o, ne je o- 10. ilo ne te- k- ila ak ke ko od 'fi- ga li- is n- o- ilr di 4) A 1 ef 0» i n* ‘ le'* no \» P- fid n- fid n 4 I ^ ; A/o/ yT?^ Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! A — ' cv;; HOME •0« - lA DOMOVINA1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER erving in Ohiojarid nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians (I SPS 024100) serving ,n Ohio ajTcl Vo1' 96 - No(^T) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1 994 ISSN Number 0164-680X 50C ^ost Reverend Anthony M. Pilla Revitalizing, Redeveloping When the disciples of Jesus pme to his tomb that first aster morning, they came °n|y to complete the sorrowful r,tUal of burying their friend and teacher, a ritual begun ffie days earlier, on a day we strangely call “good.” , Faith alone can interpret the of the empty tomb, •thout faith it is a problem 0 he solved; with faith it is a l®11 °f new life and hope .ey°nd all measure. Only faith °ws us to accept the probation of the angel at the • °II'h: “He has risen: He is not here.” (Mk. 16, 6). .. ecause we are a people of and hope, I have chosen br to officially promulgate ^ Message entitled The llrch in the City to the peo-r.e °f the Diocese of L|eveland. a|.1 the same time I am asking of our people to begin a fl}2£!rss of dialogue and ^ euSsion for the purpose of . Sloping a plan for revitaliz-^8 and redeveloping the chur-b schools and institutions °ur urban centers. As a pb °f this dialogue, I will l9Qs°Se an actj°n P'an 'n early I > based on the suggestions j!Ceived from our people. hav°r more tlian ^ years> we ^ e ''’itnessed a pattern of atidVernent out our c*^es and lnt° t^ie suburbs. More to 8m°re> our cities are home of 0c*> hard-working people ad\1bUcecf income, fewer little IOna^ °PPortunities, and nient0r n° access to employ-subu , °PPortunities in the hav«, S> where many jobs Por?“ved as '™11- its sch"686 peoPle fl16 church, centg 0°S anci soc‘al service Ust s" rerna*n as one of the life S °F hope for a better UiUst en churches or schools are C °Se’ their empty shells hopg,0116 more sign of live j Ssness For those who 0Ur cjfj^6 ueishborhoods of tinie r!*1'8 ^aster season be a but f°l 0nIy for Catholics, buri_for all Usin^ ' a11 government, iadeerfandcivic "'ill tQ 0r aH People of good ic leaders, and restore |.Sfearc^ f°r ways to ^ties * 6 anci hope to our ttlat me this Easter Create n us: help us society ^ c't'es> the kind our becrple fn8s for; cities where races different incomes, to8ethern cuhures can live each otKan,d be enriched by 'V*lere thper S presence; cities taged win d00r disadvan-be able to live and a. achieve beyond their initial circumstances to the fullness of their human potential; where the weak and the powerless will be freed from chains forged by the fear of violence and delivered from the destructiveness of drugs; cities where children will be able to live in decent homes, have sufficient food and receive an education which will prepare them for a life of meaningful employment. In the faith and hope which this Easter season brings, let us set out to build the City of God! Deseti Brat in Chicago A wonderful Slovenian experience awaits everyone on Sunday, April 17th when in Chicago the Slovenian Cultural Center hosts the players of Toronto, Canada in a special presentation of the masterpiece drama, “Deseti Brat.” It is written in the Slovenian language by Josip Jurcic. It will be presented at the St. Stephen’s Center, 1852 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, following a full-course dinner to be served in the same hall at 12:30 p.m. Ticket price is all-inclusive for the play and dinner plus a donation to the Slovenian Cultural Center Building Fund. Tickets are $30 each. Students pay half and children to age 6 are free. We hope you will begin your visit with us at Holy Mass where there will be a wonderful Slovenian liturgy and singing. Mass is at 10 a.m. Then, stay for the dinner and plan to complete your day with us. This day is actually most significant because for the first time in 20 years, the Chicago and Midwest area will be able to enjoy a first class play, performed by excellent actors who have been acclaimed for their dedicated work in the field of Slovenian drama. For information, reservations, tickets, please see a member of the Slovenian Cultural Center committee or call Anna Hozjan (708) 654-4800. By jo1* EASTER ns-as ! THE FOLLOWING IS VERBATIM FROM AN 1 854 SLOVENIAN BOOK ENTITLED "SHOONI OGOVORI" BY O.MANSVET ŠMAJDEN IT APPEARS TO BE A SERMON GIVEN ON EASTER SUNDAY IN THE TOWN OF SPODNJIM CEROVIM V BERDIH. HOW MANY OF YOU CAN ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND THE SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE THAT WAS IN USE IN 1 848? "...VSE POBOŽNE ZENICE. ZALITE V BRITKE SOLZICE. KI PO KALVARII TIHO TAPATE. MED SEBOJ MARN ATE, KDO BO NAM SLABIM VELIKI KAMEN SPRED DUR POKOPALISTA ODVALIL. POVEJTE. STE Ll NAŠLE JEZUSA MERTVIGA. OD TAL DO VERHA RANJENIGA. NA ROKAH INO NOGAH Z ŽEBLJI PREVERTANIGA. NA STRANI PREBODENIGA. DE BI MU ŠE SVOJO ZADNJO HVALEŽNOST IN LJUBEZEN SKAZALE. POMAŽI LILE NJEGOVO MERTVO TELO IN GA TAKO STROHNETI ZABRANILE. STE GA Ll NAŠLE? - NE. NE? GOVORITE. KAJ IN KAKO STE NAŠLE, PA GOVORITE. KAKOR ODKRITOSERČNE ŽENE INO NE. KAKOR RESNICO PRESEKAJOČE JEZICNICE ZASLIŠIMO. KAKO ONE GOVORIJO: KO SMO DRUGA DRUGI REKLE: KDO NAM BO KAMEN ODVALIL OD DUR POKOPALISA. SMO SE OZERLE. INO VIDILE, DA JE KAMEN ŽE ODVALJEN BIL. INO SMO ŠLE V POKOPALIŠE. INO VIDILE MLADENCA SEDETI NA DESNI STRANI Z BELIM OBLAČI LAM OGERNJENIGA IN SMO OSTERMELE^ON PAK JE DJAL NAM: NIKAR SE NE PRESTRAŠITE: VE ISETE JEZUSA NAZARENSKIGA KRIŽANIGA: ON JE VSTAL, NI GA TUKAJ, POGLEJTE. TO JE KRAJ. KAMOR SMO GA BILI POLOŽILI. STE Ll VIDILE, DA JE TAKO? SMO VIDILE. " Mf\Y THE JOY OF THE EMTER SEASON BE WITH YOU THIS EASTER SEASON ANT) THROUGHOUT THE YEAR ! War and Income Taxes David Brinkley of ABC News, writing in the Jan. 3 issue of Newsweek on America in the 1940s: Under pressure of war, the withholding tax was born. It is doubtful that without war Congress would ever have voted for a tax so intrusive and troublesome. Because of the withholding tax, the term “take-home pay” entered the language. Had people been forced to count out their taxes in hard cash for some government collector, taxes in such stratospheric amounts almost certainly could not have been collected. The cost of the war was so high that the top rate eventually went to about 92%. It was explained to Roosevelt that his rich enemies would be soaked, even fleeced, beyond their deepest fears. They paid the 92%, hated it, but could not escape. It made Roosevelt so happy, press Secretary Steve Early told me, that once or twice he saw the president spend hours pouring over records sent to him from the IRS showing who paid how much. As for Roosevelt’s own finances, all that was ever known was that his mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt, until she died in 1941, every month or so handed him cash in a sealed envelope. Members of Congress were so happy to find they now had a Niagara of money flooding into Washington, all ready for them to spend. Even when the war was long over, there was never any thought of ending the withholding tax. (They held the top rate at about 70% for another 16 years.) Did the enormous tax rates pay the cost of the war? No. Did the government run the war on credit and leave billions in debt? Yes. IŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 ktSL V 17 d( Reason for demonstration Editor: Last Sunday, when the president of Slovenia, Mr. Kučan, visited the United States and especially, when he stopped in the Slovenian neighborhood in Cleveland, the undersigned had decided to show our solidarity with the demonstrators in Slovenia, who are at this time proclaiming their support of the oc LU < defense minister of Slovenia, Janez Janža. He is just this by the week being accused members of the previous dictatorial regime of harboring dictatorial intentions and President Kučan two weeks ago allegedly raised allegations that Mr. Janša is planning to execute a coup d’etat. Though Slovenia has had for the past three years a democratically elected government with numerous political parties, whose representatives are duly elected into the parliament, the effectiveness of this government’s body is sadly restricted in its performance because of the accusations, imputations,underground factions hiding behind the words of democracy, personal polarization, and value differences brought over from the previous nomenclature. All these tendencies make the government ineffective. The Parliament members either deliberately abstain from the floor, making it without a necessary quorum or cast their votes in a manner which abandons the principles on which they had previously won the elections. And so the corruption in the economy continues because the government has no tools necessary for juridical corrections. In 1988 Janez Janša became one of the popular persons in the country. When the communistic government accused him of possessing a military secret paper he became the symbol of that Slovenian consciousness which in later years moved the curtain of the communistic one-sidedness in Slovenia. His esteem became even more evident during the ten-day war for the independence, when he commanded the first-ever Slovenian army. To the old communists, who are striving to take as many seats in the Parliament as possible and who wish to retain most of the high positions in the country’s economy, the popularity of this man has become too much and for some of them even threatening. The undersigned are sure that the present accusations against the defense minister are nothing less than a “very well weighted action and plays from the coffers of that same ideology of the communistic nomenclature, which is now trying to split the political powers of all (on the right of them) in order to gain (again) the assent they once held.” (After Vinko Vasle, Delo, March 5, 1994). The above facts had prompted us to offer the literature for the other side to all who took part in the reception of the president, Kučan. We hope the participants would this way be able to assess for themselves the political scene in Slovenia and not just blindly follow the lead of the communist Kučan. This way we are in our own way contributing to the attempt to balance the powers in Slovenia and help the demonstrators, who have today, March 28th, gathered in large numbers on the Prešernov Trg in Ljubl-'-’na - and in even larger numbers in front of the Parliament - in support of. the defense minister, Janez Janša. Maruša Pogačnik Tone Oblak Lojze Bajc France Šega Mara Cerar Hull More input on possible Slovenian origins Editor: I appreciate very much the attention of Dr. Arko (Ameriška Domovina, English section of February 3, 1994) given to the book about the Veneti as the predecessors of the Slovenians. However, I cannot share his opinion. He occasionally jumps to totally unjustified conclusions, as for example, his implication that the ancient Phoenecians, or Phoeneti, might have been a variant of Veneti. However, these lapses of logic in no way negate the many excellent points. Such a “totally unjustified conclusion” comes from me, but it was not quoted as a conclusion. It was given as a possibility, not only for the affinity of the names Veneti EUCLID^m* TRAVElMMm Join EUCLID TRAVEL’S Special Group Cruise!!! 7 nights in the Western Caribbean at a 40% SA VINGS CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS!! (216) 261-1050 1-800-659-2662 FAX (216) 261-1054 22078 Lakeshore Blvd, Euclid, 44123 Donna Lucas, Owner BRICKM/M & SONS FUNERAL home 21900 Euclid Ave 481-5277 Between Charden & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Fixed- Rate Home Equity Loans Loans from $5,000 to $100,000 based on the . equity in your home 1 Terms to fit your budget • Fast approval 5-YEAR FIXED RATE METROPOLITAN 6.99 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE(APR) Based on a $5,000 loan with 60 monthly payments of $98.98. Your Friendly NeighborhoodBank Bainbridge..............543-2336 Euclid..................731-8865 Chesterland.............729-0400 Pepper Pike.............831-8800 Cleveland...............486-4100 Shaker Hts..............752-4141 Cleveland Hts...........371-2000 SouthEuclid.............291-2800 Willoughby Hills......944-3400 Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC 10-YEAR FIXED RAI^ t nn% 7.99 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE(APR) Based on a $5,000 loan with 120 monthly payments of $60.63. Rate subect to change without notice -Phoinikes (Phoeneti) but also for the archaeological facts which give witness about the penetration of the Indo-Europeans to the Middle East even in the period of the Venetic migrations. The identification of the Veneti with the Indo-Europeans in many occasions is well known. These Indo-Europeans were called “Peoples frm the sea” in the Egyptian sources, and they were defeated, when trying to penetrate Egypt, by the Pharaoh Rameses III (ca. 1190 B.C.). Thereafter, they settled Palestine and were known, at least in part, as Philistines. — So much is our information. Dr. Jožko Šavli via Bella Veduta 12 »Q Gorizia, Italy Little problems, big stress The greatest toll from stress may come not from a divorce, the loss of a job, and other major traumatic changes or misfortunes, but from the minor yet frequent an‘ noyances we experience daily — getting stuck in traffic gaining a few pounds, having an argument at work. Relatively unimportant hassles often have a greater effect on health — increasing risk of high blood pressure, asthma attacks, and possibly even chest pains — than do larger-scale traumas in lifo- Psychiatrists say it’s not g1 for man to keep too much t° himself. The Internal Revenue Service says the same thing--Harold Smith MANOS & LoCONTf ATTORNEYS at LAW Professional & Competent Legal Services at Reasonable John M. Manos, esq. Dennis N. LoConti, esq. Personal Injury • Malpractice Divorce & Family Law • Will5 Criminal Defense • DUI Discrimination • Products Liability Business & Consumer Law 34950 Chardon Rd. Suiic 206 • Willoughby Hills OH 44W4 975-9700 t WE ARE EXPERIENCED TRUE LAWTEj” 300,000 Winners A Day. .OkHO IOTT6RY Join In Tta Winning. All Ohio Lotte For more information, c ittery players are subject to laws and regulations of the Ohio lottery <^omrni*s^ess nou'5 What a vast difference there is between the barbarism that precedes culture and the barbarism that follows it. —Friedrich Hebbel It’s easier to remember when you are right than when the other person was right. —Robert Hah po& f ; » I I t I 6 y o ! e it :1 n e tf A o ie ;b J The fire and the fury by Stane J. Kuhar (Continued from last week) Chapter XI The Mushrooms of Steel I finally crossed the border into Austria. I was originally sent to Celovec to the complex center where other Slovenians were making their passage out °f the hell that was going on in Slovenia. I was so alone at this point in my life. Here I was, away from my family and not know-ln8 what had happened to them. All seemed lost until I met him. Viktor. yiktor was a tall lanky man ^'th thick brown and black air combed over to the side. ls glasses marked him as an educated person. I soon found °Ut ,t^at he had just left the eniinary and returned to secular life. He had been educated in ranj ancj ^ad degrees in th'0sophy, languages, and eni°i08y' He had found "’Ployment at a local ishing house and was n8aged in editing {he works of various Slovenian writers and poets. He was all the comfort that I had received in this period of hell on earth. Within a few weeks I discovered to my surprise that I was with child and expecting within the next eight months. Viktor and I decided to become man and wife and had a short religious ceremony by an old priest friend of Viktor’s in Celovec. It was just lovely here. Mount Pepca hovered just around the corner of Globasnica and I remembered the legend of King Matjaž and his troops sleeping at the foot of the mountain, protecting the inhabitants. Then one day we received a surprise visit from an old friend of mother’s in Cleveland. It was Father Marko Perc from mother’s former parish of St. Nicholas in Cleveland, Ohio. He had come to visit me but spoke hours on end with Viktor. In later years I discovered that Father Marko was an officer in the U.S. Army and had been stationed in Italy and Kathy Murray - Hilltop tillage A dministrator HiU aslam' 1,^% in Oxford where I and°red *n Consumer Service graduated in 1979. I3.yeer school, I started a buSjnar career in the hotel a$ a My first position was Shera.ana8ement trainee at the CC Ri™-1 “ the r Cl tour years later as I e,neral Manager. Wpctui611 sPent time at the Canton Hm°liday Inn and the Mana Hllton as the General Če8*-, After 13 years, 1 dnstr 0 try another in- bus>nessieThe retirement ning 8 ls very much like run- mentc °tel Wlth such depart-as Housekeeping, Maintenance, Food Service and Sales. In addition, we have a resident support stafl such as our Catered Life Department and our Activities Department which help us reach our goal of assisting the residents in maintaining their freedom and independence. I have greatly enjoyed my two years here at Hilltop Village. I am particularly proud of the name change and the new brochures and signs which we have designed. We feel the new name and logo are more indicative of our location and ambiance. I particularly enjoy interacting with the residents and their families. I have learned quite a bit about what the seniors like and dislike and try to apply it into the day to day operation of our Village. It is very rewarding and gratifying work. I would like to invite any of the readers of American Home in to see the Village and meet some of our residents. Also, try a bag of our freshly popped popcorn! Kathy Murray Administrator Grdina — Faulhaber Tuneral Homes 7010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County . 944-3300 TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS Austria due to his ability to speak not only Slovenian, but also Italian, German, and English. I also remember seeing imprinted on his black briefcase the letters “OSS.” Shortly after Father Perc’s visit Viktor told me that we would have to leave Globasnica at once and plans were made to First go to Trieste, then Rome, and finally, Cleveland. But first Viktor insisted on hiking up the mountains by the supposed settlements of early Christian sites on Mt. St. Hema. He was accompanied by Father Marko. They were gone for about four days. I thought that perhaps some former Union Party militia had kidnapped them and returned them to Slovenia. But they finally came back to the small farm house that we were renting on the outskirts of Globasnica. Both of their faces were flush with excitement and apprehension. “You must leave immediately”, Viktor told me. Father Marko simply nodded his head in agreement. Now, Viktor spoke to me in earnest. He told me to take the best linen we had in our small house and to give it to him. He and Father Marko then covered a worn-out hard bound looking book. No matter what happens to him, Viktor told me, take this book and make sure it is delivered to the pastor of St. Nicholas in Cleveland, Ohio. Viktor instructed me to leave with Father Marko and that he (Viktor) would follow us within the next few hours. I never again heard from Viktor. I later found out that the Union Party militia had been following Viktor and Father Marko to Mt. St. Hema and were only a few hours behind them. Continued) Amazing rates at Home Federal! 30-YEAR TERM--ADJUSTABLE RATE Initial Rate APR No Points! Loan Amount: $100,000: initial 12-month payment of $536.21 'Interest rate is variable -with rate adjustments on an annual basis; maximum rate adjustment is 2%per year-with a lifetime cap of 5%; APR may increase q/ier consummation: minimum lOVo equity required 3-Year Adjustable 30-YEAR TERM - - ADJUSTABLE RATE Initial Rate APR No Points! Loan Amount: $100,000; initial 36-month payments of $648.60; 'interest rate is subject to adjustment every 3 years; maximum rate adjustment is 2% per adjustment with a lifetime cap of 6%; APR may increase after consummation; 30-year term; minimum 10% equity required IO-Year - Fixed Rate! IRATE APR No Points! Loan Amount: $100,000; 120payments of $1,161.08; 10-Year Term: minimum 25% equity required; 'APR for refinances may vary. Ask us about our Low Rates on No Point/No Cost programs! EQUAL HOUSING LENDER For More Inform a non Call 348-2800. FDIC Insured Rates subject to change without notice. (ZancUttaC Euclid Retirement Village SOON TO BE...__________ A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Private garden apartments No endowment or entrance fee 24 hour security Planned activities Free transportation 24 hour Emergency Pull Cord Free Laundry Facilities Nutritious Meals Call Today for a Brief Tour and Free Lunch 25900 Euclid Avenue • Euclid, Ohio 44132 (216) 261-8383 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 4 DEATH NOTICES FRANK L. ERZEN Frank L. Erzen, 77, died Friday, March 18 at Nathan Adelson Hospice, Las Vegas, Nevada. He was an 8-year resident of Las Vegas. Mr. Erzen was born Sept. 25, 1916 in Cleveland. He was a retired Die Casting Quality Control Manager. He is survived by wife, Vera; daughters, Kathy Marinko of Mentor and Fran Byers of Las Vegas; and five grandchildren. Memorial services were on Tuesday, March 22 in Palm Red Rock Mortuary in Las Vegas. Family wishes donations be made to Hospice of the Western Reserve. NETTIE MIHELICH Nettie Mihelich (nee Bajt), 94, passed away in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Friday, March 25. Nettie was born in Slovenia and came to the U.S. in 1914. She was a member of American Slovene Club, Euclid Pensioners, AMLA No. 38, and the Ladies Guild of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. Nettie was the widow of John Mihelich, and Louis Modic and Louis Prince. She was the mother of Rosemarie Hogan and Veronica Geister; grandmother of eight; greatgrandmother of eight; and sister of Margaret Capuder, Frances Kotnik and Mary Skodlar - all deceased. Funeral services were held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Monday, March 28 with Nettie’s grandson Rev. Robert Hogan, S.M., of University of Dayton officiating. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. Contributions to a charity of your choice, in her memory, would be appreciated. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. STEPHEN GUSTIE Stephen Gustie, 91, passed away in St. Vincent Charity Hospital on Tuesday, March 29. Mr. Gustie was a long-time resident of Addison Road. He was born in Bloomfield, West Virginia. He was a charter member of the Pipefitter’s Local 120. He was the husband of the late Ann (nee Jelenič); the father of Lawrence (wife, Angela); and grandfather of Steven and Mary Ann Murray; great-grandfather of Lauren; brother of Theresa Cunningham and the following deceased: Joseph, Andrew, John, Mary Hanobik, Rose Gregos, Elizabeth Evans. Visitation Thursday 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at Zele Funeral Home , 452 E. 152 St., where services will be Friday, April 1 at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donates $100 A big Thank You to Dr. Edward Gobetz of the Slovenian Research Center in Willoughby Hil's, Ohio who donated $100.00 to the American Home newspaper. Enthronement of a Slovenian Duke in Carinthia That day, when the Duke was to be enthroned, a free peasant sat on the Prince’s stone. He was surrounded by a large crowd of people, waiting for a newly elected Duke. The Duke approached with his glamorous entourage. He wore noble attire, but before he came to the Prince’s stone he was obliged to take off the noble costume and to put on the peasant’s clothes: pants, hard peasant’s shoes, jacket, gray coat made out of wool tweed. On his head he put the gray peasant’s hat,a symbol of freedom. In his left hand he held a staff and with his right, he led with a rope, two domestic animals: a spotted ox and a spotted mare. These animals had never worked before. Thusly attired, he approached the prince’s stone. When the peasant saw the approaching Duke, he shouted in the Slovenian language: “Who is he that approaches?!” The crowd answers: “He is the new Duke of the Duchy of Carantania.” Furthermore, the peasant asks: “Is he a just judge? — Is he concerned about the well-being of the homeland? Is he a free man?” The people answered him: “He is and he will be forever!” Once again the peasant questioned: ‘With what right can he expel me from this seat?” The people answer: “The Duke will buy the seat with 60 silver denari, with his two spotted animals and with the clothes which he is wearing and your house will be free of all the taxes.” Then the peasant lightly tapped the Duke on his cheeks, took the ox and the mare and moved off the Prince’s stone. The Duke then sat on the Prince’s stone and swung with his sword in all four directions of the horizon. With this gesture he promised to his people to be a just ruler and just judge for them. Then he drank out of the peasant’s hat a gulp of water, a sign of soberness and symbol of the satisfaction of native fruits of the land. Later when the Slovenians were already Christians, the Duke went with his entourage over the field to the Gosposvetska church to the Slovenian Mass. Only after these church ceremonies did the Duke take off the peasant’s clothing and put on the Prince’s garb and he sat to dine. In the afternoon the Duke went out in the field where even today stands the Duke’s throne which is made out of Pre-Roman tombstones with two seats. The Duke sat on the seat which is facing north and accepted homages of nobles and the countrymen. He gave clemency to the needed and maintained the old rights and freedom. He listened to the complaints, and judged the quarrels. During this celebration two peasants, Patovscan and Gradekar, were allowed to cut the grass and harvest, and they were even allowed to burn down and to destroy wherever they pleased. In this way they wanted to show to the people - how it would be if they had no ruler who protected their freedom, lives and their property. —Jacob Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Miss Frances Opeka, Green Oaks, IL — $5.00 Louis Nose, Colorado — $5.00 Terezija Pristov, Algomoguin, IL — $5.00. Mirko Longar, Euclid, Ohio — $10.00. Paul Kveder, Canada — $20.00 Mary Javornik, Cleveland — $5.00 John Krepfi, Cleveland — $5.00 Josephine M. Ponikvar, Cleveland — $10.00 Mrs. James Burnside, Indianapolis — $5.00 Pauline Burja, Euclid, Ohio — $25.00 Ciril Germek, Concord Township, O. — $5.00 Vlado Kralj, Elm Grove, Wis. — $15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sterle, Euclid, Ohio — $20.00 Miss Julia Kralj, Canada — $10.00 The Rozman Family, Westlake, Ohio — $5.00 Joseph M. Zlatoper, Moreland Hills, O. — $10.00 Mr. David Družina, Euclid, Ohio — $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Pretnar, Cleveland — $5.00 Frank Dejak, Cleveland — $5.00 Franc Medved, New Brighton, MN — $5.00 Joze Tome, Euclid, Ohio — $10.00 Albin Orehek, Cleveland — $10.00 Ivan Zakrajšek, Richmond Heights, O. — $7.00 Anonymous, Mentor, O. — $5.00 Stan Brine, Canada — $15.00 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 Si. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 Vesele Velikonočne Praznike % Happy Easter To All... Areola Creek Andrej Cashen Corner Dock and Lake Roads Madison, Ohio 44057 A Region of Slovenia, U.S.A. 216 428-1148 Coming Events Saturday, April 9 “A Salute to Eddie Kenik Day” at St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Doors open at 5 p.m. Tickets $6. For tickets call 361-5115 or 261-3263. Sunday, April 10 Super Button Box Bash 12 from 1 to 9 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Admission is $5.00. SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Sunday Afternoon Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 West 130 St., Cleveland from 4 to 8 p.m. Music by Occades. Admission $6. Sunday, April 17 St. Clair Pensioners Annual Chicken and Pork Dinner at St. Clair Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Serving from 1:30 to 3 P-111, Social to follow. For tickets call 391-9761. Sunday, April 17 Slovenian Genealogy ^ sponsored by Slovenian American National Art Gu‘ at Slovenian Society Horn®' 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. Saturday, April 23 )( “Where But In America concert by Jadran at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Rd., Dinner by Stef fie Smolič’ music by Mike Wojtila Entertainers. Sunday, April 24 ^ Holmes Avenue Pension^ Club Dinner Dance at CoU^ wood Slovenian Home, 15 Holmes Avenue. Mus'c Lenny Andexler Orchestra Donation $12.00. For ticket call 943-3784 or 531-2088. , Saturday, April 30 Spring Dinner Dance honof' ing “Holmes Hall 8ut, tonaires” at Collinwoo Slovenian Home, Holmes Avenue. Music Tony Fortuna Orchestra. ner served 7 p.m. Music at ^ p.m. Donation $13-tickets call 944-36 486-7551. or 531-6649. Saturday, April 30 Singing Society Zarja Midsummer Night’s Drea concert, dinner and dance John Vadnal’s Orchestrar Euclid Society Hall-tickets at $16, call 1-257-2 or 531-8402, or 531-5542-Sunday, May 8 Sunday Afternoon D from 4 to 8 p.m. at West a Slovene Home, 4583 W. St. Music by Eddie Rodick-Sunday, May 15 Fifth Annual St. Vitus •f Mar>ia ce at st‘ essing rhapel by ;vec. Set' :30 P-111' pay Sunday, June 12 Annual Ohio KSKJ 0 Picnic at Slovenska a with food, beverages, good time for everyone. 1 c \ I I V V c e c t 5 ( i 1 I v \ I I c c I c I \ V \ f J i ( j 1 i ■ i ! i ( 1 I c f e 1 <; a s ti ! b s ti a F 8 s ti a F e ( President Milan Kučan Concludes Event-Filled Visit to United States By Rudolph M. Susel Last Tuesday afternoon Milan Kučan, Slovenia’s president flew home after a meeting with Vice President A1 Gore. Kučan had arrived in the United States last Friday, travelling to Pittsburgh, Pa., where on Saturday and Sunday he attended a number of events in connection with the opening of the new headquarters building of the SNPJ. On Sunday afternoon he came to Cleveland, where he remained until Monday afternoon. His *ast stop was Washington, D-C. and his last appointment with Vice President Gore. The organizations involved ^ith the various aspects of resident Kučan’s visit will no . °ubt have their own reports j and emphases. What follows is 1 a account of most of the various meetings and events in w 'ch Mr. Kučan participated. • Upon arriving at the Pitts Urgh airport, which is only ; Snip tT1'nules from the nev headquarters, Mr. Ku met representative ter ^ovene American fra 90t?a ’ which is celebrating it anniversary this year. I Hr t-16 which invite ^ učan to attend the cere nies opening the new head arters, located in Imperial ■> Just outside Pittsburgh oftu 0sep^ Evanish, presider he SNPJ, was Mr. Kučan’ Plncipal host during th ^ in Imperial. Friday evening an attenHyjafternoon’ Mr- Kuča soon 3 variety of SNPJ ;»ns„red evmts Amon hea! Was hls visit to the ne' Sati, ^Uarters building o toUrpHay aIternoon» where h along -he imPressive facilit petri“Wlth Ambassador Erne: guest'fTJat evening he W£ sPeak 1 h°n0r and PrinciP! iH0rD,er at a banquet commer •n«,”® th' SNpJ's Wt Partjp- ar^‘ Sunday, h event lpated in a2 Planning Dennis Samsa Chagrin North I, Suite #202 34900 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 216/261-6592 SLOVENIAN FRATERNALISTS meet on Saturday, March 26 at the new SNPJ headquarters in Imperial, Pennsylvania to help them celebrate their 90th anniversary. From left to right are Betty Rotar on the National Board of SNPJ, Joseph Evanish, President of SNPJ, Eugene Kogovšek, National President of KSKJ and his wife Barbara, and Stanley Ziherl, President of AMLA. Slovenian President Milan Kučan was also present at the invitation of SNPJ as their guest of honor. /Phrttn hw Hr RnHnlnh M Pilla (Bishop A. Edward Pevec came to the reception at the St. Clair National Home). On Monday morning, Mr. Kučan had a series of quick visits to a number of Slovene American locations, beginning with a breakfast meeting at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, where he was the guest of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. From there he visited the Home Office of AMLA, where he was greeted by the members of the Supreme Board and the staff. From AMLA, President Kučan and his party travelled to the Slovene Home for the Aged. Both in Imperial, Pa., and again in Cleveland, it was fascinating to watch the work of the U.S. Secret Service, which had a full team of its agents assigned to protect Mr. Kučan. Buildings were checked and re-checked, rooms in which Mr. Kučan would be were cleared in advance. In short, the kind of treatment any visiting .head of state receives from the U.S. government. From the Slovene Home for the Aged, Mr. Kučan visited the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Road. Here he encountered a large group of women busy making poticas for the upcoming Easter holiday. He made it a point to visit the kitchen and, as was his custom at every meeting, he greeted each person present individually. Incidentally, before leaving Cleveland, he was presented one of the poticas to take along on the plane. From the Waterloo facility, Mr. Kučan visited St. Vitus Church, where he was met by Asst. Pastor Richard Evans, then the Honorary Slovene Consulate on Chester Avenue. From the Consulate, Mr. Kučan came to the Marriott Hotel, where he hosted a dinner for some twenty guests. This was a very enjoyable session, which lasted a while after Mr. Kučan left to meet with Mayor Michael White at City Hall. Mr. Kučan and his party then travelled to Washington, D.C., again by private jet, where the president attended a dinner at which a number of Washington figures were pre- sent. Among those present were well-known political commentator and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeanne Kirkpatrick, and Dr. Ronald Sega, the first Slovene American astronaut. Also present at the dinner (and at all the other events in the Cleveland portion of Mr. Kučan’s visit) was Honorary Consul Dr. Karl B. Bonutti. In fact, Dr. Bonutti was instrumental in arranging several aspects of the visit to Cleveland. On Tuesday, after meeting with Vice President Gore, as noted, Mr. Kučan flew home to Slovenia, where there is a major political crisis under way. FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES 9Pi4ir/fiina/i<>n ON THE OCCASION OF THE VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY HIS EXCELLENCY SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 ST CLAIR AVE. CLEVELAND OH 44103 361-5115 SLOVENIAN HOME SOCIETY OF C0LLINW00D. INC. 15810 HOLMES CLEVELAND OH 44110 681-9673 rAlitan r'Knedn PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME 20713 RECHER AVE --PEUCLID. OH 44119 fylffierieoA, President Kucan, by his conduct in various offices in 531-9309 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME OF MAPLE HEIGHTS 5050 STANLEY AVE MAPLE HEIGHTS OH 44137 662-9731 SLOVENIAN WORKMEN S HOME 15335 WATERLOO ROAD CLEVELAND. OH 44110 481-5378 the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, prior to independence, demonstrated his love for a democratic society wherein self determination and the pursuit of happiness are paramount; and OifAebeub, President Kucan lead the people of Slovenia to achieve independence for the Republic of Slovenia with international recognition and membership in the United Nations; and SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 3563 E 80th ST CLEVELAND OH 44135 641-9664 WEST PARK SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 4583 W 130th ST CLEVELAND OH 44135 941-3224 LORAIN SLOVENIAN CLUB CO.. INC 3114 PEARL AVE LORAIN OH 44055 277-8101 ^MAebeub, President Kucan is held in high esteem as evidenced by the fact that the people of Slovenia elected him to the office of the Presidency by very large majorities, the second term by 64% of the vote; and tyVhekeab, President Kucan is dedicated to a multi-party political system with true religious freedom, in recognition of which Pope John Paul II proclaimed him a Knight with the Medal of the Order of Pius; AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CLUB 617 THIRD ST FAIRP0RT HARBOR. OH 44077 357-5046 jVom PTAetefiyie U CfCnoum, that the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, in appreciation for the visit to our Slovenian National Homes by President Kucan, declares today, Monday, March 28, 19^? to be President Milan Kucan Day at all Slovenian National Homes. Ay .-/£ŽŽ^ / itu^ tJ/M ./C-g.Z£—yC /L."w_y< yi< r /AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 6 Slovene Home for Aged Auxiliary The Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary meeting was held in the newly painted Laurich Room in the SHA on Monday, March 28. No official business was conducted as there was not a quorum present due to the fact the funeral for our member Nettie Mihelich was taking place that morning and many of our members attended Mass and went to the cemetery. Also several of our members had registered to accompany the residents on a bus tour that afternoon. We ended up with a very small group for luncheon and then proceeded to the Laurich Room where Dr. Anthony Rotolo, Administrator for the SHA, gave us a short summary of the future plans for the expansion of the Home. Just to set the rumors straight — the present facilities will remain; however, half of the residents would be located in the present facilities occupying single instead of double rooms. Having learned from experience, the other half will have single rooms in the planned new facility thereby eliminating the aggravation of having to put up with a roommate with whom they are not compatible. Another false rumor — no property has been contracted for as yet and the present facilities will not be sold. The State requires that the building be near a bus line, have city water and roads, adequate parking, and must be near a hospital. The board is looking for approximately 100 acres of land. Long-length planning includes assisted living quarters, long-term resident care, day care services, etc. Because of the cost factor, only a portion of the longterm facilities will be done — a little at a time depending on finances. No definite plans for the location have yet been made. Maybe someone reading this article may have knowledge of a specific site that might be suitable. It would be appreciated if you would notify the Administrator, Dr. Anthony Rotolo, (216) 486-0268 or any board member. We concluded the meeting with a video by Peter Jennings “While America Watched: The Bosnia Tragedy.” The group thought the video was so entertaining and moving that we requested the Activities Department to again show it at our next meeting on April 27. Reservations for luncheon must be made to Bertha Walden, Corresponding Visit us at... Richmond Restaurant HAPPY EASTER 25911 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 Open 10:30 to 9:00 Monday through Saturday Sunday 10:30 to 7:30 PEPCO Downtown 1235 Marquette St. Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 881-3636 Phone (216) 881-1114 Fax PEPCO is an Electrical Electronics Supplies Distributor serving the needs of a city on the move. Appleton - Hoffman Bussman - Cutter-Hammer.- ITE - 3M Siemens - Acme - Furnas -Brady - Hubbell -Klein Tools Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 am - 5 pm Jeffrey J. Borkey — Branch Manager Secretary (531-4445) by April 18 in order to allow the Dietary Department sufficient time to plan and order the week’s groceries. We had asked the Activities Department to give us a listing of the items they would like to have for the use of residents from which we can make a decision at our next meeting which item to make our priority. We noticed a new convection oven in the Laurich Room which had been recently purchased. The residents make cookies about three times a week; however, they have difficulty in mixing the ingredients and a Sunbeam Mix Master would be greatly appreciated. Also needed is a Rewinder for the VCR tapes, baking items such as cookie sheets, cake pans, pizza tray, Rubbermaid containers. Today the President of Slovenia, Dr. Kucan, presented four discs in Slovenian to the Home — but they need a CD disc player. Also very much needed is a larger TV and video equipment for the dining room. When the Laurich Room is in use by a particular group, the other residents would be able to be occupied by watching videos in the dining room. The Just Right PAINTING Int/Ext. Painting Plaster • Dry wall Power Washing Free Estimates — Insured — Your Slovenian Quality Painter Call Marty present TV is too small to be seen by the people in the back of the room. SO ARE THERE ANY DONORS? Any monetary donations should be made to the Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary in care of our Treasurer, Emilee Jenko, 331 East 266 Street, Cleveland, OH 44132-1502, phone: (216) 261-3427. Meeting St. Vitus Alumni will be holding their quartet!) meeting on Thursday, April at 7 p.m. in the Social Room-The new officers will be installed and other important items on the agenda will b* discussed. Refreshments wi follow. U.S. Presidents Harry S. Truman j (Continued From Last Week) j Truman won election to a full four-year term in l94o ^ despite predictions by many that Republican Thomas E- j Dewey would sweep the nation. Truman was born on a farm in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884. At age 8 he began wearing glasses. “I was so j carefully cautioned by the eye doctor about breaking mV j glasses and injuring my eyes,” Truman later wrote, ‘‘that | was afraid to join in the rough-and-tumble games in tne ^ schoolyard and back lot. My time was spent in reading' | and by the time I was 13 or 14 I had read all the books in j the Independence Public Library and our old Bible thr# i times through.” His poor eyesight kept him out of the | United States Military Academy at West Point. | Thirteen days after taking office, the first United Na j tions conference met in San Francisco. Then on May ^ J Germany surrendered. Truman proudly proclaimed May | as V-E Day (Victory in Europe). It was his 61st birthday- j The first atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima, Japan on j August 6, 1945 . The war ended on August 14. (To Be Continued) This Historical Series is sponsored by-. AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATE The American Mutual Lile Association, A. M. L.. A., you and your family to become members of our frat ,eS society that provides benefits and continuously Pr0^0°nds fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common D of heritage and culture. A.M.L.A. has a number of fraternal insurance P,an® . to !| your needs with attractive rates and an Annuity B'a 0 [ provide you with tax-sheltered living benefits for the tot — 531-0230 — LOOKING FOR TONY CARUSO? WE FOUND HIM AT HIS TONY'S OLD WORLD PLAZA BARBERSHOP 664 E. 185th HAIRCUTS $3.00 MON.-FRI. 7:3 0AM-5:3 OPM SAT. 7:30AM-5:00PM 531-6517 Remember, that's A.M.L.A. for your insurant needs and fraternal pleasures. ^ ^ ORGANIZED NOVE1BER 1J, 1 «10 AS I"* J DoaaootutA zveza a legal rebcrve ? j l BENEFIT SOOE-nr •CORPORATED MARCH ________^ 19424 So. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, ^ .^3 i| Phonc: 1-216-531-1900 - Fax: 1-216-^ ORGANIZED NOVEI«ER U. 1*10 AS T>* ^ DOBRODELNA ZVEZA A LEGAL REBCRVE FRATER*'-BENEFIT SOCIETY •CORPORA TED MARCH Cruising ALASKA July II -18,1994 7 Days on the Route of the Glaciers ^&ai^aboard^g^N|w^mg^S^^y Ports of Call: Anchorage * Juneau * Skagway * ♦ Ketchikan * Misty Fjord * Inside Passage * n m Hollander World Tray. 971 E. 185th St. ♦ Clevelan’ 692-1000 Toll Free 1 Joe (Jože) Zevnik Apprentice Funeral Director C7/L an e Finest Funeral FacH in Northeast Ohio 0±LC FUNERAL HOME 944-840° 28890 Chardon Road o9i Willoughby Hills, Ohio Slovenian Festival benefits New York St. A Slovenian festival will be held in New York City on Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23. All proceeds will be used for the renovaton of St. Cyril’s Church and for The Slovenian Youth Fund in New York. Friday, April 22 At 7 p.m. Slovene National Theater presents: “Dearly Departed, Dear Husbands” with Polona Vetrih, actress and Alenka Naber, pianist. The event will take place in St. Cyril Church Auditorium, 62 St. Marks Place, New York, NY. Admission $20. Children, free. Saturday, April 23 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. — Discussion of the Programs ®nd Plans of the American Slovene Congress.” It will be eld in Columbia University School of International and ublic Affairs, Room 1512 42° West U8th St i New 0rh> NY. For further information call Dr. Silvester Lango (914) 636-3368 evenings. ^1 7:00 p.m. — A Cultural Pr°8ram / Dance will be held at C>ur Lady of Hope Cyril church Auditorium, Eliot Ave. & 71 St., Middle Village, Queens. Guest performers from Cleveland, Ohio will be the Hank Haller Ensemble featuring Ken Umeck soloist. From Ljubljana, Slovenia Polona Vetrih - actress and Alenka Naber - pianist, will be featured entertainers. Admission for adults is $15; youth (5-15 years), $7. For further information call Fr. Krizolog Cimerman (212) 674-3442, Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711 (evenings), or Darja Gačnik (212) 682-5896. * Silence is the unbearable repartee. —G.K. Chesterton Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” The Lean, Green Nutrition Machine Yes, there is such a thing as health food, and its name is broccoli. One serving of fresh broccoli (one cup chopped) gives you about 90% of your daily requirement of vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene), 200% of vitamin C, 6% of niacin, 10% of calcium, 10% of thiamin, 10% of phosphorus, and 8% of iron. It is also rich in potassium and has 5 grams of protein. Wait, there’s more. One serving provides about 25% of your daily fiber needs — a critical area in which the American diet is usually deficient. Moreover, studies have found that broccoli is one of the vegetables that may protect against certain forms of cancer. All this and only 45 calories. Salute to Kenik A Salute to Eddie Kenik will be held on Saturday, April 9 at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue. Secured Parking in lot behind auditorium. Admission is $6. Tickets available at Polka Hall of Fame, Slapnik Florist, 650 E. 185 St., Tivoli Enterprises, 6419 St. Clair, and at the door. On the agenda: 5 to 7:30 p.m. — Dancing to Joe Fedorchak in the Main Hall and Don and Rose Slogar in the Annex. j 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. — pro- > gram. Paul Yanchar sings g “Kenik,” cronies roast Kenik; 5 Glasbena Matica sings Tribute to Eddie; the Unknowns (Zeke and Charlie) toast Eddie. £*★*★★★*********★★★★*★★*+*++++++★★★** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 arjanc Established 1963 SALES-SERVICE INSTALLATION FURNACES AIR CONDITIONERS BOILERS HUMIDIFIERS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL REFRIGERATION 760 E. 200TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 (216)692-2557 Whenever you have a problem with water tanks, air-conditioning, furnace, or want installation, call on well-known, trusted and reliable American Slovenians from Gorjanc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4- MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS §UH0Cp DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4 WHEEL & FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT •OTOMOPVP jfRVir.t ntrn i fncf EUCLID SUNOCO SERVICE PHH!1 EAST 2 @481 EAST 200 SUNOCO -5822 4/0 e 200 ST ___ MON-FRI 6 AM-11 PM _____ 1 r AM-T - —* r~"—— APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ;t 1*4 U fcM-O PM oman Joe Zigman, owner '’3 FORD PROBE ^wC'AM/FMst«‘° window defroster. J3.990 '93 FORD VAN Extended length/ E-250 cargo van, with A/C 11,511 Miles '93 FORD aerostar *en3t*1' XLT’7 Wueri^r. 4 must see color combination 12*183 Miles ‘t0 Lincoln jowN car k^utive series J?i980 ^ODGE CARAVAN '89 MERCURY SABLE 4 dr., GS, poer seat windows & locks, cruise control, tilt alum, wheels. '89 VW GOLF 2 dr., GL 5 speed, with air, AM/FM cass., rear wiper ft more. *7f780 '93 FORD TAURUS 4 dr., GL auto., air, power windows, locks ft seat cruise, ft more. *13,990 *94 HYUNDAI EXCEL 2 dr., power steering, AM/FM stereo ft only 25,970 Miles '91 CHEVY BERETTA 2 Dr., Automatic, air conditioning, power steenng ft brakes, AM/FM stereo, and only 31,213 Miles! a : i r '93 FORD MUSTANG LX Convertible, automatic, air, AM/FM stereo w/cassette, tilt & ore. *13,670 '91 VW GOLF . i speec roof, rear defroster ft wipers. 25,4» Miles '92 DODGE STEALTH RT, leatiier int, sun roof, alum, wheels, CD player, pwr seat, auto. temp, control, & more. 14.383 Miles '91 MERCURY TOPAZ 4 dr., auto., air, power steering ft brakes, AM/FM stereo, rears defroster. *7,380 '89 MERCURY TRACER 2 dr., auto., air, power seat ft brakes, rear window defroster, AM/FM stereo 39f862 Miles •88 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 4 dr., signature series with leather, moon roof, tu-tone paint, alum, wheels. 42,248 Miles '93 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Carriage roof, leather interior, dual power seats, anti-lock brakes ft much more. 4,304 Miles '92 CHEVY ASTRO Conversion Van, 4 captain chairs, power windows ft locks, tilt AM/FM stereo w/cass. 18,864 Miles '93 MERCURY TRACER 4 door, automatic, air, AM/FM stereo, rear defroster, rear spoiler. 12,008 Miles '92 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 7 passenger, auto., air, speed control, AM/FM cass., low, low miles. 23,098 Miles '93 FORD EXPLORER 4x4, auto., air, XLT package, alum, wheels, tu-tone paint, luggage rack & much more. 22,426 Miles '88 CHEVY CAMARO RS, auto., air, alum, wheels, AM/FM stereo cass 40,545 Miles '86 BUICK CENTURY 4 Dr., auto., air, cruise, rear window defroster. *4,980 '93 LINCOLN MARK VIII Leather interior, anti-lock branes, traction assest, JBL audio ft sys., anti-theft system. 8,615 Miles '92 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 dr., executive series, leather interior, electronic dash, keyless entry, alum, wheels ft much more. *20,180 '91 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Leather inter., auto., temp, control, alum, wheels, ft more. SHARP! '92 CADILLAC DEVILLE Carriage roof, aluminum wheels, gold package, loaded, 29,904 Miles. *20,385 '92 MERCURY TOPAZ 4 Dr., GS, auto., air, power locks ft windows, AM/FM cass., rear defroster. *8,280 '92 GEO STORM '89 FORD ESCORT LX wagon, auto., power steering ft brakes, AM/FM stereo. *6,380 '86 FORD EXP Auto., power steering ft brakes, rear window defroster. *1,995 2 di., automatic, air, power steering, AM/FM stereo cass., rear window defroster. 28,893 Miles '89 MERCURY COUGAR Power seat, windows ft locks, cruise, electric dash, ft more. *8,380 '84 TOW TRUCK Ford F-350, dual rear wheels, 4 speed manual trans., V-8 gasoline eng. Must See! '89 PONTIAC GRANDAM 2 Dr., auto., air, rear defroster, styled wheels *6,480 '84 MERCURY COUGAR A/C, power windows, locks ft seat, electonic dash, locking wire wheel covers. 50,119 Miles TU^£™uRS SDPKi 9647 Mentor Avenue MENTOR 357-7533 • 942-3191 IŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 Tiny republic battles obscurity as it seeks foreign investment; Slovenes find many confuse country with Slovakia Slovenia Keeps Trying to Privatize Even Solid ‘Socially Owned’ Firms By Colin Woodard Special to The Christian Science Monitor --------LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA------- t I 1 HE Slovenian government’s latest economic -1- figures leave little doubt that this northernmost former Yugoslav republic is in recovery. The Slovene economy closed 1993 with more jobs, reduced foreign debt, and a surge in industrial production. Inflation is low, foreign reserves are growing, and forecasters expect even better performance this year. “There’s certainly an upswing now and it’s clear that we’ve already reached the bottom of the transitional depression,” says former economics minister Joze Mencinger, who teaches at the University of Ljubljana. “It’s hard to say if this will be a lasting thing, but we won’t see a mtyor drop [in the economy] in the foreseeable future.” Despite more pessimistic predictions, official estimates indicate that in 1993 the Slovene economy held to zero growth in Officials expect many foreign companies to settle in Slovenia and take advantage of new trade agreements signed with the Czech Republic and Slovakia. These agreements remove most barriers to Slovene industrial exports over the next two years. Similar agreements are being negotiated with Hungary and Poland. “This is a much faster time-frame than the [European Union] agreements with these countries,” 'Many foreigners don't seem to realize that we're no longer part of Yugoslavia and the war.' - Joze Mencinger, former economics minister Mr. Drofenik says. “So if somebody invests in manufacturing in Slovenia, they’ll have free access to other eastern markets.” Manufacturers are able to take advantage of the relatively short road, sea, and rail links with Western Europe, as well as a highly skilled work force. Slovenia is the richest econ- DAVE HERRING - STAFF gross domestic product (GDP), mostly due to a 3.9 percent surge in industrial production in the final quarter of last year. Leading financial organizations had expected GDP to fall by at least 1 percent as the economy recovered from the collapse of the Yugoslav market. “We expect the recovery to deepen as foreign investors and trading partners take advantage of the increased stabilization of our economy,” says Jožef Drofenik, head of the Ministry of Economic Relations. omy in the region and has the highest standard of living of all the former socialist countries. Per capita GDP stands at $6,100, almost double that of neighboring Hungary ($3,100) or the Czech Republic ($2,800), while its wages remain significantly lower than in the West. In fact, Slovenia’s biggest obstacle when seeking new economic partners is that many foreigners do not know it exists. “We’re a small country with smaller profile,” admits Privatization Agency adviser Seqja Brzin. “For most people we’re literally not even on the map yet.” Slovenia’s four traditional Western partners - Austria, Germany, France, and Italy - now account for 60 percent of its foreign trade, and nearly 90 percent of direct foreign investment in the republic since 1985. United States companies compose a mere 1 percent share, in stark contrast to other parts of East-Central Europe in which they constitute a significant proportion of total investment. “Part of the reason is our small market, a population of 2 million,” Mr. Mencinger says. “But many foreigners don’t seem to realize that we’re no longer part of Yugoslavia and the war.... Others simply confuse us with Slovakia.” In the meantime, the government is embarking on a large-scale piivatization program that has been delayed for almost three years by a parliamentary stale- > mate. Other delays are the result of the former Yugoslav economic-system. Instead of the state owning (and thus selling) enterprises, most were “socially-owned.” This has made a coordinated privatization strategy difficult. “In effect there are no owners,” says Mrs. Brzin at the Privatization Agency. “This used to be an advantage because the companies had a lot of freedom in decisionmaking and an incentive for profit. That’s why they are so competitive. “But now this is proving a real disadvantage,” she says, “because [the Privatization Agency] can only advise and oversee the process. The rest is up to the company directors.” Still, by the end of the year the agency hopes to have about 2,500 companies in private hands. Foreign- investors are expected to play only a minor role as most small, labor-intensive companies are likely to be purchased by employees and management with privatization vouchers. “I don’t think this will result in any change in efficiency or management either way. Efficient companies will remain efficient. Others will continue to be inefficient,” says former finance minister Mencinger. “It’s a natural, gradualist way of getting from social-property to capital ownership, so I’m not concerned.... At least it provides an owner." Broadcast Studio WCPN-90.3FM Sundays Noon till1:00 pm (K0LLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 971 East 185th Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 TONY PETKOVŠEK • CO HOST-JOEY TOMSICK • Featuring-AUCE KUHAR & DUKE MARSIC (216) 481-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law A. M. Pena Building, Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 261-0200 Probate, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice Happy Easter FROM Councilman Ward 11 Mike Polenšek and Family Katherine Family Restaurant Owned by Mary and Bogomir VESEL VISIT OUR RESTAURANT TRY OUR HOME-MADE FOOD. 7533 PEARL ROAD MIDDLEBURGH HTS., OH 44130 Happy Easter to All Our Friends and Customers Happy Easter to All Our Customers & Friends SIMS BUICK, Inc. A merican-Slo venian Buick Charles J. Sims, president 21601 Euclid Ave. — 481-8800 Euclid, Ohio 44117 ' Paying for long term care For many Americans, the fear of going to a nursing home and seeing all of their assets used to pay for their care is a very frightening 'nought. Many of us have sard “horror stories” about People who saw significant sums of wealth consumed in 'heir final years in a nursing home. Clearly, most people want 'o receive quality care, and yet 51111 leave the bulk of their ^ealth to loved ones. For-unately, there are some steps can be taken to help achleve this goal. Although this is a very com-Pucated topic, and the exact somS Vary ^rorn state t0 state, some general rules apply. government Assistance has V10us*y’ an individual enough wealth to pay for govern hCr °Wn care’ the Similarly^ hr1" hn0t Pay‘ has ,> u 11 hls or f161, spouse » ’ubs,anUal wealth> Sr«« will no. guideline!^6 federal medicare have only’ "adividual may her sn0ll} $2>000 a"d his or pr°ximat ^ may have only ap' exempt Cy ^7l,f)00 °f non- qualifyaSfSets in order to assistance, 80vernment *°vernrnVay t0 ^uahfy for yithou remal distance, ^°Ur weaUhCOnSUmingallof ^pp6 or th’ 1S t0 convert i°ver ^ excess wealth figures) 6 $2’000/$7l ,000 lender L lnt° an annuity, feles that016 Very eomplicated ^coverp..?1111101- he adequate-S^f' excp ere’ *t s Possible to nuity that^ into an an- ‘owarcj Wll‘ n°t be counted Sources e e available ^ide an SUCh a shift can 30 lnc°me stream and the Pay can preserve wealth while still qualifying for government assistance. Furthermore, a person with substantial wealth can’t give it away and immediately apply for and receive government assistance. Current law provides for a 30 month ‘‘lookback,” which has the effect of counting wealth that was given away in those past 30 months as still available — thereby disqualifying the donor from assistance, at least to some extent. There are ways to transfer wealth to special trusts, but again, this is a very technical area that cannot be discussed in detail here. A qualified expert’s advice in this area is invaluable. Long-Term Care Insurance Long-term care insurance is privately purchased insurance which is intended to pay for the extended care needs of a person. When such insurance is in force, it often eliminates, or greatly reduces, the need for governmental assistance. Long-term care insurance policies are widely varied. As with any insurance policy, the decision to select a particular policy should be based on a thorough and careful review by a knowledgeable adviser. The exact policy that is right for you depends on a myriad of issues such as the level of care desired, the personal desires of the insured, the desire to leave wealth to other beneficiaries, the degree of independence desired and other factors. Combination Plans One possible way to attack the above problem is to use a combination of long-term care insurance followed by the period of governmental Easter greetings Health and Joy to All Our Friends Stan and Fran Erzen Euclid, Ohio Easter Greetings ®roadway Avenue MaP'e Heights, OH 44137 216-475.2626 assistance. In such a plan, the individual might make the following conscious decisions: • Purchase a long-term care insurance policy that will only provide benefits for a fixed-period such as five years. • Then, establish an irrevocable trust that will only be funded if long term care is needed. Family members will have legal authority to fund the trust with your assets, should the long-term care benefits be needed. If the above combination plan works as expected, it will provide the best of both worlds. If the long-term care is never needed, the premiums will be paid each year, but the trust will never be funded. This leaves complete control of the assets in your hands. On the other hand, if the policy benefits are needed, family members could then transfer the balance of your wealth into the irrevocable trust. The trust will pay you and your spouse all income for life. Thanks to John R. Telich, Sr., CLU, ChFC, phone: (216) 289-7729 for submitting this timely information. Cal! him for further thoughts on this important subject. The Easter egg’s a symbol Oi the miracle of birth And the beauty of creation as each spring renews the earth. But, even more, it represents Christ rising from the dead And the message of new life and hope His resurrection spread. Today, each brightly colored egg reflects a special part Of the gift of joy and gladness that Christ brings to every heart. Wickliffe Country Place offers $500 Health Scholarship Students interested in pursuing a health care career have until April 6 to apply for a $500 college scholarship offered by Wickliffe Country Place. The skilled nursing and rehabilitation center, located at 1919 Bishop Rd., is offering the scholarship to graduating seniors of Wickliffe High School. To qualify, a student must be planning to pursue a four-year degree in the health care field. The Wickliffe Country Place scholarship recipient will be chosen on the basis of academic achievement, community involvement, extracurricular activities, and work experience. Scholarship applications are available from the guidance department at Wickliffe High School. For more information, call Mary Sowul at 943-7711. Happy Easter to the American Slovenian Community! CLEVELAND! Michael R. White Mayor, City of Cleveland The Country Place. It feels like home. We offer the highest quality nursing care and rehabilitation services in a homelike, scenic setting. And we're conveniently located just off 1-90. • Short- & Long-term Nursing Care & Rehabilitation • Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy • Adult Day Care • Respite Care • Alzheimer Care • Social and Recreational Programs • Medicare and Private Insurance Accepted Wickliffe Country Place "The Community of Caring" 1919 Bishop Rd. • Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 (216)944-9400 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 Karl W. Ryavec February, 1994 The United States and Russia are now in a new stage of their limited and artificial relationship. The big vote for Zhirinovsky and his party, the exit of most real reformers from the Russian government and its change to a “preserve our Soviet-type economy” policy makes this clear. The U.S.-Russian connection has never been fully developed and often it has been troubled, confused and conflictful. Despite the end of the Cold War and the lack of a military and ideological struggle between the U.S. and Russia certain continuities are apparent. “Deja vu all over again.” Both parties are in some disagreement and are asserting their own views on certain essentials. The Russians are saying that they are going to proceed in their own way, at their own pace, and will protect the main existing institutions and practices of their economy and that economy’s relationship with society. Russia has always been a place where authority, whether just or not, is enjoyed by custom to support the population materially — at least at a minimum level of subsistence. The United States too is being true to its culture heritage in its Russian policy. The U.S. government insists, in order for Russia to receive the aid designated for it, that it stop printing rubles of ever-decreasing value to support its state-owned and often overstaffed,. technologically backward and noncompetitive industrial plants. Americans can, so far, downsize and make companies profitable through large-scale firings and other actions against employee preferences. But we have a culture and a power structure that allows this. Most of us grow up learning, and even expecting, to find another job when ours disappear. Russians, and also millions of other inhabitants of once-communist countries, have no such experience or skill. There, mass unemployment can only redound to the advantage of people who favor strong, highly bureaucratized government with either a communist or a fascist orientation. The “old guard” of the communist period, minus its former top leaders, is making a comeback in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. After all, they can “network” best and know how to run one thing — a command, full-employment economy. Some of these party-state bureaucrats have become businessmen and will resist recommunization out of th :ir new self-interest, but m >st others have not changed. ' here are various reasons for tf s. No new ‘‘class of cl inge” emerged numerous at i powerful enough to sweep old guard off the scene. Indeed, in “democrats Russia the have worked against each other as much as against the communist elites. A deep-seated resistance to political organization derived from the communist experience made them psychologically incapable of creating one large democratic and reformist party. Yeltsin’s de Gaullian stance of splendid isolation above the hue and cry of day-to-day politics did not help democracy either. And unlike Germany and Japan after the end of World War Two, no conquering army of democratic capitalism was in occupation to change the rules of the game or the players, or at least some of them. The “losers” have not been made to feel they have lost. No wonder the analogy of Weimar Germany, a defective democracy with a great nostalgia for authoritarianism, can seem appropriate. It is even possible the Soviet Union ended prematurely, forced to an artificially early end by Gorbachev in his naive search for a beautiful and beneficent socialism, and by Yeltsin out of resentment at his mistreatment, and accordingly parts of the Soviet system still have the vitality to act and strive for domination once again. It should therefore be no surprise that Russia surprises us. What else can we expect? That is the way it always was during the Cold War. Every time the U.S.-Soviet (Russian) relationship improved, something happened to make it worse. Americans then tended to blame the Soviet Communist Party. Now we will blame Russian “fascists.” Maybe we, or at least the previous and the present administrations, bear just a bit of blame for the apparent results of the recent Russian election. The Russians were encouraged, without sufficient material support, into economic policies that could not bring feelings of hope or satisfaction to the Russian people. True, the Russian leaders were inept, but the U.S. government did not try to lessen their ineptness. A market economy requires new governmental rules, procedures and institutions that facilitate the creation and maintenance of private enterprise. Too much of the old economy was let go too fast and too little new and useful actually built. Probably only part of the economy should have been affected in this first stage. American aid lias been minimal, and heavily tied to American-centered ends such as the reduction of Russian nuclear weapons. Russians can see what we are up to. We are not helping Russia, only ourselves or our conception of what would be good for Russia if Russia were Belgium or Sweden. It is not and probably can not be an ordinary European country for decades, if then. American political and business elites just refuse to believe that other industrial countries can be very different from the United States. President Clinton spoke of the big vote for Zhirinovsky as an understandable “protest vote.” This is a “political scientist’s answer” that may work for the Communist vote in France but it neglects the fact that in addition to getting such a protest vote Zhirinovsky also gained the votes of thousands of normal, ordinary Russians who think naturally in authoritarian and imperial terms. Russia is not yet like West European former imperial states in which antiimperialist democratic forces have come to outnumber or outmaneuver the authoritarians and the imperialists after a long period of democratic politics. Have we forgotten what German society was like prior to 1945? Anyone who has talked to a number of Afrikaners comes to realize that the nineteenth century personality still exists. Zhirinovsky is an authentic Russian of a certain type, not an aberration. There’s more where that came from. Some Russian intellectuals believe that he has a lot of additional support among those who didn’t vote this time. This leads to the Russian-centeredness of American policy. Yes, Russia is the biggest piece of the ex-communist world and it deserves considerable attention from us but so do the other ex-communist states. Supposedly, the Cold War was fought to liberate Eastern Europe from the Soviet Union. But it seems Americans, from a big country themselves, cannot avoid overemphasizing other big countries. In addition, it seems the Cold War established some sort of lasting bond between Russia and the United States, just as World War Two did between us and the Germans and the Japanese. However, we were able to force the Germans and the Japanese to adopt democratic forms; we will have to work with the Russians as they are and as they develop fundamentally in their own way. A “window of opportunity” for one approach is now behind us and a new approach for new circumstances must be found. We ought to devote a great deal more attention to the ex-communist countries that are truly post-communist in significant ways — countries such as Poland (despite the repackaged communists in its government), the Czech Republic, Hungary and even tiny Slovenia, the place the British magazine, The Economist, says has the best chance for successful, thorough, change. Real NATO membership that gives some actual protection and deserved recognition, as well as more economic assistance, could be granted a few of these countries. We have to recognize that change in Russia will take longer than in, say, western-oriented Poland, where a great deal of democratization-modernization has already occurred. But a realistic American policy requires the U.S. Government to get off its Russian-centered hobby horse. We could be more understanding of Ukraine’s reluctance to give up its nuclear weapons. Living next to Russia may entitle a people to special consideration. American pressuring of the Ukrainians is just doing Russia’s work and encouraging Russia to engage again in power politics. Is that the way we want history to remember us? In, any case, Ukraine, even with nukes, is not a nuclear power. Neither the Russian nor the American government has faced up to reality. We have pretended to help Russia and Russia has pretended to change — and also threatened, in effect, that it will have some sort of imperial status or role in order to keep its right wing under control. Well, the right wing is not under control and the American vision of the post-communist world is at risk. Let’s face up to the fact that the democratization of Russia is a gargantuan task that will take an entire historical period but that it is worth working toward, but only realistically and as part o a plan for trnsforming the en tire ex-communist world, in which there are countries ahead of Russia who deserve real American aid and atten tion because there significant results are possible in less time than in Russia. It’s time to realize that the ex-communist world is one >S package that must be ea i with in one big, but differentiated, policy. Russia deserve help, but in a way that do not denigrate other country or let us be frightened special concessions whic will later regret. Just beca“sejt place is big does not ma e better. Let’s be realistic ^ true to our values an ' terests. The entire c° munist” problem was 1 developed in Russia. It's ^ (0 ^ ticularly hard for a P60^6 tj| ' discard what is theirs a | they can see coming into something better that is theirs. Karl W. Ryavec, the of United States-Sovie ^ lions (Longman, ‘ ^ teaches Russian politic foreign policy at the Univ ^ ty of Massachusetts Amherst. R al P w h, 0 bi P( at hi el- ec sp w gl it' i Ki pe Pc na he C< Tl nr Tc he a Zc he ar de thi th, Jui Bernie Sajovec is one of the many ladies who make kr0 St. Vitus Altar Society fund-raisers held throughout ^)eVe( The money is generously donated to St. Vitus church. e(| W a krofe sale is announced the pastry is quickly Pur connoisseurs of great-tasting Slovenian doughnuts. (Photo by Stefen Marija Cugelj and Pepca Tominc prepare the dough f the St. Vitus Altar Society krofe sales. v/gS (Photo by Stefan Zokol to help design golf courses Recipes ii- by Don Harrison VANCOUVER, B.C. — Richard Zokol is his own man, always has been, even since his Pre-golf days as a teen rebel. Since his conversion to the ways of golf in his mid-teens he has always had the courage °f his convictions. The hehind-the-pack sneers of Peers, the gossip of golf shops and the meanings of the media have never kept him from charting his own course on the course, and off it. For him, a sPade is never an instrument with which to transplant Socially deposited material, h s just a shovel. On Tuesday in Kelowna, the Klt>mat (Canada) native step-P6 officially into the corporate world when he was jamed director of golf for the uge property firm Intrawest orporation of Vancouver, e location of the announce-ent was the to-be-built ower Ranch course and a us'ng complex in Kelowna, zoX:rship iayout for hp .. s flrst assignment that ar . .* ^'design with Toronto ^'tect Tom McBroom. design ^ lnvolved in course thp r ’ Said Z°kc>l, who js the a 'H!!• Canadian to fit into Jacl/\T lteCt/player mode °f 3 ine ’ . cntiquing courses, hir-8 maintenance peopie hiring tage PfrOS and taking advan-which Kmy,traVel lienee resol haS ^ me SCe which CtVSUCCeed and which Voiin a w'fe and three right^C ddren» the timing was !hbdieVe is if 1 am t0 the d , next level,” said ^ Richmond resident, ‘‘I order °ISet my securities in ‘n order t0 get my ducks Play frr. can 8° ahead and Point oftietrCal comPetitive of Ply famnlng after the needs think that y kA l0t of peoPle Richard 7 u |)ecause I am off> bm r ° 1 must be well * am not. don>t m ’ that I’v Put ^veananything-l 2-^93)tW0 8°od put tT30 stone.” n°se t0 the therein! SfflrSt lar8e-sc gest rt 'e'ln is with !ki r«o,Tli0nal Pr°P C«>acla B0Wner-°P' Tower R eSldes the !0 r Ranch site ju GaiL dr'Ves fro iatrawest • Canyon owner ls the tain p Blackcoml 1 ;ermerean°rama 11 Trpr-,1 . and lWSbrla"! ’n Quebc '"’ionb'lr9"00- S0 „ ’ the next fi *i,b'wtawillhisin 0:“«aSOPerd01 H. ^ y.80lf'' task. ‘hatis still (p1ayin°Drd^r t0 get ti i’tn D|.r ancial ne PayinS a she Richard Zokol (Photo by Tony Grdina) rather than how much money I’ll make.” What kind of architect Zokol will be is clear. Just look at McBroom’s imprint in this area — his thoughtful reworking of Vancouver public course Langara and Zokol’s pointed remarks to the Province at the Xerox B.C. Open about what he feels is the sorry state of modern course design. “We (in Western Canada) are dinosaurs in the game of golf,” he said in June at Vernon’s Predtor Ridge. “I haven’t seen a great course yet (in Western Canada). The more I play, the more I realize (modern) golf course architects don’t know anything about design. It’s the sign of a bad designer when they have to substitute a difficult hole for a good one.” It’s clear, then, what he doesn’t like. So how will he proceed? “For the last 20 years... I’m generalizing, most golf course design has been following Pete Dye,” Zokol said of the American architect known for difficult, expensive courses featuring gigantic earth mov- ing, inflated scores and streams of blue language. “We’ll arrive at better playability, first and foremost, and it won’t be expensive. “I want a design similar to those early in the century, like those built by Stanley Thompson (Capilano), Donald Ross (Pinehurst No. 2), A. W. Till-inghast (Winged Foot). The esthetics, as well as the playability... that’s my mandate. I’m willing to put my head on the chopping block, then, we’ll let the public decide.” Like the ball he strikes for a living, Zokol’s life will come full circle as part of his Intrawest ties. It was golf, after all, that helped pull Zokol away from a potentially selfdestructive youth. “What I’m also excited about is representing the charity Rainbows of Opportunity,” he said. “I want to get in with a charity that can have an impact. It will be for non-privileged kids, to build a golf program for kids from the “Other side of the tracks.” All I want to see is their hunger (to play), not their skill level.” * * *- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * »- * * * * * * * * * * * l BRONKO’S * Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 Imported Slovenian Wines l (Laski ■ Riesling Šipon) * Also available are various J imported beers, wines, etc. J n x X Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. * Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. J Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine J * — Owner - David Heuer * ****+****+***++**+**++++++++++++++** COUNTRY FRENCH LAMB LEG WITH HERBS Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 2 hours 20 minutes to 4 hours 5 minutes. 5 to 7-pound lamb leg 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons dried rosemary leaves, crushed 1 teaspoon each dried thyme leaves and rubbed sage 1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper Combine garlic, rosemary, thyme, sage and pepper; rub over surface of lamb leg. Place lamb, fat side up, on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so bulb is centered in the thickest part but not resting in fat or bone. Do not add water. Do not cover. Roast in 325°F. (slow) oven to desired degree of doneness. Allow 20 to 25 minutes per pound for rare; 25 to 30 minutes for medium; and 30 to 35 minutes for well done. Remove roast when the meat thermometer registers 135°F for well done. Allow roast to “stand” 15 to 20 minutes in a warm place before carving. Roasts continue to rise about 5°F in temperature to reach 140°F. for rare; 160° for medium and 170° for well done. NO GUILT BROWNIES 3 ounced unsweetened chocolate, chopped 1 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup flour 3/4 cup 2% low fat cottage cheese 3 egg whites 1 teaspoon salt powdered sugar Heat oven to 350°F. Over very low heat, melt chocolate, cool slightly. In food processor, puree all ingredients, except chocolate and powdered sugar until smooth. Add meltec chocolate. Blend well. Pour into lightly buttered, 8-inch square pan. Bake 20-25 minutes or until just set. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into squares. Makes 16 squares. VESELO ALELUJO" HAPPY EASTER! FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES — 1994 ROSTER — President — Rosemary Toth 1st Vice President — Patricia Ipavec Clarke 2nd Vice President — Joseph F. Petrie Jr. Financial Secretary — Jean Fabian Recording Secretary — Helen Urbas Corresponding Secretary — Celeste Frollo Executive Secretary & Legal Counsel — Charles Ipavec Historians — Mr. Joseph Petrie Jr. and Mr. John Habat Auditors — Matthew Kajfez, Joseph Lach, Louis Grzely AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 IŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 31, 1994 Political Crisis Shakes Slovenia; Defense Minister Janša Ousted Siesta Is a Good Idea cr LU < Early Tuesday morning, Slovenia’s parliament voted to remove the country’s defense minister, Janez Janša, from his position. The vote in the 90 member parliament was 49 to 39. Immediately thereafter the parliament elected Jelko Kacin as Jansa’s replacement, this time by a 48 to 39 vote. Janša, who had served as defense minister since the formation of Slovenia’s first postwar democratic government in April 1990 under then Prime Minister Lojze Peterle, was removed upon the recommendation of current prime minister Dr. Janez Drnovšek. Drnovšek acted after an incident that occurred on March 20, when a former employee of the defense ministry, Milan Smolnikar, was arrested by military police near Domžale. The defense ministry alleges that Smolnikar was engaged in espionage in behalf of certain as yet unnamed individuals in Slovenia. Documents from the defense ministry marked secret were found in Smolnikar’s car after his arrest. Smolnikar resisted arrest and the military police used force to get him out of his car and then to subdue him. In the process, Smolnikar received some relatively minor injuries. The accusation was that the military police exceeded their authority in arresting a civilian. In fact, the roots of the case go far deeper. There is a sharp polarization between the left and the right in Slovenia, with the leftist (or liberal) elements essentially representing those in Slovenia who benefitted from the previous Communist regime. The right, on the other hand, is composed primarily of those who were either persecuted or held back by the previous regime. There is a general impression that those who were allied with the previous regime are now doing all they can to consolidate their status within the new, multiparty system, to prevent the uncovering of a whole range of allegedly illegal economic activities, and to weaken as much as possible those who are opposed to them. In the last four years, Janez Janša has emerged as the single most outspoken and effective opponent of those who want to break the power of the previous ruling elite. Janša won enormous personal popularity for his leadership of Slovenia’s armed forces during the war for independence in 1991, and his uncompromising stand in favor of rooting out corruption and the vestiges of the previous system has only enhanced his status among a great many Slovenes, in Slovenia and abroad. After the parliamentary elections in December 1992, a coalition government was formed under the leadership of Dr. Janez Drnovšek, whose Liberal Democratic party won a plurality. Drnovšek formed a coalition with the more conservative Christian Democrats (whose president is Lojze Peterle, the current foreign minister of Slovenia), and, bi-zarrely, the ex-communists and JanSa’s Social Democrats. Earlier this month, Drnov-sek’s Liberal Democrats united with three smaller left-of-center parties, giving Drnovšek a stronger hand vis-a-vis his coalition partners. One result of this seems to have been the removal of Janša and his party from the coalition. Now the ex-communists appear to be next, as the Christian Democrat leader Peterle has proposed to Drnovšek that their two parties together form the government coalition. In other words, the ex-communists also would leave the government. This proposal is still pending. Once it became clear that Drnovšek was going to ask for JanSa’s removal, these in Slovenia who were JanSa’s supporters sought to mobilize popular support in his behalf. The high point of this came last Monday, when over 8,000 people gathered on the square directly across the street from the parliament building to urge the deputies not to remove Janša. Another large crowd gathered in the square in front of the monument to France Prešeren, Slovenia’s most famous poet. Photographs of the demonstrations and also text from Slovene newspapers of last Tuesday are in the Slovene section of today’s issue. In conversations with sources in Slovenia yesterday, it was emphasized things are quiet for the moment. This is Easter week in Slovenia, too, and the question remains open of whether the Liberal Democrats (now known as the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia = Liberalna demokracija Slovenije) and the Christian Democrats will form a joint coalition government. Janša, by the way, although removed as defense minister, will now be able to rejoin parliament, which will give him an ongoing forum. He concluded his own statement during the parliamentary debate prior to his removal with the words: “It is today, and there will be tomorrow.” Rudolph M. Susel Legend has it that Thomas Edison was a champion nap-per. A couple of times every day, he would sit peacefully in a chair with a solid iron ball in each hand. As he moved from light sleeping to deep slumber, the balls would drop and wake him up, thus preventing him from falling into a deep sleep. Edison knew what he was doing. Says Dr. Claudio Stampi, a sleeping disorders expert at the Institute for Circadian Physiology in Cambridge, Mass.: “The most restful nap with the least amount of sleep-hangover is between 15 and 30 minutes.” Many historical figures have enhanced their productive powers, and probably increased their life spans, by napping. Among them: Leonardo da Vinci, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and basketball’s Wilt Chamberlain. Yet when asked, nearly half of all adult Americans stoutly deny that they ever nap. Stampi, who is one of the few scientists to focus on the subject of napping, thinks most people equate the practice with indolence or old age. Stampi is bent on making napping respectable. Some intriguing new research supports his cause. Historically, American society has been geared to what biologists call a “monophasic” sleep/awake pattern, in which the day is rigidly divided into one period of wakefulness, followed by one period of sleep. Under the monophasic model, napping has been considered culturally inappropriate and, according to some experts in the field of sleep research, even unhealthy, in that it cuts into nighttime sleeping. But new data suggest that human beings may in fact be “biphasic” creatures whose days are broken up into two. periods of sleep, nocturnal and midafternoon. Lunch is commonly blamed as the cause of midafternoon drowsiness, but it turns out that food intake has little or nothing to do with the urge to nod off. Much more important, according to recent research at the Circadian Institute and the University of Pennsylvania, is simply the time of day. Happy Easter 7743 Doty Rd. — Madison, Ohio 44057 |-Chalet 216-466-3485 iVeBonne. VlneyaRys The Debevc Famil Tony, Rose, Tony and Beth Circadian’s Claudio Stampi is convinced that Americans will be better rested, healthier and more productive if they give in to that urge to take a siesta. Like many sleep disorder researchers, he believes that Americans’ “sleep deficit” has been steadily grown as people experience more stress in managing the competing needs of careers and families. Far from being a sign of laziness, napping, he says, is really a biological imperative that allows people to whittle away at the deficit. —Forbes Magazine Vacation There will be no Ameriška Domovina published the last week in June due to vacation. When young we are faithful to individuals, when older we grow more loyal to situations and to types. —Cyril Connolly Managing Money into Maturity “Managing Your Money into Maturity” will be the topic presented by the Wickliffe Country Place “Issues on Aging” series on Thursday, April 21 at 7 p.m. Gloria Walas and Jim Roseman of Merrill Lynch will present the program, which will include information about managing finances, providing and preserving income, and planning an estate. The program will take place at Wickliffe Country Place, 1919 Bishop Rd. in Wickliffe. It is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Christine Franks, director of social services, at 944-9400. Morton’s Neuroma Sudden agonizing pain ’n toes may be caused by nerve inflammation. It usua V strikes between third an fourth metatarsal bones in t e ball of the foot. CAUSE: Compression ot small toe nerve between two metararsal bones. Neglecte > it leads to CHRONIC *n^aI^e mation and overgrowth o t nerve. The head of the bone presses against another a catches the sensitive nerve ween them. Each step rubsan^ irritates the nerve, making painful to walk. . , For immediate re ' ’ message and bend toes w ^ pain seems to be locate cold sensaton may ease . , pain. Lasting relief is PoS'p0 by proper podiatric care. ^ not neglect this trr*tat'°nmay untreated, the nerve become enlarged with s | of scar tissue that may re9 surgery- . . n p.ivt Stephen G. Cafim. • (216) 881-4411 Happy Birthday e Happy Birthday t0 ^ following residents 0 j Slovene Home for the who have birthdays in AP 4-02, Mary Krnetz, 92 ^ 4-04, Augustina Cicignn 4-04, Sophia Posch, 8» 4-06, Mary Marria, 92 4-06, Anna Tekav^. 4-13, Rose Kristan, 4-15, Joseph Zalar, 8 4-17, Anna Vidmar, 9 4-19, Elmer Straka, 88 ^ 4-20, Louise Waterwash, 4-21, Cecilia Wolf, 86 4-23, Katherine Chuck, 4-23, Stella Kazen, 95 4-24, Jennie Fonda, 88 4-26, Veronica Vulich, ^ 4-30, Fanny Kaltenbach- ~ r'" .................................................; ... • l 50th Anniversary of EOG ExP*oS'^i0(/ This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the ^asJ.a| gdit^ Explosion. Later this year we will be printing a spe^e|Coii,e^ commemorating the event. Pictures and articles are w soon as possible. mj. Zenon A. Wo I AREA I Emergencies Dental Insurance Accepted jr Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 Ea 185 St.(betweenSho^Carp«^^ ^ FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina r-ttiTi i a »i mji VI ^ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 31, 1994 Vesti iz Slovenije Slovenski parlament razrešil obrambnega ministra Janeza Janšo — Jelko Kacin Janšev naslednik — Krščanski demokrati predlagali novo koalicijo, tokrat le LDS-SKD Pretekli torek zjutraj je slovenski parlament po dolgi, burni razpravi s tajnim glasovanjem sprejel predlog predsednika vlade dr. aneza Drnovška, naj bo obrambni minister anez Janša razrešen. Glasovanje je bilo 49 za zamenjavo in 39 proti, torej glasovalo je 8 od vseh skupaj 90 poslancev. Kmalu nato 50 poslanci sprejeli predlog (48:39) naj bo n°vi obrambni minister Jelko Kacin, član rnovškove Liberalne demokracije Sloveni-Je za časa prve Peterletove vlade in vojne Janija-julija 1991 minister za informiranje. Pred in med parlamentarno razpravo so !e na Prešernovem trgu in na Trgu republike Pred parlamentarno palačo) se je zbralo več q0c ^ern°nstrantov, ki so podpirali Janšo. ^ Parlamentarni razpravi in teh demonstra-Ja so poročila v notranjih straneh. Dr. Janez Drnovšek se je odločil zj bji njav° Janeza Janše po incidentu, ki ° pnPetilo 20. marca v Depali vasi, k us,P*!rki v°jaške Policije aretirali biv užbenca ministrstva za obrambo Mi ^monikarja in ga obtožili vohunj< unr? na^ se b'l aretaciji uprl in jt lažip3 J-Ta,S'la ZOper ojoga- Pri tem J ovadba z ne° .ram,b°'lrdi- daje Smolnikar pos. no . ,ni.° lajne vojaške dokumente, lici' r' Inc*dentu naj bi bilo, ali je vojaš Oa, odgovornost za njeno delovanje er nosil kot obrambni minister Jane ’ prek°račila pooblastil. j0 PrnovŠek je imenoval posebno komisi-biii vi Primer raziskala. V komisiji so Y0 Ma.dni ministri Lojze Peterle, Lojze Jan- Prejšn' K°Zinc in dr' Božidar Voljč- Po' roČalaJOciSr^0 ta komisija Drnovšku po-stil, dali a ^ res za Prekoračitev poobla-notranie6 ^ Zalltevala od obrambnega in tudi 0 dogodil rn*.n'strstva podrobnejše poročilo u Pri Depali vasi pred Domžalami. Isti dan, 23. marca, je v Ljubljani imel tiskovno konferenco notranji minister Ivo Bizjak, sicer član Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov in predsedniški kandidat stranke na volitvah 1992. leta. Bizjak je zanikal nekatere trditve, ki jih je bil izrekel v zvezi s potekom incidenta s Smolnikarjem Janša oziroma obrambno ministrstvo. Na podlagi poročila komisije, ki jo je bil imenoval, se je Drnovšek odločil za zamenjavo Janše. Tej odločitvi je sledila parlamentarna razprava v ponedeljek in nato glasovanje parlamenta. Tisti, ki Janšo podpirajo tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini, vidijo v celi zadevi zaroto elementov v Sloveniji, ki zagovarjajo interese prejšnjega režima v državi, z Milanom Kučanom, predsednikom Slovenije, na čelu. Lestvica tistih, ki izražajo zaskrbljenost, gre od politične sredine (dr. France Bučar npr.) do skrajne desnice. Tisti, ki so bili za razrešitev Janše, menijo, da gre navsezadnje za normalno zamenjavo po parlamentarni poti. Med Janševimi nasprotniki so nekateri izrazili zaskrbljenost zaradi možnosti ustvarjanja države v državi. Značilno za takšno gledanje je bilo mnenje dr. Dimitrija Rupla: »Kadar se določene družbene skupine povezujejo z vojaškimi strukturami in za svoje voditelje izbirajo obrambne ministre, morajo zbuditi pomisleke in celo strah.« Slovenski krščanski demokrati so sicer izrazili podporo za Janšo, vendar so ostali v koalicijski vladi, ki jo sedaj sestavljajo tri stranke po odhodu Janševih socialdemokratov. Gre za Drnovškovo LDS, komunistično Združeno listo in SKD. Lojze Peterle je predlagal Drnovšku, naj bi prišlo do nove koalicije, v kateri bi sodelovali le njuni stranki, se pravi LDS in SKD. Na ta način bi izpadli komunisti. Na to pobudo Drnovšek uradno še ni odgovoril. Če bi SKD tudi zapustili vlado, bi le-ta postala manjšinska. Včeraj sta bila Drnovšek in Peterle v Bruslju, kjer sta podpisala listino o sodelovanju Slovenije v programu Nata »Partnerstvo za mir«. n,ent razDr^r61/614’ 140 Je s,ovensk> parla-mi,»istra la« V ^ ° ra2rešitvi obrambnega ,rgu v uuhra JanŠa’ se * na Prešernovem ležali nodn8"' ‘J™’0 VeČ ‘isoč 'judi’ ki je Slovenska an^‘ tem 2l)orovanju "ovitev nr a !JUdska stranka sporočila usta-^jen nampi! .<>ri,p^ij^ke lige za Slovenijo. Je zaseititi slovensko premože- nje, preprečiti načrtno uničenje slovenskega gospodarstva, vdor umazanega kapitala v Slovenijo ter vse oblike korupcije in gospodarskega kriminala. Liga bo delovala javno, z legitimnim pritiskom javnosti in za dosego svojih ciljev bo uporabljala vse legalne poti, ki jih nudi parlamentarna demokracija,« poroča ljubljanski Dnevnik pretekli torek. vsem svojim naročnikom, sodelavcem podpornikom in dobrotnikom vošči AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Iz Clevelanda in okolice Skupno sv. obhajilo— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida ima na Velikonočno nedeljo skupno sv. obhajilo pri Vsta-jenjski sv. maši ob 7h zjutraj. Popoldan sestanka ne bo. LILIJA ima sestanek— Društvo Lilija ima članski sestanek v ponedeljek, 4. aprila, ob 8. zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Sprememba časa— Ravno to nedeljo, na Velikonočno jutro, torej od 2. na 3. aprila, bomo prešli na tkim. poletni čas. Predno greste spat to soboto zvečer, prestavite vaše ure za eno uro naprej, sicer boste marsikaj zamudili! Tabor DSPB vabi— Tabor DSPB pripravlja vsakoletni družabni večer z večerjo in plesom, v soboto, 9. aprila, v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Za vstopnice, kličite 851-4961 oz. 731-0195. Dopis na str. 14. Primorski večer— Primorski klub vabi na svoj tradicionalni Primorski večer, ki bo v soboto, 16. aprila, v SND na St. Clairju. Pričel se bo ob 7h zvečer, za ples in zabavo bo igral Stan Mejač orkester. Za vstopnice in več informacije, pokličite 732-7527 oz. 481-7432. Novi grobovi Kenneth J. Majcen Umrl je Kenneth J. Majcen, mož Judith, roj. Oldham, oče Katie Majcen-Sergent in Michaela, sin Josepha in že pok. Kathryn Rose, roj. Hughes. Pogrebni obred bo jutri, v petek, pop. ob 2. uri, v Nite and Day, 22771 Shore Center Dr. v Euclidu. Ure kropljenja so danes pop. od 3. do 5. in zv. od 7. do 9. v zavodu Brown-Forward, 17022 Chagrin Blvd. (Druge osmrtnice na str. 17) Obisk Milana Kučana— Pretekli ponedeljek popoldne je po sicer kratkem, vendar zelo pestrem obisku Clevelanda, v Washington, D.C. na sestanek med drugim s podpredsednikom Al Goreom odpotoval Milan Kučan, predsednik Slovenije. Med obiskom v Clevelandu je obiskal razne slovenske ustanove, med njimi narodne domove na St. Clairju, v Euclidu in na Waterloo Rd., cerkev sv. Vida, glavni urad ADZ, Slovenski dom za ostarele, se srečal z guvernerjem Voinovichem, županom Whiteom ter drugimi lokalnimi politiki in poslovneži, priliko je imel srečati se s škofom Pevcem, tudi škofom Anthonyjem Pilla, obiskal je prostore častnega konzulata. Lokalni mediji so kar pozitivno in dokaj obširno poročali. Več v angleškem delu. Izredna podpora— G. John in ga. Barbara Kamin, Middle Village, N.Y., sta poklonila $200 v podporo našemu listu, v zahvalo za vse poročanje o nedavnem smučarskem izletu v Vermontu ter prihajajočem festivalu pri cerkvi sv. Cirila v New Yorka (22. in 23. aprila). Najlepše se za podporo zahvalimo, vedno smo pa veseli, ko lahko poročamo o prireditvah v raznih slovensko ameriških naselbinah! Dopisi o takih prireditvah imajo vedno prednost. V podporo listu— Dr. Edward Gobetz, Slovenian Research Center na Willoughby Hillsu, O., je daroval $100 v podporo listu. Iskrena hvala! Spominski dar— Bogomir Kuhar, Ingomar, Pa., je daroval $15 v pomoč Ameriški Domovini, v spomin staršev Luke in Jožefe Kuhar Hvala lepa! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $110 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $ 1 1 0 per year airmail to Slovenia Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 61 17 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday No. 13 Thursday, March 31, 1994 VSTAL JE KRISTUS — UPANJE MOJE V stajenje Kristusa radost oznanja, S aj upanje najdražje nam poklanja, T ako po križu vstaja nova zarja. A leluja! Življenje večno utriplje, L epot stvarjenja, zlato sonce siplje; J e to ljubezen božja brez primere, E nkratna, da minljivo stvar izbere. K ako zavržene nas Jezus ljubi — R ešenje svoje vsem ljudem ponudi; Inv pot do cilja nas popelje Zvesti, S rce navdaja na tej dolgi cesti. T ako ljubeče vsem nam govori — U mirja val morja, ki nam grozi. S svobodo sužnjem greha nam poklanja, U smerjo dušo v novi svet spoznanja. P rijatelj to dobrotni je ljudem, A Ti — imaš za Njega svoj sprejem? N ekoč, le On Te pelje na gostijo, J e to obljuba, vere izročilo; E n božji je smehljaj za vse ljudi — M inljivost k soncu dviga iz noči. O bjem je to neskončnega Boga — J e to ljubezen za ljudi sveta, E nkratna, ki presega čut srca. Lojze Bajc Vstajenje in današnji človek Prazen grob — oddaljena resničnost; vstajenje od mrtvih — nemogoča stvar, je zapisal mladi »kristjan« pri uri mladinskega verouka. Danes je med mnogimi kristjani prisotno prepričanje, da je zgodovinski Kristus vzor in navdihujoča moč le za ta svet in to življenje, zato ne sprejemajo nadnaravnega vstajenjskega dogodka. Toda sv. Pavel je drugačnega mnenja in pribija: »Če imamo samo v tem življenju upanje v Kristusa, smo od vseh ljudi najsrečnejši.« Krščansko upanje, ki temelji le na zgodovinskem Jezusu, izključuje pa Jezusovo vstajenje in njegovo moč, po apostolu Pavlu, nič ne pomeni. Če imamo Kristusa samo za vzor človeka, navdihoval-ca svobode ali začetnika politične spremembe sveta - »smo od vseh ljudi najsrečnejši«. Kristus ima pomen za ta svet le, če je zares vstal in živi. Kajti v vstalem Kristusu so navzoče temeljne prvine naše vere: odpuščanje grehov in sploh odrešenje, upanje v nadzgodovinsko prihodnost posameznika in vsega stvarstva pa tudi napredek tega sveta. Za današnjega človeka je značilna velika odprtost za vrednote sveta Tudi je opaziti veliko zaskrbljenost za prihodnost tega sveta in planeta Zemlje. Prisotno je veliko prizadevanje za odpravo vojn in nasilja... Plemenito darilo: CHICAGO, 111. - Slovenski Dom (SKC) v Lemontu se dviga iz tal. Ogrodje že vidimo dalj časa, notranjost pa se še ne dodeluje. Pomlad je na pragu, vendar SKC-u ne manjka sonca, kolikor beličev, da bi se mu organi vselili in prevzeli svoja bremena. Denar odloča o tem, kdaj bo zagotovljena celota. Obrnili smo se že do vseh družin, ki od SKC pričakujejo domovanje in družabna, kulturna ter pastoralna poživila, kar pomeni združitev naših želja in potreb. Prispevali so že mnogi — nismo se jim utegnili prav zahvaliti. Bog vidi njihove korake v našo smer; Njegov migljaj je odprl mnoga srca. Od blizu in daleč so pristopale žrtve, ki bodo vidna desetletja in stoletja, za blagor našega rodu in njegovega obstanka. Kanadčani pristopajo Naši rojaki v Kanadi že dalj časa motrijo naša prizadevanja in si trgajo od ust v prid SKC. Občutimo njihovo sosedstvo in bratsko privrženost; s podvojenim upanjem jih prištevamo k najzvestejsim sotru-dnikom bodočega Centra. Najnovejša poročila podpirajo takšna pričakovanja. Kar smo zvedeli te dni, nas je čez mero navdušilo. Delili bomo spet dragoceno zadoščenje in se prepričali, da je slovensko kri čutiti kot zanesljivega varuha naše skupne dediščine — slovenstva. Opišimo na kratko to najnovejšo kanadsko daritev. Prišli bodo v Chicago dne 16. aprila, v poznejših urah, pri naših družinah prespali in z nami preživeli še vso nedeljo, 17. aprila. Pri maši bodo v cerkvi Sv. Štefana (morda se bodo vzpeli v kor v pomoč pevcem), a po maši bodo naši gostje pri skupnem kosilu v dvorani. Umetniška daritev Po kosilu bodo gostje stopili na oder in se razvrstili po svojih vlogah. Igrali bodo »Desetega brata«, predelanega po prvem slovenskem romanu. Kot je Josip Jurčič pred 130 leti presenetil slovensko javnost s tem svojim romanom (saj še nismo takrat mogli pričakovati kaj takega), tako bo nam mnogim segla v srce ta prva predstava na našem odru. Kanadčani naj vedo, da jim ne pozabimo truda in skrbi, ki so jih terjale priprave za to po- »Deseti brat« častitev. Hvaležni jim ostanemo za neštete korake, brez katerih se takšna zamisel ne bi mogla postaviti na oder. Žrtvovan je čas, igralski napor, prizadevanje za dramsko kvaliteto, prevoz, in še marsikaj. Rezultat bo viden morda v pičlih dveh urah. Kar bo vloženo, se ne more poplačati. Skušali bomo zasesti vse sedeže in jih vsaj simbolično nagraditi ob vsakem premoru. Predvidenih je več dejanj, z različnimi kulisami, torej tudi potrpljenje ob teh menjavah. V dopisu o predstavi »Desetega brata« v Chicagu, objavljenem pretekli teden, je v dopisu iz Chicaga manjkal podatek, da stane predstava brez kosila $15. Predstava bo 17. aprila. Odločitev o tem je prišla potem, ko je bil dopis že odposlan v objavo. Ur. Občinstvo vljudno prosimo že vnaprej za potrebno tišino v dvorani med predvajanjem; sicer nam uide veliko lepih besed — in bo prikrajšana vsa skupnost. Nemir tudi hudo moti igralce na odru, žali igralsko vnemo, uničuje umetniške odtenke in podira ves uspeh. Tega si ne smemo dovoliti ob toliki požrtvovalnosti ljubeznivih gostov. Vstopnina bo 30 dolarjev po osebi — z vključenim kosilom pred predstavo. Ves izkupiček gre SKC v gradbeno pomoč! Prenočišča Še eno prošnjo imamo: gostje bodo potrebni prenočišča. To jim nedvomno lahko nudimo sami. Pri naših družinah se bodo bolje počutili; kramljanje jih bo približalo, večerja okrepila. Spoznali se bomo in se čislali še bolj. Vrata odpirajo prijateljstva in privlačijo duševnosti. Oboje je nuja in potreba, a navadno tudi prav prijeten občutek, senzacija in razvedrilo za domačina. Zato naprošamo vse čikaške rojake, da prijavijo svoje možnosti v tej zadevi g. Andreju Remcu, tel. 708/968-6093, ali pismeno na njegov naslov: Andrej Remec, 314 S. Oak Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, in sicer čimprej: koliko oseb lahko kdo prenoči? Napolnimo dvorano »Desetega brata« priporočamo vsem Slovencem Chica-(dalje na str. 15) Rešitev je vstali Kristus. On je naš mir in vzrok velikega in vedno novega upanja za današnji svet^ Kristusovo vstajenje je božji dogodek, tako božji, da ga ni mogoče videti, s čuti zaznati, z razumom spoznati in z znanostjo dokazati. Zanj je možno le pričati. Zato sveto pismo ne navaja očividcev vstajenja, ampak priče, ki so videle prazen grob, odvaljen grob, raztrgane pečate..., priče, ki so se srečale z vstalim Zveličarjem, ga videle, slišale, otipale - a njegovega vstajenja niso mogle videti. Velikonočno sporočilo more izpolniti najgloblja priče-J' vanja slehernega človeka. Kakor apostol Pavel moramo tudi mi v veri izkusiti in spoznati, kaj pomeni Vstali za nas, ki vsak dan svoje čelo zaznamujemo s križem, ki živimo v svetu, vendar ne od tega sveta. Za nas Kristusov grob pomeni zmago nad smrtjo — Jezusovo vstajenje od mrtvih — veselje in upanje večnega življenja. Š.J. Katoliški glas (8. aprila 1993) CLE1 ca, se svoje; svoj g stni d f zvečei zanj( I sotrm Galla in sve I nato pevsl Ga. j Ga. 1\ prof. G. St Stani G. Fi O žužemberŠki cerkvi Pismo Janeza Povirka EUCLID, O. - Spoštovani g urednik, ko obnavljam naroc nino za A.D. vas zopet prn sim, če bo toliko prostora, a bi v slovenskem delu spet o javili moj krajši dopis. Kaj' nedavni članek o nabirki za Žužemberk mi je povzroči prijetno dolžnost. Seznam dobrotnikov še ne bom objav jal, ker je nabirka še v teku ‘ obenem dobim več lju 1 j krajših pisem. Med te dobrodniki seje oglasil tudig' Ivan Vrhovec, živeči s svoj družino v Oxfordu, Con Prosil je, da naj i>e v napišem o Žužemberku, katerem še stoji njegova roj na hiša, po domače »Prl znarjevih«. -jod Kot mnogi, je tudi on doma z žalostjo v srcu, Pa 'j' dar se spominja tudi na dneve iz svoje mladosti. °r' minja, kako lepo sta se ra mela s pokojnim župni j Gnidovcem, in da naj P° sam približno uganem, °. a | je star. Po njegovi n|gV lepi pisavi ne bi mislih takih častitljivih letih. , Daje bil Žužemberk kar P izobraženi ljudje, naI” jen0, kar mnogim znano. A j dragi rojaki, bodite na svoj dragi Žužember > koli vas je po svetu zanes vuljasta usoda. ,nhr0sr£-Vaša poštenost in d ^ ^ nost je mnogo pripolT>j^ ’ pja so domačini začeli z de o • 'Jcn, hrib je prihrumel velik S žer in nakladalec za o P ^ j, ef( material. S tem so pre8na ne gadjo zalego kot tudi str v škorpijone. Ta zalega množila iz leta v leto. O 0. pa so duhovniki kot tud' go poštenih ljudi trpeli P 0 ^ loško kot tudi fizično trp ^ ^ nje. Vse to bo zapisano v -niki Žužemberka. ^n° gob' bilo že napisanega, a mn se še dalo napisati. ^ Rad bi požlahtnil ta ob tem času, ko pom a terček raznaša prC' 2 Pro; ski sk v'nka smi, ^ sestavi Pesmi 6. lan je ob Piku; Sleč »Ca stovar r°jaki Dar V, H v: sPc! sv. ">Šc iti s«. aznasa česnj^ we. ;nskih vrtovih ^ ako naj A.D- r ^ :no pesmico P° g širom Amerik ^ Pesem je Pred fi žužemberšk1 Prvi s|aštj 0 Pje Ko ^ za Vi er k, ti vrtd“elCl iberška zemljo * ■tnih biserov s cvetje-mlada ,em na tvoj oM ‘ ■i ljubezen mojO’ lhie I redLi V v 'ek sem H v s va. bi za 8°rli vzdiV vroče, srčni v z ate vro v neb ■ rt. ,i v« defi’ aj večni čuvata’ eminljivi‘reč, : varUJ pot' v 'vi 'lOKOsn - 0i ;e dobrotnik^, ošči vesele jC jo i V iznike in Janez P°v,rK: - toP1 ! stv, H V Č. gospod Jože Božnar je »videl« Abrahama CLEVELAND, O. — Na praznik sv. Jožefa, v soboto 19. mar-ca. se je pri Sv. Vidu zbralo nad tristo faranov, da pozdravijo sv°jega župnika, ki je, kot vsi drugi Jožeti in Jožice, praznoval SV°J 8od in obenem prav na ta praznik tudi svoj petdeseti rojstni dan. Navdušeno so ga pozdravili vsi navzoči, ko je ob pol šestih 2večer prišel v svetovidsko dvorano, ki je bila okusno okrašena za njegov slavnostni banket. Pri slavnostni mizi so gospoda župnika sprejeli prijatelji trudniki, častiti gospodje duhovniki: g. Cimperman, g. , a*lagher, g. Godič, g. Kosem, g. Krajnik, g. Kumse, g. Tomc ln svetoviški kaplan g. Evans. Po pozdravu in molitvi je bilo vsem postreženo z večerjo, nato pa je bil podan sledeči program: ^evski zbor Korotan..............Pozdrav petdesetletniku ^3. Jeanette R. Polomsky.............Farna šola sv. Vida a' Marija Burgar..................slovenska Sobotna šola r°L Vinko Lipovec.............Slavnostni govor (slovenski) • Stane Kuhar.................Slavnostni govor (angleški) anko Vidmar.......................Baragov Dom in Liga G- Prank Sega...................................Vročitev !kM8rama navajamo sloven- Sv. Jožef je bil torej tedaj in je Vink aVnostn' nagovor prof. še vedno znanilec novega živ- Sltlj ® PjPovca in besedilo pe- Ijenja, oživljanja prirode, po- ttsta ■! za to priložnost mladi, veselja za mlade in sta-PesmVl 8- Lojze Bajc. Natis re. g j 1 Skodral in uokviril Vsem Jožetom in Jožicam je Povirk. V tej obliki jo čestitke z najboljšimi željami, n'kn j 0I!CU Pro8rama g. žup- č.g. Jožetu Božnarju pa še po- Sl 5°^ g- Prank Sega. sebej čestitke k srečanju z L a* nagovor prof. Vinka Abrahamom, ko je stopil v ,Ca: drugo polovico stoletja svo- Stov tita duhovščina, spo- jega življenja. roiak^e r°'*ak*nje> spoštovani Le kdo bi mu prisodil 50 let, '• ko ga srečujemo živahnega, ^ anes obhajamo god sv. Jo- polnega delavne vneme, idej in t^.’ varuha Svete družine, pa zamisli za bodočnost fare Sv. ^!Vafuha kranjske dežele. V Vida, pa tudi za celotno slo- jf^njstni domovini je bil sv, vensko skupnost v našem me- b\je Zel° spoštovan in prilju- stu in v vsej naši deželi. Ljube- Sjov ' Ni čudno, da je bilo v zen do slovenstva se je navzel ^iji in še vedno je toliko kot otrok v Polhovem Gradcu, % t in Jožic. Pepetov in svojem rojstnem kraju. Ta kot ^' slovenska domovina mu je j|[0 ^u, ko sem hodil v ljud- ostal posebno drag, ker ga je sv j!0> smo se učili, da se s moral kot desetletni otrok za- °Žefom začenja pomlad. pustiti in oditi z materjo, bra- k tom in sestrama v tuji svet, v daljno Kanado, kjer je v Tim-\ (n»daii IN 1 lli minsu, daleč na severu našel ^'n okr>|JeVan^e * St*r 16> zatočišče in nov dom njegov ^ ^ihvaut6 ^Pcliramo tudi 0če. Ta je moral pred komuni- Se0r8anizi 66 na J°iiet’ da stičnim nasiljem zapustiti svoj ^ etle8a Maj° 'n po^jej° y.saj rodni dom in svojo družino, ^ l° Dren 303 vsa*ce družine cja sj je re§jj g0j0 življenje. Prvi Usrldstavo- Videli bodo Hov^i roman naših pre- po končani višji šoli je naš %o' So ga naši očetje s slavljenec stopil v Torontu v ° njem preb»rali in s ponosom semenišče, pa se po treh letih Kom raZpravUali. na vabilo tedanjega župnika *a zaniar.8re za tepQto jczikži, Pri Sv- Vidu, monsignorja Vto?"081 umetnine in za Baznika, preselil v Cleveland. te '2red Vsebine. naj ne izgubi Tu je končal bogoslovne študi- ^bitj 6 Priložnosti, ki se Je in bil 30- maja 1970 posvetiti "ne bo Ponovila. To so čen v duhovnika. Po dveh letih N gr2lvlienjski utrinki, ki duhovnega dela pri fari Sv. Fe- \ tedo v počastitev in uži- ličite na Richmond Hts., je č. gVidvonino bodo mnogi gospod Božnar prišel k nam, k ^tfiče P°Zneje poiskali to ^v- Vidu kot pomočnik tedan- ^ivaijV° kniigo in ob njej jemu župniku č.g. Rudolfu ^ajti t’ °d vrstice do vrstice, Prazniku in ostal to tudi pri hiir JurCiČeva pripovedni- njegovem nasledniku č.g. A. \ avnost je neprekoslji- Edvardu Pevcu. . Po odhodu č.g. Pevca od } ^rila010 t0rej v ucdeljo. Sv. Vida smo bili v skrbeh za i 0*ab e *e visoLe zadetke: bodočnost te najpomembnejše § togl if ^Ur^itia> zavedne slovenske fare v Ameriki. Po ® rodu C ^anadčane naše- razgovorih in razmišljanjih je ^°n«tne Pretresljiv° vsebino prevladalo med nami prepriča-tv^aih 3 ^esete8a brata, nje, da bi bilo za to našo faro b' Sratj611 koraL v pospeši- najboljše, če bi škof imenoval ”eJ Slovenskega za njenega novega župnika do- Le ta nega s*cupnega žari- tedanjega njenega kaplana, ki še ^ ne *zzarl svojega se je tekom let dobro seznanil tp a- To hZa mn°ga potom- z razmerami v fari, se v te vži- tl°8otere ° redek trenutek vel, si pridobil v njej splošno 8a zmagoslavja. spoštovanje in ugled. M.M. Ko se je škof Hickey na po- budo faranov razgovarjal z našim nocojšnjim slavljencem o njegovem imenovanju za novega župnika pri Sv. Vidu, ga je menda vprašal, če je kaj pomislil, kaj bo s to faro čez 20 in 30 let. Naš Jože se je odločil prevzeti odgovornost za faro Sv. Vida kljub svarilu, da utegne ta biti čez 20 ali 30 let v hudih težavah... Z vnemo in preudarnostjo se je naš današnji slavljenec lotil dela. Posebno pozornost je posvetil mirnemu sožitju farne skupnosti, njeni trdnejši notranji povezavi, boljšemu razumevanju med starimi in novimi, med slovensko in angleško govorečimi. Ni manjkalo težav in zaprek, vendar mu je z vztrajnim naporom, s potrpežljivostjo in uvidevnostjo uspelo pritegniti vse k sodelovanju. Pomiritev sporov in trenj je omogočila izvedbo prenove cerkve Sv. Vida, zlasti njene notranjščine, ki je danes v ponos vsej fari, pa tudi širši slovenski skupnosti v našem mestu. Ko danes čestitamo našemu g. župniku k njegovi 50-letnici življenja, se mu tudi zahvaljujemo za njegovo skoraj četrt-stoletno požrtvovalno delo med nami, za vse žrtve in bridkosti, za vse težave, ki jih je moral prestajati pri upravljanju in vodenju naše fare skozi zadnjih petnajst let. Ne pozabimo, da bo mogoče faro Sv. Vida ohraniti za bodoči slovenski rod le s skupnimi napori in žrtvami nas vseh, našega župnika in nas faranov, tistih, ki živijo okoli cerkve Sv. Vida in vseh drugih raztresenih v širši in daljni okolici cerkve. Dragi gospod župnik, še enkrat prisrčne čestitke k vašemu godu in rojstnemu dnevu, k vaši 50-letnici! Naj vas dobri Bog ohrani zdravega, veselega in — potrpežljivega v naši sredi še mnogo let!« • MALI OGLASI East Side Travel Agency looking for an administrative assistant/travel agent trainee. Basic word processing, typing and organizational skills required. A fluent knowledge of written and verbal Slovenian and English a must. Good working conditions, congenial atmosphere, travel benefits. Please send resumes to: American Home Publ. Co. 6117 St. Clair Ave. (Box 123) Cleveland, OH 44103 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Župniku v pozdrav: Lojze Bajc Častiti gospod župnik! Kot šopek rož duhovnih naše želje naj bodo Vam v vezilo in veselje, saj danes čast posebna Vam je dana — ob srečanju očaka Abrahama. Ostati steber močne nam opore — le dobri svetoviški župnik zmore, po njem prihaja božja nam svetloba, ki spremlja nas od zibelke do groba. Na poti tej srce se ne vznemirja, saj varnost daje čredi moč pastirja, ki ve, da jo oživlja močna paša, življenja milost, biser — sveta maša. Zato molitev danes se ponavlja, ko sveti Jožef z Vami se proslavlja, naj v Bogu srečnih dni bo brez števila. To vseh prijateljev — so Vam voščila. Slovenski Dan TORONTO, Oni. — Slovensko-Kanadski Svet pripravlja tradicionalen Slovenski Dan v nedeljo, 26. junija 1994, na slovenskem cerkvenem letovišču pri Boltonu, kakih 40 km severozahodno od Toronta. To bo že 35. Slovenski Dan in bo posvečen družini. Slavje se bo začelo s sv. mašo ob 1 Ih dopoldne, ki jo bo daroval torontski nadškof dr. Alojzij Ambrožič, rojen v Gaberjah blizu Dobrave pri Ljubljani. Glavni govornik bo univerzitetni profesor in minister za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo v slovenski vladi dr. Jože Osterc. Že sedaj vabimo vse Slovence v Kanadi in Združenih državah ter vse slovenske popotnike iz Slovenije ali kjerkoli drugod, ki se bodo mudili ob tem času v bližini Toronta, da se udeleže tega praznika. Slavje ali proščenje je edinstven dogodek, ki se vam bo uti-snil za vedno v spomin. P. Klopčič Drobtinice, sladke in žaltave CLEVELAND, O. - Velik ljubitelj cvetja sem, še daleč pa nisem kakšen poklicni vrtnar, zato mi naj bo oproščeno, če se komu zdim, da se važnega delam. Naše kmečke žene vedo, da so doma krizanteme veljale za zadnjo jesensko cvetje. Bile so v polnem pomenu nagrobne rože. So polno cvetele v oktobru in novembru, zato smo jih imenovali novembrce, ponekod pa oktobrce. Kar tekmovali smo, kateri grob bo s temi rožami bolj okrašen za praznik Vseh svetnikov in za Vernih duš dan. Še je ostala ta navada. Danes, v rastlinjaku vzgojene krizanteme dobimo vsak čas. Zvončki (ali soldatki), ki prav ta čas cveto, pa so vekov znanilci pomladi, četudi jih kdaj še sneg obsipava ali jih stiska zmrznjena zemlja; ne klonejo, morda so zato tudi dobili ime soldatki. Jaz — morda so temu kriva leta — se jih kar ne morem nagledati. Zdi se mi, da rahlo pozvanjajo: prebudi se, Janez, pomlad je tu! To ljubko, nežno belo cvetje pa tako žilavo mi stavi vprašanje: odkod njih moč? Ali ni to čudo božje narave? V naši lepi cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete so že na cvetno nedeljo pod taktirko Jožeta Ce-rerja šušljali zvonovi kot počastitev Njemu, ki je na osličku prihajal v Jeruzalem, množica pa je vzklikala: hozana. Ce le niso isti ljudje na veliki petek vpili: križan naj bo! Ali ni danes v mnogih primerih prav tako? Danes: pozdravljen! ju- tri pa: dol z njim! Pisano je, da so bile Jezusove poslednje besede: »Dopolnjeno je«, nato je nagnil glavo in umrl, tretji dan pa je zmagovito vstal od mrtvih. Kakor smo Njegove trpljenje liturgično spremljevali, se bomo Njegovega vstajenja to nedeljo veselili. To nedeljo zjutral bodo zvonovi vriskali, cerkveni zbor pod vodstvom g. Rudija Kneza pa bo prepeval aleluja. • Kakor sem slišal, tako bom zapisal. . Pobožna žena se je pri spovedi spovedala grehov in nazadnje še pravi: »Med sv. mašo sem se smejala.« »Zakaj pa?« vpraša spovednik. S težavo spravi žena iz sebe: »Zato, ker je mašnik tako čudno, smešno vižah« Duhovnik: »V kateri cerkvi pa je bilo to?« »Prav v tile cerkvi in Vi ste bili tisti,« spravi žena iz sebe. »Koliko pa ste Vi dala tisto nedeljo vbogaime?« »I, deset centov.« »Draga žena,« pravi duhovni gospod, »za deset centov ne bo nikjer kaj dosti lepega petja.« • Bom zaključil. Kdor rad posluša pritrkovanje zvonov in ima rad lepo petje, naj pride Veliko nedeljo v našo cerkev k vstajenjski sv. maši zjutraj ob 6.30, ali ob lOh. Obe sv. maši bosta v slovenščini. Nič ne bomo gledali pod roko, koliko ste ofrali — 10 (dalje na str. 17) Zgodaj zjutraj so na izredni seji državnega zbora sprejeli Drnovškov predlog Obrambni minister Janez Janša razrešen Poslanci so se z glasovanjem 49 za in 39 proti odločili za odstop obrambnega ministra LJUBLJANA, 29. - Po sklepnem »navzkrižnem zasliševanju« o tajnih obveščevalnih in varnostnih službah, ko je pozno zvečer odgovarjal predsednik vlade dr. Janez Drnovšek, so poslanci tajno glasovali. Za razrešitev obrambnega ministra Janeza Janše se je odločilo 49 poslancev (oddanih glasovnic je bilo 88) in predsednik državnega zbora Herman Rigelnik je nekaj pred eno uro zjutraj hkrati z~žahvalo za Janšev prispevek k neodvisnosti Slovenije objavil, da je državni zbor Janeza Janšo razrešil s položaj a '~dbrambnega ministra. Nekaj sto privržencev Janeza Janša, ki so vztrajali pred zgradbo parlamenta, je odločitev sprejelo z žvižgi in petardami. Po razglasitvi rezultatov tajnih volitev so poslanci začeli z razpravo o imenovanju novega obrambnega ministra, Jelka Kacina. Dr. Janez Drnovšek je v širši obrazložitvi predloga za razrešitev Janše večkrat poudaril, da je razlog za razrešitev primer Smolnikar, in opozoril, da bi ga morali obravnavati zunaj političnih kontekstov. O primeru Smolnikar in delovanju varnostnih služb je šila pooblastila. Na sliki: soočenje notranjega ministra Iva včeraj spregovorila komisija državnega zbora za nadzor Bizjaka in direktorja kriminalistične službe Mitje Klavo-nad delom teh služb. Člani komisije so z glasovanjem ra (levo) ter obrambnega ministra Janeza Janše (desno), sprejeli mnenje, da je vojaška obveščevalna služba prekr- (Foto: Tomaž Skale) Kar sledi je tekst poročila o razrešitvi Janeza Janše kot obrambnega ministra, ki je izšlo v torkovem ljubljanskem »Dnevniku«. Poročilo imamo tudi iz torkovega »Dela«, a je »Dnevnikov« malce bolj svež. Poročilo iz torkovega »Slovenca« nimamo na razpolago. Oba omenjena izvoda nam je 'posredoval naš naročnik g. Rot, ki se je bil pravkar vrnil iz obiska v Sloveniji. Za uslugo se mu najlepše zahvalimo, kajti bi morali v drugačnem primeru čakati do naslednjega tedna za podatke, kijih moremo le dva dni stare posredovati v tej številki. Ur. LJUBLJANA, 29. — Predlog za razrešitev obrambnega ministra je predsednik vlade Janez Drnovšek, ko je uvodoma povedal v svojem govoru na včerajšnji izredni seji državnega zbora, utemeljil oziroma povezal s »primerom Smolnikar«, odločitev pa je naslonil tudi na mnenje vladne ministrske komisije, da je šlo za poseg vojaških oseb proti civilistu. Dejanje je bilo izpeljano na spektakularen način, pred očmi javnosti, njegov pomen pa je postal simboličen. Na ta primer je mogoče odgovoriti samo na dva načina: zaostriti pravila igre ali to tolerirati. Predsednik vlade se je odločil za prvo možnost in predlagal razrešitev Janše. Odločitev o tem je bila izjemno težka, ker so ta dogodek spremljale številne politične okoliščine. Drnovšek se je odločil, da se primer Smolnikar obravnava ločeno od drugega dogajanja, saj v demokratičnih ureditvah ne obstaja noben »kontekst« oziroma ozadje, ki bi opravičevalo poseg v človekove pravice, še posebno ne, če to storijo vojaški organi. Za dogodek je objektivno odgo-voren^anša^kot minister, kije odgovoren za delovanje celotnega obrambnega resorja. V obrazložitvi je Drnovšek tudi zanikal očitke, da gre pri njegovem predlogu za politično motivirano dejanje in da želi z njim zaustaviti širše razčiščevanje primera Smolnikar. Ministrski komisiji je naložil, da razišče okoliščine, k sodelovanju je pozval tudi poslance. To, da bo marsikdo njegovo odločitev povezoval z interesi ene politične usmeritve, mu je pri odločitvi povzročalo največ težav. Drnovšek je povedal, da so bili že pred imenovanjem Janše za obrambnega ministra ' veliki pritiski, da tega ne naredi, v zadniem letu pa pritiski. da Janšo razreši. Njemu samemu politično v tem trenutku ne ustrezata zamenjava obrambnega ministra in odhod Social- demokratske stranke Slovenije iz koalicije. Toda Drnovšek se je za ta korak odločil zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja pravne države. Razmišljal je tudi o zame-njavi ministra za notranje zadeve Iva Bizjaka, vendar je med njim in Janšem razlika prav v primeru Smolnikar. Po njegovih besedah mora vojska delovati v svojih okvirih, pod civilnim nadzorom, ne more biti država v državi, prav tako ni mogoče sprejeti, da bi se identificirala z eno samo osebo. Po tej obširni obrazložitvi dr. Drnovška seje med poslanci, kot je bilo seveda pričakovati, vnela vroča razprava. Za-čel jo je Jože Pučnik, ki je v imenu Socialdemokratske stranke Slovenije ogoročeno dejal, da trditve o prekoračitvi pooblastil niso dokazane, da se Drnovšek ni poglobil v ozadje, kjer pa se skrivajo povsem ekonomski interesi nekdanje vodilne garniture. Dejal je, da Drnovšek ni bil dosleden, da je list v vetru političnilTin še zla-sti ekonomskih interesov, ki bodo obračunali tudi z njim. Nace Polajnar^ Slovenski krščanski demokrat, je zahteval, da se najprej raziščejo vse okoliščine, tudi vloga predsednika Kučana, in poudaril, da SKD ne bo sodelovala pri razrešitvi Janše. Pri tem ne bo sodelovala tudi Slovenska ljudska stranka, saj gre po besedah Franca Zagožna v tem primeru za politični linč, ki je lahko usoden za slovensko demokracijo. Pozval je Drnovška, da umakne predlog za razrešitev, še bolje bi bilo, da ponudi svoj odstop. Poslance je Zagožen pozval k nesklepčnosti. Irena Oman je v imenu Samostojne poslanske skupine 'dejala, da Drnovškov predlog grobo žali njihovo poslansko skupino in predstavlja nasilje nad slovenskim narodom. S tem naj bi se prikrili udboma-fijski posli. Janša je po njenih besedah narodni junak, razmerje sil v parlamentu pa ne ustreza volji ljudstva, zato bo SPS podprla predčasne volitve, ki bodo vrgle nedemokratično vlado. Predlog razrešitve so na drugi strani podprli poslanci Združene liste in Liberalne demokracije. LDS ga podpira zato, kot je dejal Jožef Školč, ker so delavci ministrstva za obrambo prestopili ustavni okvir pristojnosti, odnos med vojsko in družbo pa je še posebno občutljivo področje. Tone Peršak je dejal, da bodo poslanci nove Demo-kratske”stranke glasovali šele, ko bodo dobili odgovore na vrsto vprašanj v zvezi s prime- rom Smolnikar. Marijan Poljšak (SPS) je ogorčeno zatrdil, da parlament ne predstavlja j volje ljudstva in da v tem Prl meru ne gre za spopad med e | snico in levico, temveč med poštenimi (med katerimi s0 tudi komunisti) in nepoŠteniim vseh barv, saj se v ozadju skrivata udbomafija in kraja ru benega premoženja. V javi s tem je primer Smolnik povsem nepomemben. Tudi po mnenju Iva Hvali« (SDSS) gre v ozadju za ja dolg, sanacijo bank, PoU pa je tudi, da bo v krat seznanil javnost z dosjeji katerih ljudi, v katerih so v ke »packarije«. Zatrdil je tna- da ni nobeno nakjjugjii—^ Smolnikarjev odyetnik_t ndvetnik Danila-KQySČLca' ,■ bi resnično raziskali vse ° ec) ščine, je Vitodrag Pukl ( predlagal ustanovitev parlamentarne preiskov komisije. ,0. Ker seje iz opozicijskih^ Ker seje i* ev i večkrat omenjalo, o , :m primeru za politični I :m primeru za politic : Tone Partljič (LDS) o 1, da ni mogoče k®r. .frjj porabljati teh bese^’-^-f7li upel (LDS) gajg-VEL^gi politični linčJŽfiJBP1^ . vlade. Na vprašanje . • l^ijšaka, kdo bo slovens > rod branil pred ma . ni, če bo Janša razr^. ’m- C1 UUgUVVJiiM-- minister P^f^dzor uge stvari in ne ^ p[]. dverzacij, za slednje »jen parlament. u. ZoranThalerJLD^J^ ^ HI, da ima JaHsf „|nve. ige za osamosvojitev ^ e, vendar nihče ne dotakljiv zaradi min šenj. Predlagalje^fLgfjeV stri represtvnifrll^ga) BfambhŠga-'m n^-r^H tri ti s\ Sl cr- Ji si li Čt P Vi Cl k v n E v 1c 1 1 I ,NEZ JANŠA G°^.h raz-o omenjenih Štev! n‘ b0i yah se je oglasil o ister Ipnez JanSa’ ^ril nimposjanceSL-^^je aj_eno_uro. NajP™^0 h imajo poslancu P rii, meje. Ob tem je oP k0 je nvjw^~ -- v r K17 ' v četrtek zvečer, 0 všek poslal Pre y pi vi razrešitvi, stavi skupini LDS, )nemjjnni5H2^'cijtev’ rži Drnovškova nel druge niožn° ’fe?r ---- lonŠCVO Jlaga •,an®e1v00olitič|,(’ bo dobil P I govorni . daV' , djanih, ki P*acU.l.h pl^’ bistveno m311-18' pfC' . „^cinnci, Pa .n. Ravnotežje strahu ^ svojem dolgem k orne n-!arju v torkovem »Delu« podeča Pinko Vasle precej pro-Jtora vlogi v zvezi z razrešitvi-Janeza Janše in sploh pre-drukturiranjem slovenske politične scene Slovenskih krš-čanskih demokratov in njih Predsednika. Čeprav malce iz-Ven konteksta vsaj na začetku, citiramo ta del Vasletovega komentarja: Ob vsem tem sproščanju v|adnih foteljev (ki seveda še ni končano) pa je dr. Janez Drnovšek precenjeval vlogo jfoa krščanskih demokratov, ^ so bili seveda vseskozi jezi-_^y~na tehtnici njegovih odlo- Popolnoma jasno je, da -žlbitra eksekucija obrambne-■Ja ministra ne bi bila zgodila Jjigz privoljenja Lojzeta Peter--ki^Slednji je sicer po odzivih v svoji strankarski bazi skušal malo popraviti usmeritev, a to n‘kakor ne zmanjšuje vloge JrSČanskih demokratov in njihove odgovornosti za zaostro-Vanje politično-varnostnih razmer v Sloveniji. Peterle očitno nikoli ni in ne 0 odpustil Janši, da je bolj DROBTINICE (nadaljevanje s str. 15) ^ntov ali 10 dolarjev. Dobro-°šli boste vseeno, tudi če pre-^e, ko gre mož s peharjem Samo pridite in poča-f^o od mrtvih vstalega Zve-^rja. Vsem čitateljem vesela Velt-^ Jioč, božjega žegna, lepih Plrhov in sladkih potic želi priljubljen od njega celo v njegovi lastni stranki in kriv za opredelitev članov krščanske demokracije, ki jim je Janša pomembnejši od krščansko-demokratskega notranjega ministra Iva Bizjaka. Z nadaljnjim vztrajanjem v veliki (zgodovinski) koaliciji ^krščanski demokrati ne samo, da še naprei daieio legitimnost vladni in parlamentarni večini, ki temelji na podmeni o uravnoteženju slovenskega političnega prostora (pa za to seveda ne gre), ampak prispevajo k še večji nerazpoznavnosti političnega prostora. Poleg tega svo-jim volivcem in članstvu ne-prepričljivo pripovedujejo zgodbo, da je njihova prisotnost na oblasti zaradi delitve »privatizacijskega kolača« več kot nujna. Pri tem vrh SKD ne pove, kaj je iztržil in kako dolgo lahko to trženje v sedanjih razmerah traja. Lojze Peterle pa kot zunanji minister malo hitro pozablja, da je že nekaj časa v primežu parlamentarnega nezadovoljstva levice in sredine in od tod namig, da njegov položaj ni ravno najbolj trden. Zagotovo pa je odvisen od njegovega ravnanja v primeru Janša. Peterletov predlog glasovanja o zaupnici vladi je seveda ciničen, saj je izid morebitnega glasovanja že vnaprej znan. Peterle torej ravna emocionalno, ne politično.« V svojem komentarju je sicer Vasle zelo kritičen tudi do ravnanja Drnovška in predsednika države Milana Kučana. Ur. A.D. Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 300,000 Dobitnikov Dnevno Sodelujte pri dobitkih A« Ohio lottery players are subject to laws and regulations ol the Ohio Lottery Comrrussion for more information call our Customer Relations Department. (21P) 787-3200 during regular business hours Novi grobovi Nettie Mihelich Dne 25. marca je v Meridia Euclid bolnišnici umrla 94 let stara Nettie Mihelich, rojena Bajt v Sloveniji, od koder je prišla v ZDA 1. 1914, trikratna vdova, po Johnu Mihelich, Louisu Modic in Louisu Prince, mati Rosemarie Hogan in Veronice Geister, 8-krat stara mati, sestra Margaret Capuder, Frances Kotnik in Mary Skodlar (vse že pok.), članica ADZ št. 38, American Slovene Club in Kluba upokojencev v Euclidu. Pogreb je bil 28. marca iz Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Our Lady of Perpetual Help in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. James J. Slapak III. Umrl je 38 let stari James J. Slapak IIL, mož Jennifer, roj. Sotak, oče Amy, Heather in Davida, 1-krat stari oče, brat Williama Asada, Gail Dressier, Jeffreya, Briana ter že pok. Jerryja in Kelly, vnuk Caroline Slapak. Pogreb bo iz Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. danes dop. ob 9.30 na pokopališče Highland Park. JANŠA RAZREŠEN (nadaljevanje s sir. 16) moč, podporo, da bo razčistil stvari? Te obljube predsednika vlade torej Janez Janša ne jemlje resno in meni, da bo šla po njegovi razrešitvi vsa stvar v smeri iskanja krivcev izključno na ministrstvu za obrambo. Na koncu se je obrambni minister ustavil še pri vprašanju, kdo je nagovoril Iva Bizjaka, da je sklical sredino ti-skovno konferenco in zadeve _spravil na raven spora med notranjim in obrambnim ministrstvom ter med SDSS jn SKD. Pred tem je namreč Bizjak — kot je dejal Janša — prišel iz točno določene pisarne. Rezultat vsega tega bo, da bo zgodba padla na rame dveh demokratičnih strank, tisti, ki so bili zadaj, pa si bodo oprali roke, je dejal Janez Janša. Svoj nastop je končal z besedami: »Je danes in bo hitri.« ^Metajtoglič Sonja H. Vogrič Dnevnik, 29.3.1994 MALI OGLASI RICHMOND HTS. SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS 3 bdrm. ranch, formal din. rm. Lge., eat-in kit. 20 x 24 beamed fam. rm. w/custom stone woodburning fireplace. Fin. bsmt, central air, screened 12 x 24 patio overlooking private park-like yard. $159,900. Owner Agent: 692-1020 (10-13) Help Wanted Retired man needed for 1 or 2 days a week for lawn care and flower planting. Call 851-1506 (10-13) Varuhinjo, izkušeno, iščejo za oskrbo deteta od 7.30 zj. do 5.30 zv., od ponedeljka do petka. Začetek takoj. Kličite 881-8969. (10-13) IZJAVA CLEVELAND, O. — V nedeljo smo se podpisani odločili, da ob priliki obiska predsednika Slovenije, gospoda Kučana, in še posebno ob njegovem prihodu v slovensko soseščino mesta Cleveland, pokažemo svojo solidarnost z demonstranti v Sloveniji, ki v tem času podpirajo obrambnega ministra Janeza Janšo, katerega ta teden člani prejšnjega diktatorskega režima obtožujejo diktatorskih namer, pred nekaj tedni pa mu je sam predsednik Kučan menda hotel naprtiti namen državnega udara. Četudi je v Sloveniji v zadnjih dveh oziroma treh letih vlada demokratično izvoljena in imajo množične stranke preko svojih volilcev pravni vstop v državni zbor in državni svet, je v najvišjih mestih že od vsega začetka nešteto podtalnih trenj in osebnih polarizacij prinešenih iz nekdanjih struktur, ki se v tem času kažajo z raznimi obtoževanji, podtikavanji, skrivanji za demokracijo in vrednostno razklanostjo. Te so v veliki meri vzrok nemoči tako zbora samega, kjer poslanci z odsotnostjo postavljajo svoja delovanja v nesklepčnost in kjer z odstopanjem od principov, zaradih katerih so bili izvoljeni, ne morejo ustaviti korupcije v vladi in v ekonomiji, kakor tudi v delovanju vlade pri odločanju in ukrepih, potrebnih za pravno državo. Janez Janša je postal leta 1988, ko so ga tedanje komunistične oblasti obtožile nepravnega dejanja, eden najbolj priljubljenih osebnosti v Sloveniji in nosilec tistih prvenstvenih čutov slovenske zavednosti, ki so v poznejših letih premaknile dolgoletno zaveso komunističnega enoumja tako v Sloveniji kot tudi v Jugoslaviji. Njegova osebnost se je naknadno uveljavila med desetdnevno vojno za samostojnost slovenskega naroda, ko je kot obrambni minister poveljeval prvi slovenski vojski. Ta priljubljenost pa je postala nekdanjim komunistom, ki se prizadevajo zasesti čim več položajev v vladi in obdržati največ mest v vodstvu slovenske ekonomije, odvečna in za nekatere mogoče tudi ogrožajoča. Podpisani smo prepričani, da so sedanje obtožbe, naperjene na obrambnega ministra Janeza Janšo, le »zelo premišljene akcije in igrice iz zakladnice tiste ideologije, ki v poskusu cepitve političnega prostora vidi možnost za svoj (vnovični) vzpon«. (Vinko Vasle, Delo, 5. marca 1994). Zato smo podpisani v nedeljo popoldan pred Slovenskim narodnim domom razdelili udeležencem sprejema predsednika Kučana nekaj literature, ki bi jim omogočila vpogled dogajanj v Sloveniji v tem kritičnem času in jim pokazali tudi drugo stran politične scene, kakor jo predstavlja nekdanji komunist Milan Kučan. Obenem smo vsaj moralno podprli demonstrante, ki so se danes, 28. marca, zbrali na Prešerovem trgu — in še v večjem številu pred parlamentom — da so pokazali svojo podporo Janezu Janši. Maruša Pogačnik Tone Oblak Lojze Bajc France Sega Mara Cerar Hull 28. marca 1994 Podpirajmo slovensko ameriško skupnost! SIGHTS & SOUNDS OF EUROPE, Jun 6-20: Hosted by musicians FRANK SPETICH and DICK JACOBY. See the best of 5 countries! Slovenia ♦ Austria ♦ Hungary ♦ Germany ♦ Italy JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY, June 27 - July 11: Enjoy this delightful tour thru Slovenia will include several Jadran Concerts throughout. Optional tour to Italy, Austria and Germany AM LA GRAND REUNION TOUR, Sept. 6 - 20: Visit Slovenia with friends & families of the American Mutual Life Association. Includes regional tours & optional Alpine Tour also. TOUR OF BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA, July 1 8 - August 1: Hosted by TONY KLEPEC & BILL SELES. With special events personally planned by Klepec! See Slovenia & much more! ALPINE POLKA PARTY TOUR, Sept. 29 - Oct. .11: Come with the JOE FEDORCHAK BAND 8. Tony Petkovšek. It's oberfest Time ! See Austria ♦ Slovenia ♦ Germany ♦ Italy KSKJ CENTENNIAL TOUR, Departing June 21: See Slovenia during this centennial year with members & friends of KSKJ - including Shrines & optional tour to Italy and Austria. Kollander World Travel 971 E 185!hSt Cleveland OH 44119 692-1000 1-800-800-5981 Cleveland Toll Free Nationwide See Slovenia and Alpine Europe this year on one of the following Kollander Tours & save $75 per person by making your deposit NOW! Save $75 per person! SLOVENIA ON TOUR Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1027. »Naj ponovim: veselite se!« (Fil. 4:4). Vladimir Kos, DJ, Tokio, Jap. Komu se zdi važno, da ponovi vabilo k veselju? Sv. Pavlu, ki piše te vrstice iz rimske ječe svojim kristjanom v mestu Filippi, sicer v Makedoniji, a povečini naselbine rimskih vojakov. Pred tem ponovnim vabilom stojijo še močnejše besede: »Zmeraj se veselite v Gospodu!« Če človek prisluhne tej ali oni pridigi, ki skuša osvetliti krščansko življenje v luči teh Pavlovih besed, se včasih lahko spotakne ob neprepričljivih poskusih, ki tolmačijo ‘v Gospodu’ kot splošno krščansko življenje, o katerem pa vemo, da ga včasih pretresajo žalostni in tragični dogodki, ki utrnejo besede »zmeraj se veselite« skoraj za zmeraj... In vendar ima sv. Pavel prav, ko nam je — ne le Filip-Ijanom, pišoč po navdihu Sv. Duha — prigovarja, da se zmeraj veselimo. V trenutku namreč, ko razumemo »v Gospodu« kot kratico za »od mrtvih vstalega Gospoda« ali, popolneje, za »od mrtvih vstalega in vnebovzetega Gospoda«, v čigar oblasti sta nebo in zemlja (prim. Apd. 17:24; Fil. 2:9-11; Kol. 1:16-20). Pomislimo za hip, kaj pomeni, da je naš Gospod od mrtvih vstal! Sam je bil - več kot enkrat; Matej pravi, da od Petrove izpovedi v Cassarea Philippi naprej (Mat. 16:21) — napovedal, da bo po svoji nasilni smrti »vstal od mrtvih« (Mk. 9:3); tu in tam je isto dejstvo izraženo tudi z besedami »bo obujen od mrtvih«; vse Svoje življenje je postavil na kocko - vrnitev iz groba. Če bi se ne mogel vrniti iz groba - ali če bi o tej vrnitvi ne mogli imeti prijemljivih dokazov - bi morali sklepati vsaj to, da se je temeljito motil. Kdo ve, ali se ni bil motil — čeprav v vsej iskrenosti — tudi kje drugje? Toda naš Gospod je v Svoji ljubeznivosti in umevanju naše uboge, k dvomu nagnjene narave, preskrbel za neizpodbitne dokaze Svoje vrnitve iz dežele smrti. Apostoli postanejo Njegove priče, in težišče in središče njihovega oznanjevanja od vsega početka v Jeruzalemu je prav dejstvo, da je Kristus Jezus res od mrtvih vstal, (prim. Apd. 4:2). V prvem pismu cerkvi v Korintu zagotavlja sv. Pavel: »Če pa Kristus ni bil obujen od smrti, je naše oznanjevanje nesmiselno, nesmiselna tudi vaša vera« (15:14). Kolikor poznamo človeške ustanovitelje ali početnike ver po širnem svetu, vemo, da so umrli, iz groba pa se niso vrnili; kljub vsemu, ker jih je odlikovalo, so bili v svojem bistvu ljudje. Naš Gospod pa ni le pravi človek, ampak — kar je skušal tolikrat na razne načine razložiti, čeprav v vsej ponižnosti — tudi pravi Sin samega Boga Očeta; in tudi s tega vidika je sv. Peter na prve Binkošti v Jeruzalemu zatrdil množici, pravzaprav mednarodni množici: »Smrt ni bila močna dovolj, da bi ga imela za jetni- ka. Kot je bil napovedal David...« (Apd 2:24-25). Pomislimo še za en trenutek (četudi bo morda malce dolg), kaj pomeni Jezusov vnebohod, ki so mu tudi apostoli očividci, ne le kristjanom, ampak celotni človeški zgodovini. Pisec pisma judovskim kristjanom — tkim. pisma Hebrejcem — pravi, da imamo v Jezusu, »Ki je zasedel desno stran samega prestola božjega veličanstva,« »večnega /velikega / duhovnika, ki je zmožen zveličati vsakogar v vsaki dobi, kdorkoli pride k Bogu po njem, saj je zmeraj prisoten s Svojim posredovanjem.« (7: 24-25). (Bo še) Misijonarju Jankotu Kosmaču, ki deluje v Meagui, Slo-nokošena obala, smo poslali ček za $1000 pomoči MZA za leti 1992 in 1993. Deluje z misijonarjem Ivanom Bajcem in nam je nedavno pisal, da smo ga pri delitvi pomoči ti dve leti spregledali. Res smo bili v dvomu, če je še na terenu in njegovo zadnje pismo začetku februarja, ko se zahvaljuje za AD in prejšnjo pomoč, nam je pomagalo, da smo ga spet vnesli na listo vseh naših misijonarjev. Ga. Francka Hočevar iz Clevelanda je poslala $300 za vz-drževalnino njenega bogoslovca v Afriki, $50 njemu v dar, z lepim pismom za Veliko noč, kjer lepo popisuje, kako v fari Sv. Vida obiskuje razne stalne pobožnosti. Župnik Sv. Vida g. Jože Božnar je 50-letnico življenja praznoval. Čestitkam MZA se pridružujejo naše molitve. Še se spominjam, kako mi je ministriral v Timminsu, ko je iz Slovenije k očetu s svojo mamo prišel in sem dvakrat letno med rojake prihajal za kratka duhovna srečanja in spovedovanje. Hvaležni smo mu tudi za dar lepih knjig, ki jih je za zadnje misijonsko kosilo daroval za misijone in za usluge vsa leta, kar župnikuje v tej fari, kadar MZA potrebuje njegovo pomoč in dovoljenje. Mariji in Janezu Prosenu čestitamo za 80-letnico življenja. Kako bo lepo, ko bo Bog nagradil oba za vso večnost, saj sta vsa leta med rojaki kot svetla luč opazna in nihče jima do živega ne more, kadar načnemo zadevo cvetlic na Orlovem vrhu na Slovenski pristavi ali v njunem vrtu. V Krki bi danes rabili takih Janezov za rast dobrote med našim narodom po letih ideološke zmede in mnoštvu hudobnih početij. Pionir Frank Staniša iz Geneve je poslal za Škofove zavode v Šentvidu $500, kar bomo takoj odposlali nadškofu dr. Šuštarju v Ljubljano. Bog povrni in pošlji veliko novih dobrotnikov. Za vpis v septembru se je v gimnaziji v Št. Vidu priglasilo skoraj 400 novih fantov in deklet. Sprejeti jih bodo mogli morda polovico in ravnokar prosijo za pomoč, ko pripravljajo in zidajo sobe v Dijaškem domu, kjer bodo stanovali tisti, ki bi radi v zavodu živeli. Menda je med novimi priglašenimi 90 takih. Mnogi se vozijo v šolo od zunaj, kot smo se mi ‘vagonarji’ v starih časih. Polde Grum, Milan Pavlovčič, Janez Rem-skar in moja malenkost. Z raznimi vlaki smo dnevno prihajali in odhajali, v isto klasično gimnazijo v šolo hiteli in se pri ljubljanskih frančiškanih v cerkvi dnevno ustavili, da smo moč za rast dobivali iz presvete Evharistije. M.P. iz Chicaga je darovala $50 za vse naše misijonarje (-ke). Iz San Francisca je poslala misijonsko pomoč za vse ga. Antonija Gregorin. Prosi molitve, da ne bi zaprli slovensko cerkev, kjer se leta zbirajo in duhovno ohranjajo in krepijo naši rojaki iz tega mesta. Župnik Silvester Čibej, Trg svobode 4, 65213 Kanal, Slovenija, je razposlal bivšim župljanom, danes po svetu raztresenimi, prošnjo za pomoč pri obnovi župne cerkve. Rojak iz Ohia, ki iz te fare izhaja, je poslal $500 v ta namen. Morda bo še ta ali oni iz Kanala ob Soči doma, kaj poslal, da tej prošnji pomagamo do odziva. Predsednica Marica Lavri-sha iz Clevelanda je poslala poročilo o sestanku MZA po Misijonskem kosilu, dodala $310 za sv. maše in priporočila v molitev slavljenko Marijo Prosen. Tudi moža Antona, ki bo imel operacijo na očesu, v molitev priporoča. Predsednica Marija Jeretina iz Jolieta je poslala več pisem misijonark, iz Slonokoščene obale. Z lepimi pismi sta se oglasila g. Likar iz Ljubljane, g. Slabe iz Žreč, več škofov iz Afrike, ki poročajo o podpiranih kandidatih v semeniščih. Iz Angole smo dobili prvo pismo sestre Ivanke Mikec, iz Zaira pa od s. Mojce Karnič-nik; od obeh z zahvalo za prejeto pomoč MZA. Vsem rojakom in dobrotnicam MZA želimo v imenu vseh v MZA blagoslovljen praznik Kristusovega Vstajenja! Naj nas vse krepi in na življenjski poti utrjuje in podpira misel, da hitimo vsi, čeprav vsak na svojski način, proti božjemu naročju. Mislimo na naše misijonarje in misijonarke, ki z zaupanjem gledajo v nas in našo pomoč v zvesti molitvi in velikodušnem sodelovanju z materialno pomočjo pričakujejo. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 V ZAHVALO IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN 1915 1994 Po sklepu božje Previdnosti in vdani v voljo Gospodarja življenja, naznanjamo vsem priia' teljem in znancem žalostno vest, da je za vedno v Gospodu zaspal naš dragi mož, oče, stari oče, tast, svak, brat in stric DAMIJAN ZABUKOVEC katerega je Bog poklical k sebi dne 4. februarja 1994. Rojen je bil 27. septembra 1915 v Krki n» Dolenjskem, v Ameriko pa je prišel leta 1950. Pripadal je društvu sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ ‘n društvu Tabor, DSPB. Pogreb je bil 7. februarja 1994 iz pogrebnega zavoda žele na E. 152. cesti v cerkev sv. Jeroma; od tam je bilo truplo prepeljano na Vernih duš pokopališče na Chardonu, in tam po|0' ženo k večnemu počitku. Globoko se zahvaljujemo č.g. Anthonyju Cassesse za darovano p° grebno mašo, za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu ter molitve na pokopališču. Ravno tako se zb^vs ljujemo č.g. Johnu Kumše za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, za somaševanje pri pogrebni mas'» in za ganljiv nagovor. Iz vsega srca se zahvaljujemo članom in članicam društev, katerim je naš dragi pripadal. Najlepša hvala društvu Tabor DSPB in g. Milanu Zajcu ter društvu št. 169 KSKJ in g. Antonu Nemec, za molitev rožnega venca. Naj Bog stotero poplača vsem, ki so darovali za sv. mase* vsem, ki so darovali prekrasne vence in cvetlice, družinama Hren in Zajec, ki sta darovali masm plašč v pokojnikov spomin, ter za številne izraze sožalja. Iz dna srca se zahvaljujemno vsem, ^ so našega ljubljenega prišli kropit, molili za njegovo dušo, se udeležili pogrebne maše, dali svoja vozila na razpolago, in ga spremili prav do groba. Posebno zahvalo naj prejmeta stric in te a Prosen, ki sta bila z nami v času veselih in v naših najbolj težkih urah. Najlepša hvala Jožetu • Lojzetu Koželj z družinama ter prijateljem in družinam, ki so prišli na pogreb iz Toronta, Kan-Lepa hvala Louisu Žele in osebju Zeletovega zavoda za vso postrežbo in skrbno vodstvo pogrebnega sprevoda. Toplo zahvalo naj prejmejo nosilci krste: Daniel, Gregory in Micha® Frank; Andrew in Mark Tomc ter Igor Frank. Zelo smo hvaležni ge. Steffi Smolič in njem pomočnicam za tako okusno pripravljeno kosilo po pogrebu v Slov. domu na Recher Ave-Lepa hvala organistu g. Davidu Križan in njegovi ženi Arline, za lepo petje in spremljavo P pogrebni maš. Hvaležni smo tudi dr. Adolphu Žnidaršiču za njegovo podporo in zdravnis pomoč, posebno v zadnjih štirinajstih letih. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so se nas in našega ljubljenega posebno spomnili, ^ za katere smo imeli naslove. Ako kdo take kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to jav« zahvalo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. Spomin na Te je naš zaklad, pri Bogu zdaj se veseliš, saj vsak od nas Te imel je rad; a v srcih naših Ti živiš! Žalujoči ostali: LOJZKA (roj. Koželj), žena LOUISE FRANK, MITZI SEJNOWSKI in MICHELE ALTER, hčere LAWRENCE FRANK, TOM SEJNOWSKI in SCOTT ALTER zetje DANIEL, GREGORY in MICHAEL FRANK; LAURA in T.D. SEJNOWSKI; JESSICA in SCOTTY ALTER, vnuki in vnukinje TEREZIJA TURK, sestra v Sloveniji z družino NEŽKA TOMC, svakinja z družino JOŽE in LOJZE KOŽELJ, svaka z družinama, Toronto, Kanada in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki, Kanadi in Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 31. marca 1994. Izvir luči je vedno v »senci« KRIŽ Ubijanje, posiljevanje, mirno opazovanje umiranja bližnjih, obrekovanje, življenje v brezdušno urejenem sistemu... Niso to križi, ki jih nosi danes večina ljudi, pa jih nikjer ne slavijo kot božje sinove ali Were niti kot tiste, ki s prenašanjem trpljenja delajo za čas, ko trpljenja ne bo več? Danes križ ni znamenje, da je Bog Prijatelj ljudi, ampak vzrok, da ljudje preklinjamo svojega edinega resničnega prijatelja. Zato se mi zdi smiselno ustaviti ob nekom, ki ni preklinjal križa in še manj tistega, ki naj b* ga poslal - ob Jezusu. Če je bil božji izvoljenec, zakaj je tr- Pc>. zakaj je moral iti skozi smrt? Jezusova smrt ni presenečenje. Umrl je, ker se je rodil; ker je bil umrljiv človek. Toda on ni umrl zaradi česarkoli. mri je, ker je s svojim nači-n°m življenja in govorjenja °Porekal splošno sprejetim ?*am in vrednotam, ki so ta-Jat delovale. Umrl je nag, rgz možnosti delovanja, s pri- ve, da more ljubezen iz tega zla potegniti absolutno dobro. To je Bog, ki ljubi; ki je skrivnostni Bog, ki ni brezbrižen do tega, kar se dogaja na Kalvariji. »Božji Sin me je vzljubil in daroval zame sam sebe« (Gal 2, 20). »Kristus je umrl za naše grehe« (1 Kor 15, 3). Jezusova smrt je dejanje proti grehu; grehu preprečuje, da bi imel zadnjo besedo. Če bi odgovarjal tako, kot se je njegova okolica, obnašala do njega (Juda, Peter, Kajfa, Pilat, Herod, vojaki, množica), bi pokazal, da se s takim obnašanjem strinja, celo širil bi ga. Hoče prekiniti s takim človeškim bontonom! Tudi danes se lahko vsako vpraša, kam naj se postavi, ko ga tragične okoliščine vabijo, da zavzame svoje mesto. Jezusova smrt je zmaga nad zlom. Zlo je nalezljivo. Raste tudi takrat, ko človek misli, da dela dobro. Kdor prenaša zlo drugih, išče priložnost, da bi vzpostavil pravičnost in dodelil zasluženo kazen; da naredi slabo tistemu, ki mu je storil zlo. Kdor more prenašati trpljenje, za katerega ne ve, od kod je prišlo, zanj obtožuje Boga; preklinja ali se upira. Kdor prenaša zlo, misleč da je zanj odgovoren, se čuti krivega; je malodušen, preklinja sebe, se uničuje. Jezus prenaša zlo. Ne maščuje se ljudem, ki mu povzročajo trpljenje. Ne upira se Bogu, ki ga zapušča. Ko se znajde pred hudobijo (neumnostjo) ljudi in Božjim molkom, odkrije novo pot. Umre brez greha, kakor se spodobi za Boga. Grehu se izogiba tako, da ne greši, sprejme pa greh ljudi. Ko tako prevzame zadnje mesto in ga živi, postane Jezus uresničevalec sprave, obnavlja vez: ”Na križu je »domovina« (dalje na str. 20) “SLOVENIA” RADIO SATURDAYS - 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M. Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania! bitimi rokami in nogami. In v eJ Popolni odvisnosti je raz-ri svojo popolno svobodo. mri je, ker je sam privolil v °' ^ečkrat bi ga že lahko gorili, pa se je umaknil. Za-aJ se ni tudi takrat? Umrl je zato, da bi izpolnil • ^t0vo voljo. Kakšna volja da to? Volja Boga, ki se 4loč!> da “mori svojega Sina, ( J* izpolni vsa pravica. Zah-a Žalitev neskončne ljubezni eskončno povračilo? Božja v°ija je stvarjenje človeka in Poslovanje njegove svobode, •a nai je slaba ali trpeča. Bož- in V°*-a stvarjenje človeka spoštovanje njegove svobo-> Pa naj je slaba ali trpeča. stv!Ja V°^a Pomeni dopustitvi k« k' spreim'> končno ? ; Čeprav Je to ne' talen j 2alostno. Sprejme volkst jUbi d° konCa- Toje avant rVarnika* ki tvega’ da se konxa f njegovega stvarstva s abo. Vendar Stvarnik Happy Easter 0000000007 8 “WE BRING YOUR HERITAGE HOME” WKTX J£c appy &aster Vesele Velikonočne Praznike Kollander World Travel 971 E. 135th Street (216) 692-1000 August & Maic Kollander Michael & Anne Marie Benz Tony Petkovšek ♦ Tina Štepec Joey Tomsick Paul M. Lavrisha AM 830 »sooGooeocoocoocoooooooeoooooooooocoooooooe HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELITA VSEM ODJEMALCEM, PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM FRANK KONČAR AND FAMILY MODEL MEAT MARKET 610 E. 200 ST. EUCLID, OHIO 44119 — 531-7447 HAPPY EASTER j VERY BODY! MARY HRIBAR in MARY ŠUŠTARŠIČ, HECKER TAVERN 1194 East 71 St. Tel.: 881-5235 Vsem odjemalcem in prijateljem voščimo vesele velikonočne praznike. SMREKAR HARDWARE 6112-14 St. Clair Ave. 431-5479 Vesele Velikonočne Praznike želita vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem Maria in Anna Lunder Cleveland, Ohio Happy Easter to ALL American Slovenians VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Slovenian American Council Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Maryland, and Washington, DC VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELI DR. MAX RAK VSEM SVOJIM PACIJENTOM IN PRIJATELJEM 531-0700 Vsem članom, obiskovalcem, prijateljem in vsem slovenskim rojakom ŽELI VELIKO NOČ !|| KORPORACIJA BARAGOV DOM: KULTURNO-SOCIALNI KLUB (bara); LIGA SLOVENSKIH KATOLIŠKIH AMERIKANCEV SLOVENSKA PISARNA BARAGOVA KNJIŽNICA; 6304 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Tele. 881-9617 HAPPY EASTER VESELA - VELIKA - NOČ Happy Easter to All... Raddell’s Sausage Shop ’‘Quality Sausages Is Our Business” 478 E. 152nd Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Home made Slovenian sausages, želodec, etc. VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE DRUŽINA LAH VESELO VELIKONOČ HAPPY EASTER Hauling and Deliveries 946-4722 Jože and Jožica Cerer 20 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA MARCH 31, 1994 KRIŽ (nadaljevanje s str. 19) vstopila v oddaljenost, da bi oddaljenost stopila v »domovino«”. (C. Sorč) Človekova domovina-greh stopi v odda-Ijenost-božjo čistost in ljubezen, da bi... Način, kako Jezus umira je zmaga nad zlom. Jezus ni odrešenik zaradi smrti, ampak zaradi svojega načina umiranja. Jezusova smrt je zmaga nad smrtjo. Smrt je božja slava. Križ je križ vstalega. »Jezusov križ je prostor, kjer je ljubezen močnejša od smrti premagala greh« (B. Sesboue) Toda ta zmaga ni avtomatična niti magična. Prav zato obstajata greh in zlo s takšno silovitostjo tudi po vstajenju. To, kar človeka varuje in odrešuje greha, je vera, je spreobrnjenje srca in duha. Verovati, da Jezusova smrt ni brezplodna in neučinkovita; da trpljenje, križ in smrt nimajo zadnje besede. To vodi v zmagovanje nad zlom na Jezusov način: tako da raje odpuščaš, kakor da bi se maščeval ali pozabil; da raje živiš ljubezen, kakor da bi sovražil ali bil brezbrižen; da zaupaš besedi, ne da bi bil zvijačen ali naiven; da služiš resnici, daleč stran od blodenj, prevar, sanj in laži. Da raje umiraš, kot moriš. Andrej Vuga Katoliški glas (8. aprila 1993) MALI OGLASI FOR SALE Euclid. Off Chardon Road. Beautiful brick bungalow. Newer kitchen. $105,000. Call 486-1903. (13-16) HOME FOR SALE 1767 SKYLINE DRIVE 4 B.R. 21/2 Bath. 27x12 F.R. with W.B.F.P. 2 car attached garage. Large lot. Shed, Balin-ca Court and more. Finished Rec Rm. Call Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty — 951-2701 Theresa Manjas — 943-1814 FOR RENT E. 171 & Lake Shore. Downstairs of 2-family. 3 bdrms. $375 per month. Call 442-4320 (10-13) For Rent Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. (x) PrijateVs Pharmacy S!. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 1/nA.IAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS_________ Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Complete Legal Services BLAGOSLOVLJENE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELIJO VSEM SL O VENSKIM ROJA KOM FANTJE na VASI iz Clevelanda VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE — HAPPY EASTER — ŽELI SREČNE IN VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev v Clevelandu Vesele velikonočne praznike želi vsem rojakom Prijatel’s Pharmacy SLOVENSKA LEKARNA Prescriptions - Vitamins - First-Aid Supplies 6728 St. Clair Ave. 361-4212 Vesele Velikonočne praznike HAPPY EASTER To All Members and Friends St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 KSKJ President: Joseph Baškovič Vice-President: Joseph Hočevar Secretary: Al Orehek Recording Secretary: John Hočevar Treasurer: John Turek Fraternal Insurance since 1895