326 Nove knjige / New books towards raptor monitoring methods standardization across Europe, the book PDF is fully available at EURAPMON website (http://www.eurapmon. net/sites/default/files/raptors_2nd_ed_001_intro_ sections.pdf ) thanks to the authors and publisher. We can only wish that this field guide, which is highly valuable for raptor researchers, will be upgraded in the near future with all European raptors and will serve as a key reference for setting raptor monitoring schemes in Europe in a standardized, comprehensive and pan- European way. Al Vrezec Slovak Raptor Journal. – Published by: Raptor Protection of Slovakia (RPS). ISSN: 337-3463 As top predators and usually as species of special conservation concern, raptors are frequent research objects to which a special raptor research community is devoted. Raptor researchers are commonly organized in specific raptor research societies, leading also to special raptor related journals. The Raptor Research Foundation from North America, for example, is publishing the most renowned raptor focused journal The Journal of Raptor Research. However, the raptor research community is also strong in Europe and is becoming more and more united, but not yet covered with a common scientific journal. One of the possibilities is the Slovak Raptor Journal, a new European raptor focused journal covering birds of prey and owls launched in 2007 by the Raptor Protection of Slovakia society. The journal is published annually, with all papers published in English with Slovak abstracts. All papers are also available through De Gruyter Online (Versita) at http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/srj. The journal is aimed to be international and is fully opened to all topics related to birds of prey and owls. Papers in all six currently published issues are focused mainly on raptor studies in Slovakia and in eastern Europe, although some published studies are also dedicated to raptor studies in Siberia as well as to some large- scale review studies such as an overview of colour ringing and satellite telemetry tracking of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina, Greater Spotted Eagle A. clanga and hybrids. Some issues have been more focused on certain raptor species compiling several papers on, for example, the Lesser Spotted Eagle or Imperial Eagle A. heliaca biology and ecology. There were several attempts to unite the specific and very diverse raptor research community in Europe and to launch European scientific journal for raptor research, which would cover all different aspects of raptor studies in Europe, including monitoring issues. The Slovak Raptor Journal is currently the most perspective journal to reach this goal. Al Vrezec