JUVENILE SECTION OF "NAPREDEK" CLEVELAND, OHIO, JANUARY 18th, 1939 I’M GONNA TRY I’m gonna try to be a friend, That folks can trust and whom they know Will be the same way to the end, If lučk runs high or lučk runs low. I’ll hitch my flivver to a star, The highest one that roams the sky, And, though I may not get that far, I’m gonna try. Anon— ¥ ^ ^ With O ur Juniors By MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, Director of Vrtec and English Speaking Lodges LET US RESOLVE. . . . Whatever we try to do this year, we’re going to do a whole lot better than we have ever done before. Make that one of your resolutions. Set your goal of progress higher than you did this time last year and then work hard to overcome the ob- stacles that lie in your path in* order that you might attain or move beyond it. Determination to succeed, combined with loyal- ty to the SSPZ, cooperation with your fellowmembers, cour- age, kindness and truth, cannot fail to bring to us, individually and as an organization, greater progress than we have ever en- joyed in the past. On the day of your initiation> into the Juvenile Department of our great Society, you boys and girls pledged yourselves to cer- tain duties. If, since then, you have become lax in their appli- eation or have forgotten them entirely, now is the time to re- new that pledge and live up to it in fact as well as word. If you are really interested, you will find the duties of a Vrtec member on page nine of the By-laws. It will help you to read them over and refresh them in your mind. JUGOSLAVS WIN FINAL CAMPAIGN PRIZE Corning through in December with a smashing gain of eleven new members, eight of whom were enrolled by brother Louis Znidarsich, active Chairman of Lodge Danica’s Auditing Com- mitte, the Jugoslavs in Indiana¬ polis overcome the wide margin, the Challenger Juniors of Stra- bane had established in the pre- vious two months, to win the top prize of $10.00 for the months of October, November and December... The Jugoslavs with thirteen (lucky number this time) new members to their credit, the Challenger Ju¬ niors with eleven and the Go- getters of Library with six, were the only prize winners in the final quarter of 1938. Checks in the amounts of $10.00, $7.50, and $5.00, respectively, will be mailed to the Administrators, Elma Hvalica, Frances Vrhov¬ nik and Helen Dermotta, as soon as the required period of membership has elapsed. The Jugoslavs and the Chal¬ lenger Juniors were not only leaders in the last quarter of the year, but also hold the one- two positions in the year’s standings. The Challenger Ju¬ niors, with a record of twenty- four new members, are the cam- paign leaders of 1938; the Jugo¬ slavs, finishing with a total gain of twenty-one new members, are the runners-up.. . And not far behind are Vrtec No. 72 of Sy- gan, Pa., Vrtec No. 13 of Madi- son, 111., Vrtec No. 12 of Palis- ade, Colo., and Vrtec No. 85 of Meadowlands, Pa. . Congratu- lations to you ali and best wish- - es for greater membership gains in 1939! I »ri S. S. P. Z. VRTEC LITERARY | CONTEST -1939 RV L E S i 1. The SSPZ VRTEC LITERARV CONTEST shall \ extend through eleven (11) consecutive months, beginning uiith January’s and ending ivith November’s issue of the Vrtec Section. 2. Ang Vrtec member in goodstanding is eligible to enter this contest. 3. Contestants mag send in as mang ORIGINAL con- tributions (sliort stories, neivs articles, essags, poems, etc.) as theg ivish. Each contribution must be signed with the contestanfs name and Vrtec number. 4. The Director of the Juvenile Department shall, from time to time, select topics of general interest for con¬ testants to norite about and advise them of conditions under ivhich prizes shall be aivarded the follovving month. 5. Prizes shall be awarded monthlg and at the conclu- sion of the contest. These shall consist of cash awards, achievement trophies, medals or pins, and/or ang other form of reicard the Director mag designate. 6. Two trophies, emblematic of the HIGHEST LIT¬ ERARV ACHIEVEMENTS of the gear, shall be awarded to the bog and girl shoiving ividest knoivledge and abilitg in ivriting. 7. A championship achievement troplig shall be re- ivarded to the Vrtec Unit shoiving the greatest amount of activitg, both as to qualitg and guantitg, in the literarg contest. A trophg ivill be given to the Vrtec Unit icinning second honors. 8. Each month, a ivriter, ivhose picture has never appeared in the Vrten Section, will be requested to send his (her) picture to the Editor to be printed in a folloiving issue. 9. The outstanding contributions of the gear, as ivell as those of ali previous issues of the Vrtec Section, shall be collected and bound together in booklet form, a copg of ivhich shall be given FREE to each Active Vrtec Unit. 10. Contestants shall be reguired to contributeto not less than four different issues of the Vrtec Section, during the period of the contest, in order to be eligible for one of the final achievement aivards. 11. Ali contributions shall be judged for originalitg, clioice and treatment of subject, and composition. 12. Mail ali contributions direct to Vatro Grili, Edi¬ tor of Napredek, 6231 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. DIRECTOR JUVENILE DEP’T I VRTEC ELECTION REPORT Vrtec Administrators or Secretaries are reminded to send in the names and ad- dresses of the Officers for the year 1939. This is a requirement of the By-laws and should be complied with as soon after the elec- tion as possible. So, fill out the official form, “Report of Election”, and forward it to the Home Office. VRTEC SUPPLIES Vrtec Administrators and Sec- retaries are instructed that the following list of supplies ari? available for their use. Take an inventory of supplies on hand and then mail your order to the Home Office for whatever you are in need... Secretary’s monthly reports Treasurer’s report cards. Letterheads (tablet paper) Envelopes (small—unaddressed) Envelopes (small—addressed) Envelopes (large—addressed) Applications for membership Transfer cards Receipt booklets 7 By-Laws and Ritual Continued on page 3 of regular section LITERARY HONOR ROLL Month of December Florence Kmet.Hiawathans Valeria Artel . Outlookers Margaret Ohojak . Balkan Jrs. Fredv- Bashel . Outlookers Theresa Kastelic . Kingsters Marie Ermence . Balkan Jrs. Julia Kramzar .. Vrtec No. 72 Helen Mladenick . Kingsters Josephine Kovic . Outlookers Lillian Kosmach .. Challenger Jrs. Andrew Elersich .... Spartan Jrs. Agnes Tekstar .. Comets Olga Stampfel . Balkan Jrs. Helen Kastelic .. Kingsters Irene Rovan . Budgets Elsie Ohojak. Balkan Jrs. Margaret Eržen . Vrtec No. 72 Jane Gašperšič . Comets Edward Ermence. Balkan Jrs. Stephie Taucher . Rainbows Josephine Barber . Kingsters © Frank Dolinar . Vrtec No. 72 || Julia Kosmach . Kingsters © Wilma Gratchner .... Rožnik Jrs. & Clara Chuck Rainbovvs y to get a ne\v member, so Santa Claus vvill have more \vork to do when he Comes around again. Last month we elected new pfficers for the year of 1939. The officers are: President, Clai’a Chuck; vice-president, Virginia Chuck; secretary, Frances Tauchar; recording sec- retary, Elizabeth Chuck; treas- urer, Stephie Tauchar. The new auditors are Anny Lesjak, Ag- nes Lesjak and Ann Dolinar. We have g. new administrator for .. the year of 1939, Victoria Dnkes. I hope that the editor will ex- cuse my vvriting, since this is the first time I am vvriting an article for the Napredek and that other membdrs will follow my example. I am 11 years old and this is my second year in office. Last year I vvas treasurer and this year I am secretary. I kind of hated to leave my posi- tion beeause we have pretty much money in the treasury. I don’t know vvhat I am going to be next year, maybe I will be ad- ministratrix for ali I know. I have two sisters and t\vo broth- ers and we ali belong to the Vr¬ tec. Both my mother and father belong to thK old SSPZ lodge, and we are glad that we are members of this Society. Well I have to quit beeause it’s my bed time. I will be dreaming what to put in for the next time. Frances Taucher, Sec’y Vrtec 126 ■j . 4* sjc WEST POINT, O. — Well .folks we vvant to thank every- body, the young and old for at- tending our big time December 25 party. And boy Pm telling you we really had a good time and a fine crowd. If you missed this you missed something. We vvill try and repay ali of you . sometime by attending your dan- ces. Santa also came and gave ali kinds of gifts and big sacks of candy. He said that he vvas rather late but he could not help it. He said the road was bad, but we didn’t čare if he did come lit- tle late since we got \vhat we warited. The mušic was just vvhat we wanted. Ali kinds of pieces both for the young and old. There were plenty of re- freshments of ali kinds. Well our December meeting vvas very welI attended, let’s see if the next one can be attended the same vvay. Our next meeting My New Year’s Resolution At midnight when the uJiistles bleiv, The old year mas bidding us adieu, Evergone welcoming, serenading the New Year : With best voislies and good clieer. While standing by the Christmas tree, Just then a thought occurred to me: It is time for New Year Resolutions For a kind of moral examinations. So I decided on pledge Nu^tiber One To be for my parents, brother, and the home: Obey, respect them so much more Than in any other year before. My resolution Number Two To me is important and also to you: I will always boost our Vrtec lodge Love our members, my duties I won’t dodge. So while the year 'stili is new I shall resolve to carry my pledges thru, Wishing that in Nevo Year you have a good time, And don’t f orget us for Auld Lang Syne. Marie Ermence, Vrtec No. 33 of our meeting date. Due to the fact that so fevv members were present at our metings, our new date is the fourth Sunday of every month, promptly at 1:30 p. m. Our next gathering vvill be ali you Spartans, Utopians, Out- lookers and Spartan Juniors. For further information con- cerning this affair come to the meeting. Watch next month for more doings of Spartan Juniors. William Wapotich, Spartan Juniors Spartan Jrs* News CLEVELAND, O. — The meeting vvas called to order by our retiring president, John Obat. The roller-skating party vvas discussed. It vvill be held on Thursday, January 26. Tickets are on šale. We vvill ali turn out for a svvell time. There vvas little of importance to discuss. OuiJ nevv administratrix, Miss Vera Candon asked for another day for the meeting. We decided to change the date of the meeting to the fourth Sunday of every month. We then proceeded to elect the nevv officers. Our nevv officers are: Andrevv Elersich, president; Tommy Tavčar, vice- president; Dorothv Lou Prebil, secretary, and Aliče Popotnik, recording secretary. We had vvith us: Valeria Ar- tel and Josephine Kovic of the Outlookers. The meeting vvas ad- j ourned by the motion of one of the youngsters, eager to be on his vvay. After the meeting Miss Vera Candon had a conference vvith the officers! They vvill come to the meetings earlier than, the others to discuss the meeting procedure. I havenT much to vvrite about so I’ll say so long. Andrevv Elersich CLEVELAND, O. — The first meeting of Spartan Jrs. in the nevv year vvas held Friday, Janu¬ ar 13, 1939. This meeting vvas poorly attended due to the fact there vvas much snovv or the su- perstition that Friday the thir- teenth is an unlucky day. Altho the attendance vvas small many subjects vvere discused and ac- complished, including the elec- tion of officers vvhich are as fol- lovvs: President, Andrevv Eler¬ sich; vice-president; Thomas Tavčar; secretary, Dorothy Lou Prebil and Aliče Popotnik, re¬ cording secretary. Also at this meeting our nevv administratrix, Miss Vera Candon, vvas intro- duced. Another important ac- complishment vvas the clianging vvll be held on January 22. Come one and ali, members! Clara Chuck, CLEVELAND, O. — At the meeting of Friday, -January 13, the election of officers took plače. With these nevv officers vve hope to set up an organiza- tion that other lodges vvill look up to. Our lodge has been honor- ed by the inauguration of a nevv administratrix, Vera Candon. •We also vvish to extend our ap- preciation of the fine vvork that 'Staniey Zorc accomplished in the past year. In vievv of the lack of attendance in our former meetings, vve have decided to try an experiment and change our meetings to Sunday. Our next meeting vvill be on January 22 upon vvhich date vve vvill discuss various activities in vvhich vve shall engage. We also vvant to anhounce the fortheoming Spar¬ tan Juriior Skating Party to be held on January 26. Tickets may be purchased from Vera Candon vvho resides at 1058 East 72 St., January 22, 1939. On this occa- sion vve vvill discuss plans and* for the sum of 35c ^ success of this enterprise depends large- ly upon the manner in which you attencl; so don’t fail the Spartan Juniors. For details on this Skating Party, presence is reauested at the next meeting, January 22, at 1:30. Thomas Tavčar, Vice-Pres. activities for the fortheoming year. One of our first activities vvill be a skating party. The date is January 26, 1939, at 8:00 p. m., the plače is Skateland, E. 90th and Euclfd; admission only 35c vvhich vvill also include your skates. Spartan Juniors vvill re- ceive a small portion of this money. Tickets may be pur¬ chased from Vera Candon vvhose residenee it at 1058 East 72 St. Tickets also may be gotten after Spartan Juniors meeting, Janu- ary 22, 1939 or vvhen dues are collected January 25. So come ATTENTION! Vrtec members are reguested to send their contributions a toeek before publication date. Some articles had to be left out and held for later publication due to last minute rush. — Editor. 1939 VRTEC CONTESTS The rules, vvhich shall govern shot and/or draiving contest, the 1939 Literary Contest, ap- j vvhich means that you may have pear in this issue of the Vrtec ibne or both contests if you vvish. Section. Be sure to read them over carefully and, if there is anything you don’t understand, ask your Administrator for an explanation or vvrite to the Di- Which do you pr e f er or ivould you like to try bolh? Express your opinion by marking a cross opposite your choice in the sug- gestion blank found belovv. If reetor of the Juvenile Depart-! you have a suggestion or tvvo for men t- j future contests, vvrite your sug- In addition to making^an^ al-; jr es ti ons j n the extra spaces pro- vided for this purpose. Mail the suggestion blank to the Director lotment for the Literary Contest 1 prizes, the Supreme Board, at its last meeting, approved a mo¬ tion that the sum of $25.00 be set aside for an apiateur snap- of Juvenile Department, 247 W. 103rd St., Chicago, 111. VRTEC CONTEST SUGGEST/ONS 1939 Director Juvenile Department 247 W. 103rd Street, Chicago, Illinois Dear Director: My choice of contests for Vrtec members are: □ SNAPSHOT CONTEST □ DRAIVING — CARTOONING — PAINTING Name and Vi’tec Number Address VRTEC NO. 9 INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The first meeting of the new year which was held January 1,1939, was called to order by the President. We vvanted to see more members present as it was important because of the elec- tion of the new officers. The voting was done by open ballot. -There was but a slight change 'in the officers elected. Ahnost ali the old officers vvere re- elected, which goes to shovv that they have done an excellent job during the year 1938. The board now consists of: , President, Adolf Flajs; Vice President, Dolores Ivančič.; Sec- retary, John Praprotnik; Re- cording Sec’y, Frank Zakrajšek; Treasurer, Louis Znidersich; A new publicity committee was al- so elected. Martin Dragon is the chairman, the reporters are Ru- dy Milharčič,, Alma Klemen, Dorothy Semer.ick and Wijma Mergole. Our new administratrix is Alma Hvalica, daughter of our former and well- known adminis- tratrix, Mrs. Mary Hvalica. We were ali glad to hear the report that more new members have joined our Vrtec, whicli is a good start for the riew year. We urge each and "everyone of 'the members to attend our meet¬ ings regularly and in full num- ber in order to make this year a bigger success. Peeping Around Certain members were seen in a telephone booth cailing up a certain party. (Wonder how many nickles Flajs and Prop had to spend before they got an answer!) Attention!!! Ali persons who had mistletoe at the New Year’s Eve dance. (Is that -the only method by which 'you cah get a girl to kiss you?) Lil’ Abner'trying to do the polka with Dizzy Ivančič. Why has Dotty Semenick taken such an in terest in bas- ketball ali of a sudden. (Is it some special player on the side you root for?) Wonder why Al Klemen sits in the shovv by herself on Friday nights. (Are you by any chance expecting someone?) Looks like the real thing be- tween Clara Madley and Crac- kerjack Zakrajšek. They were seen vvalking together on New Year’s Eve. (Wasn’t it kind of late to be taking a walk?) Wilma Mergole seen going back to scliool at 2:30 in the afternoon. (Could it be that she \vas misbehaving in school?) .John Praprotnik and Frank Mivec and Mutt Dragon cer- tainly started the New Year off vvith a bang! (For further in- formation consult the above named gentlemen.) Louis “M. O. P." Znidersich sure was rolling strikes vvhen Hildegrad Kronovsek vvas “keg- ling” as his partner. Rudolph “Chuck” Milharčič is shaving very regularly these days. And who wouldn’t if he could dance as weil as he can. (Just a naturally bora flash is ali.) Wilma “Actress” Mergole, a new member of the publicity staff, sure eame through with a swell tale of romance. (We vvonder if it happened to her?) Alma “Alley” Klemen has been focusing her big brovvn eyes at ali the good looking fellows lately. (Heard Flajs has been speaking rather sweetly to her too.) Chuck Komlanc has certainly been flashing for Catholic Club the last few games. Look for a Vrtec . Baskctball Team next year. Tony “Ignatius” Bayt hasn’t been attepding meetings lately! (We’ve got some goodlookers at our meetings!!) Louis Dragon, the brother of publicity chairman Mutt, has joined the Vrtec. (Wonder if Sylvia had anything to do with it.) Alger “Slugger” Armin has the urge to be a second Fred Astair! (Who’s'your teacher?) Dorothy “La la” Turk better get in earlier at nights before the meetings. (Somebody misses you.) A SHATTERED DREAM Never. before vvas there such a beautiful night. The moon čast a silver mist over ali the earth and the stars tvvinkled brightly. The brook bubbling over the rocks gurgled laughingly and the trees rustled and vvhispered to themselves as if they were telling secrets. A caravan of gypsies had pitched their tents at the edge of the brook under the trees Their campfires made flickering shadows over everything. Truly this vvas fairyland. Lucian, a poet, sat in the shadows quite away from the gypsy camp. Suddenly someone stepped at his side and asked in a soft husky voice, “Senor, why do you sit here ali alone?” Lucian looked up quiekly and what he saw took his breath away. There at his side vvas the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Indeed Lita vvas vvas beautiful. Her hair vvas gs black as ebony and her eyes as dark as her hair. Her cheeks vvere like red roses. Lucian gažed at her spell- bound. At last he asked in a breathless voice, “Who are you? Where did you come from? Are you an angel vvho has dropped from heaven?” Lita ansvvered, “Senor, you are foolish. I, an angel? I am only a gypsy from that gypsy camp vvhich you see. My uncle and aunt have pitchecT their tent there. “Then you aren’t only a dreatri?” He touched her arm as if he vvere afraid she vvould vanish. “My aunt and uncle shall miss me. Imust hurry back. My uncle does not let me speak to stran- gers.” “My svveet, I shall meet you here tomorrovv at sunset. Just one kiss until tomorrovv.” Then he said again, “Remember to¬ morrovv at sunset.” When Lita vvent back to the camp she felt a thumping in her fcsSom. Tomorrovv she vvould meet her lover vvhose name she didn’t knovv. She vvas in love. When Lita came to her un- cle’s tent she asked him vvhen they vvould move on. He replied that they vvould move 1 oh by noon the next day. - • Lita cried, “I do not vvišh to leave this spot. I love it here.” J But Lita knew she loved the young. man and not this plače vvhere they vvere staying. At sunset Lucian vvas vvaiting for his love. He vvaited until the sun had gone dovvn and tvvilight had’ settled over the earth. He vvas surprised -and heartbroken to see the camp vvas gone. He heard a rustle of paper. Absent- mindedly he picked it up. He saw that there vvas something vvritten on it. This is vvliat he read: Dear Love, Pjea.se do not think badly of me because 1 am not here to meet you. Our caravan moved on at noon today. Although I did not vvish to go I had to obey my uncle. Perhaps we shall meet again, Remember I love only you. Lita. Lucian noticed that the paper vvas blistered vvith the tears vvhich had been shed on it. FulI of longing and hope Lucian vvent home and vvrote a poem vvhich expressed his feeliiigs af- ter his dream vvas shattered. Oh little gypsy, where did you go? Perhaps into the mountains covered vvith snovv? Oh little gypsy, I ask you, I pray. Oh little gypsy, vvhere do you stay? Do you live in vvooded hills? By majestio rocks and bubbling rills? Or perchance you live in some hidden gienn, Away from the sorrovvs and cares of men? I remember the day that I met you, Then I vovved I vvould never forget you. Oh little gypsy, Til vvait for you here, Little gypsy, vvhere the waters are ijlear. Wilma Mergole, Vrteč 9. L1STENING IN ON A CRYSTAL SET Our bathroom opens into our porch instead of into the hoilse proper. The porch is entirely en- elosed making it more like a large room. For my purpose the bathroom and porch serve vvell. My aerial runs through the south vvindovv of the porch, and the ground is connected to a pipe m the bathroom. I run the ground through the bathroom door, vvhich I leave open. The next task is to get the set connected and to find a sta- tion... Quiet!... I hear some¬ thing! . . “This is station WIRE, Indianapolis. The correct time is 8:00 p.ra.. Oh! . .. I hit the cat-vvhisker and lost my station. ■ But after a few hurried tries I again found the live spot in the crystal. . . “This is Waltz Time...” Now was the time to find a comfortable sitting posi- tion, vvhich I found after much shuffling and moving. Mith Waltz Time over, Death Valley Days are presented. But by the time thisAvas over, my ears began to hurt, so I took off the ear-pliones for awhile, that is, vvhen the advertisement vvas being