Original scientific article UDC 582.26/.27(262.3-18) Received: 2011-05-26 FIRST CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF CORALLINE ALGAE DISTRIBUTION IN THE SLOVENIAN CIRCALITTORAL ZONE (NORTHERN ADRIATIC) Annalisa FALACE & Sara KALEB Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, I-34127 Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri 10, Italy E-mail: falace@univ.trieste.it Martina ORLANDO-BONACA, Borut MAVRIC & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Piran, Fornace 41, Slovenia ABSTRACT Authors present new data on the coralline algal flora from Slovenia. They come from a recent inspection of the Slovenian part of the Gulf of Trieste where peculiar communities, such as the biocoenosis of the coastal detritic bottom, the agglomeration of bioconcretions known in the area under the name of »trezze« or »tegnue«, and the bank of Mediterranean stony coral Cladocora caespitosa, occur. In such communities 11 coralligenous red algae were found. Five of them, Hydrolithon boreale, Lithothamnion minervae, L. philippii, L. sonderi and Neogoniolithon brassica-florida are newly recorded for Slovenia. Key words: coralline algae, circalittoral, Cladocora caespitosa, northern Adriatic, Slovenia PRIMO CONTRIBUTO ALLA CONOSCENZA DELLA DISTRIBUZIONE DELLE ALGHE CORALLINE NEL CIRCALITORALE SLOVENO (ADRIATICO SETTENTRIONALE) SINTESI Gli autori presentano nuovi dati sulla flora delle alghe coralline della Slovenia. I risultati provengono da una recente ispezione della parte slovena del Golfo di Trieste, dove vivono peculiari comunita, come la biocenosi del fondo detritico costiero, gli agglomerati di bioconcrezioni conosciute nell'area come -trezze« o -tegnue«, e i banchi madreporici di Cladocora caespitosa. In queste comunita sono state trovate 11 specie di alghe rosse coralligene. Cinque specie, Hydrolithon boreale, Lithothamnion minervae, L. philippii, L. sonderi e Neogoniolithon brassica-florida sono nuove segnalazioni per la Slovenia. Parole chiave: alghe coralline, circalitorale, Cladocora caespitosa, Adriatico settentrionale, Slovenia INTRODUCTION Among the eight action plans adopted by the Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention, one is devoted to the coralligenous habitat: the Action plan for the conservation of the coralligenous and other calcareous bio-concretions in the Mediterranean Sea, UNEPMAP-RAC/SPA (Ballesteros, 2008). Within this document, the coralligenous formations are considered a typical Mediterranean underwater seascape, comprising coralline algal frameworks that grow in dim light conditions and in relatively calm waters (Ballesteros, 2006). Data concerning the coralligenous biocoenosis occurring in the Mediterranean Sea are sparse and mostly regarding the north-western part of the basin, southern Italy and the Alboran Sea, while other regions are poorly known (Pergent, 2009). Therefore, the available lists of species, as well as the main engineering species, are mainly known from those areas, and they cannot be considered constant in the rest of the Mediterranean (UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2008). The Gulf of Trieste, even if characterized by shallow bottoms, displays a high number of both species and habitats. The circalittoral of the Gulf of Trieste is mostly composed by the biocoenosis of the muddy detritic bottom (Lipej et a/., 2006). A patch of the biocoenosis of the coastal detritic bottom is present in the Piran Bay (Lipej et a/., 2006) and a solitary temperate reef made of the Mediterranean Stony coral (C/adocora caespitosa) is located off Cape Ronek. More recently, some studies have shown the presence of some peculiar and rather uncommon habitats in the Slovenian area. Among them, the precoralligenous bioformation is one of the most interesting, since it also hosts great fish diversity (Lipej et a/., 2003; Orlando-Bonaca & Lipej, 2005). In Slovenian waters, the precoralligenous bioformation is distributed in the lower infralittoral rocky zone, in the depth range from 3 to 14 m, within the area between Cape Ronek and Cape Madona Nature Monument in Piran (Fig. 1). The aim of this paper is to present new data on coralline algal species obtained from recent sampling in the circalittoral zone of the Slovenian coasts. Special attempt was given to a peculiar habitat such as the coral reef and to the biocoenosis of the coastal detritic bottom. A description of the recorded species is also given. MATERIAL AND METHODS The sampling for the present study was done according to the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/ES). The circalittoral zone was sampled during the spring and autumn period in 2010 (Tab. 1) in 4 Slovenian areas (Fig.1): open waters off Cape Madona NM in Piran (1), open waters off Strunjan (2), near Cape Ronek (3), and the Bay of Piran (4). Fig. 1: The study area with sampling sites. SI. 1: Obravnavano obmocje z lokalitetami vzorcevanj. The sampling was done by a benthos dredge (Peres & Picard, 1964; Castelli et a/., 2003), more appropriate than grabs and cores for estimating the densities of little abundant benthic species. It is considered a semiquantitative sampling method, owing to the problem of estimating the sampled area accurately (Holme & McIntyre, 1984). On selected sampling areas, the dredge was trawled at a constant velocity of the research vessel (between 0.8 and 1.1 knots), for 5 to 8 minutes. The transect-lines dredged varied from 150 in 250 m in length. At the end, the dredge was raised on the vessel and the content was preserved in big sinks with seawater, while transported to the coast. Only the transect CL8 located off Cape Ronek was not dredged, but surveyed with non-destructive visual methods, since it is located on the reef of C. caespitosa. Observations were made by divers in order to determine the algal species growing within this reef. Algal samples were sorted in laboratory and fragments of material were air dried, mounted on aluminium stubs with acrylic adhesive and then analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Stubs were sonicated with a Vitec sonicator to remove sediments and diatoms and then coated with gold/palladium (with S150 Sputter Coater, Edwards) prior to viewing in a LEICA Steroscan 430i at 20 kV. Tab. 1: Samplings and sites characterization. *CL8 was only visual censused. Tab. 1: Podatki o vzorčevanju in lokalitetah. Na lokaliteti *CL8 je bilo izvedeno le vzorčevanje z opazovalnimi tehnikami. Site Date Start of the dredging End of the dredging Depth (m) Lat (N) Long (E) Lat (N) Long (E) CL1 1.6.2010 45°33.067' 13°32.433' 45°33.132' 13°32.247' 22.0-24.0 CL2 1.6.2010 45°32.963' 13°32.163' 45°32.997' 13°32.023' 22.0-24.0 CL3 10.6.2010 45°32.448' 13°34.915' 45°32.445' 13°34.815' 27.0 CL4 10.6.2010 45°32.592' 13°36.828' 45°32.660' 13°36.873' 19.8-21.6 CL5 14.6.2010 45°29.992' 13°34.323' 45°29.992' 13°34.323' 14.0 CL6 14.6.2010 45°30.285' 13°34.138' 45°30.462' 13°33.992' 16.6 CL1 22.10.2010 45°33.067' 13°32.433' 45°33.132' 13°32.247' 22.0-24.0 CL2 22.10.2010 45°32.963' 13°32.163' 45°32.997' 13°32.023' 22.0-24.0 CL7 22.10.2010 45°32.591' 13°36.828' 45°32.578' 13°36.877' 20.0 CL8* 5.11.2010 45°32.567' 13°37.032' 45°32.723' 13°37.101' 16.1-27.0 CL3a 15.11.2010 45°32.448' 13°34.915' 45°32.445' 13°34.815' 14.0-22.1 CL3b 15.11.2010 45°32.446' 13°34.930' 45°32.536' 13°34.765' 27.0 CL9 15.11.2010 45°33.872' 13°32.839' 45°34.005' 13°32.798' 23.2 * visual count sampling Anatomical terminology follows Woelkerling (1988) and growth-form terminology follows Woelkerling et al. (1993). Herbarium abbreviations follow Thiers (2011). Descriptions and terminology follow Irvine and Chamberlain (1994). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During the present study, 11 species of coralline algae were found in the circalittoral, 5 of which, Hydroli-thon boreale, Lithothamnion minervae, Lithothamnion philippii, Lithothamnion sonderi, Neogoniolithon bras-sica-florida were first recorded in Slovenia (Tab. 2). In samples from sites CL1 and CL2 the encrusting forms prevailed in autumn, while the rhodoliths, both living and fossil, were more abundant in spring (75% and 55% respectively). The most frequently collected species were: Lithothamnion philippii (encrusting, rarely rhodolith), L. sonderi (encrusting), L. minervae (rhodolit and encrusting) and Pneophyllum confervicola (encrusting), followed by L. pustulatum (encrusting and rhodolit) and Neogoniolithon brassica-florida (rhodolit and encrusting). In site CL9 the algal composition was similar, but with a greater abundance of not living thalli of L. minervae. The CL8 site was characterised by a large presence of not living rhodolits of L. racemus and L. minervae, and by encrusting forms of L. minervae, L. philippii, L. sonderi, and P. fragile, mainly as epiphytes on C. caespitosa. However, most of the thalli collected were partially depigmented, infertile and with evident signs of bioeroding activity. Species survey Hydrolithon boreale (Foslie) Y. M. Chamberlain Basionym: Melobesia farinosa f. borealis Foslie Lectotype locality: Roundstone, Co. Galway, Ireland Only encrusting bisporangial thalli were observed (Fig. 2). The plants were 10 mm in diameter and 15 'm in thickness and presented a smooth surface with grainy texture, while the thin margin frequently showed orbital rings. Trichocytes were frequent. The domed chambers of conceptacles measured 60-85 'm in diameter and were 55-85 'm high. This alga was rarely seen in the study area, with few specimens found only in CL1 and CL2 sites (spring sampling) at ca. 22-24 m of depth. Lithophyllum pustulatum (J. V. Lamouroux) Foslie Basionym: Melobesia pustulata J. V. Lamouroux Type locality: France Bisporangial plants were adherent on the substrate with entire margin (diameter up to 20 mm). The unipo-rate bisporangial conceptacles, convex and crowded with a developed columella at the base (Fig. 3), had chambers of 134-326 'm in diameter and 82-233 'm height. This species was observed in all the sampling sites, except in CL8. It was more abundant in CL2 and CL9. Tab. 2: Check-list of crustose coralline algae from the Slovenian part of the Gulf of Trieste. The 11 species in bold were found during the present study in the circalittoral belt. Taxa indicated with * are first records. Tab. 2: Seznam skorjastih koraligenih alg iz slovenskega dela Tržaškega zaliva. 11 vrst, izpisanih krepko, je bilo najdenih tekom pričujoče raziskave v cirkalitoralnem pasu. Taksoni, označeni z *, se beležijo kot nove najdbe. Taxa Synonyms and records Amphiroa kuetzingiana Trevisan as Amphiroa verruculosa Kutzing: Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Slovenia: Vukovic, 1984. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978. Amphiroa rigida J.V.Lamouroux Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Bressan et al., 2000. Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980: Turk & Vukovic, 1994. North Adriatic: Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978: Munda, 1979: Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone, 1978. Boreolithon van-heurckii (Heydrich) A.S.Harvey & Woelkerling as Melobesia van-heurckii (Heydrich) Cabioch: Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Slovenia: Vukovic, 1980, 1984. Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) F.Schmitz Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980. Adriatic: Bressan, 1974: North Adriatic- Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone, 1978. Corallina officinalis Linnaeus as Corallina officinalis Linnaeus: Gulf of Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti, 1967: Pignatti & Giaccone, 1967; Giaccone, 1970; Bressan, 1974; Giaccone, 1978; Franzosini et al., 1983/84: Franzosini & Bressan, 1988: Bressan et al., 1991: Bussani & Vukovic, 1992: Bressan et al., 2000: Falace, 2000: Falace et al., 2005: Slovenia: Avcin et al., 1973: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980: Turk & Vukovic, 1994. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978: Munda, 1979: Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone, 1978. As Corallina officinalis var. flabellifera Schiffner: Slovenia: Vukovic, 1980, 1984: Turk & Vukovic, 1994: Munda, 1991. Fosliella farinosa f. solmsiana (Falkenberg) Foslie Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980, 1982a. Haliptilon virgatum (Zanardini) Garbary & H.W.Johansen as Corallina granifera I.Ellis & Solander: Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Bressan et al., 1991 : Falace, 2000: Falace et al., 2005. Slovenia: Avcin et al., 1973: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980, 1982b: Vriser et al., 1981 : Turk & Vukovic, 1994. * Hydrolithon boreale (Foslie) Y.M.Chamberlain Trieste: Falace, 2000: Bressan et al., 2006. North Adriatic - Rijeka: Zavodnik & Zavodnik, 1992. Hydrolithon farinosum (J.V.Lamouroux) D.Penrose & Y.M.Chamberlain as Hydrolithon farinosum (J.V.Lamouroux) D.Penrose & Y.M.Chamberlain: Trieste: Falace, 2000: Bressan et al., 2006. Slovenia: Orlando & Bressan, 1998. as Fosliella farinosa (I.V.Lamouroux) M.A.Howe: Trieste: Bressan, 1974: Bressan et al., 1977: Giaccone, 1978: Franzosini et al., 1983/84. Slovenia: Avcin et al., 1973, 1974: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980, 1982a. North Adriatic: - Gulf of Venezia - Rovinj - Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone, 1978. as Melobesia farinosa I.V.Lamouroux: Trieste: Schiffner (1916): Giaccone & Pignatti, 1967: Pignatti & Giaccone, 1967: Giaccone, 1970. Hydrolithon cruciatum (Bressan) Y.M.Chamberlain Trieste as Fosliella cruciata Bressan: Bressan et al., 1977: Giaccone, 1978. Slovenia: Orlando & Bressan, 1998. -ania longifurca Zanardini Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Bressan et al., 2000: Falace et al., 2005. Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978. -ania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V.Lamouroux Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti, 1967, 1972: Pignatti & Giaccone, 1967: Giaccone, 1970: Ghirardelli et al., 1973: Giaccone, 1978: Bressan et al., 1991: 2000: Falace, 2000: Falace et al., 2005: Bressan et al., 2006. Slovenia: Avcin et al., 1973: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980. North Adriatic -Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978: Munda, 1979. Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone, 1978. Lithophyllum corallinae (P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan) Heydrich Adriatic: as Dermatolithon corallinae (P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan) Foslie: Giaccone, 1978: Munda, 1979. As Titanoderma corallinae (P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan) Woelkerling. Y.M.Chamberlain & P.C.Silva: Slovenia: Orlando & Bressan, 1998. Taxa Synonyms and records Lithophyllum cystoseirae (Hauck) Heydrich as Dermatolithon cystoseirae (Hauck) H.Huvé: Trieste: Giaccone, 1978. Slovenia: Avcin et al., 1973, Matjasic et al.. 1975: Vukovic. 1980. 1982a. 1982b: Turk & Vukovic. 1994. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978. as Dermatolithon papillosum var. cystoseirae (Hauck) M.Lemoine: Trieste: Giccone & Pignatti. 1967. as Titanoderma cystoseirae (Hauck) Woelkerling, Y.M.Chamberlain & P.C.Silva: Trieste: Bressan & Babbini. 2003. Lithophyllum decussatum (J.Ellis & Solander) Philippi as Lithophyllum decussatum (J.Ellis & Solander) Philippi: Slovenia: Turk & Vukovic. 1994. Lithophyllum incrustans Philippi Trieste: Giaccone. 1978: Franzosini & Bressan. 1988: Falace. 2000: Falace et al.. 2005: Bressan et al.. 2006. Slovenia: Matjasic et al.. 1975: Vukovic. 1980: Munda 1991. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978; Munda. 1979. Lithophyllum papillosum Zanardini Trieste: Giaccone. 1970. As Goniolithon papillosum (Zanardini ex Hauck) Foslie: Slovenia: Vukovic. 1984. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978. Lithophyllum pustulatum (J.V.Lamouroux) Foslie Trieste: Pignatti & Giaccone. 1967: Curiel et al.. 2000-2001: Gordini et al.. in press. As Dermatolithon hapalidiodes (P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan) Foslie: Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti. 1967: Pignatti & Giaccone. 1967: Giaccone. 1970. 1978: Franzosini et al.. 1983/84: Franzosini & Bressan. 1988: Falace & Bressan. 1990. 1994. Slovenia: Avcin et al.. 1979. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978. As Dermatolithon pustulatum (J.V.Lamouroux) Foslie: Trieste: Schiffner. 1916: Giaccone. 1970. 1978. North Adriatic: Rovinj - Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone. 1978. As Titanoderma pustulatum (I.V.Lamouroux) Nägeli: Trieste: Falace & Bressan. 2002: Falace. 2000: Falace et al.. 2005: Bressan & Giaccone. 2005. Slovenia: Orlando & Bressan. 1998. As Titanoderma pustulatum var. canellatum (Kützing) Y.M.Chamberlain: Trieste: Bressan et al.. 2006. Lithophyllum racemus (Lamarck) Foslie Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti. 1967: Pignatti & Giaccone. 1967: Giaccone. 1970: Giaccone. 1978: Bressan. 1988: Bussani & Vukovic. 1992: Gordini et al.. in press. Slovenia: Matjasic et al.. 1975: Avcin et al.. 1979: Vukovic. 1980: Turk & Vukovic. 1994. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978. Lithophyllum stictaeforme (Areschoug) Hauck Slovenia: Matjasic et al.. 1975: Avcin et al.. 1979: Vukovic. 1980. 1982b: Turk & Vukovic. 1994: Munda. 1991. North Adriatic: - Rovinj - Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone. 1978. Lithothamnion corallioides (P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan) P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan Trieste: Bressan. 1974: Giaccone. 1978: Bressan & Nichetto. 1994: Bressan & Giaccone. 2005: Gordini et al.. in press: as Lithophyllum solutum (Foslie) M.Lemoine: Slovenia: Avcin et al.. 1979. * Lithothamnion minervae Basso Trieste: Bressan & Giaccone. 2005: Bressan et al.. 2006: Gordini et al.. in press * Lithothamnion philippii Foslie Trieste: Pignatti & Giaccone. 1967: Giaccone. 1970. 1978: Bressan & Giaccone. 2005: Gordini et al.. in press. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Foslie. 1905: Giaccone. 1978 * Lithothamnion sonderi Hauck Trieste: Giaccone. 1978 Melobesia membranacea (Esper) J.V.Lamouroux Trieste: Giaccone. 1978. Slovenia: Matjasic et al.. 1975: Vukovic. 1980. As Epilithon membranaceum (Esper) Heydrich: Trieste: Schiffner. 1916: Pignatti & Giaccone. 1967: Giaccone. 1970. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978: Munda. 1979. Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone. 1978. * Neogoniolithon brassica-florida (Harvey) Setchell & Mason Trieste: Falace. 2000. As Neogoniolithon notarisii (Dufour) G.Hamel & M.Lemoine: Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti. 1967: Pignatti & Giaccone. 1967: Giaccone. 1970. 1978. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone. 1978. Neogoniolithon mamillosum (Hauck) Setchell & L.R.Mason Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti. 1967: Giaccone. 1978: Gordini et al.. in press. Slovenia: Avcin et al.. 1973. 1979: Matjasic et al.. 1975: Vukovic. 1980. North Adriatic - Rovinj - Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone. 1978. Taxa Synonyms and records Phymatolithon lenormandii (J.E. Areschoug) W.H.Adey Trieste: Giaccone, 1978: Falace, 2000: North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978. As Lithothamnion lenormandii (J.E.Areschoug) Foslie: Trieste: Pignatti & Giaccone, 1967: Giaccone, 1970. Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980; Munda, 1991. Pneophyllum confervicola (Kützing) Y.M.Chamberlain Trieste: Falace, 2000: Bressan & Babbini, 2003: Gordini et al., in press. as Fosliella minutula (Foslie) Ganesan: Trieste: Giaccone, 1978. Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975: Vukovic, 1980. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978. Pneophyllum fragile Kutzing Trieste: Falace, 2000: Bressan & Babbini, 2003: Bressan et al., 2006. Slovenia: Orlando & Bressan, 1998. As Fosliella leiolisii (Rosanoff) M.A.Howe: Trieste: Simonetti, 1972: Bressan et al., 1977: Giaccone, 1978: Franzosini et al., 1983/84. Slovenia: Vukovic, 1980, 1984. North Adriatic: -Rovinj - Gulf of Kvarner: Giaccone, 1978. As Melobesia leiolisii Rosanoff: Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti, 1967: Pignatti & Giaccone, 1967: Giaccone, 1970: Grado: Simonetti, 1971. As Pneophyllum leiolisii (Rosanoff) Y.M.Chamberlain: Trieste: Della Valle et al., 1993. Spongites fruticulosa Kützing as Spongites fruticulosus: Trieste: Bressan & Giaccone, 2005. As Lithothamnium fruticulosum (Kützing) Foslie: Trieste: Giaccone & Pignatti, 1972: Giaccone, 1978. Slovenia: Matjasic et al., 1975: Avcin et al., 1979: Vukovic, 1980. North Adriatic - Rovinj: Giaccone, 1978. As Spongites fruticulosa f. clavulatum Foslie Trieste: Giaccone, 1970: Pignatti & Giaccone, 1967: Bussani & Vukovic, 1992. Lithophyllum racemus (Lamarck) Foslie Basionym: Millepora racemus Lamarck Type locality: Sicily The observed plants were unattached, forming branched sub-globular spheres with branches not densely crowded (Fig. 4). Thalli measured up to 23 mm in diameter and were smaller than standard specimens (up to 80 mm). Only old tetrasporangial uniporate concep-tacles immersed in the protuberances were found. Chambers, with a pronounced columella at the base (Fig. 5), had a diameter of 236-327 'm and height of 72-196 'm. Few living thalli were found only in CL1 spring sampling, whilst some not living samples were observed also in CL8. Lithothamnion minervae Basso Type locality: Pontian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea Both encrusting and sub-globular thalli were found (Fig. 6). The encrusting thalli measured up to 20 mm, with short protuberances (0.5-1 mm), while rhodolits were up to 35 mm with longer protuberances (1-3 mm). Only tetrasporangial plants were found with multiporate conceptacles developing in groups at the apices of the branches. The elliptical chambers had a diameter of 248-487 'm and were 123-218 'm high. Living and not-living thalli were collected in CL1, more rarely in CL2 and CL8, where thalli without reproductive structures and with grazing signs were observed. Lithothamnion philippii Foslie Type locality: Funafuti, Ellice Islands The encrusting thalli were up to 5 cm in diameter and to 6 mm thick. The plant surface was flat or with small mounds, while the margin was thick. The hemispherical or conical gametangial conceptacles were raised (Fig. 7), measuring up to 1000 'm in diameter. The diameter of the chamber was 398-436 'm, and the height was 146-189 'm (Fig. 8). The multiporate conceptacles were convex or with flat roof (Fig. 9), with elliptical chamber of 60-85 'm in diameter and 55-85 'm in height. Old conceptacles were buried in thallus. Tetrasporangial plants were commonly collected in all the examined sites, while the gametangial thalli were observed only in CL2. Lithothamnion sonderi Hauck Holotype locality: Helgoland, Germany The encrusting thalli were thin or up to 3 mm thick, with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The plant surface was smooth, the margin entire, thin or sometimes lobed. Confluences of adjacent thalli formed small crests. The multiporate conceptacles were slightly raised (Fig. 10), with flat roof and elliptical chamber (Fig. 11) of 140-418 'm in diameter and 88-137 'm in height. This species was observed in all the sampling sites. Neogoniolithon brassica-florida (Harvey) Setchell & L. R. Mason Basionym: Melobesia brassica-florida Harvey Type locality: Algoa Bay, Cape Province, South Africa The plants were encrusting, with diameter up to 36 mm and thickness up to 1 mm. The surface of thalli was smooth, sometimes glossy, with margin entire and thick. Gametangial conceptacles were numerous and flask-shaped with chambers measuring 290-380 'm in diameter and 340-567 'm in height. Tetrasporangial conceptacles were uniporate, hemispherical or conical (Fig. 12). The chambers measured 330-657 'm in diameter and were 211-267 'm high. Old conceptacles were buried in thallus. Trichocytes were common. Few samples of this species were observed only in spring sampling in CL1 and CL2 sites. Neogoniolithon mamillosum (Hauck) Setchell & L. R. Mason Basionym: Lithothamnion mamillosum Hauck The encrusting thalli were frequently mamillate (Fig. 13), reaching up to 6 cm in diameter and 0.5-0.8 mm of thickness. The margin was entire and thin. Gametangial conceptacles were raised, flask-shaped, with chambers measuring 316-540 'm in diameter and 187-370 'm in height. Tetrasporangial conceptacles were uniporate, raised, hemispherical or conical. Chambers were 269390 'm in diameter and 100-188 'm in height. Few samples were observed in all sites, except for CL8. Phymatolithon lenormandii (Areschoug) W. H. Adey Basionym: Melobesia lenormandii Areschoug Type locality: Arromanches-les-Bains, Calvados, France The encrusting thalli had a diameter up to 4.5 cm and thickness up to 190 'm. All the collected thalli had flat surface and entire margin, with or without orbital ridges. Only tetrasporangial plants with multiporate conceptacles were observed (Fig. 14), slightly raised and with a flat roof. Chambers measured 135-223 'm in diameter, and 67-134 'm in height. Specimens were observed only at CL2, and one single specimen was found at CL9. Pneophyllum confervicola (Kutzing) Y. M. Chamberlain Basionym: Phyllactidium confervicola Kutzing Type locality: Trieste, Italy Thalli were encrusting, orbicular or partially un-consolidated, with diameter of 12 mm and 8 'm of thickness. The surface had a mat texture and the margin was thin. Trichocytes were common (Fig. 15). Only tetra/bisporangial uniporate bubble-like conceptacles (Fig. 16) were observed, with domed chambers measur- ing 54-93 'm in diameter and 31-77 'm in height. Sometimes, at the base of the chambers a small colu-mella was present. Pneophyllum fragile Kutzing Type locality: Mediterranean Sea Type species (holotype) of the genus Pneophyllum The encrusting thalli were orbicular with a diameter up to 6 mm and thickness up to 15 'm. The surface of the plant had a grainy texture and the margin was lobed and thin (Fig. 17). Trichocytes were common. Only tetra/bisporangial plants were observed. The elliptical conceptacles had a chambers diameter of 52-110 'm and height of 26-67 'm. It was observed in all the sampling sites, except in spring in CL1 and CL2. Coralline algal flora in the circalittoral zone So far, 31 species of coralline algae have been reported in the literature for the Slovenian coast (Tab. 2). However, some of these species were observed only once (Tab. 2) and have not been detected in more recent studies, so their presence should be reinvestigated. During the present study, the faunistic and floristic aspects of the biocoenosis of coastal detritic bottom in the circalittoral were analysed. Eleven species of coralline algae were recorded in circalittoral samples. Five of them represent a new record for the Slovenian part of the Gulf of Trieste, while they have already been recorded in the Italian part. In particular, H. boreale is a very common species, both as an epilith and epiphyte, mainly in the littoral but also at the '»Dosso of S. Croce«' at the depth of about 11 m (Bressan et al., 2006). In the Gulf of Trieste, P. fragile is present as an epilith or epiphyte, in particular on Corallina and -ania species, and on seagrasses, while L. minervae and L. philippii are important coralline algae of the »Tegnue« (Gordini et al., in press). L. minervae, which is endemic in the Mediterranean Sea (Basso et al., 2004), is commonly found in the Gulf of the Trieste as rhodolith on the detritic bottoms or as an encrusting species on rocks or shells, also near the »Dosso of Santa Croce«. Few specimens of P. confervivola were found only in the CL8 site, while in other parts of the Gulf of Trieste it is common as an epiphyte on algae and molluscs. N. brassica-florida is quite common, especially near fresh water springs as an epilith, while L. sonderi was rarely found (Giaccone, 1978). During the present research, L. sonderi was found widespread in all study sites, while N. mamillosum was less frequent. In the Gulf of Trieste it was found in the coralligenous of some »Tegnue« (Gordini et al., in press). These species are mentioned as important builders of coralligenous i n the »Draft Lists of coralligenous/ maerl populations and of main species to be considered by the inventory and monitoring« of the RAC-SPA (UNEP(DEPI)/ MED WG.362/3, 2011). Never- theless, L. minervae and L. philippii, abundant in all sampling sites, were not reported in this list even if they were previously mentioned as the main algal builders in the »Proposal of a Work Programme on Protecting the Coralligenous and other Calcareous Bio-Concretions in the Mediterranean« (UNEP(DEC)/MED WG. 308/9, 2007). These species can significantly contribute to the bioconstruction process (Bressan & Babbini, 2003; Bressan et al., 2009; Giaccone et a!., 2009) in particular in the Northern Adriatic, where L. minervae represents one of the main reef forming algae on the »Tegnue« of Chioggia (Fava et al., 2008; Ponti et al., 2011). Moreover, L. philippii seems to be one of the most important building species on the »Tegnue« in the Gulf of Trieste (Gordini et al., in press) and in the Gulf of Venice (ARPAV-MSN Venezia, 2008). In the biocoenosis of the coastal detritic bottom (sites CL1 and CL2) the encrusting forms prevailed in autumn, while in spring a conspicuous presence of praline rho-doliths (sensu Basso, 1998) was observed. The site CL9 revealed a similar algal composition, but with a greater abundance of L. minervae subfossil thalli. The endemic Mediterranean L. racemus is particularly frequent under constant and important current action (Basso, 1996). Few living thalli were found only in sites CL1 and CL2, while fossil thalli were abundant in site CL8 (on the Cla-docora caespitosa bank). These observations seem to indicate that the rhodolith forming species L. racemus and L. minervae are occasionally forced to the Slovenian shore by currents from the central-western area of the Gulf of Trieste where these species are common (Orel et al., 81/82; Bressan & Giaccone, 2005; Bressan et al., 2006). Banks of stony corals The site located off Cape Ronek (CL8) is characterised by the presence of the Mediterranean Stony coral reef with dead basal colonies and fossil rhodoliths, as well as encrusting thalli. To our knowledge, such habitat types are not common in the studied area nor were they in the past. Banks of C. caespitosa are not frequent in the rest of the Mediterranean Sea either, since they are reported only in the Ligurian Sea (Morri et al., 1994), the Adriatic Sea (Kruzic & Pozar-Domac, 2003) and the Aegean Sea (Kühlmann, 1996). Seven coralline algal species were found in such bioconcretions. However, the number of studied samples is rather small, so that the number of the recorded species could probably increase following new planned surveys in the studied area. It seems that the Mediterranean stony coral is undergoing a rapid decrease in both size and spatial distribution in the Mediterranean Sea (Morri et al., 2001); hence it would be of great importance to study and analyse biological and ecological aspects of such banks in the Slovenian part in order to establish possible measures of protection as well. We also believe that the bank of the Mediterranean stony coral of the northern Adriatic offers possibilities for new records of coralline algae. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Ziga Dobrajc, Mili-jan Sisko, Tihomir Makovec, Nicola Bettoso and Marko Tadejevic for their help during the fieldwork. This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning of Slovenia. PRISPEVEK K POZNAVANJU RAZŠIRJENOSTI KORALIGENIH ALG V SLOVENSKEM CIRKALITORALNEM PASU (SEVERNI JADRAN) Annalisa FALACE & Sara KALEB Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, I-34127 Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri 10, Italy E-mail: falace@univ.trieste.it Martina ORLANDO-BONACA, Borut MAVRIC & Lovrenc LIPEJ Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41, Slovenija POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o novih najdbah koraligenske flore alg za Slovenijo, pridobljenih v slovenskem delu Tržaškega zaliva tekom recentnih vzorčevanj nekaterih posebnih habitatnih tipov, kot so biocenoza obrežnega detritnega dna, biokonkrecije iz koraligenih alg znane pod imenom »trezze« oziroma »tegnue« in koralnega grebena sredozemske kamene korale Cladocora caespitosa. Izmed teh je bilo pet vrst prvič ugotovljenih za slovenski del Tržaškega zaliva, in sicer vrste Hydrolithon boreale, Lithothamnion minervae, L. philippii, L. sonderi in Neogoniolithon brassica-florida. 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Fig. 9: Lithothamnion philippii (sporangial multiporate conceptacle). Sl. 9: Lithothamnion philippii (večporni konceptakel na sporangiju). Fig. 10: Lithothamnion sonderi (multiporate conceptacles). SI. 10: Lithothamnion sonderi (vecporni konceptakli). Fig. 11: Lithothamnion sonderi (sporangial conceptacle). SI. 11: Lithothamnion sonderi (konceptakel na sporan-giju). Fig. 12: Neogoniolithon brassica-florida (tetrasporangial conceptacles). Sl. 12: Neogoniolithon brassica-florida (konceptakli na tetrasporangiju). Fig. 13: Neogoniolithon mamillosum (conceptacles grouped on the protuberances). Sl. 13: Neogoniolithon mamillosum (konceptakli zdru-zeni v izbokline). PLATE 3 / TABLA 3 Fig. 14: Phymatolithon lenormandii (multiporate conceptacles). Sl. 14: Phymatolithon lenormandii (vecporni konceptakli). Fig. 15: Pneophyllum confervicola (trichocytes on thal-lus surface). Sl. 15: Pneophyllum confervicola (trihocite na povrsini stelke). Fig. 16: Pneophyllum confervicola (sporangial plant with uniporate conceptacle). Sl. 16: Pneophyllum confervicola (sporangij z enopor- nim konceptaklom). Fig. 17: Pneophyllum fragile. Sl. 17: Pneophyllum fragile. y 'Mt&s 100 PLATE 1 / TABLA 1 PLATE 2 / TABLA 2 PLATE 3 / TABLA 3