimal solution. 2 C4.5 C4.5 is an improved version of ID3 algorithm. It solves the overftting problem of ID3 by pruning the tree. C4.5 handles both continuous and discrete attributes and is capable of handling missing values too. 3 C5.0 C5.0 is an improved version of C4.5 in terms of performance and mem­ory effciency. It supports boosting technique to improveaccuracy. C5.0 constructs smaller decision trees by removing unhelpful attributes with­out compromising on accuracy. 4 Decision stumps It is a single level decision tree and fnds its use along with machine learning techniques like bagging and boosting as weak learners. 5 CHAID Chi square automatic interaction detector is used to fnd the relation­ship between categorical dependent variable and categorical indepen­dent variables. It uses chi square test of independence to test the inde­pendencybetween two categorical variables. CHAID can be extended for continuous variables too. Table 2: Different types of decision trees The major problem with decision trees is overftting or underftting [144]. Techniques such as pruning [146],[147] or feature selection methods are required to avoid overftting problem and also to reduce the computational complexity of the model [147]. Deci­sion trees does not suit well for imbalanced datasets though ensemble techniques can help [145]. More­over, though random forest yields more accurate re­sults, they are black box classifers as the split rules are unknown [141]. 3. KNN: Another classifcation technique that is of wide use is KNN yet with its own challenges. This tech­nique works on the idea that the input data to be clas­sifeddependsontheclassofits neighbors.Thevalue of ‘K’ determines the effectiveness of the algorithm. ‘K’ represents the number of neighbors to be consid­ered. The input data is assigned to the class to which most of its neighbors belong to. A distance metric from the input data to the ‘K ’ neighbors is calculated. Euclidean distance is usually deployed to calculate the distance. Other distance metrics like mahanalobis and manhattan distance measures can also be used instead of euclidean. The accuracyof the algorithm lies in the choiceofK.LowervalueofK might resultinover-ftting and highervalue forK might resultina more generalized model diffcult to predict. Strength and weakness: The biggest advantage of KNN is its simplicity [150]. It does not require anyprior knowledge about the dis­tribution of data [149]. This non parametric nature of KNNmakesiteffectiveforrealworld problems[151]. The major issue with KNN is the choice of parameter kand distance metric [150],[152],[153]andfewworks are proposedto determinethevalueofk [157],[158] etc. Computational complexity is another issue with KNN. Techniques such as clustering are used along with KNN [148] to reduce the computational com­plexity. KNN is also affected by irrelevant features [150] and is sensitive to outliers [152],[153]. The outlier problem can be avoided to a certain extent by choosinga reasonablevalue forkrather thana small k [154]. Few methods or improvements such as lo­cal mean based KNN [155] and distance weight KNN [156] are proposed to overcome the negative effect of outliers in KNN. 4. Support vector machines: This classifcation tech­nique yields better accuracy in classifcation prob­lems. SVM works on the basis of hyperplane. The idea behind this technique is to fnd the best hyper-planethatcanclassifythetwoclasses more accurately. This technique is best suited for both linear and non­linear separation problems. Non-linear problems can be handled usingkernel functions thatdoes data trans­formations to fnd the besthyperplane classifying the data more accurately. This algorithm works under the concept of margin. The distance between thehyper-plane and the closest object in each class is calculated. Thehyperplane with maximum margin with the class objects is the best classifer since it can predict the class more accurately. Each input data is assigned a point in n-dimensional space. Strength and weakness: The major strength of SVM is its robustness. It mod­els non linear relationships very effectively and hence is proved to yield better results in terms of accuracy especially in non-linear problems [161][165]. SVM is also known for its generalization capability and the generalization error is less in SVM [163] [164]. This advantage of SVM helps it to model complex prob­lems even when the training data is less [166]. More­over, there is no need for feature extraction process in SVM as thekernel function canbe directly applied on the data [164]. SVM also avoids overftting [165], [166]. The major weakness of SVM lies in its parameter set­tings. Proper setting ofkernel parameters determine the accuracyof SVM. Certain optimization techniques such as PSO [159] and GA [160] are used to optimize the parameters of SVM. Methods such as double lin­ear and grid search are also used to determine the pa­rameter values of SVM [162]. 2.2.2 Clustering The technique of identifying similar patterns in the input data and grouping the input data with similar patterns to­gether is called clustering. Clustering helps in predictive analytics. An example of clustering algorithm includes segmenting customers based on theirbuying behavior pat­tern thereby helping to predict the insights in thebusiness and improve the sales accordingly. Clustering the scan im­ages in health care helps to predict whether the person is af­fected by a specifc disease or not. Though there are many clustering algorithms, the three basic algorithms include k-means, hierarchical and density clustering and a summary of the same is provided in the following subsection. A re­view of clustering with its scope, motivation, techniques and applications are explained in [2]. 1. K-means clustering: K-means clustering chooses K random centroids and measures the distance of each input data point with the centroids. The most com­monly used distance measurement metric is Euclidean distance. The input data points within the specifc dis­tance from the centroid are grouped together asa clus­ter and hence arrived at few clusters. The average of the distance of all the points from the centroid inside a cluster is calculated and the centroid is recalculated accordingly. The input data points belonging to the cluster changes again. This process continues until the centroids are fxed. Another variation of partition clustering is K-mediods where the centroid itself is an input data point. K-median and K-mode algorithms are also partition based clustering algorithms that uses median and mode instead of mean. There are sev­eral metrics to measure the performance of clustering. One among them is the distance metric. Single link­age is the nearest neighbor clustering where the mini­mum distance betweenthedatapointsoftwodifferent clustersis calculated. Complete linkageis thefarthest clustering where the maximum distance between the data pointsoftwodifferent clustersis calculated.Av­erage linkage is also used in some scenarios. Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 431 Strength and weakness: The major strength ofk means clustering is it‘s sim­plicity and speed [168]. It can also work on datasets containing a variety of probability distribution [175]. The major drawback with k means clustering is it‘s sensitivity to the initialization of cluster centers [167]. Hence determining the initial cluster centers is a ma­jor challenge though many methods based on statis­tics, information theory and goodness of ft are pro­posed [168]. Determining the number of centers is also a challenge and is addressed in few works [173]. An another drawback withk means clustering is it‘s computational complexity. As the distance of each data point has to be calculated with each cluster cen­ter for every iteration, the computational time is high. Solutions such as data structure that stores informa­tion at each iteration to avoid repeated computations [169] and Graphical processing units (GPUs) that par­allelize the algorithm are proposed to reduce the com­putational complexity of k means clustering [172]. Moreoverk means clustering is also sensitive to out­liers and can end up in local optima. Few alternatives include fuzzy c means clustering and other soft clus­tering techniques that are proved to work well with noisy data [170].kmeans clusteringis also combined with optimization techniquessuchasPSOandACOto avoid local optima and to arrive at better cluster par­titions [171]. Few works are carried out to identify the better cluster partitions with minimum intracluster distances and maximum intercluster distances. Opti­mization function is derived that minimizes the intr­acluster distances and maximizes the intercluster dis­tances. This function is optimized using optimization algorithms such as GA, PSO,WOA,ACO etc in few clustering works. Few other works include [269] that uses a set of objective functions and updates the al­gorithm accordingly to improve the intracluster com­pactness and intercluster separation, [270] that uses bisected clustering algorithm to measure the intraclus­ter and intercluster similarity metrics etc. [174] pro­poses a method to overcome the drawback of noisy featuresink means clustering. 2. Hierarchical based clustering: Hierarchical cluster-ingworks eitherinadivisiveway (top-down) or ag­glomerative way (bottom-up). In the divisive cluster­ing, large cluster is broken down into smaller pieces. In the agglomerative clustering, each observation is startedasitsown clusterandpairof clustersis merged together as they move up in the hierarchy. A den-dogram is a pictorial representation for hierarchical based clustering. The height of the dendogram repre­sents the distance between the clusters. Agglometric and divisive clustering algorithms are calledAGNES and DIANArespectively. In DIANAclustering tech­nique, all the input data points are considered asa sin­gle clusterandevery iterationdividesthe cluster based on heterogeneity. More heterogeneous data points breaks down into another cluster. In AGNES clus­tering technique, each input point is considered as a single cluster and homogeneous points are clustered together as a single cluster at each iteration. Strength and weakness: The major strength of hierarchical clustering includes it‘s scalability and capacity to work with datasets of arbitrary shapes [177]. It also determines the hier­archical relationships well. Moreover the number of clusters need not be specifed in advance [178]. The major drawback with hierarchical clustering is its computational complexity [176],[177],[178] and few other methods are proposed to improve the effciency of the same [176].Parallel techniques are also used to improve the computational effciency of hierarchical clustering [179]. 3. Density based clustering: Density based clustering works by defning a cluster as the maximal set of density connected points. Three types of points are chosen core, border and outlier. Core is the part of the cluster that contains dense neighborhood. Bor­der doesn‘thave many pointsbut canbe reachedby the cluster. Outlier can‘t be reached by the cluster. Density based clustering picks up a random point and checks if it is the core point. If not, the point is marked as an outlier. Else, all the directly reachable nodes from the specifc point are assigned to the cluster. It keeps fnding the neighbors until it is unable to. There are certain kinds of problems where density based clustering provide accurate results than k-means clus­tering. Outlier detection is accurate in density based clustering. Strength and weakness: The major strength of density based clustering is that it can discover clusters of arbitrary shapes [184],[177]. It is also robust to outliers [184]. There are several density based algorithms such as DBSCAN, OPTICS, Mean-Shift etc [177]. The major drawback with density based clustering is the setting of parameters. Parameters such as neigh-bourhood size, radius etc. have to be set in density based clustering [182], [177]. Fewalgorithms are pro­posed to determine the parameters in density based clustering [183]. Moreover the density of the starting objects affect the behavior of the algorithm. The al­gorithm also fnds its diffculty in identifying the adja­cent clustersof different densities [182] ,[177].Tech­niques such as space stratifcation is proposed to solve this problem [182]. An another drawback with den­sity based clusteringisitseffciency.Parallelizationof the algorithm reduces the computational complexity to a certain extent. Techniques such as GPUs [180], mapreduce [181] are used to improve the scalability and effciencyof the algorithm. G. Nagarajan et al. 2.2.3 Association The method of identifying the relationship amid the items and deriving the rules based on the relationshipis called as­sociation. Though association mining is not of much use in prediction, there are few scenarios where association rule is used. The rule has antecedent and consequent. Associa­tion rule miningis used mainly inbusiness and marketing [185]. There are different algorithms used in association rule mining. Few include Apriori, Predictive Apriori,Ter­tius etc [186]. Optimization techniques such as PSO are also used with association rule mining to improve its eff­ciency [187]. [188] presents a survey on association rule mining algorithms. 2.3 Predictive models based on machine learning Machine learning approaches are used for predictive tasks. It is the process of training the machine with a training in­put set,buildinga model and theevaluatingit with the test data. The machine learns continuously from the errors until the model gets stabilized. Supervised learning works with labeled input data whereas unsupervised learning works with unlabeled input data. Machine learning uses soft com­puting techniques like neural networks for training. 2.3.1 Neural networks Neural network is a commonly used soft computing tech­nique for predictive analytics. Neural networks are used to classify complex patterns that are diffcult to classify us­ing SVMs or other techniques. There are different types of neural networks that can be trained using supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning. There are also different learning algorithms for training neural networks. Neural networks machine learning algorithm can be used to train a network with a group of training data and then test it with a group of test data thereby measuring the accu­racy of prediction. Learning continues until the network becomes stable and able to classify the data accurately. Cross validation is one among the widely used technique for evaluating the model. Backpropagation algorithm is the most commonly used training algorithm in neural net-works.Weightsare assignedateachlayerinput, hiddenand the output. Weightage is given to each attribute based on the impact of it in predicting the output variable. Different types of functions like sigmoidal function and sign func­tion are used to compute the output variable. These func­tions are called threshold functions and the output variable is predicted based upon these functions. Threshold func­tions are also called activation function or transfer func­tion. The choice on number of input nodes, hidden layers, weightage, threshold functions, algorithm for learning are all based on the application and data for which predictive analytics has to be applied. Now, deep learning techniques are used to improve accuracy. Strength and weakness: The major strength of Artifcial Neural Networks(ANN) lies in it‘s ability to work with large amounts of data and yield good results. They have good generalization and learning ability and are universal approximators [191]. ANN hasgoodfault tolerant, self learning, adaptation and organization ability [192]. An another advantage with ANN is that theyare good for high dimensional datasets as each variable do not have major impact on the class vari­ablebut asa group they are good at classifcation. More­over a complex ANN relives user from determining the interactional and functional forms in prior and is able to smooth anypolynomial function [193]. There are different types of neural networks such as as feedforward network, radial basis function network(RBFN), auto encoder, Boltz­mann machine,extreme learning machines, deep belief net­work, deep convolutional network etc [189] each with its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, RBFN are easy to design, have good generalization ability and are tol­erant to noise. These networks fnd their use in designing fexible structures and systems [190]. The major weakness with ANN is that theycan‘t be ap­plied blindly to all kinds of data. Hence they are used by combining with other models ashybrid prediction models in most of the prediction problems. For example, in time series problems, both linear and non linear relationshipsex­ist and ANN is combined with ARIMA modelling in such problems [190]. An another disadvantage liesin thefact that there are no proper rules to determine the number of hidden nodes in neural networks. Moreover they can also easily end up in local optima and are tend to overft [193]. Optimization algorithms such as GA [194], Gravitational search algorithm with PSO [196] are used to avoid the lo­cal optima problem in ANN. Algorithms such as Fruitfy algorithm also fnd their use in determining the parameters for ANN [195]. Overftting problems is addressed by tech­niques such as dropout mechanisms [197], bayesian regu­larization [198] etc. 2.3.2 Deep learning Deep learning is the most commonly used technique in use today for classifcation, clustering, prediction and other purposes. While learningin machine learning proceedsina broaderway,deep learningworksinanarrowway.Itworks by breaking down the complex patterns into simple smaller patterns. Learning happens in parallel in the smaller pat­terns and fnally the sub solutions are combined together to generate the fnal solution. Thisimproves the accuracy of the network. Deep nets also help in avoiding the van­ishing gradient problem. Most of the deep learning prob­lems use Rectifed Linear units function(ReLUs) instead of sigmoidal and tanh activation functions that causes vanish­ing gradient problem. The use of ReLUs help overcome the vanishing gradient problem by avoiding zero value for the derivative and maintaining a constant value instead [271]. Moreover the use of deep learning networks such Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 433 as Long ShortTerm Memory Networks(LSTM)avoidvan­ishing gradient problembymaintainingaconstantvalue for the recursive derivative using cell states [272]. Deep nets use GPUs that help them get trainedfaster. When the input pattern is quite complex, normal neural networks might not be effective because the number of layers required might grow exponentially. Deep nets work effectively in solving such complex pattern by breaking them down into simpler patterns and reconstructing the complex solution from the simpler solutions. GPUs are known to be a better alter­native to CPUs for big data analytics owing to it‘s lower energy consumption and parallel processing. Hence GPUs are found to be scalable in deep learning as the training and learning of the deep nets are madefaster with paral­lel processing of many computational operations such as matrix multiplications [273]. There are different kinds of deep nets used for different purposes [5].Table3shows the different types of deep nets and their usage. Strength and weakness: An overview of deep learning in neural networks has been discussedin [199]. The major strengthof deep learn­ing is it‘s ability to model non linear relationships well. Deep learning also suits well for massive data and has better representation ability than normal networks [200]. Moreover deep learning does automatic feature extraction and selection [201]. The major weakness of deep learning is that it is a black box technique. There is no theoretical understanding be­hind the model. Certain techniques such as information plane visualization are proposedto understandDNNbyus­ing the mutual information exchanged between layers in DNN [202]. Moreover deep learning works well only with massive data and their architectures are more specialized to a particular domain. Theyalso consume high power [203]. 2.3.3 Fuzzy rule based prediction Fuzzy logic is a concept of soft computing technique more suited for prediction problems with uncertainty and impre­cision. Fuzzy sets have membership functions associated with each input data set. The membership value of a par­ticular input data represents the level of belonging of the particular input data to the particular set. Rules are de­rived and learning is based on the rules. Finally the rule based approachisusedto classifyorpredicttheoutputvari-able. Fuzzy systems are widely used for prediction pur­poses. Fuzzy systems can be used as stand-alone or can also be combined with other machine learning algorithms for predictive tasks. The simple fuzzy based classifer is If-THEN classifer and it can be made more meaningful with the use of linguistic labels [61],[204]. Fuzzy systems are also combined with neural networks as neuro-fuzzy classifer [261],[209] and is used for prediction purposes. Fuzzy systems are also combined with KNN for prediction purposes. Fuzzy c means clustering is found to perform well than hard clustering especially in applications such as bioinformatics where genes are associated with manyclus­ S.no Type of deep net Description Usage 1 Restricted Boltzmann machine Two layered network with visible and hid­den layer. Layers not connected among themselves. In the forward pass, RBM takes the input and encodes as numbers. The backward pass does the reverse. Data need not be labelled. Recognize inherent patterns. Works well with real time data like photos, videos, voice etc. Used for clustering. 2 Deep belief nets Stack of RBMs arranged together. Output of hidden layer of the previous networks like RBN is given as input to visible layer of next RBN. Used for recognizing complex patterns. Used more commonly in facial recognition. 3 Convolution nets Made up of three layers, convolution, RELU and pooling each having its own function. Used to identify the internal patterns within an im­age. 4 Recurrent net­works A network with built in feedback loop. Uses techniques like Gating to overcome vanishing gradient problem. Used when the patterns in the input data changes over time. For image captioning, document clas­sifcation, classify videos frame by frame, natu­ral language processing etc. LSTM is a recurrent network architecture that is used for deep learn­ing. The application of LSTM includes time series data predictions, classifcation, processing, hand writing recognition, speech recognition etc. It is known for reducing the exploding and vanishing gradient problems. 5 Autoencoders Encode the input data and reconstruct it to back. Works with unlabeled data. Finds its use in dimensionality reduction. Used for text analytics. 6 Recursive Neural Tensor nodes Works with the concept of roots and leaves. Data moves in the network in a recursive way. Used to discover hierarchical structure of a set of data. Used in sentimental analysis. Used in natu­ral language processing. 7 Generative adversial networks A network that can produce or generate new data with the same statistics as the training data[274]. Used in fashion designing, improving satellite im­ages, etc. Table 3: Different types of deepnets and their usage ters [170], [270]. Strength and weakness: The major strength of fuzzy systems is it‘s interpretabil­ity. The fuzzy models are easy to interpret if designed care­fully [205] especially with the use of linguistic labels [206]. Fuzzy rules also help to model the real world processes easily [207]. Fuzzy systems are known well for handling uncertainty [208]. The major weakness of fuzzy systems include it‘s poor generalization capability as it is rule based. Fuzzy systems are not robust as any change should be incorporated into the rule base. To overcome this disadvantage, fuzzy sys­tems are often combined with ANN and hybrid systems are developed for prediction [208]. An another disadvan­tage of using fuzzy systems is that the knowledge about the problem should be known in advance. The use ofhy­brid systems can help overcome this disadvantage as the knowledge is extracted from neural networks in such sys­tems [209]. Approaches such as genetic programming is also used to generate rules for fuzzy systems [210]. 2.3.4 Ensemble algorithms Ensemble methods are combination of more than one tech­nique to achieve more accuracyin prediction than achieved by an individual model. Few ensemble techniques are shown in table 4. Each ensemble technique has its own strength and weakness. For example, bagging is stable against noise but needs comparable classifers whereas boostingis unstableagainst noisebut its classifcation per­formance is better than bagging [211]. Also, bagging is found to perform better than boosting for class imbalance problems especially in noisy environment [212]. Stacking has it‘s own weakness with respect to computational time. It is computationally expensive [213]. Another problem with stacking lies in the selection of base level classifers as techniques such as exhaustive search consumes more time when search spaceis large.Yet, unlike bagging and boost­ing that uses the same algorithm, stacking uses a different algorithm and hence heterogeneous in nature [215]. The choice of the ensemble technique depends largely on the problem at hand. Bagging is good to deal with problems S.no Ensemble Description 1 Bagging Bagging or bootstrap aggregation is the method of decreasing the variance without anychange in the bias. It is mainly used for regression and classifcation techniques. Each model is built separately and the net output is derived by bringing together the results from the individual models by joining, aggregation and other methods. 2 Boosting Boosting is a parallel ensemble method to reduce bias without anychanges in vari­ance. Boosting converts weak learning algorithms to strong learning algorithms using certain methods like weighed average. There are many variations of boosting algo­rithms like adaboost, gradient boosting etc. The misclassifed instances are assigned more weight in the successive iterations. 3 Stacking Stacking is the technique in which the output of the previous level classifer is used as training data for the next classifer to approximate the target function. It minimizes variance and methods likelogistic regression is used to combine the individual models. Table 4: Ensemble techniques where a single model is likely to overft whereas boosting is good for problems where a model yields poor perfor­mance. Moreover bagging can be done in parallel as each model is independent whereas every model in boosting de­pends on the previous model [214]. There are different kinds of boosting techniques, the major include adaboost and gradient boost. Adaboosting improves performanceby assigning high weight to the wrongly classifed data points whereas gradient boosting improves performance by using gradients in the loss function [216]. Indeed, gradient boost­ing converges in a limit whereas adaboost is computation­ally effcient than gradient boosting [217]. 3 Challenges of core predictive models on big data ‘Big data’ represents data sets that are in petabytes, zettabytes and Exabyte. The sources of big data include satellites that generate enormous information every second from space, mobile communications generating volumi­nous data, social media likeFacebook,Twitter with blogs, posts etc.Traditional relational databases, datawarehouses and many visualization tools and analytical tools are de­veloped for structured data. Because of the heterogeneous nature of big data and enormous amount of data generated including real time data, thereisaneedto enrich traditional analytical methods to support the analytical functionalities for big data. Alternatively, new tools and techniques are developed to work on big data in combination withthe tra­ditional analytical techniques. Big data development in­cludes the development in all the areas of handling big data including data storage, pre-processing, data visualization, data analytics, online transaction processing, online analyt­ical processing, online real time processing, useofbusiness intelligence tools for predicting insights from big data etc [3]. The main characteristics of big data include volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value.[4]. Asingle machine cannot storebig data becauseofitsvolume. The basic con­cept behind big data storage is to have manynodes (com­puters) and store the chunks of big data in them. The nodes are arranged in racks and communicate with each other and the centralized node that controls them. Clouds are also used forbig data storagebutit has itsown challenge of privacy and security. Getting into the depth of storage technology is outside the purview of this article and hence we areleaving the discussion about big data storage at this stage. As our paper mainly aims to discuss the overview of predictive analytics with big data, this section addresses the challenges encountered by the core predictive models discussed in previous section on big data. Extrapolation Extrapolation will be precise only when the knowledge about the underlying covariate information [220] and the actual system is clear [219],[221] which is diffcult to de­termine in big datasets. With big data such as spatial data, existingextrapolation approachesfail due to it‘s time and space constraints. Hence new technological innovative ap­proaches are required to model such big datasets and under­stand them [219]. Extrapolation withkernel methods like gaussian are proved to be good due to their fexibility in choosingthekernel function.Yet, whenit comestodevel­opment ofgaussian models for multidimensional big data, it suffers from computational constraints.Techniques such as recoveringoutofclasskernelsareusedtoovercomethe computational constraint to a certain extent [218]. An an­other problem with the machine learning models including deep learning is that theymerely ft the data and may per­form well for training dataset andeven testing datasetbut fails in extrapolation [221],[222]. This happens as theydo not have proper structural explanations for the correlations theyidentify [222]. [220],[221] recommends the construc­tionofhybrid systems comprisingthe science based model orphysical models along with the predictive models to im­prove the accuracy of extrapolation. But the problem in developinghybrid systems lies in thefact that it requires domain knowledge. Regression Regression is easy and can be understood well when the data is small and can be loaded into memory com­pletely. But big datasets can not be loaded into memory completely. Few parallel techniques and solutions are pro­posed for regression yet they end up in local optima or in accessing the data again and again for updates. The other problem in using parallel techniques is the compu­tational resources incurred [223]. The area in the improve­ment of computational resources is still lacking when com­pared with the amount of big data generated [224]. Regres­sion approaches such as kringing is computationally com­plex especially with big data. Sampling techniques such as leveraging [224] and subdata selection[226] are proposed to reduce the computational complexity. But as discussed in the earlier sections, the inferences on the samples cannot be justifed completely for the whole population as such. Regression is also performed locally by dividing the big dataset into few smaller datasets and then combining the submodels to construct the fnal model [225]. The chal­lenges with these solutions lies in the choice of appropriate method for division, aggregation etc. Decision trees Big data streams are more prone to noise and decision trees are more sensitive to noisy data [227]. The time taken tobuildthe decisiontreeiscomputationallyexpensivewith big data [228]. Preprocessing and sampling the big data in full batches before the construction of decision tree adds to the computational cost [227]. External storage is re­quired to construct decision tree for big data as the com­plete dataset cannot be loaded into memory. Hence tra­dition decision tree design does not suit for the big data. Solutions such as incrementally optimized decision tree al­gorithm [227] is proposed where decision tree isbuilt in­crementally. Parallel techniques [229] are proposed in big data platforms such as spark where the decision tree algo­rithmisexecutedin parallel. Decision tree algorithmis also converted into mapreduce procedures in [228] to reduce the computational time. The computational time of gradient boosted trees is decreased in [230] by eliminating few in-stancesin calculationof informationgainandbundling cer­tain features together.Yet, these solutions come at the cost of choosing the right technique to break the algorithm for parallelexecution,bundling the features etc. KNearest Neighbor The major problem of KNN with big data is it‘s com­putational time as the distance has to be calculated among each instances [231]. This in turn incurs memory require-mentforstorage[232].kmeans clusteringis usedto cluster the big dataset and KNN algorithm is used on each subset to reduce the computational time [231]. But this solution comes with the general limitations ofk means clustering. Memory requirement is handled to a certain extent by big data platforms such as spark so that in time memory com­putation is used effectively [232]. Map reduce approaches [233] are also used to reduce the computational time. Par-allelizationof KNN algorithmis also proposed [234].Yet, all these big data platform solutions come with their own concerns on the nature of partitioning as the accuracy can not be compromised for effciency[235]. Naive Bayes Naive Bayes requires the probability to be calculated for all the attributes. With big datasets, the number of at­tributes is more and hence the time complexity to calculate the probability for all the attributes is high [236]. Another problem with naive bayes is the underfow and overftting problems [237]. The underfow problem is usually han­dled by calculating the sum of log of probabilities rather than multiplying the probabilities whereasoverftting prob­lem is handled using techniques like laplace estimate, M-estimate etc. But with high dimensional big datasets like genomic datasets, these solutions are not effcient [237]. Naive bayes deals only with discrete data. Hence dis­cretization methods are used before applying naive bayes algorithm. In case of big data, existing traditional dis­cretization methods are not effcient and may lead to loss of information [238]. Parallel implementations are pro­posed for naive bayes algorithms yet they come at the cost of hardware requirements [236]. [237] proposes a solu­tion to solve the underfow and overftting problems in big data. The method uses a robust function that works based on average of condition probabilities of all attributes and calculation of dependencyof the attributes on the class at-tribute.Parallelversionsofexisting discretization methods are also proposed to address the challenge of big data [239]. Yet, more research is required in these open issues. Supportvector machines SVM is known for it‘s accurate results yet the compu­tational complexity of SVMis quite high on big datasets [240],[241]. Inspite of this computational complexity, SVM uses certain optimization techniques like grid search method for parameter tuning. These optimization tech­niques are not suited for big datasets [244]. Though certain parameter optimization techniques such as stepwise opti­mization is proposed in [244] for big datasets, more re­search is needed in this area. Solutions such as implement­ing SVM on a quantum computer [240] to reduce it‘s time complexity is proposed. Again, they come at the cost of hardware. Parallel implementation of SVM using mapre-duce technique is proposed [241] yet they may end up in local supportvectors that maybefaraway from the global support vectors. [242] proposes a distributed version of SVM where global support vectors are achieved by retain­ing the frst and second order statistics of the big dataset. Though there are many parallel versions of SVM, only a very few parallel tools are available in open source for par­allel SVM. Moreover,these tools also require proper tuning [243]. Kmeans clustering The major problem ofk means clustering with big data is it‘s computational complexity as the distance calculation and convergence rate incurs more time with increased num­ber of observations and features. But it can be easily paral­lelized using big data platforms [245]. Though paralleliza­tion is easy withk means clustering using techniques like mapreduce, the I/O and communication cost increases due to repeated reading added with the iteration dependence property of k means [246]. Methods like subspace clus­tering and sampling are used to reduce the iteration depen­dencypropertyofkmeans [246].Yet,the choiceof correct sampling method and partitioning technique in case of sub­space clustering adds to the big data challenges. Indeed, the size of the sample data is more than half the original data in most of the methods and hence the computational complexity still persists [248]. Optimization of initial clus­ters using techniques like choosing the data points in high density space [247] are proposed. Though they can avoid outliers, theystill suffer from the same computational com­plexity owing to the distance calculation. Dimensionality reduction techniques are also proposedbut they come with their own drawback that the cluster in projected space may not comply with the clusters in actual space [248]. Hybrid methods are proposed by combining projection techniques with sampling and few other techniques like visual assess­ment of cluster tendency. But the research onhybrid tech­niques are still in it‘s initial state [248]. Hierarchical clustering Hierarchical clustering also suffers from the drawback of computationalcomplexityandinfactit incurs moretime thankmeans clusteringwhenthesizeofthe datasetislarge [252].Techniques such asbuilding clusters using centroids [250] and usage of cluster seeding [252] are proposed to re­duce the computational complexity of hierarchical cluster­ing. Partitioning the sequence space into subspaces using partition tree is also proposed [251] and the clusters are re-fnedinthe subspaces.Fast methodsto computethe closest pairis also proposedto reducethe computational cost.Yet, these methods are very specifc to the particular problem. Moreover, the partitioning techniques and the cluster seed­ing techniques shouldbe chosen wisely.Visual assessment of tendencyare also used to return single linkage partitions on big datasets [249] yet the study of tendencycurves have to be clear. Density based clustering Density based algorithms are better compared to parti­tioning algorithms on big data and data streams because it can handle datasets of arbitrary shapes. It is also not required to specify the number of clusters andit can han­dle noise effectively. But, with the high speed of evolving data streams and high dimensional big data, density based clustering is fnding manychallenges. Though few meth­ods are found to perform better, theystill suffer from open challenges such as too many parameters to set, memory constraints, handling different kinds of data such as cate­gorical , continuous etc [254]. Big data platforms such as hadoop is used for parallelization in density based cluster-ing.Yet, thereisaneedto choosetheshuffing mechanism, partitioning technique and work load balancing effciently [253]. Moreover, density based clustering algorithms such as OPTICS cannot be parallelized as such and either im­provements or new algorithms have to be proposed to han­dle large datasets [255]. Few enhancements are carried out in OPTICS and other density based clustering algorithms to support parallelism.Yet,they arevery specifctotheprob- Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 437 lems theyaddress.Forexample, [256] uses spatio temporal distance and temporal indexing for parallelization which is more specifc to the spatio temporal data and [257] pro­poses a method that is specifc to the electricity data. Neural networks The major challenge that neural networkfaces with big data is the time taken for training phase as large data sets require more training iterations or epochs [260],[261]. As a result, the computing power required becomes high [258] and in turn the energy consumption[260]. Though tech­niques like mapreduce on hadoop platforms are used [259], the mapreduce design has to be an optimized and effcient one. Hardware solutions such as GPU and memrister are proposed [258], yet theysuffer from the major drawback, the costfactor. Optimization algorithms are proposed [259] to optimizethe parametersof neural networks.Yet, thereis a common perspective that using optimization algorithms increases the computational time due to it‘s convergence property though proper optimization decreases the training time of neural networks inspite of improving the accuracy. Very few researches are carried out in this area for big data with neural networks. The other problems with neural net­works on big data include the increase in number of param­eters,lackof proper theoretical guidelineinthestructureof neural networks, insuffcient knowledge as only abstraction is extracted, inherent problem in learning etc[261]. Fuzzy systems Fuzzy systems are of great use in big data due to it‘s ability to handle uncertainty. To cope up with the big data requirements, fuzzy systems are designed that distributes the computing operations using mapreduce technique [61]. But the major problem with mapreduce is the overhead taken to reload the job everytime during it‘s execution. Moreover when there are more number of maps, the imbal­ance problem has to be dealt with carefully. Spark which has in memory operations and resilent distributed databases is more effcient than mapreduce but unfortunately there are no big works that integrate fuzzy systems with spark [263]. Fuzzy systems are also found to be more scalable as theyrepresent the data as information granules [262]. Yet, good granular techniques in combination with fuzzy classi­fcation systems exclusively for big data is required [262]. The fuzzy techniques designed for big data should be tested for realworld problems and more general fuzzy techniques need to be developed rather than the techniques designed to address specifc problems [262]. Deep learning Deep learning is used for big data due to it‘s accuracy and automatic learning of hierarchical data representations [264].Yet, the major problem with deep learningis the re­quirement of high performance systems. There are other areas that need to be explored in deep learning for big data problems. These include transfer learning with deep ar­chitectures, deep online learning that is still in the initial stage of research [264], incremental learning with deep ar­chitectures [265], working with temporal data [266] etc. Indeed, constant memory consumption due to thefact that deeplearningisusually performedonverybigdatathatin­volves millions of parameters and many CPUs is another problem. Hence deep learning requires the use of exces­sivecomputational resources. Moreover,deep learning also faces the challenge of determining the number of optimal parameters, learning good semantic data representations as they are known for representing only the abstract detail etc [265]. Lot of research works is required to address the in-terpretablity problem[266]. Ensemble algorithms The major problem with ensemble algorithms for big data is it‘s computational time [268]. As ensemble tech­niques require the use of different classifers, the computa­tional time theyrequire is generally high and this increases when the data is big. Ensemble techniques are known for their diversity as they use different kinds of classifers and aggregate the results. Though many ensemble tech­niques are developed for static data, there are no big re-searchworks carriedoutin studyingthediversityof ensem­ble techniques on online streaming data. Since the differ­ent classifers used on streaming data already differs in the datatheyuse,a properstudyoftheadvantagesof ensemble techniques on streaming data is required. Proper pruning techniques is also an area to be explored [267]. There are few works where ensemble techniques for big data is par­allelized with mapreduce [268], yet they are not tried on platforms suchasspark that areprovedtobemoreeffcient than mapreduce. 4 Predictive analytics on big data across different domains 4.1 Healthcare Big data is generated by lot of industries and health care is one among them. Huge amount of big data is gener­ated from wearable devices in patients, emergency care units, etc. Structured data such as electronic patient record, health record, unstructured and semi structured data such as scanned images, clinical notes, prescriptions, signals from emergencycare units, health data from social media are few examples of big data generated from health care domain. Predictive analytics on health big data helps in predicting the spread of diseases [8], [9], predicting chances of read­mission in hospitals [10], predicting the diseases at an early stage, [11], [12],clinical decision support system to identify the right treatment for the affected patients, hospital man-agementetc[13].Adetailedoverviewabouttheuseofpre­dictive analytics in health informatics is presented in [14]. The paper discusses about the applications of big data pre­dictive analytics in health informatics, techniques for the same, opportunities and challenges. Research gaps Apart from storage, processing and aggregating differ­ent types of data in health care, identifying the dependen­cies among different data types is still an open challenge G. Nagarajan et al. that requires optimal solution. Another challenge is with data compression methods. Though various methods are available for big data compression like FPGA, lossy image compression, theymight not suit well for medical big data since medical images shouldn‘t lose anyinformation [44]. An another area of improvement is in predicting the spread of diseases earlier. Though there are certain works carried out in this area, few important features were not taken into consideration for prediction.Forexample, though environ­mental attributes are used as input for predicting the spread of disease, certain inputs related to biological and socio-behavioral is excluded in the proposed approach in [8]. Proper dimensionality reduction techniques and feature se­lectionarenot consideredinfewworks. Merelyknowledge of domain experts are used for feature selection in health big data [10]. Clinical decision support systems is another challenge to work with. Though clinical decision support systems are developed, the success rate is very less. The decision support system should be developed considering both the patient’s and physician’s perspectives as patients’ acceptance is very important for these systems. It can be of greater importance for emergency care units. Few chal­lenges to work on include privacy issues, proper training for clinicians, quality of data etc. Such systems help in tak­ing precautionary actions like identifying low risk patients, work on hospital readmission rates etc [60]. Radiation on­cology is another area open to researchers. Building an integrativemodel for radiation oncology to be used as deci­sion support system will be of great help for clinicians [10]. More concentration on genomic analysis is required since the present applications of clinical prediction uses genomic data. Research on functional path analysis of genomic data has to be concentrated upon [44]. Research works on han­dling noise, complexity, heterogeneity,real time, privacyin clinical big data is the need of the hour [14]. 4.2 Education Education feld is another domain generating lot of big data using sensors, mobile devices for applications like learning management system, online assignments, exams, marks, attendance etc. Social media is also widely used by stu­dents and instructors as forums [15]. Predictive analyt­ics in data generated from these devices and institutions help to predict the effectiveness of a course [15], learning method [16],[17], student’s performance [18], [20], institu­tion’s performance [21] etc. Such predictions also help to personalize instructions by customizing the learning expe­rience to each student’s skills and abilities. [19] discusses about big data opportunities and challenges in education feld. [17] and [21] also discusses about the scope of pre­dictive analytics in educational big data. Research gaps Firstly, there are very few works carried out for predic­tive analytics in education feld. There are very few papers in this feld and most of them are review and survey pa­pers. Hence researchers can focus on this feld. The major challenge involved in this feld is social and ethical chal­lenges. Sincethe student‘s and institution‘s individual data are used for prediction purposes, manystudents and insti­tutions might not want their data to be exposed [68]. In the recent days, many institutions allow students to bring their own devices for language learning. Hence massive amounts of data is generated and scalability is an important area to concentrate in future [19]. Another area to work on is in integrating data from different sources. Student data areavailablein multiple sourceslike social media, schools, district offces, universities etc. Few are structured and few unstructured. A more focus on this area can help predic­tion. 4.3 Supply chain management Predictive analytics helps in supply chain management. Accenture is a companythat has implemented big data so­lutions for prediction in supply chain management [22]. Prediction in supply chain management helps to improve customer relationships by regular interactions with them thereby helping in understanding their satisfaction level, product recommendations [22], predicting supplier rela­tionships [23], reduce the customer waiting times [24], im­prove the production based on demand [25], [26], manage the inventory effectively [27] and reduce risks in the pro­cess of supply chain [28].[29] discusses about the advan­tages of predictive big data analytics in this domain. Prod­uct development is another area where big data solutions can help the process. Research gaps Though there is more scope for prediction in supply chain management, very few industries have implemented it. Probably because of the hesitation to invest and the lack of skillset. Models which can reduce cost can be proposed for supply chain management processes. Hiring data scien­tists with domain knowledge helps the industries to move towards big data solutions for effcient supply chain man­agement [22]. Though some of the companies use analytics in supply chain management, most of them are ad-hoc and situation specifc. Predictive analysis on other areas like improvement in demand driven operations, better customer supplier relationships, optimization of inventory etc can be more concentrated upon [22], [27]. Generalized models for prediction in supply chain industry can be more focussed on. Though [23] proposed a model based on deduction graph, it is not tested on variety of product designs. Pri­vacyof data is not considered. The approach also uses lot of mathematical techniques. Hence approaches using sim­ple techniques can be developed. More solutions for sup­ply chain management considering both strategy and oper­ations has to be focussed upon [26]. Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 439 4.4 Product development and marketing industry [30] presents a white paper about the scope of predictive analytics for product development process. Marketing is a part of almost all the sectors and prediction in market­ing hasgained more importance because of its direct im­pactinbusinessand income. Predictionsusingbigdataso­lutions for marketing helps to acquire customers, develop customers and retain customers. Prediction in product de­velopment and marketing industry helps to validate the de­sign of the product, predict the demand and supply thereby increasing the sales and improving the customer experi­ence. Research gaps Thereisno single technologyavailableto addressallthe big data requirements. Big data solutions have to be in­tegrated with other approaches and techniques to support predictive analytics. Researchers can concentrate to work on a single technology that can address all the require­ments [30]. Also, different processes have to use different techniques and approaches specifcally designed for them. For example,semiconductor manufacturing process should consider the spatial, temporal and hierarchical properties in manufacturing process as the existing algorithms doesn‘t suit well for them. Specifc solutions can be proposed for different product development industries [55]. More work on implementing the machine learning algorithms in differ­ent areas of marketing and integrating them together can be a scope of work for researchers [45]. 4.5 Transportation ‘Smart city’ is a diction that is of common talk in today‘s world. A smart city uses the information collected from sensors operating over the cities to help in the administra­tion of the cities. Manyresearch works are carried out in this area. Intelligent transportation systems is required for building smart city. Sensors generate lot of information that require big data solutions for processing and predic­tion. Predictive analytics using big data solutions for trans­portation has lot of applications like predicting the traffc and controlling it effciently [31], [32], [33],predicting the travel demand and making effective use of the infrastruc­ture thereby reducing the waiting time of the passengers [34], [35], automatic controloftraffc signals [36] and pre­dicting the transport mode of a person [37]. Research gaps With the advent of many devices, lot of information is generated in the feld of transportation from various sources. New tools to integrate data from sensors and latest devices to traditional data sources is required. Researchers can focus on developing such tools [34]. The capability of the real time traffc data collection service should be im­proved since video and image data are all collected [36]. Proper methods to handle correlations among data and un­certainty in data is also required in this feld since the data generated is temporal and spatial in nature for transporta­tion. Readings from sensors are also uncertain [34]. An­other area to concentrate is on using other deep learning approaches to predict traffc fow for better performance. The prediction layer used in [33] is just logistic regression. More powerful predictors can improve performance. Data fusion for social transportation data is still in a preliminary stage. GPS from taxi driver only give information about origin and destination but not on travel demand. Mobile data are used for travel demand but can‘t estimate travel time on roads. Hence a proper fusion approach has to be used to integrate data from several sources.Web based agent technology for transportation management and con-trolisa research direction[35]. Software robotsto monitor the state of drivers, check the condition of cars, evaluate safety environment is a research in progress [35]. There is more scope in predicting the transport mode of a per­son. [37] used only sensor information for classifcation whereas future work can concentrate on integrating infor­mation from cloud too. Advanced techniques to remove noise and outliers can be worked upon. 4.6 Other domain areas Agriculture can be benefted using predictive analytics. Now-a-days sensors andUAVs fnds its use in agriculture. Sensors are used to fnd the effectiveness of certain type of seed and fertilizer in different places of thefarmland. Big data solutions are used to store and analyze this informa­tion to improve the operations in agriculture. Additional information like predicting the effect of certain diseases on crops helps to take precautionary measures. Farmers do predictive analytics in agricultural big data to lower costs and increase yields. The use of different fertilizers, pesti­cides is used to predict the environmental effects [38], [39]. Big data prediction fnds its application in banking. Analy­sis in browsing data helps to acquire customers. Defaulters are predicted by mining Facebook data. Banks use sen­timent analysis to analyze the customer needs and prefer­ences and motivate them tobuy more products thereby re­ducing the customer churn. Facebook interactions, tweets, customer bank visits, logs, website interactions are used as sources for sentiment analysis. A360 degree view of cus­tomer interactions is analyzed to prevent churning of cus­tomers. Certain features like account balance, time since last transaction all helps banks to frame rules and identify the customers who are about to churn. Big data prediction helps to identify hidden customer patterns. Large sample of outliers are analyzed to predict fraud detection in banks [40]. There are also few works carried out for prediction in library big data. Libraries work with online journals and resources which are again voluminous. Predictive analyt­ics is used in library big data for useful extractions related to learning analytics, research performance analytics etc. The user search behavior, log behavior are all analyzed to extract useful information. An other industry where pre­dictive analytics fnds its importance is telecommunication G. Nagarajan et al. industry. Lot of applications today like Whatsapp uses dif­ferent kinds of data that include structured, unstructured and semi structured. Predictive analytics in telecommuni­cation industry focusses mainly on customer satisfaction [41]. Predictive analytics in big data helps business too. Big data analytics platforms of different providers help in personalization. The extent to which theysupport person­alization differs in different platforms. Manybig data plat­forms like KNIME, IBMWatson analytics are all fnding its use in personalization [42]. Prediction in big data is used extensively in robotics feld also. Robots communi­cate with manyother systems. Sharing of information be­tween robots and smart environments, comparing the in­formation the robot has with other systems improves the robot intelligence [43]. Movie industry uses big data solu­tions for predicting the success using social media. Enor­mousdatagets accumulatedinsocialmedialikeWikipedia, Facebook andTwitter. Self-aware machines are fnding its way in industries with the help of big data and cloud com­puting techniques. These machines are capable of moni­toring their health condition on their own and take smart decisions on their maintenance. 5 Comprehensive challenges Big data has its own challenges in terms of storage, pro­cessing, analytics etc. We restrict this paper to address the overall challenges involved in predictive analytics on big data and to throw light on few techniques used and state of the art work done in handling these challenges. The over­all challenges are categorized under six headings shown in fgure 3. Figure 3: Comprehensive challenges of Predictive analyt­ics on big data -taxonomy 5.1 Real-time data Handling real time data is one among the major challenges in predictive analytics on big data. Few predictions such as predicting the early outbreak of the disease to take care of public health [9], real time recommendation system for marketing requires real time data from social sites to be collected. Firstly, Latencyis one of the main parameter to be taken careof whenworking with such data. Secondly,techniques to handle interactivequeries is important during predictions with these data. Thirdly, predictive algorithms should be integrated with solutions handling real time data for effec­tive prediction. Some big data solutions and machine learning algo­rithms are used in handling the above challenges with real time data. [44] states that spark and storm helps in collect­ing the data without latency. Hadoop platform are used to carry out Extract, transform, load(ETL) operations. Hbase, HiveQL are used to work on interactive queries. Open source software applications likeCassandra, MongoDB are used to achieve scalabilityand performance. Apache Ma­hout Machine learning library is used to run predictive al­gorithms on top of Hadoop [30]. Yet these techniques are generalized and their performance differs depending on the nature of the data. [72] proposes a task level adap­tive mapreduce framework for real time streaming data in health care applications. The scaling capability is designed at task level that improves scalability in real time streaming data from sensors. It is proved to cope up with the velocity of the streaming data. But this approachwas tested only on health care applications. Fewtraditional data miningalgorithms are also proposed for real time data. [44] states that algorithms such as Naive bayes can be used for sentiment analytics to extract the words from the twitter or other sites. Logistic regression, nearest neighbours are used for customer segmentation and to predict the probability that the customer will click the advertisement. [73] uses naive bayes toextract information from tweets texts. [4] proposes the use of Extreme learn­ing machine to enhance the speed for processing real time data. [30] uses random forests and bayesian techniques to predict the crash and congestion in real time traffc moni­toring. Yet, when the velocity at which the real time data enters increases, the performance of these traditional data mining algorithms deteriorate. Mobile computing techniques and cloud infrastructure are used with big data platforms and data mining algo­rithms to handle real time data. [46] proposes a monitor­ing platform Context-Aware platform using integrated mo­bile services(CAPIM) to make the life of smart city eas­ier. CAPIM collects the general traffc information, stores in the mobile device and uploads when the wi-f is avail­able. Drivers are provided feedback about the traffc in­formation that helps to take decisions. More visualization output is presentedto the users using google maps and the services in turn send data about his locality on his social ac­counts like twitter etc. [31] proposes the use of techniques like Hadoop, Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) and HBase to store the traffc related information. This pa­per proposes Real time traffc information(RTTI) system for collecting and integrating information from various sources. Massive traffc data sets are utilized transparently with the aid of cloud infrastructure. Cloud and big data is integrated in traffc fowalgorithms. The usage of cloud for massive storage and the use of mapreduce techniques and Hadoop HDFS improves the performance of data mining Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 441 algorithms in predictions with real time traffc fow infor­mation. Cloud services likeWatson analytics is also used to analyze real time data from social media. Yet there are not manyplatforms that integrates cloud services, big data solutions and mobile computing. There is a need for data fusion approaches. Few other related works for real time data include [4] that uses Representative streaming processing systems for processing real time streaming data and [46] that usesVery Fast DecisionTree (VFDT) algorithm andIBM Infosphere streams to analyze the real time streaming population data to predict the spread of cardio respiratory spells. [48] also proposes a multi-dimensional fusion technique that works on Hadoop platform with both real time and offine data. This model suits well for satellite applications where real time data is captured and forwarded to the ground sta­tion for refning and prediction. Energy effcient memrister based neural network is used for big data analytics. GPUs are used instead of CPUs to improve the speed up. Recur­rent neural networks are used since theyprove to be effec­tive for non-linear sequential processing tasks like speech recognition, natural language processing, video indexing etc. [69] uses convolutional neural networks with GPU ca­pabilities to detect real time objects. [70] combines real time measurements from real time databases with static data and uses simple extrapolation technique for predic­tionin substation automation. [71] proposesa compression technique for real time analog signals. It can handle the big data in real time instruments and optical communications. 5.2 Data integration This section discusses about the challenges involved in in­tegrating data of different types for prediction. Heteroge-nous data is one of the main characteristics of big data. Few predictive works require data from different sources to be integrated with the existing data. For example, pre­dictions in educational sector collects data from multiple sources like social media, schools, district offces, univer­sities etc. Few are structured and few are unstructured. [20] proposes a model that integrates information from so­cial media and predicts student involvement and success. Since social media is used by students to share their ideas, feedbacks about courses, sentiment analysis can be used to solve problems by analyzing the most common feedbacks, ideas etc [16]. Healthcare sector also requires integration of information from different sources. [49] uses unstruc­tured data from Google Flu trends to predict the spread of infuenza by predicting the region that are most likely to be affected. Past data is combined with real time data for prediction. [11] proposesapredictivemodelto predictSys­temic Lupus Erythematosus, a disease that affects multiple organs by integrating structured data like electronic health records, unstructured and semi structured data like imaging and scan tests(MRI, CT,Ultrasound scan, X-ray), complete bloodcount, urinalysis.[8]developsaspatialdatamodelto predict infuenza epidemic inVellore, India. Large repos­itories of data are collected. The developed spatial model is dependent on geographically weighted regression tech­nique. It involves bringing together several data sources like surveillance systems, sentinel data etc to predict the spread of epidemics. Movie industry uses big data solu­tions for predicting the success using social media. Enor­mousdatagets accumulatedinsocialmedialikeWikipedia, Facebook andTwitter. [50] proposedapredictivemodel for predicting the movie boxoffce successinWikipedia. The major issue with heterogeneous data is that since theymay not exactly be the same, there are possible chances that the machine learning results may be affected. Big data platforms with simulation help to bring together data from different sources and predict the hidden pat­terns in them. [10] develops a predictive model using Ma­hout’s machine library that works on top of Hadoop with Mapreduce technology to fnd out the chances of readmis­sion after discharge of persons with heartfailure. Data is collected from various sources and integrated using ma­hout. Mahout machine library is used for prediction that runs mapreduce jobs on Hadoop. The model uses HiveQL for distributed query. Data extraction and integration is done using Hadoop, Hive and Cassandra. Random for­est and logistic regression is used in predicting the read­missions. Big data solutions gave good results in terms of time effciency and scalability. [23] proposes a model for prediction in supply chain management process that uses deduction graph model to visually link competent sets from manydata sources both structured and unstructured. Customer preferences and new product ideas are predicted through social media using recent shopping history. Cus­tomer response time is improved. Big data solutions such as Apache Mahout is used for machine learning, tableau is used for visualization, Ionosphere for data mining etc. In­frastructure proposedbycombining deduction graph model with data mining, proves to provide better results in sup­ply chain management with respect to usability, feasibil­ity etc. [51] proposes the use Mapreduce technology in distributed data management and scheduling for heteroge-nous environment. The paper proposes a system for so­cial transportation. Statistical approaches, data mining al­gorithms and visualization analytics are used according to the type of data. It is implemented in hadoop platformbut used with other frameworks also like cascading, sailfsh, Disco, Skynet, Filemap, Themis etc. High level languages like PigLatin, HiveQL are used for the technology. Hence, veryfewtoolsand techniquesareavailabletointegratedata from different sources and the advent of devices like sen­sors and RFIDs kindles the requirement for new tools and techniques. Oncology can help integration easier in healthcare sec­tor. Radiation oncology ontologyisakeycomponent used in data collecting system for better interpretability. Radi­ation oncology requires aggregation of input from many origins like scans, images and EHR of patients. [52] car­ried out a survey that explains about the state of art and future prospects of using machine learning algorithms and G. Nagarajan et al. big data in radiation oncology. [9] states thatbuilding an integrativemodel for radiation oncology to be used as deci­sion support system will be of great help for clinicians. But the research works in oncology is in its very initial stage. Data warehousing is another concept in which data are integrated from heterogeneous sources. Few examples in­clude [275] that proposes a dimensional warehouse for in­tegrating data from clinical trials, [276] that proposes an architecture for a data warehouse model to integrate health data from different sources etc. The major drawback with data warehousing with big data is that technologies like hadoop, mapreduce etc. has to be integrated with the data warehouse to support the big data requirements. Moreover the ETL operations have to be designed in the architecture to suit big data requirements. There is also no standard architectural framework to design data warehouse for big data and hence the existing architectures designed to suit particular problems lacks fexibility [277]. Concepts such as data lakes are also of use as they are non relational ap­proaches to integrate different types of data from heteroge­neous resources. Theypostpone data mapping until query time. But, the query and reporting capabilities of data lakes are still emerging. They are not as powerful as SQL on re­lational databases [275]. Few research works such as [278] are proposed that manages the metadata effectively in data lakes to address the big data requirements. Few related works on data integration for big data in­cludes [74] for their work on a new resource ’Diseases’ that aims to fnd the associations between genes and dis­eases by integrating automated text mining with existing datasets, [75] for their data integration method ’Optique’ based on ontology that integrates streaming and static data as an abstraction layer, [76] for their work on API centric linked data integration that discusses about the use of API to extend the classical linked data application architecture tofacilitatedataintegration,[78]for theirworkto propose a new approach for integration based on semantics. This approach converts the data sources in different formats to nested relational models initially and then imports only a subset of large datasets tobuild the model thereby coping up with the data size problem. A review of data integra­tion in life sciences along with its challenges are discussed in [77]. [79] proposes the use of fused lasso approach in regression coeffcients to learn heterogeneity when com­bining data from heterogeneous sources. 5.3 Data complexity Large complexdatasets such as genomic datasets haveto be dealt in few predictive tasks. Such complex datasets make the predictive task diffcult. Firstly, storage and processing of such complexdata becomesaproblem. Secondly,under­standing such complexdatatobuild predictivemodels need to be taken care of. Thirdly, either enhancements in exist­ing data mining algorithms or new data mining algorithms have to be proposed to handle such complex datasets. [44] states that storage techniques like HDFS, apache Hadoop helps in storing and processing the big data effec­tively. Using distributed platform like mapreduce prevents the over utilization of the resources. Adetailed surveyon map reduce technology is discussed in [6]. Cloud platforms also help in handling complex data. Cloud platforms in health care like “PCS-on-demand”are found to be effective in storing and sharing of healthcare information with its cloud infrastructure. Mapreduce is used to parallelize the processing. Mahout library is used for machine learning algorithm to process the images, signals and genomic data. MongoDB is used for storage because of its high avail­ability, performance and easy scalability [45]. [25] pro-posesthe useof Microsoft Azure,a cloud platformfor data storage in inventory management for supply chain process. Data sources for inventory management are internal like RFID, sensors etc. Theygenerate lot of data and big data solutions help in processing them effciently. NoSQL is used for data access. Batch analytics is done using Apache Hadoop. [32] proposesamodel that sends driving guidance tovehicles with cloud computing technique incorporatedto big data. Big data solutions [53] are used for spatial data analytics and Cloud solutions in big data platforms are used for predictive analytics in tactical big data [54]. Visualization analytics and clustering helps in under­standing complex datasets. [12] develops a predictive model for diabetic data analysis in big data. Association rule mining is used to fnd association between the labo­ratory results and diabetes type of the patient. Clustering of similar patterns and classifcation of health risk value by patients health condition is done and predefned deduc­tive rules are derived to predict the diabetes. The predic­tive model uses Hadoop/mapreduce environment for paral­lel processing. Visualization also helps in predicting hid­den insights from the data. [13] proposes a model for hospital management. The temporal information helps to understand the clinical activities. Proper visualization and clustering of this temporal data helps to understand the ab­normalities. [55] proposes an optimization framework for wafer quality prediction in semiconductor manufacturing process that uses clustering to identify similar behavior pat-ternover time for chambers. [56] presentsasurveyon clus­tering time series data. Abnormality can also be discovered thereby helping quality control andfault diagnostics. But since time series clustering is mostly for unstructured data, a co-clustering pattern is formulated for this problem with constraints to match the tools and the chambers. Visual­izing the data effectively helps in prediction. Aggregation and multi-dimensional analysis is also used in big data to extract knowledge from them. AsterixDB, DGFIndex are used that helps in aggregation and multi-dimensional anal­ysis for big data [57]. Yet, new frameworks for visualiza­tion techniques and multi-dimensional analysis need to be developed exclusively for big data. Fewdata mining algorithms are used in complexdatasets such as genomic data and signals. [47] uses Nearest Cen­troid Based Classifer (NCBC) to predict clinical outcome relatedto cancer using geneexpression data.[58] uses Mul- Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 443 tipartiate graph for prediction in genomics big data. Deep learning also helps in handling complex data. Lot of re­search works are carried out in clinical image processing with deep learning. [33] uses deep learning for predicting traffc fow. Astacked autoencoder model trained greedily learns traffc fow features. It uses spatial and temporal cor­relations.The medical data including cardiac MRI involves signal processing. There are manystatistical learning tools for signal processing. [59] uses signal processing tech­niques such askernel based interpolators and timely ma­trix decompositionsforbig data.Yet, more researchworks are required for signal processing with big data and on ge­nomic data analysis. Few related works to handle complex data include [80] for theirwork on anytime density based clustering for com­plex data to improve scalability, [81] for their work on interactive data visualization to understand complex data, [83]for theirworkto proposeaPairwise weighted ensem­ble clustering algorithm to cluster complex data for bet­ter understanding, [82] for their work to address scalability problem in complex data by proposing two suboptimal al­gorithms to address casting complex problem of L1 Norm principal component analysis, [84] for their work to de­velop complexheatmap package that helps in visualizing and revealing the patterns in high dimensional genomic data. 5.4 Data quality Low quality data is another challenge in predictive analyt­ics. The source data in some applications like from emer­gency care, sensors may be of poor quality. Predictive analytics techniques on such low quality data need some sophisticated techniques to be applied on the existing al­gorithms. Low quality data may also be due to the fact that some predictive works fail to consider important at­tributes required for prediction. For example, [8] predicts the spread of the disease using environmental attributes butfail to consider the biological and socio-behavioral at­tributes. Data may also be incomplete and inconsistent in certain cases. Generally techniques like Mathematical or logical re­gression might work for low quality data [60]. [4] states that advanced deep learning methods, statistical learning theory of sparse matrix are used to overcome the challenge of incomplete and inconsistent data.Techniques likeWat-son analytics are used to overcome the challenge of low value density data. More works on identifying proper cor­relations among inconsistent data is required. Proper dimensionality reduction techniques and feature selection also help to improve the data quality. [9] states that merely knowledge of domain experts are used for fea­ture selection in most of the predictive works. The nature of data differs depending on the application. For example,semiconductor manufacturing process should consider the spatial, temporal and hierarchical properties in manufacturing process as the existing algorithms doesn‘t suit well for them. Specifc solutions can be proposed for different domains depending on the nature of the data [54]. Few relatedworkson predictive analyticswithlowqual­ity data include [85] that proposes an extension to likeli­hood method to handle low quality data, [86] to propose a methodthatusesdataminingtaskssuchas clusteringtoex-tract patterns from noisy data in market segmentation, [87] to propose a new algorithm based on C4.5 decision tree that uses imprecise probabilities in classifying noisy data, [88] that proposes a new algorithm for extreme machine learningtoworkeffcientlyinthe presenceof outliers. [89] proposes a hybrid feature selection scheme to reduce the performance deterioration caused by outliers in predictive analytics. 5.5 Computing speed Computing speed is one of the important challenges to be handled during predictions on big data. Most of the wear-abledevices consume morepower andthe algorithms used on them are computationally intensive. Computing speed of predictive algorithms on big data alsoincreases due to its volume. Parallel computing techniques help to overcome the challenge with respecttovolumeand computing speed.[4] proposes the use of alternating direction method of mul­tipliers to overcome the challenge with respect to volume since it acts as a platform for distributed frameworks with parallel computing. Mapreduce is used to work parallel on the chunks of the big data. [63] proposes a data mining al­gorithmKNearest neighbor based on Spark(KNN-IS) for classifcation in big data. The algorithm uses Mapreduce technology for parallel processing of the training data set. Though Hadoopworks well with mapreduce,ithasitsown limitations like latency which is overcome by spark’s in-memory computations. Map reduce is used on spark for KNN to yield better results in terms of time and accuracy. Resilient distributed databases are used on spark platform. Sometimes medium quality predictions with low latency perform better than high quality predictions with more la­tency. [90] proposes parallel random forest algorithm in spark cloud computing platform to improve the computa­tionaleffciencyofbig data analytics.Aparallelversionof deep neural network training is proposed in [91]. Feature selection techniques like Representation learn­ing, deep learning and dimensionality reduction are also used to reduce the computing speed since the unnecessary features are eradicated. Yet, the computational complex­ity of certain feature selection techniques like wrapper ap­proaches is high and researchers are working on it. [92] proposes a hierarchical attribute reduction algorithm using mapreducein which attribute reduction processisexecuted in parallel. [93] proposesfast minimum redundancy max­imum relevance algorithm for feature selection in high di­mensional data. Fuzzy techniques aid in reducing the processing time. Researchers worked towards reducing the time for pro- G. Nagarajan et al. cessing using fuzzy rules on data with lot of input fea­tures. An algorithm named Chi-Fuzzy rule based clas­sifcation systems(Chi-FRBCS) is proposed. It works on Mapreduce framework and uses linguistic fuzzy rules.Two versions of Chi-FRBCA algorithms are proposed -Chi-FRBCS BigData-Max and Chi-FRBCS BigData-Ave. Ex­periments are conducted on six different big data problems set and Chi-FRBCS is proved to be effective in terms of processing time and accuracy [61]. [62] proposed a big data algorithm called FMM based on fuzzy rules for sen­timent analysis in social media. A parallelized algorithm FMM with mapreduce is also used and that proves to be effective in terms of accuracycompared to the other tech­niques. The algorithm is made to work on twitter data and is observed that the execution time is much lesser for big data. [64] states that the hardware solution is effectivein terms of energy savings, power effciency. Scientifc applications use multi-dimensionaldata sets. Processinghastobefaster compared with other applications because of the velocity at whichit arrives.Forexample, predicting climate change requires fast processing. [65] proposes the use of an I/O in-memory server for scientifc big data analytics applica­tions. [37] proposes SVM polynomial degree3kernel to reduce the computational complexity and memory require­ment during classifcation. This model detects the transport mode of a person whether he or she is walking, jogging or going in bike. Hardware changes are also done by using virtual gyroscope, accelerometer and few other hardware devices to ensure that low power consuming devices are used. The memory consumedby the algorithmis less. 5.6 Class imbalance Class imbalance is another problem in certain predictive works. Techniques like oversampling and undersampling are used in class imbalance problems. Some machine learning algorithms are effective in solv­ing class imbalance problems. [66] proposes an algorithm ROSEFW-RF for contact map prediction. It is a classifca­tion task related to protein structure where there are very few positive samples available. This algorithm is based onkey-value pairs and uses mapreduce approachfor dis­tributed processing. Predictive model is constructed using random forest. The class distribution is balanced through random oversampling. Irrelevant features are removed through feature weighing. Oversampling is found to be more robust than undersampling and cost sensitive learning when number of maps is increased in mapreduce technique. The test data is classifed. Experiments are conducted in bioinformaticsdataandROSEFW-RF algorithmisthewin­ner algorithm for imbalance big data classifcation prob­lem. [67] proposes Random forest with Mapreduce for prediction on imbalanced big data. Five different ver­sions of random forest algorithms are used in imbalanced big data classifcation with Mapreduce approach. -RF -BigData, RF-BigDataCS, ROS+RF-BigData, RUS+RF­BigData, SMOTE+RF-BigData. Random forest techniques isfoundtoworkwellfor imbalancedbigdata classifcation. Few other related works on class imbalance problem in­clude [94] that proposes an ensemble method to handle both online learning and imbalance learning using over­sampling and undersampling bagging techniques, [95] that proposes a diversity based oversampling approach to cre­ate new instances for minority class, [96] that proposes a new ensemble method ’hardensemble’ to handle class im­balance, [97] that uses extreme learning machine to handle class imbalance problem both at feature and algorithmic levels. Class imbalance problem is another area that require re­searcher’s attention.Amixed strategyofoversamplingand undersampling can be tried to boost performance [66]. 5.7 Other challenges Few other challenges include privacyissues, lack of proper trainingtothe domainexperts, socialand ethical challenges etc. For example, the decision support system in health­care should be developed considering both the patient’sand physician’s perspectivesas patients’ acceptanceisveryim­portant for these systems. It can be of greater importance for emergency care units. Privacy issues, proper training for clinicians, quality of data are all few issues to be con­sidered in this case [60]. In education sector, since the student‘s and institution‘s individual data are used for pre­diction purposes, manystudents and institutions might not want their data to be exposed [68]. Hiring data scientists with domain knowledge helps the industries to move to­wards big data solutions for effcient supply chain manage­ment [22]. 6 Potential research directions From the abovediscussions on predictiveanalytics with big data, it has been observed that this feld is readily open for researchers. The potential research directions are summa­rized. 6.1 Data management – Since real time data includes the collection of lot of video and image data inthe present scenario, there is aneed to improve the real time data collection service. Researchers can work on the same. – Developing framework fusion approaches to integrate big data solutions, cloud computing techniques and mobile computing techniques is another area for re-searchas thereisno single technologyavailabletoad-dress all the big data requirements. Researchers can concentrate to work on a single technology that can address all the requirements to support predictive an­alytics. Informatica 43 (2019) 425–459 445 – With the advent of manydevices, lot of information is generated in different domains from various sources. New tools to integrate data from latest devices to ex­isting data sources is required. Researchers can focus on developing such tools. – Data partitioning methods, indexing and multidimen­sional analysis on big data are few other topics for re­searchers. – Scalability is an important area to concentrate in fu­ture as massive amounts of data is generated. 6.2 Algorithms and solutions – Enhancements in traditional data mining algorithms to handle and analyze real time data or developing new algorithms for the same is another promising research area available for researchers. – Identifying the dependencies and semantic features among heterogeneous data types is still an open chal­lenge requiringfavorable solutions due to the biased view of data distribution. – New visualizationtechniques and frameworks can be developed for effectiveinterpretation of complexdata. – Genomic data analytics is in its initial stage. Works such as functional path analysis on genomic data is an area open for researchers. – Data compression methods is also a challenge. Big data compression methods like FPGA, lossy image compression, might not suit well for certain types of big data like medical images as they shouldn‘t lose anyinformation. Hence there is a need for new data compression methodsexclusivelyfor specifcbig data types. – Oncology, semantic web are all areas to be concen­trated in machine learning for big data. – Establishing correlations among uncertain data, tem­poral and spatial data is another area to work on for researchers. – Overftting still remains as an open issue and re­searchers can focus on developing better solutions without much compromise on accuracyand cost. – Using ensemble techniques in mapreduce platform is another area that can be concentrated on to improve accuracy – Specifc solutions can be proposed for different do­mains depending on the nature of the data. – Class imbalance problem is another area that require researcher’s attention. Amixed strategy of oversam­pling and undersampling can be tried to boost perfor­mance 7 Conclusion The paper provides an overview of core predictive models and their challengesonbig data.We discussedthe scopeof predictive analytics on big data generated across different domains and few researchgaps are identifed. Though the mathematical approaches may not suit well for big data, we found that the data mining approaches and machine learn­ing techniques used for prediction have their base from the mathematical approaches. The choice of predictive model depends on the nature of application and data in hand. Fi­nally we presented comprehensive challenges of predictive analytics on big data and state of the art techniques used to address the challenges. Based on our discussion, we also presented a separate section on future directions for research. 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This paper addresses a real-life application of the collabora­tion distance.It concerns somewhat unusual clustering; namely clusteringin whichtheaverage distancesin each clusterneedtobe maximised.Webriefy considerapairof clusteringsinwhichtwo cluster partitions are uniform and orthogonal in the sense that in each partition all clusters are of the same size and that no pair of elements belongs to the same cluster in both partitions. We consider different objective functions when calculating the scoreof the pairof orthogonal partitions. In this paper theWiener index(a graph invariant, known in chemical graph theory) is used. The main application of our work is an algorithm for scheduling a series of parallel talks at a major conference. Povzetek: Nekatere bibligrafske zbirke podatkov nudijo orodje, ki za poljubna raziskovalca poišˇce njuno ˇ razdaljo sodelovanja, oz. razdaljo soavtorstva. Clanek obravnavakonkretno uporabo razdalje sodelovanja. Pri tem gre za nekoliko nenavadno razvršˇ canje podatkov, pri katerem morajo biti razdalje med elementi skupineˇcje. Na kratko obravnavamo par uniformnih razvršˇ cimveˇcanj,pri kateremima vsaka skupinaprve komponentezvsakoskupinodrugekomponentenatankoenskupenelement. Omenimorazliˇ cne kriterijske funkcije za izraˇcanj.Vpraksi uporabimoWienerjev indeks,kiga dobro poznamov cun vrednosti razvršˇ kemijski teoriji grafov. Glavna uporaba našega dela je algoritem za razporejanje serije vzporednih preda­ vanj na veˇcjikonferenci. 1 Introduction In this paper we address the use of collaboration distance in solving several practical problems. In particular we ap­plyitto scheduling conference talksin parallel.Aproblem facing organizers of large conferences where several talks are scheduled in parallel is to avoid simultaneous talks of speakers that may interest the same person, or at least to minimize the number of attendees who have to choose be­tween two interesting talks. Another, somehow comple­mentary task is to schedule similar talks in the same ses­sion, preferably in the same lecture room and next to each other. So the main question is, what function one has to take to measure similarity between two speakers. In this paper we will use an objective approach to these ends and simply employthe collaboration distance, information that is readily available in some bibliographic databases. 2 Collaboration graph and collaboration distance 2.1 Collaboration graph Let V bea listof researchers. Thislist maybe obtainedin any manner, but it makes sense to base it on (preferably authority controlled) lists of authors from bibliographic databases. We say that u, v . V are adjacent: u ~ v, if u and v collaborate. Usually, by collaboration we mean that they have written a joint publication in the past. In this sense we consider collaboration to be the same thing as co-autorship. Since ~ is a binary irrefexive, symmetric relation it defnes a simple graph G =(V, ~) that we call the collaboration graph1. Clearly, one has to specify the data set from which relation ~ can be deduced. Hence G depends on the choice of such a data set. 1Here we presentthe basic model that suffces for our purposes. Note that some studies use refexive relation signifying that each author collab­orates with himself or herself. Also, the graph may be weighted where the weights on the edges represent the number of joint papers between the two authors. 2.2 Collaboration distance Anyconnected graph G gives rise to a metric space where the distance d(u, v) between two vertices u, v . V is de­fned as the length of the shortest path in G between u and v. If G is disconnected, each of its connected components is a metric space and we let d(u, v)= . for vertices in different connected components.Fora collaboration graph G the expression d(u, v) is called a collaboration distance between authors u and v. For basics in graph theory, the reader is referred to [6]; for metric spaces, see [7]. 2.3 Data sets It seems the frst idea of collaboration graph and collab­oration distance appeared as entertainment among mathe­maticians when measuring how close their research is from the prolifc mathematician Pál Erd˝The corresponding os. collaboration distance is called the Erd˝os number, and was frst formally introduced forty years ago [10]. Scientifc in­vestigation of Erd˝ os collaboration graph began in 2000 [5]. Soon it became clear that the same data set can be used for computation of collaboration distance between anytwo individuals, not only the distance from one particular sub­ject. One can easily defne other collaboration graphs, e.g. among movie actors. There is an edge between two actors if and only iftheyhave appeared in the same movie. Col­laboration graphs became important in social sciences as prominent examples of social networks. Large social net­works exhibit characteristic features of random networks. Modern theory of random networks was born in 1999 [1] when the modelwas proposed whichexplainsvery well the nature of social networks such as collaboration graphs. Nowadays, two large bibliographic databases covering research in mathematics exist: MathSciNet that is run by the American Mathematical Society and ZbMath, run by the European Mathematical Society via Springer. Both cover most important publications in mathematics, statis­tics and theoretical computer science. Each of them con­tains a tool for calculating the collaboration distance be­tween two authors. In our application the collaboration dis­tances between speakers were taken from ZbMath. Unfortunately, other important bibliographic databases such as Web of Science, SCOPUS or Google Scholar, do not provide free tools for computing collaboration dis­tance. Slovenia has an excellent research information sys­tem SICRIS/COBISS that covers the work of over 15,000 Slovenian scientists. Although it has been analysed with respect to collaboration distance, only summary results in formof scientifcpapersareavailable,seee.g.[2,3,9,11]. We strongly believe that a collaboration graph and the corresponding collaboration distance function based on SICRIS should be made available on-line. J. Pisanski et al. 3 Selecting optimal orthogonal partitions Here we present an application of collaboration distance to a sample of individuals. 3.1 Scheduling talks in parallel Let V be a set of speakers at a scientifc conference. As­sume each speaker delivers a single talk and that all talks are to be scheduled in parallel in m lecture rooms. Let n = |V |. To simplify our task we assume that there are t equal time-slots available and that n = tm.2 Our task is to partition the set of speakers into t groups U1,U2,...,Ut such that each group Ui contains m speakers that will speak at the same time. At the same time we want to partition the speakers into m groups L!,L2,...Lm., assigning each group to a lecture room. In other words we are restricting our search to the pair of uniform partitions. Group L1 . . . Lm. U1 v11 . . . v1m U2 v21 . . . v2m . . . .. . . . . . . . Ut vt1 . . . vtm Table 1: Partitioning the set of speakers intot clusters Ui, representing time slots and an orthogonal partitioning into m clusters Lj , representing lecture rooms. We would like to choose a partition in which the re­searchers in each part U work on different topics. Agood measure may be collaboration distance.3 If two researchers have a paper in common theyshould probably be in differ­ent parts. We would like collaboration distances in each group as big as possible. At the same time we would like to have the clusters in the other, orthogonal partition to be as homogeneousas possible.We decidedto usea function that is well-known in chemical graph theory, namely, the Wiener index. 3.2 TheWiener indexof an induced subgraph and clustering Let G bea connected graph. TheWiener index W (G) is defned as: XX W (G) = (1/2) d(u, v) u.Vv.V 2In more general case when the divisibility condition is violated one could introduce slack or dummy speakers and appropriately defne the distances for them. 3Anyofseveralother measures,suchas citations,keywords,etc,could have been used. We may restrict this index to a subgraph, induced byU . V . XX W (G, U) = (1/2) d(u, v) u.Uv.U This notion can be found, for instance in [7]. Let U be a partition of V into t parts of size m, each. The partitioning may be called a clustering and each part may be called a cluster. We generalise the notion of the transmission of a vertex in a graph; see [8]. Let v be a vertex, then the sum: X w(G, U, v)= d(v, u) u.U is called the transmission of v to U in G. Note that Do-brynin in [8] only considers the case when U = V . Given cluster U, the element u . U with minimal transmission is called a clustroid of U. Clustroids are used in several clus­tering algorithms. However, we will use them only post festum. For a clusteringU defne X F (U)= W (G, U) U.U We are searching for an admissible partition U that will maximise F (U). As we show below one may refne this search by adding another, orthogonal criterion. 3.3 Orthogonal clusters and orthogonal partitions The same data and the same criterion function can be used in the opposite direction, namely to cluster speakers into sections. This means that the talks in the same section will be scheduled consecutively in the same lecture room. Figure 1: F (U) vs. F (L) for 10000 random permutations .. The optimal results andPareto frontier can be found in the bottom right. Informatica 43 (2019) 461–466 463 Figure 2: F (U) vs. F (L) for 10 random permutations . each followedbya local optimisation.The initial scores are intopleft squareswhiletheoptimal scoresandParetofron-tier can be found on the bottom right circles. Arrows link each square to the corresponding circle. In case we want to perform both tasks simultaneously, we may choose to consider orthogonal partitions. Two uniform partitions of an mk-set are orthogonal if one has clusters of size k and the other one of size m and no pair of elements belongs to both partitions. In one partition we want to maximize distances while in its orthogonal mate we minimize distances. Let c =(U, L) be a pair of orthogonal partitions of V . Let F be defned as above. Defne the score of (U, L) to be F (U) - F (L). Note that each permutation . of V , i.e. . . Sym(V ), can be considered as a pair (U, L). Hence F (.)= F (U) - F (L).We chose the solution to be argmax..Sym(V)F(.).4 The task we wanted to solve was the scheduling of 30 invited speakers of the 8th European Congress of Math­ematics that is taking place in Portorož, Slovenia in July 2020. The Congress takes place in5consecutive days and eachday6speakershaveto deliver their talksin parallel. In the frst attempt we generated 1000 admissible solu­tions randomly. The results are depicted in Figure 1. We also wrote a program for improving each admissible solu­tionbylocal optimisation. Thisimprovedthe qualityofthe fnal solution considerably. Figure2depicts10 runsof our algorithm. The top left dots correspond to the randomly generated solutions while the bottom right ones depict the ones, obtainedbya sequenceof improvements leadingtoa local minimum. The arrows join each initial solution to the corresponding locally optimal one. 4Note that this can be considered also as a multi-criteria optimisation problem with score (F (U), -F (L)) withPareto points being candidate solutions. 3.4 Alternative candidatesfora scoreof an orthogonal pair of partitions. The choice of F (.) may not be most suitable for the task. Figure 3: Radius R and the isolation radius r of point v with respect to U. Points in U are in the gray cloud. We extend the defnition of theradius of a cluster [12], to the radius of anyindividual v with respectto the cluster U: R(G, U, v) = max d(v, u) u.U Since our clusters areina sense anticlusters as theycon­tainindividualsbeingasfarapartas possible,itmake sense to defne another radius that we call the isolation radius r(G, U, v) = min d(v, u) u.U,d(u,v)>0 measuring the distance to the nearest element in the cluster; see Figure 3. Note that transmissions measure average distance, while the radius and isolation radius measure maximal and min­imal distance, respectively. Also, the centroid is a vertex attaining the maximum radius in has been used extensively in data science. We may defne isolation centroid as the vertex attaining minimal isolation radius. Since we are already given a distance matrix, data pre­processing is not needed. If needed a method that has all clusters of equal size can be used. It would be probably interesting to select the pair (U, L) by maximizing the sum of isolation radii in U and mini­mizing the sum of radii in L. There are other well-known techniques, such as greedy method or integer programming that should be investigated for this problem. J. Pisanski et al. 4 Some further applications of collaboration distance Collaboration distance can be used as a basis for natural structuring of a given list of researchers using standard clustering methods. We envision several applications of this approach including two that we mention here. In the frst approach one can focus on researchers be­longing to a given organization, such as university, insti­tute, faculty, department, project, etc. The internal struc­ture of various universities and institutes could be com-paredtothe collaboration network.Figure4isjustanil­lustration of a simple application that gives a very natu­ral stratifcation of a mathematical department in Slovenia in which three subgroups of researchers are clearly iden­tifed. Again, collaboration distances from ZbMath were used.We intendto pursue further studiesin this direction. The second one involves clustering of individuals of a given bibliographic database. Namely, having collabora­tion graph consisting of all researchers in a given database or country would be very useful. One could use it, in prin­ciple, to analyse similarity betweenvarious institutions, re­search groups and scientifcdisciplines.Various anomalies could be detected and used by policymakers to change the rules in order to avoid it in the future. While the two mathematics databases (MathSciNet and ZbMath) provide the users with collaborative distance fora given pair of authors, most of the databases in other felds, as well as general databases, do not. This means that ad­ditional work must be done by users to fnd collaboration distances between authors. There are otherfactors to con­sider, when calculating Erd˝os numbers. Firstly, consistent data on the authors is needed, which implies at least consis­tent spellingof the names,but preferably authority control using consistent identifers5. If this condition is not met, the results will not be appropriate. Next, the range of pub­lications considered for calculation, can have a signifcant effect on the calculated collaboration distance.Foragiven pair of researchers their collaboration distance can be, and is, different for different databases. That onlya certain sub­class of publications is considered, is more or less an arbi­trary decision, which is usually a refection of the scope of a particular database. One can envision other situations where different dis­tances may be signifcant. For instance, when selecting referees fora paper onewould like toselect objective ones, i.e. the ones that are not co-authors of candidates. On the other hand we would like so select individuals who know well the subject, covered in the paper or project under re­view. This closeness may be measured, for instance by the overlapofkeywords usedbythetwo individuals. Clearly, a fractional approach [4] in which the collabo­ration distance is not measured simply as a distance in the collaborationgraphbutthe numberofjoint papers shortens the distance accordingly. 5Oneof the most well-know identifersis ORCID. Figure4:Ward method clustering basedonthe ZbMath collaboration distanceforadepartmentgivesareasonable partition of its members in three groups. 5 Conclusion The main goal of this paper was to point out that the col­laboration distance that is available at some high-quality bilbliographic databases such as MathSciNet and ZbMath is a useful tool that can be applied to a variety of spe­cifc problems such as scheduling talks at conferecnes or analysing internal structures of universities, institutes, etc. However, it would be very useful if one could specify the types of edges of the collaboration graphs. For instance, in MathSciNet co-authorship of editorial does not count. It would be useful if the user could choose criteria for inclu­sion/exclusion of data from the dataset. An importantfact may be the time-frame of joint publications. For instance, by looking at recent co-authorships one could easily detect possible conficts of interest. For other purposes it would be helpful to have information how manyco-authors con­tributed to the edge of the collaboration graph and more generally the number of shortest paths connecting two au­thors. Having such a simple tool incorporated into SICRIS would be an important upgrade of the system. One could also lookat other measuresof similarity,however,itwould probably be diffcult to get an agreement which ones to in­clude. We would like to stress that we are not doing mas­sive data mining. Our real-life calculations involved rather small data sets. For larger conferences with over 1000 ac­tive participants one should perhaps look for methods that would reduce the size of data that is needed to store the distance matrix. It would be interesting to explore how the attendees of a conference choose the talks theyattend. In particular, it would be interesting to compare the proposed clustering approach to the manual organization of talks. Acknowledgement Wewould like to thank Vladimir Batagelj and Mark Pisan-ski for useful advice and fruitful discussion. The work of both referees is gratefully acknowledged. It improved the presentation of results considerably. Work of Jan Pisanski is supported in part by the ARRS grants P5-0361 and J5­8247, whileworkofTomaž Pisanskiis supportedin partby the ARRS grants P1-0294,J1-7051, N1-0032, and J1-9187. References [1] A.L Barabási andRAlbert. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, vol. 286 (1999), no. 5439, pp. 509–512. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.286.5439.509 [2] T. Bartol, K. 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For different languages this task represents different diffculty levels. In this paper we propose a novel method that can learn prefx, infx and suffx transformations as well. The test language is Hungarian (which is a morphologically complex Uralic language containing a high number of affx types and complex infection rules), and we chose a previously generated word pair set of accusative case for evaluating the method, comparing its training time, memory requirements,average infection time and correctness ratio with some of the most popular models like dictionaries, fnite state transducers, the tree of aligned suffx rules and a lattice based method. We also provide multiple training and searching strategies, introducing parallelism and the concept of prefx trees to optimize the number of rules that need to be processed for each input word.Thisnewly creatednovel methodcanbeappliednotonlyfor morphology,butalsoforanyproblems in the feld of bioinformatics and data mining that can beneft from string transformations learning. Povzetek: Predstavljena je nova metoda za morfološko uˇcenje na primeru madžaršˇcine. 1 Introduction In the area of natural language processing (NLP), word structure is an essential information for higher layer anal­ysis such as syntax, part of speech tagging, named entity detection, sentiment and opinion analysis, and so on. The main difference between syntax and morphology is that while syntax works on the level of sentences, treating indi­vidual words as atoms, morphology works with intraword components. According to morphology models, the words are built up using morphemes that are the smallest morphological units that encode semantic information. There are two types of morphemes: the lemma is the root, grammati­cally correct form of a word that’s associated with the base meaning; while affxes are usually shorter character strings that slightly modify the meaning of the words. These affxes are language dependent, and can be prepended (incorrect), appended(fying)or simply inserted into the words. Prepended affxes are called prefxes, appended af­fxes are called suffxes, while affxes inserted inside the words are called infxes. This latter category is rare in most languages, one example is the Latin verb vinc—o where the n denotes present tense. The addition of affxes is called infection, while the inverse opereation is called lemmati­zation. based on their morphological features [1]. Analytic lan­guages such as English have a fx set of possible affxes for each part-of-speech category. Isolating languages like Chi­nese andVietnamese usuallyhavewords that are theirown stems, without anyaffxes. Languages that have only a few affx types usually use auxiliary words and word position to encode grammatical information. In intrafective lan­guages (Arabic, Hebrew), consonants express the meaning ofwords, whilevowels add the grammatical meaning. Syn­thetic languages have three subcategories: polysynthetic languages like Native American languages contain com­plicated words that are equivalent to sentences of other languages; in fusional languages such as Russian, Polish, Slovak, Czech, the morphemes are not easily distinguish­able and often multiple grammatical relations are fused into one affx; agglutinative languages like Hungarian, Finnish, Turkishhave manyaffx types and eachword can containa large number of affxes. For different languages there are different models that can be used to learn morphological rules, as morphology is a language dependent area. Creating such modelsisa com­plex task, especially for agglutinative languages. In the lit­erature we can fnd approaches that are based on suffx trees and error-driven learning [2] to optimally store transforma­tion rules and search among them. Languages can be categorized into six main groups Hajic [3] proposed a generalized grammar model, suitable for both the synthetic and agglutinative lan­guages. The author introduces a controlled rewriting sys­tem CRS hA, V, K, t, Ri, where A is the alphabet, V is the set of variables, K contains the grammatical meanings (morphological categories), t maps the variables to types and R is a set of atomic rewrite rules. The substitution operation defned in the rewrite rules replaces all variables with some string, all instances of the same variable is re-placedbythe same string. The mainparametersofan ele­mentary substitution rule include the input state id, the out­put stateid,thevariableid,the morphological categoryand the resulting string. The article provides a formal frame-workto describethe transformation process,butitdoesnot detail the rule generation process, since the model assumes that the rule set is constructed by human experts. In the two-level morphology model [4], the infected words are represented on two levels. The outer or sur­face level contains the written form of the words, while the inner or lexical level contains the morphological struc-tures.Forexample,the surfacelevelword ”tries” is related to the lexical level ”try+s”. The lexical level represents the morphological categories and separator symbols for the surfaceform.Themodelusesadictionarytostorethevalid lemmas and morpheme categories. The transformation be-tweenthelexicallevelandthe surfacelevelis implemented witha setof fnite state transducers.Atransducerisa spe­cial automaton that can model the string transformations. FSTs (fnite state transducers) are widely used to man­age morphological analysis for both generation and recog­nition processes. One of the main issues related to this model is the computational complexity of the implementa­tions. It was shown that it is ineffcient to work with com­plex morphological constraints [5], where there are com­plex dependencies among the different morpheme units, like vowel harmony. The analysis shows that both recog­nition and generation are NP-hard problems. One of the most widely known approaches to construct an FST is the OSTIA method [6, 7]. It frst generates a prefx tree trans­ducer, then merges all the possible states, pushes some out­put elements toward the initial state and eliminates all the non-deterministic elements. The OSTIA algorithmwas later improvedby Gildea and Jurafsky [8]. They extended the algorithm with a better similarity alignment component. Theron and Cloete [9] proposed a more general method based on edit-distance similarities of the base and infected words. The algorithm learns the two-level transformation rules, calculating the string edit difference between each source-target pair and determining the edit sequences as a minimal acyclic fnite state automaton. The constructed automaton can segment the target word into its constituent morphemes. The algo­rithm determines the minimal discerning context for each rule. This processing phase is done by comparing all the possible contiguous contexts to determine the shortest con­text. Regarding current achievements, one important ap­proach is presented in [10] and [11]. In the proposal of L.Kovács et al. Goldsmith, a simplifed morphology model is used con­taining substitutionofsuffxes. Thewords are decomposed into sets of short substrings, where the substrings have a role similar to the morphemes. The proposed method uses the concept of minimal description length to determine the appropriate word segmentations. Another popular and simple method is the so-called tree of alignedsuffx rules(TASR)[12] thatisa great matchfor morphological rule induction:it canbebuiltvery quickly accordingtopreviousevaluationsand canbe searchedvery quickly as well, providing an outstanding correction ra­tio. Unlike dictionary based systems and FSTs, theTASR method can infecteven previously unseenwords correctly. The only downside of this model is that it can only han­dle infection rules that modify the end of the input word. In Hungarian we must be able to describe not only suffx rules,but also prefx and infx rules. Besides trees, there are existing models that use lattice structures to store transformation rules. The goal of [13] is to optimize the lattice size by dropping rules that have a small impact on the overall results. The rule model uses similar concepts to the Levenshtein model like additions, removals and replacements. The paper shows that this lat­tice based model has a very promising memory constraint, fast infection time and a correctness ratio of almost 100%. In this paper we present a novel model called Atomic String Transformation Rule Assembler (ASTRA) whose base concept is similar toTASR,but can handle anytypes of affxes, including prefxes, infxes and suffxes as well. Our test language is Hungarian, a morphologically com­plex, highly agglutinative language that is frequently tar­geted by morphological model researchers due to its com­plexity. In Hungarian, there are a high number of affx types that can form long affx type chains, moreover each affx type can modify the base form signifcantly, using vowel gradation and changing consonant lengths. The in­fection rules of the language are complex, and there are several exceptions, too. Besides morphological rule in­duction, our model is capable of dealing with any other string transformation based problems as well. Such prob­lems can be found in the area of biological informatics (e.g. investigating DNA sequences) and data mining (e.g. pre­processing of data including spelling correction and data cleaning). The structure of this paper is the following: – Section 2 introduces the reference methods: dictio­nary based systems, fnite state transducers, the tree of aligned suffx rules and the lattice based method. – Section3describes the novel ASTRA method: its rule model, training phase and infection phase. We also introduce three search algorithms to speed up infec­tion. – The evaluation of the proposed method can be seen in section 4. The four metrics we measure and compare with the base methods are the training time, average infection time, size and correctness ratio. – In section 5 we present a general application of the ASTRA model. 2 Background 2.1 Dictionary based models One of the most basic methods for learning infection rules is using dictionaries. Adictionary can be considered as a D . W × W relation for morphological usage: for each input word it can return an output word. Usually dictionaries not only contain the infected forms of words, but also other semantic information like their meaning, part-of-speech tag, sample sentences and so on. There are many language dependent WordNet projects [14,15]whosegoalistobuildsuch databases. Besidesau­tomatic data mining techniques, these databases are often validated and correctedby humanexperts. Because of the large magnitude of data (the Hungarian WordNet contains more than 40,000 synsets, i.e. word sets with the same meaning), dictionaries can take much time to build. Their advantage is that irregular morphological forms are guaranteedtobe retained,theyaren’tdroppedby generalization techniques. Besides the training time, the downside of dictionaries is the lack of generalization: other automated methods usually can handle previously unseen words, too,but dictionaries can only infect and lemmatize words theyknow. 2.2 Finite state transducers Finite state automaton (FSA) is the base model for fnite state transducers. An FSA is an A = hQ, .,q, E, F i where Q is the fnite set of states, . is the input alphabet, q is the start state, E : Q × . › Q is the state transition relation and F is the set of accepting states. Finite state transducers (FST) [7] extend this model with additional components, as well as with outputting strings. There are multiple transducer models. A ratio­nal transducer is a T = hQ, ., .,q,Ei where Q, . and q are the same as for an FSA; . is the output alpha­bet and E . (Q × .* × .* × Q) is the state transition relation. In practice, .=.. A sequential transducer is almost the same, except for two additional conditions: 00) . E . (Q × . × .* × Q) and . (q, a, u, q0) , (q, a, v, q 0 00 E . u = v and q= q. A subsequential transducer is a special sequential transducer that has a sixth compo­nent: . : Q › .* that is the state output function. Such transducer works in the following way: each input charac­ter causes a state transition and the label of this transition is appended to the output string. Finally, the ending state’s output is also appended, resulting in the fnal output string. A transducer is onward if for every state, the state’s out­put and the state transitions’ outputs starting from this state have no common prefxes. FSTs are used extensively while working with string transformations, because they have optimal sizes and can Informatica 43 (2019) 467–476 469 produce the output almost in constant time. However, as we’ll see, with morphological applications, their general­ization ability is not really usable. 2.3 Tree of aligned suffx rules There are3main typesof substrings that can changeina word during infection: prefxes, suffxes and infxes. The substring pre . .* , |pre| > 0 is a prefx of the string s1 . .* if there exists another string s2 . .* such that s1 = pre + s2. Similarly, the substring suff . .* , |suff| > 0 is a suffx of the string s1 if there exists another string s2 such that s1 = s2 + suff. The substring inf . .* , |inf| > 0 is an infx of the string s1 if there exist two other strings s2,s3 such that s1 = s2 + inf + s3 where |s2| > 0 and |s3| > 0. The TASR model can only work with morphological rules that modify the end of the words, meaning that it can only model suffx transformations. This restriction is ac­ceptable for morphologically simpler languages,but com­plex agglutinative languages often contain prefx and infx transformation rules as well. ThegoaloftheTASR learningphaseisto generateaset of suffx rules from a training word pair set. This set of rules is denoted by RT = {RT } in this paper. A suffx rule consists of two components: RT =(.T ,.T ) where .T ,.T . .*. Here, .T contains the word-ending charac­ters that are modifed by the rule, and .T contains the re­placement characters. As an example, for the English verb try whose past tense is tried, we can generate a suffx rule where .T = yand.T = ied. The rule RT1 = {.T1 ,.T1 } is aligned with rule RT2 = {.T2 ,.T2 } or shortly RT1 k RT2 if .s1 . .* : .s2 . .* such that s1 +.T1 = s2 +.T2 and s1 +.T1 = s2 +.T2 . The aligned-with operator is symmetric, so RT1 k RT2 .. RT2 k RT1 . If we have a word pair, for example (try, tried) we can generate multiple aligned suffx rules. The minimal suffx rule is (y, ied), and after extending this rule with one char­acter at a time, we get (ry, ried) and (try, tried). We can defne a frequency metric freq (RT | I) for each rule RT based on the training word pair set I = {(w1,w2) | w1,w2 . W }, counting the number of word pairs for which RT applies. Foreverywordpairinthe trainingset,wemustfrstgen­erate all the aligned suffx rules according to the above def­initions and insert these rules in a tree (T, .). This tree will consist of nodes nT1 ,nT2 ,...,nTm , each node nTi as­ .  sociated with a set of rules nTi 7› RTij = .Tij ,.Tij . All the rules associated with the same node have the same context. Let’s have two nodes: nTˇ and nT^ . They are asso- . ciated with the rules RTˇi = .Tˇi ,.Tˇi and RT^j = . .T^j ,.T^j , respectively. ThenTˇ node is the child of nT^ or shortly nTˇ . nT^ if .x . .: .i, j : .Tˇi = x + .T^j . The root node and rules are denoted by nT. 7› .  RT.k = .T.k ,.T.k . For the root, the following con­ dition applies: .k : .T.k = minij .Tij .  = .Tˇ ,.Tˇ is subsumedbyparent rule 3 Atomic string transformation rule Child rule RTˇ RT^ = .T^ ,.T^ (RTˇ RTˇk . plied to produce the correct infected form. As discussed previously, using these concepts, the proposed method can model prefx, infx and suffx infection rules as well, thus can be used for morphologically complexagglutinativelan-After that we canbuild the tree from the generated rules. Typically the most general rules will be close to the root node, while the most specifc rules will be stored in the leaves. Therefore, during infection we can search the tree inabottom-upfashion, returningthewinnerruleofthefrst node we fnd whose context matches the input word. Since we start at the leaves, the frst matching rule will be the most specifc one, having the longest context. This means that the resulting infected form will mirror the main char­acteristics of the training data. 2.4 Lattice based method The rule model of the examined lattice based infection -›‹ - method [13] is a six-tuple R =(.,.,., ., ., h.ii), where – . . .* is the prefx of the rule containing the charac­ters before the changing part, – . . .* is the core of the rule that is the changing part, – . . .* is the postfx of the rule containing the char­acters after the changing part, - › – . . N is the front index of the rule’s context occur­rence in the source word, ‹ - – . . N is the back index of the rule’s context occur­rence in the source word and – h.ii isalistofsimple transformationstepsonthecore, .i . . × .. These rules are generated automatically from training word pairs, then inserted into a lattice structure, where the parent-child relationship is based on rule context contain­ment. In the original paper we formalized multiple lattice builder algorithms that tried to reduce the size of the result-guages. First of all, we defne an extended alphabet so that it is easier to determine where a word starts and ends. Let’s introduce two special characters, $ that will mark the start of the word and # that will mark the end of the word. If a rule’s context contains anyof these two special characters, it will be easier to determine if the beginning or the end of the word needs to be transformed. Of course these characters are not part of the original . — alphabet. The extended alphabet will be denoted by .= . .{$, #}. We also defne a new operator on strings that prepends $ and appends # to the string s: µ (w)= w —= $+ w +#. The inverse operation drops the special characters from the input word: µ-1 (—w)= w. The set of extended words is denoted by W —. The input of the training process for the new method is the same set of word pairs containing the base form and infected form of the word, but the frst step of the algo­rithm is to extend these word pairs with our new special characters. After the extension, we get a new training set — I = {(—w1,w—2)}. We split each word pair to matching segments w—1 = .11 .12 . . ..k 1 w—2 = .21 .22 . . ..k 2 = .i Asegment.1 i › .i is calledvariantif .i 6,otherwise 2 12 it is called invariant. In a segment decomposition, variant and invariant segments are alternating. As one word pair might have multiple segment decom­positions, we need to select the best one among them. To quantify the goodness of the decompositions, we use a segment ftness formula that returns how well-aligned the .1 i › .i segment is: 2 .i 2 ing lattice. The bestbuilder only inserts those rules and in-1 .1 · + .2 · tersections into the lattice that are really responsible for the indexmax - indexmin high correctness ratio, every other redundant rule is elimi- where indexmax and indexmin are the maximal and mini- nated. mal indices of the ith segment, i.e. the maximum and min-Aswe’llsee,thesize characteristicsofthismodelisvery Pi-1 promising, but because of the high degree of generaliza­ imum of the indices j=1 . j 1 and Pi-1 j=1 . j 2 , respec­ tion, the lattice can infect some words incorrectly. This tively. This formula encodes that invariant segments are is due to the overgeneralization effect of the lattice model better if their components are longer and the two compo-itself. nents appear near to each other. Example 3.1. Let us choose a training word pair (dob, Thebaseformofthe method doesn’t requiretobuilda ledobott)1 as an example to demonstrate the segment de-tree, we can simply group the atomic rules based on their composition algorithm. First, the words are extended with contexts. A rule group is defned as a set of atomic rules the special characters: ($dob#, $ledobott#). One valid ,.Ai )} where .RAi . The context of the rule group .A = {RAi .A : .A (RAi ,RAj . =(.Ai ,.Ai ,.Ai )= .A RAj  11 = $, . 12 = segment decomposition is the following: (. $le),(. 21 = dob, . 22 = dob),(. 31 = #, . 32 ott#). The is .A (.A)= .A (RA) .RA . .A. = middle segment is invariant, while the frst and last ones are variant segments. For eachvariant segment, we can defne so-called atomic rules in the form of RA =(.A,.A,.A,.A) where .A is the prefx and .A is the suffx. The rule context that must be searched in the input words later is .A (RA)= .A + .A + .A. We can see that with this rule model, not only suffx rules can be modelled, because of the new .A and .A components. Example 3.3. For the atomic rules of example 3.2, we can produce nine different rule groups, each contain­ing a single atomic rule except for the rule group with context $dob# that contains both (-, $, $le, dob#) and ($dob, #, ott#, -). The goal of the training phase is to produce a set of rule groups RA = {.A} based on the training word pair set — I. The generated atomic rule set can be used to infect the .i .i we need to defne the core atomic rule = each input, our goal is to choose some atomic rules that RAic ,.Aic ,.Aic ,.Aic ) for this segment that has no pre-match the input word. Rules with longer matching sub­ (.Aic 2 1 given input words based on the training word pair set. For Let’s take a variant First, segment › . .i .i 2 | =0. Then, we canextend this core atomic rule with one char­ .j 11 strings in the input word are better than rules with shorter fx or postfx, i.e. |.Aic |.Aic and | =0, .Aic , .Aic = = matching substrings. The ftness function is f (RA | w—) = |. (RA)| | w—| · .k (. (RA) ,w—) acter at a time on the left and right sides, symmetrically. Pi-1 Pk j .1 Let’s assume that = m and = n, j=1 j=i+1 .i l. In this case, the extended rule candidates are RAij = .Aij ,.Aij ,.Aij ,.Aij withthefollowing com-lartherulecontextistotheinputword.Tosimplifythings,  ponents(.1 . j . min {n, m}): we used k =1 and a discrete . function that returns 1 if . (RA) . w—, and 0 otherwise. = w—1 [n +1 - j, n] .Aij Using this ftness function, we can choose the frst n 1 where k isa parameter and the . function returns how simi- = .Aij .Aij = .i 1 i . = 2 = w—1 [n + l +1,n + l + j] .Aij Here, w [i, j] denotes the substring of w from the ith to the jth character. atomic rules that are best suited for the given input word where n is a parameter. We implemented three separate candidate selector algorithms. The frst one is a sequential algorithm that processes each rule group one by one. If a rule group’s context matches the input word, its atomic rules are added to the resulting set of candidate rules. The second oneisa parallel algorithm that does the same thing inadivideand conquer manner, processingtherule groups in parallel. The number of threads depends on the num­ ber of our CPU cores. The third one uses a prefx tree thatisbuilt from the rule groups during the training phase. To make the generated atomic rules unambiguous, we have to make sure that the context of the rules only ap­ pear oncein the base formof theword( w—1). Every atomic rule candidate whose context appears more than once in the base form of the word is dropped from the fnal set. With the prefx tree, we can speed up the candidate search Example 3.2. Using the winning segmentation of example process by searching substrings of the input words. If a 3.1, the following atomic rules can begenerated from the substring is found in the prefx tree, the appropriate rule word pair (dob, ledobott): (-, $, $le, -), (-, $, $le, d), group’s atomic rules are added to the resulting set. (-, $, $le, do), (-, $, $le, dob), (-, $, $le, dob#), (-, #, ott#, -), (b, #, ott#, -), (ob, #, ott#, -), (dob, #, ott#, -), ($dob, #, ott#, -). — Transforming a word w —. W using the atomic rule RA =(.A,.A,.A,.A) can be defned as Since there might be multiple overlapping rule candi­dates that would transform the same substring of the word leading to ambiguity, among these rules only the frst one is used, the others are dropped. After we chose the best non-overlapping rules, we can apply them one by one on the input word, producing its infected form. .A (RA,w—) = ( w —if .A (RA) 6. w, or — w —\ .A (RA)[.A › .A] 4 Evaluation of the proposed where w —\ .A (RA)[.A › .A] means that we need to method search .A (RA) in w—, and replace .A with .A. For evaluation purposes, we used a training word pair set 1Hungarian for (throw, threw down). Note that we add two affxes, one for the past tense and one preverb for down. generatedby[16].We chose the Hungarian accusative case (a)Training timeof the methods (b)Average infection timeof the methods Figure1:Training time andaverage infection timeof the methods asourtargetaffxtypeandusedupto10,000 trainingword pairs. We compared a custom dictionary implementation, Lucene’s FST method, the TASR model, the previously mentioned lattice based method and the proposed ASTRA method, measuring their training times, their average in­fection times, the sizes of their rule base and their correct­ness ratios, i.e. how much percent of evaluation words are infected correctly after the training phase. If W + is the set ofevaluationwords for which the model yieldsacorrect in­fected form, and W - is the setoffailedevaluationwords, then the correctness ratio is W +/ (W + + W -). Where applicable, we also measured the differences using the se­quential, parallel or prefx tree search algorithm in case of ASTRA. In Figure 1a we can see the training time of the methods, usinglogarithmic scalefortheyaxis.Aswe can see, there are three different clusters based on the training time. The fastest solution is to store the already available set of word pairs in a dictionary, because we only have to store these records,noextra processing occurs. BuildinganFSTisthe nextinline,butithasvery similar characteristicstotheAS-TRA method. If we includethe prefx treebuilding as well, the ASTRA’s training time increases a bit. The third clus­ter consists of theTASR and the lattice based methods. It canbe seenthatbuildingatreeofalignedsuffxrulestakes more time as the previous methods, and the complexity of the latticeaddseven moretimetotheTASR’s results. Figure 1b shows the average infection time of the meth­ods. As we can expect, if we use an appropriate hash func­tion in the dictionary implementation, retrieving the match­ing record for each input word becomes almost constant in time. The second best method as for average infection time is the FST: it also has a very plain curve, but it’s a bit higher than the dictionary’s. ASTRA with a prefx tree comesnext,butit’svery closetothelineofthe lattice based method. The remaining methods havemuch steeper curves: TASR comes next,but the parallel search function with AS­TRA is very close to it; while the worst infection time is achieved by the sequential search function. Note that al­though the infection time of the prefx tree search variant is the best for ASTRA, it means a bit overhead during the training time. However, even with this overhead, we can say that it’s worth using it. In Figure2 we can see theoverall sizeof the rule bases, i.e. the number of word pairs in the dictionary, states in the FST, nodesintheTASRandthe lattice,and atomic rulesin case of ASTRA. It is not surprising that there are more generated atomic rules in ASTRA than nodes in the tree of aligned suffx rules, since the atomic rule defnition allows to have mul­tiple variant segments in a word pair and from these vari­ant segments, multiple core and extended atomic rules can be produced. On the other hand,TASR will only generate one minimal suffx rule per word pair and all of its aligned extensions. The advantage of the ASTRA model is that even with this higher number of rules and the prefx tree, we can trainitfaster thanaTASR. Moreoverit can cover more cases, including prefx, infx and suffx rules. The built FST has better size characteristics, because itsbuilder algorithm merges every state that can be merged without losing information from the original training word pair set. It can be seen from the line of the dictionary that the num­ber of states in an FST and the number of rules in the AS­ Figure 2: Size of the rule bases TRAandTASR are higher thanthe numberof inputword pairs. However, the minimal latticebuilder algorithm pro­duces an even better lattice size, as the number of nodes in the resulting lattice is lower than the size of all the other structures. Finally, Figures 3a and 3b show the correctness ratio of the models. The results of the left side were achieved by using disjoint training and evaluation word pair sets. We can see that the correctness ratio platoes a bit below 95% forTASR and ASTRA, the latter one performinga bit bet­ter. It can be also seen that the lattice based method is worse, probably because of its higher degree of generaliza­tion. Whenweexaminedthe resultsofthe lattice compared toTASRand ASTRA,wesawthatin multiple casesthelat­ticefoundanodewhoserule resultedinaninvalid infected form. The correctness ratio of the dictionary and the FST is 0%, because theycould not generalize at all.For the dic­tionary,itis understandable, becausea dictionaryisa static map of word pairs. On the other hand, although an FST can generalize, these types of morphological applications don’t beneft from this generalization, as the generalized transformations do not result in real infection rules. On the right side of the fgure, we can see what happens if we use the frst 100, 200, ...10,000word pairs to train the methods, and then use the same 10,000 word pairs for evaluation. All the methods have an almost 100% correct­ness ratio at the end of the diagram. The only reason that we cannot reach 100% is that in the training word pair set there are records with the same lemma and different in­fected forms such as and et that are two valid infected forms of the Hungarian word (joy in En­glish). The difference resides in the characteristics of the curves. The dictionary and the FST cannot really gener­alize infection rules, so their lines are linear. The other methods can reach higher percentages more quickly, but as we can see, the ASTRA method is even better than the TASR in that it can produce a better correctness ratio with Informatica 43 (2019) 467–476 473 a smaller number of training word pairs. The lattice based method is worse than TASR and ASTRA in this case as well. 5 General application of the ASTRA model One of the scientifc areas of applying string algorithms including string transformation based methods is the area of bioinformatics and computational biology [17]. DNA sequences are modelled using strings of four characters matching the four types of bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). One of the goals of bioinfor­maics is to compare genes in DNAs to fnd regions that are important, fnd out which region is responsible for what functions and features and determine how genetic informa­tion is encoded. The process of DNA analysis is a very computational intensive task, that’s whymodelling, statis­tical algorithms and mathematical techniques are important aspects of success. Besides applying string transformations, computational biology uses many string matching and comparison tech­niques as well [18]. Finding the longest matching sub­strings of two strings (DNAsequences) helps in fnding the best DNA alignments and thus comparing different DNA sequences, fnding matching parts and differences. One of the techniques used for this comparison is the applica­tion of the edit distance computation originally published by Levenshtein [19] for morphological analysis. Another application area where string transformation based methods are applied is data mining. Data mining en­gines usually consistof multiple phasestoextract informa­tion out of unannotated training data such as long free texts. The frst phase is often called data cleaning, where the raw input data is preprocessed so that invalid records are either removed or fxed before moving on with the data mining algorithms. One way to fx the typos and other errors in free texts is spelling correction. Spelling correction can be interpreted as learning those string transformations that can transform an unknown word containing typos to the clos­est known word. There are multiple techniques to solve this problem, usually iterative algorithms perform better as there can be multiple problems with a word that are eas­ier to fx in multiple steps [20]. The goal is to fnd a word w . W for any unknown string s so that their distance d (w, s) <. is lower than an acceptable threshold. Athird, more intuitive non-morphological application of the ASTRA model is character sorting. Let’s have a ran­dom string s . .* withagiven lengthof |s| = n. The goal is to rearrange the characters in s so that for each index i, 1 . i< |s|, si . si+1 for a given partial ordering, for example lexicographic ordering. For ourevaluation,weusedinput lengths100,200,..., 3000.For each input length, we generateda random string and applied a pre-trained ASTRA on the string incremen­tally until the output was equal to the input. Then we (a) Disjoint training and evaluation data sets (b) Common training and evaluation data set Figure 3: Correctness ratio with disjoint and common training and evaluation data sets Figure 4: Infection Cycles checkedifthe fnal output containedtheexpected ordering, and found that all of the results were correct. For the training process of the ASTRA, we generated a training word pair set. Each word pair contained a neces­sary transformation as the core, such as (ba, ab), (ca, ac), ..., (zy, yz). To make the rules more noisy, we also gen­erated a random string of 10 characters and prepended and appended it to both words in the word pair. For each word pair, this random prefx-suffx part was different. The re­sults were all correct. The number of required iterations and the sorting time is displayed in Figure 4. Unlike ASTRA, the other examined methods could not sort the characters correctly. The dictionary and FST meth­ods, as we saw previously, cannot be used for inputs that are not present in the training word pairs set. TASR can only transform inputs that should be modifed at the end. The lattice based method’s disadvantage in this case is that it is not position agnostic, therefore it cannot determine the atomic transformations necessary for sorting the char­acters. 6 Conclusion In this paper we presented the novel ASTRA model. The motivationwas that although theTASR method can han­dle suffx morphological rules extremely well, it cannot describe rules modifying the beginning or the middle of words. In the target language of our research, Hungar­ian, there are a few affx types that have prefx infection rules. The proposed rule model contains multiple com­ponents to not only store the changing part of the word, but also its preceding and following characters. We also defned a novel training algorithm that can generate such rules and store themin rule groups.Aftness functionwas defned that helps us choose the best rules from the rule database for each input word and make sure we can pro­duce the infected form easily. Finally, we implemented three search algorithms: one sequential, one parallel and one prefx tree based search function. We evaluated the proposed method, comparing its training time, average in­fection time, size and correctness ratio with the same met-ricsof some base models, includinga dictionary based sys­tem, Lucene’s FST implementation, theTASR method and a lattice based model. The training time of ASTRA is ex­ceptional, only the dictionary’s and FST’s training times are better,evenifwealsobuildaprefxtreefromthegen­eratedrules.Thesamecanbesaidabouttheaverage infec­tion times. The size of ASTRA is the worst compared to the other methods,but thisis not reallya problem, because the infection time does not get worse, and we can handle more general infection rules. The correctness ratio is also exceptional, moreover it reaches higher percentages even with less knowledge, i.e. fewer trainingword pairs than for example theTASR method. Besides thesemetrics, the ad­vantage of the proposed novel ASTRA method is that it can be used not only for morphological rule induction,butalso for anytypes of problems that can be modelled with string transformations. To demonstrate this, we adapted ASTRA to a character sorting problem with a correction ratio of 100%. Aknowledgement The described article/presentation/study was carried out as part of the EFOP-3.6.1-16-00011 ”Younger and Renewing University -Innovative Knowledge City -institutional de­velopment of the University of Miskolc aiming at intelli­gent specialisation” project implemented in the framework of the Szechenyi 2020 program. The realization of this project is supported by the European Union, co-fnanced by the European Social Fund. References [1] A. Gelbukh, M. Alexandrov and S.-Y. Han (2004) Detecting infection patterns in natural language by minimization of morphological model, Iberoamer­ican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Springer, pp. 432—438. https://doi.org/10.1007/ 978-3-540-30463-0_54 [2] G. Satta and J. C. 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Feature Augmentation Based Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Using Tree Boosted Ensemble Udayabalan Balasingam and Gopalan Palaniswamy Department of Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India E-mail: udayabalan@yahoo.com, npgopalan@nitt.edu Keywords: feature augmentation, collaborative filtering, ensemble modelling, boosting, decision tree, supervised learning Received: January 8, 2018 Requirements for recommendation systems are currently on the raise due to the huge information content available online and the inability of users to manually filter required data. This paper proposes a Feature augmentation based hybrid collaborative filtering using Tree Boosted Ensemble (TBE), for prediction. The proposed TBE recommender is formulated in two phases. The first phase creates category based training matrix using similar user profiles, while the second phase employs the boosted tree based model to predict ratings for the items. A threshold based filtering is finally applied to obtain precise recommendations for the user. Experiments were conducted with MovieLens dataset and performances were measured in terms of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The proposed model was observed to exhibit MAE levels of 0.64 and RMSE levels of 0.77 with a variation level of ±0.1. Comparisons with state-of-the-art models indicate that the proposed TBE model exhibits reductions in MAE at 6% to 14% and RMSE at ~0.2. Povzetek: Avtorji so razvili novo metodo za svetovalne sisteme, temelječo na bogatitvi atributov za filtriranje s pomočjo spodbujevalnega ansambla dreves (TBE). Introduction Information explosion has led to a huge amount of data based filtering and hybrid recommenders. Collaborative being generated online. However, human intellect and filtering models [6] are based on analyzing the user’s perception levels are stable, leading to difficulty in behaviors and preferences to provide predictions. Major processing all the information available to them [1]. This advantages of using such models are that they are based has led to the formulation of prescription based models on available and machine analyzable content. This makes that provides automatic recommendations to the users. their recommendations more accurate and relatable. Such automated recommendations help users to a large However, they suffer from issues like data sparsity, data extent by categorizing the information and providing the unavailability (cold start) [7] and data volume [8]. most significant information to the users such that they Content based recommenders [9] are based on items that do not miss them. Systems enabling such automated model user’s profiles. Predictions are based on the categorizations and filtering are called recommender created profiles. Hybrid recommenders [10] are a systems. combination of collaborative and content based Recommender or a recommendation system is a recommenders. specialized information filtering model that performs This paper proposes a feature augmentation based predictions based on the preference a user provides to an collaborative filtering mechanism to predict items item. The preference levels are measured using ratings preferred by users. It uses a model based provided by the user to the item or similar items [2]. User recommendation approach, where prediction is modelled ratings are analyzed and items similar to best rated items as a regression problem. Recommendations are usually are recommended for the users. Recommender systems fine-tuned to users. Hence predictions for one user are not sidelined to predicting products alone. Due to the pertain to that user only. The proposed collaborative high online usage levels, such systems have become very filtering architecture is modelled in two phases. The first popular and are currently used to predict books [3], phase deals with identifying the current user’s interests music, news, research articles and even search queries, and forming their profile, finding users similar to the jokes and restaurants. Some of the current and most current profile and identifying the item vectors pertaining popular recommendation systems were music predictions to similar users. Most recommendation systems stop at by Last.fm and Pandora radio. Interests in this level to provide recommendations. The proposed recommendation systems were sparked by the Netflix approach moves further by building a training matrix challenge that offered a prize of $1 Million for improving from the item vectors that is passed to the next phase. their model by 10% [4]. The second phase uses a boosted tree based ensemble to Recommendation systems can be designed in three create a prediction model that is used for the final major aspects [5] namely; collaborative filtering, content predictions. Experiments and comparisons indicate the high effectiveness of the proposed model as it exhibits a considerable reduction in the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) in comparison to existing state-of-the-art models. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 presents the literature review, section 3 presents the problem formulation, section 4 presents a detailed description of the proposed ensemble model, section 5 presents the experimental results and section 6 concludes the work. Literature review This section discusses some of the recent contributions in the domain of recommendation systems. An artificial neural network based recommendation system that uses content-based modelling for predictions was proposed by Paradarami et al. in [11]. This work performs model based predictions by utilizing user reviews. Model based predictions are hybridized with ANN to perform enhanced predictions. A similar hybridized recommendation model specifically for e-learning environments was proposed by Chen et al. in [12]. Several hybrid versions of recommenders are currently on raise, like user specific hybrid recommender for offline optimization by Dooms et al. [13], an augmented matrix based hybrid system by Wu et al. [14], a latent factor based recommendation system by Zheng et al. [15] and a linear regression based collaborative recommendation model by Ge et al. [30]. Utilizing metaheuristics for recommendations have currently been on the raise due to the increase in data volume. A cuckoo search based collaborative filtering model was proposed by Katarya et al. in [16]. This model uses k-means clustering for user grouping and cuckoo search for the process of prediction. Other metaheuristic or evolutionary algorithm based recommendation systems include memetic algorithm and genetic algorithm based recommender system by Banati et al. [17], PSO based recommender system [18] and fuzzy ant based recommenders by Nadi et al. [19]. A weighting strategy based recommender that performs genre based clustering was proposed by Fremal et al. [20]. This method analyzes twelve weighting strategies in terms of MAE and RMSE to obtain the best weighting model for effective recommendations. A similar multiple clustering based recommendation model was proposed by Ma et al. in [21]. A trust and similarity based recommender for leveraging multiviews was proposed by Guo et al. in [22]. A prediction system to recommend complimentary products was proposed by McAuley et al. in [23]. This model concentrates in identifying substitutable versions of customers’ interests. A coordinate based recommendation system SCoR was proposed by Papadakis et al. [32]. This model uses a combination of matrix factorization and collaborative filtering to improve the prediction process. A user perception based model was proposed by Chen et al. [33]. This is a critiquing based model that considers user’s perception ofproducts for the prediction process. U. Balasingam et al. Although several models for recommendations are available, most of them follow the regular filtering mechanisms, resulting in huge data for processing, thereby increasing the computational complexity to a large extent. 3 Problem formulation The collaborative filtering model has been formulated as a prediction problem, where the proposed Tree Based Ensemble (TBE) model predicts the probable ratings that will be provided by the user for a particular item. Let CL be the set of customers, where CL={C1,C2,C3…Cm} and PC be the purchase list of a customer, where the item purchased ix and corresponding rating given to the item rx are the mandatory components. All available n items are contained in the items list I={i1,i2,i3…in}. The ratings are formulated as real numbers R in the interval [rmin ,rmax], where rmin and rmax are defined by the domain. The problem is to predict a set of items from I for a customer C such that the customer would have a high probability of purchasing it, pertaining to constraints given in eq 1. ...................... ={....|.................} (1) 4 Collaborative filtering using tree based boosted ensemble Collaborative filtering is the process of predicting a user’s interests based on their past behaviors. This paper proposes a model based collaborative filtering approach using a boosted ensemble. Algorithm for the proposed collaborative filtering architecture is given below. Algorithm: 1. Input user (C) for recommendation 2. Generate item list IC from the customer purchase history 3. Generate rating list IRC using Eq. 3 4. Identify similar users (NC) by selecting users with common item list using Eq. 4 5. Generate rating list by adding the item and ratings given by C and NC 6. Identify correlation between the rating vectors of C and NC using Eq. 6 7. Filter items with correlation levels higher than the similarity threshold .Thresh 8. Identify categories of the selected items 9. Normalize categories to obtain the training matrix (T) 10. Create the recommender model by applying T to the boosted tree based ensemble 11. Predict ratings for all the available items 12. Filter n best items with highest ratings as recommendations to the user C The proposed collaborative filtering architecture has been modelled in two major phases namely; profile induced item matrix creation using feature augmentation and ensemble based predictions. The first phase collects, filters and integrates data corresponding to the user for whom the recommendation is to be made. The second phase creates a boosted ensemble, trains it using the created training data and provides predictions. 4.1 Profile induced item matrix creation using feature augmentation Recommendation systems are built for heterogeneous users. Every user’s requirements is distinct, however there also exists slight similarities with other users in the system [24]. Hence it is important to identify and build appropriate profile for the current user for the model to be trained upon. Effectiveness of predictions depends entirely on the quality of the training data built at this phase. The process of building the user’s profile is performed using Feature Augmentation. Feature Augmentation is the process of computing a set of features to be passed to the subsequent phase for evaluation. The initial phase of this process is to generate an item list from the purchase history of the customer under analysis. This is given by .... ={....|.................} (2) Where ix is an item from the set of all items purchased by the customer. The ratings pertaining to the item list IC are integrated to obtain the user’s preferences. ...... ={(....,....)|(....,....).....} (3) Where rx is the rating corresponding to item ix. The mere factor that the customer has purchased an item does not guarantee the person’s affinity towards the product. Hence affinity levels for the product are obtained by integrating the ratings. The next step is to identify users with interests similar to the current user C. Identifying similarities begins by identifying the commonalities existing between C, the current user, paired with all the other existing users (NC). This is given by =.1................ (4) .............. ........... Where IC and INC correspond to items purchased by customers C and NC. The common items identified in ICommon are integrated with their corresponding ratings from C and NC, to create the ratings matrix, which is given by, =......} (5) ................ {(....,....,......)|(....,....)......(....,......). Where rc is the rating given to product ix by customer C and rnc is the rating given to product ix by customer NC. Correlation of ratings rc and rnc between the current customer C and every other customer NC is determined to identify the similarity levels between the two customers. Similarities are identified between two rating vectors, and a similarity identification model is used for the process [25]. Some of the common similarity measures are Euclidean distance, Minkowski distance and Pearson correlation [2]. Distance based measures requires the input vectors to be standardized prior to operations, while major advantage of a correlation based model is that they operate based on cosine similarities, hence do not require standardized values. This avoids the additional overhead of standardizing the input data. Hence the proposed TBE model uses Pearson correlation as the similarity measure identifier. TBE model uses all the items identified as common (entire population) to obtain the similarity, which is given by ......(....,......) ....,.... = .............. (6) Where RC and RNC are the rating vectors corresponding to C and NC , the numerator calculates the covariance of RC and RNC, the denominator calculates the product of standard deviations of RC and RNC. The final item set is obtained by filtering item data satisfying the similarity threshold (.Thresh). The similarity threshold is domain and data dependent. The proposed TBE model sets a similarity threshold of 0.5 for analysis. Items corresponding to users with satisfied thresholds are considered for building the training matrix. The selection criteria for items is given by = .................. {....|..................... .................,....< ....h......h} (7) Item categorization plays a vital role in determining the details pertaining to items. Training data for TBE is constructed with the item categorization details, rather than the actual items. Broader and highly specific categorizations tend to provide more accurate results. The proposed model also deals with integrating items falling under multiple categories. Categories pertaining to items under ISelected are obtained. Item categorizations tend to be nominal rather than numeric. Hence they are normalized with 1-of-n encoding to obtain the numeric training data matrix (T) for training the ensemble model. 4.2 Ensemble based Predictions Model based recommenders utilize a machine learning model to predict recommendations for a user. The proposed TBE model builds a boosted tree ensemble for prediction. Ensemble modelling [26] is the process of incorporating multiple models for prediction, rather than relying on the results of a single model. Boosting is a machine learning ensemble aimed to reduce bias and variance in the prediction system to provide an effective prediction model. It is a supervised learning approach operating by creating a set of weak learners to form a single strong learner. This work uses decision trees to build the model for recommendations based on the training data [27]. The proposed boosting model operates by iteratively training the algorithm based on the resultant errors from previous iterations. Let DT(x) be the base decision tree used for training. The process of prediction is given by ..'=....(..) (8) Where y’ is the prediction given by the decision tree model DT. However, being a weak learner, the predictions by DT will constitute errors e, which can be given by ..=..'-.. (9) Where y is the actual solution and y’ is the predicted solution. The next level prediction model is built by integrating the error component e into the prediction model. This is given by ..''=....(..)+.. (10) Similarly, the next level error is given by ' .. =..-..'' (11) The next model training incorporates e’ into the training process. This is iteratively performed until the error e reaches an acceptable threshold. Training data for the recommendation problem is modelled with category based training matrix constructed from item ratings obtained from similar users. Rating corresponding to the item vector is incorporated as the class label for the training matrix (T). The training matrix is passed to the boosted decision tree and the trained model is obtained. The process of training matrix creation and prediction is repeated for each user individually on every recommendation requirement, to obtain result pertaining to an individual user. Test data is obtained by considering the items not contained in the purchase list of customer C. The formulation of test data is given by .......... ={....|.................} (12) Categories corresponding to ITest are obtained and 1­of-n encoding is applied to obtain the test matrix. TBE is formulated as a regression model. Hence an error level of 0.001 is set as the acceptable error limit for the TBE model. The results provide probable user ratings for each item. Recommendations can be provided by sorting the results in decreasing order and providing the top n rated products as probable recommendations. 5 Experimental results The proposed TBE model is implemented using Python and uses MovieLens data [28, 29] for analysis. MovieLens is a benchmark dataset used to validate recommendation systems. The dataset pertaining to 1Million reviews is considered for evaluation. It contains details pertaining to 6040 users and provides reviews for 3952 movies. Ratings are provided on a 5 point scale. The dataset also contains categorizations of movies in terms of genres. A single movie sometimes belongs to multiple genres, providing scope for multiple options. The proposed model operates by considering movies as items and genres as the categorization parameters. U. Balasingam et al. Recommendation models are usually measured in terms of Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error [13, 31]. 1 .. ...... = . |....-..'..| (13) ..=1 .. 1 .. ........ =.. (....-..'..)2 (14) ..=1 .. Where yi and yi ’ are the actual and the predicted ratings for the N test reviews. MAE measures the effectiveness of the predictions. Smaller MAE values exhibit better predictions. RMSE depicts the stability of the predictions, in other words, the prediction variance. Low MAE values represent a good predictor, while high RMSE values indicate high variability in predictions. Performance of the proposed model is measured in terms of RMSE and MAE. Scalability of the model is measured by sampling the data from 100K reviews, moving up to 1 Million reviews. Exhibited results were attained by performing 1000 iterations and identifying the mean of the obtained predictions. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) corresponding to datasets of various sizes is shown in figure 1. It could be observed that the proposed TBE model exhibits similar MSE values exhibiting low fluctuations irrespective of the data size. The best MAE was observed to be 0.51, and average MAE was observed to be 0.64, with fluctuation levels of ±0.1. This exhibits the stability of the proposed model irrespective of the data size. the data size. The best RMSE was observed to be 0.62, and average RMSE was observed to be 0.77, with fluctuation levels of ±0.1. This exhibits the low variability in prediction levels of TBE. Figure 2: Root-Mean-Square Error Analysis for Varied Sized Input Data. Enhanced performance of the proposed model is attributed to the two major factors, feature augmentation and the tree based boosted ensemble. Feature augmentation is based on the user’s profile. Hence the input data contains several attributes depicting the user’s profile. This results in the model being highly fine-tuned towards the user’s requirements. This enables better predictions. further, usage of the boosting model ensures that every wrong prediction increases the weight of the instance. This enables even rarely found instances to have a significant impact on the final prediction process. These factors enable enhanced results in the proposed model. The actual performance values for TBE is tabulated and shown in table 1. Best performances are shown in bold. Moderate MAE and RMSE values indicate effectively reduced error levels and low variability levels in predictions. Time requirements for the proposed model exhibits linear time requirements by the TBE model. Dataset MAE RMSE Time(s) 100K 0.630135 0.806763 9.197 200K 0.746131 0.841447 20.662 300K 0.506511 0.625448 51.306 400K 0.617964 0.724338 88.696 500K 0.757933 0.871471 94.607 600K 0.590549 0.705942 112.125 700K 0.710233 0.835888 105.766 800K 0.618823 0.753463 108.144 900K 0.641097 0.77633 113.657 1M 0.629914 0.763647 118.935 Table 1: Performance Levels on Data with Varied Sizes. Comparison of the proposed model is performed with the weighted strategy based model (SW I, MLR and CM II) proposed by Fremal et al. [20] and K-Means and Cuckoo Search based model proposed by Katarya et al. [16]. Both these models are recent and also considers the MovieLens data for their prediction process. Hence this work considers the two models for comparison. A comparison on MAE values of the proposed model with SW I, MLR, CM II and K-Means Cuckoo is shown in figure 3. It could be observed that the proposed TBE model exhibits lowest MAE levels, exhibiting reduction levels in the range of 6% to 14%. Figure 3: Mean Absolute Error Comparison. A comparison on RMSE values of the proposed model with SW I, MLR, CM II and K-Means Cuckoo is shown in figure 4. It could be observed that the proposed TBE model exhibits lowest RMSE levels (0.76), while the other models exhibits RMSE levels >0.9. This exhibits that the variance levels of the proposed model is low compared to the other models. Low variability levels indicate high prediction reliability of the proposed TBE model. Figure 4: Root-Mean-Square Error Comparison. 6 Conclusion Recommendations have become one of the major requirements in the current information rich world. However, the voluminous data available for the recommendation engines poses a huge challenge. This paper proposes a feature augmentation based tree bagging ensemble model, TBE for recommendations. TBE, being an iterative model uses a weak classifier, hence the computational complexities pertaining to TBE was observed to be very low. Further, the repeated data filtering process in the first phase reduces data to a large extent. This further reduces the computational complexities, hence speeding up the prediction process to a considerable extent. This aids in handling large datasets effectively, indicating enhanced scalability levels. The major advantage of TBE is that it uses the available data for the current user and user’s similar to the current user. Hence TBE has the capability to identify even hidden patterns from the available data. Further, this process of prediction solves the data sparsity issue that affects collaborative filtering approaches. Limitations of the proposed model are that cold start problem has not been handled. Future extensions of the proposed model will be designed by incorporating user’s demographic data, which can enable solving the cold start issue. References [1] Vickery, A., and Vickery, B. C. (2005). Information science in theory and practice. 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The presented solution offers an answer to the open question,inthe algorithmform,ofthe maximal numberofsymbolsfora biomolecular computerthat makes use of the restriction enzyme BbvI. Povzetek: Razvit je nov naˇcuna najve ˇcunalnik. cin izraˇcjega števila simbolov za biomulekularni raˇ 1 Introduction The beginnings of research into possibilities of applying biomolecules to control biological systems, and also to construct computers, are to be found in theoretical works ofthe 1960s(Feynman 1961). Then,inthe 1980s, Charles Bennett (1982, Bennett and Landauer 1985) pointedto po­tential possibilities of application of biomolecules to con­struct energy-effcient nanodevices. However, the world had to wait to see the frst practical experiments realiz­ing simple calculations with the use of biochemical reac­tions until the mid-1990s, when Leonard Adleman (1994) solved the problem of Hamilton’s path in graph, using ex­clusively a biomolecule for this purpose. Successive re­search revealed the possibility of spontaneous formation of multidimensional structures built from biomolecules, which were made with the use of the conception of self-assembly (Whitesides et al. 1991, Seeman 2001, Gopinath et al. 2016). The multidimensional DNAstructures made it possible to realize fractals, e.g., ones of Sierpi´ nski tri­angle type (Rothemund 2004), which revealed a great po­tential in calculations based on self-assembly. In 2006, Paul Rothemund (2006) made use of self-assembling DNA molecules to obtain different multidimensional biomolec­ular structures. Properly prepared DNA molecules also madeit possibleto carryoutatheoreticalsimulationofTur­ing machine (Rothemund 1995). Prior to this, in 2001 (Be-nenson et al. 2001) a practically acting non-deterministic fnite automaton based on such DNAmolecules, restriction enzyme F okI and DNA ligase was presented. In succes­sive research, it was proved experimentally that such an automaton can work without the use of ligase enzyme (Be-nenson et al. 2003, Chen et al. 2007) and its complex­ities were extended in practical experiments, ones under­stood as the number of states using numerous restriction enzymes (Sakowski et al. 2017). It is worth adding that it was with success that laboratory experiments were car­ried out, in which this biomolecular system was applied to medical diagnosis and treatment (Benenson et al. 2004) and also to simple logical inference (Ran 2009). In an­other work which dealt with possibilities of applying DNA molecules, a challenge was taken up to not only increase the number of states of such an automaton (Unold et al. 2004),but also that of symbols possible for an automaton built from DNA(Soreni et al. 2005). Moreover, presented the notion of biomolecular automaton, informally charac­terized in the papers of Rothemund (1995), Benenson et al. (2001), Soreni et al (2005), was presented in a formal way (as a mathematical model called a tailor automaton in anew theoryof tailor automata)inthe paperWaldmajeret al. (2019). In the above-mentioned work, Soreni and co-workers (Soreni et al. 2005) put forward a 3-state 3-symbol biomolecular automaton which used the restriction enzyme BbvIas well as considered the problem of determining the maximal number of symbols for the constructed biomolec­ular automaton. On the basis of the conducted assessment theypointed out that it is possible to construct 40 symbols, eachof whichis composedof6pairsof nucleotides.How-ever,intheirwork,theypointedtomerely37such symbols, including one which was erroneously determined. Conse­quently, they opened the following issue (p. 3937): It is still an open question whether the maximal number of 6­bp sequences that produce distinct 4-bp stickyends in both strands is 40. It is with reference to this open question that the authors of the present work undertook and man­aged to solve the problem mentioned by Soreni et al. in their work (2005) through: (1) indicating 40 symbols (see Tab. 4) which make the solution to the open problem, (2) proposing the idea of working of an algorithm that enables to generate 40 symbols for a biomolecular automaton us­ing the restriction enzyme BbvI, and (3) formulating two general problems in the sphere of generating symbols for biomolecular automata which use one restriction enzyme (among which a biomolecular automaton using the restric­tion enzyme BbvIis a particular case) and more than one restriction enzyme. The second section presents the idea of constructing and working of a 3-state 3-symbol biomolecular automaton us­ing the restriction enzyme BbvIas presentedby Soreni and co-workers in their work (Soreni et al. 2005). In the third section the conception of working of an algorithm generat­ingthe maximal numberof symbolsfora biomolecular au­tomaton using the restriction enzyme BbvIwas presented together with a discussion of various undesired situations which may occur in the course of working of a biomolecu­lar automaton that makes use of one restriction enzyme (in particular for the restriction enzyme BbvI). In the last sec­tion, there were formulated two general problems of gener­ating the maximal number of symbols for a certain class of biomolecular automata using one or more than one restric­tion enzymes. 2 Biomolecular fnite automaton and the idea of its actions In this section, we make a presentation of the 3-state 3­symbol biomolecular fnite DNA automaton (see Fig. 1), which was presented by Soreni and co-workers (Soreni et al. 2005). The automaton uses the restriction enzyme BbvI, ligase enzyme and DNAdouble-stranded fragments (input molecule, set of transition molecules and set of de­tection molecules). The double-stranded DNA fragments include the adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine bases marked asA,C,GandT, respectively.    b,c aa,b,c     ?? ? - a -c ­ s2 s0 s1 b     Figure 1: Graph representing a 3-state 3-symbol determin­istic fnite automaton M1. The task of the BbvI restriction enzyme is to cut the double-strandedDNAafter recognizingaspecifc sequence (see Fig. 2A) in the double-stranded DNA. The BbvI restriction enzyme will cut the double-stranded DNAafter the 8th nucleotide in the DNAstrand in the50-30 direction and after the 12th nucleotide in the DNA strand in the 30-50 direction from the recognized specifc J.Waldmajer et al. 50 -G CAGC-30 (A) C GTCG-50 30­ - base pair 8 .-. .. ? 50-GCAGCTTAAATCTGGCTT-30 (B) 30-CGTCGAATTTAGACCGAA-50 .-. . . 6 12 Figure 2: (A) Specifc sequence recognized by the BbvI restriction enzyme. (B) The action of restriction endonu­clease: BbvI. sequence (see Fig. 2B). The task of the ligase enzyme is to ligate the two double-stranded DNAs having complementary sticky ends (see Fig. 4A and 4B), where a sticky end is a single-stranded DNA at the end of a double-stranded DNA. In the given sense,thestickyend‘TTTA’ofa single-strandedDNA(see Fig. 4A) is complementary to a stickyend ‘AAAT’ of the other double-stranded DNA (see Fig. 4B). The result of their ligation is one double-stranded DNA(see Fig. 4C). Both the restriction enzyme BbvIand the ligase enzyme play thekeyrolein the actionofa biomolecular automa­ton, determining, respectively: the operationof cuttingofa fragment of the double-stranded DNAand the operation of ligating of two fragments of double-stranded DNAs. The input molecule (see Fig. 3) is a double-stranded DNA fragment in which it is possible to distinguish the following three basic parts: the input word x consisting of the symbols a, b and c (x = acb), the terminal sym­bol and the base sequence. At the both ends of the input molecule there occur additional base pairs and their occur­rence is determined by the properties related to the action of the restriction enzyme. Toconstructaninputwordofthe 3-state 3-symbol deter­ministic fnite automaton, the following three symbols: a,b and c (seeFig.5)were used. These symbols were codedby means of six base pairs. Besides the aforementioned sym­bols, the additional terminal symbol t was introduced. This symboliscodedbymeansofthesamenumberofbasepairs as the symbols a, b and c. This symbol was used to acquire an output molecule which is used to determine whether the automaton has fnished acting in the required state and has accepted the input word x. The base sequence consists of a certain number of base pairs, contains a specifc sequence recognizable by the BbvI restriction enzyme, and makes it possible to defne the start state by determining the cut place of the input molecule by the BbvI restriction enzyme (cf. Fig. 3 and Fig. 2B). Let us note that the term “base sequence” did not appear in work Soreni et al. (2005). Introducing this term is meant to clearly determine the manner of setting the start state of a biomolecular automaton. According to the idea contained in the work of Soreni and co-workers acbt - - -­ 22 21 50­-30 GCAGCTTAAATCTGGCTTGCGATGAGTGATGTCGC bp bp CGTCGAATTTAGACCGAACGCTACTCACTACAGCG 30­-50 | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } Abp base word x terminal Abp sequence symbol Figure 3: Input molecule containing the input word x = acb;Abp– Additional base pairs. Table 1: Connection of the statess0, s1 and s2 ofa biomolecular automatonwiththe permanentcutplacesofthesymbols a, b, c and t of the biomolecular automaton. state symbol a symbol b symbol c symbol t s0 s1 s2 50-CTGGCT-30 30-GACCGA-50 50-CTGGCT-30 30-GACCGA-50 50-CTGGCT-30 30-GACCGA-50 50-GAGTGA-30 30-CTCACT-50 50-GAGTGA-30 30-CTCACT-50 50-GAGTGA-30 30-CTCACT-50 50-TGCGAT-30 30-ACGCTA-50 50-TGCGAT-30 30-ACGCTA-50 50-TGCGAT-30 30-ACGCTA-50 50-TGTCGC-30 30-ACAGCG-50 50-TGTCGC-30 30-ACAGCG-50 50-TGTCGC-30 30-ACAGCG-50 stickyend .-. .. . . . 50. . -GCAGCTT -30 (A) 30-CGTCGAATTTA-50 stickyend .-. 50.. -AAATCTGGCTTG-30 (B) 30-GACCGAAC-50 50-GCAGCTTAAATCTGGCTTG-30 (C) 30-CGTCGAATTTAGACCGAAC-50 Figure 4: (A) and (B) Double-stranded DNAs with the complementary stickyends.(C)The resultofaligationbe-tween the double-stranded DNAs with the complementary stickyends included in (A) and (B). ab 5050 -CTGGCT-30 -GAGTGA-30 30-GACCGA-50 30-CTCACT-50 ct 5050 -TGCGAT-30 -TGTCGC-30 30-ACGCTA-50 30-ACAGCG-50 Figure 5: Symbols a, b, c and the terminal symbol t. (Soreni et al. 2005), the reading of a symbol in a certain state of the automaton is identifed with the cutting of the double-stranded DNA by the BbvI restriction enzyme in the area of a symbol, in a determined (permanent) place of the DNAstrand, in the50-30 direction and in a determined (permanent) placeof theDNAstrandin the30-50 direction. Tab. 1 presents a connection between the states and two permanent cut places of the symbols. In accordance with the input molecule presented on Fig. 3, the frst cutting input molecule with the use of the restric­tion enzyme BbvIwill follow in the area of the symbola, which corresponds to the state s2. In this way, in the state s2, the symbol a was read andafragmentofDNA was ob­tained as presented on Fig. 6. In this sense, the state s2 is a initial state. Adding to the base sequence of one or two pairs of nucleotides can set the start state to be the follow­ing: s1 or s0, respectively. cbt - -­ 50 21 -30 -GGCTTGCGATGAGTGATGTCGC bp 30-ACGCTACTCACTACAGCG -50 Figure 6: Double-stranded DNA fragment obtained after BbvIacting on the input molecule. The set of transition molecules is used to implement a set of transitions in the 3-state 3-symbol deterministic f­nite automaton. We obtain transition from one state to the other (the same or another state), upon reading a symbol, through ligating with the use of ligase enzyme, of a DNA fragment obtained on Fig. 6 with one of the transition molecules. Each transition molecule containsa specifc se­quence recognizable by the BbvI restriction enzyme and the additional base pairs. Exemplary transition molecules are presented in Fig. 7: the transition molecule presented on Fig. 7A enables transition from the state s0 to that of s1 after reading the symbol c;the transition molecule pre­sented on Fig. 7B enables transition from the state s1 to that of s1 after reading the symbol b; the transition molecule presented on Fig. 7C enables transition from the state s2 to that of s0 after reading the symbol a. For each state, one detection molecule is constructed and thusasetof detection moleculesisspecifed(seeFig.8).It should be noted that the detection molecules have different numbers of additional base pairs, which makes it possible to determine laboratorily the state in which the automaton fnished its action. The beginning of the work: the BbvI, ligase enzyme, manycopies of the transition molecules and manycopies 35 50­GCAGCT -30 (A) bp CGTCGAACGC-50 30­ 39 50­GCAGCTT -30 (B) bp CGTCGAATCAC-50 50 30­ 35 -GCAGCTATT -30 (C) bp CGTCGATAACCGA-50 Figure 7: Selected transition molecules used in the transi­tion function: (A) T1:(s0, c)› s1, (B) T2:(s1, b)› s1, (C) T3:(s2, a)› s0. 30­ 54 200 50­-30 50­-30 (A) (B) bp bp CAGC-50 30­ ACAG-50 30­ 300 50­-30 (C) bp AGCG-50 Figure 8: (A) Detection molecule D1 for the state s0. (B) Detection molecule D2 for the state s1. (C) Detection molecule D3 for state s2. 30­ of the detection molecules are placed in a laboratory tube; the fnal addition is manycopies of the input molecule. Af­ter these elements have been mixed in the test tube, the biomolecular automaton starts its action. In successive steps there follows reading of the symbol a in the state s2 (see Fig. 9a), making use of the transition molecule shown in Fig. 7C to transition from the state s2 to that of s0 after reading the symbol a (see Fig. 9b), reading of the symbol c in the state s0 (see Fig. 9c), using the transi­tion molecule presented in Fig. 7A to transition from the state s0 to the state s1 after reading the symbol c (see Fig. 9d) reading the symbol b in the state s1 (see Fig. 9e), using the transition molecule presented in Fig. 7B and reading the terminal symbol t in the state s1 (see. Fig. 9f-g). In the last step there follows ligation of a fragment of double-stranded DNApresented in Fig. 9g with one of the detec­tion molecules(seeFig.8B).Asaresultofligationofthese DNAfragments an output molecule is formed (see Fig. 9h), which – from the laboratory point of view – serves to de­termine the end state of a biomolecular fnite automaton. 3 Algorithmfor theproblemof the maximal number of symbols 3.1 Theformal aparatus usedin the description of the algorithm Let the set .= {A, C, G,T} and the function ., which is bijection of the set . on ., which is defned in the follow­ing way: .(A) =T,.(T) = A, .(C) =Gand.(G) =Cbe given. The set . is calleda set of nucleotides, the elements of the set . are called nucleotides, and the function . is called complementarity of nucleotides. We call anyfnite sequence of nucleotides of the set. as a word. Theword x which is the sequence X1,X2,...,Xj J.Waldmajer et al. of nucleotides of the set . (Xi . ., 0 T2. All data points are then added to a list and one of the points in the list is picked at random. The remaining points in the list are iterated over and the distance to the initial point is calculated. If the distance is within T1, the point is added to the canopy. Further, if the distance is within T2, the point is removed from the list. The algorithm is iterated until the list is empty. The output of the Canopy clustering is the input of static DBSCAN; 3.2 Classical static DBSCAN clustering algorithm When used with canopy clustering, the DBSCAN algorithm can reduce the computations in the radius (Eps) calculation step that delimits the neighborhood area of a point hence improving the efficiency of the algorithm. The implementations of the DBSCAN algorithm with Canopy Clustering involves the following steps (see Figure 3): Figure 3: DBSCAN algorithm with Canopy Clustering. 1. Prepare the data points: the input data needs to be transformed into a format suitable and utilizable for distance and similarity measures. 2. Choose Canopy Centers 3. Attribute data points to canopy centers: the canopy assignment step would simply assign data points to generated canopy centers. 4. Associate the cluster's centroids to the canopies centers. The data points are now in clustered sets. 5. Repeat the iteration until all data are clustered. 6. Apply the DBSCAN algorithm with radius ..<= canopy radius and iterate until clustering. The computation to calculate the minimum number of points (Minpts) is greatly reduced as we only calculate the distance between a clusters centroids and data point if they share the same canopy. 7. DBSCAN is a widely used technique for clustering in spatial databases. DBSCAN needs less knowledge of input parameters. The major advantage of DBSCAN is to identify arbitrary shape objects and removal of noise during the clustering process. Besides its familiarity, it has problems with handling large databases and in the worst case, its complexity reaches to O(n2)[26]. Additionally, DBSCAN cannot produce a correct result on varied densities. That's why we used canopy clustering in our case to reduce its complexity: In the AMF-IDBSCAN algorithm, we partition the data (n is the number of data) into canopies C by canopy clustering, each containing about (n / C) points. Then the complexity will decrease to (n2 /C) for the AMF­IDBSCAN algorithm. In the sub-section, we describe the static DBSCAN: The static DBSCAN algorithm was first introduced by [27]. It uses a density-based notion of clustering of arbitrary shapes, which is designed to discover clusters of arbitrary shape and also has the ability to handle noise. It relies on the density-based notion of clusters. Clusters are identified by looking at the density of points. Regions with a high density of points depict the existence of clusters, whereas regions with a low density of points indicate clusters of noise or clusters of outliers. The key idea of the DBSCAN algorithm [28] is that, for each point of a cluster, the neighborhood of a given radius has to contain at least a minimum number of points, that is, the density in the neighborhood has to exceed some predefined threshold. This algorithm needs two input parameters: Eps, the radius that delimits the neighborhood area of a point (Eps-neighborhood); MinPts, the minimum number of points that must exist in the Eps-neighborhood. The clustering process is based on the classification of the points in the dataset as core points, border points, and noise points, and on the use of density relations between points (directly density-reachable, density-reachable, density-connected) to form the clusters (see Figure 4). Core point: lies in the interior of density based clusters and should lie within Eps (radius or threshold value), MinPts (minimum number of points) which are user-specified parameters. Border point: lies within the neighborhood of core point and many core points may share the same border point. Noise point: is a point which is neither a core point nor a border point. Directly Density-Reachable: a point P is directly density-reachable from a point Q with respect to (w.r.t) Eps, MinPts if P belongs to NEps(Q) |NEps (Q)| >= MinPts Density-Reachable: a point P is density-reachable from a point Q w.r.t Eps, MinPts if there is a chain of points P1, …, Pn, P1 = Q, Pn = P such that Pi+1 is directly density-reachable from Pi Density-Connected: a point P is density-connected to a point Q w.r.t Eps, MinPts if there is a point O such that both, P and Q are dense-reachable from O w.r.t Eps and MinPts. The steps of the DBSCAN algorithm are as follows [27]: • Arbitrary select a point P • Retrieve all points density-reachable from P w.r.t Eps and MinPts. • If P is a core point, a cluster is formed. • If P is a border point, no points are dense-reachable from P and DBSCAN visits the next point of the database. • Continue the process until all of the points have been processed. Figure 4: DBSCAN working. 3.3 Incremental DBSCAN clustering The static DBSCAN approach is not suitable for a large multidimensional database which is frequently updated. In that case, the incremental clustering approach is much finer. In our study, we use incremental DBSCAN to enhance the clustering process by incrementally partitioning the dataset to reduce the search space of the neighborhood to one partition rather than the whole data set. Also, it has embedded flexibility regarding the level of granularity and is robust to noisy data. We have chosen as a foundation of our incremental DBSCAN clustering algorithm, the algorithm of [29] which works in two steps: Step 1. Compute the means between every core object of the clusters and the new data. Insert the new data into a specific cluster based on the minimum mean distance. Sign the data as noise or border if it cannot be inserted into any clusters. Step 2. Form new core points or clusters when noise points or border points fulfill the Minpts (the minimum number of points) and radius criteria. Sometimes DBSCAN may be applied on a dynamic database which is frequently updated by the insertion or deletion of data. After insertions and deletions to the database, the clustering located by DBSCAN has to be updated. Incremental clustering could enhance the chances of finding the global optimum. In this approach, A. Chefrour et al. first, it will form clusters based on the initial objects and a given radius (eps) and Minpts. Thus the algorithm finally gets some clusters fulfilling the conditions and some outliers. When new data is inserted into the existing database, we have to update the existing clusters using DBSCAN. At first, the algorithm computes the means between every core object of clusters and the new coming data and insert it into a particular cluster based on the minimum mean distance. The new data which is not inserted into any clusters, is treated as noise or outlier. Sometimes outliers which fulfill the Minpts & Eps criteria, combined can form clusters using DBSCAN. We have used the Euclidean distance because it is currently the most frequently used metric space for the established clustering algorithms [30]. The steps of incremental DBSCAN clustering algorithm are as follows: Pseudo-code of incremental DBSCAN Input D: a dataset containing n objects {X1,X2, X3 …, Xn}; n: number of data items; Minpts: Minimum number of data objects ; eps: radius of the cluster. Output K: a Set of clusters. Procedure Let, Ci (where i=1, 2, 3 …) is the new data item. 1. Run the actual DBSCAN algorithm and clustered the new data item Ci properly based on the radius(eps) and the Minpts criteria. Repeat till all data items are clustered. Incremental DBSCAN Pseudo-code: Start: 2. a> Let, K represents the already existing clusters. b>When new data is coming into the database, the new data will be directly clustered by calculating the minimum mean(M) between that data and the core objects of existing clusters. for i = 1 to n do find some mean M in some cluster Kp in K such that dis ( Ci, M ) is the smallest; If (dis ( Ci, M ) is minimum) && (Ci<=eps) && (size(Kp)>=Minpts) then Kp = Kp U Ci ; Else If dis (Ci != min) || (Ci>eps) ||(size(Kp) Repeat step b till all the data samples are clustered. End. 3.4 Post-clustering We illustrate the clusters and the outliers points by a rectangular window ..on a hyperplane of n dimensions equivalent to the data dimensions. We apply the Adaptive Median Filtering (AMF) to reduce the noise data. We have taken the key idea of this method and we have applied it to our proposition. This is an important advantage of our approach. We have selected Adaptive Median Filtering (AMF) among various filtering techniques because it removes noise while preserving shape details [31]. AMF technique is used to replace the outliers generated by incremental DBSCAN by a cluster contains an object. The adaptive median filtering [32] has been widely applied as an advanced method compared with standard median filtering. The adaptive filter works on a rectangular region .. (illustration of the set of clusters and outliers generated by the previous stage on a hyperplane). It changes the size of W during the filtering operation depending on certain criteria as listed below. The output of the filter is a single value which replaces the current noise data value at (x, y,....), the point on which ..is centered at the time. Let Ix,y,.....be the selected noise data according to the dimensions, Imin be the minimum noise value and Imax be the maximum noise value in the window, W be the current window size applied, Wmax be the maximum window size that can be achieved and Imed be the median of the window designated. The algorithm of this filtering technique completes in two levels as described in [33]: Level A: a) If Imin< Imed< Imax then the median value is not an impulse, so the algorithm goes to Level B to check if the current noise is an impulse. b) Else the size of the window is increased and Level A is repeated until the median value is not a stimulus so the algorithm goes to Level B; or the maximum window size is reached, in which case the median value is assigned as the filtered selected noise value. Level B: a) If Imin < Ix,y,.... < Imax, then the current noise value is not a stimulus, so the filtered selected noise is unchanged b) Else the selected noise data is either equal to Imax or Imin, then the filtered selected noise data is assigned the median value from Level A. These types of median filters are widely used in filtering data that has been denoised with noise density greater than 20%. This technique has three main purposes: • To remove noise; • To smoothen any non-stimulus noise; • To reduce excessive shapes of clusters 3.5 Performance evaluation To evaluate the performance of our approach, the canopies are applied to the original dataset and store the result into another database, and then the actual DBSCAN algorithm is applied to the results to this database. The incremental DBSCAN algorithm is applied to the incremental dataset. The results of these two algorithms are compared and their performances are evaluated. The proposed algorithm AMF-IDBSCAN is shown as pseudo-code in Algorithm 2: Pseudo-code of AMF-IDBSCAN Input D: a dataset containing n objects {X1,X2, X3 …, Xn}; n: number of data items; Minpts: Minimum number of data objects ; eps: radius of the cluster. CN: canopies centers Output K: a Set of clusters. A single value: Ix,y,.... or Imed Procedure 1. Run Canopy clustering : 1.1. Put all data into a List, and initialize two distance radius about the loose threshold T1 and the tight threshold T2 (T1> T2). 1.2. Randomly select a point as the first initial center of the Canopy cluster, and delete this object from the List. 1.3. Get a point from the List, and calculate the distance d to each Canopy clusters. If d < T2, the point belongs to this cluster; if T2.d.T1, this point will be marked with a weak label; If the distance d to all Canopy center is greater than T1, then the point will be classed as a new Canopy cluster center. Finally, this point should be eliminated from the List; 1.4. Run the step1.3 repeatedly until the list is empty, and recalculate the canopy centers CN. 2. Run the actual DBSCAN algorithm and clustered the new data item Ci properly based on the radius(eps) and the Minpts criteria. Repeat till all data items are clustered: 2.1. Choosing Canopy Centers CN 2.2. Attribute data points D to canopy centers CN; 2.3. Apply the DBSCAN algorithm with radius .. <= canopy radius with dist(CN, Ci) Let, K represents the already existing clusters. 3.2. When new data is coming into the database, the new data will be directly clustered by calculating the minimum mean(M) between that data and the core objects of existing clusters. For i = 1 to n do find some mean M in some cluster Kp in K such that dis ( Ci, M ) is the smallest; If (dis ( Ci, M ) is minimum) && (Ci<=eps) && (size(Kp)>=Minpts) then Kp = Kp U Ci ; Else If dis (Ci != min) || (Ci>eps) ||(size(Kp) 0 AND A2 < 0, Go to level B Else increase the window size If window size W<= Imax repeat level A Else output Ix,y... Level B: B1 = Ix,y,.. – Imin B2 = Ix,y,.. – Imin If B1 > 0 And B2 < 0 output Ix,y,.. Else output Imed. 3.5. Repeat step b till all the data samples are clustered. 4. Evaluate performance. Experiments and results This section presents a detailed experimental analysis carried out to prove our proposed clustering technique AMF-IDBSCAN is better than other state of art methods used for high dimensional clustering. We have taken five high dimensional data sets (Adult, Wine, Glass identification, Ionosphere, and Fisher's Iris) from UC Irvine repository (refer Table 1) to test the performance in terms of F-measure, number of clusters, error rate, number of uncluttered instances and time is taken to build the model. F-measure is defined in equation (1), it is the harmonic average of precision and recall. It is a one only summary statistic that does not credit an algorithm for correctly placing the very large number of pairs into different clusters [34]. F-Measure is commonly used in evaluating the efficiency and the reliability of clustering and classification algorithms. Dataset No. of instances No. of attributes Attribute type Data types Ionosphere 351 34 Integer, real Multivariate Wine 178 13 Integer, real Multivariate Glass Identification 214 10 Real Multivariate Adult 48842 15 Categorical, Integer, Real Multivariate Fisher's Iris 150 4 Real Multivariate Table 1: Description of UCI databases. A. Chefrour et al. Our proposed noise removal and outlier labeling method are compared with static DBSCAN, an incremental density based clustering algorithm (IDBSCAN) [22], DMDBSCAN [14] presented below is the brief related work, about evaluation metrics used for evaluating clustering results: 2×..................×............ ..-.............. = (1) ..................+............ ..h...... : .... .................. = (2) ....+.... .... ............ = (3) ....+.... Where TP: True positive, FP: False positive, FN: False negative DBSCAN: We apply the DBSCAN algorithm on wine dataset with Eps = 0.9 and MinPts = 6, F-measure= 0.175 and obtain an average error index of 26.18%, number of clusters = 3. While applying DBSCAN on Iris data set, we get an average error index of 35.33% with the same Eps and Minpts, F-measure= 0.264, number of clusters = 3. Another real data set is Glass dataset and when we apply DBSCAN on it, we get an average error index of 68.22 %, F-measure= 0.423 with a number of = 6. We get for Adult dataset an average error index of 32%, F-measure= 0.475 with number of clusters=1216. For ionosphere, an average error index= 31.62%, F-measure= 0.854 and number of clusters=2 (see Table 2) Dataset Name N° of clusters F-measure Time taken to build a model Error rate (%) N° of Unclusteredinstances Fisher's iris 3 0.264 0.02 35.33 0 Wine 3 0.175 0.06 26.18 1 Glass identification 6 0.423 0.04 68.22 4 Adult 1216 0.475 1638,35 32 15813 Ionosphere 2 0.854 0.23 31.62 111 Table 2: Results of applying DBSCAN. IDBSCAN: We apply IDBSCAN algorithm on wine dataset with Eps = 0.9 and MinPts = 6, F-measure= 0.274 and obtain an average error index of 23.45%, number of clusters = 4. While applying IDBSCAN on Iris data set, we get an average error index of 28.54% with the same Eps and Minpts, F-measure= 0.354, number of clusters = 3. Another real data set is Glass dataset and when we apply IDBSCAN on it, we get an average error index of 49.52%, F-measure= 0.323 with a number of clusters = 8. We get for Adult dataset an average error index of 27.96%, F-measure= 0.475 with number of clusters=1265. For ionosphere, an average error index= 29.15%, F-measure= 0.639 and number of clusters=3 (see Table3). Dataset Name N° of clusters F-measure Time taken to build a model Error rate (%) Fisher's iris 3 0.354 0.03 28.54 Wine 4 0.274 0.05 23.45 Glass identification 8 0.323 0.09 49.52 Adult 1265 0.475 5476.9 27.96 Ionosphere 3 0.639 0.84 29.15 Table 3: Results of applying IDBSCAN. AMF-IDBSCAN: In our experiments, we have used for canopy clustering implementation, a Weka tool (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) [35] which is an open-source Java application produced by the University of Waikato in New Zealand. It functions like Preprocessing Filters, Attribute selection, Classification/Regression, Clustering, Association discovery, Visualization. The set of training instances has to be encoded in an input file with.ARFF (Assign Relation File Format) extension to be used by the Weka tool in order to generate the canopies that will be used as inputs in our algorithm. We apply our proposed AMF-IDBSCAN algorithm on wine data set with Eps = 0.9 and MinPts = 6, number of canopies= 4, F-measure= 0.354 and obtain an average error index of 18.25%, number of clusters = 4. While applying AMF-IDBSCAN on Iris data set, we get an average error index of 25.63% with the same Eps and Minpts, number of canopies= 3, F-measure= 0.758, number of clusters = 4. Another real data set is Glass data set and when we apply our proposed algorithm on it, we get an average error index of 35.96% , number of canopies= 8, F-measure= 0.695 with number of = 6. We get for Adult dataset an average error index of 29.46%, number of canopies= 100, F-measure= 0.495 with number of clusters=1285. For ionosphere, an average error index= 27.64%, number of canopies= 11, F-measure= 0.821 and number of clusters=5 (see Table 4). DMDBSCAN: We apply the DMDBSCAN algorithm on the wine data set, and applying k-dist for 3-nearest points, we have 3 values of Eps which are 4.3, 4.9 and 5.1. F-measure= 0.125, the average error index is 23.15% and number of clusters = 3. While applying DMDBSCAN on Iris data set, and applying k-dist for 3-nearest points, we have 2 values of Eps which are 0.39 and 0.45. The average error index is 38.46%, F-measure =0.295 and a number of clusters = 3. Another real data set is Glass dataset and when we apply DMDBSCAN on it and applying k-dist for 3­nearest points, we have 3 values of Eps which are 0.89, 9.3 and 9.4. F-measure= 0.623, the average error index is 58.39% and the number of clusters = 6. We get for Adult dataset an F-measure= 0.474, the average error index of 34.66%, with a number of clusters=1301. For ionosphere, F-measure= 0.754, an average error index= 30.04%, and number of clusters=6 (see Table 5). Dataset Name T1 T2 N° of canopies N° of clusters F-measure Error rate (%) Time taken to build a model Fisher's iris 1.092 0.874 3 4 0.798 25.63 0.01 Wine 1,561 1,249 4 4 0.354 18.25 0.02 Glassidentification 1,237 0,989 8 6 0.695 35.96 0.04 Adult 2,020 1,616 100 1285 0.495 29.46 0.07 Ionosphere 2,700 2,160 11 5 0.821 27.64 0.04 Table 4: Results of applying AMF-IDBSCAN. Dataset Name N° of clusters F-measure Error rate (%) Time is taken to build a model Fisher's iris 3 0.293 38.46 0.08 Wine 3 0.125 23.15 0.13 Glass identification 6 0.623 58.39 0.24 Adult 1301 0.474 34.66 0.64 Ionosphere 6 0.754 30.04 0.09 Table 5: Results of applying DMDBSCAN. Table 6: Comparison against the results of DBSCAN, IDBSCAN, DMDBSCAN and our proposed algorithm AMF-IDBSCAN. Dataset Name DBSCAN AMF-IDBSCAN DMDBSCAN IDBSCAN N° ofclusters F-measure Error rate (%) N° ofclusters F-measure Error rate (%) N° ofclusters F-measure Error rate (%) N° ofclusters F-measure Error rate (%) Fisher's iris 3 0.264 35.33 4 0.798 25.63 3 0.293 38.46 3 0.354 28.54 Wine 3 0.175 26.18 4 0.354 18.25 3 0.125 23.15 4 0.274 23.45 Glass identification 6 0.423 68.22 6 0.695 35.96 6 0.623 58.39 8 0.323 49.52 Adult 1216 0.475 32 1285 0.495 29.46 1301 0.474 34.66 1265 0.475 27.96 Ionosphere 2 0.854 31.62 5 0.821 27.64 6 0.754 30.04 3 0.639 29.15 Table 6 compares the results obtained by our proposed algorithm against those of three other algorithms, namely: DBSCAN, IDBSCAN, and DMDBSCAN: • From our experiments, and as Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 show: by using the DBSCAN algorithm for multi-densities data sets, we get low-quality results with long times. DBSCAN algorithm is a time-consuming algorithm when dealing with large datasets. This is due to Eps and Minpts parameters values which are very important for DBSCAN algorithm, but their calculations are time-consuming. In other sense, clustering algorithms are in need to discover a better version of the DBSCAN algorithm to deal with these special multi-densities datasets. • DMDBSCAN gives better efficiency results than DBSCAN clustering algorithm but takes more time compared with the other algorithms. This is due that the algorithm needs to call the DBSCAN algorithm for each value of Eps. • The IDBSCAN algorithm is more efficient in terms of error rate and f-measure than DBSCAN algorithm. Also, it takes more time compared with DBSCAN, DMDBSCAN, and AMF-IDBSCAN. This is due to the fact that this algorithm needs to call the DBSCAN algorithm to make the initial clustering. • AMF-IDBSCAN gives the best efficiency results compared to the other studied algorithms. Table 6 presents the F-Measure values recorded for all the data sets and all the algorithms. A high value of F-Measure proves the better quality of the clustering process. A significant improvement is found on AMF-IDBSCAN and on all datasets except the Ionosphere dataset. The maximum increase is observed in both Iris and Glass data sets. The improvement in F-Measure shows that our proposed method is more efficient in terms of noise removal and outlier labeling. Apart from F-Measure, our proposed method allows to achieve good clustering results in a reasonable time. It can be easily observed from Figure 5 that our proposed clustering method for noise removal is well suited for high dimensional data sets and it exceeds the other existing methods. 5 Conclusion and perspectives In this paper, we proposed AMF-IDBSCAN an enhanced version of the DBSCAN algorithm, including the notions of density, canopies and noise removal. This work presents a comparative study of the performance of this proposed approach which is fused with an adaptive median filtering median for noise removal and outlier detection technique and a canopy clustering method to reduce the volume of large datasets. We compared this algorithm with the original DBSCAN algorithm, IDBSCAN, DMDBSCAN, and our experimental results show that the proposed approach gives better results in terms of error rate and f-measure with the increment of data in the original database. In our future works, we will extend our investigations to other incremental clustering algorithms like COBWEB, incremental OPTICS and incremental supervised algorithms like incremental SVM, learn++, etc. One of the remaining interesting challenges is how to select the algorithm parameters like k-dist, eps, Minpts, and number of canopies automatically. 6 Acknowledgment The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their very constructive remarks and suggestions. 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An Adaptive Image Inpainting Method Based on the Weighted Mean Nguyen Hoang Hai Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science and Education, The University of Danang, Vietnam E-mail: hoanghai@ued.udn.vn Le Minh Hieu Department of Economics, University of Economics, The University of Danang, Vietnam E-mail: hieulm@due.udn.vn Dang N. H. Thanh, Department of Information Technology, Hue College of Industry, Vietnam E-mail: dnhthanh@hueic.edu.vn Nguyen Van Son Ballistic Research Laboratory, Military Weapon Institute, Vietnam E-mail: vanson.nguyen.mwi@gmail.com V. B. Surya Prasath Division of Biomedical Informatics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati, USA Department of Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, USA Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Cincinnati, USA E-mail: surya.prasath@cchmc.org, prasatsa@uc.edu Keywords: inpainting, weighted mean, weighted mean filter, image restoration, image processing Received: September 26, 2018 Imaging inpainting is the process of digitally filling-in missing pixel values in images and requires care­fully crafted image analysis tools. In this work, we propose an adaptive image inpainting method based on the weighted mean. The weighted mean is assessed to be better than the median because, for the case of the weighted mean, we can exclude the values of the corrupted pixels from evaluating values to fill those corrupted pixels. In the experiments, we implement the algorithm on an open dataset with various corrupted masks and we also compare the inpainting result by the proposed method to other similar inpainting methods – the harmonic inpainting method and the inpainting by directional median filters – to prove its own effectiveness to restore small, medium as well as fairly large corrupted regions. This comparison will be handled based on two of the most popular image quality assessment error metrics, such as the peak signal to noise ratio, and structural similarity. Further, since the proposed inpainting method is non-iterative, it is suitable for implementations to process big imagery that traditionally require higher computational costs, such as the large, high-resolution images or video sequences. Povzetek: Opisana je novo razvita metoda določanja manjkajočih točk v sliki s pomočjo uteženega povprečja. Introduction Image inpainting [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] is one of the interesting problems of image processing [7, 8] that has attracted a lot of attention. Image inpainting or image interpolation is a process of filling the damaged and/or missing parts. Image inpainting has a wide range of applications in practice such as watermark removal [9], image disocclusion [10, 11], restoring old images corrupted by dust, scratches, etc., image zooming, image super-resolution [8], etc. To solve the image inpainting problem, there are some intensive approaches [12, 13, 14] such as partial-differen­tial-equation-based (PDE-based) methods [1, 8, 15], cal-culus-of-variation-based methods [8], graph-based meth­ods, stochastic methods, etc. and machine-learning-based methods. In this paper, we only focus on non-learning-based methods, because the comparison of methods based on machine-learning to non-learning-based methods is not fair. In non-learning-based methods, the PDE-based and variation-based methods are highly effective to treat this problem. However, these methods are iterative and the ac­curacy, performance, execution time depends much on the tolerance. In this paper, we study an inpainting method based on the weighted mean [16]. Our method is non-iterative, hence, the computational complexity associated with tra­ditional iterative inpainting methods. This advantage is es­pecially appealing as it paves the way for us to apply inpainting for larger images or high-resolution images, such as Full HD 1080, 2K, 4K, and higher resolution and/or video sequences data. We propose the method to fill the corrupted parts by the weighted mean because it excludes the value of the corrupted pixels from the evaluating process. The pixels of the corrupted regions are always different from the neighboring pixels' values. So, their values are not useful for evaluating the values to fill the corrupted regions. This idea is better than using the median. The proposed inpaint­ing method is effective on various corrupted masks: from a small, medium up to large area. In our experiments, we compare our inpainting results from the proposed method to the harmonic inpainting method [1, 15] (PDE-based inpainting) and the inpainting method by directional median filters [17]. Our results prove that the adaptive inpainting based on the weighted mean is a novel method and performs favorably to other state-of-the-art inpainting methods. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the general image inpainting problem that is formulated in the form of the optimization problem, and the proposed adaptive inpainting method based on the weighted mean. Section 3 presents the experiments and the comparison of the inpainting result to another similar method. Finally, section 4 concludes. 2 The proposed inpainting method 2.1 Image inpainting problem Let ..0(..,..),..(..,..),..(..,..),(..,..)...R2,be the 2D grayscale original image, the restored image, and the cor­rupted image, respectively. In the case of image presented in the discrete form, ..=1,2…,..;..=1,2,…,.., where values ..,.. are the number of pixels by the image width and image height. Let ..– the set of corrupted pixels. The popular general image inpainting model is de­fined as follows [1, 15]: ..=argmin (..(...)+.. . |..-..|2), .. ..,.... (..,..)..\.. where the norm |•|– ..2 norm, .(•)– a gradient-based smooth function. It can be selected as Total variation [18, 19], Euler’s elastica [1] or Mumford-Shah model [1]. As can be observed from the minimization model, to solve the above inpainting model, we need some complex optimization methods. The algorithms based on this model are iterative manners that the accuracy depends much on the tolerance. 2.2 The proposed inpainting method In this paper, we propose the inpainting method based on the adaptive weighted mean filter. The adaptive weighted mean filter [16] is proposed by Zhang and Li to solve the denoising problem. Like other median-based and mean-based filters, this method evaluates the corrupted pixels N.H. Hai et al. values on the clipping windows by the mean value. How­ever, this method considers the weight of pixels values to evaluate the mean. So, it is called to be the weighted mean. For the inpainting problem, the corrupted regions are the connected regions with a small, medium or large area. This is quite different from the denoising problem: the cor­rupted pixels are always separated pixels or connected pixels on a small area (for the high noise levels). Like the adaptive weighted mean filter for denoising, we also evaluate the corrupted pixels values based on the pixels values of the considered clipping windows. Let ..,.... be indices of pixels of all image domain .and of the corrupted regions .., respectively. We call ......(..)a clipping window centered at the pixel (..,..)with a size of 2..+1: ......(..)={|..-..|...,|..-..|...,(..,..)...}. Figure 1 shows an example of the clipping windows centered at the pixel (3, 3) with ..=2. Figure 1: The clipping window centered at the marked pixel (3, 3) with a ..=2(i.e., the window size is 5). ..22 ..21 ..21 ..22 ..23 ..23 ..22 ..12 ..11 ..11 ..12 ..13 ..13 ..12 ..12 ..11 ..11 ..12 ..13 ..13 ..12 ..22 ..21 ..21 ..22 ..23 ..23 ..22 ..22 ..21 ..21 ..22 ..23 ..23 ..22 ..12 ..11 ..11 ..12 ..13 ..13 ..12 Figure 2: The extended pixels matrix with the padding is 2 of the marked 3×2 image. Our proposed inpainting method starts from the clip­ping windows of every corrupted pixel (..,..)...... If the corrupted pixels lay on the position (..,..) with ..-...0 or ..+..... or ..-...0or ..+....., we need to ex­tend the pixels matrix to top, bottom, left or right more .. rows or columns of pixels. The values to fill to the padding regions are taken by the symmetric method. In MATLAB, we can use the built-in function padarray. Figure 2 shows an example of the padding pixels matrix of the image 3×2 (the gray pixels area) with the padding is 2. Next step, we need to evaluate the maximum, the min­imum and the weighted mean values in every clipping window centered at the corrupted pixels: ..=max{......(..)},(..,..)....., ..=min{......(..)},(..,..)....., ..=¨ {......(..)} ........ . ....,........,.........,...0 ={ ,(..,..)....., .. (..,..).......(..) -1, otherwise where 1, .... min{......(..)}<....,.. ........) Then Set ...... =... Break. End. End. End. End. As can be seen in Algorithm 1, the values of the cor­rupted pixels are replaced by the weighted mean value. The weighted mean value will not contain the values of corrupted pixels in the clipping windows. We choose the weighted mean value because the values of the corrupted pixels always have no similarity with the values of other neighboring pixels in the same clipping window. Experiments We implement the proposed inpainting method and the harmonic inpainting method to recover the corrupted im­age by MATLAB 2018a. The configuration of the compu­ting system is Windows 10 Pro with Intel Core i5, 1.6GHz, 4GB 2295MHz DDR3 RAM memory. For the harmonic inpainting method, we set the tolerance ...... =10-5. This value will balance the accuracy and execution time. 3.1 Image quality assessment metrics To compare the inpainting result of the proposed method to other similar inpainting methods, it is necessary to as­sess image quality after inpainting based on the error met­rics. The popular error metrics are PSNR and SSIM that were used in many works [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]: 2 ........ ........ =10log10( )...., ...... where .. .. 12 ..(..(....)-..0(....) ...... = ) .... ..=1 ..=1 is the mean squared error with ..0 is the original (latent) image, ........ denotes the maximum value, for e.g. for 8­ 255; ..(....) and ..0(....) bit images ........=are pixels values of .. and ..0 at every pixel (..,..). The difference of 0.5dB is visible. The higher PSNR (measured in decibels – dB), the better image quality. Structural similarity (SSIM) is proven to be a better error metric for comparing the image quality and it is in the range [0, 1] with a value closer to one indicating better structure preservation. This metric based on the character­istic of the human vision. The SSIM is computed between two windows and of common size ..×.., (2....1....2+..1)(2....1..2+..2) ........ = , 22 (....1+....2+..1)(....21+....22+..2) 2 where ...... – the average of ...., ...... – the variance of ...., ....1..2 – the covariance, and ..1,..2 numerical stabiliz­ing parameters. Harmonic Directional IDs Corrupted method median Proposed 119082 16.9766 25.2881 25.5074 25.9331 126007 17.3561 30.1535 31.4514 31.6833 157055 19.248 26.962 27.4127 28.3869 170057 18.3731 31.0244 32.2728 33.1103 182053 18.5361 25.8607 28.2344 28.5674 219090 17.2918 28.1766 30.4586 30.7027 253027 18.3034 24.7708 25.3588 25.7218 295087 17.013 28.6833 32.2062 32.2184 296007 19.4597 33.2096 36.2832 36.3026 38092 19.2699 27.1973 29.597 29.7045 Table 1: The comparison of PSNR metric of the inpainting methods for the mask 1. 3.2 Image datasets and test cases We test the performance of the proposed inpainting method on a dataset of natural images with artificial cor­rupted masks. The dataset is well-known as BSDS of UC Berkeley https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Pro­jects/CS/vision/bsds/BSDS300/html/dataset/images.html. All images are stored in JPEG format, grayscale and have size 481×321 pixels. Figure 3 shows the selected image of UC Berkeley for the tests. The corrupted masks are pre­sented in Figure 4. In this case, the black areas indicate the corrupted regions. Note that, we use 10 original images and 2 masks. Hence, our experiment will be handled on 20 images. This size is suitable for non-learning-based meth­ods without any trained data. Harmonic Directional IDs Corrupted method median Proposed 119082 0.90632 0.85151 0.90542 0.91662 126007 0.88987 0.89776 0.94538 0.95302 157055 0.91292 0.88074 0.92816 0.9373 170057 0.89567 0.90925 0.95351 0.95409 182053 0.90673 0.87299 0.9434 0.94673 219090 0.89305 0.86256 0.94373 0.94649 253027 0.90216 0.84878 0.93184 0.9351 295087 0.89063 0.83746 0.94324 0.94702 296007 0.89367 0.89022 0.94741 0.95609 38092 0.91695 0.83039 0.93749 0.93903 Table 2: The comparison of SSIM metric of the inpainting methods for the mask 1. Harmonic Directional IDs Corrupted method median Proposed 119082 13.1181 24.7802 24.9254 25.0446 126007 14.0723 28.5263 28.5795 28.8802 157055 17.7535 27.2226 27.9019 28.376 170057 14.5046 29.8771 30.5236 31.0405 182053 14.6563 24.9808 26.1866 26.2575 219090 13.7254 26.5841 26.9604 27.5309 253027 15.252 23.1356 23.1589 23.3926 295087 14.0301 27.7979 29.6814 29.7502 296007 15.372 32.887 35.0773 35.158 38092 14.0467 26.1847 27.4583 27.5423 Table 3: The comparison of PSNR metric of the inpainting methods for the mask 2. In the case of the mask 1, the corrupted ratio is 5%. The size of the corrupted parts (white square) is 14×14 pixels. The inpainting results are presented in Figure 5. The values of the PSNR metric are presented in table 1. The value of the SSIM metric is shown in table 2. We can see that the inpainting result by the harmonic method is good by the PSNR metric, but it fails for SSIM. The SSIM of the harmonic inpainting method is smaller than one of the corrupted images. However, in Figure 5, the quality of the inpainting result by the harmonic is really better than the corrupted image. The harmonic method changes whole the image (including the uncorrupted regions). The re­stored image gets smoother. This is the reason to make SSIM metric of the harmonic inpainting method to be lower. The inpainting result by the directional median fil­ters is better, but there are still some defects: flowers on N.H. Hai et al. the dress of woman (ID 157055), on leaves and branches of the tree (ID 295087). Harmonic Directional IDs Corrupted method median Proposed 119082 0.80231 0.82849 0.88415 0.88549 126007 0.78606 0.87759 0.9203 0.92621 157055 0.82274 0.87131 0.91147 0.91767 170057 0.77925 0.89494 0.93326 0.93476 182053 0.81001 0.85041 0.90769 0.91723 219090 0.78722 0.83843 0.90378 0.91129 253027 0.8193 0.81883 0.88859 0.89715 295087 0.78451 0.81901 0.90972 0.91991 296007 0.77249 0.87662 0.93102 0.93571 38092 0.80371 0.80615 0.90268 0.90704 Table 4: The comparison of SSIM metric of the inpainting methods for the mask 2. Figure 3: The input natural images from the BSDS dataset of UC Berkeley. For our proposed method, the inpainting result is very good. Our method only recovers the value of the corrupted pixels. Because the corrupted area is not large, our pro­posed method gives perfect inpainting result. By both PSNR and SSIM metrics, our proposed method is better than the harmonic method and directional median filters. Figure 4: The masks for generating the corrupted regions. In the case of the mask 2, the corrupted ratio is 10%. The lengths of some corrupted regions are very long. The corrupted areas, in this case, are bigger than one of the cases of the mask 1. The inpainting results are presented in Figure 6. The PSNR and SSIM metrics are presented in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. The harmonic method still made the whole image to be smoother. The inpainting result by the directional median filters looks better. The inpainting result of our proposed method is best. Our pro­posed method preserves the structure of the image because it did not change the pixels' values outside the corrupted regions. Both PSNR and SSIM metrics of the proposed method, in this case, are also better than ones of the har­monic method and the directional median filters. Original (ID 157055) Original (ID 295087) Original (ID 157055) Original (ID 295087) Corrupted (ID 157055) Corrupted (ID 295087) Corrupted (ID 157055) Corrupted (ID 295087) By harmonic method By harmonic method By harmonic method By harmonic method By directional median By directional median By directional median By directional median By proposed method By proposed method Figure 5: The inpainting results on the corrupted image with the mask 1. From the above experiments, we can see that the pro­posed method can work well on various masks with small and medium corrupted regions. For the large corrupted re­gions, our proposed method also works well. However, if the corrupted area is too large, our method will work inef­fectively, because the proposed inpainting method uses the clipping windows to evaluate. If a lot of pixels in the clipping windows are corrupted, the recovery process can­not get high accuracy. Figure 7 shows the inpainting re­sults of the proposed method on the large corrupted re­gions (the corrupted ratio is 42%, the corrupted sizes are 30 pixels by width and 30 pixels by height). As can be seen, our proposed method creates a “paintbrush” effect. By human eyes, the inpainting result is good, and the val­ues of PSNR and SSIM metrics of the inpainting result for this case by the proposed inpainting method are good enough too PSNR=21.9475, SSIM=0.7029. By proposed method By proposed method Figure 6: The inpainting results on the corrupted images with the mask 2. We have to notice that, in real applications of image inpainting, the most important task is to detect the mask. The mask is not only the corrupted regions on images but also is objects that need to be removed. This task depends on every problem. It can be made manually or automati­cally. For example, in order to segment skin lesions of der­moscopic images [28], we need to detect hairs and remove them to improve image quality. The hairs can be detected by many methods, including machine learning methods, curvatures-based techniques, etc. As we discussed above, our proposed method is a non-iterative manner, and it only considers the clipping win­dows of the corrupted pixels, so it can work very fast. In all the tests, the execution time is under 1 second. The har­monic inpainting method spent up to 40 seconds with above tolerance 10-5. This is promising as the method is suitable to process large, high-resolution images or video sequences that are our future applications. Figure 7: The inpainting results by the proposed method on the large corrupted regions. 4 Conclusion In this paper, we proposed an adaptive inpainting method based on the weighted mean. The proposed method can restore the images with small and medium corrupted re­ gions effectively. It only recovers the corrupted pixels and do not touch other pixels. Hence, the image structure is unchanged. For the large corrupted areas, our proposed method works well, but it creates an artificial effect – the paintbrush effect. The proposed inpainting method is non-iterative man­ ner, so it can work very fast. Otherwise, the proposed method only considers the clipping windows of every cor­ rupted pixels, so it requires less memory. These ad­ vantages are useful to process large, or high-resolution im­ ages or video sequences. In future works, we would like to improve the pro­ posed method to remove the paintbrush effect during re­ storing the images with large corrupted areas. 5 References [1] C. B. Schnlieb, Partial Differential Equation Meth­ods for Image Inpainting, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. [2] H. Grossauer, Digital Image Inpainting: Completion of Images with Missing Data Regions, Innsbruck: Si­mon & Schuster, 2008. [3] D. N. H. Thanh, V. B. S. Prasath, N. 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Existing techniques for measuring blood flow are limited due to the complex assumptions and calculations required. Digital image and video processing techniques started to be used for eye vessels analysis and evaluation during last decades. In this paper, we propose a method for determining the characteristics of blood flow in the vessels of eye conjunctiva, such as linear and volumetric blood speed, and topological characteristics of vascular net. The method first analyses image frame by frame sequentially and then builds integral optical flow for video sequence. Dynamic characteristics of eye vessels are introduced and calculated. These characteristics make it possible to determine changes in blood flow in eye vessels. We show the efficiency of our method in real eye vessels scenes. Povzetek: Razvit je nov sistem za določanje pretoka krvi v očeh. 1 Introduction The study of conjunctiva vessels allows to perform a direct remain unaccounted for. In addition, the use of these non-invasive study of vessels of a microcirculatory bed. methods in clinical studies is limited due to the high cost The change in the quantitative dynamic characteristics of and complexity of result interpretation. blood flow in the conjunctival vessels determines the The image of eye circulatory system is a network of change in blood flow in a microvascular bed and reaction vessels of different shapes, sizes, orientations and of a vascular bed to the effects of various therapeutic brightness. The location of vessels allows to get a fairly drugs. It appears in narrowing or dilation of blood vessels, clear image without gross distortion. However, in the increasing degree of branching, the expansion of a study of these images there are some difficulties, some of capillary network. them are typical for vessels of any part of a circulatory Currently, there are many methods for blood flow system, others -only for vessels of eye circulatory system. monitoring, such as Doppler ultrasonography and The first problem that arises when obtaining a video Velocimetry, laser Doppler flowmetry, and blood vessels sequence is caused by image instability. For a healthy measurement by portable devices [1,2]. Volumetric blood human, eye is characterized by saccadic eye movements, flow speed is usually computed as the product of linear which are rapid jumps of different duration and amplitude blood speed and vessel cross-sectional area, each from one point of fixation to another, as well as eye tremor measured independently. Vessel diameter can be of different intensity, depending on the state of human measured from conjunctiva images by using the retinal health. When receiving such images, it is impossible to fix vessel analyzer or the scanning laser ophthalmoscope, or an object. Thus, mixing of vessel positions between two by using confocal line scans. Speed can be measured with frames is chaotic. Therefore, at this stage, the most bidirectional laser Doppler velocimetry and frequency important task is to stabilize a video sequence. domain optical coherence tomography [3]. The second problem is to determine the structure of However, most of the methods allow to determine the conjunctiva circulatory system. It is a structure with parameters of blood flow only in straight sections of the complex geometry, which is characterized by a large microvascular bed, while the changes occurring in the number of vessels with bends and branches. The vessel is nodes and complex fragments of the vascular network a complex three-dimensional structure and we have to take into account changes in shape, size and brightness. Branching and intersecting vessels also complicate the task of segmentation. The third problem is related to changes in the shape and geometric characteristics of vessels due to the fact that vessel is an elastic object, and its geometrical parameters change with blood filling during a cardiovascular cycle. To reduce the measurement error, a vessel diameter should be determined at the time of the lowest blood filling of the vessel. Also, in addition to the average geometry parameters and blood flow volumetric speed, it is necessary to take into account the vessel instantaneous characteristics. The fourth problem is the complexity of describing sequence of events occurring in the vessel due to periodic changes in the parameters describing the blood flow in conjunctival vessels. To obtain images of the conjunctiva, a monochrome camera equipped with a laser device for guidance and focus is used. Despite the use of pulse illumination synchronization devices, the obtained images have low quality and resolution, which leads to the need to use complex methods of image analysis. Most of the existed methods process eye vessels in single static images. However, blood flow characteristics can be only computed by using sequence of images or video sequence and special techniques should be elaborated for this task. In this paper, we propose a method for determining the characteristics of blood flow in the vessels of eye conjunctiva, such as linear and volumetric blood speed, topological characteristics of vascular net. The method first analyses image frame by frame sequentially and then builds integral optical flow for video sequence. Dynamic characteristics of eye vessels are introduced and calculated. These characteristics make it possible to determine changes in blood flow in eye vessels. We show the efficiency of our method in real eye vessels scenes. 2 Review of eye vessels image analysis approaches Image and video processing techniques started to be used for eye vessels analysis during last decades. It allows to organize an efficient permanent control of eye state and define the corresponding treatment. On the other hand, it requires advanced techniques for image and video processing. Methods of eye vessels image analysis are considered in many papers. The first reviews of algorithms for processing of vascular structures can be seen in [4, 5]. The review [4] presented an analysis and categorization of literature related to digital imaging technologies in the field of diabetic retinopathy and focused on algorithms and methods of segmentation of two-dimensional color retina images that are received with the help of fundus cameras. C. Chen et al. Authors in paper [6] presented a comparative overview of methods and algorithms for isolating vessels and elongated objects on both two-dimensional and three-dimensional medical images used in various tasks. A review of the algorithms for segmentation and registration of the retina is presented in paper [7], that is mainly devoted to tasks of detecting boundaries and central lines of the vessels. Paper [8] provides an overview of algorithms primarily focused on the isolation of vessels on two-dimensional color images of retina obtained with fundus cameras or fluorescent angiography, and focused on studies related to segmentation of blood vessels of retina. From recent results, we can indicate paper [9], where authors propose a novel contextual method for analysis of vessel connectivities based on the geometry of the primary visual cortex. Using the spectral clustering on a large local affinity matrix constructed by both the connectivity kernel and the feature of intensity, the vessels are identified successfully in a hierarchical topology each representing an individual perceptual unit. Paper [10] presents an algorithm for segmenting and measuring retinal vessels, by growing an active contour model, which uses two pairs of contours to capture each vessel edge, while maintaining width consistency. The algorithm is initialized using a generalized morphological order filter to identify approximate vessels centerlines. Once the vessel segments are identified, the network topology is determined using an implicit neural cost function to resolve junction configurations. Paper [11] proposes several methods for vessels image segmentation. One method uses Matched Filter (MF) for the extraction of blood vessels. This method responds not only to vessels but also to non-vessel edges. The second method is a novel hybrid automatic approach for extraction of retinal image vessels which reduce the weak edges and noise, and finally extract the blood vessels. Vessels tracing is considered in many papers. Paper [12] proposes a novel graph-based approach to address this tracing with crossover problem. After initial steps of segmentation and skeleton extraction, its graph representation can be established, where each segment in the skeleton map becomes a node, and a direct contact between two adjacent segments is translated to an undirected edge of the two corresponding nodes. The segments in the skeleton map touching the optical disk area are considered as root nodes. This determines the number of trees to-be-found in the vessel network, which is always equal to the number of root nodes. An automatic algorithm capable of segmenting the whole vessel tree and calculate vessel diameter and orientation in a digital ophthalmologic image is presented in paper [13]. The algorithm is based on a parametric model of a vessel that can assume arbitrarily complex shape and a simple measure of match that quantifies how well the vessel model matches a given angiographic image. Figure 1: Scheme of video sequence processing and definition of blood flow speed in vessel. An automated screening system to diagnose the retinal images affected by diabetic retinopathy is described in paper [14]. The proposed system consists of three stages: the pre-processing, which is done to make the image reliable for extracting features. In the second stage, features like area of blood vessels and texture features were extracted from the retinal images and classification – the last stage was done using the ELM classifier. The very recent comprehensive overview for retinal vessels segmentation techniques is given in paper [15]. Most of the existed methods can segment and process retina cells in single static images, they are important for eye vessels analysis. However, blood flow characteristics can be only computed by using sequence of images or video sequence. Video sequence capture and processing A general scheme of video sequence processing and definition of blood flow speed in vessel is shown in Figure 1. Video sequence processing can be divided into several parts. Video capture constructs an image sequence for further processing. The first step of video processing is stabilization. Video stabilization is performed in the following way. The first frame in video sequence plays an important role in the whole process and it should be prepared in a specific way. The contrast of vessels in an image varies and is often quite low, so first it is necessary to manually define a fragment with a clear image of the vessel to search stable regions for it in subsequent frames. This search is performed through the analysis of field borders using the bitmap filter, for example, Sobel filter. The search for the maximum brightness to determine the contrast begins at the center of the frame, because objects in the image can move in any direction in the next frame. The region of interest is defined as the sharpest fragment located as close to the center of image as possible. According to new positions of the selected fragment on the subsequent frames, the offsets relative to the first frame are calculated and intermediate images are created. Intermediate images are used as the core of correlation to determine the coordinate offsets when stabilizing the video. Then, based on the calculation of the image shifts, video sequence frames are aligned and video sequence is stabilized. Stabilization ensures constant positions of vessels in each frame, which allows monitoring at each given coordinate. The next processing block consist of two branches. The first branch is segmentation of vessels at image frame. The second is going for a limited set of neighboring images from sequence for flow speed determination. The set of images is used for smoothing of characteristics of flow motion. 4 Frame image segmentation by using neural networks 4.1 Image preprocessing and accumulation Image preprocessing is used first to adjust image brightness, correct irregularities, suppress noise, and eliminate distortion. To do this, standard operations are used, for example, histogram equalization to increase the contrast of vascular images. Segmentation allows to select certain fragments in the image of the network of blood vessels. Then, numerical data on blood flow in the areas allocated during segmentation are estimated. The obtained data can be used to classify objects according to predefined criteria such as size, structure, and brightness. The next step is frame image segmentation, which allows to select fragments of blood vessels in the image. Blood vessels are objects, segmentation of which is quite difficult. This is due to numerous vascular occlusions, complex bends and branches, and variabilities of size and brightness of objects in the images. Furthermore, in video sequence, vessels are without blood filling in some frames, which makes the vessels invisible in these frames. For improving the quality of segmentation, the structure of vessels needs to be determined. Segmentation is performed on a synthesized image that corresponds to the normalized integral sum of all video sequence frames. To obtain it, the accumulation of images is performed. The accumulated image is then used to improve the image of vessels before segmentation. This is done by averaging this image with the current image frame: .. 1 ..= .(..(..-1)+....), .. ..=0 where ..is the brightness of the intermediate image; ..is the number of frames that have already been processed; .... is the current image. The advantage of the synthesized image is the absence of fragments of blood vessels, not filled with blood. As a result, all vessels became visible and thus it is possible to highlight them. 4.2 Segmentation by convolutional neural network In every day medical practice, image segmentation is usually performed manually by doctors, which is time-consuming and tedious. However, the ever-increasing quantity and variety of medical images make manual segmentation impracticable in terms of cost and reproducibility. Therefore, automatic medical image segmentation is highly desirable. However, images with vessels of eye conjunctiva are very complex due to complex variations in objects and structures and because of low contrast, noise, and other imaging artifacts caused by various imaging modalities and techniques. C. Chen et al. Automatic image segmentation methods started to widely be used in the last few years for medical images. These methods achieve promising results on nonmalignant objects using hand-crafted features and prior knowledge of structures. However, the automatic segmentation of eye vessels images does not give desirable result and usually interactive (manual) postprocessing should be used. Recently neural networks, particularly fully convolutional networks, have been proved highly effective for medical image segmentation, which require little hand-crafted features or prior knowledge. Neural networks might be able to take the position, size, shape, intensity, etc. and do a better job of figuring out where the required objects are in an image compared to simply applying morphological operations or other segmentation methods. With strong use of data augmentation, this segmentation model achieves signi.cant improvement over previous methods. The method of teaching a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a sliding window was used in our study. This technique makes it possible to predict the class label for each pixel, based on the pattern selected around it, according to [16,17]. That is, a small area around the pixel is used as the source data. Figure 2: Image of vessels at eye sclera. To solve the problem of vascular network segmentation, a fully connected convolutional neural network was used. The peculiarity of its organization is that the usual convolution network is supplemented with layers in which the union operators are replaced by operators of increasing discretization, which leads to an increase in the resolution of the output image. Combining features with higher resolution from a narrowing area with an expanding output area allows to train convolutional layers to form a more accurate result at the output. A set of 130 gray-scale images of eye sclera using a GigE camera was used to train the neural network (Figure 2). a) b) Figure 3: Example of training patterns: a) with vessel in the center (class 0), b) without vessel in the center (class 1). The SNA architecture proposed during the isbi 2012 EM Segmentation Challenge (Segment Neural Membranes) was used [17]. Neural network training was performed on a set of images, which was increased by simple geometric augmentation to 650 synthetic images. We have chosen the following transformation for augmentation: 1) flips, 2) turns, 3) reflections, 4) elastic deformations, and 5) scaling. The training took place on the NVIDIA GTX GPU. The training lasted for 500 epochs. All regions containing vessel in the center and other regions without vessel in the center with the same size were selected from each of the input sample images (Figure 3). The optimization method for CNN is a stochastic gradient descent. The network output is the probability for each vessel from 0 to 1, where 0 stands for vessel, 1 stands for non-vessel. When the amount of data increases, neural network is retrained to detect vessels. This means that it is necessary to submit more teaching images, without a vessel in the center. It is especially important to include images where the center pixel lies near the vessel, but does not belong to it, so that the network learns to identify borders of the vessel. At the same time, it is important to allow mixing of any subset of the training data. The number of objects of class 0 and 1 must be identical. Let us define number of all patterns containing the vessel in the center is V, and number of all patterns without the vessel in the center is NV. Then, in the teaching process, only N patterns from those NV patterns are randomly determined. It allows to use a larger set of data without increasing the load on the neural network and avoid network retraining. On this basis, the neural network becomes more flexible. As a result, the quality of segmentation has increased. The network architecture is shown in Figure 4. It consists of two almost symmetrical parts: narrowing left and expanding right. The narrowing part corresponds to the typical architecture of SNA and consists of two sequentially applied convolution blocks of size 3x3 (no indent). Each block is a ReLU layer and the operation of subsampling (2x2 max pooling) with step 2 decreases the image size. After each decrease in the dimension, the number of features is doubled. Every step of the growing branch consists of research layers (convolution 2x2 to increase the resolution) and formed on their basis a set of attributes, which reduces by half the number of signs. The neural network has 23 convolutional layers, to bring each 64-component vector to the required number of classes, convolutions of 1x1 size are applied on the last layer. The size of the input image is determined by the need for even values of height and width for the proper operation of subsampling (2x2 max pooling). Then, there is a concatenation with the corresponding set of features from the narrowing part, and two 3x3 convolutions are performed, each of which is followed by a transformation through the ReLU activation function [16]. The neural network with this architecture has demonstrated good results for the segmentation of blood vessels in ophthalmology. Usually this neural network requires a long teaching time, but it can be compensated by the high segmentation rate of the trained network. Full HD (1920 x 1080) image resolution on the NVIDIA GTX 950 GPU takes less than 10 seconds to fully segment, which is acceptable for medical image processing. 4.3 Segmentation results As a result of segmentation based on convolutional neural networks, the image of the vascular network is obtained (Figure 5). We used standard deviation and accuracy mark for estimation of effectiveness of this algorithm [5]. Standard deviation is calculated as: Double convolutional block Convolutions 2D [3x3] Batch Normalization ReLu activation Convolutions 2D [3x3] Batch Normalization ReLu activation Figure 4: U-net architecture of used neural network. .. 1 ..=. .(....-..Ż)2, .. ..=1 where ..is pixel number, x.. is result label (0 or 1), ..Ż – probability result. Accuracy is normalized number of true answers. Estimation of segmentation effectiveness is shown in Table 1. As it is shown, the CCN-based segmentation algorithm allows to extract regions of vessels from gray-scale image with high quality. Our experiments proved that convolutional neural networks can be successfully used to segment such complex images as images of vessels at eye sclera. a) b) c) Figure 5: Segmentation of vessels image: .) source vessels image,b)interactive segmentation by user, c)result of segmentation by CNN. Data Accuracy Standard deviation Vessels detection 0.9415 0.1997 Regions without vessels 0.9201 0.2035 Common mean estimation 0.9308 0.2016 Table 1: Estimation of effectiveness of the segmentation. Blood flow characteristics calculation by using optical flow Segmentation still has errors and blood flow speed has all sorts of boundary effects, so we try to avoid this by limiting area of objects. In this case, the optimal vessel region for analysis is a middle line of a vessel that is obtained by thinning operation. After segmentation is performed, the instantaneous linear speed at each point of vessel is determined. To do this, the method based on optical flow is used. Therefore, when preparing the image of vascular network for calculation of optical flow, its thinning is first performed. For analysis of blood flow speed, the optical flow is determined only for the part of the image directly containing vessels. Resulting video sequence displays all the changes occurring in vessels. Such a transformation can significantly reduce the contribution of events occurring outside the vessels. The calculation of the optical flow for points along the midline of the capillary allows to analyze the instantaneous linear speed in the center of the vessel. (Figure 6). a) b) Figure 6: Image of vessels a) source image, b) image with a skeleton after thinning. 5.1 Optical flow determination For description convenience, we use .... to denote ..-th frame of video ..and ....(..)to denote pixel with coordinate ..=(..,..)in ..... Let ...... denote basic optical flow of ..... It is a vector field with each vector ......(..) represents displacement vector of pixel ....(..). Assume ......(..)=..., we can easily determine the coordinate in ....+1 where pixel ....(..)moves, and it is ..+... . Considering optical flows for several consecutive frames have been computed, we can obtain integral optical flow for the first frame of those. Let .............. denote integral optical flow of ...., where ......is the frame interval parameter used to compute integral optical flow [18]. .............. is also a vector field which records accumulated displacement information in time period of ......frames for all pixels in ..... For any pixel ....(..) , its integral optical flow ......(..) ........ can be determined as follows: ......-1 ......(..) ........ = . ......+..(....+..), ..=0 where ....+.. is the coordinate in ....+.. of pixel ....(..). In other words, if ....(..) stays in the video scene, ....(....),....+1(....+1),.,....+......-1(....+......-1) are the same pixel in different frames, i.e. ....(..). Note that x-component and y-component of ....+.. should be rounded to the nearest integer, as pixels are at coordinates with integer values. Optical flow indicates the speed of blood flow through the vessel. At almost every point of the vessel skeleton, we have an instant speed of blood flow. This method allows us to estimate the displacement at each point of the image between two frames of the video sequence and is based on the determination of the intensity shift for a short period of time. After the segmentation process, the images are processed using a binary mask of the vascular network. This operation is performed on the basis of masking with skeleton of vascular network with images of each frame of video sequence. This makes it possible not to take into account the change in brightness in the vicinity of the vessel when calculating the optical flow throughout the image. 5.2 Blood flow speed calculation by using optical flow C. Chen et al. calculated. To compute the optical flow, the algorithm [19] was used. As a result, an array of vectors for the vertical and horizontal speed components are calculated (Figure 7a). With the help of the polar transformation, amplitudes and directions of these vectors are determined (Figure 7b). Then, a new image, in which intensity corresponds to the magnitude and hue corresponds to the direction of optical flow vector, is created. To determine the speed of blood flow, only the magnitude (amplitude) is used. Thus, one can build a profile of the speed values along the midline of the skeleton (Figure 8). Figure 8: Masking optical flow and skeleton. This profile represents a change in blood instantaneous linear speed for any point on the middle line of the vessel (Figure 9). Problems related to the discretization of time and space make it difficult to use absolute values. The optical flow values were used to determine the instantaneous linear speed, which was measured in relative units. The volumetric speed of blood flow in the capillary depends on its width, it can be calculated by the formula: .. = ..•...., where .. is volumetric vessel. the linear speed speed, .... is the of blood flow, .. cross-section area is of the the A cross-section area of the vessel is calculated from width vessel as: ....2 ....= , 4 where ..is diameter of vessel in separate point. Figure 9: The intensity profile for the line of a skeleton reflecting change of linear speed of a blood flow. a) b) c) d) Diameter corresponds to width of vessel. Determining the width of the vessel is a complex task due to unstable diameter of a blood vessel section. Currently, there is no algorithm for qualitative construction of the distribution of vascular width. In this study, we determine a distribution of width based on distance map (Figure 10) analysis. It allows to determine the width change along vessels. Distribution of the width along vessels is constructed on base of the distance map ridges. This operation is based on the construction of the labeled skeleton (Figure 11), in which color indicates width of the vessel. It allows to get important practical information about the features of the blood flow through the vascular network, taking into account its geometric complexity. The speed of blood flow in a vessel and its diameter are used to determine the instantaneous changes occurring in the vessel. Additionally, determination of speed based on optical flow and vessel width can be performed in parallel, which help reduce computational cost. 5.3 Determination of topological characteristics of vascular net Vessel segments are characterized by width, length and blood flow speed. Diameter and speed are obtained by averaging results of multiple adjacent blood vessel speed profiles. Other hemodynamic parameters can be calculated by topological description. On the base of above-described automatic segmentation and morphological identification, the skeleton of the conjunctiva vascular net is detected, and branch points of the vessels are automatically indicated. The following parameters are calculated for vascular net: length, branchiness, compactness, and tortuosity, based on determination of the skeleton structure including nodes, segments and tails (Figure 12). It is known that in some pathologies the tortuosity of eye vessels increases. Analysis of the topology of the vascular net is performed on the crucial elements of the skeleton. We define nodes as branching nodes, skeleton as vascular net, segments as vessel sections between branching points, area(vessel) as area of vessel, count() as function of quantity determination, and length() as function of length determination, respectively. Branchiness and curliness describe complexity of vessels net. They are defined by ratio of node number to length of skeleton and to count of skeleton segments correspondingly. The skeleton segment is fragment of skeleton between nodes or skeleton ends. ..........(..........) ..........h.......... = , ..........h(................)..........(..........) ..................= . ..........(................) Definition of tails allows to produce characteristics for description of topological properties with complexity of vascular net. They are tailness, tails curliness, and tails ratio. ..........(..........) ................ = , ..........h(................)..........(..........) ............................ = . ..........(................) Full length of vascular net corresponds to length of skeletons. ......................h =..........h(................), ........(............) ............................h= . ..........h(................) These characteristics and their combination with flow speed allow to describe hydrodynamics properties of vascular net. It can be used in monitoring and diagnostics. C. Chen et al. Comparing the data obtained before and after treatment, the clinicians receive objective information about the newly formed vessels and other changes in the vascular net. 6 Discussion and conclusion In this paper, we propose a method for determining the characteristics of blood flow in the vessels of eye conjunctiva, such as linear and volumetric blood speed, and topological characteristics of vascular net. The method first analyses image frame by frame sequentially and then builds integral optical flow for video sequence. Dynamic characteristics of eye vessels are introduced and calculated. These characteristics make it possible to determine changes in blood flow in eye vessels. We show the efficiency of our method in real eye vessels scenes. The method was tested on the video sequence of blood vessels of conjunctiva. The change in blood flow speed in vessels reflects the change in blood flow in the microcirculatory bed, as well as in various organs in normal and pathological conditions. The study was conducted using a high-resolution monochrome digital video camera Imperx Bobcat IGV-B1410M with a microscope lens with a focal length of 40 mm. The linear speed of blood flow in a vessel with a diameter of 1.91 µm is 0.50379 relative units, which corresponds to 5•10-5 m / s. This result is consistent with the data obtained by the Doppler method. The proposed method is designed to study the characteristics of the blood-vascular net. It is based on the determination of the instantaneous linear and volumetric speed for each point of the vessel. The method allows to carry out a quantitative assessment of the cross-section area, and linear and volumetric speed in the vessels in normal and in various pathologies. We define the following characteristics of vessels: branchiness, curliness, tailness, tails curliness, tails ratio, vessel length, and mean vessel width. These topological and dynamical characteristics allow to detect new possibilities for eye vessels analysis during healing process. That allows to quantify changes in the linear speed of blood flow in the vessels of healthy people in the simulation of hypercapnia and hyperoxia. In comparison with the known methods based on static images analysis, our method allows to detect and study blood flow in eye vessels in dynamics. Such description allows to predict effectiveness of treatment. The defined characteristics make it possible to determine changes in blood flow in the microcirculatory bed, which in turn determine changes in blood flow in the vessels of the brain, kidneys, and coronary vessels. 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In Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Springer, Halmstad, pp. 363-370, 2003. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45103-X_50 Refn-Align: New Refnement Algorithmfor Multiple Sequence Alignment Ahmed Mokaddem, Amine Bel Hadj and Mourad Elloumi LaboratoryofTechnologiesof Information and Communication, and Electrical Engineering, UniversityofTunis,Tunisia E-mail:moka.ahmed@yahoo.fr, amine_bel_hadj_90@yahoo.com, Mourad.Elloumi@gmail.com Keywords:multiple sequence alignment, algorithms, refnement, block Received: December 17, 2018 In this paper, we present Refn-Align a new refnement algorithm for a multiple sequence alignment. Re­fning alignment consists on constructinga new more accurate multiple sequence alignment from an initial oneby applying some modifcations. Our refnement algorithm Refn-Align usesa new defnitionof block and also our multiple sequence alignment algorithm Pro-malign. We assess our algorithm Refn-Align on multiple sequence alignment constructedbydifferent algorithmsusingdifferent benchmarksofproteinse­quences. In the most cases treated, our algorithm improves the scores of the multiple sequence alignment. Povzetek: Razliˇca cni znani algoritmi napovedujejo zaporedje beljakovin, novo razviti algoritem pa doloˇnajboljšo skupno vrednost na osnovi napovedi posameznih algoritmov. 1 Introduction Multiple sequence alignment is an important task in bioin­formatics. Aligning a set of sequences consists in optimiz­ing the number of matches between the characters occur­ring in the same order in each sequence (fgure1). Figure 1: Multiple sequence alignment. Multiple sequence alignment can help biologist to pre­dict structure and function information for a set of se­quences. Indeed, we can reveal information about biolog­ical functions common to biological macromolecules from several different organisms by identifying similar regions, these regions are often an important structural or functional roles. Multiple sequence alignment can also help in the classifcationof macromolecules into differentfamilies ac­cording to similar sub-strings detected. In addition, mul­tiple sequence alignment can help to construct a phyloge­netic tree and analyse relationships between species in or­der to establish a common biological ancestor. Although pairwise sequence alignment for two se­quences can be constructed with optimal solution using the dynamic programming algorithm[1], multiple sequence alignment for more than two sequences is a NP-complete problem [2]. There are two main approaches to resolve this problem: 1. Progressive approach: it consist to align sequences gradually. Indeed, we start by aligning the most simi­lar two sequences. Then, we align the sequences to other sequences aligned, according to a defned or­der. Finally, we obtain the multiple sequence align­ment. All progressivemultiple sequence alignment al­gorithms adopt the same process. The most used pro­gressive multiple sequence algorithms are ClustalW [3],T-COFFEE [4], MUSCLE [5], MAFFT [6], GL-Probs [7] and Clustal Omega [8]. Progressive approach operates in three steps: (a) In the frst step, we compute distances between all pairs of sequences of the set and we store these distances in a matrix called distance ma­trix. This step aims to estimate the similarity be­tween pairs of sequences in order to distinguish thetwo sequencesthat arethe frsttobe aligned. Manydistances are used [9]. Among these dis­tances we mention: – k-mer distances used by the algorithm MUSCLE and MAFFT, – Percent of similarityused by the algorithm ClustalW, – Kimura distance [10] usedby the algorithm Clustal Omega, – Distance defnedbythe GLProbs algorithm. (b) In the second step, we construct a guide tree us­ing the distanceMatrix. This step aims to defne the orderof aligning sequences.Two main algo­rithms are used to construct a guide tree: – UPGMA [11] used by MUSCLE, MAFFT and GLProbs – Neighbor-joining [12] used by ClustalW andT-COFFEE (c) In the last step, we follow the branching or­der of the guide tree, constructed in the pre­vious step, to construct the multiple sequence alignment by aligning pair of sequences using the dynamic programming algorithm[1] or by a profle-profle[3] alignment. Aprofle is constructedbyselecting for each col­umn of the sequence alignment the character that have the maximum occurrences in that column (Figure 2). Figure 2: Profle construction. 2. Iterative approach: it consists to construct an initial multiple sequence alignment. Then, we apply a num­ber of iterations, during each iteration we perform a set of modifcations to the current alignment in order to ameliorate his score. Among this modifcations, we can insert or delete of one or more gaps ’-’ in one or more position in the multiple of sequence align­ment. The main multiple sequence alignment algo­rithms adopting iterative approach are genetic algo­rithm such as GAPAM [13] andPASA [14]. Each algorithm adopting progressive approach or iterative approach produces mistakes in multiple sequence align­ment, thus, we used refnement algorithms in order to cor­rect bad aligned residues, that can ameliorate the quality of the multiple alignment by ameliorate his scores. The pro­cess of all refnement algorithms consists to apply a set of modifcations to an initial multiple sequence alignment in order to construct a new one having better scores than the previous alignment. These modifcations are repeated un­til convergence (i.e. no improvement can be made on the current alignment). There are different algorithms for re­fnement of multiple sequence alignments: 1. RASCAL [15]: Rascal operates as follows: First, we analyse the initial multiple sequence alignment and detect the well-aligned regions by applying the Mean Distance (MD). Then, we detect the badly aligned re­gions. Finally, we realign the badly aligned regions. 2. REFINER [16]: when applying REFINER algorithm ona multiple sequence alignment, we realign each se­quence with the profle of the multiple sequence align­ment of the remaining sequences. Convergence is ob­tained when all the iterations is realised and each se­quence is realigned. 3. RF [17]: is similar to the REFINER algorithmbut the convergence is obtained when the number of iterations isequalto2N2 whereNisthe numberof sequences. 4. REFORMALIGN [18]: Using REFORMALIGN, we construct the fnal alignment indirectly. First, we start by constructing a profle to the initial multiple se­quence alignment. Then, we align each sequence to the profle constructed in the frst step. Finally, we merge all the sequences alignment in order to obtain the fnal alignment. Thus, Refnement algorithms are used in order to enhance a multiple sequence alignment (MSA). Indeed, we start by an initial multiple sequence alignment by using one mul­tiple sequence alignment algorithm. Then, we apply the refnement algorithm to the initial multiple sequence align­ment in order to construct a new more accurate multiple sequence alignment having higher score. 2 Block defnition We propose a new algorithm called Refn-Align for refn­ing multiple sequence alignment. Refn-Align uses a new defnition of block. Indeed, a block is defned as a multi­ple alignment of substrings extracted from a multiple se­quence alignment. Ablock is formed of at least two adja­cent columns separated from the initial alignment on both sidesbya column formed onlyof identical characters. Our new defnition of blocks is different from the standard def­nition of blocks, which presents the blocks as substrings de­limitedby columns containing at least onegap. The blocks are extracted from the initial multiple alignment and then theywill be realigned to improve their scores. Ablock is defned as follow: – Aset of aligned substrings – having the same size in each sequence – Ablock must contain at least two columns – No substrings formed the block must be formed en­tirely ofgap – A block must not contains a column having exactly the same character. 3 Refn-Align: New refnement algorithm The principle of our algorithm is to extract a misaligned blocks from the sequences that distort the multiple align­ment and realign them. The Refn-Align algorithm allows improvingthe qualityofan initial multiple alignmentbyit­eratively realigning the blocks of the initial multiple align­ment. The advantage of our newblock defnition is to allow Figure 3: Refnement process. Figure 4: Block extraction. more possibility for the characters of the initial alignment to be realigned. Our Refn-Align algorithm operates as fol­lows: 1. First, we extract the blocks from the initial multiple sequence alignment. 2. Then, we compute the scores of each block. We use the sum of pairs score SP[19]. The SP score corre­spond to the sum of the scores for all pairs of aligned characters. SP score is computed using this formula: L XX SP (A)= s(wk[i],wj[i]) (1) i=1 1. [41] The ORL face database, . [42] D. B. Graham, N. M. Allinson, H. Wechsler, P. J. Phillips, V. Bruce, F. Fogelman-Soulie, and T. S. Huang (Eds.), (1998) Characterizing virtual eigen signatures for general purpose face recognition: From theory to applications. NATO ASI Series F Computer and Systems Sciences, 163: 446–456. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-72201-1_25 The MAP/G/1 G-queue with Unreliable Server and Multiple Vacations Yi Peng School of Mathematical Science, Changsha Normal University, Changsha 410100, Hunan, P.R. China E-mail: scgyp06@163.com Keywords: G-queues, Markovian Arrival Process (MAP), reliability, censoring technique, RG-factorization Received: November 21, 2018 In this paper, we consider a MAP/G/1 G-queues with unreliable server and multiple vacations. The arrival of a negative customer not only removes the customer being in service, but also makes the server under repair. The server leaves for a vacation as soon as the system empties and is allowed to take repeated (multiple) vacations. By using the supplementary variables method and the censoring technique, we obtain the queue length distributions. We derive the mean of the busy period based on the renewal theory. Furthermore, we analyze some main reliability indexes and investigate some important special cases. Povzetek: Predstavljena je nova metoda obravnave strežniških vrst v pogojih nezanesljivega delovanja in v primerih občasne odsotnosti obdelave. Introduction Recently there has been a rapid increase in the literature on queueing systems with negative arrivals. Queues with negative arrivals, called G-queues, were first introduced by Gelenbe [1]. When a negative customer arrives at the queue, it immediately removes one or more positive customers if present. Negative arrivals have been interpreted as viruses, orders of demand, inhibiter. Queueing systems with negative arrivals have many applications in computer, neural networks, manufacturing systems and communication networks etc. There is a lot of research on queueing system with negatives arrivals. For a comprehensive survey on queueing systems with negative arrivals, readers may see [1-4]. Boucherie and Boxma [3] considered an M/G/1 queue with negative arrivals where a negative arrival removes a random amount of work. Li and Zhao [5] discussed an MAP/G/1 queue with negative arrivals. They analyzed two classes of removal rules: (i) arrival of a negative customer which removes all the customers in the system (RCA); (ii) arrival of a negative customer which removes only a customer from the head of the system (RCH), including the customer being in service. Queueing system with repairable server has been studied by many authors such as Cao and Chen [6], Neuts and Lucantoni [7]. Wang, Cao and Li [8] analyzed the reliability of the retrial queues with server breakdowns and repairs. Harrison and Pitel [9]considered the M/M/1 G-queues with breakdowns and exponential repair times. Li, Ying and Zhao [10] investigated a BMAP/G/1 retrial queue with a server subject to breakdowns and repairs. For a detailed survey on queueing systems with server vacations one can refer to Refs [11]. Recently, Sikdar and Gupta [12] discussed the queue length distributions in the finite buffer bulk-service MAP/G/1 queue with multiple vacations. Kasahara, Takine, Takahashi and Hasegawa [13]consideredtheMAP/G/1queues underN-policywith and without vacations. Most of the analysis in the past have been carried out assuming Poisson input. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest to analyze queues by considering input process as Markovian arrival process (MAP). The MAP is a useful mathematical model for describing bursty traffic in modern communication networks, and is a rich class of point processes containing many familiar arrival processes such as Poission process, PH-renewal process, Markov modulated Poission process, etc. Readers may refer to chapter 8 in Bocharov [14]. In this paper, we consider the MAP/G/1 G-queues with unreliable server and multiple vacations. The process of arrivals of negative customers is also MAP. The arrival of a negative customer not only removes the customer being in service, but also makes the server under repair. We obtain the distributions of stationary queue length, the mean of the busy period and some reliability indexes by using the supplementary variable method, the matrix-analytic method, the censoring technique, and the renewal theory. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The model description is given in section 2. The stationary differential equations of the model and their solutions are obtained in section 3. The expressions for the distributions of the stationary queue length and the mean of the busy period are derived in section 4. Some special cases are considered in section 5. Some numerical examples are shown in section 6. Model description In this section, we consider a single server queue with two types of independent arrivals, positive and negative. Positive arrivals correspond to customers who upon arrival, join the queue with the intention of being served and then leaving the system. At a negative arrival epoch, the system is affected if and only if the server is working. The arrival process. We assume that the arrivals of both positive and negative customers are MAPs with matrix descriptors and respectively, where the infinitesimal generators and of sizes and , respectively, are irreducible and positive recurrent. Let and be the stationary probability vectors of and , respectively. Then and are the stationary arrival rates of positive and negative customers, respectively, where is a column vector of ones of a suitable size. The removal rule. The arrival of a negative customer not only removes the customer being in service, but also makes the server under repair. And after repair the server is as good as new. As soon as the repair of the server is completed, the server enters the working state immediately and continues to serve the next customer if the queue is not empty. The vacations. When the server finishes serving a positive customer or the repair of the server is completed and finds the queue empty, the server leaves for a vacation of random length V. On return from a vacation if he finds more than one customer waiting, he takes the customer from the head of the queue for service and continues to serve in this manner until the queue is empty. Otherwise, he immediately goes for another vacation. The service time. All positive customers have i.i.d. service time distribution given by [Beginning of the document] [Automatic section break] with mean . The vacation time. The vacation time distribution is given by with mean . The repair time. The repair time distribution is given by with mean .The independence. We assume that all the random variables defined above are independent. Throughout the rest of the paper, we denote Y. Peng by the tail of distribution function . 3 The differential equations and the solution In this section, we first introduce several supplementary variables to construct the differential equations for the model. We then use the censoring technique to solve these equations. The solution to the differential equations will be used to obtain interesting performance measures of the system in later sections. Let be the number of customers in the system at time , and let and be the phases of the arrivals of positive and negative customers at time , respectively. We define the states of the server as For , we define the random variable as follows:(i) if , represents the elapsed service time received by a customer with the service time up to time ; (ii)if , represents the elapsed vacation time up to time ; (iii) if , represents the elapsed repair time up to time . Then, is a Markov process. The state space of the process is expressed as We write: , , , , , , , , . If the system is stable, then the system of stationary differential equations of the joint probability density can be written as (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The joint probability (6) density should satisfy the boundary conditions: (7) (8) (8) (9) and the normalization condition: In the remainder of this section, we solve equations (1)-(11). To sovle equations (1)-(6). we define It follows from (1) and (2) that which leads to It follows from (3) and (4) that which leads to It follows from (5) and (6) that which leads to Let us define as matrix whose element is the probability that exactly positive customers arrive during and the generation process passes from phase to phase . These matrices satisfy the following system of differential equations with We define Solving the above matrix differential equation,we get Equations (16)-(18) provide a solution for the system of differential equations (1)-(6). Furthermore, boundary equations (7)-(10) will be used to determine the vectors for , for and for .We define: , Then it follows from (7)-(10),(16)-(18)that , where and With , Therefore, we obtain the transition probability matrix and stationary differential equations of the system. 4 Performance measures of the model In this section,we consider two performance measures for the model: the stationary queue length, the busy period. 4.1 The stationary queue length We write Substituting (15)into (12)-(14) respectively gives Obviously, where Lemma 1 Let be the random variable of the length of multiple vacations, then So that the mean number of customers in the system is Proof: It follows from (17) and (18) that and from (16)-(18) that This completes the proof. 4.2 The busy period We now provide an analysis of the busy period (including of the period when the server is under repair) of the model. Let V be the random variable of the vacation time, or We denote by be the random variable of the interarrival time between two positive customers, and the random variable for the equilibrium excess distributions with respect to . Then we have And Let be the random variable of the -th vacation, and be the random variable of the number of times of vacations during the total vacation period. Then We denote by the convolution of two functions and given by . We write Theorem 2 Let be the random variable of the busy period of the system, then Proof: According to the renewal theory, we can obtain or This completes the proof. Consequently, we obtain some important performance measures for the model: the stationary queue length, the mean number of customers in the system, the mean length of multiple vacations and the mean busy period. 5 Special cases In this section we will investigate very briefly some important special cases. Case 1. No negative arrival takes place and the server is reliable. In this case, our model becomes the MAP/G/1 queue with multiple vacations. We put and in the main results and obtain Case 2. No vacation is allowed, in this case, our model becomes the MAP/G/1G-queue withunreliable server.We We note that these results are consistent with the known results in [5] and [13]. Numerical examples In this section, we discuss some interesting numerical examples that qualitatively describe the performance of the queueing model under study. The following examples are illustrated using the results of section 3. The algorithms have been written into a MATLAB program. For the purpose of a numerical illustration, we assume that all distribution functions in this paper are exponential, i.e. are exponential distribution functions and their parameters are respectively. Also, we vary values of such that the system is stable. Numerical results are presented in Figures 1-4. Here we choose the following arbitrary values: Figure 3: The mean system size versus with Figure 4: The mean system size versus with So the stationary arrival rates of the positive customers and the negative customers are and . In Figures 1 and 2, the mean number of customers in the system is plotted against the parameter with and respectively. We observe that the mean number of customers in the system increases monotonously as the value increases when , and decreases monotonously as the value increases when . It is easily explained taking into account the fact that a negative customer not only removes the positive customer being in service but also causes the server breakdown. When the server is reliable, i.e. , the removal of the customer being in service can shorten the queue length. We show in Figures 3 and 4, the influence of the parameters and on the mean number of customers in the system. As is to be expected, decreases for increasing values and . 7 Conclusions This paper analyzes a MAP/ G / 1 queuing system with negative customer arrival, unreliable server and multiple vacations. By using the supplementary variables method and the censoring technique,we obtain the queue length distributions in steady state. We derive the mean of the busy period based on the renewal theory. Compared to the related work, when threre are no vacations, our results are consistent with the results in [5] and when there are no negative customers, our results are agree with the results in [13]. Hence, our model covers the models considered in [5] and [13]. This queuing system can be applied to the virtual channel of ATM network Performance analysis is more practical, real and reasonable. 8 Acknowledgement This work is supported by Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Hunan under Grant 2019JJ50677 and the Program of Hehua Excellent Young Talents of Changsha Normal University and nurturing program of Changsha Normal University. 9 References [1] Gelenbe E (1991). Product-form queueing networks with negatived and positive customers. Journal of Applied Probability, pp. 656-663. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0021900200042492 [2] Gelenbe E, Glynn P, Sigman K (1991). Queues with negative arrivals. Journal of Applied Probability, pp. 245-250. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0021900200039589 [3] Boucherie RJ, Boxma OJ (1995). The workload in the M/G/1 queue with work removal. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, pp. 261-277. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0269964800004320 [4] Harrison PG, Patel NM, Pitel E (2000). 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Recurrent Neural Network Training Using ABC Algorithm for Traffic Volume Prediction Adrian Bosire Department of Computer Science Kiriri Womens University of Science and Technology, Kasarani, Kenya E-mail: bosire.adrian@gmail.com Student paper Keywords: deep neural network, recurrent neural network, artificial bee colony Received: March 8, 2019 This study evaluates the use of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm to optimize the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that is used to analyze traffic volume. Related studies have shown that Deep Neural Networks are superseding the Shallow Neural Networks especially in terms of performance. Here we show that using the ABC algorithm in training the Recurrent Neural Network yields better results, compared to several other algorithms that are based on statistical or heuristic techniques that were preferred in earlier studies. The ABC algorithm is an example of swarm intelligence algorithms which are inspired by nature. Therefore, this study evaluates the performance of the RNN trained using the ABC algorithm for the purpose of forecasting. The performance metric used in this study is the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and ultimately, the outcome of the study may be generalized and extended to suit other domains. Povzetek: Ocena uspešnosti algoritma umetne kolonije čebelje pri optimizaciji ponavljajoče se nevronske mreže. Introduction The Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is based on the intelligent foraging behavior of the honey-bee swarm, which makes it suitable for optimization problems [14]. In his proposal of the ABC algorithm, Karaboga aimed to solve multi-dimensional and multi-modal optimization problems [12]. A function is considered to be multi-modal if it has several local optima. Furthermore, it is multi­dimensional if the local optima are distributed randomly in the search space, essentially complicating the process of finding the optimal solution. The ABC algorithm has been applied to solve many kinds of real-world problems such as leaf-constrained minimum spanning tree problem, flow shop scheduling problem, inverse analysis problem and radial distribution system network reconfiguration problem among others [21], [29]. Basturk and Karaboga [1] evaluated the ABC algorithm based on five multi-dimensional benchmark functions: sphere function, Rosenbrock Valley, Griewank function, Rastrigin function and Step function. The results obtained show that the ABC algorithm is quite robust for multi-modal problems, since it has multi-agents that work independently and in parallel. This is also echoed by the results they obtained after comparing the performance of the ABC with that of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, Particle Swarm Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm [14]. Karaboga et. al. [17] used the ABC algorithm to train Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks with an aim to overcome drawbacks such as getting stuck in local minima and computational complexity. They discovered that the algorithm had good exploration and exploitation capabilities especially in searching for the optimal weight-set which is crucial in training Neural Networks. In this case, exploration refers to the ability to examine the viability of numerous unknown sections in order to discover the global optimum in the search space and exploitation refers to ability to utilize knowledge of the preceding good solutions to find improved solutions. The data used in this study in the evaluation of the optimized neural network represents the vehicle count at specific junctions of select motorways in the whole of Britain. However, the optimized neural network can be trained for any other road network whose data is available. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 begins with an overview on swarm intelligence followed by Section 3 which explains the fundamental concept of the ABC algorithm. Later, Section 4 looks at the implementation of the ABC algorithm in optimizing the Recurrent Neural Network. In Section 5, we find the experiments and results. Eventually, a summary of the findings of this paper is presented in Section 6. 2 Swarm intelligence Swarm intelligence refers to the collective intelligence exhibited by the collaborative behavior of social insect colonies or animal societies in pursuit of a defined purpose. This means that the entities that collaborate form a swarm, which is alternatively defined as a set of agents which act on their environment with an aim of solving a distributed problem [23]. These entities work together with a common goal thus increasing their chances of finding the best or optimal solution to the task at hand. In so doing, they inadvertently enhance the exploration and exploitation of their environment. Furthermore, this process serves to break down the problem into smaller and simpler tasks which are easily solved by sub-groups whose solutions are aggregated to formulate the overall solution. So, the time used to find a solution is decreased exponentially with an increase in the agents involved and also because some of these smaller tasks can be solved concurrently. The dedicated effort of such agents to a single, simplified and well-defined task also minimizes occurrence of errors as may be experienced when a single agent is tasked with the same problem. Therefore, the collective effort is useful in cases where a problem can be compartmentalized into smaller manageable tasks. Examples of swarm intelligence algorithms include Artificial Bee Colony, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Immune Algorithm, Bacterial Foraging Optimization, Cat Swarm Optimization, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Firefly Algorithm, Gravitational Search Algorithm among others [15], [23]. These algorithms are evidence of various assortments of swarms in the world and their varied level of intelligence but self-organization and labor division are key features they collectively possess. 3 Artificial bee colony algorithm The ABC algorithm is a swarm-based algorithm presented by Karaboga [12]. This algorithm is inspired by the intelligent-search behavior of honeybees, known for their systematic collection of nectar that they process into honey. Nectar (food) is collected from flowers located in the neighboring fields (food sources) away from their hives. The bees communicate with each other by means of a waggle dance so as to share information about the quality of food sources. This information shared among the colony members includes the location and proximity of the food source to the hive, the quality of food source and quantity of food. This majorly governs the foraging range with correct accuracy thus enabling the swarm to direct its efforts to the best food source. Their mutual dependence is pegged on their distinct but partially evolving roles that adapt to the needs of the colony. The needs of the colony, decentralized decision-making and the age of the bees as well as their physical structure serve as a control for their social life. Therefore, self-organization, autonomy, distributed functioning and division of labor constitute the swarms’ ability tosolve distributedproblems asa unit and adapt to any environment. [23], [24], [27]. The intelligence exhibited by the collective behaviour of swarms via local interactions may be characterized into four distinctive features. The firrst one is positive feedback which refers to the creation of convenient structures such as recruitment and reinforcement. Then we have negative feedback that involves counterbalancing of the positive feedback in order to stabilize the collective pattern and avoid saturation The third is fluctuations which involve the variations incurred in form of errors, random task switching among swarm individuals which stimulates creativity and discovery of new structures. Lastly, we have multiple interactions tha refer to the A. Bosire relationship and cooperation between the various agents in the swarm that result in the overall development [17], [18]. The honeybee forage selection model is based on three components: food sources (alternative solutions), employed foragers (active solution seekers) and unemployed foragers (passive solution seekers) made up of onlookers and scouts. In addition, two leading modes of the behavior are expressed: recruitment to a food source and abandonment of a food source. Thus, the position of a food source represents a potential solution to the optimization problem and the quantity of a food source corresponds to the calculated fitness value of the associated solution [12], [13], [14], [26]. In essence, food sources signify the profitability of the proposed solution in terms of complexity involved in attaining it. This complexity is evaluated based on proximity, ease of extraction, energy concentration which is calculated as a probability value. Employed foragers are associated with a particular food source or simply a solution they are working on, whereas, the unemployed foragers are looking for potential food sources to exploit or simply looking out for alternative solutions. Thus, the scouts find alternative food sources while the onlookers establish viable solutions from the information given to them by the employed foragers through the waggle dance. At the beginning, the number of employed bees and the number of available food sources. Additionally, an employed bee turns into a scout when the position of a food source declines after a predetermined limit of foraging attempts, at that time exploitation ceases. Thus, the employed and onlooker bees usually perform the exploitation whereas the scouts perform the exploration of the search space. This process of foraging can be viewed as a complex problem broken down into many parts and the ultimate task is to find a viable solution since there are many ways in reaching the goal [9], [18], [23]. Let us examine figure 1 as illustrated by Karaboga [12], for a better understanding of this foraging behaviour. Figure 1: The honeybee nectar foraging behavior [12]. In figure 1 above, there are two discovered food sources: A and B. Any potential forager will always start as an unemployed forager and will not have any knowledge about the food sources around the nest. This limits the prospective options for such a bee to the following: i. To become a scout and instinctively start searching around the nest for food (S). ii. To become a recruit after watching the waggle dances for the available food sources (R). This bee then evaluates the available food sources, memorizes a food source location and immediately starts exploiting it thus becoming an employed forager. The foraging bee takes with it a load of nectar from the source and unloads it to a food store back in the hive after which the bee takes on one of the three roles below: i. It recruits other bees (onlookers) and returns to the same food source (EF1). ii. It continues to forage at the same food source without recruiting other bees (EF2). iii. It becomes an uncommitted follower after abandoning the food source (UF). Therefore, this formulates the procedure of the ABC algorithm which is separated into five distinct phases; Initialization phase, Employed bee phase, Probabilistic selection phase, Onlooker bee phase and the Scout bee phase [12], [23]: i. Initialization Phase The Food Source locations are randomly initialized within the search space as calculated using equation (1) below. min max min) xij=xj +rand(0,1)(xj -xj (1) where i = 1, 2, …, SN and SN indicates the number of Food Sources (equal to half of the bee colony); j = 1, 2, …, D and D is the dimension of the problem; ...... represents the parameter for ith employed bee on jth dimension, meaning that they are dependent on each other; ...... and .... .... ...... are upper and lower bounds of ....... ii. Employed Bee Phase Every Employee Bee is assigned to the resultant Food Source generated by equation (2) below for further exploitation. ...... = ......+ ......(......- ......) (2) where k is a neighbor of i, i .k; ...... is a random number in the range [-1, 1]to control the production of neighbor solutions around ......; ...... is the new solution for ....... The value of the new Food Source is measured using a fitness value calculated by equation (3) below. 1 , .....0 1+.......... ........={ (3) 1+......(....), ....<0 where abs.... is the absolute objective function associated with each Food Source; ........ is the fitness value. Informatica 43 (2019) 551–559 553 The two food sources ...... (Original Food Source) and ...... (New Food Source) are compared and the best is chosen based on a greedy selection of their fitness values. iii. Probabilistic Selection Phase Then, a probability value for each Food Source is calculated using equation (4) which is useful for Onlooker Bees when they evaluate the viability of a Food Source amongst the available options. ........ .... = (4) .. ...=1 ........ where ........ is the fitness value of i-th solution; .... is the selection probability of i-th solution. iv. Onlooker Bee Phase The Employed Bees advertise the viability of their Food Sources to the Onlooker Bees which select a Food Source to exploit based on the fitness and probability values associated with it i.e., the more fitness, the higher the probability. The Food Sources that are picked are further exploited using equation (2). This improves the solution and their fitness values are also calculated using equation (3). Once again, to yield an improved solution, a greedy selection process is performed on the original and new Food Sources, similar to Employed Bee Phase. v. Scout Bee Phase The Employed Bee for a Food source that doesn’tgenerate better results over time becomes a Scout Bee and the Food Source is abandoned. This leads to the random generation of a new Food Source in the search space using equation (1). Subsequently, the Employed bee phase, Probabilistic selection phase, Onlooker bee phase and Scout bee phases will execute until termination criterion is satisfied. The best food source solution is obtained as output. Note that the steps of the algorithm presented in section 4 are quite elaborate than the fore mentioned summary. [12], [13], [15], [18]. 4 RNN training usingABC algorithm Artificial Neural Networks are based on the simulated network of biological neurons in which neurons are the essential computational units [22]. Hence, the underlying concept is to train a mathematical model so that it can reproduce some physical phenomena or make some predictions. The model is presented with training samples that are the actual outputs of the studied system corresponding to the actual inputs of the problem. Later, the error obtained between the actual and the predicted value serves as the metric for measuring the performance of the algorithm in terms of prediction [5]. Artificial Neural Networks can broadly be categorized into Shallow Neural Network and Deep Neural Network techniques. Shallow Neural Networks generally have only one hidden layer as opposed to Deep Neural Networks which have several levels of hidden layers. Therefore, Deep Neural Networks utilize functions whose complexity is of a higher magnitude contrary to Shallow Neural Networks, given that all resources remain constant [3]. Shallow Neural Network (SNN) techniques contain less than two layers of nonlinear feature transformations. Examples of the SNN techniques are Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) models, Logistic Regression, Kernel Regression, Multi-Layer Perceptron’s (MLPs) with a single hidden layer including Extreme Learning Machines (ELMs). SNN techniques effectively solve well-constrained problems due to their limited modeling and representational power which poses a challenge when dealing with complicated real-world applications. A well-constrained problem is one for which a function is to be minimized or maximized with respect to well defined constraints [3], [6]. Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are Artificial Neural Networks composed of several interconnected hidden layers. These hidden layers have multiple hidden perceptrons between the network input layer and its network output for computational use. Dynamic environments require Deep Neural Network techniques which are useful in extracting complex structure and building internal representation. Examples of DNNs are Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Convolutional Neural Networks (Conv.Net), Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBM), Deep Belief Networks (DBN) [30]. So, the basic concept behind Artificial Neural Networks owes to their imitation of biological neurons as shown in figure 2 which is an elementary neuron with several inputs and one output. Here, each input x is fed to the next layer, in our case an output layer y, with an appropriate weight w. The sum of the weighted inputs and the bias forms the input to the transfer function f. The bias is a threshold that represents the minimum level that a neuron needs for activating and is represented by b. Neurons can use any differentiable transfer function f to generate their output. Therefore, in multi-layer networks, the input values to the inputs of the first layer, allow the signals to propagate through the network, and read the output values where output of the .. th node can be Figure 2: Representation of an Elementary Neuron. .. .... =....(...=1..........+....) (5) where .... is the output of the node; A. Bosire .... is the ..th input to the node; ...... is the connection weight between the node and input ....; .... is the threshold (or bias) of the node; .... is the node transfer function. Multilayer networks often use the sigmoid transfer function which generates outputs between 0 and 1 as the neuron's net input goes from negative to positive infinity. This is used for models where we have to predict the probability as an output. Hence, its suitability because the probability of real-world entities exist in the range of 0 and 1. Sigmoid output neurons are often used for pattern recognition, clustering and prediction problems. The information from a layer to the next one is transmitted by means of the activation function, represented in equation (6). The activation function relies on the weighted sum and bias to make a calculation on whether a neuron will be activated or not, thus introducing non-linearity to the network. This non-linear transformation performed on the inputs and sent through the network enables it to learn and perform complex tasks. 1 ..= ..(..)= (6) 1+..-.. The main goal is to minimize the cost function by optimizing the network weights. The fundamental idea of this optimization approach is to individually interpret and change the weight values. Also, note that dynamic environments present a relatively higher network complexity which suggests the need for Deep Neural Networks. Therefore, the data presented to the network has to be split into three sets; training set, validation set and the testing set. This facilitates the training, verification and evaluation of the networks’ performance. Furthermore, the complexity of the challenge is represented by the Mean Squared Error (MSE) in equation (7). The MSE is obtained while comparing the target input against the predicted output could determine the number of hidden layers. The optimization of the network is achieved by minimizing the MSE which is essentially a network error function. Henceforth, the training algorithm is used to find the optimal weights that are used for initializing the Neural Network. In this case, the ABC algorithm is used to find the precise weights that enable the network connections to make accurate decisions. The algorithm uses a cost function as a measure for our progress in determining the right weights [19], [25]. 1 .. ..(..(..))= ...=1(....-....)2 (7) .. where, ..(..(..))is the error at the ....h iteration; (..(..)), the weights in the connections at the ....h iteration; .... and .... represent the desired and the actual values of ....h output node; ..is the number of output nodes; ..is the number of inputs. A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is an extension of the conventional feed-forward neural network described above. The major difference is that RNNs have cyclic connections which make them reliable for modeling time-series data in dynamic environments. This means that at any given the output is related to the present input and the input at previous timestamps. Therefore, we build on the concept above of the elementary neuron in relation to the RNN. Here, we have the input sequence denoted by x = (x1, x2, ..., xt), the hidden layer denoted by h = (h1, h2, ..., ht) and the output vector sequence denoted by y = (y1, y2, ..., yt). Usually the RNN calculates the hidden vector sequence h using equation (8) and the output vector sequence y using equation (9) with t = 1 to T [20]; h..=....(....h....+ ..hhh..-1+..h) (8) ....=....(..h..h..+....) (9) where function .... is the activation function; w is a weight matrix; b is the bias term. However, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture is preferable because it resolves the underlying vanishing and exploding gradient problems of the traditional RNN. The LSTM – RNN uses three gates that form a cell which consequently solves the problems mentioned above thus making the network robust. Thus, the LSTM cell replaces the recurrent hidden cell in Eq. 4.4 above. The equations to compute the values for the three gates are described below [11], [20]. ....=....(..........+ ..h..h..-1+ ..........-1 + ....) (10) ....=....(..........+ ..h..h..-1+ ..........-1 + ....) (11) ....=........-1+ ....tanh(..........+ ..h..h..-1 + ....) (12) ....=....(..........+ ..h..h..-1+ ..........-1 + ....) (13) h..=....tanh(....) (14) Where, .... is the logistic sigmoid function; i, g, o and c are respectively the input gate, forget gate, output gate and cell state; ......, ...... and ...... are denoted weight matrices for peephole connections. In LSTM – RNN, the input gate i, the forget gate g, and the output gate o control the information flow. The input gate decides the ratio of input which has an effect when calculating the cell state, c. The forget gate calculates the ratio of the previous memory h..-1 using equation (11) and decides whether to pass it onwards or not. The result obtained is used for determining the cell state in equation (12). The output gate which is based on equation (13) determines whether pass out the output of the memory cell or not. This process as represented by the ratios from the three gates is denoted by equation (14) and also depicted diagrammatically in the figure 3 [20]. Figure 3: Long-Short Term memory Cell. Informatica 43 (2019) 551–559 555 Therefore, the algorithm below outlines the optimization process for the deep neural network using the ABC algorithm [10], [12], [19], [25]. 1. Set Cycle=0. 2. Load training samples from dataset. 3. Initialize a population of scout bee with random solution xi, i = 1,2, …, SN using equation (1). 4. Evaluate fitness (fiti) of the population using equation (3) a. Initialize weight and bias for the Recurrent Neural Network 5. Set Cycle=1: while Maximum cycle not reached, repeat step 6 – step 12 6. FOR each employed bee { Produce new solution vi by using equation (2) Calculate the value fiti on the new population Apply greedy selection process between xij and vij} 7. Calculate the probability values pi for the solutions (xi) using equation (4) 8. FOR each onlooker bee { Select a solution xi depending on pi Produce new solution vi Calculate the value fiti Apply greedy selection process} 9. If there is an abandoned solution for the scout then replace it with a new solution which will be randomly produced by equation (1) 10. Memorize the best solution so far 11. Update new weight and bias for the Recurrent Neural Network 12. Increment Cycle + 1 until Cycle=MCN where .... represents a solution; ........ is the fitness value of ....; .... indicates a neighbor solution of ....; .... is the probability value of ....; ......is the maximum cycle number in the algorithm. Remember that at the beginning, one half of the colony consists of onlooker bees and the second half constitutes the employed bees which are equal to the number of food sources (viable solutions) and any employed bee whose food source has been exhausted becomes a scout bee. Therefore, the algorithm starts by generating a randomly distributed initial population (.... food source positions), where .... denotes the size of population. Each solution .... (.. = 1, 2, ..., ....) is a ..­dimensional vector. D being the number of optimization parameters. After initialization, the population of the solutions is subjected to repeated cycles, ..= 1, 2, ..., ......, of the search process until a termination criterion is achieved. Each cycle of the search consists of three steps: engaging the employed bees with their food sources and evaluating their viability; sharing the food sources viability information with the onlookers which select a food source and again assess its viability; determining the scout bees and sending them out randomly to explore new food sources. An employed bee produces a modification on the solution in its memory depending on the probability and fitness tests. Thereby, generating optimal weights that serve to minimize the cost function and with each cycle the RNN is adequately trained with varying parameters using the ABC algorithm until optimal conditions are met [10], [18], [19]. 5 Experiments and results During the training phase, the Recurrent Neural Network is presented with a set of the training data from the dataset and the input weights are adjusted by using the ABC algorithm as a learning algorithm. The dataset can be acquired from the Road Traffic Statistics website for Great Britain [7]. The purpose of the weight adjustment is to enable the RNN to learn so that it would adapt to the given training data [10]. The dataset also has to be split to a suitable ratio to enable the training of the network, validation and testing of the results obtained. Thereafter, the performance of the network is evaluated based on the Mean Squared Error (MSE) obtained between the desired output and the actual output thus testing the validity of the network in terms of its prediction efficiency. Figure 4 below depicts the performance graph obtained on execution of the algorithm in MATLAB [2]. Figure 4: Performance of the ABC Optimized RNN. The figure 4 represents the best validation performance of the network. On several runs of the algorithm the MSE obtained was 1.1232e3. This is the value obtained on epoch 9 after which the error gradually starts to increase due to overfitting but in this case, it gradually maintains a constant level. In other experiments, the MSE of the RNN before it was optimized was 3.853e3 [4]. The difference between the two MSEs basically shows that the ABC algorithm is actually efficient in terms of optimization. Generally, lower MSEs translate to high accuracy. Graphically, this is seen in the regression plots for the dataset in figure 6. Figure 5 shows the respective regression values of the three different sets of the dataset. Splitting of the dataset helps with the early stopping of the network in order to achieve its generalization capability. The three sets of data all obtain value greater than 0.9 and the aggregate regression value is 0.93625 which borders 1. This shows a high relationship between the desired outputs and the obtained outputs, which shows a high accuracy in the A. Bosire networks ability to forecast efficiently. Furthermore, there is a high cross-correlation between the input data and the error time-series as depicted in the graph in figure 6 below. Figure 6: Correlation between the input and the output error. The figure 6 above means that the network is able to model the predictive characteristics of the time-series lag which is the difference between the expected and the actual values. This correlation is depicted in the figure and the values fall in between the acceptable confidence limits as shown by the dotted red line. This is further exemplified in the time series plot of figure 7 below which shows the relationship between the predicted values and the actual values The figure 7 above shows the desired output values plotted against the actual values obtained by the RNN optimized by the ABC algorithm. This time-series graph shows the level of accuracy that can be obtained during prediction with a well-trained RNN. The high efficacy of the ABC algorithm is also depicted in the graph regardless of one incorrectly predicted value. However, the other values fall between the confidence limits and as such with further training and fine-tuning of the parameters the RNN can actually produce reliable results. This means that the generalized model can actually produce accurate predictions. The values of the RNN after optimization Figure 7: Time-series response of the RNN output values. Training Algorithm Hidden Layer Size Performance (MSE) Training Validation Testing Artificial Bee 20 721.2039 998.2733 1689.7351 Colony (ABC) 40 412.1763 569.0172 673.4512 Algorithm 60 359.8409 920.2444 1.0031e+01 80 492.2976 1.1457e+01 2.4915e+01 100 540.0012 2.4345e+01 2.7031e+02 Table 1: MSEs obtained by the ABC optimized Recurrent Neural Network. using the ABC algorithm are illustrated in the table 1 below. The results in table 1 above reflect the MSEs obtained during the training, validation and testing phases of the experiment. The optimal MSE for the training phase was 359.8409, the validation phase had an optimal MSE of 569.0172 and the optimal MSE at the Test phase was 673.4512. These values show that the error rate reduced gradually with an increase in the number of hidden layers. Other experiments have been performed using other algorithms for optimization of the deep neural networks. These algorithms include the Levenberg-Marquardt Backpropagation algorithm which had an optimal MSE of 360.2578 at the training phase, the Scaled Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation algorithm which had a least MSE of 480.9656 at the validation phase and the Resilient Backpropagation algorithm which had 467.9015 as the MSE at the testing phase [4]. The ABC trained RNN has peak performance when the hidden layer size is between 40 and 80 given an input vector size of 500. In comparison to the fore-mentioned training algorithms, the ABC algorithm surpasses the other training algorithms in similar conditions. Conclusion It is evident from the results that the ABC algorithm out­performs the backpropagation algorithms. However, the parameter settings for the algorithm need to be refined for the model to be generalized. Moreover, different architectures of other deep neural networks can be implemented especially in distributed computing environments so as to sustain a greater number of the hidden layers or even produce a sustainable hybrid thereof. Furthermore, deep neural networks need to be optimized so as to enhance the practicability of a model that yields reliable forecasting in dynamic environments. 7 Acknowledgement This work was supported by Kiriri Womens University of Science and Technology. References [1] Basturk, B., & Karaboga, D. (2006). An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABC) for Numeric Function Optimization. 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ABC Artificial Bee Colony Conv.Net Convolutional Neural Network CRF Conditional Random Field DBM Deep Boltzmann Machine DBN Deep Belief Network DNN Deep Neural Network EF Employed Forager ELM Extreme Learning Machine GMM Gaussian Mixture Model LSTM Long-Short Term Memory MaxEnt Maximum Entropy MCN Maximum Cycle Number MLP Multi-Layer Perceptron MSE Mean Squared Error NN Neural Network R Recruited Bee RNN Recurrent Neural Network S Scout Bee SNN Shallow Neural Network SVM Support Vector Machine UF Unemployed Forager Study of Computerized Segmentation & Classification Techniques: An Application to Histopathological Imagery Pranshu Saxena IK Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, India E-mail: pranshusaxena@gmail.com Anjali Goyal Guru Nanak Institute of Management and Technology, Ludhiana, India E-mail: anjali.garg73@gmail.com Student paper Keywords: computer-assisted diagnosis system, classification, digital pathology, histopathological images, images analysis, segmentation Received: January 9, 2018 Recent trends with histopathological imagery led to rapid progress towards quantifying the perceptive issues, while prognostic, due to subjective variability among readers. This variability leads to distinguished prognosis reports and generates variability in treatment as well. Latest advancements in image analysis tools have allowed the powerful computer-assisted diagnostic system to assist oncologist in their diagnosis process on radiological data. The main goal of this study is to understand and address the challenges associated with the development of image analysis techniques for computer-aided interpretation of histopathology imagery. We are analyzing indicative characteristics like texture heterogeneity and morphological characteristic on a various scale of lymphomas like Follicular, Neuroblastoma, Breast, and Prostate tissue images for classifying them into respective grades. The study shows a systematic survey of the computational steps, which includes a recent scenario of diagnosis process to classify these lymphomas into respective grades along with its limitations, followed by it shows the pre-requisite of the computer-assisted diagnosis system and finally explains various segmentation techniques based on image descriptor and subsequent classification of biopsy into respective grades. This paper reviews recent state of the art technology for histopathology and briefly describes the recent development in histology and its application towards quantifying the perceptive issue in the domain of histopathology being pursued in the United State and India. Povzetek: Študij tehnik računalniške segmentacije in klasifikacije: uporaba na histopatoloških posnetkih. that are indicative of the presence of cancer structures at various scales and determine how closely these structures 1 Introduction resemble those in healthy vs. diseased tissues. Sooner the In the current scenario, the prognosis of lymphomas is presence of cancer is confirmed, the grading process done manually by visual analysis of the tissue samples; starts. obtained from the biopsy of patients. In clinical medicine, The morphological characteristic and texture a biopsy sample is obtained from a suspicious histological inhomogeneity of these tissue cells is highly relevant and section, placed onto glass slides to be examined under the critically required to predict which patients may be microscope. Later, biopsy undergoes with staining process inclined to disease and predicting disease outcome and preferable Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E Stained). H&E chances of early survival. This study includes prostate stain is the microscopic study of biological tissues, which (CaP), breast (BC), neuroblastoma (NB) and follicular will become the gold standard in the prognosis of lymphoma (FL) tissues histology for critically reviewing considerable number of pathologies and for the the recent state of the art for computer-assisted diagnosis identification of therapeutic effects. Combination of H&E technology, and analyzes the modern state of progress, stain produces blue, violet and red colors. It provides application of novel image analysis technology and information about tissues and cells with a high level of highlights various histopathology related issues. detail [1]. Another type of staining known as Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining, is widely used in 1.1 Need for quantitative image analysis the diagnosis of abnormal cells and is used to diagnose and for disease grading track specific cellular anomalies, such as cancers, by identifying those proteins that are specifically found in In the current scenario, pathologists play a vital role in affected cells. From H&E Stained images, pathologists examining the digital histopathological image. This inspect morphological characteristic (based on staining) examining is done under the microscope but analyzing all Figure 1: Sample Area of interest taking from 512×512 pixels H&E stained FL tissues images; five different oncologists indicating by circles of different colors identify CB cells. [Olcay Sertel et al. 2010] [3]. these microscopic digital images by the pathologist is a very tedious process, and sometimes leads to incorrect conclusions due to several reasons; • It is not practical to examine every region of the tissue slide under the microscope at high magnifications (e.g., 40×). For cell diagnosis, due to high CB/HPF ratio (CB-Centro blast & HPF-High Power Field i.e. 0.159mm^2) in case of FL histology [2]. • The resulting diagnosis can vary considerably among different readers i.e. subjectivity issue. • Biological variation, heterogeneous intensity, uneven staining, illumination, multiple regions of interest and overlapping the cell nuclei have made prognosis procedure a major impediment. • There is also an essential requirement for the quantitative-based grading system to ease the workload on pathologists/oncologists by detailed study for non-harmful regions (including all type of cancers); As per a study [1], approximately 80% of 10 lakh cancer biopsies done every year which results in a negative response. This implies that there was, no need to do the biopsy at all. Moreover, quantitative analysis can be very useful for research application like drug discovery, biological mechanisms in disease, identifying the pattern of genetic abnormalities in cancerous nuclei. But recent research says, [39] analyzing transformation in biological tissues remains a challenge due to unavailability of the robust biomarker in routine clinical practice. Indeed, several genetic alterations, IHC stained or H&E stained markers have been reported in previous years associated with biological transformation but haven’t been sufficiently validated to warrant their assessment outside of the research setting. Use of computer-assisted diagnosis in pathology can substantially enhance the efficiency and accuracy of pathologists in decision-making, which indeed favors the patients [1]. It is emphasized that the automated computer-assisted diagnosis system should never be considered a replacement for oncologists. Instead, it should only be used as assistance to the decision-making mechanism. In case of a disagreement between the computerized system and the oncologists rating, the final decision is that of the human doctors i.e. oncologists. With the recent trends and advancement in the CAD system, this review discusses and depict different methods suggested in the literature for segmentation and subsequent classification of FL, BC, NB, & CaP histopathological images. The main emphasis of identifying the most often methods of lymphoma images segmentation, such as thresholding, fourier based transformation, region-based segmentation, k-means clustering, statistical shape model, texture-based segmentation, and methods for their classification into respective grades, such as supervised and unsupervised clustering, laplacian eigen-map classifiers, k-nearest neighbor, rule-based classifiers and neuro-fuzzy inference system. The major contribution of this study is found in the discussion of the main processing techniques of lymphoma histological images, therefore, providing directions for future research. 1.2 Organization of this paper We have organized this paper to follow the general image analysis procedure for histopathological imagery. These analysis procedures are usually applicable to all histopathological imagery. In section 2, we present the definition and details about quantitative criteria for disease grading on the various scale for FL, NB, CaP, and BC. In section 3, we have reviewed various histological slide preparation process followed by image pre-processing steps such as colour normalization, image representation. Later, a systematic review is placed for segmentation and classification for various lymphomas followed by inference from the review of literature in the table. Discussion and future directions for research of lymphomas image segmentation considering limitation for published articles, followed by the conclusive remark is presented in Section 4. 2 Quantitative criteria for disease grading In the current scenario prognosis of the diseases such as CaP, BC, FL & NB is done manually by visual analysis of the tissue samples, obtained from the biopsy of patients. This visual grading is very tedious and sometimes leads to under and over treatment due to inter-reader and intra-reader variability; this result indicates incapable situation for the patient, figure 1 shows distinguished prognosis report of the same biopsy of FL sample. In Figure 1, the Figure 2: WHO classification of FL based on centroblast/HPF; Grade I & Grade II are considered as low-risk categories, while grade III belongs to high categories. prognosis process is explained using three different follicular tissue samples by 5 distinguished oncologists. The oncologists were asked to locate the area of interest. All five oncologists have marked their perceptive views with different colors on the tissue sample, which clearly shows a different perceptive view with different oncologists. A computer-assisted diagnosis system for digitized histopathology is pre-requisite that is employed for disease prognostics, allowing the oncologist to predict which patients may be susceptible to disease and predicting disease outcome and chances of survival. Automated image segmentation of cell nuclei and subsequent classification of histopathological images is widely research topic. Several distinguished researchers have been developing the algorithms for the automated segmentation and classification. There have been few attempts to automatically detect the grading and to newer methods continue to be investigated. The need for quantitative image analysis in the context of some specific diseases (like prostate, breast, follicular lymphoma & neuroblastoma) is described in the next section. 2.1 Grading criteria for follicular lymphoma by WHO The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Histopathological grading of Follicular lymphoma based on the number of large malignant cells, namely CB, per standard 40x magnifications High Power Field (HPF) of 0.159. mm. ^2. In this method, CB’s are manually counted and the average of CB/HPF is reported [2, 4]. According to WHO, high power field of H&E stained tissue sections (under the microscope) classify the biopsy into one of the three histopathological grades according to the average CB count per HPF, this grading criterion is plotted in the figure 2. In grades, I and II, the proportion of small cell (centrocytes) is predominant, whereas grade III features a greater proportion of large cells (centroblast). The histopathological examination guides the oncologists in making timely decisions and on the required therapy [2, 4-22].This clinical relevance of grading system is still being debatable [38]; Grade I, II, IIIA are sluggish and incurable, while Grade IIIB belongs to most aggressive but curable. In the above classification, Grades I and II belong to quantitative issue (count the number of CB/HPF) while classification of Grade III in its respective subgroups requires qualitative issue as CB/HPF ratio remains same (>15 in both cases Grade IIIA &B). The only subjective issue which distinguishes between Grade IIIA & B is that grade IIIA shows the presence of centrocytes, whereas in IIIB the follicles consist almost entirely of the centroblastic cell. Although patients suffering from indolent FL (Grade I, II & IIIA) typically live for many decades with minimal or no treatment, while patients with aggressive FL (IIIB) have short survival if not treated appropriately at early stages. 2.2 Grading criteria for neuroblastoma by WHO Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid cancer, commonly affects to infant and children (0-5 years). Based on the American Cancer Society [2] statistics, it is by far the most common cancer in infants and the third most common type of cancer in children. WHO recommends the use of the International Neuroblastoma Pathology Classification (the Shimada system) for categorization of the patients into different prognostic stages. This classification system is based on morphological characteristics of the tissue. Figure 3 shows a relevant summary of this classification system as a tree diagram. Shimada system includes the age of patients, the degree of neuroblast differentiation, presence or absence of schwannian stormal development, mitosis and karyorrhexis index (MKI) and nodular pattern to conclude the final tissue classification as favorable histology (FH) and unfavorable histology (UH) [4, 23]. MKI index is calculated based on the number of Karyorrhectic cells per number of cells scanned in the sample (200 Karyorrhectic cells for every 5000 cells scanned). Although the shimada system performs fine analysis in 80% cases and provides a precise decision, it may be disingenuous for heterogeneous tumors. A study by Teot et al. in 2007 [24] shows that for NB diagnosis, this Figure 3: Shimada classification of neuroblastoma based on schwannian stromal development. variation can be up to 20% between central and institutional reviewers. 2.3 Gleason scale for prostate cancer Quantitative image analysis in the context of prostate cancer is done with the help of gleason score [25], persons having high gleason score are more aggressive and have a worse prognosis. Grading is solely based on the morphological pattern of tissue samples. Dr. Gleason shows 1 to 5 histological patterns of decreasing differentiation (pattern-1 most differentiated & pattern-5 least differentiated). Based on this score, doctors predict the stage of the disease. C. R. King et al. in 2000 [26] have found grading error (both under & over Grading) in prostate histology. Additionally, the accuracy of the classification is important to prevent making any under or over treatment. Unfortunately, this classification becomes more vulnerable when oncologist’s prognostic these highly microscopic (e.g. 40x) biopsies by only picking a small representative section (e.g. 2x or 4x) and concludes for a whole slide (40x) tissue sample. 2.4 Nottingham histologic score system for breast histology For classification of breast histology, Bloom & Richardson introduced a system in 1957 based on cellular differentiation [27]. Later, Elston-Ellis in 1991 introduced Nottingham Histologic score system grounded on three tissue sample into favorable &unfavorable histology criterions: 1) How well the cancerous cell tries to recreate normal glands (amount of gland formation); 2)How ugly the cancerous cell looks (nucleolus features); 3) How much the cancerous cells are divided (mitotic activity). Pathologist gives the score to each of these criterions in 1­3 scale, and each score is added to give final total score 3­9, this final score is responsible to classify breast biopsy into 3 criterions; [28] • Grade 1 tumors have a score of 3-5 (well differentiated, slow growing). • Grade 2 tumors have a score of 6-7 (moderate differentiated). • Grade 3 tumors have a score of 8-9 (poorly differentiated, highly proliferative). New genetic re-classification of histological grades is introduced by Anna V. Ivshina et al. in 2005 due inter-observer variability among pathologists while classifying biopsy into either grade 2 or grade 3. [29] 3 Study to computer-assisted diagnosis system 3.1 Staining process of biopsy In the current scenario, histopathological tissue analysis is done manually by visual analysis of tissue sample, obtained from the tissue biopsy of the patients. In clinical medicine, a biopsy sample is obtained from a suspicious histological section, placed onto glass slides to be examined under the microscope. Before microscopy examination biopsy follows a series of procedure. First, step named as a fixation step, that aims to preserve the morphological and architectural structure of the sample followed by a procedure named as embedding that allows slicing the biopsy in very thin likely 2-15µm area section. Finally, this slice goes to the staining process. Over the several staining presents in the current scenario, Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E stain) is one of the principles one. It is most widely used staining medical science. A combination of hematoxylin and eosin dyes produces blues, violets, and red colors to demonstrate nucleolus & cytoplasmic. It provides information about tissues and cells with a high level of detail [1]. The stain has been unchanged for many years because it works well with the variety of fixatives and displays a broad range of cytoplasmic, nuclear and extracellular matrix feature. Another type of staining known as Immuno-Histo-Chemical (IHC) staining, is widely used in the diagnosis of abnormal cells and is used to diagnose and track specific cellular anomalies, such as cancers, by identifying those proteins that are specifically found in affected cells. In clinical practice, IHC stain is used to mark the follicle regions where B-cell are positively marked with hues of brown color as opposed to T-cell that is negatively marked with hues of gray color. Therefore, follicles, which have a higher concentration of B-cell, can be distinguished from inter-follicular regions at low magnifications (i.e., 2×,4×,8×). 3.2 Image preprocessing: color normalization After the staining process, color normalization is very essential preprocessing step for microscopy image. This process reduces the differences in tissue samples due to variation staining conditions. Moreover, this step is to remove irrelevant tissue structures, remove noises, and enhance the contrast. Primarily preprocessing techniques aim to improve image quality for segmentation. Color normalization step is very commonly used to lymphoma images processing. The technique helps to provide different perceptual difference among color models [8, 9, 11]. O. sertel et al. [8, 9] used the conversion from the RGB model to L*a*b*, Euclidean distance is the measure to exploit the differences while [11] used the conversion from the RGB model to the HSV model. These color models help to segmentation process by representing each cytological component with different colors. In [3] RGB color space is projected to a 1-D uni-tone image by considering only 1st PCA, to attain a single channel image that has the highest contrast. 3.3 Automated segmentation and classification of histopathological image Use of CAD in medicine is drastically increasing day by day, to aid in detection, diagnosis of disease in digital pathology. To fulfill the requirement of the system, researchers identify certain quality parameters of images such as the morphological structure of lymphocytes, cancerous nuclei, and glands. The presence of extent shape, size and other morphological appearance of these structures are important indicators for the presence of severity of the disease. For instance, for neuroblastoma histology, the existence of a nodular pattern and distinguish and un-distinguish neuroblast leads to favorable and unfavorable histology. In terms of prostate lymphoma, the size of glands tends to reduce with higher Gleason patterns. Similarly, the presence of many lymphocytes in breast cancer histopathology is strongly suggestive of poor disease outcome and survival. Another motivation for detecting and segmenting histological structures has to do with the need for counting of objects, generally cells or cell nuclei. Cell counts can have diagnostic significance for some cancerous conditions. For instance, in terms of FL, pathologist counts the number of CBs per HPF also in terms of NB MKI index is calculated based on the number of Karyorrhectic cells per number of cells scanned in the sample. Bibbo et al. [30] reported 1.1%-4.7% error in cell counts compared to manual counts for Feulgen-stained prostate specimens. In order to evaluate segmentation methods, several matrices have been proposed for evaluating computational and manual segmentation conducted by the oncologist. Among these matrices, common names sensitivity, specificity, accuracy considering the concept of true positive, false positive [15]. Accuracy can quantify how many pixels from manual segmentation were also identified by the computational methods [15]. Another metric named Zijdenbos similarity index [11], This measures the overlapping ration between the shapes from manual and automatic segmentation. The systematic survey is presented for diagnosing and prognosis techniques using computational techniques. A very basic CAD model started in 2007, to aid pathologists in prognosis for histological grading system ofFL histologybyJ.Konget al. [5]inwhichpathologist’s (human) intervention was also required along with computer-assisted diagnosis model in the classification of FL. Firstly, color and texture are features extracted to detect follicles from H&E stained images using K-means clustering method, followed by a morphologic post-processing step to remove the noisy regions and smooth out the boundaries of follicle regions. Subsequently, a manual registration step is performed to detect distorted of follicles and healthy tissue sample and finally classification process proceeds to group data into CB and non-CB classes. In continuation of previous work [5], O. Sertel et al. in 2008 [6] develops a computerized system to reduce manual intervention based on non-supervised clustering to assist pathologists in differentiating CB from non-CB cells. Comparative analysis between similarity index between computerized system & pathologist is discussed in table 1. Till now researchers have been only attempting to differentiate between CB and non-CB cells [5, 6], but in 2008, O. Sertel et al. [7] introduced new classification index based on WHO criteria. The WHO recommends histopathological grading of FL based on the number of CB, per standard 40x magnifications HPF of 0.159mm^2[4]. To capture this information, firstly images were partition into distinct cytological components (nuclei, cytoplasm, RBC, background and extracellular material) based on unsupervised segmentation technique followed by color texture is extracted by non-linear quantization using self-organizing map, which is used to differentiate the low and intermediate grades (I and II) from high grades (III) of FL. For the classification of the segmented image (from the first step), principle component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) followed by Bayesian parameter estimation are used and again O. Sertel et al. in 2009 [8], introduced a novel computer-assisted diagnosis system for digitalized histology based on model-based intermediate representation (MBIR) and incorporates texture analysis. The system identifies basic cytological component using La*b* color space if the same amount of change in color values produces the same amount of perceptual difference of visual importance. Property of La*b* color space allows to use euclidean distance in comparing colors. Clustering in La*b* color space is done using the K-means algorithm. Researcher uses PCA and FLDA to reduce the dimension, followed by bayesian classifier based on maximum a posterior decision rule for classification. Limitations of conventional feature space-based clustering algorithm like K-mean and EM (expectation Minimization) are identified by O. Sertel et al. in 2010 [9], those are widely used for Histopathology image segmentation [5, 6, 7, 8]. Those algorithms based on prior knowledge of clusters and confined to the mostly elliptical shape of these clusters. In fact, especially in histopathology imagery, these assumptions may not suit well due to inhomogeneous intensities and overlapping cell nuclei. In order to achieve a robust approach, which can overcome the limitation of clustering-based feature space; a non-parametric method is introduced [9], namely the mean-shift method. This method is applied to L*a*b* color space and finds out stationary points of density. Adaptive thresholding technique is used to differentiate between CB and non-CB cells. In fact, this is a very initial detection system based on the non-parametric approach to distinguish CB and non-CB cells with relatively very high false positive [9]. To overcome these very high false positives is being experienced by [9], O. Sertel et al. in 2010 [3] introduces a better approach grounded on adaptive likelihood-based cell segmentation. This approach includes, Firstly, input images in the RGB color space is projected onto a 1-D uni-tone image by considering only first principal component, to attain a single channel image that has the highest contrast. This uni-tone image is further normalized between [0,1]. Subsequently, two steps process is applied for the classification of CB and non-CB cells as follows. • Identify evident non-CB cells based on size, shape, and eccentricity. • Redefine CB detection by learning and utilizing the texture distribution of non-CB cells. In 2010, Siddhartha Samsi et al. [10] described an automated system to identify follicles in IHC stained tissue section rather than H&E stained images. IHC stains are typically used to identify specific categories of cells in the tissue. The proposed algorithm uses color and texture P. Saxena et al. measures for identifying follicles and their respective boundarization. To reduce under and over-segmentation, the author applied the watershed segmentation algorithm and finally, fourier descriptors are used to smooth follicle boundary. A modified paper of [3] is introduced to improve the accuracy of pathologists by extracting the morphological characteristic of objects based on novel texture features, color-space decomposition. Instead of grayscale representation of images, color-space is utilized, and RGB, L*a*b*, HSV color spaces are investigated. K. Belkacem-Boussaid et al. in 2010 [11] uses a multivariate image analysis technique using PCA to classify between CB and non-CB tissue samples. For extraction of the geometry of CB, researchers use operations such as thresholding, morphological filtering, and area identification. Again, the different approach introduced by K. Belkacem-Boussaid et al. in 2011 [12] in which, follicular regions are identified first at lower magnification (2X). Later, higher magnification is used to identify and count the number of centroblastic cells. Three step procedures are applied to start form region-based segmentation, which is used to determine the location of the follicle regions, followed by iterative shape index calculation and finally recursive watershed algorithm is applied. For initial segmentation of follicles, Chan & Vese [13] introduced a region-based segmentation approach based on curve expansion. With respect to the interior of follicles, the curve starts moving, and energy of curve minimized where the desired boundary is achieved. During boundarization process, level set formulation leads to very closed objects (likely overlapped) to each other; hence level set formulation is venerable to overlapping combined follicles. To overcome these overlapping follicles problems, an adaptive control splitting and merging technique is applied at the object level. The study presents a control factor based on the concavity index for the individual object. Followed by a novel recursive marked-watershed operation. Combining all the operation produces a better segmentation for overlapped follicles and hence prevents limitations that usually are introduced during the traditional morphological watershed is overcome. A combined effort to reduce under and over-segmentation of overlapped cells is made by H. Kong et al. in 2011 [14]. This framework firstly segments the histopathological images based on the local context features extracted around the pixel. In which, each pixel is categorized into either the cell or extracellular classes. After that local Fourier transformation is applied for extracting the texture feature based on newly defined color space, called the most discriminant color space (MDC). A different approach to isolating FL tissue samples, M. Oger et al. in 2012 [15] presented a noble technique. In this technique segmentation of follicular areas is recognized firstly before histological grading is done. Following the current practice of the pathologist, low resolution, lower magnification (2X) IHC Stained image uses to generate a mask of the follicular boundaries (follicular area) by a newly deployed feature-based cluster approach. Then these boundaries are map onto a corresponding registered H&E stained image. From these H&E stained images, color and texture information is extracted by converting the image from RGB space to HSV space. Where S (saturation) channel is represented as color information. Texture information is quantified by the homogeneity of 9×9 neighborhoods of each pixel using the co-occurrence matrix approach. Resulting feature vector is classified using k-means classifiers with K=4 one for follicles, second for the intra-follicular area, third for the mixture of follicles and intra-follicular area and last for the background. With respect to previous researches [10, 15], an efficient computational framework has been proposed [16] for the analysis of whole slide images (an application to FL immunohistochemistry stain) by S. Samsi et al. in 2012. This framework involves calculation of color and grayscale features, which are used as feature vectors for K-means clustering. The color feature used is the hue channel from HSV color-space conversion of the original image. The first texture feature used is the output of a median filter of size 45 45 applied to a gray-scale version of the image. The second texture feature is the energy feature calculated from the co-occurrence matrix. The output of the clustering algorithm provides a segmented image that is further processed by an iterative watershed algorithm followed by a boundary-smoothing step. B. Oztan et al. in 2012 [17] introduced a new computer-aided technique for grading of FL tissue sample based on cell graph and multi-scale feature analysis. FL image is analyzed using the cell graph to know the structural organization of component like nuclei, cytoplasm. Cell graph technique includes a graph theory concept to represent FL image with the un-weighted and undirected graph. Nodes of the graph are represented as cell nuclei whereas adjacencies of cells are represented with the edges of the graph. After constructing the cell-graph representation, a feature space vector is formulated, which includes structural organization within the nuclei and cytoplasm components. E. Michail et al. in 2014 [18] projected a new scheme for detection of CB from H&E Stained images. Detection of CB starts from converting the image into grayscale and filter using the Gaussian filter with kernel 3 3. Moreover, in order to detect the nuclei, the difference between nuclear membrane and background are enriched by histogram equalization technique. Later, segmentation of nuclei (dark) from extracellular material and background, otsu-thresholding is applied. Additionally, Expectation maximization (EM) technique is used to separate touching cells. Isolation is CBs is done based on shape, size, and intensity of histogram criteria. Finally, LDA is used to classify CBs and non-CBs cells. E. N. kornaropoulosin et al. in 2014 [19] introduced a quantitative methodology to categorize FL histology into one of two categories of cells (CB vs non-CB) using linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction. In the first method, biased features are calculated with the help of singular value decomposition, in which discrimination between CB and non-CB problem can be formulated as a minimization problem, where the objective is to minimize the least-square error between given images of CB and non-CB its low-rank approximation. In the second method, the classifier is based on preserving the similarity among the images of CB and non-CB cells using Laplacian eigen-maps. K. Dimitropoulos et al. [20] in 2014 presented a study for automatic detection of CBs from microscopic images obtained from FL biopsy. Initially, the touching-cell splitting algorithm is applied using the Gaussian mixture model and EM algorithm to segment the biopsy into basic cytological elements. Additionally, morphological and textural analysis of CBs is applied to extract various features related to the nucleolus, cytoplasm extra-cellular cells. In the final step, an innovative classification scheme is proposed based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system to classify the interested cells. Follicular lymphoma grading system, a color-coded map-based system was presented by M. Faizal Ahmad Fauzi et al. in 2015 [21].The system includes the HSV color model to register the two images to obtain a good gray level separation among the follicle regions, non-follicle regions, and the white background. Classification in respective grades has been done using KNN classifier of potential CB regions within sub-blocks of the HPF regions followed by rule-based classification at the block, HPF and tissue levels. A novel framework is proposed by K. Dimitropoulos et al. in 2016 [22] for segmentation, separation, and classification of CBs and Non-CBs cells from H&E and IHC Stained FL histology. For segmentation of nuclei, energy minimization technique based on the graph-cut method is applied to IHC Stained images. A noble algorithm based on inspired by clustering of large-scale visual terms is used to segment the nuclei. Additionally, H&E stained images enable to extract textural information related to histological characteristics. Finally, morphological characteristic from IHC staining and textural information from H&E Stained Images are used to construct the feature vector. This feature vector is then fed into Bayesian network classifier to classify FL histology into respective grades. In 2012, Scott Doyle et al. [31] (2012) headed a classification technique for Prostate histology. In the first step, this algorithm decomposes the whole-slide image into an image pyramid comprising multiple resolution levels. Regions identified as cancer via a Bayesian classifier at lower resolution levels are Subsequently examined in greater detail at higher resolution levels, thereby allowing for rapid and efficient analysis of large images. Later, Sahirzeeshan Ali et al. [32] in 2012, commented and enhanced classification accuracy by demonstrating a robust algorithm, which provides boundaries close to the actual nuclear boundary and the shape constraint prevents spurious edges. The algorithm also demonstrates an application of these synergistic active contour models using multiple level sets to segment nuclear and glandular structures on digitized histopathology images of breast and prostate biopsy specimens. A Manifold learning (ML) scheme is presented by Rachel Sparks et al. [33] in 2013, which attempts to generate a low dimensional manifold representation of a higher dimensional feature space while simultaneously preserving nonlinear relationships between object instances. Classification can then be performed in the low dimensional space withhighaccuracywhile,Safa’a N.Al-Haj Saleh et al. [34] in 2013 uses K-means clustering based approach was employed to the a* color channel of the L*a*b* color model for each of the tissue images, followed by statistical and morphological features extraction for the segmented lumen objects and glands. Finally, a naive bayes classifier was used to classify tissue images to the correct grade. In 2016, M Khalid Khan Niazi et al. [35] provides additional view angle meaningful representation and discriminates between low and high graded prostate lymphoma. These meaningful representation features include luminal and architecture feature. These features help to create two subspaces one for prostate histology assessed as a low grade and other to classify histology into the high grade. An idea to work with gray tone images, which are represented by two descriptors, one is local binary pattern & other is local phase quantization, a noble approach is presented by Ville Ojansivu et al. [36] in 2013. The classification of the images into the three classes was done P. Saxena et al. using three one-versus-rest SVM classifiers with a radial basis function kernel (RBF) combined with a chi-square distance metric. Selecting the largest of the scores produced by the individual SVM classifiers chose the final class. Additionally, Maqlin Paramanandam et al. [37] in 2016 propose a novel segmentation algorithm for detecting individual nuclei from Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained breast histopathology images. This detection framework estimates a nuclei saliency map using tensor voting followed by boundary extraction of the nuclei on the saliency map using a loopy back propagation algorithm on a markov random field. The algorithm uses hough transformation to identify seeds points, which are used to initializing shape-and texture based active contour algorithm. In 2009 O. Sertel et al. [23] Paper, introduced a segmentation technique grounded on texture feature, which is extracted using local binary pattern and co-occurrence. This statistical framework uses modified k-nearest neighbor classifier is used to determine the confidence level of the classification to make the decision at a resolution level. Table 1: describes the state of art CAD technologies used in Histopathology. Here results of various segmentation techniques and classification accuracy upon a different set of images pertaining to Cap, BC, FL, and NB are presented. Discussion and future directions Based on the review of the literature, it is concluded that the quantitative analysis from CAD System is very useful in decision making policies. It is successfully applied and benefitted in the diagnosis and in the classification of tissue (as FL, CaP, NB, BC) associated with various grades. The classification is often done by extracting quality parameters like nuclei, Karyorrhectic, background, glands, Centro blast, follicular region, prostate region and the extra-cellular area from the histological section of H&E Stained images. Various methodologies have been proposed to extract these quality parameters and keep visual difference based on textural heterogeneity [6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 19, 34, 36]. Several morphological features [8, 12, 17, 20, 22, 32, 33] and their combination with textural feature [5, 10], as well as cell graph-based features [17, 22], Otsu-thresholding [18] have been introduced to form a feature space vector. This feature vector is often identified in lower dimension using first principle component analysis [3, 7, 8, 11], which is responsible for calculating the main mode of variation in data. Reduced feature vector is then fed into various linear and non-linear classifiers (supervised clustering [17], non-supervised clustering [6], LDA followed by BPE [7, 8, 18, 22],Laplacian Eigen map classifiers [19], K-nearest neighbor [21], neuro-fuzzy inference system [20], boosted multi-resolution [31], rule-based classifiers [19]) to classify these histology into respective grades. Using these approaches classification accuracy ranges from 80% to 95% for FL sample, 90% to 97.6% for prostate samples, 90±5 % for breast histology and finally 88.4% for the neuroblastoma tissue sample. But this level of performance accuracy may not be enough in clinical application and leads to future directions; • Due to different stain manufacturers and inconsistent biopsy staining and nonstandard imaging can cause color variation in histopathological images [40,42]. • The limited number of datasets leads to inappropriate efficiency of the proposed system in addition to that two different types of stained images (H&E or IHC) limits the robust performance of segmentation. • Another motivation is to standardize the evaluation metrics, including accuracy. As M. Oger [15] uses specificity and sensitivity rather Zijdenbos similarity index in [11]. • The higher rate of false positive is still a challenge for FL cases [9]. Over a few decades, a lot of segmentation and classification techniques have been introduced, every researcher has the goal to classify the histopathological images into their respective grades. The essential quality parameter, which can represent these histopathological images, is usually a pre-requisite regarding the classification and state of disease. Other important parameters can be a choice of the classifier, which can deal with large and highly dense datasets. So, this study shows few classifiers and their significance regard to disease grading. Classification accuracy with difference classifier and the quality metrics extracted from histopathological images is shown in Table 1. In the case of FL, histopathological grading is based on the number of large malignant cells named as CB. It is inferred from the analysis that the demarcation of CB can improvise the classification accuracy of grades. Moreover, merging of two regions should be minimized in order to compute the disease grading with the desired accuracy. Similarly, NB counting the karyorrhectic cell along with differentiated architecture of nodular pattern leads segmentation accuracy 88.4%. 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Taking the 2016 graduates of Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy as examples, four attributes affecting employment units were extracted, the information gain rate was calculated, the decision tree was constructed, and the classification rules were obtained. After data collection, conversion and cleaning, 420 employment records were obtained; 320 records were taken as the training samples. The classification rules were tested using 100 experimental samples, and the accuracy rate was 81%. Finally, the employment trend of the 2018 graduates was predicted by C4.5 algorithm, which provides a theoretical guidance for the arrangement of employment work in schools. Predicting the employment trend of students with decision tree algorithm is feasible and of great significance to the employment guidance of schools and the employment choice of students. Povzetek: V tem študentskem prispevku je bil uporabljen algoritem C4.5 za analizo zaposlitve študentov na Kitajskem. Introduction The employment problem has gained more and more widespread social concern [1]. In recent years, the number of university graduates is increasing every year, and the employment situation is becoming more and more serious. It is very important for schools to analyze and study the information about students' employment, which can help them train students according to the market demand [2]. However, with the increase of the number of students, the data of employment information of graduates are accumulating continuously [3], which brings great difficulties to employment analysis. With the progress of science and technology, many new technologies have been applied in employment analysis. Wang [4] combined the residual modified GM (1,1) model with the improved neural network to predict the employment information index of graduate students, so as to predict the employment trend of graduate students. He found that the mean square error decreased from 10-1 to 10-5 with the progress of training and the performance of the algorithm was the best when the gradient value and learning rate were 7.5912×10-5 and 0.8421. Liu et al. [5] proposed a method of information gain with weight based decision tree. The weighed based information gain was obtained by genetic algorithm. The decision tree was constructed and tested on undergraduates. They found that the method had a favourable prediction accuracy. Kwak et al. [6] found that education and gender were the most important factors affecting the employment of young and middle-aged people, while gender, health status and education were the most important factors affecting the elderly. Tan et al. [7] made the short-term employment forecast of Shandong province through independent component analysis (ICA) and found that the quality of labor force, industrial structure and income were the most important factors affecting employment. Decision tree algorithm shows a good performance in data prediction. Daga et al. [8] predicted high-risk renal transplantation using decision tree and random forest and found that the accuracy rate reached 85%, which provides accurate decision support for doctors. Mohreji et al. [9] combined with the decision tree algorithm to predict the delay of air transportation. Through the study of three New York airports, it was found that the confidence level of the prediction results was very high in at least 70% of the time. At present, most of the researches on employment trend focus on the influencing factors of employment, while few researches focus on the accurate prediction of employment trend, and the traditional data processing methods are difficult to extract useful information from the historical employment data. Therefore, in this study, C4.5 algorithm from decision tree algorithm was used to extract four decision attributes from the employment-related information of the 2016 graduates of Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy, and classification rules were extracted for employment trend prediction, so as to study the reliability of this method in employment prediction. 2 Employment trend forecast and data mining Under the influence of population growth, popularization of higher education and expansion of enrollment, the number of college students has increased explosively, the number of graduates has risen sharply every year, and the employment situation has become more and more serious [10], which has aroused widespread concern of the society. The employment situation of college students is closely related to the future construction of schools, students' personal development and social stability [11]. The growth of graduates' employment rate can lead to economic growth [12]. In order to effectively manage the employment situation of students, colleges and universities have adopted information technology to collect and manage the employment information of students, in order to obtain valuable information, analyze the factors affecting employment, and help improve the employment situation. However, with the growth of the number of students, the data in the information management system is also growing rapidly. Traditional information analysis methods can not deal with such a large amount of information, nor can they fully play the potential value of these data. Although there are enough data, it is impossible to obtain the implicit association and rules between the data [13] and predict the future employment development based on these information. Therefore, an intelligent and reliable method is urgently needed to solve this problem. Data mining technology can process massive information quickly and efficiently and extract valuable information from it. It has a wide range of applications in fields such as business, industry and military. Mining and analyzing the employment information of graduates through data mining technology to obtain the factors affecting employment can help the school employment guidance center to guide the employment of students and promote employment. It can also predict the employment trend of graduates based on the information, so as to provide a decision-making basis for the adjustment of school teaching and employment work. 3 Decision tree algorithm Decision tree algorithm is a typical technology of data mining. It can obtain valuable information by concluding and classifying data based on the attributes of data [14]. Applying decision tree algorithm in the analysis of employment information and obtaining relevant F. Yang information affecting employment through construction of decision tree and extraction of classification rules is effective in predicting the future employment trend [15]. C4.5 algorithm from decision tree was used to process and analyze employment information. C4.5 algorithm is an improvement of ID3 algorithm [16], which selects the node attribute of tree based on information gain ratio. Data set was defined, including data samples, and its class attribute was set as values, corresponding to categories . If refers to the number of samples in category , the amount of information needed by classification of a given object was called the entropy before division of , and its computational formula was: (1) where ( ) stands for the probability of a data object belonging to category . Entropy can reflect the average uncertainty and purity of data set. The larger the value of entropy, the higher the average uncertainty and the lower the purity. Suppose that there were discrete attribute values in attribute and set was divided into subsets, , and the samples in had the same values in attribute , . When was taken as the testing attributes, these subsets were corresponding to some branch which grew from the node which contained set . Suppose as the number of sample in subset belonging to category , then attribute was divided into the entropy of subset: (2) The information gain of attribute was: (3) The larger the information gain in the set, the higher the purity of subset division. The information gain ratio of attribute was: , (4) where split information represents the span and uniformity of split data set of attribute . Decision tree algorithm based employment trend prediction 4.1 Data collection and preprocessing The 2016 graduates of Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economy were taken as research subjects. The basic information, achievement information and employment information of the students were obtained from the student status management system, student learning management system and student employment management system, and 500 records were selected as samples. There were many duplicate data or blank parts in the obtained data set, and the form of data was also not unified; hence preprocessing was needed. (1) Data integration: The data exported from the three systems were integrated into a table of general information, and the attributes are shown in Table 1. Name Major Gender Academic performance Politics status English competence Student cadre Computer skills Participation in student society Employment unit Table 1: General information. (2) Data correlation analysis: There were many irrelevant information in the data derived from the three systems, such as name, gender, politics status, student cadres, and participation in student society, which needed to be eliminated. (3) Data conversion: Noise was eliminated from the data. In order to facilitate statistics and analysis, it was necessary to generalize the remaining five attributes, i.e., divide major into three categories, popular, general and unpopular, divide academic performance into excellent, general and poor, divide the English competence into CET4 and above and below CET4, divide computer skills into level 3 and above and below level 3, and divide employment unit into state-owned enterprise, private enterprise and others, represented by A, B and C. (4) Data cleaning: Duplicate data and blank data were deleted from the data, and finally 420 records were obtained, 320 of which were used as training samples and the remaining 100 was used for testing. 4.2 Establishing decision tree The training samples were analyzed by taking employment unit (A, B and C) as the labeling attribute and major, academic performance, English competence and computer skills as decision attributes. The number of students under different categories of different attributes is shown in Table 2. Decision-making attribute A B C Major Popular 43 21 17 General 12 38 66 Unpopular 3 47 73 Academic performance Excellent 21 17 50 General 28 34 67 Poor 18 26 59 English competence CET4 and above 46 52 61 Below CET4 36 46 79 Computer skills Level 3 and above 56 49 61 Below level 3 62 58 34 Table 2: Training data set. Suppose training sample as K and the corresponding subset and number of A, B and C as respectively. The entropy of K was calculated using equation (1). Then the information gains of different decision attributes were calculated using equation (2), (3) and (4). (1) Major Major was divided into popular, general and unpopular. When the major was popular, the entropy was: . When the major was general, then the entropy was: . When the major was unpopular, the entropy was: , then the entropy of attribute “major” was: , the information gain was: , information gain rate was: . (2) Academic performance The academic performance was divided into excellent, general and poor. When the academic performance was excellent, the entropy was: . When the academic performance was general, the entropy was: . When the academic performance was poor, the entropy was: , then the entropy of attribute academic performance was: , the information gain was , the information gain ratio was: . (3) English competence English competence was divided into CET4 and above and below CET4. When English competence was above CET4, the entropy was: . When English competence was below CET4, the entropy was: , then the entropy of attribute English competence was: , information gain was: , information gain ratio was: . (4) Computer skills Computer skills was divided into level 3 and above and below level 3. When computer skills was level 3 or above, the entropy was: , when computer skills was below level 3, the entropy was: , then the entropy of attribute competence skills was: , the information gain was: , the information gain rate was: . It was found from the above calculation results that the information gain rate of English competence was the largest. Therefore the attribute was regarded as the root node of decision tree. Then the information gain rate of every subtree was calculated according to the above procedures. Finally the decision tree in Figure 1 is obtained. 4.3 Generating classification rules According to the decision tree in Figure 1, the following classification rules were obtained. (1) If English competence = CET 4 and above AND Computer skills = level 3 and above AND academic performance = excellent AND major = general Then employment unit = state-owned enterprise (2) If English competence = CET 4 and above AND Computer skills = below level 3 AND academic performance = excellent AND major = general Then employment unit = state-owned enterprise (3) If English competence = CET 4 and above AND Computer skills = below level 3 AND academic performance = general AND major = general Then employment unit = private enterprise (4) If English competence = CET 4 and above AND Computer skills = below level 3 AND academic performance = poor AND major = unpopular Then employment unit = private enterprise (5) If English competence = below CET4 AND computer skills = level 3 and above AND academic performance = excellent AND major = popular Then employment unit = state-owned enterprise (6) If English competence = below CET4 AND computer skills = level 3 and above AND academic performance = general AND major = general Then employment unit = private enterprise (7) If English competence = below CET4 AND computer skills = level 3 and above AND academic performance = excellent AND major = general Then employment unit = private enterprise (8) If English competence = below CET4 AND computer skills = below level 3 AND academic performance = poor AND major = unpopular Then employment unit = others (9) If English competence = below CET4 AND computer skills = below level 3 AND academic performance = poor AND major = unpopular Then employment unit = others It was concluded from the above classification rules that English competence and computer skills had the greatest impact on the employment units of students. Students with good English competence and excellent computer skills generally worked in state-owned or private enterprises, while students with poor English competence and weak computer skills, except for some students who had good academic performance or were major in popular subjects, did not work in the state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, which showed that schools need to strengthen the training of English and computer skills and pay more attention to these two aspects in the arrangement of teaching work and students themselves should strive to improve their English and computer skills and strengthen their competitive advantage in employment. 4.4 Testing of classification performance The effectiveness of classification rules was tested through 100 experimental samples. Then the results were compared with the actual employment unit of students. The testing results are shown in Table 3. Sample Classification results Actual results 1 A A 2 B B 3 A A 4 C C 5 B C 6 B B 7 B B …… 99 B B 100 C C Table 3: The testing results of classification rules. The classification results of 81 samples were the same with the actual conditions, and the classification of 19 samples was wrong; the accuracy rate was 81%. It indicated that the obtained classification rules were relatively accurate and could determine the employment condition of students. 4.5 Prediction of employment trend After verifying the accuracy of the classification rules, the employment trend of graduates was predicted using the method proposed in this study. The 2018 graduates were taken as examples. The information about the major, academic performance, English competence and computer skills of the students were exported from the student status management system and the student learning management system. Then the employment trend of the graduates was predicted. The results are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 demonstrates that the number of students who may be employed in private enterprises was the largest, accounting for 45%, while the number of students who may be employed in state-owned enterprises was the lowest, accounting for 21.56%. The decision tree and classification rules in this study could make a good prediction on the employment trend of graduates, help schools efficiently find the future employment direction of students, provide a strong basis for student employment guidance, and offer schools with valuable information. 5 Discussion Employment has always been a problem that is difficult to be ignored and also can not be ignored in modern society, especially among university graduates. With the increase of the number of graduates, employment competition is becoming more and more fierce [17]. Employment is the most serious and difficult problem for graduates after they leave school and enter society, and it is also very important for schools. At present, all universities have employment guidance centers to collect and analyze the employment situation of students in order to find some rules and forecast employment. Employment prediction has great significance for graduates' employment and school teaching work [18]. However, with the increase of the number of university students and the accumulation of data, the analysis and processing of employment information is becoming more and more difficult, and it is difficult to obtain valuable information from mass data. The development of data mining technology has brought about new changes. Decision tree algorithm is an efficient classification method, and it is also applicable in the prediction of employment trend. In this study, C4.5 algorithm which was relatively mature was selected. After obtaining the relevant data and information of graduates, four decision-making attributes, major, academic performance, English competence and computer skills, were extracted for analysis of employment units. The decision tree was established step by step after the calculation of information gain ratio of the attributes, and then classification rules were obtained through the decision tree. The information gain ratio of major, academic performance, English competence and computer skills was 0.0131, 0.0134, 0.1656 and 0.1502, respectively. It was found that English competence and computer skills were the most important factors affecting the employment of graduates. In the process of employment, English competence and computer skills are the signs of graduates' ability. Many employers have specific requirements for the English and computer skills of employees. At present, schools have attached great importance to the cultivation of students' abilities in these two aspects. The extensive arrangement of English courses and computer courses has promoted the improvement of students' abilities to a certain extent. Under the rigid requirements, they have to strengthen the study of these two aspects. However, passive learning is not enough. The importance of English and computer skills must be fully recognized, which can be fully illustrated by classification rules. The extraction of classification rules can help schools and students clearly understand what ability is the most important and crucial. On the one hand, it is conducive to the arrangement of school teaching and employment guidance; on the other hand, it is also conducive to students' active learning. The testing of classification rules suggested that the classification rules obtained in this study had an accuracy rate of 81%, which showed that this method was feasible in predicting the employment trend of graduates. It was found from the employment trend prediction results of the 2018 graduates that many students will be employed by private enterprises and few students will be employed by state-owned enterprises. It indicated that schools should strengthen the output of talents to state-owned enterprises and carry out targeted talent training. This paper preliminarily discussed the role of decision trees in college students' employment trend prediction, but there are still some problems that need further research: (1) more detailed division of employment units for college students is needed; (2) more factors that can affect college students' employment should be considered, such as family conditions, personal strengths, etc. For example, literature [19] points out that gender also can affect students' employment choices; (3) the possibility of the application of more data mining algorithms in the employment trend prediction of college students should be analyzed. For example, the Bayesian algorithm was used for employment prediction in literature [20]. 6 Conclusion The decision tree algorithm can help handle and analyze the employment situation of students and understand the main factors affecting the employment of students. This study constructed the decision tree and extracted the classification rules through the four decision attributes, major, academic performance, English competence and computer skills. It was found that English competence and computer ability had the greatest impact on students' employment. The test suggested that the classification rules in this study had an accuracy of 81% and was feasible in predicting the employment trend of graduates. There are many shortcomings in this study. For examples, more decision attributes which can affect the employment units of students can be mined, employment units can be further divided to obtain more detailed employment trend, and a larger sample size is needed for determining the accuracy of the method. 7 Acknowledgement This study was supported by the Research Project of Humanities and Social Sciences of Education Office of Hubei under grant number 16Z015. F. Yang 8 References [1] Xia X, Liu J (2014). Genetic Algorithm Based Forecasting Model for the Employment Demand of Major in English. International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design & Engineering Applications, pp. 331-335. [2] Rizal MT, Yusof Y (2017). Application of data mining in forecasting graduates employment. Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 12(16), pp. 4202-4207. https://doi.org/10.3923/jeasci.2017.4202.4207 [3] Miao S, Zuo J (2013). The Data Mining Technique Based on The Decision Tree Applied in The Vocational Guidance of The College Graduates. 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HIEU, D.N. THANH, N.V. SON, P.V. SURYA. 2019. An Adaptive Image Inpainting Method Based on theWeighted Mean. Informatica 43:507–513. IQBAL,N.& ,M.ISLAM. 2019. Machine Learning for Dengue Outbreak Prediction: A Performance Evaluation of Different Prominent Classifers. Informatica 43:363–371. JIN, F. & . 2019. Output Analysis in Voice Interaction in AI Environment. Informatica 43:321–324. KUMAR,Y.& ,N.DAHIYA,S.MALIK. 2019.ANewVariant ofTeaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems. Informatica 43:65–75. LIU, M.M. & . 2019. Design of Intelligent English Writing Self-evaluation Auxiliary System. Informatica 43:299–304. LIVIERIS, I.E. & . 2019. A New Ensemble Semi-supervised Self-labeled Algorithm. Informatica 43:221–234. MA,F.& . 2019. Research on DanceTeaching Mode Based on Flipped Classroom in the Internet +Age. Informatica 43:331– 336. MAHFOUD, Z. & , N. NOUALI-TABOUDJEMAT. 2019. Consistency in Cloud-based Database Systems. Informatica 43:313–319. 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JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE Jožef Stefan (1835-1893) was one of the most prominent physi­cists of the 19th century. Born to Slovene parents, he obtained hisPh.D.atVienna University,wherehewaslaterDirectorofthe Physics Institute, Vice-President of the Vienna Academy of Sci­ences and a member of several scientifc institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things,he originated the lawthat the totalradiationfroma black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute tem­perature, known as the Stefan–Boltzmann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading independent sci­entifc research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spec-trumof fundamental and applied researchin the feldsofphysics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear science technology, energy research and environmental science. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a research organisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research departments com-posedofdifferenttask teams.Emphasisin basic researchisgiven to the development and education of young scientists, while ap­plied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national econ­omy and society in general. At present the Institute, with a total of about 900 staff, has 700 researchers, about 250 of whom are postgraduates, around 500 of whom have doctorates (Ph.D.), and around 200 of whom have permanent professorships or temporary teaching assignments at the Universities. In view of its activities and status, the JSI plays the role of a nationalinstitute, complementing the role of the universities and bridging thegap between basic science and applications. Research at the JSI includes the following major felds: physics; chemistry; electronics, informatics and computer sci­ences; biochemistry; ecology; reactor technology; applied math­ematics. Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particular computer sciences, artif­cial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer architectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automation and control, professional electronics, digital communications and networks, and applied mathematics. The Instituteis locatedinLjubljana,the capitalofthe indepen­dent stateofSlovenia (orS¦nia). The capital today is considered a crossroad betweenEast,Westand Mediterranean Europe,offer­ingexcellent productivecapabilities and solidbusiness opportuni­ties, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bern and Munich, all within a ra­dius of 600 km. From the Jožef Stefan Institute, theTechnology park “Ljubl­jana” has been proposed as part of the national strategy for tech­nological development to foster synergies between research and industry,to promote jointventures between university bodies, re­search institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to accelerate the development cycle of innovative products. Partofthe Institutewasreorganizedintoseveralhigh-techunits supported by and connected within the Technology park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginning of a regional Technologypark "Ljubljana". The projectwasdevelopedatapar­ticularly historical moment, characterized by the process of state reorganisation, privatisation and private initiative. The national TechnologyParkisa shareholding companyhosting an indepen­dent venture-capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics andVacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Re­search among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of the Economy, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:+38614773 900,Fax.:+38612519385 WWW:http://www.ijs.si E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Public relations: Polona Strnad INFORMATICA AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS INVITATION, COOPERATION Submissions and Refereeing Please register as an author and submit a manuscript at: http://www.informatica.si. At least two referees outside the au­thor’s country will examine it, and they are invited to make as manyremarks as possible from typing errors to global philosoph­ical disagreements. The chosen editor will send the author the obtained reviews. If the paper is accepted, the editor will also send an email to the managing editor. The executive board will inform the author that the paper has been accepted, and the author will send the paper to the managing editor. The paper will be pub­lished within one year of receipt of email with the text in Infor­matica MSWord format or InformaticaLATEXformat and fgures in.eps format.Styleandexamplesof paperscanbe obtainedfrom http://www.informatica.si. Opinions, news, calls for conferences, calls for papers, etc. should be sent directly to the managing edi­tor. SUBSCRIPTION Please, complete the order form and send it to Dr. DragoTorkar, Informatica, Institut Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: drago.torkar@ijs.si Since 1977, Informatica has been a major Slovenian scientifc journal of computing and informatics, including telecommunica­tions, automation and other related areas. In its 16th year (more than twentyfve years ago) it became truly international, although it still remains connected to Central Europe. The basic aim of In­formatica is to impose intellectual values (science, engineering) in a distributed organisation. Informatica is a journal primarily covering intelligent systems in the European computer science, informatics and cognitive com­munity; scientifc and educational as well as technical, commer­cial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientifc papers ac-ceptedbyat leasttwo referees outsidethe author’scountry.Inad-dition,it contains information about conferences, opinions, criti­calexaminationsofexisting publicationsandnews. Finally,major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and infor­mation industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. Each editor can conduct the refereeing process by appointing two new referees or referees from the Board of Referees or Editorial Board. Referees should not be from the author’s country. If new referees are appointed, their names will appear in the Refereeing Board. Informatica web edition is free of charge and accessible at http://www.informatica.si. Informatica print edition is free of charge for major scientifc, ed­ucational and governmental institutions. Others should subscribe. Informatica WWW: http://www.informatica.si/ Referees from 2008 on: A. Abraham,S. Abraham,R. Accornero,A. Adhikari,R. Ahmad,G. Alvarez,N. Anciaux,R. Arora,I.Awan,J. Azimi,C. Badica,Z. Balogh,S. Banerjee,G. Barbier,A. Baruzzo,B. Batagelj,T. Beaubouef,N. Beaulieu,M. ter Beek,P. Bellavista,K. Bilal,S. Bishop,J. Bodlaj,M. Bohanec,D. Bolme,Z. Bonikowski,B. Boškovi´c,M. Botta, P. Brazdil,J. Brest,J. Brichau,A. Brodnik,D. Brown,I. Bruha,M. Bruynooghe,W. Buntine, D.D. Burdescu,J. Buys,X. Cai,Y. Cai, J.C. Cano,T. Cao, J.-V. Capella-Hernández,N. Carver,M.Cavazza,R.Ceylan,A. Chebotko, I. Chekalov,J. Chen, L.-M. Cheng,G. Chiola,Y.-C. Chiou,I. Chorbev, S.R. Choudhary, S.S.M. Chow, K.R. Chowdhury,V. Christlein,W. Chu,L. Chung,M. Ciglariˇ c, J.-N. Colin,V. Cortellessa,J. Cui,P. Cui,Z. Cui,D. Cutting,A. Cuzzocrea,V. Cvjetkovic,J. Cypryjanski,L. ˇCerepnalkoski,I. ˇc,G. Daniele,G. Cehovin,D. ˇCosi´Danoy,M. Dash,S. Datt,A. Datta, M.-Y.Day,F. Debili, C.J. Debono,J. Dediˇc,P.Degano,A. Dekdouk,H. Demirel,B. Demoen,S. Dendamrongvit,T. Deng,A. Derezinska,J. Dezert,G. Dias,I. Dimitrovski,S. Dobrišek, Q. Dou, J. Doumen, E. Dovgan, B. Dragovich, D. Drajic, O. Drbohlav, M. Drole, J. Dujmovi´c, O. Ebers, J. Eder, S. Elaluf-Calderwood,E. Engstr,U. riza Erturk,A.Farago,C. Fei,L. Feng,Y.X. Feng,B. Filipiˇc,I. Fister,I. FisterJr.,D. Fišer,A. Flores,V.A.Fomichov,S.Forli,A. Freitas,J. Fridrich,S. Friedman,C.Fu,X.Fu,T. Fujimoto, G. Fung, S. Gabrielli, D. Galindo, A. Gambarara, M. Gams, M. Ganzha, J. Garbajosa, R. Gennari, G. Georgeson, N. Gligori´c, S. Goel, G.H. Gonnet, D.S. Goodsell, S. Gordillo, J. Gore, M. Grˇcar, M. Grgurovi´c, D. Grosse, Z.-H. Guan, D. Gubiani, M. Guid, C. Guo, B. Gupta, M. Gusev, M. Hahsler, Z. Haiping, A. Hameed, C. Hamzaçebi, Q.-L. Han,H. Hanping,T. Härder, J.N. Hatzopoulos,S. Hazelhurst,K. Hempstalk, J.M.G. Hidalgo,J. Hodgson, M. Holbl, M.P. Hong, G. Howells, M. Hu, J. Hyvärinen, D. Ienco, B. Ionescu, R. Irfan, N. Jaisankar, D. Jakobovic,K. Jassem,I.Jawhar,Y. Jia,T. Jin,I. Jureta,.. Juri´ciˇ´ c,S.K,S. Kalajdziski,Y. Kalantidis,B. Kaluža, D. Kanellopoulos,R. Kapoor,D. Karapetyan,A. Kassler, D.S. Katz,A.Kaveh, S.U. Khan,M. Khattak,V. Khomenko, E.S. Khorasani,I. Kitanovski,D.Kocev,J.Kocijan,J.Kollár,A.Kontostathis,P.Korošec,A. Koschmider, D.Košir, J.Kovaˇ c,A. Krajnc,M. Krevs,J. Krogstie,P. Krsek,M.Kubat,M.Kukar,A.Kulis, A.P.S. Kumar, H. Kwa´ snicka,W.K. Lai, C.-S. Laih, K.-Y. Lam,N. Landwehr,J. Lanir,A.Lavrov,M. Layouni,G. Leban, A.Lee,Y.-C.Lee,U.Legat,A. Leonardis,G.Li,G.-Z.Li,J.Li,X.Li,X.Li,Y.Li,Y.Li,S.Lian,L.Liao,C.Lim, J.-C.Lin,H.Liu,J.Liu,P.Liu,X.Liu,X.Liu,F.Logist,S.Loskovska,H.Lu,Z.Lu,X.Luo,M. Luštrek,I.V. Lyustig, S.A. Madani,M. Mahoney, S.U.R. Malik,Y. Marinakis,D. Marinciˇˇ c, J. Marques-Silva, A. Martin, D. Marwede, M. Matijaševi´ c,T. Matsui,L. McMillan,A. McPherson,A. McPherson,Z. Meng, M.C. Mihaescu,V. Milea,N. Min-Allah,E. Minisci,V. Miši´ c, A.-H. Mogos,P. Mohapatra, D.D. Monica,A. Montanari,A. Moroni,J. Mosegaard,M. Moškon,L.deM. Mourelle,H. Moustafa,M. Možina,M. Mrak,Y.Mu,J. Mula,D.Nagamalai, M.Di Natale,A.Navarra,P.Navrat,N. Nedjah,R. Nejabati,W.Ng,Z.Ni, E.S. Nielsen,O. Nouali,F.Novak,B. Novikov,P. Nurmi,D. Obrul,B. Oliboni,X.Pan,M.Panˇc, B.-K. cur,W.Pang, G.Papa, M.Paprzycki, M.ParaliˇPark,P.Patel,T.B. Pedersen,Z. Peng, R.G. Pensa,J. Perš,D. Petcu,B. Petelin,M. Petkovšek,D.Pevec,M. Piˇcan,M. Polo,V. Pomponiu,E. Popescu,D. Poshyvanyk,B. Potoˇ culin,R. Piltaver,E. Pirogova,V. Podpeˇcnik, R.J.Povinelli, S.R.M. Prasanna,K. Pripuži´c,G. Puppis,H. Qian,Y. Qian,L. Qiao,C. Qin,J. Que, J.-J. Quisquater,C. Rafe,S. Rahimi,V.Rajkovi ˇc,J. Ramaekers,J. Ramon,R.Ravnik,Y. Reddy,W. c, D. Rakovi´Reimche, H. Rezankova, D. Rispoli, B. Ristevski, B. Robiˇ c, J.A. Rodriguez-Aguilar,P. Rohatgi,W. Rossak,I. Rožanc,J. Rupnik, S.B. Sadkhan,K. Saeed,M. Saeki, K.S.M. Sahari,C. Sakharwade,E. Sakkopoulos,P. Sala, M.H. Samadzadeh, J.S. Sandhu,P. Scaglioso,V. Schau,W. Schempp,J. Seberry,A. Senanayake,M. Senobari, T.C. Seong,S. Shamala, c. shi,Z. Shi,L. Shiguo,N. Shilov, Z.-E.H. Slimane,F. Smith,H. Sneed,P. Sokolowski, T. Song, A. Soppera, A. Sorniotti, M. Stajdohar, L. Stanescu, D. Strnad, X. Sun, L. Šajn, R. Šenkeˇrík, M.R. Šikonja,J. Šilc,I. Škrjanc,T. Štajner,B. Šter,V. Štruc,H.Takizawa,C.Talcott,N.Tomasev,D.Torkar,S. Torrente,M.Trampuš,C.Tranoris,K.Trojacanec,M. Tschierschke,F.DeTurck,J.Twycross,N. Tziritas,W. Vanhoof,P.Vateekul, L.A.Vese,A.Visconti,B. Vlaoviˇc,V.Vojisavljevi´c,M.Vozalis,P. Vraˇcar,V. Vrani´c, C.-H. Wang,H.Wang,H.Wang,H.Wang,S.Wang, X.-F.Wang,X.Wang,Y.Wang,A.Wasilewska,S.Wenzel,V. Wickramasinghe,J.Wong,S. Wrobel,K. Wrona,B.Wu,L. Xiang,Y. Xiang,D. Xiao,F. Xie,L. Xie,Z. Xing,H. Yang,X.Yang, N.Y.Yen,C.Yong-Sheng, J.J.You,G.Yu,X. Zabulis,A. Zainal,A. Zamuda,M. Zand,Z. Zhang, Z. Zhao,D. Zheng,J. Zheng,X. Zheng, Z.-H. Zhou,F. Zhuang,A. Zimmermann, M.J. Zuo,B. Zupan,M. Zuqiang, B. Žalik, J. Žižka, Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Web edition of Informatica may be accessed at: http://www.informatica.si. Subscription Information Informatica (ISSN 0350-5596) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Autumn,andWinter(4 issuesperyear)bytheSloveneSociety Informatika, Litostrojska cesta54,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The subscription rate for 2019 (Volume 43) is – 60 EUR for institutions, – 30 EUR for individuals, and – 15 EUR for students Claims for missing issues will be honored free of charge within six months after the publication date of the issue. Typesetting: Borut Žnidar, borut.znidar@gmail.com. Printing: ABO grafka d.o.o., Ob železnici 16, 1000 Ljubljana. Ordersmaybeplacedbyemail (drago.torkar@ijs.si), telephone(+38614773900)orfax(+38612519385).The payment shouldbemadetoourbank accountno.: 02083-0013014662atNLBd.d.,1520 Ljubljana,Trgrepublike 2, Slovenija, IBAN no.: SI56020830013014662, SWIFT Code: LJBASI2X. Informaticais publishedby Slovene Society Informatika (president Niko Schlamberger)in cooperation with the following societies (and contact persons): Slovene Society forPattern Recognition(Vitomir Štruc) Slovenian Artifcial Intelligence Society (Sašo Džeroski) Cognitive Science Society (Olga Markiˇ c) Slovenian Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (Dragan Mihailovi´ c) Automatic Control Society of Slovenia (Giovanni Godena) Slovenian AssociationofTechnical and Natural Sciences/Engineering Academyof Slovenia (Mark Pleško) ACM Slovenia (Nikolaj Zimic) Informatica is fnancially supported by the Slovenian research agencyfrom the Call for co-fnancing of scientifc periodical publications. Informaticais surveyedby:ACM Digital Library, Citeseer, COBISS, Compendex, Computer&Information Systems Abstracts, Computer Database, Computer Science Index, Current Mathematical Publications, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Directory of Open Access Journals, InfoTrac OneFile, Inspec, Linguistic and Language Behaviour Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, MatSciNet, MatSci on SilverPlatter, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math Volume43 Number4December 2019 ISSN 0350-5596 Predictive Analytics on Big Data -an Overview The Use of Collaboration Distance in Scheduling ConferenceTalks StringTransformation Based Morphology Learning Feature Augmentation Based Hybrid Collaborative Filtering UsingTree Boosted Ensemble ASolution to the Problem of the Maximal Number of Symbols for Biomolecular Computer AMF-IDBSCAN: Incremental Density Based Clustering Algorithm Using Adaptive Median FilteringTechnique An Adaptive Image Inpainting Method Based on the Weighted Mean Determination of Blood Flow Characteristics in Eye VesselsinVideo Sequence Refn-Align: New Refnement Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment ANovel Approach to Fuzzy-BasedFacial Feature Extraction andFace Recognition On the MAP/G/1 G-Queue with Unreliable Server and MultipleVacations Recurrent Neural NetworkTraining Using ABC Algorithm forTraffcVolume Prediction Studyof ComputerizedSegmentation& ClassifcationTechniques: An Application to Histopathological Imagery DecisionTree Algorithm Based University Graduate EmploymentTrend Prediction G. Nagarajan, D. Babu L.D T. Pisanski 425 461 G. Szabo 467 U. Balasingam, G. Palaniswamy S. Sakowski, J. Waldmajer 477 485 A. Chefrour, L. Souici-Meslati 495 N.H. Hai, L.M. Hieu, D.N. Thanh, N.V. Son, P.V. Surya C. Chen, A. Nedzvedz, O. Nedzvedz, S. Ye, H. Chen, S. Ablameyko A. Mokaddem, A.B. Hadj, M. Elloumi 507 515 527 A. Dey 535 Y. Peng 545 A. Bosire 551 P. Saxena 561 F. Yang 573 Informatica 43 (2019) Number 4, pp. 425–584