Zbornik posvečamo svojemu kolegu, sodelavcu in učitelju prof. dr. Dušanu MLINŠKU ob njegovi 60-/etnici v zahvalo za njegov trud in njegovo delo. Ljubljana, septembra 1985 Delavci visokošolske temeljne organizacije za gozdarstvo Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani VSEBINA WINKLER, l.: • • • PROF. DR. DUSAN MLINSEK - SESTDESETLETNIK 9-11 WINKLER, l.: BIBLIOGRAFIJA MLINŠKOVIH STROKOVNIH IN ZNANSTVENIH DEL 15-18 ANKO, 8.: PERSPEKTIVE NAŠEGA RAZVOJA NA PODROČJU SPLOŠNO KORISTNIH FUNKCIJ GOZDA 19-30 GAŠPERŠIČ, F.: USTVARJALNOST PRI GOZDNOGOSPODARSKEMU NAČRTOVANJU 31-43 GAŠPERŠIČ, F.: POTI PREOBRAZBE IN POSODABLJANJA GOZDNOGOSPODARSKEGA NAČRTOVANJA 45-62 HORVAT-MAROLT, S.: VARIABILNOST JELKE (Abies alba Mili.) V JUGOSLAVIJI 63-73 HOČEVAR, M.: PRVINE SMOTRNEGA ZDRAVSTVENEGA STANJA GOZDNIH SESTOJEV 75-91 KAVČIČ, S.: TEŽAVE PRI MERJENJU USPEŠNOSTI POSLOVANJA V GOZDARSTVU 93-106 KOTAR, M.: POVEZANOST PROIZVODNIH ZMOGLJIVOSTI SESTOJA Z NJEGOVO GOSTOTO 107-126 PISKERNIK, M.: SLOVENIJA IN NEMČIJA IMATA NA NEKARBONATNIH KAMNINAH ISTE MIKRORELIEFNE GOZDNE ZDRUŽBE 127-134 REBULA, E.: SPRAVILO S TRAKTORJI V SLOVENIJI 135-147 ROBIČ, D.: PROBLEMI NARAVNEGA OBNAVLJANJA ANTROPOGENIH AL TIMONTANSKIH SMREKOVIJ NA POHORJU 149-159 WINKLER, l.: POSEBNI DRUŽBENI INTERES ZA GOSPODARJENJE Z GOZDOVI V SLOVENIJI 161-173 CONTENT WINKLER, l.: • • PROFESSOR DOCTOR DUSAN MLINSEK'S SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY 12-14 ANKO, 8.: PROSPECTS OF OUR DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF GENERALLY BENEFICIAL FOREST FUNCTIONS 19-30 GAŠPERŠIČ, F.: CREATIVITY IN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANNING 31-43 GAŠPERŠIČ, F.: THE WAYS OF TRANSFORMATION AND MODERNIZATION OF FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANNING 45-62 HORVAT-MAROLT, S.: THE VARIABILITY OF SILVER FIR (Abies alba Mili.) IN YUGOSLAVIA 63-73 HOČEVAR, M.: THE ELEMENTS OF RATIONAL, LARGE AREA PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE CONDITION OF FOREST STANDS 75-91 KAVČIČ, S.: PROBLEMS AT OPERATIONS EFFICIENCY SURUEY IN FORESTRY 93-106 KOTAR, M.: THE LINK-UP OF PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF A STAND ANO ITS DENSITY 107-126 PISKERNIK, M.: SLOVENIA ANO GERMANY POSSESS THE SAME MICRORELIEF FOREST PLANT COMMUNITIES ON NON-CARBONATIC SUBSTRATA 127-134 REBULA, E.: WOOD SKIDDING WITH TRACTORS IN SLOVENIA 135-147 ROBIČ, D.: SOME PROBLEMS OF NATU RAL REGENERATION IN MAN-MADE SPRUCE FOREST OF UPPER MOUNTAIN BELT IN POHORJE 149-159 WINKLER,/.: SPECIAL SOCIAL INTEREST IN FOREST MANAGEMENT IN SLOVENIA 161-173 PROF. DR. DUŠAN MLINŠEK - ŠESTDESETLETNIK Prof. dr. Dušan Mlinšek je začel svojo življenjsko pot 30. sep'tembra 1925 v Velenju v učiteljski družini. Po končani osnovni šoli v Velenju je obiskoval realno gimnazijo v Celju. Med vojno je bil januarja 1944 mobiliziran v nemško vojsko, od koder je ob koncu istega leta pobegnil v partizane. Po osvoboditvi je končal gimnazijo (1945) in se vpisal na gozdarski oddelek Agronomsko-gozdarske fakultete v Zagrebu; tam je diplomiral marca 1950. Najprej je bil zaposlen na Ministrstvu za gozdarstvo LRS kot pdpravnik za urejanje gozdov, leta 1951 je bil šef sekcije za urejanje gozdov v Murski Soboti, leta 1952 upravi- telj gozdne uprave Poljane na Gozdnem gospodarstvu Novo mesto. V letih 1953-60 je bil šef sekcije za urejanje in gojenje gozdov na Gozdnem gospodarstvu Slovenj Gradec. Od leta 1960 je bil docent, od leta 1966 izredni profesor, od leta 1971 pa je redni profesor za gojenje gozdov na Biotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani. Razgiban slovenski gozdni prostor daje idealne možnosti za raznoliko gozdarsko razisko- valno delo. Te prednosti je Mlinšek že zgodaj spoznal. Ustvarjalni nemir ga je spodbudil, da se je kot operativec odločil za doktorski študij, in leta 1958 tudi doktoriral na Zvezni visoki tehniški šoli v Ziirichu. Takrat se je tudi trajno zapisal raziskovalnemu delu. Stal- nica njegove raziskovalne usmeritve je razvijanje teoretičnih in praktičnih osnov in metod za sonaravno gospodarjenje z gozdom in krajino in prenašanje temeljnih zakoni- tosti sonaravnega ravnanja z gozdom in gozdnato krajino na druge obnovljive naravne vire. Takšna usmeritev terja široko zastavljeno in poglobljeno raziskovalno delo. V ta sklop sodijo zlasti njegove raziskave pragozda, še posebno razvojnih faz in zgradbe pra- gozda kot izhodišča za boljše delo z gospodarskim gozdom. Preučuje tudi metode kvanti- ficiranja učinkov nege in raziskuje učinke negovalnih ukrepov. Veliko pozornosti namenja pomladitveni ekologiji, zlasti raziskovanju vpliva pomlajevanja na populacijsko zgradbo sestoja in raziskovanju vpliva pomlajevanja na stojnost sestoja. O rezultatih tega dela najlepše priča nad 80 objavljenih znanstvenih in strokovnih del ter prav toliko referatov in predavanj na strokovnih in znanstvenih srečanjih. Mlinšek se zmeraj zaveda, da še tako uspešno raziskovalno delo ostane na pol poti, če ni hitro in učinkovito preneseno k tistemu, ki ga lahko uporabi. Zato izsledke razisko- valnega dela ves čas sproti uvaja v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces na fakulteti, prenaša jih strokovnjakom v praksi pa tudi s številnimi oblikami dopolnilnega izobraževanja in z objavami v strokovnih glasilih. K raziskovalnemu delu je pritegnil tudi veliko strokovnja- kov iz prakse; to je na eni strani olajšalo raziskovalno delo, na drugi pa pospešilo prena- šanje izsledkov v prakso. Vse to daje poseben pečat tudi Mlinškovemu vzgojno-izobraževalnemu delu. Na fakul• teto je prišel potem, ko je deset let delal v operativi, kot gozdarski strokovnjak z boga- timi praktičnimi izkušnjami pa tudi že kot izkušen raziskovalec. Mlinškov prihod na fakulteto je bil v mnogočem tudi začetek sodobnejšega vzgojno•izobralevalnega in raziskovalnega dela. Odhajal je rod fakultetnih učiteljev, ki so opravili pionirsko delo pri snovanju fakultete in njenih prvih korakih, tedaj pa je bilo treba odločneje napraviti tudi kakovostne premike. Mlinšek je v marsičem pripomogel prav k temu. Najprej je namenil vso pozornost svojemu pedagoškemu delu. Vsebinsko je preoblikoval študijski predmet gojenje gozdov, ga posodobil, postavil na raven, ki ustreza dosežkom sodobne gozdarske znanosti, hkrati pa ga tudi prilagodil potrebam naše gozdnogospodarske prakse. Telišče dela je prenesel od klasičnih kabinetnih predavanj na terenski pouk. K raziskovalnemu 9 delu je znal pritegniti tudi študente. Za sodobnejše oblike vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela je z zgledom in besedo navduševal svoje kolege in skupaj z njimi prispeval k današnji sodobni zasnovi gozdarskega visokošolskega študija. Takrat so se tudi začeli in nato šir§e razmahnili podiplomski seminarji na vseh področjih, začel se je magistrski študij, začeli so se redni gozdarski študijski dnevi in druge oblike dopolnilnega izobraževanja. Danes so te oblike splošno uveljavljene, ob njihovih začetkih pa je bilo potrebno veliko iskanja pa tudi truda za premagovanje ustaljenih navad. Mlinlek se vedno zavzema tudi za povezovanje raziskovalnega dela v jugoslovanskem in mednarodnem merilu. V sodelovanju z drugimi jugoslovanskimi raziskovalnimi organi- zacijami in gozdarskimi fakultetami je preučeval nekatere skupne raziskovalne proble• me, prenašal svoje izkušnje na seminarjih in posvetovanjih v drugih jugoslovanskih repu- blikah, zlasti v Srbiji in Bosni in Hercegovini, nekaj časa pa je tudi vodil Skupnost jugo- slovanskih gozdarskih fakultet in inštitutov. Z gozdarsko problematiko v drugih naših republikah je seznanjal tudi študente na absolventskih ekskurzijah, Kot udeleženec, poročevalec ali organizator je sodeloval na številnih mednarodnih gozdar- skih znanstvenih srečanjih in predaval na tujih gozdarskih fakultetah. Tako je ponesel v svet izsledke domačega raziskovalnega dela in izkušnje slovenskega gozdarstva. Več let je še posebno dejaven v mednarodni zvezi gozdarskih raziskovalnih organizacij (IUFRO); v tej je prevzel leta 1971 vodenje oddelka za gojenje gozdov, leta 1981 pa vodenje celotne organizacije. Kot predsednik IUFRO ima še posebno možnost in doltnost, da povezuje raziskovalna prizadevanja v svetu in hkrati bogati svoje znanje. Od leta 1970 je tudi dopisni član Italijanske akademije gozdarskih znanosti v Firencah. Ob obsetnem raziskovalnem in vzgojno-izobraževalnem delu je Mlinšek opravljal tudi poslovne in samoupravne naloge na fakulteti. Bil je predstojnik gozdarskega oddelka (1966--68), dekan (1973-75) in prodekan (1971-73 in 1975-77) Biotehniške fakul- tete ter član samoupravnih organov in delovnih teles na Vtozd za gozdarstvo, fakulteti in univerzi. Kot predsednik biotehniške sekcije pri Raziskovalni skupnosti Slovenije (1971-75) je pomagal utirati pot nove samoupravne organiziranosti naše raziskovalne dejavnosti. Več let je član uredniškega odbora Gozdarskega vestnika in uredniškega odbora Zbornika gozdarstva in lesarstva, zdaj pa tudi urednik za področje gozdarstva pri Enciklopediji Slovenije. Dosedanja življenjska pot prof. Mlinška je bila razgibana in ustvarjalna. S svojim delom se je nedvomno uveljavil kot pedagoški in znanstveni delavec ne samo v ožji domovini in drugih jugoslovanskih republikah, temveč tudi v mednarodni strokovni javnosti. Za svoje uspešno raziskovalno, vzgojno-izobraževalno in drugo delo je dobil doslej tudi nekaj formalnih priznanj. Za znanstveno študijo Rdeči bor v vzhodni Sloveniji je leta 1966 prejel nagrado Sklada Borisa Kidriča, za delovne dosežke pa je bil leta 1980 odlikovan z redom dela z zlatim vencem. Fakulteta se mu je ob JO-letnici oddolžila s plaketo Bio- tehniške fakultete. Ob koncu tega prikaza pa ne moremo in ne smemo mimo ugotovitve, da je ustvarjalna življenjska pot Dušana Mlinška tesno povezana s sodelovanjem in prizadevanji njegovih številnih sodelavcev na fakulteti, v gozdnogospodarskih organizacijah in v tujini. Saj, če je kaj, je raziskovalno delo vsekakor plod kolektivnega dela, sporazumevanja in tovariške delitve dela ter medsebojne pomoči, torej dela, ob katerem se hkrati s proizvodom razvija tudi proizvajalec. Raziskovalno delo je danes te tako zapleteno, da ga nihče več 10 ne more uspešno opravljati sam, izolirano ali zaprto. Zato so medsebojna vplivanja, pomoč in opozorila čedalje nujnejša, koristnejša in celo dragocena. Mlinšek se je vsega tega zmeraj dobro zavedal, in si ustvaril širok krog sodelavcev. Dušanu Mlinšku telimo, da bi tudi v prihodnje odločno korakal po začrtani poti v tesni povezavi z druibeno in gospodarsko prakso ter z drugimi raziskovalnimi in izobraieval- nimi organizacijami doma in v svetu. LIT.: Mala splošna enciklopedija, II. knjiga, DZS Ljubljana 1975, s. 643; Biografije in bibliografije univerzitetnih učiteljev, znanstvenih delavcev in sodelavcev, II. knjiga, Ljubljana 1969, s. 571-572 in III. knjiga, 2. del, Ljubljana 1981, s. 969-971; Šumarska enciklopedija, II. del, Zagreb 1983, s. 422; Raziskovalno delo VTOZD za gozdarstvo BF 1960-81, Ljubljana 1984. Iztok Winkler 11 PROFESSOR DOCTOR DUŠAN MLINŠEK'S SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY Professor Doctor Dušan Mlinšek was bom on September 30, 1925 in Velenje, into a teacher's family. After finishing primary school in Velenje, he attended realgymnasium in Celje. During the war, in January 1944, he was mobilized by the German army, yet by the end of the same year he escaped and joined the partisans. After the /iberation, he graduated from gymnasium (1945) and entered the Forestry Department at the Agricul- tura/-Forestry Faculty in Zagreb from where he graduated in 1950. In the beginning he worked at the Ministry of Forestry of Peop/e's Republic of Slovenia as an apprentice in forest planning. In 1951 he became chief of the section for forest planning in Murska Sobota. In 1952 he was manager of forest administration in Poljane at the Forest Enter- prise Novo mesto. In the years between 1953 - 60 he was chief of the section tor forest planning and si/vicu/ture at the Forest Enterprise of Slovenj Gradec. In 1960 he became assistant professor, in 1966 associate professor and since 1971 he has been professor of si/vicu/ture at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. The extremely varied S/ovene forest area offers ideal possibilities tor forestry research. Professor Mlinšek became aware of this advantage very early. His creative restlessness encouraged him to - as a man from the field - start and complete his doctoral thesis. In 1_958 he comp/eted his doctor's degree in Ziirich, at the Federal Technical Highschoo/. It was then that he devoted himself to research tor ever. The essence of his research that is a/ways present is the development of theoretical and practical basis and methods tor pro-natural forest and landscape management and the transfer of the basic laws of pro- natural treatment of forests and forest landscape to other renewab/e natura/ resources. Such aims demand a broad and profound research. Here particu/arly belongs his research on virgin forests, especially their development phases and structure as a starting point tor better work in economic forests. He also studies the methods of quantification of tending effects and the effects of tending. He is paying a lot of attention to regeneration eco/ogy, especially to research of the effects of regeneration and popu/ation structure of stands, and to research of the effects of regeneration on stability of stands. The best example of the results of his work are over 80 scientific and professiona/ publications and the same amount of papers and lectures at scientific and professiona/ meetings. Professor Mlinšek is very we/1 aware of the fact that no matter how successfu/ research is, it is only half done if it is not transfered to the one who can use it rapidly and efficiently. He therefore constantly transfers research results into education at the facu/ty, to scien- tists in the field and also via numerous forms of supplementary education, by pub/ishing them in professional newsletters etc. He has atracted numerous scientists from the field into research which on the one hand made research easier and on the o ther hand eccele- rated the transfer of results into praxis. It is a/1 this that gives a special meaning to Professor Mlinšek's educational work. He joi- ned the facu/ty after having worked in the field tor ten years, thus as a formed forestry specialist with rich practical experience and also formed asa researcher. In many ways his researcher. In many ways his arrival at the faculty was a/so the beginning of a moremo- dem education and research. At the tirne of his arrival, the generation of facu/ty teachers who did the pioneer work in creating and taking the first steps at the faculty, was leaving and it was tirne to undertake some quality changes. In many ways Mlinšek contributed to 12 this. At first he concentrated his fu/1 attention to his own pedagogica/ work. He changed the contents of his subject - si/vicu/ture he modernized it and put it on the leve/ that is up to the achievements of the contemporary forestry science. Yet at the same time he adjusted si/vicu/ture to the needs of our forest management praxis. He transfered the emphasis of his work from classical c/assroom teaching into the fie/d. He began to involve students into research. For a more modem education he managed to fill with enthusiasm, through his words and by giving an example, his col/eagues and together with them con- tributed. to the present modem concept of forestry highschoo/ studies. A t that time post- graduate seminars were initiated and later on spread to all branches. That was a/so the beginning of master degree studies, the beginning of Forestry Study Days that have since been organized regularly and other forms of complementary education. Nowadays a/1 the previously mentioned forms of education are generally acknowledged, butat their beginn- ings a lot of searching and many efforts to exceed the established practice were needed. Professor Mlinšek has a/ways been striving for a joined research within Yugoslavia as we/1 as internationa/ly. In cooperation with other Yugoslav as we/1 as internationally. In co- operation with other Yugoslav research organizations and forestry faculties in other repub/ics in Yugos/avia, he studied some joint research problems, transfered his experi- •ence via seminars and conferences in other Yugoslav republics, especially in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and for a while he also chaired the Society of Yugoslav Forestry Faculties and /nstitutes. During graduation excursions, he a/so made the students acqua- inted with the problems in other republics. As a participants, speaker or organizer he also col/aborated at numerous international forestry scientific meetings and lectured at faculties abroad. In this way he carried into the world the resu/ts of our research and the experiences of S/ovene forestry. For many years he has been especially active in the lnternational Union of Forestry Research Orga- nizations (IUFRO) where in 1971 he became coordinator of Division 1 Forest Environ- ment - Si/vicu/ture, and in 1981 the president. As the IUFRO president he especially has the possibility and duty to coordinate research endeavours in the world and at the same tirne gain more experience and knowledge. Since 1970 he has also been corres- ponding member of the ltalian Academy of Forestry Science in Florence. Apatt from his numerous research and educational tasks, Professor Mlinšek has also carried out managerial and se/f-managing duties. He was head of Forestry Department (1966-68), dean (1973-75) and deputy dean (1971-73, 1975-77) of the Biotechnical Faculty and a member of self-managing agencies and other bodies at the Forestry De- partment, the Biotechnical Faculty and the University of Ljubljana. As the president of the biotechnica/ section at the Research Community of S/ovenia (1971-75) he helped pave the way to new self-managing organization of our research activities. For many years he has been member of the editorial board of the Forestry Courier and the editorial board of the Code of Forestry and Woo/d lndustry. A t the present he is the editor of the forestry section at the Enciclopedia of Slovenia. Until now Professor Mlinšek's has been creative and full. Through his work he has un- doubtedly asserted himself as a pedagogical and scientific worker, not only in his hime- /and and other Yugoslav republics, but also internationally. For his successful research and education work as well as for his other work, he has been awarded a number of forma/ recognitions. For the scientific study Red Pine in Eastern Slovenia, he was award- ed the prize of the Boris Kidrii! Fund in 1966, for his work results, he was awarded the 13 Order of Work With a Golden Crown in 1980. For 30 years of his work the Faculty awarded him the Certificate of the Biotechnical Faculty. Before ending, we cannot and should not forget to mention, that Professor Mlinšek's /ife has always been closely linked to cooperation and efforts of his numerous fellos- -workers at the faculty, in forest enterprises and abroad. lf anything, then research surely is a fruit of collective work, understanding, friendly distribution of work and mutual help, namely it is the kind of work at which simultane- ously to the product the producer develops, too. Nowadays research has become compli- cated enough, so that it cannot be carried out successful/y by one persone alone. There- fore reciprocal influence, help, and warnings are becoming more and more neccessary, useful, even precious. Profesor Mlinšek has been aware of this from the very beginning and has created a wide circle of collaborators. We wish Professor Mlinšek to keep on marching straight along the outlined path in the future, too, closely linked to the social and economic practice and other research and education organizations at home and abroad. Iztok Winkler 14