COPYRIGHT: V CEM NAS OMEJUJE IN KAJ NAM DOVOLJUJE mag. Majda Šef, Ekonomska fakulteta, Ljubljana UDK 347.78 :025.5/.6(497.4) Povzetek Naloge sodobne knjižnice niso več tako ozko omejene kot v kaki osnovni definiciji o dolžnostih knjižnice: "naloga knjižnice je zbirati, evidentirati in shranjevati knjižno gradivo", ampakknjižnico opredeljujejo kot informacijsko središče. Danes se ta definicija nanaša na posamezne informacije, torej na podatek iz knjige ali kakega drugega vira in ne na podatek o knjigi. Kako hitro in zanesljivo najti pravo in točno informacijo, je naloga knjižničarja informatorja, kako to informacijo posredovati uporabniku, se tiče tudi pravic avtorja informacije. UDC 347.78 :025.5/.6(497.4) Summary The basic role of a modern library is not limited any more only to basic library tasks, encompassed in the definition "to collect, record and preserve library materials" but extends its functions to an information center. Today, this definition encompasses any particular information, that is an information from a book or from any other information source, and not only an information about a book. The task of an information specialist is to find the relevant and accurate informa- tion quickly and reliably, while the way of conveying this information to a library user is also related to the rights of its author. ŠEF, Majda: Copyright: Which restrictions does it represent and which possi- bilities does it offer to information specialists. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 42(1998)2/3, 67-70