****** in praznita* tovd daily except Saturé SuixUy« and HolÜW* PROSVETA C GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE4 CHI Uradniški in upravniški proatorl: M57 South Lawndala Ava. Offica of Publication: 1687 South Lawndala Ava. Téléphona. Rockwall 4804 í^year xxxiil kaurwi oo ..rw4 iimi •i i'kk«|ul lUlMte. un m«tur Junta I«. IMA. at Um awWorrtM atkt&o et Gomiw ot ». im. CAGO. ILL. SREDA. 4. JUNIJA (JUNE 4). 1S41 Subscription $0 00 Yaarly ÔTEV.—NUMBER 10S Accepunca for mailing at apectal rate of postage provided lor in section 1109. Act of Oct 3. 1917, authorized en June 4, 19». AB0RITI ' ZA VOJNO - DO ZMAGE flavtka stranka V An-Uiji odklonila vsako pogajanje za mir ngleski tisk ¡ritizira vlado aadoo. 3. jun.-Delegatje dete stranke v Angliji so dana strankini letni konferen ¿glasovali 2,430,000 proti 19,-kar pomeni 128 proti ene-da Velika Britanija nada-e vojno do končne zmage in ivska stranka je proti vsake-poflrjanju za mir. Ogromna na glasov je bila oddana za lucijo, katero je predložila kutiva delavske stranke po-, ko je Clement Atlee, eden teljev stranke in član notra a kabineta, poročal o polo- raj člani sedanje vlade ao lutno za to, da ne more biti ene pavze in nobenega poga-a, dokler ne bo hitlerizem >la uničen," je rekel Atlee. sije je Atlee dejal, da bodo-ifr, kadar pride, mora trdno eti na načelih kolektivnega tva. Največja nesreča Evro-t doslej bila, ker je bila razna na 50 kosov. Atlee je tu-jpozoril delegate delavske ike, da bo treba še prema-težke ovire in žrtve bodo te, predno pride končna ¡i, ampak moč Velike Bri-e dnevno raste in pomoč rike je zdaj zagotovljena v velikem obsegu, da ne m

™ ^rogl še tako " h.ilvlirt °N>isvajo in omalovažujejo. fr■ kda" >„■ a'....Í!".y ! Današnja poroéila ae glaee, da "j., r^ce- príhodnJ| veíí| iNsavi konflikt bo v » m kanj krajih. ™ ali rprnias ' "apak v ge- ,,u J* malo preveč mehika bo sledila združenim državam Pred tedni k Camocho objatnil »taltiče 'VSE AMERIŠKE RE-PUBLIKE SO ENOTA' México City. 3. jun.—Manuel Avila Camacho, predsednik Mehike, je v svojem odgovoru na vprašanjer ki mu ga je zaatavil mehiški delavski voditelj Vin-cente Lombardo Toledano, izjavil, da so vse republike na ameriškem kontinentu demokratična enota in Mehika ne more biti izvzeta: Mehika bo torej ao-delovala z dragimi republikami vred za ohrano svoje neodvisnosti. To je Camachova prva večja izjava glede mehiške zunanje politike, kar je Camachb prevzel predaedništvo zadnjo jeaen. "Mehika nima nikakršne tajne pogodbe vojnega značaja z Združenimi državami," je rekel Camacho, "je se pa sporazumele z Združenimi državami glede skupne obrambe proti vsakemu zunanjemu napadu. Ako Združene države napovedo vojno kateri evropski ali azijatski aili, ne bo nihče silil Mehike, da mora avtomatično storiti isto, ampak velika zmota bi bila na naši strani, če bi mislili, da ae lahko izoliramo od drugih in uao-da drugih ni naša usoda. Geografsko, historično in logično so vae ameriške republike demo- zadene vse. Le one države, ki se bodo pravočasno postavile v bran, se lahko rešijo iz totalitar-skega prepada." Cambacho je nadaljeval, da bo Mehika teano sodelovala z Združenimi državami in v ta namen je mehiška vlada privolila v prost polet bojnih letal Združenih drŽav preko mehiškega o-zemlja in dovolila je Združenim državam, da njihova letala lahko pristanejo v Mehiki, kjer koli bo treba. Domače vesti ' Na* Willard, lič, atari član pred dnevi bolnišnici v na farmah — Martin Bar-PJ, ae je moral reči operaciji v lu. Wis. Clan Popolna svoboda za Kitajsko po vojni Amerika umakne posebne pravice Wsshlngton. D. C.. 3. jun— Državni tajnik Hull je zadnje dni informiral kitajsko vlado, da Združene države odpravijo svoje stare predpravice (ekstrateri-torislni status) na Kitajskem čim bo dosežen pravičen mir med Kitujsko in Japonako. To pomeni, da bo konec posebne zaščite zs Američane na Kitajskem. Amerika ima na Kitajskem znsne predpravice že od leta 1844 in danes se nahaja v fian-ghaju, Tientainu in Peipingu o-krog 1T»00 ameriških pomorščakov, ki čuvajo ameriške državljane in lastnino. društva 198 SNpJ mu žele hitrega okrevanjf. Pionir teiko bolan Chicago. — John Underwood, ki je bil avojefesno hišnik v poslopju SNPJ intte prej gl. odbornik naše jedno|e, je težko bolan na pljučih. Vt zadnjem marcu ga je napadla pljučnica in zdaj trpi na poaledifah. John se nahaja v bližini Sella, kjer že več let obratuje gaaolinako po-st«jo- J ČUcaške vesti Chicago. — Prihodnjo nedeljo, dne 8. junija, ob 7:30 s večer bodo v interesu Jugoalovanakega pomožnega sklada predvajani filmi SSPZ v cerkveni dvorani, 98th at. in Ewing ave., South Chicago. Filmi ¿kažejo prizore iz stare domovine pod naalovom Kraana Slovenija". — Dne 1. junija je umrl rojak Martin An-tolin, star 51 let in rojen v Od-rancih (kjer koli že je to). Tu zapušča ženo, sina, tri hčere in brata. — Poroke: Frank Rua in Dorothy Krek (26-19), Joa. Režek in Dorothy Wage (35-19), Eugens A. Kehle in Am^ia Jakše (30-29), John Rožič in Rose Cirela (22-25), John P. Klish in Marie Majda (27-29), Frank M. Velkavrh in Marie G. Duahno (28-30 ter Jerry J. Slana (n Blanche Čeh (27-24). - Za loiitev tožijo: Edna Bregar Franka J. Bregarja, Klara Kovačevič Joa. Kovačevi-ča in Frank Lampe toži Mary Lampe. < dnje šole ao gradutrall: Barbara Fudurich, Kenneth Subik in Justina Vidmsr, vsi trije člani S. N. P. J. Justina je še v mladinskem oddelku. — Mary Lockhart ae nahaja v aanatoriju v Chiea-gu in njen oče M. Katalinič je izjavil na društveni aeji, da ji je gl. izvršiti odbor SNPJ pomagal, da so jo vzeli v zavod, zakar se zahvaljuje. Ia Pennaylvaalje Strebape. Pa. — Družina John Bodvik f je zadnje dni dobila zdravega in krepkega sinčka, naša jednota pa novega člana za avoj mladinski oddelek. Čestitke! Veetl Is Clevelanda Cleveland. — Dne 1. junija je po dolgi bolezni umrl splošno znani Jakob Lunder v starosti 89 let.Mladi Fred Križman je odpotoval v Oklahoma City, kjer se je vpiss! v letalsko Šolo. — John Tomšič je odšel za nekaj tednov v znane toplice Mount Clemens v Mfchiganu. »k .,.^ »Kanjs na ^ ^^ u prihs^o nemške čete na* ladjah, ki plovejo v zatišju turškega obrežja In v, Jeklarska unija zmagala pri volitvah Trenton, N. J.—Jeklarska unija CIO je zmagala pri volitvah glede reprezentacije pri kolektivnih pogajanjih v tovsrnah Roebling Steel Co. v Trentonu in Roeblingu, kofnpanijski naselbini. Unija je dobila 3171 od 4218 oddanih glaaov. V aprilu je bil obrat v tovarnah te kompenije obnovljen po dvanajst dni trajajoči stsvki, ki je rezultlrela v zmagi unije. Stavka je bila okli-cena v znak protesta proti pri-ganjaštvu. V konflikt je USb v *rt*ko kritični in1 landske armade. •¡nočni temi Sirija «m ji na jugu I federalni posredovalni odbor in - s Palestino, kjer se že nahaja ¡ga Uravnal. Kompenijs je ta-• j večja sila avstralske in novoze- kret obljubila, da se bo pogejala |z unijo. Kompmtuja se bo pogajala z unijo Ix>ng laland City, N. Y —B L H. Aircraft Co je nuznsnils, ds se bo pogajala z unijo avtnih delavcev CIO glede sklenitve pogodbe. V tovarni te kompenije ao ae nekaj dni prej vršile volitve glede reprezentacije pri kolektivnih pogajanjih, pri katerih Je unija dobila veliko večino glaaov. Unija je že predložila zahteve, ki uključujejo zvišanje plače za 15 odstotkov, zaprto delavnico in minimalne plačo 75c na uro. Kompenija je dobila velika naročila od federalne vlade. Predsednik vrhovnega sodišča odstopU Hyde Park. N Y„ J. jun — Charles Evans Hughes, predsednik federalnega vrhovnega sodišča, je včeraj resign i ra I in predsednik Roonevelt je sprejel njegovo rsslgnanjo. Za vzrok je navedel starost (79 let) in slabo zdrevje /Asj se prtčeku-je, da bo Rooarvelt imenoval saden Jega Justičnege tajnika Roberta Ii Jacksona na Hugh« sovo mesto. načrt za konfiskacijo "vja ke lastnine" Predlog v kongresu dajo prod tedniku novo obltut "TO JE SOCIALIZEM!" VPIJE OPOZICIJA Waahington. D. C.. 3. jun.—Na priporočilo vojnega departments je bil včeraj predložen v nižji kongresni zbornici zakonaki načrt, ki daje predsedniku Roo-aeveltu moč, da lahko zapleni vsako laatnino" v interesu o-brambe in na podlagi razglašenega izjemnega atanja. Pristaši adminiatracije pravijo, da nova moč uključuje vae in nalikuje pravicam, ki jih je imel predsednik Wilson za Časa zadnje vojne. Predlog za saaego slehernega privatnega podjetja v svrho o-brambe Združenih držav uključuje klavzulo, katera se glasi, ds mors vlada plačsti zasekano podjetje s "primerno odškodnino," če ostane stalno v posesti vlade; dalje v načrtu določena "primerna odškodnina" za začaa-no pridobljena podjetja. Republikanaka o p o s i o i j a v kongresu je takoj zavpila, da predaednik Roosevelt hoče imeti socializem. Obenem so republi* kanaki člani nižje zbornice in senatorji pokazali >el|ko skrb" ss Znizirane delavce, Ksj bo s vel, 6e na primer vlada vzame v roke tovarne v oboroževalnih industrijah? Ali bodo smeli stsvksti proti vladi? — Protidelavski načrt poražen Reakcija na delu v mnogih državah St. Louls, Mo.—Orgsnlzirsnl delsvci so uspeli v svoji ksmps-nji proti grupsm, ki so isvajsle močan pritisk ns državno sbor-nico, ds sprejme protlatavkovni načrt. Justičnl odsek sbornice gs je priporočil v sprejetje, toda pri glssovanju v zbornici je bil poražen., Načrt je bil kopija protiatav-kovnega zakona, katerega je uveljavils tekssška državna zbornica ns pritisk governerjs W. L. 0'Dsniels. Slednji se je zvezal z msgnati v gonji proti delsvsklm unijam. Sprejeti sa-kon je tako drastičen, da lahko razbije vssko stavko in vrže stsvksrje v ječo. Vodstvo Ameriške delsvske federacije ga je kritiziralo in izjavilo, ds bo vodilo kampanjo za preklic. Go-vern'»r 0'Dsniel je pozval delodajalce, ki sovražijo unije, naj premeete avoje tovarne v Teaas, "kjer jim unijski agitatorji ne bodo delali preglavic." - V kampanji, ki Je rezultirsla v porazu protistavkovnega načrta v misaourski zbornici, ao bile aktivne unije CIO In ADF ter železniška bratovščine. Kampanjo so podprli tudi nekateri vodilni listi, med temi Post Dispstch v St, Louisu. Reekctje je aktivna tudi v drugih državah. Protlunljskl in protlatavkovni nsčrtl so bil! predloženi v Minneeotl, Floridi, GeorglJI in več drugih držsvsh. Cez 300 oseb izgubilo iivljenje v treh dneh Chicago. — Čer. praznike od zadnjega petka do portdeljks zjutraj je bilo po vseh Zdrufenih državah ubitih okrog 300 oseb pri avtomobilskih in drugih ne-arečah V Chiragu in okolici rtaže, prlsnsl. da je pri-poročal delavcem, naj čl ta Jo komunistični Western Worker. Na vprašanje, če Je znsl, de Je Western Worker uredno glasilo komunistične stranke, Je odgovo* HI, ds Je vedel. Bridges je obtožen, ds Je aktiven član komunistične stranke, kar on taji. Uradne vesti Draštoene priredbe Danvfflo. 111. - Društvo 316 S. N. P. J. poziv« vse svoje član« in članice na sejo 8. junija, ker bomo volili delegata. Naše dru- ItCn a* fe v to gvrho združilo z in delal za napredek SNPJ na naznanjam, da nam na svojem ----• —-----"«domu odprl čevljarnko. Ako potrebujte popravila Mo čevljih, društvom 22. Udeležite se vsi. , Agnaa Sobnt. tajnica. Pittsburgh. Pa. — Prosim članstvo društva 118 SNPJ. da se u-deležite prihodnje seje v nedeljo, 8 junija. Na dnevnem redu i-mamo dosti važnih stvari, kakor tudi volitve delegatov za 12. redilo konvencijo. Prosim vas, da ae udeležite v polnem številu. Joaoph Hrvatin. tajnik. Unlontown. Pa. — Društvo 326 SNPJ poziva vse svoje člane, da se udeleiite prihodnje seje 8. junija ob 2. popoldne, novi čas. I-mell bomo volitve delegata in u-rediti moramo tudi druge važne zadeve, katere smo odložili na zadnji seji vsled male udeležb*. Prireflite torej vsi. John Bolle. zapisnikar. Lorain. O. — Vse člane društva Bled 17 SNPJ vabim, da se udeležite prihodnje seje, ki se vrši v nedeljo, 8. «junija. Na tej seji bodo volitve delegata za prihodnjo konvencijo naše jednote. Dolžnost nas vseh je, da se te seje udeležimo ln izvolimo iz svoje srede delegata, ki nas bo zastopal na konvenciji v dobrobit društva in jednote. John Bruce, tajnik. gata ln štiri za namestnika.. Ivan ave., Euclid — telefon Ivan-Clanstvo ai bo lahko torej izbi-1 hoe 6976 W. Moj blv*i naslov ralo ln Izvolilo takega, ki bo šel na 1102 E. 63 st. ne pride več v na 12. konvencijo v Pittsburgh I poštev. Članom v Euclidu tudi demokratični podlagi, ne pa duhu kakšnega diktatorstva.il Omenjena tri društva prosim, I vam lahko hitro postrežem. John GebroiUa, tajnik. ; Waat Newton. Pa. — Vsi člsni društva Slovenska zastava 64 S. N. P. J. ste vabljeni, da se udeležite prihodnje seje 8. junija, ker moramo izvoliti delegata za prihodnjo konvencijo. •.Kakor vam je znano, sem prevzel tajništvo. Torej vas prosim, da plačate asesment do zadnjega v mesecu, ker jaz ne bom za nikogar zalagal ln tudi vsakdo ve, kaj je njegova dolžnoat. Prosim vas, ds upoštevate to. John Kob« st., tujmk. Brownsvllle. Pa. — V smislu zaključka zadnje seje društva 308 SNPJ pozivam vse člane ln članice, da se udeležite prihodnje seje 8. junija ob 10. dopoldne. To bo polletna seja, na kateri bomo volili tudi delegata za prihodnjo konvencijo jednote. Sklep se glasi, kdor se ne udeleži te seje, se bo z njim postopalo po pravilih in po društvenem zaključku. Jakob Jakaokovlč. tajnik. Creatod Butto. Colo. — Dru štvo Planinski orel 397 SNPJ je na zadnji seji sklenilo, da ae na še seje premaknejo z druge na aedmo uro zvečer. Prihodnja soje se bo torej vršila 8. junija ob 7. zvečer v starih prostorih. To bo veljalo do preklica. Prosim one člane, ki niso bili na zadnji seji, naj to naznanilo upoštevajo, da se ne bo kdo izgovarjal, da tega ni vedel. , J. TeŠak. tajnik. Lowellvlllo. O. — Društvo 37 SNPJ poziva svoje člane in čla niče, da se gotovo udeležite prihodnje seje 15. junija ob 10:30 dopoldne. Pridite vri, da bomo isvolili delegata za prihodnjo konvencijo. Izvolimo takega, k bo deloval za članstvo in našo jc-dnoto in zastopal našo društva 277, 37 in 44« Seja ae vrši v na-vudnem prostoru in pridite vsi. Martin ftoldo. tajnik. Midway. Pa. —• Naznanjam članstvu društva 89 SNPJ, da se vrši seja v nedeljo, 8 junija, ob 1. popoldne, navadni čas. Uljud no ste vabljeni vsi, da ae gotovo udeležite te aeje, na kateri bodo volitve delegata za 12. redno konvencijo, rešiti pa moramo tp di več drugih stvari. Vse se tičejo vseh članov in Je torej potrebno, da ate vsi navzoči. Po-sebno |»a je v interesu tistih članov. da pridejo, ki že dolgo niso bili na seji. Udeležite se Utre j vsi. John Juet. tajnik da mi Ukoj drugi dan pošljejo j rezulUt glasovanja, kar bom sto-1 ril tudi jaz, da Uko čim prejel Jolloft» I1L — Na mejaki seji pošljemo izid v glavni urad. društvo 115 SNPJ Je bilo zaklju-John Kroll, UJnik. \teno, da Volimo delegata 111 junijski seji. Torej vsi člani, ki Cliff Mine. Pa. Pozivam I Vom je le kaj do napredka drtt-članstvo društva 146 SNPJ, da ¿tva in &NPJ ste prošeni, da Se se udeleži aeje 15. junija ob 2. gotovo udeležite seje tretjo ne-popoldne v navadnem prostoru, deljo v juniju Ob 2. popoldne v Na dnevnem rodu bo plitev de- navadnih prostorih. Morebiti bo legaU za prihodnjo konvencijo, j kdo rekel: Čemu pa nam bo de-V U namen se je društvo zdru-l legat, ki se na konvenciji še o-žilo z društvom 241, ki bo volilo glasil ne bo. Že mogoče, da se isti dan. ne bo glasil, toda ako izvolimo Malt. Vidmar* Ujnik. | najbolj sposobno osebo, smo UH- ko zagotovljeni, da bo sasledovdl Verona, Pa.—Vsi člani društva I potek zborovanja in oddal vsa-216 in društva 394 SNPJ «U kikrat avoj glas za najboljši pre-vabljeni, da se udeleiiU naše I dlog. Vse, ki se boste udeležili seje 8. junija ob 2. popoldne. Ta U seje, vas bomo odborniki za-seja bo važna, ker bomo volili beležili v naših srcih. . delegata za prihodnjo konvenci-1 Ferdinand Forlln. predalnik jo SNgJ. PridiU vsi člani obeh drušUv In si IzvollU delegaU, I Rusaollton, Pa^-Po sklepu za ki bo vas najbolje zastopal. dnje soje društva 365 SNPJ po-Mt+mto Kumarca. tajnica 216.|zivam vse člane in članice, da se udeležite prihodnje seje 8. junljS White Valley. Pa*—Kakor je I ob dveh popoldne v navadnih članom društva 232 819PJ 2e zna- prostorih. Imamo več važnih no, smo se združili t društvom stvari ih volili bomo tudi dele-820 v svrho izvolitve delegaU zalgata ln namestnika za prihodnjo prihodnjo konvencijo. Vabljeni] konvencijo. Torej Je važno, da ate torej, da se udeležite skup- se udeležite v polnem številu, ne seje v nedeljo, 8. junija, ob| Jacob Pompe. Ujnik. eni popoldne (sUri čas) v navadnih prostorih. Skupna seja I Klotn. Moot. — Društvo Slo-obeh društev ae bo vršila Ukoj venski napredek 132 SNPJ po--po seji našega društva. TorejUjva svoje člsnstvo, da se gotovo udeležite se v polnem številu. udeležite prihodnje seje 8. j t*-Anrew Bogstsy, Ujnik. ' |nija 0b 1*0 popdldne. Na tej seji bodo volitve delegaU Eveleth. Minn. — Naznanjam konvencijo jednote in je potre-članstvu društva 130 SNPJ, da bno, da sU nsvzoči vsi dlani in se bo vršila naša prihodnja se-lglonlce ja 9. Junija ob 7:30 zvečer, to Jej p#tor Jollar. Ujnik. v pondeljek po drugi nedelji v mesecu, kar velja za ves poletni I Cleveland. — Članom društva čas. Udeležite se U seje V pol- V boj M SNPJ na znanje, da se nem šUvilu, ker bo volitev de- vrši naša prihodnja seja 8. Ju egatinje sa prihodnjo konvenci- Ulja ob 9:30 zjutraj v Sloven-o in še več drugih važnih atva- gkom delavskem domu, sobs ri bo na dnevnem redu. Proalm št, 3. vaa, da bolj redno plačate mo-| Frank Barblč. predsednik. sečni asesment. . * Johana Zsdnlkar, tajnica. , Lyoiu m _ Vse članstvo društva George Waahlngton 270 SN Gilbert. Minn. — Opozarjam I pj je vabljeno na zelo važno se-članstvo društva 61 SNPJ glede j0, ki se vrši 8. Junija ob 10. zju spremembe časa prihodnje seje traj v mojih prostorih na 4447 15. junija. Namesto ob l. uri se Lawndale ave. Na UJ aeji bomo bo pričela ob dveh popoldne. Ta volili delegaU za prihodnjo kon sprememba Je bila potrebna ra- vencljo. Vabim tudi člane dru di volitve delegaU za prihodnjo gtva Summit 707, da se udeleže konvencijo. Udeležite se torej te važne seje, ker bomo volili Plesna veselica društva 457 Fly Crook. N. Y<—Te vrstice ao vabilo na plesno veselico, katero priredi naše društvo 457 SNPJ v društveni dvorani v soboto zvečer, 7. junija. Vabljeni sU vsi Slovenci od tuka> ln od drugod, posebno pa ae naj v polnem številu udeležijo člani našega društva. Igral bo A. 2igon. M. SeUn. predsednik. P*vl piknik v Kanaaau Arma, Kansas. — Sezona piknikov je spat tukaj. Pri nas so se prvi pdtttfgjžili "U mladi", namreč kansšSki mladinski krožek SNPJ. Ker U krožek spada direktno pod fcontrolo in oskrbo federacijo, je logično isU tudi moralno odgovorna za uspeh ali neuspeh U skupine mladih članov. j Stroški za "vzdrževanja ln ak tivnostl krožka se pokrivajo iz njih blagajne, dokler je kaj v nji — ampak zdaj je domalega prazna. Do Zdaj se še nismo o-bračall na posamezna društva niti na jednoto za finančno pOmoč in upamo, da to tudi v bodoče ne bo treba. PSr dobro obiskanih in uspešnih njih priredb, kot božičnica in letni piknik, pa zadostuje za pokritje enoletnih stroškov krožka. Ponovno torej vabimo vse čla ne okoliških društev SNPJ, da pridete na U piknik. Vrši ae v nedeljo popoldne, 8. junija, na znani Strletovi farmi v Edisonu. Odbor bo vam skušsl nuditi več udobnosti in zabave kot amo jo običajno Um imeli druga le-U, vi pa atoriU svoje s tem, da zagotovo pridete na piknik. A, fibular naši ljudje zelo radi v nedoljo Cleveland št. 126 SNPJ vas va-zapeljejo na deželo v prosto na- bi, da nas prideU obiskat in se ravo. Zgodi se tudi, da ugibajo, zabavat z nami, ob priliki pa bo-kam naj bi Sli. PočakajU, bom mo storili mi tako. Vam kličemo, pa vam jaz povedal, kam lahko na svidenje v nedeljo, 8. junija, te seje v čim večjem številu. Andrew Žagar, tajnik.. Gary. Ind. — Pozivam vse člane društva 271 SNPJ, da ae u- I skupnega delegaU. Frank Vidmar. Ujnik. mmtrnmmmm •haron-Farroll. Pa. — Članom in ilanicam društva 31 SNPJ na- deležite seje 8. junija ob 10. do- L„.njamt da se bodo vršile naše poldne v Hrvatskem domu na L^ v bodode do preklic<| ^ Piknik draifrr* SNPJ in 8SPZ Braddock. Pa.—Vse članstvo društva 300 SNPJ je vabljeno na skupni pltotik * društvom 239 SSPZ, ki te"frši v nedeljo, 15 junija, na delitvenih prostorih ns Church KiHu. Naročili smo bus, ki bo odpeljal i* 'No. Brad-docka ob 2:46 v Braddock pred Hrvatski dom, '6d tam pa na Church HllPtokbzi East Pittsburgh ln Ttlttto Ct-eek. Skupn odbor bo pripravil vse potrebno Dtte 22. jurtija bosta pa federaciji SNPJ v ¿apadni »Penni pri redili šesti dan SNPJ, ki se bo vršil v Dreriikovem parku Strabanu. Dolžnost nas vseh je da se udeležimo te proslave čim večjem Številu ln s tem pri-pomoremo do vWjega moralnega ln gmotnega uspeha. Program bo Izredno bogat, Uko da vam ne bo žal. GUvnl govornik bo Matt Petrovich iz Clevelanda Za plesaželjno bo na razpolago Taffyjev orkester iz Barbertona Ohio. Torej v nedeljo, 15. Junija, se udeležimo vsi našega piknika na Church Hlllu, 22. junija pa penn-sylvanskega dneva SNPJ v Strabanu. predaednik št. 300. VVashington St. Imeli bomo volitve delegaU za prihodnjo konvencijo. Joeeph Margetlch. Ujnik. Euclld. O. — Pozivam vae čla- drugi petek v mesecu ob 7. zvečer, namesto vsako drugo nedeljo popoldne. Prihodnja seja ae torej vrši 13. junija ob 7. zvečer. Upoštevajte to ln pridite ,na soje v čim večjem ŠUvilu, ne in članice društva 450 SNPJ, vsaj pa toliko, da bo kvorum, da da se udeleiiU seje 8. Junija to- Uhko odobrimo vaaj bolniške čno ob 9. zjutraj v Slovenskem nakaznice. Vsakdo, ki je bolan, društvenem domu na Hecher radprejme to, kar mu apada. Jaz ave. Seja je Jako važna, ker bo- ne bo več hodil po hišah sa čla-mo volili delegaU in torej pri- ni, da dobimo kvorum. Vaša dol-diU Val. Mary DodU. Ujnioa. ClevoUnd. — Naše društvo Cleveland 126 SNPJ Ima svoj plUnlk prihodnjo nedeljo, 8. ju žnoat je, da se bolje sanlmate za I društvo. Joe Pavlonlch. Ujnik. MUwaukee. — Društvo Sloga , 16 SNPJ vabi avoje člane na nija, na izletniški farmi SNPJ pri prihodnjo aejo 10. Junija v dvo-Chardonu. Prvi trok odpelje od ranl ssr To Je naJta MdnJ, Narodnega doma na St. Clairju *a v tej dvorani. Julijaka seja točno ob 8:30 od delavskega do- ^ v u-nko-Magistrovi dvorani, T 4n! i . ^'J* , U" to i» National ave., rl zjutraj. Ta trok bo vzel s S0»| ' ___, qqt greste v nedeljo, 8. junija. Namreč jako poznano društvo Cleveland št. 126 SNPJ ima svoj izlet ali piknik v nedeljo na zadružni farmi elevelandskih drušUv SNPJ. Ako pridete tja, vam tam prav gotovo ne bo dolg čas. Tam je velika plesna dvorana, ijer se boste lahko zavrteli po rauziki Johna Pecona, ki bo proizvajal slovenske polke in valčke, kakor ameriške plese sa mladino. Tam so tudi balincarski prostori, in ako vas zanima ba-Inati, se lahko poslužiU tudi tega razvedrila. Nadalje je dovolj prostora pod košatimi drevesi in se lahko v senci poljubno razgo-varjate ali pa tudi zadremljete. Tja dan bo prišlo lepo število članov in članic društva Cleve-and na U izlet, in tam se bosU srečali s svojimi znanci in prijatelji. Kar se okrepčila tiče, je odbor pripravil precejšnjo količino vse-;a, kar boste poželeli. Seveda se razume, da pridete pravočasno, Eidno bodo drUgi že porabili. dnjič, ko je bila otvoritvena prireditev teh prostorov, se mi je nekdo pritožil, da ni mogoče ničesar več dobiti. Pa ga vprašam, ako je bil popoldne tam na prostorih. Odgovori ml, da je Šele prišel—bilo je že 7:30. VesU, v Clevelandu imamo avojevrstno navado ¿lede naših piknikov. Namreč piknik se prične nekako ob 2. uri popoldne in navadno je vse končano ob 7. do 7:30, ob 8:30 je vse pospravljeno in delavci in pomagači se že odpeljejo proti domu. Po drugih naselbinah in državah se piknik šele prične ob tem času v pravem pomenu besede in traja do pozne ure. . Seveda zato je bil tudi vzrok, da se je ta navada vkoreniniU, namreč pred 25 leti ni bil noben pikniški prostor razsvetljen za večerno rajanje. Drugače pa je na teh prostorih. Zabava se lahko vrši pri solncu in pri luni ter v vsakem vremenu. Razume se, da je bolj udobno in prijazno, ako je lepo vreme. Ampak kadar 'so' jestvine priprsvfjehe, je najr. bolje, da se jih porabi. Obratno jih je treba stran vreči, in nobeden ne stori rsd tega. Torej v slučaju dežja se priporočamo, da nas vseeno obiščete, se bomo pa pod streho zabavali. Ce ni še ka-Uremu znana pot, kar dvomim, vzemite cesto 6 do Heeth Rd., Um je napis SNPJ Recreation Ground, zaviU na desno in U-koj ste na prostorih. Odbor in članstvo društva takoj popoldne, dokler bo zaloga polna. Vse tiste, kateri nimate svojih avtomobilov ali prijateljev, da bi vas tja zapeljali, bo vozil Oblakov trok izpred SND na St. Clair Ave. ob 1230 ter se bo tudi ustavil pred SDD na Waterloo Rd. okrog 1. ure popoldne. Za nadaljnje informacije pazite v lokalnem časopisu Enakopravnosti.—Za društvo 126 SNPJ— J. F. TerbUan. predsednik. Staroat Sluga maršala Estreeza, ki je bil baš stopil v 103. leto svojega življenja, pride z žalostno vestjo, da je umrl maršalov prijatelj vojvoda de Tresnes, sUr 93 let. Maršal pripomni otožno: - Žal mi je reveža, toda ne čudim se, bil je slaboten. Vedno sem trdil, da ne bo dolgo živel. POZOR. SLOVENCU Slovenci, ki delate v Airport Lock heed ln Vega v Glendale ln Burbank Kalifornija in se želite ustanoviti tukajšnji bližini, ter rojaki, ki pride te sem iz oddaljenih krajev, oglasite ae na moj naslov: Mrs. Mary Blsjak. 1133 Melrose Ave.. Glendale. Cali f orala. —(Adv;> ZAHVALA SEZNAM Pri DRUŠTEV priglašenih k ied,r.clJ^ S. N. p. j. boj delavce in druge potrebšči- ena vrata zapadno od SST. Pri našem društvu sU bila iz- ne za piknik. Tisti člsni, ki ilo Uun,Unt „ . . . „ .. . se priglasili za delo, bodite toč-' M M Prthod Piknik Aruštva 204 Luaorne. Pa«—Naše društvo 204 SNPJ je aklenilo na zadnji Soji, da priredi piknik 14. in 15. junija na prijaznem Rose Hlllu. Kraj je zelo lop in tudi v bližini. Komur ni znan, naj pride do mene in bo videl naravnost na piknik. Pekli bomo Jagnjetino in svinjino, Uko da bo dobro preskrbljeno za lačne in žejne, za pleaaželjne bo pa tudi dobra godba. Odbor torej vabi vae člane, da ae udeležite tega piknika, ker] prebitek je namenjen v d ruš-, t veno blagajno. Vabimo tudi naše brate Iz Hazlctona in oko-^ lice, kot tudi rojake in rojakinje IS bližnjih naselbin, ob priliki pa vsm posel vrnemo. Torej udeležite se tega piknika v velikem fttevilu. Prank Baloh. Ujnik. Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN fc SURGEON ornoe hours at 37S4 W. 2Sth Street 1 JS-MS-flM-SJO Dally T*L Crawford Uli at ISIS W. Csrmak Rd. 4JS—6:00 p. m. Dally T«L Canal UM Wednraday * Sunday by appointment only MMmn TSL: Crawford MS nr no anewm—cjujl austim its« FRANK PAULICH D.D.S.. M.D.S. Dentist • Orthodontist Zobosdravnik (Izravnava zobe) IIU a Sind Ara. - ciccno. ILL. CU.ro «u FIELD M I. WuMaraa St. Dovolite nama spodaj podpisanima, da se javno prav lepo zahvaliva vsem, ki so naju presenetili in se udeležili takozvane "Surprise Silver Anniversary" srebrne poroke dne 17. maja 1941 v K.S.K.J. domu dvorani v Strabane, Pa. Ko sva vstopila v dvorano so bili Um zbrani sorodniki, znanci in prijatelji polna dvorana. Miza je bila obložena z raznimi dobrotami in velika košarica krasnih cvetlic in med cveUlca-mi so izrasli 25 srebrnih dolarjev, kateri so prispeli iz„ Clevelanda, Ohio, bil je tudi velik poročni kek ali torta, kateri je bil .zelo lepo okrašen. Zadaj na koncu mize pa gora darov. Srčna hvala naiemu sinu Philipu ln hčeri Anna-Mary, ki sU vse to tako lepo vredila v zvezi s stricom John Keglovtčem Iz Clevelanda, kateri jima je dal nasvet ln pomoč za to presenečenje, zakar se tudi njemu lepo zahvaliva. Lepa hvala tudi vsem drugim, ki «fe po-magali, prispevali in dali darove za to najino slavnost. Posebno lepa hvala pa mr. In mrs. Louia Simonen'- in Johnu Kegloviču iz Clevelanda, ko ste naju na tako zvit način prepeljali v K.S.K.J. dvorano v Strabane, Pa. Kako sva se počutila jaz in Martin, lahko veste vsi, ki ste bili tam navzoči. Torej še enkrat najlepša hvala vsem skupaj od najine strani in najinih otrok za tako velikodušni spominski dan in za krasne dafbve. Hvala vsem, ki ste nam čestitali in nama želeli, da bi živela in dočakala še *50-letntco zakonskega Življenja. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste prišli iz daljnega Clevelanda, kakor tudi domačim ln Iz bližnjih naselbin. Pozabiti ne smemo J. Ludvika in njegovega orkestra, ko ste nas zabavali do ranega jutra s lepo godbo. Končno najlepša hvala vsem ln za vse, vzelo bi preveč prostora za popisati Imena vseh navzročih. Lepa hvala in mi dva ostaneva vaša prijatelja do kon ca življenja najinega. Skušala bo' deva po možnosti, ako bo taka pri lika, vam povrniti. Vaša: Martin In Mary Beltz, Muse, Pa. —(Adv.) PRIREDITVE CmCAŠKE FED! S. N. P. j," DRUŠTVO ŠT. 55. sgpj „ Moonlight piknfc- "«i* DRUSTVO SOSEDJE- s, SNPJ priredi i,0j ' na Kranjakam hribC.1? Prassrvs, Willow Sprin »O dvorani 17. Droštvenifl-^-^ I«dw«cii« o**1"*** f« m SIE CHUCir MUw«uke« Wis- NsjtsnejJjl^i'* Uvuke vesti so r — ^ Ali V**"** USTAVI SRBECICO T^^L . - . _ ..........niai*. brtvn° srbelo kolo. attetiéne noge. h-■ kosrn OilSM, RR AXON PAflEB |a sdrsvtlnoj-^ Chlcaikaga lekarnama s SO-letno skušnjo v „ malem sa efektivno zdravljenje rasnih košnti«J» ^ m i L " . j , 1 .«..^rf PošllU* •• mZm- la brez duha ae vdrfne v kolo. brez obverr m) Vi COMPANY. 312 S. Clark Si- Chlcao« W- T^ 'Zoltintrm poitntn« prosto. Val denar vrnjen ako n»tj p^ JamiJRe nsdnmaOll «■Sin-Hi neavo BRAXOn r _ »EDAJJWUA )d (asa do (asa poroča in komentira Milan Medvešek svo-smo iznaša tovarna zaprla Ltn za tri dni, tako da [TfJen i»eli več dni .po-K1 kot ,, za veliko m« aU brati, ki so veliko delali in gradili za procvit naše jednote, naselbine in društev, so jim od ponosa žarele oči, kot da bi hoteli reči: "Poglejte, to je neše de-lo, to je aad našega truda in na-cpominiki izboljšan. Br. Zupančič do-tudi nalogo, da preskrbi vse «bšcine za ta dan, to je jest-"> P'jačo. Sklenjeno je, da J« pikniku igral Balohov trio ^•ndga. ako bi pa on ne motorno skušali dobiti pa godbo r> Kramerja. J *'»vnega govornika je po-Filip (Jodina, upravnik g** iz Chicaga. Sklenjeno da dobimo Mika Kumer-J pregovori nekaj besed za »"*>. če mu bo čas dopuščal. ■""J*"" Je tudi, da se'povabi *r™'ka weMmoreiandskega ter je znano, da se zelo delavstvu koristne Pa za starostno Ako I). on ne mogel m dobi pa kakšnega ali ljudskega zaatop-i*k lJU(,.no Je da se da Z yUcan "Klai za piknik, T 'la morajo druš-^natl knjižice, ki so jih UJ Racije, najkaane-1 Piknika. I/voljen je še « fl« vsa društva fede-£/' ' ' da Izvolijo L. ki bodo pomagali pT1" riii P'kniku r r »"»J- natančno bomo vsb. I°d-luLlM in znan- daleč da ^ udele- m£rrv p°lncm števi-"T;, namig. sv'• l^.hodnje kon-" J teg. okraja, da ri j« p4»1* Na tej seji so bili navzoči sledeči zastopniki: John Fradel, Aleksander Skerl, Anton Zornik, Frank Shuster, Frank Zupančič, Joe Beniger in Matt Marovich. Oprostil se je br. Luketich radi zaposlenosti, br. Zeker pa je odsoten. tajnik federacije. tretjo Priprave sa ohijskl dsn SNPJ Brld0opori, O.—Na zadnji seji okrožne federacije SNPJ je bilo zaključeno, da se odborniki federacije in zastopniki društev snidejo 25. maja pri br. Josephu Skoffu pri Bartonu in |>odajo poročila svojih društev, koliko njih članov se bo udeležilo drugega ohijskega dneva SNPJ, ki se vrši 4. julija v Girardu. Takoj po končani konferenci Prosvetne matice JSZ Je podpredsednik federacije br. Skoff otvoril izredno sejo in pojasnil namen tega sestanJca in kaj je naša dolžnost, ds storimo v korist drugegs ohijskega dnevs SNPJ. Joseph Snoy poroča, ds je pri avtobusni družbi dobil informacije in ceno busov različne velikosti. Za bus za 35 potnikov je cena $68, kar znači dvs dolarja za osebo tjs ln nazaj. Br. Pavlinlch poroč», ds je dobil obvestilo od društvs 283, da se bo njih člsnstvo udeležilo te proslave 4. julijs s privatnimi avti valed oddaljenosti. Dalje pravi, da od ostalih društev ni dobil obvestil o tej zadevi. Pravi, da bo pisal na nekatera društva in pojasnil zaključek danaž-nje seje. V smislu razprave o tej zadevi je sklenjeno, ds izvolimo odbor, ki bo zbiral posetnike ns t* dsn. Sprejeli so Mary Krofllch, France» Parks in John Vitez. Ker so s tem zvezani stroški, je sklenjeno, da se temu odboru ds $6 iz federacijske blagajne za vozne streike Delje se poveri Mary Krofllch, da sprejems po dva dolarja za vozne stroške od vsakega potnika, ker pritožna družba zahteva plačilo buss v naprej Oddaljeni člani in prijatelji, ki ae žele udeležiti te proeleve 4. jednotinega dneva so.bile dobro obiskane in zelo uspešne v moralnem in gmotnem oziru. Tudi letos se pripravljalni odbor pod vodstvom br. Jamesa Maglicha trudi, da bo vse izbrano urejeno in pripravljeno za številne goste. On ln ostali odborniki so živo na delu, da bo letošnja proslava še boljša kot lanska; sploh vsako leto skušajo, da prekosijo rekord prejšnje. Popoldne se bo izvajal zanimiv program. Nastopili bodo govorniki in pevska društva, bila se bo tekma med baaebalakimi skupinami iz. raznih naselbin. Govoril bo clairtonski župan John J. Mullen, ki bo obenem zastopal unijsko delavstvo, kajti on je s srcem za delavce iti njih unije, kakršnih je pač malo. Govoril bo tudi Geo. T. Cummins, distriktni pravnik okraja Washington, dalje John Trčelj ln John Podboy, člana jednotinega \\gl odbora, kot glavni .govornik pa Matt Petrovič iz Clevelanda, predsednik gospodarskega odseka. Poleg teh bodo navzoče pozdravili odborniki federacij Anton Čipčič in Mike K umer, Kakor že omenjeno, bodo pela tudi pevska društva. S pripravljalnim oodborom sodelujeta lokalni društvi 138 ln 589 v Strabanu, ki bosta skrbeli, da bodo posetnlki zadovoljni s postrežbo in razvedrilom. Ponovno apeliram na vse,člane in članice SNPJ in prijatelje le vseh bližnjih in daljnjlh krajev, da se udeležite tega slavja dne 22. junija v Strabanu. Tu se boste sestali s svojimi znanci in prijatelji in se boste zsbavali kot malokdaj. Drenikov park je v bližini dvorane SNPJ. Na veselo svidenje na alavju dneva SNPJ v Strabanu dne 22. junija! Jacob Ansbroilč, fed. tajnik. v Exportu. leč. da ao odprto nasprotovali. Mnogi so tekom let spoznali, da _____ ________ao tili v «neti Ur pravijo da- I pošljejo po dva dolarja zapiani- nes, da bi morali napraviti to v juli- i julija v Girardu z buaom. naj že pred mnogimi leti, pa bi ne bili danes na*i zabili položaj, v katerem se danes nahajamo. Vabimo tudi pevski zbor Iz St. Louisa, Mo., ds nas gotovo poaetl na tej proslavi in nam zapoje par slovenskih pesmi v senci košatih dreves. Torej ne pozabite te naše skupne proslave 4. julija. Ko pridete do pikniškega prostora pri gaso» linski pasts JI, pszltc ns znsmc-nje SNPJ. Ns svidenje ln dobrodošli vsi! Lewis Mahkovc. piedsednik. Društvene vesti Torooio. Ontarlo. Naznanjam članstvu društva Bratake sloge 648 SNPJ, da sem ae preeelll na 107 Armstrong sve. Torej oddaljeni člani, pošljite aaesment na novi naslov, vsi drugi pa lahko plačate aaesment ns seji sli ns mojem domu. Frank Nackilfal, tajnik Blatne, O«^ Vsem tajnikom bližnjih drultev katerim sem pote rezervira posebna sekcija ne ' slsl tlkete in tudi vsem posamez-pokopeliiču Woodlawn Memo- ni kom naznanjam, da je stvsr do-rial Park za naše člane. Je člen- j bil J. flteklail« toda ne vemo •Ivo naš sklep zdo hladno spre- kam poslati, ker nI točnega na-jelo. Nekateri ao šli še teko da- slova Prizadeti ae naj torej zgla si pri podpisanem, bodisi osebno ali pismeno. M tek aitf.vl*. tajnik ti. »I, BOS 181, Hi-ne. O. Mi, predstavniki sledečih hr« vatskih, srbskih in slovenskih podpornih organizacij: Hrvatske bratske zajednice, Srbskega narodnegs saveza, Srbskega podpornega aaveaa Jedinstva, Slovenske narodne podporne jednote, Kranjsko slovenske katoliške jednote, Ameriške bratake ave-ze, Slovenske dobrodelne zveze, Slovenske svobodomiselne podporne zveze, Slovenske ženske zveze, Zapadne slovenske zveze, Jugoslovanake podporne zveze Sloga ln Slovenske podporne družbe sv. Družine, zbrani na iniciative Hrvatske bratake zajednice na skupnem zboru dne 10. maja 1941, v Slovenskem na rodnem domu, Cleveland, O., > avrho organiziranja skupnega dela za materialno in moralno pomoč našemu, z vojno pregažene-mu in zaaužnjenemu narodu atarl domovini Jugoslaviji. ZapopadajoČi in razumevajoči težko stanje naših nesrefaih bratov in sester v domovini, in ra zumevajoči njihovo potrebo naše čim izdatnejše pomoči, amo prišli do aoglaanega sporazuma ln zaključka, da se adružimo skupno za delo v skupnem od boru za to avrho, ter da s tem hkratu pokažemo našemu narodu v domovini, kakor tudi zunanjemu avetu, da smo složni in edini ter da naa ne more razdvojiti ne alla krvnikovih bajonetov ne razdiralno delo plačanih Iz-rodkov, Prav tako smo »e soglasno sporazumeli, da bomo pred ameriškim narodom kakor tudi pred javnostjo ostalega ave-ta branili čaat ln Interese našega zasužnjenega naroda ter tol mačili njegove pravične težnje in želje za osvobojenje vaakega, tudi najmanjšega delca zasužnjenega jugoslovanskega ozemlja, in za pravico do svobode vsakemu, tudi najmanjšemu delu našega naroda in plemena. Za izvedbo gori označenih avrh in ciljev aprejemamo ln osvajamo soglasno sledeče zaključke, ki Imajo služIti kot pro-ggam ln pravilnik ngšsgs dela I. Ime . Naše skupno delo ln predstav ništvo pred ameriško in avetov-po javnoatjo bomo vodili pod skupnim imenom: Jugoalovanaki pomožni odbor v Ameriki—The Yu gosi a v Relief Commlttee o i America. 8. Seatava odbora Jugoalovanaki pomožni odbor bo aestojal lz hrvaške, srbske in slovenske sekcije, katere sekcije hodo po svoji uvidevnosti vodile delo v zadevi nabiranja pomoči med svojim narodom, potom svojih društev sil skupnih lokslnlh odborov, sestavljenih od vseh orgsnizaclj, ki so voljne sodelovsti pri tem pod vzet ju. 8. Predaiavnlštvo Predstavništvo v Jugoslovanskem pomožnem odboru bo se-stojalo iz izbranih zastopnikov naših velikih centralnih orgsnl-ij, v kateri so zbrani široki sloji našega naroda v Združenih državah in Kanadi. Vsaka narodnost, brez ozira ns Atevilo zastopanih organizacij, ima pravico do petih ali več zastopnikov Vsi predstavniki gori navedenih organizacij tvorijo glavni upravni odbor Jugoslovsnskegs pomožnega odbora v Ameriki, le-ti pa izbero lz svoje srede, za vodMvo potrebnih poslov, sledečo odbore: ■t. Izvršilni odbor, ki sestoji iz predsednika in dveh podpredsednikov; (b) tajnika in dvrh pomožnih tajnikov; (c) blagajnika; (d) odbora za publicistiko, v katerem ao tri osebe. 2. Nadzorni odbor, ki aestoji iz enega člana od vsake zastopane organizacije v tem odboru. Dolžnosti predaodstvs so, ds poleg vridatva sej zastopa delo, Ideje In cilje odbora prod našo in pred ameriško javnoatjo Dolžnosti tajništva so. da vodi zapisnike vseh sej glavnega kakor tudi Izvršnega odbora, da vodi dopiaovanje mod nerodnimi sekcijami In njihovimi centralnimi organizacijami ter vse drugo delo, ki spada v njegov delokrog. 8 Dolžnost glavnegs blagajnika Je, rekordlratl pobotnice prejemkov in Izdatkov od poaamer-nih blagajnikov narodnih sekcij; delje mora sprejemati do- cij ali lokalnih odborov, ki bodo tudi pošiljali vse doprinose na-ravnonat nanj. Glavni tajnik mora, kadar koli zahteva to od njega glavni ali izvešilni odbor, podati pregled o dohodkih in izdatkih ter o atanju pomožnega fonda. 4. Denar, ki ga prejme blagajnik katere koli centralne narodne organizacije, kakor tudi blagajnik Jugoslovanskega pomožnega odbora v Ameriki, mora se nalagati v odrejeno bdnko na ime in račun Yuguslav Kelief Fund, pod imenom prizadete bratske organizacije ali centralnega odbora. Za prejeti denar ae mora izdati pošiljatelju pol-noveljavno pobotnico. 5. Dolžnost publicljskega odbora je, da toČho obvešča našo kakor tudi ameriško javnost o zadevah in vprašanjih, ki bi utegnila moralno in materialno koristiti temu podvzetju. fl. Poedine hrvatske, srbske in slovenske sekcije bodo delovsle med svojimi narodnostmi na organiziranju lokalnih osrednjih odborov, sestavljenih iz vseh lokalnih društev in organizacij njihove narodnosti. Taka društva in oarednji lokalni odbori bodo zbirali direktne denarne prispevke, prirejali zabave, koncerte, Izlete in druge priredbe v avrho zbiranja pomoči. Ves nabrani denar naj ti lokalni oarednji odbori pošljejo blagajniku svojega narodnega centralne«» odbora, pod čigar pokroviteljstvom poslujejo. 7. Skupni lokslnl odbori, sko so v njih delu vključens društva vseh treh nerodnosti, lahko pošiljajo nabrani denar blagajniku katere koli centralne glavne organizacije ali pa direktno na glavnega blsgajnika Jugoslovanskega pomožnega odbora v Ameriki. 8. Vsak odsek ali društvo poedine bratske centralne organizacije ali lokalni oarednji odbor, ako je združenih več društev ln organizacij, mora dobiti dovoljenje za nabiranje pomoči od o-ne centralne organizacijo, preko katere namerava izročati nabrani denar In ki ima tako dovoljenje od U. S. državnega depart-monta v Washingtonu, 9. Društva poedine podporne organizacije, kjer razmere ne dopuščsjo, da bi Izbrali posebne odbore, tahko nabirajo pomoč preko svojegs društvenega odbora. 10. Kadar bodo prilike dopuščale Hn ko bo napočil čaa za to, bo zbirala tudi pomoč v blagu, obleki, obutvi ter v drugih stvareh za pomoč narodu v domovini, 11. Jugoslovanski pomožni odbor v Ameriki mora sodelovati ter dajati navodila in naavete o delu za vodstvo vsake akcije, ki Ima za svrho nabiranje pomoči za naš narod v domovini. Dalje mora skrbeti, ds bo nabrani denar porabljen v svrho, zs katero je bil nabran, to Je, za pomoč žrtvam vojne v domovini, in sicer preko ameriškega ftdedegs križa ali preko kake druge zakonite in odgovorne ustanove. Ta skupen odbor ameriških Hrvatov, Srbov in Slovencev poziva vse ameriške Hrvate, Srbe in Slovence, vsa njihovs )>odpor-na, kulturna, corkena, prosvetna ln delsvska društvs in organizacije, kakor tudi posameznike, da gredo na delo z vso svojo močjo v duhu te resolucije n navedenegs programa dela, da bi bi|o to naše skupno delo čim plodonosneje In da bi se nabrala čim večja msterialna pomoč za naš narod v domovini, ki Je postal nedolžns žrtev krv-mškega ln zverskegs napada. Naša materialne pomoč bo potrebna, ds se ublsftljo žrtve In trpljenje naših nesrečnih bratov In sester v domovini, potrebna sts naš skupen nsstop In delo, da ae naš narod okrepi v na dl, veri in v borbi za osvobojenje In lepše, srečnejše življenje v svobodni, na principih svobode ln demokracije ujedtnjenl Ju-goslsvijl. Osvojeno soglaerv> na seji predstsvnlkov hrvatskih, arb-skih In slovenskih bratskih orgsnizaclj v Clevelandu, O., dne 10 majs 1941. Wm. M. BoU Soyd. predsed-nlk; Vleeont Cainkar Slo» Vrlini*. podpredsednika; Josip Za Poklč. pomožna tajnika; Janke N. Rogelj. Mile Marlnkovlé. Michael J. Horvath. odbor is publicistiko. Glasovi is naselbin O pravilih la drugo Milwaukee. Marsikateri član SNPJ ae je že oglasil v Prosvetl glede starih članov. Treba bo nekaj ukreniti, toda vprašanje je, kaj in kako? Tisti pionirji, ki so vse to spravili skupaj, so postali stari; marsikateri ne more več delati, drugi ga ne more več dobiti vsled starosti. Kje dobiti denar za asesment in drugo? Ukreniti bo tudi treba neHaj za mladino, namreč upeljati 90-letno izplačljlvo zavarovanje (endowment), da lahko potegne denar ven, ako plačuje 20 1st. Drugače bo šla mladina proč od naših društev. 2e sedaj ao slučaji, da vprašajo, kolikor bodo dobili ven. In ker nimamo |s takih polic, plačajo par meaecev ln pustijo društvo, kajti zava-rovalninski agentje trkajo na vrata vsak dan in pregovorijo marsikoga. Moramo imeti sistem zavarovanja kakor ga imajo zavarovalne družbe, da lahko delamo biznia. - Glavni urad naj poda izjavo, kako bi bilo najbolje urediti to vprašanje, kje dobiti denar za atare člane ln koliko bi bilo treba plačevati sa 80-letno zavarovanje (endowment) po načinu kakor ga Imajo Inšu-renčne kompanije. S kegljaškega turnirja lz Loa Angeleaa, Cal., ao se vrnile Jane Perko, Josephine Novak, Mary Starich, A. Medved in K. Wink-ler, večinoma članice SNPJ. Videle ao maraikaj zanimivega, kar jim bo oatalo v spominu. Prejšnjo nedeljo so se zbrali pri A. Kramerju na 525 S. 8. «i. sami nekdanji majnarjl, ki ao delali v različnih drŽavah — Illinoisu, Indian!, Ohlu, Penn-sylvaniji, Mlchlganu, Minnesoti, Idahu, Ksnsasu, West Vlrglnljl Itd. Poročali so is nekdanjih dni, ko so delali pod zemljo ln kako so se Imeli po naselbinah. Oživela ae je misel, de to poletje napravimo piknik vaeh bivših rudarjev — datum bo objavljen pozneje. To bo prvovrstni piknik po vzorcu msjnar-jev, preostanek pa bo podarjen za Slovenski dom, ki nam je potreben iz razloge, de bo Imele naša mladine večje veeelje do dele. V vodstvu ae zgrsdnjo Slovenskege dome Je 7ft% členov SNPJ. Piknik Slovenskege dome ee vrši 6. julije v Arcsdlsn Psrku, piknik društvs Bsdgers SNPJ 20. julije v Sagedlnovem parku, piknik milwauAke federacije SNPJ pa 20. avguate v Elm Oro-vu v New Berlinu. Frank Perke, tajnik št. 18. prlnoee ter voditi račune o njih, j lar. blagajnik; Janke KeveA. in eleer od poedincev, organiza- tajnik, Merle Prleland. Branko Darovi ee atari kraj V sklad za pomožno akcijo med ravnimi vojnimi žrtvemi v starem kraju so nedelje prispe- vali: Društvo SNPJ št. M, Brooklyn, N. Y..........$ 10.00 8ft, Mulberry, Kens. ........ 8.00 70, Canmore, Alta., Cen. 8.00 112, Weahoo, Mont............. 8.00 144, Falrchence, Pe.......... 8.00 181, Kitzvllle, Minn........... 2.00 188, Conemeugh, Pa........... 10.00 174, Krayn, Pe. 8.00 18.1, Hudson, Wyo.............. 10.00 295, Hridgeville, Pe.......... 8.00 381, Melntyre, Pe.......... 800 Členi istega druStve darovali po $l! Pr. Stopinšek, Kr. Stari- na, A. Uombach, A. M Yaneah, George Ne- t - glich, V. Yeksetieh; j>o $2 Nick Vukaetlch in Fr. Vrbenir, eku- psj .......................... 10 80 375, Hrarkenrldge, Pa ... 8.80 4*2, Miners Mills, Ps ...... 800 485, P't Washington. Wis. SJ0 719, Clsirton, Pa............ 8.80 L. »ever, Ixwlle, W Ve 2J0 Mary Rosenberger, člen i- ce društva 33, Ambri dge, Pa. (nje Ime je btio v prejšnjem tskezu po- toma izpuščeno) JO 8 91.00 Prejšnji izkaz .................... 809.80 Skupaj do sedaj prejeto v gl. uradu SNPJ........ M8I.80 V. Cainkar, gl predsednik. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT O LAS ILO a LASTWWA »LOTES»*« Honore NarotelM u ZdruftMM tfrtev* (»»• .«« ChlcM«) SI HOO M St«, SIJ» M pol »»* » ctalMSO Si Clc.ro SIJ« " <*1« toto. lin M pol Mi; u tnotmrtvo $»M. lutaertpOoo ratM: ter tho Uniud MS« P* ChtoP Cto«o IIS» par 7—*, tonim oountrt* P* ClM OflMOV po dogovoru KokopUl OopUuv in MniroteUi Sinkov M M vrata», «okopi* lito««« (trtlM. povMtt. dram«. pmhI 1UU m vnmio poMUatollu 1» v tluteju. to )• prllotU poAtniao. 'ilM «i agrmmmt^-ot communication« UUl ^oUdtMl arOdta will not b* ra-lunMd. Other nunuacrtpta. «uch •• •ImIm. pUr«. pomh. •<«.. will to «o- UlMMKl tO »«MWT only wtoo »ocom-„Mtod by eeU eddrwed Md «amp«* m. kir tal mk i PROBVETA Ara. CIUeH*. or TKI rSDEAA-nDD revije v stari domovini ie izhajajo ali ne. Če jim je dovoljeno izhajanje, si lahko mislimo, kakšne so pod — fašistično italijansko cenzuro, katera danes pašu-je v Ljubljani. Ne delajmo si nobenih iluzij! V tem ozira je Cenkarjev glasnik, ki izhaja med nami v Ameriki, danes še edina napredna, svobodomiselna slovenska revija na svetu. A ko se poglobimo v to dejstvo, se bomo vsi, Jri ljubimo lepo, poučno in poljudno besedo našega jezika — resno potrudili, da zajamčimo Cankarjevemu glasniku trden gospodarski obstoj. V zadnji številki CG je obveščena naša javnost, da je revija v gospodarski stiski; objavljen je apel na naročnike CG, naj obnove zaostalo naročnino. Opozarjamo čitatelje Prosvete in člane SNPJ, katerim ni vseeno, če Cankarjev glasnik eksistira ali ne, na ta apel. Podprite to revijo z obnovljeno ali novo naročnino! — V ČEM OBSTOJI JUGOSLOVANSTVO Datum v oklepaju na primer June II. UMI 1, poleg valega imena na naalovu pomeni, da vam )e a tem datumom potok le naročnina. Ponovite jo da a* vam liet no ustavi •IM Urednikove pripombe Izraz "jugoslovanstvo" je že star, a še vedno nam dela pre-pr*V0to-0#'| glavico. Beseda je konfuzna in izziva spore le tedaj, kadar jo hote ali nehote istovetimo z narodnostjo. Govor o jugoslovanskem narodu in jeziku je beda-stoča. Obstoje jugoslovanski ali južnoslovsnski narodi, ne pa narod; obstoje jugoslovanski ali južnoslovanski — kakor severo-slovanski — jeziki, ne pa jezik. Nihče ni govoril pred zadnjo vojno o avstrijskem narodu, bili pa so avstrijski narodi. Poli- NE ZANEMARIMO KAMPANJE ZA MLADINSKI ODDELEKI . T, u,. L. i ... I tično Je jugoslovanstvo lahko e-Jubilejna kampanja društev ' nikdar. Zna- Glasovi iz I naselbin . ^S ... ... „ i not«, nerodnoetno nikdar. Zn» i?Vri J\b'U"' n. nam je propaganda, Jd je de- ključena 31. maja - a kakinlm . ' * £lovencl Dobilo ... . __. _ ,___ ,lovala, da ae Slovenci poerbijo rezultatom, bo poročeno k«ne- hrv,tlj k, ie Je to je-lnzdej namteoetajakam. propaganda kdaj ver- penje ze ml.din.ki oddelek, ki J .loven.ki Jezik pre- bo trejele dokončate«, leta 1 ^ ^ ker linče_ Ker je mladinci oddelek vai- „„ uluz ne ^ vei pUal ln ne uaunove xe naio Jednoto, je uk , j b|U v plenlc#h. Tiloi vaina tudi kampanja « prldo , rekordl^ne zgodovlne b ven e novih i enov vanj. MU- , „„ tu£u v „,. * ^9lek Je ilan.ka rez.r- " •> va, iz katere naia organizacija ""V < irpa večinoma avoje odra.1. čla- ^'pZStaoi ietlh ae lahne. Ne pozabiU tega! L ^ d ' bodo slov,nl gw>. Zato Je potrebno da lmamo « ^ .pojeni in močan ml.dln.ki oddelek, v ka- « ^ pomen ^jugo.lo- terem al vzgajamo bodoče kul- Y * .„„:.. f~llt„ .'< * „„ turne delevce. Kejti mledtnakl ™'tv° ¡Smu^SJUS' krotki SNPJ «. razvijajo lz na- vf? ifi/"",1.^^.! H darjenih dečkov ln dekl c v mla- van,k' J«lk1' dinikem oddelku In ti krotki «o ln ^ i vl' naša šola za bodoče kulturne delavce ln delavke v naši sredi. benem dekretu ali resoluciji. PnHtmHmn Wnmnnnt« «o ml. I REŠENIKOV" JE VEDNO ÏMftJ^HK?0 " mU" VEČ. VEČ IN VEČ. dinski oddelek SNPJ! VELIKA KONVENČIJA SE NAM OBETA Naša prihodnja VEČ IN VEČ ... V New Yorku se je ustanovil I "Slavonic Committee for De-konvenciia |mocracy' Inc-" — z namenom, katera bo mcseca sept^bra t ^ 1. v PittaburKhu, bo vsekakor največja po številu delegatov v zgodovini naše organizacije. Kadar pridejo skupaj delegatje SNPJ in SSPZ, jih bo domala tristo. [dicij, idealov in princijiov ameriške demokracije." Prvič si je odbor dal napačno ime, ker vsi Slovani še niso Sla-Ivonci (Slavonija je ime hrvaške Dokler se ne izvrši formalna nei Čemu ne Slav Com in oficielns združitev obeh or- mlt ^ J?™«^ ? £ i l K.nizacij, bo vsaka organizacija c ^^ el 'f4U<*"10 33 00 18« 50 304.38 3 i 00 206 Wt 1.708 00 115 00 4.. »4 i h57 00 171.87 64.06 «0 00 «3 04 111J7 118 88 i;; «ft 33 00 318 71 13 00 7418 3» 00 144.88 «4 .m 88.48 104.00 48 80 ;n mi 180 M 70 M tt»M> 788 00 78 48 11800 18871 15871 177.00 151.00 1800 150 16 188 08 16110 184 80 110 00 1600 m ji „ 84 00 10806 10 «J NA lio ■as., 14 <80 .. «7 ■ 104 80 18100 188 00 III00 187 88 1800 180 48 8708 1186 188 00 1ST 18000 1001 ......... 86 88 48108 84 74 88*0 88 00 181 Mi »o* lil 71 71 SO 48*7 lil * SSM 88 Ott •80» IOS 88 48 a» mm I SO' IM i- 88 M III «7 M «6 88 87 na 74 «4 16 IM««» IMai mm um 8b ao mm 78 08 i >y 68 108 ISJSj IM 110 81 168 88 UJM . IML I3«oo 143 7.7* 150 00 130 30 4874 4«. m 16 18 IM ...1 10» 00 53 00 48 00 17 00 m ao 1400 104 00 43 011 180 TOIal Skupaj 1188.168 45||8.883 60 170.171 P. A. Vlder, gl. tajnik Htlpreme Oee'y ISO, rran ir M. Jnhn POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOUfllKI PODPORI RRPORT OP Sie« B8NBPIT PAYMBMT Parma«! «I Mar H. INI I Jacob Orakalar $17.80 8 Man Prtatarntk 88. Stettna P. Vanóle 887. John Konjak $88. Lou la Paplah W8 II Juaaph Uda »18. Jolm Salan »17. Juhn Sábllc »80. Prank Janear »86. Mika Zugal »48 18 Anna Markal »71, John Hahaal »SO. Matt Bmulo »8», John lUtalJ »88. Anutaia Trkaj »17SO. Andrew Kana loo WI M, Prank Luatlk »17 I oaa rukjatlr »«I. John flrtcai Jarln »I. Juaapli Alpner »10, frank IIuiialoa »I». Peter Prijatelj »35. Antun Valónele »14, Mik» Kravl »IT, Juaapli Certalic »14, John Wulgomut »17 50, Kl latina Hieganl »38, (atherlna KuktMln »II, Kunigunde Tralnlk »81. Juaapli Srnuvranlk »88, Mlohaol Kim |M II «ladya H Mickllch »II. II Ooorgo JoaUig »14 31 Varunlaa Pudbevaek »II. 13 Mary Hoean berger »13, Rmma D, Uro« dak »48, Muphle Takalar »M, Mary Pal« »14 88 MarUa Mlrt MI 17 Iva So (du »8 60. Juaaph Nenadlc »M 40 Prank Matalku »Ii, Nlato Vukaauv 8M50 47 llalan Oruahull »II, Mary Beagovvk »13, Margaret!« Puloentk »II, Anton , Komik M4. LoulM Klaainc IM, Lödla SUMmt IM. 80 Maria Zavhl »88. Juaa|di Maalak 888 88 Juaophlna Blobar »14 »0, frank Moook Ml »7 Juaaph Prlmuriv »88, Tltumaa Vor tornlk »80. Anlun Orahak »14. Pran ooa Prlmoaki »88 88 Jannla Angal »17 88 frank Vogrtoh »17 61 Mary Kam »17. Mary Paternal »M. 68 Mall Si ula »7. Jul hi ttregar »II, Paul Siaudohar »18 M Loo la Koali' »80, John Okerjane »40 88 l^ao SlolntMiuar »M M frank Jelene »14 Ii TeraaM Oornlk »II, Juaeph Infthar v ML Anna Smrekar »80. Juavpli Siel» " laj »M, Juhn Klemanele »40, Anion Prit« »14, Mary Maaara »I», Peler Oi rakovn n »80. frank Oeehnlk »18. frank KranK »M 70 Mary Piriuinik »14, Mary ati1»an »88 78 Antun Paafcven 97 81 Uavld Olotoh »87, Anna Sopee »Ii, framioa atarea vo n »41, Juim Oroaov* nlk »II M ( eruline Oarden »I», MeiMNllrta Kom |N M 87 Juhn Mlakar Mi 68 Vineenl Janevie »38 M Tum Ivaneleh »Ii 107 Catlierlne Nlkloa »88 II» Mary Ohoin »II. I^ula l^malier MI, fiank Oolot» »I8 60. Anuoi MUlnik »18 117 Andy Kravenja »14, Jul in K<«ae «M. frank Znldaon M« IIB I^MlvIk Krlah »M AnU«n Jorjeveo III fronk OMeh »10, freneea H Anne Poltumlk M. Mary Milieli Antun Vehei »88. Prank Kuhovakl IIB Mary Oorglln »M. TturreM Marjano voli MI. Anna atorle »IB, Mary Ra ga« m. Mika Maula MB, Mlek MMlek »II. Angel« Verpoelnl MI. IM Juaaph Oheroaltek »88. Mary Knldaraki »I IM Mery J Offak Mo. Juhn Oimele MB Juhn PII* »14. Mmun NMjak »16M. Lufcea Omerdvl »14, ftnk lomat »14 Thai Mio »Ml' »M frank « «tripa »48 IIB Isiola OooOa »BD. Anno Zupamo »07 . Louie 'Éu$rn »14. Kerl »«etnor »I». Joaepfc r»itMW »MB IM Mary Praheg '»17, Angele Pabaeee »M. Ano« Pwiienuvteh »M, Angele PuUelj »II IM < aroKtae l^ajevle »M fianeea rrmnk »OB. fronaea Chaanlk M Andró) Po-aage »M. frank Maj«»! »IT, AloolM Kw»Jan »M J—H* Srnardel »M Mary Manu*/ »14, ataplienie Mavtuh »14. Mary Im^ii »I«. frank 9*\m »M, Juhn (krtwWM »14 »18. Karof Eraan »M. Karl Kutnar »41. Vmku KroMl »M 143 Jack Okol »30. Steten Blagutuiaek »88. ■ Juaaph Leonard MB 153 Joaaphma laakovteh »I». 161 Coro Orllch 811. , IM frank Blsmark »83 165 Antun Potok ar »M 176 John Kuvach »II. 177 l^tupold Puljanac I» IM LMey Pleaha »15 im Andrew Mahn« »M. Martin Ovo« »M. IM Annie Ban M. Mary Huraak »30. Amelia Sagadln »34 Iii Anna TauMl »M. Mudulph Kuro »lt. «ua Anna Mohär »M. franoM llooevar 30» nini«>|ni »ijv MI »M. Steve W uakth LaunHerdt »M. frank I fronk Barlo« »M. Mery Kroveo l»...«k »II Mary BOa aor MI, Anno Vugrtn »M. franeaa Mtklie M7. Anta« IMwvw »M. lomila Mor«» »14 NoBiarMa Zadel »lf, Pran ewe Berta« »07. Ani«*« femoe »M. Atatela Opttar »M ItamMt Per k« »M. Mm »m»wo »1110. LnbM Ctartaw Mary Baluh »13, Juhn Maaanuvleh »M, frank Podmeni k »M. Ntkula Pojovleh Ml. Prank Kudra »30 Matt Ktajer »18. Thereata Stritar »M. Antimta Panjan »M, frank Olmpal M 80. francee M. Danku »13. Joau Murkuvtvh »17. Kari Ku|>mryri »30 Matilda llauptman »I», Antonia Pla-hutnlk Ml-ttvan Dalac »M ~ " Ivan Zalar »M. frank Kartah M Krank Pump« Ml. Zvunlmlr Kruljac »IB. Louia Ouraha »M Katharine Devrlch »M. Peter Krpeelc »14. Vinko Ho bol »M Mary Bluaar M. Katharina Kunlc »M Lou la O ruden »M Antonu Klarloh »83. John l.lpoaek »I». Prank Kukalj »14. Pauline Malovrh »30. Bertha Herao »IM. Cecilia Knafolc »38 Ivan M Ik lavólo »14. Peregrin Hurgar »Ii. Aatoit Zaje Mi. Prank apel«er »41. llgnaU Burgar »10 Anthony lomearle »14. Helena Huatar »14. Juhn Koluaha »M. John atrah »10 Morku llingtiln »0» Antun O. fritael »10. Ivan Kom|iaro »M. Anton Nudman »M Sum Bukuvec M0 Anna Intlhar »M. Carl Strekeiy M. John Semal »17, Imiila Kovach »M Mary Dlnard M0. Katharine Oaonlclt M. Vid Supcii* »M. Mary Perahln »M. Andrew thiatto »M. Muy M rea »M, Luhloa Valedaio »M. Muaa Weego »M, Henry Divjak Ml. Vlctur Clark »MM Mary Skuharoe »t». Halon Stua »M. Waller J t ullen »S». John Slkolo »It, Prank Miwndat »M Huth Da LmI »I», Oeorge Oerok »M. Petar ttanuvlch »M, Pranjo Tokio »M Dalla Omtlanloh »M. Mary llauMt »18, Loalte Morton »I». Tony Tadtch ÜI* JerneJ Hribar »64 MM John Okuda »M »M Juila aupanalc »M. ttudnlph Mtyduhat »II. Rnalu luirían 304 Valentin !*harn«r M0 »M Halen VlMtelloh »II, Mirko Blaahu v I oh »M III Mary frkovloh »17 au. Marta Mihah» violi Ml. frank Muhloh »1410 lil Peter Uiay »14, Kriai Mar« »II, John Tomate »M. fronk Batuh »17, Kurt Knuth »M, Anion Jorkle »M. John atrancar »M III frnaoea Mlhucloh »M 118 Juhn Jenku »M Ml Juhn Kocjan »M, Voimlr Cuekovteh Ml. John Peti ich »lo Ml Kura Brlaki M. fianeea Jenko »M. Miliva Oduvioh W4. Mary l*tnai »M, fiada Mlaohnlk »41. Katarina Btoanle »M, Katharine Muatar »M. Ivana Mau-rln »M. Mary Miarnor M7. Muele Sta ntoh »14, Angela Kara« »1480. Milka Mmllanlrh »I». Ml Anton P Perkovtch »14. BM Mary Jakae »II80, Mary BproUaor »14 MS fabijan Kupjar »I», Jtdm Svmjaito »14. Paul Suhul m . -> 3M John Kalor »M Bil Joe Varta Ml, Alulala Parkal M» MI Carolina Mary litidnn Mi BM Huphla Sadua »M 871 Mary Moakun »14, l.*lnl tajnik Aaa I Ooe'y MMIVKNHKA NAKOHNA IMJIH'tiMNA IKIlNifTA «adaja areje »oMlkacIJe fM Š0 . IlM I'r«a*r4a M koHati. (Of Hr«(M4 agil ort j« e»«|ik droAlo« In #la«o(ea I« 60 propagand« arajlk idej Nikokof M a* U propaganda droglk p*dp«rnlh organlrartl Vaoiio «rgaolao^Ja kmm oM/aJo« a*«M gta.lU Tore J afilóla rl/nl d«pi«l M noano«llo drttfflh päd« pomik «rganlaorll Ml o|«ll droMov OB| 60 oo poMlJoJe Mola ProotoU. SN P J in 37th Year of Conlinuout Servie* 1904 - - - 1941 ENGLISH SECTION Help to Inert ate Our Juvenile and Adult Member^ PAGE SIX For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes PENNSY SNPJ DAY JUNE 22 PITTSBURGH, PA. — Approaching upon us, is the date of June 22, the day when hundreds of SNPJ boosters and friends will trek to Stra bane, Pa., for the sixth annual Pennsylvania SNPJ Day. There will be a program as fine as any, and the sports activities will attract many enthusiastic sport fans. There will be prominent speakers on hand, such as Mayor John MulJen of Clairton, a staunch and loyal supporter of the CIO; George Cummins, district attorney of Washington County; Matt Pet-rovich, member of the Supreme Board, and John Terielj and John Podboy Jr., also of the Supreme Board. A softball game between Strabane and Verona will highlight the aports activities, and without a doubt, the new bowling«alleys at Strabane SNPJ hall vyll attract many bowlers. Music by Taffy's Domovina orchestra of Barber ton, Ohio, will "slay" the dancers, so what else could one ask for, with such a fine day of eventa on the menu? So, wherever you arc, and whatever you arc doing—drop everything, and came to Strabane on June 22 for the sixth annual Pcnnsy SNPJ Day. Morning Stars The regular monthly meeting of the Morning Stars will take place We Turn to Our Juvenile Campaign] SKffl ANNUAL Our Anniversary Campaign in commemoration of the fifteenth birthday of our ESL'b closed on May 31 with considerable success and brought to an end the official observance of our youth movement. Plans for the eight-month Jubilee Campaign were laid by the Supreme Board at its semiannual meeting in Au-gust of last year, with October 1 as its opening date and the end of May as its closing period. As announced a few weeks ago the results for the seven-month period showed that a total of 2171 new members were added to both departments—of this number 1386 were adult and 785 juvenile members. At the beginning of the campaign it was suggested that an unofficial goal of 8000 new members be set—a quota which could have been easily reached if all ESL'b would have participated in the drive. However, if the last campaign month, the month of May, brings in a little more than 300 new members (the average established in previous months), the final results will net us about 2500 new members for both departments. Therefore, the net gain will be impressive anyway, even if not spectacular. The complete campaign returns will be announced soon. However, we still have our Juvenile Campaign which has been in effect for the past eight months and which will close at the end of this year. It is a fifteen-month campaign designed by the Supreme Board to strengthen our Juvenile Department. Ever mindful of the importance of a strong Juvenile Department, the Board set forth plans for a vigorous juvenile drive with liberal awards for solicitors as well as candidates. In addition, I Sunday, June 8, at 2.30 p. m. au medical examination fees up to fifty cents are paid for ¡¡SSSJ. ftrpicr.T7X VhSS each juvenile candidate. out of every month and do your This gives an excellent opportunity particularly to those ¡JX*} andgeuingTon ESL's which did not take full advantage of the just ex- the discussions for the good of the pired jubilee campaign to make up by plunging into the T^VV'rs^e m«2d with Juvenile Campaign with greater vigor. During the next ciairton and Moon Run on the eiec-six months, then, by united action our ESL's can bring ^nve®fli;n.d,t of "n aeronaut,c-vme Home. The rnte tainment committee met thla Watch for complete detatla or at week. In the mranttfTM- don't cfc.-dule any other date fot^hia nigit. and ever willing energetic Frances gre ^ mo>t interesting and educa-Splk (you should sec the way she hand lea the ahovel). Their work went for naught as the need for parking space was so great that the playing field had to be uaed and the scheduled gume between the Strugglers and Loyalltcs called off. The drawing held proved lucky for Uie drummer in Frankic Yanko- tional you have ever seen. Don't fall to see these movies Sunday evening. I Coming Events June 29—The Young American outing at Hill's Placc at the Lower Straits Lake. Aug. 10—Young American picnic at llorwath's Farm, Warren and Over number of our members took trips to different points. Frank C'Zup") Zupancic, Anton Primozich, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glavan went to Aurora, Minn. Frank* Klancar and wife and Jack .Berliak and wife Went honeymooning to the Wiscon sin Dells. Visiting in town were Private Gilbert Lcsky and Private Alfred Jeray. Louis Spendal of the She boygan Moderns and his friends were visiting here. Incidentally his friend Tony Simons of Sloga challenged the Badgers to a soft-ball game In Sheboyjtan this month What do you say, boys? Let's go! It will be a good "warmer-upper for the Midwest league. Ann Martinsek postcards from Cheboygan, Mich., where she playing In a girls' band. Coming Events June 22—SNPJ Vijolica Lodge Klopcic Park, New Berlin; July —Slovenski Dom, Arcadian Park July 90—Badgers at Sagadin Grove Aug. 10—SNPJ Fed. at Klopcic Park. LEO SCHWEIGER, 584 for first prise. vie s orchestra, his name was drawn | gNpJ Fedcration pic_ nic at Hoi wath's Farm. Al the Comrades' last meeting the I, attend these affairs, andeapcctal-writer waa elected a. delegate to| ly June_8 the convention in September. For alternate, Ed Grum waa chosen. Any idcua or auggestkms for the betterment of our Society will be appreciated by the writer. " MIDWAY. PA—AU members of Stanley Kromar. former member SNpJ j^,. M are urgt<mlng con-of our lodge. Hia amlling face will | vl,n||on; otht.r important bust- RAYMOND TRAVNIK, 584. Midway Lodge No. 89 to Meet Sunday Lodge 126 Picnic at SNPJ Farm Sunday CLEVELAND, O.—The members of the numerous Cleveland SNPJ lodges are busy planning for their summer acUvlties on their own Recreation Farm on Heath Rd. near Chardon, O. The first picnic of the season held there on May 25 by the Farm Board was a huge success. The people like the place, and the committee handled this huge undertaking masterfully. The SNPJ Lodge "Cleveland" No 128 will also hold its picnic on the SNPJ farm, Sunday, »June..8. A cordial invitation is extended to all nature loving people. Johnny Pe-con's orchestra wUl play for dancing Our entertainment committee has ordered plenty of refreshments to take care of considerably large crowd. Those wishing to go In the morning, are kindly requested to be at 85th and St. Clair ave. not later than five minutes to nine o'clock. The (it»¥ truck leaves at nine, reaching Waterloo Rd. about 9:30 a. m.; the 2nd truck will leave 85th and St. Clair at 1 p. m. sharp. JOHN SIMCIC, Lodge 128. FLASHES CHICAGO. ill —Chicago's picnic season will formally begin Saturday, June 7, when the Pioneers congregate at Skavich's Red Gate Grove, 97th Street and Archer Avenue. We hope that the weather will be ideal and that the Pioneer friends will come with us in large numbers. Admission to the grove is exceedingly small, only twenty-cents. We will have good music and plenty of refreshments, and we hope 4L«. -----— -«.¿II - __ . 4 1 — that the moon will oe out as it is supposed to be. We are asking the support of all of our members and friends. You might just as well come to this fine affair and spend a few enjoyable hmgrs with us as elsewhere. In the years past, we have had some mighty fine crowds at our early moonlight picnics. Our neighboring lodges would visit us and some would come from even as far as La Salle and Milwaukee. And It seems that the larger the crowd, the more fun and enjoyment there was. We are asking all of you to help us repeat the joljy tithes of some moons back. The Committee will leave from the Slovene Labor Center at 7 p. m. A meeting of the Committee will take place Friday evening, June 8, at the Center at 8 p. m. Members of the Committee should make certain to be there. This week's report on the subscription sales will be run in two sections. The first will include the splendid report of Lodge Delavec, No. 8, SNPJ, who have accountcd for one-hundred and thirty-four books. „ Wc already reported that Louis Mender was a "cracker-jack" salesman, and we can add today that he Is a super salesman because he has accounted for the sale of 65 books, which is a mighty fine record for one chap. Joseph Kosich, Secretary of the Lodge, and Frank Gorence, Vice-President, are helping out also. The standings of Lodge Delavec as of May 31 are as follows: St4ve Paun F. Zupancich ... 2 Jos. Barbich.... Vinko Vidmar. Steve Nikollch Daniel Zorich.. 1 M. Beshir.......... 1 books set for thf p"^ present standing « M JJ* M. Prazak 37 Emu w M- E. Novak 24 R^ D. Letrich..... 22 Man, Julia Bogatay 18 Frank Grose, I2 A M ^ F Lotrich........12 Helen Ark?" Sylv. Bozicnik 8 An« ¿2!. Ernest Dreshar 7 Oscar g2 Frank Bregai.. 4 ^ Hucfe«? Mae Grose. 4 f^St Wm. Put»..........4 St. KoUkf" Mild. Simcic 4 - IWOOUC,-J Ernest. Jugg .. 3 Frank Kobilca 3 Heu. Kr*i Louis Lot* Mary Rev», Jos. Gratchner 3 Leo KuJI Frances Stark. 3 Geo. Vk Opening day at the Faim proved a grand aucceaa, fj lends from ev e» y where were present All the food and refirahmenU were sold out Mill y in the evening Working hard getting the diamond in shape were Lou Marolt, Andy Stla, Stan neas Will he transacted It la therefore necessary that all members are present It Is to your advantage that you participate In lodge discussions Attend JOHN JUST. Secretary. lie missed along St. Clair Avenue. ] Congratulations to Wolverine No. I tnam and our own Naprednc for copping high honors at the National tournament. Alan to Frank Grum of the Young Amertrans, leader in moat of the eventa. - * w — — — I America's outstanding Slovene poet. An idea that could VM^hpied by Mr. Ivan Zorman. A perfect day other conyvtinities when the oeca- provided an ideal setting fur the sum atj»«l> and practicing the say- crowd that turned out to pay their ing ik rose to the living Is worth reaped« to Cleveland'« outatandtng tftm4 than bouquet U» the dead" composer, musician and poet We was followed by our Slovene friends commend the committee and extend in Euclid, Ohio, laat Sunday For to Mr Zorman congratulations from their Slovene Day, they honored* those not being able to be present Westm'd Fed.Will Hold Picnic on July 13 . HERMINIE, PA.—The Committee jf Westmoreland Federation of SNPJ lodges decided at ita session on May 25 to carry out the deciaion of the Federation conference, held at Yu kon on April 20, to proceed with our Federation Picnic plana. The Federation Picnic is scheduled to take place Sunday, July 13, at Beachwood Park near Irwin. The! Baloh Trio of Clarldge will play for dancing. The main speaker on this occasion will be Bro. Philip Godina, Manager of SNPJ publications. Brother Godina has been with the Prosveta about 28 years and is a veteran SNPJer who Is known for his honesty and loyalty to the organization and the labor cause. The writer knows him for at least 28 years snd can say that he Is a sincere man and friend of the workers. Another speaker will be J. P. Kelly, candidate for congress, who understands the needs of the com mon people. Also. Bro. M. Kumer has been invited to address the gath ering at the picnic. Particulars about the program will be published later. Our committee extends s cordial invitation at this early date to all members and friends kn this area to attend. Let's léb this occasion on July It jit neschwood park a mem arable one for all SNPJ members. ~ ANTON ZORNIK. Secy, Spirit-o-Grams ST. LOUIS, MO—Summer Is here and that means more outdoor activities, so all you members get busy and sell as many tickets to the picnic, which is going to be held on Sunday, July 20, as possible. Our next regular meeting wiU be held on Friday, June 13, at 8 p. m. sharp, at Concordia Hall. All members should be present because there's going to be an election of the delegate at this meeting. Also other activiUes of great importance will be discussed. » Many of you members wUl be go ing on vacations and therefore will be unable to attend the summer meetings, so let's have a large attendance at the June meeting. All the members who attend the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hervdtin, enjoyed themselves until the wee hours of the morning. On behalf of the Hervatins, Whoozit wants to thank all those who attended and helped to make this celebration a success As all the members know our next main attraction is the joint picnic.. There will be fun for both young and old, games, dancing, refreshment* to your heart's content. There will be bus service from the Broadway car to the park This and that: We still would like to see Sis. Mary Bursich at the meetings, how about coming this meet ing? What has happened to the Maurich sisters? WE haven't seen them at the meetings for quite some time, we are expecting you at our next meeting. By WhoosU Louis Men4er..d5 Jos. Kosich......17 F. Gorence........10 M. Chandick.... 9 Edw. Pozek...... 8 John Dejak— 5 F. Kosich......... 5 J. Radovanich 5 We hope that this good work will continue so that we can have a more successful National SNPJ Day on August 30, 31, and Sept. 1st. " Five Pioneers have reported on additional sales, also. Among them was Anna Loker's first report. The others were Michael Prazak, Frank Lotrich, Frances Stark, and Joseph Gratchner. Between the five of them, they accounted for ten books snd helped to increase the total sales to one-hundred ninety-one. Altogether, thirty-two Pioneers have thus far made reports. We do hope to interest others so that we can read the' quota of four hundred Lodge 757,689 and 422 Hold Mooting Sunday HELPER. UTAH -AU memberi of SNPJ lodges 757 snd 880 of Help er and 422 of Standardvtlle are urged to attend the meeting of June 8 at 1 p. m. at the home of Era. An ton Tasker here at Helper. Thla meeting Is held to elect a delegate for the 12th convention. So all you members please be present MARJORIE NUCICH, Lodge 757 Frank and Anna Zordast vis spending a three week va California, writt" to tell us cities and the country in ti»i are much nicer and certainly i pleasant that the Eastern From Catalina Island, Calds old-timer Frank Petrich remq us with a card and words tf couragement. Also from Califs we received word from Lot Alpner and Stan Wmkler g Badgers who spent some time out there. California ie be the attraction for visit« Angeline Godma has reported Martin Augustine is now well aula Gaspertch is also well Groser is now at her home g N. Francisco Avenue.-Whik tending the 35th Anniversary bration of Vdge 38 in Ken Wis., last Saturday night, the privilege of renewing our quaintances with such fine dug Louis Robsel, John Mauser, was very active for the SNPJ j agp; the Presterls, the Favlins, and Penzat. Other I in attendance included Jo Malavich, Frank Vidmar, Lto I Ernest Dreshar, and Amu Anton Jurca Sr. of Detroit,} a former officer of this lodge,! his wife, were also in atk The celebration turned mil s satisfactory. Some of the Pioneers ait inf ing for the National Bowlef* ney prize money. We hope H1 be forthcoming soon —Our Cfci SNPJ Federation is due to meS Thursday, June 5, at the SNPJ I All delegates are requited » present.—Memorial Day lendgj the Chicago SNPJ Federates Woodlawn Memorial Park US out very satisfactory despite Ik cning weather. Brother Ci was there with an address Frank Alesh made a few and a few words of were spoken by the writer beginning to realize, mon! more, the importance of ths i taking of ours and we mi fident that, the future genets! going to give us satufactwilj efforts. More of our peopk«| interest themselves in ths while venture. DONALD J. LOTfUCH, I Friendly City JOHNSTOWN, PX. —As James hasse, Fla. Trofino puts it "Batters up!" Start- Bill Zabric ing again from where we left off last September st Strabane, Friendly City's Mush ball team ia at it again, bigger and better than ever. Under the supervision of our new manager Wib Hoddle, wc have all the confidence in the world of being Chicago bound this fall. For your own Information, there are six teams participating In the Conemaugh Valley League, namely: Kelso. St. Mlchacl Flood City. South Fork, Triglav, and Friendly City. Games are being played every Sunday for at least ten (10) consecutive Sundays, providing the weather Is favorable. According to manager Hoddle. our team Is built for endurance. and we are out to prove it. The meeting of June 8 will be a very important one. The request of having the members attend Is very urgent. The delegate for the 12th convention will be elected. We have merged with the Ladies' Lodge 800 for this purpose. The nominees are Mary Konchan (800) and Joe. Culkar (884). Please do your part aa a good Friendly City member The meeting of May 11 proved to be a very interesting one. It's been quite some time since we have had such an unusual attendance. Eleven new members have been added to Friendly City's list during the months of April and May. Confidential Gossip Stanley (Snuffy) Mrak seems to be enjoy ing himself immensely at the CCC camp at La Porte. Pa. Jno. Gabr*-nys of Moxham Is now stationed at the Tallahassee Air Base, at Talla Ma* We also have who has Ing at the University of m for the past year. YoU would see us in June are looking forward to W So it was Orange Bells for Sis. Jennir married recently Js Jennie and Frank Daly J ried on May 1. wishing yo» ** " understand that our sr Sis. Olivia Chuchcca. ■ trip south shortly.J* sent Joanne will "J **'wc err still Krasovic of our Juvenile De£ ^ Juveniles, have r*"Tjlg wonderful artick of our little Juvf«»,, dinski List? „ttle fellow He^ little fellow sm only an example to th^«^ niles. who hsvc bees active „„tp"*1 had s hesd ceJJJ^-well on the Jw> dj gore m»" Gen« the gsm« ™ ing when that nifty w m The procraurr^^ g, ing given tl^ : -»-«SB* »a FTT^cnAV JUNE 4 . My Weck ?ROSVïTA pagrmms these is public irts of farmers By Louis Benlgor M«t of our readers arc <* th< major DM«* ft. New DeaL One of development of huge L„wer plants in various I Lntrv to furnish the with cheap electricity flattie" and the President MB*ed a "coinmunist1 L-t week ih Congrees Senator /r£t, w Norris, veteran progrea-!T oI Nebraska and champion of iral ieSU.l-t.on, ^tedjjov^ ■mot expansion of its Tennessee JEy Authority type of power de-¿¿¡ncnt to the entire countiy, ii ZToi the present shortage of elec Z\ energy for defense needs." ¿ has been a staunch advocate "f ubljc power for years. Senator Norris. who introduced a ill three years ago to create seven Lonai iittk TVAs." to blanket e country with public power in nordance with the recommendo-ons of the President, «aid that gte would be no power shortage if the bill had passed then. He pointed out the fact that had it rt been for TVA, which is now ppiying power for the production aluminum, its output would have so curtailed that "our aoro-program would be deieatod ght now." And so we sec that it is this _veil's "socialistic schema" iich is today enabling the coun-to build its air force besides rnishing cheap power to the work-Of course, it was the private iwer companies and their reoc-iniry mouthpieces which ham-■ung the passage of the bill lich would furnish cheap power Millions of people . * . There is no doubt that if the re-Uonaries in Congress had not lia-ned to their bosses who said the would be over before we could mplete the job, we would have more power than we have. "It's to take us a long time no itter when we start," Norris said, art building battleship«; the may be over before they are mpleted—everyone hope« it will. we are building them for con-igency," he added. The prcsertt unlimited national ency gives the President al-unlimited power, and it is ex-that he will use it both for ipeedy defense of the copntry I for promoting such programs will be of permanent value for people. ly annual visit to La Salle, Illi- i. for the Memorial Day observ-e was a pleasant one. It 1« only miles inland from Chicago and Lake Michigan, where the tem-iture was in the lower 80's, but La Salle it was almost too hot comfort and even a heavy rain-failed to cool things off very Sa Chicago's Column fecial Notice, Penna YPJ Day Committee IPERIAL. PA.—The next meet-of the Sixth Annual Pennayl-"I SNPJ Day Committee will be in the||ovene Home, Strabane, Sunday, June 8, at 6 p. m. mtl Every committee member 1 a attend this meeting *»ttoms of foot. •fc ' h!I There * f , • atk., 1 *>o ^ r;;^etkn and re- TV"** * «kirtned s '»n^rtm«* of SO. CHICAGO.—These summery days will allow for more and more attention to the official SNPJ Day celebration to be held in Chicago on Aug. 80, SI and Sept. 1. The Calumet 8entinela should join in with their sister lodges W Chicago in discussing all necessary plans to make that celebration a greater one because of our lodge's participation. In South Chicago there are some 400 SNPJ members. All of theae should join in supporting the committee planning the SNPJ Day prd-grSm. It may hold true that diversified occupations and attentions hold much of the interest of Slovenes in this city, yet, we believe, occasional moments should be devoted to Slovene activities and in-tereata. For, if we do not show response to our own organizations, there is no possibility of others supporting our fraternal activities. The Calumet Sentinels are asked to get behind this SNPJ Day program and show their "colors" as members of the strongest Slovene organization in America. Lodge B and 400 are behind the SNPJ Day program-let's have the Sentinels behind that program too! Members may inquire as to what they can do to support this SftifJ Day program. At our meetings we can discuss and plan our participa-tion. We can have more regular attendance at the committee and Federation sessions. Also, we can receive from Sec'y Frances Kosic subscription books that will materially advance the cause for a successful SNPJ Day affair. Our membership has disposed of only 17 subscription books to date. Nanos Highlights CLEVELAND, O.—The SNPJ bowling tournament In Détroit was well represented by our bowlers of the West side inter-lodge league. Although our boys did not walk away with any of the honors, they certainly put up a good showing. As you will notice in last week's Prosveta, they took fifteenth place money, but con«idering the good bowlers they had to compete with, we are more than pleased with the final results. THe following bowlers represented our league: John Krasovec, Tony Mauser, Frank Ma-raa, Stanley Mauser, Albie Kljun, Victor Samanich. The boy« wish to take thto opportunity to thank all their Detroit friends for the won-derful time they had shown them and hope tbey can reciprocate in the same manner. Our stay was short but our memories will remain. Our twenty-fifth anniversary banquet and dance is an event of the peat, but it will be long remembered by all our friends. We can really boast it was a huge success both socially and otherwiae. It was a treat to see so many of our old friends present, and we do hope you enjoyed our hospitality, as we did your presence. Lodge Nanos expresses Its appreciation to all those members who so willingly gave up their time and cooperation in the duties aaaigned to them. We also wish to thank all those who participated in our program, especially the singing societies. The program was enjoyed by all. Our next monthly meeting which will be held Sun., June 8, at the Westside Slovene Home, is a very important one. We will hold an election to select our delegate for the coming convention. Members, thia la very important, so please try to be present. Our secretary wishes to have all final returna on the banquet and dance tickets. Members, please make all returns as soon as possible. Therè Is a campaign going on for new juvenile members. Are you doing your share to help make this drive a success? "KAY," Lodge «84. Orange fc Lemon Here is a refreshing drink for hot summer days. Material« for it include six oranges, two lemons, one cup sugar, one quart water and aomc ice cubes or ice. < Combine fruit juices and sugar and place in server. Add ice cubes and water, then serve in glasses, adding one ice cube and a maraschino cherry to each glass. Ignorance to the ntffcl of the mind, but a night without neon or star. -CONFUCIUS Whatever the reason far laek of enterprise in this respect, it cannbt be a sustaining reaaon. With an adult membership of 88 the Sentinels should certainly be able to make a batter showing 'than they have. Member, who are trying to do thSlr share and are carrying on in disposing of these subscription books are Car J Bozieh with 5 books, Steve Malnarich Sr. with 4 books, Lodts Kosele with 3 books, Angeline Ku-hel With 2 books, Mrs.- Brazovec, John Lustig Sr. and Steve Malnarich Jr. with 1 book each. jWn|bers desiring more complete information about these hooks can make inquiries at theii4 regular monthly meetings, the Sid Monday evening of each month at the field House. If unable to attend the meeting, the lodge secretary or chairman can give all nooeaaary information. The Sentinels are urged to make a creditable ahowing In this matter, and all matters, concerning the SNPJ. • • Today we have no accurate picture of events in Slovenia. A violent readjustment from their accuatemed existence may be presumed. Vet, are Slovene, and their descendants in America appreciating their own positions? By appreciation is inferred a recognition that here they cah continue Interests acceptable to Slovene characteristtca. We have here the opportunity to retain the better Slovene racial traits and enlarge on them. We can still gather under atmospheres and conversa tlons that are Slovene. We are not conaldcred the leas American for doing so. Hore, understanding that we can meet and participate in interests typically Slovene without hindrance, our Slovenes should rally to the support of their Slovene fraternal, cultural and other organizations as never before. In Slovenia the way of Slovene life may be more difficult than ever before. In America we can atill keep Slovene qualities. Let's use this opportunity in appreciation and in full knowledge of what American democracy means to all peoples. Make, today, that gesture to support Slovene interests. Keep them alive in America today so that at aome future day American Slovenes can contribute aocial and cultural values to Slovenes in a new Slovenia. • • • Last Tuesday evening the Sentinels and Lodge 400 held their combined meeting to eleet a con-v an tion 'delegate; Forty-aevan mem bers from the two lodge« Were in attendance. Mary Slobodnik, sec retary of lodge 4S0, received 25 votes to Louis Koselc's 22. The result makes Sister Slobodnik elected delegate to represent lodges 810 and 490 at the next SNPJ convention. Angeline Kuhel was elected unanimoualy aa alternate delegate. Both lodges agreed to give the delegate designate convention instructions at some later date. • • • ALL THAT SORT OF THING. Reading Mike ' Kumer's articles read like a travelogue to center« where the SNPJ ha« its lodge« and where exist the more sctive SNPJ peitonslitles. Mike hss probably covered more SNPJ territory than any other member in recent years. . Some of our younger Sentinel members should come around and get active In their lodge . . . The Pioneers deserve a lot of credit for their support of the SNPJ Day program and their disposal of subscription books . . . Louis Mender i of Lodge 8 is another earning due credit for his work in disposing of these subscription books , . . The Sentinels contributed $8 to the Jugoslav Relief Fund , . > Emil and Rich Kuhel and Ray Bozich were at the Sox-Indian game« on Decoration Day . June 22 should bring out a banner crowd to Pcnnsy's 8th Annual SNPJ Day program at Strabane . . . The Pennsy convention social committee could have an interesting evening program by having presented the SSPZ's latest movies of Slovenia, accompanied by musical rendition« and a narrator... The Koseles may be tn Pennsy the second week in June ... So long, until again . . LOUIS KOSELE, 810. Draftee—You look sweet enough to eat. / Dorothy—I do eat. Where shall we go? Juvenile Circles Waukagan Circle WU1 Hold Regular Mooting Friday. Juno S W^UKKGAN. ILL.—The JoUy Juveniles Circle 24 meets regularly once a month. Whenever necessary, however, we hold meetings "tor the purpose of promoting our affairs. I want to say that this Is my first letter to the Proaveta. On Friday. May IS, the Circle had a Mother's Day program. We all had a very good time and anjoyed the program very much. Refreshments were served after the program. Our Circle is planning to stage another play in the near future. Then* are tt Juvenile members In our Circle now. But we would like to have some more new members I know they would enjoy themselves in our midst as much as we enjoy ourselves at the different affairs and meetings. I like the club very much. We go to the Wire Mill grounds and play ball every Sunday from 9:15 a. m. to 12 noon. We would like U> see more of our members come and play ,ball. Stanley Grego-rin comes there every Sunday and watches us play ball. I hope I'll aee many of you Sunday at the Wire Mill. . On Friday, June 8, we will hold a business mooting at the MID at the usual time. All members are urged to attend. 1*11 try to write more next time. MILDRED GREGORIN, 1 Circle 24. Sunday. Juno I. Is Mooting Da to of Spftagilold Circle No. 17 SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—Our Juve-nilc Circle will hold Its next meeting Sunday, June 8, at the Slovene Home it 2 o'clock. We urge all members and prospective members to attend. Please be prompt. Plans for a summer schedule will be discussed, 'in order to arrange an interesting'and varied schedule everyone ShoUltl be present to contribute his ld4*s. Also, other plans will be dlacuWcd at this meeting. Don't fall to be present. The SNPJ L<>dgo 47 will celebrate the 35th anniversary thia year (tn October) and our Circle will be called upon tb'help with and contribute their program. This alao will be discussed at the next meet ing, Sunday. MlLDREft OVCA, Adviser. Circle 11 Will Qivo 3rd Annual Jamboroe Sun., Juno I GIRARD, KANB— Plana ore be ing made for the third annual "Roundup Jamboree" of the Jolly "Kanaensi Circle' No. 11. It will be held Sunday, June 8, at Sterle's Form, beginning at 1 SO in the afternoon. Rofreahmenta will be aerved and danoe music will be furniahed in the evening. The outstending feoture of the evening will be the tug-o-wor be tween the boys and girls over a creek. The committee consists of Fannie Galiclch, Dorothy Yoger and Carl Uleplch. They will have charge of the races and entertainment. Prizes will be awarded to winners in each age group. A Softball game will be scheduled between the boys and girls. Do your part In turning out for the affair. We need your cooperation to make it a success as we did in past activitioo. There will lie plenty of fun for young and old, alao good refreshments for both groups. Last year the boys lost the tug-o-wor bottle. Who'll win this ycor? Please intend our Jamboree in large numbers. 1UCNRY WM JELOVCHAN, President. "All*Abound" Circle Dance ht Sharon SND Sunday, Juno 7 SHARON, PA —Our "Ail-Around" Juvenile Circle No. tl la very busy selling tickets tar our dance which will be held Sunday, June 7. at the Slovene Dom Mr. Anton Valentin dc bought the first tlekels. thus starting the merry-go-round with a bang! We wlah to thank Bro Valentin-etc for hts Inuraol, also to Bro. Frank Rcsefc of the CJirard Eagles Guard Your Health M Me» ti CONSTIPATION Constipation ordinarily means delay or Incomplete bowel movement and tendency to abnormal hardneas and dryness or a reduction In quantity of the stool. Constipation is not a «distinct disease, but a symptom which may result from a variety of diaturbances, either organic or funetionek Various Couace Constipation la due to nervous strain and in these cases it is found that the stoppage of stool la at the terminal end of the Urge bowel. In gall bluddcr Infection, lower part of stomach obstruction, or chronic appendicitis, there is stagnation in the upper large bowel. Other causes of constipation are poor diet, abuse of physics, obstruction, abnormal large bowel, mucous colitis, pressure of tumors on the bowel, kinks from adheolona, twisting-, of IntootlnoM, funettonal derangement due to fatigue, old oge, undernourishment, anemia, fevers and lead poieoning. Further oouses may be weak muscles of the bowels, diseooeo about the onus or In the pelvis and In which the dioturbancv is due loriely to the neglect of the calls of nature. Modern Living The incidents of oonstlpoUon ye increased where there are over refined foods ond nervous tension and a lack of frcah air and exerciae. Constipation is said to be on the increase because of the unhygrnlc conditions of modern living. It is generally believed that conatiputi>>n la most often produced by a diet which leaves Insufficient undigested residue, irregular hours for deflca-tlon (inattention to the ealls Of nature) and inactive habita with insufficient outdoor muacular exercise After it has developed, conotipotlon may be aggravated by the use of cathartics or physics, these in turn, may cause increase of Inflammation of the large bowel. Tobacco, alcoholic drinks and any of the agents just mentioned may set up a chronic constipation process. The habit of reading at toilet often has a tendency to lessen sensitiveness of rectal nerves and leads to prolonged ait-ting ot stool, with engorgement of tho local veins around the anua, and the result is the development of piles. Vary The symptoms of constipation vary greatly in different caaes. Some patients have no aymptoms. Some com plain of local ond general symp toms. Some of the most Important symptoms and signs of eonstipation are hcodache, loaa of appetite, gas, occasional heart burn, mental and physical fatigue, inaomnia (unable to sleep), bowel atognotlon of feces, or occoslonol diarrhea. Among the local symptoms which ore more common, are a feeling of pressure ond distention within the lower largc bowel and in the abdomen, a sensation of being bloated and of fullness. As a result of distention, msny sensitive individusls refer pain or soreness to the hesrt or lung region. Other local symptoms are eructations of gaa, foul odor from the mqpth, general weariness, dizziness, heavineas and nervousness. The recovery depends upon the type of constipation, but in the majority of caaes, a favorable outcome may be looked for regardless of age and duration of the diaease, Most caaes due to organic ca'iaes «uch as kinks, bands, etc., do well following operation. In cases of organic obstruction due to tumors, etc., the prognosis dependa on the nature and curability Of the ohoteOetion » m v V. "»'•'ftgten, D. C. Proposed Cooperative Apartment W 0 M f ' - » . . «Kg* ' irfelSftÉ^ ** p Drewtag of tho •• v Cooperatives A pa rt mente la Bronx. W. T. which Will bo bullt hf Ike Amalgamated No satisfactory treatment eon be given until the pJQjiOr cause has been determined with o complete physical examination by the family physician A thorough otudy of the individual case will indicate whieh one or a combination of the following procedures should be employed in its treatment. Thaae procedures ore hygiene of the bowels, diet, phsychotheropy (nature treatment) and Hydrotherapy (water treatment), exercise and rest, gymnastics, moo »age, electrical treatment, drugs, enemas, suppositories, Ope treatment as given ot Hot Springs, ond operative treatment. Good habit formation Is Important In the prevention of eoostipfttion The most favorable period tur «tool is directly following baookfast. a» morning activities and taking of I<**1 both favor bowel movement lUg ulorlty In habits In childhood Is '>f the utmost Importance and should be maintained at all eoota Infanta, placed upon o small ehamtjcr at e stated hour each day, quickly team the habit of regularity In stool Bowel movement Is often promoted by exercise In moderation Huwige 427 rif Coveidale was a complete susssss, Credit Is due the commit tee under direction of Anton Cipclc fni lit* fin. progiain A nice hall, fltee location and a lot of nice pe., pte made this affair one of the best in a long time, By th« time Uiin gets te press another meeting of the local convention committee will Ih< history The program committer under Kumcr la making progress and as Mike soys, "loin' to town." A fine woy to help is to sell ads In the souvenir Imoklet. Don't forget th«' Sixth Annual Pennsylvania HNI'J Day at Straliane on Sunday, June 22 On to Strabane! JAMES M MAGLICH, 718 "Citism Kane" A Column By MARY JUOG Hollywood and "Hollywood" It Is beyond the scope of this column to comment on the technical angle ot any of the four-star productions that have out of Hollywood within fairly recent dote. But why Hollywood has made such astounding leaps in this respect and taken so long tn outgvow Its "Hollywood" treatment of subject matter pooes an Interesting question. • "CUusm Kane" undoubtedly was an effort to produce a film as un-"Mollywood" as possible though tt was launched by "Hollywood" publicity methods. "Citizen Katie" Is a marvelous study of a thwarted character, the counterparts of which it Is not difficult to find all about us. But that "Citizen Katis" Is a crleltlsm of the capitalistic system Is Just plain "Hollywood" tallv "Citizen Kane" is a series of incidents in the life of a strong-headed, self-loving human being whose personality never matured beyond his boyhood sense ot self-importance —when he wos king of the roost out in his desolote country home. Kane's kingship came to an ond on the day when, with hla sled bearing an outline of a rosebud, he attacked the guardian who had come to take him away to he brought up In a manner befitting an heir of a great fortune. The remainder t»f Kane's long life la an effort to recapture thut boyhood ovcrlordahlp over ever-Increasing numbers of people. And not a single act. no matter how benevolent It appears, nor a single personal rulotiouohlp occurs with-: out selfish thought. Since Kane never again sueeeeda In being as Im* portant as his adolescent! mind thinks he Is, and he dies friendless in spite of his immense wealth, even the symbollam of the roselmd Is not as enigmatic as "Hollywood" would make you believe. That o film which lo as con-slstent and roallatlc In character portrayal, and certainly a composite of true-life details in the lives of a number of our living nuui of fortune rather than of any one, should suffer all the "Hollywood" blah about not being permitted to be released Is deplorable indeed. a "Cheers for Mis« Bishop." For some reason "Hollywood" finally decided to get around Ui glorifying the old-maid school-marm. But don't Utink that Mlas Bishop served hutpanity for 81 year* because of her brilliant mind No, nut In "Hollywood." It was because three times in her life she almost got mar» ried, but didn't. S«i she kept on teaching English. She was a suf-forlng soul «ufferlng from one broken heart to another. And so she got honored at a tremendous alumni dinner for—teaching English. "A Womnn't roco." To "Holly-wood" a ghastly scoi on a woman's face means thai she becomes a thief and block mailer. (But I have seen an equally ugly scar on a man's face, received In a duel, they said, and he strutt««d about with a great air of superiority.) Then the doc» lor wlw removes the hideout» scar falls In love with the woman (has there ever Iteen on exception in Hollywood"?). Of eourae, the doctor is always married to a woman who doesn't understand him. Then the woman, who with the scar was not only a thief hut an Intellectual (she knew symphonies and con* aortas, was an accomplished pianist, could recite Browning and Koata), cleansed her soul and lost all «her Intellectuality—when a man fell In love with her, So "Hollywood" says. We don't kn«»w, because It ends thers, Warner Brothers technicolor shorts, including "Cite* M«< Liberty" "ftttl of Sights" "Sons of Liberty" "Nong of (he Wallow" "Man Willi-out a Countryore a series of 18 mm. films ta be shown for edueo« llorial purpoaes only. They ore authentic, lieautlfully photographed and coatumed, and Inaplring—produced by Mr. Warner ot Ills own expense as o service to his country ta which he feels o debt of gratitude. To s question before o group of „ tea« hers previewing the films as ta why the women ore only local color bat kgiound for the etmrogeous men and models upon which to exhibit costumes, Ute answer was that women during the Revolutionary period were not supp««sed ta have opinions on matters of political nature, or any independent thinking In general, From which imc would deduce that "Hollywood" la still running tru« ta Revolutionary War perurd era in its depletion of women characters, |('an we hope for an Orson Welles to h«lp Hollywood become mature In this respect, alao? It Didn't Take Willie had returned from hla flrot dey of srliool. 'What did you learn at school today'" a»aed his father "I learned te smy 'Yeo, sir,' ond Ho, sir,' and 'No. m am' ond 'Yea, ma'am ' " -You did?" "Yeeh." Ô P EO S VITA S.N.P.J. Sports w. L. % 2 0 1000 1 , 0 1000 1 500 ....I 1 500 .0 2 000 0 2 000 SNPJ Athletics CHICAGO.—The Conemaugh Valley league la the first of the SNPJ district* to awing into competition to determine the winner to make the trip to Chicago for the National aoftball championship in September. The reauits of the first week play aa reported by Brother Trofino are aa follows: Triglav .....—»." .«r than your ufual gize 25c a ton less than they were last |n gUk ^ Cflrefu, >bout ,engtht Winter, if that mucly Next Win-, {oQ A gtocking which is too long ter's prices, on the other hand, may i wiU not glvo QJJ good .^ice as one well be considerably higher. j which haf thp reinforcements in the Some Increases huvo been made StFuggleFS CLEVELAND, OHIO — Struggle«' Initial Headpin tournament proved beyond a doubt that It was a success ful venture not only financially but fraternally as well, even though we were somewhat disappointed in the way oul-of-owners roaponded. It seems as if the National Tourna ment in I Mi nit gave us quite a set bark as many of the out-of-town friends gave the excuse that It was Uio cloae after thr national tourna men!, but ow member from Detroit made his appearance and your scribe only faintly remembers his first name, and It's either Ladle or Lud, but Just the same thanks million for coming down'to pay us a visit! Our local lodges res|>onded in great number and they too dr eerve a great big "Thank yout" No doubt by this time all of you are anxiously awaiting the outcomi of thin great event! To the Loyal-lie« i.oiu the "Oscar" for the Lodge entcrms the most bowlers; thla lodge proved lieyond expectation that fraleinalism is regarded as something sacred and can lie clawi fied a* something even closer than frMiidklup Following Is the lint of winners anil the awards: that theoil companies are taking a little toO much advantage of the aituauon." Major oil arwnpaniaa are still sending plenty of it to Japan in spite of transportation d if f I c u 111 a a. As BREAD A BUTTER haa pointed out before,.there Is no shortsge of,oil. And no price rise can legitimately be accounted fdrs^n the baais that there is. Since March, when BREAD * BUTTER reported on overalls and work clothing, wholesale prices have continued their upward climb. Toward the end of April they were 10% above what they were a year or so ago; and within the laat week or two they have risen 3% or 4% more. The general attitude in the tex-tile trade, aa reported by the Journal af Commerce, la that "there will be enough financial well being for consumers not to mind paying over $1.50 for Jean shirt* for which they are paying lese than $1." Consumers should note this attitude well; all the signs sre that they will meet it increasingly in the months to come. Be sure that any work clothoa you buy are fully shrunk; a label statement that there will bo no than 1% shrinkage la guarantee. Look lor strong, stitching« with double rows of stiichea at all vulnerable point*. Pockets should be ample, and tool flaps or pockets should be reinforced. Hosiery More rayon yarn is being used for reinforcing full-fashioned s^lk hosiery. And that mean* the quality of «ilk hosiery is being lowered, because rayon Is not a* strong aa silk, especially when It is damp (as it often is on a foot), At the same time the trade predicts an increase in the price of unbranded silk hosiery soon. A number of stores, however, have been offering silk or silk and rayon hosiery at very low prices in recent weeks. One explanation is that some of these stores were willing to give up the percentage of nylon hosiery allowed to them by suppliers along with silk, and In return got better prices on the silk. * Seamless hosiery 1* conalderably up at wholesale. The new prices will affect men'* how, anklets for women and children and the cheaper The Upper Crust "A couple of drunken drivers, y er honor. "Holy gee, end me with a hangover." = It would seem to be a good time to stock up. before quality to cheapened further and retail prices jump. Nylon production Is Increasing somewhat but not more than one-sixth of ail the full-faahioned hose produced this year is expected to be nylon. Vou may be wise to get nylon in the "smokeless" varieties of soft coal, but few have been made nec-esaury by Increased costs of production, according to Paul Hifton, the acting director of the Bituminous Coal Consumers Counsel. Thla year It wiU be wiee to eon tract for your coal supply as soon poaalble. I I BREAD A BUTTER reported on the riaing prices of fuel oil on April 24, advlaing readers to try Immediately to arrange contracts for next ... Wintor. Sin«» the oil companies have already been made, themselves will not now guarantee! But one trade report after an-prieea to dealers lieyond the last of i other has been predicting conaider-November, this may be Impoaalble ably higher prlcea or lower quality already. One dealer writes: ' or both In the shoes sold next Fall ' Some of us on the retail end fool and next year. Fifteen to twenty right place. Shoes Since early in the Spring, shoe prices have been a special concern of Consumer Commissioner Harriet-. I Elliott and the various national de-.' fense organizations. After a conference of shoe manufacturers in Waahington, a reassuring release was sent out aaylng that "the present outlook la for not more than moderate Increases." Some of those moderate Increases CLASS A Andy Zadrll, Uiyallte. 330. $25 (XI Maity Paul. Uiyollte, 317, $16 00 Ed Miklaveie, Strug. 312. $ 7 50 CLASS II J..hn l>.kar, Strug., 319. $25 00 JoM*ph Tolar. Strug, 301, $15 00 Tie (roll-off to lie considered) Ft jnk Zunu rv Loyal.. 300. $ 7 50 Anth Zai.wn, Strug. 300. $ 7 50 CLASS C V Sptk. Comrade. 301, $25 00 F. Miklaveie. Strug. TH. $15 00 I Theiem J.'ric, Strug , 293. $ 7 50 CIJVSS D I Finn Perueek. Iü«yal. 2*7. $2500 t Pauline H<*» Com . 2M SIS 00 I Jo L*»kar, fttruggler. 290. $ 7 SO The KtmiHlSM the It«! of wm-Dtii in out fll»t attempt to hold 4 Summer fun depends upon cool clothes and cooling drinks—and here, are four ways to entoy vourself when old Sol a rays begin to beat down 1 hey are the latest atylea in summer Spoil* toga. The aquared off shoulder to atlll good in sportswear. At the left la a shorts outfit of tough, creamy linen worn with a soltly tailored coat The big patch i»ocketii have lonae. unstitched edges. The waistline Is nipped In at the hack with a jaunty bow of the same material The plcata stop at the hipa and the belt to of blat k patent leather with a »oft white kid buckle Thr draped tiodicc of Indian-patterned rrepe haa pearl buttons. Thr girl in the center to wearing a striped brown and white chambray with stunt pleated skirt A man tailored cotton sports blouae to worn under the raaual. luted jacket A new and trmimnr slack enaemble tn chocolatr brown linen to worn by the girl at the tight. The smartly rut. hlghwaisted trousers join a rnugly fitting-bodice. Bruad shoulder straps and a sun back are covered by a loonely hurfg jacket Another attractive touch Is the brown hand c inbrt.ldery on the liuse white linen pockets All three gftl» are «taring the conartuualy-clumsy clodhoppers so ap-1'iopriale with casual spuet* costumes. per cent to s recent estimate of the price increase for 1942. The United Shoe Workers, CIO. have asked Leon Henderson to take steps to prevent such increases. Taking government figures, they calculate that s 20% increase in wages would affect the final retail price by only 2.2%—an amount that could be absorbed by the manufacturer if production were expanded to capacity. But if retail prices go up, consumers will buy fewer shoes, production will go down, and shoe workers will be unemployed. This has always > hapehed In the past, the union points out, when prices fose more than was necessary. Bread & Butter does not believe that anything aproachlng a 15%-20% increase 1i justified. On the other hand, justified or not, some K'ce increases appear pretty certain, tter stock up on shoes while you can. v. m Canned Fruit for Salad Although fruit tocktail to one of the items on which wholesale prices are higher, canned fruit tor salad has been selling at comparatively low levels. : If you use canned fruits at this season, it would pay to consider stocking fruit for salad before the wave of higher pfOaaa affects it also. Retail prices on most canned fruits are already higher than they were a month ago—as Bread A Butter predicted they would be. Children's Clothes Prices on many items of children's clothing have already gone up In the whosale market. Underwear, sleeping garments, dresses, articles manufactured In the Philippine Islands (embroidered cottons, typically), snow suits, coats and sweaters are among those mentioned as higher priced. Many of the pcice rises will be of the hidden variety, as they are in other kinds of clothing. Coats for next Fall, for example, may be just aa heavy as this year but made of courser yearns.* / A large proportion of the material which to going into these garments was bought before the recent rise In textile prices. There to no reason why you should have to oft much more for them than you did thto year. Staple aupplke like infants' layettes, blankets, kNoets and diapers us well as yard goods, can of course be bought ahead and stored. Spray solutkNQ auch aa Flit ar Fly-To* work only if the liquid comes Into actual contact with all moth larvae and eges. "Moth cakea and other preparations to hang in the cloaet are ine|Nctive aa ordinarily uaed. Meat pices Last month the government announced that it would help keep the price of pork up ao as to encourage farmers M raise more hogs for next year's abppty. Thto means that fewer hoga Mil be slaughtered this year. But fb plan 1$ to In crease the weight pi the hogs which are sent to market, by fattening them up beforehand. So consumers will pay higher prices for pork with more fat. The worst part about sdhemea of thto sort to that they give meat dealere auch a eeat excuse for charging even higher prices than are neceoaary under ths scheme. Wholesale prices on pork roae about IS% In just one wealfr recently They ar? nearly 00% above the 1940 low. thy el anger, and you will that any feoto should be It DODSLEY Why Czechoslovakia Did Not Fight Juvenile Circles (ConUniMd from MS* f) for the announcement of our dance in Prosveta, He has been a good friend and booster of out Circle ever since it* inception. A* a result of the skating party, it has been decided that anyone who votes for another affair at which a qç is being charged, he must pay it Whether he attends the affair or not We cordially invite all members, both senior and juvenile, as well as our friends to attend our dance on June 7. Don't forget the last time you danced to the tunes of Jack Persin's band, for he will play at this one, too. Everybody welcome. FRANK ZAGGER, Circle 21. Detroit Juveniles to Give Another Affair In Naaf Future DETROIT, MICH.—Ths Spirit of Detroit Juvenile Circle No. 29 to now really on it* way, progressing steadily in all respects. In May we held three successful affairs and we are planning additional event*. On Sunday, May 11, we held a very successful Mother's Day program and entertainment. On Saturday, May 24, we held a drawing which was a complete success. .Our sincere congratulations to Mrs. Loc-ntokar, Viola Egrburg and Mr. Zupančič for winning the , awards. Also, congratulations to the Ladies' Club of the SND for thdr lovely performance and music after their playlet. To all the lodges who so generously donated toward odr affair we extend our hearty tnanks. Our roller skating party on Sunday, May 25, was also successful. All who attended this party had s "swell" time. However, to the Young Americans and Wolverines who failed to keep their promise to oome, I can say that you mtosed a good time. I hope that you will turn out next time, for another party to being planned for the near future. About thirty attended and enjoyed ourselves so much that another skating party will be announced soon. Shall we see .you By D. Eduard Benei, President the Czechoslovak Republic R*print«d from Tho Central European Observer Whepever one is called upon in this war to speak of Czechoalovakia. one cannot avoid the controversial question of the decision made at Munich. Thto decision had the form of a peace dictated to a' conquered Stste, and the new frontiers were so defined that thto State was rendered incapable of military resistance. The occupation snd dividing up of Czechoslovakia was merely an inevitable and direct consequence1 of Munich, and its fall was surely the final military act preceding the formal launching of a new European war, in which plunder and murder began on an unprecedented scale. I am, and have always been, of the opinion that in the interests of peace and of the whole of Europe the fsll of Austria and hence of Czechoalovakia in 1938 should have been prevented. I realized, and still realize today, why France and Great Britain demanded of us at Munich such a far-reaching sacrifice In the cause of European peace. I know that they were not prepared for war either politically or morally, nor, of course, from the military point of view. Czechoalovakia and Germany were the only two countries in Europe which, in the September 1938 crisis, were totally prepared for war. As for us, our resources were mobilized to the highest degree. And those resources were very great 1 During the whole three years of my presidency after the retirement of President Masaryk, I concentrated upon the defenses of the country. On three occasions be tween 1934 and 1937 Hitler offered me a bilateral agreement between Czechoalovakia and Germany. And on three occasion* I expressly rejected his proposals, replying that without the League of Nations and the Powers to which Czechoslovakia had treaty obligations we would do nothing. I never believed Hitler's word. I had no illusions regarding the value of his signature, and I was convinced that the inevitable end of his regime would be brought about by a war; that war was the unavoidable result of his system, and that a victorious war alone could preaerve him and his regime. This follows from the very nature of the Nazi system Prague was well aware of all this, and framed its policy accordingly. Europe, with the exception of Italy, thought otherwise. In these circumstances the sacrifice of Czechoslovakia had a very particular significance for the whole of Europe and for the whole world. Because: 1. It made possible for the rest of Europe, and particularly for both the great democratic powers, to prepare for war. 2. Both for Europe and the whole world It was the test whether or not co-operation and peace were possible with Nazi Germany. 3. It was the price to be paid to the Nazi dictatorship to secure peace at least for Western Europe. The kacriflce of Czechoslovakia delayed the present war by a year and the British Empire, which was not prepared for war in 1938, took advantage of thto delay to undertake Intensive military preparations. The crisis of September 1938 revealed the good will and capacity for sacrifice of democratic Czechoslovakia in the cauae of the preservation of European peace; it revealed also the unbelievable baae-ness and perfidy of Nazi Germany, and thus enabled British public opinion to mature morally. Thto waa Czechoslovakia's first contribution to the present war ef-| fort. And not a small contribution, as It meant the sacrificing of the of does not want to fj^ in such a situation?" Do not misunderstand _ sure then that it w^"*1 £torfor.„ ofu,^ -together against the N.^f * dictatorship. BuTf« i"*« v^kui to proceed alone w^ gluteal, moral. psyehZJ? military condition« 0f i ' ' September desperation or ju8t we therefore, pressure, submitted to uT which had been made i Office 0f President the preparations in the struggle .against country W] Nazutn k there? Plan now to be witfc ua thto I very life of our State. Had not time without fail. * $ > Prague odopted during the Septem- The next meeting on June 29 at ber crisis, a passive attitude, Hitler the SND at 2 p. m. will be a very would have unleashed the war then. important one. The election of officers for the remainder of the year will be held. Also the Softball teams will be organized, and for thto we need boys. And don't forget the campaign for new members. Bring them to the nest, meeting. Let's see all of you present. OLGA F. GORUP, President. I said to my generals and to my political friends: "Yes, we can go to war, and perhaps compel France to do the same, but what will we or anyone elae gain if France, which WEEK'S HINTS To prevent mildew of leather articles during the summer they must be kept in dry, well-lighted, well-ventilated places Bread crumb* added to aerambled eggs not only Improve the flavor, but make largpr servings poaalble. It takes leas sugar for stowed ap-plea, berries, and so on. if augur to added after cooking. A little flour sprinkled In the frying pan before puttiijt In the ham or bacon will stop the grease from sputtering. Coat hooks placed low enough for a child to reach aaaily will encourage him to hang up his own clothes To remove egg stain from metal spoona. dampen the spoons and rub wih table salt on a damp cloth. Dipping fresh fish in boiling water will aid In Dealing them. No men la while he he* It L. event of war, and w^n» 4 . The whole nation veTaT atood. The event« of ¿L •trengthened our r^Z? united all classes of thTJ^u in a common front aga^ man aggression. Thus th, L martyrdom of the peopl, ¿J? It may be asked whether J martyrdoms of Czechoslovtku i land, Norway. Belgium, Jugoslavia, and Greece are contribution to the Strugs Nazi Germany? They cerUmj. a moral contribution and vk atoo important, they reveal u world the true character of |h the real nature of the Nat cialtat New Order. and whs would mean were thu «y«^ thla regime to dominate Eur«* the world. From our country we daih. ceive confirmation of the fact i the whole of our people itand i hind u*, that they believe in the J tory of Great Britain, that they, mire the tremendous and tL human effort, and the cooing courage of the British peook! of bombarded London, and thatfl do not allow themselves to bt ceived either by persecution.«^ lying propaganda, promu« , enticements in the direction 'of, conciling themselves with Nu| and it* new order. For all our a pie their capital city today s to don. ^ These people will themselves and the whole ot Eun when the final and decisive blot given to the Nazi monster and \ the moment comes to prepare the construction of a new Eun At that moment a veritable tors will break loose in Poland, Cad Slovakia, and elsewhere. At moment it will be necessary ottf ly to explode and destroy Hid* grotesque, ludicrous, and pnato New Order, but to create, n rapdily, a new foundation fori ful life, to aid quickly a dw Europe to reconstitute itself, id hasten its reconstruction. The Czechoslovak people, wtoi to the end, alone among Cal European nations, succeeded in J serving a democratic regime, i who are more politically than the Germans of the Reieki be among the first to re their State; in spite of all the | dering and stealing by the I they will again build up rapdf new economic and political and, together with Poland-« whom we are now here, in dtocusaing future political economic co-operation—they form a powerful unit in Cdl Europe: together they will Europe to rid itself forever d worst dictatorial regime whidll appeared in iU history, and' make their contribution, afteri tory has been secured, tow« real New Order in Europe. Up to 1938 Czechoslovaks' not involved in any conflict I serious international and was not the cauae of aaf ternotional crisis IU ecooomsi tern waa in order, iU int obligations were nvt. and » ware always paid. It waa an but an orderly factor in ai tional European society. It will be so again after tfcaj It will rebuild iU hoi* « taking into account iU form«« comings, and will strive to avoid them in w » We believe that thf and the British Empire-* this war is fulfilling a pm" cal role, so great that Kb* «J fallen before to any history of Uie world-ww in this task (From The Inter-All* ^ r~ i Bureau of H(,rWJ^Tsgi perú IV r*. Peanut m Home eno«!* Sañut butter at dlnary meat grinder must be n^iU-d ""V^ a chased that ^ .low oven ** very fine bla<*^ • 0 m «r,ní times to make U* granular, but not P^ the amount >t jT little tabk oil d too dry Best ides i» Um st s twn. t*r taste« better rancid •helled nuU M ¡„t* one-half + butter » '"f^be* k u, >ar m cool ptoea will r*-