| 347 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | UV OD NIK | ED ITO RIA L mag. Gregor Klemenčič predsednik Zveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia POZDRAVNI GOVOR PREDSEDNIKA ZGS OB JUBILEJNEM 50. GEODETSKEM DNEVU OPENING SPEECH AT THE 50TH LAND SURVEYING DAY Spoštovane geodetke in geodeti, spoštovani minister za okolje in prostor g. Uroš Brežan, spoštovani župan Velenja g. Peter Dermol, spoš- tovani direktor Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije g. Tomaž Petek, ostali gostje in ljubitelji geodezije, prisrčno pozdravljeni na jubilejnem, 50. Geodetskem dnevu v Velenju. Praznovanje obletnic je vedno nekaj posebnega, veselega in pozitivnega. Poseben dogodek, ko se zazre- mo na prehojeno pot in usmerimo pogled v prihodnost. Kot posamezniki imamo pri tem vsak svoje spomine, občutke, doživljanja in pričakovanja. Tako je tudi edino prav, da lahko kot posamezniki s svojo različnostjo pripomoremo kar največ v skupno dobro delovanja družbe in naše geodetske stroke. Želim in verjamem, da bo tudi letošnji Geodetski dan zaznamovan z veliko pozitivne energije, odkritega osebnega druženja in iskrenih strokovnih razprav. Verjamem in razumem, da trenutno stanje duha v geodetski stroki ni najboljše. To si je treba priznati, saj priznanje ni lastnost šibkih, ampak močnih. In se ob tem jasno zavedati, da se moramo drug drugega poslušati in slišati. Pogosta težava v naši stroki je, da se premalo pogovarjamo, premalo poslušamo in ne slišimo. Razvoj geodetske stroke v Sloveniji in nekdanjih ureditvah so zaznamovale različne prelomnice, ki so jih v večini prinašale zakonodajne in družbene spremembe. Namen vsake spremembe zakonodaje je izboljšanje pogojev delovanja geodetske stroke, modernizacija, višja stopnja digitalizacije, poenostavitev in pospešitev postopkov ter dvig učinkovitosti stroke za družbo kot celoto. Takšno prelomnico geodetske stroke je tudi letos zaznamovala uveljavitev Zakona o katastru nepremičnin in uvedba novega informacijskega sistema katastra. V pripravo zakona in informacijskega sistema je bilo vloženega ogromno strokovnega dela, različnih usklajevanj vsebin in pozitivnih namenov, da bo novi zakon ustrezal sodobnim potrebam geodetske stroke. Predlagane rešitve še niso v popolnosti zaživele v praksi, se pa aktivno usklajuje vsebina, ki povzroča težave, geodetska uprava pa v oktobru začenja z regijskimi delavnicami tudi za pooblaščene inženirje. Po delavnicah se bomo pod okriljem zveze geode- tov ponovno sestali vsi stebri geodetske stroke in se dogovorili glede nadaljnje organizacije strokovnih dogodkov na to temo za vse geodete. Letošnja tema Geodetskega dneva je več kot primerna za današnji čas in stanje v geodetski stroki. Vzpo- stavitev digitalnega okolja in vpeljava poslovanja v njem sta zahteven in dolgotrajen proces, ki vključuje | 348 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | UV OD NIK | ED ITO RIA L digitalizacijo in v nadaljevanju digitalno transformacijo. Uspešno delovanje v splošnem in tudi digitalnem okolju je mogoče le, če povezano in usklajeno delujejo vsi stebri geodetske stroke. Povezano delovanje pomeni skupno oblikovanje strategij, skupno načrtovanje prihodnosti, tudi na kadrovskem področju. Temu se vse prevečkrat posveča premalo pozornosti, zato bo ob koncu Geodetskega dneva jutri okrogla miza na temo kadrovskih izzivov v geodetski stroki. Spoštovani udeleženci Geodetskega dneva, začenjamo torej strokovni posvet, ki se bo danes končal s slavnostno akademijo, jutri pa nadaljeval s še enim strokovnim delom ter sklenil s sproščenim druženjem. Pustimo in dovolimo si praznovati jubilejni Geodetski dan, kot znamo in zmoremo samo geodeti. Z veliko strokovnega dela, druženja in veselja. Združimo to v odličen, pozitivno obarvan dogodek, ki se ga bomo še dolgo spominjali in bili nanj ponosni. Iskrena hvala vsem za organizacijo letošnjega jubilejnega Geodetskega dneva, vsem predavateljem, hvala, spoštovani gostje, in hvala vsem vam udeležencem. Srečno, geodezija. Velenje, 22. in 23. 9. 2022 | 349 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | UV OD NIK | ED ITO RIA LDear Land Surveyors, Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Uroš Brežan, Mayor of Velenje, Peter Dermol, Director of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Tomaž Petek, distinguished guests from abroad and Slovenia, and all other friends of land surveying, allow me to warmly greet you here at the 50th Land Surveying Day in Velenje. Celebrating anniversaries has always been something special, happy, and positive. $is has always been an excellent opportunity to take a look back at the path taken and a glimpse into the future. $is generates dif- ferent memories, feelings, experiences, and expectations in every individual. So, it seems perfectly %tting for us, as individuals, to attempt to make a signi%cant contribution to the common good of our society and our profession. I believe this year’s Land Surveying Day will be marked by plenty of positive energy, sincere per- sonal encounters, and frank professional discussions. I am convinced, and I understand that our profession has seen better spirits. One should openly admit that; it is not a sign of weakness but of strength to acknowledge an unpleasant truth. One should always remain sensitive to the need to listen to and hear each other. A lack of conversation, an inability to listen to and to hear others, is often a serious obstacle in our profession. $e development of land surveying in Slovenia and other political entities has been marked by several turning points, predominantly the result of legislative and social changes. Every change of legislation aims to improve the conditions for the surveying profession, be it staying in touch with the latest professional developments, a higher degree of digitalisation, simpli%cation and acceleration of procedures, or increased e&ciency for the bene%t of society as a whole. $is year, such a turning point occurred with the enforcement of the Real Estate Cadastre Act and the intro- duction of a new cadastral information system. $eir preparation required considerable professional e'orts, substantial coordination, and honourable intentions so that the new act met the demands of contemporary land surveying. All the suggested solutions have not yet taken root in practice, but the issues are being success- fully resolved; the state mapping authority starts with regional workshops for chartered engineers in October. After the workshops are %nished, the Association of Land Surveyors will organise a meeting for all the major players in land surveying in Slovenia, where arrangements for further professional events will be discussed. $e theme of this year’s Land Surveying Day is more than %tting for the times and circumstances of land surveying. $e establishment and introduction of a digital environment are a demanding and lengthy process that %rst calls for digitalisation and then digital transformation. $e secret to success in general and digital environments lies in the e'ective and smooth cooperation of all the pillars of the land surveying profession. $is means a joint design of strategies and joint planning for the future, which includes human resources. We tend to forget that, which is why the round table organised at the end of the Land Surveying Day aims to address these issues. Dear guests of the Land Surveying Day, let me announce the beginning of our expert meeting, which will be concluded by a Ceremonial Academy today, and with a relaxed social event tomorrow. Allow ourselves to | 350 | | 66/3| GEODETSKI VESTNIK celebrate the anniversary of the Land Surveying Day in our unique, land-surveying way – with plenty of expert contributions, socialising, and goodwill. Let us join our assets into an extraordinary and positive event that we will remember with pride for many years ahead. Let me express my sincere thanks for organising this year’s anniversary. I am grateful to all the speakers, thank you, distinguished guests, as well as all other participants. Good luck, land surveying! Velenje, 22nd and 23rd September 2022