DOI: 10.14720/aas.2016.107.1.03 Agrovoc descriptors: lamiaceae; essential oil crops; essential oils; chemical composition; chemical compounds; Iran islamic republic Agris category code: Q04 Chemical constituents of essential oil of Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. from Iran Ahmad Reza GOLPARVAR1*, Amin HADIPANAH2, Mohammad Mehdi GHEISARI3, Reza KHALILIAZAR4 Received April 24, 2015; accepted February 01, 2016. Delo je prispelo 24. aprila 2015, sprejeto 01. februarja 2016. ABSTRACT Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. are aromatic plants belonging to Lamiaceae family. The aim of this study was to identify the chemical components of D. kotschyi and D. moldavica from Iran. The aerial parts of D. kotschyi were collected from (Kamu Mountain) Isfahan province and the aerial parts of D. moldavica were collected from Sari (Mazandaran province) North of Iran, during 2014. The essential oil was extracted by a Clevenger approach and analyzed using GC/MS. In total, 32 and 24 compounds were identified in the essential oil from the aerial parts D. kotschyi and D. moldavica, respectively. The results obtained in our study indicated that the major components in the oil D. kotschyi were limonene (23.56 %), carvacrol (14.65 %), y-terpinene (12.99 %), a -pinene (12.62 %), 2-methyl-1-octen-3-yne (9.73 %), camphene (4.66 %), myrcene (3.65 %) and a -terpinene (3.12 %). The major constituents of the oil D. moldavica were geranyl acetate (36.62 %), geraniol (24.31 %), neral (16.25 %) and geranial (11.21 %). D. kotschyi is one of the important sources of limonene and D. moldavica is one of the important sources of geranyl acetate. Key words: Dracocephalum moldavica L., Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss., chemical constitutes of essential oils IZVLEČEK KEMIJSKA SESTAVA ETERIČNIH OLJ V DVEH VRSTAH KAČJEGLAVKE (Dracocephalum moldavica L., Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.) IZ IRANA Vrsti kačjeglavk Dracocephalum moldavica L. in Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss.sta aromatični rastlini iz družine ustnatic (Lamiaceae). V raziskavi je bila preučevana kemijska sestava obeh vrst iz Irana. Nadzemni deli vrste D. kotschyi so bili nabrani na gori Kamu v provinci Isfahan, nadzemni deli vrste D. moldavica pa v Sariju, provinci Mazandaran, v severnem Iranu, v sezoni 2014. Eterična olja so bila ekstrahirana po Clevengerjem postopku in analizirana z GC/MS. Celukupno so v nadzemnih delih vrst določili 32, oziroma 24 sestavin eterečnih olj za vrsti D. kotschyi in D. moldavica. Rezultati te raziskave so pokazali, da so glavne sestavine eteričnih olj pri vrsti D. kotschyi limonen (23.56 %), karvakrol (14.65 %), y-terpinen (12.99 %), a -pinen (12.62 %), 2-metil-1-okten-3-ine (9.73 %), kamfene (4.66 %), mircen (3.65 %) in a -terpinene (3.12 %). Glavne sestavine eteričnega olja vrste D. moldavica so bile geranil acetat (36.62 %), geraniol (24.31 %), neral (16.25 %) in geranial (11.21 %). Vrsta D. kotschyi je eden izmed pomembnih virov limonene, vrsta D. moldavica pa geranil acetata. Ključne besede: Dracocephalum moldavica L., Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss., sestava eteričnih olj 1 Department of Plant Breeding, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran; email: 2 Department of Horticultural, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 3 Department of Chemistry, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran 4 Department of Plant Breeding, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 str. 25 - 250 Ahmad Reza GOLPARVAR, Amin HADIPANAH 1 INTRODUCTION Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. are aromatic plants belonging to Lamiaceae family. D. moldavica known as Moldavian balm or Moldavian dragonhead is an annual herb and it is native to central Asia and is naturalized in eastern and central Europe. There is 45 species of herbaceous and shrub's dragonhead in the world and there is 8 species of annual and perennial fragrant herb in Iran, from which three are endemic to Iran (Rechinger, 1986; Mozaffarian, 2008). D. kotschyi is an herbaceous plant, endemic in Iran and known as Badrandjboie-Dennaie and Zarrin-Giah. Its oil has been used in folk medicine as an antispasmodic agent. Aerial parts of D. kotschyi plants are sources of valuable flavonoids and essential oils (Fattahi et al., 2013). Chromosome number of 2n=2x=10 and 2n=2x=20 are for D. moldavica and D. kotschyi, respectively (Salehi et al., 2014). Dracocephalum is used in folk medicine as painkiller and for treatments of kidney complaints, against toothache and colds as well as antirheumatism, antitumor (Chachoyan and Oganesyan, 1996), antimutagens, antioxidant, antiseptic and stimulant properties (Kakasy et al., 2006; Dastmalchi et al., 2007). Recent findings indicated that some of the medicinal plant characteristics can be affected by genetic and ecological factors, including precipitation, temperature and plant competition. Since essential oils are the product of a predominantly biological process further studies are needed to evaluate if the reported characteristics of each population are maintained at the level of individual plants and along the breeding and selection program when grown under climatic conditions (Ghasemi Pirbalouti and Mohammadi, 2013). Maham et al., (2013) reported the major components of D. moldavica essential oil collected from Maragheh of East Azerbaijan province as follows: citral (31.14 %), 3,7- dimethyl -2,6 octadienal (21.43 %), cis-geraniol (17.08 %), neral (9.63 %) and neryl acetate (4.03 %). The major constituents of the essential oil of D. moldavica collected from North Iran were limonene (19.8 %), a-pinene (14.4 %), methyl geranate (8.5 %), geranyl acetate (7.9 %), carvacrol (7.8 %) and geranial (5.4 %) (Morteza-Semnani et al., 2007). In studies Saeidnia et al., (2014) reported the folowing main components of the oil of D. kotschyi collected from Iran: geranial (37.2 %), limonene-10-al (28.5 %), limonene (20.1 %) and 1,1-dimethoxy decane (14.5 %). Javidnia et al. (2005) reported the main components of the oil of D. kotschyi as a-pinene, caryophyllene oxide, terpinen-4-ol and germacrene. Golshani et al., (2004), and also Yaghmai and Tafazzoli (1988) reported citral, myrcene, P-caryophyllene and terpinyl acetate as the main constituents of D. kotschyi from northeast mountains. The aim of this study was to identify of the chemical components of Dracocephalum moldavica L and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss from Iran. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Plant material The aerial parts of the plant samples of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss were collected from Kamu Mountain, Isfahan province. Kamu is a city in Qamsar district, Kashan County, Isfahan province, in center Iran (33°, 36' N and 51°, 14' E) and the aerial parts of the plant samples of Dracocephalum moldavica L. were collected from Sari (Mazandaran province), North of Iran (36°, 39' N, and 53°, 4' E) , during 2014. The samples of the plants were identified by regional floras and authors with floristic and taxonomic references, and voucher specimens were deposited at the Herbarium of Agriculture Researches Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan), Iran. 2.2 Essential oil extraction The fresh aerial part of D. kotschyi and D. moldavica were dried inside for six days at room temperature (25 ± 5 °C), and ground to fine powder using Moulinex food processor. The essential oil was extracted from 50 g of ground tissue in 1 L of water contained in a 2 L flask and heated by heating jacket at 100 °C for 3 h in a Clevenger-type apparatus, according to producers outlined British Pharmacopoeia. The collected essential oil 38 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 Chemical constituents of essential oil of Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. from Iran was dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and stored at 4 °C until analyzed. 2.3 GC/MS analysis Compositions of the essential oils were determined by GC-MS. The GC/MS analysis was carried out with an Agilent 5975 GC-MSD system. HP-5MS column (30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.25 ^m film thickness) was used with helium as carrier gas with flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The oven temperature was kept 20 °C at 50 °C for 4 min and programmed to 280 °C at a rate of 5 °C /min, and kept 20 °C constant at 280 C for 5 min, at split mode. The injector temperature was at 20 °C at 280 °C. Transfer 20 line temperatures 280 °C. MS were taken at 70 eV. Mass range was from m/z 35 to 450. Identification of the essential oil components was accomplished based on comparison of retention times with those of authentic standards and by comparison of their mass spectral fragmentation patterns (Adams 2007). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Compositions of the essential oils Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the essential oils volatile profile are listed in Table 1. In total, 32 and 24 compounds were identified in the essential oil from the aerial parts D. kotschyi and D. moldavica, respectively. The results obtained in our study indicated that the major components in the oil D. kotschyi were limonene (23.56 %), carvacrol (14.65 %), y-terpinene (12.99 %), a -pinene (12.62 %), 2-methyl-1-octen-3-yne (9.73 %), camphene (4.66 %), myrcene (3.65 %) and a -terpinene (3.12 %) (Figure 1). The major constituents of the oil D. moldavica were geranyl acetate (36.62 %), geraniol (24.31 %), neral (16.25 %) and geranial (11.21 %) (Figure 2). Structural identification of a number of monoterpene synthases has indicated that they all have similar properties (like molecular mass, a divalent metal ion and neutral pH optimum requirements). Interestingly, a terpene synthase is able to form multiple products (Rajaonarivony et al., 1992; Bohlmann et al., 1998), the pinene synthases (from sage and grand fir) can catalyze the production of both a- and P-pinene (Bohlmann et al., 1997). The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, although controlled genetically, is strongly affected by the environmental influences of a particular growing region, and also by the agronomic conditions, harvesting time and the type of processing. In addition, for maximum oil production, long days and high light intensities are required during the maturation period (Thompson, 2003; Golparvar et al., 2015). For example, Hashemian Ahmadi and Hadipanah (2014) reported that the highest oil content (0.065 %) of D. moldavica is obtained at the first sowing date (June 12) and the highest oil content (0.058 %) was obtained at the 30 cm planting density. Davazdahemami (2008) showed that of five major components neral, geraniol, geranial, neryl acetate and geranyl acetate in oil of D. moldavica were 92 % and 64 % in spring and summer sowing date and maximum change was seen in geranyl acetate from 35.3 % in spring to 14 % in summer. In studies of Omidbaigi (2010), the highest amount of geranyl acetate (50.10 %), geranial (25.27 %), neral (19.34 %) and geraniol (28.80 %), were obtained from the plants sown on 5th of May, 5th June and 20th of March, respectively. Alaei and Mahna (2013) showed that thirty six and twenty one components were identified from D. moldavica in field and greenhouse conditions, respectively. The major constituents of the oil of D. moldavica were found as geranyl acetate (46.72 %), geraniol (15.87 %), geranial (8.36 %), neral (5.8 %), cedroxyde (3.39 %), neryl acetate (2.57 %) and hinesol (2.39 %) (totally, 88.49 %) in field condition and geranyl acetate (39 %), geraniol (27.30 %), methyl citronellate (12.92 %) and neral (9.32 %) in greenhouse condition. Aziz et al. (2010) stated that the essential oil of the dragonhead plant grown in newly reclaimed land in Egypt was generally characterized by a high percentage of oxygenated compounds and the major constituents under all agricultural sulfur and ammonium sulfate treatments were geraniol (29.11-42.56 %), geranial (14.08-30.94 %), geranyl acetate (15.08-23.51 %) and neral (10.96-15.35 %). Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 Ahmad Reza GOLPARVAR, Amin HADIPANAH In the study of Abd-El-Baky and El-Baroty (2007) on the dragonhead they found that 44 combination of essential oils was obtained which consist 97.18 % of essential oil and 90 % of them was combined with oxygenated monoterpenes and consisted less than one percent of the weight of the plant which include compounds such as: gerannyl acetate, neryl acetate, geranial, geraniol, neral, nerol, linalool. Table 1: Chemical compositions of essential oils of Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss NO Compound RI D. kotschyi D. moldavica % % 1 a-thujene 923 1.71 - 2 a - pinene 928 12.62 - 3 Camphene 944 4.66 - 4 Sabinene 974 1.83 0.42 5 ß-pinene 978 - 0.86 6 Myrcene 992 3.65 0.04 7 a -phellandrene 1008 0.31 - 8 a -Terpinene 1016 3.12 - 9 p-Cymene 1021 - 0.92 10 limonene 1035 23.56 1.35 11 Cis-ß-ocimene 1041 1.03 - 12 y-Terpinene 1056 12.99 0.17 13 Trans-sabinene hydrate 1066 0.81 - 14 Linalool oxide 1076 - 0.64 15 a -Terpinolene 1091 0.26 - 16 Linalool 1101 - 0.81 17 Cis-sabinene hydrate 1104 0.21 - 18 E,Z-alloocimene 1137 0.57 - 19 Camphor 1149 0.22 - 20 Cis chrysanthenol 1162 - 0.48 21 Borneol 1170 2.22 - 22 R-terpinen-4-ol 1180 0.44 - 23 a -Terpineol 1193 0.13 0.36 24 3 -Methylene -1,5,5 -trimethy lcy clohexene 1198 0.21 - 25 2-Methy l-1 -octen-3 -yne 1206 9.73 - 26 Nerol 1221 - 0.35 27 Neral 1236 0.83 16.25 28 Carvone 1241 - 1.14 29 Geraniol 1257 0.81 24.31 30 Geranial 1270 - 11.21 31 Bornyl acetate 1287 0.41 - 32 Thymol 1300 0.23 1.41 33 Carvacrol 1311 14.65 - 34 Neryl acetate 1360 - 0.91 35 Geranyl acetate 1379 - 36.62 36 a -copaene 1378 0.54 0.12 37 ß-bourbonene 1387 0.61 - 38 Beta- elemene 1392 - 0.15 39 2-Cyclohexen-1-ol, 2-methyl-5-(1-m ethylethenyl) 1415 0.14 - 40 ß-caryophyllene 1422 0.95 0.51 41 y -muurolene 1479 0.11 - 42 Germacrene-D 1482 - 0.47 43 y -cadinene 1517 0.21 - 44 delta-cadinene 1526 0.17 - 45 Caryophyllene oxide 1580 - 0.17 46 Viridiflorol 1590 - 0.02 Total 99.9 99.6 RI: Retention indices determined on HP-5MS capillary column. 28 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 107 - 1, marec 2016 Chemical constituents of essential oil of Dracocephalum moldavica L. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. from Iran Terpene synthases have been cloned from different species and also the phylogenetic distances among them have been well documented. D. moldavica contains 0.06-0.92 % essential oil, with the maximal level during flowering. Its lemon-like scented essential oil consists mainly of oxygenated acyclic monoterpenes, geraniol, geranyl acetate, geranial, neral and nerylacetate (Kakasy et al., 2006). D. kotschyi. k « I ï 1 m n................. Figure 2: The chromatograms found in essential oils of D. moldavica. Chu et al., (2011) reported that the major constituents of the flowering aerial parts essential oil of D. moldavica from Beijing, China were 1,8-cineol (31.25 %) and 4-terpineol (22.82 %), cumin alcohol (4.29 %), a-terpineol (4.21 %) and sabinene (3.62 %). Also in Egypt, Aziz and El-Sherbeny (2003) observed that the essential oil of D. moldavica was characterized by a high percentage of oxygenated monoterpenes (81.84 %-96.05 %), with the major compounds being geranial (22.82 %—55.83 %), geranyl acetate (9.75 %—31.48 %), neral (16.08 %-22.02 %) and geraniol (0.42 %-16.59 %). In China, D. moldavica essential oil from Xinjiang autonomous region contained citral (31.43 %), n-hexadecanoic acid (16.48 %), and geraniol ester (9.02 %) (Tian et al., 2009). The major constituents of the oil of D. moldavica extracted by hydro distillation were found to be geranyl acetate, geranial, neryl acetate, geraniol, neral and nerol (Li, 2001). Hawthorne et al., (1993) identified geranyl acetate (65.8 %), carvacrol (14.9 %) and thymol (7 %) as the major components of the oil of D. moldavica. But Shatar and Altantseg (2000) introduced linalool (67 %) and carvone (5.9 %) as the main components of the oil of D. moldavica. 4 CONCLUSION In conclusion, the results obtained in our study indicated that the major components of oil of D. kotschyi were limonene, carvacrol, y-terpinene and a -pinene. The major components of oil of D. moldavica were geranyl acetate, geraniol, neral and geranial. 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