Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 223 Impact of Data Balancing During Training for Best Predictions Suleiman Ali Alsaif and Adel Hidri Computer Department, Deanship of Preparatory Year and Supporting Studies Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, P.O. Box 1982, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia E-mail:, Keywords: machine learning, undersampling, oversampling, data balancing, ensemble learning Received: March 26, 2021 To protect the middle class from over-indebtedness, banking institutions need to implement a flexible analytic-based evaluation method to improve the banking process by detecting customers who are likely to have difficulty in managing their debt. In this paper, we test and evaluate a large variety of data balancing methods on selected machine learning algorithms (MLAs) to overcome the effects of imbalanced data and show their impact on the training step to predict credit risk. Our objective is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best predictions. We investigated the performance of these methods by different learners when classification models are trained using MLAs. Povzetek: Predstavljena je metoda strojnega uˇ cenja z neuravnoteženimi podatki za oceno tveganja prezadolžitve srednjega razreda. 1 Introduction To become compliant with changing and stricter regulatory demands in the world, banks are focused on undertaking preventive measures for effective credit risk management. One of its drivers is to strengthen existing learning mod- els [1, 2] to increase their predictive power and help detect future defaults in advance. Due to the inherent complex characteristics of imbal- anced data sets, learning from such data requires new un- derstandings, principles, algorithms, and tools to transform a vast amount of raw data efficiently into information and knowledge representation. The imbalanced learning prob- lem is concerned with the performance of learning algo- rithms in the presence of under-represented data and severe class distribution skews [3, 4]. Most standard algorithms assume or expect balanced class distributions. Therefore, when presented with com- plex imbalanced datasets, these algorithms fail to properly represent the distributive characteristics of the data and re- sultantly provide unfavorable accuracies across the classes of the data. The imbalanced learning problem represents a recurring problem of high importance [5, 6, 7]. In this paper, we will present the impact of data balanc- ing strategies at the training step. We test and evaluate a large variety of data balancing methods on selected MLAs to overcome the effects of imbalanced data and show their impact at the training step to predict credit risk. Our objec- tive is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best pre- dictions. We investigated the performance of these meth- ods by different learners when classification models are trained using MLAs. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we will highlight related work related to sam- pling methods for imbalanced learning. Section 3 provides an overview of the evaluation metrics in machine learning. In section 4, we will describe the enhanced training ap- proach using data balancing strategies. In section 5, a per- formance analysis is brought forward to set the advantages of the proposed evaluation method. Section 6 discusses the work. Finally, we will conclude in section 7 our work and bring out some insights and potential future works. 2 Related work Typically, the use of sampling methods in imbalanced learning applications consists of the modification of an im- balanced data set by some mechanism to provide a bal- anced distribution. Studies have shown that for several base classifiers, a balanced data set provides improved over- all classification performance compared to an imbalanced dataset. These results justify the use of sampling methods for imbalanced learning [8]. Random undersampling (RUS) removes data from the original dataset. In particular, we randomly select a set of majority class examples and remove these samples from the dataset. Consequently, undersampling readily gives us a simple method for adjusting the balance of the original dataset [6, 8]. Figure 3 shows random undersampling and oversampling. The mechanics of RUS follow naturally from its descrip- tion by adding a set sampled from the minority class: for a set of randomly selected minority examples, augment the original set by replicating the selected examples and adding them to the dataset. In this way, the number of total exam- ples in the minority class is increased and the class distribu- tion balance is adjusted accordingly. This provides a mech- 224 Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 S.A. Alsaif et al. Figure 1: Random undersampling and oversampling. anism for varying the degree of class distribution balance to any desired level. The objective of the Easy Ensemble method [9, 10, 11, 26] is to overcome the deficiency of information loss in- troduced in the traditional RUS method. Easy Ensemble can be considered as an unsupervised learning algorithm that explores the majority class data by using independent random sampling with replacement [8]. The Balance Cascade algorithm takes a supervised learn- ing approach that develops an ensemble of classifiers to systematically select which majority class examples to un- dersample. In Balance Cascade, the sequential dependency between classifiers is mainly exploited for reducing the re- dundant information in the majority class. This sampling strategy leads to a restricted sample space for the following undersampling process to explore as much useful informa- tion as possible [5]. Another example of informed undersampling uses the K- Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier [12] to achieve under- sampling. Based on the characteristics of the given data distribution, four KNN undersampling methods were pro- posed, namely, NearMiss-1 and NearMiss-3 methods [5]. The NearMiss-1 method selects those majority examples whose average distance to the three closest minority class examples is the smallest [8]. The NearMiss-3 selects a given number of the closest majority examples for each mi- nority example to guarantee that every minority example is surrounded by some majority examples [8]. SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) is an oversampling method. It works by creating synthetic samples from the minor class instead of creating copies. The algorithm selects two or more similar instances (using a distance measure) and perturbs an instance one attribute at a time by a random number within the difference to the neighboring instances [5]. Borderline-SMOTE1 and Borderline-SMOTE2 only oversample or strengthen the borderline minority examples [5]. The detailed procedure of Borderline-SMOTE1 is as follows: for every instance p in the minority class, we cal- culate its m nearest neighbors from the whole training set. If all nearest neighbors of p are majority examples, p is considered noise and is not operated in the following steps. If the number of p 0 majority nearest neighbors is larger than the number of minority ones, p is considered easily misclassified and put into a set DANGER. The examples in DANGER are the borderline data of the minority class. Then, new synthetic data are generated along the line be- tween the minority borderline examples (data in DANGER) and their nearest neighbors of the same class, thus strength- ening borderline examples [5]. Data cleaning techniques, such as Tomek links, have been effectively applied to remove the overlapping that is introduced by sampling methods [5]. One can use Tomek links to cleanup unwanted overlapping between classes af- ter synthetic sampling, where all Tomek links are removed until all minimally distanced nearest-neighbor pairs are of the same class. By removing overlapping examples, one can establish well-defined class clusters in the training set, which can, in turn, lead to well- defined classification rules for improved classification performance. The Edited Near- est Neighbor (ENN) rule removes examples that differ from two of its three nearest neighbors. 3 Evaluation metrics in machine learning In machine learning, there are a variety of metrics to eval- uate the performance of classifiers. In this subsection, we will mention the most common evaluation metrics used in our work [13, 14, 15]. A confusion matrix is a specific table that is usually used to represent the performance of a classification model on test data for which the true values are known [16, 17]. As shown in Table 1, it consists of two columns and two rows that contain the number of True Positives (TP), False Posi- tives (FP), True Negatives (TN), and False Negatives (FN). Table 1 is an example of confusion matrix with two-class classifier. The elements in the diagonal represent the number of in- stances for which the predicted class is equal to the true class, while off-diagonal elements are those that are mis- classified by the classifier. The higher the diagonal values of the confusion matrix, the better, indicating correct pre- dictions. In the case of over-indebtedness detection, over- indebted customers are the positive samples while no over- indebted customers are the negative samples. Considering the confusion matrix in the table 1, we de- fine the most basic terms as follows: – TN: If the actual class is no over-indebted and the pre- dicted value is also no over-indebted, so we have a TN. In practice, we want this value to be as high as possible. – FP: If the actual class is not over-indebted and the predicted value is over-indebted, we have then a FP. In practice, we want this value to be as low as possi- ble because it impacts customers, their banking expe- riences, and their lives. – FN: If the actual class is over-indebted and the pre- dicted value is not over-indebted, then we have a FN. Like the FP, we want this value to be as low as possi- ble because the bank loses money when the customer who is deeply in debt, is considered as normal. Impact of Data Balancing During Training for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 225 Table 1: Confusion matrix. Predicted class No over-indebted Over-indebted Actual class No over-indebted TN FP Over-indebted FN TP – TP: If the actual class is over-indebted and the pre- dicted value is also over-indebted, we have a TP. Like the TN, we want to predict all customers that will be in over-indebtedness to allow the bank to establish a support program for its consumers. The sensitivity, also called the True Positive Rate (TPR), measures the proportion of positives that are correctly iden- tified. The sensitivity is defined by the formula in Eq. (1) [18]. Sensitivity =TP=(TP +FN) (1) The specificity, also called the True Negatives Rate (TNR), measures the proportion of negatives that are cor- rectly identified. The specificity is defined by the formula in Eq. (2) [18]. Specificity =TN=(TN +FP ) (2) The Gini coefficient is defined as twice the area between the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve and the chance diagonal. It takes values between 0 (no difference between the score distributions of the two classes) and 1 (complete separation between the two distributions). The ROC curve (see figure 1) is a graphical plot which illus- trates the performance of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied. The curve is created by plotting the TPR on the y-axis against the False Positive Rate (FPR) on the x-axis at var- ious threshold settings. The TPR rate is also depicted as sensitivity in machine learning. The FPR rate can be cal- culated as follows: FPR = 1 Specificity (3) A classification of a new object is obtained by comparing the scores of the object with a classification thresholdt. If s>t the object is classified as coming from class 1 and if s>t as coming from class 0. The AUC (Area Under the Curve) is the area under the ROC curve. The performance of a classifier model is cal- culated by calculating the AUC [19, 20]. Related to the figure 1, we have: AUC =AreaA +AreaB (4) The Gini coefficient is given by the following equation: Gini = 2 AUC 1 (5) – At point (0; 0), the classifier considers all instances as negatives. There are no false positives, but also no TP. Figure 2: ROC curve. – At point (1; 1), the classifier considers all instances as positives. There are no false positives, but also no TN. – At point (1; 0), the classifier has no TP and no TN. In this case, the performance of the classifier is worse than random. Its performance can be totally improved by selectively reversing the classifiers answer. – At point (0; 1), the classifier has 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. This point is called a perfect classi- fication. 4 Enhancing training using data balancing strategies The class imbalance problem corresponds to domains for which one class is represented by a large number of exam- ples while the other is represented by only a few. The used data consists of a collection of consumers to whom the bank gives credit. Analyzing the consumers in a binary sense, the natural classes that arise are negative or positive for a consumer who payed back or did not pay back their credit, respectively. From experience, one would expect the number of no over-indebted clients to exceed greatly the number of over-indebted clients. Indeed, this dataset contains 281,616 negative (majority class) samples and 678 positive (minority class) samples. We will have a classifier tend to provide a severely imbalanced degree of accuracy, with the majority class having close to 100% ac- curacy and the minority class having accuracies of 0-10% (see Figure 2). Data are extremely imbalanced. We apply several sam- pling methods on the train set using the imbalanced learn package. It is a Python package offering a number of 226 Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 S.A. Alsaif et al. resampling techniques commonly used in datasets show- ing strong between-class imbalance. It is compatible with Scikit-learn and is part of the scikit-learn-contrib project [21]. Figure 3: Evaluation process. Suppose a classifier achieves 10% accuracy on the mi- nority class of the bank data set. Analytically, this would suggest that 610 minority samples are misclassified as ma- jority samples. The consequence of this is equivalent to a 610 over-indebted clients classified as no over-indebted. In the bank, this consequence can be overwhelmingly costly. Therefore, it is evident that for this domain, we require a classifier that will provide high accuracy for the minor- ity class without severely jeopardizing the accuracy of the majority class. Furthermore, this also suggests that the conventional evaluation practice of using singular assessment criteria, such as the overall accuracy or error rate, does not provide adequate information in the case of imbalanced learning. The immense hindering effects that these problems have on standard learning algorithms are the focus of most of the existing solutions. When standard learning algorithms are applied to imbalanced data, the induction rules that de- scribe the minority concepts are often fewer and weaker than those of majority concepts, since the minority class is often both outnumbered and under-represented [8]. 5 Computational results and analysis Baseline algorithm performs the RUS for balancing data. The bank selects randomly a set from the negative (no over-indebted) class equals to the set of the positive (over- indebted) class and it removes all the other negative sam- ples from the data. When applying random RUS in the train set, we might be losing representative samples of the negative class. Our objective is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best predictions for both classes and avoid favoring one of the classes over the other. We aim to get as much in- formation as possible from the large number of majority available class examples. The experiments were conducted using a 10-fold strati- fied cross-validation [22]. The experiments have been con- ducted to find the best sampling techniques. We inves- tigated the performance of RUS, SMOTE, Balance Cas- cade, and Easy Ensemble by different learners when clas- sification models are trained using XGB (eXtreme Gradi- ent Boosting) [23], LR (Logistic Regression) [24], and ET (Extremely Randomized Trees) [25]. We used AUC (Area Under the Curve), Gini coefficient, and confusion matrix to evaluate the compared algorithms. We will compare the performance of the models before and after resampling to compare the increase of classifier performance due to re- sampling. 5.1 Undersampling methods The bar charts of the figure 4 show the variation of Gini coefficient, sensitivity, and specificity after applying the NearMiss-1 and NearMiss-3 sampling methods to train data. The Gini coefficient achieves very high values for all algorithms except the XGB. The values for sensitivity are a little improved, but for the specificity the values are lower than the random under sampling for all algorithms. Undersampling tends to outperform the model in terms of sensitivity (see figure 4(b)), but at a very high cost of specificity (see figure 4(c)). However, while the value of sensitivity increased, the value of specificity decreased. Applying class-imbalance learning NearMiss-1 method on this data set is not necessarily beneficial. As shown in the figure 4, the values of the three met- rics are greater than the baseline. But the prediction of the positive examples is better than the negatives ones. For ex- ample, XGB algorithm gives 93.5% (see figure 4 (b)) in sensitivity whereas 88.4% in specificity (see figure 4 (c)). 5.2 Oversampling coupled with Undersampling We apply SMOTE methods to the data and then the ran- dom undersampling. Figure 5 shows the impact of the SMOTE and random undersampling on the performance of the models. This technique tends to produce high speci- ficity without reducing the sensitivity when compared to other resampling techniques. As shown in Figure 5, the performance of this technique is similar to the combination of SMOTE+RUS. It tends to produce a good prediction for TN as well as the TP. The combination of SMOTEB1 with NearMiss-1 performs very poorly. The three metrics have lower values. This sampling technique is not helpful for our data and our models. As shown in the figure 5, it can be seen that the sensi- tivity fell slightly. However, the Gini (see figure 5(a)) and the specificity (see figure 5 (c)) are improved. It is clear that SMOTE Tomek Links coupled with NearMiss-3 per- forms fairly. It tends to have a good value for the three metrics. Its results look like the results of the technique of SMOTEB2 coupled to NearMiss-3. SMOTE ENN coupled with random under sampling performs badly. It produces high specificity, but with very poor sensitivity (see figure 5(b)). Impact of Data Balancing During Training for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 227 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4: (a) Gini, (b) Sensitivity, and (c) Specificity of undersampling methods. For example, we can see in the figure 5(c) that the XGB algorithm has 92.20% in specificity against 78.60% in sen- sitivity, which is a relatively bad value. It sacrifices high sensitivity for high specificity. 5.3 Ensemble As shown in the figure 6, it is clear that the Easy Balance gives better results with XGB and LR algorithms in con- trast to the other ones. While XGB and LR achieve very good values for both sensitivity (see figure 6(b)) and speci- ficity (see figure 6(c)). They perform fairly for both; the other algorithms produce high specificity and very poor sensitivity. From the figure 6, we can observe that the Balance Cas- cade method gives similar results to the Easy Ensemble but with a little decrease in terms of sensitivity. 6 Discussion We compare the results of our experiments and find that the best resampling technique to use is often dataset and model dependent, certain resampling techniques tend to perform better when coupled with certain classifiers. It is obvious that there is not a best sampling technique for all models. The results show that the Easy Ensemble performs better than the others when XGB is used as a classifier. It attains a better balance between sensitivity and speci- ficity than almost all other methods. Instead of trading off one metric against another, it succeeds to give similar good results for all metrics. The graph in the figure 7 summa- rizes the effect of feature selection and data balancing with XGB algorithm on our data. In Figure 8, we clearly see that: – After feature selection: 4,564 clients were misclassi- fied before as over indebted are correctly identified as normal and 3 clients were misclassified as normal are correctly identified as over-indebted. – After data balancing: we misclassified only 1 clients from the positive class to classify more 856 no over- indebted clients correctly. 7 Conclusion In this work, we tested and evaluated a large variety of data balancing methods on selected MLAs to overcome the ef- fects of imbalanced data and show their impact on the train- ing step to predict credit risk management. Our objective is to deal with data unbalance to achieve the best predictions. After balancing the data with the easy ensemble method, we reduced the overfitting of the positive class and we reached a good balance between sensitivity and specificity. These contributions have shown that there isn’t any ideal sampling method for balancing the data, and we have demonstrated through conducted experiments that it is pos- sible to improve the overall performance of learning algo- rithms in the field of over-indebtedness prediction by using data balancing methods. The set of conducted experiments aims at validating the importance of pre-processing the data before applying any machine learning algorithm. Balancing the data with ad- vanced methods and changing the machine learning algo- rithm helped us to build a new effective and accurate pre- 228 Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 S.A. Alsaif et al. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5: (a) Gini, (b) Sensitivity, and (c) Specificity of oversampling coupled with undersampling. (a) (b) (c) Figure 6: (a) Gini, (b) Sensitivity, and (c) Specificity of ensemble methods. Impact of Data Balancing During Training for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 223–230 229 (a) (b) (c) Figure 7: Improvement of sensitivity and specificity. Figure 8: Confusion matrix. dictor. credit risk models need to consolidate new COVID- 19 pandemic related data points to guarantee their output prevails valid and robust. Better and deeper insights can be accomplished by boring into a broader range of data sources as well as upgrading data platform technologies. This relates to our short-term work. References [1] A.A. Abaker and F.A. Saeed (2021) A compar- ative analysis of machine learning algorithms to build a predictive model for detecting diabetes com- plications, Informatica (Slovenia), vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 117–125, inf.v45i1.3111. [2] J. 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