577 Agata Šega Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Slovenia Agata.Sega@ff.uni-lj.si SINTEZE DE LIMBA ROMÂNĂ / SYNTHESIS OF THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE Krieb Stoian, Silvia (2020). Sinteze de limba română/ Synthesis of the Romanian Lan- guage. Ediția a II-a revizuită. Ploiești: Editura Universităţii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti. ISBN 978-973-719-796-2, 212 pp. The study Synthesis of the Romanian Language capitalizes on recent theoretical findings on Romanian grammar and seeks to provide a parallel between traditional grammar and the modern theories expounded in the new Grammar of the Academy (GALR) and the Basic Grammar of the Romanian language (GBLR). Through this work, Silvia Stoian Krieb highlights the main differences in interpretation between the two types of descrip- tion: the traditional and modern. The book consists of 212 pages and is addressed to specialists (teachers, pupils, students, Master’s students) and ordinary people interested in studying the Romanian language. It is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to morphology and comprises nine chapters, each containing a detailed description of the parts of speech from the perspec- tive of recent theories: noun, article, adjective, pronoun, numeral, verb, adverb, inter- jection, and prepositions and conjunctions. Each lexico-grammatical class is examined from the following perspectives: inflectional (the grammatical categories specific to each class and the internal structure of words are identified), syntactical (the combinatorial availabilities and syntactical positions of each lexico-grammatical class are highlighted) and semantic (the semantic aspects of each part of speech are listed). Depending on the characteristics of each grammar class, interferences with other parts of speech are also detailed. The author introduces the normative perspective, a change to the previous edi- tion: she mentions and explains for each part of speech the most common mistakes that appear in written and spoken communication in contemporary Romanian. The book is therefore a guide for all those who wish to use the Romanian language correctly. The second part of the study contains a brief presentation of the syntactical functions newly introduced into the Grammar of the Academy (GALR): the secondary object, the Agata Šega: SINTEZE DE LIMBA ROMÂNĂ / SYNTHESIS OF THE ROMANIAN LANGUAGE DOI: 10.4312/vestnik.13.577-578 578 VESTNIK ZA TUJE JEZIKE/JOURNAL FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGES prepositional object, the possessive object, the comparative object and the predicative object. These syntactical functions are presented by comparison with the interpretations from the traditional Romanian grammars still used in Romanian language and literature classes in Romanian schools, thus making it easier for teachers of the Romanian language to understand the new terms and introducing modern concepts into current textbooks. Silvia Stoian Krieb proves a good grounding in methodology and terminology, drawing fundamental distinctions between morphological classes and introducing the semantic-pragmatic perspective. The new edition is also improved by the introduction of tables that summarize the formation of verb tenses, and a discussion of the current difficulties encountered in the use of the Romanian language. These two are illustrated by two columns in which the misused and correct forms are listed. The monograph is well organized, and is presented clearly and attractively, while the writing style corresponds to the requirements of a scientific study. All statements used to exemplify the theoretical aspects presented are original, clear and explicit. The terminology corresponds to the new theoretical findings being advanced and, at the end, the author proposes a terminological glossary designed to clarify any misunderstandings generated by the terms used. Explanations are urgently required in contemporary Ro- manian linguistics, which has faced terminological problems determined mostly by the influence of English linguistic jargon. The book is accompanied by an extensive specialist bibliography, which references significant studies, both traditional and modern, dedicated to the grammar of the Roma- nian language. In conclusion, Silvia Stoian Krieb’s work is an indispensable tool for comprehend- ing the new concepts and terminology introduced by the new grammar of the Romanian Academy, and for interpreting traditional grammar from a modern perspective. It enables Romanian language teachers and those dedicated to learning and studying the Romanian language to grasp the grammatical jargon used in academic grammar studies. GALR - Gramatica limbii române I. Cuvântul, II. Enunțul, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2005. GBLR - Pană Dindelegan 2010 – Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (coord.), Gramatica de bază a limbii romȃne, Univers Enciclopedic Gold, București