ŠOLSKI KNJIŽNIČAR V PROCESU RAZISKOVALNE DEJAVNOSTI MLADIH Jože Škorjanc, Gimnazija Celje-Center UDK 023-057 : 027.7 : 028.5 Povzetek Raziskava temelji na analizi raziskovalne dejavnosti mladih s posebnim poudar- kom na gibanju Mladi za napredek Celja in raziskovalni dejavnosti dijakov Gimnazije Celje-Center in na analizi delovanja Knjižnice Celje in knjižnice Gim- nazije Celje-Center v sistemu raziskovalne dejavnosti. Vlogo knjižničarjev v procesu raziskovalne dejavnosti bo potrebno okrepiti in izhajati iz praktičnih izkušenj. V veliki meri bo to odvisno od njih, učiteljev mentorjev, knjižnic, šol in ne nazadnje od šolske in kulturne politike. V prid pomembnejši vlogi knjižničarjev v procesu šolskega raziskovalnega dela govorijo predvsem naslednja dejstva: 1. Raziskovalna dejavnost je v razmahu in se kon- centrira na šolah, 2. Povečalo seje število šolskih knjižničarjev, šolskih knjižnic in njihova opremljenost (knjižničar na šoli je šolski normativ), 3. Izjemno je napredo- vala informacijska struktura in 4. Uveljavljajo se novi, sodobni pristopi k razisko- valnemu delu. UDC 023-057:027.7:028.5 Summary The research is based on the analysis of research work carried out by young people, with the special stress on the movement The Young for the Progress of Celje and the research work of the pupils of the Celje-Center High School and upon the analysis of the role of Celje Library and the Library of Celje-Center High School in the system of research activities. The role of librarians in the process of research work will have to be strengthened on the basis of practical experience. This vvill largely depend upon themselves, teachers - mentors, libraries, schools and, last but not least, upon school and cultural policy. The role of librarians in the frame of school research work should be strengthened because of the following facts: 1. Research work is expanding and concentrating in schools, 2. The number of school librarians and school libraries has grown, as well as their equipment (having a librarian has become a school norm), 3. The development of information structure is remarkable, and 4. New, modern approaches tovvards research work are gaining importance. ŠKORJANC, Jože: The school librarian in the process of research work performed by young people. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 41(1997)2/3,193-199