ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION v SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNIOH NUMBER 10 OCTOBER, 1972 VOLUME 44 No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, Keeping busy in San Francisco, Cal., the officers of Br. 13 have also reached their quota of new members in the 45th Anniversary campaign and are pictured here at their recent meeting. From left, seated: Dorris Lovrin, Financial Secretary, Rose Scoff, President and Ann Fabian, Vice-President. Standing: Margaret Fag^r, Recording Secretary, Rose Bianco, Treasurer, Kate Lampe, Auditor and Sentinel and Josephine Aiuto, Auditor. Our west coast members meet yearly for Zveza Day and hold various events thru the yaar for fun and relaxation. They enrolled a total of 16 new members in the campaign and promise even mort in the new drive called the WOMAN OF THE YEAR campaign. Congratulations! ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 10 OCTOBER, 1972 Vol. XLIV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zvere Published Monthly except one combined issue, .fuly-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust FROM THE EDITOR It’s probably because I’ve been “in” Zveza so long, that I feel so close to its members. Other than our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland and a few other charter officers, I am one of the few who have spent all my life under Zve-za's influence. From childhood on, I can remember little else going on in our house except Zveza business and it’s no wonder that I have the first junior policy issued that carries the number I. So, it comes as no surprise to me and certainly not to the members who have known me all these years, that when I come into your midst I feel “good all over” and a part of you. I know the elderly members best, as I attended every early convention with my mother and many, many meetings, socials and even made trips with her to visit branches out of town. Sometimes out of town was Minnesota or California or sometimes it was just downstate. Names, when I read them in your Zarja branch reports, are more to me than names - most of them go with a face that I know and hold dear. That’s why it so pleasant to visit you ciccasionaly as I do, in all the places that I can proudly say I’ve been to before. A visit to Joliet, III. in May for their Mother’s Day doings was one such visit, with pleasant faces and long time friends all around me making the day so nice. Recently, I went to Ely, Minn, to attend their Zveza Day annual celebration and tho it had been 7 years since I last stepped foot in Minnesota, it was like coming home. The warm hospitality and friendship shown to me made me feel like all these years apart were melting away like clouds in a blue sky. Do you feel this way when you meet your old friends of Zveza? I think you do but may not realize it because it’s “taken for granted”. Being a sister member, regardless of the generation gap, has it's moments and I value them all. A lot of friends. That’s what we all have in Zveza. Sooner you realize this, sooner you will begin to appreciate what you have. In today's world we have little else but to love each other and be friends. That’s all you have to say to someone you’d like to join your organization. Tell her she will have many new friends. CORINNE LESKOVAR Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane član/ice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, HI. All communications for the next issue of publication must be ir. the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN OCTOBER SUPREME OFFICERS: Oct. 8 — ANTONIA TUREK, National President, Wickliffe, Ohio. Oct. 9 — CORINNE LESKOVAR, Ediitor, Chicago, III. Oct. 15 — ANNA PACHAK, State President of Colo. Kans. Mo., Pueblo Co. Oct. 30 — ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, National Treasurer, Chicago, III. Branch Presidents: Oct. 5 — PAULINE KRALL, Br. 14, Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 8 — OLGA SAYE, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Oct. 9 — MAMIE MOHOR, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Oct. 10 — MARY E. ROSO, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Oct. 12 — SYLVIA DICKOVICH, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Oct. 14 — JOSEPHINE OSWALD, Br. 52, Kitzvilile, Minn. Oct. 15 — ROSE BRADACH, Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Oct. 15 — MILDRED JAMES, Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. Oct. 22 — THERESA LACH, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 23 — NANCY SATKOVICH, Br. 97, Caiirnbrook, Pa. Oct. 29 — HENRIETTE DIMOCK, Br. 9. Detroit, Mich. Secretaries- Oct. 14 — FRANCES SIMONICH, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 16 — JACKIE RUKAVINA, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Oct. 23 — JOSEPHINE COMENSEK, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 23 — DOROTHY ZAKELY, Br. 51, Akron, Ohio. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ^1^EllQ9I3E3B!3nBI91BBBBBQBnnRaillBE]|lliaiHBBRiSil El H a Willi ud to Slovenia (S? Europe! We are inviting all our members to join our low priced di-B3 rect flights on the most modern JET planes DC 8 jets and BOE-■ TNG 707 to Ljubljana Brnik airport H Fiom CLEVELAND TO LJUBLJANA (Same prices apply to passengers B from Pittsburgh) D B 3. Leave Octcber 12 Return November 2 $209.00 J 4. Leave December 29 Return January 18 $209.00 a B From CHICAGO to LJUBLJANA □ ■ 1. Leave Chicago Octcber 12 Return Nov. 2 Round trip fare $249.00 * 2. Leave Chicago on December 29 Return on January 18 $249.00 D B For reservations and information write or call: a B Mrs. Corinne LESKOVAR 2 2032 West Cermak Rd., ■ Chicago, III. 60608 Phone 847-6679 B B TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS BY: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. B 589 East 185 Str., B 216-531-1082 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 216-531-4066 ?fl BlflHBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBHBflBB § X s I OCT. I. I»72 | & ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION lir. 24, La Salle, lil. hostesses ;i '”■• ■- ■•' • “ § $ 4 Members of Illinois & Indiana branches will meet for their annual State Convention Oct. 1st at St. Roch’s church in LaSalle, 111. The late morning Holy Mass will be followed by dinner at the X church hall and meeting. We hope to have a large crowd and fine day! Since the 16th National £ Convention takes place in Chicago this spring, it will be an important State Convention. We hope v- all officers and members of this area will attend! Committee X PENNSYLVANIA STATE DAE WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION STRABANE, PA. WILLARD, WISC. Sunday, Oct. 8, 1972 Sunday, Oct. 22, 1972 Mary Tomsic, State Pres. —— _ . 1 Rose Kraemer, State Pres. ¥ r COMBINED BRANCHES INVITE YOU TO: I X X X X 1 & X X X I Recognition Dinner-Dance Ohio-Michigan State Convention SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1972 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Ava., Cleveland, Ohio State Convention: 1 P.M. Dinner-Dance: 4 p-m. You are all most cordially invited to attend this grand event, a very important meeting and enjoyable dinner-dance. All members of S.W.U. are urged to attend along with your state conven-# tion delegates. <& The meeting takes place a 1 o’clock p.m. followed by the delicious dinner, program and danc- | ing. On the program will be the Dawn Choral Group in a selection of our favorite songs, directed || by Mr. Frank Gorensek. 4 Special quest for the day will be our lovely and hard working Editor, Corinne Leskovar. We $ are sure you will all agree with us that she deserves this honor especially since she is celebrat-$ ing her 20th Anniversary as Editor of our beloved magazine, ZARJA-THE DAWN-$ We will have a grand and enjoyable day and ask that you attend and take part. We will also 4 have prizes given away to some lucky persons. «> '•& X $ This event is sponsored by the Combined Branches who hope that from the proceeds of the s£ ^ day, we will be able to make a nice donation to the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road Which X X we are all heartily supporting. So, by your presence you are helping the cause of progress for the \ 4 S.W.U. and helping sustain the Slovene Old Aged Home, too- Tickets are only $3.50, available thru 'v any officer of the Combined Branches. ^ 5 So, don’t forget, Sunday, Oct. 29th, the Ohio Michigan State Convention and Recognition Din- ^ >s ner. This is another first for our Zveza and we are proud that in Ohio we have such hard working | officers and members to make it possible. May God bless you all for your efforts and hope to see >v $ you with us on that great day, Oct. 29th! £ MARY BOSTIAN, State President 'v '' 1 PRESIDENT'S Message Dear members: Summer vacations are over and flow we all are back in the groove to resume our activities and branch meetings. AH members should try to attend their meetings because your presence gives inspiration to the officers and also gives them encouragement to prepare' the social activities and other matters that come up. 45th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN Wish to thank the first four branches that came in the lead and won the cash awards also all the branches that did their utmost in helping to make this campaign such a great success. First four branches enrolled exectly 200 new members and the other 16 branches that were working enrolled 216 members, making the grand total of 416! Top individual workers who wrote 'in most of the members are the following: State President of Wisconsin, ROSE KRAEMER, 35 new members, Br. 43 Milwaukee. National Secretary, FANIKA HUMAR, 23 new members, Br. 2, Chicago. Finance Secretary, OLGA ANCEL, 14 new members, Br. 20, Joliet. Secretary MARY LAUTER, 13 new members, Br. 6, Barberton. State President of IN. Ind. ANN LUSTIG, 10 new members, Br. 16, So. Ch'icago. Recognition goes also to the three members who came in tied with each enrolling 9 new members: Anna Modiz of Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., State President of Colorado, Anna Pachak of Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo, and Mary Tratnik of Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. A big thank you all and hope we will work together again and exceed the past campaign with the new membership drive now on! "WOMAN OF THE YEAR CAMPAIGN The new membership campaign is now in effect and the member who writes in the most new members will be named: WOMAN OF THE YEAR, and she shall receive as her prize a paid round trip to the National Convention City, Chicago, I'M. in May, 1973. Let’s all get busy and try to surpass our last campaign. If each member enrolls only one new member, our quota will exceed the previous one. The president of each should do her part to promote this campaign in order to make it a successful one. Congratulations to the following branches celebrating their 45th and 35th anniversaries: 45th Anniversary Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis., organized Otc. 30, 1927 by Margaret Ritoniia Br. 13, San Francisco, Cail. Oct. 30, 1927 by Bara Kramer Br. 14, Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1927 by Mary Darovec and Frances Ruper Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1927 by Mary Planinšek and Paula Zupančič. 35th Anniversary Br. 84, New York, N.Y., organized Oct. 19, 1937 by Anton Subelj Br. 85, DePue, 111. Dec. 19, 1937 by Mary Stupar Br. 86, Nash wank, Minn. Dec. 21, 1937 by Ursula Zaitz. ^ooooo0-0 000-000000000000-00-00000000000 CK>(W i “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” I MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN | From now until March 31st, 1973. 9 Prizes will be cash according to the point system: 2 1 point for a new Class B member, and $1.00 2 1 half point for a new Olass A member and 50c. 2 1 fourth point for a new Junior and 25c. £ In addition, the winner will receive a round trip o to the convention city of Chicago, I'll, for the 16th 0 o National Convention, May 20-24, 1973, or alternative 9 6 prize of $50.00 cash! 2 o Best of luck! 2 ooooooo000000000000-0-0000000-00-00000oooocn RECOGNITION DINNER DANCE AND OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION Combined Branches of Ohio are having their annual State Convention Oct. 29th at 1 p.m. followed by a dinner and dance at 4 p.m. which will be held at the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Claiir Ave., Cleveland. All branches are asked to send a representative to be present at the meeting presided by State President, Mary Bostian. Guest and main speaker shall be Editor of Zarja-The Dawn, Corinne Leskovar. Delicious dinner will be served at the round tables prepared by one of our famous cooks in the beautiful auditorium. A short program will be held followed by music for dancing 'by the Zagair and Hoyer Orchestra. Admission is only $3.50. I spent my vacation at my home town of Chisholm, Minn. Attended the class reunion which was held the first time in our small oity for all graduates from eighth grade and 'high school from the year 1906 to 1972. 7,000 invitations were sent and 4,000 attended. It was held for one week, each day had a special program of events. Sight seeing, different entertainments, banquets each evening made the little city of Chisholm look and feel like Broadway im New York Oity. Everything was full of activity during this grand homecoming celebration. Meeting old class mates, shaking hands, embracing one another, really was great and most of us said we’d never forget it. I’d like to write more about it in the coming issues of Zarja. The Chisholm Free Press Editor, Vida Ponikvar, and her committee are to be highly complimented on all the work they had which took many months of preparation to house so many people and provide the entertainment and programs. A job well done, Vida! Happy birthday to all celebrating in the month of October and speedy recovery to all ailing. TONI TUREK Officer* of &. SO, CLJanl Oho j Pictured on last month’s cover page of ZARJA- | THE DAWN, were the lovely officers of Br. 50, Cle- ! veland, who were not identified. They were: from left ! to right seated, Ann Hočevar, President, Irene Jagodnik, Auditor and Juliana Gorensek, Secretary. Standing: Jean Paik, Recording Secretary and Reporter, Jane Novak, Vice-President and Antonia Turek, our National President, Auditor of Br. 50. Again, our hearty congratulations! C.L. ACTIVITIES No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. A good beginning signifies a good end. Judging from our Sept. 14. meeting, the first one for this season, we can look forward to a successful year for our organization. Even though no special program was planned, we had almost twenty members in attendance. Our president, Mamie Mueller, commented on the success of Zveza Day «n Lemont. More people help and donated prizes than ever before and the result was a better financial success than we have ever had. We can 'look with pride on that fact. The discussion at the Sept. meeting was centered on the state convention which will be held in LaSalle on Sun., Oct. 1. Nežka Gaber was selected as our delegate, but ail members were encouraged to attend. There will be a mass in the morning, followed by lunch and meeting in St. Roch’s church hail. Elections will be held for a state president and for a delegate to the National Convention, ailong with discussions of any problems pertaining to branches in Illinois. Please members, try to attend. We will find transportation, if you members will find the time. Call the Home Office, Bl 7-2014. While discussing our big events of the last year, we concluded that bes-oides the Penny Social, Christmas Party and Mother’s Day Program, the best attended meetings were the ones with guest speakers. Outr members are interested in the world around them, want to learn more about it and we should give them an opportunity to do so. We will try to widen their horizons by having more guest speakers this year. The following were already suggested: Tone Gaber, a supervisor at the Cook County Dept, of Public Aid, will give us the inside story of our Welfare System. The Women’s Federation of Illinois will enlighten us on current problems of consumers and where aid can be obtained for these problems. Union of Women doctors will send a speaker to tell us interesting things in the field of medicine. Each month we will tell you our plans for the coming meeting to give you a chance to plan your time so that you can attend at least the ones that interest you most. Staring this month •—October— Mrs. Frances Jazbec will tell us about her trip to Europe through movies and slides. It will be an interesting evening. Her presentation might be just the push we need to get us to Europe next summer. We wish a quick recovery to Mrs. Vera Gregorič. She has had more than her share of hospitalizations this past year and now she fell and cut her arm so severely that she will need physical therapy to regain use of her arm. Over the summer our members Mrs. Veronika Kolenko and Mrs. Margaret Kure passed away as did Mrs. Rose Skul, an aunt of Mamie Mueller and a member of Br. 16. May they rest in peace. See you all in La Salle, KRISTA ARKO No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO We had a nice gathering at our July meeting. Most of the regular members were present. Our president, Ann Markovič, returned from Europe where she visited all her relatives; because she lives in “Toplice" she was able to do some swimming and take some health baths. Glad to see her back. July and August were vacation months —people traveling, going to picnics, weddings— all kinds of things to do to make people -happy. I must tell you about the combined branches meeting. The ladies are planning a Dinner Dance on Sunday, Oct. 29th at Slovenian Home on St. Olair Ave. Someone very special will be honored that day! Tickets are available and we’d surely like to see some of our members present. There will also be a State Convention held for the branches of Ohio and Michigan the same day. Dinner will be delicious as all Slovenian cooks will do the cooking and music will be by Zagar Hoyer. This is a very important event for ail branches, especially since the National Convention is coming soon, next spring. Come help us celebrate this happy affair. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Dick Mooney (Pearl) who celebrated their 43rd Wedding Anniversary on J”uly 19th. Hope they have many, many more. Our deepest sympathy to Charles (Chuck) Starman and his family on the loss of his wife, Josephine. She was our member a long time. May she rest in peace. To all our sick and ailing members, may the good Lord bless you and return good health to those who are ill. Happy birthday to you October celebrants, too. SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Sadness is with us once again with the death of one of our older members, Margaret Evets who after a long illness went home to Heaven. Margaret was a dear and devoted friend to our family for my entire lifetime, she was such a good friend to my Mom and during my Mom’s long illness a most helpful person to have around. One does not forget the good of a person such as Margaret, a true and devout Catholic who attended Mass daily until she was too ill to do so. She was a grand mother to her chi! dren John (now deceased) Ann, Katherine, Frances and Frank, to these wonderful children who were constantly at Margaret’s side caring for her every want, they can be blessed with the knowiege that no mother could have been more loved or better cared for than was Margaret. We can only say to these wonderful children and grandchildren our deepest regrets on this loss but remember she left all that was good behind in you her dear family. Always carry with you the memory of one who loved you and was loved in return, no one can ask for more. Heaven with be richer with Margaret among her many friends and her husband John who preceeded her in death. God grant her peace. While on the subject of Mothers, we are sure our National Auditor, Mrs. Ann Podgoršek is rewarded with a feeling of success and contentment with the election of her son William to the office of Mayor of Campbell, Calif. It is with pride we also point to Mayor Podgoršek whose family are members of Branch No. 13, as we feel he is our boy too. Having met and enjoyed the company of this fine young man it’s no wonder the people of Cambell recognised dedication and honesty and elected William to office. We know his desire is for the best for his community which is a fast growing area south of San Francisco. Ann Podgoršek has visited San Francisco a number of times and it is always a welcomed sight to see her smiling face and hear her words of encouragement. It is no wonder at all she should be blessed with such a fine family, she herself is such a grand inspiration. We wish Mayor William Podgoršek a successful term of office with as little worry as possible, to hold the office of Mayor is indeed a demanding position and will call on William to make decisions that will affect all the members of the community. We hope with God’s help he will find the correct decision at all times adding richly to his life and that of his community. Good Luck and much happiness to Mayor Podgoršek from Branch No. 13. Pride of one’s children is the richest gift a Mother can enjoy. I felt this joy and pride the night my daughter Beverly Jackson received the St. Pius X medal award for the year of 1972. She has been a member of and graduate of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for over 20 years and a teacher of religious instruction for over 10 years. She teaches religion at our Church of the Nativity following 8:30 Mass every Sunday. It is the first time this medal was awarded anyone GALA OCCASIONS FOR EVELETH MEMBERS Bride and groom, Nannete and Keith Wagner are flanked by her father William Primozich and two aunts, Mary and Pauline. Nanette is a member since birth, as are 9 in her family, all belonging to Br. 19. (See Mrs. Lenich's report.) The best in life to this wonderful family. from our Church. Bev drives from Pacifica, a distance of 30 miles each Sunday; this is called dedication and therefore the award. Both of my daughters are teachers of religion which is a gratification to any mother, both teach at our Church, the Church of the Nativity. At a lovely banquet given by the Most Reverend Archbishop and the Archdiocesan Staff the Medal was presented to the various members of Churches with in the diocese of the San Francisco who have served 10 or more years, this award is indeed an honor and can be worn with pride. The medal itself is a lovely gift with the face of the Pope in Silver. I’m sure Bev will wear it in good health and pride. Nice going, Bev you can be sure we are all proud of you! FRAN CHIODO No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. Our July meeting was brightened by the presence of Ursula Rubio of Phoenix, Arizona who was visiting her mother Zinka Shesek. Before her marriage, Ursula entertained us often with her beautiful music on the piano. It also surprised us to see Frances Grotkowski attending the meeting so soon after surgery. Other ladies hospitalized this summer were Mary Bo-rota, Mary Camalick, Catherine Zlogar, Louise Kojan and Frances Wine. Also, Rose Skul has been confined to her home by illness. They all have our best wishes for secovery of health. Our invitation to the Illinois State Convention at La Salle, Illinois, on October 1st. was read at the July meeting. Katie Triller was voted to attend as delegate and Jean Bukvich as alternate. Through the efforts of Anna Lustig, a chartered bus will enable many of our members to attend the convention. Marge Prebil and Anna Buck were birthday celebrants in July. Although Anna could not make the meeting, her daughter Gladys, delivered a beautiful cake in her honor. Hope you will be feeling well enough to join us again soon, Mrs. Buck. Mary Krzna-rich and Frances Grotkowski shared the Sunshine gifts. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the families of Mary Shifrer and Mary Mordush who passed away this summer. The Zveza Day celebration in Le-mont was well attended by our members and the ladies were able to have an enjoyable visit with our member, Angeline Novak who is now residing at Alvernia Manor. There was no -meeting in August. MARGE SPRETNJAK No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. A beautiful bride, Nanette Primozich became Mrs. Keith Wagner. Nanette is the granddaughter of Josephine Primozich and niece of Mary and Pauline Primozich who have all taken care of her since the early death of her own mother many years ago. Nanette’s dad, William, has always been a most devoted father and saw to -it that she received affll the best in Nanette is a graduate of Eveleth schools and attended college in Milwaukee. She and her new husband live in La Valle, Wisconsin now and are both employed there. Our sincere wishes to the newlyweds for a happy and fulfilling lifetime together. We are especially proud MR. & MRS. STEVE POLLAK President of Br. 19, Katherine Pollack and her husband Steve celebrated their Golden Anniversary with their family of 6 sons and 3 daughters, many other relatives and friends. Heartiest congratulations! of the Prirnozich family among whom we have 9 members. AM- Slav Day in Eveleth was the usual great day. Many people came to the park for the enjoyable program. Our member, Mary Brank was again the chairman and she prepared a beautiful doflil dressed in the Slovenian national! costume as a prize. Music and fun was order of the day. The orowd met two students who have been living here for the past year to learn the American ways and to be educated in our schools. Six of our local students were awarded scholarships to continue their education. This annual event brings us closer together and along with the big school reunion in Chisholm in July, provided a lot of activity for Minnesota people this summer. The reunion was a Week of entertainment and pleasant renewal of acquaintance for the former students of Chishollm from the years 1908 to 1972. Many professionals, government officials, educators, and just plain folk came together and had a mairvel-ous time. Our National President, Toni Turek also attended as she is a proud native daughter. It was a great day at the Range Center Open House last May as their director, my daughter, Mrs. Max norn-berg and all the administrators and staff were on hand to welcome visitors. It was especially happy for me as the donor of a gift to the home for the mentally retarded as a memorial to my first husband, John Smottz. To help in this cause was my sincere wish and I am happy that it was so well received. On behalf of my husband, Tony Lenieh and myself, our Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: £ckclarAkip 'Juhd Report Balance on hand January 1, 1972 $13,289.93 INCOME Ludwig and Coninne Leskovar tin memory of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Damcul, Cleveland 5.00 Anna Pachak, in memory of daughter Ann, Pueblo, Colo. 10.00 Ludwig and Corinne Leskovar, fm memory of Frank Tomsic, Strabane, Pa. 5.00 Anna Pachak in memory of Rev. Daniel Gnidica, Pueblo, Colo. 5.00 Catherine Musick, Branch 105, Detroit, 2.00 Dr. Adoph F. Žnidaršič, Cleveland 250.00 Marie C. Dye, Detroit, Mich. 25.00 Frances Zakrajšek, iim memory of husband and son, Cleveland, O. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Erjavec, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ancel Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Pucel, in memory of Frank Goron, J'oliet 10.00 Anchor Savings and Loan, Madison, Wis. 37.87 Branch 20, Joliet, III. 10.00 Angela Sile, Joliet, HI. 1.00 Emma Planinšek, in memory of Frances Sega, Joliet, III. 5.00 St. John Hospital, Joplin, III. interest 175.00 Kohler Co. of Kohler, Wis. interest 157.50 Anchor Sawings and Loan, Madison, Wis. 37.83 Total Income $ 746.20 DISBURSEMENTS Scholarships granted: Ivanka Antolin, Branch 103 $ 100.00 Carita M. Ancel, Branch 20 100.00 Margaret J. Gorensek, Branch 50, 100.00 Martha F. Hajduk, Branch 91 100.00 Jerry Kosanovich, Branch 33 100.00 Letterheads and Envelopes 35.60 Interest returned to Home Office 143.75 Total disbursements $ 679.35 Balance on hand July 1, 1972 $ 13,356.78 MARIE PRISLAND Pres. Scholarship Committee thanks to all for the gracious reception given to us and our family at the Open House and we hope you will work successfully for many many years to come. In May the Mother's Tea and Style Show at Arrowhead Nursing Home was held and as many of our members live there, it was a pleasure to see it such a success. Residents themselves took a major part in the affair as did the EveJeth Service Volunteers and Jaycees, also including many of our members. We especially enjoyed the program by the little school children. Our last meeting was very pleasant and we talked over many important topics. I hope you will make it a must to attend the next meeting before the The Blessing of Work In the days of old depression the most exciting thing in the world was to be able to work. To have a job, any kind of job, was a privilege. Today everybody lis looking for the right kind of job. Somtimes a guy says: “I am trying to find a job that fits me”. We need to be learning that God never made the job that could make a man, but any man who can get excited about his work can make a job. Why iis the enthusiasm for work so important for success? Let me tell you about a man who dreamed he inherited a million dollars. He dreamt he went to take a shower that morning and the water would not shower. He started to shave and the shaver would not shave. He went to get some coffee and the coffee would not perk, and the toaster would not toast. He went out to get the newspaper, but the newspaper was -not there. He went to catch the bus, and the bus did not come. He waited forty-five minutes and finally a man came walking down the street. The man waiinting for the bus, all out of patience, asked: “What is going on around here? And the passerby gasped, “haven’t you heard? Everybody inherited a million dollars. Nobody is working any more”. Just then the man woke up. And he went and had a tremendous shower and a tremendous shave and a tremendous cup of coffee and a tremendous piece of toast. He read a tremendous newspaper and cought a tremendous bus to a tremendous job. What a difference It makes when we are 'learning to get excited about the work we have today. A lot of people think a cheerful spirit is something that falls on you. We have to remember: the most challenging thing we will ever face in our life is learning every day to be excited about what we are doing. Sometimes a person says, “I am preparing for my next job”. You better get excited about the one you have got, or there may not be a next one. Our members gathered to pray at her bier and escorted her on her last journey, namely Emma Plan insek, Jo Muster, Antonia Sandal and yours truly. May she rest in peace. We mourn the loss of our member, Mrs. Barbara Ivec who died suddenly at the age of 81. She resided on No. Hickory St. and is survived by four daughters, three sons and five stepsons, also, eight grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Martin Pasdertz in 1923. Her daughter, Mrs. Joseph (Rose) Marentich is our member. Mrs. Ivec was buried from St. Joseph Church to St. Joseph Cemetery. The members came in numbers to pray at her bier and also escorted her to her last resting place. There year is over to help us make future plans. It willl be announced in the local papers. Best wishes to all. Please call me to see me about your dues and for any 'information. MARY LENICH No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. We are sorry to announce the loss of another member, Mary Gerl of Summit St. She had been ill for some time. Survived by a son and five daughters, she was preceded in death by her husband and a son and daughter. There are numerous relatives and 12 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. She was a resident of Joliet for 60 years. Mary Kunstek recommended her for membership many years ago. from our branch to escort her on her last journey were Olga Ancel, Frances Bottari, Emma Planinšek, Josephine Muster, Theresa Marentich and yours truly. Our departed member, Barbara, will always be remembered by the members in prayer. She is also survived by numerous relatives to whom we extend our condolences. May she rest in peace. Mrs. Ivec was recommended for membership by Mary Russ in 1934. She was born in Podzemlje in Slovenia. The brother of our member, Mary Ann Ragan, Rev. Leo Decman visited in Joliet. He is a Maryknoll missionary and stationed as a pastor in Korea. Hope he had a pleasant stay among his sisters, brothers and friends. Our member, Mary Zora Zelko, mourns the loss of her father, Michael Lenovich. Condolences to her and the relatives. Also condolences to member, Isabelle Kodrich who mourns the loss of her husband, Louis. May they rest in peace. Mairy amd Charles Klein have just celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary. Her mother, Mrs. Bostjan-oich aind her sisters are also our members. Congratulations, Mary amd Chuck! Wishes to you both for mainy more years of health and happiness. Congratulations to the Pucel family whose eldest son, Chris, was united in marriage with Miss Judy Maloney on Aug. 12th. Chris traveled in Europe last Christmas visiting his grandparents’ relatives and his brother Philip, a student in France. Chris graduated from Lewis College and we wish him and his bride a bright future and happiness. For their honeymoon, they are traveling to Pueblo, Colorado where his father, Rudolph was born. Just a little reminder that our meeting will be Oct. 15th. We hope you will all attend and tell us about your vacation trips of the summer and share the happy memories you have. With best wishes. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO During vacation time, many things happened. By now, all the tourists have come back and no matter who you ask, they all enjoyed it and want to go back again. Our little baton twiirl-er, Patty Kastelic went to Europe with her grandma, Mary Baraga who visited her ailing mother and little Patty loved it. Her cousin entetalned her there. Our sympathy to Carolne Peck. Her husband Valentine, passed away July 4th. May he rest in peace. The funeral mass was just beautiful with her grandson (a deacon) presiding at the mass and two priests from St. Agnes parish attending with priests from St. Christine's. At the present time, her grandson works for the poor at Hartford, Connecticut. Some day he will be a good priest. Let’s say a prayer for his vocation. Ann Petrich passed away Aug. 7th. Our sympathy to the family. May she rest in peace. Funeral Mass was at St. Christine’s church. Mary Sedej had an operation on her eye Aug. 30 and we wish her a speedy recovery so that she may again see. To finish our vacation, we had a picnic Sunday, Aug. 27th at Memorial Park. It was rather chilly as a result of a previous storm, but it didn't take long before we warmed up. We had two button acordian players and we danced with refreshments being passed around. There was plenty of food, pot-luck style, a bar-beque going by the husbands, pots of coffee, plenty of apple strudels. These ladies really know how to -make them delicious. Our president happily worked right along and she took some pictures. We thank everyone who came and those who worked and the husbands who worked so willingly. Our committee, Marylin Frek, Marge Turk and Mary Drobnick did a very good job. The games were fun and enjoyed by all. So much on that. Now, I’m reminding all the members to come to our meetings and please check your dues. We can’t keep our secretary waiting; she’s a good secretary but we must help her so she keeps her records up to date. God -love you all. ANN TEKAVEC Recording Secretary No. 33, DULUTH, MINNESOTA Welil all good things come to an end this reporter is back to work. After these last few summer months things are slowly getting back to some norma-lacy. Here at Br. 33 plans are being made for Minnesota Day and the trip to Ely. These times are always looked forward to with anticipation, not only for a good time, but to see old friends and even relatives from other branches. The programs are always exceptionail and of course the banquets themselves are something else. The summer here in Duluth has been a rather wet one, and we say again where has the time gone? We would like to send out our usual Special greetings to our shut-ins and those in hospitals and those perhaps now on the mend at home. I regret that many times it is impossible to mention names in particular. Our heartfelt condolances go out to a family who in the last few months, in the loss their young daughter, also a member of our branch. In the next meetings coming up, they are expected to be filled with interesting things and activities. We urge again all members to help our secretary keep her books up to date and pay their dues. Next meeting is Oct. 4. HAPPINESS is as a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly may a-llght upon you. (Hawthorne). FLORENCE BURGER Reporter DATES TO REMEMBER... Oct. 1 — ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 24, LaSalle, 111 Oct. 1 — STATE DAY, Br. 13, San Framoisco, Caliif. Oct. 5 — POT LUCK SUPPER, Br. 13, San Fran. Calif. Oct. 8 — PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONVENTION, Stra-bane, Pa. Oct. 14 — BAKE SALE, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio Oct. 15 — CHRISTMAS SOCIAL, Br. 72, Pullman, III. Oct. 19 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Br. 102, Willard, Wi-s. Oct. 29 — RECOGNITION DINNER — OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION Combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. 1 — TURKEY PARTY & PROGRAM, Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. Dec. 3 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 79, En-u-mclaw, Wash. Harmlne Prliland Dick*: 3717 Council Cre*t Madison, Wis. 53711 W> I nxn Add * * * . * From Branch No. 16 of South Chicago Mrs. Alvina Sreboth, upon the suggestion of members, submitted the following recipe, PISTACHIO PUDDING CAKE, a favorite of her family and friends. PISTACHIO PUDDING CAKE 1 package Duncan Hines white cake mix */2 cup water Vi cup milk Vi cup oil 5 eggs. 2 packages Royal Pistachio Instant Pudding (save about ll/x to 2 tablespoons for frosting). 1 Vi cups coarsely chopped walnuts Mix above ingredients in order and add 1 cup of nuts to batter (save Vi cup of nuts for frosting). Mix 1 minute at low speed and 3 minutes at high speed. Pour into greased, floured tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees 50-55 minutes. Whipped Cream Frosting 4 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk Vi cup butter Vi cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 tsp. vanilla Mix flour and milk in saucepan. Cook over low flame until thick. Put in bowl and cool. Cream butter and shortening 4 minutes with electric mixer. Add sugar gradually and beat 4 minutes. Add flour paste and beat 4 minutes. Add vanilla and Pistachio pudding and a few drops green food coloring. Frost sides and top of cake. Sprinkle with remaining Vi CUP nuts. The following two recipes are favorites of Miss Irene A. Burbach, Home Service Representative of the Wisconsin Power and Light Company located in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. BEEF ROULADES Makes 6 servings 2 pounds round steak (54 inch thick) Vi teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Vi cup flour V2 pound ground beef Vi pound ground pork sausage 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Shortening 2 carrots, thinly sliced Vi cup sliced onions Vi cup water ‘/2 cup burgundy 1 cup chicken broth 2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped Cut steak into 6 slices about 3x5 inches. Dredge meat with mixture of salt, pepper and flour. Pound to Vi inch thickness. For filling, combine ground beef, sausage, minced onion and parsley. Spread mixture on each piece of meat; roll up and tie each with a string. In an Electric fry pan, brown meat rolls in a little shortening at 340 F. Add carrots and sliced onions; cook for 5 minutes. Add water, burgundy, chicken broth and tomatoes. Cover; reduce temperature and simmer until tender, about 1 Vi hours. Note: Cooked Roulades freeze well. To heat, place frozen Roulades in preheated moderate oven (350 F.) about IV2 hours. CABBAGE ROLLS Makes 6 servings 1 medium-sized head cabbage 1 chopped onion IV2 pounds ground beef 2/3 cup rolled oats 1 cup dairy sour cream 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper SA teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce 1 bay leaf 1 clove garlic IV2 cups tomato juice Wash and trim cabagge. Separate 12 large leaves and place in boiling water; cover, cook 3 minutes. Drain well and dry. Combine onion, ground beef, oats, sour cream, salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well. Place about l/3 cup mixture on each cabbage leaf; roll leaf around meat tightly; secure with toothpicks. Shred remaining cabbage to make 4 cups. Place in frypan; add bay leaf and garlic. Top with meat rolls. Add tomato juice; cover and cook very slowly about 45 minutes or until tender. Remove cabbage rolls and shredded cabbage to serving dish. Mix 1 taiblespoon flour with enough cold water to make a paste. Slowly stir into tomato juice mixture. Cook slowly until thickened, stirring frequently. Pour over cabbage rolls. GOOD APPETITE! Fondly, HERMINE No. 42, MAPLE HGTS. OHIO Don’t forget our bake sale this month on the 14th at the Slovenian National Home here in Maple Hgts. It’s from 10 to 12 noon but please try to bring your bakery and goodies by 10 a.m. Belated wishes for a happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. John (Antonia) Cercek. It was on August 9th. To our Sept. ladies, happy belated birthdays: Millie Lipnos, Antonia Ma-tis, Angela Perko, Theresa Filips Mary Prhne and her mother, our Mary Prhne was 92 years young. For October birthdays we send wishes to Theresa Simončič and Frances Tomsic. Some of our members were in the hospital this summer and we are glad you are doing well. Mrs. Angela Perko was at St. Alexis for three weeks and Betty Rosak was at St. Vincent’s. She is still recuperating from her automobile accident. Heard you liked your vacation in Slovenia so well that you’ll go back some day, eh Carol Kastellic? She traveled with her husband and family. Remembering our Vickie in Fontana, Calif, and hoping she and her husband are feeling better. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our Pot Luck picnic was held on the beautiful grounds of our member, Frances Jerse’s home. The weather was perfect, food in great quantities and very delicious — served with an appetizing watermelon as a center— piece. Games and prizes were planned by Ann Kristoff and Mary Petrick. One of the prizes was painted and donated by Ann’s husband. The oil painting was of a typical scene in Slovenia — a mill by a stream or river. Among guests was Mrs. Mihelich of Timberlake, 82 years young mother of Betty Srnel, Mary Pucel and Jean Gercar and Julia Gorensek's sister. All in all, the picnic was very enjoyable with a very large attendance and ended with community singing, in particular Carole Traven’s beautiful voice leading "Ceščena si Marija” and later, many of our beautiful nostalgic Slovenian folksongs. We were accompanied by Eddie Sims from California. He came with his sister, Jean Pierman and Rose from Florida. Toni Turek recently attended a class reunion of her school in Chisholm, Minn and noted that most of the speakers were of Slovenian descent and now live in every part of the world. Ann Dekleva now resides in Florida. Among those who visited Europe this summer are Mary Cesnik, Hattie Jenko, Vicki Pianecki, Sophie Volcansek, Stella Rupe, Frances Stariha, Frances Glavan, Vera Šibenik, Ann Slapnik, Louise Vovko, Ann Hočevar. Carol Rozanc, husband and baby were vacationing in Kentucky. They also had Jeff's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rozanc from Lorain, Ohio visit them iin Richmond Hgts. Ann is a member of Br. 40, Lorain. I am presently in California from where I am writing this report to you. I am visiting my son, Bob. During the month of August, my aunt, Ivana Gliha from Žužemberk, Slovenija, her daughter, Elizabeta and granddaughter from Ljubljana visited my mother, Theresa Fink and their many relatives and friends. Their fare was paid by my aunts, Mary Jaksic and Albina Jackson who had nurtured this plan to invite them to the U.S. when they visited Slovenia in 1971. Their photo appeared in the Ameriška Domovina newspaper, taken by Phil Gliha. Mrs. Nettie Leslie’s son had to undergo surgery. We wish him a speedy recovery. Lullabies will be sung to baby Andy whose parents are Nancy and Jonathan Tarbox and grandparents, Albina and Stan Ulle. May I close by saying I hope everyone enjoyed their summer now that it has come to a close and look forward to attending the coming events planned for the fall and winter. Warmest wishes to all. JEAN E. PAIK Rec. Sec'y & Reporter No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Dearest members, we held our first fall meeting with quite a few members present. We received the tickets for the State Convention in Ely and made our plans to attend. We wish to take this time to express our simpathy to sister, Veronica Kris-monich and the relatives of our dearly beloved neighbor, Mrs. Mary Siverin-sky who departed from us and who will be missed by her loved ones. May her soul and all souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. We wish to express get well wishes to all our sick members. May God speed them all to a rapid recovery. The business of the evening was then concluded with a prayer by our president, sister Josephine Oswald. We continued on to the social aspects of the evening with a delicious lunch served by our hostesses, sisters: Ann Roberts, Julia Mancuso, Jennie Crea and Alberta Russo. Prize winners were Angeline Russ, Frances Shega, Jennie Crea, Dorothy Russo, Ivanna Prelesnik, Ann Mansfield, Rose Chiodi and Mary Techar. We enjoyed a very delightful evening. Don’t forget that we meet the first Wednesday of the month at the Little Grove. May God bless you all. Yours truly. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR Reporter No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Am reminding our members that we are having our meeting on Oct. 1st at 7:30 p.m. So, do not forget to attend. Summer is over and the ladies are back from their European vacations and travels. The children are back at school. Everyone is settled and taken care of. The meeting is to be a special one, so please try to attend. MARY PERCIC Reporter No. 71, STRABANE, PA. We mourn the passing of our good member, Mrs. Louise FelJin who died Aug. 21st in the hospital. She was 82 years of age and for 34 years had served as postmaster in Strabane. She was also a life-long resident of Strabane and a member of Br. 71 for many years. Many of our members prayed at her bier and attended the funeral. The family expressed their thanks to all for the beautiful expressions given them at this sad time. We too, offer our admiration to the three daughters of Mrs. Fellin. They took such good care of their mother, taking hter to church on Sundays, etc. Our deepest sympathy to the Fellin family. And, best wishes to all our members. LUCILLE SMITH Secretary No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, HGTS. O. After careful consideration and discussion, the officers of Branch No. 73, dislike to, but feel it imperative, to issue an ultimatum about payment of dues. Starting January 1, 1973, all members whether active or inactive; shall be required to pay their dues in advance for at least six months, and better yet, one year. God forbid that any member’s family find it necessary to collect on the member’s benefits before payment of dues is all used up, but that family would be reimbursed for any moneys due them. Our secretary as well as other secretaries throughout the Union, have paid some of the members’ dues out of their own pockets, and as a result, have quite a sum of money stiM due them. In some cases, members have actually dropped out of the Union before reimbursement had been made. Hence, it is evident that no exceptions can be made and dues must be paid in advance. No one can possibly corn-through the mail. This leniency was granted because each member is considered as an individual, rather that this leniency has been taken advantage of, and become a habit with certain members, the only recourse will have to be that "dues be paid in advance and kept up to date”, or that member will have to be dropped from the branch. We sincerely trust that all members will take this ultimatum in an understanding and intelligent manner. Congratulations are in order to Mr. & Mrs. Kasmer J. Licka (Elsie) Whose daughter Geraldine Marie was united in marriage to Mr. Paul Kenneth Carr on J'uly 3, 1972 at St. Jude’s Church. Both Mr. & Mars. Carr graduated on June 10, 1972 from Kent State University, and they will pursue their careers as teachers of the mentally retarded. Many thanks to Jane Kaplan for the many hours of time and patience she recently devoted to sewing bibs, diapers, chair and mattress pads, etc. for the severely handicapped and mentally retarded children at the Hattie Larl-ham Foundation in Mantua, Ohio. Some of the materials was given to Mrs. Kaplan, but she also used a good deal of her stock of materials to make extra items. Since she is a very capable seamstress, each item was made to perfection. Our secretary, Louise Epley and daughter Leona, spent one month in Europe this summer, touring various countries, and the highlight of their trip was to visit Mrs. Epley’s Uncle (her deceased Mother’s brother), as well as cousins, and also to see the place and town her Mother was born. Sorry to hear that our dear member Emma Sklenicka had to spend some time in the hospital for therapy, and also Mr. Kasmer Liska, husband of Elsie, had to enter Brentwood Hospital for surgery. My Mother, Mae Sedlak, was also in St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Charlotte, Florida for two weeks during the month of July. We all hope and pray for their speedy convalescence. Keep in mind the State Convention to be held October 29, 1972, a banquet following, which affair will be held in Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. There will be booklets on hand at our next meeting for anyone who desires to try and increase the family budget. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Our August meeting was held at the home of Mrs. John Mestnick with Mrs. Joseph Boif assisting. The meeting was well attended. The meeting was opened with a prayer by our President, Mrs. Matt Brletitch. Discussions were held on the upcoming Minnesota Zveza Day which was held iiin Ely on September 10th. Twenty members were attending the day at Ely. Our next meeting wilil be on the fourth Wednesday in October at the home of Mrs. J'oe Kukich. Assisting will be Mrs. Matt Sametz. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Milo Prebeck. CLEM BOLF Reporter No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Our last meeting was well-attended and held outdoors on the beautiful lawn of our secretary, Mary Kernz. A letter was read from the Rotary asking for a donation for Muscular Dystrophy which was approved. Also, a letter from Br. 24 LaSalle was received, inviting us to attend the State Convention to be held there this month. Reservations were sent in. Before electing state convention delegate, we had quite a discussion on what is to be allowed to say. The delegate was advised that she has the obligation to present the opinion of the members. Maybe someone will not agree, that's her privilege and maybe someone will criticize —which is o.k., too, provided they come up with a better solution to the problem. This convention is the place and time to speak up its for the progress of the organization. Our president, Lena Dawson was then elected delegate. The second Slovenian pincnic was held in LeHigh Park on Sept. 2nd with a large attendance. Drnach Orchestra played, dinner was served promptly and a good time was had by all. I would be amiss if I didn't mention here of the progress made by a fine young man, the son of our loyal member, Mrs. Irene Peterlin and father, Mr. & Mrs. Adoph Peterlin. Gary L. graduated from Northern, III. University in 1971 with a major in political science and minor in sociology. He is in his second year of attendance at John Marshall Law School while being enployed full time as the LaSalle County Juvenile Probation Officer at Ottawa since January, 1971. Gary received many honors and belongs to many organizations. He has two brothers and a sister — all older than he. We wish him continued success. Fraternally yours, JOSEPHINE LIVEK Mari« Pxiiland: s\*\es THE DULUTH NEWS - TRIBUNE had an issue on Good Life.. The columns carried: among others pictures of two Slovenian women who said this about their state of Minnesota: “I came to this country from Europe. 1 have never regretted 'it. My parents are here, and my children grew up here. I like this place and have good neighbors”. - Mrs. Mary J'aksha, Keewatim housewife. "I was born here in reared in this region. I never would leave it. The land is 'beautiful at any time of the year, and there is peace here”. - Miss Mary Machek, Eveleth Farm Resident. ★ IT’S PHENOMINAL how Life Insurance companies have grown in the last 50 years. The industries, which did not want to pay even a doctor bill for the injured worker at the beginning of the century, are now paying billions of dollars of benefits to the living workers and to the beneficiaries of those who have passed on. Life 'insurance and retirement income help to make life much easier for those receiving it. The total insurance now in force in the United States amounts to one and one half trillion dollars - we can’t even imagine how much that is. The total assests of the almost 2,000 Insurance companies iin the United States stands at $200 billion’s. Everybody carries some kind of insurance and it would be dlficult for us to imagine a world without any type of insurance. ★ DR. BARRY COMMONER, a Washington University professor told the Senate Commerce Committee: "I propose that the government set aside a five-year deadline for the removal of all detergents from the market and force a return to soap. Phosphates In detergents are partly to blame for killing lakes and rivers. Soap has no harmful effects on the environment that cou'Fd not easily be corrected”. ★ JOHN J. KANE, Ph. D. Department of sociology at The University of Notre Dame writes: “I have been reading a great deal in the newspapers about poverty. I know people in this neighborhood who are on welfare, who are suposed tc be poverty stricken. Yet they have TV sets and cars. I cannot believe this is poverty. How much or how little does a family have to make before it can be called poor? In the 1930’s 'President Roosevelt said about one-third of the nation was poor. Now they say two-thirds are poor and need welfare. How can this be?”. ★ TEDDY BEARS—While on a hunting thip, President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a small bear. C.K. Berryman, famed cartoonist, immortalized the incident and toy bears, then new to the market, soon became very popular and known as “Teddy Bears”. This toy delights thousands of American children. ★ Bishop L. P. Cowley of St. Paul, Minnesota once said to the National Association of Legal Secretaries: “Don’t be foolish and not care what other people think of you. It’s your obligation to be attractive!” “You must think and speak like a lady. You can’t be a saint unless you are a lady first. Feminism is what makes a lady a lady”. No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Our attendance in May was very small when we had asked our members to make a special effort to come out and that it was to be an important meeting. But, I think the 12 who did attend were very loyal. Most of them are up in years and ill. Our dear secretary, Mrs. Sorch cannot keep doing her work as secretary because she isn’t too well. I am in the same boat. The young women do not want to get involved in this work either. But, someone has to take over as our members do not wish to merge with another branch or to transfer. As it is, we cannot keep going. Some think they will just continue to pay dues and we want our members to keep in good standing, especially those like me who are in for over 30 years. Please, members, come to the meeting on Dec. 5th at the same place and let’s get this all straightened out. I hope we can make some arrangement to pay our dues directly to the Home Office for the future. I wish you all a very happy year ahead and happy holidays when they arrive. The new year of 1973 will be with us soon and ! wish a happy one to all branches and families. God bless you all. "Upamo im želimo vsem ljubega zdravja, ki je na j večje bogastvo na svetu!” I am, your president. ANNA KASTELIC No. 95. S. CHICAGO, ILL. While most of us were vacationing, Vica Rukavina 9616 Houston Ave. was called to her Eternal Reward following a long illness. We respect her memory as our member for many years, and served our branch as a loyal and devoted member. She shared with us our ideafs, our thoughts and principles, our desires, and our dedicated service. Now she has passed on. It is with a sad heart we fondly say farewell. To Vica's family and relatives, we express condolences on our mutual loss. Our sincere condolences to Mary Simunic on the loss of her beloved husband. To Doris Cuzella and Mary Jane Brezene on the loss of their beloved sister, Ann Piskali. May the bereaved families find solace in the inspiring memories of the examplary life of the departed. Birthday Greetings to the following in October: Mary Kovacevich, Madeline Zart, Katherine Rajcic, Frances Zburin, Marie Maras, Mary Kresich, Marge Pavletič, Phyllis Perko, Mildred James, Evelyn Driscoll, Ljuba Brunski, Marie Grankowski, Manda Spehar and Rose Mary DichCle. Try to attend our November 1 st„ meeting when we will have a turkey raffle and a program planned for you. MILDRED JAMES No. 102, WILLARD, WISC. After spending a busy summer, we are now making final plans for the State Convention of Wisconsin. It will be held here on Oct. 22nd. We hope all members will attend the preparation meetings and help and help plan for our booths. We expect to have home bakery and handicraft work. The Convention day’s activity will include coffee and rolls at 9:30 a.m.; meeting from 10 to 12; followed by Holy Mass. The one o’clock dinner will include ham, chicken, potica and the works! This will be served family style. After the dinner, there will be entertainment and time for getting better acquainted. ELSIE PERKO No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Following a series of meetings with the Presidents of the Washington Branches of the K.S.K.J. and the Slovenian Women’s Union along with their respective committee members which consisted of Mr. Bogomir Choke!, Miss Freda Michelitch, Dr. Cyril Mejac, Mrs. Mary Mejac, Vladimir Pregelj, Dr. Stame Sustersic, Mrs. Mary Lou TerSelic, Mrs. Molly Thomas, we were pleased to be atole to present our first combined Cultural Program, ‘‘Know Your Slovenian Heritage”, on the evening of Saturday, June 10th. We hope that this will be an annual event with the continuation of the same theme. Acting as Master of Ceremonies was Captain James A. Laurich, U.S.N. (Ret.), who presented the introductory portion of our program fluently, informatively and with much humor. Our guest speaker for this special occasion was the well-known Dr. Giles Gobec, Professor of Sociology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. At the end of this article, with per- mission from Dr. Cyril Mejac, I would like to present his fine summary of the material presented by Dr. Gobec and also some thoughts concerning the intent and meaningfulness of our program. (With apologies to the writer, the Summary will appear in the next issue. C.). The Washington Slovenian Choral Group under the able and disciplined direction of Mr. Vladimir Pregelj, delighted the audience with their rendition of three Slovenian Folk Songs, Meglica (Fog on the Lake), Pa Se Sliš (The Bell of St. Vitus), and Vinski Brat (Wine and Fellowship). A part of the program was devoted to the American Slovenian Poet, Ivan Zorman, from whose works, Mr. Eric Kovacic, expertly recited with much projected feeling the poems “Hvalnica” (Song of Praise), and “Slovani” (Slavs in America). Mrs. Molly Thomas with equal feeling and gentleness recited “To a Wild Rose”, Zorman’s English translation of Anton Medved’s “Rozi”. In the second part of the program, Dr. Cyril Mejac presented a brief review, illustrated with color slides, of the early Slovenian History and of it’s development under the influence of Christianity and Feudalism, two basic forces that formed the Slovenian Ethnic Identity from around 585 A.D. until the present day. The committee wishes to extend their sincere thanks to all of those who gave much of themselves and their time in an effort to make our program a successful venture. Refreshments were special, as usual, and again prepared by our loyal members and those wives of the K.S.K.J'. We are indeed grateful to them. FREDA MICHELITCH, ORDER NOW Slovenian Singing Society ZARJA Presents it’s second long-play stereo record "SONGS BY ZARJA” Vol. II Featuring traditional Slovenian Grape Festival Songs: En Hribček Bom Kupil Ne Grem Domov Bratci Veseli Vsi Plus 11 other Slovenian melodies Mi Slovenci Vinca Ne Prodamo Živijo oj Živijo: Words included for entire album To order copy, please enclose 5.00 & mail your order form to: JOE BRADDOCK 20290 BLACKFOOT RD. EUCLID, OHIO 44117 Your Name ................................................. Street Address ............................................ City ............... State ............. Zip code.......... Zapisnik Letne Seje Gl. Odbora Nadaljevanje POROČILO GL. TAJNICE Zbrale smo se, da pregledamo račune im da napravimo načrte za nada-ljno delovanje. (Posebno sem vesela, da morem poročati, da so vsi finančni računi v kompletnem redu 'in da smo z dobrim gospodarjenjem napredovale. Ne bom povdarjala kar smo dosegle, kajti bolj je važno, da povdarimo česar nismo storile. Mislim, da ne delamo dovolj načrtov za bodočnost iim napredek organizacije. Prepričana sem, da bi mogle mnogo več storiti v tem pogledu, saj je naše slovensko narodno izročilo na j lepša in naj bogatejša dediščina, katero moramo gojiti in nadaljevati za bodoče rodove. Najti moramo nove načine kako pridobiti nove članice. Časi se spreminjajo in mi se jim moramo prilagoditi. Počaščene smo, ker imamo v naši sredi 'našo Ustanoviteljico, Mrs. Marie Prislamd, ki nam pomaga s svojimi bogatimi izkušnjami v vseh pogledih. Kampanja je v teku in mnogo podružnic je delavnih. Pričakujem tudi, da vse gl. odbornice doprinesejo svoj delež in dajo dober vzgled vsem ostalim. Lansko leto smo izgubile močan steber naše SŽZ, ženo, ki je mnoga 'leta neutrudljivo delovala za napredek Zveze kot predsednica, urednica in končno kot tajnica, AL-BINA NOVAK. Odšla je v večnost, toda med nami bo vedno pogrešana zaradi njene požrtvovalnosti in magnetične osebnosti. Njena slika na steni, naj nas stalno opominja k nenehnemu delovanju za njej tako 'ljubo Zvezo. Vsem odbornicam moja iskrena zahvala za vsestransko sodelovanje. Posebno vas želim povabiti k najtesne-šemu delu za najlepši uspeh bližajoče se narodne konvencije. Finančno poročilo gl. taj. je bilo v celoti objavljeno v angleškem delu jun. Zarje. FANIKA HUMAR, taj POROČILO GL. BLAGAJNIČARKE Prisrčne pozdrave vsem na našem zasedanju v upanju na kar najbolj uspešno zborovanje. Posebne čestitke Mrs. Marie Prišla n d k odlikovanju, katero ji je izročilo mesto Sheboygan, Wis. Naša Božičnica je odlično uspela ter velja zahvaJa vsem, -kii so pomagale. Naš obisk preistoliee za blagoslovitev slovenske kapele je gotovo vsem v nepozabnem spominu. Imele smo svoj posebni eroplan in 87 nas je odletelo iz letališča Midway. Zalivala Irene Odorizzi za vso pomoč. Moja iskrena zahvala gl. tajnici Faniki Humar za njeno sodelovanje v vseh vprašanjih organizacije. Podala bo podrobno finančno poročilo s katerim se popolnoma strinjam. Končno: naj bi bil spomin pok. ALBINE NOVAK vedno živ med nami, zaradi njenih dobrih del lin za vse kar je storila za Zvezo. Naj počiva v miru božjem. LIZ ZEFRAN POROČILO TAJNICE INVESTICIJ OLGE ANCEL je bilo objavljeno v angleškem delu v jun. Zarji na strani 5. POROČILO NADZORNEGA ODBORA Kot načelnica nadzornega odbora -pozdravljam vse na tej seji in na vseh zborovanjih dne 20. in 21. marca v gl. uradu v Chicagu. Vesela sem, da morem poročati, da smo našle vse finančne knjige, vse Zvezino poslovanje, vključno šolninski sklad in Uredniški sklad v dobrem redu. V pond, dne 20. marca, 1972 smo obiskale Metropolitansko Banko, kjer smo vse gl. odbornice pregledale vrednostne papirje ter sklade in naložbe. Odbor izreka zahvalo gl. taj. Faniki Humar za njeno natančno in temeljito vodstvo vseh knjig. Podpisane članice Nadzornega odbora tukaj 'izjavljamo in potrjujemo, da so v skladu z našo naboljšo vednostjo, vse poslovne knjige Slovenske ženske Zveze za leto 1971 v dobrem redu. Za Nadzorni odbor: Načelnica: ANN PODGORŠEK Nadzornica: ANNE KOMPARE Nadzornica: JENNIE FEMC POROČILO PRVE NADZORNICE Ker se bo naša konvencija vršila prih. leto, zato je naše zasedanje še toliko večje važnosti. 'Med mojim delovanjem naj omenim, da sem se udeležila Minnestoskega Zvezinega Dneva v Sept. v KitzviiUe. Bil je v 'resnici krasni dan ob veliki udeležbi. Fr. Perkovich je daroval sv. mašo pri kateri smo posebno počastile našo pok, voditeljico, Albino Novak. Naša drž. preds. Barbara Ro-samdich je predsedovala konvenciji, nakar je 'bil banket z gl. govornico HERMINE DICKE, katero vsi poznamo kot tajnico šolnin s kega sklada ter pisateljico -redne kolone v Zarji. Naša ustanoviteljica je zopet vložila mnogo ur dela za novo izdajo Kuharske knjige. Za-h-vaile njej in Mrs. Turek za delo razpošiljanja. ANN PODGORŠEK POROČILO DRUGE NADZORNICE V posebno zadoščenje, mi je, da sem med vami na tem važnem zborovanju. Po lanski letni seji v marcu, sem se tudi udeležila letne -prireditve podr. št. 16 v So. Chicagu v cerkvi Sv. Junija. Imela sem najlepši vtis o lepem sodelovanju vseh. Na velikonočno soboto, sem imela žalostno nalogo biti ena izmed pogrebnic na zadnji poti naše prijubljene in nikoli pozabljene biv. gl. taj. Albine Novak. “Naj zvesta služabnica počiva v Bogu”. Dne 18. jul. sem se udeležila Zvezinega dne v Le-montu, katerega je priredila podr. št. 2. 12. augusta sva z možem in skupino iz So. Chicaga, se pridružila skupnemu poletu na blagoslovitev slovenske kapele v Wash'ingtonu, ki je -posvečena Brezjanski Mariji Pomagaj. Ob tej priliki smo tudi obiskali hrvatsko kapelo “Marije Bistriške”, ki je pokroviteljica št. 95. Imamo lepe, nepozabne spomine. Udeležila sem se tudi Zvezi ne 11 li-n oiske drž. konvencije pri št. 20 v Jolietu, kateri je predsedovala d-rž. preds. Anne Lustig. Konvencija je biila uspešna in 'udeležba zelo številna, med njimi tudi 10 članic naše 'podr. št. 95. - V teku leta sem se udeležila vseh sej in prireditev naše podr. Sodelovala sem tudi s prispevkom za kuharsko kolono. Vesela poročam, kot članica nadzornega odbora, da smo našle vse knjige SŽZ za preteklo leto 1971 v -redu1 in da je podpisano poročilo bilo predloženo gl. odboru. ANNE M. KOMPARE POROČILO TRETJE NADZORNICE Prisrčni pozdrav vsem. Naša podr. št. 25 je imela zelo delavno leto. V avgustu smo se udeležile blagoslovitve slovenske kapele v Washingtonu posvečeni Mariji Pomagaj Brezij. - Dne 1. Sept. 71. sem se udeležila Ohio-Mich. drž. konvencije, kateri je predsedovala Mary Bostian. Po dobri seji, se je vršil banket 40 -letnice podr. št. 50. Udeležila sem se tudi zelo uspelega koncerta zbora The Dawn v nov. Mary Bostian -in Frank Gorenšek zaslužita vso pohvalo za trud. Vse smo bile ponosne na naše pevke. Naše- clevelandske podr. smo na delu za drugi koti-l-i-on i-n predstavitev mladih deklet, -kar se je vršilo 13. maja. Jane Novak i-n An-n Hočevar sta se potrudile za kar največji uspeh. Ža-I moram tudi poročati žalostno vest, da smo v letu izgubile 27 članic -podr. št. 25. Naša podr. izreka globoko sožalje družini prezgodaj odišle, naše priljubljene biv. gl. taj. Albine Novak. V lepem mesecu maju smo se udeležile sv. maše zadušnice pri Sv. Vidu za pokoj njene duše. Zahvala naši gl. taj. Faniki Humar, ki poleg vsega dela, tudi uredi vse za nas, ki pridemo iz drugih mest. Bog. jo živi! JENNIE FEMC AMERIŠKI PREDSEDNIK V MOSKVI MARIE PRISLAND OH, Spet ne bo miru! Nova članska kampanja je v teku. Prav je tako! Stoječa voda se usmradi pravi stari slovenski pregovor. Nedelavna organizacija - umira! Nov dotok članstva nam je zelo potreben - neobhodno potreben! Naj bi ta članska kampanja bila tako uspešna kot zadnja, ali pa še uspešnejša, kar bo, če se bomo vse potrudile. Seveda, če bomo brezbrižne »n kar lepo čičkale bo uspeh izostal. Naša Zveza nam mi miiikdar dovolila brezdelnosti, temveč nas je vsako leto klicala k dejavnosti m uspehom. Napravimo to kampanjo posebno uspešno, ker se bliža konvencija. Vsaka glavna odbornica in vsaka delegatka naj pridobi vsaj tri nove članice kot darilo konvenciji! To bi prine slo takoj 200 noviih — potem pa še in še, ko pričnejo ostale članice agitirati, da vpišejo nove. Vsaka podružnica, ki bo z delegatko na konvenciji zastopana, bi marala biti tudi z novim članstvom udeležena. Ne smemo biti zadovoljne s številom seda j nega članstva. Dobro se zavedamo, da lahko svoje vrste razširimo, če v resnici hočemo. Ne poznam besede —'ne morem— ker liz izkušnje vem, kaj vse lahko naše ženske dosežejo, če hočejo. Vprašanje je, ali res HOČEMO? Zmagovalke pretekle kampanje so nam v vzgled, kaj vse se lahko stori, kjer je volja in pogum. ZANIMIVA KNJIGA Mohorjeva Družba je za letos izdala zelo zanimivo potopisno knjigo Rev. Vinko Zaletel-a - Po Afriki in Južni Ameriki. Knjiga nam dokazuje, da menda res ni kotička na tem svetu, kjer bi ne bival Slovenec. Mene je zlasti zanimal popis Brazilije, kjer snivata večno spanje moj očka in mamica. Brazilija je četrta največja država na svetu in je tako velika kot vsa Evropa. Ima ogromno naravno bogastvo. Pridela 44% vse svetovne kave, ima 90 milijonov glav goveje živine in 22 milijonov glav ovac. Brazilija je edina portugalsko govoreča država v Južnii Ameriki ter ima 4 milijone prebivalcev. Socialne razlike so zelo velike, pravi knjiga. Veleposestniki, podjetniki, trgovci, bankirji na eni strani, na drugi strani pa ogromna večina revnih ljudi in to največ radi nizkih plač, dragih najemnin in slabih zdravstvenih razmer. Slabim razmeram je vzrok tudi lenoba. Ker je tam huda vročina se malokomu ljubi težko lin urno delati. Izjema so Slovenci, pridni, iznajdlivi in varčni, zato tudi povsod napredujejo ter so splošno spoštovani. Pisatelj navaja: “V vseh južnoameriških državah, ki sem jih obiskal, sem opazil neko skupno lastnost; histerično jezo na imperialistične Amerikance. Prav vsega hudega, kar se na svetu zgodi, so krivi Amerikanci. če je suša, če ni dela, če so vojne, če je revščina - krivi so Amerikanci. Ne pnipoznajo, da je krivda njih revščine lenoba, pijančevanje, tatvina, ampak Amerikanci so tega krivi. Ce kdo sedi lin je tako len, da ne bo vstal in šel nekaj korakov vstran po kruti, so 'njegove lakote krivi Amerikanci. Čeprav sprejemajo denar in vsake vrste pomoč od Amerikancev, vendar ne nehajo zabavljati na imperialistične Amerikance. To ni nekaj naravnega, ampak je umetno povzročeno po komunistični propagandi. Tamošnji ljudje 'imajo prav nizko izobrazbo, zato verjamejo vse, kar se jim natrobi. Nazadnje nekdo mora biti kriv nezgod in nesreč. Ker nočejo pripoz-nati svojih grehov sami, naj bodo vsega krivi Amerikanci, ki so daleč vstran”. Na obisku v Rusiji meseca maja to leta sta se predsednik Nixon in njegova soproga 'Udeležila nedeljske pobožnosti v cerkvi Baibtistov v Moskvi, glavnem mestu Rusije. V cerkvi se je nahajalo nad en tisoč vernikov. Ko je cerkveni zbor, obstoječ iz 320 pevcev, pričel v ruščini peti znano nabožno pesem “What a Friend We Have in Jesus", ki ima isti napev v ruščini kot v angleščini, se je predsednik Nixon pevcem pridružil in obenem z njimi pel, pri tem je seveda besede izgovarjal v angleščini. Ta povsem demokratična gesta ameriškega predsednika je navzoče Ruse, katerih vteda vere ne pripozna, silno navdušila in povzročila veliko veselja; tudi solze so se 'lesketale. Ob koncu obreda je ruski duhovnik izrekel edine angleške besede ki so se slišale v cerkvi namenjene predsedniku in soprogi: God bless you! GORDIJSKI VOZEL Vsi poznamo zgodbico o znamenitem gordijskem vozlu, ki ga nihče mi mogel razvozlati. Makedonski kralj Aleksander je to reč uredil prerezal je vozel s svojim mečem. Ali ni čudno? Nekdo se je prav zelo potrudil in je z veliko mero marljivosti, pameti, spretnosti in potrplenja napravil vozel, da ga nihče ni znal razvozljati - a ime tega moža zgodovina ne omenja - spominja pa se kralja Aleksandra, 'ki je vozel presekal. Izvirna domiselnost mladega kralja je torej bolj znamenita kot delo moža, ki je vozel napravil. IZ DOMOVINE V Savijnski dolini je letos hmelj zelo dobro obrodil. "Zeleno zlato” kot hmelj imenujejo, prinaša Savijnčamom lepe dohodke. Hmelj iz Savijnske doline je posebne vrste in je poznan menda vsem pivovarnam sveta. ★ Jugoslovanska, predvsem slovenska mineralna voda, se izvaža v mnoge države, celo v Avstralijo. Kako, da ne v Ameriko? Jugoslavija je letos postala članica Kongresa proizvajalcev mineralnih vod v Evropi. Po velikosti proizvodnje je Jugoslavija na četrtem mestu. ★ Ameriški fimancirji in gospodarstveniki so se mudili v Jugoslaviji, da se pogovorijo o gospodarskem sodelovanju med ameriškimi in jugoslovanskimi podjetji. - Denar je sveta vladar, neglede na ideologijo! ★ Mednarodna ustanova Združenih narodov za pomoč otrokom (UNICEF) že 20 let organizira mednarodno otroško vas To je srečanje mladih otrok iz različnih držav, različnih jezikov .in različnih barv kože, ki se zberejo v posebnem kraju in skupno preživijo nekaj tednov. Letos je taka otroška vas bila prvikrat v Jugoslaviji In sicer v Velenju v Sloveniji. V ta namen so v Velenju zanje zgradili pravo otroško vas z malimi hišicami. Od 11, julija do 8, augusta so otroci 'imeli lepe čase v lepem Velenju. ČESTITKE Rev. J.M. Trunku - stodveietnemu mladeniču, članu Zvezinega Prijatelskega krožka, ki od prvega septembra krepko stopa v novem letu svojega plodonosnega življenja-vse članice k rojstnemu dnevu iskreno čestitamo ter mu želimo zdravja 'in zadovoljnosti! Bog Vas živi Father Trunk! p. Klaude Okorn, ofm: Delajmo za Kristusa Gospod nas pošilja, da njegov nauk dobrote in ljubezni prinašamo v razkristjanjeni svet, v tovarne, v urade, družine in vse okolje. To storimo, ko strežemo drugim z nesebično ljubeznijo. To je tudi 'največja zapoved, ki nam jo je Kristus položili na srce. Kdo je naj večji, še vprašujejo apostoli 'in za njimi! mnogi ljudje. Jezus pojasni iin pove, da ni tisti naj več ji, ki je v družbi in po njej dosege® velike časti, visoke funkcije v državi, deželi, cerkvi, da niso največji oblastniki sveta, kateri izkoriščajo oblast za to, da zatirajo druge narode in posameznike ter pritiskajo z vso močjo na svoje podložnike 'in rabijo svoje talente za to, da se povzdigujejo nad druge, marveč tisti je največji, ki streže svojemu 'bližnjemu, veličina in dostojanstvo obstoja v nesebični ljubezni. Kakor je Jezus prišel, ne da bi se mu služilo, ampak da bi služil, tako tudi njegovi nasledovaioi služijo njemu s tem, da služijo bližnjemu. Napačno je, če se človek povišuje, če se ne ozira na drugega, če se ne ozira na sočloveka. Nevarno je, če hoče človek zavladati ljudem in veljati več kot njegovi sovrstniki. Menijo pa, da so dosegli veličino, če ponižujejo človeka in mu vzamejo morda celo pravico do njegovega obstoja. Kdor se zaveda tega, da je majhen pred Gospodom, ta je zares velik. Zakaj, če kdo misli, da je kaj, ko ni nič, samega sebe vara. Bog se namreč prevzetnim ustavlja, ponižnim pa daje svojo milost. Pravo veličino človeku da Bog. Zakaj naj bi bili potem ponosni? domišljavi? Morda je kdo ponosen na izvor svojega rojstva, na svoje imenitne prednike, na svoj Cepi obraz, na svoj visok položaj, na veliko izobrazbo, na velike sposobnosti, na bogastvo. Zakaj si tako v sebe zaverovan? Si ti središče in cilj svojega življenja. Zaikaj izključuješ Boga iz svojih mi sili, ki ti je vse to dal in kateremu boš za vse moral odgovarjati. Zakaj ne misliš na druge. Ne preziraj drugih zaradi tega, ker ne morejo konkurirati s teboj. Ce uporabljaš svoje talente in zmožnosti samo zase in za svojo čast in svoje blagostanje, jih zlorabljaš. Tvoj vpliv na bližnjega naj oznanja Kristusa in to te bo napravilo velikega. ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL Zlato poroko sta slavila Potokarjeva, ki živita v Berwynu, IH. Tereza je naša članica od 1949 leta. Bila je rojena v Krški vasi na Dolenskem, prišla v Ameriko leta 1920 ter se pri Sv. Štefanu v Chicagi poročila z možem Frankom 12. aug. 1922. Frank je bil rojen na Čatežu in prišel v Ameriko 1913 v La Salle, III. Oba delavne in skrbna sta celo življem e delala in zaslužila pokojnino, ki se je zelo veselita. Tereza pravi: “Kako je lušno biti doma po tolikih letih dela”. Bila je glavna kuharica 38 let v Mc Neal bolnišnici. Obiskala sta domovino trikrat skupno in enkrat Tereza sama. Vsakikrat se jima tam bolj dopade in upata, da bosta še kdaj šla pogledat svoj ljubi rodni kraj. Vse članice naše Zveze jima želimo še mnogo let skupnega življenja ter ljubega zdravja! F. ŠT. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Dovolite mi nekaj prostora, da opišem moje letošnje potovanje v rodno domovino. Glavni namen potovanja je bil ta, da bi še enkrat videla svojo mater, ki že ima svojih 92 križev. Zaželela sem si videti lepo Slovenijo. Podala sem se na pot dne 16. julija. Pred Frančiškansko cerkvijo v Ljubljani smo se naložili na avtobus v nedeljo zjutraj in se podali na turo. Prva postaja je bila Brezje Marija Pomagaj, kjer se je trlo ljudi. Cerkev je bila polna, kaikor vžigalična škatla. Komaj smo se prerinili do Marijinega oltarja. Po obredih na Brezjah smo nadaljevali pot na Bled. S čolnički smo se prepeljali na otok v cerkev, ki je spremenjena v muzej. Okostja v tleh pod steklom so razsvetlena, da se razločuje vsaka koščica. Poslovili smo se in odjadrali čez jezero do hotela, kjer nas je čakalo odlično kosilo. Naslednja ZLto iporocenca *jW!S: ! Mr. & Mrs. Frank Potokar postaja je bil Bohinj, Kranjska gora, Vršič, Portorož, Miramar, Trst, Postojna, Novo mesto, Zagreb, Ptuj, Maribor, Celje, Velenje. Prenočevali smo v odličnih hotelih. Povsod je bila prvovrstna hrana. Naša tura je trajala šest dni. Počutila sem se, kakor v malih nebesih. Nisem se mogla dovolj načuditi mladim fantom, ki strežejo povsod po hotelih; v zlikanih črnih oblekah, snežnobelih srajcah z metuljčki, eden lepše napravljen, kakor drugi. Ne bi pa svetovala nobenemu potovati samemu. Nikogar nisem poznala. Najprej sem se "repila” enemu pa drugemu paru in nikamor nisem spadala. Kmalu bi zapela tisto: Sem pa ena revna stvar”. Po dveh dneh samevanja sta se me usmili družabni in inteligentni Mairy Matjašič in Elsie Kotar. Takoj sem se počutila bolje, da sem imela h komu prisesti. Vedno jima bom iz srca hvaležna za prijaznost. Prej so me porivali od ene mize do druge. Kar na jok mi je šlo, ko mi je natakar rekel, da ne sedim pri pravi mizi in me odvedel k eni prazni, da sem sama sedela. Ponujala sem se rekoč: kdo hoče orno ovco, ki nikamor ne spada potem so me sprejeli med se. Samo to je moja tožba na tem potovanju, ki pa se primeri menda samo ženskam, ki so same. Za moške to sigurno ne velja. Nedavno smo izgubile iz svoje srede članico go. Anno Lauter. Bila je stara 86 let. Naše sožalje družini! Prihodnja seja bo 8. okt. Na svidenje in lepe ipozdrave vsem. M. STRAŽIŠAR poročevalka ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Augustovska seja je bila bolj slabo obiskana. Poletni dopusti in bolezni so se poznali. Molimo za zdravje bolnih sester: ga. Miler, Smrdel, F. Globokar, M. Fitzthum, Hribar in Stopar. Ga. Stražišar je vnovič postala stara mama. Pri sinu Ludviku so dobili sinčka, čestitamo! Mary Iskra je imela obiskovalce iz Slovenije. Njen brat z ženo je prišel na obisk. Tudi Mary Stražišar je obiskal brat Ludvik iz Argentine s katerim se nista videla celih 45 let. Ne pozabite na jesensko kart-party 15. oktobra! Predsednica nas vse prosi za dobitke. Ko se vreme že nagiba na jesen ‘im ni več tako vroče, boste Jažje kaj sešile ali spletle, kar bo primerno za darilo. Za dom ostarelih smo odobrile sto dolarjev. V imenu društva se vsem darovalkam lepo zahvalim za prispevke. To so bile: ga. Plut, Marolt, Bubnič, Gačnik, Bajec, Iskra, Maurič, Rogers im Lenaršič. Za šolninski sklad sta darovali ga. Bubnič in Vičič. Vsem Bog plačaj z dobrim zdravjem! V molitev priporočamo hudo bolno Frances Kog, ki je v Krtlan domu za ostarele. Njen mož Rudy je bil pokopan augusta meseca. Naše sožalje družini. Ga. Gabrenja sporoča, da se je iz svojega doma preselila v dom za ostarele na Neff Rd. Vsem prijateljem in sosestram se priporoča za obiske. Hvaležna vam bo, če se je boste spomnile in vas vse lepo pozdravljam. Septembersko poročilo. Lepo število članic se je udeležilo seje bliža se jesenska Kart- Party. Seja je bila obširna, ker je predsednica imela veliko predlogov za dobro izvedbo te družabnosti. Ponovno vas prosimo za dobitke! Mary Boston je poslala pismo v katerem opozarja na državno konvencijo. F. Globokar, ki je v Euclid bolnišnici, se zdravje počasi vrača, še vedno je bolna Mary Smrdel. Obiskujmo bolne in molimo za njihovo zdravje. Na zadnji seji so članice predlagale in odobrile, da se bo odslej darovalo bolnim darila in ne več v denarju. Ga. Lapuh in njen mož sta šla na kratek obisk v Slovenijo. Želimo srečno pot in varen povratek. Tudi godovale smo septembra, kar za tri mesece skupaj. Mnogo dobrot so prinesle članice, druge so pa darovale v denarju. Vsem iskrena hvala in Bog vam povrni z zdravjem, ki je največ vredno. Lepe pozdrave vsem, ANTONIA ŠUŠTAR poročevalka ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Od zadnje seje v maju, se je nabralo precej novic. Seja je bila dobro obiskana, samo zapisnikarica, Mary Menart .ni mogla biti med -nami, ker je bila v bolnici. Vse smo se jo spomnile z molitvijo. Enako smo se spomnile ostalih sester, ki so bolane, ali pa v nursing homes. Mary je sedaj na domu, ker se je precej pozdravila; njej iin vsem bolnim sestram naj ljubi Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje. Ker to leto nismo imele izbrane zaslužne matere, smo kar na seji malo počastile, našo dolgoletno zvesto čla. ses. KATHERINE SKUL, ki je veliko doprinesla za podr., ker je vedno pripravljena pomagati, kjerkoli je potrebno. Pripela sem ji lep šopek v počast. Ker smo že bolj v letih, zato ne moremo več tako živahno delovati, toda naše članice so res dobre ter rade darujejo v blagajno, da naše delo gre naprej. Saj to leto nam je že pobralo 6 članic: Jossie Bratolich, Annie Merjasic, Mary Kausek, Frances Kvaternik, Annie Bizlaj in Mally Kvaternik, hčer od ses. Skui. Ses. Skul je poročena Rozinko ter žalujoča mater. Mož je umrl v mladih letih in tudi ona je umrla stara komaj nad 50 let. Vseh pok. sester smo se spomnile pri krsti in jih pospremile na zadnji poti. Naj počivajo v miru božjem, žalujočim naše globoko sožalje. Na seji so tudi bili podani vsi računi ter pregledana finančna knjiga in odobrena od nadzornic. Iz Ely smo prejele pismo o programu Zvezinega dne, katerega smo se z veseljem udeležile. Naša preds. Katherine Pollack in njen soprog Steve to leto slavita 50 letnico zakonskega življenja in jima vse čla. želimo še mnogo sreče, zdravja in blagoslova božjega tudi v bodoča leta. Imata lepo družino 6 sinov, bili so v vojaški službi, sedaj so pa že vsi na svojih službah im poročeni. Imata tudi 3 poročene hčere. Ena hčerka je poročena v Chicagu, druga v New Mehiko, kjer je njen mož učitelj in tretja je v Minneapolisu. Otroci so jima priredili lepo slavje v dvorani ob veliki udeležbi. Bog ju živi! Za naše čla., ki so v nursing home, zelo lepo skrbijo. Priredili so jim style show. Na programu je bila tudi čla. Julia Setnikar. Naš član, Anton Menart, sin Mary M. je pa lepo igral naše lepe slovenske pesmi. V domu ostarelih imamo 6 članic: Mary Stimac, Mary Steblay, Gertrude Indihar, Julija Setnikar im Čarnima Oberstair; M airy Jurkovič. Zelo lepo skrbijo za nje. Obiščite jih, ker bodo vesele obiskov. Vsaki petek ob 11 uri dop. imajo sv. mašo, katero daruje župnik Fr. Perkovich. Bolane so bile tudi ses.: Udovich in Jennie Bizek, ki si je zlomila pri padcu roko, ses. Leola Brine; mož naše čla. Hilde Pogorelec, se tudi 'nahaja v bolnici, a ses. Chapel, Mary Sherse, Jennie Rupert in Jennie Zadkovec se pa zdravijo doma. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Imamo tudi več veselih dogodkov in porok med mašimi mlajšimi članicami: J'udith Mohar, Judith D. Novak, Nenmet Primozich, Jeane Primozich in ko to pišem je poroka čla. in hčerke Mr. in Mrs. John Primozich. Poročila se je tudi ses. Karpela. Vsem mnogo sreče v zakonu! Letošnji letni Vse-Slovanski piknik je zopet dobro uspel ob veliki udeležbi ljudstva. Guverner države je proglasil naš dan. Kakor vsako leto, je tudi letos Mrs. Mary Brank iz Virginije izdelala krasno lutko v prelepi goremski slovenski noši, kar je želo splošno občudovanje. Vreme je bilo lepo kot nalašč in program zelo bogat. Govorili so naš župan ter predsednik Jugoslovanskega Kluba, a posebno pozornost in pohvalo so bili deležni naši pevci s krasnim slovenskim petjem, ki vedno navduši vsako občinstvo. Vsa čast našim pevcem moškega zbora Železnega okrožja. Upamo in želimo, da jih še mnogokrat slišimo na naših prireditvah. Med nami je bila tudi gl. preds. SŽZ, Tončka Turek s soprogom Frankom. Mrs. Turek je obiskala njeno bolno mater. Posebno je bilo veselo videti našo mladino pridno sodelovati, da je vse lepo potekalo. Bog daj, da bodo nadaljevali naše delo v korist slovenskega naroda v Ameriki. Priznanje velja tudi Mary Lushine C h ar novski in možu, ki sta oba zelo agilna. Ona je tudi meni veliko pomagala v času moje bolezni, da je bilo vse v redu. Udeležile sem se tudi velike proslave v Chisholm. O tem kaj več prihodnjič, ker se je moje pisanje nekoliko zavleklo. Zahvala gl. odboru za pozdrave iz letne seje. Prihodnja seja bo v decembru im do takret sprejmite vse moje majlepše pozdrave. MARY LENICH, taj. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Naše sožalje družini pok. Barbare Ivec, ki nas je zapustila v lepi starosti 81 let. Zapušča 4 hčerke, 3 sinove ter mačeha je bila 5 sinovom. Pokopana je bi la na farnem pokopališču, kjer že od 1923 leta počiva njen prvi soprog, Martin Pazdertz. Pok. je bila rojema v Podzemlje Slovenija in je pristopila k Zvezi 1934, prip. po Mary Russ. čla. smo molile ob njeni krsti in jo spremite na zadnji poti; Emma Planinšek, Josephine Muster, Frances Bottairi, Olga Ancel, Theresa Marem-tich im podpisana. Naj bo pokojni sestri lahka zemlja. Izgubile smo tudi čla. Mary Gerl, ki je imela dom -na Summit St. Podlegla je dolgi bolezni. Zapušča sina Johna, 5 hčera im 12 vnukov, 8 pravnukov im mnogo drugega sorodstva. Prip. je bila po naši ustanovni čla. Mairy Kumstek. V Jolietu je živela preko 60 let in ob smrti je bila stara 81 let. Naše članice so molile za pokoj njene duše ob njeni krsti in jo spremile ma zadnji poti na domače pokopališče Sv. Jožefa. Družini pok. naše sožalje, umrli pa željo, da se snidemo nad zvezdami. Srebrno poroko sta slavila naša ola-nica Mary Klein s soprogom Charlesom. Naša želja je, da bi še mnogo let skupno dočakala. Naše čestitke družini Millie Pucel, katere sin Christopher se je poročil 12. aug. Christopher je za lanski Božič obiskal sorodnike starih staršev v Sloveniji. Maja letos graduiral na Lewis College in sedaj stopil v zakonsko zvezo. Mladima zakoncema naj Bog podeli srečo in blagoslov. Medene tedne sta preživela v Colorado, kjer sta obiskala kraje kjer je bil rojen ženinov oče Rudy. Dne 2. sept. se je poročila Vera Ancel, hčerka Olge Ancel, ki jo vse poznate ■ našo tajnico. Verin ženin Richard Muir je spoznal svojo nevesto 'Jlati čaAi d £tci)ehiji ŠT. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Nekaj spominov iz obiska domovine. Čas počitnic je, se sliši iz vseh strani. Veliko skupin se odpravlja na obisk Slovenije. Potihem sem mislila s katero skupino naj potujem. Tisti dan je bila doma hči Anne Cooke in sem ji povedala, da mislim potovati; ona pa; “Mama, grem s teboj”! šle smo prvič čez morje za tri tedne na obisk v Slovenijo s skupino Richie Vadnal in njegovim orkestrom. Dne 23. junija zvečer smo se dvignili s srebrnim ptičem Boeing 707 Pan Amer. Pristali smo v Boston Mass., da se ptič “napoji” potem pa naravnost na Brnik v Slovenijo. Pristali smo 24. junija popoldne. Z nama je sedela 32 letna Slovenka ■ učiteljica iz San Francisca. Lepota Slovenije nas je prevzela, ko smo se peljale proti Ljubljani. Levo in desno visoke gore, cerkve, dolince, njive, bele hišice z rdečimi rožamii na oknih so nam privabile solze v oči. Ganilo nas je, ker je bilo vse slovensko okoli nas in v hotelu Union kamor smo prispeli. Učiteljica iz Californije se je od nas učila slovenski. Drugi dan zjutraj smo šle na sedemdnevno turo. Prvo na Otočec ob Krki, kjer smo malicali, potem naprej po lepi Dolenski proti Zagrebu. Z naimi sta bila Joseph Žele in žena Edith ki me vpraševala naj ji pokažem, kje je bila njena mama rojena. Mimo Leskovca ob Krškem sem zgledala velik dimnik papirnice na Vidmu. Tam čez ona dva hriba s cerkvami na vrhu Kremen in Libno je fara Zdole tam je bil rojen tvoj oče John, sem razlagala. Brž poglej na levo je Sv. Križ pri Kostanjevici sem pa bila jaz rojena. Od Otočca proti Zagrebu se razprostira gorovje Gorjanci. Krasen pogled po Kranjskem in štajerskem! Peljali smo se mimo gradu Mokrice, ki smo ga pozneje obiskale s sorodniki in je lepo predelan v hotel, obdajajo ga košata stara drevesa. Vroč dan je bil 9. julija, ko smo se pridružili mnogim kopalcem v čaitežkih toplicah. Okrepčali smo se in obujali spomine, kjer sem se pred petimi leti kopala. Prispeli smo v Zagreb. Iz hotela Dubrovnik smo s hčerko drugo jutro opazovale žene, ki nosijo na glavi ali na rokah svoje pridelke na tržnico. Hitro sva odšle čez Jelačičev trg, ker sem ho- na SIU v Carbondale, kjer sta oba bila študenta. Vera je že bila učiteljica na Romeovilie Junior high school. Richard pa je prostovoljno stopil v ameriško zračno armado in bosta oba odšla v Nemčijo novembra, kamor njega kliče služba. Vera je že 'letos poleti obiskala kraje po nemškem s šolsko skupino in ji bo malo bolj poznano. Po- tela 'hčerki pokazati kaj vse se dobi na tržnici. Ogledali smo si še škofovsko cerkev in druge znamenitosti Cez nekaj ur smo preko Varaždina prišli v Ormož, kjer je največja vinarna na Štajerskem. Vse so nam 'razkazali, velike sode pod zemljo, razne mašinerije za polnjenje steklenic, ki jih potem dajo na staranje. Deset tisoč hektolitrov vina predelajo iz Ormoža, Lendave, Ljutomera in Bize Iškega. Zgoraj v dvorani so nam dali poskušati razna vina. Iz Ormoža smo se ob reki Dravi peljali proti pohorskim hribom v Maribor. V hotelu Slavija, kjer smo prenočili, so na'm pri večerji vsem 73tim gostom podarili butelko Štajerski rizling, katere je direktor vinarne iz Ormoža poslal za nami. Oh, kakšno veselje so nam napravili! Tretji dan smo se na poti ustavili na Trojanah, kjer delajo prav velike in dobre krofe. To smo se jih navžMi in zalili z dobro kapljico. Postojna je bila naslednja postaja. V lepem hotelu smo večerjali. Po večerji pa v jamo gledat čudo božje narave. V Portorožu ob slovenski obali smo ostali dva dni, nadaljevali pot na Vršič in preden se pride na vrh je kar 53 ovinkov. Iz Kranjske gore nas je žičnica popeljala na Vogel. Bohinjsko jezero je zopet čudovito lepo. Ogledali smo si staro cerkev. Prebivali v hotelu Golf-BJed dva dni in uživali lepote v tem rajsko lepem kraju. Zjutraj ob osmi uri dne 1. julija je vratar prinesel ducat rdečih nageljnov s kartico: Compliments of hotel Golf Bled Slovenija za moj rojstni dan. Si lahko mislite presenečenje naju s hčerko? Slavje smo nadaljevali ves dan. S štirimi čolni smo se vozili po jezeru in prepevali. Zvečer po večerji pa zopet velika torta, Vadnalovi muzikanti in pevci so mi zapeli Happy Birthday, še dolgo so peli in igrali zglasovi sv. Lucije. Sveče na torti so gorele tudi za hčerin rojstni dan, ki ga je imela dva dni pozneje. Odlično ru-movo torto so dobre žene dale poskusiti gostom vse 'naokrog. Nikoli ne bom pozabila teh lepih časov in ljudi, ki so prispevali v ta namen. Bog vam vsem povrni! Hvala vsem, posebno še našim muzikantom, ki so neumorno igrali na poti in povsod, kjer smo se ustavili. Dne 2. julija smo prispeli na roka Vere in Richarda se je vršila v St. Joseph cerkvi, sprejem gostov in poročno slavje se je nadaljevalo v dvorani Sv. Jožefa. Velika udeležba sorodnikov in prijateljev Je bila dokaz priljubljenosti. Naše čestitke Veri in Richardu! Pri sestri Mary Ann Ragan se je mudil njen brat misijonar Rev. Leo slavne Brezje. Naš vodič Štefan je že prej uredil z župnikom, da nam je podelil posebni blagoslov. Zrinili smo se med romarje, kolikor je kdo mogel in zaslišali smo pesem: Marija vse k Tebi hiti, Marija pomagaj nam Ti. Solze čustva so nas oblile pa smo se pridružili množici, ki je prepevala iin z njimi peli Marijine pesmi kar naprej. Vsi verniki so bili obrnjeni k Marijinemu oltarju, kjer se blišči Marija z Jezusom, kakor bi bila živa. Povsod, kjer smo se ustavili, smo občudovali večstoletne cerkve, ki so čudovito lepe pa najsi bodo na hribih ali 'mestih. V p o ne d el. 3. julija smo se zbrali v hotelu Union v Ljubljani. Na televiziji v Ljubljani so nastopili orkestri in pevci iz Clevelanda, Chicaga, Canade v najbolj pisanih narodnih nošah in naredili lep vtis na nas vse. Veliki piknik 4. julija v Škofji Loki je privabil poln hrib ljudstva. Zanimivo je bilo videti sedem lojtrskih vozov, pisano opletenih, ki so potegnili nekaj starejših obiskovalcev na hrib. Pravili so, da je bilo nas, ki smo vplačali vstopnino kar 17 tisoč in 3 tisoč jih je prišlo z avtomobili. (Program je bil zelo lep in obširen. Kmalu potem smo se sešli s sorodniki in se odpeljali na Videm Krško k Alojzu in Pepoi škrabar roj. Godlar. Od tu smo nadalje obiskale hčerinega svaka v Vemišah pri Leskovcu, strica Alojza Godlar, njegovega sina Lojza z ženo im dvema otrokoma. Kar čez cesto zopet brat in sestra Mavrič, malo naprej naš šofer Franc Pavlin z njimi. Obiskale smo še moje sorodnike na štajerskem v fari Zdole. Z nečakinjo smo obiskale tudi naše pokojne na pokopališču. V farovžu plačale za nekaj sv. maš. G. župnik nam je odprl tudi cerkev Sv. Jurija, da je hči videla kje sem bila krščena in kam sem k maši hodila, ko sem bila otrok. Julija bi tu morala biti zlata maša mojega sošolca g. Jožefa Presnika in mi je še lani sporočil, da morava priti s sestro Urško domov za to slovesnost. Med tem časom je zbolel in je v Vojniku v bolnišnici. Bog se ga usmili. Od domovine smo se poslovili 14. julija ter odleteli z Brnika v Pariz, kjer se je naš "ptič” zopet napojil in po osemurni vožnji smo se vrnili v Cleveland. ANNA GODLAR 20971 Wilmore A ve. Euclid, OH 44123 Dečman iz Koreje. Želimo, da bi se dobro počutil med brati in sestrami, katere ni videl dolgo vrsto let. Zvezin dan v Lemontu je bil dobro obiskan. Našle smo mnogo starih znank na tem romanju. Rev. Daniel je v svoji lepi pridigi orisal delo zadnjih 60 let, ki so ga vršili slovenski Frančiškani v Lemontu. Rev. Kazimir Za- krajšek je bil ustanovitelj in tudi začetnik A ve. Marije v New Yorku, nadalje Rafaelova družba - izvrsten pridigar. Dobro se spominjam njegovega delovanja pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu, nato je ustanovil kapelo na 46ti cesti, od koder je prišel v Lemont. Njegovo uspešno delo je še danes vidno na romanjih na Ameriške Brezje, ki je privezalo marsikaterega naseljenca iz domovine. Ob 60 letnici naj mu Bog povrne ves trud za naš narod z večno krono! Skupni shod iin romanje dne 6. aug. so imeli KSKJ na Ameriško Brezje. Sv. mašo je darova1! mlad duhovnik Bele Krajine Rev. Rajih, roj. v Metliki, sedaj kaplan v Ribnici. Nagovoril je vse romarje in čestital, da so Slovenci obdržali svoj jezik in vero. Gospod je odšel v Toronto k sorodnikom in od tam v domovino med rojake. Gospodu želimo srečno pot in lepe spomine na svoje rojake v Ameriki. Naše sožalje sestri Zori želko ob izgubi očeta M. Lenovioh. Dalje I za belle Kodrich, katera je izgubila moža Louis Kodrich. Naj v miru počivajo. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Vreme imamo vroče, malo dežja, da vrtovi že rumenijo. Dne 8. oktobra letos bomo praznovale Zvezin dan pri nas. Vabimo vse, da se slavja udeležite! Glavna govornica bo predsednica ga. Antonija Turek iz Olevelanda. Umrla je dolgoletna, dobra članica Louise Felin. Pokopana je bila na St. Patrick pokopališču. Zapušča štiri hčerke, tri vnuke in štiri pravnuke. Naj v miru počiva; družini pa naše globoko sožalje. MARY TOMŠIČ predsednica Financial Report Br. Assess. Adults. Jrs. 1 $106.35 180 66 2 252.95 409 208 3 147.45 251 158 4 — 12 — a 5 — 96 17 a 6 45.30 100 14 7 45.30 86 44 8 15.60 41 — 9 — 20 2 b 10 120.25 288 19 12 67.65 161 60 13 110.70 108 29 c 14 143.95 292 28 15 93.75 187 7 16 92.85 150 82 17 84.65 152 90 19 58.65 102 16 20 173.20 351 98 22 16.00 15 — d 23 103.30 216 46 24 115.70 121 49 e 25 311.75 581 152 26 48.20 100 19 27 — 38 2 a 28 — 69 28 29 9.95 24 4 30 — 9 — 31 78.40 82 29 d 32 82.65 146 69 33 119.75 189 149 34 17.85 35 4 35 31.10 52 35 37 — 19 1 b 38 38.95 108 — 39 20.25 43 7 40 53.70 101 2 41 72.45 187 29 42 22.80 48 1 43 207.80 169 75 c 45 19.20 42 13 46 13.55 30 4 47 56.60 105 36 49 — 28 — 50 162.60 248 62 51 19.50 15 — f 52 30.60 51 21 54 54.00 54 38 c 55 29.00 55 15 - Finančno Poročilo za avg., 1972 Br. Assess. Adults. Jrs. Income • dohodki 56 40.10 89 7 Aug. 1972: Assessment: $3,977.50 57 34.05 61 19 Interest: 1,874.38 59 15.30 29 — Rent: 210.00 61 — 5 — Books Sold: 150.00 62 — 22 — Tax Deposit: 26.60 63 92 21 Total: 64 — 42 1 a $6,238.48 65 __ 41 23 a 66 32.60 57 21 DISBURSEMENTS - STROŠKI 67 40.05 68 8 AUGUST 1972 68 38.00 59 22 70 — 14 3 g Claims pd.: 71 59.40 120 37 Br. 2, Veronica Kotenko $100.00 72 16.60 22 — Br. 5, Christine Dugar 100.00 73 55.40 101 67 Br. 6, Anna Lauter 100.00 74 — 26 1 b Br. 12, Josephine Brule 100.00 77 21.70 46 28 Br. 13, Margaret Evets 100.00 79 — 32 13 a Br. 15, Rose Krese “B” 200.00 80 — 13 — Br. 16, Mary Mordush 100.00 81 14.80 30 — Br. 17, Mary Pornath 100.00 83 8.55 17 — Br. 20, Barbara Ivec 100.00 84 — 45 3 Br. 20, Mary Horvat 100.00 85 — 38 2 Br. 32, Anna Petrovich 100.00 86 — 20 — a Br. 38, Mary Pluth 100.00 88 — 53 8 Br. 41, Mary Mihelčič 100.00 89 29.60 68 25 Br. 45, Anna Krumpatich 100.00 90 17.45 41 10 Br. 95, Vica Rukoviina 100.00 91 27.60 46 9 Salaries - plače 1,062.80 92 16.35 25 1 Administration 1,275.00 93 20.45 51 2 F.I.C.A. Tax 55.30 94 — 6 — Office Rent 75.00 95 — 187 24 Stationary, Pis. potreb. 260.04 96 44.80 44 - Electricity 7.05 97 6.35 14 Postage & Teleph. 121.21 Cleaning 20.00 99 5.75 15 Campaign awards 364.50 100 31.20 47 14 Miscel. razno 117.40 101 23.25 32 11 Donation 25.00 102 — 35 — h 103 — 22 14 h Total: $4,983.30 105 18.35 30 6 Balance July 31, 1972 $558,181.86 105 24 3 August income - dohodki: 6,238.48 $3,977.50 7,914 2,280 564,420.34 Remarks: Pd. in June a; Pd. to Dec. Aug. disburs. stroški: 4,983.30 b; July & Aug. c; Aug. & Sept. d; June & July e; July, Aug. Sept. f; Pd. in May g; Pd. iin June h. Balance Aug. 31, 1972: $559,437.04 FANIKA HUMAR Gl. tajnica III1IHII Iimr.niiiiniiiim mini-, ii..ii.iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimirimiiiJiiiiwiimnniiiiiurmiiimnmiinm if .-iTninua.-:nii»iiiniiiimninnmnrnntniimiiimmmnTiHnminn»nnm'ni:uinmnm!mi;imiiii.iiiinmi TOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" HI BOYS AND GIRLS! "Don't Swap Horses in the Middle of the Stream” was the campaign slogan used by Democratic presidential candidates Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1916, 1936 and 1940. The slogan was originated with Abraham Lincoln in 1864 on the occasion of his nomination for re-election when he said: I do not allow mysef to suppose that either the convention or the National Union League have concluded to decided that I am either the greatest or best man in America, but rather they have concluded it is not best to swap horses while crossing the river, and have concluded that I am not so poor a horse that they might not make a botch of it in trying to swap. The term "Slogan” comes from the Gaelic word sFaugh-ghairms, signifying a war-cry of old Highland clans. Common throughout the whole of the European continent during the Middle Ages, their primary object "was to animate the rival warriors at the moment of attack and as a watchword by which individuals of the same party recognized each other, either amidst the darkness of the night or in the confusion of battle". Interesting and instructive are the American political slogans originating in some political issue upon which the opinions of the American people are divided. Some of the political reform slogans are: Down with Van Bur-enism; a Public Office is a public Trust; Turn the Rascals Out: and We Love Him for the enemies he has made. Advocating political corruption is the famous “To the Victors Belong the Spoils”. Loyafty to a man or to party principles is expressed in: A Chicken in Every Pot; Coolidge or Chaos; Don’t Swap Horses in the Middle of the Stream; He Kept us Out of War; and Let us Keep this Proven Man. In 1860 presidential campaign the Democrats could not agree upon one man and thus three were nominated, namely, Stephen Arnold Douglas of Illinois, John Cabell Breckenridge of Kentucky and John Bell of Tennessee. The Republicans nominated Lincoln. And the campaign was one of the bitterest and most strongly contested in American history. The slogans showed the widespread interest—abolition of slavery and the secession of the Southern states. Some of the slogans Were: The Constitution and the Union, Now and Forever; Free Homes for Free Men; Free Territory for a Free F>eople, a House divided against Itself cannot Stand; Intervention is Disunion; Let Liberty be National and Slavery Sectional; Millions for Freedom, not one cent for Slavery; Popular Sovereignty and National Union; and Slavery is a Moral, and Political Wrong. "A public office is a public trust” was coined in 1884 during Grover Cleveland’s candidacy to the office. As mayor of New York he placed public interests above party or political claims and because of his own faithfulness, integrity and efficiency in discharging the duties of his office. In the following campaign the Republicans slogan was “A surplus is easier to handle than a deficit", which was originated by the great English statesmen Benjamin Disraeli. A high tariff on imported goods caused a surplus of money in the United States treasury and so the Democrats advocated a reduction of the tariff so that the surplus might be reduced. The Republicans opposed the tariff reduction. Two of the principal slogans of the Republicans during the 1932 campaign were "Prosperity is Just Around the Corner” and “The Worst is Past”. Because of the depression with its dreadful economic effects the Democratic slogans were: the Forgotten Man, used to create sympathy for the poor and under privileged man who could barely eek out an existence from his earnings, or could not even support himself and his family on what he could earn; Happy Days are Here Again, used to create a feeling on the part of the people that if they elect Roosevelt they would get rid of the depression and its evil effects and im- mediately return to a state of prosperity; and a A New Deal to arouse support for the policies of relief, recovery and reform which Roosevelt felt were necessary because of the repression. In 1940 the Republican slogan was “We Want Wilkie”. Other slogans used were: No third Term; We don’t want Eleanor Either; Roosevelt for ex-president; Roosevelt? No! No! A thousand Times No!; and No Fourth Term Either. Some of the other Republican Presidential Campaign slogans were: 1856.—Give’em Jessie (John C. Fremont). 1868.—Let Us Have Peace. 1876.—Waving the Bloody Shirt 1880.—Anything to Beat Grant 1896.—Elect McKinley, the Advance Agent of Prosperity 1900.—McKinley and the Full Dinner Pail. 1908.—Stand Pat 1920.—Back to Normalcy with Harding 1924.—Coolidge or Chaos 1936.—Defeat the New Deal and Its Reckless Spending. Here are a few of the Democratic slogans: 1840.—Tippicanoe and Tyler, too. 1844.—Polk and the tariff of ‘42 1896.—Sixteen to One 1900.—The Flag of a Republic Forever, of an Empire Never. 1924.—Honesty at Home—Honor Abroad. "As Maine Goes, So Goes the Nation "is not always a forecast of the outcome of national elections. But next month we will see which slogan will be successful—the Republicans with “Four More Years" or the Democrats with "Come Home America". Your Friend, REGINA VAIBILO! Vsem slovenskim radio amaterjem širom sveta za povezavo. SLOVENSKA RADIO AMATERSKA ZVEZA JOŽE ŽELLE, W8FAZ, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Tone Vahčič, ml. K8ZWH, Euclid, Ohio Viktor Zakrajšek, VE3EQT, Downsview, Ontario, Roman Zakrajšek, VE3DQZ, Downsview, Ontario pošljite Vašo QSL-karto na: SARU, 1227 Addison Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 FRANC GQR3E 50 SIUDIA SLOVENICA P.O. EOX 232 HEW YORK, N.Y. 1003J - PATRONIZE'OUR ADVERTISERS - IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT VOU DO: Please fill out this coupon and mail to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60603: Name: OLD Address: NEW Address: Br. no: Zipcode Zipcode ■AVE AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills * 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT NEW RECIPES! KITCHEN- TESTED! worm's GLOW _ ) The Kitchen. (Cy Seni $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUIMERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST " . i • 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FPI€ Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO'S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688