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.1-,*( ,= 672/(7-$ 35,0(5 =%,5.( ª5$5$© 9 265('1-, .1-,ä1,&, 65(ý.$ 9,/+$5-$ 9 .2358 'DPMDQD ,YDQþLþ __________________________________ Oddano: 12.11.2001 – Sprejeto: 15.12.2001 3UHJOHGQL ]QDQVWYHQL þODQHN UDK 027.022(497.4 Koper) : 094/099 “15“ ,]YOHþHN 9 SULVSHYNX DYWRULFD SUHGVWDYOMD ]QDþLOQRVWL NQMLJ L] VWROHWMD NL VR GHO REVHåQHMãH ]ELUNH UHGNLK LQ dragocenih knjig » 5DUD© NL MR KUDQLMR Y 2VUHGQML NQMLåQLFL 6UHþND 9LOKDUMD Y .RSUX 2SLVDQL VR WXGL ]DþHWNL WLVNDUVWYD Y ,VWUL LQ .RSUX ]XQDQMH ]QDþLOQRVWL NQMLJ L] VWROHWMD Y SULPHUMDYL ] inkunabulami in kratek opis 38 naslovov oziroma 33 enot knjig iz omenjene zbirke. .OMXþQH EHVHGH 2VUHGQMD NQMLåQLFD 6UHþND 9LOKDUMD .RSHU VWDUH NQMLJH GUDJRFHQH NQMLJH VWRO Review article UDK 027.022(497.4 Koper : 094/099 “15“ $EVWUDFW In the article, the author presents the characteristics of 16 th century books. These books are part of a bigger collection of rare and valuable books named the »Rara« from WKH 6UHþNR 9LOKDU Public Library in Koper. The origins and history of printing, from its beginnings till the 17 th century, in Istria and Koper, are also described. The characteristics of the books originating from the 16th century and the comparison with the incunabula are also given. From the Rara collection, summarized descriptions of 38 titles (33 volumes) of books are presented. .H\ ZRUGV 6UHþNR 9LOKDU public library, 16th century, rare books, old books 3ULVSHYHN YNOMXþXMH L]VOHGNH L] GLSORPVNH QDORJH ,YDQþLþ 'DPMDQD .QMLJH L] VWROHWMD Y 2VUHGQML NQMLåQLFL 6UHþND 9LOKDUMD Y .RSUX /MXEOMDQD )LOR]RIVND )DNXOWHWD 2GGHOHN ]D bibliotekarstvo, 2001. ,9$1ý,ý 'DPMDQD The 16 th century books: an example of a collection of rare and valuable books named the »Rara« from WKH 6UHþNR 9LOKDU Public /LEUDU\ LQ .RSHU .QMLåQLFD /MXEOMDQD 45(2001)4, xx-xx