ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 77-94 BOOK REVIEW EDVARD KOLAR, GREGOR JURAK: STRATEŠKI MANAGEMENT ŠPORTNIH ORGANIZACIJ University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Annales University Press, 2014, 223 pages The monograph "Strategic management of sports organizations" by the authors Edvard Kolar and Gregor Jurak, prominent researchers, pedagogues and managers in sport, tackles the increasingly complex and demanding management in sport. Despite the topical subject there is still not enough literature of this kind in Slovenian language, hence, their work is even more important and represents a contribution to the understanding of the organisation and functioning of sport, especially Slovenian. In the first part, the authors present the concept of sports organization, organizational structure and organizational processes; considerable attention is paid to the non-profit sports organizations that are specific to our sport environment. In the second part the process of strategic management of sports organizations is transparently explained and an in-depth project work as a key tool for the implementation of strategies presented. As the authors draw knowledge from a number of high-quality domestic and foreign sources and from their rich personal experience, the text is despite scientific approach very readable. The monograph has in addition to scientific also educational and practical value, especially due to its originality, transparency and best practices on how to successfully deal with sports organizations, especially from the point of view of strategic management. For the successful development of sports organizations and thus sport as a whole a well-conceived strategy is crucial; it represents the starting point for the efficient and effective implementation of each sport organization's mission, both, the profit and non-profit one. Congratulations to my colleagues Edvard Kolar and Gregor Jurak for a great book that should not be missing on the shelves of professional and voluntary experts who deal with management in sport. Iztok Retar Strateški management športnih organizacij 93 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77-94 RECENZIJA KNJIGE EDVARD KOLAR, GREGOR JURAK: STRATEŠKI MANAGEMENT ŠPORTNIH ORGANIZACIJ Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 2014, 223 strani Monografija "Strateški management športnih organizacij" avtorjev Edvarda Kolarja in Gregorja Juraka, uveljavljenih raziskovalcev, pedagogov in menedžerjev v športu, obravnava problematiko vse bolj zahtevnega menedžmenta v športu. Kljub aktualni temi je v slovenskem jeziku še vedno premalo tovrstne literature, zato je njuno delo še toliko bolj pomembno in predstavlja prispevek k razumevanju organiziranosti in delovanja športa, še posebej slovenskega. V prvem delu avtorja predstavita pojem športne organizacije, organizacijsko strukturo in organizacijske procese, precej pozornosti namenita tudi nepridobitnim športnim organizacijam, ki so značilne za naše športno okolje. V drugem delu pregledno razložita proces strateškega managementa športnih organizacij in poglobljeno predstavita projektno delo kot ključno orodje za udejanjanje strategij. Ker avtorja črpata znanje iz številnih kakovostnih domačih in tujih virov ter iz bogatih osebnih delovnih izkušenj, je besedilo navkljub znanstvenemu pristopu zelo berljivo. Monografija ima poleg znanstvene še izobraževalno in uporabno vrednost, zlasti zaradi izvirnosti, preglednosti in praktičnih zgledov, kako uspešno ravnati s športnimi organizacijami, še posebej z vidika strateškega menedžmenta. Za uspešen razvoj športne organizacije in s tem tudi športa je namreč ključnega pomena dobro zasnovana strategija, ki predstavlja izhodišče za učinkovito in gospodarno uresničevanje poslanstva športne organizacije, tako pridobitne kot nepridobitne. Čestitke kolegoma Edvardu Kolarju in Gregorju Juraku za izvrstno knjigo, ki ne sme manjkati na policah poklicnih in volonterskih strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo z menedžmentom v športu. Iztok Retar Strateški management športnih organizacij 94