^ dan razen »oboi. nedalt | to praznikov. jtoiiy «*«pt Saturdays. ^ dan* c* r Sund*y« HoU PROSVETA , » i GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE * rTEAB XXXVIII c«m ;i«u )• $6.00 SnUirad m •roon« clMa matur January I«. 1UX. al tha ouat offt.-« al Chloa«% Hlmott. undar tha Act of Contra* of March t. IITI. CHICAGO 23. ILL.. SREDA. 7. AVGUSTA (AUGUST 7). 1946 Subscription $6.00 Yearly ŠTEV.—NUMBER 152 Acceptance for tnnilin« at cpecial rate of poatage provided for ln aection 1103, Act of Oct. 3. 1017, authorized on Juna 4, 1918 . . . inje o volilni procedv nadaljuje na konferenci M kritiziral stali-t ameriškega državnega tajnika ebata o brit-skem načrtu _ 6. avg.—Reprezentanti 'vezniških držav na mirovni ferenci se ne morejo zedini-folilni proceduri. Nastal je I konflikt med Ameriko, jo Britanijo in Francijo na itrani in sovjetsko Rusijo na gj tflede sprejemanja " za-ickov z dvetretjinsko večino, nujni apel ruske delegacije bila debata zaključena. Pri-iije se, da bo odločitev padla volilni proceduri so govorili rezentanti 17 držav. Ameri-Avstralija in Južnoafriška [ji so skušale izsiliti glasova-v pričakovanju, da bo prati dvetretjinski večini, osvo-na konferenci zunanjih mi-trov štirih velesil, modifici-Na mirovni konferenci jete resolucije naj bi se iložile veliki četvorici, ako ile odobrene z navadno ve- jidrej A. Višinski, ruski zu-i podminister, je predlagal iucenje debate. Predlog je sprejet. Prej se je devet j državic pridružilo trem ilam z namenom, da se raz-jivijo zaključki članov sveta injih ministrov. Štiri drža-•Jufioslavija, Poljska,. Čeho-jja in Belorusija—so se za strogo tolmačenje pra-dvetretjinske večine, utki zunanji minister Molo-ie potem predlagal revizijo rctnega zaključka zunanjih listrov o proceduri. Citiral esedilo amendmenta, katere e sestavil amerški državni k Byrnes. Slednji je ta a-Bdment zavrgel in se je izza drugega, katerega je dložila britska delegacija, tski amendment predvide-Ive kategoriji konferenčnih lucij. Ena uključuje one, ki »le odobrene z dvetretjinsko W druga pa one, ki bi bile ene z manjšo večino. Vse bile predložene svetu zu ih ministrov. teku debate o britskem na je Molotov argumentiral v 98 ohranitvi pravila dve-snske večine. Poudarjal je e namen načrta razveljav ••zaključkov zunanjih mikov. Molotov jc kritiziral * ameriškega državnega "ka Bvrnesa. *yrnei nam je povedal, da '^ključki zunanjih ministrov ••verujejo, ako se tičejo vo-pr;*0dur«» je rekel Molo^ "Njegovega stališča ne mo šumeti. Ako zavrača ob-o vprašanjih procedure, 'moremo vedeti, da bo dr-**do o drugih sprejetih Mkih. Vsi člani sveta zu-m»ni»trov so odobrili na-»Jvetretjinskc v« čine." sve icm govoru "Poročila o formiranju f bloka proti Rusiji. V* a • komi«ijt za sesta- l ( ^Igarijo. Ogrsko in "'vražne države. * Ml da Amerika ; Vuk ^ključek. ki bol 1vjir» tjiniiko večino, I ■ * bo strinjala z njim. Vlada Iraka naznanila dogovor Perzijski tisk kritizira gibanje britskih čet . Bagdad. Irak. 6. avg.—Vlada je naznanila sklenitev dogovora Veliko Britanijo, ki določa nadomestitev sedanje britske vojaške garnizije v Šiabl z novimi četami. Naznanilo dostavlja, da je dogovor v soglasju z britsko-iraško pogodbo. V Irak bodo prišle poleg britskih tudi indiiske čete. Te bodo ščitile britske in indijske interese v deželi. Teheran. Perzija. 6. avg.—Tu kajšnji listi kritizirajo gibanje britskih čet v Iraku. Levičarski list Darya pravi, da gibanje čet ograža perzijske interese, zaeno pa naglaša, da bo Perzija bra nila svoje interese z oboroženo silo, če bo potrebno. List Darya je objavil poročilo ruske časniške agenture Tass, da je poveljnik britske vojaške posadke v Basri, Irak, ponudil pomoč oljnim kompanijam za razbijanje stavke oljnih delavcev in delavskih strokovnih unij. Nekateri voditelji stavke oljnih delavcev so bili sretiranl ln vrženi v ječo. Porast iivljenskih stroškov v Chicagu Chicago, 0. avg.—Zivljensk stroški v Chicsgu in okolici so se zvišali za 7.7'A do 15. julij po poročilu federalnegs biroja za delavsko statistiko. Med mi-jeni in 15. julijem so se zvišal za 17.r/r. Meso se Je v tem ca su podražilo za 34 odstotkov. Domače vesti Zborovanje glavnega in konvenčnih odborov Chicago.—Prihodnji potek. 9. avgusta, ae glavni odbor SNPJ soatane na svojem polletnem zborovanju v Evelathu. Minn., kjer ae bo prihodnji pondeljek pričela 13. redna konvencija. Istotam ae ta teden eeatanejo tudi provlsorlčni konvenčnl odbori. Odbor ss pravila prične zborovati Jutri (četrtek), povarllnt odbor v petek, odbor sa resolucija pa v aoboto. Naloga teh odborov Je. da pripravijo material sa konvencijo. Nadsornl odaek glavnega odbora Je pričel svoje pregledevalno delo v glavnem uradu včeraj (torek). V četrtek ao sestane v Evelathu tudi gospodarski odsek. Nov grob v Detroitu Detroit.—Dne 1. avgusta je u-mrla Pauline Basarich, stara 52 let, rojena v Čehoslovakiji, v Ameriki 35 let, članica društva 121 SNPJ. Tukaj zapušča moža, štiri sinove in hčer, v Pennsyl-vaniji sestro, na Češkem pa brata. Nov grob v Illinoisu Johnston City, 111.—Dne 30. julija je naglo umrla Alojzija Avbelj, vdova po pokojnem Franku Avblju, stara 64 let, članica SNPJ 35 let. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1906 iz Vač pri Litiji. Zapušča dva sinova—Fran-ka v West Frankfortu in Johna doma, tri poročene hčere—Lucy Bartol v Stiritzu, 111., Rose Psul v West Frankfortu in Mary Je-rino v Chicagu, kakor tudi dva vnuka in dve vnukinji, v starem kraju pa polbrata in polsestro. •e vrnili sdravi Terre Haute, Ind.—Društvo 221 SNPJ je imelo šest članov vojni, ki pa so sc k sreči vsi zdravi vrnili domov. Društvo ima zdaj dva bolnika: Štefanijo Berlot ln Antona Staniča. Slednji boleha že štiri mesece in je bil 22. julija odpeljan v bolnišnico. Pionirji so se lskasali Chicsgo.—"Homecoming" piknik društva Pioneer 559 SNPJ, ki se Je vršil zadnjo soboto v Pilsonovom parku, Je bil do danes največja priredba kakega posameznega društva. Priredbe se je udeležUo čez 2 500 ljudi. Novi svto Fordovega izdelka je dobUa miss Rose Zalokar iz Chi-caga. Cehi zahtevajo kos Avstrije Dunai, 6. avg.—Cehoslovakija sc je pridružila onim državam, ki zahtevajo strsteglčne krsje od Avstrije. Nsznsnllo prsvi, ds hoče dobiti kos ozemljs ob reki Donsvi, ns ksterem Je slikovito mesto Msrchegg. To le žl neka i milj severovzhodno od Brstislsve. Kita i »ki i zda i al c i ustreljeni v Sanghaju ftanghaj. Kitajska. 6 svg. Skupi ns 26 izdajalcev, ki so pridružili Japoncem v teku vojne. Je btls ustreljene v tem me stu. Obsodbo, katero Je Izreklo vojaško sodišče o jezeru v bližini Jackson Parka. Pri potnikov je dobilo težki/ po škodbe. Lie svari velesile v poročilu Sabotaža organizacije Združenih narodov stališče jugoslavije 0 tržaškem vprašanju New York. 6. svg. — Trygva Lie. generslni tajnik Združenih narodov, je v avojem poročili posvsril Ameriko, Veliko Brita ni jo, Rusijo. Frsncijo in Kits, sko pred posledicami, ki bodo nastale, če ne bo prišlo do sp< razuma med njimi glede teše-vanja svetovnih problemov ' "Organizacija Združenih narodov ni bila ustanovljena za izvrševanje funkcij mirovne konference," pravi Lie v poročilu "Ona ne more biti poaredo-valka med velesilami. Ustanovljena je bila v pričakovanju, da se bodo člani varnoetnegs sveta Kpora/umeli o glavnih vprašanjih Kakor glede kontrole atomske .energije, h pred nami izblrs l#ivljen> ali smrti Polom or-| ganiracije Združenih narodov Ljubljana. — (Tanjug) — De avci, trgovci, uradniki in name-ičencl so pustili delo, da pozdravijo člane jugoslovanske delegacije, ki so se ustavili v Ljubljani na svoji poti v Pariz na mirovno konferenco. Mesto je bi-o v morju zustav in slik Stalina, Tita in Kardelja. Iz vseh krajev Slovenije in ulijske Krajine so prišli ljudje v Ljubljano. V drugih mestih n trgih so se vršila zborovanja n shodi, na katerih so bile sprejete resolucije z zahtevo, da morata Trst in vsa Julijska Kra-ina priti pod Jugoslavijo. Shodi so bili dokaz, da slovenski narod kot celota podpira vludu in delegacijo. Na železniški postaji so de-egate pozdravili Miha Marinko, jrcdsodmk slovensko vlado, io jrezentantl urmade in narodnih organizacij. Železniški vozovi so bili okrašeni s cvetjem, na okomotivl pa sta bila grb tržaškega mesta in napis VPravdu Trstu—Svoboda Trstu!" Ko so se člani delegacije vozili po ljubljanskih ulicah, so ogromne množice manifestirale za prlključenje Trsta ln Julij ske Krajine k Jugoslaviji. De legscljs Je potem sprejela v prostorih narodne vlade Slovenije reprezentante is vseh krajev Slovenije, Julijske Krajine in TrsU. Edvard Kardelj, načel nik delegacije, je govoril pi;ed reprezentanti. "Uverjenl spto, da no branimo samo pravic našega naroda, temveč tuHI pravice človeštva," je dejal. "Bodite prepričani, da naša vlada z maršalom Titom n^ čelu ne bo nikdar prlstsla na nepravične odloke, na odloke, ki niso V soglasju z zshtevsml ns-njjds. Nočem ustvarjati Iluzij, ker ne vem, kakšni zaključki bodo sprejeti na mirovni konfe-renci v Parizu, VI veste, da ne odločujemo sami, tods ena stvsr je gotova in tu Je, ds bomo odločno branili svobodo in čast nu-šegu naroda, Člani delegacije bodo ostali zvesti načelom, za katere smo se borili vsa leta ln doprlnašall žrtve za osvoboditev." Ns vseh postajah ob železnici so se zbirale množice ln pozdrsv-Ijsle člane delegacije. Senator zahteva odpoklic ameriških čet Washington, D. C., 6. avg.-Senator El lender, demokrat iz Loulslane, Je zahteval odp«»kllc ameriških čet Iz kitajskih pokra jin. On je bil član grupe senatorjev in kongresnikov, ki so ob iMkali Kitajsko In 30 drugih dr žsv. KI lender Je ns seatsnku s časnikarji' dejal, ds Je sltuacljs na Kitajskem brezupna zaradi kavsanja med političnimi frakcijami. Kitajska še ni dozorela za demokracijo In nobenega Iz gleda nI, da se bo situsclja iz-boljšala. Dr. Bebler podprl argw mente podpredsednika vlade OBSODBA ZAKLJUČKA MINISTROV Parla.—Dr. Aleš Bebler, pomožni jugoslovanski zunanji minister, jo pojasnil stališče Jugoslavije o tržaškem vprašanju. Izjavil je, da Jugoslavija ne bo odobrila zaključku zunanjih ministrov štirih velesil, da prideta Trst in okolica pod mednarodno kontrolo, temveč bo nadaljevala borbo, da prideta pod Jugoslavijo. Dr. Beblor jo citiral in podprl argumente Edvarda Kardelja, podpredsedniku jugoslovanske vlade ln njegovo izjavo, katero Je podal v Parizu, ko se je vršila konferenca zunanjih ministrov Rusije, Ameriko, Velike Brltsnlje in Francije in ns-kateri Je bil sprejet zaključek glede internacionalizacije Trsts, "Trst kot luku ln industrijski center morata služiti zaledju," je rekel Bebler, "Ozemlje zaledja je slovensko in frvsško. Lets 191«. ko je imel Trst trgovsko mornarico s tonažo 720,-000 ton, ni bila niti ena paro* brodna družba Italijanska. Na podlagi mornarice se Je Trst razvil v Industrijski center. V industrijah so bili uposlenl Slovenci in Hrvati is zaledja. Ita-Ijunxkegu kapitalu v Trstu nI illo pred prvo svotovno vojno, temveč le uvhtrtyski In Jugoslovanski kapital. Trst kot luku ne more priti x>d mednarodno suvereniteto, ter služi potrebam več dršav. Meti temi so pol*K Jugoslavije Cehoslovakija, Poljsks, Ogrska, Rumunljs, Avstrija, Ukrajina in Albanija. Vse te so že Izjavile, da mora Trst priti pod suvereniteto Jugoslavijo, ki bo najbolje ščitila skupne interese," Dr. Bebler Je dalje rekel, da je bila Jugoslavija zaveznica zmagovitih držav, Italija pa so-vražnica, Doprinašala je ogromne žrtve v vojni proti Nemčiji in,Italiji, iz tega In drugih raz-logov je njena zahteva, da morata Trst In vso Julijska Krajina priti |H)d Jugoslavijo, upravičeno. Grška ekonomska misija v Washingtonu Waahlngton, D. C, 6 evg,-Člani grške ekonomske misije s< dospeli v Washington, kjer bo-do imeli razgovore z ameriškimi uradniki glede poanjlla ln kredi ta Grčijo potrebuje posoj^0 u financiranje ekonomske rekonstrukcije. Načelnik misije je bivši premier Rophocles Venl-telos. bi bil polom prizadevanj za do-aego trsjnego miru in zmogs rozkola. Neaoglaoje med vele-allaml Je v bistvu aabotitanje organizacije Združenih narodov. Čas Je, da velesile *|>ornajo nevarnost.* Rusi sklicali sejo članov sveta Avstrijska vlada obdolžena kršenja provizij dogovora Dunaj, 6. avg.- Reprezentanti Rusije v zavezniškem svetu za kontrolo Avstrije so sklicali Izredno sejo sinoči. General Ralph Tate, ameriški reprezen-tant, je protestiral ln noglssil. do ni pripravljen zs sejo, ki Je btls sklicana v naglici. Reprezentanti Rusije so na aeji predložili resolucijo z ob-dolžitvtjo, do Je avstrijska vlada kršila provizije dogovora z uve-IjavljenJern zakona, ki določa podi ža vi jen je industrij, ki so lastnlha Nemcev Ta Je prišli v roke Nemcev po Hitlerjevi okupaciji Avstrije. Rimi ao zavzeli stališče, da moro biti loatnlno Nemcev Izročeno njim kot vojna odškodnina. Zakon glede podržavljenja nemških industrij je v naaprotju s ruskim stališčem. Reprezentanti Amerike, Velike Britanije in Francije v zavezniškem svetu so izjavili, da morajo dobiti dovolj čaaa za študijo vprašanje. Predlagali so, naj sr diskuzije vrše na redni seji »vets 9. avgusta. PROSVETA SREDA, 7. SEJA UTAŠKE FEDERACIJE Tricm. Utah.—Federacija društev SNPJ za državo Utah ho imela prihodnjo sejo 1. septembra, začetek ob dveh popoldne v običajnem prostoru. Vabim vsa društva, da pošljejo svoj* zastopnike. Na seji bo podano poročilo o veselici, ki se je vršila 12. julija. Udeležite se v polnem številu! Joeeph Peternel, tajnik. L. Frank poroča, da je bil na agitaciji za ftrosveto in pridobil je sedam novih naročnik na dnevnik. Frank Markovič predlaga, da federacija daruje $25 za otroško bolnišnico, br. A. Osred-kar pa za $50. Večina glasuje za |80. Denar se pošlje v glavni urad SANSa. Tajnik izplača nagrade za nove člane: br. Ocepek dobi $2.50 in M. Fidel za društvo 626 $5. Sledi zaključek seje. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 29. septembra v klubovih prostorih v Kenmor-ju. Začetek ob desetih dopoldne. Mary Suštaršlč. zapisnikarica. SESTRA ISCE BRATA Franceta Kovačič. Prosi se, da ae eglasi na naslov Frances Čeh, roj. Kovačič (Rihtarjeva), vas Kamnje It. 9, pošta St. Rupert pri Mokronogu, Dolenjsko, Jugoslavija—ali pa na Franeea Prah, 2215 So. Wood St., Chicago 8, 111. leto ne vrli ohijski dan. Za isto društvo poroča br. Ocepek, da imajo še enega člana pri vojakih; za delegata pa je izvoljen br. A. Yakich. Za društvo 73 poroča sestra Suštaršič: imajo enega člana pri vojakih, eden je v sanatoriju; društvo je darova-, lo za otroško bolnišnico v Sloveniji $10, v mladinski oddelek pridobili enega člana; društvo se je združilo v svrho izvolitve delegata z društvom 535. Izvoljena je bila sestra M. Suštaršič. Za društvo 315 poroča br. Chufan pridobili so enega člana v odrasli oddelek in dva v mladinski. Pri društvu 484 so dobili štiri člane s prestopnimi Usti. Za društva 170, 178, 456, 535 in 516 nimajo poročati kaj posebnega. Poročila se vzame na znanje. Predsednik apelira na zastopnike, da bi pridobili čim več novih članov, nato pa se prične razprava o konvenciji. Brat Chufar priporoča, da delujeta delegata za spremembo točke, ki določa, da mora tajnik poslati asesment v gl. urad do petega v mesecu. Ta točka se naj spremeni v toliko, da bo imel tajnik čas poslati društvene prispevke v glavni urad vsaj do 10. v mesecu. Pet dni po prvem vsekakor ni dovolj časa. TEREZIJA ZAL0KAR so navzoči, slišijo menje zastopnikov. Podpredsednik federacije M. Mavrovich, ki je delegat društva 223/je imel spisana priporočila njihovega društva. .Federacija se strinja z njihovimi priporočili. Br. M. Drop, član društva 23, priporoča naj bi SNPJ ustanovila bolnišnični načrt (Hospitalization Plan). Vsi navzoči se strinjajo a tem priporočilom. Prihodnja federacijska seja se bo vršila v Slovenskem domu v Herminieju, in sicer četrto nedeljo v oktobru, to je 27. oktobra. Mary E. Fradel. poročevalka. IZČRPEK ZAPISNIKA FEDERACIJE ZA SEVEROVZHODNI OHIO Barberton, O^—Seja se je vršila 30. junija v dvorani društva Domovine, Barberton, O. Predsednik odpre sejo ob desetih dopoldne. Uradniki so vsi navzoči. Zapisnik sprejet kot čitan. Navzoči so zastopniki sledečih društev: št. 48: A. Yakich, L. Ocepek, L. Frank; št. 73: F. Markovič, M. Šuštaršič; društvo 170: F. Zakely; št. 178: A. Osredkar; št. 315: P. Chufar; št. 456: Matt Peklaj; št. 484: Chas. Hren In John Debevec; št. 516: S. Komugovich in R. Katich, št. 535; F. Anderluh, Za društvo 626 pa se je kot opazovalka udeležila M. Fidel. . Tajnik prečita račune, katere se vzame na znanje. Poročila zastopnikov: Brat Yakich, zastopnik društva 48, poroča o izidu aeje vseh štirih ohijskih federacij SNPJ, ki se je vršila v Barbertonu. Namen te seje je bil, da bi priredili o-hijski dan SNPJ, ali vsled velikih težav so sklenili, da se to ZAPISNIK WESTMORE-LANDSKE FEDERACIJE Lairobe. Pa.—Seja westmore-landske federacije SNPJ se je vršila v West Newtonu. Začela se je ob treh popoldne. Zapisnik je bil prečitan in sprejet z majhnim popravkom. Poročilo odbora: Predsednik poroča o pripravah za piknik (28. julija). Blagajnik Alex Skerly poroča, da so znašali dohodki zadnje tri mesece $31.15, izdatki pa $45.22, torej primanjkljaj $14.07. V blagajni je še $930.03. Nadzorni odsek poroča, da je pregledal knjige tajnika in blagajnika in jih našel v redu. Zastopana so sledeča društva: it. 7 (3 zastopniki), 23 (3), 64 (2), 87 (1), 200 (3), 223 (2), 63 (1), 317 (1), 583 (2), 613 (1), 683 (2), 725 (2), 758 (2), 340 (2), 318 (1), 232 (2). Za društvo št. 7 poročajo, da Imajo 202 člana v odraslem oddelku in 38 v mladinskem. Pri društvu 63 so pridobili štiri nove člane. Za društvo št. 200 poročajo, da imajo 96 članov v odraslem oddelku in 25 v mladinskem. Umrl je član Anton Pes-temik. Pri društvu 223 so pridobili enega novega člana. Za društvo 232 poročajo, da je bil ubit v volni br. Fatur iz Del-monta. Za društvi 87 in 613 poročajo, da bodo priredili skupno zabavo za volne veterane dne 1. septembra. Ob tej priliki bodo izdali spominske knjižice in vprašajo federacijo za oglas. Odobreno, da se naroči oglaa za $15. Nadalje je bilo ponovno odobreno, da se izplača društvu 758 vsoto $12.50 za pokal. Ta Izplačftev je pomotoma izostala Se iz leta i 939. Odobreno je tudi bilo, da se blagajniku izplača $15, ki jo je plačal za oglas v spominski knjižici za otroško bolnišnico v Sloveniji Na federacijski seji meseca aprila je odbor za piknik poročal, da ne bo mogoče dobiti jest-vin in pijače, dobil pa je prostor in godbo; Sklenjeno je bilo, da se bo vršila plesna veselica in tako zvani "basket" piknik. Odbor za piknik je šel še bolj vneto na delo in na seji 21. julija je poročal, da je preskrbel za dosti pijače in jestvin, zato ni potrebno, da bi prinesli a aeboj svoje košarice z jestvinaml, ampak se bo vršil piknik kot druga leta. Za društvi 64 in 223 poročajo, da so sklenili, da bodo prinesli košarice z jestvinaml. Predsednik se Jim zahvali za dobro voljo. Br. Anton Zornlk pravi, naj bi povabili kakšnega govornika^ toda zastopniki društev so se to-rekli, naj bo veljaven sklep zadnje seje, namreč da se ne pova bi nobenega govornika*za letošnji piknik. Na dnevni red pride razpravo glede pravil SNPJ. Delegati, ki SEWERS RAD BI IZVEDEL za moje brate Frank, Jim in Tony Hočevar in za sorodnike od brata 3eorge Hočevarja, doma iz vasi Ksl it. 26, pošta Zagradec na Dolenjskem v Jugoslaviji, Prosim jih, ako so še živi, naj ml pišejo na moj naslov: JOSEPH HOČEVAR, 11312 Dove Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio. —(Adv.) ANTONIJA KRULTZ (JANITRESSES) Tako) od sačetka plaža 72Vic na uro. po treh mesecih TIVic na uro In po tastih mesecih po 82 Vi na Počutim Se Izvrstno I Zahvalo Hoboko ŽENSKE ZA ČIŠČENJE V VSEH DELIH MESTA Delovne ure od 5:80 pop. do 12 ure ponoči Oglasile se avl Days or Evenings Full time light work Apply at: 1800 So. Homan Ave v wpwlflTflstwi uradu aa hmlo V pritličju 909 W. WASHINGTON ST. mizerne, nervozne in is wh in če trpita »»led glavobola, smrdljivega diha, fteledčae nerednozU, neprebev-nost, isguba spanca, pomanjkanja ape-tha tar se htitt v Šelodcn Mf—f-t' mita lfo Petenovo dolgo preizkušeni Uoboko. To je val kot navadna odvajalna—Je adravilna taaika —Je aasas 18 naravnih koreninic, sellM ta cvetja. Hoboko pripravi aaosaaaae faeva k dala, pomaga prljasne lo gladko odvajanje zabaianih, ostaakevi odftene. plin aapeke In povrne ftelodca pri jasne _ . gefketo. Ako kalite po-aevao aiivaU veselje, o4> pravo aapitniike nered-^/^^ , URADNO NAZNANILO ▼som delničarjem-delničarkam In društvom delničarjem KORPORACIJE ^kjt/r v tej posojilnici zavarovana do |8«00a00 po Federal Savings ft Loan Insurance Corporation. Washington. D. C. Sprejemamo oaebna In društvena vloge LIBERALNE OBRESTI St. Clair Savlnga Ik Loan Co. 8238 St. Clair Avenue • Hand. M70 CLEVELAND. OHIO Slovenski Delavski Dom 1S335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland 10, Ohio so nasnanja, da so novi članski certifikati saaotovljeni. tor se naproša vse delničarja, da oh prvi priliki samenjajo staro delnico sa nove certifikata. Prinesite osebno staro delnico v urad tajnika In takoj bosta v samono dobili novo certifikate. Tajnik Je v uradu vsaki večer od 8:30 do StSO P. M. (rasvan sredah In sobotah). Za dlrektorij—VINCENT COFF. Sec^- V POLETNI VROČINI Vsaka kuharica je v poletni vročini često v zadregi, kaj naj da na mizo, da bo zadovoljila svoje omizje, kajti mnoga jedila in pijače, ki so dobrodošla pozimi, oz. v hladnem vremenu, niso niti dobra, niti vabljiva v vročih poletnih dneh.-SLOVENSKO-AMERIŠKA KUHARICA vam nudi zelo mnoge jedi in pijač, glede katerih skoro ne more biti dvoma, da bi jih vaše ozmizje ne sprejelo z zadovoljstvom in s hvaležnostjo kuharici za njen "trlt," za njeno skrbnost in umnost.—Ako Še ni te važne in koristne knjige v vaši kuhinji, je v Interesu Vaše družine in Vaa samih, da si jo takoj naročite, kajti ta obsežna in praktična njiga je vsakdanja svetovalka ln pomočnica vsaki kuharici v vsakem letnem času.—Naročilo Jo lahko po poštnem povaetju. aR pa pošljite 85 nat Ivanka Za-kraJšek. 302 E. 72nd SU Now York 11. N. Y. NAMEČEK pa. PITER'S LtOIVt OLBJ UN! MEnTA —i aatiaep44iihltro »aanaga pwt batalteaei raviaattawMi te Mvrehtja hrbtnim mUtAtm belailitaas. aa okorela k bobe mUtee—teUMenie te Isvteleoeetf Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srca na s nan jamo tušno vast, da Jo po dveletni ln pot' maaočni bolosnl sa vodno preminul moj ljubljeni soprog Umrl Jo 11. julija 1848. Rojen Jo bU v salu Popovich brdo. Ko-tar Karlovac v JugoelaviJL BU Jo dolgoleten član društva "Maš Dom" št. 33 SNPJ ln UBU broj 1. Hrvatako Bratsko Zajodnlco. Pogreb so Jo vršil v nedeljo dno 14. julija ob 2. uri popoldne Is Pravoslavno cerkve na Economy Narodne pokopališča. Tem potom so naplopšo aahvallmo vsem prijateljem ln snancom sa podarjeno mu krasno venca ln cvetlice, vsem. ki sto voalll brezplačno s avtomobili, tor vsem. ki sto nam kar koli dobrega storili 1* naa tolažili v url šaloati ln vsem. ki ato pokojnika spremili k mirnemu Počitku na mlrodvor. Tebi. dragi soprog, pa šalim, počivaj v miru ln lahka naj TI bodo ameriška semljica—Žalujoči oetallt Mary Patch, soproga} Nikodlm (Kick), George In Mike Patch, ter Nick Rocnlck. nečaki: Dragica Caaar ln Martha Jovanovlch. nečakinji; Stove In Math Matakovič. pastorke In Jovan Manjolovlč. svak v Ambridge. Pa. Pošljite ta "Poaabna Ponudbe" * Kupon — Sedaj Q Prilotrno }e »100. Polljlte mi navadno poštnina prosto 11 oa. 11.00 steklenico Nekake in poekue-no steklenico LOMvf OleJ In Meaole. □C. O. O. (Sirotki dodani Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN S SURGEON 3724 W. ISth Street Pkene C raw let S Htt IT MO ANSWER CALL AUSTIN INI orrtcE imuna IJ0 te 4 F. II —S JO to S JO P. M Brnept Wednesdays. Saturdays end Sundays Residence! 22I8S. Rldgewey Ave. V blagi spomin druge obletnice smrti Dva loti jo le minulo, od kar Jo pe« ^K minul naš nadvse ljubljeni sin ln brat "PROLETAREC" Socialistično-delavski tednik Glasilo Jugoslovanake aoe. svese ln Prosvetne matlea. Piaan v slovenskem in angleškem Jesiku. FRANK ROZMAN Štirinajsti odziv v kampanji je prinesel 41 novih naročnikov, skupaj 683 Helen Jeriaa. Los Angolee. Calif Toes Barbaric. Cleveland. Oblo Agnes Kovna. Palteado. Golo - Geae*e Blatnik. Cleveland. Ohio ai..t,k rKicM« m Sofia Colarlc. Cleveland. Ohio vVvT^J.......^ , John Pando. Cleveland. Ohio rrank Cokada. Chicago. IU. Ante* floe. Cleveland. Ohio Prank Cerovoc. Chicago. lit Angola Kern. Cleveland. Ohio CmlUa Mauria. C hi cage. 111. rraak Koehak. Cleveland. Ohio John Zbeasdh. Clear© IlL Prank Jakulln. Cleveland. Ohio Prank H abas eh. Ogloehy. III. PeOoe Llcaa. Cleveland. Ohio John StanilNlsli Allen Park. Mich. John Ludvik. Cleveland. Ohio Math Bonsbaeh. Detroit. Mich. r». Potrebuješ. Cleveland Ohio John Cotmaa. Detroit. Mich. John Semlch. Clevelend. Ohio Jack KapoL Dotrott. Mich Anion Shoeaj. Clevelend. Ohio Krintof K lepote. Dotrott. Mich Joaaph Dur Java. Euclid. Ohio Prank Romeak. Detroit. Mich Ooecpo Gere k. Struthora. Ohio rrank Boook. Biwobik Minn. J. Reaanhsigei. Strabene. Pa Od Navy Dopartmonta smo dobUI tele gram 8. avgusta 1844. da Je naš Prank pogroftan In par tednov poanojo nun Jo komandant od tlato ladje plaal. da Jo a^ IHHHHHHHi rrank agubil svojo življenje 8. avgusta 1844. Ladja, na kateri Jo tlidttL Jo hUa torpedirana od nemške podmornico la potopljena, a njo vred Jo bil potopljen tudi naš dragi sin. Oh smrti Jo hU star 81 1st. 8 meeecev la dve dni. V mornarico Jo šol 18. fob. 1843. BU Je član SNPJ in ABS. Dragi sin ln brat naš. Tvoji prijatelji so so val odravi vrnili, a Tabo več nikdar nnaa) aa bo Nafta ftaloat Jo pte-velike In aa sploh popiaati no da. Vsakokrat, ko al nam plani, al tolaSU nea. da no smemo skrbeti aa Tebe. rokol si. Jas ao bom vrnil k vam čil ta ndrev. AU usoda Jo to napravila drugače BU al sa aaa naš dober sla. salo pa Jo šo toliko nam bolj hudo sa Teboj. Ensta vojna kaj si H nam storila, dom aaš srečen al nam v ftaloat spi am siilla. ha vnela al nam eiaa la brata aa vodno od nos. Daleč. poadalaf P*«* o4 aaa počivat, drogi rraaklo aaft. Mi Tabo aa homo poahUi dokler bo ftlvljoaje v aaa. aoft spomin aa Ta bo Uvel v srcih aotih do koaca življenj. natega-Žalujoči oatali: John la Prance Roemaa. starišli John, heat la Aaa Moa. aoatra. val v Cliff NAROČITE SI GA! Naslov PROLETAREC INI South Lawndale Avaa CHICAGO 83. ILL. (The People's Undertaking Co.) Frontenac, Kansas TELETOM »043 "day oe alght" r 0 7 AVGUSTAjy46_ PROSf A Predkonvenčne razprave iUA DRUSTVE. ^edsednika ATA O - Tudi spodaj podati nekaj su prihodnjih m p^pj. kajti kretam se ve- Ej flsnstvom m slišim ve ^porccil glede tega In o- pričnem naj prvo pri po-|,Ua urada. Ako pr»-* konvenciji do razprave Mi potem se naj deluje, kadilo novo poslopja .nepriporočljivo, da bi se ivalo staro. Poslopje naj zidalo zunaj mesta m ako »oče. naj bi se upoštevalo icbov načrt. J ■vni urednik naj ostane se L član glavnega odbora. za to je veliko, ki so t deloma navedeni. Glav-zdravnika pa naj nastavi odbor ali pa izvršni od-Ako pa bi se konvencija tla za drugačen sistem, po-naj bi od časa do časa pisal pilit. se tiče reprezentacije, je j najboljše, da ostane po to, ako se sklene, da vsako Ivo, ki šteje mesec pred volni 150 članov, je upraviče-o enega delegata. Vsako vo. ki šteje več kot 150 čla-pa dva delegata, nobeno tvo pa ne sme imeti več kot delegata. ede obiskovanja bolnikov, d zdi, da je sedanji sistem djji, Le v slučajih, ko se težko poškoduje, naj bi na-j izjeme. Takih bolnikov ni obiskovati, izjema naj bi temo obiski iz bratskega in iteljskega stališča. Pri vseh slučajih pa se .ie najbolj gj na tajnike in delno tudi iravnika. He cperacij nam bo treba duhom časa, zaeno pa biti odbornice, prav tako vse delega- j narja. Tisti denar naj se rajši te ii» delegatinje 13. redne kon-1 porabi za stare, onemogle in po-,enci)e SNPJ! Samo iz naše liabijene bi ate m tesn e, ki so metropole nas bo prišlo 39 de-j v jednoti nad 30 let in bili sko-leffatov in delegatinj in šest zi vso to dobo vestni člani, *e-glevnih odbornikov, tcrej sku-1 daj pa so brez sredstev in se paj 45. To je že nekaj, ali nc? Lep bratski pozdrav in na veselo svidenje v Evelethu, Minn.! Anton Jankovlch. GLEDE ZDRAVNIŠKIH OBISKOV Library. Pa,—Na redni seji društva 386 SNPJ, ki se je vršila 14. julija, je članstvo razpravljalo o gotovih točkah pravil in prišlo do zaključka, da bi se spremenilo sledeče: Zdravniški obiski za bolnike vsled poškodb ali kakšne druge bolezni, radi katere so primora-ni, da se podajo v bolnišnico, po odpustitvi pa se morajo vračati nazaj na zdravniški pregled, in sicer navadno tri do štiri tedne ali več, naj bi zadostovali, kot jih določi zdravnik iz bolnišnice. Sedanja pravila zahtevajo obisk zdravnika vsaki teden, vsled tega je bolnik primoran, da ima še drugega zdravnika, če hoče da dobi podporo, kar pomeni ponovne stroške, dasiravno ta zdravnik nima sploh nobene oblasti čez zdravnika, kateri je v bolnišnici. Domači zdravnik v splošnem ne priporoča nobene spremembe, ker ve, da je bolnik pod nadzorstvom zdravnika iz bolnišnice. Če bolnik da izpolniti nakaznice v bolnišnici, kjer jim je bolezen in stanje bolnika dobro znano, toda označen je samo en obisk zdravnika, recimo v štirih tednih, ti je podpora odklonjena, pa čeravno se komat giblješ. To vem iz izkušenj drugih in lastnih. Ne smemo pozabiti, če si potolčen. potem pa te izpuste iz bolnišnice, je tvoj najboljši zdravnik narava in čaF. Zatorej priporočamo, da kdor duhom časa, zaeno pa on. se n a, v bolnjšnici in jc previdni kajti novi časi in J riildzorstvom zdravnika iz tnrljenskc razmere, poseb- bofn!5ni da zadostuje obisk, vojne, pnnafajo nove bo- r omcnjeni zdravnik za- m tnHi nr.vn vrstp nnpr.n- . Z ' . , . . .. hteva, čeravno je to vsake tri aii štiri tedne ali več. ' Nadalje točka v pravilih, ki • aui i določa odškodnino za naravna- rnic Prosvcte, naj omenim, nje kosti le tedaj, če je odprta »letni zastopnik, da ostn-i ako fa fa "eJtdobl! ket so sedaj. Naši naroč- Ednine, četudi imaš še več k« vsaj v Clevelandu) se stri-!*/ t njimi, posebno ker list In tudi r.cve vrste opera- lice Prosvete naj ostenc-Ker ie bilo v zad-Ict'h na koše besed radi simpatično o naših bojevni- ' stari domovini, kateri #so resnici junaško borili za narod 'n domovino. Prav ee čitatelii strinjajo, ker Ne simpatično o slovanski ji. katera je v resnici veliko wnof;la do zavezniške zrna-Ako ne bi Rusija dopri-tcliko žrtev v tej vojni, »b lo po zaveznikih in roll. Ako bi Prosveta pri-drucače pisati, potem bi bi-&<*do listu in jednoti. Najina mota pa bi bila, če bi napadel naše partizane in ki so se bojevali na živin smrt. O tem bi se da-Kn i $»4,S4888 100 00 200 880 20.87 287 SO 200 28 .TOO 27.00 285 00 1278 47 00 227.43 7027 20 00 2,000 00 1273 1 00 280 1000 $ 2,524 00 $8,582 13 1138 8,503 01 120 00 . 82,000 07 004,340 80 PREOLEDi Skupni dohodki ra politično akeljo RANHu od 8 decembra 1042 do 30 Junija 1048 Skupna l/pla< tla v lati dobi Pr« ostanek $ 80.247 54 . 71,864 03 t 8,503 61 0 80.247 64 Skupni dohodki m pomofno akcijo od 1. oktobra 1044 do 30 Junija 1048 $110,82826 Irplačsnn pumošni skelji ................ II0.0MM Preostanek 0 30 1048 MIHKO G KVHCL, tajnik Chicago, II!.. 28 Julija 1040. 0 120 00 $110,020 20 VINCENT CA INK AR, blagajnik. < PBOBV8TA -PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO III LASTWINA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Organ of and published bj Slovene national Naročnina sa Zdruiao* drieve (lsven Chicege) la na lato, $3.00 aa pol lota, $1.50 aa četrt lota; aa Chicago la Cook Co* $7.50 aa celo loto, $3.71 aa pol lota; sa lnosemstvo $§-00. I Subscription rales: for the Unltod Statoa (except Canada $0.00 per roar, Chicago aad Cook County $7JO foreign countries $0.00 per year. Cono oglasov po dogovoru,—Rokopisi doplsor la daakov »• no vračajo. Rokopisi literarne vsobino (črtico, dramo, pesmi itd.) so vrnejo poiUjatelJu le v slučaju, če Je počtnlno. Advertising rates on agr—mont Msnascripts of and articles will not bo returned. Other prilo*U ■ucb as stories, play«, poems, ote~ will be roturaod to whoa sccompaniod by soli-sddrosssd aad stamped envelope. Naslov aa vso, kar baa stik a lletoaei PROSVETA « 2657-59 So. Lawndale Ave« Chicago 23. Tlllnoto oaly Glasovi iz naših naselbi Predkonvenčna beseda Ko pridejo te vrstice do članov-čitateljev, bodo oddaljeni delegati že na poti, drugi pa se bodo pripravljali na odhod na 13. redno konvencijo proti Evelethu, Minn. Istočasno, ko bo dosegla ta Prosveta Minnesoto, bodo tja dospeli tudi člani glavnega odbora in treh provizoričnih konvenčnih odborov, da pripravijo materijal za konvencijo — popravke in dodatke k pravilom, pregled pove-rilnic in pripravo resolucij. Glavni odbor se bo sestal na svojem polletnem zasedanju v Evelethu par dni pred konvencijo — prihodnji petek. To zasedanje mora imeti v smislu pravil. S tem bo ustrelil dva ptiča z enim pokom in tudi jednoti prihranil nekaj denarja. Ta seja glavnega odbora bo krajša kot običajno, kajti glavna stvar bo — konvencija. ★ Razprave v Prosvcti so pokazale, da vlada med članstvom veliko zanimanje za to konvencijo. Letos ni bilo treba nobenega spodbujanja, naj se člani oglasijo s svojimi predkonvenčnimi razpravami in sugestijami za izboljšanje jednote. Vse to je prišlo čisto avtomatično. Letos seveda ni nihče dvomil, da-li se bo konvencija vršila ali ne. Povsem drugače pa je bilo lani, ko je vse viselo v zraku radi transportnih omejitev. Vendar pa smo šli skozi proceduro in izvolili delegate, kajti v to so nas silila pravil« In državna oblast. Potem pa je bilo porušeno vse tisto delo, ko je bila končno odbita naša prošnja zs obdržavanje konvencije. Tako tudi ni bilo predkonvenčnih razprav, kajti tudi članstvu se je zdelo, da bo morala biti 13. redna konvencija odložena. * Letošnja konvencija se bo vršila v veliki solidnosti organizacije. Ta solidnost je vsaj navidezno boljša kot je bila kdaj v zadnjih 15 letih. Besedo "navidezno" rabimo vsled tega, ker je v današnjih razmerah In današnjem svetu vse relativno. Kar je danes gospodarsko solidno, so jutri lahko napol ali popolne razvaline. V kapitalističnem svetu ni faktlčno nobene trajne solidnosti ali sigurnosti. Vse je od danes do jutri, vse zgrajeno na pesku. Ničesar pa bolj kot investicije, pa bile privatne ali vladne vrste. Naj pride zopet velika gospodarska kriza (velik čudež bo, ako v neftaj letih ne pride do nje) in vse, kar je danes "solidno", bo jutri omajano, lahko zdrobljeno. Toda kljub temu pravimo, da bo prihodnja konvencija našla nošo jednoto bolj zdravo in solidno kot je bila kdaj v zadnjih 15 letih. Pretežna večina Jednotinega premoženj« — čez 90% — je vloženega v vladne menice (bonde) — zvezne, državne, občinsko. Donos sli obrestno mera teh investicij je sicer nižja kot jo bila prejšnja leta, toda visok donos še nI nobeno merilo za solidnost. Visoke obresti so v resnici špekulativne, čemur se pa pri jednoti izogibamo. Zato naš gospodarski odsek investira skoraj izključno v zvezne bonde, ki so smatrani kot najbolj konservativne «11 varne investicije. V članstvu je jednota napredovala za skoraj 14,000 v obeh oddelkih od zadnje konvencije. V tej številki so seveda vključeni tudi člani, po številu okrog 7,000, bivše SSPZ, ki se jo na zadnji konvenciji združila z Jednoto. Prirastek je bil torej lep, ako upoštevamo vse faktorje. Organizacija je na visoki stopnji tudi moralno. Članstvo jednote se je imenitno izkazalo v raznih akcijah, pomožnih in političnih, v zvezi s starim krajem, kjer se je v zadnjih letih bil največji boj za svobodo, bratstvo in enakopravnost. Temu boju je nsše članstvo z zanimanjem sledilo in mu nudilo vso moralno in v veliki meri tudi materialno pomoč. To tudi še vedno del«. Dobro merilo na tem polju je cirkulacija Prosvcte (dnevnika), ki so je od zadnje konvencije do danes zvišala za okroglo 1.7Č0 novih naročnikov. To število sicer ni veliko, toda za naše razmere, ko smrt dela vedno večje vrzeli med starejšo generacijo, je značilno. To seveda ne pomeni, da lahko prenehamo s tekočo jubilejno kam panjo za nove naročnike. Nasprotno! Naj bo nam bodrilo, da zanesemo ugitacijo tudi v one naselbine In k onim društvom, kjor ta kampanju še ni dobila odziya. Ako pogledamo nazaj na nekaj preteklih konvencij, je bil« si tuanja preccj drugačna. Deseta redna konvencija, ki se je vrši la v Chicagu leta 1933 sredi največje krize, je našla tudi našo jednoto zelo prizadeto, kakor vse člunstvo. Izguba v članstvu Je šla v tisoče in mnoge investicije ho bile na psu ali celo šle na boben V času 11 rodne konvencijo leta 1037 v Clevclandu je tud« nad jednoto se vedno visela kriza, kajti bilo Jo še vodno tisoč? naših članov brez dela in zaslužka. Za mnoge jo bila WPA edin vir grenkega Hruhka. V času 12. konvencije v Pittsburghu lota 11141 pa je vi*ela nad nami In nad deželo strašna vojna, ki Jo prinesla človeštvu toliko gorja. Nafci 13. redna konvencija se bo vršila v svetu velikih sprememb in radikalnega presnavljanja; tudi v svetu velikih napetost in konfliktov med—"zmagovalci" (edini smagovalec Je bil vojni bog Mars'| Mir visi v zraku kot obstroljena ptica, ki se bori s« življenje in lovi pred padcem. Kaj nam prinese bodočnost. Je v naročju bogov, toda odvisno tudi (»d nas hamib. <»d vsega delovnega ljudatva. To ljudstvo moro vladajočim silam odločno povedati, da ne mar« povratka v predvojne razmere m«s:ie brezposelnosti, še manj pa novega sveUiv-nega klanja in la/dejovanja! Toda obojemu ao bo Izognilo le. ako se tudi politično in gospodarsko osvobodi in postavi na laatne noge To mora doseči le. ako se vrže no gradnjo svoje lastne politi*, ne organizacije in obenem na gradnjo zadružnih podjetij. Z drugo besedo: na konkretno gradnjo novo civilizacije To omenjamo tudi vsled tega, ker Je od vsega tega odvisno tudi bodoča usddo nafte jednote. Naj ima vso to v vidiku tudi n«š« dologscijo, kateri kličemo POZIV IZ KONVENČNEGA MESTA Evoleth, Minn.—Apeliramo n« občinstvo in čUnstvo SNPJ v železnem okrožju, da se udeleži pohoda ali parade dne 17. avgusta ob sedmih zvečer. Predsednik tega odbor« brat Louis Les-sar je poročal, d« je preskrbel deset godb, tod« potrebno je, da se pohod« udeleži čUnstvo vseh društev SNPJ in drugo občinstvo, kajti per«de brez ljudi ne more biti. Torej bodite n« mostu dno 17. Svgust«! Banket pa se bo vršil 15. avgusta, začetek točno ob šestih zvečer v mestnem avditoriju. Računamo pa na preselitev ob 8:15. Torej boste imeli dve uri in 15 minut časa, d« se dobro najeste, potem pa bomo premestili n«š program s celokupno delegAcijo, govorniki in gosti v veliko in moderno urejeno poslopje Hippodrome. Na programu boste slišali svetovno znane može, n« primer pisatelja Louisa Adamiča, dr. Zoreta, pravnega svetovale« jugoslovanskega poslaništva v Washingtonu, dalje predsednik« Ameriško-slovan-skeg« kongresa Leota Krzyckija, liberalnega in spoštovanega sodnika Martina Hughs« iz Hib-bing« in druge. Da, slišali boste tudi naše glavne odbornike in delegate, cajti njih ne bomo prezrli. Po-eg govornikov bomo imeli na programu petje, pozdrave in obdaritev mladinskega krožka 48 SNPJ z zveznim bondom. Ostali del programa vam ne bom povedal, temveč vas vabim, da se g« udeležite somi in boste vsč slišali in videli. Z« ples bo gral poznani orkester Frankiej« Smoltz« iz Chisholma. Vstopnin« bo samo 50 centov! Prostora v tem poslopju je za več kot 5000 oseb. Še nek«j! Svetoval vam bi, da s seboj prinesete par čevljev, kajti pravijo, da bo vse plesalo, mlado in staro. Člani, ki so služili Strica Sama, bodo povabljeni na banket kot n«ii gostjo. Torej n« svidenje na 13. redni konvenciji SNPJ! Z« pripravljalni odbor: J. A. Ambroslch. tajnik. EVELETHČANI SE PRIPRAVLJAMO ZA KONVENCIJO Evoleth, Minn.—Zelo smo zaposleni s pripravami za 13. redno konvencijo SNPJ. Radi bi ustregli vsem, tako d« bi bilt de-egatje, glavni odborniki in gostje zadovoljni ne samo začasa tonvencije, ampak tudi po konvenciji. Naša želja jo, da pi se spominjali mesta Eveletha tudi >otem, ko boste že doma. Odbor za priprave zboruj« tri-irat in Štirikrat na mesec. Dobo veliko. Kar se tiče mesta, nam gredo dobro na roke in o-krašenc bodo glavne ulico in vse drugo. Najbolj zaposlena jo ses-l;ra Ursula Ambrozich. Ona Je prodsednica tega odbora, pri tem pa ji pridno pomaga njen mož. Ga ne smem preveč pohvaliti, da ne pridem v zadrego. Dahes bom omenil« samo predsednike veseličnlh odborov. Brat Samsa bo vse uredil glede stanovanj. Njegovo delo bi bilo olajšano, ako bi se delegati in delegatlnje /.glasili ob pravem času za stanovanja. Se sedaj ni dobil vseh pisem od delegatov za stanovanje. Vendar pa bodo morali spati nekje. Brat Perltz bo preskrbel vo žila. da ne bo treba dolegotom hoditi peš nu piknik sli drugam. Brot Ambrozich se drži programske knjižice. Na aojl je poročal, "dobili smo že precej o-glasov, pa bt jih radi še več!" Brst Peter Kerže ims vse ure Jono sa ples. ki se bo vršil po bonketu. Godbo je dobil iz Chisholma in ae imenuje Smolts Orchestra To je najboljša god bo v tej okolici. jNttra Ra/il bo sprejemala do legate. Brat Beuts ima na gla vi piknik. Včaalh nas Je skrbelo, £o bo dež tisti dan. sedaj pa skrbimo čo bo kaj sa suha grla. No, rekel jo, do bo že neko j. ka bo. jaz ne vem. Brat Lesaar pa mora skrbeti, da bomo imeli ve llko parado in dosti dobre godbe. Godci bodo prišli iz desetih mest. Torej godbe bo dosti, tako da ne bo delegatom dolgčas. Br. Lessar jo po poklicu brivec. Tedaj, ko jo prišla moda, da so se pričelo ionske striči, ga jo e-na vprašala: "Gospod, ali vi genske striiote?" On pa je odgovoril, da samo ženskino lase. Sestra Mary Brank ima skrbeti za petje, za program pa sestra Ambrozich. Sedaj pa o kuharicah. Sestra Frances Us-nik je obljubila, da bo s svojimi pomočnicami napravila zelo okusna jedila. Ona ne bo samo cfobro kuhala, ampak bo tudi pražila in pekla. Sestra Rebetz ima v oskrbi banket. Skrbela bo, da no bo šel nihče lačen od mize. Tako je obljubila. Sestra Zatkovich in njene delavke nam bodo pa pripravile na pik niku nekaj dobrega. Piknik se bo vršil v parku pri Eveleth Lake. Kdor bo lačen, naj kar tja pride. Veste, vsi ti odbori imajo velika dela s pripravimi. Člani in članice, ki bodo zaposleni v velikem številu, radi delajo. Za delo se je priglasilo več žensk. Sicer pa vsi vemo, da brez žensk ni nič. V nedeljo, 11. avgusta opol dno, bomo šli čakat delegate, ki se bodo pripeljali s posebnim vlakom. Seveda, na kolodvor bomo šli z godbo, nakar jih bo mo spremili v mestno dvorano, kjer jim bo br. Samsa razredil karte z naslovi stanovanj. Na razpolago bodo avtomobili, da jih odpeljejo po hišah. Ni treba imeti bojazni, da bi se kdo zgubil, kajti naše mesto ni veliko. Največ Je ^Slovencev. Kjer žive Slovenci, tam so lepi vrtovi in dosti cvetlic. Na mojem vrtu sem imela rdeč paradižnik že 6. julija. J Torej ni tako mrzlo v Evelethu. Torej pripravljeno je vse, samo delegat« še čakamo. Dobrodošli delegati in delegatlnje v naše mesto! ^ Morda mi bo kdo odgovoril na to vprašanje.) Tukaj sva dve de-legatinjl in dva delegata, torej štirje po številu. Smo prav "fajn" za pogled. Nihče pa se ne zmeni, kako bomo#mi sprejeti. Prav ako bi r«da vedela, če bomo dobili plačano za vožnjo. Vse kaže, da bomo morali hoditi pei na konvencijo. Hočeš ali nočei, moraš! Tukaj bomo malo "pri-šparali" jednoti,.kot bi rekel Gorenjec. Podpisana bo prodaja trošne listke na pikniku pri jezeru, in sicer v kuhinji. Priporočam se, da bi kupili od mene. Rada bi se postavila, da sem dobra pro-dajaVca. Zelo bi me veselilo, če bi prišel kdo na konvencijo, ki je doma iz Velikih Lašč n« Dolenjskem. Jaz sem doms od tam. Torej na veselo svidenje na pikniku! P Društvo Evoleth ne bo imelo sejo 11. avgusta, temveč 26. avgusta, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer. Udeležite se v velikem številu. Rada bi vam malo postregla, ker ste mi dali (Priznanje za moja dola in izvolili za delegatlnjo. Torej ne pozabite, v pondeljek, 26. avgusta zvečer, se vrši seja v naši dvorani. Joeephlna Frani ar. tajnica in delegatinja. JANKOVICHEVO TEDENSKO POROČILO Cleveland, O,—To moje današnje poročilo se nanaša samo od 29.*julija do 2. ali 3. avgusta. Tudi ta teden sem obiskal mnogo družin, oziroma veliko število članov in članic SNPJ, z namenom, da jih naročim na dnevnik Proovoto, obenem pa sem agitiral. da bi pristopili k našemu društvu 147 SNPJ, nam reč pri onih, ki še niso člani naše jednote. V nedeljo bomo i-meli sejo In bom videl. aH so obljubo Izpolnili. Seve, samo obljube nič ne štejejo, temveč drži le. da pridejo na sejo s potrjeno zdravniško listino. Naročnike som isksl na razniK straneh nažega mests in zopet som as napotil v Omanovo kra ljestvo. Veste, obiskal sem tudi rojaka, ki živi blizu Omana, toda zaenkrat ga fte nisem mogel pridobiti. Dobil pa sem nekaj dobrih naročnikov na sosednji ulici. Zakaj ne bi čitali naše delavske Prosvete tudi v Omanovem kraljestvu. Vsepovsod pripovedujem naj čitajo poleg A. D. tudi Prosveto, da tako slišijo obe plati zvona in potem mislijo s svojimi možgani. Mnogi pa so me odvrnili z izgovorom, da "gospud" pravijo v cerkvi in še posebno pri spovedi, d« je velik smrtni greh čita-ti časopise, ki niso strogo in pristno katoliški. Tako mi odgovarjajo. Kadar omenim pri eni ali drugi družini, da imam namen obiskati to ali ono hišo, mi odsvetujejo, da je bolje, da ne poskusim, ker jih ne bom mogel naročiti na Prosveto. Jaz pa vseeno grem, pa če imam uspeh ali ne. Imam strast, da spoznam ljudi in njih karakterje. 3e dober teden od dneva ko to pišem (2. avgusta), pa se bomo odpeljali v Eveleth, Minn., na 13. redno konvencijo. Lep in bratski pozdrav celokupnemu glavnemu odboru in vsem delegatom in delegatinjam! Torej na veselo svidenje! Ob tej priliki želim prav prijazno in dobrodušno opozoriti vse onte delegate in delegatinje, ki morda niso naročniki na dnevnik Prosve to, da se naitxre še pred konvencijo ali pa na konvenciji. Vedite, da boste na konvenciji prav gotovo dva stalna zastopnika, poleg tega pa tudi veliko drugih agitatorjev, na primer sestra Udovich iz Chicaga. Vsi bomo prav gotovo imeli s seboj potrdilne knjižice noč in dan. Torej ko stalen zastopnik bo tam večni popotnik Jankovich in pa stara grča Tone Zornik, ki pro daj« možganske medecine. Rojake v Evelethu in iz dru gih bližnjih naselbin vabim na naročbo. Ako mi bo količkaj čas dopuščal, vas bom obiskal tudi po hišah. Vedite, da kot člani SNPJ je vaša dolžnost, da ste najprej naročeni na časopis, ki je glasilo vaše in naše močne, poštene in zelo vplivne podporne organizacije SNPJ. Ko pridemo na konvencijo, se bomo gotovo videli tudi s kole gom in očetom vseh popotnikov Matijo Pogorelcem. Srečne oči in srečen čas, ko se zopet vidimo s prijateljem in starim bratom Pogorelcem. Ne bi bilo napačno, Matija, ako bi prišel sprejeti elevelandsko delegacijo na pastajo. .Kot starosta vseh popotnikov, kot dopisnik in stara poštena grča, pozdravljen in na veselo svidenje! Želel bi videti tudi starega delavskega bojevnika, brat« in sodruga Načeta 2lembergarja. Sedaj pa naj navedem imena novih naročnikov, ki sem jih pridobil pretekli teden: Tom Bsrborič (257). John Semich (257), George Blatnik (28), Anton Skočaj (139), Anton Tier (142), Peter Ličan (135), John Ludvik (158), Joseph Durjava (5). Torej osem novih naročnikov, sedem celoletnih in eden polletni. Najlepša hvala vsem in lepo pozdravljeni, posebno novi naročniki! Anion Jankovich. NEKAJ BESED GLEDE POSLOPJA SNPJ West All is. Wia.—Danes nameravam malo napisati, a dosti povedati—če bo šlo? Naj izrazim nekaj misli glede poslopja glavnega urada, katero, po mnenju nekaterih članov in glavnih odbornikov, ne odgovarja potrebam in razmeram.' V jubilejni izdaji Prosvete br. Paul Berger obširno razpravlja o tem predmetu in podaja nekaj sugestij, kako bi se dalo izpeljali, d« ne bi bilo treba zidati novega poslopja. Moje mnenje je, da v bodočnosti jednota ne bo več tako rastla, poleg tega pa je možno, da bo prevzela bratske zavarovalne organizacije vlada in dobili bomo zavarovalnino za 25 do 30 procentov ceneje kot sedaj. Sicer pa je potrebno, da prihranimo nekaj dela tudi za našo mladino, tako da bo tudi ona imela nekaj na skrbi, kadar bo prevzela vodstvo. Brat Berger priporoča, da bi jednota sezidala tiskarno na posestvu pokojnega M. Konde, katerega sedaj lastuje SNPJ. Jaz pa priporočam br. Berger ju, da bi ponudil po zmerni ceni svoje poslopje, katero bi se lahko preuredilo in potem bi bilo dovolj prostora za vrednostne listine itd. Akq bi tedaj dobila jednota tisto zemljišče, ne bi bilo danes tega vprašanja pred nami. Jaz sem bil vedno v strahu, da bo kdo drugi kupil tisto loto. Tako se je zgodilo in tistega greha še niso pozabili stari člani in ga ne bodo, dokler bodo živeli. Kar se tiče priporočil, da bi jednota kupila farmo za stare in onemogle člane, niso na mestu in je sploh škoda o tem besed v Pros veti, pa naj to priporoča kdor koli. Priporočam, da se s tem delegacija sploh ne u-kvarja na konvenciji. Po večini imajo naši člani svoje domove in bodo doma ostali do svoje smrti. Sedaj imajo tudi države svoje zavode za onemogle, kjer skrbijo zanje. Ko sem skušal pred 22 leti zainteresirati jednoto za tako po sestvo, so mi očitali, da iščem provizije, dasiravno sem povedal odvetniku, ki je imel v oskrbi tisto posestvo, da ne gre za kako nagrado, temveč za blagor naše organizacije SNPJ. Posestvo je imelo 160 akrov rodovitne zemlje, veliko glavno poslopje, zidano in staro komaj devet let, poleg tega tri ali štiri hiše. Tisto poslopje bi bilo dovolj veliko za glavni urad in tiskarno, hiše pa za stanovanja izvršnih uradnikov. Vse skupaj NAPREJ ZA ClM VEČJO IN PO DUHU ZDRAVO JEDNOTO1 NAPREJ ZA BOLJftl 8VET-SVET MIRU, BRATSTVA IN SCV CIALNE PRAVIČNOSTI! V volni lunakl. po volni siromaki . . . Skupina 70 veteranov. Id ao v volni lagubill noge, so le nedavno napotil« do kongresa v Washington, kjer ao aaktovali. naj Jim vlada preskrbi poeebno oprem Mene avte. a katerimi se bodo lahko voaili. Avta« unija CIO v Deiroitu Je ve* pohabljenim veteranom podarila avlo a posebnimi mehaničnimi napravami, da Jih lahko operirajo. Prlu*-detl veterani so mnenja, da bi vsaj toliko lahko storila tudi vlada. Ampak v kongresu eo naleteli na gluha ušeea. Dovoli pa le mili Ionov sa atomsko bombo In milltsrlsom ... kd u bi tedaj dobili za $50 j r?™<> je bilo samo .u* I slowe vredno veUko je bilo vse skupaj p^ sem cez mesec dni vprLI ve*a gospodarja za ceno 1 odgovoril, da ne morem k niti za $100,000. Po nju Je naša jednota tedai dila priliko in pokopala idejo za tako posestvo. Na koncu ponavljam d, glede poslopja ne strinjam Bergerjem, pa če se prav rim vsemu svetu. Joseph r, poročilo o federacijj ski seji in drugo Belliire, O.-Seja bridgep ske federagije SNPJ, ki se j«, šila 17. julija, je bila prav dd obiskana. Navzoči so bili i štirje delegati. Razprave v rist članstva, federacije in note so bile precej živahne. Za zapisnikarja je bil izvo Joseph Skoff, tajnik društvi 562. Dalje je bilo zaključ da federacija priredi plesno selico na starega leta dan, in cer v korist društvene blag v Društvenem domu v Bo ville, O. Izvoljeni odbor polno moč urediti in preskr vse potrebno. Priporočamo druga društva in organizacij priredijo svojih veselic na o njeni dan. Na tej seji je pristopilo k deraciji društvo št. 4, ki ima sedež v Neffu, O. Zasluga to gre tajniku Florianu PisI Upanje je, da bo temu dru na prihodnji seji sledila še la društva, ki niso včlanjen naši federaciji. Poročano je bilo že veliko da'federacij a vrši svoje do' sti v smislu pravil. Če k tem dvomi, naj na prvi seji kaže drugače in se bo tako stavilo uradnika, ki ne bi dane mu naloge. Bratje in tre, stran z morebitnimi temljenemi predsodki. Ce kaj narobe, se naj to prinen sejo federacije in popravi rebitna krivica v splošno ' voljstvo vsega članstva. Kakor je razvidno iz Proi te, so društva izvolila 266 d gatov, med njimi 38 delegal Če bi sleherni govoril pri točki pravil samo eno minuti vzelo štiri ure in 26 minut, kateri priporočajo veliko gacijo v bodočnosti, drugi m no, tretji so mnenja, če se vencija vrši po odsekih, «e ko zaključi v petih ali še dneh. Bližnja bodočnost pa pokazala, kako se bo izteklo skupaj. Zadnje čase smo zopet opi v naši Prosveti, da bi neki radi zanesli boj med člansl Kakor poroča urednik, je v redništvo dospelo precej P< mičnih spisov, toda ne bodo občeni, kar je pravilno. IX* dopisniki naj spore por«* med seboj s privatnimi PH ali pa na društvenih sejin. stvar spada pod jednotino Stanco. Skušnje nas uce. d« lemike ne delajo časti ni** posebna pa ne Prosvet'- ve sile se trudijo, da narede mi zadovoljstvo med narodi, P" ii Prosveti pa s« gotove o« ki bi radi ustvarile zdra,*'_ ne bi škodovalo, dab, sej" točko v pravil., k. bi dol«* da morajo vsi issNjtoi dj koš brez vsakega to^J" strani uredništva. Moje m < je. da polemike izviraj^ z tega ker nekateri. P^P-novice iz kap.tal«^ Pisia Take skovane v uredni«™ ^ n-rnih č-sopivn- mamo lahko ^^ du. seja in zabava DRUŠTVA 237 SI**' Conneaul. društva fTl ^jX Jo. katera sebot« j su. v Log C*bm Gr^ mo imeli malo tudi « ,n Torej vsi na F soboto J(00vk podpri SKOND F F D E R A L PROSVETA [X) navadi, to je vsuko tretjo ne-del j o v mesecu. Prosim, da članstvo upošteva to naznanilo in se udeleži prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila, kakor ztfuraj omenjeno, dne 25. avgusta. John Zugich. tajnik. LISTNICA UREDNIŠTVA Ambrtdge Baden. Pa. J. K.— Stvar je premalenkostna za ober Sanje nq veliki zvon. Je bolje, da se razčisti doma, predvsem na društveni seji. netfa poročila. To je slika, ki pokazuje, kje so člani in koliko jih je, obenem pa pokaže situa cijo glede sestavljanja distrik-tov. Te naj seveda vsak sam sestavlja, konvencija, upam, sedaj tega še ne bo delala. Anton Trojar, pomožni tajnik. Dr. M. Lodge Na 521 Umrl: Stefan Peic, c. 2B800 Črtan zopet sprejet r John Jurdo-vich, c. 118540. črtan: Peter Palcic, c. 84742. 527 Umrl: George M. Juktch, cert. 75228. 532 črtana: Anna J. Daley, c. 105326. 533 Črtana: Mary Jane Smith, c. 107007. 537 Odstopil: Clifford Heider, cert. 118685. 544 Umrla: Anna Fabris, c. 58916. 559 Črtani zopet sprejeti: William A. Gallagher, c. 105206; Molil« Gallagher, c. 105205; Den Ci-ganovich, c. 99190; Kathryn E. Zavertnik, c. 94294; Ted Sivy, c. 98802; Robert J. Krek, C. 104792; Ann Frolik, c. 108706; Bernice Aim, c. 94603; France« Werbick, c 19013; Victor Bostic, c. 87150. črtani: Anna Ales. c. 102621; Sally Bezdek, c. 117813; Fred Divisek, c. 98795; Robert P. Daphus, c. 118326; Louis Hren, c. 108109; Richard Rcichel. cert. 94142; George Schimek, C. 93291; Henry J. Zbasnik. c. 98274. 564 črtana: Dorothy Plesh.o. 107232. 584 Črtani: Max Loncaric, c. 03753; Dorothy Loncaric. c. 98817; Mary Martinsek. c. 100123. 590 Umrla: Jennie Skilba. c. 99777. 606 črtana: Mary B. Težak, cert. 108732. 811 Črtan: John Kadunc, c. 89753. 677 Črtan: Frank A. Cendroske, c. 102999. 680 Črtani: June Babilon, c. 105499; Albert J. Bentz, c. 106480; Russell L. Dougherty, c. 104441; Henry Gonsowski, c. 108502; Matthew Gorney, c. 105765; William J. Gorbey, o. 105342; Frederick L. Miller, c. 103001; Joseph Miller, c. 104068; Elizabeth D. Sepelyak, c. 108035; John Zibreg, c. »281». 684 Črtana:: Martha Agatha Tlk- linsky, c. 108508. 692 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Lucy Ru-kavina, c. 98122; Katherine Johnson, c. 90112, Mary Toth. c. 87050; Steve Muzar, c. 60965; Helen Rukavina, c. 106087; Mary Popovich, c. 100596; William John Jastrebsky, c. 108955; Lloyd F. Johnson, c, 117521. 700 Črtani: Mary L. Brychta, cert. 108748; Gertrude Roy, c. 118413. 713 Črtan zopet sprejet: Anthony J. Fogle, c. 106997. 715 Črtani: Joseph Msrovlch, cert. 93322; Nick Msrovich, c. 92847, 721 Črtan: Michael Sainargla, cert. 105056. 728 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Frances Mlaker, c. 82117; Mihael Mia-ker, c. 82119. 734 Črtan: Vincent Marsh, c. 113810. 738 črtana: Agnes Anns Merrill, o. 91923. 747 Črtana: Mary M. Schneider, c. 107786. 755 Črtan; Juhn T. Gaspsrec, cert. 105210. 756 Črtan: Frank Pristsvec, cert. 00414. 763 Črtana: Sophie Co*srt. C. 118454. F. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik, Supreme Secretary. Gorao. Joku A lic. Mich«.I Aufuitla. Michael Sive. Jacob Kucar. Katarina _ Zupančič. John Kern. Marko ......... Cecotti. Joseph ... Kulovec, Alois Romuk. Louis Stemberger Joseph Uselac. Milan Birk. Joseph ......... Zajoc. John . .... Dobroeh Sioian .... Osla«. Frank .......... Bar 1«. Frank .. .. Wuyanlch. Michael Hochevar. John _____ Cora«. John ........... Benchlna. Augusta Fratrlch, George ..... Antolovlch. Mary Mahne, Anion ________ lCrtotal. George Miurmc, Anton Klopcic. Ferdinand MS Library. Fa. 71 Garrett Pa. ill Little rails. N. Y. •ll Seattle. wash tM Sprin« Oton. Utah an Denver, Colo. U Broughton. Pt. • Cleveland. O. 141 Universal. Pa. «1 Wlndber. Pa. »04 San Franciaco. Calif. • Cleveland. O. IS Milwaukee. Wis. 143 Dlamondvllle. Wyo. S«S Butte. Moat. 41 Aurora. Mian. TS Canmore. Alta. Caa. M Cleveland. O. 11 Calumet. Mich. M Chicago. Ill 7t Kramer«, Alta. Caa. 170 Akron. O. IT Herminle. Pa. 1*0 St. Michael. Pa. »0 Flaming. Xaaa. MS Puraglove. W. Va. 104 San rranclaco. CaUf. 104 Luaarne. Pa. tO Ely. Mlaa. m Leadvllle. Colo. ItS Cleveland. O. 417 Coverdale, Pa. IIS Cleveland. O. 110 Henryetta. Okla. 111 Datroli, Mich. Ml Bartoa. O. 101 Qraonsboro. Pa. 177 PuoMo. Colo. »M Duryaa. Pa. 3M Library. Pa. 411 Barracksville. W. Va. •14 Cleveland. O. 700 Rouadup. Moat. •• Evalath. Minn. M4 Oakland. Calif. M4 San Franciaco, CaUf. 41« Harwich. Pa. Ill Smithflold. Pa. IM Milwaukee. Wla. lit Waukogan. III. 114 Superior, Wro. M Midway. Pa. M Oregon CUy, Or eg. •1 Nokomls. 111. II Ambrtdge. Pa. 110 Chlaholm. Minn. M4 Cleveland, O. HI Pittsburgh. Pa. • Sygan. Pa. 1M Arena. Pa. 117 auth. Hev. ' 10 Rock Springs. Wyo. III Strabana. Pa. 117 Cleveland. O. 447 Nantlcoka. Pa. IM Cleveland. O. MO Duryaa. Pa. Ml Miami, JUrto. M7 McKeesport. Pa. Ml Puraglove, W. Va. M Indianapolis, Ind. 101 Oroat Falls. Moat. 111 Ely. Minn, GLAVNI ODBOR Društvene vesti Chicago. IU.—Naznanjam član stvu društva Sla vi je 1 SNPJ, da se bo vršila prihodnja seja kot po navadi, in sicer v petek, 0. avgusta, začetek ob osmih zve čer v spodnji dvorani SNPJ. Asesment bom pobiral že od sedme ure naprej. Pridite na sejo v velikem številu! Milan Medveiek. tajnik. Arma. Kana. — Naznanjam Članstvu našega društva 434 SNPJ, da je bilo sklenjeno na zadnji soji, da se bo vršila pri* hodnja seja četrto nedeljo v av gustu in ne tretjo. Vzrok te spremembe je, ker bosta tajnik in zapisnikar odstotna radi kon-vencije.. Obenem tudi apeliram na članstvo, da ne plačujete at.es-. menta do 25. avgusta, saj imate še dosti časa po 25. avgustu. Upam, da boste upoštevali to naznanilo. Martin Kruslc. tajnik. St. Michael, Pa. — Članstvu društva 190 SNPJ naznanjam, de je bilo sklenejno na julijski seji, da se bo prihodnja seja vršila v sredo, 2B. avgusta, /.ačetek ob sedmih zvečer. Sejo smo premestili zato, ker bo šel tajnik na 13. redno konvencijo. Ta spremomba velja samo za mesec avgust, potem pa se bo vršila seja zopet vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu. Torej upoštevajte to spremembo in se u~ deležite seje. Bratski pozdrav vsem delegatom in delegatinjam 13. redne konvencije! Želim mnogo uspeha! John Nadu, predsednik. Aurora. Minn.—Člunico društva Zvezda 111 SNPJ ste vabljene, da se gotovo udeležite seje 11, avgusta. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli nekaj zelo važnega. Pridite vsi, prosim! Julls Models, tajnica. Chlaholm. Minn.—Naznanjam članicam društva 322 SNPJ, da se bo vršila prihodnja društvena seja v sredo po tretji nedelji, to je na 21. avgusta, namesto v sredo po drugi nedelji. Ta spremembe velja samo za mesec avgust. Seja se bo pričela ob os mlh zvečer v običajnem j>ro štoru. Članice prosim, da upoštevajo to naznanilo. Jennie Petrlch, tajnica, Springfield, IU. — Članstvu društva 47 8NPJ naznanjam, da se bo vršila za mesec avgust društvena seja četrto nedeljo, to je 25, avgusts popoldne, priče tek ob dveh. Do tega časa bo že gotovo delegat doma in bf> lahko podal poročilo o konvenčnih zaključkih. Torej članstvo društva it. 4' SNPJ je prošeno, da se udeleži prihodnje seje v velikem številu. John Ooršek. tajnik. De Pue. 111.—-Naznanjam članstvu - društva Zavednost 59 SNPJ, da se bo vršila prihodnja društvena seja dne 25. avgusta, pričetek ob desetih dopoldne, to je četrto nedeljo v tem mesecu, kakor po navadi. Ta spremembe velja samo za ta mesec, po tem pa se bodo vršile seje kot -.417 Woodland Ave., Johnstown. Pa. ------M. D. No. 1. Oakdato. Pa. . 7838 Mlddlepolnte. Dearborn, Mich. .8878 Randall St., St. Louis 16, Mo. —----«1« Ptorce St., Eveleth. Minn. —883 W. 7th St.. Walaanburs. Colo. rasvašalec kurilnega "BLUE FLAME" kurilnega olja In sa> atopnlk vseh najboljša vrste "Oil Burners" kuriva na olje. 8e priporoča sa ločno postrežbo vsem. JOHN ZELEZNIKAR 2045 Weal 23rd Street Chicago I. Ill Canal 4534 .........883 S. 181st St.. Cleveland 10. Ohio J6S7 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 88. 111. 3887 So. Lawn dale Ave., Chicago S3. III. J8S7 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 33, IU. ---1400 So. Lombard Ave., Berwyn. 111. -1837 So. Trumbull Ave., Chlcaso 33, IU. _700 E. 360th St.. Euclid, Ohio Sat Frsnk ............ Rakeff, John ........... Kokanovlch Milan Priaaoslc, Frank ..... Rakrovtch. John ..... Kerne Coarad ......... Kovaclc, Aaloa ______ Tarkalj. Mile ............. Kudtok. Nick Laurtoh. Anton ______ Bubllch. Marco Stojakovlch. Laso . Frkovich, Anton KoOevar, Matt ......... Kuablt. Anna ...... Hindi. Anton Amkroak. Mary ..... Paluckis, Anna Plrnar. Anton Patella, Rok ... Star, Prank :„............ Ml lick, Joseph Jakae, Barbara ......... Prevail. Joaeph ....... Fabris, Anna ........... Duaman. Joeeph ..... Čebela, Martin ....... Godiaa, Frank ........ Juklch. George M. Chadea. Thomas .... Kocjan. Jerney ..... Kitty. Caroline ...... Zalaanik, Louis ... Simoncic. John ...... Androwaky. Sophie UUarevleh. Peter Dotoaaa Alexander LenOek. Mary ....... Koran. Joaeph ........ Rthlck. Peter ......... Zobec, John ............ ...........................Box 37. Arma. Kansas _________—J18 Tener St., Luierne, Pa. .18811 Muakoka Ave., Cleveland 18, Ohio __________708 Forest Ave., Johnatown, Pa. _773 S. 188th Street. Cleveland 18. Ohio Ustavite tisto srbečico ■ BRAXON PASTE jo koristno zdrsvilo za stletlčne noge, brlvno srhelico, 11-laje in druge manjše koine srbečice. Da takojšnjo pomoč ca srbečo koto. Brez duha, brezmadetno duha, brezmadežno in ne zahteva note en dolar ali $1.75 za dvojno velikost, na BRAXON CO.. Dept. P.. 322 So. Clark si« Chicago, IU.. in ml vam pošljemo to, poštnina prosto. Povrnitev densrja jaituVnii. ___3301 So. Lawndale Ave., Chlcaso 33. IU. __________17183 8nowden, Detroit 31, Mich. .331 So. Prospect Ave. Clarendon Hllla. 111. ______________-38 Weatclox Ave.. Peru, 111. ________1337 E. 80th St. Cleveland 3. Ohio .3319 So. Ridgeway, Chicago 33, IU. NEIZPLAČANE SMRTNINE 30. JunlJa 1948 UNPAID DEATH CLAIMS June 30. 1046 Vkn. tt. lt. No. at—v Ml Pureslove. W. Va. Ill Belleville. IU. HI Cleveland. O. 147 Central CUy. Pa. M New York CUy. N. Y. II Brougkton. Pa. Ill Brownsville. Pa. 533 Sklnslon. W. Va. SM Niagara Falto. N. Y. 311 Auburn. IU. 204 Luserne. Pa. . 1M Preato. Pa. IU Ruaaelton, Pa. 101 Anaconda. Mont. 141 Sacramento. Calif. 81 Breeiy Hill. Kans. SIS Verona. Pa. SSI Milbourn, W. Va. 107 Butte, Mont. S3 Cleveland. O. 410 Euclid. O. 117 Dlet«, Wyo. 471 Saginaw. Mick. 117 Lincoln Hill. Pa. 140 Benileyvllle. Pa. III Bmlthileld. Pa. 47 Springfield. IU. IM Milwaukee. Wis. II Depue, ni. •I Breesy Hill. Kans. •41 Toronto, Oni., Canada •31 Park City. Utak II Thomas, W. Va. 17 Lowellvllle. O. Ml Rusaeltoa, Pa. i IS Ely. Minn. 17 LoweUvUle. O. Ill Lowell, Aria. Isdalnek. Frank ..... laptk Cvsiko OMJsbek. Frsnk ftnfc rurijsn ....... U. Aston ............... htrorcic, Matija fwtorlchc, Laso flifsc, Tom ............ toUaovic, 111 J a -------- Sk*. Victor Inatrich. Anion VUsur, Anton ....... hake Frank .......... ttahovsc, Anton ...... ItoskoTlch. Miks ... »skic. Mstt Ntjdlc. John kaich. Nikola ...... Omkorlch. Stephen Mmm. Frsnk VETERANI G. I. (Poeojlla aa val dom) HOME LOAN SERVICE Naj bo val glavni stan sa O. I pesoJUa aa val dom lil Rlngo, Kana. I Clarldge, Pa. 101 Denver. Colo. 144 Clevelaad, O. 174 Puraglove. W. Va. II ravminston. W. Va. Ill Henryetta. Okla 111 Coverdale. Pa. 140 Donora. Pa. 118 Helper, Utak 180 Chicago, IU. IN Pleroe, W. Va. Brate, Joe Bratkovtch. Frank Kardaak. Roman Klemanclc, Stanley Sedmlnek, Frank .. Slovite. Ludvik Blatnik. Joaeph ...... Brakus, Martin ...... Loaftar, Simon -..... Oerblck. John ....... Oomer, John ........... Oovaa, Steve ........... Stare, Primos ......... Ctftn. Joseph .......... Ink Marija hsaun. John ........... bun John ... ....... hnuiU, Ssm D....... Streli. Louis ........... Mtelc, Nesa ........... Borni, Leopold Vtpich. Frsnk ....... CMra. Vslsniin Cmbm, Frank Smk. Anton But, Primos t John . Frsnk SMasrlch. John Inkr. Csspar TBwuc. Emanuel kntlc, Ignac Inetk. Frank ...... hkc. Valentin StijM, Msti Swk. Sophie >«»Mh. Frsnk ...... Bfesrtck. Jsck ...... Ucsa Anton »«* Mstt *«k«rtn. Ivan ....... klinik John SBakovlch, Carl Frank l«t»l. Max "•Hon John Zvone "k Anton fcrtch. Rudy J*"*. Matt Marian "nas. John tT^ch. Anton £*«»lch. Nikola r. ■W, John Joseph JMkwlk. Jscob RUto m. »ichsrd Msalm Anion John Anton M John Frsnk Anton Fred 2T1* Andrew Trsnk p,ltr C** G^rae lte»e J*" John 'eter t ,UU" r*'" Uopold ioseph g* Mik. Ms,n„ & 7raak ST7ohhBUk" Aaton Z?*" 8 le« t 8'm«n igT- Aadr.w +Z Z? '»r« rr r«« t* Aaton SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV priglašenih k federacijeas B. N. P. J. Število društev in članstva SNPJ po državah ft levilo fttevllo Dršava društev članov Alabama 1 10 Arlaona 3 72 Arkanaaa 2 IS California 10 * 917 Colorado 21 1.791 District of Columbia 1 20 Florida 1 14 Idaho 2 68 Illlnole 71 M19 Indiana II '916 Iowa • 172 Kansas 17 1.042 Kentucky 1 10 Maryland 1 II Michigan 20 1.959 Mlnneeola 27 2.162 Mleeouri 9 296 Montana 14 1216 Nebraaka 1 13 Nevada I 32 New Jersey 3 312 New Mexico 3 312 New York 13 707 Ohio N 9.069 Oklahoma 2 21 Oregon 4 119 Penna. . 194 16.209 Utah 13 616 Washington 16 914 Virginia I 9 Weal Virginia 30 911 Wieconaln 22 2.326 Wyoming ' 9 792 CANADA New Scotia I 46 Alberta . 2 32 Ontario 4 77 British Colombia 4 66 PRIREDITVI DRUiTXV CHICAftKE FEDERACIJE S. N. P. J. DRUlTVO "SLAVIJA." šl. 1 SNPJ priredi plesne veselice ns PUST* NO soboto v dversnl S. N. P. J,. Društva aaj peavešasas aasaaal|e •veje priredba tajniku aa aaslovi FRANK A LE Sli. 2124 S. Pulaski Rd. Tel. t Lawadale 9961 CHICAGO ILL. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJI DRUŠTEV BNPJ ZA CLEVELAND IN OKOLICOi Sejs federacije SNPJ vsake leferfte soboto v mesecu v S. R. Domu «a St. Claiv eve. CLEVELANDSKA FEDERACIJA S. K. P. J. društev priredi S. N. P. J. DAN na delavski prasnik 2. septembre na iBletnlškem prostoru S.N.P.J. društev MLADINSKI PEVSKI KROtEK 8 N. P. J., priredi jesenski koncert v nedeljo 13. oktobra 1041 v Slov. Narodnem Domu na Bt. Clalr Avs. N. P. J. priredi Jesenski koncert OPOMBA TAJNIKAi Društve. ki prirejajo svoje piknike la veeellee. na) to prsvošsaito nasnanljo tajnici listu enkrat meeetno.—JOSEPMINt TRATNIK, 111« E. 71st Street Cleveland. Ohio. TISKARNA S.N.P.J sprejema vsa~~--——' v tišhartho obrt tpadajoča dela Tiska vabila za veeelice in »hode, vlzitnlco, lesnike, knjltfe, koledarje, letake Itd. v slovenskem, hrvatskem, slovaškem, češkem, angleškem jeziku In dtutfih...... VODiTVO TISKARNE APELIRA NA ČLANSTVO SNPJ, DA TISKOVINE NAROČA V SVOJI TISKARNI . . . , Vsa pojasnila daje vodstvo tiskarne , , . , Cene imernr, utiijsko delo prve vrste Pišite po informacije na naalov: SNPJ PRINTERY 2667-69 S. Lawndale Avenue • • Chicago 23. Illinola TEL. ROCKWELL 4804 SkupeJ «11 49X177 društev £ le nov V tem ac/namu so ukljutVna samo društva odrasletfs oddelka, toda je pa ena država v<*< kot Izkazuje tabela, priobleriu pred dvema tednoma v Proeveti, to je zaradi tega, ker je bilo društvo if Virginia izpulteno iz o- ENGLISH For Members oi Slovene National Benefit Society and t American Slovenes WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Slovene Nafl Benefit Society in 43rd Year of Fraternal Serviced904-1946 Twentieth Annivertg^ of SNPJ Engli+MI Speaking Lodge M0vemtnt PAGE SIX A Few Facts About the Convention ~ BY THE TIME THIS ISSUE of Prosveta roaches you, most of the delegates to the thirteenth regular convention of the SNPJ will be ready to leave for or will be en route to the convention city—Eveleth, Minnesota, where everything is in readiness to receive the huge delegation. • e • A number of delegates, especially those from the East and West coasts, will leave early in order to arrive on time for the opening session, and many of them will want to be on hand for the preliminary festivities arranged for Sunday, Aug. 11, the day before the official opening of the conclave. • * • fr.-.'*f* ; r.y i. »*' I The convention will officially open Monday morning at 9 o'clock, but various convention committees such as by-laws, resolutions and credentials will meet several days before the convention date to prepare everything necessary for th^oon-clave. In addition, members of the supreme board will also meet at their regular setni-annual session on Aug. 9. 0 0 0 » ' ' On Sunday afternoon, Aug. 11, a huge picnic will be held at the Eveleth Lake Park, which will be attended by many delegates and supreme board members who will have gathered there for the convention. An elaborate program' has been arranged for this occasion. . * * * AS 8TATED HERE LAST WEEK, the three local SNPJ lodges in Eveleth will bear the brunt of the responsibilities in connection with the convention, and the Minnesota Federation of SNPJ lodges will lend its hand in carrying out all arrangements scheduled during the convention period. • * e The local convention committees have made elaborate preparations for the entertainment and comfort of the delegation which will number exactly 300 delegates and supreme board members. It is likely that an equal number of members and friends will also be in the convention city to take in the convention and its festivities. 0 0 0 On Wednesday, Aug. 14, a huge convention banquet will take place. In addition to the delegates and executives and friends, the baquet speaking program includes such well-known personalities as Etbin Kristan, president of the Slovene American National Council, our political authority and a venerable statesman and writer; Louis Adamic, our eminent writer, Dr. Slavko Zore, counselor to the Jugoslav Embassy in Washington, D. C., and Leo Krzycki, noted labor leader. e • • . Joseph Bogdanich, well-known Jugoslav artist of Eveleth, will have an exhibit of oil paintings at the convention hall. One of the paintings is dedicated to the SNPJ and one to the Slovene National Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. The exhibit includes 25 of his oil paintings depicting the Minnesota Arrowhead region. * * * THE CONVENTION ITSELF is attracting Wide attention among our people in this country. As the largest and strongest frsternal society on this continent, the Slovene National Benefit Society exerts the greatest influence on all our communities. e * • Am stated here last week, foremost on the list of things to be done at the convention will, no doubt, come the problems of insurance, sick benefit, disability and old members. Considerable time will also be devoted to investments, how to invest the organization's funds in future, as wall as to juvenile members, how to attract youth into our Society through increased juvenile activities. a a a In addition, many other matters will come up before the delegates, among' them the principles on which our Society was founded and flourished these two score and two years. This includes the policy of our official publications. 0 a * All communications intended for the Thirteenth Regular Convention of the Slovene National Benefit,Society, which meets next Monday, Aug. 12, should be forwarded to the following uddress: SNPJ Convention, High School Auditorium, Eveleth, Minnesota. Spirit-o-Grams By WhooaU ST LOUIS. MO.-~Our regular meeting will hr held Friday, Aug a, nI 8 p in ut Concordia Turner Hall. 1.1th and Aim oni. Members arc urged to uUi-nd aince many Important subjects will lie ditruaserl at this meeting Further plana will l»c mudi- for our Full Dance The Spit It* wiah lo extend their sympathy to Theresa Spcck on the death of her »uter-in-law at Wil-lard, Wia Ki« Speck und her husband made u trip to Wiaconaln for th«- funeial. Thu and That- Oeltla Yart« and her family »pent a few days St SpringfiHd, III Pauline Utllrepte and her hu»t»and are buildinj| a horn«- in Coll in«title. III., next door to hrr mother Walter Raranleh la now a policeman in lxia Angele« He ta attending achool in the evening Walter'a alater. Ann. is alao in Loa Angelea working and la feeling fine Til I M- Ducate'a attter. Dorothy Sodnik, from the Pioneers, visited here a (•>* days with her eon Not man The Spirit« regret that they didn't get to aee her during her vialt Helen HervsUn and her mother had a nice trie to Colorado Reminding you again to attend the meeting Friday. Aug •• Bogdanich Exhibit fit SNPJ Conclave Delegate« to the 13th regular SNPJ convention and friends who will gather in Eveleth, Minn., Aug. 13 at the High School Auditorium, will have the opportunity to see the exhibit of oil painting« depleting the Minn«*ota Aroowheed region. These paintinga are the work of Joeeph Bogdanich. the well-known Ju*o-alav artiat. Mr. Bogdanich Invites all delegates and frtenda to hla exhibit. One of the paintings. "Minnesota State Flower," la dedicated t<> the SNPJ, and one, "Lake Bled", to the Slovene Nat'l Museum In Cleveland, Ohio. The exhibit will be open daily duinf the convention.. 3S5- | ii , , ■ , = Stragglers SNPJ Lodge No. 614 CLEVELAND, O—Now that Conditions are almost back to normal, may I make a suggestion? How about a "Scribes Roundup"—a sort of a get-together of all members who act as reporters for their re ■pectlve lodges?? We could formu late plans as to how, when and where we could meet in a body, preferably at some anniversary celebrstion. Haven't you often wondered just whst he or she looked like? I have! Think it over, scribblers, and let me know through the Prosveta. Newsy Notes Strugglers basket picnic held on July 31 was a huge success. It really seemed like old-times with the Perusek and Marolt families predominating. Hilites of the picnic: Fred Perusek giving a penny lecture to all the ladies on how to banish "blue Monday" by using the Rinso way—just dip, rinse and hang out to dry. Paul Golob being the target in the watermelon throwing contest 'and Vic Zele came out the winner. The baby bottle contest bringing ipiles of smiles from the whole gang and yours truly emerged victorious; believe me, folks, I felt it all week long. The watermelon eating contest won by Eleanor Laurie and Loretta Lampe. That, too, brought many laughs and it sort of made the parents acquainted with the young fry. I can still see Lou Marolt eating fried chicken, not one piece but five! Millie Marolt getting into the dancing mood while Louise Ganor played the accordion and Paul Golob substituting as the ban-oist in his own imitable style. Well done, my lad! The kiddies hsving a wonderful time taking turns on riding the pony which was furnished by Walter Lampe. Thanks s lot, Wally, for making the youngsters happy, and I'm sure it's one day they won't forget for a long while. We saw amongst the crowd the Joe Karlinger family, Anthony Za-mans, Phil Sircas, Joe Tolars, Walter Lahqjwes, John Marolts, and the I late-comers Frank Line and the missus. If you had a god time, would you ;are to have a wiener roast at this aame spot some Saturday nite? Then come to our meeting on the 14th when plans will be made. ANNE S ZELE, Rec. Sec'y. —r--.J. Detroit It Ready , DETROIT.—Here are a few bits about Detroit that we would like, to have the delegates to the SNPJ convention to know about. Mayor Jeffries of Detroit made statement on the Detroit transportation plans that 1490 new buaes and 78 new streetcars have been ordered, that two limited Scccs highways, the Lodge and the Cross town, Ire ready for ground break ing, with the Grand river express way to follow. These highways will run express has lines for long distance over thoroughfares where thefe will be no cross traffic and no stop lights; it will be the fastest rapid transit in the country. Also, in Detroit, a committee is already on its way to London to make a bid'for the World's Olympic games if poaaible to have the games htld here in Detroit, which wilt mean the building of a large stadium to hold the events as well as other facilities. Also in Detroit a World's Fair committee is busy publishing a 100-page booklet advertising Detroit an the next site for the World's Fait and with a good chance of Detroit being selected. Also in Detroit, according to an article by Ray Travnik, the Detroit Slovenes of the eastaide are making plana for building a new Slovene Home. So delegates with all of this evening to Detroit and more, h can you fail to vote Detroit as the next SNPJ convention site? 11 RUPERT, «77. Was II a Warning? Suitor—I d er-—ah—like to marry yoAl* dauglit. i Hir Her Father—Have you seen her mother? Suiter—Yes. sir, but I am *»r -ah —willing to marry her anyway. comrades' tole book By J. F. Filolt CLEVELAND, O—A very nice crowd was in attendance at Comrade*' first public-picnic July 28. Considering the setup at the SNPJ Farm, with the dance hall located away from the main grounds, no beer, etc., the affair was quite successful. Sufficient credit cannot be given to the group that worked; namely, Frank and Pauline Ross. Frances and Mike Prešeren, 'Jean Yarshen, Dot Mosnik. Joe Zorman. Joe Sircel, Tony Kerze, Pauline Spik. Antoniette Skok. Dani Fifolt. Donald and Joan Fifolt and Loretta Kerze. Bacon and eggs wss the first order of the dsy for the workers, which certainly hit the spot. Dot Mosnik showed up later arriving by bus, in her determination to be on hand to help out. Nice going, Dorothy. The crowd enjoyed the games, especially the egg-tossing contest. Pauline Spik, past master at the art of slinging an egg copped first prize paired with Eddie Azman. She and "Popeye" Modic won in previous years. Popeye was supposed to show up but ran into car trouble. Betty Jartz' aim was square and true when she hurled the rolling pin with mighty force st the target. The kiddies' scramble for the pennies was fast and furious with nary a copper piece in sight within thirty seeonds. In appreciation of the fine cooperation of the present caretakers, Mr. and Mr»; Hlavaty, Comrades contributed Dart of their ration to the farm. The young couple saw to it that everything was lined up in fine shape. Many prospects for membership were talked to, Anne York sighing up. Her husband is a very energetic worker for one of our rival organizations. Mingling among the crowd was supreme member. Matt Petrovič, his wife, Josephine Mocnik and husband John. Bro. Celin from lodge V boj, Bro. Sore, Bro. Bias Novak and many other representatives from the older lodges. The Loyal-Ite group were on hand headed by Rose Raines, A1 Raines, Dot Rossa, Shorty Zadeli. Ed Tomsic from the Utopians, several Strugglers, Spartans, many ladies i from Napredne Slovenke were present, led by Mrs. Azman and the whale Azman family including Ann. Comrade member* were very well represented, just to mention a few: the Orenik sisters, Rudy Turk, Strltofs,' Tony and Mary Kushlan, Korens, Beljans, Grums, Wukovich, Plemels, Vehsrs, Samsa. Jartz, Hoyts, Reinmann, Valentines. Sebe-nikff, Mukavetz, Debevec, Modic, Laurich, Alden.< < *" i We must not forgfet tO thank those who went out' of their way to provide some of the refreshments, namely. Qus Valentine, Pauline Spik. Antoniette Skok, Pauline Reinmann, Alice Strancar. Svete familv. Ross. Mukavetz, Tony Kerze. Malavac, Wallencheck. A vote of thanks is In order to Albina Vehar and other members who were kind enough to nurchase some of the surplus refreshments. also Tony Kerze Who carted the stuff down the day before. '" Dance, Saturday, Sept. 7 Traditionally for the past many ; rears, Comrades open up the danc-ng season at the Slovene National Home. E. 65th and St CHr. This year will be the 20th annual Fall Frolic. Saturday, Sepi. 7. Music Will be furnished by Pete Srnick and his orchestra. The group Is planning now to see that plenty of refreshments will be available. Thoee of you that can secure some beer for us, please do so and get In touch with Tony Kerze. As is customary for the opening dance of the season each Comrade member Or family is expected to utilize one ticket. You no doubt have it by now. Meeting Aug. 20 The August meeting will be on Tuesday, the 20th. With cooler Weather approaching more of our members should attend. Due* Collection NUe Instead of Saturday. Aug 24. dues collection night for August will be on Monday. Aug 26 Please make a notation to thla effect. A baby girl is the good word from Joe Prijatel. Congratulations to all. * ...--W— m Delegates who are coming to Kvelfth prior to Auguat 11 for the SNPJ convention are requested to com to the Eveleth SNPJ hal to get their rooms assigned. On Sunday, Aug. II, all delegate« are to come to the City Auditorium to get full information regarding meals which will be served by the SNPJ ladies and transportation to the picnic gmunda which has been arranged for you. The SNPJ lodges in Eveleth are well prepared and are awaiting to welcome you delegate« to our city. ' j URSULA AMBRpZICH. Convention Chairman Federation Event r «~ r 5 i . & « ! fx A , , Is Huge Success LATROBE, PA.—The refruits- of the Westmoreland County Federation's annual social event overcame our greatest expectations. It Was an Ideal summer day for an outdoor gathering and it was gratifying to note the splendid turnout not only from our own Westmoreland vicinity but also from surrounding counties. These affairs are extremely Important in propagating the principles of the SNPJ and Sunday's affair indicates how strongly related are the lodges in this area. The warmth and good humor along with thjf wonderful cooperation displayed wherever any work was needed to be done. Thanks for a job well done!! We were prepared with liberal amounts of all kinds of refreshments but even they proved lacking at the end of the evening due to the large crowd. The lively music of Frank Baloh and his orchestra was wetl received through-out the afternoon and evening. And then those happy and spontaneous outbursts of Slovene songs that thrill us always no matter how often we hear them. There Were 'many people who traveled great distances to attend this affair, for instance those folks from C ley eland from Lodges 53 and 450. Also worthy of special commendation are the'people from the following lodges, Ambridge, Bridge -vilie, Broughton, Baggaley, Ches-wick, Center, Claridge, Darragh, Delmont, Export. Greensburg, Har-wlck, Harmarville, Hermjnie, Hutchinson, Latrobe, Library, Lowber, Manor, Pleasant Valley, Penn, Rlll-ton, Russellton, Slickville, Universal, West Newton, Willock, White Valley, Yukon and. Verona. Not to be forgotten are the folks from Westmoreland City and Pitcairn. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting you good people and hope I haven't 9 ver looked any towns or lodges which would be easy to dO in the face of such a large attendance. To all nevertheless we extend a sincere vote of appreciation for your presence. It is with such close teamwork that we will continue the work of the Federation in this part of the state. News of the forthcoming convention prevails throughout all SNPJ communities and we hope the results of this convention will be a success. -It must be rerr em bored with what importance and significance our delegates have the distinct and be it the "deserving or undeserving" honor of attending this meaningful conclave on behalf of the lodges they represent. It is assumed that they were elected to represent the SNPJ of their communities and I am sure the organisation is well aware of the importance of its social existenoe and good ."cllowship wherever any group gets together; however, it seems too many are concerned with the good time awaiting them rather than the responsibilities of deciding the serious and thought-provoking issues which will be on the agenda. News from Edward Matko again who his assumed his duties with the Coast Guard In Trieste recently. He writes of his adventures into Gorica and the necessity of trsveling well armfed while riding through this disputed territory. Along the so-called Jugoslav-Italian boundary line and the surrounding country, he writes, are the familiar slogans and words painted on houses, barns and posts, written in Slovene. Most of them sav "tukaj smo SLOVENCI" and "HOČEMO V JUGOSLAVIJO." Also everywhere you see Tito's name. There ia much hostility la this section, he says, but you can't blame them for the Slovenes are not being treated fairly. At any rale, he goes on further to syy, that the Slovenes really work to exist while the Italians are a shiftless lot. More news next time. MARY E MATKO. 318. Cuddy Lodge No. 319 Plant Celebration CUDDY, PA Anniversary time is again drawing naar for Lodg 319 To celebrate the occaaion, a dance will be »ponsoied on Sunday, Sept. 1. Since details, thus far. have not been taken earo of, I must poet pone a detailed write-up until later. On behalf of alt member« of Lodge 3lt, I would like to extend our sympathy to the immediate family of Herman Ha rde in his re-cent death. Let ua not forget Cuddy when September la heee MOLLY. Lodge 319 NOTATIONS By Frances L. Rak Attention, Members SNPJ Lodge No. 237 CONNEAUT. OHIO—Members of Lodge 237 SNPJ are urged to attend our regular monthly meeting which will be held on August 10 at 7 30 p. m. In Log Cabin Grove. After meeting we will have refreshments and entertainment. So con* and all and bring your friends. JOHN SEDMAK. Vice-Pre« No Trick«. Pleaae The prospective lodger was looking the room over, and saw no wash-stand. "And where," he inquired anmewhat haughtily, "do I perform my ablutions''' "Not here, certainly." retorted th» landlady "Only last week a bat broke two of my best chairs. CHICAGO - Pioneers homecoming pionic held at Piben Park last Saturday afternoon ' add evening was a great success in every way except one. We ran out of "suds" a little after nine o'clock. Perhaps a conservative estimate of 2500 people attended the huge affair. We were honored with the presence of very many out-of-towners. They came from Fontana, Calif., Washington. D. C„ Detroit, Milwaukee. La Salle, Youngstown, Strabane. Carnegie, Cliff Mine, Johnstown and Universal, all Pennsy towns; 'East Chicago and Gary, Indiana. Perhaps thel-e were many others, not to my knowledge. - ( j The people thronged into the grove much earlier than othet- years. The dinners prepared by the able crew in the kitchen, were just simply delicious, and were ready to serve on time. The kitchen was af complete sell-out. Children's games were one of the main early attractions, and the children were happy] Bingo stand was going good until the orchestra invited the dance lovers. Frantye Yanfcovich's ..Columbia Recording orchestrs was par excellence. People simply went wild over it. Entertaining and interesting feature was the "Shoemaker Polka", something new for our< dance lovers. The biu event of the evening was finally here, the awarding of a 1946 Ford De Luxe ear. Subscription Sales kept mounting all evening, with several of the members constantly selling1 them. Even a'half dozen or so juveniles were busily selling them, and were they proud of their awards afterwards! Three judges were: Beverly Lazar, of Fontana, Calif.; Jean Ruša, Cleveland. Ohio, and Elwood Blake of Detroit. Mich. The lucky person was a Chicago girl, Rose Zalokar. Naturally We were all dissapointed we couldn't be the lucky person, but maybe another time.' - , .< ( ■ Thuš, after many months of real hard planning, and more planning and working hard from Saturday morning till early Sunday morrting. gratulations.—Due to Ann Sannc-mann's illness, her husband and Ruth Medic took chargc of the children's games. fl* A ■ t*« f t a* r lerland News A»V A " QMOT Langerholc Jr., of the Flood 4; Chica^ s greatest SNPJ ^ }dd Qf Johnstown> Pa. Con affair is over. All of our efforts_______c^ weren't in vain for our treasury was increased considerably. It took something like one hundred workers to make everything turn out okay. Besides all the various committee heads, we should ftive special mention tO some of the parly kitchen crew: Ann Zordani, Eva Zordani. Erma Vertnik, Mary Kiikman, Eleahbr and Nancy Kramer, Without help like Mrs. Malovich, Mary and Frances Vertnik, plus Dorothy Sodnik, things just couldn't have progressed. There were many others who performed their duties faithfully. We thtnk it was swell of Juveniles Myra Beniger and Marion Cervenka and their Perfect Circle group to give us the help in car sttibs. It was appreciated. Juveniles Myra Andres and Robann Sanne- etroit Wolverines man were very busy bt avers at rP freshment stand. Seem, \ \j'\ idea to train them youn«. eh? THIS SATURDAY nornir* Wme| Of us will be going to vanous de pots and met ting the tram which are bringing to Chicago the <££ gates to the SNpj M They 11 have a stop-off period be^ p i ll* wheir trains northward to Eveleth. Minn., where the con 1 vention will be held, We will meet I our Pennsy relatives and friends and have a chance to be with them for a few hours. And so, deleeatei we'll be seeing you! 1 * ALLAROUND-Looks like I can't drive that Ford car (to Fifolt) much as r would like to. Happy birthday wishes to Stephanie Rodman. Erma Vertnik got a promotion at work to that Of a forelady. A "left-over" post card was received from the boyS Bill Kovacic, Johnnie Rokavec. iand Edward Udovich. who are having a grand time at Paw Paw, Mich vacationing. Tommy Hines is spending two weeks at a boys' camp. We were very glad to see Johns-towners Josephine Bizjack, Genevieve Korošec and Bobby Glavach at our picnic. They are all members of the Flood City Lodge. From Washington, D. C., our old standby Emil Hrast was present, besides Mary Suglich. Out Strabane (Pa.) way we were happy to meet Legis-lator Peter Elish, who also contributes weekly to Prosveta col-lumns. Ernie Dreshar's Edith Tan-cek came to picnic from Youngi-town, O., besides many othei*. Frank Vldmar's cousin Mitzie Doli-nar of Cliff Mine, Pa., was here also; to make Frank a little more happy, a certain young miss, Marte Skerl, of Carnegie, was in our midst too. Because the treasurer and I were so very busy all evening, I he d little chance to get around the grove to talk to the people, and that is why I didn't get to see the Detroit and Milwaukee delegation. We hope they all enjoyed themselves—Third child, a girl, was born to Mary and DETROIT.—-This is convention week. Delegates from every lodge in these United States will gather in Minnesota to pars and make new laws by which our Society will be governed in the next four years. Representing the Wolverines at this convention will be our treasurer, Dan Obed. Danny, as well as all other delegates from the Detroit area, will be plugging for Detroit as the next convention city in 1950. By that time the Slovenes of Detroit hope to have their new SNPJ hpme built. This convention should be the most successful of all. The Pioneer picnic was the feature attraction over the weekend. Detroit was wen represented at this affair by the Young Americans with their softball team and spreading good will for the Wolverines were Berchie Naprudnik, A1 Bernick. Dorothy and Doug Parsons and John Maroley. In response to all queries from the fair sex * regarding s ladies' bowling leagues this winter. I can only say that as yet no plans have been made. Lena Yerman was elected to handle all details con earning the women's bowling lesgue and If there Is to be a league thia season, Lena will notify the girls. Out Milwaukee way it's another boy, Jimmy, at the home of Rudy sod Charlotte Hochevar. Congratulations Happy birthdays were celebrated by Anne Trusnovic. Mary and Fete Benedict. Bertha Bernick and Berchie Naprudnik tmily Schmaltz and two children spent a week visiting irtends st their farm. Are you Wolverines collecting that beer for our dance on the 39th of Oetf MILLY BERNICK. 977. 1 MILWAUKEE, WIS.-Cupid again raiding the ranks of the Bad*, ers. Louise Kukec and Bob P»l kowski announced their engage n»ent recently, and will say "I do in November. Another BadgiretK to receive a diamond was none other than our popular rec. secy. Olga Golob.% The young man is Frank Bolka who will become a Badpr shortly. They plan to be marriea this coming spring. Olga Glavan was married re^ ccntly. We didn't get the name of thfe lUcky young man, but our »m-cere Congrats to you both. Frank Kaker spent a recent week end in Muskegon, Mich, visit mi with friends and relatives. Josephine Roshihsky is spending pen Ot her vacation in the same town. Marie Ermenc postcards from 1*«' ver that she i« «njoyin| sn auw trip that so far has taken her thru northern Wisconsin South Dak*. Black Hills, the Badlands, and Nebraska and Colorado. Mr an Mrs. William Debelak ^J™ son'Billy recently spent a fewM in Lincoln. Ill where they v— with Bill's parenuand f nd« younger brother oi j«™ Debelak. and Bill, is apfna«"* »" - wjI] vacation here in Milwaukee and wW return to Lincoln m tin* tor fall «e«ionof high **ool Frank and Ann Bolka of Spn« field. Ill spet a few ccntly They northern Minnesota for a ^ They will be in Eveleth wV wltl take in part of the co* which sUrts Aug. " |>ft • Entering the month were Emil ."d Tr^cn---- Mrs Grofs is the form" Franc* Cukjati Their place ^ „ located at S "VlJUukcr Which «**dr * „ That meus can be next time you »'n „ hood, drop m and ay Quite an .ccnmp^ ^ £ recently ^ w^nns will br seemg ^ * Lou in the future ^ - maanrf W ***** jHESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1946 PKOSVETA - wrZK I said that it was W , ,he Jugoslav delegation fit je^nce h-d^ g aJdeli. would have a lot m ,bout the Trieste | settle- to report now that Kar- LT/make strong representa- aU»e conference against the J of Slovene territory around ?Kaidelj speaks not only for r ™ who are directly con- llovrnes FLASHES By Donald J. Lotrich p, m the deal which they op-their might, but all iSrii a. well. What hap-ajf? Slovenia after World fj when one-third of her land population was placed under ,Enyoke, must not be repeat- iCirave injustice must be repti-J1^,justifiable basis. The Slo-, do not want any foreign land I they demand is their own ter-J. nothing more, a territory 5 has been Slovene for nearly Sen centuries. Trieste and Gore in this territory. POLITICS is a word that plays important role in our lives, both ally and nationally as well as in-nitionally. It it power politics that is still order of the day especially in lemational dealings . The Big ur, or rather the Big Three, are win« power politics at every con-nce. notably Britain and Amer-with Russia following along the lines because there is no other France, which is supposed be the fourth partner in the Big ; is only an appendix, as is also a in the Big Five setup. In the real sense, if we narrow wm the real powers, there are ily two Big Powers—the United ites and Russia. These two are e dominant factors, that's why tj so often clash, because their rests and sphere of interests in so many strategic places. CHICAGO.—The big Job is over. A record crowd was on hand last Saturday night for the Pioneer Homecoming Picnic at Pilsen Park and they took in the good things we had to offer, spent a few happy hours and participated in the awarding of a new 1946 Ford sedan to Miss Rose Zalokar, of 6154 Waban-sia Avenue, Chicago. The young lady was present and was thus able to drive away in a new car. The job was the biggest the Pioneers ever tackled and with the exception of some minor flaws, carried through very satisfactorily. Frank Yanko-vich, who flew here from Cleveland, certainly did the job that he was expected to do. The dance floor was neatly filled all tMe time. Many people took advantage of the fine meals that were served. The children had their games and contests; Dingo was played, and the general disposition of the people was good. Though we were next to the brewery, we were limited to seventy percent of. the beer we had used the previous year, which meant that we ran out of beer early in the evening and that dampened our spirits. A large committee labored from morning 'til 'way past midnight to serve our patrons and did a splendid job. WEEK will be a mighty for the entire SNPJ member-ip which numbers nearly 67,000 both departments. The 13th regular convention of SNPJ which meets in Eveleth, n.. is unquestionably the big-event among our people in this sitry Let us hope that the liberations and decisions will be credit to the entire organization all respects. Let us also hope petty peeves and cheap politics not mar the proceedings, toother big event, although re 1 in importance, will take place the Labor Day weekend in nkegan, 111., when four events ill be rolled into one, namely, the W Midwest Meet, the Balina arney. the Juvenile Field Day, id « dance at the Slovene Nat'l KIM- aus of Young American Lodge DETROIT.-Thc Young Ameri 1 regular monthly meeting will held Friday, August 9, at the H D. H»n* are being completed to hold »al memorial services for those » died for their country while in >U. S. armed forces. This event W take place on Sept. 20, at the J«* National Home. Bro Join Dolentz will preside as master •remonies. The plaque honor-lour deceased will be unveiled by various individuals <* given The program will '<*«• with bugle taps. All SNPJ H*r. and especially the imme- »»»Uy Of the deceaaed, are r*"m'- IS attend. AH delate, from the Detroit 'J < y n"w d«Parted for the ' Mention in Eveleth, Minn. J invention in Detroit." spirit, of Dtlroi| C|fcl# •jjru-ty program will be held at IV * Everyone welcome. * «*mbership ha. passed' the Join- rnZTL ,TnK CorT* on you Z •■•'raid to attend, fcv* ywj 8re n,orp than pleased P** • via 11 hT' FrM4nd,y City. * hi ;; hl, r"ny c»ty. tor i here, but why has it more fnendUer with •TT' Al Prternsl. This Frank Hri-k*. Joe Bricely ihcal aolf match |>.M -nd h"v«* me kindly •a, fth. t>arn and Lcr ihor1 Ufa .a < keep i„ touch n <* the first bowl-the v»rv nrif f(| very J^H TRAVNIK, 544 Our hardest job was to accommo date the out-of-towners, many of whom were present. There was a fine group from Detroit, some from Cleveland, Mary Suglick and Emil Hraat came from Washington, D. C.: Milwaukee and Waukegan were represented; and we had visitors from as far West as Fontana, Calif. Hotels in Chicago just do not have any vacancies and reservations could not be made though we tried and tried. This situation has been made worse by the recent Hotel La Salle fire which threw a lot of people Into other hotels. We are sorry for this unpleasantness but hope our patrons will understand. We are thankful to all who participated in the homecoming and to the large committee which functioned so well. • • » Joseph Gratchner is now at home, after spending some time at the hos pital.—John Zaborac Sr. is also on the sick list, as are Marie Holoubek, Mary Vertnik Sr. and Anton Kra penc.—Barbara Dineen had a Cae sarian operation and is at St. Anne's Hospital.—Paul and Bertha Videgar were out to Yellowstone National Park. On the way back they stopped in Denver to visit with Anton Zagar Al Luear spent some time in Har-minie, Pa., but -was back on time to work atr the homecoming.—Louis and Eleanore Kramer spent a week in Brainard, Minn. They brought some fine fish back and came home on time to work at the picnic.— Benny and Lucille Spayer are spending their vacation in Arma, Kans A postcard from Lake Arrowhead Calif., tells us that Minka Alesh and Vera Levee spent some time with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodman and Mr. and Mrs. John Ska vlch.—Caroline Dutchuk was re cently married. Her new name will now be Fisher. • • • One of our Pioneer girls advises that she wanted to leave the lodge without giving any reaaon. We re sponded that she undoubtedly would have to carry some* insurance and Hated the benefita to which she was entitled under her SNPJ policy for a nominal premium and at the same time asked that she cohsult her in surance man if he could give her similar policy for anywhere near our coat. The young lady followed our advice and from all appearances the insurance agent could not dupll cate our policy so she is continuing her affiliation with the Pioneers This logic has saved many another Pioneer and ia probably the best weapon of offense we have in the SNPJ. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, Sweden, too, la at-1 lathing her ties to Russia's apron strings. She will loan Russia a lot of money and in return will get a lot of new trade. What's important that Sweden doesn't want any part of Europe's "Western bloc." Notwithstanding, all the pressure used by England and America, some of the most important European countries find it expedient to form a new allignment.—Illinois paid unemployment benefits of nineteen million dollars during the first six months of 1946. That's a lot of money, and indicates what a fund of this kind can do to tide people over. • • • We'll be going to the thirteenth regular SNPJ convention where we expect to meet a lot of old familiar faces and spend considerable tlmo on problems of the SNPJ. One of those old familiar faces will not be seen, this time. Joseph Snoy, who has always been in the forefront of SNPJ activities and the progressive labor movement, passed away some time ago. Because of his good work, he was well known and well regard ed and always an inspiration to the rest of us. Though he was burdened with sickness throughout these many years, he continued his efforts in behalf of the good cause. His perseverance enabled him to succeed. His disposition was always generous. He had a kind heart and he will be missed at this convention as well as at the conventions to come. Because of his passing the other coworkers will have to step into his shoes and continue the work where Brother Snoy left off. Juvenile Circles of till SNPJ Integrity Broadcast CHICAGO.—Just a few words to the delegates who will represent their lodges at the 13th SNPJ con vention. I noticed recently that many of our supreme officers don' attend our lodge affairs. Well, there'a a reason for It, you see, they would like to attend "but," they too, are short in pay and cannot af ford to apend their money like aome of the rest who can afford to do so. Now my good brothers and sis ters, ypu can do a good deed by passing a little increase in their pay roll, and doing so you will see that they will attend your affairs. There's a lot more that I would like to say but have been too busy making plans for the Nst'l Ass'n of Letter Carriers convention to be held in Detroit on Labor day week As an alternate delegate I knew had no chance to be present so I am leaving that to our good Brother Michael Flelschhacker who. I know, will repreaent our Integrity lodge well. 'I will appreciate if some of our lodge members will take our Juvenile members to Waukegan and let them enjoy themaelvea, play games, run races, etc., on Sept. 1. I understand that we will bowl with the inter-lodge league. Now you bowlers get your namea In to Bro. Flelachhacker at once ao you won't be left out. Pleaae pay your dues on time. LOUIS A. BAFFETTI, Rec. Sec'y. President Truman Welcomes Ambassador Kosanovich Just Careful The mule was trying the old farmers's patience. Repeatedly, the long-eared animal would start cautiously, take a few steps, and then stop. A passerby pauaed to watch the slow process. "Looks to me/' he said, "as if that mule is balky." The farmer shook his head. "No, he's a fust-class mule," he replied. "But he's so 'fraid II'll say, 'Wboa' an' he won't hear me, that he stops every now and then to listen." U. S. Treasury Dept. Presents Award _ To SNPJ for Sale of Savings Bonds On July 25. Mr. William C. FiUgibbon. Director of National Oj*an(»-tion Diviaion of the Treasury Department. U. ».Savings Bonds Division, sent Bro. F. A. Vider. Supreme Secretary of SNPJ. the following letter along with the Aluminum Award in appreciation of the service rendered by the SNPJ in the sale of U. S. War Bonds: Parlact Circl« 26 Conilnuas Its Activities CHICAGO—Last Saturday's Perfect Circle meeting was one of the most pleaaant held in recent weeks. First the attendanor was very good, everyone in excellent spirits, and this resulting that all wanted to "tell and talk" at once. Al this was the l§st regular meet-in« held fur the summer duration, all neceaaary business was discussed and disposed of. This, however, does not mean that the Circle's rec* reational activities cease, Wednesday nights the group meets at Gary playground for their softball sessions, teen-agers have planned several outings, and our younger fry are looking forward to the Museum movies, and we will see what can be done as to participation in Waukegan!« Juvenile Field Day. The age limit set does hamper us a bit. We would alao like to thank the Jolly Juveniles for their recent invite to come up for the day, but activities planned 'way ahead interfered with us attending. We will .be seeing you all come Labor Day week-end. Our two big Fall projects were discussed, mainly the Circle's program and dance on Sept. 28, for the benefit of the Children's Hospital in Slovenia, and the Goodman Theater party on Nov. 29, for the benefit of ttye Circle treasury. We will also haVe a "super-doo" Halloween party, and it is to "out super" any that the Circle has ever had before. Another Fall activity that our younger boya are looking forward to was divulged by Edward Udo-vlch, rfss't ipanager. It looks as If we will finally be able to get the long awaited gym mats, and by purchasing several sets of boxing gloves the boys will indulge in the manly art of self defense and wrest ling. It Is also planned to put on a Sport Show for parents und friends sometime in late Fall. It is planned to be strictly "professional stuff" what with trainers, handlers, weigh-ins. referees and all the trimmlnga. All this is to be promoted by the members themselves with the adtdce and some as sistance from Edward, the Circle alumnai boys and this Writer. If any of the fathers ara interested in helping, etc., we would be glad to have you come around on the designated nights, which will be announced later. It looks Ilka u busy Fall and Winter schedule for Perfect Circlers but then they seam to thrive on such a diet. ' The most important part of the meeting was that some of The Voice of Youth awards had been received from the main office and presented to the winners. The SNPJ and Michael Vrhovnik are to be congratulated on the excellent and appealing prizes chosen to be used as awards for Voice of Youth winners. The cameras, fountain pens and balls and bata were received with much enthusiasm and many were the promises made and heard "to work juat a little bit harder so I can win one of thoaa prices." We shall see. The Voice of Youth winners in the Perfect Circle group ex-tend sincere thanks to the SNPJ. not only for the opportunity given them to write, but for the swell feeling of pleasure that comes in being a winner of such swell prises. After the meeting was adjourned we went out and took some snapshot pictures. John and Frances Rak were present, as waa Leo Sma-gaj, SNPJ custodian. Michael Vrhovnik graciously came down from his desk to also pose with the group, and here's hoping we took some "beauties".. Incidentally. Mr. Vrhovnik spoke of a very good Idea he had in mind for The Voice of Youth camera winners, and other SNPJ camera enthuslaata. I thought It excellent and hope he will go into more detail in some future articles. ANN SANNKMANN. Mgr. Perfect Circle 26 SNPJ. (On July 18, Mr. Sava N. Kosanovic, the new Jugoslav Ambassador in Washington, presented his credentials to the American Government. On this occasion two important letters were exchanKed between President Truman and Ambassador Kosanovic. Of special importsnce to sll Jugoslavs here and abroad who have been supporting the Liberation Front and the new Jugoslavia, is the President's letter which appears below and ii followed by Kosanovic'* letter.) Dear Mr. Vidcr: On behalf of the Secretary of the Treasury I have the pleasure of presenting • to you this Aluminum Award in appreciation of the volunteer service the SNPJ rendered lr, helping to finance World War II through the aale of United States Bands to 65 million Americana. Aa on the field of battle, ao on the homefront, citations are awarded In recognition of patriotic deeds performed. Such citations however do not retire their recipients from active duty, Likewiae this official Tremsury Award to you will. I »m confident, be cherished not only as a memento commemorating a most outstanding war effort but will alao be Interpret ted by you as a com-mission to even greater patriotic servioe The war is over but its aftermath remains A huge national debt must be servfcwd: problems of cap-Mai and labor solved; and the danger of vicious Inflation everted Aa investments ia War Bonds bought military victory, so investments in Savings Bonds tan secure a stable peacetime economy. During the conflict you counaelled your friends to "Back the Attack." In this critical poetwar era of reconstruction American citizens must be urged to invest every available dol-lar in Savings Bonds to inaure their own economic security. In thla program you can be of greet assist*nee by 1. Publicizing K regularly In your orgenisaUon's bul M ins. journals, and magaaines. 2. Promoting psyroll Savings plans in your office and lodges Upon each one of us rests the re-•pennihility of safeguarding our national economic security and I shall welcome your pledge of continued cooperation in support-of the Savings Bond Program. Sincerely. WILLIAM C. riTZOIBBON. Director Natl Org. Diviaion. U. B Treasury Department. MIGHTY MONUMENT The Great Pyramid of Giseh, the tomb'of Cheops, was planned and built by its anoient Egyptian engineers and workmen about 1000 years ago, with such mathematkal exactness that the errors In Ita sides are leas than a little fingers breadth in length and angle in a total length of 7ft» feet. About • million tona of stone were used In erecting thla mighty monument, Herodotus tells us that 100,-000 labored for 20 years In building It rOR the answer la "Who ear Slovene lorebeersf" FOR s fuller understanding Why Slovenes Hfki far Trteeie FOR background material la writ lag school essays FOR a handy referenaa Mi ea all Slovene paaklams READ Prof ass s r Dragotla Lo&ar's Tke SlovtMi, a Social History Prtee fl.M ANTHONY J. K LAŠČAH 1247 John Jay Nail York ti New Yerk Mr. Ambassador: I receive with pleasure the letters whereby the Presidium of the Federal People's Republic of Jugoslavia credits you as ambasKudor extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Jugoslavia near the government of United Statea. As a consequence of the many ties of friendship forged between the people of the United States and the people of Jugoslavia by the numbers of Jugoslavia's sons and daughters who have migrated to thla country, the peuple of the United States have watched with interest the progress of development of Jugoslavia from her formation aa a nation after World War 1 through the troublous course of her subsequent hlatory. The Jugoslavs who have come to the United Statea have made great contributions to American culture and progress, and I find it particularly fitting that In welcoming you as Jugoslav Ambassador to the United States I am welcoming the nephew of the renowned Nikola Tesla, whose scientific work contributed so much to the welfare and progreaa of both the United States and the world. The people and government of United States will long remember the gallant atruggle which Jugosla via carried on against overwhelming axis forces during World War II—a struggle which cost Jugosla via so many Uvea and wrought ter rlblo deatructlqn to her homea and countryside, but which constituted an outstanding contribution to the final defeat of the axis und the evil forces which it represented. The people of the United States are fol lowing with sympathetic interest the efforts of the Jugoslav people to repair the/lavages of the recent war and to achieve, individually and in concert with the other United Na tions, the realization of those ideals of freedom and democracy which In spirftd the United Nations to vie tory, I hope that during your stay in this country you will not hesitate to call upon me and other members of the United States government for such assistance as we may be able to render in strengthening the ties of friendship between our two countries. Please convey to the members of the Presidium my greet ings and my sincere wishes for the material and spiritual welfare of the Jugoslav people. July 18. 1946 Waahlngton, D. C. Ambanador Kotanovie Prearntt Credentials Mr. President: In presenting the letters with which the Presidium of the Federal People's Republic of Jugoslavia accredit me, I, as Ita Ambassador, wish to stress the deep friendship which the peoples of the Federal People's Republic o'f Jugoslavia feel toward the people of the United States of America. Many ties bind the people of my country and of yours. The Jugoslavs never forget that Preaident Wilson waa the one who so promptly and fully understood the historic aspirations of Serial, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonlsns and Montenegrins to form a South Hlav union, and who gave them such great aaaiatance. If your efforts were not completely auccaaaful then It was because of the general con-dltlona prevailing at that time, Nor can we ever forget the true friend and protector whom we, along with all other freedom-loving people in the world, found in the great Franklin D .Roosevelt during the difficult years of faaciat aggression. The words of his message in November, l#4l—"You ere not forgotten and will not be forgotten"— were a promise and a support in our darkest hours. There la a moral tie in the many Americans of Jugoslav daeeent— from the workers and farmers to the great discoverers of nature's secrets- -who have sought always by hard work ami good eitiaansbip to contribute whatever they eould to the best Interesta and development of this great cb ly embodied these aspirations, over came still greater hardships and misunderstandings. And during the most difficult days of the Second World War Jugoslavia was saved by the same spirit given expression,by Abraham Lincoln at a trugic mo ment in the history of the United States--"My paramount object in this great struggle is to save the union." These parallels in our histoid und in the spirit of our people alwnys have assured us that we would find understanding among the American people for our aspirations and our efforts. That understanding is more than ever valued today when all the deepest desires of our people are for a stable pesce and when all their energies are dsvoted—with the great assistance of UNRRA. to which you contribute so generously—tO reconstructing the life and economy of a cruelly devastated country. It was my privilege, in fulfillment of my national duties during the Second World War. to spend sever.il years in the United States, doing what I could to tell America the truth about my people. During this time I came to learn more fully the magnitude of this nation, and my feelings of friendship toward the American people took firm root. This experience Is vividly In my mind and heart as I arrive in Washing ton to assume my duties as Amhas sador. The Presidium, in retaining me at the same time as a member of the Cabinet, did so as a way of underlining the Importance of the task assigned to me—the mission Mr. President, which • with your kind assistance I hope to be able to fulfill—atrengtheniug the friend ship and understanding between the United Htates of America and the Federal People's Republic of Jugo slavia. Comments SPRINGFIELD, ILL. ~ Heading Pros vela the last few weeks hari made th^s writer and lotg of other«* I'm sure, wish to attend the 13th tegular convention to be held soon The Eveleth people have arranged rually fine program. Well, we can all attend of course, but wouldn't be fine if we could? We have also been leading the many suggestions made by the d if ferent contributors to this paper and Mane of them we think are fine Like Mrs. Sennemann, we feel tliat those of us who wrote on "Post War Plans for the SNPJ" did with ideas in mind that we shou*. like to see carried out, not Ju published and forgotten. We have also read in bro. Vrhm nik's column ill past weeks idea and plans for a cultural affair to huld sometime in the future, such an affair were planned for lime when two full days were avail able, why could we not have morning for musical events, another for literary events and two after mams for athletic events? If sue an affair were planned this way,' lot of people could take in the whole affair. It seem« that having a field day at one time, and a cultural af fair at another Is just added en penae, Of course such an affair would call for a lot of planning, and may mean that In some localities dlstru-oi regional elimination contest •houid In* held Anyway It is sonu thing to think about. For lodges like our own that wuA always rr erge with some other lodge to «|eet a convention delegate teems that some better plan for determining results should be In or der. Why »houldn't the secretary of each lodge mail the election return to headquarters and be notified by the Main Office wfco has be«i elected? Here's a last good wish to all for • successful and progressive convcn morality, the Jugoslavs have never tkm Tikt, ymif dutl^ B»rloUsly h. .Hated which side to take when -nd when the w«*k wLHSTZ 'ETSTmSLi TTJj i *vtf' m u ' ?! J * Ihing. »hat have been planned fo liberty J^ HslL Ife™1, —^ « * " my country apontaneouely rejected the policy of nrrnmasedation with Nazi tyranny Thus it waa. from 1041 to 1*41, that against enormous test of Bro. Atlantic's Speech to the convention could be published ao we too could benefit? MARY UHINOCAU Peter Ellah two pair—they This and That By Refter Ellah Twenty to Four Five people in a buggy were slowly moving along a dusty, red-clay oad In a backwood section of Georgia. Four of the riders were black, two women; the driver and owner of the buggy was white. He hired the Negroes and wu ( driving (hem to his farm to work for him at Georgia Swages. Farm I hands were hard to get these days as higher wages were being paid in the tpwns and cities. He was fortunate to get the were married, one was a veteran, and the other had to bail" out of jail. It seemed that this foolish black had a fight with white man whom he severely stabbed with a knife. Naturally, this black would make a good farm hand, as he was already indebted to him for his kindness. The buggy rolled slowly on, and the horse was oblivious to-the occassional "gidup" frtmi the driver. In due course of time their destination would be reached, and a few hours difference dldnt matter. But as they were rounding a curve, a group of men dashed out of the woods and thickets. In a moment the buggy was halted and iurrounded hv armed men. They were about 20 In numbor, and were on horseback. A tall, dark, sun-tanned man stepped forward, and demanded the Negroes. Forcibly they ejected the dunned blacks out of the buggy, and marched them to the woods. The Negroes, frightened, began to plead for their Uvea, Their pleas were answered by u hot. Muie shots rang out, und the helpless Negroes' mouns und whimpers were silenced, All In ull. 60 •hots were fired into their bodies. This cold-blooded murder of four hapless Negroes Is the latest ghastly bint on decency and hUmunity in America. We are shocked to think how supposedly civilized men csn por-petrste auch crimes. What makes them behave Ihustly? Surely, they don't think of themselves as heroes —-or do they in their perverted thinking? Twenty armed white men against four frightened Negroes—two of them women< Twenty white men on horaes with rifles upholding I he "supremacy of the white race" by drilling the bodies of four weak blacks. Where is the pride and courage of the brave Southerners—of the Lees, Jacksons, the Pickrtts? Where is the American sense of fair-play, of decency, of democracy, of Justice under the law? Where Is the Christianity of meicy, of kindness—iif "thou shall not kill"? Where Is the civilized man who has learned that. biologically there are no Inferior or superior races— ihat we are all one? Yet, we talk of civilization, of education and culture, and of One World, and yet-There were Twenty against four Armed against unarmed, Rifles against bare-bieasta, Witite Htfainat black, Twenty to four, two of them women. Uncle Sam Can Maka \ Railroad Pay Whrn spoil las of "free enterprise" sre poking a scornful finger at Un-e|e Sam and protesting he cannot run a butlness successfully, they carefully refrain 1mm mentioning the Panama ra III oad And there'e" • reason. The rosi of the road was |M.00Q,» 000 During the next fiscsl year II will psy into (he Federal treasury s cool $:i,000,000 In dividends, $200,. 000 above the spet ia I dividend in 1*3.1 In 194ft and 1946 II paid $7,-000,060 in dividends, Operating without govermrent Team's Nama Captain Address West Penna SNPJ Golf Tournament Rules and Banquet Program UNIVERSAL, PA.—My brother. Mike, has already broken the ground in a publicity way with his excellent article last week announcing the poat-war revival of our Western Penna SNPJ Golf Tournament. What I will try to cover in this write-up la a more detailed program of golf rule« and banquet preparations. Eight committeemen, representing over 200 members of seven lodges of the federation, met at Pittsburgh on July 26 and laid out the program. The tournament ia open to all SNPJ members, men and women, irrespective of date of entry, and will be held at Sylvan Heights Golf Club on Sunday, Sept. 8, starting at 10 a. m. We cannot emphasize too forcefully this storting time. Many of us will travel 50 or 60 miles, and the plan is to hove the bonquet begin as near to 5 o'clock as possible. The driving contest is scheduled after the rounds of golf but prior to the banquet. It is unnecessary to make a lavish build-up for Sylvan Height« be cause most of us have played the course, and know it to be one of the finest public courses in the matter of scenic beauty and good golf play. And equally as much can be said for their fine clubhouse. Probably the best tribute we can pay it is to say that the committee would have selected a course nearer to home, if as good a place could be found. . We are already assured of 80 would-be Bobby Joneses particlpat ing In this event with the distribu Many Die Needlessly Cancer kil's more than 170,000 Americans every year but many of these die needteealy because cancer Is curable more often than any other highly fatal disease There are many thousands living today who have been cured of cancer. It is estimated that at least 40,000 are cured of cancer in thi« country annually. These are people who have shown no recurrence of the diaease for five year«. The latest accurate Hgur« of five yean cures is for 1943 when 39.315 were pronouced entirely cured. . The chance of curing canct£/fn its early stage« is extremely high. Up to 95 per cent of all skin and lip cancer« are curable if diagnosed in time. Breast cancer and cancer of the uterus, the most prevalent forms among women, have a 75 per cent chance of cure after early diagnosis. Moderately advanced cancer has only 15 to 40 per cent chance of cure. Advanced cancer is almost alway« fatal. TO AVOID CANCER, YOU MUST BE ALERT! Don't take chances with a sore that will not heal. See your doctor immediately if you notice bleeding from any of the natural body openings. Watch for any progressive change in the color or size of a mole, wart or birthmark. Persistent indigestion or a noticeable change in your normal bowel habits call for a check-up by your doctor. Persistent hoarseness of an unexplained cough should be looked into. None of these things might mean cancer, but why take chance«? TO BE SURE, SEE YOUR DOCTOR! by the person winning tof any 3 years. (10) Ineligibility of any player disqualifies the other members of the team for team prizes. (11) Member« of the Juvenile Dept. are eligible to enter. (12) All players shall wear the Society's athletic emblem or letters S.N.P.J.," but no bther advertisement. The committee will have emblems on hand. (13) Send oil ehtries end fees to lion o« follow«: Univer«al 25, Vero- tournament chairman. Louia V. Kuna 20, Sygan 12, Harmarville 10, "ter, Box 312, Universal, Pa. by Uu this entry blank for both team* and Individuals. The fee I« 81.7ft per player and Include« the green lea. Mall entrlea and leek »o VRANIC JEREt. Ill) S. Jackacn St.. No Chicago. IU CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the above entrant« are n la good stand tng ol tha S.N.P J« (SEAL) i-:_ No. Xitsdi Pittsburgh 5, Moon Run 4, and Am bridge 4. That 1« a good turn-out, but can we not get some more of our loyal plodders of the fairway and green, cither from these or other lodges? Please let any of the committee know and we will be anxious to accept your entries, We want to make this a grand get-together of fellows, who, because of the war yeajs, haven't seen much of one another but would certainly like to. There will be an entrance fee for golfera of 93 which, of course, will include the dinner. Let us make it clear that the golfers' /wives and that best girl are most cordially invited. The dinner charge alone I« 81.50, and there will be prize« for women golf entries. Each lodge group Is expected to bring along its own liquid refreshment«, such as beer, but arrangements have been made to store it in the club-house cooler. Oolf Tournament Rules (1) One round of 18 holes shall be played to determine the individual and four-man lodge team championships. In case of tie, the players ;hall vie In a "sudden death'' extra hole play-off. (t) There shall alao be conducted first, second, and third division tournament. Membera of lat divi-tlon who average 83 and under w"l have no handicap. Second division shall consist of playcra from 84 to 9ft, and third division 96 and over. Each player upon his honor will sc-ect hI« average score, and his division and handicap will thereby be :hoscn by the committee. (8) A kicker's handicap with handicap for all player« based upon i net score between 70 and 80 will be held, each person contributing 18c toward te parate prizes entirely i part from tournament prices. (4) Ground regulations of the :ourse Shall govern the conditions of play, but winter rules shall be played.- (8) All members are eligible. Ir •especttve of time of entry Into lodge, but the certificate number of member must accompany the notice of entrance ,r (6) A lodge may enter any num ber of teams and player* but the men eompriaing a certain team, who should have a captain, must be dea ignated In sdvanee. (?) Star t tng time for fouranme* will likely be set up later, and no foursome competing for prizes shall conalet of more than 2 player« from ••me lodge We will try. upon re quest, to accommodate players who deetgnate whom they wish to plav with (8) Cash prize« shall be awarded to winner« of varMwa event«. «urh a« driving eonieet. nearest to ptn on No. 8 hole, and longest drive on fairway on No I hole The extend of the prtae« will depend upon eon trtbutlona received from the federa lion and national office (SI A trophy will be awarded to the Individual shooting the low graas •core. It will be kept permanently August 25; We will be fair and permit changes when warranted before play begins. A record of entries and fees i« to be kept by th-chairman, and* a. copy mailed to Bro. Michael Vrhqynik, Juvenile Director. LOUIS V^UMER, Golf Committee Chairman. Committee: George Remezo, Universal; Elmer Eiffler, Verona; Carl Komatz,' HSrmarville; Dan Febec, Pittsburgh; • Jacob Drobne, Sygan; Val U ranker, Moon Run; Joseph F. Becek, Ambrldge. _ Triglav Athletic Club Sports News JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Being en-tered in the greater Johnstown Softball league, composed of two sections, Section A consisting of 10 teams and Section B of 8 teams, SNPJ Triglav Lodge 82 I« in Section B, by taking 2nd place in the 1st half, winning 9 and losing 5. With the 2nd half well Under way, Triglav is leading the league by a Vi game. Dunmire Basiles took the 1st half. Standing of the Cluba, 2nd half, Section B: W. L. Pet. Triglav, 82, SNPJ..........8 1 .857 Shahadc« ..........................6 2 .750 Dunmire-Basile ....._______5 2 .714 Bowers Service ..............3 2 .600 Seventh Ward ____________2 2 .500 N. O. Smith --------------rJ' 5 .375 Sunscriao ______________________I 4 200 4€offee Pet8 060 Triglav gained possession of fir3t place by slugging out a 14-3 victory over Sunaeris on the Zolbe Park field, July 24. Triglav scored four run« a piece in the first and second innings and three markers each in the fourth and fifth frames. Eddie Logar and "Red" Urban led the Triglav attack by clouting homers. The summary and lineup: Sunseris: Turner cf;e reserved and we have to have an idea a.v to how many plan to bowl. As Ur as is known we will again bowl at the King Pin Alleys in Springdale. so get busy, turn in your name. CORNELIA GORUN. 680 Likes Her New Home In Fontana, Calif. FONTANA. CALIF.-! »m oJ here in Fontana a month now and I surely enjoy living here. My father bought a beautiful home whW is two years old, and I love to keep house for him. In Fontana there are many din have the Fontana Bus Line, which .» one blnrt from my home. These buses t«J the men to work at the Kaisr Mill, which is four mil« from M home. This steel m.ll U in of the steel mill which they hav* bark in Waukegan. III. Fontana is located in the SJJ Bernardino ValkV. Mirrru^ ^ mountain,. Near Ml a huge howl Where th" i" aervicrs are h< Id We tie rain here from April * The davs are hot snd nights are drv and ^' /J fm. trees are vcrv impr^' ' ^ Una there are many Nk dane« mnny other «x-»«l fr*,rt I .1.0 work in - which« half, block ^mm,n The nam; of ^ „J Poultry A- Co TT » ^ nv of these • of the United States Th r ^ fire i* in ChMfo * )fl(kl), departments ,, tf > i. nicking ^,h;f;/;fjnd " and duck*, and the V ^ where we *< " £ r,ui the I from the cracked e«s • ^ good eggs in »b«' , ' ^ l \ egg we put ^ i own .bout -^r^l ect ioni of po"""1 ^ r I .gg, Which Ihev de^ ' H ny store* in ,f f.^l Our Sloven«« h"* % & ** I have two SNPJ 723. with * < ; -jj „, SIM On' are held on t" s*rJ * ■ month at 2 P * ^ I which • , I arand d«nce fl^« I norroutn ^^^gn SVIT* II